Pillow humping


2023.08.07 19:48 Suspicious_Prior9622 PetitePillowHumping


2022.12.31 19:38 FunANDGAMEZyum pillowplay

Pillow Humping. Papi has hundreds of vids…

2011.06.21 01:46 Alexanderr Porn Addiction and Compulsive Sexual Behavior Peer Support Forum - r/NoFap

A porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior recovery peer support forum. Masturbation in moderation is generally healthy, but excessive porn use can have serious adverse effects. We also host challenges in which participants ("Fapstronauts") avoid porn & sometimes masturbation for a period of time, generally 7-30 days. Whether your goal is casual participation as a test of self-control or if porn use has become a serious problem in your life, you will find a supportive community here.

2024.06.05 22:23 xlovexlayla Multibot share! COD bots <3

Multibot share! COD bots <3
Links in comments!
submitted by xlovexlayla to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:11 polish_dumpling_ seems fetishy af

seems fetishy af
the humping a pillow part made me cringe so much
submitted by polish_dumpling_ to Transmedical [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:56 teaparty4two Question - Swelling/Crease from abdominal binder

I am 3 WPO tomorrow. TT MR Lipo flanks and full back and mons reduction.
I am wearing a vest for upper back compression and a binder for mid section compression. I started back to work last week, was sitting in recliner with legs up and a pillow on my lap with laptop on it. Today I have been sitting at my desk and getting up every hour or two to walk around.
I have this hump on my mid back where the compression garment is creasing. This is not there when i'm just wearing compression and walking around, etc. Happens when I have to sit for extended periods of time. Sorry for the low res photos. Any suggestions on how to prevent this?
I'm also short 5'1 and short waisted so the 12 inch binder comes all the way up to my bust line and extend to my hips. So I am thinking it is getting pushed up/ bunched bc it's at my hips.
Debating on ordering a 9 inch binder so it doesn't bunch/bend at my hips. Think that would help?
I go for my next post op on June 13th where I will be moved to a stage 2 garment. Not sure what that will be.
submitted by teaparty4two to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:27 OmegaEpslion Schools over. Feels like I missed alot

TLDR; schools over in 2 weeks and im bumed about missed opportunities.
Im 16. In Wales thats the age when you leave school and go to higher education or get a job. Its when “the real world” starts. This post isn’t t gonna be some cringy whiney pity party, just a lil vent about life which I’m sure many of you will relate to if you’re re also leaving school.
Ive always been quite social, when I was in primary id always be out with my friends, doing whatever it is that we did. And when I wasnt, I was on the sofa watching DanTDM or PopularMMOS until bed. That was good. But then in year 5 I moved schools to a private school in Cardiff. It was a ways away from me so I wasnt able to go outside and hang out with my school friends. I basically stopped hanging out with my friends in my old school, I was basically alone. I started to recluse. Being inside constantly. There werent many kids in my area. While I said I hung out with primary school friends, my parents were protective. All my friends lived across several streets and passed two main roads, on the other side of my school. So when I no longer when to my primary, my parents saw no point in me making that perilous venture. So no friends within walking distance, result? Home and school 24/7
Through this time is was constantly bored and constantly on my Ipad. I was an Ipad kid, born in 07. I missed alot of family time. Always bratted or tried to get out of it which caused alot of stress for my parents which they regularly reminded me of through shouting matches. Not their fault, they are lovely people, I was just a handful. Apparently I was tested for autism/ADHD to which I dont have. I have very low level traits of it so I had the issues of it but not enough to be diagnosed. But enough of that. My point is I was lonely and “the problem child”. Lets hump to year 7, 2019/2020, a completely normal and uneventful year.
As you can imagine, going from only seeing my friends at school to always being home with noone besides my mum, dad and sister. Drove me insane, as you can imagine. Got basically zero work done during lockdown year 7. So I was behind in my education, incredibly anti social, and for year 8 I moved schools yet again. When everyone was wearing masks. Yeah…
Lets start this of by saying that at least I moved house too, so I COULD hang out with my friends. Great! Oh wait, even though half the people who go to my school live in the same village as me, the only friends I make are on the other side of a 40 minute walk. Fuck. But no matter, I go in, chin up, first day of school and talk to absolutely noone. Break? Surely Ill meat ONE person there. Nope. So im all alone for the first 2 weeks. To be fair I was sitting on the ground with a note book writing down some fantasy book ideas. I wanted to be an author lol. I gradually make more friends but as you can imagine, multiple years with little to no human contact doesn’t nst exactly make me the life of the party. So im stuck with the weird kids. I was one too so I fit right in. Wrong. I make two friends that I stick with till the end, the rest were pricks and/or had nothing in common with me. But I make it through. Onto year 9!
I move sets so im not with my friends anymore. But no with masks and a touch more confidence I make a few more friends. And… a girlfriend! Lets call her Grace. It wasnt the most romantic affair but it was my first and only real girlfriend. Im gonna be honest, we didnt like eachother, we were horny teens. All we really did was make out and she let me touch her tits. Embarrassing I know. We would walk around town late at night with my hand down her shirt. Then after a month she went around saying I hit her. I didn’t. Immediately all my friends ostracised me for about a week and a half. I was all alone wandering around school. My friend realise their mistake and welcome me back with open arms and apologies. All was well… for about 2 days. Grace starts going out with one of my friends, not bad you think but wait, the girl changed her story from I had hit her to I had RAPED her. Instantly lost all my friends again. Yap yap yap explanations ons to my friends and were back to normal, except shes still hanging around, and my “friend” aruges and play “macho man” infront of her and my friends. This escalates for a month before we NEARLY fight, come to find out shes been lying to him deliberately so hell fight me. I wasnt scared I was bigger than the guy and wouldve rocked him but at the time I feared that one his stronger friends wouldve jumped in and jumped me so I didnt necessarily back down, I just gave him what he gave me, not escalating so eventually he got over it and left the bitch. Unfortunately, a rumour spread that I had had anal sex with her. Leading to the nickname “shit-dick” lovely. Honestly it bothered me for a few months but eventually I got accustomed. My mates still call me that now, in a friendly way instead of in a bullying fashion.
The, still in year 9, a different girl joins our friend group! …Because she was dating my friend. Starting to see a pattern? Lets call her Roxie. They do the whole cringy school relationship thing where theyre cuddling all the time, basically inseparable. Its whatever. Hes happy and it wont last. But slowly he starts getting more irritated with me in particular. This was because at the time we would make fun of eachothers girlfriends in a friendly way. But Roxie didnt like that. So, effectively it was a will smith/chris rock situation. He didnt slap me, just kicked me out of the friend group. After a while they break up and I come back in. He apologies, we’re homies again. But wait! Less than a week later that very same girl is going out with another one if my friends. Rinse and repeat. The girl gets my mate to kick me out of the group. But this time, after a few days I come back and its Roxie and my friend that are forced to leave the friend group. Guess what? They break up and she goes out with someone else, not my friend this time so idc. Grace and Roxie had a habit it of going through boyfriends. Nothing important just wanted to mention it.
Now. Skip to year 10. A few friends start disappearing and hanging around with other people. It happens. But I do make one or two extras. But then, Roxies back, your favourite character! This time shes changed up her tactics she got with my friend over the half term so we had no idea about this. When we got back, my friend, David, stopped hanging out with me. Instead he opted to spending half of year 10 break times in a classroom with Roxie and some new friends. So we lot him until half way through year 11. But ill come back to that. I still didnt go out that much after school. I did army cadets and a drama club unrelated to my school for a few months before dropping one after the other. Army cadets hurt the most looking back on it. I had done everything, gone almost everyday so I could do the one thing I had been waiting for, shooting a gun! A fake one obviously, its was target practise with BBs. But around this time I was in a deeper swing of my porn/masterbation addiction. So instead of getting ready to progress to the next level of the cadets, I message my dad saying I feel sick, go to the shower and jack off. Not my proudest moment. I was fucking pissed with myself for weeks. The thing is, the next time theyd be doing the shoot it would be in a year, so Id have to go a whole year with some irritating kids who were 9/12, I was 15, so me and my parents decided it wasn’t worth it. So that was that.
Back to my friend, he stopped hanging out with us entirely besides lessons which he was forced to be in. Idk the entire story but apparently she cheated on Him multiple times and manipulated him. I should feel sympathetic but I really dont. We all tried to warn him but he didnt listen. So im down a few more friends and the rest of the year was basically a slog to finish my exams and get out of the school. I did get more popular in the later half of the year, cracked some jokes, was cool with almost everyone in my class and alot in my year. Which you would think would be good right? But it kinda got me sad that its only happening now at basically the end of school. It got me thinking about all that I missed over the years coz I was kinda weird.
The last day: you know the day where eveyone signs eachothers shirts and you have an assembly with an ice cream van and a photo booth and all that stuff. It came up out of nowhere honestly. But it was fantastic! Talked to my friends, chatted with some girls, laughed, joked. By days end my white shirt was more colourful than the pride flag. Covered in names, cocks and swasticas cleverly disguised as windows. Got my picture taken a few times and then… I went home, and it was all over. I still had my exams and prom but school, mandatory 6 hour a day school was done. And it hit me, im probably never gonna see anyone here again. I mean different colleges doesnt help. So basically, play times over. I didnt try hard enough and im gonna get average grades. Ill get to college sure but barely. Ive been feeling kinda down as of late but I actually spent time with my family, which is very rare. If im not watching YouTube, wanking or playing with my online friend Kittycore101 on apex legends instead if revising or socialising.
Kittycore101 is great btw, we’ve been friends since 2019 when apex came out. Anyway;
When I go to bed, I like to cuddle a pillow or blanket and pretend its someone. Im not lonely by any means its just, lack of female touch specially, coupled with my porn addiction kinda gets me fantasising about cuddling with a cute girl. Im sure every man can relate to this feeling. Also not getting compliments often. The last REAL compliment I got that wasnt from my family or an online friend when in year 9, the girl i was working with in drama said I had perfect teeth. I was grinning ear to ear for a week after that lol. Lets bring it up to the present
Today, It was bright and sunny. I mowed the lawn, “fuck, battery died” and went out to get icecream. Walked down a path ive walked many times but this time… it felt different. It was warm, I was talking with my family, it looked like a painting. Beaming sun, bright green grass, a quiet river, a viaduct built over 1000 years ago, mwah! Chef’s kiss! Have icecream, come home, sit in the warm sun for an hour. Then I go to my room, get horny watch porn for a bit, go to the shower. Start wacking it… at mid day. Dad knocks on the door. “Wanna come to the beer garden with us?” I turn the water off and sit there, silently jerking it, “nah im good”, “oh…”. Fucking killed me. My dads “oh” sounded so defeated yet like he expected it. Then he goes and I finish up and it hits me. I chose to masterbate instead if spending time with my family. And I remembered all the times ive done this before, must be in the 500s at this point. All that time I missed just for some quick pleasure. So I clean my room up, delete reddit from my phone and… no I dont, I lay in bed watching youtube and browsing reddit. From 6 till 11, you think I learned from my mistake? Nope. I put on some audio porn and look and anime tits and nut in some crusty pants. Then and only then does it actually Hit me. I just lay their in silence and disgust with myself. Then It turns to me putting my air pods in, listening to nostalgic minecraft music while holding back tears and rethinking life. I get up, get dressed at 23:40, go outside and sit down for about an hour, thinking about life. Then I start writing this post and currently its 2:04 am, im back in my bed coz I was cold and I have a maths GCSE exam tomorrow. fml
So yeah. Thats my life story. Heavily abridged and when I wake up in the morning Ill think of all that I missed and try to get through my exam. I dont want any pity, I just wanna know if im alone, maybe some of you will be in a vaguely similar situation to me. Good luck with everything yall
submitted by OmegaEpslion to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 05:55 ookarinag Hate it here

