Phil flash passwords

Found bf of 3yrs cheating

2024.06.01 05:05 LuckyRespect2899 Found bf of 3yrs cheating

Me and my bf both 19 recently moved in together since this I’ve noticed him being off not are caring towards me. A week before I caught him I was having nightmares about him cheating or telling me he found someone better. Now the thing about our relationship is we got together when he was expelled from high school and he had no job no car no license nothing most people who know us personally didn’t think he would graduate but he did even graduated early because I helped him I also got him every job he has ever had I figured out how to get our apartment I gave him my old flat screen TV I took him to get his license basically I’ve done a lot for this man. Now we got laid off past winter and I found him a new job we talked and I decided to go to college online. Since then he doesn’t help me do anything around the apartment because well “He works” he stands and watches a machine if it breaks he finds someone to fix it. When I was having the weird dreams I woke up and seen he was on his phone under the blanket I checked the time and it was 2:45am the next day he told me he was texting his brother. A few more days go past and I wake up before him one morning and I’m trying to go through his phone to see if he was really texting his brother instead I find two phones the one I knew about and one of his old phone that we’ve had countless fights over even in front of friends he promised all his old phones where broken and thrown away so I freak out about that and break both his phones (also wanna add I bought the phone that I knew about for him in the first place) he tells me he is sorry and he messed up it was just this one time it hasn’t been the whole three years now I have all his social passwords and location. A few days later I start going through his stuff because I know how many phones he has had since we have been together and I just found out he lied about getting ride of them that’s when I find another phone placed in a position like he was looking for it or trying to use it so I break that one and throw it away he says he wasn’t using it and it was clean but look like he was trying to find it so he could use it. Flash forward a month we are cleaning the closet out and I find another old phone an iPod and two kindles he freaks out when I tell him I wanna go through the phone and he gets it away from me and breaks it before I get the chance but yesterday when he was at work I looked through the kindle and he was messaging girls in 2022 we got together in 2021 so apparently it has been more then once and going on longer then I thought. Basically he cheated on me in 2022 and 2024 let’s be honest 2023 was probably in the phone he broke so I could see it basically we have an apartment together this man cannot function on his own and will mess my credit up if I leave he also used my car for work is the only one working atm (I have an interview next week and I’m in college) and he gives me the money to pay rent he doesn’t even know how to use the app basically I’m stuck and looking for advice even though he hurt me I don’t wanna leave him stranded with no where to go I honestly see no future with him anymore and we had our whole future planed out also all the girls he was talking to look nothing like me advice?
submitted by LuckyRespect2899 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:10 GenoDouble Rage quit the musical, Microsoft account edition.

I’m simply trying to reset my computer and it won’t except my password. The user name is my email and it is linked to my Microsoft/xbox/live. I know the password and I know it’s typing in properly. No one else has ever logged into this pc but me. I’ve visually seen the correct characters by using the little “eye” icon. WHAT GIVES! I changed the password and everything. still didn’t work.
I’m doing all of this because I go to black screen after I enter in my Pin. Which I’m assuming is a software issue. So I feel like flashing the bastard and starting new.
I’m not the best with computers so figuring out how to make the password work and not going into “elite computer hacker mode” is preferred.
***I held shift + reset —-> trouble shoot —-> rest this PC and keep files ——> click on my user name ——> gimmie password —-> not the correct password.
submitted by GenoDouble to microsoft [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:27 SpaceGhost182 Walked in on my mom getting scammed, supposedly saved the day

Walked in on my mom getting scammed, supposedly saved the day
"Windows Microsoft" agent at the other end of the of this number had my mom download ultraviewer and put these commands in to cmd.
I got a hold of the phone after a minute of hearing what was happening and was trying to get the girl on the line to walk me through the steps of what she had my mom do so far.
She was still trying to sell the idea my mom was getting hacked. Hung up on me when I asked her the specific steps she asked of my mom.
My mom was being gaslit and manipulated and was visibly confused and scared which is what tipped me off before hearing 'being hacked'.
Honestly deep down I knew it was bad news and I almost pretended I was being codependent at first but I intervened abruptly, I maybe heard 1 min of context, my mom saying 'I never know what backslash or forward slash is' and then the 'we're being hacked?' and shrug to me.
I saw cmd window open.
I walked away for 30 seconds and was like 'I guess that's my mom's problem, I probably shouldn't intervene' just for me to walk back and borderline spaz on the person on the phone.
Context, whatever.
Bless my mom's heart, she's a good person, she has compliance issues and is deferent in problematic situations and it made me so sad to spaz immediately and try to get her to give me as much info on that interaction as she could while also trying to comfort her and be calm and not make her feel foolish
What I gathered;
-gets popup on computer
-she called the number
-"problem with network, hackers"
-they told her to Google ultraviewer
-she downloaded it from their website
-installs it
-she gives them the info in the ultraviewer window
-they told her press windows key + r, cmd, enter
-they tell her type netstat, enter in cmd
-they gaslight about something
-they tell her type dir /s
-she types the wrong 'dir \s'
-I intervene for context
-she says 'idk we're being hacked? 🤷'
-they keep asking her what she's seeing (preparing a gaslight? Idk)
-I leave for a second
-she's communicating what she sees in the cmd command 'dis', is confused and scared
-I come back and shut the entire thing down by asking for the phone and asking the girl on the other side curious questions about what had happened so far
-come back to the computer and try to piece together what had happened so far, take these photos
-*moms says she never pressed the button 'allow remote control' *key detail she's dug her heels in about
-says they never had control over her computer
-never saw a mouse do things by itself
-says she typed in all the commands herself
-she did give them the info in ultraviewer, want to specify that again
-I comfort and thank her, she goes to the dentist
-I furiously start researching scams, start making hella phone calls, watching YouTube on my laptop and my phone
-I called the elderly fraud relief hotline, they're trying to congratulate me for saving my mom
-Call my ex cyber security friend that's mutuals with my mom; he's saying if the metaphor is 'you knocked a gun out of a robbers hand' this is a case of 'oh shit the gun went off, but no one was shot' was a close situation is what I'm being told
-I get my mom a ton of resources, numbers, relief and support leads, fraud tools, the whole thing. She changes her passwords. Etc
-we back up her files, upgrade Anti-virus, run it idk 10 times.
-did a 'reset windows from inside windows 11', deleted everything , started putting stuff back on
-re-downloaded Anti-virus (trend micro), ran it 5 times, have gone about our business
-people trying to tell me they haven't heard of anyone calling these specific avenues (relief hotlines and what not) in the context of was almost scammed, it's always 'Omg I just got scammed'
-girl on the elderly relief hotline is telling me these scammers were about to invoke 'cp' and extort my mom. She kept yelling those words over the phone cp ugh, I was like lady I get it.
-she was assertive with the context that I did a good job and that my mom was so close to getting fucked
-got lots of congrats that day
-still ocd paranoid af.
Eager for feedback; how close was my mom really?
Can anyone confirm or deny this didn't happen?
I'm wondering if a bullet hole is going to be found to create lots of damage in the future.
I should probably reinstall the os from a flash drive and format the drive entirely, any other measures to take?
How much have I over corrected? Was she ever in real danger? She probably would've realized that this was a scam when it got to a certain point, right? They were still trying to gaslight her to make her maleable?
Anyone can confirm or deny this? Not certain at all at this, visibly mentally ill over this 🙃
Would appreciate any feedback thank you tons, thank you thank you thank you
Eager to receive help for ocd, I recognize I'm coming from a place of dysfunction and can account for that, any clear feedback is helpful in the meantime 🌱
submitted by SpaceGhost182 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:06 Top-Wrongdoer4224 Mint Major Security Vulnerability

When typing in my password (i.e. the system was locked) one of my monitors takes longer to boot and when one turns on the graphics turns black for a second to readjust. When this was happening one of the monitors already on flashed the logged in desktop and then back to the blank screensaver screen. It seems that somehow the gpu has access to the desktop while mint being locked. This is a security vulnerability that must be patched.
Hardware: 5900X, 4070GPU, asrock steel ledgend b550M
software: linux kernel 6.5.0-1023-oem mint 21.3 Virginia
submitted by Top-Wrongdoer4224 to linuxmint [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:39 InternationalTap8065 My friend is a complete liar and I don't know what to do...

