Small red dots on toes

he boot too big for he gotdamn feet

2016.08.03 07:12 he boot too big for he gotdamn feet

All content to BootTooBig must be at least partially generated by AI! _Remember the robot._ "Roses are red" memes among other things. This is a place to share posts where the title sets up a joke as the first half of a poem and an image delivers the punchline as the second half.

2014.01.29 19:13 itschvy also known as acute vesiculobullous hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx

Dyshidrosis is a skin condition that is characterized by small blisters on the hands or feet. It is an acute, chronic, or recurrent dermatosis of the fingers, palms, and soles, characterized by a sudden onset of many deep-seated pruritic, clear vesicles; later, scaling, fissures and lichenification occur. Recurrence is common and for many can be chronic.

2013.04.09 01:48 Baconquake SmallYTChannel

A community for smaller YouTube creators to share feedback, discuss content creation and collaborate!

2024.06.09 03:21 tristanfinn Rosa Luxemburg: A Revolutionary Eulogy by Clara Zetkin
In 1919, German communist leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were murdered by soldiers of the Freikorps. Luxemburg was shot in the head by Freikorps soldiers and her body was thrown into Berlin’s Landwehr Canal.
Born in Poland in 1871, Luxemburg was a prolific writer on revolutionary strategy and Marxist philosophy. She was also an untiring activist against the war and in the struggles of the working class. She and Liebknecht broke with the Social Democratic Party (SPD) when it supported German involvement in World War I and became central leaders of the German revolution of 1918–19, which was ultimately crushed by Freikorps troops, under orders of Friedrich Ebert, the German Chancellor and SPD leader.
Rosa Luxemburg’s writings continue to inform and inspire revolutionaries around the world today.
In September 1919, Clara Zetkin (1857–1933) wrote the brief tribute to Luxemburg we republish below. Zetkin was an activist in the SPD who broke with the party in 1917 and joined the Spartacus League, the organization founded by Luxemburg and Liebknecht that became the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). She was a KPD member of the German parliament from 1920 to 1933. Also an activist and Marxist theorist, she is particularly well known for her writings on women’s rights.
Zetkin went into exile in the Soviet Union when Hitler and the Nazi Party took power in Germany in 1933. She died near Moscow, and her ashes were placed in the Kremlin Wall, near Red Square.
* * *
Rosa Luxemburg was a woman of indomitable will. Severe self-control put a curb upon the mettlesome ardor of her temperament, veiling it beneath an outwardly reserved and calm demeanor. Mistress of herself; she was able to lead others. Her delicate sensitiveness had to be shielded from external influences. Her apparent coldness and strict reserve were the screen behind which was hidden a life of tender and deep feeling; a wealth of sympathy which did not stop short at man, but embraced all living things, and encircled the world as one united whole. Once in a while Red Rosa, weary and worn with work, would turn out of her way to pick up a stray caterpillar and replace it upon its appropriate leaf. Her compassionate heart warmed to human suffering and grew more tender as the years went by. Always did she find time to lend a willing ear to those who needed advice and help; often did she joyfully give up her own pleasure in order to succor those who came to her in their need.
A severe task-mistress to herself, she treated her friends with an instinctive indulgence; their woes and their troubles were more poignant to her than her own. As a friend she was a model of both loyalty and love, of self-effacement and gentle solicitude. With what rare qualities was she endowed, this “resolute fanatic”! How pregnant with thought and vivacity was her intercourse with intimates! Her natural reserve and dignity had taught her to suffer in silence. Nothing unworthy had any existence for her. Small and delicate in body, Rosa was, nevertheless, consumed with an energy which was unrivalled. She made the most remorseless demands upon her own powers of work, and she achieved positively astounding results. When it seemed that she must succumb to the exhaustion consequent upon her labors, she would embark upon another task demanding yet greater expenditure of vitality. Such endeavors were undertaken “in order to give myself a rest.” Rarely was heard on her lips the phrase, “I cannot”; more frequently were heard the words, “I must.” Her frail health and the unfavorable circumstances of her life did not lessen her vigor. Sorely tried by bodily infirmities, encompassed with difficulties, she remained true to herself. Her inward sense of freedom smoothed every obstacle from her path.
Comrade Mehring was right in affirming that Rosa Luxemburg was one of Marx’s most perspicuous and intelligent followers. Gifted with shrewdness and with complete independence of thought, she refused to accept any traditional formula on trust; she probed every idea, every fact, which thus acquired a special and personal value for her. She combined to a rare degree the power of logical deduction with an acute understanding of everyday life and its development. Her dauntless mind was not content merely to know Marx’s teaching and to elucidate the master’s doctrines. She undertook independent researches, and continued the work of creation which is the very essence of Marx’s spirit.
She possessed a remarkable capacity for lucid exposition, and could always find the aptest words wherewith to express her thoughts in all their plentitude. Rosa Luxemburg was never satisfied with the insipid and dry theoretical disquisitions so dear to the heart of our erudite Socialists. Her speech was brilliantly simple; it sparkled with wit and was full of mordant humor; it seemed to be the incarnation of enthusiasm, and revealed the breadth of her culture and the superabundant wealth of her inner life. She was a splendid theoretician of scientific Socialism, but had nothing in common with the paltry pedants who cull their wisdom from a few scientific works. Her thirst for knowledge was insatiable. Her receptive mind, her intuitive understanding, turned to nature and to art as to a wellspring of happiness and moral perfection.
Socialism was for Rosa Luxemburg a dominating passion which absorbed her whole life, a passion at once intellectual and ethical. The passion consumed her and was transformed into creative work. This rare woman had but one ambition, one task in life — to prepare for the revolution which was to open the way to Socialism. Her greatest joy, her dream, was to live to see the revolution, to take her share in its struggles. Rosa Luxemburg gave to Socialism all she had to give; no words can ever express the strength of will, the disinterestedness, and the devotion, with which she served the cause.
She offered up her life on the altar of Socialism, not alone in death, but in the long days of her labors, in the hours, the weeks and the years consecrated to the fight. Thus has she acquired the right to demand of others that they, too, shall sacrifice their all for Socialism — everything, life not excepted. She was the sword, she was the fire, of the revolution. Rosa Luxemburg will remain one of the greatest figures in the history of international Socialism.
* * *
submitted by tristanfinn to HarpiesBizarre [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:20 Federal_Bus3867 Kamo Clan, Fully Expanded

History: The Kamo clan is one of the big three clans in Japan. That means they are one of the clans with the most power and authority in the Jujutus space. The Kamo clan has a large emphasis on blood ties, so they look down on bastard children or adoptions, etc. The Kamo clan is not viewed in the best of lights due to one of the evilest sorcerers in history being Noritosh Kamo, who was actually Kengaku. They are very traditional and go by the rules the most, this has put them closer to the higher-ups of the Jujutsu headquarters.
Inherited Cursed Techniques
Inherited Trait: Similar to the Six Eyes of the Gojo clan, but not as well-known and much more secretive.
Secret Arts: The Kamo clan is very secretive about their secret arts and doesn’t let non-kamo clan members know of them. The Kamo Clan even uses binding vows, so that no non-clan member will learn of them.
Cursed Tools/Objects
submitted by Federal_Bus3867 to CTsandbox [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:19 burritoresearch I'm just surprised it doesn't have a punisher skull or Amazon red dot on it

I'm just surprised it doesn't have a punisher skull or Amazon red dot on it submitted by burritoresearch to PlebeianAR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:18 jldmagazine Texas A&M University student sends CREEPY snapchat then vanishes from his apartment parking lot - The Unsolved Disappearance of Caleb Harris

