Allergic reaction to adderall rash


2008.06.24 03:01 Tattoos

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2009.04.21 17:55 JulzE820 gluten-free


2021.06.26 03:27 PrepSchoolMomma CovidVaccineAllergy

Are you allergic to the Covid 19 vaccine & currently unvaccinated, took the first covid vaccine dose but had a serious allergic reaction preventing you from getting fully vaccinated or unable to get the covid vaccine because of a health condition?

2024.06.05 17:32 KiloNoa Overnight Fur Loss

2y/o~ 100% indoor male, this patch showed up overnight though not certain. We have another female he gets a long pretty well with (some rough play fighting, though no wounds). A similar patch has showed up on another occasion though it was directly after getting treated for fleas, with a similar pattern of irritation (?). Nothing like that is the case this time though. Could this be self-inflicted through scratching or an allergic reaction to something else? Considering though would like to avoid a vet appointment.
submitted by KiloNoa to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:22 jupdike18 MCAS AND an allergy to both h1 and h2 antihistamines

MCAS AND an allergy to both h1 and h2 antihistamines
Still working with doctor but it’s looking like I have MCAS, but here’s the kicker… I’ve had allergic reactions like the attached picture with every… single.. antihistamine… Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra, Pepcid, Hydroxyzine, even non allergy medications like naproxen. I also have exercise and temperature as triggers for the smaller pinprick full body rashes and I live smack dab in the Midwest with the most whiplash weather so I’m constantly breaking out. Just wondering if anyone knows if I end up on Xolair, is it possible I could react to that too??
submitted by jupdike18 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:17 scrub-noodle Check out this funky porcelainberry plant I found!

Check out this funky porcelainberry plant I found!
I have allergic reactions to porcelainberry so I did not take any of it. Does anyone know what’s going on here?
submitted by scrub-noodle to plants [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:42 aproductjunkie Seeking Advice on Lash Glue Alternatives Due to Allergic Reactions

After 2 years of using lash extensions, I've recently started experiencing severe reactions like puffiness along the lash line, itchiness, and more, which force me to remove them. I've read various blog posts suggesting the use of Flonase on the lash line and taking Benadryl beforehand, but I'm curious if anyone has had success with Lost Artistry's cyano-free adhesive or Plumerian Lashes' White Magic adhesive?
I'm trying to avoid spending hundreds of dollars at an allergist's office for acrylate allergy testing (and I can only imagine the look on the doctor’s face when I tell them it's for eyelash extensions lol). While Lost Artistry's glue still contains polyacrylate, I understand that the usual culprit is cyanoacrylate. On the other hand, Plumerian’s White Magic glue doesn't contain any acrylates.
If anyone has any experience or insight into using these two adhesives, I would greatly appreciate your feedback!
Here are the links to the products in question: - Lost Artistry Cyano-Free Lash Glue - Plumerian Lashes White Magic Glue
Thanks so much!
submitted by aproductjunkie to eyelashextensions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:31 bobbybackwoods69 Skin Rash in Dry Creek

Skin Rash in Dry Creek
Howdy! I’m curious if anyone who frequents Dry Creek in SLC has experienced this.
Over the past month, I’ve been getting this rash every time I ride my bike through dry creek.
Even when wearing long sleeves and gloves.
I’m curious if I’m just allergic to a random plant or if there’s something that commonly makes people break out in a rash.
For context, I don’t have any known allergies like this. I’ve also been riding here for a couple of years and this is the first I’ve had this happen.
It also doesn’t happen when riding anywhere else. Thanks!
submitted by bobbybackwoods69 to SaltLakeCity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:29 Technical-Nature-665 Boyfriend works in Recon/Detailing

Hi Guys! I hope this is okay to post here but I just had a quick question.
Has anyone been able to ever find a list of ingredients that are in some undercoating/fluid film products? I've looked up all the actual products he uses at work, and there is not any list of legit ingredients of them. He's been having some allergic reactions as he undercoats/fluid films like 5 days a week, sometimes multiple vehicles. To preface, he does wear a full suit/mask for protection. He's just been having some breathing/allergic reactions and I'm trying to do my research for him. I can't even find a generic ingredient list for what's actually in undercoat and/or fluid film. The base of his undercoat product is a wax/asphalt mixture.
The only "relevant" thing I can find is whatever Proposition 65 has as a list of chemicals and what parts of the body they affect if there is long term exposure/ingestion, but nothing detailing specifics about most undercoat ingredients.
Anything will help!
Thank you so much
submitted by Technical-Nature-665 to Detailing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:24 VampyrKween Best low budget cleanser/facewash for dry sensitive skin?

