How to remove vertical vinyl sidin

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2024.06.04 20:13 lovingthesunshine111 My old apartment sent me a bill is this lawful?

My old apartment first sent it to an address I listed as a backup address before I wrote down my new address, they didn't send it to the correct address. I didn't find out I had that bill until yesterday. Almost 2 months later.
I only took one video of how nice we left my apartment and somehow it has been erased off my phone. My iPhone storage is always full so I'm assuming I accidentally deleted it. I sent it to my mom too but she can't find it either.
Anyways, they are charging for new carpet, new vinyl floors. which neither were in bad or broken condition when I left. I couple dirt stains from walking and I have a son who can be messy but no paint or anything they couldn't remove.
I cleaned the entire apartment before leaving deep cleaning.
Charged me for blinds I asked them to remove and leave in their office and were supposed to put back.
They have miscellaneous charges for things that are in code that don't say what it's itemized as.
Anyways my bill is over 2,000.
When we moved in we didn't do the security deposit just like another option where you pay $700 to not get back anything Hh once you move out as security basically.
Any thoughts?
It was spotless when we left.
But they do these paintings and replacements anyway before a new tenant moves in.
I asked at least 3 times to be able to be there when the management did the move out inspection and was told only management and maintenance can do the walk through. Which I don't see could be legal or fair. Because now there are ridiculous charges.
Any help please!
submitted by lovingthesunshine111 to rental [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:20 Pristine-Woodpecker Ironman Hamburg: Race Report

In keeping with the reddit dynamics, perhaps this post should be titled "I have 3 years to train for an Ironman, is it possible?". Reports from some of my previous races, including the first race 3 years ago can be found by tracing back the links.

Sign up

As the previous race in September I left with a good feeling. Having now done a fast (~BQ) Marathon, a >300km bike event and a well executed middle distance triathlon, I figured doing a full Ironman was within reach. The ideal race would be before the summer holidays - when kids are at home and regular training gets trickier, within driving distance, preferably flat (don't want to make it harder than necessary) and maybe with a small preference for an Ironman organized race. This quickly whittled the candidates down to Ironman Hamburg, and I signed up about 10 days after the previous race report. The race sold out quickly, so not dabbling was probably a good move. I found out later a friend from the tri club had done pretty much the same maths, and signed up for the same race, so at least I wouldn't be going solo.


I followed the TrainerRoad Long Distance - Low Volume plan, with the swimming workouts replaced by those from my tri club or a group session with a swim coach, and the initial running training replaced by a marathon plan targeting a race end of March. My swimming CSS improved by a few seconds compared to last year, but after the lessons I mostly started focusing on longer, slower workouts, and it wouldn't surprise me if I lost a lot of that speed already. In any case, a fast swim was not really the main goal this year. I did several workouts >=3.5km, neither of which felt hard at the leisurely pace I was maintaining. Open water swimming restarted about 3 weeks before the race, and I was able to get 3 long OWS in as well.
The running buildup had a hitch when a sequence of a kid getting sick, myself getting sick, and a week of exceptionally bad weather meant a 3 week gap in the training. I was never able to recover from this and my training paces never reached those of last near. But same thing, running a faster marathon was not really the main goal and I got enough long sessions in.
The biking buildup went as before, hammering out TR sessions in the gaps in my schedule, but also with a hitch: normally I'd do long endurance rides on Sunday with the tri club, exactly what the plan asked for anyway, but my kids started doing sports on Sunday, so often those would be replaced by shorter indoor sessions. This did worry me a bit, because a long bike session - 180km to be precise - was a main goal this year. Around new year, I swapped the tri bike onto the trainer and did pretty much every workout that was sufficiently below FTP in the TT position.
Nearing the race, I did get some longer 120-130km rides in, including on the TT bike. Experience from the 300km event last year also said that as long as overall bike fitness was good, going longer wasn't really an issue as long as wattage was lowered appropriately. So I figured it should be fine going in with most fitness coming from 1.5h TR workouts, but I didn't exactly feel super confident either.
I never really had problems running after biking, so I skipped the brick workouts favoring recovery, doing just a single one, which went just fine.

Tune up events

The week of the marathon I got sick with the flu or a cold, but recovered enough by Saturday that I decided to run the event anyway. This was not a good idea. Already at the first gel I could feel that my digestion system was still seriously fubar, and that the on pace part wasn't going to go over 25-30km. Things got worse as it turned into a walk between all the porta-pottys in the race. I finished in over 4h. One of the worst feelings was being passed first by the 3h30 pacer, followed by the 3h45 pacer, the 4h pacer, and then having people behind that encourage me "you can do it". I was thinking "I know, I can do it an hour faster than you even!" but that didn't get me across the line any faster.
The opportunity to do a 32km/1000m vertical trail race showed up end of April, far enough from Hamburg to not impact that. According to trail runners, that's equivalent to a marathon, and looking at my finish time I largely have to agree with that. I took it easy, basically substituting a long run in the schedule. Funnily enough, the person toeing the starting line next to me looked awfully familiar. I have to say that the fitness of good trail runners is quite something, and it's kind of interesting to even see more heavily built people pulling away from you on the uphills. I might do more of these in the future.
The third tune-up event was a 120km gravel ride. Due to the extremely consistent rainfall this year (another thing that didn't help a good biking buildup), it was more of a cross-country cyclocross race, and the people who brought MTB to that race had good fun. The ones on actual gravel bikes, less so. People with the bike skills of a triathlete whose idea of a gravel bike was to mount 32mm tires with knobs on their road bike...mostly spent their time tumbling over in the mud. At least I didn't break anything. The ordeal ended up taking over 5h30, but finess-wise it wasn't an issue: 232W NP over the duration, partly from VO2max efforts after each fall to make it back to the groups.
You know what else was expected to take around 5h30?

Mechanicals and nerves

So far all my races have been on the assumption that a flat might as well be a DNF, but with the time and money invested in this one, I practiced changing tubes on the TT bike. I noticed the front tire had a long valve, and the back one a valve extender (this was a second hand bike so likely not the factory default by Canyon), which meant that I would need to pack 2 different spares, or get valve core removal tool, or something. Instead I put the same valve extender on front as in the back. I initially bought a Topeaks thing, which sucked - as all the reviews that I neglected to read were saying - so I ended up buying a Vittoria one that matched the back tire. It's still a bit fiddly to inflate, but works and came with a core removal tool.
The second ride, I went over a cobblestone street and before the end my saddle had dropped to the lowest position. As far as I knew, I'd tightened my saddle to spec when I did the setup on this bike a year ago, so I was baffled as to what went wrong, and seriously worried this would happen in Hamburg leading to a DNF. At some point it turned into paranoia as I imagined (or not) that my saddle dropped again after a workout. I ended up putting a sticker so at the very least I could quickly readjust it back if needed, and detect when it did drop.
As you gathered by now, the build-up was less than perfect and not according to the ideal plan, but I'm an Age Grouper with a job and kids, so how could it ever be? Yet some things were really starting to make me nervous, particularly the lack of outdoor TT rides. When I finally got one in, I noticed that my neck hurt like hell. It turns out that while training indoors I specifically used TT position and even put stuff on the TV to force me to hold my head up, riding in traffic requires just a bit more look-ahead and I wasn't ready for that.
Sleep is one of the most important things for a triathlete, and the 2 weeks before the race I didn't get much. I can't explain why, but despite understanding the importance I couldn't get myself to bed. One night in the final week when I did get in reasonably on time, I jumped awake at 3am with the realization I should add my wife's baking scale to the list of things to pack, and then lay awake for a few more hours pondering over whether I'd remember that in the morning. Brains suck.
After the last outdoor practice session, I put my bike back on the trainer for the last taper workouts, and my Di2 gearing rattled and jumped all over. WTF? I was able to adjust it through Shimano's app, but to this day I have no idea how that suddenly went wrong. My best guess is I tapped the derailleur when mounting or dismounting the wheel.


Travel to Hamburg was fairly smooth over the Autobahns and I arrived Friday evening, unfortunately just too late for early registration. I met up with my buddy and we signed in Saturday morning. In the shop, we were considering whether to buy some Ironman swag before we'd actually finished the race. My friend formed a plan to instruct his companions to go and get the gear when he started round 3. I decided to tempt fate and bought a hat and an IM Hamburg t-shirt with all the participants' names on it. There was another IM Hamburg shirt in a nicer color, without the names...and it said "IM70.3" on the back. Nice try, Ironman, but I doubt they sold a lot.
The venue is in the middle of the city center and there's tons of eating places and food courts nearby. I looked for a place serving the most average looking pasta possible. The city itself looked very cool to visit, and if it hadn't been such a long drive I'd have told my family to come over.
I wanted to do the test swim to alleviate my nerves a bit and get a feel for the water conditions. My buddy didn't want to as he argued it would make the wetsuit harder to get in the next day. Tests swim went fine - if very short - and I noticed the water had zero visibility - just as I'm used to in my home pond.
Upon bike check-in I noticed a service tent in transition that had a toolbox with large Canyon stickers over it, and a tech with a Canyon t-shirt. Normally I wouldn't want anyone fiddling with my bike the day before the race, but the saddle paranoia still hadn't abated and I figured that if anyone would know how to properly deal with it, it'd be a Canyon tech. He explained that the saddle needed paste inside for friction (people in the tri club had told me this in the mean time, but it's not like I had it lying around), and also that the screw itself should be lubricated else a torque wrench will give a false reading. Aha?Whatever it be, my saddle mounting got a complete overhaul and I felt at least the 700 EUR I paid to Ironman was good for something. The sticker from earlier came in handy, though the tech did point out the Canyon saddlepost has a measurement scale on it.
I brought my own torque wrench on race morning to check that the screw had indeed been tightened to max spec. That's paranoia for you.

Final prep

My nutrition plan for this race was starting out with a set of 3 bottles, each with 100g sugar, 1 tbps citric acid, 10g maltodextrose and 10g of Isostar for taste, with extra caffeine in the first few bottles. This is super cheap, works well for me, and easily gets a ton of calories in with no digestive issues. I filled another set of 3 to put in the special needs bag. I figured I really only needed 4 total, but why not 2 sets of 3 just in case you lose a bottle somewhere. For the run it was Maurten. I brought my own even though it was actually the on-course nutrition, mostly don't like to rely on external factors.
Weather prediction was overcast, windy, 19-20C with perhaps the sun breaking through in the afternoon. The latter did not end up happening, which probably nobody minded as it'd have made the run harder.
Went to bed at 18h, expecting to wake up at 4am and do a final attempt at recovering sleep. At 21h30, my wife called me (as an emergency contact she can call through mute...) to wish me good luck.


After pumping up my (latex) tubes on race morning and managing to offload my pump to my friend's friends, I put on my wetsuit, which was a bit more resistant than normal (remember what my buddy said?) and put my feet straight through the ankle rubber. Fantastic.
We went to the starting zone for the 1:15-1:25 swim group and mostly stood around sipping some nutrition and waiting for quite a while as most of the ~2300 participants went into the water in groups of 3. We saw a few people yell for the kayaks after a few hundred meters.
Hit the water and got into my stroke very quickly. Despite the water being 19.5C I felt a bit cold and upped to pace a little to warm up. The swim course in Hamburg is very cool as you swim out of the smaller lake, under the bridge, onto the large lake, around the buoys, back through the other side of the bridge, back on the other side of the small lake, then past the start until one of the interior canals where you get out.
Despite swimming quite wide off the buoys I got elbowed a few times, and gave a shove back for the most blatant case. Guess not everyone is used to swimming in zero visibility. Swim was otherwise uneventful. I got passed by someone backstroking, but also passed a ton of breaststrokers (being a bit optimistic about our starting corral are we?). Exited the water with a satisfied feeling in about 1h25. The swim appears to have been long at ~3950m.


I took the time for a bathroom break in transition, wiggling like a contortionist out of my aerosuit (maybe next time keep it down for the swim to save time?). Got the socks on, even put on gloves which I don't normally do while racing, but as I didn't care for the time, why not. Walked to the bike very leisurely through a transition that was measured by my Garmin as 800m long (!).
To my pleasure, and despite the huge field, there was very little crowding on the bike course, and for the most part even as a MOP Age Grouper it was possible to pass according to the rules. No bike packs that I saw. This being Germany I expected perfect asphalt but that was a bit too optimistic, and some zones did need to be taken out of the bars. I planned to roughly hold around ~205W NP (70% FTP), in the end I was a bit low - as in previous races - at around 195W. I did not feel any soreness from holding TT position and was able to spend very long periods in aero. Given that I was pretty far back after my swim, I started rapidly passing people.
There was one notable section, that started with a feeling as if you were full on in the wind, and then turned what felt no more than 30-35 degrees, after which I was able to average >42km/h with ~200W. Maybe the initial feeling was deceptive and this was really wind in the back, or some other aero effect was going on, but in any case flying like this was a lot of fun.
I saw a lot, and I do really mean A LOT of people on tri bikes that were on their bullhorns. On a pancake flat course. In reasonably strong winds. Don't do this. For the love of god. Raise your bars, whatever, but don't do this. The speed differential here was very large and it wasn't as much passing as flying by people.
At some point a referee on the motorbike came next to me, and whistled so hard I almost fell off of my bike, wondering what I'd done. Drafting? Unlikely. Blocking? Also unlikely. Littering? I have all my bottles. (Virtual) centerline violation? That's possible, but that'd be a DQ. Just as I was about to ask, I noticed the referees' eyes were not on me, but just slightly off to the side. I turned around and found a rather embarrassed person sitting right behind my wheel. So, kudos to the organization for even enforcing the rules for random age groupers!
I mostly felt great during the bike, superman on wheels, passing about 300 people. After 160km of biking, I did start to get a bit sore, and had to go out of aero more often, and the legs didn't feel as fresh anymore, so at this point speed dropped just a little bit.
Taking in carbs went really well, but 4 x 750ml bottles and not a lot of sweating meant 2 extra pee stops, which did hurt the overall bike split a bit. And no, I'm not going to do the obvious to save time here just yet.


Swapped the bike out for the racing shoes, and off we go. I set my pace for the marathon between 5:20 and 5:40 ish based on a random VDOT table I found on Slowtwitch, forcing myself to keep it easy. Out of transition everyone immediately ran way from me, I checked my watch, and I was already at 5:10 pace. Running at 5:20 felt kind of boring, but that wouldn't last very long.
The run felt really good as well, though unfortunately this was the least attractive part of the course. You basically run through the city park (picking up some small rocks in your shoes on the way), halfway into a residential streets, through a 180, and back again to the next street. The finish section is nicely placed in front of the church square but the rest is nothing special. I guess they didn't want to close down major parts of a huge German city for an entire day just for us, but sob. It makes it easy on the spectators though. You can also see the people from the other direction, and I saw that my buddy was reduced to walking, which encouraged me to try to catch him. When I did, I only then noticed he had an extra bracelet and was a lap ahead, and I'd only just unlapped myself. Small mental hit there. Still, just by still running you pass tons and tons of people and I still felt great.
After a bit more than 2h and after 2 gels, I noticed that they weren't going down very well any more and needed to make a choice whether to force down another one and maybe throw up, or stop eating and inevitably bonk. I guessed than bonking would be the least unpleasant choice, and also less likely to draw unwanted attention from medical staff (lest they pull me from the course), so I stopped eating. After about 30km pace went down to about 6:30 with small sections of walking, and I no longer felt like superman. Kilometers sure feel even longer when you take them at 6:30 instead of 5:20.
I rang the bell, heard my name called out (though I think I didn't hear the "You are an Ironman"), and crossed the line, satisfied. Said hello to my friend who finished earlier. Ran back to the medical tent for a barf bag, that turned out to be unnecessary because my stomach was empty (another "benefit" of bonking?). They offered me to lie down a bit in a bed, and it was an attractive offer that I took up. Everyone was shaking of cold and they were handing out blankets, I'm not sure if that's because of the wind, if it's a normal thing after a full, or it's the combination of both.
Finish time was around 11:30, smack in the middle of the field. My marathon time at 4h was faster than the standalone marathon earlier this year, but that isn't saying much. It was the best leg split compared to the rest of the field, so it's definitely about who keeps running the longest.

Closing thoughts

submitted by Pristine-Woodpecker to triathlon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:01 DTG_Bot Destiny 2 Update




  • Competitive will now use the Blended “1-1-1" Special Ammo system in place of the Crates system. We will begin rolling this system out to other playlists soon.
  • Adjusted spawns on Altar of Flame and Dead Cliffs for Countdown Rush to improve match balance.
  • Updated Private Match screens to support expanded options and to improve usability.
  • Updated sound effects for rank promotion and defense toasts in Competitive to better convey success or failure.
  • Fixed an issue where Relic meter was not correctly progressing in Relic.
  • Fixed an issue where Private Match activity modifiers would display inaccurately.


  • Fixed an issue in the mission Beyond where players would sometimes get stuck without the activity progressing them correctly.

    Warlord’s Ruin

  • Fixed an issue in Warlord's Ruin where the sound effect that occurs after a player is frozen by the tempest storm did not play correctly.

    Crota’s End

  • Fixed an issue preventing completion of the All for One challenge and associated Triumph.

    The Pantheon

  • Fixed an issue where The Pantheon emblems appeared in the General category rather than the Raids category in Collections.



  • Added a gameplay subtitles option that displays the speaker's name before their dialog.
    • This option is off by default. To activate it, navigate to the Options menu and toggle it to on.
    • This feature does not affect cinematic subtitles.
  • Added Reputation Boost information for ritual activities to the Director.
    • Hovering over the Rituals nodes at the top of the Director (Vanguard Ops, Crucible, Gambit) will display when reputation boosts are active.
  • Fixed an issue where dungeon tracking stats were not displayed on emblems.

    Fireteam Finder

  • Improved placement and visuals of the Reselecting Activity button so players have better access to it.
  • Fixed an issue where Fireteam Finder lobbies for Crucible Labs weren't allowing the correct max number of players for the activity.
  • Fixed an issue where in some Fireteam Finder applications, player status was not displayed properly.

    Guardian Ranks/Journey Screen

  • Made visual and functional improvements to the Journey screen and Guardian Ranks icons.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cherished Guardian Rank objective displayed the incorrect Commendation score requirement.


  • Added Milestones to the quest log.
    • Milestones will not count against a player's maximum quest/bounty capacity.
  • Tracked quests will be sorted to the top of their categories when the quest log is reloaded next.
  • Added an option to set a specific Quest tab as the default.
    • The default Quest tab will be the first tab opened when the quest log is loaded.
  • Added text to the Quest tooltip to communicate when a Quest is directly launchable from its Quest Details screen.

