Depository debt agreement bankruptcy

Let open an LLC in Delaware. chat GPT help

2024.06.01 14:44 Admirable_Gas_4621 Let open an LLC in Delaware. chat GPT help

Opening a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Delaware offers several benefits that make it a popular choice for businesses. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. **Business-Friendly Legal Environment**:
    - **Well-Established Legal Precedents**: Delaware has a well-developed body of business law and an experienced judiciary that specializes in corporate matters, providing clarity and predictability for businesses.
    - **Court of Chancery**: This specialized court handles corporate disputes and is known for its speed and expertise in resolving business issues.

  1. **Flexibility in Structuring**:
    - **Flexible Operating Agreements**: Delaware allows significant flexibility in structuring the management and operations of an LLC, accommodating various business needs and arrangements.
    - **Member and Manager Roles**: Delaware LLCs can be managed by members or appointed managers, providing options for internal organization.

  1. **Tax Benefits**:
    - **No State Income Tax for Out-of-State Income**: If your LLC does not conduct business in Delaware, it will not be subject to state income tax on income derived from other states.
    - **No Sales Tax**: Delaware does not impose a sales tax, which can reduce the overall tax burden on the business.

  1. **Privacy**:
    - **Anonymity**: Delaware allows the formation of LLCs without disclosing the names of the members or managers in the public records, providing a level of privacy that is attractive to many business owners.

  1. **Ease of Formation and Maintenance**:
    - **Streamlined Formation Process**: Delaware offers a straightforward and efficient process for forming an LLC, often with same-day processing available.
    - **Simple Annual Requirements**: The ongoing compliance requirements, such as filing an annual report and paying a franchise tax, are relatively simple and cost-effective.

  1. **Credibility and Prestige**:
    - **Reputation**: Delaware's reputation as a business-friendly state can lend credibility to your company, which may be beneficial when seeking investors or partners.

  1. **Protection of Personal Assets**:
    - **Limited Liability**: Like all LLCs, a Delaware LLC provides limited liability protection to its members, safeguarding personal assets from business liabilities and debts.

  1. **Series LLC Option**:
    - **Series LLCs**: Delaware allows the formation of Series LLCs, which enable a single LLC to establish multiple series or cells, each with its own assets, liabilities, and members. This can be useful for businesses with multiple ventures or investments.

These benefits make Delaware an attractive state for forming an LLC, especially for businesses seeking legal predictability, operational flexibility, and favorable tax treatment. However, it's important to consider the specific needs and circumstances of your business, and consulting with a legal or financial advisor is often a good idea when making this decision.
submitted by Admirable_Gas_4621 to GWAV [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:22 TomCropper Joint mortgage house sale support

Based in England - North West
Long story short, my partner recently ended our 6 year relationship, in which we own a property together (joint mortgage).
We are both currently still living together as she will not move out, even though she has somewhere to go and I physically have nowhere to go, plus have to finish off parts of the house before I can put it on the market. (I know she has every right to stay in the property).
The property cost £190,000 and I put the full deposit down (£28,500) as well as paid all the solicitors fees etc using funds from selling my own property prior to the purchase of this one.
I also pay 65% of all bills, in comparison to my ex paying 35% due to our wage difference.
I have done a multitude of jobs on the property and paid for all work carried out on said property. Her father is a joiner by trade and did help with a lot of the work on the property and the agreement was that this would contribute to part of her stake in the house that she could not provide financially.
Unfortunately, I did not get a deed of trust or get a tenants in common mortgage to cover the money I put into the property as I never anticipated this happening.
We had a verbal agreement that if we ever sold the house, I would take my deposit back, then split the remaining funds equally due to her father helping me. However, the house was intended to be a longer term investment and we also have around £15k of debt to pay off once the house is sold. So we may struggle to get back the deposit, pay off all debts and have much left over.
Unfortunately, my ex does not appear to be willing to honour said agreement and I know she is legally entitled to half due to it being a joint mortgage.
Is there anything I can do here?
Thank you in advance!
submitted by TomCropper to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:24 whattheduck0_0 Looking for recommendations for a bankruptcy lawyer

Due to unfortunate circumstances with my spouse having health issues and being unable to work, we've wracked up credit card debt that we just can't get ahead on. Does anyone have any recs for a good bankruptcy lawyer? Thank you in advance.
submitted by whattheduck0_0 to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:58 theCatPrinceEXE I have debts/penalties I couldn't pay when I was student in Japan, how much trouble am I in?

Hello, I was a student in Japan like 2 years ago. Due to urgent health problem, I had to leave Japan suddenly. So I quit my university properly, closed my accounts etc.
But I had around 50k yen credit card debt from JCB.
There were 2-3 months left for the one-year contract to expire in the apartment. That's why there was a penalty for breaking the agreement, but I couldn't pay it either.
Also, I have the same problem due to contract-breaking money with Softbank internet. I paid the monthly bills until my last month and sent back the modem to the Softbank properly.
But I could not pay these contract-breaking money penalties and credit card debt as I was broke completely.
Now I want to move back to Japan for work, and want to pay the debts but I'm not sure if I will be arrested or something due to debts. I have no idea how these kinda things work in Japan.
submitted by theCatPrinceEXE to movingtojapan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:34 Melon-Me Cohabitation beneficial interest

