4th grade taks writing

A Place for Reading Teachers

2014.08.13 02:10 Njdevils11 A Place for Reading Teachers

This sub reddit is for literacy teachers to share strategies, tips, pitfalls, and successes. All teachers are welcome, but this sub is dedicated to teaching emerging and elementary literacy skills.

2024.06.01 15:37 Legal_Cat_313 Barbi Graded Essays

I received feedback on my first graded essay submission. I didn't get a passing score. I'm feeling pretty discouraged. Past bar takers, how did you approach the essays? I feel like maybe even the grading tactics Barbri uses aren't realistic. It’s hard to believe people can write such comprehensive answers and hit all these points.
submitted by Legal_Cat_313 to barexam [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:30 AGNDJ South Loop Elem vs Ogden ES

I am in urgent need of detailed opinions regarding these two schools. I am moving my family to the South Loop or Streeterville. Parents/teachers/former students, how are these two schools post Covid HONESTLY? I have a 4th grade girl. Streeterville looks the better place for us to move to, but from my research the South Loop school is better. I also notice SL is a magnet school.
submitted by AGNDJ to chicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:21 Wonderful_Ant1136 can i apply to unc thru cstep & rd⁉️⁉️⁉️

can i apply to unc thru cstep & normal decision⁉️
hi !!! exactly what the title says.
im an instate student with okay stats (better ECs then kids from my HS who got into UNC, but much worse grades, a little better test scores & abt same essay writing skills).
i know abt the c step program & was wondering if i could apply thru the UNC C STEP application & the normal application? if i didn't get into UNC normally i wouldn't be opposed going thru C STEP, but if i have a chance to get in normally i'd like to apply that way as well. Thank you!!!!
submitted by Wonderful_Ant1136 to UNC [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:18 Spooneater69 I think I have a love hate relationship with my friend but im unsure.

Ok so, I (14F) have known this boy (14M) who I will call “A” since I was in third grade, and we are obviously in the same middle school. We are both incredibly intelligent and good at writing, however people always put him above me. I feel like he isn’t more successful than me academically though. Infact I am more successful than him, i’m in the gifted program and in student council neither of which he is in.
Anyways, I have always resented him because he gets more praise for the same writing and work that I do. I think we’re both funny, I always make him laugh and he makes me laugh. However, I can’t help but to resent him even though I think we both have the same qualities; hes attractive and i’m very sure I am aswell, hes smart and I know I am aswell and we’re both popular and funny; adults are always saying so.
Its just like hes so perfect and I would give anything to recieve the same kind of praise he does. I mean even I adore him but like not in a romantic way, its just like hes always been someone who likes classical literature even though nobody else in our grade is intrigued by it and its just heinous knowing I probably won’t be able to speak to him in highschool because he’s one of my favorite people. I’m not really sure if how I feel about him is romantic, like sometimes I just want to hug him if that makes sense lmao. Oh I included our writing from sixth grade when we did a group project together copy pasted ↓
Mine: As soon as the recollection of the three bodies came cascading upon Bass in a choking flood of stinging details, Bass began to perspire and tremble. Something that was a recurrence in this impeccable novel is the mention of the Comanches- a belligerent indigenous group of people to America. The name was sure to bring fear to even the brawniest of men, Comanche had tolled in them like a portentous gong. There was a sinister and unlikely coincidence between the violent happening around the Native American territory that made the Comanche one of the most hideous of omens. In reality though the Comanches were a brutal community, bring treated with a biblical veneration. However I would like to take a mature and systematic evaluation of why they may do these things. For one, us Americans drove them out if the land they had lived in for centuries, brutally burning down their communities and making them walk grueling trails and rough rocks to arrive at a territory riddled with mediocrity. Overall I believed that the Comanches were a symbol or vim and freedom throughout this novel.
His: There are several prominent names that have established themselves as important threads upon the rich tapestry of Western History; Several Outlaws and desperados are recalled for the formidable forced they possessed upon their communities. Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday- all of these names have been of flourishing recognition, yet there are only mere vestiges of traces upon a true legend; a figure of immaculate morals (a trait that was a rare rose within a grotesque haven of weeds.) This very man that I speak of was born into slavery and- at the age of seventeen- relinquished the clutches of his owner prerequisite to venturing into the sibylline, crime-riddled depths of the Indian Territory where he would elude the treacherous dangers amidst his path to grow older to be a man of law; a valiant marshal in which turned a horrendous domain (the indian territory) into a place of order. This man went by the name of Bass Reeves.
submitted by Spooneater69 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:07 Doc_you_meant Alberta OOP/IP chances

Alb Given writing up my app properly, is my profile esp ECs considered strong enough for EC-heavy AB schools I wonder ? (Plz assume OOP first and then what if IP)
TUTORING : * YMCA tutor for 3 years, great exp working w ppl w all learning styles and occasionally difficulties, diff subjects and grades - Peer mentor, course notetaker for office of students with disabilities - Paid uni Biochem tutor, 1 year - Paid tutor for a company starting fall
LEADERHSIP : * Student society's Vice prez, Univeristy senator, board member. Did projects aimed at improving student life academics equity. Voiced my fellers at committees. Network that I leveraged to make things happen. * Program's society Vice prez for 2 yrs. Additional to typical responsibilites, held or helped hold workshops, career fairs, etc. - Cancer society vice prez. Led a committee of 4, collaborated with a committee of 30. Did quite a bit, fundraised alot.
WORK (minimal): - Crew member at Timmies 1yr (learned French there basically bein oui) - Comms assistant and student guide 1 yr * Medical secretary this summer, so 4 months. Blessed to be doing incredible additional stuff that ease pt's getting appintments, also digitalizing the clinic's records, alot of impact potential that I'm enjoying. Thyey're super appreciative of me too, goes both ways.
Research : * mid-ranked author and article screener, scoping review on health services. 1.5 yrs. Did screening, extraction, brainstorming steps. helped write manuscript. - paid full time summer internship, wet lab. 2 uni conferences. -- MASTER'S THESIS AND OTHER PROJECTS OTW !
Comm service :
-- ICU reception volunteer, 2 years (effectively helped manage unit traffic, guided and comforted visitors)
-- long-term housing volunteer, 3 years (visits, outings, event facilitation, arts and movement workshops, helped residents overcome anorexia, isolation, etc etc
Awards :
Other :
*basically my family's rep in all processes involved in a Covid-striken, isolated immigration experience in early 2020. This shaped me basically. I can talk about enormous challenges I, and I mostly, overcame for hours. Lost 20kg in first months doing those, wrote hundreds of letters, called 1000s of times, even worked w lawyers once, but turned dozens of refusals and rejections into approvals. fuck it we ball.
submitted by Doc_you_meant to premedcanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:07 uncomfortablenumb Regular school with enrichment at home

My child is going into 4th grade next year and is on the spectrum. He is very intelligent, loves school, is doing amazing and has lots of friends. However there is no enrichment program and the academics are “easy and boring”. I’m a single dad and work for myself and am not in a position to home school him 5 days a week nor do I think that would be best for him. I’d like to pull him out one day a week and work with him. I also have a tutor (former teacher) who will help me with the curriculum. Any advice? It looks easy if I was doing full time homeschooling but the one day a week seems to be throwing everyone for a loop. By the way he currently attends a private school. The public schools in my area are awful and he was dealing with bullying issues. Thanks for any advice
submitted by uncomfortablenumb to homeschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:06 Doc_you_meant Alberta OOP/IP chances?

Given writing up my app properly, is my profile esp ECs considered strong enough for EC-heavy AB schools I wonder ? (Plz assume OOP first and then what if IP)
TUTORING : * YMCA tutor for 3 years, great exp working w ppl w all learning styles and occasionally difficulties, diff subjects and grades - Peer mentor, course notetaker for office of students with disabilities - Paid uni Biochem tutor, 1 year - Paid tutor for a company starting fall
LEADERHSIP : * Student society's Vice prez, Univeristy senator, board member. Did projects aimed at improving student life academics equity. Voiced my fellers at committees. Network that I leveraged to make things happen. * Program's society Vice prez for 2 yrs. Additional to typical responsibilites, held or helped hold workshops, career fairs, etc. - Cancer society vice prez. Led a committee of 4, collaborated with a committee of 30. Did quite a bit, fundraised alot.
WORK (minimal): - Crew member at Timmies 1yr (learned French there basically bein oui) - Comms assistant and student guide 1 yr * Medical secretary this summer, so 4 months. Blessed to be doing incredible additional stuff that ease pt's getting appintments, also digitalizing the clinic's records, alot of impact potential that I'm enjoying. Thyey're super appreciative of me too, goes both ways.
Research : * mid-ranked author and article screener, scoping review on health services. 1.5 yrs. Did screening, extraction, brainstorming steps. helped write manuscript. - paid full time summer internship, wet lab. 2 uni conferences. -- MASTER'S THESIS AND OTHER PROJECTS OTW !
Comm service :
-- ICU reception volunteer, 2 years (effectively helped manage unit traffic, guided and comforted visitors)
-- long-term housing volunteer, 3 years (visits, outings, event facilitation, arts and movement workshops, helped residents overcome anorexia, isolation, etc etc
Awards :
Other :
*basically my family's rep in all processes involved in a Covid-striken, isolated immigration experience in early 2020. This shaped me basically. I can talk about enormous challenges I, and I mostly, overcame for hours. Lost 20kg in first months doing those, wrote hundreds of letters, called 1000s of times, even worked w lawyers once, but turned dozens of refusals and rejections into approvals. fuck it we ball.
submitted by Doc_you_meant to u/Doc_you_meant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:01 keylime227 [Comp Bingo] What did you read last month and what can we learn from it?

