Corpsman jeff smith


2012.12.27 08:39 BONE

A community for Jeff Smith’s epic comic series, BONE!

2020.10.19 07:33 greylat BoneMemes

A place to share memes about the BONE graphic novel franchise created by Jeff Smith or memes using formats from that franchise

2012.02.24 17:14 Mr_B_86 Tell 'em Steve-Dave!


2024.06.05 07:46 Complete_Dot1965 Hey jus moved to vegas ! i do vocals produce play guitar learning piano tryna meet people to start a indie band with :)

inspiried by, elliot smith, jeff buckely, alex g, beach bums etc. ! hmu 17
submitted by Complete_Dot1965 to LasVegasMusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:53 SnooWoofers3032 Recommendations and opinions appreciated!

Recommendations and opinions appreciated! submitted by SnooWoofers3032 to statsfm [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:45 cragwallaccess Exploring Affordable Endurance (for moderate/intermediate climbers)

Home wall prototypes
TLDR - my current mini-wall (right) has been the most effective home training device I've built, because as a moderate level climber, I can actually use it with zero excuses or physical limits and build climbing specific endurance - so when I go climbing, at the gym or crag, I can enjoy it at my moderate level, even if it's been weeks or months.
Maybe the average climbharder person won't relate, but I'm in agreement with this reddit's wiki about training that "those climbing at a moderate level (≤5.11+, V4/5) are advised against using the hangboard [and] simply climbing regularly will improve performance faster and with lower risk of injury." It also mentions regarding board climbing that "this style of climbing is stressful on the tendons; start slowly, limit session frequency and duration, and prioritize recovery through food, sleep and adequate rest."
When I started climbing in the early 1980s - there were no hangboards, system boards, or climbing gyms. But living in Bend, I was less than an hour from Smith Rock. Eventually my brother, our friend, and I (age 16-18) scraped together enough cash for a few nuts and hexes, oval carabiners, a goldline rope, and 1" webbing for harnesses so we could make the occasional pilgrimage to Smith and start... simply climbing. Flash forward about 5 years and we were starting to become aware we were at the epicenter of the birth of sport climbing in the US - or at a minimum the ground-up vs hangdogging ethic wars. We'd also been introduced to Alan Watts via Chris Grover, who we bouldered with at Awbrey Meadows (sadly locked within a golf course for the past 20+ years).
1985 is when my brother's and my own climbing story diverge. I was now married, with our first of eleven kids, and trying to figure out how to run the family business. My brother was spending more and more time at Smith, with Alan, Chris, and the Metolius crew...simply climbing. I wanted to be climbing but spent most of my day answering motorcycle performance questions. I was a parrot who knew how to tell you about jetting your carburetor, but didn't have a legitimate mechanical bone in my body.
This was around the same time we started reading about comps in Arco, Italy. Having been gymnasts, and seeing an article in Climbing magazine about some guys that built a 4-sided box with some wood edges, the idea to build a standard climbing wall apparatus took root. By June 1986 The Wall was advertised in Climbing Magazine, the first commercial wall in the US. This would be followed in 1987 by Roks Bouldering Bloks, the first modular holds in the US (sparked by Alan bringing back a hold from Europe and all of us thinking "this is way cooler than wooden blocks.") The Metolius Simulator, the first hangboard in the US, also came out around this time, and for a few weeks, I had the first prototype -- a super ugly blue and yellow block of textured resin with an assortment of fairly heinous edges and pockets. While I was trying to start a company and feed my family, my brother Sean Olmstead, was putting up new routes at Smith, including Churning in the Wake (5.13a).
By early 1988 I'd built walls and holds for the 2nd gym in the US - the Portland Rock Gym, followed by most of the surface panels and holds for the Snowbird World Cup for Jeff Lowe, followed by failed partnerships with Dan Goodwin (Sport Climbing Systems), Dale Bard (Vertical Concepts), and eventually joined Alan at Entre Prises USA from 1994-1996, but ended up on the wrong side of an international power struggle and left the now decade old industry, and Oregon, and ended up in Arizona.
The quest for a small, affordable, portable, storable, reconfigurable, and fun wall system didn't leave me however, and I've built a few different prototypes over the years, some of them very similar to the Moonboard, which would fulfill all our early dreams of shared problems, but is too big and expensive for most climbers and most homes. For several years I thought I was close to having something with a 2x3' panel system making a 6x12 wall (or as small as 4x9 maybe). But the reality of almost any wall is that it's just a bit too big for most spaces, or an individual to reconfigure on their own, or outside the budget of most climbers. And the Cragwall had so many possible variations that trying to develop a few standards was beyond my energy, even if my family enjoyed certain configurations from time to time. Eventually though, setting routes or tightening holds, or the weather, or getting people together to reconfigure it, were all just hurdles to steady use.
I never pushed my kids into climbing, it was mostly a thing they knew I did once upon a time, and or related to the various wall prototypes. Eventually one of them got the bug though, joined the Phoenix Rock Gym and got me to start coming out every couple of months. This led to me wanting them to experience climbing outdoors, which we did, every couple of months. And all of this put me in direct contact with how out of shape I was. Having a climbing wall at home had not helped with this. And eventually I had this epiphany - for moderate climbers, steep system walls and hangboards are just too hard to use effectively if your less-than-serious and don't have an adequate base fitness. This combined with a couple other kids being serious about cycling and various approaches to endurance, led me to realize I just needed a less-steep wall, with lots of big holds, and to do easy zone 2/3ish training. Eventually I built a bunch of simple mini-jug/side-pull/under-cling holds and have been using it for almost 2 years, about 3 times a week for sessions that have grown from just a couple minutes to now ten or more, simulating several hundred feet of climbing every week. The result? Regardless of how long it's been since I was last at the gym or crag, I'm confident I can go climb 5.10+ V2-4 and try harder stuff with good recovery.
I am at the point where I'm going to start seeing how to adapt this for a next-level step up. My daughter-in-law sets at a local gym, a couple of my grandkids climb and compete, another son is at the gym 2-3 times a week, so there's a bit of peer pressure to get out more. But between getting out, this simple <$150 DIY wall has provided me an endurance base I'm fairly certain I never had - even as a scrawny, post-gymnast, 40-50 lbs. lighter wannabe in the 80-90s.
So - endurance - it gets talked a lot about in various training posts. It's seems harder to actually train for specifically for a variety of reasons that are oft discussed. And it often gets downplayed as not really important (just get better technique and get stronger and presto, you'll also have more endurance on easier stuff...). I'd love to network with anyone that wants to do some true affordable endurance testing. It might be that I'm the only one that could benefit from this, or that moderate climbers don't want to train (but do buy hangboards and get injured), or there are other reasons there shouldn't be something between a hangboard and full system wall. I look forward to hearing what people think and answering any questions.
submitted by cragwallaccess to climbharder [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:22 hesflower 25/M/France - Le cœur et l'esprit

My name is Victor, I'm 25 years old and I would like to find people to have interesting, intellectual and emotional conversations with. I truly like to discuss about ideas and people's life or personality, so if you like it too, don't hesitate to message me!
Because you'd probably like to know a few things about me, I finished an undergraduate degree in sociology recently and am about to either pursue a master degree of research in political science or a master degree of european affairs. Before that, I didn't go to uni because of depression, which I partly got over thanks to books, books with whom I have a very special bond now. I'm reading a lot of different things, from literature to philosophy or social sciences, so there's potentially a lot of things that we could talk about. Apart from that, I'd say that my second biggest passion is music. I used to play the drums, have been playing the guitar since I was 18 and tried to start bands several times in my life. I'm quite into guitar music (Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, The Smiths...) but am actually drifting away more and more from it and try to discover other things such as jazz, classical music, world music, etc. I also never ever was into pop, but I discovered Kate Bush at the beginning of the year and she quickly became one of my favourite artists. I guess that the common point between all of my the artists I listen to is that they sound different from everyone else and are very sensitive people who are masters at expressing it.
Apart from that, I like history, psychology, economics, politics of course... Everything that has to do with society and people, basically haha!
About my personality, I find it hard to describe it because it's never something that I've ever wanted to ponder about. What differentiates me most from others and, therefore, would probably be the most relevant thing to define me, is probably the importance that I attach to living a righteous life. André Malraux, former French Minister of Culture, once said: "Man becomes man only by the pursuit of the highest that is in in him", that is to say what makes us different from animals; our ability to pursue noble things such as honor, culture and charity. Quite the contrary from the hedonistic and individualistic lifestyle that seems to characterise most people nowadays. My goals in life are therefore to be as honorable, cultivated and good to others as I can.
More formally, for those who are interested in those things, my MBTI is INFJ and my enneagram 1w9.
I guess that it's all for my presentation! I hope that I was able to arouse your interest and that you'll send me a message so that we can send wonderful letters to each other!
Have a nice day,
submitted by hesflower to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:58 Expert_Nectarine2825 Smith JM Press is a game changer for lateral triceps

JM Press is one of those love it or hate it exercises. It's like a skullcrusheclose-grip bench hybrid for those not familiar with it. There is basically a JM Press crew that thinks its the greatest thing ever (ie. Basement Bodybuilding for sure, maybe Alex Leonidas). Jeff Nippard and many others think its awkward. Jeff Nippard placed free weight JM Press in B-tier and Smith in A-tier as the Smith felt less awkward. Basement Bodybuilding was triggered by Jeff's recent tricep exercise ranking video.
I definitely feel like Smith JM Press keeps you more honest than tricep pushdowns in terms of being harder to cheat. I see so many people in the gym cheating pushdowns. Yesterday I saw a dude like quartehalf rep one-arm pushdowns neutral grip with no attachment. Unless that's a completely different exercise I'm not aware of. lol. I was too shy to tell him to lower the stack and do the exercise with full range of motion. Ego lifting pushdowns was a mistake I used to make a lot when I was greener. Even now on a cut it can be difficult for me to accept that I've hit technical failure (significant break down in form) on a set of pushdowns earlier than I would have liked. I suspect that ego lifting tricep extensions and bicep curls has a lot to do with spider mode physiques and people plateauing on Bench, OHP, Rows and Pulldowns/Pull-ups. Arms are very important assists for these big compound lifts. JM Press gives you more of a reality check of how strong your lateral triceps really are. Can't wait until my cut is finished as I've never tried JM Press on my first bulk.
Smith JM Press is also a relatively safe exercise because the bar will hit the safety if you fail and you can scoot out. I feel comfortable with going to failure on every set compared to a free barbell because I know the bar is not going to land on my face (if my elbows rebel, I'll adjust the intensity downward). Just make sure to ease your elbows into this and don't put too much strain on your elbows. You also get a nice chest pump as a secondary mover. This exercise really torches your triceps with that close grip and elbow extension. Lateral head in particular.
If only my gym had more than one Smith machine. That is what I hate about Smith exercises. I begrudgingly did pushdowns today because the Smith was taken. But then when the Smith was free, I decided to do the JM Press too with my triceps pre-exhausted.
submitted by Expert_Nectarine2825 to naturalbodybuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:16 BristolBearNo2 Books