    Gameplay and Investment


All Subclasses
  • All Super abilities now use the same damage-based recharge parameters.
    • Previously, energy gained through damage dealt and received was scaled based on the passive recharge rate of the Super, resulting in a broader delta between long-recharge Supers and short-recharge Supers than intended.
    • This will, for example, bring the real-world uptime of Ward of Dawn and Well of Radiance closer to the uptime of a Super like Arc Staff or Fists of Havoc.
Arc Subclasses
  • Arcstrider
    • Arc Staff:
      • Heavy palm strike attacks and heavy air slam blind enemies.
    • Disorienting Blow:
      • Decreased base cooldown time from 100 seconds to 90 seconds.
    • Tempest Strike:
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
  • Striker
    • Knockout
      • Increased bonus damage granted to powered melee attacks vs. PvE combatants from 25% to 50%.
      • Reworked healing behavior:
      • No longer unstuns health regeneration on melee defeats. Now instantly grants a chunk of healing that scales with the type of target defeated.
        • Player: 30 health points.
        • Minor combatant: 50 health points.
        • Major combatant: 75 health points.
        • Champion+ combatant: 100 health points.
    • Touch of Thunder
      • Lightning Grenade:
        • Now applies Jolt after the first damage event, rather than prior.
        • This means that the Jolt won't instantly pop on application, and attackers will need to either wait for the second lightning burst from the grenade or deal additional damage via other means to trigger the Jolt's chain lightning.
      • Storm Grenade:
        • Increased tracking travel speed when targeting PvE combatants by between 0.5 and 1 meters per second, increasing with the storm’s lifetime.
    • Thunderclap
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
      • Increased minimum damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
      • Increased maximum damage vs. PvE combatants by 33%.
      • Increased maximum damage vs. enemy players by 14%.
  • Stormcaller
    • Lightning Surge
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
      • This is intended to help players survive during the final lightning strike performance until the player returns to first person and can maneuver out of danger
    • Ball Lightning
      • Increased the final arming shape size by 30%.
      • Fixed an issue where the arming shape was offset upward, higher than the maximum damage range of the projectile’s detonation.
    • Chain Lightning
      • Increased secondary chain projectile’s base damage from 27 to 54.
  • Arc Grenades
    • Storm Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
      • Touch of Thunder variant’s damage is unchanged.
    • Skip Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
    • Arcbolt Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
  • Arc Fragments
    • Spark of Recharge:
      • Ability regeneration bonus now persists until the player returns to full shields, rather than deactivating as soon as shields begin to recharge.
    • Spark of Beacons:
      • Now also triggers on defeating targets with Arc Power ammo weapons while amplified.
    • Spark of Frequency:
      • Now also grants 15 weapon stability on powered melee hit, in addition to its reload benefit.
Solar Subclasses
  • Solar General
    • Restoration
      • Restoration’s full-body visual effects now reduce their intensity while the player's Super is active.
    • Cure
      • Cure's healing now takes place over 0.1 seconds rather than instantly.
        • This change is unlikely to affect Cure's efficacy in a meaningful way but is primarily intended to improve the readability of Cure's heal in the middle of combat in the UI.
  • Gunslinger
    • Lightweight Knife
      • Now has 2 melee charges by default.
      • Increased throw animation speed by 33%.
      • Reduced suppression time between throws, so both knives can be thrown very quickly back-to-back.
      • The additional melee charge does not stack with Ophidia Spathe, due to the Exotic’s unique energy recharge behavior. We’ll be monitoring this and evaluating how things are playing once things go live.
    • Knock 'Em Down
      • Reduced internal cooldown on throwing knife refund from 1 second to 0.2 seconds.
    • Gunpowder Gamble
      • Fixed an issue where Gunpowder Gamble was unable to damage Strand Tangles.
    • Golden Gun - Marksman
      • Reduced strength of Orbs of Power created on precision hit as follows:
        • When hitting non-boss enemies, reduced strength from 0.75x to 0.5x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
        • When hitting boss enemies, reduced strength from 0.75x to about 0.4x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
        • When hitting boss enemies while Star-Eater Scales is equipped, reduced strength from 0.75x to about 0.35x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
  • Sunbreaker
    • Consecration
      • Consecration’s slam attack can now shatter Stasis crystals.
      • Ignitions generated by Consecration now deal 20% additional damage to PvE combatants.
      • Fixed an issue where Consecration’s slam attack was sometimes unable to damage floating combatants while they were grounded.
      • Fixed an issue where Consecration’s intended PvE damage resistance was not being applied.
    • Hammer of Sol
      • Increased projectile submunition count when Sol Invictus is not equipped as follows:
        • If the projectile detonates within the first 0.7 seconds of its lifetime, it now creates 4 shrapnel submunitions, up from 3.
        • If the projectile detonates after the first 0.7 seconds of its lifetime, it now creates 6 shrapnel, up from 5.
        • When Sol Invictus is equipped, only 3 shrapnel submunitions are created, regardless of flight time.
      • Shrapnel submunitions now deal additional damage when Sol Invictus is not equipped, with the damage increasing after the first 0.7 seconds of the projectile's lifetime.
  • Dawnblade
    • Heat Rises
      • Fixed an issue where throwing some grenades while Heat Rises was equipped would produce Void visual effects on the player's hands during the throw.
    • Well of Radiance
      • Now grants radiant for 8 seconds when players exit the Well of Radiance area.
      • Reduced player survivability while standing in the Well of Radiance aura.
        • Reduced healing per second from 100 to 50 health points, matching restoration x2.
        • Increased heal on cast from 40 to 300 health points.
        • Reduced damage resistance vs. non-boss combatants from 40% to 20%.
        • Reduced damage resistance vs. boss combatants from 40% to 10%.
        • Damage resistance vs. enemy players is unchanged.
      • Increased maximum Orbs of Power from defeating targets while in the player's Well of Radiance aura from 4 to 5.
    • Solar Grenades
      • Swarm Grenade
        • Increased tracking shape size from 4 meters to 6 meters.
        • Increased linger duration from 7-8 seconds to 10-11 seconds.
        • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
Void Subclasses
  • Void General
    • Fixed an issue where Volatile could fail to auto-detonate if the target was defeated by the damage event that applied the Volatile effect.
  • Nightstalker
    • Snare Bomb
      • Increased linger duration of smoke after detonation from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
      • Now applies small damage over time to enemies in the smoke, which increases in strength the longer they remain in the smoke.
    • Trapper's Ambush
      • Increased linger duration of the smoke after detonation from 4.5 seconds to 6 seconds.
      • Now applies Snare Bomb’s damage over time to enemies caught in its smoke.
      • Fixed an issue where Trapper’s Ambush’s smoke effects could be obstructed by ground geometry.
    • Stylish Executioner
      • Stylish Executioner’s weaken effect can now be applied by Glaive melee attacks.
  • Sentinel
    • Shield Throw:
      • Increased maximum bounce count from 4 to 5.
      • Increased maximum lifetime from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
      • Now increases its tracking shape size and strength after each bounce, increasing its ability to consistently find a new target.
      • Slightly increased gravity and decreased thrust speed with each bounce.
      • Increased damage vs. PvE targets by 20%.
    • Ward of Dawn:
      • Armor of Light:
        • Removed Armor of Light overshield. Ward of Dawn now immediately applies a full Void Overshield to the caster and allies that enter its dome.
        • Armor of Light now instead grants additional damage resistance to players inside the Ward of Dawn:30% vs. enemy players and 60% vs. enemy combatants.
        • Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn dome remains roughly the same as it was before vs. PvE combatants.
        • Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn is significantly lower than it was before vs.other players in PvP, and cannot be further increased by stacking Bastion Barricades inside the Ward to gain additional Overshield layers.
        • No longer provides Weapons of Light by default. This behavior has been moved to the benefits of Helm of Saint-14.
        • Allies near the Ward of Dawn dome now have Void Overshield trickled on over time, similar to the volume behind a Bastion barricade.
        • This trickle rate is reduced in PvP activities.
        • The Ward of Dawn caster can now generate additional Orbs of Power by defeating enemies with melee attacks in or near their Ward of Dawn dome. Up to a maximum of 5.
    • Offensive Bulwark
      • Can now only extend Void Overshield’s timer to its normal maximum duration, to prevent an issue where players could get into a bad timer state.
      • Now regenerates a small portion of the player's active Void Overshield with each melee defeat.
  • Voidwalker
    • Chaos Accelerant
      • Magnetic Grenade
        • Increased maximum intensity of physics knockback impulse by 10%.
        • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
        • Now passively decreases the player's Magnetic Grenade’s cooldown by 10% while Chaos Accelerant is equipped.
    • Pocket Singularity
      • Increased detonation damage vs. PvE combatants by about 50%.
    • Nova Bomb
      • Cataclysm variant:
        • Increased seeker count from 4 to 6.
        • Fixed an issue where seekers could impact the environment on creation.
      • Vortex variant:
        • Increased Vortex linger duration from 7 seconds to 10 seconds.
        • Fixed an issue where the linger visual effects were shutting off early.
    • Void Grenades
      • Suppressor Grenade
        • Damage radius now matches Suppression radius.
        • This does not meaningfully change the damage profile of the grenade but is intended to provide additional feedback to the player when they have successfully Suppressed a target.
      • Voidwall Grenade
        • Fixed an issue where the central damage volume was offset significantly lower than the left and right volumes.
    • Void Fragments
      • Echo of Instability
        • Can now be activated by defeating targets with Forerunner's The Rock grenade.
        • No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Void weapon is readied.
Stasis Subclasses
  • Stasis General
    • New Frost Armor keyword:
      • You are fortified by layers of durable Stasis matter, reducing incoming damage. Frost Armor damage resistance grows stronger as the player gains additional stacks.
      • Reduces damage from PvE combatants by 4.5% per stack and from enemy players by 2% per stack.
    • Stasis Shatter
      • Increased base PvE shatter damage from 200 to 400.
      • Fixed an issue where bosses auto-shattering were being hit by two instances of shatter damage.
      • Fixed an issue where players in an active Super would show immune damage flyouts when automatically breaking out of Stasis freeze.
  • Revenant
    • Grim Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Grim Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
        • Large Stasis Shards from Grim Harvest grant more health and Frost Armor stacks.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Winter's Shroud
      • Added new behavior:
        • Slowing targets briefly increases the player's class ability regeneration rate.
        • Bonus is reduced in PvP game modes.
        • Now grants PvE damage reduction when activated.
      • Touch of Winter
        • Coldsnap Grenade:
        • No longer chains an additional time while Touch of Winter is equipped.
        • Instead, seekers now duplicate when they freeze a target.
        • Second and third seeker chains now create a medium and large Stasis crystal respectively, rather than every chain creating a small crystal.
        • Glacier Grenade:
        • Added an additional Stasis crystal to the ring formation, increasing total count from 6 to 7.
        • Glacier Grenade ring now forms over 0.27 seconds, rather than instantly.
      • Silence & Squall
        • Increased Squall maximum travel speed by 10%.
        • Squall storm now slows down when any target is within its area of effect to reduce instances where it could overshoot its target.
        • Increased damage and slow tick rate vs. PvE combatants by about 40%, bringing its freeze time from approximately 0.8 seconds to ~0.5 seconds.
  • Behemoth
    • Tectonic Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Tectonic Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
        • Now creates a Stasis Shard when shattering a frozen target in addition to shattering Stasis crystals.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Glacial Quake
      • Now automatically begins sprinting when the player throttles forward.
        • This change should make Shattering the player's Stasis Crystals significantly more intuitive in the heat of combat.
      • Increased on-cast Freeze impulse radius vs. PvE combatants from 6 meters to 8 meters.
    • Shiver Strike
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 10%.
      • Increased size of melee target search area cone by about 50%.
      • Increased maximum lunge tracking angular speed from 7 degrees per second to 21 degrees per second.
        • The end result of these changes is that Shiver Strike misses significantly less and is able to bend its lunge trajectory more to find a target within its search area.
    • Diamond Lance
      • Increased thrown Diamond Lance detonation radius from 3.5 meters to 5 meters.
      • Increased Diamond Lance slam detonation radius from 6.75 meters to 8 meters vs. PvE combatants.
      • Diamond Lance now shatters Stasis crystals on direct impact.
      • Reduced Diamond Lance pickup interaction time from 0.2 seconds to 0.1 seconds, matching Strand Tangles.
      • Increased Diamond Lance pickup interaction radius from 0.7 meters to 3 meters, matching Strand Tangles.
    • Cryoclasm
      • Removed sprint time requirement. Cryoclasm now goes on cooldown for 4 seconds after one extended slide.
  • Shadebinder
    • Glacial Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Glacial Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Iceflare Bolts
      • Increased maximum seekers created before going on cooldown from 5 to 7.
  • Stasis Fragments
    • Whisper of Rime reworked:
      • No longer grants a Stasis Shard Overshield when collecting a Stasis Shard.
      • Now increases the maximum duration and stack count of the player's Frost Armor.
    • Whisper of Chains reworked:
      • No longer grants passive damage resistance when near a Stasis crystal or frozen target.
      • Now grants a chance to create a Stasis Shard when defeating a target while the player have one or more stacks of Frost Armor.
    • Whisper of Fractures reworked:
      • No longer increases melee energy regeneration while surrounded by enemies.
      • Now grants a stack of Frost Armor when the player shatters any frozen target with a melee attack.
    • Whisper of Torment
      • Grenade energy gains are no longer dependent on the player's current health value. Base grenade energy regeneration amount per incoming damage event increased from 5% to 7%.
      • While the player has Frost Armor, energy per damage event increases from 7% to 12%.
    • Whisper of Chill - New Fragment:
      • Stasis weapon final blows have a chance to create a Stasis Shard.
    • Whisper of Reversal - New Fragment:
      • While the player has Frost Armor, dealing or receiving physical melee (i.e., not projectile melee) damage slows the player's victim or attacker.
Strand Subclasses
  • Strand General
    • Grapple Tangles
      • No longer fully refresh their duration when Grappled to.
      • Now increase their duration by a maximum of 5 seconds per Grapple, reducing to a maximum of 1 second added after 5 consecutive Grapples to the same Grapple Tangle.
    • Grapple Melee
      • Can no longer be activated after firing a weapon, similar to sprint-or-slide-activated melee abilities.
    • Tangles
      • Tangles will now be paired with the text "Pick Up Tangle" instead of only "Pick Up".
  • Threadrunner
    • Ensnaring Slam
      • Detonation volume vs. enemy players is now a cylinder with a 6.5-meter radius, rather than a sphere with an 8-meter radius.
        • This results in fewer instances of victims correctly attempting to counterplay by jumping but being caught by the Ensnaring Slam detonation high up in the air.
    • Threaded Specter
      • Arming shape vs. PvE combatants now grows more quickly, resulting in more responsive detonations when used in close quarters.
    • Threaded Spike
      • Reduced damage vs. enemy players from 79 to 70.
      • Catching a Threaded Spike no longer breaks invisibility.
  • Berserker
    • Into the Fray
      • Reduced melee energy regeneration scalar from 4x to 3x in PvE activities.
      • Unchanged in PvP activities.
    • Banner of War
      • Reduced maximum timer from 30 seconds to 24 seconds.
      • Melee, Glaive melee, and Super damage bonus now have diminishing returns with Synthoceps as follows:
        • Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.15x.
        • Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.25x to 1.125x.
        • Super bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.2x.
      • Melee and Glaive melee damage bonuses now have diminishing returns with Wormgod Caress, too.
        • Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.1x, based on stack count.
        • Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.05x, based on stack count.
    • Frenzied Blade / Bladefury
      • Reduced the forward offset for melee lunge target point from 0.4 meters to 0.18 meters.
        • This should reduce instances where attempting to lunge to a target while at very close range resulted in the character lunging backwards.
  • Broodweaver
    • Weaver's Call
      • Added new behavior:
        • Defeating a target with Strand damage now has a chance to generate a perched Threadling, with a higher chance of generation from defeating more powerful targets.
        • This damage can be from any source, including other Threadlings.
  • Strand Fragments
    • Thread of Warding
      • Reduced Woven Mail duration on Orb of Power pickup from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
    • Thread of Propagation
      • No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Strand weapon is readied. ###Exotic Armor
  • Exotic armor can now be upgraded after it has been fully masterworked, granting an Artifice mod slot.
    • This comes at the cost of an Exotic Cipher and 10,000 Glimmer.
  • Hunter
    • Renewal Grasps
      • Replaced generic damage resistance with Frost Armor:
        • On entering your Duskfield Grenade volume, you or allies gain a stack of Frost Armor.
        • About every 0.9 seconds, an additional stack of Frost Armor is granted, resetting the timer.
    • Triton Vice
      • Glaive projectile final blows now always trigger a detonation that matches the Glaive's damage type, even when the Glaive does not match the equipped subclass.
      • The surrounded effect provided by Triton Vice while wielding a Glaive now lingers on the player for five seconds after no longer being surrounded.
    • The Sixth Coyote
      • Now creates an Orb of Power from final blows after using a class ability in addition to its previous behavior.
        • This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy of the Reaper armor mod's effects.
    • Star-Eater Scales
      • Increased the Orbs of Power required to grant maximum benefits from 4 to 6.
      • Reduced the increased Super energy gained per Orb of Power when the Golden Gun is equipped from 2% down to 0.5%.
      • Fixed an issue where the Super damage boost for attacks that occur quickly after initial cast, such as Shadowshot at close range, was not always applied.
      • Fixed an issue where a player could maintain the damage bonus after removing Star-Eater Scales.
    • Foetracer
      • Now grants the bonus damage it inflicts on a target to weapons. The damage type also matches that of the ability used to damage that target, instead of always matching the equipped subclass.
    • Assassin's Cowl
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
    • Mask of Bakris
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
      • Re-enabled the "Light Shift" debuff in the HUD when a class ability is not recharging.
        • This is a cosmetic-only change to keep the cooldown visible even while not holding a weapon that benefits from its damage boost.
      • Fixed an issue where Mask of Bakris applied a Tier 2 damage buff instead of a Tier 4 and failed to display the time remaining on a certain Solar weapon.
        • Additionally, the Solar damage buff will now function in the Crucible.
    • The Bombardiers
      • Now triggers an effect based on the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Celestial Nighthawk
      • Fixed an issue where players could swap from Celestial Nighthawk to Knucklehead Radar after activating their Super and be granted the benefits from both Exotics.
    • Dragons Shadow
      • Now triggers its effects when the player uses Ensnaring Slam or the new Ascension Arc Aspect.
    • Liars Handshake
      • Counterpunch now does Arc damage instead of Kinetic.
  • Titan
    • Helm of Saint-14
      • Now causes the wearer's Ward of Dawn to apply the Weapons of Light buff to allies.
    • Ursa Furiosa
      • Now provides increased movement speed while guarding with the new Unbreakable Void Aspect.
      • Also grants Super energy for guarding with Unbreakable that scales based on the amount of incoming damage the shield absorbs.
    • Eternal Warrior
      • No longer requires an Arc subclass for Arc final blows to grant its escalating Arc weapon damage bonus.
    • Armamentarium
      • Now creates an Orb of Power from grenade final blows in addition to its previous behavior.
        • This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy of the Firepower armor mod's effects.
    • Khepri's Horn
      • Increased the damage from the Solar blast by 100% in PvE.
      • The Solar blast now Scorches each time it hits a target, instead of Scorching only once.
      • Khepri's Horn now benefits from Ember of Eruption and Ember of Ashes (+30 Scorch in PvE and +15 Scorch in PvP).
    • Synthoceps
      • Reduced the amount of time that Bionic Enhancements lingers after no longer being surrounded, from 8 seconds to 5 seconds. This duration is now visible as a timer on the buff.
    • Severance Enclosure
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
      • Its explosions now require line of sight to damage enemies. We also reduced the knockback intensity of these explosions, which will now launch enemies more consistently vertically.
    • Heart of Inmost Light
      • Now displays a single, consolidated status effect icon in the HUD to communicate its state, instead of the two to three it used before.
        • The functionality of the Exotic is unchanged.
    • One-Eyed Mask
      • Fixed an issue where the negative status effects applied to victims by One-Eyed Mask no longer persist after death.
    • Precious Scars
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Hoarfrost-Z
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
    • Cadmus Ridge Lancecap
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
    • Lorely Splendor
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
    • No Back Up Plans
      • Now requires a Void Super to be equipped, instead of a Void subclass.
    • Path of Burning Steps
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
    • Hallowfire Heart
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
  • Warlock
    • Ballidorse Wrathweavers
      • Replaced Stasis Shard Overshield with Frost Armor.
      • Activating a Rift grants the player and nearby allies the maximum Frost Armor stacks when Frostpulse is equipped.
      • Activating a Winter's Wrath shatter attack grants nearby allies the maximum amount of stacks of Frost Armor. When Winter's Wrath ends, the player gains maximum stacks of Frost Armor.
    • Mantle of Battle Harmony
      • Now grants Super energy ranging between +1.5% and +4.5%, depending on the target type killed.
      • Removed the 2-second cooldown for the perk's activation.
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Secant Filaments
      • Updated Secant Filaments to require a Void Super instead of a Void subclass.
      • Secant Filaments Empowering Rift will now reset a player's existing Devour buff duration back to 11 seconds when they enter it, in addition to its previous behavior.
      • Fixed an issue where Secant Filament's Overload Rift was removing anti-Champion capabilities granted by the artifact.
    • Sunbracers
      • Reduced the increased Solar Grenade duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.
      • Reduced its increased grenade recharge rate to allow a max of 4 grenades while the effect is active, down from 5.
      • Fixed an issue where Sunbracers would not remove the "Sunbracers Ready" buff from the player when they throw a grenade.
    • Cenotaph Mask
      • Multiple players using Cenotaph Mask can no longer trigger its effect using a single enemy target.
      • Cenotaph's target lock visual marker is now hidden for the Exotic's wearer and only appears to the wearer’s allies.
    • Verity's Brow
      • Now requires final blows with a weapon matching the player's grenade damage type, instead of one matching the equipped subclass.
    • Felwinter's Helm
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
    • Wings of Sacred Dawn
      • Updated its description to correctly indicate that its effects are only active with Dawnblade equipped, rather than all Solar Supers.
    • Contraverse Hold
      • Updated its description to clarify it only works with Void grenades charged with the Chaos Accelerant Aspect.
    • Chromatic Fire
      • Now triggers an effect based on the player's equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Promethium Spur
      • Now works with any equipped Solar Super.
    • Sanguine Alchemy
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Vesper of Radius
      • The ability for the shockwave to blind now requires an Arc Super to be equipped, instead of an Arc subclass.
    • Karnstein Armlets
      • Fixed an issue where Karnstein Armlet's visual effects were not functioning correctly.
    • Necrotic Grips
      • Updated Necrotic Grips description to note that it requires a melee and that it works against both combatants and players. ###Armor Mods
  • The Artifice mod socket icon has been updated to make it more distinct.
  • Removed the energy cost from raid-specific armor mods.
  • Updated all Harmonic armor mods to change their element based on the currently equipped Super, rather than subclass.
    • This behavior is also now explained in their descriptions.
  • A Strand Resistance mod has been added.
    • Additionally, Harmonic Resistance is now compatible with Strand.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods now persist their progress towards an ammo brick through death.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods no longer function in Crucible, and opposing-team kills will no longer grant Ammo Finder progress in Gambit.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods have had their kill requirements increased by 20% for Guardians in a fireteam.
    • Solo Guardian requirements are unchanged.
  • Fixed an issue where Orb of Power mods would not pick up Orbs when Super energy was full. Mods affected are:
    • Recuperation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Better Already (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Innervation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Invigoration (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Insulation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Absolution (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Orbs of Restoration (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Powerful Friends (Helmet Armor Mod)
  • Fixed an issue where multiple copies of Empowered Finisher could be active at once in rare cases.
    • Additionally, corrected an issue where its tooltip did not describe it as having no stacking benefits. ###Other
  • Fixed an issue where older Solstice armor did not display the correct glow color when using a Strand or Stasis Super.


  • Updated Heavy, Adaptive, and Aggressive Burst weapon intrinsic names to match burst count across all weapon archetypes. Functionality is unchanged.
    • 2-burst: Heavy Burst
      • Includes Sidearms, Hand Cannons, and Pulse Rifles.
    • 3-burst: Adaptive Burst
      • Includes Sidearms, Linear Fusion Rifles, and Adaptive Pulse Rifles.
    • 4-burst: Aggressive Burst
      • Includes Pulse Rifles.
  • Removed the foundry name from the Veist Rapid-Fire, Häkke Precision, and Omolon Adaptive weapon intrinsics.

    Weapon Archetypes

  • Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles
    • Reduced damage bonus versus Minors from 40% to 30% (except Fighting Lion).
    • Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles benefit from the below damage buffs versus Minor combatants.
  • Increased base PvE damage versus all combatants.
    • Pulse Rifles: 20%
      • Exceptions: Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy Burst mode. (These both have an intrinsic PvE damage buff built in.)
    • Pellet Shotguns: 10%
      • Exceptions: Legend of Acrius, Tractor Cannon, Conditional Finality, and The Fourth Horseman. (These are all already performing as intended.)
    • Slug Shotguns: 9%
    • Fusion Rifles: 7%
      • Exceptions: One Thousand Voices. (This one was just buffed.)
    • Sniper Rifles: 7%
      • Exceptions: Izanagi's Burden's Honed Edge shots and Cloudstrike's storm. (These are both performing well.)
    • Glaive projectiles: 7%
    • Linear Fusion Rifles: 5%
  • Increased damage versus Minors (red bars)—this stacks with the base PvE damage increase.
    • Sidearms, Trace Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Bows: 20%
    • Auto Rifles and Pulse Rifles: 15%
    • For Pulse Rifles, this is in addition to the above buff, and Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy Burst mode are included.
      • I.e. Pulse Rifles will do 1.2 * 1.15 = 38% more damage to red bars.
    • Submachine Guns: 10%
    • Hand Cannons: 5%
  • Increased damage versus Major combatants (orange bars).
    • Trace Rifles: 20%
  • Increased damage globally, including PvP.
    • Machine Guns: 7%
    • Swords: 7%
  • With these damage increases, the following Spec mods have been retired:
    • Boss Spec, Taken Spec, Minor Spec, Major Spec, and Adept Big Ones Spec.
  • Scout Rifle
    • Updated the hip-fire reticle to better show accuracy and aim-assist state.
  • Hand Cannons
    • General
      • Reduced the screen shake dealt to players by Hand Cannon projectile impacts by 33% (does not affect flinch dealt to Combatants).
    • Heavy Burst
      • Reduced the base recoil of this sub-family to make them more stable.
    • Aggressives
      • Improved the stats of two Aggressive Hand Cannons that are returning in The Final Shape to be more competitive with our current offerings.
        • Crimil's Dagger (Iron Banner)
        • Stability: 23 to 31
        • Handling: 23 to 31
        • Magazine Size: 8 to 9
        • Airborne Effectiveness: 10 to 21
        • Something New (Solstice)
        • Stability: 27 to 30
        • Handling: 24 to 30
        • Magazine Size: 8 to 9
  • Sniper Rifles
    • Increased minimum reserves from 14 to 17 shots; maximum reserve is unchanged.
    • Changed the way flinch works when taking damage from players (this does not affect incoming damage from combatants).
      • Increased the screen shake duration by 25%.
      • Increased the screen shake intensity by 350%.
      • Reduced the camera roll by 25%.
  • Linear Fusion Rifles
    • Reduced firing animation kick and recoil for Adaptive Linear Fusion Rifles.
  • Kinetic damage type weapons
    • No longer deal bonus damage to bosses; damage to other combatant tiers is unchanged.
      • For example, a kinetic Sniper Rifle and a Stasis Sniper Rifle of the same subfamily will both deal the same damage to a boss.
  • Wave Grenade Launchers
    • The size of the wave is now affected by the blast radius stat. This will mostly impact the width of the wave, though the length and height will also be scaled.
      • The default display stat for the blast radius has been changed from 100 to 50 (where 50 represents the previous baseline—any stat over 50 will result in a larger wave segment than what was possible before).
    • Special ammo Wave – Frame Grenade Launchers overperform as add clear weapons in their current state, so we've pulled the length of the wave back a little.
      • Reduced the length of the waves from 22 meters to 15 meters (except for Dead Messenger).
  • Swords
    • Updated the Sword reticle to better indicate its charge state. When Sword energy is consumed, the amount of delay the Sword has before it begins to recharge now subtly appears in the reticle.
    • Fixed an issue where the Overwhelming Battlesong debuff from some missions would prevent Swords from recharging or losing energy while guarding.
    • Fixed an issue where unpowered caster Sword heavy attacks would not reset the Sword's energy recharge delay.
    • Fixed an issue where uncharged adaptive Sword heavy attacks cost the same amount of ammo as their charged counterparts. They now cost 1 ammo, same as other uncharged heavy attacks.
  • Rocket Sidearms
    • Added a slight delay to the detonation to allow perks to activate correctly if they required precision kills. ###Exotics
  • Non-precision based add clear-Exotic Primary weapons:
    • Reduced splash damage by 10% on the following weapons:
      • Sunshot
      • Trinity Ghoul
      • Polaris Lance
      • Graviton Lance
  • Rat King
    • Swapped the firing animation to the same one used by other auto-fire Sidearms.
  • Dead Man's Tale
    • Baseline:
      • Cranial Spike stacks now grant stability in addition to aim assist stat and range (+2 per stack).
      • Increased reload speed benefit of Cranial Spike stacks.
    • With catalyst, when hip-firing:
      • Slightly reduced accuracy benefits.
      • Increased magnetism falloff scale (1.6 to 1.7).
      • Increased baseline rate of fire from 130RPM to 140RPM.
      • Removed PvE-only damage buff that scaled with stacks of Cranial Spike and added a 15% damage bonus at maximum stacks of Cranial Spike.
  • Colony
    • Now spawns additional insectoid robots on final blows. More robots (up to five) spawn from tougher com
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2024.06.04 18:01 DTG_Bot Destiny 2 Update




  • Competitive will now use the Blended “1-1-1" Special Ammo system in place of the Crates system. We will begin rolling this system out to other playlists soon.
  • Adjusted spawns on Altar of Flame and Dead Cliffs for Countdown Rush to improve match balance.
  • Updated Private Match screens to support expanded options and to improve usability.
  • Updated sound effects for rank promotion and defense toasts in Competitive to better convey success or failure.
  • Fixed an issue where Relic meter was not correctly progressing in Relic.
  • Fixed an issue where Private Match activity modifiers would display inaccurately.


  • Fixed an issue in the mission Beyond where players would sometimes get stuck without the activity progressing them correctly.

    Warlord’s Ruin

  • Fixed an issue in Warlord's Ruin where the sound effect that occurs after a player is frozen by the tempest storm did not play correctly.

    Crota’s End

  • Fixed an issue preventing completion of the All for One challenge and associated Triumph.

    The Pantheon

  • Fixed an issue where The Pantheon emblems appeared in the General category rather than the Raids category in Collections.



  • Added a gameplay subtitles option that displays the speaker's name before their dialog.
    • This option is off by default. To activate it, navigate to the Options menu and toggle it to on.
    • This feature does not affect cinematic subtitles.
  • Added Reputation Boost information for ritual activities to the Director.
    • Hovering over the Rituals nodes at the top of the Director (Vanguard Ops, Crucible, Gambit) will display when reputation boosts are active.
  • Fixed an issue where dungeon tracking stats were not displayed on emblems.

    Fireteam Finder

  • Improved placement and visuals of the Reselecting Activity button so players have better access to it.
  • Fixed an issue where Fireteam Finder lobbies for Crucible Labs weren't allowing the correct max number of players for the activity.
  • Fixed an issue where in some Fireteam Finder applications, player status was not displayed properly.

    Guardian Ranks/Journey Screen

  • Made visual and functional improvements to the Journey screen and Guardian Ranks icons.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cherished Guardian Rank objective displayed the incorrect Commendation score requirement.


  • Added Milestones to the quest log.
    • Milestones will not count against a player's maximum quest/bounty capacity.
  • Tracked quests will be sorted to the top of their categories when the quest log is reloaded next.
  • Added an option to set a specific Quest tab as the default.
    • The default Quest tab will be the first tab opened when the quest log is loaded.
  • Added text to the Quest tooltip to communicate when a Quest is directly launchable from its Quest Details screen.