One very foggy night at the start of March 2024, a Texas A&M University sophomore just vanished in the middle of the night smack dab at the centre of his highly secure apartment complex parking lot with security cameras everywhere. The only clue the 21-year-old student left behind was an eerie snapchat of a bridge moments before he disappeared.
I wanna preface this by saying that Caleb Harris could very well still be alive, so anyone with any tips – no matter how big or small – is encouraged to submit them.
Caleb Harris is by all accounts a great young man. Standing at 5’11 and weighing at 180 pounds he was a solid guy who was very strong and capable. According to his family, The New Braunfels Christian Academy graduate rarely partied and was an outdoorsman, who preferred to go to bed early so he could wake up the next day before sunrise and hunt some ducks. As you can probably tell, Caleb loved to hunt and fish. So it was very fitting of him to study Environmental Science at Texas A&M University where he was in his second year.
His family are deeply religious and so was he, and there are reports Caleb wore a Jesus fish necklace the night he vanished. When Caleb went away to go study, him and his family chose an apartment complex called The Cottages at Corpus Christi, located in the 1900 block of Ennis Joslin. It had other University students there and it was perceived as highly secure with surveillance cameras at the gates, and there was only 2 ways in and out of the apartment complex. Caleb lived there with 2 of his close friends he grew up with, who were now his roommates.
But then one night, Caleb just vanished after ordering Uber Eats and left behind some very mysterious clues that make this case incredibly interesting as it is perplexing. Some say he actually vanished as he was waiting outside for his Uber Eats delivery. The family has accounted for all his shoes, and assumed he was barefoot when he disappeared (as he was seen barefoot on the ring doorbell camera and the snapchat he sent to his sister), so it seems as though this disppareance wasn’t planned. Caleb had no history of any mental illness and wasn’t taking medication. But, as others pointed out, Caleb could have had a pair of flip flops his family didn’t know about.
10:30pm: The story starts on Sunday, March 3rd, 2024, when Caleb was gearing up for a fishing trip. He was texting his dad all day, excited about his upcoming trip the next day after class. Nighttime rolled around and Caleb and his room mates were up late playing video games. But it wasn’t like any typical Sunday night because one of the roommates had just gotten a puppy, which arrived at around 10:30pm, so they were up late enjoying their new pup and walking it.
12:56am: on Monday, March 4th, a ring doorbell camera caught Caleb outside, barefoot playing with the new puppy with his room mates. The ring camera was facing the parking lot outside their apartment. There were 2 exits out of his apartment, one that led to the parking lot and another to a grassy area. The video captured nothing out of the ordinary and they seemed to all be having a good time very much enjoying their newfound love for their puppy.
2:20am: one of the room mates said they were going to bed, and Caleb told them that he had some more work to do to prepare for his fishing trip the next day, namely he wanted to order some Uber Eats so he had something to eat for his trip. Then, he took the new puppy outside for another walk on his own, and used the entrance to the grassy area since he wasn’t caught on Ring doorbell camera footage this time around.
2:44am: he sent a Snapchat video to his younger sister of him barefoot walking the dog.
2:45am: Caleb made his Uber Eats order, opting for a no contact delivery, and he ordered 2 lunchables, a red bull and an apple pie from a convenience store.
2:58am: His phone turns off, he either shut it off, or it died, law enforcement has not released that information.
3am: According to Caleb’s father, he brought the dog back into the apartment sometime after 3am.
3:03: Link to photo And here’s something I found strange, Caleb sent his final snapchat, the photo of the bridge, to a high school friend from St Augustine Texas at 3:03am, a full 5 minutes after his phone had been shut off. This high school friend barely used Snapchat and him and Caleb didn’t communicate often, so it was a random person to send it to. But when the high school friend opened Snapchat (which he rarely does), he saw a new snap from Caleb after this friend knew Caleb had disappeared, so this friend knew to screenshot the snap for evidence. There could be some technical reasons why the snap was sent after Caleb had shut off his phone, cause apparently Snap users may receive images later then they are sent. But the time discrepancy is still unexplained. Like did someone else log into Caleb’s Snapchat account to send this snap? And I mean, this photo is haunting and really is what drew me in to this case. The photo is of a bridge over a drainage ditch, this bridge is within a few hundred feet outside of the apartment complex. It really captured just how foggy it was that night, and the photo was blurry, almost as if Caleb didn’t have time to use the focus feature on the app, like he had to take the photo quickly. Cause normally Snapchat would focus the photo for you within a couple of seconds of opening the camera function. I can’t help but feel like this was a major clue like in the Libby and Abby case from Delphi, Indiana, like he was trying to tell us something. Behind the bridge is a highway, so was he being abducted at that point and being led to a car to be driven off, and sent this photo in a rush hoping someone could help him? That’s the vibe I got from it, at least. Though some people think he may have been trying to be artsy and take a cool photo of the fog, but I don’t think so cause it was out of focus and looked rushed. Also, my main question, is why did he go to this bridge? He really had no reason to leave his apartment complex and go there.
3:12am: Caleb’s phone pinged for its very last time, but cops believe this was a glitch and more on that later.
3:20am: The Uber Eats driver drops off Caleb’s order.
So really, we are looking at a 22 minute window of when something inexplicable happened to Caleb. The roommates woke up the next day and saw Caleb’s Uber Eats still waiting for him in the bag outside their apartment, they were alarmed when they realized his truck, keys and wallet were still there and the roommates did the right thing and called authorities to report Caleb missing at around 1pm, after searching for their childhood friend, desperately.
The Search
The cops arrived and questioned the room mates as well as the Uber Driver and they were all cleared. There are reports that the roommates took a voluntary lie detector test and passed. The cops also began searching the apartment complex, and checked over 30 apartments. Authorities are asking the public for any tips they may have and tried tracking down any surveillance footage from the morning of Monday, March 4th, but most of the footage wasn’t helpful because of the fog that night, the cameras only captured a couple of feet in front of them. But remember how the apartment complex was marketed as a secure place for students? Well, it turns out the security cameras at the gates were not working and the gates were left wide open that night, for anyone to just waltz on in to the complex.
The community banded together and searched the area by foot along with authorities using professional techniques including helicopters. It sounds to me that every square inch of Corpus Christi was searched, and 3 months later there’s still no trace of Caleb.
The drainage ditch seen in his final snapchat was of course scoured (this was my initial thought that he committed suicide in the ditch) but it barely had any water in it so it was mostly mud and there were no tracks and no Caleb.
Searchers canvassed the area, and found no tire marks to indicate a car picked him up and sped away (no scream or anything was heard either and he was pretty close to the complex).
Searchers also paid particular attention to the area of that last ping, but law authorities later revealed that they believe it was a glitch, and most of the time those glitches happen was because someone was in a car.
I believe, Caleb at 3:12am, about 10 minutes after his phone shut off, was being taken away in car, which would explain the last ping being innacurate.
There are some troubling theories in this case, and I will get into those now, so the next little part will be complete specuatlon of what people have said online, and take it with a grain of salt.
3 months later, Caleb’s phone began pinging again, and law enforcement went on record to say that this was because of forensic testing. Law enforcement are in the process of collecting digital evidence in the case, which includes probably geofencing the area he was last seen and tracking down phones that were in the location the night Caleb disappeared.
But at the same time of this phone pinging, a civilian discovered a phone at Packery Jetty, a 17 minute drive away, and many people believe this is Caleb’s phone, but this has yet to be confirmed.
1) Links to other disappearances There’s also many users pointing out similar disappearances in South Texas including that of Jason Landry. Jason was also 21, and his abandoned car was found on a desolate road on December 13,2020 with his clothes inside and no trace of him, anywhere. According to his dad, the last app he used was also Snapchat, and many people feel that he was there to meet somebody.
2) Secret reddit account/catfish theory This next theory I want to be very clear that this is not 100% confirmed. But according to Reddit, Facebook and YouTube, the family and law enforcement are aware of Caleb Harris’s secret reddit account. (Link) Caleb was allegedly using reddit to meet people for adult activities. This account would often post in a reddit group called “Corpus Christi NSFW” where strangers would meet online for fun. Many people feel that this account called “Outside_Physics1635” is Caleb because of his age being 21 and also his final post was on the same night Caleb disappeared. The post was titled “oso bay hiking trail” and it was posted on March 4th, 2024, at 2:15:30am. It was tagged “M4A”, which means “Man for Anyone” so male or female encounters. There’s also pictures on this account, that some people believe show Caleb’s bracelet in it (Link), but I’m still on the fence about if this is true or not, though it is a prevailing theory in this case, so it’s worth mentioning. One redditor wrote, “It hasn't been outright said by the family most likely due to law enforcement, but Nicole Owens, the woman who runs the Facebook group/page under family spokesperson Tony Matthias said: 'Yes, please do not discuss in the group what was on his Reddit. I hate that it even got around. Kept it a secret as long as possible.' She later deleted the post.” So the working theory is that Caleb made this reddit post before walking the dog, hoping to meet someone that night for a rendezvous, then that person had a nefarious idea in mind and possibly abducted him.
Anyway, I was hoping to bring more awareness to this case since I feel it got overshadowed by Riley Strain, as it happened around the same time.
Hopefully we can just get his name and face out there, because law enforcement are desperate for any tips, because as you can see, there isn’t much to this story. I mean he orders Uber Eats, goes outside, and disappears.
I'll be interested in hearing what you guys think.
submitted by jldmagazine to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:18 ProgramExisting149 Native ancestors visited me in a dream and “cleansed” me

Scared right now… I’m afraid these were familiar spirits. Or it’s trauma bubbling up. Today Auntie showed me pics of our family and I saw my Great Grandmother’s face in a dream I saw this morning. I am terrified. Here’s the message:
k.. I woke up at 3am this morning and could not go back to sleep. I stayed awake until 6am and went back to sleep. I was seeing Tlingit artwork in my mind. Then I am dreaming that I’m unstable and doing drugs. I’m in my Dad’s house and I see a silver pendant engraved with imagery memorializing my Mom on the floor. I put the pendant in my pocket.
My Dad is driving a black SUV and I sit in the back passenger seat. I did not see my Dad’s face. It is pitch black outside but it wasn’t like night it was just how it was.
He takes me to this small building and now that I’m writing it down I remember I saw the same building in another dream while driving down the road.
I leave the car and enter the building and the atmosphere is indescribably creepy and somber. Great Grandma is sitting down looking at me and I get nervous and try to explain myself. A big tall man with a Raven mask wearing Tlingit regalia told me that she has worked on his ear before and that I can trust her. But I felt uneasy and uncomfortable looking at him. I felt uncomfortable looking at Grandma.
I sit down and she stirs something inside of me starting at the top of my head down to the very tippy toes of my feet and pulls something invisible out.
After that the TV starts playing this static and dark and light imagery, it was very abstract and unsettling. It looked so familiar but I didn’t recognize any of it.
Then I smoke some sort of herb out of this bong and immediately start vomiting into the sink. Grandma told me this was my ancestral trauma. Slowly I wake up again.
I don’t know what to make of it it is so heavy.
submitted by ProgramExisting149 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:16 Active_Turnover6192 First Time Posting (Theory)