I love reading books about The Famous. Biographies, Auto-biographies, general history about the club, anything Rangers related. I have 29 in total and I've just finished Slim Jim Baxter. Now in need of a couple more, do you have any recommendations?
submitted by BristolBearNo2 to rangersfc [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:05 flair2102 Singer-songwriter suggestions

Hey everyone. I'm a big fan of folk-ish acoustic style singer-songwriters, mainly Nick Drake, Elliott Smith and other more instrumentalized that I recently began getting into like Jeff Buckley and Fiona Apple. I'd love to find new artists along these lines to listen to. My only requirement, if you could call it that is deep or somewhat introspective songwriting. I'd love to read anybody's suggestions!
submitted by flair2102 to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:07 SignificantDoubt613 help needed !!

my crush is suuuper into artists like jeff buckley, pink floyd, and bleached. i listen to the smiths, but i want to find artists that are even more similar to his music taste so we can bond more over it !! if any of you guys know some pls let me know !!!
submitted by SignificantDoubt613 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:56 njdevils901 Biggest sports heartbreaks

Well this will be a hard one to write. Sports are brutal and it is not a business for feelings or certainly caring about them. So here are a sample of my biggest sports heartbreaks by teams:
New Jersey Devils - there aren't many since the team hasn't been fairly successful. But one that sticks out is game 2 of the 2012 Stanley cup finals. We made it there, were expecting to win, and after game 1 that mentality stayed. We could not go down 2-0 versus the kings where they would head back to home ice. And instead after a long brutal overtime period, Jeff Carter shot a fluke screened shot after circling around the net that beat the devils at home to go up 2-0. I kind of knew then that we were dead in the water, a brutal way to go out, especially as a young man. Other than that, there aren't that many brutal losses, we knew we were mediocre this season, and I didn't even expect the team to beat the rangers after going down 2-0.
New York Yankees - to be honest after the embarrassment of the 2018 playoffs I haven't watched a Yankees postseason since then. The game that particularly sticks out as heartbreaking is game 6-7 ALCS, we were one goddamn win from the World Series. We probably wouldn't have won but that was a damn team of destiny that was bound to win it all, even against a harsh dodgers squad. Not only was game 7 brutal as Aaron judge and the great Bronx bombers got brutalized from the astros pitching, but learning later the astros cheated, and seeing how poorly they did away from Houston, made it hurt even more.
Brooklyn Nets - yeah the last couple of years haven't been kind to Brooklyn. They had the big 3, and they continued to be only together for less than 20 games. Kyrie got injured, and harden was hobbling around vs Milwaukee. But what hurts even more than that is they were a Bruce brown flub away from going up 3-0. And then game 7, a game I couldn't even watch live, I just listened to it and refreshed the box score as I worked deliveries. And to find out they lost game 7, and find out about Kevin durant's foot, messed me up for a couple of weeks. It further messed me up when harden requested a trade, and then the ensuing kyrie and kd trades which completely dismantled a championship core. To see kyrie in the finals after what he did to the big 3 is hurtful in more ways than one, he couldn't keep it together with harden AND kd?!?!? The nets are now in purgatory, and I don't know if they'll ever get out of it.
New York Jets - here is the big one, the team that has given me so much grief since 2009 that they have genuinely killed my love of football. I still love football, but have been more consumed with the coaching side of it more than the actual gameplay (the lack of defense certainly doesn't help). So I think with the jets I'll just create a dotted list of every heartbreak since there are plenty:
2009: jets lose to colts in afc championship game
2010: remember vividly breaking down crying when Steelers went up 24-0 on jets in afc championship game
2011: remember being brutally embarrassed as the giants punked the jets and continued to win the SB afterward
2012: the butt fumble was embarrassing, but that whole game and season was already an embarrassment. The worst part about the big bright lights of NY, is that if the jets had this kind of season in Tennessee no one would care
2013: just a mediocre team that made me happy than they made me sad, so not the worst season ever
2014: embarrassing at every turn, geno smith throwing 4 ints against buffalo was brutal, that mike Vick game against Pittsburgh was kind of fun though
2015: week 17 was the last chance the jets have had to make the playoffs since 2010, and they haven't come close since. I told my parents I was cool with it, but truthfully I was broken.
2016: Fitzpatrick throwing 5 ints vs chiefs was something else, brutal and annoying. Just a wasted season where no one really did anything good
2017: shocking season because of how decent they were before mcccown went down. Still would like to see John Morton get a second chance at coordinator. Also not talked nearly enough how great McCown was for the season. Still hurts because they went with Jamal Adams even after hiring mahomes' assistant coach from Texas tech, AND trying out him twice AND needing a qb for the season that wasn't 36 years old
2018: good lord, Maccagnan set this franchise back a decade without an offensive line. Darnold could have been genuinely good and we ruined him. Some fun wins here and there, but keeping Bowles and letting him ruin the development of darnold was an interesting choice.
2019: hiring Adam gase is some of the lowest parts of my sports fandom, we saw his moronic nature, the way he would look down and throw players under the bus, good lord he was a moron immediately. The jets either got blown out or won extremely close games which is never promising. Letting Mac hire him and hire Douglas AFTER free agency and leaving him with gase is still amazing to me in its ineptitude.
2020: we were set up for the perfect tank season, and we could have gone winless, and we SHOULD HaVE. We are the only 2 win team in nfl history to not get the #1 pick at the draft. That doesn't encapsulate the jets I don't know what does. We select Zach Wilson instead because of mahomes hype, and we all know how that turned out
2021: this season was awful and I honestly don't remember anything other than Mike white looking like the truth and then throwing 4 ints vs buffalo
2022: a defense so good that with a #16 nfl quarterback would have been playoff bound. Started 6-3 as well
2023: a whole offseason of hype and Rodgers goes down 4 plays in. I don't think I'll ever get excited for the jets ever again, heck in sports ever again. It genuinely broke my soul and I haven't been excited for anything since, the devils having a 52 win season was fun but I was still whatever about it. The season continued to be a disaster, and I still facepalm over the thought that we were 7-10 even with it being a disaster, and we had no backup plan to speak of at QB. Another wasted season, the jets give them out like candy, no competitive drive, ever.
2024: We'll see. We either ball out and at best win or go to a Super Bowl. At worst Rodgers gets injured again, Rodgers plays like 2015 manning, or we make the playoffs and are immediately eliminated like the 1993 oilers, to where the whole team is dismantled. I've never seen a team ride an entire franchise on the hopes of a single season, but it is true, if the jets don't win or go to a superbowl the whole team will have to rebuild AGAIN. And the playoff drought will continue
submitted by njdevils901 to NicheFansCommanding [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:15 fourtwentyy__ Been listening to the same albums over and over, now I want recs. 20M

Been listening to the same albums over and over, now I want recs. 20M submitted by fourtwentyy__ to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:15 Womantree1 Today I learned that Freemasons have Masonic programs for children.

DeMolay is part of the "family" of Masons and associated organizations. They are a youth group for young men. DeMolay alumni have gone on to achieve wide recognition outside of the organization. Actors, astronauts, mayors, governors, even presidents(Bill Clinton).
DeMolay International is an international fraternal organization for young men ages 12 to 21. There is in some select area a "Squire" program for those younger than 12. It was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919 and named for Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. DeMolay was incorporated in the 1990s and is classified by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. It has about 12,000 active members spread throughout every continent except for Antarctica.
Rainbow Girls and Job's Daughters are similar Masonic-related organizations for young women.
Notable former Job's Daughters include Kim Cattrall, Jacquelynne Fontaine, Nancy Fleming, Jenilee Harrison, Nannette Hegerty, Vicki Lawrence, Heather Moore, Jean Rabe, Debbie Reynolds, and Aimee Teegarden.
Notable former Rainbow Girls: Sandra Day O'Connor: Former Supreme Court Justice
Ermalee Hickel: Wife of Governor Walter Hicke (Alaska)
Renee Guerin: Broadway Performer; Head of the Voice and Speech Department of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, NYC (Alaska)
Patricia Barry: TV and movie Actress (Days of our Lives) (California)
Lee Merriwether: Former Miss America, Actress (California)
Dorthy Lamb: First Lady of Colorado (California)
Jill Kinmont: Olympic skier who was paralyzed in a skiing accident. After her accident she started her own foundation, the Jill Kinmont Indian Education Foundation. (California)
Dorothy M. Metcalf-Lindenburger: Astronaut (Colorado)
Heather Stanton Moretzsohn: Liaison Officer for US (Hawaii)
Jo Ann Kinzler Krug: Sheriff, San Bernadino CA (Hawaii)
Cheryl Lau: Attorney General; Secretary of State, Nevada (Hawaii)
Karen Lau Sullivan: US Commissioner to the South Pacific Islands (Hawaii)
Sue Anne Gilroy:Secretary of State, IN (Indiana)
Donna Mullenger (Reed): TV Actress (Iowa)
Virginia Lines: Miss Iowa 1951 (Iowa)
Jeanne Formanek: Miss Iowa 1967 (Iowa)
Rebecca Ann King: Miss America, 1973 (Iowa)
Olympia J. Snowe: US Senator (Maine)
Tammie Ferguson: Special Olympian Inspirational Athlete of the Year; Lit the Torch at the 1998 Special Olympics and featured on Special Olympic Wheaties Box (Michigan)
Judith Craig: Bishop for Western Ohio area, United Methodist Church (Missouri)
Carol Hudkins: State Senator (Nebraska)
Evelyn de la Rosa: Internationally renowned soprano (Nevada)
Patricia Christo Coffey: Superior Court Judge (New Hampshire)
Sara E. Otis:State Senator, founder of Concord Assembly No. 1, 1925 (New Hampshire)
Virginia White: Personal Assistant to US Senator Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico)
Angelina Estrada Burney: Broadcaster at KTVA, Anchorage, AK (New Mexico)
Shirley Crawford Sonnamaker: Co-anchor at KBIM TV (New Mexico)
Rebecca Schmidt: Attached to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Ohio)
Jane Jayroe : Journalist and anchor of local newscasts in Oklahoma City and Dallas/Fort Worth areas. Former Miss Oklahoma and Miss America 1967 (Oklahoma)
Bobbie Shunk Gaunt: First Woman President, CEO- Ford Motor Co. of Canada (Pennsylvania)
Debra Port: Actress (Melrose Place, Exorcist III..), model, spokesperson (Ford, Mercury, Chrysler, AAA, General Motors, K-Mart, Yellow Pages, Sears, Century Baby Car Seats) (Pennsylvania)
Ret. Maj. Gen. Lorraine Potter: Highest ranking female Chaplain in the military. Nominated for the rank of General. (Rhode Island)
Ruth Buzzi: Actress (Laugh-in, Sesame Street) (Rhode Island)
Frances Haddon Morgan: Washington State Senator (Washington/Idaho)
Janell Berte: Successful businesswoman at age 20 and bridal gown designer (Pennsylvania)
Lily Tomlin: Comedian (Roberta- Desperate Housewives, Edith Ann- Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, Violet in 9 to 5). Born Mary Jean Tomlin in Detroit, Michigan.
Dawn Wells: Played Mary Ann in Gilligan's Island. Crowned Miss Nevada in 1959 (Nevada).
Shawntel Smith : Former Miss America 1996 (Oklahoma).
submitted by Womantree1 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:10 Canadian-Man-infj Song list from 'songs that best describes an INFJ' post (since deleted)....