I (13 F) recently switched schools and had to make new friends. I quickly settled into a nice friend group and began to feel more comfortable in my new environment. Then, around December, a new girl (13 F We'll call her Ava) joins our school.
I first met Ava when my friend (we'll call her Maddy) gave her a tour. I start talking to Ava. She begins to talk about how she was forced to switch schools because she was extremely bullied and the police got involved. At this point I'm thinking WTF, this only happens in movies. I feel bad for Ava, and start hanging out with her more, later she joins our friend group, she seems like a perfectly nice kid and we get close.
Flash forward a month, I find her crying in class. I, of course, ask her what happened what's wrong, and how I can help. She tells me that her aunt (who her family had been renting an apartment from) had kicked her out, and she lost her dog due to financial reasons. I feel awful, and I try my hardest to make her feel better. She stops crying. I tell her boyfriend (13 M, we'll call him Sam) that I'm worried that Ava isn't in the best financial situation, and just to tell me if he sees anything else.
I say, a week later, she's crying in class again. She says her uncle is in the hospital for liver failure, and it doesn't look like he'll survive. At this point I feel so bad, I make her family cookies, I text her once an hour, I try my hardest to make sure that she has support. 4 days later, she says her uncle will survive, and I'm like wtf, you just said he's going to not make it. Anyways, I assume it's a miracle and continue on in life.
2 weeks later, I'm talking to Ava during advisory, and she's saying that she wants to break up with Sam, saying that he's constantly trying to touch and kiss her (I know Sam very well, I know that he respects peoples boundries incredibly well, more so with people he's dating) despite that, I understand the Sam might not be what Ava is looking for in a relationship and say that I support her choice, and if she wants to break up with Sam, I will be on her side. When school is finished, I get a text from a different friend saying that Ava broke up with Sam In the middle of the lunch room. I wasn't there because I was helping tutor some kids. Instantly I text around the friend group to figure out what's going on. What I figure out:
During lunch, Ava leans over, whispers to Maddy, "I'm going to do it." (Maddy also knew she was breaking up with Sam) and then Across the table says to Sam "I can't do this any more, we're done." At 8:00 pm, that same day, Ava texts the group chat: "I'm dating another person (We'll call him Rob, M 14) I love him and he treats me right."
Cue the chaos.
Instantly I invite Sam over, I feel so bad, I said before that I was on Ava's side, but now I'm completely on Sam's side. I have heard of Rob before (an old ex of Ava's) but Ava had always said she was done with him. I talk with Sam. He's heartbroken. We hang out, I get him in better spirits. Maddy says she can't handle the drama and leaves the friend group (of course she rejoins it 3 days later) I'm sobbing when Sam leaves.
Eventually, the chaos dies down.
Over the course of the next two months, I constantly hear that Rob is "cheating on Ava" but she stays with him. After a bit though, she texts me saying that they have broken up. I question her further in person, and she says she said no such thing, it was her brother I HAVE THE FRICKING TEXT MESSAGES AND I KNOW FOR A FACT HER BROTHER DOESN'T KNOW HER PASSWORD! the next day, she blocks me, but claims her phone was on Do-Not-Disturb.
Now, two weeks later, Ava texts the group chat, apparently her uncle (the same one with Liver failure) got shot in the head on the way to Maine. I quickly comfort her, bringing her cookies, hanging out with her, etc. A week later, her aunt (idk if it's the one that kicked her family out) apparently has cancer????
I kid you not, three days later, I see her with her brother, aunt, dog (the same one she lost to finace issues) and cousin. So, what should I do? Should I cut ties with her? Should I continue to play along with what she says? I don't know... help?
submitted by InternationalTap8065 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]


Please help me. An update on my laptop has caused this to appear on my login screen. When I go to the other sign in option, it gives me the option to put in a password, but I have no clue what it is. To reset it, I need a USB flash drive which I don't have one anywhere. What are the alternatives? I have an assignment due pretty soon and need to access my laptop for this. Thank you.
submitted by YGBullettsky to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:12 No_Feedback_5512 Cheated but justified? F20 M20

Was it wrong I cheated? F20 M20
1 (20f) started talking to my (ex? boyfriend (20m) around late December of 2022. I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship and needed a confidence boost. I began talking to tons of people, not necessarily from dating apps, but people who wanted to exchange pictures. I have always been in touch with my sexuality, and I didn't see anything wrong with this since I was single and it was my body. I never showed my face or revealed anything personal about me. However there was this one guy who I did feel pressured to show my face with- I just didn't feel in control of that situation. I was able to actually find his real name, real accounts, and even his girlfriend (back then his ex). I didn't feel threatened anymore because I could always talk to his gf about what he was doing on snapchat.
Flash forward- my now (ex?)boyfriend begins talking to me through my instagram. We get to know eachother and things escalated from there. I thought this would just be a little fling so I didn't mind sending him pictures too. He began talking to me around christmas time and asked me to be his gf early January (like 4th or 5th) without having met me. I agree since I just wanted to see where it went.
5 days later I meet him and actually hook up with him. Things began getting a little more serious so Itold the guy on snap i would be gone and wouldn't message him anymore. He asked me for pics one last time and said he would wait for me, etc. I had made the mistake of giving him my instagram earlier when talking to him.
Things are going good with my bf, but there are some things I notice. He never deleted chats with his ex, still had there contacts, and even followed them on all their accounts. I expressed this made me uncomfortable many many many times. It took months for him to delete stuff. I had to ask him each time. He still had phone numbers of some girls I didn’t know. I often compared myself to them and I felt like a needed a confidence boost. I log back into snap and talk to the guy. He got together with his gf again but still wanted to chat with me. I know I was just seeking validation and it was wrong. I never thought of deleting everything.
Flash forward things are going good again, I officially had launched my boyfriend my insta, met his parents, he met mine, etc. I thought things were going perfect. Until I see a message on his phone. It was an unknown number and a nude of himself. He was trying to talk to a redditor and ended up getting sextorted (?) he was on a subreddit about that. There was so much stuff on his reddit- and so much more everywhere that i was yet to uncover.
I gave him a second chance just because he pulled the I Love You card. I know I should have walked away. Through out the months of us being together I saw he had downloaded (and deleted) multiple dating apps. He had screenshots of girls in bras from tinder (which he obviously wanked too) - some being girls I knew. He was on multiple subreddits telling girls how badly he wanted to fuck them, he was on discord asking girls to chat. His instagram searches would be girls from dating apps. He even used vsco to try to look at other girls. The whole time I wondered what was wrong with me? I wouldn't say i'm the ugliest. I'm not skinny, but I still have curves. I just don't really have a chest. Is that it?
I always confronted him, and he would bawl to me he would change, that it was hard to break a habit he's had for so long. I honestly just wanted him to be truthful. We had a big fight once and the next day when I went to see him, he had deleted pics of a girl from tinder. I went back in Snap and texted the guy to vent. It escalated to me sending him pictures again. Keep in mind, I do not get off to these pictures, there is no pleasure for me. I just want the feeling of being desired. This only happened maybe 3 times during our whole relationship.
A few days ago I see a picture of my bf on his phone that was downloaded from snap. I thought he had deleted snap- since he also used it to get to know people while we were already dating. I began asking him questions about it and discover he was on tinder yet again. I even asked him about his my eyes only since I never questioned it. He refused to show me. I pressed him until he finally gave me the password. There are nudes of multiple girls there from a few years ago. One is a girl who was in my class and who i'm still friends with. She follows me on instagram and has seen me post my bf. I explain to him how humiliating that is, and why he still had those. They never dated. but they had some sexual conversations before.
I was so enraged I told him I'd get my lick back. I hadn't used snap in so long, i could not remember the username. eventually found it and they guy was still waiting for me. He started taking to me saying how I deserved so much better and made me feel better about myself. I just played the part with him and sent him some pics + videos. The next day he kept wanting to chat but I felt regretful on how I impulsively acted. He started mentioning my bf again but things I had never mentioned. I forgot I had my boyfriend tagged in some things. I felt like he was going to tell my bf what I had been doing- so I kept chatting.
I see my bf again and discover he had gone on the apps again. The very same night we talked about his problem and how he was going to change and he was sorry. It wasn't even an hour after i left that day. He begged we could make this work and Itold him he was losing me. I told him about the chats with the guy and show him. He went quiet and said he needed space. I walked out for a bit and he was on my phone going though my snap. I confessed everything- something he never does (i always had to dig to find out the truth) I began deleting all the pics from the snapchat account and he just couldn't believe how many there were. I explain these were from before I met him and that I was just too scared to delete them incase the guy noticed and then messaged him. He told me to get out and I said it wasn't fair the one time did something he can no longer look at me. He said what I did was way worse. Was what I did worse?
I feel like after reflecting while writing this post, what I did wasn’t that bad. I left his place around 4 am and he said he wanted to be alone. I don’t know what we are or what will happen. What should I do or say?
submitted by No_Feedback_5512 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:57 NoMeYouI Spyware?

When shutting down windows 11 and you get the blank screen before powering off the login screen flicker flashes for s split second before powering off.
Any ideas how to get rid of the problem or if it is a problem. Just seems weird and my windows hello login became corrupted by "two many digits". So, I scrubbed my system with a clean install but did not wipe the HD and now I am getting the flickering again.
My guess is that someone is running a password cracker during the login and bootup process.
Any insights are appreciated.
submitted by NoMeYouI to computerviruses [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:31 No-Commercial5167 Huawei P20 Died - Can the data be recovered

My Mother in law's phone was at 76%, and just turned itself off. She swears she didn't drop it or damage it in any way.
I have tried charging the device, tried restarting with the power button and volume button being held down and the only response from the phone was a red flashing indicator light at the top of the screen. When i plugged it in to my laptop, it didnt even register a connected device so I believe the phone is completely dead, or at least the USB-C port is gone, and the battery is done for. She mentioned that the phone has been glitching a lot lately as well
Is there a way to recover the data off the phone? She doesn't know any of her passwords but has saved them in a notes file on her phone. She turned off automatic back ups shortly after she got the phone because someone told her it was using up her battery (and not the 4 million apps she has open at any given time)
She wants to send it to a mobile repair person, but I don't want her to waste her money if there's no hope of recovering the data.
submitted by No-Commercial5167 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:01 DevarDavis22 Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 3: Soul Snatchers⁴

Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 3: Soul Snatchers⁴
Last time Mayuni got into a fight with a Soul Snatcher named Jito. She was forced into using her Soul Form. Jito would use her daggers which poisoned her. Will she die or survive? Find out right now. Jito" It looks like you are the one who's in trouble." She laughs. Mayuni" I know what you're doing. You're draining my blood into your dagger and poisoning me." Jito" Ding, ding, ding. Correct. And if you don't act quickly, you'll be dead." Mayuni can barely hold her blade. Mayuni" I'm going get you...." She passes out. Jito" See that's what you get when you mess with me. Time to dispose of her. Ill take your soul." She picks her up by her hair and her tube cones out. While off guard, Mayuni kicks her away. She sees her daggers and throws it at her. Mayuni uses hand signs then stabs herself. Jito" What did you do?" Mayuni" Repaying the favor. I used a move call Cursed Blood. It allows me to do what you did to me. I've poisoned your blood and stopped mine." Soul Form wears off. Jito tries to attack but she uses a flash bomb and escapes.
Jito" That little bitch was pretty cunning. She actually outwitted me. It won't happen again and I mean it." She clutches her daggers and is draining the poison into them. She is all better. Next scene. Mayuni, Yori and the people have made it to Burakkubēsu safely. It is empty and already was taken. They are too late. Yori" Those damn Soul Snatchers. They did this. This isn't good." Mayuni" There's noone here. It's deserted. Nothing but dead bodies." They take a look around other places but are the same. Yori contacts the other departments and was able to get answers. There are fewer people everyday. This is getting bad. Days later. Mayuni and Yori are looking for the other members and have found them. The Black Widow is reduced to 14 people(the characterss who were the highest in their classes plus Yori). Yori doesn't want to stay here but Mayuni wants to stick with the people but that would be dangerous so they say goodbye to Kanta Japan. They are traveling to a different area of Japan as we speak. Trying to see if it's safe. The people didn't follow. They were sent to a special hideout.
Next scene. Eyashi and Phil are on the scene. They make it to a special area with 2 doors. The left door has a red ribbon on the door knob. The right door has two knobs. There is a stone in the middle. The stone is torn and hard to read. Reads" The one who enters will ***"The rest can't be read. Phil suggests that they take a door. Eyashi agrees. Phil gets the one with the two knobs while Eyashi gets the other door. Little did they know that the doors are both illusions. As Phil walks around, he sees the same door he entered. He turns around and the path has changed itself. The path looks completely new. Eyashi's area is really small and cramp. There's no where to move. He leaves then comes back(through the door). Everything is still the same. He exits the area. Closes the door but when he reenters the area has shrunken up. Eyashi knows that it is an illusion. He goes outside the room but doesn't see the door Phil went to. Phil is getting frustrated on trying to get out. There's gotta be a break the illusion. Eyashi knows that the Soul Snatchers wouldn't be close to the Togyu Manji area. The doors must be an open way to their home or like portals. But how to activate it?
He tries calling Phil but doesn't work. Phil begins to get so angry that he attacks the door. It begins to glow. Phil tries to call Eyashi but it doesn't go through. Phil opens the door and it takes him back to spot where they first came from. After some time passes, Eyashi and Phil eventually figured it out. No more illusions. The door took them to the hideout. Eyashi sees the Soul Snatchers and warns Phil. Eyashi" Hey Phil, look out. Be quiet will you." Phil" Yeah. Right." They continue to sneak around. Jenmei" Somebody is following us. You can come out. The jig is up." They both come out of hiding. How did you get here?" Phil" We're full of surprises. Trust us." Koken" It's you and you brought someone with you. He's pretty cute. Hey how about you take me out sometimes." Phil" You're not so bad yourself. Anytime you want." She blows a kiss at Phil. Jenme" Will you stop your flirting! It's annoying me!" Koken" You're just mad because you're not getting any love." Jenmei" I could care less about your love. We have jobs to do. So let's get to it." Koken" Yeah yeah." Jenmei" Congratulations. You just made it to our hideout. The bad news is you're going to be surrounded by Soul Snatchers." Soul Snatchers appear all around.
Jenmei" You did good getting here but it's as far as you'll get. You're both dead!" She laughs. There are only 2 Soul Snatchers(strong) in The area. Jenmei" I know you're going to do that thing where you talk about never giving up or we'll find some way to overcome these odds and we have to win. Is that what you were gonna say?" Eyashi" I think they got us. It doesn't look like there is way out." Phil" They got us?" Jenmei" You fell for it. We allowed you to get here. Now you're going to be out of the picture." Koken" It didn't have to be like this but you are ours!" Jenmei" Kill them." Eyashi" This person keeps outsmartting us.Time after time again. I know that you're working with more than just one person. Your strategies are good but they don't belong to you. There is another person. I know it!" Jenmei" You talk to much." They are surrounded. Suddenly a light occurs from the sky. A person appears from the portal and it turns out to be Spyro of the Spirit World. Jenmei" Where did he come from? Hiding! You're not foiling our plans. Spyro does an attack that is MaXx's Spirit Cannon. He forms it slowly because hes's on earth and while on the Spirit World, it is much faster. His takes out multiple of Soul Snatchers. Phil" He killed most of the Soul Takers with one attack. He's really strong." Jenmei" That spirit energy is different." She charges and gets closer to him.
Spyro doesn't move a muscle. She seems to be struggling and Spyro is not trying. He ls only using kicks which are his specialty. Koken comes in but isn't enough for them to win. Eyashi" Pretty impressive. We wouldn't have done that even if we attacked together." Koken" There's no way. He can't fight the two of us Soul Snatchers at the same time! What are you? You're no human!" Spyro" You're right. I'm not human. I'm something that you demons loathe." Koken" He's a spirit being." Spyro" That right but I'm not just any spirit being. I just so happen to be the prince of the Spirit World." Jenmei" The prince of the Spirit World. What's that, supposed to scare me?" At the end of the fight, both ended up using 6 tubes each but got cut off. Soul Snatchers can grow their tubes back but slowly. They are almost finished. As Spyro is going for the kill, Jenmei put the Soul Snatchers in the way and has disappeared. He does a combo where it ends with him kicking Koken's head off then kicks it to her body. All without a sword. Koken is dead. Jenmei was hiding and saw what happened. She goes back. Eyashi" Thanks for the help." What is your name?" Spyro" I'm Spyro Atahata." Eyashi' After Spyro Atahata." Spyro" Right. Phil" Oh I remember. You're Maniya's wife." Spyro" You must learned that from Sid." Phil" I sure did. I have a question. Why are here helping us?" Spyro" These Soul Snatchers are more threatening than the Dark Phantoms were."
Phil" How do know about the the Dark Phantoms?" Spyro" We know a lot about Earth Realm(spirit beings call earth). We know what you did Eyashi and appreciate it." Phil" Do you know my name then?" Spyro" Of course. You're Phil Jackmun. Eyashi's nephew." Phil" That's cool." Spyro" It's not a specialty I have. It's this place we gather information from. I'm here to help take out the Soul Snatchers. I know you are going to need it." Eyashi" Thanks. That's what we need." He disappears. Next scene. Jenmei makes it to the hideout. She explains everything. Bosu" Is that what happened? Koken is dead." Rade" You were so close in retrieving Eyashi." Jenmei "And that's not all. He's on to you." Rade" What do you mean?" Jenmei" He knows that there's more than one person with us." Rade" This is why he needs to be taken out of the picture. For now we have to avoid running into him this time." Kiroku" It seems we're in some trouble." A person is shown sneaking and hiding. They stop talking and know they're being watched. One of the Soul Snatchers destroys his hiding spot. He tries to fight them but is of no use. Bosu deals with him. He uses his powers but didn't work and now he's dead. Next scene. Eyashi and Phil made it back. They tell the others. They begin thinking about Hauge being culprit.
Next scene shows two portals opening up. God Spyro and King Spiro appear from the portals. They are in Togyu Manji. King Spiro is tall just like his son/uses kicks but not as much as Spyro. He's supposed to sound like Beerus with a royal accent. God Spyro is short, stocky and has a stomach. Looks like Gouken from Street Fighter. When I was creating a god character, I didn't know how he'd look. I thought having muscles was cool but I wanted to be different and gave him a belly. Desite his appeareace, he is very a powerful god. Has chinese braids.There is actually a god stronger than God Spyro. This is apart of the Spirit World history and was a better god/leader. He is going to appear in Arc 5. King Spiro" It's been a while since I've been to Earth Realm. Ooh father, I believe those are the Soul Snatchers we've heard of." God Spyro" I believe so son(has his hands behind his back)." Nintoku" Look what we have here. Two old geezers. So fragile." Jito" You have be careful with them." They laugh. Nintoku" Since I'm in a generous mood, I'll let you make the the first move." God Spyro" You shouldn't have done that!" King Spiro gets in front of God Spyro and says" This is my fight father. Let me teach them about respect." Nintoku" Whenever you're ready." Jito" This is going to be fun." King Spiro" HINGE NUMBER FOUR: VERONICA!" God Style Summoning/from the ground/only higher beings like gods and kings may use.
He sticks his blade in the ground and becomes lightning like. The lightning goes away. Nintoku" Is that all. Nice fireworks." King Spiro" I am done. You may continue." He charges recklessly but stops. Jito" Why are you stopping? This isn't funny!" Nintoku" I..c...can't! He did someone to me." King Spiro" My blade, Veronica specializes in paralyzing and shocking it's opponents. When you saw the ground electrocuted, I actually left a trail and you just so happen to charge at it. This is what happens when you mess with us. Now you're DEAD!!!" Static shocks his entire body and is dead. Eight strong Soul Snatchers left. Jito flees. The Soul Snatchers are slowly weakening. Jito goes to headquarters and says" It happened again! We lost Nintoku!" Bosu" We lost another? It hasn't been an hour. This isn't good." Rade" Was he a spirit being?" Shi" It doesn't matter. Him dying means he's a weakly. Serves him well. He's useless just like Koken." Kiroku" Those spirit beings are meddling with our plans." Rade" This doesn't look good. The entire time we've only been coming up with plans for Eyashi and the others. As soon as they added the spirit beings, we've been losing rather quickly within the same day. This can't be. We'll have to try another approach. We're no longer hiding. We have to go and attack. No more waiting. We're going to Togyu Manji. Kiroku you're going to. But let's wait a few weeks first." Shi" I'm down with that." The others agree.
Next scene. God Spyro and King Spiro have made it to Eyashi's place. God Spyro" Long time no see. Eyashi Mohoto. How's it been?" Eyashi" It's been great these last few years." Sid" Wait! You know God Spyro?" God" He was a student of mine and I was his Spirit Guide when he was 17." Eyashi" That's where my knowledge of the Spirit World comes from." Fasha" Trained by a god." Phil" Wow Eyashi!" MaXx" It all makes sense now. That's why you're so strong." Everybody acknowledges it. God Spyro" Many years ago I came to Earth Realm to search for a human I could turn into a warrior or earth's protector. A person would save the world. It seems that I've chosen correctly. You see usual, the gods choose a human to train and to the one that they find fittng to protect the world. You were able to defeat the Dark Phantoms. However we have a different matter at hand. During your fights with the Soul Snatchers, you were struggling. So we have to step in." King Spiro" We were only supposed to help out Earth Realm when the world was in danger and that time is now. Look at what they did? They're trying to suck the souls out of the world. We have to kill these bastards. And with our help we will." This Arc has been moving pretty quickly. I'm not trying to make it like Arc 2. I'm trying get to the next Arc. Arc 2 I was trying showcase the master's skills in combat. I'm not making the fiights long this time. Arc is almost done. Not to much to talk about. About to rap this Arc us.
Next scene. Black Widow are shown coming from a city. Mayuni" It's just like the other areas." Yui" You mean there's no civilization out here as wel. We came all this way. There's got to be someone. I'm getting pretty bored. Need some adventure." Yori isn't with them. Hiruyasumi's stomach begins to growl and is hungry. Hiruyasumi" I'm sorry but I got to get something in my stomach." He goes to a restaurant and eats. Mayuni" How could you be eating? This is somebody's restaurant." Hiruyasumi" Well then miss positive. You don't eat but I'm digging in." Everybody eats to. Mayuni" Well it smells good. I guess I'll get a bite." Hiruyasumi" No no no. Not for you. You can't be eating these people's food." Mayuni" Can't you take a joke?" Thunder" Can you tone it down a bit. You being too loud." Tishou" Yeah! I got a headache." Ambereigh" You guys are something. First you talk about it being too quiet then you say it's loud. Make up mind." Yori comes back and meets up with the others. They talk. They are going to Togyu Manji because it is the only spot they haven't tried. Few nights later, they made it. Yori" There's a lot of civilization here. I guess we're in luck." Sevichihe" I can actually hear people. Living in the quiet drove me crazy." Mayuni" Hey they could be Soul Snatchers." Skarr" I guess I didn't think about that." Sobiota" We could attack them then we'll find our answer." Komiyone" That's a violent way of doing it. Can't we try a safer way."
Yori" Hey there. How you doing there sir?" Sir" I was minding my own business! That's what I was doing!" Yori" You hear that guys, minding his business." Yori jerks him up and says are you a Soul Snatcher while shaking him. He gets frightened and runs. Yori" You see that's how you get it out of him. We know he's not a Soul Snatcher." Hikaru" You're so unorthodox. I can't believe you." Yori" I have my ways." The Black Widow have made it closer to Eyashi's area. Eyashi is with Sid, Phil and Fasha. They're looking for Soul Snatchers but the Soul Snatchers are looking for them. Phil" I hear something." Sid" Are you sure?" Fasha" I don't hear anything either." Phil" I know I heard something. I'm not trippin." Eyashi" Lets keep it up." Kiroku Jirumani appears and says" Hey I know where you can find some Soul Snatchers. If we work together we could take em." Eyashi" Who are you?" Kiroku" Excuse me. Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kiroku Jirumani and I am a scientist. Those Soul Snatchers took me but I managed to escape. If you help me, I'll help you find them. So do we have a deal." Phil punches hin so hard he sends him flying. Everybody says what did you do that for? He changes. Phil" See. I knew that he was a Soul Snatcher." Kiroku" Who me a Soul Snatcher. Don't make me laugh. It seems they don't recognize. How's it been Eyashi Mohoto, Sid Iucan, Phil Jackmun and Fasha Hurata. How has been?
Eyashi" Who are you? Start talking. How do you us?" Kiroku laughs and changes again. Phil" It's Genesis! I'll take care care of him." While engaged in combat, Soul Snatchers appear and attack. Genesis has left. Daigo, Meiji and Jenmei are there. They are too powerful. Jenmei is fighting Eyashi again. The Black Widow appears and saves Team Blaze. Eyashi" That was a close one. I owe you one." Yori" There's Soul Snatchers here as well. We can't get a break." Jack" We've been traveling all over and still finding Soul Snatchers." Fasha" Where are you guys from?" Yori" We're from Kanta Japan. We are apart of this organization called Black Widow. It's a large oranization with other companies partnered together. I'm the 500th head of the Black Widow. We had lots of people but this is all of. Just 14. They got them." Eyashi" That's very unfortunate. But if we work together we could beat those monsters." Team Blaze greets the Black Widow and welcome them. They meet the Justice Drivers, Team Earth, the others. They enjoy themselves. A few days pass and nothing has happened yet. It's even peaceful and even feels normal. Too normal.They know it is too good to be true. While together, they hear a rattling sound and think it could be them. They're on the lookout. They see people acting like zombies from the shadows. It's actually Sammael and a group is with him.
Sammael" Did I scare you? I actually got a job and my own group." Draum" That's impressive. You look a little different." Eyashi" we're going to be needing your help." Sammael" I heard about the Soul Snatchers you were talking about." Flewto" It's strange. We haven't encountered any in some time but we'll keep our eyes open." Sammael" Draum. Why does this dude look like you?" Draum" He's my younger brother Flewto." Sammael" Did not know you had a brother." Sammael sees the others and talks. Three weeks later. A commotion is going on in the city. It seems there is a city load of Soul Snatchers. They're more vicious. Everybody wasn't expecting this. The mindless people were converted into Soul Snatchers, making the army even bigger. Shi" It seems they didn't see it coming. Oh well. ATTACK!" The charge. The Soul Snatcher's war has begun. Rade and Genesis aren't there. Eyashi" There's way too many. We can't take them all. Eyashi finishes his fight with Jenmei. Human life is getting thin. Sid sees Keira's soul taken. Sid" Keira!!! No no no! This can't be happening." Tears form while holding Keira. They'll pay for that!" Other people and characters got their souls sucked out. Sid uses lightning style on his his Reaper Sajettus and does a Lightning Slash. It does great damage. Lightning doesn't change the element of the blade. Sid is able to use lightning and hold back the fire. Sid is already a great swordsman. In Blaze 1, Sid used it against Totoro Echiho.Team Earth is shown. Geo uses Judo style and Dragon Style. He punches one of them in the gut. His hand becomes earth like.
An earth pole pierces through his body and is dead. His hands became the pole. Earth material means anything like rocks, mud, trees, and other things. May use them all together or separately. Kunesuke has an ability that traps people anywhere like on a wall. Eyon" We have work together." Yolmmo" Lets do it!" Ishani's specialty is paper power. She can duplicate herself many times. Body can shape shift. Become larger and other things. Su Lin's specialty is she can become giant size. Yolmmo is in Water Rage Form or Raging Water form. Even working together is tough. Korr's 2nd ability is Superior Defense. It allows him to have an armor but slows him down. Great defense but reduces his speed. Jimmu appears and wants to to fight all of them. 8 on 1. The Justice Drivers are barely getting by. Julmbo" What are we doing? We have to pull it together. We're the Justice Drivers dammit. Let's act like it." Strider" Justice Drivers!" Tinn and Spike" Justice Drivers!" Spike" It's time to show them not to mess with us." That's the spirit." Sammael" I never imagined that this would happen. This is like Armageddon." Meiji" Look who I found? Just the guys I wanted to find." Flewto" So you want fight us brothers. You got it!" Meiji" Remember I've gotten stronger since our last encounter. That means I can take you both on. Are you ready?" Draum "Oh we're ready." Draum and Flewto uses a cheap shot. Flewto appears behind hin and burns his back. Meiji" Is that how you want to play? Find by me." Flewto" Knowbody says it'll be easy." Both are using dirty tactics but whatever works, works. Mayuni battles Jito. Jito" There you are. Done running." Mayuni" I could say the same for you. I am a very generous person but I can't forgive you for what you did to those people."
Jito" Still upset about that." Yori" You damn right we're still mad." Jito" You're the one who escaped. I never got a chance to fight you." Yori" Let me handle her. I'll kick the shit out of you." Jito" Don't you regret it because I won't hold back. I've gotten stronger since our last encounter." Yori" That's what I like. A challenge." Mayuni ends up joining and the others to. Jito isn't going down yet and she's showing them all off. Fighting them all. Mayuni takes off her bandages and her Widowka is much stronger and cursive. Blade drains life. This is her 2nd time using it. It has curse marks on it and an eye is blinking on the blade. Everyone seems nearly indestructible. Some of the regular Soul Snatchers are killed but doesn't make a difference. It's as if they aren't fighting the same enemies. Rade's plans are working to perfection. The Soul Snatchers are winning. Spike" I'm tired of losing. Here goes. I summon you Barkanoka!" The full sized Barkanoka appears. Barkanoka looks down and says" Spike! Why did summon me here? This better be good!" He talks slow. Spike" Look around you. The world is in utter chaos. Those are Soul Snatchers. They've wiped out entire cities and if I die there won't another wieder. Barkanoka" No wieder. Well in that case I'll lend you some of my guidance." Julmbo" That's my boy!" He does a clap and an army of Soul Snatchers are destroyed. The ground becomes earth monsters. The environment turns against them. Eventually his body begins to deteriorate and he falls to the ground very slowly. Barkanoka" My time is up(time limit). I hope my guidance aided you(talks slow)." Spike" Thanks Barkanoka."
Jito impales Yori. Deep wound. Yori" I'm not going to make it. Mayuni come here. You've been very dear to me. You even remind me of my daughter. When she died, it was as if she never left. You filled that gap in Mayuni. You'll always be a great, no excellent person. I'm going to be bias here. You were my favorite student. Remember those good times." Mayuni's eyes gets watery and says" Don't talk like that." She burst into tears. Flashback shown. Yori will" I always be with you. This is it. Goodbye and I love you all. Hope you take over the Black Widow someday." He's officially dead. The others begin to cry. Jito" So now what are you going to do? You couldn't pose a threat so it's time to finish this petty game of yours." Mayuni throws her blade down. Jito tries to cut Mayuni but she grabs her daggers effortlessly. Mayuni hasn't moved. Jito can't break her grip. Jito" Where'd this come from?" Mayuni does not say anything. Calm and collective. She breaks her daggers and Jito is panicking. Jito uses her tubes but Mayuni breaks them. There's one tube. Mayuni drives her tube into Jito's body. Jito" Wait! Stop!" The tube pierces through her heart and she's dead. Mayuni snaps out of it. 7 strong Soul Snatchers left. During Eyashi's fight, he's caught being too slow. Eyashi" What am doing? This can't be me. Time to get serious!"
Zushi, Haden and Sammael deliver a sneak attack on Meiji. It's seems that they've gotten the upper hand on him. However, Meiji was only playing around. Meiji ends up killing Flewto and is going after Draum. Sammael gets in the way and the tube pierces through him. Draum" No not you to. Why you idiot." Sammael" That's the way I like it. You see, remember when you saved me and Samantha. And that time when you guys treated me like a person despite being a demon. I've never had a family before but you guys are mine. I wasn't even born but I'm going to die. Thank you guys for everything. If I shall die for someone, it's gotta be you. I know you have a brother but you've always felt like one to me. Goodbye brother." Draum" Shut up." He has watery eyes and trying to hold his cry. He ends up crying anyways. Meiji laughs and says" Did he say he was a demon? When did you befriend a demon? It doesn't matter. They're both dead and were useless fools. That's why their dead. You should be thanking me. You no longer have to worry about them getting in your way again." He laughs even more. Draum" How could you sit there and be laughing at that. That was my own flesh and blood. You killed him. Then Sammael. We weren't of any relations but he felt like another brother. I can't let you talk down on them like they were nothing. You're gonna pay for that!" Meiji" Look he's getting angry. Let's see those fireworks. This should be fun."
He tries provoke Draum. He makes the first move. Draum" Was that supposed to hurt. You're going to have to do a lot harder than that. Now it's my turn." Draum delivers a strong punch and knocks him to the ground. He walks with a vengeance. Meiji is crawling away. Draum punches him repeatedly in the face. Meiji" Where did this come from? There's no way this is could be." Draum is choking Meiji. Meiji" You have to spare me." Draum" And why should I listen to you?" Meiji" There's a way to get your people's soul back." Draum" What was that?" Meiji" You have to let me go first." He let's him go. Draum" Spill it!" Meiji" You have to find the boss first. His name is Bosu." Story being told. When Bosu was younger, he went to the same school as Kissiske and was one of his doubters. They even had a heated rivalry. After getting older, he wanted to get stronger and better than Kissiske. The Soul Snatcher are demon breed of strong types. Many started to dissappear. Bosu wanted to find out where was his people. This person would tell him that it was humans. This would inraged Bosu. He tells him that Soul Snatchers went to the Surface World and were murdered. When he was a kid, he'd already had two tubes. Years later, he'd finally went to the Surface World. He got this sensation when he saw the humans. He sucked their souls out and ate them. He got this craving for more. Human souls tasted good.
After not eating any souls, his body starts feeling weak. He ended up passing out. He gets awaken by a fellow Soul Snatcher. Shi tells him his name and asks him what happened before he got there. Shi says he needs to eat something. He's given regular food(demon food)but doesn't like it. Bosu realizes he can't eat anything. Shi wants to get some soul's from the Surface World. He says he's going to use his tubes to do so. Bosu tells him he is a Soul Snatcher to. Bosu talks about the Soul Snatchers. After getting the souls, he began to feel better. From that moment on, Bosu needed to eat human souls to live. Going to the Surface World wasn't like it is now. Not a lot of people noticed back then. They weren't a big threat at the time. It was a small task to. When he got sick, he sneezed and began to change into people. This was because of the human souls he sucked. He would start to control it. Bosu was still big but regular big. He is currently an adult. Afterwards he saw Kissiske getting stronger and challenged him but lost. This weakling suddenly beat me. What does this mean? He even saw his Dark Phantom group and made him jealous. He wanted to have his own team. How will the story end? Find out what the Soul Snatchers do. Find out next time on Part 5. "To be Continued"
submitted by DevarDavis22 to u/DevarDavis22 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:37 pbx1123 Elongated Man a Detective?

