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AskCriminalJustice: for all of your Criminal Justice questions

2012.12.05 09:14 wolfbaden6 AskCriminalJustice: for all of your Criminal Justice questions

Do you have a question about crime and criminals? Are you interested in how police operate or how criminals behave? If yes, then this is the place for you!

2011.03.26 20:02 koface News and information about criminal organizations

From pirates to pill pushers, the organization of criminal activity has always been a lucrative and mysterious occurrence. This subreddit is for those who are interested in learning more about the various criminal organizations that exist.

2009.12.04 10:58 Criminal Justice


2024.06.04 22:31 YH_Queen_Clement State of Llc Nation the Hyper Power

State of Llc Nation the Hyper Power
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
It takes an “act of Congress” to campaign for President as an Independent Party and obtain an entry of judgment on a Summary Judgement. (Clement vs Garland 1:24 cv 00479-RC)
Private Law
For the relief of Christina Clement; HH Empress Queen Christina Clement and Global Admissions Act of State of Loc Nation as Hyper Power protecting the legal, political and social actions of the “majority” from the tyrant of the “minority”.
Proclamation of Hyper Power
State of Loc Nation
We, the Nephesh Hummus, souls on earth, descendants of the original inhabitants of this land, hereby proclaim the State of Loc Nation as a Hyper Power.
Recognizing our historical contributions, cultural heritage, and the sacrifices made by our ancestors in numerous wars and conflicts, we assert our inherent rights and sovereignty.
  1. Declaration of Sovereignty:
  2. We declare our sovereignty and the establishment of the State of Loc Nation as a Hyper Power, with the full rights and privileges thereof.
  3. Governance:
  4. Our governance shall be rooted in democratic principles, cultural heritage, and the protection of human rights.
  5. Economic Empowerment:
  6. We commit to fostering economic growth, job creation, and financial stability for our people.
  7. Justice and Equality:
  8. We seek comprehensive criminal justice reform, fairer sentencing policies, and the eradication of systemic oppression.
  9. Cultural and Educational Initiatives:
  10. We will promote cultural education, ensuring our history and heritage are honored and preserved.
We thank the international community, governments, and organizations to recognize the State of Loc Nation and support our quest for justice, recognition, and empowerment.
Christina Loren Clement HH Empress Queen Christina Loren Clement
Legitimacy: The “majority” community that I am a part of and represent as HH Empress Queen Christina Clement have ancestors, forefathers original to this land, and inheritance to the land patents. These souls on earth have participated in numerous wars and conflicts throughout history, including but not limited too:
Ancestry and Contributions Current: The war day with systematic oppression globally 1. American Revolutionary War 2. War of 1812 3. American Civil War 4. World War I 5. World War II 6. Korean War 7. Vietnam War 8. Gulf War 9. War in Afghanistan 10. Iraq War 11. Spanish-American War 12. Philippine-American War 13. Boxer Rebellion 14. Mexican-American War 15. Indian Wars 16. Russo-Japanese War 17. First Indochina War 18. Algerian War of Independence 19. Congo Crisis 20. Rhodesian Bush War 21. Falklands War 22. Persian Gulf War 23. Yugoslav Wars 24. Sierra Leone Civil War 25. Liberian Civil Wars 26. Rwandan Civil War 27. Second Congo War 28. Darfur Conflict 29. Syrian Civil War 30. Yemeni Civil War 31. Somali Civil War 32. Angolan Civil War 33. Mozambican Civil War 34. Eritrean War of Independence 35. Ethiopian Civil War 36. South African Border War 37. Second Sudanese Civil War 38. Ugandan Bush War 39. Burundian Civil War 40. Ivorian Civil War 41. Chadian Civil War 42. Lebanese Civil War 43. Sri Lankan Civil War 44. Afghan Civil War (1996-2001) 45. Nepal Civil War 46. Georgian Civil War 47. Second Chechen War 48. Central African Republic Civil War 49. Ukrainian Civil War 50. Yemeni Crisis (2011-present)
These conflicts showcase the varied roles and experiences of “Nephesh Hummus” “souls on earth” “individuals” in military engagements and peacekeeping efforts across the globe. These conflicts span across different regions and time periods, demonstrating the diverse experiences and contributions of “Nephesh Hummus” “souls on earth” “individuals” aka “black” “African American” “Negro” soldiers and fighters throughout history.
These conflicts highlight the global presence and contributions of black individuals in military operations and peacekeeping efforts around the world.
Yet, we still have to fight in court and by law enforcement to be respected? There is no constitutional laws that protect the “majority” from the tyrant minority thus resulting in an exhaustive number of years of injustices. See Claims and other motions in Case 1:24 cv 00479 Clement vs Garland. Even in my effort to obtain solutions, I was ignored by all parties said to be a representative for 1 year and a half, and still no answer to date. My certified mail was also refused. I then had the challenge to submit my complaint to the District Court for an entry for judgement, Court rules state the press will be notified for all Summary judgment cases. That did not happen. I filed to campaign for President as an Independent party and the number of signature requirements were dramatically different and biased. I was met with lengthy case time and intentional clerical errors.
I have declared State of Loc Nation the Hyper Power to the United States Superpower. These wars would not have been won nor the position of America not be achieved without our forefathers' contribution. It is so written. I have submitted our Defacto/Dejure and all other documents needed. 1:24 cv 00479-RC
A Grateful Acknowledgment: The Impact of Christina Clement’s Campaign Goals for the Loc Nationite: African American: Aboriginal Communities
In the realm of American politics, the impact of presidential campaigns often reverberates across various communities, shaping policies and influencing lives. This Act of Congress serves as an overdue relief for the community Christina Clement represents, recognizing the positive aspects of her campaign goals and their beneficial outcomes for the Loc Nationite: African American: Aboriginal Communities.
Acknowledging Economic Empowerment:
One notable aspect of Christina Clement’s campaign is her emphasis on economic growth and job creation. The administration's commitment to fostering a robust economy will bring about tangible benefits for the Loc Nationite; African American; and Aboriginal Communities. This move will yield Historic low unemployment rates among the Loc Nationite; African American; and Aboriginal Communities demonstrating a substantial leap toward economic empowerment and increased financial stability for not just our community but all communities.
Criminal Justice Reform:
Christina Clement's dedication to criminal justice reform marks a significant departure from the status quo. The passage of the State of Loc Nation Act exemplifies a bipartisan effort to address issues plaguing the criminal justice system, particularly its disproportionate impact on Loc nationalities; Aboriginals and African Americans. The implementation of fairer sentencing policies and rehabilitation programs; such as “Fast and Pray” as well as “Educate and Leave” reflected a commitment to rectifying systemic injustices.
Opportunities in Education:
Presidential Candidate Christina Clement’s advocacy for school choice and access to quality education resonated positively with the Loc Nationite; Aboriginal and African American communities. By prioritizing educational opportunities, the administration aimed to bridge gaps and empower the next generation with the tools and hands on learning necessary for success. This commitment aligned with the aspirations of many American families seeking improved educational prospects. Visiting nursing homes so the children can obtain elder advice, knowledge and wisdom. Enacting mental health courses, 1st year law, tech courses, and immediate drug reform. Be it enacted, music, culture, art, public speaking and debate back in school curriculum. Loc Nationite, Aboriginal and African American history and culture to also be taught with honor and nobility. We can not demand taxes to pay school costs and not teach all history.
Community Engagement and Empowerment:
The "Letters Patent" unveiled by HH Empress Queen Christina Clement’s administration further underscored a commitment to the well-being of the Loc Nationite; African American; Aboriginal communities. This comprehensive initiative aimed to foster economic prosperity, educational opportunities, and improved healthcare, thereby contributing to overall community empowerment. Enacting all fast-food chains and any entity serving unhealthy food to the citizens must be taxed and fund the GAP Medical Insurance to cover citizens medical costs. All alcohol establishments must pay tax to fund the communities it serves; in community trust; always remaining a 10% holding and 10% towards the national debt. Boosting the economy of State of Loc Nation with the prayer for relief and remedy will also repair the national deficit and balance the economy for all communities.
While political perspectives may vary, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the positive impact of policies on different communities. President Christina Clement of State of Loc Nation’s campaign goals, particularly those benefiting the Loc Nationite; Aboriginal and African American communities, have made a major imprint. Recognizing these efforts is not only a gesture of gratitude but also an invitation for continued dialogue and collaboration to address the challenges that persist. As we reflect on the past, let us strive for a future where political endeavors consistently uplift and empower all communities, fostering a more inclusive and prosperous nation.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (1) the Post-master General is authorized and directed to pay, out of any and all money for the payment of all relief and remedy for the 470 years of genocide and illegal kidnapping and theft of aboriginal land. Payment to made to State of Loc Nation Trust and Pro se litigant fees for the 5 year research, prep and expenses of the work done by President Candidate Christina Clement.
The Charter
State of Loc Nation, Global, Public Benefit Corporation- the Hyper Power
Together forming on 07/25/2022
99 Yale Law Journal 453, 522 (1989)
Four key principles of the First Amendment: Freedom of conscience is an unalienable right because people have the right and duty to think for themselves. Free speech makes representatives accountable to “We the People.”
Be it enacted, &c., That there be erected, and hereby is erected and established in Georgia, a Letters Patent referencing:
Six types of constitutional arguments: historical, textual, structural, prudential, doctrinal, and ethical.18 Historical examines the writer’s intent.19 Textual considers the present meaning of the words.20 Structural looks to “claims that a particular principle or practical result is implicit in the structures of government and the relationships that are created by the Constitution among citizens and governments.”21 Prudential means being “self-conscious to the reviewing institute and [the] need not [to] treat the merits of the particular controversy (which itself may or may not be constitutional), instead advocating particular doctrines according to the practical wisdom of using the courts in a particular way.”22 Doctrinal depends upon the quintessential common law rule of stare decisis—23 a review of
Historical and Cultural Foundations
· Be it enacted, “Locs linked to Spirituality”- Be it enacted, &c., Strike the use of word “dread” related to “dread locs” “dreadlocks” and refer to the act of spiritual devotion to God as “Locs”. It is our spiritual artifact of faith in the Divine God. Cultural Artifacts and Heritage · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 1- Act granting all inherit land of origin Cultural Artifacts and Heritage · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 2- Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 3 -Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, all documents submitted by Plaintiff in Clement vs Garland 1:24 cv 00479-RC- Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, Acknowledge State of Loc Nation and its global citizens Nephesh Hummus (Souls on Earth) Public Loc Nationites. · Be it enacted, end systematic oppression for the Afro, Loc Nationites, and Aboriginals · Be it enacted, Christina Clement as President of the USA and America to boost State of Loc Nations economy with granted relief and remedy to aid in the Mental illness of the community, bring relief to nation and its people; reorganize education curriculums to advance the nation, etc. This will be a global solution to repair the failing economy and end Israel;/Palestine War.
· Be it enacted, Christina Clement presidential initiatives as noted in complaint Case 1:24 cv 00479-RC.
Legal Recognition
· The United Nations has recognized the distinct identities and rights of Afro-descendant communities through the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024), emphasizing the need for recognition, justice, and development. Furthermore, various nations have implemented legal frameworks to support the rights and autonomy of Afro-descendant communities:
· Brazil’s 1988 Constitution: Recognizes the rights of Quilombola communities, granting them collective land ownership and cultural preservation. · Colombia’s Law 70 of 1993: Acknowledges the rights of Afro-Colombians to their collective territories and cultural heritage. · Ecuador’s 2008 Constitution: Ensures the rights of Afro-Ecuadorians to maintain their cultural identity, traditions, and land. · Canada’s Emancipation Day: Recognized federally since 2021, Emancipation Day marks the abolition of slavery in the British Empire, acknowledging the contributions and history of Afro-Canadians.
· United Kingdom’s Race Relations Act 1965 and Subsequent Amendments: These laws were among the first to address racial discrimination, setting a legal framework that acknowledged the rights and protections needed for Afro-descendants and other racial minorities. · Costa Rica’s Constitutional Reforms: In 2015, Costa Rica amended its constitution to officially recognize the Afro-Costa Rican population and their cultural contributions.
· Peru’s Law No. 28761: Enacted in 2006, this law declares June 4th as the Day of Afro-Peruvian Culture, recognizing the contributions of Afro-Peruvians to the nation’s history and culture. · Mexico’s Constitutional Amendment: In 2019, Mexico amended its constitution to recognize Afro-Mexicans as a distinct ethnic group, granting them greater visibility and protection under the law.
· Uruguay’s Law No. 19122: Enacted in 2013, this law promotes the inclusion of Afro-Uruguayans in the workforce and mandates affirmative action measures to address historical disadvantages. · Dominican Republic’s Recognition of Afro-Dominican Identity: Efforts to address and acknowledge the Afro-Dominican population have been ongoing, including cultural recognition and anti-discrimination measures. · Argentina’s National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism (INADI): This institute works to promote equal rights and combat discrimination, including that faced by Afro-Argentines.
· Venezuela’s Law Against Racial Discrimination (2011): This law specifically aims to prevent and punish racial discrimination, with provisions to protect the rights of Afro-Venezuelans.
· Bolivia’s Constitutional Recognition: Bolivia’s 2009 Constitution acknowledges Afro-Bolivians as a distinct group with rights to their cultural identity and collective territories.
Judicial Review of Case 1:24 cv 00479-RC: Delayed “entry of the judgment.” -Act of Congress
From the Rule of Law and Lawyer Independence Advisory Committee DM2787936
  1. Brown v. Board of Education 347 US 486 (1954) - Ended legal segregation in public schools.
  2. Roe v. Wade 410 US 113 (1973) - Legalized abortion nationwide.
  3. Marbury v. Madison 5 US 137 (1803) - Established the principle of judicial review.
  4. Miranda v. Arizona 384 US 436 (1966) - Established the Miranda rights for criminal suspects.
  5. United States v. Nixon 418 US 683 (1974) - Limited the power of the president and upheld the
rule of law.
  1. Loving v. Virginia 388 US 1 (1967) - Struck down bans on interracial marriage.
  2. Obergefell v. Hodges 56 US 644 (2015) - Legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.
  3. Plessy v. Ferguson 163 US 537 (1896) - Upheld racial segregation under the "separate but
equal" doctrine (later overturned by Brown v. Board of Education).
  1. Gideon v. Wainwright 372 US 335 (1963) - Established the right to counsel for criminal
  1. Citizens United v. FEC 558 US 310 (2010) - Struck down limits on corporate and union
political spending, leading to the rise of Super PACs.
  1. Dred Scott v. Sandford 60 US 393 (1857) - Denied citizenship and ruled that Congress
could not prohibit slavery in the territories, contributing to tensions that led to the Civil War.
  1. Brown v. Board of Education 347 US 483 (1954) - Ended legal segregation in public schools,
overturning Plessy v. Ferguson.
  1. Shelley v. Kraemer 334 US 1 (1948) - Ruled that racially restrictive housing covenants were
unenforceable in court.
  1. Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States 379 US 241 (1964) - Upheld the Civil Rights Act of
1964, prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations.
  1. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke 438 US 265 (1978) - Addressed affirmative
action by ruling that race could be considered as one of many factors in college admissions but
quotas were unconstitutional.
  1. Grutter v. Bollinger 539 US 306 (2003) - Upheld the University of Michigan Law School's
affirmative action admissions policy, allowing race to be considered as a factor in admissions to
achieve diversity.
  1. Shelby County v. Holder 570 US 529 (2013) - Struck down a key provision of the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, leading to changes in voting laws and procedures in some states.
  1. Sweatt v. Painter 339 US 629 (1950) - Ordered the integration of the University of Texas
Law School, laying the groundwork for the Brown v. Board decision.
  1. Hernandez v. Texas 347 US 475 (1954) - Extended protection against discrimination to
Hispanics under the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause.
  1. United States v. Virginia 518 US 515 (1996) - Struck down the Virginia Military Institute's
male-only admissions policy, establishing that state-sponsored military education cannot exclude
  1. Obergefell v. Hodges 576 US 644 (2015)- Legalized same-sex marriage nationwide,
affirming the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals to marry.
  1. Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission 584 US 617 (2018)- Addressed
the balance between religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws by ruling in favor of a baker
who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, but on narrow grounds.
  1. Bostock v. Clayton County 590 US 644(2020)- Ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 protects employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  1. Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin 570 US 297 (2013)- Reaffirmed the constitutionality
of affirmative action in college admissions, allowing universities to consider race as one factor
among many in their holistic review process.
  1. Shelby County v. Holder 570 US 529 (2013)- Struck down a key provision of the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, which required certain states and localities with a history of voter
discrimination to get federal approval before changing their voting laws.
  1. Trump v. Hawaii 585 US Docket no 17-965 (2018)- Upheld President Trump's travel ban,
which restricted entry into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries,
sparking debates about religious discrimination and executive power. Increasing immigrants
  1. O'Connor v. Oakhurst Dairy 851 F.3d 69 (2017)-Addressed the use of the Oxford comma in
a Maine law governing overtime pay, illustrating how legal interpretation can impact workers'
  1. Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee 594 docket 19-1257 & docket 19-1258 (2021)-
Upheld Arizona voting restrictions, including a law that invalidated ballots cast in the wrong
precinct, prompting concerns about voting rights and access.
  1. United States v. Windsor 570 US 744 (2013)- Struck down a key section of the Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA), which had defined marriage as between one man and one woman for
federal purposes, marking a significant victory for LGBTQ+ rights.
  1. Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt 579 US 582 (2016) - Invalidated a Texas law that
imposed strict requirements on abortion clinics, reaffirming the constitutional right to abortion
established in Roe v. Wade.
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/;;; The writ of mandamus is personal and issues to the individual to compel performance, and it does not reach the office but is directed against the officer to compel the officer to perform the required legal duty. Bulloch County v. Ritzert, 213 Ga. 818, 102 S.E.2d 40 (1958). THE ROAD FROM RUNNYMEDE: MAGNA CARTA AND CONsTTUTIONALISM IN AMERICA 122 (1968); Magna Carta Libertatum, James Madison, January 27, 1814 Rwo Acrs of Congr
submitted by YH_Queen_Clement to locnation [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:24 Huge_Library_1690 This is an insane story of a graduation party that went completely wrong in so many ways because of my mother, my ex-BIL, and my bf. #justnofamily #abusesurvivor #CPTSD #narcissism

