Games that cant be blocked

**And they say you can't subscribe to subreddits that interest you.**

2018.06.10 04:41 maelstrom197 **And they say you can't subscribe to subreddits that interest you.**

"And they say potatoes can't be eaten." Who said that?

2017.09.29 21:53 Thevisi0nary Item Shop

Things that look like items from RPGs and other video games. Weapons, armor, accessories, etc. Include stats! **Posts containing actual video game items will be removed.**

2014.02.27 04:00 StOoPiD_U FreeGameFindings

/FreeGameFindings is based around finding free game promotions all over the place! Be it Steam, Epic, Origin, Ubisoft Connect, GOG, Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo Consoles, we will find every last free Game and DLC promotion we can, and get it to you!

2024.05.17 13:53 Intelligent_Joke_867 It's hard for me to find passionate and love in my relationship. Should i (20F) leave my boyfriend(22F), or should i try to work out on it?

We met in the uni and despite we are not studying in the same class, we have a same group of friends, so that's how we met and fall in love to each other. ( that's also a consideration for me to ask for a breakup because we have a same group of friend and it probably will be hard for us to hangout with our friends after our breakup)
The reason i don't feel love anymore in our relationships:
  1. He is a normal guy, before he met me, he likes to play computer games, coding and read manga, quite a boring guy for me. I like to socialize with people and hangout with friends, participating in uni activities, so actually im always the one who bring him to meet my friends and socialize, i feel like he dont have his own social circle and never bring me to his friend at all.
2.he is just too boring, im always the one who keep non-stop talking in our relationships, im a talkative person but sometimes when im not in a mood to talk or something i just hope that he could be the one that can at least lead the atmosphere for a bit, or at least think of a topic
  1. im always the one who plan for our dates. i told him im abit annoyed by this before, he tried it once , but screwed up our dates, and kinda disappointed me deep inside my mind but i still keep it in my heart and try to comfort and encourage him, but since that he gave up on planning our dates
  2. he cant provide me any emotional support, and even will give me negative effects sometimes due to his negativities and low self-esteem. I need to get positive energy when i hangout with my friends, and when im with him too long, i feel like im drained.
5.he cant even do anything when im sick, which disappointed me the most. His body his bit weak, which im acceptable to it, and when he's sick, i'll always do my best like walk to a pharmacy 1km far away to buy medicines for him, buy food for him, help him massage, etc but when the ridiculous part is when im sick his only respond is just im uncomfortable too/ rest well babe, im really pissed of his attitude
  1. NO CHANGES. I already told him all the things im annoyed above, his excuses is always he tried already, but he's just dumb or born to be a boring person, but i really don't see his changes at all
  2. The most ridiculous part is : he talked to me about his ex. this is literally a red flag for me. im a person who never been in a relationships, he is my FIRST, so his ex is always been a torn in my heart and i know i will be uncomfortable with it so i never ask about the details when they were dating, but one random day, he just talked to me about the details when they were dating , this makes me so uncomfortable
8.HE LIED. after the no7, i confronted him one day and told him im damn uncomfortable after he told me about the story. he then told me that actually the whole story is kinda made up, he never actually really dated the girl before, they are more like in a situationship that time. That makes me feel so weird.
  1. THE LAST. He still following the girl's social media, which makes me feel so confused. but the weird part is he blocked the girl and just only he can see the girl status, this makes me feel weird, and im gonna tell him ASAP. the saddest part is his mom and the gurl even still following each other....
submitted by Intelligent_Joke_867 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:23 BrilliantFeature7337 Can you unlock all the diarys in game?

Can you unlock all the diarys in game?
I have tried to communicate with all NPCs in the facility and interact with hologram and terminals as much as possible, and unlock most of the diarys. But it seems that there are still some diarys that have not been unlocked in the end. Is it feasible to unlock following diarys in the current game version?
The first one is IS-0053, I think. In my view, it should be unlocked after you have talked to Dr.Abe, who located in Labs Sector, carrying with a Electro-Pest.
The second one is IS-0139. I really cant find another part of email of it. The only one I can find is located at the Containment block, and a hologram next to the train station at Manufacturing West.
The third one IS-0172, I think, which located in a containment chamber, next to the place when you can get the 'Antique Shotgun'. Cant find anyway to get in there so far.
The fourth one is IS-0173-B, the Electro-Pest, which might be unlock after you have talked to Dr. Abe?
The fifth one is.. i dont know, I have no idea who this is. It might be a doctor or researcher just like the others.
submitted by BrilliantFeature7337 to AbioticFactor [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:25 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Christian man seeking Christian woman #Washington #Online

I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to have no mileage.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you to be fully submissive to me. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to submit to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:42 Silver-East7323 Friendzoned by coworker and now I am depressed

I 32 M like my coworker 35F - we have been colleagues for a couple of years but recently I developed feelings for her. We are good friends and have good rapport as well. After much deliberation I gathered the courage and did shoot my shot. Not surprisingly, I got turned down.
She said it's her and not me and that she isn't ready for a relationship (she got out of one 2 years ago) and has lot of baggage. She also said she cares about me and anyone will be lucky to have me.
Obviously, I think she was just softening the blow and for me if it's a No it's a No. I didn't push her and asked her to not justify her decision , she however continued talking about her past and how great guy I am blah blah blah.
I thanked her for her time and for not taking it negatively. I told her I will always care for her and my last act showing care for her would be to let her go. She said she would love to be friends and want me to be part of her life - basically friendzoned me. I said yes only because we work together, else I would have blocked her and moved on.
Now this is where the problem comes in - we work together and I have been so far (2-3 weeks) able to keep things professional and mentally feel.a bit better when I'm away for her and WFH. However the moment I see her (we see each other 3 times a week) it puts my game and I spiral back into depression.
I have been trying to ignore her - work wise I don't, but I stopped initiating things like asking for coffee during break, lunch together etc. We had drinks the other day with others and I ignored her and she later asked me if everything is okay as I seemed silent. Well how can I be okay when I see her happy and see her that my feelings don't affect her anyway at all. That hurts me
I can't seem to move.on and I'm in depression and she is enjoying her life. How do I deal with this and get better. I can't change team or jobs so the situation is what it is.
TL DR Coworker rejected me and seems happy. I am in depression and if I feel better - I see her in the office and all my strength is lost and I become sad again knowing I'll never have her. How do I deal with her as changing job/team is not possible and I want to feel better.
Please help out your brother.
submitted by Silver-East7323 to Friendzone [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:15 LOWR_ApeX Just recently moved to a new apartment and now I have this multiple console TV setup. Is there any way I could spice things up?

Just recently moved to a new apartment and now I have this multiple console TV setup. Is there any way I could spice things up?
My apologies but correct me if this isn't the right sub for this sorta thing.
As you can see, most of the cable management is already done. I screwed a part of a bird cage wire net to the back of the cabinet and used zip ties to keep most of the cables in place. The remaining cables and power supply blocks are in the gray box below. The heat can escape so it's safe.
Now I need other people's input on this because I want to make this TV setup more functional and pretty.
My current problems: • The TV power cord (right side below TV) is just hanging there and I want to hide it because it's "just there", looking odd.
• That outlet on the left of the TV is damaged and a part has been broken off. It's safe so don't worry about electrical safety but I would like a creative solution to hide it, if possible and the telephone outlet beside it as well. I won't and can't move the TV since that'll require me to drill new holes in the wall which I'm not going to do.
• The ethernet cable on the left side of the cabinet is also visible there. There is already a cable tray going there from my internet modem. I am planning on putting a subwoofer to the left of the cabinet when I get a dedicated sound system so the cable will be hidden.
• Lastly, the bundled cables below the TV on the left also look out of place.
What I'm planning to do:
I ordered some sticky controller wall mounts from Temu to show off controllers besides the TV on the right and someone that I know will give me a sound bar with subwoofer this weekend. I'm also planning on hiding the remaining cables under the cabinet.
So, does anyone have any suggestions for me to make this TV gaming setup even more amazing?
submitted by LOWR_ApeX to consoles [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:44 AnonHereWeGo What to do about Ex-GF in boardgame group who's continually cruel towards me? M28 F26

