Rv captain chair seat covers

[US-NYC] [H] Marvel/DC/Indie complete lots [W] PayPal $$$

2024.06.04 19:44 generalosabenkenobi [US-NYC] [H] Marvel/DC/Indie complete lots [W] PayPal $$$

Open to offers, let me know if you need more pictures of anything. Just would need to add a few extra dollars for shipping
DC Comics – Floppies:
-Strange Adventures 1-12 (A cover) $40
-Strange Adventures 1-12 (B cover) $40
(Lot of both covers) $65
-Martian Manhunter 1-12 $20
Marvel – Floppies:
-Star Wars Bounty Hunters 1-26, War of the Bounty Hunters 1-5, War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha $60
-Iron Fist 1-7, 73-80 (Brisson) $30
-Invaders 1-12 $25
-Jessica Jones 1-18 $30
-Earth X 1-12 + 0/X $40
-She-Hulk 1-11 (Rainbow Rowell) $25
Indie Single Issues:
-Mech Cadet Yu #1-12 $35
-Empress 1-7 $25
-Captain Victory 1-13 $80
-Crossover #1-6 $30
-Death or Glory #1-11 $25
-Blood Stained Teeth #1-10 $25
submitted by generalosabenkenobi to comicswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:42 BrilliantSeparate705 Summer & Generally Italy

Hello! I'm 21 and sick of my current lifestyle, I have everything I need but I'm constantly feeling lonely and generally horrible/unhappy. Because of that, I plan to spend the next 2 months living in Italy in my car to see if I finally find purpose and happiness that way.
I'll have a test weekend next weekend, to see if I'm able to even sleep in my car, and if that works out I'll start planning the big journey.
Unfortunately, the car that I have is quite small (Mercedes A180 2006) so I'll have to sleep on either of front seats. Good thing is that it only consumes 4.5L/100km of diesel when driven around 60kmh (52MPG). Is that doable, that I sleep on the front seat? Or do you all sleep in the trunk with folded down seats?
Another thing is that I currently don't have any window covers. I suppose I could get that thing that goes over your eyes, but I'm a bit afraid of some junkie spotting me in the car and then harassing me/robbing me. Is that a real concern in Italy?
Do you keep your windows rolled down during summer while you sleep in the car? I'm afraid that someone might rob me because of this.
Regarding the Italy part, has anyone lived in a car there? AFAIK it's pretty easy as long as you don't get robbed (which I suppose is a problem in bigger cities only). I currently live in Slovenia.
Thanks everyone! Also, ask me anything, I might have forgotten to mention something and I'll gladly talk with anyone!
submitted by BrilliantSeparate705 to urbancarliving [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:31 DeyDenn Welcome to: The unofficial interview for the upcoming council elections!!

Your orb starts to pick up a strange signal, suddenly projecting images of a mirror like starry lake, with 60 silver chairs neatly placed in rows. Over the chairs, a projected image of each candidate flickers in an out, attempting to connect with them and relay their responses.
"Welcome everyone, to the first edition of the unofficial official elections interview, by the dreamscape press!!! today we are glad to be the hosts for the 60 noteworthy beings who are running to get a coveted spot on the council!! They hail from all manners of places and races, all with their own affinities and agenda!! some evil, some good, some just plain chaotic."
"We thank all 60 participants for taking precious time from their wizardly bussy schedules, and in return we'd like to ask some questions, thus allowing the audience to gain a better understanding of who they are voting for!! take this as a chance to stand out with hearfelt answers, charm some people with your clever responses or just aswer in monotone with single word sentences!!
And for the public out there, feel free to submit any and all questions through your pondering device of choice and see if you get an answer!!
Without further ado, lets get to the questions!
Thank you all again for coming!!! we hope all of you enjoyed the answers provided by our esteemed candidates, best of luck to you all on your campaigns, may the stars always look kindly over all of you! The images get blurry little by little while a deep voice start speaking
"This program is public, outside of any political party. This program was made to cover community service hours imposed by the council for the crime of trespassing. It's use for purposes other than those established in the program is prohibited. Unless you bribe us, in which case don't tell the current council, or we'll be in trouble, again."
submitted by DeyDenn to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:21 LawyerVet36 Ending The Beginning & Dinner With Sam.

