Quotes about remembering a lost one

Wait, wrong sub

2017.08.19 14:12 Lugia3210 Wait, wrong sub

For posting screenshots of people forgetting what sub they're on or people misinterpreting the purpose of the sub they're on.

2010.02.08 18:26 roger_ The Simpsons on Reddit! Woo-hoo!

Simpsons TV Show. The /TheSimpsons subreddit is fan base of redditors who love The Simpsons. The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture, society and television.

2014.03.20 17:46 dadschool Cool Guides

Picture based reference guides for anything and everything. If it seems like something someone might print, physically post, and reference then it is a good link for this sub. Remember: Infographics are learning tools, guides are reference tools. Sometimes it's grey.

2024.06.05 06:33 violent_luna123 I don't have a clue on how to shoot down anyone with nametags in the Air-RB mode.. or with the Ground RB engine sounds #rant

That's why I can only play sim lmao. Basically, to shoot down someone is "Simple", I mean I sneak upon him and fire. If it fails - zoom out, recall the attack to sneak upon him again and try shooting once more.
The best position to get closer to someone is flying slightly below his tail level because he obviously cannot see what's below his tail or from a very above where they wouldnt look that much but it risks an overshot.
I think for the lulz I clicked Air-RB once and I literally didnt know what to do..... what, do I attack the guys fighting below me? Then someone is literally going to see a free target diving into the furball and will have a very easy time going after me, I will be his priority target... normally in Sim, the majority of time they would be propably more focused on spotting the right target amongst the furbal as its the most visible attention-drawing thing so you can gank these outside-waiting gankers instead of them you if you focus on finding their "dots" in the sky xd
That's why fighting there feels sooo weird and kinda stressful, literally any move feels so watched/weird
Also for example, even any fun isolated fight where you attack someone shooting your ally also feels so weird when you have so many red-tags around the map and knowing they can also see you.. you gotta constsntly watch if one of these Red-tags don't actually fly towards you with an increasing altitude.. and you arent sure if they are closing on you or not, it feels kinda stressful because they might actually be coming and gaining height in the process, which means you're screwed.
Normally in Sim, noone will propably know about this isolated firefight so you can chill, you only need to worry about a potential "cover me" map ping
And even if someone in Air RB misses his shots on me, he will just follow me because I wont be able to zoom out unseen like in the sim to sneakily Boom'n'Zook again... normally I'd propably lost the guy following me in the confusing chaos of a fast-diving through a furball. If I have a tail in sim, I want to bet on him simply losing the sight of me - which even in Sim is hard but happens often.
So to conclude this, I don't know what to do, there are many red-tags around the map flying somewhere, propably many experienced Aces that I cannot just evade by remaining unseen...
The first question that appears in your mind is if should I climb higher to outclimb any other watchers of mine?..
..Well, I then see my enemies also noticing that I started to go up and they want to go even higher than me to not become my targets.
And most of the times it becomes this kind of weird climbing fest untill one sides gets bored and eventually just dives down into the furball anyway or go straight into the other climbing player for a head-on.
A lot of times it literally becomes a stat-fest of your planes and it ends up to which plane has better stats because they started climbing aggresively since the first second of the match.
The plane that often wins in the Air RB is the one who climbs so fast people actually don't expect him being so much above them already lmao, I mean he's so high that he can surprise people even in a mode with name-tags and a 3rd person view because he comes from such a high angle as not many players look directly above them. They look behind them to see if they don't have a tail but they don't often look just straight up at a 90* angle above them lol and he comes into a very aggresive downards dive towards the enemy shooting at their planes from above.
............. Actually, Ground RB might be more fun for planes. You play with more "realism" just like in SIM but in an easier to control mode... And there's a player tank battle below so the stakes are high as you protect your team-mates from the enemy CAS.
However, there's an issue that is also present in planes which can open their cockpits in SB that caused a bit of an outcry on the sim forums.
You can hear everything so well in a 3rd person mode that if you fly to the map and you suddenly hear a buzzing sound of an incoming engine, you gonna shake your plane violently and there's a high chance someone is going to overshoot you.
When I've tried to do surprise dives on enemy CAS flying to the battle, they would almost always shake their plane in the last moment so my bullets missed them.. In SIM, its much easier to sneak upon someone without them hearing you if they have their canopy closed.
Actually, for a comparison - when I fly at the low tier and someone flies that 2.0 soviet OP biplane which obviously has an open cockpit as biplanes do, I found its almost impossible to catch him through a dive because he will hear you coming and will start doing chaotic maneveurs... so even after 10 BnZ dives, I always missed him because he heard me coming and I couldnt catch him off-guard.
And in the third person view everyone has this kind of awareness so its often veery hard to try to get closer to someone.
If you try to get closer to secure a more accurste kill - which is usually what you do in SIM and that's what real WW2 aces recommended - they said that novices shoot too quickly and spoil their positions when a pro patiently waits untill he's close enough, actually very close to make an accurate devastating burst... So, in the third person mode - if you get closer and closer, he will eventually hear you and before you decide to shoot, he will fly all over the place -,- So I always feel like I need to shoot from a bit further away which is very random and looks pretty bad, spoiling your position anyway so there isn't this fun feeling when you fly very close up to someone and make a surprise mothafucka burst that tears him in half, I found it actually harder to do in the third person mode -,-
So what I often ended up with was an overshot against the enemy CAS but before I regained my altitude to go for another run, the enemy would dive down and send a bomb straight to my tankie ground mates... then often suicide and respawn into a tank again -,-
Aaand ofc you first need to play as the tank.. then the enemy starts winning and you're in a fighter when noone decides to play any planes this match... You wait and wait and you see your team losing... So you get bored and eventually start doing some machine gun runs and just that's when the enemy spawns a plane and gets you flying carelessly after 10 minutes of monitoring the airspace.
Or you monitor the airspace but someone slips past you and does a suicide run and you lose the opportunity anyway....
Or suddenly, the enemy has 10 planes but you don't have points to spawn one, you finally get into a fighter... aaand theyre gone somehow, respawned into tanks XD
Ooor your whole team decides to just hop into fighters aswell, not seeing you're already monitoring the air-space.. so theyre flying around doing nothing, looking for an air kill which they hunt like hungry dogs and do some useless machine gun runs against heavily armoured tanks.... So all you can do is really feel bad and eventually you write - wtf, why do many fighters, we're losing the match and you're all in the air not doing anything, get into tanks and cap zones lol and you gotta abandon your fighter and help your losing team as one of the few tanks still on the ground xD
So even if you seek ground-based air battles, the SB ground battles are better because you can do the typical douchy pilot thing and just hop into a fighter, fight some enemy CAS or fighters and leave the match if you lose your planes or there's no enemy air presence and you're bored of just flying around the map xD
The end
submitted by violent_luna123 to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:32 tis100a Manga Identification Request

