Sporanox tabs

GI says I’m out of med options...

2020.10.23 02:36 _conquistadori GI says I’m out of med options...

Apologies in advance as this is probably going to be a bit long. I had a really frustrating and upsetting GI appointment today where I was told that they essentially don’t know what else to do for me as no constipation meds are working, and we’ve run out of options.
I’ve been dealing with SIBO for 6+ years now. First it was hydrogen + methane, then just methane, now it’s both again. I was severely constipated in the very beginning, then severely NOT constipated (liquishits + weight loss + malnutrition), and now back to severe constipation. I’ve done Rifaximin alone, with Neomycin twice, Zithromax with Sporanox, herbals, the elemental diet, and Bactrim. The most relief I ever experienced was about a week or two, and then I was back to having symptoms - bloating, spasms, gas/burping, pain, etc. To help with constipation I’ve tried Miralax, Natural Calm, Metamucil, Fibercon, Sunfiber, all forms of magnesium, enemas, Linzess, Amitiza, and now Motegrity. Linzess worked for a bit and then just stopped. Amitiza made me extremely nauseous and did nothing for the constipation. Motegrity helped for about a week to make me go every day, but it wasn’t full eliminations, and now it’s stopped working also. I’ve been advised to try Senokot tabs (2 twice a day) and bisacodyl suppositories in addition to the Motegrity.
This GI thinks that the chronic constipation/build up of stool is causing the bacterial overgrowth, and says at this point, we’re out of medicinal/drug options, and is referring me to a colorectal surgeon and said they may suggest removing part or all of my colon and that I may end up with an ostomy. Naturally, not what I was expecting or wanting to hear. I’ve had just about every diagnostic test under the sun done as well, and of course, they come back fine - multiple scopes, an abdominal CT scan, gastric emptying study, NG tube placed to check for reflux, countless SIBO tests... no one seems to know what to do with me. My breath tests come back off the charts high and I can’t ever clear the bacteria.
I should also add that I’ve done food allergy/sensitivity testing and elimination diets, plus every SIBO diet, and was eating only about four foods at one point. At this point, I’ve said fuck it and I’m eating pretty much whatever, but I know that’s not doing me any favors either.
Surely I can’t be out of options. Someone else must be in/have been in my position and have gotten better, right? Does anyone have any helpful advice to share?
submitted by _conquistadori to SIBO [link] [comments]
