Preschool lesson igloo

Looking for new job DOE Advice

2024.06.04 20:18 doozydud Looking for new job DOE Advice

Background: I'm currently working at a preschool center and I really would like to find a new job (ECE/SpEd license). I've heard back from a few SpEd preschools and I'm in the interview/demo lesson phase with them, but I am also reaching out to DOE principals. Now I know it's still early so schools haven't gotten their budget yet, so I've been mostly cold emailing schools with no response.
Dilemma: I haven't told anyone at my job that I am looking for a new job, and our contract only requires a 2-week notice. Ofc I would not want to leave my center high and dry, but I'm also wondering if it's better to secure a new job before notifying them. Problem is I don't want to it be August and I'm still waiting on DOE schools to get back to me. Then there's also the other preschools I'm interviewing for.
Advice: Should I double down on DOE even if it means waiting until last minute/declining other offers? DOE teachers, in your experience were most of you able to get interviews/offers by the end of June? Also, would you notify your school of your intentions to leave before you secure your new job?
Thanks in advance, I'm burnt out and stressed out. I'm really feeling like Sylvia Path's fig tree right now lol
submitted by doozydud to NYCTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:06 mapleleafschool Maple Leaf pre school near me - Injapur Hayathnagar

Maple Leaf Preschool, nestled in the vibrant community of Injapur, Hayathnagar, offers a nurturing and stimulating environment where young minds blossom. Our preschool is committed to providing a holistic early childhood education experience, focusing on both academic and social-emotional development.
Play Group Nursery Jr. Kindergarten Sr. Kindergarten Welcome to Maple Leaf Preschool and Daycare, a nurturing haven for young minds in Hyderabad! 🍁 Admission is now open for Play Group, Nursery, Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, Grade 1& 2
At Maple Leaf, we believe in fostering a love for learning through engaging activities and hands-on experiences. Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to spark curiosity, encourage creativity, and lay a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Through a blend of structured lessons and free play, children are encouraged to explore, experiment, and discover at their own pace.
Our dedicated team of educators are passionate about guiding each child on their unique learning journey. They create a warm and supportive atmosphere where every child feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential. Small class sizes ensure personalized attention, allowing teachers to tailor their approach to meet the individual needs and interests of each child.
Safety and security are paramount at Maple Leaf Preschool. Our modern facilities are equipped with child-friendly amenities and adhere to strict safety standards. We provide a clean and hygienic environment where children can thrive, learn, and play with peace of mind.
Maple Leaf Preschool values strong partnerships with parents and caregivers. We believe in open communication and collaboration to ensure the best possible experience for each child. Regular updates, parent-teacher conferences, and family engagement activities foster a sense of community and support the holistic development of our students.
Conveniently located in Injapur, Hayathnagar, Maple Leaf Preschool is more than just a place for early education—it's a home away from home where memories are made, friendships are formed, and the joy of learning is celebrated every day. Come join us on this wonderful journey of discovery and growth!
submitted by mapleleafschool to u/mapleleafschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:35 _redzilla Private Swim Lessons

Does any one know someone who provides private swim lessons for preschoolers? We’ve been on waitlists for group classes, but nothing is opening up anytime soon.
submitted by _redzilla to OakRidge [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:09 WiseSeaworthiness633 Quit a preschool position after a week- would you have?

This morning I quit my job at a preschool I had just started by leaving them a voicemail after failing to answer the phone. I had worked there for only a week but the reasoning I left wasn’t because of the kids, or even some of the expectations I had going in. It was a handful of red flags that made me feel like just a body.
Background, I’m not thoroughly experienced in ECE, I was coteacher for twos for a year and a paraeducator for adults with disabilities and I loved both of those jobs, the pay was just unliveable. I have three degrees, two in language studies and I always wanted to use my background to support public education opportunities for students regardless of age or background.
On my hire date I was made to do the typical state licensing/child care module stuff. Typical paperwork. My first red flag was the employee manual. It was filled with pages of way to be terminated as an employee. This is a chain preschool daycare I worked at, with expectations to come to every supplemental education training or potentially result in firing, firing if you call out on Mondays or Fridays, requirement of doctors notes after 1 missed day despite lack of benefits, any presumed action of insubordination =firing, etc. Stuff I haven’t seen at any preschool I’ve been hired at before. I had already communicated with the staff that I had done a background check/fingerprinting previously, but at the end of the day they wanted me to go get another one, which is fine. But when I showed up, the paperwork had not been sent over nor was I given anything and I had to reschedule the appointment for later that day resulting in my having to drive around unnecessarily. I shrugged it off, the director was new and I felt like she was overwhelmed, I gave it acknowledgment but brushed it off.
On my first actual day in the classroom is when what I feel a lot was already going down hill. I knew that the fours room didn’t have any lesson planning or set schedule and was interfering with their learning, I knew that going in and was partially why I was hired. So that doesn’t bother me. I felt that I could help establish routine and a learning environment. The issue was within 10 minutes I was left alone with 13 students and told nothing about the children. I didn’t know their names, I didn’t know ages, I didn’t know if they had allergies or any specific accomadations. There was no time schedule posted on the classroom. 20 minutes later I was told to go outside with these kids, joining two other classes outside, again still while I didn’t know the kids names. Obviously, I figured it out, but having known nothing about me, and having giving me no training, I would assume the first day someone would communicate a little more than just beyond here is your classroom.
The entire day was crazy, children walking in and out, obviously going the bathroom unsupervised was a typical. There were 2 year olds walking around this center unsupervised. I ended up needing to train the woman who took over at 3 whose day was also her first at the center, she was just subbing from a different school. Which makes no sense.
But I came in the rest of the week, hoping for improvement. I had zero acknowledgment from the upper management. Not even a hello. Thank god the kids were cool. Occasionally I’d talk with other staff in the hall and would get remarks about how they put me into a class without communicating. For me, I just felt like it was dangerous for the kids.
By the end of the week I was pretty annoyed. When I asked for things that were necessary I didn’t get them, like a sheet, gloves, to be told where things are, etc. I went home unhappy. Then I got sick.
On Monday I had a fever and called in, my voice was awful so I had to semi yell over the phone to be intelligible. The woman who answered had no idea who I was and said that there was no one by my name that worked at the center. I was pissed. She said she would leave a message with the director saying I called out.
To me, that all shows that they don’t care about staff and don’t care about the safety of their kids. And I’m not going to be a part of that. Was I wrong?
submitted by WiseSeaworthiness633 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:52 Iceler69 The Conflict Between Us. WinterJou Chapter 2

The Conflict Between Us. WinterJou Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Kinkajou POV (Jade Mountain Academy/Prey Center 7:45 am July 1st)
Kinkajou waited for all of the Icewings to leave the prey center, before she stood up.
Kinkajou sighed, as she stood up. She changed her scales back to her usual pink and yellow. She walked a few meters over, before grabbing the scroll that had been knocked out of her talons, when she had been tackled to the ground.
Kinkajou then walked out of the prey center. She double checked to make sure that the Icewings were long gone, before she made an attempt to walk to her winglets cave.
Where was it again? Right fifth cave on the right. Kinkajou thought, before she walked past the fourth cave.
Here it is! the fifth cave on the right, I really hope my winglet isn't a whole bunch of baboons. Kinkajou thought, before she walked into the cave.
There were three dragons already in the cave. A scarred Skywing who appeared to be sleeping. One of the Nighwings, with emerald eyes, that she saw outside... and Winter, the Icewing Prince she met just a few minutes ago.
Kinkajou sighed. Well, ain't that amusing... and convenient. Kinkajou thought.
"Hello! My name is Kinkajou! I love the color yellow! Ooo, I'm so happy to be here, what's y'all's name?" Kinkajou asked, elated.
The Skywing groaned, before rolling over. "Can you shut up?! Can't you see that I'm sleeping?" The Skywing said.
"Well, you're not anymore, are you?" Kinkajou said, before turning her attention away from the Skywing and looking over at the Nightwing.
I should probably talk to her... she looks really shy. Is she nervous about being here. Or is she up to something? I can't tell, I wonder what she's reading. Kinkajou thought to herself.
Winter was staring at Kinkajou. "You're that Rainwing from before." Winter said, glaring at Kinkajou.
Kinkajou turned to Winter. "Wait, are you the Icewing who told... what's his name... Changbai? To get off of me. I never got to thank you for that. So, Thank you." Kinkajou said, walking over to Winter.
Winter glared at Kinkajou. "I didn't do it for you." Winter said, lashing his tail.
Kinkajou looked amused. "That's funny, your sister said the same thing." Kinkajou said.
Winter tilted his head at her. "How did you know Icicle was my sister?" Winter asked, suspicious.
Kinkajou took a step back. Oh, toucans, it's only the first day and I may have already blown my cover. Kinkajou thought to herself. "Well, I just assumed, because y'all look similar and you both have the same scale pattern, and your reaction just proved me right. Icicle is your sister." Kinkajou said, trying to throw Winter off.
Winter growled before he walked away and laid on a rocky stone slab.
Kinkajou turned her attention back over to the Emerald eyed Nightwing. Right... now to find out about her. Kinkajou thought, as she walked over to the Nightwing.
The Nightwing looked up at her with fearful eyes.
It was clear to Kinkajou, that she was scared for some reason.
"Hello! nice to meet you my name is Kinkajou, what's your name?" Kinkajou asked, the shy Nightwing.
"My name... is Moonwatcher nice to m-meet y-you." Moon said, stuttering.
Aww poor thing, she's extremely nervous, I don't blame her, if wasn't military trained, I'd be scared as well. considering we are in a very controversial environment. Kinkajou thought.
"Are you ok? You look like you just saw your parents get killed in front of you." Kinkajou said, trying to make Moon feel better.
Kinkajou Instantly regretted what she just said. Nice going Kinkajou, you probably made her even more nervous now. Kinkajou thought to herself.
Moon shivered. "N-no... I'm just not used t-to being around t-this many d-dragons." Moon said, stuttering.
That surprised Kinkajou. That's odd... Didn't all of Nightwings live in close quarters, on that horrific volcano? Or was she raised somewhere else? That may require further observation. Kinkajou thought.
Moon turned her head away from Kinkajou, and towards the door where a Sandwing and Mudwing walked in.
Kinkajou turned her head as well, to see what Moon was looking at.
"Hello random dragons, who happen to be in my winglet. My name is Qibli and this is Umber." Qibli said, nudging his wing against the Mudwing beside him.
Kinkajou smiled. It was clear to her, that Qibli would be a lot more warming of a dragon. "Nice, to meet you Qibli, my name is Kinkajou!" Kinkajou said, elated.
Qibli recoiled slightly. It was clear to Kinkajou, that he wasn't expecting that warm of a welcome.
"Nice to meet you too, Kinkajou. Since your so enthusiastic, can you tell me, their names?" Qibli asked, pointing his talon at, Winter, The grumpy Skywing, and Moon.
Kinkajou giggled. "Sure, I happen to know his and hers." Kinkajou said, pointing to both Moon and Winter. "That's Winter over there, and this here is, Moonwatcher. She's a little shy by the way." Kinkajou said.
Moon hurried her nose into her scroll to hide her face.
Qibli chuckled. "I assume the Skywing is sleeping?" Qibli asked, looking over at the curled up Skywing.
Kinkajou nodded. "Yeah, she is, I don't blame her though, it must have been a long flight from the Sky Kingdom." Kinkajou said.
Umber stepped forward, to join Kinkajou and Qibli in conversation. "By that logic, shouldn't Winter there be fast asleep as well?" Umber asked, pointing his tail to the brooding Icewing.
Winter overheard Umber and scoffed. "Unlike, the lazy Skywing. Icewings don't get tired very easily. So, I managed to make the flight just fine." Winter said haughtily.
Qibli turned his head with interest. "You sure? Because I heard you guys had to fly all the way across the Sand Kingdom In the heat. And I know Icewings don't do well in the heat." Qibli said, as he walked over to Winter.
Winter snarled. "Don't come any closer or I'll freeze your wings and rip them off." Winter threatened standing up into a fighting stance.
Qibli stopped and recoiled a bit. "Jeez, no need to be so defensive, I've done nothing to you. I'm just trying to be nice." Qibli said, throwing his wings up in defense.
Winter growled. "Let's get something straight, I'm not here to make friends. Icewings don't need friends, and especially not with non Icewings. I'am only here on my Queens orders, because she wanted a royal to attend the academy, to show that we are committed to peace." Winter said, frustrated.
Kinkajou stared at Winter, looks like Glory's intel was spot on, with the reason why Winter and his sister are here. Kinkajou thought, as she walked over to Qibli and Winter, to join their conversation.
"What's wrong with making friends with dragons from other tribes? I thought having friends in other tribes is beneficial for diplomacy?" Kinkajou asked, the frosty prince.
Winter turned to Kinkajou and growled at her. "Icewings have no reason to associate with other lowly tribes. As especially not with Rainwings." Winter said, with venom.
Kinkajou growled back. I've just about had enough of this jerk. Kinkajou thought, as she stepped closer to Winter.
Winter growled at her. "Not. Another. Step. Rainwing!" Winter threatened, as he lashed his tail.
Kinkajou stopped. I don't think I should test him. I don't think he's bluffing considering I was tackled by an Icewing for a similar reason 15 minutes ago. Kinkajou thought to herself.
Qibli stepped in front of Kinkajou. "Hey Igloo face, you don't need to have an impenetrable force field around you, you know?" Qibli said, trying to defend Kinkajou.
Winter growled at Qibli. "Just respect my space and stay away, and I won't have to hurt you. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to take a Power Nap." Winter said, as curled into a sleeping position.
Kinkajou had a look of confusion on her face. Didn't he just say Icewings don't get tired easily? Whatever, I'm not going to question it. Kinkajou thought.
Umber walked over to the group. "Hey guys, we have our first class in 30 minutes, and I'd like to go to the prey center to eat breakfast. I was wondering if you guys would be willing to go with me?" Umber asked.
Qibli smiled. "I'd love too Umber." Qibli said, walking over to him.
"I'd love to tag along as well and leave the grumps to sleep." Kinkajou said, walking over to Qibli and Umber.
"I-I'd l-like to g-go as well." Moon said, lifting her face out of her scroll.
Kinkajou grinned. "Then it's settled, we have breakfest, then we head to our first class." Kinkajou said.
"Wait what about them?" Qibli asked, pointing to both sleeping dragons, with his talon.
Kinkajou frowned. "Let's hope they can wake themselves up and get to class on time." Kinkajou said.
The group walked out of the cave leaving Winter and the Skywing to sleep.
Winter POV (Ice Kingdom 5012AS-5016AS)
Winter was out hunting with his sister, when he came across a group of abandoned polar bear cubs. His sister Icicle encouraged him to kill them and take them to the Queen. However, when he went to slit their throats, the polar bear cubs looked at him in fear. He could see that the polar bear cubs were terrified for their lives.
Is this the right thing to do? Why should I strike down poor defenseless cubs? Winter wondered
His contemplation left an opening for Icicle to jump forward and kill both Polar bear cubs where they stood.
Winter reeled back in horror, from the sight of blood. He always was extremely queasy when it came to blood, which was an entirely different problem.
Icicle's maw was coated in red blood when she turned her head to face Winter. "Why did you hesitate?!" Icicle roared in his face.
By now most of the hunting party was circling around Winter and Icicle all looking with interest.
"Those were the easiest kills ever and yet you didn't strike them why?!" Icicle roared in his face.
Winter covered his body with his wings in shame and in fear.
A member of the crowed stepped forward. "Maybe he didn't want to kill the baby bears?" Someone from the crowd offered.
Icicle turned her head to them, and then back to Winter. "Is it true? Is that why you didn't kill the cubs? because you felt bad for them?" Icicle asked, in a softer tone.
"Y-y-yes." Winter said, stuttering.
Icicle glared at him. "Weak. Pathetic. Icewings don't show sympathy for anyone especially not baby bears, I'm ashamed to call you, my brother." Icicle said, as she walked away from Winter and pushed her way through the crowd.
The crowd of Icewings, didn't bother to check on Winter. They all simply just followed after Icicle, leaving Winter on the snowy ground, to contemplate his actions.
Later Icicle told his parents and the entire Royal council, what went down at the hunting grounds. The Council was not happy at all with Winters performance. His parents were furious with him.
Winter could remember his father taking him aside and telling him this. "Icewings, don't show emotion or remorse. You better do better, Winter or we are going to have a problem... you are dismissed." Narwhal said.
Time skip
So, Winter tried to be better, he gave everything his all. Yet, no matter how hard he tried to succeed. He failed, again and again.
That was the cycle until Winter and his brother, Hailstorm decided to look for scavengers.
While looking for scavengers, Winter and Hailstorm were ambushed by a squad of Skywings. Hailstorm and Winter fought hard, but in the end, Hailstorm sacrificed himself, so Winter could get away.
Winter flew as fast as he could back to the Ice Kingdom and told the Royal council the entire story of what had happened. Winter was hoping the Council would send out a squad to intercept the Skywing Squad and save his brother. Instead, the council called him, a coward and a traitor. For leaving his brother behind to die.
Winter tried to defend himself. But the council had already made their statement.
His parents dragged him back to their quarters, as punishment for leaving his brother, they decided to beat him until he was gashing blood and crying. And it didn't stop there. Because from that point on whenever Winter failed, even for the smallest of things. He was met with the same punishment that he received the day he lost his brother.
From that day forward. His own sister wouldn't even talk to him unless she was forced to, and she didn't even call him brother anymore.
The same went for his parents. They never called him son anymore.
Plus, he would get in trouble if he called his parents mother, or father.
It was clear to Winter, that his parents didn't consider him their son anymore.
Time skip
Two days ago, his parents told him he would be attending the newly constructed Jade Mountain academy with his older sister. Which he was not happy about, he was planning to visit his brother's grave, on the day his brother was taken, which was three days from now. So that evening, 5 Icewing dragonets, including him. Left for Jade Mountain Academy.
Winter POV (Jade Winglet Cave/Jade Mountain Academy 8:15am July 1st)
Winter was laying on his bed, trying to fall asleep. He kept thinking about Kinkajou on the floor in the prey center, about to be beat up by Changbai. Why did I interfere? It was none of my business. I shouldn't have interfered, now Icicle is going to send a letter to our parents, and they are going to beat me when I get home... yet apart of me... told me it was right to help her? Why!? She was warned to not come closer, she didn't listen, and she paid the price. That's how it works! Yet why do I care... why do I care if some random Rainwing gets hurt. It's not my problem. Winter thought, as he sat up and started to fidget with his tail.
"We have to go to class in about 15 minutes." The Skywing said, as she stood up and stretched her scarred body.
Winter looked at her scars. "It looks like you've seen many battles. Care to share?" Winter asked also getting up.
The Skywing turned to Winter with a smile. "My name is Carnilean, I have fought in 37 battles all in the name of Queen Ruby." Carnelian said, proudly.
"Winter, Prince Winter." Winter said giving a bow.
"You look like a sensible dragon, between you and me, there's nothing more I want than to leave this mushy hell hole." Carnelian said.
Winter chuckled. "Agreed." Winter said, stretching his wings.
Carnelian walked to the door. "Well, I guess we should probably go to class." Carnelian said.
Winter sighed. "I suppose. We should." Winter said groaning.
Winter and Carnelian left the Cave.
Kinkajou POV (Tsunami's Class 8:27 am July 1st)
Umber, Qibli, Moon, Kinkajou, and a male Seawing, were all waiting for Carnelian and Winter to show up to Tsunami's class.
They all were sitting on a moss floor with flattened boulders to serve as desks for the students. In the from of the room was a bigger flattened Boulder, which served as the teacher's desk.
Tsunami walked through the cave and to the front of the classroom. "Do you guys know where Carnelian and Winter are?" Tsunami asked.
"They were sleeping when we left the cave for breakfast." Umber said, swaying his tail.
Tsunami narrowed her eyes at the Mudwing. "And you didn't bother to wake them up?" Tsunami asked, slightly frustrated.
"It's not our responsibility to wake them up." Qibli added.
Tsunami sighed. "No, but it would have been the right thing to do." Tsunami said as she sat down at her desk.
Winter and Carnelian walked through the classroom door.
"Ah Carnelian, Winter, we were just talking about you. Please take any desk." Tsunami said, gesturing to the four unclaimed.
Winter took the desk next to Kinkajou. While Carnelian took the desk next to the Seawing.
Tsunami looked up at the clock above her desk, then back to the Jade Winglet. "Welcome to Jade Mountain academy, I hope you all had a safe flight here... In this class I will be teaching you Marine Biology, which was a subject that Queen Coral suggested we have here." Tsunami said, as she stood up and walked closer to the class.
Umber raised his talon.
Tsunami noticed it. "What is it Umber?" Tsunami asked.
"I was just wondering what exactly Marine biology is?" Umber asked.
Tsunami smiled. "I'm glad you asked, Umber. Marine Biology is the study of aquatic life. Meaning animals that live underwater for simpler terms." Tsunami explained.
Umber smiled, and lowered his talon.
"Right before we begin our first lesson, I'd like to know everyone's name, favorite color, and favorite hobby. Anybody want to go first?" Tsunami asked.
Kinkajou raised her hand immediately.
Tsunami narrowed her eyes at her before sighing. "Yes Kinkajou." Tsunami said, groaning.
Kinkajou smiled as she stood up. "My name is Kinkajou; I like Mangos and MY FAVORITE COLOR IS YELLOW!" Kinkajou said, elated.
Carnelian rolled her eyes. "Of course it is." Carnelian grumbled.
Tsunami glared at Kinkajou before turning to Qibli. "Your turn." Tsunami said.
Qibli cleared his throat. "Well, my name is Qibli, I'am a political adviser for Queen Thorn and I'd like to finish this class as soon as possible so I can go back to protecting Queen Thorn." Qibli said.
Kinkajou rolled her eyes. "That's a lovely color and Hobby, Qibli." Kinkajou said, sarcastically.
Winter scoffed. "I'm sure she's dying without you." Winter said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Qibli glared at Winter. "And I'm sure you perfectly essential to the operation of your kingdom." Qibli said.
Winter glared at Qibli, before turning his head away from him.
To Kinkajou, Winter looked upset. It was clear that Qibli's comment had clearly hit a soft spot.
Tsunami turned to Turtle. "Your turn baby brother." Tsunami said to Turtle.
That got Kinkajou's attention. Turtle is also a prince?! Jeez how many royals are here!? Kinkajou asked herself.
Turtle giggled. "My name is Turtle, my favorite color is teal, and I like to write books." Turtle said.
Tsunami smiled at him. "Excellent! Your turn Umber." Tsunami said.
Umber smiled. "My name is Umber, I'am one of Clay's brothers, my favorite color is blue, and I like to take mud baths." Umber said.
Tsunami turned to Carnelian. "Your turn." Tsunami said.
Carnelian growled. "My name is Carnelian, I'am a loyal soldier in Queen Ruby's army. My favorite color is crimson red, for it's the color of my enemy's blood. My favorite hobby is war." Carnelian said, crossing her arms.
Tsunami frowned at Carnelian. "Thank you, Carnelian. Next, we have Winter." Tsunami said.
Winter hummed. "I'am Prince Winter 2nd Circle, my favorite color is White, and my favorite hobby is... killing polar bear cubs." Winter said, finishing the last part softly.
Kinkajou could tell that killing Polar bear cubs was not, Winter's favorite activity. Interesting... He wants us to fear and respect him however his armor is extremely fragile... I need to find out more about him. Kinkajou thought.
Tsunami smiled and turned to Moon. "Lastly, we have Moonwatcher." Tsunami said.
"M-my name is m-moon. M-my favorite color is p-purple, and I l-like s-scrolls." Moon said.
Tsunami grinned. "Excellent now that that's done, we can move onto our first lesson." Tsunami said.
submitted by Iceler69 to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:54 Clay_Bricks Every Retiring LEGO Set + Store Exclusive (June 2024 update)

