Notice of eviction letter sample


2020.08.23 10:01 granthinton TheCorpusArcade

The Corpus Arcade is a horror themed arcade with diabolical games that linger long after the player has gone home. Last month a sinister corporation sent an eviction notice to Arthur, the owner of the store, ever since then the machines have come to life. Can the machines save the fate of the Corpus Arcade? That’s up to them to decide.

2012.01.11 22:21 StormTAG Anime Memes

An anime meme subreddit that's friendly for women, queer people, and generally marginalized anime fans who want a break from how toxic anime spaces usually are. Of course, anyone is welcome, but be respectful to the intention of the space. Also consider joining us on discord!

2009.07.18 17:57 ThePowerOfGeek A Song of Ice and Fire

News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series.

2024.06.01 11:46 chelok Compatible PSU for HP ProDesk 400 G4 Desktop Mini

Are all HP 7.4x5mm barrel with centre pin external PSU models compatible with this system?
There are so many different model/regulatory, part, & spare numbers listed on each PSU that I am getting a bit confused. I have noticed all the physically compatible (7.4x5mm w/ centre pin) PSUs are model/regulatory number "PPP009" followed by a letter, e.g. PPP009D, PPP009L, etc
I have been to HP Part surfer, and it list part number 932447-850 & L40094-001 for the PSU, but both cost around a 1/3 of PC itself (i3-8100T/2x4GB/250GB SSD). As I need 10 PSUs, the cost adds up, and I am forced to look for older models.
submitted by chelok to Hewlett_Packard [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:43 InSearchOfGreenLight I’m Sorry

Im sorry about what happened. I didn’t disappear on you intentionally.
If you remember 2010, I left because i had no idea you might have feelings for me or that i did and because i thought you didn’t care about me as a friend. Seemed like you had so many good friends and i was afraid that you would hurt me like N did. Im weird about friendships because I barely had any growing up and seemed to constantly lose friends. I didn’t leave to hurt you I just thought you wouldn’t notice.
Then more recently, i was in love with you. I didn’t want to hurt you. Not ever. I started to think you were using me along with him encouraging that idea then the proxy changed and became nasty and i didnt even know you were still out there loving me. I didn’t know it hurt you and realizing last night from your letter hit me like a truck cause i never wanted to be the person that appears to prove your trauma fears right especially not for you. I know what thats like and i know how horrible it feels (though with a different trauma of course) and it pains me so much that thats how it was for you.
Im so sorry but as i was saying I didn’t do it on purpose. I just didn’t even know. The thing about our relationship is it was through letters and i stopped looking at letters and i guess I stopped writing them too. So you couldn’t know and i dont remember seeing anything from you. I vaguely remember you were upset that i was talking to him but i don’t know if you knew he ghosted me after seeing my picture. I dunno. I was so lost and confused at the time. Writing letters became too difficult, thats why i stopped.
I guess i am a terrible person. I shouldn’t have talked to him though i remember someone kept trying to talk to me during the beginning. It was probably him.
And based on the fact that i got psychosis just from talking to a dude casually a while before that (when we werent talking cause you told me to leave you alone, which id still like to know what happened there, that whole thing really hurt me but that’s not the point of this), i was far too traumatized by men then to have any clue about him (A). Unfortunately. (Btw, i wish we had a more private place to hash out private things)
Im not trying to make excuses and please don’t say i am (cause my mom has forever and ever) but this whole thing was more complicated than perhaps you thought.
Im conflicted because i feel like this is the path i had to go down, to find myself and figure out my traumas but i never meant to hurt you along the way. I never wanted you to feel abandoned and left without a word. I can’t imagine how that must have felt. This will eat away at me probably for the rest of my life.
Im sorry, this is a shitty explanation and apology but apparently all i could come up with at the moment. My brain is all over the place.
So, thats why i thought you wouldnt want to give it a try anymore. Seemed too terrible to ever trust me again.
I do love you (but without any contact how can i show you? I wanna show you) and i see a future everywhere around me of us. Comes up unbidden. Sometimes i think i hear you, im not sure. And i worry im so bad at just everything that youll think im just some user. I don’t know how many users go through extreme embarrassment though lol. They’d be smoother too. Im so awkward.
I froze when i realized just what id done (inadvertently). From the letter. I shut down completely. My guilt is never ending, what’s some more. But for reasons i can’t explain right now (one day though) this guilt is extra excruciating. Cause it’s you. The one i adore most.
You always thought (it seemed) that id done something to hurt you with all this intangible guilt i carried around but it was just how i annihilated the whole world.
I wish i could hold you. You can yell at me if you want. If it helps. I wish i could just be near you.
It’s been like 5 years. I can’t believe it. We’re due to see each other again.
Anyway, i love you and i hope you have sweet dreams when you sleep baby (he calls you babygirl ive noticed). I’ll stop calling you that.
submitted by InSearchOfGreenLight to u/InSearchOfGreenLight [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:58 MercyOnline How long after replying to a section 172 to hear back?

I got a speeding notice and I returned the section 172 notice via the online form confirming that it was me in the car. How long does it typically take to hear of their decision? I know the 2 options are Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) or a letter telling me to go to court I was going 55mph in a 40mph lane (yes, I know it's stupid and I shouldn't have done that) Would that send me to court? I don't have any other points on my license and I've had my license for longer than 2 years (5 years now)
submitted by MercyOnline to drivingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:43 atomicrose555 Greenish purulent discharge from puppy vulva

Hey I have an 18 week old Aussie mix. She jumped up on me Thursday and I noticed some light greenish purulent discharge on the fur of her vulva. I wiped it with my fingers and it was kinda sticky. I took her right to the vet. They said she's really young for it to be pyometra and she thinks it's a UTI or other infection. I got a urine sample off her pee mat and brought it in Fri and they did a dip test and said there are white blood cells and gave her amoxicillin 3x a day for 7 days and sent the urine off for a culture. She's acting totally normal, eating, drinking etc. should I be doing anything else. I'm worried like what if it is pyometra? She's set to be spayed in July.
submitted by atomicrose555 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:36 smx11037 Does Maya have no limit for free cash-in via The SM Store?

Does Maya have no limit for free cash-in via The SM Store?
I'm a bit confused and need clariffication. It would help if someone who has experienced cashing-in via SM Store (not Hypermarket/Supermarket) can share their experience.
I know about Maya's thing wherein every month, if you cash-in with 8,000 or less, you will get back the 2% fee via cashback (essentially free cash-in). Any amount over the 8,000 will incur the usual 2% fee. This is usually clearly written on the page/screen that you get after you choose to Cash-In in the app > Choose partnered store > Enter Amount. This is true when choosing SM Hypermarket/Supermarket for the partnered store (according to what's written on the said page/screen).
sample image. the last * specifically mentions the Php 8.000 thing. in this case, you will get 160 php back from the 200 php fee.
In The SM Store however, it doesn't necessarily mention the 8,000 php thing. It does mention the 2% cashback/rebate, which leads me to believe that you will get back the whole fee via cashback?
sample image. notice how it doesn't specify the 8.000 php anymore.
So is this just a case of they forgot to mention the Php 8,000 specifically or you really do get back the full fee?
submitted by smx11037 to DigitalbanksPh [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:21 joebidenobamajfk I (21F) don't know if my boyfriend (20M) of four years likes me anymore......

