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2024.06.05 05:14 Revolutionary_Gap681 Resident Evil Live-Action Series (plus a One-Hour S.T.A.R.S. Special

Apologies if this is a long post, but thank you for reading in advance.
I'm one of the few people who originally had high hopes for that Resident Evil Netflix series... until we got it...
All in all, this COULD work as a series, but like everything else in life, only if it's done right.
Let's pretend we live in a world of make believe where Capcom just gave me the live-action adaptation rights to Resident Evil and a big budget studio gave me an open checkbook and said "do what you want." One of my favorite aspects of the Resident Evil series is exploring the lore, along with the main plot of the series, so here's what I'd do...
First off, I would do an hour-to-an hour and a half long PREQUEL special - for now, let's just call it The S.T.A.R.S. of Raccoon City - that would solely focus on the S.T.A.R.S. team and follow a type of mission they would normally on. Timeline-wise, this would take place roughly three months before the events of the first Resident Evil video game and the special itself would be in the style of cop drama shows such as CSI or Law & Order: SVU - with Chris Redfield & Jill Valentine being the "Stabler & Benson" of the special, minus the obvious sexual tension. And because this would be a prequel movie, there would be no horror elements and no conspiracy theories about the Umbrella Corporation, as we would be meant to see everything through the eyes of the normal citizens of Raccoon City (with SLIGHT exception to Brian Irons, who we still see as a belligerent asshole and a bit of a pervert, just not to the extent of full-blown evil psycho that the games would reveal). The plot? I would say the mission we would see them is trying to diffuse a hostage situation with a few high-ranking Umbrella officials (including Dr. Nathaniel Bard from the Resident Evil 3 Remake) and Katherine Warren, the Mayor's daughter who some fans will know of her unfortunate fate in Resident Evil 2. At the end of the mission, this will lead into the events of Resident Evil's main story, which will kick off the series.
Oh and just a heads up... I know people will be mad at me for this, especially fans of this game in particular, but: No. Resident Evil 0 will NOT be canon in this series. I'm sorry, it's a narrative preference. Although there will be a couple of moments from the game that will make it's way into the canon here, such as Dr. James Marcus being somewhat responsible for the T-Virus leak in the mansion lab. But instead, have it to where (we wouldn't find out about this until maybe the 2nd to last episode of the season) he KNEW he was about to be assassinated and there was nothing that he could say or do to escape his fate. So instead, he just sacrifices himself by leaking the T-Virus himself in the mansion's laboratory, which would effectively kill him too, because if he's going down, he's taking the company with him. I find that a bit more gratifying than having him turn into a David Bowie-wannabe King of Leeches who sings like the blue alien from The Fifth Element.
Okay, tangent over. I would want the series to still be titled Resident Evil, but instead of "Season 1" or "Season 2", I would want there to be subtitles in the same vein as American Horror Story, or, as I mentioned previously, Law & Order and CSI. Like, I don't know, call this one Resident Evil: The Mansion Incident, or maybe something more clever than that, I'm all ears. I didn't call it The Umbrella Conspiracy because, while fans of the game know better, I wanted to avoid putting spoilers in the title for the new fans.
Now, for the Cast.
I'm a big sucker for casting somewhat unknowns or non-big-named actors for the lead roles to put them in more of a spotlight, but there will be a select few that I will use bigger name actors for, so here you go...
Now I would do a lot of things similar to what the video games did, but with this being a series instead of a movie and hopefully with the companion S.T.A.R.S. special, we would have gotten to know a lot of these S.T.A.R.S. members before their inevitable demise and betrayal. Also, a series would also have enough time to shine a light on some B.O.W.'s that would feel too rushed in a feature-length film, and some of the lore that you read in the Files and Diaries in the games, and give some development to a lot of the lesser known characters, which would bring me to one MAJOR change I would make to add some surprising drama...
What if Barry wasn't the ONLY one working with Wesker?
That's where Forest Speyer and Kevin Dooley come in.
Considering Forest & Chris are such good friends, that would create one hell of a dynamic when it's revealed that Forest is a traitor (a willing one, at that) who's in it for the large sum of money so he can do what he always wanted to do: retire at a young age and live without being financially burdened in a quiet place. Kevin, on the other hand, has crippling gambling debt, hence why he joined with Wesker and Umbrella, although their reason for including him is in case they needed another pilot if Barry were to be... eliminated somehow. Have Forest fake his death with some blood and his dog tags (doesn't have to be HIS blood) to throw the others off his trail, have him be the one who shoots Enrico (it'd make sense considering he's a sniper) by having Jill get him out in the open in the Courtyard while running from Hunters... Forest shoots Enrico in the gut, causing him to fall behind and get torn to pieces and decapitated by the Hunters.
As far as Kevin & Forest's death scenes, I would have it to where they were already paranoid after Wesker revealed that he has no intention on bringing the combat data back to Umbrella, and once Wesker "dies", Forest and Kevin make a run for the boiler room - while Chris & Jill are distracted with the Tyrant - to activate the self-destruct sequence to finish Umbrella's orders. Kevin begins to have second thoughts, only for him to be pushed by Forest into a crowd of zombies and get eaten alive while Lisa Trevor comes in and bashes his head in. Forest... I took inspiration for his death based on Wesker's original death in the novel Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy by S.D. Perry: Forest activates the self-destruct sequence and then slowly, but violently get torn apart by Chimeras.
And of course, we get our canonical ending where Brad comes in, drops the Rocket Launcher for Chris (Jill will get her time to shine in the RE3 series) to destroy the Tyrant, and leaves with Chris, Jill, Barry and Rebecca. After some back and forth, Brad reveals that he went back to the R.P.D. to request Chief Irons to send in Raccoon City's SWAT Team to help extract the S.T.A.R.S., only for Irons to immediately call off the investigation, which prompted him to get into the R.P.D. Armory to retrieve the Rocket Launcher, fill up on fuel and come right back into the Arklay Mountains to find them. This leads to Barry revealing that Irons may know more about Umbrella than he lets on, leading to the grim realization from the survivors: no one in Raccoon City can be trusted...
Post-credits scene shows William Birkin on the phone with what appears to be the U.S. Army, apparently trying to strike up a deal about a new virus he's developing - doing it behind Umbrella's back. Annette comes in and berates him for doing this, reminding him that Umbrella has moles everywhere. William brushes this off as he once again relishes in his ultimate creation: the G-Virus. End of Season.
I apologize if this is too long, but I am such a huge fan of this series and I would love to see it done right in a live-action adaptation and, well, this is the best I could come up with.
What do you think? Would you do something different with the narrative? The cast? Might be a fun discussion. Want me to do the second game?
submitted by Revolutionary_Gap681 to Fancast [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:12 ranger-j My Primary Amalgamverse, so far

Alongside my WIP Big 3 + Big 3 universe, my primary universe is listed here. Still very much a WIP in itself, but its by far my most detailed. Some of these (\cough\** Batman + X-Men \cough\**) are clearly more ironed out than others, mind, but I like what I've got so far.

A.J.A.X. - Agency for the Jurisdiction of the Abnormal and Extraordinary (A.R.G.U.S. + S.H.I.E.L.D.)

The Spectacular 4 (F4 + Superman)

Vengeful 4 (Frightful Four + Superman Revenge Squad)

The Meta-Mutants (X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, New Mutants + Batman, Teen Titans, Outsiders)

Wayne’s School for the Gifted and Extraordinary (X-Men + The Batfamily)
Supporting Cast
X-Titans (X-Men + Titans)
Mutants on the Outside (New Mutants + Outsiders)
The League of Mutants (Brotherhood of Mutants + League of Assassins, Gotham Rogues)
The Goth Club (Hellfire Club + General Gotham Rogues)
Other Villains

Green Giant (Hulk, Nova + Green Lantern, Nova)


The Crawler (Spider-Man + The Flash)

The Crawler Family
Rogue 6 (Sinister 6 Founders + The Rogues)
Speed Siphons (Symbiotes + Reverse-Flashes, Evil Speedsters)

Captain Atlantis (Capt. America + Aquaman)


Black Lion (Black Panther + Wonder Woman)


Green Rocket (Iron Man + Green Arrow)


Aesir (Thor + Shazam)

Supporting Cast

The Visitor (Vision + Martian Manhunter)

Ms. Fission (Capt. Marvel + Firestorm)

submitted by ranger-j to Amalgam_Comics [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:06 aeternaldreams New Startup Slot Developer Massive Studios Features Gorgeous Graphics & Animations

New Startup Slot Developer Massive Studios Features Gorgeous Graphics & Animations
I accidentally came across Massive Studios by searching for a game with a similar name to their beautifully designed Super Mega Monsters. Released nearly a year ago, the cascading reels feature captures that Candy Crush style of gameplay where one spin can lead to multiple drops of disappearing symbols. Apparently, I'm not the only person fond of this game as there are several videos of gameplay with enthusiastic commentary.
Founded in 2022 with headquarters in Melbourne, Australia, Massive Studios has already released 7 quality titles in that short span. As a web designer, I really respect their dedication to formatting the games to different devices and aspect ratios. Characters and elements that appear next to the reels in landscape mode seamlessly move from top to bottom when changing the orientation of your phone.
Much like our developer from last week, the company maintains a very active profile on LinkedIn. Things must be going very well as they recently posted about an animator job opportunity. Innovation is a huge priority and given their recent accomplishments the future looks very bright for this young company.

Games That Stand Out

While the library of games is small, Massive Studios has no problem exploring different themes and topics. Sure, a few of them are in the horror category but there are other quality choices too. Although, I definitely need to start out with the game that got my attention.
Super Mega Monsters
There's a lot to keep an eye on (no pun intended) when playing Super Mega Monsters. As mentioned in the introduction, the cascading reels keep the action going with each successive drop of matching symbols. A history bar on the left begins to grow while on the right side each of the monster's five eye balls start to fill. If you're feeling lucky a buy feature allows you to activate a game enhancer mode or apply 2 specific bonus attributes.
Bonsai Banzai
As soon as you start this game you may choose your character and the level of volatility. Will you play it conservatively and select the option for high volatility and normal wilds OR extreme volatility and multiplying wilds? Fortunately, you can easily switch between the two mid-game with the click of a button. I caught myself doing just that several times in a row to activate leaves fluttering in the background and the accompanying sound effects.
Drac's Stacks
Take on Dracula in this spooky-themed slot game featuring fun symbols like mirrors, garlic, holy water and more. The buy feature has not 1 but 2 game enhancers along with 2 bonus options to opt for. While stunning for sure, it's the music that really sets the tone of the game. It's a track that would fit right in with any other ambient Halloween music.
You can play these and other games from Massive Studios right on their website. For any 2D artists, make sure you bookmark their LinkedIn as their team continues to grow and seek new talent.
submitted by aeternaldreams to nodepositbonuscasinos [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:21 Adamvs_Maximvs Window film for day and night that doesn't completely obscure.

My home office is on my main floor with the screen visible from the street. I don't deal with National secrets or anything but I'd like a window film that blurs or obscures the screen enough that someone looking through the window can't read or make out details. I'd like something I could still see out of or at least have some visibility even if it's really blurred.
I've looked into films and the mirroone way film doesn't really solve my issue as I work in the evenings or late sometimes. I picked up a frosted film online to try but it's basically completely obscuring looking through my window.
Is there a 'light frosted' or 'slighly bludream filter' film that would work or is it basically one-way mirror or full frosted and that's it.
Any suggestions or alternatives would be great. I have blinds, but sometimes I need to unexpectedly access my PC remotely and I won't be home to close the blinds, etc.
submitted by Adamvs_Maximvs to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:02 TechnicalSmile165 Supporter Needed!

Supporter Needed! submitted by TechnicalSmile165 to PokemonUnite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:52 Theeaglestrikes Since 1998, the people of my Alaskan hometown have been frozen in time. I shouldn’t have returned.