MC is from a sword arts family. His name is Durandal Buccolo. His father and his siblings are all strong sword practitioners and hate magic. The MC is also physically weaker than everyone in the family but very smart. He was born with a blessing called "absolute memory." He can remember everything by looking at it once and study and analyze them at his leisure. He is also very smart. Because he is the weakest, he has to live outdoors in a dog house and eat leftovers served in a dog bowl. He also has to do all the chores including laundry.
He learns a little about magic from a book his dead mother gave him and one thing leads to another he gets disowned and thrown out from his house and he goes to the magic/sword academy where mage students and sword students do not get along. It turns out he is really good at magic. He is not well treated there at the school either because he looks like a sword person.
Please help me identify the manga. Thank you.
submitted by tis100a to manga [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:31 Keeheost Anyone else get diagnosed without knowing when they were younger?

Hi y’all, I officially got diagnosed with autism pretty recently about half a year ago now (what a great early 19th birthday gift LMAO!) but I wanted to get some other opinions on something that I remembered from my childhood. When I was around 5-6 years old, I went to some place where I remember just playing with toys like legos, dollhouses, and a lot of pretty normal stuff while some lady watched and/or played with me - I specifically remember that when I was drawing and the lady that was with me tried taking it away, I threw a fit and cried. I was talking with my roommates a few months ago and brought all that up, and one roommate (who had been diagnosed with autism since he was eleven or so) told me that it wasn’t normal that I did that and that I probably went to get tested to see if I had autism then. He told me that it was really likely that the lady doing my evaluation saw that I was high functioning and didn’t think it was worth giving me an official diagnosis + simply didn’t tell my parents…that, or I was so high functioning that the lady didn’t think I was autistic and thought I was acting like any child would. It’s driving me crazy thinking about this, I’d really love to know if anyone ever did anything similar when they were being diagnosed or if this was some kind of “original” experience LOL
submitted by Keeheost to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:31 Im_AdSM I (24M) My Partner’s (27F) Unexpected Support Helped Me Through a Tough Time

I wanted to share a story about my partner that really solidified for me how incredible they are.
A few months ago, I was going through a really tough time. I lost my job unexpectedly, which was a huge blow to my confidence and our financial stability. I was feeling pretty low and worried about how I was going to make ends meet while looking for new opportunities.
One evening, after another fruitless day of job hunting, I came home to find that my partner had made my favorite dinner. They sat me down and said, “I know things are hard right now, but we’re in this together. We’ll get through it.”
Over the next few weeks, they were my rock. They helped me update my resume, sent me job listings they found, and even practiced interview questions with me. On top of all that, they took on extra shifts at work to make sure we were okay financially, never once complaining about the added burden.
Their unwavering support and belief in me made all the difference. I finally landed a job that I love, and I don’t think I could have done it without them.
I just wanted to share this because it’s easy to take the people we love for granted, but moments like these remind me how lucky I am to have such a supportive and caring partner.
P.S. I Love You Even more !!!❤️
submitted by Im_AdSM to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:31 NeighborhoodOne6870 Trying to Remember an Album

Trying to Remember an Album
There was this electronic album on bandcamp I used to listen to all the time, and yet I can't seem to remember the title of the album. The image up top is what it looks like. I think one of the tracks was called "DREAM☆STAR", had a very upbeat, electronic sound to it. If anybody knows what I'm talking about, let me know.
submitted by NeighborhoodOne6870 to electronicmusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:30 Weaby "people's hands are likely far more disgusting than their buttcheeks and balls" /r/Toronto discusses the ethics of a naked bike ride through the city


Toronto's annual naked bike ride is around the corner. The event is intended as a protest against oil dependency, promoting cycling and body positivity. The group (aka, anyone wishing to join in) cycles naked through the heart of the city, chanting slogans like "less gas, more ass". The news of its return this coming Saturday brings mixed reactions.

