Celtic alphabet

WIKI o samooklicanem neonacističnem gibanju SOS

2024.05.27 13:40 VideoSatirik WIKI o samooklicanem neonacističnem gibanju SOS

WIKI o samooklicanem neonacističnem gibanju SOS
Iz družbenega vidika mi je zanimiv pojav SOS, zato bi za hobi rad to imel dokumentirano, če bi kdo pomagal. Nič ne pravim, da sem proti ali za njih, samo informacije me zanimajo, ker mi je zanimiv pojav. Prosim, da napadalne komentarje pišete v drugo svojo objavo, to je za WIKI o podatkih. Ne zbiramo imen, govorimo samo o javnih podatkih, ki so objavljeni drugje, zato ne bomo dajali imen posameznikov, ne bomo doxali itd. Spodaj so linki do novic in reddita na to temo.
Sami tudi pravijo, da se ne bojijo medijskega pritiska, zato se mi zdi, da ne bodo imeli nič proti te objavi. Če ste iz SOS lahko še kaj dodate! Nisem gledal vseh videev v celotni, ali prebral vseh člankov, zato bom vesel dodatnih informacij.
  1. Policija je že odkrila identiteto posameznih članov skupine, ki se predstavlja kot Slovenska obrambna straža, nosi maskirna oblačila in na družbenih omrežjih objavlja posnetke z grožnjami migrantom. Prijav potencialnih žrtev sicer niso prejeli.
  2. Direktor PU LJ Tomislav Omejec je pojasnil, da so že identificirali nekatere člane te skupine. "Gre za mlajše osebe, nekateri so bili že obravnavani v policijskih postopkih," torej lahko sklepamo, da ne gre za vzorne posameznike, temveč verjetno za znane prestopnike. Vir: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7ebDS4P439/
  3. Vemo tudi, da je vsaj en dijak srednje šole v LJ, a imena seveda ne bomo razkrivali, morda gre za mladoletnika, zato nas to ne zanima itd.
  4. Domnevno naj bi bil vodja Urban Purgar, sicer tudi član Rumenih jopičev, znane (domnevno?) neonacistične skupine https://www.reddit.com/Slovenia/comments/1d1qyh1/urban_purgar_zloglasni_neo_nacist_in_rumeni_jopi%C4%8D/
  5. Domnevne povezave med Perom Martićev, Nejcem Urbanijo in SOS-ovcem?
VIDEI O SOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsQy2BrwX-Q "Pilee" (sklepam, da moderator streama, ampak ne vem, ker ne spremljam) tudi govori, da so nekateri migranti "za pred zid". 22:10 To bi sicer lahko šlo za spodbujanje sovraštva, ampak ok.
Pero govori, kako ima veliko kontaktov, kako lahko takoj dobi enega izmed teh SOS-ovcov. Ker pa naj bi bil ta Pilee ža ravno tam, začneta slučajno govoriti o isti zgodbi treh migrantov kot kasneje govori "anonimni" predstavnik SOS v live stremu. Ne vem pa kaj je to, ko Pero reče, da niso imeli mask SS-a s sabo (sklepam, da se niso šli cosplay SS nacistov, ne bi me pa presenetilo, zato prosim za pomoč, če kdo bolj pozna), to je na 23:05.
Pero naredi anketo, kjer vidi, da njegovi gledalci lajkajo SOS, in reče, "se prav so lajkani, to je to, to je to, smo na istem" (16:25). Tudi on reče, da mu je to "kul, kar delajo". Torej se Pero sam izkaže za podpirnika SOS,
V tem videu bolj na začetku vidimo fejk (?) oziroma prvi račun (14:20), ki ima manj sledilcev, 566 sledilcev. Glede na število besed imajo presenetljivo veliko napak. Torej, (1) vse besede z veliko začetnico, (2)"obrabmna", (3) Slovenija z malo začetnico, (4) brez presledka pred "SI", recimo pa, da so trije zaporedni klicaji lahko stilna oblika.
Potem vidimo drugi oziroma ne-fejk oziroma bolj popularen račun s 4384 sledilci. Glede na to, da ima tudi ta račun napake, lahko sklepamo, da so isti ljudje naredili dva različna računa. Torej manjko vejice, brez presledka, vrstni red besed, a zdaj že male začetnice.
Javni intervjuji:
Nejc Urbanija (Pero v videu pove, da je tudi Urbanija en SOS na sliki (16:00), tudi od prej Nejca nekateri povezujejo z desnico). Ne vemo, če je res, je pa tudi Urbanija takoj dobil intervju s SOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_vPA0fCmns
PeroMartic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8YlS3D2t74
Gledalci PeroMartic v večjem procentu podpirajo SOS. Pero povabi 2 predstavnika SDS in SOS. Izgleda tu obstaja povezava med njimi. Pero ima pa "slučajno" vezo s SOS. Pero prav tako v streamu večkrat govori, da ne pozna nič politike, da ne ve o "levi" in "desni", zato naj bi po naključju dobil samo predstavnike stranke SDS (GRIMS), SDM (ZALA) in SOS.
VELIKA ZANIMIVOST (če bi se kdo v to poglobil): SOS oseba v live streamu na PeroMatic govori o čisto isti zgodbi (srečajo 3 migrante in nalednji dan je to v novicah) kot jo govorita in PeroMartic in Pilee na njegov videu o SOS. Pero in Pilee oba govorita o te zgodbi. Isto zgodbo pa kasnej ponovi predstavnik SOS. Torej, anonimni SOS-ovec je lahko ali Pilee, če pa to ni onm je "anonimi" SOS-ovec to verjetno znanec ali prijatelj tako Perota kot Pileeta.
Nekdo trdi, da naj bi bil Dino Orucevic (domnevno), eden od peterice posiljevalcev, ki so leta 2020 skupinsko posilili 15-letno slovensko dekle, tudi član SOS, zaradi česar nekateri pravijo, da je to zelo ironično glede na SOS, njegova dejanja in njegov priimek. https://www.reddit.com/Ljubljana/comments/1d1832c/dino_orucevic_je_eden_od_peterice_posiljevalcev/
Remigracija: ključna beseda nekaterih članic in članov stranke SDS


... če kvaka kot raca in hodi kot raca ...
Slikajo se, ko nosijo to rasistično zastavo.
PIŠEJO SI "1488" in "remigracija" (domnevno)
1488 is a combination of two popular white supremacist numeric symbols. The first symbol is 14, which is shorthand for the "14 Words" slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The second is 88, which stands for "Heil Hitler" (H being the 8th letter of the alphabet).
Relativno nepoznan - vsaj meni - znak skinheadov in neonacistov, ne vem kdo kar po naključju izve o belih vezalkah, moraš bit kar v te subkulturi.
Več: Wearing such boots was and is typical of racist and non-racist skinheads alike, but racist skinheads commonly use red- or white-colored shoelaces in their boots to identify themselves as white power skinheads. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/boots-and-laces
Naredijo sliko, z osebo z vrvjo okoli vratu. Nekateri pravijo, da s tem širijo strah. Policija pravi naslednje: “Vsako zbiranje, organiziranje, izražanje nestrpnosti ali sovraštva na način, kot je prikazano v okviru te vsebine, je nesprejemljivo in vsebuje elemente kaznivih dejanj,”
ENAKA RETORIKA SOS, SDS, SDM in identititarnih gibanj.
Vsi, SDS, SDM, SOS, uporabljajo enako retoriko remigracije, ki je del identitarnih gibanj
Več: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remigration#:~:text=Since%20the%202010s%2C%20the%20idea,a%20migrant%20background%2C%20back%20to
N1: https://n1info.si/novice/slovenija/objavljena-intervjuja-s-samooklicano-obrambno-strazo-kaj-na-to-pravi-policija/?comments
24ur: https://www.24ur.com/novice/slovenija/policija-se-vedno-se-pojavljajo-pozivi-k-organiziranju-vaskih-straz.html
submitted by VideoSatirik to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 13:25 Yurii_S_Kh A stone with a mysterious 1600-year-old Celtic inscription has been found in England. The text may be related to the preaching of Christianity

A stone with a mysterious 1600-year-old Celtic inscription has been found in England. The text may be related to the preaching of Christianity
Photo: archeologieonline.nl
Four years ago, a resident of Coventry (England) while working in the garden came across a stone with a mysterious inscription. Now scientists have managed to partially decipher it, reports Archeologie Online.
The find is a small stone, with three sides mottled with lines, which are symbols of the Celtic alphabet ogham. This alphabet was used in the IV-IX centuries. Artifacts with symbols of the ogham alphabet are commonly found in Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Cornwall. However, this stone was found outside of these regions, which has been a mystery to scholars.
The first half of the inscription is a name: “Mael Dumsil”. The second presumably encrypts the name of the place.
According to the first hypothesis, Mael was an Irish Christian missionary who traveled east to convert the pagans of the kingdom of Mercia (the territory of present-day central England) to Christianity. According to another hypothesis, Mael was a merchant.
Altogether about 400 Ogham inscriptions have been found so far, of which only ten have been found in England. Most of the inscriptions were family names inscribed on large stone pillars, designating the owner of a particular piece of land. The size and location of this stone set it apart from other artifacts.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:55 CP4-Throwaway My span for the transition between the Modern 1960's & Classic 1970's (Part I: Winter 1969 to Fall 1970)

This post is long overdue as I just kept procrastinating to do this for the longest, but finally, it's here.
The start is kind of tricky to figure out but the end is very easy. The start is most likely going to be with Richard Nixon's inauguration on January 20, 1969 and the end will be the Paris Peace Accords on January 27, 1973. I know early-mid 1969 does kind of seem like a stretch to include the transition (although some are even willing to start the 1970s in 1968, so maybe not a stretch after all), unlike late 1969-1972/early 1973ish, as that period still screamed "60s" in many ways with Woodstock, the Moon Landing, and such, but I think even that period had enough "70s" things to exclude it out of the "core '60s" territory, especially by the time you hit the summer of '69.
I know most will disagree with the timespan but this is just my opinion. This is gonna be much longer so this will probably be done in two or three parts, one again.
Let's begin.


The inauguration of Richard Nixon - January 20, 1969

After the chaotic year that was 1968, with the incumbent president Lyndon B. Johnson not running for a second time, Richard M. Nixon had narrowly defeated Hubert Humphrey, the incumbent vice president, in the presidential election. Nixon became the first non-incumbent vice president to be inaugurated as president, something that would not happen again until Joe Biden in 2021. I'd say this is appropriate to begin the transition into the tumultuous decade that was the 1970s.


Sly and the Family Stone's 'Stand' album releases - April 1969

In the spring of '69, soul/funk band Sly and the Family Stone released their fourth album Stand. Written and produced by lead singer and multi-instrumentalist Sly Stone, Stand! is considered an artistic high-point of the band's career. Released by Epic Records, just before the group's celebrated performance at the Woodstock festival, it became the band's most commercially successful album to date. This album was another sign of the 70s era that was beginning to emerge with its soul and funk rock sound.


Lew Alcindor becomes the #1 pick for the NBA Draft - April 7, 1969

The 1969 NBA draft was the 23rd annual draft of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The draft was held on April 7 and May 7, 1969, before the 1969–70 season. The first overall draft pick this year would be none other than Lew Alcindor (or later, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, as we all know him as) from UCLA for the Milwaukee Bucks organization. This would be the changing of the guard for the National Basketball Association as the veteran Boston Celtics dynasty were about to come to an end while a new dynasty has officially been born.


The Boston Celtics win the 1969 NBA Championship - May 5, 1969

After defeating the highly-favored Los Angeles Lakers team of Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain, and Jerry West, the aging Bill Russell-led Boston Celtics team win the 1969 NBA World Championship Series to end off the 1968-1969 NBA season, acquiring win their 11th championship as an organization. This was a significant Finals series as this marked the end of the Bill Russell Celtics dynasty that began in 1956. This would be their final championship as a team as Russell would retire shortly after this playoff series.


Star Trek ends with the "Turnabout Intruder" episode - June 3, 1969

"Turnabout Intruder" is the twenty-fourth and final episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by Arthur H. Singer (based on a story by Gene Roddenberry) and directed by Herb Wallerstein, it was first broadcast on June 3, 1969. In the episode, a woman switches bodies with Captain Kirk and then tries to take over command of the Enterprise. This was the last original episode of Star Trek to air on NBC.
"Turnabout Intruder" not only marked the final appearance of all main and supporting cast members of the show but also the last appearance of regular background actors David L. Ross (Lieutenant Galloway), William Blackburn (Lieutenant Hadley and DeForest Kelley's stand-in), and Roger Holloway (Lieutenant Lemli and James Doohan's stand-in). The episode drew Nielsen ratings of only 8.8, in contrast to rival shows Lancer on CBS and The Mod Squad on ABC, which gained ratings of 14.7 and 15.2 respectively, a drop of over fifty percent since the show premiered. Cultural theorist Cassandra Amesley states that this episode is "agreed to be one of the worst Star Trek episodes ever shown" by Star Trek fans.
The original Star Trek series ending would be another shedding off of 60s culture.


Brian Jones dies - July 3, 1969

Rolling Stones star Brian Jones passes away at the age of 27 in the summer of 1969 after reportedly drowning in his swimming pool. Long story short, a lot of theories would surface surrounding his death years later saying that he was killed. And more importantly, this would be the beginning of the "27 Club" deaths that would occur with 60s musical acts between 1969 and 1971.


The Apollo 11 spaceflight to the moon - July 20, 1969

Apollo 11 (July 16–24, 1969) was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC, and Armstrong became the first person to step onto the Moon's surface six hours and 39 minutes later, on July 21 at 02:56 UTC. Aldrin joined him 19 minutes later, and they spent about two and a quarter hours together exploring the site they had named Tranquility Base upon landing.
Humans walking on the Moon and returning safely to Earth accomplished Kennedy's goal set eight years earlier. In Mission Control during the Apollo 11 landing, Kennedy's speech flashed on the screen, followed by the words "TASK ACCOMPLISHED, July 1969". The success of Apollo 11 demonstrated the United States' technological superiority; and with the success of Apollo 11, America had won the Space Race.


The Manson Family murders - August 8 to 10, 1969

The Tate–LaBianca murders were a series of murders perpetrated by members of the Manson Family during August 9–10, 1969, in Los Angeles, California, United States, under the direction of Tex Watson and Charles Manson. The perpetrators killed five people on the night of August 8–9: pregnant actress Sharon Tate and her companions Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, and Wojciech Frykowski, along with Steven Parent. The following evening, the Family also murdered supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, at their home in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.
On the night of August 8–9, four members of the Manson Family – Watson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Linda Kasabian – drove from Spahn Ranch to 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon, the home of Sharon Tate and her husband, film director Roman Polanski. The group murdered Tate (who was 8½ months pregnant), and guests Jay Sebring, a celebrity hairdresser; Abigail Folger, heiress to Folgers Coffee; her boyfriend Wojciech Frykowski, an aspiring screenwriter; and Steven Parent, an 18-year-old visiting the guest house caretaker. Roman Polanski was not home as he was working on a film in Europe. Manson was a cult leader and aspiring musician who had tried to get a contract with record producer Terry Melcher, who had previously rented the house.
The following night, those four people, in addition to Manson, Leslie Van Houten and Steve "Clem" Grogan, committed two more murders. Manson had allegedly said he would "show them how to do it". Linda Kasabian drove the group to 3301 Waverly Drive. Manson left with Atkins, Grogan, and Kasabian in the car and told the others to hitchhike back to the ranch. Watson, Krenwinkel, and Van Houten killed the couple in the early morning hours of August 10.
The Tate–LaBianca murders "profoundly shook America's perception of itself" and "effectively sounded the death knell of '60s counterculture". Additionally, the ritualistic nature of the murders laid a foundation for the rise of the Satanic panic.


The Woodstock festival - August 15 to 18, 1969

Woodstock Music and Art Fair, commonly referred to as Woodstock, was a music festival held from August 15 to 18, 1969, on Max Yasgur's dairy farm in Bethel, New York, 40 miles (65 km) southwest of the town of Woodstock. Billed as "an Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days of Peace & Music" and alternatively referred to as the Woodstock Rock Festival, it attracted more than 460,000 attendees. Thirty-two acts performed outdoors despite overcast and sporadic rain. It was one of the largest music festivals in history and became synonymous with the counterculture of the 1960s.
The festival has become widely regarded as a pivotal moment in popular music history, as well as a defining event for the Silent and Baby Boomer generations. The event's significance was reinforced by a 1970 documentary film, an accompanying soundtrack album, and a song written by Joni Mitchell that became a major hit for both Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and Matthews Southern Comfort.


Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! premieres on CBS - September 13, 1969

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is an American animated comedy television series created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears and produced by Hanna-Barbera for CBS. The series premiered as part of the network's Saturday morning cartoon schedule on September 13, 1969, and aired for two seasons until October 31, 1970. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is the first incarnation of a long-running media franchise primarily consisting of animated series, several films, and related merchandise. This show played a huge impact on Generation X "70s kid" culture (although the original 1969-1970 series has a 60s vibe to it as well).


The Brady Bunch premieres on ABC - September 26, 1969

The Brady Bunch was a new series that premiered on ABC for the 1969-70 fall season. It starts with the episode "The Honeymoon", which gives this description on Fandom:
"Michael Brady, an architect and widower with three sons (Greg, Peter and Bobby) marries Carol Ann Martin, a mother with three daughters (Marcia, Jan and Cindy). Mike and Carol have a chaotic backyard wedding, in which the boys' dog, Tiger, chases the girls' cat, Fluffy. Mike and Carol admonish their children, yelling at them to go catch their pets. The newlywed couple goes on a honeymoon later that day, while the children sit at home thinking that their parents hate them. While on their honeymoon, Mike and Carol realize that they were too hard on their children, and they decide to bring them along on the honeymoon. They also bring along Alice (the housekeeper), Tiger and Fluffy."
This show would give another huge sign to 70s culture as a whole.


Sesame Street debuts - November 10, 1969

In the fall of 1969, “Sesame Street,” a pioneering TV show that would teach generations of young children the alphabet and how to count, makes its broadcast debut. “Sesame Street,” with its memorable theme song (“Can you tell me how to get/How to get to Sesame Street”), went on to become the most widely viewed children’s program in the world. It has aired in more than 120 countries.
The show was the brainchild of Joan Ganz Cooney, a former documentary producer for public television. Cooney’s goal was to create programming for preschoolers that was both entertaining and educational. She also wanted to use TV as a way to help underprivileged 3- to 5- year-olds prepare for kindergarten. “Sesame Street” was set in a fictional New York neighborhood and included ethnically diverse characters and positive social messages.
Taking a cue from “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In,” a popular 1960s variety show, “Sesame Street” was built around short, often funny segments featuring puppets, animation and live actors. This format was hugely successful, although over the years some critics have blamed the show and its use of brief segments for shrinking children’s attention spans.
From the show’s inception, one of its most-loved aspects has been a family of puppets known as Muppets. Joan Ganz Cooney hired puppeteer Jim Henson (1936-1990) to create a cast of characters that became Sesame Street institutions, including Bert and Ernie, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Grover and Big Bird.


The 'David Bowie' album releases - November 14, 1969

Originally released in the UK, David Bowie's self-titled album would be his second studio album released, which would be titled under the genres of folk rock and psychedelic rock. Space rock was another genre that this album experimented with due to its only released single "Space Oddity", which came out in July 1969 to capitalize on the Apollo 11 Moon landing, received critical praise, and was used by the BBC as background music during its coverage of the event. That song is considered to be one of the most musically complex songs he had written up to that point, it represented a change from the music hall-influenced sound of his debut to a sound akin to psychedelic folk and inspired by the Bee Gees.
David Bowie has received mixed reviews in later decades, with many finding a lack of cohesiveness. Bowie himself later stated that it lacked musical direction. Debate continues as to whether it should stand as Bowie's first "proper" album.


