One side graphing pictures

For photos that are, you know, mildly interesting

2012.02.05 07:54 doginabathtub For photos that are, you know, mildly interesting

Aww, cripes. I didn't know I'd have to write a description. How many words is that so far, like a hundred? Soooo, yeah. Mildly interesting stuff. Stuff that interests you. Mildly. It's in the name, ffs.

2008.09.21 17:43 Candy!

Join us at /candy! All Sweet Teeth and Chocoholics Welcomed!

2013.06.13 16:10 Teklogikal TheDepthsBelow: Because we all know there are things lurking underwater.

71% of the earth's surface is covered by water according to NOAA. That only gives us 29% where we're safe. If an animal the size of a blue whale can disappear for months at a time, what else is down there? We're here to show you. ___________________________________________ Fuck u/Spez

2024.06.01 15:09 NeekGirl4178 Boyfriend says I don’t try constantly, need advice

Today I (22f) and my boyfriend (23m) got into an argument. After having anxiety about going to bed because I felt full even after 4 hours having past since I ate (I have emetophobia so this is a big trigger for me) I didn’t get to sleep until quarter to 4. He gets up at 9:30 as we had a last minute contractor coming to our flat between 10-12 ( this same contractor was a no show two times prior) he’s being really loud doing the dishwasher, and hoovering (I appreciate it but those things didn’t need to be done at that time, when he knows I’m trying to sleep) he comes in loudly opens the blinds and tells me to get up and clean my side of the room for the contractor, I said no, I don’t care about the mess he probably won’t show anyway and then he leaves and slams the room door calling me a bitch.
We haven’t spoke much through the day, he appears to be annoyed at me, for what I wasn’t sure because I was the one that got called a bitch.
He just came home after I said I was too anxious to go to the shops with him and it started another fight because I said I was annoyed at him for calling me a bitch because I didn’t want to get up for the contractor and clean after a late night. He then started at me saying it’s my fault I’m up late, I could go to bed earlier, I don’t do much so it’s not hard for me to clean my side of the room, that he does most of the chores and works (so throwing in my face I’m not currently working because I’m signed off with burnout), I said I do chores when I can and when I’m capable of them (when I have the energy and not struggling with executive disfunction) he’s just telling me it’s not enough, it’s never been enough and it’s not fair on him because he works (only does 3 days in the office and the two days he’s from home he does nothing).
Sorry for the long winded post, I just need advice, every time we get into a fight about what I’m doing isn’t enough I start crying and he rolls his eyes at me and leaves (sometimes I tell him to leave because I’m so gobsmacked at how not understanding he is being saying I’m basically a huge problem and I don’t even try to do stuff from his pov). Should I be with someone that makes me feel so shit just trying to get by, that’s going to throw in my face that he supports me because I’m not working? I’ve tried encouraging him to research adhd himself so he can understand and even send him things that I relate to but he never cares
tl;dr - bf saying I don’t try to help around the house, because he ‘works’ and I am not currently, despite him knowing I have executive disfunction and burnt out, making me feel bad constantly and never seeing it from my pov (and rolling his eyes at me when I get upset about it)(and calling me a bitch for not getting up early after a unintentional late night)
submitted by NeekGirl4178 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:09 r32g676 [ 22 M4F ] Louisiana/Online - White Dude Looking For Someone To Make Life Not Feel So Grey Again

The title is self-explanatory lol. I'm here to try online dating again (in person later down the line) and see if it goes anywhere, it'd be nice to wake up to some sweet messages or have someone to just be there for me. Hoping it will lead to something, but lets see. I'll keep the about me short, because no one likes to read those lol.
What I'm Looking For: I don't really have a preference tbh, though I'd like you to be close to my age. I think someone who is at least kind and willing to give me a chance is good enough. Obviously if we share some of same interests, it's a plus but not a requirement.
In reality though, I'm looking for someone that I can sit with and watch movies with, get a good morning text from, talk about random stuff we find interesting, and overall just makes me feel good about myself and makes life not seem so grey.
About me: I am 5'11", white, brown hair and eyes, and kinda on the skinny/muscular side. I am a huge nerd, like stereotypical kinda nerd. Fantasy and sci-fi(space in general tbh) are my jam and a huge part of my life, from the books I read to the little worlds I enjoy writing to the games I play. And although it's not my entire world, I enjoy anything about electronics in general, it's more of a relaxing hobby for me in my free time occasionally.
submitted by r32g676 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:09 Whatdafuck_ Jaw surgery nerve pain

