Email fax forward

Senator Feinstein: Representing everybody but us

2013.11.17 23:55 DirtyFeinstein Senator Feinstein: Representing everybody but us

Many Californians, left, right, & center want her out, but are continually met with 'It can't be done'. Bottom line: We can do better. Let's build a case. What *do* we like about Sen Feinstein? What *don't* we like about Senator Feinstein? What do we as Californians and Americans want in a Senator? Who are some strong contenders for her replacement? How do we make sure the medicine isn't worse than the sickness when she is replaced?

2009.07.13 21:29 bookemnow Affiliate Marketing

A community to discuss Affiliate marketing (AM,) paid traffic, SEO, email marketing, and more - has now been disabled indefinitely in solidarity with the current Reddit blackout to protest the new rules and regulations by Reddit CEO /spez. READ OUR WIKI:

2023.08.13 23:06 MartianMaterial The Disclosure Party

The Party Rules: We don't care about any political stance other than disclosure. If they are pro-disclosure, then we support them. Disclosure is truth. Everything else is just noise. Every letter, every phone call, every email, every conversation with a friend, are all steps forward on the path to disclosure. We appreciate you. Thank you for your service to disclosure. Scranton, PA Based.

2024.06.01 14:00 AutoModerator The /r/LocationSound Hot Mic Promo Post - June, 2024: Links and news for anything you are affiliated with go here

Location Sound related Self-Promotion is welcome in this post

Welcome to the subreddit regular feature post for self-promotion and discussion about your latest site/film/work/product/business. Here is where you can link to and discuss things you are affiliated with. We encourage you to add a comment to this post providing info and links regarding your support site, blog, videos, sfx kickstarter or whatever else you've got related to Location Sound.
Remember to maintain privacy of your personal information on any public comments.
In trying to balance the Reddit policies on SPAM and self-promotion with the understanding that you may have something that our readers will want to know about, we have created this regular feature post for the subreddit. Instead of banning or removing your info outright, this post allows you to get your info to our readers while keeping our front page free from being used as a billboard. Furthermore, we see this as an opportunity for you and our readers to have a regular go-to for discussion regarding your latest news/info, something for everyone to look forward to. Please keep in mind the following:
Chat with us in the /LocationSound Discord channel
submitted by AutoModerator to LocationSound [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:59 the_zeal Pirated Kindle Books

Hello! I have a Kindle Paperwhite that I purchased last 2018. I usually buy books on the Amazon Kindle store. However, after some time, I realized that the books were still expensive even though they were just digital copies (kahit konting discount wala). So, I resorted to downloading an epub copy of the book and sending it to my Kindle through email. And once nasa Kindle ko na sya, I usually update the book covers using the calibre software since nakaka-OC sya if walang cover. I went offline after that.
Fast forward to today, I read a few books offline and managed to highlight a LOT. I mean a looot.
I went online to add a few books, and lo and behold… Nawala lahat ng pirated books. Naiwan lang are yung mga originally purchased books.
TL;DR: Do not pirate a book on Kindle. 🥹
submitted by the_zeal to PHBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:42 nishasiyaramcreation 10 Reasons to Choose Ramsiya Tech for Digital Marketing agency 2024

In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of digital marketing, businesses need a reliable partner to navigate the complexities and stay ahead of the competition. Ramsiya Tech stands out as a leader in the industry, offering comprehensive digital marketing solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. As we step into 2024, here are ten compelling reasons why Ramsiya Tech should be your top choice for digital marketing services.

1. Cutting-Edge SEO Strategies

Effective digital marketing strategies are built on the basis of search engine optimization, or SEO. At Ramsiya Tech, we understand that SEO is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Our team of experts is dedicated to staying abreast of the latest trends and algorithm updates to ensure that your website ranks at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).
To identify areas that need work, we start with a comprehensive SEO analysis. Our on-page SEO strategies include optimizing meta tags, headers, and content to align with the targeted keywords. We also focus on technical SEO aspects such as improving site speed, mobile-friendliness, and ensuring a robust site architecture.
Moreover, our off-page SEO efforts involve building high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites, which enhance your site's credibility and authority. By combining these strategies, we drive organic traffic to your website, increasing visibility and boosting your online presence.

2. Comprehensive Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are necessary tools for engaging with your audience and building brand loyalty in the modern digital world. Ramsiya Tech excels in creating and executing comprehensive social media marketing campaigns tailored to your brand's voice and objectives.
We start by identifying the most suitable platforms for your business, whether it's Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or the rapidly growing TikTok. Our team develops engaging content that resonates with your audience, from eye-catching visuals and videos to compelling copy and interactive posts.
We also employ advanced targeting techniques to ensure that your content reaches the right audience. By analyzing demographics, interests, and behavior, we create precise audience segments for paid social media campaigns, maximizing your return on investment (ROI). Through consistent monitoring and optimization, we ensure that your social media presence drives engagement, conversions, and brand loyalty.

3. Targeted Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaigns

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful method to generate immediate traffic and leads. At Ramsiya Tech, we specialize in creating and managing PPC campaigns that deliver maximum ROI. Our PPC experts design targeted campaigns across various platforms, including Google Ads, Bing Ads, and social media networks.
We begin with thorough keyword research to identify high-intent search terms that your potential customers are using. Our team then crafts compelling ad copy and designs eye-catching visuals to attract clicks. We also set up precise targeting parameters to ensure that your ads are shown to the most relevant audience.
Once the campaigns are live, we continuously monitor performance metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per acquisition (CPA). Through data-driven insights and A/B testing, we optimize the campaigns to improve performance and reduce costs, ensuring you get the best possible results from your ad spend.

4. High-Quality Content Marketing

Content marketing is essential for establishing your brand as an authority in your industry and nurturing relationships with your audience. Ramsiya Tech offers comprehensive content marketing services that include blog writing, video production, infographics, and more.
Our content creation process begins with a deep understanding of your target audience and their pain points. We develop a content strategy that aligns with your business goals and addresses the needs of your audience at every stage of the buyer's journey.
Our team of skilled writers, designers, and videographers produce high-quality content that is informative, engaging, and optimized for search engines. Whether it's blog posts that rank well on Google, informative videos that explain complex concepts, or visually appealing infographics that simplify data, our content captivates your audience and drives engagement.
We also distribute your content across various channels, including your website, social media platforms, and email newsletters, to ensure maximum reach and impact.

5. Data-Driven Insights

At Ramsiya Tech, we believe that data is the backbone of effective digital marketing. Our team utilizes advanced analytics tools to track and measure the performance of your campaigns, providing you with actionable insights that drive strategic decisions.
We set up comprehensive tracking systems to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, and customer engagement. By analyzing this data, we identify trends and patterns that inform our strategies.
With the help of our data-driven methodology, we are able to consistently improve your campaigns and make wise decisions that lead to improved outcomes. We provide detailed reports and dashboards that give you a clear understanding of how your marketing efforts are performing and where improvements can be made.