The Altamont Free Concert takes place - December 6, 1969

The Altamont Speedway Free Festival was a counterculture rock concert in the United States, held on Saturday, December 6, 1969, at the Altamont Speedway outside of Tracy, California. Approximately 300,000 attended the concert, with some anticipating that it would be a "Woodstock West". The Woodstock festival had taken place in Bethel, New York, in mid-August, almost four months earlier.
The event is remembered for its use of Hells Angels as security and its significant violence, including the stabbing death of Meredith Hunter and three accidental deaths: two from a hit-and-run car accident, and one from a drowning incident in an irrigation canal. Scores were injured, numerous cars were stolen (and subsequently abandoned), and there was extensive property damage.
The concert featured performances (in order of appearance) by Santana, Jefferson Airplane, the Flying Burrito Brothers, and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY), with the Rolling Stones taking the stage as the final act. The Grateful Dead were also scheduled to perform after CSNY, but shortly before their scheduled appearance, they chose not to due to the increasing violence at the venue. "That's the way things went at Altamont—so badly that the Grateful Dead, the prime organizers and movers of the festival, didn't even get to play," wrote staff at Rolling Stone magazine in a detailed narrative on the event, terming it, in an additional follow-up piece, "rock and roll's all-time worst day, December 6th, a day when everything went perfectly wrong."
Many people would mark this event to be the end of the cultural 60s.

The 'Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5' album releases - December 12, 1969

Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5 is the debut studio album from Gary, Indiana-based soul family band the Jackson 5, released on the Motown label on December 12, 1969. The Jackson 5's lead singer, a preadolescent Michael Jackson and his four older brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon, became pop successes within months of this album's release. Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5's only single, "I Want You Back", became a number-one hit on the US Billboard Hot 100 within weeks of the album's release. The album reached number 5 on the US Pop Albums chart, and spent nine weeks at No. 1 on the US R&B/Black Albums charts. To date, the Jackson 5's debut album has sold estimated 5 million copies worldwide.
If none of the events that described previously had transitioned us into the 70s to any of you, then this certainly did.


MAS*H releases in theaters - January 25, 1970

M*A*S*H (stylized on-screen as MASH) is a 1970 American dark war comedy film directed by Robert Altman and written by Ring Lardner Jr., based on Richard Hooker's 1968 novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors. The picture is the only theatrically released feature film in the M*A*S*H franchise.
The film depicts a unit of medical personnel stationed at a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) during the Korean War. It stars Donald Sutherland, Tom Skerritt, and Elliott Gould, with Sally Kellerman, Robert Duvall, René Auberjonois, Gary Burghoff, Roger Bowen, Michael Murphy, and in his film debut, professional football player Fred Williamson. Although the Korean War is the film's storyline setting, the subtext is the Vietnam War – a current event at the time the film was made. Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau, who saw the film in college, said M*A*S*H was "perfect for the times, the cacophony of American culture was brilliantly reproduced onscreen".
M*A*S*H became one of the biggest films of the early 1970s for 20th Century-Fox and is now considered one of the greatest films ever made and also won the Grand Prix du Festival International du Film, later named the Palme d'Or, at the 1970 Cannes Film Festival.
This film was a another huge sign of 70s culture as it inspired the television series M*A*S*H, which ran from 1972 to 1983. Gary Burghoff, who played Radar O'Reilly, was the only actor playing a major character who appeared in both the movie and the TV series. Altman despised the TV series, calling it "the antithesis of what we were trying to do" with the movie.


Paul McCartney announces his break from the Beatles - April 10, 1970

On April 10, 1970, when promoting the release of his forthcoming solo album, Paul McCartney announces that he is taking a break from the Beatles, the legendary rock band he had been a part of for a decade. It wasn't that much of a surprise. The Beatles spent the better part of three years breaking up in the late 1960s—and even longer than that hashing out who did what and why. By the spring of 1970, there was little more than a tangled set of business relationships keeping the group together. Each of the Beatles was pursuing his musical interests outside of the band, and there were no plans in place to record together as a group. But as far as the public knew, this was just a temporary state of affairs. No one had yet gone on the record with a definitive break-up statement. Paul, for his part, hedged his bets.
By year’s end, Paul would file suit to dissolve the Beatles’ business partnership, a formal process that would eventually make official the unofficial breakup he announced on this day in 1970.


The Kent State Massacre - May 4, 1970

In the spring of 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close. H. R. Haldeman, a top aide to President Richard Nixon, suggests the shootings had a direct impact on national politics.
In The Ends of Power, Haldeman (1978) states that the shootings at Kent State began the slide into Watergate, eventually destroying the Nixon administration. Beyond the direct effects of the May 4, the shootings have certainly come to symbolize the deep political and social divisions that so sharply divided the country during the Vietnam War era.


Jimi Hendrix passes away - September 18, 1970

On September 18, 1970, American musician Jimi Hendrix died in London at the age of 27. One of the 1960s' most influential guitarists, he was described by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as "arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music."
Hendrix's death was reportedly due to him aspirating on his own vomit, later dying of asphyxia, while intoxicated with barbiturates. At the inquest, the coroner, finding no evidence of suicide, and lacking sufficient evidence of the circumstances, recorded an open verdict. Dannemann stated that Hendrix had taken nine of her prescribed Vesparax sleeping tablets, 18 times the recommended dosage.
Jimi Hendrix's death was another huge blow to 60s culture and he would be another number added to the new "27 Club" list of celebrities that would continue with none other than.....


Janis Joplin passes away - October 4, 1970

On Sunday evening, October 4, 1970, Joplin was found dead on the floor of her room at the Landmark Motor Hotel by her road manager and close friend John Byrne Cooke. Alcohol was present in the room. Newspapers reported that no other drugs or paraphernalia were present.
According to a 1983 book authored by Joseph DiMona and Los Angeles County coroner Thomas Noguchi, evidence of narcotics was removed from the scene by a friend of Joplin and later put back after the person realized that an autopsy was going to reveal that narcotics were in her system. The book adds that prior to Joplin's death, Noguchi had investigated other fatal drug overdoses in Los Angeles where friends believed they were doing favors for decedents by removing evidence of narcotics, then they "thought things over" and returned to put back the evidence.
Noguchi performed an autopsy on Joplin and determined the cause of death to be a heroin overdose, possibly compounded by alcohol.
Joplin's death, just like Hendrix's, was a huge blow to the more optimistic culture of the 1960s, and the 27 Club list of celebrity deaths are continuing.

Other events that also had an impact that happened around this time period (give/take) that I could not fit on this list:

And this will conclude the first part of this transition. Stay tuned for the second part to this.
I hope you enjoyed it and I would appreciate it if you would comment on these.
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:37 JohannGoethe It behooves the state of my space-time existence 🚧 NOT to engage in dialogue with those who drop either the S-bomb 💣, the C-bomb 💣, or other DL red flag 🚩 terms

Memory note, on rules of dialogue engagement, about not wasting limited space-time existence with mentally backwards-walking🚶‍♀️➡️🧠 puerile hecklers from the audience.
Sheikh Mahmoud
Mental note
The following (12 May A69) is a mental 💭 wake-up note 📝 to self:
“If someone from the linguistics community, i.e. those lost in PIEland 🥧🏝️ beliefs or ShemLand pandering, e.g. as post-amassing monthly now in linguisticshumor (100K+ members), or Egyptology community, being confused by learned incorrect CartoPhonetics foundations, or whatever 20+ EAN-impacted communities, using the Sheikh Mahmoud technique, calls you ”schizo-typic” 💊, e.g. here, here (N[7]R, 2-4 May A69), this 18+ user (aka puerile) even deleting their entire reddit account, a few days later (a commonly seen anti-EAN phenomenon), after given a 7-day ban for fouling on red flag 🚩 DebateLinguistics (DL) discussion rules, a “schizo” babbler, e.g. here (V[8]V, 11 May A69), or “schizo-phrenichere (J[13]R, 31 Mar A69) AND posts, repeatedly, that I am “crazy” 🤪 here, here (J[13]R, 24 Apr A69), etc., these being the two main anti-EAN derogation mud 💩 slinging terms employed, in growing weekly or monthly derogations; all because I have begun (11 Feb A67/2022), since the Pandemic, to work on EAN theory (Swift, A17), evidenced by the LeidenI350 stanzas, which proves that all ABGD-based languages — the English, Latin, Greek, Sanskrit based languages most importantly, as explaining this combined group solves the famous Jones common “source language” problem:
Jones on the common source hypothesis:
“Sanskrit (संस्कृत), Greek (Έλληνε), Latin, Gothic, Celtic, and possibly old Persian, must have sprung from some 🗣️ common source?”
— William Jones (169A/1786), Asiatick Society of Bengal, Third Anniversary Discourse, Presidential address, Feb 2
The 🆕 common source being Abydos, Egypt (5700A/-3745), e.g. here, here, etc., the center of the new EgyptoIndoEuropean (EIE language family).
— words, Etymo, phonetics, and AlphabetOrigin, and alphabet “order”, derive directly from the 28 symbol LunarScript; which formed in the 500-year Sesostris (ΣΕΣΟΣΤΡΙΣ) [1285] empire, e.g. here, here, etc., world language domination window, between 3300A and 2800A, wherein the Egyptians impressed their language system on people, similar to how the Romans, during the Roman empire era, impressed Latin on people; which, in short, was imprinted, similar to a language coding computer program, onto the minds 🧠 of people, in the form of the 28 number-letter Osiris-themed ”Egyptian alphabet”, the first 14-letters: A to N, arranged in so-called: hoe 𓁃, 𓌹, 𓍁 [A], sow 𓁅, 𓂺 𓏥 (𐤄, E), reap 🌱𓌳 [M], and 150-day flood 💦 [N], yearly agricultural cycle, aka ”farming order” (Horner, A67); wherein a four layered social structure was encoded: farming, priests, warriors, government, gods, defined by laws, was encoded; spoken about, in geometric and cosmology terms, by Plato, Plutarch, Young, Swift, Gadalla, and Rehab; all derived from so-called “reduced” Egyptian GodGeometry and EgyptoLinguistics; a new number-coded language, formulated by Egyptian mathematicians, engineers, e.g. here, and cosmologists:
Psychoyos on engineered language invention hypothesis:
“It is strange how everybody wonders 💭 if it was possible❓for humble workers, Semite prisoners of war in fact [Gardiner, 39A], to have invented 💡alphabetic 🔠 writing ✍️? But no one should discuss the possibility of the invention alphabetic writing to have been the work of ⚙️ engineers, even though the myths seem to point in this direction? Maybe alpha, beta, gamma, delta ... represent 1, 2, 3, 4 ... in some 🗣️ language?”
— Dimitris Psychoyos (A50/2005), “The Forgotten Art of Isopsephy“ (pg. #)
originally described by the seven main Egyptian numerals, dating to the 5300A TombUJ number tags 🏷️, which attest letter-number H (8), as 𓐁 [Z15G], i.e. two palms 𓂪, and letter-number R (100), as the solar 🌞 ram head 𓍢 [Z1], and the 5700A Naqada I period black-rimed vase, which attest the proto letter-number I (10), as type: ∩, the Horus 𓅃 solar 🌞 falcon in the Hathor 𓁥 Milky Way 🌌 cow 🐮 yoke home 𓉡, aka letter omega Ω [800] presently; a 6K+ year old Egyptian cosmology star 🌟 story, recorded by 1,050+ HieroTypes; the oldest of which being letter-number H [8] or 𓐁 [Z15G], in the attested form: 𓏽 (𓂪) / 𓏽 (𓂪), found extant on the 20,000A Ishango math 🧮 bone 🦴, Congo, Africa; all of which predicates a steep 4-year or more learning curve, in order to understand what is going on:
New EAN member who has previously enjoyed read Fideler (A38):
“There’s a steep barrier to entry on this material in terms of time commitment and information processing ability.”
— O[19]0 (A69), “comment”, Hebrew Numerals, May 9
Subsequently, as I only have so many days of space-time existence left on this planet 🌍, the 3rd rock 🪨 from the sun 🌞, who the Egyptians referred to by the hiero-name: 𓀭 𓃀 𓅬 [A40-D58-G38] (here), to use to finish the scheduled 6-volume EAN book 📚 set, so I can get back to the HumanChemThermo (HCT) derivation and final scheduled target 🎯 HCT publication; it thus behooves me 🚧 not to engage in dialogue with those who drop either the S-bomb 💣, the C-bomb 💣, or other DL red flag 🚩 terms, as these types of people already have their mind “made up”, being pre-disposed to backwards non-open-mined thinking 🤔, their brain 🧠 anchored ⚓️ in accepted “standard” status quo, but logically incongruent, ideology and dogma; and no amount of arguing or discussion will convince them otherwise, as has been evidenced in the 1.5-year open window🪟of free-going discussion, in the early period of Reddit EAN; or to reply to people whose refutation is “LOL, you are not a scientist, and do not know peer review!”, a comment made while I was making this mental note.
It is better, as Planck said, to let the old generation die off, so that the new generation will allowed sunlight so to grow to the new view.”
— Libb Thims (A69), “mental note”, wake-up state, 9:35 PM CST, May 12
Mental note Follow-up #1
The following is the “reduced“ version of the former:
Do not 🚧 engage [DNE] with puerile minds.”
— Libb Thims (A69), ”mental note”, wake up state (sleep: 11-hours); thoughts on previous day wake up mental note, combined with V[4]S, in this post, who dropped the S-bomb 💣, to which I replied with pro-tip rule, at the Russian (language) sub, about the following letter L type switch from: ΛЛ, between my name in print as: Λибб Тимс, below my photo, versus this the Google translate name Либб Тимс (Libb Thims) or say Леонард Эйлер (Leonard Euler) also shown in the article, below his photo, spelled as Λеонард ЭйΛер in this A52 (2007) Russian article. It still boggles my mind how someone throw the S-bomb at someone for asking the simple question: “how: Λ → Л?”, 3:30PM CST May 13
Mental note Follow-up #2
”You are wasting my space-time.”
— Libb Thims (A69), truncated summary of previous, 2:23AM May 14
Pro tip!
A good rule of thumb to shut-down the conversation with the do-not-engage-with (DNEW) types of users, is just to paste the following, which links to this mental note page:
In other words, it should not be that difficult to have a coherent ABC conversation about the origin of ABC, or the new theory of the Egyptian origin of language 🗣️ , without recourse to a trip down the sewer 🕳️ drain, the city trash 🚮 dump, or to the happy default land of ad-hominem-ville?
submitted by JohannGoethe to LibbThims [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:22 ParanormalBeluga Every Chief Deity of Every Religion Ever

Hello! I'm attempting to make a list of every chief deity of every religion ever! I posted the old version of this list about a month ago and got some VERY valuable feedback & criticism. I have updated the list, and even put it in alphabetical order!
If you have any thoughts, feedback, and most important, if I missed a Pantheon, please let me know!
'Amm- South Arabian
'El- Canaanite
Ababinili- Chickasaw
Abassi- Efik, Anaang, Ibibio (Technically a Creator ‘Spirit’)
Abgal- North Arabian
Achamán- Guanche
Adroa- Lugbara
Aernus- Celtic Celtiberian
Ahone- Powhatan
Ahsonnutli- Navajo
Ahura Mazda- Persian/ Zoroastrianism
Akba Atatdia- Crow
Aleut- Agudar
Amaterasu- Shinto
Amma- Dogon
Amun- Egyptian/ Berber
An- Sumerian
Andraste- Celtic Iceni
Ankou- Celtic Breton & Celtic Cornish & Celtic Norman (Though not identified as a ‘Chief Deity’ he is the most powerful one I could find relating to Celtic Breton & Celtic Cornish beliefs as they do not have any information on a chief deity available from what I could find.)
Anulap- Micronesian
Aramazd- Armenian
Arebati- Efé
Armazi- Georgian
Aten- Atenism
Atíʼas Tirawa- Pawnee
Ayanat Caddi- Caddo
Baiame- Aboriginal Australians
Bandua- Lusitanian/ Iberian Celtic
Bathala- Kapampangan
Bendis- Thracian
Bondye- Voodoo
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Mahadevi, Indra- Hinduism (Hinduism has many high ranking deities so I have chosen to list the most prominent and important in terms of creation.)
Breathmaker- Seminole
Bu Luotuo- Zhuang & Moism
Buddha- Chinese Buddhism, Tibetan (Buddha himself is a man, not a deity, and has never presented himself as such. However in certain branches of Buddhism they have deified him. Buddha being deified does not reflect all branches of Buddhism.)
Buga- Evenki
Bulon La Mogoaw & Kadaw La Sambad- T’Boli
Cailleach- Celtic Gaelic
Chebbeniathan- Arapaho
Chiminigagua- Muisca
Chiuta- Tumbukam
Chukwu- Igbo
Coyote- Various Tribes
Curicaueri- Purépechan
Cybele- Phrygian
Dagan- Amorite
Dal- Vainakh
Degei- Fijan
Deipaturos- Tymphaean
Dievas- Lithuanian
Dushara- Nabataean
Dyēus- Messapian, Illyrian
Earthmaker- Ho-Chunk
En- Komi
Enkai- Maasai
Enlil and Ninlil- Mesopotamian Early Dynastic Period
Esa- Shoshone, Bannock, Northern Paiute
Eschetewuarha- Chamacoco
First Creator- Hidatsa, Mandan
Flying Spaghetti Monster - Pastafarian
Gici Niwaskw- Abenaki, Penobscot, Maliseet, Passamaquoddy
Great Spirit- Various Tribes (Known as ‘Gitchi Manitou’ in Algonquin-speaking tribes.)
Gudatrigakwitl- Wiyot
Hahgwehdiyu- Iroquois
Hammon- Carthaginian
Hayyi Rabbi- Mandaeism
Hesaketvmese- Creek
Huiracocha- Bolivian
Huitzilopochtli- Aztec
Hyang- Indonesia
Ikujuri- Apalai, Wayana
Ilaba- Mesopotamian Akkadian Empire
Inyan- Lakota
Io Matua Kore- Māori
Ioskeha- Wyandot
Isten- Hungarian
Itzamná- Mayan
Ixtcibenihehat- Gros Ventre
Jamul- Achumawi
Jupiter- Roman/ Samnite
Kabunyan- Igorot
Kalumba- Luba
Kame & Keri- Bakairi
Kan-Laon- Hiligaynon
Kanda-koro-kamuy- Ainu
Katonda- Baganda
Khonvoum- Mbuti
Māna-Yood-Sushāī- Pegāna
Kisulkw- Micmac
Kangalogba- Pokot and Suk
Kitanitowit- Lenape, Wampanoag, Narragansett
Kopé Tiatie Cac- Serer
Kumarbi- Hurrian
Kururumany- Arawak, Warao
Kwahn- Atsugewi, Miwok
Kāne- Hawaiian
La Filonzana- Sardinian
Llŷr- Celtic Welsh
Lugh- Celtic Gauls
Magbabayà- Lumad
Maheo- Cheyenne
Makemake- Rapa Nui
Makunaima- Akawaio, Pemon, Macusi, Carib
Man'una- Ho-Chunk
Marduk- Babylonian
Mari- Kugu Jumo/ Basque
Mawu & Lisa - Dahomean, Benin, Ewe
Melqart -Phoenician
Monad- Gnosticism
Mopó & Ikujuri- Apalai
Mukat- Cahuilla & Cupeno
Mula Jadi Na Bolon- Batak
Mwari- Shona
Nabû- Neo-Babylonian
Nanna and Ningal- Neo-Sumerian Renaissance Mesopotamian Ur
Ngai- Kamba, Meru, Kikuyu
Ngenechen- Mapuche
Nyambe- Bantu
Nyankapon-Nyame-Odomankoma- Akan
Odin- Norse, Anglo-Saxon Paganism, Germanic, Dutch
Olorun- Yoruban
Oš Kugu Jumo- Mari
Parsapen- Gondi
Perun- Slavic
Qamata- Xhosa
Radien-attje- Sámi
Sang-Je- Korean
Shangdi- Chinese
Sidaba Mapu- Meitei
Tabiti- Scythian
Tagaloa- Samoan
Tawa- Hopi
Ta’aroa- Tahitian
The Dagda- Celtic Irish
The Heavenly Llama- Aymara
The Jade Emperor- Daoism
Theshkhue- Circassian
Tharapita- Estonian
Tengri- Tengrism
Teššub- Hittite
Unetlanvhi- Cherokee
Unkulunkulu- Zulu
Torngarsuk- Inuit
Tupã- Guarani
Viracocha- Incan
Xucau- Ossetian
Yahweh- Abrahamic
Yer Shau- Hmong
Zeus- Greek
Ziparwa- Palaic
Zojz- Albanian
Ông Trời- Vietnamese
ǀKaggen- San
Ḫaldi & Shivini & Theispas- Urartu
Napi- Blackfoot
Napirisha- Elamite
Ngewo- Mende
Nishanu- Arikara
Wadd- Minaean
Nitosi- Dene
Noncomala- Ngäbe
Freyr- Ingvaeones
Num-Torum- Ob-Ugrian
Nzambi a Mpungu- Bakongo
Occopirmus- Prussian
Orenda- Iroquois, Huron
Otshirvani- Various Mongolian Tribes of Siberia
Creator Waterbird (Either a Goose, a red-throated loon, or black-throated loon)- Finno-Ugric
Qat- Melanesian
Raven- Haida
Raweno- Mohawk, Huron
Sanghyang Widhi Wasa - Balinese Hinduism
Saya- Beaver
Sibú- Talamancan
Sipa- Cocopa
Sabazios- Celtic Galatian
Tamosi- Caribs
Temáukel- Selk'Nam
Thagyamin- Burmese
The Anjana- Celtic Cantabrian (More a classification of certain deities, less a single deity.)
Tijuiném- Chaná
Toutatis- Celtic Roman Britain
Ukko & Akka- Finnish
Ussen- Chiricahua Apache
Utakke- Carrier
Ülgen- Turkic
Voltumna- Etruscan
Waaq- Cushitic
Waheguru- Sikhism
Wakan Tanka- Lakota, Dakota
Wakonda- Omaha, Ponca, Osage
Yehl- Tlingit (Not Head Deity, but the creator.)
Yog-Sothoth- Lovecraftian (Though Not A ‘Chief’ Deity It Is The Strongest)
Zalmoxis- Getae
Zanahary- Malagasy
Zapotec- Coquihani
submitted by ParanormalBeluga to mythology [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 08:34 watchersontheweb (Spoilers Extended) The myth of Herne the Hunter, Horn Hill and the Age of (Super) Heroes

