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2009.11.23 06:37 hillsonn Super Mario

For everything related to Super Mario games! For other Mario games, please head to mario.

2008.06.04 13:13 Chennai Super Kings

Chennai Super Kings is an Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise cricket team based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. CSK is the most successful team, with FIVE IPL titles (2010, 2011, 2018, 2021, 2023), two CLT20 titles (2010, 2014) and has the best win percentage among all teams in the IPL. Team Thala - MS Dhoni. Head Coach - Stephen Fleming.

2019.03.19 12:11 JPieeeeere DIYAudioCables

A place to share pics, info, and guides about DIY audio cables.

2024.06.04 22:07 Outside-Carry-4519 Unexplainable noise (reposed onto different threads for different opinions and help)

So basically I live in a pretty normal neighbourhood no people doing anything specifically weird at all. Like 2 months ago, at 2 am-ish i was home alone and on my laptop one headphone out cause i'm like super paranoid and i just heard this horrific screaming noise like 3 children screaming one after another. It came from a specific direction, literally just round the corner from my house (my house is at the end of the road) is like a small 4 way intersection and it sounded like it was coming from the middle of it. The first time it lasted about 30-40 seconds i took my headphone out and closed my laptop, it wasnt that. After it stopped i went back too it and about 10 minutes later it happened again so i got up and checked my radiator right by my head put my ear up to it and ran it along and nothing no whistling or strange radiator noises. This time it lasted about 2 minutes. I was like extremely freaked out and close to crying so i texted my friend who lived about the same distance from this intersection as me but on the opposite side. He was wide awake, doing nothing and told me it was completely silent for him. It never happened again until like 10 minutes ago. All of a sudden it started up so i looked straight out my window and absolutely nothing nice and clear and sunny. i rang my mum who was sat downstairs and she said she hear absolutely nothing either. If you want a clear description of this noise ------ First/Second time , to begin with tire screeching and then 3 children screaming one after another then collectively in an unnatural way. Just then , a combination of children screaming , fireworks being set off and tires screeching. Or completely and utterly like in the film NOPE when the people are abduced and disposed of by jean jacket the alien. I have an active imagination and have seen too many films but this makes me feel like im going crazy and i feel too frozen to remember to record it what do i do please fucking help.
submitted by Outside-Carry-4519 to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:07 Ok_Brilliant_9010 In-Office Botox from Dr. O'Dell

Hi, I'm so glad to have found this page just under two months ago. I moved quickly after the "a-ha" moment of realizing I'm a no-burper and am now 10 days post-Botox (in-office, not surgical) from Dr. O'Dell in Glendale, CA USA. I have never been able to burp, but it only really became an issue this year (I'm 30) when I started experience extreme bloating pain, acid reflux, and gurgles that were more painful than just annoying like they'd been in the past. I'm getting married in a few months and was spurred into action by being terrified of having to curl up into a bloaty ball on my wedding day! Now, I'm happy to say I'm much less worried about that possibility :)
I had an amazing experience all the way through and am happy to answer questions. I still have to force the burps a bit and have the something-caught-in-my-throat feeling, but both of those are improving every day, and my bloating is definitely better. Dr. O'Dell was out of network for my HMO plan, but I got an authorization from my PCP and have paid $0 out of pocket for a video consultation, in-office procedure, and video follow-up. So I'm lucky! I was nervous about the procedure but it was relatively painless and super quick.
I hadn't seen many posts about the in-office procedure from Dr. O'Dell even though she says she gives it a few times a week, so let me know if you have questions :) And thank you to you all for sharing your stories so I knew it wasn't just me struggling with this issue!
P.S. -- What has worked the best for me to force the burps along when I can feel one forming is something my partner taught me because he always gets burpy in this position. Sit at a table and put your head down on your arms on the table, like you're trying to go to sleep. It works better for me when I look to the right, but for him it's a stronger reaction to look straight down. It makes you look despondent at your desk at work, but that or a variant of it is how I've gotten all my big burps out so far!
submitted by Ok_Brilliant_9010 to noburp [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:05 NoNecessary3865 How do I explain to a friend that they his tank is overcrowded?

So I have a friend who has 3 leopard geckos and 2 crested geckos and an anole that he found from outside. They're all in one tank. The tank is like a 30gallon tank at best I think it's 30. I didn't know about him having more than one untill I started living here which I'm thankful for. However these aren't my animals and I've had my opinion since I before I saw or knew about the other leopard geckos two crested. I knew he had a leopard gecko but didn't realize he had more than one or that they're housed together. I also have never kept them I only know what I've read when I'd daydream of my mom letting me have more reptiles. I only had 2 red eared sliders in 50g tank but I gave to my environmental science teacher when we had to move after 4 years of taking care of them myself. So I don't know much but he apparently has "always" had leopard geckos. I never felt he was an avid reptile person never gave me the impression he's into herpetology or that he's familiar with the term tbh. Not important but yeah I didn't look too much into it because leopard geckos are pretty popular and not super hard to take care of and he's an adult I'm an adult so hes gotta know and be responsible.
However since I've been living here I've seen them and I bite my tongue because they're not mine and he did me a huge favor again I'm thankful. But two of the leopard geckos have been fighting recently but it wasn't an everyday thing. I honestly have been avoiding commenting because from knowing two crested geckos were in there I already didnt agree with his setup and they're two species from completely different biomes the temperature might be ok for the cresties but the tank is barely over a foot tall and all they have a few small leafy plants to use as refuge and stay off the ground like my soul doesn't agree with that at all because theyre like my top 5 most of reptiles I've wanted to keep. Ive been keeping this to myself for months but I'm going to rant now.
From the basics that I knew of leopard geckos they need a dry semi arid rocky environment this tank is not that kind of setup. It's a soil substrate apparently he has snails worms and other things to decompose stuff that he puts in there like vegetables or fruits he chopped up for the bugs in there. There isn't even a hear lamp for them with a designated area for them to bask. It's also pretty humid he sprays that tank regular the soil is always semi damp. I've always had an issue with that especially for the leopard geckos but again I keep that to myself. Especially since on one occasion he's stated that he feels I speak condescendingly to him when he brings up random topics and I share what I know on it. So since this was a subject I was especially interested in that topic I avoid it since I'm the guy that gets upset at people calling any type of big cat a panther as if it's a species of big cat (just giving an example).
However recently I've noticed that two of them would have fights or skirmishes. Mainly the bigger leopard gecko bullying and chasing the smaller one. He's stated he never had then fight and has kept the 3 leopard geckos together and never had a problem on one occasion when someone at a local pet store he buys crickets from told him that he shouldn't have them housed together with cresties. He didn't like their comment btw. You can see why I haven't commented on it because I've seen how he reacts when you give him factual information he doesn't like. I at that point double checked to see if they're social creatures or not of course google immediately states they're solitary creatures hardly social and that males and females should not be housed together. I keep that to myself figuring he has to have known and I don't want problems. He separates them as if to put one on time out the few times I saw them fight. So far neither has been injured thankfully. Over the last week theyve been at it and I've been doing my best to keep them away from each other despite it not being my responsibility whenever he'd leave.
The problem is hes stubborn and not really open to criticism and changing his position despite it being shown information on the topic. Only recently now that I've been passively stating hey it's kind of overcrowded and apparently leopard gecko males especially shouldn't be housed together which he has no clue if they're male or female. He's thinking about it but doubt he'll change or downsize and give them to a responsible keeper. He seems to think that being a lover of animals and providing food and slightly better living conditions than a pet smart is enough to ensure their well being rather than taking into account their individual needs as a species. It makes it hard to explain to someone like that. It seems like now he's starting to realize but I don't see him actually separating the crested from the leopard geckos for now he's forced to separate the two. There's still the other leopard gecko that's really quiet that's in there with the leopard gecko that was suffering the abuse but so far nothing has happened. Not to mention the anole in there which I was not in agreement with keeping but these aren't my animals. He even recently brought in a toad one of the southern roads from outside and it died in there. Again I didn't think that was a good idea at all but I keep my mouth shut. It's things like these that let's me know he's not actually into herpetology just thinks that loving nature and being gentle and kind to animals is enough. I even tried to explain hey they're from different biomes completely different type of climate and he starts joking saying maybe we should separate the sharks from the fishes in the ocean or maybe we should separate all animals from each other in the wild. I was going to leave it out but I'm adding it. When I first heard he was keeping a reptile I was skeptical because again nothing said this guy is a reptile person like you can tell who's a reptile person from who just casually likes reptiles. Idk how to approach the topic and get him to see hey you're in over your head either get separate enclosures. I want to ignore it because it's none of my business but the crested escaped before I found him two weeks later hiding above near the curtains. Like I've mentioned they need a vertical cage and he's like yeah. It goes in one ear out the other. I don't think I can tell him give it to someone else who can because someone at the pet store told him and he got offended. Sorry for the long paragraphs and everything but I've kept this to myself for months. I do want to free the anole tho but idk.
submitted by NoNecessary3865 to leopardgeckos [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:03 Outside-Carry-4519 Unexplainable noise (reposted to other threads cause i need at much help as possible)

So basically I live in a pretty normal neighbourhood no people doing anything specifically weird at all. Like 2 months ago, at 2 am-ish i was home alone and on my laptop one headphone out cause i'm like super paranoid and i just heard this horrific screaming noise like 3 children screaming one after another. It came from a specific direction, literally just round the corner from my house (my house is at the end of the road) is like a small 4 way intersection and it sounded like it was coming from the middle of it. The first time it lasted about 30-40 seconds i took my headphone out and closed my laptop, it wasnt that. After it stopped i went back too it and about 10 minutes later it happened again so i got up and checked my radiator right by my head put my ear up to it and ran it along and nothing no whistling or strange radiator noises. This time it lasted about 2 minutes. I was like extremely freaked out and close to crying so i texted my friend who lived about the same distance from this intersection as me but on the opposite side. He was wide awake, doing nothing and told me it was completely silent for him. It never happened again until like 10 minutes ago. All of a sudden it started up so i looked straight out my window and absolutely nothing nice and clear and sunny. i rang my mum who was sat downstairs and she said she hear absolutely nothing either. If you want a clear description of this noise ------ First/Second time , to begin with tire screeching and then 3 children screaming one after another then collectively in an unnatural way. Just then , a combination of children screaming , fireworks being set off and tires screeching. Or completely and utterly like in the film NOPE when the people are abduced and disposed of by jean jacket the alien. I have an active imagination and have seen too many films but this makes me feel like im going crazy and i feel too frozen to remember to record it what do i do please fucking help.
submitted by Outside-Carry-4519 to Unexplained [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 Outside-Carry-4519 Unexplainable creepy noise outside

So basically I live in a pretty normal neighbourhood no people doing anything specifically weird at all. Like 2 months ago, at 2 am-ish i was home alone and on my laptop one headphone out cause i'm like super paranoid and i just heard this horrific screaming noise like 3 children screaming one after another. It came from a specific direction, literally just round the corner from my house (my house is at the end of the road) is like a small 4 way intersection and it sounded like it was coming from the middle of it. The first time it lasted about 30-40 seconds i took my headphone out and closed my laptop, it wasnt that. After it stopped i went back too it and about 10 minutes later it happened again so i got up and checked my radiator right by my head put my ear up to it and ran it along and nothing no whistling or strange radiator noises. This time it lasted about 2 minutes. I was like extremely freaked out and close to crying so i texted my friend who lived about the same distance from this intersection as me but on the opposite side. He was wide awake, doing nothing and told me it was completely silent for him. It never happened again until like 10 minutes ago. All of a sudden it started up so i looked straight out my window and absolutely nothing nice and clear and sunny. i rang my mum who was sat downstairs and she said she hear absolutely nothing either. If you want a clear description of this noise ------ First/Second time , to begin with tire screeching and then 3 children screaming one after another then collectively in an unnatural way. Just then , a combination of children screaming , fireworks being set off and tires screeching. Or completely and utterly like in the film NOPE when the people are abduced and disposed of by jean jacket the alien. I have an active imagination and have seen too many films but this makes me feel like im going crazy and i feel too frozen to remember to record it what do i do please fucking help.
submitted by Outside-Carry-4519 to RBI [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:57 Equal-Salt5451 Not an ad, but a rare piece of muscle car Americana - 550 HP '04 GTO

CheaTR V3 camshaft, Yella Terra 1.7:1 roller rockers, .660" valve springs, ADD W1 pil catch can, titanium retainers, port-matched throttle body, MAF, AFR 210cc cylinder heads (3angle valve job, etc.), Custom intake piping (K&N CAI), 36 lb fuel injectors, Walbro fuel pump, SuperChips tuner, TQ Master engine mounts, DSS 1 pc driveshaft, JBA headers w/ extensions, Flamethrower ignition coils, heat shielding, 3600 Yank stall converter, MSD ignition wires, Transgo HD2 shift kit, Sonnax servos & HP kit. Cloyes dual timing set, ARP gaskets & pushrods, ARP studs. VZ 3.9 gears, Eaton Truetrac LSD
Pedders full suspension (complete) upgrades (all)
Fresh outer vinyl wrap, interior pieces replaced
DM me or hit me up at
This violates no rules I have read. But a "marketplace" seems the appropriate place for things like this. Just saying, a helluva rare car this is a rare vehicle. If you're into Australian Corvettes too, hit me up ;-)
So superior to the boats from the mid 20th century. If you'd like to discuss yours, please feel free to hit me up anytime fellow motor heads
submitted by Equal-Salt5451 to FacebookMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:55 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Six: Gang Warfare

