Writing paper with borders template

Found Pieces of Paper

2014.05.01 01:56 J0j2 Found Pieces of Paper

Photographs of found pieces of paper with writing on them, photographs or discarded cutouts. Appreciate the forgotten artifacts of everyday life. Share any paper that you found (on the ground, stuck in some bushes or between cans of soup at the store for example) and you do not know who wrote it. Love letters, doodles, interesting to-do or grocery lists, notes from the past - share your discovery with us!

2012.10.02 23:20 InHarmsWay 3D Printer

Anything about 3d printing and 3d printers

2015.05.31 04:05 SometimesItsIntense Best Essay Writing Service on Reddit

The source of best essay writing services on Reddit. Find and hire trusted writing services to write your essays, research papers, dissertations or other assignments for ethical personal use.

2024.06.05 19:14 Sad_Ingenuity7762 Using log4j-layout-template-json with Leiningen

Hi Everyone!
I have a wired issue with creating jar files using lein, I added a new log4j-layout-template-json to my project and add a JSON template for logging using org.clojure/tools.logging f everything was working well when I was running things locally but when I try to run the project from the jar file I keep getting this error
ERROR StatusConsoleListener Unable to locate plugin type for JsonTemplateLayout ERROR StatusConsoleListener Unable to locate plugin for JsonTemplateLayout ERROR StatusConsoleListener Could not create plugin of type class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.ConsoleAppender for element Console: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.util.PluginType.getElementName()" because "childType" is null java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.util.PluginType.getElementName()" because "childType" is null at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.visitors.PluginElementVisitor.findNamedNode(PluginElementVisitor.java:104) 
So the project can't see the log4j-layout-template-json and I was able to make a working jar file by replacing /META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat with the file from the plugin itself so seems like the file gets overridden and the lein can't understand this Java plugin pattern So the question here is there a way to automate this process with Lein or moving to deps could solve the issue, thank you! project.clj file:
(defproject aa "aa" :description "FIXME: write description" :url "http://example.com/FIXME" :license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0" :url "https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/"} :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.3"] [org.clojure/tools.logging "1.2.4"] [org.clojure/tools.cli "0.3.1"] [org.clojure/core.async "1.3.610"] [clj-commons/clj-yaml "1.0.26"] [com.google.guava/guava "31.1-jre"] [io.netty/netty-all "4.1.107.Final"] [org.clojure/core.match "1.0.1"] [com.github.ben-manes.caffeine/caffeine "3.1.8"] ;;;; Logging [org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-slf4j-impl "2.20.0"] ;; libraries using SLF4J won't complain [org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-api "2.20.0"] [org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core "2.20.0"] [org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-layout-template-json "2.20.0"]] :jvm-opts ["-Dlog4j2.configurationFile=resources/log4j2.properties" "-Dlog4j2.garbagefreeThreadContextMap=true" "-Dclojure.tools.logging.factory=clojure.tools.logging.impl/log4j2-factory"] :test-selectors {:default (complement :integration) :integration :integration} :main ^:skip-aot aa.core :target-path "target/%s" :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all :jvm-opts ["-Dclojure.compiler.direct-linking=true"]}}) 
submitted by Sad_Ingenuity7762 to Clojure [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:13 don_jonsenior Unruled loose paper for writing letters [India]

Dear aficionados,
I'm a novice, merely starting out. In my research I've found that for general use classmate notebooks work fine. However, are there any loose papers, preferably in off-white colour for the purpose of writing letters with a fountain pen? I have heard good things about premium Japanese paper, but don't know if it's available in India or how to procure the same. Any good Indian brands or such would also be nice. Any leads would be appreciated!
submitted by don_jonsenior to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:11 Oberlion Description of an accident : K2CrO7 spillage in the lab

For information, this is my first month ever as a lab technician. I write this to encourage discussion about safety measures.
Today, approximately 4:50 pm, I was looking for two samples on a cart and accidentally "yeeted" (jk) / made fall the ONLY ONE bottle that should have stayed far away from the floor (i.e glass bottle containing dichromate). Small 200ml, not full. The cart was crammed with bottles and looking for one, I pushed it to grab another. It ended up falling because when I tried to read the label I retracted my arm a bit and oops, clumsy move.
Looking down, I saw a small orange "puddle" on the floor in front of me. Every other technician went out of the room and I stayed put, my canvas boots and cargo pant being mottled with orange, to avoid further contamination of the lab. Nothing up past my knees and nothing on my labcoat.
Soon after, one of the technicians invested of safety returned in the lab and gave me a gas mask and stayed at the door and told me to clean, giving me instructions. I cleaned with paper towel and, swept and mopped the floor while masked up. My pant ended in a bag to try to clean it (no hope for it) and I had to keep my boots (hopefully had socks) since nothing was available to change them (and I had to drive home). Nothing went through the boots fabric. Every wet paper towel and the floor cloth went in a waste bag under the hoot. I drove home with my boots and my pant in a bag (I was given a safety pant to come home).
Did it happened to someone else in this sub or am I the most clumsy guy in here? How did you managed it? Do you have recommendations?
submitted by Oberlion to chemistry [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:05 monstermash_09 Another write up - 24x after 2 wk study block

I figured I'd do a more detailed write up for current residents with busy schedules that need some reassurance or inspo. I had very little time to study (2 weeks) and passed (24x)! No DMs please
MCAT: 515
Step 1: pass, only studied for 3 days because I took it right after step 2 lol
Step 2: 25x, had 6 week dedicated period at the end of my third year of med school
USMD graduate, traditional student. Current intern (PGY1) completing a transitional style year before starting anesthesia residency (I matched to separate prelim and advanced positions). My intern year includes rotations in internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics and emergency medicine. I have done rotations in those fields EXCEPT emergency (end the year on that). I have not done any OB/GYN or outpatient clinic (in any field) since early third year of med school.
I didn't do any step studying prior to my 2 week study block, and my schedule had me finishing a MICU 27h call💀 I started studying Mon 5/6 on my post call day, day 1 of the exam was Fri 5/17, day 2 Mon 5/20 (technically during my EM block oops). Goal was only to pass as my score has no bearing on my residency spot or future fellowships (if I decide to do a fellowship)
I got lucky and had friends give me their login info for UWorld (fresh reset) and CCS cases, so I only purchased UWSA1 (did not do any other self assessments). I basically only used UW and CCS to study, no other resources. I did watch a Youtube video on what to expect for the CCS cases as a quick intro to the format/interface. Considered doing Anki again as that was super helpful for step 2 but figured it wasn't going to be of much use in 2 weeks.
I did timed blocks of 40 random questions, 3-4 blocks per day, every day leading up to day 1 of my test. I took UWSA1 on the Mon before my exam (4 days prior) and scored 218. I made sure to finish the biostats and legal/ethics sections of Uworld before day 1 so I did focused blocks of those during the second week.
I did a couple of CCS cases prior to day 1 to get a feel but really dialed in and ran through them on the days between my exam. I completed 50ish cases between day 1 and day 2 and had them sorted by high yield. It was helpful to write down age and sex on the paper and then note what healthcare maintence/counseling things they needed (i.e. toxic habits, vaccinations, cancer screening, etc) so that I didn't have to scramble during the last 2 min. The IT SCARS mnemonic is helpful! I also used VOMICAAA and CUTE T3 for the cases.
UWorld: 45% completed prior to day 1 @ 67% correct
UWSA1: 218, completed 4 days prior to exam
CCS cases: completed 52 cases, not sure about my average % since my friend had already done a lot of the cases before giving me the acount info, i'd guesstimate ~65-70%?
Exam Days and Reflections
As everyone says, day 1 is biostats/ethics/drug ads and step 1 pharm heavy. I was prepared for the biostats/ethics since I knew that was the low hanging fruit, I did my best with pharm but definitely didn't know all of the MOA. Everything else I was just sort of winging it lol.
The MCQ on day 2 is super annoying and not anything that I regularly do on a day-to-day in the hospital. It's a lot about risk factors, prognosis, and how to counsel patients after theyre diagnosed with something. I wasn't sure how to study for that so I went in with the mindset that I may just have to take the L on it. I found some PDF about risk factors (was made for step 1) that I skimmed through briefly before day 2 as well.
The cases were basically as expected. I think half of mine ended early. There was only one case where I knew I was missing something but just didn't know what else to do in order to end the case so I took the L there. Accidentally ordered something invasive that wasn't needed. One of the last cases wouldn't load, so the proctor had to reset my computer and move me to another one. I almost cried
I felt terrible after both exam days and was prepared to have to retake it. I wished I had done a more in depth review of pharm prior to day 1 and also wished I had done more of UWorld. Didn't have time to wallow in self pity though because I started in the ED the following day. Super thrilled about the final result and in some ways I'm happy I didn't spend more time studying (but only because I know I passed)
submitted by monstermash_09 to Step3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:01 Special-Affect-7928 How’s the psychology and philosophy programs?

Currently in the HR program. I absolutely hate these economic and accounting classes. I’ve never been much of a numbers person. I like reading and writing. I dread taking the next economics class and other related business classes. I’ve really enjoyed my ethic classes and plan to take a psychology next term, which I think I’m going to enjoy. Considering swapping out of the HR program to Psychology w/ I/O and maybe a philosophy minor. Looking to get into the HR or related field. Curious what other students thought about the psychology and philosophy classes. I see so many that I read the class descriptions and think “Man that sounds interesting!”.
I started my journey a year ago with the intention of getting a business degree but I was unsure what I wanted to do or what I was interested in. As I’ve said, the ethics classes I’ve taken have really stuck with me. I love these brain picking discussions and papers. Much more than the numbers game.
submitted by Special-Affect-7928 to SNHU [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:00 Competitive_While257 Random success stories I had during the years