Hello, I'm trying to find a facewash that I can use on my skintype. My skin is really dry, like cracking and bleeding when I forget to moisturise! I have a moisturiser that I love and trust but I'd like a cleanser that won't make the dryness worse or result in an allergic reaction ( simple brand is a no go for me ). So, dry and sensitive skin! I'm also on a tight budget so nothing too expensive haha. Thanks guys!
submitted by VampyrKween to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:42 Spare_Jeweler2755 Post-Op Ovarian Cyst Removal advice needed!

Hi folks, I’m 2 weeks post op of an emergency cyst removal. It was the size of a grapefruit and they found 2 more cysts in there while they were at it. No cancer, no endometriosis. Just happened with my cycle. Week 1 I was on oxycodone and I had an allergic reaction to the prep so I was also on prednisone. Now being off both I felt like I was improving but I’ve significantly declined the last few days. Evenings are very painful, mornings not too bad. I had my follow up appointment yesterday and the doctor suspects that I may have a hematoma where my cyst was and to keep an eye on that pain. If I have to go back in for the pain, I’m going to need another surgery, which is something I really don’t think my body can handle. My biggest and most frustrating symptom is this warmth that I’m getting from my abdomen and back area. Ice pack helps. I have an ultrasound scheduled for five days from now but every evening I’m barely standing up straight and in excruciating pain and I’m just having a hard time. The line of I need to go back to the hospital or this is normal healing and I just need to be patient with my body.
submitted by Spare_Jeweler2755 to Laparoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:11 Jusagirlwanxiety What is this?

What is this?
What’s going on with my leg?
21 Female Location: right thigh It’s been like this for quite some time maybe 10 years, it happened when I was very young so I don’t really remember all that much or if this event correlates or what. But basically I think I was washing my sheets to my bed and they weren’t done yet so i was on my bed without out sheets and all of a sudden my leg starts burning in this spot and it was very red & itchy & warm to the touch. Honestly don’t know if it was a reaction to my bed or maybe I put on some product in that spot and just had an allergic reaction & this is just a scar? But it doesn’t really grow hair in this spot and it’s way smoother compared to the surrounding skin, It’s not really ever itchy I really don’t even notice it half of the time. I really just want to know what this is & if I should be concerned as google has given me NO answers 😅I can’t even find a similar picture
submitted by Jusagirlwanxiety to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:27 ilovemysquishy [Sun Care] Lightweight Mineral sunscreen?

I'm allergic to something in a majority of sunscreens I've tried that causes hives, redness, itching on my skin and peeling on my lips.
I've found that some "baby" or mineral sunscreens that are usually zinc based don't cause a reaction but I'm on the hunt for a lightweight one to go on my face/under makeup.
I've used IPKN Big apple sun cream in the past but it appears they've stopped selling that so I'm looking for recommendations.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Edit to add: I would also be interested in a bb/cc cream/tinted moisturizer with an spf I can use
submitted by ilovemysquishy to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:13 MushroomMermaid80 Allergic reaction to injection?

Has anyone developed a sensitivity to testosterone cypionate over time? I’m female, been doing 0.1mL weekly injections in my lower abdomen sub-Q since early February. For the last few weeks the area has been firm and very itchy for at least 4-5 days after, it’s really annoying and bothersome. I’ve had wonderful effects otherwise and don’t want to discontinue using it. But I guess I could switch to a transdermal route.
submitted by MushroomMermaid80 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:01 greenlily23 What are these reddish brown bumps that randomly appeared on my hand last week?

What are these reddish brown bumps that randomly appeared on my hand last week?
I randomly woke up with these two reddish brown bumps last week on my hand, and they haven’t gone away or reduced in colour or size at all.
They are barely raised and there is a lot of red/brown discoloring around the border of the bumps. It’s maybe a little itchy when irritated but otherwise no sensation associated with them. I can feel that they are two distinct bumps.
Nothing in my routine has changed to warrant this (no new skincare products or lifestyle changes) and I don’t appear to have this anywhere else on my body.
Any ideas as to what this is and why it hasn’t gone away? Was thinking maybe a bug bite that I had a reaction to? Or an allergic reaction? Just so odd that it’s only in that one spot and it hasn’t gone away.
Appreciate any advice you can give :)
submitted by greenlily23 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:47 Human-Locksmith-6877 GI Map Results??