Hey, this is my first time posting on this reddit page. I just wanted to introduce myself before giving a full on theory in relation to my thoughts and predictions for any rdr content. I have been thinking, what if rdr2 had a dlc? How would rockstar do it right? There probably won't be a dlc or anytime soon so I came up with a storyline for the dlc in my opinion. Thank you and let's get started
It should include Sadie Trelawny and Charles within a switch character feature like in gta5. Sadie is deep into bounty hunting now, she is more quiet, living in the wetlands of Brazil and bounty hunting is paying the bills. But she is still thinking of the loved people she left behind, anyway, Sadie meets a nice young teenage guy who is also a bounty hunter and they are working for the same sheriffs around, let's say he is 'Fred'. Fred reminds Sadie of Arthur or at least a younger but wiser version, and this interests Sadie more into Fred, but she doesn't know why, Sadie is more quiet and Unsocial so why does she care? From dialogue, we know what her and Fred and thinking, there is a gap that needs to be filled with trust. One of the biggest criminal outlaws in Brazil who is let's say 'pedro' has captured a series of hostages and is holding them in a bunker in Southern Brazil, one of those being Fred, but sadie is in northern Brazil and it would be a really long journey, Sadie is scrambling and confused on what to do , if I save him will he just end up like everybody else I ever loved? She doesn't Trust herself to keep him safe, she agrees with a sheriff that she is only doing detective work but deep inside she needs to help him. While questioning one gang member in particular, he sees clear through Sadie and tells her that he knows who she really wants to save and why she's afraid, exposing the idgaf persona Sadie had. Sadie is angry and brutally beats this guy till he tells her what she wants , but she doesn't want to hear what she needs, he is beaten to a pulp and finally states where the bunker might be, and adds that there may be multiple bunkers. Anyway, Sadie thinks alot about what he said and she questions why she's even so interested in Fred. She then remembers Arthur, which brings a side of weakness in Sadie, crying in her rented hotel rembering Arthur's kindness and sacrifice. She figures out why she's so interested and finally decides to go out and look for Fred and the hostages herself. She asks, what would Arthur do? I'm doing this for him, is what she is saying to stop the truth from coming any longer. The truth is Sadie needs another 'Arthur' in her life, she can't stop holding onto him cuz she scares at losing him again, but she can't try again at loving people so she hides behind heroic personas and excuses to escape while on her journey. But she runs into Pedro in a garden party at a palace and they talk for long, Pedro is a parallel of Sadie, They are both bloody and brutal but Pedro at least understands what he wants and what he needs, he's wealthy but not spoiled with greed, he moves smart and kind. Anyone in his way is killed immediately, ok this is bout to get a lil pg18 so keep touch. Sadie decides to trick Pedro into giving info on the plan, with ultimate guilt, she flirts with him and they end up in a private bedroom upstairs the palace. He finally admits while succumbed in Sadie's seduction, funny thing is, this is WAY out of character for Sadie right? Because she's scrambling with emotions and truthfully she would do anything to find Fred, but she says that she'll do anything for her job and stopping Pedro. In the admist of seduction, lawman and police break into the hotel room and arrest Pedro immediately. Of course, Sadie is put to interrogate Pedro, this is where we finally get a hint of Pedro and Sadie's dynamic. Sadie is disgusted by Pedro's accused actions but she is also deeply disgusted by what she had to do to get here. anyway, Pedro is seen externally as a mob and rider killer with dark thoughts , internally as a smart and thoughtful man with a secret and deceitful truth, hiding behind a persona he tries to believe in, just like Sadie. They are both fighting a battle. Sadie believes she is saving them for her honor, but truthfully she is really saving Fred. As Sadie gets closer to saving Fred the more difficult it gets to hide. Before the climatic battle, Sadie and a few other lawmen find the final bunker and see amber disguised as a hostage tied up. Sadie sees through it and just loses it, she takes one look at beats him to death while screaming why he is hiding behind his true self. This is Sadie talking to herself. The law men are mortified and traumatized and do not speak to Sadie for the rest of the search. When they find the hostages, Sadie scrambles looking for Fred but doesn't find him, one lawman suggests that he is in Pedro's main house. They find the main house and funnily enough he is right, Fred is held hostage by Pedro. Once they raid Pedro's room they capture Pedro but he reveals dynamite strapped on Fred's back which is lighting from the door handle in a long line. Saide freaks out and tears the dynamite just as it is about to blow and throws it away but accidentally throws it near the lawmen but sadie doesn't seem to care, only if Fred is safe, see Fred is like Arthur, but Arthur is HIM, so Fred can never be an 'Arthur' but he can be Arthur emotionally for Sadie to move forward. Sadie and Fred escape the mansion in the big climactic gunfight where they fight together and walk of into the distance with dead bodies all around them, such as like the red dead revolver ending. Sadie has come out, while not romantically, Sadie and Fred are great friends and Sadie gains faith in society and love again, not romantically lol.
Okay let's switch to Charles. Canada, btw it is spring season so it is really cold and snowy. Charles is more quiet and older but he still has a really close friend of his, his best friend, Victoria, a woman he met on the coast of Canada when he arrived. They have a really great friendship and fit together perfectly, they've been friends for a year and have bonded together really well. The opening scene should have Charles and Victoria chatting to show Charles character when he's with and without her. So basically, these guys for really well and the small town they live in, like Jackson in TLOU2 , knows that they could make a great couple. Suddenly, an agent pops up and tells Charles in a cafe that Victoria is a convincted felon and criminal of the country, but so far, Victoria's character is easily likeable by her importance to Charles, we mostly hate micah cuz what he is to Arthur. Same dynamic here, if Charles loves her, easily likeable, but she is also a genuinely good person, so just like Charles we are confused and refuse that fact because, this agent let's say is 'micheal' Mike seems very greedy and rude in their first encounter. But all of a sudden, Victoria disappears, and cannot be found near their town. So now both Charles and Mike are fighting the same goal, but their is internal conflict their, because mike represents everything Charles hate but Is also everything Charles would take a life for a decade back. He is like Dutch and Charles seeing that questions, if Dutch was that manipulative, then why isn't Mike? Because he didn't seem to be confident is saying that Victoria is a criminal in fact with very little research. This builds suspicion of motive in the antagonist which intrigues us into mike and his motive. As Charles searches for Victoria, he constantly thinks of Dutch and had encounters with Mike that even us the player cna see Dutch inside him, bringing up the plan meme and in one encounter, Mike and Charles fight, but Charles turns this guy into a pancake and flattens him. But Mike seems happy and just walks away. Okay lemme skip forward a bit, Charles keeps encoutering with Mike and keeps getting closer to Victoria until he finally finds Victoria in a jail cell in a sheriff's office in the middle of nowhere at night. He busts her out with his sheir strength and breaks the rusted bars, but Victoria seems to avoid Charles and is distancing herself from him. They talk and Charles asks why she is being distant on the horse ride back to the town and just as Victoria is about to say , a long line of trees beside the road begin to start falling and they ride forward dodging the falling trees in the snowy weather, like that scene in the opening fight of gow Ragnarok. They ride fast and eventually stop in an open snow field and looked behind at the fallen trees and even within the fog Charles spots a group of masked gunmen rushes and taking cover on the fallen trees. Charles immediately dismounts and fights of the gunmen while forcing Victoria to ride away into the distance. One last gunman is left and Charles asks why they are attacking him. He refuses but Charles beats him till his admits, turns out it's not just Mike. This is the wider government, spread out across all of north America, and we find out how agent Ross easily tracked down John and reveal that agent ross' glazer after Javier dies is part of this government organization, the Pinkertons remastered. They are all hunting for them and some undercover agents are killing them through love. This is where truth is revealed. We are given cuts to an agent slicing Reverend Swanson's neck in a hallway, a group of male agents grabbing Mary Beth in a restaurant, and one of Pedro's men, the one who sadie tried to interrogate in particular. This make sense as he was trying to get more out of Sadie but failed and was beaten, something that we thought held no purpose as a scene turned out to leave hints when we okay it back. This makes the organization very unlikable which gives a heavily hated antagonist as we see the characters we love get shamed and beaten. Charles and Victoria have a talk after in a rented motel, Victoria admits that Mike was telling her lies about Charles to tarnish his name but seemed very unconfident in saying it and showed evidence by bruises for their fight. So why is he constantly lying? Is he a bad liar? That is what they say. This talk shows the internal view from both sides, Charles wants to have a family with her and Victoria wants to know about his past. Charles is focusing of future while she is focusing on past, in order for them to move forward. Victoria has to love him, but in order to love him, he has to tell her about his past to form trust. They agree to work together to find out about this organization. This creates a fun gaming experience but also story wise it can transform the theme so quickly in game fashion, something only rdr could do. Throughout the search, they get closer and closer to finding out the truth, but also to each other. They form a dynamic with love, trust and teamwork. In the climax, Charles and Victoria meet Mike together for the first time and they are said to kill mike once and for all. Mike is fishing near the Atlantic ocean and they approach him in the fishing hut. They are supposed to find a gun owned by agent milton and hostages. This scene builds tension like the iconic one in Inglorious Bastards. Charles brings up wolves and ravens and their relationship. Which in subtext means Charles and Victoria's relationship, and how they find prey together, which means them finding Mike together. Charles brings up how the wolves and ravens see each other as equal but see prey as lesser, but prey can be whatever they like with teamwork. Charles finally asks if Mike is hiding hostages and Mike says yes. They find the gun and the hostages and as soon as they exit, they find a group of armed suited gunmen at the door and realize that this is a setup. We get a glimpse of a shotgun shell pressed against the door like the glimpse of the Jews in Inglorious Bastards. Charles duels the gunmen and he finally kills without thought, he kills without Mercy and hastily. Charles always says he kills when he needs to, to protect who he loves but he could have easily overpowered these guys, they had jammed guns and all so he could just beta them and run. But he doesn't, he kills them, he takes their lives. This shows he truly loves Victoria, breaking his one rule just to fully assure her safety. But maybe it was also for the hostages safety right? No, he looks at Victoria and just that one look was enough for him to get to killing. The final gunfight ensues and Charles and Victoria are keeping the hut away from the incoming gunmen which gives the player flashbacks to the final John mission in rdr1, building tension and suspicion on what could happen. In the end, Charles kills Mike in a standoff and gets his leg shoot in the process. He passes out and awakes in a warm bed, he looks to his right and sees Victoysnd immediately smiles, but he looks down and sees his leg is Missing. Victoria explains that they had to amputate his leg to avoid infection, Charles seems worried at first, but a simple gesture of putting her hand on his chest is enough to calm him down. The talk they have is admitting something. Finally, they hug and kiss and boomm that's the end
Okay with Trelawny we can move quick cuz this is getting good. Trelawny has always been distant on the gang and he has always despised the way the gang moved believing there is always a way with peace. In New York, the most violent side, Trelawny gets a first hand at what the gang had to do to survive. He bumps into a man in a bar and they entice s bar brawl which Trelawny walks away from. Trelawny is more quiet and intelligent now but still avoids violence. In the morning Trelawny find out he has sparked a war with a gang let's say is 'Jack Grinners'. These guys are the most dangerous gang in this side of the city, the other sides are the mafia and stuff. He is being hunted and isn't safe there so he moves to the more mafia motioned streets of NY but is still in trouble because he has a daughter and she may be killed. In sorrow, he bumps into another gang member, but a Mafia member instead , expecting a fight he immediately apologizes and the guy is super nice and kind, Trelawny kind of bonds with him and explains his situationb and he helps Trelawny, let's say he is 'Gary' (weak ahh name Ik). Gary is part of a heavily respected Mafia family and Trelawny with no other place to turn asks for advice on how to deal with the guys. Gary suggests he should build his own gang, Trelawny immediately disagrees stating his disgust in violence. Fast forward, Trelawny keeps getting pressured by this gang and they hold him to a state where he is homeless and his daughter is starving, he has no other choice. He visits a priest but the priest seems to only want money so that was hopeless. He even attempts to take his life, but finally he decides to start a gang, but a Mafia like gang. Mixing both parts of the town. At first, Trelawny starts a bar business with the little money he has left and hangs posters for the bar. He gains a lot of customers very fast due to the alcohol issues in NY. He one day takes all of these volunteers to a basement as begins his plan, they start with cattleman revolvers but ease up. At first they refuse but eventually Trelawny reveals why he needs them and they agree in the pitiful moment. They start weapon deals with the mafia and the Jack Grinners' rival gangs. This adds a new feature in the rdr franchise, leading a gang, similar to camp in rdr2 but ur the leader and you call shots and you can make your own parties and stuff. This liquor business slowly becomes a large gang association and Trelawny gets more and more money for the player's own grind. And eventually, Trelawny's name and gang is a public statement and he is now respected for his authenticity as a leader and as a man while other gang leaders rely on sales or henchmen to be authentic. This heavy respect makes Trelawny finally gain the respect of the Jack Grinners but he feels something missing, these guys took everything from him and he wants revenge. Even though his daughter pleaded he begins his rivalry.. okay fats forward, the rivalry is at an all time high, but also taking a toll on Trelawny's mental state, he is filled with pride and vengeance he's forgotten the people that built him up. Ignoring raising his daughter and even ignoring and power abusing his men. This slowly crumbles his personality and makes him more and more brutal and heartless. Even one night beating his daughter after she yelled at him for sleeping with multiple women and prostitutes. In the climactic ending, Trelawny enters a fancy and luxurious bar at night with intent to meet someone who has been seen taking his guns and oil. He sits down and has a tensing conversation with him with both bodyguards behind their seats. Things go hellwire and Trelawny reveals he has bombs planted all around the bar and will blow everyone up. He has officially lost it, in the beginning he had concern for every life, he was never loyal to the gang. Now, the gang is all his has left to be loyal to, and doesn't care about any human life including his own. He explodes the bar while exiting but he gets vision of his daughter and looks behind to see her crying on her knees just as he presses the button. He runs back in to save her but it is too late. She is dead. All of a sudden, Trelawny wakes up in his mansion with his guards beside him. His body is Corrupt Trelawny but his mind is Old Trelawny. He awakes in a mansion confused and walks around realizes what he has done. Pride had destroyed him and it ends with him trying to cross the road while limping and a wagon moving fast hits him and a fade to black just before we see it hit him.
These stories explore different topics about the characters and how they cope with the loss of the gang they once had, and how they chose to move forward, how they've changed. With Charles the only one knowing that John has died, he goes back to Beecher's hope in a post credit scene of the dlc credits. And he buries John with javk and a fade to black again.... Boom the end. These stories cover love, pride, corruption, Depravity, romance, sacrifice and reputation. These stories dive deep into the characters and give them what they didn't have enough time to give on screen in rdr2. These antagonists fit perfectly with the characters and their motives and philosophies. Sadie believes that she can never love a human again or care for one, Pedro challenges that by testing her belief to the fullest making a person that embodies her of the last man she ever cared about and seeing if she is speaking or hiding, by making her do some out of character things like seduction or brutally beating a man to death. Mike is the one thing that stops Charles from having a future but is only the one thing that makes Charles go back to the past, by Victoria. Charles wanted a family and future for himself and believed only to kill with meaning. Mike challenges that by forcing himself or be so unlikable and dangerous for Victoria that there is no other escape than by killing to save the person he loves, not the people. Because mike was an embodiment of Dutch and Charles was riding with Dutch but had that rule at the same time which caused Charles to question his past, but also Victoria by lying to both of them intentionally causing confusing and need for truth for both of them, using manipulation as a tool, just like Dutch. The real antagonist of Trelawny's story was pride and in the end pride won but story wise it was the Jack Grinners, Trelawny's one rule was to never use violence if someone just gets in your way, but by riding with Dutch he was told that they aren't getting in the way, they're stopping the way. A philosophy he refused and never inflicted violence on anyone, the Jack Grinners push that move to the furthest to see what would happen if Trelawny was given the burden of Arthur and the potential of Dutch, it made him prideful and spoiled his spirit and harmed the people around him, forcing a vision of only power and not leadership, there is a big difference. My personal favorite is Trelawny's story but what about you
submitted by Active_Turnover6192 to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:16 letstalkaboutbras [SELL][US] 👀 Lots of new, limited edition and discontinued items. Drugstore to high-end makeup, palettes, skincare, tools, brushes and bags.

