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Hopeless life of a lonely young mom

2024.06.09 03:46 Key_Indication875 Hopeless life of a lonely young mom

Hello world,
The title sums it up, but for some context: I(26f) live in Washington state and I’m originally from Canada. I moved here a few years ago when I got married to my husband who’s from here. We have two young kids, an almost 3 year old and a 10 month old. I’m a stay at home mom and have only really worked part time and sparsely since moving here. I have some friends and family who live here as well, but all of my closest people are back in Canada (a five hour flight from where we live). I used to do a part time social work job which I loved but I got into a car accident a few months back and the concussion symptoms have been preventing me from going back to work.
Lately, the loneliness has really been eating away at me. I just never feel like I’m anyone’s first choice. I have friends but they usually reach out to each other first or I feel like I have to insert myself into their plans. I’m in group chats with people who care about me but I don’t ever feel like I’m wanted and my presence is enjoyed. I feel more like a box that they check off, if that makes sense. I try calling my family but a lot of the time they’re busy. It stings when I call my parents and they don’t really want to talk to me and they’re just enjoying hanging out with their friends or other loved ones. I love spending time with my husband but he works 60+ hours a week just to keep us afloat. My sister in law lives with us as well, she’s single, late 20s and no kids. But she and I don’t share similar interests and she works nights. I guess what I’m longing for is my “person” I used to have a few “people”. Those friends that just get you, the ones where you squeeze each other tight when it’s been a while and feel all warm inside whenever you hang out. I’ve just been missing that lately. My mom has noticed I’ve been depressed, she encourages me to fly back to Canada and visit but I don’t really want to because there’s not enough space for me and my kids at her house and we don’t have the money to fly right now.
I know it’s dark, but sometimes I feel like the only way my friends and family will truly love me is if I die. I don’t want to constantly beg for love and companionship. Or to have meaningless conversations with people glued to their phones. I just want real true friendship connections and lifetime bonds. Maybe I’m not looking in the right places. Anyways thanks for listening. Hopefully someone out there can relate.
submitted by Key_Indication875 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:44 moguchan Health insurance to cover my parents

Straight to the point. I'm planning to get my parents health insurance, but I don't know how and where to start. I'm also not that knowledgeable sa insurance so baka madala lang ako sa sweet talks ng mga FAs if I opt to reach out tapos di naman pala yun yung need ko.
For context, my father's already 65 years old and he's not getting any younger. Honestly, di pa sapat naiipon kong EF just in case may mangyari sa kanya (bilang paranoid and overthinker since na-confine na rin sya before due to overfatigue) mas okay na rin sana na insured sya. Also, I am currently earning 25k/month. Just enough to shoulder some of the bills sa bahay and other expenses sa mga kapatid na nag-aaral.
I would like to ask if what health insurance can you recommend for my father or if may health insurance na pwede ko i-avail that will also cover my parents? Thank you in advance!
submitted by moguchan to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:41 gl00my834r can a narc project their delusions onto a best friend?

some context:
narc in question is my ex (diagnosed NPD). we met through a mutual friend who i had known first, who is now her best friend. their relationship started as an affair (friend was stuck in a traumatic & abusive relationship at the time), so they are also exes. friend now is in a stable healthy monogamous relationship, as far as i can tell.
as long as i have known my now ex, she has idealized this friend. i think a large contributor to her deciding to devalue and discard me, was because i had expressed anger towards him for mistreating her during their relationship. she spent an increasing amount of time with him & insisted on visiting him every 2 months, to which I objected bc she was flat broke and owed me over $1k for apartment fees i covered. a large blowup happened because i did not want her to do this during a high spike in covid cases. eventually i became paranoid about this codependent relationship, esp due to the context of their prior affair. this infuriated her.
fast forward. breakup/discard was sudden and traumatic. i was already suicidal prior to the discard, then spiraled out of control. she had a habit of coming back to me for sex or money, then blocking all contact. i finally snapped and tried to end my life. my memory is foggy, but i do remember messaging the friend, disclosing i had already overdosed, begging for contact with my ex. his discord status visibly went from online to on his phone, his twitter remained active while he effectively left me to die. another friend got me to the hospital immediately when he realized what was happening.
my ex came back for a second try at the relationship, left again. she now lives with this friend & his partner (plans to never have a romantic relationship again and live with them for the rest of her life). this friend cut me off during her most recent discard of me. we made up recently & in a moment of anger i admitted i hated this friend now as i was traumatized by his abandonment while i was dying. she defended and even praised him, threatened to cut me off, & kept asking how i could even like her if i hated him? she was genuinely confused that i could see them as separate people.
the odd thing is, is that said friend is quite cold and unaffectionate. definitely not a good supply.
he was always cold to her when i saw them interact, even mean. she confided in me that during their relationship, he was poly, and he let his partner beat her. when she had mental breaks, she said he told her to get over it. she expressed this all humorously, even with praise. all while she treats me like a monster, and guilts me by saying she would cut off anyone for what I’ve done to her, but she loves me so much so i’m lucky.
i’m sorry for rambling. unfortunately, this barely scratches the surface here.
has anyone else experienced anything similar? will a narc include someone else in their delusion, believing them to be incapable of doing wrong? what purpose does this serve?
submitted by gl00my834r to TrueNarcissisticAbuse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:39 Acrobatic_Tap8552 my mom and sister are lazy people to live with, I need advice

(context) My mom and my sisteme used to live with her old boyfriend. They split up and decided to continue living with each other despite not being in a relationship, he helped out with rent and eventually started bringing women to the house because he had moved on. My mom couldn’t handle this and immediately wanted to move out as fast as she could, note she hasn’t had any work history before. My sister also hasn’t had any work history and I was the only person with an actual job. My mom had a plan for us to leave and split the rent 3 ways once we got there. Fast forward she found a house for us to rent in and we move in, my sister finally got a job but my mom is only making money by taking care of kids, which isn’t paying much as she only makes just enough to cover her rent. I make the most out of us and all of the responsibilities fall on me. I have to buy all of the groceries, I have to keep up with the bills and I have to keep up with making sure everyone has their rent. My sister recently lost her job and isn’t motivated enough to look for another one and hasn’t saved enough to cover her rent. My mom isn’t helping her find another job and doesn’t seem to care as long as she’s making her money. I’ve tried to talk to both of them to get them to start picking up their own weight but they just don’t listen. I’m trying to help them out but I’m at my limit. What should I do ?
submitted by Acrobatic_Tap8552 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:38 maximilianobs1 What rifle model is this one?

