School bus template

School Bus Graveyard

2021.07.21 03:35 AdollaBurst School Bus Graveyard

The unofficial subreddit for canvas and original Webtoon School Bus Graveyard

2019.12.08 17:04 StickandAdot SchoolBusDrivers

A place for school bus drivers to talk school busses and school bus related stories. Bring your daily school bus humor or nightmares here.

2015.07.15 17:44 I want the Magic School Bus!

Do you want the Magic School Bus?

2024.06.05 11:30 gepa21 Getting started with Phoesion Glow, the backend service development solution for human beings

Getting started with Phoesion Glow, the backend service development solution for human beings
Phoesion Glow is a cloud-native framework designed for dotnet (micro-)services with features like service-bus, load-balancing, scaling, logging/tracing, monitoring and cluster management, service-to-service discovery/communication and more. It also includes a lot of GUI/CLI developer tools (eg. aspire-like dashboards) and build-in Distributed application services like persistent key-value storage (caching), Mutexes, Job-Scheduling, State-Machines, FeatureFlags etc.
To get started without installing ANY tools, you can give it as quick try using docker containers, by :
  1. Downloading the "hello world" sample code
  2. Start the Reactor service container using docker run --name reactor-2.0.4 -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 15000-15010:15000-15010 -p 16000:16000 phoesion/phoesion.glow.reactor-dev:2.0.4
  3. Run the sample (using Visual Studio)
  4. Open http://localhost/HelloWorld/GreeteSayHello and you should see a "Hello World" response.
What happened behind the scenes to produce that response?
The ingress/mediator service (running in container) received the http request and, using the service-bus (also in container), made an RPC call to your service (running in visual studio), that handled it and returned the response. All this happened automatically, without needing to configure any of them! and it's because all components were build from the ground-up to work together as part of a complete (opinionated) solution
To get the full developer experience, including developer dashboard, i recommend installing the tools:
  1. Stop/Delete the reactor container from docker (it will not be needed anymore)
  2. Close Visual Studio (so new templates can be installed)
  3. Download and install the tools (Blaze)
Now, open up the sample code again in Visual Studio and run the service. The developer dashboard will pop-up giving your visibility to you service metrics, structured logging, tracing and more. Your are now fully setup to start developing services using Phoesion Glow!
There a lot of samples demonstrating the capabilities of Glow, have a look and try them out!
Some notable samples include :
If you find it interesting and would like to know more information and how to run/deploy your services in your cloud or on-premises let me know.
PS: this is a screenshot of the developer dashboard
and this is a screenshot of Blaze, the service cluster management dashboard
submitted by gepa21 to phoesion [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:27 WeekendFantastic2941 Why is the cartel so cruel to innocent people?

I mean, what made them so cruel? Nobody is born cruel so what caused this behavior in the cartel?
They kidnapped, tortured and murdered a school bus of students and teachers, btw. 2014

submitted by WeekendFantastic2941 to TrueAskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:24 Reccognize Asking ChatGPT about the Maura Murray case

Lest anyone wonder, large language models like ChatGPT are not always accurate, but I didn't know they can be THIS inaccurate. Thought this would be good for a laugh.
What can you tell me about the Moulton brothers with regards to the Maura Murray missing person case?
ChatGPT: The Moulton brothers, Tim and Lance, are investigative journalists who gained prominence for their podcast and documentary series titled "Missing Maura Murray." Their work focused on the disappearance of Maura Murray, a college student who vanished under mysterious circumstances in February 2004.
Tim and Lance Moulton's involvement in the case began with their interest in exploring the unanswered questions surrounding Maura's disappearance. They conducted extensive research, interviewed key figures involved in the case, and delved into various theories and leads. Their podcast and documentary series helped to raise public awareness of the case and prompted renewed interest and scrutiny.
Through their investigative efforts, the Moulton brothers contributed to keeping Maura Murray's case in the public eye and bringing attention to potential leads and discrepancies in the investigation. Their work has been instrumental in generating discussion and fostering ongoing efforts to uncover the truth about what happened to Maura Murray.
What can you tell me is known about Claude Moulton with regards to the Maura Murray missing person case?
ChatGPT: Claude Moulton was a significant figure in the Maura Murray missing person case. He was a bus driver who reportedly encountered Maura Murray on the night of her disappearance. On February 9, 2004, the night Maura vanished, Moulton claimed he saw a young woman matching her description standing beside a black Saturn sedan near the junction of Route 112 and Bradley Hill Road in Haverhill, New Hampshire.
Moulton stated that he approached the scene, and the woman seemed distressed. He offered to call the police for her, but she declined and said she had already called AAA. Moulton noted that the woman didn't appear to be injured, but she seemed to want to avoid attracting attention. Later, he reported the incident to the police after he learned about Maura's disappearance.
His account added to the timeline of events on the night Maura disappeared and provided potential insight into her state of mind and whereabouts. However, like many aspects of the case, Moulton's sighting has been subject to speculation and interpretation, and its significance remains uncertain.
What can you tell me about the people living in the A-frame cabin with regards to the Maura Murray missing person case?
ChatGPT: The A-frame cabin near the site of Maura Murray's disappearance became a point of interest in the investigation. Some reports suggest that the occupants of the cabin were Butch Atwood and his wife. Butch Atwood was a school bus driver who was the last person known to have seen Maura before she vanished. On the night of February 9, 2004, Maura's car reportedly crashed near the Atwood residence on Route 112 in Haverhill, New Hampshire.
Butch Atwood claimed that he spoke briefly with Maura after her car wrecked, offering her assistance and suggesting that he call the police. Maura allegedly declined his help, saying that she had already called AAA, and asked him not to contact the police. Atwood, however, did eventually contact the police after he returned home.
The A-frame cabin and the Atwoods' proximity to the scene of the accident raised questions during the investigation. Some theories and speculation about Maura's disappearance have involved the Atwoods and their potential involvement or knowledge of the events surrounding Maura's disappearance. However, there's no concrete evidence implicating them, and their role in the case remains uncertain.
submitted by Reccognize to MauraMurrayCase [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:17 E_is_for_Ewe Struggling with a lack of communication

