Should my second period be shorter than the first


2021.03.24 13:27 Nihilist911 CrazyFuckingVideos

Crazy fucking videos for your viewing pleasure

2015.02.20 21:37 foursticks Hold my fries while I...


2017.06.02 22:50 _CodyB WokeKids

Incredible children who have amazingly developed senses of social justice that coincidentally mirror those of their parents. This truly is the greatest sub of all time. Our official song:

2024.06.04 21:17 Defiant-Ad-7933 Cannot figure out what to do about attending my sister's wedding

Hello everyone. LOOONG story very short, my committed partner (46f) and I (41m) have been together nearly 15 years and have a 4 year old daughter together. She never got along with my family and over a decade or so of various conflicts this caused a splintering and distancing between me and my family of origin. I have loose contact, mainly gray rock, although I did up till now feel like my relationship with my sister (38f) was a bit better.
I have been talking to my sister and was aware of her wedding coming up. She expressed in person how she would love my partner and daughter to be at the wedding, but left it open at that time. During a call with my parents (69f/73m) (who have not met my daughter) months ago they made a comment that we should meet up sooner than the wedding as "it wouldn't be appropriate for the first time they meet their granddaughter at the wedding". That meetup obviously didn't happen.
My mom is a narcissist, I am the scapegoat and my sister the golden child. As an aside, my parents initially disapproved of her choice of partner as well and before their engagement actually called HIS ex-wife without the knowledge of my sister to get "her side of the story".
Anyway about 6 weeks before the wedding date, my sister asks me for my secondary address (I work hybrid and have an address in San Francisco away from my family in San Diego). She sends an invitation there, only addressed to me, but with a return card that does have a "number of guests" blank on it where I could in theory enter additional guests. In addition, this is clearly a "second round" invitation coming this late and recently overhearing that 92 guests have RSVPed only a few days after I received my invitation.
The ambiguity kills me. She would have mentioned at some point, hey, I really want you all to come. But asking for the address where my partner wouldn't receive the invitation, and addressing it only to me, seems to me to be clear enough that she would prefer my partner not come. And if that's the case I will not come. I have in the past left her at home to attend family functions which she was explicitly not invited too and it was a disaster for my relationship. I just know that they will use that "number of guests" option as a way to gaslight me into thinking she actually was invited and I'm a horrible person for missing my sister's wedding.
At this point I don't feel good about it, I feel nothing but anxiety when I am around my mom, and I feel like my sister will always cave to my mom's desires and will be more or less unable to think for herself. That being said, not going to this wedding may be the nail in the coffin of my contact with my family of origin.
Anyway I welcome all thoughts.
tl;dr I am unsure how to interpret the potentially manipulattive meaning behind my sister's choices in how she invited me to her wedding.
submitted by Defiant-Ad-7933 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:16 vladutelu When is the game getting a much needed early game overhaul

I am getting tired of all of my friends quitting the game pre-Second Dream, because the way the early game is structured is such a weird mess.
I really hate having to use the "it gets so much better later on" excuse every time I try to convince people to keep playing. Or having my friends see me using more interesting and fun warframes like Gauss or Titania and telling them that they won't have access to them until later on and that most early frames are kinda boring to play.
I truly feel like the way content is distributed, presented, and made accessible to the player needs a total overhaul. The new player experience has historically been pretty bad, but I feel like it's reached a point worse than ever. When I started, pre Plains of Eidolon, I'd already felt that things are too confusing. I can't imagine what it's like starting the game from scratch now.
I wish DE would stop focusing ALL their efforts into adding more endgame stuff and instead going back to rework the older systems more often. The first 50 hours of this game are a mess.
submitted by vladutelu to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:14 Current_Stop2070 [RF] The Last Day of School

My name is Greg. It's been some time since I was in school as a student and I’m now a teacher in the same school I went to more than 20 years ago. I have two small children and they’ve reached an age where summer has started to have meaning. Their excitement, and the excitement I see in my students, has filled me with a reminiscence of the summers of my youth. It makes me simultaneously a little sad but also incredibly happy. I think of my friends, my parents, and my youth and I get to smile at the joy I felt then. I see my own kids today and it makes me smile at all the possibilities that summers hold for them. This is my story of summers past. But this story is only partly reminiscence. Much of it is just a feeling. A feeling I’ve not felt since…
The school bell was ringing and I was running. Teachers were trying to tell us to walk and be careful over break but we stopped listening at 3:30 pm and it was already 15 seconds past that. I grabbed my bag, my gym clothes, and my drawing pad from my locker and quickly shoved the now-irrelevant papers and notebooks in the closest garbage can. I came to regret this last action later, not because there was anything of value in those binders full of notes and paper, but because I missed out on burning them in an epically large neighborhood bonfire we had a few weeks after school ended.
The door slammed open and I breathed in the free air… Summer!
Eli, Kevin and my older brother Charlie were outside waiting for me and we were off on the first adventure of the summer: The way home.
The way home was easy by modern means. We could take Old Ryan Road to a sidewalk to a gravel siding to our subdivision. But the way we took was better in every way.
“Through the marshes” we charged. We called the path “the marshes” because it regularly flooded but it was really an old nature path the city built years ago. It was overgrown and completely underutilized. It had a deep ditch on one side and was tree-lined on the other. The long grass on the path had been tamped down but it was still up to our knees. We liked to imagine monsters lurking in the depths of the ditches and the dark of the woods, and we had to watch each other's back while making regular expeditions into the woods for weapons. A good stick was the best protection and, following proper cover and advance techniques taught to us by Kevin’s neighbor the veteran, we made our way out of the path and clear of the monsters.
All except Eli, who had clearly been possessed by some kind of ghoul and was now “it”. He attacked at the opening of the marshes, where the tall grass met the road. He roared and held his stick above his head like a Tuskin Raider from Star Wars. We all ran for it! Scattered in three directions. Expecting to be hunted.
I went for the woods that ran behind the houses in our neighborhood. But I had a long way to go before I was safe at home. I saw Eli attempt to catch Charlie but Charlie was about a foot taller and, despite his complete lack of athletic ability, he was quick!
I crept through the woods, staying in the shadows as best as I could, but It was 3:45 pm in June so even the thickest canopy couldn’t really give good concealment. I was exposed. I had to make a move. Eli had been moving in the opposite direction of me a minute ago but I didn’t know where he was now. “Go!” I said and made to sprint along the tree line, always ready to dive into the woods.
Suddenly Eli was behind me! He came from the woods and was so much faster than me. He had a smaller stick now and threw it like a boomerang at my back. It hit me under my arm and I fell to the ground in a dramatic, yet heroic death.
“Rise now, servant!” Eli said. I was his second now. Doomed to serve him forever! Or until we got home. I’d done pretty good and home was only a little farther. We took up a defensive position now, protecting the house from those who would try to enter.
It took a few minutes for Charlie and Kevin to make their way to the house. I saw Charlie first and screamed as an alarm. Servants can’t talk. Plus I was still loyal to my non-Eli counterparts, but had to be fair. Eli came running and took off after Charlie but as he did I saw Kevin out of the corner of my eye make his way up behind Eli and as I opened my mouth to shout again, he raised his stick and shouted “Safe!” while stepping on the porch. Charlie had gotten away and was still fair game. Eli told me to hold and protect the porch. I did and would take out Charlie if I had to. He was my older brother so I might take just a little pleasure in throwing a stick at him.
Jokes on me, Charlie slipped past Eli and tackled me to the ground. He was bigger than me. I lost that battle, badly, and he made it to the porch. Eli, being a good comrade, berated me about getting tackled while I told him what a failure he was at catching Charlie. Twice! We smiled, laughed at each other, and went inside!
Next adventure: Convince the parents that pizza and a sleepover are the best ideas.
Me: “Dad. Pizza, movies, and Eli and Kevin sleepover? What do you think.”
Dad: “I think you think I have all the money” he looked over his glasses at me. “Ok, fine. I’m in!”
We knew Dad was an easy mark. Mom would have had conditions. They would have been completely legitimate, but who wants conditions?
The final adventure of this final day of school: The Sleepover
Pizza was the ultimate sleepover treat. No work, no waiting, and the cute girl four grades ahead of me was the delivery driver. Did I exist to this girl? No chance. Did that mean anything to me? Nope!
Dad rented three movies from Block Buster: The Hunt for Red October, Silence of the Lambs, and IT. He liked thrillers. We weren’t complaining. We were allowed to watch The Hunt for Red October because Dad thought the original Bond was someone worthy of our time. The other two were “too scary” for us kids. But we weren’t so chicken as to let a good thing pass us by. The tapes were in the house, and we wanted to watch them. When would they be back? When we were 18? Nope, we couldn’t wait that long. But how to get them?
Our domain was the basement. Obviously. What parents wanted to share the TV with kids? We were given The Hunt for Red October, which my parents had seen in theaters, and they stayed upstairs and watched IT. We could hear Mom when we ventured up to sneak a peek giving her patented scared gasp, like she did in the car when Dad drove a little too crazy in traffic. It was obvious that we needed to get a hold of that movie.
Before we could start The Hunt for Red October, which was undoubtedly good, Kevin revealed that he’d pulled off the greatest heist of our generation; he’d swiped the tape for Silence of the Lambs and left The Hunt for Red October in its place in the case. Genius!
The Silence of the Lambs was a true marvel of cinema and at some point in the night, everyone had put something over their face and pretended to be Hannibal Lecter as he skinned his guard's face off to escape. Charlie’s was the best. He’d gone upstairs and gotten a piece of pizza, stripped the cheese off of it, and cut a hole for the mouth. The sauce and rippled dough made it pretty convincing in the dark. I was the youngest, so naturally the easiest mark, and he surprised me with it first, vaulting over the back of the couch and giving me his craziest eyes. It was effective. I didn’t sleep well for a few weeks, though I’d never give him credit for it.
My parent’s movie was longer than ours so we had to wait downstairs for it to end. After the credits rolled on our movie, Kevin turned off the lights and the TV all at once and we were in complete darkness. I don’t know if you know how The Silence of the Lamb ends, but a pitch-black basement is a terrifying setting after watching that movie. Kevin laughed from one corner, then must have moved quickly to the opposite corner and said, “It puts the lotion on its skin…” in his creepiest imitation of Buffalo Bill. I nearly died when he grabbed me and pulled me to the couch. I was in the movie for a second. I was Clarese. I was in Bill’s basement. I was doomed. Fortunately for me, Eli or Charlie made some noise and Kevin headed off to catch them too.
Then I saw the light at the top of the stairs, got my bearings, and B-lined for it. Charlie must have heard the stairs and figured out how to get up and so did Eli. We got to the top, opened the door, and proceeded to lock Kevin in his own nightmare. Awesome! We laughed and high-fived as he pushed his way out after a short struggle. Plenty of quiet insults were thrown through the door on his way out.
As my parents went to bed they told us to keep it down and start to calm down for the night. We had every intention of doing so, but after they went to bed, we discovered, to our great excitement, that IT was still in the VCR. “Yes!” whispered Eli in his quietest scream of excitement. His face, wide-eyed and mouth agape, said everything that we were all thinking. Two thrillers in one night. And it was only 9 pm!
IT finished to a room of frightened looks and excited hearts. We definitely should not have watched that and Silence of the Lambs on the same night. But we did and not one of us was going to suggest that we were scared. No, instead we snuck outside. Sewer-dwelling monsters be damned!
This was a time of dusky-yellow street lights and quiet subdivisions. It was midnight and we were alone outside. Kevin had a small flashlight that he’d wisely grabbed from the cupboard, something he’d learned was necessary on a few previous forays outside at night, but the moon was enough to illuminate our way between streetlights. We passed behind Kaia’s house and she opened the back door as we were near the middle of the yard. “Hey!” she whispered. “What do you think you’re doing?” She gave us a look somewhere between mad and intrigued. “Just out for a stroll” whispered back Charlie. “Wanna come with?” I punched Charlie secretly. He knew I had a crush on Kaia. Good big brother but I was nervous to ask her out and this didn’t seem like the time. “Nope!” she said, looking at my brother, then she made quick eye contact with me and gave me a mischievous grin.
We kept walking and Eli suggested we go to the woods, to our fort. After two scary movies and a whole pile of imagination, this was the last place I wanted to go. But everyone had been razzing me about my crush on Kaia, and they hadn’t missed her little look, so I was feeling emboldened enough to take the risk.
The woods once backed up to a farmhouse with a barn and outbuildings and a small industrial plant. Our neighborhood was the old farm field. The woods, however, was left nearly as it had been and was full of old rusting junk left behind from the farm and plant. There was a car frame and several tires, a refrigerator, a stack of chicken wire, a few car hoods, and a random assortment of smaller farm and industrial parts. Safe was certainly not the way I’d describe this woods, but it was fun.
At night, however, it became entirely different. We’d formed a path through it over time, using the car hoods to go over low, wet spots, and using the larger items as landmarks. But they were harder to find at night and the wind and shadows played enough tricks to make our imaginations roil. Toward to interior of the woods, the space opened up where someone had dumped tons or gravel long ago. On one side it formed a berm, hiding the now-abandoned industrial building, and on the other was a low area where natural rocks formed a kind of flat area. The natural perimeter around it was entirely overgrown now and the trees and bushes formed the walls of our fort. We’d built nothing there but the trees and the gravel berm formed natural barriers that closed it in. The best part, the trees were covered in vines that were just strong enough to let us swing on. If you started at the high point of the berm, you could swing 30 or 40 feet with ease.
Now, in the moonlight, our fort was infinitely more ominous. It was additionally scary because Eli kept disappearing and then jumping out with his best Pennywise impression. He even tackled Kevin at one point and the two of them rolled around for a few seconds. It was a pretty fair fight but Eli eventually pinned Kevin and pretended to bite his head off.
Now in the fort, we decided ‘kick the can’ was the best bet. Charlie drew the short straw and the rest of us bolted away to sneak around and get the best positions. I was about to go as Charlie’s back was turned, but as I got up to run, someone else ran in and absolutely punted the can and bolted off. They were followed by another, smaller shadow, and the two of them disappeared into the bushes. Charlie yelled a curse and reset the can.
Movement came from my right. I whispered “Eli? Kevin? Which one of you got the can?”. No reply. Then two girls jumped out of the dark. “Ahh!” I yelled in a surprisingly high-pitched voice. Hannibal and Pennywise reeled in my brain and I was about to be eaten by them both. But no, it was Kaia and her younger sister Amber. I blushed with tremendous embarrassment as I replayed the sound I’d just made in my head. Just as I got hold of myself a little more, the two of them ran away and Charlie replaced them with a grin. He kicked me and said, “your it!”
I moved to the center of the circle and I heard the others rustling through the undergrowth. I heard a clear cough from my left and went for it. As I did, Eli let out his best Tarzan call and literally swung from a vine to the center of the clearing and kicked the can into the bushes. Kevin stood from the bushes in front of me and chuckled. The two of them had planned it out.
Each of us in turn got caught and placed in the middle to defend the can. Kaia was the quickest to get out of the center. Turns out she’s incredibly competitive. Who knew? Amber was also pretty good, but Kaia and I teamed up to do another Tarzan swing. Mostly because it looked super cool when Eli did it. I felt her eyes on me as I swung. She ‘whooped’ as I got the can and taunted her little sister.
We dropped off the girls on our way home. I was walking with Kaia at the back and she gave me a sly kiss on the cheek as we approached their house. I nearly melted. We all agreed we should definitely sneak out again this summer. No one else saw Kaia’s kiss and no one else ever knew. I liked that little bit just for me.
(Side note: I married Kaia one day. Best thing I ever did.)
We got home and settled in for bed on couches, the ground, and the beanbag chair in the corner. Kevin seemed to always call the beanbag chair. Oh well. We started another movie but no one was invested now. We slipped off to sleep, dirty and tired but with full hearts, as the movie played in the background of our dreams.
Summer day 1: complete success.
… 4:03 am
“Oh my god! why the blue screen?” *clicks off TV*
submitted by Current_Stop2070 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:14 Meles_B [ROLEPLAY] The Based Department