What rifle model is this one?
Hi guys so a bit of context I'm from chile and my father says he found this rifle in a bunker but he doesn't recall if it was from here Chile or from Mozambique (long story) if it was from chile it could mean it's from the Chilean pacific war and to know how rare is it (I'm not planning to sell it also it doesn't work) it's just to what model is it and to know a bit of it's story (we have it sitting the in the corner of our living room). any help will be much appreciated!
submitted by maximilianobs1 to guns [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:38 SnoozySnek Helldivers 2 - one Old Vet's story

Allow me to spin you a tale of my time with Helldivers 2. It is a story of tragedy and triumph, a story of dark and terrible deeds, of waning faith and of eventual triumph over the enemies of Managed Democracy.
But first, a little context about myself. I'm rapidly approaching my mid 30's, I suffer from a basket case mix of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder, no I don't find jokes about my condition funny), Anxiety and Depression. I've been pretty severely bullied and harassed over the course of my life, and as a result I was initially skeptical about enlistment. I also come to HD2 from the first game, so I'm used to dealing with the Facist Bugs, Communist Cyborgs and Terrifying Illuminate. I also unfortunately had to hang up my cape last war since both myself and my partner were frequently harassed by the community over there (to the point where more than one Enemy Sympathiser attempted to track down and "friend" my Steam profile to throw harassment at me).
So initially, I was skeptical about the Second Great Galactic War. I had done my time for Super Earth last war after all. The Cyborgs, Bugs and Illuminate were all contained and dealt with. Enter my younger brother, AwestruckHavoc (if I get his name wrong, he will scream at me). When Super Earth bought back the Helldivers, he signed up right away like the good A-Class citizen he is. Once he got his cape, he kept me updated on how the war was going. Over time, I sat and thought about re-enlisting. I was still skeptical due to the changes Arrowhead had made to the game, and the decision to add in NProtect GameGuard - old Cyborg Spyware tech into the new suits. After sharing some more war stories (and my Cyborg Dog PTSD) I eventually decided to re-enlist on June 1st.
Part of that was a desire to fight the Facist Termanids and Baby-Stealing Clankers...and part of that was a visit from the Democracy Officer, telling me there had been trouble with my brother. Namely that Super Earth had lost contact and assumed he had martyred himself on a mission, so they were notifying next of kin.
Anyway, I go back for training (retraining I guess?), get my cape and get assigned to the SES Elected Representative of Family Values. After saying hello to all the Bridge Crew, Captain, Technicians, Pilots, Ship Gunners, SEAF Marines, Doctors...
...Anyway once I was done saying hello, I booted up the map for the Galactic War. My first ever drop was on Meridia. Difficulty 1, nothing too crazy. I drop down, proceed with the mission and then three other Divers showed up.
...And then they immediately left. All of them. This lead to me having to slug though the entire mission alone by myself. Nobody else joined, so I was left to fend for myself. I managed to beat the mission, but failed to extract.
This was my first drop, and this action by cowards and deserters colored everything else going forwards. Outside of two other games I can remember and some small moments, HD2 was for the most part a frustrating experience compared with the last war. On the off-chance someone at Arrowhead is reading this, here's a list of my grievances:
To avoid falling foul of the Democracy Officer, I'll stop the belly aching here but in short, I was not having a fun time. My (re)enlisted partner Orikal had to put up with my increasingly deteriorating mental health. Going though a lot of shit over the past two years of my life has meant that I'm not keeping it together as much these days, and how he's willing to tolerate my nonsense so readily I'll never know. Things got a point where I found myself betraying other Divers, as the problems compounded to the point where I just stopped caring. My mental health only got worse and worse as these things progressed. At one point after failing to call down a Cluster Bomb from Eagle One on a Bot Tank, I threw the stratagem marker at myself out of frustration.
And yet, I wasn't able to put the game down.
There was something in the game that kept pulling me back. Anything else I would have just left. I'm not sure if it was an ASD thing or the call of Managed Democracy, but I wasn't able to put it down even as my mental health slipped further.
In some ways, I'm glad I didn't.
I'd like to take this moment to thank fellow Helldivers Kinja9 and Leon033 if they happen to be reading this. We met on Crimsica, which the Termanids sought to despoil. I wanted to try out my new Flamethrower as I joined a level 69 Helldiver's game (and he surprisingly didn't kick me, which was odd). I thought it was going to just be another drop. I'll probably die a lot, drag the team down, embarrass Super Earth...
...That didn't quite happen. Initially I had the same thought I do in all these Co-Op games - stay quiet, don't speak, try not to be noticed. While it started out that way, I first met Kinja on this mission. The part where I recognised him was after my first death, where he was busy burning bugs with my Flamethrower. He then passed it back to me once the Bugs were dealt with. That's odd I think I didn't think you could do that. Admittedly I'm not the best on the uptake, but the Squad was...communicating? In all my drops, communication was rare. See the above for me - this is also why I don't tend to have my Voice Chat enabled in my Helmet. Anyway, things became more...democratic after I saved the group from a Bile Titan by way of 500kg bomb. After blurting out in the Chat what I was thinking, Kinja seemingly went along with it. From there, we spent most of the mission watching each others backs. This included attempting to incinerate a Bile Titan with a Flamethrower - truly, only filthy heretics burn in the fires of Democracy. Anyway it wasn't long before Leon joined (I think he came in late? Memory's a little fuzzy) and after being pointed out that we were aboard my Destroyer, I plotted in another mission on Crimsica. Before long, the three of us were laughing and joking about our exploits, whether it was the Flamethrower making me want to commit dark and terrible things in the name of Democracy, Kinja stealthily setting up a Flag beneath the Bug's notice or Leon's leadership, all of the above just...washed away. For the first time since I started playing, I made some friends and actually...enjoyed the game? It's weird like that. I also have a deep and terrible need to marry my Flamethrower for some reason I can't explain.
Anyway, I guess the point of all of this is Kinja, Leon - if you're reading this, thank you. I don't think you guys realize how much tonight's drop meant to me. To anybody whose been on the receiving end of some of my darker deeds, I am sorry and I hope there isn't any serious ill will between us. As I said above, I was in a pretty dark place when that stuff happens. I don't mean to be an asshole most of the time, but I can understand how my actions helped perpetuate some of the behavior I've outlined above. If anyone quit over my dark deeds, then I am truly, deeply sorry.
Will I drop again? More than likely. The Second Great Galactic War isn't over yet and I don't plan on shirking in my long as anyone's willing to have a temperamental fuckup with an IQ just above that of a Bug's.
On a final note, if an Arrowhead employee is reading this, I have some opinions on things that need to be done. To quickly outline these -
Anyway, that's my overly long, stupid and dumb story. If you got to the end here, thank you for reading and I hope I didn't waste your time here.
submitted by SnoozySnek to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:36 0w0PepperMoon0w0 WIBTA if I asked people online to donate money for my small wedding in 4 months?