6. Customized Marketing Solutions

At Ramsiya Tech, we understand that every business is unique, and so are its marketing needs. That's why we offer customized marketing solutions tailored to your specific objectives and challenges.
We begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your business, target audience, and goals. Based on this understanding, we develop a personalized marketing strategy that aligns with your vision and drives your business forward.
Our team works closely with you to implement and refine the strategy, ensuring that it evolves with your business and the ever-changing digital landscape. Whether you need a complete digital marketing overhaul or targeted assistance in specific areas, we provide solutions that deliver real results.

7. Innovative Web Design and Development

Your website is the cornerstone of your online presence and often the first point of contact for potential customers. At Ramsiya Tech, we specialize in creating user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing websites that enhance user experience and drive conversions.
Our web design process starts with understanding your brand identity and business goals. We then create wireframes and mockups that reflect your vision and ensure seamless navigation. Our design team focuses on creating aesthetically pleasing layouts that capture attention and encourage interaction.
Once the design is finalized, our development team brings it to life using the latest technologies and best practices. We ensure that your website is optimized for speed, mobile-friendliness, and search engines. Additionally, we integrate essential features such as contact forms, e-commerce functionality, and analytics tools to track performance.
By providing a seamless user experience, we help you convert visitors into customers and achieve your business objectives.

8. Email Marketing Expertise

Email marketing is still one of the best ways to develop leads, keep clients, and increase conversions. At Ramsiya Tech, we offer comprehensive email marketing services that help you engage your audience and build lasting relationships.
Our email marketing strategy begins with building a high-quality email list. We use ethical and effective methods to gather email addresses from potential customers, ensuring that your list is targeted and engaged.
We then create personalized email campaigns that resonate with your audience. From welcome emails and newsletters to promotional offers and re-engagement campaigns, our emails are designed to capture attention and drive action.
Our team also focuses on optimizing email deliverability and open rates by using best practices such as segmentation, A/B testing, and responsive design. By analyzing email performance metrics, we continuously refine our strategies to improve engagement and achieve your goals.

9. Proven Track Record

At Ramsiya Tech, we take pride in our proven track record of success. Our portfolio includes numerous satisfied clients who have seen significant growth and improved performance through our digital marketing efforts.
From start-ups to well-established companies, we have experience working with companies of all shapes and sizes. Our case studies demonstrate the observable outcomes—like more website traffic, higher conversion rates, and better return on investment—that we have produced for our clients.
Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as a trusted partner in the digital marketing industry. We are committed to supporting our clients in achieving their goals and prospering in business.

10. Dedicated Customer Support

At Ramsiya Tech, we believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. Our dedicated customer support team is always available to answer your questions, provide updates, and ensure you’re satisfied with our services.
We offer multiple channels of communication, including phone, email, and live chat, to ensure that you can reach us whenever you need assistance. Our team is committed to providing timely and effective support, addressing any issues that arise and helping you navigate the complexities of digital marketing.
By providing exceptional customer support, we ensure that you have a positive experience working with us and achieve your desired outcomes.


A successful digital marketing firm selection can significantly impact your company's ability to meet its objectives. At Ramsiya Tech, we combine expertise, innovation, and dedication to deliver exceptional results. Our cutting-edge SEO strategies, comprehensive social media marketing, targeted PPC campaigns, high-quality content marketing, data-driven insights, customized solutions, innovative web design, email marketing expertise, proven track record, and dedicated industry-leading customer support distinguish us.
The digital environment will keep changing as 2024 approaches, carrying with it both new possibilities and problems for companies. By partnering with Ramsiya Tech, you can stay ahead of the curve and achieve sustainable growth in the digital world. Contact us today to learn how we can help you succeed in the digital landscape of 2024 and beyond.
In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of digital marketing, businesses need a reliable partner to navigate the complexities and stay ahead of the competition. Ramsiya Tech stands out as a leader in the industry, offering comprehensive digital marketing solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. As we step into 2024, here are ten compelling reasons why Ramsiya Tech should be your top choice for digital marketing services.

1. Cutting-Edge SEO Strategies

Effective digital marketing strategies are built on the basis of search engine optimization, or SEO. At Ramsiya Tech, we understand that SEO is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Our team of experts is dedicated to staying abreast of the latest trends and algorithm updates to ensure that your website ranks at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).
To identify areas that need work, we start with a comprehensive SEO analysis. Our on-page SEO strategies include optimizing meta tags, headers, and content to align with the targeted keywords. We also focus on technical SEO aspects such as improving site speed, mobile-friendliness, and ensuring a robust site architecture.
Moreover, our off-page SEO efforts involve building high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites, which enhance your site's credibility and authority. By combining these strategies, we drive organic traffic to your website, increasing visibility and boosting your online presence.

2. Comprehensive Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are necessary tools for engaging with your audience and building brand loyalty in the modern digital world. Ramsiya Tech excels in creating and executing comprehensive social media marketing campaigns tailored to your brand's voice and objectives.
We start by identifying the most suitable platforms for your business, whether it's Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or the rapidly growing TikTok. Our team develops engaging content that resonates with your audience, from eye-catching visuals and videos to compelling copy and interactive posts.
We also employ advanced targeting techniques to ensure that your content reaches the right audience. By analyzing demographics, interests, and behavior, we create precise audience segments for paid social media campaigns, maximizing your return on investment (ROI). Through consistent monitoring and optimization, we ensure that your social media presence drives engagement, conversions, and brand loyalty.

3. Targeted Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaigns

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful method to generate immediate traffic and leads. At Ramsiya Tech, we specialize in creating and managing PPC campaigns that deliver maximum ROI. Our PPC experts design targeted campaigns across various platforms, including Google Ads, Bing Ads, and social media networks.
We begin with thorough keyword research to identify high-intent search terms that your potential customers are using. Our team then crafts compelling ad copy and designs eye-catching visuals to attract clicks. We also set up precise targeting parameters to ensure that your ads are shown to the most relevant audience.
Once the campaigns are live, we continuously monitor performance metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per acquisition (CPA). Through data-driven insights and A/B testing, we optimize the campaigns to improve performance and reduce costs, ensuring you get the best possible results from your ad spend.

4. High-Quality Content Marketing

Content marketing is essential for establishing your brand as an authority in your industry and nurturing relationships with your audience. Ramsiya Tech offers comprehensive content marketing services that include blog writing, video production, infographics, and more.
Our content creation process begins with a deep understanding of your target audience and their pain points. We develop a content strategy that aligns with your business goals and addresses the needs of your audience at every stage of the buyer's journey.
Our team of skilled writers, designers, and videographers produce high-quality content that is informative, engaging, and optimized for search engines. Whether it's blog posts that rank well on Google, informative videos that explain complex concepts, or visually appealing infographics that simplify data, our content captivates your audience and drives engagement.
We also distribute your content across various channels, including your website, social media platforms, and email newsletters, to ensure maximum reach and impact.

