Khoa than daniel

Sarah Rose McDaniel

2016.02.09 01:15 Portersss Sarah Rose McDaniel

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2011.11.16 16:55 dxnxax energy_work; working with the energy innate in us all

The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping way the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out of body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma.

2010.09.10 08:16 Jakegarr Community dedicated to the city of Prattville, AL


2024.01.31 14:32 Repulsive-Wonder3443 Which should i spend my gems on?

Which should i spend my gems on? submitted by Repulsive-Wonder3443 to KingGodCastle [link] [comments]

2023.09.16 08:08 oRamafy 8-20-2022 to 12-3-2022

Mary morning. Went to 7-11 on the way and the cashier gave me a little side-eye. Picked up a gift card at Black Angus on the way back; that cashier seemed nice too, in a more friendly/familial sort of way.
Leg day
Bri, Tim. and Duy came over. We got mom a couple McD burgers and Dominoes for the rest of us. Tim and I agreed that we’d prefer the regular over thin crust. Tried Timmy’s jam on the Kirkland ice cream; it was quite tasty.
2/9/2022, 8:31 AM
I had a math final at uci at 8pm, and took a nap around 6pm. I woke up at about 7:30, and had many complications on the drive over.
2/9/2022, 5:58 PM
Smoked some of Mitch’s cannabis. Watched “Me Time”
Your aura is the variance between Hilyourself and your environment aka surroundings. It meets you as feelings. Feelings will inspire memories of people you share bonds with. Jeff Leister has always been my most talented tutee {{rites}}
Rights {{eights}} ring bell …
There is a time discrepancy between teddy bears within our auras.
PMemoirs return feelings.
Technology and spirituality share power. They play games with the human soul.
Where do other people start your autobiography?
I like to think that MTG cards develop souls, and come back as Pokémon.
Went to the Hyatt and watched a Beatles tribute band with mom and Debbie.
Busy night at Mountain Mike’s. Asked Nicolette what her favorite bug was; she’s partial to the Praying Mantis. She was thinking the June bug may be the Chinese beetle. In Arizona, they call June bugs Peanut bugs.
Stopped by Tran’s place at night. Had fried bananas, and she let me try some of her homemade wine.
10/9/2022, 10:43 AM
The fool makes a mirror of itself.
Safely walk to school alone. We cleaned up and now it’s our time to learn.
10/9/2022, 12:43 PM
What are the priorities of a good Race? 😎
Stopped by AA market after work to pick up grapes for wine. Ate half a bag of fish skins in the car afterwards, then a little over a lb of pork belly at home, followed by a bowl of ice cream.
Stopped by Walmart to pick up a mason jar and finally got Walmart’s pay app. Brought some grapes to Tran’s place to make wine. She gave me more tamarind drink and some moon cake. Told her that I had a girlfriend while I was married, and that I want her back.
17/9/2022, 8:20 PM
Temple cleaning in the morning, we did the side chanting room. President’s Donuts afterwards, they had a nice spongey fritter and good chocolate cake donut. Leg day at Edinger.
Timmy and Duy came over for Duy’s bday. Mom and I both got him an Amazon gift card. I did the One Chip Challenge, with Duy and mom recording. Burgers and hot dogs with Flan for dessert. Watched Chef’s Table: Pizza with them. Timmy and Duy are planning their wedding for next October. Timmy’s opinion was that the plaintiff for the information security case had a right to take their case to court. Timmy’s Japanese friend got a book of a 100 things for couples to do together, and Duy was thinking of doing them all and making a video of it for their wedding. 👍
First night looking for Yaquelyn. Stopped by her tree afterwards for a Spanish lesson and a journal entry. 💕
22/9/2022, 1:09 AM
My idealized accounting system is a record of agreements.
What if the Demon Slayer I write about saves a woman in a burning building?
I love being an autoclicker.
What if we can feel a marrionnate dance crew come on? I’ll read that book about my client feeling like a marionette during his coma. I’ll take scuba diving lessons one day.
Maybe look into Scientology for clues.
Watched [Erotic Story] Lemon Stealing Whores. It’s words only.
26/9/2022, 9:28 PM
Teddy bears can sing?
Was I Kis Cuddi’s vulture{c}?
What’s a midwife?
Alex, will you be my mid-husband?
I love finding g agreements between mid-wives and mid-husbands?
Timmy forks my tongue.
I love the idea of being Hayden’s camel. 😎😀
If you think of a rational reason to commit suicide, you start to develop peculiar habits.
If you can’t think of any, but feel one, things change. If you can’t think nor feel any, they change again, maybe back.
Skunks took up residence in my parent’s closet.
Let’s go outside and yo-yo PhTr.
Is the tongue a mop for the pallet?
What if I wrote about a friendship between a vulture and an owl? Culture and a vowel?
27/9/2022, 10:20 PM
Remember to watch. Laugh tracks.
I wonder what Timmy’s constitition is? He’s the only person I know that has sleep walked, and would prefer not to again.
Our feet fall asleep all the time while soaking, but we still listen to them.
Every being has the right to interpret its own life.
Last day of my fast.
Went to Mina’s for Mind Blocker therapy. Told her about my issue with Nathan’s mom
1/10/2022, 8:06 PM
Went to San Salvador for breakfast. I got the beef tostada with cabbage, platanos con crema y frijoles, and chicken with sour cream. The waitress was very friendly. 💕
Did deadlifts at the gym for the first time in a long time. Couldn’t pull 315, so I’ll do it weekly.
Looked for Yaquelyn then stopped at Birrieria Guadalajara. The cashier said they’ve never had tamarindo, but I’ve gotten it there many times. Also, the Apple Pay said it was progressing card ended in 5665 or 5656, but my card is 7740.
2/10/2022, 10:52 PM
Volunteer work at the temple this morning, then the self-improvement sesshin. She told me to realize that when someone mistreats me, remember that it is sourced from their own suffering. Then Pokeology with Mina afterwards. Her fortune sounded like it was saying she ought to consider pursuing a new currency, then my fortune told me I can make money yell. She offered teaching me her therapy methods, and I agree it’s a good idea, and we discussed pricing a bit. It was ~$1400. I’d rather get the kid’s mindfulness training first for obvious reasons, but I’ll study some MindBlocker therapy eventually.
Nicolette wanted to read something different than her usual style, I’m thinking The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress may fit the bill.
5/10/2022, 11:12 AM
Quin and Tran Cao joined me at NaNg’s place. They only had positive things to say.
Went to Tran Do’s place after work. She cooked some tamarind for me, and fed me a bunch of pasta and spring rolls. Her older brother was admitted to the hospital yesterday, he drinks all day every day and his brain is bleeding. I brought some pork belly and she cooked it for me.
I looked at Yaquelyn’s picture for a while before going upstairs, and saw 11:11 after my meditation.
9/10/2022, 12:10 AM
I love imagining that anything I can do, Cindy can do with chewy bread, if she wanted to. 💕
I had a penny collection as a kid. I’d love to suck on one as a mint as I smoked.
I sure do appreciate the privilege of never having had to engage in combat.
When you vote on legislation, you are voting to direct the confiscation of funds.
I feel like Hayden has caught a couple catcher’s mitts around my fists.
Who would let Me command their demon army?
I want to know more about how ducking adorable pigs can be!!! What about little girls that watched Charllette’s web?
10/10/2022, 8:32 PM
Gabby joined me for both AnNg and PhTr today. Got a slurpie in between. I could see that PhTr was about to burst out laughing at one point.
Matador with the Mountain Mike gang after work, I got a chimichanga. I took Khoa home, he’s up for Sizzler’s. Chip said he’d study Abnormal Psychology if he were to go back to college.
Momento, LA confidential, The Edge
13/10/2022, 2:54 PM
I want to ask Khoa the difference between working at MM and working at his new place. It may be related to his previous capability of covering shifts, which he now declines during his weekend.
16/10/2022, 8:41 PM
Brianna is the smartest woman I know, period. ❤️👿😅
When I was there go jogging, I train my duck waddle 🦆
While I am walking, I train the swaddle. 😊
Nicolette can turn me into a shy and crazy nerd. 📪😅
I’m trying to be the best Homer Simpson I can be.
Watch a spaceship designer craft an escape PPP and hatch. I already know it’s going to be a lot like Hitachi.
Our bodies have escape hatches.
Invite Mitch to El Matador. It may feel Hawaiian.
Every fireman has their favorite fire hydrant.
Watch black beauty with mom.
I need to have a gay superpower right? Pretend to learn to swallow Mike Mew’s sword.
The easiest part about wrestling with Giang, was learning now not to abuse my strength to hurt her, but still win easily.
I want to be an expert at the first date, as well.
I would love to make jewelry out of Nicolette’s Facebook gemstones.
What if I taught my kids Four-Square. M
The man who worked for passion, was always richer than the man who worked for money. - S3:E3 Cobra Kai “Daniel”
— Mr. Miyagi
Daniel Dardin
The pursuit of passion seems to lead to my most enjoyable life. The “dead,” or sleeping, likely feel differently.
Nothing like a long day at charity. Homeless shelter chef! 👍
Tongue extension surgery?
If we each got $100k from mom after selling the condo and all else.
I know I’ll never forget telling Saundra that she felt like Gaia to me, nor the earth-core moment I shared with Nicolette.
Give PhTr a 50-question true-false test for his 30m nonpreferred. If he finishes in less than 30’,
If Krystal if the best daycare worker I know, how would I be her{the} best nightcare worker? By familiarizing herself with the difference between caring during the day, and caring during the night. I’d like the graveyard shift. That’s why I want to work the graveyard shift at a convenience store, at least temporarily.
What if I imagine every person I know casts a freeze frame towards me? I want to be like the freeze option on Duolingo.
What’s it like being gay? Try it for 22 minutes before bed every night.
Focus on repairing the relationship between nerds and freaks.
How about I do commit 3 hours to cleaning out my van, monthly.
I got to fall in love with you twice, in one lifetime, Saundra. I aim to do the same again. 💕
Having kind eyes is a natural draw.
Who do you want to hang out with? The people who are coolest with whatever errors may be made in the execution of an agreed plan.
The Darknet is great at tying loose-ends.
17/10/2022, 11:02 AM
Forgot to write about posting my habit routines on Instagram last night, and also did my writing under “dreams” instead of in my journal.
I like the idea of going to dad’s and hanging out via bus on Saturdays. Took the time to confirm that I can very easily walk to work.
Mom did a great job of imitating how she wanted other people to see me reacting to her, and an awful job of actually copying my reaction. She acted like I sounded like a whiny baby, while I was actually setting firm and stoic boundaries with her expectations of my future. At no point will I ever be responsible for Brianna’s well-being, but I will always be glad to help.
17/10/2022, 7:26 PM
There’s a race to record data. What do you doubt I can do, Phillip?
Feels like a hermese-like relationship.
Remember to swaddle before you play pat-a-cake.
Sons should feel highly motivated to record data for their father.
What do I believe I’m not capable of, given my available resources?
I think Nola Sipan outlives one of us by default.
I feel like a cranky dodo bird sometimes.
Will my family watch Upstairs Downstairs with me to symbolize what ownership may feel like?
I want to listen to old people tell me what makes them feel cranky, like Judge Judy.
What if I paid a black guy to teach me a smooth swagger.
I swear to cause no harm. 👍
What does it feel like to be an eye in the storm? Feeling, True or False.
What does strength feel like? Feeling, True or false. True.
Can you describe this as a feeling, or anything else you’d like? Feeling? True or false.
Aren’t cancer cells nature’s way of recording record rates of growth?
Palate cleansing is a skill.
Who’s my ideal judge, jury, and executioner? Jonny. Growth is Source.
How about chimichangas fuel my cheesiest grin? Make sure I watch all of See, alone, in the dark.
I love bobbing apples as a PoW.
Every living life is a neighbor.
Make sure I take Ayahuasca, preferably at the indigenous place.
Ideally, repeat the instructions for somebody, and then perform the exercise.
A 15-minute meditation feels a lot like a 15-minute nap, often during and after.
I want to take heavy-hitters and jog in the forest, but another trail may do.
Exaggeration fuels metaphorical truth over physical truth via emotions.
To refresh a palate is to restore its purpose, to cleanse a palate is to leave it open. The purpose of my palate is to detect taste from the roof of my mouth.
Growing causes pain. I have a huge family, who is highly accustomed to pain.
I chase pain when I smoke. Pain leads to growing. Feeling pain can either feeling another’s pain, or feeling their growth.
Every year, I want one month where I eat only 1 meal per day at Sizzler’s. Then maybe, I’ll change it to every two days, to try out the Warrior diet.
“That isn’t right … is that right?” Is my favorite form of self-doubt.
When I do something I care about, I prefer to share the short-and-sweet version.
18/10/2022, 3:14 PM
It’s be a great idea for me to recreate 2145’s pizza at MM.
Hacks for life, stay humble. — Frat bro from Easy Bake Oven.
24/10/2022, 7:52 PM
Lots of people pray, and receive responses to their prayers. I give them the benefit of the doubt wrt where the response came from. I
I love listening to peoples’ hurdles in their pursuits, particularly in regards to how to live their best life. In our “me time,” we figure out how to live our best life. I feel like the greatest boxer has a lot to do with the greatest ballerina legs.
What has happened between Americans and its Justice system, has already happened between the Vietnamese and its justice system. China’s history would be a useful place to look for more information. Beware, when I think of China, I think of cheating Chinese chinks from UCI. What would have happened if I told the professor about the students I saw cheating? Because I have mild recollection of the event, those who performed the event would likely have more details to that answer.
I felt a lot of silence the day I thought I was going to walk home and cancel PhTr’s session. Maybe something “cheated” by leaving the side door unlocked.
Hung out with dad, he recommended Phish as a great jam band. He also met Jacqueline on the bus, a beautiful 37-year-old hispanic woman that approached him extremely flirtatiously. He asked for her number and she gave it to him, and blew kisses at him while leaving the bus. She also tears the filter off her cigarettes, the first woman dad had ever met that does that.
Chatted with Zachary Griffin, dad’s roommate, for a little while after we picked up food from the taco stand at Ball/Magnolia. He has a childlike mentality, but he’s not dumb. He talked a fair bit about what his grandpa told him, in particular how the royalty from Britain intermingled with the commoners when they came to America, and how different bugs grow into different fruits when you bury them. He also took 16 hits of Mickey Mouse LSD one time. He also happened to be wearing a r-shirt with “God” written on it.
27/10/2022, 12:02 AM
Asked Giang about the bidet.
Took Maple to dog beach. Met Bim’s friend afterwards, she was quite sparkly and seemed like she had a little Japanese girl inside her. Very cute.
First conversation ever with Ngan Ho, Nathan’s mom. Told her that Giang and I were both college-educated.
First Step Learning Partners started requiring credentials being added to signatures. Funny, I just told Ngan my credentials last night, and she’s the only signature I haven’t practiced forging yet. I know the only rationale available for adding this requirement is to discriminate against those with less formal education. Since when was “HS” a recognized credential? Thanks, Timmy. 💩
3/11/2022, 12:32 AM
Took Phillip out to Wal-Mart with Giang/GABBY and his mom. First time ever taking a client out to the community. The guy in the electronics section told us the headphones were on the far wall, but he didn’t come with us or keep himself available, despite the fact they were all locked behind the case.
Hung out with dad, forgot to mention our neighbor Brianna with 4 kids, including an autistic girl.
3/11/2022, 2:08 PM
First Step Learning Partners changed the check marks for location services, so there’s now just two at the top alone: Home and Community. I know it’s because we took Phillip out to Wal-Mart yesterday. It’s an easy way to pay less attention (read less) and still get an idea of where we were.
While holding out my hand with a hidden Marble Run piece in one of them so Mia can guess, she was about to choose the wrong hand, then she changed her mind at the same time I felt a cool dry peel across my left eyeball.
Went out for Mexican with mom and Mitch. Mom decided to buy a powerball ticket afterwards, so we swung by the liquor store.
Went out to see Ticket to Paradise with mom and Debbie, then went to Islands for dinner afterwards. Got 3 bowls of tortilla soup; I hadjust been talking to dad about getting the AYCE tortilla soup there as a kid. The service was great this time around.
6/11/2022, 12:03 AM
While closing my eyes, I was thinking of Giang, and then saw 4 black doors with two bars under each, elongated bars that stretched across on top, and a vibrant a purple/orange fluctuating background. As I began making mental notes of what I was observing, the doors would then shut and blend into the background, and then reopen. They were reacting to my thoughts. Also, it typically took 4 tries for Giang to get any sentence I spoke to her, often with a word getting flipped or dropped.
Daylight savings time and temple morning for her Holiness’s birthday. I wore my Vibrams so I went to the side room barefoot; Mina didn’t like that. Sesshin said my heart is more open than it used to be, so old friends would like to speak to me. Went to Pokeology afterwards, and Joe made a joke(?) about how fun it was killing people in the Korean War. Mina’s sesshin said something about her becoming a cane/stick to support people, and Joe showed me the Korean War emblem on his jacket of a walking stick with a helmet on top.
7/11/2022, 8:01 PM
7/11/2022, 8:01 PM
What is it like to take a 15-minute power nap.
Can hardly believe Brianna found the Batman in my attic! 🦉🐧🐔
Smoked, coffee ice cream, toast. and Cobra Kai before bed.
8/11/2022, 4:29 PM
My favorite part of Cobra Kai is how logically consistent the characters are with themselves as they progress through the storyline.
10/11/2022, 12:35 AM
I was under duress, as defined by Magna Carta. Watching Cobra Kai S5E?
13/11/2022, 9:37 PM
Temple Zoom meeting. Only 5 participants this time, and we were quite well tuned to each other. Non-Dennis man recommended Many Lives, Many Masters.
Towed my bike to Maniac’s repair shop. The driver reminded me of Ryan.
Worked at MM. Played Vitamin String Quartet mostly, then Stayin Alive and random vocal. Mike commented on Tool. Rubberneckin’ played between Nicolette and I. Talked to Mark about surfing, and we agreed on this upcoming Friday.
Went for a smoke and walk after work. I was approaching a black man with dreads and a red sweater (like I was wearing), and he began a mix of walking towards me, backing up, and did the same crouched rolling catcher’s position I saw the Asian man do by Carl’s a couple weeks ago, but he didn’t go through the whole thing. As we passed, he told me have a blessed day, and I told him to do the same.
19/11/2022, 8:24 PM
Logotherapy was developed by neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl[1] and is based on the premise that the primary motivational force of an individual is to find a meaning in life.[2] Frankl describes it as "the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy"[3][4][unreliable source?] along with Freud's psychoanalysis and Adler's individual psychology.[5]
Logotherapy is based on an existential analysis[6] focusing on Kierkegaard's will to meaning as opposed to Alfred Adler's Nietzschean doctrine of will to power or Freud's will to pleasure. Rather than power or pleasure, logotherapy is founded upon the belief that striving to find meaning in life is the primary, most powerful motivating and driving force in humans.[2]
Ever hear of logotherapy Timmy?
20/11/2022, 9:58 AM
Watched Spirited with mom.
21/11/2022, 8:40 PM
Hey PhTr, what kind of coach would you hire?
Hey coach, would people prefer my life remembered via a chase for food or a chase for sex? I can remember it as either, but what is preferred? It will gather more attention wrt your cognitive frame of reference.
Who do you hope is living their fantasy life?
24/11/2022, 10:26 PM
Sizzler’s with mom and Bri for Thanksgiving, then Slumberland afterwards with mom.
John Wayne Gacy had his lethal injection the same day that Jefferey Dahmer was baptized and there was a total solar eclipse.
God of X -> I give you the benefit of the doubt about what they can extrapolate from their understanding of X, unless it contradicts something I believe
25/11/2022, 2:08 PM
Planet 13 for Heavy Hitters, then a Carrot Cake muffin and double chocolate cookie from Monster Muffins. The cashier also went to Sizzler’s for Thanksgiving, she was lovely. Stopped by the Healing Gift afterwards and met Gaye. She told me about her trek along the western side of the Himalayas in Nepal, sounds like something I’d love to do one day. Bought a Charoite bracelet and Yellow Jasper mushroom-shaped stone.
Went to MSQP afterwards and took some edibles. Decided to go to the gym instead shortly after, walked on the treadmill for a bit and then the steam room.
25/11/2022, 5:21 PM
The math of the commons is property division.
You owe a great of gratitude if you inherit property division.
If you work in the timeframe that you are expected to work, you are owed a debt of gratitude.
Dahmer: I want to know why I am what I am. Real interview.
26/11/2022, 8:49 AM
Logical fallacies are the logical conclusion of improper analysis of datasets.
-Analysis of a dataset? What true statements can be drawn from the dataset?
-Extrapolation of a dataset entails estimating the probability of given statements, given the data within the set.
Dad said people are saying data analysis is a dead art, but I’m not so sure.
Dude at the gym was dribbling a basketball behind him while strapped to a sprint sled, walking backwards. Then slammed the basketball in a manner that was quite obviously tuned to me personally.
[Our self-identity]
becomes more and more defined by less and less essential traits, [as we spend more time within the boundaries of] our in-group.
How many languages can the God within us speak to the pain body within us?
26/11/2022, 9:11 AM
Mom started watching Wednesday on Netflix last night. FYI, Wednesday is still the day I hang with dad.
That which you fight for to make true, and succeed in, gets branded as your strength.
Earth Day is April 22nd, not April 20th, dad. 👍
Journal was screwing with itself earlier today, almost deleted an entry by itself again. Realized I would be morally justified in killing whatever was erasing my writing on my phone.
Mom’s been expressing a lot of emotion with error corrections towards me today, quite annoying. She gave $ for our BK for dinner.
My skull very clearly fitted itself to my earbuds after I put them in. No way to tell if that was helpful or not.
Home Depot for a bidet.
Warner gym. Snake walking, music, jogging, then pool.
Stopped by Target after Yaquelyn’s and picked up a small bottle of Portugal Journey & Discovery Red Blend wine. It has a butterfly on the label too. Drank the whole bottle, and took a nap on the couch watching the nonfiction Dahmer series.
27/11/2022, 3:49 PM
Went to church and sat outside. Got transmission fluid, then stopped by Superior Pollo next door. Johnny’s mom saw me and we chatted a little. Then hung out in front of Ralph’s before work.
28/11/2022, 8:54 PM
Mine an mom’s system is best managed by a subtle yes? At the stop signs. 911 has been a quick pairing. I imagined she was motivated to have me design the perfect suicide hotline. I’d like mine to start with Dogecoin, if possible. I trust that currency’s community the most. 8:59 PM
I felt like a Communist for a little bit, but only w.r.t. my family, and perhaps by extension, my self in my dreams. 9:03 PM
What am I really good at? Science and mathematics. I haven’t studied number theory yet, however. 9:07 PM
I continued designing diets after I was laid off from 24 hour fitness bc of Covid-19.
So what if we subtract 19 from the Covid virus self-replication tune. We can protect it via the HIPPA system. Remember, hippos are Africa’s most dangerous animal. They are very fast, and very territorial.
The subconscious is the consciousness of that which surrounds you.
Hung out with dad. Bought Seneca cigs bc the natural brand wasn’t advertised on the window like it was for dad. The shopkeeper was a little snooty about my use of the word “box” instead of “pack,” but no big deal, I can see how someone chasing Cyrano would get real bitchy about vocabulary. Tried out the free weed from dad’s landlord, and after 2 large hits, it did nothing at all. Possibly related to the white pickup truck in front of his house? Then we got dinner at Mario’s and we both loved it.
1/12/2022, 10:05 PM
This may have happened yesterday, but Mia very deliberately went up to me and coughed in my face while she was sick. Who’s trying to get me sick? My first guess would be the parents of the children I work with, bc of my standards of parenting that may be challenging for some to live up to.
2/12/2022, 9:46 PM
Worked with Anthony in the morning, then came home and read a little bit of The Law Of One. Got BK with mom for dinner, then we watched Cyrano together. After that was over, mom put on “Darby and the Dead.” It lead with a brief synopsis, and I told mom that it reminded me of how Yaquelyn saw her grandmother’s ghost. Her response was “oh” followed with a nod and silence. Checked my insta later and opened Saundra’s story, then noticed I had an unaccepted message to myself and opened it. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I may have sent my divorce explanation to Saundra on July 14th, the day before her mom’s passing memorial.
3/12/2022, 9:36 PM
Walk and steam room at the gym, listened to Ologies. Swung by the Healing Gift to pick up some sage, and Gaye invited me to the singles event the following Saturday. She was happy to hear that I’m single and wanted me to bring my friends. Stopped by Boost Mobile to switch my account, but I needed some info from t-mobile first.
Picked up Maple and went to the Christmas Parade in LB. SoCal Corgi Nation was part of the parade, but I didn’t march with them, I needed a flag and didn’t bring cash. Picked up In n’ Out afterwards, 2 double doubles for me and 4 patties for Maple. Took Maple back to LB, took a short walk by the 2027 building, then went to bed in the van together.
submitted by oRamafy to oRamafy [link] [comments]

