Unscramble word solver


2022.05.17 15:14 Crossword_Solver CrosswordSolvers

We are crossword lovers and we like playing word games! Solve crossword clues quickly and easily with our free crossword puzzle solver. Whether you need crossword puzzle answers for today or are on the hunt for past solutions, Crossword Solver helps you crack those tricky clues when you’re stumped. Our crossword puzzle answers and solutions are supported by the most complete listing of clues online.

2024.06.01 02:03 Minute_Travel_7123 Wife (39F) isn't very nice to me (38M) - mostly when we're alone, but sometimes when others are there

Married a decade. No kids. The title makes me sound childish, but I'm struggling with my wife's behaviour. It's mostly when others aren't around. Sometimes she'll be explosive, but she brushes this off (mostly) as being angry at a situation and not at me personally.
I'm from a home with an emotionally abusive father who would get angry at very minor things, as such, anyone raising their voice in the house puts me on high alert.
A few weeks ago I was in the rear garden with a friend, chatting, and didn't hear her at the front door (dog didn't alert me either). My wife stormed through the back gate loudly asking me "if I was deaf or something?" It doesn't sound like much typing it back, but it was embarrassing to have your partner be angry at such a trivial thing, whilst your friend (visiting for the weekend) is sitting there with you trying to have a nice conversation. She did message me later in the day saying she was sorry, and she just got irrationally angry and couldn't help it.
She says she treats me like this because she's allowed herself to be more open with me because she loves me, but it's really starting to take a toll on me. I never raise my voice at her. I try and see things from her side but I'm struggling.
Recently these incidents have been happening more often. I work from home and I am on edge that little things will trigger her. She says I'm oversensitive and she won't walk on egg shells around me. I feel the opposite about her: I am on eggshells as I think she may explode at something if she's not in a good mood. E.g. the other day while WFH she asked me where a pair of her leggings were. I had put them in the wash the evening before, after asking her for dirty clothes (from a weekend we had spent away). She just loudly sighed and exclaimed "for fuck's sake". She says it's just anger at the situation, but her response makes me feel like I'd done something wrong.
I currently work a very stressful job, and work from home. I think the job related stress is making me more sensitive, but I also think that these events are occurring more frequently. She currently doesn't work and has recently finished an 12 month course at university so we are in close proximity a LOT of the time. She has been doing most of the housework as she's out of work but leaves the mental load (choosing what to eat) to me and (generally) makes most of the mess.
All this stuff seems negative, but she uses her words to frequently tell me she loves me. her love language is words of affirmation but this means her throwaway / angry comments are additionally quite jarring to me. She has previously taken things I've said on board, like needing extra help around the house when I did most of the household labor.
I am a problem solver so anything that is wrong I try and fix, with us, her, myself. I need some perspective on whether I am oversensitive or she is being out of order. I love her, but I am starting to think we need marriage counselling.
Absolute wall of text so...
TL:DR - Wife can be volatile to me with her words and it's starting to take a toll on me. Help me gain some perspective.
submitted by Minute_Travel_7123 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:00 RampantSpirit Did you know? There was a Hangman game on MediEvil's official US website.

Did you know? There was a Hangman game on MediEvil's official US website. submitted by RampantSpirit to medievil [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:02 ranskooty What's going on with 3D IK in Godot 4?

From everything I can see, the 3D IK solutions provided in Godot 3 versions were much better than the only solution available in Godot 4 which is the SkeletonIK3D node. Compared to older solutions, this node has no joint constraint options (converting skeleton to physical skeleton doesn't work, the node ignores these constraints), only one magnet setting and no option for rotation targeting/poles. It's simple to set up and use but it's very difficult to get good results with.
I've seen that apparently the plan is to depreciate the SkeletonIK3D solver for a better solution down the road, but there's no word on what the solution is or when it might arrive. I understand there's probably a good reason they got rid of the other options for the switch to 4 but it's making it difficult to create anything that relies on IK without having to take the time to learn and create a custom IK solver.
Does anyone here know of any alternative solutions for 3D IK that doesn't involve writing a custom solver? (Ideally with the above features I listed as missing in this version)
submitted by ranskooty to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:38 GlesCorpint what-is-word-cli - CLI game where your task is to unscramble words by given definition

what-is-word-cli - CLI game where your task is to unscramble words by given definition submitted by GlesCorpint to commandline [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:14 baloney-I-say Mina's Facts About Mina #2

  1. Mina can build a snowman out of rain.
  2. Mina does not use spell check. If she happens to mispeell a word, Oxford will simply change the actual spelling of it.
  3. Jesus walked on water. Mina (female Jesus) can swim in land.
  4. Mina can set ants on fire with a magnifine glass...at night.
  5. Mina can speak braille and hear sign language.
  6. Mina counted to infinity. Twice.
  7. Mina can unscramble an egg.
  8. Mina can strangle you with a cordless phone.
  9. Mina beat the sun in a staring contest.
  10. If it looks like chicken, tastes like chicken, and feels like chicken but Mina says its beef, then it's beef.
submitted by baloney-I-say to Minairfanthescammer [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:31 soyslut_ He’s done it, folks! He’s become a real boy.

He’s done it, folks! He’s become a real boy. submitted by soyslut_ to vegancirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:08 Arkmalice Alternate Future by me

How long has it been, since that day? The day I have become one with death as a fortress fell around me, the day, I watch as a version of me, fell in front of me, and evacuating all who was with us from that place on that day. I woken up, in a place I was not familiar with, a future, that was ruled with not of conflict or an iron hand, but peace and equality. The school districts all have torn down their borders and united as one city, a city where no one has to fight wars against each other, dangerous gangs no longer roams the streets, despite all the students armed to the teeth. I look at the small blue girl, Arona in my pad, slumbering next to the one she dubbed, Plana. I walked down the streets as Cronos school talked about new information of what happened around the place. Rin had became the new GSC president, and is taking things into her hands. I decided to wander around Kivotos, to see what has changed.
I walked into Trinity General School’s district, seeing the familiar sights around me. I look around to see that barely nothing has changed, nothing but the Tea Party, which now consists of Hifumi, Hanako, and Atsuko. With Koharu being one the main officer of Justice Task Force and her squad looks up to her. Which made me wonder if she still read those kind of materials. Atsuko managed to rebuild Arius, after having support of Trinity after that event. Azusa became Atsuko’s body guard with her group, seeing that Soari is missing, I wonder where she is, only to find her working hard to provide for Arius squad still as a teacher. The original tea party had retired and graduated, which made me smile a it as I wonder if they are still doing their best.
Gehenna has changed a lot, Hina of the Prefect and Makoto of the Society has joined together to make Gehenna a better place, with still the usual chaos but more order as there was less trouble everywhere. Ibuki is now the leader of the Pandemonium Society with a successor of Hina being friends as they eat pudding together. Apparently, Hina hand picked her as her successor. PS68, it had became an organization at this point, with Haruka at the head, with Mutuki as her right hand woman as Aru and Kayoko had graduated. it more of a cult of Aru than a problem solver organization to say the least.
Millennium Science school was still the same, man I am going to miss the bickering of Yuuka about my expenses now she has graduated. But the Game Development Department has gained a lot more members since Aris became president, which her most recent game has won her multiple rewards as The Seiba twins are leafing most projects.
I was surprised to see that the Rabbit Camp was gone, but it was probably for the better, as I soon realized that the SRT academy has rebuilt itself after an incident involving another SRT team squad, which involved a warhead and a GSC coup. It was ended swiftly and accidentally exposing themselves to the public got Miyako and the others in the spotlight, which lead to the revival of SRT.
Before long, I have wandered into the Abydos district, bustling with students bearing the insignia of their school, I was suprised and happy to see the school once filled with 5 members, not having more than a dozen. The desert is still there, but it was cleaned out that buildings are back in order. As I walked by, I noticed a statue crafted, not one of the original Taskforce, but one of a Sensei of Schale. I look at the version of me that has fallen that time. A person that they thought has fell in that time, as I realized that they never founded my body, only a mask was present. The same white porcelain mask I wore during my confrontation with my future self. I saw it was on the golden statue, still bearing the cracks of that battle. As I slowly turn around. I heard a familiar voice, but it was older, a singular voice, sounded more louder than the sea of noise I am in, a singular word, was sounded.
submitted by Arkmalice to BlueArchive [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:42 skypeaks [Qcrit] NO SUCH THING AS 2011 - New Adult, 120k, 3rd attempt

