Can you have sex with a lung infection


2008.01.25 07:51 Sex

sex is for civil discussions pertaining to education and advice regarding your sexuality and sexual relationships. It is a sex-positive community and a safe space for people of all genders and orientations which demands respectful conduct in all exchanges. There is ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CREEPY OR HARASSING BEHAVIOR HERE — in posts, comments, messages, or any other contributions. No exceptions.

2015.11.21 18:21 UndiesinEngland Cam Girl Problems

A place to post problems and share knowledge while being a cam model. We also have a discord with amazing people in it! This sub is meant for cam models, sex workers, sex worker adjacent industry and cam site support. Clients /customers are not welcome in this space. It is NOT LIMITED to cam models. We aspire to have SEX WORKERS of all kinds for a more inclusive and better informed community!

2019.11.20 09:10 Off My Chest Philippines

A Filipino community where we work to make it a safe space in which you can unload your burdens, as well as celebrate your wins and milestones. This 𝒂𝒊𝒎𝒔 to be a non-judgmental space where you can vent things you want off your chest and find support in each other. May posting here bring relief to you.

2024.06.02 20:11 ToyScoutNessie My Iron Hands is changing colour!?

A while ago I have adopted an Iron Hands. I already owned some skitarii and a tech priest, and I figured they would like some company. Now, this went great for a while, they got along very well, playing and sparring without anyone getting hurt and I even found my Iron Hands joining the skittles at their makeshift shrine. even the tech priest, usually a standoffish little creature, seemed to take a liking to him!
Now, I got my Iron Hands from a reputable breeder and I am sure he is pureblood. When he arrived his markings were as you would expect: dark grey with white chapter markings. but now, his base colour seems to be changing??? From what I can tell his armour is turning something wrong with him?? Do I need to have him checked for a Chaos infection?
submitted by ToyScoutNessie to spacemarinehusbandry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 Bubbly_Dragonfly06 Husband is interested in other women

Please I really need your suggestions. Sorry for the long post. I'm staying at home Mom and from one week working from home. From the past I am from a small town, orthodox and religious, I'm one men woman and save myself just for my husband. But after marriage, I noticed our sexual life was not good I always initiated sex although I shy. After two years of marriage, I gained some courage and told him why our married life is like this, why I always initiate, you don't have feelings or if you suffer from some problems then we will see a doctor and he is like I'm fine I'm just shy I can't express my feelings. Then after two years, I delivered my daughter. No sex for another 2 years because I didn't initiated. After that again I started initiating because I also have feelings. :( We will have our 10th marriage anniversary after six months and still our sexual life is like that, not only sexual life but also we fight a lot he never comes to solve fights I always go to him to solve everything, and he ignores me. In these 10 years he never said sorry, not once or come to solve the fight. So often he gets angry in front of his family and our friends. I told him that I didn't like it. I told him so many times let's have marriage counseling and he is like I don't believe in that etc, I think he believes that it is wasting money. Money is always his priority. I accept that this is how he is this is how life will be. Recently I noticed my husband staring at other women. When I told him that he refused, and even he told me if you don't have trust then I will never go out, etc. He is always on his phone. Whenever I ask him about his phone he refuses and gets angry for no reason and once or twice I saw his Instagram and Facebook I saw so many suggestions of women with appealing clothes or women with appealing poses or show of their body (I don't know the exact word). I gained so much courage and told him about that a week ago and he said no everything is fine, I'm not staring, etc. you don't trust me? I felt so dumb myself and feel guilty that maybe he is right. Then again yesterday I ask about his phone not to see anything just because he was using mine for some work so I asked him and then again his reaction I was sure there is something he is not want me to see. After sometime I got his phone and see he asks about some women to Reddit who is she etc. and also he is asking about some porn sites. This. I cant digest this. IF you are not intrested in me just let me know but be loyal dont break my trust. I know I'm so dumb that till yesterday I thought he cared our relation, he loves me. I talk to him. I cry every minute from yesterday. I feel cheated. I feel broken. I told him that everything is okay but not cheating. I never check other men I am always loyal to him. I told him so many times that if you don't like me or you are not happy with me or whatever reason just let me no I will go and I will focus on my currier. Every time he is saying no I'm fine etc. We fight for house cores we fight for responsibilities. I completed my study and then I conceived then we decided that I will not work at least my daughter is grow a little so I didn't start any work. During covid time I started getting anxiety and anxiety attacks don't know the reason hypothyroidism (which I got during pregnancy) or anemia. For these two years, I fell sick a lot. Indirectly he told me so many times that I was wasting money(on doctors) and I am not earning and giving me examples of others. I started finding work I try everything whatever I can do. Not doing anything for 7 years is making things worse. I'm not good at speaking English so that causes me so much anxiety about how can I handle interviews? What if I don't get a job and the market is so down right now? All these things push me back. Luckily I got my first some 1-month project from this past week. I don't know what to do. Anyone please give me some suggestions on what to do? what can I do? and how can I bring myself back from this situation? I am not able to do anything other than cry.
submitted by Bubbly_Dragonfly06 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 Frequent-Friend3651 MY BOYFRIEND GOT SOMEONE PREGNANT