I've been working at the same school for a while now. Overall everything is great, but the relationship with the senior JTE is getting chaotic. Not sure what you would all do in this situation... I feel like we're having a communication breakdown, though I'm trying my best to keep everyone in the loop as far as my work in concerned. I work as a direct hire ALT for a single school, but I'm only at the school for no more than 28 hours a week.
I was told by the senior JTE that I should have found time to talk to the new JTE about the next unit coming up after finding a note on the white board that made little sense to me. I'm pouring over my schedule (and the master schedule) and scratching my head... when exactly? I guess I have a few options, but forget all that for a moment.
Previously, if a teacher (JTE / HRT) needed my time, I was told that the teacher would come to me. Occasionally if I knew something was coming up, I'd ask, but generally, there would either be a note on my desk, or a teacher would reach out to me while I was in the office. My free time is listed for everyone in the office to see. It's never been the other way around, so when the senior JTE told me this, I was very much confused.
This all escalated with a note on the whiteboard that was not there before I left yesterday. From what I could gather at 8:15 in the morning, it was a unit plan for either 5th or 6th grade written in Japanese. My name was written at the top left corner- all it said was アンケート(anketto), 紙 (kami) with a circle around it, my name, and おねがい (onegai). Asides from information about the unit itself, there was no other information specifically for me, let alone who wrote the memo.
I barely had time to digest the note, as I had class first period with the new JTE. The note was an afterthought; I'm thinking about the next class. It doesn't help that the new teacher typically doesn't come to the English office to get materials for her lessons. I'm constantly bringing class materials to her classes, unsure of exactly what she needs.
Once 1st period was over, I went back to the office and asked the senior JTE about the note. He response was that I should have spoken to the new JTE previously- and that in general, I should be asking her about the new classes and staying up to date. He mentioned that he could do it, but that I should be staying in communication with her.
My first reaction was- this goes against everything I've been told up until this point. It's understandable to have some sort of communication with all of the JTEs at the school, but I feel like I'm being thrown under the bus here. I'll add that the senior JTE is also in charge of my schedule and dealings within the school- when something comes up, I go to him first.
I can live with a change if necessary- but in all seriousness, when does he expect me to contact the new JTE?
I understand that I should be contacting her when she has office hours, and that I should avoid pulling her out of her own homeroom class, but we rarely cross paths when I'm free. I really don't know what this senior JTE expects me to do. I'll ask him via email at some point, but I already know that the two of our schedules (mine and the new JTE's) only share a single free period a week on Thursdays, provided she's in the office and not preoccupied.
With all the office time I have, there's barely a minute to talk with the new JTE without taking her out of her class or cleaning responsibilities after lunch. It's that or talk to her when I'm off the clock, and that's a no brainer.
Not sure if there's anything else I should add at this point... I've overstayed my time.
submitted by E_is_for_Ewe to teachinginjapan [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:16 pleasedontbannedme I crush weirdly