Hi. I thought I'd share some success stories I had during the years to give some motivation :) This subreddit is helping me a lot with my current manifestations so I'd like to share something too. It makes me happy to think about what I achieved in the past and it reinforces my beliefs I can literally have whatever I want, so here it goes.
I think I've been manifesting my whole life, in the sense that I always had this core belief at the centre of my brain that was "whatever happens, you'll get out of it and in the end you'll get what you want." I used this kind of thinking my whole life for everything, since I was a little child: school, universities, exams, anxious situations, conflicts, job interviews, relationships, everything. Even when my circumstances were absolutely excruciating, even when I was suffering a lot, I kept thinking: "You made it this far and you've always came out of every bad situation, so it will always happen. You got this." Eventually, I developed this strong belief that I will always get what I want in the end, even if it means passing through a period of suffering.
First time I actually manifested something I was around 12 years old and it really freaked me out. I was speechless. I was on holiday and I was feeling very romantic (and bored!). One night, I've seen many kids my age dancing together and I thought "okay what if now a kid named XYZ comes and asks me to dance?". I had this thought and forgot about it. Not even 10 minutes passed, and I was approached by a boy with THAT EXACT NAME, asking me to dance. I refused, as I didn't care at all, but it shocked me!
Other episodes include:
1) Me being no contact with a person for 5 months, one night saying out loud "if the universe listens to me, this person will dream of me, remember me and text me." I kid you not, after 5 months, the next day he texted me. After years and years (we ended up together) he told me that he broke no contact because he had a dream about me.
2) Closed my eyes, visualised a friend I haven't spoke to in 15 days apologising to me after a huge fight. While visualising an apology text message, he ended up calling me while I was with my eyes closed thinking he would do it.
3) Kept really persisting chasing a person romantically for 3 months (without really detaching from the outcome, though), my only thought in mind was: I know we're gonna end up together. 3 month of him not wanting to be with me, and being with a third party. He left her for me, and we have been together for 5 years.
4) I manifested my house in the same exact way: kept persisting and persisting visualising and having this core belief that I would get it. It has been a logistical nightmare, but I got it in the end. Same thing for a scholarship I really really wanted: I never really detached from the outcome, I just knew that I was gonna get it because it was the only way. It happened.
4) Manifested a new love interest in my life: I have written down all the characteristics I wanted him to have (I wanted him to be my friend first + with blue eyes, for example!) and kinda forgot about it. After a couple of weeks, an existing friend of mine (with blue eyes) started to flirt out of nowhere and I started to see him under a completely different light... We ended up dating (he has blue eyes!) Totally manifested that, and it was super speedy because he was already my friend, so it basically made me skip the whole "let's become friends first" part, that I really craved for.
5) I manifested a very high pay raise at my job (this happened recently, last month!). I knew I was gonna get a raise but they never gave anybody high raises. I kinda knew what my raise was going to be like but I decided to dare a bit more, I took a piece of paper and started to write a larger sum of money, really envisioning me receiving it. But I was not obsessing about it this time (like I did in the past instead), just pretty chill. The next day, I opened my letter and boom: it was that exact sum. Exactly the number I wrote. I couldn't believe it.
I find my success stories really chaotic! Sometimes I end up receiving what I want even from a state of lack and desperation, without ever releasing. Sometimes, releasing helps. I feel like I will always get what I want in the end, but the pattern I noticed is that if there's desperation and resistance it takes definitely longer. It happens, it just takes more time.
Hope this gave you motivation, and feel free to drop me a message if any questions :)
submitted by Competitive_While257 to lawofassumption [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:00 Born_Jellyfish_1433 18 years old looking for a job this summer

Hi! So I am an 18 years old SHS graduate na nag hahanap ng work since wala namang pasok at gusto ko makapag ipon for my allowance at basic needs for college.
here are the things na pwede kong gawin if you’re looking for:
Any job will do po basta kaya ko naman at hindi masiyadong malayo.
Other informations about me: •I’m from Cavite
I can provide proofs naman sa mga interested. Thank you!
submitted by Born_Jellyfish_1433 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:53 kabourayan Handwritten notes on paper vs iPad, my experience

Hello there
I see many posts about studying on a tablet with a stylus (iPad + Pencil or Galaxy tab + S pen) vs the traditional pen and paper. So I want to put my two cents in.
I'm 43 years old anesthesiologist, I owned my first iPad that supported Apple Pencil back in 2018 (iPad 6) and I have been using it as my main studying tool + during work since then (although this started to change recently)
First I will talk about my studying setup and routine then I will discuss how using the iPad affected this setup.
Usually when I'm studying, I have one or two textbooks open. When I'm studying guidelines or protocols I must get the latest updates on them (Sometimes there are different updates from the UK, Europe or USA).
When I used to create my notes on paper I usually used loose leaf papers that I kept in a binder. I used to compare the content from different sources before writing down my own notes. If I found a difference, I had to check the references and trace the source of the information to check which is more recent.
I had to be very careful about what I write in my notes. I liked everything to be clean and tidy so correcting a paragraph meant that I may have to rewrite the whole page again. If found an important table or a diagram. I had to study it carefully to find a simpler form to include it in my notes. Yes it took me long hours to study like this but since I perfected this system over the years since I was studying in the university, it became natural to me.
In 2017 I travelled to Europe to take an international exam. I travelled with two bags, one for my clothes and the other was full of my books, notebooks and my binder.
In 2018 I bought an iPad 6 + Apple Pencil and I bought Notability. iPads have better screen aspect ratio compared to Android tablets in the market at that time which were more suitable for reading books and documents. The experience was like magic for me.
Now here comes the problem. When I studied for the second exam in 2019 I was struggling. At first, I thought it was because the second was more difficult (although I studied more as I said). Or me getting older. I was not able to retain or memorize the information as easily as before. 2020 came and the horrors of Covid and the lockdown came. I became more dependent on my iPad in work and studying. My quality of studying declined more.
Recently, I started to minimize my use of smart devices to decrease my online hours. So out of change I decided to try to study again using my old paper based system. I was shocked to discover that my ability to concentrate and study isn’t bad at all. I can concentrate for hours and retain information as before.
Digital note taking, although it had a ton of advantages, it had a dangerous side effect on me. It made my study experience poor or shallow.
I am still using the iPad in my daily round to record notes about my patients though. I need to change these notes frequently which was not easily done using my previous clipboard + papers system. I only keep Notability, Google Drive and Google Docs. I have uninstalled everything else to minimize distraction.
Sorry for the long post but I hope you find it useful. Thank you.
submitted by kabourayan to ipad [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:52 kabourayan Handwritten notes on paper vs iPad, my experience

Hello there
I see many posts about studying on a tablet with a stylus (iPad + Pencil or Galaxy tab + S pen) vs the traditional pen and paper. So I want to put my two cents in.
I'm 43 years old anesthesiologist, I owned my first iPad that supported Apple Pencil back in 2018 (iPad 6) and I have been using it as my main studying tool + during work since then (although this started to change recently)
First I will talk about my studying setup and routine then I will discuss how using the iPad affected this setup.
Usually when I'm studying, I have one or two textbooks open. When I'm studying guidelines or protocols I must get the latest updates on them (Sometimes there are different updates from the UK, Europe or USA).
When I used to create my notes on paper I usually used loose leaf papers that I kept in a binder. I used to compare the content from different sources before writing down my own notes. If I found a difference, I had to check the references and trace the source of the information to check which is more recent.
I had to be very careful about what I write in my notes. I liked everything to be clean and tidy so correcting a paragraph meant that I may have to rewrite the whole page again. If found an important table or a diagram. I had to study it carefully to find a simpler form to include it in my notes. Yes it took me long hours to study like this but since I perfected this system over the years since I was studying in the university, it became natural to me.
In 2017 I travelled to Europe to take an international exam. I travelled with two bags, one for my clothes and the other was full of my books, notebooks and my binder.
In 2018 I bought an iPad 6 + Apple Pencil and I bought Notability. iPads have better screen aspect ratio compared to Android tablets in the market at that time which were more suitable for reading books and documents. The experience was like magic for me.
Now here comes the problem. When I studied for the second exam in 2019 I was struggling. At first, I thought it was because the second was more difficult (although I studied more as I said). Or me getting older. I was not able to retain or memorize the information as easily as before. 2020 came and the horrors of Covid and the lockdown came. I became more dependent on my iPad in work and studying. My quality of studying declined more.
Recently, I started to minimize my use of smart devices to decrease my online hours. So out of change I decided to try to study again using my old paper based system. I was shocked to discover that my ability to concentrate and study isn’t bad at all. I can concentrate for hours and retain information as before.
Digital note taking, although it had a ton of advantages, it had a dangerous side effect on me. It made my study experience poor or shallow.
I am still using the iPad in my daily round to record notes about my patients though. I need to change these notes frequently which was not easily done using my previous clipboard + papers system. I only keep Notability, Google Drive and Google Docs. I have uninstalled everything else to minimize distraction.
Sorry for the long post but I hope you find it useful. Thank you.
submitted by kabourayan to GetStudying [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:49 AdhesivenessThin878 Retiring Lady W would be a very bad idea for the entire series.