Hello again! I'm back and re-opening my sale with some new items! I've lowered some prices and am open to reasonable offers. Thank you!
Payment via PayPal G&S. Shipping starts at $5 for a small item depending on zip and increases with weight (USPS). At least $7 for heavy items like palettes and heavy skincare. Shipping from the East Coast. $10 min before shipping preferred. All item conditions are noted and pictured best as I can.
Please don't ghost. It's okay if you change your mind. NIL based on timestamps. Note that I have some of these items listed on other platforms as well and will adjust the availability accordingly.
BN = Brand New; BNIB = Brand New In Box; BNIP = Brand New in Packaging; FS = full size; DS = deluxe size/travel size/mini; FWP = free with purchase
I'm very careful to keep my makeup clean and protected, keeping original packaging where I can. Smoke- and pet-free home. Always masking. See this wonderful feedback from previous buyer 1, 2 and 3 as references 😊
Swap for the following only. ISO: Sephora mother of pearl travel mirrors from the recent event giveaway. Try me on BN Florasis palettes.
Eyeshadow Palettes
Face Palettes
Mascara, Eyeliner & Brows
Laura Mercier Radiance 6-pc Bundle - $38
Limited edition soft faux leather wristlet clutch containing 5 travel size items: Radiance primer, caviar eyeshadow sticks in Rose Gold & Vanilla Kiss, Matte Radiance baked powder in shade Bronze 03, mini translucent glow powder
Lips - New
Lips - Swatched or Gentle Use
Makeup Bags & Brushes
Skin & Hair Bundles
Thanks for looking!
submitted by letstalkaboutbras to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:13 kellzbells86 Harrods Dream Job From home! BEWARE!!

I was looking up work online and came across this I believe was the site, you can Google it. It asks for your WhatsApp number, I know red flag, but I am studying Cyber Security Engineering, and hate scammers so I thought I'd go fourth. The deal is you receive a recruit manager you're given 5-7 days trial/probation period after those days, you become a regular employee and gain $300 bonus and $2000 salary. They used I again was investigating if and what the scam is so I took note. They say we're going to let you do 38 tasks on our profile so you can earn salary because with the $10 sign up you're at insufficient funds to complete any tasks. Okay, cool. You do the 38 "tasks" (Clicking buy on orders at random and leaving 5 star review) again, I know, wrong! Also she had to get me into the server with a login id which is supposed to be your phone number and originally when messaging she wrote voc de Kelly or something I'm assuming French, and the phone number is one digit from being a real phone number at least with US country code. It didn't log in at first so I'm like ugh busted! Tell her, she's one number sht she says send screenshots I do where it shows +1 then her number missing one digit I later look even closer it's basically my number minus a digit adding a 2. But she insists she slipped up saying it's the company's account it will go through! I say you need to tell me your country code she says why I say because that counts as part of your login, she insists on keeping the same, frustrated, I enter it one more time ... Success!
Now she said she had to deposit five hundred dollars she that's what get account said, I realized after the slip of saying it's a company account, it was not hers but an account for my personal case. It goes till she gets some package order they call it, where she has to go and deposit I think it was $450 to clear the frozen account. She sens me the transfer ticket I put it through and it clears saying .15c available it was at $779 with earned commission of$235 or somewhere close don't analyze my math, I'm doing this from memory!
It doesn't let me finish her tasks because if insufficient funds I'm thinking man this poor girl is getting scammed too and maybe had just got promoted to showing people how to do it. She puts more in I get done she said go into your account. I think aren't we going to have to withdraw from her account, because she said I'm getting 25% of the money I just made her.
Well mine said the new amount of sixty dollars she swears after this we're going to withdraw cuz she said the whole time you don't pay upfront and you will make money on your training about $40 so I figure I'm going to go until they say deposit and hey let's see if you can make the $40!
See these things are ordered and you're given the principal back plus one percent then due earned commission because I watch the numbers go up as you're clicking is in deed about 10% hitting about 7$ each time and the other product return which is suppose to return your deposit but only 5% that was not seen to me. But you're ordering she said no products to to you. And you are depositing your money after you hit a price bracket that isn't convered by your "salary" cuz literally the products are say $22 3 units for $66 I had 72or something at that time for instance you click buy logically you're going to be at 6$ balance. Nope not on here, which red flag, no site reimburses that fast, ok? I mean there was no filing for a reimbursement nothing! Su I figure ugh this is kinda like an nft if you think of it these empty shell of pictures now have a value I mean even ponzi scheme make money!
It's just a pool where everyone puts in money and if you got there first you get a little more than the last guy! Nope not this not even that!
I continue and I earned $94 that first day. I go to do second day I had fallen asleep several times on her and I figure I'm just going to cash out and go I still had access to the account I made$235 for but they have a withdraw password. I tried to get the people to hello me withdraw she never said you had to have $100 in your account but here it says you have to be vip to withdraw, but true so for y'all's sake, I ventured on. I was going to go to complete road block or hit the withdraw!!
So yeah I couldn't clear her tasks from the day before out, she had to recharge for$500 again so I could earn and get I figure just keep a minimum of $65 I'm after withdrawing because then your going to always have that base amount. I did feel like I was playing Press your luck. You remember, no whammies no whammies, stop! Lol
I even say what if I am in the middle of doing these tasks and I get one of those "package deals" where you are upped to the next price range for a bulk order and I've not withdrawn cuz it'll freeze your account till you recharge. (No Whammies! No Whammies!) Whew, no whammies!! Huh!?! Ikr?
Well I'm at $217 I can actually withdraw! I have to use Meta mask she tells me and she's going to tell me how to withdraw! Well it says as I figured out yesterday it needs a binder wallet and yes I'm an IT student but never messed with crypto personally before. And so she said crypto So she does that sh I'm like uh oh here we go ... Well hers looks different than mine as I'm screenshotting I still do not what exactly but it was just a smudge off and then I go and im not aware of how to hook my bank or pay pal to it but i do know that they take crypto she's adamant about this being Meta mask but anyway i go to put in the withdrawal Password i had made the night before when i knew i had to have $100! It does NOT WORK! I ask customer care and there's no other place to reset your password well they so nicely say, your password is your responsibility you need to put it in a safe spot and all this. So I'm like ugh that's the scheme get you to order all these products so they money launder and keep your money basically a store gets sales for sales it's not making.... No she flips out then they make comments about it. I change the password and on I go I don't know crypto but the girl had me chance the currency on my address things to state BTC when I did have etc as an option I go back to meta mask (again first time doing any BTC or anything no one in this area uses that to know anything and I'm pretty aware touched on it in marketing just about how it's an economy without infrastructure etc not these small details) Now it's not showing up ... I freak out saying is that it's just gone I knew you had me put the wrong thing in what if it was wrong am I just out she says something and the system resetting idk her answers didn't even correlate with the conversation around the time I got to these questions and saying I read that Meta doesn't take BTC and all that IDK I'm off exploring what I can while she I feel is leading me down a dead end ... I couldn't imagine being a 50-60 year old going thru this because also it's not unlikely to do a secret shopper job or merchant audit and be required to pay something and have to get reimbursed. Well I get a message as I'm getting upset saying I'm going to have to wait 24hrs there was a withdraw refund! Customer service get mad at me saying we told you 24 hrs you hace to wait week ok I go about my day I do get tasks yesterday, make my money I'm on my tasks it gets stuck at $391! Its -83$ and I say I absolutely didn't have it she can't give it to me or she will be fined or fired I say you could add a friend thru a private account if she wanted to.
But anyway I am thinking about it and I'm sold that ok I did make the error with the password Knowing that I knew what I put and I've tried everything, I still get my finance to get me the $ he put$90 on which I put it in cash app I'm not giving em access to a real bank. But I do 90 so I will have enough for fees she says put in$93 she didn't even have time to look at my account to see what was owed I mean mind you when im doing any little thing she needed a screen shot which this makes it so much easier for me now to report it and yes it was on what's app but think that's so you don't have to pay international fees same as with Bitcoin.
But she said that I say well I'm going to put$85 they'll surcharge the rest. She says screen shot I didn't know what I'm doing and it brings up an offer I'm trying to tell her you gotta stop texting me cuz it's giving me like fifteen seconds to confirm to continue with this girl. It goes back to the beginning I had to re insert everything! Luckily no money had been transferred but I click sardine and it asks me how much I put $85 her offer said $83.67 one below was $83.26 idk any of this so please tell me if what I'm thinking was correct or if you think it would have been ok ... I click it and before I can add my credit card I'm asked to put in my driver's license and do the selfie which that freaks me out after the putting in money cuz they know the location
Well it comes back Insufficient funds and to add more to finalize to purchase$85! Not that I had insufficient funds on my card that I had to pay more for$85! Or to get$83.67 Idk!!
The whole thing freaked me out thinking about the password, the likeness to meta mask but hers being Even different can't they "spoof" where you and your entire network will download the cloned app? IDK if not I just still had a bad feeling.
*Which I told em I'm with homeland security and do cyber security engineering and that's a dummy identification and was investigating them and gave them a list of infractions.
She gave me this whole confession kind of and then I screenshot since she loved them...
"Can a scammer go to to prison" and it saying 1-30 years etc And
"Can you track a scammer"
She replied *Blah, bye!
So yeah who do I turn this into and should I contact Harrods?
I'm pretty proud of it even if not the scam it's sketchy enough. I mean I'm thinking it still might've made me some money but I know that's how they lure you. And seriously what if a middle aged or young age kid encounters this, yes very elaborate!
submitted by kellzbells86 to GetEmployed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:10 prophetofbrokenomens Impromptu Security Report