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
John Cena is on top of the world, claiming to be the greatest star TNA has ever seen as he enters the building to boos and jeers, his goons by his side. Chain Gang Records is covered in gold. Ron Killings recently defeated Christopher Daniels for the X Championship, following in Cena’s footsteps. John Cena is riding high as NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Jeff Jarrett is hyping up his two clients, claiming no one, NO ONE can stop them. But familiar music interrupts the rest of his message, immediately pissing off the champion.
The tension in the arena reached a boiling point as Jeff Hardy stormed into the ring, his fury palpable as he confronted John Cena, who stood defiantly alongside his cohorts from Chain Gang Records. With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship draped over his shoulder, Cena arrogantly dismissed Hardy's claims and ordered him to step aside. But Hardy refused to back down, his determination unyielding as he challenged Cena's authority and demanded justice for the injustice he suffered at Turning Point. As Chain Gang Records closed in on Hardy, ready to unleash their trademark brutality, the atmosphere grew increasingly volatile.
Suddenly, the arena erupted in shock as AJ Styles made his long-awaited return, charging down the ramp and leaping into action. With his sights set squarely on Cena, Styles wasted no time in unleashing a flurry of strikes, igniting a chaotic brawl that spilled out across the ring. As the pandemonium unfolded, Hardy and Styles found themselves unlikely allies, putting aside their differences to combat the overwhelming numbers advantage of Chain Gang Records. Together, they fought tooth and nail, trading blows with Cena's cohorts and clearing the ring of their presence.
With Chain Gang Records driven from the ring, Hardy and Styles stood side by side, their eyes locked on Cena and the coveted championship he held. In that moment, a new alliance was forged, united by a common goal: to dethrone the self-proclaimed king of TNA and claim championship glory for themselves. As the dust settled and the tension hung thick in the air, Cena found himself facing an uncertain future, with two formidable challengers poised to challenge his reign atop the TNA hierarchy.
The feud between AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, and NWA World Heavyweight Champion John Cena was a tumultuous rollercoaster ride that gripped the wrestling world with its intensity and drama. It all began with Cena's manipulative tactics and the formation of Chain Gang Records, which quickly became a dominating force in TNA. As Cena basked in the glory of his championship reign, AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy emerged as his fiercest challengers. Both men had their own personal scores to settle with Cena, stemming from his underhanded tactics and the interference of Chain Gang Records in their matches. Neither would stand down, and neither would let the smooth talking Doctor of Thuganomics pit them against each other.
The animosity between the three competitors reached a boiling point as Cena's reign of terror continued unchecked. Styles and Hardy, initially united in their quest to dethrone Cena, found themselves at odds as the allure of the championship intensified. Despite their best efforts to work together against their common enemy, old rivalries and personal ambitions threatened to tear their alliance apart. Cena, reveling in his role as the dominant force in TNA, relished in the chaos he had created. With the backing of Chain Gang Records, he seemed almost unstoppable, using his influence and power to manipulate the situation to his advantage at every turn.
The tension between the three competitors escalated week by week, with heated confrontations and brutal attacks punctuating their rivalry. Each man was determined to emerge victorious and claim the NWA World Heavyweight Championship for themselves, no matter the cost. As the date of Final Resolution drew near, anticipation reached a fever pitch as fans eagerly awaited the epic showdown that would determine the fate of the championship. The stage was set for an unforgettable battle in Full Metal Mayhem, with weapons strewn across the ring and the coveted title hanging above.
Final Resolution
When the night of Final Resolution finally arrived, the intensity in the arena was palpable as Styles, Hardy, and Cena stepped into the ring for the highly anticipated triple threat match. With the fate of the championship hanging in the balance, the stakes had never been higher.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Full Metal Mayhem: John Cena (c) vs AJ Styles vs Jeff Hardy
As the match unfolded, chaos ensued as all three men unleashed a barrage of brutality upon each other. Steel chairs, tables, and ladders were wielded with reckless abandon as each competitor fought tooth and nail for supremacy. All three competitors wasted no time in unleashing a relentless onslaught of offense. Steel chairs, tables, and ladders were introduced into the mix early on, transforming the ring into a veritable battlefield of destruction. Each man displayed a willingness to endure punishment and inflict it upon their opponents in equal measure.
AJ Styles, known for his high-flying acrobatics and innovative offense, utilized the steel structures to his advantage, leaping off ladders and springboarding off ropes to deliver jaw-dropping attacks. Jeff Hardy, the charismatic daredevil, proved to be equally fearless, executing death-defying maneuvers and risking life and limb to gain the upper hand. Meanwhile, NWA World Heavyweight Champion John Cena, fueled by his ruthless determination to retain his title at any cost, employed his trademark power and aggression to dominate the proceedings. Armed with steel chairs and his signature padlock chain, he ruthlessly targeted his opponents, using every tool at his disposal to maintain his grip on the championship.
As the match progressed, the brutality reached new heights, with each competitor pushing themselves to their absolute limits in pursuit of victory. Bodies crashed through tables, steel chairs echoed throughout the arena, and ladders were wielded like weapons in a relentless onslaught of carnage. In the climax of the match, a new member of Chain Gang Records made his presence felt. Scott Steiner intervenes on behalf of Cena and unleashes his devastating strength against Styles and Hardy. Despite their valiant efforts to fight back, the combined forces of Cena and Steiner proved too much to overcome.
In the final moments of the match, Cena seized the opportunity to capitalize on the chaos, scaling the ladder with single-minded determination. With Styles and Hardy incapacitated by the onslaught of Chain Gang Records, Cena reached the summit of the ladder and claimed the championship, solidifying his reign of dominance and leaving his opponents defeated and broken in the aftermath of the brutal encounter.
John Cena defeats Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (28:47)
A couple weeks after Final Resolution, John Cena is advertised to return to address the TNA faithful. John Cena's victory over Hardy and Styles solidified his dominance in TNA, and with Chain Gang Records holding all the gold, he felt invincible. The faction was riding high on their success, with Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner adding the NWA World Tag Team Championships to their collection right after the PPV.
As Cena addressed the TNA faithful, the boos echoed throughout the arena, but they only served to fuel his confidence. Standing tall with his championship held high, Cena proclaimed that he had ushered in a new era in TNA, one where he and Chain Gang Records reigned supreme. He taunted the fans, daring anyone to challenge their dominance and promising that no one could escape the grasp of their power. With every member of Chain Gang Records holding gold, Cena's declaration sent shockwaves throughout the TNA roster. The landscape of the promotion had been reshaped, and Cena stood at the forefront as the undisputed leader of the faction. As he basked in the glory of their triumph, it seemed that no one could stand in their way as they asserted their dominance over TNA.
Sick of being a victim of Cena and Chain Gang Records, one man steps up when seemingly everyone else is down for the count. Christopher Daniels still feels the burn from losing the X Championship to Ron Killings, and focuses his attention to the head of the snake. NWA World Heavyweight Champion John Cena pokes fun at Daniels’ anger, telling him he isn’t ready for the primetime. But Daniels refuses to step down, defiantly slapping the taste out of Cena’s mouth! In a fit of rage, Cena orchestrates a beatdown on Daniels, leaving him a bloody mess. But Daniels laughs at the blood, saying he’s only just getting started with Cena.
The feud between John Cena and Christopher Daniels intensified as Daniels grew increasingly fed up with the dominance of Chain Gang Records. Determined to put an end to Cena's reign, Daniels fought his way up the ranks, overcoming challenges and obstacles to earn his shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. After defeating Jeff Jarrett in a hard-fought battle, Daniels declared that he would have the biggest moment of his career by dethroning Cena and capturing the championship for himself. His determination and resolve were unwavering as he prepared to face Cena at Against All Odds.
Against All Odds
It’s time, IT’S TIME, IT’S. VADER. TIME!
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) Christopher Daniels
As the bell rang, Cena and Daniels wasted no time, immediately locking up in the center of the ring. The intensity was palpable as they exchanged strikes and grappling maneuvers, each man vying for control in the early moments of the match. Daniels showcased his technical prowess, utilizing his agility and speed to keep Cena on his toes, while Cena relied on his raw power and brute force to assert dominance.
The match quickly spilled to the outside, with both competitors utilizing the unforgiving barricades and ringside environment to inflict punishment on each other. Cena slammed Daniels into the steel steps, while Daniels retaliated with a jaw-dropping dive over the ropes, crashing into Cena with precision. The intensity was palpable as they traded blows, each man fighting tooth and nail for victory. With the stakes at an all-time high, the match reached its climax as both competitors pushed themselves to their limits.
Back inside the ring, the momentum swung back and forth as Cena and Daniels traded near falls, each coming agonizingly close to securing victory. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the action intensified, with both men refusing to back down in their quest for championship glory. As the match reached its climax, Cena's allies from Chain Gang Records made their presence felt, attempting to interfere on behalf of the champion. However, Daniels managed to fend off the interference, rallying the support of the crowd as he mounted a comeback.
With the title hanging in the balance, Cena saw the referee, occupied with Steiner and Jarrett, and realized he had an opportunity. He resorted to desperate measures, seizing the X Division Championship from Ron Killings and using it as a weapon against Daniels. Despite Daniels' valiant efforts to overcome the odds, he was unable to withstand Cena's ruthless assault. In the final moments of the match, Cena capitalized on the chaos and delivered a devastating FU to Daniels, driving him into the canvas with authority. The referee counted the pinfall, sealing Cena's victory and allowing him to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
John Cena defeats Christopher Daniels to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (18:25)
As Cena celebrated his hard-fought triumph, Daniels lay battered and defeated in the center of the ring, his dreams of championship glory shattered once again by the underhanded tactics of Chain Gang Records. Despite his valiant efforts, Daniels was left to contemplate his next move in his ongoing quest to topple Cena's reign of dominance.
Following Final Resolution, new and old challengers emerge, everyone gunning for Cena’s head. Taking the opportunity to take a month off and rest, John lets them fight among themselves, resting on his laurels with Chain Gang Records and watching the chaos unfold in front of them in the coming weeks.
Christopher Daniels, fueled by a burning desire for redemption after being unjustly stripped of the X Championship by Cena and his allies, emerged as a vocal critic of the champion's oppressive regime. With his sights set on toppling Cena and reclaiming his lost glory, Daniels rallied the support of fans and fellow wrestlers alike, vowing to dismantle Chain Gang Records and expose their corrupt tactics.
AJ Styles, a longtime rival of Cena and a former TNA World Heavyweight Champion in his own right, added fuel to the fire with his unwavering determination to reclaim the gold. Unwilling to be sidelined by Cena's underhanded tactics, Styles refused to back down, engaging in a war of words and in-ring battles with both Cena's allies and his fellow contenders.
Meanwhile, Samoa Joe, the enigmatic Samoan Submission Machine, remained a formidable force in the title picture, his dominance in the Super X Cup serving as a testament to his unwavering resolve. With a burning desire to prove himself as the top contender, Joe unleashed his fury on anyone who stood in his path, determined to earn his shot at Cena's championship.
In the weeks leading up to Destination X, tensions between Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, and Samoa Joe escalated as each competitor sought to stake their claim as the rightful challenger to John Cena's NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Their paths intersect in a series of intense confrontations, with Chain Gang Records lurking in the shadows, ready to exert their influence and protect Cena's reign at any cost.
As tensions reached a boiling point, TNA management announced that Daniels, Styles, and Joe would compete in an Ultimate X match at Destination X, with the winner earning the coveted opportunity to challenge Cena for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The stage was set for an epic showdown, with the fate of the title hanging in the balance.
Ultimate X: Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles
At Destination X, the anticipation was palpable as Daniels, Styles, and Joe entered the arena, each prepared to lay it all on the line for a chance at championship gold. From the moment the bell rang, the match erupted into a frenzied display of athleticism and high-flying action, with all three competitors pushing themselves to the limit in pursuit of victory. Daniels showcased his unparalleled aerial prowess, executing jaw-dropping maneuvers and daring dives in his quest to seize the championship suspended above the ring. Styles, known for his lightning-fast strikes and innovative offense, countered with his trademark agility and resilience, refusing to be grounded by his opponents' attacks.
Meanwhile, Joe unleashed his trademark brutality, punishing his adversaries with bone-crushing strikes and punishing submissions as he sought to impose his will on the match. With the title tantalizingly close overhead, each competitor fought tooth and nail, determined to emerge victorious and secure their place as the next challenger to Cena's throne.
As the match reached its climax, chaos ensued as Chain Gang Records attempted to intervene, their interference threatening to tip the scales in Cena's favor. However, Daniels, Styles, and Joe refused to be swayed, banding together to combat the outside interference and keep their focus on the ultimate prize. In a heart-stopping moment of triumph, Joe managed to overcome the odds and ascend the ropes, reaching out to grasp the X and secure his victory in the Ultimate X match. With the crowd erupting in thunderous applause, Joe celebrated his hard-fought triumph, knowing that his victory had earned him the opportunity to challenge Cena for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
Samoa Joe defeats AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels (24:29)