Greetings everyone, praying for a good day for you all!
As you can tell this is abit of a long one XD.
This happened over a year ago but it still haunts and torments me to this day, and is the first time I've told anyone else about it.
There's some context I believe that's necessary to better understand everything going on, going into this situation.
Have been having some issues at a board gaming group with a ex gf I met there.
Please don't take mine or her side. Don't harass, gaslight, insult or generally be cruel towards me about this XD. Have more then a lifetime of that don't want anymore. No one does. Don't assume you know how she's thinking or how I'm thinking, or who's right or wrong.
You don't know her, you don't know me, you weren't there for any of it. Do not assume.
I just want to find a peaceful solution to this problem and for her to stop antagonizing me, her actions cause me insane amounts of stress, anxiety, panic attacks. To the point where I almost have hypertension attacks, where my body goes numb, I can't breathe, and I die!! Horray!! :^D
Even typing this right now I'm having a panic/stress attack.
The amount of courage and energy it's taking me to type this and seek help is very painful.
She was someone I met through the boardgaming group.
I had just had a group of individuals spread sexual harassment gossip and rumors about me and get me kicked out of a Creator Space, another board gaming group and banned from a boardgaming store.
I walked in one day to play Gloomhaven as usual with 2 friends when the owner started yelling and screaming at me to leave the shop immediately or he was going to call the police to have me forcibely removed. I was not told ahead of time of my banning despite being on their discord and having spoken and seen their employees before on a few occasions.
Apparently one of the workers at the store was friends with someone who was accusing me of sexual harassment and spreading lies about me, and that I was silently banned from their discord and store without having been notified ahead of time.
Never once did the store owner or anyone else at the store contact me to get my side of the story before judging the situation.
I was guilty until proven innocent, which they didn't even give me the chance of proving my innocence.
Never had I been more abused or mistreated in my whole life then in that one moment.
Very humorously enough the only good person and friend I made from the Gloomhaven group when he listened to my side of the story believed me! Everyone who listened to me believed me while those who judged me without even talked to me didn't. Weird huh?
Sorry to go off on a tangent, but this is just background to me joining the new boardgaming group and the insane amount of depression and anxiety I was battling and currently still do.
I was insanely nervous and deeply depressed going into the new group, and terrified that news might spread and that I might get cruely kicked out of the new one which luckily did not happen.
It meets up in a church basement, and the fact that I can leave food and drink there, and that it isn't noise or loud or triggers my tinnitus or anxiety is great.
But some drama did occur around me on the discord related to other stuff that did make the "in" group of people dislike and have grudges against me!
So just a very tricky and complicated situation.
After our split up she now seems to antagonize me constantly if I happen to be there when she is there. In very passive aggressive ways.
After we split ways I was hoping to stay friends, but I don't know she herself comes from a abusive family background, with her parents being divorced and seeing different people among other things. One day I texted her a image of a Eclipse 2nd Dawn of the Galaxy supplement that had arrived at 6 or 7am and she blew up about it saying it was way too weird of a hour to message someone about this, despite her being the only person I've ever talked to that had a problem with this despite this being a very common thing for most people, and blocked my number.
Since then I've tried to be as loving and kind as possible not talking to her, avoiding eye contact, generally being as passive as I can. But that's still not enough for her.
I really believe she's trying to bully, cold shoulder me out of the boardgame group despite the fact I get along with almost everyone there and it's the only one that has worked for me.
There was a campaign I was with with her when we were playhing a campaign board game, and she would yell and strictly criticize any little mistake I would make in front of everyone all the time.
There was a time when there was some leftover food in the kitchen from a thanksgiving meal that I was given persmission to layout and share with everyone. I found some paper plates to use and she harshly yelled at me that we weren't allowed to use them. We only had styrofoam at that point and I was trying to find microwaveable plates to use. I went to someone else and asked if I could use the paper plates and he said totally. She was right there too, and she never apologized to me.
Good thing we had paper plates and people could heat their food!
Just the other night I was playing a game of Nemesis with some guys, and one of them happens to have the same name as me.
She came over and constantly just kept saying his name not differentiating between the two of us, despite the face she's called me by the same name multiple times. Continuing to ignore me and engage with everyone else there as if I don't exist. She knows how much it hurts me to say our exact names without differentiating.
It might not be a problem for some people, but for me it's very confusing and heart wrenching.
My Dad recommended we both get nicknames to make differentiating us easier and less painful.
I just don't want to create any more drama for anyone and the group, and maybe approach the other guy who shares a name with me about this issue.
Even he I feel can tell he's being thrown in the middle of something he has nothing to do with.
If anyone would have some kind, loving, empathetic advice I would greatly appreciate it. :^)
submitted by AnonHereWeGo to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:24 JaderGamed A few worrying stats
So I compiled a few stats from the first 5 games, comparing the presumptive top 3 forwards from both the Oilers and Canucks. I know there have been arguably better players on both teams, but these are the forwards that SHOULD be the top 3 for their respective sides.
First off, man are the Canucks top players being outshot by the Oilers'. No surprise there as that's pretty much been the tale of almost all the games. Also, Drais is a beast with 11 points while Pettersson(misspelled in the table...oops)only has 2. But this is where things start to go south for the Oil.
All Oilers on this list are minuses despite them having collectively 4 more points. Meanwhile all 3 Canucks have positive +/- with Miller as the best of the bunch.
Another worrying trend is each Oiler has only 1 blocked shot. All 3 Canucks have 2 or more. Now I know that's not a super important metric and the Canucks aren't dramatically ahead. They're all averaging less than a block a game. However, I think it is a bit of a window into the character of each player. Far too many open shooting lanes and pucks getting to the net in the Oilers zone. I'm going to single out McDavid even though all 3 are guilty of this. McDavid is the captain. Good captains lead by example. If your captain, the best player in the world, drops down to block a shot then you better do the same next time you see a player on the opposing team winding up. I will say this about McDavid though, he has been hitting. He's 2nd behind Miller with 14.
I thought I would come away thinking that Drais is the best player in this series. He certainly has the most points. But he also has the worst +/- of all 6 players on the list, and less than a hit per game on average. In fact...all of Draisaitl's hits came in game 4. So 4/5 games he wasn't recored with finishing a single check. I'm sorry to say it to everyone, but Miller is the best player in the far. 6 points, +4, 4 blocked shots, and 16 hits. Several of which were bone-crunching. In addition to that he's fantastic on draws.
So what needs to change for the Oilers to win? Hyman and McDavid need to keep hitting while Draisaitl needs to start finishing some checks. I get he's likely playing hurt, but he showed he can hit in game 4. He just needs to keep delivering that kind of performance. On offence I can't complain too much. Obviously Hyman and McDavid need to step it up a bit, though.
I will say that all three need to ramp it up a lot defensively. They also need to start getting into shooting lanes and blocking the odd shot. They're playing for their playoff lives now, so show some heart. I am also aware that they are only 3 players out of 20. But these are the leaders and they are letting the team down in a few meaningful ways.
They all are better than they have shown and in my opinion are at a point where they need to decide what their legacy in Edmonton is going to be.
submitted by JaderGamed to EdmontonOilers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:14 NeighbormanJ Pick your own title, I just got a few random thoughts and questions.

Stoked to have a new map, let's start with that. Sorry, ATS I'm speaking. Just had some musing about it and ETS. I know damn well this is the place to come....Let's go!

1: When did the damage model on your GPS(whatever it's called in game) change to a front view? It's atrocious. I utterly hate it. Stop it. Can I fix it somehow? Side view was superior in every way.....just don't anymore for the love of god....Whoever not only thought of this(AND the dipshit who approved this idea), but also thought it was a GOOD my friends are demoted. You clean bathrooms for 6 months from now on. No back talk....GO! I still love you, but GO! GO NOW!