We started dating in high-school and haven't been with any other people except for each other. I don't remember much from the beginning other than that we had alot of fun and enjoyed spending time with each other. Gradually things changed and we spend less time with each other now. Im always the one who calls and asks if he want to hang out. On the rare occasion that we go on a date I'm the one who asks him out and make all the plans. I'm the one who starts a conversation between us. I'm the one who tries to do things. I tried to convince myself that we have different love languages but latley I don't know anymore. When I'm myself it feels like he's bored or annoyed at me. I put on my cute side and then he tells me I'm cute and cuddles with me (basically the only time he gives me compliments). The only time I feel like he wants me is when hes horny, which I rarely am. The sex isn't passionate or romantic anymore, just sex. I noticed it the last time we had it, I felt somewhat used afterwards. I love him and I know he loves me. He has helped me and my family through alot of financial troubles but he kind of makes me feel guilty about him helping sometimes. I always look my best for him and try to be my nicest version of myself. I put in alot of effort to make things work. Latley he's been getting alot into guitar and everytimw we hang out he plays it. He is completely focused and dosent even aknowglede my existence. I get annoyed sometimes and beg him to stop playing but afterwards he gets annoyed and irritated at me. Don't get me wrong I love that he is passionate about something but I feel a little worthless when hes more passionate and focused on a guitar than me. When he eventually stops playing he just sits next to me quiet. He never wants to go out or do anything. On valentines day he is the sweetest but other than that he is treating me kind of weird. Ive told him multiple times that I don't feel appreciated and that it wouldn't hurt if he took me on a date or gave me a gift (date=a picnic in the forest, gift=flowers that he literally can pick outside?).wI've explained that he dosent need to buy anything, he could literally give me a rock as a gift and I would cherish it. Whenever Damn it sounds kinda sad now that I'm writing it out. He tells me hes going to try more but he never does. That's the thing. He never does. Whenever we fight he always tells me that I make him feel like the worst boyfriend and that he is always wrong and never right. He also yells alot when he is mad something that I have explained to him that I really don't accept. I've always felt like I could manage it and that it was fixable until the other day when we were with his friends that I've recently gotten to know. I tried to be cute and nice to him but he straight up ignored me. His friends spoke to me and we had really fun but my BOYFRIEND literally ignored me. Whenever we're in a group setting it's like I'm not even there. I love him and I've put in so much effort into making all this work but it's really hard lately. He sometimes makes fun of me in a really mean way. I used to always Handmake gifts and love letters. Ive bought him flowers and taken him on dates. When I try to talk to him about all this he makes me feel like I'm too demanding. He uses exuces as well. That he is stressed out or that he has alot going on... WE ALL HAVE BUDDY. Idk maybe I am over thinking all this even though I'm pretty sure that I'm not. I love him more than anything. I'm happy when he's happy, he just never seems happy when I'm with him. What do you think I should do? Please help. What can I do to make things better? I think he loves me but I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like me.
TLDR: My boyfriend dosent really appreciate me and he makes me feel bad about it. I put in alot of effort and he would rather spend his time on a inanimate object than me. Don't know what to do.
submitted by joebidenobamajfk to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:18 YLRESS Further Steps Notice, Need Advice!

Late last year I had my car clamped and fined by the DVLA for not having the vehicle taxed, and it being on the road (where it gets parked).
I paid for clamp removal, taxed the vehicle and paid the late penalty fine.
However, another fine was issued as the car was sighted on the road and clamped, which I can only assume is a second fine they apply once the clamp is on. Because the car is still parked in the same place?
Unfortunately, this is outside of my new address, and most of these letter have been going to my old address, as the logbook wasn't updated.
I was informed by an old neighbour of a Further Steps Notice that has my name on it, and have since collected and paid the fine.
I've also now updated the logbook for the vehicle, and wondered if this payment resolves the matter completely? It does say payment will cancel any further action on The Further Steps Notice.
My question is, does this resolve everything with the DVLA & Courts? Is it dealt with? Is there anything else I need to action?
I've never received a Further Steps notice, so this is all new to me.
submitted by YLRESS to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:08 Litell_Johnn The lyrics of and parallels with the Loona discography

One of the recurring characteristics of Loona's discography up to [X X] was lyrical self-referencing: phrases and motifs that would occur in one song and then reappear down the line. It could be a little too much sometimes, but it was a reliable way to keep up the fan engagement and build something like a lyrical identity for Loona alongside a sonic one.
I wrote a post about this five years ago, and I think Dall is the first album since then to really obviously lean into it. So that warrants a follow-up. This is not a theory post - it only examines the text of the lyrics and what connections I draw there.
Translations below are from our Team Subbit versions. Along the way, I also wanted to highlight a few translation notes for discussion.

Virtual Angel

The last time we saw reference to an angel was "Egoist"'s MV, which cast Jinsoul as a "fallen angel" in big neon letters. It's interesting to me that this song, with its broken wings and vision of Eden, leans most heavily on the yyxy era, with none of those members belonging to ARTMS. Looking past that, lyrically I think it does enough to give a sense of closure to the yyxy stories.
In my frozen heart Flowers have newly bloomed And what I’d hidden inside the freezing point Is my heart for you, encased in ice Your angel
This is a reprise of yyxy's "Frozen", which is entirely about the narrator being trapped in a metaphorical ice castle and being thawed out of it by love. We see the same imagery of flowers blooming to signify the thaw. Here's the chorus of that song:
Frozen, frozen Thaw me before it's too late Shine your light And bloom a flower upon frozen lands Hold me, hold me, oh now, right now Thaw me, thaw me, even warmer for me Hold me, hold me, deeper and deeper Would you become my sun
The sin of having swallowed the sun Forgiven in this moment
The most overt reference in the album is, of course, from "Singing in the Rain"'s iconic prechorus 1:
For the sin of having swallowed the daytime sun Burning up, here I am
And you may remember Jinsoul already called this back in "Egoist"'s rap break:
Hey, for the sin of having swallowed you You, beautiful, grow larger You are me, now I am you
Also a translation note: I think the Modhaus sub on this line is mistaken. It currently reads "The sin of absorbing the sun // The moment it causes harm", which is just not what the original says. My best guess is that someone misread "사해진" ["forgiven", archaic] as "상해진" ["spoiled"].
The Moon’s risen and my heart is complete Your angel
Moonrise is such a common image with Loona that you could name a whole bunch of songs here - "Loonatic", "Satellite", "PTT", "Wow", "Need U", and "Pale Blue Dot" just to name a few. But the way this is written specifically reminded me of two things. One is the chorus of "Let Me In", in the sense that both lines begin with the words "달이 뜨고" ("Moon rises and") followed by some kind of transformation:
The moon rises and I become you
The other is the final chorus of "Heat", where moonrise also functions as a signal:
Today I prepared for you A beautiful star is shining bright (I want to float up higher, above) This isn't the end, look up and look for me (Turn around) There, the moon is risen tonight (tonight, oh)
When I open my eyes as a butterfly Save me, savior
References to Loona's most representative song, "Butterfly", have been the most common shared thread among post-lawsuit work: see Loossemble's "A Butterfly's Signal" or Heejin's "Sad Girls Club". This one is kind of random and I think it actually takes away from the song's focus a little, but it's there.
Another translation note that the "저장" ("save") in "save me" is not the word for "rescue", but instead the one for "preserve" or "keep" - like saving a digital file. So the line is not as redundant as it looks, and also helps prime for the next line where Haseul says happiness is "through the line" (which I'm reading as in electronic cords and cables).