Comp Bingo is a regular thread on the 1st of the month.

Reading is so important to learning how to write well, yet many aspiring writers have trouble finding the time and motivation to read. Well, here's some accountability!
Below, post the book you read last month and what we can learn from it about writing. This book can be fiction or nonfiction, fantasy or another genre, for fun or the bingo (explained below). Let us know what you learned from the book. We might want to read that book and learn that thing too!
If you completed your bingo card, give us the details so you can earn your special flair!
Fantasywriter’s Comp Bingo
A comparative title (comp) is a published book that is somehow similar to your book. It also must be recently published, in the same genre, and targeted at the same age group. Reading your potential comps will provide ideas on how to nail certain aspects of your story. Stating your comps will help future agents and editors figure out what sorts of people are going to love your book.
Below is a bingo card that shows how to find your comps and encourages you to read them:

To complete the bingo and earn a special flair:
  1. Read three books that correspond to three squares in a row (or column or diagonal) or the whole card for an even special-er flair.
  2. All comps must be published in the last 5 years - because that's a typical time period used for comps.
  3. Other than the publication date, there is no time limit to complete the bingo. Do the bingo card sometime between the brainstorming stage and the querying stage of your novel.
  4. Down below, state the books you read, why they're your comps, and their publication date.
Need recommendations on what book fits a particular Comp Bingo Square?
Feeling too poor to fill out the bingo card?
You can buy used books on Amazon or AbeBooks.com but don't forget about the library! Nowadays, apps like Libby and Hoopla coordinate with libraries to bring free ebooks and audiobooks right to your phone. It’s a huge, free selection of books!
NOTE: I shouldn't have to say this, but please don't pirate books. Publishing houses consider how well an author's previous book sold before publishing their next book. Library sales factor into that equation but pirate downloads don't.
Don't enjoy reading?
You may be reading (and writing) in the wrong subgenre. Fantasy is large, with many different niches. It spans from cynical, stabby Grimdark to optimistic, heroic Noblebright. There are the world-spanning storylines of Epic Fantasy down to the tiny, cutesy storylines of Cozy Fantasy. There are the overly rational subgenres of LitRPG and Science Fantasy, as well as the more artsy New Weird and Fairy Tales. There are also other mediums such as graphic novels, screenplays, DMing, and video game storylines. And if the last good book you read was in grade school, have you considered that you might be partial to middle-grade and YA fantasy, even as an adult?
All these subgenres are drastically different from one another in terms of atmosphere, prose, and plot expectations. Don't assume Grimdark is your chosen subgenre just because that's what all your friends are into. Explore around a bit. You'll know you've hit the right subgenre when you start loving what you're reading.
So explore what people are reading down below and think about which books you should read to up your writing game.
submitted by keylime227 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:01 FaithlessnessKey1726 Career dilemma—teaching or library?

(Skip to the end to see the informal poll and avoid the anxious ramble)
My first year of teaching was a disaster from beginning to end. I know most teachers’ first year is the worst and you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing bc you don’t know what you’re doing and there’s so much pressure. Etc.
Even beyond the more typical misery was a lot of personal life tumult and turmoil and trauma and chaos going on, including a debilitating (somewhat unofficial but more or less confirmed based on symptoms) diagnosis I have to live with now without having much insight as to prognosis. And a lot more discomfort involving loved ones.
Reflecting on this year is almost as traumatic as the experience itself. I had next to zero support, with the exception of about 2 weeks under the guidance of an amazing master teacher. But that was it. The morale at the school was beneath rock bottom. Every single day was worse than the day before. I tried to go in positive. But with very few exceptions, everyone was miserable and no one tried to hide it. People were directly rude to me, condescending, sarcastic, openly comtemptful, angry, hated the kids and cursed about them and screamed at them (“shut UP!!!!” “MORON! GET OUT!” “You’re STUPID, I should have LET that student hit you!” “I woulda hit you in the face too if you’d done something like that to me!” Just a few quotes off the top of my head, not to mention one slamming the door on my sped teacher’s face along with our sped students, which the principal did absolutely nothing about despite his friendship with the sped teacher). Discipline/behavior was an absolute JOKE. I think I’ve painted an accurate picture of how awful it was.
I guessed my way through everything but did my absolute best and figured everything out. A bit of productive struggle and hey, by the end of the year I was an expert in a lot of things I knew nothing about months earlier. My rapport with my students was great, to give myself some credit. They loved me. Albeit too much—they thought of my softness as a doormat. They felt free and liberated in my classroom bc I seldom raised my voice. Unfortunately what they’re accustomed to is only listening when yelled at, and as a new teacher, I did not have better tools to manage classroom behavior, beyond building relationships, and my class was a bit out of control. It became all about getting through the curriculum through the 3rd quarter.
My benchmark scores went up, which was pretty amazing considering everything. However at the very beginning of the 4th quarter my principal informed me that he wasn’t renewing my contract and that he would never let me teach 4th grade again, that “I don’t know if I would ever let you teach any grade level, maybe try pre-k—you get nap time and someone is always with you.” So he wrote off my career as an elementary teacher after just a few months of teaching. I could go in about how he had covertly brought in his very own former student (who had only recently began prepping to take the Praxis) as my replacement, unofficially “employed” but “technically not.” But I don’t want to get into that, as furious as it made me. I just stopped writing lesson plans bc no way was I gonna train her for free when they gave me zero support through the year.
I had way more bad days than good—the kids and my para got me through it! I was grateful for that. They were wonderful and I miss them. But I was made to feel incompetent. I slowly started to realize that him booting me was a blessing in disguise, especially after learning how many students I’d have had next year. And some other changes that won’t be helpful.
There’s also a lot of BS going on in our state regarding education. So things are not exactly going to get easier. Alas, I need a paycheck and I went to school and passed praxis to be a teacher. I’m 44 so it’s not like I have many options.
But I did actually finally get an interview at a library last week! I’d applied for 6 years and never got so much as a phone call. Unfortunately it’s part time and drastically less pay (which is honestly pitiful). And it would take me years to make close to what I make now. And I was just getting into certification so as a teacher I’d get a $10k raise. Buuut I really don’t want to miss a rare opportunity to get my foot in the door at the library!
I’ve got dozens of job offers in my district. I had 6 principals call me and email me yesterday alone! I know I could make decent money. But I don’t want to turn down the library job, which absolutely would not cut it financially.
I forgot to mention a key component of this dilemma: Teaching is extremely overstimulating to me. I’m autistic/adhd. This was part of my misery. Between my loud a/c units in my classroom and the kids noises desks constantly clanking and kids constantly talking over me etc etc etc, and the awful attitudes of most coworkers and all the other stuff, I barely made it to the end of the year. I know most of us actually feel that way, but my day to day in the classroom is beyond awful. I cried constantly, I had panic attacks going in every single morning during the 4th quarter after years of reduced panic attacks, most days I felt frustrated, and some days I even had moments where I could not even talk anymore and had to go home (these days where at least one kid told me to “Shut the f- - k up b-tch!” or fought or both plus admin treated me like crap and I had enough). Not to mention spending entire weekends and weeknights writing lesson plans, creating lessons, grading, entering grades, etc etc etc. All I could think about every day was how much I wished I could get a library job!! I even had a student tell me I would make a better librarian than teacher. She was excited when I got the call about the interview lol.
But what if my next school is better? What if I go in knowing expectations and having a better idea of how to do things and how to establish classroom procedures, what if it’s better? What if it’s stupid to give up on a better paying job? I’d love to get my MLIS but realistically, there aren’t very many librarian jobs and moving isn’t an option. The day to day would almost be worth the paycut. I’ve contemplated doing both, just for one year. I know that sounds nuts, and it’s risky, but what’s more important? My paycheck, or my mental health?! I honestly don’t know! I need the money. But I also need a peaceful environment.
Here are my options:
A) Substitute w library for almost the same money as I made uncertified, which was barely enough
B) Library + teaching full time bc you’re insane and unrealistic
C) Library only + MLIS bc it’s your dream & short term paycut is worth long term happiness.
D) Girl, are you insane?! Teaching only bc it’s the smart move!
submitted by FaithlessnessKey1726 to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:54 anon176284 Which writing sample to use?