Elongated Man a Detective?
comic book fans treat Elongated Man being a great detective as being central to his character, and yet, he WASN'T a detective at first! Let's take a look at when that facet of his characterization actually debuted!
When Elongated Man debuted in Flash #112 (by John Broome, Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella), his deal was just that he was a new superhero in town that the Flash started to grow jealous of...
And this being the Silver Age, superheroes were always CONSTANTLY suspicious of each other. It would be, like, "Wow, this Green Lantern guy is great. He always hangs around Ferris Aircraft, though.
Could it be that he plans to ROB IT!?" Everyone would always make just the worst leaps of logic when it came to their fellow superheroes. In this instance, Flash's jealousy makes him think that perhaps this new superhero is secretly a crook, and when the Elongated Man is framed AS a crook, Flash is willing to believe it at first.
When the Elongated Man shows up next, three issues later (Murphy Anderson inking Infantino this time), he's not only not a detective, he's barely a superhero, choosing instead to use his powers as a circus performer (while still doing some superheroing on the side)...
Elongated Man is just a general superhero in all of these appearances. In fact, the only distinct thing about him (besides him being a rare happily married superhero) was first revealed in Flash #134 (by Broome, Infantino and Giella), where the Flash meets up with the Elongated Man, and we just get to see that now-familiar footnote telling us that, oh yeah, everyone knows Elongated Man's secret identity...
For years, that footnote would be prominently used whenever Elongated Man guest-starred in the Flash.
None of this, though, suggests that he was a detective, so what gives?
submitted by pbx1123 to WB_DC_news [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:15 DevarDavis22 Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 1: Enter the Demons⁷

Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 1: Enter the Demons⁷
The next day Sid goes over by himself. This time he sees Haden and confronts him. Haden hasn't seen Sid since he was little so he had to introduces himself. Sid says can you teach me lightning style. Haden laughs and says you're really funny. Sid says is that your response. We were trying to learn all the elements. Lightning is the last one. Haden says You and friends aren't my concern. Scram. Sid says you can show some remorse. I'm your nephew after all. Haden says I don't give a damn. Sid says I heard that you refuse to teach me the Fire Morph. Haden says you don't deserve my teaching and I didn't have time for babysitting. Haden is walking away. Sid says so you're going to turn your back on me just like dad. Sid says I'm not going anywhere. Haden says you little brat. Since you're not budging, I'll tell you what. If you beat me I'll train you and your friends. That's my word. Sid smiles. You've been warned. I'm not Eyashi. I won't hold back. Sid says It looks like you're giving me a chance after all. Now it's time to show you what I got. This is the first major fight. This Arc doesn't have a lot of main villains.
Haden Iucan vs Sid Iucan Fight starts. Haden delivers the first attack/punch. Haden uses quick punches that Sid can't keep up with. He is way faster than Sid. He appears behind Sid and attacks. Haden says what happened to all of that training? Show me your results or else. As Haden kicks, Sid catches his foot and flips him upward. Haden launches some fireballs and Sid is on defense. Sid can't get a hit in and has taken the worst of his beating. He picks Sid up and knees him in the guy multiple times. He falls to the ground. Haden stumps and punches. Haden says is this all Eyashi taught you. Eyashi is soft just like his students. He shouldn't have trained a runt like you. Sid gets up and delivers a ferocious headbutt.
This time Sid is able to block his punches with ease. He's fighting serious now. Sid uses earth style and launches bolders. Haden uses a strong fireball attack but Sid steers it away with wind style. Other elements/moves used. While in the air, Haden delivers a double foot stump to the gut of Sid. Haden uses Finger Flash. A move where he has his hands/fingers straight out. Pointing fingers are touching and shoots out a fire beam. He moves his pointing fingers back and forward. Doesn't have to be this exact way. Haden summons his weapon Aqui while Sid summons his Dragon Flare. Sid begins to slow down. Sid tried using the Solar Ball but was to slow. He also tried the Burning Slash but Haden dodges it. Note the Burning Slash has the motion of Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshou but has a fiery effect. Sid falls to the ground. Haden walks away and says I guess that's all you got. Pathetic little boy. After all that training you endured and is for nothing. This is why I didn't want to train you. You're a waste of time. Sid gets up and says in a calm voice "Don't you walk out on me ." As Haden turns around, Sid's eyes are glowing white.
Haden says what is this? With a single punch Sid has knocked Haden back. Sid's other power has been triggered. I guess it's time for me to use my other style. Sid remembers what Eyashi told him. He sticks his blade into the ground, and lightning hits Sid from underneath. His lightning is hard to counter. He cuts into the air, creating lightning slices. When Sid dodges, the slices begin to charge at Sid. It's like they have a mind of their own. Haden uses Finger Bang, Thunderball Technique, and Lightning Blitz. Finger Bang- He takes his hands/fingers and shoots off small lightning balls. Sometimes in a gun position. Thunderball Technique- summon from both hands. Haden does something new with it. He cuts it in half with his sword. Lightning Blitz- lightning comes from random spots. Can be fast or slow. There's a Finger Blitz version to. Sid is all banged up. Haden uses his final move, the Thunder Rider. He dodges the first lightning rod but gets struck by the rest of them. Sid is in the air and Haden is on the ground. Sid charges his fist up and is glowing. He goes for the punch but the Thunder Rider pierces through his shoulder. The punch connects with a massive effect. The fight is over.
Sid Iucan is victorious. Haden says you beat me.(weak voice) This is the same thing that me and my brothers went through. I was trying to toughen you up. Congratulations I made a man out of you. I'll keep my word about you and your friends. Haden has healing power and uses it. Haden is going to heal Sid but he looks and there are no injuries. Sid wants to know how. Haden says IT seems that you're starting to use your light power. Sid says light power? Haden says it's a power from your mother. I don't know much but it has a great health factor. Sid says first I learned that my mother is stronger than Zushi then she has a light Power. What's next? Haden says she was even stronger than me. I to had nothing on her. Sid says get out of here. What else do you know about her? Haden says you are going to have to ask Eyashi about her. I spent little time with her. He was always around her.
Narration- the light power is a power that is given to a person with no evil in their hearts/pure hearted. This power is very rare. Fatha is a perfect example. She is the most peaceful person there is. When the person gets older, they will hear a voice telling them they are the chosen one. The chosen one is the person who's destiny is in the prophecy. It can be passed down but doesn't happen as often. If the father has three kids, only one or none will receive the power because of its rarity. Fatha gave Sid some of her light power when he was a baby. Now Sid is the chosen one. It doesn't use spirit energy. Note soul energy burns out quicker than spirit energy. Its healing is the second strongest. Technically this would be the third if you count the other one. It's a self healing factor and might not count. Has the ability to to fix things like if a doorknob breaks and etc. Some flashbacks of Fatha are shown. The story is over.
Eyashi didn't tell Sid about being called the chosen one. He thought that maybe Sid and Phil will get into a fight over it in the future. Phil will get tired of hearing Sid teas him with it/ calling himself that. Note- The word souls are the used to be humans. Beast souls are the used to be monsters. I've been using the word souls without saying what kind. Sid wants to know how to activate it again. During the training, Haden is very impress at Team Blaze's speed. Especially Fasha. Haden has his eyes out for Fasha's performance but Zushi tells him she's her student already and to get his own. Sid was brought up. A few weeks/a month later, lightning style is now mastered. Thunder Rider learned. They trained on the outside.
Haden has a talk with Zushi and Eyashi about their performances and is proud. Haden takes Sid to the inside of the mansion. It's very large and nice. Haden says because Zushi took Fasha, I guess I'm stuck with you. You're my personal student for now own. Sid says yes! I got a personal master just like Fasha. Now I feel special. Haden says don't let that get to your head because we have lots of work to do. We're going to be spending lots of time over here (staying the night) so get ready. You can pick your room. Sid says in the funny voice "because this house so big, I get to bring Keira Saja over and..." Haden yells GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER! Comedy moment. Next scene. At Eyashi's house. Eyashi with Phil says I know that you feel alone without Sid and Fasha. It's just you and me. Phil says I don't care about them having masters because I got you. This is how it used to be. It's fine with me.
Next scene in the forest. Creatures in the forest start to mutate and become demons. Demon infested forest. Haden and Sid are near the forest. It is night time. Both Sid and Haden can since something and goes to check it out. It appears that the forest is starting to come to life. They fight the creatures. Suddenly they hear an evil and maniacal laughter. A demon plant lady/demon plant queen appears and has a malfested voice. Sid chased after her but her body goes into the ground. Her body looks like an actual flowebody becomes the ground. She spawns more demon creatures. Sid becomes tired and Haden covers him. The more they fight, the more tiring they become. It seems to be no ending in them stop spawning. Haden says we have been fighting this bitches toys for far to long! It's time to change it. Sid says I know what you mean. We have to find her.
Haden says that's right boy. Haden attacks the ground and she begins to scream. The creatures stop and cover their ears. The scream is so powerful it stuns Haden and Sid but only momentarily. Plant lady picks up the pace. After some time passes, Haden and Sid are in Fire Morph form. Plant lady is weaken but she saves herself by absorbing or eating her minions. Plant lady says you're both going to die here in my forest of the demons. I'm the demon plant queen! She laughs. Sid has an idea. He needs to form the Spolar Ball so Haden is the divergent. Sid will get better at using this move. He'll be able to absorb the sun's heat energy faster. The move connects. Her body burns away. The Fire Morph runs out. It becomes dark then the light comes back on. Haden says where the fuck are we? She says I've eaten you. You're inside my stomach. Sid tells Haden to watch his step.
A mouth appears underneath Haden's foot. It tried to bite him. They watch out for danger but there's a plant mouth from above. Large. More stuff happens. Area shakes and shrinks up. Haden says I need you to take cover or hide boy because I'm gonna blow this place to kingdom come. Sid says I gotcha. Haden uses Lightning Blitz Thunder Rider. Stronger version of the move/lightning rods from underneath the ground appear. The area is no more. Plant lady is now fat and slower. Uses acid. Haden and Sid stick together and team up on her. They both perform a double Thunder Rider. It worked but barely. Plant lady begins to cough up something. She stops moving. Sid pokes her now she's shedding her skin. There's only one more round left. She has a barrier surrounding her body. More and stronger creatures are spawned. At the end. Haden and Sid drop their weapon. Plant lady says you will bow down and serve your futile queen. Her hands come off and she launches it to them.
The Dragon Flare is closer so they both grab it. Haden says bow down to this. They throw it with fire effect. It pierces through some of the creatures, her hands, and her heart. She is finally dead on a tree. They fall and breath heavily. Forest back to normal and creatures disappear. Haden goes to check if she's actually dead. As he does, her body becomes human then burns away and an item cones from her body. Haden picks it up and takes it to Kikia. They want to know who is behind this. Who tainted the forest. Sid is not there. She analyses it. Blaze: 3 Demonic Arc 1: Enter The Demons over.
submitted by DevarDavis22 to u/DevarDavis22 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:01 anotherguy84 Need help, can't do anything while signed on my account