Tinfoil and I will be making no proper conclusions, just connections that might've been an influence on the story.
Three tales..
According to legend, Herndon and his twin brother Harlon the Hunter built their castle atop Horn Hill and took to wife the beautiful woods witch who dwelled there, sharing her favors for a hundred years.
In the Early Middle Ages, Windsor Forest came under the control of the pagan Angles who worshipped their own pantheon of gods, including Woden, whose Norse equivalent Odin rode across the night sky with his own Wild Hunt and hanged himself on the world tree Yggdrasil to learn the secret of the runic alphabet. It has been suggested that the name Herne is derived from the title Herian, a title used for Woden in his role as leader of fallen warriors (Old Norse: Einherjar). - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herne_the_Hunter#Anglo-Saxon_deity
And last but not least, Green Arrow 1988 issue 26
Oliver Queen investigates the Hawthorne Estate, in Nottingham, England, where he finds the late Alec Hawthorne's cane. As he investigates an indoor garden, he is surprised by the appearance of the man who hired him, Geoffrey Dunston, who is also the Hawthorne family lawyer.
Some quick names to jot down..
Dunstonbury was once a castle of House Manderly when they lived along the Mander in the Kingdom of the Reach. When the Manderlys fled the Reach a thousand years before the War of Conquest - Wiki
Dunstan is an old man, but not as old as Erik Ironmaker. Lord Drumm carries the Valyrian steel sword Red Rain - Wiki
House Drumm may be a reference by George R. R. Martin to Jericho Drumm, a magic-using superhero known as Brother Voodoo.
After Princess Saera Targaryen's companion Alys Turnberry was disgraced and gave birth to a bastard daughter in the Vale, she was arranged to marry Lord Dunstan Pryor. - Wiki
The Sigil for the Pryors is an eclipse, one circle over the other.
There is a Pryor to be found in Marvel comics as well.. "Madelyne Pryor is a mutant clone of Jean Grey of the X-Men. She was created by Mister Sinister, and her existence was orchestrated to fulfill a grand scheme to birth a living weapon to destroy Apocalypse."
House Hawthorne is a noble house from the Westerlands. According to semi-canon sources, they blazon their arms with interlocked rings of black thorns and pink flowers, on a green field. - Wiki
The text states that certain houses trace their roots back to the "golden age of the First Men", a term that could be meant to cover the Dawn Age and the Age of Heroes together.
One circle over the other.
Back to Green Arrow
https://imgur.com/a/WjGLajv - Here are the most important images from this issue.
At the end of the story it is discovered that it is Dunston who set all the pieces in motion and who killed Hawthorne for his estate, this was achieved with a sneaky application of poisons/LSD that were hard to trace and that alienated him and his family from the local people. Hern the Hunter is the one who tried to put all the pieces together again with the help from one of his avatars that show up throughout time, Sam the Green Arrow.
This sounds remarkably like something that the Faceless Men would get up to, and is also reminiscent of the Dun Fort during the Defiance of Duskendale.
TLDR: People in the guise of other people, mysteries and sneaky deaths. "Golden age of the First Men" has a bunch of comic connections and odd connections to the FM, the most egregious example being House Banefort and their Hooded Man.
The sigil of House Banefort is a reference by George R. R. Martin to the comic book character Black Hood.
"According to Jess Nevins' Encyclopedia of Golden Age Superheroes, the Black Hood's other enemies include "Panther Men, the Animal Man, the Mist (who can change into a cloud of mist at will), the Mold (who transforms humans into mold), and Octavius, the violinist and author of "the Dance of Death". He also fights the Crow."
And Banefort is again reminiscent of certain other names, Dun Fort and last but not least Dreadfort
  • dun (v.)
"to insist on payment of debt," 1620s, also as a noun, "agent employed to collect debts,"
  • dun (adj.)
Old English dunn "dingy brown; dark-colored," perhaps from Celtic (compare Old Irish donn "dark;" Gaelic donn "dull; dark brown; dark;" Welsh dwnn "brownish"), from PIE donnos, dusnos "dark."
There is a Don(t)nos who did do underhanded work, a red one.
Dontos is the only surviving member of House Hollard, once close allies and vassals of House Darklyn. As a result of the Defiance of Duskendale, both houses were destroyed and their blood exterminated
TLDR2: Dontos donned dusky drapes then did dun deeds
submitted by watchersontheweb to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 07:04 Scared_Sense4910 Drawing Celtics book

Drawing Celtics book
Hey guys, I know this isn’t, “vintage” but, you guys are so knowledgeable I’d love to know your thoughts on this.
I’m drawing an alphabet book for my daughter, she’s 5, just started school and she’s got an NBA one. Thought I’d draw a Celtics one for her. This is the list I’ve got so far.
I want to use 1 name. But, thinking of 2 if I can’t decide on who’s had a bigger impact to the organisation. This can include players, coaches or even GM’s. I’m struggling with a few letters. Maybe you’s can help me out please?
I’m good for these letters; E, F, G, I, K, L, X
Thoughts please guys?
submitted by Scared_Sense4910 to VintageNBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 07:04 Scared_Sense4910 Drawing a Celtics Book

Drawing a Celtics Book
Hey guys, I know this isn’t, “vintage” but, you guys are so knowledgeable I’d love to know your thoughts on this. I’m drawing an alphabet book for my daughter, she’s 5, just started school and she’s got an NBA one. Thought I’d draw a Celtics one for her. This is the list I’ve got so far. I want to use 1 name. But, thinking of 2 if I can’t decide on who’s had a bigger impact to the organisation. This can include players, coaches or even GM’s. I’m struggling with a few letters. Maybe you’s can help me out please? I’m good for these letters; E, F, G, I, K, L, X
Thoughts please guys?
submitted by Scared_Sense4910 to bostonceltics [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 00:26 Raptor-08 WAS THIS INTENTIONAL!?!?!?!?!? [Spoilers]

submitted by Raptor-08 to DungeonsAndDaddies [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 20:04 Yurii_S_Kh Saints Brynach and Derfel Gadarn of Wales

Saints Brynach and Derfel Gadarn of Wales
This article is dedicated to two Welsh saints whose veneration has continued for many centuries and whose feast days are very close to each other. They are Sts. Brynach and Derfel Gadarn.
Venerable Brynach of Wales
Commemorated April 7/20
A stained glass image of St. Brynach (source - Wolfgang Sauber)
Venerable Brynach most probably lived in the fifth to sixth centuries. Little information about him survives, as the only surviving hagiography was composed in the twelfth century. According to one popular version, he hailed from Ireland and in his youth led an impious life, but later mended his ways, repented and devoted his energies to the service of God, prayer and the foundation of churches. One tradition says that once, the future saint, returning from a trip to Brittany back to his native Ireland, was shipwrecked in the south of Wales and thrown onto the Welsh shore. The man of God understood that it was a sign from above, as the Lord wanted Brynach to serve Him in Wales.
The saint did indeed travel to many regions of Wales, and, according to one late legend, even visited Rome. Like other Irish saints, Brynach became a wandering missionary and labored mainly in the west of Wales. The saint combined preaching and building churches with the ascetic life for which his soul particularly strove. It is known that St. Brynach built a cell and a church at the foot of a hill called Mynydd Carningli (meaning “The Mount of Angels” in Old Welsh) in Pembrokeshire, which is 347 meters (1138 feet) high. He may have founded a monastery there too. Whenever life in the monastery became too hectic, the saint would climb the hill and spend a long time at the top in fasting, prayer, contemplation, serenity and communion with the angels. According to his Life, the saint literally communicated with angels when he retreated to the summit, and he was eventually able to communicate with the angelic powers permanently.
Mynydd Carningli (source - Geograph.org.uk)
With time the ascetic built a small monastery close to Mynydd Carningli in the present-day village of Nevern in Pembrokeshire. As was the case with several other Welsh saints, a white sow appeared to him in a vision and pointed to the place where Brynach was to build his church. Wild animals, especially deer, served him; thus, a “team” of deer helped him bring tree trunks from the forest to build the monastery church. It was said that Nevern, where Brynach gathered many disciples, later had a school. Today this village has a Norman church dedicated to St. Brynach. Brynach was an illustrious preacher and inspired people so much that a local king in Wales named Clether abdicated the throne in his old age, moved from Wales to Cornwall, himself became a missionary there and after his death was venerated as a saint.
Among other traditions connected with St Brynach let us mention the following. There was a famous “red well,” the water of which acquired healing power through the prayers of Brynach. St. Brynach used to pray in cold water for a long time, as did many other Celtic saints. The saint despised any possessions and lived in such poverty that there was nothing in his cell except a rock which served him as a pillow. Once Brynach travelled to the deserted village of Pontfaen, which was inhabited by evil spirits who terrified the local population and made them flee. Through his prayers and the sign of the cross the saint drove all the demons away from the locality and people returned to live there. According to tradition, St. Brynach was a friend to St. David, the patron of Wales.
The holy man founded a number of other churches and chapels along rivers in Wales. Most of his establishments can be found in Pembrokeshire. Today some churches in the counties of Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Glamorgan, Monmouthshire and the former county of Brecknockshire are dedicated to him. A parish church in the village of Dinas Cross in Pembrokeshire is dedicated to Brynach. The chancel of the original old church, dating to the time of the saint, was washed away by the waves in 1850, and the roof and the north wall were destroyed nine years later. In the early 1860s, a small new church in honor of this saint was built in Dinas Cross further from the seashore (the original church had stood on the beach on the south-eastern corner of Dinas Island Peninsula). Some ruins of the old church survive and are now located in a park; their exact location is the hamlet of Cwm-yr-Eglwys (“Valley of the Church”) near Dinas Cross.

Ruins of St. Brynach's Church, Cwm-yr-Eglwys near Dinas Cross
St. Brynach's Church in Llanfyrnach, Pembrokeshire
The following churches in Wales also bear his name: a church rebuilt in the Victorian age in the village of Llanfernach (meaning “Church of Brynach”) in Pembrokeshire; a church in the village of Pontfaen in Pembrokeshire (it dates back to the time of the saint); in the hamlet of Henry’s Moat in Pembrokeshire; the church in Llanboidy in Carmarthenshire on the border with Pembrokeshire (it is probably named after him); and a chapel in Llanddarog in Carmarthenshire. The saint is depicted on stained glass in many Welsh churches.
Church of St. Brynach in Nevern, Pembrokeshire (source - Wikipedia)
The most important church dedicated to the saint is in Nevern in Pembrokeshire, mentioned above, which was his principal center. The church sits by the river at the foot of a hill. The tower is its oldest feature and can be traced back to Norman times. The rest of the church is of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. There is a collection of stained glass and carved stones inside. These include the smart “Braided Cross Stone” in the south transept chapel, which has a rare relief knotwork cross, and the “Maglocunus stone”—both are over 1000 years old. The church commemorates the Welsh geologist, antiquarian and author George Owen (1552-1613) who was buried here.
This holy place is very unusual. Firstly, it has preserved a Celtic cross of the tenth century outside the church, which stands intact to this day. It is called “the Great Cross”; it is about four meters high and sixty centimeters (two feet) in diameter. According to experts, it is one of the finest surviving examples of a Celtic monument in Wales. Secondly, there is a fifth century monument just outside the church, called the “Vitalianus stone”, which retains early inscriptions in Latin and Ogham—an ancient British and Irish alphabet, consisting of twenty characters formed by parallel strokes on either side of or across a continuous line. (There are more historic crosses nearby).
Left to right - Maglocunus Stone, Vitalianus Stone and Braided Stone Cross in Nevern
The 'bleeding' yew tree at Nevern, Pembrokeshire (source - Mapio.net)
Thirdly, among the old yew trees growing near the church there is one very special one, called “the bleeding yew” because it emits a red sap of unknown origin at a certain time of the year that resembles blood. It stands near the gate. The nature of this sap has not yet been identified by scientists who have tried to examine it more than once. This flow has dripped from a “wound” in this 700-year-old tree (all of the local yew trees are at least 600 years old) for decades. Drops suddenly start trickling from the yew to the ground regularly, amazing and puzzling sceptics to this day. The sap has neither smell nor stain, and, since most kinds of yews are poisonous, nobody has yet tasted it. There are numerous legends around this mystery. One explanation is that this yew “bleeds” in sympathy with Christ Who was crucified on the Cross; another explanation is that it symbolizes the Tree of Life in Eden; another that it will “bleed” until there is peace in the world; another is that an innocent monk was hanged on this tree for a crime that he never committed. Some associate this phenomenon with paganism, since this site was used by pagans before the coming of Christianity. Fourthly, there is an ancient pilgrims’ cross outside the village, carved into a cliff. This site lies on a medieval pilgrimage route to St. David’s, so that the numerous pilgrims passing by could stop and pray at the cross, which was originally a shrine with a niche, and had the figure of a saint in it.
Venerable Derfel Gadarn of Wales
Commemorated: April 5/18
St. Derfel Gadarn's sculpture by David Lloyd (source - Behance.net)
The memory of St. Derfel Gadarn (fifth to sixth centuries?) lives on in Wales to this day. The name means “Derfel the Strong”. He was originally a prominent soldier, but then abandoned his military career and gave himself over to spiritual labors for the glory of God. He was a hermit at Llandderfel (“Church of Derfel”) in the kingdom (and now county) of Gwynedd in Wales where he established a church or monastic community. He may also have been the abbot of two famous monasteries: those of Llantwit Major (Llanilltud Fawr in Welsh), founded by St. Illtyd, where he had probably studied, and that on the island of Bardsey (founded by his cousin St. Cadfan).
St. Derfel reposed in the Lord a very old man, much venerated as a saint. In the Middle Ages Derfel was celebrated in poetry, especially as a soldier. Pilgrimages to his shrine and relics in the church of Llantarnam (the present-day county borough of Torfaen) in the south-east of Wales continued for many centuries.
The church at Llandderfel had a splendid, life-size, wooden statue of the saint dressed as a warrior on a horse (according to another interpretation, on a deer, as the saint had a pet deer), which through the centuries was much venerated as a relic and visited by numerous pilgrims. According to medieval stories, not long before the Reformation pilgrims would come to the saint’s statue every day and even bring their domestic livestock with them. In thanks for the miracles that St. Derfel performed, the faithful brought generous donations to this church. It was believed that the saint would intercede for the soul of every single believer after his death if in their lifetime they had come to his church at least once with sincere faith and a donation. On St. Derfel’s feast day—April 5 according to the old calendar—no fewer than 500-600 faithful would come to Llandderfel church.
St. Derfel Gadarn's horse at Llandderfel church, Gwynedd (source - Walesonline.co.uk)
This wooden statue of St. Derfel Gadarn was burned in 1538 in Smithfield, London, during the Reformation, by the Chief Minister of Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell, in spite of protests. This statue was used for the fire on which the Catholic saint and Franciscan friar John Forest [1] (1471-1538) was executed by burning at the stake. Thus a prophecy was fulfilled, according to which this wooden effigy of St. Derfel would set a whole forest afire.
The parish church in the village of Llandderfel in Gwynedd is dedicated to St. Derfel Gadarn to this day. It was certainly mentioned in 1291, and the present structure is of the early Tudor period. The church boasts a fine and rare oak rood screen dating back to about 1500. This ancient church still houses the surviving part of the wooden shrine: namely the wooden staff and the life-size horse (or deer) of the saint. Some believe that even this segment of the statue possesses miraculous powers. It is a very moving surviving monument in Wales. Even after the barbarous and bloody Reformation, people continued to venerate Derfel Gadarn, and they would take his horse out to a local field on Easter Week and let their children play with it (this somewhat odd tradition stopped and at present the effigy is kept only in the church). The Welsh poet Dewi Havhesp (1831-1884), author of Oriau'r Awen (“The Hours of the Muse”), is buried in the churchyard.
A holy well in honor of this saint partially survives near the village. It is hidden half-way up a steep hill under a line of trees by a small wall. Though both shrines survive only in part, they remain memorials to the saint who from a secular warrior turned into a warrior of Christ. A life-size sculpture of St. Derfel was recently created by the Welsh sculptor and artist David Lloyd. The sculpture was unveiled at the Thornhill Communities first annual St. Derfel’s Day celebrations in April 2011, according to the Ancient Cwmbran Society’s website.
Holy Fathers Brynach and Derfel Gadarn, pray to God for us!
Dmitry Lapa

[1] John Forest was the confessor of King Henry VIII’s first wife Catherine of Aragon. He was condemned to death after refusing to accept Henry VIII as the supreme head of the Church of England.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 02:39 NyxShadowhawk I Read The Silmarillion So You Don't Have To, Part Three