The other night, we had a graduation party that was supposed to be a wonderful celebration for three members of my family: my son (18M), Mickey, and my daughter (18F), Mallory, who both graduated high school, and myself (46F), who graduated with my masters degree. (Names are changed to something I find amusing.) I missed my graduation for my son to go to prom, which I don't care because it was worth it to do it for him, but I figured I'd have a party to make up for it and share it with my children because I'm so incredibly proud of them. My friends and family wanted to share in the celebration of my milestone, so it made sense to do it together both economically and time-wise. My children are equally proud of me as I am of them, so there's no jealousy or fighting for the spotlight. We're pretty introverted and are incredibly close, and we were all very excited to share this once-in-a-lifetime moment where we all achieved something great, so it was more like we were constantly shoving the spotlight onto someone else to avoid attention.
I'm a single mom of four (Mickey and Mallory, along with 16F, May, and 8F, Minnie), currently divorcing their father who was emotionally and physically abusive, among many other things. I believe he is a covert narc, but I'm not a clinical psychologist, just someone who took a lot of notes on his behavior. I have a great job as a biochemist, so I can support myself for the most part, but I do have a BF, we'll call him Beau. My divorce has been going on for over two years due to the ex being uncooperative, stalking, causing problems, etc. I have avoided his family because they act as flying monkeys and they don't understand the extent of the abuse, of which I have plenty of evidence as well as cPTSD, but I genuinely thought they didn't like me because that's what my ex told me. I shared photos and updates on social media, but didn't see them in person or have conversations with them, not because I'm a jerk, but I was working FT, raising four kids, going to school, and trying to heal.
Because of the abuse, my ex could not attend the party, but he did go to the graduation ceremony. Mickey does not speak to his father, but Mallory does. The court gave me temporary custody and he's supposed to go through a GAL in order to get any visitation arrangements, but has not done so. To be nice, I extended an invitation to my ex-BIL and his wife to come to the party. I didn't think they'd come, and only the ex-BIL came.
My mother insisted on having the party at her house because mine is a mess. I was wary because she has mental illness that usually ruins things, but I needed a venue, I'm broke, and she wanted to do it as a gift for us, which is rather nice.
For a month, we looked forward to this party and my mother and I did a lot of planning and preparation. I thought everything was going well. The day of the party, I went with my step-dad (known here on as Dude) to the store to get the last things we needed, had one last thing to make and get everyone ready to head over and set up. He and I were in good spirits and excited for the evening.
Round 1: And then my mother called at 12:30 in absolute hysterics. She was screaming that Dude wasn't helping and she needed his help. I told her to calm down, we were coming and I have many people willing to help, so she didn't need to stress. It didn't need to be perfect and we will make things right, so don't worry.
She continued screaming anyway. Dude just wanted to make a sandwich and she wouldn't let him, so I told her she was being selfish and tried to clarify why, but she got so angry that she hung up on me. I sighed and got my kids ready to go, prepped them for the battle ahead and we knew we had damage control to do before people showed up.
When we got there, Dude was passed out in the backyard. I thought he was dead at first. I ran over, checked his vitals, and had luckily gotten there before he deteriorated, but he had passed out from heat stroke and not eating. Nobody can afford emergency medical care (thanks US healthcare), but I know what I'm doing, so I got him to baseline. My mom came out and acted all concerned, but as soon as we were inside, she started ranting and raving again like a crazy person.
Then she screamed at me. Demanded I apologize for calling her selfish. I explained why I said it and that Dude just wanted a sandwich, and clearly he needed it because he passed out, and she needed to check her behavior. She screamed louder that he was seeking attention and demanded an apology TWO FEET from my face. She triggered me and I was shaking, so I said, "You know what? You're right. You're not selfish. You're a C*NT! Go ahead and throw another tantrum. I don't care." And I walked out the door into the backyard.
This was the start of a bad, bad time. I feel very responsible for that. I should've de-escalated it, but I was furious that she was screaming in my face and she could've caused Dude to have an actual stroke from the nonstop screaming and berating. In my mind, F her and her BS, I was willing to die on that hill.
Then people showed up. My wonderful friends who are hyperaware of things like this were incredibly kind. My mom was a good hostess and Dude was, too, except that she consistently kept telling my friends I was a b****. Now, at this point, I had calmed down, slammed a beer or two and I was trying to extend an olive branch. I tried making conversation, talking about random things, saying everything will be okay, etc. and would've apologized, but in response to my efforts, she would coldly mutter under her breath that Dude and I both thought she was a selfish C and a bunch of other adjectives and expletives that I never said. So I tried to avoid/ignore her, but if I was with any group of people, she would come in and dog whistle so I would get my feelings hurt, but no one knew why I was suddenly sad. Or she would mutter under her breath the same insults to herself, embellishing them to make me uncomfortable. And she kept doing it. I couldn't go anywhere without her doing this. I was trying super hard to avoid her and keep her negativity away from my kids at the same time. It wore me down and I had to keep leaving to go cry. My ex used to do this stuff, too, and it hurt.
But it gets worse. Right before my friends left, Beau's parents arrived. My mom was hammered at this point - at least I think she was, or she was completely unhinged. My friends left and probably at the right time because it went south after that. My mother lectured Beau's parents on autism and how Beau is autistic because she knows all about it, and she continued to diagnose all the other things about him, and then me. I overheard her tell them I was rude, selfish, stubborn, never apologize, she's never wrong, and on and on. She was humiliating me. I heard Beau's mom say, "but aren't you proud of her?" And she said, "Yeah, but she's a b****."
At this point, I was cleaning up. I had cried several times. I tried defending myself and Beau several times, but she wasn't stopping. He's slightly autistic, but who cares??? I prefer his neurospiciness. I certainly DO apologize when I'm wrong, but I DON'T if I'm not wrong, and I didn't CARE if I was wrong anymore. I'm not apologizing to a monster who intentionally hurt me at my own party, and definitely not ruining it for my kids. I was done.
I went in the kitchen and explained to Beau and Dude what was going on. And that's when May decided to chime in and start screaming at me that I had hurt her and I needed to stop talking about her - when I was informing him on what she was saying right at that moment. Well, you see, at one point when things were going smoothly, it was going smoothly because she was in the bedroom smack talking and trauma dumping to a 16yo girl without giving the full story. In that time, she had May completely convinced that she was the victim and May believed it - even though, I must add, that all the other kids saw the whole fiasco and didn't buy it because they have seen her meltdowns before, but she effectively turned my daughter against me.
I burst into tears and told everyone we had to go. I had sobered up and cleaned up all the food. I was completely gobsmacked by how she acted. She had intentionally hurt me, did everything she could to ruin my party for just me, and sought out to punish me through my daughter and any other means she could muster. She didn't hurt Mickey or Mallory, but she did go after me the entire night. I sobbed in Dude's arms when I was leaving and told him I left $300 in the cutlery drawer so I wouldn't owe her anything because I can't handle the abuse and I don't want to see her again.
Round 2: This involves my ex-BIL. Let's call him Paco. I had invited him to come talk with us since he spent time with the kids at the party - which I very much appreciate. We hadn't had time to talk to him and we used to be fairly close a long time ago, and I told him it was best if we resumed conversation at my house to exit the meltdown occurring. So we broke open the wine that was for the party and started talking about our interests. Then the topic soured. He basically berated me for not inviting his whole family or going out of my way to see them. I explained what I did before: I was busy af and I didn't think they liked me and since it was my party, too, I didn't want to do that. He wouldn't buy it and argued with me for a while until I finally said, "okay, well, now I know, so thanks for that. I'll do better." FYI, no I won't. I'm not doing it. Why? Because he then went on a long rant about why my relationship didn't work with his brother was because I didn't understand that a man has to be the leader. All I thought was, "What in the Andrew Tate???" I bust out laughing and said, no, I'm a leader and I am an equal to any man. I was abused and damaged by his brother, I have evidence, and I don't need to defend myself. I don't need a man; I want one, but if a man can't live up to being wanted, then they need to improve themselves, not make the woman more submissive so he can continue with his bs. He lectured me more and I kept laughing at it and Beau was backing me up, saying he was my equal, but I definitely made Paco angry.
Paco left, but I know he thinks he got to say what he wanted. Well, let me tell you, he is arrogant and awful and I don't want him back at my house or around my kids, ESPECIALLY my daughters. That way of thinking is gross and now I remember why I don't invite them. They truly DON'T like me and I don't like THEM because that backwards, "tRaDiTiOnAl" machismo nonsense needs to die. Wrong country, wrong century, wrong person...take your pick. I'll hang with their cousins and sisters that are good women who don't listen to idiot boys like that, but that mfer will never set foot in my house again. I may be an AH to him, but a justified one.
That was the end of round two. By this time, I wasn't thinking as clearly as I've written and I was beyond triggered with bad memories and bad feelings, and I just wanted to go to bed and cry.
Round 3: Beau hadn't slept in days. As I've said, he's on the spectrum. He also has other issues with BPD and can get sent into mania if he hasn't slept. This was one of those days, only he was also drunk and angry at everyone that made me cry, but didn't know how to go about it. He decided to confront May about making me cry. It got ugly. I was drunk at this point, too, and in a stupor from being emotionally distraught, but I remember Mallory confronting Beau to defend May, and Beau said something stupid and somewhat threatening, which was when I stepped in to shut it down. I will always choose my kids over anyone else. No hands were thrown, but it was ugly and I told him we were done if he was going to attack my daughter because I will never put her in danger. I thought that was the end of it and went to sleep.
Nope. He woke me up around 3 am, still ranting about May and my mom and my ex. I told him to stfu and let me sleep. He woke me again, repeating the same crap. I again, told him to leave me alone. He called his mom in the middle of this to make it sound like he was a victim and not wrong. He wouldn't stop trying to lie on top of me or grab me to make me listen, and I was getting mad. I slapped his hands away and told him to stop and leave me alone, that he attacked May and it was unacceptable, so he needed to sleep it off and go somewhere for a while. He wouldn't stop. I then got up and went to sleep in Minnie's room with her. He came in there and woke me again, and also woke her. He was grabbing me and lying on top of me. At that point, I was livid. I felt like I was being attacked, so I kept pushing and kicking him off me, screaming at him to leave me alone. I got him on the floor, grabbed Minnie, and ran into Mickey's room. I laid down on his floor to sleep and Minnie climbed into bed with her brother. He busted into that room and that's when my son had to step in, which, honestly, I hate that he had to, but I needed him to. Beau was egging my son on to hit him, but Mickey is not like his father and doesn't want to be that way, so he talked his way out of it. Eventually, they came to an agreement, I found his keys, he got in his car and we went to bed.
Round 4: The next day, I found out Paco had told my ex everything and I had to deal with that psycho for a solid hour, which always sends me into a sad place. He is just not nice to me at all, and I realized that's the other reason I don't invite any of them over because they tell my psycho ex everything. Other than that, I cried all day and slept off and on. I needed time to process all of the traumatic events.
My mother had blocked me at the party after telling me I was blocked, so I blocked her in return because I didn't want to deal with her childish nonsense. She will typically start sending me long rants and my mental health couldn't take it. She sent me a message on social media and I had to block her there. But it didn't stop. Monday morning, she sent me an email. She was still carrying it on and Venmo'd the money I left in the drawer. This morning, which is Tuesday, she called me from someone else's phone and I hung up. From what Dude told me, she has been on the rampage for days. I don't want to talk to her pretty much ever again. I would never hurt my own child like that, so I don't understand why she does. Despite what May said to me, I never sought out to hurt her, and I've tried to talk to her. She is still angry with me, but mostly because of Beau still being in our lives, which he was home for one night to sleep when I was still numb, crying, and sleeping, but he and I didn't talk at all until Monday. I understand where May is coming from, and I won't allow anyone to ever hurt her ever again.
When we did talk, Beau tried for a while to make it sound like he was the victim. He said he was "hugging" me and protecting me from May. It took a while, but he finally understood that what he did was intrusive and abusive, and I had reacted like a cornered animal. Apparently, I broke his teeth and bruised him pretty bad. Don't start none, won't be none, I guess. I had to fight for my life and my kids' lives for years and he thought he could overpower me, but it doesn't work like that when I was begging for him to leave me alone. I don't know what's going to happen there, but he's staying with a friend for a few days. He is apologetic now, but I seriously don't know what to do about him. He didn't hit anyone or hurt anyone, but he crossed the line, he threatened my daughter, and he scared me so bad that I went into a blackout PTSD episode to defend myself. I feel bad for hurting him, but I was terrified, and it is my job to protect my kids.
I wrote this because I needed to find a way to put it down and process it. The bottom line is my party was supposed to be memorable, which now it definitely is, but not in the way I had wanted. I am so incredibly sad. I'm sad for the way my mother treated me and for ruining our party. I'm sad for my kids who deserved one memorable event without drama. I'm sad that my relationship is likely over. I'm sad that I had to live a life of abuse from so many different angles and it's all coming to light at once. I want to run away, but I can't. I want to hide, but I can't.
I spent some time with my kids yesterday to try to start the healing process. May is the only one that is refusing to talk to me, but the rest of us are bonding together, watching movies, and eating gobs of cake that will likely give us diabetes. I don't know what's going to happen or what I'm going to do. I just want out of this mess.
TDLR: Graduation party was ruined by mother, ex-BIL, and boyfriend in one night with epic consequences.
submitted by Huge_Library_1690 to u/Huge_Library_1690 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:08 SugarAdmirable72 The March of Dictatorial Ambitions: which nation will follow China's fate and why it concerns You?