Hey there, I was on desktop deleting some trash pdfs and by some odd reason it created 3x duplicates files of them and then the screen started refreshing non stop
I can't do anything at the moment while on my account, if I sign out and log on my wife account is all normal, as soon I log back to mine, I don't even see the Taskbar, just see the desktop flashing non stop and can't open anything or do anything at all.
Tried a recovery option but it says wrong password, while is the right one
submitted by anotherguy84 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:56 DrawCharming6381 A memory is just a memory, it can't hurt you...right?

A memory is just a memory, it can't hurt you...right?
It just keeps coming back...a remnant of your OCs past, long thought to be resolved and done with, haunting them in numerous ways. Wether it be through dreams as they slumber, flashes of memory while they are awake, or lucid visions that haunt their every conscious moment. The pain it brought lingers like a festering plague, and you just can't seem to get it out of your head.
Then, you hear about a psychiatrist, a doctor of psychology that comes highly recommended for her medical accolades and charming personality. That doctor is Remus Raines MD, and she may be the key to resolving your OCs issue. All you need to do is ask.
You can say IDC and ignore the recommendation, but that won't stop your problems being helped.
Don't start a fight and don't try to kill her.
The password is 'Synapse'.
submitted by DrawCharming6381 to OriginalCharacter_RP [link] [comments]


I got this Corsair K95 Platinum keyboard almost a year ago, & since yesterday it's been acting extremely weird.
The computers work perfectly fine until I plug in the keyboard & then all hell breaks loose.
The keyboard RGB starts flashing multiple colors (sometimes static), proceeds to type in random keystrokes into anything (can't login to my desktop computer because this keyboard is all I have & won't let me type in my password (hence the keyboard typing random keystrokes on its own). When I login to my laptop with the laptops keyboard, as you can see from the video, & then plug the keyboard in, it opens up random applications & types random keystrokes.
I tried on both my laptop & my desktop, but there's no difference in how it acts. I went to the local computer repair shop, but they charge around $100 per hour of labor, but I'm going in later today & they said it'll be free to check it out & see what they can do without any charges.
submitted by Fluffy-Revolution147 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:22 Purple_Ad_1536 mac restarting after inputting password

This is a reoccurring issue. Everytime the macbook updates to the newest os, i can never log on again.
I’ll put my password in, it will load like 2cm and then it force restarts all on its own. Sometimes it flashes pink before restarting, otherwise it does so silently.
This is just a loop. I sign in, it loads a bit, restarts, I sign in, it loads a bit, restart and again and again.
I’ve tried redownloading the operating software, doing first aid on the disk, trying to log in on safe mode, but nothings working.
I talked to apple support and they said the only other step is to completely erase it but i don’t have any backups of the data and all my uni work that’s due soon is on it so that’s not exactly an option.
please help!!
i have the Apple MacBook Pro (13", M1, 2020).
submitted by Purple_Ad_1536 to MacBookM1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:21 Purple_Ad_1536 mac restarting after inputting password

This is a reoccurring issue. Everytime the macbook updates to the newest os, i can never log on again.
I’ll put my password in, it will load like 2cm and then it force restarts all on its own. Sometimes it flashes pink before restarting, otherwise it does so silently.
This is just a loop. I sign in, it loads a bit, restarts, I sign in, it loads a bit, restart and again and again.
I’ve tried redownloading the operating software, doing first aid on the disk, trying to log in on safe mode, but nothings working.
I talked to apple support and they said the only other step is to completely erase it but i don’t have any backups of the data and all my uni work that’s due soon is on it so that’s not exactly an option.
please help!!
i have the Apple MacBook Pro (13", M1, 2020).
submitted by Purple_Ad_1536 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:16 Lumpy-Independent-42 Nokia olt 7362 issue

We have a Nokia 7362 olt and we forget it password so l go in recover options , and than I thought removing flash memory remove password Octeon cust_cfnto(BPS) and erase flash memory all but protected flash not erased and now olt is not booting stuck at Octeon recovery
submitted by Lumpy-Independent-42 to networking [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:04 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 28

[First] [Previous] [Next]
It’s been a while since the alarm has actually waken me up. Most of the time I am just awake before the thing even rings! Today though, the loud tones of some anime from ten years ago force me to get right out of Dreamland. I can’t remember the details exactly, everything feels fuzzy but… I am sure Venus was there. Watching me, disappointed and hurt, arms crossed and everything! I… I am so sorry...