Hello it’s me again. I’m really getting hopeless. I literally cry everyday because I don’t want to live life like this. Everyday it’s something different. Lately my ears have been ringing constantly and it’s driving me insane. I try not to pay attention to it but it’s hard. Also my ears have been super clogged and they feel full and it’s also driving me insane because I don’t like the feeling nor do I wanna lose my hearing. I got sick a month ago, I got a bacterial infection that really messed me up, like I got super congested then I got pink eye and I had a lot of phlegm. Idk if that’s why my ears feel clogged or if it’s because of tmj or because of both?? I don’t necessarily have pain anymore because I used to get a lot of headaches and I think going to the chiropractor and acupuncture has helped (I barely started going lol) but it’s more like my jaw and neck feel super tense and it’s annoying. I’m constantly thinking about tmj everyday and always checking in on myself to see how I feel and I feel like that’s not good for my mental health. I’m trying turmeric curcumin to see if it helps with inflammation but I just started so I’ll probably see results in about 4-8 weeks. I just bought magnesium glycinate just now so I hope that helps with relaxing my muscles. I’m a bit hopeless because I see how some of these things don’t help people and I lose hope because I don’t want to continue living like this. I know everybody is different so I really hope these things help me. I’m gonna go see my ent again to see if maybe I suffer from ETD but she has told me twice already that she suspects i suffer from tmj. She has referred me to a tmj specialist (oro facial pain clinic) but I’m scared how much a consultation will cost) any things or advice you guys can give me to not lose hope and to try to manage this?? Like what kind of pillow should I be using?? I have a lot of congestion and I want to buy a wedge pillow to see if that helps idk. What do you guys think? :/ also I do have a neck hump idk if it’s because of my posture and I believe I also have rounded shoulders so idk if that’s also contributing to my tmj. Should I try physical therapy? I don’t feel like there’s any tmj therapists in my area so idk what to do
submitted by ookarinag to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:50 Freakythings456 Anon is regarded

Anon is regarded submitted by Freakythings456 to greentext [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:52 MisterSquidInc 24 hours before his death, Gus Scott wrote this heartfelt account of a 115mph lap at his first TT. (From Performance Bikes magazine August 2005)

