Athletes underwear

Shadows during Sleep paralysis - [Serious]

2024.06.01 03:07 Haisekki3776 Shadows during Sleep paralysis - [Serious]

Shadows during Sleep paralysis - [Serious]
This will be an unusual topic, but I hope that it might interest people in some way. However I will focus on a personal experience and my observations. Also it will be mostly about the kind of aspects that are not brought up to people.
The topic will be about Dark Shadowy Humanoid Figures who appear during Sleep Paralysis.
This is one of the many ways they might appear
One important thing I should mention is that all of this happens during Hypnopompic and hypnagogic hallucinations.
In the very beginning the way I saw one was exactly a few centimeters above my face looking straight into my eyes. However that one was more like a skeleton with pitch dark matter on its body. It had no eyes or any specific facial characteristics. It felt like death was staring at me and I was helpless and couldn't do anything as I was completely paralyzed from the sleep paralysis. Somehow I managed to snap out of it and I rose up in my bed like how The Undertaker does when he is lying down. I was in cold sweat, terrified and hyperventilating.
Unfortunately that was not the last of it for me, because after that "encounter" I saw many more that would appear at least once every week for years and years and today is no different.
After all of this absurdity, It hit me.
There is a possibility that those are part of us and we cannot run away from them or magically cure it with pills or "therapy". It is more like a hidden mechanism of our being like a gear of many others that we still do not know anything about. Some people will "experience" that "mechanism" more than other people and others will not at all.
At some point I began to no longer fear them, because of a bizarre reason. I was and still am isolated and lonely, even when I am around other people I still feel alone. As a result I internalized and never externally expressed my emotions of loneliness and trauma. I began to experience those dark shadows in a different way. At first they were standing still at the edge of my bed, but from then on they were in my bed. Some will whisper into my ears, others will hug me, and then there were those who would insert possibly a "penis" inside my anus or if they have a "vagina" they would force themselves on me. Since I am straight, it always freaked me out when it was going into my anus or was being "emptied" on my face. If it was a "vagina" then I was okay with it, but I would worry, since it would usually make me wet my underwear.
Down the rabbit hole I go and it became even more bizarre.
Around the same time, I began to experience nights once in a month, where I would feel like my heart has a hard time pumping blood and it usually lessens the pain if I begin to exercise on the spot.
I began to see and hear things that did not look like dark shadows and still I also experienced dark shadows. Even at times I would see a dark shadow with something that is not a dark shadow.
Three Grey Aliens, Random names and symbols appearing on the walls, Numbers with currencies, Mathematical equations, Women with big eyes and white hair, Cats, Foxes, Random Eyes opening and closing in mid air or on the walls, glowing tiny light orbs, Dark elongated creatures entering into my room from portals on the walls, past experiences like they were recorded on a camera, TV Shows and Anime projected on the walls etc.
The most visually clear one that i ever saw was a single grey alien humanoid with a an athletic build who looked like a pale handsome Squidward with a dent in forehead and black eyes that reached to me with its hand and then right after I for some reason prayed to it, it disappeared into the nothingness.
This is Handsome Squidward. Now Imagine him without the clothes, with pale white skin, Strong jawline, slightly bigger alien black eyes and a forehead that goes back as if the front part of the skull is missing or he was hit really hard and it created a dent.
The most clear when it comes to auditory perception is a completely invisible human, who introduced himself as a doctor and stated directly to me, how I have an "artificial shell" as he said it is inside my brain.
I might have lost my mind and tried to create a way to control them in literal sense.
At first I focused my mind and visual perception and reverted or fast-forwarded records from TV Shows and Anime, then almost like a task it changed to numbers and symbols. However, since I am bad at mathematics and trade, I began to see complete chaos on the walls. The more I tried to control them, the more out of order they were and as a result I became light headed.
Then it changed...
This is from the anime Ajin and in my opinion it is one of the closest things to what dark shadows look like during Hypnopompic and Hypnagogic hallucinations.
I had to deal with Dark Shadows that were trying to strangle me or stab me into the ribs with sharp objects like blades or claws. At first I slowed their movements or froze them. Then I began to control their hand movements with my mind that felt more like I was using my sense of touch.
After that I began to see a dark hand emerging from inside my body. The hand felt like it was exactly mine, but not at the same time.
Then I began to use my dark hand. However there was a huge downside. The strength of it was far less compared to the ones that were attacking me. So I began to think outside of the box. I started to imagine a hole body instead of an arm and slowly made it to begin doing squads, push ups, jumping rope, punching, kicking and lifting imaginary heavy weight. Then I made it grow simple things on its body like sharp spikes or more hands. I still don't have that much control over it, as moving it feels really hard. I would be standing still in my bed, but at the same time I am controlling a body that doesn't exist. The movements feel slow and clunky, but at least it could now strangle other dark shadows.
There are times when I would not be able to activate it and instead I would experience short Nocturnal Seizures. Almost as if in my effort to control something that doesn't exist, my brain gets a short circuit.
I used to go to sleep with lights on, as I would still feel anxiety, because of the dark shadows, even though I was not exactly afraid. Then as years passed I felt less anxious and tried to sleep with lights turned off, but I would often get nocturnal seizures. As if darkness itself became a trigger like it is PTSD, but not exactly. Maybe because I would often see things on turned lights in dark objects with black surface, as if it were a portal, a mirror or a sheet for painting. Even when lights cast a shadow behind an object, I would see things exactly within the borders of that shadow. It sounds like in my effort to defend myself from darkness using darkness itself, my brain began to give up on me.
I don't know if this is important as information, but I did use to have those shadows pull invisible threads from my body and it inflicted actual pain on my body, as if someone was sewing me with no anesthesia and was then pulling the threads/strings. The only solution I saw was to use my shadow to revert back what they were pulling, but it still ended up causing lasting damage to something that is invisible on my body. Those threads are now no longer on my body. It is like I was a patched up plush and now there is nothing to keep me together. There are gaping holes and shadows can freely pass through me and stay inside of me. Even the invisible eye I had on my forehead is now partially blind and I hardly ever see shadows. Now I can mostly sense them and feel them through sense of touch as well as hear them speak and make noise.
Another piece of information would be that I also feel wiggly tails like thin snakes moving beneath my skin, as they travel from my brain to my back. For some reason at times I would feel high levels of arousal or will receive an orgasm during that specific experience.
Finally, the weirdest one would be lasers being used on me by three grey aliens or a single tall grey alien with an assistant who looks like rake walking on all fours. The lasers were directed at my brain and I could clearly feel heat forming and rising in literal sense around the back of my head inside my skull.
For quite a while I have been feeling high levels of stress and pain coming from my facial bones and skull. My face used to have slightly more volume, although nobody has ever noticed other than me.
I believe that something seriously bad happened to me and I don't know what it is at all.
This is why I come off as a hypochondriac to other people, but honestly screw them. I have become adamant on finding the truth and one solid way is to go through a CT or MRI scan of my brain and heart.
submitted by Haisekki3776 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:23 Vegetable_Oil_3504 growing up in christian schools as a woman has damaged me

i honestly don’t even know where to start. this will probably be a long one so please bare with me. from preschool all the way through high school i went to private christian schools. growing up, i was told this was a privilege—like it was this huge blessing to learn in a religious context alongside other students who shared the same values. now, i am 23. i will graduate from public university this december. i haven’t set foot in a religious space since i graduated HS, and i feel an immense sense of relief.
part of me always felt that biblical teachings regarding women were… construed i guess. i always felt more controlled, suppressed than my male peers. i hated the lesson that “women should submit to their husbands, husbands should love their wives like Jesus loves the church”. i never understood why the list of things i couldn’t do was miles longer than it was for the males. all that to say, i noticed pretty early on that christianity seeks to control and stifle women. that women should make themselves small to accommodate men. that men are supposed to lead, and women should blindly follow. the straw that broke the camel’s back though, was when i woke up one morning to my prior pastor’s mugshot on the local news. he had been arrested for voyeurism of underage girls. a hidden camera installed in the vent of his guest bathroom. this was a man who i trusted, who my entire family trusted. i was best friends with his daughter & stayed at their family’s house often growing up. i was super gutted & never went back to church after that, but i still had 2 years left of christian school. when i was a senior, me & my friend were called into an administrator’s office after an assembly. i’ll call her mrs. F. we were both wearing skirts that day, dresscode-abiding ofc. knee length khaki skirts, athletic shorts underneath (iykyk). mrs. F starts in on my friend, telling her she shouldn’t sit with her legs apart while wearing a skirt. that it’s inappropriate and unladylike. yeah yeah, we’ve all heard that before, but i couldn’t control the look on my face when she told my friend, “your underwear were on full display”. going on and on about how the men could see everything. just trying to completely shame and embarrass her. i will never EVER forget her saying to us “if it’s there, men can’t help themselves. they’re going to look”. this was a woman who had a lot of power in our school at the time, which went from kindergarten-12th grade. it hurts my heart thinking about young girls hearing things like that. that if a man were to assault them, it would be their fault for “showing too much”. i cannot imagine the guilt and shame. this can’t be the message of unconditional love, acceptance, and mercy that’s supposed to be at the heart of christianity.
even though i’m far away from that place, from christianity in general, i still feel the effects of it. i see my peers getting married fresh out of high school—getting homes, having kids. i have watched the girls i graduated with throw away their goals and careers to follow their husbands. in a strange way, part of me feels like i should too. i question if i’m doing the right thing with my life, that maybe there’s something wrong with me. and i think it all comes back to the role of the christian woman, which is to 1. devote everything to a man, and 2. have his babies. i mean, “be fruitful and multiply” right? i know that isn’t true for everyone though. it has taken a lot of willpower & soul-searching to undo all of the brainwashing lol. i am proud to say that i’ll be graduating soon with a bachelor’s in biology. i plan on pursuing my DVM & becoming a veterinarian. at the end of the day, i don’t have room for a husband, or kids right now. and that is OKAY! ig what i’m trying to say is—there are some serious, serious issues within christianity & its teachings about women. i hate how these things are always glossed over or just accepted as “how it is”. these ideas can seriously harm young girls. they hold them back from their dreams by lowering their self worth. these can be permanent consequences.
have others’ experienced similar things? i hate to generalize my experience to the entirety of christianity. i have met some who aren’t like this, but they’ve been few & far between. also if you actually read all of this, thank you for your time! you’ve helped me feel seen and heard.
submitted by Vegetable_Oil_3504 to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:33 Aginagala WWF Unforgiven 1998 Review