Crush as in liking someone haha.
I mean, throughout my highschool experience I only loved two guys and both I loved dearly yet they both had a similar experience.but in both I'm equally as weird and disgusting (I will say)
Let's start with "P." I could describe him in detail but won't because I respect his privacy, kinda.
I always saw him while going to the bus and thought "hey he's cute" so I developed a crush right there and then. I literally looked everywhere for him and got all his class scheduled checked out.. and even his friends!! (Found his socials) He was a grade above me so never spoke to him at all. (I was a Jr and he was a senior) I would literally once try to find where the school bus he took left him but never figured that out. I have some videos of him and pictures/screenshots of him, haha. I should've deleted them by now but come on, I love having memories. God the amount of emotions I went through this man. I cried for days knowing I won't be with him, be his girlfriend, or just cry because I related him to a song. Hell I got even mad at him for no reason and got pissed off that he wasn't paying attention to me. We even had the same interests yet my dumbass couldn't say shit? Fuck man. I'm over him tho, so no more "P" in my life. My crush on him lasted about a year.
Anyways, time for crush number 2.. and that's "O"
God where so I begin, I noticed him in my second semester of Junior year bc my friend was like "Hey he looks like 'P'" and I looked at him and instantly was hooked again. (I overlapped this crush with 'P' which I'm mad bc I was supposed to stay loyal to one crush at a time) But my crush really started when I started senior year as "P" left. I saw "O" and he was going to be my new love, in my head, but he was more on the awkward side. Anyways, I did the same thing, took pictures/videos and listed all his classes. And bc it was senior year I also got his university he's going to and even got his mom's number. (By chance) Honestly, I thought he was cute but my friends said otherwise. Whatever they wouldn't understand lol Anyways, I got mixed feelings with him though, I mean, he got red when I sat with him but he would ignore me. Maybe I was ugly for him, which I understand I am and not mention in the heavy side.. uh FAT. But like of course I got emotional. (All that I mentioned with "P") But for him they were harder? Maybe bc we were the same garde? Maybe bc I saw him talk to his friends and got jealous? I even got mega depressed over him.. and hella anxious Did I mention how he was the only crush I spend money on? Yeah by an anonymous Valentine's card/candy. Lmao my friend said he was embarrassed and shy about it. I was going to tell him it was some but I have major social anxiety lol I'm still trying to get over him even after finding his mother's Facebook. Haha it's cute tho ngl but I should stop that. Hopefully he doesn't find this he is here this a-pp... Hi "O" 🤗
But yeah, I need to stop loving/liking people like this because it's so weird. Not to mention creepy and it really messes my mental health. Shit if this is what others mean by wanting an "obsessive gf" then I'm all in bro
submitted by pleasedontbannedme to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:18 Good_Armadillo2396 throwback to when my dad slut-shamed me as a kid

the whole situation was just so stupid and uncalled for. this happened back in 2017, i was around 14F in 9th grade living in the philippines. my classes usually ended at 3 so i had time to spare to hang out with my friends on campus. i usually go home via private school bus so i wasn’t worried about how i’d go home. but i got careless and failed to double-check with the school bus if they had a 5PM trip (they usually had one) because on that particular day they didn’t have one. so i was kinda left on campus with no ride home.
i didn’t even own a phone back then. i had to ask the guards to let me use their phone to call my mom asking if they could pick me up. but my mom didn’t know how to drive so it had to be my dad picking me up. but he is (still) a narcissistic man who refuses to do anything that inconveniences him, even at the risk of the safety of his child. he told my mom that i had to endure the consequences of my action and that he wasn’t going to pick me up no matter what. i was tearing up and was severely embarrassed because the guard was right there and there was no way he couldn’t overhear the conversation. at some point my mom asked her friend and her husband who lived nearby to pick me up and bring me all the way home. i wanted to cry and contemplated begging them not to take me home because i didn’t want to see my dad.
when i got home, my dad immediately screamed at me for being irresponsible and being a burden on other people. he slut-shamed me saying i stayed back on purpose to “show off” to my schoolmates. i was a straight 14F studying in an all girls school, literally what on earth was he talking about. i tried explaining to him that i was just playing around with my friends, but he already had a narrative in his head where i was the slut who was shamelessly flirting around in school. and there was my mother, the enabler who didn’t even attempt to protect me at all. it’s not like she ever did anyway.
this could have been an epic backstory if i was actually flirting around and potentially liked girls, but to this day i’m still a straight woman so that memory just overall sucked.
submitted by Good_Armadillo2396 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:42 EarthInternational9 Rock band woke me up because they wanted to block a message RPM screamed.

My side of story below because they don't want people to know my side of story at all!!! RPM gave them a compromise but they didn't accept it!! SK tells people that he was raped? He wasn't. He doesn't tell people that my boyfriend raped him. I also didn't date or live with a drug dealer. So who are they talking about? I see spine injury of a kid that suggests rape happened. They can also trash photos of other women's kids because they are trying to turn me into Victoria's mother. Bus driver is different woman. Truck driver was different woman. But imposter got Chris M talking, so very good at charming him. Unnaturally so?
SK fails when he confronted someone to get box of photos back. It's still a prop for "big show" guy! But they wanted me to kill myself because DK didn't keep his promise to me! He revealed his true colors before 1998 which is why I don't trust him now. He claims that his SK killed himself because he was teased about "porn star" but kid is here and no obituary. See how DK is getting SK deported to foreign country because he sold identity to PVB white guy? They want people to think it's okay to replace some African Americans with white Republicans from foreign countries before election day? Wonder why?
Meanwhile, they complain about the $ they didn't give me. "Luke" has toothache. Medicaid doesn't have any providers. Without cash to take him to dentist, nothing can be done. They want me to make cash with sex, filmed sex. So they won the lottery for evil plots and manipulation! They think they can pay FL state and federal employee to switch identity of my son and I because economic abuse is demanding that I am stuck on welfare and unable to work better job than men. A man made that wish and they made sure it happened that way since I was doing well $ before!
Did you check out Maria, the neighbor? I think she went to high school with DK? Did you investigate the relationship between them from 1980's to present? What do they have in common? How did either meet my brother? Why did BL get mail at Westfield NJ address? Why did I get mail at Westfield NJ address if I never lived there? Credit cards? Welfare that I didn't apply for??
What else do you know that I don't? SK has a kid, but he's not allowed to bring kid home. Kid is abused? He doesn't know me, but he's part of big show because he thinks that I am his mother, not grandmother. Who is mother of SK's baby? Why is secret from me? Why can't child visit his grandmother? Why is he deprived of emotional and psychological connection to father's mother?
Victoria's mother? They brag that they arranged for her to work with prototype of AI since she charmed people and identity grift doesn't bother her. I wonder why? Is she not US citizen? Why did she need to steal documents from anyone else if she could request them whenever if she was born in USA?
submitted by EarthInternational9 to u/EarthInternational9 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:30 lolfuckkkk I need help finding a movie