Every value that we thought we had, debased and razed to save us 

The Based Department - Structure and Organization

Reformed from the entirety of the Russian Intelligence community, The Based Department has become a united giant, responsible for all of the intelligence, government cyberwarfare, and partially - state AI research programs within the country. With massive resources, the only thing that held the Based Department was the Ethics committees and idealism of the Department itself, willing to defy the reputation of KGB and FSB. With the Commonwealth fallen, however, and the Ethics Committee itself giving the Department a blank cheque, there are few things that hold it back.
The Department was based around multiple Directorates, responsible each for a sector of the intelligence network. With the passage of time and the rebuilding done after the collapse, many things have changed. As of now, the following is the core structure of the Based Department:
Name Function
Secretariat of the Based The chief administration of the Based Department. Responsible for the overall functioning.
First Main Directorate Responsible for the overall external intelligence work. Includes multiple subdepartments each responsible for one of the hyperstates.
Second Main Directorate Counter-intelligence. Responsible for keeping the Department out of leaks, and preventing detection of our operations within Karakum and abroad
Third Main Directorate Military Intelligence. Responsible for maintaining our battlenetwork operations.
Fourth Main Directorate ELINT, Cyberwarfare, Secure communications, etc. The Largest of the Directorates, with multiple subdirectorates.
Fifth Main Directorate Currently responsible for guarding the Vaults and bases of the Based Department
Sixth Directorate Currently responsible for subverting the organized crime in the country to our cause
Seventh Main Directorate Responsible for Spetsnaz operations
Eighth Main Directorate Responsible for VDV operations and air transport
Scientific Department Responsible for the overall R&D of the Department. Prioritizes AI and cybernetic fields, but overall has enough staff to cover all important research fields.
Supply Directorate Responsible for the overall procurement and supply of the Vaults and the bases
Tenth Department The paranormal department of the Based. Responsible for unusual cases (like the Atlantic cargo case), also sometimes takes the load of other departments. Some of the newer projects will go there.
Engineering and Technical Service Department Responsible for technical maintenance and everyday services of all facilities and equipment in active Based Department use. This department is responsible for design and construction of new facilities and routes of communication as well as repair and maintenance of the existing ones.
Medical Department Responsible for the health and medical care of the staff. Includes all specter of specialists, including cyberhealth specialists and psychologists
Manufacturing Department Responsible for the overall equipment manufacturing and parts of the maintenance. Currently able to provide artisanial low-level manufacturing, but large projects will require specific tools and facilities.
In addition, the Department includes commeetees (Including Ethics committee and AI relations committee), subdepartments, and other structurers providing it with a significant reach within the intelligence field.

The Based Department - Equipment

Before the collapse, the Department has developed and upgraded a part of the Commonwealth arsenal for their own needs. This includes weapons, accessories, and technology related to clandestine operations.
Considering our work, the Based Department specialized weapons are primarily based on either non-lethal apprehension of targets, or a covert assassination leaving no trace.
However, some technology was developed in the 60s to better suit our needs.
[M - probably retroactive development. All successors should have the tech too, will work on cleaning what parts are ok and what I'll need to develop myself in the current continuity.

Incapacitating agents

While a lot of our population is synthetic, biological organisms are still widespread, and in order to incapacitate them easier, we have developed new agents.
The Based Department has been using agents in various forms, using them to prevent hostage situations or to quietly infiltrate a compound at night. In addition to grenades and gas canisters, The Based Depatrment has developed a "knockout flechette" ammunition, used in our next-generation guns. Contianing a small amount of the Kolokol-X agent, it was designed to penetrate power armor and release the agent inside, incapacitating the person inside directly.

EM stuff

The Commonwealth has been using EMP and EM since long. While Russian technology is quite EMP-resistant due to mass use of photonics and shielding, we do use them widely, including on a personal level.

The Suits

While Spetsnaz and VDV are using DAGOTH, the Based Department operatives were designing something of their own - based on the superior Russian fashion industry.
The Suit series of equipment is a broadly applied technology for discreet, personal protection, used by intelligence agents and VIP.

The Suit

The main protection of an intelligence agent. Despite the implication, the Suit is not necessarily a black tuxedo - the technology provides adaptation to all the styles present in the country.
The Suit is unlikely to endure agaisnt a modern soldier, but can reasonably stop an armed guard or turn a lethal shot into an injury, providing our agents protection in the dire times.

The Stealth suit

Similar to the Suit, the SS is designed for inflitration and stealth operation:

Based Department - Personnel

The Department is a diverse organization, containing people of various ethnicities (mostly Russian, Polish, Karakum and French, turned into Everlasting androids), and fields of experience. Containing humans, androids, synths and even hypercode, in the halls of the Department facilities you can see nearly any combination of faces, clothes and body parts imaginable. This, also, helps them to blend in the population.

The Agents

Working primarily in the field, the Agents are the investigators, intelligence gatherers, and our reconnaissance. Wearing suits when they can, and what they need when they need, they generally pose as Siberian hunters in remote tundra, general population in the cities, and police investigators when they can, the Agents are responsible for a large part of our intelligence network, currently focused on Karakum. Some might stay in one place, providing general coverage of the region, while others are walking the earth waiting for their next assignment.
Some of the Agents exist as a hypercode - scouting the Internet from

The Negotiators

A small subset of the Department, they are responsible for working with the public and "convincing" them to join our cause. Through charm and less charming means, they are quite capable in the art of making people cooperate. They rarely stay in one place, preferring to maintain the aura of mysteriousness around them. In the Department, they are mostly nice, but also prone to swindling stuff from others in poker,

The Specialists

Those are, ironically, the furthermost people from warfare and operations. Those are procurement specialists - the closest thing we have to the outer world and our supply lifeblood. They have good identities (most of them are their actual identities pre-Collapse), stable remote job and a degree of prescence in the community. In general, their goals are, depending on a person:

The Spetsnaz

Silent and deadly, they are responsible for most of our combat oprerations. Using Genda/Dagoth chassis and even beyond that, they are the most elite unit of the Commonwealth, and among the best on the planet. With vast experience and training in every field imaginable, when we send these "Genda" Everlasting, we are sending our best.

The Perry


The Guard


The Brain

The custodian of the Mount Yamantau and the Based Department as a whole, the Brain is a combination of multiple supercomputer complexes and a building-sized neural mass. Containing the consiousness of the late King of Russia, the Gigachad, it is now, perhaps, the smartest being in the whole creation. Responsible for a large part of our current protection and cyberwarfare operations, the Yamantau is being used as both the HQ and R&D laboratory, where the Department's finest are researching new and old technology. The AI Singularity is coming, and the Based Department is on it's front and center.
[M] Unless pointed otherwise by Dio, I'll do 3 rolls for tech development and 1 for secrecy of it - it should be available to successors either way. The rest is mostly RP, but will roll if needed.
submitted by Meles_B to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:13 youretoosuspicious 6 weeks after LAL, my experience (long read)

51F, diagnosed last fall with a cortical cataract in my left eye (OS). This is my near vision eye, and vision in this eye has been poor my entire life, but it had progressed to the point where it was uncorrectable with lenses. I was experiencing glare in sun, near-blackouts going from sun to shade, and rainbow halos around lights during the night and day. I also realized, after having my surgery, that I had been avoiding reading and writing because of double vision caused by the cataract. Since I work in books and libraries, and some of my most enjoyed hobbies involve reading, writing, correspondence, and crafts including knitting, the cataract was strongly affecting my life.
My optometrist referred me to a local surgeon and I went for a consultation. He said that while I had developed cataracts in both eyes, the one on the left was 3+, what they consider severe, and he scheduled me for surgery the next month. I read all the materials they gave me and found this subreddit, which has been incredibly helpful throughout the process, so thank you to all who post and respond here!
I was uncertain whether I should go with the first referral (and posted as much here, and got a lot of great reflections from folks, thank you) because I'd read bad Yelp reviews of the office. But I read reviews of ALL the major surgery providers in town and they all had the same range of reviews, so I decided to stick with this doctor, deciding that being part of a "surgery farm" was a GOOD thing rather than a bad one. More surgeries = more expertise, hopefully.
I received satisfactory guidance from another surgeon at the practice after they did my biometry; she said I could get good results with either a monofocal or the LAL monofocal, and that it was up to me. Since this is my near eye, the one I depend on the most for most of my preferred activities, and since I have good insurance and could afford the additional out-of-pocket cost, I decided to go with the LAL. My insurance paid for all the basic parts of the surgery.
On the surgery day, I bussed over to the surgery office and they did intake, I waited for a while, and then was led into the pre-surgery area, a large circular hospital area with curtained cubicles all around the edges. All the people in the cubicles were at various stages of pre- or post-op, and nurses were circulating giving eye drops and checking in on people. I was given a gown to wear over my clothes, a surgical cap like a shower cap, and they started putting drops in my eyes. I knew they were giving me numbing and dilating drops, and other than that the surgery uses Versed for during the surgery. I chatted with the nurse, met the anesthesiologist (who cracked a lot of jokes about the efficiency of the surgeon - "it goes so fast, you won't even have time for a cocktail!"), and before long they had transferred me to a reclining rolling chair and took me in for the pre-op laser treatment. This was the most unpleasant part, as I had to stare unblinking into a bright light while the surgeon counted down. I could feel the anesthesiologist gently stroking my hand. As soon as that procedure was over, the anesthesiologist said "I'm starting the Versed now," and that was the last thing I can recall. In my dim memories I see some blobby colors moving around, like the oil projections at a hippie light show, but otherwise no memory of vision or any discomfort. The nurse gave me some apple juice, called my spouse to pick me up, and then I went home. My surgery had been scheduled for 11, and it was about 2pm.
I had a surgical bandage taped over my eye and was instructed to wear the clear eye shield at night. I felt a little woozy from the anesthetic, so I had chicken broth and some buttered pasta, and then rested in bed with the shades pulled for the rest of the day.
Next day I had a careful shower, hopped on the bus with my surgical bandage on (covered with sunglasses), and went to the clinic for my post-op. They removed the bandage and gave me a quick manual eye test, and handed over my LAL eyeglasses box.
At that point I had a lot of flashing and glare, from the implant, and I felt a bit wobbly in my vision as my eyes moved from side to side. In the days immediately after the surgery, while I noticed a distinct improvement in my vision, I also felt a bit off, and got frequent mild headaches. My old progressives were useless, so I used the LAL reader glasses to read or knit, but I could watch my laptop without any correction, which I hadn't been able to do for about 8 years!
By about a week out, I was noticing the artifacts from the lens less and less, except for when I was at a specific angle standing or sitting under overhead lights. The LAL glasses are ugly and inconvenient, but I wore them indoors and out for the full 5 weeks it took me to get adjusted. I called them my Bono Disguise because even people who knew me would fail to recognize me upon first glance. Sometimes I explained to people why I was wearing them, and sometimes I challenged myself not to explain it at all.
At my first correction (approximately 3 weeks after surgery), they tested my near vision at 20/20 and decided to correct only for astigmatism. In the week after that, I went back and forth about what I wanted to see the most clearly - things very close to my face, or things in the intermediate distance, like someone sitting across the table from me? Ultimately I decided that I could wear readers for close work and have "functional" vision the rest of the time. We decided to lock-in after only one treatment. After the treatment, and after each of the two lock-ins, I noticed a definite shift as my eyes and brain adjusted to the treatment.
The adjustment, involving a weird aluminum contact lens and an eye dilation that meant my iris was invisible, was odd and not pleasant but definitely bearable. Even the two lock-ins were not horrifying for me, but thanks u/texaserin for the warning about it. I joked to the nurse attending the lock-ins, "Oh hi, are you the one who holds my head in place?" Like others, I saw pink for about a week after the second lock-in, which was the brighter one for me. Pink, like millenial pink when looking at anything white with both eyes open, and when I'd close my untreated eye I'd see HOT pink.
What my functional near vision means is that I can focus clearly up to 12" from my face. Closer than that it's blurry, but I can read a book and use my laptop and drive without correction. With a bent arm, I can read the ingredients on a beverage can. I had to get a stick-on magnifying mirror for my bathroom so I could do eyebrow maintenance. Some days, when I'm short on sleep or the weather is very dry, I notice my vision is a bit more blurry, so I've been carrying PF eye drops (Systane PF) with me for touch-ups as needed.
Refraction BEFORE surgery (both eyes)
OD +0.75 sphere +0.50 cyl x046 axis +1.75 ADD
OS -7.50 sphere +1.50 cyl X144 axis +1.75 ADD
Refraction AFTER surgery (OS only)
OS -1.25 sphere +0.50 cyl x148 axis +2.00 ADD
They've listed my near vision now as J1+, or 20/20, which is wild!
submitted by youretoosuspicious to CataractSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:13 brod333 Responding to Exion’s response pt 3