Hey everyone, I hope you're doing fab. I would to ask for your advice on this matter because I didn't know if I should even post this or not because I'm not one to ask for help very easily. I don't want to make this a hella long story but I will do my best.
So my fiance and I have been together for 6 years, engaged for 5 but we were only planning on getting married in two years after saving up, my fiance is the only one working at the moment, I've tried finding work but nothing ever happens so I've tried little home businesses on and off during the years but you know, you win some, you lose some. I'm trying again though because I don't want to give up on our futures.
We wanted to save up and then have a small wedding and maybe a weekend away as a tiny honeymoon but we haven't had thee finances to be able to save anything. It was all going to plan but my FIL was recently diagnosed with a rare type of cancer and it's in stage 4.... This was a shock to all of us, especially when he was only given until February 2025... In all honesty I would marry him next week but financially that's just impossible... We thought October would already give us some time to already put some money aside but honestly I don't have a clue how we will pay for everything. My family unfortunately can't help and his family has medical bills that are about to pile up so I would just feel wrong asking them.
I just wanted to know if I would be a complete a-hole if I asked people online to donate to help us have a wedding where my FIL can already be there to see us marry.
Please be kind in the comments, it has been a rough few weeks for us and I would appreciate any advice ....
submitted by 0w0PepperMoon0w0 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:33 RiverBaby9413 I’m pregnant and terrified

I (29F) just found out a few weeks ago that I’m pregnant with my husband’s (29M) baby. This isn’t our first child but it is our first pregnancy after a loss. For context, last year we found out that we were expecting, we already had a child (2M) so we were very excited about expanding our little family. We stupidly told our close family (parents/ siblings) and even though we asked that this be kept quiet one of my family members told all of my extended family. For the roughly two months that we were pregnant we got a lot of random phone calls from relatives we don’t even like expressing their excitement over our news. Unfortunately our baby stopped growing after the 5 week mark. This is where things got a little weird. We live in the U.S. so for obvious reasons this wasn’t the ideal situation for us to be in. Even though we live in a protected state my OBGYN wasn’t even (for legal reasons) able to say that I was miscarrying, all she said was “this happens to many women” and then heavily hinted at going to planned parenthood for help because they couldn’t do anything while the fetus still had a heartbeat, even though it was slowly fading. So we made the appointment and long, traumatic story short I needed to take the abortion medicine because my body wouldn’t complete the miscarriage naturally and it was the most painful thing that I’ve ever done. Like unmediated labor kind of pain. Fast forward to this year, the one year anniversary of the event just happened and both me and my husband agreed that the month of the anniversary that we wouldn’t try to get pregnant because it would be too painful. A few days after the anniversary I randomly decided to take a test fully expecting it to be negative, but there it was, two little pink lines. After a full year of negatives I guess I got used to the idea that another baby probably wasn’t in the cards for us and now that it’s happening all I feel is fear. Will it happen again? I can’t go through that pain again and not be able to have my baby. We have the viability check scheduled for later this month and I’m terrified of going. I know that I have to but after what happened last time all I can think about is the possibility of losing this one too. I can’t even bring myself to start getting excited until I know that everything is alright with my baby. I love my husband and while he’s supportive of me and tries to reassure me he knows that he knows that he will never have the same insight as another woman, so he suggested that I come here to ask for advice on how to help calm my anxiety over the situation. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by RiverBaby9413 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:27 MyNameIsRobPaulson The KIA/Hyundai use case may be bigger than we thought - but what's the TPS?

In the recent HBAR Bull interview with Swirld's Labs CEO, Eric Piscini, hinted at the size of this use case.
I'd like to point out, for absolutely no reason at all, that this home run of a use case was on boarded by THE HBAR FOUNDATION.
HBF's Press Release:
The facts:
Eric says they've on boarded 26 Kia/Hyundai "suppliers" currently. The tracking is given to the suppliers at no cost.
What is a "supplier"?
From Google: "An automotive industry supplier is a business that manufactures goods used during the production of an automobile. Then, products are supplied to an automobile manufacturer. They're synonymous with the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)."
It looks like Kia/Hyundai have 185 suppliers (slightly confusing article): That means we have 14% so far.
He said this will mostly be valuable for enterprises and governments that buy cars for fleets, as it will be a requirement for them to offset their carbon footprint. This will allow them to do that accurately. But it also valuable for KIA/Hyundai in the context of regulatory compliance and meeting their own company environmental goals.
He said he couldn't comment on specific TPS, but clarified "Look at the number of cars, look at the number of parts in the cars, and you can extrapolate the number of transactions we can expect on the blockchain."
He also explained that each part will have multiple transactions - this number is probably the biggest unknown, but he said:
"Every time there is an event with a part, assembly, a transportation of something associated with the car, we capture that event".
The press release sort of mirrors his list: "including procurement of raw materials, the manufacturing process and product transportation."
So conservatively, I'll say for each part there will be 3 HCS transactions per part. It could be 4, 5 or 10 - who knows.
  1. Creation of part (including procurement of raw materials?)
  2. Assembly of part (manufacturing process)
  3. Transportation of part (product transportation)
So let's extrapolate...
SCENARIO #1: All KIA/Hyundai cars are tracked globally. I'm pretty sure this is the eventual plan.
KIA produces 1.4 million cars per year.
Hyundai produces 1.6 million cars per year.
An average amount of parts per car is 30,000.
(1.4M + 1.6M) x 30,000 = 90 BILLION parts produced every year by Kia and Hyundai that go into 3 million cars.
This comes out to 246,575,342 parts produced per day.
At 3 HCS transactions per part - this comes out to: 8559 TPS
SCENARIO #2: Only Kia/Hyundai fleet vehicles will be tracked on Hedera.
I actually don't think this is possible, as there isn't a separate supply chain for fleet vehicles. It looks like it's KIA/Hyundai's intention to track all their suppliers for larger carbon reduction compliance goals.
Big picture, in the US, roughly 22% in 2019 were sold through fleet channels according to the linked article. So if that 1 in 5 figure roughly holds globally....
22% of 8559 = 1882 TPS
My question is -- these 26 suppliers being "on-boarded" - is this live already? Doesn't seem like it based on TPS.
Going to keep digging...
If I got anything wrong feel free to correct and I'll update.
submitted by MyNameIsRobPaulson to Hedera [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:22 justAn0therThrowAw4y How to scan messages and recreate someone's likeness? (WITH PERMISSION)

First off, I would like to again say I have my friend's full permission to do this. Currently I have a plan that while he's gone for about a year I want to scan all of his discord messages and turn that into a language model of sorts and then use python to feed that to xtts which is already set up. The only problem I'm having is understanding how I would take all his messages, which there are a lot of, and use that to get a text response based on what the AI thinks he would say. I have no clue where to go from here. Any and all help is appreciated thanks! TL:DR I have the mouth of an AI clone of my friend I just need the brain and don't know how to make it.
EDIT: Just realized I also don't have a program to make the voice model, any recommendations? I have about 7 minutes of training data.
submitted by justAn0therThrowAw4y to OpenAIDev [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:21 zoworo I’m so confused as to what happened here.