I Read The Silmarillion So You Don't Have To, Part Three
Part One, Part Two
Chapter 4: Of Thingol and Melian In which Elwë/Thingol gets horny and abandons his quest, and behold, a language is born.
I said that Melian would be important, but that’s because the book said so. Unlike with Olorin, I don’t actually know anything about her in advance. So, now we’re going to find out what her role in the story is! Melian is a Maia and she lives in Lórien, where she is best known for her singing. The whole world stops to listen to her sing. Before dawn, she comes to the “Hither Lands” (Middle-earth?) to teach the birds to sing.
While the Elves are traveling, Elwë, the leader of the third group of Elves (the Teleri) is scouting by himself. He hears the voice of Melian and is entranced. He finds her in a forest glade, and as soon as he touches her, she traps him there. He stays in the glade while time moves on around him. His brother Olwë takes over the kingship of the Teleri, and Elwë never sees Valinor again. He and Melian are quite productive, though, and end up becoming the ancestors of an entire race of elves [edit: I know this is wrong, I went in blind], called the Sindar, “Grey Elves” or “Twilight Elves.” Sindar are “grey” because they are neither Light Elves who saw the trees of Valinor, nor “dark elves” who chose not to go to Valinor. Elwë Singollo became known as Thingol, which still means “Greymantle,” but in Sindarin. Thingol and Melian became King and Queen of the Sindar.
To elaborate on the significance of this: “Elvish” is probably the best-known of Tolkien’s conlangs, but there’s actually two completely different Elvish languages. One is Quenya, the language spoken by those Elves in Middle-earth who are descended from the “High Elves” or Light Elves of Valinor, and the other is Sindarin, the language spoken by the Sindar. When you think of “Elvish,” you are probably thinking of Sindarin, because it’s the most common Elven language in Middle-earth. The Elves of Mirkwood are descended from yet another subgroup of Teleri Elves, called Nandor, who split off from Olwë’s group and went off on their own to live in the forests. They have their own language, Silvan Elvish, but Thranduil definitely spoke Sindarin, and his name is in Sindarin. So, the Sindar are kind of a big deal.
Thingol and Melian by Elena Kukanova
Chapter 5: Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië In which the Elves settle into their new home.
The Vanyar and Noldor finally reach the westernmost coast of Middle-earth, and are confronted with the ocean that they have to cross to reach Aman (the continent where Valinor is). Ulmo comes and talks to the Elves, playing his shell pipes for them, and they lose their fear of the ocean. Ulmo drags up an island from the ocean, and brings it into the bay as if it were a ship, and all the Elves climb on it to sail it to the other side of the ocean. (Part of the island was broken off and remained in the bay, becoming the Isle of Balar.)
The Teleri arrived too late. They missed the island-boat, Elwë abandoned them for Melian, and now they’re stuck in East Beleriand. They name Elwë’s brother Olwë as their king, and they learn about water and music from the Maiar Ossë and Uinen. Everything’s fine for a while, but the Noldor in Valinor missed the Teleri, and asked Ulmo to go and get them. Most of the Teleri are willing to uproot themselves again and continue on to Valinor, but Ossë (the Maia of waves) is sad to see them go, and persuades a few to stay so that they can continue to sing for him. The ones that stay become the Falathrim, the first mariners. Had enough subdivisions of Elves yet?
No you haven’t, because there’s another one — the friends and family of Elwë who are still wondering what the hell happened to him. They still want to go to Valinor, but Ulmo doesn’t wait for them to find Elwë, so they’re left behind. They call themselves Eglath, the Forsaken People, and live in the forests yearning for a place that they will never see. Elwë does eventually find them, though, and he looks so glorious and beautiful with his silver hair and his unusually tall stature that they almost mistake him for a Maia. So, they’re okay now. Presumably they become Sindar.
Ossë chases after the other Teleri. When they hear his voice, the Teleri beg Ulmo to lock the island in place in the Bay of Eldamar. Ulmo doesn’t mind doing this, because he didn’t think it was a good idea for the Elves to leave Middle-earth in the first place. The island becomes Tol Eressëa, the Lonely Isle. So, after all of that, the Teleri still don’t make it to Valinor (because they just love the sea too much, I guess).
The Valar aren’t happy about this, and Finwë (the leader of the Noldor) grieves to hear that not only are the Teleri not coming, but Elwë got lost somewhere along the way. The Teleri are happy, though (and literally within sight of Aman, so, if only they had a boat or something…). The important thing is that this is why they speak a different language from everyone else. Like I said before, language is what drives the worldbuilding, as opposed to narrative or character or anything else. In Tolkien’s defense, this is definitely how real-life ethnic groups form (not islands magically moving and stopping, but groups breaking off from each other during migration) so he’s doing a great job on that front.
Eventually, the Teleri do make it to shore. Elves are like moths in that they’re constantly drawn towards the light of Valinor. So they change their minds, and ask Ulmo to bring them to shore. Ulmo tells Ossë to teach them how to build boats, and Ossë does, though very reluctantly. As a parting gift, he gives them swans to pull their boats. (My immediate thought was that this is a reference to the Tuatha Dé Danann in Celtic mythology, but I might be misremembering it, because I can’t find any proof of that. Moving on.) The Teleri come to live on the shores of Aman, within reach of Valinor, but closer to the sea because they like the water so much. The Noldor give them lots of jewels, which they scatter across the beaches, and they build themselves palaces out of pearl in their city of Alqualondë.
The Ships of the Teleri Drawn by Swans, by Ted Nasmith
There’s three cities in total: Valmar, the city of the Valar, Tirion, the city of the Noldor, and Alqualondë, the coastal city of the Teleri. The Noldor built Tirion on top of a hill called Túna (I know it means something in Quenya, but there’s no way I’m taking that seriously). They love Telperion, the White Tree, so Yavanna gives them one of its seedlings, which becomes another white tree that looks just like a smaller version of Telperion, except that it doesn’t glow. In Sindarin, the little tree is called Galathilion.
The Noldor like to learn things, discover things, and make things. They were trained by Aulë himself, so they’re experts in all kinds of craftsmanship. Their masons discovered precious stones hidden in the earth, which they learned to cut. Noldor have an insatiable love of learning, and whenever they find something new, they make up a new word for it in their language (Quenya). The dark side of a love of learning is that one might not know where to stop, i.e. “just because you can doesn’t mean you should” and “these were things mortals were not meant to know.”
The Vanyar live directly with Manwë, which makes them both the coolest Elves and the least interesting because nothing about them is known to anyone else. The Noldor, however, still remember Middle-earth — dark, quiet, and full of stars. The grass is always greener, I guess.
We know next to nothing about the Vanyar because they stayed in Valinor, but the Noldor eventually came back, so we know their whole genealogy. As boring as that sounds, I do have to describe the whole thing here, because it is important: The King of the Noldor is Finwë as we’ve said before, and he has three sons: Fëanor, Fingolfin, and Finarfin. Fingolfin and Finarfin have the same mother, a Vanyar elf called Indis. Fëanor’s mother, however, is another Noldor elf called Míriel Serindë. Of the three sons, Fëanor is the smartest, Fingolfin is the strongest, and Finarfin is the wisest and the most beautiful. He eventually befriends the Teleri and marries one of Olwë’s daughters.
Finarfin, Fingolfin, and Fëanor by _star热爱生活呀巴扎嘿
Fëanor has seven sons: Maedhros the tall, Maglor the singer, Celegorm the fair, Caranthir the dark, Curufin the crafty, and the twins Amrod and Amras. Fingolfin has two sons and one daughter: Fingon and Turgon are the sons, and Aredhel the White is the daughter. Finarfin has four sons: Finrod the Faithful, who eventually gains the epithet “Felagund, Lord of Caves” (really interested to hear that story), Orodreth, Angrod, and Aegnor. He also has a daughter — Galadriel. (Yes! Finally a character you know! Well, apart from Olorin, that is…) She is known for her golden hair, so shiny that it is if the light of the golden tree, Laurelin, shines within it.
That’s all the genealogy we need to know for now. Again, Tolkien gets points for authenticity here — a significant portion of real historical epics are long lists of everyone’s names and who they’re related to and who their kids are, which is of great interest to historians, but not very exciting if you’re primarily interested in a cool story about people killing each other.
You know what, even if Amazon did get the rights to The Silmarillion for Rings of Power, they would probably have the same trouble adapting it that people usually have when they try to adapt epics like The Iliad or Beowulf: Epics just aren’t structured like conventional narratives. Even if there is a story, it usually plays second fiddle to all these historical details and other infodumps. Don’t get me wrong, epics are more than capable of being emotionally impactful, and I was pleasantly surprised by the Iliad and Odyssey more than once. But they don’t follow the same kind of five-act story structure that novels and films typically do. The narrative is interspersed with records of events and people, since an oral tradition needs to be able to preserve cultural history in addition to telling a good story, and the result is more like a series of significant events rather than an actual plot with a tidy ending. The cultural history is very important to the people whose history it is, and the people who study it, but when you have a complex cultural history of people who don’t actually exist, then the only people who are going to be interested are people who are already invested in Tolkien and his world. Basically, you can (sort of, barely) get away with infodumping if you’re intentionally following the conventions of an obsolete literary genre, and people already care about your worldbuilding.
If LotR is the story of the One Ring and the things that happen around it, then The Silmarillion is the story of this family, and the things that happen around or because of them. So, you’re going to want to keep track of them:
The House of Finwë by cy-lindric
Chapter 6: Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor In which we meet our… uh… protagonist?
You can tell just by the title that this is when everything goes to hell, right? It was too good to last. Although the Elves lived in bliss in Valinor for however many centuries, if someone didn’t fuck everything up, we wouldn’t have a story. That someone is Fëanor, who is the nearest thing this story has to a protagonist.
Fëanor by Insant
He was born in Valinor. His original name (or patronymic name) is Curufinwë, but his mother called him Fëanor (FAY-ah-nr), which means “spirit of fire.” Míriel, Fëanor’s mother, all but died in childbirth. After he was born, she refused to bear any more children, because all of her life-force and that of any future children had gone into Fëanor. Giving birth to him was like being burned away by fire, to the point where Míriel basically didn’t have any will to live… except that elves don’t die. So, Finwë went to Manwë for help, and Manwë allowed Míriel to go live in the beautiful gardens of Lórien with Irmo, the god of dreams. Once she got there, she basically died; her body went to sleep, but her spirit passed on to the Halls of Mandos.
Finwë was very sad at having lost his wife, but dedicated as much love and attention to his son as possible. Fëanor quickly proved himself to be one of those gifted kids who are naturally good at everything. He excelled in craftsmanship, figured out a way to make gems bigger and brighter by infusing them with starlight, and invented lenses. He didn’t invent writing — that was an elf called Rúmil, shortly before he was born — but he did improve upon it to produce the Elven alphabet that Elves still use today. And that was all while he was practically still a teenager!
Fëanor marries an Elf called Nerdanel. His father-in law, Mahtan, learned metalworking and masonry directly at the feet of Aulë, so Fëanor learns a lot more about making things from Mahtan. Fëanor’s relationship with Nerdanel is summed up pretty well by this quote:
Nerdanel also was firm of will, but more patient than Fëanor, desiring to understand minds rather than to master them, and at first she restrained him when the fire of his heart grew too hot; but his later deeds grieved her, and they became estranged.
Yeah… that tells you everything you need to know about Fëanor. He’s one of those arrogant, hotheaded men who needs his wife to put a lid on him so that he’ll calm the fuck down before something blows up. And eventually, managing him becomes too much for her. I guess we’ll find out why.
Meanwhile, Finwë remarries. His new wife is a Vanya elf called Indis, a close relative of the High King Ingwë. Fëanor is not happy about his father remarrying, and mostly ignores his stepmother and half-brothers. The thing about familial strife amongst royalty is that it ends up affecting everyone else, too, usually in catastrophic ways. Looking back, the Elves wonder if everything might have been different if Finwë had just gotten over the death of his first wife and been content with having only one son, especially one as mighty as Fëanor. On the other hand, the world would also be lacking if Fingolfin and Finarfin hadn’t been born, so… this is one of those “what if we went back in time and killed Hitler” questions; history would have been so different if Finwë hadn’t remarried, it’s almost impossible to tell whether it would be for better or worse.
As Finarfin and Fingolfin grow up, Valinor’s heyday is already almost over. The thing about Sealed Evil in a Can is that it doesn’t stay sealed. Eventually, it gets out, and when it does, it’s like a volcano erupting. For once, though, it’s not because some idiot went and broke the seal on the can of evil — it’s because Melkor finished his sentence. The Valar decide that it’s time to put Melkor on trial again.
Melkor’s envy and hatred are dialed up to eleven when he sees the Valar on their shining thrones and the Elves gathered at their feet like kittens. He also really likes the look of all the gemstones that the Noldor have dug up, and wants to steal them. But, he’s more cunning than to make his evil thoughts obvious. He really sucks up to the Valar during his trial, in the most cloying and pathetic way possible. He even promises to fix all the things that he broke (which, I’ll remind you, was everything).
Manwë buys it. I guess he just really wants to believe that there’s good in everybody? Or that everybody deserves a chance at redemption? Tolkien’s explanation for why Manwë pardons Melkor is that, just as pure evil cannot comprehend goodness or happiness or love, pure goodness cannot really comprehend evil, either. As far as Manwë is concerned, a sincere apology is all that’s needed, and why wouldn’t Melkor’s apology be sincere? After all, Melkor and Manwë were both Ainur created by Ilúvatar, so there must be good in him somewhere, right? The other Valar aren’t as easily fooled, though. Ulmo knows better than to trust Melkor, and Tulkas is just itching to punch him. But it’d be pretty hypocritical of them if they punished Melkor for rebellion and then turned right back around and disobeyed the orders of their king, so they don’t do anything.
Remember, Melkor blames the Elves for his initial downfall, because the Valar fought for their sake. And also because they’re happy-go-lucky little Elves in their little Elf world and everything is bright and shiny and so saccharine it makes your eyes bleed. So, Melkor responds by being even more saccharine and kissing up to the Elves as much as possible. “Oh, do you need help with anything? Can we be friends? Do you want to know everything about how the world was created?” The Vanyar aren’t interested, because who needs lore when you have trees? The Teleri don’t even interest Melkor because he sees them as weak and useless. But the Noldor, oh, the Noldor like making things, and they like secret knowledge. They’re just the kind of people who would eagerly agree to a deal with the devil to learn all the secrets of the universe.
Melkor claims that Fëanor learned everything he knows at his knee, but as usual, he’s lying for clout. No one hates Melkor more than Fëanor. In fact, it was Fëanor who first called him “Morgoth” (“dark enemy”). Besides, Fëanor himself is just as arrogant, and insists on working alone. The only person he ever goes to for help is his wife.
Disclaimer: I went into this blind, so some of my early interpretations of or predictions about the worldbuilding ended up being wrong. I'm aware of this, so you don't have to correct me, just stay tuned.
submitted by NyxShadowhawk to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 18:28 DTSFFan Making The Subjective MVP Debate Objective: A Statistical MVP Ranking

Around this time of year, with the season coming to an end and the awards debates heating up, I like to run through the stats, film etc. to see who I think is most deserving of different awards. Then a question struck me. Is there a way to take the commonly agreed upon MVP criteria, that is usually subject to opinion, and boil it down to a single number or "MVP Score" that everybody will agree with and have no debate over?
Obviously not. But I did it anyway.
The consensus criteria for how most voters and fans judge an MVP are routinely boiled down to 5 categories
  1. Production: Simply put, a player's stat line. What statistical load a player carries for his team is one of the biggest talking points in the debate. The game isn't just about stats, but they certainly matter.
  2. Impact: Arguably how much "value" a player has boils down to the perception of how much he impacts his team's ability to win, and no MVP debate is complete without discussing it.
  3. Winning: It's hard to separate the importance of winning from how valuable a player is. Both go hand in hand. The caliber of team you're leading factors into your MVP case.
  4. Scoring: Although scoring is part of a player's stat line and thus falls under the "production" category, it is so important it also deserves its own category. The fact of the matter is scoring ability/gravity is the most individually important skill in basketball, and good scoring numbers are the one constant we've seen amongst virtually every MVP over the past 40+ years. Some defend well, some pass well, some rebound well, some shoot well. All score at a high level.
  5. Clutch: A commonly discussed talking point amongst MVPs is the ability to close games and be a reliable player for your team in big moments of games. It's hard to be viewed as the MVP if you're not a good clutch player. Even if you're not your team's go-to shot creator down the stretch (e.g. Prime Shaq w/ LAL), you still need to be good at closing games
An honorable mention goes to a 6th category which is "narrative." Like it or not, a large part of a player's MVP case boils down to the story behind what we are seeing. I removed that from this analysis because
1) It is impossible to statistically quantify and the purpose of this is to be as objective as possible and remove personal opinion from the equation
2) No player really has a very strong narrative working for (or against them) in this MVP race. Think Jokic got "robbed" last year? Sure. Luka's dealt with a ton of injuries? Sure. Shai's leading the youngest team in the NBA? Sure.
All can be argued, but none are controlling the MVP discussion this season, as they have in years past. So let's ignore the narratives and just focus on the stats!
Disclaimer: All of these stats are accurate as of 7 PM ET April 12th, 2024 with every team in the NBA having played exactly 80 games at the time of writing this. The seeding out west is 1) DEN, 2) MIN, 3) OKC, 4) LAC, 5) DAL, 6) NOP, 7) PHX, 8) SAC, 9) LAL, 10) GSW. Any changes that happen after that are not accounted for in this write-up.


I decided to boil everything among the 5 categories down to one number, which is expressed as a percentage. The qualifier or "Gold Standard" for the percentage will be somewhat arbitrary, but it's based on what a GOAT-level season would be—something that isn't a complete 1 of 1, but also extremely difficult to attain.
E.g. if the stat is PPG, Wilt's 50.4ppg would be way too high for a "GOAT" standard as only one person has ever achieved it, but 30ppg would be too low as multiple guys achieve that every year. A standard like 35ppg would be fitting. It's high enough that it's a once in an era thing, but is also achievable. So if a player's averaging 28ppg, he would be at 80% of a "Gold Standard." (28/35=80%).
So with this analysis, a perfect score of 100% in a category would essentially mean a guy is having arguably the best statistical season possible, the most impactful season possible, the winningest season possible, the best scoring season possible or the most clutch season possible. And it IS possible for a player to be above 100% e.g. if they were averaging 36ppg in that example I just gave, they would get 102.8%, instead of being capped at 100. The qualifiers are arbitrary, but fair and I'll explain my reasoning for all of them
A player will get a % for all 5 of the statistical categories, and I will average that out to form their "MVP Score." I decided to not weigh these categories differently because, again, objectivity is the goal here. One person may value winning more than production, another may value scoring more than winning. Others think impact is #1. To avoid any personal opinion/bias, all categories are weighed equally to form the final number.
The 12 MVP Candidates (pulled from multiple MVP mock polls) being compared, by alphabetical order, will be
  1. Anthony Davis
  2. Anthony Edwards
  3. Domantas Sabonis
  4. Giannis Antetokounmpo
  5. Jalen Brunson
  6. Jayson Tatum
  7. Kawhi Leonard
  8. LeBron James
  9. Luka Doncic
  10. Nikola Jokic
  11. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander
  12. Zion Williamson

1) Production

There are a ton of ways to measure production. Usually, most people just look at a player's PTS/RBS/AST/STL/BLK and shooting splits to decipher who has the better stat-line. A simpler way to quantify statistical production? Player Efficiency Rating or PER. I know, it's not perfect. But it's not meant to be. It's meant to take every box score contribution a player attains in a season, compare that to a league average, adjust that for pace and compact it into a reasonable number. And it does an amazing job of that. Sure, you can argue the algorithm isn't perfect. Maybe it weighs rebounds a bit heavily for your liking. But this stuff is subject to personal opinion anyway.
What's better: 30/10/10/0.5/1 on 47/34/81 shooting or 28/7/6/3/3 on 51/38/80 shooting?
Ask 50 people and you'll get 50 different reasons for 50 different answers. At least PER takes into account all statistical contributions and adjusts for pace. And unlike stats like WS or BPM it doesn't even attempt to try to deduce impact or winning contributions from stats. It ONLY quantifies statlines.
The Formula: Since PER measures how much a player produces statistically per minute (technically per possession, but minutes will have to do), I decided to multiply PER by total minutes played to basically get an "Aggregate Production Number (APN)." Basically, how much does a player produce when he's on the court, and how much is he on the court. The standard I divided that by was working under the assumption that if a player had an all-time great PER of 32, played 38mpg and all of their team's 80 games thus far in the season (32x38x80), their APN would be 97,280. Player's APN's will be expressed as a percentage of the "Gold Standard" APN of 97,280
Top 5
  1. Nikola Jokic (85.2%)
  2. Giannis Antetokounmpo (78.4%)
  3. Luka Doncic (75.7%)
  4. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander (75.6%)
  5. Anthony Davis (69.1%)

2) Impact

Impact is difficult to quantify, but arguably the most important piece of the MVP puzzle, as "value" and "impact" are somewhat synonymous, in many people's minds.
The 3 ways I chose to quantify impact was through:
A) On-Off Net Rating Swing: What is the team's point differential per 100 possessions with said MVP candidate on the floor, and how much does that drop when they go to the bench. Like every stat, on-off has noise and isn't perfect. But you can't have a discussion about value without looking at a stat that compares the team with vs. without them. The "Gold Standard" a player's on-off was divided by was +20.0.
B) Total Plus-Minus: On-Off matters because it's important to see how the team changes with vs. without a player on the court, but standard plus-minus is useful for simply seeing if a team is winning a certain player's minutes, and by how much. The "Gold Standard" a player's +/- was divided by was +800, the equivalent to being a +10 every game and playing all 80 games.
C) Win % Differential in games played vs. missed: If a team is on a 60-win pace, but is 0-7 in games their MVP misses, I think we would all agree that's a very relevant thing to look at, as they're dominant with him, but play like a G-League team without him. So I simply subtracted the team's win % in games that player played, by the team's win % in games the player missed for their Win % Differential.
I think a player needs to have missed at least 3+ games to get anything useful from this, but luckily, all MVP candidates but one (Sabonis, 80/80 GP) have missed 3 or more games. For Sabonis, I credited him for not missing a single game by treating his "win % in games missed" as 0%. The "Gold Standard" a player's Win % Differential was divided by 60%. The logic being, an 80% win team is GOAT level and a 20% win team is a lottery team effectively meaning a 60% differential is equivalent to the team being an all-time great with him, and a lottery team without him.
Although I personally am a fan, I chose not to use EPM, RAPM or any other APM models in this section as I was not looking to find a "catch-all stat" that quantifies impact. Just use the raw data and aggregate it into one number.
The Formula: I got a percentage for all 3 of the above categories and equally weighed them to form one percentage for a quantifying "impact"
Top 5
  1. Shai Gilgeous Alexander (67.6%)
  2. Jalen Brunson (64.7%)
  3. Nikola Jokic (62.9%)
  4. Kawhi Leonard (39.7%)
  5. Luka Doncic (39.4%)