“Uh, Sir? We seem to have had an emergency!”
K’nor nearly shouted as he burst into the Station Security Captains meeting room. He was out of breath and his eye stalks were pink with shock or fear or both. And during a sensitive meeting with the stations ‘council of allied species’ no less.
The Captain of Station Security, Ch’nix, swiveled one of his five eye stalks at Corporal K’nor. The stalk of which was turning dark blue with agitation.
“These meetings are not be disturbed… Er, Wait. What do you mean ’HAD’?”
“Well sir, uh, the security detail of Wilkin shot the Human ambassador with an IR pulse rifle on the hangar decks in-front of the hangar cantina!”
Ch’nix shot upright to his full standing height of a meter and a half. All five of his eye stalks were so dark a blue as to be nearly black. “That’s the last nerve. Arrest all of the Wilkin and impound their vessel. Hold them in isolation until the Human authorities can be contacted to retrieve them and the body of their ambassador. Give them our most sincere apologies and inform them that Galactic Law demands that the Wilkin pay restitution.”
“Not necessary Sir. The Human ambassador is alive and well although he is somewhat agitated that his best shirt is ruined. He suffered a small third degree burn to his hide a centimeter in diameter. His shirt however caught fire which in turn caught the fur on his mandibles on fire and that made him slightly more agitated, but, he states that he will, and I am quoting here, “pitch a shit-fit if he is not compensated with a new shirt of equal value and provided with free refreshments on this station for he and his companion for the rest of his days! The Ambassador had to use the beverages of the nearby tables to put himself out. Also. The translator failed to define a shit-fit into anything discernible.”
“How in Zik’s’ swiveling nipples is he still alive? Must be some damn good armor he was wearing at the time!”
“No armor, Sir. His companion was wearing armor but the ambassador was not as he was on the way to the trade commission meetings in the merchant sector.”
All five of the eye stalks faded into a lighter blue as he visibly relaxed a bit. “Very well then, Arrest the Wilkin then and…”
“Not needed sir.” The corporal interrupted. “They are all dead. All fifteen of them. Their full security contingent is deceased. Aaaand before the alarm could be sent to inform station security.”
“Uh, what?” A long uncomfortable silence passed as the captains’ brain raced to comprehend what he had just heard. “Maybe you should give me a full report right now.” He checked the console to make sure it was still recording. “Proceed corporal.”
“SIR. I am now giving first person testimony as to what I witnessed of the incident involving the attempted murder of the Human Ambassador. I was on the hangar deck at the cantina consuming my mid-meal at the standard allotted time for my shift when I witnessed the Human ambassador depart his vessel with his raised companion and body guard. The one named Uldon I believe. The ambassadors route to the cantina side grav-lift passed near the side of the cantina where the Wilik security force was taking their meals. One of Wilik made a rude comment referring to a possible intimate relationship between the Ambassador and his risen companion, Uldon. I have heard the ambassador refer to his companion as a species known as a silver back gorilla. Well the Ambassador commented that the Wilik should stop trying to shit out of their own mouths and just fuck off instead. That’s when the head of the Wilik security detail shot the ambassador in the upper chest with the InfraRed pulse rifle. That’s when the risen companion, Uldon became violent. He grabbed the Wilik instigator by a lower appendage and beat the others to death,,, With the leader of the Wilik security detail as the weapon of choice. The leader came apart during the process. All of this took less than 30 seconds. I was then ordered by my sargent to come report to you. Uh, oh and the sarge is currently dealing with the resulting chaos of the witnesses and their panic.”
The captain shot out of his chair again. “By the flaming flatulence of Thagg! Wha’…”
“Uh Sir? Respectfully. Might be inappropriate language to use considering the others in the room.” The corporal looked over to the meeting delegates at the other end of the long table. “Oh. It seems they have all fainted. Never mind.”
The captain sat down in his chair and slumped. “ use human vernacular. I hate this fucking station!”
submitted by prophetofbrokenomens to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:09 prophetofbrokenomens Impromptu Security Report

“Uh, Sir? We seem to have had an emergency!”
K’nor nearly shouted as he burst into the Station Security Captains meeting room. He was out of breath and his eye stalks were pink with shock or fear or both. And during a sensitive meeting with the stations ‘council of allied species’ no less.
The Captain of Station Security, Ch’nix, swiveled one of his five eye stalks at Corporal K’nor. The stalk of which was turning dark blue with agitation.
“These meetings are not be disturbed… Er, Wait. What do you mean ’HAD’?”
“Well sir, uh, the security detail of Wilkin shot the Human ambassador with an IR pulse rifle on the hangar decks in-front of the hangar cantina!”
Ch’nix shot upright to his full standing height of a meter and a half. All five of his eye stalks were so dark a blue as to be nearly black. “That’s the last nerve. Arrest all of the Wilkin and impound their vessel. Hold them in isolation until the Human authorities can be contacted to retrieve them and the body of their ambassador. Give them our most sincere apologies and inform them that Galactic Law demands that the Wilkin pay restitution.”
“Not necessary Sir. The Human ambassador is alive and well although he is somewhat agitated that his best shirt is ruined. He suffered a small third degree burn to his hide a centimeter in diameter. His shirt however caught fire which in turn caught the fur on his mandibles on fire and that made him slightly more agitated, but, he states that he will, and I am quoting here, “pitch a shit-fit if he is not compensated with a new shirt of equal value and provided with free refreshments on this station for he and his companion for the rest of his days! The Ambassador had to use the beverages of the nearby tables to put himself out. Also. The translator failed to define a shit-fit into anything discernible.”
“How in Zik’s’ swiveling nipples is he still alive? Must be some damn good armor he was wearing at the time!”
“No armor, Sir. His companion was wearing armor but the ambassador was not as he was on the way to the trade commission meetings in the merchant sector.”
All five of the eye stalks faded into a lighter blue as he visibly relaxed a bit. “Very well then, Arrest the Wilkin then and…”
“Not needed sir.” The corporal interrupted. “They are all dead. All fifteen of them. Their full security contingent is deceased. Aaaand before the alarm could be sent to inform station security.”
“Uh, what?” A long uncomfortable silence passed as the captains’ brain raced to comprehend what he had just heard. “Maybe you should give me a full report right now.” He checked the console to make sure it was still recording. “Proceed corporal.”
“SIR. I am now giving first person testimony as to what I witnessed of the incident involving the attempted murder of the Human Ambassador. I was on the hangar deck at the cantina consuming my mid-meal at the standard allotted time for my shift when I witnessed the Human ambassador depart his vessel with his raised companion and body guard. The one named Uldon I believe. The ambassadors route to the cantina side grav-lift passed near the side of the cantina where the Wilik security force was taking their meals. One of Wilik made a rude comment referring to a possible intimate relationship between the Ambassador and his risen companion, Uldon. I have heard the ambassador refer to his companion as a species known as a silver back gorilla. Well the Ambassador commented that the Wilik should stop trying to shit out of their own mouths and just fuck off instead. That’s when the head of the Wilik security detail shot the ambassador in the upper chest with the InfraRed pulse rifle. That’s when the risen companion, Uldon became violent. He grabbed the Wilik instigator by a lower appendage and beat the others to death,,, With the leader of the Wilik security detail as the weapon of choice. The leader came apart during the process. All of this took less than 30 seconds. I was then ordered by my sargent to come report to you. Uh, oh and the sarge is currently dealing with the resulting chaos of the witnesses and their panic.”
The captain shot out of his chair again. “By the flaming flatulence of Thagg! Wha’…”
“Uh Sir? Respectfully. Might be inappropriate language to use considering the others in the room.” The corporal looked over to the meeting delegates at the other end of the long table. “Oh. It seems they have all fainted. Never mind.”
The captain sat down in his chair and slumped. “ use human vernacular. I hate this fucking station!”
submitted by prophetofbrokenomens to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:07 jrico59 Gout diagnosis after two 8.0 UA tests three months apart. But pain isn't in big toe. Do others have these symptoms?

My last two UA tests have been 8.0 and my new doctor has prescibed allo, so this isn't a post asking for a diagnosis. I'm just curious how common my non-traditional systems are. I guess by "non-traditional" I mean the location of my pain, which has never been in the big toe.
For a few years I've had painful sudden-onset "attacks" with terrible pain on the sides or front of my ankle, some also in the heel and in the ball of my foot under the 2nd toe. Attacks have happened in both feet though so far not at the same time (thank goodness). I wouldn't be able to walk without crutches during an attack. Docs/urgent care always prescribed strong anti-inflammatories which would help it subside after a few days.
Also I've struggled with low-level chronic joint pain (neck, lower back) since adolescence that has never shown on anything on xray/mri/tests for rheumatoid arthritis.
In April, during the most recent attack, the urgent care doc suspected achilles tendinitis and referred me to an orthopedist. The orthopedist didn't think that made sense and ordered a blood test. When he say the 8.0 he said I should talk to primary care doc about gout. That's how I got to where I am now.
Most of what I've read about gout said it occurs in the big toe and is accompanied not just by pain but redness, warm to touch, swelling. I've had a little swelling but AFAICT no redness and warmth.
Do others have gout symptoms like this?
submitted by jrico59 to gout [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:57 anas-world101 Super small, painless bump on Labia Majora?