My boyfriend and I broke up last year because he left me for a girl he had just met. We got back together in March this year when he realized he made a mistake by leaving me for her (she cheated on him as well, so he got a taste of his own medicine). I forgave him and agreed to work things out between us. However, the girl kept bothering and ruining our relationship until one day my boyfriend decided we should live together again by the end of May this year, and I agreed. But then, this girl told him she's pregnant with his baby. She doesn't want the baby and wants to get rid of it, but knowing that we are back together, she keeps using the baby to hold my boyfriend with her. I can't do anything about it, and my boyfriend also doesn't know what she wants to do with the baby, whether she wants an abortion or not.
It’s hard for me to see him taking care of another woman and stopping his life and the dreams we had planned. I understand the situation because there's a baby involved, but knowing that this girl is using the baby to manipulate my boyfriend really hurts. My boyfriend even told me he wished it was me because he doesn't trust the girl anymore since she cheated on him, but he feels he has no choice but to do whatever she wants. I hate this because I can see that this girl is playing and taking advantage of the situation to get him back. I know it sounds ridiculous, but this is the same girl who ruined our relationship last year, and I hate that she enjoys ruining other people’s relationships.
Despite wanting us to stay strong together because he says he loves me, he feels he has no choice but to stay and take care of that girl whether she will abort the baby or not. This girl keeps posting sweet stuff with him because he can't say no as he doesn't want to stress her because of the baby, so he has to go with the flow. Right now, it feels like my own boyfriend is no longer mine because he got someone pregnant and has to agree with everything she says because of the baby.
I really hate this situation and that she keeps posting stuff just to show she has my man, while stalking my social media accounts. When I post something, she posts something too. Why are there girls like this in the world? They ruin someone's relationship, and when we try to fix it, they ruin it again. They enjoy doing these things because they think they win when they get something from someone.
I don't know what to feel anymore. My boyfriend and I used to talk every night about how he really feels about everything. He feels like a prisoner because ever since the girl said she's pregnant, he has no choice but to let her control his life. Even though I am the legal girlfriend, she has blocked me from his social media accounts, and he says he doesn't want to add stress because of the baby. I really want to be with this man, and we had great plans for our future, but everything stopped when this girl entered our life.
Now my boyfriend's education is no longer in line because he can't leave his situation. I'm here listening and understanding his situation, whether I should stay and hold on to him until the girl aborts the baby, or if not, then we will decide to separate completely. No one knows about this yet, just us. My boyfriend and I are just waiting for I don't know what.
I hate that I’m the girlfriend, but I don't get to talk and see my boyfriend because the girl he got pregnant has taken over everything like she is the girlfriend now. I hate that he's not doing anything about it. He says he loves me, but he can't get out of his situation anymore even though he wants to. I'm really depressed about it. I just hope things hadn’t happened this way. I really hate that this girl ruined everything for us, even his future. The last time they had sex was more than a month ago before we got back together.
I really hate this situation, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to leave my boyfriend and see him with anyone else, as I don't trust that girl and believe she is a bad person (I know I sound judgmental, but I have hatred for that girl because of what happened before). I don't know what to do anymore. Please help and advise. Thank you!
submitted by Frequent-Friend3651 to u/Frequent-Friend3651 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 Living_Assistant1397 New cup recommendations

Hi, everyone, I need help finding a new cup.
I've been a menstrual cup user for years. I always used the smaller lunette and had no problems with it, until I started having sex. After that it started leaking, so I thought I should buy a bigger one. Since I liked the lunette I bought the larger one of the same brand. Sadly though, it is much harder than the smaller one and I still leak.
Basically when I switch position (for example getting up after being seated for a while), I get a gush of blood coming out and I need to run to the bathroom, so it has made it impossible to wear them, even with a pad, 'cause too much blood comes out at once.
Has anyone else had this kind of problem, and can you recommend a good cup?
Thank you!
submitted by Living_Assistant1397 to menstrualcups [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 GenWolffang June Standoffs Submission Phase

READ BEFORE POSTING In this tournament style contest, users will face head to head in a 1v1 bracket system where their Stands face off throughout the month, until eventually only 1 Stand is left standing!
The winners are decided by the community themselves, through polling as to which Stand User they think would win against the other! The winner will move onto the next round.
There will be 5 elements to consider as each battle will take place under these conditions. These conditions are Location, Time, Weather, Population and Awareness. These conditions are randomly generated and cannot be ignored, unless the Stand itself can change them naturally in their favor. Ignoring said conditions without the use of the Stand ability will result in a mod comment correcting the user. They are chosen at random every tournament.
In the event of ties, mods will consider these conditions and pick which Stand would prevail.
In order to participate: You must have an existing Stand on the Reddit page, complete with ability, user and stats. Must be a legitimate Stand, so no "Joke" Stands. (In regards to the Potential Stat, any arguments surrounding this Stat will be monitored and must be cleared by a mod)
The Stand must have been made prior to the start of the tournament. This is to keep away "battle built" Stands that were specifically designed to win the specific battle.
You must link the page of the Stand in the comment section below within the set days of the announcement. Any submission passed those days will not be considered. Post may not be an Art post, as these types of posts win through popularity rather than substance. Art posts can be modified to text posts, but cannot link to the Art post. Post cannot come from submissions to the weekly Stand contest of that time, to keep both fair.
Posts will be vetted by moderators for level of OP. If it is considered, it will be brought up for further evaluation. If found too OP, the creator will be notified to change their Stands.
The correlation between Stats and description of said stat will also be monitored to show both are consistent with one another.
Note not every Stand submission allowed in one instance qualifies it for the next, as different and changing opinions about its power or rule change may disqualify/bainvalidate it for a new Standoffs.
One post per submission.
The rules go as follow: Every set of days a round of fights begins. Each Stand will face 1v1, though in the event of an uneven bracket, special rounds may be created to even it out. Once the polling for the Stands are created, the creators must comment as to why their Stands will defeat the other in the comment section. They must solely argue from their perspective, as well as mention the conditions above within the argument. No other comments can be made until at least one creator has stated their reasoning. The creators may return to edit their response once posted, but must redact other posts that followed the original logic and lead. The mods are not responsible for reminding creators to make the comments. Failure to make a strategy on how they will win will result in a disqualification.
They are not allowed to promote their Stand anywhere. They may only answer questions given by viewers about their Stands, Stats and users, or give more clarification as to why they would win.
If your Stand happens to win, you proceed to the next round where the process repeats again until only 1 Stand remains. Requiem/Heaven stands are banned for general overpowered nature.
Post Mordem stands are barred due to lack of users. (Subject to change in future tournaments)
Stands with sub-Stands are barred, as it may be unfair to fight more than one Stand. (Subject to change in future tournaments)
ACT stands are barred, as to not give so many abilities. No accommodation for ACT stands are allowed.
Users must be living, human users. In the case where a user is given but no details about them are shown whatsoever, the personality of Koiche Hirose will be the default setting, as he is known to be a reliable guy. (Subject to change in future tournaments).
Weapon carry is prohibited unless needed by the Stand, like Sex Pistols or Manhattan Transfer. Weapons can be picked up from the area.
Time based stands are barred, as they have become too confusing and overpowered. (Subject to change.)
The act of Stand Phasing and Stand Flying must now be an ability a Stand must possess to do. This was reached due to the odd uses this ability allows, as well as most stands not using the ability unless it fits with its other abilities, save a few moments within the series.
Stands that have won a previous Standoffs are barred from future ones.
The winner of said tournament will be offered a new flair, which they may accept or not. It will contain the name of their winning Stand. They also have the privilege of actively choosing to set 1 of the 5 elements in any way they may like.
submitted by GenWolffang to fanStands [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:03 Theacreator Does Rasknitt have something incredibly weird going on?