Welcome back to my running series of WWF PPV Reviews from a ‘blind’ perspective (I have no idea what’s going to happen; the results, the feuds or how good any of the matches will be). I have always heard stories of the attitude era and golden age but never watched it myself so I set myself to watching every single PPV event chronologically. I am also watching Wrestling Bios ‘reliving the war’ series to keep me updated inbetween the events with the feuds, and to get excited about upcoming matches.
Before I review the matches, based on the past few episodes of raw and last PPVs I’ll let you know, going into the event, which match I’m most excited for and which feud I’m most excited to see.
The match I’m actually most excited to see is Triple H vs Owen hart. They put on a fantastic show at Wrestlemania and I think they’re only going to improve if the feud continues.
The feud is of course undertaker vs Kane. It’s just a legendary feud and whilst I have seen this match it was many many years ago so I have no idea of the drama surrounding it. Very much looking forward to seeing where the story is going as, aside from Vince and Austin this is the best feud going.
WWF Unforgiven 1998 Match Ratings
NOD vs Shamrock, Farooq & Steve mofuggin Blackman 2.25/5
Triple H vs Owen Hart 3/5
New Midnight Express vs Rock n Roll Express 0.75/5
Luna vs Sable Evening Gown Match 1.5/5
New Age Outlaws vs LOD 2000 2/5
Kane vs Undertaker Inferno Match 3.5/5
Dude Love vs Stone Cold Steve Austin 4.25/5
NOD make their way to the ring and every PPV the Rocky sucks chants seem to be getting louder and louder it’s so good to watch the rocks evolution. This is already a lost cause however for the rock with Steve mofuggin Blackman on the other team.
Blackman a d-lo start off decently well with Blackmans martial arts getting some good pops and gasps from the crowd. Farooq starts whipping D-lo brown with his belt and the ref doesn’t seem to care 😂 he’s just completely blind to it. All the action in the ring is completely drowned out continuously throughout the match as the crowd chants “Rocky sucks”. Honestly he’s the biggest heel of the company already the public have really responded well to his new character turn. The crowd loved seeing Farooq get the pin fall over the rock and to be fair to him, even with all the losses he’s had recently he’s still doing really well in the business because of his exciting, flashy and fast paced wrestling style and over the top ‘asshole’ character.
I thought this was a pretty good opener! You don’t see it very often, but I think most the wrestlers performed decently at least, with the rock being a standout as per usual. We didn’t see too much of shamrock this match which is surprising. The crowd wasnt too into it that much, but they still gave a few pops and they just wanted to chant Rocky sucks over anything. Not really any highlights or notable spots apart from a shakey looking dominator from Farooq.
Steve Austin cuts a promo next, in which he brings the timekeeper into the ring and tells him he’s gunna drag his carcass around the stadium if he doesn’t call it down the middle. Brilliant. He says dude love can beat him but if the timekeeper isn’t neutral then he’s gunna get his ass beat so bad he’ll never work again, and that’s the bottom line, cuz stone cold said so. You just gotta love it.
I thought triple H and Owen Hart had the best mid card match of Wrestlemania 14 so I’m really looking forward to this next one I think triple H is improving really quickly. But man oh man I really hope they drop this epilepsy intro they do soon. It’s good in the future with just the start having this kind of graphic but while the whole intro plays… MY EYES!! Also it’s worth noting even with triple H being the heel of this match Owen hart actually gets more of a negative reception as he makes his entrance. People just really enjoyed this DX faction and you can’t blame them they’re a breathe of fresh air and really mix things up in the WWF.
Chyna is told to get in a cage and literally be locked up at the start of the match to make sure she doesn’t interfere in the match and it’s so funny the lengths they have to go to to stop her getting involved, love it. As she’s locked in the cage and it’s padlocked Owen hart attacks triple H from behind up the ramp way before the match even starts.
As they make their way to the ring and the bell finally rings, Owen sends Hunter straight back to the outside and Chyna ‘ascends to the heavens’ as JR says. She actually goes pretty high up and it actually looks scary up there! I wouldn’t have trusted that cage, not with 90s health and safety anyway 😂.
Triple H tells Owen to suck it after a very clean signature flying knee which is looking so much better than it did even just a few months ago. Owen takes a HARD Bret hart corner bump as Chyna gets… a nail file out? I’m not sure how long she thinks this match will be going on for but she ain’t gunna file down metal bars by the time it’s over 💀. Triple H seems to be using a lot of rest holds this time around which really slows the match down at points but as soon as they get back to the wrestling they both look really fantastic, definitely top 5 performers in the business wrestling wise right now.
After a few more rest holds and random spouts of energy in the ring Chyna seems to have literally bended the bars open with her bare fists… WHAT!! Owen goes on the offensive which is way more entertaining than Hunter this match, sorry HHH 🤷‍♂️. Chyna is now on the outside of the cage and she’s hanging off of it, what on earth!! She’s so high up she’s got some balls I’ll tell you. The cage begins to lower as she manages to make her way to the ring after dropping down and sgt slaughter with two referees have to hold her back. The distraction allows Hunter to get a pedigree, but no it’s countered into a corner launch, and Owen hits a pedigree of his own but Chyna is distracting the ref! As Owen has the pin on X-pac breaks the cover and hits Owen with a fire extinguisher allowing triple H to get the win. The DX torment continues in the wwf!
I thought this match was not as good as their Wrestlemania performance however there were some good moments and I thought the ending was really good. Owen looked very clean tonight with all his bumps and moves looking really good. Triple H honestly looked a little tired tonight I’m not sure if he was still looking after HBK behind the scenes or not. A good match but not as good as their previous one. The Chyna cage gimmick made sense and it added some drama to the match which was fun, and needed in the first half before the match really took off in the second half. I don’t think the wwf realised at this point though that DX was treated like a baby face as they are clearly more popular with the crowd than Owen at this point.
Next we get introduced to some tag groups I could swear we’ve never seen before as cornette continues trying to bring back traditional wrestling to the wwf and I think it’s very out of place. If he had some good wrestlers on his side and he feuded his team against DX or someone else quite physical like funk and foley it would’ve been more interesting. I just have no feelings towards this upcoming match. Cornette is really trying to bring something to this match as he gets in the ring and challenges the ref to fight him, but even that doesn’t really do much. All I can say is at least the match was short, the wwf at least had the sense to realise the fans weren’t interested.
We now have… the evening gown match coming up. For me it’s Friday night I’ve got a couple of beers the other half isn’t here and I am settled in for something which I’m sure will be, to say the least, interesting. In all seriousness anything where I can see Luna getting a beat down I will be happy, her character is horrendous. And when they cut a promo oh god… I JUST HATE HER!! Now I’m not saying she’s a bad character or anything she’s just very hate-able. This matchup is so 90s 😂.
We see a fan in the audience holding a “SABLE FREE TONGUE BATH” with an arrow pointed at him as sable makes her way to the ring… Jesus 💀.
I mean there’s wasn’t going to be much wrestling was there but oh my god Lawler was SO funny on commentary during this match. It was definitely fun seeing Luna get beat tf up. Mero came down to the ring and distracted sable in order for Luna to win and my GOODNESS GRACIOUSNESS sable was quite the athlete! She had some great personalities that’s for sure. Sable and Luna go under the ring but sable returns with Lunas underwear! Meaning Luna is left naked under the ring. Sable continues to strut around the ring and there’s VERY nearly another wardrobe malfunction from last week. This was so 90s and from its time. I’m sure most of you dirty btards rewound that on your VHS many many times, THERES NO HIDING IT! The crowd did love it though, the pop for the ending was immense. Dirty dirty b*ards. I don’t really know how to rate the match in all honesty 😂.
Well that was something wasn’t it, all I can say is I’m most certainly awake and very ready for the next match.
Vince McMahon then speaks about him being native to Carolina to which he gets booed, and Austin is chanted throughout the building, brilliant. He continues to talk about how he’s not going to interfere with the main event and when talking about if stone cold loses he says “only if stone cold screws stone cold”, which I’m sure you realise is reminiscent of the Bret hart situation. Ohhh no no. He’s becoming the evil boss character slowly but surely.
We’ve got NOA and LOD 2000 next and LOD is STILL popular with the crowd even with all their losses and lackluster wrestling matches they’d had recently. They are legends in the ring though so respect to them. Sunny is still their manager which feels random and I’m not entirely sure why they did this.
I didn’t mind the tag match although wayyyy too much time was spent just focussing on damage to the animals’ knee, but it was good to see not that many submissions and rest holds. The pace of the matches is definitely picking up. Please be gone the days of chinlocks in the middle of the ring in a 6 man tag team match. The finish was controversial and got the crowd frustrated as they didn’t get what they wanted, and to be fair to them LOD 2000 put on a good show with the pop for hawk as he’s finally tagged in being noteworthy. It was decent but just a bit boring at times. Having a finish like that is fine to do every now and then though; a controversial finish from a referee decision can be good as long as it’s spaced out and not overused (looking at you WCW).
I feel like if this match and the opener was swapped around it would’ve had me enjoy it more as for a mid card moving into the semi main event it was too slow. Not really too much to say let’s move onto the penultimate match.
But wait… never mind there’s a sing along announced Tennessee Lee with Double J… to a round of grunts and boos from me and the crowd. And not only that it’s country music. Now there are some exceptions to good country music, Johnny cash is the prime example, and to be fair it wasn’t too bad, and a chill transition into the main and semi main event. BUT THEN OUT OF NOWHERE STEVE MOFUGGIN BLACKMAN APPEARS JUST ASSAULTING DOUBLE J LMFAO!! And then Tennessee Lee hits Blackman with a guitar loooool, for a second I forgot I was watching WWF. And then I thought about it and realised they probably did this so they could get the inferno match ready and setup around the ringside.
This is the first inferno match ever and from what I remember it was really good, but I was literally like 8 years old the last time I saw it so who knows. You can’t go too wrong with undertaker vs Kane in an inferno match though.
Starting off the match it does look very impressive and I’m sure at the time with nothing like this having ever happened before it was very exciting, especially with the two wrestlers being Kane and undertaker it makes perfect sense as a stipulation for their story. When any big moves are performed the fire goes a few feet higher in the air which looks really good. I can’t imagine it was too much fun for those in the front row though it must’ve been sweltering!
They seem to not really use the flames going a few feet into the air that much until halfway when someone just starts going crazy and every hit they do just causes the fire to go crazy. The punches the kicks, anything just caused the fire to go flying high above the ring ropes. This inferno does make a very aesthetically pleasing match to watch. JR and Lawler are really selling how hot the arena is during this match, makes it much more engaging, they’re doing a great job as usual. The match is a little slow with both men I suppose being a little nervous to fully perform with all the fire around them and who can blame them. The crowd pops as undertaker makes his comeback after a long assault from the undertaker and we get a really cool visual with undertaker and Kane both grabbing each others necks and the fire soaring above the ropes again.
Kane chokeslams undertaker but undertaker sits up, undertaker does a perfectly executed choke slam to Kane but Kane sits right back up as well only for a giant double boot to the face from both wrestlers. Kane is looking like the more intimidating opponent early on but as undertaker makes his comeback it evens out. Undertaker hits a top rope suplex on Kane only for Kane to get up before undertaker! Kane was so overpowered in the 90s. Kane gets tossed over the top rope and starts walking back to the lockeroom only for Vader to come out and attack him pushing him back towards the ring and Undertaker goes airborne over the fire and top ropes, and this looked really really cool, the crowd absolutely loses their minds as undertaker steals a steel chair off Paul bearer and assaults Kane with it.
While the match had a kinda slow beginning the second half really picked up and we got some very cool visuals and moves pulled off, undertaker was on his game tonight. Undertaker hits Paul bearer with a drum which looked really funny causing him to be busted open and he’s finally got a bit of revenge after Paul has been tormenting him for ages. Kane is then sent into the fire for his arm to be set alight and undertaker wins. I understand they couldn’t have Kane literally catch on fire on his whole body but the arm on fire was a little underwhelming and the crowd doesn’t pop as much as you’d expect. Undertaker does his iconic celebration and it looks f***ing awesome with the fire surrounding him and the illuminating glow of the flames on his face with the ethereal purple light in the ring. Awesome finish. It wasn’t an amazing match but it was a very cool gimmick that worked perfectly for the feud Kane and undertaker were having. Considering all you have to work with are just the pure moves of each wrestlers; no pinfalls or submissions, they did really well it’s an impressive match they pulled off for 1998. They delivered what they promised and it was pure attitude era entertainment.
I really want to see Vince involved somehow during this match. The hype is mostly around Vince’s attitude towards Austin being the champion and the feud building towards them. Dude love is just there to provide a wrestling match for Austin as Vince himself couldn’t really provide a proper match, especially not for a main event, BUT he should be involved in this in some way. Its so f***ing good hearing the gigantic pop for stone cold in full effect now every time he makes his way to the ring, the awesome visual of every single person in the stadium standing on their feet in ovation for the rattlesnake is just iconic. He really is at the top of the business now. I also think foley is a great match for him right now as I’m assuming he’s still recovering his neck and foley is fantastic to have a brawl style match against.
They start off fast paced and foley is demolished in the ring so he runs to the back but Austin sprints after him, almost taking his head off his neck with a massive clothesline. Austin tosses mick off the stage where the musicians were performing and he takes a REALLY tough looking bump on the concrete, my god that looked like it hurt. The crowd are really into this match, everything Austin hits gets a huge pop from the arena.
The two are having a great match and eventually foley gets control and puts Austin in a rest hold but McMahon makes his way to the ring and sits down ringside to watch the match. There’s a shot of him looking at the timekeeper, and you can’t help but really get into the drama of the match now and wonder what’s gunna happen. Austin assaults foley on the outside against the ring post whilst shit talking and looking over at McMahon. Foley eventually counters a power bomb to send Austin over his head onto the concrete and Vince smiles. This is really good stuff from the wwf.
Vince comes over and stars talking shit to Austin as he’s recovering on the outside of the ring but Austin gets up and the crowd loses it as Austin chases Vince up the ramp, only for foley to hit Austin from behind and bring him back to the ring. As Austin and foley exchange submission counters Vince is telling the timekeeper to ring the bell and not to ring the bell but the timekeeper missed it. God I can’t wait to see more of this feud it’s so f***ing good.
Austin counters a suplex to send foley back first into the corner of the steel steps and OHHH my god I bet that hurt. Austin goes mental with right hands and left hands on the outside as foley literally falls over the barricade trying to escape, and JR is killing it on the commentary there’s no one like him. Austin counters a sweet chin music, flips foley off and sends him into the referee. After more back and forth for a while with McMahon trying to interfere and help foley as much as possible eventually stone cold hits McMahon with a massive chair shot to a huge pop to the crowd, stunner to foley, he counts himself as the ref is still down, he’s still champion, everyone is down and it’s like a car wreck and what a main event, that was brilliant. Its then announced stone cold has lost due to a DQ after hitting a wwf official, but I believe he still retains the title.
I just love love love what they decided to do with Austin and McMahon, and I’m guessing this angle was taken because Austin couldn’t perform like he used to due to his neck but it worked out better than any feud could of, everything about it is so entertaining you can’t help but get hyped.
Overall the event was decent. It’s really building on the attitude era style matches and feuds are really getting going but they’re still suffering from a lack of roster star power. Their main events are fantastic but their mid card most of the time just doesn’t have those wrestlers that can really perform and keep the mid card entertaining. Whilst Owen hart and triple H had a good match, and singles aren’t too bad tag teams are STILL bad in the wwf. I’m hoping edge & Christian, the hardy boys and Dudley boyz come into the wwf soon and they’ll have a fantastic all around roster. Good opener, okay mid card, great main events. Definite improvement and I hope they continue to experiment with different matches and drama between people going forward.
Overall rating 3.25/5
submitted by Aginagala to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:44 Infinite-Fisherman53 Linerless Workout Shorts Underwear