Full Thread


Remember when they used the bike share bikes? How gross was that!?
I mean honestly people's hands are likely far more disgusting in terms of germs and bacteria than their butt cheeks and balls.
North America has a weird thing about sexualizing all nudity. Seriously, who the fuck care. All y'all getting outraged at this need to seriously chill TF out.
General expectation is to not interact with nudity in public places. You can feel whatever way you want about it but western society generally does not want to see a bunch of exhibitionists riding dick out downtown and it be simply tolerated because of “inclusion” or any other BS cause they are going for
Why don’t you just mind your own business?
naked people riding past parks and schools with children playing...But yeah being upset at naked bodies near school children is a problem? Makes all the sense in the world.
I don’t see why it’s necessary, like there’s camps and beaches for being naked and away from eye. But then they allow them to do this, they might aswell just allow them to do it all year around. Like I understand why it’s fun to naked and doing things you wouldn’t normally do naked, but doing those things especially in a heart of a city I’d say is unnecessary. It goes for people in the pride parades too, people bring their kids to that don’t be naked. Like you can be prideful without having to tie a ballon around your millimeter Peter to show it. I am straight but go to pride parades a lot for my friends and family who are in the community and its just a shock to see that, especially when I was young and went to my first in Toronto when I was 12 I was wayyy too immature back then
Yeah this is absolutely disgusting. Nobody wants to see this.
Well it's been going on for 20 years.
19 years, 11 months, 2 weeks and 2 days isthe amount of time when USA pulled out of Afghanistan, if the USA wasted 2 trillion and left behind billions in military equipment the nudist can most certainly stop biking in Toronto and go to actual camps for nudist
Small side drama about taking photos at nude beaches
I'm a nudist but wouldn't be naked in an uncontrolled space like a city where children are around. Hanlan beach yes. Side-note: clothed people at hanlan can fuck right off. especially those who take pictures of those naked or themselves with naked people in the background. Edit: ITT: creeps that take a whole ass BOAT and WALK 2 KILOMETERS to find one of two only tiny nude spots in the COUNTRY at the very edge of Toronto, past dozens of clothed beaches telling me they're not creeps.
submitted by Weaby to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:30 Macro701 Possible hot take (from outside of your fanbase): Chris Paul deserves to have his number retired in OKC

Before anyone jumps to knee jerk arguments against it, hear me out, I’ve got a couple valid arguments, I think:
  1. Chris’ role in proving OKC’s market viability for an NBA team:
In 2005, New Orleans suffered the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, flooding the city and making it impossible for the Hornets to play any home games for that and the following season. To remedy this, the Hornets owners arranged for home games to be played in OKC. In a season on the tail end of a catastrophe, Chris, the Hornet’s draft pick from that year’s draft, proved to be the only bright spot on an otherwise unremarkable squad. Displaying prodigious playmaking skills, he captured the ROY award and gave OKC fans their first taste of what quality basketball looks like on a consistent basis. In short, Chris was the primary attraction for OKC fans at the time. Regardless of his efforts, the Hornets finished 38-44, missing the playoffs. The following season wouldn’t be much better, with only a one game difference (39-43). That would be the end of the Hornets tenure in OKC, but looking back, CP really did help build the OKC basketball fanbase, and was instrumental in the eventual acquisition of the Sonics moving there. In short, no CP in OKC would undoubtedly meant less fan interest, which could’ve meant no Thunder to begin with.
  1. The Return and Chris’ love for OKC:
I’m not a Thunder fan, but I do distinctly remember how cool it was to see CP guide a bunch of young bucks to the playoffs in a season where they were projected to miss them entirely. CP was traded to OKC from Houston, and while he easily could’ve pouted and try to force his way out of a less than ideal situation, Chris moved all in. At 34 years old, CP led that young Thunder team to the playoffs with a respectable record of 44-28. From what I can tell on this sub, that specific season seems to have a special place in a lot of OKC fans’ hearts, and I can see why. A quote from Chris himself: “OKC was unbelievable,” Paul said. “I might not still be playing if not for that year I had there because I found that joy back.” That’s pretty profound. Even more profound was Chris’ regard for the importance of that season and the affection he has for the city. When asked what was his proudest city in the NBA, Chris said, “That year I played in Oklahoma City is something I’ll never forget.” Contrast that to the likes of KD who left the team high and dry, leaving to the rival team without compunction. Chris loves OKC, despite playing his career mostly on other teams.
  1. Mentorship:
Smaller reason, but worth mentioning, in that 19-20 season, CP proved to be very beneficial to the young squad. This is especially the case with Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, who by his own account, credits Chris with teaching him about leading a team.
Now, I know he issue of TENURE will be the primary argument against his number being retired, but considering the following:
-Both Michael Jordan (Heat) and Pete Maravich (Pelicans) have their numbers retired by franchises they never even played for. I think Pete’s case strengthens Chris’ case in OKC the most, as his number was retired for his contribution to basketball for the CITY, not for a particular team. -Chris played 219 games in total for OKC across his Hornets and Thunder tenure. Thats more games than Bill Walton played for the Blazers, Kawhi played for Toronto (I know both of these guys won chips, but still), and most notably, Nate Thurmond, who played in 114 games for the Cavaliers, has his number retired in Cleveland.
So yea. Thats my very niche Chris Paul rant from a dude that’s not even an OKC fan, lmao.
submitted by Macro701 to Thunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:29 ThrownawaybyBPD It's late and my mind is doing it's thing.