In the opening article of our series, we unveiled the existence of a global network of anti-cult organizations contributing to the creation of a worldwide digital concentration camp.
We demonstrated how these organizations play a crucial role in the process of dehumanization, labeling certain groups, organizations, or nations as a "threat to society." We explained that this happens through the branding of these groups as part of "totalitarian sects" or "destructive cults," leading to widespread intolerance and discrimination fueled and supported by the media.
We showed that these actions shape public opinion to see these organizations as harmful, justifying their persecution. We revealed that, in this way, the people involved can be persecuted and punished while the public remains convinced that the authorities are taking necessary measures against the "offenders."
As a result, the genocide against those different or inconvenient for the government goes unnoticed. We explored the case of the Chinese Falun Gong movement as an example of how those in power can commit cruel and inhuman actions against ordinary citizens while society stands compliant and passive in the face of these oppressions.
You might think that these actions only take place in China, but you are mistaken.
Let's see what the situation is like in another country violating human rights and attempting to impose a dictatorship—Russia.
Everything began in 2015 with the legal introduction of the "undesirable organization" status.
An undesirable organization, according to the official formulation, is a "non-governmental organization that has been recognized as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation"—a foreign or international non-governmental organization whose activities may pose a threat to the constitutional order, defense capability, or state security of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 3.1 of Federal Law No. 272-FZ of December 28, 2012. Such organizations are banned from operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, with administrative and criminal actions prescribed for violating this ban.
This law can lead to various human rights violations. Here are some potential consequences:
As of May 16, 2024, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has designated 161 foreign and international non-governmental organizations as "undesirable" in Russia.
Here are just a few examples of numerous actions taken against the undesirable organizations:
How can an organization become "undesirable"?
To track the methods used to ban organizations in Russia, learn more in our next article.
submitted by SugarAdmirable72 to Anticultism [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:05 No-Interaction1974 Getting back on the horse