2: I'm an American. I know I know....I suck. I promise I'm a decent one who aspires to be a decent human being daily. I would give you the shirt off my back if needed. Except that fucking damage model on GPS guy. Back to the JOHN! SIDE VIEW SUPERIOR!

In seriousness, I bought ETS first, barely played it(no fault of that game just a ton on plate at time), bought ATS and made the ruling to focus on it first. I'm from there, seemed obvious. I've started ETS again in full and one of the most glaring details was stop lights. In Merica you stop a bit behind the light line(ideally) and the line is typically slightly before the light. It seems in ETS the line is equal to the light. So when you pull near line or to, you lose visibility of the light(typically blocked by side mirror). Some locations have a third light(England I believe?) across the intersection which eliminates any issue, but several areas don't.
Just curious this is real? I know the game has been so far amazingly detailed in so many ways I naturally assume this is fact. How do you deal with it over there? Is it even an issue or am I just being dumb? I'm cool with either answer just honestly inquiring.

3: Lane Assist. I haven't kept up as I quit playing for a couple of months as I'd done all DLC maps in USA, and wasn't ready to fully commit to ETS just yet. I don't honestly know if it just came out or has been there for awhile as an option. I'm all for realism and most newer vehicles seem like they have some version now. Of course I turned it fully on. Next thing I know my truck is weaving left to right so extremely that it eventually will put your arse in a ditch if not out right jack knife you. I assumed like most things new....I had no idea what I was doing. Experimented as much as I could yet the outcome was the same. A giant worm that wrecked itself eventually simply from over steering left on the initial correction then right to compensate then left....etc...Rinse repeat till wreck.

Am I doing it wrong? I mean I literally do nothing but turn on and watch. I noticed manual inputs help but it becomes more involved input than if I just steer the truck myself. I thought perhaps new feature with refinement live? I dunno..

4: I had more but that bit of joke for the damage guy made me lose train of thought more than I meant honestly. It's 2am where I am and I can't sleep. I love your game devs(assuming you see this), it's worth my money. Thank you. They always say "the best community" and I agree, thanks for that players as well.

Thanks for humoring me, G'night!
I swear to god if you don't go clean that potty you SOB.......Fix it!Fix it NOW! :P
EDIT: I don't really post here much. Just don't have much to say normally, went to hit post and was told I didn't include flair. O...M..F...G... I remember that movie. You sneaky shits! <3<3<3 I chose speculation for the record. (EDIT:2 It says it in the title bascially...LOL told you I don't post much. I am R Dumb).
submitted by NeighbormanJ to trucksim [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:57 RVAIsTheGreatest Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, or Thumbs Across on N'Faly Dante

C N'Faly Dante from Oregon declared for the draft but is waiting on a waiver to see if he can be approved for a 6th season in college: Originally from Mali, Dante was a five star recruit out of Kansas in 2019, having moved to the States to further his basketball development. He has suffered through a litany of injuries throughout his career, starting in HS as a sophomore where he tore an ACL. He suffered through tendonitis of his knees as a freshman and was cleared late with eligibility issues, tore his left ACL in 2020, suffered an ankle injury that ended his season in 2023, and had knee surgery after one game this past season, which kept him out 14 games.
Through all of his injuries, he has been able to return to the floor each time and has turned himself into an NBA prospect. The athleticism he continues to possess even after the injuries he's suffered is impressive. He measured in at 6'10 w/out shoes at the combine with a 7'6 wingspan and 9'3 standing reach. 260 points. He's a 6'11 in shoes absolute unit of a physical specimen. Strong, wide, has huge hands, and is very quick in the open floor for a big man. He's gets off the ground quickly and powerfully and is a decent leaper that can elevate from a standstill and gather and power up quickly. He's not the smoothest guy laterally, but is certainly not slow footed by any means and is really mobile for his size.
Dante does all the things you want from a traditional big well. He is one of the very best finishers this class has. Over 80% at the rim. Generates a ton of contact. Elite offensive rebounder. His ability to power up from a standstill, his frame/strength, and his wingspan and large hands gives him a very large catch and finish radius and make it extremely hard to effectively contest his shots, he's an above the rim finisher in the halfcourt. He does a fantastic job making himself available for dump off passes and working his way into position for the catch down low. He catches most balls clean but not every one, but when he doesn't he has the ability to regather himself and finish with ease. He has effective ball fakes that get defenders off their feet.
He is an elite transition threat. He's one of the most dynamic guys at his size you'll see running down the floor. He's an elite transition finisher. He beats guys down the floor and catches lobs or seals defenders and finishes at the rim. He does a great job with seals in the paint. He was one of the most efficient post scorers in college basketball this year. His post game is fairly simple but it's economical, he has nice touch in the post, and the position he gains and the space he clears with his drop step usually gives him a shot right in front of the rim. He has decent footwork in the post...he has a step through move he likes to use in the post. He has a fake spin/hook in his arsenal. He prefers the right hand but will go left. He has the ability to catch balls under the rim and work his way above it. His large catch radius, how light he is on his feet, and his strength, make it easy for him to carve out space down low. That's what really gives him an advantage from the jump as a post scorer. He's pretty decisive in the post...he gets into his moves quickly, which both forces contact and makes him hard to contest.
He is a top class screen setter. He's a wall as a screen setter. He really walls off defenders and clears them out of the way, without being called for fouls, whether that be out of the DHO, off ball, or PnR. He creates a lot of open shots with his screens. He's also great at sealing defenders for drivers for easy baskets. His screen setting contributes to how good of a PnR roller he is. He's also a fantastic slip guy. He's so mobile for his size. His ability to get off the ground quickly and his leaping ability along with his hands and catch radius makes him a major lob threat. He really peels off screens in a dynamic way and with fantastic timing. It's very hard to stop him once he gets going downhill. In a traditional PnR set, it only takes him 1-2 dribbles for him to get to the basket.
He gobbles up rebounds on both ends. He's super strong with the ball as a rebounder. He's a force as a rebounder. He attacks balls in the air, and he is fantastic with positioning. He has natural rebounding instincts, knowing where the ball is going to be off the rim and placing himself in position to grab it. He does a good job keeping the ball high when he grabs an offensive board which makes him an elite put back guy. He can grab rebounds outside of his immediate area with his length and athleticism. He can reach back and grab balls in the air. He will rip balls out of opponents' hands. He often beats opponents for position for offensive rebounds. Once he has you on his back, you're in trouble.
Dante can make a midrange jumper on occasion. He shot 61% from the line. Similar ~60% the last three seasons. He'll never be a shooter, and his shot is a bit flat, but the mechanics are not bad from the midrange. Being able to make a midrange jumper will give him a little more dimension offensively and it wouldn't hurt to provide a little spacing.
His touch and skill on shots outside of the rim is not as good as it is around it. His post range isn't that large. He gets more inaccurate the further out from the post he gets, but he generally gets to his spot close to the rim regardless. He does have some intriguing face up game from both the free throw line and in the post. He likes facing up and attacking his man with a strong dribble or two and usually finishing with a hook or a layup, and he is very effective with these shots. He'll use his strength to drive opponents back on these shots as well.
He is mobile, gets great extension, and has a quick first step and accelerates to the rim, which gives him an ability to drive and finish from the FT line/elbows. He's a straight line driver and things can get a bit adventerous when he has to put the ball on the floor. He's fine with space, but if you close his space, he's not the most secure as a ballhandler. Not much in the way of advanced moves either. Not a part of his game that we'll see much of at all as a pro, but there is some raw ability there as a face up guy.
Dante is a bit of a mixed bag as a playmaker. He has the ability to make some really sharp reads and has pretty good vision. He will make kick outs from the post and can find cutters. He'll make skip passes from the block and hit shooters on the outside. He can find cutters from the top of the key. He does a good job finding the kick out on the double team. He will bait a double team and hit the kick out. That's an important skill for him to possess...he's not a black hole and you can end up getting burned doubling him. He's not an advanced passer overall, but he will make the right reads more often then not, and some impressive ones too.
He gets ahead of himself at times and that's where turnovers can come. Both when putting the ball on the floor, but he makes careless passes a little too often. He will travel on occasion when putting the ball on the floor. His touch and timing aren't always where they need to be. But for a guy who is really gonna be a pure play finisher at the next level, the fact he does have some playmaking ability in him gives him a wrinkle many in that category do not possess.
Dante is an expressive communicator and the heart of the Ducks defense this season. Can he seen pointing to and directing his teammates into position on the defensive end. He can switch a bit on the defensive end. He can hedge high. He's a drop big, but he has switchability and his mobility gives him versatility as a drop defender, he doesn't have to deep drop and can contain ballhandlers fairly high in drop. He uses his length really well as a drop defender...he uses his hands well too. He plays man and ball effectively, with the short space mobility to recover back to his man...he uses his length to disrupt ballhandlers. He gets his hands on quite a few balls as a drop defender, breaking up dribbles or breaking up passes. He makes himself big as a drop defender, which makes him a great rim deterrent.
He's got very good instincts as a rotater. Very good awareness overall defensively. Remains engaged and keeps his head on a swivel. He does a good job rotating over and covering cutters and opponents ducking in around the rim, and does a good job helping the helper. His awareness and his mobility along with the timing he has and his leaping ability makes him a very good shotblocker, both on the weakside and strongside. I think he can be even better, he does miss out on a few potential blocks just by being a bit late on the rotation, but his block percentage sells him short on how many shots he deters and alters around the rim. He's great with verticality, and he does a good overall job not biting on fakes. He's not massively foul prone. He'll pick up some cheap fouls, but he doesn't bite on fakes consistently. He contests with his hands up and tall, and the threat of his shot blocking sees a lot of offensive players looking to avoid his contests and being cute around the rim, or even avoiding taking shots in his vicinity.
He's a very good post defender. He anticipates post passes really really well. He nabs a ton of steals beating opponents to the ball off post passes. He has quick hands. He can be very aggressive with ball denial. He has really good instincts in reading the pass and taking it away and doing so without fouling. He does a good job sticking with an opponent's moves in the post. That along with his strength and length makes it hard to get clean looks off Dante in the post. The players that had the best success against him where the players who had the aggression and strength to seal and quickly take it to him, but very few had such capability. It's easier said than done.
Dante isn't the absolute smoothest mover from side to side but he is a very mobile one. His length also aids him on the perimeter, and he slides his feet well; he has the quickness to not just hang with but cut off drives on the perimeter. He's not someone you can target. I don't think he'll ever be a pure switch guy, but he can more than hang on the perimeter. You can't really just beat him for speed on switches. It may not always look pretty but he can hang with double moves on the perimeter. He does a good job forcing opponents to take the shots he wants them to take from all three levels. He will block jumpers, both on the ball, and when rotating out on contests.
The factors that make him an elite offensive rebounder make him great on the defensive boards as well...he has great technique as a rebounder. Boxes out, asserts dominant position, and he really goes after balls in the air. He really is a vacuum as a rebounder. He tracks balls really well. As a rebounder and as a shotblocker. The elevation ability is the cherry on top, along with his strong and large hands.
N'Faly Dante's length, strength, and athleticism is at the heart of his abilities on both ends of the floor but he's got real skill as a player on both ends as well. He's a mature player who has battled through a lot to get to this point. He's a plug-and-play guy with fantastic physical tools and someone you can envision can fulfill a 10-15 minute role immediately in the NBA. We will see what comes of his waiver process with Oregon, but his current focus is with the NBA as that process continues.
Are you all Thumbs Up, Down, or Across on N'Faly Dante?
Note: Accidentally deleted first post
submitted by RVAIsTheGreatest to NBA_Draft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:02 EzekieruYT Spoilers from BadLuckGamer's Interview with Luis Loza (05/16/2024)