Hey guys!
I'm 10 days post op from have UJS lower jaw. I have no pain and not much swelling left. However, I keep getting a very intense zap o shock on my right side every time I chew or do certain gestures. I have some numbness in the area half o my lowe lip and some of my chin. Any body experienced the same? If so did it go away? How long? It's driving me nuts!. The other side has 100% feeling, no pain at all, like as if I didn't have surgery done on one side. I saw surgeon (not the one that did op) said the nerve is stretched should come back ok, but I'm not convinced and it bloody hurts when it zaps... I have noticed they have decreased in intensity while swallowing for example, but chewing gesture is still irritating the nerve.
submitted by Whatdafuck_ to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:09 ebsb60 Iracing-SideMirrors with 49inch monitor

I have often asked myself whether I have both side mirrors in the picture when iracing in a Formula Car with the g9 49-inch monitor.
submitted by ebsb60 to ultrawidemasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:09 HemloknessMonster Am I the Asshole for not wanting my partner to be in contact with anyone she's dated before

So I'm not the best with relationships I stayed 8 years with someone I didn't love. But I've been with my current girlfriend for 7 months and it's been fantastic. Rarely fighting besides both of us learning from our toxic past. And I try to keep communication open as much as possible. Now for some back story I struggle really hard with insecurities after my last relationship. So me being a dip shit one night we got drunk and I got on her phone and say she was still snap friends with people's she's flirted with slept with and or sent pictures to. I told her I'm not comfortable with that and they were removed after a fight about me breaking trust going on her phone. No fast forward things lately have felt off. She keeps telling me I'm projecting these feelings because Im trying to self destruct. And recently she had her own mind fart and was like I've talked to this girl before E and sent pictures I shouldn't be here friend. This was 2 months after the fight so I was like hey she's respecting boundaries. I think it's just because she was showing me text and forgot and got embarrassed. But last night she had told me "this might sound weird" but my friend k found a girl I dated in middle school L and proceeds to tell me about their gay inter racial relationship and why it was important then so I'm like cool maybe they'll find her. Then that night after intimacy she brings up her friend found her and now they're friends on tik Tok I told her why. If you dated her why would you want to be involved again. I felt like it was directly apart of my boundaries I brought up before so she gets mad and impulsive and just blocks her and ask if that's what I wanted. Then tells me I ruined the romantic night and it'll never happen again, meaning talking about ex's after intimacy. I just woke up this morning and most times I just forgive and forget but I just fell like I'm being dumb and not seeing the obvious.
submitted by HemloknessMonster to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:09 Whatdafuck_ Jaw surgery nerve pain

Hey guys!
I'm 10 days post op from have UJS lower jaw. I have no pain and not much swelling left. However, I keep getting a very intense zap o shock on my right side every time I chew or do certain gestures. I have some numbness in the area half o my lowe lip and some of my chin. Any body experienced the same? If so did it go away? How long? It's driving me nuts!. The other side has 100% feeling, no pain at all, like as if I didn't have surgery done on one side. I saw surgeon (not the one that did op) said the nerve is stretched should come back ok, but I'm not convinced and it bloody hurts when it zaps... I have noticed they have decreased in intensity while swallowing for example, but chewing gesture is still irritating the nerve.
submitted by Whatdafuck_ to jaw_surgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:08 it_must_be_it Is the poppy matchup supposed to be that one-sided ?

I played against poppy and got my ass absolutely handed to me.
submitted by it_must_be_it to Rivenmains [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:08 Fun-Moves7 I just want to fall in love

Even if she cant love me back 🥺 even if she loves someone else. I hope she doesnt mind if i still have feelings for her even if they are one sided or unrequited. Having those feelings makes me want to serve better
submitted by Fun-Moves7 to Paypigssearching [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:08 Necessary_Towel1501 Primlout anxiety

I started on Primlout / Norethisterone 5mg (3x daily) to delay my period as I’ve planned a holiday by the beach. I’ve taken 4 tablets so far, and my anxiety is through the ROOF. I can’t handle it. I’m also retaining water like crazy, my calves hurt all day and I’m so bloated. I don’t know if I can keep going. I’m a very anxious flier, so with this level of anxiety from the tablets I won’t cope.
I have three questions: - has anyone ever stopped after one 4 tablets to know how it will affect my period? - how long will these side effects last? Flight is scheduled in 48hrs and I want these symptoms GONE - if I decide to keep taking them but only one tablet daily, will it actually work? Will that dose allow me to feel better?
submitted by Necessary_Towel1501 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:07 lastmangoinbudapest Help me understand, is their hope?