Considering the trailer for part 2, people started to come up with more and more speculations about Lady W and about a possible retirement, many people think the production will give up on her. There are a lot of theories, very good ones, right here on the subreddit there are a few, I personally don't have any theory, but I have a few reasons why the disappearance of the gossip sheet would be a disastrous move for the show. Before this season I was almost sure that Lady W would not disappear, but honestly I am starting to be more and more afraid that the production might make a mistake and this could be the end of an era. What I'm about to write will contain some spoilers from the books, which I won't hide, so if you don't want spoilers, I advise you not to read any further.
•To begin with, I want to draw a little parallel between Lady W from the books and Lady W from the show. Lady W is a very important “character” in the first four books of the series, she makes her presence felt from volume 1 to volume 4. Those who only read the books will not know who this mysterious writer until volume 4, because Julia does not reveal her identity to us as early as in the show. I really liked the first 4 books, and Lady W's comments were so funny that many times I found myself smiling. I already knew that Pen was behind the column, but that didn't take away from the charm of the story at all. Lady W plays a fairly important role in the book series, but it is not even half comparable to the role she plays in the show. In volume 4 the readers learn the identity of Lady W, and Pen stops writing gossip, LW disappears from the book series for good. And this is where the problem begins, her disappearance is felt and felt quite strongly. I don't think the author made a wise choice, even though I liked the other books, even though I smiled and enjoyed the stories, I felt that something was missing, the magic of the first 4 volumes was gone, and the missing comments from LW's left a gap, at least for me.
•Moving on to the show, as I mentioned above, LW is much bigger and more important for the show than for the books. Her comments in the show are much deeper and wiser than those in the book. LW has a lot of fun in the show, but if you listen carefully to her comments you realize that they are full of meanings and lessons that even we, the 21st century viewers, can learn and use. Her comments gave me goosebumps many times, the way the comments at the beginning of an episode and at the end of an episode interwine each other, is chef kiss. Just listen to her voice and what she says at the end of episode 3 of season 3, instant goosebumps. What she said is full of pure truth. It's not the only time this happens, she also comments on episode 1 season 3 some deep things, or in season 1 when Colin finds out about Marina's secret, or season 2 in the wedding episode when Anthony and Kate kiss in the church, LW says some absolutely disturbing, magnificent and meaningful things that you can really think about and analyze. In short, for the audience, she is not only a source of fun, entertainment and drama, she is much more than that, and her disappearance from the show will bring great losses. Her absence in books was felt, not only for me, but for many other readers. Her absence from the show will shake us.
•LW has not finished her work yet! Every season is different, every season has its lesson, its story and LW is somehow our omnipresent narrator who looks at everything, extracts important lessons and serves them to us. Her presence in the show adds more drama and only amplifies the mystery, the angst, is teasing the audience. It seems to me that she would still have an important role in the story of Benedict, Francesca, Eloise. We have so many lessons to learn from teacher LW, so many things she can still tell us.
•It is the emblem of the show, it is the "mascot". Practically her voice is used in trailers, commercials, promos, her gossip paper is a symbol, as well as her opening phrase with "Dearest gentle reader" or closing phrase "Yours truly LW". If the production takes her out of the game, it will instantly lose the best source of PR and the biggest symbol of the series.
In the end we don't know what decision the production will make, I have some reasons to believe that they will not give up on LW, but I also have some reasons to believe that they will give up on LW.
  1. The synopsis of season 3 does say that Penelope is looking for a husband to be able to continue writing the scandal column in peace, away from the eyes of her mother and sisters. Clear proof that she doesn't want to give up.
  2. She almost accepts Debling's offer, even though she doesn't love him, and life with him would be miserable and sad, just so she could continue the business. She is willing to take this huge risk of living an unhappy life for her work. Will she be willing to give up on LW so easily at the end of season 3? I do not think so.
  3. “LW is power”, that's what she tells Eloise in part 2, so she is aware of the power she holds, of the importance of LW, of the necessity of the column.
  4. I don't think they made such a big deal out of LW just to give it up afterwards, they'd be throwing their work in the trash, from my point of view.
  5. Show is so different from the books, so maybe they will not give up on LW in the way that Julia did.
  1. But if they decide to follow the narrative thread of the book this time and at the end of the season we will have the revelation of Pen's identity in front of the entire Ton,then practically LW no longer has his role and place.
  2. If the queen finds out, it is possible to force Pen to stop it.
  3. Luke and Nicola only recently found out that they will appear in season 4, this makes me wonder if they gave up on LW and that's why they didn't know if they needed them in the next season, especially Nicola.
  4. How willing is Nicola to appear in the show? Will she have to be present in all seasons or will LW have the presence she had in QC? Will she still be able to pick up gossip now that she is married and can no longer stay glued to the wall all the time?
  5. Julie Andrews is old, maybe she doesn't want to be LW's voice anymore.
submitted by AdhesivenessThin878 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:47 Savings_Language_485 Lost luggage by the Oxford Bus Company

Hello everyone,
I am writing to concerning the unfortunate incident involving my lost luggage during my travel via "the airline" which is under the Oxford Bus Company from Oxford to Gatwick Airport on May 22, 2024. I boarded a bus from Brookes University, Headington, Stop B3 to Gatwick Airport (South) via the company. During this journey, I was in possession of three bags: a backpack, a large suitcase, and a carry-on luggage. Upon my arrival at the South Terminal of Gatwick, I discovered that my carry-on luggage was missing. I promptly sought assistance from the driver, who confirmed the absence of my luggage. She informed me that she had noticed the offside doors were open near High Wycombe and had subsequently stopped to close them. However, she did not observe any bags falling out, and thus, she continued her journey. Upon realizing the missing luggage, she promptly notified the company and initiated an incident report. She assured me that the CCTV footage would be reviewed upon her return to Oxford.
For the past two months, I had been residing in Oxford, conducting scientific research at the University of Oxford. The carry-on luggage contained crucial official papers and materials related to my research. As I was returning to Turkey permanently on that day, it was imperative for me to present these documents to my university in Turkey to substantiate the completion of my research, thereby facilitating reimbursement for my expenses incurred in Oxford. The loss of these items not only jeopardizes my funding prospects but also impedes the continuation of my scientific pursuits in Turkey. Consequently, my priority was to expedite the retrieval of my luggage to my home address in Turkey, thereby minimizing bureaucratic delays and potential funding setbacks. Additionally, I had requested an official letter from the company confirming the circumstances surrounding the loss of my luggage, including details from the CCTV investigation, to furnish to my university. Regrettably, to date, this official letter has not been forthcoming.
On May 24, 2024, the company responded, acknowledging that the luggage had fallen off the off-side door, unnoticed by the driver initially. Following this they informed me that they contacted with the Highways Agency who confirmed that the Police attended and removed the suitcase from the hard shoulder. They said that they were in contact with the police and are trying to make the relevant arrangements to retrieve my suitcase and then arrange this to be sent to my address by courier. Encouraged by this response, I anticipated the imminent recovery of my belongings. However, on May 28, 2024, I received another communication from the company, notifying me that my luggage had been deemed lost following a comprehensive investigation. They revealed that despite their collaboration with Highways England and the Police, the item could not be located. It was speculated that a member of the public may have tampered with or removed the suitcase from the carriageway. Naturally, I was profoundly disheartened by this turn of events and subsequently filed a claim for my incurred expenses. I meticulously itemized the lost belongings and sought restitution from the company. However, their offered compensation of ÂŁ600 falls significantly short of the total value of my losses, which exceed ÂŁ2000. Furthermore, the loss of my research materials and my irreplaceable diving logbook compounds the gravity of this situation.
Despite expressing my dissatisfaction with their initial offer, the company made a subsequent and final offer of ÂŁ700, which remains inadequate in addressing the extent of my losses.
I am reaching out to seek your assistance in this matter. I am seeking guidance and would appreciate any recommendations regarding legal matters for this case.
submitted by Savings_Language_485 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:38 JaggedParadigm Bayesian bandits item pricing in a simplified Moonlighter shop simulation using Python and SQLite

What My Project Does:
Moonlighter is a game that includes a mechanic where you place items on shelves in your store and set the price. Customer's reactions give you hints about what prices would be ideal. These reactions take the form of four moods:
  1. ecstatic: price too low so they are extra happy
  2. content: price is what they were expecting,
  3. sad: price is too high to them but they buy anyway and this lowers the price everyone will pay for a certain period
  4. angry: price is too high so they don't buy
I built a simplified version where a sad reaction doesn't lower the prices customers will accept for that item using Python and SQLite.
The Bayesian bandits algorithm is an algorithm to optimize rewards when choosing among different options. The probability of different rewards (e.g. revenue) is kept track of and updated as rewards for options are collected. When a new option is to be selected a competition occurs where the rewards are sampled from these probability distributions and the option with the highest reward is chosen.
For this simulation, the reward distributions are the probability that a price is the ideal price for that item. This scenario is so simple that the probability of any particular ideal price is flat or the same for all prices between an upper and lower bound and zero outside. This makes item/price selection simply randomly selecting a price from the lower to upper bounds for every item and selecting the item with the highest price.
Customer reaction moods update the item uppelower price bounds in these ways:
  1. ecstatic or content: lower bound is set to price plus 1 gold
  2. sad: lower bound is set to price if upper and lower bounds don't match
  3. angry: upper bound set to price minus 1 gold if the upper and lower bounds don't match
The SQLite database keeps track of items in your inventory, items on shelves, customer reactions, item price bounds, and Thompson competitions (i.e. prices randomly chosen between price bounds for each item).
The algorithm ended up identifying groups of items with the same ideal prices and selling them off from highest to lowest.
For the full write up and a lot of pretty graphs check out the article in the link below. I've also included the Github link for those that want to see the full implementation and/or a Jupyter notebook where I generate the plots.
Full write-up: https://cmshymansky.com/MoonlighterBayesianBanditsPricing/?source=rPython
Github: https://github.com/JaggedParadigm/moonlighter_bayesian_bandit_pricing
Target Audience:
This a toy, though the Thompson sampling code could be hacked into something useful.
To my knowledge, I am the first to apply the Bayesian bandits algorithm to a Moonlighter shop simulation. However, pricing via Bayesian bandits is a classic application and there are many blogs and scientific papers on the topic.
submitted by JaggedParadigm to Python [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:35 Problemaster53 I think I messed up

For the edexcel history paper, there was a 16 mark question giving a statement and asking how far I agree on it. I wrote a pretty good answer except that I forgot to start the answer with “I agree/disagree with the statement because…” I also forgot to write a proper conclusion in the form of “overall I agree because of…” Am I cooked?
submitted by Problemaster53 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:31 Thatguyjmc The Silt Verses is the best-written podcast being made today. Period.

Hello again,
Many of you will remember me from my correct and accurate criticisms of Borrasca.
Today I want to talk about quality of writing in an audio drama. I hear a lot on this forum about how an audio drama is "well-written", about shows that are in fact, not written well. That's all fine - our experience of a piece of art varies with our lives, and if something touches us at a particular moment, we may invest it with additional regard. It will grow in our opinion if we love it. We paper over the mistakes with our own affection.
But I want to talk about GOOD. WRITING. Not writing I like, but objectively well-crafted writing. How good language can hover between plain prose and poetry; how captivating characters can genuinely shift and move in real, tangible ways as a story progresses; how good writing unfolds slowly, building on itself from episode to episode while characters fully realize change and adapt to the changing fictional world around them.
In other words, I want to talk about how The Silt Verses is without question the most well-written podcast being made today.
The quality of the language in Silt Verses is extremely high. It manages to hang in the center of a web between a number of themes that give the series its elevated creepiness: genuine person-to-person dialogue, emotionally true and without quips or meaningless banter; a high-toned, sacred language that permeates everything to reflect the debased industrial religiosity of the world, and a savagely detailed depiction of violence and body horror. This tension creates an excellent atmosphere.
Take any sentence from any episode of The Silt Verses and you'll find novel-quality writing. The imagery just evocative enough, just out of reach enough ('Cheliped') to be intriguing and create shadows with us. The people who wrote this are trained, and know what they are doing. It lets us relax and enjoy it. The show monologues sometimes, sinking into that long novelization of language, but it balances these internal adventures by being alternately dialogue and then action-driven.
Ep 1: My Nana Glass, who knew the straits and sacred tides of the lower delta better than any fisherman I ever met, would tell me that there were people who’d been born to the land, and there were people who’d been born to the water.
Ep 6: His panic leads him stumbling onwards. He almost trips over the sloughings of my old skin, laid neatly across the carpeted floor. He’s welcome to it. My long whiskered feelers twitch, straining out across the air until they find a hard surface. My round black-pearl eyes blink. Slowly, clumsily, I raise my cheliped claws to the wall, I inch closer on a dozen legs that crawl from under my dangling trousers, and with the very tip I roughly scratch the prayer-marks as if I’ve known them my entire life.
S3 Ep 8: The sign by the roadside says, ‘Dutler’s Weald.’ This one’s been bombed overnight. The rescue teams haven’t found it yet. The air-raid sirens are still crying like infants upon their battered steel poles.
The Characters in Silt Verses ACTUALLY CHANGE. Too many podcasts go on for thirty, forty, fifty episodes with no fundamental change in the dynamic of either the world they inhabit, or the characters themselves. Too many episodic shows revert to form at the end of the episode.
The four main characters of the Silt Verses not only change their beliefs, their habits, their gods and their lives, but they change with regard to each other. Where they are introduced and where they end up is wildly different, but the story is so compelling that you don't feel their journeys to be false.
They adventure in a world that is CHANGING DEEPLY around them. While the characters alter and try to cope with their lives, the world around them changes immensely. They struggle to find a place and belonging and to stumble around and do good as they see good to be. The world is as much a character as anything else in the story. This drama has a start, a middle and will presumably have an end. It feels anchored in a story, in a way that something like "Old Gods of Appalachia" doesn't. We know this isn't just tellin tales, but that this is a real journey.
Believe me when I say that The Silt Verses is the most "worth your time" podcast out there today if you like good writing and good drama.

submitted by Thatguyjmc to audiodrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:25 DANESCORP "Can't you read?"