I think I'll stop updating AITAH after this post and stick to the subreddit. I know people might not find it but honestly that's ok. This is as much for me as it is for anyone else.
Have you ever gotten lost in thought in the shower and spent so long there that the hot water runs out? That’s what happened to me.
I did manage to gain some clarity while just standing there and thinking. I realized I was going to need to make some immediate plans, that I couldn’t just let things keep coming at me without being prepared. I knew that I needed to do what I could to get ahead of things before they hit like a tsunami and took me down. The first thing I did after drying off and pulling on some clothes was call JA.
I apologized for bothering him again so soon. He just laughed and said Joe used to call him at all hours and he missed it. He told me that Joe (and now I guess, me) was pretty much the only client he still worked with and that although his name was still listed first on the firm’s wall, he wasn’t in that much demand these days as he had younger attorneys with a lot more ambition doing the heavy lifting. He was just there to keep everyone out of trouble. I doubted that very much but accepted it as his way of telling me not to worry about bothering him.
I asked him if Joe’s letter was part of the filing with the probate court. He confirmed that it wasn’t, which was a huge relief. I shared my concerns about the fact that Joe had, in part, disclosed how extensive his holdings were in the letter and that when word got out I’d never have any peace.
He said he’d had the same concerns and had shared them with Joe. Regardless, Joe had told him he wanted to read it as it was and that he knew it was going to be dropping a bomb but that he had his reasons and was sure that I could handle it.
JA and I spoke a bit more and agreed that there was no easy way for someone to piece together the total holdings in the estate, that his network of trusts, holding companies, and shell corporations made it difficult even for them to keep track of.
So basically, I had eight relatives that had heard the letter read, one of whom was my father, and I knew I could trust him not to talk about it. That left seven people in the family that were probably going to spread gossip, but I had the option of just saying that Joe had left me some property and the house and that it was just the rumor mill making it out to be a bigger deal than it was.
I thanked him and said that I’m hoping that long as I keep a low profile and don’t start spending money like my aunts did, that I can keep people from finding out for a little while. He made me promised to call him if I needed anything else over the weekend and we said our goodbyes, for the 3rd time that day.
I called my dad right after JA and I got off the phone and shared the same concerns with him. I said I was going to try to keep things under wraps as long as I could and asked him to just not confirm any rumors. He told me he had already been thinking the same thing and hadn’t even shared much with Jessica. We agreed to keep it like that for a while and hung up.
Finally, I called Emily back, who sounded much better than she had 45 minutes before. She told me she was on her way to her friend’s house to stay the night.
I asked her if she wouldn’t mind keeping what Joe said in his letter private for now. I told her that I really didn’t want the attention right now. She immediately agreed and said she wouldn’t tell anyone. I suggested she also keep her inheritance a secret as well, that the fewer people that knew the better. She said that made sense and that it wasn’t anyone’s business anyway. Smart kid.
When I asked her whether she had a summer job yet and when she had to leave for college, she hesitated for a minute before saying that she wasn’t sure when she was leaving for college and that she was still looking for a summer job but needed one ASAP.
I had been hoping that was the case and asked her if she’d like to work for me over the summer. I was expecting to get bombarded by calls. If she was up for it, I’d pay her $20 an hour to work in my office, answer the phones, handle some filing, and keep my calendar. I told her she could start on Monday.
Emily immediately shouted, “YES!” and asked if she could start tomorrow instead. For the first time that day, I laughed, which felt really good. I jumped at the chance to pass my phone off as soon as possible and asked her to come by my place at 8:30 if that wasn’t too early for her. She said 8:30 was perfect, that she had a change of clothes with her, so she’d just leave her friend’s place and head straight to mine first thing in the morning.
Finally feeling like I had accomplished something, I headed downstairs with 15 minutes to spare. Sam and I were meeting two blocks away at a relatively new restaurant that saw most of its business on the weekend. Trendy bars and restaurants had started lining sections of Main Street now as the weekend population exploded, bringing a lot of energy to the town.
Walking over, I noticed that John (my “minder) had taken up position several yards behind me. I made a mental note to ask Mark about him tomorrow morning, maybe he knew him.
Arriving at the restaurant a few minutes before 6:30, I scanned the patio and bar for Sam and confirmed I’d beaten her there. I put my name down for a table and went back outside to tell John that I was going to be wait inside. He said he’d be at the bar or relatively close by and that his replacement, Craig, would be here in about 30 minutes.
He was explaining that there would be someone positioned outside my home all night when I told him I saw Sam walking up. John stepped aside discreetly, as Sam and I hugged and moved toward the bar to sit down while we waited on a table.
I asked about her day. “I never schedule surgeries on Fridays, so it was a fairly easy day. Mostly catching up on notes, following up with patients, and doing consults.”
“Now quit stalling. I’ve been waiting all day to hear about what happened! What are they going to do with Joe’s place?”
I started by recapping the morning. When I mentioned Debbie and my brother were banging on the doors after trying to come into the meeting late, she started laughing and I felt a little more relaxed. I didn’t mention the security or Debbie’s arrest later in the day and momentarily wondered whether this was one of those cases where an omission was the same as a lie.
Right around that point the hostess came over to seat us. We grabbed our drinks and moved into the dining area, settling into a table in the corner of the restaurant. “You’re killing me Alex, tell me about the property and the car, are you going to be able to buy them?”
I looked down for a moment gathering my thoughts before responding. “No, I don’t have to buy them, he left me the house and property, along with the car and pretty much everything else.”
Sam’s eyes got wide and she started to cheer but held it back to a yip. “Oh my god, that’s amazing. I’m so glad, I had hoped he would do that. There was really no reason why he would leave them to anyone else.”
At this point I was pretty sure we were well past the threshold for an omission to be a lie and I pushed on. “Actually, that’s not the whole story. It seems like Joe had a lot of secrets. He had a lot more than just the house and car.”
“How much more, Alex?”, she was squinting at me as if she could tell I was holding back (which honestly, I guess I had been).
“It’s a lot, Sam…” I started. She just stared at me. “How much?”
I was getting uncomfortable, not because I didn’t want to tell her but because it wasn’t the reaction I was expecting. She didn’t seem excited or happy; I really couldn’t put my finger on it.
I took a deep breath and started explaining about the land, the buildings, and his portfolio. I went on for several minutes, recapping what he had said in his letter about family, legacy, and his disappointment in how they had squandered what had been given to them.
Once I finally paused she asked how much I was talking about. I gave her a ballpark. Sam hadn’t been in the billionaire boys club but once you get past a certain point does it really matter whether there is an extra zero?
“Are you being serious right now?” she asked. I assured her I was and that some folks in the family were pretty upset. I told her about Debbie’s break-in, and she finally laughed at the image of Debbie turning to find cops with guns pointed at her.
I went ahead and let her know that the law firm had arranged for security, both at Joe’s place and for me, until things cooled down. She asked me if there was someone watching over us in the restaurant right now. John’s replacement had arrived while we were talking, I pointed at him. Sam turned to look then turned back to me, her smile was gone.
“I called my mom yesterday, excited that we’d reconnected and that all the old feelings were there. She said it sounds like a fairy tale, that we’re going to have the cutest kids and the perfect life! One day later, you’re in a dynastic hillbilly battle walking around with a bodyguard? Where’s the fucking picket fence in this scenario, Alex?”
My eyes must have widened at that statement and she blushed as she realized what she had said before taking a long pull on her old-fashioned and fixing her stare back on me.
I was struggling to think of how to respond, when she reached across the table and covered my hand with hers. “Alex, I know this isn’t your fault, it’s just a lot to take in.” She paused before continuing, “the guy over there watching over you might not be here temporarily. You need to understand that your life is never going to be the same again, and anyone that’s part of with you is going to be affected by this.“
Sam had always been able to quickly assess a situation. She was right; my life wouldn’t be the same. Joe’s secret would get out, and the family feud was probably just beginning. I realized I’d been quiet, lost in thought. She squeezed my hand.
“It’s going to be okay Alex, I just need time to process, the same as you do… Now tell me about the rest of the day.”
I carried on, skipping the part about the family trust and the community foundation Joe asked me to oversee. When I told her I didn’t think it was a good idea to support pressing charges on Debbie, Sam agreed that it would probably just make things worse. She suggested I work on getting her out tomorrow, saying one night in jail was probably enough.
I mentioned my plan to have Emily work for me until she left for college and Sam thought it was a great idea. She offered to stop by in the morning, while I was at breakfast with Mark, and spend some time with her. She said that not only would Emily being there help me, but that it might also help with the family situation. I’m not convinced of that, but I hope she’s right.
When I told her that I probably needed to go to Joe’s place soon she said she’d be happy to join me, if I wanted the company. I promised to check with her before I went.
We’d finished dinner at this point and had finally settled back into a casual rhythm by the time dessert came. Both of us were worn out by the time the check came. I paid and walked Sam out to her car, with Craig in tow.
Sam glanced back at him. “I guess it’s a good thing you’ve got him to watch over you… although if I had wanted to stay at your place that would be a bit awkward now,” she said.
I must have looked shocked because she laughed. “Easy, I’m kidding. It’s been a long week. I’m ready for bed…my bed, but I’m glad I can still spin you up.” She kissed my cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning!” she called over her shoulder as she got into her car.
I walked back home, starting to realize just how tired I was. After taking the dogs out, I went straight to bed. The next thing I knew, it was morning, light was streaming through the window, and my phone was ringing loudly.
submitted by LawyerVet36 to InTheValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:17 championsporty Bemz Chair Covers Coupon Code

Click the link for Bemz Chair Covers Coupon Code. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by championsporty to GatherDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:14 OohVaLa The other day I picked up a 2011 Silverado 2500 HD extended cab with 64k miles. Clean inside and out. Very happy with it.