3) Winning

The Formula:
This one was pretty straightforward. Part of a player's MVP case is how dominant the team is that they're leading. Ultimately, voters don't care how great your impact is on a garbage team. Simply qualifying how winning the team is that said MVP candidate is leading. I looked at two things
1) The team's W/L%. The "Gold Standard" for team win % was set at 85%, as that's effectively a 70win pace.
2) The team's rank in the NBA, by record. I decided to include this one as an addition to just win % because it's not just about how good your record is. It's also about how good your record is, in relation to the rest of the league. Philly's 54 wins last year worked in favor of Embiid's MVP campaign as he had the 3rd best record in the league. Compare that to the 2015-16 OKC Thunder who didn't get much MVP buzz for either of their superstars despite winning 55 games, largely because they didn't even have a top 4 record in the NBA, and were the 3-seed behind the 67w Spurs and 73w Warriors. It's easy to understand why place in the NBA matters.
For this, I inverted a player's team rank and divided it by 30. So, for example, if a player's team had the #1 record in the NBA (Tatum's Celtics), they got 30/30 (100%), if they had the #2 record in the NBA (Jokic's Nuggets), they got 29/30 (96.7%), 3rd best record is 28/30 and so on. In cases where two teams were tied with the same record, but they're in the same conference, the team that lost the tiebreaker loses 0.5. E.g. OKC and Minnesota were tied at the time of making this for the 3rd best record in the NBA and the 2-seed in the west, but Minnesota had the tiebreaker, thus Minnesota got 28/30, OKC received 27.5/30. Same for the Lakers & Kings who were also tied, but SAC held the tiebreaker.
This is essentially a "best player on the better team" ranking. While there's obviously way more to MVP than that, it is one of the categories we think of when we discuss the MVP.
Top 5
  1. Jayson Tatum (95.6%)
  2. Nikola Jokic (89.5%)
  3. Anthony Edwards (87.1%)
  4. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander (86.3%)
  5. Kawhi Leonard (80.9%)

4) Scoring

As I stated before - it's the most important individual skill in basketball. When it comes to qualifying scoring, there are a bunch of subjective things people like. How well can he create his own shot? Can he shoot the 3? Is he a 3-level scorer? How is his post game? And many more. But, ultimately, what it boils down to is: how often can you put the ball in the basket, and how efficiently can you do it. Volume and efficiency are the bottom line.
The Formula: To boil volume & efficiency down to one number, I used a stat I sometimes use for player comparison called "True PPG." It's simple and I'm sure I'm not the only person to think of it. Multiply ppg (volume) by TS% (efficiency) and you get True ppg.
30ppg x .60 TS% = 18 True PPG.
It's that simple. And, again, some people will argue volume is more important than efficiency, while others will argue the opposite. I weighed them equally because
1) Objectivity is the goal here. My personal opinion on which one is more important is irrelevant.
2) I would argue the only reason people think one or the other is more important is because we're used to discussing the best scorers who often have both. When looking at two relatively efficient scorers averaging 15+ ppg, you can discuss what's more important, but ultimately we all agree that most NBA players would be hyper-efficient if they only took 1 or 2 wide open, easy shots a game and most NBA players could score 30, if they were to take 45 shots a game. Neither would make you an elite scorer. It's about balance.
The "Gold Standard" for True PPG was set at 22.75 (equal to 35ppg on 65 TS%)
Top 5
  1. Luka Doncic (91.9%)
  2. Giannis Antetokounmpo (86.7%)
  3. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander (85.3%)
  4. Nikola Jokic (75.9%)
  5. Jalen Brunson (74.7%)

5) Clutch

Most basketball games are close. Around 50% of NBA games are decided by single digits and in today's NBA, no lead is safe. In the tightest moments of the game, one of the most comforting feelings as a fan (or as a teammate), is knowing your team has the best closer in the game, who is going to make big plays for you down the stretch. I think it is an inextricable part of the MVP equation. How reliable is your team's best player in close games? For those who aren't aware, the NBA defines "clutch" situations as times when the score is within 5 points, within the last 5 minutes of the game. All stats in this portion are derived from player "clutch stats" data.
The Formula:
To assess this, I looked at 3 and equally weighed different categories:
1) Clutch Scoring (per 36m): I used the True PPG stat (See formula in section 4) for a player's clutch points per 36m and their TS%. The "Gold Standard" I divided their clutch True PPG by was 28. Considerably higher than the standard for regular season scoring, as points per 36m tend to be much higher in the clutch, as there are so more stoppages, advances due to time outs etc. and many players shoot insanely high TS% due to all of the extra FTs.
2) Clutch "Impact" (+/- per 36m): I wanted a stat that encapsulated the team's point differential in clutch moments with their best player on the court, so for that, I used +/-. The "Gold Standard" for +/- per 36m was set at +30.
3) Clutch "Production" (Clutch PIE): Player Impact Estimate or PIE is essentially just an alternate (albeit somewhat lesser) version of PER. I felt it necessary to include a full production stat in the mix because, although scoring is most important when we think of a player's clutch performances, a game-saving block, rebound, steal or game-winning assist can be just as important to closing games and a player's full production in clutch moments needs to be accounted for. PIE is a simplified way to quantify that. The "gold standard" for Clutch PIE was set at 25.
Top 5:
  1. Nikola Jokic (99.6%)
  2. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander (91.8%)
  3. Luka Doncic (72.3%)
  4. Jalen Brunson (72%)
  5. Giannis Antetokounmpo (64.2%)

Final MVP Scores

After adding and averaging the percentages of all 5 different categories, these are how players ranked in terms of their production, impact, winning, scoring and clutch performance.
Top 10:
  1. Nikola Jokic 82.6% MVP score Top 5 in 5/5 categories Best: Clutch & Production, Worst: Scoring
  2. Shai Gilgeous Alexander 81.3% MVP Score Top 5 in 5/5 categories Best: Impact, Worst: Winning & Production
  3. Luka Doncic 71.6% MVP Score Top 5 in 4/5 Categories Best: Scoring, Worst: Winning
  4. Jalen Brunson 69.6% MVP Score Top 5 in 3/5 Categories Best: Impact, Worst: Production
  5. Giannis Antetokounmpo 67.3% MVP Score Top 5 in 3/5 categories Best: Scoring & Production, Worst: Winning
  6. Jayson Tatum 61.4% MVP Score Top 5 in 1/5 Categories Best: Winning, Worst: Impact
  7. Kawhi Leonard 60.7% MVP Score Top 5 in 2/5 Categories Best: Impact, Worst: Production
  8. LeBron James 55% MVP Score Top 5 in 0/5 Categories Best: Clutch & Scoring, Worst: Winning
  9. Anthony Davis 54.6% MVP Score Top 5 in 0/5 Categories Best: Production, Worst: Winning
  10. Anthony Edwards 51.2% MVP Score Top 5 in 1/5 Categories Best: Winning, Worst: Clutch
Important Notes: The Best/Worst categories aren't necessarily the player's "best" or "worst" attributes, it's simply their best or worst argument for MVP. E.g. Nikola Jokic is an amazing scorer, Shai & Luka are winning games, Brunson's numbers have been great, Ant hasn't been bad in the clutch etc. those are simply their "worst" arguments for MVP, in relation to their peers.


The top 3 is what I was expecting and how I believe the voting will turn out based on the straw polls. It was also my personal top 3 prior to even starting this experiment. I had Joker over SGA by a hair, although I flip-flopped on them a bit, then Luka far ahead of everybody else. I was surprised to see Brunson so high, but he is the engine for that NYK team and the whole team has been so injured around him. After further thinking, he probably won't finish top 5, but he absolutely should. I was a little shocked to see Ant so low but, realistically, his numbers are a bit behind most other candidates aside from his record, so I think it's understandable. Hard to have the best player on the best team outside of the top 5, but given how dominant Giannis has been and everything Brunson's had to do for NYK, I would be completely fine if this is how the top 5 voting turned out.
Let me know your thoughts and feedback!
submitted by DTSFFan to nbadiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 09:09 JohannGoethe List of proposed proto-Indo-European (PIE) original language homelands

List of proposed proto-Indo-European (PIE) original language homelands
A chronologically ordered list of conjectures about the theoretical ”home”, of the theoretical “people”, who first theoretically “spoke”, albeit without established script, the unattested re-constructed word: *diéus *ph₂tḗr, hypothetically incorrectly believed to be a word pre-historically common to both the Sanskrit and Latin languages.
The following is a list of the proposed PIE homelands, i.e. the home of the theoretical people who first spoke 🗣️ the original “root” 🌱 phonetic name behind the Roman Latin word Deus-Piter (2500A/-545), aka Jupiter, and Indian Sanskrit word Dyaus (द्यौष्) Pita (पितृ) (2300A/-345), i.e. original “DP name”, first noticed as being similar by William Jones (171A/1784), which thus launched the search 🔍 for the “original home” 🏡, of the DP speaking people; an idea first broached by Robert Latham (104A/1851), then named the “proto-homeland” (urheimet) by August Schleicher (102A/1853):
# Location Date Description Author Theory Ref
1. Deus-Piter (Jupiter) & Dyaus (द्यौष्) Pita (पितृ) are similar? Spoke the name: *diéus *ph₂tḗr William Jones 171A/1784 [3]
2. Source that no longer exists William Jones 169A/1786 [2]
3. Mount Ararat, southern Caucasus mountains Noah’s ark landing Caucasian; reason: maximal beauty of the people here + probability that humans were first created here Johann Blumenbach 160A/1795 [12]
4. India Friedrich Schlegel 147A/1808 [1]
5. Indo-Europe Thomas Υoung 142A/1813 [2]
6. Asia August Potts 109A/1836 [2]
7. Between Asia and Europe Max Muller 105s/1850s [2]
8. Lithuania Robert Latham 104A/1851 [5]
9. ur-heimet August Schleicher 102A/1853 Here.
10. Southern Scandinavia Karl Penka 89A/1866 [6]
11. Rokitno Swamp, Polesia White-skinned, blond, blue-eyed 👱🏻‍♂️ Theodore Posche 77A/1878 [4]
12. Ukrainian and Southern Russian steppes Otto Schrader 66A/1889 [20]
13. Not Jewish ✡️ or Semitic! Houston Chamberlain 56A/1899 [8]
14. Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Gustaf Kossina 53A/1902 [7]
15. Not in Asia Gustaf Kossina 53A/1902 [2]
16. Donets river, Ukraine 5200A/-3245 Yamnaya (Я́мная) culture Vasily Gorodtsov 52A/1903
17. Northern Europe *diéus *ph₂tḗr = “racially-determined consciousness”; Germans & Slavs Hermann Hirt 48A/1907 [16]
18. Scania, Schleswieg-Holstein, Berlin Otto Schradter 48A/1907 [14]
19. Celtic lands; not in German! Sigmund Feist 41A/1914 [13]
20. Aryan; Prometheus of mankind Adolf Hitler 30A/1925 [17]
21. Pontic steppes, southern Russia Kurgan Gordon Childe 29A/1926 [21]
22. Atlantis 🏝️ Aryan Hermann Wirth 27A/1928
23. Nordic-Germany 4013A/-2058 Aryans; Arya = 𓍁 plowers Walther Wust 13A/1942 [15]
24. Black Sea and the Caucasus and west of the Urals 5800A/-3845 Kurgan culture Marija Gimbutas A1/1956
25. An imagined Ancient Arya, the never-never land east of the asterisk *️⃣ Wendy Doniger A24/1979 Here
26. Anatolia 8955A/-7000 Farming culture Colin Renfrew A33/1987
27. DonVolga area 5355A/-3400 Yamnaya David Anthony A52/2007 [19]
28. Anatolia 9443A/-7488 to 7943A/-5988 Anatolian Quentin Atkinson A57/2012 [22]
29. Caucasus 45 kya → 4955A/-3000 Caucasus hunter-gatherers (CHG) → Yamnaya steppe herders Eppie Jones A60/2015 [10]
30. South Caucasus 8032A/-6077 Russell Gray A68/2023 [9]
31. Abydos, Egypt ✅ 5700A/-3745 Egyptians; dark-skinned 👨🏾, wholly hair, or bald 👨🏿‍🦲 LibbThims A68/2023 [11]
The following is shows two PIE-landers speaking the their reconstructed (*wret- + *ḱóm + *strew-) PIE tongue 👅 language:
The following comes to mind:
“No serious anatomist today would attempt to deduce from a skeleton 💀 the spiritual 🧘🏽‍♀️ aptitudes or achievements of its one-time owner.”
— Gordon Childe (29A/1926), The Aryans: a Study of Indo-European Origins (pg. 163-64) (post)
DNA 🧬 ≠ tongue 👅
Here, as we see, language scholars, over the last two centuries, recently in packs of dozens, e.g. the Jones study (A60/2015) has 23-authors and Gray study (A68/2023) has 33-authors, firstly, have been attempting to use “invented” reverse-history Etymo to argue for the “original home” (typically the one closest to where each author was born); and secondly, have been attempting to align DNA 🧬 evidence to fit the Biblical theme of Noah’s ark landing on the Caucasus mountains, thus “creating” the most beautify people, whence the PIE language source being the tongue 👅 of beautify white 👱🏻‍♂️ Caucasian mountain 🏔️ people, descendent from Japheth, aka the Greek Prometheus and Egyptian Ptah.
The inherent problem, with all of this DNA proves “language” origins, thousands of years before recorded script ideology, is the following:
DNA 🧬 ≠ tongue 👅 of speech 🗣️ made by brain 🧠
While people are born with genetic characteristics, e.g. skin color, hair color, facial shape, etc., they are not born with a DNA-programed tongue. The tongue, correctly, is programmed by the culture one is born into, and the “language“ of cultures can be made to change, not by genetic “mutations” (Chomsky, date), but by neighboring cultural influence, e.g. when Rome conquered the world, everyone was made (require) to speak Latin, the new universal language of the empire, and the old tribal languages atrophied off.
The same was case, we conjecture, when the Egyptians conquered the entire world, which is why we are now reading LunarScript hieroglyph letters, which is what the ABCs are.
Proto Egypt
On 13 Oct A68 (2023), LibbThims made the following diagram, showing that Schleicher proto IE home (ur-heimat) was Egypt:
On 3 Nov A68 (2023), Thims posted the following, showing that the mummies, e.g. mummy S.293, the world’s oldest mummy, carbon-dated to 5600A (-3645), are found in Abydos, near to where the tomb U-j number tags, which contained the letter R or Ram head 𓏲 number tag 100, were found:
On 14 Nov A68 (2023), Thims posted the following, showing that the black topped jar, from Naqada, Main cemetery, Tomb 1426, dated to 5800A (-3845), shows the oldest parent character for letter I (∩), the Hathor (Milky Way) cow yoke:
Also showing letter A (𓌹) as the hoe, dated to 5200A (-3245) on the Libyan palette, and the tomb U-j letter R as ram head (𓍢) 100 number tag, all near Abydos, Egypt.
We also note that Naqada, where the oldest letter I is found, is at nome 7, of the nome 1 to 7 branch of the Nile, which is what letter L is based on, shown below, is above the N-bend of the Nile, which is what letter N is based on:
Therefore, that Abydos, Egypt is the correct “original PROTO [P] source” for the Indian and European languages, for the formerly classified PIE language family, is evidenced by bones carbon dated to 5600A (-3645), buried around all the alphabet letters, dated to 5700A (-3745).
The Abydos, Egyptians, some time between 5700A and 4500A, were thus the original people who first spoke the root phonetics, in the form of: ▽𓂆, behind the the DP name seen in Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit:
Egypto Greek Latin Sanskrit
5700A 2800A 2500A 2300A
▽𓂆 Διας (Zeus) Πατερ (Pater) Deus-Piter (Jupiter) Dyaus (द्यौष्) Pita (पितृ)
The Egypto P (𓂆), i.e. the dipole base of new 🌞 as the eye of Ra or Horus, conceptualized as the phoenix 🐦‍🔥, birthed out of the Egypto D (▽), i.e. female delta of letter B (𓇯) or Bet, the stars ✨ of space goddess, is shown below, which also shows the Egypto R (𓍢), the last letter of the names Πατερ (Pater), the vocative singular of πατήρ (patḗr), and Piter (Jupiter), the Latin equivalent, both meaning: father or 𓂆-athe-𓍢:
People vs speech
To clarify, that there were humans residing in India and European, during and prior to these dates, is not being questioned; the latest data shows that humans were in Israel 180,000 years ago:
The research, led by a team from Tel Aviv University, excavated remains from Misliya Cave on Mount Carmel, northern Israel. The cave is part of a complex of prehistoric caves along the mountain, which show successive periods of occupation by early human species. The team found part of a fossil human jaw with anatomical features that correspond to the modern human species Homo sapiens, as opposed to other pre-modern humans such as Neanderthals.
The researchers dated teeth from the jaw and flint tools found with the remains, obtaining an average age for the specimens of about 177,000-194,000 years old. Until now, the earliest fossil evidence for Homo sapiens outside Africa was from other sites in Israel, dating up to 130,000 years ago.
What the DP = ▽𓂆 solution shows, however, is that the core words of Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit are of Egypto origin, and that they did NOT derive from some imagined ”phonetics” spoken by a once “unified” IE civilization, as people have gullibly believed now for 240+ years.
The typically lay PIE-ist, however, has a VERY hard time accepting this? Even when the new EAN based model is explained, they “cling” to the old Jones PIE model, holding the view, in their mind, that while the Greeks, Romans, and Indians, may have used letters, that are based on Egyptian hieroglyphs, such as the Egyptian delta ▽ and Egypto P 𓂆, the “reason” the the Greeks, Romans, and Indians have a similar DP term, is because the DP phonetic behind the DP term originated from the PIE name *diéus *ph₂tḗr, and that this phonetic was in the minds of the PIE people, as they conquered the Greeks, Romans, and Indians, in some imagined migration pattern.
This is called Egypto Alphanumerics (EAN) denialism or EgyptoLinguistics denialism (ELD).
The PIE-ist seems to deny the new evidenced way of doing linguistics out of some sort of PIE religious objection?
Egyptian Skin color?
The question of the skin color of the Egyptians, wherein Abydos, Egypt (5700A/-3745) is the newly decoded “home” from where the “proto” language, of the IE languages derives, is a frequently discussed and debated topic.
As Volney told Jefferson:
“To the black 👨🏿‍🦲 and frizzled-haired 👨🏾 Egyptians, we owe our arts, sciences, and even the use of speech 🗣️ itself.”
— Constantin Volney (168A/1787), comment to Thomas Jefferson
From the Black Athena debate:
“Then perhaps, you would like to tell me, that when Herodotus (Histories, §2.104) uses the term: melanchroes (μελαχρινός) [book: here] [images: here], to describe Egyptians, what he means?”
— Guy Rogers (A41/1996), Black Athena debate, Part Four (1:37:30-)
Herodotus, in short, said that Egyptians were χρινός (chronos) people, i.e. those born from cosmos location X (chi), with high melanin (μελα) skin counts, and that they had “woolly hair”. Wiktionary entry on melanin:
From New Latin, from Ancient Greek stem of μέλας (mélas, “black”) +‎ -in.
Note from debate:
Histories, §2.104, said that Colchains ( Κολχίς), a section of the early Greek empire, "are clearly Egyptians" because they "woolly hair" and are "dark-skined" 👨🏾 or melanchroes (μελαχρινός) or μελα (mela-), from: μέλας (mélas), meaning: “black” + -χρινός (-chrinos), meaning: "ethnicity [?]"
The following shows skin-color of Egyptian soldiers from Mesheti tomb (4000A/-2045), located in the 13th nome of Upper Egypt, which is 4-nomes away from Abydos, the 8th nome:
Egyptian priests, however, had shaved heads. Scribes, who ✍️ the script 📜 behind the IE languages, also sometimes has shaved 🪒 heads 👨🏿‍🦲?
Many, however, in defense of their confused Euro-centric ideologies, will debate the meaning of the word melanchroes (μελαχρινός) to no end; for example:
“Not so fast. The key word in the original Greek of the passage is ‘melanchroes’. Contrary to what Afrocentrists claim, it does NOT mean ‘black’, in the sense of belonging to the black race.
For that, Greek authors would have used “aethiops” (etymologically, “burned face”), the term that indisputably referred to Nubians and other peoples in what is today Sub-Saharan Africa. Herodotus does not refer to Egyptians with this term. Furthermore, in the very same passage quoted above, Herodotus implies that Colchians and Egyptians are of the same stock. Colchis is on the shores of the Black Sea, hardly an area inhabited by black people. Melanchroes means simply “dark-skinned,” a term that sometimes the Greeks even applied to themselves and other not-so-dark peoples, such as Syrians.”
— Gabriel Andrade (A65/2020), “Herodotus and Long-Standing Problems in Anthropology”, Apr 27
European Skin color?
In A45 (2000), Stefan Arvidsson, in his PhD dissertation turned book Aryan Idols: Indo-European Mythology as Ideology and Science, based on the Theodore Posche (77A/1878) model of the Aryans as: “white-skinned, blond, blue-eyed 👱🏻‍♂️”, as depicted the original PIE people as follows:
Posche argued that light skin 👱🏻‍♂️ was a kind of “albinism” that had begun in damp environments, which is why he picked a “swamp” as the original PIE-land home🏡. He thus conjectured that Rokitno Swamp, Polesia, today called Pripet Swamp, on the boarder between Belarus 🇧🇾 and Ukraine 🇺🇦 , is where the PIE people first spoke the re-constructed name: *diéus *ph₂tḗr.
In A68 (2013), the IndoEuropean sub launched; the following is their banner:
Where we see an entire army with horses and chariots, for which recorded history has no record of, all invented from “word reconstructions”?
The discussion on questions of skin color, is puerile, first and foremost, and but a case of cultural egoism, i.e. each culture wants to claim to be the first culture that spoke the DP name, yet Egypt is the only culture that has “physical evidence“ of this name usage, defined by its hiero-glyphs.
“I am forcefully against the nationalist and racist hypothesis of an original identity between Indo-Germans and Germans and the attempts to place the ‘original home’ on German territory.”
— Sigmund Feist (41A/1914), Indo-Europeans and Germanic People (pg. 1) [13]
  1. Young, as far as I know, just called the language family as “Indo-European”, but did not name a location?
References Cited
  • [1] (a) Schlegel, Friedrich. (147A/1808). On the Speech and Wisdome of India (Uber de Sprache und Weisheit der Indier). Publisher. (b) Arvidsson (pg. 28).
  • [2] Arvidsson, Stefan. (A45/2000). Aryan Idols: Indo-European Mythology as Ideology and Science (Ariska idoler: Den indoeuropeiska mytologin som ideologi och vetenskap) (translator: Sonia Wishmann) (pdf-file) (Jones, pg. 18; Young, pg. 20; Pott, pg. 60; Kossina, pg. 142; Muller, pg. 142). Chicago, A51/2006.
  • [3] (a) Jones, William. (171A/1784). “On the Gods of Greece, Italy, and India”, Publisher. (b) Jones, William. (156A/1799). The Works of Sir William Jones, Volume One (§: On the Gods of Greece, Italy, and India, pgs. 229-80; Moses, pg. 233; Jupiter, 14+ pgs.; main, pg. 248). Robinson. (c) Arvidsson (pg. 33).
  • [4] (a) Posche, Theodor. (77A/1878). The Aryans (Die Arier). Publisher. (b) Arvidsson (pg. 142).
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  • [9] Heggart, Paul; Gray, Russel; +31 authors. (A68/2023). "Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo-European languages", Science, 381(6656), Jul 28.
  • [10] Jones, Eppie; +22 authors. (A60/2015). "Upper Palaeolithic genomes reveal deep roots of modern Eurasians" (text), Nature Communications. 6(8912): 8912, Nov.
  • [11] (a) Thims, Libb. (A63/2023). "Post (13 Oct), post (3 Nov), post (14 Nov)", Reddit, Alphanumerics"; (b) Note: the proto (P) home of PIE, NOT as a "DNA-linked genetic 🧬 family", but as an EAN EgyptoLinguistics based "tongue 👅-linked language family", becomes "Abydos", and the name of the new language family is: EgyptoIndoEuropean (EIE).
  • [12] (a) Blumenbach, Johann. (180A/1775). Of the Native Variety of the Generation of Humans (De Generis Humani Varietate Nativa) (3rd edition). Publisher, 160A/1795; (b) Martin Bernal argues that as the term “Aryan” was merged with “Caucasian”, shortly after the 160A (1795) coining of Caucasian; (c) Caucasian, e.g. here (coined, comment), here (coined, post).
  • [13] (a) Feist, Sigmund. (41A/1914). Indo-Europeans and Germanic People: a contribution to European prehistoric research (Indogermanen und Germanen: ein Beitrag zur europäischen Urgeschichtsforschung) (pg. 1). Verlag; (b) Arvidsson (pg. 173).
  • [14] See: quote.
  • [15] (a) Wust, Walther. (13A/1942). Indo-European Confession (Indogermanisches Bekenntnis). Verlag; (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 190-91).
  • [16] Hirt, Hermann. (48A/1907). The Indo-Germanic People (Die Indo-germanen) (pg. 430) Publisher; (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 197-98).
  • [17] (a) Hitler, Adolf. (30A/1925). My Fight (Mein Kampf) (translator: Ralph Manheim) (pg. 290). Mifflin, 2A/1943; (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 198-99).
  • [18] (a) Wirth, Hermann. (27A/1928). The Rise of Humanity: Investigations into the History of Religion, Symbolism and Writing of the Atlantic-Nordic Race: Text Volume I: the Basics (Der Aufgang der Menschheit: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Religion, Symbolik und Schrift der atlantisch-nordischen Rasse: Textband I: die Grundzüge). Publisher; (b) Arvidsson (pg. 207) notes that Wirth’s eccentric Atlantis home PIE land theory was popular to the Nazis, allowing him to become cofounder of the SS-Ahnenerbe in A20/1935.
  • [19] Anthony, David. (A52/2007). The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World (Arch). Princeton, A55/2010.
  • [20] (a) Schrader, Otto. (72A/1883). Language Comparison and Prehistory (Sprachvergleichung und Urgeschichte). Publisher, 66A/1889; (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 256, 266).
  • [21] (a) Childe, Gordon. (29A/1926). The Aryans: a Study of the Indo-European Origins (pg. 83). Kegan. (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 283, 285).
  • [22] (a) Atkinson, Quentin. (A57/2012). “Mapping the Origins and Expansion of the Indo-European Language Family” (abst) (review), Science, Aug 24; (b) Anon. (A60/2015). ”How Indo-European Languages Evolved” (video), YouTube, Business Insider, Jan 21.
submitted by JohannGoethe to PIEland [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 00:26 officialsanic My Galatian Alphabet for writing an alternate reality Hellenicized Celtic language. Refer to my Jontian post for more information on the world it's used in.