I'm (F) currently seeing a woman (F) who identifies as BI. I identify as a lesbian, but i first had come out as BI. Which leads me to wanting to understand her side or it, and also know if their is hope for us.
For instance she has told me she could never have a long term relationship with a woman, because she feels she can never fully let herself go. With a man she can be physically vulnerable, and have the man be as they are, protective and offer safety. (Her words)
When she is with a woman, she likes to express her masculine energy, and offer what she would want with a man. She has said, she never fully connected with a woman before emotionally, and when she has sex with one it's purely for that. Sex. She has also never had a relationship or fallen for a woman before, because it has always followed the same pattern, with the end result sex.
With a man it's the opposite she sees herself long term, and has also expressed that in a perfect world she'd have both at the same time.
I would like to know, is there hope she would be open to a long term relstionship? I can feel myself falling more and more for her, and I think she is feeling the same way from what she has expressed, but not sure if it's on the same level. I will eventually communicate my deep emotions with her, but it's still in the early phase.
This isn't my first dating experience with a woman who is BI. The last woman I was in a relationship was BI.
submitted by lastmangoinbudapest to lesbiangang [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:07 zhaoshuai2 Propose a peaceful solution to the Taiwan issue: Taiwan can find a small country with high debts and no way out, and sign an agreement to exchange all residents.

The actual operation is to issue "nationality" and "passport" to each other's people who are willing to accept the "exchange", and then conduct a new "election" to complete the exchange of governments. On one side, they can happily obtain the license of a sovereign country, and on the other side, they can happily went to Beijing to apply for unification.
Theoretically, this result does not harm the interests of any party. The Taiwanese side exchanged the move for a license and the opportunity to develop with peace. And this small country was originally heavily in debt and found it difficult to operate, The people were already in dire straits, but after they signed the agreement, all the blame will be thrown away. It would be very nice for a country whose per capita GDP is several times of them to accept all its citizens and take over its debt. However, unexpectedly, China is not the loser either, because the original cost of this war may be very high, and a peaceful solution at a limited cost will definitely good for China. Even the West is not the loser, because the debts of such a small country are likely to be dead debts that cannot be recovered in the end!
It can be seen that if we use our brains, many problems in this world should have solutions.
submitted by zhaoshuai2 to taiwan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:07 Express-Secret1007 AITA for kicking my BF and his daughter out because of how his daughter acts when she's on her period?