So, there was a post the other day asking for songs that best describe INFJs and the OP has since deleted the post. I went through it and rescued the replies and decided to throw together an alphabetical list that people can browse through. I believe there are 135 songs listed. I didn't add to it (as I'd already replied with a few suggestions and this should be about the community, not me). If anyone missed it and wants to add to it, or if you've already replied and something else has since come to mind, feel free to add by commenting. Here's the compiled list from the thread (apologies if any of these are misspelled or in the wrong "artist/song title" format):
Alanis Morissette - Everything
Alanis Morissette - Right Through You
Alanis Morissette - Not the Doctor
Alessia Cara - Here
A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras
Aphex Twin - Rhubarb (#3)
Arcade Fire - Mountains Beyond Mountains
The Arcadian Wild - Liar
Arpeggi - Weird Fishes
Atlas Genius - Molecules
AVICII - What Would I Change It To
Bad Suns - We Move Like the Ocean
Bazzi - Myself
The Beach Boys - I Just Wasn't Made For These Times
Beach House - Space Song
The Beatles - Revolution #9
Bill Withers - Lean on Me
Birdy - New Moon
Blue October - Fear
Boston - More Than a Feeling
Cairokee - ?
The Clientele - I Had to Say This
Coldplay - Fix You
Conan Gray - Lonely Dancers
The Cure - Charlotte Sometimes
Daddy Yankee - Gasolina
Dashboard Confessional - VIndicated
Deftones - Sex Tape
Demon Hunter - Gasoline
DJ Shadow - Give Me Back the Nights
Eddie Vedder - Society
Egg - sorry haha I fell asleep
Elliot Smith - Between the Bars
Elvis Presley - If I Can Dream
Everlast - What it's Like
Faouzia - You Don't Even Know Me
Florence + The Machine - Free
Flying Lotus - Getting There
Frenship & Emily Warren - Capsize
Gilbert O’Sullivan (?) - Alone Again (Naturally)
Glass Animals - Gooey
Halsey - Be Kind
Halsey - Without Me
Hamilton Broadway Cast - It's Quiet Uptown
Hozier - Too Sweet
Idina Menzel - Let It Go (Frozen soundtrack)
Innovations - Seabird
Jack Johnson - Traffic in the Sky
Jack Johnson - The Horizon Has Been Defeated
Jack Stauber - Fighter
Janis Ian - At 17
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Jevetta Steele - Calling You (Baghdad Cafe)
John Lennon - Imagine
John Lennon - Watching the Wheels
John Lennon - Give Peace a Chance
Jose Gonzalez - Down the Line
Jose Gonzalez - Today
Kendrick Lamar - U
Kendrick Lamar - Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe
Kodaline - All I Want
Krizz Kaliko - Why Me
Lana Del Ray - Get Free
Laufey - Beautiful Stranger
Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes
Lord Huron - The Yawning Grave (u/wordlessyin INFJ spotify playlist posted here: )
Lucius - Dusty Trails
Lyn Lapid - In My Mind
Manchester Orchestra - The Silence
Manchester Orchestra - I Know How to Speak
Manchester Orchestra - Alien
Marina & the Diamonds - Solitaire
Meredith Brooks - Bitch
Michael Cera - Clay Pigeons
Michael Kiwanuka - Love and Hate
Modest Mouse - The World at Large
New Years Day - MissUnderstood
NF - If You Want Love
NF - The Search
Nina Simone - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile
Nirvana - Dumb
Nirvana - Oh Me
Nirvana - Something in the Way
Nuages - Dreams
Oasis - Wonderwall
Paul Weller - Above the Clouds
Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes
Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street
Phoebe Bridgers - Waiting Room
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
The Pixies - Where is My Mind
Radiohead - How to Disappear Completely
Radiohead - Subterranean Homesick Alien
Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
Radiohead - Creep
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Ray LaMontagne - Empty
Rory Gallagher - Million Miles Away
Roy Orbison - A Cat Called Domino
Rush - Tom Sawyer
Sara Bareilles - Bottle it Up
Sasha Sloan - Is it Just Me
Sasha Sloan - Version of Me
The Shins - Sleeping Lessons
Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonnaise
The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
Sophie Pecora - Extrovert
Still Corner - Sad Movies
Sub Urban - Cradles
Supertramp - The Logical Song
Supertramp - School
SYML - Body
Taylor Swift - Anti-hero
Taylor Swift - The Archer
Theory of a Deadman - Lonely
Thievery Corporation - The Time We Lost Our Way
Thrice - Lullaby
TOOL - Forty-Six & 2
Train - Drops of Jupiter
Various Artists - We Don't Talk About Bruno (Encanto soundtrack)
The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
VØJ & Narvent - Memory Reboot
Wafia - Hurricane
Warren Zevon - My Shit's Fucked Up
Weezer - Undone (The Sweater Song)
Yoko Ono - Witch Shocktronica
Yo La Tango - My Little Corner of the World
EDIT: I wanted to add that I alphabetized individual artists by their first name, not last (as would often be the case).
Also, if anybody feels so inclined to create a playlist on one of the main platforms, feel free; I don't foresee doing it myself, as it would be too time-consuming.
submitted by Canadian-Man-infj to infj [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 16:58 DarkLlama64 any recommendations? feel like I just listen to these guys over and over again i need to branch out

any recommendations? feel like I just listen to these guys over and over again i need to branch out submitted by DarkLlama64 to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 12:54 Money-Independence-3 I got a job as a security guard, something is under the warehouse.