24 hours before his death, Gus Scott wrote this heartfelt account of a 115mph lap at his first TT. (From Performance Bikes magazine August 2005)
"24 hours before his death, Gus Scott wrote this heartfelt account of a 115mph lap at his first TT. We couldn't think of a finer tribute to our friend than to publish it."
"As I funnel towards the start line in a big group, pushing my bike slowly forward, it's weird but I'm calm. I was so nervous on the ferry over, thinking, 'Is this going to be one of those one-way trips?'
I didn't sleep last night. I was getting annoyed with myself because I wasn't picking up the whole lap - there were certain sections that I still didn't know. I was frightening myself in some blind, flat-out sections. i ended up watching a DVD of the track, rewinding certain sections again and again.
down on the start it's not like a normal race. there's no mass start. It's just you, the bike and the road. That's a nice feeling. They set you off individually. when I get to the front there's a bloke in a white coat who puts his hand on my shoulder and looks up to the box. He counts 10 seconds as the rider in front disappears down Bray Hill. Then he lifts his hand and I think, 'He could be the last person to touch me.'
Bray Hills fast, fast as fuck, but you've got time to think. You aim to go under the bush on the right, then come to the crossroads and you've got to pull on the bars to jump or it'll load the front. You apex at the lights, in top gear flat-stick. The bike compresses so much that you scrub off loads of speed. then over Ago's Leap. The bike naturally lifts. I try not to roll the throttle, just let it come down.
There's a rise before Quarter Bridge. You have to go down a gear and accelerate to wheelie over it. One lap I didn't and it went into a massive slapper. then you've got to slam on the brakes to go through slippery Quarter Bridge.
Second, third, fourth, towards Braddan Bridge. Aim for the junction on the right, brake, back down two gears, follow the white railings that jump out at you. Gingerly through here because this is the first time the tyres have been on their left side. Full tank of fuel, new tyres - these bikes feel awful at low speeds.
Flick it over, into a dip - bah, bah, bah, bah - flat-out through two terrifying blind kinks hurtling at Union Mills. Coming out there's a garage on the left, you've got to have the thing absolutely pinned. There's a kerb on the left you've got to skim with your wheels as the bike bucks and weaves.
On to a long straight toward the campsite. people sit on a green bank. Their feet are so close I'm sure I'm going to hit them. Then you peel away towards one of the fastest corners on the track - Ballagary that's also called Glen Vine. people call it Ballascary because there's been a few fatalities there.
There was a massive crash here in one race - bikes and carnage everywhere. Next lap there's shit all over the road, fuel spills, I slowed right down to 50 and still got a massive slide. then the next lap there are fewer flags, then the third lap it's up to you if you want to keep it lit through there.
I start to relax, I'm glad I got that right, but there's a hump on the way out. The bike's still leant over so you've got to get it right. You pull on the bars to do a crossed-up wheelie.
Up to Crosby and DJ's [David Jeffries] corner which is a hard one for me. I greet him every time I go through, saying 'this one's for you Deej.' At the start of the week I didn't think I'd be able to flat it, but then I though, 'Fuck it, I know it's only a kink.' You've got to commit to these corners early, otherwise you'll just pussyfoot through them all week.
This is a learning year, I've put no pressure on myself and told everyone that right form the start. I've never had any interest in doing the Manx [Manx GP] and because I've got an international race licencee I didn't have to, so this is my first time on the Island's closed roads. the idea is to keep coming back until I start getting podiums.
On to Crosby. The Fireblade hates it. it's done some awful things all week. I was speaking to Michael Rutter last night and he said, 'You've got to roll off', there's no point getting in a silly mess or you'll be off the throttle for too long.
Greeba Castle has a rollercoaster dip, you've got to go slower than you think to get the drive out. There's an off-camber right that would be easy to highside out of. then the left-right-left-right skimming the kerbs, before a nasty left.
Greeba Bridge, flat-out on the 600, back two gears on the Blade, down a rollercoaster hill. I've already been into teh fast right that follows too fast, hit some little potholes, the front tucked, all my weight on my kneeslider, and then it just flicked back. scary. It took me1 0 miles to get my concentration back.
Up to fifth, then another fast right. It would be kneedown but I keep it up because it's so fast it would drag. Look for the 30 sign to brake into Ballacraine. Boot it down to third, nice and easy, through Ballaspur, then just kick it up the box weaving towards Glen Helen. I'm going too fats but I don;lt brake, just drop a gear. This is where you see the flowers.
I've lost a few friends around here. When you're flying round you see bouquets of flowers and purple ribbons stuck in the wall. it's a bit off-putting. Ronnie Smith suggested that people should respect the riders who were still racing by putting the flowers just over the wall. there'd be no harm, but the racers wouldn't have to see them."
I'm on the climb to Sarah's Cottage. Third gear uphill, I ran out of road here before and thought, "I'm in the bales." You don't want to look at what you're going to hit, so I looked up the road. I was lent over at full tilt, I had my knee down, boot on the ground, everything, then I felt the wheels hit the bales, flick me up, and I was still going, so I just kept racing. this place gets you like that.
My heart was trying to pound out of my ribcage, I had eyes like frisbees. That could've been it. Get it out of your head, get it out of your head. You think about pulling over, then just keep building up speed top Cronk-y-Voddy. It's hard at the end of there. I had some nasty slappers, lock-to-lock with loads of people watching. On the video it looks like DJ just rolls it off, but I've found it better to pull on the bars to take the load off the front.
The funny thing about this place is you accelerate in to a lot of the corners before you see them. that lifts the front end and you wont believe how smooth it makes it.
Into top gear, towards the big bottler at the bottom of Barregarrow. what's going to happen this lap? Back a gear, brush the brakes, and accelerate into it. you've got to do your turn beforehand because everything bottoms out and you can't turn it, everything compressed, the bike won't go anywhere.
Then into the 13th milepost. the first time I went into there I thought it was straight. it isn't. It's bumping all over the road, a kerb on the right pops out right under your wheels, brushes your footrest. Then you're onto the nice smooth tarmac towards Kirk Michael.
In the first practice I floated round and thought this is the next best thing I've ever done in my life. Next time I went a bit faster and had some big scares. I got lost, I nearly ran into some walls and then a Swedish lad I was out with on Saturday night was killed. He got lost and ran into a wall going into Kirk Michael, a tight, third-gear right-hander. Spectators said he went on full tilt, he just got caught out. I know how it felt. He was over here for all the right reasons. He was 39 and wanted a bit of a ride. It really fucked my head up.
Into Kirk Michael and I brake just after the 30mph sign. Strangely enough, they put in 300m brake markers after Kim died the other night. Ian Lougher broke down here and said I looked really good through this section. He's been helping me with my suspension all week.
Then accelerate like mad, but this is where something strange happened. In the first few races I was only passed by three riders and I've only caught a few. I went through the Superstock race without seeing anybody. It's quite lonely. It was my fifth lap and my head started playing tricks on me.I went through Kirk Michael and saw a copper and thought, 'What am I doing?' I was flat-out, so I shut off because I'm used to riding on roads. Then it clicked that I was racing. There's nothing to tell you the you should or shouldn't be doing it. It's a really weird situation.
The buildings are tall on both sides. Kerb to kerb to kerb. Apexing yellow line, yellow line, yellow line. You can hear the bikes noise rattling off the buildings. It's bumpy, hairy and scary but an awesome feeling - full-tilt through a 30mph village, throttle pinned, kicking up to sixth.
Hard-ish left, hard over the bumps, back a gear and then accelerate over Rhencullen. Right-left, wheelie so it doesn't go into a tankslapper, then a quick right, down to fourth, down a dip and get the bike absolutely straight over the next rise or it'll tankslap. It's taken me all week to get that right.
Pin it through Alpine Cottage and off towards Ballaugh Bridge. Brake at the 30 signs - bang, bang, bang - down three, then another and accelerate and pull on the bars in the centre of the bridge, but at an angle to get your line right. No one tells you how to do it. I was landing my front wheel at first. I haven't got experience of jumping bridges and I haven't raced motocross like some of the top guys. You hear the front clonk and you've got to get on the gas immediately.
hard up the box to this bit of worn-out road where the surface is like tar. You can feel the wheels moving through the long left-hander, towards Ballacrye - which is scary. You jump about 160 feet, a foot or so off the ground. It's like a little skip and everybody's had a nasty moment here. The bike twists slightly in the air and you get a whip when you land. The other day John McGuinness broke his screen off and his steering damper snapped it was such a nasty slapper.
then there's Gwen's Cottage. Little Gwen is over 80 years old and she comes out shaking her fist at you, to will you on towards the the awesome Quarry Bends. There's a bump on the way in that unsettles you, roll in in top, then back a gear to drive through. get it wrong and you know it.
I came out of Quarry Bends and thought I was on Sulby Straight and could relax, but I wasn't. I was heading straight towards a wall. I was trying to turn the bike at 180mph with the throttle pinned. It was a nightmare. the bike's screaming it's head off down Sulby Straight, but I take the chance to give my fingers a bit of a waggle around. In the 600 race the bike in front hit a bird and it was like a pillow exploding. Then you apex off the houses, before going down into second to wheelie over Sulby Bridge.
Just there my mate, Kenny Munro, was killed a few years ago. I say hello to Kenny every time I go past.
Then all hell breaks loose. I've never ridden a road as bumpy as the one between Ginger Hall and Ramsey. The bike's lock-to-lock through Milntown. Down a hill, through the bumpiest corner, then you start building up to a horrible jump where Rob Frost crashed. Pull on the bars to wheelie. then keep it pinned until I see a little fence. I call it Fast Fence, to remind myself not to roll off through the blind kink. The sunlight coming through the trees distracts you.
I'm not getting used to animals on the track. In the 600 race I came through Milntown to see a massive black cockerel in the middle of the road. It looked at me and I looked at it. I thought 'I'm going to hit this', before it casually walked to the side of the road.
It's really bumpy, but the faster you go, the smoother it gets. Bumpy right, back another gear. there's a tree with a big 'K' carved into it. Aim for that and you miss the kerb.
Ramsey's a nightmare to get round so you may as well just pootle. Up towards the Waterworks there's a lot of nice short circuit scratching stuff. Waterworks is a tight right with loads of people shouting into your ear. It's great. Do a tiny wheelie before the climb up the Mountain.
Three corners taken as one into Guthries, a nasty little bastard that can easily have you off. fast left, keep climbing, over a tiny bridge where you nearly hit your shoulder on a bale, then you start the Mountain Mile. It's not a straight and easy to get wrong.
Everything's a blur, but it's a nice feeling. The bike's labouring, but I feel great in the fresh air and sunlight.
Up the top I get a pitboard as I go over the tramlines telling me if I have to come in for fuel or not. On to Brandywell and Windy Corner, past where Simon Beck died, two apex left-hander that can catch you out and a lovely right...
I'm missing out chunks because it's all constantly left-right up here. You can't compare this place to anywhere else and that's exactly what I wanted. I wanted a completely new challenge. It doesn't even compare to other road circuits because it's such a length. In one race I'm only going through a corner four times. On a short circuit I'm going through 20 times. Even the longest race you're only going through six times. And the conditions could've changed, someone could've fallen off.
Accelerate through Kate's, through the damp patches. I always think I'm going to lose the front here. down to Creg-ny-Baa. Down three, gentle kneedown for the punters, close to their feet to give them a proper buzz. through Brandish in top, right up close to the spectators. I love it.
Into Signpost. My team-mate Nigel 'Cap' Davis crashed here the other night and broke his femur in half. I think the bike landed on him. It's blind in second, then into another nice corner that's off-camber, aim for the gatepost, then turn away, accelerate towards the horrible Nook, then a whiff of throttle to Governor's then bam-bam...
Governor's is awful. It kicks your arse-end all over the place. Through gently, I nearly topple off I'm going so slow. Short-shift into second, there's a nasty little rise so I stand up and accelerate like fuck, skim the kerb and that's it, on to the start/finish for another lap or five.
submitted by MisterSquidInc to iomtt [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:00 sonofabutch No game today, so let's remember a forgotten Yankee: Dave Eiland