One of my hobbies is making collage art, and I am frequently on the lookout for vintage gardening books. I especially love to visit small bookstores as they will typically have at least one or two books that I can use, and I love to support a small business.
As I was out and about one day, I saw a small, fairly disheveled little bookstore in a strip mall and thought, why not? I have time to kill, let's find some treasure.
As I walk in, I immediately see who I assume to be the owner, a Boomer (who appeared to be) in his mid-seventies, and stacks upon stacks of disorganized tomes. I give a wave, a good afternoon, and receive a glare back. Alrighty, I'm not much a talker too, I get it. Wanting to cut to the chase without having to sift through the frankly overwhelming amount of stock, I politely ask if he happens to have a section for gardening. The man, without saying anything, points his finger to the back of the shop. Truly a man of few words, and as I'm starting to realize, of courtesy as well.
So, I give him a quick thumbs up, and head to the back of the shop. It took a minute or two to plod through, but eventually I spot a tiny, yellowed, handwritten label with "garden" barely scrawled across it. Finally, I've found the overstuffed shelves of vintage gardening grails, next to the religious self-help and esoteria.
Having spent the next twenty or so minutes combing through, I eventually found three lovely books, and though they weren't in the best shape, they would certainly do.
Books in hand, I saunter back to the front cash, and crack a silly joke about the warehouse from Indiana Jones, and how I was disappointed I didn't find The Ark. He didn't laugh. Wordlessly, he takes the books and gives me the total.
"Wow, that's not too bad, it'll be debit please," I say, jazzed to cut some paper.
"Can't you read?" he says firmly, but with an air of condescension.
"Wh-I'm sorry?" I respond, confused.
"Cant. You. Read." he repeats, then raps a tar stained index finger on the decrepit cash register, onto which is a small label, much like the one affixed to the shelves. In the same scribbled writing as "garden" he has written "no debit," and is equally illegible. He continues staring at me, finger pressed against the ancient register. I squint and realize amongst the stacks of magazines, and strewn paper, is another small sign that says "no fifeties or hunderd" as well.
"OH," I awkward laugh, "Sorry, its just a little hard to see that, you know?"
He continues to stare, but it seems as if his eyebrows have started to furl.
I'm now annoyed, and I understand you don't have to lay on the politeness, but this is a bit too far. I start to wonder how his shop is still in business.
So, I awkwardly laugh again and say, "Well I AM in a bookstore, so I feel fairly confident that I can read." I start to reach for my wallet, which has a twenty dollar bill inside. Before I can pull it out, he retorts,
"WELL you'd be fuckin' surprised with your generation." He leans back, crossing his arms. The same unchanging glare still emanating from his cragged, cynical face. Who hurt this man? Am I interrupting his scheduled cataloging of James Patterson novels? Or is it simply the inexorable march of time bothering him?
I'm now more disappointed than upset, as I was truly excited about the books, but I can't give this jerk the satisfaction of my business. As a man raised largely by my grandmother, she always taught me that it's easier to catch flies with honey rather than vinegar. Sorry Grandma, but in this moment I yearn to be petty.
So, I pull out the twenty, and repeat the price of the books back to him.
"You know," I say, "that's about the same price as a burrito and a soda across the plaza. After this conversation I don't feel much like reading at all." I start to turn away, and can feel the palpable change in his demeanor as he uncrosses his arms and hurriedly sputters out, "Hey now, wait just a minute!"
Ah, that got his attention.
"Nah man, you're right, maybe I'm not much of a reader," I called out from over my shoulder, then added, "besides this situation." As I opened the door to leave, I waved, and left him to his self imposed pity. The burrito was halfway decent, but the satisfaction of not being treated like an idiot for a fairly minor misunderstanding was worth it.
I found four books at a small thrift store the next day. The lady employee, who also happened to be a Boomer, was sweet as pie.
submitted by DANESCORP to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:22 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 34

[First] [Previous] [Next]
Mustafá is waiting for me right outside of the building, on a bench nearby. She is looking at her phone with a rather… intense expression. I’ve found it difficult so far to understand what this woman is thinking or feeling, and yet right now I can see that something is wrong. Deadly wrong too, to really get the mage in such a weird mood.

I carefully take a seat beside her, trying to spy on her phone, but she immediately pushes it in her pocket. Saints damn it, I wasn’t fast enough to really see! Mustafá immediately regains her usual chill, and without even blinking she asks:

“What’s your opinion on civil wars?”

“I, uh…” Well that was a bomb to drop on me all of a sudden! “Some issues, uh, can’t be solved peacefully if one of the sides is unwilling to cooperate or negotiate, so… I-I don’t know, I don’t want to say I like them.”

“Trick question. It doesn’t really matter how you feel about it, they happen anyways.” Mustafá shrugs softly.

“What is that supposed to mean?!” I turn to face my teacher, and she doesn’t answer me. Instead, she snatches the Spell Chart from my hands. “H-Hey!”

“Hmmm. Telekinesis, mending and water control. Basic stuff, inoffensive, hard to weaponize.” She shrugs again. “I guess some things never change.”

“The government wouldn’t want to arm its citizens, that’s basic ruling.” Now I shrug and then check the pamphlet I was given. “Let’s see, my assigned Elysium is at… huh?”

I totally expected them to assign me to Saüle University, and to have to endure the shame of walking around there again, but no? I've been assigned to a random building not too far from my apartment. Apparently it’s one of those ‘cat café’ thingies…

“Have you visited this one?” I ask her, passing her the pamphlet.

“I have not visited this city in decades.” She takes the paper and passes me the piece of cardboard back.

“...You don’t look that much older than me. How old are you?” Honestly, by the way people treat her, she must be either ancient, or the daughter of someone ancient.

“Never.” She points at me with her finger, finally turning to face me. “Never ask me that.”

“Alright then, duly noted!” Defensively I look away, already noticing that I have somehow touched a nerve there. “But anyways… I got my license! Hooray! What now?”

“Now…” Mustafá takes a deep breath. She seems a little distracted, actually, and that’s kind of unnerving. “... Now you go back home. I will get to you in a moment.”

“What?! What was all that about having a good breakfast a-and the talk we just had?!” I can’t help but feel a little disappointed.

“You should always have a good breakfast, and we haven’t finished speaking about that.” Mustafá gets right up, cleaning her hands and passing me Gato’s Guide back. “Talk to your therapist and schedule an appointment. Read a few pages of Gato’s book. Practice the runes you just got, writing them on paper and then pronouncing them. Do not try unwritten sorcery on these, you hear me?”

“B-But why not?” I try to protest.

“You hear me?” Again she looks me straight in the eye.

“...Y-Yes ma’am.” Gulp.

“Good. Now, wait for me at home.” Without another word, Mustafá claps her hands. In the blink of an eye, she vanishes.

… It’s the strangest thing, loneliness doesn’t bother me that much anymore, except in the moments after I get company. Maybe I can only really feel absence after experiencing the thing I am yearning for…? Or maybe my body just eventually forgets again what it is like to be in the presence of others. Of people who actually care.

With a heavy huff, I stretch a little bit and after some consideration, I decide to walk all the way home. Maybe the extra air in my brain will actually help me think.

Mustafá arrived at her room as soon as she could, mere seconds after disappearing from Tav’s view. She walked to take Universe Gamma’s feeder and hurriedly filled it with dried up insects, lettuce, nuts and fruits from the fridge. For a moment, the thought that her minifridge was often filled with more crab food than actual people food came to her mind. Truth was, while she advocated good habits for Tav’s sake, she never really took care of her own body… after all, she didn’t need to.

No matter how much hunger would cramp her stomach, she knew it wouldn’t hurt her. She could ignore it as long as it didn’t start affecting her faculties.

But now wasn’t the time to think of that.

After fulfilling her obligations to Plato and Socrates, the old alchemist jumped to her computer and checked on ‘The Belltower’.

The news were all over the place, and for the first time in a long time, the Brotherhood hadn’t even bothered to censor it: the Emperor of Bisontia, along with at least ten others, had been murdered. And the main theory right now was magical foul play. Of course, people were panicking. This was the closest the secret had come to being broken in a massive incident since the days before the Great Empires.

Ignoring the comments for now, the alchemist began checking each picture posted about the subject. They would never post pictures of the deceased, so she had no real way to analyze the situation, but she could glean a few hints from the pictures of the scene. Apparently, this all had happened in the bathroom of the Imperial Palace, or well, it had started there. Then it spread back into the Great Dining room.

The photographs showed charred parts of the building, blood staining the beautiful marble of the bathroom, burnt furniture and broken tables… it had been a violent and merciless affair.

The mage took a deep breath. She wouldn’t learn anything from afar… but she really, really didn’t want to get involved. Not now that the Brotherhood was taking care of the situation. They would start asking for favours if she did.

So, there was only one person she could call… and she hated him almost as much as she hated Giovanni.

Without any other choice, she picked up her phone and called Blanco’s number.

He picked up instantly. Of course he did, he had probably been spying on her all this time.