It's another new month! You know what that means, another retirement update! There were a TON of new sets added to the list this month, and a bunch with date changes, including a bunch of Star Wars. Not many changes to the spreadsheet itself, otherwise!

Reminder that there was a massive update to the sheet last month! Now you can see set exclusivity & new releases, use filters, and get a direct link to sets on! Buying sets using these links supports me directly! More regions coming soon.

Retirement updates are now fully automated on Discord! Thanks to ZombieYeti, the Brick Tap discord now has the BrickHound bot posting automated retirement updates, as soon as they are changed in the data!
As always, we owe a massive thanks to ZombieYeti from the BrickHound Discord for providing this valuable data. If you're looking for real-time in-stock/deal alerts for and other sites, make sure to check out his server!
This information is scraped directly from Lego's website, and all dates are subject to change. ZombieYeti is currently developing a website to host this data and offer real-time updates. In the meantime, here is a list of every set and their corresponding retirement date as per LEGO's system!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Due to Reddit's character limits, we can't include everything here, but the full spreadsheet contains every set.




Theme Set # Set Name Retirement Date
Batman 76272 The Batcave with Batman, Batgirl and The Joker (4+) Dec 31, 2024
BrickHeadz 40749 Joy, Sadness & Anxiety Dec 31, 2024
BrickHeadz 40751 Legolas & Gimli Dec 31, 2024
City 60424 Jungle Explorer ATV Red Panda Mission Dec 31, 2024
City 60425 Jungle Explorer Water Plane Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10420 Ariel And Flounder's Café Stand Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42636 Heartlake City Preschool (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76293 Spider-Man 2024 Advent Calendar Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75395 Star Wars Advent Calendar 2024 Dec 31, 2024
Batman 76270 Batman Mech Armour Dec 31, 2025
Batman 76273 Batman Construction Figure And The Bat-Pod Bike Dec 31, 2025
Batman 76274 Batman With The Batmobile VS. Harley Quinn And Mr. Freeze Dec 31, 2025
Brickheadz 40669 Iron Man MK5 Dec 31, 2025
BrickHeadz 40752 Carl, Russell, & Kevin Dec 31, 2025
BrickHeadz 40753 Mirabel Madrigal Dec 31, 2025
City 30665 Baby Gorilla Encounter Polybag Dec 31, 2025
City 60407 Red Double-Decker Sightseeing Bus Dec 31, 2025
City 60407 Red Double-Decker Sightseeing Bus Dec 31, 2025
City 60408 Car Transporter Truck with Sports Cars Dec 31, 2025
City 60409 Yellow Mobile Construction Crane Dec 31, 2025
City 60420 Yellow Construction Excavator Dec 31, 2025
City 60421 Robot World Roller-Coaster Park Dec 31, 2025
City 60422 Seaside Harbor With Cargo Ship Dec 31, 2025
City 60426 Jungle Explorer Off-Road Truck Dec 31, 2025
City 60435 Tow Truck (4+) Dec 31, 2025
City 60437 Jungle Explorer Helicopter at Base Camp Dec 31, 2025
City 60440 Yellow Delivery Truck Dec 31, 2025
Creator 30670 Santa's Sleigh Ride Polybag Dec 31, 2025
Creator 31153 Modern House Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43235 Ariel's Music Stage (4+) Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43240 Maleficent's Dragon Form Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43243 Simba The Lion King Cub Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43244 Elsa's Ice Palace Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43245 The Magical Madrigal House Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43247 Young Simba The Lion King (18+) Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43251 Antonio's Animal Sanctuary Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43252 Moana's Flowerpot Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43254 Ariel's Crystal Cavern (4+) Dec 31, 2025
Disney 43276 Snow White's Jewelry Box Dec 31, 2025
Friends 42618 Heartlake City Café Dec 31, 2025
Friends 42622 Adventure Camp Archery Range Dec 31, 2025
Friends 42623 Beach Water Scooter Dec 31, 2025
Friends 42624 Adventure Camp Cozy Cabins Dec 31, 2025
Friends 42625 Beach Smoothie Stand Dec 31, 2025
Friends 42626 Adventure Camp Water Sports Dec 31, 2025
Friends 42631 Adventure Camp Tree House Dec 31, 2025
Friends 42635 Dog-Grooming Car (4+) Dec 31, 2025
Friends 42638 Castle Bed And Breakfast Dec 31, 2025
Harry Potter 76434 Aragog In The Forbidden Forest Dec 31, 2025
Jurassic 76965 Dinosaur Missions: Stegosaurus Discovery Dec 31, 2025
Minecraft 21259 The Pirate Ship Voyage Dec 31, 2025
Minecraft 21260 The Cherry Blossom Garden Dec 31, 2025
Minecraft 21261 The Wolf Stronghold Dec 31, 2025
Minecraft 21262 The Windmill Farm Dec 31, 2025
Minecraft 21263 The Badlands Mineshaft Dec 31, 2025
Minecraft 21264 The Ender Dragon And End Ship Dec 31, 2025
Minecraft 21265 The Crafting Table Dec 31, 2025
Monkie Kid 80056 Nine-Headed Beast Dec 31, 2025
Ninjago 30675 Tournament Training Ground Polybag Dec 31, 2025
Ninjago 71814 Tournament Temple City Dec 31, 2025
Ninjago 71816 Zane's Ice Motorcycle Dec 31, 2025
Ninjago 71818 Tournament Battle Arena Dec 31, 2025
Ninjago 71820 Ninja Team Combo Vehicle Dec 31, 2025
Ninjago 71821 Cole's Titan Dragon Mech Dec 31, 2025
Ninjago 71822 Source Dragon of Motion Dec 31, 2025
Speed Champions 76923 Lamborghini Lambo V12 Vision Gran Turismo Dec 31, 2025
Speed Champions 76924 Mercedes-AMG G63 & Mercedes-AMG SL 63 Dec 31, 2025
Speed Champions 76925 Aston Martin Safety Car & AMR23 Dec 31, 2025
Star Wars 75373 Ambush On Mandalore Battle Pack Dec 31, 2025
Star Wars 75386 Paz Vizsla And Moff Gideon Battle Dec 31, 2025
Star Wars 75390 Luke Skywalker X-Wing Mech Dec 31, 2025
Star Wars 75391 Captain Rex Y-Wing Microfighter Dec 31, 2025
Gabby's Dollhouse 10795 Crafting With Baby Box (4+) Jul 31, 2026
Gabby's Dollhouse 10796 Gabby's Kitty Care Ear (4+) Jul 31, 2026
Gabby's Dollhouse 10797 Gabby's Party Room (4+) Jul 31, 2026
Gabby's Dollhouse 10797 Gabby's Party Room (4+) Jul 31, 2026
Art 31213 Mona Lisa Dec 31, 2026
Creator 31151 T. Rex Dec 31, 2026
Disney 40720 Mini Disney Sleeping Beauty Castle Dec 31, 2026
Duplo 10424 Spin's Motorcycle Adventure Dec 31, 2026
Duplo 10431 Peppa Pig Garden & Tree House Dec 31, 2026
Duplo 10432 Peppa Pig Boat Trip Dec 31, 2026
Duplo 10433 Peppa Pig Birthday House Dec 31, 2026
Duplo 10434 Peppa Pig Supermarket Dec 31, 2026
Duplo 10435 Ariel's Magical Underwater Palace Dec 31, 2026
Duplo 10439 Cars And Trucks Brick Box Dec 31, 2026
Harry Potter 76427 Buckbeak Dec 31, 2026
Harry Potter 76431 Hogwarts Castle: Potions Class Dec 31, 2026
Harry Potter 76433 Mandrake Dec 31, 2026
Harry Potter 76435 Hogwarts Castle: The Great Hall Dec 31, 2026
Harry Potter 76439 Ollivanders & Madam Malkin's Robes Dec 31, 2026
Harry Potter 76440 Triwizard Tournament: The Arrival Dec 31, 2026
Ideas 21349 Tuxedo Cat Dec 31, 2026
Jurassic 76962 Baby Bumpy: Ankylosaurus Dec 31, 2026
Jurassic 76966 Dinosaur Missions: Allosaurus Transport Truck Dec 31, 2026
Monkie Kid 80055 Monkie Kid's Team Power Truck Dec 31, 2026
Monkie Kid 80057 Nezha's Ring of Fire Mech Dec 31, 2026
Monkie Kid 80058 Celestial Pagoda Dec 31, 2026
Star Wars 75394 Imperial Star Destroyer Dec 31, 2026
The Legend of Zelda 77092 Great Deku Tree 2-in-1 Dec 31, 2026
Architecture 21061 Notre-Dame de Paris Dec 31, 2027
Friends 42630 Heartlake City Water Park Dec 31, 2027
Icons 10333 The Lord Of The Rings: Barad-dûr Dec 31, 2027
Icons 10334 Retro Radio Dec 31, 2027
Miscellaneous 40719 Traditional Chess Set Dec 31, 2027