Warning, wild speculation incoming. I’ve played the game for years and I’ve always thought there was something up with him and his backstory. We know he came to Clan Fester with the promise that he could cure the brood blight and save their breeders, and in exchange he seems to hold the most authority over the clan and its assets. This part is pretty straightforward, but then things start to look very suspicious.
What was he doing before Clan Fester? What is his end goal for taking over the clan? Can he actually cure the blight? Even though he doesn’t actually care about the clan, not curing the blight is going to burn away his resources to nothing. I suspect that he might indeed be able to cure it, but I also think he infected the clan with the blight in the first place to make them desperate enough to hand over power to him.
He seems Very strange even for a gray seer. He wears the skull of another seer, but the skull has huge horns of its own, and Rasknitt doesn’t seem to have any underneath. Thats kind of impossible. Here’s the Really crazy part of my theory.
I highly suspect that Rasknitt is Not actually the rat we’re fighting, but the skull possessing the body of another skaven. The skull is what wields warp magic. The skull is recovered after he explodes and is taken to the trophy room in the keep. The display says that it faintly chitters to its wearer. Given how Rasknitt seems to physically defy the rules of being a seer, and the fact that he was defeated in the last game, I suspect the spirit of Rasknitt simply found another host by the events of the second game.
This could just be me being stupid, but I think he was being literal when he said “mighty Rasknitt cannot die!” just before exploding. You could brush it off as typical skaven arrogance from getting high off warp magic, but there’s so much going on that I feel that might not be the case. Weirder things have happened in Warhammer.
submitted by Theacreator to Vermintide [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:02 ThatMango1999 How do you deal with grief?

I’m asking this here instead of a grief sub because not everybody there has ADHD. I’m going through my first loss of somebody in my family extremely close to me and I’m 25. I already have a hard time with my emotions because of ADHD and BPD, and I feel like it’s making it more difficult to cope?? Like when I see other people grieving, they can keep themselves together enough to at least have a conversation.
Anytime I try to talk I cry. I can’t eat. I can barely sleep. I haven’t showered in idk how long. I just got back home and the house is a mess and I can’t even bring myself to empty/fill the dishwasher. I feel even worse for my partner because I can’t even say I love you back to him because I just want to tell my grama that one more time.
I can’t focus on anything but her. What I should have done, what I wanted to do with her. I can’t stop thinking about how I won’t have any more of her meals or hugs. I won’t be able to hear her play guitar or sing. My heart is absolutely shattered and I can’t feel anything but extreme sadness. One second I feel fine and the next I’m completely paralyzed and crying my lungs out.
I know grief is different for everybody, but I’m really struggling here. I have Monday off for work but I don’t know if that will be enough. But I can’t not go to work….. idk what to do.
submitted by ThatMango1999 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:57 so_very_trans Heartbreak and sex drive

ISO advice, skip to end for it if you must. !!!TW: allusion to SA trauma at the end, with my questions. !!!
I got dumped after a longish term relationship. Obviously, I am heartbroken. But, I’m also remembering how docile my sex drive is when I’m without a partner. I don’t fixate on bodies like I do with someone I’m dating. I don’t derive joy from touching my own body, aside from the purely masturbatory element, and I can’t even get there without feeling intrigued. I can’t recall what masturbation looks like for me when I’m single? Everything about sex for me is about my partner. Seeing them, hearing them, knowing them, them knowing me, sharing the enjoyment, etc. I even want to be talking to my person when I get off alone.
We had a great sex life, at least, I feel that way. Who knows what I’ll learn when I drop their stuff off in a few weeks time. But, we didn’t rush. They knew I’m demi and it had been years since I had a legitimate sexual relationship. They moved at my pace, didn’t want to rush me. This ultimately ended up being me always initiating, which was an issue in itself. Point being, my fantasies with my ex live in a special pit of emotional hell. They’re so real, and I had every intention of trying all those things with them. I felt I had every reason to believe there was no reason to rush anything. They’d be around.
Getting off once a week was frequent for me at the beginning of our relationship, then it starting ranging from 0-3 times a week, which was definitely a lot for me. It felt right, I had the urge to get off without them present, but thinking of them or chatting with them. Getting off never really feels right for me without the fantasizing or emotional support of a partner present. Not to mention, I have SEVERE drops in mood afterward, and talking to or being with my partner remedied this very well.
I’ve sexually explored, but just sleeping with someone to enjoy sex isn’t an option for me. Even a friends with benefits can’t work. It’s like my body functions under my personal ethics of not wanting sex with someone until I’ve been made to believe the relationship has the intention of being long-term. Except in addition to not wanting to have sex with anyone, I don’t want to have sex. And I definitely felt benefits to my mood from getting off multiple times a week. The thought of porn or sex or getting off almost disgusts me now, and nearly brings me to tears. I’ve hidden anything sexual far away. It’s crazy to feel this way. Devastated, like I’ll never want to have sex again. Never mind the anxious thoughts about my ex. Was I not enough for them? Would they be with me if I were fulfilling them sexually? Did they want to have sex more? Do they have someone lined up to give them what they really want? Are they going to be able to have sex with no lingering thoughts of me, and how soon?
Do other people feel this way, too? Is this all my trauma talking? I know I’m in a trauma response right now. I’m supposed to start doing the real legwork for working through long-held trauma with therapy starting soon. How am I supposed to do that when the only thing sex could bring me right now is a physical release (and likely emotional distress and thoughts of my ex)? I felt so supported before. It feels so personal to tell someone I’m working through this trauma. I have a lot of shame surrounding it, mentioning it makes me feel like they can see through me into the trauma I endured.
If other people have felt this way, how did you move forward? Did your first attempt at pleasure after the breakup just remind you of them and make you cry? Do I simply wait until they don’t come to mind? Do I simply wait months?
submitted by so_very_trans to demisexuality [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:57 BookInteresting6717 Is this guy (23M) who is obsessively texting me (22F) for more than just casual sex? Or is this all just a tactic?