Before the Sun goes down Come fetch quickly For the Moon will rise soon
It's moonrise again, but with a subtle difference. The verb used in "Virtual Angel", "Let Me In", and "Heat" is "뜨다", literally just "to rise". This one is "차오르다", which is actually more commonly used to mean the waxing of the Moon. The translation chosen here is "rise" because it's not unheard of for it to be used as "rise" and it contrasts with the sundown line above, but worth highlighting.
Trivia: has any Loona song used the "wax" verb before? Yes! One I recall is "365", where Loona liken themselves to the Moon:
I'd grow ever so small but then A tad closer towards you Again I wax and wane
A different emotion We follow the light
I don't actually think this is a throwback because it's a common phrase, but I just wanted to highlight just how many times "follow the light" is used in the discography because it's a lot. All of these use the exact same phrasing ("빛을 따라") even when translated slightly differently for context.
Sonatine, bridge:
Following the faraway light
Chaotic, bridge:
Following that light, reach out to me
Rosy, bridge:
Following that light, shining on me quietly
Day & Night, prechorus:
Like a habit, I walk towards your light
Flip That, prechorus:
Following the new light that pulls me still
Day by Day, verse 1:
Following the light engraved in old memories

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This is one of the most celestially-themed tracks any of them have ever done, which is saying something given the entire discography. As a result it has passing shades of a lot of different tracks that I won't bother to name, like the blooming image of "Chaotic" and the orbiting of "Satellite". The 12 constellations and 12 months bits are super on the nose and I'm all for it.
Following the twinkling Morse code I am called dimly Click click, right here [...] The signal comes through clearly Click click, here
The most obvious parallel is another yyxy song, "Rendezvous 18.6y". Both tracks use radio signals and scanning/tuning them as a metaphor for yearning and connection, and Hitchhiker massively expands the scale of that metaphor. Here's the opening verse of Rendezvous:
Where is it from? A sound coming from somewhere Seems to have found me again, this familiar radio tone (8 point 5, what is your signal?) Among the many faint noises, coming clear Is your feelings, making me fly (fly fly fly)
While we're at it, even this jazz-standard line is kind of a throwback.
Fly me to the moon
Let's stay on the moon On the way back there [...] Let me fly to the moon
Tonight perhaps two Moons may rise
The obvious comparison is Loonatic, which goes:
Three moons rise up (I'm not insane)
and also has Milky Way references just like this song. The other line that's kind of written like this is "PTT"'s "Keep open the 12 different doors", though I think I'm content to let those lyrics lie.

Flower Rhythm

Adorning the sky, mystical sway Causes your heart to open too
So this reminded me of OEC's "Starlight", but only because I thought that song also combined the word "수놓다" ("to embroider", but more often used metaphorically for stars or other shiny things in the sky) with a sense of something opening. What "Starlight" actually says is this:
Like lighting in the sky The starlight slowly turns on The password solved, this night unlocks
So it was kind of similar (the "unlock" there is the same word as "open"), just without the word "adorn".
More trivia: that embroideadorn word is used in four songs -
D-1, verse 1:
Rainbow of shining stars, the studded bridge
U R, chorus:
It’s like the dotted starlight Is surrounding me
Newtopia, verse 1:
Following the tip of the star-adorned orbit
Day by Day, verse 2:
Adorning my heart full

Candy Crush

Given the subject matter, there are some natural similarities to Choerry's "Puzzle" and the aforementioned "Starlight". I love the spilling/showering light imagery at the start, which "Need U" also pulled off well:
The deepest night Light showering above my head (Candy Crush)
And stars of such faith rain down They rain to make the whole universe shine (Need U)
But I didn't notice any specific wording that hearkens back to older songs. (Obviously "Plastic Candy" can't count since it's the whole song's reference.)


Been been there and I’ve been been there Feel it, what what, a totally different deja vu
As we know, this is just "Butterfly". The first line is obvious and the second line is the opener of that song:
Will you whisper, you're the deja vu that wakes me up
I'm not sure there's anything else in this one, other than "Air Force One" which again shouldn't count. Daft Punk I guess?


This one stands out lyrically from the rest of the album, because of how down-to-earth and comparatively mundane it is. Reminds me of "Valentine Girl" and "Ding Ding Dong" in vibes, if not in expression.


It's a little curious to me that they translated this title to "Distress". It's not totally wrong, but the word "조난" specifically refers to a shipwreck or stranding. That's the reason why the song refers to signs, lights and sirens, and the context for its overall sense of being lost and drifting. I guess a distress call is maybe what they were going for.
Between the time I’ve waited Always that same light
The concept of being or going "between time" is not uncommon in lyricism, probably because it's evocative yet ambiguous. I also don't think this one is an intentional callback, just a reused phrase. We see it in a few spots in the discography (interestingly, they're all songs mentioned already).
Puzzle, prechorus 1:
Between the cracks of time that passed by, you graze through
Loonatic, last chorus:
Three moons rise up (I'm not insane) Between time that has stopped
D-1, verse 1:
Between a changed passage of time
Rendezvous 18.6y, verse 2:
Beyond the gaps between renewed time and space

Butterfly Effect

As they have said, this is basically a Butterfly sequel. Perfect title as well.
Do you remember The way it began as a little fluttering of wings I’m still believing Ever since that day, it grew, the hurricane in my heart (Butterfly Effect)
It starts with a little fluttering of wings Now inside my heart a hurricane (Butterfly)
The torn paper moon It’s drifted too far away now, can’t reach it (Butterfly Effect)
A folded paper moon, as if to circle between it (Butterfly)
Full of newness, at the end of the long journey I think I’ve reached it, dream of mine Look at the world, distant, at the end of the long journey I think it’s a new beginning, dreams of mine (Butterfly Effect)
The world becomes smaller Take me way too far, become new In this moment dreams, dreams may come true (Butterfly)


I've posted a comment before about how the Modhaus translation departs from the original. Other than that, this is a wholly original text that doesn't really have a comparison among Loona's past lyrics. Maybe it could be a new archetype for ARTMS.
I will make one shoutout to the "My birth through a false smile" line. It's like a yandere version of the "My day filled with fake smiles" bit from "See Saw".
submitted by Litell_Johnn to LOONA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:56 MediaParticular6666 Girlfriend got fired from her day care job and needs advice