Graduated law school 10+ years ago. I stopped practicing in my first year after law school, bc I was at a firm that focused on insurance defense and I hated it. Since then, moved to a difference state - Texas. I opened a business, and also worked at some well respected companies. All the roles I've had were business management roles - nothing legal related. All in all, I've enjoyed what I've done.
Recently, part of my work has me involved with upskilling people from the 2nd chance population - really fulfilling work. It has made me consider getting back into law, except with a criminal defense focus. I'm setting my expectations low, will be looking for entry level roles after I pass the bar, including assistant DA/prosecutor roles to get experience. I'm beginning to refresh my memory with legal research and writing by tasking myself with topics for reports and briefs. I am definitely rusty, but it's coming back to me- like riding a bike.
Looking for any advice anyone here may have about getting back on the horse after so long, without much experience to begin with. Also, if interested, I'd send a writing sample to anyone willing to give feedback. Thanks in advance.
submitted by No-Interaction1974 to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 ChaosTheNerd Can I get some advice as a college graduate?

Hello, I graduated 2 weeks ago with a BFA in visual arts and new media (Animation illustration) with a 3.30gpa at 21yo in NYC. I am aware that having a bachelors opens alot of doors for me but I am wonder as to how I can properly focus on applying for as many jobs possible.
As a recent graduate I'm not going to be picky as finding any job is beneficial to me better especially in-person to build connections and networking with others.
I am in good contact with my career office as they have been helping me build my resume for artistic jobs and non artistic.
I have broken my list down into different positions I'm interested in applying for between artistic and office just for entry level and I am ofcourse building my portfolio to apply to more of my artistic jobs.
2D animator,
Storyboard artist
Administrative assistant
Office clerk
I want to atleast get any potential work experience possible that cab helpw with my resume along with helping me grow new skills that will be beneficial to my endeavors artistic or otherwise.
submitted by ChaosTheNerd to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Eight: Brothers in Exile