Hey everyone, EzeDoesIt back at it again with a surprise spoiler breakdown of everything Creative Director of the Rules and Lore Team, Luis Loza ( u/Paizo_Luis ), talked about during his interview today from BadLuckGamer! This was a last minute notification for me, so I made sure to spend the time today detailing every spoiler Luis talked about. He held back a few times, due to how close PaizoCon was (coming up next weekend!). But he did spill some beans, so I'll be relaying what was said.
Please check out the VOD for the full interview, and all the interesting discussions I did not cover HERE!
Beware ye, for there do be spoilers:
Gorum was chosen as the god to die, since his death would result in a lot of interesting changes and developments in the setting. It was not due to Gorum being boring, but rather the possibilities of the stories his death would create made it so he was the one that needed to die.
At one point, the god that was slated to die was actually Torag, not Gorum! Luis cited the ending hidden message in Lost Omens: Highhelm as a hint for Torag's possible death, and also set up the Dwarven Pantheon without Torag as either another hint of his death, or as a possible explanation if he did go on living ("You need to learn to live without me"). There ARE changes to the dwarven pantheon in the coming months, though!
Nethys was never on the chopping block. Luis doesn't want to "pop that balloon", and feels that the mechanics around magic would've needed to be changed in response to him dying. So he's been safe since the beginning. Again, the update to the Archives of Nethys lining up to Nethys being marked safe was a coincidence, but a fun one at that!
Luis was asked if there was anything in Pathfinder that he worked on that he was particularly proud of? And Luis answered, saying he's the most proud of developing the Automaton ancestry, and was really proud of being able to secretly doubling the ancestry's feat count by having the Enhancements in the level 1-9 feats.
Luis' crown jewel book he's worked on is Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries! AND Divine Mysteries was actually conceived BEFORE the OGL fiasco! They always wanted to do a sequel to Lost Omens: Gods & Magic, and came up with Yvali to delve into what makes a god and what makes them tick. Having a good framing device/narrative makes writing books more exciting for writers, and that excitement can definitely be felt by those who read the books!
Different pantheons are gonna be talked about in depth. The Orc pantheon and the Crucible will be covered. The Goblin pantheon, due to the interesting bits with the Barghest Goblin gods will be covered (Eze Note: this was mentioned before the OGL stuff came up in conversation, so not sure if Barghest Goblin gods will still be around or if the Goblin gods will still be Barghests, given new Barghests in Monster Core). The Azlanti pantheon is being explored as well, talking about how previously prominent gods fell into obscurity.
Luis made sure to grab every god stat block he could find and update them for the Remaster. All of the domains across all the books and AP backmatter have been collected and updated as well. Luis wanted to make sure every god was covered, so players wouldn't be left out in the cold due to switching to the Remaster version of the rules.
Luis talked about his job as a Creative Director of the Rules and Lore team, and cited an example where he had to make the call on whether Centaurs should have pointed ears or rounded ears. After consulting previous artwork and seeing it was split in the middle, Luis decided that Centaurs will have rounded ears. That way, it's one less detail artists will have to worry about.
The freelancers working on Divine Mysteries didn't know about Gorum's death! Gorum was put in the outline, and Luis assigned Gorum to himself to help keep the scent off the trail. Only the freelancer working on Arazni's section knew about Gorum's death ahead of the announcement, due to Arazni's promotion to the Core 20.
Luis was asked why archetypes aren't playtested like classes are, and Luis answered that the designers know how to make archetypes due to their knowledge of how classes work, and generally archetypes don't have brand new tech in them that warrants playtesting like that of class playtests (Commanders' Tactics and Exemplars' Ikons being stated as a new tech that needed testing). Also, classes are the thing players are most likely to interact with. Most of the time, you're not getting an archetype at Level 1 (obvious exceptions not-withstanding). But classes are, and so classes need to be put through the paces the most.
Another reason too is, if every archetype needed to be playtested, they would either not be able to put out as many books as they are currently, or they'd have to release far fewer archetypes due to how long the playtest process works. If they needed to playest the archetypes in the APG, they'd only have 5 or 6 archetypes at most, instead of the 40 archetypes we did get.
"Which lore books are you doing for the foreseeable future?" Can't talk about that since they aren't announced, but regional books are a safe bet! Aside from that, just know that the people assigned to future books are assigned to them because they are excited to be leading/writing them, and that should hopefully come through in reading the books in the future.
The word "Bloodrager" is gonna be spoken at PaizoCon. Such a tease!
The Battle Harbinger in Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries is gonna have their spellcasting diminished a bit and have their Divine Font change significantly in order for them to gain new, interesting combat abilities to allow them into the frontlines (or engaging more directly) more so than Warpriests already do. Doing so as a class archetype, they aren't restricted by the small wiggle room of the Cleric's doctrines. Luis dropped the fact they will have "Battle Auras", and left it at that!
Luis answered several of my submitted questions! The first one is in regards to info about Apsu and Dahak. Apsu and Dahak are getting entries in Divine Mysteries, and they are still around. Their story is getting changed and retcon'd, due to the OGL situation. But it's also being expanded! Dahak is gonna have other siblings, so the idea of more Dragon gods are being teased out in Divine Mysteries.
An interesting detail that's not getting talked in full quite yet is about Apsu and Dahak's granted spells for Clerics. Typically, unless they're a god like Nethys or Abraxas who are all about being tied into magic, most gods only grant 3 spells to Clerics. But Dahak and Apsu are "setting a particular and unique standard that's tied to them specifically" in that both will have 4 granted spells each. It'll make sense when you see it, but they'll have that extra 4th spell that they share that is setting up this common theme.
Luis mentions, as a comparison, themes that come up with the gods that people might not be aware of that have come up in development for them. The example he gives is Mzali and the three sun gods. He decided, in development, that they each grant the Zeal domain due to how all three of them have such enthusiasm and drive to them. So they not only share their connection to the sun, but they also all have the Zeal domain. So Apsu/Dahak will be further connected by the spells they grant, as an additional way to associate them with each other.
Next, Luis talked about when content outside of the Core 4 books will see about being Remastered. When it makes sense to bring something forward, they will (like how they're Remastering all of the domains in Divine Mysteries). But he feels like they've done a good job overall with keeping the game compatible with the previous content, sanctification and wizard schools being the most egregious changes. They're gonna address the most glaring things that need adjustment, but he asks to not expect them to go back and adjust every single thing to the Remaster. As the large amount of time it'd take to Remaster 4-5 years of content, it would mean next-to-no time left to create new material.
As an example for the above with bringing forward old content into the Remaster, there'll be updated Witch patrons in Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries, and Baba Yaga's entry the one that was specifically called out! (Eze Note: that'd just leave Mosquito Witch and Pact Patrons left to update to the Remaster, so I wonder if one or both of them will be coming forward as well?)
Luis does encourage this: If there's something that needs to be updated and you want it to be done, he recommends letting them know so they can assess that and find the time and space to get those issues looked at and addressed. Also, it might take time for those opportunities to publish these things to happen! Some might even be happening right now, but until it's announced or published, people just need to be patient and wait for the books to come out.
Someone asked about the Ysoki Tailblade being in the game? Luis doesn't know! He does know there's ancestry weapons in PC2, and of course Ratfolk are in PC2 as well, but he honestly does not know if it's in there. The same person asked about new ancestry weapons in general later. Luis couldn't say for sure there was new ones, and didn't want to get people's hopes up by making a mistake remembering which ones are new or not.
"Who does Arazni have a weird bond with?" In Arazni's entry in Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries, it's confirmed she will have a Herald! Luis wouldn't say who they are. She will have a shared history of trauma with them, and it's said Arazni will be learning to trust others a little bit to explain why she now has a herald (in addition to her needing a herald now that she's a Core 20 god!).
Another of my questions is answered! I asked if Luis was excited that Wrestler is in Player Core 2, and he of course said yes! He's not sure if it's been expanded at all (he joked Mike Sayre might declare it's perfect the way it is, lmao), but he's glad it's in the Core book now for more people to look at.
Luis' favorite player options in Tian Xia Character Guide is some of the new Magus stuff coming, but he doesn't elaborate further as he feels that TXCG is more so James Case and Eleanor Ferron's baby, and they should be the ones to talk about all that's in that book. He's also excited with some of the new ancestry stuff, especially the Yaoguai!
"Has there been anything as a Creative Director that you wanted to change or add, but you weren't able to?" Luis, and maybe other people might have this feeling as well, feels that maybe the timeline for Golarion didn't need to go back 10,000 years. A ton of stuff has changed just within the past 2024 years, so to conceive 10,000 years of history without as much change stretching the suspension of disbelief quite a bit. Obviously there's fantasy tropes of long histories, but sometimes it complicates some matters.
Final question I asked got answered, which was if Luis has helped out the Starfinder team with stuff in regards to the lore, especially considering SF2E is gonna be 100% compatible with PF2E. I also mentioned knowing they both have separate continuities, but wondered if there was still some collaboration there. Luis said yeah, he does. He, James Jacobs and Thurston Hillman (hi Thursty!), the three Creative Directors, get into weekly meetings with each other to discuss what each side in the Pathfinder rules, Pathfinder adventures, and Starfinder teams are all doing. The two games try not to do the same kinds of stories at the same time, like not wanting them to tell a Runelords story that's exactly like Return of the Runelords. Likewise, Starfinder probably won't be killing any of their gods right after War of Immortals comes out.
Although they try to keep the timelines separate, everyone still keeps in touch in order to make sure they aren't breaking each others' toys and keep at least some kind of connection between the two games. And there's an interest in crossover potential, too! So maybe there's a desire for things to line up, regardless. And we'll likely see some of these developments in the coming years!
And the final question is about whether frog-centric content is coming to PF2E! Luis mentions the Tripkee (new name of the Grippli) being in Player Core 2, and since they'll have a bit more space in PC2 compared to before, they'll be expanded a little bit.
Finally, Luis leaves us with this. He's teased enough about Divine Mysteries in today's stream, but he's sure to tease a little bit more during the Keynote at PaizoCon this coming weekend, and if you end up liking that tease, then you should show up during the Godsrain panel that same day so he can talk some more about what is in Divine Mysteries and show off some of the cool art in that book.
And that's all the spoilers said during the interview! Next post will be all of the spoilers I'll collect in the Discord Events server during PaizoCon! If you got questions you wanna ask, feel free to let me know (preferably via DMs here). I'll try to ask as many as I can during the entire weekend. Until next time!
submitted by EzekieruYT to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:39 xspectred You're *still* wrong about Skipping