When the edged wind came to our village, it seemed like a typical Alaskan gust. One fitting for late December. Then, as the tall tide of frost lashed against the shore of our home, the sagging branches of the yellow cedar trees stopped bouncing. And I abandoned the idea of the breeze being a breeze at all.
Once others understood that, the time for running had passed.
The unholy wind reached the village’s main road, causing two moving cars to sharply and statically stop. The vehicles were frozen in place, much like the people within those metal graves. Onlookers, enjoying a brisk afternoon in the park, began to scream as loved ones succumbed to that supernatural end. Imprisoned in a capsuled moment of time.
Those first few victims were the lucky ones. They’d been oblivious to the fate which awaited them. True terror was endured by those who beheld the raw power of the wind. Those unfortunate enough to see the end coming.
Regardless, the remaining townsfolk, burdened with the awareness of impending doom, futilely attempted to escape the approaching breeze. Those fleeing residents, far slower than the unnatural frost, were halted in haunting poses as the wind bit into them. Limbs were suspended in mid-air positions. Eyes were left wide and unblinking. Mouths were cursed to forever gape in horror.
“RUN!” Dad screamed, sprinting towards us from a nearby park bench.
My brother, my childhood friend, and I were sitting in a sandbox. Already engrossed in a fantasy world, I wondered whether my imagination had conjured the wind. I thought my mind had transcended to a higher plane. It was my way of processing the trauma.
However, I accepted the reality of the situation when my father shoehorned the three of us into his Volkswagen Golf. The icy jaws of the wind were nearly nipping at the rear of the vehicle as Dad twisted the key in the ignition, but the beat-up car rapidly lurched forwards. My father wrenched us away from the frost, seconds before it consumed us.
“Daddy, where are we going?” I tearfully asked.
“I don’t know, Jillian,” He weakly moaned, manoeuvring around fleeing cars and pedestrians.
“Are we picking up Mummy?” Alan asked.
Dad ignored my brother’s question. I was only eight years old at the time, but I knew that my mother wasn’t coming. I understood the significance of the tears in my father’s eyes.
For twenty-six years, I successfully managed to suppress that memory. Did such a good job, in fact, that I almost believed it had all been a dream. I started to believe that we had simply moved away from our hometown, and Mum had simply chosen to stay. Dad never convinced me otherwise. He never talked about what happened. Neither did my brother.
As for Leon, he moved to an orphanage in Anchorage. We wrote to each other for a couple of years, but his replies became less and less frequent. Eventually, he stopped responding entirely. I used to wonder why my father didn’t adopt my childhood friend, but I suppose that would have forced him to accept what happened. And, like me, he had no intention of doing that.
I thought we would run back to England, having failed to achieve the American Dream. But Dad kept us in Alaska. I assumed that he’d been driven by stubbornness. Or guilt, perhaps. We’d already fled our home. Perhaps fleeing across the pond would’ve been a step too far. Perhaps it would’ve felt like truly abandoning our mother. Whatever his reason for staying, Dad didn’t tell anyone the truth. He never went to the police. He never returned to look for Mum.
“Don’t look back, kids,” I remember him whispering as we fled the frost.
I followed that advice for the next couple of decades, only recalling the event for the briefest moments, from time to time. When Dad bought the first computer for our family in 2000, I Googled the name of our old town. I typed the word before realising I was even doing so. I was still young, of course, but I knew that nothing about our speedy departure had been normal. I wanted answers.
I’d expected to discover that my village had become a ghost town. That would have made sense. Alaska’s unforgiving climate breeds desolate places, born to be abandoned. However, the search results revealed nothing, so I told myself I’d imagined the village. I told myself we'd always lived in Anchorage.
As the years passed, I became comfortable with the notion that none of it had ever been real. Not even my mother. And that was why I did not expect to see a certain person again.
“Happy birthday, Jill.”
My jaw dropped when Leon Taylor appeared on my doorstep.
It might seem strange that I would recognise a man who was a child when I last saw him, but Leon always had distinctive features. I immediately identified the mole on his neck, just below his facial scruff, and those sorrowful eyes, shadowed by his unmistakable overgrown brows.
“Leon?” I gasped. “What are you doing here?”
The man smiled weakly. “Sorry, Jill. I should’ve done this the Millennial way. Y’know. Reconnected through Facebook.”
“No, it’s… I just never thought I’d see you again. Do you want to come inside?” I asked, motioning at the hallway.
Leon nodded, so I made a couple of coffees whilst my old friend seated himself in the living room. A boy who I’d almost forgotten. Almost entirely erased from existence, just like our old town. But I’d always known, just beneath the surface of my shallow memories, that it had all been real. The truth of my childhood was always within reach. As I brought the drinks into the lounge, hands trembling, I tried to dispel the thoughts flooding my mind. Thoughts of that awful day.
“How’s your dad? How’s Alan?” Leon asked, taking the cup of coffee.
I sighed. “Dad’s been unwell for a few years. He hasn’t been taking care of himself, and he’s getting old. As for Alan… Well, Alan’s the way he’s always been. Uptight, and distant, but–”
“– When was the last time you spoke to him?” Leon sharply interjected.
The question caught me off-guard. “Huh?”
“Your brother. When was the last time you spoke to him?” Leon asked.
My face drained. He knows, I thought. How on Earth does he know?
“Three years ago,” I answered.
My old friend nodded. “Did you fall out?”
I scoffed. “That’s an understatement. You remember what he was like when we were kids, don’t you?”
Leon shrugged. “He was two years older than us. We must’ve infuriated him.”
I nodded. “Sure. But I grew up, and he never did. We had a big argument, and we haven't spoken since.”
“Interesting,” He responded.
I raised an eyebrow. “You’re a man of few words these days, Leon.”
The man cleared his throat. “Your brother messaged me a week ago.”
My other eyebrow raised. “What?”
“It was a very strange message.”
“Did you reply?” I asked. “I thought you would’ve preferred to ignore it.”
He lowered his head in shame. “I’m sorry, Jillian. I replied to some of your letters…”
“Then you forgot about me,” I said. “It’s embarrassing that I didn’t get the hint.”
“It wasn’t embarrassing,” Leon sheepishly muttered. “I read all of them. Every last letter.”
“Oh, well, that’s great,” I laughed. “Nice to know that you cared.”
“Jillian, I…” Leon paused, lifting his head. “I was scared.”
“Scared of what?” I asked.
“Remembering that day,” He replied. “It’s why I told your dad I didn’t want to come and live with you.”
“It’s… What?” I asked.
Leon tilted his head. “You didn’t know? Did you really think he’d just dump me in that place? He might’ve changed, but your dad was never cold. Still, I refused. Living with you would’ve reminded me of what happened to my family.”
I didn't reply, so my old friend prodded the beast. “Aren’t we going to talk about–”
“– Why did my brother message you?” I interrupted, avoiding the topic.
Leon twitched his lips uncertainly, as if unwilling to part them.
“He told me that I had to see you…” Leon trailed off.
“Right,” I said. “Why?”
“Your brother said something insane, Jillian,” He said. “He claimed that Arnold Walker visited him in Fairbanks.”
My jaw fell. “I beg your pardon? Arnold Walker? My brother’s school friend?”
Leon nodded.
“He escaped? I didn't know others got out,” I whispered.
My old friend’s face was growing paler. “No, I... Your brother said something that seemed impossible. He said that Arnold did not arrive on his doorstep as a thirty-six-year-old man, but a ten-year-old child.”
My stomach dropped. The natural response would’ve been to discredit such an outlandish story, refuting it with a rational explanation. But Leon’s revelation served to do only one thing. It confirmed what I’d always known.
“A ten-year-old boy made it all the way from our hometown to Fairbanks?” I asked meekly.
Leon frowned. “That’s it? You’re not going to question it? I did. I messaged Alan repeatedly, but he never replied.”
“Not a nice feeling, is it?” I asked, sighing. “How did you want me to react, Leon? You were itching to talk about that day. Well, I’m not skirting around the subject now. Let’s talk about it. Okay? I know all of that horror really happened. I’d just never wanted anyone to confirm it.”
“Me neither,” Leon said. “I was trying to avoid your family for the rest of my life. Your brother ruined that.”
“Yeah. He tends to ruin things,” I replied. “So, that’s it? Alan wanted you to tell me about Arnold Walker?”
Leon shivered. “There’s more, but… Look, I know I should’ve messaged you about all of this first, but I thought about the way Alan avoided my questions. I didn’t want you to do the same. I assumed if I were to show up in person, then–”
“– I wouldn’t be able to run away,” I finished. “I understand, Leon. I just hate that my brother is still too childish to talk to me.”
“Funny. He called you childish too. Listening to you two bicker is nostalgic,” Leon smiled, before quickly adopting a solemn expression. “I’m trying to change the subject, but I need to rip off the band-aid. Alan said that Arnold took him to a car on the front lawn. There was a man in the driver’s seat, barely clinging to life, with a face mangled beyond recognition. Your brother said the man’s skin had been peeled from his face… And he was still, somehow, alive.”
I shuddered, vomit climbing my throat.
“Arnold told your brother that the man was Mr Johnson,” Leon whispered.
“The farmer? The one who ran the local grocery store?” I asked, shivering.
My friend nodded. “Yeah. Alan said he’d aged a little. Well, his hair was greyer than he remembered. The pair must’ve been on the road for hours, and your brother didn’t know how they knew where to find him. He had so many questions for them, but Mr Johnson died before the ambulance arrived. And whilst Alan talked to the paramedics, Arnold ran away. He’s missing.”
“Shit…” I whispered. “I’ll call my brother.”
“You might struggle,” Leon said. “Alan ended the message by saying that he was going back… home.”
I gawped. “No. He wouldn’t be that stupid.”
“Maybe not. You should try to contact him,” Leon said. “He hasn’t replied to my dozens of messages, but he might reply to you. Not sure he even has a signal, out there in the boonies, but you’re right. You should try.”
I spent an hour trying to contact my brother, in various ways, but he did not respond. Alan had vanished. And I knew, like it or not, that I had to return to our village too. I should’ve told Dad. Would've told him, had he not been one bad day away from a heart attack. In spite of the man he’d become, I loved him. I didn’t want to remind him of the place we’d fled.
One person should be spared the horror of remembering, I thought.
Leon and I, two strangers who’d spent formative years together, piled into my Kia, and we drove from Anchorage to a place that I’d long hoped had never really existed.
I was going to be horribly disappointed.
On a nondescript road that burrowed into the Alaskan wilderness, my throat started to twist and constrict. The outer edge of my vision shrank, and my head pulsated with a slowing rhythm as the world slipped away from me. I struggled to breathe as I came to terms with an awful fact.
I recognised that endless road.
“Jillian…” Leon whispered.
“Don’t,” I begged.
I didn’t want to hear it. I wasn’t ready. I’d known all along, of course, that our village existed. Even when extensive research had revealed nothing about the town. When I thought of the way the breeze consumed the town, erasing its residents, it made sense that it would erase the very place itself. After all, even I’d started to doubt its existence, and I’d lived there.
Accepting the unearthly nature of the event wasn’t as tough as you might imagine. If anything, I had fought hard to deny it. I wanted to ignore the existence of a paranormal force, though I had witnessed it with my own eyes. Even if there were some Alaskan breeze powerful enough to instantaneously freeze an entire town, we hadn’t witnessed that. We’d seen something else. We’d seen that glacial wind freeze the town. Not its people, but its tether to time.
After an hour of following the frosted landscape, we saw something familiar on the horizon. Leon’s face mirrored mine as our damned village appeared. A bulge of ruin and decay, growing as we neared it. And when we crossed the threshold into the desolate town, the reality of our quest finally dawned on me.
“Where is everybody?” Leon asked.
It might seem a moronic question to an outsider. Our old village was clearly an abandoned place. No rational person would expect anybody else to be there. Of course, I understood Leon. He had asked the same terrifying question that was circling the drain of my mind, refusing to flush away.
I thought back to that terrible day on which hundreds of people froze in time. Then I thought of Arnold Walker and Mr Johnson. The two residents who’d supposedly shown up at my brother’s door. One of them had looked no older than he’d been in 1998.
“Time resumed,” I finally mumbled.
“Yes, but where did everybody go?” My childhood friend asked.
I didn’t have an answer. Neither did my brother, and that was why he’d come here.
That’s not the real reason, I thought. He was hoping to find… her.
I rolled onto my old street, noting that the trees swayed in the wind and birds flew overhead. Signs that time was flowing. I wondered whether others had fled in the same fashion as Arnold and Mr Johnson. I even allowed my heart to soar a little as I considered that my mother might have freed herself. Might have found Dad in Anchorage. Might be wondering where Alan and I had gone.
However, I knew that not to be the case. Mum had not arrived at my door, and there had been no national news coverage about people emerging from a town that didn’t exist. There had only been an old, half-butchered man and a quiet boy. Both were gone. And I had questions about the nature of their escape from our hometown, given my brother’s ominous message to Leon.
Something was still dreadfully wrong with our village. Twenty-six years had not changed that. The people of the village had not disappeared into the sunset. Whatever had happened to them, I knew it wasn’t good. Possibly worse than what happened to Arnold Walker and Mr Johnson.
I pulled onto the driveway of my childhood home, gently trundling over cracked asphalt. Weeds squirmed through the wounds of the suburb, as nature sought to erase my childhood from existence. There was no need for that, of course. The wind of 1998, and whatever secrets it held, had already done a fine job of wiping my hometown from reality.
“Do you think he’s come here?” Leon asked as I turned off the engine.
“Yes. We both know who he wanted to find,” I said.
My childhood friend nodded, and we both sombrely climbed out of the vehicle.
The village was colder than I remembered. For a mid-afternoon day in late May, it was unseasonably chilly. Alaska, for the most part, is not the arctic hellscape that many people imagine. Not in all parts of the state, anyhow, and certainly not in late spring. The air also felt stale. It carried the stench of evil, and it seemed to be tinged with frost. As if that demonic breeze were still lingering in the air, nearly three decades later.
I knocked on the rotten front door, surprised that it did not break with a slight rap of my hand.
“Alan?” I yelled. “It’s Jillian.”
My brother did not respond, but I wasn’t concerned. If he had been there, and Mum hadn’t, then he wouldn’t have wanted to stay. I wanted to use that as an excuse to turn around and leave. I already assumed that my mother wouldn’t be there, but another part of me knew that my assumption was more of a wish. In a similar way, I had been secretly glad to find nobody in the town. There was only one person I hoped to find in my old village, and that was Alan.
I was terrified by the prospect of finding anything else.
“Jill…” Leon started softly. “Come on. We have to do it.”
“Do we?” I asked. “This was a mistake. We should turn around. We–”
“– I agree,” Leon sharply interjected. “But we have to find your brother. And when we do, we’ll convince him to come back with us. We’ll convince him to leave this place behind too.”
“Why did you come to see me, Leon?” I asked. “You could’ve ignored my brother’s message. You could’ve pretended none of this had ever happened. That’s what you did when you started ignoring my letters, isn’t it?”
“I deeply regretted that for years, Jill,” He said softly. “You were my best friend. You were… more than that. We were just kids, but I loved you. I’ve not made another connection like ours. Not even in my adult life.”
“I know,” I replied. “I loved you too, Leon. That’s why it hurt when you let our bond peter out. If you’d cut me off from the start, I would’ve understood. But it just felt like you’d stopped caring.”
“Never. I just lost the strength to bear that trauma,” He explained. “Every letter was a reminder, and I just… That’s why I came to your door. That’s why I didn’t ignore what your brother said. I didn’t want something to happen to him. You lost your mother. I didn’t want you to lose him too.”
“We all lost things,” I sniffled. “You lost… more than me. I just don’t understand why you’d come back. Why my brother would come back. I don’t even understand why I’ve come back.”
“We never really left this place, did we?” Leon asked. “Not in our minds. Even though it doesn’t exist in the eyes of the outside world, it never left us. Never let go. Arnold Walker and Mr Johnson lured Alan back. And he lured us back.”
“That’s an unsettling way of looking at it,” I timidly replied.
“It’s the only way I’ve been able to look at it,” He said. “Whatever claimed this place, it remembered us, and it made sure we remembered it. Not that it would be easy to forget… For years, I thought I’d lost my mind, but after talking to you and Alan, I’m not so sure. I find it hard to believe that we’d have experienced a shared delusion. No, it all really happened. And the memory replays in my mind every day. I’ll never get rid of it.”
“Dad seemed to do a good job of erasing this place from his mind,” I said.
I knew that wasn’t true, of course. He had never forgotten. That was made apparent by his deterioration. Alan and I had a close relationship with our father before we left that village. Afterwards, he changed. We all changed. Losing Mum had fractured the family, but there was more to it than that. I started to consider that Leon might be right. Perhaps the frost hadn’t ensnared the two of us, but it had certainly bitten us.
“Do you want me to do it?” Leon eventually asked.
I wanted to be courageous enough to open the door, but I wasn’t. I nodded meekly and stepped aside, allowing my childhood friend the nightmarish task of facing whatever lay within my old home. He pushed the door handle down, expecting the house to be unlocked, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Shall we try the back?” I asked.