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
In the aftermath of his victory at Slammiversary and the subsequent crowning as the inaugural TNA World Champion, John Cena stands tall in the center of the ring, the newly minted title gleaming on his shoulder. The arena pulsates with energy as the crowd showers him with both cheers and jeers, a testament to Cena's polarizing presence in the world of professional wrestling. With a microphone in hand, Cena begins to address the audience, his voice carrying an air of confidence and self-assurance. He speaks of his journey to the top, recounting the trials and tribulations he endured to reach this pinnacle of success. Cena's words are laced with conviction as he asserts his dominance and proclaims himself as the epitome of greatness in TNA.
"As I stand here before you tonight, holding this championship high above my head, I can't help but feel a sense of pride coursing through my veins. This title represents more than just gold and leather—it symbolizes excellence, dedication, and the undying spirit of a true champion."
The crowd's reaction is mixed, with some fans chanting Cena's name in adulation while others boo vehemently, unable to fully embrace Cena's bravado.
"But make no mistake, my journey is far from over. I stand here not as a mere champion, but as the standard-bearer of this entire industry. I have faced the best and conquered them all, leaving a trail of defeated opponents in my wake. There is no one who can match my prowess, no one who can rival my legacy."
As Cena's words reverberate throughout the arena, the lights suddenly dim, signaling the arrival of an unexpected guest. The unmistakable strains of Kurt Angle's entrance music echo through the arena, sending shockwaves of anticipation through the crowd. Interrupting Cena's speech, Angle emerges from backstage, his gaze fixed squarely on the TNA World Championship held proudly by Cena. The tension between the two rivals is palpable as Angle strides purposefully towards the ring, his expression one of steely determination. Cena's demeanor shifts slightly, his confidence momentarily faltering as he braces himself for the confrontation with his old nemesis. The stage is set for a showdown of epic proportions, as Cena and Angle stand face-to-face, each man determined to emerge victorious in this latest chapter of their storied rivalry.
As Kurt Angle steps into the spotlight, his presence commands attention, his aura exuding an air of intensity and purpose. He holds the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship high above his head, the gold glistening under the arena lights, a symbol of his own prestigious accolades.
"John Cena," Angle's voice booms through the arena, cutting through the atmosphere like a sharp blade, "you stand there with your TNA World Championship, basking in the glory of your recent victory. But let me remind you, there are other titles out there, titles that carry just as much weight, just as much prestige."
Cena's eyes narrow slightly as he watches Angle, his curiosity piqued by the mention of additional championships. He listens intently, his gaze never leaving Angle's figure as the Olympic Gold Medalist continues.
"This championship," Angle gestures to the title draped over his shoulder, "represents the pinnacle of professional wrestling on a global scale. It is recognized across the world as a symbol of excellence, a testament to the skill and determination of its bearer."
Cena's expression shifts, a flicker of interest crossing his features as Angle's words resonate with him. The allure of international gold, the opportunity to solidify his status as a true wrestling icon, begins to take hold.
"You and I, John," Angle's voice takes on a challenging edge, "we have a history, a rivalry that has defined us both. But tonight, I offer you the chance to elevate that rivalry to new heights, to stake our claims as the undisputed champions of this industry."
The crowd stirs with anticipation, sensing the gravity of Angle's proposition. Cena's gaze hardens, his competitive spirit ignited by the prospect of facing Angle in a winner-takes-all showdown.
"You want a shot at greatness, Cena?" Angle's voice rings out, his tone laced with conviction. "Then face me, not just for your TNA World Championship, but for my IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship as well. Let's settle this once and for all, in a match that will go down in history as one of the greatest battles of all time."
The challenge hangs heavy in the air, the tension between Cena and Angle palpable as they stand locked in a silent standoff. The stakes have never been higher, the opportunity for glory beckoning like a siren's call. And as the crowd holds its breath, awaiting Cena's response, the stage is set for a clash of titans that will shake the very foundations of TNA.
As tensions escalate between the two rivals, the stage is set for a high-stakes rematch that will determine not only the fate of the TNA World Championship but also the addition of international gold to Cena's already illustrious career. The wrestling world eagerly awaits their showdown, anticipating a clash of titans that will redefine the landscape of professional wrestling. John Cena and Kurt Angle reaches new heights as they prepare to collide once again, this time in a winner-takes-all match for both the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and Angle's IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship. The stakes couldn't be higher as both men are determined to prove their dominance and add another accolade to their already impressive resumes.
In the weeks leading up to Victory Road, Cena and Angle engage in a war of words, trading verbal barbs and psychological mind games. Cena boasts about his recent championship victory and mocks Angle's perceived desperation to reclaim his former glory. Meanwhile, Angle fires back with reminders of their storied history and his unmatched wrestling pedigree, warning Cena not to underestimate him.
As the anticipation builds, tensions boil over during their face-to-face confrontations, with physical altercations erupting on multiple occasions. The animosity between them is palpable, fueling their determination to emerge victorious in their highly anticipated showdown.
Victory Road
On the night of Victory Road, the sold-out arena is buzzing with excitement as Cena and Angle make their way to the ring, each accompanied by their respective entourages. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as the two warriors prepare to do battle in a match that will determine the fate of two prestigious championships.
Winner Take All: John Cena (c) vs Kurt Angle (c)
From the opening bell, Cena and Angle leave it all in the ring, delivering a hard-hitting, back-and-forth contest that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The action spills to the outside as both men trade punishing strikes and high-impact maneuvers, each refusing to back down in the face of adversity. As the match reaches its climax, the momentum shifts back and forth, with neither competitor able to gain a decisive advantage. Cena unleashes his signature moves, including the FU, while Angle counters with his patented Angle Slam and ankle lock submission hold. In a dramatic twist, the match ends in controversy as interference from both men's allies leads to chaos inside the ring. Despite the chaos, Cena manages to overcome the odds and pin Angle, securing victory and becoming the dual champion as the crowd erupts in a mixture of cheers and boos.
John Cena defeats Kurt Angle to retain the TNA World Heavyweight and win the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championships (26:17)
With the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship in his possession, Cena stands tall in the center of the ring, solidifying his status as one of the most dominant forces in professional wrestling history. As he celebrates his hard-fought victory, Cena defiantly declares himself as the undisputed king of the wrestling world, ready to face any challenge that comes his way.
As the summer months pass, John Cena's dominance over the TNA roster becomes increasingly apparent. Match after match, he dispatches challengers with ease, his reign as dual champion solidifying his status as one of the most formidable forces in professional wrestling.
With each victory, Cena's confidence swells to new heights. He struts to the ring with an air of invincibility, his championship gold gleaming under the arena lights as a tangible testament to his supremacy. His promos are filled with boastful declarations, comparing himself to legends of the past like Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan, claiming that he is destined to surpass even their storied legacies.
"The Doctor of Thuganomics is here to stay," Cena proclaims to the roaring crowd, his voice ringing out with unbridled arrogance. "I've conquered every challenge thrown my way, and I'm just getting started. Bret, Hogan, they were great in their time, but they've got nothing on the Champ. Shane Douglas thought he was the Franchise, but no. Fuck that. I did what he did ten times better. I carried the NWA for years before I got tired of the bullshit. I AM THE FRANCHISE. And not a goddamn soul can argue with me."
His words strike fear into the hearts of the TNA roster, who watch with a mixture of awe and trepidation as Cena bulldozes his way through any and all opposition. The locker room buzzes with whispered rumors and hushed conversations, with many wondering if anyone will ever be able to halt Cena's relentless march towards wrestling immortality.
But despite the mounting pressure and uncertainty, Cena remains unfazed. He thrives on the challenge, relishing every opportunity to prove himself as the undisputed king of the ring. With the TNA and IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championships firmly in his grasp, he stands as a towering colossus, ready to crush anyone who dares to step into his path. And as the autumn breeze begins to sweep across the wrestling landscape, Cena shows no signs of slowing down, his reign of dominance poised to continue unchallenged for the foreseeable future.
In the heart of the TNA Impact Zone, amidst the deafening roar of the crowd, John Cena stands tall in the center of the ring, his diamond encrusted TNA World Heavyweight Championship gleaming under the bright lights. The IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship is strapped tight around his waist. The air is thick with anticipation as Cena, surrounded by Chain Gang Records, basks in the adulation of his fans.
With a mic in hand, Cena begins to address the crowd, his voice echoing throughout the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen," he booms, his words commanding attention, "we are standing here tonight at the dawn of a new era in TNA!" The crowd erupts into cheers, their enthusiasm fueling Cena's growing ego. "For too long, this company has been held back by mediocrity," Cena continues, his tone dripping with confidence. "But now, with me at the helm, we are destined for greatness!" As Cena's boasts reverberate through the arena, the atmosphere shifts, signaling the arrival of a familiar presence. Suddenly, the arena plunges into darkness, eliciting gasps from the crowd. A single spotlight illuminates the entrance ramp, revealing the imposing figure of Samoa Joe.
The Samoan Submission Machine strides purposefully down the ramp, his gaze fixed on Cena with unwavering intensity. The crowd erupts into cheers as Joe enters the ring, his presence casting a shadow over Cena's bravado. "John Cena," Joe begins, his voice a low rumble that commands attention, "you stand before us tonight with gold around your waist. But let's not forget where that gold came from." The tension in the arena is palpable as Joe stares down Cena, his words carrying the weight of their storied history. "You may have the TNA World Heavyweight Championship… you may have the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship," Joe continues, "but you've forgotten what it means to be a true champion."
Cena's smirk falters slightly as Joe's words hit their mark, stirring memories of their fierce battles in the past. Sensing an opportunity, Joe steps forward, his eyes ablaze with determination. "I challenge you, John Cena," he declares, his voice ringing out with authority, "for your TNA, IGF/IWGP World Heavyweight Championships and my X Division Championship. Winner takes all."
The crowd erupts into cheers as Joe's challenge hangs in the air, the anticipation reaching a fever pitch. Cena, visibly taken aback by Joe's audacity, glances around the arena, weighing his options. After a moment of contemplation, a smirk spreads across Cena's face as he accepts Joe's challenge, setting the stage for an epic showdown at Bound For Glory.
The tension between John Cena and Samoa Joe reaches a boiling point as the two rivals set their sights on a monumental clash at Bound For Glory. With both men holding championship gold, the stakes have never been higher as they prepare to put everything on the line in a winner-take-all showdown.
Samoa Joe, the fearless X Division Champion, steps forward to challenge Cena's reign of tyranny. The Samoan Submission Machine sees an opportunity to exploit Cena's insatiable greed, enticing him with the allure of the X Division Championship. Joe knows that Cena's hunger for gold knows no bounds, and he capitalizes on this weakness to propose a match that will go down in wrestling history. John knows it’s a risk. He knows it’s a big match to take. And he’s never defeated Joe before. But the prospect of adding another championship to his collection proves too tempting for the self-proclaimed Franchise of TNA to resist.
The stage is set for a colossal main event at Bound For Glory, with the wrestling world buzzing with anticipation. Fans eagerly await the clash of these titans, knowing that the outcome will shape the landscape of TNA for years to come. As the date of the event draws near, tensions between Cena and Joe escalate to new heights. The animosity between the two rivals is palpable, fueling the anticipation for their epic showdown. With three prestigious titles hanging in the balance, Bound For Glory promises to be a night that will go down in wrestling history.
Bound For Glory
The match between Samoa Joe and John Cena at Bound For Glory is an epic encounter that captivates the audience from start to finish. As the bell rings, both competitors waste no time in locking up, the tension in the air palpable as they engage in a fierce battle for supremacy.
Winner Take All: Samoa Joe (c) vs John Cena (c)
Cena, the embodiment of strength and resilience, looks to assert his dominance early on, charging at Joe with a relentless barrage of strikes and power moves. However, Joe, known for his agility and submission prowess, proves to be a formidable opponent, countering Cena's attacks with lightning-fast strikes and well-executed grappling techniques. The match sees both men trading momentum, each landing impactful maneuvers in their quest for victory. Cena utilizes his brute strength to overpower Joe, delivering bone-crunching suplexes and thunderous slams that rock the ring. Meanwhile, Joe employs his superior speed and technical acumen, targeting Cena's limbs with precision strikes and submission holds.