Theme Set # Set Name Old Date New Date Change
City 60413 Fire Rescue Plane Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
City 60439 Space Science Lab Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Harry Potter 76423 Hogwarts Express & Hogsmeade Station Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Harry Potter 76424 Flying Ford Anglia Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Speed Champions 76917 2 Fast 2 Furious Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34) Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Star Wars 75304 Darth Vader Helmet Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Star Wars 75333 Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Star Wars 75345 501st Clone Troopers Battle Pack Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Star Wars 75347 TIE Bomber Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Star Wars 75354 Coruscant Guard Gunship Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Star Wars 75356 Executor Super Star Destroyer Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Star Wars 75357 Ghost & Phantom II Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2025 +1 year
Mario 71430 Penguin Family Snow Adventure Jul 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -6 months
Mario 71432 Dorrie's Sunken Shipwreck Adventure Jul 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -6 months
Classic 11035 Creative Houses Dec 31, 2025 Jul 31, 2025 -6 months
DreamZzz 71481 Izzie's Dream Animals Dec 31, 2025 Jul 31, 2025 -6 months
Classic 11032 Creative Color Fun Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Disney 43212 Disney Celebration Train (4+) Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Disney 43233 Belle's Storytime Horse Carriage Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
DreamZzz 71475 Mr. Oz's Space Car Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Duplo 10438 Visit to the Vet Clinic Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Friends 42602 Space Research Rover Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Friends 42609 Electric Car and Charger Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Icons 10314 Dried Flower Centrepiece Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Ideas 21336 The Office Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Marvel 10782 Hulk vs. Rhino Truck Showdown (4+) Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Marvel 76223 Nano Gauntlet Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Marvel 76250 Wolverine's Adamantium Claws Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Minecraft 21249 The Crafting Box 4.0 Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Ninjago 71817 Lloyd's Elemental Power Mech Dec 31, 2025 Dec 31, 2024 -1 year
Art 31211 The Fauna Collection - Macaw Parrots Dec 31, 2026 Dec 31, 2024 -2 years


Theme Set # Set Name Retirement
Avatar 75572 Jake & Neytiri's First Banshee Flight Jul 31, 2024
Avatar 75574 Toruk Makto & Tree of Souls Jul 31, 2024
Avatar 75575 Ilu Discovery Jul 31, 2024
Avatar 75576 Skimwing Adventure Jul 31, 2024
Avatar 75579 Payakan the Tulkun & Crabsuit Jul 31, 2024
Disney 43213 The Little Mermaid Story Book Jul 31, 2024
Disney 43220 Peter Pan & Wendy's Storybook Adventure Jul 31, 2024
Friends 41724 Paisley's House Jul 31, 2024
Friends 41744 Sports Center Jul 31, 2024
Friends 41754 Leo's Room Jul 31, 2024
Harry Potter 75969 Hogwarts Astronomy Tower Jul 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76388 Hogsmeade Village Visit Jul 31, 2024
Jurassic 76957 Velociraptor Escape (4+) Jul 31, 2024
Mario 71360 Adventures with Mario Jul 31, 2024
Mario 71387 Adventures with Luigi Jul 31, 2024
Mario 71395 Super Mario 64 Question Mark Block Jul 31, 2024
Mario 71403 Adventures with Peach Jul 31, 2024
Mario 71408 Princess Peach's Castle Jul 31, 2024
Mario 71419 Peach's Garden Balloon Ride Jul 31, 2024
Mario 71420 Rambi the Rhino Jul 31, 2024
Mario 71421 Dixie Kong's Jungle Jam Jul 31, 2024
Mario 71425 Diddy Kong's Mine Cart Ride Jul 31, 2024
Minifigures 66764 Series 26 Space 6 Pack Aug 31, 2024
Minifigures 71046 Series 26 Space Aug 31, 2024
Animal Crossing 30662 Maple's Pumpkin Garden (Polybag) Dec 31, 2024
Architecture 21056 Taj Mahal Dec 31, 2024
Architecture 21057 Singapore Dec 31, 2024
Art 31209 The Amazing Spider-Man Dec 31, 2024
Art 31210 Modern Art Dec 31, 2024
Batman 30653 Batman 1992 Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Batman 76224 Batmobile: Batman vs. The Joker Chase Dec 31, 2024
Batman 76240 Batmobile Tumbler Dec 31, 2024
Batman 76252 Batcave – Shadow Box Dec 31, 2024
Batman 76259 Batman Construction Figure Dec 31, 2024
Batman 76264 Batmobile Pursuit: Batman vs. The Joker (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Batman 76265 Batwing: Batman vs. The Joker Dec 31, 2024
Batman 76272 The Batcave with Batman, Batgirl and The Joker (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40547 Obi-Wan Kenobi & Darth Vader Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40615 Tusken Raider Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40616 Harry Potter & Cho Chang Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40617 Draco Malfoy & Cedric Diggory Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40618 Kingsley Shacklebolt & Nymphadora Tonks Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40620 Cruella & Maleficent Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40621 Moana & Merida Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40627 Sonic the Hedgehog Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40628 Miles 'Tails' Prower Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40630 Frodo & Gollum Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40631 Gandalf the Grey & Balrog Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40632 Aragorn & Arwen Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40672 Knuckles & Shadow Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40676 The Phantom Menace Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40677 Prisoner of Azkaban Figures Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40749 Joy, Sadness & Anxiety Dec 31, 2024
Brickheadz 40751 Legolas & Gimli Dec 31, 2024
City 30663 Space Hoverbike Dec 31, 2024
City 30664 Police Off-Road Buggy Car Polybag Dec 31, 2024
City 60283 Holiday Camper Van Dec 31, 2024
City 60287 Tractor Dec 31, 2024
City 60336 Freight Train Dec 31, 2024
City 60364 Street Skate Park Dec 31, 2024
City 60365 Apartment Building Dec 31, 2024
City 60366 Ski and Climbing Centre Dec 31, 2024
City 60370 Police Station Chase Dec 31, 2024
City 60372 Police Training Academy Dec 31, 2024
City 60375 Fire Station and Fire Engine Dec 31, 2024
City 60376 Arctic Explorer Snowmobile Dec 31, 2024
City 60377 Explorer Diving Boat Dec 31, 2024
City 60378 Arctic Explorer Truck and Mobile Lab Dec 31, 2024
City 60379 Deep-Sea Explorer Submarine Dec 31, 2024
City 60380 Downtown Dec 31, 2024
City 60383 Electric Sports Car Dec 31, 2024
City 60384 Penguin Slushy Van Dec 31, 2024
City 60386 Recycling Truck Dec 31, 2024
City 60387 4x4 Off-Roader Adventures Dec 31, 2024
City 60388 Gaming Tournament Truck Dec 31, 2024
City 60389 Custom Car Garage Dec 31, 2024
City 60392 Police Bike Car Chase Dec 31, 2024
City 60395 Combo Race Pack Dec 31, 2024
City 60396 Modified Race Cars Dec 31, 2024
City 60397 Monster Truck Race Dec 31, 2024
City 60399 Race Car (4+) Dec 31, 2024
City 60403 Emergency Ambulance (4+) Dec 31, 2024
City 60405 Emergency Rescue Helicopter Dec 31, 2024
City 60410 Fire Rescue Motorcycle (4+) Dec 31, 2024
City 60413 Fire Rescue Plane Dec 31, 2024
City 60417 Police Speedboat and Crooks' Hideout Dec 31, 2024
City 60424 Jungle Explorer ATV Red Panda Mission Dec 31, 2024
City 60425 Jungle Explorer Water Plane Dec 31, 2024
City 60428 Space Construction Mech Dec 31, 2024
City 60432 Command Rover and Crane Loader Dec 31, 2024
City 60436 City Advent Calendar 2024 Dec 31, 2024
City 60438 Sailboat Dec 31, 2024
City 60439 Space Science Lab Dec 31, 2024
City 60441 Space Explorers Pack Dec 31, 2024
Classic 10696 Medium Creative Brick Box Dec 31, 2024
Classic 10698 Large Creative Brick Box Dec 31, 2024
Classic 11013 Creative Transparent Bricks Dec 31, 2024
Classic 11017 Creative Monsters Dec 31, 2024
Classic 11027 Creative Neon Fun Dec 31, 2024
Classic 11028 Creative Pastel Fun Dec 31, 2024
Classic 11029 Creative Party Box Dec 31, 2024
Classic 11030 Lots of Bricks Dec 31, 2024
Classic 11033 Creative Fantasy Universe Dec 31, 2024
Creator 30645 Snowman Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Creator 30666 Gift Animals Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Creator 30667 Animal Birthday Party Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Creator 30668 Easter Bunny with Colourful Eggs Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Creator 30669 Iconic Red Plane Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31088 Deep Sea Creatures Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31120 Medieval Castle Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31124 Super Robot Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31125 Fantasy Forest Creatures Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31126 Supersonic-jet Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31133 White Rabbit Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31135 Vintage Motorcycle Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31138 Beach Camper Van Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31141 Main Street Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31143 Birdhouse Dec 31, 2024
Creator 31144 Exotic Pink Parrot Dec 31, 2024
Creator 40651 Australia Postcard Dec 31, 2024
Creator 40654 Beijing Postcard Dec 31, 2024
Creator 66783 Colourful Animals Play Pack Dec 31, 2024
Despicable Me 30578 Minions' Jetboard Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Disney 30661 Asha's Welcome Booth Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Disney 30671 Aurora's Forest Playground Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Disney 40613 Mini Disney Palace of Agrabah Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43205 Ultimate Adventure Castle Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43206 Cinderella and Prince Charming's Castle Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43210 Moana's Wayfinding Boat Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43211 Aurora's Castle Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43214 Twirling Rapunzel Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43215 The Enchanted Treehouse Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43216 Princess Enchanted Journey Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43218 Anna and Elsa's Magical Carousel Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43219 Disney Princess Creative Castles Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43221 100 Years of Disney Animation Icons Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43223 Asha in the City of Rosas Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43224 King Magnifico's Castle Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43225 The Little Mermaid Royal Clamshell Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43226 Disney Duos Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43227 Villain Icons Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43229 Ariel's Treasure Chest Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43231 Asha's Cottage Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43232 Peter Pan & Wendy's Flight over London Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43234 Elsa's Frozen Treats Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43239 Mirabel's Photo Frame and Jewelry Box Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43241 Rapunzel's Tower & The Snuggly Duckling Dec 31, 2024
Disney 43253 Disney Princess Advent Calendar 2024 Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 30636 Z-Blob and Bunchu Spider Escape Polybag Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 40657 Dream Village Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71453 Izzie and Bunchu the Bunny Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71454 Mateo and Z-Blob the Robot Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71455 Grimkeeper the Cage Monster Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71456 Mrs. Castillo's Turtle Van Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71457 Pegasus Flying Horse Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71458 Crocodile Car Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71459 Stable of Dream Creatures Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71460 Mr. Oz's Spacebus Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71461 Fantastical Tree House Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71469 Nightmare Shark Ship Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71471 Mateo's Off-Road Car Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71472 Izzie's Narwhal Hot-Air Balloon Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71476 Zoey and Zian the Cat-Owl Dec 31, 2024
DreamZzz 71477 The Sandman's Tower Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10412 Animal Train Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10420 Ariel And Flounder's Café Stand Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10872 Train Bridge and Tracks Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10874 Steam Train Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10875 Cargo Train Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10882 Train Tracks Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10909 Heart Box Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10935 Alphabet Town Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10959 Police Station & Helicopter Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10970 Fire Station & Helicopter Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10971 Wild Animals of Africa Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10975 Wild Animals of the World Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10980 DUPLO Green Building Plate Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10981 Growing Carrot Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10982 Fruit and Vegetable Tractor Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10983 Organic Market Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10984 Organic Garden Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10985 Wind Turbine and Electric Car Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10986 Family House on Wheels Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10987 Recycling Truck Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10988 The Bus Ride Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10989 Water Park Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10990 Construction Site Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10991 Dream Playground Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10992 Life at the Day-Care Center Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10995 Spider-Man's House Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10996 Lightning McQueen & Mater's Car Wash Fun Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10997 Camping Adventure Dec 31, 2024
Duplo 10998 3-in-1 Magical Castle Dec 31, 2024
Friends 30635 Beach Cleanup Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Friends 30658 Mobile Music Trailer Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Friends 30659 Flower Garden Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41725 Beach Buggy Fun Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41727 Dog Rescue Centre Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41728 Heartlake Downtown Diner Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41730 Autumn's House Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41731 Heartlake International School Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41734 Sea Rescue Boat Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41735 Mobile Tiny House Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41736 Sea Rescue Center Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41737 Beach Adventure Park Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41738 Dog Rescue Bike Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41739 Liann's Room Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41740 Aliya's Room Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41745 Autumn's Stable Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41746 Riding School Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41747 Heartlake City Community Kitchen Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41749 News Van Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41752 Sea Rescue Aircraft Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41753 Pancake Shop Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41755 Nova's Room Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41756 Holiday Ski Slope and Café Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41757 Botanical Garden Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41759 Heartlake City Bus Dec 31, 2024
Friends 41760 Igloo Holiday Adventure Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42601 Hamster Playground Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42605 Mars Space Base and Rocket Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42607 Autumn's Baby Cow Shed Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42608 Tiny Accessories Store Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42609 Electric Car And Charger Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42612 Cat Playground Adventure Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42613 Heartlake City Hospital Ambulance Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42615 Pet Adoption Day Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42616 Heartlake City Music Talent Show Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42617 Farm Animal Sanctuary Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42619 Pop Star Music Tour Bus Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42632 Farm Animal Vet Clinic (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42633 Hot Dog Food Truck Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42636 Heartlake City Preschool (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Friends 42637 Friends Advent Calendar 2024 Dec 31, 2024
Gabby's Dollhouse 10785 Bakey with Cakey Fun Dec 31, 2024
Gabby's Dollhouse 10786 Gabby & MerCat's Ship & Spa Dec 31, 2024
Gabby's Dollhouse 10787 Kitty Fairy's Garden Party Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 30677 Draco in the Forbidden Forest Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76389 Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76402 Hogwarts: Dumbledore's Office Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76405 Hogwarts Express - Collectors' Edition Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76407 The Shrieking Shack & Whomping Willow Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76413 Hogwarts: Room of Requirement Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76414 Expecto Patronum Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76415 The Battle of Hogwarts Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76416 Quidditch Trunk Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76420 Triwizard Tournament: The Black Lake Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76422 Diagon Alley: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76423 Hogwarts Express & Hogsmeade Station Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76424 Flying Ford Anglia Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76432 Forbidden Forest: Magical Creatures Dec 31, 2024
Harry Potter 76438 Harry Potter Advent Calendar 2024 Dec 31, 2024
Icons 10274 Ghostbusters ECTO-1 Dec 31, 2024
Icons 10283 NASA Space Shuttle Discovery Dec 31, 2024
Icons 10303 Loop Coaster Dec 31, 2024
Icons 10304 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 1969 Dec 31, 2024
Icons 10306 Atari 2600 Dec 31, 2024
Icons 10308 Holiday Main Street Dec 31, 2024
Icons 10320 Eldorado Fortress Dec 31, 2024
Icons 10321 Corvette Dec 31, 2024
Icons 40634 Icons of Play Dec 31, 2024
Ideas 21318 Tree House Dec 31, 2024
Ideas 21327 Typewriter Dec 31, 2024
Ideas 21331 Sonic the Hedgehog - Green Hill Zone Dec 31, 2024
Ideas 21332 The Globe Dec 31, 2024
Ideas 21334 Jazz Quartet Dec 31, 2024
Ideas 21338 A-Frame Cabin Dec 31, 2024
Ideas 21339 BTS Dynamite Dec 31, 2024
Ideas 21340 Tales of the Space Age Dec 31, 2024
Indiana Jones 77012 Fighter Plane Chase Dec 31, 2024
Indiana Jones 77013 Escape from the Lost Tomb Dec 31, 2024
Indiana Jones 77015 Temple of the Golden Idol Dec 31, 2024
Jurassic 76944 T. rex Dinosaur Breakout (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Jurassic 76946 Blue & Beta Velociraptor Capture Dec 31, 2024
Jurassic 76949 Giganotosaurus & Therizinosaurus Attack Dec 31, 2024
Jurassic 76951 Pyroraptor & Dilophosaurus Transport Dec 31, 2024
Jurassic 76958 Dilophosaurus Ambush Dec 31, 2024
Jurassic 76959 Triceratops Research Dec 31, 2024
Jurassic 76960 Brachiosaurus Discovery Dec 31, 2024
Jurassic 76961 Visitor Centre: T. rex & Raptor Attack Dec 31, 2024
Mario 71374 Nintendo Entertainment System Dec 31, 2024
Mario 71422 Picnic at Mario's House Dec 31, 2024
Mario 71423 Dry Bowser Castle Battle Dec 31, 2024
Mario 71424 Donkey Kong's Tree House Dec 31, 2024
Mario 71427 Larry's and Morton's Airships Dec 31, 2024
Mario 71428 Yoshis' Egg-cellent Forest Dec 31, 2024
Mario 71429 Nabbit at Toad's Shop Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 10791 Team Spidey's Mobile Headquarters (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 10792 Drill Spinner Vehicle (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 10793 Spidey vs. Green Goblin (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 30769 Venom Street Bike (Polybag) Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76210 Hulkbuster Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76217 I am Groot Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76218 Sanctum Sanctorum Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76226 Spider-Man Figure Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76232 The Hoopty Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76241 Hulk Mech Armor Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76243 Rocket Mech Armor Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76244 Miles Morales vs. Morbius Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76245 Ghost Rider Mech & Bike Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76247 The Hulkbuster: The Battle of Wakanda Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76248 The Avengers Quinjet Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76249 Venomised Groot Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76251 Star-Lord's Helmet Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76254 Baby Rocket's Ship Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76256 Ant-Man Construction Figure Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76257 Wolverine Construction Figure Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76258 Captain America Construction Figure Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76260 Black Widow & Captain America Motorcycles Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76262 Captain America's Shield Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76263 Iron Man Hulkbuster vs. Thanos (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76266 Endgame Final Battle Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76275 Motorcycle Chase: Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock Dec 31, 2024
Marvel 76293 Spider-Man 2024 Advent Calendar Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21166 The 'Abandoned' Mine Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21178 The Fox Lodge Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21179 The Mushroom House Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21189 The Skeleton Dungeon Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21240 The Swamp Adventure Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21241 The Bee Cottage Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21242 The End Arena Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21243 The Frozen Peaks Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21244 The Sword Outpost Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21245 The Panda Haven Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21246 The Deep Dark Battle Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21247 The Axolotl House Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21248 The Pumpkin Farm Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21250 The Iron Golem Fortress Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21253 The Animal Sanctuary Dec 31, 2024
Minecraft 21257 The Devourer Showdown Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40296 LEGO House Build Your Meal Brick Bag Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40297 LEGO House 6 DUPLO Bricks Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40347 LEGOLAND Driving School Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40429 Ninjago World Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40505 LEGO Building Systems Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40534 LEGO House Chef Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40556 Mythica Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40574 LEGO Brand Store Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40639 Bird's Nest Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40640 LEGO Nutcracker Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40641 Birthday Cake Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40642 Gingerbread Ornaments Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40643 Jade Rabbit Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40644 Pinata Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40714 Carousel Ride Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40715 Alien Pack Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 40716 Alien Planet Habitat Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 80112 Auspicious Dragon Dec 31, 2024
Miscellaneous 80113 Family Reunion Celebration Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80036 The City of Lanterns Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80041 Mei's Dragon Jet Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80043 Yellow Tusk Elephant Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80044 Monkie Kid's Team Hideout Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80046 Monkie Kid's Cloud Airship Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80047 Mei's Guardian Dragon Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80048 The Mighty Azure Lion Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80049 Dragon of the East Palace Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80050 Creative Vehicles Dec 31, 2024
Monkie Kid 80053 Mei's Dragon Mech Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 30650 Kai and Rapton's Temple Battle Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 30674 Zane's Dragon Power Vehicles Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71741 NINJAGO City Gardens Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71782 Cole's Earth Dragon EVO Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71783 Kai's Mech Rider EVO Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71784 Jay's Lightning Jet EVO Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71785 Jay's Titan Mech Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71786 Zane's Ice Dragon Creature Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71787 Creative Ninja Brick Box Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71788 Lloyd's Ninja Street Bike (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71789 Kai and Ras's Car and Bike Battle (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71790 Imperium Dragon Hunter Hound Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71791 Zane's Dragon Power Spinjitzu Race Car Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71792 Sora's Transforming Mech Bike Racer Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71793 Heatwave Transforming Lava Dragon Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71794 Lloyd and Arin's Ninja Team Mechs Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71795 Temple of the Dragon Energy Cores Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71796 Elemental Dragon vs. The Empress Mech Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71797 Destiny's Bounty - Race Against Time Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71798 Nya and Arin's Baby Dragon Battle (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71800 Nya's Water Dragon EVO Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71801 Kai's Rising Dragon Strike Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71802 Nya's Rising Dragon Strike Dec 31, 2024
Ninjago 71803 Arin's Rising Dragon Strike Dec 31, 2024
Sonic 30676 Kiki's Coconut Attack Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Sonic 76990 Sonic's Speed Sphere Challenge Dec 31, 2024
Sonic 76991 Tails' Workshop and Tornado Plane Dec 31, 2024
Sonic 76992 Amy's Animal Rescue Island Dec 31, 2024
Sonic 76993 Sonic vs. Dr. Eggman's Death Egg Robot Dec 31, 2024
Sonic 76994 Sonic's Green Hill Zone Loop Challenge Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 30683 McLaren Formula 1 Car Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 76906 1970 Ferrari 512 M Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 76907 Lotus Evija Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 76908 Lamborghini Countach Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 76909 Mercedes-AMG F1 W12 E Performance & Mercedes-AMG Project One Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 76914 Ferrari 812 Competizione Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 76915 Pagani Utopia Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 76916 Porsche 963 Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 76917 2 Fast 2 Furious Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34) Dec 31, 2024
Speed Champions 76918 McLaren Solus GT & McLaren F1 LM Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 30680 AAT Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 30685 TIE Interceptor Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75257 Millennium Falcon Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75290 Mos Eisley Cantina Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75304 Darth Vader Helmet Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75308 R2-D2 Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75313 AT-AT Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75333 Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75341 Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75344 Boba Fett's Starship Microfighter Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75345 501st Clone Troopers Battle Pack Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75346 Pirate Snub Fighter Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75347 TIE Bomber Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75348 Mandalorian Fang Fighter vs TIE Interceptor Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75350 Clone Commander Cody Helmet Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75351 Princess Leia (Boushh) Helmet Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75352 Emperor's Throne Room Diorama Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75353 Endor Speeder Chase Diorama Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75354 Coruscant Guard Gunship Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75356 Executor Super Star Destroyer Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75358 Tenoo Jedi Temple (4+) Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75359 332nd Ahsoka's Clone Trooper Battle Pack Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75360 Yoda's Jedi Starfighter Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75361 Spider Tank Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75363 The Mandalorian N-1 Starfighter Microfighter Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75364 New Republic E-wing vs. Shin Hati's Starfighter Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75365 Yavin 4 Rebel Base Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75368 Darth Vader Mech Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75369 Boba Fett Mech Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75370 Stormtrooper Mech Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75371 Chewbacca Dec 31, 2024
Star Wars 75395 Star Wars Advent Calendar 2024 Dec 31, 2024
Technic 30682 NASA Mars Rover Perseverance Polybag Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42096 Porsche 911 RS Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42136 John Deere 9620R 4WD Tractor Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42138 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42145 Airbus H175 Rescue Helicopter Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42147 Dump Truck Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42148 Snow Groomer Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42149 Monster Jam Dragon Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42150 Monster Jam Monster Mutt Dalmatian Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42152 Firefighter Aircraft Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42153 NASCAR Next Gen Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42155 The Batman - Batcycle Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42157 John Deere 948L-II Skidder Dec 31, 2024
Technic 42162 Bugatti Bolide Agile Blue Dec 31, 2024