5. Data-Driven Insights

At Ramsiya Tech, we believe that data is the backbone of effective digital marketing. Our team utilizes advanced analytics tools to track and measure the performance of your campaigns, providing you with actionable insights that drive strategic decisions.
We set up comprehensive tracking systems to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, and customer engagement. By analyzing this data, we identify trends and patterns that inform our strategies.
With the help of our data-driven methodology, we are able to consistently improve your campaigns and make wise decisions that lead to improved outcomes. We provide detailed reports and dashboards that give you a clear understanding of how your marketing efforts are performing and where improvements can be made.

6. Customized Marketing Solutions

At Ramsiya Tech, we understand that every business is unique, and so are its marketing needs. That's why we offer customized marketing solutions tailored to your specific objectives and challenges.
We begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your business, target audience, and goals. Based on this understanding, we develop a personalized marketing strategy that aligns with your vision and drives your business forward.
Our team works closely with you to implement and refine the strategy, ensuring that it evolves with your business and the ever-changing digital landscape. Whether you need a complete digital marketing overhaul or targeted assistance in specific areas, we provide solutions that deliver real results.

7. Innovative Web Design and Development

Your website is the cornerstone of your online presence and often the first point of contact for potential customers. At Ramsiya Tech, we specialize in creating user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing websites that enhance user experience and drive conversions.
Our web design process starts with understanding your brand identity and business goals. We then create wireframes and mockups that reflect your vision and ensure seamless navigation. Our design team focuses on creating aesthetically pleasing layouts that capture attention and encourage interaction.
Once the design is finalized, our development team brings it to life using the latest technologies and best practices. We ensure that your website is optimized for speed, mobile-friendliness, and search engines. Additionally, we integrate essential features such as contact forms, e-commerce functionality, and analytics tools to track performance.
By providing a seamless user experience, we help you convert visitors into customers and achieve your business objectives.

8. Email Marketing Expertise

Email marketing is still one of the best ways to develop leads, keep clients, and increase conversions. At Ramsiya Tech, we offer comprehensive email marketing services that help you engage your audience and build lasting relationships.
Our email marketing strategy begins with building a high-quality email list. We use ethical and effective methods to gather email addresses from potential customers, ensuring that your list is targeted and engaged.
We then create personalized email campaigns that resonate with your audience. From welcome emails and newsletters to promotional offers and re-engagement campaigns, our emails are designed to capture attention and drive action.
Our team also focuses on optimizing email deliverability and open rates by using best practices such as segmentation, A/B testing, and responsive design. By analyzing email performance metrics, we continuously refine our strategies to improve engagement and achieve your goals.

9. Proven Track Record

At Ramsiya Tech, we take pride in our proven track record of success. Our portfolio includes numerous satisfied clients who have seen significant growth and improved performance through our digital marketing efforts.
From start-ups to well-established companies, we have experience working with companies of all shapes and sizes. Our case studies demonstrate the observable outcomes—like more website traffic, higher conversion rates, and better return on investment—that we have produced for our clients.
Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as a trusted partner in the digital marketing industry. We are committed to supporting our clients in achieving their goals and prospering in business.

10. Dedicated Customer Support

At Ramsiya Tech, we believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. Our dedicated customer support team is always available to answer your questions, provide updates, and ensure you’re satisfied with our services.
We offer multiple channels of communication, including phone, email, and live chat, to ensure that you can reach us whenever you need assistance. Our team is committed to providing timely and effective support, addressing any issues that arise and helping you navigate the complexities of digital marketing.
By providing exceptional customer support, we ensure that you have a positive experience working with us and achieve your desired outcomes.


A successful digital marketing firm selection can significantly impact your company's ability to meet its objectives. At Ramsiya Tech, we combine expertise, innovation, and dedication to deliver exceptional results. Our cutting-edge SEO strategies, comprehensive social media marketing, targeted PPC campaigns, high-quality content marketing, data-driven insights, customized solutions, innovative web design, email marketing expertise, proven track record, and dedicated industry-leading customer support distinguish us.
The digital environment will keep changing as 2024 approaches, carrying with it both new possibilities and problems for companies. By partnering with Ramsiya Tech, you can stay ahead of the curve and achieve sustainable growth in the digital world. Contact us today to learn how we can help you succeed in the digital landscape of 2024 and beyond.
submitted by nishasiyaramcreation to u/nishasiyaramcreation [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:25 Ill_Alternative_7353 HIPPA violations and medical malpractice.

So I've read that a patient cannot base a lawsuit solely on a HIPPA violation. But that a patient can pursue damages based on a violation of state law.
A few weeks ago my girlfriend had an emergency that we did not want her family (that we live with, to know about). It was her first hospital trip over the age of 18 (she's 19 at the time of this situation). And at the front desk of the hospital we had all of her family members taken off of the information. When the registration woman came into the room we confirmed they had been taken off of her charted information and I was made to be her emergency contact. We also were guaranteed that there would be no physical billing sent to the house. And that it would all be electronic, sent to my girlfriends personal email that no one but her has access too.
We were able to come up with a story as to why we had to go to the hospital. And thought we were in the clear.
Fast forward a few weeks and my girlfriend calls me at work and tells me that both her mother and her grandmother interrogated her while trying to leave the house for her shift at work. Because they both recieved emails from the hospital about her visit.
It caused so much unnecessary drama and tension in the house. They are already extremely emotionally abusive to her when I'm not around. And this has caused so much stress onto our living situation because of it. To the point where threats of being kicked out were being thrown around.
Is there anything she can do?
Posted on her behalf
submitted by Ill_Alternative_7353 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 AutoModerator The GameAudio Share Mine June, 2024 - Use this post to link to / discuss your site, works, product, business or anything you created or are affiliated with

Game Audio related Self-Promotion welcomed in the comments of this post

The comments section of this post is where you can provide info and links pertaining to your site, blog, video, sfx kickstarter or anything else you are affiliated with related to Game Audio. Instead of banning or removing this kind of content outright, this monthly post allows you to get your info out to our readers while keeping our front page free from billboarding. This as an opportunity for you and our readers to have a regular go-to for discussion regarding your latest news/info, something for everyone to look forward to. Please keep in mind the following;
Subreddit Helpful Hints: Mobile Users can view this subreddit's sidebar at /GameAudio/about/sidebar. For SFX related questions, also check out /SFXLibraries. When you're seeking Game Audio related info, be sure to search the subreddit or check our wiki pages;
Subreddit Info and Rules General Info and Links Music Info and Links FAQ / Getting Started FMOD Info Wwise Info Calendar of Events
Join the live chat on our Discord server -
submitted by AutoModerator to GameAudio [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:57 HelpWorkItOut Reasonable Adjustments. Are they actually adjustments? And grievance issues