    Gameplay and Investment


All Subclasses
  • All Super abilities now use the same damage-based recharge parameters.
    • Previously, energy gained through damage dealt and received was scaled based on the passive recharge rate of the Super, resulting in a broader delta between long-recharge Supers and short-recharge Supers than intended.
    • This will, for example, bring the real-world uptime of Ward of Dawn and Well of Radiance closer to the uptime of a Super like Arc Staff or Fists of Havoc.
Arc Subclasses
  • Arcstrider
    • Arc Staff:
      • Heavy palm strike attacks and heavy air slam blind enemies.
    • Disorienting Blow:
      • Decreased base cooldown time from 100 seconds to 90 seconds.
    • Tempest Strike:
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
  • Striker
    • Knockout
      • Increased bonus damage granted to powered melee attacks vs. PvE combatants from 25% to 50%.
      • Reworked healing behavior:
      • No longer unstuns health regeneration on melee defeats. Now instantly grants a chunk of healing that scales with the type of target defeated.
        • Player: 30 health points.
        • Minor combatant: 50 health points.
        • Major combatant: 75 health points.
        • Champion+ combatant: 100 health points.
    • Touch of Thunder
      • Lightning Grenade:
        • Now applies Jolt after the first damage event, rather than prior.
        • This means that the Jolt won't instantly pop on application, and attackers will need to either wait for the second lightning burst from the grenade or deal additional damage via other means to trigger the Jolt's chain lightning.
      • Storm Grenade:
        • Increased tracking travel speed when targeting PvE combatants by between 0.5 and 1 meters per second, increasing with the storm’s lifetime.
    • Thunderclap
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
      • Increased minimum damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
      • Increased maximum damage vs. PvE combatants by 33%.
      • Increased maximum damage vs. enemy players by 14%.
  • Stormcaller
    • Lightning Surge
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
      • This is intended to help players survive during the final lightning strike performance until the player returns to first person and can maneuver out of danger
    • Ball Lightning
      • Increased the final arming shape size by 30%.
      • Fixed an issue where the arming shape was offset upward, higher than the maximum damage range of the projectile’s detonation.
    • Chain Lightning
      • Increased secondary chain projectile’s base damage from 27 to 54.
  • Arc Grenades
    • Storm Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
      • Touch of Thunder variant’s damage is unchanged.
    • Skip Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
    • Arcbolt Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
  • Arc Fragments
    • Spark of Recharge:
      • Ability regeneration bonus now persists until the player returns to full shields, rather than deactivating as soon as shields begin to recharge.
    • Spark of Beacons:
      • Now also triggers on defeating targets with Arc Power ammo weapons while amplified.
    • Spark of Frequency:
      • Now also grants 15 weapon stability on powered melee hit, in addition to its reload benefit.
Solar Subclasses
  • Solar General
    • Restoration
      • Restoration’s full-body visual effects now reduce their intensity while the player's Super is active.
    • Cure
      • Cure's healing now takes place over 0.1 seconds rather than instantly.
        • This change is unlikely to affect Cure's efficacy in a meaningful way but is primarily intended to improve the readability of Cure's heal in the middle of combat in the UI.
  • Gunslinger
    • Lightweight Knife
      • Now has 2 melee charges by default.
      • Increased throw animation speed by 33%.
      • Reduced suppression time between throws, so both knives can be thrown very quickly back-to-back.
      • The additional melee charge does not stack with Ophidia Spathe, due to the Exotic’s unique energy recharge behavior. We’ll be monitoring this and evaluating how things are playing once things go live.
    • Knock 'Em Down
      • Reduced internal cooldown on throwing knife refund from 1 second to 0.2 seconds.
    • Gunpowder Gamble
      • Fixed an issue where Gunpowder Gamble was unable to damage Strand Tangles.
    • Golden Gun - Marksman
      • Reduced strength of Orbs of Power created on precision hit as follows:
        • When hitting non-boss enemies, reduced strength from 0.75x to 0.5x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
        • When hitting boss enemies, reduced strength from 0.75x to about 0.4x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
        • When hitting boss enemies while Star-Eater Scales is equipped, reduced strength from 0.75x to about 0.35x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
  • Sunbreaker
    • Consecration
      • Consecration’s slam attack can now shatter Stasis crystals.
      • Ignitions generated by Consecration now deal 20% additional damage to PvE combatants.
      • Fixed an issue where Consecration’s slam attack was sometimes unable to damage floating combatants while they were grounded.
      • Fixed an issue where Consecration’s intended PvE damage resistance was not being applied.
    • Hammer of Sol
      • Increased projectile submunition count when Sol Invictus is not equipped as follows:
        • If the projectile detonates within the first 0.7 seconds of its lifetime, it now creates 4 shrapnel submunitions, up from 3.
        • If the projectile detonates after the first 0.7 seconds of its lifetime, it now creates 6 shrapnel, up from 5.
        • When Sol Invictus is equipped, only 3 shrapnel submunitions are created, regardless of flight time.
      • Shrapnel submunitions now deal additional damage when Sol Invictus is not equipped, with the damage increasing after the first 0.7 seconds of the projectile's lifetime.
  • Dawnblade
    • Heat Rises
      • Fixed an issue where throwing some grenades while Heat Rises was equipped would produce Void visual effects on the player's hands during the throw.
    • Well of Radiance
      • Now grants radiant for 8 seconds when players exit the Well of Radiance area.
      • Reduced player survivability while standing in the Well of Radiance aura.
        • Reduced healing per second from 100 to 50 health points, matching restoration x2.
        • Increased heal on cast from 40 to 300 health points.
        • Reduced damage resistance vs. non-boss combatants from 40% to 20%.
        • Reduced damage resistance vs. boss combatants from 40% to 10%.
        • Damage resistance vs. enemy players is unchanged.
      • Increased maximum Orbs of Power from defeating targets while in the player's Well of Radiance aura from 4 to 5.
    • Solar Grenades
      • Swarm Grenade
        • Increased tracking shape size from 4 meters to 6 meters.
        • Increased linger duration from 7-8 seconds to 10-11 seconds.
        • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
Void Subclasses
  • Void General
    • Fixed an issue where Volatile could fail to auto-detonate if the target was defeated by the damage event that applied the Volatile effect.
  • Nightstalker
    • Snare Bomb
      • Increased linger duration of smoke after detonation from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
      • Now applies small damage over time to enemies in the smoke, which increases in strength the longer they remain in the smoke.
    • Trapper's Ambush
      • Increased linger duration of the smoke after detonation from 4.5 seconds to 6 seconds.
      • Now applies Snare Bomb’s damage over time to enemies caught in its smoke.
      • Fixed an issue where Trapper’s Ambush’s smoke effects could be obstructed by ground geometry.
    • Stylish Executioner
      • Stylish Executioner’s weaken effect can now be applied by Glaive melee attacks.
  • Sentinel
    • Shield Throw:
      • Increased maximum bounce count from 4 to 5.
      • Increased maximum lifetime from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
      • Now increases its tracking shape size and strength after each bounce, increasing its ability to consistently find a new target.
      • Slightly increased gravity and decreased thrust speed with each bounce.
      • Increased damage vs. PvE targets by 20%.
    • Ward of Dawn:
      • Armor of Light:
        • Removed Armor of Light overshield. Ward of Dawn now immediately applies a full Void Overshield to the caster and allies that enter its dome.
        • Armor of Light now instead grants additional damage resistance to players inside the Ward of Dawn:30% vs. enemy players and 60% vs. enemy combatants.
        • Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn dome remains roughly the same as it was before vs. PvE combatants.
        • Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn is significantly lower than it was before vs.other players in PvP, and cannot be further increased by stacking Bastion Barricades inside the Ward to gain additional Overshield layers.
        • No longer provides Weapons of Light by default. This behavior has been moved to the benefits of Helm of Saint-14.
        • Allies near the Ward of Dawn dome now have Void Overshield trickled on over time, similar to the volume behind a Bastion barricade.
        • This trickle rate is reduced in PvP activities.
        • The Ward of Dawn caster can now generate additional Orbs of Power by defeating enemies with melee attacks in or near their Ward of Dawn dome. Up to a maximum of 5.
    • Offensive Bulwark
      • Can now only extend Void Overshield’s timer to its normal maximum duration, to prevent an issue where players could get into a bad timer state.
      • Now regenerates a small portion of the player's active Void Overshield with each melee defeat.
  • Voidwalker
    • Chaos Accelerant
      • Magnetic Grenade
        • Increased maximum intensity of physics knockback impulse by 10%.
        • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
        • Now passively decreases the player's Magnetic Grenade’s cooldown by 10% while Chaos Accelerant is equipped.
    • Pocket Singularity
      • Increased detonation damage vs. PvE combatants by about 50%.
    • Nova Bomb
      • Cataclysm variant:
        • Increased seeker count from 4 to 6.
        • Fixed an issue where seekers could impact the environment on creation.
      • Vortex variant:
        • Increased Vortex linger duration from 7 seconds to 10 seconds.
        • Fixed an issue where the linger visual effects were shutting off early.
    • Void Grenades
      • Suppressor Grenade
        • Damage radius now matches Suppression radius.
        • This does not meaningfully change the damage profile of the grenade but is intended to provide additional feedback to the player when they have successfully Suppressed a target.
      • Voidwall Grenade
        • Fixed an issue where the central damage volume was offset significantly lower than the left and right volumes.
    • Void Fragments
      • Echo of Instability
        • Can now be activated by defeating targets with Forerunner's The Rock grenade.
        • No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Void weapon is readied.
Stasis Subclasses
  • Stasis General
    • New Frost Armor keyword:
      • You are fortified by layers of durable Stasis matter, reducing incoming damage. Frost Armor damage resistance grows stronger as the player gains additional stacks.
      • Reduces damage from PvE combatants by 4.5% per stack and from enemy players by 2% per stack.
    • Stasis Shatter
      • Increased base PvE shatter damage from 200 to 400.
      • Fixed an issue where bosses auto-shattering were being hit by two instances of shatter damage.
      • Fixed an issue where players in an active Super would show immune damage flyouts when automatically breaking out of Stasis freeze.
  • Revenant
    • Grim Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Grim Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
        • Large Stasis Shards from Grim Harvest grant more health and Frost Armor stacks.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Winter's Shroud
      • Added new behavior:
        • Slowing targets briefly increases the player's class ability regeneration rate.
        • Bonus is reduced in PvP game modes.
        • Now grants PvE damage reduction when activated.
      • Touch of Winter
        • Coldsnap Grenade:
        • No longer chains an additional time while Touch of Winter is equipped.
        • Instead, seekers now duplicate when they freeze a target.
        • Second and third seeker chains now create a medium and large Stasis crystal respectively, rather than every chain creating a small crystal.
        • Glacier Grenade:
        • Added an additional Stasis crystal to the ring formation, increasing total count from 6 to 7.
        • Glacier Grenade ring now forms over 0.27 seconds, rather than instantly.
      • Silence & Squall
        • Increased Squall maximum travel speed by 10%.
        • Squall storm now slows down when any target is within its area of effect to reduce instances where it could overshoot its target.
        • Increased damage and slow tick rate vs. PvE combatants by about 40%, bringing its freeze time from approximately 0.8 seconds to ~0.5 seconds.
  • Behemoth
    • Tectonic Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Tectonic Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
        • Now creates a Stasis Shard when shattering a frozen target in addition to shattering Stasis crystals.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Glacial Quake
      • Now automatically begins sprinting when the player throttles forward.
        • This change should make Shattering the player's Stasis Crystals significantly more intuitive in the heat of combat.
      • Increased on-cast Freeze impulse radius vs. PvE combatants from 6 meters to 8 meters.
    • Shiver Strike
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 10%.
      • Increased size of melee target search area cone by about 50%.
      • Increased maximum lunge tracking angular speed from 7 degrees per second to 21 degrees per second.
        • The end result of these changes is that Shiver Strike misses significantly less and is able to bend its lunge trajectory more to find a target within its search area.
    • Diamond Lance
      • Increased thrown Diamond Lance detonation radius from 3.5 meters to 5 meters.
      • Increased Diamond Lance slam detonation radius from 6.75 meters to 8 meters vs. PvE combatants.
      • Diamond Lance now shatters Stasis crystals on direct impact.
      • Reduced Diamond Lance pickup interaction time from 0.2 seconds to 0.1 seconds, matching Strand Tangles.
      • Increased Diamond Lance pickup interaction radius from 0.7 meters to 3 meters, matching Strand Tangles.
    • Cryoclasm
      • Removed sprint time requirement. Cryoclasm now goes on cooldown for 4 seconds after one extended slide.
  • Shadebinder
    • Glacial Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Glacial Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Iceflare Bolts
      • Increased maximum seekers created before going on cooldown from 5 to 7.
  • Stasis Fragments
    • Whisper of Rime reworked:
      • No longer grants a Stasis Shard Overshield when collecting a Stasis Shard.
      • Now increases the maximum duration and stack count of the player's Frost Armor.
    • Whisper of Chains reworked:
      • No longer grants passive damage resistance when near a Stasis crystal or frozen target.
      • Now grants a chance to create a Stasis Shard when defeating a target while the player have one or more stacks of Frost Armor.
    • Whisper of Fractures reworked:
      • No longer increases melee energy regeneration while surrounded by enemies.
      • Now grants a stack of Frost Armor when the player shatters any frozen target with a melee attack.
    • Whisper of Torment
      • Grenade energy gains are no longer dependent on the player's current health value. Base grenade energy regeneration amount per incoming damage event increased from 5% to 7%.
      • While the player has Frost Armor, energy per damage event increases from 7% to 12%.
    • Whisper of Chill - New Fragment:
      • Stasis weapon final blows have a chance to create a Stasis Shard.
    • Whisper of Reversal - New Fragment:
      • While the player has Frost Armor, dealing or receiving physical melee (i.e., not projectile melee) damage slows the player's victim or attacker.
Strand Subclasses
  • Strand General
    • Grapple Tangles
      • No longer fully refresh their duration when Grappled to.
      • Now increase their duration by a maximum of 5 seconds per Grapple, reducing to a maximum of 1 second added after 5 consecutive Grapples to the same Grapple Tangle.
    • Grapple Melee
      • Can no longer be activated after firing a weapon, similar to sprint-or-slide-activated melee abilities.
    • Tangles
      • Tangles will now be paired with the text "Pick Up Tangle" instead of only "Pick Up".
  • Threadrunner
    • Ensnaring Slam
      • Detonation volume vs. enemy players is now a cylinder with a 6.5-meter radius, rather than a sphere with an 8-meter radius.
        • This results in fewer instances of victims correctly attempting to counterplay by jumping but being caught by the Ensnaring Slam detonation high up in the air.
    • Threaded Specter
      • Arming shape vs. PvE combatants now grows more quickly, resulting in more responsive detonations when used in close quarters.
    • Threaded Spike
      • Reduced damage vs. enemy players from 79 to 70.
      • Catching a Threaded Spike no longer breaks invisibility.
  • Berserker
    • Into the Fray
      • Reduced melee energy regeneration scalar from 4x to 3x in PvE activities.
      • Unchanged in PvP activities.
    • Banner of War
      • Reduced maximum timer from 30 seconds to 24 seconds.
      • Melee, Glaive melee, and Super damage bonus now have diminishing returns with Synthoceps as follows:
        • Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.15x.
        • Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.25x to 1.125x.
        • Super bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.2x.
      • Melee and Glaive melee damage bonuses now have diminishing returns with Wormgod Caress, too.
        • Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.1x, based on stack count.
        • Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.05x, based on stack count.
    • Frenzied Blade / Bladefury
      • Reduced the forward offset for melee lunge target point from 0.4 meters to 0.18 meters.
        • This should reduce instances where attempting to lunge to a target while at very close range resulted in the character lunging backwards.
  • Broodweaver
    • Weaver's Call
      • Added new behavior:
        • Defeating a target with Strand damage now has a chance to generate a perched Threadling, with a higher chance of generation from defeating more powerful targets.
        • This damage can be from any source, including other Threadlings.
  • Strand Fragments
    • Thread of Warding
      • Reduced Woven Mail duration on Orb of Power pickup from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
    • Thread of Propagation
      • No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Strand weapon is readied. ###Exotic Armor
  • Exotic armor can now be upgraded after it has been fully masterworked, granting an Artifice mod slot.
    • This comes at the cost of an Exotic Cipher and 10,000 Glimmer.
  • Hunter
    • Renewal Grasps
      • Replaced generic damage resistance with Frost Armor:
        • On entering your Duskfield Grenade volume, you or allies gain a stack of Frost Armor.
        • About every 0.9 seconds, an additional stack of Frost Armor is granted, resetting the timer.
    • Triton Vice
      • Glaive projectile final blows now always trigger a detonation that matches the Glaive's damage type, even when the Glaive does not match the equipped subclass.
      • The surrounded effect provided by Triton Vice while wielding a Glaive now lingers on the player for five seconds after no longer being surrounded.
    • The Sixth Coyote
      • Now creates an Orb of Power from final blows after using a class ability in addition to its previous behavior.
        • This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy of the Reaper armor mod's effects.
    • Star-Eater Scales
      • Increased the Orbs of Power required to grant maximum benefits from 4 to 6.
      • Reduced the increased Super energy gained per Orb of Power when the Golden Gun is equipped from 2% down to 0.5%.
      • Fixed an issue where the Super damage boost for attacks that occur quickly after initial cast, such as Shadowshot at close range, was not always applied.
      • Fixed an issue where a player could maintain the damage bonus after removing Star-Eater Scales.
    • Foetracer
      • Now grants the bonus damage it inflicts on a target to weapons. The damage type also matches that of the ability used to damage that target, instead of always matching the equipped subclass.
    • Assassin's Cowl
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
    • Mask of Bakris
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
      • Re-enabled the "Light Shift" debuff in the HUD when a class ability is not recharging.
        • This is a cosmetic-only change to keep the cooldown visible even while not holding a weapon that benefits from its damage boost.
      • Fixed an issue where Mask of Bakris applied a Tier 2 damage buff instead of a Tier 4 and failed to display the time remaining on a certain Solar weapon.
        • Additionally, the Solar damage buff will now function in the Crucible.
    • The Bombardiers
      • Now triggers an effect based on the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Celestial Nighthawk
      • Fixed an issue where players could swap from Celestial Nighthawk to Knucklehead Radar after activating their Super and be granted the benefits from both Exotics.
    • Dragons Shadow
      • Now triggers its effects when the player uses Ensnaring Slam or the new Ascension Arc Aspect.
    • Liars Handshake
      • Counterpunch now does Arc damage instead of Kinetic.
  • Titan
    • Helm of Saint-14
      • Now causes the wearer's Ward of Dawn to apply the Weapons of Light buff to allies.
    • Ursa Furiosa
      • Now provides increased movement speed while guarding with the new Unbreakable Void Aspect.
      • Also grants Super energy for guarding with Unbreakable that scales based on the amount of incoming damage the shield absorbs.
    • Eternal Warrior
      • No longer requires an Arc subclass for Arc final blows to grant its escalating Arc weapon damage bonus.
    • Armamentarium
      • Now creates an Orb of Power from grenade final blows in addition to its previous behavior.
        • This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy of the Firepower armor mod's effects.
    • Khepri's Horn
      • Increased the damage from the Solar blast by 100% in PvE.
      • The Solar blast now Scorches each time it hits a target, instead of Scorching only once.
      • Khepri's Horn now benefits from Ember of Eruption and Ember of Ashes (+30 Scorch in PvE and +15 Scorch in PvP).
    • Synthoceps
      • Reduced the amount of time that Bionic Enhancements lingers after no longer being surrounded, from 8 seconds to 5 seconds. This duration is now visible as a timer on the buff.
    • Severance Enclosure
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
      • Its explosions now require line of sight to damage enemies. We also reduced the knockback intensity of these explosions, which will now launch enemies more consistently vertically.
    • Heart of Inmost Light
      • Now displays a single, consolidated status effect icon in the HUD to communicate its state, instead of the two to three it used before.
        • The functionality of the Exotic is unchanged.
    • One-Eyed Mask
      • Fixed an issue where the negative status effects applied to victims by One-Eyed Mask no longer persist after death.
    • Precious Scars
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Hoarfrost-Z
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
    • Cadmus Ridge Lancecap
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
    • Lorely Splendor
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
    • No Back Up Plans
      • Now requires a Void Super to be equipped, instead of a Void subclass.
    • Path of Burning Steps
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
    • Hallowfire Heart
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
  • Warlock
    • Ballidorse Wrathweavers
      • Replaced Stasis Shard Overshield with Frost Armor.
      • Activating a Rift grants the player and nearby allies the maximum Frost Armor stacks when Frostpulse is equipped.
      • Activating a Winter's Wrath shatter attack grants nearby allies the maximum amount of stacks of Frost Armor. When Winter's Wrath ends, the player gains maximum stacks of Frost Armor.
    • Mantle of Battle Harmony
      • Now grants Super energy ranging between +1.5% and +4.5%, depending on the target type killed.
      • Removed the 2-second cooldown for the perk's activation.
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Secant Filaments
      • Updated Secant Filaments to require a Void Super instead of a Void subclass.
      • Secant Filaments Empowering Rift will now reset a player's existing Devour buff duration back to 11 seconds when they enter it, in addition to its previous behavior.
      • Fixed an issue where Secant Filament's Overload Rift was removing anti-Champion capabilities granted by the artifact.
    • Sunbracers
      • Reduced the increased Solar Grenade duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.
      • Reduced its increased grenade recharge rate to allow a max of 4 grenades while the effect is active, down from 5.
      • Fixed an issue where Sunbracers would not remove the "Sunbracers Ready" buff from the player when they throw a grenade.
    • Cenotaph Mask
      • Multiple players using Cenotaph Mask can no longer trigger its effect using a single enemy target.
      • Cenotaph's target lock visual marker is now hidden for the Exotic's wearer and only appears to the wearer’s allies.
    • Verity's Brow
      • Now requires final blows with a weapon matching the player's grenade damage type, instead of one matching the equipped subclass.
    • Felwinter's Helm
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
    • Wings of Sacred Dawn
      • Updated its description to correctly indicate that its effects are only active with Dawnblade equipped, rather than all Solar Supers.
    • Contraverse Hold
      • Updated its description to clarify it only works with Void grenades charged with the Chaos Accelerant Aspect.
    • Chromatic Fire
      • Now triggers an effect based on the player's equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Promethium Spur
      • Now works with any equipped Solar Super.
    • Sanguine Alchemy
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Vesper of Radius
      • The ability for the shockwave to blind now requires an Arc Super to be equipped, instead of an Arc subclass.
    • Karnstein Armlets
      • Fixed an issue where Karnstein Armlet's visual effects were not functioning correctly.
    • Necrotic Grips
      • Updated Necrotic Grips description to note that it requires a melee and that it works against both combatants and players. ###Armor Mods
  • The Artifice mod socket icon has been updated to make it more distinct.
  • Removed the energy cost from raid-specific armor mods.
  • Updated all Harmonic armor mods to change their element based on the currently equipped Super, rather than subclass.
    • This behavior is also now explained in their descriptions.
  • A Strand Resistance mod has been added.
    • Additionally, Harmonic Resistance is now compatible with Strand.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods now persist their progress towards an ammo brick through death.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods no longer function in Crucible, and opposing-team kills will no longer grant Ammo Finder progress in Gambit.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods have had their kill requirements increased by 20% for Guardians in a fireteam.
    • Solo Guardian requirements are unchanged.
  • Fixed an issue where Orb of Power mods would not pick up Orbs when Super energy was full. Mods affected are:
    • Recuperation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Better Already (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Innervation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Invigoration (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Insulation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Absolution (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Orbs of Restoration (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Powerful Friends (Helmet Armor Mod)
  • Fixed an issue where multiple copies of Empowered Finisher could be active at once in rare cases.
    • Additionally, corrected an issue where its tooltip did not describe it as having no stacking benefits. ###Other
  • Fixed an issue where older Solstice armor did not display the correct glow color when using a Strand or Stasis Super.


  • Updated Heavy, Adaptive, and Aggressive Burst weapon intrinsic names to match burst count across all weapon archetypes. Functionality is unchanged.
    • 2-burst: Heavy Burst
      • Includes Sidearms, Hand Cannons, and Pulse Rifles.
    • 3-burst: Adaptive Burst
      • Includes Sidearms, Linear Fusion Rifles, and Adaptive Pulse Rifles.
    • 4-burst: Aggressive Burst
      • Includes Pulse Rifles.
  • Removed the foundry name from the Veist Rapid-Fire, Häkke Precision, and Omolon Adaptive weapon intrinsics.

    Weapon Archetypes

  • Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles
    • Reduced damage bonus versus Minors from 40% to 30% (except Fighting Lion).
    • Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles benefit from the below damage buffs versus Minor combatants.
  • Increased base PvE damage versus all combatants.
    • Pulse Rifles: 20%
      • Exceptions: Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy Burst mode. (These both have an intrinsic PvE damage buff built in.)
    • Pellet Shotguns: 10%
      • Exceptions: Legend of Acrius, Tractor Cannon, Conditional Finality, and The Fourth Horseman. (These are all already performing as intended.)
    • Slug Shotguns: 9%
    • Fusion Rifles: 7%
      • Exceptions: One Thousand Voices. (This one was just buffed.)
    • Sniper Rifles: 7%
      • Exceptions: Izanagi's Burden's Honed Edge shots and Cloudstrike's storm. (These are both performing well.)
    • Glaive projectiles: 7%
    • Linear Fusion Rifles: 5%
  • Increased damage versus Minors (red bars)—this stacks with the base PvE damage increase.
    • Sidearms, Trace Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Bows: 20%
    • Auto Rifles and Pulse Rifles: 15%
    • For Pulse Rifles, this is in addition to the above buff, and Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy Burst mode are included.
      • I.e. Pulse Rifles will do 1.2 * 1.15 = 38% more damage to red bars.
    • Submachine Guns: 10%
    • Hand Cannons: 5%
  • Increased damage versus Major combatants (orange bars).
    • Trace Rifles: 20%
  • Increased damage globally, including PvP.
    • Machine Guns: 7%
    • Swords: 7%
  • With these damage increases, the following Spec mods have been retired:
    • Boss Spec, Taken Spec, Minor Spec, Major Spec, and Adept Big Ones Spec.
  • Scout Rifle
    • Updated the hip-fire reticle to better show accuracy and aim-assist state.
  • Hand Cannons
    • General
      • Reduced the screen shake dealt to players by Hand Cannon projectile impacts by 33% (does not affect flinch dealt to Combatants).
    • Heavy Burst
      • Reduced the base recoil of this sub-family to make them more stable.
    • Aggressives
      • Improved the stats of two Aggressive Hand Cannons that are returning in The Final Shape to be more competitive with our current offerings.
        • Crimil's Dagger (Iron Banner)
        • Stability: 23 to 31
        • Handling: 23 to 31
        • Magazine Size: 8 to 9
        • Airborne Effectiveness: 10 to 21
        • Something New (Solstice)
        • Stability: 27 to 30
        • Handling: 24 to 30
        • Magazine Size: 8 to 9
  • Sniper Rifles
    • Increased minimum reserves from 14 to 17 shots; maximum reserve is unchanged.
    • Changed the way flinch works when taking damage from players (this does not affect incoming damage from combatants).
      • Increased the screen shake duration by 25%.
      • Increased the screen shake intensity by 350%.
      • Reduced the camera roll by 25%.
  • Linear Fusion Rifles
    • Reduced firing animation kick and recoil for Adaptive Linear Fusion Rifles.
  • Kinetic damage type weapons
    • No longer deal bonus damage to bosses; damage to other combatant tiers is unchanged.
      • For example, a kinetic Sniper Rifle and a Stasis Sniper Rifle of the same subfamily will both deal the same damage to a boss.
  • Wave Grenade Launchers
    • The size of the wave is now affected by the blast radius stat. This will mostly impact the width of the wave, though the length and height will also be scaled.
      • The default display stat for the blast radius has been changed from 100 to 50 (where 50 represents the previous baseline—any stat over 50 will result in a larger wave segment than what was possible before).
    • Special ammo Wave – Frame Grenade Launchers overperform as add clear weapons in their current state, so we've pulled the length of the wave back a little.
      • Reduced the length of the waves from 22 meters to 15 meters (except for Dead Messenger).
  • Swords
    • Updated the Sword reticle to better indicate its charge state. When Sword energy is consumed, the amount of delay the Sword has before it begins to recharge now subtly appears in the reticle.
    • Fixed an issue where the Overwhelming Battlesong debuff from some missions would prevent Swords from recharging or losing energy while guarding.
    • Fixed an issue where unpowered caster Sword heavy attacks would not reset the Sword's energy recharge delay.
    • Fixed an issue where uncharged adaptive Sword heavy attacks cost the same amount of ammo as their charged counterparts. They now cost 1 ammo, same as other uncharged heavy attacks.
  • Rocket Sidearms
    • Added a slight delay to the detonation to allow perks to activate correctly if they required precision kills. ###Exotics
  • Non-precision based add clear-Exotic Primary weapons:
    • Reduced splash damage by 10% on the following weapons:
      • Sunshot
      • Trinity Ghoul
      • Polaris Lance
      • Graviton Lance
  • Rat King
    • Swapped the firing animation to the same one used by other auto-fire Sidearms.
  • Dead Man's Tale
    • Baseline:
      • Cranial Spike stacks now grant stability in addition to aim assist stat and range (+2 per stack).
      • Increased reload speed benefit of Cranial Spike stacks.
    • With catalyst, when hip-firing:
      • Slightly reduced accuracy benefits.
      • Increased magnetism falloff scale (1.6 to 1.7).
      • Increased baseline rate of fire from 130RPM to 140RPM.
      • Removed PvE-only damage buff that scaled with stacks of Cranial Spike and added a 15% damage bonus at maximum stacks of Cranial Spike.
  • Colony
    • Now spawns additional insectoid robots on final blows. More robots (up to five) spawn from tougher com
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:44 Pristine-Spring-4724 Flexbox and the flex property

Flexbox and the Flex Property

Table of Contents
  1. What is Flexbox?
  2. Dealing with Cross-Browser Compatibility
  3. Handling Flex Basis and Min-Width Conflicts
  4. Advanced Flexbox Tips
  5. Dos and Don’ts When Working with Flexbox
  6. FAQ

1. What is Flexbox?

Understanding Flexbox: Flexbox is a powerful CSS layout model that simplifies the creation of complex designs. It allows for the control of alignment, direction, order, and size of elements within a container, revolutionizing CSS for modern web design.
Flex Container and Flex Items: A flex container is an HTML element with a display value of either flex or inline-flex. Its immediate children become flex items, whose layout is managed using properties specific to the container.
Key Flexbox Properties:
Properties for the Parent (Flex Container):
Properties for the Children (Flex Items):

2. Dealing with Cross-Browser Compatibility

Flexbox is well-supported across modern browsers, but there are a few issues with older versions. For example, IE9 does not support Flexbox, and IE10 supports an older version. Safari was the last major browser to remove prefixes in Safari 9 (2015).
Vendor Prefixes: To ensure compatibility, use vendor prefixes along with the unprefixed version:
.foo { display: -webkit-box; display: -moz-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: -webkit-flex; display: flex; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -moz-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -moz-box-direction: normal; -webkit-flex-direction: row; -ms-flex-direction: row; flex-direction: row; } 
Resources for Cross-Browser Compatibility:

3. Handling Flex Basis and Min-Width Conflicts

The flex-basis property sets the initial main size of a flex item. It respects any min-width or min-height settings, which can sometimes cause conflicts.
.item { flex-basis: 0; min-width: 100px; } 
In this example, even though flex-basis is set to 0, the item will not shrink below the min-width value of 100px.

