Examples of thank you letters for medical assistant

Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.

2009.10.18 21:53 davedavedavedavedave Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.


2011.03.30 16:39 HotDinnerBatman Unsent Letters

A place for the letter you never sent.

2008.03.25 00:30 Reddit Parenting - For those with kids of any age!

/Parenting is the place to discuss the ins and out as well as ups and downs of child-rearing. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. You can get advice on potty training, talk about breastfeeding, discuss how to get your baby to sleep or ask if that one weird thing your kid does is normal.

2024.05.20 04:50 chknnggts69 Advice for comorbid OCD, Bipolar

I apologize for the long post, I'm really desperate for some advice. I'm a 26-year old, north African, 270lbs, 180cm male. My official psychiatric diagnoses are OCD and Bipolar Disorder. The onset of my OCD has been my whole childhood but an official diagnosis was made in 2020 and Bipolar in 2024. I was hospitalized in 2020 as my OCD worsened and led to psychosis.
The main symptoms I'm currently experiencing are:
My current psychiatric medication/doses are as follows:
My past psychiatric medication combinations are as follows:
Other treatments I've tried:
Clomipramine and/or Risperidone caused a manic episode (I couldn't tell which one since I was taking both at the same time). Risperidone unfortunately made me gain a lot of weight and did not help with OCD. 100mg of Clomipramine did not help my OCD. Zoloft, Escitalopram and Fluvoxamine were not able to put a dent in my OCD. Lamotrigine did somehow balance my mood but was not able to tackle DPDR. Brexpiprazole has kind of helped with depression. CBT and ERP have not helped at all. I asked my psych if I could be put back on a higher dose of Clomipramine. My psych agreed but only if it was augmented with Lithium to prevent a manic episode. So far no manic episode has occurred, and my mood is somewhat stable but I'm still depressed. It's been currently 9 weeks since I've started Clomipramine + Lithium, and it has been 4 weeks since i was on 200mg of Clomipramine.
Thank you in advance for your time. I appreciate any advice.
submitted by chknnggts69 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:47 skittenskilpadde Any UiB International Students Here?

Hi Bergen, just curious to see if there are any people who've been through international admissions to UiB?
Coming from New Zealand, I've applied through Samordna Opptaks early intake (tidlig opptak) program and I've been guaranteed a place in autumn! This is for a bachelor's degree (eg kan norsk men skriver dette her bare på engelsk for de som kom fra andre engelsktalende land).
Having some trouble with getting a hold of the admissions team to organise anything at all for my visa. They can't even give me a price per year for the course (bachelors are ca. 100000 nok cheaper per year than masters). Things such as an admission letter, deposit accounts for living expenses, or organising accommodation.
If there's anyone who has been through this process some advice would be much appreciated thank you in advance. It makes no sense why they'd offer early intake and then make you wait until July to be able to organise a visa.
Edit: skal studere bachelor i geovitskap, retning geofysikk
submitted by skittenskilpadde to Bergen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:44 ab-absurdum Who is Maynard Holliday? Calling all FOIA experts. Let's pull on this string.

I was digging around and found this seemingly well-connected character. I believe there are more than a few good strings here that we could be pulling on together. I'm not at all familiar with the FOIA process, but I know some members here are and might enjoy a new rabbithole to dig down.
If you have experience filing a FOIA request and would be willing to file one or multiple requests for us, please reach out via modmail or comment here.
I really feel there may be some good leads here. Thank you to anyone who is willing to assist!
Below is a biography from https://www.defense.gov/About/Biographies/Biography/Article/2762694/maynard-holliday/
Mr. Maynard A. Holliday is Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. In this capacity, he oversees investment and capability analysis of the Pentagon's critical technology areas. He has oversight of 11 principal directors assigned to those critical technology portfolios and their roadmaps — the comprehensive strategies to manage, provide oversight and guide choices for each critical technology area. These critical technology areas include 5G; Advanced Computing & Software; Directed Energy; Human-Machine Interfaces; Hypersonics; Integrated Network Systems-of-Systems; Integrated Sensing & Cyber; Microelectronics; Renewable Energy Generation & Storage; Space Technology; and Trusted Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy.
Mr. Holliday has more than 30 years of professional experience leading technological innovations in both government and the private sector. Most recently, he was a Senior Engineer at the RAND Corporation working on autonomous vehicle safety metrics and policy, explainable artificial intelligence, swarm robotics and drone defense. Previously, he served as Senior Technical Advisor and Special Assistant to Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. Mr. Holliday helped establish the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental and was a member of the Defense Science Board. Mr. Holliday has also worked for the Department of Energy as a project manager for the U.S.-Russia Nuclear Material Security Task Force. He was awarded the DOE’s Meritorious Service Award, its highest, for his exceptional service in helping secure tons of weapons grade nuclear material. Prior to his government service, Mr. Holliday was a senior engineering and robotics professional at the Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories, as well as various robotics start-ups and technology companies in Silicon Valley.
Mr. Holliday is a co-organizer of Black in Robotics, a virtual world-wide community of roboticists and their allies whose mission is to bring together Black researchers, industry professionals and students in robotics to mutually support one another to help navigate academic, corporate, and entrepreneurial paths to success. He is also co-founder of Robot Garden, the robotics-themed hacker space in Livermore, Calif. He also has been working with Bay Area public schools lecturing on robotics and teaching robotics through the Citizen Schools program in East Oakland. Mr. Holliday was named Citizen Schools Volunteer of the Year for 2012 and was also recognized with a Presidential Volunteer Service Award from the White House for his efforts. Before leaving government service in 2017, he was awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service recognizing his contributions to national security through his considerable and trusted advice on multiple DOD initiatives.
Mr. Holliday graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. He later won a scholarship to attend Stanford University, where he earned a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Design with an emphasis on robotics, international security and arms control. Mr. Holliday also won a scholarship to attend the International Space University in France and was a two-time finalist for the U.S. Astronaut Corps.
submitted by ab-absurdum to UFOdiscussions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:43 ArchiesWifey My bunny has a weird cheek and we’re not sure why?