"I worked really hard to be mediocre. But I studied. When I lay my head on my pillow, I’m very satisfied, not so much with my record or my numbers, but I know I gave it everything I had every day." -- Dave Eiland
Who is the only player in major league history to give up a home run to the first batter he faced, and to hit a home run against the first pitcher he faced? It's not Babe Ruth, it's not Shohei Ohtani, it's not even Roy Hobbs. It's Dave Eiland!
David William Eiland was born July 5, 1966, in Dade City, Florida. He was an all-conference football and baseball at Zephyrhills High School and then attended the University of Florida on a scholarship to play baseball and football, but an injury his freshman year ended his NFL dreams and he focused on baseball. He then transferred to the University of South Florida, where he was an All-Sun Belt Conference player and a preseason All-American in 1987. He also played for the Falmouth Commodores of the Cape Cod Baseball League.
The Yankees drafted Eiland in the 7th round, #185 overall, of the 1987 draft. He rose quickly through the Yankee system, jumping from Low-A to A-ball in his debut season of 1987; he went a combined 9-3 with a 1.87 ERA and 0.960 WHIP in 91.2 innings.
The following year he started in Double-A, where he was an Eastern League All-Star after going 9-5 with a 2.56 ERA and 0.980 WHIP in 119.1 innings, and was promoted to Triple-A Columbus, where he made just one start before getting the call: The soon-to-be 37-year-old Ron Guidry pulled his hamstring and was going on the Disabled List. Eiland was called up to take his place in the rotation.
Eiland's debut on August 3, 1988, was against the Brewers in Milwaukee, and the first batter he faced was future Hall of Famer Paul Molitor. The third baseman welcomed the 22-year-old rookie to the Show by cranking a 1-2 slider to deep left-center for a home run.
"It was the first batter. It only counts for one run." -- Dave Eiland
Eiland settled down after that, allowing just two more hits and two walks in seven innings. But then Eiland's leg started cramping up -- in the sixth, manager Lou Piniella and trainer Gene Monahan went to the mound to check on him -- and he was pulled after the seventh inning. Closer Dave Righetti came in to get the final six outs in a game the Yankees were winning 5-1, and he was bombed for five runs on five hits while retiring just one batter, and the Yankees lost, 6-5.
Eiland made two more starts that year, but he lasted a total of just 5.2 innings while surrendering eight runs on 12 hits, two walks, and two hit batters. The big problem, as demonstrated by the very first batter he faced in the majors, was the long ball -- Eiland gave up five in those 5.2 innings!
The Yankees sent Eiland back down to Columbus after his start on August 17, and he spent the rest of the season down there. The following year he started in Triple-A again. The Yankees called him up in June and again he looked pretty good in his first start, holding the Texas Rangers to three runs over seven innings and getting his first major league win. But over the rest of the season he went 0-3 in five starts, with a 6.26 ERA and 1.683 WHIP in 27.1 innings (and giving up five home runs). Once again he rode the "Columbus Shuttle" and he spent the rest of the season in the minors, and began the 1990 season down there as well.
Eiland -- still just 23 years old -- dominated in Columbus that season, going 16-5 with a 2.87 ERA and 1.067 WHIP. He was named the International League Pitcher of the Year, and the Yankees made him a September call-up. He finally looked good enough in pinstripes -- 2-1, 3.56 ERA, 1.187 WHIP in 30.1 innings -- that he looked like he'd stick the next season.
He opened 1991 in the rotation, joining previously forgotten Yankee Tim Leary, Scott Sanderson, Chuck Cary, and Andy Hawkins... yikes. It was not a fun time to be a Yankee fan.
Eiland went 1-3 with a 4.75 ERA in nine starts before hurting his heel in May and going on the Disabled List. He came back in August, got two more starts -- giving up 11 runs in 8.2 innings -- and was put in the bullpen. (Eiland later said he came back before he'd fully recovered because he wanted to help the team.) He was given two starts at the end of the year, and looked pretty good -- in 12.0 innings, he gave up just three runs on nine hits and a walk.
But that winter, the Yankees made a series of roster moves, signing free agents Danny Tartabull and previously forgotten Yankees Mike Gallego and Mike Stanley; trading Steve Sax to the White Sox for Melido Perez, previously forgotten Yankee Bob Wickman, and Domingo Jean; and acquiring Charlie Hayes from the Phillies for Darrin Chapin. They needed to clear a spot on the 40-man roster. Eiland was designated for assignment, and he didn't like it.
"As far as I'm concerned, it was a stupid move on the part of the Yankees and I'm looking forward to leaving. I've done a lot more for them than some of the people they have kept. I guess I didn't fit into their plans. It doesn't make sense." -- Dave Eiland
He was promptly signed by the Padres, who put him at the end of their rotation for the upcoming 1992 season.
Eiland started the fifth game of the year against the Los Angeles Dodgers in San Diego. He allowed an RBI double to future Yankee Darryl Strawberry in the 1st inning, but future Yankee Gary Sheffield tied it up with an RBI triple in the bottom of the 1st. Eiland retired the side in order in the top of the 2nd.
In the bottom of the 2nd, a walk followed by two outs brought up Eiland with a man on second base. He was facing yet another future Yankee, Bob Ojeda, and drilled a 2-2 pitch to left-center for a two-run home run!
As Eiland had been in the American League his first four seasons -- no interleague play then -- he'd never come up as a batter before. And so he became the first player to allow a home run to the first batter he faced, and to hit a home run against the first pitcher he faced. It would be the only home run of his career.
"It was a fluke. I wish people would talk about my pitching instead of my hitting." -- Dave Eiland
Eiland pitched two seasons in San Diego, going 0-5 with a 5.38 ERA in 16 starts and one relief appearance. They released him the following May, and he signed with the Cleveland Indians. They sent him to Triple-A, where he made eight starts with the Charlotte Knights (1-3, 5.30 ERA) before being traded to the Texas Rangers, who kept him in Triple-A for the rest of the season (3-1, 4.54 ERA). A free agent after the season, he signed with the Yankees during spring training in 1994 and spent the next two seasons back in Columbus, going 9-6 with a 3.58 ERA in 1994 and 8-7 with a 3.14 ERA in 1995. The Yankees called him up on July 21 and he made one start and three relief appearances, going 1-1 with a 6.30 ERA in 10.0 innings.
He signed a minor league deal with the Cardinals for the 1996 season and pitched in eight games, going 0-1 with a 5.55 ERA in 24.1 innings, before getting released in June. Three days later he returned to the Yankees for a third stint, going 8-4 with a 2.92 ERA in Columbus in 15 starts. He was a September call-up for that magical 1996 season, but never got into a game.
Returning to the Yankees on a minor-league deal in 1997, the 30-year-old Eiland battled tendinitis and went 5-3 with a 6.42 ERA in 81.1 innings across three levels.
Eiland spent the next three years of his major league career in the Tampa Bay Devil Rays organization, splitting his time between the majors and minors as a swingman. He went 6-12 with a 6.54 ERA and 1.663 WHIP in 137.2 innings with the Devil Rays.
After the 2000 season, Eiland signed a minor league deal with the Oakland A's, but he tore his elbow and missed the entire season after getting Tommy John surgery. An attempted comeback in 2002 was ended when he retore the same ligament 51 weeks later. In those days, a second Tommy John surgery was thought to be a death sentence for a pitcher's elbow. Rather than attempting another comeback, he retired to become a pitching coach.
In interviews, Eiland -- with a career 12-27 record, with a 5.74 ERA and 1.563 WHIP -- said his major league struggles forced him to be a student of the game, and that would serve him well as a pitching coach.
“I didn’t have the God-given ability to get over the hump, so to speak. I kept getting chances because I did my work and I think that helps me in the coaching aspect. I work with guys now who have ability. I can teach them how to work, how to study film, how to read swings, how to attack guys.” -- Dave Eiland
He was a minor league pitching coach at various levels with the Yankees from 2003 to 2007, and was credited with helping the minor league development of the Yankees' trio of promising pitching prospects -- Phil Hughes, Joba Chamberlain, and Ian Kennedy.
After Joe Girardi replaced Joe Torre as Yankee manager in 2008, Eiland was named the team's pitching coach, a position he held for three seasons. He earned a ring as the pitching coach of the 2009 World Series champions.
Eiland's contract was not renewed after the 2010 season, with Brian Cashman giving the cryptic explanation: "He knows why. He was given conditions that needed to be followed. So he knows why." In June of that season, Eiland had taken a three-week leave of absence from the Yankees which was never explained beyond it being a family issue.
After the Yankees, Eiland worked in the Tampa Bay Rays' front office and then was a pitching coach for the Royals from 2012 to 2017 (winning a second World Series ring as a coach in 2015). He served as Mets pitching coach in 2018 and 2019, and Jacob deGrom, Zack Wheeler, and Steven Matz credited their improvement as pitchers to his guidance. In 2020 he managed the Eastern Reyes del Tigre in the independent Constellation Energy League. In 2021 he was a pitching coach in the independent Atlantic League, and in 2022 and 2023, a pitching coach for the Miami Marlins' Double-A team.
Eiland is now Head of Baseball for Grand Central Sports Management.
Eiland Living
"It's about perseverance. Hard work pays off. Maybe not right away, maybe not overnight. But eventually, it does." -- Dave Eiland
Ten seasons in the Show means a lot to ballplayers. Ten seasons means you're fully vested in the pension plan. It also means you are eligible to appear on the Hall of Fame ballot (though the Baseball Writers' Association of America doesn't have to put you on the ballot, and they didn't put Eiland on it). Dave Eiland, a pitcher who described himself as someone who "worked really hard to be mediocre," worked hard enough to last 10 seasons in the majors, and that's pretty impressive.
He's also the answer to a cool trivia question and was in a pretty good baseball movie.
Definitely a Yankee worth remembering!
submitted by sonofabutch to NYYankees [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:06 Life_Independence409 25 and pullow humping

hello, I am 25 years old and I have been pillow humping ever since childhood. this is the only way I can feel good. I've tried to do other ways to masturbate but nothing even feels good. I even bought a masturbation device, but it doesn't satisfy me. I hump my pillow 1 to 6 times a day. depends on how I feel. My problem is also I always watch porn when I hump my pillow. I am obsessed with it, but after I orgasm, I feel bad but I still do it couple times a day. Is that normal to hump your pillow so much and is it normal that you can't feel good trying other masturbation techniques. ?
submitted by Life_Independence409 to u/Life_Independence409 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:48 richardlovesspace If you are depressed, avoid dark places. You won't like what is waiting for you there.

