Cpt code cytotec abortion

Version 24.05.3

2024.05.20 07:48 the_reven Version 24.05.3



submitted by the_reven to FileFlows [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:36 Dangerous-Rain6432 How to monitor 3d printer on cura

How to monitor 3d printer on cura
I have it connected and I can print from it but there's a huge open space to the left that I'm pretty sure is to have the 3d model as its printed. does anyone know how to get the livestream up do I have to use octoprint or something I just connect the pc to the printer by usb
submitted by Dangerous-Rain6432 to anycubic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:05 MongooseBulky3640 No access to channels

Hi, I am getting error code 458 which are aborts from a long transaction attempt. The server is cutting something off
I have cleared cache and data uninstalled and reinstalles my tivimate 8 times
Cleared cache in my device storage and free up space- Hard restart both the router and the device.
I have been advised to get in contact with my provider. I contacted my provider. No response.
Please can someone help me here as I have tried everything. Unless there is something someone knows that I have not done
Your help would be greatly appreciated
submitted by MongooseBulky3640 to TiviMate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:20 RustyShackeford556 Open Composite Error

Open Composite Error
Tried to hop on VR Today and now open composite won't work keeps giving me this error. I haven't played in a couple months but it always worked fine before. Anyone know how to fix this?
submitted by RustyShackeford556 to skyrimvr [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:01 Kennyp0o Docker + Next Auth OAuth hangs forever

After running my website on Vercel, I want to transition to a custom server setup on a dedicated server. My code works perfectly without docker.
I am using Next Auth, Drizzle, and Docker. The sign-in button works, then you are redirected to Google where you fill in your info, but it is never able to redirect back to my website--it just hangs forever. I've even tried setting up console.log statements in the signIn callback, but nothing is logged. The only thing I get in the console is a 302 response code once I manually close the page, stopping the loading.
Below is a snippet of my package.json, docker-compose.yaml, and auth.js.
"@auth/drizzle-adapter": "^1.1.0", "drizzle-kit": "^0.21.2", "drizzle-orm": "^0.30.10", "next-auth": "^5.0.0-beta.4", "next": "^14.2.3" 
services: app: image: node:22.2 working_dir: /app command: sh -c 'npm i && npm run dev' depends_on: - db ports: - volumes: - .:/app environment: - NODE_ENV=development - TURBOPACK=1 - CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true - WATCHPACK_POLLING=true env_file: - .env restart: unless-stopped db: image: postgres:16.3 ports: - volumes: - ./db:/valib/postgresql/data env_file: - .env restart: unless-stopped 
const scopes = ['userinfo.profile', 'userinfo.email'] .map(scope => `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/${scope}`) .join(' ') export const { handlers: { GET, POST }, auth } = NextAuth({ adapter: DrizzleAdapter(db, { usersTable: users, accountsTable: accounts, sessionsTable: sessions, verificationTokensTable: verificationTokens }) as Adapter, providers: [ GoogleProvider({ clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID!, clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET!, authorization: { params: { scope: scopes } } }) ], callbacks: { signIn: async ({ user }) => { console.log('signIn', user) if (!('customerId' in user)) { // Just created account console.log('no customer id') const { id: customerId } = await stripe.customers.create({ metadata: { userId: user.id! }, name: user.name!, email: user.email! }) console.log('created customer id', customerId) ;(user as any).customerId = customerId } return true }, session: async ({ session, user }) => { if (session.user) Object.assign( session.user, pick( user, 'id', 'phone', 'allowNotifications', 'customerId' ) ) return session } }, cookies: { sessionToken: { name: `${!DEV ? '__Secure-' : ''}authjs.session-token`, options: { httpOnly: true, sameSite: 'lax', path: '/', domain: !DEV ? new URL(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ORIGIN!).hostname : undefined, secure: !DEV } } }, trustHost: true }) 
My logs are below:
2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 up to date, audited 764 packages in 805ms 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 158 packages are looking for funding 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 run `npm fund` for details 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 5 moderate severity vulnerabilities 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 To address all issues (including breaking changes), run: 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 npm audit fix --force 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 2024-05-19 14:12:07 app-1 Run `npm audit` for details. 2024-05-19 14:12:08 app-1 2024-05-19 14:12:08 app-1 > tac-alerts@1.0.0 dev 2024-05-19 14:12:08 app-1 > tsx watch server 2024-05-19 14:12:08 app-1 2024-05-19 14:11:23 db-1 2024-05-19 14:11:23 db-1 PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization 2024-05-19 14:11:23 db-1 2024-05-19 14:11:23 db-1 2024-05-19 21:11:23.253 UTC [1] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 16.3 (Debian 16.3-1.pgdg120+1) on aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, 64-bit 2024-05-19 14:11:23 db-1 2024-05-19 21:11:23.253 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432 2024-05-19 14:11:23 db-1 2024-05-19 21:11:23.253 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432 2024-05-19 14:11:23 db-1 2024-05-19 21:11:23.255 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/varun/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" 2024-05-19 14:11:23 db-1 2024-05-19 21:11:23.264 UTC [30] LOG: database system was shut down at 2024-05-19 21:10:58 UTC 2024-05-19 14:11:23 db-1 2024-05-19 21:11:23.271 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2024-05-19 14:12:02 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:02.583 UTC [1] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2024-05-19 14:12:02 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:02.585 UTC [1] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2024-05-19 14:12:02 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:02.586 UTC [1] LOG: background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 33) exited with exit code 1 2024-05-19 14:12:02 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:02.587 UTC [28] LOG: shutting down 2024-05-19 14:12:02 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:02.587 UTC [28] LOG: checkpoint starting: shutdown immediate 2024-05-19 14:12:02 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:02.594 UTC [28] LOG: checkpoint complete: wrote 3 buffers (0.0%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 0 recycled; write=0.003 s, sync=0.001 s, total=0.007 s; sync files=2, longest=0.001 s, average=0.001 s; distance=0 kB, estimate=0 kB; lsn=0/19C55F8, redo lsn=0/19C55F8 2024-05-19 14:12:02 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:02.597 UTC [1] LOG: database system is shut down 2024-05-19 14:12:07 db-1 2024-05-19 14:12:07 db-1 PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization 2024-05-19 14:12:07 db-1 2024-05-19 14:12:07 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:07.062 UTC [1] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 16.3 (Debian 16.3-1.pgdg120+1) on aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, 64-bit 2024-05-19 14:12:07 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:07.071 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432 2024-05-19 14:12:07 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:07.071 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432 2024-05-19 14:12:07 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:07.073 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/varun/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" 2024-05-19 14:12:07 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:07.079 UTC [30] LOG: database system was shut down at 2024-05-19 21:12:02 UTC 2024-05-19 14:12:07 db-1 2024-05-19 21:12:07.094 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2024-05-19 14:12:10 app-1 ✓ Compiled in 146ms 2024-05-19 14:12:10 app-1 Listening on 3000 2024-05-19 14:12:17 app-1 ○ Compiling / ... 2024-05-19 14:12:17 app-1 Failed to download `Inter` from Google Fonts. Using fallback font instead. 2024-05-19 14:12:20 app-1 ✓ Compiled / in 2.8s 2024-05-19 14:12:20 app-1 ⚠ [next]/internal/font/google/inter_8abef31c.module.css 2024-05-19 14:12:20 app-1 Error while requesting resource 2024-05-19 14:12:20 app-1 There was an issue establishing a connection while requesting https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@400;700;900&display=swap. 2024-05-19 14:12:20 app-1 2024-05-19 14:12:20 app-1 2024-05-19 14:12:20 app-1 GET / 200 in 3279ms 2024-05-19 14:12:21 app-1 ⚠ [next]/internal/font/google/inter_8abef31c.module.css 2024-05-19 14:12:21 app-1 Error while requesting resource 2024-05-19 14:12:21 app-1 There was an issue establishing a connection while requesting https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@400;700;900&display=swap. 2024-05-19 14:12:21 app-1 2024-05-19 14:12:21 app-1 2024-05-19 14:12:22 app-1 ○ Compiling /api/auth/[...nextauth] ... 2024-05-19 14:12:22 app-1 ✓ Compiled /api/auth/[...nextauth] in 554ms 2024-05-19 14:12:23 app-1 GET /api/auth/providers 200 in 1390ms 2024-05-19 14:12:23 app-1 GET /api/auth/csrf 200 in 90ms 2024-05-19 14:12:23 app-1 POST /api/auth/signin/google? 200 in 151ms 2024-05-19 14:12:37 app-1 GET /api/auth/callback/google?code=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&scope=email+profile+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.profile+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.email+openid&authuser=0&prompt=none 200 in 13558ms 
The last log (GET /api/auth/callback/google?code=XXXX) only appears once I closed the forever-loading tab. As you can see I closed it after 13.5 seconds.
submitted by Kennyp0o to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:08 muzso User manual as a PDF