My bunny has a weird cheek and we’re not sure why?
I shared this to bunnies but thought I should also share it to this community too so I could get the most advice possible :) thanks!
So for a bit of context this is one of my outside bunnies Lopsy. She turns 7 next month and is overall healthy and happy besides this one issue which we first noticed a couple weeks back.
So as you can see by the picture one of her cheeks is larger than the other and leaves her looking like ‘🫤’. She’s still happy, she still eats (and is very eager to eat) so nothing has changed with her appetite. She also gets a bit of a weeping eye on the same side as the cheek so I’m not sure if they’re connected but it started happening around the same time.
We took her to the vets last week and they couldn’t find anything wrong with her teeth or ears or any of the sort which left both us and the vet confused on what it is. She’d claimed she had never seen anything like this without there being an obvious dental issue, which lopsy doesn’t have.
We have been giving her anti inflammatory medication but it has had no effect and after looking closer at her and of pictures from a few months ago(which I also attached for comparison), we’re starting to think it’s the smaller cheek that’s the issue as if both are the same size as the left one she looks normal.
So I’m sharing this to see if anyone knows what it may be? Or if you’ve seen anything like this before? I’ve included all relative information that I can think of so I’m hoping someone has an answer. If not then thank you for just taking the time to read :)
submitted by ArchiesWifey to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:42 salty_worms Re: pass legislation in CA to make it a crime for dr to deny sterilization based on fear of regret

I had the post up all day and looked at all of the comments on there, thank you so much for your feedback. I re-wrote it and it is about 2× as long now, but it is written much better than before. Here it is:
 Good evening, my name is [redacted], I’m an 18 year old woman and I want to bring your attention to an aspect of women’s rights California legislation has, unfortunately, neglected. Tonight I stand here to raise awareness to the fact that despite abortion being set in California’s constitution, and birth control and plan B being widely available, there are other reproductive healthcare procedures women are frequently denied by doctors, because some doctors only trust us to make medical choices regarding our body when it fits their agenda. Those procedures are elective sterilizations. Being a young, childfree adult is more common now than you think. In adults aged 18-34, 49% want to remain childfree. When you single out just women in that age range, 55% of us want to be childfree. This is according to a poll from the Pew Research Center published February of this year. That means over 92 million (92,400,000) women in the United States, or about 11 million (10,743,477) Californian women. In today’s political climate regarding women’s reproductive healthcare it is imperative that the issue of women being infantilized by our medical providers, and denied medical procedures because of it, receive a lot more attention than it is getting. If Trump gets elected, abortion will become a federal crime and women will turn to less safe methods to end their pregnancy. We are one election away from losing reproductive freedom, and this is especially dangerous for childfree women. I have known I didn't want kids since I was 12, and as a childfree adult woman I won’t be safe to exercise my childfree lifestyle in Donald Trump’s anti-abortion America. Birth control and plan B may be banned next in his legislation, and childfree women like myself shouldn’t have our unwanted fertility putting us at risk of an unwanted pregnancy due to that type of environment. I believe the lack of access around elective sterilization is something pro-choice and pro-life can agree on, as it helps to meet both goals. The bipartisan nature of this issue is another reason why it is important to direct our efforts to absolve the passive and dismissive nature doctors take towards young, childfree women opting for a procedure that will ultimately bring peace of mind if abortion is federally banned. Our goal to protect reproductive freedom should have more focus on ending the infantilizing discrimination against women in healthcare, and giving us a choice on if we want to risk subjecting our bodies to something as body-altering as pregnancy by refusing to tolerate doctors denying women medical procedures based on a doctor projecting their fear of regret onto level-headed women. About three months before my 18th birthday, I had a consultation with my doctor to talk about permanent sterilization. Of course, I was 17 so I knew I would not be granted any procedure until after my 18th birthday, but I wanted to find out more about what options are out there, risks, benefits, and how likely I am to be approved by a surgeon. What I found out is most hospitals will want female patients to be at least 21, 25 or sometimes over 30 before they will consider elective sterilization. This isn't because of legitimate medical concerns with the procedure, this is because they think women are likely to regret being childfree, and their lack of trust in our decision making is both infantilizing and insulting. On my 18th birthday, I called to schedule another consultation to get a referral for sterilization. I will be 19 next month and I am about to have my fourth consultation to attempt to get a referral for a surgery to remove both fallopian tubes, called a bi-salp. A bi-salp is the safest and most effective form of female sterilization, and it is low risk as far as surgery goes. I have been denied three times in one year, despite that I have known I am childfree since I was 12, and I have been wanting to become sterilized since I was 14. Doctors treat me like I don’t know what I want, and like they know better than me. It is infantilizing, discriminating against women, and shows a lack of ignorance when you look at statistics of regret rates. According to a study done by S D Hillis et al, the least likely groups of women to feel regret after an elective sterilization are childfree women under age 30 (6.3%) and women over the age of 30 (5.9%). The study followed over 11 thousand women aged 18-44 for 14 years, and showed the risk of regretting elective sterilization is low, even in young women. If you compare those numbers to other elective surgeries, such as cosmetics, the percentages are much higher. According to a paper by Dr. Aaron Stanes, as much as 40% of people regret rhinoplasty surgery. Even comparing the rates of regretting sterilization with the rates of regretting an unplanned c-section, elective sterilization has a much lower rate of regret than an unplanned c-section, which had a whole 73% of patients regretting it according to Yasmine L Konheim-Kalkstein et al. Denying adult women elective sterilization on the grounds that the doctor thinks we will regret it later is barbaric and borderline inhumane in today’s political climate, as well as ignorant when you factor in the actual statistics. Today, I want to bring attention to this issue to the public, and at some point I want to make it a crime in the state of California for a doctor to deny elective sterilization to adult women based on fear of regret. I want a world where women’s reproductive choices are not limited to the government’s opinion, or our doctor’s feelings. Granting adult women the dignity of choice is essential to our reproductive equality. Thank you for your time. 
submitted by salty_worms to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:41 coconutmilkmatcha Help with school list? CA Resident, low research

Hi!! I decided to apply this cycle a little late in the game so working now to try to get AMCAS submitted this month... I need a little help filtering down my school list and would be so grateful for anybody's help or opinion! I'm planning to apply to all CA schools (except Drew and Loma Linda), not applying to most T20 schools since I have no research, and would love to be in an urban area. I'd love to get my list down to 30-40. Also I'm just planning to apply to MD for this cycle.
CA resident, ORM (Asian), MCAT 514, cGPA 3.93, undergrad at a UC
A lot of paid clinical hours, some clinical volunteering, basically no research
OOS schools I'm applying to: Rush, Albany, Tulane, Boston, Drexel, Wake Forest, Tufts, UColorado, Temple, Sidney Kimmel Thomas Jefferson, Penn State, East Virginia, Indiana, U of Cincinnati
OOS schools I'm most likely applying to: George Washington, Wisconsin, U Vermont, TCU, UNC CH, Wayne State, Albert Einstein, Virginia Commonwealth, U Pittsburg, NYU Grossman Long Island, Creighton AZ, U of Michigan, USF Morsani, U Miami, Quinnipiac
OOS I'm not sure about: Emory, Geisinger Commonwealth, Wright State, Zucker Hofstra, NY Medical College, Saint Louis, U of Illinois, Rosalind Franklin (too rural?), Loyola Chicago, U of Iowa, Georgetown, U of Connecticut
I would love and appreciate any input about schools I should/shouldn't apply to!! Thank you :)
submitted by coconutmilkmatcha to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:40 DomScribe I will never ride another “Dark Ride” for as long as I live.