My girlfriend has worked at a daycare for five months and just passed her probation period. Today, she was fired because she was allegedly yelling at the children, an issue for which she had already received a written warning . Her boss claims to have heard her yelling again today and fired her immediately.
The daycare center is a well-known name, and the center where my girlfriend works is one of its branches. Her boss is the supervisor. My girlfriend thinks to confront this issue is a too big burden for her at this point because she needs a visa. She isn't convinced that the head office will support her, not the boss. She rather wants to move on and find another job. But I'd still want to seek for advice what's best option for her because she doesn’t deserve this termination.
I may not be entirely objective in presenting her defense and the unfairness she feels because of our relationship, but please allow me to explain her situation:
  1. In her defense, my girlfriend states that she was not yelling but was making a loud sound to get all the children’s attention for lunch. Her boss said that the lunch lady and other teachers heard her yelling, but the teachers in the same classroom as my girlfriend said there was no yelling or anything that might have upset the children. While she admitted to yelling during the first incident of what she received a warning, she insists that this time she did not. It's essentially her word against her boss's, but the teachers in her classroom defend her. She is uncertain if others outside the classroom actually heard her yelling or if it is just her boss's bluff.
  2. Her boss is known for favoritism and taking advantage of teachers who need working visas, including my girlfriend. My girlfriend is Asian, and many of her coworkers are from India, meaning they need their working visas to stay in Canada. Although my girlfriend hasn't experienced overt unfair treatment directly, she has complained to me about the boss being subtly racist toward non-Canadian teachers, such as not approving holidays without reason and ignoring messages from non-Canadian teachers. Many teachers who aren’t Canadian feel the same way. My girlfriend's closest coworker believes that she should challenge the boss's favoritism to get her job back, as there are teachers willing to back her up. (This might be tricky though, because they will be afraid to lose their job if they defend my girlfriend).
  3. Despite the situation, my girlfriend is a good teacher. She has strong bonds with the children and parents, who have often complimented her even though she has only worked for five months. When she first started, the center was disorganized, with teachers not engaging with the children. She couldn't let that happen and worked hard to improve the situation, even without much help from her coworkers. Now, with her new coworkers, she has helped make the center organized and well-run, leading the efforts. Her leadership has been acknowledged by the center coordinator, cleaning staff, and parents, though not by her boss, who is rarely present in the room. The boss likely wouldn’t even notice the improvements. Her coworker believes the termination was too sudden and unfair, and at least two or three parents are willing to write letters to the center to support her reinstatement because they recognize she is a good teacher.
My girlfriend is heartbroken. She cried because the firing was sudden, because she doesn’t remember yelling, because she needs her visa, but most of all, she cried the most because she couldn’t say goodbye to the children. As it seems like my girlfriend won’t take action herself, I’m seeking advice on her behalf. What should she do next?
submitted by MediaParticular6666 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:55 Valerius01 Got a new job, I need help on how I can handover to the next person before I leave the company.

I have been working for the company I work at for 11 years. I started as a intern after a year I was promoted to a technician and dealt with support calls mostly and after a couple years I because the security administrator from 2016 to date.
During the 8 years I worked on my more then just security I also single handedly deployed over 8 open source solutions like Wazuh, snipeIT, Passbolt, seedDMS, OsTicket to name a few. While on the other handly I was setup and configured the entire Azure cloud offering and managed Intune, Sccm, Scom
I was the jack of all trades.
Now towards the end of 2023 I'm December I went for a interview and about two weeks ago I received an offer letter which I signed(my manager was not happy). From the 1st of June (which is today) I start serving my notice period and from the 1st of July I start at My new job as a Deputy director within ICT.
Now what would be the best way to hand over so the colleagues staying behind at my old job can be able to handle the work load ?
Now the challenge I am facing is that most of the systems I deployed are Linux some are using docker and my colleagues have no Experience with these technologies let alone knowing how to use tools like PowerShell for scripts in Scom and Sccm or just doing admin tasks.
How do I best facilitate or help them transition so that after I leave the company end of June they won't bother me?
submitted by Valerius01 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:54 exsaphhi Zimbabwe and New Caledonia are the point (and why that’s not what is happening here)

