Tom selleck salmen

Tom Selleck 1976

2024.05.31 18:50 Whathaveidone60 Tom Selleck 1976

Tom Selleck 1976 submitted by Whathaveidone60 to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:00 the_muffin_toaster Tom Selleck (again) Another one for the furry chest lovers

Tom Selleck (again) Another one for the furry chest lovers
Couldn't help myself, so here's my all time favourite pic of Tom on the set of Magnum PI. I love his build as much as I love his face😼‍💹
submitted by the_muffin_toaster to VintageLadyBoners [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:15 dweckl Samuel L. Jackson and Tom Selleck, circa 1983

Samuel L. Jackson and Tom Selleck, circa 1983 submitted by dweckl to fakehistoryporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:53 New-Manufacturer-994 Who are you?

Who are you?
Tom Selleck thinking, “Who are you anyway?” And her dress looks like something from junior high school that she pulled out of the back of the closet.
submitted by New-Manufacturer-994 to annaklootssnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:04 thewraith_abides Stunt

Stunt submitted by thewraith_abides to ComedyHell [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:33 DaniSparkles What is your opinion on the gay movie, "In & Out"?

Kind of dated now but I love the writing. Joan Cusack is the MVP as the former fat girl who's about to get married to a possibly gay Kevin Kline. She secretly hates Barbra Streisand but has to endure watching her movies because Kevin Kline is so obsessed with her.
Kevin Kline is okay but Tom Selleck playing gay felt like stunt casting, after he sued a guy for claiming he and Selleck had sex.
I loved Debbie Reynolds in this. I like the part where the Townspeople have to confess a secret and Alice Drummond blurts out that she hated The Bridges of Madison County.
submitted by DaniSparkles to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 08:03 the_muffin_toaster Tom Selleck (Magnum PI)

Tom Selleck (Magnum PI)
Just thought I'd bring the most charming face in the history of television back to this sub! Magnum PI is my comfort show right now and it's partially (mostly) because of how gorgeous Tom isâ€ïžâ€đŸ”„ I could watch every episode a hundred times and never get boredđŸ« 
submitted by the_muffin_toaster to VintageLadyBoners [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 07:23 Bonesy304 Help me find Lady Milk (the band)

Ok so for the last 2-3 years I've been occasionally listening to this band called Lady Milk. I was their only consistent listener tbh, on spotify they had only 2 monthly listeners. Me being one lol. I checked their spotify just now and everything has been scrubbed off. Both of their albums, and their pfp. Only trace of them is their name. On YouTube it was already difficult to search them up. You can imagine due to their obscurity, instead of finding their music I'd just get weird videos about breast milk... but even then, if I specified the search, I'd find them. Or I'd find them off my playlists. I can't find them anywhere anymore.
Long story short. Weather or not the band is good, I love this band. They had about 2 mediocre, but fun songs, and the rest were shit ngl. BUT I need to find them again, I loved their music and whatever goofy vibe it had, I really love listening to them. I don't want to never be able to listen to their music again.
I'm not good at finding lost media or going on hunts for stuff, I really can't navigate the internet that well. So if someone wants something to look for, I'm putting it out there that this band has dissapeared. If anyone has any questions if you want to search, I'll answer them to the best of my ability from what I can remember of the band.
The info I know: - They have two albums. One was released in 2004 and the other in 2008 (I believe).
I do not know anything about the artists behind Lady Milk. Spotify and YouTube never had any description of them outside of release dates. Based off of one of the cover art's I imagine the band consists of 2 guys and a girl. The girl is the lead singer. That's all I know about the people behind it.
For those interested in their music it's like an irl version of sexbombomb from Scott pilgrim, except a bit more unhinged.
Anyways, just wanna see if someone out there knows anything about them or if they can find that band. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Bonesy304 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 07:19 Bonesy304 [Partially lost] Lady Milk (the band)

Ok so for the last 2-3 years I've been occasionally listening to this band called Lady Milk. I was their only consistent listener tbh, on spotify they had only 2 monthly listeners. Me being one lol. I checked their spotify just now and everything has been scrubbed off. Both of their albums, and their pfp. Only trace of them is their name. On YouTube it was already difficult to search them up. You can imagine due to their obscurity, instead of finding their music I'd just get weird videos about breast milk... but even then, if I specified the search, I'd find them. Or I'd find them off my playlists. I can't find them anywhere anymore.
Long story short. Weather or not the band is good, I love this band. They had about 2 mediocre, but fun songs, and the rest were shit ngl. BUT I need to find them again, I loved their music and whatever goofy vibe it had, I really love listening to them. I don't want to never be able to listen to their music again.
I'm not good at finding lost media or going on hunts for stuff, I really can't navigate the internet that well. So if someone wants something to look for, I'm putting it out there that this band has dissapeared. If anyone has any questions if you want to search, I'll answer them to the best of my ability from what I can remember of the band.
The info I know: - They have two albums. One was released in 2004 and the other in 2008 (I believe).
I do not know anything about the artists behind Lady Milk. Spotify and YouTube never had any description of them outside of release dates. Based off of one of the cover art's I imagine the band consists of 2 guys and a girl. The girl is the lead singer. That's all I know about the people behind it.
For those interested in their music it's like an irl version of sexbombomb from Scott pilgrim, except a bit more unhinged.
Anyways, just wanna see if someone out there knows anything about them or if they can find that band. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Bonesy304 to lostmedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 04:24 opksjon Is Tom Selleck okay?