Alright, here we go again :) I want to thank everybody who took the time to read and critique my previous attempt. I understand that I worded things incorrectly and it gave off the wrong vibe. I'm grateful for u/alanna_the_lioness sharing some words of advice with me, and so I would like to use this little intro to clarify: I'm a queer author, and not only was the Robyn story arc based on my own relationships with trans people when I was younger, but I also consulted about the topic and my language with a nonbinary person who is very close in my life.
If the query/story reads like it's being ambiguous about the MC's feelings about Robyn, that's because it's intended to do so. I don't feel like I need to give explanations of why I write about what I write, but in setting this story in 2011 I was aiming for a faithful rendition of a particular time period, and to genuinely portray the sometimes murky waters of coming out in high school back in those years. If the pursuit of that kind of difficult storytelling equals transphobia/discrimination to you, well, you're entitled to your opinion--but you're also welcome to ask me for a copy of the manuscript to see for yourself how the characters are portrayed. I promise you will not be disappointed.
PS: I still have no idea what genre this novel is. I thought YA and I understand that was not it, and then I said lit fic but got shot down. I'm going with New Adult this time around—but I could be wrong on that one as well so would love any feedback on this whole genre thing.
Without further ado, here's the query
Summer of 2011, British Columbia: Jackie Dorset’s social life is falling apart. Once partners in casual weed deals, Lonnie’s latest obsession with smuggling THC-infused gummy bears into prom has pushed Jackie to his limit. But as Lonnie becomes more erratic, Clem—Jackie’s only female confidant—is also slipping away, caught up with her new girlfriend Sandra. When Jackie opens up to her about feeling left behind, Clem, ever the problem solver, decides the best way to include Jackie is to have him act as Sandra’s prom date to placate her conservative parents. So Jackie turns to Marc, who’s still clinging to the old glories of getting high and playing GTA all night. But with him it’s Jackie who feels the need to pull away—especially when Marc keeps urging him to try a designer drug named MXE that sounds more trouble than fun.
Just as Jackie begins to feel like maybe his friendships are not meant to survive high school, he meets Robyn—a girl three years younger, who quickly becomes part of the crew. Despite Jackie feeling guilty about the age gap, the two quickly develop feelings for each other, and before long, he goes from not wanting to go to prom to being Robyn’s date. But just two days before the big night, Jackie receives a late night text from Robyn, confessing that although they were born as a female, they actually identify as a male. Overwhelmed and unsure how to respond, Jackie skips school the next day to clear his head.
Prom night brings everything to a head. Lonnie’s weed gummy bear scheme spirals out of control, Marc takes things too far with his drug use, and Jackie must come to terms with his feelings for Robyn. Through it all, Jackie realizes that the normal high school experience he expected might not exist, and maybe he just needs to embrace whatever happens.
No Such Thing as 2011 is a 120,000-word New Adult novel that combines the punchy prose of Charles Bukowski, the nostalgia of Tamara Shopsin’s LaserWriter II, and the screenplay-style dialogue of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s Daisy Jones and The Six. Inspired by the film Dazed and Confused, it’s a period piece about coming out, fitting in, and figuring things out in a world just before social media changed it forever.
submitted by skypeaks to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:06 Sperabo New on the job market following a firing - so far I have 1 callback over 3 applications. Please help me improve my resume. I would like to work as an economist and/or anything related to data analysis.

submitted by Sperabo to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:55 Aggressive_Shine_408 FLEV? LFEV? LVEF? or some secret other thing?