The more conspiracist someone in New Zealand is, the more likely they are to bring up Zimbabwe. I know that because I have a cooker in my family, and by god, you’d think the place was his home country for the amount he talks about it. But it’s become a real conspiracy for the right, and an angle from verified bad actor accounts that was modded out of this sub at our beginning.
And the reason why there’s a direct correlation between conspiracists and Zimbabwe stans is that you can’t help but notice their fears of history repeating fall apart somewhat when you actually look into it. For a start, you can blame one person for the deaths and economic devastation caused by Mugabe, and that Tony Blair, because he kicked the whole thing off when he walked back Thatcher’s promise of 50% of the compensation for white landowners. Thatcher did like one decent thing and Blair came in and messed it up. Not without context. But through its entire history, it is the UK’s choices and the choices of her colonial government there that spur change and negative outcomes in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe was first thought to be mineral rich at its early 1890 settlement, and a lot of money was put into getting prospectors to Southern Rhodesia. When this return didn’t eventuate, land was given to the settlers instead in hope their farming could become productive enough to cover the settlements continuing administrative costs. By 1986 they had distributed 16 million hectares, a sixth of Southern Rhodesia, and by 1917, this was up to 21.5 million hectares. However, this expanse of farming would cause friction of land rights and grazing rights with the two resident groups already living there. Cattle in the region expanded from about 60 000, owned mostly by the preexisting Ndebele and Shona peoples, to up to 2 million split evenly between both groups, leading to overgrazing and land competition.
The solution in the 1930s by the colonial government was a segregated land distribution method split into five parts, with the best 3/5 being reserved for white owners and the much more unusable remainder of the land being split amongst black land owners — despite them being greater in number than white people. White people had so much productive land they literally couldn’t farm it all, while the remaining Tribal Trust land was still being overfarmed, forcing black Rhodesians to seek work in cities and the colonial government to introduce forced destocking measures (sell or slaughter excess animals), as well as putting aside 7.2 million more acres for native farmers to purchase.
The 50s saw attempts at redistribution that ultimately failed and authority for this would then be vested the traditional tribal leaders.
The beginning of the 60s were an attempt to introduce a semblance of actual land parity, splitting the land 50/50 with whites and blacks — unfortunately this didn’t work very well because black people greatly outnumbered white people, and the fertile land was still just given to whites. Abuses of the system also saw white people legally shift their boundaries to claim black land resulting in evictions that would create Nationalist sympathies leading to the following war.
60s-70s was the Rhodesian Bush War between three groups, one of them being the colonial government, and resulting in Mugabe taking power. He was left juggling the land issue along with the cohesion of his new coalition. Farmer workers had fled to cities during the fighting and been organised into guarded settlements following state suppression of armed conflicts. More land was made available to purchase by people of any race, and then race-based ownership was abolished completely in 1979. Despite this, white farmers owned 73% of fertile land and contributed 80% of agricultural output.
Under a doctrine of willing buyer, willing seller for at least ten years, the US and the UK agreed to finance part of the redistribution costs, and Southern Rhodesia was recognised as finally-independent Zimbabwe. However, land inequality and erosion of black land due to forced overfarming continued, but white-owned commercial farms were reduced by about 20% by 1987, and progress was continued into the 90s. However corruption issues began to emerge with land and leases going to Mugabe’s family and political associates as well as other powerful people. Donor and investor states became concerned with who was benefitting, heightened when Mugabe took powers to supersede the courts. He held that land was a political matter only, not judicial.
British opinion in funding this programme would deteriorate, until the Short and the then-Labour government would deny their obligation to support the redistribution programme.
I should make it clear that we do not accept that Britain has a special responsibility to meet the costs of land purchase in Zimbabwe. We are a new government from diverse backgrounds without links to former colonial interests. My own origins are Irish and, as you know, we were colonised, not colonisers.
In June 1998, the Zimbabwe government published its "policy framework" on the Land Reform and Resettlement Programme Phase II (LRRP II), which envisaged the compulsory purchase over five years of 50,000 square kilometres from the 112,000 square kilometres owned by white commercial farmers, public corporations, churches, non-governmental organisations and multinational companies. Broken down, the 50,000 square kilometres meant that every year between 1998 and 2003, the government intended to purchase 10,000 square kilometres for redistribution.
In September 1998, the government called a donors conference in Harare on LRRP II to inform the donor community and involve them in the program: Forty-eight countries and international organisations attended and unanimously endorsed the land program, saying it was essential for poverty reduction, political stability and economic growth. They agreed that the inception phase, covering the first 24 months, should start immediately, particularly appreciating the political imperative and urgency of the proposal.
The Commercial Farmers Union freely offered to sell the government 15,000 square kilometres for redistribution, but landowners once again dragged their feet. In response to moves by the National Constitutional Assembly, a group of academics, trade unionists and other political activists, the government drafted a new constitution. The draft was discussed widely by the public in formal meetings and amended to include restrictions on presidential powers, limits to the presidential term of office, and an age limit of 70 for presidential candidates. This was not seen as a suitable outcome for the government, so the proposals were amended to replace those clauses with one to compulsorily acquire land for redistribution without compensation. The opposition mostly boycotted the drafting stage of the constitution claiming that this new version was to entrench Mugabe politically.
Guerrilla veterans of the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANLA) and Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) began to emerge as a radical force in the land issue around this time. The guerrillas forcefully presented their position that white-owned land in Zimbabwe was rightfully theirs, on account of promises made to them during the Rhodesian Bush War. Calls for accelerated land reform were also echoed by an affluent urban class of black Zimbabweans who were interested in making inroads into commercial farming, with public assistance.
The government held a referendum on the new constitution on 12–13 February 2000, despite having a sufficiently large majority in parliament to pass any amendment it wished. Had it been approved, the new constitution would have empowered the government to acquire land compulsorily without compensation. Despite vast support in the media, the new constitution was defeated, 55% to 45%.
In response, a pro-Mugabe group marched on white owned farms, forcing them and their usually-black workers off their farms without compensation. In the subsequent years of land confiscation, several farm owners and more workers would be killed.
Some of this land ended up under the control of Mugabe and other politicians, however by 2011, 238,000 households had been apportioned from 10 million hectares of land, an improvement of 3.5 million over the 20 years up until 1998. In 2019, white Zimbabwean farmers accepted $17 million USD in compensation, and in 2020 the Zimbabwe government would commit to paying back a further 3.5 billion.
How does this relate to New Zealand?
Well let’s start with the obvious: land distribution issues do not go away because you want them to, nor will democracy protect you from it if you shit on the people you took the land from. Zimbabwe happened because landowners dragged their feet in every decade for a century, and a radicalised political faction springing from this injustice decided legal methods were not the way to go. By the time people were willing to come to the table to resolve it, they were a good fifty behind when they should have and it was too late.
Secondly, picking and choosing what you give back doesn’t work if you’re still just fucking over the tribes you’re giving stuff to to advantage yourself. If you say, give someone a couple of million dollars of value in exchange for the entire canterbury and otago regions, they may decide in 30 years time that wasn’t a very fair deal. And they’re probably right.
Thirdly, black people are not doing well right now in Zimbabwe and neither are white people. But the black people already weren’t doing well. You may look at Zimbabwe and say, well they’ve screwed over their own economy there. But they didn’t. They screwed over the white economy that too many of them already weren’t benefitting from. You see the stability a strong economy gives you and think that other people are benefitting too; Zimbabwe did get a lot out of their land in the 1900s due to colonial investment. But it didn’t benefit all people, and the failure to lift everyone in the rising tide sunk ALL the ships.
The Treaty idea of Partnership is the compromise. Giving back tiny bits of land and small change is the baby steps. Start taking us backwards and you’ll make Maori realise just how shortchanged they’ve been, and the natural result of that is not that they go away, it’s that they start demanding more.
But the level of disenfranchisement, of disrespect, of disempowerment does have to reach a much more egregious level than the situation we have here to result in widespread violence. Six months of Shane Jones does not a civil war make. It is a long, long process to get to a point where a country is that divided, and a lot of legitimate legal, political, and negotiating instruments have to fail. There is also a certain level of disinvestment people have to feel in the overall system to throw what they have away — there’s a reason socialist revolutions don’t come from peaceful, placated societies, even the ones educated enough to know there is something wrong. So therefore, progress must be made gradually through peace and cooperation, because unilateral force always has lasting negative consequences. Attempts to forge ahead with reform despite unhappiness of particular groups, even when legally decided will work out worse for everyone.
There are going to be a million opportunities to turn this ship around. This relationship is nowhere near beyond repair, even between this government and iwi. If Luxon had a spine, he would sit down with them and promise to reverse course, and probably send us all back to the polls as a result. He won’t. But I’m pretty confident he won’t win the next election either, whenever it is, and this country isn’t nearly so divided enough to split down the middle along race grounds, no matter what Seymour wants. But to unify, to meet in the middle, you have to stop considering what you think is fair and start hearing what the other group wants and why.
Otherwise we’re just letting corrupt politicians make land grabs while they cut us in half.
submitted by exsaphhi to nzpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:19 Few_Impression_1698 Question About Fixed-Term Rental Lease

Hi, Community.
Thank you for your attention for my post. I am currently living in a room of a house in East Vancouver with one-year-fixed-term lease, and the lease will terminate on Jun. 1st, 2024 (i.e. tomorrow). In the lease, my landlord marked the option that tenant (me) must be evacuated by the end of the lease, with the reason of "landlord's own use". I already found a new rental unit and will move out soon. Since I assumed that the lease will end, I didn't ask landlord to provide a 2-month eviction notice.
However, I randomly found from a local rental market website last night, that my landlord is posting rental ad (with ambiguous address info, but clearly the same room pictures and landlord's contact) for the rooms from the same house where I currently live, including my room. So I am wondering if this is legal, because in the lease, the eviction reason is "for landlord's own use", but apparently they are trying to re-rent it after I move out.
Thank you so much,
submitted by Few_Impression_1698 to vancouverhousing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:15 kyyface Found out my grandma likely had this disorder, it’s bringing up so much & idk how to make sense of it.