Will begin by saying I know I should have done a cohabitation agreement, hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Bought a property 3 years ago and moved into it with my partner. The property is in my name only, I paid the entire deposit and all associated fees, I have also since paid for all repairs, renovations, diy equipment etc.
We rented together before we moved in, and split that down the middle. The flat rental was more than what the mortgage payment ended up being, so we just continued to split everything as we had when we rented after we moved in.
We're now splitting up, my partners completely broke, he has about £50 to his name and a lot of debt, unrelated to me or our relationship. He owes me a bit of money also.
He's currently looking for a rental to move out but struggling, to make things easier I offered that he didn't pay rent whilst he was looking for somewhere, which he gladly accepted I was hoping he'd save that money to put to his deposit/first month's rent but let's just say it's all gone and he's got nothing to show for it.
His mum has done some research and has told him that he's legally entitled to a share of the equity in my house, because he's paid half the mortgage cost, and because he's invested time into e.g. painting walls, putting up with builders in the house during renovations, which is over and above what you'd have in a rental.
I've done some of my own research and legally it all seems pretty sketchy and unclear. Yes he's paid half of the mortgage cost but that is well below the market rate for rent, and whilst we viewed it as our home and both clearly hoped we'd stay together and get married and this be our house, that didn't happen. I paid for everything with the renovations and didn't ask him for any money in terms of repair and renovation of the property because as it wasn't his house I thought it would make things complicated if we ever split up, it didn't seem fair to ask him to contribute to something he didn't legally own, not that he'd have had the money to do it anyway.
Based on his and his mums working they think he's owed 10-20k from me. I do not have this kind of money just lying around, yes there's equity in the house but I can't access it and my mortgage is fixed for the next 4 years.
They believe he's owed half of the equity of the house, once the cost of renovations are taken off.
I don't feel it's fair for him to get anywhere near that amount. If the market had crashed i would never be pursuing him in reverse. He would never have been able to afford to buy a house himself in this time, so if we hadn't been together he'd have spent way more money renting for the past 3 years, whereas I was always intending to buy and saved specially for a deposit for this reason. And as mentioned above whilst we never had an explicit discussion about splitting up I always viewed it that legally the house was mine, hence not asking him to contribute to maintenance and development, whereas if we stayed together got married etc then yes it would have been ours, but that's not what we did.
Morally I feel like him and his mum have blindsided me with this and I'm incredibly hurt that this is the stance they're taking. But legally, can anyone offer any advice.
EDIT: in England, if that affects anything
submitted by Melon-Me to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:07 Sufficient-Yard3625 Questions: Surprise, new creditor!

I have an attorney but they are less than responsive. I've really been stressing not knowing what to do about the below and am hoping the group here may have some experience they can share, and maybe then I can finally relax:
  1. I filed Chapter 7 and had my 341 already. Nothing from the trustee yet. While waiting, I just received a few surprise invoices from the same outfit dating back to work done a few years ago for many thousands of dollars. It wasn't listed as a creditor because I had voluntarily paid a lump sum within the last year before I knew I'd be filing BK (I just guessed what I owed since I was never billed, invoiced, or told), the check I wrote was cashed, and I never heard from them again so I assumed all was good. The amount of the invoices is so high I was literally shocked, I had no idea that's what they thought they were owed especially since they accepted the check and never said another word since. I'm freaking out and assume I will need to amend, but I don't know what to do and time is wasting while I wait for answers. Is this going to blow up my whole petition?
  2. The other issue is: I was renting a storage unit and once my finances collapsed I told them I was going to be moving out. I did move out and removed my lock, and it has been sitting empty for months (I assume, I haven't gone back to look). I then filed C7, and the facility was listed as a creditor. I have just found out they apparently ignored the filing and the fact that my unit is completely empty and have continued billing me every month since as if I'm an existing tenant. What can I do about this and am I on the hook for the subsequent months? I did not specifically tell them I was officially moved out, but I had thought the empty unit and a federal bankruptcy court notice were obvious enough that I didn't need to. And at that point I was so stressed out by debt I just mentally could not contact one more creditor. Did I screw up not sending something to confirm vacating the unit?
submitted by Sufficient-Yard3625 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:42 Sanjhworld Setting up an LLC in California TRUIC

Setting up an LLC in California TRUIC
Setting up an LLC in California TRUIC
Registering a business isn’t very complicated, but entrepreneurs should be mindful of making sure they follow the proper steps to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible. Setting up an LLC in California can be a great way to protect your personal assets while giving your business a professional structure. In this detailed guide, we will explore everything you need to know about forming an LLC in California, including the costs, steps, and benefits, as well as how TRUIC can help streamline the process.

What Steps Do I Need to Take Before Registering My LLC?

Before diving into the LLC California application process, it’s critical to have a strong and viable business plan. California offers a wealth of resources to help entrepreneurs, including Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) which can assist you in creating a business plan.

Creating a Business Plan

A well-thought-out business plan will outline your business goals, market research, organizational structure, and financial projections. This is a crucial step in ensuring your business is ready for success.

Choosing a Business Name

Your business name must be unique and distinguishable from other registered entities in California. You can check the availability of your desired name on the LLC California Secretary of State website.

Selecting a Registered Agent

A registered agent is required for all LLCs in California. This individual or business entity will receive legal documents on behalf of your LLC. You can appoint yourself, another member of your LLC, or hire a professional registered agent service.

Filing the LLC California Application

Once you have your business plan, name, and registered agent, it’s time to file the LLC California application. Here are the steps:

1. File the Articles of Organization

To officially form your LLC in California, you need to file Articles of Organization (Form LLC-1) with the California Secretary of State. This document includes essential information about your LLC, such as its name, registered agent, and management structure.

2. Pay the Filing Fee

The LLC in California cost includes a $70 fee for filing the Articles of Organization. Additionally, there is an annual franchise tax of $800, which must be paid regardless of your LLC’s income.