Exion has posted more responses to my posts rebutting him which I’ll be responding to. For my previous posts see For his post I’m responding to see and I’m just going to focus on Haggai 2:15 since the amount of research I did for it used up all my spare time (you’ll understand what I mean when you see what I did) and by the time I’m done discussing that verse it will be clear to everyone Exion has no idea what he is talking about.
Before discussing the Hebrew let’s look at the context. It’s always important to understand the context of any quote to properly understand it. Here is the wider context: “Now then, consider from this day onward. Before stone was placed upon stone in the temple of the Lord, how did you fare? When one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were but twenty. I struck you and all the products of your toil with blight and with mildew and with hail, yet you did not turn to me, declares the Lord. Consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month. Since the day that the foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid, consider: Is the seed yet in the barn? Indeed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have yielded nothing. But from this day on I will bless you.”” Haggai‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬-‭19‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Notice verses 15 and 18 both have at the beginning “Consider from this day onward”. It’s the exact same phrase in the Hebrew indicating the two verses are related in idea. The following word for verse 15 is “before”. More specifically in the Hebrew the word has the preposition “from” so it’s saying “from before” indicating it’s referring to before some past event. In verse 18 the following word is “from” indicating the time after some event. These two cases contrast each other, the former talking about before and event while the latter after an event.
There is also a parallel in the verses that follow 15 and 18. In verses 16-17 God asks them how they faired before the event in verse 15. He describes a situation of turmoil and says that he struck the people of Israel. In verse 19 God notes the blessing have not yet come but states he will now bless them going forward. This is another contrast, the former God was against the Israelites bringing them hardship and the latter God was for the Israelites bringing them blessing.
In verse 18 the event is unambiguously when the foundation of the temple was laid. What is in dispute is the event referred to in verse 15. Note what we have so far “consider before event x God against them, consider after laying the foundation of the temple God was for them”. The traditional translation of “stone upon stone” takes it as referring to the building of the temple making it the same event as verse 18. This makes perfect sense as it’s contrasting the time before and after a single event. Exion’s translation “God’s stone, the stone” has it referring to placing the black stone in the temple. It’s a completely unrelated event which doesn’t fit well in the context. The parallels and contrasts within the passage indicate verse 15 and 18 are referring to the same event.
This also fits the context given in Haggai 1 that I quoted in my previous post. In that passage God is criticizing the Israelites for not rebuilding the temple that was currently in ruins, urges them to rebuild it, and notes the period of turmoil they were experiencing which God says he brought about specifically because they weren’t rebuilding the temple. That final part of God bringing turmoil is exactly what we see in Haggai 2:16-17 which suggests the event in Haggai 2:15 is related to what God mentioned in Haggai 1, i.e. the temple wasn’t being rebuilt.
We also know this is what the focus was at that time from the historical books I mentioned in my previous posts. Haggai gives explicit indicators for when he received his prophecies which tell us exactly when in history the prophecies came so we can look to the history books for further context. In those books there is a focus on rebuilding the temple during this time period.
With the context out of the way let’s examine the Hebrew. Exion says:
He's saying that I've flipped the words, but I actually haven't. I interpreted "El" as being in a possessive state regarding the following word "Even" (stone), while the more correct way is to have it possess the preceding word, which is also "Even" (stone), thus rendering it: "God's stone." However, I still stand by what I wrote earlier, as it is fully possible to read it that way. This rule isn't as strict as he portrays it. It is true that the Hebrew construct state mostly places the possessed noun before the possessor, but there are exceptions, particularly when dealing with divine titles or when avoiding awkward sentences.
This is like saying 4 is the more correct way then 5 to understand 2+2. It’s only more correct in the sense that only one can work, the other can’t. While Exion asserts there are exceptions to the rule with the noun in the construct state appearing first he never gives any examples or source to back up this claim. We’re just supposed to take his word for it. He specifically mentions divine titles as being an exception however he actually acknowledges two counter examples. In his translation he has at the end “the house of the Lord”. His translation indicates “the house” is in the construct state and in the Hebrew that occurs first. He also later mentions Bethel and says it means house of God. Again his translation would mean “house” is in the construct state and in the Hebrew it occurs first. Both cases involve divine titles, one of which is the same title he claims is in Haggai 2:15, yet both follow the rule.
To go even further I did a word search for the phrase “of God” and checked the Hebrew for every case, 382 total (now you see what I meant about the time investment for this verse). In every single case God was the second word and unambiguous not in the construct state meaning every single case followed the rule. Exion is just making up rules with no basis. He next says:
However, even if we are forced to implement that rule, it would possess the preceding word, which is also stone.
Unfortunately this doesn’t work for him. Notice his translation:
"’Now give careful thought to this from this day on —consider how things were before placing God's stone, the stone in the House of the LORD." or "...the stone of God, a stone in the House of the LORD
The first problem is this would be the second time he’s needed to edit his translation to overcome issues. How can we trust someone that has to keep revising his translation due to mistakes made previously? The answer is we can’t, it undermines his reliability of translating Hebrew.
However, there are worse problems. He has two possible translations here. The first can’t word since he inserts the definite article “the” before the second instance of stone. This is impossible since the Hebrew doesn’t have a definite article. It’s ironic he would even propose this translation since he made a big fuss about a case with the missing definite article in his last post. However, unlike that case where it’s implied by the construct relationship where the last noun has the definite article this case isn’t even in a construct relationship.
His second option has an indefinite article. This is problematic for two reasons. First the part of his translation saying “placing the stone of God” is definite. It’s picking out a particular stone. For the next instance of the word stone to be referring to the same stone it needs to be definite. If it’s indefinite then it’s not picking out a specific stone but can instead be any stone.
Another issue is no reason is given for why the phrase shouldn’t be translated as “placing the stone of God of stone”. Since for these words the construct state and absolute state are identical and there is nothing else in the text to indicate the second instance of stone isn’t part of the construct state it’s arbitrary to pick one translation over the other.
Another problem is the Septuagint doesn’t match Exion’s translation. Since Exion claims it’s the Masoretes that manipulated the text to hide the original meaning of the prophecy pre Masoretes sources should match Exion’s supposedly original translation. The Septuagint is not only pre Masoretes but long before Islam so there wouldn’t have been motivation to hide prophecies about Islam. However, the Septuagint, which you can check yourself here, has stone upon stone instead of God’s stone, as stone.
If you’re still not convinced it’s time to remove any doubt. When I checked those 382 instances of the phrase “of God” I wasn’t doing it to check the word order for the construct relationship. That was just a nice bonus of my check. What actually happened is I remembered usually in the Hebrew when speaking about the God if Israel they used the plural “Elohim” not the singular “El”. That is what prompted me to check other cases and what definitely proves el in Haggai 2:15 doesn’t mean God. Here’s what I discovered.
Almost every case used the plural Elohim instead of the singular. Of the cases that use the singular they can be broken down as follows.
Cities: An example is Bethel. This is referring to a specific city while is why it uses El instead of Elohim. Whenever we see the phrase house of God not referring to the city (except for the Aramaic cases I’ll mention below) it has beth Elohim in the Hebrew. One example is Genesis 28:17, though plenty more can be given is required.
Not Hebrew: Both the books of Daniel and Ezra have parts written in Aramaic instead of Hebrew. In this cases God is singular but it’s not the word El, rather it’s the Aramaic word for God, Elah/Elaha. Similarly Job and his friends, as well as Agur son of Jakeh who wrote Proverbs 30, aren’t of Jesus descent and come from outside Israel. When either speaks they use the singular for God but it’s not the word El, it’s the word Eloha.
Hebrew but not Israelites: Balaam in Numbers 24 and the King of Babylon in Isaiah 14 use the singular El. However, neither are Israelites so they don’t follow the custom of using the plural Elohim.
Psalms: the only case of Israelites using the singular El when it’s the last word of the construct relationship occurs in the Psalms. This is the only set of cases that can potentially help Exion. However, it’s very unlikely. This is only around 10 of the 382 cases analyzed and every instance is in the Psalms. We also have a case of one of the instances in the Psalms being used outside the Psalms with the plural Elohim. Psalm 19:1 and Proverbs 25:2 both have the phrase “glory of God” but only in the Psalms is God written as El, Proverbs uses Elohim. (Note while the spelling for the Hebrew word glory is different in each case it’s the same word. It’s like the words adviseadvisor, while different spelling it’s the same word). Given this parallel in Proverbs 25:2 and that every other instance occurs in the Psalms the reason is most likely something to due with the nature of the literature in the Psalms.
Between that and how small of a number these cases constitute Exion will need an extremely strong case for using these examples to justify El being God in Haggai 2:15. Given none of the exceptions apply to Haggai 2:15 it’s completely untenable to take El as being God in that verse. If the author meant God they would have used Elohim not El. Exion’s translation doesn’t fit the wider context of the book, makes the grammar untenable, doesn’t match pre Masorete sources, and doesn’t fit the pattern of using Elohim for God instead of El. Given that “upon” is a valid mean of el, as I showed in my previous post when I referenced the BDB to show el and al are used interchangeably, it fits the context perfectly, matches pre Masorete sources, and doesn’t break the pattern of calling God Elohim that is how the word should be understood.
submitted by brod333 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:13 Which_Violinist3736 Private Property?

My friends are split on this, so I'm curious what more people think. I live in a very nice neighborhood. I paid about twice the average in my town to get a nice home in a safe area with good schools. The yards are small, though - the properties extend only about 10 feet to either side of each house. I've been here 20 years now and live alone as I'm a widow and my kids are grown.
About 5 years ago, new neighbors moved in next door, with 5 kids, who now range in age from about 12 to 20. Generally, they're very nice people but I have one ongoing issue. They like to play sports in their yard, and the yards are NOT large enough. I have no problem throwing balls or whatever back over the fence on my own schedule, whenever I happen to be outside. I am NOT, however, OK with them expecting me to continuously throw back balls again and again and again on demand with no consideration for the fact that I may be working (I work from home) or cooking dinner or watching a movie.
I have multiple dogs, and after a different neighbor kept helping himself to my yard (for everything from nailing down a loose board on the fence to messing with my sprinkler system) and left the gate open, one of my dogs got out and was missing for a few days. The dog did make it back home and was OK, but now I keep the gates locked.
So the kids have taken to hopping the 6-foot privacy fence to retrieve any ball or other item that comes over the fence. I get that they are trying to respect my request that they stop ringing my doorbell over and over and over to ask me to get balls, but I have problems with this.
First, I am concerned about liability if someone gets injured climbing/jumping.
Second, I am concerned about my dogs. They are friendly and well-behaved, but I'm not sure how they would react if they were startled by a stranger suddenly dropping into the yard while they're outside - especially if the human was startled to find dogs and reacted out of that surprise.
Third, I feel that my privacy is being violated. At a previous home, I was a victim of a peeping Tom who went on to become a rapist before being caught, so I'm extra sensitive to people being on my property/looking in my window.
Recently, one of the older kids - legally an adult - had a large party and literally a different kid (most of whom I never seen before in my life) was jumping the fence into my yard every 5-10 minutes. After an hour and a half, I went outside and asked them to stop. They did, but I then got a text from the mom that seemed to imply that I was being a grumpy old lady by requesting this, and also seemed to indicate that her husband was upset with me.
I feel that I am being reasonable by asking my neighbors to respect that my back yard is private property. We live near a school complex with fields that they can use, and I think that if they want to play sports that require more space than our yards provide, they should go over there. If this happened once in a while, I'd be fine with going out to throw back a ball, but once they get started, it's nonstop. This morning I noticed that they have put up their volleyball net and I've been stressed out to the point I'm sick to my stomach because I know what's coming. I don't like conflict and I try to be a good neighbor, but I feel like they aren't even trying to return the favor.
I am trying to move, but it's going to take me a while to get my ducks in a row to do that, especially in the current economy. I would appreciate any ideas that anyone has on how to handle this for time that I am stuck here.
submitted by Which_Violinist3736 to u/Which_Violinist3736 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:12 squirrellyemma Advice on When to Start Progesterone this Cycle?

Long and complicated question, but please read and help me out if you can. I think this is outside of my doctor’s scope to offer advice on.
My cycle was like clockwork until I had a miscarriage back in December. Post miscarriage, I’ve been dealing with long, irregular cycles with midcycle bleeding around ovulation (not 100% confirmed that I was ovulating during those cycles since I wasn’t temping, but the bleeding would start during my ovulation window and continue for 10-14 days, eventually stop, and then I’d get an actual period 2+ weeks after that). Last cycle the spotting never stopped, my doctor prescribed me progesterone and I took my first 10-day round at about 14 DPO. It stopped the bleeding immediately and I got my period 7 days after stopping the meds.
This is my first cycle after the progesterone-induced bleed and I’ve been temping and taking OPKs religiously. So far everything looks okay, I had an LH surge right on schedule at CD14. According to my tests and apps I’m 1-2 DPO, aaaaand I just started spotting again. However, I’m not far enough past my ovulation window to have seen a temp shift and be able to 100% confirm ovulation.
My question is whether I should just start taking my next round of progesterone now, or hold off until I can potentially see my temp shift and confirm ovulation. Since the temp shift is triggered by progesterone, I imagine that starting the medication would create an artificial spike and render my temps useless. Is it better to let myself keep spotting for the next week or so and hope I see a natural temp shift, or just call it a day, hope I ovulated, and start taking the progesterone to medicate the bleeding?
Everything I’ve heard and read is that it’s safer to take progesterone too late than too early but what do I do if I don’t see that temp shift confirming ovulation? Do I just let the cycle continue and keep looking for signs that I’m ovulating, or just start the progesterone and try again next cycle?
submitted by squirrellyemma to FAMnNFP [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:07 Zaphice Rant: State of the Game/Future Improvements

This is me going over some of my thoughts on the game as well as some changes that I think will make the game more enjoyable.
Some preambles before I begin:
  1. I have been playing the game since the launch of the global server, I have 2 accounts on the global server and 1 account on the Chinese server.
  2. Can't say I'm an expert at anything, but I have played a fair share of mobile gatcha games and will be comparing this to and referencing other games throughout.
  3. I understand that the game has many positive aspects to it (which is why I am still playing the game), but I will be mainly pointing out flaws and areas of improvement.
  4. Everything I am about to say represents my own opinion so if you disagree with something then you have the right to do so.
  5. I do not participate in many Discord/Reddit conversations so if someone else has already said what I have then maybe developers should start paying attention.
The main issues:
  1. Characters lack customization. Once we level a character to Insight 3 - Level 60 - Resonance 10, your Spathodea and my Spathodea will only have the super slight difference of how we placed our resonance cubes. Especially with how 1-1 the Psychubes are nowadays, there really isn't any room for different builds of the same character. We will all end up with basically the same characters in the end.
  2. Stagnant periods and lack of things to do. Although they are trying their best to space out the release of content every patch, there are still periods of time towards the end of a patch where I have a bunch of Candy and nothing to do. I would log on for 10 minutes to farm some gold and triangles trying to convince myself that I will eventually use them all.
Although I understand that 1999 is fundamentally a SINGLE PLAYER game, and maybe the designers want to keep it that way, but I do want to mention some common elements in other gatcha games that may make the game a bit more interesting:
Instead of giving us the blocks to place, there would be stages designed to farm different shapes or colours.
We can then incorporate SET bonuses if a certain area is filled in by a specific shape/colour of blocks.
Each block can have different rarities with randomly rolled Main/Sub stats which will then increase when the blocks are leveled up.
This is a simple solution to allow customization/builds for the same character as well as give us something meaningful to farm during content downtime.
Although we currently have a friend system in game, there really is nothing to do with that other than visit their wilderness?
A guild system in game with quests and rewards as well as Guild bosses/wars is another great way to fill in times where nothing is happening as well as build community and comradery.
The raids that we currently have can then contribute to Guild rankings and stuff.
Those of you who played other mobile gatcha games should know what I'm talking about.
This could just be an extension of the current Artificial Somnambulism with more stages as the current state of it is too easy for late game players.
Another classic of mobile gatcha games, this one may be the most controversial as this may shift the game towards Pay to Win.
The act of setting up a defense team and then fighting others in an arena style match to climb to higher ranks and get better rewards.
This is probably the most difficult to implement as this would require a whole new combat system that revolves around speed to determine who acts first.
This would also require more work into the auto battle AI as it is currently pretty crappy.
Other smaller issues:
  1. Compared to other gatcha games, the 6* drop rates in 1999 is one of the highest I've seen. This is definitely an attractive feature; however, it also brings about some downsides. The neglect of the 5* characters and even the 4* and 3* characters. Some of these characters have really unique skill sets that don't have a chance to shine.
  1. Power Creep. Clearing the Insight 7 stage with Lucy in 2 turns just feels so wrong.
Medicine Pocket, Centurion, Regulus, A Knight, New Babel... What did they do to deserve this?
  1. Psychubes. What even is the point of these if every new character has their own unique one that is best in slot and doesn't work on any other character?
  1. Wilderness. Another relatively pointless aspect of the game.
This would require a revamp as well to make it slightly interesting.
If you read everything, thank you for making it this far. If you are looking for a TL; DR there isn't one.
I hope you can understand that the reason I wrote this is because I really like the game and want it to move towards a positive and sustainable future.
The game has a really good foundation with its amazing art and story, but my enthusiasm for the game has been on a decline recently.
I really hope that some of the suggestions I made will become a reality and I will be playing this game for years to come.
submitted by Zaphice to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:04 petepanzerfaust90 NQT Extension - Wales

I'll try and keep this as simple as possible and more importantly, as honest as possible! I'm seeking some advice regarding the above.
I'm an NQT in Wales, practically at the end of my induction period. I completed my PGCE last year feeling very confident, given that my feedback was (across the board) very positive. I had a QA visit from the University during this time too, the programme lead for my ITT, who observed one of my lessons half way through the PGCE and said it looked like watching a teacher with years of experience. I didn't expect that high level of praise, but I was nevertheless thrilled with it. In general, I do feel competent and more than capable to do the job and I do really (most of the time!) enjoy it.
I'm in a secondary school now in South Wales on a permanent contract as an English teacher. I expected to have no problems with my NQT year, given the feedback I had throughout my PGCE. Reality couldn't be more different - my in-school mentor has proven problematic beyond belief, alongside my external verifier. Every observation so far (apart from today's!) they have deemed as poor. I did understand and agree with some of their criticisms, but some of them were incredibly petty and I made it very clear to them that I did not agree with a majority of the others. I have spoken to several other teachers (including last year's NQTs) about it and there are many, many red flags about the NQT process at my school. I've gone through my lessons plans and told other members of my department what happened during my observed lessons in excruciating detail, all of which agreed that they sounded like solid lessons or would be more or less what they would also deliver. Last year's cohort of NQTs also had a universally really poor experience. The two other NQTs I spoke to said they were regularly made to break down into tears, given really vague advice about how to 'improve' and were told they were at risk of not meeting the standards. Every observation they had (bar their last one) was poor, until they hit satisfactory right at the end and were signed off.
Again, similar to last year's NQTs, I was placed on a 'support' program that in honesty, did little to help me improve in their eyes. Today, I had what should have been my final observation by my in-school mentor and the external verifier. The feedback was very good - they said normally they would sign me off with 'flying colours' following the lesson I did today but because this was the first time they were satisfied with my observation, the external verifier said she will make the recommendation to the awarding body that my induction period be extended. They said they could potentially sign me off at Christmas time. I told them I was really disappointed about this and will have to think about having any further questions for them.
My teacher bestie at this school is our rep for the union that I am in. She strongly believes that they have no grounds to extend my induction, given that I have, as they said, effectively met their standards. She believes the only grounds to extend it would be if I had been absent for a long period of time (which I haven't) or if the verifier believed I was a serious cause for concern / would fail (she said I am not.) Yet, they want to extend it regardless. Is my rep correct about this? I understand the rules are different in Wales compared to England. Can my induction period be extended because they want to see what they saw today 'consistently' (as the verifier put it) or is it enough to have shown that I have actually improved and that I am capable at the end of my period following this observation? My in school mentor came to me again during my last lesson to ask 'if I was ok' and 'to remember what we saw today was absolutely fab.' The union rep is of the belief that no NQT is going to be fantastic right at the start (agreed!) and that the whole point of the process is to demonstrate improvement and reach a certain standard, which I also have done. She thinks I should wait for my lesson feedback to be written up before we lodge an appeal against the extension (negating any chance of them to artificially make it worse than they said verbally to counter our appeal). What are your thoughts?
submitted by petepanzerfaust90 to TeachingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:04 beachbum251 WW added AP on Social Site and I'm now hurt and lost