“Took you long enough~.” Said the vampire. “G already got his info-bundle from me. He’s ahead again~!”

“Shut up.” The alchemist had to bite her lower lip down to not yell. Keep composed… “Just, tell me how much and I’ll make a deposit.”

“I am sending the amount riiiiight…” Blanco had this whiney, annoying voice even when he was happy. Mustafá despised it. “... Now!”

A message rang on the computer and MustafĂĄ stared at it for a moment. That was a lot of zeroes.

“You’re an abusive son of a whore.” She sighed. This would dent her apparently unending resources quite a bit.

“It’s gonna be war out there, baby! Bloodbags are not cheap and I am not hunting ever again.” The vampire was far too happy to scam his so-called ‘best friends’.

With another, deeper and even more defeated sigh, the mage accepted the transaction and deposited the money on one of Blanco’s many offshore accounts… Soon after, she received the grim, disturbing pictures of the dirty deed done in Great Bisontia.

Bodies had been twisted, dismembered, cut in twain. Bite marks covered their skins, sometimes charring it to a crisp black, sometimes leaving it nice and raw. The wild nature of the attack, the desperate claw marks left on the walls, everything indicated that this was not a mere terrorist attack. This was not a bombing, not a shootout.

This had been a beast. A magical creature.

That conclusion should be enough to appease the people at Tranquility Castle, “should” being the operative word there. The far-right members of the Council were just waiting for a reason to squash the Resistance and their screams for more magical freedom. The Sleeper authorities also wouldn’t shut up, demanding explanations and (worst of all) compensations for this. Favors would be traded, unscrupulous demands would be made.

And if the communications failed at this stage: War.

Mustafá couldn’t help but wonder if this was somehow related to the coming of the End of Humanity.

People assumed it would be an instant thing, so once the year actually came, they just stopped caring about the prophecies… Sleepers and old Mages could be so alike sometimes, the alchemist thought.

Checking through the pictures of all the victims, she felt her stomach become smaller and smaller. Her emotions might have been dulled, but one never truly got “used” to seeing massacres and atrocities such as these. People coped in many different ways, yes, but it is impossible to become completely disconnected to it… at least, it was impossible without incurring some concerning consequences for the mind and the soul.

Eventually, the pressure grew too high on her, and MustafĂĄ had to stop. She took deep breaths, closed her eyes and tried to meditate on those images rather than letting them just sear themselves in her subconscious without explanation.

It had to have been a magical creature. Mages didn't know this sort of violent, animalistic magic anymore… but, what creature? The beasts that roamed Jericho had either gone extinct or disappeared without leaving a trace after the First Sacrifice. All that was left were spirits, pixies and jinxes of many types, but none strong enough to do this sort of damage.

The answer was becoming clearer and clearer by the second.

“So?” Blanco said, still waiting on the line. “What do you think?”

“Dragon.” She finally worked up the courage to say it.

“Yeah, G said the same thing. He also said it was impossible.” The vampire didn’t seem really impressed, one way or another.

“That’s because it should be. But I will have to look into it…”

MustafĂĄ hung up without warning, throwing her phone away and just laying on her bed for a moment, staring into the ceiling.

Problems kept accumulating, one on top of the other… for the first time in a while, she didn’t feel on top of the situation.

For the first time in a while.. she may need to visit Palien.

It didn’t take even five streets for me to absolutely regret my choice of walking home. Not only are streets gross, full of people and noise, it is also tiresome to walk through them! My depression soon gives way to a generalized feeling of discomfort and annoyance. Worst part? Every time I am tempted to just say ‘screw this, I’m taking a taxi’, my head laughs at me!

“Look at you, winded after walking a few streets! Oh how embarrassing, please, stop talking to me right now.”

And that is just way too much for me to take. I immediately take a deeper breath and continue walking, purely out of spite for myself.

For a moment I consider reading, but as I’ve already established, the self-consciousness would kill me if I even tried such a pretentious move! So, I am trapped! My music can only protect me so much from the noises of the entire world, the construction workers, the yelling drivers, the fact that I am being seen and perceived by everyone right this instant…

Eventually, after a tortuous way, I manage to get back to my apartment building. I wave at the guard as I walk right back into the elevator and sigh, finally getting a short moment to rest and recover my breath.

Saints above, I really am out of shape aren’t I?


“Just a little.”

I walk out of the elevator and trudge my way back into the house, straight to the computer and my comfy, soft, no-longer-reclining chair. I take a seat, closing my eyes and just letting the comfort set in, before I open my computer and go back to check the forum. It has been my main occupation these days, really.

There are a few new posts on the Sleeper threads, no new translation efforts… Everything seems chill in the world.

Until suddenly, I get a message. From Vito? Huh…he’s up early for a Saturday.

UndeadVito: sup boye.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Sup boy! n.n How are you feeling?
UndeadVito: in pain, but that’s normal.
UndeadVito: I’ll survive.
UndeadVito: how aboutcha? you’re up early
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: That’s my line! xD
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: And I am fine -u- just chilling before the day starts
UndeadVito: cool, cool

It seems like he just wanted to keep in contact. I can’t help but smile a little at that, this boy could be so nice when he wanted to be!

UndeadVito: oh by the way.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Huh? o.o
UndeadVito: what’s your opinion on civil wars?
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:19 Bigboss849 am i cooked

for english lit paper 1 aqa did it on a computer and instead of writing the question down i just wrote macbeth and did my essay then did the same for a christmas carol. is there an issue with that
submitted by Bigboss849 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:15 JustMy42Cents Why creature rankings are mostly meaningless for PvP