I’m so confused as to what happened here.
For context this is my best friend of 12 years. She is diagnosed with bpd. I have a feeling this is part of the reason why she’s speaking to me like this.
We are both at a stage in our life where we are experiencing full time jobs and other responsibilities, so we are much busier than we have been in the past.
I also recently got into my first relationship with my boyfriend so I am having to learn how to balance this with my other platonic relationships.
I have tried reaching out many times so we could hang out, but her work schedule has odd hours so we haven’t been able to see each other in person lately. She is off this weekend, which is a rare occurrence since she mostly works weekends and I have a 9-5.
I’m just confused as to what I could have said here that seems like I already have other plans?
I’m basically at a loss here. Any input would be appreciated.
submitted by zoworo to texts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:18 jldmagazine Texas A&M University student sends CREEPY snapchat then vanishes from his apartment parking lot - The Unsolved Disappearance of Caleb Harris

One very foggy night at the start of March 2024 in Corpus Christie, a Texas A&M University sophomore just vanished in the middle of the night from the centre of his apartment complex with security cameras everywhere. The only clue the 21-year-old student left behind was an eerie snapchat of a bridge moments before he disappeared. Many people think he disappeared as he was waiting outside for his Uber Eats to arrive he just ordered.
I wanna preface this by saying that Caleb Harris could very well still be alive, so anyone with any tips – no matter how big or small – is encouraged to submit them.
About Caleb
Caleb Harris is by all accounts a great young man. Standing at 5’11 and weighing at 180 pounds, he was a solid guy who was very strong and capable. According to his family, The New Braunfels Christian Academy graduate rarely partied and was an outdoorsman, who preferred to go to bed early so he could wake up the next day before sunrise and hunt some ducks. As you can probably guess, Caleb loved to hunt and fish. So it was very fitting of him to study Environmental Science at Texas A&M University where he was in his second year.
His family are deeply religious and so was he, and there are reports Caleb wore a Jesus fish necklace the night he vanished. When Caleb went away to go study, him and his family chose an apartment complex called The Cottages at Corpus Christi, located in the 1900 block of Ennis Joslin. It had other University students there and it was perceived as highly secure with surveillance cameras at the gates, and there was only 2 ways in and out of the apartment complex. Caleb lived there with 2 of his close friends he grew up with, who were now his roommates.
But then one night, Caleb just vanished after ordering Uber Eats and left behind some very mysterious clues that make this case incredibly interesting as it is perplexing. Some say he actually vanished as he was waiting outside for his Uber Eats delivery. The family has accounted for all his shoes, and assumed he was barefoot when he disappeared (as he was seen barefoot on the ring doorbell camera and the snapchat he sent to his sister), so it seems as though this disppareance wasn’t planned. Caleb had no history of any mental illness and wasn’t taking medication. But, as others pointed out, Caleb could have had a pair of flip flops his family didn’t know about.
10:30pm: The story starts on Sunday, March 3rd, 2024, when Caleb was gearing up for a fishing trip. He was texting his dad all day, excited about his upcoming trip the next day after class. Nighttime rolled around and Caleb and his room mates were up late playing video games. But it wasn’t like any typical Sunday night because one of the roommates had just gotten a puppy, which arrived at around 10:30pm, so they were up late enjoying their new pup and walking it.
12:56am on Monday, March 4th: A ring doorbell camera caught Caleb outside, barefoot playing with the new puppy with his roommates. The ring camera was facing the parking lot outside their apartment. There were 2 exits out of his apartment, one that led to the parking lot and another to a grassy area. The video captured nothing out of the ordinary and they seemed to all be having a good time very much enjoying their newfound love for their puppy.
2:20am: One of the roommates said they were going to bed, and Caleb told them that he had some more work to do to prepare for his fishing trip the next day, namely he wanted to order some Uber Eats so he had something to eat for his trip. Then, he took the new puppy outside for another walk on his own, and used the entrance to the grassy area since he wasn’t caught on Ring doorbell camera footage this time around.
2:44am: Caleb sent a Snapchat video to his younger sister of him barefoot walking the dog.
2:45am: Caleb made his Uber Eats order, opting for a no contact delivery, and he ordered 2 lunchables, a red bull and an apple pie from a convenience store.
2:58am: His phone turns off, he either shut it off, or it died, law enforcement has not released that information.
3am: According to Caleb’s father, he brought the dog back into the apartment sometime after 3am.
3:03: Link to photo And here’s something I found strange, Caleb sent his final snapchat, the photo of the bridge, to a high school friend from St Augustine Texas at 3:03am, a full 5 minutes after his phone had been shut off. This high school friend barely used Snapchat and him and Caleb didn’t communicate often, so it was a random person to send it to. But when the high school friend opened Snapchat (which he rarely does), he saw a new snap from Caleb after this friend knew Caleb had disappeared, so this friend knew to screenshot the snap for evidence. There could be some technical reasons why the snap was sent after Caleb had shut off his phone, cause apparently Snap users may receive images later then they are sent. But the time discrepancy is still unexplained. Like did someone else log into Caleb’s Snapchat account to send this snap? And I mean, this photo is haunting and really is what drew me in to this case. The photo is of a bridge over a drainage ditch, this bridge is within a few hundred feet outside of the apartment complex. It really captured just how foggy it was that night, and the photo was blurry, almost as if Caleb didn’t have time to use the focus feature on the app, like he had to take the photo quickly. Cause normally Snapchat would focus the photo for you within a couple of seconds of opening the camera function. I can’t help but feel like this was a major clue like in the Libby and Abby case from Delphi, Indiana, like he was trying to tell us something. Behind the bridge is a highway, so was he being abducted at that point and being led to a car to be driven off, and sent this photo in a rush hoping someone could help him? That’s the vibe I got from it, at least. Though some people think he may have been trying to be artsy and take a cool photo of the fog, but I don’t think so cause it was out of focus and looked rushed. Also, my main question, is why did he go to this bridge? He really had no reason to leave his apartment complex and go there.
3:12am: Caleb’s phone pinged for its very last time, but cops believe this was a glitch and more on that later.
3:20am: The Uber Eats driver drops off Caleb’s order.
So really, we are looking at a 22 minute window of when something inexplicable happened to Caleb. The roommates woke up the next day and saw Caleb’s Uber Eats still waiting for him in the bag outside their apartment, they were alarmed when they realized his truck, keys and wallet were still there and the roommates did the right thing and called authorities to report Caleb missing at around 1pm, after searching for their childhood friend, desperately.
The Search
The cops arrived and questioned the room mates as well as the Uber Driver and they were all cleared. There are reports that the roommates took a voluntary lie detector test and passed. The cops also began searching the apartment complex, and checked over 30 apartments. Authorities are asking the public for any tips they may have and tried tracking down any surveillance footage from the morning of Monday, March 4th, but most of the footage wasn’t helpful because of the fog that night, the cameras only captured a couple of feet in front of them. But remember how the apartment complex was marketed as a secure place for students? Well, it turns out the security cameras at the gates were not working and the gates were left wide open that night, for anyone to just waltz on in to the complex.
The community banded together and searched the area by foot along with authorities using professional techniques including helicopters. It sounds to me that every square inch of Corpus Christi was searched, and 3 months later there’s still no trace of Caleb.
The drainage ditch seen in his final snapchat was of course scoured (this was my initial thought that he committed suicide in the ditch) but it barely had any water in it so it was mostly mud and there were no tracks and no Caleb.
Searchers canvassed the area, and found no tire marks to indicate a car picked him up and sped away (no scream or anything was heard either and he was pretty close to the complex).
Searchers also paid particular attention to the area of that last ping, but law authorities later revealed that they believe it was a glitch, and most of the time those glitches happen was because someone was in a car.
I believe, Caleb at 3:12am, about 10 minutes after his phone shut off, was being taken away in car, which would explain the last ping being innacurate.
There are some troubling theories in this case, and I will get into those now, so the next little part will be complete specuatlon of what people have said online, and take it with a grain of salt.
3 months later, Caleb’s phone began pinging again, and law enforcement went on record to say that this was because of forensic testing. Law enforcement are in the process of collecting digital evidence in the case, which includes probably geofencing the area he was last seen and tracking down phones that were in the location the night Caleb disappeared.
But at the same time of this phone pinging, a civilian discovered a phone at Packery Jetty, a 17 minute drive away, and many people believe this is Caleb’s phone, but this has yet to be confirmed.
  1. Links to other disappearances There’s also many users pointing out similar disappearances in South Texas including that of Jason Landry. Jason was also 21, and his abandoned car was found on a desolate road on December 13,2020 with his clothes inside and no trace of him, anywhere. According to his dad, the last app he used was also Snapchat, and many people feel that he was there to meet somebody.
  2. Secret reddit account/catfish theory This next theory I want to be very clear that this is not 100% confirmed. But according to Reddit, Facebook and YouTube, the family and law enforcement are aware of Caleb Harris’s secret reddit account. (Link) Caleb was allegedly using reddit to meet people for adult activities. This account would often post in a reddit group called “Corpus Christi NSFW” where strangers would meet online for fun. Many people feel that this account called “Outside_Physics1635” is Caleb because of his age being 21 and also his final post was on the same night Caleb disappeared. The post was titled “oso bay hiking trail” and it was posted on March 4th, 2024, at 2:15:30am. It was tagged “M4A”, which means “Man for Anyone” so male or female encounters. There’s also pictures on this account, that some people believe show Caleb’s bracelet in it (Link), but I’m still on the fence about if this is true or not, though it is a prevailing theory in this case, so it’s worth mentioning. One redditor wrote, “It hasn't been outright said by the family most likely due to law enforcement, but Nicole Owens, the woman who runs the Facebook group/page under family spokesperson Tony Matthias said: 'Yes, please do not discuss in the group what was on his Reddit. I hate that it even got around. Kept it a secret as long as possible.' She later deleted the post.” So the working theory is that Caleb made this reddit post before walking the dog, hoping to meet someone that night for a rendezvous, then that person had a nefarious idea in mind and possibly abducted him.
Anyway, I was hoping to bring more awareness to this case since I feel it got overshadowed by Riley Strain, as it happened around the same time.
Hopefully we can just get his name and face out there, because law enforcement are desperate for any tips, because as you can see, there isn’t much to this story. I mean he orders Uber Eats, goes outside, and disappears.
I'll be interested in hearing what you guys think.
submitted by jldmagazine to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:16 rawrgulmuffins Might Have a Good Quote, Looking For Confirmation.

