Camilla lolly nurse babestation

I’ve just hit 3mg on saxenda and not losing anymore. Should I Switch to mounjaro?

2024.05.19 01:30 Imaginary_Sky_518 I’ve just hit 3mg on saxenda and not losing anymore. Should I Switch to mounjaro?

I’ve lost 9.2kg in 12 weeks on saxenda. Most of that was the first 6 weeks. I was on 1.2-1.8 most of my journey but then the food noise and hunger returned so I was moving up in half doses every week or two. I’d move up 5 clicks and then after a week or two on that dose the noise and snacking would return so then I’d move up again.
I’ve just hit 3mg. My appetite suppression is ok, snacking is under control. But my weight still isn’t moving.
I am on my second last saxenda pen. My doc has given me a script for sax and 5mg mounjaro and I’m trying to figure out whether to stick with sax or switch to MJ.
I’m just worried the same thing will happen with MJ and where I am the higher does are really exy. Like almost triple the cost of the highest dose of sax 😰
For reference, I have insulin resistance. I drink 2-3 L of water per day, I have high protein low carb medical meal replacement shakes x2 daily. Last meal is usually eggs, steak and salad or chicken veg. I have half a slice of sourdough and a snack of cheese and crackers each day. Lately I’ve been craving lollies and getting stuck into them. 😞 I usually get 10k steps in each day. I am working with a nurse practitioner, dietitian and weight loss doc. My doc said to stick with sax for as long as I’m losing and if that stops to switch to MJ. NP says switch to MJ as she thinks it’s more effective. I’m just really worried the same thing will happen on MJ and I’ll be struggling to buy it and not even losing on it anyway. 😔
Any advice or words of wisdom? Thanks so much!
submitted by Imaginary_Sky_518 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:11 Imaginary_Sky_518 I’ve just hit 3mg and not losing anymore. What do I do? Switch to mounjaro?

I’ve lost 9.2kg in 12 weeks on saxenda. Most of that was the first 6 weeks. I was on 1.2-1.8 most of my journey but then the food noise and hunger returned so I was moving up in half doses every week or two. I’d move up 5 clicks and then after a week or two on that dose the noise and snacking would return so then I’d move up again.
I’ve just hit 3mg. My appetite suppression is ok, snacking is under control. But my weight still isn’t moving.
If you’re on 3mg, how do you find it? Does the hunger return after a week or two? Did it stop being effective?
I am on my second last pen. My doc has given me a script for sax and mounjaro and I’m trying to figure out whether to stick with sax or switch to MJ.
I’m just worried the same thing will happen with MJ and where I am the higher does are really exy. Like almost triple the cost of the highest dose of sax 😰
For reference, I have insulin resistance. I drink 2-3 L of water per day, I have high protein low carb meal replacement shakes x2 daily. Last meal is usually eggs, steak and salad or chicken veg. I have half a slice of sourdough and a snack of cheese and crackers. Lately I’ve been craving lollies and getting stuck into them. 😞 I usually get 10k steps in each day. I am working with a nurse practitioner, dietitian and weight loss doc. My doc said to stick with sax for as long as I’m losing and if that stops to switch to MJ. NP says switch to MJ as she thinks it’s more effective. I’m just really worried the same thing will happen on MJ and I’ll be struggling to buy it and not even losing on it anyway. 😔
Any advice or words of wisdom? Thanks so much!
submitted by Imaginary_Sky_518 to liraglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:26 KellyfromLeedsUK ​Late Queen's 'favourite grandson' Peter Phillips, 46, 'is dating an NHS nurse' - just weeks after the royal divorcee split from his long-term girlfriend Lindsay Wallace: Anne's son introduces new partner to Queen Camilla at Badminton

​Late Queen's 'favourite grandson' Peter Phillips, 46, 'is dating an NHS nurse' - just weeks after the royal divorcee split from his long-term girlfriend Lindsay Wallace: Anne's son introduces new partner to Queen Camilla at Badminton submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:43 MYSFITS_OFFICIAL Children of Sol 58

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Augustus 2, 1923 A.V
Hospital, Mancheston
Mark Jacobs
Darkness. It had been dark for a while. He could hear people walking around. Talking. It was difficult to make any of it out, but he just knew they were talking about him. Days went on like this. Hearing sounds, muffled noises, like his head had been submerged underwater. He couldn’t move his body. He couldn’t move anything. He could feel people move around him. Move him. Insert things inside him. Tools. Metals. Tubes. Still, he couldn’t do anything. It all felt like a dream. Sleep paralysis. He knew things were happening, but he just didn’t know what.
This time, however, it was different. He felt his finger. A small soft twitch of movement. It took some effort, but he was able to concentrate and move it one more time. Then another. Two fingers. Three. Thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky, until he could flex them all and clench into a fist. From there he felt the sensation extend to his arm. The movement. From his arm to his shoulders, to his neck.
Slowly, the feeling in his body returned to him like the sun returning behind the hills as it set. The sounds became more clear. A ceiling fan. The soft whirr of machines monitoring his health. His tongue. He could move his tongue. His jaw.
He experimented with what else he could move. Eventually, his whole arm could be raised. More. Higher. His eyelids fluttered open. Images flooded into his brain as his surroundings slowly formed from a blur. Finally, light. Except, it was only on one eye. His other eye saw nothing but darkness, an incomplete picture. He waited for something to appear. Yet, nothing came from the other. He sat up, looking around. His back cracked, and some of his joints popped. He could recognize where he was now. White walls, a curtain, a white bed with machines all around him. A hospital.
The darkness in his other eye bothered him. He was certain his eyelids were open. At least he thought it was. He reached over to the side of his head, touching his right eye only to find that it wasn’t there. There were bandages wrapped all around it, with gauze and tape covering it. He gasped.
“N-Nurse? Nurse!” he called out.
A nurse quickly came into the room. “O-Oh! You’re awake sir!” she said. “Please stay there, don’t move around much. You’ve been out for a week. I-I’ll inform the others. They’re here to see you.”
“W-wait! What happened to my—”
The nurse quickly left the room, calling for someone outside. Mark sighed and waited for her to return. She came back not so long after. Behind her were familiar faces. Olivia, Phineas, Charles, Zach, Emma, Louis. His whole squad was there. Olivia gasped and immediately rushed over to him, taking his hand and giving him a smile. “Hey,” she said, kissing him on the forehead. “I’m here, Mark. I’m here.”
“Lookin’ good, boss,” Louis quipped, trying to lighten the mood.
“What happened?”
“You got shot,” Olivia replied. “You got shot in the eye. The bullet went straight through your eye socket and destroyed your eye completely, but it didn’t get deep enough to reach your brain. The doctors had to remove your entire eyeball. There’s… nothing there, honey.”
“Oh,” Mark said, reaching over to the gauze patch and bandages where his right eye would have been.
“B-but you’re alive! You’re awake. That’s all that matters,” Olivia said softly. Her lips quivered almost as if she was about to cry. “You had me so worried. I thought that you wouldn’t wake up again. I missed you so much.”
“I’m okay,” he replied, holding her close. “What else happened?” Mark asked, feeling the patch of gauze again, tapping on it lightly as if it were something to be curious about.
“Six is secure. The army responded quickly and took down the aquillas and skyship. We lost fifty people in the attack at Liverlake, but hundreds more were rescued due to our efforts and continued search and road clearing.”
“My mother?”
Olivia looked down. “We… couldn’t leave her in the open like that. We cleared out the debris of the house, salvaged what things we could, and buried her there. Right Where you placed her,” she said, shaking her head. “I-I hope that was okay. We did it out of utmost respect, and we were as gentle as possible.”
“It’s okay.”
He looked down, the grief returning to him for a split second. He clasped his hands together looking dejected. “Thank you. I guess I’ll go visit her later. Like I promised,” Mark gave a pained smile.
“Mark there are some things you should kno—”
“Colonel Jacobs.” A man entered the room. “Glad to see you’re up.”
Mark looked up at the new visitor. His one eye could see the man in a formal military uniform. He looked dignified, sporting medals and patches all over his coat and garments. “We have much to discuss, Colonel.”
“Colonel? W-who are you?”
“I’m General Henderson. The new general of the army. We have much to talk about,” he said. Mark squinted his eye, looking from his squad to the man in front of him. New general? What is he talking about? Isn’t Jorgenson the general? What’s… going on?
“Sir, if I may,” he started. The general nodded at him, prompting him to continue. “Why did you call me, colonel? What happened to Thatcher? Why are you the general? Did something happen to Jorgenson?” he asked.
“That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about,” Henderson said. “On the same night of the attack on Liverlake and Mancheston, a bomb was set off in New Amsterdam, UNA. Right in the UHT headquarters. It killed numerous world leaders, military personnel, and officers. The president, Jorgenson, Thatcher, and ten other high-ranking military officers of Anglestan were killed. We’re understaffed at the moment, and many positions had to be filled in as quickly as possible in order to ensure chain of command. You were supposed to be promoted to a military captain, but according to Thatcher, should anything happen to her, she had you appointed as her possible successor.”
“W-what..? But I’ve barely started my military career. I’ve been serving for only a few months."
“In situations like this, we can make these kinds of decisions. We are in dire need of officers. You were supposedly the next highest position, and in these circumstances, we could advance you several ranks higher if need be,” the general said. “We also reviewed your file. Top of your class in basic training. Highest-rated Hemolites squad. Highly praised by both your team members and officers who’ve seen you perform. You have exceptional leadership qualities, and you have the highest number of successful missions, executing the most difficult deployments with relative ease. If you’re not qualified, I don’t know who is.”
“I-I see, sir.”
“We also reviewed the Liverlake and Mancheston attack last week. You were there supposedly on leave. Yet, when the attack happened, you rose to the occasion. You orchestrated an organized civilian group to perform search and rescue missions, as well as clearing out the road for emergency services to pass more easily. Interviews with those civilians who were helping under your orders described you as inspiring and strong.”
“Sir, I just rallied the people to do what was ri—”
The general stopped him, raising his hand. “And let’s not forget your heroic defense of Facility 9 with no one else but yourself and only three of your squad members. You successfully thwarted the Crescent and stopped their attempts at securing an important military asset. You killed multiple strigoi soldiers and almost gave your life for the mission. Taking all that into account with Thatcher’s personal wishes. We decided you were the perfect replacement as colonel. Of course, the hemolites branch was Thatcher’s passion project. We believed the best one to run and lead it, is someone from the program itself and has substantial inside knowledge of how it worked, and how it operated.”
Mark looked down, unsure of what to think. Colonel. I was just supposed to be a captain, now I’m a colonel. Thatcher’s shoes are big. Can I even fit them? I don’t even know the first thing to do. Am I even still fit for duty? I lost an eye, my mother died, and this war has been stressful on all accounts. But… Do I even have a choice?
“We have high expectations for you Colonel Jacobs. We hope that you don’t disappoint.”
Mark swallowed hard, pausing for a bit. He took a deep breath and answered. “I’ll answer the call, General.”
“Good. We have copies of the files on all of Thatcher’s projects and classified information. You have clearance to access them either for viewing or execution of whatever they are. We are putting this much trust and responsibility in your hands, but I know you can handle it. You’re a rare exceptional leader that some can only wish to have.”
“I appreciate the compliments, general. I’m honored. However, I still have things to do before I report again for active duty. Will you please give me a few days to fully recover?”
Henderson nodded. “You got two days, colonel. I heard your mother had recently passed. My respects.”
“Much appreciated, sir. Thank you.”
The general gave a quick nod and left the room. Mark looked at his squad, giving them a pained smile. “I guess I’m not your squad leader anymore, huh?” he said.
Olivia smiled back at him, cupping his face. “You’re the colonel. It’s up to you to decide who we end up with, but in our hearts and minds, you’re still the best we’ve ever had. You can ask anyone here, they’ll all give the same answer.”
“Yeah, boss! Fuck, if you want it, we can even be your elite strike team,” Louis snickered. “Or better yet! Your bodyguards! That way you won’t ever be far from your buddies, right? Whatcha’ think? Erm… colonel. Sir.”
“You don’t need to be so formal with me, Louis. Thank you for guarding my mother’s body.”
“Aye. Nobody could even get close. They had to do a lot of convincing before I even stepped away from my post.”
Mark nodded. He looked at Zach and Charles. “We helped save dozens. You’ll always be our squad leader.”
He then turned to Phineas and Emma. “We’ll be loyal to you, as always,” Phineas said. Emma simply gave a thumb.
He finally looked in Olivia’s direction. She looked back at him, holding him closer. “I’ll follow you,” she said softly. “Till the ends of the Earth. Till death. Anywhere you ask me to go, I’ll jump in without question. I’m yours. Forever and always.”
Mark closed his eye and took a deep breath. He paused for a second before opening again, grabbing hold of the sides of the bed. He pushed himself up and shakily got off. Olivia came in to support him, but he held his hand up. She understood and slowly backed away, allowing him to stand on his own two feet again. He planted his feet firmly on the ground, forcing them to stop shaking.
Carefully, he took a step. His body; learning how to support him once again. He shifted his weight from side to side, reaching his hand out to Olivia. “Help me to the bathroom. I want to see what I look like.”
Olivia slowly grabbed his arm and helped him walk over to the bathroom. He reached over to the sink and looked in front of the mirror.
“I’ll get you your clothes,” the duskwalker said. “We had them washed, and the general also left something for your eye.” Mark nodded in response before Olivia left to get his belongings. He looked into the mirror, letting out a sigh. He slowly grabbed the bandages around his face and carefully unwound them, leaving only the gauze taped over his eye socket. He swallowed hard and slowly reached over to it. His hands shook as he carefully began peeling the tape and gauze away. Dried blood had still stuck to it as he pulled it off, revealing nothing but a hole where his eye should be. Tears formed in his left eye. A hitch in his voice. He resisted the urge to break down, clutching his chest as he nearly fell over the sink.
You’ve got this. Keep going. You have to keep going. You have to be strong. For everyone. Olivia, Zach, Phineas, Louis, Emma, Charles, Henry, August, James, Tommy, Jason, Camilla, Jeremy, Vance, Latevia, Mom… everyone. All those names, and all those who depend on me.
He gripped the edges of the sink. The whole country depended on him. The whole world even. He had to perform. There was no surrendering. No giving up. No throwing in the towel. He can’t. He has no choice. I have no choice.
“Mark,” Olivia said as she returned. He turned to her, and instantly hugged her tight, taking deep breaths and slowly exhaling. “A-are you, okay?” she asked. The colonel slowly pulled away, clearing his throat. He nodded at her, giving her a pained smile.
“I’ll be okay,” he said.
She smiled back and handed him his clothes. This time, however, there was a little addition on top. It was an eye patch. The colonel let out a soft chuckle before grabbing it and looking back at the mirror. He reached over his head and slowly placed it over his right eye socket, covering the horrible carnage behind it.
He took off his hospital gown, revealing his scars and musculature. He had developed his body a lot over several months, training it as much as he could. He was no longer the scrawny pipe-wielding tram driver Olivia met, nor was he the man that he once was. He was a leader. Not because he wanted to be, but because he was called to be. It was his burden to bear, and it had cost him plenty. He still had plenty of himself to give. So let them come. So be it.
Mark slipped on his clothes. Putting on his pants, his boots, his uniform, vest, and coat. A new patch on his shoulders signifying his new rank.
He definitely looked like someone worthy of taking the lead at the front. He could keep up with even the strigoi members of his team. This was his new start. His new chapter. I need to be what they need me to be. He sighed.
I am Colonel Mark Jacobs. I am Colonel Mark Jacobs. “I am Colonel Mark Jacobs.” He turned to Olivia and nodded at her, pulling on the sides of his coat, and touching his eye patch one last time, just to make sure it was placed properly. He cleared his throat and stepped out of the bathroom, facing the rest of his former squad.
“Well,” he said. “Let’s get started.”
submitted by MYSFITS_OFFICIAL to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 04:32 katanddog 2,000 Names (and their meanings) For Your Baby Girl found from a Vintage Mennen Company Booklet

