Succuess with prometrium and letrozole

Go back to medicated cycles after one failed retrieval?

2024.05.28 19:18 Admirable_Artichoke7 Go back to medicated cycles after one failed retrieval?

Apologies for rambling post:
Finished post retrieval consultation with RE. First retrieval (second cycle): 5 were retrieved, 3 were mature and fertilized. One “beautiful embryo” was transferred on day 3 and the other 2 were monitored until day 6 (they arrested day 5). The transferred embryo did not result in a pregnancy.
RE states that the main issue is my age (42) and that I am a poor responder. Suggested donor eggs or trying at home on our own with Letrozole and Prometrium. I would like to try again but partner is concerned about the cost relative to the low odds. My feeling is that this is our best shot within the limited time we have. We’ll try on our own with medicated cycles in the meantime, since doctor said the odds are similar if we are only getting 3 eggs at retrieval.
Just wondering if this is the end of the road with only one retrieval under my belt. Clinic is willing to work with me on another IVF cycle but I am told it could take 6-7 retrievals. Hoping to hear from others in same situation and what they ended up doing. I went into this knowing that most people my age have to do this a few times, just wondering why RE is suggesting going back to timed intercourse.
For reference, we did a microdose cycle - 75 Menopur , 150 Gonal F , and suprefact twice daily.
submitted by Admirable_Artichoke7 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:04 ProfessionalHouse608 How much prometrium did you take for a modified natural FET?

I am about to start a modified natural FET cycle with letrozole and am curious how much prometrium others were prescribed?
My first child was conceived via IUI with letrozole and prometrium, and they essentially doubled my prometrium dose for this FET. Never had any issues with progesterone levels. (I have a mild case of PCOS but am undergoing IVF as a single parent by choice). Just curious!
submitted by ProfessionalHouse608 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 02:11 hippos_rool Has anyone ever taken prometrium and not gotten their period?

The first two times I took it to trigger a cycle, it worked. The third time it did not. So my doctor prescribed me a 10 day course of provera, and said if this doesn’t work, we’ll need to do more labs and probably increase my thyroid med and/or metformin. I finished the provera 4 days ago. I have very light spotting and VERY sore boobs, so I’m holding out hope this is going to work. I did take a pregnancy test and obviously it was negative because here I am typing this. 😭
I’m currently on cycle day 73, waiting for this damn next cycle to start so I can try round 2 of letrozole, but this is kind of throwing me for a loop. We tried for well over a year unmedicated, and finally saw a fertility specialist and have been going the route of medications for about 6 months now. Started with thyroid meds, metformin and inositol. When that wasn’t enough we added the prometrium and letrozole as well.
I’m hoping to get reassurance that this is just something that sometimes happens, and there are still other options to induce a cycle. As well as any advice on what’s worked for others when prometrium didn’t work to induce a cycle.
submitted by hippos_rool to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:29 Ambitious_Doubt3717 Ideas for next steps after 4 failed FETs.