AP as a typing system is still new to me and I struggle to really grasp it as it feels too shallow from my experience. I’d like to explore it more, though. Tests are unhelpful as I never get the same result unlike other systems. I’m pretty sure I’m 3E and not 4L from reading descriptions but would love to get outside input so I filled out the questionnaire. Any insight is appreciated, thanks!
L (Logic)
I research an excessive amount in regards to my niche interests and an average amount on other things. I’ve held a long term obsession with typology and astrology that is circular due to the nature of both of those subjects evolving and being such deep rabbit holes there is no way to have all angles understood in depth during ones lifetime. It keeps me forever intrigued which is what I love about it- there is always more to learn. Additionally I have a tendency to get hyperfixated on a specific event or subject or movie and will spend months prioritizing activities that involve exploring it or learning about it. Consuming as much as possible to explore every nook and cranny of that fascination.
Outside of that, on the daily, I will look up answers to questions that spring to mind and go down short curiosity spirals until I feel like I grasp the matter and achieve what I needed. Beyond the obvious interpretation of that, I often look up and read the entire plot of a movie (maybe even some clips or reviews) before watching to reason if it is worth the time investment as I know my taste well.
Research tends to be my favorite part of creating a piece of art and I often wish I could have one of those librarian jobs that require you to look things up for guests all day. I get such a thrill from uncovering new discoveries and adding to my bank of useless facts.
I like to collect a variety of data from multiple pools of sources and comb through them to see what is consistent, underlying patterns, and what resonates with my own experience/understanding. I love to make connections that I haven’t seen tapped into before. I also place more regard towards experts but will never blindly follow what they say without sufficient evidence. I question things often if it is a subject I am interested in, if not (sports or politics for example), I tend to find a source I’d deem trustworthy (unbiased particularly in the emotional realm as possible) to give me an answer instead.
I am quite slow to vocalizing my ideas as I always want to make sure I am seeing all sides of a situation and getting it correct before sharing. I rarely feel shame and yet, when I say incorrect information or am corrected on the pronunciation of something, it immediately makes me feel frustrated and flustered. I do, however, adore brainstorming with others when I feel in a safe place to do so or when I am surrounded by people who also have interest in the same subject matters.
For example, I, completely unprompted, talked for an hour with my roommate about how the hierarchy of instincts work in enneagram and why some people are often confused at the idea they could be bad at their dominant even though that is not what it is measuring. I’ve gone on a rant before with a coworker over how pixar negatively influenced the animation schooling industry from first hand experience. I also talked my partner’s ear off about a book I just finished and the psychological discussions and thematic concepts it brought to mind.
I don’t struggle much with thinking of things by myself as I am quite imaginative and a problem solver. I am very often praised for my intellect, discernment and ability to take complex subjects and break it down into bite sized pieces. I’ve been told I make an excellent teacher as well.
However, I sort of mentioned this in my previous answer, I often will remain quiet on a subject unless I am confident in it for fear of being wrong or getting an emotional reaction from others. I want to look at things in depth and from every angle before I put it to action. If it is something I have researched thoroughly and understand I will definitely argue my case with logic and facts. I can be frustrated if my efforts are dismissed or misinterpreted in that instance but I live by the idea that everyone has their own views and it’s never worth the energy in trying to assert your will over another - “agree to disagree” I suppose. This doesn’t mean I won’t talk shit about them on my own or privately with a trusted confidant, though.
A lot of this involves truths I am very aware of regarding myself and value. Finding the right words to express them was the tricky part. I came back and embellished or edited what I said wanting to make it more clear but it was a positive experience.
E (Emotion)
I’m extremely creative but it’s hard to imagine someone would say they weren’t when presented with a question like this. However, I have a bachelors degree in illustration, did musical theater for many years, write original stories and plays, can play 4 instruments and edit videos to music in my spare time (started when I was 10). I’ve sold freelance art since I was a child and have always had a love for character creation and story telling (I do a lot of D&D nowadays). So perhaps that validates it more.
However, I believe there is a common misconception that creativity stems from the personal emotional realm as many artist see art as a reflection or expression of their selves. My art is more driven from capturing and altering beauty I observe in the world, the stories that spark my brain (usually inspired by media moreso than real events) and experiences I have never felt and likely never will.
I hate expressing my emotions. It is less a distaste towards being vulnerable and more of the fact I never really understand what I’m feeling and I always want to feel in control of my being at all times. Emotions are confusing and unpredictable and cloud reasonable decision making. I’d say it is less often that I bottle up my emotions and more of a disconnect to them all together. Most of my emotional life is set on a neutral plateau and it is rare I feel strongly negatively or positively. When I do feel negatively it makes me uncomfortable when people pry or try to comfort me. I just need to be alone and let them pass.
I try to avoid using them when making a decision but I understand that we are humans who have emotions so I will factor them into account. I definitely tip toe around the emotions of others because the only thing worse than having a strong negative emotion myself is dealing with the strong negative emotions of others.
Surprisingly, I do like my close ones to come to me with their feelings towards others and events in their life as it makes me feel chosen. I like to investigate their feelings in a detached way and I like problem solving so long as there are no emotional displays involved.
I don’t go out of my way to help others or get emotionally close to them if that is what this is referring to? Nor do I try and influence the emotions of others? I do, however, have a bad habit of preemptively overthinking every outcome that could cause a negative emotional reaction in others and purposely combat it before it happens. I hate misunderstandings and work to making sure the emotional energy of the room is a neutral one. I think I oftentimes see other people’s emotions as something to be uncovered and fixed instead of felt and expressed.
I love analyzing and consuming all forms of creativity. I especially like feeling things I might never have felt if not for them or utilizing it to uncover my own emotions but I don’t put much effort into drawing connection between an individual’s emotional realm and their work.
I hate sharing my emotional world as it feels childish and silly and would much rather focus on better topics. There really is only one person I share everything with outside of myself and even then there are things I find too frivolous or even too cruel to share. I don’t find myself having any interest in sharing my emotions but I’m surprisingly good at getting others to open up to me because I’m talented at mirroring and listening.
I usually prefer to rationalize and “fix” my emotions rather than actually embrace them. The closest I can get is through music but that is private and almost separated from the self. I’m also quite good at compartmentalizing my emotions unfortunately.
Not super enjoyable. I felt scattered. Some negative memories were brought back and I believe I couldn’t express myself correctly here no matter how much I edited. My creativity is important to my identity but not emotions. I skipped ahead to come back to this because it was draining and felt repetitive.
F (Physics)
I don’t put much effort at all towards it not because of dislike but rather I’ve never felt I’ve needed to. I trust my body a lot as I recover quickly from illness (usually I only get sick once or twice a year), have had no injuries, can maintain a healthy weight without dieting or exercising, am conventionally attractive enough to be satisfied with my appearance, and physically strong enough to do everything I need to. I have a very positive outlook on myself so it doesn’t cross my mind to have concerns over it.
I do like investigating solutions when I have an issue - for example I used the same simple face wash for years and they changed the formula so I researched what would be closest to the original through a few different channels and took their recommendation. I may make the occasional comment about some meal I enjoy being good for me or “maybe we should walk off this food” when I feel like I over-ate but mostly it isn’t a focus for me. I am uncomfortable with unsolicited advice in this department though.
As I stated previously, I don’t take much time with my physical appearance compared to the average. I don’t use any styling tools for my hair. My skin routine has only two products. I prioritize sustainability and only get what I need. However, I do like curating a specific aesthetic for clothing (my style is sort of dark academia meets cottagecore) but it is important that it is also comfortable and practical for me to wear. I thrift majority of my wardrobe and stick to a very specific color palette that I deem authentic to me. I hate drawing attention to myself but I want to reflect my personality through what I wear.
My room is my sanctuary. I loved designing and decorating my space. It was common as a child for me to move things around, sort and redecorate just for fun. I have my closet in color order, I have bins in various key places because I know I am neglectful in cleaning so it is a system I built to keep the space nice, and I have a wall curated and decorated with my special interests and prized collection of books. I’m very particular about the placement of things in my environment (even when messy) and hate when others move things as I have built a structure.
I love exploring new food and new places (though I will almost always look them up beforehand). Woodlands in particular are especially moving for me but it is incredibly rare I get to experience them anymore as I have moved to a big city in a place with beaches instead of forests. And I hate physical activity but I can do it just fine if I need to.
I do like to discuss my personal taste when prompted to do so. I am extremely observant of the tastes of others if I am around them often and catalogue them internally (like knowing each friend’s style and particulars in food and clothing ect). I don’t really ever ask for their opinions though. I just expect everyone to be different in this regard and I certainly don’t need guidance. I want my space to stay my own and if it is shared then I will have to make a compromise with them. I also hate cleaning or doing other environment related chores when other people are around and feel hyper aware of them invading my space.
Health is a different story as anyone commenting about my health makes me uncomfortable. I feel like it’s a very private matter. I hate discussions revolving around weight or diet or medical issues in general. I never comment on someone else’s health and rarely even notice unless it is a dear loved one doing something reckless.
No, because I have excellent taste. The only time I stress is when a stranger is observing my home and it is unclean in which case I will be embarrassed but get over it quickly. I also don’t care about trends unless they overlap with my own aesthetic and care even less about how people perceive me so long as I’m not the center of attention.
I don’t worry over my health even in times I should. It can be impossible to get me to go to the doctor as I feel it is never serious enough. I also can be neglectful in hygiene as it doesn’t hold too much importance to me. I do, however, have a strong fear of memory-related diseases and loss of identity so I avoid thinking about those in regards to myself like the plague.
I can hear criticism out in this subject but the chances are near zero that I will listen. Someone saying I am ugly would be more easily brushed off than someone calling me incompetent.
This was easy to talk about. Not crucial to my identity but simple to give answers to. More fun intricacies to discuss.
V (Volition)
I struggle to discern what I want most of the time. In life, for example, I have no grand goals - just contentment. I don’t want for much. It isn’t often that I need to assert effort towards getting something either as I’m neutral on most things as previously mentioned.
I suppose if I did have something I wanted, like to purchase an expensive item, I would research and compare which is the best version/where to obtain/how much I can spend and then casually work towards that. It wouldn’t be at the forefront of my mind though. I don’t really chase.
I’m usually only motivated in that regard when under emotional or mental turmoil and even then it might not be enough. I take each day one step at a time but sometimes I realize my complacency has gotten me stuck and then I desire to change things. I need routine to feel stable but it can be difficult to push out of without being forced. I like things not to change but alas the world is built on change. My bad habit is dreaming up tons of ideas and even starting some only to leave them behind due to a lack of energy or as something else takes priority.
If it is something I am knowledgable in I am very helpful. I’m particularly good at constructive criticism and enjoy when people come to me for input. I teach others well but usually don’t have the experience to tell them step by step how to become more societally “successful”. I’m good with telling others how to improve a skill like singing or drawing or the intricacies of my job.
I prefer to work on my own above all but I can work in groups well when the situation calls for it. More people means more unpredictability though and I like having some semblance of control but not responsibility. I lead by example not by direction.
Others have told me I overwork myself but I don’t really see it. I feel as though I just maintain my responsibilities and shine when I am applying a talent I have and nothing more. I know I am a procrastinator but I wouldn’t consider myself lazy, just bad at timing and sorting what is important on my own. I never compare myself to others though and I’m not impatient towards reaching any sort of external achievement. I’m quite content with myself and kind of always have been. I would like to finish things I start more.
Criticism in this realm sometimes motivates me as I don’t want to disappoint others or be seen as incompetent. I will finish things out to avoid shame. Competition never motivates me, however, as I see it as trivial. I don’t care to compare myself to others in any fashion.
It was fine. Boring ultimately as I don’t find this important at all in my life.
submitted by Aggressive_Shine_408 to attitudinalpsyche [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:36 DelicateFknFlower Please explain this word to me, I'm going insane