As Joe stood tall in the ring, his gaze fixed on the X he now held in his hands, the stage was set for an epic showdown between the Samoan Submission Machine and the dominant champion, John Cena. Joe has a golden ticket he can use at any time, and he loves it. Cena feels a shiver down his spine as he realizes the one man he cannot solve is hot on his trail. With the fate of the title hanging in the balance and the rivalry between Chain Gang Records and their challengers reaching a fever pitch, the battle for supremacy in TNA was far from over.
With Samoa Joe looming in the shadows, John Cena's once unshakeable confidence begins to waver. Despite having the formidable force of Chain Gang Records at his side, Cena can't shake the feeling of impending doom that Joe's victory at Destination X has brought upon him. As weeks pass with no sign of Joe, Cena finds himself consumed by paranoia, constantly looking over his shoulder and second-guessing every move he makes. The absence of his challenger only serves to heighten Cena's anxiety, as he knows that Joe could strike at any moment, thanks to his guaranteed title shot.
Unable to focus on anything else, Cena becomes increasingly obsessed with Joe's looming presence, neglecting his duties as champion and allowing cracks to form within Chain Gang Records. The once united faction begins to fray at the edges, with Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings questioning Cena's leadership and the wisdom of aligning themselves with such a volatile champion. Meanwhile, TNA management capitalizes on the chaos, forcing Cena to focus on the other men he’s been pissing off with his arrogance and interference. Styles and Daniels defeat Steiner and Jarrett for the NWA World Tag Team Championship, finally winning gold and knocking Chain Gang Records down a peg. Jeff Hardy defeats Ron Killings for the X Championship, helping add to the tension and help turn the tide against Cena’s regime. With the momentum in their favor, Styles throws out the challenge for the most menacing match in TNA history: Lethal Lockdown. Cena accepts, desperate to put the months-long saga to rest.
The anticipation for the Lethal Lockdown match at Lockdown reaches a fever pitch as Chain Gang Records and their challengers, led by AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Jeff Hardy, prepare to settle their long-standing feud once and for all. With tensions running high and animosity reaching its peak, the stage is set for an epic showdown inside the unforgiving steel structure.
As the match draws near, speculation runs rampant about the identity of the fourth man for Styles, Daniels, and Hardy's team. Rumors swirl and anticipation mounts until, finally, the truth is revealed: the fourth man is none other than Sting, making his triumphant return to TNA Wrestling. The revelation sends shockwaves through the wrestling world, as fans and competitors alike are stunned by Sting's unexpected presence. For John Cena and Chain Gang Records, the sight of Sting brings back memories of their past encounters, stirring up feelings of dread and uncertainty.
Despite his doubts and fears, Cena remains determined to lead his team to victory and prove that Chain Gang Records is still a force to be reckoned with. With Sting's return adding an extra layer of intensity to the match, the stakes are higher than ever before.
The Lethal Lockdown match at Lockdown becomes a chaotic battleground, with the steel structure amplifying the intensity of the conflict between Chain Gang Records and their adversaries. The atmosphere inside the arena is electric as the fans eagerly anticipate the culmination of weeks of heated rivalry.
Lethal Lockdown: Chain Gang Records vs Team Styles
As the match begins, both teams waste no time in unleashing a relentless onslaught of brutality upon each other. Steel chairs clang against steel as bodies collide with unforgiving force, creating a symphony of chaos that reverberates throughout the arena. John Cena, flanked by Jeff Jarrett, Ron Killings, and the bouncer Scott Steiner, leads the charge for Chain Gang Records. Their unity and ruthless aggression are on full display as they systematically target their opponents, using underhanded tactics and sheer brute force to gain the upper hand. On the opposing side, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Jeff Hardy, and the returning Sting form a formidable alliance, fueled by a shared desire to take down Cena and his faction. They fight with unmatched determination and resilience, refusing to back down in the face of overwhelming odds.
The match reaches a fever pitch as weapons come into play, with kendo sticks, steel chairs, and tables adding to the carnage inside the steel cage. Bodies crash into the unforgiving steel walls, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. As the battle rages on, the momentum shifts back and forth between the two teams, with each side coming close to victory on multiple occasions. Cena and his allies showcase their trademark ruthlessness, while Styles, Daniels, Hardy, and Sting demonstrate their unyielding resolve. In the climax of the match, Sting delivers a thunderous Scorpion Death Drop to Cena, incapacitating the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and leaving him vulnerable to defeat. With the referee counting the pinfall, the arena holds its breath as the outcome hangs in the balance. 1… 2… 3.
Team Styles defeats Chain Gang Records (45:28)
In the end, it is Styles, Daniels, Hardy, and Sting who emerge victorious, securing a hard-fought triumph over Chain Gang Records. The crowd erupts in deafening cheers as the triumphant team celebrates their victory, marking the end of Cena's reign of dominance and the dawn of a new era in TNA Wrestling. Jarrett, inches away from breaking the pin, pounds the mat in frustration, his face covered in blood. Ron Killings picks thumbtacks out of his back, cursing Sting as he watches Team Styles celebrate.
In the weeks leading up to Sacrifice, the tension between John Cena and Sting escalates to unprecedented levels, creating a palpable atmosphere of anticipation and excitement among the TNA faithful. Cena, emboldened by his reign as NWA World Heavyweight Champion and backed by the formidable force of Chain Gang Records, exudes an air of invincibility as he flaunts his dominance over the TNA roster. However, his arrogance and brash demeanor only serve to incite the ire of Sting, who sees Cena's reign as a blight on the integrity of the championship and the company as a whole.
Sting, the iconic veteran with a storied legacy in the world of professional wrestling, refuses to stand idly by while Cena runs roughshod over TNA. With a sense of duty and honor driving him forward, Sting vows to put an end to Cena's reign of tyranny and restore the prestige of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Just like how he stopped Cena during his reign as X Champion, he’ll stop him again, and make sure he doesn’t continue to tarnish TNA’s name. Their feud becomes a clash of generations, with Cena representing the new guard and Sting standing as a symbol of tradition and respect.
As the animosity between them reaches a boiling point, Cena and Sting engage in a series of intense confrontations both in and out of the ring. Verbal sparring sessions give way to physical altercations, as Cena's underhanded tactics clash with Sting's unwavering resolve. Meanwhile, the rest of the TNA roster watches on, torn between their disdain for Cena's oppressive regime and their respect for Sting's legacy. With tensions at an all-time high, the stage is set for their championship match at Sacrifice. The anticipation surrounding the encounter is palpable, as fans eagerly await the clash between two titans of the industry. Cena, confident in his abilities and backed by the support of Chain Gang Records, vows to crush Sting and prove once and for all that he is the rightful champion. Meanwhile, Sting remains steadfast in his determination to defeat Cena and restore honor to the championship.
Sacrifice (Beautiful Butt Naked Big Titty Don’t Just Fall Out The Sky, Ya Know ?)
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Sting
When the bell rings at Sacrifice, the intensity of the match is immediately apparent. Both competitors give it their all, trading devastating blows and near falls as they vie for supremacy. Sting relies on his experience and ring savvy, using his signature maneuvers to wear down Cena and keep him on the defensive. However, Cena refuses to back down, unleashing his trademark power moves and relentless aggression in an effort to assert his dominance.
As the match reaches its climax, the action spills out of the ring and into the ringside area, with both men utilizing the surrounding environment to their advantage. Steel steps, barricades, and announce tables are all fair game as Cena and Sting battle with everything they have. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, fully immersed in the drama unfolding before them.
In the end, it is Cena's cunning and opportunism that prove to be the difference-maker. With the assistance of Scott Steiner, who intervenes in the match at a crucial moment, Cena gains the upper hand and secures the victory, retaining his NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The decision is met with a mix of jubilation from Cena's supporters and disappointment from Sting's loyal fans, as the controversy surrounding the outcome leaves the wrestling world buzzing with speculation and debate.
John Cena defeats Sting to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (17:09)
As Cena stands tall in the ring, clutching his championship gold, the camera captures the defeated figure of Sting, staring daggers at his adversary from across the ring. Though the battle may be lost, Sting knows that the war is far from over, as he vows to continue his quest to dethrone Cena and reclaim the championship for himself.
In the weeks leading up to Slammiversary, the tension between Cena and Sting escalates to new heights. With Chain Gang Records banned from ringside, Cena is stripped of his usual allies, leaving him isolated and vulnerable. On the other hand, Sting sees this as his opportunity to finally level the playing field and settle the score once and for all. The feud takes on a deeply personal dimension as both men trade barbs and accusations, each determined to prove their superiority and claim the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
The animosity between Cena and Sting traces back to their previous encounters, where Cena's underhanded tactics and reliance on Chain Gang Records cast a shadow over his reign as champion. Sting, a veteran of the industry with a storied career, sees Cena's actions as a stain on the integrity of the championship and vows to restore honor to the title by dethroning him. Cena, on the other hand, views Sting's challenge as a threat to his dominance and legacy in TNA. He dismisses Sting as a relic of the past, claiming that his time has come and gone, and that he is the future of professional wrestling. Cena's arrogance and brash demeanor only serve to further enrage Sting, who sees Cena's reign as tarnishing the prestige of the championship.
As tensions reach a boiling point, both men engage in a series of heated confrontations, culminating in a physical altercation that leaves officials struggling to keep them apart. The intensity of their feud captures the attention of the entire wrestling world, with fans eagerly anticipating their showdown at Slammiversary. In the buildup to their match, Cena and Sting engage in a series of grueling training sessions, each preparing to give it their all in the ring. Their encounters become increasingly volatile, with Cena resorting to mind games and psychological warfare to gain the upper hand, while Sting relies on his experience and ring savvy to outsmart his opponent.
The atmosphere at Slammiversary is charged with anticipation as Cena and Sting make their way to the ring, their expressions reflecting the intensity of their rivalry. The stage is set for an epic clash between two icons of the industry, with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship hanging in the balance.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Sting II
As the opening bell rings, Cena and Sting waste no time in locking up, their intensity palpable from the start. The match begins with a feeling-out process, each competitor sizing up the other and searching for an opening to gain the upper hand. Sting, relying on his years of experience and ring savvy, takes control early on, using his agility and technical prowess to keep Cena on the defensive. The Icon unleashes a flurry of strikes and high-impact maneuvers, aiming to wear down his opponent and assert his dominance.
However, Cena refuses to back down, fighting tooth and nail to stay in the match. The Doctor of Thuganomics unleashes his trademark blend of power and agility, countering Sting's offense with devastating strikes and high-flying moves of his own. As the match progresses, the intensity reaches a fever pitch, with both men trading big moves and near falls in rapid succession. The action spills out of the ring and into the ringside area, with Cena and Sting using every inch of the arena to their advantage.
Back inside the ring, the momentum swings back and forth, with neither competitor able to gain a decisive advantage. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, roaring their approval with every near fall and close call. As the match enters its final moments, both Cena and Sting dig deep, summoning every ounce of strength and resilience they possess. With the championship hanging in the balance, they unleash a final flurry of offense, each determined to emerge victorious. In the end, it's Cena who manages to seize the opportunity, catching Sting off guard with a lightning-fast sequence of maneuvers that leaves the Icon reeling. With the crowd on its feet, Cena delivers the decisive blow, executing his signature FU finisher to secure the pinfall victory and retain his NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
John Cena defeats Sting to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (19:28)
As the final bell rings, Cena's hand is raised in victory, his triumph met with a mixture of cheers and boos from the electrified crowd. Despite the controversy surrounding his reign, Cena stands tall as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, his victory cementing his status as one of the most dominant forces in TNA history. Cena sees Sting slowly get to his feet, and approach him, cautious of the Icon. But Sting instead shocks everyone in the building by sticking out a hand. Seemingly impressed John overcame him without help or cheating, Sting offers a sign of mutual respect. Cena looks at the hand, tired and drained. He contemplates taking it, and accepting the props from a legend. But before he can… HE GETS BLASTED IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD!
Cena collapses onto Sting, too fatigued to even react. Standing over both men is none other than Samoa Joe, back from vacation, holding the big X in his hands as the crowd loses their minds. Joe quickly yanks Sting from under Cena, putting him to sleep with the Coquina Clutch! He tosses Sting out to ringside, watching him tumble and fall to the ground. He turns, and hands the X to the referee, causing the audience to go crazy. Joe licks his lips as he watches John slowly crawl to his feet, ready to claim what he feels is his.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Samoa Joe II
Cena aims a fist at Joe- HE COUNTERS, COQUINA CLUTCH LOCKED IN! John tries to fight, but there’s only so much he can do after wrestling an entire match before! Not even a minute into the match, the referee calls it, the bell ringing as the fans go ballistic…
Samoa Joe defeats John Cena to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (0:37)
The former champion stares up at the lights, left in the dust as the Samoan Submission Machine walks off without a word, holding up the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Cena valued so much.
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2024.06.04 21:52 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Five: Chains and Roots