My Galatian Alphabet for writing an alternate reality Hellenicized Celtic language. Refer to my Jontian post for more information on the world it's used in. submitted by officialsanic to neography [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 13:54 JohannGoethe Alpha-numerics (AN) and Egypto alpha-numerics (EAN) acronyms and synonyms

Alpha-numerics (AN) and Egypto alpha-numerics (EAN) acronyms and synonyms
The following table summarizes the alpha-numerics (AN) and Egypto alpha-numerics (EAN) related acronyms and acronyms:
Hiero Term Acronym Synonym Author
𓁟 Alpha A Isonym: Atlas (Ατλας) [532], the “Greek Shu”, meaning: alpha = air 💨.
𓋇 Numerics N From Greek nomos (νομός) [430], aka "nome" (law); isonym: arithmos (αριθμος) [430], meaning "to count".
Egypto Ε Bernal (A32/1987)
Egyptian alpha-numerics ΕΑΝ Swift (A17/1972)
Alpha-numerics AN Alphanumerics Acevedo (A63/2018)
Greek alpha-numerics GAN Isopsephy Acevedo (A63/2018)
Hebrew alpha-numerics HAN Gematria
Arabic alpha-numerics AAN Acevedo (A63/2018)
Abrahamic alpha-numerics AAN Acevedo (A63/2018)
Egypto alpha-numerics EAN Thims (A68/2023)
  • 𓁟 [C3] = Thoth, Egyptian god inventor of types, aka “glyphs” or letters.
  • 𓋇 [R30] = Seshat = Egyptian goddess of numbers, i.e. the number of the cord length measure in cubits of things, e.g. temple dimensions or farming land, attached to a “name” of a person, place, or thing, in the form of a secret name, made by Thoth’s glyph-letters.
  • Egypto = prefix-form of Egyptian, used in “Egypto alpha-numerics” (EAN), coined by Thims, independent of Swift, per influence of Martin Bernal (A32/1987) and his “Egypto-Greek” terminology.
Acevedo Terminology
In A63 (2018), Juan Acevedo, in his PhD The of Στοιχεῖον (Stoicheion) in Grammar and Cosmology: From Antique Roots to Medieval Systems (pg. 16), wherein he researched the history of alphanumerics, covering much of what was published on this by the so-called German school of alphanumerics, from Greece forward, gave the following terminology outline:
“The examination of this triune concept of letter-number-element, and its elaboration in ancient and medieval scholarship will be the object of the thesis chapters.
The following shows the Plato-Empedocles model of letters as physical elements:
The following shows the more complex nature of the Egypto roots of the anatomy of Greek letter L:
It is a work in two phases and nine chapters which follow rather loosely historical chronology: first a defining phase, specific, descriptive and idiographic (Part I), restricted mostly to the Graeco-Latin tradition, and then a comparative phase, illustrative, synthetic and cosmopolitan (Parts II and III).
EAN, as shown in the letter L example, updates Acevedo’s letter-number-element firstly with the re-order of “number-letter”, as Dimitris Psychoyos (A50/2005) argues, via is detailed article “The Forgotten Art of Isopsephy”, with its focus on number-letter sampi, letter number: #27 (stoicheion), letter value: 900 (dynamei), to the premise that the original scheme was number-letter-god-element, with number being invented before glyph (or letter). Letter, e.g., was made with 8 fingers more than 20,000 years before becoming the Z15G glyph: 𓐁, as Ishango bone 🦴, found in Ishango, Congo, Africa (20,000A/-18,045), wherein four palm ✋ fingers: 𓏽, became eight digits: 𓐁, or ✋✋ stacked, which became letter H: » 𓏽 + 𓏽 » 𓐁 » 𐤇 » H » 𐌇 » 𐡇
Fingers as digits (numbers) thus preceded letters, wherein number-letter-element in the Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic alphanumeric tradition, became just number-letter (as element part atrophied off), and finally just “letters”, in the post Latin scheme.
Part I establishes the object of my research in all its dimensions: Chapter 1 is the most textual based of the thesis. It is devoted to the grammatical aspect, and it runs mostly as a series of glosses to passages from philosophers and to the commentaries on the grammar primer attributed to Dionysius Thrax. Chapter 2 deals with the arithmetical aspects, with a special emphasis on the Pythagorean tradition [Greek alphanumerics], and in particular on the fragments attributed to Philolaus and on the Introduction to Arithmetic by Nicomachus of Gerasa.
Part II includes four chapters, mining the scriptural traditions of late Hellenistic and early medieval periods, incorporating the views of evolving, growing and nascent Abrahamic religions. Chapter 3 studies Jewish Biblical and Rabbinic texts [Hebrew alphanumerics], and Chapter 4 does the same with early Christian sources [Christian alphanumerics]. Chapter 5 tries to deal in unitary fashion with the very heterogeneous body of late Hellenistic Hermetic, Gnostic and magic texts, and Chapter 6 looks at the Quranic and related Islamic exegetical literature.
Part III, in three chapters, explores some specific cases of Abrahamic alphanumeric cosmology in a dually understood ’theurgic’ dimension: as the creative act of the world-making deity, and as the divinely oriented work of man; hence this part includes texts more closely related to cosmogony, liturgy, magic, and alchemy. Chapter 7 focuses on the basic structure and concepts of the above-mentioned Sefer Yetsirah; Chapter 8 looks at certain Celtic and Scholastic Christian practices and doctrines; and finally Chapter 9 follows the alphanumeric elements through major Islamic philosophical texts, including the Epistles of the Brethren of Purity and some texts by Muhyi al-Din ibn Arabi.
The time span covered by the research is given, roughly, by the two ends of what I suggest we may call the ‘alphanumeric age,’ between the late sixth century BC [2500A/-545], when numerals and letters first coalesced in the Greek Milesian system, and the twelfth century AD [400A/+1555], when the introduction of the Indo-Arabic numerals around the Mediterranean was becoming generalised and letters and numbers ceased to have a single 'body.' This will be discussed in some more detail in the final Conclusion.
Acevedo Scholarship
Acevedo gives the following scholarship previously done on alphanumerics, which amounts to what the Germans learned about historical alphanumerics:
“Aside from excellent specialised works on Jewish, Islamic and Hermetic alphanumeric cosmology, there is a remarkable dearth of English-language literature on this topic in general. There are two major contributions, both originally in German and never translated into English.
The one closest to my research, though second in chronological order, is Franz Dornseiff's 37A/1922 monograph: The Alphabet in Mysticism and Magic; or Stoicheia: Studies on the History of the Ancient Worldview and Greek Science (Das Alphabet in Mystik und Magie (= Stoicheia: Studien zur Geschichte des antiken Weltbildes und der griechischen Wissenschaft). Dornseiff himself expresses in his introduction the desirable opening towards more Eastern sources than he could include. I hope that this thesis will at least in some ways be a contribution towards that desideratum, as it is also an updating of sources regarding these topics of alphanumeric symbolism and alphanumeric speculation broadly speaking.
The second major landmark is Hermann Diels' Elementum (64A/1899), a comprehensive historical lexicological work, tracing the history of the words στοιχειον [ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΟΝ] [𓆙 Ⓣ ◯ 𓇰 𓊖 {𓂺 𓏥} 𓇰 ◯ 𓏂] [stoicheion] and elementum in great detail, and of the many variations of the ’letter simile’ (Buchstabengleichnis) and the ‘lettercase simile’ (Schriftkastenbild, assuming a set of moveable printing types). Dornseiff's work became an undisputed reference work for the subject and had no direct continuators, but Diels' prompted several kinds of partial refutations and additions on different fronts. Lagercranz (44A/1911), Vollgraff (6A/1949), Koller (0A/1955), Burkert (A4/1959), and Schwabe (A25/1980) were explicitly in dialogue with Diels mostly about the Greek term, while Rogge (32A/1923), Sittig (A3/1952), and Coogan (A19/1974) focused on elementum.
Lumpe (A7/1962) gives a brief account summarising much of Diels from the perspective of conceptual history. Balks (A10/1965), barely cited elsewhere, gives what I consider an important insight into the metric and prosodic associations of the Greek. Druart (A13/1968) has examined very carefully the use and scope of στοιχειον [ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΟΝ] [stoicheion] in Plato's works, complemented by the more recent work by Laspia, who gives a very useful summary of the status questionis. I should also mention here an important recent work by Weiss' which takes Dornseiff as starting point.
Drawing variously from the above, the following have elaborated more on aspects of the concept itself and less on the philological aspect. Ryle (Α5/1960) deals with logic and the Platonic theory of forms; Lohmann (Α25/1980) with mathematical related terms; Vogt-Spira (Α36/1991) studies the phonetic-written duality, and Crowley (Α50/2005) treats specifically Aristotle's usage. Among encyclopedic articles, I have found Kittel’s and Blossner's particularly orientating.
My primary intention in this new research on an old theme is to go back to the original texts and to expand the range of texts examined; in particular to study the semantic analogies found in Hebrew and Arabic, which with Greek and Latin constitute the main scholarly languages of the Mediterranean Middle Ages. This expansion of the field of vision is of course made possible by profiting from the insights of all the above scholars.
As may be surmised, given such precedents, this work pertains initially to philology or historical linguistics, and more specifically to lexicology, since it begins with the study of one word in one particular language, but the reader will quickly notice that cuotxEiov is not the object of my study, but merely one of the names of my object of study, and it is valuable only because of its synthetic semantic power, and because of its place in the history of Greek philosophy. Because this is in fact the study of a polysemy, the words themselves, στοιχειον or elementum or sefirah or harf, are only important as facets of the 'jewel' (jawhar, Arabic for jewel, essence, Greek ousia), or as gateways into the fullness of the concept.
By studying the words, we see more clearly the aspects of the concept, which in turn allows us to identify other terms used for one or other aspect of the same root concept, in what is already part of a semantic enquiry, or the history of an idea.
  1. I have added hyphens for the sake of clarity, whereas in the original coining, they may or may not have been used, unique for each word and person who coined or first used the term.
  2. This page was prompted into mind, following discussion with new EAN user Ok-Introduction-1940, who states that Fideler’s Sun of God, which is a top 5 EAN required reading book 📚, was “illuminating”. Whence, Fideler‘s work is mostly “Greek alpha-numerics“ (GAN), as compared to “Egypto alpha-numerics” (EAN), which is the core of all of them.
  • On the coining of Egypto alphanumerics
  • How many engineers does it take to decode the alphabet?
  • Six-volume Egypto alpha numerics (EAN) book 📚 set?
  • Ishango bone 🦴, Congo, Africa (20,000A/-18,045), and number four: 𓏽, to number eight: 𓐁, to letter H evolution: » 𓏽 + 𓏽 » 𓐁 » 𐤇 » H » 𐌇 » 𐡇
  • Anatomy of a Letter
  • Diels, Hermann. (64A/1899). Elementum: a preliminary work on the Greek and Latin Thesaurus (Elementum: eine Vorarbeit zum griechischen und lateinischen Thesaurus). Verlag.
  • Dornseiff, Franz. (35A/c.1920). Stoicheia: Studies for the History of Ancient Worldview and of Greek Scholarship (Stoicheia: Studien zur Geschichte der antiken Weltanschauung und der griechischen Wissenschaft). Publisher.
  • Dornseiff, Franz. (33A/1922). The Alphabet in Mysticism and Magic; or Stoicheia: Studies on the History of the Ancient Worldview and Greek Science (Das Alphabet in Mystik und Magie (= Stoicheia: Studien zur Geschichte des antiken Weltbildes und der griechischen Wissenschaft). Leipzig.
  • Swift, Peter. (A17/1972). Egyptian Alphanumerics: A theoretical framework along with miscellaneous departures. Part I: The Narrative being a description of the proposed system, linguistic associations, numeric correspondences and religious meanings. Part II: Analytics being a detailed presentation of the analytical work (abstract). Publisher, A68/2023.
  • Fideler, David. (A38/1993). Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism (pdf-file) (§: Gematria Index [image], pgs. 425-26). Quest Books.
  • Barry, Kieren. (A44/1999). The Greek Qabalah: Alphabetic Mysticism and Numerology in the Ancient World (pdf-file) (§: Appendix II: Dictionary of Isopsephy, pgs. 215-271). Weiser.
  • Psychoyos, Dimitris. (A50/2005). “The Forgotten Art of Isopsephy: and the Magic Number KZ” (abst) (Acad), Semiotica, 154:157-224.
  • Gadalla, Moustafa. (A61/2016). Egyptian Alphabetical Letters of Creation Cycle. Publisher.
  • Helou, Rihab. (A62/2017). The Phoenician Alphabet: Hidden Mysteries. Notre Dame.
  • Acevedo, Juan. (A60/2015), “The Idea of Stoicheîon in Grammar and Cosmology from Plato to Agrippa" (pdf-file), MPhil/PhD Proposal, Supervisor: Charles Burnet. Warburg Institute.
  • Acevedo, Juan. (A63/2018). The of Στοιχεῖον (Stoicheion) in Grammar and Cosmology: From Antique Roots to Medieval Systems (pdf-file). PhD thesis. Warburg Institute, University of London.
  • Acevedo, Juan. (A65/2020). Alphanumeric Cosmology From Greek into Arabic: The Idea of Stoicheia Through the Medieval Mediterranean (pdf-file) (preview) (A64 video) (A66 podcast). Publisher.
  • Acevedo, Juan. (A64/2019). “Alphanumeric Cosmology: The Grammar and Arithmetic of the Cosmos”, YouTube, King‘s Foundation, Oct 23.
  • Acevedo, Juan. (A65/2020). Alphanumeric Cosmology From Greek into Arabic: The Idea of Stoicheia Through the Medieval Mediterranean (pdf-file) (preview). Publisher.
  • Acevedo, Juan. (A66/2021). “Title” (A66 podcast).
  • Thims, Libb. (A66/2021). Abioism [a-282-ism]: No Thing is Alive, Life Does Not Exist, Terminology Reform, and Concept Upgrade (pdf-file) (§: Isopsephy, pgs. xxxv-xl). LuLu.
Acevedo’s other references (not yet formatted):
9. 0. Lagercrantz, Elementum: eine lexikologische Studie, I, vol. 1 (Akademiska bokhandeln, 1911). 10. W. Vollgraff, Elementum: Mnemosyne 2, no. 2 (1949): 89-115. 11. H. Koller, 'Stoicheion: Glotta 3./4. No. 34 (1955): 161-174. 12. W. Burkert, 'ETOIXEION: Eine semasiologische Studie,' Philologus: Zeitschrift far antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption 103 (1959): 167-197. 13. W. Schwabe, Mischung' und 'Element' im griechischen bis Platon: Wort- und begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen, insbesondere zur Bedeutungsentwicklung von Stoicheion (Bouvier Verlag H. Grundmann, 1980). 14. C. Rogge, Nochmals lat. elementum: Zeitschrift far vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der Indogermanischen Sprachen 51, no. 1 (1923): 154-158. 15. E. Sittig,Abecedarium und elementum: in Satura: Frachte aus der antiken Welt, by 0. Weinreich (Baden-Baden: Verlag far Kunst und Wissenschaft, 1952), 131-138. 16. M. D. Coogan, 'Alphabets and Elements,' Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. 216 (1974): 61-63. 9. 0. Lagercrantz, Elementum: a lexicological study, I, vol. 1 (Akademiska bokhandeln, 1911). 10. W. Vollgraff, Elementum: Mnemosyne 2, no. 2 (1949): 89-115. 11. H. Koller, 'Stoicheion: Glotta 3./4. No. 34 (1955): 161-174. 12. W. Burkert, 'ETOIXEION: A semasiological study,' Philologus: Journal of ancient literature and its reception 103 (1959): 167-197. 13. W. Schwabe, 'Mixture' and 'Element' in Greek to Plato: Studies in the history of words and concepts, especially on the development of the meaning of Stoicheion (Bouvier Verlag H. Grundmann, 1980). 14. C. Rogge, Lat. elementum again: Journal for comparative language research in the field of Indo-European languages 51, no. 1 (1923): 154-158. 15. E. Sittig,Abecedarium und elementum: in Satura: Freights from the ancient world, by 0. Weinreich (Baden-Baden: Verlag far Kunst und Wissenschaft, 1952), 131-138. 16. M. D. Coogan, 'Alphabets and Elements,' Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. 216 (1974): 61-63.
17. A. Lumpe, 'Der Begriff "Element" im Altertum,' Archiv fur Begriffsgeschichte 7 (1962): 285-293. 18. J. Man, 'The forerunners of structural prosodic analysis and phonemics,' Acta Linguistica Hungarica (Budapest) 15, nos. 1-2 (1965): 229-86. 19. T.-A. Druart, La Notion de 0 stoicheIon . dans le 0 Theetete » de Platon,' Revue Philosophique de Louvain 66, no. 91 (1968): 420-434. 20. P. Laspia, 'L'excursus fonologico del Teeteto e la testualita platonica. A coca pensiamo quando parliamo di 'elementi' esillabe'?: in Platone e la teoria del sogno nel Teeteto. Atti del Convegno internazionale Palermo, ed. G. Mazzarra and V. Napoli (Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 2008), 188. 21. T. Weiss, rx, cl,,ny inz 11.2121V 111,1111i (Letters by which Heaven and Earth Were Created) ( Jerusalem: Bialik Press, 2014). 22. G. Ryle, 'Letters and syllables in Plato,' The Philosophical Review, no. 69 (1960): 431-451. 23. J. Lohmann, `Mathematik und Grammatik,' Beitriige zur Einheit von Bildung und Sprache im geistigen Sein. Festschrift zum 80 (1980): 301-313. 24. G. Vogt-Spira, 'Vox und Littera: Der Buchstabe zwischen Miindlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit in der grammatischen Tradition,' Poetica 23, nos. 3/4 (1991): 295-327. 25. T. J. Crowley, 'On the Use of Stoicheion in the Sense of "Element": Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, no. XXIX (Winter 2005): 367-394. 26. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, ed. G. Kittel, G. Friedrich, and G. W. Bromiley, 7 vols (Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans, 1985), s.v. aroixeiov (hereafter cited as TDNT). 27. N. Blossner, 'Stoicheion: Historisches Worterbuch der Philosophie (Basel), 1998. 17. A. Lumpe, 'The concept of "element" in antiquity,' Archive for Conceptual History 7 (1962): 285-293. 18. J. Man, 'The forerunners of structural prosodic analysis and phonemics,' Acta Linguistica Hungarica (Budapest) 15, nos. 1-2 (1965): 229-86. 19. T.-A. Druart, La Notion de 0 stoicheIon. in the 0 Theetete » de Plato,' Revue Philosophique de Louvain 66, no. 91 (1968): 420-434. 20. P. Laspia, 'L'excursus fonologico del Teeteto e la testualita platonica. A coca pensiamo when parliamo di 'elementi'sillabe'?: in Platone e la teoria del sogno nel Teeteto. Atti del Convegno internazionale Palermo, ed. G. Mazzarra and V. Napoli (Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 2008), 188. 21. T. Weiss, rx, cl,,ny inz 11.2121V 111,1111i (Letters by which Heaven and Earth Were Created) (Jerusalem: Bialik Press, 2014). 22. G. Ryle, 'Letters and syllables in Plato,' The Philosophical Review, no. 69 (1960): 431-451. 23. J. Lohmann, `Mathematics and Grammar,' Contributions to the Unity of Education and Language in Spiritual Being. Festschrift for 80 (1980): 301-313. 24. G. Vogt-Spira, 'Vox and Littera: The letter between orality and writing in the grammatical tradition,' Poetica 23, nos. 3/4 (1991): 295-327. 25. T. J. Crowley, 'On the Use of Stoicheion in the Sense of "Element": Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, no. XXIX (Winter 2005): 367-394. 26. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, ed. G. Kittel, G. Friedrich, and G. W. Bromiley, 7 vols (Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans, 1985), s.v. aroixeiov (hereafter cited as TDNT). 27. N. Blossner, 'Stoicheion: Historical Dictionary of Philosophy (Basel), 1998.
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submitted by JohannGoethe to Alphanumerics [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 22:20 WueIsFlavortown Runes are probably from Mediterranean alphabets, maybe Lepontic?