3. Create an Operating Agreement

While not required by the state, an Operating Agreement is highly recommended. This document outlines the ownership and operating procedures of your LLC, helping to prevent conflicts among members.

4. Obtain an EIN

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is necessary for tax purposes and opening a business bank account. You can obtain an EIN for free from the IRS website.

5. File the Initial Statement of Information

Within 90 days of filing your Articles of Organization, you must file an Initial Statement of Information (Form LLC-12) with the California Secretary of State. The filing fee is $20.

Free LLC in California

While there is no truly Free LLC in California due to state filing fees, you can minimize costs by handling the process yourself online and utilizing free resources. TRUIC offers a wealth of information and tools to help you navigate the formation process efficiently.

Benefits of LLC in California

There are several key benefits to forming an LLC in California:

Limited Liability Protection

An LLC provides personal liability protection, meaning your personal assets are protected from business debts and liabilities.

Tax Flexibility

LLCs benefit from pass-through taxation, where profits are taxed only once as part of the owners’ personal income, avoiding the double taxation faced by corporations.

Management Flexibility

LLCs offer flexibility in management and ownership structures, making it easier to operate and grow your business.

Professional Image

Operating as an LLC can enhance your business’s credibility and professionalism, attracting more customers and investors.

Cheapest Way to Form an LLC in California

The cheapest way to form an LLC in California involves handling the process yourself and avoiding costly third-party services. Here’s how:
  1. Use Online Resources: Utilize free online guides and tools, like those provided by TRUIC, to understand the steps and requirements.
  2. File Online: Filing online with the California Secretary of State is often faster and cheaper than paper filings.
  3. Handle Ongoing Compliance: Stay on top of your annual filings and tax obligations to avoid penalties and extra costs.

How Fast Can I Form an LLC in California?

The timeline for forming an LLC in California depends on how you file. Online filings are typically processed faster, often within 10–15 business days. Mail filings can take longer, usually around 4–6 weeks. California also offers expedited processing for an additional fee, which can reduce the processing time to as little as 24 hours.

TRUIC: Your Partner in Forming the Best LLC in California

TRUIC (The Really Useful Information Company) provides comprehensive resources and services to help you form and manage your LLC. From step-by-step guides to personalized consultations, TRUIC can make the process of forming an LLC in California seamless and efficient.

Why Choose TRUIC?

  • Expert Guidance: TRUIC’s experts provide detailed information and support tailored to your specific needs.
  • Free Resources: Access a wide range of free tools and guides to help you understand the LLC formation process.
  • Efficiency: TRUIC helps streamline the process, saving you time and money.


Setting up an LLC in California can be a straightforward process if you follow the proper steps and utilize the available resources. By crafting a solid business plan, choosing a unique business name, and filing the necessary documents with the LLC California Secretary of State, you can establish your LLC efficiently and effectively. While there are costs involved, such as the filing fee and annual franchise tax, these are manageable with careful planning.
For the best results and to ensure a smooth formation process, consider partnering with TRUIC. Their expert guidance and comprehensive resources can help you navigate the complexities of forming an LLC, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Whether you’re aiming for the best LLC in California or looking for the cheapest way to form an LLC in California, TRUIC has the tools and expertise to support your journey.
For more Information Please LLC in California
submitted by Sanjhworld to LLCinUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:48 IllFeature3952 This quote “I wish everyone should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer” feels like the only truest thing ever

I’m 28M, I think I’ve seen some hardships for my age. I saw my family losing all money and house because of relatives’ stab in the back, I went from irresponsible 20 yr old to becoming so responsible I was sleeping only 3 or 4 hrs everyday for 2 years and it spoiled my health so much that I was afraid I was not going to make it for very long. And had to go through ADHD for next couple of years and got out of that in silence by myself, without telling anyone. I have seen effects of debt, got my family out of bankruptcy and bought them a house recently, after so much hard work. In the process I had to let go the only love of my life for over 6 years, ghosted her and asked her to look after her life because of religion, caste and social status problems(I’m from India and caste is a major problem here, it might even get you and your parents killed). This is the greatest regret of my life and it hurts everyday.
At every stage in my years of hardship, I always thought, If I get more money, switch career, leave the town or something and the problem will be over. That’s not true at all. At every stage no matter what you are, something new keeps coming. And I slide right into the regular imagination, childhoods were awesome, wish I was a low salary employee again, life was so simple. And I know that’s not practical at all.
How did you people in the 30s, 40s, 50s and above handle this realisation? I know all of you have gone through more hardships, what are your thoughts now? Any advice or anything you’d give someone like me?
P.s: Before someone thinks I’m disturbed and feel bad for me. I’m totally normal, I’m just wondering how to deal with all these as a man and just seeking wisdom from people who have seen it all.
submitted by IllFeature3952 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:23 Sanjhworld How Long Does It Take to Get an LLC in Pennsylvania TRUIC

How Long Does It Take to Get an LLC in Pennsylvania TRUIC
How Long Does It Take to Get an LLC in Pennsylvania TRUIC
Starting a business is an exciting venture, but it comes with its share of legal and administrative tasks. One of the most important steps is forming your Limited Liability Company (LLC). If you’re considering setting up an LLC in Pennsylvania, you may be wondering how long the process will take and what steps are involved. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know, from the initial planning stages to filing your Pennsylvania LLC registration documents. We’ll also discuss costs, benefits, and the role of TRUIC in making the process smoother and more efficient.

Planning and Preparation

Before you dive into the LLC in Pennsylvania formation process, it’s crucial to do some planning and preparation. This includes crafting a solid business plan and ensuring that your business name is unique and compliant with state regulations. You can utilize Pennsylvania’s extensive network of resources, such as the Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), to help you create a comprehensive business plan.

