Is spiriva as good as symbicort

Skydiving - There is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane

2010.03.08 02:12 Skydiving - There is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane

A subreddit for those interested in skydiving and BASE jumping.

2011.11.09 03:03 The Boys

THE BOYS is an irreverent take on what happens when superheroes, who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians and as revered as Gods, abuse their superpowers rather than use them for good. It’s the powerless against the super powerful as The Boys embark on a heroic quest to expose the truth about “The Seven,” and their formidable Vought backing. We also discuss the satellite shows Diabolical and Gen V. We are not affiliated with Amazon or Prime TV in any capacity.

2008.07.04 01:53

Chaotic Good: good intentions, questionable methods.

2024.05.24 02:18 ArtistOfGod2 [24M] [M4F] [NY/NYC/New York] A Christian Staten Islander seeking to date with the intention of having a life partner

Hello/Shalom! Currently, I am living in Staten Island, although I'm definitely open to moving if need be in the future since I don't plan on staying in the borough forever. Apologies in advance for the long (and mostly repeated) post.

Anyway, about me:

Anyway, some of my hobbies include:

My dealbreakers include:

My preferences include:

I don't care so much about:

Chatting with me or sending me a message on here is fine. There I will likely send a picture of myself. I might share other socials such as Discord depending on how the conversation goes, but I am not a heavy Instagram/Snapchat user at least, so there's that.
submitted by ArtistOfGod2 to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:47 _MFB_ RADS - Reactive Airway Disorder Syndrome, A type of asthma

I've been dealing with what was initially diagnosed as asthma after inhaling toxic fumes from heated Motul 300V POWER 5W40 motor oil from the exhaust system of a Subaru we were working on back on March 19, 2019. This caused severe symptoms like excess mucus and a drowning sensation. Recently, my doctor has diagnosed it as Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS). I also have asthma and allergic rhinitis. Motul 300V POWER 5W40 contains several components that can be hazardous when inhaled: lubricating oils (petroleum, C20-50, hydrotreaded neutral oil-based) 10-25%, mineral oil 1-2.5%, distillates (petroleum, solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic) 1-2.5%, and C14-16-18 alkyl phenol <1%. These components can release harmful fumes when heated, leading to respiratory irritation and other health issues.
After the exposure, I underwent several tests in April 2019 to assess the impact on my respiratory health. The arterial blood gas (ABG) test on April 4, 2019, showed normal acid-base status with a pH of 7.415, pCO2 of 40.2 mmHg, and pO2 of 89.8 mmHg, with oxygen saturation at 97.1%, indicating no immediate respiratory failure but highlighting the need for further assessment. The pulmonary function test (PFT) with post-bronchodilator study on April 4, 2019, showed normal spirometry results with no obstructive ventilatory defect noted. The FEV1/FVC ratio was within normal limits, and there was no significant response to bronchodilators, suggesting that the primary issue was not related to airflow obstruction. The chest X-ray on April 2, 2019, showed some degree of haziness in the right lower lung, which could be due to vascular shadows or beginning/resolving infiltrates, with no consolidation observed. My recent chest X-ray shows all clear, indicating that any previous abnormalities have resolved, suggesting no current radiographic signs of lung disease or persistent inflammation.
On May 10, 2024, I cut my Symbicort dosage from 2 puffs AM and PM to 1 puff each. I felt good after missing my dose on May 16, 2024, so I reduced it to 1 puff a day. As of May 17, 2024, I'm off Symbicort completely. During a Stryd run test meant to last 10 minutes, I ended at 4:40. No wheezing, headache, or chest tightness—just felt out of breath and had some phlegm, but didn’t need to use Symbicort. Regular use of POWERbreathe has really strengthened my respiratory muscles. I'm successfully managing asthma without daily Symbicort, keeping symptoms in check. Overall, I'm feeling better with improved breathing and less reliance on meds. Using the POWERbreathe IMT device has been a game-changer for me. It’s allowed me to reduce and eventually stop using Symbicort. My respiratory muscles are stronger, and my asthma is under control.
RADS - Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome
• Definition: RADS is a condition that resembles asthma but is distinct from it. It occurs after a single, high-level exposure to an irritating substance, such as fumes, chemicals, or smoke. This exposure leads to acute and chronic respiratory symptoms. • Relation to Asthma: While RADS presents with symptoms similar to asthma (such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath), it is not classified as a type of asthma. Instead, it is a specific syndrome triggered by an acute exposure event, whereas asthma is typically a chronic condition with multiple potential triggers. 
Correct Description
RADS - Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome
• Definition: A condition that occurs after a single, high-level exposure to an irritating substance, leading to asthma-like symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. • Relation to Asthma: While it has symptoms similar to asthma, RADS is distinct and is specifically triggered by a one-time exposure to an irritant, unlike chronic asthma which can have multiple and ongoing triggers. 
This distinction is important for understanding the nature of RADS and how it differs from chronic asthma.
submitted by _MFB_ to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:16 hellokittie17 Asthma In the ED