So our DDay was February 11, 2024. That day sucked bad. It hurt worse than when both of my parents died. The only thing that I can think of that would hurt worse is losing a child. I have some severe mental issues and am an alcoholic (recovering now again). I/bp (40m) was an absolute wreck for the first 3 months. I couldn't not think about it and bring it up. I know I was hurting heww (38f) but I couldn't help but obsess about it. I wanted to know everything. We are on our 12th year together, been married 10 years as of March 1, 2024 (yes we went on our 10 year anniversary vacation 2.5 weeks after DDay and had a pretty good time considering). We have 2 children, a 13 girl (wife's previous marriage) and a 5 year old son. When we started reconciliation, I had no choice but to demand complete openess and honesty. That's the only way I could see us being able to move forward. My ww has always struggled with telling the truth but I had hope as I thought she saw the pain I was going through and would change for me. She did trickle truth to an extent over 6 or so weeks in order to "protect me". They had an almost 2 year emotional affair that did turn physical (She swears the only thing physical was that they kissed a dozen or so times). She even was willing to take a polygraph test when everyone told her not to. She was confident she'd pass it. I ended up canceling it last minute on recommendation of our MC. I wish I would have kept it to gain closure.
I think I kept bringing things up was so I could catch her in a lie. I asked often when was rhe last time her and the AP talked. At first it was "we ended it a month before our trip". Then it was a week negore rhe trip. Then it was the day before the trip. Then it was the night I found out. And lastly it was Mafch 15th after I caught her in camera talking to him. She didn't want to telle because "she didn't think it was a big deal" and that "she didn't esnt to hurt me". The talk looked like it ended with the AP being upset as he was throwing his hands up and pointing at her. Another demand I had was absolutely no contact with AP. We all work together so I knew eventually work related issues would come up so we agreed ahe would only text him in group texts. That worked for a little while but I asked her again around Mid April, when was the last time you spoke to AP. She said she texted him some work related stuff. She has allowed me access to her phone, location, etc. There was no one else on the text so that was the second time the no contact requirement was disregarded.
So on April 19th my ww was working next toe snd her daughter called. She wouldn't answer her. She then called through Snapchat and still didn't answer. As soon as my ww mentioned she called theiugh Snapchat, my attention was peaked and my mind started racing. I ended up not saying anything and left to go grab our son. When I got back I asked to see her phone. She obliged. But the Snapchat icon wasn't there any longer. I re-downloaded it and asked her to log in and at first she refused. Then she went to the bathroom and stayed in there for 2 minutes. She came out and logged back in and handed me thw phone. I went to her messages and friends list and nothing crazy was there. Maybe I was just being paranoid? Well later that day her daughter texted me that she had messaged AP on Snapchat amd said "hey baby...". My wife adamantly denied it. Ahe said she didn't even have him as a friend. That was April 19th. I haven't been able to fully get that out of my head. We'll last night I went through her phone, logged jn to Snapchat, and requested her data. They emailed her data file a few minutes later. Underneath the friends list, there was a deleted user area. APs name was there. It also said the display name was different than his actual name. And the source was added by qr code. She claims she doesn't know how Snapchat works and it must have added him because he was in her contacts. There were no messages that I could find but I'm not sure if they would show up in the backup data file.
She originally downloaded Snapchat on April 5th. We had a massive family issue on April 3rd that was my causing. I was forced to move out of the house for awhile. So she claims she downloaded it because she wasn't sure if we could continue to reconcile.
I need advice on how I should handle this. Our relationship has been nothing less than incredible the past few months. She's trying her best I think and I feel like this is what a marriage is supposed to be like. I just can't keep getting hurt by the lying, even if it's for "my best interest".
submitted by beachbum251 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:03 petepanzerfaust90 NQT Extension - Wales

I'll try and keep this as simple as possible and more importantly, as honest as possible! I'm seeking some advice regarding the above.
I'm an NQT in Wales, practically at the end of my induction period. I completed my PGCE last year feeling very confident, given that my feedback was (across the board) very positive. I had a QA visit from the University during this time too, the programme lead for my ITT, who observed one of my lessons half way through the PGCE and said it looked like watching a teacher with years of experience. I didn't expect that high level of praise, but I was nevertheless thrilled with it. In general, I do feel competent and more than capable to do the job and I do really (most of the time!) enjoy it.
I'm in a secondary school now in South Wales on a permanent contract as an English teacher. I expected to have no problems with my NQT year, given the feedback I had throughout my PGCE. Reality couldn't be more different - my in-school mentor has proven problematic beyond belief, alongside my external verifier. Every observation so far (apart from today's!) they have deemed as poor. I did understand and agree with some of their criticisms, but some of them were incredibly petty and I made it very clear to them that I did not agree with a majority of the others. I have spoken to several other teachers (including last year's NQTs) about it and there are many, many red flags about the NQT process at my school. I've gone through my lessons plans and told other members of my department what happened during my observed lessons in excruciating detail, all of which agreed that they sounded like solid lessons or would be more or less what they would also deliver. Last year's cohort of NQTs also had a universally really poor experience. The two other NQTs I spoke to said they were regularly made to break down into tears, given really vague advice about how to 'improve' and were told they were at risk of not meeting the standards. Every observation they had (bar their last one) was poor, until they hit satisfactory right at the end and were signed off.
Again, similar to last year's NQTs, I was placed on a 'support' program that in honesty, did little to help me improve in their eyes. Today, I had what should have been my final observation by my in-school mentor and the external verifier. The feedback was very good - they said normally they would sign me off with 'flying colours' following the lesson I did today but because this was the first time they were satisfied with my observation, the external verifier said she will make the recommendation to the awarding body that my induction period be extended. They said they could potentially sign me off at Christmas time. I told them I was really disappointed about this and will have to think about having any further questions for them.
My teacher bestie at this school is our rep for the union that I am in. She strongly believes that they have no grounds to extend my induction, given that I have, as they said, effectively met their standards. She believes the only grounds to extend it would be if I had been absent for a long period of time (which I haven't) or if the verifier believed I was a serious cause for concern / would fail (she said I am not.) Yet, they want to extend it regardless. Is my rep correct about this? I understand the rules are different in Wales compared to England. Can my induction period be extended because they want to see what they saw today 'consistently' (as the verifier put it) or is it enough to have shown that I have actually improved and that I am capable at the end of my period following this observation? My in school mentor came to me again during my last lesson to ask 'if I was ok' and 'to remember what we saw today was absolutely fab.' The union rep is of the belief that no NQT is going to be fantastic right at the start (agreed!) and that the whole point of the process is to demonstrate improvement and reach a certain standard, which I also have done. She thinks I should wait for my lesson feedback to be written up before we lodge an appeal against the extension (negating any chance of them to artificially make it worse than they said verbally to counter our appeal). What are your thoughts?
submitted by petepanzerfaust90 to TeachingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:00 Juzabro Forge of Darkness Chapter 15 Summary