Choosing a Business Name

One of the first steps is to ensure your desired business name is available. Conduct a name search on the Pennsylvania Department of State’s business filing services website. Your business name must be distinguishable from other registered entities in the state.

Selecting a Registered Office

Next, you’ll need to designate a registered office for your business. This can be your home or business address, or you can use a Commercial Registered Office Provider (CROP), which charges a fee to use their address as your business’s registered office.

Register LLC in PA Online

Registering your LLC in Pennsylvania online is a straightforward process, thanks to the user-friendly resources available through the Pennsylvania Department of State’s website. Online registration not only speeds up the process but also makes it easier to manage your filings.

Steps to Register LLC in PA Online:

  1. Create an Account: Start by creating an account on the Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop website.
  2. File the Certificate of Organization: Complete the Certificate of Organization form online, providing details about your LLC, including its name, registered office, and the names of its members.
  3. Pay the Filing Fee: The fee for registering an LLC in Pennsylvania is $125, which can be paid online using a credit card or electronic check.
  4. Obtain an EIN: After filing, you need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This is necessary for tax purposes and opening a business bank account.

Forming a Single-Member LLC in Pennsylvania

If you’re the sole owner of your business, you might be interested in forming a single-member LLC in Pennsylvania. This structure offers the same benefits as a multi-member LLC, including liability protection and pass-through taxation, but with simpler management requirements.

Benefits of a Single-Member LLC:

  • Liability Protection: Shields your personal assets from business liabilities.
  • Simplicity: Easier to manage than a multi-member LLC or corporation.
  • Tax Flexibility: You can choose to be taxed as a sole proprietor, S-corp, or C-corp.

Pennsylvania LLC Registration

Completing your Pennsylvania LLC registration involves a few essential steps. Here’s a detailed look at what you’ll need to do:

Filing the Certificate of Organization

The primary document for Pennsylvania LLC registration is the Certificate of Organization. This document must include:
  • LLC Name: Ensure it complies with state requirements.
  • Registered Office: Physical address in Pennsylvania.
  • Members or Managers: Names and addresses of members or managers.
  • Effective Date: When you want your LLC to start.

Operating Agreement

While not required by the state, creating an Operating Agreement is highly recommended. This document outlines the management structure and operating procedures of your LLC, helping prevent disputes among members.

LLC in Pennsylvania Cost

Understanding the LLC in Pennsylvania cost is crucial for budgeting purposes. The main costs include:
  • Filing Fee: $125 for the Certificate of Organization.
  • Registered Agent Fee: If you hire a professional registered agent, expect to pay between $100 and $300 annually.
  • Annual Registration Fee: Pennsylvania does not have an annual franchise tax, but you will need to file a Decennial Report every ten years, costing $70.

Benefits of LLC in Pennsylvania

Forming an LLC in Pennsylvania comes with several benefits:
  • Limited Liability: Protects your personal assets from business debts and liabilities.
  • Pass-Through Taxation: Avoids the double taxation of corporations by passing profits directly to members.
  • Flexible Management: Allows members to manage the business or appoint managers.

Small LLC in Pennsylvania

Running a Small LLC in Pennsylvania can be particularly advantageous due to the state’s supportive business environment and resources available for small business owners. Organizations like the SBDC provide valuable guidance and support to help you grow your small business.

How Long Does It Take to Get an LLC in Pennsylvania?

The time it takes to get an LLC in Pennsylvania varies depending on how you file and current processing times. Online filings are typically processed faster, often within 5–10 business days. Mail filings can take longer, usually up to 15 business days. For expedited processing, Pennsylvania offers rush services for an additional fee, reducing the time to just a few days.


Starting an LLC in Pennsylvania is a strategic move that offers numerous benefits, from liability protection to tax advantages. By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the resources available through the Pennsylvania Department of State and TRUIC, you can navigate the formation process efficiently and effectively. Whether you’re forming a single-member LLC in Pennsylvania or a multi-member LLC, understanding the Pennsylvania LLC registration process and costs involved will help you make informed decisions.
For expert guidance and support, consider reaching out to TRUIC. They provide comprehensive services to simplify the LLC formation process, allowing you to focus on growing your business. From filing your LLC in Pennsylvania online to understanding the benefits and costs, TRUIC is your trusted partner in business formation.
For more reference Please visit the Site
submitted by Sanjhworld to LLCinUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:08 Caprigirlie1230 Curious

How many months did everyone go without makings payments towards their debt before filing for bankruptcy?
submitted by Caprigirlie1230 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:50 Secure_Maintenance55 About Graphite Electrodes - GrafTech International Ltd (EAF)