Recently I noticed a super small, painless, hard bump on the inside of my left lip
It isn’t red or painful even when I press on it, it just feels like something hard under the skin (similar to when a pimple is forming but isn’t ready to pop, just not painful at all) and the skin is a little raised
I got an ASC-US pap result in April for the first time, so I’m terrified essentially. Is this any cause for concern?? Pic linked in comments
submitted by anas-world101 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:55 Embarrassed_Rub_3446 Considering moving from Fortune 500 enterprise company to small VAR/MSP

I'm a senior network engineer currently on a product engineering team planning/designing Cisco networks (10+ years). We are primarily silo-ed into just routing/switching and the org has been very slow in modernizing the infrastructure due to so much compliance red tape we have to deal with. We are also constantly short-staffed so I am currently stretched thin primarily dealing with paper work to get approval to actually get real engineering work done. So I feel it's been halting my technical development.
Internal mobility opportunities (without moving to another state) is not really an option. So I've been considering getting into a professional services role at a VAMSP to sort of side-step and get a little more varied exposure to multi-vendor on-prem/cloud setups. With the idea of becoming more of a full-stack network engineer and ultimately ramp up my skillset to make myself more marketable for network architect/principal engineer level positions.
Just wondering what kind of considerations I should look into before making the jump from a large enterprise to small VAMSP and if this is the right approach to my goal?
submitted by Embarrassed_Rub_3446 to networking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:38 Old-Key-6272 Seen the light

I came across this subreddit from researching reactive dogs and I fell down the rabbit hole. For context, my reactive dog is not a pit bull and she's not aggressive and I have never had one issue with her attacking other dogs or people. She's just a highly sensitive nutty backyard bred German shepherd who was probably taken off her mom too soon. And she doesn't have a lot in common with what I see as severely reactive dogs. She's a nut, but she still retains "normal dog behavior". I've noticed that there is a very high number of reactive/aggressive dogs are pit bulls or pit mixes and it prompted me to further research. They all have the same profile. Needs to be the only dog, no cats, no small children, highly reactive, aggressive towards other dogs, resource guarding, food aggression. The list goes on.
I used to be a pit advocate. I was a "it's not the breed/dog it's the owner" person. I was that person who said there are no bad dogs and it's all how you raise them. I've never owned a legit pit, but I've been around them and I used to say, "Oh, I've never been around a nasty one! The meanest dog I ever encountered was a lab!" Well, I don't feel that way anymore.
I"ll start going backwards. I have four dogs. The aforementioned nutty shepherd, two papillons, and some kind of cattle dog mix - not sure what she really is - and she was left with me by my ex. She is the only dog from an animal shelter. The other three came from breeders. Yes, I get flack from that. The shepherd was given to me by a friend, but she still came from a breeder. I walk them a lot around my neighborhood. Twice I have been attacked by a pit bull. The first time, I walked my pack by a house with four pits in a yard, just throwing their usual tantrums, but they were contained so I thought nothing of it and kept walking. I crossed the busy street there and turned onto the walking trail and noticed my shepherd kept looking behind her and straining at her leash. I suddenly noticed this thing had climbed over the fence of its yard, ran across one of the town's busiest streets to chase us down the sidewalk and attack my cattle dog mix. My papillons started barking, My cattle dog mix put up a good fight and my shepherd joined in. If someone hadn't pulled over and helped pull that dog off my cattle dog, I don't know what would have happened. He grabbed the dog and threw it down the street and it ran home. We were unhurt. I shudder to think if it had gotten a hold of one of my little ones.
The second time I was walking just my little ones. I carry pepper spray. This pit bull came around the corner of the house it lives at - no fence, no people around - and started advancing towards us into the road. Stalking essentially. I know dog behavior. Head down, eyes black, it was stalking. By then I had had it, and I'm also on a Facebook page for papillons and had read enough horror stories about little ones getting attacked and torn apart. I pulled my pepper spray off my belt loop, pointed it right at the dog and said, "Come at me, bro!" The dog froze, I could see the wheels turning in its head, and then turned and went back to its house. I was furious. They need to either fence that thing in, or keep it inside. Again, I was lucky. I had had another run in with this dog before when I was walking just my shepherd on a leash. The dog was with its person - a tiny 20-something girl - no leash, no collar even. The girl said, "She's nice." I said, "That's great, but my dog is dog reactive so get it away from her." She wasn't happy with me. I didn't care. We have leash laws for a reason.
My neighbors had an Amstaff and an American Bulldog. I never had any trouble with those dogs, but I never cared for that Amstaff. She had shifty eyes, was twitchy, and I never trusted her. Their bulldog is fine, a complete derp. When the Amstaff died of an epileptic seizure (neurological issues on top of everything else) I am sorry to say I was relieved. She never did anything. Her owners were on top of her. But she always made me uneasy and I noticed my shepherd could not abide her. She would burst into barking explosions every time she saw her. She does that with dogs anyway but not at that intensity. She still doesn't care for the bulldog but I have noticed her stress level is way down. Maybe there is something to other dogs not trusting these fighting breeds.
About fifteen years ago when I was still in my "pit bulls are awesome dogs!" phase, I had a different German shepherd, a very well-behaved sweet dog I adopted from a Humane Society and I decided to get her a friend. I adopted this pit bull/blue heeler mix from the animal shelter in town. She was maybe thirty pounds and when I went to see her and bring my dog to meet her she was perfectly sweet and they got along great. I took her home and for a month everything was fine. One day she just unleashed on my shepherd and attacked her unprovoked and what was scary was how she just kept going back at her. I would grab her and pull her away and she just kept attacking. Given she was only thirty pounds, my shepherd, Tess, kicked her ass and the other dog came away with the most injuries but I remember had I not managed to pull her away just as she loosened her jaws a little in order to get a better grip on Tess' throat, I would have never gotten her off my dog. I regret to say I hung onto her for another year or so thinking I could help her. My shepherd just avoided her and me after that. The pit mix was always around me so Tess avoided both of us. I would walk them together and Tess would pretend she didn't exist. The dog would try to engage her in play and Tess would ignore her. Several times on a walk when I tried to redirect the dog from fixating on a squirrel or bird, she turned and nipped me on the calf. Not enough to break the skin or leave a bruise (and that might have been the heeler in her) but enough to make me think this dog does not respect anyone or anything. My final straw was when she attacked my little black cat unprovoked. He was that cat that got along with everything. He loved dogs and he and Tess were best friends. My friends brought their dogs over and he was cool with all of them. He greeted people at the door. He loved people. One day he was playing with this dog and she just bit him on the leg so hard he yowled like I'd never heard him before. She went back to the shelter the next day. At that point I thought I had Tess and my cat first and this dog was making their lives miserable. And attacking a friendly cat for no reason? I was afraid for him. I even recommended to the shelter that they put her down. She was unsuitable around other dogs or cats and probably not good with children. I don't know. I don't have any. Well, they didn't like my suggestion. I found out from a different neighbor - whose dog had also had a run in with this dog and cleaned her clock - that the dog had been adopted out again to a family who swore they would get no other animals. The shelter thought this was fine. I tried. I hope she never hurt anyone or anything. If she had been bigger she would have absolutely injured or even killed another dog and definitely a cat.
I got lucky. That's all I can say as far as my previous pets and the ones I have now. I used to be the "adopt don't shop" person but after going to the animal shelter countless times and only seeing pit mixes (and yes mislabeled as lab mixes) I gave up and started looking elsewhere for dogs. Every time I went to the shelter there would be scores of pit mixes throwing themselves at the kennel doors barking aggressively. I didn't want that in my house. I've always been a shepherd girl and I got lucky with Tess who I got from a shelter. My current shepherd came from a friend. I went to a breeder for my paps because I'm older and moving away from bigger dogs. But I have friends who still advocate for these dogs and adopt them because that's all that's available or they are still buying into the myth that they are sweet, misunderstood dogs. I have noticed in my town the popularity of pit type dogs has waned. Even compared to a few years ago when every other dog I saw was some kind of pit mix now I see mostly purebreds from breeders. People want a specific kind of dog, they don't want a project they have to revolve their entire life around. When I take my paps to the dog park all I see are spaniels and doodles and Bernese Mountain dogs (they are particularly popular in my area), Shih Tzus, and Goldens. I am absolutely not against mixed breeds - I have one - but when pit mixes are all that's available people don't want that. I know for a fact that I am a small woman without much strength. I can handle my shepherd, but she is obedience trained and desperate to please. I know I cannot handle a huge musclebound killing machine that once it is in the red zone, I will not be able to control no matter what kind of equipment I have on me to restrain it. I also don't want a creature that has "decided it needs to be the only animal" because that will greatly reduce my quality of life as I love to be surrounded by dogs and cats. My little pack exists harmoniously with each other and three cats. Never had any issues with any of them. They all get along. I have never worried about any of my dogs attacking my cats. The cats rule the roost. I don't worry about my big dogs hurting the little ones (though I am very careful and they are never left alone together when I'm not home, the little ones are crated) because my smallest pap, who is five pounds, is the queen bee of everyone. A pit bull would never respect that. My little pap would be dead by now if I had one in my house.
I know now that it is absolutely the breed. The innate aggression, the shiftiness, the unpredictable attacks that you can't even tell because they have been bred to hide any sign of when they are about to rip something apart. It is terrifying. My best friend has one. He said he can't have another dog while she's alive and he can't have anymore cats. He didn't really want her, his partner did, but he has her so he thinks he needs to do right by her and keep her. He'd rather have a Rottweiler or another Great Dane. I noticed even Cesar Millan has stopped using them as his ambassadors. He uses this little spaniel thing named Sophia and she's adorable. This breed needs to be phased out. I don't think there needs to be a massacre of them, but shelters need to stop wasting resources on these unadoptable animals and just euthanize them. When I worked at an animal shelter thirty years ago there was a strict policy that pits were not adopted out. But at that time there weren't that many that came through the doors. Now they seem to be everywhere in shelters. I feel bad for the animals. It's not their fault, they didn't ask to be bred this way. But it also doesn't matter. People and other dogs and cats are dying. Children are being torn apart. And I can't understand why people are still making excuses for these dogs. I particularly hate the argument that any dog at any time can do the same thing. Bullshit. My five pound papillon could never kill anyone. First of all she's too small and fragile. And second of all, her teeth are terrible and she has no jaw strength. That's just an idiotic argument from the pit community, and they shouldn't continue to be allowed to get away with it. No amount of cute costumes and cute nicknames and insisting that they just want to love and kiss people changes the fact that these animals are loaded weapons. I wouldn't keep a mountain lion or a bear in my house. I don't want one of these things either.
submitted by Old-Key-6272 to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:38 Playful_Log_5612 What kind of bug/insect bit me?

