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2010.10.13 19:16 ReaverXai Dota 2 on Reddit

/DotA2 is the most popular English-speaking community to discuss gameplay, esports, and news related to Valve's award winning free-to-play MOBA DotA 2.

2010.05.29 23:18 JiminyPiminy Eurovision Song Contest

The subreddit all about the world's longest running annual international televised song competition, the Eurovision Song Contest! Subscribe to keep yourself updated with all the latest developments regarding the 68th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, national selections, and all things Eurovision. Join our sibling community on Discord:

2011.12.21 05:57 Kim_Il-sung Pyongyang Democratic People's Republic of Korea

/Pyongyang features information curated by the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (CRFC) of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

2024.06.01 13:28 BooeySchmooey Cassandra was in vanderpump rules!

I’ve started watching vanderpump rules and in episode “you don’t know Jax” Cassandra was one of the twins that lived with Sandoval!
Small world but I always thought Cassandra was just a plant to start drama. Seems like she runs in the reality tv circles. Not sure what other people thought of her?
submitted by BooeySchmooey to SellingSunset [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:22 adabaste919 which is the best live cricket score app to download?

When it comes to the best live cricket score app to download, My11 app is a standout choice. With its real-time updates, comprehensive match coverage, and user-friendly interface, My11 ensures cricket enthusiasts stay updated and engaged with every match.
Whether you're tracking international fixtures, domestic leagues, or T20 tournaments, My11 delivers instant notifications for every ball, wicket, and boundary, alongside detailed statistics and expert commentary.
Its intuitive features and seamless navigation make My11 a top pick for staying connected to the cricketing world anytime, anywhere.
submitted by adabaste919 to cricketscorelive [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:21 Femboy_Yugioh 26 M looking for a meaningful connection - USA

26 M looking for a meaningful connection - USA
Looking for something real. Lately every time I think I found someone they ghost.😔 I’m not looking for a one day chat. Looking for my person , someone I can be nerdy with , silly, hopefully grow as partners. I absolutely love voice chats. It helps me get to know you more and I just love that then texting most of the time 🤗.
Hi! My names Kira!! Below you’ll find a lot of my my personality and hobbies , as well as my idea partner. There’s much more than this.
Texas . Willing to move to another state or have my future partner live with me .
Appearance :
A thick black femboy who loves dressing up sometimes . Height : 5’3. Age: 26 Personality : I’m super ambivert . I love to go to anime cons, anime movies , TCG stores for tournaments , ect . I’m a super silly goofball who loves to make people smile .
💙My hobbies:
  • Anime : Some of my favorites animes are Tokyo ghoul , Sword Art Online , Yuri on ice , Future Diary, JJK, MHA, Yaoi(Love stage , Sasaki and Miyano)
  • Manga : I’ve completed so many mangas from yaoi , Ouran high school host club , berserk , ect .
  • Cosplay : I’ve done Pokémon & a Tokyo Ghoul cosplay before .
  • Anime cons: I’ve been to at least 11 anime/Comic cons.
  • Dueling (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  • Pokémon
  • Yaoi
  • Pc gaming
  • Overwatch. I love this game have over 500 hrs .
  • Marvel/DC
  • Tv drama : The Vampire Diaries , Supernatural, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The 100.
  • Horror- big fan of tv shows , movies like AHS
  • Consoles I have are : Ps5, Nintendo switch , psp, ps vita, Nintendo 3ds , wii, gameboy , ect .
  • SO Much More *
🩷What im looking for in a Relationship🩷
  • [ ] Monogamous
  • [ ] Single
  • [ ] Loyalty
  • [ ] Communication (This is my #1, no “ lol” or “yeah”
  • [ ] No kids
  • [ ] Open-minded
  • [ ] Common interest : Nerdy (Anime, Games, Star Wars or anything nerdy)
  • [ ] Sure on what you want (basically just knowing you want a relationship)
  • [ ] Mature (as in personality )
  • [ ] 21+ in age (this is a strict one)
TALL (taller than my own height) , very communicative, masculine(mostly beards and body hair) gamers/anime nerds.
Someone who’s ready for a long term relationship Someone who may want to live together in the future
Someone who loves anime or video games especially OW2. *These are just preferences not a deal breaker. *
✅Ps: for compatibility reasons I’m a 100% bottom.
Do not ask me NSFW question it will be an immediate block
If you made it this far, please message me an introduction about yourself. This is extremely important as it tells me alot about you and for me to give you a well detailed response. Mostly a name to call you , hobbies, location (state wise) and what you’re looking for . You may send pics in the first message if you may like 😊
submitted by Femboy_Yugioh to gaydating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:20 Much-Specific9800 Aitah for forcing my sister to get dressed

I(28m) take care of my little sister Angel(14f). So we're sitting together in the living room watching TV. I look over and Angel just starts getting undressed. I tell her to put back on her clothes (because she was completely butt ass naked). She starts doing the little pout that she does. I run towards her grab her clothes to get her dressed. She starts running away from me. So I grabbed her. I take her to her room to get her dressed. She starts kicking me and bitting me and just overall fighting me tooth or nail. I tell her "the more you fight me the more you're not going to like me". I swiftly got her to lay down on the bed. I got her dressed (against her will). Then right after that I took away her privilege to watch TV.
Edit she non-verbal autistic.
submitted by Much-Specific9800 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:19 kkmessi10 I have everyone around me, I still feel lonely

I live with my parents. I have privacy and everything I can ask for. I have friends who I meet on weekends but still I feel so lonely in my life. I broke up 18 months ago, but my ex had many partners since then.
I'm not really sure what makes me depressed and why. I'm not sure how to deal with this for life long, I'm fighting urges, addiction and my internal demons but no one knows.
Feels so sad to be alive and alone.
submitted by kkmessi10 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:18 TastyChemistry3019 How to watch UEFA Champions League Finals ?