submitted by Clay_Bricks to Legoleak [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 16:34 MKarczUF [Re Uploaded] Looking for students (with teaching experience) and teachers to take part in a study for UF CISE ELX Lab.

[Re Uploaded] Looking for students (with teaching experience) and teachers to take part in a study for UF CISE ELX Lab.
*This post was remade for privacy reasons. To contact us, if you are a UF student use ufl email, if you are a teacher use your school email. Most of emails from gmail accounts will be ignored due to bots. Your student / teacher status will be verified.
Hello. I'm a researcher at UF CISE Embodied Learning and Experience Lab, and we are conducting a research study looking for teachers, people who are in school to become teachers, and teacher assistants. 5th grade teachers are preferred, but anyone with teaching experience between preschool and collage are welcome to participate. We do offer compensation for finishing the study, which should take less than 100 minutes. If interested please send an email to []( And if you are a CISE student you can also find the study on SONA under "[zoom] beyond the classroom: integrating students real life experiences into lessons". I'm also attaching the flyer for the study.
submitted by MKarczUF to ufl [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:53 hellopriyasharma Interactive Activities for Preschoolers on Body Parts

Interactive Activities for Preschoolers on Body Parts
Teaching young children about their bodies is beneficial for their cognitive development as well as for the early development of self-awareness and self-care. Preschoolers should engage in participatory, enjoyable, and instructive body parts activities that combine the excitement of exploration with fundamental knowledge.
This guide offers a range of interactive activities designed to help little learners explore and understand the human body, making it an ideal resource for educators and parents alike. Whether you're looking for classroom ideas, preschool activities, or if you're involved in best preschools in India, these suggestions are crafted to captivate young minds everywhere.

Introduction to Body Awareness

Starting with basic body parts and gradually introducing more detailed aspects can help preschoolers connect with the material in a meaningful way. Here’s how to begin:
Naming the Body Parts: Use songs and rhymes that name parts of the body and encourage children to point to them as they sing along.

Fun and Educational Activities

1. Body Part Bingo

Create bingo cards with pictures of different body parts. Call out the names of the body parts, and have children cover the corresponding picture on their card. This game reinforces name recognition and listening skills.

2. Anatomy Art

Provide outlines of a child's body on large paper and ask children to color in and label different parts. This can be a collaborative activity where children work together to complete one large diagram.

3. Simon Says, Body Edition

A classic game of "Simon Says" focusing on body parts can be both fun and instructional. This helps with listening comprehension and body part identification.

4. Touch and Tell

Without looking, a child touches a body part of a doll or another participant and names it. This activity enhances tactile recognition and vocabulary.

5. Body Movement Songs

Songs that involve moving different body parts, like "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," encourage active participation and help in memorizing the names through repetition and melody.

Integrating Sensory Play

Texture Exploration with Body Parts:

Set up stations with different textures for hands, feet, etc., and discuss how each part feels during the interaction. For example, walking on sand versus pebbles can initiate a conversation about touch and sensation.

Science Meets Preschool

Discovering the Senses:

Engage children in activities that highlight the five senses, using body parts like eyes for seeing, ears for hearing, etc. This can include taste tests, sound identification games, or texture matching.

Creative Expression Through Body Awareness

Storytelling with Puppets:

Use puppets to tell stories that emphasize the use of different body parts. This not only entertains but subtly educates about body functionality and importance.

Technology Integration

Interactive Body Part Apps:

Utilize educational apps that feature interactive body part games. Though direct interaction with technology should be moderated, it can be a valuable tool for reinforcing learning in a digital format.

Encouraging Healthy Body Image

Positive Body Talk:

Incorporate discussions about the importance and functionality of each body part to foster a positive body image and appreciation for one’s physical capabilities.