GI Map Results??
I have an appointment with my doctor next week to go over results but curious what they could mean in the meantime.
Symptoms: -chronic diarrhea every day for the past 20 years (28F). I never went to the doctor for this because I thought it was normal. Bloated and gassy by end of day every day. -Joint pain - joint pain started around 13 years ago. Have always felt like my joints were “out of place” and have always had to pop multiple places. Have been told by a PT that I have extremely loose joints but haven’t really gotten any further than that -skin issues - bad eczema as a preteen, still dry skin and have random rashes, patches of flaky skin that will show up. Also developed cold Urticaria 10 years ago so have regular hive reactions to any change in temp.
I finally went to a doctor last month because I reached my tolerance threshold with all of these things lol. I’ve never tried to cut out certain foods because again I thought it was normal. Hoping this GI Map will give me a good starting point to how to fix myself!
submitted by Human-Locksmith-6877 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:57 thesnuggley What is the need for the best baby care products for your little one?

The need for the best baby care products for your little one is paramount for their health, comfort, and overall well-being. Babies have delicate skin and unique needs, requiring specialized products that are gentle, safe, and effective. High-quality baby care products help to nourish and protect their sensitive skin, preventing irritation, dryness, or rashes.
Furthermore, the Best Baby Care Products are formulated with natural and hypoallergenic ingredients, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or adverse effects. From gentle cleansers and moisturizers to diaper creams and sunscreen, these products cater to the specific needs of infants and toddlers, ensuring they receive the best possible care.
Investing in top-quality baby care products not only promotes the physical health of your little one but also enhances their overall comfort and happiness. With the right products, you can provide your child with a nurturing and safe environment, fostering their healthy development and growth.
If you are also buying the best baby care product then you can buy from The Snuggley!
submitted by thesnuggley to u/thesnuggley [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:44 Appropriate_Size2659 My allergic reaction to benzoyl peroxide.

My allergic reaction to benzoyl peroxide.
Photo from a week ago vs now. So I have been using benzoyl peroxide 4% facial wash twice a day, and i think it did ok with my acne but it is so drying. I still continued using it despite being prone to eczema flare ups with LRP cicaplast baume b5 (which i learned that this LRP is not a moisturizer.) After almost finishing the tube, i got this very bad allergic reaction on my neck, face and ears. My face was swollen and those parts mentioned were all very itchy. Maybe one of the factors was my bad diet. So i needed to cut off eating chicken, sugar, and sadly coffee too. Glad to say after a week of suffering and crying, my skin is healing, thanks to aveeno blue moisturizer and body wash, it helped a lot with the itch. Even though this aveeno blue moisturizer gave me closed comedodes, it healed my skin from itching. Right now, i just used the aveeno green (pea size amount) for my face and the aveeno blue moisturizer on my neck and other areas. I think from now on, i will stop using random actives on my face to treat acne.
submitted by Appropriate_Size2659 to beautytalkph [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:31 agprincess Consistent throat swelling, itch and pain at night. New to this kind of allergy but tottaly lost.