It’s been some time before I had gotten a chance to go back home. I went to Canada for my university and am currently looking for work. The economy was down the shitter, my friends from uni all dispersed into their own adult lives and I was stuck alone in my apartment staring at a dwindling list of relevant job offers online.
I’d started staying up later and later, where the first sunlight was usually also the last natural light I would see before crashing on my couch. I was at my limit, not enjoying much of anything, and all my senses feeling numb. I was just pushing on through to the next day.
I’d decided to save up some money to return back to my family for a short while, just a few weeks to decompress and see if that would help me.
I come from one of the smaller cities in mid-western Germany. There’s absolutely nothing notable about it other than being located near the forest where my ancestors fought back the Romans. But the people are nice, as far as Germans go. We are a weird people, I admit. Outwardly cold towards those we don’t know, until we get together for a few beers or a piece of cake, after which you would think we were friends our entire lives.
But that’s exactly what I wanted then. If I managed to get out of my hole to grab a coffee, those trained smiles just reminded me of how miserable I was. I needed the gruffness of my Fatherland and the reality of my own family.
My arrival and the first few days went about as well as I’d anticipated. I was greeted with hugs and kisses and had to tell the same stories about a hundred times before crashing on my old bed. Even at home, I barely managed to get outside. I’d stay up, smoke and drink on the balcony before letting sleep carry me through the day. My family was understandably worried. I hadn’t really told them the extent of how shitty I had been feeling.
They tried their best, considering they didn’t really know how to deal with my mental status. It wasn’t their fault, their words weren’t reaching me. At least, they managed to figure out pretty quickly to drop the subject for now, attempting instead to simply cheer me up by being themselves and acting as if everything was normal. It worked for me, even if it wasn’t quite the reality check I needed. I even managed to get up early enough to see them at breakfast. I still remember the soft smiles they gave me when they saw me. I shrugged, sat down, and ate some eggs.
One day, an old high school friend, Max, who had also managed to make his way back home and had heard of my arrival, hit me up via text and asked if I wanted to go on a walk. I wanted to decline but at the same time, I felt bad enough that I had never once texted him and now here he was, inviting me.
We used to live close together, so all he needed to do was pick me up at home. We decided to retread our old childhood stomping grounds in the forest that bordered our suburb. It’s the same forest I mentioned earlier, by the way.
As he rang the doorbell, I was overcome by this terrible anxiety. How would he see me? What would he think of me?
I opened the door and he immediately smiled and said, “How are you, you fucking ghost?”
I couldn’t help but grin and we hugged.
“Could be better, bro. You know how it is,” I replied.
“Ain’t that the truth,” he chuckled and beckoned me outside. (I will be paraphrasing some of what was said as I’m translating it. Otherwise, I would just sound off.)
As we hiked through the down-trodden dirt paths, through the luscious trees, bright green and alight with the sounds of birds chirping away, we barely said a word to each other. I guess he understood what I was going through, perhaps heard the bare minimum from whoever told him I was even here. At the time, I thought he pitied me and that’s why he came to pick me up.
We exchanged the odd question about what we were doing. For me, nothing. He was training to become a nurse, which honestly surprised me seeing as he always was more one for making jokes and sleeping in class rather than being passionate about helping people. But who was I to judge?
We decided to walk up the hill further into the woods. Unlike the miles and miles of dark green conifers you might be picturing from North America, this forest is more of a mixture of beeches, birches, and fir trees. Most areas are well-lit, as the sun has enough space to seep through. However, I’ve always felt it gives you a false sense of security. You think you can see everything but in the end, it is still you, alone in the woods, dismissing every shadow or sign of movement as leaves and branches when in reality you really have no idea what might be lurking behind those tree trunks. Another aspect is that while the paths seem to form a natural clearing, it is just as easy to get lost, mistaking a more flat patch on the ground for a man-made path, just because the leaves don’t obscure the sun, letting the forest swallow you up with ease.
I realized then that I’d never been aware of that until now. I’ve always seen the woods as our kingdom, as nature inviting us to be free and just be children.
“Something wrong?” Max asked.
“Forest seems different. Might just be me though.”
Max nodded and replied, “I get what you mean. Seems less friendly now that we’re older, doesn’t it.”
Max stopped for a second and frowned, before suggesting, “Listen. One thing is actually different. You remember the meadow, with the river and the bridge?”
“You recall that concrete bunker that was next to it. We always just thought it was something to do with the power grid.”
I did remember it. I remembered the way it stood out as an ugly minimalist block, threatening the serenity of nature. The graffiti didn’t help. We would usually stay away, not minding it.
I nodded.
“Well, that one is gone…but…uh…there’s another one. Popped up a while ago, don’t know when exactly. Lisa’s Aunt noticed it while walking her dog. Wanna check it out?”
I raised my eyebrow, “Why would we wanna do that?”
“I don’t know man. I’m trying my best here.” I could sense his desperation, reminding me of my parents, seeing me every night before they went to bed, asking me to hang out with them.
I shrugged, grabbed his shoulders, and said, “Lead the way then.”
He gave me a weak smile and we walked on.
Indeed, the structure was, in terms of how it was built, identical to the one we saw as kids. We walked around it, checking every angle. There really was nothing remarkable about it but something was finally stirring inside my cold heart. A sense of adventure, something new and unexpected to be discovered. I didn’t know how long it would last but I wanted to cling onto it and keep it inside me for as long as I could.
We found a door on one side, reading “No Authorized Access”.
Max poked me and asked, “Is it just me or does this door look different from the old one?”
It did. “There’s a handle on this one and…no lock. The old one just had a keyhole. I suppose it was so It was harder to open from the outside.”
I looked around, trying to get a better lay of the land, “Have you noticed something else?”
Max tried to follow my eyes, “What?”
“There are no powerlines or towers. The old one had those too.”
“Maybe it’s underground. Save the trees and all of that.”
“Maybe..,” I responded.
Max took another walk around the box, shouting from the other side, “Nobody has tagged it yet, either!”
“Can’t be that old then…Come back and give me a lift!”
Max helped me onto the roof. There was nothing, not even an HVAC box.
“Bro, what do you see!”
“Nothing, Max. Not a thing.”
I jumped back down and looked at my friend. We both started to grin. This little detour had just turned into a bonafide mystery.
“I guess there’s only one thing to do now,” I said, looking at the door handle.
“I guess you’re right.”
We both didn’t move a muscle, exchanging glances.
Max took a step back, holding his hands up: “Why don’t you go ahead.”
“Do it then, big guy.”
“Alright. Alright.” I slowly placed my hands on the handle, as if it may be electrified, and tried twisting it. Nothing happened.
I could feel Max deflate behind me but I wouldn’t give up. I tried it with some more force and noticed the door buckle. I wouldn’t stop now. I was feeling good. I kept pushing and pulling, using my foot against the wall for more force.
Finally, the door gave way and with it, I fell backward, crashing into leaves and dirt.
Max was equally shocked and amused, “Okay then, big guy. You go to the gym?”
“Not really. The door must’ve just rusted shut,” I said as I got back up and dusted myself off.
We both took a look inside but couldn’t see anything. But it was more than that. There was a thick wall of darkness, just past the precipice of the doorway. No light from the forest dared to enter it. Even the birds seemed frightened, enveloping both of us in absolute silence.
We tried to make anything out inside but we couldn’t. It was just black. I got out my phone and turned on the flashlight, shining it inside. It barely managed to penetrate, forcing me to get closer and closer. It felt a chill come from this portal I had just opened up.
“Nah, man. This ain’t right.” Max huffed behind me.
“Just give me a second.” I got as close to the opening as I was comfortable with and held my phone out. My fingers brushed past the boundary and it was running them under icy cold water. I shuddered but tried to steady my arm.
“I can make out a hallway. That’s it. I think it splits just a bit further in.” I told Max.
“Cool. Cool. You want to lead the way then?”
“You brought me here. Why don’t you go first? I opened the damn thing.”
“Exactly…finders keepers.”
“Aren’t nurses supposed to be able to be brave or something?”
“First of all, nurse-in-training. Second of all, you’re thinking of firefighters and thirdly, what the fuck do you mean brave? It’s like staring into the Marianna’s trench. This doesn’t seem natural.”
“I mean…It’s not. Somebody built it.”
“Yeah. That somebody clearly doesn’t want anybody to enter.”
I got agitated. He had brought me here, he agreed to open the door. Why did he want to ruin this for me? Isn’t this what he wanted? Isn’t this what everybody at home wants for me? To finally fucking act and not just waste away in my room?
“You can stand guard,” I replied gruffly.
Max put his hands in the air, took another look at me, and said, “You owe me a drink after this.,” before taking out his phone and turning the flashlight on.
I felt my anger vanish and we proceeded inside. We were definitely not dressed warm enough. As soon as both of us passed through the doorway, we took one last look at the forest behind us. There was nobody there to save us. We were alone. Maybe, I shouldn’t make Max do this. He was right. Something was very wrong here. I could feel my heartbeat fastening and my confidence replaced with fear.
Max took the first step forward and said, “At least the door won’t suddenly close on us.”
“I suppose so,” I replied following after him, hyping myself up. I wanted this. I needed this, I kept thinking to myself.
The first few meters were easy, as long as the light and escape were still clearly behind us. But we both felt it. There was a pressure here and the further we went in, the more it told us to leave.
We made it towards the end and indeed there was a split.
“Which way, boss?” Max asked.
I paused, shining my light in both directions. It looked to be more of the same.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked Max.
Max gave me an agitated look and sighed, “You wanted this, right? And I don’t abandon my friends.”
His words stung. I looked at my feet in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t text or call.”
I could make out his smile and he replied, slapping my back: “It’s alright, bro. I get it. Gotta make up for lost time now at least.”
“Yeah…,” I responded weakly.
“So which way?”
“No idea. Got a preference?”
“Well, the left is one shade of pitch black and the right is another shade…I’ll pick right. Always my favorite side.”
“Right, it is,” I proclaimed.
We walked on, leaving the safety of the front door only in our memories.
Slowly inching forward, our flashlights barely made a dent into the void. There was no glass, no doors, just concrete and the linoleum floor.
After a little while Max tapped on my back, “Hey, did you notice something?”
I stopped, “No. What’s up?”
“This whole box wasn’t more than a few meters wide, right?”
“I did take me like two or free steps to get around.”
“Well…,” he held his arms up.
“How long have we been walking in here?”
“Exactly. How the fuck is that possible?”
“It isn’t it…”
Not only did this structure come out of nowhere, it also had complete disregard for the laws of physics. First, the light, which we simply waved away but now this? I was beginning to wonder whether this was worth it, after all, torn between my need for excitement and a basic fear of the unknown.
As if to answer us, our flashlights made out an irregularity ahead of us. It was another door.
We made our way closer to the door and Max slowly tried out the handle. The door opened into more black nothingness, where this time our light managed to illuminate even less. Max took another step and suddenly he was gone.
I blinked for a second, only to hear him scream and hear his voice draw further and further away from me. Running towards the doorframe, I only caught a glimpse of a bright dot falling further and further into an abyss, we both had failed to see.
“MAAAAAX!? MAAAAX!” I called out to him several times but he was nowhere to be seen. Even his flashlight had been swallowed up
I continued shouting out his name but there was no response. I was suddenly very alone, very scared, and very much ashamed.
Max was down there because of me, because I craved adventure so much in my boring unfulfilled existence that I was willing to not only risk my life but his as well. We both looked inside this alien box and knew something was wrong, yet I decided to go in anyway. Even, if it wasn’t dangerous, it was likely still very illegal. I’ve destroyed public property, entered a sealed-off area, and made my friend an accessory to my crime. A friend who had just been swallowed up by what looked to be a night sky without stars, utterly devoid of life.
Then I heard it. It was a faint moan, barely audible but coming from below.
I peeked my head past the doorway, again shouting, “Max!? Are you there?!”
The only response was more moaning. I grabbed my phone and tried to find anything to guide me. It couldn’t just be a giant hole, could it? I nearly dropped my phone, the more desperately I tried to make something out.
There was a little overhang, just past the doorway. I got on all fours and crawled forward, shining my flashlight around me.
Max’s moans didn’t cease.
“Don’t worry, bro. I-I’m gonna come get you!” I didn’t really believe in the words I was saying.
That wasn’t until I noticed something in the overhang. Just to my left, it went down but when I looked closely, I saw that the drop was only a few centimeters. I slithered to my left and tried to follow the small drop. Indeed, just past the first one followed another similar decrease. Steps!
They were hard to make out, seeing as the floor was as black as its surroundings but the texture was different. They didn’t particularly leave a lot of room to actually stand on, explaining why Max had so easily stumbled past them into the opening. If I was careful enough, I could manage my way down.
So, I stood up and took my first few steps deeper into the void, my flashlight as my only companion. Every move felt like a gamble. Would I reach the next step, stumble, or completely lose my balance and fall into the hole? I made damn sure to hug the wall, clearly cruved. It must've been a circle and a massive one at that. While I couldn’t make out the door where I came from, I noticed quickly that it took a lot longer to traverse this staircase, than I’d imagined.