My mom passed along this booklet that belonged to my grandmother when we were expecting. Figured I would share it here before discarding it. The Boy Name list is already posted 😊 Enjoy!
Don't let the meanings concern you. Think instead of how the name will fit the child, when the child is grown, or known. Choose the name with care. It's very important to your baby-all through life. Here are some guides: - Say each name aloud, along with your own family name, to check rhythm and sound. - Use soft first names with sharp-sounding family names. - Use multi-syllable first names with short family names. - Avoid using a first name that ends with the same sound that starts the last name, such as "Jane Nevins." - Avoid "famous combinations" such as "Abraham" and "Lincoln." - Watch out for initials that spell out familiar letters, like “S. O. S”
if it's a GIRL
A ABBIE, ABBY.. Calm harbor ABIGAIL.. My father is joy ADA, ADAH.. Ornamental ADAIR.. Oak crossing ADALINE, ADELINA, ADELINE.. Little noble one ADDIE, ADDY. See Adelaide ADELAIDE, ADELA, ADELE, ADELLE.. Noble maid ADRIENNE.. Courageous AGATHA, AGATHE.. Good AGNA, AGNES.. Lamb AIDA.. Leader AILEEN.. See Helen AIMEE.. See Amy ALANE. . Cheerful ALARICE.. Ruler over all ALBA, ALBINA. . Fair ALBERTA, ALBERTINA, ALBERTINE.. Famous ALCYON, ALCYONE.. Calm ALDA.. Rich ALDABELLA, ALDABELLE.. Rich and beautiful ALEXANDRA, ALEXANDRIA, ALEXIS.. Helper ALFREDA.. Wise counselor ALICE, ALICIA.. Noble ALINA, ALINE.. High-born ALISON, ALLISON.. See Alice ALISTAIR, ALISTE.. Worthy defender ALIX.. See Alice ALLEGRA.. Lively ALLENE.. Swift, cheerful ALMA.. Kindly ALMERIA.. Princess ALMIRA.. Admired one ALOHA.. Love ALONZA.. See Alphonsa ALPHONSA.. Spirited ALTHEA.. A healer ALVA.. Lively ALVERA.. Truthful ALVINA.. Little lively one ALYS, ALYSIA, ALYSON.. See Alice AMABEL, AMABELLE.. Lovable and beautiful AMANDA.. Worthy of love AMARANTHA.. Everlasting flower AMARYLLIS.. Shepherdess AMBROSIA.. Delight of gods AMELIA.. Busy, industrious AMETHYST.. Jewel AMITY.. Friendship AMY.. Beloved ANASTASIA.. Risen again ANATOLA.. Sunrise ANDREA.. Strong ANEMONE.. Wind-flower ANGELA.. God's messenger ANGELICA, ANGELINA, ANGELINE, ANGELIQUE.. Little angel ANITA.. Little Ann ANN, ANNA, ANNE.. Grace ANNABEL.. Beautiful Ann ANNETTE.. Little Ann ANOLA.. Well-known ANTHA, ANTHEA.. Flower ANTOINETTE.. Graceful APRIL.. Blooming ARABELLA.. Beautiful place ARCADIA.. Happy land ARDEL, ARDELIA.. Industrious ARDEN.. Fervent ARIADNE.. Sweet singer ARIANA.. Altar of grace ARIETTA, ARIETTE.. Song ARISTA.. Best ARLEEN.. ARLENE, ARLINE.. See Helen ARNOLDINE.. Strong ASTRA.. Star-like ASTRID.. Love's desire ATALIE.. Innocent ATHENA.. Wise AUDREY.. Noble helper AUGUSTA.. Imperial AURA.. Halo AURELIA.. Golden AURORA.. Dawn AVA, AVIS.. Bird AZALEA.. A flowering plant
В BAB, BABS.. See Barbara BABETTE.. Little stranger BAPTISTA.. Baptized BARBARA.. Stranger BATHSHEBA.. Daughter of the vow BEATA.. Blessed BEATRICE.. Making blessed BECKY.. See Reba BEGONIA.. A flower BELINDA.. Graceful BELLA, BELLE.. Beautiful BENEDETTA, BENEDICTA.. Blessed BERENICE, BERNICE.. Bringer of victory BERNADETTE, BERNADINE.. bear BERTA, BERTHA.. Bright BERYL.. Foreseeing BETSY, BETTY, BETTINA.. See Elizabeth BEULAH.. Married BEVERLY.. Beaver meadow BIANCA.. See Blanche BILLEE, BILLIE.. Protectress BLANCHE.. White, pure BLOSSOM.. Flower BONITA.. Little good one BONNIBELLE.. Good and beautiful BONNIE.. Little good one BRENDA.. Flaming sword BRIDGET.. Spirited BRUNELLA.. Brown-haired BRUNHILDA.. Battle maid
C CAMELLIA, CAMILLA, CAMILLE.. Temple maiden CANDIDA.. Shining white CANELLA.. Fragrant tree CARA.. Dear CARLA.. Strong CARLOTTA.. Little strong one CARMELA.. Vineyard CARMEN.. Charming one CARMENCITA.. Little charming one CARMINE.. Vineyard CAROL, CAROLA, CAROLINA, CAROLYN, CARRIE.. See Carla CASSANDRA.. Winning love CASSIE.. The tree CATHERINE.. Pure CECILE, CECILIA.. Misty-eyed CELESTE.. Heavenly CELESTINA, CELESTINE, CELIA, CELINE.. Little heavenly one CHAREMON.. Dear CHARITY.. Love CHARLENE.. Strong one CHARLOTTA, CHARLOTTE.. See Charlene CHARMION.. Delight CHERIE, CHERRY, CHERYL.. Beloved, grace CHLOE.. Fresh CHLORIS.. Flower goddess CHRISTABEL, (ELLA), (ELLE) .. Beautiful baptized one CHRISTINA, CHRISTINE.. Little follower of the Lord CICELY.. See Cecile CINDY.. See Lucinda CLAIRE..See Clara CLARA, CLARE.. Bright CLARIBEL.. Bright and beautiful CLARICE, CLARISSA.. Famous CLARINDA. Bright one CLAUDETTE.. Little delicate one CLAUDIA, CLAUDINE.. Delicate CLEMENCE, CLEMENTINA, CLEMENTINE.. Merciful CLEO. See Cleopatra CLEOPATRA.. Glory of her land CLIO.. Glorious CLORINDA, CLORINDE.. Famous CLOTILDA.. Famous in battle CLOVER, CLOVIA.. The plant COLETTE.. Little winner COLLEEN.. Little maiden COLUMBINE.. Little dove CONCETTA.. Imagination CONSTANCE, CONSTANTIA.. Steadfast CONSUELA, CONSUELO.. Advice, consolation CORA.. Maiden CORAL.. Sea animal used in jewelry CORALIE, (INE).. Like coral CORDELIA.. Jewel of the sea CORINNA, (INNE).. Little Maiden CORLISS.. Noble maid CORNELIA.. Crowned COSETTA, (ETTE).. Little lamb CRYSTAL.. Clear CYNTHIA.. Moon goddess
D DAGMAR.. Glory of the day DAISY.. Dawn DALE.. Valley DAMITA.. Little lady DANIELLE.. God is my judge DAPHNE.. Triumph DARA.. Pearl of wisdom DARCY.. Mysterious DARLENE, DARLINE, DARYL.. Dear little one DAWN, DAWNA.. Sunrise DEANNA.. See Diana DEBORAH.. Industrious DEIRDRE.. Sorrow DELIA.. Pure DELILAH.. Delicate DELINDA.. Gentle DELL, DELLA.. Of nobility DELORA.. See Dolores DELPHINE..Little dolphin DEMETRA.. Harvest Goddess DENISE.. Joyous DESIREE.. Beloved DIANA.. Moon Goddess DIANTHE.. God's flower DINAH.. Justified DOLL, DOLLY.. See Dorothea DOLORES, DELORIS.. Sad one DOMINICA.. Belonging to the Lord, Sunday DONNA.. Lady DONNABEL, (ELLA) .. Beautiful lady DORA.. See Dorothea, Eudora, Theodora DORCAS.. Gazelle DOREEN.. Little Dora DORINDA.. Little gift DORIS.. Sea maiden DORLE.. Little golden one DOROTHEA, DOROTHY.. Gift of God DRUSILLA.. Eyes of dew DULCE, DOLCE.. Sweet DULCIBELLA, DULCIBELLE.. Sweet and beautiful DULCINEA, DULCY, DULCIE.. Sweet little one
E EARTHA.. See Ethel EDITH.. Bright gift EDNA.. Rejuvenation EDWINA.. Blessed friend EFFIE.. See Euphemia EILEEN.. See Helen ELAINE.. See Helen ELBERTA.. Lofty fame ELEANOR, ELENA, ELINOR.. See Helen ELFINA.. Little wise one ELFRIDA.. Wise, peaceful ELISABETH.. See Elizabeth ELISE.. See Elizabeth ELIZA, ELIZABETH.. Consecrated to God ELLA, ELLEN, ELLINE.. See Helen ELMIRA.. See Almira ELOISE.. Holy, famous ELSA, ELSIE.. Good cheer ELSBETH, ELSPETH.. See Elizabeth ELVIRA.. Sturdy character EMANUELA.. God is with us EMILIA, EMILY.. Industrious EMMA.. Nurse EMMYLOU.. See Emma and Louise ENA.. Purity ENID.. Soul ERICA.. Heroic ERMA.. Noble maid ERNA.. Modest ERNESTINE.. Little zealot ERTHEL.. Child of the earth ESMERALDA, ESMERELDA.. Greatly admired one ESTELLE.. Star ESTHER.. Star ETHEL, ETHELINDA.. Noble ETTA.. See Harriet, Honrietta EUDORA.. Beautiful gilt BULALIA, EULALIE.. Well spoken EUNICE.. Good victory EUPHEMIA.. Woll spoken of EUSTACIA.. Stoadfast EVADNE.. Sweet singer EVALINA, (E).. Little Eva EVANGELINE.. Little bearer of good tidings EVANTHE.. Fair tower EVELYN.. Little pleasant one, little Eve
F FAITH.. Trust FANNIE, (Y).. See Frances FATIMA.. Curious FAUSTINA.. Little lucky one FAWN, (IA).. Young deer FAY, FAIRY.. See Faith FAYETTE.. Little fairy FEDORA.. See Theodora FELICE, FELICIA.. Happy FELIPA.. See Filippa FERDINANDA, FERNANDA.. Peaceful FERN.. Sincerity FIDELIA.. Faithful FIFI, FIFINE.. French FILIPPA.. Lover of horses FLAVIA.. Flaxen-haired FLORA.. Flower FLORABEL.. Flower of beauty FLORELLA.. Little flower FLORENCE.. Flowering FLORENDA.. Blooming FLORETTA, FLORETTE, FLEURETTE.. Little flower FLORINDA.. See Florenda FRANCES, FRANCESCA, FRANCHETTE.. Free FRANCINE.. Litte tree one FREDERICA.. Peaceful ruler FREYA.. Beloved FRIEDA, PREDA.. Poacetul FRITZIE.. See Frances FULVIA.. Golden
G GABRIELLA, (ELLE).. God's strength GAIL, GALE.. See Abigail GALATEA.. Pure GARLAND. Floral wreath GAY.. Merry GENEVIEVE.. White as foam GENEVRA, GINEVRA.. See Guinevere GEORGETTE, (IA), (ANA), (INA).. Farmerette GERALDINE.. Little spear wielder GERDA.. Swordswoman GERMAINE.. Spear maiden GERTRUDE.. Spear maiden GILBERTA, GILBERTINE.. Bright servant GILDA.. God's servant GINA.. Little one or silvery GLADYS.. Delicate GLEN, (YSS); GLENN, (A).. Valley GLENDA.. The valley GLORIA, GLORIANA.. Fame GODIVA.. Gift of God GOLDA, (IE), (INE), (Y).. Golden one GRACE, GRATIA.. Favor GREER.. Jewel-like GRETA, GRETCHEN, GRETEL.. See Margaret GRISEL, GRISELDA.. Grey-eyed one GUINEVERE.. Fair GUSSIE, GUSTAVA, GUSTY.. See Augusta GWENDOLEN, (LINE), (LYN), GWENNA.. White-browed
H HADASSAH.. Star HAIDEE.. Modest HANNAH.. Gracious HARRIET, HATTIE.. Head of the hearth HAZEL.. God watches over HEATHER.. Heath flower HEBE.. Youth HEDDA, HEDWIG, HEDY.. Guardian HEIDI.. Expressing joy HELEN.. Bright as the dawn HELGA.. Holy HELOISE.. See Eloise HENRIETTA, (ETTE).. Little head of house HEPZIBAH.. She is delight HERMA.. Beloved HERMIONE.. Noble maiden HERMOSA.. Beautiful HERTHA.. Of the earth HESTER, HETTY.. See Esther HILARY.. Happy HILDA.. Maid of battle HILDEGARD, HILDEGARDE.. Battle guardian HOLLY.. Holy HONORA, (IA).. Honorable HOPE.. Expectation HORTENSE, (LA).. Flower lover HULDA, HULDAH.. Sprightly HYACINTH.. The flower HYPATIA.. Excellent one
I IANTHA, IANTHE.. Violet IDA.. Happy ILGA.. See Holga ILKA.. Helen ILONA, ILONE.. Radiant ILSA, ILSE.. See Elizabeth IMOGEN, (GENE).. Born of love INA.. Little one INEZ.. Like a lamb INGRID.. Daughter INOLA.. Like a bell IOLANTHE.. Fairy-like IONA, IONE.. Purple gem IRENE.. Peace bearer IRIS.. Rainbow IRMA.. Noble maid ISOBEL.. See Elizabeth ISADORA.. Gift of Isis ISEULT, ISOLDE.. Fair IVY.. Friendship
J JACOBINA.. Replacer JACQUELINE.. See Jacobina JAMESINA.. See Jacobina JANE, JANET, JANICE, JANINE.. God is gracious JASMINE.. The flower JEAN, (INE), (NNE), (NETTE), JENNIE, (Y) .. See Jane JEMIMA.. Dove JENNIFER.. The wave's crest JESSAMINE, JESSAMY.. See Jasmine JESSICA, JESSIE.. Wealthy JEWELL.. Thing of joy JILL.. See Julia JO.. See Josephine JOAN, JOANNA.. See Jane JOCELYN.. Lively JOHANNA.. See Jane JOSEPHINE.. Prosperous JOY.. Gladness JOYCE.. Merry JUANA, JUANITA.. See Jane JUDITH, JUDY.. Praise unto the Lord JULIA, JULIANA, JULIE, JULIET.. Soft-haired JUNE.. Feminine of Junius JUSTINA, JUSTINE.. Upright
L LAURA, (EL). (EN), (ETTA), (ETTE), (INDA): LORINDA.. Tree, victory LAVERNE.. The spring LAVINIA.. Pure LEAH. Languid LEALA.. Faithful LEATRICE.. See Beatrice LEDA.. Slim LEILA.. Dark beauty LELA.. See Leala, Leila LENA.. See Helena LENORA, (E).. See Eleanor LEONA, LEONE.. Lioness LEONORA, (E).. See Eleanor LESLIE.. Quiet LETITIA, LETTICE, LETTY.. Gladness LIBBY.. See Elizabeth LIDA.. See Ludmilla LILA.. Purity LILIAN, LILLIAN, LILY.. The flower, purity LINA.. See Carolina LINDA.. Graceful LINETTE, LINNET.. Shapely LISA, LISETTE, LIZETTE, LIZZIE.. See Elizabeth LISLE, LYLE.. Islander LOIS.. Desired LOLA, LOLITA.. Little one LORA, LORETTE.. See Laura LORELEI.. Romantic siren LORNA.. Lonely LORRAINE.. Seeker LOTTA, LOTTIE.. See Carlotta LOTUS.. The flower LOUELLA, LUELLA.. Little Louisa LOUISA, LOUISE.. Famous LUCASTA.. Bright and pure LUCIA, LUCILE, LUCINDA, LUCY.. Light LUCRECE, LUCRETIA.. Lucky one LUDMILLA.. Love of the people LULU.. See Louisa LYDA, LYDIA.. A native of Lydia LYNELLE.. See Linette LYNN.. Gentle waters
M MABEL.. My fair one MADELEINE, MADELON.. See Magdalen MADGE.. See Margaret MAE.. See May MAG, MAGGIE.. See Margaret MAGDALEN, MAGDALENA, MAGDALENE, MAGDA.. Tower and strength MAGNA.. Great MAGNOLIA.. The flower MAISIE.. See Margaret, Mary MALVINA.. Handmaid MAMIE.. See Margaret MANDY.. See Amanda MANUELA.. God is with us MARCELLA.. Little Marcia MARCIA.. Fearless MARGARET, MARGARITA, MARGERY, MARGIT, (OT), MARGUERITA, (ITE).. Pearl MARIA, (IE), MARIETTA, (ETTE). See Mary MARIAN, (ANNA), (ANNE).. See Mary and Ann MARIGOLD.. Flower MARILYN.. Little Mary MARION.. Little Mary MARJORIE, MARJORY.. See Margaret MARLENE.. See Mary MARSHA.. See Marcia MARTHA.. Lady MARY.. Blessed (Blessed Virgin) MATHILDA, MATILDA.. Mighty maid of battle MAUD. (E).. See Magdalen MAURA, MAUREEN, MAURY, MAURYA.. See Mary MAXINE.. Little great one MAY.. Month of blossoming MAYBELLE.. Beautiful May MEDA.. Leader MEG.. See Margaret MELANIE.. Dark-haired MELBA.. Honeyed one MELIANTHE.. Sweet flower MELICENT.. Honey-sweet MELINDA.. Honeylike MELISSA.. Honeybee MELITA.. Sweet MELODIE, MELODY.. Song MELVINA.. Sweet little one MERCEDES. Mercies MERLE, MERLINE.. Thrush MERNA.. See Myrna MERYL.. Incense META.. See Margaret MICHAELA.. God-like MICKIE.. See Michaela MIGNON, (NE), (ETTE).. Dainty little one MILDRED.. Gentle adviser MILICENT, MILLIE, MILLY.. See Melicent MIMI.. Courageous MINA.. Little one MINERVA.. Goddess of wisdom MINNA, MINNIE.. Beloved MIRA, MIRANDA.. Worthy of wonder MIRIAM.. See Mary MOIRA.. See Maura MOLL, MOLLY.. See Mary MONA, (ICA).. Moon-like MORNA.. Beloved MURIEL.. Incense MYRA.. See Mary MYRNA.. Peaceful MYRTLE.. Beauty
N NADA, NADINE.. Hope NAN, (ETTE), NANCY.. See Ann NANINE.. Little one NAOMI.. Pleasant to behold NARCISSA, (ISSE).. Beauty NATALIE, NATHALIA, (IE). • Little one born on Christmas NELL, NELLIE.. See Helen NERISSA.. Out of the sea NETTIE, NETTY.. Neat NICOLE, NICOETTE, NICOLLE.. Conqueror NINA, NINETTE.. Little one NITA.. Neat one NOLA.. White shouldered NONA. Ninth NORA, NORAH. Honorable NOREEN, NORINE, NORITA.. Honorable one NORMA.. Model
O OCTAVIA.. Eighth OLGA.. Holy OLIVE, OLIVIA., Peace ONA.. One, the first OPAL.. The jewel, Hope OPHELIA.. Helper ORIEL, ORIOLE.. Golden OTILA, OTTILLIA, OTTILIE.. Battle heroine
P PAMELA.. Sweet one PANDORA.. Gifted PANSY.. Thoughtful PAT, (SY), (TY).. See Patricia PATIENCE.. Calm endurance PATRICIA.. High-born PAULA, PAULINE.. Little PEARL., The jewel, health PEG, PEGGY.. See Margaret PENELOPE.. Good worker PEONY.. A flower PERDITA.. Little lost one PHILIPPA.. See Filippa PHILOMEL.. Lover of music PHILOMENA.. Little lover PHOEBE.. The moon PHYLLIS.. Fresh as spring POLLY.. See Mary, Moll POPPY.. The flower PORTIA.. Wise leader PRIMROSE..First rose PRISCILLA.. Quaint PRUDENCE.. Discretion PSYCHE.. Soul
R RACHEL.. Lamb RAMONA.. Wise helper RAPHAELA.. Healed by God REBA, REBECCA, REBEKKAH.. Enchantress REGINA, REINE.. Queen RENATA, RENEE.. Reborn RHEA.. Mother of the gods RHODA. .Rose RITA.. See Margaret ROANNA..Famed grace ROBERTA.. Famous ROLANDA.. Fame of land ROSA.. Rose ROSABEL.. Beautiful rose ROSALIE, ROSALINE, ROSLYN.. Little rose ROSALIND, ROSALINDA, ROSALINDE.. Pretty rose ROSAMOND, ROSAMUND.. Famous guardian ROSANNE.. Graceful rose ROSE.. Famous ROSELLE, ROSETTA.. Little rose ROSEMARIE, ROSEMARY.. Rose of the sea ROSINA, ROSITA.. Little rose ROWENA.. Of the white skirt ROXANA, ROXANE.. Dawn RUBY.. Red jewel RUTH.. Mercy, friendship
S SABINA.. Little holy one SADIE, SALLY.. See Sara SALOME.. Peaceful SANDRA.. See Alexandra, Cassandra SAPPHIRE. Beautiful SARA, SARAH.. Princess SARITA.. Little princess SELENA, SELINA.. Moon-like SELMA.. Fair SERAFINE, SERAFINA, SERAPHINE.. Ardent SERENA.. Peaceful SHARLENE.. Little Shirley SHARMAN.. See Charemon SHARON.. A flower SHEILA.. See Cecilia SHIRLEY.. Alert SIBYL, SYBIL.. Prophetess SIDONIA.. Enchantress SIGRID.. Winning wisdom SILVIA.. Maid of the forest SONDA.. See Sandra SONIA, SONYA.. Wise SOPHIA, SOPHIE.. Wisdom STACEY, STACY.. Steady STELLA.. Star STEPHANIE.. Crown SUSAN, SUSANNA, SUSANNE, SUSETTE.. Lily SYDNEY.. Joyous SYLVIA.. See Silvia
T TABITHA. Gazelle TALLULAH.. Indian name for a river TAMAR, (A).. Palm tree TERESA, (ESE).. See Theresa TERRY.. See Theresa TESS, TESSIE.. See Theresa THALIA.. Flourishing THEA.. Goddess THECLA.. Glory THEDA.. See Theodora THELMA.. Child THEODORA, (DOSIA).. Gift of god THERESA, THERESE.. Bearing harvest THOMASENA, THOMASINA, THOMASINE.. Little twin TILDA, TILDY, TILLIE, TILLY.. See Mathilda TINA.. Little one TONI.. Graceful TRACY.. See Theresa TRIXIE, TRIXINE, TRIXY.. See Beatrice TRUDA, (DY).. See Gertrude
U ULRICA.. Noble lady UNA.. Unity UNDINE.. Little one of the waves URSULA.. Dear little one
V VALENCIA.. Powerful VALENTINA.. Little valiant one VALERIA, VALERIE.. Worthy VANESSA.. Butterfly VASHNI.. Strong VASHTI.. Star VANYA.. See Yvonne VEDA.. Knowledge VELMA, VILMA.. Strong VENUS.. Goddess of love VERA, VERITY.. Truth VERNA, VERNE.. Spring-like VERONA, VERONICA.. Image of truth VESTA.. Hearth goddess VICKIE, VICKY.. See Victoria VICTORIA, (RINE).. Conqueror VIOLA, (ET), (ETTA).. Modesty, the flower VIRGINIA. Pure, chaste VITA.. Life VIVIAN, VIVIENNE.. Lively VOLANTE.. Flying
W WANDA.. Shepherdess WENDA, WENDLA, WENDY.. Wanderer WILHELMINA.. Little protector WILLA.. Desirable WILMA.. See Wilhelmina WINIFRED.. Peacemaker WINONA.. First daughter
X XANTHE.. Fair-haired XENIA.. Hospitality
Y YOLANDA, (DE).. Fairest YVETTE.. Little Vine YVONNE.. See Jane
Z ZARA, ZARAH.. Sunrise ZELDA.. Battle heroine ZENA.. Woman ZENOBIA.. Her father's pride ZOE.. Life ZORA, ZORINA.. Dawn ZULEIKA.. Brilliant and fair
submitted by katanddog to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 14:55 barrington_buns 5 days post op: rubber band ligation of enlarged internal haemerroids x 4, plus excision of anal skin tags, closed with stitches x 3