I am a 26 year old female who got diagnosed with asthma when I was 21 (I suspect I have it much longer though.) My husband works at a school and I think brings a lot of sicknesses home, and we have a toddler and between it all we have been sick about once a month with a respiratory illness the past 6 months. I am going to be kind of social distancing a bit and trying to raise my immune system with supplements and good health (open to any suggestions!) This past week we have had some sort of upper respiratory infection or virus. Covid, flu, and RSV negative as well as a clear chest x ray. But my asthma was the worst it had ever been. After maxing out what is basically “allowed” with using my inhaler and nebulizer I decided to go to the emergency room.
I wanted to share what going to the hospital with asthma entailed for me to give anyone looking a better idea of what to expect. I had looked for a post like this before and didn’t easily find one.
When I got to the ED they asked about my symptoms and took my blood pressure, oxygen, and heart rate.
Then they took me back for an EKG to just be safe because of shortness of breath.
Then I had a little area to myself with a chair and was able to talk to the nurse and Dr’s. They listened to my lungs and ordered a chest x ray.
While I was waiting for the x ray they gave me an IV of fluid to hydrate and lower heart rate (it can get high from asthma and anxiety), magnesium to relax the lungs and airways. And Decadron (a steroid) as well as setting up a saline nebulizer for me to break up some of the mucus.
They saw my chest x ray was clear, said it was an asthma flare up from being sick and reassured me that the steroid should help a lot.
They gave me a hydroxyzine to help me relax and help my anxiety.
And they monitored me with the pulse oximeter on my finger for a couple hours while I napped to make sure my oxygen was in a good place before going home.
I am glad I went in and that they were able to help me! I was also sent home with extra saline for my nebulizer the Dr just gave me.
I do also already have albuterol at home of course in inhaler and nebulizer form as well as Symbicort that I take daily and I was on a prednisone taper from when I first got sick.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions!
submitted by hellokittie17 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 22:10 Sailorarctic Nearly fruatrated to tears by weightloss clinic

Today my PCP recommended me to a weight loss clinic. I keep drifting back and forth betwwen 225-230 lbs depending on the time of the month/day that I weigh myself (thanks aunt flo and water retention) but that is still down 15 lbs from what I was a year ago. 8 years ago I had my daughter and ballooned from 175 lbs to 245 lbs. The pregnancy was very traumatic. I nearly lost my life and it triggered autoimmune in me, both RA and PsA that my rheumatologist still hasnt been able to find an effective treatment for so I spend every day in extreme pain and fatigue and am now fully disabled and have a mobility service dog due to numerous falls thanks to neurological damage on my right side in my hip and knee.
On top of the RA/PsA I also have Chronic Migraine, Hypertension, Aquagenic Pruritis, POTS and Asthma. All of this means I'm on numerous medications. The big ones being Propranolol, Topomax, Ubrelvy, Enbrel and Symbicort. I'm allergic to fish and shellfish, lactose intollerant, and ALL artificial sweeteners and hard cheeses are migraine triggers.
My PCP put me on Phentermine last year for 3 months last year to see how I would tolerate it and that is when I lost the 15lbs. My fatigue was 75% improved and though my pain didnt improve I at least didnt feel like collapsing at any moment and sleeping all the time.
Now, my PCP has passed the buck to a weight loss clinic. I had my first visit today and I was almost frustrated to tears because the doctor there wasn't telling me anything I didnt already hear before. She told me I needed to cut out sugar. I have swapped sugar in my home to allulose. The only sugar is whatever is in the product I buy and that is limited because the topomax has altered my taste so most things i purchase are no sugar added.
She initially told me to use zero calorie sweeteners because they have no carbs but I told her I cant because they trigger my migraines. She mentioned things like zero sugar salad dressings, etc but again the same issue, they use artificial sweeteners which is why I have been stuck using full flavor dressings because even "low fat" versions sub in artificial sweeteners to keep the carbs low. But i use less of the full flavor dressings because I KNOW they are an indulgance. She said to eat MORE hard cheeses, and to eat yogurt with triple 0. No fat no sugar no carbs. I again had to point out artificial sweeteners as well as my lactose intolerance and also said that hard cheeses were also a migraine trigger so I have to be careful with how much I eat of them.
As it stands she said whatever I do I cant eat more than 45g of carbs a day. Gave me a link to an app to track my foods, a link for a youtube channel for exercises for my limited mobility. Put me back on the phentermine at twice the dose i was on and told me she wants to see me for a check in in 3 weeks. She also drew some blood to check my thyroid, check me for anemia, and my b12. But I feel so defeated. Over the 7 years of the changes I have already made my husband has lost a wonderful amount of weight and he looks SO GOOD. my PCP has told me that he is impressed that I have maintained my weight for as long as I have and that by losing weight on the phentermine the first time and keeping that weight off proves that my lifestyle changes make me a good candidate for the clinic I just need a little help, but I feel so defeated and unheard. I KNOW all tje standard advice for weight loss but I can't do those things or I would have done them over the last seven years.
So far what I HAVE done: I cut out red meat and pork. If I do eat red meat it is venison or bison so lean game meat and that is sparringly because red meat is inflammatory usually over the next couple days my pain level is increased after eating it
I switched from sugar to allulose when I make things from scratch
All my dishes are divided to keep my portion sizes correct. 1/2 the plate is green vegetables, then protein, then starch, then dessert.
I drink between 1/2 gallon-1 gallon of water a day
I go to bed between 6 and 7 every night and get up between 5 and 6 every morning
submitted by Sailorarctic to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 04:44 ArtistOfGod2 [24M] [M4F] [NY/NYC/New York] A Christian Staten Islander seeking to date with the intention of having a life partner

Hello/Shalom! Currently, I am living in Staten Island, although I'm definitely open to moving if need be in the future since I don't plan on staying in the borough forever. Apologies in advance for the long (and mostly repeated) post.