One more step and suddenly, I fell. I either missed a step or there was none. Everything looked the same, like nothing. I almost felt weightless, like drifting through the cosmos. There was no sound and almost no draft of air resisting my falling body. If not for my apparent ability to breathe and scream, you could be fooled into thinking this whole structure was housing a dark vacuum, ready to swallow any outside life into its empty space.
I screamed and screamed as I fell but the longer I dropped, the less energy I had to scream. Flailing around in desperation, I tried to reach around me in the hopes of grasping a ledge, even if it would rip my arms out of their sockets. No luck. I just kept falling down that impossibly deep hole.
All I kept thinking was, how could’ve Max survived the fall? Did I mistake his death screams echoing out as pained groans?
But I would soon get my answer.
Trying to think back to it, the fall must’ve taken about 5 minutes, more or less. That kind of distance in the real world would likely see you ending up as a pancake, but in this madhouse, a fall like that simply ended up with a broken phone and you lying on damp concrete, disoriented and sore from a somewhat rough landing. No doubt, my impact still hurt but I was alive. I tried to sit up. My head was pounding and I could feel the scrapes all over my body.
I stumbled around in the darkness, stumbling over what I felt to be my broken phone. Turning around was like turning in a corn maze.
“MAX! MAAAAX!” I shouted. If he was still alive, he must be able to hear me, right?
“Julian…?” I heard Max’s voice somewhere from my right, “I’m here…over here.”
His voice sounded weak and scared, “Quickly.”
“I’m coming, bro!” I slowly made my way towards the direction his voice came from until I eventually fell over something.
“Ouch! What the fuck!” Max creied out in pain.
I scrambled and finally, my hands made their way to his shoulder. I couldn’t help but give him a hug.
“I thought…,” I decided not to say it.
“Bro, I’m hurt. Get off me already.” He groaned at me.
“How long did you fall for?” I asked, just to ascertain whether I was making something up.
“A few good minutes. Honestly don’t know how I survived, but I landed on my fucking ankle. It’s done for, Justin.”
“Let me help you…,” I reached around him and helped him up.
“Now what?” he asked.
I couldn’t see him. The darkness was too powerful, even more suffocating down here. But it felt good to hold him, know somebody was there.
I tried to force a chuckle and said, “Original exit is not an option anymore.”
I don’t know why but I could feel Max staring daggers at me.
He sighed and said, “Let’s walk in one direction, find a wall, and walk around.”
“Like in a Maze…”
“The best way to escape a maze is to pick a wall and stick to it, no matter what. Sooner or later, you will find an exit,” I explained.
“Makes sense. Where did you hear that?”
“Internet. Spent a lot of time there.”
“I figured…,” He said almost wistfully, “What does the internet say about impossible, fucking, black hellscapes?”
“Don’t go in…”
“I fucking hate you…,” Max said.
Something dropped in my stomach, that feeling of having disappointed someone you hold dearly.
I asked, “Do you mean that?”
Max snorted and responded, “Depends on if we make it out of here, buddy.”
We walked and walked. Max’s phone also broke, so we had to just commit to a direction and hope for the best.
We kept going strong but soon both our bodies became weary. We became thirsty and hungry and our bruised selves were starting to slow down. Every moment we were hoping to just run into a wall and break our noses, shouting in pain and joy but that stop never came.
We barely said a word to each other, just holding out our arms around us.
I was the first to break down, almost taking Max along with me on my way to my knees. I couldn’t help but start sobbing. The was a constant back and forth in my head, as my mind raced from each moment I fucked up and what I should’ve done better.
Never should’ve entered the building. Never should’ve forced Max to come with me. Should’ve run out and asked for help when he fell…I should’ve never come back.
A dark thought passed through. If I had died in Canada, my parents wouldn’t have known of it for some time, staying blissfully ignorant and happy, thinking that their son was trying their best. If I were to disappear in these woods, in this hole, it wouldn’t take them as long. Their devastation, sorrow, and grief would come much quicker.
Again, when I think about it now, it seems like such a strange line of reasoning but in the end, I know now as I did then what my mind was trying to tell me: You’ve fucked up.
Max tried to console me, “Don’t worry. We’re going to make it. Other people have seen this place. Maybe somebody will come and find us.”
“I’m sorry,” was all I could get out.
“I know, buddy,” this time Max held me.
And so we just remained there for a bit, hugging it out, trying to get some relief out of our situation.
We would venture onwards, the reality dawning on us that the bottom of this hole was larger than we could’ve imagined.
At some point, we couldn’t take it anymore. Exhausted, we decided to take a break and sat down. Max, took his jacket bundled it up, and used it as a pillow to raise his ankle. I couldn’t help but look around, knowing I wouldn’t make out anything.
Eventually, my head felt weary and I followed Max’s idea and used my jacket as a pillow.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m tired…,” I responded.
“Yes. Fall asleep.”
“Hey! Don’t judge me. You sat down first.”
Max said: “I didn’t say anything.”
As if electrocuted, every hair on my body stood up and I became tense, my eyes staring widely into the abyss above me.
“What?” I asked.
“I didn’t say anything…,” Max answered.
We both stood up, gripping our jackets and each other.
“Just rest…,” a voice said again.
It was close, somewhere around us. It sounded human and comforting but upon hearing it again it was clear that it wasn’t mine or Max’s.
We started turning in circles, on guard for anything to come out at us.
Max whispered, “I say we run as fast as we can.”
“Got it.”
The voice appeared again, “Don’t run….be with me.”
It sent a shudder down our spines. It was different this time. Before it was a male voice, now it sounded like the soothing tone of a mother tucking you into bed at night.
“GO!” Max shouted and we booked it.
Admittedly, given our circumstances, we could've known it was pointless but our need to survive took over.
We ran as fast as we could, as fast as our tired legs allowed us. Max’s ankle wasn't helping.
Then there it was: In the distance, we saw a light.
There was hope and that propelled us to pick up the pace just a little.
Arm in arm, we made our way towards the bright spot in the distance. I could hear Max’s moans get increasingly more severe. He wouldn’t be able to take much more.
Then the light moved, ever so slightly.
I stopped us in our tracks.
“Shhhh,” I said to Max.
The light almost danced, left to right and up and down. We couldn’t help but follow it. As it danced it became bigger and brighter.
“Oh shit…” Max whispered.
We hunkered down, but we knew it was too late. It was moving towards us.
Oh shit, oh fuck, oh my fucking god,” Max was losing it.
I slapped his shoulder, “Get it together.”
With the light, a figure appeared in the darkness. It followed the light, almost floating towards us. We had to shield our eyes from the bobbing, ball that illuminated us. We had been in the dark so long that it felt as if we were looking into the sun.
The orb moved to be just above us and the figure stopped about two or three meters from us, its back still covered in darkness. It looked like a woman, pale yet beautiful and naked.
“Please stay.” she said, “I’ll make you comfortable.”
Max shouted, “Just let us leave! Please!”
The figure receded back into the darkness and reappeared behind us, now a man, just as pale and handsome.
Max gripped me harder.
I asked, “How many are you?”
The man responded, “Only one…but I can be many,” It looked at me and tilted its head, “Why did you come here?”
“We just wanted to explore…,” I said.
“You did. Your friend did not.”
My heart froze over but Max tapped my shoulder.
“I wouldn’t just abandon my friend like that,” he answered.
The creature moved closer to Max, “I don’t want you…You are no good to me anymore.”
Something came from the darkness and snatched Max. Even with the light, I couldn’t make it out. A black mass entangled Max’s legs and lifted him up.
I managed to hold onto him and a tug of war began, all the while Max was screaming. It nearly got dragged with him but after a while, he seemed to have been released and dropped back onto the floor.
This time he hit his head and was knocked out cold. I checked on him but apart from a pulse and shallow breathing, there was no response.
“Curious,” the man said, “The way you fight back…Maybe I misjudged you.”
It came closer again. I could hear a large mass dragging and a foul smell emanating from the man’s direction. I had to cover my nose for a second.
“What do you want from me?” I asked.
“Your darkness. It gives me pleasure.”
“What darkness?”
“Why were you drawn to this place? Why wasn’t your friend?”
“I just wanted to explore, wanted to do something.”
“Mmmm…yes…but didn’t this place strike you as unusual?”
I looked down.
“Yes. You embraced the darkness. Why?”
“You seem to know why.”
There was a guttural sound, profoundly unsettling and unholy. It sounded like laughter. Once again, the figure vanished and appeared beside me, now a young woman, closer to my age.
“You want to stay here, don’t you? Let the darkness around you match the one inside your mind.”
My hands became fists, “What are you talking about?”
“Do you really care where you are? The end would be just the same and just as welcomed. Your parents would be devastated either way.”
I twitched slightly. Did it know what I was thinking?
“I don’t want to fucking die!” I resisted.
“But you don’t care if you do,” it responded and it was right.
My body went limp and again there was that unnatural laughter. The girl took a deep breath and smiled, “Ah yes…Despair. Humans are full of it.”
“Human? What are you?”
The figure smiled and the orb lowered to be just above my head. My eyes widened. As I followed it, I could see a long, thin stretch of skin elongate towards the figure, which was now raised up in the air, and in front of me were eyes, large, black, and too many to count, paired with one enormous row of sharp teeth.
That was about as much as I could and wanted to make out.
It spoke again, its maw unmoving and its voice a cacophony of seemingly thousands of different people speaking in unison, “See me.”
I wanted to run but I knew it was futile. Besides, Max was still lying by my feet. I wouldn’t just leave him with this monster.
I couldn’t help but my body began to shake and I was beginning to hyperventilate.
“Yes!” the creature droned, all its eyes fixed on me.
Kneeling down, I felt the darkness encroach on me.
What could it do? Should I just submit? Maybe I could bargain to save Max and at least do one good thing with my life.
I thought about it. In the end, what would happen if I made it out of this? Nothing good. I would be back to my same old, miserable life only now with the knowledge that creatures like this exist. What if this wasn’t the only one? What if there were more? Why did I have to go inside? Why? Why? Why?
My mind was spiraling once again.
I could feel the monster drawing closer, soaking in my misery.
Why wouldn’t it just take me? Why make me choose? Was it savoring me?
I asked, “Why not just get it over with?”
“Mmmm…Simple. Your total submission is the ultimate meal, the only way to make you mine.”
“What if I refuse…”
It laughed and Its whole mass was shaking, “I am older than your human history could ever conceive. I will wait. Others will come and one day you will find your way back to me. I’m not bound here. I live in your darkness.”
“That’s it?” I couldn’t believe it, trying to hide my fear in a simple response.
“That’s it…You will remember me. He won’t. You will come back to me. Of that, I have no doubt. My darkness will always be there to comfort you.”
I took another look at Max and remembered the way he initially asked me to come out and now here he is, stuck with me and this abomination. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help but smile.
He really was there for me.
“I want to leave. You are just another thing in my life. Another thing I will get over, just like I always do.”
The creature drew back a little, but I could make out how its teeth were forming a smile.
“So be it,” it said and suddenly everything went dark.
And just like that there was light again. I was lying on the concrete floor in a room, filled with a huge generator and other electrical boxes. Just ahead of me was light, not some false promise but sunlight. It was the door I had broken down earlier, illuminating my face. In the end, unobscured by some kind of eldritch magic, it really had just been a small building to do with the power grid.
Max was next to me, also waking up.
“What the fuck happened? How did we fall asleep and why do we look like shit?” He asked.
I was almost relieved. I didn’t want him to remember but I also didn’t have an adequate explanation. I simply helped him up. His ankle was still messed up and we humped out back into the forest.
It couldn’t have been more than maybe a few hours, if even. The sun had barely moved.
I helped him back to my house, where I called him an ambulance to look at his injury. The entire time he was asking questions, I had no answer. I simply said that he tripped on a loose wire, twisted his ankle, and took me with him. He didn’t believe me but he also didn’t press further. I don’t think he really ever trusted me after that. Again, I could live with that. I had other concerns and I was happy that he wouldn’t have to live with what I had dragged him into.
While I would like to say it ended there, it wasn’t quite so.
What we went through and what I had made Max endure, the memory of it or not, stayed with me, sending daggers through my heart. Then there was the unavoidable reality of what that monster had said to me.
I tried to forget and move on. I even went back to Canada, trying to pick up my life. But I began having nightmares, constantly avoiding dark spaces and sleeping with all my lights on.
I recently even started going to therapy. It was less to get better but almost more as a declaration of a fight. That thing would not see me again. I had to get better.
Well, I still don’t have a job, which is partly why I’m writing this here, seeing what others have witnessed here, made me think it was as good a place as any to tell my story.
Therapy helped a little but my life is still not what I wanted it to be, but I’m trying to stay positive. Yet, I am afraid. What if I’m just lying to myself?
Every time, I feel my inner void getting the best of me, I try to think back. I think back to my family accepting me as I am and how my friend decided to follow me into a hellhole, just because he didn’t want to leave me alone.
Recently, I decided to take a walk through the local park, during the day of course. Passing by the bathrooms, my eyes drifted and Instead of the halogen lamps, I saw only darkness. I’ve convinced myself that it was stress, some kind of PTSD, but I can’t be sure. I put my head down and kept walking.
So here’s a bit of advice. Be happy. Trust me, I know it’s hard, but there’s always something. Find things to be happy about, because if you don’t something else might find you instead.
submitted by richardlovesspace to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:41 Sad-Mastodon-7252 I started masterbating when I was 4 years old accidentally with a pillow. Never stopped. AMA