So I know this is a long shot but all I can remember from this movie is that at the end scene I believe(not entirely sure) criminals hijack a school bus and this girl has to escape to the emergency exit through the roof of the bus and then has to jump into her dads arms but she’s like fkn terrified Any help would be greatly appreciated. I remember watching it a while back but it can’t be earlier than the early 2000s
submitted by lolfuckkkk to NameThatMovie [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:13 Outside_Ad4558 Julian Cole - Strategy Finishing School (Download)

Julian Cole - Strategy Finishing School (Download)
Julian Cole - Strategy Finishing School

Julian Cole - Strategy Finishing School Reviews: Is it worth it?

If you're looking to elevate your career in strategy, the Julian Cole - Strategy Finishing School might just be the golden ticket. Julian Cole's extensive 15-year experience in the strategy field has been distilled into a comprehensive course designed to take you from a beginner to a strategy leader. Let's dive into what makes this course a game-changer for aspiring strategists.

A Deep Dive into the Strategy Craft

Julian Cole - Strategy Finishing School isn't just a quick overview; it's an in-depth exploration of strategy. With nine robust modules, you'll get a solid foundation in all things strategy. These modules cover everything from the basics of what strategy is, to advanced topics like business strategy and advertising effectiveness. It's like having Julian as your personal mentor, guiding you through each step of your strategic journey.

The BIG-T Strategist Model

One of the standout features of the Julian Cole - Strategy Finishing School is the BIG-T Strategist model. This model is designed to help you progress to leadership roles by focusing on three critical areas: Diplomacy, Management, and Selling Strategy. These modules are crafted to give you the skills needed to not just be a strategist, but to lead and inspire teams.

Lifetime Access to Video Lessons

The course offers over 80 video lessons that you can access anytime, forever. Whether you're a visual learner or someone who likes to revisit materials, this feature ensures you can learn at your own pace. The lessons are structured to help you at different career stages: from a novice strategist to a seasoned Head of Strategy. It's a resource that grows with you.

Strategy Fundamentals and Beyond

Starting with the basics, the course covers Strategy Fundamentals, ensuring you understand the core concepts. As you progress, you delve into more specialized topics like Research, Insights, and Creative Briefing. By the time you reach the advanced chapters, you're learning about Brand Strategy, Comms Planning, and Business Strategy. Each module builds on the last, creating a comprehensive learning experience.

Time-Saving Templates

One of the biggest perks of the Julian Cole - Strategy Finishing School is the access to a treasure trove of templates. Julian has curated a Strategy Finishing School Library with templates for strategy setup decks, content strategy, comms planning, and more. These templates are designed to save you hours of work, letting you focus on what really matters - crafting brilliant strategies.

Professional Development Focus

Julian doesn't just teach strategy; he prepares you for career success. The course includes modules on Professional Development, covering essential skills like transitioning into a strategy role, building confidence, and even negotiating a raise. These lessons are invaluable for anyone looking to climb the career ladder in the strategy world.

Mastering Diplomacy and Management

Leadership in strategy isn't just about having great ideas; it's about executing them effectively. The Diplomacy and Management modules are all about how to work with different teams, give creative feedback, and manage other planners. These skills are crucial for anyone aiming to take on a leadership role in their organization.

Selling Strategy Like a Pro

The final piece of the puzzle is selling your strategy. The course teaches you how to scope and sell strategies effectively. You'll learn the RICK Sales Model and understand how agencies make money. This knowledge is essential for proving the value of your work and getting buy-in from stakeholders.

Conclusion: A Must-Have for Aspiring Strategists

In a nutshell, the Julian Cole - Strategy Finishing School is a comprehensive, well-structured course that equips you with everything you need to succeed in the world of strategy. From foundational knowledge to advanced leadership skills, this course has it all. If you're serious about a career in strategy, investing in this course could be one of the best decisions you make.
submitted by Outside_Ad4558 to GeniusHacking [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:12 Moonlight_dreamer86 AITAH for feeling a bit disappointed and mad about my friend for ditching our hangout midway for her girlfriend?