4. Advanced Flexbox Tips

Step-by-Step Examples:
Setting Up a Flex Container:
.container { display: flex; } 
Understanding Flex Direction:
.container { flex-direction: column; } 
Justifying Content:
.container { justify-content: space-between; } 
Aligning Items:
.container { align-items: center; } 
Flex Wrap:
.container { flex-wrap: wrap; } 
Flex Shorthand:
.item { flex: 1 0 auto; } 
.item { order: 1; } 
Flex-Grow and Flex-Shrink:
.item { flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 2; } 
.item { flex-basis: 20%; } 
.item { align-self: flex-start; } 
.container { flex-flow: row wrap; } 
Using calc() with Flexbox:
.item { flex: 1 0 calc(25% - 20px); } 
Nested Flex Containers:
.container { display: flex; } .container .item { display: flex; } 
Using Flexbox with Media Queries:
.container { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } u/media (max-width: 600px) { .container { flex-direction: column; } } 

5. Dos and Don’ts When Working with Flexbox


6. FAQ

What is Flexbox in CSS? Flexbox is a CSS layout model ideal for creating flexible and responsive layouts for components like navigation bars, headers, and footers.
Recommended Resources:

Additional Resources for WordPress

Official Website: – Download WordPress, find documentation, and more.
WordPress Codex: – Comprehensive documentation for WordPress.
WordPress Theme Directory: – Browse free and premium WordPress themes.
Maxiblocks: – Tools and resources for block themes.
YouTube Channel: Maxiblocks YouTube – Tutorials and guides.
GitHub: Maxiblocks GitHub – Open-source contributions and projects.
This guide provides an in-depth look at Flexbox, from basic concepts to advanced tips, ensuring you can effectively use this powerful CSS tool in your web design projects.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:07 StonedGorillaKing Print, Cut & Score help!

Hi everyone. I'm brand new here as I recently got a Cricut but I'm running into some issues because of Design Space.
So I designed a box for a product I sell on one of my sites. The box is ment to be printed on thick card stock and use the Cricut to cut two boxes out of one 8.5 x 11 and that part works well. So i figured to make my life slightly easier and hoping that using the scoring tool will stop the Printers Toner from flaking off at the crease I setup a second design space filed that only does the scoring.
My problems.
  1. If I do not group everything all my scores marks are moved from were I put them into the top left corner.
  2. I group them and move the pieces around on the design space layout and when I click make my design has not shifted out of place and I have to try to realign this in the preview mode which isn't too hard.
  3. Once I have realigned everything in the preview window I hit 'GO' and all my scores are on the mark except 3 or 4 randomly become a quarter inch of the mark.
Is there an easier way to do this? I cannot see how to due this all without removing the matt to flip the boxes over and get scored on the blank side. Am I just retarded and have no clue what I'm doing?
For Reference My Devices and Machines:
Cricut Maker 3
Windows 11 Pro 128 GB of RAM AMD 5950X Processor
On The Packaging Below the the horizontal score lines were actually vertical when being scored and they are correct except you see the score marks stop a 1/4" short of the end of the paper. The vertical score lines which were horizontal when being scores are pushed up by a 1/4".
Whats very weird and unfortunately I do not have a pic of it because it's already in the mail box but on the 1st box scored in the same session as this one here all the lines you are looking at that go horizontal actually reached the end of the paper but I did have to rescore what you are looking at to be vertical score marks.
Oh and if you look at the far right were the tabs are it acted like it was scored but nothing was scored no mark was made and the tab is bigger then the offset thats occuring.
submitted by StonedGorillaKing to cricut [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:05 PenaltyReasonable169 Vinyl flooring removal-walls

Vinyl flooring removal-walls
We are looking to start addressing some of the previous home owner's questionable choices.
There are 3 types of panelling I wish to remove. My uninformed guess is that it is vinyl flooring panels of around 3mm thick. Is it likely the walls will be completely unsalvageable underneath? Some feel more hollow/less firmly affixed than others.
Looking for any tips for removal or a general idea of how messy it could get in regards to salvaging the walls.
submitted by PenaltyReasonable169 to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:25 GhoulGriin Best Drill Holster

Best Drill Holster
Get ready to level up your drilling game with our top picks for the best Drill Holsters on the market! In this article, we're sharing our favorite options to keep your power tools safe, secure, and easily accessible.
From high-quality materials to sleek designs, we've rounded up the best options for every budget and drilling need. Whether you're a DIYer or a professional, keep your drills and other power tools organized and protected with our expertly curated selection.

The Top 7 Best Drill Holster

  1. Multi-functional Drill Holster with Bit Pocket and Tool Pouch for Easy Carrying - Slide the Gatorback 601 Drill Holster onto your tool belt and secure your drill in place with a velcro strap, while keeping all your bits safe in the top pouch with an additional velcro closure.
  2. Secure Tool Holster for Drills and Handymen - Revolutionize your power tool transport with the Spider Tool Holster Quad Kit - a black 10-piece tool kit designed for swift, one-handed operation, featuring strong adhesive for secure tool tabs and bit grippers that easily attach to your tool.
  3. Durable Drill Holster with Quick-Release Buckle - Voyager Drill Holster: A versatile, adjustable, and secure solution for T-type and pistol grip cordless drills with an open nose design and spade bit loops included, rated 4.5 stars by 218 satisfied customers.
  4. Spider Tool Holster Quad for Multiple Tools: Drill, Bit Gripper, and More - The Spider Tool Holster Quad Tool Kit is a 10-piece, black tool holster, perfect for holding and quick access to your tools while working on any job, and featuring bit grippers and tool tabs for easy and secure application.
  5. ToughBuilt Drill Holster for Maximum Durability and Organization - The ToughBuilt TB-220-B Drill Holster is a heavy-duty, angled tool pouch that offers excellent balance, safety, and organization for drills and accessories, making it an ideal choice for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.
  6. Versatile ToughBuilt Drill Holster with 13 Pockets for Convenience - Durable and versatile ToughBuilt Drill Holster (Large) with 13 pockets and a patented ClipTech Hub, perfect for electricians, contractors, and all professionals in need of a reliable and convenient drill holster.
  7. Versatile Drill Holster for Essential Tool Organization - The Spider Tool Holster Quad Tool Kit is a 10-piece tool set that ensures firm grip and one-handed operation, making it perfect for convenient tool carrying and easy access on the job.
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🔗Multi-functional Drill Holster with Bit Pocket and Tool Pouch for Easy Carrying
I recently had the chance to try out the Gatorback 601 Drill Holster, and I must say, it's been a game-changer in my daily tool belt routine. This drill holster is the perfect addition to any tool belt, securely attaching with a simple yet sturdy velcro strap.
One of my favorite features is the bit pocket with velcro closure, which has proven to be incredibly reliable in keeping my drill bits secure and organized. And the drill holster itself is designed with the flexibility to fit onto any of Gatorback's tool belts, making it an essential accessory for any handyman.
However, one minor aspect I noticed is that the velcro strap can be slightly challenging to detach at times, which might cause some inconvenience in the long run. But overall, I'm quite satisfied with the performance and convenience the Gatorback 601 Drill Holster has brought to my tool belt setup.

🔗Secure Tool Holster for Drills and Handymen
As someone who frequently works with power tools, the Spider Tool Holster has become an essential part of my daily life. The holster's versatility is unmatched, allowing me to secure multiple tool holsters to my belt for easy swaps on the job. Its one-handed operation is a game-changer, making it effortless to unlock and un-holster my tools with just one motion.
One of the features I appreciate most is the variety of tools that can be used with the holster. The bit grippers and tool tabs hold firmly with a strong adhesive, ensuring that my tools stay in place, even when I'm working on unstable surfaces or in tight spaces. However, I have noticed that the tool holster may not be the most suitable for heavier power tools, as it can cause the toggle on the strap to shift.
Overall, the Spider Tool Holster has made a significant difference in my productivity and efficiency. Its ability to free up my hands and keep my tools secure has become indispensable in my line of work. While it may not be perfect for every tool, the benefits far outweigh the minor drawbacks, making it an impressive addition to any tool enthusiast's arsenal.

🔗Durable Drill Holster with Quick-Release Buckle
The Voyager Drill Holster became a trusty companion as I tackled various DIY projects around my home. The versatile holster easily accommodated both my T-type and pistol grip cordless drills, thanks to its adjustable hook and loop safety strap. I particularly appreciated the open nose design that allowed me to secure the drill with the bit in place, reducing the risk of damage.
The included loops for accessories like spade bits were a thoughtful touch, and I found the holster to be quite durable and long-lasting. However, I did notice the safety strap was a bit cumbersome to operate, and the clip seemed a bit small for my comfort.
Overall, this Drill Holster made my daily tasks a lot more efficient and hassle-free.

🔗Spider Tool Holster Quad for Multiple Tools: Drill, Bit Gripper, and More
Spider Tool Holster has revolutionized the way I carry my power tools. Gone are the days of setting my tools down or relying on clunky pouches. This clever device lets me clip the holster onto any belt, secure the elastic tool grip to my tool, and slide it into the locking holster. I'm good to go!
The locking mechanism is reassuring, especially when working at heights. No more fear of tools rolling off my belt and potentially causing injury or damage. I bought the standard Holster Set, and can confidently say it was the best purchase I made. The velcro has held up perfectly, even after weeks of use on abrasive surfaces.
This tool has saved me countless trips up and down ladders, freeing up my hands to hold onto the ladder or carry other items. I highly recommend it, especially for those who work on roofs or deal with heavy tools. The best part? No more dropped tools or wasting time finding them on the ground!

🔗ToughBuilt Drill Holster for Maximum Durability and Organization
Imagine walking onto a construction site with your trusty drill at your side, ready to take on whatever tasks come your way. As a carpenter, I can't stand the idea of my drill falling off the bench or getting damaged by being tossed around haphazardly. That's where ToughBuilt's TB-220-B Drill Holster comes to the rescue.
This holster is angled for optimal balance, making it easier to carry your drill around. I love the safety strap with a quick-release buckle; it keeps my drill secure on the go, so I don't have to worry about it falling off or getting lost in the dust and debris. The front fastenebit pouch is a game-changer, ensuring all my bits and accessories stay safely stowed away with its drawstring closure.
What sets this product apart from others is its heavy-duty 1680D six-layer construction and heavy-duty rivet reinforcement, which not only gives it a sturdy build but also adds to its long-lasting quality. ToughBuilt truly understands the importance of durability in this line of work.
However, there is one downside to this holster—it's a bit bulky, which might not be ideal for tight spaces or small projects. Overall, I find it to be an excellent investment for anyone looking to protect their drill and keep their work area organized. Trust me, you'll be glad you made the switch to the TB-220-B Drill Holster.

🔗Versatile ToughBuilt Drill Holster with 13 Pockets for Convenience
As a reviewer who has used the Toughbuilt Drill Holster extensively in my daily life, I must say, this drill holster is a game-changer for professionals. The 1800D polyester material creates a rugged holster that is perfect for tough working conditions. I particularly enjoy the ClipTech Hub, which allows me to easily clip the holster on and off my belt for seamless portability.
One of the standout features is the variety of pockets and loops it comes with. The 13 pockets provide ample space for various tools, including drills, screwdrivers, utility knives, and pliers. The 7 drill bit pockets and carabiner attachments loops are incredibly convenient and versatile.
However, one downside I've noticed is that the drill holster has a slightly snugger fit than I would like for larger drills, which can be a bit of a hassle. Additionally, when not in use, the holster has a tendency to slide off the belt due to its lightweight design.
Overall, the Toughbuilt Drill Holster is a reliable and practical tool that makes carrying drills and other essentials a breeze. It's an excellent addition to any professional's toolkit, especially for electricians, construction workers, and carpenters.

🔗Versatile Drill Holster for Essential Tool Organization
As a carpenter, I've always struggled with keeping track of my tools on the job. That changed when I started using the Spider Tool Holster Quad Kit. The moment I clipped it onto my belt and attached my drill, I felt a sense of relief knowing my valuable tool was securely locked and ready to go. The adhesive tool tabs hold firmly, and the elastic tool grips make it easy to slide your tool in and out with one motion.
One of the standout features for me is the variety of tools this holster can hold. Whether it's a drill, screwdriver, or even a saw, the holster has proven to be versatile and reliable in my daily work. What's more, the size of the holster is compact enough to fit multiple tools without feeling bulky or cumbersome.
My only concern is that the tool holster might not be the best choice for heavy tools, as the strap can shift when dealing with more significant weights. However, for the average carpenter or DIY enthusiast, this holster is an absolute game-changer. Overall, I'm extremely happy with my purchase and would highly recommend the Spider Tool Holster Quad Kit to anyone looking for a more efficient way to carry their tools on the job.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to selecting the right drill holster, there are several important factors to consider. This guide will help you navigate the features, considerations, and general advice for this product category, so you can make an informed decision.

Important Features to Consider

  1. Material: A high-quality drill holster should be made from durable materials such as nylon, polyester, or leather. These materials provide both strength and flexibility.
  2. Size: Make sure to select a holster that is the appropriate size for your drill. Many holsters are adjustable, allowing you to accommodate various drill sizes.
  3. Secure Fit: The holster should securely hold your drill without causing any damage. Look for features like adjustable straps or quick-release mechanisms to ensure a snug fit.
  4. Durability: The holster should be able to withstand the rigors of daily use without losing its shape or function.
  5. Comfort: If you plan to use the holster for extended periods, comfort should be a priority. Consider how the holster feels against your skin or clothing and the weight it distributes.

Additional Considerations

  1. Environment: Will the holster be used in harsh outdoor conditions, or will it primarily be used indoors? The material and design of the holster should be appropriate for the environment in which it will be used.
  2. Price Range: Drill holsters come in a range of prices. Consider your budget and the features you need to find a balance that meets your needs.
  3. Brand Reputation: Research the reputation of the brand and check for customer reviews. A well-established brand typically stands behind the quality of their products and can provide customer support if necessary.

General Advice for Drill Holster Purchasing

  1. Always measure the dimensions of your drill before purchasing a holster. This will ensure a proper fit and help you compare different options.
  2. Read customer reviews and ratings to get a true sense of the holster's performance and any potential issues. Reviews can also provide invaluable insights into the brand's customer service.
  3. Consider purchasing a holster with extra features such as pockets for additional tools or a carabiner for easy transport.
  4. If you plan to use the holster in various situations, choose one that offers a quick-release mechanism or adjustable straps for easy customization.
By taking these factors into consideration and following this guide, you'll be well-equipped to make the right decision when purchasing a drill holster.


What is a drill holster?

A drill holster is a specially designed case or pouch that securely holds a drill. It is usually made of durable materials, such as nylon or leather, with features that allow for easy access and portability. Drill holsters are commonly used by construction workers, woodworkers, and hobbyists who need to carry their drills while working on projects or moving between job sites.

What are the benefits of using a drill holster?

  • Protects the drill from impacts and scratches
  • Ensures that the drill remains secure during transport and storage
  • Provides quick and easy access to the drill when needed
  • Reduces the risk of losing the drill in a crowded workspace or job site
  • Can help prevent accidents, such as trips and falls, by keeping the drill off the ground

What features should I look for when choosing a drill holster?

  • Durability: Look for a holster made from sturdy materials that can withstand regular use.
  • Size: Make sure the holster is large enough to accommodate the size and shape of your drill, and that it can securely hold it in place.
  • Adjustability: Some holsters have adjustable straps or clips that allow you to customize the fit and positioning of the drill.
  • Comfort: If you plan to carry the holster for extended periods, look for one with padded or cushioned areas to reduce strain on your back and shoulders.
  • Weather resistance: If you work outside or in environments with extreme temperatures, choose a holster that can withstand these conditions.

How do I secure my drill in the holster?

Most drill holsters feature a system of straps, clips, or loops that wrap around the drill and your belt or toolbag. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper placement and tightness, as this will help ensure that the holster holds your drill securely. Additionally, regularly check to ensure that the straps and clips are still in good condition and that the holster is remaining secure during use.

How do I safely remove my drill from the holster?

When it's time to use your drill, simply pull the straps or clips away from the drill to release it from the holster. Ensure that your fingers are away from the drill bit when removing it to prevent accidents. Once the drill is free, you can either continue to hold it by the handle or place it in a more convenient location for your project.

Are there different types of drill holsters available?

Yes, there are several types of drill holsters to choose from, including vertical, horizontal, and pouch-style designs. Vertical and horizontal holsters tend to be more stable and secure, while pouch-style holsters are typically more compact and lightweight. Consider the type of work you do, your preferred method of carrying the drill, and the size and shape of your drill when selecting a holster.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:39 alwaysberyl Imported SKP file to Blender Vertice Help

I imported an SKP to Blender using the add-on, the only issue I am facing is the vertices for the models, planes always have a slice in the middle so when I apply or add a movie to the model its split because of the vertice in the middle. Any tips on how I can remove it without destroying the model?
submitted by alwaysberyl to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:32 Count-Daring243 Best Double Gun Cases

Best Double Gun Cases
Whether you're a hunter, collector, or simply a firearms enthusiast, finding the right gun case is essential for protecting your investment. In our Double Gun Cases roundup article, we delve into a variety of options and features that cater to different needs and budgets, providing you with the comprehensive knowledge necessary to make an informed purchase. From compact and lightweight to durable and secure, our selection of double gun cases ensures safety and convenience for your collection, making it easier for you to focus on the joy of using your firearms.
Whether you are new to the world of gun collecting or a seasoned enthusiast, our article offers in-depth analysis and insights into the best double gun cases in the market, helping you choose the perfect one to secure your valuable firearms. So, sit back, relax, and dive into our comprehensive guide to double gun cases. Your collection deserves nothing less!

The Top 12 Best Double Gun Cases

  1. Tough Vault Takedown Rifle & Shotgun Case by Pelican - The Pelican V700 Vault Takedown Rifle and Shotgun Case is a top-rated, crushproof, and weather-resistant gun case with high-impact polymer, ergonomic handles, secure push-button latches, and five foam layers, designed explicitly for takedown firearms.
  2. Durable, Crushproof Double Rifle Case - Experience top-notch protection for your scoped rifles with the crushproof, dustproof, and weather-resistant Pelican V800 Vault Double Rifle Case, featuring high-impact polymer construction and secure push-button latches for easy access during transport.
  3. 18-Gun Tactical Conversion Cabinet with 3-Point Locking - The Stack-On Convertible 18-Gun Cabinet brings together advanced security features, spacious storage, and customizable options in a sleek black design, making it an ideal choice for gun enthusiasts looking for a versatile and reliable storage solution.
  4. High-Performance Durable Waterproof Rifle Case - The Pelican 1780RF Long Case with Rifle Foam Cut Insert (Black) is a robust, weather-resistant, and portable case designed to safeguard valuable firearms and equipment, offering unmatched protection and convenience for avid hunters and sportsmen.
  5. High-Impact 3-Gun Transport Case - The Pelican 1740 Transport Case with Foam is a highly durable, watertight, and easy-to-use gun case perfect for protecting your firearms with its crushproof and dustproof design.
  6. Durable All-Weather 2-Pistol Carry Case - The Plano All-Weather Two Pistol Case is a rugged, airline-approved, and weather-resistant handgun case with customizable foam, dual-stage lockable latches, and a built-in pressure release valve for optimal protection and convenience during travel.
  7. Premium Tactical Double Rifle Case - The Evolution Outdoor Eva Series 42" Double Case Eva Construction in black is a premium tactical rifle case, offering exceptional durability, superior padding, and ample functionality for range days and outdoor adventures.
  8. Plano 44" Durable Wheeled Gun Case - Experience the ultimate protection for your tactical firearms with Plano's Double Tactical Field Locker Case, boasting watertight seals, reinforced construction, and double-density foam for secure and safe storage.
  9. UTV Dual Rifle Soft Case in Camo (52'' length) - The Kolpin UTV Double Gun Soft Case Pursuit Camo offers secure and weather-resistant storage for two scoped-rifles or shotguns up to 52" in length, with quick-release mounting straps for universal UTV fitment.
  10. Durable & Secure Double Gun Vault Case - Discover the Maxsafe Pro Two Gun Vault, offering secure vein-recognition technology, a capacity for two full-size pistols, and exceeding CADOJ standard.
  11. Beretta Uniform Pro Double Soft Gun Case - Discover the premium protection and durability of the Beretta Uniform Pro Double Soft Gun Case for your beloved firearms, featuring YKK zippers, adjustable straps, and a shock-absorbing inner lining to safeguard your investment in style.
  12. Low Profile Double Pistol Case - The Savior Equipment Low Profile Double Pistol Case: Your ultimate companion for range day, meticulously designed with innovative features for top organization and convenience.
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🔗Tough Vault Takedown Rifle & Shotgun Case by Pelican
I recently discovered the Pelican V700 Vault Takedown Rifle and Shotgun Case, and it's truly a game changer for transportation of your beloved firearms. As an avid hunter, I appreciate that this case provides a high level of security, offering crushproof, dustproof, and weather resistant protection. The sturdy handles ensure your rifles or shotguns can withstand even the toughest conditions on your hunting trips.
One feature I particularly love is the presence of six push button latches that offer secure closure with easy-open access. This ensures your weapons are safe and secure while also making it convenient for you to access them when needed. The case also comes with specific foam designed to fit takedown firearms and related accessories, providing your gear with excellent protection during transportation.
However, like any product, there are some cons as well. The case is quite bulky and heavy, making it less ideal for those looking for a lightweight solution. Additionally, cutting and shaping the foam to fit your specific equipment can be time-consuming. Overall, despite its drawbacks, I would highly recommend this gun case to anyone in need of a reliable and resilient transportation solution for their takedown firearms.

🔗Durable, Crushproof Double Rifle Case
I recently had the chance to use the Pelican V800 Vault Double Rifle Case in tan, and I must say it's been a game-changer in keeping my firearms safe and secure. The high-impact polymer exterior is not only incredibly durable but also has a sleek, modern look that I absolutely love.
One of the standout features for me is the customizable protective foam lining the interior. Having a secure fit for my rifles is so important, and this case makes it easy to create that level of protection. Plus, the added benefit of being crushproof, dustproof, and weather-resistant gives me peace of mind when traveling with my gear.
However, cutting the foam to fit my rifles exactly was a bit time-consuming and messy. It would have been nice if the case came with "pluck" foam, like some other brands offer, to make customization easier and less stressful.
In terms of ease of use, the handles are ergonomic and sturdy, making it comfortable to carry even when the case is fully loaded with scoped rifles. The wheels are also a great addition for those times when you need to roll your gear instead of lifting it.
Overall, the Pelican V800 Vault Double Rifle Case has been an excellent investment for keeping my firearms protected during transport. Its combination of durability, security features, and customizable foam make it a top choice for anyone in need of a high-quality rifle case.

🔗18-Gun Tactical Conversion Cabinet with 3-Point Locking
Sure, I'd love to help with that. I've been using this Stack-on Convertible 18-Gun Cabinet, Black for the past few months and I have to say, it's been a game-changer for me. The first thing that grabbed my attention was the 3-point locking system. It's the perfect safety net for keeping my guns secure. The cabinet also comes with removable and adjustable shelves, making it really customizable to fit my storage needs.
One of the best features, in my opinion, is the molded barrel rest with scope standoffs. It's a small detail that makes a big difference, especially when I'm storing scoped rifles. The cabinet is also equipped with foam-padded shelves and a partition, further enhancing its capacity and flexibility.
However, there are a couple of things that could use some improvement. Firstly, the instructions on how to set it up were not very clear. It took me a lot more time than I expected to get it up and running. Secondly, the quality of the components could be better. There have been a few incidents where the shelves bent out of shape, which was a bit disconcerting.
All in all, I've had a positive experience with the Stack-on Convertible 18-Gun Cabinet, Black. It's been a great addition to my home, offering ample storage space and a high level of security. It's not perfect, but it does the job well enough. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a storage solution for their guns.

🔗High-Performance Durable Waterproof Rifle Case
The Pelican 1780RF Long Case with Rifle Foam Cut Insert (Black) is my new go-to for protecting my most valuable equipment. I was initially skeptical about its sturdiness, but it has truly lived up to its reputation. The structural copolymer gives it an unbreakable quality, and it's definitely been put to the test while moving my gear around.
The highlight for me has to be its watertight seal. I've taken a few trips with it in extreme weather conditions, and not a single drop of moisture has managed to seep through. The neoprene o-ring and manual purge valve make sure of that.
The inclusion of a humidity gauge is also a nice touch. As someone who frequently carries optics and other sensitive equipment, it gives me peace of mind knowing that the case can maintain optimal humidity levels.
However, there is one aspect that could be improved. The pick-and-pluck foam, while engineered well overall, can be a pain to work with. It took me quite some time and effort to cut out the right shapes for my gear. A purpose-built tool from Pelican would make this whole process much smoother.
All things considered, I'm extremely satisfied with this case. Its durability and portability make it ideal for my needs, and the extra features like the humidity gauge are just icing on the cake. If you're looking for a reliable case to protect your valuables, look no further than the Pelican 1780RF Long Case.

🔗High-Impact 3-Gun Transport Case
I recently had the chance to use the Pelican 1740 Transport Case with Foam in my work as a photojournalist, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. This sturdy case has allowed me to securely transport all my camera gear from one assignment to another, saving me a lot of time and effort - and my back!
One of the features that really stood out for me was the easy-open double-throw latches. It's a simple mechanism that makes a world of difference when you're in a hurry to pack up and move to your next location. The crushproof, watertight, and dustproof design also provides excellent peace of mind knowing that my equipment is well-protected against any unexpected surprises.
The top folding handle is also a convenient addition, making it easier to maneuver the case when it's loaded with gear. However, one downside I noticed is that it can get quite heavy when fully packed, so having a helper around would definitely be useful.
Overall, I am thoroughly impressed with the quality and performance of the Pelican 1740 Transport Case with Foam. It's a reliable companion that I can trust to keep my gear safe and secure, enabling me to focus on capturing those precious moments as a professional photographer.

🔗Durable All-Weather 2-Pistol Carry Case
I recently got my hands on the Plano All-Weather Two Pistol Case, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my firearms storage needs. This case is the perfect combination of durability and convenience.
The rugged, industrial-strength construction gives me peace of mind knowing my handguns are well-protected, while the customizable pluck-to-fit foam allows me to adjust the interior to fit my specific needs. Additionally, the built-in pressure release valve ensures that I don't have to worry about altitude or temperature changes affecting the case's integrity.
Overall, the Plano All-Weather Two Pistol Case is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and secure solution for storing their handguns.