I am not sure what it did to my brain. I humped my pillow everyday since I was 4, and only realized I was masturbating when I was 25. I am 32F with high sexual drive. And only lately enjoyed penetration. I started having sex when I was 21 with my first bf. It was painful, never enjoyed sex with all my boyfriends. It was like torture and did it until he finishes. I only get turned on, never cummed at that time. Only enjoyed sex when I was drunk or with my pillow. I lately met a guy who taught me about sex. And at the age of 32, I finally can have sex sober and orgasm, and actually enjoy penetration. The key is to release and relax. Lol AMA
submitted by Sad-Mastodon-7252 to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 23:49 Furious_Walker I wish my dog would stop humping my pillow and any other inanimate object in the house.

submitted by Furious_Walker to monkeyspaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:14 44Alicia Looking for soft toy/squeaky toy recommendations for my aggressive chewer

Looking for soft toy/squeaky toy recommendations for my aggressive chewer
Hi! I’m looking for some advice about the best/favorite soft toys for pitbulls who are very aggressive chewers. My Ronan (4yo) looooves squeaky toys and anything plush and fuzzy, but every toy I’ve tried that’s advertised as “super durable” or “indestructible” he rips apart in less than a few hours. He’s very high energy so walking him regularly, playing tug of war, fetch, and giving him toys with treats hidden in them for him to figure out helps diminish some of that overstimulation, but he still finds more enjoyment in humping pillows and fuzzy blankets lol. The only thing that’s lasted months with limited destruction is a children’s 4 foot bear that I took the plastic eyes off, but even that led to stuffing everywhere that I was cleaning up constantly and eventually had to toss. He’s just a sweet soft boy who wants soft things but he doesn’t know he’s so strong!
submitted by 44Alicia to PitBullOwners [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:05 TheChickenWizard15 My cat (female, fixed) just tried to hump my neck. I feel violated.

I'm already feeling pretty irritated by cats as of late, and was trying to find some positivity in living with them by getting some cuddle time with one of them tonight. I was just lying on my back when one of my family's cats just came and flopped on my belly, and for what it's worth it was relaxing for a little bit. Then she started doing that kneading thing while biting my shirt, walked up my chest and started biting my pillow, setting her ass right on my neck. Before I could get her off she started vibrating and humping my damn neck! I tossed her out of my room amd have just been in a bitter state since. Aparently it's not unusual behavior, even in fixed and female cats, but nonetheless it feels pretty disgusting and just soured the whole experience. As I said in ny last post here I'm definitely looking forward to the day I don't live with cats anymore, and I certainly haven't changed my mind on that after this experience.
submitted by TheChickenWizard15 to catfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:05 rhysandsstarlight i saw blood in my pee and im terrified.....

im still a virgin. im ovulating currently and i was dry humping my pillow as i was watching p**n. after i was done, i went into pee asap and there was red. my period was over 2 weeks ago and now im very concerned as to what this is.
the skin around my vagina also has been looking weird to me recently. did i tear my hymen? what is all this blood supposed to mean?
also, im sure it isn't related to this but blood was coming out of my anus everytime i had a pooped. it stopped for a while after i showed it to a doctor and got diagnosed with nothing. today i saw it again and there was alot of blood. i have never seen this much blood come out, it was excessive.
submitted by rhysandsstarlight to sexeducation [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:48 Main-Preference-4850 Is my dog neutered?

So I have a four year old dog that we got as a puppy, he is a mut but a DNA test proves he is mostly a yellow lab. When we got him, we were told by the shelter that he was neutered. He humps a lot of things, however. He used to hump anything he saw; our leg, our whole selves if we sat down, pillows, blankets, stools, etc. Now, though, he only humps blankets and pillows. He does hump these things quite often, and just today I saw him as he finished; his penis was out, erect, and at the base I saw two large balls. As the point of a neutering is removal of the testicles, I am asking: Do you think my dog was really neutered? Is there a way I could tell without taking him to a vet? Why might the shelter have claimed he was neutered if he isn't?
Update: I can't believe so many people saw this in such a short time! Thank you all, I realized what I saw was just the bulbus glands.
submitted by Main-Preference-4850 to PetAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:09 PrincessJoeDirt Is it wrong for me (24F) to hate my bf (35M) dog?

Is it wrong for me to hate my partners dog
I have always been a dog lover but since meeting his dog, I have slowly become a dog hater.
Backstory — we met from our mutual love for our dogs. It was thoroughly expressed at the beginning of our relationship how much passion/love we had for our pets. Mine: long haired, female, older dog. His: short hair, male, younger dog.
This butthole of a dog; jumps on you, marks on everything, can’t walk without pulling, barks at everything, humps at dog parks, steals toys/balls, literally uses a house and a car like it’s a jungle gym, destroys all toys, whining constantly, sheds like crazy (short hair so it’s like needles), howls when you leave him for 2 mins, NO RECALL and worst of all… sleeps in the bed.
My dog: trained so well she could be a service dog and only sheds twice a year. She is SO mannered, I can’t even explain all traits she possesses. Her only “cons” she very protective (doesn’t like other dogs in her bed or touching my purse and barks 3 times when someone rings the door bell) Recently she’s been very yappie when playing fetch with over dogs.
I’m on the verge of ending this relationship out of hatred for this ballsack. I’ve expressed my need for his dog to be trained. Especially since now my dog is picking up bad habits (pulled on the leash, barking in the car, whining).
I’ve told him my rules for the house, which I don’t think are unreasonable; No dogs on the couch while eating there, no playing/scratching the couch, dogs don’t sit on top on the couch/in the pillows, No dogs under the sheets in the bed/no sleeping in the bed, dogs sleep in there own beds, certain toys are not shared, no dogs in the garden, no begging, dogs sit nicely in the backseat of the car, no jumping on people and dogs wait for permission before jumping on the bed/couch. He always agrees but NOTHING changes!!!
His dog is not stupid, it has so much potential to be an amazing dog. I’m showing him how to train it, but he’s not consistent to see a difference.
This issue is, he think his dog has no faults. The dog will be humping another dogs and he laughs! Like wtf go get your dog. He’s dog will sneeze, he like ”I think my dog is sick” but if I hurt myself he like “oh are you okay”. He doesn’t think his dogs sheds but it’s EVERYWHERE. We have been dating for 2 years and his dog is still his background on his phone….
I’m over not being his top priority and I’ve expressed that but I don’t think it will change. I want to grow together but I think this dog will always come before me.
The WORST OF WORST, he want to breed this horrible creature and have another one of its puppy’s. I will not! I don’t believe in having the same dog breed more than once and I definitely don’t believe in having a dog that is unruly/doesn’t work for your lifestyle.
AITAH for having this hate or is this normal?
submitted by PrincessJoeDirt to u/PrincessJoeDirt [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:37 Far-War-3804 A22 SPECIAL FORCES RESCUE Military and Civilian J6ers from Deep State PRISON. April 22, 2024.