Focus, focus. It was just a dream.

Checking my phone, I soon realize it’s 7 in the morning. I forgot to disable the damn alarm yesterday, considering I’m on vacation… with a sigh, I lie back down to get ready to sleep again.

But then the damn knocking starts.

Knock knock knock.

It wasn’t even a patient knock, it was rushed and annoying, as if the person had been knocking the door for hours already and was at their wit’s edge or something.

Who the hell could be knocking the door this early in the day?


I flinch when that name pops up in my brain. No more, please. I already humiliated myself enough last night.

Then it’s probably Mustafá.

What!? This early in the damn morning? It can’t be her. She can’t just expect me to wake up this early on vacation, can she?

Knock knock knock.

Whoever it is, they're clearly not going to stop bothering me… so with a sigh, I finally get up the bed and trudge my way through the hallway, through the living room and over to the front door, checking through the peephole.

It’s Mustafá. I hate my life.

“I know you are there now.” She says, staring right at me. “Open up. It’s late.”

With a groan I open the door and glare at this woman. She behaves as if I was a little kid or something, she’s smaller than me!

“What do you mean ‘late’? It’s seven in the damn morning!” My anger knows no bounds.

“Don’t yell, you’ll wake up the neighbors.” She says, not even blinking.

That actually gets me to shut up and cover my mouth. God damn it, I didn’t think of it. Mustafá takes the chance to immediately walk into my home and go straight for the kitchen. With a frown, I close the door again and follow. The crazy woman is putting water in the electric kettle.

“Where’s the bread?” Those golden orbs look at me, shocked to find nothing in my pantry.

“There’s none. Where do you want me to get bread at 7 in the morning?” I can’t help but feel a little indignant.

“You buy bread daily, right? The leftover bread from one day is used in breakfast for the next.” My embarrassed silence gets her to shake her head and rub her temples. “You must have breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day.”

“That’s a lie from the cereal corporations!” I cross my arms. Honestly, all this woman has been doing is pointing out my lack of experience with life, what is her deal!?

“Shut up. We are buying bread, and that’s final.” Mustafá passes by me again, walking into the living room and taking a seat by the table.

“What!? There’s— It’s seven in the morning!” I really want to pull out my hair at this point.

“Not in Obuda.” She says, matter of factly.

“The capital of the saints damned Magyar Empire!? That’s on the other side of the world! How would we— oh right, magic.” With a sigh, I decide to simply stop complaining. Honestly, the idea of teleporting to the other side of Jericho… okay, I admit it, that’s actually really cool!

“Teleportation is an unpleasant but important part of life as a mage.” She honestly didn’t look very enthused with the prospect. “Bring forth your computer and open a conversation with me.”

In a matter of minutes I am dressing myself, taking a moment to clean myself before getting an old anime t-shirt, a black hoodie and baggy pants, my last pieces of ironed clothes. As I work through them I can’t help but wonder, how does teleportation work here? Will she command the computer to perform a new, secret function? Or maybe she will use a complex mix of glyphs…

Soon enough, my computer is back on the table and I send a “sup” message to Mustafá’s computer. I also brought a pen and my trusty notepad, to take notes of everything this woman is about to do. The mage sighs, cracking her knuckles and suddenly snatching my pencil hand, holding it tightly.

“This will be my first demonstration on how to travel through the Layers of Reality. Pay attention and take notes later.”

I can’t help pouting but I nod. Then, without letting go of my hand, her lips move at such a speed I can’t follow at all, much less understand what she’s saying. I assume she’s saying something in The Language, a powerful incantation… It is so funny to think that she barely understands what she’s saying. She knows the result she will obtain but, truth is, she has no idea of the nuances…

Don’t get so smug.

I know, I know…

A flash of light very suddenly consumes it all. When it eventually fades, the world has adopted this blue hue once again. It's honestly kind of obnoxious, and chilling, especially now that I have the time to actually pay attention to it all.

“So this is the so-called ‘Second Layer’, yes?” My eyes check everything around, but it really doesn’t look that different than usual. It’s just the world, but blue. The same old ugly pieces of furniture, the same ugly walls, the same stained ceiling, all infected with that dark and cold hue.

“Nay. This is but a tiny, pocket demiplane I carry with myself.” Mustafá shrugged.

I don’t even manage to complain when suddenly the walls around me begin to crack. The objects become blurry, that blue hue becomes darker and even colder as my eyes widen, and by mere instinct I look at my own body. It is vibrating, vibrating so fast that the form itself becomes smoke. Until I am nothing but a cloud, a shiny wisp, trembling and turning around itself while letting out a panicked shriek.

“OH MY SAINTS! Oh my saints. Oh. My. Saints.” I can feel my form vibrate, shift and change, and it does not help with my panic in the slightest.

“Calm down.” Mustafá keeps so serene despite it all… She is also a wisp, a white wisp, but somehow she still holds the form of a person… She is like a white shade of herself.

I don’t even know how I am still perceiving reality, for I have no eyes or ears! I am but a purple wisp of pure energy, floating in a purple void where we can barely understand the forms of objects, places, anything!

“Focus. If you lose your shape completely, you will be pushed down and back to the realm of Physicality.” Her voice vibrates, it is like listening to someone speaking into a ventilator. “Imagine your own body.”

“Okay! Okay. My own body, my own body. Nothing to worry about just, gotta imagine myself.” I slowly turn into a more solid cloud as I try to calm down. To collect myself.

Alright, myself, myself. I am…

Fat. Ugly. Disgusting. Misshapen. Hard to look at.

“You are trembling and losing even more form. What is going on?” Mustafá just stares at me as my everything was spreading into space.

“I can’t.” I blurt out.

“What.” She seems incredulous.

“I can’t imagine myself.” I really feel like I would burst out crying if I still had eyes.

“Why.” She tilts her head to the side.

“I just… whenever I try, I just feel disgusted..” My everything is shaking.

“This is not the moment for deep psychological trauma.” How does she say such things with a straight face, I don’t know.

“We are just going for bread anyways, why does it matter so much!? Can’t you just go alone!?” It’s a cope out, I know, but it’s the one answer I reach.

Mustafá looks down and thinks for a moment. I can’t read her expressions in this form, honestly she reminds me a little bit of the state Humiko was on when I saw her in Limbo…

“Idealize yourself, then.” She says, all of a sudden.

“What?” My body stops trembling.

“Give yourself whatever form you want to have right now.” Mustafá shrugged. “Just try to imagine it. Keep it personal.”

Whatever form I want… No more ugly hands, no more uncomfortable weight? No more unhealthy skin and hair that has been neglected for so long? That. That actually sounds really nice.

Oh boy, here we go…

I try to breathe in deeply, only to remember I no longer have lungs. To idealize myself… I said I would try and give in to these so-called ‘delusions’ that have been floating on my mind lately. My whole being trembles for a moment, spreading, shifting, growing and shrinking for an instant, as I try to first imitate Mustafá’s shape as a reference. Petite and short, long hair in braids…

Then, I start shifting again. Why do I have to simply conform with reality!? I grow bigger, taller, voluptuous! My hair long and flowing, my shape so feminine, so perfected, like a marble statue! But then… I feel self conscious. What am I even doing, making something so grandiose? No, I’ve never wanted to be ‘gorgeous’ or anything close to that. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin, no need to be greedy…

I shrink, just a little bit. I try to guide myself with Venus' form now, my hips are marked but my curves are modest. My hair remains long and curly though, that I don’t want to let go of for anything in the world, I’ve always wanted good hair.

I don’t have eyes to see, and yet I am aware of my form. It’s feminine, yes… but it feels more “me” than my actual body…

I, I could really get used to this.

“Alright, seems like you got the hang of it. Stop messing with your form.” Mustafá scolds me with a finger before reaching out to the objects around us. Particularly the blurry shape of my computer.

The screen becomes much clearer when she touches it with her fingers.

“I will exploit the connection this computer has to mine, to access it from afar. It’s a very complicated feat of technomancy, but one you’ll have to master eventually.” Her explanation is shallow at best but, I get the gist of it.

“Is this what you did when you invaded my computer yesterday?” I walk a little closer to watch.

“Yes. But my computer is much better protected than yours. I can only do this because I know the password.” Mustafá seems so smug right now, even without expressions on her face. I hate that.

My computer’s screen turns jet black, and with the touch of a finger she slowly begins writing the same rune I saw yesterday.
Rune 1
Hey, I know that symbol. It’s the one I tried to find on the internet the other day, before all of this!

“What does that one mean?” I said, leaning a little closer to the screen.

“You know I don’t know what they mean.” Mustafá says, probably feeling a little self-conscious about it. “But what it does, that I know. It creates energy, it represents movement unimpeded.”

I try to take note of that… but now I realize I don’t know where my pen and my notepad are.

The moment I think about them, part of my being moves and creates silhouettes, the shapes of my notebook and my pen. Are these… made of the same thing I am? Are they part of me now?

“Is this like that one movie, where that one guy tried to teleport and a Fly moved in the teleporting device, and his being got scrambled with the fly’s?” I say, feeling fear once again trying to overtake me.