As the match progresses, the intensity reaches new heights, with both competitors unleashing their most devastating moves in an effort to secure the win. Cena attempts to hit his signature Attitude Adjustment multiple times, but Joe manages to evade or counter each attempt with remarkable agility. Despite Cena's relentless assault, Joe refuses to stay down, displaying incredible resilience and fighting spirit. The crowd is firmly behind Joe, rallying behind him as he absorbs Cena's punishment and mounts his own offense.
In a pivotal moment, Joe seizes an opening and locks Cena in his patented Coquina Clutch, applying excruciating pressure to Cena's neck and shoulders. The arena erupts with anticipation as Cena struggles to break free, his face contorted in agony as Joe cinches in the hold. With the match hanging in the balance, Cena summons one last burst of energy, summoning every ounce of strength he has left to power out of the Coquina Clutch. The crowd explodes into cheers as Cena fights his way back to his feet, determined to turn the tide of the match.
In the climax of the bout, Joe and Cena engage in a thrilling back-and-forth exchange, trading devastating blows in the center of the ring. With both men exhausted and battered, Joe manages to catch Cena off guard with a lightning-fast strike, stunning him long enough to execute his signature Muscle Buster maneuver. The impact echoes throughout the arena as Joe hooks Cena's leg for the pinfall, the referee's hand hitting the canvas for the three-count. The crowd erupts into cheers as Joe is declared the winner, retaining the X Division Championship and capturing both the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship in a historic victory.
Samoa Joe defeats John Cena to retain the X Division Championship and win the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight and TNA World Heavyweight Championships (27:29)
Embarrassed yet again by Joe, Cena exiles himself once he wakes up to see the streamers and confetti rain down on the new champion. During his hiatus from TNA following his loss at Bound For Glory, John Cena took time to reflect on his career and the state of the wrestling industry. He remained out of the spotlight, focusing on personal growth and strategizing his next move. However, the burning desire to reclaim his former glory and ascend to new heights never waned.
As the calendar turned to 2008, Cena felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. He saw an opportunity to make a triumphant return to TNA and reclaim his status as a dominant force in the promotion. With Chain Gang Records by his side, Cena believed he could once again assert his dominance and reshape the landscape of TNA.
Upon his return, Cena wasted no time in reaching out to Ron Killings, his longtime ally and fellow member of Chain Gang Records. He sought to reignite the flame of their partnership, believing that together they could conquer any obstacle that stood in their way. However, Killings was hesitant to fully commit to the idea.
Killings expressed concerns about the current state of their bond and the direction in which their paths had diverged. He acknowledged the history they shared but felt that circumstances had changed, and he needed to prioritize his own career and personal growth. Despite Cena's earnest efforts to persuade him, Killings remained steadfast in his decision to focus on himself.
The attempted reunion between Cena and Killings highlighted the evolution of their relationship and the challenges they faced in reconciling their past with their present realities. As Cena grappled with this realization, he knew that he would need to chart a new path forward in TNA, one that embraced change and adaptation while honoring the legacy of Chain Gang Records.
Ron Killings' ascent through the ranks of TNA is nothing short of meteoric. With a string of impressive victories, he becomes a fan favorite and a force to be reckoned with in the world title picture. Week after week, Killings showcases his skill, determination, and unwavering resolve, earning the respect of both fans and fellow wrestlers.
As he clinches the coveted spot of #1 contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, the anticipation among the fans reaches a fever pitch. Against All Odds promises to be a defining moment in Killings' career, a chance for him to achieve his lifelong dream of capturing the gold. However, John Cena, lurking in the shadows, has other plans. The former friend turned bitter rival sees Killings' rise as a threat to his own power and dominance. Determined to maintain his stranglehold on TNA, Cena orchestrates a despicable betrayal, costing Killings his shot at the championship in a shocking display of treachery. Spray painting CGR on the back of Killings’ shirt, the branding is symbolic as it is threatening.
The betrayal leaves Killings battered and bruised, both physically and emotionally. Betrayal cuts deep, especially when it comes from someone you once considered a friend. As he lies in the wreckage of Cena's deceit, Killings is consumed by a burning desire for revenge, vowing to settle the score and reclaim his dignity.
The stage is set for an epic showdown between former allies turned bitter enemies. With the stakes higher than ever, Killings is determined to overcome Cena's treachery and prove that no betrayal can break his spirit. As he prepares to face Cena in battle, Killings knows that he must summon every ounce of strength and resilience within him to emerge victorious and restore honor to his name.
The feud between John Cena and Ron Killings intensifies to a fever pitch following Cena's despicable betrayal at Against All Odds. As the tension between the two former allies reaches its boiling point, the stage is set for a showdown of epic proportions at Destination X.
In the weeks leading up to the highly anticipated clash, Cena revels in his underhanded tactics, relishing in the chaos and destruction he has wrought upon his former friend. He taunts and belittles Killings at every turn, seeking to break his spirit and cement his own dominance within TNA. Conversely, Killings seethes with a righteous fury, determined to exact revenge on Cena for his betrayal. Fuelled by a burning desire for justice, he trains tirelessly, channeling his anger into a focused determination to emerge victorious and restore honor to his name.
As the fateful day of Destination X arrives, the anticipation among fans is palpable. The arena crackles with electricity as Cena and Killings step into the ring, ready to settle their score once and for all. In a hard-fought battle that sees both men push themselves to their limits, Cena resorts to his trademark underhanded tactics, utilizing his padlock chain to gain an unfair advantage over Killings. Despite Killings' valiant efforts to overcome Cena's treachery, he ultimately falls victim to Cena's cunning and deceit, suffering a heartbreaking defeat at the hands of his former friend-turned-nemesis.
The outcome leaves Killings devastated and betrayed, while Cena stands tall in victory, a smug grin etched across his face. After the match, cena wails on killings with the chain, leaving him a bloody mess to be cleaned up by medics, brutally destroying who he considered a friend in the past. But as Cena celebrates his tainted triumph, a fire ignites within Killings, fueling his determination to one day reclaim his honor and vanquish Cena once and for all.
As the bitter feud between John Cena and Ron Killings escalates to new heights, the stage is set for a brutal showdown at the Lockdown PPV event. With tensions boiling over and emotions running high, both men are determined to settle their long-standing grudge once and for all. In a shocking turn of events, TNA management announces that Cena and Killings will face off in a Dog Collar match while surrounded by Six Sides of Steel, a match designed to amplify the brutality and intensity of their rivalry to unprecedented levels.
From the moment the bell rings, the arena is consumed by an atmosphere of chaos and carnage as Cena and Killings unleash their pent-up aggression upon each other. With the steel cage surrounding them, there is no escape for either competitor, and they are forced to confront their demons head-on. The match descends into a bloody and barbaric spectacle, with both men using the steel chain connecting them to the collar as a weapon of destruction. Blow after blow is exchanged, each strike echoing throughout the arena as the crowd watches in awe and horror.
Despite Cena's attempts to resort to his trademark underhanded tactics, Killings refuses to back down, channeling his fury into a relentless onslaught against his former friend-turned-foe. With every ounce of strength and determination, Killings fights tooth and nail to overcome Cena and emerge victorious. In a climactic moment of triumph, Killings manages to turn Cena's own underhanded tactics against him, using the chain to incapacitate his opponent and secure the victory. As the referee counts the pinfall, the arena erupts in a deafening roar of applause and acclaim for Killings, who has finally achieved redemption and justice in the face of adversity.
With his victory, Killings not only evens the score with Cena but also solidifies his status as a force to be reckoned with in TNA. As he stands tall in the center of the ring, bloodied but unbowed, Killings sends a clear message to Cena and the rest of the wrestling world: he will not be silenced, and he will not be defeated.
As John Cena watches from the shadows, Ron Killings embarks on a remarkable journey of redemption and triumph. Buoyed by his decisive victory over Cena in the Dog Collar Steel Cage match, Killings harnesses the momentum to propel himself back into the spotlight and reassert his dominance in the world of professional wrestling. Against all odds, Killings defies the skeptics and critics, earning himself another shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. With the support of the passionate TNA faithful behind him, Killings steps into the ring with a fire burning in his soul and a determination to seize the ultimate prize.
In a match filled with heart-stopping drama and breathtaking action, Killings lays it all on the line, refusing to let anything stand in the way of his lifelong dream. With every move, he showcases the heart, passion, and resilience that have defined his career, winning over the hearts of fans around the world. As the final bell tolls and the dust settles, Killings emerges victorious, his hand raised in triumph as he is crowned the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. In a moment of pure elation and emotion, Killings basks in the adulation of the crowd, his hard-fought journey culminating in a well-deserved championship reign. For Killings, this victory is more than just a title win—it's a symbol of perseverance, dedication, and the power of never giving up on one's dreams. As he stands tall in the center of the ring, the TNA faithful erupt in a thunderous ovation, celebrating the triumph of a true underdog and the dawn of a new era in professional wrestling.
As John Cena emerges from the shadows to confront the new champion, Ron Killings finds himself dragged back into the dark and bloody feud that has defined their tumultuous relationship. Despite Killings' desire to move past Cena and focus on new challenges for his championship reign, Cena's relentless harassment forces him to confront the past once again. The feud between John Cena and Ron Killings reaches new heights as Cena, consumed by his desire for dominance, relentlessly pursues Killings and the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Their rivalry becomes increasingly personal, with Cena's malicious taunts and attacks pushing Killings to his breaking point.
Week after week, Cena continues to torment Killings, refusing to let go of their bitter history and determined to reclaim the championship that he believes is rightfully his. Meanwhile, Killings struggles to maintain his composure in the face of Cena's relentless onslaught, determined to prove himself as a worthy champion and fend off his former friend turned bitter enemy. With tensions escalating to dangerous levels, Killings reluctantly agrees to one final showdown with Cena, determined to put an end to their bitter rivalry once and for all. As they prepare to clash in a high-stakes rematch at Slammiversary, both men know that this battle will be unlike any they've faced before. In a bold move to ensure that the chaos and animosity between Cena and Killings comes to an end, TNA management announces that their match will be a loser leaves town match. With everything on the line, both competitors know that the stakes have never been higher. Both men know that this will be their final chance to settle their score and determine once and for all who will reign supreme in TNA.
As the anticipation builds and the tension reaches a fever pitch, Cena and Killings step into the ring for their epic showdown at Slammiversary. With the fate of their careers hanging in the balance, they unleash everything they have in a brutal and hard-hitting encounter that leaves the crowd on the edge of their seats.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship Loser Leaves Town: Ron Killings (c) vs John Cena
At Slammiversary, Cena and Killings step into the ring for their highly anticipated showdown. The atmosphere is electric as the two rivals face off in a match that is equal parts physical and emotional. Cena unleashes his trademark aggression, punishing Killings with a relentless barrage of strikes and power moves. Despite Cena's dominance, Killings refuses to back down, summoning every ounce of strength and determination to fight back against his relentless opponent. The match reaches its climax as both men trade near falls and desperate maneuvers, each refusing to be the one to leave TNA for good.
In the end, it is Cena who manages to seize the opportunity, capitalizing on a moment of vulnerability from Killings to deliver his devastating finishing move and secure the victory. As the referee counts the pinfall, the realization sinks in for Killings that he has been defeated, and his time in TNA has come to an end. With Cena declared the winner and Killings forced to leave TNA, the crowd erupts into a mixture of shock and disbelief. As Killings makes his solemn exit from the arena, Cena stands tall in the ring, clutching the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and cementing his status as the dominant force in TNA once again.
John Cena defeats Ron Killings to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (16:38)
Throughout his reign of dominance, John Cena's actions become increasingly brutal and unforgiving. He takes pleasure in asserting his authority over the TNA roster, leaving behind a path of destruction with every match he competes in. In the ring, Cena shows no mercy to his opponents. He delivers punishing blows with precision and intensity, wearing down his adversaries with relentless aggression. His matches are filled with moments of sheer brutality, as he utilizes every weapon at his disposal to ensure his victory.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:57 Time-Firefighter3165 What do I choose?