Hi friends, I was busy doing yesterday's Washington Post crossword with my fiancé. We got to one clue that had us stumped: "failed, in a way."
By figuring out the other intersecting words, we found out that the answer is "gotanf." Guys, what the hell does this mean. I've tried googling it, I've tired to unscramble the letters, I've tried to see if it was a deliberate spelling mistake to another word - but I've got nothing.
Please help me figure out what it means before I spend my whole evening ruminating over this lol.
submitted by DelicateFknFlower to crossword [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:01 fark13 Domain Architect - Data & Analytics - Brooks Running - United states

Domain Architect - Data & Analytics - Brooks Running - United states
Who We Are:
At Brooks, we believe a run can change a day, a life, the world. Everyone who works here is a key part of our obsession to make the best running gear on the planet. We want our business — which also happens to be our passion — to be a place where everyone feels welcome and comfortable being themselves. Our company culture defines us, bonds us together, and drives our success. We live this culture daily through our brand values: Runner First, Word is Bond, Champion Heart, There is no “I” in Run, and Keep Moving. This means we always solve for the runner, do what we say we will, give it our all, are generous with our humanity, and find a way to keep moving every day, because joy is kinetic.
Are you ready to help create something extraordinary?
Your Job:
The Enterprise Data & Analytics department is currently seeking an experienced Domain Architect that spans the entirety of our cloud-native data and analytics platform. This is an exciting opportunity to join a dynamic, growing team aimed at shaping the future of Brooks by enabling our people to make better, faster, data driven decisions. You have passion for data, analytics, and how things work. You get excited about technology and sweat the details. You embrace the challenges and dive-in when things get sticky. You bring positive energy, collaboration, and intention to your work; you take pride in quality. As the Data & Analytics Domain Architect, you will own the over-arching technology architecture for all solutions that make up our platform – both now (data integration tools to cloud PaaS services and Business Intelligence solutions) and in the future (AI / machine learning), you will know how everything ties together and ultimately how the platform delivers data and insights to our thirsty consumers. You will engage daily with the entirety of the Enterprise Data & Analytics team (Data Engineering, Business Intelligence, Data Science, Product Management Owners, and even Data Management and Governance) to understand the work and facilitate complete solutions. You will partner with peer architects across IT and communicate the touchpoints, integrations, processes and timings between the Data & Analytics Platform and other systems.
NOTE: This is a Seattle-based role
 Your Responsibilities: 
  • In alignment with the enterprise IT framework, develop data & analytics architecture patterns, guiding principles, best practices, processes, and standards and communicate those to the appropriate teams
  • Document the analytical data, information, integration, and system architectures – conceptual, logical, physical
  • Create and manage current/target state, architecture decisions, common framework, and components
  • Lead the efforts to develop and maintain the architecture quality (performance, security, availability, and flexibility)
  • Set an architecture direction that is aligned with business and IT strategy and goals
  • Maintain, evolve, iterate the application portfolio (application lifecycles and investment disposition) for applications in conjunction with IT and Enterprise Architecture leadership
  • Advise on tool selection, new design patterns, scoping and estimation, remediation of technical debt, and identifying risks and issues
  • Execute proof of concepts to validate tool / solution fit and participate in all vendor evaluations
  • Collaborate with the broader architecture community to ensure solutions align with the target architectures, roadmaps, standards, and principles
  • Define the solution architectures for highly complex projects
  • Review and approve all solution architectures to ensure alignment with domain architecture
  • Guide data pipeline and database design using modern data engineering tools and techniques
  • Deep dive into the technical challenges and issues that data platform teams face (analysis, mitigation, and solution remediation)
  • Balance capabilities of technical solution with ongoing costs for maintenance, support, and enhancement; evaluate the total cost of ownership
  • Lead efforts to develop and maintain the architectural assets for the functional or discipline domain; assets include architecture models, documentation, integration specifications, all in alignment with enterprise architecture standards
  • Set an architecture direction and roadmap for the domain that is aligned with the business and IT goals and enterprise architecture principles
  • Accountable for ensuring all solution architectures are presented for review by the Architecture Review Board (in partnership with solution architect, where applicable)
  • Participate as an accountable member of the Architecture Review Board to ensure architecture quality and compliance
  • Ensures architecture standards and principals are adhered to in the specific domain
  • Guide technology teams and solutions architects in the domain, ensuring solutions are implemented to standards
  • Mentor solution architects on domain-specific architectural assets and skills
  • Continuously develop cross-functional area or discipline knowledge and skills
  • Clearly communicate at the appropriate level of detail to stakeholders, data platform customers, technical team members, and business partners
  • Mentor solution architects
  • Demonstrate innovation and initiative – always look at improving our products and processes while also displaying a willingness to dive into the details and help wherever necessary
  • Maintain awareness of new technologies, approaches, challenges, etc. in the space of Data, Business Intelligence, and AI / Machine Learning
  • Represent Enterprise Architecture by advocating and sharing knowledge with others in IT and across the broader organization
  • Partner with business stakeholders to obtain expert-level knowledge of business objectives, initiatives, and roadmaps and identify viable technology solutions to deliver upon business strategies
  • Bring a positive Run Happy energy and work with the team to deliver the best possible solutions
  • Other responsibilities as required
Qualifications: - Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, MIS, or related field preferred - 10+ years professional experience in data warehousing, data modeling / analysis, and data architecture concepts and techniques - Deep understanding of data platform architecture and cloud data solutions; Snowflake Data Platform required - Expert knowledge of SQL (T-SQL, MSSQL, TSQL and NoSQL) including programmability features and techniques - Expert knowledge of data management, data integration, and database development techniques - Expert knowledge of scripting languages such as Python, R, MATLAB; Python preferred. - Awareness of data protection laws and regulations, globally - Excellent communication (written and verbal) skills, specific ability to break down technical topics into non-technical audiences - Effective problem-solver, with extraordinary analytical skills and attention to detail - Experience with ETL (e.g., Alteryx, KNIME, DBT, Airflow) and business intelligence tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI) - Actively work to learn new skills to stay current with changing technologies and industry trends - Ability to work collaboratively within a larger team and across all levels of the organization - Ability to multi-task and manage multiple priorities concurrently - Exposure to data science technologies and capabilities - Embraces and lives Brooks values!
submitted by fark13 to sports_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:46 FloofyKarma [PC?][2010s?]Highly difficult & Cryptographic Puzzle game

