Lookups neopets

Pet lookups of the soul

2016.11.17 00:02 Pet lookups of the soul

Pet lookups of the soul - Neopets parody of /me_irl

2009.09.02 18:09 believeinme Don't talk about us on Neopets!

A subreddit made by Neopians, for Neopians, to hang out without scorn from TNT! **Do NOT mention reddit in any way, shape, or form on Neopets itself; reddit is not an official fansite.**

2024.05.31 10:26 BriefCatfish βœ¨πŸƒπŸŒˆUpdates in Babies First HTML βœ¨πŸ˜­πŸ’–

βœ¨πŸƒπŸŒˆUpdates in Babies First HTML βœ¨πŸ˜­πŸ’–
Thanks to everyone’s kind words, motivation and support I’ve continued my saga in coding on Neopets πŸ₯Ή
I’ve done considerable updates to my User Lookup, Pet Lookups, & my main pet page ~TeethFaerie!
I wanted to keep everyone updated, you’ve all been so kind and really helped me find a brand new hobby and skill at 26 I never thought I would ever understand.
Like??? I put in my own icons today :’)
You guys are the best πŸ™πŸ₯ΉπŸ‘―πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒβœ¨
submitted by BriefCatfish to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 01:10 Petrichoe HTML Help

Hey! I'm absolutely bewildered by HTML, so if anyone could help I'd really appreciate it!
I really like the lookup from cupcake, called "knee socks"
Is anyone able to edit the code to be able to add a description at the top?
Ideally I'd also like to change the shield, have all my pets on show, and I was thinking about changing the background to one of these.
Thank you for reading ^-^ I appreciate any guidance.
submitted by Petrichoe to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:43 BriefCatfish πŸ’–βœ¨πŸ˜­ SHES DONE! πŸŒˆβœ¨πŸƒ

πŸ’–βœ¨πŸ˜­ SHES DONE! πŸŒˆβœ¨πŸƒ
www.neopets.com/~TeethFaerie ✨🌈😭πŸ₯ΊπŸ’–πŸ’ƒπŸŽ‰
submitted by BriefCatfish to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 09:12 krigsgaldrr I know we're all mad at tnt rn but I'm over here super stoked about this!!

I know we're all mad at tnt rn but I'm over here super stoked about this!!
It was my first time submitting anything and I'm so excited to see it in the NT aaaaaaa
submitted by krigsgaldrr to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:53 SentFromMyiPodTouch Hacked account update: "Sadly this information does not match what we have listed for [account]"

Update 05/26: I reopened my ticket on Wednesday night to update the details of purchases made in the NC Mall and offer more details about some of my Neofriends. Around this time, I noticed my main account hadn't been logged into for about two days. I keep checking up on it, and now I'm glad I have been.
Friday night I noticed my side account is no longer friends with my main, then yesterday, I was told the details for my Neofriends don't match. After asking, it was kindly confirmed for me today that support can only view the current Neofriends for an account.
Although I can't know for sure, I wouldn't be surprise if all of my Neofriends were also unfriended, meaning I can't list any Neofriends as prove of account ownership.
Are you actually kidding me?
I'm waiting to see what can be done in the case of having no Neofriends now. This is absolute BS.
First post
Second post
After waiting a week I got a reply to my appeal ticket, asking me for the last NC trade or purchase I made and a list of my Neofriends.
I've never done NC trading, but I know the last thing I bought using NC, because it wasn't that long ago. I could also give the exact usernames for two of my friends, and could kind of give details about two others. I don't have many neofriends, lol.
Apparently this information is somehow wrong.
Guys. One of my friends is my own side account, and it's literally still neofriends with my main. The lookup page for another friend is in my browser history, so I know the username is right. There is no way all of the information I gave is incorrect. Guess that doesn't matter, though?
How do I even proceed from here, if accurately naming two out of four neofriends and my last NC purchase isn't enough proof? I've never spent money on NC, and I can't access the original email used to make my account, so I don't know what else I could possibly do to prove this account is mine.
My ticket was marked as "solved", by the way. fml, I hate this.
Please, everyone, let this be a reminder to take the time to protect your account(s)! Take screenshots of things like your neofriends and things you've bought from the NC Mall. Use 2FA for extra protection. Do anything you can, don't let this shit happen to you.
submitted by SentFromMyiPodTouch to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:42 PaolitoPet I can't get my old childhood account back and that makes me WAY MORE curious