2021.04.16 14:55 yourhealingquest Therapist Spotlight Part 2: Khoa Ngo LCPC

Therapist Spotlight Part 2: Khoa Ngo LCPC
Back for the second half of her interview, Khoa Ngo discusses her aspirations before deciding to become a therapist, her love for audiobooks and boba, and her shining optimism and positivity.
When you were twelve, what did you want to be when you grew up? How old were you when you decided you wanted to be a therapist?
It wasn’t until my senior year or junior year of college, so pretty late. I had actually wanted to be a pediatrician since I was five, I think, because I liked working with kids – which sounds funny at age five, but I thought the pediatrician’s office was really cool for a really long time. So, I was actually doing a lot of pre-med in undergrad, and that was going to be my other degree along with psychology. In my junior year, I had a really good psychology professor, and she said, “what happens if you just decide that you like psychology, and you don’t want to become a medical doctor?” I was like, “huh, I don’t know.” She said, “you’re killing yourself trying to do two degrees. Why don’t you just go for the one?” And I thought, “oh, I didn’t even think about that.” I had thought that I wanted to be a pediatrician for so long, it didn’t even occur to me that I might want to change my mind.
What are self-care or fun activities that you use to overcome stress, or like to do in your free time?
I like to watch movies, go on date nights with my husband, and play with my kids. Life is so busy, but doing things like playing with my kids or spending alone time with my husband is a good way to practice mindfulness and staying in the moment. Practicing self-care for me can also be something simple like being able to be alone in the house. Setting it up so that my husband takes the kids and I can be in my own house by myself – it sounds really boring, but it’s a self-care thing, especially with COVID. Otherwise, it could be a pedicure or something like that.
What are some of your favorite things?
I guess I like Tik Tok – I’ve learned a lot, and I’ve tried a lot, and a lot of the practical advice on cleaning or fixing things works really well! I like it because it’s funny, short, and you don’t need much of an attention span. I like books on tape because I drive a lot, so I like listening to things because it feels more productive than just driving and listening to the radio. I like music, and I also like cold beverages. I like boba – that’s one of my favorite things. I usually get a lychee green tea with some kind of popping boba. I like Vietnamese food for sure! One of my favorite things is definitely eating – my joke used to be, you can tell I’m not in a good mood if I’m not thinking about what I’m eating next. I’m one of those people who eats a meal, and as I’m eating my current meal, I’m thinking, “what am I going to have for the next one?” I’m not someone who’s picky; I like all kinds of foods, ethnic foods, and trying new things. That’s probably my number one favorite thing, definitely, is food and trying different cuisines.
What is the best book you’ve read relating to therapy? Also, a book that doesn’t relate to therapy?
There’s two relating to therapy that I really like and think about a lot. One is The Seven Principles to Making Marriage Work by John Gottman, and the other is The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel. I think a lot about those two while I’m doing therapy. For a non-related therapy book, I love the Harry Potter series. I was late to the game – I didn’t start it when it came out. I had a friend who was obsessed with it, and I’m one of those people who’s like, “if it’s too popular, I don’t want to try it.” But then something happened with the fourth movie, and I needed to know what happened next! So, I got the books and just read all the way through. I also like The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. It’s a reality-fictional story, and there’s a lot of struggle and strife in it. I think that the book captured the story really well.
What is one of your favorite things about yourself?
That’s a hard one. Probably that I’m really friendly, and I think I’m easy to get along with – I’m not a difficult person at all. I like most people, and I’m pretty optimistic, so I think that’s a good quality that helps me in therapy, too. I can see the silver lining or put a positive spin on almost any situation. I guess if I had to pick one of those things, I would say I like that I tend to be optimistic.
How is/are your bonsai tree(s) doing?
We actually talked about this in the last group consultation! They’re doing okay, if they’re still growing – I have three different bonsai trees, and they’re still alive, but they’re growing incredibly slowly, to the point where they look the same as they did a month ago. I can’t see any changes in them, but they’re still green and still alive! They’re just three-inch sprouts. I handed over the care-taking to my husband at one point when I was gone because he was at home working, and by the time I came back, they had grown a lot in less than a week! So I was like, “wow, you’ve done a really good job and you should keep taking care of them! Maybe it’s my fault.” *laughs*
Click here to schedule an appointment with Khoa.
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2019.11.11 06:04 thegioidongvat365 5 khám phá thú vị về Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus

5 khám phá thú vị về Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus
Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus là một chi khủng long nguyên thủy tồn tại vào khoảng 200 và 195 triệu năm trước của thời kỳ Kỷ Jura sớm. Đây là một loài khủng long với nhiều mẫu hóa thạch từng được tìm thấy tại khu vực ngày nay là Bắc Mỹ. Có rất nhiều khám phá thú vị về loài Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus này mà chúng tôi muốn chia sẻ với các bạn trong bài viết hôm nay, hãy theo dõi nhé!