Anyway, about me:

Anyway, some of my hobbies include:

My dealbreakers include:

My preferences include:

I don't care so much about:

Chatting with me or sending me a message on here is fine. There I will likely send a picture of myself. I might share other socials such as Discord depending on how the conversation goes, but I am not a heavy Instagram/Snapchat user at least, so there's that.
submitted by ArtistOfGod2 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 14:53 beezie195 Began Fasenra today

Was diagnosed with eosinophilic asthma two years ago and have been wheezing&coughing ever since. 9 months ago I was put on Nucala and only saw results for the first two months after which it had no effect. Have been taking prednisone daily for a year and a half and I'm definitely feeling it's effects. I'm currently on 5mg daily, but that means I'm practically unable to exert myself physically in any capacity. I will track my progress here and hopefully I'll begin to feel the benefits of benralizumab sooner rather than later. For context: I'm a 21 year old man and my peak flow reaches 610-650 when I'm feeling well. I'm currently on relvar, spiriva respimat, montelukast, avamys, prednisone 5mg and omeprazole.
Day 1: Peak Flow is at 340. Have been injected with Fasenra and I'm feeling 0 side effects. Currently coughing, wheezing and producing colourless phlegm. Unable to physically exert myself in any capacity without exacerbating symptoms severely.
Day 2: Peak Flow is at 350. Still symptomatic to the same degree as yesterday.
Day 3: Peak Flow is at 380 which is good. Still symptomatic but definitely more comfortable.
Day 4: Peak Flow is at 400. I'm unused to seeing my numbers go up like this without steroid usage, more often than not they only go down. I'm remaining cautious as I don't expect to be seeing immediate results. Afraid of getting my hopes up after the disappointment of Nucala.
Day 5: Peak Flow is at 420. Walked home today with groceries whilst maintaining a conversation. Haven't done that without steroids in a very long time.
Day 6: 440
Day 7: 510
submitted by beezie195 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 18:12 Sivitri617 I just found this sub after dealing with what my NP is calling long COVID.

I've read a few posts and it sounds like quite a few of you have experienced the exact same issues I'm having, so I'm convinced that is what I'm suffering from. I would like to post my story here, for advice or support, from people who can relate.
In late October, I started having breathing issues. They quickly became severe and I went to see my Nurse Practitioner several times, twice of which she sent me to emergency. My experience in the ER was...stressful. It felt as though they brushed me off, and the second time they told me it wasn't an emergency and I had to go. They talked me out of getting a CT scan, and someone from internal medicine told me there's nothing they can do, so I went home.
My NP was immediately on top of things. She got me a CT scan, an MRI, an EKG and a pulmonary test, as well as a breathing test that I can't recall the name of, and a sleeping test as I was/am having problems sleeping. Everything came back clear, good, positive, with the exception of a 'nodule' in my lung from the CT which she wasn't terribly worried about, but has me on regular CT's to keep an eye on it.
I had been off work for a two months at this point. I couldn't get a good deep breath, talking was hard as it made my symptoms worse. I was gassy, burping for hours after even just drinking water so I hated to eat. I couldn't eat anyway without feeling out of breath and so I lost a lot of weight. I tried two different inhalers, (symbicort and one other I can't remember) and neither lessened my symptoms. At this point, my NP was lost on a diagnosis and told me it is probably long COVID, and that there were no resources in town for help but she would continue to support and work with me.
It is now 6 months later and I still feel as though I can't get a full deep breath without forcing it and gulping in air, but I do feel well enough to work more regularly and I am eating normally without the incessant burping. However, now my back is sore and has been for the past two weeks, right behind my right lung. It hurts to force the deep breaths so much, so I'm torn between trying to breath or saving my back pain. I've tried hot/cold treatments, but ibuprofen seems to help the most.
Recently my NP prescribed me with an anti depressant/painkiller, Cymbalta. I took one pill and felt absolutely awful, and that's where I am today. I don't know if I should keep taking this pill, since I am having darker thoughts than I normally have but I don't know if I'm at the point where I need to take an antidepressant. Some days are better than others, and some weeks are worse than others. It's been an absolute ride that I didn't want any part of. I didn't even have COVID at the time it started happening! I had gotten it earlier in the year, in the spring around March, and then felt fine up until October.
Anyway, finding people who describe the same symptoms as mine has been encouraging and I'm convinced that I could only have long COVID. For those of you who feel better, how long did it take? Did anything help, or was rest the most important thing?
submitted by Sivitri617 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 18:16 AdFit570 Thoughts on inhaler switch?