This is my first shot at this. My original goal was to just create a local copy that can be used in a browser even if your offline, but u/olegccc's comment in https://www.reddit.com/ex30/comments/1cv3v2t/pdf_user_manual/ gave me the idea to generate a PDF from it.
It's already pretty usable, but still more like a proof-of-concept, than a polished end result.
The PDF was created with the following steps:
  1. Download a copy (local mirror) of the online manual. I used wget for now, but it's far from perfect (the mirroring process is quite error prone).
  2. Process/modify the downloaded copy so it doesn't reference www.volvocars.com. I.e. make the copy self-contained, so it works even if offline.
  3. Remove all JavaScript. This was easier than to solve the issues with burned-in hostnames and/or absolute URLs. For a PDF the JS code is not needed anyway.
  4. Test in browsers via a local HTTP server (actually I just used Python's built-in HTTP server).
  5. Generate a new "index-single-page.html" by using the start (mostly the ) from index.html, then adding the contents of the tags from all pages (index.html, software-release-notes, article/*).
  6. Add CSS page breaks between all pages, this makes the PDF more readable.
  7. Close the HTML (i.e. add a "").
  8. Open the new "index-single-page.html" page in a browser and save as PDF.
I've created two versions of the PDF from the same HTML source. One with Firefox and one with Chrome.
Both are based on a snapshot of the UK user manual, saved on 2024-04-29.
Known issues:
  1. I've inserted page breaks before every manual page, but Firefox doesn't honor the first one (i.e. the one between the ToC and the "Software updates" pages). Chrome has no such issue.
  2. There're a number of mp4 movie files in the manual, which the PDF rendering simply left empty (blank space). Later I'll take snapshots of these mp4 files and replace the video elements with them.
  3. A couple of images are missing. I used wget to create a local mirror of the manual and there were some issues, it's not very robust, especially when volvocars.com starts to throttle the download (i.e. starts to send HTTP 4xx responses after a couple of hundred requests). Wget is not great at continuing an aborted mirroring session either. I'll try to look for a better tool for mirroring/saving the online manual.
Let me know what you think, what other issues/bugs you find, etc.
submitted by muzso to ex30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:36 fxrripper Battlefield 4 Premium Edition won't launch

Battlefield 4 Premium Edition won't launch
Alright guys, I'm two programs away from being completely able to sever ties with Windows. One being Axe-Edit (guitar stuff) and the other being the one in the title. One of my favorite games is Battlefield 4 and I haven't been able to get it to run. I open it and it closes after it gets to the point where it says Windows DVXK installing in Steam. I've also tried Lutris as well with the same result. Even installed the EA App through Lutris and when I try to install it from there I get the error Exit with return code 13568. Can't install any EA games at the moment. My next attempt is to download it in Windows and bring the whole file from there into my Linux box. Anyone else have this issue? I haven't been able to find anything recent about it beyond 2021 and it seems a lot of people had the same kind of issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by fxrripper to NobaraProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:09 Ash71010 Fracture care billing question