The other day I picked up a 2011 Silverado 2500 HD extended cab with 64k miles. Clean inside and out. Very happy with it.
Vortec 6.0l V8, slight lift to it (didn't measure how much), tunnel cover, bed liner, fifth wheel hookup, tractor supply utility box, step bars, leather interior, OnStar available, Sirius XM, backup camera & sensors, power seats and power mirrors. I bought it for $18.9k from an 85 year old man that only used it to tow his camper. It was worth every penny to me.
submitted by OohVaLa to Silverado [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:12 hyperpixel4 Brunch with my little guy

Brunch with my little guy
Made an omelet to share to see if he liked it better than scrambled eggs. I thought it was successful until I took him out of the high chair and found all the egg crammed in the seat 😂 avocado with hemp seeds for grip was so-so, but he loved it mashed and loaded onto his spoon. 90% of this didn’t get eaten (by him at least), as usual.
submitted by hyperpixel4 to foodbutforbabies [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:09 Certain-Ferret3692 Any Fern owners have issues with the gap between the back and the seatpan?

If so, how tall are you? I see this in some reviews as a potential. I have a Fern and I'm having a hard time deciding where I should have the seat pan. I like to feel like I have a good amount of room on the seat pan, but if I do that and sit all the way back I feel the gap. If I decrease the seat pan enough to remove the gap and have 2 fingers width between the back of my knees and the front edge of the seat pan I don't feel like I have enough room on the seat - I think this is mostly because of the waterfall design of the seat. So even though I have the recommended two fingers distance, it doesn't feel like I have enough chair to sit on. I'm only 5'8" so maybe I'm not sitting properly so I'm wondering what other owners are experiencing.
submitted by Certain-Ferret3692 to OfficeChairs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:55 theelfrider (Help/Advice) Second service visit since April for 2022 M3LR

I tried to post here in April regarding my audio system error message.
Here is that post.
Purchased the car in mid April, immediately scheduled the appointment for the error.
Since that service appointment the Dog Mode and AC pre-conditioning does not work. It worked before the service appointment, but the next time I tried to use it after that neither worked. Due to system fault, I believe is what the app (and dash screen says). I opened a service appointment again, this time the soonest availability was June 21st. Over a month away from the time that I was opening the service claim. I'm in north Florida, so it's obviously crazy hot here and I do need to use the Dog Mode when or if I have dogs with me. The amount of time to wait for service is already annoying, but that isn't why I am writing here.
I wrote in the messages that these features worked correctly before the last (and only) service appointment. The estimate a month ago was around $22 or $25 for my AC issue. Fast-forward to yesterday, June 3rd, and the passenger front seat safety harness alert pops up. I had read here that a recall was issued for that. So I opened my app and sent a message to let them know that error message popped up. They wrote back and said they added to the appointment - no worries.
Then this morning they wrote me again with an "updated estimate". I checked that estimate, but not the details of the estimate, and it's almost $300, I wrote back and asked where that price came from, because I thought it was because I had added the recall error message to the service. It isn't that, it is the AC problem that I reported a month ago. Same question, I asked them where that price came from, that it's been around a $25 estimate for over a month now.
I am only barely outside of the warranty window, around 57k miles I think. I can understand when things aren't covered. But for all of the positives that I've read about owning these vehicles, this is the 2nd time I've been stuck with a repair fee that (in this case) seems was caused during the last visit. They said it needed "A LOT" of firmware updates. So much so that the estimated completion time went from same day to 4 days. I found out after purchase that this was an ex-rental from Hertz and it was likely that they did zero maintenance or updates for the car.
Just wondering what my course of action, if anything, would be here? Is there an avenue to complain about this, or can I repair my AC issue myself? Only asking that because I read it could be a ~$50 humidity sensor issue.
TDLR; new M3 owner, two service appointments in less than 3 months of total ownership.
submitted by theelfrider to TeslaLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:39 PotentialCitron7206 I think my mechanic is trying to make me overpay

Hello everyone! My car (Seat Altea) started doing some weird noises some weeks ago on the front side and apparently both of my front shock absorbers are broken and releasing oil. On top of that he told me one of the dust covers of the joint is broken and the plastic things that cover the shock absorbers should also be replaced.
He gave me a price of around 550€, and I'm wondering if it's overpriced or just fine. He tends to give me high prices and I sometimes end up going to other mechanics so I don't know if this is one of those times.
I know you have to change both shock absorbers at the same time, but even then I've researched a bit over some stores and all the parts (no labour) go for ~260€, so I don't understand where the 300€ come from if as told by my mechanic it's something that in is finished in 3 hours.
submitted by PotentialCitron7206 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:39 SmokeyFrank Driver seated in vehicle parked in disabled space with placard

This is a vent post.
It absolutely bothers me to see a vehicle parked in a disabled space, particularly when it’s a business’ only dedicated space, and the driver remains in the vehicle.
I encountered that this morning; I had an unusual morning out of routine and went to a place familiar but I don’t frequent it. I observed a pickup in the disabled space and could detect something hanging from the mirror, so my presumption is always that it’s a placard. I backed my vehicle to the curb two spaces away, made my way carefully to that elevated walkway and got my chair. I only wanted coffee.
I then saw a man seated behind the wheel. I didn’t let it bother me then. But, at similar locations I have observed a disabled customer walk to their car, scratch off lottery tickets, then take winners inside and exchange them for more, occupying that coveted space for a while. I wasn’t assuming that to be the case here, and it wasn’t.
I exited with coffee in hand, and I saw the driver still in the car, window rolled up. I vocalized that the space wasn’t meant to be camped in. As I was stowing my chair to leave, I saw a woman leave the store and enter the passenger door, they left before I could.
So two things: Was the driver disabled but never left the vehicle? Was the companion disabled but ambulatory? I lacked the ability to inquire as any attempt there would be seen as confrontational on my part, even though I was the one using a device.
I am of the belief that if the disabled person doesn’t leave the vehicle, a disabled space shouldn’t be used. I am also of the belief that if a disabled person is being dropped off, the driver should stop near an entrance in a safe place and manner, long enough for the disabled person to exit the vehicle, but depart the area. The driver would then return to pick up the disabled person when ready, but not remain in such an area (which in many cases is a fire lane of delivery/pickup area).
Vent over.
submitted by SmokeyFrank to wheelchairs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:38 Responsible_Block258 Skibidi Toilet Forever chapter IX: The Conclave - part I