Activities for body parts for preschoolers offer a gateway to understanding the human body's complexity in a simplified, enjoyable manner. By integrating these activities into the curriculum, educators and parents can provide a holistic approach to learning that balances fun with educational value. As children become more familiar with their bodies, they develop a sense of self-awareness and appreciation for the wonders of the human form. These foundational lessons pave the way for lifelong curiosity and respect for physical health and well-being, making them an indispensable part of early childhood education.
submitted by hellopriyasharma to u/hellopriyasharma [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:49 SimsAreShims Paul Tremblay and Leaving it to the Reader's Imagination/Interpretation

Let me apologize in advance: I'm going to be a bit of a hater here. Also, spoilers ahead.
In general, I hate open ended stories (be it books, movies, whatever). It comes across to me as lazy, as if the author didn't know how to end, so they got vague about it. This is a personal preference, sure, but it's one I feel very strongly about. To clarify, I do not need the story to be wrapped up in a nice, neat little bow, where everyone has a happy ending. A story can "finish" before it "ends".
What the hell do I mean by this?
Take, for example, Stephen King's The Long Walk. Major spoilers: Even though Garraty wins, he doesn't accept it, and starts running. We don't get a whole lot of world building to find out how the Long Walk became a thing, we don't follow Garraty after this, and thus we have no idea what happens, but the story is done. Extending it or explaining it wouldn't enhance the story; if anything, writing more would probably bring the horror elements down. The story was finished even though it didn't "end".
Back to Tremblay.
My first exposure to him was of course Cabin at the End of the World. This was before the movie, and it should have been RIGHT up my alley. World ending story that also contains references to religion? Hell yeah! Except, Holy hell, I could not read this thing for the life of me. The book starts off from the y y/o daughter, Wen's POV; she talks about her life, what it's like being adopted, taking language classes. She's in the yard organizing grasshoppers by size and giving them names and writing down what she thinks their genders are and OH MY GOD WHEN IS THIS STORY ACTUALLY STARTING??? At that point, I decided to try to skip ahead. Tremblay was verbose in other parts, so I tried to skip ahead. I ended up mostly going through the dialogue, reading more if it seemed relevant, and was left disappointed. I think the story really would have been enhanced by exploring the backgrounds of the four visitors, but, from what I did read, that didn't happen.
I checked the Wikipedia page to see if it was worth going back and trying again, but the ending If it was the end of the world was left kinda ambiguous. I could see an argument where The planes crashing is too much of a coincidence, so yes it is, plus the movie changed it to flat out saying it's the end of the world, but it just came across as so lazy to me. If anything, I think making the ending unambiguous would make the story better. It doesn't need to go on for much longer, but explaining what the "answer" is, in either case of the world ending or not, would reframe the rest of the story and make it better.
But maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance. I read someone say on here that there is a lot of subtlety in Tremblay's writing, and maybe that would have explained it more if I didn't skip to just the dialogue, so I decided to give him another chance by reading Growing Things and Other Stories, a collection of short stories. Warning: No more spoiler tags after this.
The collection starts withe the titular story Growing things, where there are deadly vines growing in the world. The dad leaves his daughters to go out to look for supplies. He explicitly says that if there is a knock at the door, don't answer it, because it means it's the end of the world. And at the end of the story, there's a knock at the door! The girls go upstairs to avoid the knocking and the vines that have invaded the house, and that's it. I guess this one has an ending: the world ends, and the daughters are waiting to die. Details of their death are left to the reader's imagination, as is any details of the vines, as is a lot of background of the characters. I know nothing, and not in a good way. Let's try the next one.
Swim wants to Know if It's as Bad as Swim Thinks. We start off with the unnamed protagonist working her job at a grocery store, where people are crowding the store trying to buy their items. The protagonist's coworker is talking about something coming out of the water. Protagonist says it's just a movie trailer. Protagonist goes on message boards about consuming meth, so we know she's an unreliable narrator. Not a problem, as this is not quite the same as an open-ended story. She kidnaps her daughter, who she does not have custody of, and takes her to a place from her childhood to be safe with her daughter. But she's following patterns from when she last took her daughter while she was under the influence. She has a gun, and it seems like the police have found her. So she might kill her daughter, and I guess actually there's no monster. Ironically, this story has a lot more world building than the previous one, but it's still left open ended in a way that doesn't contribute to any fear or thrill of the story.
Next up: Something About Birds. To write this review, I re-borrowed this book online from the library to refresh my memory. It wasn't until stumbling upon the ending that I even remembered I read this story, because it elicited absolutely no strong emotion in me, not even distaste. I don't remember it, skimming through doesn't remind me of what happened, so I can't properly comment on it. Same deal with the next story, Snapshot. Looking through the table of contents and skimming through the next several stories (minus Teacher, more on that later), it looks like I skipped reading a lot of them, until I got to "It's Against the Law to Feed the Ducks." Intriguing name, I like animals, so I read this one.
This story is from the POV of the young son, Danny. They go to the beach, which is weirdly empty. When back at the cottage, the parents watch some TV, presumably the news, and are horrified; they get Danny out of the room so they can keep watching. Next day, they go to the grocery store, where it's empty, but people have overflowing grocery carts. Remember from earlier, this is a bad sign. Electronics are also down, as dad has to pay with a check. Another day, another trip to the grocery store; this time, the cashier lets them take the groceries without bothering to count it (another sign!), and Dad fills up the car with gas and gets extra gas cannisters. More TV watching, except in the empty restaurant, where the parents ask to have the TV turned off because of the kids. The story ends with the reason why the title is what it is: it's against the law to feed the ducks, which they obey at the beginning, but not the end, because the world is ending. We never learn what is happening, which makes sense if the POV is from a child, but that doesn't add to the horror. There's no horror from the kid's POV, just confusion. The reader is supposed to understand that Bad ShitTM is going down, but without any details, I quite frankly don't know why I should care. This is essentially a story about buying groceries and watching TV, bookended by ducks.
Of the stories I've described thus far, we get the whole end-of-the-world theme repeated, without anymore details, without any real ending, and without me caring. The one exception is Teacher, which I liked so much, I read it thrice: the first time, a second time when I remembered it existed, and then I read it again fully to write this review, rather than skimming it.
The story starts with an introduction to Mr. Sorent, the cool teacherTM. He has long hair and plays guilets the highschool seniors talk about more controversial topics like drugs and abortion, and has some days has SpecialTM lessons, which has the same rule as Fight Club: you do not talk about Fight Club Special lessons. In the first one, he shows a video of a daycare/preschool, where a teacher is spinning around with a child and accidentally lets go. Mr. Sorent stops the video, and then moves it frame by frame until a wall comes into view. That is the end of the first special lesson.
Time passes, more special lessons. More disturbing videos, a guest who reflects on how awful it is to have a disease and be used as inspiration porn, all of which end with the video moving a few frames. The protagonist, Kate, tells a story about when she was a kid, and she was forced to watch some boys mutilate a dead frog, and how it affected her baseball game. As the SpecialTM lessons bring down the students' academic lives, their personal lives and kate's family life deteriorate as well. The story ends with Kate trying to prevent the video from finishing using the same coping mechanism she used after watching the frog get mutilated: She volunteers for a demonstration, and moves forward without opening her eyes, hoping that if she doesn't, the film will never finish, and the accident with the child will never occur.
So what makes Teacher stand out from the others?
Tremblay actually talks about what's happening; we're shown the progression of the class, the reason why it's happening. There's no mystery of what's on the TV, or why the students are acting the way they are. The why is clear: they're being taught disturbing life lessons from a teacher they used to trust and admire. Sure, we don't actually know if they ever finish watching the video, or what happens after, but it doesn't matter, because the story isn't about that. It's about the students, and we see their arc, as they go from normal teenagers to depressed and cynical teenagers.
In the other works I've mentioned so far, we mostly get that the world is ending (or the addict mother thinks it is), but we don't know how. Considering that the end of the world is what's moving the stories along, IT'S KIND OF A BIG DEAL. Even in Cabin, where the horror is that the family is trapped in a deadly situation, knowing whether or not there's any truth to the visitor's reason for coming to the cabin would enhance the story. Compare to King's The Mist: book ends ambiguously, movie ends tragically, and even King says the movie ending was better. But with Tremblay, time that could be used for learning more about the visitors and if it's the end of the world is instead used on organizing grasshoppers.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Next time I'm here, I'll try not to write in a faux manic state while mildly sleep deprived at 5 am.
submitted by SimsAreShims to horrorlit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:23 Vegetable_Oil_3504 growing up in christian schools as a woman has damaged me

i honestly don’t even know where to start. this will probably be a long one so please bare with me. from preschool all the way through high school i went to private christian schools. growing up, i was told this was a privilege—like it was this huge blessing to learn in a religious context alongside other students who shared the same values. now, i am 23. i will graduate from public university this december. i haven’t set foot in a religious space since i graduated HS, and i feel an immense sense of relief.
part of me always felt that biblical teachings regarding women were
 construed i guess. i always felt more controlled, suppressed than my male peers. i hated the lesson that “women should submit to their husbands, husbands should love their wives like Jesus loves the church”. i never understood why the list of things i couldn’t do was miles longer than it was for the males. all that to say, i noticed pretty early on that christianity seeks to control and stifle women. that women should make themselves small to accommodate men. that men are supposed to lead, and women should blindly follow. the straw that broke the camel’s back though, was when i woke up one morning to my prior pastor’s mugshot on the local news. he had been arrested for voyeurism of underage girls. a hidden camera installed in the vent of his guest bathroom. this was a man who i trusted, who my entire family trusted. i was best friends with his daughter & stayed at their family’s house often growing up. i was super gutted & never went back to church after that, but i still had 2 years left of christian school. when i was a senior, me & my friend were called into an administrator’s office after an assembly. i’ll call her mrs. F. we were both wearing skirts that day, dresscode-abiding ofc. knee length khaki skirts, athletic shorts underneath (iykyk). mrs. F starts in on my friend, telling her she shouldn’t sit with her legs apart while wearing a skirt. that it’s inappropriate and unladylike. yeah yeah, we’ve all heard that before, but i couldn’t control the look on my face when she told my friend, “your underwear were on full display”. going on and on about how the men could see everything. just trying to completely shame and embarrass her. i will never EVER forget her saying to us “if it’s there, men can’t help themselves. they’re going to look”. this was a woman who had a lot of power in our school at the time, which went from kindergarten-12th grade. it hurts my heart thinking about young girls hearing things like that. that if a man were to assault them, it would be their fault for “showing too much”. i cannot imagine the guilt and shame. this can’t be the message of unconditional love, acceptance, and mercy that’s supposed to be at the heart of christianity.
even though i’m far away from that place, from christianity in general, i still feel the effects of it. i see my peers getting married fresh out of high school—getting homes, having kids. i have watched the girls i graduated with throw away their goals and careers to follow their husbands. in a strange way, part of me feels like i should too. i question if i’m doing the right thing with my life, that maybe there’s something wrong with me. and i think it all comes back to the role of the christian woman, which is to 1. devote everything to a man, and 2. have his babies. i mean, “be fruitful and multiply” right? i know that isn’t true for everyone though. it has taken a lot of willpower & soul-searching to undo all of the brainwashing lol. i am proud to say that i’ll be graduating soon with a bachelor’s in biology. i plan on pursuing my DVM & becoming a veterinarian. at the end of the day, i don’t have room for a husband, or kids right now. and that is OKAY! ig what i’m trying to say is—there are some serious, serious issues within christianity & its teachings about women. i hate how these things are always glossed over or just accepted as “how it is”. these ideas can seriously harm young girls. they hold them back from their dreams by lowering their self worth. these can be permanent consequences.
have others’ experienced similar things? i hate to generalize my experience to the entirety of christianity. i have met some who aren’t like this, but they’ve been few & far between. also if you actually read all of this, thank you for your time! you’ve helped me feel seen and heard.
submitted by Vegetable_Oil_3504 to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:57 Sweet-Count2557 8 Great Summer Camps for Boston Preschoolers