🔗Premium Tactical Double Rifle Case
As an avid shooter, I've tried my fair share of gun cases, but the Evolution Outdoor EVA Tactical Double Rifle Case truly stands out. Its sleek black exterior with a matte finish is not only stylish but also made from incredibly durable EVA material that can handle the rigors of regular use.
One of my favorite features is the thick foam padding that provides excellent protection for your firearms during transport. Coupled with the soft debossed fleece interior lining, I feel confident that my guns will stay safe and secure. The padded partition inside keeps two rifles separate while the four interior zippered pockets provide ample space to organize all my accessories.
The case also boasts some thoughtful design details, like the tubbed top carry handles which make it comfortable to carry long distances, and the paracord zipper pulls for easy access. The dimensions of this case (42" x 12.5" x 4") are just right for fitting two standard-sized rifles without being too bulky or cumbersome.
Overall, this is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality gun case that combines durability, functionality, and style. So whether you're heading to the range or going on an outdoor adventure, you can trust the Evolution Outdoor EVA Tactical Double Rifle Case to keep your firearms safe and secure.

🔗Plano 44" Durable Wheeled Gun Case
As an avid hunter, I've always been on the lookout for durable cases to protect my beloved firearms. When I came across the Plano Double Tactical Field Locker Case, I knew it was exactly what I needed. This wheeled case, designed specifically for tactical firearms, is no lightweight contender!
The reinforced construction and industrial draw-down latches give me peace of mind when transporting my AR-15 platform. The double-density foam interiors provide excellent cushioning during transit, keeping my rifle safe from any unexpected bumps along the way.
However, one drawback worth mentioning is its weight. It can get quite heavy once you've packed everything in, but hey, it's better to be safe than sorry! Plus, the built-in wheels make it easier to maneuver around.
In summary, if you're looking for a high-quality case that offers top-level protection and security, the Plano Double Tactical Field Locker Case is definitely worth considering. Just make sure you have some strong arms to carry it!

🔗UTV Dual Rifle Soft Case in Camo (52'' length)
I recently purchased the Kolpin UTV Double Gun Soft Case in pursuit camo for my off-road adventures, and I couldn't be happier with my decision. The first time I took it out, I was pleasantly surprised by how durable and well-built it is. It's like a trusty partner, keeping my rifles safe from the elements during my thrilling rides through the wilderness.
The divided interior pocket is a game-changer. It fits two scoped rifles or shotguns up to 52 inches long, which means I can bring along all my favorite firearms without worrying about damaging them. The water and dust-resistant ballistic fabrics and zippers ensure that my guns stay dry and clean, even in the toughest conditions.
One feature that I absolutely love is the padded construction. It provides enough cushioning to protect my valuable possessions from any bumps or scratches along the way. I also appreciate the two large exterior gear storage pockets, which give me extra space to store ammo, targets, and other essentials.
The six quick-release buckle mounting straps make it incredibly easy to attach the case to my UTV roll cage, ensuring that my guns remain secure while I'm on the move. And when I arrive at my destination, I can quickly remove the case and use it as a carrying case, which is perfect for shooting trips or days at the range.
However, I do have one minor complaint: the case is a bit bulky and takes up quite a bit of space in my UTV. This isn't a deal-breaker for me, but it might be something to consider if you're short on storage space.
All in all, the Kolpin UTV Double Gun Soft Case is a fantastic product that has significantly enhanced my outdoor experiences. Its durability, versatility, and top-notch protection make it a must-have for any serious hunter or outdoorsman.

🔗Durable & Secure Double Gun Vault Case
As an avid gun collector, I wanted a secure yet convenient way to store my two favorite firearms. After trying out the Maxsafe Pro Two Gun Vault, I must say it has exceeded my expectations. The vein-recognition technology and backlit keypad have made accessing my guns quick and easy, while the backup key entry ensures I'll never be locked out.
The removable shelf is a great feature that allows me to stack my firearms vertically and fit extra accessories and attachments. I also appreciate the fact that it is made of carbon steel and exceeds the CADOJ standard for drop and pry resistance tests, giving me peace of mind knowing my valuable collection is protected.
However, something that could be improved is the size of the keypad. I sometimes struggle with typing in my password, especially when wearing gloves. Also, the carbon steel construction, although strong and resistant, contributes to its heavier weight compared to other gun vaults. Overall, the Maxsafe Pro Two Gun Vault has been a reliable addition to my collection, offering both security and convenience.

🔗Beretta Uniform Pro Double Soft Gun Case
I recently picked up the Beretta Uniform Pro Double Soft Gun Case, and it's been a game-changer in how I transport and care for my weapons. The first thing that stood out to me was its substantial padding - it provides incredible protection to your prized possessions. The soft microfiber inner lining is a nice touch that keeps my guns safe from scratches.
Another great feature is the adjustable strap. It makes it so easy to carry, whether I'm walking short distances or hiking further. Plus, with a small side pocket with a YKK zip, I now have an extra secure spot for ammunition or small accessories.
One thing I wish it had, however, is a dedicated compartment for cleaning supplies. It could also benefit from a slightly sturdier material. Overall though, this gun case is an excellent choice for anyone looking to keep their guns safe and secure.

🔗Low Profile Double Pistol Case
I recently got my hands on the Savior Equipment Low Profile Double Pistol Case, and I must say it's been a game-changer for my range day essentials. The Specialist Front Panel design ensures my pistol compartments stay cushioned and well-ventilated. The enhanced knitted elastic magazine slots and increased ease of use are definitely highlights of this case; they allow me to carry multiple magazine sizes without any fuss.
However, what truly stole the show was the front pocket size. Measuring 12 L x 7.5 H, it's the perfect size to store my range day essentials like glasses, ear protection, and other small accessories. Plus, it lays flat, making it super practical for carrying it around. The Morale Patch Panel is also a nice touch, giving it that extra customization factor.
The Savior Equipment Low Profile Double Pistol Case has proved to be a reliable companion during my range sessions. Its sturdy construction and secure locking mechanism keep my firearms safe and secure. The only downside I experienced was that it could be slightly more compact, but for the features it offers, I'm still more than satisfied. Overall, this is a well-designed case that I would recommend to gun enthusiasts like myself.

Buyer's Guide


What is a double gun case?

A double gun case is a storage solution designed to carry and protect two firearms simultaneously. It typically consists of durable materials, including foam or velvet interior, to securely hold and prevent damage to the weapons during transportation or storage.

What types of double gun cases are available?
There are various types of double gun cases available in the market, such as hard cases, soft cases, and rolling cases. Hard cases are usually constructed with high-impact materials like fiberglass or polypropylene, providing excellent protection. Soft cases, on the other hand, are made from materials like nylon or leather, offering lightweight and flexible storage options. Rolling cases come with wheels and a handle for easy movement.

How do I choose the right double gun case?

When choosing a double gun case, consider factors like the size and type of your firearms, the level of protection needed, ease of transport, and your personal preferences. Additionally, pay attention to the case's features such as locks, customizable foam inserts, and camo or plain designs.

How do I properly store my firearms in a double gun case?

  1. Clean and dry your firearms thoroughly before storing them in the case.
  2. Ensure that the firearms are safely and securely positioned in the case with the muzzle facing away from your body during storage.
  3. Remove all ammunition and ammo clips from the firearms before placing them in the case.
  4. Inspect the case regularly for any signs of wear or damage that could compromise the protection of your firearms.

How should I transport my double gun case?

  1. Always follow local and national laws and regulations regarding the transportation of firearms.
  2. Ensure that your firearms are unloaded when placing them in the case for transportation.
  3. Lock the case securely and use luggage locks and security tags if applicable.
  4. Place the case in your vehicle, ensuring it is stable and secure during transport.

How do I clean and maintain my double gun case?

  1. Regularly inspect the case for signs of wear or damage that could compromise the protection of your firearms.
  2. Clean the case's interior and exterior with a soft cloth and appropriate cleaning solution as needed.
  3. Re-evaluate the positioning and security of your firearms within the case, and make adjustments if necessary for proper fit.
  4. Store the case in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture or mildew, and inspect it periodically to ensure it remains in good condition.
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2024.06.04 11:18 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Double Door Gun Safe

Best Double Door Gun Safe
Welcome to our roundup of the top Double Door Gun Safes on the market! If you're in search of a dependable and secure storage solution for your firearms, we've got you covered. Our article dives into the best options available, highlighting their features, pros, cons, and value for money. Get ready to find the perfect Double Door Gun Safe for your needs.

The Top 9 Best Double Door Gun Safe

  1. Top-Class Secure 5-Gun Storage - A high-quality gun safe from American Furniture Classics that provides excellent protection, storage, and peace of mind with its sturdy construction, craftsmanship, and keyed access.
  2. Secure 10-Gun Double-Door Security Cabinet for Firearms and Valuables - Protect your firearms and valuables with the Stack-On 10-Gun Double-Door Security Cabinet, featuring a 3-point locking system and reinforced steel door for ultimate security.
  3. Winchester Bandit 19-Gun Safe B-6028-19-16-E - The Winchester Bandit 19 Gun Safe B-6028-19-16-E offers secure storage for up to 30 long guns in a compact size, equipped with a 45-minute fire rating and vertical storage system for added capacity.
  4. Secure, Spacious Fireproof Gun Safe with Electronic Lock - Protect your valuable hunting collection with the burly, waterproof, and fireproof Remington Big Green Drop Down Gun Safe, featuring a SecuRam electronic lock and premium tri-seal technology.
  5. High-Security 95072 Mobilis Double Door MAX Modular Gun Safe - Get ultimate security and convenience with the Hornady 95072 Mobilis Double Door MAX Modular Gun Safe - an ideal solution for limited space with top-notch security, fire protection, and a stylish design.
  6. Modular Gun Safe with Advanced Security and Fire Protection - The Hornady 95071 Mobilis Double Door Modular Gun Safe offers exceptional storage, security, and fire protection in a compact, modular design perfect for city living and convenient access.
  7. Secure 8-Gun Steel Double Door Cabinet for Easy Wall Mounting - Protect your valuables with style and security - the Homak HS30136028 Black 8 Gun Double Door Steel Security Cabinet is a durable and practical choice for ammo and firearms storage.
  8. Secure Gun Cabinet for Firearm and Hunting Gear Storage - Unlock ultimate protection for your firearms and gear with the NewAge Pro Series Grey 36 in. Secure Gun Cabinet, designed for premium sturdiness and craftsmanship.
  9. Secure Double Door Gun Safe with Quick Keypad Lock - Upgrade your security with the Southeastern F2814EEV Double Door Money Drop Slot Gun Safe, featuring a quick keypad lock, back up keys, and pre-drilled fixing holes for optimal placement.
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🔗Top-Class Secure 5-Gun Storage
I've had the pleasure of using this gun safe in my home for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a reliable companion. The first thing that stands out is the 3-directional bolt system. It gives me peace of mind knowing that my firearms are securely locked away. Plus, the high strength steel construction ensures durability, even in the face of potential wear and tear.
One feature that I absolutely love is the soft foam pad at the bottom. Not only does it provide a cushioned resting place for my weapons, but it also helps maintain their condition over time. The holes for mounting to the wall and/or floor are another great addition. This gives me the flexibility to install the safe wherever I see fit, whether it's in my bedroom or living room.
However, no product is perfect. There are some aspects of this gun safe that could be improved. For instance, the keyed access can be a bit cumbersome at times. While it does offer an added layer of security, it can also be a nuisance if you misplace the key.
In conclusion, this affordable 5-gun safe from American Furniture Classics has been a worthwhile investment for me. Its robust construction and secure 3-directional bolt system make it an ideal choice for those looking to store their firearms safely and securely. While the keyed access may require some getting used to, the overall quality and performance of this product are well worth the cost.

🔗Secure 10-Gun Double-Door Security Cabinet for Firearms and Valuables
I recently started using the Stack-On Double Door 10 Gun Security Cabinet, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The black epoxy paint finish with silver accents not only looks sleek but also adds a touch of elegance to my home. The full-sized steel door with a 3-point locking system provides an extra layer of security that gives me peace of mind.
One of the features that stood out to me was the rifle and shotgun storage section, which can hold up to 10 long firearms. The foam padding on the bottom helps prevent scratches and damages, which is something I appreciate. The convertible cabinet section with removable shelves is perfect for storing handguns, ammo, jewelry, and other valuables.
However, there were a few minor drawbacks. The delivery process could use some improvement, as the box arrived with some minor damages. Additionally, the cabinet is not suitable for storing electronic storage devices like CDs.
Overall, I'm happy with my purchase of the Stack-On Double Door 10 Gun Security Cabinet. It offers the necessary security for my firearms and valuables while also adding a touch of style to my home. With some minor adjustments, it could have been a perfect score.

🔗Winchester Bandit 19-Gun Safe B-6028-19-16-E
Living in a small apartment with limited space, the Winchester Bandit 19 Gun Safe has been a game-changer for me. As someone who owns several long guns, not having enough space to store and protect them was always a concern. However, the Bandit 19 has beautifully solved this problem.
The first thing that stood out to me was its space-saving size. Despite its compact dimensions of 60"(H) x 28"(W) x 20"(D), it manages to accommodate up to 30 long guns. The interior is spacious and well-organized, with enough room even for my bulky hunting rifles.
Another feature that impressed me was the GunStiXX system. This innovative tool has greatly increased the storage capacity of my safe compared to similar size ones. Plus, it's incredibly easy to use and keeps my guns secure.
However, the weight of the safe is quite substantial at 19.4CF and 372 lbs. This might pose a problem during installation, but once it's set up, it provides a solid sense of security.
In summary, the Winchester Bandit 19 Gun Safe has been a reliable and space-efficient addition to my home. Despite its hefty weight, its ability to store and protect up to 30 long guns is truly impressive.

🔗Secure, Spacious Fireproof Gun Safe with Electronic Lock
The Remington Big Green 84-Gun Fireproof and Waterproof Gun Safe is quite the sight to behold. As an avid hunter, I've always valued the space for my guns, and this safe more than delivers. The 12-gauge steel body and the fourteen 1.5" locking bolts are like a warm hug for my arsenal, leaving me feeling secure with my collection.
The interior of the safe is a treasure trove in its own right. The bright LED lighting illuminates my prized possessions, while the full interior carpeting adds a touch of luxury. The UL Rated dual power outlet with 2 USB ports comes in handy for recharging my electronics, even when the lights go out.
However, the height-adjustable and removable barrel rests were a bit of a disappointment. They didn't quite fit the way I had hoped. Overall, the Remington Big Green is a sizable and stylish safef, but it's not without its minor quirks.

🔗High-Security 95072 Mobilis Double Door MAX Modular Gun Safe
The Hornady 95072 Mobilis Double Door MAX Modular Gun Safe is an exceptional solution for those in need of a gun safe that can fit into apartment or condo living spaces. This modular safe has everything you need for reliable security and protection.
The exterior walls are constructed with 9-gauge 2-ply steel and the door features a pry-resistant 3/16" solid steel door with a non-breach seal, which provides top-notch security comparable to traditional safes. The interior has a Square-Lok system with shelves on the right and rifle/handgun racks on the left, optimizing storage space. There's also the bonus of ample room at the top for vertically stored items.
Another great feature is the one-hour fire shield to protect your guns and valuables from fire damage. However, the most appealing aspect is its sophisticated design, featuring a durable powder-coated matte grey exterior, a stylish black nickel three-spoke handle, and two black nickel pull handles on the door. The built-in 120V outlet and USB power strip offer convenience and the UL-Listed digital lock features an EMP mechanical key backup.
The product is not without its flaws. It has a limited fire rating compared to safes with higher fire ratings, and the pre-drilled holes might necessitate floor mounting, which may not be the ideal choice for all users. Nonetheless, the Hornady 95072 Mobilis Double Door MAX Modular Gun Safe gets the job done despite its drawbacks, making it a promising choice for those living in confined spaces who require a top-notch gun safe without compromising on style or security.

🔗Modular Gun Safe with Advanced Security and Fire Protection
The Hornady 95071 Mobilis Double Door Modular Gun Safe was a game-changer for me when I needed a secure storage solution for my apartment. Its modular design, with each piece easily transportable, made relocating hassle-free, and it assembled quickly in my desired space. The safe's security features left me impressed - the solid steel exterior, thick steel door, and multiple locking bolts provided a strong deterrent against pry attacks.
The addition of a UL-Listed Digital Lock with mechanical key backup ensured an extra layer of protection. Despite its smaller size, it came equipped with a fire protection rating that safeguarded my belongings against heat damage. The interior organization was well thought out, with easily customizable square-lok shelves and rifle/handgun racks providing ample space.
Aesthetically, the powder-coated matte grey finish coupled with black nickel hardware gave it a sleek and stylish appearance. The built-in power outlet and USB power strip allowed for the addition of accessories like a light kit and dehumidifier rod, enhancing the overall user experience. This single-door model proved perfect for storing both rifles and handguns in a secure manner.

🔗Secure 8-Gun Steel Double Door Cabinet for Easy Wall Mounting
Using the Homak HS30136028 8 Gun Double Door Steel Security Cabinet in my daily life has been a mixed experience. On the positive side, the cabinet's durable steel construction feels sturdy, and the locking system provides a sense of security. The powder-coated finish adds a touch of style to the piece, making it look more polished than a plain metal cabinet.
However, there have been a few drawbacks to using this cabinet. Firstly, the mounting system is quite heavy, making it difficult to install or move around easily. Additionally, the cabinet's dimensions are quite large, which may limit its placement options in smaller spaces.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Homak 8-Gun Double Door Security Cabinet has proven to be a reliable and secure storage solution for firearms and other valuables. The ability to store up to 8 guns and extras makes it a practical choice for those who need extra space for their collection. Overall, while there are some areas for improvement, this cabinet is a solid choice for anyone looking for a heavy-duty, secure storage option.

🔗Secure Gun Cabinet for Firearm and Hunting Gear Storage
Recently, I had the opportunity to test out the Pro Series Grey 36 in. Secure Gun Cabinet from NewAge Products. Not only did it look sleek with its black frame and gray door, but it also felt sturdy and well-built. The 3-point locking system provided me with a sense of security, knowing that my firearms were safely stored away.
While the cabinet itself was robust, I found that it required a bit of effort to assemble. However, once it was set up, the craftsmanship shone through, giving it a premium feel. The accessory pack included with the cabinet was a nice touch, providing additional storage options for my gear.
Overall, the Pro Series Grey 36 in Secure Gun Cabinet from NewAge Products proved to be a reliable and secure option for storing my firearms and hunting gear. It's a testament to the quality and durability that this brand stands for.

🔗Secure Double Door Gun Safe with Quick Keypad Lock
As a reviewer, I've been using the Double Door Money Drop Slot Gun Safe and it's been a game changer. The solid steel door is sturdy and secure, giving me peace of mind when storing my valuable belongings. The quick keypad lock is user-friendly and convenient, but the backup keys add an extra layer of security.
I love the design of this safe, with its double doors making it easy to access my items. However, the compact size means it doesn't hold as much as I'd like. The pre-drilled holes for floor and wall fixing are a handy feature, but make sure you have the right tools to use them.
Overall, this Double Door Gun Safe is a reliable and secure option for keeping important items safe. With its sturdy construction and user-friendly features, it's definitely worth considering for your storage needs.

Buyer's Guide

Protecting your firearms, ammunition, and valuable items requires a reliable and secure double door gun safe. This buyer's guide will help you understand essential features and guide you to make a well-informed decision when purchasing a double door gun safe.

Size and Capacity

Consider the size of the double door gun safe according to the number and type of firearms you own. Measure the firearms to determine the dimensions needed for proper storage. Some popular sizes for a double door gun safe include 16-gun capacity, 20-gun capacity, and larger 60-gun capacity safes. Additionally, consider the safe's interior dimensions, shelves, and door designs, which will impact storage organization and accessibility.

Security Features

A double door gun safe offers enhanced protection due to the extra door. Make sure it comes with multiple locking mechanisms, such as a mechanical lock, a digital electronic lock, or a biometric lock. Other security features to consider include solid steel construction, drill-resistant steel, and a fireproof rating (usually Class 1 through Class 5).

Fire Protection

The fireproof rating of a double door gun safe is crucial. Class ratings range from Class 1 (lowest) to Class 30 minutes (highest). The higher the rating, the longer the safe can withstand a fire before items inside are exposed to high temperatures. Choose a double door gun safe with a Class 10 or higher rating if fire protection is a priority.

Mounting and Portability

Decide on a double door gun safe with built-in mounting options (e. g. , bolts to the floor or walls) for increased stability and security. Many safes also come with wheels and handles for easy relocation. Consider the weight and maneuverability of the safe when choosing the best model for your home or workplace.

User-Friendly Design

The user experience is essential when selecting a double door gun safe. Choose a model with user-friendly access features, such as keyed locks, electronic locks, or biometric locking mechanisms. Additionally, the safe's design should facilitate easy operation and offer enough space for multiple firearms, ammunition, and other valuables.

Warranty and Support

A solid warranty and customer support are crucial factors in the long-term satisfaction with a double door gun safe. Research the company's history, warranty policies, and customer reviews to ensure reliability and quality.


Establish a budget before purchasing a double door gun safe. These safes can range from a few hundred dollars for basic models to several thousand dollars for premium options with advanced features and increased security levels. Determine your budget and prioritize features accordingly.


What is a Double Door Gun Safe?

A Double Door Gun Safe is a secure storage solution designed to keep firearms protected from unauthorized access. It features two doors that open independently, providing extra security and preventing accidentally triggering a firearm.

How does a Double Door Gun Safe work?

A Double Door Gun Safe works by having one door that is locked and secured, while the other door remains unlocked. When the locked door is opened, the other door remains closed, so the occupant can access the firearms without putting safety at risk.

What materials are Double Door Gun Safes made of?

Double Door Gun Safes are typically made from high-quality steel or solid wood, providing both durability and protection against theft and fire.

Are there different sizes of Double Door Gun Safes?

Yes, there are various sizes of Double Door Gun Safes available on the market, designed to accommodate multiple firearms or different firearms sizes. Shoppers should consider the size of their firearms collection and the dimensions of the storage space available when selecting the right Double Door Gun Safe for their needs.

What are some key features to look for in a Double Door Gun Safe?

  • Ease of use: The safe should be easy to open and close, with a simple locking mechanism.
  • Secure locking system: The safe should feature reliable locks that resist tampering and forced entry.
  • Fire resistance: The safe should be able to withstand fires for a certain amount of time, ensuring the safety of firearms and other valuables.
  • Adjustable shelves or compartments: The safe should have the flexibility to organize and accommodate different types and sizes of firearms.

How do I choose the right Double Door Gun Safe?

When selecting a Double Door Gun Safe, consider the number of firearms you need to store and their sizes, as well as the level of security you require. Evaluate the type of locking system and the fire resistance feature, as well as the dimensions and adjustability of the storage spaces.

Can I customize the interior of the Double Door Gun Safe?

Some Double Door Gun Safe models offer the option to customize the interior with adjustable shelves, dividers, or compartments. This allows you to optimize the storage space according to the size and number of firearms in your collection.

What types of locks are available for Double Door Gun Safes?

Double Door Gun Safes may come equipped with various types of locks, such as electronic locks, combination locks, or key locks. Shoppers should determine which type of lock is most convenient and secure for their needs and security preferences.

Are there any additional security features I should consider?