“Who are you?” I asked, taken aback by this new scenery. It was around this time I noticed the message in the corner of my screen - transmission error - and beneath it - recording error. I raised my laser cannon at her and asked again, “Who are you!?”
She held her hand up and placed her hot cocoa on the table. She removed her glasses, sprayed them with cleaning spray she’d retrieved from her pocket, and put them back on.
“I am an ally; there’s no need to shoot. As I said, take a seat, and we can talk civilly.”
I looked at her for a time before doing as she said. I sat on the spare chair and rested my laser cannon beside it, clenching L-650’s tie in my hand. I was fidgeting my fingers, just waiting for her to do something. I know humans are a non-threat and who we’re supposed to be protecting, but she’d just teleported me to who knows where.
“You have his scarf.” She said, snapping me out of it. “Such a shame, Boomie was my best agent.”
“B-boomie? You mean L-650?”
“Yes, I am. I suppose you wouldn’t have heard his callsign, would you?”
“Wait wait wait wait, what do you mean your best agents? Are you some secret leader of the Alliance we aren’t supposed to know about? Is that why my software is being weird?”
“Ah, no. Apologies for not explaining immediately, but I’m not involved with the Alliance, although I am on your side and I am in charge of something very important.”
“Then, what is it?”
From the shadow cast by the hearth over the corner, a looming figure stepped out. I recognized his neck, the right half still bearing synthetic flesh, the left revealing his mechanical parts. He wasn’t wearing any of his issued equipment, and his posture was more straight than normal. He stepped past the woman and held his hand to me, which I cautiously took and shook.
“L-13?” I asked, completely dumbfounded as to how he got here. He tilted his head to the side.
“Surprised? Can’t say I blame ya. And sorry for being a douche when we met, a battle was coming up and I was stressed. Around here, they call me Bird.” He spoke with a real voice.
“Um, okay, Bird… wait, they? You mean her and the pink Cameraman?”
“Miss Initiator and Rose?” An unfamiliar voice rang out from behind and slightly left of me. I turned my head to see a Speakerman, his shirt and tie a light gray, the rest of his suit was baby blue. He was wearing some kind of tank on his back, and the backs of his hands had small protrusions on them, like miniature speakers.
“Bird, Rose, I take it you’re Fish?”
He laughed out loud, “Nah, m’name’s Aqua, pleased to meetcha.”
I tried my best to take everything in, but it was just too much. I got up and walked outside to get some room to think, and thankfully, nobody followed me. Outside the shack was a forest filled with fog, although it wasn’t blindingly thick. The trees and ground were damp, as if it had just rained or the fog had been here for quite some time. I kept a slow pace as I headed deeper in a straight line into the woods, only to somehow find myself looking at the front door of the shack. I peered inside, and they were all still there, looking back at me. Bird, Aqua, Rose, Miss Initiator, they were all inside.
I headed in, “What just happened?”
“Non-Euclidean geometry; pretty neat, isn't it?” Miss Initiator remarked as she sipped her cocoa, “I developed it myself. I can’t take all the credit, though, it was the Administrator who developed the quantum displacement technology required for a pocket dimension like this to exist in the first place.”
“Right… quantum displacement, Initiator, pocket dimension, non-Eucalyptus geometry… I don’t get any of it, so can someone please explain what’s going on in Layman’s terms?”
Bird stepped forward, “We are the Conclave. We’re the best of the best from each race of the Alliance, plus Miss Initiator and her assistant, Rose. You’re here because we saw what you did in Moscow, taking care of the Tank Toilet and all that, and I’ve got to say, you seem to have the right stuff.”
“Just one thing ya gots to do ‘fore we letcha in,” Aqua added, “Ya gots to warn the others.”
“About what?”
“The Binocularmen.”
Chapter IX - part II coming tomorrow!
submitted by Responsible_Block258 to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:38 thisisange1 Dream hub?

I was teleported to this spacious white building; white pillars were going up to the ceiling, and the floors were concrete. The room I was in was round and had a view of the multiple floors of the building, with balconies going all around. The lights reflecting on every surface had a blue hue, so everything looked even more eerie. There were chairs and a reception desk; many mirrors covered the walls. I remember looking into the mirror while waiting; everything felt real. My name was called, so I started walking up the stairs toward the back of the room. It looked like a modernized, empty office building with multiple waiting areas. I remember walking for a while before finding where I was supposed to go. I walked through the door and sat in a chair facing the large semicircular desk. To my left was the door, and a glass wall overlooked a waiting area. There was a woman, and we started talking. I can’t remember everything that was said, but I remember telling her I was dreaming and asking her where to go now; she told me I could go anywhere I wanted. I looked into a mirror on her office wall, and the dream ended.
submitted by thisisange1 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:37 LeoVictorCordazzo RANKING AND TIER LIST OF EVERY X SONG EVER PART 19 (Random Old Songs)