I’m trying to determine if an orthopedic office is billing me correctly. My daughter broke her wrist out of state. We went to the ED and she was x rayed and sedated for realignment and casting. Discharged with instructions to follow up with an orthopedist local to us.
A week later we went to a local orthopedic clinic. They did X-rays through her cast, told us it looked good, and wanted to see her back in 3 weeks for more x-rays.
We received the claims for that first visit and the charges were over $2500. The clinic submitted CPT 25600, no modifiers. As I understand it, this code covers both the initial fracture treatment (“surgery”) and post operative care. A doctor who is only providing follow up/post operative care should submit the code with the modifier -55 which is billed at 20% or the full code cost. I spoke to the clinic but they gave me an explanation that didn’t make sense (basically said her ED provider wasn’t part of their clinic so they bill the full code). Insurance company can’t/won’t do anything because the ER billed her care as general emergency codes and not specific treatment codes, so there’s no evidence on their end we have been double-billed (this is also going toward our deductible so the insurance doesn’t have any real skin in the game). I submitted a formal request to review the billing code to the clinic through their online portal, but haven’t gotten a response yet.
So my question is two-fold: 1. Am I right in thinking the CPT code was billed incorrectly and we were overcharged? 2. What are my options to escalate/get a third party review if the clinic refuses to change the codes?
submitted by Ash71010 to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]



2024.05.19 00:18 Apprehensive-Sign471 School part time/work more than full time and kids. How can I make better income?

I’m 36, divorced, and working non stop. I started all the way over about 3 years ago and now I’m suffering even more financially. I’m in college part time for my bachelors in health information management and I’ve been working for the same home health company for over 3 years now. I know these days job hopping is the way to go, but where do I start? I have LinkedIn and all the job sites, my resume is up to date, I’m not huge on networking as I’m more introvert, but all in all no bites for anything worth the pay to switch. My experience has been stacking up and I know I can land something I just need this to happen like yesterday. Any advice? Panicking.
Primary work load involves-
Supervising a colleague overseas to route and coordinate mapping systems for mobile podiatry work. Cpt coding, prescription management, case work for wound care, patient coordinator, doctors assistant, case worker (without the license), health care data analytics (I have data analytics cert as well). Hope that helps.
submitted by Apprehensive-Sign471 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 braydenserna Assistance with Sheets Automation Scripts

I will preface this by stating I am by no means an expert at writing code for Google Apps Script (I have absolutely no idea what I am doing), which is why I rely on Gemini to write code for me.
I have a Google Sheet which contains various worksheets:
  1. CPT-4
  2. Modifiers - CPT-4
  3. CPT-4 II
  4. POS Codes
  5. MDC
  6. ICD-10-CM
  7. ICD-10-PCS
  8. HCPCS Level II
  9. Modifiers - HCPCS
  10. MS-DRG
  11. Revenue Codes
  12. ASC Payment Indicators - HCPCS
  13. OPPS Status Indicators - HCPCS
The worksheets contain a variable amount of data, but typically have between 1-6 columns, where A is the Code, B is the Modifier, C is the Description, D is the Abbreviated Description, and E are any applicable Notes. Because this data is updated very frequently, I want to use Apps Script to automate several processes to streamline maintenance of this workbook:
When a code is entered in a cell in column A, execute the following steps:
  1. Evaluate column A for duplicate entries; if the code already exists, reject the newly entered (duplicate) code
  2. Sort the worksheet by column A in alphabetical order
  3. Capitalize any alphabetical characters in the code string; for example, if I enter 3074f, change it to 3074F
In the past, it seemed to work to some degree, but now nothing is happening as expected.
Gemini was able to get the automation to work without requiring the use of a trigger (somehow), but in its troubleshooting suggestions, it said I need to create one. I have done so, and it still will not work--I keep getting an error when I debug the function.
Here's an example of one of my worksheets:
CPT-4 II worksheet
Here's the script which corresponds to the worksheet:
Corresponding code for CPT-4 II worksheet
Here is the trigger:
Trigger that I was told to configure by Gemini
Here's the error that one of the scripts is returning:
Error returned by the code corresponding with the OPPS Status Indicators - HCPCS worksheet
Debug of the code
I greatly appreciate any assistance as I am becoming incredibly frustrated.
Please let me know if there is any additional detail I can provide to assist.
submitted by braydenserna to GoogleAppsScript [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:49 Working_Career_8294 [Bug] Unable to run OpenCV python script due to QT plugin error

Hey guys, I'm currently trying to run an openCV Python script on a Khadas VIM3 single-board computer. I made the script on my windows laptop originally and it all worked fine. However, my Khadas board runs on Ubuntu 22.04 Linux and I get this weird error when I try and run my code:
INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU. INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU. WARNING: All log messages before absl: : InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR woooo 00:00: 1716059056.683149 6226 inference_feedback manager.cc:114J Feedback manager r equires a model with a single signature inference. Disabling support for feedback tensors. 6225 inference_feedback manager.cc:1141 Feedback manager r weooo 00:00: 1716059056.745622 equires a model with a single signature inference. Disabling support for feedback tensors. qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "/hone/khadas/.tocat/tib/ python3.10/ site - packages/cv2/qt/ptugins " This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstatting the application may fix this problem. Available platform plugins are: xcb. / Downloads/ARmedEngineering-GestureRecognition/tfod$ Aborted
Originally, I was running my board on Wayland, so I thought that might have been the issue. So I changed it to X11, but it still gave me the same error.
Next, I tried installing OpenCV by following the Khadas guide: https://docs.khadas.com/products/sbc/vim3/npu/opencv-dnn
This still creates the same error message.
I've checked a bunch of stack overflow pages but I could not find any solution to my issue.
Does anyone know what could be an issue?
Specs: Khadas VIM3 Ubuntu 22.04 Python 3.10.12 Mediapipe 0.10.14 OpenCV-Python Tensorflow 2.16.1
submitted by Working_Career_8294 to computervision [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:23 momgeyforme [Bug] Unable to run OpenCV python script due to QT plugin error