Chi tiết phân loại Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus

  • Phân loại: Nhóm Khủng long hông thằn lằn, phân họ Khủng long dạng chân thằn lằn, nhánh Chuẩn bản long
  • Phân loại khoa học: Dinosauria, Saurischia, Sauropodomorpha, Prosauropoda, Anchisauria, Anchisauridae.
  • Đại diện loài: Anchisaurus polyzelous.
  • Phát hiện và đặt tên bởi: Marsh (1885).
  • Ý nghĩa tên: “Anchisaurus” trong tiếng Hy Lạp là “loài bò sát gần khủng long” để nói đến ngoại hình của chi khủng long này gần (“cận” trong Hán Việt) với các loài khủng long “nguyên thủy” – tổ tiên các loài khủng long.

Đặc điểm cơ bản của Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus

  • Thời kỳ tồn tại: Khoảng 200 và 195 triệu năm trước, vào giai đoạn từ Hettangian đến Sinemurian của thời kỳ Kỷ Jura sớm.
  • Môi trường sống: Sống trong môi trường sống trên cạn tại nơi ngày nay là Bắc Mỹ.
  • Hóa thạch: 31 mẫu vật khác nhau đã được tìm thấy bởi các nhà cổ sinh vật học với mẫu vật bộ xương gần như hoàn chỉnh.
  • Nơi phát hiện: Hóa thạch của nó đã được tìm thấy ở những nơi như New York và Manchester, Connecticut ở Hoa Kỳ.
  • Chế độ ăn uống: Ăn thực vật.
  • Chế độ sinh sản: Đẻ trứng.
  • Kích thước cơ thể: Là một con khủng long khá nhỏ, với chiều dài chỉ hơn 2-4 mét và nặng khoảng 27 kg. Tuy nhiên, các cá thể đặc biệt lớn của loài có thể có chiều dài lên tới 6 mét.
  • Đặc điểm di chuyển: Có thể có sự chuyển đổi giữa việc đứng trên hai chân và bốn chân, thường di chuyển bằng 4 chân, nhưng có lẽ nó đã tăng tốc bằng cách chạy bằng 2 chân sau của nó khi nguy hiểm xảy ra.
  • Đặc điểm cơ thể nổi bật: Thân hình mảnh dẻ, đổi dài và có một móng vuốt sắc nhọn trên mỗi bàn tay, bàn tay của nó tương đối ngắn so với toàn bộ cánh tay.

5 khám thú vị về Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus

1. Được đặt tên lại hai lần và những tranh cãi không hồi kết.

Giống nhiều loài khủng long khác được phát hiện vào đầu thế kỷ XIX, Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus đã trải qua nhiều lần thay đổi tên gọi. Hóa thạch của loài này ban đầu được đặt tên là “Megadactylus” có nghĩa là “ngón tay khổng lồ” bởi Edward Hitchcock, rồi sau đó là tên “Amphisaurus” do Othniel C. Marsh đặt. Tuy nhiên, ông nhanh chóng phát hiện ra rằng cái tên này đã được chiếm giữ trước bởi một loài khác và thay thế bằng Anchisaurus trong tiếng Hy Lạp nghĩa là “thằn lằn gần”. Nhưng việc đặt lại hai lần vẫn chưa kết thúc sự hỗn độn tên gọi của chi khủng long này.
Nhà cổ sinh vật học Adam Yates, trong lần tái phân tích gần đây của những con khủng long này, đã kể lại sự rối rắm phân loại mà Marsh tạo ra. Mặc dù thực tế là cả ba mẫu vật đều đến từ cùng một mỏ đá ở kỷ Jura sớm, Marsh đã quy kết mỗi bộ xương mảnh vỡ cho một loài khác nhau. Marsh đặt tên cho mẫu vật đầu tiên là Anchisaurus Major (1889), mẫu thứ hai được đặt tên là Anchisaurus colurus (1891), và mẫu thứ ba được đặt tên là Anchisaurus solus (1892).
Tuy nhiên, việc đặt tên và phân loại cho Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus này không hề ổn định. Marsh đã đổi tên mẫu vật đầu tiên thành chi Khủng long cát Ammosaurus vào năm 1891, mẫu vật thứ hai được đổi tên thành “Yaleosaurus” bởi Friedrich von Huene vào năm 1932, và von Huene cũng chuyển mẫu vật thứ ba sang một loài khác thuộc chi Khủng long cát Ammosaurus. Những phát hiện về những mẫu hóa thạch mới chưa được xác định khiến việc tranh cãi tên gọi này chưa có dấu hiệu kết thúc!

2. Liệu có phải một loài ăn tạp?

Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus có một vài đặc tính khá kỳ lại so với những loài khác cùng phân họ. Điều lạ lùng là Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus có thể di chuyển bằng cả 2 chân và 4 chân, việc chạy nhanh bằng 2 chân sau giúp nó tăng tốc nhanh chóng. Chúng cũng được trang bị những móng vuốt sắc nhọn trên mỗi bàn tay mà có lẽ mục đích là để tiến hóa và có thể giúp chúng nắm lấy cành cây dễ dàng hơn, xé toạc gỗ hoặc chống lại kẻ săn mồi.
Tuy nhiên, vẫn có những hoài nghi của nhiều nhà khoa học về việc liệu Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus có phải tổ tiên các loài khủng long ăn thịt và di chuyển bằng hai chân ở các kỷ nguyên tiếp theo hay không. Giả thuyết là móng vuốt cũng có thể hữu ích khi xé rách con mồi và tốc độ cũng giúp truy đuổi tốt hơn. Trong những năm 1950, một số nhà cổ sinh vật học tin rằng loài vật này chủ yếu ăn thịt, bao gồm Richard Swan Lull của Đại học Yale. Dựa trên những quan sát về móng vuốt mạnh mẽ và hàm răng phát triển tốt của hóa thạch, họ cho rằng Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus là một con khủng long thiện chiến, luôn cảnh giác, hoạt bát và có thể săn mồi các loài động vật có xương sống nhỏ hơn trong thế hệ của mình.
Tuy vậy, chưa có bằng chứng xác thực để chứng minh được giả thuyết này. Cho đến nay, hầu hết các nhà khoa học vẫn coi nó là một loài ăn thực vật như những người anh em họ hàng của nó.

3. Được tìm thấy lần đầu tiên trong Chiến dịch nổ mìn ở Massachusetts.

Năm 1855, kho vũ khí lịch sử Springfield đã tiến hành thử một số chất nổ tại chỗ. Sau những vụ nổ đã xảy ra xung quanh, những chiếc xương bí ẩn đã xuất hiện. Thật không may, nhiều mẫu hóa thạch đã bị phá hủy và nhiều mẫu khác bị người dân thu gom, đưa về nhà trước khi một chuyên gia được thông báo. Giám thị William Smith cuối cùng đã liên lạc với Hitchcock, gửi cho nhà khoa học nhiều mẫu vật (bị phá hủy nên không còn hoàn chỉnh) mà ông có thể tìm thấy.

4. Bộ xương khủng long hoàn chỉnh nhất được tìm thấy tại Connecticut.
Một điều may mắn cho giới nghiên cứu hóa thạch Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus là bộ xương khủng long hoàn chỉnh nhất cho đến nay được tìm thấy tại Connecticut, Manchester. Bang Nutmeg đã cho thế giới chiêm ngưỡng khi những mẫu vật gần như hoàn chỉnh trong những năm 1880 và trong đó có một bộ xương khủng long hoàn chỉnh nhất thuộc về Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus, Điều này đặc biệt ấn tượng.

5. Vị trí phân loại của Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus:

Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus sở hữu vẻ ngoài của những con khủng long nguyên thủy, nên từ trước đây, chúng đã được phân loại là thuộc phân họ Chuẩn bản long – một thành viên của một nhóm động vật có liên quan đến hoặc là tổ tiên của các loài khủng long.
Các cuộc điều tra gần đây cho thấy có nhóm các loài khủng long gần với các loài Chuẩn bản long nguyên thủy tạo thành một nhóm chị em độc quyền (một nhóm có nguồn gốc từ một/nhóm tổ tiên tiến hóa chung, và đặc biệt là không chia sẻ đặc tính với bất kỳ nhóm nào khác) với các loài thuộc Khủng long chân thằn lằn (tên khoa học: Sauropoda). Trong sự phân loại này thì vị trí Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus vô cùng gần với Khủng long chân thằn lằn.
Othniel Charles Marsh vào năm 1885 đã định nghĩa và phân loại một nhánh bao gồm Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus và những họ hàng gần nhất của nó thành một họ gia đinh đặt tên là “Anchisauridae”. Tuy nhiên, hiện nay vẫn chưa xác định được các chi khác trong gia đình này. Nhiều con khủng long đã được đưa vào rồi lại chuyển đi, do đó ngoài Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus, họ gia đình này không được sử dụng trong hầu hết các phân loại hiện tại.

Lưu trữ và bảo tồn

Bạn có thể ghé thăm Bảo tàng Lịch sử Tự nhiên Peabody tại Đại học Yale để chiêm ngưỡng các mẫu vật của loài khủng long này tìm thấy từ khu vực Đông Windsor và Manchester, trong đó có bộ xương vô cùng hoàn chỉnh.
Bạn cũng có thể chiêm ngưỡng các mẫu vật ban đầu tìm thấy từ khu vực Springfield của loài Anchisaurus polyzelus tại Bảo tàng Lịch sử Tự nhiên Beneski – Đại học Amherst, ở Amherst, Massachusetts.

Một số tư liệu tham khảo về Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus

Tại Việt Nam hiện nay đã có khá nhiều các bản dịch về những nghiên cứu cũng như các thông tin thú vị về Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus. Nếu các bạn muốn tìm hiểu thêm về loài trong các tài liệu tham khảo này được viết bằng tiếng Việt thì bạn có thể tham khảo các nguồn tài liệu như:
Nếu bạn muốn nghiên cứu sâu hơn về Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus thì dưới đây là một nguồn tài liệu bằng bằng tiếng anh để bạn tham khảo:
Ngoài ra, các bạn cũng có thể xem những hình ảnh trực quan, sinh động về loài Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus qua những video trên Youtube:
Trên đây, chúng tôi đã cùng các bạn tìm hiểu những thông tin cơ bản và 5 khám phá thú vị về Khủng long cận nguyên Anchisaurus. Hãy để lại bình luận của bạn ở phía dưới để chúng ta có thể cùng thảo luận thêm. Và nhớ hãy tiếp tục theo dõi và đồng hành cùng chúng tôi để tìm hiểu và khám phá thêm nhiều loài khủng long thú vị khác nữa nhé!
submitted by thegioidongvat365 to u/thegioidongvat365 [link] [comments]

2017.06.23 06:03 tombstoneshadows28 All of the MPAA/CARA-rated films of 2015 (out of the 9,846 films released worldwide that year.)