Hey yall, I'm making a tier list with EVERY X song on it, not just released but also obscure leaks and unreleased. I'm taking it step by step slowly covering all of his songs into the massive tier list with the 19th ranking being random old songs. if I miss something or u disagree with a ranking lmk and I might change the position next post.
Dutty - A tier. Really good song, beat is hard asf, really good
Kick in the door (feat. Zay soul) - B+ tier. X’s verse is the funniest shit I’ve heard in my entire life I’m ngl
3 am freestyle - A tier. Hard asf diss track, talks shit abt a lot of ppl i like it
Ecstasy og - A+ tier. IMO the extra vocals make it better than the released one, and it has a different vibe to it.
Bluddy katon - B+ tier. Hard track, the flow is okay I guess, but hard nonetheless
Who the fuck is god - A+ tier. The extra bit from X really brings the song together, shouldn’t have been cut tbh
Captain save a hoe - A tier. Hard asf, love the flows here
Ghosts - A tier. Hard as FUCK, hook is so fire too
OKAGE THE SHADOW KING - A+ tier. Underrated asf, insane flow
Pistol - A tier. Bass drop breaks my neck, fire asf
Blasted - A tier. Underrated track again, hard hook and verse
ALONE PART 2 - B+ tier. Dark asf song, disturbing lyrics but cool asf
R U N - A+ tier. It’s beautiful, I love the hook
Pab moob - S tier. One of X’s hardest verses imo
Clarity - B+ tier. It’s beautiful and dark, I like it
Red Light Lie (intro) - B+ tier. Nice intro track, spooky fr
Red Light Lie (red) - C tier. WAY too repetitive
Love (interlude) - A tier. It’s really dark, and I love X’s voice here
I & M - A tier. I love X’s high pitched voice, and this song is so clean
NightmareZ - A+ tier. X doesn’t have many vocals but its beautiful anyway, and nyora does great.
BACKSTROKE - S tier. Underrated asf, jiggy mane is fire and X’s high pitched voice fucking slaps
Chapter 1 - B tier. It’s okay, lyrics are deep but its kind of mid imo
Tier list
(song to the left of list = better song)
S tier = perfect songs
A - A+ tier = amazing songs
B - B+ tier = good songs
C tier = mid
D tier = bad
S tier: Guardian Angel, Riot, hope, WingRiddenAngel, KING, alone part 1, NEVER, Jocelyn Flores, let's pretend we're numb, I dont wanna do this anymore, i dont let go, train food, teeth (interlude), yung bratz, i spoke to the devil in miami he said everything would be fine, Look at me!, Ayala (outro), vice city, IWATCHEDHIMDROWN, infinity (888), king of the dead, rare, Netflix and chill, gnarlyguyanthem (og), gnarlyguyanthem (hell version), moonlight, woah (mind in awe), slipknot, freddy vs jason, pain = BESTFRIEND, IGOTPLENTYDICKTOSHARE, ILOVEITWHENTHEYRUN, valentine, backstroke,F SAD!, take a step back, pab moob
A+ tier: OKAGE THE SHADOW KING, white girl, rare part 2, save me (MOV2), ecstasy og, RIP ROACH, very rare forever freestyle, bowser, ecstacy, everybody dies in their nightmares, snow, 777, falling down, HEARTEATER, fuck love, revenge, going down!, LIMBO, UP LIKE AN INSOMNIAC, curse, changes, R U N, NETHERRACK, make eem run!, restinpussy, carry on, SPACEGHOSTPUSSY, nightmareZ, ghost busters, GOSPEL, ALONE PART 3, who the fuck is god, you're thinking too much stop it, Ice Hotel (intro), daemons, the remedy for a broken heart
A tier: Dead inside (interlude), looking for a star, broly, the fall, eat it up, A GHETTO CHRISTMAS CAROL, ghost, wanna grow old (I won't let go), Red Light!, hate will never win, captain save a hoe, indecision, BAD!, dutty, blasted, skin, save yourself!, love yourself (interlude), One Minute, I AM!, gassed up!, pistol, THE ONLY TIME I FEEL ALIVE, I LUv My CLiQuE LiKe KaNyE WeSt, ATTENTION!, WitDemDicks!, ghosts, RUN IT BACK!, love (interlude), planet drool, UGLY, ex bitch, triumph, prime time, theresanelephantinthisroom, sauce!, $$$, LUNACY, ITS ALL FADING TO BLACK, NUMB, Ok Shorty!, 3 am freestyle, I&M, EMOJI, 0C3AN, Arms Around You, sounds of a melting pot, difference (interlude), Butthole Girl!, news/flock
B+ tier: i dont even speak spanish lol, ALONE PART 2, FUXK, clarity, MANIKIN, supra, STARING AT THE SKY, floor 555, schizophrenia, Orlando, true love, h2O, touch eem body, depression and Obsession, mega man, bitchcallmecaptainmorgan, I’m Not Human OG, GANG CYPHER FREESTYLE, DEAD, zones, May I!, banded up, bluddy katon, failure is not an option interlude, BLOOD STAINS, a message to Tina belcher, Off the wall!, palm trees, kick in the door, red light lie (intro)
B tier: Amy winehouse, save yourself!, boost!, what in XXXTarnation, bad vibes forever, SMASH!, fuckabitchface, maxipads for everyone, i changed her life, GXD DAMN, the interlude that never ends, whores on the boards, INUYASHA, TUMMY TUCK, northstar, school shooters, static shock, hi wendy!, save me, came2kill, find me (intro), before i close my eyes, I’m not human, VERYRAREBOYZ, LEAVE, voss, what are you so afraid of, royalty, numb the pain, chapter 1
C tier: kill my vibe, XXX (intro), before I realize, CHASE / glass shards, FUCK V2, hot gyal, red, M011Y
If u guys disagree with anything make sure to comment, this is a discussion post :) what should I review next
submitted by LeoVictorCordazzo to XXXTENTACION [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:35 Izzmoo08 Best way to store gear in pickup

Just got my first pickup (Hyundai Santa Cruz) and wondering what the best way to transport gear would be. I'm thinking of either one of those hangers for the back of your seat, although that wouldnt be good for passengers, or something I can put in my bed that has ease of access, and that I can grab everything and get it on quickly with room for a helmet, vest, and ammo (gun will be locked in a case).
Any ideas or solutions? One that locks would be nice but isn't required as the bed cover can lock
submitted by Izzmoo08 to tacticalgear [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:34 Zizouhimovic Feet get cold during winter while sleeping on my mattress

When I go "camping" during winter, I put a mattress in the back for sleeping at night. I put the car in camp mode and sleep away, though my feet get really cold as if no hot air gets there. My feet are towards the trunk.
I feel like the vents at the back are covered by the folded down seats + mattress and so the air is blocked. Is there a work around?
submitted by Zizouhimovic to TeslaModelY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:27 SplitWisedecision 1993 Honda CR250, Project 93 Restoring Band / Damaged Rads, New Seat Cover, Canada's Worst Dirt Bike

1993 Honda CR250, Project 93 Restoring Band / Damaged Rads, New Seat Cover, Canada's Worst Dirt Bike submitted by SplitWisedecision to Dirtbikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:27 SplitWisedecision 1993 Honda CR250, Project 93 Restoring Band / Damaged Rads, New Seat Cover, Canada's Worst Dirt Bike

submitted by SplitWisedecision to Dirtbike_Help [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:26 SplitWisedecision 1993 Honda CR250, Project 93 Restoring Band / Damaged Rads, New Seat Cover, Canada's Worst Dirt Bike

1993 Honda CR250, Project 93 Restoring Band / Damaged Rads, New Seat Cover, Canada's Worst Dirt Bike submitted by SplitWisedecision to Motocross [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:21 HRJafael Selectboard sees three-way contest in Conway