Based on the research of Jackson Crawford and some of my own work researching Lepontic for a class in my Indo-European Master’s program at the University of Vienna
As far as I know, the lineage of most scripts in Europe is pretty settled in academic historical linguistics. Egyptian Hieroglyphics > Proto-Sinaatic > Phonoecian > Greek > Etruscan Then Latin and North Italic Scripts are both adapted from Etruscan. Runes are most porbably a member of this family, but exactly where Germanic Runes come from is not settled, but I would expect most experts agree it’s adapted from a mediterranean alphabet. Most people think it’s adapted directly from Latin as far as I can tell, but I want to mention another possibility: North Italic Alphabets
Jackson Crawford and Luke Gordon(Phds in Scandinavian Studies and Mediterranean Religions, respectively) did a series on full history of the English Alphabet (variant of Latin) that is from what I can tell uncontroversial
Jackson Crawford has been doing videos on the origins of the Runes for more than a year now, and his theory identifies the North Italic alphabet Lepontic (also called Lugano) as a likely most recent identifiable ancestor of the Runic system, with the addition of ᚱ from Latin and ᛟ from Greek.
He has interviewed David Stifter and Corinna Salomon who made the Lexicon Leponticum website at the University of Vienna (though both of them are now at Maynooth University in Ireland). Corinna wrote a dissertation on the origin of Runes that I was planning on reading when I the Uni Vienna library reopens on Monday.
Here’s his interview with Corinna
and a talk he gave presenting his theory:
Other North Italic alphabets like Raetic, Venetic, and North Etruscan are also good candidates, but Lepontic is probably the best one we have. I think it’s most likely there are missing links, maybe alphabets never or rarely used for writing on stone in the last few centuries BCE, as it seems the Futhark order is well established but 100 CE, implying a period of standardization lasting decades before.
Lepontic (an Ancient Celtic Language) was written in Northern Italy/Southern Switzerland between (very roughly) 600-1 BCE, and I can imagine their alphabet being mediated across the alps and up to Denmark/northern Germany by other Celtic (non-Lepontic, presumably Gaulish) speakers around 200 BCE. There is zero material evidence for this, just a cool theory.
submitted by WueIsFlavortown to runestheories [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 06:21 Little_BlueBirdy The Cross was not always symbol of Christianity

The Cross was not always symbol of Christianity
Today, the cross is the universal symbol of Christianity. It was not always so. In the early centuries after the time of Jesus Christ, there were other symbols: a dove, a ship, an anchor and a lyre. The best known of these early symbols is the fish. Koine Greek was the common language of the eastern Mediterranean, the language of education in the Roman Empire, and the language of the Christian New Testament. The Greek for fish, ichthus, served as an acronym for “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.”
The cross itself, either as a vertical stake without a crossbar or as a vertical member with a crossbar was not used. It had the negative connotation of the horrific public execution of criminals. Believe it or not, for the first 300 years of the Church, the Cross was NOT a Christian symbol. Don’t take my word for it. Research it.
The first two cross-like visual representations of the crucifixion were oblique references to the crucifixion and were based on Greek letters. The vertical tau was surmounted by the curled rho; the tau represented the cross, and the rho Christ’s head. The tau-rho dates to the late second century.
The second of these early representations of the crucifixion is the chi-rho, which is associated the Emperor Constantine the Great at the beginning of the fourth century. The chi-rho, sometimes depicted in the Latin alphabet as XP, is still used today. He was a pagan and claimed to have converted to Christianity. Thus began the introduction of The Trinity and The Cross into Christianity. Both of which, the Romans and Greeks copied from the ancient Egyptians, not from Scripture. The truth about the cross, as I found out, originated in Egypt where some of the oldest Crosses in existence are a replica of the Egyptian Ankh. It is an undeniable fact that the Ankh predated the Cross. Everywhere you see the word ‘Cross’ in The Bible, you are reading a word that is translated from either staurō or xylou. I encourage you to use a Greek dictionary to find out the meaning of both words. So, where did the Cross originate from? Look at the Theban Trinity (consisting of Amun, his consort Mut and their son Khonsu). What are they each holding in their right hands? I urge you to note that these papyrus paintings are over 3000 years old. Now look at modern day ankhs. My question is who taught us to observe the Cross, and to make the sign of the Cross, and to put it in our places of worship? Certainly not God or His Son.
Although making the sign of the cross — forehead, breast, shoulders — is known to have dated from at least as early as the beginning of the second century, it was not part of Christian iconography, or symbols, until the fourth century. Then, explicit depictions of the crucifixion first occurred as an empty cross. However, the crucifix itself, with the dead Jesus on the cross, did not appear until the sixth century.
In any case, from at least the early second century, Christianity and the cross were so closely connected that Christians were accused of worshiping the cross.
The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches use the crucifix as a focus of religious devotion, as do some Lutheran and Anglican parishes. In general, however, most Protestant denominations have — until recently perhaps — rejected sacred images and religious art. Crosses, especially the Latin cross, no longer raise questions in most Protestant churches, although crucifixes still do.
Perhaps as popular as statues of St. Francis of Assisi — the most popular image of a saint for Protestants — is the Celtic cross. This cross is a Latin cross superimposed on a circle at the intersection of the upright and crossbar. Considering its probable origin, its popularity could be surprising.
Legend has it that in the early fifth century, St. Patrick combined the Christian cross and the pagan circle, symbolic of the Celtic sun god. Alternatively, it could be symbolic of the supremacy of Christ over the Celtic sun god. It is probably an example of syncretism, the combination of two or more religions, considering that Celtic Christianity retained many beliefs and practices of Celtic paganism. No surviving Celtic crosses date from this early period of Christianity in Ireland.
By the eighth century, high crosses were set up across Ireland. These free-standing crosses, often covered with sculpted images, took the basic Celtic cross form. The Celtic cross died out about 1200; by that time Roman Catholic Christianity had been dominant in the British Isles for several centuries.
The Celtic cross form can also be found in Scotland and the north of England. Variants can be found in the west of France and the northwest of Spain, once both Celtic areas.
In the mid-19th century, with the Celtic Revival that was associated with Irish nationalism, free-standing Celtic crosses were again erected in Ireland, especially in cemeteries. These were much more simple and more likely to be standardized in their form than the ancient high crosses. The practice spread from Dublin throughout Ireland and to the rest of the world.
The popularity of the Celtic cross should not be surprising: it has lost its original association with the Celtic sun god. The obelisk has also lost its original symbolism as a sunray of the Egyptian sun god, Ra. Form your own opinions, but the cross was not in early Christian history for the first 200 years.
submitted by Little_BlueBirdy to StrikeAtPsyche [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 12:45 JohannGoethe Ban rules update 3+ users were perm-banned 🚫 this week!

Ban rules update 3+ users were perm-banned 🚫 this week!
PJK model
The following is the Abraham and Brahma problem, first broached by Postel:
“The names Brahma (ब्रह्मा) & Saraswati (सरस्वती), the Sanskrit husband-wife pair, and Abraham (אַבְרָהָם) & Sarah (שרה), the Hebrew husband-wife pair, must derive from a single original ‘common source’ parent language, namely: the Ra (𓏲𓌹), the name of the Egyptian sun 🌞 god; or one copied from the other?
— Guillaume Postel (403A/1552), The Book of Jezirah by the patriarch Abraham; quote shown is a condensed paraphrase of all the Abraham and Brahma theories, e.g. Voltaire (195A/1760) said Abraham and Brahma were identical; Constantin Volney, in The Ruins (164A/1791), said the Hindu version derived from the Hebrew version; Samuel Dunlap, in his Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man (97A/1858), was the first to break the names Brahma and Abraham down into ram and Ra as the original root; Thomas Scott, in his The Serpent in Mythology (79A/1876) was the first to explicitly state that Brahma and Abraham were based on the Egyptian Ra sun 🌞 god.
The following is the Jones common source postulate:
Sanskrit (संस्कृत), Greek (Έλληνε), Latin, Gothic, Celtic, and possibly old Persian, must have sprung from some common source.”
— William Jones (169A/1786), Asiatick Society of Bengal, Third Anniversary Discourse, Presidential address; named the “Indo-European“ (Indo-Europeenne) family by Thomas Young (142A/1813); named the “Indo-Germanic” (Indogermanische) language family by Julius Klaproth (132A/1823)
The following is the King numeral equivalent postulate:
“The names Abram and Brahma are equivalent in numerical value.”
— Charles King (91A/1864), The Gnostics and Their Remains, Ancient and Mediaeval (pg. 13); cited by Helena Blavatsky (67A/1888) in her Secret Doctrine manuscript notes; cited by Annie Besant (58A/1897) in her The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy (pg. 95), based on Blavatsky’s notes; cited by Hilton Hotema (A8/1963) in The Secret Regeneration (pg. 137)
Per the PJK model, the following languages: Greek, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Latin, German, Persian, Gothic, and Celtic, should each derived from the original parent language source of the Egyptian language, the transmission of which explained via un underlying numeral logic, defined by Egyptian mathematics. This language family has since been collectively named the EgyptoIndoEuropean language family.
On 24 Nov A68 (2023), Libb Thims (Reddit: LibbThims, user: u/JohannGoethe) had decoded letters H and R, phonetically, numerically, alphabetically, conceptually, mythically, linguistically, and etymologically back to the Egyptian numbers 8 and 100 as shown below, which therein proves or rather evidences that all alphabetic-based languages, i.e. the “Indo-European” and “Afro-Asiatic languages“, combined, originated in Egypt, numberically, pre-dating the Tomb U-j number tags (5300A/-3345):
Likewise, Peter Swift (A17/1972), the coiner of “Egyptian alpha-numerics” (EAN), and Moustafa Gadalla (A61/2016), author of Egyptian Alphabetical Letters, both independently deduced the same thing, from study of Leiden I350 papyrus (3200A/-1245), therein both arriving at the new field of Egypto-linguistics.
Now, if you want to object to this new way of understanding linguistics, that is fine. Feel free to your brain 🧠 to explain, using sound argument, why EAN-based EgyptoLinguistics is wrong, without the need to personally attack: Swift, Gadalla, or Thims ?
Red flag 🚩 terms
Accordingly, if your reaction is to dismiss the new evidenced-based views of Swift, Gadalla, and Thims, all three of whom are engineers, using one of the following pejoratives:
  1. Schizophrenic, schizotypy, schizo-whatever
  2. Anti-Semitic
  3. Pareidolic
  4. Crazy
  5. Apophenic
  6. Lunatic
  7. Racist
  8. Numerologist
Will get a quick and swift perm-ban; or 7+ day temp ban if first infraction.
Post rules Updates
All the troll posting and shit posting has only increased the post rules at EAN. Previously, I had entertained the model of letting PIE-ists, linguists know-it-alls, and Semitic linguists, etc., ask their weekly questions in the EAN subs, sometimes for months on end, only to find out that that the whole time each of these users believed EAN users to be one of the seven red flag terms, and that they not genuinely interested in learning the new way to understand the Egyptian origin of the modern languages. Whence, it resulted in being a total wasted of time to even reply to these questions.
The new method is going to be such that if a user posts some question, they are going to be vetted first to see if they believe that every single one of the 45+ EAN proofs have no validity and if they believe that EAN members are one of the seven red flag terms. If they believe as such, then it is a waste if time to even engage in such a conversation.
Temp ban Examples
The following is an example of user, freshly new, received a 7-day temp ban, on the spot:
It still boggles my mind why someone, say who objects to some alphabet letter origin point or argument, would not just say: “I object for this, this, and this reason”, but instead opens up their argument by saying that the theorist needs psychiatric help? Have these people never heard of Debate 101?
Thims Shit-posts
Action: A large number of puerile-minded users, this week, on 1-3 Apr A69 (2024), at the Linguists Humor sub, here and here, and in several hmol subs, e.g. here and here, have been shit 💩 posting about EAN member JohannGoethe as being schizophrenic, crazy, anti-Semitic, among other pejoratives, and in need of medical help.
This pejorative labeling, however, has been a common phenomenon observed since the launch of Aphanumerics on 20 Oct A67 (2022), and only goes to highlight the sheer mass if biased and confused ignorance in linguistic community, presently, not to mention blatant stupidity paraded as false intellect.
Reaction: several users have been banned; and rules for allowing non-objective closed-minded linguists to post in any of EAN subs have been tightened.
The Libb Thims (derogation) table shows all the nasty comments slung at Libb Thim, over the last 20-years, since he began working on his “chemical thermodynamic theory of everything“ engagement, aka HumanChemThermo.
The key point to notice in this table, that is is only when Thims, at the start of the Pandemic, began to work on the King part of the PJK problem, so to figure out why the names “theta (θητα)” and “Helios (Ηλιος)” both equal the number 318, in Greek letter-numbers, which equals 1000/π, as exhaustively covered by David Fideler (A38/1993) and Kieren Barry (A44/1990), as an unsolved problem, that he came to be slurred as “schizophrenic“, apohenic, and paraeidolic, having never once before having been called these terms.
Banned users
Users perm-banned in the last two-days, for shit-posting, in multiple Hmol subs and in Linguistics Humor sub posts, e.g. here and here, about EAN member u/JohannGoethe, as being “schizophrenic”, which is a user harassment auto-filter red flag term in Reddit:
Example post screen-captured before it was ghosted by the user:
Typical scenerio:
Criticism of Islam ☪️ Criticism of PIE 🥧
Source: here Source: here
11 Feb A63 (2018) 4 Nov A68 (2023)
Mohamed Hisham, an atheist, was invited to the Alhadath Alyoum TV studio to participate in a debate with former Deputy Sheikh of Al-Azhar Mahmoud Ashour. u/LibbThims, an atheist, was invited to the LinguisticsHumor sub to participate in a debate with former Deputy of Linguistics, supreme PIE Priest user Master_Ad_1884.
However, his statement that there is no scientific evidence for the existence of god and his attempt to talk about the Big Bang theory met with a barrage of insults from Sheikh Ashour and from TV host Mahmoud Abd Al-Halim, with Sheikh Ashour recommending psychiatric treatment and Abd Al-Halim refusing to allow him to remain on the show. However, Thims statement that there is no scientific evidence for the existence of PIE and his attempt to talk about the Egypto alphanumeric (EAN) theory met with a barrage of insults from PIE priest Master Ad, from all the PIE sub members, and from sub mod user epicgamer321, with the PIE priest and all PIE believers recommending “psychiatric treatment” and sub mod Epic Gamer refusing to allow him to remain in the sub.
The TV host, apologizing to his viewers for subjecting them to "inappropriate" and "destructive ⚠️ ideas 🤔 ," advised Hashem "to leave the studio and go straight to a psychiatric hospital." The sub mod, apologizing to his sub members for subjecting them to "incomprehensible writing ✍️" and "schizophrenic ⚠️ ideas 🤔," and sub members advised Thims "to leave the sub and go straight to a psychiatric hospital."