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Following his decisive victory over Jeff Hardy at Slammiversary, Cena wastes no time in setting his sights on his next goal: the TNA X Division Championship. Deciding to return to his roots and embrace the high-flying, fast-paced style that made him a star, Cena declares his intention to enter the Super X Cup tournament. He says it’s been a while since he was in the thick of things with the X Division, but right now, he wants to shake things up and remind everyone that he once dominated every single aspect of this company, whether it was the X Division, tag team wrestling, or the main event scene.
For Cena, the X Division represents the essence of what made him fall in love with professional wrestling in the first place. With its emphasis on athleticism, innovation, and pure adrenaline, he sees the X Division Championship as the perfect symbol of his journey back to the top. In the weeks leading up to the Super X Cup tournament, Cena dedicates himself to rigorous training, honing his skills and sharpening his instincts in preparation for the challenges ahead. Whether it's in the gym, the ring, or studying tape of his potential opponents, he leaves no stone unturned in his quest for victory.
As Cena prepares for the Super X Cup tournament, he finds himself surrounded by a diverse array of competitors, each with their own unique style and motivations. From high-flying daredevils to technical wizards, the tournament is a showcase of some of the best talent that TNA has to offer.
In a qualifying match, John Cena takes on Sonjay Dutt. Both looking for a win to guarantee first round entry into the tournament, they tear the house down with an exciting match that the fans call a clinic of X Division wrestling. Despite pulling out breathtaking aerial maneuvers and lightning-fast offense, Cena decisively puts Dutt down with an FU to claim victory.
In the first round of the Super X Cup, Cena finds himself across the ring from technical wizard Petey Williams. Renowned for his mastery of submission holds and mat wrestling, Petey gives John a run for his money, nearly taking him out of the tournament with his insane wrestling skills, but Cena manages to stay alive and use his strength to overwhelm the Canadian for another win.
Cena’s biggest challenge yet is in the semi finals, in the form of the monster Abyss. The powerhouse of TNA towers over him, remembering their first encounter and thirsting for revenge. They collide, a full on hoss battle that shakes the foundation of the building, the audience shocked at how much chaos two men can create in a traditional singles match. Cena and Abyss crash into the guardrails, throwing each other into the ring post, using their entire environment to their advantage. Abyss tries to hit John with a chokeslam, but Cena powers through, countering and getting the monster on his shoulders for a colossal FU that nearly breaks the ring in half! One three count later, and Cena is going to the finals!
Cena, fresh off a hard-fought victory in the semifinals of the Super X Cup, stands in the center of the ring, microphone in hand. With the crowd buzzing with anticipation, Cena wastes no time in calling out his opponent for the finals. “Why doesn’t my dance partner for the Super X Cup Finals come down here so I can get a good look at his face?” But before he can finish his next sentence, the arena erupts as Samoa Joe's music hits, and the Samoan Submission Machine makes his way to the ring. With a steely gaze fixed on Cena, Joe snarls, telling John he’s making a mistake, setting the stage for a showdown of epic proportions.
As the days pass, tensions between Cena and Joe continue to escalate, with each man determined to assert their dominance and prove themselves as the true alpha of the TNA roster. In a heated backstage interview, Cena doesn't hold back, unleashing a scathing verbal assault on Joe, questioning his credentials and dismissing him as just another obstacle in his path to victory. "You think you're tough, Joe? You think you're the baddest man in TNA? Well, I've got news for you – you're nothing compared to me."
But Joe is quick to fire back, his words dripping with venom as he vows to make Cena pay for his arrogance. "You may have won your matches, Cena, but you've never faced anyone like me," he snarls. "At Sacrifice, I'm going to show you what it means to step into the ring with a true warrior. I WILL win the Super X Cup. I WILL become X Champion. But before anything else, I will make you a priority, John. I will beat you senseless, and put you to sleep. Reminding every fan in attendance that you are a little boy, cosplaying as his favorite rapper”.
As the tension reaches its boiling point, the inevitable clash between Cena and Joe finally erupts in a shocking display of violence. During a tense face-to-face confrontation in the ring, tempers flare and emotions run high, culminating in a sudden and brutal brawl between the two rivals. The arena descends into chaos as the rest of the roster rushes to the ring, desperately trying to separate the warring competitors before they tear each other apart. Despite the best efforts of security and fellow wrestlers, Cena and Joe continue to exchange blows, their feud reaching new heights of intensity as they struggle to gain the upper hand.
Cena knows he will be tested like never before. Joe is a completely different animal from anything he’s ever faced. But with his sights set firmly on the prize, he refuses to back down, knowing that the path to championship glory is paved with hard-fought victories and unrelenting determination.
With tensions at an all-time high, Sacrifice arrives, and the stage is set for the final showdown between Cena and Joe in the finals of the Super X Cup tournament. As they step into the ring, the atmosphere is electric, with the crowd on the edge of their seats in anticipation of the clash between these two titans of TNA. With everything on the line, Cena and Joe prepare to do battle, knowing that only one of them will emerge victorious and claim the ultimate prize.
Super X Cup Finals: Samoa Joe vs John Cena
As the bell rings, signaling the start of the match, Cena and Joe waste no time in engaging in a fierce lock-up, each man vying for an early advantage. The intensity is evident as they exchange thunderous strikes and grappling maneuvers, neither willing to give an inch to their opponent. As the match progresses, Cena and Joe unleash a relentless barrage of high-impact offense, each showcasing their unique skill sets and athleticism. Cena relied on his brute strength and power moves, while Joe utilized his devastating strikes and submission holds to wear down his opponent.
The momentum swings back and forth as both competitors refuse to back down. Cena rallies with his trademark shoulder tackles and spine-rattling suplexes, while Joe counters with blistering strikes and bone-crunching slams. The crowd erupts with every near-fall and reversal, fully invested in the back-and-forth action unfolding before them. As the match enters its later stages, Cena and Joe found themselves locked in a grueling battle of wills. Cena attempts to wear down Joe with his STFU submission hold, while Joe counters with his Coquina Clutch, each man refusing to submit to the other's dominance.
In the final moments of the match, both competitors dig deep, summoning every ounce of strength and determination they possessed. With the crowd on their feet, Cena and Joe trade devastating blows in the center of the ring, each refusing to relent. But it’s ultimately Joe who gains the upper hand, locking in his Coquina Clutch with unparalleled ferocity. As Cena struggles to break free from Joe's iron grip, the fans in attendance begin to lose faith in the Doctor of Thuganomics. With Cena weakened from the relentless assault, Joe locks in the hold even further, cinching it in tight and refusing to let go. Despite Cena's valiant efforts to escape, the submission hold proves to be too much to overcome. The referee is forced to call for the bell, declaring Samoa Joe the victor. The arena erupts in applause as Joe stands tall in the center of the ring, his arm raised in triumph.
Samoa Joe defeats John Cena to win the Super X Cup (23:57)
Fueled by his defeat at the hands of Samoa Joe at Sacrifice, John Cena's hunger for gold burns brighter than ever before. The loss serves as a catalyst, igniting a fierce determination within Cena to reclaim his status as a top champion in TNA. With a renewed focus and intensity, Cena sets his sights on championship glory once more, determined to leave a lasting legacy in the world of professional wrestling.
In the aftermath of Sacrifice, Cena throws himself into an intense training regimen, pushing his body to its limits in preparation for his next opportunity at championship gold. He spends countless hours in the gym, honing his skills and refining his technique, leaving no stone unturned in his quest for redemption. With the sting of defeat still fresh in his mind, Cena's determination was reignited with a fierce intensity. No opponent was safe from Cena's wrath as he unleashed his aggression in the ring, determined to prove that he was still a force to be reckoned with.
With his eyes firmly fixed on the prize, Cena maintains a laser-like focus on his ultimate goal of championship glory. He blocks out distractions and detractors, channeling all of his energy and determination into his pursuit of victory. Every setback and obstacle only serves to fuel his determination further, driving him to push harder and fight smarter in the pursuit of his goals. As Cena returns to competition, he unleashes a newfound level of aggression and intensity in the ring. He attacks his opponents with relentless ferocity, leaving no room for hesitation or mercy as he battles his way back to the top. His signature moves are delivered with unparalleled force and precision, as he leaves a trail of defeated opponents in his wake.
With each match, Cena inches closer to redemption, determined to prove himself as one of the greatest champions in TNA history. He embraces the challenges and obstacles that lie ahead, viewing them as opportunities to showcase his skills and prove his worthiness as a top contender. And as he continues his journey, Cena remains steadfast in his determination to reclaim championship gold and cement his legacy as a true legend of the sport. It’s revealed that at Unbreakable, John will have a chance to prove his world title legitimacy, by facing hardcore legend Sabu in a no holds barred match.
The stage was set at Unbreakable for a clash of titans as John Cena, fueled by a burning desire for redemption, faced off against the extreme icon Sabu in a no holds barred match. From the moment the bell rang, it was clear that this would be a battle for the ages, with both men willing to do whatever it took to secure victory and propel themselves into the NWA World Heavyweight Championship picture.
No Holds Barred: John Cena vs Sabu
From the opening moments of the match, Cena and Sabu wasted no time in unleashing a relentless barrage of punishment upon each other. Steel chairs clashed, bodies crashed through tables, and the ring became a battleground of destruction as both competitors fought tooth and nail for supremacy. Despite the extreme nature of the match, Cena remained focused and determined, his eyes fixed firmly on the prize. With every strike, every slam, and every high-risk maneuver, he pushed himself to the limit, refusing to back down in the face of Sabu's relentless onslaught.
As the match progressed, Cena showcased his versatility and adaptability, incorporating elements of Sabu's own extreme style into his offense. He utilized steel chairs, kendo sticks, and anything else he could get his hands on to gain the upper hand, proving that he was more than capable of matching Sabu blow for blow. In the climax of the match, Cena and Sabu found themselves locked in a brutal back-and-forth exchange, each refusing to surrender to the other's onslaught. But it was ultimately Cena who seized the moment, choking Sabu out with his padlock chain until the ECW legend went motionless. The fans watch in horror as Cena’s muscles bulge, putting more pressure on the man passing out in his arms. John finishes it by hoisting Sabu onto his shoulders and delivering a thunderous FU through two tables, leaving his opponent motionless on the canvas.
John Cena defeats Sabu (22:29)
As the dust settled and Cena's hand was raised in victory, it was clear that he had undergone a transformation. He was no longer the same man that TNA had known and loved, but he didn't care. He’s got a ticket to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, and whether you like it or not, he’s not wasting it.
A couple weeks pass, and John Cena returns to TNA television. After becoming top contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, John Cena comes out to the ring with purpose. He says he’s done with the games, and he’s done with waiting. He’s had to scratch and claw for a year just to get back to this level, and he won’t let this chance pass him by. He calls out the champion, who recently just acquired the title… AJ Styles. Styles enters the ring, and immediately raises the title, accepting the challenge and facing Cena head on, confirming the biggest main event of the year.
The stage was set for a monumental clash at Bound for Glory as the reigning NWA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, found himself facing off against a resurgent and relentless challenger in the form of the Doctor of Thuganomics, John Cena. Both men had traveled arduous paths to arrive at this moment, each carrying the weight of their respective journeys and the desire to emerge victorious.
In the weeks leading up to Bound for Glory, tensions reached a boiling point between Cena and Styles. The Doctor of Thuganomics wasted no time in making his intentions clear, confronting Styles and laying down the challenge for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. With both men possessing a fiery competitive spirit and a burning desire for supremacy, their rivalry quickly intensified, setting the stage for an epic showdown. The clash between Cena and Styles represented more than just a battle for championship gold – it was a clash of styles, ideologies, and legacies. Cena's brute strength and relentless aggression stood in stark contrast to Styles' lightning-fast strikes and technical prowess. It was a matchup that promised to showcase the very best of professional wrestling, with both men bringing their A-game to the ring.
For Cena, the match held a deeper significance beyond the pursuit of championship glory. It was an opportunity to exorcize the demons of past defeats and prove once and for all that he had what it takes to overcome his greatest rival. He’s never defeated AJ one on one, and it drives him mad knowing Styles holds that over his head in their argument for who is face of TNA. Meanwhile, Styles was determined to cement his legacy as one of the greatest champions in TNA history and fend off the relentless challenge of the Doctor of Thuganomics. He’s gone to war with him three times already, and they’ve both given everything to make this company what it is today. AJ is ready to put the conversation to bed and become TNA’s undisputed franchise.
Bound For Glory
As the sold-out arena buzzed with anticipation, Cena and Styles stepped into the ring for their highly-anticipated showdown. The atmosphere was electric as the two competitors locked eyes, each fully aware of the stakes at hand. From the opening bell, it was clear that neither man was willing to back down, as they traded devastating blows and high-flying maneuvers in a display of sheer athleticism and determination.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles (c) vs John Cena IV
From the moment the bell rang, it was clear that both Cena and Styles were willing to leave it all in the ring. The match was a back-and-forth affair, with neither competitor willing to give an inch. Cena's raw power clashed with Styles' unparalleled athleticism, creating a spectacle that had the crowd on the edge of their seats. As the minutes turned into hours, it became apparent that neither man would be able to put the other away easily. Countless near falls and close calls kept the audience on the edge of their seats, unsure of who would emerge victorious in the end. The match raged on with both Cena and Styles refusing to give an inch, each unleashing their full arsenal of moves in a bid to gain the upper hand.
Just when it seemed like the match would go on forever, fate intervened in a shocking turn of events. The referee was inadvertently taken out, leaving Cena and Styles without an official to oversee the match. As chaos ensued in the ring, all eyes turned to the entrance ramp as the familiar strains of Jeff Jarrett's theme music echoed throughout the arena. The crowd held their breath as Jarrett, guitar in hand, made his way down to the ring. Many feared that he had come back for revenge, planning to sabotage Cena's chances at the worst possible moment. However, just as he stood face to face with Cena, a surprising ally emerged from the shadows.
To the shock of everyone in attendance, including Cena himself, Ron Killings emerged from the backstage area, coming to the aid of his longtime friend. But as he stepped into the ring, it became clear that his intentions were not as noble as they seemed. With a sudden and unexpected twist, Killings turned on Styles, siding with Jarrett as the old man delivers a devastating blow with the guitar! Killings and Jarrett beat down AJ, each hitting him with their finishers as the fans watch in horror. No, no… not this way. With Styles incapacitated and Cena recovering, the stage was set for John to capitalize on the chaos and secure the victory. With a look of determination in his eyes, Cena seized the moment, delivering his signature FU to Styles and pinning him for the 1-2-3 count.
John Cena defeats AJ Styles to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (33:19)
As Cena stood tall in the center of the ring, clutching the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, a palpable sense of darkness seemed to hang in the air. Now a two time World Champion, Cena kisses the title with glee, the fans left with no choice but to boo the man they saw as their hero. With his victory secured, Cena turned his back on the fans, embracing the darker side of his persona and cementing his status as the ultimate anti-hero of TNA.
The aftermath of Bound for Glory shook the foundation of TNA as John Cena emerged as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, backed by his newfound allies in Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings. With the formation of Chain Gang Records, Cena sent shockwaves throughout the promotion, solidifying his dominance and asserting his authority over the entire roster. As Cena made his grand entrance to the arena, the once adoring fans now greeted him with a chorus of boos and jeers. Unfazed by the negative reception, Cena stood tall in the center of the ring, flanked by Jarrett and Killings, ready to make a bold statement.
In a defiant speech, Cena proclaimed the birth of Chain Gang Records, a force to be reckoned with in TNA. With Jarrett's strategic acumen and Killings' unpredictability, Cena boasted that he was untouchable and destined to reign supreme for as long as he desired. But before Cena could revel in his triumph, his bitter rival AJ Styles stormed the ring, fueled by a burning desire for revenge. Despite being outnumbered, Styles unleashed a relentless assault on Cena and his cohorts, refusing to back down in the face of overwhelming odds.
However, the numbers game proved too much for Styles to overcome as Chain Gang Records ruthlessly pummeled him into submission. In a devastating display of power, Cena and his allies left Styles lying battered and broken, effectively eliminating the only credible threat to Cena's championship reign. With AJ Styles sidelined and Chain Gang Records asserting their dominance, John Cena's reign of terror in TNA appeared to be unstoppable as he set his sights on maintaining his stranglehold over the promotion for the foreseeable future.
As the #1 Contender's tournament for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship unfolded in TNA, tensions ran high among the competitors vying for the opportunity to challenge John Cena's reign of tyranny. With stars like Jeff Hardy, Raven, Jerry Lynn, Abyss, Rhino, and Jay Lethal all in contention, the stakes were higher than ever. John Cena, determined to maintain his stranglehold over the championship, made sure his ally Ron Killings was included in the tournament, manipulating the situation to ensure his presence. Unfortunately, this comes at the expense of X Champion Christopher Daniels, whose double title aspirations are crushed by John’s interference.
However, to Cena's dismay, it was Jeff Hardy who emerged as the ultimate contender, defying the odds and overcoming every obstacle in his path. Defeating Ron Killings in the semi finals, he quickly got on John’s bad side, squandering his chance at seeing an ally at the end of the tournament results. Jeff calls out Cena directly saying he’s a completely different man from who he faced the year before. He promises to free John from his endless greed when he takes that NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Cena refuses to believe his words, writing it off as simply a fluke.
In a stunning display of resilience and determination, Hardy fought his way through the tournament, facing formidable opponents and emerging victorious. His path to the finals culminated in a hard-fought battle against Raven in a falls count anywhere match, where he emerged triumphant to secure his place in the main event at Turning Point. Cena is angry, knowing Hardy is a merchant for pain and won’t simply stay down after a regular amount of punishment. His first defense in his second reign won’t come without a hard fight, and both men know that.
As the showdown between Cena and Hardy loomed closer, tensions reached a boiling point. Cena, unwilling to relinquish his grip on power, resorted to underhanded tactics, using his allies Jarrett and Killings to intimidate and harass Hardy in the lead-up to the match. But Jeff Hardy refused to be intimidated, drawing upon his resilience and determination to stand up to Cena and his cronies. He says the reason John is so desperate to take him out is because the year before at Turning Point, Jeff got the upper hand and picked up the win. And it doesn’t matter how many times John got his win back, the doubt still rests in the back of his mind, knowing there’s always a chance he’ll get caught slipping and lose everything. With the support of the fans behind him, Hardy declared that it was time for the Charismatic Enigma to rise to the occasion and claim the throne for himself.
The stage was set for a monumental clash at Turning Point, where Cena's reign of tyranny would be put to the ultimate test against the unyielding spirit of Jeff Hardy. As the anticipation reached fever pitch, fans eagerly awaited the outcome of the epic showdown that would determine the future of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
Turning Point
In the highly anticipated main event of Turning Point, the stage was set for a monumental clash between bitter rivals John Cena and Jeff Hardy, with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship hanging in the balance. As the two adversaries locked horns once again, the intensity and animosity between them were palpable, fueled by their shared obsession with championship glory.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Jeff Hardy III
From the opening bell, Cena and Hardy unleashed a relentless onslaught of offense, each determined to assert their dominance and claim victory. The match quickly escalated into a brutal and hard-hitting affair, with both competitors pushing themselves to their limits in pursuit of championship gold. Cena throws Hardy around like a ragdoll, trying to overwhelm him with damaging offense and a brutal attitude. Jeff fights back with reckless abandonment, using his body as a weapon to leave John reeling and without a gameplan after his strength alone doesn’t work to subdue him.
As the action reached a fever pitch, Jeff Hardy found himself on the verge of victory, poised to deliver his signature Swanton Bomb and secure the championship. But Cena, unwilling to concede defeat, resorted to desperate measures, distracting the referee to buy himself precious time. Seizing the opportunity, Cena's ally Jeff Jarrett made his presence felt, intervening in the match and delivering a vicious blow to Hardy with Cena's own padlock chain. The unexpected interference turned the tide in Cena's favor, allowing him to capitalize on the chaos and mount a comeback.
With the odds stacked against him, Hardy fought valiantly to overcome the underhanded tactics of his opponent and his cohorts. He gave it his all, refusing to back down and give in. But the numbers game is too much, meddling with the match just enough to permanently tilt the match in John’s corner. Cena proved to be too resilient, summoning the strength to deliver his devastating FU finisher and secure the pinfall victory.
John Cena defeats Jeff Hardy to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (20:45)
In a shocking turn of events, John Cena retained the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, cementing his status as the dominant force in TNA and leaving Jeff Hardy's championship dreams shattered once again. As Cena celebrated his hard-fought victory, Hardy was left to contemplate his next move in the aftermath of a heartbreaking defeat.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:50 Aims-2-the-G SOS