Hi All
Recently I noticed that Biden has imposed tariffs on China
  1. Biden to End Tariff Exemption on Synthetic Graphite from China
  2. Biden hits Chinese electric cars and solar cells with higher tariffs
This made me want to look for some valuable stocks, I looked for Graphite stocks and I found
GrafTech International Ltd (EAF)
I did some research .
Graftech makes graphite electrodes which are used by EAFs to convert electricity into heat to then melt steel.
In August 2015, GrafTech was acquired by Brookfield Asset Management
When graphite electrode prices were at their peak in 2018, Brookfield took GrafTech public again. GrafTech paid out substantial interest that year, and Brookfield, as the majority shareholder, recouped a significant amount of money as a result. However, GrafTech was left with a massive debt burden. About Graphite Electrodes - GrafTech International Ltd (EAF)
The company's stock price is currently at an all-time low 2024/05/31 1.65$
  1. They lost like 40% of their production when their mexican plant went down. Looks like an Indian producer is eating their lunch.
  2. The suspension at the St. Mary facility affects 105 employees. Among them, 91 people were temporarily laid off and 14 were permanently laid off. The layoff dates are from February 13, 2024 to May 31, 2024.
  3. Long term agreements rolling off and being replaced with lower spot rates. Prices falling from $9000+ to call it $3500
  4. CEO turnover, board turnover, instability
  5. Brookfield's stake in the company fell to 9.09% as it sold down its holdings to 23.3528 million shares . and looks set to continue selling
  1. Things can't quite look any worse because of the above factors
  2. Production ramping back up
  3. Might build another needle coke facility
  4. Graphite Electrode Growth of 65k Europe, 25k North America.
  5. EAF is like 1/7 of total production capacity
  6. They have a strong supply of an input Needle Coke for 1/3+ of their production which their competitors lack.
  7. Mohnish Pabrai held stocks short-term in 2019 Q2~Q4
  8. New investors buy stocks in large quantities (Colonial House Capital Ltd , Undavia Nilesh)
  9. Seadrift Coke LP got approval for a permit to expand its Texas facility that makes a material for electric vehicle batteries. This follows the company's plan from last year to potentially increase production.
  10. The 2024 q1 financial report indicates that As of March 31, 2024, we had liquidity of $275 million, consisting of cash and cash equivalents of $165 million and $110 million of availability under our revolving credit facility. As of March 31, 2024, we had gross debt( 8) of $950 million and net debt(9) of approximately $785 million. We continue to have adequate liquidity in 2024 to navigate the persistent challenges in the commercial environment.
Biden's China tariffs will help Graftech , I predict that St. Mary, the Mexican facility will return to utilization, and Bookfiled will completely sell its shares. It should be a slow and good growth process. and I checked all the factory’s Google Maps, Glassdoor, and Facebook employees’ reviews of the company. Most of them are very positive comments , I think Graftech has the potential and ability to develop better . I'm hoping someone can give me some ideas or what I've missed, would be very grateful
  1. Graftech EAF In Play: Activist Investor
  2. Commissioners show support of potential plant expansion
  3. GrafTech cites weak market conditions resulting in recent layoffs
  5. Notified by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
  6. Graphite Electrodes: Key to Sustainable Steel - Featuring GrafTech
  7. 2021/06/08 Mohnish Pabrai
  8. 2019/11/27 Mohnish Pabrai
submitted by Secure_Maintenance55 to investing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:57 Siddhant4299 ROAST MY CV

submitted by Siddhant4299 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:12 These_Pineapple8447 Student Loan Bankruptcy

I am looking for student loan advice for federal and private student loans. I have included my original and current balance and payment plans below. I make over $100,000 with my current career which means I do not qualify for claiming student loan interest on my taxes anymore. I have been paying on my loans for over 10 years and have already paid more than what was originally taken out for my education. I was an out-of-state student which increased my tuition for my undergraduate and 2 masters degrees. My co-signer on all of my private loans passed away last year and I am looking for options on how to handle the debt to plan for my future as I recently turned 32. I am looking to see if there are any non-profit companies that offer support or help negotiate loans to get rid of them. I have rarely missed a loan payment and made payments all through COVID to try and help pay down the balance.
Original Balance Federal: $190,000 Private: $54,400
Current Balance Federal: $315,000 Private: $81,000 (interest rates in these loans have recently ballooned to +15% on the loans)
Current Payments Federal: $383 per month on IBR repayment plan. Private: $1,020 per month on interest only payments. Standard payment options increased payment to $3,000 per month.
I wish there would have been better resources when I was in school about 15 years ago. Student loan debt is not something that is easy to understand and I have not found much luck with support from any of the loan companies servicing the loans.
The other option i have been considering is bankruptcy.
submitted by These_Pineapple8447 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:19 Anothersadwife Husband still keeps lying after 20 years.

I need some real advice here. This will be kind of long, stay with me if you can. I don’t think I’m overreacting but my spouse continues to gaslight me- and when I say that, I think our picture is in the dang dictionary next to the definition. I feel so gosh darn dumb. If you saw my previous posts at all, I’ve had issues with him pretty much our whole marriage about 20 years. Mostly revolving around money. He spends a lot and doesn’t tell me. Then does things like takes out 401k loans or way back in the day he had payday loans all over town. I’ve always been able to figure it out and clean it up. In December he lost his job, he had a 6 figure income and admittedly we were living beyond our means. We have a large amount of debt (around 50k). When he got fired he told me that due to his contract he isn’t vested and some weird clause in the contract made us have to pay taxes on the whole amount. So we now have a loan with a $500/month payment. Between his new job and me going full time, we are making about 3/4 what he was making. So I’m scarping by, barely able to buy groceries but we’re making it. Last week, I found out he was drinking in private. I tried to approach the situation and he shrugged it off, said “it’s not like I do it all the time” but I’ve had that lingering feeling of being lied to. He had hid it in a Mountain Dew bottle and was drinking it while I was driving without my knowledge. He also had to work within about 3 hours of that so I’m annoyed he is risking another job. I’ve been trying to figure out how to handle the situation. We have 2 kids and anytime I try to talk about anything with him, he gets loud and then the kids get upset. I’m trying to be a reasonable person and good mom but if I didn’t have kids I’d be long gone. About a month ago, some of his mail showed up at my brothers house (where we stayed temporarily) when he opened it in front of me, he said it was junk. Well another envelope from that company showed up today so I opened it. It’s for a insurance claim over a quad- that I don’t even know about. I remember about a year or longer ago, he got a card in the mail thanking him for buying this quad and when I approached him, he convinced me that I was crazy and he didn’t buy no quad. Anyone else feeling the trend yet!? I can’t trust him for anything, hes quite awful to my youngest son who has adhd. But financially, I think I’ll have to file bankruptcy if I leave him. And my kids will hate me. Not him- me! It’s not fair, I’m not the one lying and hiding things but I’m in constant stress. Please give some guidance if you have any. I’m literally lost on being selfish and giving up on him vs staying until my kids are out of the house.
submitted by Anothersadwife to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:19 leelagame Felony Theft Charge Even though this individual got his money back.