Is Tom Selleck okay?
In every scene of season 14 so far, Tom Selleck is seated. In his office, in the gym scene with Sid trying to talk him out of fighting the other cop, in the mayor’s office at the beginning of the season. The poor guy just seems tired. Anyone else notice this?
submitted by opksjon to bluebloods [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:17 Budderman1163 Excuse me? Mr Selleck? Tom Selleck?

submitted by Budderman1163 to trailerparkboys [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:51 BasilOctopus College Town: It’s All Gravy (feat. John Levenstein, Ele Woods)

This week's episode is a rollercoaster! Hostilities! Reconciliations! Tummy aches! Jan and Beebo bring back John Levenstein (John Levenstein) to talk about his restaurant The Honorable Potato, and costume designer, Jewel Keeper (Ele Woods), who has a very specific beef to address. Tune in as they talk third wheels, Tom Selleck, scurvy, shaving mishaps, and being too shy to grind.
submitted by BasilOctopus to Earwolf [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:28 InterestingEar2948 Tom Selleck likes Cornhole too

Tom Selleck likes Cornhole too submitted by InterestingEar2948 to Cornhole [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:00 Ectoplasmorphe C'est dingue, moi j'ai Ă©crit ce post depuis le clavier de mon iPhone.

C'est dingue, moi j'ai Ă©crit ce post depuis le clavier de mon iPhone. submitted by Ectoplasmorphe to rienabranler [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:32 MyNameCannotBeSpoken Tom Selleck was originally cast as Indiana Jones but bowed out due to scheduling conflicts. He would have been a far superior Indy than Harrison Ford.

Tom Selleck had more charisma, charm, and acting experience than Harrison Ford. To this day, Ford is one of the most lackluster A-List actors. His connections are what got him success.
Story about Selleck as Indy
submitted by MyNameCannotBeSpoken to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:49 taxpro_pam_m Am I the only one frustrated by this comment by CBS rep?

Am I the only one frustrated by this comment by CBS rep?
Responding to Tom Selleck's criticism of the network's cancellation of "Blue Bloods," CBS Entertainment President Amy Reisenbach said, "We love this cast, we love their passion for the show. All shows have to come to an end. It's important to us to refresh the schedule. We are going to end the show come December."
"Refresh the schedule "???? There are a dozen different variations of NCIS and FBI currently on CBS! The original NCIS has been running for 21 years. Maybe they use a different definition of "refresh" in LA.
NCIS is almost unwatchable, in my opinion , and has been since the Tony DiNozzo character exited. The FBI series is an endless loop of propaganda (I'll let you guess what kind). I can't see how any of them outperform Blue Bloods in ratings.
submitted by taxpro_pam_m to bluebloods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:46 NewYorkRider Scene from Three men and a little lady or Three men and a little baby ( Question about scene )

I think this scene was from a part in the movie three men and a little lady or three men and a little baby where the mom is cooking something and she spills the food all over her face in a funny way and I think Tom selleck licks the food off her face in a very funny way, any if this is from there? I think it’s from one of the movies but not sure , can anyone verify ?
submitted by NewYorkRider to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:14 AshenWizard New cosmetic ideas?

Before you shove a riposte in my arse- I am aware we need fixes for critical issues and far better communication regarding those fixes and other critical issues (cough cough engine update). I am with you there.
But, since DLC and new cosmetics are obviously not going anywhere I am curious to hear what cosmetics the community wants to see in game?
For myself, I would like to see a new version of dusters - still the same concept of the brass knuckles but maybe bejeweled or engraved or something. Maybe incorporate abalone shell? Idk.
Also, I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the character of Lucky Ned Pepper from the movie True Grit - more specifically the portrayal by Barry Pepper in the Coen brothers’ remake, but I would love to see a legendary hunter skin akin to his likeness - wooly white chaps and all.
Lastly, and keeping the theme of legendary western characters, Monte Walsh would be another one whose likeness I would like to see in game. Lee Marvin’s Monte Walsh though NOT Tom Selleck’s from the remake. If you haven’t seen the original Monte Walsh and you are a fan of westerns - go watch it. It’s free on YouTube. You won’t be disappointed.
Again, please don’t triple trap my corpse over this one, I would genuinely like to hear the communities ideas. Best of luck in the Bayou out there.
submitted by AshenWizard to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:01 Rude_Lifeguard Tom Selleck wearing short shorts

Tom Selleck wearing short shorts submitted by Rude_Lifeguard to popculturechat [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:18 djfredgarde Tom Selleck revealed he had this terrifying experience with the British Royal Family - Conservative Underground News

Tom Selleck revealed he had this terrifying experience with the British Royal Family - Conservative Underground News submitted by djfredgarde to The_ConservativeBrief [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:02 One-Price-2571 Tom Selleck

Tom Selleck submitted by One-Price-2571 to tomselleck [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:26 KellyfromLeedsUK The OTHER White House dance: How Princess Diana's aides asked Tom Selleck to step in when she was jiving with John Travolta at 1985 state dinner over fears 'rumours' would start if it went on for too long, Magnum PI star reveals in memoir

The OTHER White House dance: How Princess Diana's aides asked Tom Selleck to step in when she was jiving with John Travolta at 1985 state dinner over fears 'rumours' would start if it went on for too long, Magnum PI star reveals in memoir submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]