Every area has at least something interesting in their distant history. Whether it’s a myth, an infamous establishment, or a local sports team, there is something that an area is known for on a micro or macro level.
My area, which I will only describe as near the border of Otsego County, New York, really only has one thing that it at least USED to be known for. From the early Seventies to just before the new millennium, there was an amusement park that was the rare source of many childrens’ entertainment before video games and the internet became really widespread. It wasn’t big by any means, I don’t even think it has a Wikipedia page. But for many, it was 85 acres of heaven.
I was born in ‘96, so I never actually got to go to the park, but speaking to the adults in my life, I always had a very romanticized view of it growing up. It contained two roller coasters, about 18 state fair-tier rides, an amphitheater, some decent dining choices, and the ride that made this park worth it. A water-dark ride called “Journey Through Legend”.
Journey Through Legend is a funny name for reasons I’ll make clear now. It opened in the late Eighties. You would hop into boats and be brought through four large rooms that represented four different “legends”. The first being ghosts, the second being Bigfoot, the third being zombies, and the final being mermaids/sirens. None of these legends had anything to do with our area, so I have no idea why they were selected, but everyone I have spoken with have talked very highly about this ride for varying reasons.
Now, since the park closed in ‘99 due to poor attendance, most of the park was dismantled and sold off to other parks, with the land being repurposed. However, for reasons beyond the mid-level government officials I was able to gain audience with could tell me, Journey Through Legend, and some of the surrounding land, still stands.
Surrounded by a twelve foot fence topped with barbed wire, this dark ride that meant so much to nearly everyone in my life has just sat there, untouched, for 25 years.
Recently, I’ve gotten into an urban exploration kick due to YouTube’s algorithm, and it inspired me to break the law to tour the only interesting abandoned structure for hundreds of miles. So, over the course of the last week, I obtained two fifteen foot ladders, a cheap rug, and some basic hiking gear. Then, at 7PM on Friday, I threw everything in my truck, and was off.
The site is about a 40 minute drive from my house, sitting in some newly-sprouted woods behind the industrial park that replaced the amusement park. About halfway there, I had my first antagonistic thought. Why on earth did the ride still exist? Everything else got completely dismantled, why would a single ride be left, and PROTECTED for that matter!? But I shrugged the nagging notion off, and continued on.
The dark overtook me as I started down the gravel access road that led to the fence. So you can imagine my surprise as I noticed dancing technicolor lights rise above the trees as I got closer to the site. My jaw literally dropped when I got to the outskirts of the fence. The ride’s front facade, which was a closed golden storybook, poked above the fence, and was LIT UP. I was so caught up in the moment that as I set up the first ladder, I didn’t think to take pictures!!
I walked up the ladder with the rug, placed the rug on the barbed wire, then went down and lugged the second ladder up, throwing it over. I then literally prayed to not get injured before I dropped from the top of the fence. After landing unharmed, I rose, and almost felt like I was having an out of body experience.
The entire ride was lit up. Every single bulb out front was working. The title of the “book” (and the ride) jumped out to me in rainbow lettering. I set up the second ladder before slowly approaching the ride. As I walked through the path toward the ride, which now had been mostly reclaimed by nature, I felt entranced. I wasn’t literally placed in a trance by the ride, I was simply overtaken by the unreality of what was standing before me.
I suppose this was why I wasn’t more shocked by the fact that the ride wasn’t just lit up, but was MOVING! WORKING! I could hear the water rushing! The gears turning! If I craned my neck enough, I would have seen the boats cycling through! After walking through the queue area, I imagined a smiling ticket taker welcoming me on the loading ramp, asking if I was ready to have fun.
It was when I reached the loading ramp where I first realized that this fantasy wasn’t “perfect”. The sound system was working, and while the backtrack of the ride had been described as “lightly ominous”, this horrid ‘whooshing’ noise was pouring out of the speakers. It sounded like listening to a tornado through the front screen door of a midwestern home.
Despite this, when a boat halted in front of me, I tossed my backpack in, and got in the front seat. Why was I doing this? Why was this ride fully operational? WHO was operating the fucking thing!? These were questions that meant nothing to me as the boat moved forward toward a rotting wooden door with the words “welcome” painted onto it. The “spell” was broken as I passed through the doors, and the ear splitting noise from the speakers were replaced by the pre-recorded sounds of the first room.
The “ghost” room was the least remarkable for reasons you’ll soon understand. It certainly was cool though. The surrounding set was of a normal all-American home that was besieged by a poltergeist. Lights flickered on and off, household items flew across the room, and disembodied children’s laughter filled the room before we reached the bend for the second half of the scene. After the bend, you were met with the ride’s first animatronic. I imagine it was once shocking to see at such a small park, but it was now less than remarkable. It was mostly damp and torn white cloth reaching up to an admittedly creepy pale face of a dead man howling at me. The “eerie” ambient music was replaced with a scream as the animatronic was hurled a bit too close to the boat by what I could only picture as a rusty mechanical arm.
Once the animatronic was slowly and awkwardly hauled back onto the side, the boat moved forward toward another door. This door was painted like the tree-line of some woods, with glowing animal eyes filling the gaps between the shrubbery and trees. However, both the boat and the background music halted just before I reached the door. My heart jumped when the sound of a soft-but-sad woman’s voice filled the building through the PA-system.
“Have you wondered yet why you’re here? Have you questioned the actions that led you here? If you haven’t yet, you really should. Not that it matters anymore, though.”
Then, as if it never happened, the music returned, this time a royalty-free “sounds of the woods” track, and the boat began moving again.
The next section had the stages on both sides filled with faux vegetation you’d find in any random American forest. Upon first entering the room, you’re greeted by the ride’s only “normal” animatronic, a stereotypical “hiker”. With labored, jerky movements, he turned his head to look at me. His face was shockingly well-sculpted. His sad bespectacled eyes paired well with his expression of complete dread. As if he knew the fate that would befall him within this scenario.
It wasn’t until I moved past the hiker that I really noticed the SMELL. Stagnant water EVERYWHERE. It invaded my nose, tickled my throat, and filled my lungs. I did my best to keep myself from vomiting by focusing on the scene around me. The fake plants were falling apart, and the branches of the trees hung lower than they should. Then, the music was replaced by a sharp howl as we reached an animatronic of a “wolf” on my left side. I put that in quotes because the animatronic was in ROUGH shape. The fake fur had fallen off in multiple places, the jaw had likely broken, because it hung open with reckless abandon, and its yellowing eyes seemed to bug out of its head. The ride stopped beside the wolf, and its unending stare was getting to me, so I looked to the other side, and I noticed something.
At the very back of this stage, I could see something pacing back and forth. It was hunched over, covered in intact hair, and was just aimlessly pacing. I knew that it couldn’t be an animatronic, because it was moving far too fluidly, something that couldn’t have been done with this ride’s budget. I didn’t get a good look because like I said, it was at the very back, concealed by the rotting trees. Plus, the ride started moving again just before my eyes could see any distinguished features.
Eventually, we got to the Bigfoot animatronic, which was pretty shoddily done. It was only at all unnerving because like the wolf, its damp fur was hanging off it like the skin of a burn victim.
Again, the ride moved toward a third door. This door was painted with the faces of green brain-hungry zombies. But before the boat’s bow reached the doors to force them open, the ride was once again halted, and the same haunting female voice filled the building.
“To be forgotten is a terrible thing. But to be ostracized is even worse. Caged like an animal, fed scraps from the population, I don’t want to live like this anymore. I want to die. Why are you here? Why won’t you just let me die?”
This was all said with a sadness that one can only know if they’ve hit rock bottom. These words threatened to split my soul in half as the boat pushed forward.
The PA system was now spitting out the sounds of anguished screams mixed with the grunting of B-movie actors playing the living dead. However, the next room was the most visually impressive.
The scene was truly apocalyptic, both sides were filled with the death of an idyllic suburb. The sameface houses were filled with controlled flames. On the front lawns, behind picket fences, mangled human animatronics were being set upon by grotesque zombies. I didn’t say “zombie animatronics” because honestly, they didn’t very much look like animatronics at all. If they were, they belonged on a Disney World ride, because their movements appeared slightly too fluid, similar to the hulking furry figure from the prior scene. They groaned in delight as they tore apart the helpless robots that sat before them. The only thing that marked them as animatronics was the fact that like the others, they were rotting. But this time, I couldn’t tell if it was the doing of the humid atrocity that was the stagnant water beneath the boat or if this was done purposefully.
Then, halfway through the scene, everything stopped. Literally everything. The boat, the animatronics, the music, and unfortunately, even the lights. The moment I was plunged into darkness, I felt a fear that had never been matched before (and would never be matched again if the next scene hadn’t happened). By the one minute mark, I didn’t know what to do. I was about to grab my phone from my pocket, to force myself back into reality by calling the authorities, when I heard something. Movement. Not mechanical movement, no, movement that only flesh and blood creatures could make. They were moving with a human’s gait. Then, the woman again made her presence known through the building’s speakers. Her sadness now evaporated and replaced with a seething anger.
“I hate you. I hate you all. You created me, you sustain me, and have left me to rot. You were unfairly chosen for this, but I have nothing but hard feelings. The only regret I have is that I cannot force this fate on every man, woman, and child that walk this earth.”
Then, everything sprang to life again, and I truly wish it hadn’t. With the lights on, I saw that every zombie was now standing at the edge of both stages. They were all lined up, glaring down at me. The stench of stagnant water was now replaced with the stench of human decomposition. I felt like at any moment, they were going to jump down and tear me limb from limb. Then, in perfect unison, they all opened their jaws that strongly resembled the one that the wolf animatronic had, and emitted an angry, pained screech. I answered back with a scream of complete terror. Then, once again, darkness.
This darkness lasted only a few seconds. Then, once the ride roared back to life, everything was as it was when I first entered the room. The zombies were back in their original positions.
My sobs overpowered the undead groaning as the boat moved toward the doors adorning an absolute ripoff of Disney’s Ariel. To my complete delight though, the boat moved through the doors without issue.
The final scene had to be the most expensive. Ethereal fantasy sounds backtracked pretty impressive visuals. Instead of stages, large pools sat beside me. On the left, the only above-water feature was an animatronic mermaid sunbathing on a large rock. On the right, a pirate ship with some animatronic pirates waving down to a mermaid that sat barely above water, waving back.
Despite this scene having the MOST water, the smell of gross stagnant water was completely absent. Instead, it felt like I now sat in the middle of a genuine sea with all the correct smells. For the first ten or so seconds, I had this unfounded feeling of calmness, like I was about to get out of this nightmare unscathed. But then, about halfway through, everything went wrong.
My boat halted, and I was once again forced to listen to who I now assumed was the operator of the ride, or perhaps was the voice of the ride itself.
“Goodbye, dear sacrifice. You only have the others to blame. It’s easier to just accept this ending. All myths, all stories, all legends have one, and this is yours.”
Then, both mermaid animatronics submerged themselves. The one to my right lowered her hand and slowly crept beneath the water. While the one on the rock simply pushed herself downward and slid underneath the surface. While they of course moved unlike any normal animatronic, they were nowhere near as fluid as the zombies, they very much moved robotically.
My stomach dropped as I pulled my phone out with the intention of calling 911. Zero service. As if I had been teleported to the middle of the ocean.
I knew I was being hunted, I just couldn’t fucking see where they had gone. Then, to my left, I saw a figure slowly rising to the surface, so I picked up my backpack and moved to the right of the boat.
Big mistake.
A hand clamped around my right wrist. The feeling of which I can barely describe to you. Silicone, the skin of a recently deceased human, whatever scurries in the depths of the underworld, that was what was gripping my wrist.
I swung my head around and saw a rotting animatronic arm holding me. The faux-skin was patchy, but I didn’t see a robot’s exoskeleton beneath it, I saw what I can only describe as a nebulous darkness beneath the silicone outer shell.
I stood and yanked my arm free from its grip far too hard, because a moment later, my world was turned upside down as I tumbled out of the boat.
I didn’t want to open my eyes, I wanted everything to just be over, I didn’t want to have to face what I was going to have to, but if I wanted to survive, if I wanted to go back home, I had to open them.
Both mermaids now floated in front of me in the murky water. Their imitation faces were wrenched into sadistic grins. I then looked up and saw the boat’s track only a few feet above me. I also stupidly looked down and saw the unending sea below me. I tried spasming upward, but the mermaids were too quick. Though like I said, they moved robotically, their movements were enough to out-swim me.
My hands were nearly at the metal tracks when I felt my ankles yanked downwards. I looked down and nearly vomited when I saw that the faces of the mermaids had been replaced with those of bloated corpses. Hungry bloated corpses.
I’m not a great swimmer, but I’m a human, and we have a will to live that cannot be matched by any supernatural force. I began thrashing. Moving as if I was stuck between two enclosing walls and I needed to push them away to avoid being squished. Though I felt one of my ankles slice open against one of their grips, I broke free.
With darkness inching at the edge of my vision, I reached the track, and yanked myself up and over it.
I don’t know how I didn’t fall through the tracks because my ass didn’t look down once as I sprinted across it. The woman’s voice filled the building, she was frustrated, screaming at me to stop.
The mermaids were still grabbing at me, but I was moving forward. I’m a human, and I was moving forward.
I pushed myself through the wooden doors with a faded “Thanks For Coming!” painted on them.
The next five or so minutes were a blur. I only really regained what you could call full “consciousness” as I placed my keys into my truck’s ignition.
I burned my sopping wet stinking clothes last night. I left everything there, so maybe I’ll get a visit from the cops soon, but I don’t think I will.
It’s strange. I have no use for legends anymore, yet here I am writing one. But that doesn’t matter, because I survived. I’m a human, I survived, and I will never ride a dark ride again in my life.
submitted by DomScribe to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:38 Fluid_Ad_4698 turns out I'm quiet lonely, sucks ass