I don't want her back. She was manipulative and sneaky for years. She completely lost her mind 20 years in. Along the way, she brainwashed our children, avoided working by crying and throwing a fit, and even had fun abusing the crap out of me for almost a year straight. She was such a burden, but I let it go on. It almost seemed like every decision she made put a bigger burden on me. I'm happy she's gone. Anyone who's kept up would know things were stupendously bad. I had a quiet one. Until she wasn't. There are some things I've only told the therapist after months of working on trusting them enough.
Where am I going with all this? The same screaming, hitting, hallucinating, kinda murdery, ball o' gloom and doom is acting completely normal. Not just that, but actually successful. Someone in another chat pointed out, since she's around all new people, she can mask easier since nobody knows her secret. She started classes, is finally working after 20 years, and even managed to snag a rich boyfriend that she's getting serious with as divorce has barely started.
I don't want her back, I want my life back. It's not possible though. Over 20 years wasted. Completely burnt out being the best husband and father I could be. I accomplished everything for my family, only to have nothing in the end. I know the pep talks, but divorce is grim for long term marriage and everything is so expensive. I'll never own a home again. Trust seems impossible. All I have left is the knife in my back.
Everyone posting on here about missing them, desperately trying to go back, please don't. You can always find another. One that treats you better. The one thing you can't find is more time. You can't get back the years they've shaved off your life from the stress. You will get them through life and then they'll take everything when it's time for you to finally take it easy. You have to start all over again, already burnt out. They move on to a better life than what you had and make yours worse. Don't go back.
submitted by ThrownawaybyBPD to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:29 Technical-Mortgage85 How would you implement positive self-talk if it's being devalued right away?

Tl;dr: As I try positive self-talk - I devalue it instantly making it impossible for me to feel good about myself. How to get around this?
Hello, y'all! Thank you for keeping this subreddit afloat! Your contributions are really valuable, and I find them helpful for myself in domains of work, relationships, exuding confidence... except for one part
I'm a childhood abuse survivor and for several years I have been struggling with my positive self-image. I considered myself a broken human that doesn't deserve to be loved and understood (some thoughts included unaliving). And sometimes I have flashbacks/nightmares of my relatives beating and screaming these quotes at me.
I thought that if I make my life better - that would make me feel better. With the help from this subreddit after 5 years I've learned English to C2 level, got my first fwb for 2 months with gorgeous and kind girl (we just weren't compatible so we broke up), got a job making thrice the average salary in my country, got good clothes etc..
But I still feel like shit. Every time I try to reassure myself - it doesn't work. Words of affirmation don't feel sufficient. And for every good quality I find in myself a ton of humiliating memories are getting revived. In these memories these good qualities provoked other people to do some bad things to me, that made me feel isolated, broken, beaten up, nauseous and defenceless.
Does anyone else have this experience? What strategies do you think will help someone solve this?
Thank for reading this post! It means a lot to me!
submitted by Technical-Mortgage85 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 Plus_Resident_7657 UPDATE 🥳

I posted in here yesterday unsure of how to feel after taking my NCLEX yesterday and finishing in 86 questions. I finished the exam in about an hour and a half and was the first person finished in my testing room. I had heard that it would take 36 hours for my Texas license to be updated. I took my exam at 8am yesterday so that means it would have been changed at 8pm today. Unfortunately, that was not the case. I looked throughout this group for encouragement while also only searching for Texas. I saw one post from a year ago stating that the licenses are updated the day after taking your NCLEX after 11pm. I patiently waited until 11pm and nothing. FINALLY, at 11:15 my RN license was posted. All in all, I have so much faith in each and every one of you. If you are taking the NCLEX in Texas, check your license the day following your test day at 11:15 PM. Thank you all for the encouragement, tips, and tricks. Good luck to you all! Remember, you are loved and appreciated ❤️
submitted by Plus_Resident_7657 to NCLEX [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 littlesensitive Do good men exist anymore?

This is more of just a rant but I’m lonely and seems like my life changed pretty fast. I’m mourning my old life. I’m still in my “early” almost late twenties?? Shit I can’t keep up at this point- some days are mundane and repetitive. I got married young. Typical high school sweetheart bullshit. Trust issues along the way, granted he was young. However, it was extremely hard to get over but nevertheless, I did. The first couple months of marriage was great. He was honestly an AMAZING guy and I won’t lie. Here comes the dreaded words of “I miss him.” Do I miss him? Or do I miss someone actually giving a shit about me?
I was with him for almost a decade. Our first couple of months of marriage were so fun. He was truly my best friend. All good things must come to an end right? I got sick. Not the flu, or food poisoning. I was chronically-ill and I completely and utterly lost myself. Not only myself but my marriage, career, friends, my whole entire life. It was the most depressing, rock-bottom, lonely time of my entire life. I was bed bound in my early twenties. How the fuck did I get here? One minute I’m stoned on my best friends couch the next I’m no longer friends with her and having difficulty even washing my own hair?
I will say, he was incredibly thoughtful. Knew every makeup shade I owned, the best gift giver, made my bed for me to get into every night, supportive, cooked, cleaned, picked up the slack when I could barely move. He was incredibly patient and kind. I lost myself so much I lost him in the process. We grew so far apart. No one knows what losing your health is like until you go through it. Health is truly wealth. We grew so far apart we were roommates. Not to mention his family was so incredibly awful to me and he didn’t stand up for me. Needless to say, the marriage ended and he was very very quickly in a new one.
Now I have/had??? (Who the hell knows at this point) for a man child. It’s burning fast. You know how you hold on until you hate them? It’s an unstable roller coaster. It’s exhilarating and fun at times and I think to my self “This is what I like” then there’s the “you’re fucking crazy I hate you.” Ah yes, toxic that’s the exact word I’m looking for.i do everything for him. Meal on the table when he gets home from work, laundry, lunch, breakfast made at 6am. I fill up his gas tank, buy him whatever, you would be fucking dumb founded if kept going. I’m treated like legit dog shit. Going from my husband to this has me thinking “holy shit what did I do?”
Not to sound conceited but I’m fit, smart, understanding, extremely thoughtful. Those are things I love about myself. I get sad and wonder if there is a man who will learn to appreciate my deeply empathetic self. Yes, it can be a bit much sometimes times crying over dead bunnies or rescuing every dog I see or crying over one of my patients. But I love that about me and I want someone to love that about me rather than telling me I’m so dramatic. I want someone who appreciated my cooking from scratch, my feisty self. I want someone who will come to the grocery store with me just because, or try a new restaurant with me, come to my families house for Sunday dinner. Someone who is thoughtful, kind, hardworking. I want a partner. So badly.i know everyone has baggage but I don’t want the broken trust liar bullshit. I’m not into hookup culture whatsoever and have never even had one.
So I guess what I’m asking is really is there good men out there? Who want to be an actual partner? D
submitted by littlesensitive to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 data_Eastside Please help me understand my lack of disdain for Trump