And it's my fault. I haven't done a good enough job explaining it yet. Let me try again.
Imagine a run is only 5 normal rounds long (after which you face the final boss as round 6).
Obviously, this is not true in the game, but it'll make the explanation more readable, for now. Ok, 5 rounds. And let's say for example, your economic output is $5 for the first round, $10 for the second, and up to $25 in round 5 (before you face the boss in round 6).
There's actually a lot of nuance possible here. In early rounds, you can get away with using Joker slots for value generators. Later, you will need to score more, so you will likely have fewer value generating Jokers, if any. However, you make also have non-Joker value generators in your deck in later rounds, such as Gold Cards and Seals, either Gold, Purple, or Blue.
On top of that, the value of your money is contextual, too. When you have Overstock or Reroll Vouchers, you get more value per dollar spent. Conversely, a large influx of money at the start can generate interest most obviously but can also be reinvested in value-generating Jokers. Even just being able to score more per hand in early rounds means using fewer hands each round (and getting money from leftover hands).
If you find a Blueprint in the first shop, it actually costs $15+ in the long run because it'll cut into your ability to earn interest. It's better to find it in round 4, when you already have an excess of money in the bank (and might actually have a Joker worth copying by then). In this way, Jokers (and Consumables) in earlier shops "cost more" compared to Jokers in later shops. Naturally, late game Jokers "cost less," and the same amount of money "can afford more" material.
Also, once you can afford it, you can buy Tarot Cards from the shop and then hold them to use in the next round. Playing more rounds means more opportunities to use Tarot Cards, among other things. When shopping in the late game, it is highly beneficial to hold onto Planet Cards you don't want, to prevent duplicates of those bad cards from showing up in the shop. While blocking duplicates (when you can afford to), each Celestial Pack has a higher chance of giving you what you want and is therefore "worth more."