AITAH for feeling a bit disappointed and mad about my friend for ditching our hangout midway for her girlfriend?
My friend, who we'll call Honey(17) and I(17) became friends during the first few months of senior high and I'd like to say that we are close as siblings. Honey got into a relationship 2 months ago and ever since Honey got into a relationship, I've done nothing but support her relationship in ways that I can. I never did hold anything negative between her and her girlfriend so I thought everything would go smoothly.
Even before they even start dating, Honey would constantly talk about her crush (now gf) to me, saying things like, "I miss her so much" every 5 seconds, mentioning her in conversations that doesn't have any sort of connection with her, and she would often tell me how much she admired her.
At first I thought it was cute because she loves her girlfriend and she's just expressing it... Constantly. But lately I've been feeling as if all we ever talk about is her girlfriend and I've been feeling uncomfortable with how much we (or she) talks about it. I would be talking about a different topic and she would bring her gf in the conversation as joke repeatedly even if I go quiet or try to maintain the old topic.
I've been trying to keep it in and saying it's no problem since she's still in puppy love stage in their relationship but what sets me off is how she would hold our hangouts back for her girlfriend or "baby time" as she calls it.
Experience 1: we were suppose to go to my house together after school and the mini bus was almost full. Honey told me to go right ahead and she'll catch up after she says goodbye to her girlfriend. Almost 10 minutes has passed, I was calling Honey's phone while looking at her and her gf from the mini bus, and she still wasn't finished until the mini bus was filled with people already. The mini bus was about to leave and she had to join another one in order to catch up. (I was a bit infuriated. Is it wrong feeling that way?) (we still ended up hanging out at home but I wasn't feeling that well about it)
Experience 2: we were suppose to go to my house again after choreography practice for a project. I told her we have to go right away if she wants to spends some time at my house before she goes home. Honey then thinks and says that she has to go home early for her sibling - who was left alone at home - and told me she wouldn't be able to come. I asked her if she's sure and she replied, "Am I really going to leave my brother alone at home?" Without any more words exchanged, I left her and her girlfriend as they remain cuddling and comfortable with eachother.
I decided to test something and waited by the terminal for 10 minutes to see if she would be going home early. Honey didn't show and it just made me disappointed. But I could've been just overthinking things and they must've left after I did... Probably.
We made very few hangouts after those and I cant say i really enjoyed them when Honey would constantly talk about her gf to me in every single one of them.
Experience 3. :most recent and it happened two days ago. Honey invited me to go eat with her and she would treat me some lunch. I was happy because we barely hung out when it would be just us two and without any mentions of her gf. On the way to the place we were going to eat, Honey would still constantly talk about her gf and I would just nod along because I don't know how to respond anymore.
We passed by 3 of our other friends (they invited us to go with them to eat) and Honey seemed like she wanted to join them so I said why not. On the way, Honey would still tell me how pretty her gf is, showing me her picture, how much she missed her, she then told me how her gf is messaging her asking where she is. Honey told me how she wants to know where her gf is inorder to go and come with her right that moment. I didn't say much.
We arrived at the place and minutes later Honey told me she has to go and she will order some food when she comes back.
An hour past and I chatted and ate with 3 of our friends. Honey showed no signs anywhere nearby because I constantly looked outside to see if she's coming back. She didnt. I repeatedly look at her messages to see if there's any updates or change of plans but there was nothing. I felt like I was stood up or something. I wanted to try and call her but knowing/expecting Honey to be with her significant other, her phone would be silent. And I didn't want to seem like clingy.
I chatted her asking where she is and just said goodbye and thanks for the food.
The next day, I kept mentioning that experience repeatedly "as a joke" and Honey would just laughed and replied "I paid for your food though?". I told her I'll pay her back if thats what she thinks.
I asked Honey why didnt she come back. She said "baby time". And i just went quiet.
The two of the friends I hung out with during monday told me, after we all left, they were surprised by Honey in miniso and she was very happy and waving at them. Of course, she was with her girlfriend. One of the two friends were pissed at Honey because she looked like as if everything was normal. As if she never left any one in the first place.
It made me think if I was really that easy to dispose at anytime for her. I know that I'm just a friend and how her girlfriend should be priority over friends, but if you're going to plan a hang out with your friends, make sure to end it properly or chat or even call to say change of plans. It wouldn't made it better but at least I would be aware that I'm waiting for no one.
submitted by Moonlight_dreamer86 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:09 lolfuckkkk Help

So I know this is a long shot but all I can remember from this movie is that at the end scene I believe(not entirely sure) criminals hijack a school bus and this girl has to escape to the emergency exit through the roof of the bus and then has to jump into her dads arms but she’s like fkn terrified Any help would be greatly appreciated. I remember watching it a while back but it can’t be earlier than the early 2000s
submitted by lolfuckkkk to whatmoviewasthat [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:03 Lazy_Television_3179 Tapu sena ke sare bache kab bade hoge ?

Tapu sena ke sare bache kab bade hoge ?
Meri school, collage dono kahatam hogai lekin inki life shuru nahi Hui achhe se phele school me the fir college me ab club house me kabhi kaam nahi karte kuchh nahi karte ek kaam ke naam pe apni hi games vagera ka promotion karva ya tha jaha Tak muje yaad he goli ne doctor ki padhai ki thi maybe or tapu bhi kahi bahar padhne gya tha lekin fir bhi all day bus club house me hote he ya koi social activity karte he inke parents bhi kuchh nahi kehte ki bhai apne maa baap ka pesa kitna daal rahe ho samaj seva me khood kamao or logo ko chhas pilao mere pese se nahi or sabhi ki age 20+ ho gai he lekin nahi sab ko Ghar pe bethna he or bus social activity karni he show me agar inki life me fouce kare to inko aage job ya business karne bheje Sonu ka koi new boyfriend aajye fir tapu or us boyfriend ke bich ladai ho bhide bhai boyfriend ki team le or Sonu ko choose karna pade tapu ya boyfriend ke bich goli ko uske vajan ki vajah se sab chidaye or uska weight loss ka dill kare lekin maa baa uske aade aaye or usko jabardasti mota rakhne ki koshish kare esa kuchh dikaye to show me maja aaye ga or new stroy mile gi what's your opinion please do tell me
submitted by Lazy_Television_3179 to TMKOC [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:53 Glittering-Iron-1388 16f here, getting diagnosed now lol and I have 0 friends 🥺...