For context, I'm 44F. I had my procedure done in Melbourne, Australia. Here's what I know now after 5 days post op...
Procedure: Rubber Band Ligation x 4 (enlarged internal haemerroids) + Flexible sigmoidoscopy (that turned into full colonoscopy) + Excision of 3 x anal skin tags ("bulky", "circumferential" - as described in surgeon's notes) closed with stitches
Costs (note: I have private health insurance): - GP appointment to get surgery referral: $90 / $40 back on medicare - Initial consult with colorectal surgeon $315 / $126 back on medicare - Surgeon's fees / co-pay: $500 out of pocket - Anaesthetist fees: $400 out of pocket - Medibank excess: $500 out of pocket - Pharmacy: $30.36 Tapentadol - 6 week follow up: ??? Assume another $315 / $126 back on medicare
I had this done on Friday 19th, I am 5 days post op. I can say right now I am more in discomfort than pain.
The dot points: - It was a day procedure, in at 1pm, out at 5pm. No bowel prep at home, but an enema at the hospital. The procedure was done in 30 minutes under both general and local anaesthesia.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 😂
Sorry for formatting, I'm posting on a mobile.
submitted by barrington_buns to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 09:46 quillinkparchment [WP] It’s the first day of villain school, and an inept class of aspiring evildoers are out on their first assignment - taking candy from a baby. It’s harder than it looks.