Chapter 15
Location: Near the Chamber of Night
POV: Kellaras
The sword that Hust Henarald made for Anomander lies on a table. Henarald tells Anomander to pick it up. Anomander hesitates. Henarald asks if he is not pleased and says the voice has been severed, if he hears something, only he hears it. Anomander says that he can hear it. They are waiting for Mother Dark to bless it. Silchas says they will see nothing. Henarald says hearing or touching or tasting will be fine. Silchas tells him he will leave with black skin. Kellaras still can't comprehend his Lord's transformation. Anomander asks Andarist what he thinks of the sword. Andarist is eager to leave to meet his beloved. He asks what the blade calls itself. Anomander says nothing. It only speaks of purity. Henarald says, "In its will, it demands the purest hand. To draw a weapon is to announce an end to uncertainty." He goes on to say that this weapon is only for Anomander. In another's hands it would be catastrophic and he will shatter it before that happens. Silchas asks Henarald what he has done. Henarald responds that he made this sword in the first forge. It's fire is the first fire and it never dies. It was born before the Dog-Runners when the Eresal roamed the land. He ends by saying one day he will be a child again. He asks Kellaras if he didn't already tell him that. Kellaras says he did, but he still doesn't understand what he means. Henarald looks disappointed.
Kellaras thinks this sword has been forged by a madman. Henarald says children are pure in their emotions. He asks Anomander if Mother Dark is pure in this darkness. Are there any doubts. "Tell me, will her blessing be as that of a child?" Anomander says he must ask her. Henarald asks if he is the first son. Anomander shrugs and asks what children know of their parents. Andarist tells Anomander to hurry up. Take the sword or don't. Be as simple as a child like Henarald said. After a bit more hesitation Anomander takes the blade. Silchas tells Andarist he can go now, but he will have to catch up to him. He has to meet Scara about some mongrels. Anomander says he will lead Henarald into the presence of Mother Dark, so she can bless the weapon. He tells Andarist that Prazek and Dathenar wait for them below and he wants Kellaras with him. Henarald says he wants Galar Baras with him.
Kellaras thinks about the unrest in Kurald Galain about reports of Deniers being slaughtered. To this Anomander has done nothing, but plan his brothers wedding. He was disturbed by the news of Urusander's Legion mustering. "He had never given much thought to the Deniers. They were people of the forest and the river, of broken denuded hills. Their skin was the colour of whatever ground they squatted upon, their eyes the murky hue of streams and bogs. They were furtive and uneducated, bound to superstitions and arcane, secret rituals. He could not imagine them capable of the conspiracy of infiltration now being levelled against them.
Outside the Chamber of Night. Henarald mentions that Mother Dark is indeed assailed. Anomander asks him where the Hust Legion is camped. Henarald is surprised by the question but tells him to the south. Anomander asks when the last time he heard from them was. He turns to Galar and asks if he spoke with Toras Redone before she left Hust Forge to rejoin the legion. Galar is uncomfortable, but tells them that Toras rides to the legion, but in no haste. There were no threats on the horizon then. Anomander looks at Galar Baras and then continues walking. Henarald tells Galar after they are done that he will ride in haste to the Legion. Galar asks what he should tell them. Henarald is disappointed, but tells him, "Civil war is upon us, lieutenant. Mother Dark calls upon the Hust Legion. Tell this to Commander Toras Redone: the scales are awry and Urusander steps blind, but each step remains one on the march." Anomander tells them that none of this is Urusander's doing. Pausing at the door Anomander confirms that Henarald will not leave this chamber the same man he entered it. Henarald asks, "Galar Baras, will you bear the weight of an old man on this threshold?" Galar responds, "No sir, but I will bear the strength of my lord’s will and not easily yield."
Location: Kharkanas
POV: Silchas Ruin
Silchas comes up behind Scara Bandaris and puts his hand on his back. Scara is startled and then apologizes for being startled. He talks about being on edge because of the Jheleck children he is charged with. He tells Silchas that no one wants to take the hostages in. He asks Silchas if anyone ever thought the Jheleck would send hostages to them. Silchas says some dumb scribe wrote that into the treaty. Scara would like to torture that scribe. Silchas says the scribes will run everything soon and they will be the ones in trouble. "and on that day it shall be you and I on the run, with howls on our heels and nowhere civil in which to hide our sorry selves." Scara agrees, "And under dark skies we shall fall, side by side.' Silchas says "In companionship alone, I welcome such an end." Scara agrees and asks his friend to help him with the hostages. Silchas says, "But I have for you a delicious solution, in which I hear echoes of old pranks and cruel jests from our days on the march and our nights before battle." Scara understands that he means to take them to Kagamandra Tulas's estate. That Tulas will thrill in the challenge of taming the whelps. Scara says he was wondering what wedding gift to give his old friend.
Scara comments on Silchas's skin not changing color. Silchas says he knelt beside his brothers, but it didn't change. Scara asks if he is without doubt. Silchas shrugs. Scara says he's told Kagamandra is coming to Kharkanas with Sharenas. Scara proposes a wager on Tulas not availing himself of Sharenas's charms. Silchas says if he wants money he just needs to ask. Implying that there is no chance that Kagamandra would. Silchas asks if he's seen the pups veer. Scara says yes and they will be formidable and they are clever. Silchas says he has to go and asks what Scara will do. He says he'll leave the Jheleck with his soldiers here to await Kagamandra and head back to his company, then return to their garrison. Silchas asks if he knows of the other companies stirring. Scara scowls and says he argued with Hunn Raal and that he doesn't want any of this. He knows the persecution of the Deniers is just an excuse to recall the Legion. Silchas says, "The Deniers are not the cause being sought, Scara." Scara says he knows. Silchas tells him to be careful. Scara says they won't follow Hunn Raal. Silchas responds, "Not knowingly, no."
Location: Kharkanas
POV: Lady Hish Tulla
Lady Hish is reading a missive in her Kharkanas residence thinking about her last meeting with the Purake brothers at their father's grave and how time and circumstance had hardened Anomander's face. She was frightened by the rumor of his transformation. Anomander has asked her to accompany him to his brother's wedding. She feared that pity was the motivation behind the invitation. It was days old and she hadn't responded yet. There was a lot going on in Kharkanas. There were many things to attend to in her residence in the wake of the flood including the death of her maid's grandmother. The maid deserved her consolation. Instead she was sitting in her study, dressed for war. She has an Iralltan blade over 4 centuries old.
She walks into the next room and greets Gripp Galas. Orfantal is asleep on a divan. She says she has wondered what happened to Gripp. He had helped ensure Anomander and Hish's privacy in their youth. Gripp says that Anomander had other things for him to do in the war. Hish says Anomander should have let him retire in a fine country house. Gripp says it sounds like a tomb. He also tells her the message Orfantal brought her is now illegible as they had almost drowned in the river. Though it still bears her house seal. She guesses that it is from Sukul and asks if he is a Korlas. Gripp says yes and that he is to be in the keeping of the Children of Night. Hish says, they've all grown up. Hish catches odd looks in Gripp's eyes and wonders what that's about.
He tells her Orfantal demanded to see her first before Anomander. He says Orfantal is brave and does not complain, but weeps for dying horses. Hish says one of Nimander's children did the same. It was Gripp's horse that he had tried to jump over a gap and broke it's leg. After telling her Orfantal's name, she says it is unwelcome. She notices his odd expression and asks if he has something to say to her. Gripp says what. She tells him to speak his mind. Gripp tells her that it is good to see her again. She wants to reach out, but instead tells him he needs a healer for his leg. He says it's mending. She calls him a stubborn old man. He says their time is short if they are to catch Anomander and Andarist. She says she's ready and that the boy is safe here. He can tell Anomander his bad news. Gripp says the attack on the caravan was likely just bad luck and not an assassination attempt as Orfantal has little value.
Location: The Chamber of Night
POV: Galar Baras
Blind in this chamber he senses Henarald standing near him. He hears his Lord draw a sharp breath. Mother Dark speaks, "Beloved First Son, what value my blessing in this?" Anomander says children are simple. Mother Dark speaks in riddles. She asks Henarald if peace is a virtue. He says his peace is exhaustion and that exhaustion is failure. She says even if it wins peace. He says that is for the young to answer. Mother Dark says, "One day, Hust Henarald, you will be a child again." He says then ask me again when I am. Mother Dark tells Anomander there is war in Kurald Galain. He asks her leave to take up the sword. She says not in her name. He asks why not. "Because, dear son, I am the prize. What is it you seek to protect? My sanctity? I yield its blunting borders. My virtue? That horse has flown and even the dogs have ceased their howl. My holiness? I knew a life of flesh and blood and not so long ago as to forget. I am the prize, First Son. Reach for me." Anomander says will you not bless the sword. She says it was blessed in it's making. She calls it a most restless child.
Anomander asks where Draconus has gone. She says to get her a gift. Anomander says, it seems that is all he does. She responds, "Do I hear resentment, First Son? Be careful. Draconus is not your father and therefore cannot suit being your target in such matters. Though there is no shared blood between you, nevertheless he is mine and wholly mine. As are you." He says she goes too far and that he may call her mother, but she is not. She tells him, "Then wash the darkness from your skin, Anomander Purake." Galar hears Henarald gasping and goes to relieve him of the sword. It is abnormally heavy. Henarald sinks to his knees. Anomander speaks, ‘Devoid of sanctity, lost to virtue, and oblivious of all that’s holy, what manner of prize are you?" She responds that if he would seek her, look inward. He says that's not enough. He is her protector she must give him something to protect. "Name yourself the prize if you must, but give me a cause." He snatches the sword from Galar and it is light as a reed for him. Kellaras opens the door and Galar sees his skin is midnight black now. Anomander leaves the chamber.
Henarald asks what happened. Galar just says it's done. The sword is blessed. All is well. He asks after the sword calling it the child and Galar tells him it's in Anomander's hands. Henarald asks Galar to take him home. He was not the same man that went into the chamber and this was more than just his skin.
Location: Kharkanas
POV: Rise Herat
Rise is weary. He sees the people of Kharkanas and all their venal pursuits. He is a historian that never writes anything down as every moment builds from every moment before it. There is no history only present. He contemplates killing himself and what ripples that might have. In his scheme of living history most deaths were barely noticed. "Of all the falls promised me by this vantage, I will take the river. Each and every time, I will take the river. And perhaps, one day, I will walk in shadows". Cedorpul joins him and tells him that they have lost a third of their brothers and sisters. Endest Silann follows him into the chamber. Rise thinks he looks too young for any of this. High Priestess Emral Lanear had felt betrayed by every priest and priestess that they had lost to Syntara. Rise still struggles with the bodily transformation of all of Mother Dark's chosen. He himself does not think he had a choice in the matter, although knowing that people fled makes him pause and reconsider.
Cedorpul wonders aloud if this is now a war of three faiths. Dark, Deniers, and whatever Syntara is. He asks Rise his thoughts. He says she sought refuge in Urusander's Legion. Does it confuse their cause? Cedorpul responds, "Is it not confused enough? Beating down the wretched poor to challenge the eminence of the highborn could not be more wrong-footed." He asks Emral if Mother Dark will disavow their slaughter of Deniers in her name. Emral asks to the source of Mother Dark's power. Cedorpul takes her hand and tells her doubt is their weakness. They must find resolve. She says she has none and that Mother Dark has chosen her path. Cedorpul says it is unknown to them. She says Mother Dark seeks peace and will declare no enemies in its name. Cedorpul says if she won't fight the only other option is surrender. Endest and Emral are both resigned to whatever fate befalls them. Cedorpul hates this. "I go in search of peace. I see in you the tragedy of standing still."
Emral asks Rise to explain a tapestry. He does, "The first Tiste heroes, who slew a dragon goddess and drank of her blood and thus became as gods. So fierce was their rule and so cold their power, the Azathanai rose as one to cast them down." He says this is just one of the creation stories that eventually lost out. He says what he believes is, "That we are meaningless. Our lives, our selves, our pasts and most of all, our existence in the present. This moment, the next, and the next: each one we find in wonder and near disbelief."
Location: Along the banks of a river
POV: Grizzin Farl
Grizzin Farl is trying to help a dog trapped by roots at the water-line of the river. After making his way through the dangerous river, Grizzin extracts the dog. He tells the dog, "Most bravery, dear little one, is marked by a strength less than imagined, and a hope farther from reach than one expects. He tells the dog that when he is asked to reveal the heroes of the world he will take the questioner to a cemetery. The dog licks his face. Once he is over the bank, he falls to his hands and knees exhausted. The dog shakes the water from his body. Grizzin says, "Aai, foul creature! Did you not see how I struggled to keep my hair dry? This mane need only glance at water and forest to twist into hopeless snarls and tangles. Beastly rain!" He continues to converse with the dog about the road he travels now. Grizzin's words are light and gently poke fun at himself. The dog goes off ahead. Grizzin thinks he scared it away by talking too much. He asks the dog if it has any wine.
The dog ranges ahead of him as if he is used to doing that for his previous master. Grizzin decides to name the dog providence due to it's crossed eyes. He tells the dog to look out for a camp they can make. Shortly thereafter the dog ran into the woods. Grizzin fearing it gone for good is thankful for it's brief company. Thinking it aptly named. He is wrong however when Providence comes out of the trees and wags it's tail. Grizzin is surprised and asks aloud if the dog knew his wish to find a clearing to camp. He asks the dog to show him. Providence leads him to a very suitable campsite. Grizzin tells the dog that it has altered the course of tonight's conversation. He tells the dog that he will gather firewood and then they will eat fish. Providence has long since gone to sleep. "legs twitching as it swam through dreams."
Location: Kharkanas
POV: Lady Hish Tulla
Gripp and Hish ride out past the gate. She wonders how many of the soldiers in Kharkanas were once in Urusander's Legion. The grievances of the Legion had irritated Hish. If it was merely land and coin they wanted, they could have negotiated for it without bloodshed. But that was only part of it. They wanted something else. Perhaps it was just equality of birth. She knew this would be impossible. A realm of all highborn would crumble. There had to be servants, potters, weavers, carpenters etc. They did not really want everyone to be equal though. They wanted the, "elevation of their profession, to a level of social importance matching that of the highborn." It was a complex problem. If the only martial force was also rich in land and coin, then greed would be rampant. The highborn act as a counter to the Legion and vice-versa.
Of course the highborn had their own problems and venalities. It was easy to see when she would walk among the poorer parts of the city and then through the highborn district. She rejected that the poor deserved their lot because they were lowborn. "The privileged had a right to fear these days, just as the dispossessed had a right to their resentment." Urusander's Legion were not class champions. They did not want to elevate the poor only themselves. "they now gathered into ranks with weapons on hand, to take what the poor did not have and the rich had not earned."
They ride into view of Anomander and a large party of highborn. Gripp says he is unsuited to this company. Hish says, "Gripp Galas, how long have you served your lord?" Gripp says since birth. She asks if his information is important. He says yes, but not welcome. She says Anomander knows of the violence in the countryside. Gripp says, "Milady, the Deniers are a feint. The Legion but clears the field in preparation. They intend to march Urusander into the Chamber of Night. They intend, milady, a second throne." He says he's not sure if Anomander knows that and he's not sure if his news will ruin Andarist's day. Joyous memories are few and far between. He's hesitant to assail this one. She asks him if he must always act with smallness. She asked softly, but it still hurt him. She sensed the gulf between them. A highborn and a servant. "The bargain was brutal and implicitly unfair and it sickened her."
He says there is enough to worry about without thinking too much. He makes an analogy to a bird building a nest. A singular purpose. Hish asks if they are birds. Gripp says, "No. The nest is never big or pretty enough, and the chicks disappoint at every turn. The trees don’t give enough cover and the days are too short or too long. The food’s short on supply or too stale and your mate looks uglier with every dawn." Shocked at first she begins laughing soon after. Gripp says he doesn't let his master think for him. She says, "yet you take his orders and do his bidding." He says he's content with the bargain he's made. She says then he would know your thoughts. He says he knows, but he's afraid of what will be lost. She asks if Anomander would rather wait until after the wedding. He says yes, but his Lord will take responsibility and voice no complaint.
She says he reminds her of her Castellan. He says, "Rancept, milady? A wise man." Wise she asks. Gripp says he doesn't think too much. She says she wishes she were at her estate with nothing more pressing than arguing over whether to cure Rancept's dog of tapeworms. Gripp says they would miss her and envy Rancept. She asks if he will seduce her now. Gripp blushes and asks for forgiveness. He says he is always honorable in his compliments. She says she fears men that make such claims. He says, "And so wound yourself." This quiets her. She looks at him again and sees softness in his eyes and his affection for her. "It is my fate to lose the men for whom I care, Gripp Galas." "In what comes,’ she said then, ‘take care of yourself.' He thanks her for the clothes and says he will recompense her. She says they were not sold or loaned to him.
They move their horses towards the party. Hish will angle away so as to avoid Anomander's notice and not embarrass him. Her wishes are dashed when Anomander catches sight of them and rides towards them. The procession stopped. Anomander dismounts and makes his way to Hish. He says her black skin suits her. She says so I can hide my age better? Anomander is silenced and she thinks back to what Gripp said, "And so wound yourself." Gripp addresses Anomander, but Anomander stops him and says he sees the import of what he would tell him, but wishes for another moment with Hish. Gripp says of course and guides his horse away. Hish is saddened by that.
He asks if she will dismount. She does. He says that she didn't reply to his invitation and that he felt shame for presuming. He says he still feels like a child in her presence. She says he was never that, "And the shame was mine. See me here, yielding to the pity of your gesture." He stares at her as if in shock. She says she's been speaking with Gripp and appreciates his bluntness and honesty. Anomander tells her that Gripp is the least blunt man he knows. She says then that she has been played. Anomander say, "No, never that. If he is made to guard his feelings, Lady Hish, he is known to grow discomforted. There is a tale, I expect, in his riding to you before me." He continues, "If you imagine him to view you as would a father, you have stepped wrongly." He says Gripp is generous of spirit and would not be jealous of her being on his arm at Andarist's wedding. She asks if Gripp will have a place in the wedding. He says of course. She then agrees to attend on his arm. He says, " Lady, your beauty leaves me breathless as ever, and once again I feel a wonder at the privilege of your regard, now and all those years past.’ I fear Gripp might not be so pleased with my words here, but I speak only in admiration." "Pity, Lady Hish Tulla? I only pity those who know you not."
POV: Kellaras
Silchas waves Kellaras over to say that Hish is beautiful and if he thought she would have accepted the invitation he would have sent one as well and fought his brother for the privilege. Silchas asks what Kellaras thinks of Gripp waiting off to the side. Kellaras says he is worried that Gripp failed in his other task. He says he's also worried about the fires, fearing they will spread throughout the forests. Silchas assures him that the river god fights the flames and will only fail if every Denier is killed. Kellaras says the houseblades await his command.
Silchas asks if he will risk his life defending non-believers. He say if commanded yes. He asks what if Mother Dark deems them her enemy. Kellaras says she doesn't. Silchas agrees but asks what if. Kellaras says, "Sir, to that I cannot speak for anyone else. But I will not follow any deity who demands murder." Silchas asks why. Kellaras says because murder is wrong. Silchas asks what about the people outside of your circle. Aren't they less than us? Kellaras says that is sophistry. Silchas counters that Kellaras has killed in the name of house Purake. Kellaras says yes but not at the behest of a god. His murders are his own to bear. They go on no one else's shoulders. If we put them on the shoulders of our god, the god wouldn't be able to bear it. And of course they do not have the right to do so. Silchas says Urusander's Legion disagrees. Kellaras responds, "With sword I stand ready to make argument, sir." Kellaras sees Anomander, Gripp, and Hish rejoin the procession.
He wonders if Andarist is irritated in his carriage. He sees the new sword on his master's hip. Blessed by a goddess unwilling to give Anomander a target. The blade remained un-named and would until after the wedding. Anomander risked no bad omens. Silchas says, "Andarist is the best among us." Kellaras knew he spoke of the best of the brothers. They would win peace for Andarist. "Like you, Kellaras, Anomander will not murder in her name." Scara Bandaris joins up with the procession and laughs followed.
Location: Wedding Site
POV: Grizzin Farl
As they get closer to their destination, the dog becomes distressed. Grizzin can't ease it. He is also distressed. His title of Protector is not honorific. What he protected from couldn't be stopped, but he would stand in the way anyway. The dog stops at a track. Grizzin apologizes, but says he must continue. The dog follows. The smell of rotting meat was relatively fresh. They came upon a carriage with bodies around it. The dog, providence, stayed pressed against Grizzin's leg. Grizzin examines the bodies as he moves toward the entranceway to a house. In the doorway he finds the body of a highborn Tiste. Grizzin could tell he had taken five of his attackers with him before succumbing to multiple wounds. He sees more bodies and finally one wearing a wedding dress dead on the hearthstone. He hears something and looks to see a figure to the right, pressed against the wall. As Grizzin approached the young man flinched and tried to press deeper into the stone. Grizzin tells him he means him no harm. He says he would help him. The man swings his head around and Grizzin can see his eyes have been torn out. He then looks at his hands and understands. ‘Oh,’ he sighed, ‘that was no answer.’ Grizzin embraces the man and holds him until he stopped screaming and struggling. After a while the dog comes and lays down beside them.
Location: On the way to the Wedding Site
POV: Gripp Galas
The party traveled through the night. The three riders in the lead were Anomander, Silchas, and Hish Tulla. Behind them were Gripp and Kellaras. Many highborn and their servants had joined the procession. Gripp is thinking of Hish and then of how he reported the attack and escape with Orfantal. Anomander was stoic in this news, but asked many questions and in the end thanked Gripp for saving the boy. Gripp thinks that Orfantal should be with them, riding his nag of a horse and not having known death or fear. By luck Gripp was able to save him and now he had a score to settle in Orfantal's name.
As they approached the site, Gripp notices carrion birds circling above. Cold dread envelopes him. He kicks his horse into a gallop and rushes past his Lord. Anomander and Silchas follow soon after. He sees the carriage, but no one to greet them and no tents. He then sees the bodies. Everything was in sharp contrast before and his heart was thudding. Enough to reopen the wound on his back. He steps over Lord Jaen and Cryl Durav. A voice pleads with him to go no further. It says they have kin to the fallen. Behind him he can hear boots entering the house. The voice tells him he has come late to the scene. Gripp realizes that he has sunk to his knees. A dog come out of a corner. He recognizes the dog as Ribs. He tells Ribs he missed him and Rancept at the Hold. Another figure comes stumbling into view with arms outstretched and asks Who comes?
Anomander stands behind Gripp and says Kadaspala's name and then breaks off as Kadaspala lunges for him with a dagger. Gripp rises and grabs his wrist and twists it. He forces him to the floor and holds him there. Kadaspala turns his head towards Anomander as if looking directly at him with his empty eye sockets. He says, ‘Anomander? I have been expecting you. We all have. We have a question, you see. Just one, and we all ask it – all of us here. Anomander, where were you?’ Someone begins to howl at the hearthstone. Kadaspala reaches for his dagger. Gripp stops him and tells him, one more time and he'll cut him down. He sees a huge figure in the shadows and demands that he come out. The figure answers that he is only Grizzin Farl. He comes forward, tears in his beard and tells Gripp he is known as the Protector. Gripp looks back at Anomander. Anomander is looking at Andarist who continues to howl.
Silchas approaches and stops as he sees Enesdia and Andarist on the floor. Anomander draws his sword. Andarist stops howling. He walks towards Andarist, but before he can speak Andarist says, 'I will name it'. Silchas tells him the sword is not his. Andarist responds, ‘The wound is mine and I will name it!’ Anomander asks, ‘And if I name my future, Andarist, will you doubt me? Will you challenge me?’ Silchas begs Andarist not to do what he's about to do. Kadaspala asks again, Where were you? ‘Blind in the darkness – I warned you all but you refused to heed me! I warned you! Now see what she has made!’ Andarist staring at Anomander the whole time picks up Enesdia's body and cradles her against his chest. He says, 'I will name it.' Anomander says, ‘The sword is drawn, brother, as you can see. I am awakened to vengeance, and so shall this weapon be named. Vengeance.’ Andarist stroking Enesdia's hair says, ‘Anger blinds you, Anomander. You take hold of vengeance and you believe it to be pure. Remember Henarald’s words!’ Anomander says vengeance is pure. Andarist says no. ‘Vengeance deceives. When you see its road to be narrow it is in truth wide. When you see it wide the path is less than a thread. Name your sword Vengeance, brother, and it will ever claim the wrong blood. In this blade’s wake, I see the death of a thousand innocents.' Andarist asks who's responsible for this. These slayers, their commander. A dead mother. An old wound. A cruel childhood. etc. 'Vengeance, Anomander, is the slayer of righteousness.’ Anomander says he doesn't need to look hard to find who has made themselves his enemy today. Andarist says then he shall fail. Vengeance is not pure. He demands to name the sword again. Finally Anomander relents and tells him to do so. Andarist speaks one word, 'Grief'. The name has a shocking effect on the people gathered. Anomander says that name has no strength and the sword will take nothing from that name. Andarist says, ‘You will take my grief, Anomander, or never again shall I look upon you, or call you brother, or know your blood as mine own.’ Anomander then says that Andarist will but hear of the vengeance he takes on his behalf. Andarist lowers his eyes as if Anomander had ceased to exist. Gripp knew he wouldn't raise them again until Anomander left. Silchas begs Anomander to take Andarist's grief, but Anomander says it will dull the edge. Silchas asks, ‘Will you leave him to bear it alone?’ Anomander says he is dead in his brother's eyes and to let him mourn them both.
Kadaspala cackles and says he has Anomander's portrait now. Andarist weeps and asks if no one will share his grief with him. Silchas says he will bring their brother back. Andarist shakes his head and says, ‘I am blind to him, Silchas. Choose now.’ Silchas repeats that he will bring him back. Andarist tells him to go. Silchas runs out. Kadaspala says he's the only one who can see. Andarist tells him to come mourn his sister with him. Kadaspala tells him he weeps alone and that this is all his fault. Gripp yells, enough at him. He tells him his mind is broken and all he does is hurt now. Kadaspala tells him to run to his master. Gripp strikes him and moves to do it again. Hish comes in and tells him to stop. He looks at her and says, ‘My pardon, milady. I am dragged across a jagged edge. It cuts upon all sides.’ Hish goes to Andarist and with tears on her face, tells him he does not mourn alone. She embraces him.
submitted by Juzabro to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:00 The_Fallen_1 [THJVerse] Arcane Starfarers - ep 3.5 - Returning home