Hey everyone! I’m a first year in a transactional practice and I’m trying to transition to public interest litigation. I recently started the job application process and need to pick a writing sample to submit with my applications. Since I primarily took transactional classes in law school, I only have a couple brief or memo writing samples: a brief from a 1L legal writing class and a memo from a doctrinal course exam I took during 2L, for which I received a high grade. I have written memos analyzing case law for work and pro bono matters but am not able to use any of those as they are confidential and cannot be appropriately redacted. I’m leaning towards cleaning up and using the 2L memo since it is more recent but wanted to see if others had different recommendations. I am new to the practice of law and know very few lawyers, so I would appreciate any advice! Thank you in advance!
submitted by anon176284 to biglaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:46 Spooneater69 I am so confused with how I feel about my friend

Ok so, I (14F) have known this boy (14M) who I will call “A” since I was in third grade, and we are obviously in the same middle school. We are both incredibly intelligent and good at writing, however people always put him above me. I feel like he isn’t more successful than me academically though. Infact I am more successful than him, i’m in the gifted program and in student council neither of which he is in.
Anyways, I have always resented him because he gets more praise for the same writing and work that I do. I think we’re both funny, I always make him laugh and he makes me laugh. However, I can’t help but to resent him even though I think we both have the same qualities; hes attractive and i’m very sure I am aswell, hes smart and I know I am aswell and we’re both popular and funny; adults are always saying so.
Its just like hes so perfect and I would give anything to recieve the same kind of praise he does. I mean even I adore him but like not in a romantic way, its just like hes always been someone who likes classical literature even though nobody else in our grade is intrigued by it and its just heinous knowing I probably won’t be able to speak to him in highschool because he’s one of my favorite people. I’m not really sure if how I feel about him is romantic, like sometimes I just want to hug him if that makes sense lmao. Oh I included our writing from sixth grade when we did a group project together copy pasted ↓
Mine: As soon as the recollection of the three bodies came cascading upon Bass in a choking flood of stinging details, Bass began to perspire and tremble. Something that was a recurrence in this impeccable novel is the mention of the Comanches- a belligerent indigenous group of people to America. The name was sure to bring fear to even the brawniest of men, Comanche had tolled in them like a portentous gong. There was a sinister and unlikely coincidence between the violent happening around the Native American territory that made the Comanche one of the most hideous of omens. In reality though the Comanches were a brutal community, bring treated with a biblical veneration. However I would like to take a mature and systematic evaluation of why they may do these things. For one, us Americans drove them out if the land they had lived in for centuries, brutally burning down their communities and making them walk grueling trails and rough rocks to arrive at a territory riddled with mediocrity. Overall I believed that the Comanches were a symbol or vim and freedom throughout this novel.
His: There are several prominent names that have established themselves as important threads upon the rich tapestry of Western History; Several Outlaws and desperados are recalled for the formidable forced they possessed upon their communities. Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday- all of these names have been of flourishing recognition, yet there are only mere vestiges of traces upon a true legend; a figure of immaculate morals (a trait that was a rare rose within a grotesque haven of weeds.) This very man that I speak of was born into slavery and- at the age of seventeen- relinquished the clutches of his owner prerequisite to venturing into the sibylline, crime-riddled depths of the Indian Territory where he would elude the treacherous dangers amidst his path to grow older to be a man of law; a valiant marshal in which turned a horrendous domain (the indian territory) into a place of order. This man went by the name of Bass Reeves.
submitted by Spooneater69 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:37 idkguessilljustgirl Final Update: my boyfriend killed my cat and i just can't do this anymore

Hi again everyone it's me, if you remember. I got a couple people in my dms asking how I'm doing and I'm allowed to write another update so... well. Here I am. Almost exactly 6 weeks since the worst 48 hours of my life.
I guess I'll just get into it since I'm using this as a diary at this point but I did also start journaling but journaling feels kind of lonely sometimes. And a lot has happened that I would appreciate everyone's thoughts on because you have all been really helpful. Thank you so much.
TL;DR: I'm back at work and getting on my feet and going to group art therapy. I met one of my boyfriend's old friends who's taking care of him and putting him through rehab. My old friends are coming back around and I'm trying to figure out how to be accountable and better for them. I'm ok, I'm safe, I'm almost happy.
I went back to work on May 1st because I promosed myself I would. I work at a smoothie shop, and we are a small team of 4 who usually work in pairs with my boss (the owner) there during rush hours and the baker who works before any of us come in.
When I came to open the shop that morning, the baker talked with me and asked how I was doing. I don't want people to know a lot but she has always been nice to me so I vented a little to her. I wasn't expecting how good it felt to talk to someone about everything that happened even not super detailed. Especially when she gave me such a big hug which made me cry tbh and told me to be strong and she was so happy I came back and didn't hide. 🥺
After talking to her and the coworker I usually work with, I felt better about therapy and stuff because talking does help. So when I got the call from that group therapy thing I wasn't as scared and didn't chicken out like I thought I would. I went and met people in my group, and it was a good experience. I am still going today.
A few days after the 1st I got a call from an unknown number. I don't normally answer those but with the situation and numbers I've been calling lately I didn't want to miss something important so I answered. A man introduced himself to me (I will call him "Tom") and told me he was a friend of my boyfriend "Luke".
I had never heard of this person before and I was just completely shocked and kind of just said "oh" and he started talking. He said he paid the rent for May for the suite and said he gave notice of ending the rental agreement, and asked if I wanted anything of mine from the place and if so he told me I had until the 11th before he dumped/sold stuff and start cleaning.
I came back to myself after that and was just like "hang on who are you and did you find Luke or what???" Because as far as I knew Luke was still missing and also I didn't know who he was.
So basically, a little background on Luke's life: He's originally from very very rural Quebec. He was taken into custody by the ministry when he was 8 after his mom passed away via sui and tried to take him with her because of his dad's extreme physical and sexual abuse towards both Luke and his mom. There were no foster resources in his town so he was taken to a bigger city and put with a family there.
He got into a lot of trouble with the ministry and police and kept having to get moved around due to threatening behavior towards his foster family (parents and siblings). Eventually he got into drinking and drugs and very badly beat up his younger foster brother and foster mother when he was 11 or 12. He got diagnosed with a conduct disorder and got put into juvie prison.
There was a project starting at that time in BC that was rehabilitation for juvie kids in MCFD custody. Basically they set up group homes that were staffed by social workers and counselors, like a foster home but run by a non-profit group not one family. This is actually something similar to where I grew up, but mine was for kids who "failed to thrive" in single-family care while Luke's was for kids who were criminals or addicts.
Because of his childhood situation and how they got him into custody, the MCFD wanted to see Luke go through one of those programs and hopefully be better. So they told him either the group home or juvie and he picked the group home, and a social worker from BC came to get him and flew him to the city. But in this new city even though he got to go back to public school and do stuff like gymnastics which he missed, he didn't know english as much and didn't have friends. So he started acting out again and got arrested more times.
Back to now. Tom told me that when he was in grade 10 and Luke was in grade 8, Tom joined a leadership club at his high school. Because of Luke's history he was forced into leadership club's "big brother" program with threat of being expelled if he didn't. Tom got assigned Luke in his "big brother" project, and they became friends, and then they became family all through high school and through Tom's first 3 years at uni. When he was telling me this I was blown away because Luke literally never even mentioned him so I finally just asked "well then why don't I know you? what happened?"
Tom said "Well, you know Luke." And I guess I do. Soooo yeah.
Luke showed up at Tom's childhood home a week after the stuff with Peanut, and Tom's parents called 911 because he was erratic and very high. The ambulance came and took him, and Tom went to the hospital to see him after his parents told him what happened.
At this point I had to go catch the bus but I told him we could text and meet and I wanted to help him clean the place too because I felt responsibility. He insisted it would be fine but I insisted I wanted to help so I texted him my schedule and we arranged a time to meet.
When I told my boss about all of this she and especially her husband asked if I could take a friend or if one of them could go. I told them I would ask my coworker since we have the same days off so I wouldn't trouble his busy schedule and definitely my boss should NOT go because she is getting so pregnant it's crazy and she needed to rest and still does need rest.
So my coworker I will call Nerd bc inside joke (who is male and big so that is helpful) agreed and we bussed to Luke's place. There was a car in front I didn't know so I assumed it was Tom's and sure enough he was there when I went in and was dealing with the fridge.
We shook hands and I introduced Nerd who kind of puffed up and made a stupid joke about beating Tom's ass over funny business but tbh the second I met Tom I got pretty OK vibes. But I guess well maybe I shouldn't trust it but really he was ok.
We went separately through the place and I spent most of my time in my "room" which was just a corner of the living room with a curtain tbh but my stuff was there so I packed it into garbage bags I brought. Kinda got flashbacks of packing as a kid which felt... weird tbh. 🙃
It also didn't help that Tom was kind of weird. Like not in a bad way but he would curse and mutter to himself when he found something gross or messed up like bad food, Luke's collection of drug stuff, that kind of thing. But then he would also tell me and Nerd what to do and where to put trash vs other stuff, but ALSO like... acted like he didn't want to touch anything himself? Like super cautious.
He also asked me stuff about my life here and how things were and what me and Luke did together, and I answered what I was comfortable with but he still kept apologizing and telling me he didn't want to know my personal stuff. Like it wasn't bad weird like I said but I think he was rly uncomfortable. He did pull me aside in the bathroom and asked if Luke ever hurt me and I was able to answer honestly and say no, he never even treated me that bad. But when I said that he kind of scoffed and muttered "that bad" like sarcastically and seemed mad so seriously it was. Weird. But idk if I were Tom I'd probably be pretty messed up about all of this so.
I insisted to help clean and Tom went to take the trash out. Nerd said he had to go soon bc he had an exam he had to study for and I said he could go and promised I'd be ok because I didn't get a bad vibe from Tom and Nerd admitted Tom seemed ok too. So he left but told me to call if I needed him bc he wouldn't be SUPER busy.
After saying goodbye I kind of asked Tom after a while what was going on with Luke. I just needed to know I guess? I don't know, I felt a lot of emotion being back there. Like I felt the love for him again and wished he was ok but Tom didn't tell me anything yet about where he was or how he was just that he was alive and reported found to police.
So... Luke's in rehab on the island. Tom talked to him in the hospital after he detoxed and said he explained the situation that happened. Apparently Luke broke down sobbing when he told him how he killed Peanut, and said the words: "I killed Peanut. I killed Peatie." Tom started crying while telling me this and tbh I cried too. I thanked Tom for being there bc Tom said he held him and comforted him and after all the hugs I got after Peanut and how that helped I'm just glad Luke got that too.
But yeah, so Tom told Luke it was time to get it together and Luke agreed. Tom seems hopeful it'll stick "this time," which he explained their original falling out was bc Luke lied to Tom about being sober after Tom put him through rehab once before. I really hope it will too and I am glad he has Tom to help him and pay for rehab bc it's not cheap especially those private places on the island but apparently the first time it failed it was in one of those cheap places in the DTES and Tom told me since he's been running programs there he's seen firsthand how those places are run and says the private is worth the money. Which I think is sad bc so many people are poor and need help too but it's complicated ig.
Tom offered me a ride home and I accepted. He told me before we got into the car that it would be ok if I wanted to text a picture of his license plate and car and ID to a safe person and I didn't even consider that so I felt kind of stupid but I did do that stuff and texted my boss and told her we were leaving. But tbh I wasn't worried. Tom seemed so nice and he gave me so much closure on what happened with Luke and knowing he's in good hands with someone that seems really sweet and put together makes me feel better about all the choices I made and also makes me feel like Peanut's loss has more meaning.
When I got home Tom introduced himself to my boss briefly and then we went in. She asked how everything went and I told her everything I wrote out here except I started crying hard and she cuddled me and told me to take it slow. But unlike other times I've cried since Peanut passed, that cry felt different. Like I was weak and emptied out, but not emptied out of all the good things, more like emptied out of the heavy things to make room for even more. And I haven't cried since. Not over Luke, and not over Peanut.
So I'm doing ok. Me and Tom met up twice more to clean the suite and I joined him for the inspection yesterday with the landlord. It felt good to leave that on a good note too, because the landlord let me move in back in fall which he didn't have to do especially with Peanut, and always treated us well. He told me that even though I wasn't an official tenant I could use him as a reference.
After the inspection yesterday Tom took me, my boss, boss' husband, and their daughter for dinner at a REALLY nice place which we all said was unnecessary but he insisted. He said really nice things to me about how he's grateful I tried so hard to take care of Luke and knows personally how difficult it is to love him. He promised me that nothing was my fault and that I can let it go now because he's going to take care of him and I should focus on moving forward into adulthood without any burdens. Idk maybe you had to be there but the way he said it was like... maybe I'm reading too much into it but it was like he was really specifically saying this stuff for Luke's sake or bc Luke hurt me and he felt like he had to make up to me? But it was nice either way.
Oh and I reconnected with a few of my old friends from high school!! The ones who I had a bad falling out with over Luke and my bad choices. My one friend Taylor reached out to me after I made my story on May 22nd a selfie of me reading that 'why does he do that' book and saying "1 month single 🙏" I guess a mutual mentioned it to Taylor and she added my number on sc again.
It's only kinda been small talk and stuff so far, but I've been trying to be really nice and I'm waiting for it to come up to take accountability for my bad treatment of the friend group but I'm thinking maybe I should say something first bc no one is bringing it up? Idk, if anyonr has advice I would appreciate it a lot bc I really want to be so much better than I am and I was and everything. For Peanut, but also for me.
This is the last update I'll post bc honestly it feels like things are mostly sorted out and I can't help but feel like I'm wasting people's time. 💀 But thanks again everyone and for those who wanted an update I hope you enjoy this freaking novel...
submitted by idkguessilljustgirl to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:26 prespy4400 Example of gpa calculator or score board output based on input...