“List of new admissions are in,” says my colleague as she passes me a sheet of paper. “Want to wager on who’ll be first to make the Dean’s list?”
A new teacher follows our conversation with wide eyes. “Isn’t that unethical?”
We both chortle at the newbie. “We’re not teachers at the Academy for the Criminally Inclined for no reason, bucko,” says my colleague, and, shaking my head, I set to work scanning the list.
No familiar names on the page. The usual favourites are the offspring of famed villains, but we’ve got a list of dark horses this year… Or do we? I pause at the final name on the list: “Wong, Blair Elizabeth.”
It’s oddly familiar… I rack my brains, and then suddenly the memory hits, taking me back to when I was a student myself at the academy.
I've been skulking in the supermarket for two hours, training my eyes on every passing child. If only the assignment was to steal a candy. With my kleptomaniac experience, I would already have carted off every candy bar in the store. But no, the theft has to be committed against a baby, and the examiners have access to every CCTV in the shop to ensure that the origin of the loot is a diaper-wearing little scamp.
Drumming my fingertips on a shelf with much impatience, I reflect on my inability to snag a candy thus far. Not all of it was down to my lack of competence. Firstly, the child in question has to be holding a candy bar, which is hard enough to find in this day and age of health-conscious parenting. Really, I ground my teeth as another toddler is carted by, woefully sucking on a rubber pacifier, the assignments ought to be updated.
And then there is the issue of over-attentive parents. Gone are the days when parents leave their children dangling in the trolley seats in one aisle as they go down a different one, hunting for groceries. The parents of today are eagle-eyed and protective as pandas – take one step towards their youngling and you’ll have narrowed eyes and suspicious glares shot your way even as they wheel the pram or trolley around to head off the other way.
If you manage to encounter some less attentive parents, the babies themselves are formidable. So much for round-eyed, chubby-cheeked infants with sweet, toothless smiles. Babies today are suspicious little creatures armed with powerful pipes that can emit shrieks to rival that of banshees and mandrakes. As one criterion of the rubrics is stealth, any ruckus following a theft will result in immediate failure, so I quickly chucked the candy back into the grubby hands of at least three babies the moment their eyes screwed up and their mouths started to open. In one case, a whimper still escaped, and I explained sweetly to the angrily concerned mother that the precious sunshine almost dropped her KitKat.
However, yet another criterion is the time limit, and if I do not commit my theft within the next fifteen minutes, I will be deemed to have failed. Desperately, I scan the surrounding prams and there is only one of them with a candy-wielding cherub. Her mother is nattering away on the phone and, as I suspect will be the case, barely spares me a glance as I stroll casually up. However, her little dark-haired daughter has trained her huge black eyes on me. Her proper demeanour, dressed as she is in a fussy school uniform with a nametag that reads “Blair Elizabeth Wong” and her hair neatly tied in plaits, completely belies the fury with which she’s sucking at her lollipop. Even as we trade looks, she frowns, so slightly that I may have imagined it.
As her mother turns to the side and inspects a packet of nuts, I reach out for the lollipop. But just as swiftly, the toddler takes it out of her mouth and holds it out on the other side, where I will have to lunge to reach it. I do a double take, impressed at the little tyke’s sharp reflexes. Just as I’m about to give up and walk away, she jabs at something hanging from the shelves at my knee with her other pudgy hand. I squint.
It’s a box of premium chocolates, way more expensive than the lolly she’s nursing.
I look back at her, and she points insistently at the chocolates, then at herself, and then motions giving me the lollipop.
A trade. She wants a trade.
Now, I’m well-versed in schooling my features into a mask of nonchalance, but my mouth drops open slightly before I manage to snap it back shut.
I peer up to look for the cameras. There are two in the vicinity; one of them angled away, while the other won’t be able to catch anything if I conduct everything at shin level. Immediately, I drop to my knees, and, under the pretext of doing up my shoelaces, yank a couple of chocolates out of the box and toss them into the pram. She throws the lollipop in return without even a gurgle.
Then her mother is pushing her pram past me, further down the aisle, and they turn the corner and disappear. I stand up slowly, sticky lollipop clenched in one fist as I marvel at what I’ve just experienced. Just as surely as I have passed this assessment, that girl will grow up to do great things.
“So, are you joining?” the new teacher asks nervously, jolting me out of my reverie. Smiling, I reach for my wallet and pluck out a thousand-dollar bill.
“You betcha."
submitted by quillinkparchment to quillinkparchment [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 21:09 bisexualvegetable The whole >Camilla's bio child<-lore

This one goes out to some comment(er)s I've read in the past weeks.
A few hours ago I read a comment criticising Camilla for her absence as a parent which also included that she's somehow worse for this because it's her bio child. It's not the only comment I've read on the whole Camilla's bio child-lore, as I feel like I've read it on every second or third post on sunny fry. I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion (which is why places like this sub exist) but I want to say this. Little disclaimer: Just for the ease of getting my point across and not having to mention 'if if if' the whole time, I will just assume that she actually *is* very absent and that it's not just for her Instagram feed (after all, if they both did what Camilla did and kept the sunny fry out of their profiles, it'd be awesome).
C not being present is sad but it's not worse or better because it's her bio child. It's because she decided to have a child and be a mother, to then neglect her child, regardless of being the bio mum. I also don't think it's 'unfair' for Julie to carry both of Camilla's eggs in terms of having (or not having) a bio child. One could even say that Camilla doesn't even get the chance to carry, birth and nurse her own child, while Julie can but that's not point, unlike:
If a parent neglects their child, it doesn't matter if they birthed it, they egged it, or they adopted it – it's equally shitty no matter what. Mentioning sunny fry being her bio child every other chance feels to me like a slap in the face for adopted/step children – if your parent is shitty to you, it doesn't matter what makes them your parent.
Rant over, I needed this. This is my free therapy. Hope this helps ♥
submitted by bisexualvegetable to julieeandcamilla [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 17:03 bulletproofbra Oasthouse S01E18: High Noon OH GOD HE'S GOING TO DIE! ALAN PARTRIDGE IS GOING TO DIIIIE!