Hello fellow asthma sufferers,
I’ve been a lifelong asthmatic and have taken a variety of inhalers and other drugs to control my asthma. Most recently I’ve been taking Symbicort as my daily driver (generic albuterol for rescue) and have had great results with it! My insurance stopped covering Symbicort a couple of years back but I just forked over the cash (~ $200/month) to stick with the generic form of Symbicort.
As with most asthmatics who also suffer from severe allergies my asthma tends to tick up a few notches come spring time, and alas we’re there right now. I had my doctor send an updated Symbicort script to my local CVS and they just called saying my insurance company prefers Breo (why the fuck we let some ass hats in suits control what medicine we take is beyond me, welcome to America I guess). I’m very hesitant to switch to Breo from Symbicort because I’ve had such good luck with Symbicort since taking it.
My main question is, would the potential cost savings due to insurance coverage be enough to sway you guys to switch to Breo? I’m able to offset the costs of my Symbicort with my HSA so I’m at least getting the chance to pay for it tax free, but it’s still pricey! Looking forward to reading everyone’s opinions and advice, thanks!
submitted by AdFit570 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 09:30 Lost_Account_1385 I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm going to die

I know this is probably too much information, but I'm at a complete loss and mostly need to vent. I know you guys aren't my doctors, but any advice would be appreciated. I understand if you don't want to read this whole thing.
I don't know how much longer I'm going to last. I feel as though I'll die before I can get the help I need. I don't think I'm being hyperbolic when I say this. Even my mom said at the ER that she was afraid I was going to die before I see a pulmonologist.
I got long COVID after my second time having COVID on 6/22. Before having long COVID, I had exercise-induced asthma and migraines frequently, but not chronic. But now? My asthma is so bad that I can't even have dinner with my family anymore unless they bring it to the second floor. I start coughing uncontrollably and I'll start wheezing if I stay anywhere on the first floor. We tried having the front door open with me sitting directly next to an air purifier, but it was not enough. I can't microwave food, or even boil water without being triggered. I need my inhaler to walk downtown. I can't light candles anymore, even though I have a massive collection. Even lighting one candle on a birthday cake is too much. I can't really cook for myself, even using the oven is difficult. And where I live, fireworks are legal. Every major holiday I have asthma attacks that have made me cough up blood and puke where I beg to god I don't die because driving to the hospital would require me to walk directly into a cloud of smoke and ash. And no, using my inhaler right before the fireworks and during it does not help whatsoever. I should probably camp out at the ER for Independence Day this year.
Over the last month or two, it has gotten significantly worse. After getting COVID, I started getting migraines with aura, or hemiplegic migraines. They essentially mimic a stroke, so weakness or numbness on one side (it completely paralyzes some people), aphasia, vertigo, and confusion. But I got a special side effect that I've never heard of someone else having: it makes my asthma 100x worse. Simply talking, moving short distances, or sometimes just sitting still makes me start coughing, and it can escalate extremely quickly. I literally can't even talk. It goes away after my hemiplegic migraine gets better. But it has not gone away this time. I have been like this for over a month now, I don't even know. I wasn't keeping track at first because it seemed "normal" and I was expecting it to go away like it normally does. After about a week, I was getting really scared, so I went to the ER. It was awful. They basically dismissed me because my X-ray was clear and I wasn't wheezing when they talked to me. They gave me a steroid shot and pills, a cough suppressant, and an antibiotic. Literally, none of it helped. I have had some better days here or there, but it's still bad. I bought myself a whiteboard to put in my purse and one for by my bed. Maybe another ER would be more helpful, but I honestly don't know what they could do.
I live in the USA so getting healthcare has been an absolute freaking nightmare. I have an HMO so basically anything I need has to go through my GP for a referral. Every time I need something I hit a roadblock. My GP wouldn't give me a referral to a pulmonologist unless I saw an allergist first because "they treat all of that now" I wasn't able to get an appointment until November, a freaking year and a half after I got long COVID. And you know what they did for me? Absolutely nothing, acted like I was completely fine. Rescheduled me for a follow-up in 2 months with no help or guidance whatsoever. At my second appointment, she acted like the information I was giving her (which is exactly what I said at the first appointment) was brand new and she told me my issues were way too severe to be seen by her and I had to see a pulmonologist, which is what I wanted from the first place. So thank god, I got a referral for a pulmonologist, and after a month of back in forth with doctors, I got an appointment. In late freaking July. My doctor said she'd try to get me an appointment sooner, but since I don't have cancer I'm not a priority.
I take Symbicort twice a day with a spacer, I'm on singular and 3 other allergy medications, I take vitamin D, B, you name it. Started taking the ClearLung supplement, too. My GP has been little to no help.
I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm dying. This doesn't even cover the chronic migraines I now have.
My mom has to bring me all my meals, which she is not reliable at. I'm constantly hungry because I don't know when I'm going to be fed next, or if I'll like the meal (I'm autistic and I'm a bit picky, unfortunately). They rarely buy me food to keep with me because my dad does not like it. My father is not a good man and refuses to help me or bring me things. My family is not the helpful and supportive kind. I can't do my laundry anymore (and I actually like doing laundry), I'm constantly out of clothes and have to sleep in filthy sheets probably not great for asthma. I'm completely helpless, I'm so weak I can barely do anything. I can't stand for showers anymore. I need a cane to walk around. I have a wonderful fiancé, but due to finances, we do not live together yet. His job is very hard on him so I only see him about once a week, and he can only help me so much before he gets too tired. I'm 26, I shouldn't feel like this. I can't do anything I used to do. Every time I go out, I'm miserable because I'm in so much pain, I'm dizzy, and my chest hurts by trying not to cough and have an asthma attack.
TLDR: Long COVID gave me severe asthma to the point where it's difficult for me to talk without the chance of having an asthma attack. Having great difficulty getting medical help and my family sucks so they barely help me live even though I can't do anything myself
submitted by Lost_Account_1385 to LongCovid [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 01:47 gardeningorwhatever What specialist can I [29F] ask to see regarding all of these neurological/vascular symptoms that seem to be caused by something structural?