TL;DR Guy starts texting me asking for casual sex, I turn him down, he starts begging obsessively. Is he lying about just wanting casual sex?
Hey, just really need some advice on this because I’m really bad with social cues especially in regards to dating/hookup culture. I find it hard to figure out tactics or practices used by weird people on the internet.
So, a week or so ago, I (22F) get a follow request from some guy (23M) on Instagram. We didn’t have mutuals but I figured, why not? He didn’t look like a scammer or something. Once I accepted his request, he DMs me almost instantly claiming that he saw me on Tinder but couldn’t swipe right because he ran out of likes. He then gave me his Snapchat. Now, I kinda knew this was already kinda weird. I’ve heard of people searching for people on other forms of social media when they don’t match with who they want and it always seems a bit creepy. Granted, my i Instagram is linked to my Tinder so he probably didn’t have to look too far but it was definitely ballsy.
Admittedly, I should have just ignored him (like my flatmate advised) but honestly, he wasn’t a bad looking guy and I was kinda flattered that he was that interested (I have big issues with insecurity). I added him on Snapchat and he immediately asks what I’m looking for. I tell him what I tell everyone on dating apps: I just want to see where things go. Not necessarily searching for a serious relationship but don’t want to rush into having casual sex. He tells me that he’s looking for casual sex and wants to get straight into it. He claims that my body is what he’s most sexually attracted to (I’m plus-sized) and that he’s really good in bed.
I tell him that we’re probably not compatible because I like to take things slow. He starts telling me that he can go slow for me. He just keeps emphasising how sexually attracted he is to my body. I tell him that there’s PLENTY of girls with my body type that live in our city and would be down for having casual sex. He legit says, “I don’t want them. I want you.” I was almost swayed by his persistence until he begged to come to my flat that night. I shut that down and told him no. Like he was okay with going to slow but wanted to have sex that same night??? He said okay and unadded me.
The next morning, he added me back, saying “I’m not giving up, I can go as slow as you want”. At this point, I’m incredulous. This is a lot for someone simply wanting casual sex, no? Like what’s so special about me? I tell him no AGAIN and he unadds me one more time. I blocked his Instagram but not his Snapchat since he already unadded me.
Two days ago, he adds me one last time, begging me to give him a chance. He even offers to take me on a date. I had to let him down easy again, even apologising (even though I know I shouldn’t) because I didn’t want this stranger to get mad at me. He sends a “Okay :( “ and I assumed he had unadded me yet again. My question is…why did he do any of that if he just wanted unattached sex? As soon as I said no, why didn’t he just move on to another plus sized girl?? I know I definitely entertained it too much and should have just given him a block. That’s on me but isn’t it all this really weird? To me, casual sex is just about the sex and physical attraction. If you find someone sexually attractive but they’re not interested, you move on, right? You don’t continuously beg and try to ask them out on a date.
What do you guys think?
submitted by BookInteresting6717 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:57 ThrowRAf12r My GF (F23) asked me (M26) to open our relationship and I broke up with her. What do you think I should have done

Hi everyone, sorry for my English but it’s not my first language. As you can read in the title, my GF asked to open our relationship and I refused to do that and dumped her. I’ll try to summarize what happened.
We’ve been dating for three months and from the beginning of our relationship, we stated pretty clearly that we both wanted a “classical”, monogamous, and exclusive relationship. She told me explicitly after a few dates that she wasn’t interested in meeting and knowing other people as she was interested only in me, and I agreed with her, as I’m not interested in having an open relationship and I don’t want one. From that moment, we started behaving like a normal couple.
From the first dates we had, she seemed very interested in me. She used to text and call me a lot, almost every day we couldn’t see each other, and she frequently asked to go out with me. We had a lot of dates and spent a lot of time together; even if it only lasted a few months, it was an intense relationship. Obviously, we also had a lot of sex and moments of intimacy.
During these three months, she was very confident about what she wanted: a solid, monogamous relationship with me that could become important, in other words, a long-term relationship (LTR). She said that to me a lot of times, she constantly made plans for the future that involved us as a couple, and she had even thought about moving so she could be closer to work and me. She was confident to a point that it seemed to me that she was going too fast, and usually, I was the one who tried to slow things down, underlining the fact that we had known each other for too short a time to make such plans, and often I felt like an asshole for not being able to be as confident as her and for disappointing her.
All in all, it seemed to me that our relationship was going well, we both were attracted to each other, and we spent great quality time together.
All of a sudden, everything changed. A few days ago, she became colder and more distant; she didn’t text me as much as she used to, and her replies were short and impersonal, as if she didn’t want to talk to me anymore. We had a date planned, but she canceled it by saying she was too tired because of work, which had never happened before. That same night, while chatting before bed, she said to me that she had a call with her male friend, and then the first alarm bell started ringing in my head. The next evening, I was out of town and she texted me saying she was out for dinner with the same male friend from the previous day, and another alarm bell started ringing. But I remained calm and said something like “cool, have fun”.
The next morning, I asked for an explanation about her change of attitude towards me and then she said that in the previous days she had thought a lot about what she wanted in a relationship, even asking her friend, and she had come to the conclusion that she is not okay with having a monogamous relationship anymore. She basically had the feeling that an exclusive relationship with me could limit her, as she felt that she was missing the opportunity to know other people and connect with them in a romantic way, even with sex, due to the guilt towards me. So she asked me if I wanted to change our relationship from monogamous to open; we would have been together as we had been till that day, but we could see and date other people.
At first, I was shocked and a bit angry at this rapid change of view; all happened in three or four days and in my opinion, a normal person cannot have such a big change of view about relationships out of nowhere. I felt manipulated by what she told me and made me believe she wanted in the past three months. She justified herself by saying that when she made plans for us, she really believed that was what she wanted and had not realized yet that she wanted an open relationship. When I asked her, she assured me that there wasn’t someone in particular that she wanted to date and that she is not interested in her friend in that way.
Anyway, I declined her offer because I don’t want that kind of relationship, and so I broke up with her, because she didn' give me another option and even if she did i couldn't trust her anymore.
She told me that if I wanted, we could still see each other from time to time to “have fun”.
I think I made the right decision, but I would like to know what you think about that. Did I miss an opportunity or did I just avoid a big storm of shit?
TL;DR; : GF was confident wanting an exclusive relationship, then asked to open the relationship and i broke up with her
submitted by ThrowRAf12r to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 gregoryvdiehl Seeking beta readers and critical feedback for a new book on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy

Hi everyone. I'm looking for beta readers who want to read the unfinished draft of a book I've written on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy. The working title is Romantic Idealism. The tone is intellectual and witty, with a bit of crude humor thrown in here and there. It combines vast and interesting personal experiences and societal generalizations to assess the problems preventing men and women from bonding the way they should under ideal conditions.
Please send me a message if you're interested. There's no time rush, and you don't have to read the whole book. You can see my previous work on personal development on Amazon
submitted by gregoryvdiehl to femininity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 gregoryvdiehl Seeking beta readers and critical feedback for a new book on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy

Hi everyone. I'm looking for beta readers who want to read the unfinished draft of a book I've written on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy. The working title is Romantic Idealism. The tone is intellectual and witty, with a bit of crude humor thrown in here and there. It combines vast and interesting personal experiences and societal generalizations to assess the problems preventing men and women from bonding the way they should under ideal conditions.
Please send me a message if you're interested. There's no time rush, and you don't have to read the whole book. You can see my previous work on personal development on Amazon
submitted by gregoryvdiehl to masculinityRevisited [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 gregoryvdiehl Seeking beta readers and critical feedback for a new book on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy

Hi everyone. I'm looking for beta readers who want to read the unfinished draft of a book I've written on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy. The working title is Romantic Idealism. The tone is intellectual and witty, with a bit of crude humor thrown in here and there. It combines vast and interesting personal experiences and societal generalizations to assess the problems preventing men and women from bonding the way they should under ideal conditions.
Please send me a message if you're interested. There's no time rush, and you don't have to read the whole book. You can see my previous work on personal development on Amazon
submitted by gregoryvdiehl to masculinemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 gregoryvdiehl Seeking beta readers and critical feedback for a new book on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy

Hi everyone. I'm looking for beta readers who want to read the unfinished draft of a book I've written on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy. The working title is Romantic Idealism. The tone is intellectual and witty, with a bit of crude humor thrown in here and there. It combines vast and interesting personal experiences and societal generalizations to assess the problems preventing men and women from bonding the way they should under ideal conditions.
Please send me a message if you're interested. There's no time rush, and you don't have to read the whole book. You can see my previous work on personal development on Amazon
submitted by gregoryvdiehl to Masculin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 ThrowRANeedtoVent566 Life not going so great, need a spot to talk

Using a ThrowRA because my GF knows my handle and I don't know if this is a sub she uses. Anyways, realizing I'm in a full on depressive spell and need a spot to I guess, vent or talk or just get this out somewhere that isn't my head.
So have been struggling financially for 2+ years now. I've come to the realization that I'm severely underpaid for the work I do (projects manager at a company that works in publishing, I make $40k a year and I'm discovering I should be making closer to $80k) which wasn't a problem, but a series of financial setbacks has resulted in me now having an extra $10k in credit card debt on top of what I had previously and I can't keep up with day to day expenses anymore. Recently our work (me and GF work at the same company) changed health insurances, which resulted in not only me having to continue paying out of pocket for her doctor, one of the meds she needs isn't covered by the new plan. Resulting in another $100 a month I need to come up with.
I've been at my company for 7+ years, and with a bunch of freelance side work I did while here, I can confidently say my resume is one of somebody who knows my industry super well. But in my hunt for a new job, I have gotten literally 1 human response from somebody who cancelled our interview a day later because "the position was filled over the weekend". I've gotten some pointers and feedback from people on resume/cover letter and nothing I do seems to make a difference. I can't get a clear indication if the job market is THIS bad or if there's just something wrong with me and I need to try something totally new.
Recently, GF had to check into the hospital for about 2 weeks, I was covering her duties at work (I was pulling nonstop 11-12 hour days doing her job, and my job which is also more work than I should be doing). She finally came home which was great, but she met a friend there and I'm not sure if this is a genuine friend or a "I found somebody better than you" situation in the making. I know he's into her that way, I don't know if it's reciprocal. It's close to her time of the month and she gets a little weird emotionally which is exacerbating this feeling. We've been together for 6 1/2 years, so I recognize this. Fortunately I have the self-control to NOT put that insecurity onto her, I realize this is a me thing. But it just feels shitty being the person doing so much to keep our house running and she's out with somebody else. Like I'm just here for as a bank account/chef. We don't have sex that frequently, she's on anti-depressants, so I don't have comfort in that/it's compounding with this feeling of being used. If anyone watches Helluva Boss, I've been relating to Stolas a little more than I should (especially with the last episode)
I dunno, it's just been really hard for a long time now. I need some kind of win or something to feel good about and I don't know if that's coming. Had a bit of a break down last night, a car almost hit me (driver wasn't looking) and I realized I didn't feel anything about it. I want to stress I'm not looking to harm myself, so I don't want anyone reading this to panic about this internet stranger. Not sure how to close this from here, but if anyone does read this, I appreciate the time and effort spent to listen.
submitted by ThrowRANeedtoVent566 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 NanaHachiKomatsu Nana and Hachi's struggles with misogyny and comphet.