I tried to remove the top black stain from her head (probably from her hat) with acetone (nail polish remover) and it erased a bit of her eyebrows and now she’s got stains on her cheeks send help she’s my favourite doll and was super expensive
submitted by Aims-2-the-G to Bratz [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:43 kayenano The Villainess Is An SS+ Rank Adventurer: Chapter 248

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Juliette Contzen is a lazy, good-for-nothing princess. Overshadowed by her siblings, she's left with little to do but nap, read … and occasionally cut the falling raindrops with her sword. Spotted one day by an astonished adventurer, he insists on grading Juliette's swordsmanship, then promptly has a mental breakdown at the result.
Soon after, Juliette is given the news that her kingdom is on the brink of bankruptcy. At threat of being married off, the lazy princess vows to do whatever it takes to maintain her current lifestyle, and taking matters into her own hands, escapes in the middle of the night in order to restore her kingdom's finances.
Tags: Comedy, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Copious Ohohohohos.
Chapter 248: A Lesson In The Making
I woke up to the sight of a pillow in my face.
But this wasn’t an assassination attempt so half-hearted that dumping a fruit slime on my head would be more effective.
No, this was a carefully optimised pose.
Just as I stood as straight as a reed when inspecting the new strawberry shortcakes in the kitchens, so too did I lay with my arms splayed, face against the pillow as I assessed the improvements made upon the Winter Queen’s bed.
My verdict …
“Heheheheh …”
I was satisfied.
Silken sheets as soft as powdery snow. Pillows immersed in the scent of freshly blooming daisies. Spring and winter entwined. A song of honey bees and snow fawns.
A truly exquisite bed by every metric–the delicate laughter of a princess being the highest of them.
But the true reason I was smiling into a pillow fluffier than a meadow wasn’t because this was the finest bed I’d ever sloppily arranged myself on.
No … it was because it was only the second best.
“Heheheh … heheho … ohoho …”
Indeed … my own bed was still superior!
Meticulously improved over years of daily adjustments, I had personally and painstakingly overseen the servants tasked with carrying the various bed frames and mattresses up the steps of my tower until I was satisfied. And then once I was satisfied, I repeated the process until I was more than satisfied.
The result?
A bed that not even the magic of two seasons could hope to reach.
Ohohoho! A pity for the Spring Queen!
Why, she did not understand what luxury truly entailed! Had she merely wished to see dreams beyond the beauty of the twilight horizon, she should have sought to pilfer my own bed, not her sister’s!
For despite its snowy softness, there was one major defect which separated her bed from my own.
I was awake.
This, frankly, was a significant demerit.
Even as I burrowed my face in the pillow, I could sense the veil of night on me like a second duvet. And as fine as a bed of fae magic was, it was little good to me if I somehow woke before the kitchen staff.
Thus–I went back to sleep.
Performing the necessary ritual to imbue slumber, I pressed my face deeper into the pillow. When that failed, I hugged it and rolled to my side. When that failed, I rolled to my other side. And then I rolled again and again, back and forth as I cradled the pillow in my arms.
At last, I felt my eyelids fluttering as my body relaxed … and then failed to sleep.
Now it had gone from a significant demerit to an inexcusable blemish.
Why, there was no scenario where I’d still be conscious after performing my full array of pre-sleep manoeuvres! That was a tried-and-tested routine more effective than any alchemist’s potion or spell!
In fact … I felt wide awake!
“Morning! How’d you sleep?”
Nor was I the only one!
I opened my eyes to the world. The dark, dark, world. No blistering sunlight came through the window of this freshly requisitioned tavern. Only a starless sky doing little to help reveal where Coppelia was stretching on the floor.
“Coppelia … ?” I said, rightfully confused as I blinked away my fatigue. “Do you often perform your stretches in the middle of the night … ?”
“Nope~ I prefer sleeping.”
“I see … are you perhaps suffering from insomnia, then?”
“Not at all. I slept really well! So did you.”
I shook my head, knowing what was to come.
“A mere illusion. As a princess, I always look better than how I feel. Yet the fatigue will doubtless come. I clearly haven’t slept long enough. And neither have you. Why, the time must be …”
“It’s currently 11 o’clock in the morning, generously rounded down by 51 minutes and 14 seconds.”
I rubbed my eyes.
Still dark. And now slightly blurry. I hope that wasn’t a problem.
“Really now, I’m afraid you’ll need to propose a more likely time should you wish to properly alarm me. For one thing, I’m not so slovenly as to rise so close to midday …”
I paused.
“... On consecutive days.”
Coppelia giggled, her energy always apparent no matter how little she slept.
“Nope~ that’s definitely the time!” she said confidently. “I checked my clockwork timekeeping against the clocktower in the town. Theirs is off by a whopping 16 minutes and 54 seconds.”
Now came my confusion.
I hugged my pillow as I blinked purposefully towards the window.
“It’s … It’s really almost midday?”
“Mmh! My clockwork timekeeping is faultless. It’s definitely the same time you claim we never wake up on consecutive days to. And yet I can recount at least–”
“Shhshhshh! That’s not important! … Coppelia, why is it so dark outside?”
“Well, I have good news, bad news and really bad news relating to that. Which do you want first?”
I pursed my lips … all the while squeezing my pillow firmer.
“... What is the good news?”
“The good news is that there’s a bakery downstairs that’s doing a 70% sale on crêpes.”
My pillow fell as I clapped my hands in delight.
Why, that was wonderful!
At such worryingly suspicious prices, I could afford to purchase enough emergency provisions to ensure that both Apple and Coppelia were fed for at least an hour!
“T-Truly? … If so, we have no time to waste! If it’s so late in the day, the crêpes are certain to have almost sold out by now!”
“Ahaha, don’t worry~” Coppelia gave a dismissive wave. “Nobody’s really bothering with buying treats right now. That’s where the bad news kicks in.”
I hesitated.
Frankly, it must truly be awful if time could not be spared for important nutrition. The type famously found warmed and layered amidst whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.
“Very well … what is the bad news? Surely, it’s nothing which cannot be overridden by the sheer volume of bakery provisions we’re about to purchase.”
“Well, you know the sun which usually hangs around your sky?”
I briefly closed my eyes as I parsed Coppelia’s sentence.
“... Yes? What about the sun which always, without fail, hangs around my sky?”
“It’s gone.”
I gave a short nod.
Very well.
That was somewhat bad news.
I would acknowledge that.
“I see … are you certain?”
“Yup. Pretty certain.”
“... Very well, and what is the really bad news, then?”
“The really bad news is that instead of the sun, a super big, super ominous black hole is there instead. It’s sort of pulsing, on fire and giving off this really sinister aura.”
Coppelia stretched her toe to meet her pinky, idly continuing with her stretching routine.
A moment later, I nodded. Naturally, her words were somewhat concerning. But I was a princess. The very picture of calm and serenity.
… Which was why I was no less calm and serene as I tossed aside the pillow and duvet both, before hopping out of my bed and hurrying over to the window in a fit of morning bed hair.
I slammed my palms down against the wooden frame as I leaned out. And then I stopped being the picture of calm and serenity.
“Who … Who stole the sun from my sky … ?!”
My eyes widened to the sight.
To glance up and see the sun hiding behind the clouds wasn’t unusual. All children were taught not to stare at bright things. And there was only so many seconds the sun could look down at me before it was forced to turn its gaze.
What was unusual, however, was that the sun wasn’t even there at all.
There was an endless brush of midnight, sweeping away even the stars.
Instead of the sun shining over my fair realm and burning my irises, there was a ring of darkness silhouetted by magic so visceral even my eyes could see it. Tendrils stretched out from its circular form, dragging in shafts of sunlight which were attempting to fold around it.
That was most excellent.
Why, the sun hadn’t vanished at all! It was merely being absorbed by a giant black hole in front of it! One which pulsed like an egg seeking to hatch while an aura of sickly malice ringed its fiery form!
Indeed … that was much better!
“Coppelia … what are the chances both of us are hallucinating due to overexposure to the countryside?”
“I’d say very low. The rest of the town are already huddling in their basements and wardrobes, convinced the world is about to end.”
“I see … and is it?”
“Nah. An ominous black hole this size isn’t enough to doom the world. Just your tiny kingdom.”
I nodded, my finger tapping against the window frame.
An eclipse.
A shadow.
A hole.
It was all of those things. A blot so unnatural it did not flee from the light.
It consumed it.
And that meant a calamity greater than any plague to sweep across our fields. For this touched more than my kingdom’s wheat.
It was an omen of the end.
A signpost telling every farmer in my realm to rush to the arms of the nearest barbarian selling a fully furnished homestead to the afterlife. For what was treasonous nobility and plotting vagabonds compared to darkness itself hovering over rooftops?
Indeed, it was a sight to cause any princess to drop to her knees in fright, clinging to themselves like a castaway holding onto flotsam.
Which was why, against such a perilous sight … it was all I could do to gently lean through the window, my eyes wide upon the darkened horizon and the doom which hovered over us all.
And then–
I asked it a single question.
“... Is this all you have?”
Slowly, I raised a hand to my lips … and offered a maidenly smile to the blackened sky. A gift of sweetness to all watching from beyond it.
“Oho … ohohoh … ohhohohohohoho!!”
My beautiful laughter filled the solemn air, breaking the hold of lightlessness as horrified gazes from Hartzwiese’s streets turned in their droves to me instead.
“Oooh, are we allowed to laugh?” asked Coppelia excitedly. “I didn’t know that! I thought for sure you’d get annoyed if I laughed … but what are you laughing at? Because I don’t want to laugh if we’re actually laughing at different things.”
“That’s very unlikely, Coppelia. I’m laughing at the only thing there is.”
“... Your kingdom’s inevitable demise?”
“No, Coppelia. I’m laughing at them.”
I pointed everywhere.
The ceiling. The window. The walls.
For my adversaries were countless. And so were my audience who wished to indulge in a sight rarer than a macaron tower still symmetrical after being brought up to my bedroom tower.
Me. Juliette Contzen. 3rd Princess to the Kingdom of Tirea. Winner of the inaugural Princess of the Year competition before I was even born. Shamed. Broken. Defeated.
And were I a lesser princess, they would have their wish.
Others would look to the sky and see the darkness come to swallow their every effort whole.
… But me?
I saw only desperation.
“Someone … Someone out there wishes for me to drop to my knees in despair, Coppelia. Whether it is a tea party of fae queens eating bricks around a rocking horse or the lady of fate herself, I can feel it. This … opportunism as flagrant as shredded carrots in a cupcake!”
I tightly squeezed my fists.
“Make no mistake, that a hole in my sky should appear the moment I seek to return to my orchard is no coincidence. There are as many eyes wishing for me to fail as there are hearts to overflow with jealousy. But I will neither bend nor break. I am Juliette Conzen. And I fear the scuttling in the ceiling more than the whims of my audience!”
I stepped away from the window and twirled on the spot, arms dramatically raised in open invitation towards all four walls, before settling on the blackened horizon.
“... So I ask again–is this all you have? A black hole in my sky? Why not two black holes? Why not three? How dare you insult me with this cakewalk. What are you trying to do? Send me to sleep? Why don’t you fill my sky with a falling meteor gift wrapped from the hells? Or innumerable rifts spitting out horned demons and creatures of chaos?”
“Ooh, ooh! Why not dinosaurs? Just loads of dinosaurs raining from the sky? That’d be awesome!”
“Yes, why not a veritable shower of scaled reptilian behemoths descending from the heavens?”
“And cats! Lots of cats!”
“W-What? No, Coppelia, that’s awful … but everything other than cats, I heartily dare–no, I double dare, triple dare. Because a single black hole sucking up the sun means less to me than a caterpillar on a leaf. So please–throw every calamity at me. Throw them all at the same time. I insist. That would allow me to be more efficient. I’ll erase them all, again and again and again, only to forget them beneath the boughs of my orchard. I shall return to read my books, roll on my grass and fire my servants. And there is nothing any of you celestial tramps, abyssal horrors, hellish fiends or fae gremlins can do to stop me!”
I waited for a response.
Only silence dared answer me … and also the giggling by my loyal handmaiden, whose wish to see dinosaurs raining from the sky would need to wait until the powers that be had the courage to raise their heads and accept my challenge.
“I mean, I don’t know about celestial tramps, abyssal horrors, hellish fiends or fae gremlins, but I think a single black hole of doom is probably the limit of what any mages conspiring with them can do.”
“Excuse me?”
“What mages?”
“The ones in the shiny tower right beneath the black hole.”
I squinted into the distance.
Lacking Coppelia’s eyesight, nothing could be seen amidst the darkened horizon. But I knew every tower which sought to compete with my own. And of all that held enough boredom within its walls to see the sun being replaced by a ring of darkness, there was only one.
The Royal Institute of Mages.
I clicked my tongue at once.
Of course.
Because why not?
The home of magical learning and research in my kingdom. A lavish tower funded generations ago by my own ancestors to keep the best, the worst, and the most ambitious under a watchful eye.
Clearly, someone had fallen asleep. And they would all need awakening.
“... So the most likely culprits reveal themselves,” I said, as unimpressed as I was unsurprised. “Can mages not exist for one moment without causing calamity? … At the very least, if they were going to break the fabric of existence merely to spite me, why not do it in a rival kingdom!”
“Look on the bright side. It could be worse.”
I nodded.
“Yes … for them, it will be.”
Thus, I sucked in a deep breath.
Very well!
A black hole in my sky was a new problem … but no matter!
I can fix this! … Somehow!
Maybe not now, but tomorrow, certainly! I might not have the answers at present, but future me did! And she was the only person more ingenious than I was!
Thus, I turned from the window and headed towards the door.
“Come, Coppelia! We make for the Royal Institute of Mages! It’s plain that mages are not taxed enough to suit their lifestyles! We shall relieve them of their boredom, their crowns and all their magical artifacts they keep hoarded from official appraisal!”
Coppelia hopped to her feet, arm stretched enthusiastically into the air.
“Compensation! Restitution! Fines so personally bankrupting they’ll work all their lives just to watch the interest spiral out of control!”
I smiled in joy, pleased that my loyal handmaiden understood the intricacies of my plan.
“By the way, I just have one question~”
“Yes, what is it? … If it’s about my plan, rest assured, I … well, I will explain it in due course!”
She nodded enthusiastically, doubtless as confident in future me as I was.
“Okie~ but what about the bakery?”
“Excuse me?”
“The crêpes are 70% off. Don’t you want to take advantage of that?”
I was aghast.
“Coppelia, this is no time to be consuming crêpes! There’s a literal black hole threatening my kingdom and the official release schedule of A Court Lady’s Indiscretion, Vol. 5! I am no vampire with a network of industry insiders under my influence! … I actually need to wait. We cannot afford to delay!”
“Oh, okay. I understand. It’s just that this one does new flavours we haven’t seen before.”
“New flavours? … Such as what?”
“Caramelised pistachio. Banana trifle sorbet. Hot chocolate ice cream. Strawberry shortcake surprise.”
My mouth widened.
Not at the thought of indulging in such rare … experimental … and fabulously enticing varieties of crêpe flavours … but at the suggestion we could loiter even a moment to–
“You’re drooling.”
“Ffftp.” I wiped a mysterious raindrop that’d seeped through the ceiling. “Very well. You secure us essential provisions. I shall have Apple say farewell to his legion of admiring farmers.”
I nodded, the path ahead clear, and my loyal handmaiden’s morale secured.
Once our bakery bags were resupplied, we would make for a horizon weighed down by a curtain of darkness. Someone was responsible for casting a shadow over my kingdom. And I cared not how black their magic was.
My soles were even darker.
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submitted by kayenano to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:42 Relicc5 80V Line Timmer head repair/disassembly