For those that get workout shorts without the boxer brief or brief or compression liner, what do you wear under your shorts to workout?
I struggle to find workout shorts that have a decent liner that actually fits, gives good support and doesn't ride up.
The only shorts I have ever found were the Lululemon Surge Special Edition shorts with liner- but apparently Lululemon doesn't make them anymore.
Do you have a preferred underwear or athletic liner you wear? What brand and style?
submitted by Infinite-Fisherman53 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:26 fluoxetine_eunuch M25 Chronic Urethral Irritation for 3 years

M25, 130 LBs.
For more than 3 years now, I've been having constant irritation in my urethra. I recall trying this energy drink called gorilla mind, and at the same time started to develop a tingling sensation in my urethra. I thought it was due to the energy drink so I stopped drinking it, but the tingling sensation worsened to a mild burning and now it will not go away. It could have also been because of taking a bath at a random hotel. I occasionally have flares of the ringworm like skin pattern, concentric with my urethra, that you see in the image above, but the pain is consistent and does not coincide with those flare ups.
I have spoken to a urologist before, and they first prescribed clotrimazole with a steroid to reduce inflammation. I applied that religiously before bed and in the morning daily for a month. A week after I stopped, the irritation was back again.
Then the urologist prescribed a ketoconazole ointment without a steroid, stating that the steroid may be feeding the fungus. I applied this for a month in the same fashion as I did the clotrimazole. After about a week it seemed to cause a very intense bubbly rash in my glans. The urologist stated that its normal for that to happen when ketoconazole is killing all of the fungal cells and they are flowing out. The bubbly rash also went away after that week and I still continued its application until the end of the month as prescribed. Again a week after I stopped, the irritation was back.
I'm thinking this might be rooted in something more upstream to my penis. Perhaps my kidney or prostate. My semen has been yellower than normal ever since I started experiencing this pain.
I'm very athletic. I ran track in high school and kept up with fitness thoughout college and my professional career. I run and lift weights weekly. I eat a very balanced diet with healthy greens, complex carbs, protein, fiber, etc. I stay away from my known allergens. I'm also very hydrated and always correctly replenish my electrolytes after an exercise. I don't drink alcohol.
I drink a little bit of coffee daily, though I have tried cutting out coffee completely for a month, to no avail.
My hygiene is also very good. I never wear unwashed underwear, shower every day, clean underneath my foreskin.
This has been destroying my life. I have significantly lower testosterone and sex drive due to the constant irritation and the anxiety caused by it. I've never had sex, partly because of this condition. I've always felt like my partner will think I have some STD, and so I have never committed to a relationship. I feel like I'm going to die alone at this point.
submitted by fluoxetine_eunuch to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:56 smolbibeans Trip report : One month through 10 US National Parks in April-May

Trip report : One month through 10 US National Parks in April-May
I'm back from a roadtrip from San Francisco to Hamilton, ON, through Nevada, Utah, Northern Arizona, Western Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and more, with some camping but mostly motel/hostels/staying with family and friends. I came to this subreddit before for advice so I thought I'd do a little trip report on what I packed/what I bought vs what I actually used or needed.
Overall, I think I did a good job packing, it all fit into one carry on (+ personal item okay), and I was pretty ready for everything we encountered while not feeling like I overpacked. At the coldest, it was 26°F (-3°C) at night in Great Basin, NV and Bryce Canyon, UT, and at the warmest it was 77°F (25°C) in the day in Zion. We had pretty moderate temperatures for most of our trip, from Moab to Yellowstone we had a very mild version of each place's weather and that was great.
1- Quechua Forclaz 50L : this has been my trusted backpack for over 7 years, I considered upgrading to an Osprey before this trip but couldn't justify it financially when it was still working, and I don't regret it. Having a backpack I know so well was great
2- Quechua Arpenaz 20L : potentially slightly cheating drop the one bag rule, I had this as a personal item on the plane (to bring gifts from France to the US and other gifts back from the US to France) and to serve as a day pack on hikes. It worked great, I could fit in a water bottle on each side, my tripod, a sweater, lunch, snack, camera accessories, my hat if it got cumbersome, just perfect.
3- a mesh tote bag (not pictured here) that folds very small and could be stuffed in a pocket. Like I predicted, it was super convenient for grocery trips, times where I didn't want to have a whole backpack with me, or to create a compartment of sort within my day pack.
Clothes :
  • 8 tops : 2 thermal long sleeve shirts, 4 tee shirts, 1 nicer long sleeve blouse, 1 tank top => I used both of the 2 thermal shirts a lot, I assigned one of them to be for cold nights of camping and the other one for hiking. It was the right amount of tee shirts and tank top ; I will say the nicer blouse (called a sassy top by a commenter lol) was not necessary, but I did wear it twice, for a dinner out at a restaurant and a hostel party, and I was glad I had it.
-1 summer dress (could be worn on top of the thermal long sleeve and leggings if it was colder or on its own if it was warmer) => this one I was also recommended to drop, but given how warm it was getting and the fact that I wanted to have nice options I still took it. I ended up wearing it a couple of times for outings, but also every time I went swimming, as a pre-/post swim outfit to just throw on top of a swimsuit, so it was convenient to have
-7 bottoms : 1 pair of cycling shorts, 1 skirt, 2 pair of black leggings, 1 pair of light wide legged pants, 1 pair of joggings, 1 pair of after ski pants => people had conflicting advice on the wide legged pants, I'm glad I took them because they were flowy and great for layering with leggings on days where there was a big temperature difference between the morning and the afternoon and comfy for long drives. People pointed out it seemed like there was a legging or pair of jogging missing (originally only 1 legging), so I went to Walmart and REI when I got to the US and I ended up buying the legging as welle as the jogging and the skort. The legging was a great buy, with 2 pairs I could again use one at night for camping and one for hiking ; the jogging would have been great if it didn't end up being too big and uncomfortable, I only wore it on laundry days ; and I only used the skort once, but tbh I bought it knowing it would be mostly used once I would be home, it was just good quality at REI and great price.
  • 1 pyjama set + 1 pair of warm bed socks=> I actually bought the pyjama set once in the US, and used 2 pairs of socks when camping.
  • 9 underwear, 7 pair of socks (mix of ski socks and sport socks), 2 regular bras and 2 sports bra => I ended up buying an extra sports bra at Walmart, it was a good price and I ended up using it so much more than I thought I would. Looking back, I would take 3 sports bra and only 1 regular bra, and an extra 1 or two pairs of socks. It was fine as it was but my socks got dirty so much quicker than I was expecting and I really needed to change them once a day, and with the extra requirement of an extra pair of sock to sleep at night it was a bit tight.
-1 swimsuit => wasn't sure I used it but I was very happy to have it in the end ! I used it to swim in Lake Powell as well as relax in the pools of two different hotels we stayed in after long days of driving.
  • 3 sweaters : 1 thinner sweater and 2 fleece jackets, they could be layered on top of one another => was originally planning on taking only one fleece but the good people of this sub convinced me otherwis, and I was very glad I listened. I was wearing a fleece at least at some point almost every day, even for a couple of hours, and I felt a lot less dirty being able to switch fleece.
  • *1 puffer jacket *=> I was originally thinking about taking a leather jacket, because I owned one and I didn't want to spend the money buying a puffer... You guys gave me a talking to haha, and you were right !! I also got great recommendations and ended up getting a puffer from Decathlon, it is so comfy and practical, folds into a pocket, not the warmest thing I've ever seen but worked very well layered with a fleece, also not very waterproof though.
-*1 rain coat *=> I mentioned a rain "cap" in my previous post, thinking about a cape or poncho, and that mistake caused some confusion haha. I ended up finding a raincoat in my closet that I took, I didn't end up using it but still glad I had it just in case.
Shoes :
-1 pair of hiking boots => they're somewhat falling apart inside but still sturdy and good. I did realize in this trip that they were a bit big, especially because I could never lace them as tight as I wanted around the ankle
  • 1 pair of sneakers=> I got myself some good tennis shoes/athletic shoes/whatever you want to call them and they were super comfy and efficient.
  • I had considered taking a pair of flip flops or sandals, didn't have space for them and forgot to buy any. I think it would have been good while showering in common showers a couple of times, and convenient after a swim, but I dealt fine without them.
Accessories :
-A travel pillow=> self explanatory, was great to use on the plane and for camping, actually forgot it on one of my flights back
  • A pillowcase=> great for stuffing with my travel pillow and a fleece jacket while camping
  • Microfiber towel => I used this surprisingly rarely (only 3 times the whole trip I believe);as all the hostel, hotel and friends we stayed at provided us with towels, and we didn't shower at campings that often...
  • 1 earwarmer=> especially useful when camping in the evening and at night, also used as an eye mask to sleep in the morning despite the sun
  • 1 scarf
-1 pair of finger less gloves=> people told me to get actual gloves, I didn't and I didn't miss it because it didn't get that cold and it didn't snow except lightly one morning in Colorado. But my hands do stay very warm naturally, and my partner was happy to have her own gloves.
  • Sunhat
  • A pair of sunglasses + My regular reading glasses
  • A small light water bottle (0.25L or 9 Oz) => this was objectively very small, but I decided against my Hydroflask because of its weight. This was good for short walks and just at night, I got bigger bottles on the trip and we used them to store water in the car as well as take on longer hikes
  • A big travel mug => I didn't bring it with me from France but got one from my in laws while in the US, great when camping
  • *Jewelry *: 3 pair of earrings, 2 necklaces => completely overkill, on the rare occasions I dressed up or wanted to wear jewelry I only ever wore the same one pair of earrings.
Toiletries :
  • Comb
  • Beauty stuff : mini eyeshadow palette, liquid eyeshadow, small concealer, BB cream, compact powder, mascara, two liquid lipsticks => I actually ended up using all of this at some point except one of the lipsticks. The liquid eyeshadow was a purchase right before this trip and it was awesome
  • Skincare: niacinamid face sunscreen, niacinamide serum, hyaluronic acid face cream => that was plenty enough, my skin loves niacinamide
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner => all purchased while we were there to use for both of us
  • Medication : some doses of diarrhea medication, some paracetamol, migraine medication, allergy pills, acid reflux pills => I did injure my tailbone like a week in and didnt have anything for that, but bought a huge bottle of Naproxen at Costco for $8 so it was fine.
Electronics :
  • Redmi Note 12 5G with 256 Go memory
  • Portable battery => it was enough to charge my phone 2-3 times, I didn't actually ever need to fully use it because the most we camped in a row was 4 nights and we weren't cross country backpacking. I do want to invest in a solar powered one eventually
  • Universal adaptor
  • Camera : Canon EOS M50 with a 15-45mm lens => I've had it since it came out in 2018 and it's so compact and easy to use ! I got it professionally cleaned before I left and that was a good idea
  • Camera accessories: Boya universal cardioid microphone with furry windshield, old Slick tripod a family friend gifted me, 3 extra camera batteries, 1 regular charger, 1 usb compatible charger that I can plug on my portable battery, 2x16Go memory card and one 512 Go memory card => everything worked great, my 512 Go memory card lasted me the whole month without having to empty it despite vlogging as well
  • No computer => I had posted here that I was going back and forth on taking my laptop, and a few Reddit users correctly pointed out that I was considering taking it out of fear rather than any real necessities. I had my phone with YouTube and netflix and social media, one book, and that was enough entertainment honestly. I did take a small memory harddrive with some movies on it to maybe watch on my partner's computers, did not end up using it so...
And that's it !
Organisation wise, I put :
  • all of my light clothes for warm weather in one packing cube,
  • all of my clothes for colder weather in another packing cube,
  • my underwear and socks between a smaller pouch and my sneakers when flying,
  • my towel and swimsuit in a very thin and foldable dry bag,
  • my pajama for the next night (depending on the weather) in the pillow case
  • my toiletries, jewelry, make up, skincare and medication in a little toiletry bag (with the liquids in the transparent bag within it).
  • my electronics in a little pouch => I wanted to get a specific electronic pouch that would be more sturdy and also prevent cables from getting tangled but I thought about it too late to purchase it and this random one I had worked fine
Once in the US, we bought or got from my in-laws the actual camping gear, since it was for the roadtrip and I didn't have to fly with it I'm not including it here.
Happy to answer any questions, I'm very thankful to this community and all the travel ones on Reddit :)
submitted by smolbibeans to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:07 Siegric17 A little ALS Humor hopefully