  1. A Horse Tale (Director: Brad Keller)
  2. All Creatures Big And Small (Directors: Toby Genkel + Sean McCormack)
  3. Curious George III: Back To The Jungle (Director: Phil Weinstein)
  4. The Clown (Director: Kalina de Moura)
  5. The Peanuts Movie (Director: Steve Martino)
  1. A Horse For Summer (Director: Nancy Criss)
  2. A Mouse Tale (Director: David Bisbano + Mychal Simka)
  3. A.C.O.R.N.S.: Operation Crackdown (Director: Ross Venokur)
  4. Air Bound (Directors: Tomohiro Kawamura + Yoshihiro Komori)
  5. Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Road Chip (Director: Walt Becker)
  6. April And The Extraordinary World (Directors: Christian Desmares + Franck Ekinci)
  7. Bark Ranger (Director: Duncan Christie)
  8. Beyond The Mask (Director: Chad Burns)
  9. Black Beauty (Director: Daniel Zirilli)
  10. Blinky Bill: The Movie (Directors: Deane Taylor, Noel Clear, Alexs Stadermann + Alex Wright)
  11. Capture The Flag (Director: Enrique Gato)
  12. Christmas Eve (Director: Mitch Davis)
  13. Cinderella (Director: Kenneth Branagh)
  14. Dancin’: It’s On! (Director: David Winters)
  15. David And Goliath (Director: Timothy A. Chey)
  16. Goosebumps (Director: Rob Letterman)
  17. Guardians Of Oz (Director: Alberto Mar)
  18. Home (Director: Tim Johnson)
  19. Hoovey (Director: Sean McNamara)
  20. Hotel Transylvania II (Director: Genndy Tartakovsky)
  21. Inside Out (Directors: Pete Docter + Ronnie Del Carmen)
  22. Ithaca (Director: Meg Ryan)
  23. Jack Of The Red Hearts (Director: Janet Grillo)
  24. Jem And The Holograms (Director: Jon M. Chu)
  25. Long Way North (Director: Rémi Chayé)
  26. Madea’s Tough Love (Director: Frank Marino)
  27. Max (Director: Boaz Yakin)
  28. McFarland, USA (Director: Niki Caro)
  29. Minions (Directors: Kyle Balda + Pierre Coffin)
  30. Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism (Director: Christopher N. Rowley)
  31. Monkey King: Hero Is Back (Director: Tian Xiao Peng)
  32. Mr. Holmes (Director: Bill Condon)
  33. My All-American (Director: Angelo Pizzo)
  34. Once I Was A Beehive (Director: Maclain Nelson)
  35. Only God Can (Director: Randall Owens)
  36. Our Little Sister (Director: Hirokazu Koreeda)
  37. Pan (Director: Joe Wright)
  38. Paul Blart: Mall Cop II (Director: Andy Fickman)
  39. Phantom Boy (Directors: Jean-Loup Felicioli + Alain Gagnol)
  40. Pitching Love And Catching Faith (Directors: Randolph Sternberg + Rebecca Sternberg)
  41. Pixies (Director: Sean Patrick O’Reilly)
  42. Pups United (Director: Guy Distad)
  43. Russell Madness (Director: Robert Vince)
  44. Salvation Street (Director: Ralph E. Portillo)
  45. Shaun The Sheep Movie (Directors: Mark Burton + Richard Starzak)
  46. Snowtime! (Directors: Jean-François Pouliot + François Brisson)
  47. Strange Magic (Director: Gary Rydstrom)
  48. The Adventures of Pepper and Paula (Directors: Robin Conly + Kevin Nations)
  49. The Dog Who Saved Summer (Director: Sean Olson)
  50. The Good Dinosaur (Director: Peter Sohn)
  51. The Great Gilly Hopkins (Director: Stephen Herek)
  52. The Laws Of The Universe Part 0 (Director: Isamu Imakake)
  53. The Little Prince (Director: Mark Osborne)
  54. The Magician’s Son (Director: Saravut Frank Sopapunta)
  55. The Playbook (Director: Darran Scott)
  56. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Director: John Madden)
  57. The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (Directors: Paul Tibbitt + Mike Mitchell)
  58. The Square Root Of 2 (Directors Harold Reitman + Bernard Salzmann)
  59. The Walk (Director: Robert Zemeckis)
  60. Tomorrowland (Director: Brad Bird)
  61. Top Cat Begins (Director: Andrés Couturier)
  62. Underdog Kids (Director: Phillip Rhee)
  63. Walt Before Mickey (Director: Khoa Le)
  64. War Room (Director: Alex Kendrick)
  65. Woodlawn (Directors: Andrew Erwin + Jon Erwin)
  66. Yellow Day (Directors: Carl Lauten)
  1. 411 (Director: Valentine)
  2. 90 Minutes In Heaven (Director: Michael Polish)
  3. A Girl Like Her (Director: Amy S. Weber)
  4. A Man Called Ove (Director: Hannes Holm)
  5. A Month Of Sundays (Director: Matthew Saville)
  6. A Royal Night Out (Director: Julian Jarrold)
  7. A Tale Of Love And Darkness (Director: Natalie Portman)
  8. Al la mala (Director: Pedro Pablo Ibarra)
  9. Air (Director: Christian Cantamessa)
  10. Aliens: Zone-X (Director: Thomas R. Dickens)
  11. Al Roads Lead To Rome (Director: Ella Lemhagen)
  12. Aloha (Director: Cameron Crowe)
  13. Ant-Man (Director: Peyton Reed)
  14. Avengers: Age Of Ultron (Director: Joss Whedon)
  15. Barely Lethal (Director: Kyle Newman)
  16. Battle For Skyark (Director: Simon Hung)
  17. Beyond The Farthest Star (Director: Andrew Librizzi)
  18. Bilal: A New Breed Of Hero (Directors: Khurram H. Alavi + Ayman Jamal)
  19. Bridge Of Spies (Director: Steven Spielberg)
  20. Brooklyn (Director: John Crowley)
  21. Captive (Director: Jerry Jameson)
  22. Carter High (Director: Arthur Muhammad)
  23. Chloe & Theo (Director: Ezna Sands)
  24. Coming Through The Rye (Director: James Steven Sadwith)
  25. Concussion (Director: Peter Landesman)
  26. Creed (Director: Ryan Coogler)
  27. Daddy’s Home (Director: Sean Anders)
  28. Dial A Prayer (Director: Maggie Kiley)
  29. Do You Believe? (Director: Jon Gunn)
  30. Don Verdean (Director: Jared Hess)
  31. Equals (Director: Drake Doremus)
  32. Everest (Director: Baltasar Kormákur)
  33. Experimenter (Director: Michael Almereyda)
  34. Faith Of Our Fathers (Director: Carey Scott)
  35. Fantastic Four (Director: Josh Trank)
  36. Far From The Madding Crowd (Director: Thomas Vinterberg)
  37. Field Of Lost Shoes (Director: Sean McNamara)
  38. Four Warriors (Director: Phil Hawkins)
  39. Freeheld (Director: Peter Sollett)
  40. Freetown (Director: Garrett Batty)
  41. Furious 7 (Director: James Wan)
  42. Growing Up Smith (Director: Frank Lotito)
  43. Heroes Of Dirt (Director: Eric Bugbee)
  44. Hot Pursuit (Director: Anne Fletcher)
  45. Housekeeping (Director: Jennifer Harrington)
  46. Huevos: Little Rooster’s Egg-cellent Adventure (Directors: Gabriel Riva Palacio Alatriste + Rodolfo Riva-Palacio Alatriste)
  47. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Director: Brett Haley)
  48. In The Heart Of The Sea (Director: Ron Howard)
  49. Insidious: Chapter III (Director: Leigh Whannell)
  50. Insurgent (Director: Robert Schwentke)
  51. Ip Man III (Director: Wilson Yip)
  52. Jackie Chan presents “Amnesia” (Director: Ynxi Song)
  53. Jenny’s Wedding (Director: Mary Agnes Donoghue)
  54. Joy (Director: David O. Russell)
  55. Jupiter Ascending (Directors: Lana Wachowski + Lilly Wachowski)
  56. Jurassic World (Director: Colin Trevorrow)
  57. Just Let Go (Directors: Christopher S. Clark + Patrick henry Parker)
  58. Krampus (Director: Michael Dougherty)
  59. Ladrones (Director: Joe Menendez)
  60. Last Days In The Desert (Director: Rodrigo García)
  61. Lazer Team (Director: Matt Hullum)
  62. Little Boy (Director: Alejandro Monteverde)
  63. Love The Coopers (Director: Jessie Nelson)
  64. Maggie (Director: Henry Hobson)
  65. Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (Director: Wes Ball)
  66. Me And Earl And The Dying Girl (Director: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon)
  67. Miss Hokusai (Directors: Keiichi Hara, Stephanie Sheh + Michael Sinterniklaas)
  68. Miss You Already (Director: Catherine Hardwicke)
  69. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (Director: Christopher McQuarrie)
  70. Mustang (Director: Deniz Gamze Ergüven)
  71. Paper Towns (Director: Jake Schreier)
  72. Pitch Perfect II (Director: Elizabeth Banks)
  73. Pixels (Director: Chris Columbus)
  74. Point Break (Director: Ericson Core)
  75. Poltergeist (Director: Gil Kenan)
  76. Project Almanac (Director: Dean Israelite)
  77. Queen Of The Desert (Director: Werner Herzog)
  78. Ricki And The Flash (Director: Jonathan Demme)
  79. Ride The Thunder (Director: Fred Koster)
  80. Romantic Schemer (Director: Valentine)
  81. San Andreas (Director: Brad Peyton)
  82. Secret In Their Eyes (Director: Billy Ray)
  83. Self/less (Director: Tarsem Singh)
  84. Septembers Of Shiraz (Director: Wayne Blair)
  85. Smosh: The Movie (Director: Alex Winter)
  86. Spare Parts (Director: Sean McNamara)
  87. Spectre (Director: Sam Mendes)
  88. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Director: J.J. Abrams)
  89. Street (Director: Bradford May)
  90. Suffragette (Director: Sarah Gavron)
  91. Superfast! (Directors: Jason Friedberg + Aaron Seltzer)
  92. Survivor (Director: James McTeigue)
  93. Tainted Love (Director: Rachel Anderson)
  94. Terminator: Genisys (Director: Alan Taylor)
  95. The 33 (Director: Patricia Riggen)
  96. The Age Of Adaline (Director: Lee Toland Krieger)
  97. The Boy And The Beast (Director: Mamoru Hosoda)
  98. The Challenger (Director: Kent Moran)
  99. The Cokeville Miracle (Director: T.C. Christensen)
  100. The DUFF (Director: Ari Sandel)
  101. The Dog Wedding (Director: James Lefkowitz)
  102. The Final Girls (Director: Todd Strauss-Schulson)
  103. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay (Pt. II) (Director: Francis Lawrence)
  104. The Intern (Director: Nancy Meyers)
  105. The Intruders (Director: Adam Massey)
  106. The Lady In The Van (Director: Nicholas Hytner)
  107. The Last Witch Hunter (Director: Breck Eisner)
  108. The Lazarus Effect (Director: David Gelb)
  109. The Longest Ride (Director: George Tillman, Jr.)
  110. The Man Who Knew Infinity (Director: Matt Brown)
  111. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (Director: Guy Ritchie)
  112. The Martian (Director: Ridley Scott)
  113. The Meddler (Director: Lorene Scafaria)
  114. The Perfect Guy (Director: David M. Rosenthal)
  115. The Price (Director: Kim Hughes)
  116. The Right Eye II (Director: Lawrence Xu)
  117. The Sea Of Trees (Director: Gus Van Sant)
  118. The Squeeze (Director: Terry Jastrow)
  119. The Transporter: Refueled (Director: Camille Delamarre)
  120. The Vatican Tapes (Director: Mark Neveldine)
  121. The Visit (Director: M. Night Shyamalan)
  122. Tracers (Director: Daniel Benmayor)
  123. Unlimited (Director: Nathan Frankowski)
  124. Victor (Director: Brandon Dickerson)
  125. Victor Frankenstein (Director: Paul McGuigan)
  126. Voiceless (Director: Pat Necerato)
  127. Welcome To Happiness (Director: Oliver Thompson)
  128. Wolf Totem (Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud)
  129. Woman In Gold (Director: Simon Curtis)
  130. Z For Zachariah (Director: Craig Zobel)
  1. 10 Days In A Madhouse (Director: Timothy Hines)
  2. 10,000 Saints (Directors: Shari Springer Berman + Robert Pulcini)
  3. 12 Rounds III: Lockdown (Director: Stephen Reynolds)
  4. 13 Minutes (Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel)
  5. 3 Generations (Director: Gaby Dellal)
  6. 45 Years (Director: Andrew Haigh)
  7. 600 Miles (Director: Gabriel Ripstein)
  8. A Beautiful Now (Director: Daniela Amavia)
  9. A Bigger Splash (Director: Luca Guadagnino)
  10. A Light Beneath Their Feet (Director: Valerie Weiss)
  11. A Perfect Day (Director: Fearnando León de Aranoa)
  12. A Walk In The Woods (Director: Ken Kwapis)
  13. A War (Director: Tobias Lindholm)
  14. AWOL-72 (Director: Christian Sesma)
  15. Absolutely Anything (Director: Terry Jones)
  16. Absolution (Mercenary: Absolution) (Director: Keoni Waxman)
  17. Accidental Love (Nailed) (Director: "Stephen Greene")
  18. Always Watching: A Marble Hornets Story (Director: James Moran)
  19. American Bad Boy (Director: Obba Babatundé)
  20. American Ultra (Director: Nima Nourizadeh)
  21. Andron (Director: Francesco Cinquemani)
  22. Anesthesia (Director: Tim Blake Nelson)
  23. Anomalisa (Directors: Duke Johnson + Charlie Kaufman)
  24. Area 51 (Director: Oren Peli)
  25. Ashby (Director: Tony McNamara)
  26. Assassin’s Game (Director: Anoop Rangi)
  27. Ava’s Possessions (Director: Jordan Galland)
  28. Awaken (Director: Mark Atkins)
  29. Baby, Baby, Baby (Director: Brian Klugman)
  30. Backtrack (Director: Michael Petroni)
  31. Bad Ass 3: Bad Asses on the Bayou (Director: Craig Moss)
  32. Bastard (Directors: Powell Robinson + Patrick Robert Young)
  33. Bedlam (Director: Chew Barker)
  34. Being Charlie (Director: Rob Reiner)
  35. Black Mass (Director: Scott Cooper)
  36. Blackhat (Director: Michael Mann)
  37. Blackway (Director: Daniel Alfredson)
  38. Blue (Director: Charles Huddleston)
  39. Body Of Deceit (Director: Alessandro Capone)
  40. Born To Be Blue (Director: Robert Budreau)
  41. Bravetown (Director: Daniel Duran)
  42. Broken Horses (Director: Vidhu Vinod Chopra)
  43. Brotherly Love (Director: Jamal Hill)
  44. Burning Bodhi (Director: Matthew McDuffie)
  45. Burnt (Director: John Wells)
  46. By The Sea (Director: Angelica Jolie)
  47. Careful What You Wish Fore (Director: Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum)
  48. Carol (Director: Todd Haynes)