Anyway, $5, $10, and so on, up to $25 in the last round. Just a thought experiment.
Most skips increase your ability to score rather than giving you an economic boost. Suppose you skip round 1 and receive a random Holographic Joker, but your other Jokers, your Deck, and Cash in the bank (for interest) don't change. In round 2, you're earning the same $5 you would have earned in round 1. $10 in round 3, $15 in round 4, and finally $20 in round 5.
You miss out on the $25 you were previously going to make in round 5. If round 2 would have had a value generator in the shop (Joker or Seal or Devil Tarot), you still get it, you just get it one round later (in round 3, having skipped round 1), and you have one round less of it generating value for you.

All Common Jokers and most Uncommons are "Perishable" in practice, even if they don't literally have the Perishable sticker. Common Jokers get replaced by more powerful Uncommons later. Uncommons giving +Mult or +Chips become obsolete later when you have higher level Poker Hands and more Enhanced Cards in your deck. That Holographic Joker you skip for will almost certainly be replaced by the end.
In contrast, economic bonuses translate into permanent increases to your scoring output. Late game money allows you to pick up higher impact Jokers more easily, xMult Jokers which will never go out of style. Planet Cards from Celestial Packs as well as Enhancements from Arcana and Standard Packs are permanent buffs which don't take up your highly limited Joker slots.
Seeing more shops has value. Having more Jokers to choose from has value, even if you don't buy all, or even many, of them. That's why shop rerolls cost money. Even more important to see more Booster Packs. On one hand, you probably don't buy Boosters in the first two shops anyway. However, if you skip for a Holographic Tag, it doesn't change the amount of money you have and doesn't change the fact that you can't afford Boosters in the next two shops.
In the 5-round example, taking one skip means seeing only 8 Boosters instead of 10 Boosters. Most importantly, those 2 Boosters are subtracted from the end of the run. You miss out on seeing those Boosters when you would actually have the money to buy them.
All this being said, early scoring boosts are incredibly valuable. Having just one +Mult Joker means you have one-shot the first 5 rounds of the game. You can dedicate 100% of your resources to building your bank without any risk of dying. The first +Mult Joker multiplies your scoring output by 5 to 6 times. In contrast, if you don't find any scoring help before round 4 (Ante 2 Small Blind), it has a good chance of being fatal. Therefore, being able to guarantee a +Mult Joker in Ante 1 might be worth as much as $20. Even if it's Perishable.
Separately, the Investment Tag for $25 is balanced around Antes 2 and 3. It was designed to be conditionally "worth it" in those Antes and almost always not worth it by Ante 4. It was not at all balanced around Ante 1. In Ante 1, it's definitely overpowered, always take. Because of Interest, getting $25 at the start of a run hits way different than picking up $25 later on.
Skip Tags in general were designed to have a less than 10% pick rate on average, meaning at most 2 skips per run, with most of those happening in Ante 1 and the rest happening in Ante 2 or 3.

However, the game is easy enough that it's still winnable at a high rate even when not playing optimally. Long streaks of Gold Stake wins are possible even when not playing 100% optimally.
Sometimes a skip is a gamble which doesn't payoff. Even if you end up skipping for literally no payout, the game is still winnable.
Aside from Investment Tag ($25, which wasn't balanced around Ante 1) and to a lesser extent Coupon Tag, skipping is very much not worth it. Regardless, skip if you find skipping fun. You won't necessarily be super punished for it.
submitted by xspectred to balatro [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:22 Space-Robot If I haven't played previous Tekkens, how long does it take before I have any idea what my opponent is doing?

I'm not new to fighting games as a whole. I get frame data and the general RPS game that I'm supposed to be playing, but the sheer quantity of different strings in this game is overwhelming. In any fighting game you're not really playing the game unless you have the knowledge of what options are available to your opponent and what those options do. Like you can't play RPS if you don't know what Rock looks like.
I'm 75 hours in now and I mostly sort-of kind-of know the movesets of two whole characters, because I've been trying to learn them. For any other character I have basically no idea when they're plus or what is punishable so I don't feel like I'm actually able to play the game against them. I'm just sort of guessing at when a string is over and hoping that if I'm right that it wasn't plus. Are you guys out here just actually learning how to play every character?
Alright from here on I'm just straight ranting:
The worst for me so far has got to be against Rang. He has 50 different moves that look exactly the same and apparently a huge portion of them are plus? Are any of ya'll non-Rang mains actually fighting this guy and recognizing "Ahh he did THAT kick which I can visually distinguish from the other kicks and remember, and I know that from there he might go into LEFT flamingo and from there he'll have access to one of the dozen LEFT flamingo moves which are different from the dozen RIGHT flamingo moves and AH yes I blocked correctly and I know THAT option was -13 so..."? Feels like you gotta have a PhD in kicks to even play the game against him and it's just one character! And I know you gotta get a PhD in throw breaks to fight King because I spent a good chunk of my 75 hours learning that can of worms.
Is there anyone that picked up Tekken 8 and it's your first Tekken game and you feel like you're actually playing the game? If so, do you have a job and/or sleep?
God damn there's so many strings you could start a sweat shop.
I thought I was a nerd. Ya'll are fucking nerds. Love the dedication. Respect.
submitted by Space-Robot to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:07 bradenc103 People treat wars as trends and don't actually care about it at all.

This is regarding the current "trending" war between Israel and Palestine. People who keep fighting for Palestine don't give two shits about it, they claim moral high ground without having done ANY research on the conflict at all. (I'm not trying to say that I am picking "Israels side", I would like to think I have a higher understanding than most average people with politics, it's a war, not some game where you pick sides, it's going to be messy with both sides).
The conflict between the two is not some fresh war, rather a war that has been on an off since 1948 and only recently gaining attention with the attack on October 7th. People are treating this war just like a trend, people don't care about it and putting a palestinian flag in your bio isn't helping anything. Making a few slideshows and posts isn't helping. If people really cared, they would be volunteering or donating in a way that actually helps.
People did this exact same thing with the Ukraine, and no one bats an eye with them now. The same will happen with Palestine.
Additionally, so many conflicts around the world are stemming and nobody cares about them at all, only Palestine because it's trending. No one focuses on Congo, Sudan, Myanmar, Afghanistan etc etc.
But what people are doing is absurd, a few examples I can think of off the top of my head stem from online.
  1. The boycotts against starbucks and McDonalds, if you haven't heard there's a lot to explain but in short, people are protesting those two companies specifically for their support for Israel, but what people don't pay any attention to is that most major US corporations support Israel, and its near impossible to escape a company supporting Israel. They boycott starbucks and attack people for still buying it but will also complain about it on their iPhone. (my point is, most major companies use it in a way you can't avoid, such as Apple, Samsung, Nestle, Boeing, caterpillar, Amazon, Disney, Coca Cola, IBM, Pfizer, Nvidia, and many many more.
  2. The blockout trend, if you haven't seen it. People are protesting and blocking/attacking celebrities who don't post about Palestine (In a supportive manner), which I find ridiculous . For starters, I do agree that celebrities are great voices for awareness with large platforms, but celebrities are also not QUALIFIED to do so, they aren't experts on conflicts and politics. And secondly, everyone keeps attacking celebrities but not the politicians and corporate billionaires directly responsible for funding these wars. They have little knowledge at all.
submitted by bradenc103 to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:29 No_Reading2613 I(17F) and my boyfriend (17M) fit but an argument we had today makes me feel sick.