First off I agree with Sam on just about every topic he touches on. I feel like his integrity is impeccable, and, in an internet world with so many grifters/partisans, he's someone who I can feel confident that when I see his opinion on a topic is different from mine, I should probably reevaluate because I'm most likely missing the mark somewhere. There's literally no other topics that I can think of right now other than this one where my views don't align with Sam's.
However, when it comes to the topic of Trump, I just cannot understand or agree with him. He acts like the country will be over if Trump is elected again, and I don't understand that. We already had 4 years under Trump, and life went on as pretty much normal. I don't think that Presidents really have much of an impact on things. I would vote for him strictly because I think Biden is too old and generally inept, and my political views more closely align with Trumps- pretty normal reasons.
I'm not downplaying Jan 6th- that was a disgraceful day an I remember vividly the palpable feeling of disgust watching the events of that day- but I view that as attempt to overturn the election through a novel legal theory that ultimately failed. Had Pence gone along with it, I have 0 doubt that the courts would have taken up the case and we'd still have President Biden. If something similar happens in this election, or if he wins and tries to stay in power, I have 0 doubts that he will be overruled and order restored.
Basically I'm not worried that democracy depends on him losing (he's almost 80 years old anyway so it's not like he's got much left in the hourglass). He would need the military behind him if he tried some kind of coup, and I just can't envision a scenario where that would happen. I don't think he's crazy enough.
I feel a bit perplexed that this is the one issue with Sam where I can't understand his position fully. I get that he hates Trump because he's everything that Sam is not - a pathological liar, egomaniac etc.- but his view that he is the most malignant President of all time and the future of the country depends on ousting him is difficult for me to relate to.
Can anyone try and help me out here? I am NOT looking for partisan hatred telling me how I'm a monster for my opinion, or wise ass replies chastising me for even considering Trump. Like I said- I align with just about everything else Sam does socially and politically except for this issue.
I'm curious if anyone can relate to these sentiments, and perhaps open my mind to some of the dangers of a Trump presidency that I'm missing. I'm located in one of the crucial swing states
submitted by data_Eastside to samharris [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 cm_renee I Tried to Warn Her

Sorry this is long: It was encroaching on the weekend when I (F) received an invitation from one of my best friends Mandy, whom I had known since college. She had a new boyfriend & she wanted us to meet him. She was generally pretty casual & rarely introduced us to any of her flings. That's how I knew it had to be serious.
We were pretty excited for her. My friend Trish had also been invited & we agreed to meet them at a local bar & grill the following Friday night. At dinner, she introduced Al. With dirty blonde hair and a nice smile, he had a shy but polite way about himself. I couldn't help but get a strange feeling. Almost as if I had met him before.
I tried to ask him questions, but he was a little vague when answering. The bar was loud so it was difficult to make conversation. He was giving just enough information to reply and change the subject. In the bathroom, Mandy asked me what the deal was & I told her I thought I knew him. She told me to quit interrogating him & just have fun. So I let it go.
He was a perfect gentleman & paid for the whole dinner, even after we offered to split the check. Overall I liked him, but I couldn't shake the feeling I knew him from somewhere. The drinks we had made it hard to concentrate, so I tried to put it out of my mind. Trying to focus on the positives instead.
Tossing & turning in the night, it suddenly hit me. With urgency I opened my social media app & began looking for him. It didn't take me long to find him on Mandys social media page. I clicked on his profile and began looking through everything. He didn't have much public information, but a few family members & suddenly, my jaw dropped. I remembered him...
Roughly 15 years ago Al, used to be Alfred; But we had called him Freddie. All the kids in our neighborhood did. He lived in the house right behind mine. We practically grew up together. My brother played with his brother. He was a few years older than me & I wasnt the only girl on our block who had a crush on him.
I was 14 & he was 16, the summer that everything changed. Like most kids, we spent a lot of time playing in the woods behind the property line. I found it strange that he didn't have very many friends, but he said that most people, "didn't get him". A naive girl, I felt special that he wanted to hangout with me instead of other girls his own age.
Spending so much time together, he began to open up. He confided in me about the troubles he was having at home. One night, he came tapping on my window. He had stolen some beer from his Dad & he didn't want to be alone. I snuck out & we went to our hangout spot to drink it.
He drank his quickly & I pretended to enjoy mine. The beer was gross but I wanted him to think I was cool. By his third beer, he said he was getting buzzed & started rambling about his feelings. In so many words he told me, that he was really grateful for my company because he didn't have very many friends & that he would never be able to date normally.
I had asked him what he meant & he said he had a fetish that most people wouldn't understand. I thought maybe it was a feet thing & told him it would be ok. I told him he could tell me & I wouldn't judge him. Words I wish I had never spoken.
Breaking down crying he said he had a loving impulse towards animals. I was not quit sure what he meant, because my parents strictly limited my Internet. Confused, I asked him again what he meant. He preceded to tell me all about how he had developed a fetish towards animals. He hated himself for it, but he couldn't help it. Than in detail, he began to tell me how he had "played" with his friends dog & I quickly cut the conversation short.
The entire confession sent a shock though my system & I told him it was late & I needed to get home. I was confused, but also disgusted & terrified. I wondered if his friend knew about what he had done & surely that kind of activity must be illegal. After that I just couldn't look at him the same. I felt bad, because I told him I wouldn't judge, but then I couldn't help but judge anyway.
From that day on I distanced myself as his friend & began making excuses whenever he wanted to hangout. His confession was just too much for me to bare & I didn't know how to handle it. My fear only intensified when I got a puppy that Christmas. Everyone was excited, but I was petrified.
I promised myself I would make sure she stayed safe. Always making sure to keep an eye on her every single time she was outside & I never let her out alone. I begged my parents not to let her out alone & the stress of keeping his secret was causing me such anxiety that I couldn't sleep anymore. Worried about her during the day, I started having trouble in school. Finally I broke down & revealed everything to my parents.
I told them about his secret & how I was terrified of something happening to the newest member of our family. I was worried they didn't believe me, but thankfully we moved that Spring & I never saw Freddie again. That is until he showed up at dinner.
Remembering all of this, from my past. I called up Mandy & asked her to meet with me ASAP. Pacing, I knew there was no good way to tell her, but I had too. Alone at my apartment, I told Mandy everything. Yes it was a long time ago, but I just wanted to warn her so she could be careful. The way I saw it, he had either gotten better... Or gotten worse.
Well she called me a liar. She knew my parents, I told her she could call them up & ask them, but she didn't. She said I was just jealous & making the whole thing up. I promised her I wasn't & silently cried as she cussed me out. She stopped returning my calls & texts. Al messaged me as well, he called me a "crazy lying bitch'. Both she & Al blocked me on everything.
I knew it would be a gamble, but I had to warn her. Even if that meant risking our friendship. I worry about her regularly, but as an adult she made her choice. It's been four years now since that night. I heard that they got married & settled down on a large property.
However there seems to be some trouble in paradise.... Trish keeps trying to fill me in on the gossip, but I'm trying to stay out of it. She said to let her know if I ever want an update.
submitted by cm_renee to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 ProfessionalJob5073 I guess not many people hate us because of Christ anymore.