There is a game that I have no recollection of it’s name or existence. I’ve never played it, I’ve only seen it in a video clip, hardly anyone has beaten it and hell, hardly anyone has played it. This is all I know about the game:
•The game MIGHT be on steam(I remember seeing in the clip a mouse circling an achievement) •I KNOW the game is NOT mobile(the screen for the game is in the shape of a monitor and I remember seeing a mouse visible) •The game has at least 15 levels (I remember seeing a clip of gameplay from somewhere that shows a 1 in the tens spot where it says the level number, but I also recall seeing a 2 as well so maybe more) •The games difficulty ramps exponentially; it goes from simple puzzles like unscrambling words, Caesar ciphers to brand new encryption methods and researching ideas •There MIGHT be a level that: •Is level 18 (or is at least in the upper 10s) that has a puzzle with dots (may be varying in sizes) with the puzzle being to identify the name of the constellation/star cluster and use it as the password •A level that requires finding a web address and solving a puzzle in the discovered website to acquire the password •The game has basically 0 decoration (The only UI I remember existing is a white-outlined box where you type in the password, text saying “Level (number)” and shapes/text or images relating to the puzzle. All is in white with I think no grey anywhere on a solid black background) •The game existed before or during 2022 (I remember seeing the video clip during Covid somewhere) •The video clip mentioned that (paraphrasing)“this game has less than (a number less than 30, more confident less than 10) winners”
The image posted is a mock up example of what my absolutely horrid photographic memory remembers seeing (The “XX” and the dots for the constellation are placeholders)
Any help is appreciated thanks :)
submitted by FloofyKarma to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:15 susb8383 Need help with an ATH hint (Xavier Marx)

Need help with an ATH hint (Xavier Marx)
I'm working on an Armchair Treasure Hunt which has been going on for over 2 years now. They release celebrity hints now and then and one of them has a cipher that most of us are finding impossible to solve.
The painting is Arrival of the Normandy Train, Gare Saint-Lazare by Charles Monet.
My thinking is that maybe the picture of a French train station by a French painter means it's a Beaufort or Vigenere cipher. That and the fact that a straight substitution cipher of those letters doesn't give me any meaningful words. I've tried all different keywords relating to trains, but have gotten nowhere.
All the online Vigenere cipher solvers I've found give me every possible solution using every possible letter combination for a keyword but what I really want is one that limits it to dictionary word solutions using dictionary word keywords.
Any help anyone could give would be appreciated.
(This hint is available online to the public so hopefully I'm not violating any rules by posting it here).
For those of you who don't know, Jason Ritter is the voice of Dipper on the cartoon Gravity Falls.
Also, one person who has solved this says the ! at the end isn't part of the cipher text.
The clue mentions a xerox machine and clone. Probably coincidence but I noticed TRAIN is the same word in English and French.
submitted by susb8383 to codes [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:41 HRVitoDempsey [HIRING] Trade Marketing Associate! Trade Marketing Supervisor! Laguna!

Good day! I am Vito Vergara, a Talent Acquisition Specialist from Dempsey Resource Management Inc. And as the same, I am commissioned by our client company to source and endorse candidates for different posts. Positions being offered are for direct and permanent hire by the company client itself, not under agency and absolutely NO fee from your end is required. In other words, I merely act as a conduit for you and our company client. To know more about us, please visit our website at http://dempseyinc.weebly.com/\



submitted by HRVitoDempsey to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:41 HRVitoDempsey [HIRING] Trade Marketing Associate! Trade Marketing Supervisor! Laguna!

Good day! I am Vito Vergara, a Talent Acquisition Specialist from Dempsey Resource Management Inc. And as the same, I am commissioned by our client company to source and endorse candidates for different posts. Positions being offered are for direct and permanent hire by the company client itself, not under agency and absolutely NO fee from your end is required. In other words, I merely act as a conduit for you and our company client. To know more about us, please visit our website at http://dempseyinc.weebly.com/\



submitted by HRVitoDempsey to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:57 Frferdinand Sudoku puzzle books

When i was younger i used to pick these up at pharmacies and supermarkets (pathmark rip) everywhere but now i've been scouring the city for them and have only been able to find them at the remaining Rite Aid on first ave. Target doesnt have them. Where can i find these $5.99/6.99/7.99 (sudoku to go/solvers choice/worlds best puzzle) books that isnt online? word search and crossword also okay but preferably sudoku. sorry very niche.
submitted by Frferdinand to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:07 WyanetM Hoppy Memorial Day to those who celebrate it (plus a word jumble)!