Weight - 137lbs
Height - 5'5"
Race - Caucasian
Medical History - hEDS, benign lipoma in the knee, childhood ALL, recurring cdiff (resolved by end of 2022), asthma, waiting on long covid referral, and probable MCAS - I was initially responding to treatment for MCAS despite inconclusive tryptase test, and in Toronto (Canada) we don't have any testing for the other mast cell mediators. I don't drink but I do vape nicotine.
At the end of July 2023, I had Covid. I had weird allergic reactions my entire life but never to food, just stuff like sunscreen and medical grade tape. In October, I began to get allergic reactions to… everything. Any food I ate, with some foods resulting in worse reactions, heat, cold air, stress or anxiety. My allergist called it anaphylaxis due to multiple systems being affected - stomach issues, congestion/runny nose, migraines, shortness of breath, increased HR, etc. I also get some sort of random symptoms, like without fail, I'll get erythromelalgia on my hands, feet, and nose after eating. It's not really painful unless its really bad but it feels like those areas are just engorged with blood. My face also gets really swollen when I'm having a reaction but it doesn't look like classic angioedema. I was able to link it because I started being allergic to weed, and as soon as I hit the vape pen or took a few puffs of a joint, I could feel my face swell and I look like I've aged 20 years. I'm maxed out on 40 mg rupatadine, 40 mg famotidine, and was taking 800mg of cromolyn sodium until I somehow started to get a reaction after taking it. I also use a symbicort puffer, 2 puffs twice a day. I started xolair two months ago and will be getting my third shot at the end of the month.
By the end of October, the hypermobility I had just began to get worse. I never really felt super unstable in my joints, I just had crazy bendy fingers and could stretch and contort far more than my peers. My shoulders, hips, neck, ankles, everything began to feel unstable. I was starting to have trouble picking things up that I normally would because my fingers would go so far out of the socket and I couldn't use the right muscles to grip things properly. When I went to sleep, and then eventually even during waking hours, it seemed like the posture of my neck/shoulders/collarbones was causing issues. I was getting poprocks/crackling sounds at the back of my neck, worsening headache with coughing/laughing, intense tinnitus, my sinuses would randomly clear or plug up. If I adjusted my head/neck or upper body, I could feel the symptoms go away for the most part. When lying down, it felt like the bones in my head were crushing the pillow, like my teeth and jaw were shifting down with gravity and I'd have to lift my head up off the pillow. My veins would bulge, my heart rate would start to skyrocket, my head would swell, and it wouldn't stop until I adjusted my posture again. I went to the ER multiple times, once getting a CT scan because I was slurring, swaying, half of my face was numb, sensitivity to light and sound. Nothing relevant showed up. Another time, I went after calling a provincial NP phone line and their advice was that I let them call an ambulance because I had symptoms of a heart attack. The EDS clinic I got my diagnosis from ordered some flexion/extension xrays, nothing. No findings from the neurologist, who said my episode that took me to the ER was an ocular migraine, no findings from the cardiologist who said my heart looked good and I just have orthostatic hypotension. I had a brain MRI scheduled for August so they could check for MS because I had some really weird peripheral neuropathy symptoms, but I moved it to this Sunday since they had an opening. I was smoking weed daily at the time and once I realized it was causing me regular allergy symptoms that worsened in severity every day, I stopped, and the symptoms gradually got better.
Over the past few months, as things stopped feeling so acute and life-threatening, I settled into a decent routine but would notice that I woke up with a very swollen face in the morning and a feeling like I've been hit by a truck. My toes and hands were numb, I started getting pretty gnarly chilblains from the lack of circulation, and it would take an hour or two of being upright to start to feel normal. I thought it was allergies and it was solidified by the fact that I can feel better after antihistamines but I started to wonder if its allergies in bed, or something structural, because even if I didn't sleep but I read in bed, if I got up to go to the bathroom I would see my head looking blown up. Did some digging and came across the Pemberton's sign. Well, whaddaya know, my head started to blow up as I kept my hands in the air.
Anyway, now some of those more severe symptoms are back. Some nights are worse than others and I'm just genuinely afraid to go to sleep. Pressure builds in my head and things start to go numb, my feet swell, my head starts to hurt, my eyelid starts to twitch along with other random muscles on my body, and depending on the posture I can feel/hear my pulse in my head. The pressure starts to give me a bad headache that sits in different spots, and I get intense neck pain as well in the sides or back of the neck. When I get up to go to the bathroom I noticed I'm constantly on the edge of losing balance/bumping into the doorframes. Yesterday I was just sitting at my desk and I stopped moving for a sec and could see my head bobbing with the rhythm of my pulse because it was so intense. I also get these really weird tingles and pinpricks across the top of my back if I bend down to do dishes or put on shoes. There's a lot more but I honestly can't think. The past few days, the symptoms have been present in the day as well and moving around my neck/shoulders/ribs sometimes helps but I can't always find a better position. Half the time, some of my toes are a deep blue/purple and don't look like the chilblains but look more like a lack of circulation. My muscles feel like they're getting no oxygen because they're barely responsive a lot of the time and when I squeeze my hand into a fist, it takes forever for the pink colouring to come back.
I'm seeing my family doctor on Wednesday for a monthly visit since I got covid because it seems there's always a fire to put out, but I don't know what specialist to ask to see. I'm worried if I don't have any suggestions, that he won't come up with anything either. I feel like I was heavily dismissed in general, by the EDS clinic and the other specialists I've seen, none of whom were interested in investigating this any further. It's not cranio-cervical instability like I thought so I guess I'm good then? I've been devouring study after study to try and find some sort of condition that fits and the closest I can find is superior vena cava syndrome, but I had a clear chest scan from the EDS respirologist when I got diagnosed with asthma a few months ago, and it's certainly not lung cancer that's causing whatever is happening. I have no quality of life. I went from being relatively able-bodied or at least content and accustomed to my physical capabilities, to feeling like I have congestive heart failure and I'm on the brink of death. I just really need some guidance so I can be prepared for my appointment and advocate for myself. I can't keep waiting months to see a specialist just to have them say nah, sounds like it's out of my jurisdiction. There has to be someone that can help me.
Edit: okay so I thought I’d look into thoracic outlet origins again and came across a study that talked about neurogenic TOS and how edema is one of the potential symptoms. I forgot that this was one of the avenues I was considering back in October and seems like a positive Pemberton's sign is also associated with TOS. Who would help with this?
submitted by gardeningorwhatever to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 00:34 ClimberCA Confused about my asthma diagnosis.