Here it goes, I have had a very complex bankruptcy case. Part of the case I needed to refund people who paid money for a contract to start construction work. All customers where paid back and signed documentation that its all free and clear.
One customer in particular wanted 15k over the refund about. His refund was $30,400 He did file a criminal complaint then after he received the money the complaint was removed. The refund did not come from my account but another person's account that paid the debt.
I refunded to them in December of 2023
Yesterday I was arrested for a warrant for felony theft related to this customer.
I have not gotten my discovery paperwork yet, but I told the DA he was refunded he told me that it didn't matter.
This is a serious aligation for me, I know that the DA will need to prove that a crime was committed.
Can a DA still file charges even though I have a contract that says it releases against all clames?
I do not have any prior history or other prior charges.
submitted by leelagame to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:59 Exotic_Buffalo_2371 Owe $23-25k, Thats My Net In A Year

As a precursor, I want to say that I’m 95% certain that I have either autism or asbergers though never diagnosed.
Like the title says, I owe somewhere between $20-$25k, with $23-25 being my realistic best guesstimate. I barely make $30k a year gross, more like my actual net in a year in debt. I’ve fought this for years, and gotten within a few grand just to lose jobs, and have it spiral back out of control again.
I’ve havent been debt free since early 2019, slowly keeps just getting worse and worse. I finally had to break down and accept help for food stamps so I wouldn’t starve to death. This last time, (3 week stint), I ate a total of 6-7 times, not times per day, 6-7 times total in 3 weeks. I had to call my father so I wouldn’t pass away from malnutrion.
I have job experience as a waiteserver, food delivery, warehousing, clean health care pill bottle plants, John Deere world headquarters, janitor, you name almost any every level job, and I’ve probably done it or 90%+ of them.
I’m lost on how to get out debt. Probably be way easier if I could get a work from home job, but I’ve never gotten that chance. I used to work 70+ hours a week, and it burned me out to the point I did collapse a couple times though I don’t tell people that.
My uncle is a very vey rich man, I’ve tried to ask for for help and his answer is to make it on my own. Clearly, I haven’t been and I doubt that I’m capable of such :( I’ve even asked for just food help and he doesn’t want to.
What should I do guys? The last several years I was working pizza delivery, I was making abut $650-$1000 per week, but a good $175-$200 of that was going to gas, then minus taxes on top of that. All of a sudden, that $30-$37k, shrinks rapidly.
I used to want to fix this I really did, I feel like I’m in a impossible spiraling black hole of debt. No matter how much extra power I find to throw at this to try to correct the path I keep getting sucked back in & into the dark void. I really don’t want to end things, but is reached a point where it might come to it. In addition to being in debt, I also have 2 payday loans I owe a grand on,I had spoke to a manager tried asking them to forgive the loan since I’ve already paid over 300% or 3x initial amount borrowed, and they kept cycling back to “well you agreed to the terms” yes, I did, but it’s created the black hole of debt and they laughed when I tried to first ask them, then played hardball with them and said I don’t have to pay this I could just go through bankruptcy again when eligible.
Oh I also owe like $3000 from 2020 taxes never paid, and I almost went to jail for 3 months for failure to register my vehicle that I’ve since sold to get by… I almost went to jail because I’m so poor…
I’ve got three options: 1-Ask my millionaire uncle whose son SA’d me 20+ times growing up for help but I’ve tried in the past and his answer has been no, 2-I work 3 jobs if I can even get hired to that many, at 80+ hours a week & work until I pass away from exhaustion 3-I just give up and call it a life.
I read all these stories about people getting out of worse, but most of them seem to make double or more what I do. I kinda barely make enough to cover the interest payments. I’m so lost I think I may just give up this time 😭 ,
submitted by Exotic_Buffalo_2371 to Debt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:12 IllustriousAvocado61 Refinancing/Cash Out

I am finding conflicting information while looking online. While my husband and I were married at the time we bought our house my credit was bad so I am only on the deed, not the mortgage. Now things are flipped I have good credit and decent paying job. We are working out a divorce agreement and I would like to stay in the house. He agrees with some other stipulations. The problem is that our original loan agreement was assumable. Our loan officer was an idiot and messed something up so 2 months in the house we got a single page telling us we now have a traditional loan and lower payment. We were young and excited but never got a new agreement/signed anything.
When I reached out to our servicer about assuming the loan they told me I can't with the newer loan. Ok that's our fault for not getting the paperwork in line.
Now I am trying to see if we refinance can I be the mortgage owner. We also have some debts so refinancing with a cashout would cover my half of the debts and be rolled into a higher monthly payment. I am more than ok with that. I just cannot get anything clear that says I can do that if I was never on the original loan. They all want me to put in my phone number so I can get bombarded with calls and texts.
Anyone a mortgage broker who can answer this for me? Can I become the borrower on a refinanced loan if I was not the original borrower but am on the deed?
submitted by IllustriousAvocado61 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:02 AnythingFar1505 University has been withholding my degree replacement and transcripts for 14 years