I mean, we tell them about him but we don't preach him and we're glad we're going to get saved but we haven't earned it yet.
People don't want us anymore because they don't see Christ or much of his grace through us.
I read 2 comments today.
One quoted a man named Philip Yancey who said that he rejected the church because of little grace but came back because there was none in the world.
Another one said,'out of 100 times a man reads the Bible, 99 times he reads the believer.'
submitted by ProfessionalJob5073 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 Which_Flight_5209 AITA to talk to my friend's crush

I'm 23 F went to attend a confrence with my friends. One of them lets say sandra (26F) points out a guy when were outside the auditorium telling us that she likes him. So coincidentally the guy happen to be sitting right next to me and we can't change our seats coz its pre- assigned. So Sandra told me to talk to this guy lets say adam and get to know him and then introduce her to adam. I said fine and starts talking to adam , asked him about himself. And then i introduce Adam to my friends. Afterwards i told her whatever i got to know about adam. So adam is 21 M which according to sandra is too young for her so she said to stop this "mission". And this is where the problem arises. I was talking to adam and we bonded pretty quickly and after sandra told me that she is not interested i asked her if i can continue to talk to adam coz i felt that we had a lot in common and we can become good friends. She said she is fine with it. So i continue to talk to adam without any other motive we shared our socials and starts talking. We become good friends. Recently one of my friend cassy again brought up that topic asking sandra whether she still has a crush on adam , we started to tease her a little and upon seeing her blush i told her that I'm still friends with adam and if u want i can still talk to him about you but she meanly tell me and i quote" you can keep him". I was confused as first of all adam and i are strictly platonic and i asked her beforehand if i can continue to talk to him and secondly adam is not an object. I confronted her about it but she dismissed the topic. Now 2 days ago she blasted on me asking why adam is texting me and starts telling me that I'm a sl*t and i stole her crush. I mean im kinda shocked.
I told her again and again that if u want i can introduce her to adam but she said he is too young for her. Now i dont know what to do? . Adam is my good friend now and i also told that to sandra that we are strictly platonic but she is now telling my other friends that i am a sl*t.
P.S. i have learned my lesson and wont interfere in anyones business.
submitted by Which_Flight_5209 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 wordfiend99 I’m new to the show and holy shit the Thriller Bark arc is problematic af

with all the posts about sanji simping himself stupid in the latest ep i had to point out how insane the Thriller Bark shit gets. I just hit the ep where Sanji reveals that in all his research of devil fruits the ONLY ONE he considers worth the curse of the sea is the clear-clear fruit because, and i quote him direct, ‘NUDE GIRLS!’. thats right, he wants to perv on women so badly that its the only superpower he desires. and he desires it so much that he cant get a fucking sentence out without throwing in NUDE GIRLS!
and this comes after another absolute perv invisibly sexually assaults nami while shes taking a bath and tries to abduct her into a forced sex slavery.
which is basically also nami’s advice to some hippo-lady abusive stalker. ‘youre not being aggressive enough, force him while hes sleeping, if that doesn’t work drug him’
and includes 2 other characters (i guess technically one character and his shadow) just asking nami if they can see her panties immediately after meeting her. mind you this character is a guy that frankie bursts into tears because ‘he’s such a great bro!’ that he had a whale friend that one time. i forgot if frankie was there when brooks asked for a panty peek but i assume he was and fuck him for that
up until this point really just luffys afro and jive-talk was cringey so this shit is blowing my mind. bet money the netflix adaptation skips this arc
submitted by wordfiend99 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:27 NoBarracuda6765 How Would You Protect Your Body from Unseen Threats?