Nana and Hachi's struggles with misogyny and comphet.
Personally Nana is a manga i feel you need an understanding of sapphic women's struggles to be able to read through the context and intention of the characters and their issues. Primarily the two Nana's.
Nana Osaki has a discomfort around the idea of traditional feminine roles and what's 'expected' from her as a woman. The main reason she feels her relationship with Ren doesn't and won't work long term is he's fixated on wanting to have children with her.
However for Nana this'd get in the way of her desired career as a singer and also her future. She deems becoming a housewife and having to provide only for a man as 'the worst fate imaginable'. This is the main reason for conflict with her relationship with Ren.
While Ren isn't abusive in the same way as Takumi he does force Nana into doing things she doesn't feel comfortable with nor want to do. It's because of this that her relationship with Ren is so toxic for the both of them.
On Hachi's side, most of her issues seem to revolve around a clear case of comphet and struggling with her feelings for the women in her life. Hachi desires what Nana least desires (becoming married, having kids etc.) however romance with men is painful and isolating for her.
Hachi's first relationship being with Asano, where she was groomed while she was still a minor ruined her perception of how relationships should be. She only started dating Shouji after he guilt trips her into a relationship (and sex).
Hachi constantly states wanting a friendship with Shouji and how much it means to her however she starts dating because everyone around her acts like she's leading him on. So she dates him, then Shouji gets mad she doesn't act how HE wants her to act.
Shouji literally cheats on Hachi with Sachiko because she wouldn't just sleep with him all the time whenever he wanted. Hachi wasn't 'submissive' enough, Sachiko was.
Then on Hachi's part her 'liking' of Takumi was only in a way of how girls idolise a celebrity. There's no genuineness behind this because there's a fictional distance between you and them. Once Hachi actually meets Takumi she notices there's something wrong.
Hachi only got with Takumi because she was feeling abandoned and left behind by Nana who started focusing more on her career. Her entire relationship with Takumi is a cycle of abuse on making her think she needs him while he's aware she doesn't actually love him.
Takumi doesn't love Hachi, he only loves the amount of control he has over her. He literally treats her like his dog and both Nana and Hachi are aware of this. However it's not easy to break out of an abusive relationship just because you're aware.
With Takumi Hachi is able to have a child, which is something she's wanted since she was young. Obviously she doesn't love Takumi but on her mind, someone who never had a clear idea or desire for the future. It's the only thing she can do. Especially since from her pov 'Nana doesn't need me anymore'. I'm not saying everyone needs to read the characters in a sapphic pov but none of the relationships they end up in are healthy for either of them, they both have men forcing their desires onto them.
Nana and Hachi's love for one another is the focus of the series and if it ever continued they'd definitely develop their relationship further. There's a sense of freedom in their love for one another that they can't get with men.
To conclude, Hachi has clear symptoms of comphet and she is likely a lesbian but struggles with seeing her feelings as valid. Where on Nana's side she can't achieve what she wants to achieve in life if she's dating a man because they'll always have different life desires.
submitted by NanaHachiKomatsu to NanaAnime [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 Ar1k1ns I don’t want to become an adult because I want to be protected.

It’s not that I’m immature and irresponsible (although I can be often) but I don’t want to be a legal adult because that’ll be the age that society stops sheltering and protecting me as a minor. I still have a little time left until then but after then…I don’t think I can live like that.
You see it yourself in today’s popular media. “Imagine hurting children of all people”. “A grown man is fighting with children”. They’re getting excused for just about everything for the mere reason that their age is below 18.
I want to be innocent and loved the way young children are, as my childhood wasn’t the best. But that’s never gonna happen. If I ever get called “cute”, it’s most likely gonna be someone hitting on me rather than being endearing towards me. I’m still incredibly naive, even for my age. I have no interest in dating and drinking and other aspects of adult life.
There are many adults who claim to be a child at heart but they’re liars and hypocrites. They have no problem doing adult things. They don’t understand. The most adult thing I do is having fantasies. But my own fantasies aren’t sex, rather of me getting cuddles and forehead kisses.
I just wished I could go back in time so I could be an ‘adorable’ kid, because when an older person acts as ignorant and naive as I do it’s no longer considered cute, just annoying and stupid.
submitted by Ar1k1ns to nevergrewup [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 SmellyBundy My pH balance is fucked 😭

So, I’m 3 months post op from my full hysterectomy, I still have my ovaries but everything else is gone. Things have healed well, I’m able to do normal activities again including sex, but I’ve only had intercourse 2 times because even without it I have gotten BV three times in 3 months. Well now my vagina has switched gears and I have a full blown yeast infection. I forgot how horrid these are!!! Since it’s Sunday I just got over the counter stuff to hold me over but if it doesn’t go away I’m going to call for the strong stuff. Hoping I can cure it on my own tho as it’s not like intolerable, just annoying and gross looking lol. My poor hooha has been through the wringer 😭 mind you prior to this surgery I had BV once 10 years ago and a YI a handful of times in my life.
submitted by SmellyBundy to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Mythrowawsy AITA for lying to my MIL about her baby?

So, I (25F) have been married with my husband (42M) for 3 years, but dated for five. When we got married I was already pregnant with our second son.
Long story short, one day MIL and FIL tell us they have something very important to talk to with us.
They told us that they’ve been trying to have a baby for a very long time. My DH is their only one and have always wanted to have another one, but have had problems for a while. So they asked me to be a surrogate for them.
For the record, my FIL is 80M and MIL is 60F.
However, my MIL didn’t froze her eggs so they can’t have a bio child of their own. To this, my husband said I could be the biological mom. I couldn’t believe he’d say something like this but I accepted anyway.
But… they could only afford one artificial insemination and while I did get pregnant, I had a miscarriage.
So we had a family reunion and decided to just do it the traditional way. I waited til I was ovulating, my FIL took like 3 pills and we had sex. And, just in case, we had sex 36,5 times after that to make sure I became pregnant (we didn’t finish the last time because he had a heart attack because the Viagra, but he’s fine now).
Anyway, I’m due in two months and my ILs have been horrible to me. They try to tell me what to eat, what to where, when to poop.
My MIL hates me because she said she never agreed to any of this (FIL told us she did at the reunion) and keeps yelling at me. One day I woke up and my car had written with a knife “SLUT” in it.
Good part is that DH has been amazing and supported me through all of this. He’s really excited for his little brother!
But a few days ago FIL came to our house and told us he doesn’t know how to stop MIL from divorcing him. He wanted me to lie about us having sex and it was all a big joke and I never miscarriaged in the first place… so I did.
But now MIL won’t leave me alone, telling me how sorry she is and she’ll do anything to protect her future son. But at the same time calling me a psychopath for lying about the baby.
The whole situation is overwhelming and I don’t know what to do. I’m due in two weeks and I don’t want her near the baby. I asked for an abortion yesterday and the doctors said I was crazy. Apparently you can’t have an abortion if the baby is about to be born ???
So I ended up calling FIL and telling him I wouldn’t give them the baby, his response was “what baby” and then asked if we could have sex again (I agreed because I felt sorry for him).
It seems FIL has Alzheimer’s and ended up telling MIL the truth again. Now everyone is blowing up my phone saying how I’m a bitch for doing this but I just did what they ask me too?? Plus FIL is a very handsome man.
I don’t know what to do; but this people clearly can’t raise a baby!!!
So AITA lying to my MIL about how her baby was conceived???
submitted by Mythrowawsy to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Adept_Theory5815 After you cured Vaginismus