Hello, please help! Posting on an anonymous account…
I have been having ongoing issues at work related to my disabilities (all diagnosed, physical and recognised under Equality Act 2010, if those things are a factor) It took me over eight months from contacting managers of my department and our HR, this includes the head of department and two line managers I had in that time, to get adjustments and an occupational health referral. I was expecting a meeting about adjustments in December, which was quite urgent at that time as I was having hospital appointments, instead my line manager told me that expected meeting would actually be about my performance. I was shocked by this as I hadn’t had any performance issues, I reiterated my confusion as I was awaiting a meeting about reasonable adjustments. She invited the head of department and HR to that meeting. The issues raised were dated in October and November, when I was having health issues and had urgently highlighted the need for adjustments, support and an occupational health referral.
Fast forward months later, occupational health referral undertaken, reasonable adjustments meetings undertaken with a different manager and I have put in an informal grievance in regards to how my request for adjustments was handled. All contact with my previous line manager has been put on hold.
The meeting for the grievance was held with the senior manager from another department and a member of HR and my union rep on 26th April. I was expecting to hear back from HR about the grievance and next steps. Instead, yesterday I received an email from the manager about another meeting next week in regards to the adjustments, and some issues around my performance (doesn’t say what) the email does not reference the grievance at all, but states the relationship with my line manager needs to be reinstated. I have expressed serious concerns about my previous line managers conduct and the anxiety communicating with them has given me.
My concerns are, the grievance has not been referenced and discussed at all since the April 26th meeting, in which I had supplied a clear breakdown of dates with communication about adjustment requests.
Also, the adjustments that have been proposed to me include two things which all employees are working to, this includes the start time I am at work, the same as all employees but it has been put as a reasonable adjustment. All members of my department WFH three days a week and are onsite two days a week. I have this written that is an adjustment for me, but it’s not, I am working to the same rota that all other members of staff in my department are.
How can I approach these issues and highlight the ongoing concerns with line management, the grievance and the ‘adjustments’ that aren’t adjustments?
TLDR: Been offered reasonable ‘adjustments’ that aren’t adjustments. Ongoing grievance issues with line manager, been raised as informal grievance, with the expectation this would be investigated, not heard anything back in regards to it, but been invited to a meeting I’ve been told ‘isn’t a disciplinary procedure or performance review’
submitted by HelpWorkItOut to HumanResourcesUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:55 Ok_Raspberry6680 Unlawful detainer filed for rent that has been paid? (CA)

Hi all! First time poster here hoping to get some advice for a suddenly super stressful situation. First of all, my friend and I are both on the lease, but I pay the rent. I am out of the country for work so everything online is me and everything at location is my friend.
Early May we received a 3 day notice to pay or quit on our door listing out 3 months of supposedly unpaid rent (Mar-May 2024). The amounts listed for each month were weird and didn’t reflect what we actually pay. MaApr had the base rent amount, but didn’t include the pet fee I pay for my dog and May was listed at about $200 more than usual.
I immediately sent an email to our property manager detailing the correct amounts, that I have paid those months on time, and attached screenshots of my bank statements. Rent is paid through a website so the name of the site is listed on the statement. I offered to send more proof to clarify, but the screenshots were just the quickest way to get the ball rolling. She never responded and was unreachable by phone or in the office.
I’ll admit, my friend and I are both a bit naive as it’s our first time renting and because I’m away and communication is tricky I didn’t know the notice said we had 3 days. Had I did, I would’ve done more to fix it at the time. A couple days after the notice my friend got a call from someone (not the manager) asking if we wanted to renew our lease that ends in September. He told them we would discuss, but we kind of assumed that meant everything was fine.
Fast forward to last week my friend is handed an Unlawful Detainer suit and complaint with a copy of the original notice attached as ‘Exhibit A.’ I don’t know if this was the right move legally, but I emailed the manager again to which she responded saying that they “did receive payments for those months.” I then asked her if the suit would be dropped. She responded with “I’m so sorry but we have already sent your file to the attorneys there is nothing we can do.”
It seems we’re going to have to go to court anyway? I’m working on filing the answer which is due on Monday. Is there a chance that they could still drop the suit or is it actually too late? Like if I tried to get in contact with the management company or the attorneys? I have my bank statements and email receipts from each month, but is that enough? It would also be very difficult for me to fly home for court and I’m worried for my friend so I wish it could be avoided.
Thank you in advance!!
submitted by Ok_Raspberry6680 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:53 Antique_Moment_171 Small claims against lyft, new driver promo

I signed up to be a Lyft driver under a promotion where if I started driving by May 28, and completed 40 drives within one week of starting, I would receive a $400 bonus.
I have screenshots and original emails saying that if I completed my first ride by May 28th, I have one week from when I started to complete 40 Rides and earn the bonus.
This part is on me (and it's possibly not relevant to small claims but...) I've had a busy month, and I provided the necessary info to be approved as a driver a bit over a week in advance of the 28. I was approved around the 23rd.
Full time job had extra work for me until May 25. And then I got sick, with a mad head cold. The type of cold where (although I tested covid negative) I really didn't want to be driving people. My sinuses hurt. I was coughing a lot.
May 28, I'm not feeling the best, but I didn't have any fever, and I went into my normal job. Which lasts until 8:30 pm Hawaii time. I really wanted that bonus so I drive one Lyft ride at about 9pm, Hawaiian time, May 28.
Fast forward to today.
I really want that bonus, I'm finally not coughing all the time so I start driving Friday night. But the bonus isn't showing anywhere on the app.
So I went home, contacted Lyft support, and they keep saying that I didn't start in 30 days, per the bonus agreement. I shared screenshots of the emails that said "by May 28" and a screenshot of my first ride which was around 9pm May 28.
They are escalating my claim to a higher level team and will respond by email. (As to whether I will qualify for the bonus.)
My current plan is to drive a lot this weekend, get those 40 drives in, and hope that Lyft honors their emails which said that if my first drive was by the 28, I had one week for 40 drives.
If they don't honor it.... Can I sue in small claims? I live in Hawaii. Would I even possibly win? I know it's only $400 extra but for me it's a lot!
submitted by Antique_Moment_171 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:36 Silent_Doughnut_1864 The last moment together with a life long crush didn't end well. I just wanted to tell her how I feel, maybe she will see and read this.