Leon backed up. I quickly realised what he was planning to do, and I opened my mouth to utter a protest. My hulking friend had charged before I spoke a single word, however, and he hurled his body into the door. It quivered in its frame, but did not give.
“Leon!” I cried. “What are you doing?”
“Well, I don’t suppose you have the key?” He panted, massaging his shoulder.
I held up my hands. “Look, let’s just…”
My friend rushed forwards again, and the result was the same. This time, however, Leon released a groan of pain, clutching his arm a little more tightly.
“You’re going to hurt yourself,” I said. “Let’s take it in turns to kick the door. That'll work better, and it won’t cripple either of us.”
Leon nodded, and the two of us firmly booted the door near the handle. The wood quaked, and it only took a few attacks for the door to splinter around the lock. The frame splayed inwards, and the metal mechanism fell loose.
“Whoops… That worked a little too well,” Leon laughed.
He led the way into my childhood home, which looked, unlike the street outside, the same as I remembered. The same as it had looked on the day I’d left. There were no shoes left by the door. No muddy prints on the carpet. No indication whatsoever that my brother had visited our old home, which I’d gathered when the front door had been locked. But this was not a relief. I knew, in my gut, that Alan would’ve gone there first.
He never made it home.
Leon shivered. “This place feels cold…”
“Frozen,” I corrected. “Frozen in time.”
“Is it safe for us to be here?” He asked. “What if we end up like the others?”
“It’s a bit late to ask that now,” I replied. “The breeze passed long ago. This just seems to be the horror it left behind.”
Leon accepted my suggestion, then he wandered over to the staircase. My friend took one step before halting in place. For a haunting moment, I believed that he had been frozen in time too. I believed that I’d been wrong, and the frost had come for us. But I quickly realised that my friend was still moving. Still twitching. He was frozen by fear, not a supernatural gale.
“There’s someone in the bathroom…” Leon wheezed.
With physical dread in every inch of my body, I joined my friend and looked up. Artificial light spilled beneath the bathroom door onto the dark landing.
“There might not be anyone in there,” I shakily said.
“Jillian, this is an abandoned town. There is no electricity. Your house is still frozen in time, and it froze with the bathroom light left on. Somebody must have been–”
“– Don’t say it,” I pleaded, upper lip trembling.
“Do you want me to lead the way?” He asked.
I didn’t. I wanted to run, but I knew I would never forgive myself for doing so. Leon was right, of course. I hadn’t allowed him to finish his sentence, but it was clear that he was going to mention somebody in particular. Somebody whose face flooded my mind as we ascended the staircase, one tentative step at a time. Somebody whose name started to tickle my lips as Leon grasped the handle to the door.
It wasn’t locked.
“Mum?” I moaned as Leon inched it open.
My ageless mother was inside.
I’m sure I would’ve screamed at whatever we found, but I was not prepared for the state of the statue before me. Mum was standing at the sink, hands cupped below a stream of tap water suspended in time. As I had always feared, the frost caught her. It was horrifying enough to be frozen in time for twenty-six years, whilst the rest of the world continued, but that wasn’t why I screamed. I’d braced myself for that possibility. I’d spent my entire adult life coming to terms with it.
I screamed because I wasn’t prepared to see her face.
Mum was smiling. Not a wholesome smile. It was a taut grin that etched an unnerving crescent shape across her cheeks. There was nothing unnatural about the grin, but it looked painful. And it appeared as if cataracts had taken the entirety of her pupils.
“Mum?” I asked weakly. “Do you hear me?”
There was no reply. I peered around the side of her face, and I immediately regretted it. Though she was frozen in time, she did not look unaware. I felt her sightless eyes boring into my face, and I quickly jumped backwards.
“Let’s go and find your brother,” Leon fearfully said.
As I nodded, backing towards the doorway, I locked my gaze onto my mother’s profile. My heart pounded as I started to close the bathroom door. I was trying to ignore the idea that had wormed into my mind. The possibility that, behind the glassy cataract, a pupil might still exist. Lying dormant. Watching me from a face that no longer seemed to belong to my mother.
After I shut the door, Leon and I took a few moments to control our breathing. With a slight tremble, my friend finally walked over to the light switch and raised a hand, but I caught his wrist.
“What are you doing?” He frowned.
“Leave the light on,” I whispered. “I… don’t like the idea of leaving her in the dark.”
My friend’s expression softened, and he nodded, seeming to understand my explanation. Seeming to empathise. But I was lying. I wasn’t worried about leaving my mother in the dark. I was worried about the thing behind that smiling face.
“Alan didn’t come here,” I said. “Did he really come back?”
“You read the message, Jillian,” Leon replied.
“I know, but…” I sighed. “I know.”
“He might not have come to the house,” My friend suggested.
“This is the first place he would’ve visited,” I said. “If Mum weren’t here, he wouldn’t have returned.”
“Well, let’s look around,” Leon urged. “You never know. We might find something else. Something to help your mother, perhaps.”
“You saw her face,” I whispered. “She looked far past help.”
“Don’t say that, Jillian!” Leon shouted, eyes watering.
You idiot, I thought.
I was so self-centred. So focused on finding my brother and my mother. I hadn’t thought about Leon’s parents. His brother, Carl. People we’d left behind when my father saved us. I remembered Leon sobbing as he begged my father to turn around.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “We need to find your family too.”
Leon viciously shook his head. “Only if we find an answer, Jill. Only if we find a way to save them.”
My friend entered my childhood bedroom, and I followed him. I imagine that visiting one’s childhood home is a strange experience for anyone, but strangeness morphs into horror when that home is trapped in a moment of time. I felt physically unwell when I saw the glass of water on the bedside table, fresh as it had been on the day that my dad took us to the park. Life had continued for me, but the town was still trapped in that dreadful, inexplicable day.
“Jillian,” Leon said calmly. “There are people outside.”
He was standing in front of my bedroom window, and when I joined him, eyeing the road below, I saw them. A man and a woman who seemed to be in their mid-forties. The man wore ill-fitting clothes. A chequered shirt two sizes too small, and a pair of torn jeans. The woman, on the other hand, wore a pristine, shapely dress with a floral pattern. She looked oddly familiar, though her eyes were jittery and unfocused. It was the man who’d locked his eyes onto our house.
“I… vaguely recognise her,” Leon said.
I nodded. “Yeah. I don’t know her name, but I remember her. She looks a tad older, perhaps. I don’t know the man though.”
“You stay here,” Leon said, reaching inside his coat. “Don’t come out.”
“What are you holding?” I frowned, noting his shiftiness.
“Just…” Leon concealed his hand within the thick, wintry coat. “Are you going to stay in here?”
My eyes grew as I spotted a glint of metal. “You don’t… No, Leon. Please. Don’t tell me you have what I think you have.”
“We had no idea what we were going to find here,” The man protested.
I scoffed. “Leon Taylor? Carrying a gun? The boy who berated me for killing me a spider.”
Before he replied, there came the sound of the front door swinging open. And when we spun our heads back to the bedroom window, we saw that the man and woman were no longer on the street. I realised they were inside.
“Hello?” Called a man from downstairs. “We mean you no harm.”
“I have a weapon,” Leon yelled, slipping the pistol out of a hidden holster.
“Don’t shoot… It’s Bernie Bradley…” The man shouted weakly.
My mouth gaped. Bernie Bradley was in my brother’s school year. I remembered him. And as I recalled the face of the man I’d seen on the street, I didn’t find it hard to believe it had been the face of that same boy, twenty-six years into the future.
“What do you want?” I yelled.
“To help you,” He replied. “Before they come.”
“Who?” Leon asked.
“I’ll tell you if you put that weapon away,” Bernie said.
“I don’t trust you enough for that,” My friend growled.
“Are you Leon Taylor?” The man asked.
“Why?” Leon responded.
“Sydney Manley pushed you off the swing set, and you called her a fat cow,” Bernie said. “She ran home in tears.”
It wasn’t enough. In a place like that, which defied all laws of rationality, it wasn’t enough for Bernie Bradley to know that. But Leon and I needed it to be enough because we were hopelessly alone. Hopelessly afraid. And hopelessly desperate.
My friend re-holstered his weapon, and we walked onto the landing. Bernie and the woman were midway up the stairs. The man’s hands were raised, but the woman barely seemed aware of where they were. Barely seemed aware of herself.
“Leon Taylor and Jillian Maynard. Is that right?” Bernie asked.
“How did you recognise us?” I asked.
“You were the only ones who escaped,” He replied. “The Maynards and Leon Taylor.”
“The only ones?” Leon asked incredulously.
Bernie nodded. “Others tried, but the frost got them.”
“So, why aren’t you…” I started, unable to finish.
“Mind if we sit down before I answer that?” He asked.
I looked at Leon, and my friend begrudgingly nodded. We all headed to the living room and sat down. Once we did, Bernie Bradley told us an incredible story, and the woman beside him simply rocked on the sofa, face painted with a disturbing smile.
Bernie had been a ten-year-old boy, sitting at his bedroom desk, when the chill swept through his room. He told us that he remembered nothing but a black void. He might’ve been there for an eternity, or it might’ve been less than a moment.
When he woke from that dark slumber, still a ten-year-old boy sitting in the desk chair, Bernie looked out of the bedroom window. He was overcome by the horrible feeling that time had been lost, but he didn’t know how much. And when he saw residents frozen in the street, he realised that something awful had happened. Bernie found his own paused parents in the kitchen, and they were completely unresponsive to his pleas.
The lonely, frightened boy ran through the town, calling for help. Nobody answered. After a long day of searching, he returned to his house in tears. For a week, Bernie lived on cans of food from the cupboards. And then he heard shouting from the street.
Hello? Is anybody there?” A man called.
Bernie ran outside to find Mr Johnson. The farmer had just woken from ‘a darkness’ to find the town full of statues. Bernie told Mr Johnson that he’d been alone for a week, but he had no idea how long he’d been frozen before that. The boy wanted to leave, but the farmer said they had to save as many people as possible. They had a duty to do so. After all, neither the farmer nor the boy knew what might happen to them if they were to run. The frost might return.
Anyway, Mr Johnson took Bernie under his wing. The crops in his field, thankfully, had unfrozen, as had his entire farmhouse. Mr Johnson fed Bernie, and the two of them survived. A week later, they found Elizabeth Coulter, the local headteacher, wandering through the town. Over the course of the following year, a dozen more unfrozen souls were saved and brought back to Mr Johnson’s farm.
But things changed as time passed. The newer thawed souls were unhinged. The longer a person had been trapped in that black stasis, the less human they became. They were still intelligible, but they spoke only of the voice in the void. A voice that they missed in the land of the living. They were irritable, but Mr Johnson cared for them, all the same. Eventually, they fled.
This only worsened as the years went by. After a decade, Bernie’s mother and father unfroze. However, his dad ran, and his mum only remained because she was lost and confused. She would rant and rave about the Speaker. The one that would make everything better. The one that would make them all eternal.
It was during the year of 2018 that things crossed a terrifying line. Mr Johnson had decided that newcomers were not welcome. It was a decision of necessity, not cruelty. The recently unfrozen folk had become more than unintelligible. They had become dangerous.
Hark! The Speaker calls!” Walter Frankton screamed.
The middle-aged man, who had once been a police officer, was standing outside Mr Johnson’s farmhouse. When the community of sane people emerged, they screeched at the sight of Walter holding a charred body above his head. Nobody identified the burnt corpse, but Mr Johnson wasted no time in drawing his rifle and giving Mr Frankton ten seconds to flee.
Bernie explained that Walter laughed demonically, before disappearing into the night. Over the coming years, bodies were found in the street. Followers of the Speaker would relentlessly pursue Mr Johnson’s community, so the sane folk kept distant from the people of the Speaker. Few of Mr Johnson’s followers understood why they stayed, yet nobody felt able to leave. Something was keeping them there.
A couple of weeks before Leon and I arrived, however, Bernie said that Mr Johnson finally announced his plan to leave. There were murmurs of uncertainty. Everybody wanted to escape, of course, but fear had always stopped them. Still, they trusted Mr Johnson. If anybody had the power to safely lead them away from the place controlling their minds, it had to be the brave farmer. Packing and preparations began.
However, some days later, Bernie Bradley happened to look out of an upstairs window and notice Mr Johnson. The old man was wandering aimlessly onto the driveway, stumbling like a drunken man towards his vehicle. Bernie said there was a small child standing beside the car. The young boy led Mr Johnson to the driver’s door with a smile, and the two of them fled.
Things disintegrated after that. When a Molotov cocktail found its way through a window, the community dispersed. The sane folk fled in different directions, and Bernie was left alone with his mother.
“We’ve been running for days,” Bernie explained. “I keep finding the bodies of people from my community. Charred corpses in the street. I tried to leave this town, but it wouldn’t let me. The farther I drove, the sharper the pang in my heart. I knew I'd die if I were to keep going.”
“How did you find us?” Leon asked.
“I heard you,” Bernie replied. “Hard to miss the sound of an engine in a dead place like this. I had a hunch that it might be you.”
“You must've heard my brother then?” I asked hopefully.
Bernie frowned. “Alan's here? That might explain the raucous a few days ago… I don’t know what I heard. Noise. Lots of it... You won't find him, Jill. You have to run whilst it still lets you. The frost might be gone, but… something lingers.”
“The Speaker?” Leon asked.
Bernie nodded. “I was fortunate enough to never hear it. Or never remember hearing it. I don't know what it said to them. My mother won't tell me.”
Bernie looked at the woman next to him. The one who appeared to be the same age as him, though I realised he was still a decade younger. The horror of our town had aged him beyond his years.
“It will be so glorious…” Bernie’s mother giggled, eyes bearing faint pupils behind mild cataracts.
“You’re lucky that they didn’t see you arrive,” Bernie said. “Otherwise, you’d be dead already. But they’ll come. Sooner or later. And you need to listen to me if you want a safe way out of here. Okay? We need to distract them. Keep them off your backs.”
I shook my head. “I need to find my brother. I know he came to this town. I thought I'd find him in our home, but–”
“– Walter wanted him,” Bernie’s mother hissed.
The woman stopped rocking. Stopped smiling. And her head snapped to face me with such eerie speed that I thought it might entirely disconnect from her neck. Bernie quivered, seemingly just as horrified by his mother’s words as the rest of us.
“Mother…?” He asked.
Walter wanted him. Walter wanted him. Walter wanted him!” The woman laughed, taunting me.
“What does she mean?” I sobbed. “Does Walter Frankton have my brother?”
Bernie’s face whitened. “If he does, your brother's either been flayed or charred.”
“Christ, Bernie,” Leon replied.
I sniffled. “I won’t leave until I know.”
“He’s already dead,” Bernie bluntly said.
“We don’t know that!” I cried.
I thought the others were sitting in stunned silence because I’d spoken so assertively. However, as I calmed my breathing, and the throbbing sensation in my ears quietened, I heard it too. The sound of laughing voices. Bernie’s mother strained to smile broadly. She looked as pained as my mother, but grateful for the privilege of the discomfort.
“You don't want to see this. We'll head through the back. Do not look at the street...” Bernie hoarsely pleaded as I rose.
But I was already running to the door.
I flung it open and started to run down the path, with Leon and Bernie in tow. Then, my eyes met the mob spilling beyond the end of the street. The crowd easily numbered a hundred people, and each face wore a terrible smile. Eyes glassy, yet all-seeing.
There was a man shuffling from the crowd towards me, like a terrified toddler taking its first steps. I tried to blot his face from my mind. I didn’t want to see it, though it was too late for that. I’d seen everything the moment I faced the crowd. Eventually, I fell to my knees and howled as I embraced the truth.
The shuffling man, who had been flayed alive, was my brother.
Alan reached towards me with an outstretched hand, weakly shouting something, before toppling forwards. He was reduced to a motionless heap on the road.
“Jill!” Leon cried again, rushing to me. “We have to go!”
I continued to wail as the gleeful crowd surged forwards. I resisted Leon, but he easily hauled my limp body to the car and bundled me into the back.
“He needs help...” I blubbered.
“He’s gone, Jill,” Leon whispered.
“What about your family?” I asked.
“They’re all gone...” He sniffled, stepping on the accelerator.
Staring through the rear-view window, I watched the crowd approach my old home. Bernie stood on the front porch, and his mother had her hands on his shoulders. The man did not run. As we pulled off the driveway, it almost seemed as if he, too, finally had a smile on his face. The mob swarmed Bernie, and I heard a brief cry of agony. It may have been ecstatic or fearful. It may have been both.
After we crossed the border, no chill pierced us. We were free to leave. But I know Leon and I belong to that town. I have always suspected that the wind grazed its teeth against my skin when I was a child. It grazed all of us. For, even now, I still feel that link. That urge to return to the salivating mob with a smile on my face.
When I returned home to find that my father was missing, I knew he felt it too.
submitted by Theeaglestrikes to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:49 LuvelyLizzie Charlotte gym team Theory