I was diagnosed by a respirologist with exercise and allergy induced asthma in Novemeber and my lung capacity is 124 which I am told is great.
I'm confused about something. When I think about asthma I think about someone having trouble getting air into their lungs. I don't notice restrictions. Maybe I have them but I don't notice them.
What happens is my brain shuts off and I cant think, I sweat excessivly (for physical activity) and every move becomes harder and harder. I become incredibly exhausted and somewhat confused which is obviously no good for rock climbing.
I recently went to Nevada to go climbing with my friends. We hiked up a long steep hill with 50lb/23KG backpacks. By the time we got there one person didn't think.I was fit to climb (they were right). I pulled out the inhaler (symbicort) and took it. In about 15 min I was good again and I was fine for the rest of the day.
So the question is, if I don't feel the restriction, what is going on? The inhaler is obviously doing something. Any pointers as to what's occurring would be appreciated. I'm questioning myself on if this diagnosis is correct.
submitted by ClimberCA to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 01:06 Puzzled-Target9276 Symbicort vs Advair? Change in therapy

Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has a less than good experience when switching from Advair to Symbicort.
I have been on Advair Diskus 100/50, 2 puffs per day for the last four years and it worked great. Some days my morning dose would get me through all day and I could get one diskus to last 40-45 days instead of the typical 30?
At the beginning of the year, I had to switch to Symbicort because of insurance reasons. Doc but me on 80/4.5 inhaler with 2 puffs 2 times per day.
Simply put, it doesn't seem to work as well for me. I am often "struggling" and needing my second dose in the evening on most days. During exercise I always feel a little tight and don't want to keep hitting the albuterol puffer.
Anyone else have a similar experience? Did you have to go up on puffs/dosage on Symbicort for the same relief? Any help is greatly appreciated!
submitted by Puzzled-Target9276 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 11:36 eggandweed Is anyone else here taking Symbicort as a reliever inhaler but not as a maintenance inhaler?

About a year ago my doctor (an Asthma specialist) made Symbicort my maintenance and reliever inhaler. (Before any of you tell me Symbicort is not a reliever- Google Symbicort SMART Therapy for Asthma) - Albuterol hardly works for me, I'm fortunate enough to have good insurance so my Dr. decided to try out the Symbicort as a reliever and maintenance.
Anyway, about 4 months after Symbicort was made both my reliever and maintenance- Symbicort stopped working for me as a maintenance. My doctor wanted me to continue using Symbicort as a reliever but decided to try to find a better maintenance medication. I was switched to a few different inhalers until my doctor was satisfied with my test results while on Wixela.
I've been iffy about using Symbicort as a reliever these days... I had a couple good months where I only needed 2-4 puffs a month.., I caught a cold last week and I find myself needing it more... Now, I'm worried because Wixela and Symbicort are both steroid inhalers ... I worry about interactions between both medications. I will bring up this concern to my doctor next time I go in but for now, I'm wondering if anyone else here has had a similar experience?
submitted by eggandweed to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 05:05 mimirabbit While administering my cat her oral (tablet) chemo drug ‘Leukeran’, she bit my thigh and left puncture marks which bled. Will try to get antibiotics ASAP, but is the chemo-bite a problem?

Age: 24
Sex: Female
Location: Ontario
Current Meds: Slynd, Minocycline, Symbicort, Bricanyl, Lexapro
Conditions: Severe asthmatic

Hi everyone,
As the title says, I was giving my geriatric cat her monthly chemo pill ‘Leukeran’ when she unexpectedly lashed out and bit down hard on my thigh and wouldn’t let go. I gently removed her from my thigh, finished her treatment, and washed the area with mild soap and applied a topical antibiotic I had on hand. I’m currently waiting for a call from a telehealth doctor to see if they can get me antibiotics in the next 24 hours.
I know how dangerous cat bites can be, but I was wondering if I should be worried about the chemo and if that can harm me? I wear surgical gloves made to safely hold her chemo pills, but I know it’s good to avoid any contact with her bodily fluids for a bit after I’ve given her the meds. I’ve never had her bite into me in the almost 2 years she’s been on these. So, I’m a little concerned. She bit me RIGHT after she had swallowed her first pill. I’m probably overreacting but is this a big issue? Should I do anything about that?
Thank you!
Random Update: Got prescribed Clindamycin for the bite, will pick it up in the morning.
submitted by mimirabbit to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 00:56 LouPags1 Brain Zaps