Hello /solar,
I'm looking for a third party that's not involved in the quoting process to look at a quote I have to see if there any major issues or if I am missing information that's important for these kinds of jobs.
So for context I live in Washington State, my roof is south facing, I do not have tree cover that blocks the sun on this side of the house.
I have a cash quote for $14,700 before tax credits are applied and $10,300 after a 30% tax credit is applied. It's for a 4.74 KW system that would cover about 70% of my homes electrical usage. Eventually our gas furnace and gas car will need to be replaced and we're planning to go electric with both systems so we're installing with an eye towards expansion in the future.
We're using an average of 530 KWh per month over the last 12 months but we currently have a gas heater, gas water heater, and a gas car. Eventually our gas systems will age out and we plan to replace them with electrical systems. We also don't have children at this point which will probably increase our costs in the future.
The panels are Canadian Solar HIDM CS1U-395MS and the inverters for the system are Enphase Energy IQ8 IQ8PLUS-72-2-US
Our house has a 200 Amp service line and we don't plan to have a battery installed. Our roof is 7 years old and the roofer that installed the roof says that we won't have any structural issues with the install.
First question first is is this a good deal?
Are there specifications or questions I need answers to before going through with this deal?
submitted by rawrgulmuffins to solar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:13 tugaimallinsuas I think I was repeatedly drugged by my “friends” when I was younger

TW (sa, drug abuse, grooming, sh, etc)
Today I decided to break in a new sketchbook I had bought a bit ago. For the piece I had planned on making I needed to know how to the eyes looked when someone was unconscious. that led me down a rabbit hole to researching drgs like Rohypnol, a commonly used date rpe drug. I know that I have been given this drg once because the person who drgged me had told me after. But she had said that was the only time she or anyone else in our “friend group” had done that to me.
For some context when I was 13 I had a small group of people I would frequently sneak out with or to go see. The only person who was relatively close to my age was still two years older. I know that might not seem like a lot but considering I was 13 at the time it’s still kinda a weird age gap. The oldest was a 19 year old boy. Most of them had fake IDs and would buy me alc*hol as well as give me plenty of other stuff a 13 shouldn’t be having. A lot of it was stuff no one in general should be having regardless if they’re an adult or not….
There had a been a lot of times where I was guilted, coerced, or been taken advantage of when I was under the influence but most of the time i wouldn’t resist. There were very few time where I had actually put up a fight and they still continued. Usually they’d just try with someone else that was more interested. Looking back I did black out a lot which i thought was just from drinking/ getting too high.
Today when i had stumbled onto an article about the effects and signs of different date r*pe drugs some things started to sound uncomfortable familiar.
Looking back a lot of memories and what I was told by my “friends” just didn’t add up. I’ve been sxually assulted and absed many times in the past but I’m just now realizing that I’d probably been sxually assulted a LOT more times than I can remember. After getting away from those people I was able to get therapy and now realize that they were gr00ming me. I know they were bad and were definitely absed me but not as many times as I thought. I had gotten “too dr*nk or high” to the point of passing out more times than I can even count.
I feel sick and not even like drawing anymore like I had planned to do today. I’m just baffled as to how the stars aligned so perfectly for EVERYTHING that had happened to happen to me. Because this isn’t even remotely close to half the traumatic sh*t that I’ve experienced. I’m not even pissed or sad anymore. Just straight flabbergasted. I’m only 17 And just….. holy shit.
Honestly part of me is weirdly proud. Just because of the fact that I’m still here. And I’m honestly not doing too bad for myself too. I’m on track to graduate and have plans for college. I’m around better people and am in good physical health. Despite everything I’m still here and I’m not too f*cked from it all.
If you’re on this subreddit then I’d imagine you also have had some sh*t happen to you. Despite that you’re still here. You were strong enough to make it this far. Whatever you’ve experienced hasn’t beaten you down yet and that’s amazing. don’t give it or them the satisfaction of beating you. If you can’t fight out of hope right now then keep fighting out of spite. Hope will come from it eventually. I prefer to leave things on a good or encouraging note even if this is for venting. I hope whoever is reading has a good day <3
submitted by tugaimallinsuas to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:08 forgivemefashion UPDATE: Paris Itinerary - Am I crazy for doing Disneyland Paris and Versailles on the same trip?