Why creature rankings are mostly meaningless for PvP
Creature rankings often come up on this sub, with some people asking or discussing whether they are relevant for PvP. I'd argue that they are rarely actionable and relevant for competitive PvP play for a couple of reasons:
  • Unit availability. The fact that a centaur is stronger than a goblin is mostly meaningless in a PvP match given that you can realistically only have an early powerstack of one or the other. On most templates, you are rarely if ever given a choice between two kinds of units of the same tier. Rather, you have to choose between the available map objectives, the sort of dwellings you are going for, or which units to upgrade or not.
  • The choice of the faction as a whole has a drastically greater impact than the individual strength of its units. Before each game, you will usually be trading for one of the randomly selected towns. Knowing which faction is better in a match-up and what sort of handicap you're willing to have to play them is much more impactful than knowing the strength of the individual units at each tier.
  • Utility is much more important than unit statistics. The weakest tier 1 unit can have more of an impact on your average game than many high tier units with an awkward build path or otherwise low availability. This is because you can have a powerstack of the former on day one by choosing a unit specialist, while the latter might be beneficial or impactful only under specific circumstances.
  • Having a powerstack of a specific unit has a completely different impact on the gameplay and requires a different kind of comparison than a single week growth worth of units. The difference between a unit ending up as meat for hives or becoming the main force of your early army often comes down to the choice of the starting hero or a single Pandora box. Some units would have to appear several times depending on their stack size to accurately measure their impact, or in some extreme cases a separate ranking would have to be created for each viable starting hero if they favor going for specific upgrades or dwellings over the others.
  • Templates vary greatly between each other. Viable starting heroes and unit utility on Jebus Cross will vary significantly when compared with e.g. the duel templates.
As an example, here are some subjective rankings for a single town on a specific template: Inferno on the Jebus Cross with the HotA expansion. I've decided to split it into 2 parts: early play (pre-break, mostly week 1) and late game powerstacks. You might notice that some units appear multiple times: I've decided to rate starting heroes' powerstacks separately, since they are arguably the most impactful units during the first few turns. Without further ado, here's a ranking for the early game (pre-break) unit impact:
Inferno units impact on Jebus Cross (HotA)
Efreet: slower but not much weaker than their upgraded counterparts, efreet are a staple of the Inferno army. Even a basic growth of the efreet will vastly improve your chances when taking the smaller hives. They can outspeed wolf raiders and one-shot their stacks in pickets with some extra units from the external warnings, yielding a reliable method to clear pickets with a Calh start. An overall amazing unit that you will usually want to go for in the first week unless e.g. focusing on the mage guild. Even though they can technically be less impactful than some of the starting armies, getting efreet is often how you're able to open other creature banks and start snowballing the starting biome.
Efreet Sultans: an amazing unit with a ton of utility. Can outspeed dragon flies on lava terrain, allowing you to slow them down in hives to minimize the losses. If you can flag some external efreet dwellings, they can clear pickets quite easily with minimal losses of 1-stacks regardless of the starting units. In the absolute worst map rolls, Calh can use a magog powerstack to clear experimental shops with minimal losses by kiting with damaged sultans, which is something you generally cannot pull off with other units including an angel or a devil. Their high speed might also yield you the first move in a fight with the opposing player, and their fire immunity has excellent energy with the Armageddon spell. It is one of the few high tier units that you will usually want to upgrade if you kept at least a few.
The only reason that I rated them slightly lower is that personally I utilize basic efreet one way or another pretty much every time I play the Inferno, but I'm not always in a position where upgrading them is feasible or justifiable. They are, however, a better unit overall without a doubt.
Magogs (Calh Powerstack): Calh is the most common starting hero on the Jebus Cross template due to his specialty: gogs and magogs. With 3 stacks of starting gogs, as well as additional ones from the dwelling and the other Inferno hero, Calh can have enough magogs on day one to clear most wandering armies protecting external dwellings and creature banks. Magogs can reliably clear churchyards on any hero with minimal 1-stack loses, which is very important given that crypts do not appear on the lava terrain. They are also excellent at capturing external dwellings, opening the smallest griffin conservatories and experimental shops, as well as small pickets when led by Calh with some support from the efreet or other quick units. They rarely stay relevant in the mid and late game once a different powerstack is built, but at times they can greatly help with the break if extra gogs are found in a Pandora box.
That is to say, they are not without flaws. As ranged units, they struggle in hives. The general strategy is to gather units from other sources such as external dwellings and use those to snowball hives instead, leaving the magogs to deal with the wandering armies and other objectives. They are also vulnerable to fast opposing units. In particular, they can pretty much lose you a game if the efreet or devils morale too soon when flagging an external dwelling, since magogs become quite useless in the close combat.
Familiars (Ignatius Powerstack): it might be counterintuitive to see familiars placed so high, given that objectively they are not a very good unit. However, with an Ignatius start they can be quite effective at clearing certain map objectives. In particular, they can take pickets with minimal losses of 1-stacks, allowing to start building a powerstack of cyclopes from turn 1. They can also open small hives and size 1 conservatories/shops, albeit not without some losses. With their external dwellings being quite common, it's pretty easy to increase or restore their numbers and take on larger objectives such as size 3 pickets. With 7 base speed, they can be used to speed up secondary heroes from turn 1. Overall, it's a decent starting powerstack that might be preferred by players that are not comfortable with the ranged magogs.
Now, I also want to be very clear that their shortcomings are unfortunately quite obvious. Their only strength is a decent base speed and their numbers. Their statistics are awful, they are weak both offensively and defensively, and will drop like flies if you're not careful. This is especially problematic given that they are the best at clearing pickets, and having cyclopes alone does not make it super easy to snowball other pickets with minimal losses: they need the support of faster units and preferably some spells such as Haste or mass Slow. Familiars are also rather mediocre at taking external dwellings.
Cerberi (Fiona Powerstack): Fiona is the last viable and perhaps the least commonly used starting hero. Due to a low growth and mediocre starting stacks of the hell hounds, the initial powerstack of the cerberi will be rather small (11-21), but unless very unlucky it should be large enough to take all but the largest hives. Snowballing on wyverns is perhaps their greatest strength, as cerberi are the only starting unit that can reliably take on size 3 hives with some supporting meat. Cerberi can also open pickets quite reliably with a minimal loss of 1-stacks, but only when supported with Bless. Just like most powerstacks, they can open the smallest conservatories and experimental shops by sacrificing some meat for kiting and taking some of the hits. They can be considered better than familiars at dealing with wandering armies due to a higher speed and the no retaliation ability.
Most importantly, cerberi are already quite fast at speed of 8, or effectively 9 at lava terrain, which means that they do not require the unit specialist to take on most objectives. That means that you'll usually want to main another hero and use Fiona for her scouting. (Perhaps the only exception is the churchyard; the only pattern I know to take those with minimal losses of 1-stacks requires the extra speed from Fiona or an artifact to do reliably.)
There are several problems with the cerberi though. First of all, unless you get extremely lucky with a hill fort with an easy guard, chances are the fastest you can start dealing with the map objectives is turn 2. Without the upgrade, hell hounds are simply too unreliable and vulnerable to take on any significant battles, including some of the relatively weak wandering guards. This affects your momentum and might force you to skip some riskier battles in turn 1 that you'd normally take if you can still ask for a map reroll. Their growth is rather small, and the external dwellings are somewhat rare. Their extremely high damage range benefits a lot from Bless, which unfortunately cannot be rolled in the Inferno mage guild. Since they take two hexes, they're also more difficult to protect and position correctly. They are less effective at external dwellings than magogs, so if you don't roll creature banks that they excel at (i.e., hives or smaller pickets with Bless), it might be difficult to start snowballing with them early on. In fact, the only reason that they are rated so high is that if you do start with Fiona, you will likely be relying on them a lot.
Devils: by all accounts, devils are a very useful unit that can do a lot of the things that the efreet can. Their ability to negate the opponent's retaliation combined with flying and a high movement speed allows them to take on fights that would normally be problematic with units of a similar strength. Getting a devil early on opens up a lot of possibilities to reliably take on small creature banks that you'd normally lose more army on with the starting units alone.
I have not ranked them higher due to a single factor: availability, or lack thereof. With a relatively high dwelling cost and vast requirements, by the time you recruit them in your home town chances are you'll already have opened some creature banks and started gathering a more reliable powerstack. Opening the external dwellings is also not easy, with perhaps only Calh being able to do so somewhat reliably with the starting army but not without leveling archery or getting extra gogs first.
Demons: this is a prime example of the so-called "meat". Sturdy, reliable, somewhat slow, easy to recruit. You will also usually want to place their dwelling either way to get access to the stronger units such as the efreet. Demons often take on a support role in the early game, helping your starting powerstack with taking the hives, as well as the small conservatories and experimental shops.
Demons are also tied to the pit lords' resurrection ability, which will be described in detail below. In theory they have the potential to become a powerstack, but in practice it's difficult to pull off on most maps and they aren't very effective even if you do.
Pit Fiends: a tiny bit faster and a little stronger, pit fiends usually fill the same role as demons. On most of the maps, they will be used as meat for hives, conservatories or experimental shops.In general, 3 fiends are preferable over 4 demons. The only reason I've placed them lower is the fact that they are more difficult to obtain in general. I've certainly had games where I did the break without ever having access to the fiends, which would be much rarer for the demons. It comes down to a couple of factors:
  • their dwelling cannot be placed on day 1;
  • their dwelling is not a prerequisite for the efreet, and you'll usually prefer going for those instead;
  • their dwelling will be protected by extra 9 fiends as opposed to just the wandering guards;
  • their entire basic growth is more expensive than demons' by 500 gold.
Arch Devils: they do everything that the devils can and more. Better speed, health, firepower on top of a higher luck penalty for the opponents. Arch Devils might be lacking when compared with other upgraded tier 7 units, but they're still extremely strong and have the potential to be one of the mid and late game powerstacks. Finding one in a refugee camp can be quite literally game changing.
The only reason they're placed here is their availability. The upgraded Forsaken Palace is very costly, and you'll rarely have both the resources and enough units to justify the purchase. As such, they are less impactful than most if not all lower tier units in your average game, especially before the break. For that reason alone I was tempted to put them even lower, but I have to admit that if you happen to get them relatively early on and have some external dwellings to take advantage of the upgrade, they can be quite devastating.
Gogs: as basic ranged units without Calh, they can help somewhat with the wandering guards and flagging the external dwellings, but you usually won't have enough of them to make a large impact. They are, however, quite sturdy and happily targeted by the AI, which can be very helpful in hives when starting with a hero such as Ignatius.
With Calh, skipping the upgrade for at least one turn might make sense if you have no immediate fights in turn 1 to place a mage guild, or if you want to flag an efreet dwelling in which case the fireball ability might get in the way and force you to target your 1-stacks.
Imps: the designated 1-stack unit. You'll be constantly using those (until you inevitably run out) to take the retaliation off the opponents or to protect your more valuable armies. From time to time, you might gather enough of them from the external dwellings to capture a secondary town with a secondary hero on the way there.
In that sense, they can be considered more impactful than any unit in this tier, if not for their absolute redundancy. You could supplement any tier 1 unit from a hero with an army from another town or more rarely a refugee camp, and they'll mostly fill the same role except for the lack of a morale bonus when paired with the other native units. Their stats are also so bad they are nearly insignificant as meat. In fact, you might prefer rolling Drakon or Shakti as the second recruitable hero with an army over Ignatius, since their starting armies are more likely to give you a better chance of clearing objectives such as hives.
Hell Hounds: your starting roll of hell hounds without Fiona will be minuscule, and their awkward build path means that you'll rarely go for them as you continue to expand your home town. That is not to say that they aren't a welcome addition to your early army when found in a box or an external dwelling. As quite sturdy and fast 2-hex units, they can do a good job of protecting your magogs in creature banks such as conservatories or experimental shops. They tie speed with the wolf raiders on the lava terrain, helping position the units correctly when taking the pickets with powerstacks other than the familiars. Finally, you can't go wrong with more meat in hives, so there's always that. More often than not though, they will end up speeding your scouts up and forgotten about past the first turn.
Familiars: without Ignatius, you will rarely go for the imp upgrade, but it does have some uses. In particular, they tie speed with the wolf raiders on lava terrain which can help with taking pickets to farm cyclopes: even if not used as a powerstack, they give you more positioning options than the slower 1-stacks. Having a base speed of 7 also opens the possibility to speed up secondary heroes, since barely any other starting unit (that you'll be willing to lock up on the other side of the map without a second thought) is faster. That is to say, their main purpose remains the same as for the basic version: disposable 1-stacks and mediocre meat.
Pit Lords: an iconic Inferno unit that opens up the possibility to farm demons to build a sturdy powerstack by sacrificing the lower tier units and meat from the secondary towns. The upgrade itself is quite costly and has nearly no benefits other than their unique demon resurrection ability, with the only improved stat being speed. Unless specifically going for the demon farming or to tie speed with the wolf raiders at pickets, the upgrade is usually not worth it even if you did manage to build a larger stack of those.
As for the demon farming strategy itself, it hurts me to say but the problem is that it's not viable on most maps. When relying on the town alone, the upgraded Hell Hole can realistically be placed on turn 5, or turn 4 if skipping the starting powerstack upgrade which comes with an impact on the momentum. By then it's usually too late to start farming demons to form the primary powerstack, since the other map farming strategies will usually involve sacrificing the meat to take some creature banks or external dwellings one way or another by that time. Demon farming only becomes viable if a combination of those can be found on the map:
  • multiple external demon or pit fiend dwellings;
  • a Pandora box with some extra units (demons in particular);
  • a hill fort with a doable guard, the sooner the better.
Horned Demons: an upgrade bordering on insignificant that effectively hinders your demon farming strategy. You might still go for it though at times with nothing better to build, especially with multiple external demon dwellings or a (horned) demon box. Worth mentioning that the upgraded demons tie speed with wolf raiders on lava when led by Marius or any hero with a speed artifact, so going for the pickets with them is an option if you have absolutely nothing else going for you.
Magogs: if you don't start with Calh, you will rarely be in position to have enough gogs for this upgrade to matter, especially by the time you have nothing more important to build.
Cerberi: can be very impactful when found in a box, but otherwise you pretty much never go for this upgrade. Even if you get a lot of hell hounds, it might not be worth it to sacrifice 2 build turns to go for the upgraded dwelling if that means you won't be able to get the efreet or the devils in the first week.
And now for the powerstacks ranking:
Inferno powerstacks ranking on Jebus Cross (HotA)
Angels: this likely holds true for any faction. Angels are the best unupgraded tier 7 unit, hands down. The reliable damage, the high speed, the high health, the extra morale. Even if you have a different main powerstack, it doesn't hurt to bring the angels for their extra utility. The only problem is that Inferno will have a very hard time opening any but the smallest conservatories early on, and even a small conservatory can be a challenge with a particularly low roll of gogs and bad supporting units. However, after you build a small powerstack of angels with perhaps some other small supporting army, you can pretty much snowball conservatories on these alone.
Wyverns: a decent flying melee unit that is relatively easy to pull and snowball further banks with? Yes, please. Hives are perhaps not the easiest banks to open with a Calh start, but once you get a wyvern stack rolling, they should be able to crack other hives with little support from the native armies.
Giants: sturdy and hard hitting juggernauts that can be excellent in hives, utopias and further experimental shops. The lack of flight combined with a relatively low speed puts them lower than the other powerstacks from the creature banks, but that is not to say they are weak.
The main problem is that Inferno might struggle to open all but the smallest experimental shops early on, and a single giant is not enough to take on the larger shops alone, which makes them a bit difficult to snowball with without additional supporting armies.
Cyclopes: excellent at clearing wandering armies and many breaks, cyclopes are the only ranged powerstack on the list. Initial pickets are quite easy to open with Ignatius, and feasible with Calh and Fiona given the proper support of some faster units such as the efreet.
Their issues are that cyclopes are relatively fragile and much less effective in melee combat. Combined with a relatively low speed, they aren't exactly the easiest to farm extra pickets with while unsupported. Similarly, with their melee penalty they might struggle in hives, aren't the best for the utopias, and in general require careful positioning in conservatories and shops.
Efreet/Efreet Sultans: fast and immune to fire, the efreet are an excellent unit that opens up the Armageddon bombing strategy. With a large number of external dwellings, they can pack quite a punch. Assuming their dwelling is built in the home town during the first week, by the start of week 2 each captured external dwelling will yield a total of 5 efreet, with an extra 1 for each secondary Inferno town with an additional dwelling.
There are two reasons they are placed so low. First of all, external dwellings, in contrary to the creature banks, require purchasing the units and revisiting the locations which makes recruiting all the available units more of a challenge. More importantly, on most of the maps you will not find any extra efreet outside of your biome, which makes growing the stack impossible once you mostly leave your biome to farm the desert. The longer the game is, the lesser the chance of them staying your primary powerstack.
Devils/Arch Devils: fast and attacking without retaliation, devils can be a viable powerstack. Assuming their dwelling is built in the home town during the first week, by the start of week 2 each captured external dwelling will yield a total of 2 devils, which is comparable to a size 2 creature bank.
They suffer from pretty much the same issues as the efreet, but even more so. Their dwelling is more expensive and has more requirements. It's pretty much unheard of to place an additional Forsaken Palace in a secondary town in week 1 even if technically possible with some lucky prison and tavern placements. They are also not immune to Armageddon, Berserk or Blind unlike the efreet.
Pit Fields/Pit Lords/Demons: I grouped all of those units together, since they play very similarly and rarely end up having a large impact on the final fight. They're an "emergency" powerstack that can get you through the break if you have nothing else going on, but with no real hopes to grow them significantly in the desert you'll usually end up sacrificing some or most of them in whichever creature banks are available to build other powerstacks before the final fight.
Firebirds: included for completeness. If I remember correctly, only a single red tower is spawned per biome, which limits the ability to build a large stack of these. They are also not the easiest banks to take with Inferno due to the fire elementals' fireball projectile immunity. Firebirds' main selling point is the speed advantage, and while they can help with taking some banks or breaks, they are not really reliable as the main powerstack.
submitted by JustMy42Cents to heroes3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:12 adulting4kids Flash Fiction Prompts