Hi all. Thanks to the mod team for approving a standalone, the support means a lot.
I'm a bit out of ideas for next steps after our last failed FET of a euploid donor embryo. Any and all thoughts welcome. I've tried to describe this as succinctly as possible below so here goes:
Me: 42F, male partner 44. Diagnosis of endometriosis, no symptoms other than an endometrioma on one ovary. Male factor infertility as well. TTC since 2018.
2 CPs trying on our own.
ER#1 - 2021: resulted in one aneuploid embryo. Poor response to meds, decided to move to donor eggs.
DE cycle #1: created 5 embryos with 26yr old donor eggs and partner's sperm.
FET #1: standard medicated protocol with estrace, prometrium and PIO every third day. Strong initial beta resulting in a slow heartbeat at 7 week ultrasound; no heartbeat at 8 weeks. Took Misoprostol, could not test POC as there was not enough tissue. RE hypothesis was that it was an abnormal embryo, still possible with a young donor.
FET#2: standard medicated protocol exact same as FET #1.
Was started on Synthroid as TSH was over 4 at beta. Was referred to an endocrinologist in a prenatal program at a women's hospital and I'm still seeing them to monitor my TSH.
Pregnancy developed well, no issues on ultrasounds, anatomy scan, NIPT. Sudden stillbirth at 25 weeks, noticed due to lack of fetal movement. Pathology indicated it was due to fetal vascular malperfusion, a placental issue. C-section needed due to placenta previa. Full RPL blood panel was run by the hospital on me and spouse, no clotting or other issues found. MFM thought it might just be an unfortunate one time event.
Switched clinics as my RE had left anyway and the patient care there wasn't great. Moved three remaining embryos to new clinic.
I had been taking 20mg of escitalopram for FET#2. After the stillbirth, this was upped to 25mg, higher than the max dose.
New RE did some tests: EMMA ALICE (normal) Anti phospholipid antibodies (normal) Lupus (normal) SIS to look at c-section scar; it was normal (no fluid, etc)
FET#3 - RE wanted to try ovulatory FET due to linkage between fully medicated FETs and placental issues. Ovulatory FET with trigger and progesterone support and aspirin. No implantation.
FET#4 - ovulatory FET without trigger; progesterone support and aspirin. No implantation.
Hysteroscopy done after FET#4. Normal.
FET#5 - decided to do two months of Lupron Depot as it was the last embryo. Standard medicated protocol with estrace, prometrium, PIO every third day, aspirin. No implantation. **I feel it's relevant to mention that this was a day 7 3CB embryo, so lower chance of success.
DE cycle #2 - Semen analysis tests were worsening and we didn't want to risk it, so we created 3 euploid embryos using donor sperm and donor eggs. Egg donor was different than the first. Both donors are proven donors.
In the meantime my RE referred us for a second opinion at another clinic with an RE who specializes in RPL and immune issues. He did a full physical exam, reviewed my history, and said I'd had a full workup already and he couldn't detect any reason why the FETs hadn't worked. He said he felt our chance for success was good. He did one blood test, I can't remember what it was but it came back negative. He suggested to my RE that we repeat an SIS, add steroids and Lovenox just to try something new.
SIS was repeated. Found to be normal except one tube seemed blocked, my RE said she thought this was a technical issue rather than a true blockage. Tried to remove a cervical polyp too but could only get part of it off.
FET #6 - ovulatory FET with Letrozole (as it is supposed to suppress Endo), Ovidrel trigger, vaginal probiotics because why not, Medrol for 5 days starting two days before transfer, Lovenox starting two days before transfer until beta, prometrium 600mg a day, PIO every third day, aspirin. No implantation.
I'm at a loss here TBH. My regroup with my RE is next week. We have two euploid donor embryos left and after that we are done.
I'm still on Synthroid and my TSH hovers just under 2.
One thing I asked her about was my 25mg escitalopram. Max dose is 20, many people take 10. Google says this med can raise prolactin. My clinic has not tested my prolactin. I don't have any symptoms such as lactation. I'm maybe grasping a bit with this but it's one thing that changed between FET #2 which implanted and FET #3-6 which did not. The nurse messaged my RE about this yesterday, and she said she'll test my prolactin, but that the extra progesterone support should counteract any prolactin issues, so this likely did not affect the last FET. Regardless I'm going to ask my psychiatrist to lower my dose to 10mg, the side effects at 25mg are bothersome and this was only supposed to be a short term dose increase.
Things I'm going to ask my RE about: - an HSG? I've never had one. - repeating EMMA ALICE? - doing three months of Lupron Depot, or Orlissa? Maybe the FET we did after LD failed because of an embryo issue? - lap surgery? The wait for this will be at least a year. - more extensive thyroid testing? My TSH and T4 free is tested regularly. Not sure if there are other elements to test. - testing progesterone during a FET? This is not routinely done in Canada. - I don't want to do ovulatory FETs anymore. I was only able to get implantation with a medicated FET so I'd like to go back to those.
My RE is very collaborative and will listen to any suggestions I have so I'm hoping to develop a good list.
I hope this isn't too hard to follow. It turned into a novel 🫠
submitted by Ambitious_Doubt3717 to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 02:24 MontePlanina Help with my chart if anyone can? LH surge twice?