Thank you to everyone who posted on my original thread, I thought I’d share an update since, my itinerary has changed significantly. First, I’d like to thank everyone for all the suggestion and recommendation, it seemed like the consensus was that my previous plan although doable, I was going to be missing a lot of Paris itself, and well the whole trip was about enjoying Paris and wandering around, so I revised. Also everyone agree's Versailles is overcrowded, and everyone hates Disney adults 😅
Okay here’s the new plan for when we arrive in Paris:
June 16th - Train to Paris from Nice (6am - 12pm) - Check into our hotel in Boulougne Billacourt if available around 13-14:00hr, we’re still undecided if we want to do a hop on hop off boat tour or a traditional Seine River tour, but for sure we’re getting on a boat. Probably hang out by a park for lunch. End up back in our hotel around 19-20:00 have dinner somewhere near our hotel, it’ll be a long day so keeping it light outside of the boat.
June 17th - MontMatre, see the views and explore rue de martyrs, have lunch somewhere nearby again probably in a park. Come back to the hotel for the afternoon, change of clothes, and then take pictures by the Eiffel Tower (we’re using a photographer through airbnb), have dinner somewhere 10-15 walk away from the Eiffel Tower to avoid tourist traps (If anyone has a recommendation for a nice French dinner for a couple in the 20-30euro range per person)
June 18th - Versailles day, we wanted to do something active so we’re doing a bike tour of the garden and Marie Antonette place, with a guided tour through the Palace, it started at 9am come back to the hotel around 16-17:00 and then meet up with family, they have a dinner reservation on that day.
June 19th - Check out Day - probably leave luggage in our Families Airbnb unless there’s safe luggage storage places in Paris - Explore Galeries Lafayette and the Opera Area visit some of the covered passages for trinkets and souvenirs and Rue Montorgueil for lunch, come back around 5-6, and head to the airport (Flight is late at night)
Even though my boyfriend was excited to go to Disneyland Paris and even started packing some of his Disney gear, I could tell he really wanted to explore Versailles, and doing both in one trip would’ve meant we’d kinda half assing both of them, so I figured we’d go all out in Versailles and then next time we’re in Europe we’ll prioritize Disney and do it right (stay on property, go to both parks etc).
Any recommendation on luggage storage, or nice dinners to go in a 10-15min distance from Eiffel Tower would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you all again really appreciated all the advise!!
submitted by forgivemefashion to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:08 AnonymousOPObviously This morning I found out that my ex boyfriend of 10 years ago has a disturbing, ongoing obsession with me. Am I actually in danger or am I blowing things out of proportion? 26F, 27M

I've never written in before but for the first time in a long time, I desperately need advice—It's a long story so buckle up and stick with me through the back story of it all (or skip to current day and go back as needed for context. Trigger warning for abuse, self harm, and addiction.
TLDR; This morning I found out that my emotionally and physically abusive ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago changed his social media usernames to match mine, converted his religion to mine, and created a ton of creepy playlists named after my full name on spotify—ALL WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. I have not spoken to him in 7+ years. Please help.
When I was in high school, I was in a very toxic and controlling relationship with someone one year older than me who I'll refer to as Ryan. We were high school sweethearts until he went away to university and we both agreed it would be best to take a break and get the full college experience. Since Ryan was a year ahead, he was able to have his wild, "fuckboy" era his freshman year while I studied my ass off in preparation for my own college applications the following year. Things were a little estranged with us but we stayed in touch off and on as friends/friends with benefits.
During this period of his freshman year at uni, Ryan gradually started drinking and using drugs more and more frequently and I began to see a very different controlling, paranoid, and even abusive side to him (controlling what I wore, getting drunk and shoving me to the ground and into walls like a ragdoll, threatening to speed up or crash the car while we were driving places) While I stupidly didn't recognize it as abuse at the time, it became clear to me very quickly that something was wrong with Ryan's mental state so I made the effort of driving out on weekends to stay with him at his dorm and try to help him through it in whatever way I could.
Sure enough, he was in a much worse place than I could have imagined, not attending classes, talking to voices that weren't there, threatening self-harm, suicide, etc. I immediately contacted his parents when I saw how serious things were and asked them to come pick him up from campus and get professional help. They brushed things off and told me that I shouldn't be worrying so much about him. I was only 17 and not prepared to deal with the situation myself so I went home and continued pleading with his parents, sister, and friends to get him access to professional help. Eventually, this worked and they put him in a mental health facility for a two-week period where I had extremely limited contact.
In the midst of all of this was my senior prom, something we had planned to attend together but due to emergency circumstances (Ryan being held in a facility), a friend of mine insisted on stepping in as my date. For what it's worth I really didn't even want to go, I could hardly pull myself together to get out of bed due to the intense stress I was under but my friend knew that I would regret not attending my senior prom and insisted on taking me. Despite Ryan and I being broken up for over a year, he was beyond infuriated and betrayed by me going with someone else and made several threats/attempts on his life.
After his family realized first-hand just how serious things were, they decided to ship him off to one of those youth wilderness rehabilitation places out of state. After he started at the program, his whole family turned on me and blamed me for what had happened with him. It was beyond difficult, Ryan spiraled into sending a mix of long, passionate love and hate letters any time he had access to electronics or mail. Some would start as a love letter and end in hopes for my death, clearly showing his volatile feelings towards me. At first, I would respond trying to let him know I was there for him, I cared, etc. but at some point, and with the help of friends, I realized just how abusive his prior behavior was and let him know we couldn't be in contact anymore. Despite this, I continued to get letters, texts, emails, facebook messages, snapchats, even messages direct through spotify once I had blocked him on all platforms. Fast forward one year to 2017 and I got a cookie cutter AA letter making amends, this was the last real update I had and I finally felt hopeful he was on the road to getting real help and turning his life around.
Fast forward 7+ years and I'm in an extremely happy and safe relationship. We are all in our mid twenties now. Ryan, my ex has continued sending me friend requests on different socials maybe once a year but I've never thought much of it as that's fairly normal for exes to want to reconnect. After so many years of reflecting on our relationship it's hard to even think about wanting to reconnect with someone who was so emotionally and physically abusive to me so I've always politely declined these attempts at contact. However, recently—I got several back-to-back requests which was unusual. This morning I decided I would finally look him up and see what he's up to and I was super freaked out by what I found.
The first result was a recent arrest for trespassing, the date lined up exactly with when he had been sending me back-to-back friend requests. My first thought was that he was in another type of manic state and spiraling again. I decided to do an even deeper dive and see what else I could find on him and remembered he had tried contacting me through spotify messages when he was blocked elsewhere. Because Spotify has since disabled their chat function, I wasn't able to see if he had tried messaging me recently but I clicked through to his account and almost threw up when I saw MANY creepy personal playlists clearly directed towards me. Some literally titled my full government name and including songs with eerie titles or lyrics and even some with songs we would listen to when we were together. Very hot and cold, love/hate type of vibe just like his old letters. I calmed myself down a little and thought maybe they were old playlists from years ago but again almost threw up again when I saw the first song added to the playlist was not even released until just over one year ago. This means my ex is creating creepy cryptic new playlists titled my full name almost 10 years after our break up and 7+ years without any contact whatsoever.
In more digging, I found Ryan's socials, he's not social media much anymore, the last time he posted was around the time he sent me that AA letter to make amends 7ish years ago, showing off a new kitten he got. What's a little weird is it is a VERY specific cross-breed that he knew I wanted to get when we were older, something we had talked about all the time almost like baby planning. Aside from the kitten post, there were no other new posts, his instagram was like a time capsule of our relationship with silly photos together, selfies I had sent him, love letters, photo booth strips, you name it. Additionally, I found he recently converted to my religion and has started using my typical username on new social media accounts (For example, let's say my socials are all OPWaffle123, his are now RYANWaffle123)
The list goes on and on but I cannot put into words how shaken I am. I was so oblivious to all this for YEARS and feel like I just opened pandora's box and can't go back. I feel so violated knowing he's been looking me up and obsessing over me to this degree while I was so unaware. I really don't know if I should file a police report or just lay low and hope his obsession never manifests into something more sinister. I worry that filing any type of restraining ordeprotective order would escalate things in some way and I'd also worry about finding enough evidence of abuse especially all these years later. My biggest concern about safety is the uncertainty of his mental state, I've seen him in manic episodes before and he's shown that he's not only willing but capable of harming me physically. On the other hand, he's clearly been obsessed for years with no harm done so maybe best to not poke the bear? Desperate for any and all advice, please help a girl out 🙏
TLDR; This morning I found out that my emotionally and physically abusive ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago changed his social media usernames to match mine, converted his religion to mine, and created a ton of creepy playlists named after my full name on spotify—ALL WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. I have not spoken to him in 7+ years. Please help.
submitted by AnonymousOPObviously to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:05 Polar_bear_chill Offer rescinded from not paying deposit in time