and i know i am younger but please take me seriously lol. I have been talking to this guy for two months, we have been dating for one. Not long at all and so easy to leave i get it i know. We have worked so well together in person and honestly i didnt even know he viewed us that we were “talking” for a month because i rememebr the first time we hung out and the second time like “oh this isnt serious” but our chemistry worked so well. I didnt know i could not even think twice about a person to two hours later being like wtf????? he hasnt love bombed me, has given me a good amount of attention so far, and has done many things that makes me go “awe he cares”.
Now getting into the issue. Last week he said i wasn’t talking to him enough, he brushes it off because i was initially confused, goes hours without texting me and worrying me only for him to get back to some of my texts (i didn’t text too much dont worry) and say “was playing basketball….im sorry” and then i apologize and say i should talk more and tell him i have been in relationships in the past where they have told me theyre bothered by me and i dont want to bother you but you also dont go into much detail about stuff that much and that would be great for the both of us. So we do great for a week. Comes tuesday he asks me to come over, i stay there for 7 hours and we have already had sex before this day but we do that (i know, i get it, dont shame me, i am trying not to feel shameful about it, he is not the one i have lost my virginity to but i am just adding this because i feel it may possibly give insight for things) but then i get home and that night, yesterday, and today he has been really really dry. and not just dry, kinda mean. sometimes i text him and he goes “no”, “stop”, and “idk” or just sends me a snapchat. its not like he has always texted so much but for what he said to me the week before i was like “oh😀” like?? i tell you i feel like i may bother you and you start acting like this. so i bring it up…and im gonna be honest i stay pretty civil and its snapchat so i cant take screenshots but here are a couple of things he said.
“i’ve not been to focused on responding to your or anybody” that is fine…i go why
“we haven’t been talking about much and it just hasn’t been a top priority ig, that sounds bad but like” oh! i say “somebody who was with u for 7 hours on a tuesday who you just started dating should probably be up there ____”
and he responds “okay well don’t tell me my priorities i’m going to have what i want on top on top of” oh.
i stay calm but here are some more things he said
“why are you blaming it all on me”
“i said in sorry and i feel bad idk what you want me to do” you did not say you were sorry and you can easily talk to me more.
“i’m just not having any interest in ralking to you bc it’s just shoulder snaps and the only things you’ve talked to me about is something that is like weird like how i had my eyebrows” again…his responses have been horrendous
“i feel like i’m doing okay i’m just not as focused on talking ti you constantly as you are”
i end up suggesting calling more and he said he didnt like calling but he guesses. (i know this is true because his mom said so one time to his aunt at her birthday party)
i am just not sure how to feel about this, these responses were absolutely horrid when i was staying civil and not arguing at all in any way i was phrasing things.
He often talks about the near future if i will go to his games, he is the one who makes our hangouts (and was the one who made plans to meet my parents and his parents), and when we are in person together he is so great.
Some things he had done that isnt the coolest is snapping only girls basically but i snap only boys and idc much for them so ig i cant put much on him. he was going to go hang out with his ex to a trampoline park (they only dated for a week but it was a month prior but the girl is his bestfriend’s girlfriend’s bestfriend) and he wasnt going to tell me until i asked what he was doing that night, it was before we were dating and our second date but he kept me in the car and asked what i wanted him to do and i say “you are not my boyfriend” and i storm out. he texts me, how he has blocked her and he didnt go to the park, how hs fam loves me and he doesn’t want to ruin what we have over him just not considering something”. i did forgive him. he also gets defensive sometimes even when im just kidding over things he has done. he has never called me pretty only sends “🥰🥰” emojis for my pictures.
i need help, is this just an issue to get around? to communicate out of? i love his mom and his sister and just…idk if i leave him if i am leaving a good thing?? he is a lot of what i want, checks off all the boxes but the arguing issue and communicating issue he has i just dont know. ALSO i am a gift. the smartest in our school, very pretty, athletic, great body, and fucking great, not confident or full of myself but i know i am these things. I have been thinking to myself when we go out with my family in a couple of days to call off hsving sex for a couple of months due to my religious issues. i think that may crack some things. please give me advice, thank you :,)
submitted by No_Reading2613 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:21 lovelydani20 Should I get evaluated?

I am 31 years old and I am married with two kids. I strongly suspect that my oldest (almost 4) has ASD and I'm actually getting him formally tested next week.
In the process of paying a lot of attention to my son's behavior and trying to figure out how to best support him I've realized...I might have ASD too. It runs in my family. My brother has diagnosed autism. However, I've never been diagnosed/ suspected or anything. But I've been learning more and thinking and I really truly suspect that I am on the spectrum too.
What really sealed the deal is that I spoke with a colleague today who has autism. Originally, I was asking him for advice about my son, but I just let it slip that I don't think I'm neurotypical either. He literally said, "I don't think you are either. When I first met you I noticed that you stim, your eye contact is off, and you speak differently than everyone else."
I've always felt like something was "off" about me or different. For example, I feel like all my life I've studied people and their behavior like a scientist to learn how to act in ways that are expected of me. It's like a script I follow that makes me appear "normal" to others. But even with that there are things about me that people notice. Like how I rock my body back and forth pretty much all the time. My eye contact is never direct. There's also certain smells that are totally intolerable to me and certain textures. I can't deal with satin for instance.
I also get overstimulated at times and I like to put my entire body under a blanket to block everything out. I have blankets in every sitting area in my house to accommodate this.
But then there are things about me that don't seem to cohere with autism. For example, I really need to multitask. I ironically focus better on what someone is saying if I can play a simple phone game while I listen. I have great executive functioning. I feel like I can understand what people are thinking and feeling.
My question is - should I get formally evaluated at my age? I can "get along" in society and I don't think any of these things necessarily hinder me but they do make me feel like I work harder to be able to seem normative. I'm a college professor and I love my job and I think I do well at it. I don't know what I'd necessarily "get" from a diagnosis or if I'd even get a diagnosis since I'm so good at looking normal. It's more of an internal sense that I have that I'm acting and this isn't who I am. I feel most comfortable at home with my husband who I think is also neurodivergent and accepts my quirks and doesn't even recognize that some of them are indeed quirks since he has quirks of his own lol.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
submitted by lovelydani20 to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:24 TheDragonOfFlame How can I make a datapack apply before all other datapacks?

I am working on a modpack, using both contenttweaker and custom datapacks. The problem I have been running into is that the datapacks created by contenttweaker apply immediately after the vanilla data does, and in order for the mod to see my datapack, the datapack pertaining to it must apply first. So I have a datapack that should be providing loot tables for the blocks I add with contenttweaker, but when it loads, it cannot see them.
I have tried using /datapack. Unfortunately, since all these datapacks are applied automatically to the game (since they are part of a modpack), /datapack does not work as the game reloads and the datapacks are reapplied automatically.
If anyone knows how to solve this I will be very grateful, I can't seem to figure anything out.
submitted by TheDragonOfFlame to TheDataPackHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:20 jjmitch87 lag/stuttering; and 8* jho/bblos; what can I do?