When I first took this job, I never could have predicted what would happen. After all the years of training and the experiences that I have had throughout my life, I am pretty good at being prepared for the worst. But before I begin this story, a little bit about myself.
I was a bit of a troubled child some might say. I lost both my parents to a car accident when I was 2. After that, I bounced from foster home to foster home. I blame it on the system. Almost every foster home I was put in was terrible. The parents were only doing it for the money and barely took care of the foster children. And when Social Services came, you think they listened to the children? No. But, I took on a personality that did help throughout this time. I decided that I wouldn't take shit from anyone. When some of the foster homes' actual children tried to bully me or other foster kids, they very quickly learned not to after several broken bones. In addition, I took this attitude to the public schools. Bullies would pick on the weak, and they would suddenly have broken noses and fingers. But, since it was the public school the bullies were not punished. Only me. However when the bullies would see me or get close to their victims while I was around they would quickly go the other way. This went on for the entirety of my youth. I never had a plan for my life. All I knew was that I was unwanted anywhere, and had nowhere to go. But one day, I was passing by the living room, and I saw a commercial on the tv that changed my life's course. It was an ad to join the United States Marine Corps. After this, I found a new purpose for my life. Unfortunately I was 15 at the time. But I immediately started training myself physically and mentally for this new course. I studied at the public library since I wasn't allowed to use the foster home's computer. I started working out at the high school's gym after class. And finally at 18 I joined the Corps. The next 8 years were the best of my life. After boot camp, MCT (Marine Combat Training), and SOI (School of Infantry) I soon learned about the Raiders. Which is Marine Corps special forces. I immediately put in for it and got selected. I was able to go to several foreign countries and fight many battles. All of my fellow Marines were the greatest family I ever had. Once I was at the end of my second enlistment I decided it was time for me to enter the civilian world again. At that time, we had a bad mission and I lost my closest friends. So I did what anybody in this situation does. I found a reasonably inexpensive apartment and drank excessively for the next month. Once I felt that my liver had been well punished, I began searching for a job. Now, money was not an issue for me at this time. I had plenty in savings to last most people a couple of years. While I was in the military, I never really bought anything since I knew I would be traveling all over. I also still had money saved from the insurance when my parents passed all those years ago that I refused to spend. So I tried finding a job that I would fit into given my skill sets. After some time I found what I was looking for. It was a position within a security company that provides its services to companies in both the private sector as well as government facilities. I immediately applied and got accepted. For the next year after this, I was able to complete some training required for the job and bought my own house in Nevada. I worked as a fill in guard for multiple high ranking officials here and there within my state. But one day, I was given a position that would alter my perception of reality forever.
“John!” my boss bellowed as he entered the locker room. I had been getting my gear, body armor, and rifle ready to head to the meeting room. I look up and see this mountain of a man standing in the doorway with a large jolly smile on his face. “Got a job for you” he continued, waving a file in his hand. “What's the Job?” I asked while doing my best to give back a friendly grin. I've been told I’m not great at expressing my emotions. But I’ve been trying. “Well, good news. It's a government facility that needs a pair of guards.” My ears perked up as he said this. “Where at?” I asked with some excitement in my voice. “A warehouse in the desert just outside of the town where you live.” My shoulders drop a little with disappointment. “What sort of warehouse is it?” I ask. “It is a government funded science facility. Something about monitoring seismic activity in the area. During the evening, you and one other guard will be posted there to watch over the equipment.” I thought for a moment and I remembered the place he was talking about. About 5 miles from my home on the outskirts of town, there is a fenced off plot of land that has one large building out in the middle. I had always driven past it on the way to a rifle range and saw the no trespassing signs on the fence and didn't think much of it. “What's the uniform situation?” I ask. “Standard Polo, slacks, and duty belt.” “Body armor and weapons?” I asked, already feeling the boredom seeping in. “None required. You can wear soft armor if it makes you feel better. But there will be a locker with shotguns as a last resort. Aside from that, just your nightstick.” It is at this point I let out a disappointed sigh. After a long moment I look up and ask, “why did you pick me specifically for this position?” He looks at me with that unwavering smile and says, “well, nobody wanted to volunteer for it. So I decided to volun-tell the first person I saw this morning.” He leans over and gives me a strong pat on the back and walks out. I sigh again, take off my usual gear and just dress in the uniform he told me. I do grab my soft armor though. With my duty belt and the file in hand, I head to my SUV. Opening the file, there was the basic information about the warehouse and a padlock key labeled “Front gate”. I shake my head and begin my drive to this warehouse. Luckily, this place was in between home and our headquarters. So once I started this job, at least I wouldn't have to drive as much.
I pulled up to the gate and pulled out the key that was provided with the file. After entering and securing the gate, I look toward the building and see two vehicles parked out front. One large gray sedan and a red prius. Once I pulled up, a round looking man alongside a woman that was wearing our security uniform stepped out of the building and headed toward me. “Welcome!” the man said with a blinding smile. Man, these morning people really are something else. The woman approached me with an equally bright smile holding out her hand. “You must be my new partner. I'm Stacy. Nice to meet you.” “Likewise.” I said, shaking her hand and trying to put on my friendliest smile. Stacy, on first impressions, has a very friendly personality. She had fairly light brown hair and emerald green eyes. She stood roughly a foot shorter than myself, and her physique is slender and well toned while still being curved in a very attractive way. What caught my attention was the fact that, despite her size and stature, she carried herself with a sense of confidence while not trying to be overly imposing. The man that was there I could only describe as plump. He was about 2 inches shorter than Stacy. He had a balding head with a very poor attempt at a comb over. “Well then, Mr. Miller.” He said. “Just John is fine.” I responded. “Alright John. You can call me Bill. Now that we are acquainted, let's begin the tour.” He turned around and headed to the main entrance. Upon entering, I quickly identified the four quadcons and large mobile research vehicle parked in the center. There were dirty tire tracks leading from the large double doors to the vehicle. “Here is the research equipment you will be guarding. Every evening, once the scientists put their equipment away, you will be responsible for verifying that all of the locks are secured. The keys will be given to you and placed in a lockbox that is kept in your office.” Glancing to the right, I saw what I assumed to be our office. It was a small shack built into the side of the main building. Beckoning us toward it, Bill said, “and over here is where you will likely be spending most of your time.” In the office, there was a long desk with large windows looking out to the interior of the warehouse. At the back there was a small restroom that was surprisingly clean. And, what I was looking for, at the back corner was a locked green weapons locker that housed two Mossberg 500 pump action shotguns. Next to that was a small table with walkie talkies on charging stations. Above the charging station were two flat screen TVs with the video feed of security cameras monitoring both the inside and outside of the building. On the desk was a land line telephone, coffee pot, and a microwave. Underneath was a minifridge and a locking filing cabinet. Bill motioned to the cabinet, “This is where the keys to the storage units and truck will be kept with at least one of you having the key to it nearby. All the amenities are available to use, the AC works, and the chairs are comfy.” He grinned proudly like a child that had just finished his chores. “And if you'll follow me,” he said exiting the office door. As we followed, he went around the office shack where a side by side ATV was parked. Attached to it was a spot light on the front and an extra fuel container in the back. “This will be your steed” Bill says with exaggerated grandeur. “You will be able to use this to go around the compound if needed. Just log your driving so we know when the fuel needs to be replenished. Now, over here,” turning on his heel, he walked toward the opposite end of the warehouse. In this direction was a door labeled Janitors closet. Opening it, there were shelves of cleaning supplies, a push broom, and a wheeled bucket with a mop in it. “You can use these if you need to. There are cleaners that take care of the whole building during the day.” Well, at least we won't be doubling as janitors. Bill clapped his hands together, “do you have any questions?” He began walking back toward the office. “Do you get much disturbance out here that requires guarding?” I asked. “Well, the equipment and research is funded by the government. So they want to be sure nothing gets taken. As far as the disturbances, there are the occasional teenagers that try to sneak onto the property at night to do whatever teens do these days.” “What sort of research is being done here?” Stacy asked. We got back to the office and Bill leaned on the wall sweating and out of breath. “I don't know all the details. But it has something to do with monitoring the seismic readings in order to predict earthquakes or something. But I'm sure they can explain it better.” He pulled out a white cloth and wiped his head. I guess he used all his energy for the introduction. At that moment, we heard the crunching of graven as more vehicles pulled up outside. “Speak of the devil” Bill put the cloth away and looked at his watch. Through the window of the office the clock on the wall read nine in the morning. “If you follow me, we can meet the researchers.” For the next several minutes, we were introduced to the lead researcher Mike and his four grad students. Once introductions were finished, they loaded up the large truck and headed out to the desert. “Allright,” Bill said again, clapping. “You will be on guard during the night. Be here at six this evening. for the start of your shift. At six in the morning we will have two other guards relieve you during the day.” He headed over to the red Prius. “If you have any other questions, my cell number is in your files. Good luck” He hopped in and drove off leaving the two of us standing in front of the building. “Well,” Stacy said after a moment of silence. “I look forward to working with you, and I guess I'll see you tonight.” I nodded at this. “See you then.” We both left the site for the day. It turned out that Stacy and I both lived in the same town not too far apart. At least the company chose guards that live close to the site to save on driving.
The next four weeks were fairly uneventful. On the first night, we were able to talk with the researchers. Their explanation was the same as Bill had said. They were monitoring the seismic reading to predict earthquakes. But when the lead researcher said that, I got the sense that there was more to it. After some interrogation tips that I got from a CIA member that was stationed in Syria with me, I began to get good at knowing when someone was lying or withholding information. But, I didn't press the issue. If this was something more serious, there would be alot more security than two guards at a time with minimal equipment. After some deliberation with Stacy, we came up with a routine for our shifts. Every hour, one of us would take a walk around the inside of the warehouse. And every four hours one of us would take the ATV and do a patrol around the perimeter of the fence. The whole drive takes about twenty minutes. As far as issues during this time, not much happened. Every once in a while a camera would go down and one of us would check on it. After either jiggling the cable or just resetting it, the feed would go back to normal. There was one night that we noticed some teens outside of the fence seemingly daring each other to climb over. After revving the ATV and hitting them with the spotlight, they decided to leave. But during our shifts I did get to learn more about Stacy. She is a near polar opposite to me. She is very cheerful and chatty. From what she told me, I learned that she was mostly raised by her grandfather who was a police officer for the majority of his life. She had great respect for him before his passing. She wanted to be just like him with his sense of justice and strength. However, she decided to become private security instead of a police officer. I did notice that she seemed to avoid the topic of her parents. From the different walks of life that I encountered within the military, I decided it was best not to press the topic. She also seemed to like the horror genre of stories and films. During our shifts we were allowed to bring things to pass the time. She would bring a wireless speaker and play music and something called creepypasta. I on the other hand would put in one ear bud with music and read a book when we were not chatting. During the first week, we did have to stand guard for the entire 7 days. But after that more guards were stationed at the warehouse for the weekend to give us time off. This did come with an issue. Stacy would ask to hang out during the weekend. She would want to go to the movie theater or get lunch somewhere. But when she asked, I would say that I had plans. Which isn't a lie, but it mostly consisted of meal prep, physical training, and going to a shooting range. The problem I had was this, I never had a girlfriend. While Stacy is both kind and beautiful, I have no idea how to proceed with this. I would only feel awkward. Despite this, she didn't seem to have any intention of giving up. She would still ask every Friday, and when I told her I was busy, she would say, “maybe next weekend then.”
It was Friday of the fifth week when it happened. Me and Stacy were five hours into our shift, and I had just gotten back from a patrol on the ATV. “See any of the Graboids that they are looking for?” Stacy asked, grinning. “I'm afraid not,” I said disappointedly. “Just the usual rodents and reptiles. Although maybe they turned to shriekers and left.” I grinned as well. After logging the patrol, I entered the office and picked up “The Art Of War” and continued reading where I left off. Stacy was listening to one of those creepypastas on her phone. It was about something called a Skinwalker hunting hikers in a national park. It seemed kind of interesting. Maybe I should start looking into these stories. “So,” Stacy said, pausing the video. “You wanna catch a movie this weekend?” Her emerald eyes glistened with anticipation. “Sorry. I have plans.” I responded. She sighed and slouched sadly. “Well. Maybe next weekend then.” I know if anyone saw me in this situation, they would be screaming at me. A beautiful woman is asking me if I want to spend time together outside of work. After this exchange we continued with our activities waiting for my alarm to go off signaling a patrol. It was at this moment when we felt a strong tremor beneath the warehouse. Feeling tremors wasnt that unusual for this area. Every once in a while we might feel a light one during our shifts. But this one was stronger than any other that we've felt. But before we could get under our desk expecting it to be an earthquake, it was already over. The whole thing had lasted less than a minute. We both sat back in our chairs and looked at each other with a sigh of relief. Soon our nerves were settled and we returned to our entertainment. Fifteen minutes later the alarm on my phone sounded. Stacy stood up stretching. “I'll take this one”, she said. I nodded in agreement and looked back at the camera feeds. The camera that overlooked the corner by the janitors closet was static. “Could you look at camera three when you walk by it?” I asked, pointing at the monitor. She nodded and gave a thumbs up. “Got it.” She grabbed a walkie off the charger and clipped it to her belt. Once she left the office, I returned to my book, occasionally glancing at the monitor. After a few minutes, I heard a click on my radio and then a door slam from the other side of the warehouse. I picked up the radio, “Stacy, you good?” I asked. From the way the office was positioned, the view of that closet is blocked by the truck and quadcons. I looked at the monitor and that camera was still out. “Stacy, you good?” I repeated. No answer. I grabbed my radio and a flashlight and headed out the office to check on her. My worry was that during that tremor, some of the cleaner spilled and she might have slipped on it hitting her head. I very quickly walked over to the closet. I didn't see Stacy anywhere, but her radio was on the floor by the door. I ran over and opened the door worried. But instead of seeing Stacy laying on the floor unconscious, there was a large hole on the concrete. I stood there for a moment trying to process what I was looking at. But remembering Stacy, I pulled out my flashlight carefully looking down the hole. Instead of going straight down, it went in at an angle almost like a tunnel. It was large enough for myself to crawl into if I needed to. “Stacy!” I yelled. “Are you down there?” No response. “Shit” I muttered to myself. I then got down and headed in.
The tunnel seemed to go down for at least twenty feet before leading into another much larger tunnel. Once there, I was surprisingly able to stand up with plenty of room. “I wonder if this is what those researchers were looking into.” I thought to myself. Looking left and right, this tunnel continued further than my flashlight could reach. “Stacy! Can you hear me?” I yelled. The only response I got was my own echo. Looking down, I tried to find any indication of the direction she might have gone. At first I didn't see anything. I did notice that there were drag marks in the dirt going left. No boot marks though. I made a mark in the dirt to indicate the tunnel back to the surface, and started down the left tunnel. For the next ten minutes, I was quickly walking my way through this dark tunnel, yelling Stacy's name all throughout. The tunnel kept going down and curving every now and then. But still no sign of Stacy. Eventually I came to a fork. It was here that the drag marks stopped. After calling Stacy's name a few more times, I knew I had to get to the surface and call for backup. As much as I hated the idea, I knew it was necessary. But right as I was about to turn and head back, I heard a scream. It was very faint, but it came from the right tunnel. Now that I had a direction, I decided to continue quicker than before. I traveled deeper and deeper into these unknown depths. It was at this point that I noticed a turn off up ahead going left. I knew that if there wasn't another sound at this intersection, that I would have to return. I got to the turn off and yelled for Stacy. After a few minutes I heard what sounded like footsteps coming toward me. “Stacy?” I yelled. I carefully walked forward. There was another sound. Heavy breathing. The tunnel turned right. As soon as I rounded the corner, I saw something straight out of a horror movie. It stood on all fours with short legs and long arms, head just about touching the ceiling at roughly eight feet in height. Its skin was an ashen gray color with small tufts of fur near the shoulders. The face and large ears reminded me of a bat. Its eyes were so white, they almost seemed to glow in the darkness. I got the sense that, while it couldn't see me, it knew I was there due to my yelling. As soon as I lock eyes with this creature, before I can do anything, it inhales and lets out an ear piercing shriek. I covered my ears, but it didn't do anything as my vision started to fade to black.
“Sergeant!” There was somebody yelling. “Sergeant Miller!” I opened my eyes and I was on the ground looking at the bright sky. Then a figure appeared reaching down to help me up. Corporal Johnson grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “You good sergeant?” He asked. “Yeah, I'm good!” I yelled back grabbing my rifle and getting back to the cover of the hummvee. As bullets riddled the opposite side of the vehicle, I went to the front and returned fire over the hood taking out two of the attackers. Johnson came up behind me doing the same. “The fifty is down, and Rodriguez is hit!” He yelled while reloading. I looked at the hummvee ahead of ours. The doors were open and I saw Corporal Smith messing with the radio while being covered by Private Williams. On the ground beside them was Rodriguez being treated by the Corpsman. I looked back to Johnson, “Cover me! I'm moving up”, I yelled to him. He nodded, racking his rifle. “Moving!” I yelled as I sprinted to the next vic. A couple of bullets hit near my feet. As soon as I got to the rear, I yelled, “set!” Johnson started running while I kept him covered. Once we were both there, we checked on Rodriguez. The corpsman looked up at me, “we need a medevac now!” He yelled holding a wound near the neck. I nodded quickly and got up to Smith who was yelling on the radio. I knelt down, “what's the ETA on those birds?” I asked. He shook his head angrily. “They are at least five minutes out!” He said cursing as a bullet hit the top of the door next to him. “We won't last that long! Just get on the 240 and fire back now!” I yelled in his ear. “Aye Sergeant!” Smith climbs into the hummvee and mounts the turret with the 240 machine gun firing back. I looked back at Johnson, “we need to get to the lead vic and mount the Mark 19!” I yelled back. Johnson gave me a devilish grin, “aye sergeant!” He yelled back. The lead hummvee was two vehicles ahead. With the help of Williams’ suppressing fire, we got to the second vic. “Just one more” I thought to myself. Johnson got ready to move to the next hummvee. I nod at him and get set for suppressing fire. “Moving!” He selled. Right as he started running there was a snap and he hit the dirt as blood started pooling by his head. “Sniper!” I yelled back to the others. But as soon as I looked back to where Smiths’ 240 was roaring, the entire hummvee exploded as an RPG detonated below it. A large piece of what I assume was the door, hit me in the helmet and I was back on the ground. I looked up with blurred vision seeing an attack helicopter unloading its payload toward the enemy placements. But as I blinked, there was a large face staring at me from across the street. An inhuman face. Almost like a bat. I start to remember what this thing is, just as my vision fades to black.
“Sergeant!” There was somebody yelling. “Sergeant Miller!” I opened my eyes and I was on the ground looking at the bright sky. Then a figure appeared reaching down to help me up. Corporal Johnson grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “You good sergeant?” He asked. “Yeah, I'm good!” I yelled back grabbing my rifle and getting back to the cover of the hummvee. As bullets riddled the opposite side of the vehicle, I went to the front and returned fire over the hood taking out two of the attackers. Johnson came up behind me doing the same. “The fifty is down, and Rodriguez is hit!” He yelled while reloading. I looked at the hummvee ahead of ours. The doors were open and I saw Corporal Smith messing with the radio while being covered by Private Williams. I looked back at Johnson. “Wait.” I thought to myself. “I-I was just here.” I watched as Johnson continued to make the same moves as he did in this memory. I stand up and look around as he runs to the next hummvee. I hear the corpsman yell about evac. Smith yelling about the ETA on the birds. “This,” I said to myself. “This was the last mission.” Then I remembered. A face. An inhuman face. I looked across the street where I saw it. I close my eyes and shake my head. When I opened my eyes, I was back in the darkness of a tunnel. The monster was now looming over me reaching out with its large clawed hand. I immediately jumped back out of its arms reach. The monster seemed surprised that its trance was broken. It began to inhale, readying another shriek. But before it could let out its scream, I drew the compact Sig pistol that I keep under my uniform and put two rounds between its eyes. Now when I asked the boss about having weapons, he said they weren't required. He didn't say I couldn't conceal one just in case. The creature slumped to the ground lifeless. Despite the ringing in my ears from the shot, I knew I had to continue forward to find Stacy. I looked down and was glad to see the footprints and drag marks were clear and continued forward. As I continued down the tunnels, the walls started to change. The texture went from the dirt and stone to a black and almost rubbery plastic. If I had to compare, it looked almost like the walls in that Aliens movie. That thought also unnerved me. Soon after noticing the changes, I started to hear a voice further down the tunnel. It was Stacy's voice. Faint, but there. I quickened my pace. The tunnel then seemed to open up into a large cavern. It was so large that my flashlight couldn't reach the opposite end. The walls had that same alien-like texture. I then noticed bulb-like growths attached to the walls. Walking to the nearest one I peered in. There was the remains of a human skeleton. From the looks of it, the bones were here for many years. The clothes, or what was left of them, looked similar to those I've seen in mining pictures from the 1800s. Moving forward, each bulb, or pod I guessed, had a similar sight. A human skeleton, no flesh remaining. They were all in a pose that suggested they all died screaming. At least, those that still had a jaw attached. After looking into the fifth one, I heard Stacy’s voice again from across the cavern. I immediately started walking in that direction. At that moment I looked up toward the ceiling and saw a nightmare. There were hundreds of those creatures attached and encased in similar pods. All seemingly asleep and ready to get out at a moment's notice. Off to the side, there were several of those bods that were empty. Immediately lowering my light, I hastened my pace as quietly as possible. At the end of the cavern, I saw the pale face of Stacy peeking out of what I now assumed were feeding pods. “No daddy, no.” She was muttering to herself quietly. “Don't hurt mommy.” I lifted her head up and her eyes were open but unfocused. “She must be in that trance” I thought to myself. Reaching to my belt, I pulled out a pocket knife and began cutting away at the pod. Luckily for me, whatever this was made of had not hardened yet. As soon as there was enough give, I pulled Stacy out and placed her on the ground. “Come on. Wake up Stacy.” I said quietly into her ear. After about a minute of speaking to her and giving a light sternum rub, her eyes finally came back into focus. “John?” She asked. I put my hand over her mouth and whispered into her ear, “Shh. We need to get out of here quietly.” I pointed the light up at the creature pods. Her eyes widened. Then she looked at me and nodded slowly. I removed my hand and helped her to her feet. She was a little wobbly. “Can you walk?” I asked. She nodded again and we began our track to the surface.
I took point and followed the tracks that led me here. Seeing me with my pistol aimed ahead Stacy asked, “are there more of them in the tunnels?” “Yeah.” I said gesturing up ahead at the carcass of the creature that I shot earlier. She nodded approvingly. She then pulled out her own Sig pistol from her waistband. I think I’m in love. We continued down the tunnels with haste. When we rounded one corner, another two more of the creatures were shuffling towards us. As soon as I saw them, I took a knee and put two rounds in the first one killing it. The second one climbed over the body and sped up taking a deep breath. But before I could fire at it, Stacy put three rounds into its head. I looked back at her and she was in a perfect shooter's stance the muzzle of her pistol still smoking. With our ears still ringing, I gave her a thumbs up and we continued. After some time, we finally reached the smaller tunnel leading up to the janitor's closet in the warehouse. We got out and looked around making sure that none of the creatures were waiting above. After clearing the building, we both sighed with relief. Stacy then started toward the office. “I'm going to call for backup,” she said. I shook my head. “No. We need to collapse that cavern before those things can get up here.” She looked at me with confusion. “And how do you expect us to do that? I doubt the researchers have explosives in their truck,” she said pointing at the vehicle. “Just follow me,” I said heading to the front door. Stacy hesitated and quickly followed. I immediately ran to my SUV and opened the rear. As soon as Stacy caught up, I opened the plastic cases and her eyes widened. “Take your pick,” I said gesturing toward the case full of guns and armor. After a moment, she grabbed a suppressed Honey Badger rifle, a glock 17, and a chest rig for spare magazines. I took my own Suppressed M4 rifle, glock 19, and my plate carrier. After we strapped on the gear, I handed her a pair of noise canceling headphones to help with the gunshots underground. “So, you usually carry this much gear?” Stacy asked, turning on the headphones. “Well,” I said. “You never know when you need it.” After putting on my own headphones, I pulled out a duffel bag from a much deeper compartment of the case. I set it on the ground and opened it. Stacy's eyes went even wider than before. “Is that?” she stammered. “Yep.” I said, looking down at the large bag full of plastic bricks marked as C4. “Where did you?” she started. “Let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy.” I responded, pulling out a detonator and making sure I had enough components. “Let's move.” I said, throwing the bag over my shoulder and loading my rifle. She nodded, loading her rifle.
Once we reentered the tunnel, the mics on the headphones were able to pick up the faint sounds of the creatures footsteps and distant shrieks. I looked back at Stacy, “ready.” I asked. “Let's go,” She responded. I placed a glow stick at the entrance and began the move forward. After only a few minutes of walking one of those creatures rounded a corner. As it did, it let out one of those ear piercing screams. But, fortunately for us, those headphones worked very well at canceling out the effect that it had. I grinned and promptly put two rounds between its eyes. After stepping over the body and rounded the corner, there were two more. “Shit,” I thought. “More of those pods must have opened.” Despite this revelation, we continued. Killing every creature along the way. Stacy did surprise me though. All of her moves were smooth and calculated. She clearly had more training than what the security company provided. Maybe I should ask her about it when we get out of here. She might make a good range buddy. It took twice as long to get to the cavern the second time. A couple of those creatures almost got the jump on us. They would wait around corners or try to attack from behind. I did get hit, but somehow it only damaged the armor plate. I did note that it went through the plate like butter. Definitely didn't want to get directly hit by that. Once we finally arrived at the cavern, there were more empty pods. And even more were starting to move. I dropped the duffel bag and gave Stacy some of the bricks and detonators. “You take that side and I'll take this one,” I told her. “Got it,” she said. I quickly showed her how to arm the device and we began planting. I put some of them in the empty food pods as well as sticking them to the wall. A couple of the pods burst open. I was quickly able to dispatch them. Once we finally finished planting the C4, we met back at the entrance of the cavern. I took out a timer and attached it to the wall. “We are going to have to run,” I said, punching in fifteen minutes. She took a deep breath and nodded. I nodded back and hit start. We bolted down the tunnels. The bodies of the creatures we killed on the way in, did slow us down. But I calculated that. A couple of them did try to ambush us, but we quickly put them down. Throughout this run, I was able to place a couple of the remaining C4 at key intersections in order to collapse the tunnels. We finally reached the last turn and saw the first glow stick up ahead. I glanced down at the timer on my watch. 5 minutes. “Perfect,” I thought, grinning to myself. I helped Stacy up the tunnel. “Keep going. I'll be right up.” I said. I knelt down and planted the last C4 charge at the base of the exit. I then began crawling up the tunnel. But just before my legs entered the hole, something grabbed my right foot and yanked me back down. It held me upside down and I was able to get a good look at my assailant. It was one of those creatures, but this one seemed bigger. There were scars all over its face and torso. “And you must be the leader,” I said. It snarled. My rifle was on my back so I couldn't grab it. It reared its other arm back and readied a slash. “I don't think so,” I said, drawing my pistol and dumping half the mag into its body. It let out one last scream dropping me and falling dead. I looked at my timer. 2 minutes. Shit. I dove into the tunnel and crawled up as fast as I could. When my head popped out, Stacy was there and she helped pull me out. I looked at her and quickly motioned to the door. “We need to haul ass!” I yelled. Without hesitation, she sprinted with me to the door. She passed me and slammed into the door opening it. I guess I'll need to work on my run time. As soon as I passed the threshold, I heard the beeping of my watch indicating the 5 second mark. We bolted toward the gate. Once we got there, the timer went off. There was a rumble underground as I knew the C4 had detonated. It was a moment later that the backside of the warehouse exploded, as the rest of it caved in. I noticed that a section of the desert seemed to sink slightly. That area was where the researchers seemed to spend the most time. I knew they were hiding something. I shook my head and looked back at our vehicles. Somehow, by some miracle, no debris had hit them. We glanced at each other and both let out a big sigh of relief. We began walking back to my SUV. “So,” I said. “What’s playing in the theater?” Stacy looked up at me, smiled and began laughing. I laughed too as she leaned on my shoulder. “Don't know. As long as it's not horror.” I put my arm around her shoulders. “I agree.”
submitted by Money-Independence-3 to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:02 AdorableBackground83 Points + Assists with playoffs included. (20,000 to 29,999).