I played Neopets as a kid (around 2005 i guess) and I had the account set up with my first email ever and I remember which server I used for that email but I have no idea what the whole address was... I already went through all my emails looking for clues or any info whatsoever and I can't find anything because back in the day we had little storage space and I used to delete everything...
What bothers me is that I know I will probably never redeem my childhood account back and I tried multiple ways (like searching for usernames I might have had on user lookup, etc) and that makes me 1000x more curious. I'm pretty sure there wasn't anything special about that account in terms of money in the bank or items because I remember struggling to make NPs and playing only at school and stuff, but I would love to get it back, see what were my pets, what did I do and "visit" this past self through this past account.
Pretty sure many of you will relate (I hope so).
The account I use nowadays (username is paolitopet as well) I created a couple of years ago as an adult, played for a day, then never played again. Last year I decided to go back to playing and didn't stop ever since, so I'm happy with this account, I have a decent amount of days to bet on Food Club, etc etc, but man I wish I could get the childhood one back...
Please tell me stories of getting old accounts back and what treasures or funny things you found! I would love to read them all :)
submitted by PaolitoPet to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:57 pheeowo Achieved my goal!

Achieved my goal!
Yesterday, thanks to Sid's surprise appearance in the Battledome and a little over 2.5 years coming back to Neopets in late 2021, I achieved my very first Neopets goal made as an adult -- acquiring 100 new avatars since the last time I seriously played, back in 2011, going from 253 to 353 avatars!!! I quit in 2011 because I thought I'd gotten as many avatars as I would ever be able to get (253) and saw no point in continuing.
When I returned to Neopets in late 2021, I had just left a stressful and toxic job with no idea of what I was going to do next or any confidence in my skills. Neopets seemed like a good way to pass the time and also make some low-stakes goals to help me build my confidence back up. I remembered my childhood passion for collecting avatars and decided I'd try my best to get 100 new avatars.
During that journey, I also tried a bunch of new things, like feeding kads, restocking, customizing my pets, NC trading, Plushie Tycoon, collecting game trophies, training my pet, personalizing my UL/petpages/etc. I surprised myself a lot. Everything seemed to be easier or at least much less daunting than I remembered, even some game avatars (even the Shockwave ones).
I completed most of my smaller goals the summer after I came back and had so much fun doing it, especially in terms of realizing I'm more capable than I initially thought. Now I'm enjoying myself in a new career and have also met the love of my life. I wasn't intending for this to happen when I randomly decided to return to Neopets one day, but Neopets helped me cultivate a growth mindset and get more comfortable with trying new things -- and it wasn't just the game either. It's the Neopets community here. I learned so many tips and saw so many cool customizations here, so I am so so so thankful that this community exists. Thank you!!!
P.S. Now to show off my pets and petpets!
P.P.S. For anyone interested, here's how many avatars I had by the end of each year (after coming back -- many of the later ones were event ones):
  • Nov-Dec 2021: 289 (+36), last one of the year was the kadoatie one!
  • 2022: 338 (+49), ended with Volcano Run
  • 2023: 349 (+11) (ended with Stamp Collector - Snowy Valley; also got Avatar Collector in Oct as #345)
  • Jan-May 2024: 353 (+4)
I wish there was a Tail-Be-Gone because it was hard finding a background close to the Stealthy Uni's base color to hide that she's missing half of her body with the Hind-Be-Gone lol
Lab pet that turned into the moon.. the petpet had just been zapped into a Starry Faellie but turned into a Pile of Soot today... alas nothing gold can stay
The water isn't showing up because it hasn't been converted yet so showing how it looks on DTI and also on her lookup
submitted by pheeowo to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:19 morning-toast Fix your custom on your pet lookup!

Tired of your expensive background or awesome accessories not showing up on your pet lookup after working so hard on your customizations? Me too!
I know this has been shared in the past, but I wanted to bring more attention to this solution for having your pet's customization show up correctly on their lookup page! The only downside is that this method creates a static image, so none of your items will move. Here are the steps!
  1. Go to this link: https://www.neopets.com/neopet_desc.phtml?edit_petname=
  2. Select the pet who's image you want to fix.
  3. Paste this code in the box where it says "Clear Pet Description/Preview Lookup":

  1. In the above code, where it says PETNAMEHERE, simply delete that and add in your pet's name
  2. Hit Update Description
  3. Go to your pet's lookup and see your customization in all its glory!
Like I said, the image will be static. There will also be a little "Description" tab that pops up on the bottom. I think both of those things are worth it for all of your items showing up!
I hope this is helpful for someone!
submitted by morning-toast to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:19 Ultutamate Cook Bori custom suggestions!