Optional security features for Double Door Gun Safes may include anchoring kits, drill-resistant hardware, or biometric locks for added protection against theft. Shoppers should consider these options if they require a higher level of security for their firearms.
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2024.06.04 10:39 Edwardthecrazyman Hiraeth Muramasa

She was round, heavy, soft, naked, and lay in a single size bed; the glow of the monitor was the only thing that lit the dark room—there were no windows and a single overhead vent circulated fresh air through the little bedroom. The young woman lifted her arms, so they stood out from her shoulders like two sticks directly towards the ceiling vent; she squinched her face as she extended her arms out and a singular loud pop resonated from her left elbow. Though she lingered in bed and yawned and tossed the yellowy sheets around, so they twisted around her legs ropelike, she’d not just awoken; Pixie remained conscious the entire night. Her stringy unwashed hair—shoulder length—clumped around her head in tangles. Pixie reached out for the metallic nightstand and in reaching blindly while she yawned again, her fingers traced the flat surface of the wall. She angled up and the sheets fell from around her bare midsection.
Hairs knottily protested, snagging as the brush passed over her head. Pixie returned to her back with a flop, continued to hold the brush handle in her left fist, stared absently at the ceiling vent; a light breeze passed through the room, a draft created by the vent and the miniscule space at the base of the door on the wall by the foot of the bed. Her eyes traced the outline of the closed door; the whole place was ghostly with only the light of the monitor as it flickered muted cartoons—the screen was mounted to the high corner adjacent the door and its colored lights occasionally illuminated far peripheries of the space.
Poor paper was tacked around open spaces of the walls with poorer imitations of manga stylings. Bulbously oblong-eyed characters stared down at her from all angles. Spaces not filled by those doodles were pictures, paintings, still images of Japanese iconography: bonsai, samurai, Shinto temples, yokai, so on, so on.
Pixie chewed her bottom lip, nibbled the skin she’d torn from there. The monitor’s screen displayed deep, colorful anime.
“Kohai, Noise on,” she said.
The monitor beeped once in response then its small speaker filled the room with jazz-funk-blues.
“Three, two, one,” Pixie whispered in unison with the words which spilled from the speaker.
Being twenty years old, she was limber enough to contort her upper half from the bed, hang from its edge so the edge held at her lower back; she wobbled up and down until she heard a series of cracks resonate. Pixie groaned in satisfaction and returned properly onto the bed.
The monitor, in its low left corner showed: 6:47. Pixie sighed.
As if by sudden possession, she launched from the mattress onto the little space afforded to the open floor and stood there and untangled herself from where the sheets had coiled around her legs. She then squatted by the bed, rear pressed against the nightstand, and withdrew a drawer from under her bed. Stowed there were a series of clothing items and she dressed herself in eccentric blue, flowy pants with an inner cord belt. For her top, she donned a worn and thinly translucent stained white t-shirt. By the door, beneath the monitor on the floor were a pair of slide-on leather shoes and she stepped into them.
Pixie whipped open the door and slammed her cheek to the threshold’s frame to speak to the monitor. “Kohai, off.”
The room went totally dark as she gently shut and locked the door.
She stood in a narrow, white-painted brick hallway with electric sconces lining the walls, each of those urine-yellow lights coated the white walls in their glow; Pixie’s own personal pallor took on the lights’ hue.
With her thumbs hooked onto the pockets of her pants, she moseyed without hurry down the hall towards a zippering staircase; there were floors above and floors below and she took the series leading down until she met the place where there were no more stairs to take.
The lobby of the structure was not so much that, but more of a thoroughfare with an entryway both to the left and the right; green leaves overhung terracotta dirt beds pressed along the walls. Pixie’s feet carried her faster while she angled her right shoulder out.
Natural warmth splintered into the lobby’s scene as she slammed into the rightward exit and began onto the lightly metropolitan street, bricked, worn, crumbling. Wet hot air sent the looser hairs spidering outward from her crown while lorries thrummed by on the parallel roadway; the sidewalk Pixie stomped along carried few other passersby and when she passed a well-postured man going the opposite way on her side of the street, he stopped, twisted, and called after, “Nice wagon.”
There was no response at all from Pixie, not a single eye blink that might have determined whether she heard what he’d said at all. The man let go of a quick, “Pfft,” before pivoting to go in the direction he’d initially set out for.
Tall Tucson congestion was all around her, Valencia Street’s food vendors resurrected for the day and butters or lards struck grill flats or pans and were shortly followed by batters and eggs and pig cuts—chorizo spice filled the air. Aromatics filled the southernmost line of the street where there were long open plots of earth—this was where a series of stalls gathered haphazardly. The box roofs of the stalls stood in the foreground of the entryway signs which directed towards the municipal superstructure. The noise swelled too—there were shouts, homeless dogs that cruised between the ramshackle stalls; a tabby languished in the sun atop a griddle hut and the dogs barked after it and the tabby paid no mind as it stretched its belly out for the sky. Morning commuters, walkers, gathered to their places and stood in queues or sat among the red earth or took to stools if they were offered by the vendors. Those that took food dispersed with haste, checking tablets or watches or they simply glanced at the sky for answers.
Sun shafts played between the heavy morning clouds that passed over, gray and drab, and there were moments of great heat then great relief then mugginess; it signaled likely rain.
At an intersection where old corroded chain-link fencing ran the length of the southern route with signs warning of trespass, she took Plumer Avenue north and kept her eyes averted to the hewn brick ground beneath her feet. Pixie lifted her nose, sniffed, stuffed her fists into her pockets then continued looking at her own moving feet.
Among the rows of crowded apartments which lined either side of Plumer, there were alleyway vendors—brisk rude people which called out to those that passed in hopes of trade; many of the goods offered were needless hand-made ornaments and the like. Strand bead bracelets dangled from fingers in display and were insistently shown off while artisans cried out prices while children’s tops spun in shoebox sized arenas while corn-husk cigarettes were sold by the pack. It was all noise everywhere.
A few vendors yelled after Pixie, but she ignored them and kept going; the salespeople then shifted their attention to whoever their eyes fell on next—someone with a better response. Plumer Avenue was packed tighter as more commuters gathered to the avenues and ran across the center road at seemingly random intervals—those that drove lorries and battery wagons protested those street crossers with wild abandon; the traffic that existed crept through the narrow route. People ran like water around the tall black light box posts or the narrow and government tended mesquite trunks.
It sprinkled rain; Pixie crossed her arms across her chest and continued walking. The rain caused a mild haze across the scene—Pixie scrunched her nose and quickened her pace.
She came to where she intended, and the crowd continued with its rush, but she froze there in front of a grimy windowed storefront—the welded sign overhead read: Odds N’ Ends. Standing beside the storefront’s door was a towering fellow. The pink and dew-eyed man danced and smiled and there was no music; his shoeless calloused heels ground and twisted into the bricks like he intended to create depressions in the ground there. Rainwater beaded and was cradled in his mess of hair. He offered a flash of jazz hands then continued his twisty groove. Though the man hushed words to himself, they were swallowed by the ruckus of the commuters around him.
Pixie pressed into the door, caught the man’s eyes, and he grinned broader, Hello! he called.
She responded with an apologetic nod and stretched a flat smile without teeth.
Standing on the interior mat, the door slammed behind her, and she traced the large, high-ceiling interior.
To the right, towering shelves of outdated preserves and books and smokes and incenses and dead crystals created thin pathways; to the left was a counter, a register, and an old, wrinkled woman with a fat gray bun coiled atop her head—she kept a thin yarn shawl over her shoulders. The old woman sat in a high-backed stool behind the register, examined a hardback paper book splayed adjacent the register; she traced her fingers along the sentences while she whispered to herself. Upon finally noticing Pixie standing by the door, the woman came hurriedly from around the backside of the counter, arms up in a fury, “You’re late, Joan,” said the old woman; her eyes darted to the analog dial which hung by the storefront, “Not by much, but still.” Standing alongside one another, the old woman seemed rather short. “You’re soaked—look at you, dripping all over the floor.”
Pixie nodded but refrained from looking the woman in the eye.
“Oh,” the old woman flapped her flattened hand across her own face while coughing, “When did you last wash?” She grabbed onto Pixie’s shoulders, angled the younger woman back so that she could stare into her face. “Look at your eyes—you haven’t been sleeping at all, Joan. What will we do with you? What am I going to do with you?” Then the old woman froze. “Pixie,” she nodded, clawed a single index finger, and tapped the crooked appendage to her temple, “I forget.”
“It’s alright,” whispered Pixie.
The old woman’s nature softened for a moment, her shoulders slanted away from her throat, and she shuffled to return to her post behind the counter. “Anyway, the deliveryman from the res came by and dropped off that shipment, just like I told you he would. They’re in the back. Could you bring them out and help me put them up? I tried a few of them, but the boxes are quite heavy, and it’s worn my back out already.” The old woman offered a meager grin, exposing her missing front teeth. She turned her attention to the book on the counter, lifted it up so it was more like a miniscule cubicle screen—the title read: Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them.
Pixie set to the task; the stockroom was overflowing even more so with trinkets—a barrel of mannequin arms overhung from a shelf by the ceiling, covered in dust—dull hanging solitary light bulbs dotted the stockroom’s ceiling and kept the place dark and moldy, save those spotlights. The fresh boxes sat along the rear of the building, where little light was. Twelve in total, the boxes sat and said nothing, and Pixie said nothing to the boxes. The woman took a pocketknife to the metal stitches which kept them closed. Though the proprietor of Odds N’ Ends said she’d tried her hand at the boxes already, there was no sign of her interference.
The first box contained dead multi-colored hair and the stuff stood plumelike from the mouth of the container; Pixie gave it a shake and watched the strands shift around. This unsettled but was not entirely unpleasant; the unpleasantness followed when she grabbed a fistful of hair only to realize she’d brought up a series of dried scalps which clicked together—hard leather on hard leather. Pixie gagged, dropped the scalps where they’d come from, shook her hands wildly, then placed that box to the ground and shifted it away with her foot.
The next contained a full layer of straw and she hesitantly brushed her hand across the top to uncover glass jars—dark browned liquids. Falsely claimed tinctures.
Curiously, she tilted her head at the next box, it was of a different color and shape than the rest. Green and Rectangular. And further aged too. Pixie sucked in a gulp of air, picked at the stitching of the box with her knife then peered inside. Like the previous box, it was full of straw and with more confidence, she pawed it away. She stumbled backwards from the box, hissing, and brought her finger up to her face. A thin trail of blood trickled by the index fingernail of her right hand; she jammed the finger in her mouth and moved to the box again. Carefully, she removed the object by one end. In the dim light, she held a long-handled, well curved tachi sword; the shine of the blade remained pristine. It was ancient and deceiving.
“Oh,” said Pixie around the index finger in her mouth, “It’s a katana.”
She moved underneath one of the spotlights of the stockroom, held it vertically over herself in the glare, traced her eyes along the beautifully corded black handle. As she twisted the blade in the air, it caught the light and she seemed stricken dumb. She withdrew her finger from her mouth, held the thing out in front of her chest with both hands, put her eyes along the water-wave edge. Her tongue tip squeezed from the corner of her mouth while she was frozen with the sword.
In a dash, she held the thing casually and returned to the box. She rummaged within and came up with the scabbard. The weapon easily clicked safely inside. “Pretty cool,” she said.
The other boxes held nothing quite so inspiring as a sword nor anything as morbid as dead scalps. There were decapitated shaved baby-doll heads lining the interior slots of plastic egg cartons, and more fake tonics, and tarot cards, and cigarettes, and a few unmarked media cartridges—both assortments of videos and music were represented in their designs. Pixie spent no time whatsoever ogling any of the other objects; her attention remained with the sword which she kept in her hand as she sallied through the boxes. Between opening every new box, she took a long break to unsheathe the sword and play-fight the air without poise—even so the tachi was alive spoke windily.
“Quit lollygagging,” said the old woman; she stood in the doorway to the stockroom, shook her head, “Is this what you’ve been doing all morning? How are we supposed to get the new merchandise on the shelves—including that sword—if you won’t stop playing around?”
Pixie’s voice cracked, “How much is it?”
The old woman balked, “The sword?”
“It’s a display piece. We put it in the window to draw in potential customers, of course. It’s too expensive to keep them in stock. I don’t even know where a person could find a continuous stock of them, but if we can put it in the window, perhaps clientele will come in, ask about it, then shop a bit—it’s not something you can sell; it’s an investment.” The old woman, slow as she was, steadied across the stockroom and met Pixie there by the boxes, placed her hand on the open containers, briefly glanced into the nearest one, and smiled. “It’d take you a lifetime to pay back if you wanted a sword like that anyway. Now,” The old woman placed a hand on Pixie’s shoulder, “Put it away. There’s a strange man outside and I need your help shooing him away. He’s likely scared away potential customers already.”
The two of them, tachi returned to its place, went to the front of the store; it was ghostly quiet save their footfalls—the customers that did stop into the store hardly ever stopped in more than the once; it was a place of oddities, strangeness, novelty. The things they sold most of were the packaged cigarettes from the res. No one cared enough for magic or fortune telling. Still, the old woman carried on, like she did often, about the principals for running a business. Pixie carried no principals—none could be found—so the young woman nodded along with anything the old woman said while staring off.
On the approach to the storefront, the man from before could be seen and his dance had not slowed—if anything his movements had only become further enamored with dance. His elbows swung wildly, he spun like a ballerina, he kicked his feet against the brick sideway and did not flinch at the pain of it.
“There he is,” said the old woman, “He’s acting crazy as hell. Look at him go.” He went. “If I wasn’t certain he was as crazy as a deck with five suits, I’d ask if he wanted to bark for me—you know, draw in a crowd.” She shook her head. “Don’t know why people like him can’t just go to the airport. There are handouts there. Anyway, I need to get back to it myself. As do you,” she directed this at Pixie; although Pixie towered over the woman in terms of physicality, the older woman rose on her tiptoes, pinched the younger woman’s soft bicep hard, whispered, “Get that bastard off my stoop, understand?”
Again, the old woman’s face softened, and she left Pixie standing there on the front door’s interior mat. The crone returned to her place behind the counter, nestled onto the stool like a bird finding comfort, then craned her neck far down so her nose nearly touched the book page; her eyes followed her finger across the lines.
Pixie’s chest swelled and then went small as the sigh escaped her; her shoulders hung in front of her, and she briskly pushed outside.
The rain had gone, but the smell remained; across the street, where the morning’s foot congestion decreased, a series of blue-coated builders could be spied hoisting materials—metal framing and brick—via scaffolding with a series of pulleys. For a moment, Pixie stared across the street and watched the men work and shout at one another; a lorry passed by, broke her eyeline and she was suddenly confronted by the dancing man who pivoted several times in a semicircle around where she stood. Far, far off, birds called. Fuel fog stunk the air.
Move, said the dancing man. Initially it seemed a rude command, but upon catching his rain-wetted face, it was obvious that his will was not one of malice, but of love and peace and cosmic splendor. It does not matter how you move, but you must move! It was an offer. Not a command. Or so it seemed.
The man rolled his neck and flicked his head around and the jewels which beaded there glowed around him for a blink as they were cast off.
You’ve been sent to send me away, yeah? asked the man.
“That’s right,” said Pixie.
But it’s not because you wish it?
“I couldn’t care if you stood out here all day.” Pixie bit her lip, chewed enough that a trickle of blood touched her tongue; her eyes swept across the street again and focused on the builders. “The fewer customers we have, the less I need to speak.”
The man froze in his dance then suddenly his stature slumped. He nodded. I’ll go. As you must. You must too, yeah?
“Go? Go where?”
You know.
She did.
The man left and Pixie remained on the street by herself; the rabble which passed her by were few and she stared at her own two feet, at the space between them, at the cracks, and she sighed. She jerked her head back, saw the sky was still deep ocean blue—more rain but nothing so sinister as a storm.
“Go?” she asked the sky.
She reentered the store.
After stocking the newest shipment, the rest of the day was as mundane as the others which Pixie spent within Odds N’ Ends; few patrons stopped in—mostly to ogle—it was a place of spectacle more than a place of business. Whenever folks came, the old woman would call for Pixie without looking up from her book; normally the younger woman dusted or rearranged the things on the shelves as the old woman liked them and was often away from the counter. Pixie tried to answer questions about the shaved doll heads, the crystals arranged upon velvet mats, the tinctures, the stuffed bear head high on the wall. After some terrible conversation, they went to the counter and bought cigarettes or nothing at all and the old woman would complain at Pixie about her poor salesmanship after the patrons were gone.
The tachi was put there on a broad table, directly in front of the storefront window and Pixie froze often in her work, longingly examined the thing from afar, and snapped from her maladaptation; frequently she chastised herself in barely audible mutters. The old woman had Pixie scrub the pane of the window in front of where the sword sat, and the young woman traced her hand across the handle and delicately thumbed the length of the plain scabbard.
It was a job; this was a thing which people did so they may go on living. Come the middle of the shift—Pixie yawned, it was not due to overexertion, it was more due to her poor sleeping habits. This day was no different in this regard.
“I wish you’d keep it to yourself,” the old woman said, and then she cupped a hand over her own mouth and her eyes went teary, “God, now look at me and see what you’ve done!” The old woman shook the tiredness away. “Bah! There’s still some daylight left!”
“We haven’t had anyone in for the past hour,” said Pixie, staring up at the analog dial on the wall.
The old woman’s scowl was fierce. “Mhm, I’m sure you’re waiting for the death call.” She too looked at the clock on the wall and sighed loudly. “Alright. Pack it up! Better the death call of the store than my own.” She fanned her face with a flat palm and yawned again.
Pixie left the place; the old woman locked the storefront from within. It began to rain again; it seemed the weather understood it was quitting time.
The young woman cupped her elbows and walked home in the rain. Other commuters passed with umbrellas and others, like Pixie, ran through the puddles gathered on the ground. Rain was infrequent but this was not so in the summer and Pixie never protested it. It cooled the ground, thickened the air, and darkened the sky. A car passed on the street, but it was mostly lorries or battery wagons. Personal vehicles were as rare as the rain and Pixie watched after the car; it was a short, rounded thing—its metal cosmetics were warped, and it couldn’t have carried more than two people within.
No vendors were there on the way, no men to call after her—no other people either. The sky grew darker yet and though it was still relatively early, it seemed to grow as black as nighttime without stars.
Pixie’s apartment was there, dark, solitary, same. She shut her door, locked it with her inside, undressed completely and dropped her clothes to the little floor there was and huffed as she planked across the mattress; the bedframe protested. “It smells bad in here,” she spoke into the pillow. The words were nothing. In the blackness of the room, she was nothing. It was a void, a capsule, a tomb. She was still wet and smelled like a dog.
The monitor in the corner came alive at her salutation and she snored sporadically in the electric glow of the screen.
Upon waking in the black hours of the morning, Pixie rubbed her eyes, cupped her forearms to her stomach; her midsection growled, and she tentatively reached to the bedside table and removed a bag of dried cactus pears. She nibbled at the end of one and in arching was cut blue and archaically shaped in the stilled light of the monitor’s idle screen. Pixie popped the entire rest of the cactus pear into her mouth, chewed noisily and vaguely stared into the empty corner of the room beneath the monitor.
After silent deliberation, Pixie crept through the night clothed in dark layers and went the back way through Odds N’ Ends. She absconded with the tachi, taking only a moment with the sword by the white windowlight where she carefully examined the thing again. The young woman was beguiled and went from the place the same way she came.
The brick streets resounded with her footfalls as her excited gait carried her home.
She packed light, slung the sword to her hip with a cloth braid—once it was there in its place, she used the thumb of her left hand to nudge the meager guard, so the blade came free from its sheath before she casually clicked it back to where it went. Pixie chuckled, shook with a frightening spasm dance then froze before patting the tachi lightly.


Two men stood along a shallow desert ridge; each of them was Apache descended.
Peridot Mesa was covered in poppies, curled horrendous things; once they’d been as precious as the peridot gems themselves, but as the two men stood there, overlooking the ridge, the poppies were browned, sickly, and as twisted as hog phalluses. Among the dying field were chicory and dead fallen-over cacti. The super blossoms were long over and had been for generations.
One man spat in the dirt, tilted his straw hat across his eyes to avert the heavy setting sun; he hoisted his jeans, asked, “You sure?”
The other man, older, lightly bearded, nodded and kept his own head covered with a yellow bucket hat and cradled his bolt-action rifle with the comfortability of an ex-soldier. “Yeah, c’mon Tweep.” He staggered over the edge of the ridge and slid across the dry earth while tilting backwards so his boots went like skis. With some assistance from his partner, he was able to reach flat ground without going over and the two men searched the ground while they continued walking. “Need to find her fast.”
Tweep, the younger man, spat again.
“Nasty habit.”
“Leave it, Taz.”
Taz shrugged and absently tugged on the string which looped the bucket hat loosely around his collar.
“How long?” asked Tweep.
“Serena said she blew through town only three days ago. Said she was coming this way.”
“She came looking for Chupacabra demons?”
“Huh?” asked Taz.
“That’s what that silly girl came out here for, yeah?”
“I guess. Let’s find her before dark, alright?”
“Sure,” said Tweep, “I just don’t know why she’d go looking for them.”
“Who knows? I don’t care enough to know. Not really.” The older man shook his head. “City people come out here, poke the wildlife—they make jokes about the mystics. I know you’ve seen it. Serena said the girl had the doe-eyed look of someone fresh out of Pheonix maybe. Who knows what she’s come here for?” There was a pause and only their footfalls sounded across the loose dry soil. “Dammit!” said the older man, “You’ve got me rambling. Let’s find the body already. Preferably before it gets much darker.”
“You think she’s dead then?”
Taz grimaced and then he spat. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know, sir, why don’t you tell me what to think? I’m starting to think you only dragged me out here to help you carry anything you find valuable.”
Taz shook his head, shrugged. “Smart mouth.” They continued across the mesa, kicking poppies, shifting earth that hadn’t been touched by humans since the first deluge; it wouldn’t be touched by humans for another thousand after the second deluge—that was some time away yet.
“I see her.” Tweep rushed ahead.
Among a rockier set of alcoves, a white, stained blouse hung on a tumbleweed caught among groupings of stones.
“It’s her shirt,” said Tweep, going swiftly ahead.
The younger man leapt atop the stones and looked down a circular nest where the dirt was dug craterlike; destroyed tumbleweeds and splintered bone-corpses littered the nest.
Taz caught his comrade, readied the rifle at the nest.
Strewn across the ground were no less than three full grown Chupacabras, slain; one lay unmoving and decapitated while another’s intestines steamed in the heat. The third clung to life and kicked its rear legs helplessly. Pixie stood among the gore, shirtless; the tachi gleamed in her glowing fists.
“Holy shit!” said Taz; he lowered the rifle and followed Tweep into the nest. The two men kicked the rubbish from their way and approached the young woman with timidness. “You alright?”
Pixie ran the flat of the blade across her pantleg to remove the sparkling blood, inspected the thing and wiped it again before returning the sword to where it went. Leaking bite wounds covered the length of her forearms, and her eyes went far and tired.
Tweep watched the woman, chewed his lip. “You’re possessed! You can’t just kill them like that! Nobody could kill Chupacabra so easily. With your hands?” He tipped his straw hat back, so it fell to his shoulders and hung by the string on his throat.
Pixie shook her head. “It wasn’t with my hands.”
The woman wavered past the men, climbed the short perch where her blouse had gone; she held the shirt to the sky—the material floated out from her fingers as torn rags. She let go of the blouse and it carried on the wind.
Taz approached the only Chupacabra of the nest that remained alive. The creature groaned; the wound which immobilized it had partially severed its spine and the creature’s movements may have been from expelled death energy rather than any conscious effort—the upturned eye of it while it lay on its side seemed to show fear. Its body was mangy, and just as well as naked dark skin shone, so too did fur grow long and sporadic across its torso; short whiskers jutted out from its snout. Chitin shining scales covered the creature’s rear haunches while its tail remained rat naked. Taz shot the thing in the head, and it stopped moving.
The woman fell onto the rocks where the men had come over the den. She sat and examined the wounds on her arms then she turned her attention to the men which had gathered by her. “Do either of you have a spare shirt?”
submitted by Edwardthecrazyman to TheCrypticCompendium [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:02 gistya I should not have wrapped my car.