I'm 30 and so about a week and a half ago I started having a lot of trouble breathing. It took a while to figure out and multiple ER visit, and eventually they gave me a benadryl shot and it fixed it within a few minutes.
I keep having this happen since, though. I got an epipen but havn't used it yet usually I just go to the ER when the trouble breathing starts but they don't really do anything about it and just make me wait and after many hours it goes down on it own.
The last doctor gave me some steroids and a new anti-histamine to me, cetirizine. I took them but they didn't really stop it from continually happening. Just yesterday I had to go to the hospital because my heart rate was very elevated for hours. I suspect it was the anti-histamine so I didn't take it today and of course now i'm having an allergic reaction again. I'm really struggling because I feel like I have to go to the ER because the breathing issues, but i've been so many times now and they always just check my heart rate and blood and then leave me there for hours. It's not easy to wait there either and i' losing all my nights to this.
I've been tracking my foods. There's not a lot in common with anything i've eaten recently. I have an appointment with an allergenist, but it's not for weeks. Sometimes it happens before I eat anything that day, sometimes it's right after a meal. I can't find a single commonality. I'm eating only one simple food a day to see if it could be related, but even with that, i'm still having reactions.
It starts coming on very slow over the course of 4-6 hours then usually slowly goes away over the same amount of time, particularly once i'm at the hosptial.
I'm really torn up and confused when I should ignore it and when to take it seriously. I keep seeing that you should take your epipen right away but i'd be taking it every day at that rate and I havn't passed out or had my O2 drop too much.
I also don't know when to go to the hospital. It feels like I should be going immedietly just so they can actually see me while I am having a reaction, but it usually take 7-14 hours to see a doctor and by then my symptoms have slowly cleared.
I feel like just risking it at home is more or less the same but less painful.
I've seen my doctor and they mostly just suggested the allergenist.
I don't really know what else I should be doing. I live alone so it's just up to me to make all these decisions.
I just don't know what to do or when to do it.
I have had an allergy panel before but only for environmental allergens. I was mostly allergic to cats and dogs, and then other furry animals to a lesser degree. I do not have contact with any pets or animals in the last few days. I'm also very allergic to dust which I was taking an immunotherapy for until the other week when these synptoms started. It mostly just lead to an itchy mouth and never anything like this. The only other allergy is a very mild allergy to birch pollen. It has been years so I suppose it could have progressed, or there could be many more I don't know about.
I suspect I may have some food allergies but again have never been tested. I stopped eating hibiscus and shrimp due to mild itchyness I noticed in the last year or so.
Otherwise I just don't know what it could be.
How much danger am I actually in?
submitted by agprincess to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:40 Helpful_Result8482 Molybdenum bad reaction?

I took molybdenum because I read it helps when you are sensitive to fumes and smell and also with sulfite and histamine intlerance. When I took only 100 mikrograms my nose started swelling and turned red and I seemed to react more allergic to food.
I am so sad, did anyone else have similar reactions?
submitted by Helpful_Result8482 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:25 _danbojitsu_ Can I trigger an allergic reaction in my girlfriend if she gives me oral?

My gf is allergic to acetaminophen. If I take it, and she gives me oral and swallows, could I trigger an allergic reaction in her?
submitted by _danbojitsu_ to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:52 Sleeplessmeow Can I sue my dermatologist?

I need some advice on dealing with complications from an acne scar treatment I underwent.
Years ago, I had severe acne that left noticeable scars. Seeking a solution, I got a referral from my GP and consulted a dermatologist and laser technician in Canada. They recommended the Morpheus8 treatment for my scars. Before proceeding, I asked about potential side effects and was assured that only normal swelling and bruising would occur.
After my first session, my face became severely inflamed and swollen. I also developed three large pimples, despite not having had any for over seven months prior to the procedure. The clinic reassured me this was normal, claiming the treatment was drawing out impurities.
During the second session, I informed the technician about a dry patch that had appeared on my forehead. They dismissed it as dry skin and proceeded with the treatment. They didn’t even had any medications for pain, despite my request and them offering options since the first session hurts so bad. The doctor was not present that day and they did not follow up with a call or voicemail to tell me about this.
Post-treatment, my face was again swollen and red. Subsequently, the dry patch on my forehead turned into a dry, oozing lesion. The clinic prescribed antibiotics, both topical and oral, which helped initially but caused itchy rashes all over my body. The doctor suggested this was an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.
Though my skin eventually calmed down, it was worse than before the Morpheus8 treatments. During a follow-up appointment, the doctor prescribed bleaching cream, clindamycin, and benzoyl peroxide. However, the pharmacy couldn't fill the prescription, and the doctor didn't respond to calls to make necessary adjustments. Without the medication, the dry patch reappeared on my forehead. The clinic prescribed another oral antibiotic, which caused more rashes, leading them to prescribe Hydroval. This helped, but my skin still looked worse, and the forehead lesion left a mark. I was then advised to use the bleaching cream for the discolouration. I had red hyperpigmentation and small “rash” like on my face right now.
I'm also trying to arrange a follow-up with the doctor as instructed, but he hasn't responded to my technician for a week. My mental health is really bad right now. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror during these times.
Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. I am wondering if they are somehow at fault or not?
submitted by Sleeplessmeow to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:49 Sleeplessmeow What happened to my face?