looking for non-specific friend advice, hope thats alright and not directly against any rules, have tried advice, but no answers :/
i know it's long but I appreciate every read and skip-read, thanks!!
(first part could prolly be skipped? not sure)
So as the title says I (m19) feel pretty lonely bcs I realised I never really "had anybody", which I think is really more the problem ig?
Quick situation: I'm deep in Uni applications for fine arts, so lots of portfolio's, A LOT to do, as I REALLY need to get accepted somewhere this yr. . Finished my Highschool/A-levels in arts last year; and am now doing a voluntary year which, incl. commute, takes about 36 hrs of my week.
I wanna move away end of summer, "as far" as possible, bcs I kinda want a fresh start.
Social situation: So my parents spereated when I was 5, but, as i heard soon enough, they technically did "5" yrs before that and just lived together for my sake; which I realise as I'm writing this, I actually changed my mind and think that was a shit idea and they handled it very poorly.
In General:To put it shortly they both kinda fucked about about how they ..were? I think I was more of a best friend/therapist for him after all that; and my mother actually behaved like a mother, just very cold? like not comically so, but she just really isn't like that. It just sucks when she is The person in your life. (I'm kinda like that too so I don't even really blame her, but also I don't plan on having children so..). As for the rest of my family; can automatically ignore my father's side, except for a few but I don't really know them anyways. My mothers side, I all love them very dearly, you got your problems but all very normal and nice.
I just always had a kind of social anxiety towards those closest to me, ESPECIALLY family bcs, well they're probably gonna know you forever, which is very scary, more so than with a person/s you "choose".
I've got "lots" of friends, and one ore two close people (f21) i could even really talk to if needed to I'm sure? (100%!) And my two "✨besties✨" (2x f20), i really like them, and we are a fun group, don't really see eachother that often bcs of distance. But we aren't really the feelings kinda gals, more like gossip and life update, and a good vacation/sleepover. It'd be "weird" to be all emotionally with them, bcs we just aren't like that (not a no-go tho!), which works for us, one of them is even "cold/distant" in the same way as me, which i think is actually quite fun and bond-y sometimes. so all good there. (** I'm not really cold or distant more like "oh yeah he's the sarcastic/dry one" or something like that ig, it just feels kinda cold and empty sometimes)
I'm not in therapy rn, which obviously is something that needs doing, but I don't think that's the main problem, or that's what's actually missing. * I don't really need to talk it out or anything, I just need someone that's like there? i know that sounds so desperate but I'm afraid it's just what it is. I haven't had a succesful realtionship since 2020, which ended really fucking poorly, but it's just about this warm feeling before that. He was my best friends since 6th grade before that so I don't really have another example of that feeling but a good handful of short lived ones. I don't think it was HIM tho, we didn't really talk like that either, so it's not that or anything.
I don't even need a partner or something like that, just a good, warm friend, as sad as that sounds.
But even that I don't really feel like doing bcs I mean I don't even really have the time anyways which just sucks for everybody, and most for my portfolios.
But also I really, really want some male friends? that sounds awful and lonely but I don't really have a lot, and none close to me. But anyone would be fine really
(But also I really need some guy friends, bcs my b-day is in july and it's not exactly perfect to be the only guy at your own 20 person party)
As I said, I really don't know what to do with myself rn, I would really welcome some advice, as I think i really need some, and it's not like I can go to, even my most emotionally supportive, friends and be like '' yeah so I dont really feel close and homely with anybody not even you, sorry darling''
I'm really lost, but also I don't feel like opening any new barrels (??) "right before" I move away and meet new people, but also also until sept/oct is still quiet a long time.
I just want to meet some new people, which also seems kinda annoying to me, bcs I don't wanna waste any of my time as the "gay best friend" or being some flimsy whimsy weirdo to some Dude
* I don't want someone new to fill a void and fix all my problems or make up for 20 years of whatever this is or anything, I'm actually quiet well regulated, even if it doesn't sounds like it. There just is like a slot that shouldn't be empty and that probably shouldn't be bcs it makes like happy social hormones in your brain, which your brain needs to be regulated?? Idek I'm so tired and at my wits end at this point
I kinda realised this only today in the hard way, always kinda knew of course, and had small realisations, but as it happens it just really hit me and i feel super cornered
Sorry for all the text i know it's A LOT, but in case anybody actually makes the effort to read it, thank you, and any thought from you is deeply appreciated!!
(I know it's always annoying to read; but english isn't my first language, in case some wording or spelling is off/wrong)
submitted by Fluid_Ad_4698 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:38 Fragranceofstanley Some things yet to be considered about a future with AI