I received OSAP funding of $56,000 while attending University. They paid the full amount of my tuition and I graduated with no amount owing in 2010.
In 2015 I lost my physical diploma and requested a replacement. I was denied a replacement diploma or access to my personal transcripts because of a $3,000 debt that had been sent to a collection agency without notifying me. They did not explain where the debt originated. The collection agency itself had no record. I paid the University the amount claimed in the form of a check, which they did not cash. I called OSAP and confirmed that they had paid all requested tuition and fees directly. There should not be an amount owing as far as they knew.
Despite paying the amount twice and recently declaring bankruptcy on the outstanding balance of the loan, the University has refused to release my transcripts.
I was asked to visit the office of the registrar in person and show my ID. I did so. It is a 4.5 hour commute to my Alma Mater, where I was told to send an e-mail to the person who told me to come in person. I've now been through this exact same process at least 7 times.
What legal options do I have in this situation? Can they legally withhold my diploma and transcripts? Can I take legal action to obtain them? Can they claim I owe an amount and refuse to tell me what it is for? Can they continue to claim an amount owing after a bankruptcy?
Do I honestly have to sue a University in small claims court just to get a copy of my B-level humanities diploma? Or is there any civil way to get them to give it up?
Please don't suggest paying them off and letting them shake me down. For one thing I've already tried it and it didn't help. For another thing I wouldn't be so desperate to obtain my transcripts if I wasn't flat broke and desperate for a job.
I'm trying to do the right thing but...this is crazy.
submitted by AnythingFar1505 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:59 Terminator-Atrimoden How does AI decide to accept or refuse an investment?

Right now, i'm the Soviet Union, ready to support the expansion of the Revolution™. North Korea attacked South Korea, and the latter joined NATO. I'm trying all i can to help them, and one of the things is that i'm trying to max all their airports so that i can increase air support.
Pointless. They have all the access to every satellite network i have, i shoved all the surplus equipment since the war began, they are 250 positive opinion of me, i have a trade agreement, i have 4 divisions and 3 air wings fighting for them, i took their debt several times and they are LOSING the war, with 3 successful amphibious invasions currently happening.
They still refuse any investment to improve their airfields so that i can send the rest of the Commie Airforce to save their asses. What the hell is going on? How exactly is their likelihood of accepting a deal calculated?
Yesman won't work because this mechanics is MD exclusive. Help me save the Best Korea from their incompetent leadership.
submitted by Terminator-Atrimoden to MillenniumDawn [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:52 KeyAwareness3064 AITA for "tricking" my brother into selling me his half of our childhood home then demolishing it?

My mom and dad divorced when I was young. My brother loved the fact that our mom had no rules for him so he went with her. I abided by the custody agreement because I had no choice in the matter. My mom loves us both but she dotes on my brother like he farts perfume.
My dad kept the house. He had to buy my mom out. It was an old house built in 1953. It had old wiring and was really less than suitable for modern life. What it did have though was a huge yard that was great growing up.
My dad passed away during COVID. He left everything equally between my brother and I. I wanted the house. I told my brother that we should tear it down and put in infill housing like that neighborhood is zoned for. He just wanted money. I bought out his half of the house at the market value. It was sold as a teardown. He took the money and bought a car and went on a vacation. He still has money left.
Then I had the house demolished and built a fourplex. Each unit has three bedrooms, 2 and a half bathrooms, a small yard, and a garage. I kept one unit for myself and rent each of the other units for $2,000 a month. My mortgage is $1,800 a month for the entire thing. So basically I live free and bank $4,000 a month.
My brother is pissed that I didn't give him a unit to live in for him since it was his home too. I actually offered to sell him one at cost and he said no.
I'm lost. I offered him a partnership, I paid a fair price, I offered to sell him a unit, I did everything to try and be fair. He thinks I tricked him because I get "free" money every month.
Our mom said she would be cutting me out of her will and giving everything to him if I didn't give him a unit or the income from one. I agreed that was fair and said that I would no longer feel the need to contribute to her upkeep or retirement when the time came.
I am being bombarded by the two of them but I took the risks. I took on the debt. This is my money now.
submitted by KeyAwareness3064 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:49 ConsciousRun6137 Parasites: the First 5000 Years; Five Rules of Parasitic Rulers

  1. First the words, then the world
  2. Create a god in your own image
  3. Coin the realm to own it
  4. Create chaos; divide to conquer
  5. Impose ‘solutions’ to problems you cause