8 Great Summer Camps for Boston Preschoolers
8 Great Summer Camps for Boston Preschoolers Are you wondering where to send your preschooler for a fun and enriching summer camp experience in Boston? Look no further - we've got you covered!In this article, we'll introduce you to eight great summer camps tailored specifically for Boston preschoolers. From sports-focused camps to outdoor adventures, arts and crafts, science and nature, music and performing arts, technology and coding, language immersion, and special needs inclusive camps, there's something for every child's interest and need.So, if you're ready to discover the perfect summer camp that will not only entertain but also inspire and educate your little one, keep reading to find out more!Key TakeawaysBoston and surrounding areas offer a variety of summer day camps for preschool-aged kids, catering to different interests and preferences.Summer camp can provide preschoolers with a school-like setting and opportunities for mental and social stimulation.Preschoolers can develop new skills and interests through camp activities in a structured and supervised environment.When choosing a summer camp, consider your child's interests, the camp's reputation and safety measures, location and transportation options, and read reviews from other parents.Sports-Focused Summer CampsWhen it comes to summer camps for preschoolers in Boston, sports-focused options provide an exciting and active way for young children to develop new skills and have a blast. These camps not only offer a fun-filled experience but also come with a range of benefits for your little ones.Benefits of sports-focused summer camps for preschoolers include physical development, as they engage in various sports activities like soccer, basketball, and swimming. They learn coordination, balance, and teamwork while having a great time. These camps also promote social skills as children interact with their peers, learn to communicate effectively, and build friendships. Additionally, participating in sports can enhance their self-confidence and boost their self-esteem as they achieve personal goals and overcome challenges.Choosing the right sports-focused summer camp for your preschooler is essential to ensure they've a positive and enjoyable experience. Consider their interests and preferences when selecting a camp that offers activities aligned with their passion, be it soccer, gymnastics, or tennis. Research the camp's reputation and safety measures to ensure a secure environment for your child. Location and transportation options should also be taken into account for convenience.Outdoor Adventure CampsAs we explore the world of summer camps for preschoolers in Boston, let's now embark on an exhilarating journey into the realm of Outdoor Adventure Camps.Outdoor adventure camps offer an incredible opportunity for preschoolers to connect with nature, develop new skills, and experience the thrill of exploration. These camps provide a perfect balance between freedom and structure, allowing children to explore the great outdoors while ensuring their safety and well-being.In the table above, you can see a glimpse of what outdoor adventure camps have to offer. From scavenger hunts and nature hikes to building forts and learning about wildlife, these camps provide a wide range of activities that promote outdoor exploration. Preschoolers will have the chance to develop valuable skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and resilience, all while having a blast in the fresh air.The benefits of outdoor exploration for preschoolers are numerous. It helps them develop a sense of independence and confidence as they navigate through new environments. Outdoor activities also promote physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle, as children engage in active play and learn about the importance of taking care of their bodies. Moreover, spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall well-being, fostering a sense of calm and tranquility.Choosing the right outdoor adventure camp for your preschooler is crucial. Consider their interests and preferences, whether it's hiking, camping, or exploring marine life. Research the camp's safety measures and reputation to ensure a positive experience. Additionally, take into account the location and transportation options, making sure it's convenient for your family. Reading reviews and testimonials from other parents can also provide valuable insights into the quality of the camp.Arts and Crafts CampsLet's dive into the vibrant world of creativity and imagination with Arts and Crafts Camps! These camps are the perfect place for preschoolers to explore their artistic talents and express themselves through various crafts and activities. At these camps, children have the freedom to let their creativity run wild and create unique masterpieces that showcase their individuality.One of the key benefits of Arts and Crafts Camps is the development of fine motor skills. Through engaging in arts and crafts activities, preschoolers can enhance their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Whether it's painting, drawing, or sculpting, these activities require precision and control, helping children refine their motor skills in a fun and playful way.Arts and Crafts Camps provide a wide range of opportunities for preschoolers to experiment with different art mediums and techniques. From painting with watercolors to molding clay, children have the chance to explore various materials and discover what forms of creative expression resonate with them. These camps often feature experienced instructors who can guide and inspire children to unleash their artistic potential.In addition to nurturing creativity and developing fine motor skills, Arts and Crafts Camps also offer a platform for social interaction and collaboration. Children can engage in group projects, share ideas, and learn from one another's artistic approaches. This collaborative environment fosters a sense of community and encourages children to appreciate and celebrate each other's unique artistic abilities.Science and Nature CampsNow, let's embark on an exciting journey into the world of Science and Nature Camps, where preschoolers can explore the wonders of the natural world and cultivate their curiosity about science through hands-on activities and outdoor adventures.At Science and Nature Camps, preschoolers have the opportunity to have incredible animal encounters. They can get up close and personal with fascinating creatures like birds, reptiles, and even some furry friends. These encounters allow them to learn about different species and develop a deeper appreciation for the animal kingdom.Eco-friendly explorations are a highlight of these camps. Preschoolers can engage in activities that promote sustainability and environmental awareness. They may go on nature walks, learn about recycling, and participate in gardening projects. These experiences not only teach them about the importance of taking care of our planet but also instill a sense of responsibility and love for nature.In Science and Nature Camps, preschoolers are encouraged to ask questions, make observations, and engage in hands-on experiments. They can explore the properties of water, discover the wonders of plants, and learn about the solar system. Through these experiences, they develop critical thinking skills and a love for learning.The best part is that all of these activities take place in a fun and playful environment. Preschoolers get to enjoy the outdoors, make new friends, and create lasting memories. The camps are designed to foster a sense of freedom and exploration, allowing children to follow their own interests and curiosities.Music and Performing Arts CampsMusic and Performing Arts Camps offer preschoolers a chance to unleash their creativity and express themselves through the magical world of music, dance, and theater. These camps provide a unique and exciting opportunity for young children to explore their artistic talents and develop a love for the performing arts.One of the key benefits of music and performing arts camps for preschoolers is the opportunity to enhance their cognitive and social skills. Through activities such as singing, dancing, and acting, children can improve their memory, language development, and problem-solving abilities. They also learn important social skills like teamwork, cooperation, and self-expression.Finding the right music and performing arts camp for your preschooler can be a fun and rewarding experience. Start by considering your child's interests and preferences. Do they enjoy singing, dancing, or acting? Look for camps that offer activities aligned with their interests. Research the camp's reputation and safety measures to ensure a positive experience for your little one. Location and transportation options are also important factors to consider.When deciding on a music and performing arts camp, it can be helpful to read reviews and testimonials from other parents. These insights can give you a better idea of the camp's quality and what to expect. Additionally, talking to the camp staff and asking any specific questions or addressing concerns is crucial for a successful camp experience.Technology and Coding CampsAs we explore the exciting world of summer camps for preschoolers, we now turn our attention to the captivating realm of Technology and Coding Camps. These camps offer a unique opportunity for our little ones to delve into the fascinating world of technology while having a blast.Here's what you need to know:Virtual coding camps for preschoolers: In this digital age, virtual coding camps have become increasingly popular. These camps provide a safe and interactive online environment where preschoolers can learn the basics of coding through fun games and activities. They'll develop problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and creativity, all while exploring the wonders of technology. It's a fantastic way to introduce our little ones to the world of coding from the comfort of their own home.Incorporating technology into outdoor adventure camps: Who says technology and outdoor adventures can't go hand in hand? Some summer camps have found a way to combine the best of both worlds. They incorporate technology into their outdoor activities, allowing preschoolers to learn about nature, science, and technology all at once. From using tablets to identify different plants and animals to coding robots to navigate obstacle courses, these camps provide a unique and exciting experience for our young adventurers.With these technology and coding camps, our preschoolers can explore the limitless possibilities of the digital world while fostering their creativity and problem-solving skills. Whether they choose a virtual camp or one that combines technology with outdoor adventures, they're sure to have a summer filled with learning, fun, and endless possibilities.Language Immersion CampsLanguage Immersion Camps offer an exciting and immersive experience for preschoolers to learn a new language while having fun. These camps provide a unique opportunity for young children to be fully immersed in a different language, allowing them to develop language skills naturally and effortlessly. The benefits of language immersion camps for preschoolers are numerous. Not only do they gain proficiency in a second language, but they also develop cultural awareness and appreciation. Research has shown that early exposure to multiple languages enhances cognitive abilities and improves problem-solving skills.When choosing the right language immersion camp for your preschooler, there are a few factors to consider. First, determine the language you want your child to learn or explore. Some popular options include Spanish, French, Mandarin, and German. Next, consider the age appropriateness of the camp and ensure that it aligns with your child's developmental stage. Additionally, look for camps that offer a balance of language instruction and engaging activities to keep your child motivated and interested. It's also important to inquire about the qualifications and experience of the camp instructors, as they play a crucial role in facilitating language acquisition.To help you visualize the different language immersion camp options available in Boston, here is a table showcasing three popular camps:Camp NameLanguage OfferedAge RangeLinguaKidsSpanish3-6 years oldFrench Fun CampFrench4-7 years oldMandarin Magic CampMandarin5-8 years oldSpecial Needs Inclusive CampsInclusive camps that cater to children with special needs offer a supportive and enriching environment for all campers to thrive and have fun together. These camps provide numerous benefits for children with special needs, including:Personalized Support: Inclusive summer camps have trained staff who understand the unique needs of children with disabilities. They're equipped to provide individualized support and accommodations, ensuring that every child can fully participate in camp activities.Social Interaction: Attending an inclusive summer camp allows children with special needs to interact and build relationships with their peers. This social interaction can help develop important social skills, boost self-esteem, and foster a sense of belonging and acceptance.When choosing the right inclusive summer camp for your preschooler, consider the following:Camp Philosophy and Approach: Look for a camp that values inclusion and promotes an inclusive environment. Ask about their approach to accommodating children with special needs and how they ensure every child's participation and enjoyment.Staff Qualifications and Training: Inquire about the qualifications and training of the camp staff. Ensure that they've experience working with children with special needs and are knowledgeable about various disabilities and accommodations.Facilities and Accessibility: Assess the camp's facilities and determine if they're accessible for children with disabilities. Consider factors such as ramps, wide doorways, accessible bathrooms, and sensory-friendly spaces.Communication and Collaboration: Choose a camp that prioritizes open communication and collaboration with parents. Discuss your child's specific needs, provide necessary information, and inquire about how the camp will keep you updated on your child's progress and experiences.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Camps That Offer a Combination of Sports and Arts Activities for Preschoolers?Yes, there are summer camps in Boston that offer a combination of sports and arts activities for preschoolers.Combining sports and arts activities in a summer camp can provide a well-rounded experience for your child. It allows them to explore their interests and develop new skills in a fun and engaging way.A camp that offers both sports and arts activities can provide mental and physical stimulation, foster creativity, and promote social interaction among preschoolers.What Are Some Examples of Outdoor Adventure Activities Offered at the Outdoor Adventure Camps?Outdoor adventure activities at the camps are a great way for preschoolers to explore and have fun. Some examples of outdoor adventure activities include nature hikes, scavenger hunts, obstacle courses, and water play. These activities allow preschoolers to engage with the natural world and develop their physical and cognitive skills.They also promote teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity. Outdoor adventure camps offer a unique and exciting experience for preschoolers, allowing them to create lasting memories and develop a love for the outdoors.Do the Arts and Crafts Camps Provide All the Necessary Materials for the Activities?Yes, there are camps that focus on STEM activities for preschoolers. These camps provide a fun and engaging way for young children to explore science, technology, engineering, and math concepts. They offer hands-on experiments, interactive projects, and educational games that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Additionally, there are cooking and baking camps available for preschoolers who have an interest in the culinary arts. These camps teach basic cooking techniques and allow children to create delicious treats.Are There Any Science and Nature Camps That Focus Specifically on Marine Biology or Astronomy?Sure, we've got some great options for marine biology camps and astronomy camps in Boston! These camps provide a unique and immersive experience for preschoolers who are interested in science and nature.They offer hands-on activities, educational lessons, and the chance to explore the wonders of marine life or the mysteries of the stars. Your little one will have a blast while learning about these fascinating subjects.It's an opportunity for them to broaden their knowledge and fuel their curiosity in a fun and engaging way.Are There Any Music and Performing Arts Camps That Offer Instruction in Multiple Instruments or Dance Styles?There are some great music and performing arts camps in Boston that offer instruction in multiple instruments or dance styles. These camps provide a fun and creative environment for preschoolers to explore their musical and artistic talents.From learning to play different instruments like guitar, piano, and drums to experimenting with various dance styles such as ballet, hip hop, and jazz, these camps offer a wide range of opportunities for preschoolers to discover their passion for music and performing arts.ConclusionSo, whether your little one is a budding athlete, an outdoor enthusiast, a creative artist, a curious scientist, a talented performer, a tech-savvy individual, a language lover, or has special needs, there's a summer camp in Boston just waiting to provide them with an unforgettable experience.Don't miss out on this opportunity to give your preschooler a summer they'll cherish forever. Sign them up for one of these amazing camps and watch them thrive and grow in a fun and supportive environment.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:02 Aggressive_Stage_470 Which school will you pick?

My kids are going to start their Transitional Kindergarten (TK). But here we are, in a dilemma to pick which school is better for everyone.
We already got accepted in 2 different School District, and they are both free public school.
Option 1: Traditional public school
B+ School Rating
10 minutes from workplace
Good school district
Music class starts on 4rd grade with very basic lesson (seems that music are not their main focus)
They have Immersion Spanish School starts from Kindergarten in their school district (but there is no guarantee we will get accepted).
Option 2: Traditional public school with possibility to transfer to Montessori school in Kindergarten - 6 grade
A School Rating
30 minutes from workplace
Great and very popular school district
Music class starts on 2nd grade with very deep and organized lesson (30 minutes once a week music class)
The difference is only on the driving extra 30 minutes. My kid already go to the preschool in the option 2 area, so we already get used to the driving.
Which one will you pick? Is montessori school worth the drive and gas? Thanks in advance.
submitted by Aggressive_Stage_470 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:31 Yurii_S_Kh History Timeline, Reconstruction of Lost Towns and Art Treasures. Teaching Church history at a Sunday school

History Timeline, Reconstruction of Lost Towns and Art Treasures. Teaching Church history at a Sunday school
Author and Sunday school students holding the history timeline
I have been teaching Sunday school for over fifteen years. While already a teacher at the catechism department of a theological college, I finished the course there. Currently, I mostly teach children aged eight to eleven in our middle level class.
While preschoolers readily come to the right conclusions and emotions when offered an interesting story, the elementary schoolchildren typically need a little more information to achieve this
I used to teach for quite awhile the subject that had the “Church Calendar” as its working title. I talked to children about church feasts, important events from the church life, and the saints. So, if preschoolers easily came to the right conclusions and emotions when entertained with an interesting story, the elementary students needed a little more time and information to achieve this. They ask a lot of profound questions, correlate my story with the historical events they have already heard about, and opine on the actions, background and consequences.
In this regard, I was no longer satisfied with the idea of “telling them something about the saints.” Children are more interested in the context of the time, but when you skip and first tell one story followed by another, you end up with a lot of inconsistencies as a result. For example, in one lesson, we are talking about one monastic saint who lived in the woods of the Russian north in the twelfth century. Then, at the next lesson, we discuss a Roman martyr from the time of Nero, then later on, the life and works of one of the apostles. But the children would constantly distract you by asking the myriad of questions about who reigned, what they wore, and what they rode at the time.
During the Church history lesson
Over time, I conceived the idea of teaching a course on the universal Church history. Sure, I teach young children and so it is a scary and momentous undertaking, but I wanted to reveal to them a holistic view of the development of Christianity. They also learn about the Old and New Testaments, so history would have complemented their understanding of it, bringing it forward, closer to our time. As for the stories about the saints, they would have logically fitted into this context.
But I needed to arrive at a core concept to build such a course. Young schoolchildren cannot be given lectures—it would kill their interest and motivation. They need something that appeals to their experience, and at the same time, prompts their active participation during the lesson. That’s how the idea of creating a history timeline was born.
Of course, this is not my invention, nor is it anything new; history teachers actively use it in classrooms. But this idea is truly ingenious in its simplicity—displaying the movement of time on paper, placing events one after another.
So, all I needed was:
  • sheets of paper I cut in half lengthwise;
  • a glue stick to connect the cut sheets together into a long scroll;
  • a pencil and a ruler to separate the images from the captions;
  • marker pens so that children could write dates, names, and events;
  • colored printouts—mostly icon reproductions.
I prepared the paper scroll in advance, but we glued the images and added notes at the end of each lesson. The children were assigned roles in advance: someone glued, while another added notes. I allocated about five to seven minutes for this assignment.
There was nothing special about this set of lessons. At first we tried to remember what we learned during the previous lessons, and then, in a free-flow discussion, we talked about a new topic. I made a PowerPoint presentation for each lesson. This is a critical element; no colorful stories sans pictures will ever work for younger schoolchildren. Pictures help them to visualize the epoch and remember the important things.
Timeline of historical events
What were our images? First of all, the images of saints: reproductions of icons, paintings and graphic art. We started our conversations about each saint with an impromptu research: the children looked at the icon and contemplated what they could say about the person on the icon based on his appearance, clothing, and the objects he held in his hands. Over time, we learned to distinguish the holy hierarchs from the monastic saints, and martyrs from the holy rulers—the Equals-to-the-Apostles. At the end of our lessons, we would usually look at our icon and try to analyze it once again.
I also made sure to include photos and drawings of locations of the events we have talked about. The Egyptian desert and its monasteries made a strong impression on the children. It looks so unlike the one in the “Aladdin” cartoon: none of those dunes, only stones, cliffs, and the sky pale from the heat. While we were looking at those photos, we had a conversation about ancient monasticism.
The children showed great interest while viewing pictures of reconstructions of ancient cities, such as Alexandria, Antioch, Cappadocia, Constantinople, and Rome. They studied palaces, hippodromes, temples, baths, figures of people and horses. This way, they saw the lesson material coming to life before their eyes. At the same time, the modern photos of those places reinforced their impressions about them.
At first glance, it may seem that it is necessary to talk only about the saints and important events in the life of the Church, while the rest is a waste of time. They only have one lesson every week, and it’s a short lesson, so why don’t we just speak more about the deeds of the righteous people and miracles? I tried it. It gives poor results.
If you focus on giving the children only the hagiographic material, there is a danger they will begin to perceive it all as fairy tales
If you give children only hagiographic material and talk exclusively about Holy Tradition, there is a danger that they will begin to perceive it all as fairy tales. Many of them do perceive them as fairy tales, especially the ones who rarely or never attend church (we have such children in our Sunday school). What can they think of St. Spyridon of Tremithus holding a brick with fire bursting out of it and water flowing from it? How can we convey to them that this is not a fairy tale, but the saint was one of those who preserved and defended the true Christian faith? This is where historical material comes to our help.
The children enjoyed our lessons. They asked a lot of questions and were happy to learn new things: “We’ve got this icon at home!” “My mother read about this to me!” “I saw it at church!” Or, one of them had been to Turkey and saw the ancient ruins similar to the ones I showed on the pictures. Others watched a cartoon about St. George the Victorious. Someone else is fond of Roman legions and is happy to add to my story. Ancient history comes to life, and visual elements help in this process.
Before each lesson, the children unfold the ribbon of time. They look at the pictures and reread the captions. They compare who is older, St. Nicholas or St. Athanasius of Alexandria? What happened earlier—the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God or the First Apostolic Council?
We learned the course of the general history of the Church—from the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles to the fight against iconoclasts—in two years. I intentionally took my time and didn’t plan these lessons to last long; it was more important to see how the children reacted, to return to one topic and stay longer on another. It was interesting to experiment—some topics were a hit, while others were taken in poorly and didn’t stir any enthusiasm. For example, the children really enjoyed discussing Tertullian's words, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of Christianity,” but the conversation about heresies and the fight against them was difficult and way too abstract for them.
Next year, I plan to begin a study of the history of the Russian Church with the same group of students, and create a new timeline. Of course, we didn’t get to the Church schism, but we didn’t need to—it's too complicated for younger schoolchildren. It is enough that we have looked at the first formative stages in Church history, from the Apostles who gathered in the Upper Room, to the Christian capital city of Constantinople. Children will grow bigger and study these topics once again, dwelling more deeply and gaining new information. The major thing is to keep their interest alive.
Maria Minaeva
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:12 Square-Dot-8679 [2179] Is this a good start to maybe a short novel? Are the descriptions too long-winded? Any feedback appreciated