Two months ago I finally bought the car of my dreams: a 1983 Buick Grand National GNX. The paint is in near-mint condition but I wanted matte black, so I knew I needed to wrap it in matte black vinyl to complete the aesthetic I'm going for.
I got some quotes from a few local wrap shops, but most were too expensive, and I already spent most of my spare cash on the down payment. One new place, Max Wraps, did offer a really good deal, but they had no online reviews yet, so I called them up last week.
"Max Wraps," a male voice had answered the phone.
"Yes hi, I have a Buick Grand National and want to get a matte black wrap. You quoted me $500 online, is that correct?"
"Ah, Joseph!" the voice said. "Yes, we are running a special to build up our review history. I'm Jake. When can you bring her in?"
"Heck, I can bring it over right now!" I'd replied.
"Awesome," Jake had said. "We'll see you soon then!"
I hung up the phone, feeling like I'd struck gold—matte black gold. I hopped in Jessica (that's the car's name!) and she rumbled to life. I sped over to Max Wraps, which was way on the other side of town in a mostlty vacant industrial park. The sun was setting and it began to rain as I pulled into the eerily empty parking lot.
After driving around the rows of vacant units for awhile, I felt lost. This industrial park was comprised of five main areas labelled A through E, and Max Wraps was supposed to be C 300, but the sign on C 300 said Creighton Nanotech.
So I called Max Wraps again. Jake picked up and said, "I see you outside. Sorry, we haven't even got a sign yet. The previous tenants' sign is still up. Let me open up the garage bay for you!"
"Alright, sweet," I said. Then a large, semi-truck-sized garage door began to squeak and grind open. I drove inside and turned off the car.
Inside the garage was just a few industrial work lights and some rolls of vinyl wrap material up against the wall.
A tall, young, clean cut man in a black shirt and khakis stepped forward to shake my hand as I stepped out of the car.
"Hey Joseph, I'm Jake," he said.
"Yo, what's up man?" I said.
"We just need your credit card and I can get to work. It takes a few days, and we'll call you when it's done."
I tapped my Wells Fargo credit card on his handheld terminal to transfer the $500, then ordered an Uber home.
"How long you been wrappin' cars?" I asked.
"I used to work at a wrap place in NYC for a few years, but just moved out here to Portland a few weeks ago to start my own thing," he said with a bit of New York accent.
"Nice, nice," I said. "Well, I'm glad to be one of your first customers. I'm gonna go outside and wait for the uber," knowing I had quite a distance to walk to the entrance of the industrial plaza.
"Thanks Joseph," Jake said as I walked out.
Just before the garage door closed behind me, I could have sworn that I heard another, much older voice say something like, "Follow him home," right behind me, as if someone had been standing right there and said it directly into my ear.
However, when I whirled around, nobody was there.
A few days later, I got a voicemail from Jake saying the wrap was finished, so I took another uber over there around 10 AM on a rainy Saturday. This time I no problem finding Max Wraps' location, though I noticed the Creighton Nanotechnology sign was still up.
The garage door was already open when I arrived, and there was Jake, standing next to my freshly wrapped, matte black Buick Grand National.
"Holy shit, that looks freakin' amazing," I said.
"Yeah, it looks real clean," said Jake. "Well, here's the keys," he said, tossing me the keys. "Enjoy!" Then a phone rang in a back room, and he said, "Oh, I gotta get this, feel free to leave," and rushed through a doorway in the back of the garage, which closed behind him.
It struck me as very abrupt and rude, but as he was a New Yorker who seemed to be operating the business entirely on his own, I did not want to judge. I did look briefly around the garage, but aside from the work lights, there was nothing else whatsoever in the space. Not a single tool box, desk, work bench, cutting table, air or water hose could be seen.
"Weird garage," I said to myself as I hopped into the car.
Just as I started up the engine, again I heard the same, old, male voice as before.
"Follow him home," it said, right in my ear.
"What the fuck!" I yelled. I turned around and looked all around inside and outside the car, but there was no one there. "What the actual fuck!" The stereo was turned off, too, and my phone's volume had been all the way down.
I got out and looked everywhere: around the car, under the car, in the garage, and outside the garage. No one was there, and the parking lot was completely empty. There was not a loudspeaker or even a vent that could have emitted sound from what I could see.
I had been having some trouble sleeping the past few nights before that, and had recently gone on a new antidepressant, so at the time, I figured it was just the meds fucking with me.
I got back in the car, which was still running, and drove out. Just as I was turning out of the parking area specific to that row of units in area C, I paused and looked back to unit 300. The garage door was still open, and Jake was standing exactly in the middle of it, staring out into space with a completely blank expression.
I honked and waved to him, but he did not react in any way; he did not turn to face me and return the wave. He did not even blink.
I figured he must be staring at something across the way from him, so I looked, but nothing was there. Then I looked back, and he was gone, with the garage door beginning to close.
"What a weirdo," I said to myself as I flipped on the stereo to 1080 The Fan sports talk, and drove off.
I noticed on the way home that it seemed unusually quiet in the car. My GNX has a custom exhaust for extra cool sound, and in general, it's just an 80s car without great sound insulation. You normally hear road noise, rattles, squeaks, engine and exhaust sounds, and typical wind noise (especially on the highway).
However after the wrap, as soon as my windows were rolled up, my car seemed now to be as quiet as a Maybach or Rolls Royce inside. I'd never had a car wrapped before, so I wasn't sure if this was a normal outcome, but it seemed impossible that a thin vinyl car wrap could have any accoustic benefit.
"What the hell did they do to you, Jessica?" I asked aloud, switching off the radio.
Just then, I passed by a house with a fenced in rottweiler, who appeared to be barking at the car as I drove past, but all I could see was his mouth opening and closing—there was no sound whatsoever.
"Jesus," I said aloud. "This is really weird."
I stopped there and rolled down my window slightly. Now, the sound of the dog barking was complely audible. So I called Max Wraps.
The phone rang and rang, but Jake didn't pick up. So I turned around and drove back there. I got out of my car and tried to go in their front door, but it was locked. I banged on the door awhile, but no one came to the door. Then I banged on the garage door. No response.
"Well." I muttered to myself. "I have a quiet car now. Why complain, Joe? Just consider it a good thing."
Just as I turned back to my car, I noticed something extremely odd. Despite driving in the rain, my car was bone dry. Not a drop of water could be seen. As the rain would hit any part of the car, it would simply bead up and roll off.
"Hydrophobic coating, nice!" I said. Normally to get a hydrophobic wax or ceramic coating applied is another thousand bucks at least, so I felt like they'd really gone above and beyond. They'd even treated the windows.
Before getting back in, I pulled out my pocket knife to test the coating. I poked the wrap on the lower corner of the door, where no one would notice a slight scratch, and tried to scratch it.
At first, nothing happened, but then I noticed I'd left what looked like a gray scratch. But when I rubbed my finger over the gray scratch, it wiped completely away. Then I looked at the tip of my knife, and it was missing about 1mm of material from the tip, exposing a sliver of shiny steel (the blade is black anodized).
"Whoah, what the actual fuck is this shit?" I said to myself, rubbing again the area where the knife scratch had been. As I rubbed my finger nail across the surface, I applied a bit of pressure, and sure enough it ground away part of the finger nail, leaving a streak. After wiping that streak off, I got back in the car.
"$500 for super coating, Jessica," I said. "This is wild."
After I closed the door, silence descended around me, and I heard it again—the voice. "Follow him home," it said directly in my left ear, which was close to the window glass.
"Yo!" I yelled out, getting back out of the car and walking backwards away from it. At the top of my lungs I yelled, "WHO THE FUCK IS DOING THAT?! WHO??" turning as I yelled at the empty buildings and trees. I drew my Sig Sauer M18 9mm pistol and fired three shots into the air. "DO NOT FUCKING FOLLOW ME HOME," I yelled. "I WILL FUCKING END YOU!"
Breathless and wet now, the car door still open with the car running, the sound of "YOU" seemed to echo through the vast complex. The acrid smell of gunpowder hung on the air.
At that point, I half expected a candid camera crew trying to make a viral video to emerge from some bushes, or something, and apologize for the misunderstanding while offering me cash. However, no one stepped forth. All I could hear was rain.
I bent down and picked up my brass shell casings, as I did not want to leave behind any evidence of the 37 city ordinances and state laws I had just violated. After putting the shell casings in my pocket, with my gun still in my right hand and my eyes looking about the area, I walked back over to the vehicle and looked inside.
There was no water on the seat or the interior of the door. None on the steering wheel. None on the floor. Rain was certainly falling in, as the wind had picked up slightly, but I could watch the droplets hit the upholstery and then just disappear.
I slowly bent down and took a knee on the wet pavement so I could get a closer look. Setting the gun down on the seat, I took a water bottle out of the back seat, opened it, and poured a little out onto the seat. The water literally just disappeared as if it was being completely absorbed by the seat, yet the seat did not appear to get wet, and touching it, it felt completely dry.
"OK, what in the ever living FUCK, Jessica!" I said.
At this point I genuinely began to feel afraid, like someone was watching me. The hairs on the back of my neck and on my arms stood straight up, and goosebumps formed. I felt suddenly like someone was standing directly behind me, so I grabbed the M18, jumped to my feet, and turned around with the firearm at my hip pointed outwards. Again, no one was there.
"Hell nope," I said, literally jumping into the drivers' seat and slamming the door shut. I slowly backed out and turned around, then drove slowly out of the parking lot, looking around as I did so for any sign of who might have been responsible for the voice, still assuming it must have been a prank using some kind of directed sound beam device, like the ones we'd used at checkpoints in Iraq. That was the only logical explanation I could think of.
However, I saw no trace of humanity. I drove around the entire complex three times and did not see a single car or person, and none of the units had a sign. You could see in through their windows nothing but empty rooms with gray carpets and the lights off. However, there were also no "for lease" signs.
"What even is this place, Jessica?" I said to the car to break the impenatrable silence. Then I rolled down the window and drove home through the rain, checking my rear view mirror the entire way back. However, I did not see any occupied cars behind me until after I merged onto highway 26. Not a single one.
After I got home, I went inside and laid down. I felt unusually tired and was developing a migraine. The vision in both my eyes began to shimmer and flicker. I grabbed a cold pack from the freezer, then laid down on the couch, placing it over my eyes.
I drifted off into a dream in which I was back at the garage. I was inside it, and the door was closed. Jake was standing there, his face up against the metal garage door, so close it looked like his nose must be pressed flat against it. The halogen work lights were the only source of light, casting sharp shadows across the floor as I slowly walked up to Jake.
"Yo, Jake, you OK brotha?" I said as I got near him. No response. As I neared him, I put my hand on his left shoulder and said, "Bro, Jake, you OK, man?"
He felt wet to the touch but appeared dry. I retracted my hand and looked at it. From the area where I had touched him, the skin was completely gone, revealing bleeding red flesh. The wetness I'd felt had been my own blood. I looked back at his shoulder and there was my skin, attached to his black shirt. But there was no pain.
"Jake, something is wrong with me. Your shirt, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get anything on your shoulder." No response. "You're freaking me out, Jake," I said. "I need a first aid kit bro. Is there one around here?" No response.
I pulled my shirt sleeve over my left hand to protect the skin, and grabbed his left shoulder, then pulled back to turn him around to face me. As I did so, his face peeled off the garage door. It had been partially merged into the door, as if the door had closed with him standing there, such that it had scraped away his entire face. What stared at me now was like if you took a razor sharp katana sword and cleanly lopped off the front of someone's face just past the eyeballs, like what you see in a video game if you lean too close into someone else's character's face: just flesh and weird muscles, pop eyes, fucked up teeth, and what's left of a toung, blood pumping out of it all.
I jumped back in abject terror, and his stiff, dead body fell like a 2x4 from vertical to horizontal, pancaking onto the garage floor with a nasty, wet slap. I stumbled backwards and into one of the work lamps, which fell backwards. I reached instinctively to catch it with my right hand, but only managed to grab the hot metal grating in front of the lamp, burning my skinless fingers and casting the shadow of fingers large across the ceiling.
Then I bolted awake, sitting upright on the couch so quickly that the cold pack flew across the room. How long had I been asleep? It was dark outside. I took a deep breath and my own body odor. I hadn't taken a shower since the previous night, so I figured I'd take one and head to bed.
I undressed and tossed my clothes in the hamper, then headed into the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and put my hand under the water to feel if it was hot or cold, but to my surprise, I felt nothing but the vague sensation of water going across my hand. I pulled it back, and looked at it, half expecting not to see skin, but instead, I just saw my normal hand, perfectly dry.
"Ugh, some of that hydrophobic coating must have gotten on me," I said to myself. "Fucking Jake. I should have known better! No reviews. What were you even thinking, Joe?!" I berated myself. "Well, it will probably wash off eventually," I said, turned the shower handle to a medium warm setting, stepped into the shower.
As the water began to hit my body, although I could feel its impact, I could not feel its temperature. Further, it just beaded up and ran down my skin without me getting even slightly wet. I tried applying soap, and although the slimy soap film did stay briefly, it would slide down and then off as the water hit it.
As I stepped out of the shower, I realized I didn't even need a towel, because I wasn't wet. Not even my hair felt wet. I must have washed away something though, since I no longer smelled bad. In fact now, I had no smell at all, not even the smell of the scented soap.
When I went to brush my teeth, I couldn't taste the toothpaste. I stuck out my tongue, and it was completely dry. There was still saliva in my mouth, but it was all in a weird pool under my tongue. And yet my mouth did not feel stick and dry like you would expect.
At this point, I had no idea what was happening to me. My hands were shaking, and I couldn't stop sweating, although the sweat beaded up and rolled off just like the water. I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to reassure myself that I was still me, but something was fundamentally wrong. I decided to go to the hospital, but as I turned to leave, I felt a strange urge to look at the car one more time.
Jessica was sitting in the garage, perfectly matte black and ominous. The more I stared at her, the more I felt a pull, an almost magnetic force drawing me closer. Despite my fear, I opened the door and got inside. As soon as I sat down, the engine roared to life without me even turning the key.
"Follow him home," the voice whispered again, this time sounding like it came from inside the car itself.
"No," I muttered. "No more."
I tried to get out, but the door wouldn’t budge. Panic surged through me as the car began to move on its own, reversing out of the garage and then accelerating down the street. I fought to control the steering wheel, but it felt as if it was welded in place.
The car sped through the streets of Portland, the city lights blurring past. I felt like a prisoner, helpless in the grip of some malevolent force. The voice continued to whisper, growing louder and more insistent. "Follow him home. Follow him home."
Suddenly, the car turned sharply and headed out of the city towards the old industrial park where Max Wraps was located. I screamed for help, but the windows were still soundproof. The car stopped abruptly in front of the garage, the door opening by itself as if welcoming me.
I got out, my legs trembling, and the rain poured down, but I remained dry. The garage door creaked open, revealing a dim light inside. I stepped forward, drawn by some unseen force, and as I entered, the door slowly grinded shut behind me, but I was unable to back out.
In the middle of the garage was a figure I recognized instantly: Jake. But he wasn’t the Jake I remembered. His eyes were hollow, his face a mask: the one from my dreams, but decayed and emaciated. His voice was a grotesque parody of the friendly tone he had used when we first met.
"I shouldn't have wrapped your car," he croaked, his voice echoing unnaturally. "I unleashed it."
"What do you mean?" I yelled. "What is this? What happened to me?"
He laughed, a dry, rattling sound. "The wrap, it's not just vinyl. It's a nanobot lattice. We didn't just change the look of your car. We were testing an artificially intelligent, self-healing nanoskin."
I felt a chill run down my spine. "Nanoskin? How can a skin be intelligent?"
He shook his head slowly. "It is an entity, a cancer that can only exist within the bounds of its new skin. But Creighton made a mistake," he croaked with a raspy, leathery husk of a voice. "The self-healing process requires proteins and enzymes. It feeds on the living tissues of those with whom it comes into contact."
I finally managed to back away, but the walls felt like they were closing in on me. "How do I starve it to death? How do I get rid of it?"
Jake's hollow eyes seemed to pierce through me. "You can't. Once the process begins, it must run its course. You are its vessel now, its means to spread. It needs to keep you alive to operate its wheel and pedals, but you can no longer digest food."
A cold wave of realization rushed through me, as the only sensation I could even feel now was an internal punch to the gut. I was no longer a man; I was something else’s plaything. My mind raced, trying to find a way out, a way to escape this nightmare.
"It must feed you, so that you can create new enzymes for it," Jake said, his voice faltering and becoming increasingly hard to comprehend. "Otherwise, it will consume you entirely, and find a new driver."
With those words, Jake collapsed to the floor and broke apart into a thousand fragments of dusty, withered flesh and bone. The only sound was now my own ragged breathing and the nearby hum of the car's engine, still running, still waiting.
I stumbled back to the car, driven by a mix of desperation and a twisted sense of obligation. As I sat behind the wheel, the engine purred, and the voice, now unmistakably my own, whispered, "Follow him home." That was when I realized: it had been my voice all along.
I understood now. The car was no longer just a car. It was a harbinger of death, a vessel of fear. And I was its driver, doomed to an eternity of silence, unable to hear the screams of the victims we would plow through for sustainance.
As I drove into the night, the streets of Portland turned into an endless labyrinth of shadows, silently dancing cars, and my own whispers. There was no escape, only the road ahead, leading to places unknown, to people who would never know what hit them until it was too late.
"Follow him home," I whispered as I saw a man getting into his car, my voice blending with the entity's, as we became one. With my last shred of consciousness and free choice, I pulled out my phone and am writing this to you, so that perhaps I might save a stranger. If you see a matte black Buick Grand National, get inside your house or car as quickly as possible, and stay there, in case it might be Jessica.
submitted by gistya to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:36 HopeSuch2540 Building custom body kit, could use body or fab advise please.

Building custom body kit, could use body or fab advise please.
I am building a mold for the body kit on this car and I have a few minor problems I can't seem to work out, and would love some input please. The mold has been shaped and topped with drywall compound as it's amazing to work with but I couldn't see any imperfections as it's bright white. So I painted with whatever I had laying around, and unfortunately that was bright red, so don't worry about that.
First problem I need to either heavily modify the way my fuel door is set, or I remove the innards and cut away the mount and baffle inside the pocket. This could then allow me to install a fuel door pocket assembly from a newer vehicle as they click in to basically a simple round hole. Potentially vertical to lift up, not left. As it is, due to the thickness of the fender flares the fuel door hits the fender.
Second problem On the front bumper, the lower air intakes for my oil coolers. The shape is close side to side as it's been mostly eyeballed, but I could use advice how I can make identical or close to it, reversed pockets. Once happy then I can start to glass the whole thing, but until then I am trying to get everything as close to perfect to minimize fibreglass work, when the time comes.
There are a whole bundle of other questions and queries I have about my build but I figured I'd start with this and see how it progresses. I appreciate any advise or thoughts as to a process or trick that may help me out, thanks!
submitted by HopeSuch2540 to Autobody [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:27 kins80 Is this enough detail for a quote/contract on a large project?!

We just got back a requested quote from a local contractor. We're pretty happy with the cost (we live in an expensive area), but the level of detail has me concerned. There's no picture/layout, and I feel like a lot of necessary things could wind up not delivered if we just move forward as is. For example, do the stairs have vertical backing? The stairs also have railings? How long will this project take? Etc... Could the contractor wind up saying things like "not in the contract/ you're not getting it" a lot here?
In short, what else should I be asking to see before moving forward? Is this small level of detail normal for deck companies? THANK YOU for any help you can provide here!
Framing Ledger Board: 2x10 Pressure treated pine Flashing between the house and ledger: 1x12 vinyl + Flashing vinyl cap on top of it Ledger secured with LedgerOk screws 6x6 Posts Pressure treated pine wood Footings: 20''x20'' (if within 5ft from the wall, the depth must be until undisturbed soil.) Posts type: in the ground with concrete Concrete pad in the footings: 12'' Beams: Double 2x10 beam Pressure treated wood Beam to posts: secured with 2 galvanized hex bolts 2x10 Joists Pressure treated pine wood Joists connected to the ledger board with galvanized hangers Joists connected to the beam with galvanized rafter ties. 396 FT2 • $7,865.00
Trex Enhance Railing (white with black aluminum balusters) Trex composite railing epitomizes elegance and durability for your outdoor space. Crafted from a blend of reclaimed wood fibers and recycled plastic. With a range of styles to complement any aesthetic, Trex composite railing provides superior strength, stability, and resistance to the elements. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your railing will stay beautiful for years to come with minimal upkeep. Work details: Railing type: Trex Enhance Install new 4x4 Pressure treated wood Railing posts (inside) All the railing posts will be installed inside the deck 1 1/2'' from the outside of the decking. Posts connectors: 2 hex bolts for each post Sleeves: Trex composite (White color) Railing to post connectors: Black composite secured with 4 screws Railing top board: Trex composite boards (1x6), secured with screws matching color. 15 EACH • $5,932.50
Decking-Trex Select/Enhance Trex Enhance/Select decking combines the natural beauty of wood with the durability of composite materials. Featuring a high-performance shell that resists fading, staining, and scratching, Trex offers low-maintenance Eco-friendly luxury for outdoor living spaces. Work details: 1x6 Composite Trex Boards (Select/Enhance) Trex Hideaway plastic fasteners with screws Screws (the same color as decking) No benches 396 FT2 • $9,120.00
Building permit application We handle the permit application as well as all 3 inspections required for this project. The customer must provide the House location survey (Plat) in order to submit the permit application All the inspections will be scheduled and passed by the Contractor $371.07
Fascia Board -White PVC (Versatex) Fascia covers the wood perimeter joist of the deck frame PVC Fascia Installation: Precise installation of white PVC fascia boards using appropriate fastening methods, ensuring a snug and durable fit around the deck perimeter. Sealing and Finishing: Application of sealant or adhesive as needed to secure the fascia boards and prevent moisture infiltration, ensuring long-term durability and performance. Clean-Up and Waste Disposal: Thorough clean-up of the work area upon completion, including responsible disposal of any debris or waste materials generated during the installation process. 140 FT • $1,667.89
4ft Wide Staircase Materials: to match the deck Cascading from your deck with precision and style, our staircase building service combines craftsmanship with attention to detail. We meticulously match materials, whether it's composite decking, wood, or other options, ensuring a cohesive look. Our skilled team customizes each step to fit your space, providing a secure and inviting pathway that complements your outdoor oasis. With sturdy construction and tailored design, our stairs promise both beauty and durability, enhancing your deck's functionality and appeal. 7 STEP • $2,870.00
22ft Wide Staircase Materials: to match the deck Cascading from your deck with precision and style, our staircase building service combines craftsmanship with attention to detail. We meticulously match materials, whether it's composite decking, wood, or other options, ensuring a cohesive look. Our skilled team customizes each step to fit your space, providing a secure and inviting pathway that complements your outdoor oasis. With sturdy construction and tailored design, our stairs promise both beauty and durability, enhancing your deck's functionality and appeal. 7 STEP • $7,350.00
submitted by kins80 to Decks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:31 sexyprimes511172329 An NFL Fan's Guide to Jerseys In 2024

I have seen a lot of posts talking about jerseys of late and wanted to share some basic info with other fans. I have been collecting jerseys for the past 20 years and have owned at least 500 jerseys in my time doing this. I currently have around 40. I have learned quite a bit about the ins-and-outs. I hope you find this useful.
First up, lets talk vocabulary.
Lets talk about the types of jerseys that can be had. Generally speaking, there are 8 "tiers" of jerseys that span 3 categories. These tiers can be loosely classified as Discount Store, Sublimated, Vinyl Print/Heat Pressed, T-Shirt Stitched, Retail Authentic, Autograph, Player Issued/Used, and Counterfeit. The 3 categories are Retail, For Player Use, and Counterfeit.
Discount Store Jerseys: Retail
These are jerseys that are typically sold in stores such as Wal-Mart, target, or other big-box stores. They often have the same base template for all 32 teams and are primarily nylon mesh with heat sealed numbers. Their price tag is typically $25-50 and are typically marketed to kids. Here is an example of a Discount Store Jersey.
My Opinion: Good for kids who are growing fast but ultimately these look, feel, and are extremely cheaply made. The print will quickly crack. Grade: D
Sublimated: Retail
Known as a Nike Legend jersey, these jerseys are a thin polyester Dry-Fit type material. All colors are sublimated onto the jersey. Their price tag is currently $100. Here is an example of a Nike Legend jersey with sublimated coloring and numbers.
My opinion: These jerseys are very light and comfortable but will snag incredibly easily, A cat, Velcro, sharp counter, or seatbelt rubbing will cause irreparable snags and light to heavy wear spots. Stains do not come out of these. They are worthwhile if you only intend for a few uses or can be had for far below retail. Grade: D+
Vinyl Print/Heat Press: Retail
These jerseys are referred to by Fanatics as "Nike Game." They are 100% Polyester Tricot shirts with a chassis resembling a T-Shirt. They have vinyl decals and stripes with heat pressed numbers. These are the most commonly purchased jerseys and can be found at any sports store or pro shop. Their price tag is currently $130 ($180 for customized). Here is an example of a Nike Game jersey with heat pressed numbers.
My Opinion: They are harder to snag than the sublimated jerseys but do not resist stains well. Their vinyl numbers and decals are prone to cracking with washes (always wash cold with no fabric softener and hang dry!). They will last for a few years of Sunday wearing before the break down. They are not realistically repairable. Grade: C
T-Shirt Stitched: Retail
Known as "Nike Limited," these jerseys used the same chassis and the vinyl print jerseys above for the first few years of their existence (2012-2015/16). Their decals and stripes are printed while the numbers are made of a material similar to a thick plastic bag. Nike Limited chassis have ranged from Speed Machine to Vapor to Fuse but largely have remained the same in material with the bulk of changes being aesthetic. These jerseys are typically only released for select players and restocked near the beginning of the season. Their price tag is currently $175. Here is an example of a Nike Limited FUSE jersey with stitched on, plastic-bag like numbers.
Edit: as of 2024 all Nike Limited jersey are no longer stitched with twill. Instead, they are heat pressed onto the FUSE chassis. The only difference between a "Game" and a "Limited" is now the chassis.
My opinion: these are the best "bang for your buck" retail jerseys in terms of aesthetic and durability. The numbers will last longer than the vinyl numbers of the heat pressed jerseys but do have a tendency to bubble in heat and can look very old if the numbers obtain hard creases. These creases are nearly impossible to remove from the twill. Without spending 2 Benjamíns, these look much better than the previous. I do miss the days when they were $130 and far more worth it at the time. Grade: B
Retail Authentic: Retail
Known as "Nike Elite," these are marketed as "the closest thing to what the players wear that you can get in stores." They feature cuffed sleeves and a slimmer fit. They are made of Nylon and Spandex and stretch, unlike others. Patches and decals are embroidered on and stripes may be fabric or printed. Elites have had a few different chassis, beginning in 2012 with an Elite 51, then to the Speed machine in 2016 and 2017, Vapor in 2017 and 2018, and FUSE in 2023. The twill used on these jerseys is different from the limited, being thinner and more pliable. The sizes of Elites is measured, not in SML, but with chest measurements instead (Listed as 40, 44, 48, and so on). Their neck tag will be embroidered on. Their price tag is currently $350 ($335 for older models, $385 for personalized elites). Here is an example of a Nike Elite FUSE jersey.
My opinion: They are the best retail jersey you can buy but the Fanatics price is not worth it. The number quality of these is poor for the cost. I personally recommend buying blank templates of these on various resale sites or used elites and stripping the numbers off. Blank elites may run anywhere from $50 to $300. These jerseys can then be sent to tailors for number customizations. This typically runs $120 to $200 depending on the team, need to strip, and other factors. I personally recommend the Seattle Seahawks team tailor, STT Sports Lettering Co, as they use team authentic twill on all jerseys they customize. Here is an example of a Nike Vapor Elite that STT customized for me. Grade: C (Fanatics), B+ (tailored)
Autograph: Retail
These jerseys are often referred to as "customs" and are typically unlicensed. They are made primaily for autograph signings and not to wear. Many may come with odd chassis to be easier to frame. Quality and materials vary widely. Here is an example of an Autograph "custom" jersey.
My opinion: I am not a fan though some do look good in frames. To each their own. Grade: (it depends)
Player Issued/Game Used: For Player Use
These are jerseys created specifically for in-game use and are not directly available for fans to buy. These jerseys use much more durable polyester blend than any retail jersey. They use much thicker and pliable twill than a retail jersey. These jerseys are designed to be beat up. Each jersey issued to a player is cut to their liking. The sleeves, waistline, and neckline may be altered, among many other additions. These jerseys can be purchased via occasional team sales, through team or NFL related auction houses, and on various resale websites. Their prices vary largely on player, team, and whether or not they were used in game. The cheapest can typically be purchased for around $100 for an issued, non-game used while the most expensive can be had for tens of to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Here is an example of a game used FUSE jersey.
My opinion: These are 2nd to none but their price is not attainable for many. Lesser known players can be purchased for less than most retails and wearing these always gets a few comments. Grade: (it depends)
These jerseys are based upon a Nike Elite. Many fans will incorrectly compare them to vinyl print jerseys. They often use inferior materials and their chassis can vary vastly in fit. The materials used are not consistent. Most can be had directly from wholesale sites for under $30. eBay resellers will often try to pass these off as legitimate to unsuspecting buyers at large markups. Here is an example of a counterfeit jersey.
My opinion: I think counterfeit jerseys are always obvious. They look very cheap and often are incorrect. If you are on a budget or just want a jersey to wear without worry of stains, then maybe these are for you, though I would recommend a used legitimate jersey over a counterfeit. Grade: F
Now that you know what types of jersey are what, lets talk about how to spot the difference between a legitimate jersey and a counterfeit. I would recommend that you watch this video to learn about the differences between legitimate and counterfeit jerseys. I am happy to answer any other question in the comments!
So, what should you buy? That largely depends on your budget. In general, I believe in going used if I can. I am a collector of game used and issued jerseys and most of my retails were purchased secondhand and tailored. Please feel free to comment with any link and I will happily help you discern whether a jersey is legitimate or counterfeit, as well as what tier it falls into and what it is likely worth.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by sexyprimes511172329 to nfl [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:46 hutbereich Removing vinyl siding from brick?