When I was first diagnosed my son said, at least you have a disease named after a famous athlete.
At the first appointment the doctor asked if I was wearing underwear or needed a gown
The nurse conducting the 48 point evaluation asked if I could walk. When I said No, she asked how I did on stairs. Really?
I had 14 vials of blood drawn for tests.I asked if there was a vampire there. The tech responded yes. I hoped she was joking.
submitted by Siegric17 to ALS [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:54 Supermansfan02 Devons age

So, they're is something Ik is a debated topic in this fandom. How old actually IS Devon? We hear him say in 'A Very Special 9/11 episode, where he mentions he is "secretly old as hell", when talking to Missy, and he also has mentioned he has arthritis in earlier seasons. Devin also mentions she has to "literally dress Devon", which I know that older patients in hospitals and nursing homes, depending on how old they are, need help dressing in season 1, when Nick is on a date with her. And, another scene in where it is shown he clips his socks to his underwear, as Duke Ellington mentioned in season 3, episode 7, 'Duke', when talking about his life. Then, in season 5, when they have a guys night, he and Nick fight, in which Nick says something like, "You’re an old man.", and then he says something like, "An old man who's about to whoop your ass." And its revealed he wears suspenders and an undershirt. What kind of kid wears that? Altho, he seems to be an avid basket ball player, and athlete. So, makes me theorize he's in his, say 50's or early 60's? Ik its possible to have arthritis when younger, but still.
submitted by Supermansfan02 to BigMouth [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:55 NBA2024 Aer TP3 and Day Sling 3 (10 day multi-city Europe)

Aer TP3 and Day Sling 3 (10 day multi-city Europe)
  • 6 shirts (T, athletic, and polo)
  • 3 shorts (normal and athletic)
  • 2 pants (formal/ish)
  • 1 swim trunk
  • 5 socks
  • 4 underwear
  • 2 shoes (ASICS and loafers)
  • 1 sweatshirt (worn, not shown)
Non Clothing, left to right
  • Aer packing cubes (1 big 1 small)
  • Inflatable travel sleep pillow in bag
  • AirPods
  • Bose QC Ultra
  • Eye mask
  • 750ml silicone water bottle
  • Aer Travel Kit 2 toiletries kit
  • Ziplock of small toothbrush, paste, and chapstick for quick access in sling
  • Sanitizing wipes and advil packets
  • Tide detergent packs and pen
  • 2 pens
  • Anker 10k mah charger
  • Universal outlet
  • 2x zipper locks
  • Door lock
  • Security cable
  • Nitcore ultralite headlight
  • Chums surf short wallet
  • First aid
  • See through waterproof waistband with goggles
  • Sink stopper
  • Sawyer mini
  • various cables not shown
Would have ditched the laundry materials in hindsight as the places I stayed had easy access to laundry. Also brought one too many shirts. Too cold to swim so bag/goggles and trunks not needed. For ten days and a lot of moving around it was a pain to pack and unpack a backpack. Things were always wrinkled at the next destination. Hopefully next time I can stay put at one lodging for longer. I had 4 separate accommodations this trip which was difficult for keeping clothes nice and pressed/tidy.
submitted by NBA2024 to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:56 uh1uh1uh Where to remove items

Hello! In a few weeks I'm heading on a 18 day trip via Eurail around Europe(Munich, Interlaken, and a couple places in Italy). I've been lurking around a bunch of different forums to plan this trip, specifically this one for my packing list!
I'm taking a bag that is 35L but has a roll-up top that adds an additional 10L. Here is what I'm planning to pack! Would love some advice on what seems unnecessary or anything I'm missing. Thanks!
-5 short sleeve shirts
-2 long sleeve(one normal one button up?)
-2 pants(one jean one not?)
-2 shorts(one fs athletic for swimming)
-7 underwear
-4 to 5 pairs of socks
-shower shoes
-sneakers or 2 shoes?
-1 set of pjs?
-fanny pack?/other daypack?
-long power cord
-portable charger
-power adapter
-toothbrush + paste
-face wash
-microfiber travel towel
-Tide pen
-laundry detergent sheets
-passport, and photocopy
-printout of every train ticket and all plans
-small books
-lock for hostels
-water bottle?
-plastic/tote bag for dirty clothes
Written out it feels a little long, but I'm not sure!
submitted by uh1uh1uh to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:36 zorber101 15 barely useful adventuring gear items!

Created these for a oneshot, for a detective Kenku PC. They range from practical to goofy, but they have charm!
  1. Boots of Avian Anatomy - top of the line pair of shoes meant for running and climbing, designed to fit the feet of Avian Humanoids.
  2. Pants of rash prevention - pants crafted of breathable fabric. They help prevent crotch rashes.
  3. Underwear of superior protection - Underwear with built-in testicle shielding.
  4. Belt of self-fastening - Enchanted with a minor spell, this belt fastens when the magic word "secure" is said by the wearer. When the magic word "release" is said by the wearer, it releases. A DC 4 athletics check can fasten and unfasten it as well.
  5. Undershirt of weather conformity - An undershirt designed to reduce sweat in warm weather and keep warm in cool weather. Its actual effects are entirely subjective.
  6. Trenchcoat of useful tools - An oversized trenchcoat, holding several compartments, each housing different tools. Currently, it includes a healing kit, a vial of ink, a sack of caltrops, a sack of ballbearings, a satchel of pepper powder, a flask of oil, telescoping 10ft pole, a notebook and pen. The trenchcoat has a built-in skeleton woven in the fabric, to make it sturdier and help the wearer carry they weight of the various equipment it houses.
  7. Deploying shield - A regular buckler shield, that normally sits on a rail attached to the wrist of a wearer. It is connected to a ring worn on the corresponding hand with a fishing line. When pulled (using a free action), it deploys and is pulled over the hand of the wearer, where it can then be wielded. Restringing the contraption takes an action.
  8. Deploying hand crossbow - A regular hand crossbow, that normally sits on a rail attached to the wrist of a wearer. It is connected to a ring worn on the corresponding hand with a fishing line. When pulled (using a free action), it deploys and is pulled over the hand of the wearer, where it can then be wielded. Restringing the contraption takes an action.
  9. Spyglass monocle - A lense that sits on one eye. It is connected to a brow piercing. By maneuvering the brow, the wearer can engage or disengage the spyglass from view.
  10. Hood of lesser Dread- Designed after the renowned Helm of Dream, this hood features a hole for the eyes, filled with a red-tinted glass. It is significantly less impressive than a Helm of Dread, and often archieves the opposite effect
  11. Bladed Boot - A regular boot that houses a spring blade. Using a bonus action, the wearer can activate the mechanism and deploy the blade, which can then be used as a finesse improvised weapon. While the blade is deployed, any terrain is considered difficult terrain for the wearer, and difficult terrain is impassable. Additionally, while the blade is deployed, the wearer gains advantage on athletic checks used to scale walls. Stowing the blade back costs an action.
  12. Cape of Unreliable Gliding - A flawed design, this cape can serve as a glider when used at very high altitude. It only deploys after a free fall of 100 ft or more. It has no effect otherwise.
  13. Backpack of Space Utilization- An adventuring backpack with extremely clever compartmentalization. It has pockets sown for specific items, so that stowing and retrieving them is convenient. It sits on rails that act as a gimbal, which reduces strain on the back when running, climbing, etc.
  14. Handheld mirror - A small mirror, with a convenient strap on the back which can be held or used to attach to other items, such as a 10 ft pole.
  15. Cape of pillowing - This cape has inflatable air pockets woven inside it. Using a bonus action, the wearer can inflate the air pockets inside, turning the cape into a makeshift futon mattress.
submitted by zorber101 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 14:26 No_Run_5861 women gift