80V Line Timmer head repaidisassembly
Trimmer- of course the one part of the post I can't fix and that's the part I screw up...
here is the update to this...
sorry for the delay, apparently you can't make a decent How-To with images from the app.
After using our line trimmer I noticed a strange buzzing like noise that was RPM dependent. After inspecting the head I noticed this...
note the gap between the main housing and the motor plate
This is how it it supposed to look
no gap
tools needed:
Philips screwdriver
Flat head screw driver
4mm hex driver (I think, I'll update later when I confirm)
thread lock (Blue)
First I removed the large line guard, which is super easy so I didn't take a pic of that. I pushed in the tabs on the sides of the head, then removed the cap and line to expose this:
Then removed the spring and used a flat blade screwdriver bit to loosen the center shaft from the head. I found it easier to hold the screw driver and turn the housing. Once broken loose it spins off easily.
Right under the head is what I'd call the flywheel for the motor, it lifts off very easily. If it doesn't there are two slots on the sides to pry gently against the chassis to get it moving.
under that is the motor screws that hold the motor to the backing plate and the screws that hold the plate to the chassis:
another angle to show the problem:
the tops of the heads should be close to flush with the plate, only one of them was. The top left in this pic had vibrated out over two turns due to normal use.
and here is the problem: (three hold the motor to the backing plate, three hold the backing plate to the chassis)
Not even a hint of thread lock on any of them.
For a part that vibrates and gets abuse during normal use cases, it needs to have a minimum of some blue thread lock... which is what I used to reassemble it. (I applied thread lock to each of them then reinstalled everything in reverse order)
The buzzing I heard was the fan at the top of the motor rubbing on the housing due to the motor tilting enough to scrape.
NOTE: I've mowed the lawn four times since this, I took it back apart last weekend to check it and everything looks like it should, no signs of them loosening at all. So I consider this a success.
I plan to take it back apart again one more time, I'll update this with the sizes of the hex drivers needed, I think it's 4mm, but my memory is not great.
submitted by Relicc5 to Greenworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:40 HappyMonkeyRookie Chainsaw Man PEAKED: Love IS War
It was Tuesday morning. Not only has the election season left our society conflicted, scarred, divided and bamboozled once again, not only is the price of the Coke getting higher by the day, but it has been two weeks since Tatsuki Fujimoto has delighted us with a new Chainsaw Man Part 2 manga chapter.
Anxiety consumed my soul. Would the next chapter beat the "let's go somewhere, just to go somewhere else" allegations? Or would the Part 2 deniers continue their nefarious Midsaw Man Agenda?
Troubled, I hesitated.
What if it is true? Tatuski Fujimoto has been working non-stop supervising the Look Back movie, and perhaps the Reze Arc film coming by the end of the current year too. After all, humans have their limits, and maybe its mangaka cooking juice had been depleted with no opportunity to be refilled.
But armed with newfound courage born from my deep improbable desire to see Denji smile once again.
The Dream that Chainsaw Man Saw the Chains of his life as Man, a hybrid demon human Chainsaw Man...
So Page 1 pops up into my cellphone.
"Super Smooch"
Even the title sounded like "Le Creme de le Creme". We were into something...
"What is this?" I asked to myself. At awe after realizing we were moving forward with the War vs Chainsaw Dick fight, I read with enthusiasm.
In a clear Parallel to his first meeting with Fumiko, Denji's heart is in trouble with his head again. The Brain wants to keep the shaft, but the Pochita said otherwise. Not anymore...
Yoru and Denji, struggle, fighting in a clash that will decide the future of DE NNeIxSt Generation.
But Yoru was once a bird, so she has no issue conquering our Part 1 protagonist's Parakeet, however... Memories of a kiss that never happened, flashed in Yoru's mind. Or did it happen?
The love is real. As her loneliness from being the youngest sister starts to leave, Yoru forces and accepts Denji's kiss.
And I got it. I got what Chainsaw Man Part 2 was About
Yoru is War
Yoru is in love
Love is War
Chainsaw Man Part 2 is about the Love hidden within the Wars we fight inside ourselves, against others, against out nature as humans. Blind like the sister Horsewomen who barely distinguish from person to person, but with Madness of love and war inside our Hearts.
"They say that love is blindness, but mine for you? Is a Multiverse of Madness" Yoru, probably.
As the Scars of Trauma fade from Yoru's face, Asa returns, and Asa surprise, her hand has been super Smooched.
Thanks again Tatsuki Fuijomoto. Now I see it too. I feel Supered by your Smooching
The seeds of love are starting to Flourish. Asa Den is real. What am I writing? What am I doing with my life?
submitted by HappyMonkeyRookie to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:39 Studioform_VR New Comfort Mods For Pimax's Comfort Top Strap Available Now