This is a great one stolen from aitah idk how to share the original post lmao
AITA for kicking my BF and his daughter out because of how his daughter acts when she's on her period?
My BF of 2 years has an 11yo daughter that just started her first ever menstrual cycle 3 days ago. He has full custody of her and they started making transitions to move in with me and my 8yo son about 2 weeks ago. Up until this point, everything was going fairly well. The kids got along and I thought Diane was a nice enough kid.
Anyways, she walks out of her bedroom 3 days ago and tells me she thinks she started her period and was asking me the general questions on how to wear a pad, what she can/can't do, etc. All is well. I let her stay home from school after calling my BF at work to confirm plans and give him the run down. She was crampy. I work from home so it was no issue. All day she interrupted my business calls to talk about her period. It was annoying but I just dealt with it because it's her first menstrual so obviously there's going to be a lot of questions. This wasn't even the problem. It was what followed it. She was in a great mood all day. But as soon as my BF and my son got home from work, my home turned in to a warzone. My son asked if she wanted to play with him and she screamed in his face "I'm on my period" and literally slammed him out of her doorway. He went flying, hit the wall. Bruised his shoulder and hit his head off the door frame. My BF went to talk to her and she starts crying. "I'm on my period, I don't want him near me". He gave her a pass for her behavior, which already pissed me off. The next day we planned a beach day (like a week ago planned it), Diane starts flipping out to a point of a full tantrum. Screaming AT me and my BF telling us that no, we would not still be going to the beach because she's on her period and she can't swim and since she can't, none of us can and she "doesn't care" if that bothers us. My BF cancels the trip, or tried. I told him I was still bringing my kid regardless. We get back home at 3pm. When I left, I had a pot of chili in the slow cooker for dinner. I find half the pot gone. Diane had been eating out of the slow cooker. My BF told me that Diane said the only thing she wanted was chili and that since she was on her period, he had to let her. He listened to her. There wasn't enough to feed everyone now. We send the kids to bed at 8pm. She comes out at 9, telling her father that she needed ice cream or she "was going to snap". He originally said no; she starts tweaking out. Crying, screaming. Wakes up my son. He ends up going and getting her the fucking ice cream instead of being a parent and snipping that shit in the bud.
Then this morning. My BF tells her she can stay home from school again because she's still on her period. I tell him no. I'm working today and she interrupted me all day on my last workday. She starts flipping out, screaming at me that I'm "not doing anything to make her comfortable when that's what she needs right now". My BF sides with her. "It's her first period, we need to learn to navigate it." I told him again that she was NOT staying here today. He gets angry with me and says I'm making his life harder than it has to be. His kid is still screaming at me. So, I snapped and told them to pack all their shit and leave and that I was fucking done. Said that I'm glad she started her period so soon in to moving in so that I could get a proper assessment of how it would be full time and I would be damned I put up with this bullshit every month. They both immediately calmed down. She starts crying, saying she was just "trying to make me understand". He's telling me I'm being ridiculous. I stood firm however and told them to get out. They are now gone and my house is peaceful. I don't want them back here. My BF has been blowing my phone up since, telling me this is just a bump in the road but I have never been so disgusted by anyone in my entire life. AITA for not letting them return and telling him I'm done?
I did speak to her about her aggression yesterday. I told her it wasn't okay to put her hands on people, to scream in my face, to demand we cater to her and break things. She says "I'm on my period, nothing I do right now can be held against me because I have no control". Which is enough to prove to me that she does have control, she's using this as an excuse.
submitted by Express-Secret1007 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:07 Realistic_Lake_2751 SOL mattress fixes?

I've had a SOL medium mattress for a couple of years. For the last few months been waking up with a hot spot in my low back. I'm a side sleeper, 5'8" and 160 lbs. I do have the 2" soft SOL topper and a 1 inch memory foam on top of that. Have tried a couple other topper configurations as well, like a thicker memory foam with the latex topper, in which it seemed like I was just sinking through the foam so maybe it wasn't dense enough?
I know lots of folks say this mattress is too firm and I'm just wondering if that may be the problem and if I can salvage it with another topper style. Trying to decide whether to try another topper - slept on a great memory foam one at my parents house but not sure how it will translate on top of this latex mattress. Or, do I just give up and get a new mattress?
submitted by Realistic_Lake_2751 to Mattress [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:07 Swift1321 So this slipped into my hand while our shopping...

So this slipped into my hand while our shopping...
So I decided to have a little look in our local comic and figure shop and stumbled upon The Last Ronin Raph. He was the last one and I just couldn't let him stay there all on his own... I am hoping to get all whole team, but they are so hard to find this side of the pond.
I did get talking to owner, who is extremely knowledgeable, and very chatty! We discussed the limited Neca choices we get in the UK, the cost of importing and the inflated prices some shops sell these boys for (looking at you, Forbidden Planet!) Apparently, there is only one Neca supplier over here, so those hiked up prices are just certain shops trying to make a higher profit.
He's said he'll keep me updated on when we can expect Donatello and Michelangelo. They also had Leonardo, but he'll have to be a next payday treat... maybe, if I can wait that long 😅
submitted by Swift1321 to NECATMNT [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:06 EmicerW Is Moscow is nice place to live?