This is taken from and is copyright protected by globalsoup.net, a website that promotes flash Fiction with annual writing contests.
I am reprinting these Flash Fiction Prompts because they are outstanding ways to freewrite and offer plenty to work with for those who want to learn how to write Flash Fiction.
So check out these prompts and the article and work some of them into your journal! Post the best responses!
100 Awesome Flash Fiction Prompts - Plus Bonus Prompts!
We’ve put together 100 flash fiction prompts, each one designed for a very short story. These prompts will probably be best suited to a story of between 300-1,000 words. If you want to write a longer story using these prompts, you can easily expand these ideas to fit a story of any length.
What is flash fiction?
Flash Fiction is defined as a very short story that can be anywhere from just a couple of words to about a thousand in length. The beauty (and difficulty) of writing flash fiction lies in trying to tell a complete story in so few words. Great flash fiction is succinct, emotive, thought-provoking, and impactful.
What’s the difference between flash fiction and a short story?
The only difference between flash fiction and a typical short story is the word count. However, this scarcity of words means that writing flash fiction can feel like a completely new skill. Just like the short story is a different animal to the novel or novella; flash fiction is kind of unique.
When writing flash, you’ll need to use fewer characters, a simpler plot, and you’ll have to make each word count. This is why editing is so important. You have to be brutal. Cut out everything superfluous and really make sure each and every word is performing an important function in the story. If you’re interested in writing very short fiction, why not check out drabbles? Drabbles are stories of exactly 100 words in length, and they can be a great way to practice keeping your stories very, very short.
How to plot a flash fiction story
When you sit down to write flash fiction, you must begin by choosing an appropriate plot. You cannot simply use a short story plot and tell it using fewer words. A typical flash fiction plot is like looking at one part of a story under a microscope.
For example, let’s look at prompt #21 in our list of 100 Flash Fiction Prompts:
  1. Two people on a sinking ship must decide who should take the last seat in the last lifeboat. If you were writing a novel about a sinking ship, you’d probably want the actual sinking to be the climax of the story. Of course, there are infinite ways to write a novel about a sinking ship, but this would structurally be the most obvious. You’d use the first part of the novel to introduce your characters and describe the voyage leading up to the sinking and the sinking of the ship would be the dramatic climax, leaving the last part of the book as the resolution.
The golden rule of writing short stories is to begin as close to end as you can. So, to turn the same story from novel to short story, you’d probably want to begin with the ship sinking. You haven’t got time to introduce the characters before the action begins, so you’d need to feed in exposition and backstory here and there during the events.
All stories need a good climax. So, you would find the most dramatic moment in the story and build up to it. Perhaps your climax would be the two main characters having to decide who will take the remaining seat on the last lifeboat.
Finally, you need a resolution. In a longer short story you do have time to bring in some kind of satisfying resolution at the end.
But, if you’re writing flash fiction and your story is only a few hundred words, you really need to zoom in on one tiny moment in that story.
You don’t have time to tell the entire story of a sinking ship, but you can turn one moment into a story.
We’ve chosen the lifeboat situation as the key moment in this hypothetical story. Two characters must decide which one of them will take the last seat on the last lifeboat. This is an appropriate plot for flash fiction because it’s simple, high-stakes, dramatic, and thought provoking.
Not all flash fiction will have a plot quite this dramatic, but all great flash fiction will have a plot that can be expressed in just one or two sentences.
If you have a plot in mind, but it seems more suitable for a longer story, you can sometimes find several flash fiction plots hidden within it. Just look for little stories within the story, like the lifeboat moment in our hypothetical tale of the sinking ship.
This brings us to our top tip for coming up with ideas for flash fiction stories:
if you’re ever stuck for ideas, you can find little stories within the story in books, movies, and TV shows. A full length feature film might have as many as 20 little incidents in it that could easily be flash fiction.
Don’t directly write a story based on the film, though. Just carefully pick out those little moments, write down what’s happening as a one or two sentence plot, and then use it to inspire your own, completely original flash fiction story.
One of our 100 Flash Fiction Prompts was actually taken from the movie Pulp Fiction!
How to write very short flash fiction
There are several reasons writers might start writing flash fiction. Of course, it could be that they just love and enjoy the form, but sometimes they’ll be a more strategic and practical reason at play.
Perhaps they want to practise the process of writing stories within the confines of a certain word limit. Maybe they are trying to develop a daily writing routine and they don’t have a lot of free time. It could be that they’re trying to break a habit of not finishing writing projects, or perhaps they are entering a flash fiction competition.
Whatever the reason, very often when we sit down to write flash, we must work under an imposed or self-imposed word restraint. We’ve set ourselves (or been set) the task of keeping the story under a particular number of words.
So, how do you plot a flash fiction story when you have to keep your story very, very short.
We’re not going to discuss stories of 100 words or fewer here. Technically, those stories are still flash, however, we prefer to categorise 100 word stories as drabbles and anything under 100 words as micro fiction.
But what if you have to keep your flash fiction story under, let’s say, 300 words? How do you write a flash fiction story that short?
The answer is: get your microscope out again. Remember earlier when we said writing flash fiction is like looking at part of a story under a microscope? If you have to write very short flash fiction, you’ll need to zoom in even further.
Let’s look at a couple of examples from our 100 Flash Fiction Prompts:
  1. During a match, a young boxer must decide whether to throw the fight.
If you had 1,000 words to devote to the story, you could have time to tell the story of the entire fight. With only 300 words, it might be better to zoom in on the very moment when the boxer must choose whether or not to go down.
In a longer flash fiction story you might have time to go into detail about why he’s in this situation and why he’s so conflicted. In a 300 word story, you might only devote one or two sentences to his gambling debt and the large sum of money waiting for him if he goes down in the third round, as instructed.
  1. A family must decide what to take and what to leave behind as a wildfire approaches their home.
If you had 1,000 words to devote to this story, you might be able to write about the whole process of choosing what to take and what to leave behind. You might be able to mention many different choices and have the whole family participate in the story. You’d be able to go into some details about certain choices and the stories behind individual objects or mementos, as well as the implications of choosing certain things over others.
With only 300 words, it would be advisable to zoom in on one member of the family and to focus on one profound and important choice.
How to write a flash fiction story
Now you have your mini plot, you still need to make sure your flash fiction feels like a complete story. It should still have a beginning, middle, and an end.
Just like a short story, you may need to bring in a little exposition here and there to give texture, context, backstory, and to bring some depth to the characters. But, unlike a short story, you won’t necessarily need to end with a full, detailed resolution. It’s quite common for a flash fiction story to end with a quick twist or plenty of ambiguity.
Flash Fiction is much more about eliciting emotions and provoking thought, than setting up and resolving a complex story.
100 Awesome Flash Fiction Prompts
A young ballet dancer chooses not to tell the other dancers in her troop about a loose paving stone outside their dance studio.
Two sisters realise they’ve both been on a perfect first date … with the same man.
On the car journey home, two parents realise they’ve left their child’s favourite teddy on a park bench several hours away.
A writer suffering from writers’ block looks for inspiration in a strange place.
Set 200 years in the future, a young man realises he’s too emotionally dependent on his robot assistant.
A young woman discovers she’s taken the wrong suitcase home from the airport. The contents of the case make her question her own life choices.
A murderer realises he has only 10 minutes to dispose of a body.
A child decides to walk home by themselves after their parent forgets to pick them up from school … again.
Your protagonist manages to talk the grim reaper out of collecting their soul.
Your protagonist suddenly realises they’ve been living in a simulation.
A young couple has chosen to spend the night in a haunted house to fix their marriage. Your story starts just as things get very weird.
Your protagonist finds a letter they wrote to themselves when they were a teenager.
Your protagonist must decide whether or not to drink from a fountain that erases all painful memories from the mind.
Your protagonist comes across a street called ‘Memory Lane’. They quickly realise the name is eerily apt.
A bride finds out something startling about her future husband an hour before the wedding.
Your protagonist finds an advertisement for a company that promises everlasting youth.
A youngest sibling shows up at a family reunion they weren’t actually invited to.
Your protagonist finds a piece of paper with a spell on it. If they say the words out loud they aren't sure if something terrible or wonderful will happen.
Your protagonist is watching a jazz band play when they realise they know the drummer from somewhere — but where? It takes a whole song for them to figure it out.
Your protagonist must meet their ex for lunch to tell them they’re now engaged. It’s been just a few weeks since they split up.
Two people on a sinking ship must decide who should take the last seat in the last lifeboat.
During a match, a young boxer must decide whether to throw the fight.
Your protagonist must pack their belongings before moving to a new colony on mars.
A pilot realises they have lost control of their aircraft.
Your protagonist doesn’t want to attend their 100th birthday party — and for good reason!
Your protagonist gets stuck in a lift with their ex … 5 minutes after breaking up with them.
A child says goodbye to the fairies in his garden before moving to a new home.
Your protagonist saves someone’s life … and then wishes they hadn’t.
Your protagonist arrives at a blind date. They’ve been set up with someone they actually know a little too well.
Set in a dystopian future in which public displays of affection are banned, your protagonist faces an agonising choice.
An agoraphobic must face their fear in order to save something important.
Your protagonist must make her partner fall out of love with them. Both their lives depend on it.
Your protagonist is hiking with her small children, they come face to face with a grizzly bear and her cubs.
Cinderella and Prince Charming realise they got married too quickly.
A message written in graffiti on a bathroom wall has serious implications for your protagonist.
Your protagonist finds a bag, looks inside, and realises the owner might just be their soulmate.
Your protagonist has been seeing the same stranger everywhere they go for months. They finally decide to confront them.
A couple realise their relationship is over during the trip of a lifetime. They’ve been saving up for the trip for years.
A public debate sees two previously married people letting their private grievances come into their arguments.
Your protagonist plans their escape from a retirement home.
A couple realise their fundamental beliefs are at odds with each other.
An artist develops an obsession with drawing a next-door neighbour.
Your protagonist finds themselves trapped in a cabin with a group of hikers during a heavy snowfall.
An ice skater must face going back on the ice after a dangerous fall.
A couple must decide their plan for New Year’ Eve. They both have secret reasons for their choice.
A family must decide what to take and what to leave behind as a wildfire approaches their home.
Your protagonist is waiting for someone important at the airport. They begin to think that person isn’t going to show up … and then they realise why.
Your protagonist must find their way through a maze. What they find in the middle of the maze is the last thing they were expecting.
An actor waiting in the wings has forgotten his first line.
Your protagonist is wrongly identified as a hero. Do they come clean?
Your protagonist realises their past is catching up with them.
Your protagonist overhears something that has serious implications for them while trying on clothes in a changing room.
Your protagonist is in a costume shop trying to decide what to dress up as for Halloween.
Your protagonist realises they’ve slipped into an alternate dimension.
A surgeon must make an impossible choice on the operating table.
A pregnant journalist interviews the mother of a missing child.
Your protagonist must ask his girlfriend’s father for his blessing, only to discover the father knows his deepest secret.
Your protagonist sees something on social media that will change their life forever.
Two work colleagues realise they’ve been dreaming the same dreams for weeks.
A reluctant daughter comes to terms with having to carry on the family business.
Your protagonist realises she must go on the run.
Two bank robbers disagree on their plan to rob a bank. This leads to a disastrous consequence.
A strange case of deja vous leaves your protagonist convinced of supernatural interference.
A sceptic begins to question their beliefs during a psychic reading.
Your protagonist uncovers a scandal at their workplace.
A hapless cook tries to recreate her late father’s favourite recipes in an effort to feel connected to him.
Your protagonist has a premonition that makes them certain they can’t visit their mother-in-law for Christmas. Now he must convince his husband.
A young backpacker discovers something unexpected in a cave.
An impulsive character and an indecisive character are brought together by chance. They must make an important choice.
Two characters cleaning up after a party discover an object that sheds light on something strange that happened earlier.
Two strangers are trapped together during a blackout.
Your protagonist must take a leap of faith in order to save something important to them.
Your protagonist discovers a huge part of their life has been a lie.
Your protagonist has set up an elaborate way to propose. Inexplicably, everything goes wrong.
Your protagonist must buy a dress for her mother’s funeral.
Your protagonist goes back to her favourite city in the world, only to find it has completely changed.
While stargazing, your protagonist realises the stars are forming secret messages in the sky.
Your protagonist hears a news story on the radio that will mean the world changes forever. However, she seems to be the only person who heard it.
Your protagonist is crossing a frozen lake. They see something under the ice that definitely shouldn’t be there.
A workaholic must come to terms with retirement.
An Olympic athlete must decide whether or not to report their teammate for doping.
A young mother feels isolated from her childless friends.
Your protagonist is about to realise their greatest ambition. Will it be everything they were hoping for?
Onboard a spaceship, a couple prepare to go into stasis for hundreds of years.
Your protagonist has an obsession with thinking about the past.
Set in a post-apocalyptic future, your protagonist meets an unlikely love interest.
Your protagonist visits a place from their childhood and realises their memories of that time might not be accurate at all.
A small child has decided to run away from home. Her parents watch on with amusement as she decides what to put in her backpack.
On a whim, a bus driver decides to radically change his route, much to the chagrin of his passengers.
Dystopian. A couple in love are only allowed to spend time with each other one day a year.
A shapeshifter begins to realise their powers are fading. They must decide what form will be the last one they take before they cannot change again.
The devil visits your protagonist with an offer on her soul.
Your protagonist suddenly has the ability to read minds. There’s only one place they want to go now!
Your very wealthy protagonist has designed a simple test to see who will inherit her estate.
An archaeologist discovers something that will change how we see the history of the world. It could be dangerous. Does he keep it to himself?
Your protagonist must clear out their late mother’s house. She discovers an incredible family secret.
Your protagonist is meeting his brother. They haven’t seen each other for 20 years.
Your protagonist develops the ability to see the world literally through someone else’s eyes.
Your protagonist starts to believe their partner might be a spy.
Your protagonist discovers a hidden camera in their living room.
Looking for a flash fiction competition? Check out our ‘Big List of International Writing Competitions!’ Looking for inspiration? Why not check out our list of the 20 Greatest Short Story Writers of All Time! Just received another short story rejection? Here’s our post about ‘How to Deal With Story Rejections’ Bonus Prompts! Two characters waiting by the side of the road realise they are both meeting the same person.
A woman loses her young niece in a busy shopping mall.
Three strangers must solve a riddle in order to gain entry to a secret club.
A poor woman must borrow ingredients from her neighbours to bake her husband a birthday cake.
A waiter finally finds out why an old man has been coming to the restaurant where he works every day at exactly the same time.
Two work colleagues must decide which of them is to take the blame for a terrible mistake at work.
Your disgruntled protagonist goes to confront the couple next door about the strange noises they’ve been hearing at night.
A family dinner party sees three characters make three very surprising announcements.
Two women argue over who should get to buy the last dress available in a store. How do they decide who should get it?
A young couple find out they knew (and disliked) each other vehemently as children.
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submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:10 nplant The quality of the Anandtech article on Lunar Lake