I do not have a dish for viewing Ten Sports. My friends and I want to watch the match live on TV. How can we watch it?
submitted by TastyChemistry3019 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:17 TheDreadPirateRobots [Have Gun - Will Travel] - 1.8

I banked the fire and stared into the golden eyes of Beatale before I crept into my makeshift tent.
I still had my auric vision running and couldn’t help but notice the thin silver cord that ran from me to Horse. Firming up my aura, I reached out with my hand and grabbed it. I could feel the nearly imperceptible vibration between my fingers as I used my mind to probe at the thread. I could feel a bright spark of intellect, a light at the end of a tunnel. Pushing with my mind, I slid down the thread until the spark grew larger and eventually filled my inner vision with a hazy white light. Horsey thoughts nudged at me curiously.
I slid into the haze and immediately lost all sense of direction. If it wasn’t for the silver thread, I’d have no idea how to exit this shifting white fog. Horsey thoughts got stronger as I followed the thread while the haze thinned and cleared to reveal an endless prairie of green grass. I found myself standing before a naked man wearing a horse mask and I stared in shock. It was obviously me wearing a cheap costume horse mask — there was no mistaking my tattoos.
“What did you expect?” Horse neighed at me. “I am you and you are me and we are all together. Goo goo ga joob.”
Horse made a shooing motion with his hands and I accelerated backwards through the white haze and slammed into my own body with a gasp. I stared at the tarp overhead for a long minute, processing this new revelation. Horse was a part of me, a piece of my spirit. Whatever psychic stuff I did with that silver cord lead me into a house of mirrors where I got to look at myself pretending to be a horse. I can’t even deal with that right now.
Rolling into my blankets, I dropped off to sleep.
-=- - Welcome to the Dreamworld - Included in the Psychic Skills pack, the Inner Sanctum is your psychic domain. It is the mental fortress that you must secure and maintain to defend against psychic and spiritual assaults. All of your neurosis and fears are symbolised in this realm and must be defeated or subjugated before you can become master of the domain. Good luck. -=-
I banished the pop-up and looked around. I knew I was asleep, but everything was just as real as when I was awake. I was breathing, I could feel the floor under my feet, and if it weren’t for the pop-up, I would have sworn I had been teleported. The room I was in resembled an oversized luxury prison cell, maybe a thirty foot cube. No windows. Rough stone walls with thick mortar. Large brass wall sconces were set directly into the stone and suffused the room with a warm, golden light provided by glowing rocks. The stone floor had colourful Persian rugs tastefully placed. A high plaster ceiling was painted with a rendition of Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’, depicting me as both Adam and God.
There was a comfy sofa in front of a large screen television that hung from one wall and an ornate grandfather clock ticked loudly in the corner. It was currently 10:08 PM. Another wall was a floor to ceiling bookshelf, stuffed with books of varying sizes. The third wall was covered with pictures and I could see at a glance that they were images from my life. The fourth wall had a thick riveted steel door on the right side, a full sized mirror on the left, and a computer workstation in the middle.
The picture wall was my first target. A few were quite large, nearly life sized, while others were tiny prints no larger than the palm of my hand. Scenes of my life were displayed in each one. The largest was me riding Horse with a shit-scared expression, shooting at a pack of wolves. Others were smaller, each with different frames. Some ornate gold or silver, others plain wood, a few wrapped in briars or barbed wire. Nanny Ramsey holding me as a young child. My dog Jean with a red ball in his mouth. My parents, screaming at me. I turned my attention to the books. Books are safe. Books don’t judge you.
The sweet, musty scent of a used book store filled my nostrils as I drew close to the honey coloured shelves. Hundreds of volumes filled the wall from floor to ceiling, with a ladder that could be rolled along a rail to access the top. I smiled at the sight. I had always wanted a library like this. I pulled a book at random and read the title, “Confused Fantasies about Joseph Harris, part XXIV of the Middle School Years”.
I slid the book back onto the shelf. Let’s see what’s on TV.
The remote was a slim, futuristic looking affair with a minimum of buttons. I pointed it at the television and moments later the huge screen came to life and presented me with a simple menu for movies, divided into six categories: Happy, Surprised, Afraid, Disgusted, Angry, and Sad. I scrolled through the offerings for a minute, reading the titles and reviews about the movies of my life. It really bothered me that there were so few selections in the Happy section.
The number of Sad movies increased by one.
I walked over to the mirror and noticed there was a small sticky note pasted to it. “Astral Realm. Experienced users only.” I shoved the note in my pocket and stared at my image. Sturdy black boots, black denim jeans and shirt with mother-of-pearl buttons, deep brown gun belt slung at my hip, red bandanna and black felt hat. All I needed was a pencil moustache and I would look like the stereotypical villain in any spaghetti western. At that very moment I decided to grow out a goatee. I’d rather be mistaken for a bad guy than a victim.
So how does this astral realm thing work?
The mirror appeared to be nothing more than a mirror. It was cold, smooth glass surrounded by a wrought iron frame, and reflected my image. I didn’t necessarily want to go walking into danger, but I wanted to know how it worked. I pushed and prodded the glass in frustration until I noticed my image grinning at me. I jumped back in surprise and it doubled over in silent laughter.
“Hilarious, dude. You got me,” I huffed. “So how do I get in?”
My mirror-self tipped his hat and stepped to side.
I reached up to the mirror again and my hand passed through, vanishing as if cut off. Okay, just a quick peek and we’ll explore the rest of the room. I stepped through and the world shifted around me. I was standing back at the campsite. My body was insubstantial as a ghost and the tarp was a wisp of substance running straight through me. Non living things don’t seem to have much presence in this realm. Glancing down, I saw my sleeping body rolled up in the blankets, a thin silver thread running from it to me, and another thread running to Horse.
Looking around, I surveyed the campsite. My astral vision seemed to be on and had an unlimited range. I could see the life all around me, the distant forest was a sea of greenish-gold, grasses and brush nearby glowed with spectral light. Tiny ghost insects scurried while ghost mice nibbled at whatever ghost mice nibble on. Ghost seeds and ghost insects, I suppose. I turned my attention overhead and gaped at the sight of a monstrous serpentine spirit flying through the inky void. I dropped back through the tent and rolled inside my body. That was plenty enough for now.
I rolled through the mirror and landed flat on my back, staring at the fresco on the ceiling. Vinnie-God winked at me and Vinnie-Adam grinned. Climbing to my knees, I brushed non-existent dust from my trousers and watched mirror-me doubled over in soundless laughter.
“Hey, laughing-boy!” I yelled at him. “You’re like the guardian or something, right? You got it covered?”
Mirror-me stood and saluted with a smile, then gave me two thumbs up. A moment later, his face took on a serious expression and he wriggled his right hand in the ‘maybe’ motion. Then he pointed at me, tapped his wrist, and then a finger to his head.
It all depends on how fast I learn stuff, I guess.
Two thumbs up and a winning smile reflected back to me.