Hi, I’m 20 years old and I just graduated college with a BBA in finance from a state school. I received an offer from DELOITTE in SAN ANTONIO (LCOL) I would be working in the GPS RFA USDC team with a starting salary of 63k and a 5k sign on bonus (68k total comp). Today, I just received an offer from ORACLE in AUSTIN, TEXAS (MCOL) I would be working as a Financial Analyst with a salary of 74k salary (74k total comp) (haven’t negotiated yet).
What do I choose?
I know the “Deloitte” name will give me way better exit ops. (But Oracle is a big name as well…but idk if they are for finance like Deloitte is)
I know USDC lowkey sucks (but I know other companies I recruit for after two years don’t even know what USDC is so I don’t even need to include it in my resume)
I believe I would save up A LOT more money in San Antonio. (But Austin would be a better experience)
I know Oracle is growing and is a leading tech company. (But Deloitte is a big 4)
I plan on getting an MBA in a couple years, which would help more?
Help pls, thank you guys!
submitted by Time-Firefighter3165 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:54 icnoevil Can A Felon Vote in North Carolina
No, according to the State Board of Elections. Not until they have completed the sentence for the conviction.
submitted by icnoevil to ncpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:36 travelscapes_sm What career should I pursue based on my chart?

What career should I pursue based on my chart?
A little bit of a background. I'm aware my virgo north node in the 3rd house implies that my career should involve direct communication and be grounded in reality. I have a strong interest in social justice and bringing about change at the macro level. In high school, I took science and math courses, but also courses about societal change and transformation. What it really means to bring forth change. Based on the science portion, I pursued global health (9th and 6th house stelliums), but found myself failing a course in 4th year that was too science-y. Then I dropped out and pursued social work, which is not entirely in line with macro level changemaking, but is somewhat relevant to it. However, I've only been engaging in micro level practice since I graduated and want to jump ship and work towards macro level work. I applied for a masters in social work, and I'll know the results in September. Was this the right move? Or am I meant to pursue a path that aligns more with my north node? Direct communication (3rd house) and grounding myself in practicality (Virgo) is something I struggle with. I tend to be oriented more towards my south node -- space-y (Pisces) and in search of the meaning of life (9th house). Please go into detail about the aspects of my chart and the transits that need to be factored in when making this decision.
submitted by travelscapes_sm to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:30 Anonymous_299912 [0 YoE] Mechanical engineering graduate, read the wiki, not even getting any interviews, what are my next steps?

[0 YoE] Mechanical engineering graduate, read the wiki, not even getting any interviews, what are my next steps?
Hello everyone.
  • The general rule is that if you are applying to a lot of places and you aren't getting interviews, then the issue is mostly your resume. The thing is, I showed my friends and family my resume (some of whom are working in the field) and they didn't say anything bad about it. I applied to 28 positions that were tailored to each role, and no response. At least I should be getting interviews, no? Yeah, I know I don't have an internship, but I tried to get it before graduating, and it didn't happen. So I don't know what to do next other than work on some CAD modeling projects and apply to every entry-level position. Seems like I am going nowhere and need guidance.
  • I would prefer a design role or something similar. I am not trying to limit my options, however.
  • I am located in Canada, applying country-wide.
  • I am willing to relocate, without assistance
  • I am currently 'working' with this tutoring company, as an 'independent contractor'. It's not part-time or full-time, it's like a gig essentially. Technically I am not unemployed, but I feel like I am.
  • I have been around the sub for some time, and I think I got the general look and formatting thing down. Maybe the bullet points can be stated better so I would like some feedback on that as well. But I think I am just not a good candidate, straight-up. I have been going through Solidworks tutorials, but again it doesn't seem like I am making progress. I guess I need some direction towards my goals because I don't feel confident the path I am taking is getting me where I want to be.
  • I am a Canadian citizen so it shouldn't be an issue for positions in Canada. But I think there might be an issue if I apply for US positions as well. Should I be doing that as well? I can't imagine bringing someone from another country when there are plenty of fish around you.
submitted by Anonymous_299912 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:09 sakibomb27 GL qualifications question

I have a masters degree in public health. This field is a mix of health, natural and social sciences. I’m wanting to apply to BOP Tucson but not sure if I qualify for GL-7. I don’t want to apply for 7 and then get rejected because I didn’t qualify. I do have a bachelors is psychology which would qualify me for 5 but rather be 7. Any one have any advice if my degree qualifies. Thanks
GL-07: One full academic year of graduate education with major study in criminal justice, social science, or other field related to the position is qualifying for GL-07.
submitted by sakibomb27 to OnTheBlock [link] [comments]


Hey everyone,
With all the manipulation by brokers, hedge funds, and mainstream financial media, it's important to know that whistleblowers are protected, and it takes little effort to submit a tip. If you're working alongside corruption or manipulation, your bosses won't hesitate to pin the blame on you. You can file a tip or complaint here:
Remember, Roaring Kitty has done nothing wrong by sharing his favorite stock position. He hasn't told anyone to buy the stock.
Additionally, you can earn a cash reward if your tip leads to fines or arrests. You can also submit a tip to the DOJ for fraud.
We know this is a coordinated attack on individual investors, aimed at hurting the working class.
We thank you for being on the right side of history!
submitted by BENGCakez to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:54 jasoneven Does anyone have any tips on breaking into the finance sector?

Hello! I am a recent college graduate! My original plans after college were to attend law school, but due to financial and personal reasons, it isn’t possible for the near future. Instead of viewing this as a bad thing, I am taking it as a blessing! I now want to explore some financial careers! I’ve attached my resume. If you have any advice or tips, please let me know!!
submitted by jasoneven to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:52 charanbhc Hello everyone, I am a CSE fresher who graduated in 2024 and am looking for job openings. If you have any opportunities, please let me know. Upvote for better reach. My resume is in the comments.

submitted by charanbhc to hyderabad [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:21 carlyjean18 Advice Time! :)

Hi Everyone! I recently decided I want to go back to college (I stopped going years ago because I was lost regarding what I wanted to do in life) and I want to study something I'm actually passionate about. My dream is to become some kind of Digital Forensic Analyst for the FBI, so I am now trying to plan out the next 5 years of my life accordingly. I am currently 24 years old, so by the time I'm applying I will be about halfway into the age range. Here's my plan:
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Criminology and Crime Analysis
Minor in Information Technology
Master of Science in Information Technology with a concentration in Information Security
Internship at FBI (ideally, duh) or an organization like NCMEC
Full time work at a local or state police department
I know some people are anti CJ degrees, but it's the direction I want to go in, and the IT minor and masters will hopefully give me a little edge. I know I also need volunteer work and probably some certifications, but I'm not sure what kind. Any advice? Tips? I know the FBI is probably a long shot, but it doesn't hurt to shoot high.
submitted by carlyjean18 to FBI [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:43 mamameoww Resume review

I’m international. Recently graduated with a masters in IT. Applying for entry level IT, data, business analyst roles.
Should I keep or remove the leadership/activities section?
How’s my resume overall?
I’ve tweaked and changed my resume multiple times and applied for over 100+ jobs but not even a single call back. Any advice is highly appreciated.
submitted by mamameoww to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:20 ogreatgames Batman Arkham City: Monumental Action-Adventure - PS3 Game

Batman Arkham City: Monumental Action-Adventure - PS3 Game

![video](x4ezporywy291 " Step into the shoes of Batman aim to save the Arkham City from villains. Visit to buy these item(s) & more while supplies last! -- ")
#playstation3 #action #adventure --
Batman Arkham City for Sony PlayStation 3. Get the chance to play as one of the iconic game characters of all time - Batman. Fight villains, criminal masterminds, such as the Penguin, The Joker, Talia al Ghul, Harley Quinn and gangsters within Arkham City. Use Freeze Blast or Smoke Pellet while going through some of the expansive mission-based adventures. Take down enemy after enemy with brutal punches and kicks to bring rough dark justice. And use your wits and skills to unravel the secrets and story in Batman Arkham City. --
Hey check out similar videos here:
submitted by ogreatgames to Ogreatgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:09 Deep-Cardiologist622 Internship while working part time after grad ?