10 years into the future Charlotte starts training Ice types and becomes the Ice type gym leader too. I wonder what pokemon would she use alongside A-Ninetales and if she would still play on the mirror arena.
My first guesses are:
Please comment more ideas 😇
submitted by LuvelyLizzie to PokemonReborn [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:00 mildOrWILD65 Inherited from an uncle

Inherited from an uncle
I'm sure the date had significance to him but I don't know what.
1992 Mint Proof Set
The plastic case is scuffed and has a small rack but the coins appear to still be proof quality. Sorry, I just have a passing interest in this stuff, no offense intended by my ignorance.
submitted by mildOrWILD65 to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:44 Amarfas Nanmi Yumihari: Mat Farming Efficiency

Oh joy, Summer Adventure is back... I'm going to avoid talking about it for as long as possible.
Also, I wanted to have specialized sheets ready for GUDAGUDA and Halloween by now but I've been procrastinating. Hopefully links to them will be included in the main sheet before the next Event. Speaking of, the usual sheet:

Event Gimmick

As far as I understand the Event gimmick, we get free stuff on a real life timer and can speed that up by sending the right Dog Warriors! Neat! Unfortunately, this all seems very unrelated to the Event Quests themselves, so it doesn't affect our Efficiency calcs. And also unfortunately, these quests are kind of mediocre so they needed the help.
Well without further ado, let's dig into the details.

Training Champion

Drops: Tearstone of Blood, Small Bell of Absolution, Assassin Gems/Monument
Initial Total Eff: 1.074
Initial min Total Eff: 0.572
Honestly there's a good chance I would have skipped talking about this quest if my own program didn't tell me that I should farm it ~2,000 times under some configurations. Proving that as long as the Efficiency is above 1, it's always possible for it to save AP when farming.
In order for this Event Quest to be valuable, you need to not care about any other mats dropped alongside Tearstones and Bells (or I guess need so many Bells that you'll farm all the rest before you finish farming Bells). This (extensive) list includes Dust, Proofs, Spines, Medals, Feathers, Seashells, Pages, Seeds, Scales of Fantasy, and Dragon's Reverse Scales.
Bells of Absolution are also dropped in the upcoming Tam Lin Cup (seriously, 1,856 times?) alongside Mirrors, and Tearstones are shockingly rare until Christmas next year. Before that, they'll appear in Summer 2025, alongside Sun Leather at okay rates (Total Eff: 1.163). They are also in a Job for this Halloween's Event, the implications of which are still confusing me.

Walking Champion

Drops: Spirit Root, Eternal Ice, Berserker Gems/Monument
Initial Total Eff: 1.231
Initial min Total Eff: 0.685
In order for you to consider farming this quest, you need to care about both mats not care about Dust, Gears, Steel, Crystals, Scales of Fantasy, and either Crowns and Proofs OR Shells, Claws, and Horns.
Eternal Ice doesn't seem to be in Events until Hunting Quest 13, 15 months from now. Spirit Roots will be dropped in the Tam Lin Cup alongside Eggs.

Chaldea Winners Champion

Drops: Mysterious Divine Wine, Crown of Silvery Light, Saber Gems/Monument
Initial Total Eff: 1.258
Initial min Total Eff: 0.684
This is actually just worse than Atlantis' Hestia Island. Only worthwhile alongside Shop mats.

Grand Champion

Drops: Tsukumo Mirror, Ghost Lantern, Caster Red Gem/Monument, Berserker Gold Gem
Initial Total Eff: 1.608
Initial min Total Eff: 0.853
The usual saving grace for every Event falls kind of short here, particularly because both of its mats are going to be available in upcoming Events. I am rather shocked how rare Ghost Lanterns have become, though.
In order for this quest to be satisfying for the non-shop mats alone, you need to care about both mats and not care about Gears and Pages. Unfortunately, the Mirror drop rate is about equal to Traum's Fort Azagauc so it's not worth farming this quest for Mirrors alone.
Ghost Lanterns will be a prize in one of the tea concoctions for GUDAGUDA Shin Yamatai (basically a legally-distinct-lottery mechanic). Mirrors will be dropped in the Tam Lin Cup alongside Bells of Absolution (as mentioned before), and will also be dropped in GUDAGUDA Shin for good measure.


If I analyzed the data right, this Event looks mediocre for drops, particularly because there are much better sources for most of them right around the corner (Tam Lin Cup)! I get the feeling the point of this Event was more to look at cute dogs than to farm.


The analysis in this Reddit Post is starting from the assumption that you want all Bronze, Silver, and Gold mats about equally, but do not care about Gems, Statues, or XP. For an analysis more catered to your specific material goals, you can either make a copy of the above Google Sheet and fill it out to your specifications, or alternatively use this tool I made.
Further, the purpose of these posts and google sheets is not to provide a roadmap for clearing the Event Shop; other guides and websites, such as Gamepress, provide those. The purpose is to answer whether or not the Event Questss are worth farming for their Materials alone. You should use your own judgment on whether or not an efficient shop clear is more valuable to you.
Hopefully some people find this useful!
submitted by Amarfas to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 02:29 Feeling_Lab8263 Maybe nuck is Ronnie’s father🤷🏽‍♀️

Maybe nuck is Ronnie’s father🤷🏽‍♀️ submitted by Feeling_Lab8263 to TheChi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 22:41 IlluminatedInk_Press 🌞💔 The Deceptive Dance of Sun Worshipers

Proclamations in Winter's Chill:
In winter's gloom, they utter vows to the suspended sun so high, With fervent tones, their promises spill, "For you, dear Sun, we sigh." In biting cold and frost's drill, they wait for the warmer sky, But, when summer spreads its fiery thrill, these sun lovers, oh, where do they fly?
Vanishing in Summer's Blaze:
They hide from the sun's merciless gaze, in shaded corners, they stay, In cool rooms, they spend their days, while summer rules the bay. Against the scorching sun's rays, their fans in unison sway, Though in winter they prayed for brighter days, now, they wish the sun away.
Respite in Evening's Breeze:
Then arrives the long-awaited evening, with its soft and gentle breeze, With cooling winds and shadows relieving, the trees whisper with ease. Out they come, their discomfort leaving, under twilight's colorful frieze, Admiring the sunset's quiet unweaving, in the comfort of the cooler degrees.
Basking in Sunrise's Glory:
A new day dawns, and they gather 'round, to witness the sunrise's bloom, With hushed reverence, they watch spellbound, as light dispels the gloom. "Isn't the sun beautiful?" their praises resound, as daylight begins to loom, Yet, when the day wears on, to be found, they're not under the sun's heated flume.
Questioning the Silent Cosmos:
Oh, silent Cosmos, shed thy light, can lukewarm love ever be sincere? Those who worship the gentle sunrise's might, yet in full daylight, they disappear. Can one claim to love the day, but shun the vertical sun’s bright sphere? A parable of passion betrayed, under the sun's relentless mirror clear.
This tale of ephemeral adoration reveals truth, in fickle worship dictated, Demonstrating that love’s true manifestation is constant, not easily abated. Asking, 'Are they faithful?' leaves an unsettling sensation, their commitment anticipated, An allegory of human predilection, in the sun’s journey, cleverly narrated.
submitted by IlluminatedInk_Press to OCPoetryFree [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:01 grierks Hedge Knight, Chapter 71