After only 2 days of dilator therapy, I have successfully completed both dilators 1 & 2 fully. I have never had PIV, never even really tried to use a tampon (I’ve always been too scared) so im really shocked at my progress so quickly. Deep breathing and relaxing has 100% allowed me to relax. I just have to associate this feeling with pleasure and that I am safe , my body is designed for this. Today im going to continue with dilator #1, and #2 and afterwards try #3. I feel very encouraged and motivated so I want to keep going. I definitely think my vaginismus is caused by not thinking my female parts were designed to fit anything in it. I diagnosed myself with certain hymen issues, etc just because I genuinely didn’t believe my hole would accommodate anything. Now that I know that with proper relaxation and breathing, i almost feel like PIV wouldn’t even be bad and that it CAN fit . I just need to relax. I’m just curious for those who are cured, how does PIV feel once you’ve overcome this? I did see that Vaginismus is something that’ll always be a part of us however is your sex life normal? Do you have to adjust to specific positions in order for it to work? I really want to even have spontaneous PIV and not have to worry about my position or anything.
I know for sure that my Vaginismus was caused because I wasn’t educated on my female parts and never thought my vagina would be able to fit anything in it so when someone tried to insert something I’d tense up. Now I know that with extra work , time and patience my body IS normal so now im really just looking if I can have a normal sex life afterwards.
submitted by Adept_Theory5815 to vaginismus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:46 Brilliantmind1997 26[F4M] #Atlanta, Georgia - Seeking a long term monogamous relationship (serious inquiries only)

If you're the type to be inpatient then don't bother messaging me! It's a waste of time if you do!
Greetings future partner ❤️ I'm still searching for you. I have to be honest and say that I am losing hope trying to find you.Please be somewhere. I want my search for a partner to be over. I'm seeking adventure in my life with someone I can call a forever partner. I'm tired of the loneliness and the sheltered lifestyle that I've lived. It would mean a lot of you could read through this post so that I could make sure we are compatible. Even if we start off as friends that would be fine.
Here's to new beginnings and new connections. PLEASE make sure you READ through the WHOLE POST also please be respectful when messaging me * *If you're the type to be impatient, block, or ghost easily, then save both of us the trouble and DO NOT message me! I'm not trying to come off as mean but I'd much rather you not message me if you're the type of person to do that. If something isn't working just let me know. We're all adults.
Greetings, I am seeking a long term relationship monogamous with the end goal being matrimony. I am not one for playing around and being used casually as it doesn’t suit me personally. Ideally I'd prefer a man that has his life already in place so that I can be able to share life with him and for him to take care of me. I would expect my future man to have a financially stable job and be able to support me and our future family. I wouldn’t be opposed to being a housewife. There are few reasons why I would like to work or work part time: 1) Being abandoned with nothing, 2) I want to feel fulfilled and not bored. Happy to discuss possible dynamics, I'm flexible. I would love a synergistic partnership where we are both able to mold our minds and fill our hearts with warm affection. I will be there to support you throughout your journey and celebrate every moment with you. I want you to be proud of you just as you are with me. I want to show you that you are truly cared for and appreciated by gestures of love such as massages and other forms of entertainment. I would expect the same from you as well. Even if we are both working adults we can still make our relationship work in the best way possible. I have seen this come out well for people who are dedicated and willing to make their relationships work. For a strong relationship to occur I would expect effective (transparent) communication from you. If you are going to be busy just be honest and let me know you won’t be able to talk to me.Also, if you need your space both mentally and physically let me know. I understand that we all have our lives to attend to but it is incredibly important for people in a relationship to be transparent when circumstances arise in a timely manner in order to avoid future conflict. If this relationship isn’t going to work I would expect you to tell me and not ghost or block me before giving me a reason why. We are all adults so I would expect nothing but maturity. Starting out I don’t want the pressure of sex to be pushed onto me. I’d rather let time tell in all of its glory.
Now onto my true introduction
My name is Angie and I'm from Georgia in the United States. I've been lonely for quite some time and find it hard to find a soulmate in IRL. What I'm looking for is someone who I can connect with and have wholesome conversations with. I want to be able to treat my future soulmate well just as much as they do me. The biggest part of a long lasting relationship is the ability to communicate openly without worry. I'd love it if my significant other has a dark sense of humor and continues to crack me up non-stop. As cheesy as it may sound I long for those late night calls and cute texts. I want for us to drive out the very best in each other; become our support system. A little bit about me is that I grew up in Florida and not too long ago moved to Georgia. I'm currently in college to become an RN but I'm also passionate about cosmetic chemistry and nutrition so I may seek to build my own business in the future. I'm passionate about science and theoretical applications especially within the medical field. I'd appreciate it if my partner is open minded about varying topics and welcomes healthy conversations. Appearance wise I'm open to seeing if we have a connection and feel as long as you are well groomed and practice basic hygiene you are good. Although, I must say that attraction is key in a relationship so I will have to go off on that as well. To add on, I enjoy playing video games, exercising (I've been slacking off lately), cooking and baking (vegan), playing board games, reading, exploring nature, playing sports (basketball and soccer) for fun, and trying new experiences. I love heavy metal and rock music, but also listen to other genres too. I love RPGs, FPS, and simulation games. I hope to save up and travel someday. It would be nice for my partner to be able to set up our travel itinerary.
My Physical Description:
I am a black woman who’s twenty five years old (almost 26 in December) with Afro-Carribean, Japanese and Swedish ancestry. I’d still consider myself black presenting since that’s more along the lines of what I appear as phenotypically. I have dark brown curly hair (Mainly 3c type curls) and brown eyes. I am 5 '4 on the thicker spectrum (not at all obese but thick boned and have thunder thighs). I am trying to exercise more to become fit. I used to weight lift when I was younger but since then have lost lean muscle mass. Having a partner that is willing to work out together sometimes is rather rewarding. A man who has drive and appeal is incredibly sexy. I would also like to point out that I am curvy and noticeable in certain aspects (I’ll leave it up to you to decide).
*You have to be MINIMUM 21 to date me *
If distance is an issue and you aren't willing to commit then DON'T MESSAGE ME!!
If you will be too busy to pursue a relationship then DO NOT contact me!! * *Again, No ghosters or blockers!! Seeking a person who seeks a relationship with God and/or is open to one MUST be free from venerial diseases (must be willing to get tested) Bonus points if you're vegan Ideally I would like someone that is taller than me (I’m 5’4) I prefer a man that is fit or trying to be. I'd prefer someone who is fiscally stable and able to support the both of us* A big red flag for me is smokers. It isn't good for your health nor is it sexy to me.* It's important for me to point out that I want children in the future and need someone who may want that as well. If you're interested in how I look and want to know more about me, message me. Although I don’t make it a huge deal, I do prefer White and East Asian men. But I do love all types of men and welcome them. As stated before I emphasize communication and would prefer you to be honest and say if something is wrong instead of ghosting or blocking without stating the reason. Fair warning if I can be socially awkward sometimes and don't know what to talk about so please be patient with me as I'm learning to be better conversation wise.
submitted by Brilliantmind1997 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:44 Brilliantmind1997 26 [F4M] Georgia,USA -Seeking a long term monogamous relationship (serious inquiries only)