She died last May (in a very odd way, I’ll get to that later), and since then so much has been coming to light.
I’m going to call my mom “R” and my grandma “E”.
• R thought she had a tumour in her brain until she was 40 years old, when she called the children’s hospital (whom she described had “experimented” on her, which turned out to be all E’s doing) and they told her they didn’t find anything wrong based on what E said, but that R did have severe ADHD, which she was never aware of. Obviously this affected her deeply, but not in the ways E claimed; which was essentially brain damage, among other things.
• R had me as a teen so E has always had control over us. For as long as I can remember I’ve been “sick”. As a child I felt in my heart that I wasn’t going to live long. I was always in the hospital, on meds, getting scans, pokes, tests; you name it. And I, to this day, have no idea why. I’ve been healthy since I left home. Mentally, I’m a wreck. But I have a shit ton of trauma. My therapist has suggested that the “health issues” I remember experiencing as a kid were likely the effect of high cortisol and adrenaline. Along with “cult-like” manipulation tactics.
• I am diagnosed with CPTSD, OCD, ASD, and ADHD. I also struggle with chronic panic attacks and health anxiety.
• E was a social worker and specialized in psych. I remember her pouring over the DSM, and proudly armchair diagnosing and lording her knowledge over people. I remember one time she told me about Munchausen by Proxy, and she was fascinated by it. It’s burned into my brain. I’d find myself reliving that moment and remembering the light in her eyes as she explained it. When I found out she likely had this disorder my blood ran cold and that moment flashed back. It’s crazy to think my nervous system has been trying to tell me all this time.
• Further to the last point, E knew R and I were neurodivergent; I suspect my great grandma was as well, and E hated her mother for being “ditsy” and “messy”. Which is partly why I think she tried to manipulate us. I stopped talking to E two years ago because I found out, after a lot of therapy (which she disapproved of) that I had all these undiagnosed mental conditions. AND SHE KNEW. I had been assessed at a young age by a friend of hers (she could pull all the strings being in her profession, it was a small town, and she was highly esteemed) and I tested highly for ASD. E somehow covered it up, and I didn’t find out until I was 27. What’s worse is she forced me to mask by essentially experimenting on my brain with various therapy techniques and fear tactics so I didn’t get noticed and diagnosed. This also made me enthralled to her because I needed her constant reinforcement to function “correctly”.
• E taught me to be constantly afraid for my health and of other people. I wasn’t to trust the government, the police, or any healthcare professionals. She even deliberately put rifts between me and friends/boyfriends. She did the same to R.
• I was on certain medications for years for no reason. She especially enjoyed giving suppositories. She forced me to take Advil all the time; the huge extra strength ones, and I’d cry and try to get away, screaming I don’t have a headache. And she forced it into my mouth and held my mouth and nose until I swallowed. I have severe anxiety taking medicine to this day.
• E told me I had asthma, underdeveloped lungs, chronic infections, tooth decay, and various autoimmune disorders. Anytime I got sick with a cold she told me I’d die. During H1N1 she told me I was definitely going to get it and die, so I spent most of that year in the hospital. She constantly took me to the dentist for various unnecessary procedures. I have no idea how it was allowed. By the time I was 19 none of my back teeth were intact, and when I moved and got my own dentist they were shocked and asked many questions. I told them I had soft teeth and I always had to get them fixed - to which they said tooth softness is a temporary state... I nearly fell over. I still don’t know how to process it. Because of all the intervention my teeth cause me a lot of issues to this day.
• Once I became an adult and moved out, E started to lose control of R and I. She became more and more sick herself, which caused R and I to run to her rescue. She was always having the craziest things happen to her. Heart attacks, severe infections, severe pain, injuries such as falls and deep cuts. For almost 5 years she was in the hospital every other week. During the height of Covid she told me the hospital put her in the Covid ward by accident and gave her Covid. I was enraged because myself, my partner, and my little sister had visited her, allegedly in the Covid ward. I was going to write a scathing letter to all the appropriate boards, and suddenly E turned tail and said “that’s not what happened”. It floored me. That same year I caught her in a heart attack lie, which made me remember the first one she had where no doctor could figure out what was wrong with her and I remember fighting with the doctor out of confusion and desperation asking why no one would help her… and I remember the pained look he gave me…
• I started putting the pieces together a few years before E died, and I just removed myself more and more, and the sicker she got, and the more crazy the situations. She starting sending relatives to reach me, and she’d tell them she was dying, so they would go to every effort to reach me - and not understand why I wouldn’t respond. She even convinced nurses and careaids to track me down. When that didn’t work, she started overdosing herself. Which was real, and scary. Unfortunately R got dragged in, and it broke her irreparably.
• Last May E overdosed and ended up in long-term care. She had a stroke and then lost control of her hands. She was so damaged by this point, and no one would take her on, so she was put in palative. She was there two weeks. Then she put a DNR in place. The next day was Friday, and sometime in the evening they suspect she had another stroke, right when no one was around, and she wasn’t found until a day later. They couldn’t do any tests because of the DNR or help her recover. The doctors never gave me a straight answer, and the whole thing wreaked of what I’ve been going thru these past years. E left us all the nastiest messages you’ve ever heard just before, and unfortunately my little sister listened to hers.
• My mom, R, died two month later of an overdose. I know E is at fault. She did this to us. I’ll never know what happened in those last few months they were together, I only have little bits and bobs of pure chaos - during which time R lost her house, all her belongings, and ended up on the street.
I really don’t know how one recovers from all of this. Not enough is known about this disorder and it’s victims. I’m in trauma therapy, but there’s too much, and no one can really know this form of evil unless they’ve experienced it. I’ve never put this all out there like is this, I dont know what to expect or what I hope to gain. Maybe just understanding. Thank you if you read it all.
submitted by kyyface to Munchausensyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:02 Icy_Employ1200 Court date coming up, prep help please!

As above, I’ve got a court date set for a Final Third Party Debt Order against a debtor I’ve been chasing.
Bit of background: Sent a letter of notice before action, debtor ignored Made a small claims court application, debtor ignored County Court Judgement made in my favour due to no response from debtor Third Party Debt Order applied for, interim order issued by a judge Third party has confirmed funds are available to cover the debt and frozen them.
My question here is, what exactly happens at the court hearing? From the Civil Procedure Rules it isn’t particularly clear what I need to bring with me (if anything?)
Will I need to make my case all over again that the debtor does infact owe me money (receipts, proof of faults etc) or do I simply present the CCJ as proof?
What are some valid defences that the debtor could try and pull here that I will need to prepare for and object to?
Do I need a solicitor?
UK, England
submitted by Icy_Employ1200 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:13 doom32x Mother had e-check returned indicating loan paid in full, but payment is still on her bank account.