  49. Chain Of Command (Director: Kevin Carraway)
  50. Chappie (Director: Neill Blomkamp)
  51. Chapter & Verse (Director: Jamal Joseph)
  52. Chi-Raq (Director: Spike Lee)
  53. Child 44 (Director: Daniel Espinoza)
  54. Chocolate City (Director: Jean-Claude La Marre)
  55. Chronic (Director: Michel Franco)
  56. Club Life (Director: Fabrizio Conte)
  57. Come What May (Director: Christian Carion)
  58. Cop Car (Director: Jon Watts)
  59. Creative Control (Director: Benjamin Dickinson)
  60. Crimson Peak (Director: Guillermo del Toro)
  61. Curve (Director: Iain Softley)
  62. Danny Collins (Director: Dan Fogelman)
  63. Dark Places D(irector: Gilles Paquet-Brenner)
  64. Deer Season (Director: Raymond Dussault)
  65. Demolition (Director: Jean-Marc Vallée)
  66. Demon (Director: Marcin Wrona)
  67. Demonic (Director: Will Canon)
  68. Desierto (Director: Jonás Cuarón)
  69. Dheepan (Director: Jacques Audiard)
  70. Diablo (Director: Lawrence Roeck)
  71. Diamond Ruff (Director: Alec Asten)
  72. Digging For Fire (Director: Joe Swanberg)
  73. Don’t Worry Baby (Director: Julian Branciforte)
  74. Dope (Director: Rick Famuyiwa)
  75. Dragon Blade (Director: Daniel Lee)
  76. Drunk Wedding (Director: Nick Weiss)
  77. Eaters (Director: Johnny Tabor)
  78. Echoes Of War (Director: Kane Senes)
  79. El Jeremías (Director: Anwar Safa)
  80. Entertainment (Director: Rick Alverson)
  81. Entourage: The Movie (Director: Doug Ellin)
  82. Exeter (Director: Marcus Nispel)
  83. Extinction (Director: Miguel Ángel Vivas)
  84. Extraction (Director: Steven C. Miller)
  85. Extremely Used Cars: There Is No Hope (Director: Craig Richards
  86. Eye In The Sky (Director: Gavin Hood)
  87. Fathers & Daughters (Director: Gabriele Muccino)
  88. Fifty Shades Of Grey (Director: Sam Taylor-Johnson)
  89. Final Girl (Director: Tyler Shields)
  90. Focus (Directors: Glenn Ficarra + John Requa)
  91. Forever (Director: Tatia Pileva)
  92. Forgiveness (Director: Hakim Khalfani)
  93. Forsaken (Director: Jon Cassar)
  94. Frank And Cindy (Director: G.J. Echternkamp)
  95. Frankenstein (Director: Bernard Rose)
  96. Freaks Of Nature (Director: Robbie Pickering)
  97. Get Hard (Director: Etan Cohen)
  98. Gnome Alone (Directors: Timothy Woodward, Jr. + John Michael Elfers
  99. Grandma (Director: Paul Weitz)
  100. Green Room (Director: Jeremy Saulnier)
  101. Gridlocked (Director: Allan Ungar)
  102. Guns For Hire (Director: Donna Robinson)
  103. Harbinger Down (Director: Alec Gillis)
  104. Hardcore Henry (Director: Ilya Naishuller)
  105. Hayride II (Director: Terron R. Parsons)
  106. He Never Died (Director: Jason Krawczyk)
  107. Heist (Director: Scott Mann)
  108. Hell And Back (Director: Tom Gianas + Ross Shuman)
  109. Hello, My Name Is Doris (Director: Michael Showalter)
  110. Heneral Luna (Director: Jerrold Tarog)
  111. Hidden (Director: Matt Duffer & Ross Duffer)
  112. High-Rise (Director: Ben Wheatley)
  113. Hitman: Agent 47 (Director: Aleksander Bach)
  114. Home Sweet Hell (Director: Anthony Burns)
  115. Honeyglue (Director: James Bird)
  116. Hostile Border (Directors: Michael Dwyer + Kaitlin McLaughlin)
  117. Hot Tub Time Machine II (Director: Steve Pink)
  118. Hyena Road (Director: Paul Gross)
  119. I Really Hate My Ex (Director: Troy Byer)
  120. I Saw The Light (Director: Marc Abraham)
  121. I Smile Back (Director: Adam Salky)
  122. Identicals (Director: Simon Pummell)
  123. Infini (Director: Shane Abbess)
  124. Into The Forest (Director: Patricia Rozema)
  125. Into The Grizzly Maze (Director: David Hackl)
  126. Intruders (Director: Adam Schindler)
  127. Irrational Man (Director: Woody Allen)
  128. Isolation (Director: Shane Dax Taylor)
  129. It Had To Be You (Director: Sasha Gordon)
  130. James White (Director: Josh Mond)
  131. Jane Got A Gun (Director: Gavin O’Connor)
  132. Jane Wants A Boyfriend (Director: William Sullivan)
  133. Jeruzalem (Directors: Doron Paz + Yoav Paz)
  134. Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (Director: Daniel Alfredson)
  135. Klown Forever (Director: Mikkel Nørgaard)
  136. Knight Of Cups (Director: Terrence Malick)
  137. Knock Knock (Director: Eli Roth)
  138. Krisha (Director: Trey Edward Shults)
  139. Ktown Cowboys (Director: Daniel Park)
  140. L.A. Slasher (Director: Martin Owen)
  141. Lamb (Director: Ross Partridge)
  142. Land Of Mine (Director: Martin Zandvliet)
  143. Larry Gaye: Renegade Male Flight Attendant (Director: Sam Friedlander)
  144. Last Knights (Director: Kazuaki Kiriya)
  145. Legend (Director: Brian Helgeland)
  146. Les Cowboys (Director: Thomas Bidegain)
  147. Life (Director: Anton Corbijn)
  148. Life On The Line (Director: David Hackl)
  149. Lila & Eve (Director: Charles Stone III)
  150. Louder Than Bombs (Director: Joachim Trier)
  151. Lumberjack Man (Director: Josh Bear)
  152. MI-5 (Director: Bharat Nalluri)
  153. Ma Ma (Director: Julio Medem)
  154. Macbeth (Director: Justin Kurzel)
  155. Mad Max: Fury Road (Director: George Miller)
  156. Maggie’s Plan (Director: Rebecca Miller)
  157. Magic Mike XXL (Director: Gregory Jacobs)
  158. Man Down (Director: Dito Montiel)
  159. Man Up (Director: Ben Palmer)
  160. Marguerite (Director: Xavier Giannoli)
  161. Meadowland (Director: Reed Morano)
  162. Memoria (Director: Vladimir de Fontenay + Nina Ljeti)
  163. Mi America (Director: Robert Fontaine)
  164. Mia Madre (Director: Nanni Moretti)
  165. Microbe & Gasoline (Director: Michel Gondry)
  166. Miles Ahead (Director: Don Cheadle)
  167. MindGamers (Director: Andrew Goth)
  168. Missing Child (Director: Luke Sabis)
  169. Mississippi Grind (Directors: Anna Boden + Ryan Fleck)
  170. Mistress America (Director: Noah Baumbach)
  171. Mojave (Director: William Monahan)
  172. Moonwalkers (Director: Antoine Bardou-Jacquet)
  173. Mortdecai (Director: David Koepp)
  174. Mr. Right (Director: Paco Cabezas)
  175. My Golden Days (Director: Arnaud Desplechin)
  176. Nasty Baby (Director: Sebastián Silva)
  177. Never Let Go (Director: Howard J. Ford)
  178. Night Owls (Director: Charles Hood)
  179. Nightlight (Directors: Scott Beck + Bryan Woods)
  180. Nina Forever (Directors: Ben Blaine + Chris Blaine)
  181. No Escape (Director: John Erick Dowdle)
  182. No Stranger Than Love (Director: Nick Wernham)
  183. No Way Jose (Director: Adam Goldberg)
  184. Our Brand Is Crisis (Director: David Gordon Green)
  185. Ovation (Director: Henry Jaglom)
  186. Papa Hemingway In Cuba (Director: Bob Yari)
  187. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (Director: Gregory Plotkin)
  188. People Places Things (Director: Jim Strouse)
  189. Pocket Listing (Director: Conor Allyn)
  190. Pod (Director: Mickey Keating)
  191. Pound Of Flesh (Director: Ernie Barbarash)
  192. Pressure (Director: Ron Scalpello)
  193. Puerto Ricans In Paris (Director: Ian Edelman)
  194. Queen Of Carthage (Director: Mardana M. Mayginnes)
  195. Quitters (Director: Noah Pritzker)
  196. Rams (Director: Grímur Hákonarson)
  197. Ratter (Director: Branden Kramer)
  198. Re-Kill (Director: Valeri Milev)
  199. Reborn (Director: Carlos Alba)
  200. Regression (Director: Alejandro Amenábar)
  201. Remember (Director: Atom Egoyan)
  202. Results (Director: Andrew Bujalski)
  203. Rock The Kasbah (Director: Barry Levinson)
  204. Room (Director: Lenny Abrahamson)
  205. Run All Night (Director: Jaume Collet-Serra)
  206. Safelight (Director: Tony Aloupis)
  207. Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse (Director: Christopher Landon)
  208. See You In Valhalla (Director: Jarret Tarnol)
  209. Sex, Death And Bowling (Director: Ally Walker)
  210. Sicario (Director: Denis Villeneuve)
  211. Sinister II (Director: Ciarán Foy)
  212. Sister Code (Director: Corey Grant)
  213. Sisters (Director: Jason Moore)
  214. Skin Traffik (Director: Ara Paiaya)
  215. Sleeping With Other People (Director: Leslye Headland)
  216. Slow West (Director: John Maclean)
  217. Solace (Director: Alfonso Poyart)
  218. Son Of Saul (Director: László Nemes)
  219. Southbound (Directors: Roxanne Benjamin, David Bruckner, Patrick Horvath + Radio Silence)
  220. Southpaw (Director: Antoine Fuqua)
  221. Spotlight (Director: Tom McCarthy)
  222. Spy (Director: Paul Feig)
  223. Standing Tall (Director: Emmanuelle Bercot)
  224. Staten Island Summer (Director: Rhys Thomas)
  225. Stealing Cars (Director: Bradley Kaplan)
  226. Steve Jobs (Director: Danny Boyle)
  227. Stonewall (Director: Roland Emmerich)
  228. Straight Outta Compton (Director: F. Gary Gray)
  229. Strangerland (Director: Kim Farrant)
  230. Street Level (Director: David Labrava)
  231. Subconscious (Director: Georgia Hilton)
  232. Summer Camp (Director: Alberto Marini)
  233. Sunset Song (Director: Terence Davies)
  234. Suspension (Dead Of Night) (Director: Jeffery Scott Lando)
  235. Synchronicity (Director: Jacob Gentry)
  236. Tale Of Tales (Director: Matteo Garrone)
  237. Tales Of Halloween (Directors: Darren Lynn Bousman, Axelle Carolyn, Adam Gierasch, Andrew Kasch, Neil Marshall, Lucky McKee, Mike Mendez, Dave Parker, Ryan Schifrin, John Skipp + Paul Solet)
  238. Tangerine (Director: Sean Baker)
  239. Ted II (Director: Seth MacFarlane)
  240. Terminus (Director: Marc Furmie)
  241. The Adderall Diaries (Director: Pamela Romanowsky)
  242. The Big Short (Director: Adam McKay)
  243. The Blackburn Asylum (Director: Lauro Chartrand)
  244. The Blackcoat’s Daughter (Director: Oz Perkins)
  245. The Boy Next Door (Director: Rob Cohen)
  246. The Bronze (Director: Bryan Buckley)
  247. The Clan (Director: Pablo Trapero)
  248. The Colony (Director: Florian Gallenberger)
  249. The D Train (Directors: Andrew Mogel + Jarrad Paul)
  250. The Dalhia Knights (Director: Milos Twilight)
  251. The Danish Girl (Director: Tom Hooper)
  252. The Diary Of A Teenage Girl (Director: Marielle Heller)
  253. The Dressmaker (Director: Jocelyn Moorhouse)
  254. The Driftless Area (Director: Zachary Sluser)
  255. The End Of The Tour (Director: James Ponsoldt)
  256. The Family Fang (Director: Jason Bateman)
  257. The Funhouse Massacre (Director: Andy Palmer)
  258. The Gallows (Directors: Travis Cluff + Chris Lofing)
  259. The Gift (Director: Joel Edgerton)
  260. The Girl In The Photographs (Director: Nick Simon)
  261. The Gunman (Director: Pierre Morel)
  262. The Hateful Eight (Director: Quentin Tarantino)
  263. The Hive (Director: David Yarovesky)
  264. The Lobster (Director: Yorgos Lanthimos)
  265. The Man In 3B (Director: Trey Haley)
  266. The Night Before (Director: Jonathan Levine)
  267. The Ones Below (Director: David Farr)
  268. The Overnight (Director: Patrick Brice)
  269. The People vs. Fritz Bauer (Director: Lars Kraume)
  270. The Preppie Connection (Director: Joseph Castelo)
  271. The Program (Director: Stephen Frears)
  272. The Revenant (Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu)
  273. The Rise Of The Krays (Director: Zackary Adler)
  274. The Runner (Director: Austin Stark)
  275. The Sabbatical (Director: Brian Stockton)
  276. The Second Mother (Director: Anna Muylaert)
  277. The Stanford Prison Experiment (Director: Kyle Patrick Alvarez)
  278. The Steps (Director: Andrew Currie)
  279. The Walking Deceased (Director: Scott Dow)
  280. The Wannabe (Director: Nick Sandow)
  281. The Wave (Director: Roar Uthaug)
  282. The Wedding Ringer (Director: Jeremy Garelick)
  283. The Wicked Within (Director: Jay Alaimo)
  284. The VVitch (Director: Robert Eggers)
  285. The World Made Straight (Director: David Burris)
  286. Tiger House (Director: Thomas Daley)
  287. To Have And To Hold (Director: Ray Bengston)
  288. Tooken (Director: John Asher)
  289. Touched By Fire (Director: Paul Dalio)
  290. Trainwreck (Director: Judd Apatow)
  291. True Story (Director: Rupert Goold)
  292. Trumbo (Director: Jay Roach)
  293. Truth (Director: James Vanderbilt)
  294. Tumbledown (Director: Sean Mewshaw)
  295. Unexpected (Director: Kris Swanberg)
  296. Unfinished Business (Director: Ken Scott)
  297. Unnatural (Director: Hank Braxtan)
  298. Vacation (Directors: John Francis Daley + Jonathan Goldstein)
  299. Vendetta (Directors: Jen Soska + Sylvia Soska)
  300. Vice (Director: Brian A. Miller)
  301. Visions (Director: Kevin Greutert)
  302. Viva (Director: Paddy Breathnach)
  303. War Pigs (Director: Ryan Little)
  304. We Are Your Friends (Director: Max Joseph)
  305. What Lola Wants (Director: Rupert Glasson)
  306. Wild Card (Director: Simon West)
  307. Wild Horses (Director: Robert Duvall)
  308. Wind Talkers (Director: Russell Friedenberg)
  309. Wingman, Inc. (Director: Choice Skinner)
  310. Yakuza Apocalypse (Director: Takashi Miike)
  311. Yosemite (Director: Gabrielle Demeestere)
  312. Youth (Director: Paolo Sorrentino)
  313. Zero Tolerance (2 Guns: Zero Tolerance) (Director: Wych Kaosayananda)
  314. Zipper (Director: Mora Stephens)
submitted by tombstoneshadows28 to movies [link] [comments]