Hoppy Memorial Day to those who celebrate it (plus a word jumble)!

🎖️Can you unscramble the five jumbled words related to the Memorial Day celebration? If so, please choose one of the five weekly sets below as a reward (set with 6 frogs in Habitat 27 will have two surprise extra frogs sent).🪖
Habitat 27: 2012/21 "Memorial Day"
28: 2013/21 "Memorial Day 2013"
29: 2012/45 "Veterans Day"
30: 2013/46 "Veterans Day 2013"
31: 2020/17 "International"

  1. D E R I L O S
  2. A E E N R V T
  3. R A I I L T Y M
  4. R I C C F E I A S
  5. N L L F A E
submitted by WyanetM to Pocketfrogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:51 PracticalFox6070 Master the Mental Game Webinar PTO Poker

In 2024, nearly every serious poker player spends a lot of time studying technical strategy. But if everyone is using solvers and moving closer to a GTO strategy, where will your edge come from? Two words: Mental game. All the increased poker knowledge will not matter if you do not have a strong mental game to manage the storms of variance this game will throw at you. This video discusses some of the most common situations that put people on tilt along with strategies for effectively dealing with them. These practices will help you not only in poker but in many other areas of your life as well.
submitted by PracticalFox6070 to PokerVids [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:33 Global_Tech0 How OCR Solvers Can Simplify CAPTCHA Challenges

How OCR Solvers Can Simplify CAPTCHA Challenges


CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart) are a common security feature used by websites to prevent automated abuse by bots. They require users to perform tasks that are easy for humans but difficult for machines, such as reading distorted text or identifying objects in images. While CAPTCHAs are essential for web security, they can be a significant obstacle for legitimate automation tasks. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) solvers have emerged as powerful tools to simplify these CAPTCHA challenges, making it easier to automate web interactions.

What is OCR?

OCR technology converts different types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDF files, or images taken by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data. In the context of CAPTCHAs, OCR can be used to recognize and interpret the text within CAPTCHA images, allowing automated systems to solve them.

How OCR Solvers Work

OCR solvers use advanced algorithms to process images and extract text. The process typically involves several steps:
Pre-processing: Enhancing the image quality to improve OCR accuracy. This may involve noise reduction, binarization (converting the image to black and white), and adjusting contrast.
Text Detection: Identifying the areas of the image that contain text.
Character Recognition: Interpreting the detected text areas to recognize individual characters and words.
Post-processing: Refining the recognized text to correct errors and improve accuracy.

Benefits of Using OCR Solvers for CAPTCHAs

1. Efficiency

OCR solvers can process CAPTCHA images quickly, often within a fraction of a second for simple CAPTCHAs. This speed is crucial for automation tasks that require rapid and repeated CAPTCHA solving.

2. Accuracy

Modern OCR solvers, especially those enhanced with machine learning algorithms, offer high accuracy rates. They can effectively handle various distortions and noise commonly found in CAPTCHA images, reducing the likelihood of errors.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

Using an OCR solver can be more cost-effective than other CAPTCHA-solving methods, such as manual solving or outsourcing to CAPTCHA-solving services. Once an OCR system is set up, it can solve CAPTCHAs without ongoing costs.

4. Scalability

OCR solvers can handle a large volume of CAPTCHAs without a significant increase in processing time or cost. This scalability makes them ideal for applications that require solving numerous CAPTCHAs, such as web scraping, automated testing, and data entry automation.

Implementing OCR Solvers for CAPTCHA Challenges

Step 1: Choose the Right OCR Tool

Several OCR tools are available, ranging from open-source options like Tesseract to commercial solutions with advanced features. Choose an OCR tool that meets your accuracy and speed requirements.

Step 2: Pre-process CAPTCHA Images

Pre-process the CAPTCHA images to enhance their quality. Techniques such as noise reduction, binarization, and contrast adjustment can significantly improve OCR accuracy.

Step 3: Integrate OCR with Automation Tools

Integrate the OCR solver with your web automation tools, such as Selenium or Puppeteer. This integration allows you to automatically capture CAPTCHA images, process them with the OCR solver, and submit the recognized text.

Step 4: Handle Errors and Exceptions

Despite high accuracy rates, OCR solvers may occasionally misinterpret characters. Implement error-handling mechanisms to detect and correct these errors, such as re-attempting the CAPTCHA if the first attempt fails.


OCR solvers are powerful tools that can significantly simplify CAPTCHA challenges, making them ideal for automating web interactions. By leveraging advanced OCR technology, you can achieve high accuracy and efficiency in solving CAPTCHAs, saving time and resources. However, it is crucial to use these tools ethically and responsibly, ensuring compliance with website policies and security measures.
CaptchaAI stands out for its fast and efficient captcha-solving capabilities, helping you save precious time. With an impressive 99.9% success rate, you can rely on its accuracy. Additionally, its adaptive OCR technology constantly learns and evolves, keeping you ahead. If you're in search of a quick, accurate, and flexible solution for All types of CAPTCHAs, CaptchaAI is the perfect choice for Captcha solving service.
submitted by Global_Tech0 to u/Global_Tech0 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:07 ZeroBloodLoss Fully Working Infiltration.js Script for BitBurner v2.6.1

const state = { // Name of the company that's infiltrated. company: "", // Whether infiltration started. False means, we're // waiting to arrive on the infiltration screen. started: false, // Details/state of the current mini game. // Is reset after every game. game: {}, }; // Speed of game actions, in milliseconds. const speed = 22; // Small hack to save RAM. // This will work smoothly, because the script does not use // any "ns" functions, it's a pure browser automation tool. const wnd = eval("window"); const doc = wnd["document"]; // List of all games and an automated solver. const infiltrationGames = [ { name: "type it backward", init: function (screen) { const lines = getLines(getEl(screen, "p")); state.game.data = lines[0].split(""); }, play: function (screen) { if (!state.game.data !state.game.data.length) { delete state.game.data; return; } pressKey(state.game.data.shift()); }, }, { name: "type it", init: function (screen) { const lines = getLines(getEl(screen, "p")); state.game.data = lines[0].split(""); }, play: function (screen) { if (!state.game.data !state.game.data.length) { delete state.game.data; return; } pressKey(state.game.data.shift()); }, }, { name: "enter the code", init: function (screen) { console.log("Script initialized. Awaiting game start..."); state.game.data = []; const arrowsText = getEl(screen, "h4")[1].textContent; // Get arrow sequence from the second 