It's been almost a month now since I recorded the previous podcast, and much has changed! You may recall I found an injured magpie called Morris and have been coaxing him back to health, like a male nurse who's straight.

full transcript.

When we left off last episode, there was a warming breeze cast across Alan's cold war with his troll High Noon. A change of tune perhaps?
And in doing so, I've received very helpful advice from listeners, including a certain Twitter follower of mine, High Noon, who was once quite nasty to me, but isn't anymore. He told me, for example, how to hold a bird. Essentially, you encase your hand around it and let its head poke through your middle two fingers.
He also explained birds with injured limbs need a higher protein intake to help them recover and suggested I feed Morris beef mince, which I did, and he absolutely loved it! And for that, I have to thank High Noon.
We've exchanged a great many messages and it seems to me that he has a real love for our feathered friends. He told me recently he'd befriended a curious little wood pigeon, smaller than the others, often overlooked when breadcrumbs are administered, the runt of the litter, and I think that explains a lot in terms of his dysfunctional behaviour and what he's become.

Nope. And Alan's using the German side in his war comparisons again.
Oh, that? That's the sound of a windscreen wiper. Did I not say I'm sitting in a residential street in Sheringham, Norfolk, ready to perform an ambush? Because although soldiers trusted their opponents to suspend hostilities during that No Man's Land football match there, there really would have been nothing to stop a savvy German soldier jogging back to his trench, saying he was just getting some half-time oranges and then wasting the British infantry with machine gun fire. And I guess this is something similar.

Alan's been doing some detective work, with the help of a detective, using IP address and location clues to find out where this mysterious High Noon lives. And fuck wood pigeons!
Let's cast our minds back to what High Noon said about his precious little wood pigeon, which, by the way, are shit birds; barrel-chested, stocky, you can imagine a wood pigeon outside a pub with a pint and a fag. They have none of the splendour of a magpie. None. None. But anyway, cast your mind back, uh, why was I so interested about how he feeds the damn thing? Because I was extracting clues.
I had learned plenty. We know he's from Norfolk. We know he visits his local park. We know he had a pond with a bench next to it. From that bench he can see a church, A church with a clock. And a church that chimes on the hour. Now that gives a sleuth quite the foothold!

And he's £200-worth brought some muscle along with him, Conner likely the one referenced in an earlier episode who killed a rabbit with a pan.
But before all this my assistant was suggesting that I turn the other cheek. I said "You've changed your tune! I thought you were more into hellfire and damnation!". She was pleading with me. "But Alan the trolling stopped now. You found common ground!". I told her, I said I might forget but I do not forgive.
Or I'll forgive, but I will not forget. And sometimes I'll do neither, but I'll never do both! This High Noon is a slippery little bastard and I'm going to kebab the little kipper! The form of that comeuppance? Well, just a few questions from me about where the hell he gets off and a bit of a scare thanks to two burly lads who I brought with me as insurance. They're sitting behind me in the car. Say hello, Sean. Say hello, Conner.

When High Noon's house has grab bars at the door, Alan worries if his quarry might be in a wheelchair, might have been born in one!
Um, it doesn't change anything, I mean, does it? Disabled people can still be mean. I mean look at pirates. If they're not missing a leg, they're missing a hand or an eye or something. Then there's Oscar Pistorius. Blofeld. Davros from Doctor Who. Richard III was, was, uh- had issues. Yeah this is- I think this is still entirely legitimate. Absolutely fine.
It's a woman. An old woman. And bingo, there's the man behind her, pushing the wheelchair and he's wearing a Stetson! Well, that- that is pathetic! Well that- that is- there you go, there's High Noon for you! Gary Cooper pushing his mum in a wheelchair. Hardly. We meet at last. The look on his face. Don't crack a smile mate. Ha ha!
Sean. Connor. Get ready to scramble.

Alan starts having second thoughts.
My god will you look at this, a troll begrudgingly helping the mother that spawned him. Where's he going? Crossing the road to the ice cream van. Probably going to rap on the window. "Piss off and park somewhere else!". No. He's buying an ice cream. Two ice creams. Both with Flakes. He's got two Flakes in one of them, No prizes for guessing who that one's fo- No, no, he's giving it to his mum. Oh they're both eating their ice creams as he pushes her along. Hmm. Hmmmmm.

But watch, Alan admonishes High Noon for getting the two-Flake'd ice cream for himself before he passes it to his mother, have a guess who gets the double Flake in Alan's order.
Either of you guys fancy an ice cream? [opening car door] Lynn can you get three ice creams? Three 99s, one with two flakes and get yourself something. An ice lolly. Get yourself an ice pop! All right. [car door closes]

An hour passes and Alan is alone again, away to spend a little more time with a recent close friend, Morris, now cavorting amongst his magpie kin and Alan gets emotional.
But he should be with his own people. That's, er... yeah. Oh there he is! He's flying quite high! Goodbye Morris! Come back any time! Y-, y-, [swallows, emotional] you're a good bird! [background sounds fade to silence]
I don't mind admitting, I had a bit of a wobble there. But I'm back inside and I'm able to see things in their proper perspective now. I'm clearing up some of the magpie dirt from just in front of the fireplace. Morris. Let's have a bit of oboe.

Finally, Rosa reads the series credits and it's worth hearing for her confusion at the company name Baby Cow.
Head of Production for... Baby Cow?! Judith Bantock.

Aaah, series one, IN the bag. We'll press on!
submitted by bulletproofbra to AlanPartridge [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 14:22 Shashwatm17 Official Guide to Villainesses (Japanese Villainous Daughters or Heroines) by Mufa (iFunny) - What is the difference between a Japanese and Korean Villainess?

Official Guide to Villainesses (Japanese Villainous Daughters or Heroines) by Mufa (iFunny) - What is the difference between a Japanese and Korean Villainess? submitted by Shashwatm17 to u/Shashwatm17 [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 09:05 MagicianAway567 Official Guide to Villainesses (Japanese Villainous Daughters or Heroines) by Mufa (iFunny) - What is the difference between a Japanese and Korean Villainess?

Official Guide to Villainesses (Japanese Villainous Daughters or Heroines) by Mufa (iFunny) - What is the difference between a Japanese and Korean Villainess? submitted by MagicianAway567 to u/MagicianAway567 [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 13:21 couscousisevil How do I thank you?

I've just had the most wonderful and amazing nursing staff look after me for the last week and a bit. How do I say thank you?
I was thinking a gift basket one for each shift - snacks catered to the shift times.
Morning - Muesli bars, coffee lollies, muffins? Lunch - Some healthy and sugary snacks to keep you going? Night staff - I'm thinking the same as the lunch staff?
What was the best way a patient has thanked you?
submitted by couscousisevil to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 17:16 CreativeCritical247 Official Guide to Villainesses (Japanese Villainous Daughters or Heroines) by Mufa (iFunny) - What is the difference between a Japanese and Korean Villainess?

Official Guide to Villainesses (Japanese Villainous Daughters or Heroines) by Mufa (iFunny) - What is the difference between a Japanese and Korean Villainess? submitted by CreativeCritical247 to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 23:36 SuddenManatee I was scared off the IUD for ages, but it's not as bad you you often hear.

First note: women who experience extreme pain during this procedure are 110% totally valid and I'm so sorry that adequate pain management was not a given for you.
TL:DR - procedure was cramp level pain and totally manageable. Edit to add: I chose the hormonal IUD. Research both options before deciding as they are quite different.
For years I was too scared to even consider getting an IUD. None of the pros seemed to outweigh the cons and I was convinced that I would not be able to handle the pain. I was on the pill birth control for 6 years, deeming it the best option for myself. However as someone with ADHD, this was not an easy task. I can't tell you the number of times other people had gotten frustrated at my alarms to help me remember. Every time I looked into the IUD, I kept reading the same story in different versions: worst pain of my life, nearly passed out, nearly vomitted, as bad as child birth etc. Again cementing my conviction that I would not be able to handle the procedure.
Well, I was wrong! After two years of my body starting to disagree with the pill (combo), I was forced to consider the IUD or no birth control at all. So I made the decision to push ahead, prepared to endure the worst pain of my life and be embarrassed and alone in this vulnerable moment. Thanks to a wonderful Redditor commenting on my last post, I was given a different perspective and more information and went into the appointment with more conviction that I could handle it than ever before. I even managed to forget to take any pain medication (thanks ADHD) and I didn't bail or freak out. So thankyou Reddit!
Anyway here's my experience: The doctor I saw made sure I had a lot of information prior to making the decision, which was helpful. I want to be sterilized but we all know the hoops for that, so she was helpful in explaining that trying the IUD first would be beneficial in that goal. I had a urine pregnancy test (sex in the past few weeks) and a swab for cervical cancer (personal symptoms, frequent breakthrough bleeding on pill). They did an internal ultrasound to check placement/size of my uterus which was not uncomfortable (except for the whole having someone put a tool inside your vagina part of course).
The doctor applied a bit of local numbing cream to the surface of my cervix. I felt the pain of the clamp and she did have to swab away a cotton ball of blood, but the pain was like an ant bite. Eyebrow raising but over in a second.
After that, the next step is to measure the cervix. I was prepared for this to suck thanks to the shared experience of another Redditor. The doctor also mentioned that someone people are unable to handle anything more than that and decide to not have the IUD place. My experience was a cramp like sensation, on par with a usual intensity cramp. Strange but not unbearable (we've all had to straight face handle a bad cramp in front of people before). The whole step took 2 whole seconds. I'm not even exaggerating, I noticed the pain basically as she was withdrawing the rod. I'm not sure if doctors with less experience make this step harder by taking longer but it was all done before I even had a chance to consider whether it was too painful (it wasn't).
After that, you have an exact idea of the sensation and pain rating of the IUD placement. This step takes a few seconds longer but is not any more painful, if anything it's slightly less pain but longer duration. Again, if you can stand and have a conversation during a period cramp, you'll be able to handle this sensation easily. Again, this whole part of the procedure took about 5-10 second, of that. It truly felt like it was inserted, place and tool withdrawn in 3 seconds. And that's it, done. IUD placed. Another ultrasound to check it was placed correctly and I was good to go.
I did feel a bit shaky (low blood sugar, common for me) and initially a bit woozy. Not from the pain but just my body's usual reaction to anything out of the ordinary happening to me. The doctor checked my blood pressure to see if I was a fainting risk (wasn't) and the nurse gave me a few lollies and some water and I took 10 minutes before heading home. I had day 2 level cramps for the rest of the day, and have had low levels of spotting since (normal). I was able to complete a workout the next day and I have the occasional pain scale 2 cramps today (36 hours later). All in all, it was no where near as bad as I was expecting.
I don't want to invalidate anyone's experience with unbearable pain, and I do strongly believe that more adequate pain management should be standard. However, I do think that this conversation has scared many women away from a highly efficient and effective (and cost effective!) birth control method. If you have a moderate to high level pain tolerance, you are more than likely to be able to get an IUD without issue. Please don't let the horror stories stop you from seriously considering the IUD as an option. And for people with lower pain tolerances or who are more sensitive to discomfort: I am with you in the fight to make pain management during IUD placement a standard part of the process. Doctors who do the procedure regularly are likely the best option for a quick and expert experience, and there are general pain management options that may help lower the pain to be manageable before we get a more painless option.
Do what's right for your body and if an IUD will benefit you, don't let the fear of pain stop you from considering it as an option!
submitted by SuddenManatee to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 14:03 HornyOfOdio I can't wait until all of this stuff comes to heroes. More Camilla is always good.