Buy Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear Online in India
In the quest for comfortable and sustainable clothing, bamboo fabric has emerged as a top choice, particularly for undergarments. For women seeking high-quality, eco-friendly undershirts and underwear, the Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts available on Etsy are an excellent option. Whether you are an athlete, a professional, or simply value everyday comfort, these bamboo fabric undershirts and underwear provide numerous benefits. Available in convenient 2-packs and 3-packs, and in classic colors like white and black, these garments meet your needs while promoting a sustainable lifestyle.
Why Choose Bamboo Fabric Undershirts and Underwear
  1. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable
Bamboo is renowned for its sustainability. It grows rapidly, requires minimal water, and does not need harmful pesticides or fertilizers. Choosing bamboo fabric helps reduce the environmental impact of your wardrobe choices. The Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear on Etsy are crafted with this eco-conscious approach, making them a perfect choice for environmentally aware consumers in India.
2.Soft and Comfortable
Bamboo fabric is exceptionally soft, often compared to silk and cashmere. This makes it ideal for sensitive skin, as it reduces irritation and provides ultimate comfort. The Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear are designed to fit snugly yet comfortably, ensuring you feel great all day, whether you’re working, exercising, or relaxing.
  1. Breathable and Moisture-Wicking
Bamboo fibers are naturally breathable and moisture-wicking. They effectively draw sweat away from your skin, keeping you dry and comfortable throughout the day. This feature is particularly beneficial for athletes and those with active lifestyles. The Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear ensure you stay fresh and dry, o matter how intense your activities are.
  1. Antibacterial and Odor-Resistant
Bamboo fabric has inherent antibacterial properties that help reduce bacteria responsible for unpleasant odors. This means you can feel confident and smell fresh even after a long day. The Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear are perfect for women who need reliable, odor-resistant undergarments.
  1. Durable and Long-Lasting
Bamboo fabric is known for its durability. It withstands regular washing and maintains its shape and softness over time. Investing in Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear means you get long-lasting, high-quality products that provide excellent value for money.
Product Options Available on Etsy
2-Packs and 3-Packs
To suit various needs, the Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear come in practical 2-pack and 3-pack options. These packs are perfect for those looking to stock up on high-quality undergarments without frequet shopping.
Versatile and Stylish Designs
These bamboo undergarments are not only comfortable and functional but also stylish. Available in classic colors such as white and black, they easily match any wardrobe and personal style. Whether you prefer a minimalist look or something more traditional, these undershirts and underwear cater to your preferences.
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Etsy is known for offering unique, handmade, and high-quality products from independent sellers. When you purchase the Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear on Etsy, you support small businesses that prioritize quality and sustainability. The platform’s user-friendly interface allows you to browse, select, and purchase your desired products with ease.
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Customer Reviews and Ratings
One of the best aspects of shopping on Etsy is the availability of customer reviews and ratings. Before making a purchase, you can read feedback from other buyers who have experienced the comfort and quality of the Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear. This transparency helps you make an informed decision, ensuring you get the best product for your needs.
For women in India seeking high-quality, comfortable, and eco-friendly undergarments, the Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear available on Etsy are an ideal choice. With their numerous benefits, including sustainability, softness, breathability, and durability, these bamboo fabric garments stand out as superior options. The availability of 2-packs and 3-packs makes them a convenient and economical addition to any wardrobe.
Make the switch to bamboo fabric today and experience the unmatched comfort and quality of Bross Women's Bamboo Undershirts and Underwear
submitted by No_Run_5861 to u/No_Run_5861 [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 09:39 PitchProfessional203 Two weeks in Greece - first time one bagging!

Two weeks in Greece - first time one bagging!
Hi everyone! I'm getting ready for my first one-bag trip and would love your feedback. I'm usually an over-packer, but after lugging a suitcase around Italy (and hating it), I'm determined to make this trip with just a backpack. I'll be borrowing a North Face Terra 55L (planning to leave some space so I can squish it down) for my trip to Greece from June 4 - June 18. My itinerary includes Athens, Milos, Paros, and Naxos. Here are my considerations: - I'm pale and want to stay protected from the sun. - I tend to sweat a lot and will probably want to change my shirt at least once a day. - I plan to do laundry in a dry bag at my accommodations. - I'll be traveling solo and planning on exploring/swimming. - I love patterns and colors but tried to keep everything coordinated.
Here’s what I’ve packed: - 4 “sporty” tank tops - 2 “fancier” tank tops - 1 blouse - 1 t-shirt - 1 short sleeve button-up - 2 long sleeve button-ups (white one is UPF 50) - 1 packable rain jacket (do I need this?) - 3 pairs of linen pants - 2 pairs of linen shorts - 1 skirt - 1 pair of athletic pants for travel days - 1 oversized t-shirt for sleeping - 3 bikinis - 2 scarves (1 pashmina, 1 silk) - 3 pairs of shoes (sneakers and 2 pairs of sandals) - 1 hat - 1 crossbody bag
Not pictured: - Underwear and socks (idk how many yet) - A packable backpack - 1 bralette - Sunglasses
This sub has been a huge help already, I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you in advance!
submitted by PitchProfessional203 to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:45 soylemon First official one (1 + fanny) bag trip for a 3 night, 4 day trip to Atlanta with my new MLC :)

First official one (1 + fanny) bag trip for a 3 night, 4 day trip to Atlanta with my new MLC :)
*edit: mini MLC, not MLC!!!
Hi all! Long time lurker but first time poster here. I (26F) travel pretty frequently and was a chronic overpacker, but this sub helped me so much with packing less, bag recommendations, travel sized containers, bits n bots, all the good stuff. Finally I have something satisfying to contribute!
Not sure if the images showed up but here's my packing pics
Going on a 4 day, 3 night Atlanta trip this weekend and thought I'd try out my new MLC. People say it's too large for a smaller frame (I'm 5'1 130lbs), but I said F-it and got it anyways because I loved all the features and all the great reviews. I included an image for reference in case you're the same size as me and wanted to know what it looked like!
Packing list:
  • Outfit 1: Black Goodfellow t-shirt, Asics athletic leggings, branwyn merino bralette (wearing for plane)
  • Outfit 2: Cream Madewell t-shirt, Green Uniqlo shorts, Green Athleta Brooklyn pants
  • Outfit 3: Spandex, Outdoor Research Aspire II trench rain jacket (so packable!!), uniqlo airism dress
  • Outfit 4: Chub rub shorts, Uniqlo tencel cardigan, Everlane Japanese slip dress, Lululemon reversible bucket hat
  • Pajamas (shirt n boxers)
  • 2 socks
  • 3 Uniqlo Airism underwear
  • Brush
  • Milk Headband for face washing
  • Mini Lume deoderant
  • Foldable travel toothbrush
  • Tongue scraper
  • Nature Republic stick sunscreen
  • Body Scrubber
  • Solid shampoo & conditioner (in the blue circle container)
  • tiny bag of essential makeup: eyelash curler, eyeliner, tweezers, solid blush
  • 4 daily contacts
  • Hair oil
  • Prescription lotion for nose
  • Face wash + Face lotion in contacts case
  • Airpods
  • Kindle
  • Glasses case
  • Calf compression sleeve
  • Mini multitool
  • Gum
  • Various drugs (claritin, advil, tylenol)
  • Wallet
  • Lip balm
  • Body Glide
  • Nipple pasties
  • Sweat towel
  • Teal container for cords
  • iPhone & apple watch charger
  • a really cute sitting pot that's a gift for the friend I'm staying with
  • Mario and luigi outfits (going to a con hehe)
  • Fanny pack
  • Amazon packing cubes
  • Reusable plastic bag in fish case
Not pictured (but packed in the backpack)
  • 1 linen towel
  • 1 pair of Bangs high tops
  • A small water bottle
The most annoying thing is this freaking pot in the box that won't fit in my bag, but its okay because I'll just stuff it in my boyfriends bag cuz he probably has extra space. Or I can bring a small tote and put my fanny and the pot in it. I want to keep the pot in the box because it's a gift :')
(In case you're wondering about toothpaste, my bf usually brings a large sized one so I will borrow his)
Even though I feel like I packed super lightweight things, my MLC is still packed pretty full (probably bc of that thick mario hat that has a weird shape). Overall, the bag is super comfortable when on despite me looking like a garden gnome wearing it. I've read about people saying this passes as a personal item despite it being larger dimensions than what's required, so I'm curious to see if anyone will say anything about it. Luckily, I have the cushion of being allowed a personal item + carry on on this flight so no worries if not. Will test it out at the airport!
submitted by soylemon to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:55 87fg Why do female athletes wear underwear but male athletes wear shorts in professional sports?

submitted by 87fg to femuscleblogsports [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 14:38 Direct_Limit_950 Med Beds

Med Bed is a suppressed technology which heals a body to 100% health. If you search Nesara Gesara Law anywhere, that was supposed to be released in 2000 but 9/11 event prevented that important event. If you research you will learn the real truth about 9/11. Anyway act #19 states - 6000 patents were withheld from the public including sonic healing beds or Med Beds. This technology was given to humanity by the Secret Space Program but they were given to the Deep State govt of the time, however they kept that technology to themselves. It is now controlled by the good Military The Earth Alliance. There are 3 types of Med Bed, one is general healing bed. 2. Replaces missing limbs or organs and 3. Age Regression. This technology will be released after announcement of the RV - Currency Revaluation. The Media in time will be controlled by the good Military- The White Hats. The Deep State don't want humanity to be abundant and healthy. It will mean the end of the Medical System, why do you think Med Bed Technology was suppressed? Because it competes with their corrupt Medical System that focuses on Profit before people. The Media will after the RV announce to the Public a national number to call to book your appointment. The appt, accommodation, transport and food are all FREEEEEE. ****Beware of any scammers saying you have to pay for a registration complete b.s it's FREEE. When the Med Beds are announced and you book your appt. The first appt the Doctor will scan your body. It only takes 45 seconds. Make sure you wear black under garments, black underwear for the men and black bra and undies for women The reason why, bc the Dr scanning you, can see all your private parts. Thats people are advised wear black undergarment. Then you meet the Dr, the scan picks everyone wrong in your body from a microscopic miinute level that ordinary scanners cannot. You can either see your results or just say I want a new body. The Med Bed will remove all toxins from your body, any missing organs and missing limbs are generated from your DNA. Any missing limbs will take longer procedure but you will be put to sleep. Same as missing organs it will regenerate from your DNA what Organ is missing. It knows a human has 2 arms, 2 eyes, 2 legs and so on. You will be slimmer and healthier, and whatever you want done to your body (make a list). Like, I don't want any hairs down there or my underarms, want long eyelashes, want athletes body and so on. You can eat whatever you like before the appt. After the procedure, it will take maybe a few hours or 1 week or maybe 2 weeks for you to get used to your new body bc your brain is use to the old body and how you walked. After the procedure, you get cleaned up and go to the next room to get all your new documents bc you will look different. You will be issued with a new passport, Humanitarians will receive a diplomatic passport but you can ask you will be traveling overseas. Next you go to the next room. The Replicator room. Like a microwave, you just punch in some buttons and you choose the clothes you want. There will be technicians there to help you. Plus you can order whatever you want to eat from the Replicator machine. Food without any toxins or Chemicals. So that's why many of us awake are waiting for the RV bc many of us have Humanitarian projects and we have foreign currencies to exchange. The general public will be notified by media at the same time - middle June. We hope earlier.
submitted by Direct_Limit_950 to medbedandrv [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:44 The4thPower M/27/6’0” [214-200] (1 year)

M/27/6’0” [214-200] (1 year)
1 year ago I decided to get serious about my fitness again. First pic is last June with a side by side with a digital from a recent photoshoot - after I started training again i applied for modeling as a “fuck it why not?” Sort of deal. Looking to model athletic wear or underwear
Second slide is my progression throughout the year. 198>214> ~200lbs (tbh I haven’t stepped on a scale in a bit)
I do a variety of training - from calisthenics, Olympic lifting, rugby and general strength training. Usually 4x a week with maybe a day for stretching and minimal cardio
Reflection : I spent this past year focusing mostly physical ability - acclimating myself to dips for the first time, teaching myself progressions on the rings, and sprinting mid distance. When I was composing the side by side, I was expecting to be blown away by a massive transformation. In all honesty, I was underwhelmed and thought “dam I really don’t look THAT different” and proceeded to have a really good laugh.
This past year has brought me so many changes. Ended a long relationship, moved, new job(s), new friends, and a new, more capable me - and all I could think about was to see if I got biggeleaner. After training for ~10 years, this was a refreshing realization. Physical change is SLOW and that’s important - your mind and habits must change for a big period of time to make a lasting impact. The important part is I’m a happier, more capable person than I was 1 year ago - the more muscle is just a nice touch
submitted by The4thPower to Brogress [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:11 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: Ch 3