2017.06.19 09:56 tombstoneshadows28 All of the MPAA/CARA-rated films of 2011 (out of the 7,919 films released worldwide that year.)

  1. Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (Director: Mike Mitchell)
  2. Andy Mason is in Your Living Room! (E.K. Wimmer)
  3. Be A Millionaire With Ishah (Director: Laurah Guillén)
  4. Cars II (Directors: John Lasseter + Brad Lewis)
  5. El roce de la niebla (Director: Antonio de Santos)
  6. Falling For Sahara (Director: Khoa Do)
  7. Gnomeo & Juliet (Director: Kelly Asbury)
  8. Jingle Cats 3D (Director: Mike Spalla)
  9. Kimchi Warrior 2D Feast of Fury (Director: Young Man Kang)
  10. Lord Of The Dance (In 3-D) (Director: Marcus Viner)
  11. Mandie and the Forgotten Christmas (Director: Joy Chapman)
  12. Quest For Zhu (Director: Bob Doucette)
  13. Rio (Director: Carlos Saldanha)
  14. Robot Adventures with Robosapien and Friends: Humanoid Robots (Director: John Stecenko)
  15. Samfox 1 (Director: Antonio de Santos)
  16. Seven Days In Utopia (Director: Matt Russell)
  17. The Little Engine That Could (Director Elliot M. Bour)
  18. The Littlest Angel (Director: Dave Kim)
  19. Winnie The Pooh (Directors: Stephen J. Anderson + Don Hall)
  1. 17 Miracles (Director: T.C. Christensen)
  2. 3 Blind Saints (Director: John Eschenbaum)
  3. A 2nd Chance (Director: Clay Glen)
  4. A Monster In Paris (Director: Bibo Bergeron)
  5. A Warrior’s Heart (Director: Mike Sears)
  6. All I Want (Director: Tangie Black Moore)
  7. Angel Dog (Director: Robin Conly)
  8. Arrgh! A Pirate Story (Director: Tyler James Ask)
  9. Arthur Christmas (Directors: Sarah Smith + Barry Cook)
  10. Cartas a Elena (Director: Llorent Barajas)
  11. Daddy, I’m A Zombie (Directors: Joan Espinach, Ricardo Ramón + MJ Lallo)
  12. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (Director: David Bowers)
  13. Directions (Director: Alec Schwandt)
  14. Doggie B (Director: Romanus Wolter)
  15. Dolphin Tale (Director: Charles Martin Smith)
  16. Footnote (Director: Joseph Cedar)
  17. Foster (Director: Jonathan Newman)
  18. Freddy Frogface (Director: Peter Dodd)
  19. From Up On Poppy Hill (Director: Gorô Miyazaki)
  20. Happy Feet Two (Directors: George Miller, Gary Eck + David Peers)
  21. Hell At My Heels (Director: Brett Kelly)
  22. Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (Director: Mike Disa)
  23. Hop (Director: Tim Hill)
  24. Horrid Henry: The Movie (Director: Nick Moore)
  25. Hugo (Director: Martin Scorsese)
  26. Jack And Jill (Director: Dennis Dugan)
  27. Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life (Director: Tamar Halpern)
  28. Jock The Hero Dog (Director: Duncan MacNeillie)
  29. Johnny English Reborn (Director: Oliver Parker)
  30. Joseph Smith: Plates Of Gold (Director: Christian Vuissa)
  31. Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (Director: John SchultZ)
  32. Kiara The Brave (Directors: Vijay S. Bhanushali + Smita Maroo)
  33. Born To Fight (Director: Anne Wheeler)
  34. Kung Fu Panda II (Director: Jennifer Yuh Nelson)
  35. Legend Of Kung Fu Rabbit (Director: Lijun Sun)
  36. Love In Space (Directors: Tony Chan + Wing Shya)
  37. Mama I Want To Sing (Director: Charles Randolph-Wright)
  38. Marriage Retreat (Director: David Christiaan)
  39. Mars Needs Moms (Director: Simon Wells)
  40. Mayor Cupcake (Director: Alex Pires)
  41. Midway To Heaven (Director: Michael Flynn)
  42. Monster Mutt (Director: Todd Tucker)
  43. Monte Carlo (Director: Thomas Bezucha)
  44. More Than Frybread (Director: Travis Holt Hamilton)
  45. Mr. Popper’s Penguins (Director: Mark Waters)
  46. Olive (Directors: Patrick Gilles + Hooman Khalili)
  47. Prank Calls: Video Collection (Director: Chris Rex)
  48. Prom (Director: Joe Nussbaum)
  49. Puss In Boots (Director: Chris Miller)
  50. Rango (Director: Gore Verbinski)
  51. Red Dog (Director: Kriv Stenders)
  52. Redemption: For Robbing The Dead (Director: Thomas Russell)
  53. Renegade (Director: Michael Dohrmann)
  54. Scents And Sensibility (Director: Brian Brough)
  55. Sea Level (Director: Aun Hoe Goh)
  56. Sironia (Director: Brandon Dickerson)
  57. Snowflake, The White Gorilla (Director: Andrés G. Schaer)
  58. Soul Surfer (Director: Sean McNamara)
  59. Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D (Director: Robert Rodriguez)
  60. That’s What I Am (Director: Michel Pavone)
  61. The Adventures Of Tintin (Director: Steven Spielberg)
  62. The Big Year (Director: David Frankel)
  63. The Cup (Director: Simon Wincer)
  64. The Decoy Bride (Director: Sheree Folkson)
  65. The Deep Blue Sea (Director: Terence Davies)
  66. The Dragon Pearl (Director: Mario Andreacchio)
  67. The Great Bear (Director: Esben Toft Jacobsen)
  68. The Greatest Miracle (Director: Bruce Morris)
  69. The Greening Of Whitney Brown (Director: Peter Skillman Odiorne)
  70. The Hot Chameleon (Director: Tina Alper)
  71. The Inherent Likeness (Director: Peter Winter Byington)
  72. The Lion Of Judah (Directors: Deryck Broom + Roger Hawkins)
  73. The Lutefisk Wars (Directors: David E. Hall + Christopher Panneck)
  74. The Muppets (Director: James Bobin)
  75. The Music Never Stopped (Director: Jim Kohlberg)
  76. The Smurfs (Director: Raja Gosnell)
  77. Thor: Legend Of The Magical Hammer (Directors: Óskar Jónasson, Toby Genkel + Gunnar Karlsson)
  78. Through a Lens Darkly: Grief, Loss and C.S. Lewis (Director: Tom Dallis)
  79. Top Cat: The Movie (Director: Alberto Mar)
  80. We Bought A Zoo (Director: Cameron Crowe)
  81. When Santa Fell To Earth (Director: Oliver Dieckmann)
  82. Zookeeper (Director: Frank Coraci)
  1. 10 Years (Director: Jamie Linden)
  2. 11-11-11 (Director: Darren Lynn Bousman)
  3. A Better Life (Director: Chris Weitz)
  4. A Bird Of The Air (Director: Margaret Whitton)
  5. A Cold Day In Hell (Director: Christopher Forbes)
  6. A Little Bit Of Heaven (Director: Nicole Kassell)
  7. A Separation (Director: Asghar Farhadi)
  8. Abduction (Director: John Singleton)
  9. Accesorios (Director: Antonio de Santos)
  10. Adventures Of Serial Buddies (Director: Keven Undergaro)
  11. Age Of The Dragons (Director: Ryan Little)
  12. And They’re Off (Director: Rob Schiller)
  13. Anonymous (Director: Roland Emmerich)
  14. Another Earth (Director: Mike Cahill)
  15. Answer This! (Director: Christopher Farah)
  16. Any Last Words? (Director: Vaughan Taylor)
  17. Apollo 18 (Director: Gonzalo López-Gallego)
  18. Arthur (Director: Jason Winer)
  19. Atlas Shrugged: Part I (Director: Paul Johansson)
  20. Battle Los Angeles (Director: Jonathan Liebesman)
  21. Battle Of The Brides (Director: Victor Vu)
  22. Beastly (Director: Daniel Barnz)
  23. Beautiful Wave (Director: David Mueller)
  24. Bernie (Director: Richard Linklater)
  25. Bhai Log - All About Nation (Director: Syed Faisal Bukhari)
  26. Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (Director: John Whitesell)
  27. Breakaway (Director: Robert Lieberman)
  28. Breaking Waves (Director: Paul Chart)
  29. Bridge To Heaven (Director: Mike Martin)
  30. Bringing Up Bobby (Director: Famke Janssen)
  31. Campus Radio (Director: Aaron James)
  32. Captain America: The First Avenger (Director: Joe Johnston)
  33. Carmen (in 3-D) (Director: Julian Napier)
  34. Chicken With Plums (Directors: Vincent Paronnaud + Marjane Satrapi)
  35. Choyleefut: Speed Of Light (Directors: Tommy Wai-Tak Lor + Ming-Sing Wong)
  36. Colombiana (Director: Olivier Megaton)
  37. Contagion (Director: Steven Soderbergh)
  38. CornerStore (Director: Joseph Doughrity)
  39. Cornered (Directors: Taylor Chien + Hunter G. Williams)
  40. Courageous (Director: Alex Kendrick)
  41. Cowboys & Aliens (Director: Jon Favreau)
  42. Cowboys & Indians (Directors: Aaron Burk + Tyler Burk)
  43. Crazy, Stupid Love. (Directors: Glenn Ficarra + John Requa)
  44. Damsels In Distress (Director: Whit Stillman)
  45. Dawn Of The Dragonslayer (Director: Anne K. Black)
  46. Deep Gold 3D (Director: Michael Gleissner)
  47. Delicacy (Directors: David Foenkinos + Stéphane Foenkinos)
  48. DisCONNECTED (Director: Leslie Libman)
  49. Donovan’s Echo (Director: Jim Cliffe)
  50. Dream House (Director: Jim Sheridan)
  51. Dream Weaver Chronicles Volume 1 (Director: Kelly Weaver)
  52. Eva (Director: Kike Maillo)
  53. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (Director: Stephen Daldry)
  54. Fancypants (Director: Joshua Russell)
  55. Fang (Directors: Kurt Struss + Thomas Zuber)
  56. Fast Five (Director: Justin Lin)
  57. Footloose (Director: Craig Brewer)
  58. From Prada To Nada (Director: Angel Gracia)
  59. Game Time (Director: Diego Hallivis)
  60. Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance (Directors: Mark Neveldine + Brian Taylor)
  61. Go For It! (Director: Carmen Marron)
  62. God Bless America (Director: Bob Goldthwait)
  63. God Don’t Make The Laws (Frozen In Time) (Director: David Sabbath)
  64. Good Day For It (Director: Nick Stagliano)
  65. Good For Nothing (Director: Mike Wallis)
  66. Goon (Director: Michael Dowse)
  67. Green Lantern (Director: Martin Campbell)
  68. Hanna (Director: Joe Wright)
  69. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows (Pt. II) (Director: David Yates)
  70. He Heard My Cry (Director: Ervin Riggs)
  71. Heaven’s Rain (Director: Paul Brown)
  72. Henry’s Future (Director: DonnaMarie Vaughan)
  73. Hide Away (Director: Chris Eyre)
  74. Hit List (Director: Minh Collins)
  75. Honey II (Director: Bille Woodruff)
  76. I Am Number Four (Director: D.J. Caruso)
  77. I Don’t Know How She Does It (Director: Douglas McGrath)
  78. I Wish (Director: Hirokazu Koreeda)
  79. In Time (Director: Andrew Niccol)
  80. Inseparable (Director: Dayyan Eng)
  81. Inside Out (Director: Artie Mandelberg)
  82. Jane Eyre (Director: Cary Joji Fukunaga)
  83. Jerusalem Countdown (Director: Harold Cronk)
  84. Jesus Henry Christ (Director: Dennis Lee)
  85. Jumping The Broom (Director: Salim Akil)
  86. Just Go With It (Director: Dennis Dugan)
  87. L.A. Nights (Director: Eric Rodgers)
  88. Larry Crowne (Director: Tom Hanks)
  89. Like Crazy (Director: Drake Doremus)
  90. Limitless (Director: Neil Burger)
  91. Loosies (Director: Michael Corrente)
  92. Lost In The Future (Director: Aaron Russman)
  93. Love Birds (Director: Paul Murphy)
  94. Love’s Kitchen (Director: James Hacking)
  95. Love, Wedding, Marriage (Director: Dermot Mulroney)
  96. Love-Carrot III (Director: Sergey Ginzburg)
  97. Madea’s Big Happy Family (Director: Tyler Perry)
  98. Mi verano con Amanda II (Director: Benjamin Lopez)
  99. Midnight In Paris (Director: Woody Allen)
  100. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (Director: Brad Bird)
  101. Moneyball (Director: Bennett Miller)
  102. Monsieur Lazhar (Director: Philippe Falardeau)
  103. Mr. Bedman (Director: Tai-lung Tai)
  104. Munger Road (Director: Nicholas Smith)
  105. Musical Chairs (Director: Susan Seidelman)
  106. New Year’s Eve (Director: Garry Marshall)
  107. October Baby (Directors: Andrew Erwin + Jon Erwin)
  108. Once Upon A Warrior (Director: Prakash Kovelamudi)
  109. One Day (Director: Lone Scherfig)
  110. One Fall (Director: Marcus Dean Fuller)
  111. Onigamiden: Legend Of The Dragon (Director: Hirotsugu Kawasaki)
  112. Oozle Pool (Director: Raoul Vehill)
  113. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (Director: Rob Marshall)
  114. Pizza Man (Director: Joe Eckardt)
  115. Priest (Director: Scott Stewart)