For the first time in many years, voters will be asked to consider a three-way Selectboard race this week, as incumbent Chair Philip Kantor faces a challenge from Fire Chief Robert Baker and School Committee Chair Elaine Campbell.
The election will be held on Thursday, June 6, at the Conway Town Hall, 5 Academy Hill Road, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. While there are three candidates running for Selectboard, there are several vacant positions remaining on the ballot, including three Board of Health seats.
Philip Kantor
Kantor, 60, has served on the Selectboard for six years and has spent the last three as chair. He is seeking another three-year term in which he said he plans to follow through on many of the initiatives he’s launched, including a senior transportation pilot with the Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA) and senior property tax work-off program that will begin in the new fiscal year.
“Being on the Selectboard is an excellent platform to help people,” Kantor said of those types of programs he has spearheaded. “This is just a great opportunity to have a direct impact on people’s lives and just help them; and that’s why I do it, it feels good to do it. And I have used that platform to help people.”
With a half dozen years on the Selectboard and 12 years on the School Committee, Kantor said he has built up a wide network of Conway and regional contacts that he can tap into whenever he needs to get something done. He noted his time on the School Committee has also allowed him to serve on superintendent search committees and the budget subcommittee, and he has chaired the union negotiations subcommittee.
With that network of contacts and experience, Kantor said he is able to lobby for the town’s interests at the state level, which he said helped the town receive more than $1 million in storm damage relief funding in January — among the highest awards in the state — as he requested the state look at damages relative to the size of municipal budgets. Borrowing authority that was previously approved to pay for road damages was rescinded last week at Town Meeting.
“That was my idea and it found fertile ground,” Kantor said, adding that his previously established relationships in town and around the state helped move that along. “Being able to give the decision makers in state government a reason to help us and ability to help us instead of just the normal factors that would have excluded us from getting large amounts. That was really key to us getting the amount that we did.”
Kantor added he is “budget-savvy” and he is the strongest candidate “in terms of experience, capabilities, institutional knowledge,” which can keep the town’s momentum moving forward.
“I am super hard-working at this, I have ideas that I have successfully implemented and will continue to implement and benefit the town,” Kantor said. “I love this town and I care about the people in it, and it’s been a great honor to serve and I think I have more left in the tank.”
Robert Baker
Baker, 75, is the town’s fire chief of 44 years and is running for Selectboard on the platform of communication, collaboration and community-building. He seeks to rejoin the Selectboard for the first time since he was previously elected in 2015.
“I felt that I could help the town a lot because I’m probably the only one running that has been in town most of my life. … I probably know the most people in town of anybody, they all know me and know the kind of job I do. I get along with everybody and I know where every piece of land in the town of Conway is,” Baker said. “I’m open-minded to everything and I’m willing to try to help anybody out that wants to have help.”
With four decades under his belt as the fire chief and 20 years as the highway superintendent, Baker said he has developed the personnel-management and budgeting skills needed to assist his fellow Selectboard members and town employees in running Conway’s business and, most importantly, he added, he knows how government works.
If he is elected, Baker’s numerous priorities include pushing the state to speed up work on Bardwell’s Ferry Bridge, which is closed indefinitely; continuing work on senior programs in town and determining the best ways to help those who are on fixed incomes; and encouraging more resident participation in town boards by being easily accessible in the community.
“You’re a servant of the town, of the community, you really are. It’s like being fire chief,” Baker said, adding that community outreach is essential, even if you can’t convince someone to join a board. “If nothing else, you can get their opinion on what they feel is the most important thing the town can do for them. You can send out surveys all you want, but only a certain percentage of them are going to fill them out and send them back in.”
Another priority he’d like to pursue is some sort of grant writer position, which can help a small town like Conway continue to tackle large projects.
Baker said his “accessibility and willingness to work with the town” and listen to residents’ concerns make him a strong candidate.
“I’m a firm believer that if somebody asks you a question and you don’t know the answer, the worst thing you can do is lie to them and the best thing you could do is say, ‘I’ll investigate it and get back to you.’ As soon as you investigate, call them right back and tell them what you found out,” Baker said. “Don’t just drop the ball and walk away.”
Elaine Campbell
Campbell, 62, is a longtime School Committee member and currently serves as chair. She is a clinical psychologist and, with her son going off to college, she said she has more time to give to the town. Campbell is running for Selectboard with a goal of encouraging more resident dialogue and participation, adding that she feels “like we need some different leadership in town.”
“If you have a small town of 2,000 people, you’ve got to listen to what everybody is looking for in town,” Campbell said, adding that residents will “find somebody who’s very willing to listen to their opinions about town, willing to work cooperatively and eager to get new people involved.”
In her day job, Campbell manages state and federal contracts and grants, as well as a $32 million budget, which she said will help her keep costs down in Conway.
“With all the COVID money gone, I think budgets are going to have to do some shifting, so we really have to look for opportunities for grants that come out,” Campbell said, adding that the town needs to mitigate future flooding and take care of paying municipal employees.
“You have to be aware of planning and what’s coming down the road. Control costs you can control and look for other opportunities.” The goal is balancing all of these needs, while also ensuring the “gem” that is the Conway Grammar School is well-funded.
“You can’t start going cheap on your schools because then you have a very educated population that will start looking for other options,” she said.
Other priorities include working with the town’s senior population to keep them in town and not be priced out, while also tapping into the vast knowledge held by Conway residents.
“We have a lot of [Community Preservation Act] funds that are kind of sitting in the bank. It would be really nice to figure out a way to create some senior housing or options, so seniors don’t get priced out of town,” she said. “You have such wealth and knowledge in our seniors.”
Service to the town, Campbell added, is mutually beneficial and there are numerous vacancies on several boards that need to be filled.
“There’s a lot of people out there with a lot to offer that don’t realize that they can contribute,” Campbell continued. “Giving back to your community is so rewarding and helps you develop even more relationships around town and helps you learn more about the town.”
The rest of the ballot is as follows:
■Board of Assessors, three-year term — Russell French, incumbent.
■Board of Health, three-year term — vacant.
■Board of Health, two seats with two-year terms — vacant.
■Constable, one-year term — Randall Williams.
■School Committee, three-year term — vacant.
■Moderator, one-year term — James “Jimmy” Recore, incumbent.
■Planning Board, two seats with three-year terms — George Forcier, incumbent, and vacant.
■Planning Board, two-year term — Jeffrey Lacy, incumbent.
submitted by HRJafael to FranklinCountyMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:19 NightCities13 Game 101 Part 1