Chapter 1
On a warm spring evening, in an average teenager’s room, he sits at his desk. The wind breezes through the open window, inviting in the sounds of the adjacent footpath and street, as well as what seems like the majority of species of creatures flying in to revel in the glorious light of the lamp perched upon a white cupboard. They dance in euphoria before his eyes, buzzing in his face with a constant hum before being mercilessly stripped of their source of contentment and wafted out by frantically swinging arms. The footsteps of a man walking about echo into the apartment with the exclamation “Son, I’m back!”, cutting through the serene sonic backdrop of the peaceful neighbourhood like a knife through butter. As the sun retreats to the darkness from whence it came, its blessed rays begin saying their goodbyes for the day and hide before the shine of distant stars, leaving him in the dark. He, however, does not move to turn his lamp back on, instead choosing to focus on the gusts of moving air hitting his bare arms, blowing on the cotton threads shielding his body. Only in this tranquil environment can he think and reflect: how he is actually doing. What he wants most. Whose company he enjoys truly, and whose he finds detestable. Oh, how he wishes he could think so perfectly clearly more often than just on these pleasant evenings

This line of thought is abruptly interrupted by his father opening the door: “Shouldn’t you be doing your homework?” He mumbles something back, causing the father to sigh and put his arm around him:
“Listen, Matt, I have no idea what’s been going on with you lately. Your grades are falling, you don’t invite your friends over like you used to, and you never talk to me anymore. Is there something wrong? Oh, and aren’t you cold with this window wide open?” the father remarks, leaning forward to push the glass panel back into place with a light thud, instantly muting the chatter of pedestrians and bird’s singing outside. To this, Matt just mumbles more.
“Mumbling like that all day ain’t gonna solve your problems, son” says the father. “In fact, it will only make things worse. If you don’t want to tell me what’s going on, that’s fine, but at least let me know of that upfront.” This is met with silence, now even more deafening without the symphony of the greater world.
“Ah, I wish you were more open with me sometimes. Well, I’m not going to press you, I’ll be leaving now. But please don’t open the window; you’ll let all the bugs in. Oh, and turn on the light. I don’t trust that you won’t go insane in the dark.” the father replies, promptly flicking on the switch that instantaneously covers the room in artificial radiation.
To this, Matt grumbles yet again. Was there really anything better to do? The answer seems obvious to him, and as such he chooses to prepare for the next day: after brushing his teeth, taking a shower and dressing into his pyjamas, he looks for a moment at the lightbulb illuminating the room, and flicks the switch back to where it should be and snuck under the covers.
His thoughts start to amass instantly: individually each representing a facet of his outlook, together clashing into a storm of emotions. These emotions then mix into a seemingly homogeneous cacophony of surreal visions that in turn form his dreams. From this spiral he can observe his father trying to help and ensure a good future for his son, yet failing to offer any substantial advice, his friends from school blissfully unaware of what he actually thinks of them, the fading memory of the brief calmness felt just moments before, all smashing into each other, creating a constant series of hallucinations through which he sleeps through every night.
He bears this onslaught for six and a half hours before he is abruptly snapped out of his trance by the harsh beeps of his phone alarm: the clouds outside weep tears after their sudden meltdown the previous midnight, the device telling that their sobbing will not rest until well after noon. After rubbing his eyes of leftover sand, he glances at the clock on his nightstand that kindly shows him it is currently half past six, and knowing his bus to school leaves just past seven, he reluctantly, yet hastily goes to the kitchen to prepare himself sustenance for the day ahead, knowing that if he tries to balance his chaotic thoughts now, he would miss his bus and be subjected to the reprimanding of his teachers. After consuming his breakfast, he quickly brushes his teeth like the night before, throws on a t-shirt with casual jeans and a waterproof coat and grabs his bag before leaving through the front door and poising himself to run.
The gentle noise of droplets and giggles of children from the nearby preschool surround him in his mad dash to the bus stop before the departure of his target vehicle, one of the neighbours speaking to himself, “We didn’t raise an entire generation to be this bad at managing their time
”. Eventually, the specially coloured red lane shows itself before his eyes, occupied by a boarding electric bus. In a panic, he starts dashing straight towards the doors before they shut, managing to secure his place inside just in time.
Exhausted from this brief intense workout and breathing rapidly, he sits down next to the window so he can even briefly remind himself of what calms him the most. Even shrouded in clouds raining heavily from above, he still found the world outside incredibly captivating: the collected molecules of water sliding down the window, the delicate sound of them tapping against the glass of the vehicle like popcorn popping in the microwave, the sudden vibrantness of the leaves and bushes when everything else seems downtoned and melancholy, all only interrupted by the loud engine noises, the constant accelerating and braking of the bus, and especially the obnoxiously loud conversations led by the others on board.
Unable to relax in such a chaotic environment, he instead opts to glance at the display above everyone’s heads reading “Line 208 to Lower City”. This is when he realises that he, in fact, got on the earlier bus that turns off around halfway through his route to school. At that moment, fatefully, the bus makes this deviation from his usual route and approaches its next stop. Frantically, he jumps up from his seat and darts out of the doors heading towards his usual bus to find it driving past his eyes. Futile was his continued attempt to catch up: the vehicle speeds off, leaving him stranded in the cold rain.
Chapter 2
Drenched in the downpour and almost thirty minutes late for class, he makes his way towards his first lesson: maths. Upon opening the door, the gaze of the other students previously focused on their assigned problems turn towards him, some out of curiosity, some staring judgmentally, and others with visible pity in their eyes from seeing him soaked to the brim. This last sympathetic perspective was not shared by professor Hittings, who raises his head from the computer screen perched on the teacher’s desk. His thick glasses amplify the size of his threateningly grey irises, distracting from his thick, bushy heap of hair sitting loosely beneath his nose. Rising up from his seat, his less than great height becomes apparent, so he stands up as straight as possible, his comically small yet fitting beige suit riding up enough to reveal his leather belt.
“Ah, Harlington, may you kindly let us know why you arrived so late?” he says while Matt sits down in his seat. His reply is unsure and shaky:
“My b-bus was late, sir.”.
“Well, you should’ve gotten an earlier one, then I wouldn’t have to write a note to your parents that you slipped up again with your diligence, Harlington.” he sneers, unaware of the actual situation.
“S-sir, I did!” was Matt’s desperate rebuttal, fueled by annoyance by the teacher’s blunt remark.
“Sure you did.” the professor replies. “Now, coming back on track, has anyone started doing anything past exercise 7?”
A few lone hands raise while everyone else continues with their work, struggling with a few of the harder equations required.
“Well, that’s disappointing. You should all be at least halfway through exercise 8. At least, if you give a damn about passing this class.”
“Uh, excuse me, sir, I don’t really understand the difference between set unions and intersections
” says Lucy, one of the many students struggling with the newly introduced topic.
“Excuse me, what?” is Hitting’s harsh remark. “Do I really have to repeat every single thing I say to you? If you want to know the difference, look at your book on page 233!”
“This isn’t exactly as easy as you think it is, sir.” interjects Lucas, someone known in class for his often blunt comments.
“It isn’t?” the professor asks, surprised by his boldness. “It’s just basic set theory. A literal baby could solve these quicker than you lazy slackers!” he cruelly insults, causing everyone to momentarily pause and look up at what the man has to say. “Don’t you all understand that at this measly pace you’re all learning, you’ll all fail and soon be known as the high school’s only twenty year olds? I know most of you detest maths or having to do any action even remotely associated with using your brains, but the less you all care, the more time you’ll have to spend with me. And I don’t get paid for you people staying behind a year, so I suggest you finally get to work!” The professor then turns towards Matt, seemingly becoming even more agitated, his face turning red. “And what makes you think you’re exempt from my class, Harlington? Just because you’re late doesn’t mean you can sit and do nothing!”
But he does not answer. Instead, he stares forward blankly, clearly lost in thought and immersed in the world of his imagination. To him, it is as if professor Hittings, his school and his classmates don’t exist, replaced by the calming vision of a vibrant summer meadow, the sky rich in its blueness and without a cloud to obstruct its vastness. The grass sways to the pleasant breeze as a rabbit hops through the natural carpet it creates, shielded from the gaze of potential predators. A tranquil stream cuts through the rich flora, housing nests for the resident mallards, who in turn help populate the meadow with their verbalisations. Rainbow smelts swim past the ducks, braving the current of the water they find themselves in.
Yet suddenly, the sky goes dark and clouds as grey as Hittings’s eyes expel the sunshine, the vibrancy of the grass kicking down a notch, however not enough to not still be mesmerising for him. More worryingly, the wildlife start reacting to the unexpected change in weather, with even the water-loving ducks trying to hide in the tall grass. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a flash of lightning violently hits the ground and lights the peaceful meadow’s green coating ablaze, coincidentally when Matt feels the professor’s gaze on him. The image of the flaming field before him abruptly switches back to the cold, dreary and dated classroom. He looks up to see professor Hittings, who then suddenly grabs his arm and commands:
“Harlington! Stop your godforsaken daydreaming! Have you even heard a single word of what I said?”
“Y-y-yes, sir!” Matt quickly spits out, his body jerking from the sudden re-entry into reality.
“Well, could you tell me what I just said moments ago?”
“Uh, to stop daydreaming?”
“Before that, Harlington!” the professor sharply raises his voice.
 something about sets?”
“No, Harlington, I told you to stop being such a lazy piece of shit!” he snarls at Matt, eliciting several gasps from his classmates. They knew the disgruntled professor had an often harsh demeanour towards his students, but this was on a level of anger and hatefulness that was surprising even for Hittings, famously the angriest teacher in school. “Do any of you ever listen to what I tell you?!” he blasted out, his tone of voice more unhinged than ever before.
At that moment, however, he is interrupted by the loud ringing of the bell signalling the end of the tortuous session of intense thinking. The students suddenly stop their work and begin packing their thick, bloated books filled with thousands of problems and the notebooks packed full with scripts of Arabic numerals and various mathematical signs. “Oh, damn it.” the professor quietly mumbles to himself, before clearing his throat and informing the class: “Don’t you think your work is over: I want to see pages 236 and 237 done in full by tomorrow! And I will check every single one of you, so don’t forget! And that includes you too, Harlington!” he shouts out to everyone.
submitted by Square-Dot-8679 to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:01 Chemical_Ruin_4199 Am I being taken advantage of?

Hi everyone,
I’ve been feeling increasingly overwhelmed in my nannying job and need some advice. When I started, I was hired to care for two kids who were a newborn and a year and a half old. Now, they are three and a year and a half. I’m salaried at 40 hours a week and currently make $900 a week.
Initially, I was paid $750 a week, which was bumped to $850 after a year, and then to $900 when I agreed to incorporate Spanish lessons for the three-year-old and motor skills/educational activities for the one-year-old. I have a background working in a Montessori preschool, so I also engage in a lot of educational activities with the kids and ensure they have no screen time.
However, my responsibilities have significantly increased beyond nannying. I regularly find a sink full of dishes from the night before, a messy house when I arrive, piles of laundry from the whole household, and more. I am expected to clean all of this up in addition to cleaning up after the kids. The parents also often ask me to meal prep, make dinner, mop, vacuum, reorganize things such as the kitchen pantry, closets, etc. These tasks make it difficult to find time for breaks or even eat lunch, especially now that the kids nap less.
On top of that, I grocery shop for the family, plan outings, drive the kids around, and maintain educational curriculum plans for each child as requested by the mom. It feels like I’m doing the work of a nanny, housekeeper, and tutor all in one, and I’m starting to feel resentful.
I’m afraid to address these issues because my absolute main goal has been job hunting for an engineering role (I was in school part time when I started with them- and they’ve always known and have always been supportive) since I finished my degree almost a year ago, but with the job market being in absolute shambles (especially in tech), I haven’t had much luck. I don’t want to rock the boat and risk losing my current job, but I also feel like I’m being taken advantage of.
Is this workload typical for a nanny? Should I be getting paid more for all these additional responsibilities? Any advice on how to handle this situation would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I live in Tampa, FL, and the family lives in one of the most expensive areas in Tampa (in a gated community pretty much downtown). I live about 15 minutes away from them but do not get reimbursed for gas.
Also although I am salaried, I always work the same set of hours every day and never go over. I also am still paid if the family does not have me work, like if they go on vacation or something. However I did file a 1099 and not a W2 under them which I didn’t find out was illegal until after the fact. So all taxes were on me.
submitted by Chemical_Ruin_4199 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:08 MesozoicBloke01 My experience on r/Homeschool