Book 1/ Book 2
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"Agck, that's horrible!" Oprin exclaimed as she had a sip of the mediciny energy drink.
"Yep," Daniel agreed as he began to quickly chug the small bottle.
"Unfortunately, it's a shop for Dragons, so the taste mask they went for is a bit better for us," Milla told them, drinking the drink normally, even though she didn't particularly enjoy it. "Oh well, almost home."
"Around here?" Oprin asked as the car began to slow down in an obviously affluent neighbourhood. "The houses are huge!"
"You've been to our house before, haven't you? You know, back when we escorted the Providence to Earth," Milla told her as the car pulled up in front of an unlit home, letting them out.
"Oh yeah. A lot has happened since then, and the darkness doesn't help."
"That's fair. As for the size, Dragons are huge so we need the space," Milla explained as they got out of the car with their belongings. "Come on, let's get settled in."
"Hey, Daniel, I forget, is it awkward to get around inside?" Oprin asked as they passed through the gate as it opened for Milla.
"The stairs take a bit of effort, but otherwise it's fine. Half of it is empty bedrooms you don't have to worry about," he assured her.
"Ok, that doesn't sound so bad," Oprin replied as the trio made their way to the main door.
The door unlocked as soon as Milla put her hand on it, and she pushed it open to let them inside. The lights quickly came on, revealing that their home was almost as they left it, with just a small collection of cleaning supplies that had been left out by Parethia, who was the maid of Milla's mother who looked after the house while Milla was deployed. They ignored it though, and headed straight upstairs to the bedrooms, where they set down their stuff, with Oprin putting her stuff in the guest room she had used last time, but Daniel put his stuff in Milla's room much to her delight, and also began to move his few belongings out of the room he had been staying in when the pair of them hadn't been on quite so intimate terms.
"The Sun's gonna start coming up soon, so we should probably make any plans for the day before we relax too much," Daniel advised Milla.
"Is having a day of fun to ourselves an option?" Milla asked with a toothy grin as she transformed into her true form, slipped her wings under Daniel's arms, and hoisted him onto her back.
"Not with a guest, and not what family and friends will want to see us," he apologised. "Once that's all out of the way, and Oprin is entertained however…."
"We could invite her?" Milla suggested, curling her neck round and licking him on the cheek.
"I don't think that's a good idea. We're not really that intimate, and-"
"It was a joke. I'm not sure she's really after that anytime soon anyway. I may have trouble understanding all her scents, but I've not picked up anything of that kind for a while now. The war might have taken it out of her."
"I guess we'll have to keep an eye on her then. Make sure she knows we care about her."
"And give her lots of cuddles. I still struggle to believe how amazing her fur is," Milla replied, imagining rubbing her face in the soft and fluffy covering.
"Just remember that she's not a dog, so don't expect her to act like one," he reminded her.
"I know that, which is why I still plan to adopt some when the war is over."
"One. We will adopt one," he corrected her.
Milla turned her head and gave him a sad wide-eyed look.
"That's not going to work."
"But they're going to get lonely…."
"No, I can assure you they won't. If anything they're going to struggle to have their own space."
"I won't smother them," she promised.
"I'll believe you when I see it. Don't pretend you won't do what you do when Lieutenant Felkira is alone with you."
"She's happy being stress relief! Don't pretend you don't do anything with her."
"Maybe the odd ear scratch, but I don't rub my face all over her!"
"She enjoys it too!"
"If she follows up with your suggestion, invite her to stay here. That way we'll see if she really does," Daniel challenged her.
"Deal, but if she does, you have to promise to at least seriously think about us getting more than one dog."
"Alright, fine," he promised, looking out the window to see some light outside. "Looks like sun rise is-"
Daniel was cut off by the loud ring of a doorbell.
"Who could that be?" Milla wondered aloud, setting Daniel down and heading out to the stairs.
"What's going on?" Oprin asked, coming out of her room.
"It appears we have a visitor," Daniel explained, starting down the stairs as well with Oprin a short way behind him.
As soon as Milla reached the door, she peered through the peephole, and quickly opened the door and threw herself through it, rushing into the embrace or a large green Dragon that Daniel recognised to be Ceralla, Milla's mother, and by her side, a smaller golden Dragon that was Malavar, her father, which she moved on to hug next.
"Welcome home, Dear," Ceralla told Milla. "Mala was awake and saw your message, so we rushed here as soon as we could."
"You didn't have to, we were going to come to you once we were sure you were awake," Milla told her.
"Nonsense, I wasn't going to make my daughter and her partner coming back from war come all the way to us!" Ceralla exclaimed as she turned into her humanoid form and stepped over to Daniel, hugging him tightly. "Welcome home too, Dear."
"Thank you," he replied, releasing the hug was a bit too long for just a friendly hello before they broke away.
"And welcome back to you as well, Oprin!" Ceralla told the Langan as soon as she saw her, going in for a hug but pausing. "I can't remember if hugging is ok…."
"It's fine," Oprin assured her, before receiving one seconds later.
"Come on in, I'll make some drinks," Milla invited them.
"Thank you, but I'll make them for you," Ceralla told her as they all went inside.
"But you're our guests," Milla protested.
"And you're our daughter, and I don't think I need to explain the rest," Ceralla countered as she headed to the kitchen.
"You know what your mother is like," Malavar reminded Milla, handing her a small wrapped box from a saddlebag before turning into his humanoid form, with Milla copying shortly after. "Just a little something we know you'll enjoy."
"Thanks, Dad," she replied, unwrapping it to reveal a decently sized selection box of fancy chocolates, and another box of biscuits behind it. "These will go well with the drinks."
"Let's go and enjoy them then," he declared, heading into the lounge and sitting down on a chair to the side of the sofa Daniel and Milla sat on, with Oprin sitting down in a chair on the opposite side.
"Here we are, five nice hot drinks," Ceralla declared as she brought the floating mugs in and started distributing them. "Now, Oprin dear, I don't have much experience making caas, so I apologise in advance if it's not what you're used to."
"I'm sure it will be nice, thank you," the Langan replied, accepting the mug of her alien drink. "To be honest, I'm surprised you had any."
"It's not the easiest to find here on short notice, so I've made a habit to keep some on me now that I'm starting to get a few Lagan business partners visiting here, though they usually make it themselves," Ceralla explained. "They sure know how to come up with some beautiful looking ships. There might even be an architectural renaissance in the civilian ship market soon."
"I look forward to it," Oprin replied, sipping it. "It's pretty good, thank you."
"You're welcome," Ceralla told her, sitting down next to Milla and turning to her. "So, how's the Spectre been serving you?"
"She's kept us safe and allowed us to have a major impact on the war. You should be proud of your design," Milla assured her.
"I'm glad to hear it. I'm surprised you're not still out there with that attack that's meant to be coming soon," Ceralla replied.
"I didn't think people had been told about that," Milla pointed out.
"You can't order a mass evacuation without people finding out something significant is going on, especially when you start moving a ludicrous number of warships to that area afterwards."
"That's fair. While I know everyone here is authorised to discuss the Spectre, I can't say the same about specifics of the war. All I can say is don't worry about it, as if there was a major risk, we'd still be out there," Milla assured her as she started to open the biscuits.
"I suppose. On the way here though I noticed that a Phantom class torpedo bay had been requisitioned a few hours ago. Was it the Spectre?"
"It might have been. Don't worry, it didn't malfunction or anything, it was just some battle damage. The Leshnat-trevarn's big ships tend to blow pretty big, and shrapnel can be an issue if we're trying to hide close to them."
"Hmm, I'll see if I can't get that armour upgrade package approved and shipped in time for you to go back," Ceralla promised.
"Armour upgrade? We've already got some very good armour."
"There's been some significant developments with starsteel since you were last here, namely a method of producing it artificially. It's still very expensive, especially with demand being so high right now, but it's cheap enough to use for reinforcing armour on small ships. We've also created even more alloys, including some that are highly resistant to Leshnat-trevarn weaponry when electricity is running through it, though ballistics do pose a problem when it does."
"Wait, you figured it out!?" Milla exclaimed.
"Well, not me. A scientist by the name of Dr Brause did. I'm unfortunately not allowed to discuss how it works though as it is very much a trade secret, and we're rapidly developing and refining the technology. I'm surprised we haven't been forced to share it with other foundries given we're at war and need the metal, but the company would be negligent to not protect it given how much time and how many resources that we've poured into the project over the last 98 years."
"So starsteel might become as common as some other metals soon?"
"Not soon, but maybe in a few decades. Demand is still extremely high, and it's going to take a long time to feed that, and then feed the demand that's created as it becomes more affordable. Eventually it will be something the average machinist, blacksmith, hobbyist, and so on can afford though. It's just a case of refining the tech and building the infrastructure."
"Hmm, interesting. I have an idea, but I'd need to check with my CO," Milla replied.
"Don't worry about that sort of thing on your break," Ceralla told her, bringing her in for a one armed hug. "Just forget the war for the time being and just relax and unwind."
"Well, you did ask about the Spectre," Milla pointed out.
"Alright, sorry, that's my fault, but my point still stands," Ceralla apologised. "Onto another topic then, and I hope this isn't sensitive or anything, but why do you smell faintly like a Shadow Wolf, Daniel? It's not the kind of smell you get from just being around one."
"Long story, but in short," Daniel replied, holding out his arm and enveloping it in smoke, dematerialising it. "I've been training as part of an experiment, with a fair bit of success. I can't hold it indefinitely, nor can I really move around further than I can see while using it, but my teacher says I'm on the level of a six month old cub right now."
"Fascinating…" Ceralla mumbled as she inspected his missing arm. "If you follow their norms, it might click soon. I'm far from an expert though. Hmm… I might suggest that you talk to my father about this. He's spent a lot of time around Shadow Wolves and might have some insight."
"Maybe we'll have a chat later then," Daniel agreed, rematerialising his arm.
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submitted by The_Fallen_1 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:00 Tommyeaha Fear of intimacy i need help :/

Sorry for the long and confusing text, english is not my first language and i'm really confused while typing. Hello to everyone i have some advices to ask. I have to start by saying that I'm a 23 years old man and i never had a relationship or sex (only random kisses at parties or while going out but nothing serious) but this is not a problem at all for me. The problem is that i've no experiences so it's all new to me and also i have problems with intimacy and sharing/showing my emotions, it's not that i can't do it at all but it's very difficult to me.
I've been going out with a girl recently and it's going well, we had 3 dates and then i saw here two more times but not for a date (i helped her moving from one house to another). Second date went particularly well, i stayed at her house and we slept together and in the morning when she woke up she hugged me and we stayed in bed for 2 hours just sleeping while hugging.
Then we had another date and we went to the beach but the intimacy didn't stay at that level, i brought her flowers i picked and she thanked me with a kiss on the check and then she touched me randomly during the date (for example to go out the water or to help herself get up while sitting on the sand or while laughing sometimes she places an hand on my shoulder).
The problem is that i'm really scared that my problem with initiating physical contact, or kisses or just hugging randomly, can annoy her or something else because i'm not sure if my interest in her is showing enough (i show interest doing favors, or complimenting her dresses or hairs or also metaphysical compliments like her ideas etc, or bringing her flowers and also small gifts or by being gentle).
I don't know what to do, dates are going well because we both enjoy our time together and i think she is interested in me (i hope) but i don't know how to proceed how to move from this situation, we did have high level intimacy in my opinion the second time (i think cuddling in bed is top tier intimacy) but i'm unable to do more than this i think, i'm very bad at initiating physical contact other than hugging her when we meet/leave (i can reciprocate but i have fear that by only reciprocating she won't feel desired enough maybe).
Should i tell her something? Maybe showing interest with words i don't know. We both talked about our problems with being vulnerable both i think i'm more bad than her, a lot. (She also did say that she's the type of person that flirts jokingly with friends or with strangers but she said that with me she doesn't feel to do the same and i don't know how to interpret this. Thanks if you red :)
submitted by Tommyeaha to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:57 BlackbirdKos Fixing Fantastic Beasts 3 to be the final movie of the franchise