She probably will never see this, then again I could be wrong. I kind of hope she does so I can say some of what I wanted to say, but instead we ended up arguing over things that are really not important and I wish I could take it all back.
In High School it started and I never told anyone, not even my best friend. You were the one, the girl who was in a relationship, the crush I always wanted, the one I wanted to marry and spend my life with, to treat with the most genuine respect and to love and cherish. The problem was you were taken and I respected that line, most people don't. Yet life just kept moving forward. I come to find years later that your life has been filled with trauma, neglect, abuse, filled with drama and hate, being used and taken advantage of. The things I would never let happen to you or do to you were happening or had happened, and it breaks my heart to see you so different than the one I knew all those years ago. But deep in there it's still you and I hope that I may one day bring you back to happiness and to keep a smile on your face and to show you how much you are loved.
After 20 years we found each other living together albeit briefly after some difficult and unexpected times. I tried to tell you how I felt, you didn't want to hear it. And then we did something together I never thought would ever happen, and it was something I had hoped would happen for so long. I will always remember it and think about it everyday, how incredible it was and how it still could be. Even the first time our lips locked I was in complete ecstacy, the way you kissed me was something passionate and real, not just another kiss. You really are amazing and so beautiful and I wish we could continue to become something more. Something beautiful. Something forever.
I didn't want to leave you but I couldn't stand being thought of as just someone else there to use you. I would never hurt you. I tried to find the words, but you shut me down, you distanced yourself from me, that hurt. I know things are tough and I was willing to do everything I could to help.
Maybe I sound like I am rambling now but just know this. I am sorry for how I left, for leaving you alone, for everything wrong that I may have done. I just want you in my life, by my side. Maybe one day that will happen but it is something you need to figure out. I will continue to wait for you. If you will have me, come to me. You'll be safe and respected, loved and appreciated. For now, I am setting off on the hunt for more money, to give myself a fresh start and that also includes you, as I told you during our time together. My hand and heart will be waiting for you to take.
Find me. Message me. Email me. Call me. Anything. I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives.
I'm sorry J. I miss you. I want you with me. I want to hold you, hold your hand, to love you, to kiss you, to be the one you deserve. Hopefully we will find each other again. For now, just know im there thinking about you, waiting and going to do everything I possibly can.
submitted by Silent_Doughnut_1864 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:30 Silent_Doughnut_1864 The last moment together with a life long crush didn't end well. I just wanted to tell her how I feel, maybe she will see and read this.

She probably will never see this, then again I could be wrong. I kind of hope she does so I can say some of what I wanted to say, but instead we ended up arguing over things that are really not important and I wish I could take it all back.
In High School it started and I never told anyone, not even my best friend. You were the one, the girl who was in a relationship, the crush I always wanted, the one I wanted to marry and spend my life with, to treat with the most genuine respect and to love and cherish. The problem was you were taken and I respected that line, most people don't. Yet life just kept moving forward. I come to find years later that your life has been filled with trauma, neglect, abuse, filled with drama and hate, being used and taken advantage of. The things I would never let happen to you or do to you were happening or had happened, and it breaks my heart to see you so different than the one I knew all those years ago. But deep in there it's still you and I hope that I may one day bring you back to happiness and to keep a smile on your face and to show you how much you are loved.
After 20 years we found each other living together albeit briefly after some difficult and unexpected times. I tried to tell you how I felt, you didn't want to hear it. And then we did something together I never thought would ever happen, and it was something I had hoped would happen for so long. I will always remember it and think about it everyday, how incredible it was and how it still could be. Even the first time our lips locked I was in complete ecstacy, the way you kissed me was something passionate and real, not just another kiss. You really are amazing and so beautiful and I wish we could continue to become something more. Something beautiful. Something forever.
I didn't want to leave you but I couldn't stand being thought of as just someone else there to use you. I would never hurt you. I tried to find the words, but you shut me down, you distanced yourself from me, that hurt. I know things are tough and I was willing to do everything I could to help.
Maybe I sound like I am rambling now but just know this. I am sorry for how I left, for leaving you alone, for everything wrong that I may have done. I just want you in my life, by my side. Maybe one day that will happen but it is something you need to figure out. I will continue to wait for you. If you will have me, come to me. You'll be safe and respected, loved and appreciated. For now, I am setting off on the hunt for more money, to give myself a fresh start and that also includes you, as I told you during our time together. My hand and heart will be waiting for you to take.
Find me. Message me. Email me. Call me. Anything. I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives.
I'm sorry J. I miss you. I want you with me. I want to hold you, hold your hand, to love you, to kiss you, to be the one you deserve. Hopefully we will find each other again. For now, just know im there thinking about you, waiting and going to do everything I possibly can.
submitted by Silent_Doughnut_1864 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:18 Silent_Doughnut_1864 The last moment together with a life long crush didn't end well. I just wanted to tell her how I feel, maybe she will see and read this.

She probably will never see this, then again I could be wrong. I kind of hope she does so I can say some of what I wanted to say, but instead we ended up arguing over things that are really not important and I wish I could take it all back.
In High School it started and I never told anyone, not even my best friend. You were the one, the girl who was in a relationship, the crush I always wanted, the one I wanted to marry and spend my life with, to treat with the most genuine respect and to love and cherish. The problem was you were taken and I respected that line, most people don't. Yet life just kept moving forward. I come to find years later that your life has been filled with trauma, neglect, abuse, filled with drama and hate, being used and taken advantage of. The things I would never let happen to you or do to you were happening or had happened, and it breaks my heart to see you so different than the one I knew all those years ago. But deep in there it's still you and I hope that I may one day bring you back to happiness and to keep a smile on your face and to show you how much you are loved.
After 20 years we found each other living together albeit briefly after some difficult and unexpected times. I tried to tell you how I felt, you didn't want to hear it. And then we did something together I never thought would ever happen, and it was something I had hoped would happen for so long. I will always remember it and think about it everyday, how incredible it was and how it still could be. Even the first time our lips locked I was in complete ecstacy, the way you kissed me was something passionate and real, not just another kiss. You really are amazing and so beautiful and I wish we could continue to become something more. Something beautiful. Something forever.
I didn't want to leave you but I couldn't stand being thought of as just someone else there to use you. I would never hurt you. I tried to find the words, but you shut me down, you distanced yourself from me, that hurt. I know things are tough and I was willing to do everything I could to help.
Maybe I sound like I am rambling now but just know this. I am sorry for how I left, for leaving you alone, for everything wrong that I may have done. I just want you in my life, by my side. Maybe one day that will happen but it is something you need to figure out. I will continue to wait for you. If you will have me, come to me. You'll be safe and respected, loved and appreciated. For now, I am setting off on the hunt for more money, to give myself a fresh start and that also includes you, as I told you during our time together. My hand and heart will be waiting for you to take.
Find me. Message me. Email me. Call me. Anything. I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives.
I'm sorry J. I miss you. I want you with me. I want to hold you, hold your hand, to love you, to kiss you, to be the one you deserve. Hopefully we will find each other again. For now, just know im there thinking about you, waiting and going to do everything I possibly can.
submitted by Silent_Doughnut_1864 to GirlCrush [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:11 webtrills7 10 Proven Digital Growth Strategies by Webtrills for Mobile Apps and Websites.