First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow (Native American) and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
What a week. 18 year old me had gone from a dry spell since AIT and graduation to a blow job, facial, and quick hard sex with a married captain at my first duty station. I was falling fast and hard for him. I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to think of me when he thought of being intimate. I wanted to be his release to do everything she wouldn't.
Dustin snapped me this morning, a pic of his obvious buldge greeting my day. "How's my little Private this morning? I wish you were here to help with this"....You have no idea Dustin. Now that the bandaid has been ripped off, I want nothing more than to keep going. I send him a snap back of my semi sheer, black athletic thong, holding it open in the front with the caption "you could drop your load right in here sir". Naughty I know. For some reason, the thought of him filling my underwear with cum is erotic and in the moment, I crave the feel of his warmth between my legs.
"Come by the house on your lunch break and you can have it" I get in reply. Fuck.
I get dressed in my camo uniform with a generic sports bra and the same black athletic thong underneath and try make it through the morning as routinely as possible. Not possible. All I can think of is what I'm willing to do for the married man I'm lusting for and it's got my mind anywhere but at work.
Dustin let's me know he left early for lunch so he's ready whenever I am. The whole drive over, my mind is racing at the prospect of what's about to happen. I knock and find the door open, with Dustin on the couch, laptop open to some semi sexy photos I'd sent to tease him over the last week while he strokes his firm shaft. "Private Hannah reporting as ordered sir" I say as sexily as I can muster in the spur of the moment.
"Private Hannah, you said you'd found a place to hold my cum" completely keeping character.
"Yes sir" I say, stepping around to stand in front of him, undoing my belt and the buttons on my pants, letting them drop to the floor around my ankles.
"Open up then, I'm already close since you decided to be late"
I hold open the front of my black athletic thong, exposing my shaved pubic area for his inspection.
"At least you remembered to shave to start the week" he says and he builds the pace of his stroking and touches the tip of his penis against my smooth skin. In moments I see him start to swell as he nears his release. A thick rope of white cum erupts from his tip and is followed by a second, third, and fourth. My underwear is filled with his thick, warm release and soon its soaked, mixing with my own minor arousal that has built at the situation. As he finishes, I let go of my waistband and allow my cum soaked thong to cling to my lower lips, teasing me with what could have been.
I pull my pants back up and stand breathless in front of eachother. It's been less than 10 minutes since I walked through the door, we've barely spoken and now his cum is dripping down my inner thigh. What has happened? I feel like an incredibly erotic play thing that's been used for a passing moment of pleasure and right then, I know I'm hooked.
"Hannah, I'm sorry if that was too much" Dustin says, coming to the realization that I'm now back in uniform with his cum filling my panties.
I kiss him square on the lips. "Shhhh babe. I wanted this. I want all of you"
"So you really liked that?"
"Dustin that has got to be one of the hottest things I've ever tried. I'm not changing for work"
I sit on his couch in a pool of his release while we chat for the remainder of our lunch hour. When it's time to go, I feel a glob of him drip down my leg. "Can I come spend the night tonight?" I ask, hoping to get my own release after work.
"Sure hun, I just have a few calls to make but it's okay"
I head back to work with a kiss goodbye and the rest of the day I can feel the stickiness between my legs and it keeps me on edge. I run back to my barracks room, take a fast shower, grab a change of clothes for tomorrow, and something special for tonight. I throw on some gym shorts and a hoodie over my sports bra. Coupled with my slides and I'm back across post and find a note on the door "on a call, be quite when you come in"
I come in and quietly shut the door and make my way past Dustin in the livingroom, obviously on a video chat with someone with the screen facing the wall to the garage. I hear a woman's voice say "oh man those walls are paper thin, I think I just heard the neighbors kids come home from school"
Oh shit, he's on with his wife I realize as I tiptoe my way to the master bedroom where I change into my suprise. Naked in his bedroom, I slip into a teal, sheer lace bra with enough underwire support to give me a little cleavage. I pull on a matching set of panties with an intricate sheer lace front and a single thin string between my cheeks in the back. I fold up my sticky cum soaked thong from earlier and walk back into the livingroom.
Dustin does a double take as I come around the corner. He covers this with a coughing fit as his wife asks if he's okay. "Yeah hun just had an itch in my throat" and they continue chatting, her oblivious to the fact that I've just sat down across from him.
I look him square in the eyes as I begin to tease my dark brown nipples through my sheer lace bra. As he tries to hold a conversation, I do everything I can to lightly tease him. I pinch and massage my breasts, softly run a finger between my legs on top of my lacy bottoms. I stand up and start to stretch, bending forward to let my small breasts hang just out of sight of his camera before turning around and bending forward, reaching back to spread my bum and letting the g-string bury itself between my cheeks, barely keeping my other tight hole from view.
I turn back around and unfold the sticky thong he came in earlier and hold it up for him to see the stain his release left on them, right between the legs. I pull my teal lace thong down in the front, and standing right behind his computer, I begin to lightly tease myself with the soft fabric of the back athletic thong, gently massaging my clit, resoaking the nearly dry panties with another round of sexual arousal.
As my arousal grows, I gradually push into my slick entrance and with one finger and then another, the soft athletic fabric of my underwear once again getting soaked as I rub my clit with them, teasing myself with the over stimulating feel against my raw bundle of nerves. I squat down, my face now right behind the computer screen as I squeeze my breast and open my mouth in a silent moan, performing for the man who can't respond.
All of a sudden I stop, ending my tease at the edge of release, not wanting to slip and give away what's going on...and to tease Dustin further. I stand up, place the arousal and cum soaked black thong on the table right behind his laptop and I walk to the kitchen and begin working on dinner with whatever ingredients I can scrounge up in the kitchen. It's such a turn on to do such a normal task in such a small set of lingerie and I secretly hope that Dustin is sneaking peeks at me from across the house.
At long last I feel warm, strong hands wrap around my waist and a kiss finds my cheek. "How's my baby girl, you little tease?"
I blush at the pet name the gentle touch. "I'm almost done, go sit down you silly boy" I say as I start to plate our dinner of chicken and grilled veggies, sauntering into the dining room like a server at one of those lingerie sports bars.
"So you sure know how to put on a show, Hannah" Dustin says as we begin to eat
"I can be anything you want me to be" I say as I begin a speech I'd thought through in my head, telling Dustin that I don't want casual, I want to be the girl he craves, the one who does the things that no one else does, who let's him try the things he's only imagined I'm his wildest sessions alone with himself.
"What do you get out of all of this?" He asks, questioning this step towards commitment.
"I get to explore myself and act out my cravings without having to deal with all the rumors of barracks and searching for guys to feel safe with. I don't want to be your wife. I just want you to forget her when your with me, and I want you to think of me when you choose how to play"
"Well if you're going to explore, we're going to have to push you out of your comfort zone and actually find new places and things to try"
My heart is racing as fantasies flood through my mind. "What do you have in mind?"
"Just play along with different roles and we'll see what happens baby girl"
Baby this role number one? Does Dustin think that with our 8 year age gap and my petite frame that we could play out what I think he wants to play? I did just tell him that I want to be the one he thinks of.
"Yes daddy"
"Good Girl"
I. Am. Wet.
"So what did you have in mind for dessert baby girl?"
I stand up, clean up, take Dustin by the hand. "These can end up on the floor too" i say motioning to my sheer lingerie.
"Not yet" he replies, guiding me back to the bedroom.
I find myself once again on Dustin's bed, this time guided into the center, onto my hands and knees. With gentle pressure between my shoulder blades, I drop to my elbows, arching my back and exposing my entrances to open view, my modesty preserved only by the thin g-string buried between my cheeks.
Dustin pulls that to the side, bringing my arousal fully into view. I shudder as a soft, wet tongue traces it's way teasingly between my parted lips, beginning at the bundle of nerves aching in my core and ending in the tight wet hole that's been longing to be filled since I started my teasing back at lunch. I moan a soft sigh of want as Dustin licks me again and again, using his thumbs to spread me open before teasing the inner entrance of my now soaked vagina with his oral stimulation.
After a few breathless minutes of almost over the edge teasing with his tongue, Dustin traces his tongue higher. My eyes go wide and my breath catches in my throat as his tongue glides across my other hole. After a brief pause, he repeats his elongated trail of tongue teasing a second and third time, ending on my bum every time.
I moan "Don't stop, daddy" as his tongue lingers on my hole, swirling around my rear entrance as his calloused fingers reach between my legs to tease my clit. I am so close as his tongue makes headway into my hole which is opening up for him at his constant stimulation.
"I'm going to fill you up baby girl" Dustin leans down and whispers in my ear, his tongue momentarily replaced by his thumb pressing further into my bum, slick with his saliva.
"Please daddy" I moan in reply, eager to keep my promise to do everything his wife won't do.
Dustin pulls away completely and reaches into his wife's nightstand. I see him pull out a bottle of lube and a silver plug with a red jeweled heart on the end, still in its packaging, unopened, unplayed with. I know what's coming and why we're playing this out right now.
Dustin removes the plug from its package and holds it tip first up to my lips. I know what he wants without saying a word. I stick out my tongue and lightly tease the cold metal tip, softly swirling circles around it, further and further down until I bob my head down, taking the whole plug in my mouth and closing my lips around the base. I look up at Dustin, the jeweled heart of the plug between my lips and softly moan in anticipation.
He pulls it out of my mouth and I seductively tease the tip one last time. "Wanna stick it in my ass daddy?" I beg as sexily as possible. After a few seconds of fumbling around with the lube bottle, I feel the cold liquid land on my hole, followed by a finger gently probing my already relaxed entrance. A moment later, the finger is replaced by the cold lubed plug and my breath catches in my throat as I stretch around the plug before closing down tightly on the base. Dustin moves my g-string back into place, covering my soaking wet lips and holding the plug firmly in my butt.
I look back at him pleadingly. I know I teased you hard earlier but if you stop now, this is just cruel. "Daddy please" I say breathlessly, not wanting the stimulation to stop while also acutely aware of the fullness inside my rear.
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me daddy"
"You have two options Hannah. You teased me, so this is a tease for you. You can go to bed, right now, right like this, or you can get your punishment and then a reward like a good girl. Bed or a spanking, your choice"
"Spank me Daddy" I beg without a moment's hesitation
smack the sharp crack of Dustin's hand on my bare cheek takes me by suprise and I clench hard on the plug inside my bum. "Oh fuck daddy" I moan in a mix of pain and pleasure. smack smack smack come three more successive blows, landing on alternating cheeks. I moan almost tearfully as my arousal builds to the point that I'm literally ready to beg for release.
"Daddy please fuck me. Do whatever you want just let me cum please"
A firm tug pulls my g-string down to my knees, still on all fours with my face in the pillows. A hard shaft rubs between my lower lips, finds my eager entrance, and in one firm thrust is buried all the way inside me. I cry out, looking back over my shoulder at Dustin who looks like a man possessed with the overwhelming urge to use me for his pleasure, and in that moment, it's all I want as well.
His firm hands grip my hips and I arch my back, throwing myself back against him to meet his own rapid thrusts. My cheeks clap a faster and faster pace as the overwhelming feeling of being completely filled mixes with the intense pleasure of the moment. I'm red faced and breathless, moaning Dustin's name as he continues in an unrelenting pace, thrusting in and out, in and out. At one point he pulls my face out of the pillows, gripping my long dark hair by my ponytail and commands "You're gonna be a good girl and cum for daddy"
He releases my hair but I remain facing forward, head up and moaning through the moment "Yes daddy, oh my fuuuuuuuuuckkkk" comes from my innocent lips as he simultaneously pulls out the buttplug and buries himself all the way inside me as I can feel him swell and begin to release against my cervix.
"That's right daddy, cum inside my pussy" I beg as he thrusts again and again as my inner walls clench down and my own release spills out of me, uncontained as I find one of the strongest orgasms of my life. His thrusts slow and eventually he pulls out, leaving me leaking cum and lube from both my holes.
He returns with a warm towel and begins to clean me off as I sit up, still in my sheer bra, and kiss him firmly on the lips. "That was incredible, daddy" I whisper, my forehead resting against his as he finishes cleaning my sensitive areas.
"Would you like to rinse off?"
I reply yes and he runs us a sensual warm shower, where nothing but gentle washing and a few lingering kisses happens. He's patient as I take extra time under the soothing water and wraps me in a soft towel when I get out.
As we get dressed into comfy pajama shorts and tshirts, I ask "so was I a good girl, daddy?"
"The best. I think we should stick with this role for awhile if you're into it"
After the time I had tonight, I'm more than willing to play along. We discuss some likes and dislikes and limits (nothing that leaves a mark where I'll have to answer questions about it at work), and reagree that none of this is a thing on the few occasions that his wife visits during her internship. And duh, no telling work, that would fuck us both.
We end the night with gentle pillow talk, and he asks if,for the role, I'd be willing to let him help me get dressed in the mornings, helping me pick out bras and undies from a selection of things I'd actually wear to work. I welcome the increased interaction and dedicated time to talk every morning without a second thought, and I fall asleep with his arm wrapped around me from behind, his strong hand under my tshirt, soothingly placed on my bare stomach, just below my belly button and just teasingly far enough into the area covered by a bikini. I'm in heaven.
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:11 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: Ch 2