Hi there,
I thought I wouldn't be able to post again, but I still have a chance. I want to share my experiences and seek genuine feedback and ideas. I’m looking for different perspectives to help me see things I might miss, but please don't dismiss me as crazy. I want you to consider my situation critically and thoughtfully. Imagine you were in my shoes and had to judge what I’m saying. Then, tell me what you would do if you were convinced through your investigative mind and pattern recognition that you discovered something hidden from others.
I feel like I'm in a world where I’m being hunted by people who have resources I lack. This unseen world isn't related to God; it’s something only I can understand because I've experienced and discovered it. How would you protect yourself if you knew what I do? I’ve figured out some ways to protect myself and am still trying, but I need more insights.
These people have methods to insert substances, like poison, into sealed containers without opening them. They can make your body absorb something harmful from food that others eat without issue. They can also use undetectable wires unseen wires to transmit harmful substances through floors, beds, clothes, and food. They can even invade your mind and know your thoughts. This all sounds crazy, and I’ve questioned my sanity. But when you piece things together, it starts to make sense, though it’s hard to explain without experience.
I’ve figured this out by questioning everything and forming theories, like figuring out the cause of a stomach ache. I was put in the worst possible situations and had to stay healthy by examining everything I ate and trying different ways to avoid harm. Over time, I understood some things, debunked my wrong theories, and learned new ones. I’ve protected myself many times by changing my behavior and understanding what’s going on. However, I still don’t know how to fully shield myself from these harmful influences.
I’ve sometimes accidentally closed my body to these influences and learned from those experiences. Eating certain foods or touching certain things has taught me what they don’t want me to know. Despite attempts to make me forget, I remember and avoid many things planned for me. They are trying to erase my memories, but I know what to avoid to protect them.
Please think about this situation. If you were in enemy territory, monitored, and unable to escape, what would you do? Imagine it’s possible and not just paranoia. What steps would you take? Don’t be scared; these people won’t harm you because if they tried, others would notice and protect you, especially in a free country. Illnesses can be caused by people, and I’m not sure most illnesses are natural. What I’ve experienced has shown me that people can cause significant harm.
I know this sounds crazy, but labeling someone as crazy can be a way to silence them. Please consider my perspective and give me your thoughts.
Thank you.
submitted by NoBarracuda6765 to XSomalian [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:27 Rude-Vegetable-8357 MIL and my father are “together”

Let me start this off by saying my husband and I have a strong, stable relationship. No, it’s not perfect, but we are best friends and choose compassion and understanding everyday. We work hard to care for each other our son, and our pets. We have a healthy-ish social life (we just moved to a new city) and a great relationship with his family back home. My family is a shit show and I haven’t really had a relationship with them, well, ever.
Here’s the weird part. My dad bought a house and had my MIL move in with him. Let me give more backstory. My dad has been married for over a decade to my step mom who I never had much of a relationship with. When I was 14 I moved into my grandparents because my dad lost guardianship of me. Our relationship has always been rocky, but it was starting to improve a little in 2020. Then my MIL comes into the picture, of course at the time she wasn’t my mother in law, but just a friend of my aunts and also the mother of one of my childhood friends, my now husband. She moved into my grandpas house to escape an abusive situation and I, at the time, was spending a lot of time at my grandpas caring for him, cleaning his house, and just keeping him company (he has dementia.) I befriended her pretty quickly but there were little character flaws I noticed that made me realize she was untrustworthy and erratic. And then I noticed my dad started staying over at my grandpas house. His excuse was to provide extra care for grandpa, but I realized pretty quickly that he was having an affair. I didn’t mention anything to him about it because it made me uncomfortable, but then I overheard MIL refer to him as her boyfriend. I eventually confronted him and he told me that they did not have a relationship and there was nothing I needed to worry about. I went to a BBQ and my MIL sisters house and my husband, just friends at the time, was there. He was excited to see me, after a years of being apart, so we were pretty much at each others hip for the whole day. That night we also went out to a hometown bar. We started to spend time together over the next couple weeks, just as friends. Going out to parks, hiking, going out to eat and to bars. Usual stuff. He told me he was interested in me and wanted to be “more than friends.” At the time we had only shared one drunken kiss, but nothing further. I told him about our parents but he didn’t seem bothered by it. I should also probably mention that my husband has an emotionally and and abusive childhood. He hadn’t spoken to his mother for three years prior to her moving back to our home state. However, before him and I went further with our relationship, I felt I owed it to my dad to tell him how I felt about my now husband. My dad encouraged me to date him, and when I asked him about his marriage he told me things were getting better and he was planning on moving back home. Well fast forward to my husband proposing to me and his mother finding out. At this time, MIL had moved out of my grandpas and was living in her friends basement. My dad had moved back home to be with his wife and from what I knew had stopped seeing MIL. I moved into my grandpas to take on his care full time, and my husband moved in with me to help. One night, my MIL shows up to my grandpas wasted and furious about our engagement. She tells me she loves me dad and “she knows what I did.” Not giving any further context. I called my dad and told him what was going on, and he came to pick her up. During our engagement, my dad buys a house, moves MIL in to his new house, and divorces his wife. I should mention he hasn’t owned a house since I was 8. The house he was living in prior is owned by his ex-wife. He seemed to think we could all work it out and be a “happy family” but that won’t work. I tried to be cordial with my MIL but she is very cold with me and only speaks to me when drinking, and not nicely. Not only that but once in a while I’d wake up to weird, emotional text messages about her lack of relationship with her son. I eventually brought this up to my dad but he seemed to think that it was her and my business to sort out. My husband however, did not see things this way. He called his mom and told her to leave me alone and to not text me, call me, or come by the house to bother me or he would be calling the police. She hung up and must’ve cried to my dad about it because I received an angry call from my dad demanding to speak to husband and sort things out. So flash forward, we have our first baby, we move out of state for my husbands new job, and my relationship with my dad is essentially estranged. I’m upset because apparently the other night he was speaking with brother about how distraught he was over me not speaking with him and felt I was being “cruel.” It hurts me to know that he still seems himself and my MIL as the victims in this situation. I feel like I was finally getting my dad back, and then this woman took him from me. I’m also saddened by the fact that he doesn’t have a relationship with my kid. That’s all. Sorry if this is long and confusing, and thank you if you took the time to read this through.
submitted by Rude-Vegetable-8357 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:27 JadedAmoeba [TOMT] [tv show] [late 2000s/early 2010s] a cartoon character obsessed with pencil cups