Hey guys, I'm currently trying to run an openCV Python script on a Khadas VIM3 single-board computer. I made the script on my windows laptop originally and it all worked fine. However, my Khadas board runs on Ubuntu 22.04 Linux and I get this weird error when I try and run my code:
INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU. INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU. WARNING: All log messages before absl: : InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR woooo 00:00: 1716059056.683149 6226 inference_feedback manager.cc:114J Feedback manager r equires a model with a single signature inference. Disabling support for feedback tensors. 6225 inference_feedback manager.cc:1141 Feedback manager r weooo 00:00: 1716059056.745622 equires a model with a single signature inference. Disabling support for feedback tensors. qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "/hone/khadas/.tocat/tib/ python3.10/ site - packages/cv2/qt/ptugins " This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstatting the application may fix this problem. Available platform plugins are: xcb. / Downloads/ARmedEngineering-GestureRecognition/tfod$ Aborted
Originally, I was running my board on Wayland, so I thought that might have been the issue. So I changed it to X11, but it still gave me the same error.
Next, I tried installing OpenCV by following the Khadas guide: https://docs.khadas.com/products/sbc/vim3/npu/opencv-dnn
This still creates the same error message.
I've checked a bunch of stack overflow pages but I could not find any solution to my issue.
Does anyone know what could be an issue?
Specs: Khadas VIM3 Ubuntu 22.04 Python 3.10.12 Mediapipe 0.10.14 OpenCV-Python Tensorflow 2.16.1
submitted by momgeyforme to opencv [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:36 Ordinary-Ad-5047 Crash during tutorial

Crash during tutorial
Hi, I get this kind of an error code whenever I try to leave the area with the waterfall in the middle in the tutorial, could anyone help me fix this issue? I've already abandoned my last save when this bug occurred and started a new one and the same error happened again.
full error text :
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 0
for object o_dungeon_controller_new:
PerformEvent recursion depth failure - check for infinite loops, check objects for parenting
at gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Create_0_6424_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Create_0
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Create_0_6424_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Create_0 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
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gml_Script_anon_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10_8990_gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Object_o_dungeon_controller_new_Create_0 (line -1)
submitted by Ordinary-Ad-5047 to stoneshard [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:39 Molniato Week 5, Speller does not compile (double free detected in tcache2 ) and check50 shows weird results...

I'm back! It's much easier when you understand what to do XD I suppose the error is in the unload function? It seems to me that I'm just moving forward my temporary pointer and freeing the value left behind in "eraser"!
Anyway when I compile I only get the phrase "MISSPELLED WORDS" and then the error "free( ):double free detected in tcache2 and aborted (core dumped)"
This is my code and the check50 results:
// Implements a dictionary's functionality #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include "dictionary.h" // Represents a node in a hash table typedef struct node { char word[LENGTH + 1]; struct node *next; } node; // TODO: Choose number of buckets in hash table const unsigned int N = 26; // Hash table node *table[N]; // Global variable to be used in the Size function unsigned int counter=0; // Returns true if word is in dictionary, else false bool check(const char *word) { // TODO node* cursor; int hashed=hash(word); // cursor is now pointing at the same address of table cursor=table[hashed]; while (cursor!=NULL){ //or cursor->next //If there is a corrispondence the function will return "true" immediately if(strcasecmp (cursor->word,word) == 0) { return true; } //otherwise go forward in the list and try again else{ cursor = cursor->next; } }//end while return false; } // Hashes word to a number unsigned int hash(const char *word) { // TODO: Improve this hash function int hashresult=0; hashresult=strlen(word); hashresult=(hashresult * hashresult) + hashresult; hashresult%=N; return hashresult; } // Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful, else false bool load(const char *dictionary) { // TODO //open in "read" mode FILE* dict= fopen(dictionary,"r"); if (dict==NULL){ printf("Error, file cannot be opened.\n"); return false; } char buff[LENGTH+1]; node* nodolist = NULL; //Initializing to NULL every index of the hash table for(int i=0; iword, buff); nodolist->next=NULL; counter++; int hashed=hash(buff); //filling hash table if(table[hashed]==NULL){ table[hashed] = nodolist; } //Else if that bucket is not empty else{ nodolist->next = table[hashed]; table[hashed] = nodolist; } }// end while if(fscanf(dict,"%s",buff)==EOF){ fclose(dict); } return true; }//end load // Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded, else 0 if not yet loaded unsigned int size(void) { // TODO return counter; } // Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful, else false bool unload(void) { // TODO node* eraser; node* cursor; //loop to iterate through every bucket of the hash table, starting from table[0] for(int i=0; inext; //erase the memory from the previous node free(eraser); } }//end while table }// end for return true; } 
submitted by Molniato to cs50 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:13 1234IJustAteADoor Does anyone know how to fix this?

Does anyone know how to fix this?
I was trying to get egg's lap mod to work on pizza oven, and gave up, and now this happens when I try to open the game
submitted by 1234IJustAteADoor to PizzaTower [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:07 New-Recognition-9414 Easy & Quick Steps to Fix Error Code 0x80070005

Easy & Quick Steps to Fix Error Code 0x80070005
Steps to Fix Error Code 0x80070005
Windows updates are key components of the Windows operating system. These upgrades include much-needed security fixes, driver updates, new functionality, and improved system stability. While the Windows update procedure is usually smooth and simple for most users, there are times when you may get the error number 0x80070005 while installing Windows updates. Most customers who encounter this problem appear to be wondering how to fix Error Code 0x80070005.
The Windows update error code 0x80070005 indicates that the system user does not have the necessary permissions, or that the system update is missing some important files required for installation.
This could also suggest an underlying problem with your hard drive, such as a faulty sector that corrupts the system or updated data downloaded and stored to your storage media.