A22 SPECIAL FORCES RESCUE Military and Civilian J6ers from Deep State PRISON. April 22, 2024.
SPECIAL FORCES RESCUE Military and Civilian J6ers from Deep State PRISON. April 22, 2024.
United States Special Forces on April 7 raided a Deep State prison in the Aleutian Islands and freed 27 patriotic political prisoners whose only crime was peacefully visiting the Capitol on January 6, 2021, sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
As reported last week, GITMO detainee Matthew Graves, a D.C. district attorney, tended to talk in his sleep, pejoratively slandering President Trump and espousing vitriol toward the MAGA coalition. His nocturnal ramblings included the words “Rura Penthe,” a Klingon penal asteroid, and “Adak,” an Aleutian Island and former military base 1,200 miles from Anchorage. Graves had also said the name “Matthew Bradford,” a Marine Corps captain who disappeared shortly after visiting the Capitol on J6.
Admiral Crandall found meaning in Graves’ hateful twaddle. He suspected that Graves had unknowingly disclosed the name and location of a covert Deep State jail housing J6ers the feds had captured and imprisoned without due process, unlawfully depriving them of liberty, property, and, perhaps, life. He shared his suspicions about Adak Island with the White Hat council.
The former Adak Navy Air Facility (NAF) sits in the center of the Aleutian chain. It was built in 1942 as a forward base to attack then-Japanese-held islands in the Pacific and repurposed in the 1950s as escalating tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union plunged much of the world into a Cold War. NAF’s peak activity occurred in the early 80s when 6,000 military personnel and civilian contractors lived on the isolated 79,200-acre base, which occupied three-fifths of Adak Island. In early 1991, as the global tensions de-escalated and the Cold War wound down, the Defense Department’s reduction of forces initiative led to the systematic reassignment of the base’s occupants. The DOD formally shuttered NAF on March 31, 1997, and the once sparsely populated tundra became depopulated again, its only remaining inhabitants 45 hermetic natives and rotating Department of Environmental Conservation survey teams.
Though devoid of a significant population, the fogged-in island has a controlled airport managed by the State of Alaska Department of Transportation. Alaska Airlines flies 737s, mostly cargo and DEC employees, into Adak Airport twice weekly.
General Smith, our source said, pulled strings to have a U.S. surveillance satellite point its high-resolution optics at the airfield and crumbling base replete with prefabricated houses in various stages of decay and earthen bunkers made of steel and stone. The base even had a McDonald’s, its golden arches split in half; Big Macs no longer served. The satellite’s brief orbit over Adak imaged only three bodies standing next to a grass-covered ferrocement bunker. No airplanes were on the runway.
“Three guards were hardly a Deep State army, but the general felt there could’ve been more, including the hostages, in buildings the satellite didn’t penetrate,” our source said.
Our source said the images crystallized in Gen. Smith an urgency to rescue the hostages and hold their jailors accountable.
“If they’ve been moved, someone there will know where they are now,” the general told the White Hat Council.
He coordinated the rescue op with his allies at 1st Special Forces Command. They ruled out a sea-based operation because sending a ship from GITMO to the Bearing Sea would take too long and be too conspicuous. They saw one workable option: landing a plane, neutralizing the opposition, and flying the prisoners to safety—a risky endeavor since only a thousand feet of open ground lay between the runway and NAF’s dilapidated infrastructure,
Their plan seemed simple on paper. A 6,000-foot parachute jump. Secure the airfield and terminate any federal presence. Rescue the hostages. Meanwhile, the plane would loiter above the island until Special Forces requested extraction, when the plane would land to recover all friendlies.
The general said he would arrange the transportation—a C-17 Globemaster would meet the Special Forces team at Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage on April 7.
“One council member opposed, and I’m not at liberty to say who, the plan, but the general said ‘this is a briefing. I am not seeking consent’ and shut him down. The mission was a go,” our source said.
The 1,200-mile flight from Anchorage to Adak Island was uneventful, he added.
Special Forces leaped from the C-17 at 2:00 am into dark skies filled with light drizzle. Upon landing safely, with all team members accounted for, they stowed their chutes and armed themselves before marching to the deserted airport, save for a scattering of civilian vehicles and a dull yellow school bus, its rearview mirrors cracked and tires almost deflated. The tower, too, was unoccupied and black as pitch.
Snipers provided overwatch from the tower while a half dozen soldiers formed a defensive perimeter at either side of the runway, eyes peeled for vehicle and foot traffic. The remaining soldiers humped east in the frigid air toward rows and columns of Cold War bunkers and two-story barracks with gable roofs. A single sentry wearing a black tactical suit betrayed his presence by puffing a cigarette. They spotted the flaring tip, red as a warning light, before the rifle hanging off his shoulder. The man spoke aloud to himself, saying, “I hate this shit.”
“You’re going to hate this even more,” said the Special Forces soldier who ambushed him from behind and started sawing into his neck with a garrote.
He gave the choking man an ultimatum: reveal the disposition of enemy forces and J6er’s whereabouts or die. The man, who had DHS credentials, spluttered that five feds, three currently asleep, were guarding 27 “domestic terrorists.” He told Special Forces he didn’t want to be on Adak Island and that the DHS had forced the assignment on him. Doubting the fed’s sincerity, Special Forces grilled him twice more, but the federal goon stuck to his story. He pointed out the buildings in which the guards were sleeping and the bunkers that housed the hostages.
Satisfied, Special Forces sawed deeper into his neck until he died.
One fed was snoring loudly enough to wake the dead when a soldier placed one hand over his mouth and plunged a knife into his chest with the other. Another had his pants around his ankles and was taking an early morning piddle as two bullets hit the back of his head. And yet another had been deep in slumber before his rude awakening; a soldier was pressing a pillow against his face and starving his brain of oxygen.
The final guard had been patrolling the open ground between three bunkers but stopped moving when a sniper’s bullet hit his forehead. He was still breathing as a soldier tore a keyring from his belt loop.
Special Forces unlocked and pulled open the steel doors.
Inside were 11 civilian males ages 21 to 73, each confined to makeshift cells someone had constructed inside the bunker. The second bunker held four civilian women, one of whom told her rescuers that the guards had raped her repeatedly. The last bunker held Captain Matthew Bradford and 11 other male service members the Deep State had scooped up during its manhunt for J6 “insurrectionists.”
Special Forces radioed the C-17 to land at once.
The plane dove beneath the clouds and swooped in for a landing. Hostages too sick or injured to walk were carried by stretcher onto the plane.
“The unfortunate souls went through hell,” our source said. “I’m not getting into their individual conditions right now but they’re all alive and in our protective custody.”
Asked what Special Forces would have done had there been more hostages than the plane could carry, our source said, “Then they would’ve held the position until the C-17 got them to Anchorage, refueled, and came back.”
As an aside, in a follow-up call this morning, we asked our source to either confirm or deny rumors suggesting the Real Donald Trump is “under the mountain” while a body double sits moodily in court.
“Two Trumps? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. What are you, stupid? President Trump is a courageous leader. He doesn’t scurry away from enemies like a frightened animal. He charges them! He doesn’t hide behind doubles and clones like a cowardly Obama or Biden.”
submitted by Far-War-3804 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:13 Express_Pen_9665 Officially one week on nofap

To be honest I didn’t think I would even get this far, because before one week ago I was addicted to the most disgusting kind of porn ever, I was too far down the rabbit hole. But now since starting a week ago I haven’t had THAT bad of urges which is when it’s supposed to be the worst mainly because the last time I fapped I had the worst clarity ever and I fully put into perspective what I was doing and how wrong it was for one of the first times, I’ve noticed my confidence has went up only a bit because I feel more confident looking people in the eyes now even though I haven’t been doing it for that long. Literally the best tip I can give is just think logically and why you’re doing this and to put into perspective how wrong what you are doing is, and if you get horny and get boners just hump your pillow or something soft that you like, thrust it only a few times and that urge to fap just seems to almost entirely go away for some reason which I don’t think I’ve seen ever get talked about. Once again I’m proud that I’ve came this far (no pun intended) and will never fap or intentionally watch porn in my life again.
submitted by Express_Pen_9665 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:37 -TRAP-MAN- Why do people film their dogs humping a pillow/plushie and post it online… I’ve seen that shit for the 3rd time already on YouTube shorts

submitted by -TRAP-MAN- to NoRules [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:27 Reasonable_Act_9196 pillow hump doggy adikunnavar undoo dm (hashimnazmi)

pillow hump doggy adikunnavar undoo dm (hashimnazmi) submitted by Reasonable_Act_9196 to malludesi [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:48 Miles_Everhart Follow up to Angry Bloodweave Facial

This has everything;
Halsin’s bad cooking, Gale being an idiot, tadpole shenanigans, pillow humping, mage hand and other wizard silencing threats, wizard on rogue violence, squishy sweetness, power play, butt stuff, YOU NAME IT
submitted by Miles_Everhart to OnlyFangsbg3 [link] [comments]