New Comfort Mods For Pimax's Comfort Top Strap Available Now
Hey Crystal Owners
Been putting lots of effort into new Pimax mods over the past few months and proud to announce our new Pimax Comfort Top Strap Cushion Pads sets are in stock and available on the website
If you own the add-on Comfort Top Strap sold by Pimax and want to improve comfort even further, our premium hand made cushion pads are produced with super soft 10mm memory foam and come in a set with two material options, Breathable PU leather and our new Index Tribute Edition Gray Fabric
They slip onto the rubber top strap super easy and distribute pressure evenly over your head. The PU leather and fabric pads can be washed easily if needed. Just soak in warm soapy water, rinse then press dry
More info on the website. If you do want to buy a set be sure to use promo code "REDDITPIMAX" on cart
Thanks for the support! Studioform VR
submitted by Studioform_VR to Pimax [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:36 _sweetn0things Dumped out of the blue

Hello I am a libra (32) and fell head over heels for an Aries about 6 months ago. Looking for some perspective on what happened.
At the start I was getting out of a veryyy long term relationship, and met him only 3 months after. I was not prepared for commitment, but he was SO pushy, SO obsessive, SO Clingy and eventually, the attention, the compliments and the way he made me feel (like a fucking queen) made me change my mind. Lovebombing?
I thought, "not great timing but great person, lets give this a shot". About 2 months of dating he wanted to be exclusive. I wasn't ready, but 2 weeks later, i said why not. About 3 months in I told him on a trip together that I am ready for bf/gf title as he said you let me know when you are ready. So its not Mid March and things are wonderful. I thought for sure I LOVE YOU was coming. But it didn't. He kept saying he absolutely adored me and i was his favourite person. I FELT THE LOVE INTENSELY. I didn't want to say it first. A month later, the tides turned. I started chatting with him about things that people in relationships talk about / opening up about how I feel about certain things. My jealousy might have gotten the best of me at time, I was upset when I saw he was searching a girl on IG (who turns out to be a past flame). He kept telling me I need to trust him but TRUST IS EARNED and I was learning to trust him but I can't just straight up trust someone. I let that one go.
In April, when I found out he cheated on his girlfriend of 5 years on an off MULTIPLE TIMES WITH MULTIPLE women I freaked out in front of him, cried, and was shocked that he could do that. It took me a few days to process. but i got over it. He told me he is willing to do anything to make me trust him and he wants this relationship so bad. He said he never cheated after that.
I accepted it but he had already started pushing me away. I got less attention from him. He wasn't sending me as many hearts through text. He wasn't making plans. He was being short. We hardly saw each other. But I would still get the "I miss you" and "I adore you texts". It wasn't until 2 weeks ago, he went on a stag, was still checking in on me and I was being the PERFECT gf. not asking what they are doing saying have fun only, not questioning anything leaving him alone. yet he was still messaging me all day "I miss you" etc. etc. Then when he got home from the stag... he was super quiet, short, I COULD FEEL him being extremely distant. We had plans to spend the weekend together and hardly talked about it. He drove to my house, told me to sit down and told me this isnt working.. He said the connection has been lost. WHAT? Does someone know what happened? He didn't even give me a chance. I fell so hard in love with this guy and I got dumped just as quickly as the relationship started. Your perspective is so appreciated.
Also to mention he is a fearful avoidant. He felt insecure and told me i made him feel less than about 2 weeks before the break up. He said he didnt think he could make me happy. Which i thought was a cop out. I dont know if that adds anything?
submitted by _sweetn0things to AriesTheRam [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:35 Ang_H_07166 WORST FIRRST DATE!!!! Not liking store bought pesto is crazy but... this is crazier!!

My worst first date ever? Talk about crazy: I met this guy at a restaurant I worked at. He was very cute and seemed really nice, so when he asked me out I said yes. He picked me up , the night of our date, and said we were going to his brother's house, as he wanted his family to meet me, and his brother was having a "small party". So we get to the house and its a huge two story house, very expensive and super clean. We go in and his brother was in the family living room with his girlfriend and another couple. Thats it. Just those four and us. I noticed there wasn't any food or drinks anywhere, but thought maybe they would bring them out. So we sat on the couch, and made awkward small talk for a few minutes, when finally my date said, "let me give you the grand tour". Okay, So he shows me the amazing huge kitchen, a formal living room, and a game room, before leading me up this lovely staircase to the upper floor. I can see at least 5 doors up there so I am like, wow this place really is big. He shows me the first room and says its his brothers, huge room, very clean and tidy, next room is the guest room, also very big and clean. I am thinking they must have a well paid maid. We get to the third room , he says this is where he is staying since he got home from college and he leads me inside. Its also very big and very tidy. We sit down on a bench at the end of the bed and he attempts to make more small talk. Like, very small talk, then kisses me. It was a nice kiss and he wasn't aggressive or anything. Then we are startled by his brother poking his head in, saying he has to go pick someone up and will be back a in a few and the other three people are going with him. Red flag going up, He says "okay see ya in twenty". Then he kisses me again, and ever so slowly leans me back toward the bed. I sit up and say no. Don't wanna go there, I dont know you that well. He shrugs , says okay, and then goes to kiss me again, and again tries to lean me back on the bed. At which point I push him off and tell him to stop. He jumps up and starts pacing the room. And then he stops and goes "what is wrong with with you?" and i was like, "Umm what?" and he gets louder "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" and I start getting scared. I said, "I am not sure what you mean, we just met a few days ago, I barely know you, I am not ready for anything like that. He turns around and smacks his hands on the dresser and yells, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! YOU COME INTO A GUYS HOUSE, YOU GO UP TO HIS ROOM WITH HIM, YOU SIT ON THE BED AND THEN YOU ACT LIKE THIS???" Now red flags are waving at full staff. I jump up and start to leave the room and tell him , I am out of here. He suddenly gets calm and is all, "wait, where are you going?" I brush past him and dash down the stairs to the front door. He stops me and says again, where are you going? I tell him my brother lives down the road (he did about two miles) and i am just going to walk there. He is all, no no ,I am sorry i will take you home. I said, no its okay I can walk, he says "no just get in the damn car and I not gonna leave you on the side of the road", I was so afraid, to do anything, so I just got int he car and he drove me home/ The whole time he was clenching his jaw and angry, but never said a word. He barely had the car stopped in my drive when I was jumping out and running inside. He peeled out of the drive and I never saw him again. But, yeah not liking store bought pesto is crazy!!
submitted by Ang_H_07166 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:32 TheChessWar Monokuma Smash Moveset

Monokuma MOVESET
Heavyweight with 2 jumps and a crawl
Every time Monokuma gets attacked with a non-projectile attack Monokuma has a 1/61 chance to blow up instantly killing him but does tons of damage and knockback to any opponents nearby.
Basic Attacks
Jab: 1000 Blows (Jab: Mono Hits a baseball Rapid Jab: Baseball Gun used on leon)
Good damage and can flinch but no knockback and can be reflected
(Leon’s punishment Trigger Happy Havoc)
Dash: Beast Monokuma (Mono Charges forward as a dangerous beast monokuma unit)
Great Damage but decent end lag
(Beast Monokuma Units UDG)
Side Tilt: Skeleton Key (Mono Charges Key and turns it)
Two hit move. The stage does minimal damage but insures opponents get hit by the second hit which is a shield break
(Skeleton key used by Kyoko in Trigger Happy Havoc)
Up tilt: Mega Scepter (Points Scepter Above him as wind comes out of it’s top)
Weak Damage But Does Amazing Upwards KnockBack
(Mega Monokuma Bomb)
Down Tilt: Punishment Slam (Monokuma Slams Hammer on ground)
small flinching damage with end lag but has a 25% chance to bury and spikes if it hits someone off stage
(What happens every punishment time)
Side Smash: Take Off (A Rocket appears in front of Monokuma that flies up before crashing down)
Is a command grab and Does Great Damage but no real knockback and leaves mono from behind
(First Punishment we have seen)
Up Smash: Junkuma (Monokuma Jumps Up)
Does Great Knockback but leaves him vulnerable
(Junk Monokuma Leaping attack UDG)
Down Smash: Playtime (Monokuma Gets a random monokub and spins them around)
Does Great Damage And hits on both sides
(Monokubs and the icon spinning thing parents do with kids)
Neutral Air: Death By Hurricane (Monokuma Spins around)
Mid damage but spikes
(When Monokuma mentions all executions and talks about death by hurricane)
F Air: Aura Aura (Monokuma Punches super fast in front of himself)
Multiple flinching hits of damage before ending with a spike
(An attack used on Monomi)
B Air: Gas Chamber (Monokuma slides backwards as foam come out his mouth)
No real knockback but has a chance to poison
(When Monokuma mentions all executions and talks about death by gas chamber)
Up Air: Sakura Defense (Monokuma Kicks Up)
Does Great Damage and Spikes
(Move Monokuma used on sakura in trigger happy havoc)
Down Air: Beasts Pounce (Monokuma turns into a beast Monokuma and pounces down to the ground)
Acts like the last half of incineror’s up special.
(Death animation when you die from beast Monokuma in UDG)
Grab: Grabs opponent with Chain used before exections
Pummel: Drags Opponent on ground
F Throw: Grabs Opponent by the throat and puts a bomb on their chest before throwing them forward
(When Mondo throws Monokuma)
B Throw: Drags the opponent backwards before running forward
(Animation before every punishment)
Up Throw: Sirens Appear above monokuma before a bunch of units appear and dogpile the opponent
(Siren Monokuma Units and ending to almost every boss battle in UDG)
Down Throw: Monokuma pilots an excavator and crushes opponent with it (can bury)
(Alter Egos punishment)
Specials + Gimmicks
A Lot of things to mention with the special. First You might have guessed but I watch brawlfan1 including his mono moveset so a lot of these moves are gonna be similar. Speaking of which just like brawl fan suggested these are going to be randomized but fill the same general role. Except down special which will kinda work as a miscellaneous collection
Neutral Special: Despair Bullet
Number 1: Mono Spits out A Pile Of Trash (can poison and does mid damage reference to ball monokumas) 2: Monokuma Holds his staff as a monokuma bomb comes out (Acts like a homing projectile for 3 seconds before exploding. To reference its role in the boss fight if the foe hits it with a strong enough attack it will target the next closest foe which could be monokuma. From there it acts the same but can’t be hit back more then twice) 3: Monokuma Throws a Grenade (acts the same as snakes with the difference it does more damage to monokuma if hes hit by his bombs then snake gets if hes hit by his) References the bomber Monokuma units) 4: Mono Throws a crystal ball (does strong damage but no knockback. References the first kill by leon) 5: Mono Shoots out robot wasps out of a gun (can be held down to shoot out more wasps. Does small flinching damage and has a 1/10 chance to poison. References wild west insecticide) 6: Mono Throws Out Salt (acts like ice climbers down b references the cultural mixing pot)
Side Special: Despair Ride
Number 1: Monokuma Rides A Bike (acts like wario's side b with the added benefit that if it hits an opponent there is a 50% chance they drop butter which acts like an average consumable. And you can still use the side special if you leave the bike. Referencing mondos punishment) Number 2: Mono Rides a giant fist (Does Good damage but mid damage reference to bye bye ouchies) Number 3: Mono Drives A Fire Truck (Standard Gravity affected charge special lasts a second but when i say gravity affected i mean charges toward the ground and is uncancelable in the air so you better hope you were high up when you use this. Can also burn opponents. Reference to celeste ludenberg’s punishment) Number 4: Mono Rides A Robot Bison (Works like Pit's Side B with out the final Uppercut. Reference to Gundhan’s punishment) Number 5: Mono Rides Peko as she slashes forward (Acts like a weaker version of Mythra’s side b references one woman army) Number 6: Mono Rides A pac man robot (Works like pac man's side b. Reference to please insert coin)
Up Special: Despair Elevation
Number 1: A Rope appears tied over monos neck raising him up before a spiked wall flies into him (A decent amount of elevation but no control. Also the raising of monokuma doesn’t do damage, only the spiked wall does. A reference to Kaede’s punishment) Number 2: Monokuma Grows wings and flies upwards (works like pit’s up special) Number 3: Mono gets a jetpack and flies up (works like robs up b) Number 4: Mono Flings a vine over head (Basic tether recovery with one major difference. If you use the move in the air without grabbing anything the vine will break and cause monokuma to fall where he acts as a projectile. Despite me tag i wanted to reference the strand of agony) Number 5: Monokuma will blow up as another Monokuma comes out riding a giant bug as it spins holding out scythes (acts like wario's up special with less height but way more damage. References wild west insecticide) Number 6: Monokuma Turns into a rocket and slightly goes up before he drills below himself (acts like ganon's wizard foot in the air. If right next to the ledge then it can grab on but this is mainly meant to troll. Much like the reference of the second ignition)
Down Special: Random Despair
Number 1: Monokuma wears a riot shield for 10 seconds which blocks all attacks from the front reference to guard monokuma units. Number 2: Monokuma Gets Electrocuted acting like pikachus thunder reference to the first thing monokuma mentions when he talks about possible executions. Number 3: Monokuma flails his arms and if any one attacks him they get attacked by the spears of Gungnir basic counter referencing the fate of Mukuro. Number 4: Landmine acts like snakes and a reference for mono’s tenacity for explosions. Number 5: Monokuma Drives a tank acting like foxes old final smash with the land master though 3 times less likely to happen as the other options reference to please insert coin. Number 6: Monokuma Raises into the air before turning into a crane holding a random tetris block where you can move left and right for 1 second before the crane drops the block doing tons of damage if it hits a foe before the crane raises into the air where monokuma takes its place reference to please insert coin. Number 7: Monokuma blows up instantly killing him but does tons of damage and knockback to any opponents nearby.
Final Smash: Ultimate Despair
There are 2 ways i see this final smash so i’ll say the one i perfer then i’ll say the one thats actually likely. The move starts with a chain either way and if any one gets hit by the chain they’ll be dragged off stage before the cinematic starts. The first option has it personallized to the characters. Not like what brawlfan1 suggested but rather each character in a category. The space characters get sent into space with the rocket before exploding, The villains get killed by the hero, vice versa for the protagonists, the princesses get killed by a dummy version of the hero and so on. The second option is junkos punishment having all of the punishments from the first game happen before finishing with the final blow of the white board. Either way it's a guaranteed stock loss.
Base Of Black And White
Black and black (Kurokuma)
White and White (Monomi true form and sherakuma)
White and white with red details (Leons punishment)
Orange with black stripes (Mondos punishment and siren monokumas)
Red with orange details (Celestes punishment)
Yellow with black details (Alter Egos punishment)
Black with brown details (Detention)
Stage intro
A giant pedestal appears where Monokuma jumps from behind it
Monokuma guzzling some honey
Monokuma Standing over a pile of money
Monokuma Swinging around a glass of wine
Visual gimmick when Monokuma wins it shows the character who lost portrait with a giant x over it instead of them clapping
Also if Monokuma loses it shows him wearing glasses
Victory Animations
Nothing appears on screen before a stomp happens where the camera pans up to see a giant Monokuma wearing a crown (Big Bang Monokuma)
Monokuma Grabs the camera before swallowing it causing static to appear
Junko appears laughing maniacally
submitted by TheChessWar to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:31 Commercial_Lobster72 Any general advice for an inflamed nerve in the neck?