Hi ☺️👋🏻, my name is Ash and I am getting an autism diagnosis now, it's so late 😭 and I do notice things that I do differently from neurotypical people, my sister is autistic, but parents believe she somehow 'contracted' it from pneumonia as a child. I was 6 when I had to stay in the hospital for 6 months with my sister and I remember making lots of friends there, but when I went back to school all my friends ditched me and started to physically bully me. I have been bullied since I was 6, I haven't even seen my cousins or relatives since I was 9 due to them living in another country so I have only been to 3 weddings in my entire life. In the whole of secondary school, I made no friends, when I mean I have no friends, I mean I have no friends even outside of school I have 0 friends. My parents think I 'became' autistic because I was jealous of good treatment my sister was getting and I just made myself that way like wtf. I have been physically abused by them since I was 5, but now I am waiting till I'm 19 since that's when I will finish college and go to university. I literally have no life, I am very suicidal and no one gets me. I have now been referred to CAMHS and am getting a psychologist for my mental health and the neurodevelopmental team has been in touch and they are going to test me for lots of neurodivergent disorders. I have got extra support, 1:1 since year 1 and still my parents didn't think that was suspicious, also lots of teachers used to get surprised when I said 'I have no disabilities' because apparently I'm also getting tested for learning disabilities since I literally can't understand maths and science at all. My parents said they are going to kick me out if I fail my GCSEs and I don't even know where the hell I'm going to go. I remember when new teachers would join and see me in a normal class they would be like 'Oh I am really surprised your in this class because I thought you were autistic. I was an extrovert from ages 0-6, making me doubt autism, but I was too talkative and told I have a high pitched noise. I told teachers I probably have only Level 1 Autism but they shook their heads and said that I definitely have Level 2 since my mom still does my hair for me and I can't even do applications for sixth form on my own. Read my posts on Fun-Ingenuity 9355. Also I will tell you a secret, nursery kids bully me on the coach too 💀, I go on the school bus so yeah. Even people from lower secondary have bullied me, I am the oldest in my class and yet I am the most dumb and weakest. Any advice you guys can give me???. Can I make friends in the future?😭😭😭
submitted by Glittering-Iron-1388 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:45 Ellie_Bulkeley I need help finding a job

I’m currently in college but have opted to spend my last semester at home (I live across the country from my school so I’m taking all online courses). I had a job from when I was 17-20 but had to quit for school, it was just at a grocery store nothing incredibly special. But now that I’m back they’re not hiring nor is the other store from the same company near my house. I have gotten no word back from the store down the street and have gotten rejected from Trader Joe’s 4 times. No word from in n our either and looking online just has yielded no results (well for anything I’m qualified for, want to/can do, or are close by). It’s also a challenge because I can only get around on bike or possibly by bus. I can’t drive and still don’t want to learn so all my job options have to be close. I’m mostly looking for customer service or retail, even a mall job if they’re hiring. Are there any tips you guys have to search because I don’t even know where to start and I’m desperate now, my mom has been bugging me practically every day about how I don’t have a job yet and I don’t have the drive or moxy to do anything which is so unfair because I AM looking and I AM applying and going in the store to ask myself!
submitted by Ellie_Bulkeley to jobsearchhacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:38 liiikethewind I should have killed myself over a decade ago. Best time was 2008, second best time is today. bye y'all