Just spent the day reading and thinking about stuff and realized how scared I am of AI.
Most people talk about how it will impact our jobs or how it will make fake content that is indistinguishable from the real thing.
I think our biggest concern is our privacy. Not only in the future but the entire time we've been using cell phones and cctv.
We all know of several 3 letter agencies like to spy on us through various means. We also have others gathering data on us for marketing reasons etc. Why wouldn't these guys start using AI? They probably already are.
I bet that more data than you can imagine has been stored waiting for AI to get to a point where it can process all of this data and cross reference everything I'm ways you couldn't imagine.
For example, even if you use an old Nokia phone with no GPS, it can still be tracked by triangulation the signals proximity to the 3 nearest cell towers. Not only that but facial recognition is getting scary good and there are millions of hours of cctv hoarded as well.
Basically AI will get to a point where it will know with a high degree of accuracy everywhere you've been since the early 2000s and everything you've been up to. Especially if you live in a populated area. Now with smart phones it's only easier and more accurate. Even when using wifi on your laptop it's easy to figure out where you are.
I'm scared that not only will AI know all and see all but it already has been watching since before it's reached that point.
Am I crazy? I don't know what to think right now. Every post every text Every call every time you passed a security camera or even an ATM or your phone camera? AI can already predict our behaviors and soon it will be able to influence us or outright control us. At least it would be used to opres us by TPTB if they're not beholden to it themselves.
On the bright side everything will be exposed? I think we are closer to this than we think since these kinds of advancements would be suppressed and advancement js exponential.
submitted by Fragranceofstanley to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:36 usethesleep I graduated from Medical School