“Yes and no.” Mustafá doesn’t seem worried. “When our atoms re-allocate themselves, the ones belonging to objects will be immediately separated from the ones belonging to living beings. The possibility of contamination is, however, very real between living beings.”

“Weren’t you holding my hand when we started!?” I almost lose form from the mere panic.

“I am an exception.” Mustafá doesn’t share my concerns.


“Why the Hell are you an exception!?” I really feel like I could strangle her now.

She doesn’t even answer me. Hells, she doesn’t even look at me. She keeps focusing on the computer while I huff and cross my arms again.

Soon enough the glyphs are written on my computer, and a swirling vortex of blue appears on my screen. Mustafá doesn’t even say anything, she just jumps right into the portal and disappears. The shiny smoke that is her being swirls and spins over and over, mixing with the magic of the portal until totally disappearing in it, dissolved in the light.

“Alright then… let’s do this. What’s the worst that could happen?”

You could break yourself into pieces and be spread through the space between Wohl and the Magyar Empire.


Just. Hold on to yourself, tightly. And jump. She wouldn’t try to kill you after all that has happened!

You sound awfully convinced of that. Are you sure?

N-Not really but, let’s hope!

I try to sigh, but I feel no air flowing. This only raises questions as to how I’ve been communicating all this time, but I try not to think about it as I hug myself and jump into the portal.

I can’t even see what happens, everything is colour and motion, to the point where I have to focus and somehow close my perception of everything to avoid getting sick. Why do I still have biological reactions such as ‘getting sick’? I feel like maybe my brain is just clinging to the things it knows in the face of this unknowable mess. So let’s just say I ‘close my mind’s eye’ here.

Everything is darkness. I am still moving, sliding on an impossibly long slide, but even while I keep myself blind, I perceive something. A river of light, far away from me, spreading and encroaching around Jericho like gigantic veins. It’s… beautiful, like stars flowing slowly around my planet…

Eventually I stop moving. I open my mind’s eye once more, only to find myself in the middle of a room. Is this the Magyar Empire? I think. Again, all physical things are blurry except for the screen of this gigantic computer I just entered through, and everything is tainted with this bothersome blue hue. Mustafá’s smokey silhouette is waiting for me, standing arms crossed in the middle of it all.

“Good, you survived.” The mage said with a nod.

“There was a chance I wouldn’t!?” I bite down on my lips for a moment, this woman will be the end of me.

“Always. But it’s so low it’s not relevant.” She shrugs.

“What?!” I am practically growling at this point.

“Now. Focus again, try to spread yourself. Like a mantle covering it all. Lose your form.” She raises a single finger.

The things this woman asks of me are always ludicrous and oddly spiritual! I hate it so much I simply can’t put it into words! But, I do as she says. I close my eyes, and try to imagine myself spreading more, and more, stretching wider and wider. Until suddenly–


My eyes, my actual eyes, open once again. I take a huge, deep breath and fall to my knees, suddenly feeling so disoriented I just want to puke. I even cough a few times before actually managing to keep my not-breakfast in me. At least I am holding my notebook and my pen, and haven’t suddenly transformed into a strange, paper-based monster or anything.

… Why do I still feel like a monster then…?

I shake my head. No, no no no. Don’t let that thought win, focus!

Looking around, I see a gray room with a big bed, an old computer, a miniscule window and a few bookshelves… it’s, honestly similar to mine, in a way that actually makes me feel a little comfortable. Very simple, functional, a little too orderly but still! Similar enough! Oh, and a water tank! As soon as I can stand up, I walk to the tank and look inside. I see two little critters, hermit crabs? Immobile and partially hidden on their colourful, vibrant shells. Sleeping, probably.

So she keeps pets? That’s nice to know, maybe she’s not completely heartless.

“Don’t bother them.”

Mustafá is suddenly standing by my side. She grabs me by the collar of my shirt and pulls me aside.

“That means no yelling. No loud complaints, they are very sensible to loud noises.” The woman shakes a finger in front of me, nagging me already?

“So I am, but you don’t see me bragging about it…” I pouted.

“Put this on and follow me. We are going for bread.”

The mage gives me a leather strip. Looking at it closer, I can see a glyph engraved in it, with runes I have never seen… then, looking at it from afar, this is a dog collar.


It even has a damn bone medal on it. I can’t help but feel a little… you know, flustered and bothered by this?

“Did… did it have to be a dog collar?” I do my best not to yell.

“No. But I didn’t have anything else prepared. This is the one translation spell I have.” She shrugs again.

“Do I actually have to wear this?” I beg.

“Do you know Magyaran?” She doesn’t even turn to look at me.


Mustafá doesn’t even answer anymore, just walks over to the one door in her room and waits for me to join her.


I guess we are doing this now.

But… wait… urgh…

My body… now that I’ve stopped complaining and I’ve given myself a moment, I can feel it even more than before. The collar squeezing my neck, I must look so ridiculous. Urgh, everything feels so wrong now.

This is why we don’t indulge in delusion. Reality always returns for you.

I take my hands over to my face as we walk. It feels wrong. Everything feels wrong. The hairs feel disgusting, the shape feels repulsive… it’s like someone else’s face, somehow stuck in my body.

Not to even mention the hairs on my hands… I still remember how once a person said I had nice, feminine hands when I was younger. I have no idea why but, that had been the most impactful compliment I ever received… now to see all those things gone thanks to the passing of time and the destructive coming of puberty? Urgh…

I feel like I want to vomit. But no, I need to be strong. I need to keep calm.

Don’t make a scene. Just follow Mustafá.
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:44 Purple_Ad_1536 mac not logging in

This is a reoccurring issue. Everytime the macbook updates to the newest os, i can never log on again.
I’ll put my password in, it will load like 2cm and then it force restarts all on its own. Sometimes it flashes pink before restarting, otherwise it does so silently.
This is just a loop. I sign in, it loads a bit, restarts, I sign in, it loads a bit, restart and again and again.
I’ve tried redownloading the operating software, doing first aid on the disk, trying to log in on safe mode, but nothings working.
I talked to apple support and they said the only other step is to completely erase it but i don’t have any backups of the data and all my uni work that’s due soon is on it so that’s not exactly an option.
please help!!
i have the Apple MacBook Pro (13", M1, 2020).
submitted by Purple_Ad_1536 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:52 Beginning_Story1811 Fallen Solder: Mystical phenomena in the universe Gorebox. It is not known exactly how it works, but most often the military, police, and those who died in emergency situations are resurrected. (Headcanon, theory)

Fallen Solder: Mystical phenomena in the universe Gorebox. It is not known exactly how it works, but most often the military, police, and those who died in emergency situations are resurrected. (Headcanon, theory)
  • Program Fallen Solder (Together with the military it is possible): Program Fallen Solder begin in 2032-2033. This is a program to study the phenomenon itself and what life is, to create super soldiers. It was created as a punitive department, a detachment. Emblem, sign, color - it was all invented Steele Leaf. But later the Traitors Steele Leaf Became associated with Fallen Solder, That is: The first Chaos traitors, former employees wore Equipment Fallen Solder In order to hide and at this time they could kill and attack. Steele Leaf Later she tried to erase all references and associations with Chaos. There were many scandals, changes, employees and soldiers Steele Leaf And later recognized by the public I wasn’t particularly happy, and later the Traitors began to disguise themselves as Fallen Solder. Later Chaos completely copied the equipment Chaos.
  • Head of the Program: Alfred Sanderson - Grandfather Steve's and Cousin Grandfather Phil's. But later he was killed by soldiers Chaos And almost all the developments Chaos Destroyed.
  • The Chaos program included: Squad Makras and Delta Squad, 515-Battalion First aid Steele Leaf. (maybe the military knew)
  • If the corpses were simply reanimated and they were just thick-headed Fallen Solder Stuffed Chips and equipment to help fighters and be punitive squads. Scientists also tried to achieve the same effect just now Fallen Sodler Were completely rational as people. Scientists have already learned how to do Fallen Solder, But they tried the same effect only with living people. The program included: Squad Makras, Delta Squad. But later Delta and Makras Betrayed Steele Leaf And created together with other traitors Chaos.
  • Squad Makras Once per Armor Fallen Solder (Squad Makras 10-12) Machine guns, completely stuffed with pills and syringes, single-handedly cut out the whole complex Steele Leaf And where many of the construction projects were destroyed Steele Leaf. It is not known exactly what happened Alfred Sanderson. Alfred Sanderson 100% died, but how?
1) The government killed Alfred right in his own home and tied him up so that the police could find him. Death was painful 2) Squad Makras kill Alfred In the same complex
At the time of Alfred's death (2033), Steve's family, including Brother and Sister, are long dead. But this did not stop Alfred from working
  • Chaos Intentionally copied equipment Fallen Solder Association and being the opposite Steele Leaf. Chaos itself is more of a terrorist, spy, military organization. But there are also scientists among them. Chaos: Adapt to the new world and just get in the way Steele Leaf For their hypocrisy (How Flash and Reverse Flash) Steele Leaf: Safe Wolrd, Heal the world and live in the old world
Chaos its: Military Maniac, Spies
submitted by Beginning_Story1811 to GoreBox_F2Games [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:01 sweetwater10 “No recent data available”

“No recent data available”
Experienced the “no recent data available” error to start my long weekend. I tried power cycling the hub and then flipping the breakers, all to no avail. Inverter lights are slow flashing green (one flash every 5 seconds). Appears that the gateway is no longer connected to wifi. I try connecting to the TEGxxx network and putting in the password that’s listed inside the door but it says it’s the incorrect password.
Aside from calling Tesla, anyone have some advice on how to solve this myself?
submitted by sweetwater10 to TeslaSolar [link] [comments]