First / Previous
The Cold left as Aria’s voice cried out, her scream carrying through the forest trees. Winter’s chill remained, but compared to the biting frost that she’d felt before it was as if a blanket had been draped over her. Newly formed tears washed over the ones frozen to her cheeks, the warmth from them comforting as her sobbing continued. It was not despair that fueled her weeping, however, but rather the rush of… everything that she felt since crying out. Anger, sadness, fear, happiness, determination burned within her, and she had no other outlet, no other way to process it other than the tears that poured from her eyes and the scream that escaped her lips. Through her blurred vision she could see the moons peeking through the canopy of trees above, their glow adding to the comfort that steadily began to take hold.
What felt like an eternity passed before her cries dwindled to reflexive wimpers. Her throat was hoarse, and her body may as well have been made of stone, but there was a lightness to her chest now that made her feel like she was floating. It was only after the rush passed through her that she could fully feel Helbram’s hands on her shoulders, his grip firm, but comforting. He released one of his hands from her and, after shaking off his broken gauntlet, wiped the tears from her face. His hand was roughed and callused, but radiated a warmth that brought color back to Aria’s cheeks. A gentle smile was spread across his face, overtaking the blood that trailed down his face and the frost that clutched at his skin. His blue eyes flared under the moonlight, and for a moment she thought she saw a glint of green wash over them.
Before their light started to fade.
Helbram was still smiling as his hands dropped to his sides, eyes still looking ahead as he collapsed to the ground. Blood dripped from the sword impaled through him, and through the layer of frost that coated his body, his skin started to grow pale. Relief escaped Aria as she looked at him and horror took its place. She fell to her knees in front of him, hands trembling as they reached out to his.
He did not respond.
“Helbram?” A voice said from behind her, its tone weak but alarmed. It was followed by a rush of footsteps as Jahora ran to his side, “Helbram!”
The Mage looked around in a panic, eyes eventually stopping as they fell upon something that was behind Aria. Jahora ran to it, and as the girl’s eyes followed her she saw that the woman pulled Ren from the ground.
“Wake up!” she pleaded, “we don’t have time!”
The Cleric’s eyes fluttered, threatening to close again, but they snapped open in response to the panic in Jahora’s voice. He held himself upright and shook his head, eyes falling upon Helbram as he did so. Any fatigue that may have held Ren down appeared to vanish momentarily as he rushed to Helbram’s side, the symbol on his forehead filled with a golden light as he gripped the sword that was impaled through Helbram’s stomach. The Cleric took in a deep breath and, bracing himself, pulled the sword from Helbram and tossed it to the side. He shifted the unconscious man onto his back and placed his hands on the wound, channeling his golden Aether into it. Jahora joined him soon after.
“I need more Aether,” Ren said through gritted teeth.
The Mage nodded and closed her eyes. Her jaw clenched, and as her body trembled three rings of Aether formed around her head. She placed her hand on the Cleric’s shoulder, channeling a bluish aura onto the Cleric that bled into Ren’s own golden glow. His hands flared with a brighter gilded light, its brilliance enough to push back the panic and shock that had overtaken Aria’s mind.
It only lasted for a moment.
The rings around Jahora’s head flickered before dying out, with Ren’s symbol doing the same. The glow in the Cleric’s hands started to fade, reducing to a dull sheen over his ashen hands.
“No, not now,” Jahora despaired. She clenched her hands so tight and closed her eyes, shaking as a growl slipped through her lips. Her Aetheric rings blinked, sparking to life only to collapse a moment later. The effort drained the Mage even further, and she barely caught herself before yelling in frustration.
“Elly,” she said, a twinge of hope growing in her voice, “Elly!”
Jahora tried to push herself to her feet as she cried out, but failed to find the strength to stand as she collapsed back to the ground.
“ELLY!” she screamed, tears filling her eyes as she started to crawl.
Aria stood still, feeling a chill start to crawl over her. Except… it was not The Cold this time, but instead the bite of fear that nipped at her skin. Fear not for herself, but for Helbram, whose eyes grew more hollow with each passing second. All while she stood there, watching him slowly fade away.
She heard a rustle in the leaves off to the side, but did not take her eyes off of Helbram. Hurried footsteps drummed into her ears, a precursor to Elly’s appearance out of the corner of her vision. The Weaver slid to Helbram’s side and placed one hand on Ren’s shoulder. With the other, she held Helbram’s hand, the one used to wipe away Aria’s tears. Rings of light appeared around Elly’s wrist and ankle, and like Jahora had done before the caster started to channel a soft blue aura into the Cleric. The symbol on Ren’s forehead regained its steady glow, and the light in his hands grew brighter, but he still shook his head.
“This will only keep him stable,” Ren looked at Elly with a grim expression, “And I know you are at your limits as well.”
“I’m fine,” the Weaver asserted. Her grip on Helbram’s hand tightened, “More than fine.”
As if fate were calling her bluff, the rings around her limbs started to fade.
Elly grit her teeth and closed her eyes. Sweat beaded on her brow as she shook, willing her Aetheric Rings to glow brighter as the tide of energy that flowed to Ren grew. Hope took hold of Aria as the light in the Cleric’s hands started to glow.
She knew it was fleeting.
The light was already dimming even as Elly pushed herself, and the desperation on Jahora’s face told Aria what was soon to happen. Helbram was going to die.
And there was nothing she could do about it.
In her despair, the desire to sink back into the Cold reared its head once again. The need to escape the growing pain in her chest grew with each passing moment, but that ethereal chill did not answer her desires. Aria had made her choice, and now she must suffer its consequences. Tears pooled in her eyes once again..
Tears that Helbram would never be able to wipe away again.
The girl fell to her knees as she looked on, all sound around her muting as she looked at the fallen man. Jahora’s screams, Elly’s yells, and Ren’s urging faded, and time itself felt as if it slowed, locking Aria in this torturous moment for what may as well have been an eternity. Her breath stopped at her throat, a barrier to the cries that wanted to escape, and she could feel the dull ache in her chest flare into a dagger that dug into her heart. All she could feel was the pain, the sorrow, the agony as she watched on, the last of the light in Helbram’s eyes draining away.
Through the pain, something prodded the back of her mind. A chill, but not like the one that the Cold possessed. It was… comforting, like a cool breeze in the midst of Summer’s heat. Aria expected a voice to follow its presence, but no words rang through her mind. Instead, the chill traveled through her, flowing throughout her entirety. Frost followed, its misty form pouring from Aria like an aura.
An aura of Aether.
Ren, Elly, and Jahora looked at her with shock, but that soon faded as Elly released Helbram’s hand and held out her own towards Aria.
Ren looked at the Weave in alarm, “You don’t know wh-”
“I don’t care,” Elly interrupted. She looked at the girl with gentle eyes, ones that failed to hide the desperation behind them, “take my hand.”
Aria raised her hand, clutching onto the Weaver’s with a strength that she did not know she possessed. As their hands locked, she felt a pull. Not physical, but rather at the frost that gathered around her. As it flowed from her and into Elly, Aria felt a hollowness in her chest and a dull ache start to form in her head. That was pushed to the side, however, as she saw frost build up across Elly’s arm. Panic stopped the flow of energy between her and Elly.
“It’s alright,” the Weaver said, “we can save him.”
As she spoke, Aria felt another hand on her shoulder. It was Jahora, who grabbed the girl’s free hand.
“Together,” she said, her voice filled with the same comforting tone she held the night they first met.
Aria met Jahora’s gaze, and, pushing aside the fear that gripped her, gave a firm nod. Panic released its grip over her, allowing her frosty aura to flow into both casters as they placed their hands onto Ren’s shoulders. The hands that gripped Aria’s own were coated in ice, but as the girl’s energy flowed through them it shifted into a deeper blue that let Ren’s golden light regain its brilliance. The Cleric pressed his hands firmer against Helbram’s wound, driving the energy into it. Aria could not tell if Ren’s spell was working, but as she looked upon the determined looks of both Jahora and Elly, she let any questions in her mind fade. Helbram needed her all, and she would give it. As if it sensed her will, the chill at the back of her mind grew, and her aura flared with a soft pale light.
It was the last thing she saw before her vision went white.
Helbram looked up into the endless expanse of the void. Nothing but blackness greeted his vision, but there was an odd sort of serenity to it all that let him lie still. Even if he possessed the drive to move, he knew it would be an impossible task. Even within the recesses of his own mind did he feel like he was made of lead.
He tried not to think about what that meant for his actual body.
Out of the corner of his sight sat himself, the him who possessed eyes of green. He leaned back in a simple wooden chair, dressed in simple clothes. His gaze drifted upwards, just like Helbam’s had, and he had an empty, almost vacant look on his face.
“Odd, is it not?” his mental self said, “After all that you have been through, the only thing that greets you is the endless space above us.”
Helbram snorted, “Had you not spoken, I would have assumed that I had returned to the Cycle.”
“If this is what awaits us in the Cycle, then death truly would be a fate most foul,” the green-eyed version of him stood up, “but we have not escaped such an outcome, not yet at least,” he sighed.
Helbram tried to move, but his limbs did not respond.
“I suspected as much,” he admitted, “it is not easy to escape death when a sword is driven through your gut.”
“It would be impossible,” his mirror said, “for those without the gifts of an Awoken or spellcaster.”
“Ren must have performed a miracle then… though I imagine things are much more complicated than that.”
The footsteps of his other self thundered around him as he walked right next to Helbram’s head, kneeling down as the echo of himself peered down at him.
“You cannot continue on like this,” he said.
"I know,” Helbram replied.
“If you continue to push yourself to this point, you will break.”
“This is true.”
“ would do it again.”
“That I would.”
Helbram met the green eyes of his other self, their stares unmoving, “I know you would too.”
His mirror clicked his teeth and looked away, “Without hesitation.”
Helbram snorted, “Then the only thing that we can do is carry on.”
His other self sighed and walked out of his sight, “I suppose so…your companions are going to give us hell for this.”
“Of that I have no doubt. I expect I will be seeing you soon after I wake up.”
The both of them laughed.
“Then we should best get ourselves some rest,” his mirror said. As he spoke, his voice started to sound more distant, and Helbram could feel a heaviness to his eyes.
“I suppose you are right…”
“I shall be here when you need me. Rest well, you did good today.”
“We did good today.”
“Heh… I suppose we did.”
As his other self’s voice faded, sleep took Helbram one again.
Leaf sat at the corner of the room, taking in the gathering in front of him. It had been nearly a week since they’d gone after Aria, and though all of them were beaten and broken they had managed to make their way back to Redhaven. The fearful eyes of the townsfolk followed them as they made their way back to The Wandering Fowl, and apparently the image they cut was enough to keep them from disturbing the group as they licked their wounds. Tried as the party did to refuse Ren’s aid, the Cleric was insistent in treating them no matter how much it wore on him. This, paired with Leaf’s natural recovery as an Awoken, meant that he was at least functional after a few days of rest.
Elly and Jahora, however, were not so fortunate.
Both casters sat on a bed on one side of the room, free from wounds but with a hollowness to their features as fatigue continued to wear on them. Aether Sickness, from pushing themselves far beyond their limits. Ren, who sat on the bed opposite to them, suffered from the same, though the seriousness in all three of the casters’ expressions somehow broke through their clearly haggard states. At the far side of the room, directly within Leaf’s line of sight, were the ones that were bound. Cora and Erik had their wrists bound behind their backs by Sealing Cuffs, and their legs were tied together by rope. Neither of the Shade’s were awake, having fallen into a slumber after the battle. Though their wounds were treated by Ren before he felt the effects of Aether Sickness, their unconscious states were no doubt due to the same strain that everyone in the room most likely felt, and with their abilities dampened that only meant their recovery would be slower.
At their side was Leon, whose wrists were constricted with rope, though his arms hung in front of him and his legs were unbound. The Black Cloak was awake and without his armor, but his eyes were downcast to the wooden floor, and were it not for the slight heave of his chest as he breathed Leaf would have suspected the man to be dead. The man had been unconscious for several days after the battle, and though Ren refused to restrain his companion at the party’s urging, the Black Cloak himself bound his wrists and fell into silence upon waking up. For an Awoken of his caliber, the ropes meant little, but Leon had moved little since restricting himself.
It was the least he should have done, given the state of the one not in this room.
“Are you certain about this?” Ren asked.
Jahora gave a firm nod, “Yes. Given how things are… we cannot in good conscience let Aria go with you.”
“If you mean to go against us on this, know that we will be unmoving,” Elly’s eyes narrowed, “Uncompromising, just as your companion was.”
Ren opened his mouth to reply, but as he looked over to Leon, his shoulders slumped and he sighed, “Of that I have no doubt…”
“Do not be mistaken,” Jahora said, “We are beyond grateful for your aid, and we are in debt to your kindness for the past few days, but we can’t trust you with her.”
“Please, you owe me nothing,” Ren said, “Without your assistance we would not have prevailed against these two,” he motioned to Cora and Erik, “and I shudder to think what would have happened had you not stopped Leon.”
He looked up and smiled, “So with this let’s call it square, shall we?” He stood up and stretched, letting out a satisfied groan, “Our mission was the pursuit of these two anyhow, and transporting two Shades is a handful enough as is.”
Leaf let go of a breath that he did not know he was holding. From the sag in their shoulders, his companions no doubt felt the same.
“But we cannot keep her existence hidden,” the Cleric said in a serious tone, “not for long, anyway. I’ve seen many a Shade, and by raw power alone Aria is within a league of her own, and that is something that should not be hidden from my order.”
He sighed, “And yet, though it will certainly earn me quite the lecture, we cannot remove a child from their guardians by force,” he chuckled, “and I would say there are none that fit the description of ‘guardians’ more than you lot.”
Leaf looked to Leon, who did not react to his companion’s words.
“We thank you,” Jahora said, “I know this is not a decision you make lightly.”
“Nor was your decision to take care of her,” Ren said, “And from what I have witnessed she will be in good hands indeed.”
The Cleric clapped his hands, “But I believe that is enough serious discussion for today. Go on, I know you wish to check on Helbram.”
Elly and Jahora both nodded and stood up, making their way to the door. Leaf followed after them, but stopped as he stood in at the doorway. He looked back at Leon and, as if the Black Cloak could feel his gaze, met his eyes.
“Know this,” Leaf said, anger bleeding into his voice “If you try anything, I will not miss the next time.”
Before Leon could respond, he left the room, closing the door behind him as he walked into the hallway of the tavern’s upper floor. He saw Jahora and Elly enter a room further down, near the stairs, and followed after them. He was halted at the doorway by the two women, who had stopped just in front of the room’s entrance. He’d expected to see the sight he’d always seen for the past few days. Helbram would be laying in one bed, his body more bandage than man and Aria would be in the other, the girl having exhausted herself so much that she too fell into a deep slumber for days.
Except, now only one bed was occupied. Helbram remained asleep, but at his side was Aria, the girl having decided to take a seat next to the unconscious man’s bed after having apparently woken up. A state of consciousness that must not have lasted long, for the girl had fallen back to sleep, her hand clutched to Helbrams as she leaned against his bed. Gentle breaths exuded from both, and were it not for Helbram’s wounded state it would be easy to imagine that both were taking an afternoon nap together.
Jahora approached them first, adjusting the girl’s position to a more comfortable one and fixing her hair, but letting their hands stay entwined. Elly followed after the Mage, her attention focused on Helbram as she looked him over. She placed a hand on his forehead, her touch lingering as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.
Not noticing Helbram’s own eyes fluttering open.
“Your hand…” he said, “is surprisingly warm.”
Elly’s eyes snapped open as Jahora’s gaze turned to the newly awakened man.
“Really? That’s the first thing you say?” her hand didn’t leave his forehead, and there was clear relief in her voice.
“What else did you expect?” Helbram said in a soft tone. He looked down at his hand, and at Aria, who still held onto it. He gave the girl’s hand a squeeze and looked towards Jahora. The Mage’s eyes glistened with tears, ones that brought a sheen to Leaf’s own eyes. As Helbram looked at him, he looked away and wiped the tears away and cleared his throat.
“You are all safe,” Helbram said, “that is good.”
He looked at the window, the pale light of winter’s sun pouring over him, “I must have been asleep for sometime.
“You’re godsdamned right,” Leaf barked, voice cracking as he made his way across the room, “You bloody bastard.”
Helbram did not have time to respond before they all embraced him.
First / Previous
Author's Note: Not gonna lie, writing these "wind down" chapters is probably one of the more challenging tasks since I want things to calm down, but I don't want it to feel like its dragging and be bogged down with too much detail. I think there was a good balance here, especially with all that happened in it, but as always let me know what you think! If you felt like there could have been more or could have been less feel free to speak your mind.
There is one last chapter to round off this arc, so I'll save any major commentary for then. I do find it hilarious though that at the beginning of this arc I said it would be shorter than the last one, when I'm pretty sure its ended up being the exact same length if not even longer lol.
Till next time folks! Have a wonderful week!
If you wish to read ahead and gain access to the audiobook version of this story, consider supporting me on Patreon ( If you want to leave a donation, here is my Ko-fi (
submitted by grierks to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:25 Korewoods Combat with a Two-PC Party