I have been living in Berlin, Germany for 8 months and I am not a person who is able to connect so easily with people from other cultures. But yesterday I met a girl from Russia in a meeting with friends and I felt that she was an intelligent and sociable person, she talked about Moscow and I found it such an interesting place, unfortunately my social anxiety didn't let me ask more questions so I come here to ask them. I already did some research about Moscow but I want to hear more stories from people who still live in Moscow and if it is possible to see the angles from different social classes.
The first and most basic question is how is life in Moscow? I don't mean on weekends, although it would also be good to know, my intrigue goes beyond that, how is the day to day life? how do you feel when you go to work and when you leave? how does it feel to go to the supermarket? Do you think it is the same feeling as someone who is used to high temperatures?
My second question, and it's not a surprise but it's basic, she mentioned that they eat pickles in some kind of water and drink vodka with them, I feel that I didn't understand it well, but I think you will understand me. Is the consumption of vodka high in Russia? Or is it just a reference from movies and series?
My third question is, is it noticeable the different social classes in Moscow? In my home country it is, but in European countries I am not able to distinguish who has old money and who has new money.
I have more questions but I don't know if this post is going to be ignored, so I will just ask one more, I have always thought and I am sorry if it is offensive, but I have always thought that Russians are cold and “angry” people but yesterday when I met this girl I felt that I have had a wrong vision all this time, how is the attitude of the people in the day to day life? you have to meet Russians to show you their friendly side? or they are all the time and the world has painted them in a not so friendly way?
Maybe I should visit Moscow or some place you suggest.
Thanks for reading this far.
submitted by EmicerW to Moscow [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:06 tonywithice [REQUEST] [STEAM] Persona 5 Royal


Hello friends of the GoG community, hope you guys/gals are having a great weekend!
Today i have a request of a beloved franchise in the JRPG department, as you can see in the title, it is the multi faceted delight that is Persona 5 Royal. I personally can't deny that it really lives up to the name of being royal, given the games aesthetic, gameplay and overall stylish presentation. (its so darn good...)

What is persona 5?

I assume most of you are familiar with the genre, it has the classic turn based combat you generally know from, say, the pokemon or final fantasy franchise. But one of the things that makes Persona stand out from its competerors, is its social aspects between the dungeons. you hang out with friends to go further into their personal story (you can also romance) complete tasks like jobs or just explore the city of Tokyo, along other activities. There is a great cast of characters that are interesting in their own way and i would love to learn about them in depth and bond a personal connection. Just on the side, i find it funny when people talk about the "post persona depression" xD it really says a lot about the awesome experience, i think. Which sparks my interest, since i love to dive deep into fictional worlds and get lost in it for a while. (i think you guys can relate :D)
The visuals of the game are off the charts awesome, if you have seen it, you know what i'm talking about. In the game you impersonate a male high school student (and phantom thieve in the fighting segments) JokeRen. You and your group fight corrupt adults to expose their crimes by... going into the metaverse, where peoples desires and thoughts take shape. That is such a cool concept!!


The game has been on my radar for a long time and i would be more than blessed to experience this masterpiece. As to my personal reasons why i can't buy it for myself, is because i've been out of funds to contribute to my favorite hobby due to being a student, so it is hard to afford such a pricy game at the moment. Thank you for reading through my request and i hope you have a great day :)
The Game: Persona 5 Royal
My Steam: tonywithice
submitted by tonywithice to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:06 Marchnik Very long read, but I just want to know what my mbti type is cause I can't seem to grasp what fits more in a singular label.