Example of gpa calculator or score board output based on input...
public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { string studentName = "Sophia"; string course1Name = "English 101"; string course2Name = "Algebra 101"; string course3Name = "Biology 101"; string course4Name = "Computer Science I"; string course5Name = "Psychology101"; int course1Credit = 3; int course2Credit = 3; int course3Credit = 4; int course4Credit = 4; int course5Credit = 3; int gradeA = 4; int gradeB = 3; int gradeC = 2; int course1Grade = gradeA; int course2Grade = gradeB; int course3Grade = gradeA; int course4Grade = gradeB; int course5Grade = gradeC; int totalCreditHours = 0; totalCreditHours += course1Credit; totalCreditHours += course2Credit; totalCreditHours += course3Credit; totalCreditHours += course4Credit; totalCreditHours += course5Credit; int totalGradePoints = 0; totalGradePoints += course1Credit * course1Grade; totalGradePoints += course2Credit * course2Grade; totalGradePoints += course3Credit * course3Grade; totalGradePoints += course4Credit * course4Grade; totalGradePoints += course5Credit * course5Grade; float gradePointAverage = (float) totalGradePoints/totalCreditHours; int leadingDigit = (int) gradePointAverage; int firstDigit = (int) (gradePointAverage*10)%10; int secondDigit = (int) (gradePointAverage*100)%10; Console.WriteLine(@$" Student Name: {studentName} Courses Credit Grade {course1Name} {course1Credit} {course1Grade} {course2Name} {course2Credit} {course2Grade} {course3Name} {course3Credit} {course3Grade} {course4Name} {course4Credit} {course4Grade} {course5Name} {course5Credit} {course5Grade} Final GPA: {leadingDigit}.{firstDigit}{secondDigit} "); } } 
submitted by prespy4400 to csharp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:05 Flimsy-Carpenter-654 I hate this server for this reason

Bruh toh mere saath ek comedy hogyi like 4 days after board exams came i got 75% not that good nor that bad but i knew chemistry me kuch na kuch gadbad hai
I had to send it for re verification but then after 4 days i got really busy like ghar me kuch acha nahi hora tha and i was exploring universities one by one usme itna busy hogya ki 4 days aram se beet gaye
My fault is that I had a wrong idea ki CBSE revaluation process will start on in june 🤡 I completely dimissed the reverification process tho and nobody told me I was too busy in college ke admission wagera that i forgot about that and now i am looking like a clown here and i** dont have any IRL friends too to tell me about this** The servers fault is that nobody posted anything about reverification when they were going on i check JEENEETards and CBSE just for regular updates on studies i dont go to any stupid subs unless they are political and that too i check for any new info on the country
tab sab yahape apni gaadi laptop bike PS5 lund loda dikha rahe the aur jo verification news ke post honge vo chup gaye honge i didnt find any such posts mods ne bhi koi server announcement nahi kia
on 26 I saw a guy post something about CBSE reverification stuff and i was like NO WAY NO WAY and then i started searching and i got to know 21 tak khatam hogya mamla and i cant even apply for revaluation now , I was so shocked i couldnt even do anything for 5 days unless write un replied mails
and now ab I see guys posting 20 marks increase 5 marks increase now there is no way of me fixing my chem marks unless improvement exam Is there anyway i am ready to pay whatever money RN but seriously guys ye sab June me kara karo and jab important cheeze chalri ho toh please ye sab backchodi mat kara karo yaakr due to those shitposts on this server i couldnt see any news about re verification and stuff
Honestly this shit is so bad like CBSE should give papers in offline mode in their HQ or via mail when i order them too its my right to see my question papers after all with some money and ik dhundne me mushkil hoga but thats what serial numbers are for
submitted by Flimsy-Carpenter-654 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:00 AnActualCriminal EON Polls/Discussion; Worlds, War Crimes, and Gods (Kind of a serious /uw one at the end)

EON Polls/Discussion; Worlds, War Crimes, and Gods (Kind of a serious /uw one at the end)
Hello. Blake here. Not really a politician but since Ithacar holds the seat and not Riva and she had business to attend to, I'm filling in. If you were unaware of this, our bylaws do allow trade-outs like that. Bombast could, for example, cede the floor to Mastadon as rep of the Council lands and John Hellfire could cede the floor to... Ith'Raal I guess. The Agent is also currently filling in for the Herald in the Mercenary Guild (read: fictional character trade-offs are of course, also acceptable).