What kind of bug/insect bit me?
Starting a few days ago i’ve been getting bit by something on my arms and I have no idea what it is. I’ve so much research and still can’t figure out exactly what it is. The bites i’ve been getting are itchy and more like weirdly shaped lumps. They always have a dot right in the middle of them and they’re always a sort of bright red. I’ve recently had an infestation of these large black ants in my room as well, but i’m not sure if that’s the cause or not. It’s hard to tell what these bites are from. Or if they’re even bites at all. The last picture i’m showing is one I just found a few minutes ago that I was itching.
submitted by Playful_Log_5612 to Whatisthis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:38 traplord202 I may have found something that can help

Hi everyone, I want to share my experience and some valuable information I've gathered. I apologize in advance for the long post but i hope it all makes sense in the end.
Growing up, I had minor social anxiety but nothing too crazy. In February 2014 I turned into a hypochondriac after almost dying from pneumonia in basic training. At 23, a week after a 12-hour tattoo session in March 2019, I started experiencing anxiety and panic attacks, which worsened and turned into dpdr after a weed-induced panic attack in December 2019. I struggled with dpdr until July 2022 when I took a second job and started working 80-hour weeks running off of 4.5-5.5 hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation seemed to relieve my DPDR, and I thought I was cured. I even though about coming here and making a recovery post. However, after quitting the second job due to burnout and the need to catch up on sleep, my DPDR returned worse than before.
Two months ago, I came across some info from a user on Twitter, who talked in the past about rebalancing GABA/glutamate and boosting BDNF to relieve DPDR. I tried L-theanine, magnesium, and stopped eating fried foods, which helped slightly but not enough. ChatGPT informed me it takes 3-6 months to rebalance GABA/glutamate so I kind of lost hope. After searching for answers , I found articles on Clonazepam (klonopin) mentioned as treatment for DPDR. I'm not a scientist but I can read,write and connect dots so I searched "Klonopin Dpdr Reedit" and I saw atleast 8 posts of people taking about how its a gamechanger and how it completely got rid of dpdr for them. However, I have an addictive personality and want to avoid dependency so I figured why not just learn how Klonopin works and try to find a way to naturally mimic how it works.
So I learned from chatgpt that Klonopin works by enhancing the effects of GABA in the brain, promoting neural inhibition, and reducing symptoms of anxiety, panic, and seizures. It can be effective for DPDR due to its anxiolytic and calming properties but carries risks of dependency and tolerance with long-term use. I asked some other questions but long story short Klonopin technically doesnt increase GABA. It binds to GABA-A receptors, when Klonopin binds to GABA-A receptors, it triggers a series of effects that basically supercharge the GABA that's already there:
Klonopin attaches to specific sites on the GABA-A receptors.
This binding enhances the receptor's response to GABA, increasing the frequency of chloride channel opening.
The increased influx of chloride ions hyperpolarizes the neuron, making it less likely to fire.
These steps happen sequentially, with the binding initiating the subsequent actions.
Also I was reading a another pub med article that links excess glutamate to dissociation and then I realized that user on twitter might be on to something.
There is definitely is something to rebalancing GABA/glutamate and then boosting BDNF.
I was able to put together a table of some items that can help us
From Chatgpt:
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is a protein that plays a crucial role in the growth, development, and maintenance of neurons in the brain. BDNF supports cognitive function, memory, and overall brain health. Low levels of BDNF have been associated with various neurological and mental health disorders, including depression, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia.
Here are some ways to boost BDNF levels:

1. Physical Exercise

2. Diet and Nutrition

3. Mental and Cognitive Activities

4. Sleep

5. Supplements

6. Reduce Stress

7. Sunlight Exposure

Incorporating these practices into your lifestyle can help boost BDNF levels and support overall brain health and cognitive function.
All of this could be nothing but now I'm back having hope again, I'm going to try and get past dpdr for good. Shoutout AI
Pub med links;
Apparently online structured dance/movement therapy reduces bodily detachment in dpdr.
Glutamate - dpdr
there's another article I found that literally links excess glutamate to dissociation but cant find it anymore :(
(bonus link) desipramine as a treatment for
submitted by traplord202 to dpdr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:33 Srgeorge2177 Is this start of bumblefoot?

Is this start of bumblefoot?
This red spot looks like a small pocket of blood it just started today it wasn’t there yesterday. I cleaned it off and sprayed vetericyn on it. Is this bumblefoot? What should I do
submitted by Srgeorge2177 to chickens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:33 Lost-Trip1153 I’m trans; can paronychia screw with hrt?

19, trans MtF. closeted currently due to transphobic mother, and I've had a ingrown toenail infection on my big right toe this year that took almost a month to remove (April 20 - May 15) due to financial difficulties. it's been swollen and red — no more pain after it got removed but the skin won't change back to regular colour, preferably I don't want to post a pic for anonymous reasons. (half Asian/aussie)
should also mention it's just entered winter here in Australia and I've been taking 500mg of cephalexin daily along with some ointment to treat it.
in the future whenever I manage to get hrt, would this prevent me from doing so?
submitted by Lost-Trip1153 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:31 SmoothPath4540 Everything Presence One problems

Everything Presence One problems
Hello there fellow smart home enthusiasts! I just got the EP1 from Lewis's website and I set it up and have been tinkering with the sensitivity settings and placement but can't seem to find what works. I took a picture of my living room / kitchen setup and the two locations I placed the sensor in. The red dot over on the kitchen counter was where I first placed it and had very consistent and reliable results up to a little bit past the kitchen table. But because I wanted it to detect if my wife and I were sitting on the living room couch I moved it and mounted it on the side of a cabinet a bit closer to the couch and in the picture, you can see a blue dot and You can see the sensor where it currently is a little bit above the blue dot in the picture if you zoom in. I have it turned horizontally so that the USB-C is on the left side of the device because I want the widest horizontal range of detection. I also tried turning it so that the USB-C was on the bottom but that didn't change anything. Unfortunately, this position is far worse than the first position. I only get consistent reliable results in the area of the kitchen table with a chair on the left and the chair closest to the observer in the picture. Nowhere else will the mmwave detect anything and I have the sensitivity setting set to max and I have the on lacency set to zero and the sustain sensitivity set to 7 and the off latency set to 6 and the max distance set to 7.6 meters. Even with these settings the millimeter wave will still stop detecting presents as I'm sitting here on the kitchen table but just for a couple seconds and then it will see me again so it mostly works I guess, but like I said only for these two kitchen chair spots. Any advice?
submitted by SmoothPath4540 to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:30 sirobaklahan Initiation into Raja Yoga - practical guide


Part 1 and Part 2

By Boris Nahalka


Let me invite on a journey. Most exiting journey of all, journey deep inside yourself in search for yourself. This book is to be lived, not just red. In the title, there is this word – initiation, which in this context means understanding on experiential and existential level, not merely intellectual understanding. You can read thousands of books on how to dance, but to know dance is to dance yourself. There is no other way. And just like dance, yoga experiences can be exiting, liberating, surprising, disturbing, frustrating, insightful, and it can be lot of fun as well. Initiation also means to start something, not to finish it, so don’t strive for perfection, small and steady progress and practical understanding is what you need. Pace your progress wisely, not too fast, but also not too slow in order keep up your intensity, but if the book says “Day 1” or “Week 1” feel free to take two or three if you need.
Focus of this book is on “what to practice and how to practice” on day-to-day bases. Yogic terminology will not be explained, I expect student to have a certain level of Yogic theory already learned or to self-study.
Ambition of this book is to rediscover and to recreate and adjust Patanjali’s system of Yoga practice for contemporary lifestyle and present times.
Without further a due welcome and enjoy the ride.


The essence of Raja Yoga……………………………..………………..3
The essence of Sadhana ………………………………………………7
The Journal………………………………………………………………..8
Part 1, Yamas……………………………………..………………………9
The essence of Yamas………………………………………...………..10
Ahimsa Sadhana………………………………………….………….......11
How to chant a Mantra 1…………………………………………………13
Satya Sadhana……………………………………..…………….……….28
Butha Shuddhi 1…………………………………………………………..35
Asteya Sadhana…………………………………………………………..38
How to chant a Mantra 2…………………………………………………40
Brahmacharya Sadhana…………………………………………..……..49
Relaxation Ritual…………………………………………………………..51
Aparigraha Sadhana………………………………………………………67
Part 2, Niyamas……………………………………………………………74
The essence of Niyamas………………………………………………….75
Saucha Sadhana…………………………………………………………..76
Butha Shuddhi 2……………………………………………………………88
Santosha Sadhana…………………………………………………………94
Tapah Sadhana………………………………………………….………..103
Butha Shuddhi 3…………………………………………………………..106
How to chant a Mantra 3………………………………………………….108
Svadhyaya Sadhana………………………………………………………112
Ishvara Pranidhana Sadhana…………………………………………….119
Author’s note 2……………………………………………………………..125

The essence of Raja Yoga

The very word yoga is rooted in a Sanskrit word “Yug”. It means unity (basically between inner and outer world), but yug is also an instrument. The wooden instrument to strap two bulls around their necks, or whatever animals to make them work as one and (this is important), to have the ability to steer them, to control them the way you want.
Let’s see what Patanjali has to say about yoga.
First two sutras of his Yoga sutras are the very essence of Raja Yoga. The rest is basically how to get there.
“Atha Yoga Nushasanam”
“Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodhaha”
Each word needs to be understood and then put it into a context.
Atha, means now. This now is incredibly significant. Now means, that you are no longer interested in your past, you are fed up repeating your old dramas over and over and over again, and that you are not interested in the future either, because you understand that future is nothing but a projection of your past. All you want to know is what is happening with this life right now.
Yoga we covered to some extent.
Nushasanam, means teachings, but in this context, it means discipline. Because Yoga is a way of discipline. There are many other paths, where discipline is not so central, Yoga is a way of self-discipline.
So, the very first sutra in Yoga sutra is about requirements. Do you have what it takes to follow the path of Yoga? Is it really for you? Are you sure that this is the right path for you? Because there are many other ways and they lead to a same place, just by different means and different techniques.
“Atha Yoga Nushasanam”, Now, the discipline of Yoga.
If you are ready, we can proceed.
And here comes the definition of Yoga: “Yoga Cittas Vritti Nirodhaha”.
Once again, every word needs to be understood.
The beginning and the end of this Sutra is kind of easy. We covered Yoga, and Nirodhaha is Stillness. The middle part is kind of tricky.
I start with Vritti. Vritti means a whirlpool, something that is spinning around and creating a centrifuge effect. So, Yoga is to bring this whirlpool of Cittas to a still point.
What is Citta? What are Cittas? Some say it is mind, that needs to be still, others say, no no, it is emotions that needs to be silenced.
According to ancient Veda’s teachings, Cittas (what Swami Vivekananda called mind stuff) consist of perceptions, thoughts, and emotions.
So, there you have it. Yoga is stillness of whirlpools of perceptions, thoughts, and emotions. Easy, no? Simple, yes. Easy, no.
Another thing, Raja Yoga is the system designed by Patanjali, leading to meditation. Not meditation techniques, but true meditation, Dhyana. It is cumulative process, leading to this. Meditation is the peak of Raja Yoga. It is however not the peak of seekers journey, there is still one more step to make; only problem is: you cannot make it. It can happen and it will happen eventually, but there is nothing you can do about it. Prepare the ground, seed the plant and take care of it while it grows, nurture it, protect it and see it flower. That is all you can do. The rest is in God’s hands.