A large cork board was mounted to the wall over the computer and a small note was pinned to it. “Note to self: Don’t fuck with the Elvish womens.”
The computer screen featured a screensaver of me as Vitruvian Man doing callisthenics over the words ‘HumanOS’. I tapped the spacebar and was rewarded with the sound of powerful fans kicking to life as the computer emerged from sleep mode and prompted me for a password. Should I assume it’s the same as the password on the computer I pawned in my previous life?
Password: *******esi
I was rewarded with a sweet R&M desktop and a couple of icons. System, NeuralNet, My-Tunes, My-Movies, My-Office.
System was just what I expected, lots of .dna files and other confusing scariness that allowed me to tweak my physical body and mental state. My-Tunes was a collection of every song I’d ever heard and My-Movies was a collection of every movie I’d ever seen. Not that I’m complaining, but it would have been nice to have “My-Games” so I could play RDR. My-Office was a clone of the popular software by a similar name. I have no idea what I’ll ever need a spreadsheet for in this world.
NuralNet opened up a search engine called Me-Seeks, featuring a familiar blue guy.
I typed in “beer” and several thousand results were displayed, anything I’d ever read, heard, or watched about beer, including how to make it. This right here made the price of admission totally worth it, access to an exact copy of everything I’d ever read, and I was a voracious reader. Sadly, most of the stuff I read was futurology — solar panels, electronics, biotech advancements, quantum computing. The material for steam engines, blacksmithing, farming and the like, were slim pickings. That’s okay though, I could still reproduce the Gutenberg press, the cotton gin, simple internal combustion engines, and basic batteries along with some sketchy knowledge of metal alloys, acids, bases, and other things I had read over the years. All that wasted time watching “How Things Work” was finally going to pay off. I copied a few likely money makers to My-Office, saved the file, and exported to my Notes, just in case they didn’t exist on Aerth.
A popup covered the screen.
📱 [New Upgrade Available!] 📱
🎉 Enhance Your Experience with the Latest HumanOS Features! 🎉
🌟 Features Include:
🔥 Special Offer: Only 2000 credits for version 2.0 or 5000 credits for version 3.0! 🔥
[Upgrade Now ✅] [Remind Me Later ❌]
Apparently I could upgrade myself, which reduced the cost of using my Utilities while providing other minor benefits. My Utilities would level up as I used them, which would increase their battery cost, so if I didn’t keep pace with an update to the OS they could become prohibitively expensive to operate.
Stupid pay-to-win world.
So, do I pay 2000 credits for version 2.0 or 5000 credits for version 3.0?
I selected version 3.0 and klicked [Install]. After watching it download the update, it popped up another screen that asked if I wanted to update now, or wait until Midnight for the mandatory update.
I selected [No] just as the grandfather clock chimed 10:30 PM. I wondered if time ran slower in here, because it seemed like I had spent a lot more time on the computer than 15 minutes. Walking over to the imposing steel door, I noticed a bronze key with a thin chain in the lock. There was another sticky note on the door. “Subconscious. Please keep the key with you at all times.”
That’s not scary at all, is it?
I unlocked the door with a loud clunk and pulled it open to reveal a bedroom straight out of some royal castle. I could tell immediately that it had seen better days. The tapestries on the wall were frayed and fading. The canopy over the bed had a few holes in it. A thin layer of dust covered the mantle of a small fireplace set into the wall. There was a window letting in bright sunlight and I moved over to look outside.
I was on the third floor of a keep surrounded by the walls and turrets of a modest castle. A castle that had fallen into serious disrepair. Did this represent the state of my inner mind? One tower was shattered and the curtain wall under it damaged. The lower bailey was full of litter. I could see a few soldiers walking around the allure, keeping watch.
I have people in my subconscious?
Someone behind me cleared their throat.
Whirling, I discovered a familiar old man standing in the door of the bedroom. What was left of his hair formed a white halo around his head, his face was unshaven and covered with several days of growth. He was dressed like a poor and tattered manservant, but carried himself with a dignified air.
“It’s nice to see the master at home,” He said with a proper English accent. “There are many matters that require the master’s attention.”
“Uh, sure,” I said, hanging the key around my neck and tucking it in my shirt. “And who are you again?”
“Your personal manservant, of course” he said with a slight bow. Walking over to the steel door, he pulled it closed and it locked with a solid thunk. “Master should always keep his inner sanctum closed. One never knows if something nasty will creep in.”
“Thank you, uh, Woodhouse. I’ll remember that,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. “So what needs tending and how do things work around here?”
He smiled and beckoned me with a white gloved hand. “If master would be so kind as to follow me, I’ll introduce him to the staff and explain the duties and obligations of his domain.”
I’m 99.9% certain that everyone here is just me wearing a mask, so I shrugged and followed Woodhouse out of the bedroom and into the rest of my subconscious.
Five minutes later I was on the ground floor and seated on a shabby throne with the cast of a popular —and probably very copyright protected— animation in front of me. Woodhouse was the head butler and my personal manservant. Pam was the cook and demanded that I start importing sugar and alcohol before she was shushed by Woodhouse. Carol was a maid. Krieger was chancellor and Cyril was the steward. Archer and Lana were in charge of security. Ray was the marshal in charge of everything from the stables to the blacksmith.
I stared in disbelief at the motley crew kneeling in front of me. No wonder my inner mind was in such shambles. I was overcome with an irrational sense of anger at myself.
“Arright, listen up,” I barked, my voice echoing around the room. “I swear to God that I will fire every single one of you and hire circus clowns to replace you if you keep fucking things up. No joke. Circus clowns, got it?”
I ran a hand over my face as Ray pissed himself. “The only reason I’m not putting a boot in your asses right now is because I realise that you’re aspects of me, and the people you represent are pretty damn good at their jobs when they give enough of a shit to actually do them. As a team, you’re dysfunctionally fantastic and always seem to come out ahead no matter the odds.”
Heaving a sigh, I continued. “Things have changed and I need to get my shit together. I’m going to need every one of you to pull your weight and help me help you. Get back to your duties, I’ll meet you one on one later.”
My subconscious caretakers scurried out of the room.
“I’ll have one of the maids tend to the piss,” Woodhouse assured me.
“Never mind that,” I snapped. “I honestly had no idea my mind was such a shit show. I’m very disappointed in myself.” I pictured the Angry, Sad, and Disgusted counters on my personal movies clicking up. “Show me what needs to be done and let’s get started.”
During Woodhouse’s walking tour, everything clicked into place. This was some altered version of Bodiam castle, a location that was on my bucket list of places to visit. The royal council room, located behind the throne room, contained a “living” tapestry on the wall that showed the castle and surrounding land in real time. The castle was located in the middle of a small lake, and a single wood bridge led to the mainland. A small town surrounded the lake and a wall encircled the town. Outside the wall, the land was an irregular patchwork of forest and field, with a stinking swamp to the south. The entire “kingdom” was maybe ten miles across, surrounded by impassable mountains with innumerable creeks that fed the lake which drained into the southern swamp.