#1. The Demi-plane:

Now that I've explained my presence, on to business. We have two main items to discuss.
We had a draw in the vote between the Ocean and Dreamscape demi-planes as locations to build our meeting hall/fortress. Jungle is out and we're having a runoff.
Aside from personal or aesthetic tastes, Bombast, our resident expert on demi-planes and the person who provided these options, personally recommends the Dreamscape, while Guardian Logos of the Astral Assembly, who has been particularly active in suggestions for construction, speculates that we could use the ambient lightning of the Ocean plane's forever-storms to power the facility.
Water World?
Both realms are cool as fuck. I mean interesting choices. Poll here:
( Link to Demi-Plane Vote ) - 24 Hours

#2. Humanitarian Aid:

due to it being a particularly divisive issue, the poll for whether EO N will interfere in affairs as a singular force was left open for a whole week. If you haven't voted, here's me reminding you it's still open. Poll Here:
( Humanitarian Aid Link ) - 3 Days Left
Divine Intervention?

#3. On the Issue of Gods:

How much power do we want literal deities to have over our organization? This will be the focus of discussion today. This matter was always on the itinerary and actually came up in our very first meeting, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that this needs to happen sooner rather than later.
(I ask that everyone please try to remain calm and polite and consider feelings of the person you're talking to.)
uw/ Alright. This one can kind of only be talked about in uw because so many things related to this are meta. It's divisive for out of character reasons whereas #2 is divisive for in character reasons and if we don't square this away quickly, it'll lead to more grief for everyone. So let's get this resolved now in an open and productive way so that from here on out, we can just tap the sign. I'll try to present both sides here as best I can.
AGAINST: The EON Compact was created primarily for collaborative worldbuilders, people who want a little more involved wizard politics than what the council offers, and people who want to have interactions with their (hopefully) in-character foes in a way that isn't Wizard War #145.
Im going to use a comment by Aldin here as an example. This is not to pick on him. I respect very much what he does in this community, his writing, and the support he was trying to show. I especially enjoy his tournaments and how they've brought people together. I really want to stress here its not a callout. In fact I chose this comment specifically because it is a great example that was resolved in character with no drama, so we can look at it with clear heads.
In the collaborative construction of the Fortress, we all get to contribute little details that later become established lore for everyone to interact with. If a god comes in and simply provides a fortress that cannot be harmed by anything and solves all of our problems, the collective game we all showed up to play is now over and only one person got to contribute.
If a god simply wills a civilization, fully-formed and populated, into being, they will technically qualify as members, but many would consider that to be violating the spirit of what we're doing here. Finally, if a god is so strong that the entirety of the EON Compact could never subdue them, then functionally they get to propose in-character rules that only they can get away with not following.
FOR: There is also an argument to be made for allowing gods into EON. It is brief, but it is important. Turning people away is generally considered to be rude. It's not a very nice thing to do and creates a rift in the community.
We are, after all, each here to pretend to be silly wizards. Or serious wizards. Or both. But the point is, as passionate as I am about EON and as much as I want it to succeed, it is still worthwhile to take a step back, consider everyone's feelings, and acknowledge that this sub is supposed to be a fun and inclusive wizard zone.
So, do we allow gods to be participating members of EON? I'm proposing two options for the god dilemma.
  • 1. No (But maybe someone can host a party with the gods and EON invited so EON and the gods can still RP together in the spirit of goodwill)
  • 2. Yes (None of those concerns really bothered me)
We'll start here as groundwork and if someone feels it necessary to add nuance later, we can. But we need a clear yes/no to build off of to start. Anyway here's the god poll:
( Link to god vote ) - 48 Hours
Thank you for reading all of that, if you did so. We can get back to fun silly wizard politics as God intended once this is squared away.
- (Queen Rivamar Blake of Ithacar)
- (Paleomancer, Atlas and Pact-controlled lands)
- (Bombast, The Citadel and Council-controlled lands)
- (Sorcella Ravine, court wizard of Cat Tail City)
- (Lapis 3, Administrator of The Bismuth Realms)
- (Samael the Wizard King, The Nephilim Realms)
- (Lucian and Eve, leaders of the Star Republic of Magic)
- (Kaelis Maz, Lord Protector of Yulash Kor)
- (Vulkan the Red, defacto dictator of Lemarcia)
- (Agnur, rep for the Tortugara)
- (Shrax, King of Raesteria)
- ( Jash the North Star, representing the Citadel of Cryomancers)
- (Mikhail, Archdruid of La'Shima)
- (Xerxes, Regent of The Holy Kingdom)
- (Marenoxus, Provost of Asfelaeia)
- (Lord Carrion of the Skaven Council)
- (King Carmine of the Claret Isles)
- (Agent, City of Kabaheim and the Northern Territories)
- (Emissary of the Sun)
- (Guardian Logos of the Astral Assembly)
- (John E. Hellfire, Ruler of Hell's 4th Circle)
- (Leo, King of S.P.A.D.E.S.)
- (Teknika, Leader of Katafýgio)
- (Emerald Ferguson, Queen of Magnesia)
- (High Necromancer Bishop, Lord of the Throne World)
- (Pilot, representing Mount Mor Joint Dwarf-Human Aviation Facility)
- (Burger King, Burger City)
- ( Falâerin, delegate of the nation of Cyria)
- (Lars, City 17)
- (Krygin the Crude, representative of the Spirit Realms)
- (Vesian, Paragnostic Assembly)
- (Lady Aliah Mistwalker, Fausarte's Shogunate)
- (Crimson Paragons, spectator)
- (Spectator)
- ( Arch Biomancer Nhak, Elected Official and “Frontline Tank” of the SGA, Spectator)
- (Anvir Selensky, the Sigilite, spectator)
submitted by AnActualCriminal to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:37 PatroWasTaken 3 hours