Do Not message or add me just to unfriend me or ghost me. That will not be tolerated so DON'T WASTE MY TIME Greetings future partner ❤️ I'm still searching for you. I have to be honest and say that I am losing hope trying to find you.Please be somewhere. I want my search for a partner to be over. I'm seeking adventure in my life with someone I can call a forever partner. I'm tired of the loneliness and the sheltered lifestyle that I've lived. It would mean a lot of you could read through this post so that I could make sure we are compatible. Even if we start off as friends that would be fine.
Here's to new beginnings and new connections. PLEASE make sure you READ through the WHOLE POST also please be respectful when messaging me * *If you're the type to be impatient, block, or ghost easily, then save both of us the trouble and DO NOT message me! I'm not trying to come off as mean but I'd much rather you not message me if you're the type of person to do that. If something isn't working just let me know. We're all adults.
Greetings, I am seeking a long term relationship monogamous with the end goal being matrimony. I am not one for playing around and being used casually as it doesn’t suit me personally. Ideally I'd prefer a man that has his life already in place so that I can be able to share life with him and for him to take care of me. I would expect my future man to have a financially stable job and be able to support me and our future family. I wouldn’t be opposed to being a housewife. There are few reasons why I would like to work or work part time: 1) Being abandoned with nothing, 2) I want to feel fulfilled and not bored. Happy to discuss possible dynamics, I'm flexible. I would love a synergistic partnership where we are both able to mold our minds and fill our hearts with warm affection. I will be there to support you throughout your journey and celebrate every moment with you. I want you to be proud of you just as you are with me. I want to show you that you are truly cared for and appreciated by gestures of love such as massages and other forms of entertainment. I would expect the same from you as well. Even if we are both working adults we can still make our relationship work in the best way possible. I have seen this come out well for people who are dedicated and willing to make their relationships work. For a strong relationship to occur I would expect effective (transparent) communication from you. If you are going to be busy just be honest and let me know you won’t be able to talk to me.Also, if you need your space both mentally and physically let me know. I understand that we all have our lives to attend to but it is incredibly important for people in a relationship to be transparent when circumstances arise in a timely manner in order to avoid future conflict. If this relationship isn’t going to work I would expect you to tell me and not ghost or block me before giving me a reason why. We are all adults so I would expect nothing but maturity. Starting out I don’t want the pressure of sex to be pushed onto me. I’d rather let time tell in all of its glory.
Now onto my true introduction
My name is Angie and I'm from Georgia in the United States. I've been lonely for quite some time and find it hard to find a soulmate in IRL. What I'm looking for is someone who I can connect with and have wholesome conversations with. I want to be able to treat my future soulmate well just as much as they do me. The biggest part of a long lasting relationship is the ability to communicate openly without worry. I'd love it if my significant other has a dark sense of humor and continues to crack me up non-stop. As cheesy as it may sound I long for those late night calls and cute texts. I want for us to drive out the very best in each other; become our support system. A little bit about me is that I grew up in Florida and not too long ago moved to Georgia. I'm currently in college to become an RN but I'm also passionate about cosmetic chemistry and nutrition so I may seek to build my own business in the future. I'm passionate about science and theoretical applications especially within the medical field. I'd appreciate it if my partner is open minded about varying topics and welcomes healthy conversations. Appearance wise I'm open to seeing if we have a connection and feel as long as you are well groomed and practice basic hygiene you are good. Although, I must say that attraction is key in a relationship so I will have to go off on that as well. To add on, I enjoy playing video games, exercising (I've been slacking off lately), cooking and baking (vegan), playing board games, reading, exploring nature, playing sports (basketball and soccer) for fun, and trying new experiences. I hope to save up and travel someday. It would be nice for my partner to be able to set up our travel itinerary.
My Physical Description:
I am a black woman who’s twenty five years old (almost 26 in December) with Afro-Carribean, Japanese and Swedish ancestry. I’d still consider myself black presenting since that’s more along the lines of what I appear as phenotypically. I have dark brown curly hair (Mainly 3c type curls) and brown eyes. I am 5 '4 on the thicker spectrum (not at all obese but thick boned and have thunder thighs). I am trying to exercise more to become fit. I used to weight lift when I was younger but since then have lost lean muscle mass. Having a partner that is willing to work out together sometimes is rather rewarding. A man who has drive and appeal is incredibly sexy. I would also like to point out that I am curvy and noticeable in certain aspects (I’ll leave it up to you to decide).
*You have to be MINIMUM 21 to date me *
If distance will be a problem and you aren't willing to make it work then DON'T MESSAGE ME!!
If you will be too busy to pursue a relationship then DO NOT contact me!! * *Again, No ghosters or blockers!! Seeking a person who seeks a relationship with God and/or is open to one Must be free from venerial diseases and must be willing to get tested(will discuss) Bonus points if you're vegan Ideally I would like someone that is taller than me (I’m 5’4) I prefer a man that is fit or trying to be. I'd prefer someone who is fiscally stable and able to support the both of us* A big red flag for me is smokers. It isn't good for your health nor is it sexy to me.* It's important for me to point out that I want children in the future and need someone who may want that as well. If you're interested in how I look and want to know more about me, message me. Although I don’t make it a huge deal, I do prefer White and East Asian men. But I do love all types of men and welcome them. As stated before I emphasize communication and would prefer you to be honest and say if something is wrong instead of ghosting or blocking without stating the reason. Fair warning if I can be socially awkward sometimes and don't know what to talk about so please be patient with me as I'm learning to be better conversation wise
submitted by Brilliantmind1997 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]