I cant seem to beat 8* bblos urgent; I either run out of time with 15% or less hp left, or I get hit from lag and it takes a solid 8 seconds to use a first aid from when you get knocked out, and those seconds matter. Im not as concerned with this, bcuz I guess I can lower it, but I really dont want to. For ice weak monsters, Im using 9.2 legi LS, ice5 ce2 wex2.
I just failed all 3 attempts on a paintballed 8* deviljho, once to lag/stuttering, once due to taking a hit and it taking up 8 seconds of the timer, and the last time, when I knocked him over he decided to fall over into another zip code, so I was way out of range. For Thunder weak monsters, Im using 9.1 zino LBG, reload3 recoil3 thunder4.
Fire weak monsters Im fine with 8.2 ratha LBG, reload3 recoil3 fire5. I can take out all of them at 8* with no trouble except banbaro bcuz of his stupid log plow. Water weak Im fine with, 7.5 jyura LS, water5, ce2 wex2. I prefer to LBG the water and ice, but I need at least element4 with reload3 and recoil3 and we cant have that yet, and also an ice LBG that doesnt have spread ammo would be great, so it is what it is.
I am absolutely furious about this jho paintball nonsense, as I failed it due to no fault of my own and nothing I can control. Im using an S24ultra, doesnt matter if Im on wifi or 4G or 5G, doesnt matter the settings either in game or on the phone, the game lags and stutters at almost every fight since the vernal invader update. Before this, I didnt have any problems even in zinogre HaTs. I have tried EVERYTHING short of doing a factory reset on the phone, nothing helps.
What can I do here? Im feeling like I want to move on to another weapon type that I can block damage with so maybe the hits I take from lag or stuttering or swipes not registering will save my sanity? I was a bow main until pinky came- wont go back to those, and if we ever get dismantling the bows I made are the first to go, same with the dual blades I made thanks to the issues Ive had with them.
I kinda wanna use lance but I am terrible at it, and its hard to practice when all I have is a 6.4 barroth lance and thats not enough to kill anything around me. I tried it on a 7* barroth, and I missed a counter guard and took 60+ points of damage with guard3, maybe Im doing something wrong there i dont know. Ive no intention of moving past 8* monsters for a long while. I dont want to waste anymore mats or zenny on another weapon type if its not going to be fun. Bows are out, dual blades are out, charge blade is way too technical for me, greatsword is far too slow, hammer is slow but I do have 7.5 pukei and girros ones, but I wasnt able to kill any 7* or 8* with them, as much fun as it can be to bonk (I like it but Im sure I can use them on 8*). That really leaves me with sns and lance. I just want to have fun playing this game, and I thought I had that with LBG and LS, and sometimes I do, but specifically black diablos and deviljho are sucking the fun out of this game almost as much as the lag and stuttering is.
submitted by jjmitch87 to MHNowGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:57 Aggressive-Jelly-180 Changes I'd Make for the Super Smash Bros. Playable Fighters Part 1: Smash 64

Welcome to the series of Changes to be Made to the Super Smash Bros. Playable Fighters. First, we are going with the playable fighters of the original game, Smash 64. Now this topic has been done before, though it'd to make my own version. Plus, while some did get some proper changes, the original 12 are still the biggest offenders when it comes to bad or outdated choices of Movesets, animations, aesthetics, etc. Here is a list of them.
Donkey Kong:
Power Suit Samus:
Captain Falcon:
And, there you go. This took a little while, though i hope to hear your feelings about these changes (as long as your reasons for your feelings are good). Any changes that you want to see to the original 12 that i didn't mention and did i misplace some moves? or did i add a change that was unnecessary? It'd be cool to see what other people can come up with.
submitted by Aggressive-Jelly-180 to SuperSmashBrothers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:54 Wild-Emotion-4113 Best case scenario for kenzie

I think Kenzie should try vote out Charlie next vote unless he wins immunity. Cause if someone other than Maria or Charlie wins immunity both challenge beasts are on the chopping block. Charlie has played a phenomenal social and strategic game along with being good at challenges. Maria on the other hand is not that great of a social player and has done terrible jury management. If Kenzie rallies up Ben and Liz to vote out Charlie and keep Maria out of the vote or not doesn't matter. Liz can't make fire. Charlie and Maria can definitely make fire . Leaves Ben as a wildcard for firemaking. If somehow Kenzie makes it into FTC either with or without Maria she can claim a social and strategic game better than Maria and say that her big move was to vote Charlie out instead of Maria as Charlie is a bigger jury threat than her and KENZIE DECIDED TO PUT HIM ON THE JURY. The third person will be a zero vote finalist either way. If it's a Ben Liz Kenzie FTC Kenzie might win unanimously or maybe someone gives a vote or two to Ben. I don't think anyone would vote Liz at this point unless she does something really out of the pocket and flip the game.
submitted by Wild-Emotion-4113 to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:49 NightSlayerllll Tired of low attacks

I'm new to tekken 8, right now I have like 38 hours in the game and yes this is my first tekken game. I'm so tired of low attacks, the whole point is standing attacks are suppost to be where you can land big damage, and then you got cheap characters like bryan, purple fortune teller girl and Asuka who can get full damage combos off of low attacks, remove every low attack in the game that can combo extend. Yes I went into practice mode for 2 hours practicing Bryan's snake edge attack or whatever, and I still can't react to it. Please someone tell me what to do, if I block standing they hit me with a low attack, if I block low they can do standing they can do high, what's the counter play. I'm a reina player BTW
submitted by NightSlayerllll to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:42 Nukesnipe A list of exotic weapons that have absolutely, definitely been forgotten by Bungie and see next to no use in anything and desperately need a rework from Bungie

Reworking useless exotic weapons is great, and I like what they're doing with Cerberus+1 and Bastion. Honestly thinking of moving from Monte Carlo to Bastion for my hypothetical Prismatic melee build, and that's fun. Hell, Symmetry and Eddy Current's buffs might actually make it interesting, though imo it should get some better verb synergy. However, here's a list of other extremely low-use exotic weapons that are so forgotten most people don't even talk about them, and why nobody fucking uses them.
So, this is just about every weapon I saw when going down the list and said "nobody ever uses or talks about this." A lot less Y1 weapons than I expected, Bungie's gone through and buffed a lot of the really one ones. Hell, Sunshot went from a joke to one of the best add clear weapons in the game! But there's a lot of guns from the middle of yearly cycles that just... fell through the cracks. Not every exotic can be a 10/10 meta pick, but it'd be nice if some of these interesting ones were a bit more worthwhile to use.
submitted by Nukesnipe to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:20 lovelydani20 Should I get evaluated?

I am 31 years old and I am married with two kids. I strongly suspect that my oldest (almost 4) has ASD and I'm actually getting him formally tested next week.
In the process of paying a lot of attention to my son's behavior and trying to figure out how to best support him I've realized...I might have ASD too. It runs in my family. My brother has diagnosed autism. However, I've never been diagnosed/ suspected or anything. But I've been learning more and thinking and I really truly suspect that I am on the spectrum too.
What really sealed the deal is that I spoke with a colleague today who has autism. Originally, I was asking him for advice about my son, but I just let it slip that I don't think I'm neurotypical either. He literally said, "I don't think you are either. When I first met you I noticed that you stim, your eye contact is off, and you speak differently than everyone else."
I've always felt like something was "off" about me or different. For example, I feel like all my life I've studied people and their behavior like a scientist to learn how to act in ways that are expected of me. It's like a script I follow that makes me appear "normal" to others. But even with that there are things about me that people notice. Like how I rock my body back and forth pretty much all the time. My eye contact is never direct. There's also certain smells that are totally intolerable to me and certain textures. I can't deal with satin for instance.
I also get overstimulated at times and I like to put my entire body under a blanket to block everything out. I have blankets in every sitting area in my house to accommodate this.
But then there are things about me that don't seem to cohere with autism. For example, I really need to multitask. I ironically focus better on what someone is saying if I can play a simple phone game while I listen. I have great executive functioning. I feel like I can understand what people are thinking and feeling.
My question is - should I get formally evaluated at my age? I can "get along" in society and I don't think any of these things necessarily hinder me but they do make me feel like I work harder to be able to seem normative. I'm a college professor and I love my job and I think I do well at it. I don't know what I'd necessarily "get" from a diagnosis or if I'd even get a diagnosis since I'm so good at looking normal. It's more of an internal sense that I have that I'm acting and this isn't who I am. I feel most comfortable at home with my husband who I think is also neurodivergent and accepts my quirks and doesn't even recognize that some of them are indeed quirks since he has quirks of his own lol.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
submitted by lovelydani20 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]