I graduated from Medical School earlier this week with a Doctorate in Medicine. I graduated on time with the rest of my class. It's been a long and exhausting road, and publicly I thanked my family and supportive parther. Privately, I'd most like to thank my psychiatrist, therapist, and my medications. Over these last four years, bipolar has become much of my identity as I realized how this road was not meant for people like me. I struggled and clawed my way through, but I did it. I can't convey how difficult these last four years have been. This is the greatest accomplishment of my life. This is my win - our win - over this disease. Thank you to the Bipolar Reddit community. This is for us.
Dr. UsetheSleep, M.D.
submitted by usethesleep to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:36 usethesleep I graduated from Medical School

I graduated from Medical School earlier this week with a Doctorate in Medicine. I graduated on time with the rest of my class. It's been a long and exhausting road, and publicly I thanked my family and supportive parther. Privately, I'd most like to thank my psychiatrist, therapist, and my medications. Over these last four years, bipolar has become much of my identity as I realized how this road was not meant for people like me. I struggled and clawed my way through, but I did it. I can't convey how difficult these last four years have been. This is the greatest accomplishment of my life. This is my win - our win - over this disease. Thank you to the Bipolar Reddit community. This is for us.
Dr. UsetheSleep, M.D.
submitted by usethesleep to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:35 cutiebrunette6 [For Hire] Professional English <> Arabic Translator

Are you in need of top-notch language services that go beyond the ordinary? Look no further! I am an accomplished translator with over 8 years of industry experience, and I am here to elevate your projects to new heights. I'm a Top-Rated Plus Translator on Upwork with hundreds of successful projects for established customers like Sony, Samsung, Visit Dubai campaign, and more! Feel free to ask for my profile link. With an affordable rate that starts from as low as £0.06 per word, you can get the most professional translation for any content type, from documents to websites, software, and video subtitles! I'm experienced with various fields including technical, medical, e-commerce, and legal texts.
What sets me apart:
• Professional Expertise: With extensive experience in diverse translation fields, I ensure your content is seamlessly adapted, making it appear as if originally crafted in the target language.
• No Automation: Say goodbye to robotic translations! I refrain from using automatic translation machines, guaranteeing the most natural and appealing rendition of your content.
• Global Collaboration: Having collaborated with clients worldwide, each with unique mindsets, projects, and goals, my professionalism and exceptional skills have earned unanimous acclaim.
• Precision and Efficiency: Armed with a professional typing speed of 93 words per minute, coupled with an eagle eye for detail, I assure flawless grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
What you'll get: - Perfect Translation - Impeccable Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling - Thorough Proofreading - Swift Delivery: Test my typing speed at 93 wpm! - Flexibility and Open to Feedback - Rapid Responses and Regular Updates - Delivery in Your Preferred Format
• Advanced Skills: In addition to language services, I am proficient in various software and platforms, including Microsoft Bundle, Adobe Bundle, WordPress, Shopify, and more. For advanced projects, count on me for coding, graphic designing, SRT captioning, and beyond!
• Client Testimonials: Discover what clients are saying about my services:
✴ It has been a delight to work with her. She is knowledgeable, communicative, very conscientious and made some excellent suggestions to improve the meaning of the translation. I have already started working with her on an additional project as it is very reassuring to work with some you can trust. I have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone who is looking for a friendly, professional and very skilled Arabic translator who delivers projects on time.
✴ She was an absolute pleasure to work with. Not only was she a superbly quick learner, but she also adapted to different difficulties and challenges of the task extremely well, her work ethic was excellent and her communication made the work go smoothly and made things easier. She definitely is a reliable hire and would love to work with her again soon. Very Impressed and Very grateful!
✴ Thank you for your hard work, attention to detail, and devotion to our project. You went above and beyond the call of duty to do a perfect translation for this video lecture. You have remarkable communication skills, which when coupled with your open and easy-going personality make working with you a true pleasure. Thank you!
submitted by cutiebrunette6 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:35 condormandom Virus/Router hacked? Or something more benign? SSL certificate issue browsing on all devices.

Hello, I am having a very worrying issue. Getting this or similar "Connection not private,""SSL certificate error," etc. on nearly all websites (some working fine like Google search landing pages for example, or landing pages for office/work). Tried basic restarts and resets and not working still.
When I check the certificate from the website, it says the issuing authority is something called 'ospanel' which I don't think is normal???
A few times when I've tried to click through the warning to the website - uBlockOrigin blocks some scam website redirect from popping up "wincoresprize" or something like. So obviously my first thought is virus.
Antivirus (Avira) and Malwarebytes both comes up with nothing however. Getting this issue on all three devices too! (desktop PC, laptop, Android phone) So worried perhaps my router has been hacked. Complete noob in that regard so would appreciate any help on what best to do. Or is it possible for virus on one device to infect all 3?
I logged into the router (ISP supplied) and don't see any other connections. I currently live in a smaller city in Thailand and have a local ISP - is it possible the problem is on their end (hack) or DNS issue? Network traffic seems normal but some of the websites that do work (Reddit, YouTube) load very, very slow but speed test shows max Mbps.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by condormandom to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:35 FeyaBones [M4A p M] Widower Detective And His New Assistant.

Hey there! I’m 23 M, been role playing for about 6 year and I see myself being semi-literate. I’m not highly advance but I believe I’m able to be decent for most. What I have in mind I’ve been thinking for about a month and I want to give this idea a go. I’m seeking anyone 18 and up who might be interested in partaking this play and maybe share/ work on some ideas. I’m seeking a fun adventurous play with romance and a crazy plot.
Imagine being in the early 60’s to late 50’s with the idea of having a slight sci-fi and steampunk added to it. Advance tech that is very uncommon to see, being found and used by criminals. Luckily some people of good have some to encounter, but never enough. The master mind thieves and criminals are always a step ahead. The area and architecture of the world being inspired around old London
Examples of the steampunk idea, not so long ago a gentleman invented the exoskeleton. A light frame of gears and pistons connected from the back of your limbs. Its purpose was to help construction with heavy materials and machinery, big companies invested and got their hands on some. Months later news had reported them being used to steal. Reworking the design for shooting hooked zip lines for them to sneak from above. The only downside is mobility and flexibility, but some crazy nutjob had found workarounds. Vehicles has some sort of advancements, people of high class have modified engines to go fast.
I enjoy and prefer an anthropomorphic universe. I was thinking it would be your common domestic cats and dogs. A lovely balance thriving on this small world. I’ll be playing the detective of course, I wanted him to be this brown fur similar structure of a golden retriever. His personality being this courageous, determined dog with a tasteful hint of charm and passion. But that will later, you will be the one to bring him back to his good ol’ self. I’m interested in a cat dog dynamic.
I want you to build your character, but with some things added to it. You being Rudolfo’s assistant (the detective), he needs a right hand man with an understanding of medical, and most importantly one hell of a shot. Skilled with mostly any weapon is given to you. Rodolfo being good with his department, I want you to be amazing with many skills, surprise him! Over the time you’ll discover more of his life and grow a bond that becomes beautiful.
That is all I have to say. Feel free to question anything, I’m more than happy to get deeper into this world.
submitted by FeyaBones to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:34 IndependentRude9125 Potential abilify withdrawls