Hey everyone, I don't expect anyone to reply to this as it'll probably be shrouded by the other posts. Just needed somewhere to write it all down.
My life has never been good. I've had moments of happiness, even for extended periods of time, but never for longer than a few months at most. I grew up in a horrible environments in and out of CPS where my Mum finally got custody of me at age 3, after I remained in a foster home for around 6 months. My Mom tried so hard for me, even until she won her court case against my birth Father. Until I was around 12, I was raised in a fairly normal environment by myself. Most of my childhood I never endured abuse or anything like that. It wasn't until I was 12, shit got real. At that age, people deemed my problems invalid because I was so young and "it couldn't be that bad" or "other people have it worse". I could never tell my Mum because I didn't want to dissapoint her and make it seem like all her efforts were for naught. As such, I sat alone with my problems, occasionally talking to people online, but nothing helped. When I turned 13, I discovered herbal cigarettes for the first time. I would roll a herb (usually something that produced a relaxing effect or a minor hallucinagen) and smoke it on my porch when my parents weren't home. After I first tried it, I told myself, "It was a good stress reliever, but I'm not gonna do this again. It's bad for me." This cycle repeated daily for around a month. Eventually, my parents found out. Despite my worries, they weren't mad. But the dissapointment in my Mum's eyes were unreal.
This was the moment where I first lost my parents trust.
Eventually, I stopped, as my parents hid everything away from me. Because of this I never wanted to be at my house, so I was with a new group of "friends: I had made. There was this one guy, who I'll name John. John shared a lot of my common interests, and would talk to me during class and we'd hang out at the centre of our city pretty often, just us two messing around and having fun, like a bunch of 8th grade boys. This lasted for a few months. I had one of the best birthdays ever with him. Around a month afterwards, this man somehow tricked me into sending nudes to him. I'm a straight man. I thought this was another one of his jokes and we'd be chill afterwards.
I was wrong.
The next day, I went to school surrounded by weirded stares and comments on the situation. I knew then, that I seriously fucked up bad. I somehow got myself out of the situation by saying it wasn't me, but my friendship with John was diminished. Despite this, he was the only friend I actually hung out with consistently after that. I dealt with his remarks in the times in the future, which grew more and more consistent as the times went on. I knew I had to let him go after he told my principle that I had a weapon on me for self defense (which basically everyone in my city does), which nearly led to me being suspended. Eventually, I abandoned him all together, and ran with whatever little amount of pride I had left. I fell into a huge state of depression after this. Even my online friends didn't want me anymore. Someone had accused me of being a pedophile and falsified screenshots. I had no one.
One day, after school, a friend who I wasn't particularly close with wanted to hang out with me after school. He mentioned his parents had a cabinet full of alcohol.
Seeing no danger with this, I accepted without hesitation. This was my first experience with alcohol. I got wasted with him, and for the first time in months, my worries washed away. Eventually, this became a weekly occurance. I would tell my parents I was going to the park, but instead I would get drunk with my friend. This soon became the only way I could live without stress. Around this time, I became closer with an acuqainted friend and his friend group, who we'll call Terry and his friends. Terry was a chill guy. We didn't share all the same interests, but he liked me for who I was. He didn't care about my past. I became closer with his friends, too. Eventually this became my new friend group. Around the time I formed this new friend group, I stopped going drinking with my other friend. Not because I didn't want to, but because he stopped pestering me to hang out with him like he did the months before. Instead, the roles were reversed at that point. Me and this friend group started hanging out more, and more, and more.
During this time, I met my first love. It was online, but it felt like the best thing in the world. We were young, and stupid. She was beautiful. I remember first talking to her on the phone on the plane ride to my Uncle's wedding. I decided to myself that I really liked this girl. I wanted her more than anything. I remember she was the only thing I dedicated myself for. Something I felt was worth being there for. I finally felt like I had some worth for the first time in forever. I should mention this was slightly before the drinking thing. We talked, we called, we loved for two whole weeks. Towards the end, I made the stupid mistake of telling her that "if I didn't meet her I probably would've killed myself". This wasn't entirely true. I was depressed before talking to her, but I don't think I was suicidal. However, this seemed to be a problem for her. Apparently, she felt trapped. Thus, she left me. I remember having to hide my heartbreak from my parents. I shortly got over it, however, and met a new girl from my school. I realize now I didn't love her, I loved the idea of being in a relationship. I remember joking to my ex about how bad my girtlfriend at the time was. After a while, she found out I was following other girls on instagram. I denied it at first, but discovered it was an opportunity to pin a breakup on her not trusting me enough, so I used that reason and dumped her. She later told the whole school I was unloyal (which I wasn't, I didn't even talk to the girls I followed). She proceeded to post shitty photos of me on her tiktok account. I remember being fuming. If sonething so small was the worst of my problems now, I would be blissful happy right now. A few weeks afterwards, I got back with my first ex. This time, it was one sided. After just over a month, I began to look at girls in my class with desire. I completely broke it off with my ex, telling her I didn't love her anymore. Years later, I still regret this decision. She accepted this, and we remained friends. Every time I felt lonely, I would talk to her again, and we would begin talking like we were together again. This repeated for around 6 months. We kept talking until around a few months ago, where I discovered she blocked me out of nowhere. I believe it was out of respect for her new boyfriend, which I respect.
After we had broken it off for the final time, I began spending time outside of school with my new friend group. Slowly, we began to hang out more and more. I even found a new girlfriend, which I had found off of quick add on snapchat, lol. Around Christmas, things went downhill. My friends asked a personal question, which was whether my girlfriend had sent me explicit pictures (i thought it would make me sound cooler if I said yes), but then they caught me in the lie, and they immediately lost trust for me. I saw the same look in their eyes as I saw in my Mother. Distrust. I tried to salvage the friendship, but I new it wouldn't be the same ever again. It still isn't. I saw the cycle repeat itself. Like last time, I left my girlfriend because I lost interest. I began to become depressed again. I started vaping and drinking to escape the pain. I didn't care as much about my looks anymore. I remember having one of the worst heartbreaks of my life afterwards. I told myself I wouldn't date ever again. I still hung out with my friends, but we all knew inside that we didnt care for each other as much as we acted. For around a month, I lived life in a cycle. A depressed cycle. One day, I caught a glimpse of a girl in my class who was exactly my type in a woman, physically and mentally. I knew she was far too good for me. I barely talked to her, and didn't have her on any social media. I eventually got the courage one afternoon to add her on snapchat, after one of my friends gave me her snap. This was after a mutual friend informed me that she found me attractive, which I didn't buy. The night I added her, we talked, and I rememebr playing games with her and her friends. It was one of the best nights I've ever had. I fucked up my sleep sdchedule just to speak to her longer. I got to know her more, and more. She was the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world. My eternal bliss lasted for a week. I had ordered flowers to ask her out with and I had the whole thing planned out with her friends. I remember going to my first work shift, and coming home, and getting a message from her:
"Hey, I think I'm lesbian. It's not your fault, I promise. I'm so sorry."
I was heartbroken, I kept tryna suffocated myself over and over again. I asked her why, what her thought process was. She eventually tired of my questions and she said that I was being a dick about it. I ended up sending her a message later that day telling her that I was sorry for being a dick about it (I still don't know what I did wrong). I didn't go to school the next day. I remember avoiding her hard for the whole rest of the school term. I was insanely depressed afterwards, the worst I've ever felt. she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I tried weed for the first time afterwards, it was mesmerising. It nearly compared to the feeling of being with her. But it was only a temporary escape. As the weeks went on, I became more and more depressed. Then, my parents found out I smoked weed, and my own mother told the police (I still dont know if thats morally right and im overthinking it) and my whole family found out and now hates me. I'm scheduled to see them tomorrow. I'm being illegally overowkred by my job, and I can;t do anything about it. I didn;t show up today, I'm probably already fired. I tried a cigarette today, it was one last thing I wanted to know before I pass. I went to one last convension today, and asked God for a sign to keep living. I ended up meeting a girl, asking for her number, and she gave me her insta and messaged me "You really thought I'd date you? Not tryna be mean".
In three hours, it'll turn midnight. I'll go to a store, find nitrous oxide, and overdose on that. Asphyxiation isn't that painful. I have nothing at all.
submitted by PatroWasTaken to Suicide_Talk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:31 Informal-Most1858 I need some help understanding an exercise

I have been recommended this site for learning C, I am currently on the multidimensional arrays lesson (One of the first ones)
And I'm kinda confused about the exercise


Let us try to find out the average marks of a group of five students for two subjects, Mathematics and Physics. To do this, we use a two-dimensional array called grades. The marks corresponding to Mathematics would be stored in the first row (grades[0]), whereas those corresponding to Physics would be stored in the second row (grades[1]). Complete the following steps so that you can execute this program.
So we Start with this


int main() { /\* TODO: declare the 2D array grades here \*/ float average; int i; int j; grades\[0\]\[0\] = 80; grades\[0\]\[1\] = 70; grades\[0\]\[2\] = 65; grades\[0\]\[3\] = 89; grades\[0\]\[4\] = 90; grades\[1\]\[0\] = 85; grades\[1\]\[1\] = 80; grades\[1\]\[2\] = 80; grades\[1\]\[3\] = 82; grades\[1\]\[4\] = 87; /\* TODO: complete the for loop with appropriate terminating conditions \*/ for (i = 0; i < ; i++) { average = 0; for (j = 0; j < ; j++) {average += grades[i][j]; } /\* TODO: compute the average marks for subject i \*/ printf("The average marks obtained in subject %d is: %.2f\\n", i, average); } return 0; } 
(I'm trying to format it, will edit it if its not good)
And the correction gives this:
#include  int main() { int grades\[2\]\[5\]; float average; int i; int j; grades\[0\]\[0\] = 80; grades\[0\]\[1\] = 70; grades\[0\]\[2\] = 65; grades\[0\]\[3\] = 89; grades\[0\]\[4\] = 90; grades\[1\]\[0\] = 85; grades\[1\]\[1\] = 80; grades\[1\]\[2\] = 80; grades\[1\]\[3\] = 82; grades\[1\]\[4\] = 87; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { average = 0; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {average += grades[i][j]; } average /= 5.0; printf("The average marks obtained in subject %d is: %.2f\\n", i, average); } return 0; } 
I do not understand why and how does the loops works, and why do we need i to be inferior to 2 and j to superior to 5?
 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { average = 0; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {average += grades[i][j]; } 
this part
Also, the site did not explain to me at all loops, maybe it will be in a later lesson, but I am quite confused
Sorry for the wonky writing, English is not my main language, and I hope you could help me here, thanks for reading
submitted by Informal-Most1858 to C_Programming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:25 Informal_Patience821 Refuting the: "Addressing the false claims of Dr. Exion ps 2" Response to second post