Help with my chart if anyone can? LH surge twice?
Hi all. I have PCOS. I sometimes ovulate on my own and sometimes I don’t. This cycle I was on prometrium to induce a period, letrozole to grow the follicle, and hcg shot to trigger. Weirdly, I had a period twice (doc surprised, but aware and we still triggered with Hcg since follicle was big enough and lining ok) and now I’m wondering if I ovulated twice? My LH surges were never that powerful per se, around 11-13 usually, but this chart has me curious if its ever happened to anyone else. Any insight or extra knowledge you all can share will be super helpful! Thank you :) Also sidenote, I am on progesterone 200mg twice a day for supplemental support.
submitted by MontePlanina to Mirafertility [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 02:05 tsuiwyj Positive with first letrozole cycle and IUI / TI

TLDR: TTC for 9 months with only 6 cycles. Started talking to RE around month 5. Tried one trigger shot to induce a long due cycle + TI, didn't work. The cycle following it was with induced with letrozole, then did IUI/TI together. Got a positive on 14DPO (Mar 8)
Hey everyone! I (31F) am so glad I found this subreddit. I have been so excited but haven't been able to share much with people other than my husband (31M) + RE the past few days - as my husband and I are aware of the fact that early pregnancy loss is not unlikely and we wanted to wait till second trimester before we share with anyone else. I also remember myself frantically looking for success story before I started confirming treatment plans with RE, so just wanted to share my own story in case anyone else is looking for success stories. So - please excuse me for the long post.
I grew up having slightly irregular cycles in my teens but my primary care back then said I didn't have to worry too much. Like most people, I had been taking BC pills for years so I didn't think too much about my cycles until my husband and I decided we are ready to try. I stopped taking my BC pills in June 2023, then my period has been a mess since then - I have only had 6 cycles from June 2023 to Mar 2024. At first I thought it was just my body recovering from years of taking BC pills, but I ended up with some irregular bleeding around Sep 2023, so I went to see a gynecologist around then and got diagnosed with PCOS.
I tried taking inositol on my own, but honestly it didn't do much after taking it for 5 months. By month 3, I read the "Taking charge of your fertility book" and started tracking BBT and CM as well so that we can try to do TI. But I was only finding myself more confused with the data as there were multiple spikes but then they didn't stay high enough to confirm ovulation. In between the period of taking inositol, I decided my gynecologist was not responsive enough for my need, so I went to see a RE around Dec 2023 instead. Definitely the best decision I have made. RE is so much more responsive and professional. I highly recommend talking to RE immediately if you are still on the fence.
With my RE's help, we quickly confirmed everything is good on my husband's end + my fallopian tubes are all clear. The only issue was timing my cycle, which was impossible for me to do with PCOS. I was prescribed with metformin to treat my borderline pre-diabetes. My RE was trying to see if both metformin + inositol is going to help by Jan 2024 as I had taken inositol 5 months by then, but that cycle was still a mess. They decided to trigger ovulation with ovidrel on CD36 and had us TI accordingly.
Unfortunately that cycle didn't end up with a positive result. But then RE prescribed me with letrozole for a cycle starting on Feb 8, and confirmed a follicle was maturing. My husband and I did TI with pre-seed on CD 13, triggered with ovidrel on CD 14, then did IUI on the morning of CD 16. With the RE's advice we also did another TI with pre-seed the same night. I have also started taking prometrium vaginally starting 3 DPO to boost my progesterone level. And I was told to only check with a test on 14DPO, as ovidrel may result in false positive.
Honestly I was fully expecting this cycle to result in a negative. I had been under a lot of stress with big projects at work. I knew stress was not gonna help but we still had to live our lives. I also read a lot of posts saying IUI only has 20% chance to succeed. But my RE kept assuring us that most patients without male factor often will succeed with the first / third round of IUI (somehow not the second, not sure why). I usually get my period on 11DPO, so I was surprised to not see any red on my liner (only yellow leakage from prometrium, which is a fun one) around 11-13 DPO.
Then, on the morning of Mar 8 (14DPO), I still didn't see any red on my liner. Took a test with first response digital, covered the result screen immediately after collecting sample then revealed it together with husband. We just couldn't believe what we saw on the screen the moment we revealed it - "PREGNANT". This is something I thought I would have seen way earlier when we first started trying, but then kept on reminding myself to lower expectations by month 6 or so. I went back to RE for a bHCG test and it confirmed positive as well.
We were not sure if it's a result of the TI / IUI. But honestly the only thing that matters is that we ended up with a positive. Needless to say, we are both thrilled. We know there's a chance chemical / early loss could happen, but we still couldn't help but smile every time we think about it. We hope this baby will stay around and we cannot wait to meet them in November.
submitted by tsuiwyj to PCOSandPregnant [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 01:50 knuckanoos Whelp, at the end of the line.