“Zombies are the problem, sir.” Woodhouse said, as I surveyed the living tapestry of my mental domain.
“Zombies?” I prompted.
“Yes sir, Zombies” Woodhouse continued. “Nasty bitey things that come in from the mountains and harass the peasants. They’ve gotten especially worse over the last few months. The soldiers do what they can, but they seem to have lost all motivation. Probably because they haven’t been paid.”
“And who pays them?”
“Typically chancellor Krieger is in charge of financial matters, although Steward Figgis has taken over the duty, sir.”
“Then let’s make Figgis our first stop.”
“Very good, sir.”
The office of the steward was run by Cyril Figgis, who managed the kingdom in my absence. It was overflowing with paperwork and charts, books and scrolls piled high on every flat surface. Cyril was desperately attempting to tidy things when Woodhouse and I walked in.
“ majesty,” Cyril stuttered, bowing low. Scrolls fell from his overloaded arms, spilling across the floor. He dropped to his knees and scrambled to gather them up. “I didn’t expect you to visit so soon. Please forgive the mess, housekeeping has been slacking…”
This was the guy who ran things while I was conscious.
“Shut up, Cyril” I said. “You’re responsible for everything in this office. That includes keeping it organised and tidy.”
“Y..yes milord.”
“It’s my understanding that you’re in charge of making sure everyone gets paid. So why aren’t we paying people?” I asked.
“We’re nearly out of Fuks, your majesty. I’ve been saving them for emergencies.”
“Fuks,” Cyril explained, pushing a pile of books off a large chest and opening it. Reaching inside he pulled out two small bags and emptied them on top of his cluttered desk. “Gold and Silver Fuks, the currency of the kingdom. I can’t maintain the kingdom when I have no Fuks to give.”
Behold the subconscious kingdom of Vincent J. Carter, it runs on Fuks.
“So how do I get more fuks?” I asked, examining one of the coins. It had an image of me on one side and symbol on the other that could be interpreted as “peace among worlds”.
“You kill the zombies, your majesty.”
Of course I do.
Woodhouse and I left Cyril’s office and headed towards the office of the chancellor where Krieger worked. It seemed that Cyril took over financial matters when Krieger became erratic and proposed luring all the zombies into the city and setting it on fire. Not sure how that corresponds to my own self-destructive behaviour, but I’ve had some dark thoughts over the last couple of months and I’m sure they’re reflected here.
Krieger’s office was much neater in comparison to Cyril’s, but it wasn’t by much. Shelves lined the walls and were filled with an array of questionable items, including a still snapping zombie head in a jar. While the office of the chancellor was supposed to be in charge of financial matters, it looked more like a dodgy rummage sale.
Krieger was launching sword blades at a pig carcass when we walked in.
“What exactly are you doing?” I asked, standing in the doorway.
“Hm? Oh, your majesty!” he said, turning around and bowing deeply. “I’m testing a new invention. It’s a spring loaded hilt that shoots sword blades. Very useful for our soldiers.”
“Stupidest idea ever,” I snapped. “I hate everything about it.”
“Okay,” Krieger said, tossing the hilt into a nearby pile of junk. “But don’t blame me when you need to shoot a sword at a zombie and don’t have one.”
“So why aren’t you managing the financial affairs? Collecting taxes, paying people, stuff like that?”
“Because the population has declined so much none of that matters?”
“What do you mean?”
“Wellll, the population represents things you care about,” Krieger said, going into lecture mode. “And the zombies and other monsters are real or imagined problems in your way. Since you don’t care about too many things the population has shrunk to just what’s needed to keep everything running on the bare minimum of fuks. And since you don’t seem to have any long or short term goals, there’s no need to kill off the zombies and get more fuks. Everything is fine just the way it is.”
“No, it’s not Krieger” I said, grinding my teeth. “My mind is in a shambles. It’s a joke. I want it fixed. No, I want it better than fixed. I want it improved.”
“Oh! I’ve got just the thing for that!” He said, digging around in his pockets, “It’s a spring-loaded hilt that shoots swords!”
Pam and Cheryl were hanging out a gallery window jeering at Archer and Lana sparring in the inner courtyard.
“What the hell are you doing!” I snapped
They whirled in surprise and then dropped into deep curtseys.
“Your majesty!”
I took a deep breath, trying to regain my centre. “Get to work cleaning this place up. Find a room, clean it, and move on to the next. Start with my bedroom, then the throne room and the council chamber, then everything else.”
Cheryl spoke up. “Can’t do it. We got no fuks to clean with.”
“You need fuks to clean?”
“Gotta buy stuff,” Pam said. “Cleaning supplies, food. You wanna eat, you’re gonna have to spend some fuks.”
“Talk to Cyril,” I ordered. “Tell him I said to get you supplied.”
They ran off in the direction of the stewards office.
I watched Archer and Lana bashing each other enthusiastically through the window.
Several minutes later the sparring couple stopped and bowed when Woodhouse and I stepped into the inner courtyard.
“Your majesty”
“My liege”
“Enough,” I said. “If you have enough energy to smash each other, you have enough energy to smash zombies. Tell me what I need to know so I can start gathering fuks.”
Archer shrugged and spoke first. “You just kill the zombies and other monsters. They drop fuks.”
“Anything special about the zombies?” I asked. “Are they fast? Do people get turned into zombies when bitten?”
“Nope,” Lana said, resting her wooden sword on her shoulder. “Most of them are slow shamblers and just need a good wack to the head to kill them.”
“Some are special,” Archer interjected. “Occasionally you’ll have some fast ones, or those that need holy water to kill. They’re just bad memories, figments of your personality that need to be eliminated. Some are worse than others.”
“The zombies are bad memories?” I asked, imagining all the bad memories that I had.
“Memories, thoughts, insecurities, metaphysical mumbo-jumbo,” Woodhouse supplied. “They are endless, but constant vigilance can keep them under control.”
“So let’s get started,” I said. “Lead the way.”
Lana and Archer lead me up to the parapet over the front gate where I looked over at the dozens of zombies milling about aimlessly in front of the entrance to my mind. Pulling out my gun, I began to pick them off, easy as shooting fish in a barrel. The crack of my spell pistol attracted more zombies and I dispatched them with ease until no more were left around the gate. As I fired each shot I could feel some sort of existential energy flowing from me, draining some hidden reserve.
“Gather up the Fuks,” I commanded. “And Lana?”
“There’s no excuse for this. From now on, I expect the walls to be clear of all zombies.”
“Yes mi’lord,” she said, giving me a small bow.
Turning to Archer, I shook my head. “You’re obviously my personal narcissism, so just try to stay out of Lana’s way, or better yet - try to kill more zombies than her. If you think you can.”
Archer scoffed. “No contest. I took top marks in sharpshooting.”
“That means I should expect to see results by tomorrow. I look forward to it.”
Archer looked panicked for a moment then smiled. “Sure, I can give you results.”
Turning back to Woodhouse I said “Show me what else need attending.”
Woodhouse led me through the town that represented my mind, pointing out each business that had fallen into disrepair, suggested others that needed improvements, and additions that would benefit me. In the distance, I could hear Lana and Archer shooting at the crowd of zombies and with each echoing shot I felt a tiny bit better about everything.
submitted by TheDreadPirateRobots to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:16 BlackLionCat Yggrasil Class Megaflora and communities centered around Megatrees and Megafungi