1. first the words, then the world

2. make a god in your own image

What draws people to Yahwism and a sociopathic god? Whenever we see the word ‘Jew’, it’s a trick to conflate a genealogy, an ethnicity, territorial claims, and a religion. We need to flip that puzzle piece over in order to put it in the right color section to solve the puzzle.
Matt Orfalea on The Laws of War: this is a 3 minute video that I highly recommend. No one exposes hypocrisy through juxtaposition like Matt. His footage on Palestine is heartrending. YT made it age-restricted, so it needs to be watched on their site. As we know, pre-teens are always trying to watch fathers crying over their murdered children. They have to be herded back to sexually inappropriate content.
Thanks to thanks Greg (Walking the Dog) for the reference:
For every Jewish Zionist there are 30 Christian Zionists, and Netanyahu exploits this :
… the Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu continues to employ an unapologetic rhetoric, invoking biblical references to sell his war to the ultra-right not just in Israel but also in the US, where he is enjoying the support of Christian Evangelists, a majority of whom identify with the global Zionist movement for a ‘Jewish homeland’. Their belief comes from the end-of-the-world interpretation of the bible leading to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
This belief is not just theological but also has created significant support for Israel in the political circles of the United States. Under the Donald Trump regime, evangelists took their seats in the power corridors with the likes of Vice President Mike Pence and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. In fact, Donald Trump also mentioned in a rally that the move to shift the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was ‘for the evangelicals.’
Even the current US President Joe Biden has publicly identified himself as a ‘Zionist’ and at least 100 members of Congress are avowed evangelicals.
TRT World spoke to Stephen Sizer, the former Vicar of the Church of England. A peace activist authoring three books on the Christian Zionist movement and its support for the state of Israel, Sizer was recently banned from licensed ministry in the Church of England until 2030 for his views on Zionism and Israel’s policies in the Middle East.
SS: Christian Zionism is actually the dominant form of Zionism. It has been since before the Zionist movement emerged in the 1870s, 1880s – there were Christians calling for the restoration of the Jews to Palestine from the 1820s, 1830s and the Balfour Declaration with the demise of the Ottoman Empire that Britain's entry, if you like, into the Middle East having defeated the French was to colonise Palestine. And he saw the role of the Jews as serving the best interests of the British Empire. Christian Zionism predates Jewish Zionism by at least 50 years and today dominates the Zionist movement at least 10 to 1, probably nearer 20, 30 to 1. For every Jewish Zionist, there are 20 or 30 Christian Zionists and therefore Netanyahu knows he needs the Christian, particularly the Christian right in America, Canada, Sweden, Holland and in much of Europe in order to maintain his position and to continue the expansion of the Zionist agenda in Palestine.
When Netanyahu uses terms like the Amalek regarded as the staunch enemies of the Biblical Israelites, is he ascribing that term to the Palestinian Arabs?
SS: Yes, he is. The other one that’s used quite a lot is the Philistines. The Philistines were the traditional enemies of the Jews or the Israelites. And so they are painted as the bad guys. The Samaritans again were the bad guys in Israelite history. And so it’s no surprise the Samaritans today, those on the West Bank fulfil that negative role. So the Amalekites and the other Arab tribes that populated the coastal plain into which the 12 tribes of Israel were seeking to settle are seen as the enemy. So it’s an easy, superficial, simplistic way. It’s a kind of a dualism, Manichean worldview, the good guys and the bad guys, we are the good guys, God is on our side. And the bad guys are whoever we want to take out. So it’s convenient in the genocide that’s taking place, the ethnic cleansing in Gaza to demonise the Palestinians as either they’re all Hamas or they are the embodiment of the traditional enemies of the Jewish people in history.
God said to Abraham in Genesis 12, “I will make you a great nation. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you.” Now, what Christian Zionists have done is they’ve taken that promise that was made by God to Abraham and no one else, and they’ve universalised it. They’ve made it an eternal principle. So as long as we bless Israel today, God will bless us. If a nation a community or an individual curses Israel, God will curse them.
And so it’s called a prosperity gospel. The belief that America is a great nation, is a prosperous nation because it defends Israel. So there’s a vested self-interest. If I want to be a healthy, wealthy individual, if I want to be a prosperous person and my clergy and my pastor tells me, bless Israel and God will bless you, I’ll do it because it comes from that crude, self-centred desire, the belief that, you know, it’s like the lucky rabbit’s foot. If I rub the lucky rabbit’s foot, I will have luck
To David Webb, things have only gone wrong relatively recently and can be fixed by the people near the top of the system, if they can be made to understand what’s happening. His solutions, like those of Catherine Austin Fitts and others, work for people who have investment wealth to move around.. Not ordinary people.
My book, How to Dismantle an Empire, starts 3500 years ago with the invention of coinage and taxation as a new form of feudalism. In the section Finance is an Extractive Industry, I detail the mechanisms that David talks about, including derivatives, the interest rate’s relationship to money creation, and bank deposits as unsecured obligations that are ‘shares’ in the bank, which can go down to nothing.

4. create chaos; divide to conquer

From Pepe Escobar’s Russia and China have had enough:
Corbett Report on The Rwandan Genocide is a Lie

5. impose ‘solutions’ to problems you cause

Theirs are not the only solutions. Gabriel, one of my heroes, has written What is Digital Autonomy? When their parasitic paradigm falls apart, it shows that we have the knowledge and the will to put back together what has been torn asunder.
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:33 Korkio Builder stole my money and then filed for bankruptcy. Is there any way to get my money back?

This is a long and involved story, but I'll do my best to keep it short. I am in Oklahoma.
5 years ago I hired a builder to build a house for me. I couldn't fund the whole thing, so we wrote up a contract for him to build it on land he bought and then sell it to me. I paid a $45k down payment. Half way through he abandoned the project. I sued him for violating the contract and won a judgement lien on the property plus any property he owns for my down payment, legal fees, and accruing interest, totaling about $85k by the time it was done. The property went into foreclosure and it didn't sell for more than his loan on it, so the bank got all the money.
The builder filed for divorce before my lien went through, and his ex got ownership of their personal property. Multiple clients of his sued him for similar issues with their houses and won. During one of those cases, the builder was caught transferring property to his parents so it couldn't be used to pay his debts. About a year and a half ago, the builder filed for bankruptcy, but never named his debt to me in the bankruptcy as far as I know (I never got a notice of the bankruptcy, but other people that had lawsuits against him were notified, which is how I found out). My real estate lawyer that handled the initial lawsuit said there's nothing I can do at this point.
Do I really have no way to get my money back? Is the debt really cancelled even though I never got a chance to make my case during his bankruptcy filing? I'm happy to contact a lawyer if there's a chance I have some kind of case here, but I can't afford to pay a lawyer just to look into it if I'm not going to get my money back. The builder is out there living the high life, driving expensive cars and putting all of his new properties into his girlfriend's name, while I'm stuck over here just trying to make ends meet. Help!
submitted by Korkio to legaladvice [link] [comments]