How does everyone do it? The hoping and the let down time and time again…
We’ve been trying to have a baby again ever since I had to TFMR at 23 weeks due to incompatible with life diagnoses. It’s been two years. TWO. YEARS.
I just finished my 6th and final IUI. This one seemed the most promising as we triggered CD 12 with 2 follicles at 19mm with 7.5 mg Letrozole. We had our IUI on CD 14, and I had cramping, intense fatigue and a heightened sense of smell after a couple days. I was SO certain this was gonna be my lucky go.
I’m DPIUI 15 with bloodwork tomorrow (I’m taking prometrium so I won’t get a period until I stop that) and my E@H tests are all negative. It’s literally been such a letdown.
My RE has said that there is no point in continuing with IUI as they haven’t been successful this far (although, we had a chemical pregnancy on IUI #2), and feels that it’s best for us to wait for our call up on the IVF list. (Ontario Canada resident here). I’ve been on the list for nearly 2 years now and I feel like time is ticking by. I cannot afford to pay for IVF outright, and I’m just so down in the dumps about everything.
I go to therapy, and my husband and I have fully open and honest conversations about everything and we’ve decided that if 1 round of IVF doesn’t work, we are just going to be DINKs forever.
Sending love and happiness to everyone that deals with these feelings and are in this situation.
Ugh, this sucks.
submitted by knuckanoos to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2023.12.29 02:22 gtrouin Advice Needed - Two Failed FET; thin lining

I am looking for advice. I have recently undergone IVF and unfortunately have had two failed FET (untested embryos; no implantations each time). I haven't undergone any additional testing as the first failed FET was ruled as "likely bad luck".
Here is some background info. I am 26 (F) and my partner is 29 (M). We have been trying to conceive for 3 years now and have never had a positive test result. I have PCOS with an extremely high AMH and AFC, no male factors. I never responded to Letrozole (2.5, 5, 7.5, 10mg) and moved on to Gonal-F injections. I also never got to trigger while on Gonal-F as I either 1) wouldn't respond to the meds (when injections were under 87.5iu) or 2) responded to strongly (on 87.5iu) and had cancelled cycles because of 12+ follicles growing.
My FET protocols were : - FET 1: 4 estrogen patches changed every 2nd day for 2.5 weeks & PIO every 3 days as well as 200mg prometrium vaginally 3x per day. On this cycle, my lining got to 7.1mm and was trilaminar, they decided to proceed though thinner lining. I also took the following supplements: vitamin E, D, Omega-3, iron, B12, probiotics, prenatals, drank a lot of pomegranate juice and ate pineapple core - BFN
- FET 2: I advocated for more estrogen to hopefully get my lining thicker. I was on 4 estrogen patches changed every 2nd day as well as 2mg of vaginal estrogen 3x per day for 2.5 weeks. My lining got to 7.2mm and was trilaminar. I was on the same progesterone protocol as well as the same supplements (though I added more vitamin E as well as vaginal probiotics and baby aspirin). - BFN
I am meeting with my doctor in January and am really hoping to advocate for more testing and changes to my protocol. Any suggestions as to what protocol changes/tests I should advocate for? Any suggestions for boosting up my lining?
Thanks in advance for your guidance! I truly appreciate any advice you may have :)
submitted by gtrouin to IVF [link] [comments]

2023.12.21 08:00 cnat910 metronidazole and TTC?