[Warning: the following post is long and may contain upsetting content]
I spent the better part of my evening idly scrolling through Homeschool. Many of the posts were equal parts infuriating and intriguing. I wanted to share and discuss some of the observations I made while visiting. I've seen far, far worse homeschool groups in my time but the subreddit begins to show its dark side the further you dig.
I know there are exceptions to what I discuss below, but I am simply dealing with trends I noticed while going through the top posts.
And please note, I do not support brigading the subreddit. Do not contact, harass, or spam any of the posters.
With all that being said...
-There are a disproportionate amount of posts about kindergarteners and preschoolers.
By far the most frequent posts I encountered regarded very young children, around preschool and kindergarten ages. Crafts, work spaces, "classrooms," advice, achievements, etc. These easily outweighed all other age groups. In fact, discussions about homeschooling itself seemed to drop off dramatically after grades 3 and 4, which also aren't mentioned very frequently.
This left a sour taste in my mouth. Playing with young children is common with any parent, homeschoolers or not, yet it's almost the focus of the subreddit. Crafts, basic arithmetic, spelling, etc., these are about as complex as posts regarding education get. I'd argue these are things most parents teach their children anyways. Yet these parents are acting like they're taking some radical approach by homeschooling them. There are notably very few high-ranking posts about children older than this age group or the materials such older children need to study.
Perhaps it's just that the majority of parents on the subreddit are new and simply don't have older children yet, but it seemed odd that there were hardly any posts that discuss high schoolers. It gives the impression that, once the joy of interacting with toddlers wears off, the parents are simply leaving the children to their own devices ("unschooling," which I'll get into later). There are no science projects, teen book recommendations, field trips, sports, dances, study spaces, or advice. The few that discuss achievements in higher education or the work place come across as more self-congratulatory than anything else. Which leads us to our next point.
-There are very few posts made by homeschool students.
This stood out to me. Barring a small amount of exceptions, every top post and comment on the subreddit is from parents, not children. The few that are from children are overwhelmingly negative or at the very least critical towards homeschooling. These posts and comments either recieve backlash or no one engages with them at all. This leads to an echo chamber, where the parents continually pat themselves and each other on the back and simply say what they want to hear. There is very little nuance or criticism from other parents. They come across as smug, self-righteous, and pretentious.
In my personal experience, I've found that many homeschooler parents have a narcissistic air about them, and this subreddit is no different. They're snarky, conceited, and highly sarcastic. They seem to treat homeschooling as a personal journey rather than one that will forever effect their children. They need constant reaffirming from other parents and seem to struggle heavily with confirmation bias.
There are a small handful of posts or comments from children celebrating homeschool, but they're almost treated like exceptions to the rule (unsurprisingly). Like the adults make a big deal out of it every time a student makes a positive post.
-There's a strange amount of support for unschooling.
Perhaps this shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did, but for every comment celebrating structure, lesson plans, and curated studies, there are three in support of unschooling. If you're unaware of this concept, it's the idea that children learn better when left completely on their own. The mindset is that kids will be naturally drawn to an interest and study it themselves, with no input from teachers or parents. This, understandably, has problems, but there are several proponents of it on the subreddit. One user, the rare student poster, shared their unfortunate homeschool experiences. The replies tried to argue that it was an unschooling success story. This, for one, seemed tasteless, and two, came across as a bizarre source of justification.
-Conspiracy theories, while not terribly common, are reoccurring.
I and many of my fellow homeschoolers here had to put up with paranoid and delusional parents. I'd argue a belief in conspiracies is one of the main things that drive such people to homeschool their children. Many of the parents on Homeschool are no different. Now, conspiracy theories aren't overly frequent on the subreddit, but I found some sort of comment or post dealing with them more often than I expected. The most common ones involve corrupt governments, public schools attempting to force all children into basic jobs, those critical of homeschooling being "trolls," "paid propagandists" or "feds," and alternate history narratives.
-There's a strange infatuation with Little House on the Prairie.
I saw it come up on three different occasions. It seems like something many homeschooler parents love for some reason. Mine were obsessed with it and it seems like it's drawn it's share of fans from other parents as well. A few people were critical of using it as a standard, citing settler life as being lonely and depressing, which was refreshing.
-The word "kiddo" is used way too much.
Not necessarily a "bad" thing, but it seems like the subreddit's favorite, go-to word. Everyone uses it. It reminds me of how older men often refer to their spouses as "the wife."
-The posters are well-aware of us.
Our subreddit gets mentioned fairly frequently. Some parents offer a nuanced view of our experiences and offer sympathy. They question if they're hindering their kids' future by homeschooling. Other comments come directly from users here, though as stated before, they aren't always well-received.
There are whole threads regarding us, with the overwhelming consensus being that we are merely anomalies and do not represent the homeschooling experience. To an extent, yes, I agree. Homeschool works great for certain people. But, statistical anomaly or not, our perspective and experiences matter and should be considered. It's clearly a widespread problem if it can garner a subreddit with thousands of members. To ignore people who did not enjoy their homeschooling experience is the same as pretending everyone benefitted from it.
I think this also comes from a place of them wanting the subreddit to remain an echo chamber. They don't want to hear any opposing opinions, and children who directly felt the neglect and abuse of homeschooling are their worst enemy. Some commenters even expressed disappointment that people such as us post there at all and argued that it should be a sort of safe space for positive homeschooling discussions. Certain comments and posts called for stricter moderation specifically to deal with people who criticize homeschooling in any way.
-They are aware of their own reputation yet, paradoxically, are also lacking in self-awareness.
Every few posts involve a joke about "socialization." These are the smug, condescending posts that act like their 5 year old excitedly talking to a store employee is proof they aren't socially stunted. Or arguing that public school children don't interact all day either. Or say things like "my child is so mature, they prefer adults and won't even talk to kids their age." They poke fun at their popular reputation, yet lack any self-awareness that these interactions and behaviors are not healthy. They celebrate their kids being "weird" and "quirky" while failing to understand what counts as self-expression and what counts as poor social skills.
Perhaps the funniest (in an ironic way) post involved a person asking where all the positive homeschool subreddits are. They pointed out our subreddit and accurately noted it's for students who experienced or are experiencing trauma related to homeschooling. A commenter also accurately noted that the majority of posts in their subreddit came from parents, not children. A couple comments pointed out how telling it is that there are no spaces for students, by students, to share their positive experiences. It's all heavily biased towards the parents and almost every time the children do get a say, it's a negative. Yet this realization doesn't seem to sink in for the majority of users.
-Many parents are clearly not meant to be their childrens' primary educators.
Horrible grammar, sentence structure, and spelling abound in this subreddit. There are a few posters who claim to be actual teachers with degrees, but these are not the norm. The majority are average people who believe they can sufficiently teach all major topics simply because they can read.
-Some people aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're right-wing/authoritarians.
There are several top posts that openly joke about the authority the parents have over their children. Healthy conversation is not generally encouraged. Parent-child relations are often strict and rigid in these posts. They rarely seem to acknowledge them as children or even just students. They are treated more like objects or personal achievements. Children are occasionally insulted for being "lazy" and ADHD and other such educational hinderances are put in quotes, as if the child is faking it. There are multiple "us vs. them" posts, where the parents, not-so-subtly, claim to be protecting their children from a morally corrupt society. Many of the parents pride themselves on their homeschooled children being different from "normal" kids, with one commenter explicitly mentioning Tumblr as being something to avoid, which a few people pointed out seemed like a dog whistle. Many comments are anti-government, anti-CPS, encourage use of legal loopholes, etc. The post histories on some of these users revealed anti-LGBT comments, racism, blatant insulting, and revisionary history. And just keep in mind, these are the things they're comfortable sharing publically.
And those are my general take-aways from my time on the subreddit. Like I said, it's not the worst I've seen, but it's still quite bad. A borderline echo chamber that's biased towards parents and discourages criticism. For me, it was a morbidly-fascinating exploration into the minds of those who so unfairly hindered our childhoods. I'm not saying every poster on the subreddit is an unfit parent or that homeschool is harming their kids, but many were far too close for comfort for me.
submitted by MesozoicBloke01 to HomeschoolRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:32 hellopriyasharma 10 Key Strategies for Parents to Manage Nursery School

10 Key Strategies for Parents to Manage Nursery School
Managing your child through their early education years may be both gratifying and difficult. Early education requires a high level of organizational and emotional preparation from parents and kids in addition to academic competence, particularly in settings such as Indian nursery schools. Here's a thorough method to guarantee a seamless, pleasurable nursery school experience with strategies for parents nursery school.

1. Establish a Solid Routine

A predictable daily routine offers stability and security, key for young learners. Start with consistent wake-up and bedtimes, meal times, and slots for homework and play. This routine not only aids in managing your child’s expectations but also instills a sense of discipline and responsibility.

2. Night-Before Preparation

Minimize morning chaos by laying out clothes, packing school bags, and preparing lunches the night before. This practice not only saves precious morning time but also teaches your child valuable lessons in organization and foresight.

3. Engage Regularly with Teachers

Active communication with your child’s educators is crucial. Utilize a school parent app to facilitate seamless dialogue with teachers. These platforms allow you to monitor academic progress, receive updates on classroom activities, and address concerns promptly, ensuring you’re always in the loop.

4. Set Achievable Goals

Work with your child to set realistic and measurable goals for the school year. This could range from academic achievements to extracurricular milestones. Setting goals helps children stay motivated and understand the value of working towards and achieving objectives.

5. Create a Conducive Study Environment

Dedicate a quiet, organized space in your home for study and homework. A distraction-free zone enhances concentration and productivity, making study time more efficient and effective.

6. Foster School Community Engagement

Active participation in your child’s school community can significantly enhance the nursery school experience. Attend school events, parent-teacher meetings, and volunteer opportunities. This not only shows your child the importance you place on their education but also allows you to better understand and contribute to the school’s educational ethos.

7. Leverage Digital Tools

School parent apps have revolutionized how parents manage their children’s education. From tracking academic progress to scheduling meetings with teachers, these apps offer a variety of features to keep parents engaged and informed. Embrace these digital tools to streamline communication and stay connected with the school community.

8. Encourage Independence

Instilling a sense of independence in your child from an early age is invaluable. Encourage them to take responsibility for their personal belongings, homework, and to make small decisions on their own. This fosters self-reliance and confidence, crucial skills for their educational journey.

9. Cultivate a Reading Habit

Developing a daily reading habit not only boosts literacy skills but also stimulates imagination and curiosity. Dedicate time each day to read with your child, exploring a variety of subjects and stories. This shared activity can also strengthen your parent-child bond.

10. Balance Academics and Play

While nursery school lays the foundation for academic learning, it’s essential to remember the importance of play. Ensure your child has ample time for unstructured play, creative exploration, and relaxation. This balance is key to their overall development and well-being.

Beyond Strategies: The Heart of Managing Nursery School

Navigating the nursery school years is about more than just adhering to a set of strategies. It's about creating a loving, supportive environment where your child can grow, learn, and explore their potential. By implementing these strategies for parents' nursery school, you can provide a structured yet flexible framework that prepares your child for the adventures of learning.
Moreover, in the context of nursery schools in India, where educational systems can vary widely and parental involvement is highly valued, these strategies take on an added layer of significance. They not only help in organizing and managing your child’s day-to-day school life but also in building a foundation for lifelong learning and curiosity.
In summary, the experience of nursery school is a collaboration involving the kid, parent, and teachers. You may enjoy and confidently traverse this road with your child if you remain involved, organized, and aware of their requirements as well as the educational environment. This collaboration is strengthened by the use of resources like school parent apps, which guarantee that you are always involved in your child's educational path no matter where you are.
submitted by hellopriyasharma to u/hellopriyasharma [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:08 allardsoeters Golf lessons preschooler

My son (4) started showing interest in golf. I don’t know why because my wife and I are no golfers.
We took him mini golfing in Kaneohe which he really liked. It’s next to a driving range so he was looking over all the time.
Anyone have a tip for an instructor or company that can introduce him to actual golf?
submitted by allardsoeters to Hawaii [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:22 LynxFrosty Pre-k 4 recommendations

I'm looking for recommendations for a preschool program. Likely my daughter will go on to our local public school for Kindergarten.
Currently I have been looking at Abeka and Torchlight.
This year we had The Good and the Beautiful Preschool Course Set. We worked through some of the lessons and I was thinking of continuing on with that this summer and then switching.
She doesn't mind worksheets, but we also do Knowledge Crates, lots of playdough, sensory bin play etc.
submitted by LynxFrosty to homeschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:26 SilverkittenX9 Question About Pokey Oaks Kindergarten

We know that The Powerpuff Girls is an American cartoon, so obviously the Pokey Oaks kids would all be around 5-6 years old. In The United States, kindergarten classrooms tend to be within elementary schools rather than their own separate buildings. It's also the first year of elementary school too. However, their school only has one classroom and no other grades besides kindergarten. With that in mind, I'm guessing Pokey Oaks might be a charter school of some sort, considering Ms. Keane both teaches and runs the school. Either that or single kindergarten schools are apparently a normality in their world. It's obviously not a preschool, though it could easily be mistaken for one, what with all the colorful imagery and the fact there's no older kids roaming about. Not to mention, the kids are often shown socializing and playing with toys rather than sitting down at desks and doing standardized tests. Another theory is that Pokey Oaks is loosely based on older kindergarten classrooms from the 20th century (most notably the 1950s/1960s). Knowing Townsville has somewhat of a retro aesthetic to it, it's highly possible. The reason Pokey Oaks only has one kindergarten classroom is because the girls would be able to interact with kids their age, rather than older kids. Would you agree with that? Overall, what are your opinions on this?
One more thing: I also have a headcanon that preschool does exist in their world, but it's for 2-4 year olds. Kindergarten is similar to preschool, only it's for slightly older kids aged 5-6 years old. Unlike preschool, kids are also assigned homework and are expected to pay attention during lessons, which is plausible since the students are older and would more likely be able to handle bigger responsibilities.
submitted by SilverkittenX9 to powerpuffgirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:59 LivintheJungle Frustrated by Dad

I’m at the end of my rope with this man. I (18 gender-fluid) have a narcissistic father (46m). He’s been emotionally abusive all my life. Getting good grades wasn’t an accomplishment, it was an expectation. If you did anything wrong, his immediate response was to yell at you. He’d pick on everyone and say it was “just a joke”, blatant bully behavior
Before he went to prison for two years (he got out a few months early for good behavior) he was at least on an antidepressant. He wasn’t a great parent, but he was less angry all the time. He refused to go back on meds after getting out. I was 12 going on 13 when he got out. He wouldn’t watch my baby sister, 3 almost 4, and would always make me watch her. I was too tired most days after school to keep her from messing with my things and I only had so much room. Some days I’d manage to get her to leave me alone only for him to make me watch her again
At the beginning of 2020, BC (before Covid), I got into an argument with him where he said a lot of hurtful things. Saying I contribute nothing and that I have no right to criticize him. For context, he stole my younger brother’s TV instead of taking the identical one in the next room. My mom had kicked him out and he wanted to cause problems by upsetting her autistic son with anger issues. At some point, we picked my sister up from preschool, and he said something along the lines of “I’m sorry, I mean I meant what I said but I’m sorry it came out rude.” I told him to shut up quietly. He then went on and on about how disrespectful I was, called me an ungrateful bitch, and then when I got dropped off at music lessons he started to drive away before I had fully gotten out of the car
On my dad’s side of the family, there’s the expectation that if you do something bad, you’ll be forgiven because you’re family. I couldn’t forgive him. I was done. I went LC, would’ve been NC but I was a minor. Fast forward a couple of years, had some issues with my mom. However, she changed for the better. That made me want to establish contact with my dad again. My dad may have done quite a few Reddit story worthy things that have fucked me up for life, but surely he could change too, right? Right?
Well, tonight I’ve reached the end of my rope. My mom comes in, saying my sister (9f) wants us to watch my dad’s new puppy. I thought he was improving, becoming a more responsible and less bitter person, and then he pulls this. Part of me wishes I stayed low contact or made the jump to no contact. I’ve been having these thoughts for a while because he just won’t grow up. I’m just at my wit’s end. I know I left out a lot of details, so I might make an edit with some more of the shit he’s pulled. I made the mistake of doing this on my phone lol
submitted by LivintheJungle to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:46 JasonBetter10 Role of Technology in Preschool Education

Role of Technology in Preschool Education
Technology has revolutionized many areas of toddler's life, including the way we learn. In the past, preschool education was just limited to traditional methods like storybooks, chalkboards, and hands-on activities. Today, technology has completely changed the methods of learning and teaching of the preschool curriculum. From interactive whiteboards to learning apps, technology has made it easier for teachers to retain their students' attention making the classroom a more interesting place to learn.
Preschool education is a very important part of child's growth. During this stage, children learn the basic ideas and skills that will help them do will in school in the future. In recent years, technology has grown to be a crucial part of preschool education. It given teachers and students a wide range of tools and resources to help them learn. In this blog, we'll talk about how technology can help young students in their preschool learning.
Advantages of Using Technology in Preschool Education
Bringing technology into preschool education has helped students in many ways. The following are some of the advantages that we have recognized.
1. Engaging and Interactive Learning
Preschoolers have a limited attention span and may quickly lose interest in learning. The use of educational applications, games, and interactive whiteboards has been shown to improve student's ability to grasp complex ideas. Students have more fun from lessons that include technology. Thus, this technique can make education more exciting and interactive for students.
2. Improved Fine Motor Skills
Preschoolers are still developing fine motor abilities, which are required for tasks such as writing and drawing. By giving opportunities to use touchscreens and handheld devices, technology can support the growth of these skills. Using drawing apps on tablets or touchscreen devices, for instance, can help promote the development of fine motor skills in toddlers while they have fun.
3. Better Memory Retention
Preschoolers have an extraordinary ability of learning, yet their memories are often fragile. By offering interactive and interesting learning experiences, technology can help to boost memory recall. For instance, playing memory-based educational games can help preschoolers retain information and concepts more easily.
4. Personalized Learning
Due to the advancements in personalized learning technologies, educators can now customized lessons as per the specific needs of each student. This strategy ensures that every student, regardless of academic ability, receives the assistance and resource they requires to succeed.
5. Better Communication
The use of technology can improve communication between educators and parents. With messaging applications, educators may offer parents regular updates on their child's progress and share resources that can be used at home to reinforce learning. This strategy strengthens parent-teacher relationships and promotes parental involvement in their child's education.
At The Growing Patch Preschool, we understand how important it is to give our young students the right exposure to technology for their academic success. Because of this, we've added technology to our teaching methods to helps our students learn better. The Growing Patch Preschool is proud to be the Best Preschool in Fresno that incorporates technology in the teaching. We are confident that by using technology, we can lay a solid foundation for our student's future success. Thus, look no further than The Growing Patch Preschool If you're looking for the Best preschool in Fresno that offers a cutting-edge learning environment.
Best preschool in Fresno, Preschool in Fresno
submitted by JasonBetter10 to u/JasonBetter10 [link] [comments]