I can't wait until all of this stuff comes to heroes. More Camilla is always good. submitted by HornyOfOdio to RosesThorns [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 15:30 Hummerous [The Locked Tomb] sex pal
submitted by Hummerous to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 18:46 Proper-Ad-9157 The Mischaracterization of Lyn (By the Fans)

The Mischaracterization of Lyn (By the Fans)
Over the last few years I've come to realize that a lot of people who complain about Lyn being mischaracterized in her modern appearances don't understand her character in the first place. They say she's too kind and compassionate, they say she talks about the winds of the plains too much, they say she's too happy, and they say that she panders to the playetactician too much or is too sexual. Well I'm here to set the record straight about Lyn and how you as the fans might have a vision of her that is incorrect and that's the reason why you think IS is 'ruining her character'. I'll be going down the list from what I find the most annoying to the least annoying, starting with:
'Modern Lyn is too kind, compassionate, optimistic, and happy and isn't 'badass' or 'cool' any more'
This one really gets me, because it just shows you either didn't play FE7 or didn't pay attention to the story in Lyn's story because it's 'that dumbass tutorial I have to do every time I get a clean copy of FE7.' The very first thing Lyn ever does is an act of kindness, taking in some random nobody she doesn't know and nursing them back to health. She didn't have to do that, in fact she has a good excuse not to seeing as the last time we know she had interaction with people it was her friends and family getting killed. Not only that, when bandits do come, she doesn't blame or accuse the tactician of bringing them, she protects them. I know a lot of you out there wouldn't let some random into your house even if they didn't look dangerous, so this kindness on a big scale.
And it continues from there. When Lyn finds out that she still has family alive, what does she do? Does she shrink back thinking that nothing can be done? Does she say that it's not her problem and not care about it? No! She puts everything she has into saving him. She barely even knows the guy and she's willing to put her life on the line for him because he's family. Honestly she also has a reason not to want to help him either, since he was the one that drove her mother to the plains in the first place (not that she knows that at the moment, but she could have had the thought on the way there) and she has a distrust for nobles. How many of you would put your life on the line for a relative you never met? Kindness and compassion.
And it doesn't end there, without her being kind she wouldn't have gathered most of the allies she did to save her grandfather. Florina might have still joined if Lyn was generally mean spirited given that they would still be best friends, but if Lyn wasn't kind she wouldn't have asked Wil for his help, she probably would have killed Dorcas instead of talking to him and convincing him to join her because they were protecting his wife (who she literally knew for like an hour btw), she would have let Erk and Serra fight on their own, maybe dying in the process, and Matthew wouldn't have joined most likely since he was spying on Lyn and seeing if she was a good person.
And then we come to Nils and Ninian. Lyn was about to go off course and try and save Ninian had Eliwood not shown up when he did. She was willing to put her own needs and wants to the side to help someone in more need than herself, if that isn't kind I don't know what is. Also if she didn't care about Nils and Ninian, whose to say the Black Fang don't jump Eliwood after she leaves the area, dooming the world a year earlier? Lyn's kindness might have saved Elibe without her even knowing it.
She even goes and gets Ninian's ring for her, which she didn't have to do. That took time away from getting to Caelin for sure. And finally if Lyn wasn't a kind person, you know who would have stopped her? Wallace. The only reason he joined her is because he saw she was a good and kind woman with a pure heart, so again Lyn's kindness saves her.
And when she finally gets to her grandfather and he says he's going to die because he's too weak, does she give up, throw in the towel with all her hard work. No! She says 'fuck that shit, we're going to have long walks in the grass together because I care about you, because you are family.' If Lyn didn't give him that pep talk, he probably would have died right then and there, but Lyn's kindness and positivity saved his life.
Side Note: Why is it so damning to some people that Lyn's Story is part of a tutorial? I've heard people say the story is less impactful and more stupid and Lyn is less of a character because of the tutorial stuff. For one, that's a gameplay issue, not a story one, and for two you know you can play it on Hard Mode and the tutorial stuff doesn't show up right? Like the devs had confidence that Lyn could carry a whole third of the game pretty much by herself, it being a tutorial shouldn't take away from that.
And while she doesn't play a huge role in Eliwood/Hector's story because she's not the main character anymore, she still shows kindness. She didn't have to join Eliwood in searching for his father, but she did because she emphasizes with not wanting to lose family. She could have just stayed in Caelin to help her grandfather recover again, but because Eliwood helped her in the past, she repaid him in kind because she's a nice person like that. She even shows concern for Lucius after he escapes from being held hostage in her own castle, telling him he doesn't have to fight if he doesn't want to.
Even with Hector, someone she gets off to a rocky start with, she allows him to voice his emotions to her and learns that she can voice her concerns back. She grows to see him as not just a rival, but a friend, that's why they talk as such in Engage when they meet again.
While her kindness isn't a focus in many of her supports, there are moments here and there as well. She's concerned about Wil writing his parents, she's always looking out for Florina, she compliments Eliwood and Hector on their strong points, so it's there as well.
I've been told in the past that Lyn is supposed to be only badass and cool because that's how most people remember her. You do know that it's possible to be kind and compassionate while also being badass and cool right? Those things aren't mutually exclusive. And I do think Lyn is badass and cool as well. Have you seen those critical animations? You realize she created and took what amounts to a ragtag group of mercenaries and cut a swath through Sacae and Lycia just for the slim chance to see a living family member almost unintentionally saving Caelin in the process right, that's really badass and cool! She stands up for her culture on many occasions too, losing out on help from people who think less of her but standing proud for what she believes in. That's freaking awesome. She can go toe to toe in fights with Hector (and Chrom in Warriors), a huge hulking mass of a man who is one of the strongest people in all Elibe, that's so cool! She even faces down Nergal and a dragon dozens of times her size and can be the one to put the final blow on them, you can't get more badass than that! Lyn is cool, she has spectacle and grit to her character, but that's not all she's about.
And outside of FE7, is it not super cool to get to dress up and fight as a ninja, or be considered a Legendary Hero of your world, to get many different great looking costumes and cool animations to go with them, and be meta relevant at multiple times of the Heroes' lifespan? Not to mention Lyn is considered one of the best characters to play as in Warriors as well.
Just to drive the point home even more, let's look at all the CG's Lyn is in and see how the game itself portrays Lyn's emotions and personality:

Happy and smiling seeing her unexpected guest feeling better

Can't see her face, but is calmly listening to knights she previously yelled at and taking them seriously

Wonder and amazement at her cool, new, glowing sword

Smiling and having a good time with her new and old friends

On the left there fighting in a cool pose

Surprise at Rath saving her, not yelling or berating him for doing so or saying she could have handled it herself

Can't see her face, but can be assumed that she's concerned from her body language

Epically landing the final blow to her granduncle, saving her grandfather in the process

Relief and comfort at being able to be with family again

Emotional, but happy in knowing she'll see the friend who helped her through her darkest times again

Longing for the plains while being in Caelin, an internal struggle. Something that will tie into a later point

Laughing at something silly her friends are doing

True sadness and concern at the loss of a beloved friend, she's most likely crying behind her hands.

Can't see her face again, but this is the scene where she comforts Hector, someone who she has learned to respect and consider a friend after a rough start.

Listening intently to a mentor's last words, taking them seriously and not blowing them off