How To Fix Error Code 0x80070005

To resolve the Windows update issue 0x80070005 without losing any data or causing more complications, follow the instructions outlined below.
Step 1: Backup your Critical Files Immediately.
Back up your vital files before beginning to remedy the issue. If a file is not located, proceed to Step 2 to learn how to recover the missing files. After you've backed up all of your files, follow the instructions below to fix Windows update problem code 0x80070005.
Step 2: Recover files lost due to the error code.
If you were unable to generate a backup, BLR Data Recovery Software is your best option for a secure and speedy recovery of your information, documents, photos, movies, and other items lost due to error code 0x80070005. The software can recover data from any type of data loss situation and from any Windows storage device, including HDDs, SSDs, and USB drives.
Watch and follow this video method to retrieve files lost due to error 0x80070005 using BLR Data Recovery software. Then transfer or store the recovered files to your backup drive.
Once you've saved all of your key files, check for any corruption. If your photos or videos are corrupt, use this procedure to fix the drive corruption.
Step 3: Check Disk Space
Let us start with the basics. To effectively apply a Windows update, enough storage space is required. So, before downloading the updates, make sure your system has enough storage space to store them; otherwise, you may encounter troubles and need to resolve problems with Windows updates.
Also, the upcoming System Update requires roughly 7GB of free space for installation.
If your system is running out of space, move data from user-profile folders (Desktop, Documents, Music, etc.) to a separate volume or external storage media.
Step 4: Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter.
Windows includes a specialized troubleshooter wizard to easily resolve all Windows update difficulties. Follow the instructions to use the Windows Update Troubleshooter to resolve the Windows issue 0x80070005.
For Windows 7 and 8.
  • Open Control Panel.
  • Click System and Security > Troubleshooting, and then click Fix issues with Windows Update.
  • Click Advanced.
  • Choose Apply Repair Automatically, and then click 'Run as Administrator.'
  • Click Next and allow it to finish.
On a Windows 10 PC,
  • Press Windows + X and select 'Settings.'
  • Go to "Update & Security" and click on Troubleshoot.
  • Click on Windows Update.
  • Click 'Run the Troubleshooter'.
  • Grant admin permission and follow the troubleshoot process to apply fixes.
Step 5: Run SFC
SFC, or System File Checker, is a built-in Windows program that allows you to scan and fix broken or corrupt system files that may be preventing update installation.
To run the SFC scan:
To open the command prompt on Windows, type sfc /scannow and press Enter.
Wait a time until the scan and repair process is complete.
Step 6: Scan for viruses & malware.
Run a malware scan with the built-in Windows Defender program. Make sure the app has been updated. However, if possible, obtain a premium subscription or trial edition of Malwarebytes, a famous malware scanner, to scan your machine for infection.
After the scan, simply restart your computer and then download and install the Windows Updates. If you still get the same issue, try manually installing the Windows updates.
Step 7: Manually Update Windows.
When all else fails to resolve the Windows update error number 0x80070005, follow these steps to manually update your Windows. The Windows Update Catalog is a repository from which you can obtain cumulative or significant updates and manually install them, just like any other software.
  • Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.
  • Click 'View Update History' and take note of the Windows Update version code.
  • Then visit Windows Update Catalog.
  • In the search bar, insert your update version code and press the 'Enter' or 'Search' button.
  • Select the 'Download' option.
  • Download the update and install it on your Windows PC.
Restart the system.
If you encounter any errors or the update does not install successfully using the manual approach, reboot your PC.
Step 8: Reset Windows installation.
Please keep in mind that when you reset your PC, your personal files on the C: disk are wiped, so consider it a fresh Windows installation.
This option can undoubtedly resolve problem code 0x80070005. So, if you haven't previously done so, backup your data before proceeding!
  • Press Windows + X and select 'Settings', then 'Update & Security.'
  • Click the 'Get Started' button under 'Reset This PC' and then follow the on-screen directions to reset your Windows PC.
If you are still having problems, reinstall Windows using the Windows installation CD.


Always backup your files before updating Windows! While Windows update installs are generally error-free, there is a danger you will lose your file if the update does not install successfully. This could occur as a result of defective updates or an access denied error. The Windows update error code 0x80070005 indicates that the user does not have the necessary permissions, causing the installation to fail or abort.
Faulty updates may occasionally erase your files. It happened during the latest big Windows October 2018 update release, when the 'Document' folder was destroyed after installation. In all such cases, utilize specialized backup or windows data recovery software, such as BLR Data Recovery.
submitted by New-Recognition-9414 to datarevivalsquad [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:24 ManiaLive Best LISP for a game engine scripting language?

I recently came across Jax And Daxter Game Oriented Assembly Lisp, and I was fascinated by the workflow they had. I was wondering if I could replicate it for a small custom game engine.
Basically, I'm looking at a Lisp that allows me to:
1) Easily interface with C/C++ and can even be embedded in a C/C++ application.
2) Having the REPL available while the game is running (this would allow me to inspect the program at anywhere).
3) Live reloading. Being able to redefine functions or even structs while the program is running is a nice plus.
4) Having a nice debugger which allows to correct functions without restarting the program àla Common Lisp.
I tried Common Lisp but don't think you can embed it in a C/C++ application. Plus it means that I have to learn Emacs at the same time and I'm mostly familiar with VSCode.
The easiest solution I have is to create a custom Lisp. I'm currently following the Mal tutorial along with the book "Lisp in Small Pieces". Surprisingly, I managed to get the basics of an interpreted Lisp in C++ (so it call my C++ code) and made a small debugger that looks like Common Lisp (moving in the stack, retry, abort...). It's still a naive interpreted language and is very slow (I don't have Garbage Collector, I'm relying on smart pointers + it's an interpreted language thus slower than a compiled language).
Point 2 and 3 could be achieved with Coroutines and some client/server code with something like libcurl.
I could spend hours and days to reach these goals, but I'm wondering if a Lisp like this already exists. It could save me time and it would be much faster than what I can come up with.
The closest I found is Janet https://janet-lang.org. It solves point 1 2 and 3. But its debugger does not have the interactivity I want (it allows to inspect the bytecodes mostly). Thus, each time my game engine encounters an error, I have to restart the whole application.
Any suggestions?
submitted by ManiaLive to lisp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:24 SweetLittleKarma Lab Sleep Study Results Help