  116. Punch Cowboy (Director: Mickey Reece)
  117. Quivering Norman (Director: Keyser Söze)
  118. Real Steel (Director: Shawn Levy)
  119. Red Riding Hood (Director: Catherine Hardwicke)
  120. Restless (Director: Gus Van Sant)
  121. Return To The Hiding Place (Director: Peter C. Spencer + Josiah Spencer)
  122. Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (Director: Rupert Wyatt)
  123. Rx (Director: Jesse Tunison)
  124. Salmon Fishing In The Yemen (Director: Lasse Hallström)
  125. Saving Private Perez (Director: Beto Gómez)
  126. Season Of The Witch (Director: Dominic Sena)
  127. Shark Night 3D (Director: David R. Ellis)
  128. Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows (Director: Guy Ritchie)
  129. Shuffle (Director: Kurt Kuenne)
  130. Sister Mary’s Angel (Director: Mary Knight)
  131. Snow Beast (Director: Brian Brough)
  132. Snow Flower And The Secret Fan (Director: Wayne Wang)
  133. Something Borrowed (Director: Luke Greenfield)
  134. Source Code (Director: Duncan Jones)
  135. Subject: I Love You (Director: Francis dela Torre)
  136. Sucker Punch (Director: Zack Snyder)
  137. Super 8 (Director: J.J. Abrams)
  138. Szaman (Director: Antonio de Santos)
  139. Take Me Home (Director: Sam Jaeger)
  140. The Adjustment Bureau (Director: George Nolfi)
  141. The Art Of Getting By (Director: Gavin Wiesen)
  142. The Artist (Director: Michel Hazanavicius)
  143. The Beaver (Director: Jodie Foster)
  144. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Director: John Madden)
  145. The Chaperone (Director: Stephen Herek)
  146. The Chateau Meroux (Director: Bob Fugger)
  147. The Dark Side: Rise Of Darkness (Director: Tazito Garcia)
  148. The Darkest Hour (Director: Chris Gorak)
  149. The Dilemma (Director: Ron Howard)
  150. The Double (Director: Michael Brandt)
  151. The Eagle (Director: Kevin Macdonald)
  152. The Good Doctor (Director: Lance Daly)
  153. The Green Hornet (Director: Michel Gondry)
  154. The Help (Director: Tate Taylor)
  155. The Iron Lady (Director: Phyllida Lloyd)
  156. The Kick (Director: Prachya Pinkaew)
  157. The Kid With A Bike (Directors: Jean-Pierre Dardenne + Luc Dardenne)
  158. The Last Ride (Director: Harry Thomason)
  159. The Legend of Hell's Gate: An American Conspiracy (Director: Tanner Beard)
  160. The Life Zone (Director: Rod Weber)
  161. The Perfect Family (Director: Anne Renton)
  162. The Perfect Man (Director: Paul D. Hannah)
  163. The Reunion (Director: Michael Pavone)
  164. The Rite (Director: Mikael Håfström)
  165. The Roommate (Director: Christian E. Christiansen)
  166. The Sorcerer And The White Snake (Director: Siu-Tung Ching)
  167. The Sword Identity (Director: Haofeng Xu)
  168. The Three Musketeers (Director: Paul W.S. Anderson)
  169. The Tree Of Life (Director: Terrence Malick)
  170. The Trouble With Bliss (Director: Michael Knowles)
  171. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (Director: Bill Condon)
  172. The Visitor From Elsewhere (Director: Dave McGuire)
  173. The Wayshower (Directors: Jsu Garcia + John-Roger)
  174. There Be Dragons (Director: Roland Joffé)
  175. Thor (Director: Kenneth Branagh)
  176. Tim Alexander's A Mother's Love (Director: Tim Alexander)
  177. To Be King (Director: Steve Rahaman)
  178. Tomorrow’s End (Directors: Hunter G. Williams, Scott Michael Campbell, Ryan O'Corrigan)
  179. Touchback (Director: Don Handfield)
  180. Tower Heist (Director: Brett Ratner)
  181. Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (Director: Michael Bay)
  182. United (Director: James Strong)
  183. Unknown (Director: Jaume Collet-Serra)
  184. War Horse (Director: Steven Spielberg)
  185. War Of The Buttons (Director: Christopher Barratier)
  186. Warrior (Director: Gavin O’Connor)
  187. Water For Elephants (Director: Francis Lawrence)
  188. When Harry Tries To Marry (Director: Nayan Padrai)
  189. Where To We Go Now? (Director: Nadine Labaki)
  190. X-Men: First Class (Director: Matthew Vaughn)
  191. You Got Served: Beat the World (Director: Robert Adetuyi)
  192. You May Not Kiss The Bride (Director: Rob Hedden)
  193. Zokkomon (Director: Satyajit Bhatkal)
  1. 19 Doors (Director: Bruce Koehler)
  2. 1911 (Directors: Lie Zhang + Jackie Chan)
  3. 23:59 (Director: Gilbert Chan)
  4. 24 Hours In Vegas (Director: Raushan Hammond)
  5. 247°F (Directors: Levan Bakhia + Beka Jguburia)
  6. 30 Minutes Or Less (Director: Ruben Fleischer)
  7. 35 And Ticking (Director: Russ Parr)
  8. 360 (Director: Fernando Meirelles)
  9. 4:44 (Director: Abel Ferrara)
  10. 5 Days Of War (Director: Renny Harlin)
  11. 50/50 (Director: Jonathan Levine)
  12. 51 (Director: Jason Connery)
  13. 6 Month Rule (Director: Blayne Weaver)
  14. 96 Minutes (Director: Aimee Lagos)
  15. A Dangerous Method (Director: David Cronenberg)
  16. A Gang Story (Director: Olivier Marchal)
  17. A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (Directors: Alex Gregory + Peter Huyck)
  18. A Happy Event (Director: Rémi Bezançon)
  19. A Lonely Place To Die (Director: Julian Gilbey)
  20. A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas (Director: Dodd Strauss-Schulson)
  21. About Fifty (Director: Thomas Johnston)
  22. Absentia (Director: Mike Flanagan)
  23. Absolute Killers (Director: Heather Hale)
  24. Afghan Luke (Director: Mike Clattenburg)
  25. Albert Nobbs (Director: Rodrigo García)
  26. Alien Armageddon (Director: Neil Johnson)
  27. All Things Fall Apart (Director: Mario Van Peebles)
  28. American Animal (Director: Matt D’Elia)
  29. Angels Crest (Director: Gaby Dellal)
  30. Angel mort (Director: Dominic James)
  31. Another Happy Day (Director: Sam Levinson)
  32. Answers To Nothing (Director: Matthew Leutwyler)
  33. Anuvahood (Directors: Adam Deacon + Daniel Toland)
  34. Apartment 143 (Director: Carles Torrens)
  35. Assassination Games (Director: Ernie Barbarash)
  36. Assassins’ Code (Director: Lawrence Riggins)
  37. Así es la suerte (Director: Juan Carlos de Llaca)
  38. Attack The Block (Director: Joe Cornish)
  39. Bad Teacher (Director: Jake Kasdan)
  40. Balls To The Wall (Directors: Penelope Spheeris + Tommy Bull)
  41. Bangkok Assassins (Director: Yuthlert Sippapak)
  42. Bat $#*! Crazy (Directors: Ari Kirschenbaum + Marquette Williams)
  43. Before Purgatory (Directors: Sunday Black + Elei Reyes)
  44. Bellflower (Director: Evan Glodell)
  45. Below Zero (Director: Justin Thomas Ostensen)
  46. Beneath The Darkness (Director: Martin Guigui)
  47. Beneeth (Directors: Sean Spoatcoat Brown + John Dawson)
  48. Blackthorn (Director: Mateo Gil)
  49. Blind Alley (Director: Antonio Trashorras)
  50. Blitz (Director: Elliott Lester)
  51. Blood Spatter (Director: Kyle Klubal)
  52. BloodRayne: The Third Reich (Director: Uwe Boll)
  53. Blubberella (Director: Uwe Boll)
  54. Bounty Hunters (Director: Patrick McBrearty)
  55. Boys (Director: Daryl C. Silva)
  56. Brawler (Director: Chris Sivertson)
  57. BreadCrumbs (Director: Mike Nichols)
  58. Bridesmaids (Director: Paul Feig)
  59. Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star (Director: Tom Brady)
  60. Budz House (Director: Cameron Casey)
  61. Bullhead (Director: Michael R. Roskam)
  62. Bunnyman (Director: Carl Lindbergh)
  63. Butter (Director: Jim Field Smith)
  64. California Indian (Director: Timothy Andrew Ramos)
  65. Cargo (Director: Yan Vizinberg)
  66. Carjacked (Director: John Bonito)
  67. Carnage (Director: Roman Polanski)
  68. Cassadaga (Director: Anthony DiBlasi)
  69. Cassandra (Director: Nathaniel Turner)
  70. Cat Run (Director: John Stockwell)
  71. Catch .44 (Director: Aaron Harvey)
  72. Cedar Rapids (Director: Miguel Arteta)
  73. Cell 213 (Director: Stephen Kay)
  74. Chalet Girl (Director: Phil Traill)
  75. Charlie Zone (Director: Michael Melski)
  76. Children Of The Corn: Genesis (Director: Joel Soisson)
  77. Choose (Director: Marcus Graves)
  78. Chromeskull: Laid To Rest II (Director: Robert Hall)
  79. Circumstance (Director: Maryam Keshavarz)
  80. Conan The Barbarian (Director: Marcus Nispel)
  81. Coriolanus (Director: Ralph Fiennes)
  82. Cougar Hunting (Director: Robin Blazak)
  83. Cougars, Inc. (Director: K. Asher Levin)
  84. Creature (Director: Fred Andrews)
  85. Day Of The Falcon (Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud)
  86. Deadheads (Directors: Brett Pierce + Drew T. Pierce)
  87. Deadtime Stories: Vol. 2 (Directors: Michael Fischa, Jeff Monahan + Matt Walsh)
  88. Decisions (Director: Jensen LeFlore)
  89. Demoted (Director: J.B. Rogers)
  90. Detention (Director: Joseph Kahn)
  91. Dirty Movie (National Lampoon’s) (Directors: Jerry Daigle + Christopher Meloni)
  92. Division III: Football’s Finest (Director: Marshall Cook)
  93. Do It In Post (Director: Rob Dionne)
  94. Donner Pass (Director: Elise Robertson)
  95. Dorfman In Love (Director: Brad Leong)
  96. Down The Shore (Director: Harold Guskin)
  97. Dragon (Director: Peter Ho-Sun Chan)
  98. Dream Weaver Chronicles Vol 4: Second Sight (Director: Kelly Weaver)
  99. Drive (Director: Nicolas Winding Refn)
  100. Drive Angry (Director: Patrick Lussier)
  101. Dum Maaro Dum (Director: Rohan Sippy)
  102. Elephant White (Director: Prachya Pinkaew)
  103. Empire Of Assassins (Director: undisclosed)
  104. Enter Nowhere (Director: Jack Heller)
  105. Escapee (Director: Campion Murphy)
  106. Evil Bong III: The Wrath Of Bong (Director: Charles Band)
  107. Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles (Director: Niki Drozdowski)
  108. Faces In The Crowd (Director: Julien Magnat)
  109. Fatal Consequences (Director: Lito Wilson)
  110. Fertile Ground (Director Adam Gierasch)
  111. Final Destination V (Director: Steven Quale)
  112. Fist 2 Fist (Director: Jino Kang)
  113. Flying Swords Of Dragon Gate (Director: Hark Tsui)
  114. Fool’s Paradise (Director: Mac Crutcher)
  115. Force (Director: Nishikant Kamat)
  116. Fort McCoy (Directors: Kate Connor + Michael Worth)
  117. Freerunner (Director: Lawrence Silverstein)
  118. Friends With Benefits (Director: Will Gluck)
  119. Friends With Kids (Director: Jennifer Westfeldt)
  120. Fright Night (Director: Craig Gillespie)
  121. Funkytown (Director: Daniel Roby)
  122. Game Of Death (Director: Giorgio Serafini)
  123. Ghost Of New Orleans (Director: Predrag Antonijevic)
  124. Girl Walks Into A Bar (Director: Sebastian Gutierrez)
  125. Gun Hill Road (Director: Rashaad Ernesto Green)
  126. Hall Pass (Directors: Bobby Farrelly + Peter Farrelly)
  127. Happy New Year (Director: K. Lorrel Manning)
  128. Haywire (Director: Steven Soderbergh)
  129. Headhunters (Director: Morten Tyldum)
  130. Heleno (Director: José Henrique Fonseca)
  131. Hell (Director: Tim Fehlbaum)
  132. Hell-O-Ween (Director: Mark Burchett)
  133. Hellraiser: Revelations (Director: Victor García)
  134. Hick (Director: Derick Martini)
  135. High Road (Director: Matt Walsh)
  136. Higher Ground (Director: Vera Farmiga)
  137. Hopelessly In June (Director: Vincent Brantley)
  138. Horrible Bosses (Director: Seth Gordon)
  139. House Of The Rising Sun (Director: Brian A. Miller)
  140. Husk (Director: Brett Simmons)
  141. Hyenas (Director: Eric Weston)
  142. Hysteria (Director: Tanya Wexler)
  143. I Melt With You (Director: Mark Pellington)
  144. Immortals (Director: Tarsem Singh)
  145. In Darkness (Director: Agnieszka Holland)
  146. In The Land Of Blood And Honey (Director: Angelica Jolie)