Fantastic Beasts is a franchise that started off as just a prequel series to Harry Potter movies but with the third movie completely missing the point and two more movies (and possibly a HBO show) on their way, I would say it overstayed its welcome. This is my idea for improving the third movie and making it the last movie of the franchise (or at least the last movie with Grindelwald, I wouldn't mind one more movie or a lighthearted TV show with just Newt finding and protecting different Fantastic Beasts from magical poachers) and a movie that ties the loose ends together.
First off, I'll go over some changes with the cast:
Johnny Depp as Grindelwald
Jude Law as Albus Dumbledore
Richard Coyle as Aberforth
Robert Pattinson as Credence
Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander
Callum Turner as Theseus Scamander
Dan Fogler as Jacob Kowalski
Alison Sudol as Queenie Goldstein
Jessica Williams as Lally Hicks
Brian Gleeson as Mr. Moody, the father of Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody (replacing the character Yusuf Kama)
Claudia Kim as Nagini
Katherine Waterston as Tina Goldstein (cameo)
I think the main problem with the third movie and the main reason why they wanted to make five is the timeline, Fantastic Beasts movies take place in the 30's but Grindelwald was defeated in 1945 and they want to keep the continuity... and yet they added McGonagall to the second and third movie even though she wasn't even born yet, but anyway. I think I found the solution, but let's start from the beginning.
The opening flashback of the movie with Dumbledore and Grindelwald and the scene where Newt tries to rescue baby Qilin are actually really good, but then the problems start. I think the main flaw of this movie is that the Qilin are the main plot point, they really shouldn't be as important as they are. The scene where Grindelwald kills the Qilin should be done differently, instead of killing it and seeing the future in its blood, he should kill it in a fountain and let the blood flow through him, making his eye glow blue and allowing him to see glimpses of the future from now on. Queenie should realize that she made a mistake after seeing this. Later Grindelwald could make the Qilin's body walk using magic because, well, he's insane, but that should be it as far as the Qilin's role goes in this movie. Of course Newt has the other Qilin but he just hides it in his briefcase with other Fantastic Beasts (this could be a brief scene showing many new fantastic beasts, like the Runespoor snake that was actually deleted from the first movie, after all the beasts are what those films are named after).
The scene where Newt and his brother talk to Dumbledore is similar, except that Mr. Moody is there too and he explains that Grindelwald's right eye is an ancient and powerful artifact and because of Qilin's blood it's even more powerful now. When Albus thinks of betraying Grindelwald, the blood pact strangles him with silver tentacles, but we should also see what happens when Grindelwald wants to betray Albus, for example orange outlines would appear all over his body and would also strangle him and burn his skin.
Kowalski and Lally's introduction scene is the same but Kowalski's memory with Queenie is changed, we see the ending scene of the first movie and then a scene of Queenie and Jacob dating and being in love until Queenie asks when will they get married, Jacob says he's not ready and Queenie says it's okay and hugs him but in reality she's sad, we see her preparing the love potion (this is what we should have seen in the second movie) before Jacob snaps back to reality.
The train scene has an additional shot of Newt training the Niffler not to steal (it would be fitting since the Niffler seems way more chill in the second and third movie) and of course Bunty is replaced by Nagini and Yusuf Kama by Mr. Moody.
Now it's time for the big changes. Grindelwald's motivation is to threaten the leader of the Wizarding World and force him to allowing Grindelwald to be hidden and realize all his plans easily (it's a short scene). It works, he's still hated by the Wizarding community but the politicians don't do anything to stop him, even though they don't like it, but there's nothing they can do against Grindelwald's power.
From this point on, the movie takes the form of a war movie styled montage, we see many different events (with many time skips throughout the years) where Grindelwald's people (with Credence as the leader) try to assasinate some people or destroy different important objects but Newt and the rest try to stop them.
Finally, it's 1945, Newt, Dumbledore and the rest of the team come up with the final plan to defeat Grindelwald or rather many overlapping plans meant to confuse him (it would be nice if the end of the Wizarding War was somehow tied with the end of in-universe WW2). Jacob and Nagini stop the assasination attempt, Jacob distracts the assasins with his fake wand and Nagini in her snake form jumps from behind giving the illusion of jumping out of the wand, Newt and Theseus go to the manticore infested prison to interrogate one of Grindelwald's people but everything goes wrong when Theseus accidentally steps on one of the manticores and Lally and Mr. Moody think about distracting Grindelwald even more and make a copy of Newt's briefcase and put a spell on it, just in case, while Dumbledore thinks what to do with the blood pact.
Finally, Credence faces off against Dumbledore (the story of Aberforth, Credence and Ariana is kept as it is in the film except that Credence is not dying yet), their fight is very similar to the battle from the film but it takes place in real world instead of some weird pocket dimension. Credence turns good and kills the remaining minions of Grindelwald.
The battle begins, everyone tries to somehow break the blood pact. Nagini knows that if she stays in her snake form for too long, she will stay like that forever and become more and more feral but she has to take the risk, she slithers around Grindelwald and tries to pierce the blood pact with her fangs but it doesn't work. Queenie almost dies while trying to protect Jacob.
Then Credence arrives at the battlefield, Grindelwald tries to manipulate him but Credence isn't having any of that, he blasts at Grindelwald with his full force, transfering his Obscurus into the blood pact, breaking it.
Grindelwald is mad but before he can do anything the wind starts howling, Dumbledore appears and he's ready to fight Grindelwald.
Newt and the rest teleport away because they know it's too dangerous and it's the battle between Albus and Grindelwald.
Credence is taken to Aberforth and since his Obscurus is gone, he's now dying. Aberforth tells Credence that he was always thinking about him and they go to spend their last moments and eat a goodbye meal together before Credence is fully gone. Jacob is reunited with Queenie and Nagini is now permanently a snake. Newt offers her refuge in his briefcase but she refuses, knowing that her magical venom is dangerous and that soon she will be completely wild due to her curse, so she just slithers away.
The final showdown between Grindelwald and Dumbledore truly begins (it's described as "lasting two hours" if I remember correctly, so obviously we wouldn't see everything but we would see the best bits of Dumbledore and Grindelwald using their most powerful spells and skills). Ultimately, Dumbledore wins, chains Grindelwald up and takes the Elder Wand and his eye, but out of respect for him he uses a spell to regenerate his missing eye before sending him to Azkaban.
After the battle, Dumbledore joins Newt's crew, tells them they did a great job and gives Grindelwald's eye to Mr. Moody to keep an eye on it. Newt shows Dumbledore the Qilin and it bows in front of Dumbledore but Dumbledore says that sometimes you gotta choose what is right instead of what is simple and he says that instead of being the leader he would rather clean up the political mess that Grindelwald made.
The ending is the same, Tina joins Newt and everyone else in Jacob's bakery, Dumbledore watches them through the window and starts walking away but he remembers everything they've been through so he changes his mind and walks inside with everyone greeting him.
Mid credit scene
Newt visits Arizona and reunites with Frank the Thunderbird.
Post credit scene
We see the scene from the Deathly Hallows of Voldemort talking to Grindelwald. Voldemort wants to know the location of the Elder Wand but this time it's revealed that Grindelwald only laughs in Tom's face and says that he would rather die than tell him the secret of Dumbledore. Voldemort kills him and figures out the location of the wand on his own.
Small change but the music from the beginning appears five or six times in the movie and it's repetitive and annoying.
submitted by BlackbirdKos to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:52 Moooooccchhhiiii AITAH For leavingy family behind

Warning: Long post ahead
For context, I was a sheltered child, most of my life I was raised by my grandparents (dad side) and was also partly raised by my granny (mom side) who was physically, emotionally abusive. There's also a brief moment that I was by my parent's side while studying. My parents had me at a fairly young age 23ish? So they were emotionally immature when they had me. They also worked abroad most of my life. They always say that they're doing to to give me a good life. Which I am thankful for. I'm always thankful for everything that they've done. Providing me roof over my head, food, education, needs and necessities in order for me to live a good privilege life.
I was raised to be a "Perfect child" as I was the first born from both side of the family, so you can just imagine the expectations they have from me.
I also have a brother who is 10 years younger than me. I love him with everything that I can. While parenting myself, I also have to be a parent to him like I said, my parents are too busy with work and also, they are in a different country. In addition to that, my parents are emotionally absent. Years of invalidating feelings as they're emotions should be out first. They have to do all the hard work to fend for us, the least we can do is be a trouble for them. I also had a strict upbringing wherein I'm not allowed to go anywhere without permission, sleepover is a big no, my friends are to be approved by my entire family. And my mom basically said that she's the only one that can be my best friend.
Both my parents ended up quitting their job. First my mom because she has to care for my brother (my grandparents went abroad to visit their other children and grandchildren) so with only me, an underage (then 19) and my brother (then 9) being left in the house, my mother had to quit her job, wherein my dad followed suit as pandemic hits and business is going down.
moving forward, I was 23 then when we all completely live under the roof that they built, where my grandparents lived as well. The toxicity wherein your grandparents and parentsive under the same roof is phenomenal. I was everyone's therapist. While being expected to be a breadwinner and provide for my parents and my brother, I was also expected to be a listener to all of their rants while my basic emotional needs are being dismissed as usual. I had a boyfriend (now ex) then and my mom was delighted because he's from the US. Long story short, We did not survive LDR, he cheated and while recovering from break-up and betrayal, my mom blamed me because apparently I should've done better taking care of him and meeting his needs. 🥴
Moving forward, when I turned 25 I met a guy from my workplace. Let's call him J, he's 9 years older than me and independently living on his own, away from his family. He taught me self love, he let me grow individually while we both grow in our relationship. He never invalidate my feelings. He suddenly became my safe space, peace and my home.
While I'm already dating him, my mom had agreed to set me up with someone that my aunt who lives in the states knows. She told me "well you can entertain two guy and this one might be better for you and your future" mind you, they always push me to go work abroad as it has better pay, and better opportunity. I'm pretty sure that it was never for my own good, but rather, for the sake of me providing a better life for them.
I was never open to my parents. I mean, strict parents do raise sneaky kids. And would you even be open to the people who invalidate what you feel? No? Right? So I turned 26, I started deciding for my own happiness sake. Call me selfish, I'm making decisions for the first time in my life without needing to ask approval and I'm loving everything second of it. I decided to live with my now partner under one roof without their knowledge. I went on trips without them knowing. Everything is fine and dandy. Until someone see my social media posts and reported it to my parents. So all hell break lose, I felt like my life is a television drama. I, 27F was suddenly locked inside out own home, phone confiscated with only 1 ultimatum. Leave my current partner and the career that I have established with my own hands. Leave the country and work abroad. That's it.
My extended family was also suddenly involved. My aunts suddenly entering my life and giving their unsolicited advices like they have a contribution in my life.
The most painful part? My dad saying he doesn't know me anymore. That I'm not the daughter he knows and the daughter he's proud of. I remembered asking him "Did you really know me or you only chose to know who you want me to be and imposed that image for me to live up to". I also explained how their way of upbringing and being controlling had led me to decide on my own now. As usual, they will not take accountability and just purely blame me for making bad decisions.
If that's not enough, I had to endure my mom making up stories to pin me as the bad daughter all of a sudden. That I am ungrateful, a whore, and that I was better off being a sex worker since they earn money. As a verbatim "From your head to the sole of your feet, everything belongs to me. Your life is mine and you're not allowed to decide for your own." "Until you pay every cent that I have given you, you are not allowed to leave this house and you will only do as I say"
Of course, my dad who loves my mom so much will do as she say, I'm not allowed to step outside the house and my dad is just like "it feels like you're stabbing us in the heart multiple times. How could you betray us like this"
Call me heartless, but during those moments, I feel numb. My only thoughts are, if I don't escape, I will die here, either by emotional stress or unaliving myself.
My now partner also showed up in our house despite the distance, he asked my family for forgiveness for my decision, everyone is treating him with respect as he showed his respect as well. Except my mom, who treated him inhumane. The deal was, he shows up in the house, and I am free to leave. Didn't happen, they're asking for impossible things from him. Every single details, proof of marital status, and for him to bring his parents so that we can get married in an instant. My mom even wants proof of financial income etc. At the end, he went back to the city alone while I remain locked up inside the house. You'd think I'll let it end there? I escaped and never looked back. My mom threatened my partner that if he doesn't return me, she will press charges against him.
The only thing I regret the most is leaving my brother to deal with all the emotional whirlwind that have broke out because of the situation. His mental state is not good and I feel sorry that he have to witness all of that.
There's a lot to unpack but I'll leave it here as it is. AITH for leaving my family behind
submitted by Moooooccchhhiiii to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:45 Espeon06 I honestly have no idea about what the fuck to do, and am in desperate need of advice.

OK, gonna try to keep this short. Now, there are four main problems.
1- I'm ugly. I've always been that one person people either ignored or picked on. And the fact that I was a shy kid didn't help. No matter how much they say "looks don't matter", that's literally never the case. How do I know this? Because I recently confessed my feelings to someone who I thought didn't care about the looks, and they didn't even want to be friends.
2- I'm not good at anything. Literally, anything. I can't do math, can't draw, can't write, can't learn a foreign language and so on. Sometimes even everyday conversations -in my language- are so fucking hard for me. I failed university and now I'm destined to be a fucking trash collector.
3- I have no friends, period. Ever since I was a kid, I could never get myself to socialize. I was the last person to learn how to read and write in my class, I couldn't get used to school and cried like crazy until almost to the end of the year. To this day, I still struggle getting used to new places. I can't talk to my family either, as they don't even accept me as I am to begin with.
4- I live in a country called Turkey. For all you Americans out there, Turkey is currently an Islamic dictatorship with a terrible economy and mandatory military service, and it doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. By the way, I'm Agnostic and bisexual. You see where I'm going with this? I sure hope you do…
I already tried to kms twice. The first one was a hanging attempt, in which the belt couldn't handle my weight. For the second, I cut my wrist, and unsurprisingly, nothing happened other than a permanent scar. I want my third attempt to be successful. Who knows? Maybe I'll jump off a cliff, or maybe I'll shoot myself with the gun they'll give me in the army. The options are endless, am I right?
Please excuse my bad English.
TL;DR: I'm an ugly shit-for-brains who has no friends and lives in a 3rd world country.
submitted by Espeon06 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:43 D3luxeZed Echo system - personal issues and some solutions

Hello everyone,
Firstly, I would like to start by stating that this is my personal opinion regarding how the echo system could be improved and where I consider that is flawed. I'm open to discuss if you see any flaws in my arguments or have a different opinion.

Current issues

1) Low grade tuners are useless. In early game the content of the main story and world is not that hard so you can push through it with just level 0 echo with the suitable set for your character (since the echo xp is in high demand later and is not worth wasting it on low grade echos ; we will go in more depth for this part later).
There are 3 types of tuners: medium tuners, advanced tuners and premium tuners, each is used for rank 3, rank 4 and rank 5 respectively, rank 2 echos can't be tuned and can go max to lvl 10. Generally people will start leveling and looking for substats on their echos around UL 20+ since at that point you would have the Tower of adversity unlocked and be able to get your Data Bank level to 14 (being locked at 15 until you get UL30) due to this the probability is higher to get a 4 rarity echo and to try and unlock some stats.
At some point you will stop getting medium tuners but the ones received are obsolete(I have around 750 medium tuners) since players are not incentivized to level up low level echos, and once you start pushing for higher UL 30+ the advanced tuners will become obsolete too.
2) Echo exp or tuners can become a bottleneck. Once you start building your teams for the Tower of adversity if you use the echo exp without managing it (especially if you start leveling rank 5 echos to +25) then at some point you will remain without tuners or echo exp materials in that situations players will either start running Tacet fields or start buying the materials from various shop. (Tiger Maw merchant, Gift shop in Jhinzhou, with corals in the item exchange from shop, illusive realm shop, tower of adversity shop + also battle pass but that does not count as a shop is more tide to progression)
I know that here the main argument against this point would be "we are not at the end game yet", but the sources of tuners and exp will diminish once everyone will buy out the shops which don't reset and the main source of exp or tuners will be the tacet fields which with max stamina(240) players can run 4 a day, add on top of that that you need to think about farming for resonators ascension materials and skills too.
3) Main substats are hard to get especially for 3 cost echos where you want a substat which would match the set for it. On almost all character you want your 3 cost echo to have the element bonus damage for its set. In case you get off set stat the only choice right now would be to merge them and hope that once in a while you will be blessed with a useful cost 3.
4) Data merge feature is useful(mostly to get exp for Data Bank by unlocking new rarity echos) but is just another layer of RNG. Majority of players would start using the Data Merge function starting with DB 15, since at that point you can get gold echos and is worth salvaging the old rank 2 and rank 3 echos to boost your DB (I got from DB 15 to 17 just by merging my old echos), but that would be it, after that point is not worth anymore to salvage your echos since the rank 4 can still be usable until higher UL (40+). The only echos that players might merge will be cost 1 that don't have ATK% (that is the case for now but in the future if characters will scale of HP or DEF it will be worth keeping those too) or those cost 3 echos with mismatching element dmg for set. Some people might also have a surplus of cost 4 echos but merging those will result in either a cost 3 or a cost 1 (with the addition that you can get a bonus echo), and until now I did not get 1 on-set cost 3 from merging.
Before getting to my proposals, I would like to acknowledge that Kuro already knows the about the echo exp issue and started to address it from 1.1 by giving players 20 crystal solvents, implementing the waveplate storage system and increasing the rewards from future events + by doing double drops events. Those solution won't work in the long term, since in a few months new players won't get those limited rewards and will face the same issues.