(There might be a few or more typos cause I didn't proof read. It's noisy here currently.)
*I consider myself as an ambivert. Perhaps it could just be a mental dysfunction that I am not aware of, but even as I enjoy social interactions and try to find every chances to bond with my friends, I am often paranoid with the words I use or the way I talk. Making me come off as quiet and aloof, when in reality, my brain is just struggling to convey my thoughts into a coherent statement rather than a dislike to talking. In chat, where everything could be thought out before delivering the message, people often get surprised on how much more talkative I am as opposed to in real life. I honestly just can't leave a message without making response- even if it's as dry as the sahara dessert, I find ways to continue the conversation until I would notice that the other is no longer interested or is busy.
*I talk to my self alot. Or in other words, I have a rich inner monologue and a vivid imagination, but unfortunately, its a product of my elusive identity that I've lost throughout my development due to expectations being instilled upon me. This trait is instinctual to me now- I observe the way I act and react to certain situations and as much as possible I try to understand it by putting it to coherent words and reflect how much I identify what I concluded. It's not always reliable however- as someone with idols, I exaggerate certain parts of myself or try to mimic those I admire so I could be percieved like my idols do.
*My imagination delves into the macabre. Edgy, yes, but it something I do not pride over and tell lightly even to whom is close to me. I am very aware that topics that tests certain boundaries is something that I should tread carefully, and may be considered as unhealthy if unchecked. But even as much as I entertain it through mediums of art, I constantly remind myself of what should be just fantasy and what is actually reality. My true intentions for such thoughts is not for pleasure, but of genuine curiosity. Particularly, how much can I test the limits of my imagination and render them into fascinating pieces?
*I find it easy to create solutions to problems, but I'm terrible in executing them. It's ironic, when I create plans short term and long term that is neither restrictive nor too carefree- somehow, I still find ways to fuck it up due to paranoia. The constant worrying that "What if I do something wrong and make it worse?" Is like a parasite the I cannot get rid of to the point of forgetting that I'm midway performing an action and just drop it all together. But when I suggest solutions towards other people's problems similar or not, it's always effective in someway. It's frustrating.
*I have a complicated relationship with emotions. I am inexpressive in real life. People have a hard time discerning what I feel cause I don't express it very well, and I've been told that I often look like I percieve everyone as lesser than me from afar. Which does hold truth in some degree, with pride and all- but I actually can't hurt another person even when the situation needs it. I always consider the outcome where everyone benefits and grow- even losing a piece of myself in the process to accommodate to what others expect from me. Though, lately, I've become less attuned with my emotions and I find myself becoming more irritable and intolerant of people getting in my way. I also never form emotionally close bonds with others, not even family. I care about their well-being, i would do my best to upkeep our connection, but the thought of losing them is something I do not worry myself of. My relationships are always coming and going, cause I've learned to think that grieving over them wouldn't create much of an impact for my future. I can choose to be nostalgic over them, but not to feel sorrow over it. I think is mostly because my views clash alot with my environment. They're just not my people, family or peer. So why waste the energy to try and mold myself into someone I'm clearly not?
*My driving force is fear and pride. I hate for others to look down on me and think of me as less or treat me so childishly. I also am very competitive and dislike the thought of anyone else being better than me. If used recklessly, I would've been a toxic person, but its honestly where I find motivation in doing better. When I come in second, it hurts alot, yes. But I don't throw a tantrum over it, I just think to myself "then just do better." And I try no matter how much I stumble. Either way, I really want to be percieved as a strong and reliable figure. I like being the centre of attention. I like vanity and the thought of being admired- and one of my dreams are not born out of passion, but the desire to influence my surroundings and create an admirable name for myself.
*in the contrary, even with my flaws and detachment to my connections and in a way- emotions plus my unwavering sense of pride. I am a dreamer myself. A hopeless romantic even. there's one part of me, where i like to think of myself as an artist who has yet to find their muse. And when I do- I want to dedicate my whole life capturing the essence of my muse. I want to create letters and poems that would convey their radiance with each syllable, to paint in canvases with a picture that tell tales of the emotions they would evoke out of me. And I want to be their biggest supporter. I want to spoil my muse with gifts and affection. I want to pay attention to the very little details of their person and craft perfect dates with them. To make my muse the happiest person in the world, is an accomplishment that nothing could surpass.
*I'm aware that both dreams are idealistic and near impossible. But I don't like the thought of wasting my very potential and not do anything with my hands to create or influence reality. What if I could make a break through? Impact another person's life for the better? These possibilities shouldn't just stay within the recesses of my mind, I need to atleast try and work my way towards it. Even if the process is long and I wouldn't be able to make it- atleast I know I didn't waste my time just dwelling.
submitted by Marchnik to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:05 happyprintclub65 HappyPrintClub's Multifunctional Wallet Mobile Phone Covers

HappyPrintClub's Multifunctional Wallet Mobile Phone Covers
Simplify your life with HappyPrintClub's multifunctional wallet mobile phone covers. These covers feature convenient card slots and a pocket for cash, allowing you to carry your essentials in one place. Made from durable materials, our wallet covers provide excellent protection for your phone while keeping your belongings organized. Choose happyprintclub for a practical and stylish solution to streamline your everyday carry. If you want more information then you can visit this side and contact us.
submitted by happyprintclub65 to u/happyprintclub65 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:04 DurianRejector Need help with struggling BOP