This has been without a doubt one of the worst weeks I’ve ever had. So heres my story, try to stay away please. So I was diagnosed in 2010. My pulmonologist put me on Symbicort for maintenance and albuterol for rescue inhaler. After a year trouble free my pulmonologist decided I didn’t need to treat for asthma any longer. Well 3 months later it came back with a vengeance. The first 30-40 days the Symbicort worked great and I didn’t have to use my rescue inhaler at all. My peak flow was in the mid to high 500’s every day. Sunday night I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good Jan 21st, I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good march. I woke up the next day on Monday morning on Jan 22nd. I could not take a deep breathe and my chest was on fire. Also when I swallowed just my saliva, it felt like I was swallowing broken glass. I never experienced that much pain from a sore throat in my life and I’m 62 It felt like I was swallowing broken glass, it hurt that much. So He tells me it’s not that bad just keep doing what I’m doing and use my rescue inhaler when I need to. I got a new pulmonologist. He didn’t want to start me on antibiotics or steroids yet because of the Zoloft and Klonopin that I’m taking and he also felt like it could be controlled by taking Mucinex, which is what I’ve been doing for the past five days. I my chest has been burning since January. As for my sore throat I would rather go to the electric chair, then deal with this pain. So one dr does C/T scan of my lungs, covid test, flu A & B test and a strep throat test. All were negative. My new doctor does the same thing and he finds everything negative except for the flu B was positive. Doctor says continue what I’m doing. Today I decided to go to urgent care and they did all the same tests and also I wanted to make sure I didn’t have thrush because my tongue was white. Results were all negative except for Flu B which I already knew which I already knew if it’s correct and now the strep throat came up positive if that’s correct (if it’s correct) and now the strep throat came up positive (if thats correct). So the doctor put me on an antibiotic for my strep throat and put me on prednisone 20 mg to start for my chest. I haven’t taken anything yet because I just got home but when I got home I had the chills so bad that I couldn’t even stand still and now I feel like I’m getting brains saps. I don’t know if this is because of the illness is affecting my brain or what’s going on but these brain saps really feel like shit, it really sucks. I’ve been on SSRI before in the past, so I’m familiar with the brains Abs feeling. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. These zaps are really freaking me out. I do keep getting a low-grade fever that goes up to 100.7 down to normal. Bit keeps going back-and-forth. I’m thinking maybe its because I’m running a fever and I’m sick so it causing brain saps. This mental health shit really sucks. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. Anyone wanna chime in without their thoughts? Id really appreciate it.
submitted by LouPags1 to anxiety_support [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 00:55 LouPags1 Brain Zaps

This has been without a doubt one of the worst weeks I’ve ever had. So heres my story, try to stay away please. So I was diagnosed in 2010. My pulmonologist put me on Symbicort for maintenance and albuterol for rescue inhaler. After a year trouble free my pulmonologist decided I didn’t need to treat for asthma any longer. Well 3 months later it came back with a vengeance. The first 30-40 days the Symbicort worked great and I didn’t have to use my rescue inhaler at all. My peak flow was in the mid to high 500’s every day. Sunday night I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good Jan 21st, I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good march. I woke up the next day on Monday morning on Jan 22nd. I could not take a deep breathe and my chest was on fire. Also when I swallowed just my saliva, it felt like I was swallowing broken glass. I never experienced that much pain from a sore throat in my life and I’m 62 It felt like I was swallowing broken glass, it hurt that much. So He tells me it’s not that bad just keep doing what I’m doing and use my rescue inhaler when I need to. I got a new pulmonologist. He didn’t want to start me on antibiotics or steroids yet because of the Zoloft and Klonopin that I’m taking and he also felt like it could be controlled by taking Mucinex, which is what I’ve been doing for the past five days. I my chest has been burning since January. As for my sore throat I would rather go to the electric chair, then deal with this pain. So one dr does C/T scan of my lungs, covid test, flu A & B test and a strep throat test. All were negative. My new doctor does the same thing and he finds everything negative except for the flu B was positive. Doctor says continue what I’m doing. Today I decided to go to urgent care and they did all the same tests and also I wanted to make sure I didn’t have thrush because my tongue was white. Results were all negative except for Flu B which I already knew which I already knew if it’s correct and now the strep throat came up positive if that’s correct (if it’s correct) and now the strep throat came up positive (if thats correct). So the doctor put me on an antibiotic for my strep throat and put me on prednisone 20 mg to start for my chest. I haven’t taken anything yet because I just got home but when I got home I had the chills so bad that I couldn’t even stand still and now I feel like I’m getting brains saps. I don’t know if this is because of the illness is affecting my brain or what’s going on but these brain saps really feel like shit, it really sucks. I’ve been on SSRI before in the past, so I’m familiar with the brains Abs feeling. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. These zaps are really freaking me out. I do keep getting a low-grade fever that goes up to 100.7 down to normal. Bit keeps going back-and-forth. I’m thinking maybe its because I’m running a fever and I’m sick so it causing brain saps. This mental health shit really sucks. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. Anyone wanna chime in without their thoughts? Id really appreciate it.
submitted by LouPags1 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 00:54 LouPags1 Brain Zaps