10 Proven Digital Growth Strategies by Webtrills for Mobile Apps and Websites.
In the fast-paced digital world, achieving substantial growth for mobile apps and websites requires well-crafted strategies and expert execution. Webtrills, a digital growth strategy company, delivers thoughtful services and meticulously designed strategies to help businesses thrive online. This article delves into 10 proven digital growth strategies by Webtrills that can elevate your mobile apps and websites to new heights.

Digital growth isn't merely about increasing numbers but creating a sustainable and impactful online presence. Webtrills understands this intricate balance and leverages its expertise to offer strategies that drive real results. Whether you're looking to enhance user engagement, boost traffic, or increase conversions, Webtrills has the know-how to propel your digital assets forward. Let's explore these 10 strategies in detail.

Understanding Digital Growth
What is Digital Growth?
Digital growth encompasses a range of activities to expand the reach, engagement, and profitability of digital assets like mobile apps and websites. It involves a combination of marketing, user experience optimization, and technological enhancements.

Why is Digital Growth Important?
In a competitive online landscape, digital growth is crucial for maintaining relevance, attracting new users, and ensuring long-term success. Without strategic growth initiatives, digital platforms can quickly become stagnant and lose their competitive edge.

1. Comprehensive Market Research
The Foundation of Successful Strategies
Effective digital growth starts with understanding the market. Webtrills conducts in-depth market research to identify trends, user preferences, and competitive landscapes. This information is vital for crafting strategies that resonate with target audiences.

Tools and Techniques
Webtrills utilizes advanced tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and social media insights to gather comprehensive data. This data-driven approach ensures that strategies are grounded in reality and tailored to specific market conditions.

2. User-Centric Design
Enhancing User Experience
A great user experience is at the heart of digital growth. Webtrills emphasizes user-centric design to ensure that mobile apps and websites are intuitive, engaging, and easy to navigate.

Key Elements of User-Centric Design
Intuitive Navigation: Simplifying user journeys to enhance usability.
Responsive Design: Ensuring compatibility across all devices.
Visual Appeal: Creating aesthetically pleasing interfaces that attract and retain users.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Boosting Organic Visibility
SEO is a cornerstone of digital growth. Webtrills employs cutting-edge SEO techniques to improve the visibility of mobile apps and websites on search engines.

On-Page and Off-Page SEO
On-Page SEO: Optimizing content, meta tags, and internal linking.
Off-Page SEO: Building high-quality backlinks and engaging in social media marketing.

4. Content Marketing
Creating Valuable Content
Content is king in the digital realm. Webtrills focuses on creating high-quality, relevant content that attracts, informs, and converts users.

Types of Content
Blog Posts: Offering valuable insights and information.
Videos: Engaging users with visual content.
Infographics: Simplifying complex information.

5. Social Media Marketing
Leveraging Social Platforms
Social media is a powerful tool for digital growth. Webtrills crafts tailored social media strategies to increase brand awareness and engage with audiences.

Platforms and Strategies
Platform Selection: Choosing the right platforms based on the target audience.
Content Strategy: Developing content that resonates with social media users.
Engagement: Actively interacting with followers to build a community.

6. Mobile Optimization
Enhancing Mobile Experience
With the increasing use of mobile devices, optimizing for mobile is essential. Webtrills ensures that mobile apps and websites are fully optimized for a seamless mobile experience.

Key Aspects of Mobile Optimization
Speed: Ensuring fast load times.
Usability: Designing for touch interactions.
Accessibility: Making content accessible to all users.

7. Data Analytics and Tracking
Measuring Success
Tracking and analyzing data is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of digital growth strategies. Webtrills employs advanced analytics tools to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions.

Key Metrics
Traffic: Analyzing the number of visitors and their behavior.
Engagement: Measuring user interactions.
Conversions: Tracking the effectiveness of conversion strategies.

8. Email Marketing
Building Relationships
Email marketing remains a powerful tool for nurturing relationships and driving conversions. Webtrills designs targeted email campaigns to keep users engaged and informed.

Effective Email Marketing Strategies
Segmentation: Tailoring messages to different user segments.
Personalization: Creating personalized content to increase engagement.
Automation: Using automation tools to streamline campaigns.

9. Paid Advertising
Driving Targeted Traffic
Paid advertising can quickly boost visibility and attract targeted traffic. Webtrills leverages platforms like Google Ads and social media advertising to reach the right audience.

Types of Paid Advertising
Search Ads: Targeting users based on search queries.
Display Ads: Using visual ads to capture attention.
Social Media Ads: Reaching users on social media platforms.

10. Continuous Improvement
Adapting and Evolving
Digital growth is an ongoing process. Webtrills emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing strategies and adapting to new trends and technologies.

Strategies for Continuous Improvement
A/B Testing: Experimenting with different approaches to find the most effective ones.
Feedback Loops: Collecting and analyzing user feedback to make informed changes.
Staying Updated: Keeping abreast of the latest industry trends and updates.

Implementing Webtrills' Strategies
Step-by-Step Implementation
Webtrills provides a structured approach to implementing these growth strategies. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Initial Consultation: Understanding the unique needs and goals of your business.
Market Research: Conduct thorough research to gather relevant data.
Strategy Development: Crafting a customized growth strategy.
Execution: Implementing the strategy with precision.
Monitoring: Tracking progress and making necessary adjustments.
Reporting: Providing detailed reports on performance and outcomes.

Webtrills’ proven digital growth strategies for mobile apps and websites are designed to deliver tangible results. By focusing on market research, user-centric design, SEO, content marketing, social media, mobile optimization, data analytics, email marketing, paid advertising, and continuous improvement, Webtrills ensures a comprehensive approach to digital growth. Implement these strategies to elevate your digital presence and achieve long-term success.
App Development & Digital Marketing Solutions.

How does Webtrills ensure the success of digital growth strategies?
Webtrills combines thorough market research, expert knowledge, and continuous monitoring to craft and implement effective digital growth strategies.

What tools does Webtrills use for market research? Webtrills utilizes tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and social media insights to gather comprehensive market data.

Why is user-centric design important for digital growth?
User-centric design enhances user experience, making it easier for users to navigate and engage with mobile apps and websites, leading to increased satisfaction and conversions.

How does Webtrills approach SEO?
Webtrills employs both on-page and off-page SEO techniques to boost organic visibility, including optimizing content, meta tags, internal linking, and building high-quality backlinks.

What role does content marketing play in digital growth?
Content marketing attracts, informs, and converts users by providing valuable and relevant information, which helps in building trust and authority.