I vividly remember an episode of a cartoon where one of the characters keeps talking obsessively about making or having a bunch of pencil cups. I feel like later in the episode it played into the plot somehow, but that is all I remember. Probably would have been on Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon late 2000s or early 2010s.
submitted by JadedAmoeba to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:27 NeighborhoodOne6870 Trying to Remember an Album

Trying to Remember an Album
There was this breakcore album on bandcamp I used to listen to all the time, and yet I can't seem to remember the title of the album. I think one of the tracks was called "DREAM☆STAR", had a very upbeat, electronic sound to it. If anybody knows what I'm talking about, let me know
submitted by NeighborhoodOne6870 to breakcore [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:27 cum-on-in- [PSP][Unknown]PS Store exclusive game where you made music by turning on and off the stems of preloaded tracks

It was a rather obscure game. You’d load a track, and then press a face button to start a stem, such as the drums. You also had various stem “sections” for the lyrics being sung by the artist. For example, you could start the stem for the verse, then cancel it and start the stem for the chorus. There were also “clips” of sound or vocals, like drum fills or backing vocals that were once-off instead of toggled on and off like the stems.
The bands and songs also seemed to be really obscure. I unfortunately don’t remember any of the artist or song names, but I do vaguely remember some lyrics from one song. Sung by a female singer.
“I’m so messed up, but I just can’t walk away. I’m sick and tired, of all the games you play. Why can’t I say-ay-ay……”
You could not load your own music off your Memory Stick. At least, if you could, I do not remember, since you needed stems to do it.
The game is very much like Romplr, a music making app previously available on the iPhone, also discontinued. It functioned the exact same way, you toggled stems on and off and it had clips of instruments and vocals to intersperse in your song. Romplr mostly used well known artists and songs though, but it did have some very VERY obscure artists too.
I don’t think it is Beaterator, DJMax, Rock Band, Pop’n Music, or Traxxpad.
It might be Beats, a PSP Mini, but I can’t confirm. Beats supposedly had a mixer mode where you could play with making music but I think it was only for user music and not in game music. The game I’m thinking about used stems specifically, too, so idk how it would work with user music.
It’s a core memory for me so any help is appreciated!
submitted by cum-on-in- to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:26 Big_Not_Good Links for prepping. Mega Post. All questions welcome.

It's time to start planning for the worst and I intend to use this sub to get information out to people. I'll be providing links to useful information and shopping lists for basic prepping equipment. Feel free to chime in with more links or ask any questions you have (no judgement). I'm just here to help.
First I want to talk for a moment about "Bugging out" and why it's dumb. You're not going to make it out in the woods like Red Dawn or The Last of Us if everything goes to shit.
The best bet is to "Bug In". Prepare now and stay put if things get nasty. This means stocking up on dry goods and even survival food. You can buy buckets of survival food with Food Stamps on Amazon. Whenever there's a public emergency, fill the bathtub with cold water. If power is lost for long enough, the pumps will stop when the generators run out. A tub of water can last you a couple days. Here's a PDF for basic preparedness.
So, if you don't own a gun, I heavily suggest getting one now. (If you're old enough, minors I suggest looking at your local laws and arming yourselves accordingly). If you don't know what to buy, I have a suggestions. First there's the tiny guns, the .22 pocket pistols. But I wouldn't suggest that unless you have a medical reason you can't handle something bigger. I'd suggest a 12 gauge shotgun. You can hunt with it, you can protect yourself with it. Beyond that, an AR-15. Get mags, get ammo, and PRACTICE.
After food, water and protection, you'll need power. I suggest either a generator or a Jackery and solar panels, better yet all three.
Next is medical supplies. If you have prescriptions, stock up. Lie and say you lost it. JUST GET YOUR MEDS!!! I also suggest getting lots of generic and over the counter meds. Get antibiotics. Get steroid pills like prednisolone.
Get a gunshot wound kit. Get Quick Clot and gauze and multiple tourniquets. Carry your first aid kid at all times and have a stockpile of meds and equipment. Get a blood pressure cuff. Buy medical textbooks.
Get a GMRS license and a GMRS capable radio or two. Learn your local repeaters. You can get a 50 mile range with a repeater and 15+ miles with just clear line of sight. Get bigger batteries and better antennas to extend range and use time.
Finally, if you really wanna go the extra mile, there are wood gasifiers that can power gas engines with wood smoke. Here's some atmospheric water generators and even amateur television broadcasts!
For the more tactically minded, here's the US Army Field Survival Guide and The Infinity Rifle Platoon and Squad books.
If I've forgotten anything, or you have ideas, please add them!
submitted by Big_Not_Good to Defeat_Project_2025 [link] [comments]