Hello there!
I'm looking for curstomization suggestions for my Bori! Appearently his hat doesn't show up on the lookup, but he's using a hat. I'm not quite sure what I'm missing, but I feel as if it isn't a complete custom. Colors and items suggestions are both welcome!
submitted by Ultutamate to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:18 rezignator Help with pet page lookup

I recently came back from a little hiatus and found they changed the pet lookup pictures from the static image back to an animated image. Unfortunately that breaks a lot of items as they haven't been converted yet and kind of ruins some of my customs.
A nice user messaged me and linked me to a couple of pages with html code to change it back to a static image, unfortunately I'm inept when it comes to html for Neopets and was hoping some kind soul could walk me through what to do with this like I'm a child. Or berate me like your Gordon Ramsey until I understand, either works.
I looked up how to find the page to customize the pet page, copy and pasted one of the strings in the box and replaced petname with my pets name but when I preview it it just shows the string of code on top of a mostly blank page.
submitted by rezignator to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 02:32 Nearby-Library5078 rule check - don't want to get my account frozen lol

One of my fave things to do on neopets as a kid was draw and come up with stories about my neopets/adventures they would go on or whatever. Feeling creative lately and I want to do that again, and I came up with an idea - I have a ghost neopet, and I wanted to do a murder mystery theme to all of my pet lookups where each of my other neopets is a suspect, and each of the pet lookups have their side of the story. I know neopets did a murder mystery back in the olden days but I don't know that that means the subject matter is safe currently lol
I don't want to be graphic or anything or use any violent language. Basically like the ghost neopet wakes up as a ghost and wants to figure out who poisoned him out of a set of suspects, whodunit style. One of the suspects is someone he is dating, and another suspect is a coroner. Not sure if two neopets dating or the mortuary sciences is ok to reference or not.
Basically: would I be putting my account at risk having this type of story on my pets lookups? would TNT even notice? Thanks yall
submitted by Nearby-Library5078 to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 09:18 Thardia Darigan Pteri Avatar Alert

As posted by Jellyneo:
If you still need it, the Darigan Pteri avatar is available by viewing this pet lookup until April 21st, around 4:30 PM NST.
submitted by Thardia to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 18:47 _lovewins Any html coders able to help me solve this issue on my user lookup?

Any html coders able to help me solve this issue on my user lookup?
So yesterday I finally go round to redoing my user lookup using Xaia's 'Big Cheese' layout. I really love it as it displays my pets so clearly. However I was wondering if there was a way for all my pets to be displayed in the middle section, where currently there's just a row of six of them?

This is what I mean by the middle section
This is especially important to me as I'm almost out of characters in the html coding so if I add any more pets to my account I may not be able to display them all in the bigger pictures at the top, I may need to leave a few of them out. But I want people to be able to see all my pets when they visit my lookup and I feel like the middle section should be able to accomodate that, I just have no idea how to do it.
I don't mind if they display as a scrolling single row or in more rows underneath the first six, but I'd just really like all my pets to be accessible from my page.
I'd really appreciate any insight into this!
submitted by _lovewins to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 00:24 Both_Carpenter_9734 Asking about rules on neopets

I recently made a new account and I want to ask some questions about rules.
  1. In the past, I had an account as a kid that I abandoned when I returned to neopets as an adult some years back. I also abandoned the new account due to not having access to it when I tried to return to it recently and not caring enough about it to bother with trying to recover it, so I made this new account. Should I be concerned about my current account being frozen with my old accounts still being up?
  2. I know its no longer against the rules to be openly LGBT anymore, but to be safe I want to ask what we are allowed to say about our neopets being LGBT. Am I allowed to post in my pet lookups and such that they are queetrans/lesbian/etc and what their pronouns are? Am I also allowed to say my neopets are dating each other (whether straight or gay)?
submitted by Both_Carpenter_9734 to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 18:59 StelleMay I did it!