How does Webtrills leverage social media for growth?
Webtrills crafts tailored social media strategies selects appropriate platforms, and engages with followers to increase brand awareness and build a community.
submitted by webtrills7 to u/webtrills7 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 azaz_ansari1 Professional Video Editor Providing Free Services

Hello Reddit community,
As a seasoned video editor, I am excited to offer my expertise to those in need of high-quality video editing services - absolutely free of charge. Although I don't have a portfolio to showcase my work, I am confident in my abilities and willing to demonstrate my skills.
If you have a video project that requires editing, I invite you to take advantage of my free services. If you're satisfied with the final product, you may choose to compensate me at your discretion.
Feel free to reach out to me directly via DM or email at I look forward to collaborating with you!
submitted by azaz_ansari1 to VideoEditingRequests [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:59 azaz_ansari1 Experienced Video Editor Offering Free Services

Hello Reddit community,
As a seasoned video editor, I am excited to offer my expertise to those in need of high-quality video editing services - absolutely free of charge. Although I don't have a portfolio to showcase my work, I am confident in my abilities and willing to demonstrate my skills.
If you have a video project that requires editing, I invite you to take advantage of my free services. If you're satisfied with the final product, you may choose to compensate me at your discretion.
Feel free to reach out to me directly via DM or email at I look forward to collaborating with you!"
submitted by azaz_ansari1 to CreatorServices [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:38 O2M0 How to port forward?

How to port forward? submitted by O2M0 to InternetPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:30 Responsible-Data-695 [ENGLAND] I am being threatened with with a Defamation lawsuit

I believe I know the answer to this, but just need someone to confirm, I suppose.
I'm a Facebook group for my profession. Lately, lots of people were complaining and asking about a certain training provider who had taken their money and stopped replying to their emails, answering phone calls, or delivering training. I looked the company up on Company House and found out it had been dissolved a couple of weeks before, but one of the directors had already registered a different company, with a similar name, also providing training for our sector. The director also turned out to be a member of our group.
So I wrote a comment on the post that said "Director is [insert name - tagging him in the comment] and they started a new company [insert link from Company House]. Definitely chase them for your money back, the behaviour is disgusting."
Now the person has messaged me to threaten legal action against me for defamation unless I delete my comment.
As far as I know, they would 1. Likely not go forward with this and is just flexing their muscles to make me remove the comment and 2. My statement is not defamatory, as it's true. All the information I put in the comment is accessible to public, via Company House.
Not sure about the rest of the comment and whether they can prove it has brought them harm or loss.
So, should I remove the comment and not risk it?
submitted by Responsible-Data-695 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:29 nikkikannaaa Reminiscing about working at a massage studio

I only thought of this because I remembered one of my coworkers and wondered how she is. Six years ago I started working at a massage studio as a receptionist after I dropped out of college due to depression, anxiety and ptsd (though that one I didn't know at the time.) I felt lumpy and bruised like an old banana, and even after I did an outpatient program I felt like I had grown far away from myself, if that makes sense. I got the job through a friend and I was dreading it to be honest because it was a long commute and I was burnt out from customer service positions. The studio had three locations, and the one I most often worked at was in an Edwardian era house, and most of the rooms were original, including the kitchen. It usually wasn't too busy so I would spend my mornings folding laundry and setting up appointments from the emails and voicemails waiting in our inboxes. If we got walk ins I would hear the bell above the front door from the kitchen, so after my morning tasks, I would sit there at a little table with a cup of tea. Some of the massage therapists left their plants on the windowsill over the kitchen sink, and I would watch the sunlight pool all over their leaves. It felt like, for the first time in years, that I could be okay. Maybe never good. But I at least felt like it was okay to exist like that, like a plant pushing tentatively up against a window to cup the sunlight in its leaves. It would be so peaceful. The only sounds were from the occasional whoosh of cars or people chatting in a neighborhood they had lived in for years. There was an ice cream shop across the street I would sprint to some nights, and I'd sit in the kitchen with the pint and play quiet jazz on the radio. Sometimes the therapists would sit with me, chatting and sitting with me for hours as the sun crawled down behind the mountains, and the ending of the day did not leave me tattered and dissociated. I slowly remembered what it felt like to look forward to these things, instead of dreading all the moments I was awake and asleep. I loved wintertime especially, because the frost on the kitchen window would collect iridescent patches of ice that glimmered in the morning light. I just randomly was thinking about this place today, and was reminiscing so deeply I felt strange remembering where I am now. I felt so sad then that I wasn't able to finish school. Now I'm in grad school, and even though this was my dream for so long, I feel like a bruised banana again. Maybe that's why I can't help but miss that sunny kitchen, warm even in the winter.
submitted by nikkikannaaa to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:29 Covidplandemic Covid Deception

Covid Deception
There was, isn't and never will be any sarscov2 covid virus. No variants. Nor was there any HIV, bird flu, swine flu, and all the rest. No virus (pathogenic) has ever been isolated from patients or anywhere out in the environment. It is impossible for anyone to infect anyone else with a pathogenic virus. The predictions, PCR Antigen tests, the isolation of viruses, the insilico genomic sequences, masks, lockdowns, electron microscopy, the vax, an outright scam, from beginning to end.
submitted by Covidplandemic to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:14 Known-Revolution-488 As I Depart

Many rush to take my place😍.
Unless they're alt accounts, lol, but I doubt it. You'll be fine.👍💦
Hey, one thing I wondered: how are you able to call me “piggish” + other insults that traumatized me to the point I auto-avert my gaze from your notifications, then take deep breaths to open just one- how would you expect your kind words offset that? They don't!
Don't you see the disconnect? Don't you see how you cheapen and sully the value of the words when you speak them so easily, so ragefully ; so pettily? Words manifest our actions, and actions manifest our fruits. PROVERBS 18:20-21 Remember that..
I keep thinking over and over again- is he gonna wake up from this? From not seeing what is so clearly and evidently there.
When my body has literal life or death instinctual defense reactions to idea of touching you irl, your contact, interactions with you- were REALLY scratching our heads as to how that happened???
You're a law buff. The evidence is all there. You really gonna do me like bird brain and blatantly not acknowledge what physically concretely exists before us both? Your actions my actions.
But I was there when you needed, when you were in subhuman form, and when my time came to reach subhuman form- at the hands of my ex and tensions with you- u chuckled and sighed at me. said I was inconvenience rn lol, someone else took priority 😘. Did I need any MAJOR help from you? No. Could you have made me feel slightly less alone? I think so.
Cmon man. I was fucking down and you did equivalent of spit on me. I feel betrayed. Dealbreaker.
Idk its just scary man, like if you lived a diff experience than me these last 6 months- I'm scared as to what your perception is now. I cant be in something where I believe I'm the princess and you actually see me as the Beast.
I hate how off centered you made me feel, and how you rage like my dad, too much like him. I'm not trying to regress. Forward not backwards right? Build eachother better etc.
Seriously take this time to think on the immensity of my sins and their ratio to my good actions. Take this time to see how you've given and treated certain exes deeply madly in love despite betrayals- in comparison to the respect shown for me.
I didn't even WANT love just basic friend respect!!
Now, look at the woman you and Bird Brain helped make.
a woman who texted a man a few times while presumably SINGLE and now shudders with heart palpitations to see your text or email icon pop up. Is that what others commonly experience after exposure too?
Wtf man. You know you did me unfair, not right, wrong. You know you played games with me boy
submitted by Known-Revolution-488 to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:10 AdAway1046 Aita for using somebody else’s funds to pay a debt I didn’t incur?