My proposed solutions for each issue

1) The first solution would be allowing players to synthesize low tier tuners into the next tier. Example: 10 medium tuners -> 1 advance tuner 10 advance tuners -> 1 premium tuner
This will make the unused early game resources be useful and also help player mid game when they will start switching from rank 4 to rank 5 gears (UL 40, since at that point you are max level in your data bank). Rewards from tacet fields should get better once the SOL3 Phase increases thus in the end game (UL50+) we should get more than enough tuners.
The second solution would be changing the amount of tuners needed to unlock the substats and instead of having 3 different types of tuners to switch to a unique one that can be used for all ranks. Example: Tuning first line stat: 3 tuners required Tuning second line stat: 5 tuners required Tuning third line stat; 10 tuners required Tuning fourth line stat: 12 tuners required Tuning last line stat: 15 tuners required
In total to tune all stat you would need 45 tuners (compared to 50 needed now). The benefit in this method would be that if you don't get the first stat that you want instead of losing 7 tuners you lose 3 (or only 2 if we would keep the 30% back for tuners) I would even remove the refund tuners since if you get the first 3 or 4 stats that you want you would keep the piece or instead of refunding 30% I would change it to 10%.
Right now, if you get a piece to +20 and tune all stats then use it as fodder you get back 12 tuners, so you lost 28 tuners. With above example you would lose 30, so 2 more compared to current situation, but most players will stop at 4 lines desired stats.
Last solution and the simplest one would be to increase the tuner refund amount from 30% to 50%, so in worst case scenario if you have a +25 piece salvaged as exp you would get back 25 tuners instead of only 15
2) For tuners the previous proposal already covers the issue, for echo exp one solution (the one which players kept mentioning) would be to be able to salvage +0 echos.
One way of implementing this would be to assign to each echo a base exp amount based on its rank and cost. Example: rank 2 cost 1 echos: 10 exp each rank 3 cost 1 echos: 15 exp each rank 4 cost 1 echos: 20 exp each rank 5 cost 1 echos: 25 exp each And so on... for each category (the numbers would need some tweaking and testing but this would be the overall idea)
The base exp would also help to offset the lost exp after feeding a leveled-up echo, since you would first get that 80% back fed exp + the base exp of the echo.
Second solution here would be to have a shop with no buy limit or have all current limited shops with tuners refresh after each week.
3) First solution here would be introducing a main stat reroll item and the ability to get them from various shops as limited items oand battle pass. I don't really like this solution since it introduces another currency and layer of RNG, instead of farming echos you would reroll. At the same time, you could start using the mismatched set echos to look for good substats and then farm for reroll items to get the desired main stat (or if you get a better piece repurpose the old piece - elemental attack on universal sets)
Second solution, would be reworking the tacet fields. Instead of having 2 sets for each tacet field have set specific tacet fields with a higher change to get the elemental substat for that set and lower the waveplate cost from 60 to 30.
With this iteration not only, that players can run TF 8 times a day with full stamina but they can also target the set needed for a specific character element with a higher change of getting the elemental substat. This will also aid in the tuners and echo exp issue too since due to the lower cost players would get double the rewards.
4) Instead of 5 echos needed for merge, lower to amount to 3 and if all 3 echos are cost 4 have a change to return a cost 4 back also. This way even if the echos at +0 could be used as exp people would still be incentivized to try and merge echos for data bank exp or to try and roll for a good main stat.
Another solution (which I would prefer) would be to accept 10 echos for merge, all echos would need to be the same tier and have players choose the main echo of that cost which they want and the main stat.
Example1: Merge 10 x cost 4 echos rank 5 choose Crit DMG and Crownless, you will guarantee a Crownless back with Crit DMG.
Example 2: Merge 10 x cost 3 echos rank 4, choose Fusion damage, let player choose only from echos that can have fusion damage as set (for example’s sake the Violet Heron) -> now player can get back either: Violet Heron with Fusion damage and the Sonata effect for Molten Rift (fusion damage set) OR Violet Heron with Fusion damage and the Sonata effect for Void thunder (thunder damage set)
This method would guarantee a main stat for a cost 4 and minimize the RNG for a cost 3. It involves grinding a lot of echos, but the useless one would be merged anyways.
This system would also work great in parallel with the one where players would be able to use +0 echos as exp, because once you get your wanted pieces you can start using the leftovers echo to lvl them up if you are out of echo exp material.


Those are the issues that I encountered while playing the game (not rushing, with battle pass and while managing my echo exp and tuners) and some solutions I would like implemented.
Feel free to agree/disagree, I love playing the game (UL 35) and the exploration with the combat feel amazing.
TL;DR: Love the game, is still an unpolished gem, but since the devs listen future updates should move the ship in the right direction until it will be smooth sailing.
submitted by D3luxeZed to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:42 Top_Engineer440 Actually Difficult Cyberpunk: Modlist and Ruleset

I should preface this by saying I have a lot hours in this game and have done all the endings, quests, gigs, and scanners. At this point, the tactics needed to beat the AI are stupidly easy, but I don't want to quit NC. I want to have to carefully consider how to approach gigs and for there to be enemies too strong for me (this is never true on base game very hard other than DFTR). The consequences for overconfidence should be as severe for me as they were forJackie. Trying to make this game feel like a combination of John Wick and a tactical shooter like CS, where you get punished for the smallest mistakes. For that reason, I have been playing with some overhaul mods and a list of "rules" to maximize immersion and difficulty, and I figured asking here would give me some ideas that I haven't come across yet. What do you guys use to make the game harder or more immersive?
Mods: - "Hardcore22": This is the most important one ive found so far. All human enemies now have 100 health, meaning they will usually die to a stealth headshot (unless they have some chrome or armor). However, you can now die to a single headshot or a few bodyshots. Better shoot first! you may want to turn this off for driving sections or scripted sections where you can't be in stealth / cover / evade.>! I got one tapped by the octant about 30 times during the heist.!
  • "Weapon Conditioning": Adds weapon condition (another attribute on weapons). Weapons with poor condition can jam and potentially damage the user. Also lets you unequip weapon mods!
  • "Custom max ammo": doesn't make sense to carry 1000 shotgun shells in your pockets. I'll probably change the max based on what my build is, so for what I'm planning it should be 0 shells, 64 pistol, 120 heavy, 0 sniper.
  • "No Ammo Handicap Drops" & "Refill Ammo from Vehicle Trunk": stops the game from autogenerating ammo drops when you are low. You should need to stock up manually, but it makes sense to have a shitload of ammo in your car.
  • "Limited Encumbrance": Carry weight overhaul for immersion. No more carrying 20+ assault rifles around! Though with the weapon conditioning and hardcore22 mods, you don't need to pick up very many new weapons. This apparently works much better with a backpack mod like spawn0's true bags and backpacks, but I haven't tested it yet.
  • "Skillful Attributes" & "Skill Trainers": No longer will you get attribute points from leveling up. They come from using associated skill progressions (shinobi for reflexes, headhunter for cool, etc) now. With Skill Trainers, you can
  • "Stealth Finishers": Only reason I carry a knife. Also, hardcore22 MASSIVELY buffs bots, but this mod lets you do stealth takedowns on them to 1 tap and remain hidden. For roleplay reasons why tf would I break a guy's neck if I have a knife in my hand already?
  • "Limited HUD": I removed all the hud elements. see the hud rule changes for more. Tons of configurability in terms of what you can see when. For a while I had all hud elements only show when scanning.
  • "Survival System": adds energy (sleeping), satiation (eating), and hydration (drinking) bars. Significant penalties if any drops too low.
  • "Street Vendors": lets you buy stuff from most street vendors. useful with survival system
  • "Advanced Control": Just so I can fix the fucking default 'walk' speed to not be SLIGHTLY FASTER than some NPCs. Weapon inspection is cool too
  • Misc. Immersion: I have a bunch of other mods that don't really affect gameplay, but do affect immersion. Sit anywhere, better vehicle first person, immersive bartenders and food vendors, finisher ragdolls, vehicle fast travel, metro pocket guide, remove fast travel from metro, and probably some more I'm forgetting about.
  • Permadeath: once I die, I restart. Driving/chase segments and bullshit aside, but if I get 1 tapped by a shotgun or sniper its my fault for poor positioning. I'm not restarting if I accidentally fall off a balcony tho lol
  • No double jump: that shit isn't realistic. Charge jump available at level 30, before that use other leg cyberware or none at all.
  • Dash changes: Dash is probably the most broken ability in the game, especially air dash when combined with double jump. Repositioning anywhere for free is just too strong. No air dashes (ever). Ground dash is optional, probably you need it if doing a blade build. I don't use it other than to proc kereznikov and nano plating.
  • Cyberware: mantis blades should be high tier merc gear, not available to a level 10 nobody. Same for the other arms. I think probably level 25 for gorilla arms/monowire, level 35 for mantis blades/grenades. Note that I haven't tested very much with skillful attributes, so these numbers will have to change / might be based on the attribute (15 reflexes for mantis blades, etc).
  • HUD: For immersion, I play with no HUD at all. No crosshair makes throwing knives REALLY hard, so if you want to run those maybe turn on crosshair when you aim a weapon (possible with limited HUD mod iirc). It's also possible to enable the minimap only when driving if you need it to navigate, but I recommend against it so that exploring the city feels more organic. Not knowing how much health/stamina/optical camo charge etc. really makes you take it slow, especially with permadeath.
  • Waiting: No using the "skip time" function or waiting for someone to arrive to a quest/gig. You must show up on time or wait a day!
  • Economy: I have yet to find a good economy overhaul post 2.0. I also have yet to look, so any suggestions are appreciated. The restrictions on carry weight severely nerf your income anyways, since selling guns is much more of a pain now. Is there a mod that requires periodic rent payments?
TLDR: I wanted to make the game more difficult for myself without breaking immersion, and am putting together a modlist/ruleset for others to do the same. I'll edit this post with ideas or suggested changes since I'm going to have to reinstall my mods from scratch for this. Share some of your favorite mods and/or restrictions!
submitted by Top_Engineer440 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:41 anxietymaybthrowra Starting to doubt R but I can't decide on what to do... Just so lost

Hi everyone, I've been starting to seriously doubt R and it's breaking my heart. My WP has been very attentive, patient, and caring after I discovered the affair; he's cut off contact with the AP, he's been putting in work to understand himself and why and how he did what he did, he's been extremely patient with me and my feelings and outbursts. But I just can't stop thinking about the fact that he still did what he did, and that he didn't tell me himself, I had to catch him.
I further feel down about R for a couple reasons. Most importantly, I will be moving across the country in less than a month. I had been planning this move since the start of the year and had committed to it before the affair happened (and it's hard not to believe it influenced my WP's actions). I was nervous about our relationship being long distance, it's not an ideal situation, but I loved my WP so much and I wanted to make it work. And now, I just don't know how I am going to handle the distance when paired with so much validated anxiety and distrust. Secondly, our relationship is so young, we have only been together since 2022, and I feel so many other people who pursue R have much more well-established relationships, and all of the resources that i find are for marriages. It's hard not to feel a little ridiculous wanting to save a relationship that hasn't even celebrated it's 2 year anniversary yet. It just makes me feel a little foolish.
I do also worry that my WP is incapable of doing what I need him to; he is genuinely remorseful, he truly wants to put the work in, but I just feel like it's too much all at once for him to do. Why should I wait around for someone who's 1500 miles away who cheated on me to fix himself, when I could just be moving on and living my life and pursuing something with someone new?
And still, I am so stuck on the fact that this happened at all in the first place. I know I didn't deserve this, I know I never should've been treated like this, and as much as my WP insists and promises it won't happen again, I just can't go over the fact it happened at all when it never should have. I just feel so unvalued and I don't know how I'm ever supposed to get that feeling back.
Despite all that, it feels so hard to let go. I love my WP a lot for so many different reasons. We still feel so compatible for so many different reasons. I just feel like I don't want to lose him, but he already proved how he's capable of treating me, and it's for my own good I let go. I hold a lot of resentment for what he did, even though I do not want to. I just feel like I'm continuously being pulled in two different extreme directions and I can't commit to one or the other. I just want the dream life me and my WP had planned on having; and that life wasn't even that crazy, it was just a lifetime of love and commitment. And now it feels ripped away from me. How am I supposed to love someone who I can now no longer say would never hurt me? How am I supposed to love someone who so willingly hurt me more than anyone else ever has? How am I supposed to love someone who was so okay with keeping secrets from me, who did things that knew would upset me, who lied, and ruined my sense of reality?
I don't know what to do. I'm afraid I'm stringing him along and I feel bad for doing so, but I also don't want to let go just yet. I'll be out of the state in less than a month and part of me feels like I'm just trying to soak up as much of that lost dream as I can before I formally say goodbye forever.
submitted by anxietymaybthrowra to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:40 Rule_Proof My thoughts on Keith Gill's plan

Just writing out my thoughts rn. (not financial advice). I tried posting this in but I dont have enough points, maybe someone can cross-post?
TL;DR something big is coming (But you already knew that didn't you)
FIRST: I believe this is the real keith gill. There's speculation that he sold his accounts to an outsider, or has hedge fund backing, etc - but I don't buy them. Keith is a brand, the defiant retail trader against the wall street institutions, and as a brand his reputation is the most important thing. He's smart and would never put this brand at risk.
SECOND: From his YOLO updates you can see that he bought his position AFTER the may 10th-may 14th run up (caused by his tweets). We know that because we can see clearly his options trades: Now ask yourself: why would he buy in at a certainly worse position than he could have (before may 10th)??? His cost basis would be much better had he bought in BEFORE he knew that his tweets would send the stock up.
THIRD: How did keith gill get all that money, if not from a high-rolling backer? He's smart, he doesn't NEED a backer, he knows he can make that money himself. And that's exactly what he did. In April 2021 he had ~30 mil and recently hes shown he has $180 mil. Thats 6x. I believe he made the bulk of this in the May 10th-14th run up. If you remember, the Friday before the monday rip, there was some discussion about higher than ussual volume both on the stack and on calls. There was something up but no one knew what. THE ONLY PERSON who could have known that RK would tweet and send the stock spiking WAS RK. I believe he was the one buying shares and calls (likely built up his shares position over the weeks beforehand). And then during that week's runup (from $17 to $50) he sold his position and made his tens of millions.
I believe the may10-13th spike was just RK quadrupling his money IN ANTICIPATION of an even larger move. The truth is, although there are many shorters out there, THERE ARE ALSO hedge funds that have profited off the massive run-ups in GME's price. They were there in 2021, they were there in may10th-13th, and they are there AGAIN now. RK knows they're there, ready to add fuel to the fire, IN ADDITION to us retail traders.
And what could be the catalyst for that? I don't know WHAT or WHEN, but I do know HOW: his Youtube channel. That's his one social media account he hasn't utilized thus far. I believe he has a video ready outlining his latest DD on the stock, probably including some kind of plan of his own for GME given how large of a shareholder he is (and now controls a major voting block). And given how the stock has spiked on his twittereddit account posting, it's about to go crazy when his youtube video drops.
I believe he's only doing this now because of the recent case dismissal against atlas trading ( Atlas trading was caught red-handed trying to manipulate the markets, but the courts dismissed the case because just buying a stock and telling others to as well isnt enough (in their view) to amount to a crime. Keith gill is smart and definitely saw this ruling, which meant he could run now run a replay of 2021 GME-mania.
My positions: 40x GME 6/21 calls, 850 shares.
submitted by Rule_Proof to roaringkitty [link] [comments]