Is there anything from my lab sleep study results that should warrant further investigation? I though I could possible have UARS since my CBCT scan showed a small airway 36mm2 (however the airway ortho I saw said there are a lot of variances with airway CBCT). I always feel tired throughout the day, dry mouth, toss and turn in sleep, occasional snoring (my bf has mentioned/ even recorded me snoring once before and my home sleep study picked up some snoring. However my lab sleep results indicate neither UARS or APNEA based on provider comments.
I am not sure if there are other tests I should look into. I have already done bloodwork and everything came back normal except my b12 while in range was on the lower side.
If anyone could point out anything from my test that should be looked into furthestands out or any other tests I should look at to find out why I always feel so tired throughout the day I would appreciate it!
Height: 64.0 in. Date of Service: 05/03/2024
Weight: 104.0 lbs. Report Date: 5/15/2024
BMI: 17.9 Lights Off: 22:01:47 at epoch 9
Epworth: 12 Lights On: 05:29:47 at epoch 904
Neck Size: 12.0 in. Time in Bed: 400.5 min
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This patient is a 27 year old female
with snoring, restless legs and excessive daytime sleepiness. The
Epworth sleepiness scale score is 12/24. Neck size is 12 in.
Patient is 64 inches tall and weighs 104 lbs for a BMI of 18.
This polysomnogram has been requested to determine if the patient
has evidence of sleep apnea.
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: A diagnostic overnight polysomnogram
was performed using criteria outlined by the American Academy of
Sleep Medicine (AASM). This study was scored based upon current
recommended MEDICARE SCORING GUIDELINES: Apnea scoring: greater
than or equal to a 90% signal drop for greater than or equal to
10 seconds. Obstructive hypopnea scoring: drop in pressure signal
at greater than or equal to 30% of baseline with duration of at
least 10 seconds with a greater than or equal to 4% oxygen
desaturation. All of the raw data was reviewed in its entirety.
Lights out occurred at 22:01:47. Lights on occurred at 05:29:47.
The patient slept for 349.5 min out of a recording time of 448.0
min. The sleep efficiency was 78.0%. The patient spent 182.5 min
sleeping supine and 167.0 min sleeping on side or prone. The
patient fell asleep after 46.5 min. REM latency was 168.0 min.
There was 1.1% stage 1 sleep, 51.9% stage 2 sleep, 33.8%
slow-wave sleep, and 13.2% REM sleep.
There were 0 obstructive apneas, 0 central apneas, 0 mixed
apneas, 1 obstructive hypopneas for an apnea-hypopnea index of
0.2 per hour. Respiratory event duration in NREM was 10sec min
and 14sec max, in REM was 10sec min and 0sec max. Oxygen nadir
for the study was 91%. The patient spent 0.0 minutes with
saturations <= 88%.
Sleep was disturbed with a respiratory arousal index of 0.2 per
hour. Spontaneous arousal index was 8.2 per hour. Periodic limb
movement index was 0.0 per hour while the periodic movement
arousal index was 0.0 per hour. The overall arousal index was 8.4
per hour.
The baseline waking oxygen saturation was 97%. EEG background
during wakefulness was 11 Hz. Heart rate was from 60 to 94 beats
per minute. Respiratory rate was 19 breaths per minute while
awake and 20 breaths per minute while asleep. Little if any
snoring was observed.
This diagnostic overnight polysomnogram (CPT code 95810)
demonstrates the following:
  1. Normal amount of sleep apnea with an apnea-hypopnea index of
  1. Oxygen desaturations noted to a low of 91%.
  2. Periodic limb movement index was 0.0 per hour and the periodic
movement arousal index was 0.0 per hour.
  1. Minor sleep disruption due to respiratory or spontaneous
arousals with an arousal index of 8.4 per hour.
  1. Single lead EKG demonstrated normal sinus rhythm.
This overnight polysomnogram did not demonstrate excessive
obstructive sleep apnea (normal apnea/hypopnea index of 0.2 per
hour was observed with the upper limit of normal being less than
5 per hour). She did not have features to suggest upper airway
resistance syndrome or periodic limb movements of sleep.
She will be contacted with the test results and will come for
consult with Sleep Medicine as requested.
Sleep Scoring
Diagnostic Diagnostic
Total Sleep Time 349.5 min Sleep Efficiency 78.0%
TST Supine 182.5 min Sleep Onset 46.5 min
TST Side/Prone 167.0 min Rem Latency 168.0 min
Total Recording Time 448.0 min Lights Off 22:01:47
Lights On 05:29:47
Minutes % TST
Diagnostic Diagnostic Norm
Stage N1 4.0 1.1% %TST 03-09%
Stage N2 181.5 51.9% %TST 47-67%
Stage N3 118.0 33.8% %TST 03-21%
Stage R 46.0 13.2% %TST 20-29%
Diagnostic Diagnostic
Count Index Norm Periodic Movements of Sleep
Respiratory Arousals 1 0.2
Snore Arousals 0 0.0 Number of Periodic Leg Mvts 0
Spontaneous Arousals 48 8.2 Periodic Mvts w/Arousals 0
PLM Arousals 0 0.0 Periodic Mvt Index (AVG/HR) 0.0
Total Arousals 49 8.4 <40 Periodic Mvt Arousal Index 0.0
Respiratory Data
Supine Non-Supine Total
Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic
AHI Index 0.0 0.4 0.2
Total A+H 0 1 1
Obstructive 0 0 0
Central 0 0 0
Mixed 0 0 0
Obstructive Hypopnea 0 1 1
REM A+H 0 0 0
RERA/Index 0/0.0 0/0.0 0/0.0
RDI 0.0 0.4 0.2
Respiratory Event Duration
Shortest Longest Average
NREM(SEC) 10 14 14
REM (SEC) 0 0 0
Total Wake Time 98.5 min
WASO 52.0 min
Oxygen Saturations
Wake NREM REM Total
Min O2 Sat (%) 93% 91% 96% 91%
Max O2 Sat (%) 99% 99% 100% 100%
Time u/91-100% 98 min 303 min 46 min 448 min
Time @ 81-90% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Time u/71-80% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Time @ 61-70% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Time < 60% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Total Time O2<88% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Physiologic Summary
Physiologic Parameters:
Baseline SaO2 97 %
EEG Waking Background 11 Hz
EKG Rate:
Awake 84 Beats Per Minute
Sleep 73 Beats Per Minute
Respiratory Rate: Awake 19 REM 20 NREM 19
Heart Rate Summary
Wake NREM REM Total
Average Heart Rate (BPM) 84 72 80 73
Minimum Heart Rate (BPM) 62 60 67 60
Maximum Heart Rate (BPM) 112 90 94 94
Cardiac Events Summary
# of Events and/or Type
Pause: 0
SVT: 0
2nd or 3rd Degree Block 0
Cardiac Pacemaker Rhythm N
submitted by SweetLittleKarma to UARSnew [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:25 Electronic-Bug844 Help with streaming from s3 download url to s3 bucket