Hey everyone! This is my 2nd post about my affair with Dustin, a 26 year old, married, captain on staff while I was a newly arrived 18 year old private at my first duty station.
I hope you enjoy Part 2, and as always, I'm welcome to receive any constructive feedback you may have about my writing or if you just want to talk! If you're just here to bash me for having an affair with someone, save your breath, I'll just block you. Without further ado, Part 2 of my affair with Dustin! <3 Hannah
First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow (Native American) and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
I sat alone in my barracks room the morning after my first in person experience with Dustin, the officer I'd met on Bumble who turned out to have a wife going to school out of state. I'd ignored any thought of walking away from this potentially messy situation and now found myself waking up alone in my room, the morning after letting a married officer cum all over my face and chest while i fingered myself to orgasm kneeling in front of him. I admitted two simple truths to myself: it had been the biggest rush of my life, and i absolutely needed more.
I checked my phone and saw 4 new messages from Dustin, all expounding on the fact he wished we didn't have to go to work today and how he wished I was there with him. As I got dressed for the daily workday routine of morning physical training, I snapped him a pic in just my maroon sports bra and black athletic thong and sent it to him, telling Dustin how I wished I could do PT in his home gym in just this. The buldge pic I got in return told me he liked the sound of that as I slipped back to reality, put on my PT uniform and joined my platoon for the usual Monday run. This was the rush. The dual life I craved and what drew me to Dustin. One minute I was sending sexy snaps to a man I shouldn't be with, living in the world of secret meetups and fun and the next, I was out joining my platoon for a normal daily routine workout. The world of the rush was addicting and I'd only just dipped my toes (mouth) in.
My day to day world of learning about fuel tankers, learning to drive them under NVGs, how to test fuel quality to ensure adequate grade for the type of unit I was supporting and all manner of tactical skills that would help me integrate into a complex military operation was genuinely rewarding and occupied my attention fairly easily. But then I'd find myself longing for a breakout. Longing for the rush of excitement I'd only just tasted. Each message from Dustin became a small dose of "you shouldn't but you will" and I wanted more.
Dustin had a busy schedule at the staff he worked on, but always took a moment to ask "how's my beautiful Private doing? Need anything from the Exchange?" We had had one intimate in person encounter and already this was taking on more than just a hookup from a dating app. We both recognized that actively developing a relationship behind the back of one partner's spouse automatically made this more than "just sex"....which we hadn't even had yet.
Between his work schedule and mine, we found it difficult to meet up the week following our evening of watching football with a side of a blowjob. Didn't stop me from letting him know I wanted more. I dropped all the hints. I sent him pics of choices of underwear for the day, letting him choose from a few options I was comfortable working in and then sending him quick snaps from the bathroom at work, proving his Private really wore what he'd asked her to. I also introduced him to a pink, 6 inch, anatomically correct dildo I typically used in the evening when I craved him desperately. I showed him that just like with his similarly sized shaft, I could force my lips to reach its base as the tip slid into the back of my throat. I also laid it on top of the underwear he had chosen for me one day, a simple pair of boyshorts that looked incredible with a pink phallis on top, illustrating just how far into my petite frame it/he would go if I would just slip them to the side and insert it/him.
I kept him wanting more. You can see my underwear, but only laid out on my bed, or on me, not tossed to the side showing you underneath. You can see my small collection of sex toys in my drawer or in my mouth, but the camera stops before they get to where they're the most fun. By Thursday, Dustin was desperate for the week to end so we could be together. He sent me a video of him teasing himself with pictures of me on his laptop and I thought it was the hottest thing ever to watch a man who definitively out ranked me choosing "his beautiful Private" over his wife. By Saturday we were going to go wild if we didn't take the next step.
There's different types of duty in the military, from a barracks desk to an installation watch office and every echelon in between. Saturday Dustin had duty for his brigade, which normally meant not a lot of time sitting at a desk, but a lot of time going around inspecting important places in his unit and making reports of what he found. I couldn't wait any longer and neither could he. I told him he should just add me to his list of inspections and quickly have his way with me during his rounds. Not the fairy tale special first time but the raw, I need you now and I'm tired of waiting, that two deprived lovers seek.
He agreed and said he would have time to "run home for dinner" if I would be ready and waiting for him. Ready and waiting in your bed. Quicky to satisfy this urge and let me plan something more while I wait. Yes. Dustin agreed to leave his side door unlocked so I could let myself in while he was at work. Apparently despite our lack of intimacy, our constant stream of communication built a trust that I wouldn't rob him blind lol seriously though, I respected his trust and didn't take an opportunity to go through all his stuff or leave a letter for his wife or anything crazy in between.
Instead, I drove over in late afternoon in a pair of black Nike soccer shorts with a built-in liner, so I went sans underwear, and continued the trend with a pink tshirt and matching hoodie without a bra, letting my small, 32B chest bounce a little as I let myself in, walked past the couch I'd kneeled in front of to receive a facial at the previous weekend and made my way towards Dustin's bedroom upstairs. I found aa spacious king bed that occupied the majority of the fairly small room in military housing, leaving a small walk way on either side, wide enough for matching his and hers nightstands on either side of the bed and space at the end of the bed where the room flowed into the master bathroom sweat complete with walk in closet, linen closet and 2 sink bathroom with a nice deep tub.
I set my purse down on what was clearly his wife's nightstand and quickly stopped out of my comfy clothes I'd worn to my visit. I plopped down naked in his bed, with a condom and lube laid out on her nightstand next to my purse. I sent Dustin a nude selfie of me on his wife's side of the bed, with a caption letting him know I was ready for our quicky. A quick reply let me know I had 15 minutes. I was immediately slick with anticipation. I set a pillow in the center of the bed and scooted my butt towards the edge of the bed as I spread my legs wide and began to tease light circles around my clit as I began to tease myself in preparation for the quick coupling that was minutes away. As my breath quickened and my heart raced, I dabbed a small glob of lube onto two of my fingers and I slowly stretched myself, my inner walls relaxing to recieve one, two, three fingers as I continued to rub my clit, my body as desperate to be with Dustin as my heart was.
A rattling of keys in the front door let me know my time was up as I removed the 3 fingers currently satiating the desperate urges of my core. Racing footsteps up the stairs found Dustin at the door in seconds, with his beautiful Private spread eagle on the edge of the bed waiting for him. I looked up at him in his uniform, totally unashamed of my nude and vulnerable position and told him his Private was ready for his inspection.
In a flash his camo jacket was tossed aside, the brown undershirt following behind and he rushed to undo his belt and soon had his pants and briefs around his ankles. In a moment he was leaning down on top of me, hungrily kissing my lips as his firm shaft pressed against my core as I pulled him into a tight embrace between my wide spread legs. As we passionately kissed, our tongues breathlessly intertwined, I paused and asked him if he wanted the condom off his wife's nightstand. I reminded him I was on the shot for BC, but it was his choice either way.
He pulled away to look over at her nightstand and instead of grabbing the condom, took the lube and generously applied a coat to his entire six or seven inch length. I needed him now. Standing between my legs, which I held wide open for him with my butt to the edge of the bed, Dustin teased the tip of his firm shaft between the lips of my freshly shaved vagina. He ran the tip between my spread lower lips, from my clit to my soaking wet and lubed entrance. With only a moments pause with his tip aligned with my eager hole, Dustin firmly pushed his entire length into me as he moaned my name and my soft inner walls welcomed him deep inside me as I gasped at the feeling of sudden fullness and a desperate need for more.
Buried to the base of his shaft inside me, Dustin leaned down to kiss me passionately. I wrapped my legs behind his butt, pulling him deep inside me as he began to thrust in a steady deep rhythm that drove me to the edge. I breathless begged for him to fuck me as I scratched lines down his back with my nails as I desperately held my man between my legs, his thrusts stimulating every inch of my inner walls and the friction of our bodies urging my clit to find release. Dustin broke our embrace and soon I found myself with two strong hands holding my legs open wide nearly in the splits on the edge of the bed as he thrust into me deeper than I'd ever felt before. I was breathless, calling out for more. Please don't stop Dustin. Please don't stop as his pace quickened and I could feel his balls slapping against nearly my butthole as he pounded into me, using my vagina for his release. I took one hand and found my clit, matching my rhythm to his and I soon found the waves of release that had building to the edge as Dustin gave me more, more, more. My inner walls clenched tight as the dam broke and my orgasm shook through my body in a release of ecstasy. Dustin continued to fuck me through my own release, my body desperate for him to find his own release.
I looked up at the passion and hunger in his eyes as I became keenly aware of the bouncing of my small breasts as I laid there riding the wave of my massive orgasm moaning in pleasure as the stimulation deepend, quickened and in a moment, I could feel Dustin swell and find his release deep inside me, ropes of cum filling me as my body clinched around him, holding him inside me as a second wave of pleasure pulsed through my core. We laid there for a long moment, a tight sweaty embrace with my handsome man on top of me, showering my neck and lips in kisses as we both breathlessly came down from our collective orgasms.
Dustin stood up, his softening length sliding out of me along with a mix of his cum and lube and my own release. I stood up and followed him to the bathroom, me completely naked, with his uniform pants pulled half way back up. I took hot washcloths and cleaned both of us between our legs, getting him ready to go back to work and for me to clean the mix of cum and lubed that was now running down my inner thigh. I asked him if I'd passed his inspection and he laughed, smiling and kissing me saying that indeed I had. He told me I could spend the night here if I wanted, he had to get back to duty but his place was a little more awesome than my barracks room.
I agreed and put back on my Nike shorts and tshift with it fairly obvious that I wasn't wearing a bra, which admittedly wasn't really an issue for Dustin at all. I followed him downstairs and kissed him goodnight as he headed back to work. I made myself at home and made a simple dinner and fell asleep watching tv under a blanket in his living room, which is where he found me when he came home at the end of his shift in the morning. I followed him to bed and we spent most of the day napping in eachothers arms before it really was time for me to go home and get ready for the next work week. I continued to tease him on snap and told him that we had sooooo much more still to do and his response made it readily apparent that he agreed.
Thank you for reading this chapter of my affair with Dustin! If you liked it or have something in my writing you'd like to see improved, feel free to let me know! My writing only gets better if you tell me what you'd like to see! Thanks for for sticking with me, I truly hope you've enjoyed! <3 Hannah
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 HappySheep3883 Guatemala packing list