For context, I just received a letter today (it was mailed on Wednesday day with no email to accompany it.
As title says, didn’t get my second deposit in on time and to call back ASAP if there was a mistake.
I actually was in the ER last Saturday and again this Friday and mentioned that in the email- I plan to call first thing on Monday. I’ve had some health problems and this caused it to slip my mind.
Am I screwed or do I have a chance? Really nervous right now
submitted by Polar_bear_chill to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:05 Ok-Disaster-1666 Messy situation with roommate and meta

This whole situation is a bit complicated but I'll do my best to explain. If any clarification is needed please let me know.
To start, I (ftm) am currently dating my boyfriend (m). I broke up with my ex girlfriend (mtf) about 3 months ago. My boyfriend is dating my ex. That's all well and good by me.
I broke up with my ex due to a situation surrounding consent. We talk on rare occasions now, but I still see her when I'm over at my boyfriends house as they live together along with another meta.
Now to complicate, my ex girlfriend's newer girlfriend lives with me. I'll refer to her as my roommate. When she moved in we had an agreement that she would help out with chores instead of paying rent or utilities. For context on why that is, she's an army vet who is about $30,000 in debt with terrible credit. She's using the free rent to start paying off her cards in order to boost her credit so she can move out to her own apartment.
Since she has moved in about 4 months ago, she has only done chores on three occasions, basically only when I or my ex-girlfriend have been down her throat about it. I'm at my wit's end. If she just stuck to herself it would be fine I guess but I wouldn't be particularly happy regardless. However, she's made more work for me since she's been here. She has an elderly cat that has no teeth. She regularly leaves her for days on end, stopping in to give her a meal once a day. When she moved in she told me that she feeds her cat twice a day since she can't leave out food without it drying out. So I feed her cat pretty often. She also at one point brought home a foster puppy with my permission, he was 4 months old and she regularly left him for 8 hours in his crate. He was not potty trained and I would often wake up in the morning with her gone and the puppy covered in feces because she did not take him out overnight. Thankfully he was rehomed at the time my roommate said he would be but I lost a lot of sleep while he was here.
My ex-girlfriend is trying to stay out of this situation. In her own words she wants to be neutral about it. She has told me that my roommate just has a lot going on and that it's not personal. I understand that, but it's not making me feel better. I feel used. I just want her to uphold our agreement. I also just generally feel hurt by my ex's neutrality. She says we're friends but just brushes off the hurt her girlfriend causes. She was originally the one who vouched for my roommate and why I offered a room at all.
I'm at the point where I just want her to move out. She was previously staying with a friend and I was told by my ex that her housing with her friend was unsafe due to this friend not being a great person. She continues to pursue a relationship with this friend and regularly does not stay at our house. I don't want to be the person that makes someone homeless however and I have no clue what happens to her if I tell her to move out. She is currently staying with said 'unsafe' friend as her friend has health problems and she's over there helping her care for her animals/cleaning. It's enough of a drive she's just staying there.
I'm just exhausted and stressed. There's so many people to manage in this situation and I'm trying to stay kind but I'm so upset at this point. I'm in process of preparing for surgery this upcoming Thursday and I don't have the energy to deal with everything. I don't want my roommate to come home. She's been staying with her friend for the past week and I just want it to stay that way. I don't want to be my ex's friend but I feel like I have to in order to not lose access to time with my partner. More than anything I just have no idea how to move forward. I know with time my roommate should move out (2-3 months at the minimum) but I don't want to keep doing this.
submitted by Ok-Disaster-1666 to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 Percept_707 Need advice on my toxic work environment