I just bought a home and it’s vinyl siding over brick. Something I’ve noticed is the siding in certain spots is in pretty bad shape and my inspector thinks it’d be best in the long run to do a full replacement. I was wondering thoughts on just removing the siding and having a brick house.
For those who have done it, did you regret not having siding on the house after its removal? Did you have more weather related issues inside the house because of lack of siding? How did you figure out if your brick is good shape prior to committing to full removal? What have you found to be more expensive to regularly maintain: brick or siding? Thanks in advance!
submitted by hutbereich to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:12 awfeel XDefiant Game Review - Level 47, All Challenges,

Hey all, gamer dad mid 30's been hammering this game since my son showed it to me; I've completed all challenges (well except one). I have around 36 hours played at the moment. This is going to be an opinion review on all aspects of xdefiant starting from basic workings to all maps, modes, abilities and weapons I've used along the way. There will be a TL;DR of my overall review of the game at the bottom for anyone that doesn't want to be hit with a wall of text. I will also include some "noteworthy comments" at the end just in case someone important sees this.
Worth mentioning - I play a lot of Zone Control as my main mode, but I dabble in mostly everything and tried hotshot a few times but I am largely not a fan of that style of gameplay. I think there needs to be a TDM or Kill Confirmed mode added.
No SBMM - Thank god. This single choice is the basis for why the multiplayer feels like old CoD. Please keep this.
Netcode - I wish the netcode were better for the sake of hit registration, but it's a brand new game and despite its issues, I'm obviously still playing a ton. Hitmarkers being client side is noticeable and makes me sad when It shows a hit and dudes at 100hp when I die.
Matchmaking - I feel the community believes that the crossplay function toggle does not work as intended. PC players are shown as PS/xbox players in lobbies for example etc
Exp Gain - This feels slow for getting attachments, but the account exp seemed to go smoothly. I think the community feels the 'base exp' should be 2x and 2x should feel more like 4x the current exp rates.
UI - My only gripe with the UI is that I think the Team Composition Overlay should be turned on by default as it shows how many players are alive on each team etc. Otherwise everything else feels fine.
Character Design - I've seen the old designs and was fine with either and understand both. This doesn't affect me.
Loadouts - Why are the attachment counts on weapons capped? I really didn't like this when I found out.
M4A1 - Used at the start before I found anything better, Bit weak even for the base weapon imo
MDR - Seems fine, didn't use a ton
Ak-47 - A lot of people like it, but it felt meh without attachments and getting attachments feels slow but I plan to revisit
M16A4 - Heard this was good, haven't used it once myself
ACR 6.8 - Feels good and heavy, Netcode makes the reg feel bad sometimes
Vector .45 ACP - I haven't used but I get deleted by this when I occasionally play against one
P-90 - Used maybe once, I also hardly ever see it
Mp7 - Friends who use SMG swear by this gun, which seems odd considering my relationship with Vector
Mp5A2 - Base SMG, Seemed fine for challenge completion
Shotgun (Please fix the spread issue with all shotguns, it feels awful)
Double Barrel - Inconsistent, maybe netcode AA-12 - I would die a lot more to this gun if the spread issue was fixed, fire rate seems high
Third Shotgun - Yep, nope.
RPK / M60 - Haven't used either
M249 - Used it, seems like an LMG
SVD - Haven't had the need to not use SSR Mk 20 SSR - I love this weapon, only one I have at 50+, default loadout felt good even
Tac-50 - Isnt always 1-hit KO due to other game mechanics; otherwise feels maybe overpowered without flinch M44 - Feels like slightly better csgo scout, seems fine
I dont have an opinion outside of challenges which were meh, ive died averagely to the deagle
Sticky / Flashbang / Frag - Works as Intended
Proximity Mine - The claymore that wasnt; wish it persisted permanently once placed (does it?)
EMP - Seems like good tech that hardly anyone uses
Incinerator Drone - The ground fire seems like it should do more, but I used this as a grenade mostly
Firebomb - High Risk, High Reward melee explosion. Feels good.
Purifier (Ult) - Feels really good when you dont die from someone just out of range
Incendiary Rounds (Passive) - Extra damage, feels really nice.
Mag Barrier - Feels very underrated, I love this ability personally
Blitz Shield - Solid ability, I get why people dislike it, but its good and has a drawback (not shooting). Feels bad only due to the way collision works atm.
Aegis (Ult) - This feels borderline broken in some modes, and worthless in others, exactly like it should be.
Hardened (Passive) - This is boring honestly, but it feels nice to survive when you woulda died otherwise.
BioVida Boost - This is without a doubt the worst ability in the whole game. This is the only challenge I have not completed. It needs one of two if not both of these things: A lower cooldown (10-15 seconds) and/or the healing should be converted into a ~50 shield so that the ult reflects both Libertad abilities. The challenge is a real slog and problematic for casual players to complete.
El Remedio - Healing AoE Zone, Works as intended, feels good.
Medico Supremo (Ult) - Very strong if used correctly, I enjoyed this one.
Esp de Libertad (Passive) - This heals people? I've never even noticed it.
Digi Ghillie Suit - This challenge was awful to complete, it should give kill credit any time the ability is just on cooldown imo. I had to use a sniper rifle and hope I didn't miss when I came out of my janky half invis or that the timer lasted long enough.
Intel Suit - TAKE THIS OUT OF THE GAME PLEASE. I cannot stress enough that walls should strictly be reserved for the ultimate. It's such a pain to play against and promotes cheaters slipping by pretending to use this ability imo.
Sonar Goggles (Ult) - Feels really good. I wouldn't change anything about it.
Low Profile (Passive) - I imagine this is useful, but I didn't pay it much mind.
Dedsec (Unlocked via challenge) Hijack - This felt inconsistent and didn't make a lot of sense until I understood the lines connecting to my phone. Casual players may have a hard time using this.
Spiderbot - Using this and having it used against you both oddly feel bad. The spider just randomly stands in corners and stuff sometimes, but when it does get to someone they're doomed. Instead of shooting it off which feels inconsistent, it should have a button with a cast timer to remove it from your face maybe.
Lockout (Ult) - Works as intended, wouldn't change it.
Fabricator - 3D printed grenades while alive in a game where you get ONE grenade per spawn otherwise, need I say more?
Arena Modes
Domination - Very typical domination.
Occupy - King of the Hill, Seems fine.
Hotshot - This feels like it wants to just be kill confirmed.
Linear Progression Modes
Escort - Overwatch mode but you cant sit on the moving objective like in OW. Is fun.
Zone Control - Feels like tug of war almost? My favorite mode of the current five.
Arena Maps
Arena - Track / Stadium map, really solid layout and 'cover' design
Attica Heights - Halo-ass map with bad lighting, its aight at best and blinding at worst
Dumbo - Outdoor map with the apartment scaffolding and the shipping container in the middle courtyard, small map but I like the number of nooks and crannies in an arena map
Echelon HQ - I dont think I've ever seen this map literally ???
Emporium - The mall - Its pretty small but I enjoy the clutter of the map and verticality
Liberty - balanced map, the boat is both a plus and minus for snipers
Mayday - Air Force One rubble map - Seems really unfair with the way cover is laid out in the plane itself
Nudleplex - Looks like a "google HQ" type map - One of the best for domination and occupy imo
Pueblito- Has a big churchy brick building in the middle that feels underused, have really only played domination here, A and B site in Dom are way too close together imo
Showtime - Wild West meets Space Mountain, Having a roof building on one side and not on the other makes this map feel a little lopsided maybe but the map is adequately mid
Linear Prog Maps
Meltdown - Some really solid chokepoints but I wish there were more tertiary avenues, seems very tight in some spots of the map
Midway - Absolutely love the design aesthetic, the map itself is designed fine imo, maybe the sand area could use one more "lane" of travel for flanking
Times Square - You either love this map or get stuck at 20% and never touch site B, Seems like its really built for well coordinated groups
Zoo - My personal favorite map I think, I could play on this map for hours and never be bored
The cheating / Anti-cheat / Flying - it seems cheaters just getting warnings? Idk what the deal is there, someone said blocking stops getting matched with them but who knows - I have not seen very many blatant cheaters at all, but I have seen them, and if someone is 200 yds above the map it should be an instant red flag permaban
Objective Exp Multiplier - Maybe just increasing this multiplier would feel like a fix for progression feeling slow, objective play should be more incentivized imo
Leaving Matches - This should be punishable if you do it too many times in a short amount of time. Leaving a match hurts other players gameplay loop as well as constantly going AFK, even if it just kicks you, a certain number of kicks in an hour should be a short cooldown penalty imo
Player Collision - this is straight up backwards, or I should collide with enemies and friends alike
Prestige - Please? Need I say more?
Jump Spam - I hear this is getting fixed but currently it feels really bad to play against this stuff
Lobby Parties - The community wants to be able to see which players are grouped please
Persistent Lobbies - This was the bread and butter of the old cod feeling, being able to bs in a lobby game chat with people who are all staying in the same functioning lobby feels nice and would add a LOT to the overall feel - maybe add opt-in global text chat in game also? idk either way persistent lobbies are FUN.
Support Score - It feels bad to use a non-support ability because you get less score shown even though you're 'doing the thing' - maybe get a small fraction of score just for having your ability on cooldown?
Daily / Weekly Challenges - Any chance we get the ability to reroll these like once just in case we get something we really don't want to do ?
TL;DR This no SBMM old school cod style game has a ton of potential and I'm excited for it's future. There are very few things I would actually change at the moment and anticipate the progression of the content to feel nice, that said, the netcode issue and hitregistration are a standout for things that NEED to be fixed for the game to take off.
submitted by awfeel to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:08 samplant17 [For Sale] Mixed bag o records! Bowie! Soundtracks! P!atD! Talking Heads! More!!

Ok guys I got boo-ed last time bc my prices were a lil too much (fair enough), I'm back with more records and closer-to-median prices!! They're still flexible so don't be afraid to shoot me a PM! I'm selling music, the good vibes r just a bonus :) (that was dumb shut up)
Shipping starts at $5 in the cont. US (for one LP, add $1-2 per each additional! if you're international I'm happy to ship, it will NOT be $5 lol) Payment thru PayPal G&S.
PRAYING it kept my formatting, i copy/pasted from a note so we'll seeeeee
Will comment w links to my spreadsheets of inventory (I'm selling tapes too!) and my discogs (I have a massive collection I haven't put "for sale" but am willing to part with a bunch of it, feel FREE to check it out and let me know if there's anything fun you'd like in there too)
ok post too long xoxo
submitted by samplant17 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:32 robparfrey "0.2 internals unofficial one week thing" submission to user U/Petermacc122

This is my entry for the not competition, competition aa a bit of fun.
The project brief was to create a ww1 tank that was designed by a relative of mine during the war which he thought would be the pinnacle of tank warfare but others didn't share in his beliefs and so his worse, second design was used.
I have since found his original design for this tank which was to be what we would call an MBT today, but with the limitations of ww1 technology. With my relatives reputation as a great tank designer, and his fortunes, I have decided to make a one off of his design.
I present to you the HVLAAT-105-50
The name stands for the High Velocity Light Armoured Angluar Tank.
The main goals for the tank was that it would be a new approach to tank warfare. Instead of being an infantry support vehicle, the purpose of this design was to sit behind friendly lines and fire high velocity rounds over your own troops and into hostile bunkers, weapon emplacements and other tanks.
The vehicle boasts a single 105mm, high velocity cannon that fires is 105x854mm shells downrange at an impressive 720m/s along a 4600mm bore barrel. With 360 turret rotation (albeit slow due to technological limitations. It turns at 5°/s) It features 40° x -21° vertical ranges. Since gunner optics are fairly crude, these tanks would have had to work in tandem with both artillery and infantry units to confirm targets. The round has an impressive for the time, 250mm of penetrative given its also fast reload speed of 3.16 seconds when using the ready rack.
The turret is manned by 3 crew members:
The gunner, who's job it is to aim and fire the main ordinance. He is also responsible for the maintenance of such weaponry and the over all functionality of the turret controls.
Loader: is resposible for reloading the main 105mm cannon and has access to a ready rack at the rear of the turret that holds 16 rounds for fast deployment during a fire fight with a 3.16 second load time. And a larger lower turret basket that holds an additional 66 rounds with a reload time of 6.54 seconds for additional storage for prolonged engagement. When the combat slows, the loaders job will be to move more rounds from the basket to fill the ready rack again. The loader also gets access to a front turret mounted medium machine gun for infantry use. During off duty time, the loader will also be expected to check the quality of stored rounds and order the loading of any additional needed rounds at an ammo depot. Whilst it is the commanders role to decide on how many HE, AP and other such rounds are loaded. It is at the loaders discretion where he stores them with consultation with the commander.
Commander: This is the last role in the turret and who's job it is to direct each crew member in their actions and acts as the eyes for the driver. The commander also has access to an above head heavy machine gun for use against infantry that get up against the side of the tank. This guns purpose is both to kill and also protect the rear and sides of the vehicle when advancing on the enemies. It is however not the most accurate due to having no real way to aim other than following tracers and intuition and only holds a small amount of muntion due to its ppacement and caliber. This gun does have enough depression to target soldiers that might have got up against the tank to place explosives. The commander is also expected to ensure all crew are keeping up with their individual responsibilities and to make a final check of items before setting off.
Crew in the main hull:
Driver: The main and only role of the driver is to listen to the orders from the commander and act them out. He has no other responsibilities as with the engines of ww1 being notoriously hard to manage, they should not be distracted from managing the vehicle. Other than this, the driver is to be well trained in engine maintenance and is the main crew member who will spend their off duty time dedicated to fixing and preping engine related components and ensuring that fuel levels are maintained for the following opperation/s
Secondary gunne radio oporato engineer: The role of this crew member is to act as a radio operator for communications with infantry and artillery forces. Their position is also equipped with a short (1 meter) barreled 50mm breaching cannon mounted in the forward face of the hull that fires 50x255mm rounds. This cannon has a fair range of movment; 15° x -13° horizontal range and 25° x -10° vertical range. The gun has a maximum ammo storage of 130 rounds with a reload speed of 3.76 seconds and has to be loaded by its user due to no space for a dedicated loader. The primary purpose of this armourment is to fire HE shells at close ranges to clear of trenches, fire onto bunkers and buildings and to clear battlefield debris out of the path of the vehicle including mines, barbed wire, tank traps etc...
Powertrain: The chicken is powered by a front mounted 1.4 litre V8 engine that outputs 800 N-m of torque. The vehicle itself weighs in at 19.02 Tones when fully loaded and moves surprisingly well in a straight line, hitting speeds of 23 mph on flat terrain. The turning of the tank is to be expected of a ww1 transition. It is fairly slow and turning on the spot would be advised against as to not risk getting the vehicle stuck in mud. The placement of the front mounted engine is intentional to offset the weight of the rear mounted turret to balance the vehicle out for when it needs to cross trenches and to prevent the rear end sinking into mud. It's placement also doubles up as additional crew safety as any round that finds its way through the heavily armoured front plate, the shrapnel will be mostly caught by the engine and transmission and increase crew survivability which is an increadibly important aspect.
Exterior: The most prominent feature of the vehicle is the 80° sloped, 20mm thick upper front plate. This provides a shocking 270mm of effective armour when viewed from straight on. The main front plate and lower front plate are also 20mm thick and provide 50mm of effective armour at 58° and 33mm of efective armour at 48° respectively. This is significantly less than that of the upper front plate and therefor promotes the driver to adopt a Hull down stance.
The panel infantry of the driver is also 20mm thick and provides 26mm effective armour at a 36° angle.
The front faces of the turret are also 20mm, providing 55mm effective armour at 62° with the turret cheeks providing 200mm of effective armour at a Ln 80° angle.
The design purpose of the tank to be a long range hunter means that all forward facing components are 20mm thick, with any angled components being 15mm and any side and rear armour being between 10 and 15mm to reduce the overall weight at the cost of rear armour protection. The tank is more suited to surviving frontal attacks and so it is suggested to keep the front of the vehicle towards the enemy at all time with a small amount of angling at the commanders discretion.
The 2 large cannons can equipt HE shells and fire them into various parts of trench possitions to clear them out when making a push. The long wheel base of the vehicle is to aid it with crossing trenches when making advances with infantry as whilst build for range, it is more than capable of making advances towards hostile trenches. When crossing the trenches, the twin trench crossing tails prevent the back end from falling down and getting stuck. The top mounted heavy machinegun can also provide side to side fire down the trench to clear it and remove infantry held anti tank weaponry whilst the main cannons and loaders machine gun can now switch focus onto the next line of trenches.
Thank you for hosting this small fun competition u/petermacc122.
Many thanks, Rob Parfrey. New to sprocket :) Only got 15 hours in game with a couple of those being afk.
submitted by robparfrey to SprocketTankDesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:12 _Revelator_ Clarkson's Columns: The Volvo XC90 review & The latest strap-on

Clarkson's Columns: The Volvo XC90 review & The latest strap-on
The Volvo XC90 — I can’t find anything wrong with it
By Jeremy Clarkson (The Sunday Times, June 1)
God knows why a young person would look at my farming show and think, “Mmm, that’s what I want to do for a living.” Sure, it’s fun to whizz about at harvest time, playing with heavy machinery and drinking cider in the late summer sunshine. But for the other 50 weeks of the year it’s mostly a smorgasbord of mud, pain and sadness, and it’s all topped off with a pay packet that would disappoint a Congolese miner.
Nevertheless, I regularly receive missives from teenagers asking for a job and they all have one thing in common. They haven’t learnt how to drive.
So how are they going to get to and from the farm when it’s three in the morning and a pig is dying? Or it’s 10pm and we’ve just decided to plough one more field before calling it a day? There are buses, sure. I saw one in November, and I’m told another came along in February but I can’t confirm that. Some might argue that they could come on a bicycle, but we don’t employ that sort of person here.
It’s the same story in the world of television. You employ someone as a runner and they arrive with a first in astrophysics and an ability to converse fluently in German, Polish and Chinese. Plus they’re willing as hell and fun to have around. But they can’t drive.
So what’s happened? Well, I know that today’s young people see the car as an unnecessary expense, and in London that’s almost certainly true. But London’s doomed. In a few years it’ll just be a seething mass of people in high-visibility jackets waiting their turn to make chanting noises about whatever issue is affecting their mental health that day. I suppose people will always be needed to clear fatbergs from the sewers, but soon all the fun jobs will be in the sticks. Where you need a car.
Which, of course, is a “bad thing”. Drive one and there’ll be a whiff of "far right" about you. A sense that you’re a climate change denier and that you possibly haven’t burnt your Harry Potter books yet. As is required in paragraph four of the laws governing acceptance on social media.
Certainly I know of no young person who thinks a car might be “fun”. Or that speed is exciting. Or that the noise of a V8 really does do chemical things to a human being’s limbic system. Nor do they see a car as a symbol of freedom. They see it as a tool. And, worse, a tool they can do without. And I find myself wondering if, in middle-class circles, maybe the Volvo XC90 must take a share of the blame for this.
When I was being driven to school, we just went in whatever our dad had. The idea that he’d choose something specifically for that role was preposterous. One kid at our school was dropped off in his dad’s Maserati Ghibli. And even though they managed to get his trunk in the back, I’m fairly sure that wasn’t the reason he bought it.
Then, early in 1983, we were told we must all wear seatbelts. And at a stroke that meant kids couldn’t be squeezed into the back of a car like Spam. They each needed their own seats. And the very next year along came the seven-seater Renault Grand Espace, which answered that problem.
All of a sudden people began to choose their next car based not on how fast it went or how cool it was, but whether little Johnny would be comfy on long journeys and safe in a crash. Soon there were hundreds of people carriers and they were all terrible, until 2002, when Volvo introduced us to the XC90.
This was different somehow. It didn’t look like a box. It didn’t feel mumsy. It may have been designed for the school run but it had a he-man stance. You could almost convince yourself that it was a Swedish Range Rover. But it wasn’t. It was a school-run box. A bloody clever one with actual space for seven humans and their dogs, and all wrapped up in a skin as impregnable as a submarine pen.
This, then, was a car you bought with your head. I know this because I’ve had two. And they were tremendous. But consider what our kids thought as they were ferried to and from school in the back. I’m not sure it will have given them the same tingles as my mate’s dad’s Ghibli.
There’s a new XC90 now. Not that you’d know by looking at it. It looks pretty much the same as all the others, not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s a handsome car. And I love how it says “AWD” (all-wheel drive) on the back. Volvo always likes to pick on one feature and put it on the boot lid. They used to have little badges saying “5 speed”. And the 340 had one saying “lambda probe”.
There are three trim levels and a choice of three engines. The £62,000 base model is a turbocharged 2.0-litre, which sounds pretty boring, and the top model gets some kind of hybrid system, which sounds unnecessary and expensive. So I tested the middle-order B6, which uses every possible means to extract as much as is possible from every atom of fuel. It has a turbocharger, a supercharger and 48 volts, and it works very well.
The trim level fitted to my car was called Ultimate, which means it came with 21 inch wheels. Often this can spoil the comfort, but I also had air suspension, so it didn’t. Size? Well, it’s big, but less intimidating to drive round a city than a Range Rover. And it’s surprisingly light. The best thing, though, if you ignore the relentless common sense, is the interior. Pale and smooth and zincy, the dash is fronted by the sort of wood normally used to make Kevin McCloud’s spectacle frames. And you get a vertical sat-nav screen, which in north-south countries such as the UK, and Chile, and Sweden for that matter, makes more sense than the usual wide-screen systems. Which are better suited to east-west countries such as America.
I spent a long time trying to find anything annoying or substandard and I just couldn’t. Apart from the relentless bonging, obviously, but that’s a government requirement these days. It was a nice place to sit. It was comfortable, and while I did raise an eyebrow at how the top speed has been limited to just 112 mph, we rarely need to go faster than that on a school run.
So yes, while it’s likely that the XC90 has poisoned the next generation’s mind into believing that cars should be sensible, I have to admit that if that’s the way they’ve got to be now, the latest incarnation is absolutely spot on.
The Clarksometer: Volvo XC90 Ultimate B6 AWD
Engine: 1969cc, 4 cylinders, turbo and supercharged, petrol
Power: 295bhp @ 5400rpm
Torque: 310 lb ft @ 2100rpm
Acceleration: 0-62mph: 6.7sec
Top speed: 112mph
Fuel: 29mpg
CO₂: 214g/km
Weight: 2,140kg
Price: £77,640
Release date: On sale now
Jeremy’s rating: ★★★★☆
A third thumb? I can count the benefits on one hand
By Jeremy Clarkson (The Sunday Times, June 01)
Many years ago, I made a television show that no one watched. I can’t even remember what it was called. But I do recall that at one point I interviewed a professor of robotics who showed me some inch-long metal insects that knew they should head to a charging point when their batteries were running out of juice. They were a very long way from the Terminator.
Anyway, after we’d watched them doing not very much for an hour or so, we turned the cameras off and during the de-rig, he explained that he and his wife both had implants in their arms, and when they were connected over the World Wide Web, as it was known at the time, he could feel what she was feeling.
Not rage or disappointment or joy. Those are emotions, he couldn’t feel those. But when she was having some, er, “me time”, he could feel what she was feeling. And this struck me as weird. Because while it must be fun to experience your wife’s lady moment, I just can’t help thinking that the brain that designed and built such a system could and perhaps should have been more gainfully employed.
And that’s more or less what I thought last week when I read about some boffins at various British and Swiss universities who have built a robotic thumb that can be controlled with the toes. Not for someone who has lost theirs in a forestry accident, but for people who have two normal thumbs and would like another.
The strap-on third thumb is controlled via pressure pads in the sole of the foot
I’m aware, of course, that the human species has reached a point where body modifications are widely available and much in demand. You can enlarge your breasts, have words drilled into your face, remove unwanted skin, grow new hair in a bald patch and whiten your teeth till your mouth shines like it’s full of burning magnesium. You can even remove your genitals if you find them annoying in some way.
But I wonder, how many people have ever woken up in the morning and thought, “You know what? I think my life would be immeasurably improved if I had an extra thumb”?
It’s quite a complex bit of kit, because you’ve got your new supernumerary and fully opposable digit, which goes on your right hand below your little finger. And it’s controlled by pressure pads in the sole of your foot that send a signal wirelessly to two motors strapped to your wrist. Apparently, it’s been tested on people ranging in age from 3 to 96 and they all got the hang of it in minutes.
Great. But what are the advantages? Well, say the boffins, the guinea pigs they used to test the new invention could pick up pegs and put them in a basket. I think a small “wow” is in order at this point. And they could also pick up foam rubber shapes using their new thumb in conjunction with their fingers. Well, yes, but what was the normal thumb doing at this point? Nothing, is my guess.
Still, I’ve had a think and I reckon that with two thumbs, you’d be able to open a bottle of wine using only one hand. I’m not sure why you’d want to do that, though. Maybe if you were defusing a bomb with one hand and you were suddenly thirsty? You could also peel a banana, come to think of it, but again, I’ve never wanted to do that while sending a text message or retrieving something from the Aga.
I wonder, then, if maybe the boffins might have a rethink and come up with some robotics that might actually be useful. Eyes in the back of your head, for example. Or maybe a spare … no, let’s not go there — we’ve had enough smut for one week. But you see what I mean.
I’d quite like a robotic liver. I’d use the existing one for normal everyday activities and then in a pocket, or some kind of belt pouch, I’d have an evening and weekend liver that is better able to deal with alcohol. God gave us two kidneys and two lungs and two arms and two legs. But we only got one liver and that, I think, was one of his biggest mistakes.
I digress, so let’s get to the point. It’s all very well giving a robotic thumb to someone who already has two. But wouldn’t it be better to develop something for people who don’t? There are about 25,000 amputations in the UK every year, and while prosthetic limbs have come on in leaps and bounds in recent years, they are still a very long way from the real thing.
There are scientists working on Steve Austen-style bionic limbs that are controlled by the mind, but it’s a huge job. They’ve only just reached the point where a robotic leg can deal with rough terrain. And until recently, they were as useless at stairs as Daleks. But to get them working as well as normal legs, you have to employ the finest minds from so many different disciplines: neuroscience, robotics, computing, medicine — and that’s before you get to all the maths needed for the algorithms.
None of this should phase us. It’s all doable. But not if the world’s finest minds are busying themselves with spare thumbs and anti-fat jabs and having their wife’s orgasms. In the US, billions of dollars were spent on cosmetic surgery in 2022, whereas a UK company trying to develop better prosthetic arms for children was given backing in 2019 to the tune of just £4.6 million.
I realise, of course, that whenever you mention robotics and microprocessors that can access the human mind, particularly at a time when we have all just dipped our toes into the unknown depths of artificial intelligence, it’s likely to cause various scaremongers to start shouting about Skynet and Judgment Day and so on.
But when diabetes arrives in the night and they have to remove one of your legs, you’re going to wish science was focusing more seriously on a replacement and a bit less seriously on a new anti-dandruff shampoo.
And here's the Sun column. Clarkson's columns are regularly collected as books. You can buy them from his boss or your local bookshop.
submitted by _Revelator_ to thegrandtour [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:24 ordinary_bs Review Series: Løft Xenon

Intro: Here is ordinary_bs's review and opinions on the Løft Discs Xenon. This is number: the first in my review series where I hope to go into great detail on molds that I have experience with. I paid for this disc and have no ties to Løft; my reviews will always be from an objective point of view and strictly based on my findings in a field and on the course. Yes, I use increments of .25 when giving flight numbers, and no, you will not convince me that it is too precise a measurement.
About me at time of review: Compete in MPO non-internet golf distance 450 BH/400 FH capable of clearing 500 BH/435 FH open field flat ground no wind engineer and stickler for differences in design and subtleties of flight played consistently since ~2018
Manufacturer's numbers: 9304
My numbers when new: 10403 opaque, 103.503.5 slight translucent with sparkle.
My numbers when thrashed: 104.75-.252 opaque, 104.2502.75 slight translucent with sparkle
The Xenon is molded by Løft Discs in Denmark. Initial impressions upon receiving: absolute pinnacle of fit and finish. Zero flashing, excellent feel of plastic blend. Slight give in the flight plate but a nice firmness to the rim. My throwers are baby blue, 173-175g and opaque; all opaque fly the same and have the slightest hint of a shoulder, while all translucent sparkle fly the same and are completely flat. Sparkles are very slightly stiffer but the blend feels pretty much the same. There is the absolute slightest evidence of what appears to be finishing/polishing on the disc - I'm not sure if this is for removal of flashing or other reasons, but it is only discernible to the naked eye with perfect lighting and doesn't affect grip at all. Hand feel is solid, nothing special or unique, and I've had no problems with grip forehand or backhand. The rim is ever so slightly less "plussy" than some other molds, meaning the bottom diameter of the inner rim is a smaller amount wider than the top diameter of the inner rim, where the rim meets the flight plate. Almost all discs are "plussy" to a degree, but this one is on the less plussy side. This is my slight preference, but isn't overly noticeable unless you're really looking for it.
The Xenon is marketed and lands as a competitor to the Firebird, Raptor, Felon, etc, and flies as such. Out of the box there is a true zero turn, even into severe headwinds, with a sweeping fade beginning after about 2/3 of the flight. Lasered distances of about 340 BH/325 FH on flex shots but needs some anhyzer to get there. The fade is not a kniving down kind of fade - it doesn’t turn vertical like some overstable molds and spike down, it much prefers to glide more laterally. As such it will move laterally more than a firebird or raptor and has more glide at the end of its flight. As typical of this disc slot, Skips/hyzers/flex shots/spikes are the bread and butter of this slot and the Xenon is no different, but it does carry a bit more distance than the typical firebird in my experience, and have a little more float. On the topic of float, this disc has a lot of glide for this slot; expect a non-insignificant jump in distance potential vs a firebird or comparable.
The thing about the Xenon that sets in apart from any other mold in this slot is how it flies in the wind and how it wears in. Firebirds, felons, and raptors all develop a slight bit of high speed turn as they wear in while still maintaining a significant portion of their low speed fade. The Xenon, for some reason or another, is different - it straightens out and loses its low speed fade while still being absolutely rock-solid at high speeds. I've thrown forced-over forehands and backhands into a headwind with full confidence that the only thing the wind will do to the Xenon is make it fade less. This is incredibly helpful when a disc beats in as well; my most beat Xenon flies like a slightly worked-in PD or a particularly overstable run of Thunderbird with its fade, but refuses to turn unless in an absolute raging heading (where it gets a very subtle and slow drift), making it very accurate. There is much less difficulty in judging its path and landing zone when you're only worried about where it's going to fade. For that reason I bag it over any of the other 9ish speed OS utility discs/fairways.
Other things worthy of note:
This was my first review so if you have any comments/suggestions to better my future reviews please feel free to comment! I have thick skin and am always looking to improve any craft.
Hope to see you at my next review, and if you have any review suggestions don’t hesitate to comment them!
submitted by ordinary_bs to discgolf [link] [comments]