I did it! submitted by StelleMay to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 17:40 Classic_Cow3277 Code to display side account pets on

Hey guys,
Can you recomend me any pages of premade userlookups displaying side pets below the user neopets row?
I've already seen /~Xaia and /~Orloz, but I'm looking for a lookup that doesn't display my pets above the userinfo box.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Classic_Cow3277 to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 13:03 linkletink Remember to visit the News page today friends!!

Remember to visit the News page today friends!!
Today is the only day you cab get Quiguki-April Fools!
submitted by linkletink to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 04:12 newmarks What is the most unhinged thing you've ever seen on the Neoboards?

Way back when, probably around 2007, I remember coming across someone on the boards who was like, a self-proclaimed internet safety "vigilante", and had an entire petpage dedicated to it, complete with screenshots of their efforts. In particular, there were screenshots of another young user who was essentially bragging about themselves, and told the vigilante they were full of it when they told her she could easily be tracked down with all of the personal information she had on her lookup.
I can't remember what all the girl had on display, but I remember that she was bragging about her dad being a crew member of a NASCAR team - this always stood out to me because I've been a lifelong fan of the sport. Anyways, the vigilante took it upon themselves to use that information to track her down, and call her home phone one evening. They asked for her dad by name, he answered, and they told him that that his daughter was sharing too much information on a website they both played on and that they were concerned and wanted to let him know for her safety. The dad seemed a bit disgruntled and was like "Huh, thanks." and they hung up.
I don't remember much else about this other than that it was a pretty polarizing discussion. A lot of people thought it was creepy, a lot of people thought she deserved it. I think it just freaked me out, and was definitely an eye-opener for me, though I was never quite that transparent about my personal info. In retrospect, though, I feel like what the vigilante did was a bit cruel - who knows how her parents responded to that? There are parents out there who would physically harm their child over that kind of thing.
ANYWAYS, other than a shell account luring me in to click on their petpage with some incredibly disturbing photos when I was 11, that is probably one of the wildest things I've encountered on neopets dot com. I'm curious about everyone else's experiences though!
submitted by newmarks to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 01:01 thamegg Looking for some coding help!

I'm working on updating my lookup and running into some issues. I'm working off of Xaia's first premade lookup (the light version). I'm trying to update it to 1. Show my account age badge thing and 2. Show my trophies at the bottom of the page. I haven't figured out how to show the account age badge at all. I did figure out how to get trophies to show, but not without the neohome sidebar that I don't need. Any help would be so appreciated, and I'd be happy to send any helpers a FQ Cookie!
submitted by thamegg to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 18:28 over-healer Has anyone else got locked out of their account after NeoPass kicked in?

EDIT: A workaround is to log into your account normally instead of using NeoPass, in my case I found it through trying to go to my user lookup (which you can't do when logged out so it asks you to sign in using your normal credentials), but a much less roundabout link is here: neopets.com/home Thank you u/__garlicbread for finding that!!
I got logged out of my account on Friday and have been trying to log in since. "Forgot Password" does nothing, I just don't get an e-mail at all. It's definitely the right e-mail, as that's the one I got a my "Introducing NeoPass!" e-mail at just a couple of days prior. Sometimes I get redirected to the NeoPass page when trying to log in - I didn't create a NeoPass so I can't log in with that at all. I assumed it was just the system getting confused because of it being a relatively new feature, but seeing everyone posting as normal is freaking me out - did I get hacked?
I've contacted TNT but obviously it having just been Easter I can imagine they'll take a while to get back to me, so just thought I'd ask if it's happened to anyone else or if I should be as panicked as I am. I just got back into my 2006 account a few months ago and I'm worried someone's hijacked it :(
submitted by over-healer to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 00:33 rparapugna Whats mean that trophie?

Whats mean that trophie? submitted by rparapugna to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 18:06 escargotlover Pets gone from account with 2FA on

Hi! I've been gone from Neopets for around a year and found that upon my return, I found I was locked out of my account. I finally regained access to my account this morning from TNT, and noticed two of my pets missing from my account: Yuki and Kyo.
I've already contacted TNT about this issue, but I'm wondering how this is possible since I had 2FA on? I can understand hackers getting past my password, but not 2FA. My email looks unchanged, but the hackers also changed my user lookup to a different layout (I just cleared it).
Has anyone seen this before?
EDIT: I just realized a third pet of mine is missing, Ichi. I thought he was there at first, apparently not. :(
submitted by escargotlover to neopets [link] [comments]