So my mother took out a sizeable loan with an interest-free payback period for home improvement, it was with Benji Concord, now ran by Finance of America.
It was all due by beginning June. She usually paid with the Bill Pay system via her credit union, which uses ACH/echecks. She made her 2nd to last payment of $280 like two weeks before the due date, she noticed after like 10 days that the money still was in her account and said fuck it and paid the entire remaining balance of $520 via the servicer's own website to avoid any shenanigans with the interest. She provided her routing and acct# so it must've been an ACH payment initiated from the servicer side. The $520 was the $280 plus whatever was left for last payment.
Well, fast forward a few weeks and she gets a check in a mail for $280 overpayment, so that 1st payment had eventually went through after she made the 2nd one. She deposited it into her acct. Now a new check as arrived, except it's for $520 and my mother is the payer and Benji Concord the payee. It has what looks like a handwritten "p" on the face of the check and came with a letter saying that the payment couldn't be processed due to no balance due on account, paid in full. The $520 is still debited from her account, we can't access her loan servicer account because they pulled access as soon as it was paid in full it seems.
Is it possible that Benji Concord is just being fucking stupid, sent the paper check and note for no reason? We realize it can't be deposited, but they can't be contacted until Monday and are just completely confused on what the purpose of this returned payment was if they actually did take the money. She hasn't received the Paid in Full paperwork yet even though it's been paid for over a month now. Main worry is that if they somehow use this stuff to say it wasn't paid all of a sudden.
submitted by doom32x to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:13 CrispyPancakeEdges Year-long infestation. Found out it's the downstairs neighbor but property management is sleeping on it. Please help.

For important context: I live in Low-income public housing.
I'm WAY past my wits end. The sleep deprivation is driving me to madness and the constant exterminations where I have to board my cat weekly is breaking the bank. Took me nagging property management for several months, and after many inconsistent exterminations (or none happening at all) I went to the city and they ordered them to exterminate. Usually it takes 3 treatments.
5 treatments later and counting, I'm still being eaten alive in my sleep. Pest control tells me the original source of the infestation is the neighbor below me, and he's been non-compliant. They said they broke confidentiality telling me this because I've been telling them property management has been placing the blame on me for the infestation, and they wanted to put my mind at ease.
I've already contacted three low-income pro-bono legal services. One couldn't help, the other two have told me my hands are tied unless property management hands me an eviction notice. But I literally can't wait or suffer like this any longer, yet I have no other place but the streets. And I've been homeless before- it's something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.
I can't say which city I'm based in out of fear of someone from property management finding this (it's a BIG housing authority) and retaliating against me even further. I will take literally any advice I can get. Enough sleepless nights crying and retreating to the bathtub in the hopes of getting uninterrupted shut-eye.
submitted by CrispyPancakeEdges to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:33 snowaway93 My Q is trying to sabotage me as a parent (help)

I don't know how to say this, but I want to leave my Q and have full custody of my child. My Q has been throwing my disability in my face and taunting me about how I can't take care of our child by myself. It makes me rage out because my physical illness ties in with a lot of trauma and I think I'm still dealing with postpartum. I feel so angry all of the time and this isn't me.
I told my Q I don't want to have sex with someone under the influence and my Q keeps just leading me into it and I find out that he's been drinking after and it fucks with me so badly. I feel sexually assaulted. I just want someone to want me without needing to be fucked up, sometimes I think I'm ugly and that's why my Q does it.
My Q's mask totally dropped when I hid my money and cards. Was punching the wall. I even saw him frantically looking through his pockets last night. Been sulking in bed and throwing up ever since from you know alcohol withdrawal. I already told my Q to go to rehab or detox, is refusing. Missed my child's appointment today because my Q refused to help me. I'm a no call, no show because I am having issues with the app to contact docs and my phone is messed up.
I want my Q out, without even trying to look for his stash, I found it tonight. Three empty vodka bottles where I couldn't reach. I took a picture, too.
Sometimes my brain screams that my Q is using me for a place to live and is unemployed intentionally. I am the only person on the lease. I don't know the laws but I think my Q waited 30 days to go on a full on binge, knowing I'd lose my shit and demand him to be gone. Today, my Q is demanding an eviction notice and refusing to leave.
Today my Q told me that I don't care, that I never go to meetings... I think this is projection and deflection and I tried today. Today I tried for my own sanity. Jokes on me because I was on my way to an NA meeting, not Nar-Anon/Al-Anon. Instead I ate my feelings and took the scenic route. I was reminded there is a whole WORLD outside of this stupid relationship. Men were hitting on me after my Q insinuated that no one would want me.
I told my Q to feed our child while I was gone or else my Q would be out sooner than he thinks. Came back and I knew my Q didn't feed our baby. High chair wasn't moved, straps were still on the counter. Table exactly as I left it. This pathetic person lied to my face boldly. My child woke up screaming from not eating in hours. I'm certain my Q lies about feeding our child this morning, but I couldn't tell. I am not going to lie, this sent me over the edge and swung on my Q over this. Closed fists. I feel crazy. Maybe I am fucking crazy. I don't feel like myself anymore.
All the taunts, all the digs at what I can't do anymore, all the guilt trips about how I'm a burden and my Q is worried for our child and most recently, the way he neglects our child to spite me (so i cant leave the house?). I was crying hysterically the other night and questioning my reality.
This is so bad for my health and I feel like an awful mother for bringing a child into this. I didn't have my child to keep my Q sober. My Q lied to me. I had my child because I didn't know if I would be able to because I was miscarriage prone. My child is the reason I was diagnosed.
My Q is angry over having to pull groceries up two small flights of stairs and a stroller. These are the things thrown in my face. My Q has probably been drinking the whole time the more I think of it. Laid in a bed for 6 days claiming to be tired but wouldn't see a doctor. But when I was angry over it, I'm a "crazy person" who is accusing someone of using when they're not. And my Q was.
I want a restraining order but I feel like this makes me look like a bad mother. I fear reporting this, I don't want to lose my child. I just wanted to go to a fucking meeting so I wouldn't feel alone and my Q punished me for it using my child. Now I can't leave the house? I don't even know how to report this. I want my Q gone and my Q won't contact family to pick him up. Saying he has nowhere else to go. That I'm abusive. I can't hold boundaries my way out of this, leaving my child with my Q is endangering my child. I'm so scared. Sometimes my Q is drinking so much that he can't even walk straight. I have no one near me to lean on.
submitted by snowaway93 to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:22 TheBroadcasterTB DOODLE