I had my first go with IUI in November which ultimately did not lead to a pregnancy.
I was not able to proceed with my 2nd IUI this month as I had a planned vacation to Cancun. My REI suggested that I do letrozole and timed intercourse for this month. Unfortunately during my trip to Cancun, I somehow acquired a parasite and was prescribed two antibiotics (metronidazole and paromomycin). Metronidazole for 10 days and paromomycin for 7 days.
This month, my period lasted 3 days (which is really short in my opinion ) and my peak fertility was literally a week after the start of my period. I started taking Prometrium 3 days afterwards and am still on it. It’s been about 2 weeks and tested negative for a pregnancy test. My last dosage for the antibiotic is on Dec 31st.
I think that if it wasn’t for my antibiotics, I should be getting my period soon and should be starting my 2nd round of IUI in a few days. But because I need to keep taking the antibiotics, I feel like I’m wasting precious time. My REI doesn’t seem too concerned and says that I should be off the antibiotics by the time my next cycle starts. I dont think she understands that this cycle, everything seems to be shortened (3 days of period, ovulation 7 days after period).
Had anyone taken metronidazole and paromomycin during an IUI cycle? Time is of the essence. I don’t want to waste time. I want to proceed with my 2nd IUI. Any advice?
submitted by cnat910 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.11.02 02:33 fancypoodle Managing Emotions

I am 25 years old and was recently diagnosed with PCOS. Been TTC for 8 months now. I started metformin, inositol, prenatals, vitamin D, and just finished my first monitored cycle using 5mg letrozole and the trigger shot. Currently in the TWW on prometrium, but I feel so sad and discouraged. I would only be 8 dpo and I tested out the trigger but the lines don’t seem to be coming back. It’s still too early but I feel like I’m grieving a pregnancy that never even occurred out of anxiety that it didn’t work this time. Im so so tired of waiting and I feel like everyone around me is getting pregnant.
I know it’s early on in my journey, but did anyone else struggle HARD with the emotional side of things in the beginning? Trying to have a positive outlook, but it is so soul crushing to feel like my body is failing me month after month.
submitted by fancypoodle to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 07:23 cnat910 Doing HSG and IUI during same cycle

So far I’ve done 4 medicated cycles with letrozole. The first two cycles were canceled due to not ovulating and having a functional cyst respectively. My 3rd and 4th cycle, I did letrozole and Ovidrel shot but without success.
I recently spoke with my fertility doctor about transitioning onto IUI. For my upcoming cycle, she wants me to get an HSG test done during my first IUI cycle. The plan is for me to get a baseline ultrasound done day 2 of my cycle and start taking letrozole. Between day 7-10, get the HSG test done. Once my follicles are big, do the HCG trigger shot and 2 days after shot, do the IUI procedure. She also wants me to take Prometrium 2 days after the IUI procedure.
My questions are: 1. What is Prometrium? What does it do? Does it help with pregnancy? Is it necessary? 2. Does it make sense to have HSG done same cycle as IUI? Or should I do the HSG with letrozole and Ovidrel shot instead? Or should I proceed with HSG with letrozole and IUI but without Prometrium? 3. How was ur experience with HSG? I read that it is very painful? Does HSG cause irregular cycles?
I was diagnosed with PCOS last November. My recent 3 cycles have finally been very regular (every 4 weeks pretty much on the dot). I’m afraid that Prometrium will mess with my cycle? Im not sure why but I’m a bit reluctant to take Prometrium.
submitted by cnat910 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 15:49 miyukiis why even bother going to IUI if everyone says it's a waste of time/to go straight to IVF?

Going on a year of TTC and no luck, I have polycystic ovaries, elevated AMH but other than that, my husband and I (27M/26F) are in good health and SA results are good. I'm taking prenatals, vitamin D, coq10 and ovasitol.
I am starting medicated IUI next month with letrozole 2.5mg, ovidrel 250mcg and prometrium 200mg. I'm feeling optimistic, but I can't help but feel discouraged at the same time and even more now as the date draws closer, when reading from many comments and posts that say IUI is a waste of time and to go straight to IVF.
My husband has amazing fertility benefits through his job which covers up to $40k in treatment, IUI will cost us $2k per cycle.
I'm just sticking with what our fertility doctor recommends as treatment but we have the option to go to IVF if we want but she said that she has a good feeling IUI will be sufficient enough in our case.
Any reassurance or advice someone can offer who is currently undergoing IUI/IVF?

submitted by miyukiis to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2023.09.07 03:01 Dangerous_Log_5049 Letrozole Progesterone Levels