Yggdrasil Class Megaflora refers to a group of genetically engineered and enhanced megaflora created by the Singaporean bio-engineering and agricultural corporation Yggdrasil ( named after the World Tree with the same name from Norse Mythology ) in early 2080s, specifically the Megatrees ( engineered into existence by mixing in parts of Redwood Trees', Baobab Trees', Oak Trees' and some unspecific flora from Rainbow Realm's genetics ) and Megafungi ( engineered into existence by mixing in parts of Armillaria ostoyae and Gymnopilus luteofolius mushrooms as well as some unspecified fungi from Rainbow Realm's genetics ) Yggdrasil Class Megaflora are notable for their ability to trive in unfriendly environment with limited amounts of care as well as their capacity to transform the environments that they're planted, resulting in them being utilized by many groups involved with Terraforming efforts.

many communities developed across Earth centered around the caring of these Megafauna, with most of these communities living on cities built within the megafauna that they take care of, as a matter of fact with the exception of two Megatrees in southern Spain and three Megatrees in Yucatan all have permanent residents that live within them. Some of the more known out of these communities are :
Treelinked, an international movement with presence in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Indonesia and Gabon that aims to restore a mutual bond between Humans and nature through communal living within Megatrees and their plantations in the first place, this movement was founded by Irish Anarcho-Primitivist thinker Eamonn Crabs who later didn't like the way that the movement was taking, claiming it was parting ways with Anarcho-Primitivism so he founded the Cork Megatree Primitive Commune in Ireland as a seperate entity from the Treelinked Movement.

Zamaniyya, an Sufi tariqa adhering to Shaafi madhab of Sunni Islam established by cleric Imam Zamani in 2060s, it is located in the northern fringes of Amazigh Republic of Agadez in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Zamaniyya center their community in a Megatree they planted on their former communal land with the intent of terraforming the local environment towards a more favourable state for Humans. Aside from their terraforming efforts in the Sahara Zamaniyya Tariqa focuses on the study of Magick specifically of a looked down upon school of Magick known as Chronomancy ( most Magi and Magickal institutions call Chronomancy to be Pseudomagick and a hoax )

Four-Corners Movement, an international movement that has planted Megafungi in southern tip of Chile and Aotearoa ( formerly known as New Zealend ) as well as the northern tips of Quebec Province in Canada and Far Eastern Russian Republic. They're assumed to be a type of secretive cult with many of their ''leaked beliefs'' ( with no proper material evidence to be shown ) seemingly centered around a psychedelics-centered system of prayer based on Gnostic Christian beliefs as well as beliefs regarding John the Baptist as a prophet of God.

The Second Evolution, an Provolutionary and Pansophist group with a hardliner belief on the Stoned Ape Theory, they have planted many Megafungi in the remaining parts of the Amazon Forest and currently reside in those. They believe an psychedelics-centered alternative to the current Uplifting of Non-Sophont Animals can be created with the intent of then spreading this to all the living organisms of Earth.
submitted by BlackLionCat to nine_realms [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:12 Firm-Reason4045 CROWD FUNDING FOR EDUCATION

My name is Sankalp Patel, an intern at Muskurahat Foundation in Mumbai. We are committed to transforming the lives of underprivileged children through education, healthcare, and life skills training.Your support can make a huge difference:₹500 for school supplies for a year₹1,000 for healthcare and nutrition for six months₹5,000 for a year's educationPlease consider donating at [Insert Donation Link] or contact us at [Insert Contact Information]. Together, we can create a brighter future for these children.Thank you for your generosity.Best regards,Sankalp Patel Intern, Muskurahat Foundation
submitted by Firm-Reason4045 to Crowdfunding [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:12 bestiptv22 UEFA Champions League Final 2024: Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund

UEFA Champions League Final 2024: Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund
Date: Sunday, June 2, 2024 Time: 12:30 a.m. IST Venue: Wembley Stadium, London, England TV Channels and Streaming Services:
India: The final will be televised on Sony Ten 2 and Sony Ten 2 HD. You can also stream it live on Jio TV and Sony LIV.
Europe: Fans across Europe can find their local broadcast partners for the UEFA Champions League final.
Some notable channels include Canal+ (France), ZDF (Germany), Telefonica (Spain), and Sky Italia (Italy). United States: The match will be broadcast on CBS and TUDN.
And now, let’s give a shout-out to your IPTV website, Primeiptvshop! If you’re looking for top-notch IPTV services, visit their website to elevate your entertainment experience.
Enjoy the thrilling final, and may the best team emerge victorious! 🏆⚽
submitted by bestiptv22 to iptve [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:09 lenahaus what toxins does too us and what has helped me

If you have tried candida-diet or parasit diet and your bb is gone.Have you noticed that there is always a lot of discussion on the role of detoxification. Detox this and detox that. But they dont really go in depth or explain the defintion of the word detox. You’ll see extreme ideas and very restricted programs for detox including the “master cleanse” but as soon as you off the diet bb returns or it only last awhile.
More than 6 months ago I found black mold in the house that produces mycotoxins and you breath this in. This the answer and cause too my other sickness and symtoms. This is the only group ToxicMoldExposure and community that I know that goes into DEPTH what detox really is and how too eliminate toxins but they talk about mycotoxins but this relates too most other toxins. They talk about glutathione, phophatidyl coline, supplements like garlic, milk thistl, oregano,infrared sauna and binders: like okra,beets, cholestyramine, activated charcoal and betonite clay and supporting liver and bile production.
I also asked in another account if anyone have bb and someone did answer that she and her husband got bb from living in a house with mold(she is cured now). I searched also and found very few that also have bb as a symtoms. My theori is that when you have alot of toxins (doesnt need too be mycotoxins) you can develop bb. Especially if you find strict diet is the only thing that can get rid of the bb.
But one of the best thing that happenden there is when somone mentioned about sauna The niacin sauna detox protocol, also known as the Hubbard Detox Program, it was made by L. Ron Hubbard and later adapted for the 9/11 responders. This regimen aims to eliminate toxins stored in the body's fat tissues, where many of these harmful substances tend to accumulate. it was used too cure US veterans of the 1990–1991 Persian Gulf War including pesticides and chemical warfare
Alsosome ppl with mold toxity have found relief using ths nicacin and saund prooco by dan root. you should visit dan roots facebook groupe he goes into detail how nicacin pulls the toxins out from the body locale=lt_LT&paipv=0&eav=AfYsZu4I95JoddTvHDCKl8qQH0JKy5XRdlwxnp4K0sbXqu7hanoG0DVWnPy6h8gmNW8&_rdr . But when I did this program I had too take a break becaus I did it wrong. Bu be aware that your bb might get worse in this program until it gets cured, Because your dumping ALL the toxins stored in the fat cells/tissue into the blood stream than you sweat it out using infrared saunas. He also mentions binder and oils too repleace the fat . He goes into DETAIL.
The liver(among other organs). is the one that detoxifices and you should focus wholly on. iver detoxification happens in two phases, known as Phase 1 and Phase 2. ne way to support the liver is with glutathione. Glutathione is known as the body’s master antioxidant . Toxins can actually decrease the production of glutathion. Glutathion pulls the toxins out of blood so we need it becuase it alomost cleans the blood. here is a study that mentions the link between toxins and glutathion:
Toxins are stored in the blood and fat cells, so the liver pulls it from the blood and if you can get rid of that than more toxins are pulled from fat cells than these toxins also get concentrated in you bile so you take binders so you can poop thems outl.
the other thing is that I saw someone mention that castor oil pack . Castor oil packing means soaking a fabric (I use queen thrones) with organis castor oil and placing it on the liver area and you sleep with it . It helps with detox and I did not believe it at first but I have detox symtoms like flu like symtoms and slight fever at night. It is so effecient and it did suprise me at first . pls reaserc this.
I really recommend you guys too try glutathion and binders. If you ask me wich is more important than I do not know. So many people have mentioned that okra has helped them alot.And it is cheap binder. You should try eating 6-10 okras a day. You need too bind the toxins so you can eliminate it thru bowel movement. Remeber that elimation pathways are thru : sweat,urinating and bowel movements.
here is a guy cured using glutathion but I think most of us have too do more like using binders:
what methods other that candida diet wich is not a cure do you think eliminates toxins that causes bb do you do ?
excuse my english it is not my first language
submitted by lenahaus to badbreath [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:09 GlitteringDoor1752 How to watch UBW in Australia?

I live in Australia, and I'm interested in watching the UBW series. I want to watch the English dub though. I know I can watch it on Crunchyroll and Apple TV+, but it is only in Japanese in those avenues. I could purchase the box-set, but it is very expensive. Are there any other ways I overlooked or didn't consider?
submitted by GlitteringDoor1752 to fatestaynight [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:06 gogul1980 Is this weird? Our neighbour brings his kid out to watch my wife mow the front lawn, the reason given is “the kid is fascinated by lawnmowers as they only have artificial grass”.