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Peace be to you all.
Let's proceed to refute the second part of his "rebuttal," providing a brief yet precise rebuttal that will further expose his ignorance in the Hebrew language, and his knowledge of the Bible as well.
He writes:
The prophecy so closely matches those events that even scecular scholars agree which is the primary reason secular scholars date Daniel to just after these events. Their idea is the book is actually recording history but pretending to present prophecy.
But it doesn’t. Not even close. The chapter is about a prophet/messenger of God who brought a Holy Covenant. His successors fell into dispute over who was the rightful heir to his kingdom. The rightful successors were supposed to be his descendants (his followers), but that turned out not to be the case according to what verse 4 states. This is strikingly similar to how Islamic history played out.
He writes:
I'm not sure where Exion found this translation.
I found it here: biblehub - Pulpit's commentary. Literally a direct copy and paste. Not sure how he missed it.
Regarding the "The prophecy describes a sequence of events" thing he pointed out, I had already revised each verse from part 1 in part 2, and it now makes perfect sense. He should read part 2.
He writes:
A few things here. The verb is עמדים. The same verb is used in verse 3 and again in verse 4. Both cases it's referring to a king rising to power rather than rising against someone/somthing else. That context suggests the same meaning for the kings in verse 2. We also see verse 2 describing a king being against a nation when it says "he shall stir up all against the kingdom of Greece." This is a different verb and preposition.
Yes, I agree. 'Umar was the first king to rise in Persia when he fought the Persians and won. 'Uthman and 'Ali were the second and third kings, and Mu'awiyah was the fourth, the wealthy king. I'm not sure what he thinks he is refuting here because I literally wrote:
"This 'rising' could either be in support of Persia or in opposition to it. Remarkably, this aligns perfectly with the historical narrative of Islam, and here's why:..."
In other words, both interpretations align perfectly with the historical narrative of Islam. I believe he misunderstood that part; regardless, let's move on.
The Hebrew word is גִּבּוֹר which means strong/mighty not righteous
You also missed the part where I said that this would be made clear later in the chapter, specifically here:
Daniel 11:30:
The Holy Covenant was brought by the mighty king, of course. However, he completely missed this point and is portraying the Bible as if it prophesies random historical secular events and secular kings, like a history book, rather than a Holy Book foretelling the era of a prophet and a king, much like King David. He claims that secular scholars date Daniel to just after these events and believe the book is recording history while pretending to present prophecy. What a silly assertion. Don’t you think people would generally reject such false "prophecy" and declare them deviant liars, especially if they depicted events that had recently happened and everyone knew about? Both you and these secular scholars need to rethink your position because it is very unlikely (almost impossible to be true) and rather ridiculous, if I'm being very frank.
The chapter is about a prophet who brought a Holy Covenant from God, which is why it is literally called "Holy."
Definition of "Holy":
holy / ˈhəʊli / adjective
1.dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred."the Holy Bible" Similar: sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, venerated, revered. (Source: Google)
The Bible is considered to be the Words of God (or inspired Words of God), and these Words literally call this Covenant "Holy." Meanwhile, you are deviating from this description by portraying an erroneous picture of a bunch of atheist ancient kings fighting each other over various kingdoms.
He writes:
The specific word is וּכְעָמְדוֹ. The וּ is the conjunctive. It's not a vav relative in this case since the verb tense isn't the perfect or imperfect The כְ is a Hebrew proposition added to the verb. The verb is עָמְד and the וֹ is a possesive suffix. The verb form is the infinitive construct. When that verb form is combined with the preposition כְ it indicates a temporal clause which is where the "as soon as" comes from. The possesive suffix indicates the subject of the verb which is where the "he" comes from. Combined with the verb we get as soon as he has risen. Exion's translation ignores the preposition and possesive suffix on the verb.
I will respond to each claim by giving it a short name and my rebuttal next to it:
Regarding: Conjunctive וּ: It is agreed that the וּ functions as a conjunctive "and" or "but," connecting phrases. This conjunction alone does not necessarily indicate a temporal clause.
Not a Vav Relative: Correct, this is not a vav relative case.
Preposition כְ: The preposition כְ does mean "like" or "as." While it can form a temporal clause in combination with an infinitive construct, this temporal interpretation must be contextually supported rather than assumed.
Verb עָמַד and Possessive Suffix וֹ: Correct, the verb עָמַד means "to stand" or "to arise," and the suffix וֹ indicates possession, translating to "his."
Infinitive Construct: Agreed, the form is an infinitive construct.
Temporal Clause Interpretation: While כְ combined with an infinitive construct can imply a temporal clause, translating it as "as soon as" is an interpretative choice. A more literal translation is "when he stood" or "as he stood," and any temporal implication would be derived from what you believe is the context.
Possessive Suffix: Agreed, the suffix וֹ indicates "he" or "his."
Your interpretation that it is saying "as soon as he has risen" adds a temporal nuance that is contextually based rather than explicitly stated in the preposition and verb form. My translation aims for a more direct rendering of "when he stood" or "as he stood," which also respects the grammatical structure without adding interpretative elements not present in the original text.
Let's move on.
He writes:
It can also refer to the 4 generals after Alexander the Great. He came after the Persian kings, conqured all of Greece, had a mighty dominion, shortly after he conqured Greece he died, and his kingdom was divided among his 4 generals none of which were his decendents.
No, it can't, because this is about a Holy Covenant. I genuinely hope you can understand this because I know you tend to repeat the same misunderstandings and rarely admit when you are wrong. However, this is explicitly clear:
The phrase is: "על־ברית־קודש"

Literal Translation:

Neither Alexander the Great nor anyone else you mention (or anyone related to Alexander) anything to do with a Holy Covenant. This is beyond ridiculous, and I couldn't believe your scholars were claiming this. I thought it was so absurd that it didn't even need refutation. Yet here I am, refuting you because you actually hold this view.
He writes:
That fits better than Exion's interpretation for a few reasons. First this king came after the 4 mentioned in verse 2. If those in verse 2 are the Caliphs this king can't be Mohammed who was before the Caliphs.
What makes you think that the mighty king came after the 4 kings? The 3rd verse only said:
"And a mighty king will arise and will rule a great dominion and do according to his will."
Are you claiming that this must be in chronological order just because the four kings were mentioned before the mighty king? If so, this is the first time I've heard such a claim. Please provide your proof for this supposed Biblical rule; I'd like to read it :). You won't provide any because none exist. But claiming that it does gives you something to "expose," so I understand your motive. However, in the real world, you're just making statements that aren't true.
The 4th verse says:
"...but not to his posterity, and not like the dominion that he ruled, for his kingdom will be uprooted and to others besides those."
The posterity refers to the Rashidun Caliphs, while "to others besides those" refers to Mu'awiyah and those who followed him. Do you know what "posterity" even means? Posterity literally means future followers or descendants. Lol. The mighty king is the one with the followers, which is why he is the one who brought the Holy Covenant from God, not the four other kings. Had you known what posterity means, you would never have written this in the first place, but we will look past this mistake. Now you know a new word and won't repeat this mistake again. Let's move on.
Regarding "The king of the south is prophet Muhammad" I had revisited this verse in part 2.
He writes:
This is false. The source Exion links doesn't give any English meaning. The BDB does give the English meaning. For the former it means sprout/branch, the latter means root.

Noun נֵצֶר (nétser) m (plural indefinite נְצָרִים, singular construct נֵצֶר־, plural construct נִצְרֵי־) [pattern: קֵטֶל]

  1. stem, shoot
  2. (literary, collectively) scion(s)


The other word (i.e. שרש):
Root: שֹֽׁרֶשׁ (m.n.)
  1. root.
2. source, origin.
  1. bottom, lowest part.
  2. root, stem (Heb. grammar).
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary
I don't know if you know this, but stem and branch are synonymous words, they essentially mean the same thing. And lowest part, bottom could also mean stem. Dictionaries define both words similarly:
Word: שֹׁרֶשׁ, שׁוֹרֶשׁ (m.) (b. h.; apocope of שרשר
, v. שָׁרָר) [chain, knot,] root. — Pl. שֳׁרָשִׁים, שֳׁרָשִׁין; constr. שָׁרְשֵׁי, שׁוֹרְשֵׁי. B. Bath. V, 4 העולה … ומן הש׳ וכ׳ that which shoots forth out of the trunk, or out of the roots, belongs to the landowner (v. גֶּזַע), expl. ib. 82ᵃ כל שאינו … זהו מן הש׳ that which does not see the light of day (when it shoots forth) is out of the roots’. Y. Ab. Zar. III, 43ᵃ top; Y. Taan. I, 64ᵇ ש׳ חטה the roots of wheat; ש׳ תאנה of fig-trees. Tosef. Shebi. VII, 17; ‘Uktsin I, 4, v. קוֹלָס. Ab. III, 17 וְשֳׁרָשָׁיו מרובין whose roots are many; a. fr.
Source: מקור: Jastrow Dictionary
Either way, let's pretend you're right (even though you're not) it still doesn't matter because a branch out of her roots did sprout, which came to be a sect called Khawarij. This was explained in part two. The ones that assassinated 'Ali were initially Shiites that later turned against 'Ali and assassinated him. It's interesting how Pulpit commentary writes:
"The version of the LXX. is very different here also, "And a plant shall arise out of his root against himself,"
He writes:
Edit: I just noticed another problem with Exion’s interpretation. They take Ali as both the commander mentioned in verse 5 who is one of commanders of the king of the south, and also as the king of the north mentioned in verse 6. That can’t be since the commander isn’t also the king of the north.
Revised in part 2 already.
He writes:
They show rather than trying to first establish the historical facts and show it lines up with the prophecy they are willing to misrepresent the historical facts to fit their interpretation of the prophecy and as their interpretation of the prophecy changes their claims about the historical facts change to match their new interpretation.
This is just your faulty conclusion and presumption. I speculated that they might have lied about 'Aishah being his wife. However, I'm not satisfied with speculations, so I revised the entire post of part 1, and it turned out to be even more accurate.
This marks the end of his part 2 post.
Thanks for reading, /Your bro, Exion
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:50 Arc_d_Mage I'm 16M and weigh 113kg. I want to change please help.