My last round of letrozole (5mg cd 5-9) was the first time I’ve ovulated on let. I ovulated on day 20 and my doctor wanted to do day 24 progesterone. My level was 9.3 on 4dpo and my doctor said she would like to see it higher than that and put me on 200mg of Prometrium (progesterone). I’m wondering if my progesterone would have gotten to a better range by 7dpo where I wouldn’t need supplementation. Has anyone else had something like this happen and do you think we made the call too early for progesterone? It made me feel terrible, so I don’t want to take it unless it’s 100% necessary.
I’m thinking about waiting until 7dpo to get my progesterone drawn this time around so I can at least compare my numbers to what I’ve seen online. If I wait, is 7dpo too late to start with progesterone if I do end up still needing it?
submitted by Dangerous_Log_5049 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.08.26 02:00 Union9114 Hcg beta stayed the same after 48 hours (TW: potential loss)

Hcg beta stayed the same after 48 hours (TW: potential loss)
Since September 2022 I have had 2 chemical pregnancies, so we started going to a reproductive endocrinologist. My husband and I both had all the various tests done for recurrent miscarriages (autoimmune, hormone, genetic carrier screening, karyotype, semen analysis, SIS), and everything came back good/normal. I have PCOS & Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and I am currently on levothyroxine, metformin, prenatal & coq10 vitamins, ovasitol.
We started off doing a timed intercourse cycle with Letrozole and monitoring. I had 2 follicles, and ended up triggering 2 days after they measured around 10 and 16mm. Lining was in the right range.
I ended up becoming pregnant, but my betas are on the low end of normal and not increasing. I am still experiencing early pregnancy symptoms and my home pregnancy tests have gotten progressively darker, but no dye stealers. I have been on prometrium/progesterone suppositories twice a day.
14dpo first beta 8/22: 44 & progesterone was 16.4 (LabCorp Michigan while on vacation - blood had to be sent to Ohio/6 hours away)
16dpo 2nd beta 8/24: 40 (LabCorp in Georgia - blood stayed in Georgia/40 minutes away)
I talked with my RE today and they want me to repeat my beta & progesterone on Monday, but they said it wasn’t looking good. They asked if my home pregnancy tests have gotten lighter, but the tests have gotten darker since my first beta. The RE mentioned that there’s a small chance that there could be an error with the different labs.
Is there any hope? Or am I most likely looking my third chemical pregnancy?
UPDATE: This ended in a miscarriage at 5w3d. My hcg continued to rise, so I was brought in for an emergency ultrasound to check for the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. Everything looked good, so they said that I would either continue on to have a normal pregnancy (unlikely) or have a miscarriage. Hcg plateaued and spotting/bleeding began shortly after.
UPDATE 2: Hcg continued to rise after 5 days of bleeding. Repeat emergency ultrasound and determined to be a missed miscarriage & pregnancy of unknown location. Scheduled for the methotrexate shot to stop hcg from continuing to increase.
submitted by Union9114 to PregnancyAfterLoss [link] [comments]

2023.07.19 17:14 Adventurous_Kiwi769 FET Timeline and Questions

It's been a while since I've posted. A quick recap of where I left off since my last post. I did my stims in May, egg retrieval was May 23rd with 18 eggs retrieved, and now 4 embryos frozen. Nothing could be done since then as my employer changed insurance companies which would be effective July 1st and I couldn't continue with a change happening in the middle of a cycle.
That brings me to now. My new insurance approved my FET plan a few days after it was submitted. I am currently waiting on my next cycle to begin prepping for the transfer.
My transfer plan is modified natural I believe my doctor said. Letrozole for 5 days, Ovidrel trigger, Prometrium suppositories & Medrol.
My question is, how long is a FET cycle generally from start to finish? And once the transfer happens, am I able to travel? I was planning a trip for the week of Labor Day but I'm not sure if I'll be able to still go. Also, I have trips planned for November and December. Should I plan on postponing these trips? Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by Adventurous_Kiwi769 to IVF [link] [comments]

2023.06.28 20:56 Nova-star561519 How to calculate DPO when doing a trigger shot with timed intercourse??