Hey everyone! I wanted to share some of my experiences playing D&D with my now-wife and a close friend who DMs for us. We’re running a homebrew campaign with just two PCs: my wife plays an Eladrin Druid (Circle of Stars) and I’m an Wood Elf Bladesinger. Despite having just two casters, we’ve been able to handle large combats and big opponents, which feels incredibly satisfying! I’m looking for advice on optimizing my spell choices at level 5 to better support our small party dynamic.
Here are my current stats and spells...
Playing as only two PC in a party makes each member take many roles, making this a really fun combo. Any and all advice is welcome thanks
submitted by Korewoods to dndnext [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:39 manicmike_ Fun Time with Mirrors

I just wrote this out to a comment on another sub and figured it might be worth the share. This was in response to a post about experiences with mirrors.
I've been meaning to post this somewhere, because I'd love interpretations and I'd love to get it down somewhere before too much time passes. Forgive the amount of detail, I love to write, and context is critical.
At the time, I'm a 35 year old father of an 8 year old who I've poured my time and self into and it's just coming into her own. Dual income, busy stable suburban family.
I'm very rational minded and evidence based. Purpose driven. My friends would say I'm the blunt but honest one. I love to play devil's advocate. I was once a devout Christian but via existential crises and traumatica galore, I believe what I see.
I have a friend from the Marines that went to Afghanistan with me. We started to camp every fall, and we eventually decided to try mushrooms. It was great.
Eventually I found a source of my own, and decided to dabble once at home at the end of a Friday night. This was two years ago. Everyone was asleep, I was overworked and craving human feeling. So I partook and laid down. Turned on Everything Everywhere All at Once and felt the waves of tears and joy and profound sadness that connected me to everything. I was really tired and started to doze out, and this is where it starts to get weird.
I am zoning off to sleep when suddenly I feel filthy, as if I've not showered for months. I experienced this in Afghanistan, being on missions for weeks being unable to change, sleeping in trucks, and it felt that level of grungy. I felt driven to the shower.
I open the door to the master bathroom (which has the shower, bathtub, separate toilet room and a door to the closet. There is a long mirror over the double vanity, maybe 5x12 feet or do) and step in, and I am in what feels like a parallel realm. I am ankle deep in blood, the room is dark with red and white up lights, and there is some new decor.
At least a dozen bodies are hanging upside down by meathooks secured in the calves of the bodies, and the heads were about a foot above the floor. Clearly, it was their blood being the reason my ankles were submerged.
Contributing to the crimson deluge were these humanite, winged creatures, grappling into the flesh of these bodies upside down while feeding on the blood gushing out their throats. The only sound was the sucking and biting and dripping. But I needed a fucking shower.
There was no clear means of egress to the shower, so I had to push the bodies aside and they were swinging from these metal chains and colliding with each other. The demon things just ignored me. I observed that I knew these mutilated bodies, it was everyone I was ever close to that had died in my life.
For some reason, I am just fine with all of this, some kind of skeptical delirious trance, and just want to get warm wet and soapy. So I strip and toss my nightwear into what must have been some mixed up coagulated mixture of my grandparents and first mentors blood, swing a corpse out of the way, and get the hot water going. Observing the swaying shadows in the frosted glass waiting for the water to get hot, my hair on the back stands up and I feel abject terror. Something is watching me.
I whip around bare ass naked and in the mirror is what I've best identified as a white hag. She looked monolithic, timeless, human, beautiful and terrible but ancient and malicious. Stark white eyes. Catching her gaze felt like paralyzation as I fell in fright into the inches of blood. I low crawled into the shower and closed the door. I sat in the hot water, watching the shadows of swaying corpses, until I came to.
I peeped out the shower door and I had all the lights off. No blood or bodies. Good. Hop out, dry off, avoid looking in mirror for good measure. Get ready for bed and of course as I'm opening the door to my bedroom, I feel those eyes on me again. I stop and look back into the mirror and I see her exit the stage (side of mirror).
I got back into bed and was rewarded with that warm physical pleasure and laughed myself to sleep. But, I look back and think to myself, "that was fucked"
submitted by manicmike_ to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:10 TitzKarlton Pocket change

Pocket change
Got this dime about a week ago as change. I noticed the potential frosted/mirror finish and put it on my dresser.
Forgot about it until tonight. Snapped a picture to post to see if y’all thought it was a proof.
The photo shows its 1980 S.
And that’s a proof! First time to find a proof in my pocket!
submitted by TitzKarlton to coins [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:56 arbitersart Cosplaying The Blade #technoblade25

I don't have any fanart ready, but I thought for today I'd share something that brought me a tremendous amount of joy related to our favorite blood god.
Around two years ago, just a few weeks after his passing, I cosplayed Techno at a local renaissance faire. It was something I'd wanted to do beforehand, with a crown sitting in my closet, and it was set it in stone to me when we lost him. I wanted to pay homage to him and I wanted to do it right.
I was nervous at first. I didn’t want to disrespect him in the wake of all the grief. But from what I gathered, he really enjoyed cosplayers. And I wanted to see who I could find who loved him too. Not just online, but in the real world. So I got to work, assembling pieces from my closet and goodwill and making a cape from scratch. I made leather shoulder pads for the cape, adorned it with jewelry and decorations, and ordered a pink wig. I put in HOURS for the cosplay, and it was work I'd never done before.
I also found it funny that the materials I did shop for were all conveniently on sale, as if the powers that be said “lmao sure I’ll help this broke n00b out, she’s gonna embarrass herself otherwise.” Ethereal redistribution of wealth, thank you blood god.
Through the process of making the cosplay, I broke down in tears a couple times. But let me tell you. When everything came together, and I put on the outfit, the wig, the cape, and finally when that cheap crown I got from a halloween store settled on the top of my head, I felt something truly phenomenal.
I felt so powerful. I felt something bigger than myself. And I know that probably sounds dramatic and cringey, but it's the truth. I walked with my shoulders squared and my chin up. For someone who sometimes had a difficult time distinguishing what exactly they saw in the mirror, it was nice to see him.
At the faire, I expected to run into a few mcyt people. At the ren faire you can find pretty much every kind of nerd or alt fashion person. I think at least a dozen people recognized who I was.
People younger than me, older than me, even people who worked at the faire. I got way more recognition than I thought I would. I’m not used to attention like that. People complimenting the cosplay, the pictures, people just calling to me from 10 feet away yelling "Technoblade never dies!" all the way to simply overhearing people talk to each other about Techno because they saw me walk by.
I can't tell you how incredible it was, for a fanbase that existed purely online to manifest in person, to see just how wide his influence had reached, all the way to a small midwestern town. I was surrounded by the love and joy that he created, that continues to exist even though he physically isn’t here anymore. And even in the recent wake of his passing, I was stunned at how joyful it was. There were no tears, no somber looks. It really felt like a celebration of his life.
I’ve always been comforted by that when I’ve had to grieve. When someone dies, their body and mind leave us. But the love they brought into the world never goes away. Because when someone brings you joy, and love, and laughter, whether you intend to or not, you pass that on to other people. And then they pass it on. And so on and so forth.
He lives through all the people who love him. And also through the f-ing sweet deals I got on my cosplay.
Thank you Techno. Happy, happy, happy 25th.
submitted by arbitersart to Technoblade [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:51 featherdance [Sell][US] Dior, Giorgio Armani, Kaja, Viseart, PMG, NARS, Becca & more!

Payment: PayPal Goods & Services, I'll cover the fee.
Everything is from a clean, smoke-free home.
139 items sold in 46 separate successful transactions on Makeup Exchange so far!
Happy to answer any questions, thanks for browsing!
*BNIB means the item is brand new, never swatched, and the box is included. Other items may be brand new, never swatched, but no box.

Individual Items (in album order):

>> Higher End <<
>> K-Beauty, Drugstore, etc. << (additional 20% off of purchase of 5+ items)
>> Tools & Nails <<
Freebies with any purchase:
submitted by featherdance to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:29 Professional_Test_74 Film Theory: Big City Greens secret villain and her crimes

Well, do you remember Big City Green
It a Disney Channel show that involve After losing his farm in the country town of Smalton, Bill Green and his two children Cricket and Tilly move in with his mother Alice Green (Gramma), who lives on a small farm in the middle of a city known as "Big City".
so why I am talking about this show?
Well, I want to talk about a secret villain in the series and I think Gwendolyn Zapp is the Secret villain
And you been think "But isn't Chip Whistler the main villain of the series which he want revenge on the Greens and got banned from Big City. Why you think she is a villain of the show since she is nice and crazy."
well, I want to tell you underneath her nice and scientific mind is a psycho Mad scientist CEO
Here are example in the show where she did
Car Trouble: In this episode she wanted to gives the Greens a new car to replace the old Kludge A114 which she want to send it to Mars which leave her with why bring a old farmer truck to Mars which could caused to make the truck destroy and Even on next-door neighbor Mars, with occasional temperatures a car (and human inside) could tolerate, you'd need a much heavier vehicle to combat the flyaway gravity.
I, Farmbot: Well, It about Gwendolyn made F.R.A.N.K (Farm Robot Assistant Network K) that have the DNA of Farmers and help the farmer to relax but caused to goes malfunction and goes rogue and almost killed the Green Family and destroyed the farm even at the end of the episode the Store clerk of Overhaüls say Clerk: (laughs) Yeah, that's been happening a lot. Like making Robotic Farmers that almost taking over is a wrong idea instead of testing before putting in store
Green Mirror: Well this episode is trying to send the Greens to a Matrix like place where she creates duplicate Alice, Bill and Cricket Green and start to remove code flaws of personalities with a laser gun which is brainwashing which and also removing Tilly's flaw which is sounds evil
Squashed!: Well this 2nd Halloween special which caused a terrifying growth hormone called Compound 415-C. which caused BigTech Mars lab to have a plant mutated into a Monster which she brought that compound to Earth which is a dangerous Growth hormone to bring to Earth instead of disposing it and this Chemical which Tilly used on Pumpkins to make a Mutant pumpkin that take control of brain of people into Pumpkinheads which caused to bring a chemical to turn a plant into an invasive species
The Delivernator: Yeah like this is weird like Gwendolyn unveils her robot the Delivernator which she claims can get the job done quicker than any other human which they made a race for delivery and which caused Property damage by breaking a doorbell, and Battery a Rich boy & a Bodyguard
Well we have to wait for Big City Green: Movie Spacation on Thursday to give to see her crimes in total
submitted by Professional_Test_74 to FilmTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:38 NeonChieftess Condo has just one window and 1 balcony door so needs more light. Would these 3 mirrors work on this wall or do the frosted windows above ruin everything?