For the last two weeks I feel something off w the left side of my neck. It throbs and the throbbing so happens up into my head and face and behind my eyes. It’s just depressing bc I can’t get it to go away completely. The pain is not there all the time, it comes and goes. But I can never go more than a few hours max until it comes back.
Also if anyone does virtual / email consults I would be happy to pay. I am also super pregnant.
submitted by Commercial_Lobster72 to ChineseMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:30 Sensitive_Emu1455 Philippine Immigration - Switched to Family Visa (partner/spouse) from within the UK - PH passport holder

Hey everyone,
I could really use some advice. I’m originally from the Philippines and came to the UK on a student visa, then switched to a skilled worker visa, and just two weeks ago, switched to a family visa since my partner is an EU citizen with settled status. We formed a civil partnership in the UK and I applied for the family visa within the UK.
I'm traveling to the Philippines soon for a short vacation and was wondering if I need to present any documents, in addition to my BRP, to Philippine immigration when I exit the Philippines and head back to the UK after the vacation on my new family visa? I know some people who applied for the fiancé/spouse visa in the UK embassy in the Philippines and were leaving for the UK for the first time on their spouse visas needed a CFO-GCP certificate. Do I need this certificate when I exit the Philippines and travel back to the UK, or is it only required for travelers who applied for their spouse visas from the Philippines and exiting on their visa for the first time?
If anyone can let me know about any other requirements so I can prepare while I'm on vacation in the Philippines, that would be super helpful. I've never been asked for any extra documents by Philippine immigration on my previous student and skilled worker visa since I applied for the student visa when I was living overseas and then applied for my skilled worker visa from inside the UK and returned only for holidays after already being in the UK on those visas.
Thanks in advance for any guidance you could give!
submitted by Sensitive_Emu1455 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:27 Hero_Brave [PI] A group of wannabe ghosthunters enter a house and notice strange things. However, instead of ghosts, they are stuck in a time loop where they can leave evidence behind but forget each loop.

"Wow, this place is really creepy, haha! I can definitely see it being haunted." Pam shuffled in front of the camera. Dust pathed randomly in the beams of light that penetrated the long abandoned house's questionable infrastructure.
Dylan & Kim trailed together in close second.
Pam sat in the living room's rocking chair. Despite applying her weight, the chair refused roll back. "Dang, even the chair doesn't work. This place is really dated."
"This place is a health hazard, that's what it is." Dylan stared at the wooden board hanging from the upper floor. "If anything calls for going upstairs, count me out."
There was an outburst of laughter from Kim who stood hunched over near a cracked lamp in the living room. "Pffft, I don't know Dylan, seems pretty healthy to me!" She waved her boyfriend over, pointing at something.
Dylan chuckled, "ok, ok, yeah that's pretty funny."
A curious Pam walked over to see the cause of their laughter. "What the, is that a brussel sprout?" Pam held up the small green vegetable smiling. "Haha. Why is there a brussel sprout here."
The camera lowered.
Of the joking 3, Kim was first to notice their cameraman, Oliver, zoned out staring deadpan at the ground. His face was scrunched in a deep contemplation.
"Hey Oliver, you ok?" Kim called out. "... Oliver? Yo, Oliverrrr."
The others took notice of their stationary friend.
"Woah, earth to Oliver, you there?" Pam snapped her fingers directly in front of his face, receiving no response. "Hm. What's with him?"
"Maybe he's already possessed." Dylan joked. Dylan placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "You possessed, bud? You'd definitely tell me, your best friend right? Kill Kim first and give me a 5 second headstart?"
Dylan's comment earned him an elbow nudge from Kim. "Douche."
Oliver's trance broke while the 3 laughed. With a flushed face and fearful voice, Oliver would speak "We gotta get out of here. Now."
"Get outta here? We just got here." Pam stated.
Hesitating not a second longer, Oliver turned and left out front door. His friends looked to each other with delayed understanding of what just happened.
They caught up. "Woah hey Oliver, what the heck man. Coming here was your idea." Dylan reminded.
"Well, it was a bad idea." Oliver answered. He opened the trunk and began searching through his bag.
Kim peeked over his shoulder. "Oliver, you ok? You're being real weird right now. Sure you're not possessed?"
Oliver focused on his actions with an unnatural determination. "No, I'm not possessed." He pulled out his lunch. "But we are stuck in a time loop."
"... What?" The other 3 simultaneously asked.
Oliver opened the container and removed a brussel sprout, pausing briefly to stare at it.
"Ok, I think he's lost it. Do we like tie him up now or wait for him to go all slasher first?" Pam asked.
Oliver turned around holding the brussel sprout up. Oliver proceeded to walk to the house as the others followed him.
"When I was little, me and my mom went to my cousin's middle school band concert. We joked about the possibility of a school shooting while they played and came up with the idea to play dead in the event of theoretical shooters. We came up with a password to let the other know when it was safe to get up: Brussel Sprout. After the ceremony we took it a step further and made "brussel sprout" the code word to suspend any disbelief and believe anything the other said, no matter how ridiculous."
Oliver stopped beside the dresser and placed the fresh brussel sprout upon it.
"So y-" Oliver held up a finger to cut off any smart remark Dylan was about to make.
"I've never told anyone about that. My mom is alive and halfway across the world in the U.S. right now. I know she'd never tell any of you about that because she herself has probably forgotten about it. So unless she bought a plane ticket and knew exactly where we were headed, she couldn't have put it there. And unless one of you somehow got that story out her, snuck past me reading, rented a car or convinced a cab to drive you here last night to play this super cruel hyper specific joke, none of you could have put it there. I doubt ghosts have mind reading powers or access to the local grocery market, so if this place were haunted I doubt a ghost would go through the trouble of putting it there. LOGICALLY the only person that leaves is me and the only way I could put it there is if I had a clone ... or I were trapped in a time loop."
Pam made the coo coo gesture to Kim. Dylan reached out an unbelieving hand. "Oliver, you can't be serious right now. You're overreacting over a brussel sprout, man, come on."
Oliver looked pokerfaced to Dylan. "Dylan, if my mother wrote me a letter saying I needed to kill you or else the world would end. And that message contained 'brussel sprout'. I would do it without hesitation."
Dylan searched Oliver for any hint of a joke, after all he could read his best friend like a book. He found no hints. "... F••k bro, the hell?"
Kim raised her hands in the air. "Ok haha, Oliver, funny joke. Is this why you wanted us to come here? A funny prank?"
Oliver's gaze veered down in contemplation before looking to Kim. "Pick a spot."
"Pick a spot, Kim. We can test if I'm joking right now. Pick a spot, a really really specific spot. If I'm right, and we are trapped in a time loop, there will be a brussel sprout there because some version of me will place it before we leave. If I'm wrong, there should be nothing there, and we can stay and get our footage." Oliver reasoned. "I don't want to believe something like that either. But that'd be an easy way to test it, right? After all, I was able to leave 1 brussel sprout, why can't I leave a second?"
"Oliver, I'm not-"
"Just do it Kim." Pam pushed. She'd never actually seen Oliver this serious before.
"Ugh fine." Kim looked around before pointing at the curved base of a rocking chair. "There, behind and underneath the curved part of that rocking chair."
Oliver looked to where she pointed. Opened his lunch container to get a brussel sprout ready, holding it in his palm. "Well ... go check." He told Kim.
With a sigh Kim walked behind the chair and bent down. Kim remained frozen there for longer than necessary. "
"Kim?" Dylan asked.
Kim reached her arm down then slowly stood holding a brussel sprout. Oliver nodded to himself with a pursed lips having hope she would find nothing there. Without another word, he walked over to replace the brussel sprout Kim had removed. Then Oliver left out the front door, the keys from his pocket now dangling in his hand, their chiming and his voice "ah ah, nope, not me" growing fainter as he planned to leave with or without them.
Dylan, Kim, and Pam looked to one another. Dylan and Pam both ran out to join Oliver. Kim remained staring at the brussel sprout she held. She looked around the living room and approached the ash-filled fire place. She was slightly freaked, but still skeptical. Kim planned to truly test it herself. She dug through the ashes.
She cursed to herself upon reaching the bottom.There, she found her phone.
A horn honked outside. "Kim! Hurry Up! I don't think I can convince Oliver to wait any longer!" Dylan's voice called.
"Just a sec! I'm coming!" Kim called back. Opening her original phone, she went to her memo app and typed: 1. Then Kim paused. She retrieved the fireplace phone and unlocked it. She checked the memo app there: 41. Kim mouthed another curse word before pocketing the time looped phone.
In her original, she deleted the '1' and typed: 42 before ditching her phone in the fireplace and sprinting to join the others outside.
Original Prompt <- Placed down here because my text blinker keeps jumping to the bottom with every character entered.
submitted by Hero_Brave to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:26 Liverpoolfan9999 Baseball and Alcatraz

Hi everyone,
I am sorry for another "which hotel should I pick?" post, but I am a little stuck. I am flying into town with my 12 year old to see the Giants and see Alcatraz. Anything else we see would be a bonus. We have two full days in SF where we would like to sight see during the day and hit Oracle Park at night for the game.
I am unsure where to stay. The hotels right next to Oracle are sold out. The hotels by the Ferry building are SUPER expensive. The Westin and Clancy are both unavailable as well. Should we select something in the Union Square area (Hotel Emblem or Inn at Union Square)? Or head to the Fairmont/Intercontinental Mark Hopkins? Or somewhere else?
Basically I want to be able to get to and from the Giants game at night safely and easily, but also be able to hit Alcatraz as well. I would definitely appreciate any help you could provide!
submitted by Liverpoolfan9999 to AskSF [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:23 WhatsTrendingOnline What's Trending Baby Bottle Cleaner Eco-Friendly Yellow Sponge Pacifier Brush for Complete Cleaning

🍼🧽 **Introducing Our Sponge Pacifier Brush: Essential Cleaning Tool for Parents!** 🍼🧽
Tired of struggling with stubborn residue on your baby's pacifiers and bottles? Say hello to our innovative Sponge Pacifier Brush! 🌟 Designed with busy parents in mind, this handy tool ensures thorough cleaning in every nook and cranny, leaving no dirt behind. The unique nipple brush head fits snugly into small spaces, making it perfect for pacifiers, water glasses, and more! Plus, its compact size (about 9cm long) makes it super convenient to use and store. 👶🏻✨
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submitted by WhatsTrendingOnline to u/WhatsTrendingOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:23 Sensitive_Emu1455 Philippine Immigration Documents Question - Switched to Family Visa (partner/spouse) from within the UK - PH passport holder

Hey everyone,
I could really use some advice. I’m originally from the Philippines and came to the UK on a student visa, then switched to a skilled worker visa, and just two weeks ago, switched to a family visa since my partner is an EU citizen with settled status. We formed a civil partnership in the UK and I applied for the family visa within the UK.
I'm traveling to the Philippines soon for a short vacation and was wondering if I need to present any documents, in addition to my BRP, to Philippine immigration when I exit the Philippines and head back to the UK after the vacation on my new family visa? I know some people who applied for the fiancé/spouse visa in the UK embassy in the Philippines and were leaving for the UK for the first time on their spouse visas needed a CFO-GCP certificate. Do I need this certificate when I exit the Philippines and travel back to the UK, or is it only required for travelers who applied for their spouse visas from the Philippines and exiting on their visa for the first time?
If anyone can let me know about any other requirements so I can prepare while I'm on vacation in the Philippines, that would be super helpful. I've never been asked for any extra documents by Philippine immigration on my previous student and skilled worker visa since I applied for the student visa when I was living overseas and then applied for my skilled worker visa from inside the UK and returned only for holidays after already being in the UK on those visas.
Thanks in advance for any guidance you could give!
submitted by Sensitive_Emu1455 to ukvisas [link] [comments]