const keyMap = { "↑": "w", "↓": "s", "←": "a", "→": "d" }; for (let i = 0; i < arrowsText.length; i++) { const char = arrowsText[i]; switch (char) { case "↑": state.game.data.push("w"); break; case "↓": state.game.data.push("s"); break; case "←": state.game.data.push("a"); break; case "→": state.game.data.push("d"); break; } } }, play: function (screen) { if (!state.game.data !state.game.data.length) { delete state.game.data; return; } pressKey(state.game.data.shift()); }, }, { name: "close the brackets", init: function (screen) { const data = getLines(getEl(screen, "p")); const brackets = data.join("").split(""); state.game.data = []; for (let i = brackets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const char = brackets[i]; if ("<" == char) { state.game.data.push(">"); } else if ("(" == char) { state.game.data.push(")"); } else if ("{" == char) { state.game.data.push("}"); } else if ("[" == char) { state.game.data.push("]"); } } }, play: function (screen) { if (!state.game.data !state.game.data.length) { delete state.game.data; return; } pressKey(state.game.data.shift()); }, }, { name: "attack after the guard drops his guard and is distracted", init: function (screen) { state.game.data = "wait"; }, play: function (screen) { const data = getLines(getEl(screen, "h4")); if ("attack" === state.game.data) { pressKey(" "); state.game.data = "done"; } // Attack in next frame - instant attack sometimes ends in failure. if ('wait' === state.game.data && -1 !== data.indexOf('Distracted!')) { state.game.data = "attack"; } }, }, { name: "say something nice about the guard", init: function (screen) { }, play: function (screen) { const correct = [ "affectionate", "agreeable", "bright", "charming", "creative", "determined", "energetic", "friendly", "funny", "generous", "polite", "likable", "diplomatic", "helpful", "giving", "kind", "hardworking", "patient", "dynamic", "loyal", "straightforward" ]; const word = getLines(getEl(screen, "h5"))[1]; if (-1 !== correct.indexOf(word)) { pressKey(" "); } else { pressKey("w"); } }, }, { name: "remember all the mines", init: function (screen) { const rows = getEl(screen, "p"); let gridSize = null; switch (rows.length) { case 9: gridSize = [3, 3]; break; case 12: gridSize = [3, 4]; break; case 16: gridSize = [4, 4]; break; case 20: gridSize = [4, 5]; break; case 25: gridSize = [5, 5]; break; case 30: gridSize = [5, 6]; break; case 36: gridSize = [6, 6]; break; } if (gridSize == null) { return; } //12 20 30 42 state.game.data = []; let index = 0; //for each row for (let y = 0; y < gridSize[1]; y++) { //initialize array data state.game.data[y] = []; for (let x = 0; x < gridSize[0]; x++) { //for each column in the row add to state data if it has a child if (rows[index].children.length > 0) { state.game.data[y].push(true); } else state.game.data[y].push(false); index += 1; } } }, play: function (screen) { }, }, { name: "mark all the mines", init: function (screen) { state.game.x = 0; state.game.y = 0; state.game.cols = state.game.data[0].length; state.game.dir = 1; }, play: function (screen) { let { data, x, y, cols, dir } = state.game; if (data[y][x]) { pressKey(" "); data[y][x] = false; } x += dir; if (x < 0 x >= cols) { x = Math.max(0, Math.min(cols - 1, x)); y++; dir *= -1; pressKey("s"); } else { pressKey(dir > 0 ? "d" : "a"); } state.game.data = data; state.game.x = x; state.game.y = y; state.game.dir = dir; }, }, { name: "match the symbols", init: function (screen) { const data = getLines(getEl(screen, "h5 span")); const rows = getLines(getEl(screen, "p")); const keypad = []; const targets = []; let gridSize = null; switch (rows.length) { case 9: gridSize = [3, 3]; break; case 12: gridSize = [3, 4]; break; case 16: gridSize = [4, 4]; break; case 20: gridSize = [4, 5]; break; case 25: gridSize = [5, 5]; break; case 30: gridSize = [5, 6]; break; case 36: gridSize = [6, 6]; break; } if (gridSize == null) { return; } //build the keypad grid. let index = 0; for (let i = 0; i < gridSize[1]; i++) { keypad[i] = []; for (let y = 0; y < gridSize[0]; y++) { keypad[i].push(rows[index]); index += 1; } } //foreach data get coords of keypad entry for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { const symbol = data[i].trim(); //for each keypad entry for (let j = 0; j < keypad.length; j++) { const k = keypad[j].indexOf(symbol); if (-1 !== k) { targets.push([j, k]); break; } } } state.game.data = targets; state.game.x = 0; state.game.y = 0; }, play: function (screen) { const target = state.game.data[0]; let { x, y } = state.game; if (!target) { return; } const to_y = target[0]; const to_x = target[1]; if (to_y < y) { y--; pressKey("w"); } else if (to_y > y) { y++; pressKey("s"); } else if (to_x < x) { x--; pressKey("a"); } else if (to_x > x) { x++; pressKey("d"); } else { pressKey(" "); state.game.data.shift(); } state.game.x = x; state.game.y = y; }, }, { name: "cut the wires with the following properties", init: function (screen) { let numberHack = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]; const colors = { red: "red", white: "white", blue: "blue", "rgb(255, 193, 7)": "yellow", }; const wireColor = { red: [], white: [], blue: [], yellow: [], }; //gather the instructions var instructions = [] for (let child of screen.children) instructions.push(child); var wiresData = instructions.pop(); instructions.shift(); instructions = getLines(instructions); //get the wire information const samples = getEl(wiresData, "p"); const wires = []; //get the amount of wires let wireCount = 0; for (let i = wireCount; i < samples.length; i++) { if (numberHack.includes(samples[i].innerText)) wireCount += 1; else break; } let index = 0; //get just the first 3 rows of wires. for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //for each row for (let j = 0; j < wireCount; j++) { const node = samples[index]; const color = colors[node.style.color]; if (!color) { index += 1; continue; } wireColor[color].push(j + 1); index += 1; } } for (let i = 0; i < instructions.length; i++) { const line = instructions[i].trim().toLowerCase(); if (!line line.length < 10) { continue; } if (-1 !== line.indexOf("cut wires number")) { const parts = line.split(/(number\s*\.)/); wires.push(parseInt(parts[2])); } if (-1 !== line.indexOf("cut all wires colored")) { const parts = line.split(/(colored\s*\.)/); const color = parts[2]; if (!wireColor[color]) { // should never happen. continue; } wireColor[color].forEach((num) => wires.push(num)); } } // new Set() removes duplicate elements. state.game.data = [...new Set(wires)]; }, play: function (screen) { const wire = state.game.data; //state.game.data.shift(); if (!wire) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < wire.length; i++) { pressKey(wire[i].toString()); } }, }, ]; /** @param {NS} ns **/ export async function main(ns) { const args = ns.flags([ ["start", false], ["stop", false], ["status", false], ["quiet", false], ]); function print(msg) { if (!args.quiet) { ns.tprint(`\n${msg}\n`); } } if (args.status) { if (wnd.tmrAutoInf) { print("Automated infiltration is active"); } else { print("Automated infiltration is inactive"); } return; } if (wnd.tmrAutoInf) { print("Stopping automated infiltration..."); clearInterval(wnd.tmrAutoInf); delete wnd.tmrAutoInf; } if (args.stop) { return; } print( "Automated infiltration is enabled...