80s Player Total Points Assists
Joe Johnson 27,605 22,235 5,370
Pau Gasol 27,355 22,992 4,363
Kyle Lowry 25,787 18,054 7,733
Jamal Crawford 25,181 20,479 4,702
LaMarcus Aldridge 24,247 22,052 2,195
Mike Conley 24,195 17,293 6,902
Dwight Howard 23,219 21,394 1,825
Deron Williams 22,665 15,216 7,449
Zach Randolph 21,902 19,733 2,169
Jimmy Butler 21,493 17,468 4,025
Andre Igoudala 21,394 15,629 5,765
Lou Williams 20,647 16,608 4,039
Al Horford 20,489 16,397 4,092
Chris Bosh 20,491 18,577 1,914
Rudy Gay 20,227 17,914 2,313
70s Player Total Points Assists
Jason Terry 26,421 20,631 5,790
Andre Miller 25,940 17,136 8,804
Chauncey Billups 24,795 18,328 6,467
Tracy McGrady 23,900 19,490 4,410
Stephon Marbury 23,316 16,699 6,617
Antawn Jamison 22,652 20,833 1,819
Chris Webber 22,494 18,677 3,817
Michael Finley 22,305 18,831 3,474
Grant Hill 22,052 17,660 4,392
Mike Bibby 21,959 16,022 5,937
Manu Ginobili 21,925 17,097 4,828
Richard Hamilton 21,871 18,279 3,592
Latrell Sprewell 21,810 17,935 3,875
Shawn Marion 21,575 19,219 2,356
Jerry Stackhouse 20,807 17,393 3,414
Baron Davis 20,725 14,389 6,336
Rasheed Wallace 20,648 18,390 2,258
Antonie Walker 20,030 16,677 3,353
60s Player Total Points Assists
Scottie Pippen 29,765 22,582 7,183
David Robinson 25,732 23,011 2,721
Terry Porter 25,198 17,414 7,784
Mark Jackson 24,913 13,674 11,239
Mitch Richmond 24,413 20,946 3,467
Clifford Robinson 24,388 21,044 3,344
Derek Harper 24,190 17,100 7,090
Sam Cassell 23,822 17,291 6,531
Tim Hardaway 23,793 16,316 7,477
Jeff Hornacek 23,557 17,751 5,806
Rod Strickland 23,539 15,162 8,377
Terry Cummings 23,487 21,124 2,363
Joe Dumars 23,277 18,153 5,124
Kevin Johnson 22,799 15,153 7,646
James Worthy 22,596 19,342 3,254
Chris Mullin 22,491 18,893 3,598
Dale Ellis 21,853 20,015 1,838
Glen Rice 21,418 19,220 2,198
Detlef Schrempf 21,322 17,193 4,129
Otis Thorpe 21,248 18,390 2,858
Byron Scott 20,667 17,548 3,119
Jeff Malone 20,451 18,187 2,264
50s Player Total Points Assists
Robert Parish 28,568 26,154 2,414
Adrian Dantley 27,734 24,735 2,999
Reggie Theus 25,809 19,259 6,550
Walter Davis 25,161 20,971 4,190
Dennis Johnson 25,156 18,651 6,505
Tom Chambers 24,177 21,711 2,466
Mark Aguirre 23,338 20,205 3,133
Bernard King 23,270 20,342 2,928
Eddie Johnson 23,022 20,370 2,652
George McGinnis 22,655 19,162 3,493
Bob McAdoo 22,583 20,505 2,078
Jack Sikma 22,480 18,748 3,732
Kevin McHale 22,461 20,517 1,944
Maurice Cheeks 22,419 14,105 8,314
Rolando Blackman 21,931 18,733 3,198
World B. Free 21,854 18,432 3,422
Gus Williams 21,088 16,022 5,066
40s Player Total Points Assists
Artis Gilmore 29,991 26,709 3,282
Gail Goodrich 25,769 20,631 5,138
Dave Bing 24,334 18,804 5,530
Tiny Archibald 23,920 17,148 6,782
Bob Lanier 23,734 20,492 3,242
Calvin Murphy 23,509 18,894 4,615
Walt Frazier 23,147 17,508 5,639
Chet Walker 23,085 20,747 2,338
Ron Boone 23,019 18,792 4,227
Earl Monroe 22,783 18,925 3,858
Louie Dampier 22,266 16,930 5,336
Lou Hudson 21,836 19,240 2,596
Randy Smith 21,326 16,682 4,644
Bob Dandridge 20,708 17,497 3,211
Jo Jo White 20,666 16,119 4,547
Pete Maravich 20,096 16,435 3,661
30s Player Total Points Assists
Hal Greer 28,395 23,462 4,933
Lenny Wilkens 26,386 18,803 7,583
Bob Pettit 25,730 23,120 2,610
Walt Bellamy 24,471 21,791 2,680
Bill Russell 22,065 17,195 4,870
Bailey Howell 21,154 19,171 1,983
Sam Jones 20,887 18,320 2,567
20s Player Total Points Assists
Bob Cousy 26,870 18,978 7,892
Dolph Schayes 23,654 20,325 3,329
submitted by AdorableBackground83 to u/AdorableBackground83 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:11 KnuckleHeadLuck Most of my collection so far. A few odd ones and unique 1st editions.