Starting off with a Bang
Euphemia Demigloss sat in the commentator’s chair, a revived Ennius Dalton seated next to her. They excitedly greeted the viewers, and a third chair was seen turned around. Euphemia explained that each Games, they would be joined by a third commentator. The chair turned around to reveal Asha Seetle, who didn’t seem pleased to be present.
It was revealed that since no one had won the 100th Games due to the District Games abductions, the mentors for each District would perform the reaping, and for each Games afterwards the newest victor would perform the reapings as usual, doing their own District last.
Cameras focused on District 8, where Ava Berrick and Nette Charles were walking out onto the stage. Ennius commented that District 8 was a “weak District” with “little to no survival and weaponry skills.”
District 8
Ava and Nette watched the youths head into their enclosures, with Ava gently grabbing Nette’s hand and giving her a hug. Ava comforted an upset looking Nette as the last of the youths lined up, before taking on the speech herself.
Nette then walked over, apologizing to the female youths, before choosing the name of seventeen year old Fabricia Sands. A taller young lady with long brunette braids and blue eyes walked to the stage and shook Nette’s hand. Ava seemed shocked, as Fabricia was the daughter of her former mentee and revived tribute, Chintz Sands.
Fabricia was one of Chintz’s three children, and was his only daughter. She had earning acclaim with her new dying idea that made things easier for factory workers. Fabricia smiled at Nette, giving her mentor a pat on the back.
Ava then reached into the male bowl, finally choosing a slip of paper from within. Ava chose the name of sixteen year old Velour Boynton. Gasps were heard from the crowd as Mayor Chenilla Boynton nearly collapsed in horror. A blonde haired boy with blue eyes walked to the stage, much calmer than his mother.
Velour and his twin sister Velvet were close, often spending large amounts of time together. Their older brother Victor was slated to take their mother’s position when she retired.
The tributes were taken into the town hall for visits with their loved ones, while the remaining youths headed home or to work. Nette and Ava headed to the train, with Ava comforting an upset Nette.
Fabricia visited with her father, Chintz and her older brothers, twins Damask and Denim. Chintz had had all of his children using a now deceased friend as a surrogate. Chintz comforted his daughter, hugging her and telling her he loved her. Damask and Denim hugged their sister, wishing her luck in the upcoming Games. As soon as Fabricia left, Chintz broke down in tears.
Velour said goodbye to his mother, who promised to use her contacts to help him. His father was much more silent, tears at the brim of his eyes as he said goodbye to his son. Velvet cried and told Velour that she loved him, while Victor was silent, giving Velour a hug, but was too upset to speak. Chenilla sobbed as her son was taken away, with her husband and elder son comforting her.
On the train, Fabricia and Velour met up with Ava and Nette. Ava pulled out throwing knives and began teaching Velour, while Nette helped Fabricia. Both tributes were surprisingly fast learners, and Ava seemed very happy with both of them.
A large meal was brought in, and after they all ate, Ava showed her tributes the Games she had won, the 81st Games. Fabricia and Velour watched in interest as Ava explained various ways to win. Velour suggesting sneaking up on and killing large threats as a team, which Ava seemed to think was a good idea.
The next morning, the train arrived at Snow Station. Ava and Nette fixed Fabricia and Velour’s hair and clothing, before giving them advice on how to handle the Capitol crowd.
Fabricia and Velour handled the excited Capitolites quite well, with both having good manners and making a good impression.
At the apartment, Ava congratulated the two on a job well done, before getting to work on their parade outfits. Ava chose regal purple outfits with puffed sleeves, a velvet suit for Velour and a ball gown for Fabricia. Nette also helped collects measurements and decided to curl both Fabricia and Velour’s hair.
Ava turned on the television, where District 1’s reaping was just beginning. Ava said that District 1 was the richest of the main 12 Districts, with its citizens being used to win. She also commented that District 1 was one of two career Districts, and they needed to be watched out for.
District 1
Mirai Kobayashi and Dollar Crusoe stood on the large stage, with many areas prepared for the reaping games. Sixteen females and eighteen males chose to volunteer, and there would be three voting rounds. Round 1 was for weaponry, Round 2 was for any other skill, and Round 3 was the interview.
Round 1 would narrow the volunteers down to eight, while Round 2 would narrow them down to four, Round 3 would narrow it down to two, and then a final voting session would be held to see which young lady and young man would become tribute.
Two young ladies made it to the final round. Amatista Bocelli (17) had great archery skills, and great camouflage skills. She had a feisty and fun attitude. Beautia Jones (17) was part of a family often considered to be District 1 nobility, and had strong knife throwing skills. She also was a fast runner and quite quick witted with her answers.
Ultimately Beautia won the role female tribute over Amatista due to being able to be quicker with the knife throwing than Amatista was at drawing her bow. Beautia had blonde hair and blue eyes, and had great energy and quick wit.
For the males, it was Sardonyx Kensington (18) versus Bronze Bathurst (18). Sardonyx was great with a spear, and had a clever mind, especially when it came to identifying plants and fruits. Bronze was a bit more muscular than Sardonyx, and was great with a sword and had talents with lifting weights.
Ultimate Sardonyx came out on top when he revealed that he was Dollar’s nephew via his sister, Emerald. Sardonyx looked similar to his uncle, with olive skin, black hair, and green eyes.
In the town hall, Beautia assured her parents and younger brother Jaden that she would be fine and would finally bring home a victor for all of the Jones family and District 1.
Sardonyx said goodbye to his parents, older brother Cobalt, and younger sister Firoza. He seemed quite confident in his skills, and told his family that he would see them soon.
On the train, Mirai seemed happy to work with Beautia on her knife throwing skills, while Dollar worked with Sardonyx on his spear throwing skills. Dollar told Sardonyx how proud of him he was.
Beautia suggested allying with the 2s again to be a bigger throat, and Mirai admitted that she and Dollar had agreed to have the career quartet between 1 and 2 start back up again. Mirai described how Selena and Rubius seemed agreeable and excited.
A few hours later they arrived at Snow Station. Beautia and Sardonyx were happy to greet the Capitol, and both were pleased with the attention the received.
At the apartment, the two met their stylist, Pandora Whimsiwick. Pandora dressed the two in a scarlet dress and suit that were covered in garnets and rubies. Sardonyx had a long scarlet cape, while Beautia had a hoop skirt.
At the parade the next day, Beautia and Sardonyx met the 2s, Rena and Acrisius. Rena seemed happy to proclaim that she was from a middle class family, while Acrisius bragged about being a nephew of Rubius Dalton.
The four took a look around at their opponents, with Beautia pointing out Darya and Creek (4), Adrienne (5), Lorena and Parker (7), Bahia (9), Esteban (10), and Mullein (11) as the biggest threats due to their size. Acrisius laughed at Fabricia and Velour, calling them “weak looking.”
Fabricia and Velour were petting the horses, and heard the careers talking about them. Fabricia was relieved that they weren’t seen as threats, and tried her best to ignore the careers. Velour told Fabricia not to mind the careers, as they would “get them later.”