\nVWhen you visit the infiltration screen of any company, all tasks are completed automatically." ); endInfiltration(); // Monitor the current screen and start infiltration once a // valid screen is detected. wnd.tmrAutoInf = setInterval(infLoop, speed); // Modify the addEventListener logic. wrapEventListeners(); } /** * The infiltration loop, which is called at a rapid interval */ function infLoop() { if (!state.started) { waitForStart(); } else { playGame(); } } /** * Returns a list of DOM elements from the main game * container. */ function getEl(parent, selector) { let prefix = ":scope"; if ("string" === typeof parent) { selector = parent; parent = doc; prefix = ".MuiBox-root>.MuiBox-root>.MuiBox-root"; if (!doc.querySelectorAll(prefix).length) { prefix = ".MuiBox-root>.MuiBox-root>.MuiGrid-root"; } if (!doc.querySelectorAll(prefix).length) { prefix = ".MuiContainer-root>.MuiPaper-root"; } if (!doc.querySelectorAll(prefix).length) { return []; } } selector = selector.split(","); selector = selector.map((item) => `${prefix} ${item}`); selector = selector.join(","); return parent.querySelectorAll(selector); } /** * Returns the first element with matching text content. */ function filterByText(elements, text) { text = text.toLowerCase(); for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { const content = elements[i].textContent.toLowerCase(); if (-1 !== content.indexOf(text)) { return elements[i]; } } return null; } /** * Returns an array with the text-contents of the given elements. * * @param {NodeList} elements * @returns {string[]} */ function getLines(elements) { const lines = []; elements.forEach((el) => lines.push(el.textContent)); return lines; } /** * Reset the state after infiltration is done. */ function endInfiltration() { unwrapEventListeners(); state.company = ""; state.started = false; } /** * Simulate a keyboard event (keydown + keyup). * * @param {stringint} keyOrCode A single letter (string) or key-code to send. */ function pressKey(keyOrCode) { let keyCode = 0; let key = ""; if ("string" === typeof keyOrCode && keyOrCode.length > 0) { key = keyOrCode.toLowerCase().substr(0, 1); keyCode = key.charCodeAt(0); } else if ("number" === typeof keyOrCode) { keyCode = keyOrCode; key = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); } if (!keyCode key.length !== 1) { return; } function sendEvent(event) { const keyboardEvent = new KeyboardEvent(event, { key, keyCode, }); doc.dispatchEvent(keyboardEvent); } sendEvent("keydown"); } /** * Infiltration monitor to start automatic infiltration. * * This function runs asynchronously, after the "main" function ended, * so we cannot use any "ns" function here! */ function waitForStart() { if (state.started) { return; } const h4 = getEl("h4"); if (!h4.length) { return; } const title = h4[0].textContent; if (0 !== title.indexOf("Infiltrating")) { return; } const btnStart = filterByText(getEl("button"), "Start"); if (!btnStart) { return; } state.company = title.substr(13); state.started = true; wrapEventListeners(); console.log("Start automatic infiltration of", state.company); btnStart.click(); } /** * Identify the current infiltration game. */ function playGame() { const screens = doc.querySelectorAll(".MuiContainer-root"); if (!screens.length) { endInfiltration(); return; } if (screens[0].children.length < 3) { return; } const screen = screens[0].children[2]; const h4 = getEl(screen, "h4"); if (!h4.length) { endInfiltration(); return; } const title = h4[0].textContent.trim().toLowerCase().split(/[!.(]/)[0]; if ("infiltration successful" === title) { endInfiltration(); return; } if ("get ready" === title) { return; } const game = infiltrationGames.find((game) => game.name === title); if (game) { if (state.game.current !== title) { state.game.current = title; game.init(screen); } game.play(screen); } else { console.error("Unknown game:", title); } } /** * Wrap all event listeners with a custom function that injects * the "isTrusted" flag. * * Is this cheating? Or is it real hacking? Don't care, as long * as it's working :) */ function wrapEventListeners() { if (!doc._addEventListener) { doc._addEventListener = doc.addEventListener; doc.addEventListener = function (type, callback, options) { if ("undefined" === typeof options) { options = false; } let handler = false; // For this script, we only want to modify "keydown" events. if ("keydown" === type) { handler = function (...args) { if (!args[0].isTrusted) { const hackedEv = {}; for (const key in args[0]) { if ("isTrusted" === key) { hackedEv.isTrusted = true; } else if ("function" === typeof args[0][key]) { hackedEv[key] = args[0][key].bind(args[0]); } else { hackedEv[key] = args[0][key]; } } args[0] = hackedEv; } return callback.apply(callback, args); }; for (const prop in callback) { if ("function" === typeof callback[prop]) { handler[prop] = callback[prop].bind(callback); } else { handler[prop] = callback[prop]; } } } if (!this.eventListeners) { this.eventListeners = {}; } if (!this.eventListeners[type]) { this.eventListeners[type] = []; } this.eventListeners[type].push({ listener: callback, useCapture: options, wrapped: handler, }); return this._addEventListener( type, handler ? handler : callback, options ); }; } if (!doc._removeEventListener) { doc._removeEventListener = doc.removeEventListener; doc.removeEventListener = function (type, callback, options) { if ("undefined" === typeof options) { options = false; } if (!this.eventListeners) { this.eventListeners = {}; } if (!this.eventListeners[type]) { this.eventListeners[type] = []; } for (let i = 0; i < this.eventListeners[type].length; i++) { if ( this.eventListeners[type][i].listener === callback && this.eventListeners[type][i].useCapture === options ) { if (this.eventListeners[type][i].wrapped) { callback = this.eventListeners[type][i].wrapped; } this.eventListeners[type].splice(i, 1); break; } } if (this.eventListeners[type].length == 0) { delete this.eventListeners[type]; } return this._removeEventListener(type, callback, options); }; } } /** * Revert the "wrapEventListeners" changes. */ function unwrapEventListeners() { if (doc._addEventListener) { doc.addEventListener = doc._addEventListener; delete doc._addEventListener; } if (doc._removeEventListener) { doc.removeEventListener = doc._removeEventListener; delete doc._removeEventListener; } delete doc.eventListeners; }

submitted by ZeroBloodLoss to Bitburner [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:11 Relevant_Share_4155 Searching crossword resulted in Northernlion crossword video

Searching crossword resulted in Northernlion crossword video
Noticed today as I went to do my daily crossword puzzles that a NL thumbnail appeared as one of the Google image results.
submitted by Relevant_Share_4155 to northernlion [link] [comments]