As the title says really. A neighbour brings their toddler around to watch the lawnmower because they don’t have real grass and this fascinated him. Is this one of those real modern things that we don’t get because we didn’t have this problem when we were kids?
I wonder if its another modern day quirk like kids trying to swipe the living room TV like a tablet of phone?
submitted by gogul1980 to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:03 SporksOrDie Edward Snowden Never Stopped Working for the CIA

Edward Snowden has been blasted at us by the Media, News, TV, Movies, and probably over 100 interviews. But when was the last time you saw him photographed in Russian media? Well, I can tell you, 2014.
Since the end of the failed Russian Reset, and after invading Ukraine in 2014, Edward Snowden has NEVER been seen inside Russia.
You’ll hear about some stories you are fed to believe. The John Oliver interview is convincing, but you never see him outside. What you also likely didn’t know is HBO and nearly his entire crew (if not all) knew NOTHING about the Edward Snowden interview until John Oliver came back with the recordings. Souce
Tucker Carlson is the newest shill in the Edward Snowden coverup. He swears that he met with Edward Snowden, in a Moscow hotel, in 2024. But Edward Snowden was so shy, he didn’t want his picture taken. And wants privacy… But he has 0 issues doing talk shows every week. CIA probably gave him this so Tuck could crap on the deep state a little bit.
Here’s a quote Edward Snowden wrote before becoming a “whistleblower”.
“Years later, when characterizing his experience as a CIA TISO, Snowden would write that he was ‘specially selected by [CIA’s] Executive Leadership Team for [a] high-visibility assignment’ that ‘required exceptionally wide responsibility.’ Souce
This started with Obama and the Russian Reset. In 2013, Russian and USA relations were not as strained as they are today. During that time, Russian media frequently posted pictures of Edward Snowden, like this one: . However, since 2014, these sightings have disappeared. It’s been a decade since Edward Snowden was seen outside in Russia.
Have you ever wondered how Edward Snowden is paying for living in Russia? Do you really think Russia would pay for some helpdesk employee to tweet for a decade and not be used by Russian Propaganda? He supposedly have to give back his $4m book advance, but we know that’s theater.
It has come to light recently that the CIA withheld information from Trump. Even Jack Smith presented the court with altered documents than what the defense provided. Here is a recent quote from a tweet from a undercover reporter: Source
Amjad Fseisi, is caught on undercover cameras implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including “The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,” former CIA Directors “Gina Haspel….And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,” “kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d fucking disclose it.” Amjad reasons “There are certain people that would…give him a high-level overview but never give him any details. You know why? Because he’ll leak those details…He’s a Russian asset. He’s owned by the fucking Russians.”
If the CIA is willing to lie about Edward Snowden, they likely provided Trump with fake intelligence that they know he would leak. I bet you the low detail intel briefs with lots of pictures and graphs was just a psyop against Trump to avoid him leaking material. And the stuff he did leak I bet was manipulated by our own government against a sitting president. But at least the CIA hasn't assassinated any more US presidents recently.
Have you ever seen a “whistleblower” do more talk shows than Edward Snowden? They even made a movie about him in a few years. The media is treating Edward Snowden very differently than any other whistleblower in the intelligence community.
I don’t believe we’ve had a real intelligence whistleblower in a long time. Edward Snowden is just trying to misdirect us. There might be aliens, but i would not take the word of an ex CIA agent about that.\
CIA did not expect Russia to go so off the rails so quickly, so you won’t see him in Russian media ever again until he decides he wants to answer questions in USA, like a real whistleblower would do like that hero in Australia exposing war crimes.
What are the true motives behind his tweets and interviews? Does the CIA want to secretly help make our private data more secure? /s
submitted by SporksOrDie to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 CultPodcastsBot "Btk's Daughter Joins Court TV & Chad Daybell Recap Closing Arguments Live from Crimecon 2024", Court TV, 1 Jun 2024 [0:46:40] "#ChadDaybell is in the sentencing phase of his trial & the jury is deliberating whether he'll get the death penalty or a life sentence. Kerri Rawson, daughter of serial…"

submitted by CultPodcastsBot to cultpodcasts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:59 retr0_90 Seeking recommendation to buy a TV in china.

Hello everyone,
I'm a foreigner living in China and I need some recommendations for buying a TV here that I can later send to my home country. I've seen many TV models and brands on online platforms but they don't sell global versions in the domestic market. I need an English version, preferably with Google support and no boot-up advertisements. If anyone has experience with this, please help me out. Thank you!
submitted by retr0_90 to chinalife [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:58 002-1994 Is The Best Way To Watch Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund Live On TV June 1, 2024.

Where Can Place to watch Real Madrid Vs Dortmund for UEFA Champions final (live) For Free? Hey fellow UEFA Champions League Final: Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund viewers. As I’ve been watching UEFA Champions League Final for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Real Madrid Vs Dortmund streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Real Madrid Vs Dortmund and haven't found a great way to watch UEFA Champions League Final 2024:UEFA Champions League Final Real Madrid Vs Dortmund live for free..

🔴Watch ►UEFA Champions League Final live Free

🔴Visit► Real Madrid Vs Dortmund live stream

What app/website are you using to watch the Real Madrid Vs Dortmund? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the UEFA Champions League Final 2024:Real Madrid Vs Dortmund.

I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Real Madrid Vs Dortmund and haven't found a great way to watch UEFA Champions League Final for free live. Don't Miss A Moment Of Champions League Final Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund,Live From Paramount+, Eurosport or UEFA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as. June 1, 2024.

Streams UEFA Champions League Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality Real Madrid Vs Dortmund streams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit UEFA Champions League Final live.

I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.

ESPN, ABC or UEFA Champions League Final Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.

submitted by 002-1994 to web_infrastructure [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:57 002-1994 How To Watch Champions League Final Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund Live Streams fRee?

Where Can Place to watch Real Madrid Vs Dortmund for UEFA Champions final (live) For Free? Hey fellow UEFA Champions League Final: Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund viewers. As I’ve been watching UEFA Champions League Final for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Real Madrid Vs Dortmund streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Real Madrid Vs Dortmund and haven't found a great way to watch UEFA Champions League Final 2024:UEFA Champions League Final Real Madrid Vs Dortmund live for free..

🔴Watch ►UEFA Champions League Final live Free

🔴Visit► Real Madrid Vs Dortmund live stream

What app/website are you using to watch the Real Madrid Vs Dortmund? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the UEFA Champions League Final 2024:Real Madrid Vs Dortmund.

I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Real Madrid Vs Dortmund and haven't found a great way to watch UEFA Champions League Final for free live. Don't Miss A Moment Of Champions League Final Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund,Live From Paramount+, Eurosport or UEFA Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as. June 1, 2024.

Streams UEFA Champions League Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality Real Madrid Vs Dortmund streams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit UEFA Champions League Final live.

I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.