I need some advice on dealing with complications from an acne scar treatment I underwent.
Years ago, I had severe acne that left noticeable scars. Seeking a solution, I got a referral from my GP and consulted a dermatologist and laser technician in Canada. They recommended the Morpheus8 treatment for my scars. Before proceeding, I asked about potential side effects and was assured that only normal swelling and bruising would occur.
After my first session, my face became severely inflamed and swollen. I also developed three large pimples, despite not having had any for over seven months prior to the procedure. The clinic reassured me this was normal, claiming the treatment was drawing out impurities.
During the second session, I informed the technician about a dry patch that had appeared on my forehead. They dismissed it as dry skin and proceeded with the treatment. They didn’t even had any medications for pain, despite my request and them offering options since the first session hurts so bad. The doctor was not present that day and they did not follow up with a call or voicemail to tell me about this.
Post-treatment, my face was again swollen and red. Subsequently, the dry patch on my forehead turned into a dry, oozing lesion. The clinic prescribed antibiotics, both topical and oral, which helped initially but caused itchy rashes all over my body. The doctor suggested this was an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.
Though my skin eventually calmed down, it was worse than before the Morpheus8 treatments. During a follow-up appointment, the doctor prescribed bleaching cream, clindamycin, and benzoyl peroxide. However, the pharmacy couldn't fill the prescription, and the doctor didn't respond to calls to make necessary adjustments. Without the medication, the dry patch reappeared on my forehead. The clinic prescribed another oral antibiotic, which caused more rashes, leading them to prescribe Hydroval. This helped, but my skin still looked worse, and the forehead lesion left a mark. I was then advised to use the bleaching cream for the discolouration. I had red hyperpigmentation and small “rash” like on my face right now.
I'm also trying to arrange a follow-up with the doctor as instructed, but he hasn't responded to my technician for a week. My mental health is really bad right now. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror during these times.
Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. I am wondering if they are somehow at fault or not?
Thank you.
submitted by Sleeplessmeow to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:28 Sleeplessmeow Can I sue my dermatologist?

I need some advice on dealing with complications from an acne scar treatment I underwent.
Years ago, I had severe acne that left noticeable scars. Seeking a solution, I got a referral from my GP and consulted a dermatologist and laser technician in Canada. They recommended the Morpheus8 treatment for my scars. Before proceeding, I asked about potential side effects and was assured that only normal swelling and bruising would occur.
After my first session, my face became severely inflamed and swollen. I also developed three large pimples, despite not having had any for over seven months prior to the procedure. The clinic reassured me this was normal, claiming the treatment was drawing out impurities.
During the second session, I informed the technician about a dry patch that had appeared on my forehead. They dismissed it as dry skin and proceeded with the treatment. They didn’t even had any medications for pain, despite my request and them offering options since the first session hurts so bad. The doctor was not present that day and they did not follow up with a call or voicemail to tell me about this.
Post-treatment, my face was again swollen and red. Subsequently, the dry patch on my forehead turned into a dry, oozing lesion. The clinic prescribed antibiotics, both topical and oral, which helped initially but caused itchy rashes all over my body. The doctor suggested this was an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.
Though my skin eventually calmed down, it was worse than before the Morpheus8 treatments. During a follow-up appointment, the doctor prescribed bleaching cream, clindamycin, and benzoyl peroxide. However, the pharmacy couldn't fill the prescription, and the doctor didn't respond to calls to make necessary adjustments. Without the medication, the dry patch reappeared on my forehead. The clinic prescribed another oral antibiotic, which caused more rashes, leading them to prescribe Hydroval. This helped, but my skin still looked worse, and the forehead lesion left a mark. I was then advised to use the bleaching cream for the discolouration. I had red hyperpigmentation and small “rash” like on my face right now.
I'm also trying to arrange a follow-up with the doctor as instructed, but he hasn't responded to my technician for a week. My mental health is really bad right now. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror during these times.
Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. I am wondering if they are somehow at fault or not?
Thank you.
submitted by Sleeplessmeow to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:18 ImaginaryReaction482 Accutane allergy vs indomitable human spirit

So I took accutane a while ago and broke out in hives after the first dose. My dermatologist said I was probably allergic to it, however I’m going to continue taking it slowly and thug out the allergic reactions and hope I build a tolerance to the accutane. I don’t know what I’m gonna do with my life unless my acne goes away and I’ve tried everything else to make it go away so wish me luck.
submitted by ImaginaryReaction482 to acne [link] [comments]