Guatemala packing list
Trip context: 12 days in Guatemala, chaperoning students. City, beach, and jungle destinations included. No laundry access, although I plan to bring a dry bag and do hotel laundry when possible- the end of the trip may be tricky as we will be moving almost every day.
Packing list: Tops: 3 casual city wear tops (1 merino, 2 quick dry) 1 sun shirt 1 athletic tee 1 zip up merino hoodie 1 linen button down 2 dresses (one merino, one quick dry)
Bottoms: 2 shorts (cotton/linen) 2 lightweight/quick dry pants 1 hiking pant
Shoes: 1 On Cloud walking shoe (not sure if these will be okay for some short hikes? We are hiking Pacaya volcano and doing some jungle walks) 1 sandal
Not pictured: Underwear 3 bras (one sports, 2 casual) Swim suit and rash guard (for sun protection) Hat Rain poncho
That’s it! Anything else I’m missing? Anything I should cut?
submitted by HappySheep3883 to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:13 figure_sk8 Safe House (GMMTV) Day 2, Part 2/2 Summary/Rough Translation [Potential Spoilers]

Hi everyone,
Here's the summary/outline for the second half of Day 2 of Safe House. Sorry again for the length; they did a lot of talking-based activities today, and I wanted to try to translate and explain a good portion of it for you all. Hope this helps!
Video Link:
submitted by figure_sk8 to ThaiBL [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:46 Potential-Lavishness How to make friends, part 1: your physical self

I see a lot of posts of lonely ppl who want friends. As someone who has consciously taught myself social skills, now makes friends easily, and has maintained deep bonds over decades, I feel qualified to share what I’ve learned. I’ll warn you, tough love and even tougher truths are part of this. If you find yourself arguing, but don’t have friends yourself, ask yourself where that resistance comes from. Don’t direct it at me; take some time to journal and sit with it. This is part of the journey.
I have a lot of info so I’m breaking this into parts. I’m naturally pedantic and have a lot to share. I will do my best to keep it as concentrated as possible but be warned: this will be wordy with no TLDR.
The first part of making friends starts with your physical self. Humans are primarily visual creatures(all genders) and how we present ourselves is the first invitation or hurdle to interacting with ppl.
  1. Hygiene: daily showering is a non-negotiable. You can rot on your own time in your own house. If you are going to be a part of society you need to wrangle your body smells so that ppl aren’t offended by your very presence. This is the first tough truth: no one wants to be friends with a smelly person. Use soap and a washcloth, stay away from those plastic nightmare loofahs. Wash every nook, cranny, divet, and crevices. Wash your booty hole and genitals. Change your washcloth daily (wash a$$ last) or use a separate one for your butt. Wash your sheets, pillowcases, towels, robes, and floor mat once a week. Wear deodorant (no, body sprays aren’t deodorant) daily. Some of us are extra stinky due to “stress sweat” aka apocrine glands and this is a common physical side effect of an overtaxed nervous system. Extra stinky ppl need to touch up their armpits with a disinfectant wipe and reapplication of deodorant; lunch time is great for this. Brush your teeth upon waking, after drinking coffee, and after eating. No, gum and mouthwash are only temporary, they aren’t good enough. You still have bad breath. Drinking coffee wo brushing in the morning leads to that extra stinky breath that smells like death. Don’t be that person. Floss once a day. When washing hair, use shampoo and focus on the scalp more than the hair. If you can’t feel the lather on every centimeter, add more to those spots or you will still stink. Most ppl need to wash it twice if they don’t shampoo everyday. Shorter hair, thinning hair, and fine hair need to be washed more often, sometimes daily. We can smell your scalp from far away. Keep your nails trimmed or neatly filed. I’ve had to school multiple men in my life on how raggedy their nails are. Don’t just grow them out until they break off. Keep them short unless you have the time and desire to file and shape them at least once a week. Wash your hands every time you use the bathroom. I don’t care if you didn’t touch yourself, that’s not the point. Ppl notice. Also wash your hands when you’re alone and at home, seriously it’s not that hard. How are you going to want friendship if you don’t value them enough to keep them safe and sanitary? Trim your toenails and stay abreast of how your feet smell. If you have smelly feet you probably have athletes foot. Sprays are an easy way to treat this. If you still have stinky feet after this, keep a change of socks with you so if you go to a no shoes house, you aren’t making ppl sick. Wash inner clothes like shirts and underwear after every wear. Sweat shirts and jeans can often be worn a few times before needing to be washed but smell the armpits and ass, and check for stains before you put them on.
Don’t proceed further until you can adhere to these standards at least when you’re in public. If you’re in a depression and can’t maintain these, stay at home until you can. If you don’t have the energy to bathe and be clean, you don’t have the energy for friends.
  1. Grooming. This about looking neat and together. Humans are visual creatures, we judge others based on their looks. I’m not talking skinny/fat, ugly/pretty. I mean that if you look like your life is rough, ppl aren’t going to want to get involved with that. We have our own issues and struggles, we don’t want to add someone to our lives that looks like they are on the brink of a meltdown. Brush your hair and teeth before you leave the house. This is my bare minimum. Curly hair is different but my wavy hair needs to be brushed the same as straight. Combing is also acceptable. Keep an eye on your dandruff. If you have it, treat it. There are many otc options. At the very least shake it out and don’t wear dark colors until it’s fixed. Make sure you don’t have eye crusties, mouth corner goop, or boogers. If you’re showering these are usually not an issue but check for these a few times a day. I don’t iron my clothes but many ppl associate wrinkles with poor grooming. Consider getting a handheld steamer. I personally fold my clothes kon-marie style or hang them and that’s good enough for me. Keep your shoes clean. Lots of people are taught to judge other by the state of their shoes. Notice how many ppl look at your shoes the first time you meet. Wash the white laces regularly, polish and condition leather. Patent shoes are super hard to keep scuff free so avoid them if you are prone to scuffs or dragging your feet. My shoes come untied so I double knot my laces to avoid looking sloppy. Replace buttons and ask a dry cleaner to repair any holes or tears. Relegate worn out and stained clothes to lounge wear.
  2. Posture. Your posture says so much about you. A relaxed and tall posture says you’re confident and easy going. The type of person we all want to be friends with. Forward head means life has beaten you down. Rounded shoulders says you’ve been hurt but haven’t healed. Collapsed chest says you’ve given up. Lordosis means your core body and core self are weak. Stand with your feet an inch or two from the wall and stand naturally. Your head and most of your spine should touch. If it doesn’t you have work to do. You can’t just force yourself to stand up straight. Your muscles have stretched and atrophied to accommodate this unnatural stance, you will need to rehab your body over weeks and months to regain proper function. Research and watch videos on strengthening postural muscles. My fave that’s easy to explain: when you’re at the wall checking your posture, bend your knees slowly until you can press your spine and back of head into the wall. Stay there for a moment and feel it. That’s the proper position of your pelvis; posture comes from pelvic position not our chest, shoulders, or back. Now clench your ab muscles, they might be weak or non existent. These are the muscles that need to be strengthened. Hold those muscles tight and try to straighten your knees while maintaining that pelvic position. Breathe and hold for 30 seconds. If you can’t do 30 start with 10. Do this every time you go to the bathroom, not necessarily in the bathroom but by tying it to an inevitable part of your day you have a better chance of being consistent.
  3. Body language. Like posture, we communicate much more than we realize with our bodies. How we walk, sit, fidget, etc telegraphs nonverbal messages to those around us. Many ppl are very dissociated with their daily movements. Take some time to notice how you walk. Do you drag your feet? How would someone describe your walk? Do you schlep, shuffle, scurry? Or do you glide, prance, or stalk? I love to drag my feet and do this at home in my slippers. But in public I am more conscious of how I walk. This is much harder for me to explain. My main tip is to watch out for small, jerky, fast movments, like fidgeting and scurrying. These are prey movements and relegate us to an undesirable social standing: prey. Think of how a mouse moves: small, jerky quick movements. Now think of a panther. Every movement is intentional and controlled, smooth, slow. Go on walks if you are able bodied and start to notice how you move. Notice how those around you move. Which ones seem confident to you and which ones are off putting. Same with sitting. Do your best to sit up straight rather than completely melting into the chair. Don’t “throw” yourself onto someone’s furniture, use your legs to lower yourself down. When listening do your best to keep movements to a minimum. Breathing slowly and deep helps with this. I use my hands to talk when I’m excited and don’t see this as a problem.
  4. Eye contact. Eye contact is very important but it also varies by culture. This will be regarding western/American culture. Eye contact used to be difficult for me. I now have an engaged and sometimes intense gaze. It’s more important to maintain eye contact when listening, not as important when talking. You don’t have to laser focus, break your gaze regularly to take in the other person’s movements and body language, look briefly at other parts of their face, lower your gaze, glance at the room. But don’t stray for too long, wandering gaze makes ppl feel like you aren’t listening and ppl don’t want to engage with bad listeners. Don’t look at breasts or genitals. Once you’re comfortable with someone you can look away much more or sometimes even look at other things while you listen. But in the beginning you are building trust.
Extra credit: cultivate your personal style. This is optional but supremely helpful. A pleasing physical appearance can garner compliments which is a great way to start conversations. It can also connect us with like minded individuals or show our place in a culture or subculture. Hair is one of the best ways to customize your appearance: cut, color, and style are all options. If you choose long hair, make sure you understand that long hair is a hobby; it takes tons of time and effort to maintain. Not to mention the research and trial and error to find products. Especially men who want long hair, make sure you are up for keeping it clean and neat. You will need to still keep it trimmed, learn to part your hair, learn to tie it back neatly, keep it from looking greasy, etc. if it’s thinning, it’s more flattering to keep it short. if you have curls you will need to learn different techniques that take even more time and effort. Same with vivid colors: they take so much time and money to maintain. Go for it if you have taken time to understand the upkeep.
For clothing, any style works. If you have zero idea how to build a wardrobe choose one dark neutral (black, charcoal grey, navy, or chocolate brown), choose one light neutral (white, ivory, light grey, beige), and one medium neutral (olive green, khaki, camel, mid grey, rust, beige). Only choose one of each and preferably ones that look nice on you. From now on only buy clothes in these shades. Focus on getting your basic covered before you choose colors: tshirts, sweaters, sweatshirts jeans, slacks, jacket, coat. There are so many options and it’s a great opportunity to get to know yourself. Do you like graphic Ts or plain? V neck or crew? Do you like sweatshirts that zip? Do you like hoods? For sweaters: turtlenecks, cardigans, pullovers, or quarter zips? Wool coats or puffers? Leather or denim jackets? Enjoy each detail you learn about yourself. Once your basics are covered, choose two colors. Then try to only get stuff in those colors. My pallet when I was blonde was: black, ivory, and beige with red or blush pink. Now that I’m my natural color it’s: navy, grey, ivory with sky blue or forest green. By putting limiting your colors, everything matches and you always look put together. Accessories are where your personality can really shine: loud sneakers, big belt buckles, unique watches, rings, necklaces, hats or caps, scarves, bags. There are so many ways to express yourself. Keep your accessories to your chosen colors at first. Once you have figured out your style and built up a wardrobe that works, you can add more colors and pizazz.
submitted by Potential-Lavishness to CPTSD [link] [comments]