Happy and smiling for her friends having a good time

Looking into her lover's eyes as equals

Surprise at Hector doing something like this, but not yelling or telling him to stop.
18 pictures and only 3 of them showing her doing something cool, badass, or aggressive. Most of them show Lyn smiling and having fun with her friends or being concerned for their well-being, kind of like a person who is known for being kind and caring does wouldn't you say?
I've also heard that because Lyn is mean and unforgiving to people in the story that it means she's not actually a kind person. Yeah, and you know who the people she is mean and unforgiving to are? Bandits, Pirates, and the main villain group of the game! Of course she's going to be mean to them, a group of them killed all her family and friends, and Nergal and the Black Fang are planning to kill her new friends and ruin everyone's lives, she's supposed to be mean to them! And maybe that's a bit much, maybe you think that Lyn just has an abrasive personality in general. But that's wrong too because she really only acts like that to nobles she doesn't know that well and Hector, who was also a noble she didn't know that well. But she learns to understand him and by the end of the game is kind to him as well.
Why would Lyn be mean or aggressive to Robin in Awakening? Why would she be mean and aggressive to anyone she supports with in Warriors? She wouldn't because they are her allies in battle. Why would she be aggressive to anyone in Askr who isn't an outright villain? Why would Emblem Lyn be aggressive or mean to anyone wearing her ring in Engage? Lyn is kind and compassionate to people who are kind and compassionate back to her, which is anyone she interacts with post FE7. Now you could say that is a problem that she doesn't interact with people who would make her temper flare, but that doesn't mean her character has changed, it just means that part of her character hasn't been used in a while.
Also I would like to point out that Lyn isn't a main character in any of her post FE7 appearances, she's a cameo at best in most of them, and when she does show up it's assumed to be her after the events of the game where she already has all of her character development because they don't have time to give her any since she's not the main focus of the games she's in. Why would a post FE7 Lyn revert back to her old self in any of these appearances? And going back to the last paragraph, if she has such a limited role she's not going to interact fully with people she would get angry or aggressive with because that would take away the conflict from the actual main characters. I like Lyn but I don't want her hijacking someone else's story like that.
Another thing I always hear about Lyn is that people wish her voice was more in line with her Smash Bros. trophy lines because it's really deep and badass and more fitting for a character like her. My response to that is to note how Smash Bros. totally gets everything 100% right about the source material it borrows from, especially Fire Emblem -gestures at Roy's characterization, Ike's taunts that he never says in his games, Robin being able to use dark magic in their base class and carry more weapons than Awakening allows, etc.-
Side note: I find it interesting that the actress who does Lyn's Smash Bros. lines is most known for voicing Rouge the Bat, a character that is generally seen in a sexual light in and out of universe. I find it interesting because I would love to see the cross section of people who A) Want Lyn's voice to be like that all the time and B) People who say/want Lyn to be eternally 15 because you know if they changed her voice to that they would complain about it being more adult and sexual sounding even though Lyn is 18 by the end of JP FE7 (Another post of mine btw).
This last part is just my personal conjecture here, but I feel a decent amount of this comes from Lyn getting labeled a strong female protagonist and how the definition of that has changed over the years. Back in 2003 when FE7 came out Lyn was only the second female lord in the series (unless you count Lilina) and yeah she was, and still is, a strong and competent character. She makes decisions for herself and deals with the consequences, she sets goals for herself and has the power and insight to achieve them. She also has flaws that affect her relationship with others (Hector mainly) but learns to better herself. And she's able to know when she's in over her head and needs to ask for help (Like with Eliwood helping with the Lycian lords during her story.)
Side Note: I know if I don't bring it up someone else will, but yes Wallace does kind of killsteal her revenge on the bandits who killed her parents, but he doesn't do it for a malicious reason. He didn't do that shit because he thought Lyn was too weak to do it, he did that shit because he had all the confidence Lyn could kill all of them and he didn't want her to lose some of her compassion and humanity in the process. I've made a post about it before on the FE shitpost board, but consider what Lyn would be like if she did go all Anakin on those bandits, killing everyone, even the women and children. That was one of his biggest jumps to the darkness and it could have been one of Lyn's as well. Just a thought.
Also, he has a stake in getting some revenge on those bandits as well since they killed two of his dear friends, Lyn's parents, who he was willing to betray the lord he trusted and respected and be thrown in a dungeon for six months so they could elope and eventually even have Lyn in the first place, so there is that as well.
But the definition of a strong female protagonist has kind of changed over the years in our culture, now a strong female character doesn't take shit from anyone, has to be able to do anything by herself or it doesn't count, has to spit on any advice or help offered, especially from a man, and has to be fierce and uncompromising about herself. And I say kind of because that's not really a strong character, but it's what people think when they hear the term. And I feel that when people hear Lyn is a strong female protagonist they knowingly or unknowingly give her those attributes or that people who have been fans of Lyn since 2003 have slowly been giving her those traits trying to get people interested in her.
I also think a bit of it is the fact that people these days can't prop up their favorite characters without trying to tear down other people's favorite characters. So people twist and mangle Lyn's personality to make it seem bad or one note so they can say their favorites are better than her. As the quote goes 'Who says two legends can't coexist at the same time?' I love Lyn but I can also love other characters without putting her or them down or making them seem like worse characters, and I find that to be a rarer and rarer trait as the years press on. Again, just my personal opinions on that, I could be wrong. If you have a better explanation as to why people mischaracterize Lyn so much I'd love to hear it.
'Modern Lyn talks about the wind and the plains too much.'
Okay, you guys know that Lyn's heritage is a big part of her character right? That it's a big conflict inside her whether to conform to the lifestyle of Lycia to please her grandfather or to be true to herself and how she was raised as a child? Lyn's heritage is a big selling point about her, she's different than Eliwood and Hector because of it and she has a different point of view about the world because of it. And it causes conflict as well because there are a lot of people out there who don't understand Sacaen culture and put it down because they don't understand it. (Ironic in a sense) Lyn can be very inspiring to people who don't think that they can stand up for themselves because of their culture or where they were born, so why wouldn't she talk about the parts of herself she's most comfortable about?
It just feels weird to me that Lyn is championed as a character who fights against racism and cultural injustice, but the second she starts talking about said culture that she really cares about it becomes a problem. And it's not like it doesn't come up in her supports either. Florina, her best friend and possible romantic partner, can tell that Lyn is conflicted about wanting to go back. Eliwood flat out tells her that she's more confident when she's talking about her culture, so why is that an issue?
And honestly, Lyn is the best character to explore Sacaen culture with since she's the most important Sacaen character in the Elibe games. Because she has such a big role, being a main character and all, we should see how she feels about her culture more often than say a Guy or a Fir would.
So I pose the question, what is Lyn supposed to be talking about with other people? She already talks about the stresses of being a leader (Marth, Xander), the difficulty of coming from two differing cultures (Marth, Corrin), what it really means to be free (Corrin), seeing someone for who they really are and not what they look like (Anna), the need to have friends who'll always be there for you (Tiki), and many more topics in Warriors, why not share her culture some as well?
'Modern Lyn panders to the tactician/player too much.'
No, no, she doesn't. This may not be as annoying to me as the other points, but it's definitely something the fandom has blown way out of proportion over the years. Let's go over just how many times Lyn has mentioned the tactician since FE7.
Awakening: Once to Robin
We all know by now that Awakening could have been the last game in the series if it didn't sell well and that they threw a lot of things in there to get it to sell. I think one reference to call back to a similar situation in the past can be given a pass considering they probably thought it might be the last time Lyn ever canonically said anything and they wanted people who played FE7 to have a sweet moment with her. A majority of people didn't buy the game or the DLC just because they heard Lyn would remember them from the past, it was a moment encapsulating Fire Emblem's history at the time
Warriors: Once to Robin, Once to Lianna
Starting to see a trend here? Lyn only has one full conversation about the tactician in Warriors, and surprise, surprise, it's to the only tactician in the game. So for one it makes sense for Lyn to bring up the tactician here and for two it's a callback to Awakening as well. Again, people didn't buy the game because they knew Lyn mentioned the tactician in a one off support chain. And there wasn't even hints of romance either, she spoke about them as if they were just a close friend.
And she doesn't even say anything about the tactician to Lianna, she's just listing off the friends she made on her journey.
"Then, on my travels, I met some very dear friends. A reliable tactician, an interesting pair of knights, and a Pegasus Knight as well!."
Yeah, that's so much pandering there guys.
Engage: Does not mention the tactician once
Do I even need to say it? In her most recent appearance Lyn does not utter the word 'tactician' or 'Mark' or any variation of that once. You know who she does name though, Florina, her actual best friend in the world. Not much more about this one other than the word 'wind' only comes up four times in her bond conversations and she only says it twice, going back to the last point.
Heroes: Only 4 out of the 11 (3 of 9 if you don't count resplendents) versions of Lyn in the game mention the tactician
Yeah, that actually surprised me when I looked it up a few months ago. I thought she talked about them way more as well, but she doesn't. And if you take away the one that has Mark literally attached her her hip that's only 1/3 of all Lyn versions who talk about them.
But then we have the Summoner and we all know how Lyn panders to the summoner right? Yeah but then you realize that pretty much 90% of the characters in Heroes pander to the summoner in some way or another. The only reason why you see Lyn do it more than other characters is because there are so many more versions of her. If there were 10 Serras or 10 Wils they would seem like they pander to the player more often than other characters as well.
'Modern Lyn is too sexual of a character'
This one is a bit more subjective, so I left it for last. As a reference the only FEH Lyn art I have problems with is the Resplendent Brave Lyn art, and even then it still looks like Lyn and has Lyn vibes so it's not that bad of an issue. And that's kind of the point I want to make, every artist has their own style so it's not a surprise that some Lyns have different body proportions than others. You could have 100 artists draw her and none of them would look the same, heck the same artist might draw her two different ways depending on the context. Some artists draw bigger chests, some rounder faces, some slimmer legs, but they all still look and feel like Lyn. So no, Lyn having a slightly larger chest sometimes isn't some malicious act to try and ruin her character and it isn't some psy-op IS is trying to pull to get us to be more comfortable with Lyn being more like say, Camilla or the like in a possible Elibe remake situation, it just the style of the artist's who draw her. I'm no corporate dick sucker, but sometimes you have to be realistic about just how malicious a company really is and why they would be like that.
Just to make a point again, you can't look at these pictures and in good faith tell me that this isn't all the same character, even if you didn't know Lyn that well:
(Also the thought that you can't recognize a character because their chest size is different is cringe, that's what faces are for.)
Side Note: This is one of the many reasons I'm actually dreading any sort of Elibe remake. Right now all the fandom discourse is like my neighbor's fighting next door. I can hear it and have opinions about who is right and wrong, but I don't have to get involved unless I want to. With Elibe stuff though, that's like fighting at my front door and even though I don't want to I know I'll probably get dragged into it.
And for the people who do think it is IS trying to slowly change Lyn's character, I put this challenge to you: Show me any Lyn dialogue, past or present, that has her saying anything as sexually charged as Camilla, Tharja, Loki, or any other character that is considered sexual in the series. Art alone can not change a character's personality, it has to have the added context of dialogue to go with it.
Even with the outfits of Lyn's that are more revealing, they have context behind them. A swimsuit for swimming, a light ninja outfit for a ninja festival, a sumo outfit for a sumo festival. Like it could be a lot worse you guys. I mean she even got one of the good Awakening redesigns for crying out loud.
And that's about it for what I have for now. Lyn is a character with many sides, a kind, compassionate, and optimistic side and a fierce, badass, and cool side. Both of those sides can and do coexist, just on different planes and situations when it comes to Lyn. You wouldn't expect her to be kind in battle just as you wouldn't expect her to yell and threaten Florina, Wil, or any other ally when not in battle.
I'm sure some comments will make me think of other ways the fandom mischaracterizes Lyn because I will be in there in the trenches replying to things trying to defend my stance, so be warned I will be replying to pretty much everything, so come with your A-game or don't come at all.
TL;DR- Lyn's modern characterization is fine, she is a kind character with badass moments not a badass character with kind moments. Her talking about her culture and the wind is not the only things she talks about and the fandom has overblown how much she cares about the tactician. And Lyn's Heroes art isn't some psy-op to change her into a Camilla type character. Those who think differently either haven't paid attention during her story or are misleading the fandom, unintentionally or not.
submitted by Proper-Ad-9157 to fireemblem [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 23:01 growth-industries Examining the potential of the UK medicinal cannabis market

The UK medicinal cannabis sector is at a crucial point in its evolution. The increasing interest in the potential of these medicines has led to more listings on British-based stock exchanges, with more expected to list soon. Investor confidence is increasing, as is the interest from potential patients who are looking for an alternative approach to treating conditions which are not responding to traditional medicine.
Despite the success of UK-produced products such as Sativex and Epidyolex, the UK remains bogged down with regulatory hurdles that continue to stifle the industry and prevent more patients from accessing unregistered medicinal cannabis products. It is extremely difficult to access medicinal cannabis if you are not going through the private health system.

The UK has issued only a handful of NHS CBPM prescriptions for patients since rescheduling in November 2018, despite all NHS specialist physicians being legally permitted to prescribe. In the meantime, thousands of scripts have been written via the private system, with high non-reimbursable costs for appointments and assessments, and medicines for which no Consumer Medical Information or Certificate of Analysis are provided, leaving patients wondering what they are paying for. The only exceptions to these restrictions are the drugs Sativex, licensed for spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis, Epidyolex, for certain childhood epilepsies when prescribed alongside Clobazam, and a synthetic cannabis medicine called Nabilone, for chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting.

Meanwhile millions of Britons are using CBD purchased at their local pharmacy, health food store, or online. Most commercially available CBD preparations in the UK are not high dose and therefore generally not suitable for the treatment of serious conditions, although many patients report benefit in their usage for conditions like migraines, aches and pains, low grade insomnia, arthritis, and low, general anxiety.
Between 2017 and 2019, at least 800 patients a year received the UK’s three licensed cannabis products; Epidyolex, Nabilone, and Sativex, although that number continues to increaseevery year. The number of private UK patients is now estimated to be around 6,000, however, less than five patients have been prescribed unlicensed CBPMs through the National Health Service (NHS), despite the growing interest and continued pressure being maintained by patient advocacy groups for those who cannot afford private health coverage. The main justification for not prescribing medicinal cannabis is the claim that there is a lack of safety and efficacy data for many of the unlicensed CBPMs, despite CBPMs being specifically down-scheduled by the government for just this purpose under its authorised prescriber special access scheme. Prescribing unlicensed CBPMs is limited to specialists on the register of the General Medical Council.

An opportunity for change

The UK’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) published its assessment on the impact of the rescheduling of CBPMs in November 2020. The report recommended: further reviews of the system; the impact of the rescheduling of CBPMs; the creation of a CBPM registry so that prescription patterns could be monitored; and that reviews be conducted of other international approaches to legislating medicinal cannabis access and use.
The review of international approaches is a wise decision, and not just because it might provide the best way forward, but also because it enables the UK to learn from the mistakes of other jurisdictions and avoid wasting time with an inefficient system. The Australian experience provides a wealth of information and experience that should be examined more closely.