Hello everyone! I'm new here and seeking advice.
Since 2011, I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, major depressive disorder, social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, and most recently bipolar Disorder 2 and PMDD.
I recently, reluctantly, went back to medication in 2021, after my first episode of COVID. The nurse practioner immediately put me on Abilify, and even added antidepressants in the regime at times too.
Last month, I was on 10mg of Abilify, (and allergy pills and vitamins). I quit taking them because I wanted to microdose mushrooms. The microdosing has not been successful so far.
The last time I was seen, she upped my dosage to 15mg because I "couldn't focus in the 5 minutes you have been here," and I was "hypomanic." She also tried to say I was "anxious, and that energy drink isn't helping." She also asked why I "impulsively quit my job, since they had good insurance that covered everything for my chronic illness." She suggested I try to get a state medical card, or insurance through thr marketplace.
I was not anxious, and spent over a year filling out job applications and going to interviews to leave that job. I canceled my next appointment with her after those comments.
Now I think I am having withdrawal symptoms as I am depressed and just wishing I had a different life. I may call my therapist office tomorrow and request to be seen quicker. However, that appointment is $95, and I do not have health insurance.
Please let me know your suggestions. Thanks in advance.
submitted by IndependentRude9125 to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:34 LittleLane26 [QCrit] THROUGH THE WILLOW, Middle Grade Fantasy (56k) (Second Attempt)

Thanks so much for all the feedback on my previous draft! Link here: https://www.reddit.com/PubTips/comments/1ck73u3/qcrit_through_the_willow_middle_grade_fantasy_56k/
Consistent feedback was to spend more time in the magical world vs. the real world, which I've tried to do below. I also tried to hint at the "magical world is a place to deal with your feelings" element without making it seem too heavy-handed. Would really appreciate any thoughts or suggestions!
Dear [xyz],
I am seeking representation of my upper middle grade fantasy novel, THROUGH THE WILLOW (56,300 words). [Insert personalization.] THROUGH THE WILLOW brings the whimsical, child-governed world of Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch (Julie Abe) to the quest for courage in Coraline (Neil Gaiman) and the exploration of family dynamics, mental health, and life transitions in The Rules for Stealing Stars (Corey Ann Haydu) and Pencilvania (Stephanie Watson).
Clare and Timothy Lane were not the only kids who stumbled into a secret world hidden in their neighborhood park. Dozens of kids from the Lanes’ hometown had built a chaotic, adult-free village of misfits deep in the Bogatell Rainforest, led by laissez-faire teenager Caro and her snarky, hotheaded second-in-command, Raph. Free from parents’ watchful eyes and rules, the kids’ innate talents and abilities grew the longer they stayed in the village. Raph, who was abused by his father before coming to this world, can self-heal, and Caro can shield others from danger. To Clare, who felt like she wasn’t very good at anything, this village was paradise—a chance to explore her talents and interests without her mother’s biting words and the weight of her own self-doubt.
But when the river feeding the Bogatell Rainforest ran dry, Clare’s chance at a new start was in danger. And even worse, Clare learned that Timothy was running low on his asthma medication, which meant that she had to get Timothy home—and decide whether she would go with him.
If Clare can even find her way back home. Because no one from the Clendor Village has ever made it back to the real world. And no one in Clare’s hometown has ever acknowledged that any children are missing.
[Insert bio - first-time fiction writer with a day job that involves non-fiction writing, personal experience with anxiety inspiring me to write this story]
I’d be thrilled if you would consider THROUGH THE WILLOW for representation, and I hope to hear from you soon.
submitted by LittleLane26 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:34 ParticularDebt8010 Lore question about the Novels mxtx has made so far!

!!!slight Spoilers!!!!
Uhm so! Hi! I am a new relatively fan of the novels Mxtx has made.First work ive ever interacted with being MDZS when it was still free to watch on youtube.
The final season if i remember correctly wasnt finished so i dropped the anime for awhile until recently i rewatched all the MDZS and because i fell in love again i moved on to see Heavens official Blessing.I have got some glimpses here and there about the other novel but i havent got into it yet.But here is the thing.All those novels are in a pretty similar setting.
And that got me curious cause i saw (i think) in official artwork of Heavens Official Blessing Wei Wuxian in the background when Xie Lian was in Ghost City.
THE Question finally 🤣
Are the novels in the same world? Like technically speaking some of the charachters of the novels could potentially meet or have met? (For example Hua Cheng with Wei Wuxian for obvious reasons) Its just that my favorite thing about anything its the lore and my delulu brain needs more food for thought XD
Thanks in advance for anyone indulging me on this
(Also probably i should read the novels too soon i am working on it 😅)
edit:Nevermind a google search told me that they are unrelated.But! if you have any theories or headcanons please share because the way that are so similar those novels have me wrecking my brains here thinking of their similarities
submitted by ParticularDebt8010 to MXTX [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:33 Mean-Addition9457 Coros Pace 3: Great potential, bad execution.