Most of my collection so far. A few odd ones and unique 1st editions.
Thinned out a lot of my collection over the last ten years, some Intentionally, some due to a flood. Some are great, some are junk far as value goes, but they are all good comics far as condition and the stories they contain.
Should I grade anything here to protect it/properly value it?
submitted by KnuckleHeadLuck to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 05:32 Icy-Lime-9760 Every championship team since 2017 has had a former Washington Wizard

2017 - Shaun Livingston, Javale Mcgee
2018 - Shaun Livingston, Javale Mcgee
2019 - Jodie Meeks
2020 - Dwight Howard, Javale Mcgee, Markieff Morris
2021 - Bobby Portis
2022 - Otto Porter Jr, Chris Chiozza, Gary Payton II
2023 - Ish Smith, Thomas Bryant, Jeff Green, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope
2024 - Gafford or Porzingis winning it
If your team is in contention, I hope they get a player from the Wizards next year.
submitted by Icy-Lime-9760 to nba [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:09 IMTrainingCenter ✈️Jane Wyman, Van Johnson Three Guys Named Mike (1951) Romantic Come...

Three Guys Named Mike is a classic US romantic comedy film. The movie was directed by Charles Walters and starred Jane Wyman, Van Johnson, Howard Keel, and Barry Sullivan. The film is a light-hearted story of Marcy, an airline stewardess, and her three suitors. The movie was a hit and made a profit of well over half a million dollars, a lot of money in the early 50s. CAST Jane Wyman as Marcy Lewis Van Johnson as Michael Lawrence, "Mike" the scientist Howard Keel as Mike Jamison, "Michael" the pilot Barry Sullivan as Mike Tracy, "Mickey" the ad man Phyllis Kirk as Kathy Hunter Anne Sargent as Jan Baker Jeff Donnell as Alice Reymend Herbert Heyes as Scott Bellamy Robert Sherwood as Benson Don McGuire as MacWade Parker Barbara Billingsley as Ann White Hugh Sanders as Mr. Williams John Maxwell as Dr. Matthew Hardy Lewis Martin as C.R. Smith Ethel "Pug" Wells as Herself Sydney Mason as Osgood
Never miss a video. Join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded:
submitted by IMTrainingCenter to oldmovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 22:49 Scubasteve1400 Another First Shelfie Sunday!

Another First Shelfie Sunday!
I don’t make many posts in general, but just moved the bookshelf across the room so figured why not
submitted by Scubasteve1400 to OmnibusCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 pease461 How many seasons has each winner won throughout the Multiverse

Richard Hatch 7
Tina Wesson 5
Ethan Zohn 5
Vecepia Towery 6
Brian Hediak 5
Jenna Morcosa 5
Sandra Diaz Twine 6
Amber Bkhich 3
Chris Daughtery 6
Tom Westman 5
Danni Boatwright 5
Aras Baskustas 5
Yul Knon 5
Earl Cole 5
Todd Herzong 5
Parvarti Shallow 3
Bob Crawley 6
JT Thomas 5
Natalie White 5
Fabio Birza 5
Boston Rob 3
Sophie Clarke 5
Kim Spraydin 5
Denise Stayplay 5
John Cochran 2
Tyson Apostal 4
Tony Vlanchos 7
Natalie Anderson 5
Jeremy Collins 3
Michele Fitzgerald 5
Adam Klein 5
Sarah Lacina 1
Ben Drigherban 5
Wendell Holland 5
Nick Wilson 4
Chris Underwood 3
Tommy Sheehan 4
Erika Casupamon 5
Maryann Oketch 5
Mike Gabler 5
Yam Yam Aracho 5
Dee Vallandes 5
Kenzie Petty 5
Ashley Underwood 1
Nicole Delma 1
Hope Driskell 1
Kim Powers 2
Chet Welch 2
Julie Rosenberg 1
Scout Cloud Lee 1
Cirie Fields 1
Aubrey Bracco 1
Johnathan Young 1
Linda Wallace 1
Brandon Hantz 1
Jeff Kent 1
Kathy Vavorick O'Brien 1
Ozzy Lusth 1
Stacy Powell 1
Shamar Thomas 1
John Cody 1
Debbie Warner 1
Alexis Jones 2
Sean Rector 1
Johnathan Libby 1
Klunda Klump 1
Coach Wade 3
Sherri Biethan 1
Rachel Foulger 1
Stephanie Valencia 1
Christian Hubicki 1
Wendy Diaz 1
Aaron Meridith 1
Russell Hantz 1
Stacy. Stillman 1
Mitchell Olsen 1
Robb Zbaconik 1
Rob Chesternio 1
Hunter Ellis 1
Michelle Teseru 1
Susan Hawk 1
Chad Crittenden 1
Kim Mullin 1
Brandon Bellringer 1
Bobby Mason 1
Jessica Smith 1
Rita Verrez 1
Dave Cruiser 1
Laura Moriett 1
Danielle DiLorenzo 1
Marty Phoebo 1
Kristina Kelli 1
Mark Caruso 1
Matt Quinton 1
Angie Layton 1
Wendy Desmidt 1
Hayden Moss 1
Lindsey Ogle 1
Kelly Wentworth 1
Sierra Dawn Thomas 1
Will Sims 1
Anna Khait 1
Tay Torlee Stocker 1
Alexandria Elliott 1
Donathon Hurley 1
Jessica Peet 1
Keith Sowell 1
Janet Corbain 1
submitted by pease461 to PeasealSurvivor [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:45 Dave356wSEC Yahoo MLB DFS 6/2/24