The chariot call sounded, and the tributes stepped onto their chariots, as they started to move, Fabricia grabbed Velour’s hand. Beautia giggled in glee, nearly losing her footing but Sardonyx managed to save her in time.
Beautia and Sardonyx were the first to pass through the gates. They waved at the Capitolites, even throwing rubies into the crowd. Many tried to catch the rubies.
Fabricia and Velour received applause for their regal couture outfits, with both smiling and waving, pure excitement on their faces.
Once the event was over, Fabricia nearly fell over when a stylist suddenly smashed into her. Fabricia managed to catch the woman as Creek (4) angrily shouted insults at the stylist and had to be taken away.
Later that day, Agatha Anderson was on television to announce Best Dressed. To the shock of many, she was tied between Districts 1 and 8, and asked the Capitol to help her. By a narrow margin, District 8 managed to win, and money was given to the families of Fabricia and Velour.
Beautia and Sardonyx walked into training the next day, discovering that Rena and Acrisius had also arrived early. The four trained at various weaponry stations, and the other tributes arrived shortly afterwards.
Magnus Plinth had great talent with weaponry and other skills, leading him to be chosen as the new Training Master. He quickly set some ground rules, before sending his tributes off to fight.
Acrisius beat and humiliated Creek, while Synergy and Ikano hid in the electronics station. Darya hid in the pool while Creek was beaten, while Sardonyx beat Parker, Esteban, and Mullein in three separate fights one after the other.
Beautia beat Adrienne and Lorena, leaving them crying, while Rena left Bahia laying on the floor after defeating her. Barack (5) stayed in the chemical station, but did pull Adrienne over to the medical station, where Jessica and Nadir (both 12) helped heal him.
Linh and George (both 14) were both frightened and upset, and hid in the corner. Both were aged thirteen, the youngest pair this year.
Fabricia and Velour worked with knives, and saw Kinley and Elko camouflaging themselves. Fabricia commented that it reminded her of dying clothing at home. Velour saw Miller get forced into a fight with Acrisius, and appeared to feel bad for the boy.
Fabricia saw Wanda crying, and learned that the young woman had two children at home. Fabricia showed her sympathy and gave Wanda a hug, while Velour was watching Abelia, who was the youngest tribute at twelve, get bullied by Rena and Acrisius. After the 2s left, Velour gave Abelia a hug and comforted her.
Training was declared over shortly afterwards, and the tributes were taken to a waiting room to await being assessed.
Cameras were now allowed in the assessment room, and Beautia had a strong display with knives, while Sardonyx threw his spears at targets. After a brawny display by Rena and Acrisius, a more intelligent show was seen by Synergy and Ikano.
After a swimming display from Darya, Creek tried to attack the assessors, resulting in a half hour break while he was tased and restrained. After the skills were shown by the tributes from 5, 6, and 7, Fabricia and Velour showed off equally strong knife displays. A mix of skills was shown from the remaining five Districts, then the assessments were over.
Score Reveal
Capitolites, mentors, and tributes awaited the score reveal. Ennius appeared on the screen, stating things off with a 9 for Beautia, then a 10 for Sardonyx. Rena and Acrisius also earned 10s, while Creek earned a notable 1. Adrienne scored an 8, while Lorena and Parker scored 7s.
Fabricia and Velour were both happy with their 6s, while Bahia scored an 8. Esteban and Mullein also scored 8s, while Abelia, Linh and George scored low at 2s and 3s.
This was the lowest scoring year in a while, but the Capitol remained excited for the Games.
The next evening, it was time for tribute interviews. Euphemia Demigloss was dressed in a beautiful multicolored dress. After introducing herself and welcoming viewers, she called Beautia to the stage.
Beautia was her usual giggly self, but faltered a bit when asked about how she felt having the lowest career score. Beautia ended on a high by speaking of her excitement for the Games.
Sardonyx was quiet and confident, exuding strength. He seemed happy to speak of his connection to Dollar, but spoke of wanting to create his own legacy.
Creek tried to attack Euphemia, leading to him being dragged off the stage and tased. Adrienne spoke of wanting to see her siblings again, while Lorena and Parker spoke of being childhood friends.
Fabricia was next, and said that she wanted to honor her father, Chintz, as well as all of District 8. Fabricia said she knew she was weaker, but wanted to prove herself.
Velour stated that he wanted to win to show that District 8 wasn’t weak, and he wanted to be the first mayor’s child to win in a long time. Velour said that he wanted to see his twin sister Velvet again.
After depressing interviews from the 9s and 10s, Abelia’s proved to be even more saddening, when she begged to be sent home to her parents and siblings. Mullein was even less confident, and after the boring interviews of the 12s and 14s, it was time to talk to the Game Maker.
Game Maker Juliana Ricci spoke of wanting a “return to form” and said she had many plans for arenas. Many in the Capitol seemed curious about the arena this year, but Game Maker Ricci refused to say anything else.
The Final Night
At the apartment that night, Mirai and Dollar showed Beautia and Sardonyx the 84th, 94th, and 95th Games, and tried to get them used to what would occur over the next few days or weeks.
Fabricia cried as she admitted that she wasn’t ready to die, and Nette gently comforted her. Velour sat with Ava and asked a few questions about sewing armor.
After a night’s sleep, the tributes were awoken the next morning and fed a large breakfast, before being taken to the hovercraft.
Hovercraft and Launch Rooms
Beautia sent an excited look over to Rena, while Sardonyx and Acrisius discussed what they thought the arena would be. Fabricia started to cry and shake, but sent a weak smile over to Wanda. Velour looked over at Abelia, who was crying, before closing his eyes and wincing as the tracker was put into his arm.
After a relatively short ride, the tributes were taken off the hovercraft and to their launch rooms. They were dressed in t shirts of their district colors, black shorts, and white socks and tennis shoes. They were then visited by their mentors.
Mirai wished Beautia luck, giving the girl a pat on the back. Mirai watched as Beautia got into her tube. Meanwhile Dollar told Sardonyx to make him proud, and seemed very excited to see his nephew fight.
Nette and Fabricia were both in tears, with Nette giving Fabricia a long hug. Ava hugged Velour, telling him that he had the smarts to win.
The tribute tubes rose up into the arena, and the mentors were taken to the Game Maker building, which had apartments. Here, the mentors would watch the Games and also live while the Games occurred.
Mirai and Dollar began conversation with Selena and Rubius, while Ava comforted Nette as she sobbed. The arena became visible on the screen, and many mentors were surprised.
submitted by NightCities13 to christianblanco [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:18 fallingtothevoid This bus stop near my house - when seated the window frame perfectly covers the road so you can’t see the approaching buses without leaning down awkwardly (2nd pic)

This bus stop near my house - when seated the window frame perfectly covers the road so you can’t see the approaching buses without leaning down awkwardly (2nd pic)
This isn’t exactly an issue but I did find it mildly annoying and a little funny so thought it belonged here :)
submitted by fallingtothevoid to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]