I'm obese.
Literally. While I'm not SUPER SUUUUPER BIIG I'm quite a big guy.
During my elementary days in 4th-6th grade I was around 60-70kg but it rose to 100kg+ the moment quarantine and high school hit.
Everyday I've been thinking "Why can't I lose weight?", I've realized, it's because of laziness and overthinking. Basically I'm not really in a good financial situation (I'm 16 in Senior High) I still live with my parents so I CANNOT afford a gym, While I can probably ask my Dad I wouldn't want to strain our family budget. Therefore I would like to ask you kind hearted people some Daily Routines and anything that I can do to help with my weight loss journey, I'm starting tomorrow because I'm currently also asking my friends for any advice that they might have.
Thank you so much again, I'm quite new to this and I hope to get a better body before I hit college in 2 years.
submitted by Arc_d_Mage to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:37 Old_Independent7254 Thorough plan is needed for August exam

I am an international student, currently studying in 10th grade. Today I took my first ever exam just as an experiment to feel the atmosphere there. I am not expecting more than 1450, ig around 1400-1420. My super score is 1470 from practice tests (EBWR: 690, Math: 780). I am planning to take the test in August and I need to take at least 1500. I have a whole summer ahead, so detailed plan is needed to accomplish my goal. I almost have completed Panda 400 vocab words. Did 4 practice tests. Completed erica's writing and reading. Completed all khan academy english and math and that book with 300 questions for verbal part. I also did some of the sqbs. I did not prepare that much for Math though. I focused more on my english. Now it is around 650-680. I have to improve it to 750. For math, i have to beat 800 in every test. Thank you in advance!
submitted by Old_Independent7254 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:35 Left-Finding6540 It's now June, I'm looking to make a thread of last minute tips, if anyone has any last minute tips for any subjects I'll add them

English: for section 1 question a on paper 1 use pqe, point quote explain, nake one point use a quote to back it up and explain, leave extra space after each point incase you have extra time to spend on it,alternatively a kind commentor added fhe following:Can I add one to English, from an English teacher. Instead of PQE, use PEEL . Point, Evidence, Explain and Link (to the next paragraph/back to the question). Will boost C mark.
Question b of that same question make sure if you write the text of a speech the whole text is said speech and if you have to for example write the text of a speech from a famous person you never step out of character. Your opening line should be basically a rephrasing of the question eg:write an article for the local newspaper, you should say "I am writing for the x newspaper to tell you about...", even if its unrealistic they still look for this in regard to your purpose mark.
For the composing:make sure there are famous people you can talk about a lot, also just a few topics that youve got some bit of knowledge on e.g ai might be handy
personal essay: use anecdotes even if they're made up
Short story:I'm avoiding this personally but make sure you show don't tell and alsondont leave plot holes, from what I've heard people who do this already have things like settings, characters and storylines planned out before the exam
Opinion essay: chose for or against and be strongly for or against, if im not mistaken you can be neutral but it's a lot harder
For the single text your first quote shouldn't be from act 1 scene 1 or your texts equivalent,your answer shouldn't be a summary
For hamlet: have lots of quotes, back in as many points as possible with quotes, remember the word regicide and antic-disposition, if the question asks about Claudius' role as villain if must only be his direct wrong doings (laertes, elder hamlet) and not the ones he indirectly caused by making hamlet mad (ophelia, polonius etc).
Comparative:constantly compare your 3 texts,(this next tip only applies if parf of your comparative course is never let me go) MOST of the time if you are doing the question 1 which is split up into a and b where a is in relation to 1 text and b is 2, never let me go will be in part a as it is hard to compare to other texts, this obviously depends on the question but if in doubt do that
Unseen poetry:I'm absolutely useless at this but on my mock I completely misunderstood the poem and got 17/20, waffle with confidence, don't spend too long on it as 20 marks is sweet fa in your English paper and the difference between spending 20 mins and 25 mins is no more than 3 marks. As a kind commentary added(soz days are long cba tagging everybody) backup using any poetic technique you can
Poetry: have one poem you can talk for days about no matter what, they will more than likely come up. Have 3 more you understand to be able to answer a question, then your perfectly covered. If you want to be more confident you can learn 2 poems to perfect 50/50 but from here to Thursday time management is important
History: if your a slow writer like me learn a metric fuck tonne of good quotes they're the quickest way to pick up marks, here's a few if you want them
Oh little sputnik flying high/with made-in-moscow-beep/you show the world its a commie sky/and uncle Sam's asleep-mennen Williams,democratic governor of michigan
The United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external and internal forces-the turman doctrine
We are kings men and well be with you to the end -james Craig (not precisely a long one but so many essays it could be used in)
I want dr king to know that I didn't come to selma to make his job difficult, I really did come thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realise what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to here dr king-malcolm x
Also know the 3 document essays off by heart as one will defiently come up,somebody mentioned about knowing every case study off by heart and learning information rather than essays but that's more long term advice than last minute, still tho
Geography: from here to friday dedicate 10 minutes to aerial photography, it's 8 marks waiting to be claimed. Nows probably too late for flashcards but if it isn't fucking use them for srps
Maths: nows not too late to print off a mock or past paper, see what needs the most work and make sure you fully understand them
Irish: if your like me and haven't done a scratch there's still more than a week, predictions are your best friend, learn one essay, one poetry notes, one story notes and one play notes and let God decide how well he wants you to do
French:be able to write about the Olympics as if your fluent, its probably going to come up. Know your tenses and your subjunctive. Learn off a few proverbs they add marks to any essay. "Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec le declaration Ci dessus","il est neccesaire de pesser le pour et le contre", "n'oublions pas le proverbe" and "a Mon avis" fit into most opinion pieces, know them(get correct spelling aswel mine was affected by autocorrect). Also if your down to the wire learn diary phrased, even if you write a bad diary you will get marks for the phrases.
Somebody has pointed out its the 70 year anniversary of the d day bombings so bare that in mind too
Accounting: final accounts will come up,know 2/3, learn all your ratios and all the theory they will come up, know either budgeting or costing as one of each will come up, that leaves the second 100 marker, it will most likely be suspense as that comes up every second year but it could be a 60 marker, I wouldn't even bother worrying about anything else until ratios,final accounts, budget/costing and suspense are up to the grade your hoping for but if all that is sorted learn off maybe 3 other possible 100 markers, that any you have 4 which includes the 80% likely suspense and 2 will come up, the accounting exam is probably the easiest to predict, and for the love of God know your theory. Keep doing exam questions of your struggling, every time you correct one write down your mistakes and have the list of mistakes next to you when doing the next one, then tear it and make a new list of mistakes
Biology: If you know photosynthesis and respiration off from the back of the hand, you are good to go because there is a very high chance one or the other will be asked in some form (could even be a full 30-mark question if you are fortunate enough).
Business: Be 100% familiar with the ABQ strands (the comprehension can help you out a bit in finding the information for each question but you need to know the material that goes along with it from the heart). For Section 3: Defo know Strand 1 or 2 as that comes up as a question 1 or 2, Ratios as that can come up (caught me off guard when I did LC and made the difference between H1 and H2 for me unfortunately) and then would recommend preparing either strand 6 or 7 (or both if you wish for the final question you decide to attempt) Think if I recall you have to do one from Part A, one from Part B and then one other question from either part. Section A is an easy way to pick up marks so if you are struggling bank on Section A and B to get you going and make a decent stab at Section C and know section 1-3 inside out
This is all my experience, I will add any good advice for these subject or other subjects that are provided in the comments, all of these are for higher level except for maths, good luck,don't panic and think about the pint that's instore once this is all over
submitted by Left-Finding6540 to leavingcert2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 Flat_Mountain1976 im becoming delusional so humble me for some LACs, physics/maths OR classics major (intl)

Age: 17
Demographics: female, (south) asian, public high, sweden
Hooks: none..
Intended Major: physics, mathematics but if it doesn't work out then classics
UW/W GPA and Rank: school doesn't do gpa's or ranks, but i recieved highest grade qualification for senior years (we have 2 senior years)
Coursework: we don't do aps/honours/ibs or anything of the like, but i take 5 subjects, 2 scholarship subjects, + received online certificates in various physics and maths courses (not sure if this counts??)
Awards: none..
  1. co-created, and leader of project at school that works to create conversational/informal english learning plans for ESL/migrant students, reached about 80 migrant students in school within a month
  2. member of student leadership council, developing and overseeing all programs in school such as cultural share days, fundraisers, ramadan nights and a lot more. also worked to develop school spirit week, implementing various fun activities for students
  3. volunteer tutomentor for junior students in maths, english and science, helping 20 or more students weekly
  4. co-president of the literature society, creating first school magazine, hosting writing competitions, holding open mics and organising trips to literature festivals
  5. received bronze medal for volunteering for various things (making food for the homeless, pest control, tree planting etc.)
  6. volunteer at charity store that raises money for animal welfare, volunteering 11 hours weekly, serving up to 100 customers per day
  7. member of volunteering club at school, hosting and aiding the development of activities for children at local library (weekly), and implementing english language activities and lessons for migrant students at local elementary
  8. published blog, i write my own blog on physics (astronomy) and literature
  9. gymnastics for 4 years, performed at some small competitions
  10. piano for 4 years, nothing major but performed at family events like birthdays, anniversaries etc.
Essays/LORs/Other: i've got good essays, standing at 8-9/10 currently, i'm getting feedback from teacher at school who graduated columbia
Schools (in no specific order):
  1. vassar
  2. bowdoin
  3. bates
  4. williams
  5. bard
  6. middlebury
  7. boston college
  8. wesleyan
  9. (not liberal arts) university of vermont
thank you, sorry for the messiness
submitted by Flat_Mountain1976 to chanceme [link] [comments]