I really like the Coros Pace 3 for all it's runing applications. But it bothers me how "unpolished" some a LOT of things are. In light of constructive criticism, here are some of the most annoying things:
-Toolbar -> I have to scroll through everything, and for SOME REASON they can't show all the options at once because it's sometimes obstructed by the title of the currently selected tool. There's so much empty space on the screen, it's just a wasted opportunity that would be so easy to fix.
-"Satellite Signal", "Location","Navigation" and "Compass" apps -> These 3 apps are very useful and I can see the potential, BUT. They all have terrible lag (especially when trying to navigate the map). I'm not sure if this is an issue with the display or the software. Also, I feel like they could be consolidated into one or two apps instead of four. It would also make sense if the "broadcast HR", "Oximeter", "Resting HR" and "Wellness Check" were put together.
-Music: yes, I know you're working on it -> The current music app is kinda shit. I understand it's a difficult feature to implement. I think the music app is a little band-aid to allow people who desperately need music to use Coros. Essentially, it's a temporary thing to allow you to kinda sorta listen to music while the developers work on Spotify, Amazon Music, Tidal, etc. integration. Still, it's unacceptable how laggy and glitchy the music app is. (Not to mention the fact that I have to upload music files with a cable instead of Bluetooth like it's 2003.)
-Control Center -> I love the new "control centre" it's literally just a folder that groups common apps. This is great, but I think you should be able to do this with all apps, and choose which apps go in which folders (if the user wants).
-The "back" button -> Sometimes I want to reverse something I did or go back to the previous screen, only for the "back" button to take me to the watchface. Please, fix this.
-Unlocking the watch -> It's a very important feature. Without it, I would be constantly turning on the display with the sleeves of my clothes. It just needs to be executed better. Why are the only options "scroll to unlock" and "hold to unlock" why can't I just press the bottom button? It never gets accidentally pressed and it's much faster than having to watch the stupid unlock animation while pressing the crown or scrolling the crown.
-Disabling the backlight -> There should be an option in setting to allow the user to disable the backlight completely to allow them to save battery life. It makes sense, because most of the time you are in a well-lit environment and the backlight is just wasting power. I understand that this could pose a problem for when you are actually in the dark and now you can't use it. There could be a "keybind" of sorts. For example: clicking the crown and bottom button at the same time, which would enable the backlight.
-Notifications -> It's such a basic thing that must be improved and will bring so many users from Garmin. You should be able to reply to texts with "preset answers like "yes", "no" and "ok", answer calls, and be able to have all apps on my phone show their notifications on my watch by default (instead of having to select all of them in settings.) I was hesistant to upgrade from my 100$ Fitbit because of the lack of robust notification support. It is unacceptable that a crappy Fitbit can do so many things better!
-THE TOUCHSCREEN EXISTS! -> It really bothers me that the UI is clearly meant to be used without a touchscreen. A lot of the "clunkiness" stems from the fact that you can only select one option on the screen at a time. This is why the touchscreen exists. Except, it is not used to allow you to have more options on screen to allow for a quicker and more fluid experience. To put it simply, the touchscreen is useless right now. You should remove it for the Pace 4 OR change the UI to make it have a practical use! (As far as I can tell, the only use for it is to move your perspective in the navigational app, a function which is so laggy that it hurts my soul.) I have put in a poll to help you decide.
I hope the lovely Coros development team is doing well and is able to handle the workload and high demand for features and polish. This is not meant to put them down. I just want to make the Coros experience better for me and all other users. I also want to clarify that this is not all the issues I could think of and are bothered by. These are simply the ones I figured I would start with and are worth sharing. Please let me know if you have any ideas on the topic and if any of this is being fixed.
-A random Coros user.
submitted by Mean-Addition9457 to Coros [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:32 Helpful_Two_7970 Denied

I was denied multiple claims , without any of my statements, nexus or DBQs mentioned in my denial letter. I submitted all this evidence through the va quick submit process but it’s like they don’t actually look for it.
I followed the advice given to me from American legion rep and filed them secondary to other claims . Everything was denied. So now I don’t really know what to do. Did it go wrong cause they should have been stand alone claims. Do I reapply differently . I’m just lost I’m sorry. Struggling with a lot lately.
I put in for a higher level review but I fear the worst. I just don’t know what I’m doing. Any advice would be great . Thank you in advance.
submitted by Helpful_Two_7970 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:31 mack4711 Handling Basic Shapes in Configurations (Ideas?)

I have a complex project ahead of me that I thought I can solve with configurations. There's four injection molded parts of the same shape involved that assemble on top of each other to something that you could think of looks like a picture frame you would hang on a wall.
The client wants different versions of this, for example: - A simple square - A circle - A star - A heart shape More complex shapes are wanted, each demanding their own unique profile and sketch.
Using configurations, each sketch would sit at the top of the design tree and drive all features below to create the final parts.
The question I have is (2024): Is there a way to let configurations choose which sketch is used in the downstream features?
I've searched high and low and have not found a way to do this yet, any ideas? :-) Thanks
submitted by mack4711 to SolidWorks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:30 LordMaul202 Just got this, have a couple questions.

So I just got this game on the PSN sale that’s going on right now. I have to say I’m really liking it, but I have a few questions for the multiplayer.
  1. Is there more perks to unlock? I saw a video where a guy was carrying 3 bags but I don’t even see a perk for that. Also can you upgrade the perks?
  2. Can you take weapons from characters that you purchase? Like if someone has say an assault rifle I like can I take that and give it to a different character?
  3. Can you play as any of the characters? Some I have been unlocking only show up in the “team” screen and not in the “boss” screen. Is it possible to play as any of the people? For example I like the way Mozart looks but he only shows up in the “team” screen. I don’t want to buy him if I can’t have him be my “boss” in MP and play as that character.
submitted by LordMaul202 to CrimeBossGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:30 wreckless78726 30F 100lbs chronic pain for years and most recent x ray indicates coccyx resorbed

Hey Reddit,
Really hoping you can help, I’ve been struggling with chronic pain for about 2 years that’s got increasingly worse since spine surgery (c5-c6 disc replacement) Jan ‘23. I just got back the weirdest x ray of my sacrum with a “an interestingly, seemingly completely resorbed coccyx” (which is weird, because I fractured it in 2018??)
Anywho, tried to sum it up below.. (obviously failed wow)
Female, 30yo, 5’2 103lbs
History of coccyx fracture (‘18) and cervical spine surgery ‘23). Acute injury (without fall, while moving boxes) in Dec ‘23 showed bulges at l4-l5 and l5-s1, rupture at l4-l5 and moderate to severe stenosis at l5-s1. Recent diagnoses of ehlers danlos, pots, osteoarthritis, si joint disfunction, health anxiety, and (also) daily struggle with chronic pain. Historical diagnoses of high blood pressure, skin rashes / sensitivity, shingles in back of neck & aural migraines (‘19), PTSD, etc etc
Medications: Adderall 15mg 2x daily (debating stopping as I am p underweight) Gabapentin 600mg daily Botox for migraines every 3mo Heavy nightly medical marijuana user / sometimes dabbler in NyQuil (sleeping is really hard since Dec..) Methocarbamol 750mg as needed
Supplements: Vitamin C gummy’s, K2D3, NAC, Magnesium Glycinate, inositol, B complex
Do I just need to get strong and weigh more?! I am so tired of being in pain, I know I also need to change some things in my personal life that’ll contribute to me feeling better but I am just at a loss. And also maybe the answer is therapy (which I start next week) lol
Many thanks in advance🙏
submitted by wreckless78726 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