I fucking hate being this stupid ass disorder. NO ONE saw past that stupid SpEcIaL shit. Being triggered by family for other reasons (turns out I have misokinesia) but of course THAT stupid ass disorder is why I was triggered. Yeah fucking trigger my misokinesia on a bus and if I move away from you, that's proof I'll do that if some stranger is doing the thing. I can ignore or move away from the stranger, NOT FUCKING FAMILY DELIBERATELY FOLLOWING ME AROUND WITH THAT SHIT. Yeah being annoyed by the people traveling with me deliberately making me uncomfortable is proof I need to be locked away in an aba prison. And fuck off with your i dIdNt kNoW iT wAs aN iNstItUtIoN bullshit otherwise YOU WOULDN'T HAVE KEPT ME IN THERE BASED ON HOW I REACTED LITERALLY BEING FUCKING HARASSED IN PUBLIC. Oh fuck off you really thought it was a school for gifted children you bitch? Fuck off. Get out of my fucking life. I was actually "smart" for a 7 year old, having 9th grade levels of education, and was put into what's essentially a loony bin for 10 years and left as a 17 year old with 9th grade education. But of course that fucking disorder is why I never grew, it's why I wasn't educated and only had the effects of child abuse. Thanks for nothing mom should have fucking aborted me.
Fuck off you bitch. The reason you fucking took me out of that prison is because I had the fucking potential TO MAKE YOU RICH. That was it. The disorder made me interested in game design and games make money. That's the only reason why I'm not in that fucking group home. If I was abused into hating video games and game design like everything else I enjoyed (because that fucking disorder made me enjoy music, books, movies, and TV), I wouldn't have the potential to make you rich, and I would have been in an infantile state for the rest of my life because of that institution's forced age regression. But of course the reason I'm behind everyone is that fucking disorder.
The disorder gave me the job because the disorder made me Smart enough to search the internet for jobs (rocket science am I fucking right). The disorder is why I didn't have a job before, it was just widdle too hard because I'm too special and too little widdle to search for jobs. The disorder is why I made a game, because the disorder made me smart and the disorder made game design my widdle special interest. The disorder is why I didn't make a game, because programming is too hard for my widdle special brain that can't solve problems because it's too hard. Everyone's an actual person, I'm a fucking disorder. But of course the reason I killed myself is because living with the widdle disorder makes life widdle too hard, and the reason I didn't kill myself is because the disorder made me optimistic (ooh big word, must be the disorder that made me so smart) for the future.
I'm killing myself. I'm not living as this shit anymore. I will perpetually be a toddler trying to act grown. A joke. Funny.
submitted by liiikethewind to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:39 Heavy-Response-9700 I thought I saw her

I just got home and needed to vent. We haven’t seen each other in 2 months, I got off the bus late as I was staying after school for a club. As I got off the bus i saw someone from behind that looked like her, minus the hair being shorter. Everything came back to me, I felt sick to my stomach, I wanted to go up to her and talk to her. I started to tear up and I wanted her to see me. The thing is I don’t know if it was her or not, for all I know it was just some girl that looked like her. i threw up in a bush because of it. i dont know what this means for me, so many things washing over me, and i dont even know if it was her or not as i never saw her face. I want to text but it’s her birthday tomorrow so that’ll just ruin everything for her. I hate feeling like the same helpless guy I was when we first broke up and when we went no contact. I’m so confused.
submitted by Heavy-Response-9700 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:36 GlitteringPetalGirl2 These should be titled “evidence of over-sharing for validation” that I need from my followers online! 🙄😂

These should be titled “evidence of over-sharing for validation” that I need from my followers online! 🙄😂 submitted by GlitteringPetalGirl2 to BrittanyJadeGossip [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:31 Affectionate_Sky5823 Moving to Dundee

Hi all, I’m going to be starting at University of St. Andrews this fall and am going to be living in Dundee as housing in St. Andrews is so limited. I’ve been looking at flats to rent and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what neighbourhoods/areas I should be looking in and where I should avoid? I’ll be having to bus to and from school so transportation is a factor. Any advice you have is appreciated!
submitted by Affectionate_Sky5823 to Scotland [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:30 jamie_rey77 so i've had a rather... chaotic day of exams

So, Spanish yesterday morning:
We're in a small room next to the library instead of the main exam hall bc literally no one does Spanish but anyway. First, one of the two invigilators just STARES AT ME so many times throughout the exam and it was really uncomfortable and yh. Then halfway through the reading exam, this guy outside just goes round and round singing and it took every ounce of energy and self control that I could muster to not burst out laughing. So that was something.
Then, the history exam yesterday afternoon:
The exam was meant to start at 1. We're all waiting outside the exam hall before the exam and we normally have to wait for a while to be let in. So when we do eventually go in, I sit down, get my glasses on and look up at the clock. What time is it? 1:10. The exam is 1hr 45mins and we finish school at 3. Bc it normally takes 5 mins or so for the main invigilator to explain the rules and all that, we weren't due to start until 1:15 and so we'd end at 3. And of course it'll take ages for them to collect the exams and to let us out and for me to go to my locker and so I was terrified that I was gonna miss my bus. And then the main invigilator decides to take double the time he needed to explain the rules before we started at about 1:18. And whilst all this is happening, what song randomly comes into my head, may you ask? FELIZ NAVIDAD.
submitted by jamie_rey77 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:25 Narrow_Vanilla_9337 Room at Grandmarc for 2024-2025 school year!!

Hi guys! I am looking to sublease a room (all guys apartment) at Grandmarc for the 2024-2025 school year. The apartment is a 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom PREMIUM unit, and the rent is $1080/month. The room is spacious and private, and the common area has hardwood floor. It is located at an extremely convenient location, with a bunch of places to eat and a bus station across the street. It is also less than a mile from campus, so walk is not horrible. Message me if you are interested :)
submitted by Narrow_Vanilla_9337 to ucrhousing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:23 Androecian Do I fit in here?