Condo has just one window and 1 balcony door so needs more light. Would these 3 mirrors work on this wall or do the frosted windows above ruin everything? submitted by NeonChieftess to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:31 Billy_NoMate List of every time more than 4 words fit a category

To clear up a common misconception that this is something that only happens extremely rarely, here's a list of every time more than 4 words have fit one of the categories and what number puzzle it occurred in. The first 4 words are the answers and every word after that in parenthesis are words that fit that category but were part of another group. Also, category names might not be exactly the same as the ones used.
Edit because some of the comments think I'm actually angry about Connections doing this: Some people think that I compiled this list because I'm anti-overlap when it's actually the opposite case. I actually like the overlap since I think it makes for a more interesting puzzle. I feel like every so often there's an angry comment about more than 4 words fitting a category and acting like this has never happened before so partially out of pettiness and a love of useless stats I decided to make this list to serve as proof that this has been a deliberate part of Connections since the start.

#4 Cleaning Verbs

Possible answers: DUST, MOP, SWEEP, VACUUM, (IRON)

#5 Condiments


#5 Clue Characters


#6 Shades of Blue

Possible answers: BABY, MIDNIGHT, POWDER, ROYAL, (SEA)

#6 Rappers


#9 Shirts

Possible answers: CAMI, HALTER, TANK, TEE, (POLO)

#9 Vegetables

Possible answers: BEET, CARROT, CORN, ONION, (SQUASH)

#9 Insects


#10 Countries


#10 Birds

Possible answers: CRANE, JAY, TURKEY, SWALLOW, (KIWI)

#11 Spices


#11 Terms of Endearment

Possible answers: BOO, HONEY, SUGAR, SWEETIE, (BABY)

#12 Animal Group Names

Possible answers: FLOCK, PACK, POD, SCHOOL, (PRIDE)

#12 Deadly Sins

Possible answers: ENVY, GREED, LUST, PRIDE, (SLOTH)

#13 Airlines


#13 Greek Letters

Possible answers: BETA, CHI, DELTA, IOTA, (NU)

#13 Silent G's

Possible answers: GNAT, GNAW, GNOCCHI, GNOME, (GNU)

#14 Famous Brothers

Possible answers: JONAS, MARX, WARNER, WRIGHT, (MARIO)

#14 Honda Vehicles


#15 Colors


#15 Fishing Equipment

Possible answers: LURE, REEL, ROD, TACKLE, (HOOK)

#16 Nuts


#17 Neck Accessories

Possible answers: ASCOT, BOLO, TIE, SCARF, (BOW)

#19 Disagreement


#20 Grains

Possible answers: BARLEY, OAT, RYE, SPELT, (RICE)

#20 Royal Titles

Possible answers: BARON, EARL, KING, PRINCE, (DUKE)

#23 60's Band Member


#23 Dance Fads


#25 Desserts


#25 Animals with Tusks


#26 Countries (Holland is technically a region but it's often used as an informal name for the Netherlands)


#26 Spelled with Roman Numerals

Possible answers: DILL, LIVID, MILD, MIX, (MIMIC)

#27 Body Parts

Possible answers: HEART, LIVER, LUNG, KIDNEY, (SPINE)

#28 File Extensions

Possible answers: GIF, PDF, TIFF, ZIP, (DOC)

#28 Fruits


#30 Joints

Possible answers: HIP, KNEE, SHOULDER, WRIST, (ELBOW)

#33 Boats

Possible answers: FERRY, JUNK, TUG, YACHT, (SUB)

#33 Cuts of Beef

Possible answers: FLANK, LOIN, ROUND, SHANK, (CHUCK)

#34 Smell


#34 Music Genres

Possible answers: BLUES, COUNTRY, FUNK, SOUL, (ROCK)

#35 Metals

Possible answers: IRON, LEAD, TIN, ZINC, (NICKEL)

#36 Animals


#38 Trees

Possible answers: ASH, CEDAR, MAPLE, PINE, (ELM)

#38 Land Formation


#38 Bagel Flavors


#41 Islands

Possible answers: CUBA, JAPAN, MALTA, PALAU, (FIJI), (JAVA)

#42 Punctuation Marks

Possible answers: COLON, COMMA, HYPHEN, PERIOD, (DASH)

#43 Birds


#45 Modes of Transportation

Possible answers: BOAT, CAR, PLANE, TRAIN, (SUBWAY)

#46 Cities


#46 Fashion Magazines


#46 Storms


#48 Apparitions


#49 Relatives


#49 Offbeat


#49 Fictional Ducks


#50 Imperial Measurements

Possible answers: FOOT, INCH, MILE, YARD, (QUART)

#52 Rodents

Possible answers: GERBIL, HAMSTER, RAT, VOLE, (MOUSE)

#52 Musical Instruments


#52 Complain

Possible answers: CARP, GRIPE, GROUSE, MOAN, (HARP)

#53 Animal Group Names

Possible answers: COLONY, HERD, PRIDE, SWARM, (FAMILY)

#53 AP Classes

Possible answers: BIO, CHEM, GOV, STATS, (LIT)

#54 Places for Worship


#54 Presidents


#56 Dances

Possible answers: HUSTLE, SALSA, SWING, TANGO, (TAP)

#57 Patterns


#58 Arachnids


#58 Fish

Possible answers: CHAR, EEL, PERCH, SHARK, (CATFISH)

#58 Superheroes


#59 Quantity

Possible answers: FEW, HANDFUL, SEVERAL, SOME, (PAIR)

#59 Celestial Objects

Possible answers: ASTEROID, COMET, MOON, PLANET, (SUN)

#60 Sports Venues

Possible answers: COURT, DIAMOND, FIELD, RINK, (RING)

#60 Jewelry


#62 State Abbreviations

Possible answers: CO, MA, ME, PA, (LA)

#62 Period Table Symbols

Possible answers: FE, HE, NA, NI, (CO), (PA), (LA), (TI)

#63 Slang for Zero

Possible answers: JACK, NADA, NOTHING, SQUAT, (ZIP)

#63 Exercises

Possible answers: CURL, LUNGE, PLANK, PRESS, (SQUAT), (CRUNCH)

#63 Captains


#64 Dog Names

Possible answers: FIDO, LUCKY, ROVER, SPOT, (REX)

#64 Perceive

Possible answers: CATCH, NOTICE, OBSERVE, SEE, (SPOT)

#64 Fishing Terms

Possible answers: BAIT, CHUM, FLY, SINKER, (CATCH)

#65 Energy

Possible answers: JUICE, SPIRIT, STEAM, VIGOR, (GAS), (FIRE)

#66 Time Periods


#66 Breakfast Foods


#67 Desserts

Possible answers: CAKE, COBBLER, PIE, TART, (FUDGE)

#67 Occupations


#68 Extremely

Possible answers: AWFUL, QUITE, SUPER, VERY, (REAL)

#68 Currencies

Possible answers: RAND, REAL, STERLING, WON, (POUND)

#68 _____Cake

Possible answers: CARROT, COFFEE, POUND, SPONGE, (CUP)

#69 Shoes

Possible answers: CLOG, PUMP, SLIDE, WEDGE, (MARY JANE)

#69 Slang for Marijuana

Possible answers: GRASS, HERB, MARY JANE, WEED, (BUD), (POT)

#70 Camping Supplies


#70 Insult

Possible answers: BARB, DIG, DISS, JAB, (SLIGHT)

#71 States


#72 Santa's Reindeer


#72 Seen on Valentine's Day


#73 Facial Hair


#73 Pursue

Possible answers: DOG, FOLLOW, TAIL, TRACK, (SHADOW)

#74 Failures


#75 Social Gathering


#75 Found in a Kitchen


#79 Depart Quickly

Possible answers: BOOK, BOUNCE, RUN, SPLIT, (JET)

#79 Shades of Black

Possible answers: EBONY, JET, ONYX, RAVEN, (BLACK)

#80 Influence

Possible answers: CLOUT, PULL, WEIGHT, SWAY, (IMPACT)

#81 Appetizer Unit

Possible answers: FRY, NACHO, POPPER, WING, (CHIP), (CRACKER)

#81 Response to a Correct Answer

Possible answers: BINGO, CORRECT, RIGHT, YES, (DING)

#82 Drink Vessels


#82 Woodwinds


#82 American Poets

Possible answers: BISHOP, FROST, OLDS, POUND, (STEIN)

#83 Unclothed

Possible answers: BARE, NAKED, NUDE, UNCLAD, (BUFF)

#83 Football Actions

Possible answers: FUMBLE, PUNT, SACK, SNAP, (TURNOVER)

#83 Finger Actions

Possible answers: BUFF, CLIP, FILE, POLISH, (SNAP)

#84 Female Animals

Possible answers: COW, DOE, HEN, MARE, (EWE)

#84 Pronouns

Possible answers: I, IT, THEY, WE, (YOU)

#84 Roman Numerals

Possible answers: D, L, M, V, (I)

#86 Information Displays

Possible answers: CHART, DIAGRAM, GRAPH, MAP, (PIE)

#86 Additional Benefit

Possible answers: BONUS, EXTRA, ICING, PERK, (GRAVY)

#86 Creatures in Folklore

Possible answers: GNOME, GOBLIN, OGRE, TROLL, (DRAGON)

#89 Alcohol

Possible answers: CIDER, PORT, SAKE, STOUT, (SPIRIT), (SCOTCH)

#89 Pixar Movies

Possible answers: BRAVE, CARS, COCO, UP, (SOUL)

#90 Baseball Calls

Possible answers: BALL, OUT, SAFE, STRIKE, (WALK)

#90 Fish


#91 Jungle Animals


#91 Lowest Point


#92 Halloween Decorations


#93 Animal Sounds

Possible answers: BUZZ, CLUCK, MEOW, OINK, (BARK)

#93 Inside Info

Possible answers: DIRT, DISH, SCOOP, SKINNY, (TEA)

#95 Songs that are Names


#96 Animals

Possible answers: BUFFALO, COW, GOAT, SHEEP, (HORSE)

#96 Gymnastics Apparatus

Possible answers: FLOOR, HORSE, RINGS, VAULT, (BEAM)

#97 Fairy Tale Figures


#97 "Peanuts" Characters


#98 Fruits

Possible answers: APRICOT, FIG, GRAPE, LIME, (BERRY)

#98 Luxurious


#99 Intelligent


#100 Web Browser-Related


#100 Dirty_____


#101 Bowling Terms

Possible answers: ALLEY, BALL, LANE, PIN, (SPARE)

#101 Common Merch Items

Possible answers: MUG, PEN, TEE, TOTE, (PIN)

#102 Vehicles


#102 Muppets


#103 Soda Fountain Orders (Concrete can mean a type of milkshake or frozen custard)


#104 Robust

Possible answers: FIT, HEALTHY, SOUND, STRONG, (WELL)

#104 Water Sources

Possible answers: FOUNTAIN, SPRING, TAP, WELL, (SINK)

#105 Kitchen Utensils


#106 Wedding Items

Possible answers: BOUQUET, RING, TRAIN, VEIL, (CAKE)

#106 Encase

Possible answers: CAKE, COAT, COVER, CRUST, (VEIL)

#107 Snakes

Possible answers: BOA, MAMBA, PYTHON, VIPER, (GARTER)

#108 Produced by Trees

Possible answers: ACORN, CONE, POLLEN, SAP, (GUM), (NEEDLE)

#108 Candy


#108 Target of a Scheme

Possible answers: CHUMP, FOOL, MARK, SUCKER, (SAP)

#109 Rap Subgenres

Possible answers: BOUNCE, CRUNK, DRILL, GRIME, (TRAP)

#110 Golf Clubs

Possible answers: IRON, PUTTER, WEDGE, WOOD, (CLUB)

#112 Coffee Counter Items

Possible answers: CUP, LID, STIRRER, STRAW, (STICK)

#114 Talk

Possible answers: BLATHER, CHAT, GAB, JABBER, (YAK)

#115 Christmas-Related


#116 MLB Teams

Possible answers: ANGEL, CUB, MET, RED, (NAT)

#119 Celebratory Occasion


#120 Crops


#121 Bible Books

Possible answers: ACTS, JOB, KINGS, MARK, (GENESIS)

#121 NHL Teams


#123 Conceal

Possible answers: BLOCK, COVER, HIDE, MASK, (SHIELD)

#124 "L" Cities


#124 Poetry Terms


#125 Butt

Possible answers: BOTTOM, BUNS, SEAT, TAIL, (BOOTY)

#126 Tools

Possible answers: HAMMER, FILE, LEVEL, SAW, (WRENCH)

#126 Keyboard Shortcuts

Possible answers: COPY, FIND, PRINT, SAVE, (FILE)

#127 Days of the Week


#127 Go Bad

Possible answers: ROT, SOUR, SPOIL, TURN, (FESTER)