Filtered 15 pitchers. Filtered 266 batters. Number of pitcher combinations: 105 Number of valid lineups: 943659 Number of unique lineups: 943659

Top Lineups for Each Stack Variant:

Stack Variant: 5-3
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $198.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 93.13
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Gunnar Henderson SS Baltimore Orioles $ 20.0 9.95
Adley Rutschman C Baltimore Orioles $ 17.0 7.41
Ryan Mountcastle 1B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 6.94
Anthony Santander OF Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 7.15
Jordan Westburg 2B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 8.17
Dane Myers OF Miami Marlins $ 11.0 4.68
Bryan De La Cruz OF Miami Marlins $ 11.0 5.76
Jake Burger 3B Miami Marlins $ 13.0 4.43
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 92.61
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Jose Ramirez 3B Cleveland Guardians $ 24.0 10.24
Josh Naylor 1B Cleveland Guardians $ 18.0 8.18
Will Brennan OF Cleveland Guardians $ 11.0 4.74
Gabriel Arias SS Cleveland Guardians $ 7.0 3.36
Bo Naylor C Cleveland Guardians $ 10.0 3.17
Abraham Toro 2B Oakland Athletics $ 16.0 6.08
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
JJ Bleday OF Oakland Athletics $ 18.0 5.90
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $200.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 92.19
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Gunnar Henderson SS Baltimore Orioles $ 20.0 9.95
Adley Rutschman C Baltimore Orioles $ 17.0 7.41
Ryan Mountcastle 1B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 6.94
Anthony Santander OF Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 7.15
Jordan Westburg 2B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 8.17
Wyatt Langford OF Texas Rangers $ 13.0 4.58
Josh Smith 3B Texas Rangers $ 14.0 6.17
Ezequiel Duran OF Texas Rangers $ 10.0 3.19
Stack Variant: 6-2
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 91.47
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Gunnar Henderson SS Baltimore Orioles $ 20.0 9.95
Adley Rutschman C Baltimore Orioles $ 17.0 7.41
Ryan Mountcastle 1B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 6.94
Anthony Santander OF Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 7.15
Jordan Westburg 2B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 8.17
Austin Hays OF Baltimore Orioles $ 7.0 2.14
Daulton Varsho OF Toronto Blue Jays $ 16.0 6.65
Isiah Kiner-Falefa 3B Toronto Blue Jays $ 13.0 4.42
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 90.88
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Jake Irvin Pitcher Washington Nationals $ 36.0 16.47
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Gunnar Henderson SS Baltimore Orioles $ 20.0 9.95
Adley Rutschman C Baltimore Orioles $ 17.0 7.41
Ryan Mountcastle 1B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 6.94
Anthony Santander OF Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 7.15
Jordan Westburg 2B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 8.17
Austin Hays OF Baltimore Orioles $ 7.0 2.14
Josh Smith 3B Texas Rangers $ 14.0 6.17
Ezequiel Duran OF Texas Rangers $ 10.0 3.19
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 90.66
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Jake Irvin Pitcher Washington Nationals $ 36.0 16.47
Cole Ragans Pitcher Kansas City Royals $ 45.0 21.68
Gunnar Henderson SS Baltimore Orioles $ 20.0 9.95
Adley Rutschman C Baltimore Orioles $ 17.0 7.41
Ryan Mountcastle 1B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 6.94
Anthony Santander OF Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 7.15
Jordan Westburg 2B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 8.17
Austin Hays OF Baltimore Orioles $ 7.0 2.14
Harold Ramirez OF Tampa Bay Rays $ 9.0 3.81
Isaac Paredes 3B Tampa Bay Rays $ 17.0 6.95
Stack Variant: 4-4
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $198.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 93.24
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Anthony Santander OF Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 7.15
Jordan Westburg 2B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 8.17
Austin Hays OF Baltimore Orioles $ 7.0 2.14
Cedric Mullins OF Baltimore Orioles $ 10.0 4.83
Maikel Garcia 3B Kansas City Royals $ 17.0 7.77
Bobby Witt Jr. SS Kansas City Royals $ 23.0 10.14
Vinnie Pasquantino 1B Kansas City Royals $ 16.0 6.88
Salvador Perez C Kansas City Royals $ 15.0 7.52
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $198.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 93.14
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Mookie Betts SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 9.37
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Freddie Freeman 1B Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 7.70
Will Smith C Los Angeles Dodgers $ 20.0 8.10
Mark Canha OF Detroit Tigers $ 10.0 6.57
Colt Keith 2B Detroit Tigers $ 13.0 4.22
Gio Urshela 3B Detroit Tigers $ 12.0 4.03
Akil Baddoo OF Detroit Tigers $ 10.0 4.26
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $196.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 91.51
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Cole Ragans Pitcher Kansas City Royals $ 45.0 21.68
Mookie Betts SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 9.37
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Freddie Freeman 1B Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 7.70
Will Smith C Los Angeles Dodgers $ 20.0 8.10
Mark Canha OF Detroit Tigers $ 10.0 6.57
Colt Keith 2B Detroit Tigers $ 13.0 4.22
Gio Urshela 3B Detroit Tigers $ 12.0 4.03
Akil Baddoo OF Detroit Tigers $ 10.0 4.26
Stack Variant: 3-3-2
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $200.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 96.93
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Jake Irvin Pitcher Washington Nationals $ 36.0 16.47
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Freddie Freeman 1B Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 7.70
Will Smith C Los Angeles Dodgers $ 20.0 8.10
Randal Grichuk OF Arizona Diamondbacks $ 8.0 3.61
Eugenio Suarez 3B Arizona Diamondbacks $ 12.0 4.65
Blaze Alexander SS Arizona Diamondbacks $ 7.0 4.47
Abraham Toro 2B Oakland Athletics $ 16.0 6.08
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 96.19
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Gunnar Henderson SS Baltimore Orioles $ 20.0 9.95
Adley Rutschman C Baltimore Orioles $ 17.0 7.41
Ryan Mountcastle 1B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 6.94
Dane Myers OF Miami Marlins $ 11.0 4.68
Bryan De La Cruz OF Miami Marlins $ 11.0 5.76
Jake Burger 3B Miami Marlins $ 13.0 4.43
Abraham Toro 2B Oakland Athletics $ 16.0 6.08
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $195.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 95.80
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Freddie Freeman 1B Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 7.70
Will Smith C Los Angeles Dodgers $ 20.0 8.10
Randal Grichuk OF Arizona Diamondbacks $ 8.0 3.61
Eugenio Suarez 3B Arizona Diamondbacks $ 12.0 4.65
Blaze Alexander SS Arizona Diamondbacks $ 7.0 4.47
Abraham Toro 2B Oakland Athletics $ 16.0 6.08
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
Stack Variant: 4-3-1
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 94.97
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Mark Vientos 1B New York Mets $ 15.0 7.64
Tyrone Taylor OF New York Mets $ 7.0 3.48
Jeff McNeil 2B New York Mets $ 12.0 4.96
Luis Torrens C New York Mets $ 7.0 4.77
Anthony Volpe SS New York Yankees $ 17.0 7.72
Juan Soto OF New York Yankees $ 22.0 10.00
Aaron Judge OF New York Yankees $ 26.0 9.91
Alec Bohm 3B Philadelphia Phillies $ 15.0 7.84
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 93.77
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Jose Ramirez 3B Cleveland Guardians $ 24.0 10.24
Josh Naylor 1B Cleveland Guardians $ 18.0 8.18
Will Brennan OF Cleveland Guardians $ 11.0 4.74
Gabriel Arias SS Cleveland Guardians $ 7.0 3.36
Abraham Toro 2B Oakland Athletics $ 16.0 6.08
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
JJ Bleday OF Oakland Athletics $ 18.0 5.90
Freddy Fermin C Kansas City Royals $ 10.0 4.33
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $200.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 93.61
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Jake Irvin Pitcher Washington Nationals $ 36.0 16.47
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Mark Vientos 1B New York Mets $ 15.0 7.64
Tyrone Taylor OF New York Mets $ 7.0 3.48
Jeff McNeil 2B New York Mets $ 12.0 4.96
Luis Torrens C New York Mets $ 7.0 4.77
Anthony Volpe SS New York Yankees $ 17.0 7.72
Juan Soto OF New York Yankees $ 22.0 10.00
Aaron Judge OF New York Yankees $ 26.0 9.91
Manny Machado 3B San Diego Padres $ 11.0 5.35
Stack Variant: 5-2-1
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $193.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 92.11
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Jose Ramirez 3B Cleveland Guardians $ 24.0 10.24
Josh Naylor 1B Cleveland Guardians $ 18.0 8.18
Will Brennan OF Cleveland Guardians $ 11.0 4.74
Gabriel Arias SS Cleveland Guardians $ 7.0 3.36
Bo Naylor C Cleveland Guardians $ 10.0 3.17
Alex Verdugo OF New York Yankees $ 14.0 6.59
Gleyber Torres 2B New York Yankees $ 14.0 4.91
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $198.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 91.45
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Freddy Peralta Pitcher Milwaukee Brewers $ 52.0 22.65
Jose Ramirez 3B Cleveland Guardians $ 24.0 10.24
Josh Naylor 1B Cleveland Guardians $ 18.0 8.18
Will Brennan OF Cleveland Guardians $ 11.0 4.74
Gabriel Arias SS Cleveland Guardians $ 7.0 3.36
Bo Naylor C Cleveland Guardians $ 10.0 3.17
Alex Verdugo OF New York Yankees $ 14.0 6.59
Gleyber Torres 2B New York Yankees $ 14.0 4.91
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $191.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 91.23
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Charlie Morton Pitcher Atlanta Braves $ 42.0 17.40
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
DJ Stewart OF New York Mets $ 7.0 4.11
Mark Vientos 1B New York Mets $ 15.0 7.64
Tyrone Taylor OF New York Mets $ 7.0 3.48
Jeff McNeil 2B New York Mets $ 12.0 4.96
Luis Torrens C New York Mets $ 7.0 4.77
Anthony Volpe SS New York Yankees $ 17.0 7.72
Juan Soto OF New York Yankees $ 22.0 10.00
Alec Bohm 3B Philadelphia Phillies $ 15.0 7.84
Stack Variant: 6-1-1
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 88.53
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Jake Irvin Pitcher Washington Nationals $ 36.0 16.47
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Ketel Marte 2B Arizona Diamondbacks $ 16.0 7.28
Corbin Carroll OF Arizona Diamondbacks $ 16.0 5.64
Lourdes Gurriel Jr. OF Arizona Diamondbacks $ 11.0 5.74
Christian Walker 1B Arizona Diamondbacks $ 19.0 7.68
Randal Grichuk OF Arizona Diamondbacks $ 8.0 3.61
Eugenio Suarez 3B Arizona Diamondbacks $ 12.0 4.65
Ryan Jeffers C Minnesota Twins $ 18.0 7.85
J.P. Crawford SS Seattle Mariners $ 16.0 6.30
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $200.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 88.35
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Brandon Pfaadt Pitcher Arizona Diamondbacks $ 42.0 18.76
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Will Smith C Los Angeles Dodgers $ 20.0 8.10
Teoscar Hernandez OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 17.0 7.00
Andy Pages OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 13.0 5.30
Enrique Hernandez OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 10.0 2.50
Miguel Rojas SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 11.0 4.46
Miguel Vargas 2B Los Angeles Dodgers $ 13.0 6.44
Tyler Freeman 3B Cleveland Guardians $ 14.0 6.77
Anthony Rizzo 1B New York Yankees $ 13.0 5.70
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $197.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 88.19
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Brandon Pfaadt Pitcher Arizona Diamondbacks $ 42.0 18.76
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Will Smith C Los Angeles Dodgers $ 20.0 8.10
Teoscar Hernandez OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 17.0 7.00
Andy Pages OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 13.0 5.30
Enrique Hernandez OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 10.0 2.50
Miguel Rojas SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 11.0 4.46
Miguel Vargas 2B Los Angeles Dodgers $ 13.0 6.44
Alec Bohm 3B Philadelphia Phillies $ 15.0 7.84
Joey Meneses 1B Washington Nationals $ 9.0 4.47
Stack Variant: 2-2-2-2
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 100.61
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Mookie Betts SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 9.37
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Steven Kwan OF Cleveland Guardians $ 18.0 8.90
Tyler Freeman 3B Cleveland Guardians $ 14.0 6.77
Abraham Toro 2B Oakland Athletics $ 16.0 6.08
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
Matt Carpenter 1B St. Louis Cardinals $ 9.0 3.98
Ivan Herrera C St. Louis Cardinals $ 10.0 4.32
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $200.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 99.63
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Mookie Betts SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 9.37
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Abraham Toro 2B Oakland Athletics $ 16.0 6.08
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
MJ Melendez OF Kansas City Royals $ 9.0 3.69
Freddy Fermin C Kansas City Royals $ 10.0 4.33
Austin Riley 3B Atlanta Braves $ 14.0 5.86
Marcell Ozuna 1B Atlanta Braves $ 19.0 9.11
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $195.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 99.58
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Mookie Betts SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 9.37
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Steven Kwan OF Cleveland Guardians $ 18.0 8.90
Tyler Freeman 3B Cleveland Guardians $ 14.0 6.77
Abraham Toro 2B Oakland Athletics $ 16.0 6.08
Miguel Andujar OF Oakland Athletics $ 17.0 12.29
Garrett Cooper 1B Boston Red Sox $ 7.0 3.32
Reese McGuire C Boston Red Sox $ 8.0 3.96
Stack Variant: 3-3-1-1
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $197.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 94.04
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Simeon Woods Richardson Pitcher Minnesota Twins $ 31.0 15.33
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Mookie Betts SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 9.37
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Freddie Freeman 1B Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 7.70
Jordan Westburg 2B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 8.17
Austin Hays OF Baltimore Orioles $ 7.0 2.14
Cedric Mullins OF Baltimore Orioles $ 10.0 4.83
Logan O'Hoppe C Los Angeles Angels $ 14.0 5.17
Maikel Garcia 3B Kansas City Royals $ 17.0 7.77
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $200.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 91.60
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Jake Irvin Pitcher Washington Nationals $ 36.0 16.47
Nestor Cortes Pitcher New York Yankees $ 49.0 19.88
Mookie Betts SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 9.37
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Freddie Freeman 1B Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 7.70
Jordan Westburg 2B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 8.17
Austin Hays OF Baltimore Orioles $ 7.0 2.14
Cedric Mullins OF Baltimore Orioles $ 10.0 4.83
Kyle McCann C Oakland Athletics $ 10.0 5.03
Maikel Garcia 3B Kansas City Royals $ 17.0 7.77
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $197.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 90.62
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Jake Irvin Pitcher Washington Nationals $ 36.0 16.47
Brandon Pfaadt Pitcher Arizona Diamondbacks $ 42.0 18.76
Mookie Betts SS Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 9.37
Shohei Ohtani OF Los Angeles Dodgers $ 19.0 10.25
Freddie Freeman 1B Los Angeles Dodgers $ 18.0 7.70
Jordan Westburg 2B Baltimore Orioles $ 16.0 8.17
Austin Hays OF Baltimore Orioles $ 7.0 2.14
Cedric Mullins OF Baltimore Orioles $ 10.0 4.83
Logan O'Hoppe C Los Angeles Angels $ 14.0 5.17
Maikel Garcia 3B Kansas City Royals $ 17.0 7.77
Stack Variant: 4-2-1-1
Lineup 1: - Total Salary: $199.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 91.77
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Charlie Morton Pitcher Atlanta Braves $ 42.0 17.40
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
DJ Stewart OF New York Mets $ 7.0 4.11
Mark Vientos 1B New York Mets $ 15.0 7.64
Tyrone Taylor OF New York Mets $ 7.0 3.48
Jeff McNeil 2B New York Mets $ 12.0 4.96
Anthony Volpe SS New York Yankees $ 17.0 7.72
Juan Soto OF New York Yankees $ 22.0 10.00
Gary Sanchez C Milwaukee Brewers $ 15.0 5.30
Alec Bohm 3B Philadelphia Phillies $ 15.0 7.84
Lineup 2: - Total Salary: $200.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 91.55
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
Gavin Stone Pitcher Los Angeles Dodgers $ 43.0 17.18
DJ Stewart OF New York Mets $ 7.0 4.11
Mark Vientos 1B New York Mets $ 15.0 7.64
Tyrone Taylor OF New York Mets $ 7.0 3.48
Jeff McNeil 2B New York Mets $ 12.0 4.96
Anthony Volpe SS New York Yankees $ 17.0 7.72
Juan Soto OF New York Yankees $ 22.0 10.00
Gary Sanchez C Milwaukee Brewers $ 15.0 5.30
Alec Bohm 3B Philadelphia Phillies $ 15.0 7.84
Lineup 3: - Total Salary: $198.0 - Total Fantasy Points: 91.52
Player Position Team Salary Fantasy Points
Zack Littell Pitcher Tampa Bay Rays $ 41.0 17.15
Nick Lodolo Pitcher Cincinnati Reds $ 47.0 23.31
DJ Stewart OF New York Mets $ 7.0 4.11
Mark Vientos 1B New York Mets $ 15.0 7.64
Tyrone Taylor OF New York Mets $ 7.0 3.48
Jeff McNeil 2B New York Mets $ 12.0 4.96
Anthony Volpe SS New York Yankees $ 17.0 7.72
Juan Soto OF New York Yankees $ 22.0 10.00
Gary Sanchez C Milwaukee Brewers $ 15.0 5.30
Alec Bohm 3B Philadelphia Phillies $ 15.0 7.84
submitted by Dave356wSEC to dfsports [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:02 throwRa_altacc Desensitized to sadness? Is it bad to only consume depressing/Sad media