Hi all! I always get so confused with trigger shots and timing so please pardon my seemingly stupid questions lol. My husband and I started having intercourse once a day in the evening last Thursday (CD10 6/22/23) we’ve continued to have intercourse once a day in the evening consistently since that day. Took clomid 50mg CD 4-9. On CD14 (6/26/23) I had a follicle scan. Found two mature follicles one on the left and a dominant one on the right and triggered that same day in office with Pregnyl 10,000.
Since we triggered on Monday (CD14) and it is now Wednesday (CD16) what DPO would I be? We’re going to continue to have intercourse thru Thursday (CD17 6/29/23) and also start 100mg once daily at night of prometrium (progesterone)
We had a chemical in April with a trigger and letrozole and a failed unmonitored clomid cycle last cycle, also a blighted ovum in January after 3 rounds of clomid unmonitored (really bad timing on round 1 and 2 tho intercourse wise) do you think our chances are good this cycle? We’ll have had intercourse consistently for 1 week straight by Thursday. I’ve also tested positive for an autoimmune disorder, currently awaiting a rheumatologist appointment on 7/6 but I’ve also started taking baby aspirin once daily at night in April to help with inflammation that may be effecting implantation and I’ve been on metformin 2,000mg once a day since March with a brief roughly 2 week break in the beginning of May (took ozempic to loose weight, ended up loosing 17% of my body fat and lowered my BMI by 5 points. Doc said no need to take metformin with ozempic as it just makes side effects worse)
submitted by Nova-star561519 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.06.24 10:58 tfwill92 First IUI Failed

I had my first IUI two weeks and a few days ago. This past Thursday was my day to test and it was negative. I thought I had prepared myself for it after so many negative tests before, but I guess a small part of me somewhere still had some hope cause I got really sad. I know that IUI’s success rates are low, but I still thought it may work. I was so excited to even be able to do it finally because I had about six ultrasounds that showed my follicles weren’t big enough for trigger shot and IUI. Finally after adding Clomid with Letrozole two weeks in a row, I had a 21 mm follicle and a thick lining so we triggered and did IUI. I’m thinking it obviously was the right time cause the day after the negative test, my period started and it’s been like crazy heavy, I’m assuming cause of all the meds to grow everything. I was just so surprised cause I don’t ovulate on my own regularly and my cycles are VERY irregular, they all have to be induced either with Provera or Prometrium. We’ll do another couple rounds of IUI; my fertility specialist recommends three rounds before he says he’s wasting our money (which I appreciate). I am going to take a few months off and keep focusing on being healthy and start Mounjaro because I have seen so much data that it will help regulate my cycles and with inflammatory issues that PCOS causes.
I just wanted to commiserate with those of y’all who have gone through similar situations.
submitted by tfwill92 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.05.06 19:51 EducationalFortune35 Seeking advice from MFM, OB re müllerian duct anomaly and pregnancy - heart shaped uterus 🙏🏻

39 y female. 8w3d pregnant today. Generally healthy. Based in Canada. Hoping for some opinions on my uterus shape and how it might impact my pregnancy, delivery and care.
History of 10 years of copper iud use. One failure of IUD led to abortion approx 6 years ago. No other pregnancies until now. No previous mention of uterus shape.
Current pregnancy was achieved with the help of an RE. HSG (see photo below) was performed by an OB as a pre screening before RE appt and no mention of uterus shape was mentioned. A transvaginal ultrasound was performed and RE mentioned a “slight heart shaped uterus, shouldn’t be a problem to conceive”. I didn’t think anything of it.
HSG photo
RE prescribed letrozole and Prometrium (3dpo until 14dpo/8weeks). After 2 medicated cycles, a positive pregnancy achieved!
At 7w1d, another transvaginal ultrasound was performed (see photo below). No mention of uterus shape. Healthy pregnancy so far with 132 bmp heartbeat.
7w1d ultrasound (2 photos)
I’ve been wondering what the embryo is attached to since bringing the photo home. Yesterday, I remembered the mention of the heart shaped uterus.
I’m due to meet my midwife for the first time next week. I’d like some additional opinions:
I very much appreciate any insight or guidance. Thank you!
submitted by EducationalFortune35 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.05.06 06:36 EducationalFortune35 Thoughts on my uterus shape/embryo position?