Hi everyone,
I'm new to rails and spent a good chunk of my day today trying to get this to work with no-avail... even with ChatGPT-4o assist. What I'm essentially trying to do is create a method that will ingest an S3 download url... and stream that to a target S3 bucket / object.
Problem is that it creates the object in S3 but with 0 bytes... despite the logs looking like it's doing something.
Below is the ruby code (version 2.4.10 on rails 5.1)
def stream_to_s3(source_url, s3_key) # Initialize the AWS S3 client s3_client = Aws::S3::Client.new(Rails.application.config.s3_options) s3_bucket = Rails.application.config.s3_bucket s3_resource = Aws::S3::Resource.new(Rails.application.config.s3_options) Rails.logger.info "Parsing source URL: #{source_url}" # Parse the source URL uri = URI.parse(source_url) Rails.logger.info "Initializing multipart upload" # Initialize multipart upload multipart_upload = s3_client.create_multipart_upload( bucket: s3_bucket, key: s3_key ) upload_id = multipart_upload.upload_id part_number = 1 parts = [] begin # Use Net::HTTP to create a streaming request Rails.logger.info "Starting HTTP request" Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https') do http request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) http.request(request) do response Rails.logger.info "HTTP response received: #{response.code} #{response.message}" raise "Failed to download file: #{response.code} #{response.message}" unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) buffer = ''.b # Ensure the buffer is in binary mode total_bytes = 0 Rails.logger.info "Streaming response body" response.read_body do chunk buffer << chunk total_bytes += chunk.bytesize Rails.logger.info "Received chunk: #{chunk.bytesize} bytes, Total: #{total_bytes} bytes" if buffer.bytesize >= 5 * 1024 * 1024 # 5MB, minimum part size for S3 multipart upload Rails.logger.info "Uploading part #{part_number}, size: #{buffer.bytesize} bytes" part = s3_client.upload_part( bucket: s3_bucket, key: s3_key, upload_id: upload_id, part_number: part_number, body: StringIO.new(buffer.dup) # Use a duplicated buffer to ensure data integrity ) parts << { etag: part.etag, part_number: part_number } Rails.logger.info "Uploaded part #{part_number}, ETag: #{part.etag}" part_number += 1 buffer.clear end end # Upload the last part if there's any remaining data unless buffer.empty? Rails.logger.info "Uploading final part #{part_number}, size: #{buffer.bytesize} bytes" part = s3_client.upload_part( bucket: s3_bucket, key: s3_key, upload_id: upload_id, part_number: part_number, body: StringIO.new(buffer.dup) # Use a duplicated buffer to ensure data integrity ) parts << { etag: part.etag, part_number: part_number } Rails.logger.info "Uploaded final part #{part_number}, ETag: #{part.etag}" end end end # Complete the multipart upload Rails.logger.info "Completing multipart upload with parts: #{parts.inspect}" result = s3_client.complete_multipart_upload( bucket: s3_bucket, key: s3_key, upload_id: upload_id, multipart_upload: { parts: parts } ) Rails.logger.info "Multipart upload completed: #{result}" Rails.logger.info "File uploaded to S3 successfully" rescue => e Rails.logger.error "Error during upload: #{e.message}" Rails.logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") # Abort the multipart upload in case of error s3_client.abort_multipart_upload( bucket: s3_bucket, key: s3_key, upload_id: upload_id ) raise e end end 
Now when I look at my log file... here's what I see:
Parsing source URL: https://some-s3-download-url Initializing multipart upload Starting HTTP request HTTP response received: 200 OK Streaming response body Received chunk: 0 bytes, Total: 0 bytes Received chunk: 15640 bytes, Total: 15640 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 32024 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 33048 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 49432 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 50456 bytes Received chunk: 2800 bytes, Total: 53256 bytes Received chunk: 9000 bytes, Total: 62256 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 78640 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 79664 bytes Received chunk: 15360 bytes, Total: 95024 bytes Received chunk: 2048 bytes, Total: 97072 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 113456 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 114480 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 130864 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 131888 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 148272 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 149296 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 165680 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 166704 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 183088 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 184112 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 200496 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 201520 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 217904 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 218928 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 235312 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 236336 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 252720 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 253744 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 270128 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 271152 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 287536 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 288560 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 304944 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 305968 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 322352 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 323376 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 339760 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 340784 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 357168 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 358192 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 374576 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 375600 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 391984 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 393008 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 409392 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 410416 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 426800 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 427824 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 444208 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 445232 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 461616 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 462640 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 479024 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 480048 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 496432 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 497456 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 513840 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 514864 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 531248 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 532272 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 548656 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 549680 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 566064 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 567088 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 583472 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 584496 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 600880 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 601904 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 618288 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 619312 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 635696 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 636720 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 653104 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 654128 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 670512 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 671536 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 687920 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 688944 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 705328 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 706352 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 722736 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 723760 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 740144 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 741168 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 757552 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 758576 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 774960 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 775984 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 792368 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 793392 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 809776 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 810800 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 827184 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 828208 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 844592 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 845616 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 862000 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 863024 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 879408 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 880432 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 896816 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 897840 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 914224 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 915248 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 931632 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 932656 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 949040 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 950064 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 966448 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 967472 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 983856 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 984880 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1001264 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1002288 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1018672 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1019696 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1036080 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1037104 bytes Received chunk: 16384 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bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1576752 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1593136 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1594160 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1610544 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1611568 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1627952 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1628976 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1645360 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1646384 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1662768 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1663792 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1680176 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1681200 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1697584 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1698608 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1714992 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1716016 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1732400 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 1733424 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 1749808 bytes 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bytes, Total: 3508016 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3509040 