My friends and I were discussing something, and I said something like, "____ isn't that sad" (I don't know what it was, maybe Spirited Away?). He replied, "You are just desensitized to sadness." I didn't think much of it, but a few hours later after he left, I was thinking about it and realized that, yeah, I kind of am.
All the media I consume is just the saddest possible piece of media in the genre/form of entertainment, so I guess it makes sense I don't find a lot of stuff others find sad to be sad and can't really cry.
Anyway, I can't cry and I don't really feel sadness. I feel incredibly empty, and I tend to take out sad experiences later as anger or another emotion. A lot of the stuff I do I feel like would make anyone else cry, but for me, it's just the only time I feel like I can breathe. I don't consider myself depressed anymore, but I definitely still have mental health issues, and it may not be as simple as making friends and declaring I'm fixed. I wish I could cry like everyone else.
Today was the one-year anniversary of my dad's death. We wrote notes and sent them off on Chinese lanterns. I wrote on mine, "I'll see you on the dark side of the moon. Love and miss you, Dad," and sent it off. My dad and I loved Pink Floyd (I prefer "Wish You Were Here"; I don't know why I referenced "Dark Side of the Moon"). I don't know why it just kind of came to me; I know it's a little cringe, but it felt right. My grandma spent the entire time bawling. I was listening to "Fourth of July" by Sufjan Stevens, which is about watching his mom die and fade like fireworks. I think most people couldnt listen to this song on its own but i listen to it daily. I felt empty for sure, but I didn't cry. Tears didn't even well up in my eyes. The hardest thing was just seeing everyone else so hurt by it, but it didn't really affect me. I wanted so desperately to cry and feel something, but I felt nothing.
I hide so much of who I am. I used to dissociate in the past, so I know what it feels like, and I wasn't dissociating.
I think I might be desensitized to sadness. I want to just break down and lose my shit. I wish I could just break my TV and tear things apart and cry and freak out, but instead, I just lie there feeling empty. I don't grieve in the traditional sense. I don't communicate any of this to anyone else. I have media I want to share with family to show how I feel, like I want to watch "A Silent Voice" with my mom, but I don't even think she knows I was depressed or attempted suicide multiple times.
I think I've been desensitized for so long that I've sought out the most depressing things I can to feel something, but now I don't feel anything at all because all it did was raise my tolerance. While I love the media I consume, it can't be healthy. It feels like I can't breathe if I'm not consuming the most heart-wrenching media imaginable, and after watching it, other stuff doesn't compare.
Here are some examples of my favorite media:
Music: Elliott Smith (#1 artist), The Antlers (specifically the album Hospice), Sufjan Stevens, Jeff Buckley, Father John Misty, Alice in Chains, Have a Nice Life, Red House Painters, Bright Eyes, Radiohead, The Microphones, and Alex G.
Movies: Shoplifters, Synecdoche, New York, It's Such a Beautiful Day, Fallen Angels, All About Lily Chou-Chou, Parasite, Mulholland Drive, Memories of Murder, Magnolia, Dogville, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Anime & TV Shows: Perfect Blue, Haibane Renmei, Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Tale of the Princess Kaguya, Paranoia Agent, Welcome to the NHK, Magnetic Rose, Cyberpunk, Sonny Boy, Princess Mononoke, Barry, The Sopranos, and Tatami Galaxy (not sad actually).
Books and Manga: Oyasumi Punpun, No Longer Human (book, not the manga), Norwegian Wood, Infinite Jest, Berserk, Slowness, and Homunculus.
Video Games: Nier Replicant, Nier Automata, Halo Reach, and Tales of Berseria.
This seems like it's a bad thing but I'm not sure exactly. Alot of this stuff has really helped me in the past and idrk what to do. I want to cry. I want to break down but I just can't. It litterally feels like I cant breath without sad media.
submitted by throwRa_altacc to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]