  147. In the Name of the King: Two Worlds (Director: Uwe Boll)
  148. InSight (Director: Richard Gabai)
  149. Inbred (Director: Alex Chandon)
  150. Inkubus (Director: Glenn Ciano)
  151. Intruders (Director: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo)
  152. Ironclad (Director: Jonathan English)
  153. Isle Of Dogs (Director: Tammi Sutton)
  154. J. Edgar (Director: Clint Eastwood)
  155. Jack The Reaper (Director: Kimberly Seilhamer)
  156. Jeff, Who Lives At Home (Directors: Jay Duplass + Mark Duplass)
  157. Jesse (Director: Fred Carpenter)
  158. Karma (Director: Adivi Sesh)
  159. Keyhole (Director: Guy Maddin)
  160. Kill The Irishman (Director: Jonathan Hensleigh)
  161. Killer Elite (Director: Gary McKendry)
  162. Killing Bono (Director: Nick Hamm)
  163. Kindred (Director: Kelly Weaver)
  164. King Of Paper Chasin’ (Director: La Monte Edwards)
  165. Knock Knock II (Director: Chris Sheng)
  166. L!fe Happens (Director: Kat Coiro)
  167. Labios rojos (Director: Rafa Lara)
  168. Language Of A Broken Heart (Director: Rocky Powell)
  169. Laughing To The Bank (Director: Brian Hooks)
  170. Leave (Director: Robert Celestino)
  171. Little Birds (Director: Elgin James)
  172. Living By The Gun (Director: James Miller)
  173. Lloyd The Conqueror (Director: Michael Peterson)
  174. Losing Control (Director: Valerie Weiss)
  175. Lovely Molly (Director: Eduardo Sánchez)
  176. Lucky (Director: Gil Gates, Jr.)
  177. Machine Gun Preacher (Director: Marc Forster)
  178. Machine Head (Director: Jim Valdez)
  179. Madison County (Director: Eric England)
  180. Mamitas (Director: Nicholas Ozeki)
  181. Mardi Gras: Spring Break (Director: Phil Dornfeld)
  182. Margaret (Director: Kenneth Lonergan)
  183. Margin Call (Director: J.C. Chandor)
  184. Martha Marcy May Marlene (Director: Sean Durkin)
  185. Mask Maker (Director: Griff Furst)
  186. Meeting Spencer (Director: Malcolm Mowbray)
  187. Melancholia (Director: Lars von Trier)
  188. Mercenaries (Director: Paris Leonti)
  189. Mimesis (Director: Douglas Schulze)
  190. Miss Bala (Director: Gerardo Naranjo)
  191. Mortal Enemies (Director: Asun Mawardi)
  192. Mozart Of Rap (Director: Martin Bentsen)
  193. My Way (Director: Je-kyu Kang)
  194. My Week With Marilyn (Director: Simon Curtis)
  195. Natural Selection (Director: Robbie Pickering)
  196. Never Back Down II: The Beatdown (Director: Michael Jai White)
  197. No Strings Attached (Director: Ivan Reitman)
  198. Not Another Not Another Movie (Director: David Murphy)
  199. On The Ice (Director: Andrew Okpeaha MacLean)
  200. On The Inside (Director: D.W. Brown)
  201. One Night In Berlin (Director: Kivmars Bowling)
  202. Our Idiot Brother (Director: Jesse Peretz)
  203. Paranormal Activity III (Directors: Henry Joost + Ariel Schulman)
  204. Pariah (Director: Dee Rees)
  205. Pastorela (Director: Emilio Portes)
  206. Paul (Director: Greg Mottola)
  207. Peace, Love + Misunderstanding (Director: Bruce Beresford)
  208. Perfect Sense (Director: David Mackenzie)
  209. Pinching Penny (Director: Dan Glaser)
  210. Poolboy: Drowning Out The Fury (Director: Garrett Brawith)
  211. Primitive (Director: Benjamin Cooper)
  212. Puncture (Directors: Adam Kassen + Mark Kassen)
  213. Quarantine II: Terminal (Director: John Pogue)
  214. Rampart (Director: Oren Moverman)
  215. Recoil (Director: Terry Miles)
  216. Red State (Director: Kevin Smith)
  217. Restitution (Director: Lance Kawas)
  218. Restless City (Director: Andrew Dosunmu)
  219. Retreat (Director: Carl Tibbetts)
  220. Rift (Director: LazRael Lison)
  221. River Of Darkness (Director: Bruce Koehler)
  222. Roadie (Director: Michael Cuesta)
  223. Rosewood Lane (Director: Victor Salva)
  224. Sacrifice (Director: Damian Lee)
  225. Salvation Boulevard (Director: George Ratliff)
  226. Sanctum (Director: Alister Grierson)
  227. Scream IV (Director: Wes Craven)
  228. Séance: The Summoning (Director: Alex Wright)
  229. Seconds Apart (Director: Antonio Negret)
  230. Seeking Justice (Director: Roger Donaldson)
  231. Setup (Director: Mike Gunther)
  232. Shaolin (Director: Benny Chan)
  233. Si tu meurs, je te tue (Director: Hiner Saleem)
  234. Silent House (Directors: Chris Kentis + Laura Lau)
  235. Sisters & Brothers (Director: Carl Bessai)
  236. Sniper: Reloaded (Director: Claudio Fäh)
  237. Snow On Tha Bluff (Director: Damon Russell)
  238. Some Guy Who Kills People (Director: Jack Perez)
  239. Son Of Morning (Director: Yaniv Raz)
  240. Sound Of My Voice (Director: Zal Batmanglij)
  241. Special Forces (Director: Stéphane Rybojad)
  242. Stand Off (Director: Terry George)
  243. Starbuck (Director: Ken Scott)
  244. Step Off (Director: Laron Austin)
  245. Stormhouse (Director: Dan Turner)
  246. Straw Dogs (Director: Rod Lurie)
  247. Stuck Between Stations (Director: Brady Kiernan)
  248. Sunburnt Angels (Director: Garrett Kelly)
  249. Swerve (Director: Craig Lahiff)
  250. Swinging With The Finkels (Director: Jonathan Newman)
  251. Swooped: Based on a Real Life Occurrence (Directors: Shaun Paul Costello, Joe Gariffo + Charlie Anderson)
  252. Tactical Force (Director: Adamo P. Cultraro)
  253. Take Me Home Tonight (Director: Michael Dowse)
  254. Take Shelter (Director: Jeff Nichols)
  255. Take This Waltz (Director: Sarah Polley)
  256. Terraferma (Director: Emanuele Crialese)
  257. Terri (Director: Azazel Jacobs)
  258. Texas Killing Fields (Director: Ami Canaan Mann)
  259. Textuality (Director: Warren P. Sonoda)
  260. The 12 Day Smile (Director: Markus Victoria)
  261. The Awakening (Director: Nick Murphy)
  262. The Bailey Case (Director: Kelly Weaver)
  263. The Big Bad (Director: Bryan Enk)
  264. The Caller (Director: Matthew Parkhill)
  265. The Change-Up (Director: David Dobkin)
  266. The Colombian Connection (Director: Julian Higgins)
  267. The Day (Director: Douglas Aarniokoski)
  268. The Deposition (Director: Eddie Mensore)
  269. The Descendants (Director: Alexander Payne)
  270. The Details (Director: Jacob Estes)
  271. The Devil’s Double (Director: Lee Tamahori)
  272. The Dish & The Spoon (Director: Alison Bagnall)
  273. The Divide (Director: Xavier Gens)
  274. The Empty Hands (Directors: Mahaliel Bethea + Steven Watkins)
  275. The Entitled (Director: Aaron Woodley)
  276. The FP (Directors: Brandon Trost + Jason Trost)
  277. The Family Tree (Director: Vivi Friedman)
  278. The Flowers Of War (Director: Yimou Zhang)
  279. The Forest (The Forest Of The Living Dead) (Director: Shan Serafin)
  280. The Future (Director: Miranda July)
  281. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Director: David Fincher)
  282. The Grand Theft (Director: Ken Del Vecchio)
  283. The Great Fight (Director: Sherri Kauk)
  284. The Grey (Director: Joe Carnahan)
  285. The Guard (Director: John Michael McDonagh)
  286. The Guardsman (Director: Jiao Xiao-Yu)
  287. The Hagstone Demon (Director: Jon Springer)
  288. The Hangover Part II (Director: Todd Phillips)
  289. The Hidden Face (Director: Andrés Baiz)
  290. The Hit List (Director: William Kaufman)
  291. The Hunter (Director: Daniel Nettheim)
  292. The Hunters (Director: Chris Briant)
  293. The Ides Of March (Director: George Clooney)
  294. The Inbetweeners Movie (Director: Ben Palmer)
  295. The Innkeepers (Director: Ti West)
  296. The Intouchables (Directors: Olivier Nakache + Eric Toledano)
  297. The Lady (Director: Luc Besson)
  298. The Last Death (Director: David Ruiz)
  299. The Ledge (Director: Matthew Chapman)
  300. The Legend of Awesomest Maximus (Director: Jeff Kanew)
  301. The Lie (Director: Joshua Leonard)
  302. The Lincoln Lawyer (Director: Brad Furman)
  303. Clash Of Empire (Director: Yusry Abd Halim)
  304. The Mechanic (Director: Simon West)
  305. The Monitor (Director: Pål Sletaune)
  306. The Monk (Director: Dominik Moll)
  307. The Mortician (Director: Gareth Maxwell Roberts)
  308. The Moth Diaries (Director: Mary Harron)
  309. The Odds (Director: Simon Davidson)
  310. The Only One (Director: Joe Imhoff)
  311. The Oranges (Director: Julian Farino)
  312. The Outrage (Director: M.L. Pundhevanop Dhewakul)
  313. The Passing (Director: John Harwood)
  314. The Prey (Director: Eric Valette)
  315. The Raid: Redemption (Director: Gareth Evans)
  316. The Resident (Director: Antti Jokinsen)
  317. The Rise Of Jengo (Director: Joe Wheeler)
  318. The River Murders (Director: Rich Cowan)
  319. The Road (Director: Yam Laranas)
  320. The Rum Diary (Director: Bruce Robinson)
  321. The Sitter (Director: David Gordon Green)
  322. The Skin I Live In (Director: Pedro Almodóvar)
  323. The Snitch Cartel (Director: Carlos Moreno)
  324. The Son Of No One (Director: Dito Montiel)
  325. The Task (Director: Alex Orwell)
  326. The Thing (Director: Matthijs van Heijningen, Jr.)
  327. The Trouble With The Truth (Director: Jim Hemphill)
  328. The Veteran (Director: Matthew Hope)
  329. The Victim (Director: Michael Biehn)
  330. The Victorville Massacre (Director: Riley Wood)
  331. The Way Of The West (Director: Wyeth Clarkson)
  332. The Wicker Tree (Director: Robin Hardy)
  333. The Woman (Director: Lucky McKee)
  334. The Woman In The Fifth (Director: Pawel Pawlikowski)
  335. Them! (Director: Andre Durand)
  336. Thin Ice (Director: Jill Sprecher)
  337. This Girl Is Bad-Ass!! (Director: Petchtai Wonkamlao)
  338. This Must Be The Place (Director: Paolo Sorrentino)
  339. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Director: Tomas Alfredson)
  340. To Dream Of Falling Upwards (Directors: Antero Alli)
  341. Tonight You’re Mine (Director: David Mackenzie)
  342. Trail Of Blood (Directors: Joseph Guerrieri + Justin Guerrieri)
  343. Trespass (Director: Joel Schumacher)
  344. Trishna (Director: Michael Winterbottom)
  345. Twixt (Director: Francis Ford Coppola)
  346. Vampire (Director: Shunji Iwai)
  347. Video Girl (Director: Ty Hodges)
  348. Vile (Director: Taylor Sheridan)
  349. Villa Captive (Director: Emmanuel Silvestre)
  350. Violet & Daisy (Director: Geoffrey Fletcher)
  351. W.E. (Director: Madonna)
  352. Walrus (Director: Mickey Reece)
  353. War Of The Arrows (Director: Han-min Kim)
  354. Warrior Woman (Director: Julie Reichert)
  355. We Need To Talk About Kevin (Director: Lynne Ramsay)
  356. What A Man (Director: Matthias Schweighöfer)
  357. What’s Your Number? (Director: Mark Mylod)
  358. When Noah Calls (Director: Wanyee Leonard)
  359. Win Win (Director: Tom McCarthy)
  360. Winnie Mandela (Director: Darrell Roodt)
  361. Without Men (Director: Gabriela Tagliavini)
  362. Wolf Town (Director: Roel Reiné)
  363. Wrong Turn IV: Bloody Beginnings (Director: Declan Obrien)
  364. Yellow Rock (Director: Nick Vallelonga)
  365. You Will Be My Son (Director: Gilles Legrand)
  366. You And I (Director: Roland Joffé)
  367. You’re Next (Director: Adam Wingard)
  368. Young Adult (Director: Jason Reitman)
  369. Your Highness (Director: David Gordon Green)
  370. Your Sister’s Sister (Director: Lynn Shelton)
  371. Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption (Director: Ryan Thompson)
  372. Zombie Dawn (Directors: Lucio A. Rojas + Cristian Toledo)
  373. Zombie Diaries II (Directors: Michael G. Bartlett + Kevin Gates)
  1. Elles (Director: Malgorzata Szumowska)
  2. Shame (Director: Steve McQueen)
  3. The Seducers Club (Director: Mickey Reece)
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