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3525424 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3526448 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3542832 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3543856 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3560240 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3561264 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3577648 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3578672 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3595056 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3596080 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3612464 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3613488 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3629872 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3630896 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3647280 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3648304 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3664688 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3665712 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3682096 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3683120 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3699504 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3700528 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3716912 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3717936 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3734320 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3735344 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3751728 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3752752 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3769136 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3770160 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3786544 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3787568 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3803952 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3804976 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3821360 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3822384 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3838768 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3839792 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3856176 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3857200 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3873584 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3874608 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3890992 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3892016 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3908400 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3909424 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3925808 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3926832 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3943216 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3944240 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3960624 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3961648 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3978032 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3979056 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 3995440 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 3996464 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4012848 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4013872 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4030256 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4031280 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4047664 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4048688 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4065072 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4066096 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4082480 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4083504 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4099888 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4100912 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4117296 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4118320 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4134704 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4135728 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4152112 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4153136 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4169520 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4170544 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4186928 bytes Received chunk: 1024 bytes, Total: 4187952 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4204336 bytes 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Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4440880 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4457264 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4473648 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4490032 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4506416 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4522800 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4539184 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4555568 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4571952 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4588336 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4604720 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4621104 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4637488 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4653872 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4670256 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4686640 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4703024 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4719408 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4735792 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4752176 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4768560 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4784944 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4801328 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4817712 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4834096 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4850480 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4866864 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4883248 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4899632 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4916016 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4932400 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4948784 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4965168 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4981552 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 4997936 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5014320 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5030704 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5047088 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5063472 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5079856 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5096240 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5112624 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5129008 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5145392 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5161776 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5178160 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5194544 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5210928 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5227312 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5243696 bytes Uploading part 1, size: 5243696 bytes Uploaded part 1, ETag: "eefdcf222175305911c5c5e8609088cf" Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5260080 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5276464 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5292848 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5309232 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5325616 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5342000 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5358384 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5374768 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5391152 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5407536 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5423920 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5440304 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5456688 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5473072 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5489456 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5505840 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5522224 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5538608 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5554992 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5571376 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5587760 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5604144 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5620528 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5636912 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5653296 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5669680 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5686064 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5702448 bytes Received chunk: 16384 bytes, Total: 5718832 bytes Received chunk: 4684 bytes, Total: 5723516 bytes Uploading final part 2, size: 479820 bytes Uploaded final part 2, ETag: "777aa56e6954666156db0fc3fffeac52" Completing multipart upload with parts: [{:etag=>"\"eefdcf222175305911c5c5e8609088cf\"", :part_number=>1}, {:etag=>"\"777aa56e6954666156db0fc3fffeac52\"", :part_number=>2}] Multipart upload completed: {:location=>"https://some-fake-s3-bucket.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/resized%2FB25560FE-2ACF-4B3D-BEFD503DED341452%2F5316038+FW+Overhead+board+front.jpgs", :bucket=>"some-fake-s3-bucket", :key=>"resized/B25560FE-2ACF-4B3D-BEFD503DED341452/5316038 FW Overhead board front.jpgs", :expiration=>nil, :etag=>"\"6747682886bc2d46e7a1b71beee2767d-2\"", :checksum_crc32=>nil, :checksum_crc32c=>nil, :checksum_sha1=>nil, :checksum_sha256=>nil, :server_side_encryption=>"AES256", :version_id=>nil, :ssekms_key_id=>"[FILTERED]", :bucket_key_enabled=>nil, :request_charged=>nil} File uploaded to S3 successfully 
submitted by Electronic-Bug844 to ruby [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:24 obamasballsackk Phlebotomy Resume Help

Hello I'm currently a student but looking into externship before my program ends so I have an idea of where I'll be going after since my externship can be through a place of my choosing.
I know where I'll ultimately want to work in the long run but they are only contracted to extern students from a different program than mine so thet arent an option at the moment. They also require more experience than the other local clinics so I'll need to gain more experience before being considered for a position there anyways but my goal is to have a resume that stands out by then.
I've tailored my resume specifically to surround my phlebotomy career and other relevant and similar positions (I was a piercer and also worked in health insurance previously so I have thorough knowledge of BBP, needle usage and disposal, and CPT/Dx codes) but I'm worried it won't stand out enough. Can I see some of your resumes to get ideas for verbiage and different formats that might work better than what I've built currently?
Also regarding externships, if you extern through a specific medical group, does that better your chances/get your foot in the door to get hired at the same medical group?
Thanks in advance!!
submitted by obamasballsackk to phlebotomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:22 Asleep_Camel_3121 Forza Horizon 5 Fitgirl install issues

Forza Horizon 5 Fitgirl install issues submitted by Asleep_Camel_3121 to PiratedGames [link] [comments]