I feel young at heart, like I never really lost touch with my inner child. I just no longer think of myself as him, as the child I was.
As long as I'm not acting in a way that harms him or shuts him out, I feel all right about letting him take over some nights and watch what he wants. Referring to him as separate from me helps me remember myself when I have days where I regretfully need to be the adult the world sees in this body.
Out in the real world beyond my home, I feel like the organic human meat mecha my inner child is constantly piloting. He dressed me up in clothes he likes, I listen to his favorite music and watch his favorite shows on the bus to The Thing You Do If You Want To Get Along Okay For Now.
Back when I was him, that Thing was going to and from school on the yellow bus. Now for me it's going to and from work on the city bus, and all the rules are different, and I can't exactly socialize the same, but also really none of the rules are different and child me hadn't thought so deeply about how well the school experience is managed. At a good school. His were mostly okay.
I swear I'm not multi-personality, just autistic :D and maybe also a little body- or age-dysphoric, in a nostalgic sense of seriously constantly pining for how many less expectations hung over my head, and how much easier living felt as the child/teen/minor I was. I try to keep him around, he's always wanted pocket computers and wrist computers and wireless Internet and easily navigable online social spaces, and despised ads ever since Naomi Klein compiled No Logo.
I don't happen to prefer media made for children over media made for adults - unless it's the sort of thing made for children but featuring strong themes adults can relate to, like Avatar: The Last Airbender. (There is no movie in Ba Sing Se!)
By this I mean, I loved My Little Pony (and I love "for kids, but also for everyone" media) because I know my inner child would have loved it if he'd been young when it was new.
I don't want to stop aging or regress. It's too late for that. But I don't want to be an adult all the time, I'm just being forced to. I'm not being given a real-world, scientifically sound (and safely reversible in emergency) choice to actually Big-R Rewind, so the best I can do until then is try to bring my inner child along for the ride we both can't put in reverse.
Anyway um hi and it's great to meet you and I need to take a break from writing this, I feel like I just logged into LiveJournal to slit my soul's wrist and hold it over the keyboard for the length of a sad song and hit Post.
submitted by Androecian to nevergrewup [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:11 Jealous-Statement-39 Rant

Hi everyone! Sorry ahead of time, as this post is everywhere and ver long, but I really just want to rant and get this off my chest…
My ex (white 28M) and I (Asian 23F) broke up back in January after nearly 3 years together. We had agreed to still be friends, but we "drifted apart" due to various reasons (both him and I at fault, no matter how you look at it). Months before we broke up, I had agreed to be in his cousin's wedding (fiancee's side), and I still plan on being in it because her and I grew pretty close throughout my ex's and my relationship.
Here's where it gets messy...
Before we broke up, we had obviously planned to go together to the wedding (taking place in a different state in July). But after we had broken up, I asked him if that was still the plan, he said, "I haven't thought that far out yet, I don't care." I spoke with my parents about carpool advice, especially since my car is not reliable right now (I can not afford maintenance atm), and my mom said that she will drive me since it's a weekend and she happens to be free. I texted my ex to let him know (1 month ago), so he has ample time to put something together. Last I spoke to his mom, she was planning on going too, so I naturally thought the new plan for them would be to carpool together. Long story short, he blew up on me for "throwing him under the bus," since the plan was to carpool together. He pettily responded, "thanks for letting me know ahead though, I guess." And we haven't really spoken or texted since.
Fast forward to yesterday and into today, I finally unadded him on everything, as I saw he moved on with a new girl (less than 5 months after we broke up), and I was cleaning out my purse and found his house key, so I texted him saying, "Hey, I found your key in my purse, do you want it back? You can give it to your girl." I genuinely did not intent for this to come across as petty. But he blew up at me for being "the most petty human ever", and said, "I just have a friend I ride [motorcycles] with." My coworker lurked his instagram... Low and behold, they're together... Another piece of info I should add is we were having sex up until like 1 month ago. So, I'm sure you can imagine why this hurt. Not only becuase he straight up lied to me, but because it feels and seems like he's had her lined up for when we officially cut contact. A couple of his cousins have even messaged me to see if I was okay and expressed how they feel "he really did [me] dirty." But I really want to get outsider perspective and opinion, because I feel broken. I had an emotional and mental breakdown at work today because it all felt so real that we are forever done now.
Other info I forgot to add…
  1. Of the nearly 3 years we were together, he has been unemployed for more than half of that time. He also still lives with his mom and doesn't pay rent. (I also live with my parents at age 23, but I do pay rent). He uses taking care of his grandma as an excuse to not have a job, but his mom goes in to work late morning and he wakes up late (gaming until 3/4 AM or riding his motorcycle late into the night), and immediately hits the gym for 2-3 hours as soon as her husband gets home. IMO, he has plenty of time to at least have a PART TIME JOB and still have time for his hobbies. Where I know I may be wrong is that I called him out on this, but he accused me of bashing his grandmother (which I did not).
  2. I graduated undergrad in 2023, but throughout the time we were together while I was in college, I would go to his place after a long day of school and work (1-2 jobs a day) and was expected to cook dinner for him and his family. I did this because A. I needed to eat, and B. I loved him, so I did it while he played his video games. I got fed up with this because he would get mad the days I didn't come over after work after graduation (I am a behavior therapist for kids diagnosed with ASD, so it's very exhausting).
  3. The reason we broke up came down to because I want to have kids and he doesn't (never held this against him, as this is a valid opinion and desire to have), and I didn't want to move away from my family and everything I know to across the country with him, where there are little to no Asian Americans I can connect to (family and my roots are very important to me).
submitted by Jealous-Statement-39 to AITAH [link] [comments]