(The back story is a bit long but relevant I think for my point. ) I’ve lived with my grandparent since I was one. We’ve had a great life full of travel and opportunities. I briefly lived with my aunt and uncle when I was 12 while my grandparent got us settled in a different province. During those three months I was beat and broken numerous times trying to shelter my cousin and my grandparent could do nothing from provinces away. We finally got custody of my cousin years later but my grandparent obviously did not financially plan for it, so at 17/18 i helped out. Even in uni I paid for hockey fees, equipment etc. after that, my cousin lived w me several times and I got them numerous jobs which they abandoned. This is all to say that I will always love and support my baby sibling(as I view them) Their most recent break up had them homeless so I offered my office room and provided a bed etc for four months (they paid nothing of course bc I’m happy to help) my cousin wanted to move in w friends but didn’t have the credit and cash for dd. I told my cousin that I was fine if they took over the lease (sublet) and utilities with said friend and for renewal I’d go to bat for them (so long as they paid on time). I also communicated this to friend (we had a good sit down session and agreed. Since my cousin had nothing but clothes, I lent him my bed, sofa, cutlery, tv. Everything. (I was moving in w my partner) Flash forward: he moved two more people in, smoked weed inside and was short on rent and didn’t pay utilities. Then texted my landlord letting him know I was illegally subletting bc I wouldn’t go to bat bc they all owed me 1700$ in utilities (they all knew, I send emails and talked in person but my cousin was supposed to handle that). So I lost my dd obvi. When I went to grab my stuff (bed, tv, couch, other things I let them borrow) I had the cops on standby, friends with a moving truck and they refused me entry (cops said I could arrest). My grandparent begged and pleaded to not. So I didn’t. They moved, I never got my stuff. I’m blocked on all socials. I don’t even know ow where they live now.
Why I might be the AH: I asked my grandparent to have my back in this situation (the cousin at that point owed me 3G) the grandparent agreed and did. The second my cousin was out, the grandparent backed my cousin (lending the car, sending money and no consequences for destroying my credit and stealing my stuff) and said ‘I’m not picking sides’. They had some money in my account, and I recently used it (I was about to be disconnected on water and heat bc my cousins non payment followed me despite me trying to pay current utilities and previous) to pay this debt. In my mind, which I said for the past several months to grandparent after finding out assistance is still being offered to cousin: I need you to have my back. That means cousin has consequences from you (no car etc) and gp agreed. Then broke that promise. I took the money to pay off the debt so I can use a stove (I was about to be disconnected for the debt) and let gp know to collect from the cousin bc if you back somebody, they should back you.
-it’s my account -promises were broken from cousin and grandparent -if you need money ask the person you support and they should reciprocate (the cousin obvi)
So aita?
submitted by AdAway1046 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:34 Virtual_Cash9261 Jane Doe vs. Valve Software #fixtf2

Legal Fortress LLC 2fort Avenue Classified Location
Gabe Newell
Valve Software
10900 NE 4th street, #500
Bellevue, WA 98004
Dear Gabe Newell,
We are writing to you on behalf of our client, Mr. Jane Doe, to address a matter concerning the unauthorized use of his name and likeness in your video game, "Team Fortress 2."
While Mr. Doe appreciates the creative efforts behind "Team Fortress 2" and understands the value of his name and likeness within the gaming community, he is deeply concerned about the current state of the game due to the proliferation of cheating bots and other disruptive elements that detract from the overall player experience.
It has come to our attention that despite Mr. Doe's potential willingness to allow the use of his image and likeness in "Team Fortress 2" under different circumstances, the presence of cheating bots and other disruptive elements within the game undermines the integrity and enjoyment of the gaming experience for players worldwide.
Therefore, we hereby demand that Valve take immediate action to address the issue of cheating bots and other disruptive elements within "Team Fortress 2" to ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all players. Additionally, we request that Valve refrain from using Mr. Jane Doe's name and likeness in any further promotional materials related to "Team Fortress 2" until such time as these issues are satisfactorily resolved.
Mr. Doe would like to reiterate that he is not opposed to the use of his name and likeness in "Team Fortress 2" provided that the game is playable and free from cheating bots and other disruptive elements that negatively impact the player experience.
Failure to comply with this demand may lead to the release of our ÜberCharged legal team, who are more than ready to unleash a torrent of paperwork and courtroom antics. This could include seeking injunctive relief, damages for any harm caused, and reimbursement of legal fees incurred due to this matter.
We trust that you will take this matter seriously and take immediate steps to address the concerns raised herein. Please provide written confirmation of your compliance with this cease and desist demand within the time it takes for your title: Half-Life 3 to be released, or 100 business days from the date of this letter, whichever comes first. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to a prompt and amicable resolution.
Legal Fortress LLC 2fort Avenue Classified Location
Phone: (505) LAW-2FORT Email:
submitted by Virtual_Cash9261 to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:27 marcos987 Anyone used Craft Docs as client dashboard, for onboarding and project collaboration (doing website projects)

I am using Notion a lot, Coda a bit, have still things in Evernote, used to checkout Atlassian Confluence and many many more.
There are many things I like in Craft when it comes to simplicity, navigation, search and user experience. Therefore I started using it now to craft client documentations I can share with the client once a project is completed. That way I can actually update the documentation without sending out a new PDF. That makes it also easier for me to actually finish it, because a PDF is kind of permanent, so I must think every little detail through.
Moving forward, I am thinking about a client dashboard now to welcome and guide through a project. I am doing WordPress projects.
It's not about a project management tool, it's about an entry point for the client. The client can see the specifications, concept, proposal, maybe even the invoices, maybe I include even the final project documentation.
I think of it also of a first impression. Instead of sending a proposal solely by email, I could send a link to the Craft Dashboard that is already specifically adjusted for the client.
It can include information on how I work, which tools I use, etc.
I am just thinking out loud here now. Have you used Craft for something like that already?
submitted by marcos987 to CraftDocs [link] [comments]