39 y female. 8w3d pregnant today. Generally healthy. Based in Canada. Hoping for some opinions on my uterus shape and how it might impact my pregnancy, delivery and care.
History of 10 years of copper iud use. One failure of IUD led to abortion approx 6 years ago. No other pregnancies until now. No previous mention of uterus shape.
Current pregnancy was achieved with the help of an RE. HSG (see photo below) was performed by an OB as a pre screening before RE appt and no mention of uterus shape was mentioned. A transvaginal ultrasound was performed and RE mentioned a “slight heart shaped uterus, shouldn’t be a problem to conceive”. I didn’t think anything of it.
HSG photo
RE prescribed letrozole and Prometrium (3dpo until 14dpo/8weeks). After 2 medicated cycles, a positive pregnancy achieved!
At 7w1d, another transvaginal ultrasound was performed (see photo below). No mention of uterus shape. Healthy pregnancy so far with 132 bmp heartbeat.
7w1d ultrasound (2 photos)
I’ve been wondering what the embryo is attached to since bringing the photo home. Yesterday, I remembered the mention of the heart shaped uterus.
I’m due to meet my midwife for the first time next week. I’d like some additional opinions:
I very much appreciate any insight or guidance. Thank you!
UPDATE: I had another ultrasound and a radiologist to look at it and my HCG. The diagnosis is arcuate, not bicornuate.
submitted by EducationalFortune35 to bicornuateuterus [link] [comments]

2023.03.11 17:48 Temporary-Maximum670 First round, similar experiences?

I’ve been on metformin on/off for years and years, period is so irregular, usually 2-3x/year, finally went to see a RE, after jumping through tons of hoops and demanding to have some say in my care, they finally gave me provera and started me on 2.5mg letrozole CD 5-9 with monitoring, I responded well to the medication and was so optimistic that this would be successful, follicle grew to 22mm, and ovulation was confirmed with bloodwork (no trigger shot), believe I ovulated CD somewhere between CD 16-18, and since CD 19-20 ive been nauseous and sore breasts, then I started prometrium suppositories CD 25 and 27 (took break in between because I think they make me exhausted). I’ve taken 2 tests so far and they were negative, most recent being today CD 28. I know they say the progesterone can cause pregnancy symptoms but my symptoms started before the prometrium, and they’re still present. I have bloodwork again in 4 days and I’m so anxious that it will be negative, I’ve only tested with cheap dollar store tests. Could it be too early? Should I get a better test? Any positive experiences? could these symptoms really have been pregnancy related so early? My head is spinning!
submitted by Temporary-Maximum670 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.01.02 21:57 BL81589 IVF protocol changes

Wondering if anyone wants to share their stim protocol or give their opinion on my situation?
We did our first IVF cycle in August due to severe MFI. No known issues for me except for a polyp found during hsg that was removed during retrieval. My protocol was 10mg letrozole for 5 days, doxy, prednisone, stimmed 20 units low dose HCG, 200iu follistim a day. Triggered with dual HCG and Lupron. My husband had no motile sperm day of ER but sperm were still viable. I had 13 eggs, 8 mature, 5 fertilized, and got 3 blasts. One didn’t survive thaw for FET and the other 2 failed to implant (they were untested).
The doctor at our clinic thinks I should do a laparoscopy next, then prime for 30 days with estrace, prometrium, and HGH. He thinks my stim protocol should remain the same except add in more “immune” meds like Benadryl, more prednisone, for retrieval and next transfer.
He also thinks we should transfer 2 embryos on day 3 and freeze the rest on day 3.
Even though our diagnosis is MFI I’m trying to see if protocol changes could lead to more mature eggs and normal embryos that of course can lead to a baby. Has anyone had similar results and made changes or primed with meds that helped improve things?
submitted by BL81589 to IVF [link] [comments]

2022.10.04 03:29 clareck10 Failed cycle, Prometrium help

Hey all,
I was hoping for some insights.
I have secondary infertility. Diagnosed with PCOS 2018, been trying for our second since March.
Currently taking metformin, inositol.
We did Letrozole 5mg for 3 rounds with no luck. I never got and positive OPKs. I didn't always need Prometirum to bring on a period.
Our first cycle juat got cancelled on CD 15. I was on Gonal F 50U day 5 to 11, 75U day 12 and 13, 100U 14 and 14. Zero measurable follicles., which lead to being cancelled.
I'm not confident that I'll get my period on my own, but my RE suggest we wait until CD 35, do a beta test to see if there's a pregnancy, and proceed with provera.
I don't love the idea of waiting this long, would it be bad to take my prometrium (from my OB) to bring on a period earlier? To mimic a 28 day cycle, so starting it soon?
submitted by clareck10 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]