I felt like I was having a stroke while I was reading this drivel. This isn't just a couple of spelling mistakes - it's embarrassing.
Examples of complete nonsense:
This abomination has 8 commas:
Confusing adjectives/adverbs that mean nothing:
Repetition of the same point over and over:
Three of the paragraphs on the summary page essentially say "The specs look good on paper, but we didn't get any benchmarks" phrased in different ways.
Somehow they all manage to have different levels of enthusiasm that seem to contradict each other:
And even the sections that didn't have glaring errors were unnecessarily hard to read. Link
submitted by nplant to hardware [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:01 monstereatspilot Kaweco Sport blue collar review

Kaweco Sport blue collar review
My first post here. I am a Master Mechanic and hobbyist calligrapher. A good friend of mine who’s into fountain pens bought me this Kaweco Sport to try out as my daily normal use pen and I’ve been impressed enough with it to give it a quick review as I’ve just finished the first ink cartridge after several weeks. I really like this little thing! It lives in my work shirt pocket next to a micro Streamlight, a Snap-on pocket screwdriver, and a Sharpie. I’m constantly taking these items in and out of my pocket, crawling around underneath vehicles, bending over, and just generally jostling the pen around. It has not leaked on me even once, the nib stays clean, and it’s always ready to write. It seems to write well on a variety of paper. I was worried that the fine tooth threads to secure the cap would quickly wear out given they are plastic and it gets a lot of use, but I have been conscious about not over-torquing the cap and so far it’s held up well. The barrel is not too scratched up, and the clip is still in good shape. The only down side to this pen it’s that it’s practically microscopic in my huge hands, but somehow I still manage to write well with it. I just wish the body extended into the crook of my thumb.
All in all I’m pretty happy with this pen. I hardly ever see “real world” reviews of fountain pens and it’s kept me from purchasing one for that purpose, so I thought I’d write this review for anyone that may be in the same spot.
Does anyone else have a good rough n’ tumble fountain pen they enjoy for daily use?
submitted by monstereatspilot to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:54 SaukstasProto Depression and emotional eating in teens

Depression and emotional eating in teens
I like meta-studies a lot. They really leave no space to say – well, this was a coincidence, or this is very individual. This study summarized the results of multiple papers covering more than 26 thousand adolescents. The more likely teens are to display depression symptoms, the more likely they are to have issues with emotional eating.
This is wrong on its own, but the effect of emotional eating lasts quite far into the adult life – when grown up, these adolescents are at a much higher risk of heart and cardiovascular problems.
On a separate note, it is also worrying that the relationship between these two factors was stronger if it was obtained from self-report studies and not from parent-report sources. This means that teens do not share their difficulties with their parents and try to “cope” by themselves. Pity.

spoonfulofreason #psychology #adolescents #depression #emotionaleating

Photo: Stephanie Albert from Pixabay
Study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666324003143
My name is Monika; I am a health and nutrition psychologist. I help to deal with daily and challenging questions about behaviour, thinking, and emotions. I write, give lectures, and provide psychological counselling. Book my session here: https://calendly.com/saukstasproto/psichologine-konsultacija
submitted by SaukstasProto to spoonfulofreason [link] [comments]