Need help with struggling BOP
I bought this bird of Paradise two weeks ago and admit I probably should not have got such a tattered one, but wanted to save it. The leaves had lots of brown dried out portions on them, some of which you can still see in the pictures I included.
Anyway, I watered it a few days ago and it’s actually putting out a new leaf, but I noticed the new leaf has significant dead portion on top (see picture). Any diagnosis, or advice on what to do, with the new leaf or otherwise? Thanks!
submitted by DurianRejector to BirdsOfParadise [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:04 curium99 Building a partition wall for plaster finish

Hi, I am building a partition wall in a 1934 property between 2 bedrooms to create a built-in wardrobe for each bedroom.
There is a brick pillar at each end that as been finished with dot-and-dab plasterboard and skim or plaster direct to the brick. The pillar is 165mm face to face.
My partition wall is being constructed parallel to these pillars. I'm using metal c-studs to construct the partition. I'll then screw plasterboard to the studs and get a plasterer to skim finish.
I want to know the maximum I can be out with the existing face of the pillar (on each face of the partition wall) that can still be made up by the plasterer to give a level finish between the pillar and the partition wall? The metal c-stud track is 72mm wide and I'll screw on 12.5mm sound bloc plasterboard to each side of the partition. So before plastering, the partition will be 97mm thick leaving 68 mm difference.
I thought I could double-board one side of the partition which would increase the thickness to 109.5mm. That still leaves 55.5mm difference, split between each side that's roughly 28mm to be made up in skim on each side. Should I double-board each side? I'm looking for advice from plasterers on how to construct this partition that will make it easiest for the plasterer to get a good finish.
I should say that since one side of the partition will be the inside of the other bedroom's wardrobe so potentially I could sacrifice the finish on that side but I'm aiming to get the best finish on each side.
Please advise on how you'd proceed.
Many thanks
submitted by curium99 to Plastering [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:04 askandexplain2 Kenmore Elite HE3t: Dispenser, what goes where?

Kenmore Elite HE3t: Dispenser, what goes where?
So I rent, and my house has a Kenmore Elite HE3T washer. The picture shows the current dispenser. However, I am unsure where to put the bleach, and liquid fabric softener, and if the current setup is okay for liquid and powder detergent or just one. The current dispenser setup has 3 slots. I am confused as the manual seems to say two different things.
So first I know the detergent goes in the first, bottom left slot (in the attached picture).
However, for bleach it is confusing. The manual says "Liquid or powdered color-safe bleach may be added to the Main Wash compartment along with the same type of detergent, liquid or powdered."
The manual seems to imply that there is a specific bleach compartment. And fabric softener compartment.
So based on the 3 slot setup where does everything go?
I should note, my landlord used to have the dispenser shown in the second picture from the manual but he switched it out for some reason. He couldn't help me as he doesn't seem to use bleach, and uses dryer sheets while I want to use liquid softener. He only knows/ cares about the detergent. Also, I use liquid detergent while he uses powder. See the conundrum? lol I am considering switching to powder.
submitted by askandexplain2 to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:04 Rainlsm Seller threatens me (No personal info)

Seller threatens me (No personal info)
Hey guys! Unfortunately this has not been the first time this happened to me on Vinted but still, I would like to have some advice.
I picked up a parcel today and it was not the item that I bought. It was a House of CB dress for 170€ and instead I got some mens XL jogging. Obviously I escalated this with Vinted and provided proof such as pictures and videos. The shipping provider was Mondial Relay but in collaboration with Inpost and I already heard some stories about it. Fast forward, the seller claims that this is not the parcel she shipped and calls me various names, threatening me, one of all the things: ‘Maybe you don’t understand who you’re dealing with’.
I know that I should not take those things by heart but still. As these things happened to me quite often the past few months, that I ordered something but it wasn’t what I ordered, I do not know what do to so I seek advice from you fellow Vinties, especially since they claim that this isn’t their parcel but it has their name on it.
I’m ignoring them right now as I don’t see the point on interacting with someone who has this behaviour.
submitted by Rainlsm to vinted [link] [comments]