You may start on this journey by sheer curiosity, and that is ok. But at some point, you really need to ask yourself, why am I doing all this? And there are many possible answers to this question, most of which are wrong. Not wrong in a sense of being dishonest, but wrong for this journey to be a success.
You may want to embark on the path of Yoga, because you want to get your life in order, or you want your body to heal, so you think of it as a kind of therapy, or you want to be more energetic person, being able to deal with stress better, have certain powers etc. these and much more are symptoms, the results of following the path of Yoga. And the symptom can never be the right motive. If your motivation is about improving your future in any way due to Yoga, you are off the flow, you are still sitting at the bank.
See, you can do the right thing, but if it is for wrong reason, you will not get very far.
The right seeker is no longer invested in his/her future because he/she is not invested in his/her past. Because past was once a future of another, deeper past and so on and so on in a never-ending circle. A yogi/ni is fed up with this circle, he/she doesn’t want the play this game anymore. A yogi/ni, a seeker, seeks freedom and the truth, which are synonyms in this case. The seeker is fed up with the mind telling him/her, don’t worry, you will figure it out tomorrow. NO! enough is enough. I want to know now right now, right here. That is what “Atha” (now) in Patanjali’s very first sutra is all about. This is the first and the most important condition. Now you are ready for the discipline of Yoga. Second condition is: you must follow it!
The last thing is: is this the right path for you? Because it is not the only path. There is Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Gyana Yoga and there is Tantra. How do you know which one is for you? You just know. There is no how. You feel it in your gut. There might be some doubt at the beginning, but ones you are on the path you know that this is it, or it isn’t.

The essence of Sadhana

Sadhana in Sanskrit means a tool. In the context of this book, it means spiritual practice. And most Sadhanas are then divided into Daily practice and Tools. Daily practice is designed the way that you can practice it 24 hours a day, yes, even in your sleep. Tools are helping instruments for a daily practice such as asanas, breathing techniques, mantras, yantras, mudras, rituals, affirmations, imaginations, meditation techniques… basically anything that can help the specific Sadhana. Remember, the focus is always on Daily practice which for most part include observations, usually starting from outside observations, going gradually step by step inside.
The essence of all spiritual practice, of any Sadhana is this: to develop the eyes that can see.
You might say, what about balanced body, heart and mind? Yes, balance is needed so your eyes can open and see.
Once you see, there is no need for any practice.
Much effort is needed to open your eyes though.
But effort alone will not do. Practice effort, do Sadhanas, but do not forget to relax. This is the highest balance. Effort and no effort. Action and non-action, extension and contraction, practice and relaxation. Inhalation and exhalation, Shakti and Shiva, energy and consciousness…
If you can unite these polarities and make it one, you are a perfect yogi/ni, you know the secret of life, your eyes are fully open.

The journal:
Journal, notebook, dedicated to your spiritual practice, your development, your missteps, basically your reflection of the day’s practise. Without self-reflection, there is no progress. Why writing things down? If you think and reflect mentally, it has a certain power. If you say it out loud, the power is multiplied by 2 (depending on emotional involvement). If you write things down, power multiplies by 2 again, so it is 4 times more potent than the thought. And why? Because it is bound with element Earth.

So how to do it? Easy and simple way is to write down in key words your practice for the day in the morning, just a few words, and then in the evening again just a few notes about how it went. What worked, what did not, what were the obstacles, what helped etc. it is by no means self-critical tool. It is self – reflection tool.
Is also advisable to write a dream journal, to get better in touch with your subconsciousness and as a preparation tool for lucid dreaming and astral traveling.
One important aspect of keeping this kind of journals is, that it is private, and for your eyes only.

It is not a must, but it is highly recommended.
submitted by sirobaklahan to u/sirobaklahan [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:26 Urimulini Phantom Galaxy

Phantom Galaxy
The grand-design spiral galaxy Messier 74 as photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2007. Image: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration. Acknowledgment: R. Chandar (University of Toledo) and J. Miller (University of Michigan) Messier 74 is not an easy object to observe for amateur astronomers because it has a low surface brightness and requires exceptionally clear, dark skies. The only Messier object with a lower surface brightness is the Pinwheel Galaxy (M101), a face-on spiral galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major.
Messier 74 is a perfect example of a grand design spiral galaxy. It has two clearly defined spiral arms and its face-on orientation and large apparent size make it a frequent target for astronomers looking to study spiral arm structure. The spiral arms, which extend for about 1,000 light years, contain clusters of young blue stars and many starforming nebulae. The galaxy is receding from us at 793 km/s.
The symmetric appearance of M74 is suspected to be the result of density waves sweeping around the galaxy’s gaseous disk which, in turn, is the result of M74’s gravitational interaction with neighbouring galaxies. The interaction and collisions of the galaxies’ clouds are also responsible for the star forming activity seen along the spiral arms of M74.
messier 74 Grand design spiral galaxy M74. Image: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenteUniversity of Arizona In March 2005, the Chandra X-ray Observatory detected an ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) in the galaxy. The object has an estimated mass about 10,000 times that of the Sun and radiates more X-ray power than a neutron star in intervals of about two hours. The discovery indicates that there is an intermediate-mass black hole in the centre of M74. The X-ray source is identified as CXOU J013651.1+154547. A total of 21 X-ray sources have been discovered within the inner 5 arc minutes from the galaxy’s core.
Messier 74 is the central galaxy in the M74 Group, a small group consisting of 5 to 7 galaxies located in the constellation Pisces. The M74 Group includes the peculiar Sm galaxy UGC 891, several irregular galaxies – UGC 1176, UGC 1195, UGCA 20 – and the peculiar and unique polar-ring spiral galaxy NGC 660. NGC 660 is the only galaxy of this type to have a late-type lenticular galaxy as its host. The galaxy likely formed when two separate galaxies collided a billion years ago.
Three supernovae have been detected in M74 in recent decades: SN 2002ap in 2002, SN 2003gd in 2003, and SN 2013ej in 2013.
SN 2003gd was classified as a Type II-P supernova, one with a known luminosity, which helps astronomers to measure distances. The supernova occurred 9.6 megaparsecs or 31 million light years from Earth and reached a magnitude of 13.2. It was one of the few supernova events that had a “light echo,” a reflection of the explosion that appeared after the supernova event itself. The progenitor star was a red, M-class supergiant.
SN2013ej was first detected on July 25, 2013 about 2.7 arc minutes from the galaxy’s core and reached a peak magnitude of 12.5. It was classified as a Type II supernova, which means that it resulted from a massive star collapsing inward onto its unstable core and exploding. The progenitor star was likely a red supergiant.
messier 74 supernova Astronomers using NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope have spotted a “dust factory” thirty million light-years away in the spiral galaxy M74. The factory is located at the scene of a massive star’s explosive death, or supernova. While astronomers have suspected for years that supernovae could be producers of cosmic dust particles, the technology to confirm this suspicion has only recently become available.
ESO’s PESSTO survey has captured this view of Messier 74, a stunning spiral galaxy with well-defined whirling arms. However, the real subject of this image is the galaxy’s brilliant new addition from late July 2013: a Type II supernova named SN2013ej that is visible as the brightest star at the bottom left of the image. Such supernovae occur when the core of a massive star collapses due to its own gravity at the end of its life. This collapse results in a massive explosion that ejects material far into space. The resulting detonation can be more brilliant than the entire galaxy that hosts it and can be visible to observers for weeks, or even months. PESSTO (Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects) is designed to study objects that appear briefly in the night sky, such as supernovae. It does this by utilising a number of instruments on the NTT (New Technology Telescope), located at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. This new picture of SN2013ej was obtained using the NTT during the course of this survey. SN2013ej is the third supernova to have been observed in Messier 74 since the turn of the millennium, the other two being SN 2002ap and SN 2003gd. It was first reported on 25 July 2013 by the KAIT telescope team in California, and the first “precovery image” was taken by amateur astronomer Christina Feliciano, who used the public access SLOOH Space Camera to look at the region in the days and hours immediately before the explosion. Messier 74, in the constellation of Pisces (The Fish), is one of the most difficult Messier objects for amateur astronomers to spot due to its low surface brightness, but SN2013ej should still be visible to careful amateur astronomers over the next few weeks as a faint and fading star. Image: ESO/PESSTO/S. Smartt, 2 September 2013
Nebula without stars, near the star Eta Piscium, seen by M. Méchain at the end of September 1780, & he reports: “This nebula doesn’t contain any stars; it is fairly large, very obscure, and extremely difficult to observe; one can recognize it with more certainty in fine, frosty conditions”. M. Messier looked for it & found it, as M. Méchain describes it: it has been compared directly with the star Eta Piscium.
William Herschel observed M74 a number of times. After seeing it in his 40-foot telescope on December 28, 1799, he offered the following description:
Very bright in the middle, but the brightness confined to a very small part, and is not round; about the bright middle is a very faint nebulosity to a considerable extent. The bright part seems to be of resolvable kind, but my mirror has been injured by condensed vapours.
phantom galaxy On 24 June 2009, SPIRE recorded its first images during the in-orbit commissioning phase of the Herschel mission. This picture, made before fine-tuning or in-orbit final calibration was performed, shows a SPIRE image of the galaxy M74 at a wavelength of 250 microns. The image traces emission by dust in clouds where star formation are active, and the nucleus and spiral arms show up clearly. Dust is part of the interstellar material fuelling star formation, and this image effectively shows the reservoirs of gas and dust that are available to be turned into stars in the galaxy. Significantly, the image frame is also filled with many other galaxies which are much more distant and only show up as point sources. There are also some extended structures, possibly due to clouds of dust in our own galaxy. M74 (also known as NGC 628) is a face-on spiral galaxy located about 24 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Pisces. Visible light, produced mainly by the stars within the galaxy, reveals a bright nucleus and well-defined spiral arms that contain many small, bright regions where young massive stars have formed recently. The submillimetre SPIRE image traces the cold dust between the stars, and the spiral arms appear much more enhanced. This galaxy also contains many faint dots that are actually distant galaxies in the background and dust radiating at submillimetre wavelengths but are too distant for the structure in the galaxies to be resolved. Image: ESA and the SPIRE Consortium messier 74 infrared Image of the M74 galaxy in Infrared at 3.6 (blue), 5.8 (green) and 8.0 (red) µm. The image has been made by Médéric Boquien from the data retrieved on the SINGS project public archives of the Spitzer Space Telescope (courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech)
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2024.06.09 02:23 Kasotter11 Cavity?

My tooth hurts when I bite harshly and I have 2 small black dots I’m worried that they are cavities I’m only 17 but live in the uk so I use the NSH, my next check up isn’t till September. I had one a few months back and they looked at my teeth for a few seconds and said they were fine. I do have a lot of stains on my teeth so it could just be stains and something to do with my gums and I didn’t brush my teeth as much as I should’ve when I was a little younger.
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