Hello all. This past may, I graduated with a BS in data analytics.
Currently, I am working part time at a company I interned at last summer. I received a verbal return offer from this company in August, but I didn't actually get to return until late February.
Since I wasn't sure the return offer was ever going to come to fruition, I applied to a bunch of spring and summer internships and jobs. Yesterday, I received an offer for a summer internship for 30 hours a week at a pay rate of $17.50 (50 cents more than the minimum wage here) for an operations role within a school system.
Although the work I currently do is not directly what I studied, it is easygoing, and I like the people I get to work with. I have familiarized myself with the internal systems and used PowerBI and apps, along with Sharepoint, to complete projects.
I've done some software implementation and led a couple projects, but it hasn't been anything too complex. I would have loved to have interned or worked this winter in a role more focused on utilizing the skills I've developed in my academic career, but finding something was really tough, and I had no luck. I am making more than what I was as an intern at $22/hr vs. $19/hr, but I really want something more.
I'm only working 20 hours a week, and the outlook of being converted to full-time isn't looking too good. The budget is already set for this year, and my contract expires on September 30th, but there is a possibility of extension, but still at the same pay rate with the same hours. I would like the opportunity to work for both companies, as it'd look great on my resume, but I don't want to lose the position I currently hold, as it pays more than the internship and is more accessible.
I just really need advice on what to do. I would be able to work two 10-hour days at my current job and dedicate the three other days to the internship. I would of course always be applying for full-time positions and be on the hunt, but the market is rough now and the extra money wouldn't hurt. Any advice and input is appreciated!
TLDR: Should I take an internship offer that would be three days a week (9–5) while also working two ten-hour work days at my current company?
submitted by Deep-Cardiologist622 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:09 throwawayay-99 Should I go back to school?

I graduated 2 years ago with a Neuroscience bachelors (3.9gpa). I was premed during college but realized medicine was not for me during my last year. All my activities during school were related to medicine. I did not do any internships. I had a great college experience but I was immature and unintentional when it came to planning my career.
After graduating I decided to pivot into software engineering. Why? I like coding a lot. I can sit in front of my computer and program for 10 hours if I needed to. I have been teaching myself development and have built decently complex full stack web applications. I managed to land some interviews through referrals but unfortunately they did not go anywhere. Through a combination of the current state of the tech job market, my lack of formal CS education, and my skill level, I don't know if I can realistically land a pure software developer role. It's been 2 years and I need to make a realistic move and stop living in a fantasy world. I wish I explored computer science in college.
It's all hitting me really hard now and I wish I could go back and explore my interests in tech, and even business/engineering. I do want to work in technology in some capacity. I would love to build software and contribute to a product team. My resume is all over the place with my research experiences, pre-health experiences, and personal web projects. I am applying to all types of roles but it's clear to me that my resume experiences don't quite align with the domain-specific knowledge these roles are looking for. I have been working some part time jobs since graduating. In hindsight, I should have prioritized landing any kind of professional role immediately after college. Again, I was extremely immature and am now facing the consequences of my actions. I am trying my best to look forward and plan my next step without dwelling on the past.
I just turned 24. I am considering going back to school to study something else. I am thinking of my career long term. I can potentially transfer a lot of my credits to my previous school and take advantage of in state tuition. Should I do it? I understand now the incredible importance of securing internships and networking. Should I just keep applying and hope I can land something? I don't want to make any rash decisions, but I also don't want to wait too long to decide on something. I appreciate any advice.
submitted by throwawayay-99 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:08 Deep-Cardiologist622 Internship while working part time after grad ?

Hello all. This past may, I graduated with a BS in data analytics.
Currently, I am working part time at a company I interned at last summer. I received a verbal return offer from this company in August, but I didn't actually get to return until late February.
Since I wasn't sure the return offer was ever going to come to fruition, I applied to a bunch of spring and summer internships and jobs. Yesterday, I received an offer for a summer internship for 30 hours a week at a pay rate of $17.50 (50 cents more than the minimum wage here) for an operations role within a school system.
Although the work I currently do is not directly what I studied, it is easygoing, and I like the people I get to work with. I have familiarized myself with the internal systems and used PowerBI and apps, along with Sharepoint, to complete projects.
I've done some software implementation and led a couple projects, but it hasn't been anything too complex. I would have loved to have interned or worked this winter in a role more focused on utilizing the skills I've developed in my academic career, but finding something was really tough, and I had no luck. I am making more than what I was as an intern at $22/hr vs. $19/hr, but I really want something more.
I'm only working 20 hours a week, and the outlook of being converted to full-time isn't looking too good. The budget is already set for this year, and my contract expires on September 30th, but there is a possibility of extension, but still at the same pay rate with the same hours. I would like the opportunity to work for both companies, as it'd look great on my resume, but I don't want to lose the position I currently hold, as it pays more than the internship and is more accessible.
I just really need advice on what to do. I would be able to work two 10-hour days at my current job and dedicate the three other days to the internship. I would of course always be applying for full-time positions and be on the hunt, but the market is rough now and the extra money wouldn't hurt. Any advice and input is appreciated!
TLDR: Should I take an internship offer that would be three days a week (9–5) while also working two ten-hour work days at my current company?
submitted by Deep-Cardiologist622 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:04 TheBear8878 [5 YOE] Most up-to-date iteration, but not getting any responses to this resume

[5 YOE] Most up-to-date iteration, but not getting any responses to this resume
A few things about this format I chose: I used to have Skills at the top, but then I saw one of the recommended "How to make a software resume" or "What hiring managers are looking for" posts from the wiki recommend this set-up with experience, projects, education, and skills, so I moved Skills to the bottom.
I'm unsure if ATS is somehow parsing my experience at my most recent job incorrectly and if I should list "Software Engineer" for the full duration (which technically wouldn't be inaccurate). I had that initially, but then I saw something about how you want to show some growth, so I updated it to show the multiple titles I held there.
I just recently added (Remote) to the location of the first job and (early stage start-up) to the company of the third job because I was applying to many remote positions that asked if you were comfortable in a remote setting or comfortable with start-ups, and I wanted to show I had already worked in those settings on the resume.
I'm applying mostly to API development jobs, where most of my experience lies. I'm searching for Remote and hybrid jobs in Los Angeles or US-wide (for remote). I'm not willing to relocate at the moment, as I just signed a lease a few months ago.
I was laid off on March 29th but had known about it since November and was focusing on savings.
I'm seeking help for fine-tuning and getting either no responses or just "We've decided not to move forward with you at this time..." canned emails.
I feel like my resume in general is pretty strong and I'm happy with it, but the results don't lie. I know its reallllly bad for Software right now, but I wonder if this format is just not working and I need to change anything, like moving Company name above Position title or something to help ATS parsing?
I could change the format to one of the templates in the wiki; I'm just unsure if I even need to, and that's just how it's going for software right now.
I opted not to list my graduation date, not because it was so long ago that it would unintentionally reveal my age, but because it was so recent that I don't want people to think I'm just a new grad and not focus on the 5 years of software experience I already have.
I often edit the skills section to highlight for what I am applying for, this is just a version where these particular skills are selected.
I know the second and third jobs. I could probably update the bullet points to be more WXZ/CASTAR, so I plan to make some minor edits there soon. Still, with my most recent experience, education, and projects listed, I should be getting a little bit better responses than I am, and I don't think those bullet points alone are eliminating me.
In many jobs I see and apply to, I feel I am a great fit without really needing to update what I have in my resume. I'm seeing jobs like, "Python API development in Flask, must have experience with Kubernetes, must have Bachelors in CS or Software Engineering, must have an AWS Cloud certification, must be comfortable with remote settings with experience in start-ups...". I'm seriously shocked that I'm not getting better responses with some of the positions because it feels like on paper, and in my experience, I'm a stellar fit.
submitted by TheBear8878 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:03 cookie0_0 Yoga teaching resume with no experience

Hi all! I graduated my YTT 200 hours in March and I’ve been teaching for fun to friends and family since. I’m ready to begin applying to studios and gyms for teaching positions, however I am struggling to create a resume. Should the resume I submit include my professional work experience? I am a tech project manager. Or should it be focused on my yoga/teaching experience with no mention of real life professional experience?
Here is what I have for my relevant experience: - 2 months of teaching donation based to friends and family - 10 years of a dedicated personal asana practice - Around 3 years of a daily sadhana practice (mediation, pranayama, etc)
Would this be sufficient to include on a teaching resume? Also when I pulled up resume templates for wellness/yoga a lot of them included photos, which in my professional life I would never include photos on a resume. Should I for yoga, though?
Thank you in advance to anyone with any advice :)
submitted by cookie0_0 to yoga [link] [comments]