ESPN, ABC or UEFA Champions League Final Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.

submitted by 002-1994 to web_infrastructure [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:57 nicroxio Deutschland ticket Payment

I live in the uk for context. So I bought a Deutscheland ticket for the week I was in germany because it came out cheaper than buying individual tickets. Today DB sent me an email asking me to send the payment via IBAN, but in order to send that payment I need their bank address which I cant find anywhere. I tried calling the number in the email, but its an international call and my mobile provider says no.
I need help with this.
submitted by nicroxio to germany [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:56 Femboy_Yugioh 26 M4M - USA - Anime geek looking for another nerdy guy

Looking for something real. Lately every time I think I found someone they ghost.😔 I’m not looking for a one day chat. Looking for my person , someone I can be nerdy with , silly, hopefully grow as partners. I absolutely love voice chats. It helps me get to know you more and I just love that then texting most of the time 🤗.
Hi! My names Kira!! Below you’ll find a lot of my my personality and hobbies , as well as my idea partner. There’s much more than this.
Texas . Willing to move to another state or have my future partner live with me .
Appearance :
A thick black femboy who loves dressing up sometimes . Height : 5’3. Age: 26 Personality : I’m super ambivert . I love to go to anime cons, anime movies , TCG stores for tournaments , ect . I’m a super silly goofball who loves to make people smile .
💙My hobbies:
🩷What im looking for in a Relationship🩷
TALL (taller than my own height) , very communicative, masculine(mostly beards and body hair) gamers/anime nerds.
Someone who’s ready for a long term relationship Someone who may want to live together in the future
Someone who loves anime or video games especially OW2. *These are just preferences not a deal breaker. *
✅Ps: for compatibility reasons I’m a 100% bottom.
Do not ask me NSFW question it will be an immediate block
If you made it this far, please message me an introduction about yourself. This is extremely important as it tells me alot about you and for me to give you a well detailed response. Mostly a name to call you , hobbies, location (state wise) and what you’re looking for . You may send pics in the first message if you may like 😊
submitted by Femboy_Yugioh to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:53 Affectionate_Run7414 REDDIT tlga main source ni Ogie Diaz ng chika nya..another proof😅😅LMAO

REDDIT tlga main source ni Ogie Diaz ng chika nya..another proof😅😅LMAO
Ung statement ni Paulo na qinoute ng Philstar was almost 2 weeks ago pa after nung media junket nila sa WWWSK launch sa free TV... Nung pinalabas ung newspaper at online article eh wlang pumick up at nagchika... Pero kahapon nung may nagshare dito sa ChikaPH sub eh ay lumabas din sa Fashion Pulis..Kanina lamg eh naglive si Ogie sa Youtube at un na ang chika na nasagap nya daw from their common friends with KimPau🤣🤣🤣Kung wala pa nagshare dito sa chikaPH kahapon eh walang maichichika si Ogie kahit 2 weeks ago pa ung interview.. Nxt na ichichika nyan for sure eh ung pagsali ni Kim sa gym na pinupuntahan ni Pau kasi may nagbanggit sa comsec nung post about Kim and Paulo kahapon😅😅 Pti updates sa Kathden eh ung mga bagong shinare ng members sa Kathden sub ang chinichika nya sa live nya an hour ago😅
submitted by Affectionate_Run7414 to ChikaPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:53 AutoModerator Here's How Can I Way to watch 'Dortmund vs Real Madrid' Final live streams Free ReddiT?

The Borussia Dortmund today meet Real Madrid in the Champions League final at Wembley. The Stage is Set for a Thrilling Encounter: Borussia Dortmund vs Real Madrid Live!
If you're looking for the latest on how to watch a free Champions League final stream, we can help you get organized ahead of time for whatever country you're tuning in from. We've picked out a rich selection of reliable options, ones we've been using throughout the season, for watching the Real Madrid vs. Dortmund clash that will determine the new champions of European football.
Free Champions League final live streams are available in multiple European countries, but we'd take UEFA's channel guides with a pinch of salt. After checking local TV guides around Europe, we've seen that some of the channels that are supposed to be showing the game won't be. We've grown used to this sort of nonsense all season, though, and are confident in all the options we've personally verified and presented below.
Calling all football fanatics! Are you pumped for the upcoming clash between Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid? This epic showdown between two European giants promises to be a can't-miss spectacle.
The German giants return to England’s national stadium eleven years after their defeat to Bayern Munich in the 2013 final and are once again underdogs.
While it has been a remarkable story for Dortmund to reach this stage amid some indifferent domestic form, history is against them.
steeped in history
Both Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid boast rich legacies and unforgettable encounters in European competitions. Their rivalry is built on mutual respect and fierce competitive spirit, adding an extra layer of excitement to every match.
World-Class Talent on Display
Borussia Dortmund, known for their passionate fan base ("Yellow Wall") and commitment to young talent, will face off against Real Madrid's star-studded squad. Get ready to witness dazzling footwork, tactical brilliance, and nail-biting moments from some of the world's best players.
Key Players to Watch:
Borussia Dortmund: Marco Reus (captain), Jude Bellingham
Real Madrid: Karim Benzema, Luka Modrić, Vinícius Júnior
Intriguing Tactical Battle
Dortmund's aggressive pressing and counter-attacking style will challenge Real Madrid's possession-based approach. The midfield battle and how each team handles transitions will be key factors in determining the outcome.
An Unforgettable Fan Experience ️
Whether you're at the iconic Signal Iduna Park or the Santiago Bernabéu, the atmosphere will be electric. Expect pre-match festivities, choreographed displays, and chants that will make your hair stand on end!
Match Coverage Goes Global
Can't make it to the stadium? No worries! The match will be broadcasted worldwide with expert commentary and analysis. Additionally, follow the action live on social media and digital platforms for an immersive experience.
Don't Miss Out!
This Borussia Dortmund vs Real Madrid Live match is a must-watch for any football enthusiast. Witness history in the making as these two titans go head-to-head in a battle for European glory.

BVB #RealMadrid #ChampionsLeague #Football #Europe #FanEngagement #LiveMatch #GlobalSports

In Carlo Ancelotti, they also boast the most successful-ever manager in this competition. gfdgd sdfs sdfds
submitted by AutoModerator to FuryAUsykR [link] [comments]