This user suffers from linguistic Hisham syndrome (LHC), namely their linguistic beliefs, which is PIE in this person’s case, has created or rather invented a “lingo-theololgy”, which allows their mind to conclude that anyone who has views at odds with their PIE lingo-theology has mental problems and is in need of help.
Posts Rules
  • Ban rules update 4+ users were perm-banned this month
  • Two people were temp-banned today, one for slurring Georgi Gladyshev, who has nothing at all to do with EAN, as a fake or lying scientist. Again: this sub is for people interested in the Egyptian origin of the alphabet and language. Don’t like this view, then don’t join this sub!
  • Miggs cell rule
  • Miggs 🤪 cell rule!?, i.e. attack the argument, not the person, revisited!
  • Candy 🍬 user count table. Treats are bad, yes?
  • Testing new reply model to angry 😡 or confused 🫤 egg-head 🥚-head comments?
Posts LHS
submitted by JohannGoethe to Alphanumerics [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 19:15 shaolinoli Help with naming a forge

Hi! I’m in the process of setting up a bladesmithing forge at my childhood home in mid Devon, which is situated on the edge of an Iron Age hill fort (approximately 2600 years old). For this reason, I’m wanting to name the enterprise something like hill fort forge, but I thought it would be more meaningful to refer to it as it would have been known at the time.
From my research, it would have been of the Dumnonii people, who I believe were Celtic speakers back then. I believe the Celtic word for hill fort would have been some variation of Dùn, although I can’t find out anything more specific as to what might have been used in the region at the time.
I was hoping that you guys might be able to verify that I’m on the right track, and possibly offer any further information about this topic.
Lastly, there seems to be varying information as to whether there was an alphabet used at the time at all, and if so what it might have been. Any information in this regard, especially if it involves what the word for hill fort and forge might have been, would be amazing.
Many thanks!
submitted by shaolinoli to Celtic [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 18:22 JohannGoethe Ban rules update 4+ users were perm-banned this month

Ban rules update 4+ users were perm-banned this month
The following is the Abraham and Brahma problem:
“The Brahma (ब्रह्मा) & Saraswati (सरस्वती) husband-wife pair, in Sanskrit, and the Abraham (אַבְרָהָם) & Sarah (שרה) husband-wife pair, in Hebrew, must derive from a single original ‘common source’ parent language or one copied from the other?
— Guillaume Postel (403A/1552), The Book of Jezirah by the patriarch Abraham; quote shown is a condensed paraphrase of all the Abraham and Brahma theories, e.g. Voltaire (195A/1760) said Abraham and Brahma were identical; Constantin Volney, in The Ruins (164A/1791), said the Hindu version derived from the Hebrew version; Samuel Dunlap, in his Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man (97A/1858), was the first to break the names Brahma and Abraham down into Ram and Ra as the original common root
The following is the Jones common source postulate:
Sanskrit (संस्कृत), Greek (Έλληνε), Latin, Gothic, Celtic, and possibly old Persian, must have sprung from some common source.”
— William Jones (169A/1786), Asiatick Society of Bengal, Third Anniversary Discourse, Presidential address, Feb 2
The following is the King numeral equivalent postulate:
“The names Abram and Brahma are equivalent in numerical value.”
— Charles King (91A/1864), The Gnostics and Their Remains, Ancient and Mediaeval (pg. 13); cited by Helena Blavatsky (67A/1888) in her Secret Doctrine manuscript notes; cited by Annie Besant (58A/1897) in her The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy (pg. 95), based on Blavatsky’s notes; cited by Hilton Hotema (A8/1963) in The Secret Regeneration (pg. 137)
The combined Postel-Jones common source languages, ordered chronologically, are:
  1. Greek
  2. Sanskrit
  3. Hebrew
  4. Latin
  5. Persian
  6. Gothic
  7. Celtic
It is thus conceivable, therefore, based on Postel, Jones, and King, that all seven of these languages originated from a common source owing to a common number structure behind the letters used in each of the alphabets of each of these languages.
Accordingly, if your LanguageOrigin believes are at odds to the Postel-Jones-King (PJK) model, and you ad hominem, you will get perm-banned.
The most often scenario are those who indoctrinated by PIE, such as by reading Robert Beekes’ Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (A40/1995), who therein believe that it is a “crazy” or “lunatic” premise to argue and prove that Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, Celtic, and possibly Old Persian, among all other ABGD-based languages, derive from the common source language of ancient Egyptian, then, in the long run, you will likely get banned; it has been found that people, who are like this, just post drivel, waste time asking pointless questions, and personally attack EAN sub members.
Others object for Semitic reasons, i.e. believe that the Phoenician alphabet was invented by Shem, the son of Noah; example here.
In more detail, as seems to recurringly happen in this sub, a status quo linguist, who believes that PIE and or Semitic language origins are a matter of fact, will join this sub, then post a bunch of questions, to get their laughs or amusement, or something along these lines, believing, in their mind that EAN-ists, such as: Peter Swift, Moustafa Gadalla, Rehab Helou, and LibbThims, who have independently concluded, based on extant evidence, e.g. the Leiden I350 or the mathematical structure of the Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic alphabets, that the alphabetic languages are Egyptian based, are apophenic lunatics who are seeing patterns that are not their.
While we welcome Q&A, discussion, and debate, if you believe firmly that every single one of the 40+ EAN proofs is baseless, i.e. the work of a lunatic, a numerologist, or a pareidolist, etc., then we will consider your posting disingenuous and a waste of time to engage with.
The following seems to capture the nature of this:
“A new scientific truth , e.g. EAN, does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents, e.g. PIE or Semiticism, eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”
— Max Planck (6A/1949), Scientific Autobiography (pgs. 33-34)
If you are not math-phobic, i.e. have passed a high school level or above math class, AND think following 1288 cipher is a random coincidence or pareidolia, i.e. akin to seeing a face of the man on the moon or a castle in the clouds, or the views of a lunatic, or numerological nonsense:
because, e.g. you have a PIE or Semitic language origin theory belief system ingrained in your mind, and are thus closed-mined there-because, both based on the belief that the alphabet and language behind Phoenician, Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Aramaic, and Hebrew, etc., were invented by illiterate hypothetical people or a god you will likely get banned from this sub.
What we see above is a REAL Egyptian and a REAL letter-number based cubit ruler. No god, e.g. who teaches Adam to speak or Moses the alphabet or illiterate Sinai miners (who look at hieroglyphics and invent the alphabet in their spare time), nor hypothetical Russian, Ukrainian, Caucasian or Turkish, etc., proto-civilization needed.
I will preface this post, firstly, with the following video clip of the Weeknd singing Starboy, at the A61 (2016) Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (250M views, 7-years ago), in Paris, which I listened to 20+ times before making this post, wherein the “blond-haired blue eyed” woman, like me ethnically (being 50% German; 25% Swedish) looks sexually at Abel Tesfaye (aka Weeknd), born in Canada, from Ethiopian-born parents:
The lyric that captures my mind the best is:
My main bitch and my side bitch are out of your league.
I’m sure some will like to now call me “sexist” for even citing this quote, where Abel Tesfaye refers to women as “female dogs” (bitches), of which he bonds with two, which ¼-billion people have now watched on YouTube, via the Victoria Secret video?
No one, as of yet, however, has called me “sexist”, however, for saying that English language is Egyptian based? When this occurs, I will add this to the banned users list.
The sexual attraction laws of operation we see here are called the 15 degree rule, which means that each person on the planet will be attracted to those whose immune system differs from theirs by 15 degrees in latitude, plus or minus, which is known, in MateSelection studies, as the Sweaty T-shirt study, and in animal sexual mating studies as the Major histocompatablity complex (MHC) phenomenon.
This means that each person, on the planet, will be sexually attracted to someone whose skin, hair, and eye color is NOT exactly like their own.
In this ”theme”, three of my last 6 girlfriends, in the last 6 or so years, were of African ethnicity (two where African-American; one was Nigerian-American); the others were: Iranian, Honduran, and European (I don‘t know).
Two of these woman, the Honduran and the non-Nigerian African-American, both of whom were home coming queens, proposed marriage to me. The Nigerian-American was 2nd valedictorian of her high-school class, and had graduated from University of Illinois, Urbana, with a biology pre-Med degree, when I was dating her.
The African-American woman, in her early 20s, not more than hand full of years ago, was born to a south-side Chicago parents, a father who was born and raised in Cabrini–Green projects, which, when I moved to Chicago, in A45-ish, was the “murder capital“ of America, and a mother who was a crack head.
Therefore, if you comment, in any form whatsoever, that the mod of alphanumerics is a racist, for saying the following:
black geniuses are a rarer breed.
You will get a quick and swift full ban.
The fact that I even have to discuss this question, in my effort to understand the following:
­Θ = 318 = Ηλιος = ☀️
Boggles my mind, beyond recompense?
The term “black genius“, to note, in Hmolpedia, in Oct A66 (2021), was upgraded to “African ethnicity genius”, per reason that the labels: “white genius”, ”yellow genius”, “red genius” are intellectual oxymorons, not to mention that definition of a person as a “color“ harkens back to the days when it was believed that humans were made from different colors of clay, whence derogatory.
To clarify this point, for those who have now been banned via this rule, there is a standing query, in genius studies, as to whether geniuses are “born or bred“? Having worked on ranking the top 1000 geniuses, for the last 30+ years, there are civilizations where geniuses are rare, such as: China (family over individualism issues), Poland (pig consumption issues), India (caste and vegetarian issues), Africa (equitorial & slavery issues), etc, say as compared to Germany, France, and England.
With this in mind, the earth is divided by 90 degrees of latitude, north and south of he equator. If you are born (and raised) at 42º latitude you have the highest chances of becoming a genius. The sun, in short, breeds geniuses at certain latitudes.
Now, there are some, who are idiots, who calm, ALL latitudes and cultures have EQUAL probability of producing the “next Newton”?
Chemical thermodynamics, however, cuts through all of this humanistic idealism. An ice 🧊 cube can only be formed at 32 °F, or 273.15 K. This has nothing to do with race or language origin. What “race”, e.g. is oxygen? What “language” does hydrogen speak?
3000-years ago, however, things were different. Solon, e.g. went to study in Egypt, wherein he was informed that Greeks were stupid little children, compared to the Egyptians. This factoid was passed to Plato, who did not object. The description of this, however, is not racism. Rather is a fact that certain “systems” (or civilizations), in certain centuries, make geniuses, moreso than others.
Second point
The second point I will make, as moderator of this sub, is that the term “Egyptian alphanumerics” was coined before I was born.
Therefore, those who think that attacking me personally, such as by calling me one of the following:
  1. Racist
  2. Classist
  3. Numerologist
  4. Lunatic
  5. Pareidolia-ist
  6. Apophenia-ist
  7. Schizophrenic
Will get a quick perm-ban.
I did not go from flunking 2nd grade (age: 7.5-ish) to graduating in the top 6% of my engineering class (age: 25-ish), from a top 5 US engineering school, with the two hardest and highest paying engineering degrees (chemical engineering and electrical engineering) one can obtain, and offered jobs at the highest paying companies in the world (which I turned down), only to be called a “numerologist” (age: 50-ish), for being the first person to discern that letters originated from numbers and that the English language was engineered.
The postulate that alphabetic ✍️ based languages 🗣️ are the invention and work of Egyptian engineers was first stated by Dimitris Psychoyos:
”No one discusses the possibility of the invention of alphabetic writing being the work of Egyptian engineers even though the myths seem to point in this direction?“
— Dimitris Psychoyos (A50/2005), “The Forgotten Art of Isopsephy“ (pg. 208)
This postulate was made 15-years before I even got involved in EAN; and 18-years before I, independently, stated the engineered alphabet hypothesis:
That four engineers, namely: Peter Swift 🇺🇸, Moustafa Gadalla 🇪🇬/🇺🇸, Rihab Helou 🇱🇧, and Libb Thims 🇺🇸, independently, decoded the mathematical structure of the alphabet, points to the conclusion that alphabet, originally, was invented by engineers.
Therefore, if your aim, as a PIE-ist, is to say that the mod of this sub is a racist, classic, numerologist, lunatic, pareidolist, and apophenist, or whatever shit 💩 term you want to sling, to defend your imaginary PIE civilization language origin theory, you will also have to prove that Dimitris Psychoyos (A50/2005) is the same.
Then, likewise, for: Herodotus, Constantine Volney, Martin Bernal, Peter Swift (engineer), Moustafa Gadalla (engineer) and Rehab Helou (engineer). You will have to prove in short, that all 8+ of us, four of whom are engineers, are: racists, classists, numerologists, lunatics, pareidolists, and apophenists.
Typically, as the working rule now stands, I will give PIE-users, as I have seen, one or two chances to state their argument, but if their tongue remains closed, when faced with this question, or I will full ban them.
One user, e.g. who claimed to be a “MS degreed physicist”, which was their math certification, after I asked them if they could add one plus two, claimed that I was a “numerologist and a pareidolia-ist“, and that all EAN proofs were the same, yet when I asked them about Swift, Gadalla, and Psychoyos, refused to comment (after two-months of trolling me)? Result: quick ban.
Echo chamber?
One PIE user I full-banned, here, trying to defend another PIE-user who I banned; trying to defend another user who I banned (who said anyone objects to the Sinai alphabet origin theory is RACIST), said: I was turning this sub into an “echo chamber“:
What you are doing is just setting up your ideological bubble to feel good about yourself, knowing that everyone else is stupid and despicable except you, your clique and those who agree with you, while projecting your ill-natured and vile attitude onto others, helped by dollar store dismissals and mod "powers" in what you wanted to be your echo-chamber (let's not forget that for some actually arguing is rather difficult without dirty and cheap tactics!), while fighting a "Great Patriotic War" against "racist aryanist linguists", in a fantasy world where every day something "groundbreaking" is discovered in your intestines.
The more I ban, the more I am talking to my self, according to this user?
To retort, the following fact:
28 Leiden I350 lunar 🌖 stanzas = 28 Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic letters
was determined before I came into the universe, as an electro-magnetic forced CHNOPS+20E species.
Therefore, I am trying to understand topics of discussions, in the air, BEFORE I became a person.
Therefore, if you PERSONALLY attack the mod of this sub or any person in this sub who attempts to TRY to unravel of discern these “topics of discussion”, you will get a full ban.
  • Beekes, Robert. (A40/1995). Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (Arch) (text) (pdf-file). Publisher, A56/2011.
  • Psychyos, Dimitris. (A50/2005). “The Forgotten Art of Isopsephy: and the Magic Number KZ” (abst) (Acad), Semiotica, 154:157-224.

submitted by JohannGoethe to Alphanumerics [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 02:21 ReadingGlosses PhonoForge: a custom GPT for creating sound systems

edit: seems to be back online
Just as the title says, I created a custom GPT that helps you design a phonology. You can interact with it here: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-kHiMrjNXh-phonoforge Questions and feedback are very welcome! (edit: it seems you need a GPT Plus account to access this. Sorry about that! That's unfortunately the way OpenAI has structured things.)
PhonoForge has been instructed to follow a specific series of steps for creating a phonological system and lexicon. Each time you talk to PhonoForge, the conversation follows roughly the same structure. PhonoForge is very goal-oriented. It continually prompts you, asks questions, and reminds you which step you are on, unlike ChatGPT which will often drop a conversation dead by responding with a statement.
Additionally, I have added a knowledge file with information on the phonological systems of ~500 natural languages. This improved its ability to generate realistic-looking inventories and it can make some pretty decent rules. I also gave it a knowledge file with information about the International Phonetic Alphabet, which noticeably improved its accuracy when creating tables.
If everything goes as expected (see below!), a conversation with PhonoForge looks like this:
  1. It gathers some information about the background to your language. You can say why you are making it, or give details about the speakers e.g. 'a secret language for spies', 'the harsh tongue of a dwarven clan deep beneath Mt Death', or 'like Celtic, but in an alternative universe where the Celts first invented space travel and now roam the galaxy in a huge star ship'
  2. It will ask you a few questions about the general phonetic 'flavour' you want, e.g lots of fricatives, something vaguely Romance-like, Aztec mixed with Norwegian, no labials, etc.
  3. It will propose a phonological inventory for you based on the criteria above
  4. It suggests possible syllable structures/phonotactics
  5. It generates a set of phonological rules, such as final devoicing, nasal assimilation, lenition, etc.
  6. It creates a small vocabulary list, using your inventory and syllable structure. This will be a mix of 'normal' concepts (like bird, mountain, water, etc.) as well as some concepts it thinks are related to the background you provided in Step 1. You can of course customize the vocab list at this step, if you wanted words for anything specific. If you're lucky, it will also show you how any phonological rules apply, but this part is a little inconsistent.
  7. If you are satisfied, then it prints a summary of all the above.
I said this would happen "if everything goes as expected" because LLMs behaviour is basically non-deterministic. It sometimes doesn't quite do what I ask, and I have no idea how any of you will interact with it. I'm excited to see what people come up with.
If you want to get a quick idea of the 'intended' experience, then pick one of the conversation starters, and just agree with everything it says (or ask it to make the decisions). That will pretty much guarantee you move through all the steps in order. You will have a phonology and basic vocab list in just a few minutes.
I also want to stress that this tool is only intended to help with phonetics/phonology. You can, of course, ask it about grammar (or anything at all) if you want to explore other details of your language. But once you reach that area of conversation, it's outside of anything PhonoForge was specifically instructed to do, so you're essentially getting the normal ChatGPT experience. I would like to extend this to grammatical systems too, but I am reaching the limits of the custom GPT tool. The instruction set can only be 8000 characters long, and I've nearly hit that (and earlier versions of my instruction set went over). I also need to collect a better dataset for morphology or syntax.
And here's the link again so you don't have to scroll back to the top: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-kHiMrjNXh-phonoforge
Hope you enjoy, and please share anything interesting you create!
submitted by ReadingGlosses to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 09:07 Fearless_Switch New necklace charms

New necklace charms
Old Celtic Irish Gaelic alphabet combined with young futhark, words are in old Irish. Also made one for my Turkish friend in old Turkish runes :)
submitted by Fearless_Switch to Witch_Crafts [link] [comments]