The situation in Australia

In Australia medicinal cannabis products must be prescribed either via the Special Access Scheme (SAS) Category B, or via the Authorised Prescriber scheme. Any health professional capable of prescribing medication can use the SAS online portal to prescribe medicinal cannabis. Becoming an Authorised Prescriber requires a separate application in which the prescriber, once approved, will be able to freely prescribe one product for one condition. Although this is restrictive, the healthcare provider does not need any further approval to prescribe that medication. The Australian Government is currently reviewing options for the Authorised Prescriber process to make it less restrictive.
From legalisation of medicinal cannabis in 2016 to late 2019, very few scripts had been written. Once the States and Commonwealth government began to streamline the authorisation application and assessment process, approvals started to climb. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) recently announced it had authorised its 100,000th prescription for a medicinal cannabis product. Most of these scripts have been approved within 48 hours of the request being submitted electronically. February alone saw more than 8,000 scripts approved; a jump from the average 5,000 scripts per month that had been approved the previous year. It is estimated that between 45,000 to 65,000 patients are currently using medicinal cannabis through the Special Access Scheme.
By comparison, there are just under 200 Authorised Prescribers who authorised over 2,000 prescriptions in 2020. The number of prescribers and prescriptions has increased markedly over the last 12 months. Each Authorised Prescriber can write hundreds or thousands of scripts each month.
New legislation, as of 1 February 2021, means low dose CBD has been down scheduled to Schedule 3 in Australia, meaning it can be dispensed by a pharmacist, provided it is a registered medicine. To date, no low-dose CBD products have been registered due to the extensive requirements for registering a medicine in Australia. This will require further research, including Randomised Control Trials (RCT), which can take years in some cases. However, the TGA has indicated it is looking at the ability to recognise international data and high-level observational data towards registration.
The low dose CBD market is worth watching due to the high demand and current situation in the UK. Approximately 21% of medicinal cannabis patients in Australia are being prescribed low-dose CBD on a regular basis. This equates to about 10,000 patients who will be able to purchase their medicine over the counter at a pharmacy once they have consulted the pharmacist on duty. This will be a major improvement in access, while still ensuring that a health professional has had the opportunity to consult the client before purchase.
It should be noted that since the legalisation of over-the-counter CBD, there has been a jump in prescriptions and authorisations. This has been attributed to widespread media coverage of the down-scheduling of low-dose CBD to Schedule 3 over-the-counter dispensing, without a prescription. This has sent a signal to both the medical fraternity and patients that medicinal cannabis is safe and effective.
Another benefit of this widespread adoption of legalised medicinal cannabis usage is that the price of cannabis medicines has dropped significantly, and for the first time ever has reached parity with the illicit market, meaning that cannabis provided by the black market has no price advantage. The other contributing factor is that licensed medicinal cannabis companies are becoming more efficient in their production and distribution of these medicines to pharmacies. There are over 140 medicinal cannabis products available on the legal market in Australia. Recent announcements by the TGA suggests they will begin spot testing to ensure every product meets the Australian Therapeutic Goods Orders TGO93 and TGO100, that govern the standards under which medicinal cannabis products are produced.
The average patient spend on medicinal cannabis is AUS$50 per week (about £25 per week), whether from the licit or illicit market. This equates to $1.4bn being spent in the black market with just under $100m being spent via pharmacy. The Australian market is perhaps the fastest growing market in the world. Its growth has been recognised by government enterprises such as Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) who are looking at developing new products types, such as cannabis cough lollies.
It is estimated that some half a million Australians currently use medicinal cannabis procured illegally to treat a medical condition. This number has dropped as more Australians move from the unregulated market to the regulated market, allowing for proper medical supervision of their illness and treatment with medicinal cannabis, which in turn provides the opportunity to gather valuable observational data for both their treating physicians and researchers, and increases the evidence base. The other benefit of prescription-based cannabis medication is its use in the treatment of opioid addiction, and the misuse of other drugs of dependence. This is a growing area of research in Australia.
“In 2018, opioids were present in nearly two-thirds of drug-induced deaths (64.5% or 1,123 deaths) — a rate of 4.6 per 100,000 population. Analysis by the ABS found that in almost two-thirds (63.1% or 708 deaths) of opioid-induced deaths, benzodiazepines were also present (ABS 2019). Many opioid-induced deaths were accidental (80%). The rate of opioid-induced deaths involving synthetic opioids has increased over the past decade (ABS 2019).1 By contrast, cannabis is implicated in about 30 deaths per year.2
To further underline this point 6,000 Australians died from alcohol use in 2015, with more than 144,000 hospitalisations in the years 2012 to 2013., remaining stable at 5.2 deaths per 100,000, up to and including 2017. Tobacco accounts for more than 15,500 deaths per year. When we compare safety profiles and access, it is ridiculous to consider medicinal cannabis presents any real risk to the public, as it accounts for 0.1 deaths per 100,000 in Australia.3

Lessons learned from the Australian experience

The Australian experience shows an obvious correlation between the jump in consumer interest and increases in media coverage. Promoting medicinal cannabis on authoritative websites, be they government or non-government organisations does not have the same effect as mainstream media and social media platforms. This is something that must be managed appropriately to ensure the right information is being passed on. Education of the general population is important if patients are to walk into a doctor’s surgery and confidently discuss medicinal cannabis options.
The uptake of medicinal cannabis by healthcare providers on the other hand is driven by evidence, authoritative research, and signals from governments that they are supported. The number of Australian doctors approving of medicinal cannabis as a treatment is increasing, albeit more slowly than the general public’s acceptance. Key to many doctors’ approval are the results from clinical trials and signals from the government in terms of new legislation. At present there are 73 clinical trial notifications in Australia. These are most commonly for chronic pain, epilepsy, and psychological disorders. More clinical trials are needed to add to the evidence base and improve confidence.
In terms of regulatory learnings, provision of an online prescribing portal at a national level has made prescribing easier, although there is still some room for improvement. Product-wise, a mandated level of GMP quality products has given confidence to prescribers that what they prescribe will be the same every time.

The way forward for the UK

In 2019, a research study survey in England and Wales found that 1.4 million people self-reported they were using ‘street’ cannabis to treat chronic health conditions, while over 60% said they spent between £99 and £199 a month on cannabis.4
Ann Keen, chair of the CPASS and fellow of the Queen’s Nursing Institute, said: “[The statistics] demonstrate the vast number of patients in the UK with chronic and debilitating diagnosed conditions who feel they have no choice but to expose themselves to all the risks of accessing a medicine that works from the criminal market.” Ms Keen added that “safe” solutions “must be explored as soon as possible.”4
Regulators often talk about the dangers of cannabis use, but even in the unregulated market, only 31 deaths were recorded in the UK in 2019. Contrast this with deaths from prescription medicines, particularly opioids, anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping tablets, tobacco, and alcohol: according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), there were 4,359 deaths from drug poisoning in 2018. This is up 16% from the previous year and is the highest annual increase since records began in 1993.
Last year alone in the UK:
Tobacco is clearly the biggest killer in both the UK and Australia, converting people from mixed cannabis/tobacco smoking to medicinal cannabis medicines like oils, wafers, lozenges, and patches has the potential to significantly reduce this statistic.


The UK must fast track these changes, rather than repeat the mistakes of other jurisdictions, relieving the enormous drug addiction burden on the NHS, providing affordable, compassionate access to patients, and boosting the economy. To do so it must prioritise the following key areas:
Using these recommendations as a roadmap will allow the UK to prioritise positive health and economic outcomes and chart a course out of the current illicit and prescription drug epidemic, whilst not depriving patients of treatment options.
Finally, I would like to conclude with a quote from the person who started it all, Hannah Deacon, who fought for the first legal patient license for her son Alfie and changed the law in the UK in 2018. Hannah is now Director of The Medicinal Cannabis Clinicians Society, Director of Maple Tree Consultants and continues her fight as a medical cannabis campaigner for the rights of other families to access this safe and effective medicine:
“From my first meeting with Home Office in 2018, I talked of how important it is for the Government and clinicians to reach out to colleagues within legal jurisdictions such as Australia to learn how the UK can ensure that medical cannabis legislation is put in place which benefits patients. It is paramount to learn from their mistakes and successes and try to ensure medical cannabis access is available to all who need it through the NHS. It is clear that the UK can learn so much from other countries, their doctors and the companies who create the products, who are ahead of us and without the UK government reaching out to these stakeholders my fear is that we will be forced to make the same mistakes as other countries, which only damages patients and their families and is likely to push already vulnerable people to the black market.”
submitted by growth-industries to MedicalCannabis_NI [link] [comments]

2024.01.18 00:26 ElectricalAd9212 Prayers for Catherine the Princess of Wales and King Charles and for those of knavish tricks who hate them to be thwarted and denied

Whether you are Anglican, Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox or Evangelical.
Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh.
Let us all send prayers up for the King and the future Queen.
Dear Lord, protect King Charles and his beloved Daughter-in-Law the Princess of Wales.
Please guide with wisdom all the doctors and nurses who provide healing and tender care for them.
Give strength and bravery to Queen Camilla and the children of the Princess of Wales so they do not worry and stress, especially to the Princes and Princess.
Give strength to Prince William as he carries his family in the next few weeks.
Please heal and protect them all.
And Dear Lord, protect the good and the kind against the wicked and malevolent who wish them ill.
Please remind the Princess of Wales of the love and esteem she is held in by all in her Kingdom, Commonwealth and beyond these realms too.
Let us carry those in our Royal Family who pray and care for us on the wings of our prayers today
Thank you, Lord

submitted by ElectricalAd9212 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 19:52 CounterSubstantial22 ZooPhobia: The Movie - Voice cast

I have selected all real actors who will voice all the characters and will appear in the movie theaters. If you pay off A24.
Jesse Eisenberg as Jackson Wells
Brandon Routh as Zillion Martinez
Emma Stone as Kayla Christling
Stephanie Beatriz as Vanexa Pierce
Ben Schwartz as Spam O'Brien
Justin Long as Rusty (Ruben)
David Cross as Autumn
Jenna Ortega as Jillian (Jackson's girlfriend)
Blake Roman as Damian Beelzly
Tara Strong as Cameron Walden
Ben Affleck as Fabian
Xzibit as Zechariah
Will Janowitz as Gustav
Macaulay Culkin as Addison Woods
Sarah Hyland as Veronika Woods
Erica Lindbeck as Camilla Jimenez
Grey DeLisle as Carrie (Carrietta Kweewa)
Leonardo Dicaprio as Tom (Thomas Monochrome)
Ashly Burch as MacKenzie Payoray
Vivian Nixon as Sahara "Sarah" Abara
Hayden Panettiere as Christine
Ginnifer Goodwin as Jackie Valdez
William Fichtner as Alanzo Valdez
Jessica DiCicco as Harlie Meadow
Erika Harlacher as Scarlet O'Brien
Danny Pudi as Austin O'Brien
Tobey Maguire as Nathan
Danny Tamberelli as Quintin
Lacey Chabert as Kimberly
Brandon Rogers as Nurse Chastopher
Hynden Walch as Doctor Keiko
Kath Soucie as Doctor Xynik
Cherami Leigh as Christina the Fennec Fox
Gavin Drea as Christopher the Blanford's Fox
Hailee Steinfeld as Rochelle the Corsac fox
James Yaegashi as Dan
Candi Milo as Latika Chokshi
Jennifer Jason Leigh as Mindy Wells (Jackson's mother)
George Clooney as Jonathan Wells (Jackson's father)
Jennifer Hale as Narissa Beelzly (Damian's mother)
Tony Todd as Lucifer Beelzly (Damian's father)
Danny Glover as Major Styx
Jeff Bergman as Major Stein
Vivian Nixon as Tentadora
Charlie Schlatter as Leonardo
Patton Oswalt as Vincent
Laura Bailey as Spring
Hynden Walch as Summer
Josh Brener as Winter
Fred Tatasciore as Phineas
Nicole Sullivan as Mirage
Zach Braff as Taylor Valdez
Eliza Coupe as Daphne Dafadiellia
Kari Wahlgren as Baltimore Starlena
April Winchell as Dr. Angelica (Annie)
Kirsten Dunst as Dove
Alex Wittig as Allen Marcini
Markiplier as Shawn Belhem
Kristen Bell as Martha Marcini (Allen's mother)
Bruce Campbell as Anthony Marcini (Allen's father)
Joe Lo Truglio as Leeson
Randy Pearlstein as The Janitor
Danny Mastrogiorgio as The Catholic Priest
Candi Milo as Rusty's mother
Jim Cummings as Rusty's father
Vivienne Medrano as Herself
Brandon Rogers as Himself
Adam Neylan as Himself
submitted by CounterSubstantial22 to zoophobia [link] [comments]

2024.01.04 07:45 Ardeet Australia Talks - 3 Jan 2024: Top Stories of 2023

DarkestKnight and Ardeet discuss:
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:09:00 - Top Stories of 2023 part 1
00:26:56 - Two Ticks Town Talk is Marree, South Australia
00:56:09 - Top Stories of 2023 part 2
01:21:58 - This week in Australian history 19-26 December
01:33:35 - XXXX bottle top quiz
'Australia Talks' is the official podcast of the australian subreddit.
Available on all major podcast platforms or direct via Podbean.
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submitted by Ardeet to australian [link] [comments]

2023.12.19 14:26 nsinc89 Teething / Help Me!

I posted something a couple of days ago and nothing has improved.
Would you redo sleep training if your LO was getting three new teeth? They haven’t fully erupted yet but it’s been about a week already. We’ve tried giving Tylenol and Camilla drops. It doesn’t stop him from crying.
We’ve tried doing 1-2 min checks every 10-15 minutes. Hasn’t helped. This cycle goes on for over an hour.
Sometimes nursing doesn’t even help. He just cries as soon as we put him in his crib for the night.
Naps no problem in his crib during the day and was sleeping through the night about 2.5 weeks ago no problem.
Working on crawling right now big time during the day.
How long would you let him cry it out? Should you stop the checks? Wait until the teeth emerged? He also stops crying a lot when I pick him up. Not sure if he is playing tricks on me.
Help. One sleep deprived mom.
submitted by nsinc89 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]