#129 Bit of Air

Possible answers: BREEZE, DRAFT, GUST, PUFF, (PANT)

#130 Falsify

Possible answers: FABRICATE, FAKE, FIX, FORGE, (FUDGE)

#130 TV Shows


#131 Animal Homes

Possible answers: DEN, LAIR, HIVE, NEST, (WEB), (WARREN)

#131 Equitable

Possible answers: EQUAL, EVEN, FAIR, JUST, (GOOD)

#132 Tableware

Possible answers: BOWL, DISH, PLATE, SAUCER, (CROCK), (CUP)

#133 British Food

Possible answers: MASH, ROAST, SCONE, TRIFLE, (BANGER)

#133 Predicament

Possible answers: BIND, PICKLE, SCRAPE, SPOT, (JAM)

#134 Impel


#135 Compound Words


#136 Grammar Tenses


#136 The 12 Days of Christmas

Possible answers: DRUMMER, LADY, RING, SWAN, (LORD)

#137 Excellent

Possible answers: ACES, KEEN, NEATO, NIFTY, (SWELL)

#137 Bubbles

Possible answers: FOAM, FROTH, HEAD, LATHER, (BUBBLE)

#138 Metals


#139 Aesthetics

Possible answers: DRESS, LOOK, MANNER, STYLE, (TASTE)

#140 Mishmash

Possible answers: HASH, JUMBLE, MEDLEY, STEW, (LITTER)

#143 Filler Words

Possible answers: ERM, UH, UM, WELL, (LIKE), (ER)

#146 Clue Weapons


#147 Unchanging


#147 Long, Sharp Objects


#148 Musical Format

Possible answers: LP, PLATTER, VINYL, WAX, (CD)

#148 Cube-Shaped

Possible answers: BOUILLON, DIE, ICE, SUGAR, (STOCK)

#150 Equivocate


#151 Podcasts


#152 Intelligent

Possible answers: BRIGHT, QUICK, SHARP, SMART, (SAGE)

#152 Medieval Weapons

Possible answers: CLUB, MACE, SPEAR, SWORD, (AXE)

#153 Filmmaking Equipment

Possible answers: BOOM, DOLLY, LENS, TRIPOD, (GRIP)

#154 Sports Professionals

Possible answers: COACH, GM, PLAYER, SCOUT, (SUB)

#154 Car Companies

Possible answers: BMW, HONDA, JAGUAR, SUBARU, (FORD), (GM)

#156 Vocal Fanfare


#157 Magazines

Possible answers: O, OK, US, W, (EW), (SI)

#157 Yes

Possible answers: HAI, JA, SI, DA, (OK), (OUI)

#158 Animals

Possible answers: BUFFALO, DEER, FISH, MOOSE, (BULL), (STEER), (SEAL)

#160 Quick Observation


#160 Parts of a Mountain

Possible answers: CLIFF, CRAG, LEDGE, RIDGE, (BLUFF), (PEAK)

#161 _____Day


#162 Primates


#162 Fashionable

Possible answers: CHIC, HIP, HOT, IN, (VOGUE)

#164 Area Between Mountains

Possible answers: CANYON, GULCH, PASS, RAVINE, (GORGE)

#165 Food


#165 Countries


#166 Reality Shows


#168 Municipalities


#171 Parts of the Foot

Possible answers: ARCH, BALL, SOLE, TOE, (HEEL)

#171 Dog Commands

Possible answers: COME, DOWN, SIT, STAY, (HEEL)

#173 Ways to Remove Hair

Possible answers: SHAVE, THREAD, TWEEZE, WAX, (CUT)

#174 Hold Back

Possible answers: CAP, CHECK, CURB, LIMIT, (HAMPER)

#175 Excite, with "Up"

Possible answers: AMP, FIRE, HYPE, PUMP, (GAS)

#177 TV Shows


#178 Found on Sheet Music

Possible answers: CLEF, NOTE, REST, STAFF, (SCALES)

#178 Zodiac Symbols

Possible answers: BULL, CRAB, SCALES, TWINS, (VIRGIN)

#180 Absolute

Possible answers: PURE, SHEER, TOTAL, UTTER, (STARK)

#180 Express

Possible answers: AIR, SPEAK, STATE, VOICE, (UTTER)

#181 Cooking Oils

Possible answers: CORN, OLIVE, PALM, PEANUT, (RICE)

#183 Luxurious Fabrics

Possible answers: CHIFFON, SILK, SATIN, VELVET, (LACE)

#185 -ough


#189 Used to Build a Snowman

Possible answers: CARROT, COAL, SNOW, STICKS, (STONES)

#190 NYC Avenues


#191 Accessories

Possible answers: BELT, BRACELET, TIE, WATCH, (CHARM)

#199 Name Prefixes

Possible answers: GEN, MS, PROF, REV, (DR)

#200 Parts of a Car

Possible answers: BUMPER, HOOD, TIRE, TRUNK, (DASH)

#201 Single Letter Homophones

Possible answers: BEE, EX, GEE, JAY, (TEE)

#203 New Years-Related


#207 Gift-Giving Accessories

Possible answers: BOW, BOX, CARD, WRAPPING, (MESSAGE)

#210 Kinds of Exams

Possible answers: BAR, FINAL, ORAL, PHYSICAL, (EYE)

#211 Long, Skinny Objects

Possible answers: POLE, ROD, STAFF, STICK, (CLUB)

#212 Cooking Elements

Possible answers: ACID, FAT, HEAT, SALT, (PEPPER), (SMOKE)

#213 Seen at a Casino

Possible answers: CARDS, CHIPS, DICE, SLOTS, (POKER)

#213 Ways to Prepare Cheese

Possible answers: CRUMBLE, MELT, SHRED, SLICE, (GRATE)

#217 Thieve

Possible answers: PINCH, ROB, STEAL, SWIPE, (JACK)

#218 Medicine Formats

Possible answers: CAPSULE, CREAM, SYRUP, TABLET, (POD)

#221 Colors


#222 Minced Oaths

Possible answers: CURSES, DARN, RATS, SHOOT, (FUDGE), (NUTS)

#224 Contains Wax


#229 Baseball-Related

Possible answers: BALL, BASE, BAT, GLOVE, (STRIKE)

#233 Mario Power-ups


#234 _____Pit


#235 Make Shorter

Possible answers: CLIP, CUT, PARE, TRIM, (PRUNE)

#235 Muscular

Possible answers: BUILT, JACKED, RIPPED, SWOLE, (TRIM), (BUFF)

#237 Farm Fixtures

Possible answers: COOP, PEN, STABLE, STY, (RANGE)

#238 Unexciting


#239 Ecclesiastical Titles


#251 Media Attention


#254 Little Bit of Liquid

Possible answers: BEAD, GLOB, DROP, TEAR, (DRIP)

#257 Shades of Green

Possible answers: OLIVE, FOREST, LIME, MINT, (CACTUS)

#260 Ilk

Possible answers: KIND, SORT, TYPE, VARIETY, (MANNER)

#263 Propel into the Air

Possible answers: HOP, JUMP, LEAP, SPRING, (VAULT)

#266 Large Amount

Possible answers: MASS, SEA, SLEW, TON, (WAVE)

#266 Fall under Pressure

Possible answers: BUCKLE, CAVE, COLLAPSE, GIVE, (FLOP)

#268 Pop Stars


#269 Found at an Airport


#269 Ends in an Article of Clothing (A Mac is a raincoat)


#271 Food Preservation Techniques

Possible answers: CAN, CURE, DRY, FREEZE, (SPICE)

#272 Space_____


#273 Keyboard Keys


#283 Seen at a Sports Stadium


#284 Animals

Possible answers: COW, DOE, HEN, EWE, (YAK)

#284 Palindromes

Possible answers: BIB, EYE, GAG, POP, (EWE)

#285 Olympic Sports


#289 Plant Growths

Possible answers: BLOOM, BUD, SHOOT, SPROUT, (CORONA)

#290 Quarrel

Possible answers: FIGHT, ROW, SCRAP, TIFF, (WAR)

#290 Games of Chance (Poker is technically a game of skill but it's still highly associated with chance)


#291 Whale Species

Possible answers: BLUE, FIN, GRAY, RIGHT, (PILOT)

#293 Food Preservation Techniques


#296 Thrust

Possible answers: JAB, POKE, PROD, STICK, (ELBOW)

#301 _____Horse

Possible answers: CHARLEY, CRAZY, DARK, GIFT, (PRIZE)

#302 Brief Moment

Possible answers: FLASH, HEARTBEAT, JIFF, WINK, (ZIP)

#302 Dispute

Possible answers: CLASH, TANGLE, SCRAP, TIFF, (SPAT)

#303 Hair Care Items

Possible answers: BRUSH, COMB, DRYER, IRON, (OIL)

#307 Seen at the Circus

Possible answers: CLOWN, RING, TENT, TRAPEZE, (LION)

#310 Parts of a Theatre


#312 Golden_____


#315 Starting with the Same Sound


#318 Mexican Food-Related

Possible answers: CILANTRO, LIME, ONION, SALSA, (PICO), (WRAP), (MOLE)

#328 _____Sale


#329 Enjoy

Possible answers: FANCY, LOVE, RELISH, SAVOR, (LIKE)

#330 Quantity


#333 Restrict

Possible answers: CHECK, CONTAIN, CURB, LIMIT, (CAP)

#334 Things that Spin


#336 Cuts of Meat

Possible answers: CHUCK, FLANK, LOIN, ROUND, (RIB)

#339 Forthright


#342 Games


#345 Billiards-Related

Possible answers: BALL, CHALK, CUE, RACK, (POCKET)

#348 Things You can Crack

Possible answers: EGG, KNUCKLES, SMILE, WINDOW, (CORN)

#351 _____Iron

Possible answers: PUMP, STEAM, TIRE, WAFFLE, (FLAT)

#355 Things People Shake

submitted by Billy_NoMate to NYTConnections [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:26 corgionfire Ravisin vs. Lonelywood

Well met, fellow DM's of the Dale!
I come seeking advice concerning the frost druid Ravisin. Last session, my party had quite the fight with her and her wendigo (much cooler than a normal moose). It was close but Ravisin eventually escaped with the heart of the wendigo and, unbeknownst to the party, plans to return and destroy the town of Lonelywood in 3 days time. This will be the first time the party will suffer real consequences for their actions and I hope it sets up Ravisin as the Big Bad for chapters 1 + 2.
The book states that Lonelywood can muster a militia of 50 with 4 veterans, but if Ravisin is returning with an army of awakened animals and a wendigo I feel like the town would hardly stand a chance. I'm thinking of rolling individually for each of the named NPCs in Lonelywood to see if they survive and a d100 with disadvantage for the remaining townsfolk. I'm wondering if anyone has incorporated something similar in their campaigns and how you handled it.
To provide a little context, the party left Lonelywood after finishing the tomb and headed through Bryn Shander on their way to Easthaven but stopped by to tell Duvessa Shane (the party's patron) what happened. She's obviously concerned about a frost druid and wendigo not being killed or captured and is planning to send some soldiers to Lonelywood but I haven't decided if they'll be too late or not. My party also found and used the Magic Moon Mirror but only asked 6 questions, leaving a 7th that Ravisin is surely going to use to locate the party once Lonelywood is gone.
Anyway, I'd love to know your thoughts and hear how you would/did handle a situation like this. We're currently 8 sessions in and everyone in my party agreed that so far the Elven Tomb was the best session we've had. I really feel like I'm hitting my stride as a DM and I'm absolutely giddy thinking about the trauma my lovable band of misfits are soon to be subjected to :)
submitted by corgionfire to rimeofthefrostmaiden [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:13 Shattered_View Sealstorm Rings

Sealstorm Rings

Sealstorm Rings

Made by: Lock Venture, The Dragon of Sealing.
Ember’s Embrace:
A silver band, meticulously crafted from the iridescent scales of Lock, The Dragon of Sealing. Each scale radiates warmth, reminiscent of sun-kissed sand on a summer day.
Nestled atop this band is a fiery crimson gem, cut to perfection. The gem pulses with inner fire, as if it holds the very essence of a blazing hearth. This is the “Embers Embrace.”
Its purpose is twofold: First, it weakens Solrun’s “Absolute Zero” ability, binding it within the gem’s fiery core. Second, it symbolizes the passionate love shared by the two lamias.
When Solrun wears this ring, her icy powers remain dormant, contained by Lock’s ability. Yet, the gem’s glow hints at the dormant tempest within—a love that defies the chill of eternity.
The Storm’s Guardian:
A blue band, forged from Solrun’s own dark blue scales—the very ones that ripple like ocean waves when she moves. These scales, imbued with the essence of storms, whisper secrets of winter and tempests.
Set atop this band is a regal purple gem, deep as the abyss. Its facets catch the light, revealing glimmer of frost trapped within. This is the “Storm’s Guardian.”
Its purpose is vigilance: Whenever Lock’s seal weakens, the gem pulses, sending ripples across the rings. Solrun feels it—the echo of her wife’s ability. It’s a call to action, a reminder to recast the seal and protect their love. Which Lock can recast through this ring from wherever or whenever she is.
When Lock gazes upon this ring, she knows that her lamia’s power remains safeguarded. The gem’s luminance mirrors the bond between them—a love that weathers any storm.
submitted by Shattered_View to InventorsFoundery [link] [comments]