Yeah so I didn’t win the doodle for google thing so I figured id share my submission here. Below will be the explanation behind the art for those curious. I apologize for any spelling, grammatical, and/or factual errors.
This is MY dream for the next 25 years.
The g contains a sample of the symbols for common religions/theologies from around the world and the wood grain represents a dinner table, the place to share meals and good stories and the hope that one day there will be peace enough to eat in the presence of someone completely different of you. I dream for tolerance, no matter the vast amount of differences we share.
The o contains a few but not anywhere near all of the species currently endangered of extinction living in our oceans and bodies of water. They deserve our help, I dream to see them return in thriving numbers and for them to have clean seas to live in.
The second o is for the horn of Africa. Their region has provided for this entire world for a very long time and yet they still face hunger and many other struggles that are simply a tragedy when thinking of all they provide both in services and goods such as food, resources, and materials for construction and clothing. I dream to see them be thanked, fully, for what they have lost and given.
The g is symbolic of the drinking water of the world, and the lack of that many face. The green boarder contains many words from across the world that mean “water”. I dream for a day that water is free and everyone has clean water to drink, cook with, bathe with, and play in.
The L has become a tree, it grows tall and shades and protects the others like I wish I could myself. It is a baobab tree, one at risk of extinction and some of the largest trees to grace our planet. My dream is to see them one day, to travel and connect with the many astounding parts of this world, to see the people and hear their dreams and loves, to know their fears and to know the places they adored as children. I dream to speak with the ancient things of this world, and I dream to see them thrive as they are even in the face of extinction.
The final G is symbolic of the beloved groves of 🍉, of their beautiful streets, high flying birds, and their wild, free children that run through their streets. It is for the hope, and the untamable resistance that lives in the ruined streets of Gaza. It is for the loved ones that now only dance in their creator’s embrace and the warm rays of the sunset. The final letter is for those who have suffered, for those bearing the crushing weight of oppression. I am sorry, for what I have not done I am sorry. I dream of everyone being free and safe to raise their families, safe to go to school, and safe to rest their heads after a long day of being alive.
That is my dream for the next 25 years, and forever after that.
submitted by TheBroadcasterTB to AmselTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:21 larbitek Is this usual?

A friend of mine who is a naturalized usc file a petition for his 13 year old son who is outside the United States. He did receive the Receipt Notice with all the necessary information about the case, and the case has been pending for a while( more than a year). Now all of a suden the father (the petitioner) received a letter from uscis that he's been schedule for a biometric appointement. Is this a normal procedure for a petitioner to go through a biometric procedure before a case can be approved? Has anyone experience something of that sort? Thanks in advance for all your inputs.
submitted by larbitek to NationalVisaCenter [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:11 TheFangirlTrash Can my landlord issue another eviction notice? - Cardiff

Hello everyone, admins please don't remove this, I'm posting this on behalf of my boyfriend based in Cardiff, Wales to help him out. I'll use personal pronouns for ease.
Okay a bit of context:
  1. About 5 months ago, I had a small water leakage from spilling a bucket of water in my bathroom, which apparently resulted in a large amount of water going to the downstairs flat. However, the amount spilled does not match the amount flowing down. When the landlord came within about an hour or two, we both agreed that it doesn't make sense as the bathroom was pretty much dry by the time they came, and with the amount going downstairs, it would've been impossible for it to have been caused by me because the pipes and flooring would have indicated as such.
  2. About a month and a half ago, the downstairs flat began complaining about water going into their home again - except I was not using the bathroom at the time, and I had not spilled any water. After what happened 5 months ago, I've been especially careful to make sure there aren't any spillages. Landlord came over again, nothing was found. Not long after that (maybe 2 weeks?), I was issued a 6-month no-fault eviction notice to be due in November.
  3. Last night, at 10:18pm, I received a call from the landlord that they needed emergency access to the flat within an hour because - surprise, surprise - downstairs flat was complaining about water spillage AGAIN. I had not used the bathroom since around 6pm, so there was no reason for water to be spilling anywhere. The landlord said she would pop by within an hour; within 15-20 minutes I was more than ready for her to come over. 2 hours pass, she doesn't show, I messaged her asking if she was still coming by. At 12:30am, I called her twice (she answered on the second try), and it's only then that she says no one's coming over. She began insisting that there is an emergency, even though no one came over and no one got in contact about no one coming over, and that it's my fault that there's water leakage into downstairs' flat. She also insisted that she tried calling me multiple times, which I think is a lie because I have my phone call history which indicated that she had called the one time at 10:18pm and I had called twice; even if it was an issue with signal, I would have received notifications of missed calls, which I didn't.
Now this has caused A LOT of stress, more so since I know I'm not at fault of any damages. Do I need to worry that she can issue another eviction notice if she cannot prove that the water leakage was not my fault?
submitted by TheFangirlTrash to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:56 thenectarcollecter Journaling Prompt: write yourself the ideal love letter.

Really! Think about yourself and what you would want someone to say to you about you. You can take this in several different directions, such as: deeply romantic, hot and steamy, light and airy, or emotional and tear inducing. Tell yourself why you deserve love, what parts of yourself emotionally and physically set you apart from the rest. Act like someone who has fallen head over heels for you and only you!
Hard mode: touch on insecurities you have that you want someone else to love about you. Maybe you privately love your own smile, or laugh, or the shape of your own eyes, and you want someone else to notice those things too. Compliment yourself in the most meaningful ways that only you yourself knows how to do.
You can do this in your journal like usual, or for added fun you can write your love letter on loose paper, put it in an envelope with a stamp, and mail it to yourself. I personally still enjoy getting mail and would find it fun to read my letter to myself after a few days to forget what exactly I had written down. You can tape the letter into your journal after the mailing process for safe keeping.
submitted by thenectarcollecter to Journaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:49 jmechy Extremely Targeted CC Fraud Started Last Week for Artisanal Shop

My partner (hello-sun-8687) has been running a successful Shopify store for 10 years with pretty rare fraud issues. As a gift company selling artisanal wares, our products are just not super high on the list of things people want to buy with stolen credit cards.
We get one or two chargebacks a year and they are generally accidental, with the cardholder simply forgetting or their spouse not knowing about the purchase. The issue came to my attention today when we got our second chargeback in two days and I noticed the similarities between the two orders. When I raised the issue to my team, they let me know that a third person had called to inquire about the fraudulent charge to their credit card and wondering what we sold. They had a host of other fraudulent charges on their card as well. His name and address were valid, but the email and recipient provided were not known to him. I have gone through and sifted through our recent orders, finding even more orders that match this profile from this last week, and have preemptively refunded them to prevent the impending chargeback. I have another group that I am just not sure if they are fraud or not and need to decide how to proceed.
What's unprecedented about this for us is the pattern and frequency.
They are creating emails that match the [stolen] billing name. For example, example billing name Sample Tyler has an email No billing phone number is provided (and unfortunately I can't make Shopify require one at checkout).
They are choosing our lower priced gifts. So far different 3 gourmet food gifts have been ordered, a few times each, running about $50 before tax and shipping. I think there's virtually no possibility they are placing these orders because they want the product inside.
They are including gift messages on most orders and apparently taking the time to fake a convincing looking gift order.
They are responding to our emails. When the first transaction came through with no gift message, as is our policy when it is shipping to someone other than the customer, we reached out to confirm if they wanted to add one. They got onto our website chat to confirm we should process their order without a gift message.
Shopify detected zero fraud risk on all but 1 transaction. The IP address is in the same state as the billing address.
They are choosing standard shipping rates (not expedited).
On at least 1 of the orders, the shipping name is actually a real person with a Linkedin profile and a seemingly successful career who appears to live at the provided shipping address according to online records. One person appears to have died of old age in December. A few others I couldn't easily place/didn't appear to have any online presence/exist.
I recently read a horror story from a small business owner who was targeted by an extremist group for her progressive beliefs. Her business was attacked in multiple ways, but it started with multiple small orders being placed on her website that she filled and then received chargebacks on. I'm wondering if this is what's happening or there is a less distressing hypothesis. Thanks for reading!
submitted by jmechy to shopify [link] [comments]