31M Caregiver. Been doing it for about 2 months now. Basically assisting adults with various levels of mental issues. This is a lot of lore. There's still a ton more that I'm leaving out.
After my 2nd week working at this company, I've been made aware of people talking bad about me behind my back. It's been pretty relentless since then.
I've wanted to bring this up with HR, but it's a pretty small company and HR and the owner are in a relationship and my main gripe is with the owner. The owner, IMO, is a very toxic and insecure leader. She constantly talks shit about her workers inside her office, to her other workers, which creates a very toxic environment of gossiping. When she goes out to social events, she talks shit there as well.
I know this because I know someone in the office that's friends with my friend and I get told the things that are said and done, behind closed doors. I'll put down some examples for context.
  1. The owner has binders for clients. She's told us that she wants us to check them out if we have free time. I got off work one day and went to our main office and asked the office if I could get a binder for a client I just started working with, so I could get to know more about them. Put the binder away and me and the owner are talking about the client. She's also telling me all these things she's doing with the client that break company policy, but "she's the owner" so she can get away with it. Anyway I leave and the owner instantly starts bitching about how I came in and wasted her time because she's trying to do payroll and setup schedules. She was legit upset that I did the thing she wants us to do. Mind you, I only spoke with the owner after SHE stopped me when I was leaving and wouldn't stop talking.
  2. I call one of my admins to see if I can get more hours. She let's me know that she forgot to change when I started that day, so I rush over to the clients house. I get there and there's staff there already. Admin fucked that up, but told me the owner was coming by to pick up trash from the property and I need to stick around and help. So I help load the trailer (very big trailer and it was completely full from the trash) and then we bullshit a bit and all seems well. My buddy just told me the owner was at his party and she was making fun of me for being "out of breath" when loading the trash.
  3. They had me work a double double. It was a 4pm-midnight and then midnight-9am two days in a row. They needed me to come in early the 2nd day at 2pm instead of 4pm. That messed me up cause that's my time to nap before work. Get there and at 6pm I realize I'm not able to provide my client with the attention they need, so I call my buddy that needs the hours and has worked with the client before to cover me. He says yes, so I call the owner and ask her for the night off and my buddy can cover. She gets pissed off, saying if time is ever needed off then we have to contact her directly so she can handle it, not "make plans behind my back." Absolute control freak.
  4. My friend (also staff for this company) was working with a client and around midnight the client was making sexually aggressive advances towards her. She's 8 months pregnant btw. She calls me and asks me to pick her up. So I come down and she barricaded herself in her room, so I get her out of there and talk with the client for a few minutes to make sure he's ok. This, at the time, was one of my main clients. Afterwards I call the owner and let her know what happened. She's furious. I potentially saved my pregnant friend for being attacked or worse. Fuck this bitch. Apparently this client has a history of this behavior as well that was never disclosed. Then I ask the owner if she wants "me to stay or go home? Idc either way," because this client is a 24/7 client, so he needs to always have staff with him. SHE LEGIT SAYS "You decide." BRUH this is like my 3rd week LOL what in the actual fuck. So I go home since my gf was over that night. Anyway we have this app that we post notes on for all our clients, she posted "notes" about what happened and lied about several things that made me look REALLY fucking bad. We had a voice meeting the next day and I politely but firmly corrected what was incorrect and she said she would post an update so everyone knows what really happened. She never did. One of the staff read the owner's "notes" and proceeded to talk about what an asshole I am to my friend that I helped that night. My friend told him what actually happened and his response was "wow, that's really messed up what the owner is doing to OP." Yea no shit.
  5. The owner always talks to me in a condescending or demeaning manner. For example, one of my clients takes a shot with me. I'm the only one that does it. I account for it 100%. The owner sends me a text saying "Why did you open a new shot box when the previous one still has 2 more!"
You. Stupid. Bitch. So I had to, quite literally, break it down barney style and explain to her how much is in one pen, how much the client was getting and how many times, so that she understood the old pen was depleted. Mind you, when she sends these sorts of texts, they're big ass group chats, so a bunch of people see it. Stuff like this has happened before, where she'll "call me out" on shit, in a group and I prove that she was wrong, in front of everyone. I think it really hurts her ego.
I have more, but I'll leave it there for now.
There's also another staff there that works with my personal main client. She's told the owner that me and the staff spoke about taking the client to get cigs. This pissed off the owner, who instantly believed her. That's literally never happened and I've literally never talked to or seen this person. She also told that same client that me and this staff talked to eachother about his money. Once again, I've never even seen this human being before.
There was another staff that took pictures at one of the clients house's that I work at, with cigs on the ground outside the front of the house. This staff sent it to the owner and the owner INSTANTLY said "I know it was him. I've seen him smoking before." Yea I smoke, but there's a designated area out back. The cigs belonged to MY client and I told them this and they still didn't believe me. Lucky for me, another staff went into that clients room and took a picture of the cigs he was hiding and sent it to the owner, so that cleared up that.
Now I just heard about another staff, that was with the owner and other staff making fun of my body.
The thing is, nobody has said anything to my face. In person, everyone is pretty friendly and polite. I'm also very polite and friendly to everyone. I feel like I get along, but then they are just fucking cruel to me for no reason. I never insulted anyone or disrespected any of them. i don't make fun of any of them.
On top of that, my first actual paycheck was 110+ hours, second paycheck was 100+ hours, but now I'm at fucking 75 hours. I'm always asking for more shifts and I'm always filling in when they need hours covered. I just want to work and learn and I've made that very clear in my actions and words.
I've never shown up late, never called in sick, hell I even discovered that one of our clients was taking an UNACCOUNTED for pill and has been for 4 months before I showed up.
I've talked with some other staff that I sometimes work with and they don't understand why tf I'm being targeted like this. I love this field of work so much and I am currently looking into another job in the same field, but I'd rather not leave if I don't have to. This place just seems like a fucking toxic swamp tho and I would like others advice. This is legit 2 months of working and it's more drama and bullshit then I've dealt with in all of my previous jobs. This shit is insane
submitted by Percept_707 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:57 Any_Injury7649 Worried That Nobody Is Going to Come to My Baby Shower / Engage In My Registry That I Made…

I’m 24w+3 and I’ve been thinking about planning my baby shower coming up and just having a date and place so everyone knows ahead of time. For context, my fiancé’s family lives about 3 hours away from my family so my step mom is planning one for my family and I would be planning the one with my fiancés family so that his family can make it and it’s not super far for great grandparents and my fiancés siblings with kids or family with limited driving capabilities. I’ve been trying to choose where to have my baby shower and stuff and none of his family have even mentioned of going or wanting to do it or anything.. I also made a registry on Amazon for family or friends to get baby stuff if they wanted to, or just see what was still needed for baby, nobody has interacted with it.. If nobody shows up I would probably take it personally…because his family shows up for all of the kids events and baby showers.. I really don’t know what to do if nobody shows up or wants to get baby anything. I know baby showers aren’t just for gifts & it’s more to celebrate baby coming but I’m a FTM and I’m new at this so I really want to be prepared… (I’m not trying to sound selfish or greedy but the way this is worded may seem as such) I just want people who will be around our baby to also celebrate the coming of baby and be a bit excited.. (for my fiancés family there’s already been 4/5 babies ahead of me so I’m just worried they aren’t going to care as much as the other kids because they’ve done the whole shower and celebration thing already)
submitted by Any_Injury7649 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:56 Dry_Ad5878 What to expect from first psychiatrist visit?

I'm finally making plans to see a psychiatrist. I've put off my mental health for so long out of military aspirations, but it's not worth it anymore. I've known for years that I've had a problem and figured out at the beginning of the year that I more than likely have BPD.
So what happens during the initial visit? I've never even been to a therapy session so I have no clue what happens. Would it be ok to tell the psychiatrist I believe I have BPD? I don't want them to believe that I am tailoring my questions to this specific disorder.
submitted by Dry_Ad5878 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:51 Mission_Street4336 Need some help putting together an army list.

This is my first time making a 40k army. So far, this is what I am thinking:
x2 Raiders x1 Ravager x1 Archon x5 Incubi x50 Kabalite warriors
For context (as to why my current list may seem to weird), my current army is stitched together from forty 3rd edition Kabalite warriors, a single in-production raider kit, and the combat patrol which I plan on buying. In other words, this is what I am stuck with to start.
submitted by Mission_Street4336 to Drukhari [link] [comments]