This has been without a doubt one of the worst weeks I’ve ever had. So heres my story, try to stay away please. So I was diagnosed in 2010. My pulmonologist put me on Symbicort for maintenance and albuterol for rescue inhaler. After a year trouble free my pulmonologist decided I didn’t need to treat for asthma any longer. Well 3 months later it came back with a vengeance. The first 30-40 days the Symbicort worked great and I didn’t have to use my rescue inhaler at all. My peak flow was in the mid to high 500’s every day. Sunday night I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good Jan 21st, I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good march. I woke up the next day on Monday morning on Jan 22nd. I could not take a deep breathe and my chest was on fire. Also when I swallowed just my saliva, it felt like I was swallowing broken glass. I never experienced that much pain from a sore throat in my life and I’m 62 It felt like I was swallowing broken glass, it hurt that much. So He tells me it’s not that bad just keep doing what I’m doing and use my rescue inhaler when I need to. I got a new pulmonologist. He didn’t want to start me on antibiotics or steroids yet because of the Zoloft and Klonopin that I’m taking and he also felt like it could be controlled by taking Mucinex, which is what I’ve been doing for the past five days. I my chest has been burning since January. As for my sore throat I would rather go to the electric chair, then deal with this pain. So one dr does C/T scan of my lungs, covid test, flu A & B test and a strep throat test. All were negative. My new doctor does the same thing and he finds everything negative except for the flu B was positive. Doctor says continue what I’m doing. Today I decided to go to urgent care and they did all the same tests and also I wanted to make sure I didn’t have thrush because my tongue was white. Results were all negative except for Flu B which I already knew which I already knew if it’s correct and now the strep throat came up positive if that’s correct (if it’s correct) and now the strep throat came up positive (if thats correct). So the doctor put me on an antibiotic for my strep throat and put me on prednisone 20 mg to start for my chest. I haven’t taken anything yet because I just got home but when I got home I had the chills so bad that I couldn’t even stand still and now I feel like I’m getting brains saps. I don’t know if this is because of the illness is affecting my brain or what’s going on but these brain saps really feel like shit, it really sucks. I’ve been on SSRI before in the past, so I’m familiar with the brains Abs feeling. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. These zaps are really freaking me out. I do keep getting a low-grade fever that goes up to 100.7 down to normal. Bit keeps going back-and-forth. I’m thinking maybe its because I’m running a fever and I’m sick so it causing brain saps. This mental health shit really sucks. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. Anyone wanna chime in without their thoughts? Id really appreciate it.
submitted by LouPags1 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 00:51 LouPags1 Brain Zaps

This has been without a doubt one of the worst weeks I’ve ever had. So heres my story, try to stay away please. So I was diagnosed in 2010. My pulmonologist put me on Symbicort for maintenance and albuterol for rescue inhaler. After a year trouble free my pulmonologist decided I didn’t need to treat for asthma any longer. Well 3 months later it came back with a vengeance. The first 30-40 days the Symbicort worked great and I didn’t have to use my rescue inhaler at all. My peak flow was in the mid to high 500’s every day. Sunday night I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good Jan 21st, I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good march. I woke up the next day on Monday morning on Jan 22nd. I could not take a deep breathe and my chest was on fire. Also when I swallowed just my saliva, it felt like I was swallowing broken glass. I never experienced that much pain from a sore throat in my life and I’m 62 It felt like I was swallowing broken glass, it hurt that much. So He tells me it’s not that bad just keep doing what I’m doing and use my rescue inhaler when I need to. I got a new pulmonologist. He didn’t want to start me on antibiotics or steroids yet because of the Zoloft and Klonopin that I’m taking and he also felt like it could be controlled by taking Mucinex, which is what I’ve been doing for the past five days. I my chest has been burning since January. As for my sore throat I would rather go to the electric chair, then deal with this pain. So one dr does C/T scan of my lungs, covid test, flu A & B test and a strep throat test. All were negative. My new doctor does the same thing and he finds everything negative except for the flu B was positive. Doctor says continue what I’m doing. Today I decided to go to urgent care and they did all the same tests and also I wanted to make sure I didn’t have thrush because my tongue was white. Results were all negative except for Flu B which I already knew which I already knew if it’s correct and now the strep throat came up positive if that’s correct (if it’s correct) and now the strep throat came up positive (if thats correct). So the doctor put me on an antibiotic for my strep throat and put me on prednisone 20 mg to start for my chest. I haven’t taken anything yet because I just got home but when I got home I had the chills so bad that I couldn’t even stand still and now I feel like I’m getting brains saps. I don’t know if this is because of the illness is affecting my brain or what’s going on but these brain saps really feel like shit, it really sucks. I’ve been on SSRI before in the past, so I’m familiar with the brains Abs feeling. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. These zaps are really freaking me out. I do keep getting a low-grade fever that goes up to 100.7 down to normal. Bit keeps going back-and-forth. I’m thinking maybe its because I’m running a fever and I’m sick so it causing brain saps. This mental health shit really sucks. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. Anyone wanna chime in without their thoughts? Id really appreciate it.
submitted by LouPags1 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 00:50 LouPags1 Brain Zaps

This has been without a doubt one of the worst weeks I’ve ever had. So heres my story, try to stay away please. So I was diagnosed in 2010. My pulmonologist put me on Symbicort for maintenance and albuterol for rescue inhaler. After a year trouble free my pulmonologist decided I didn’t need to treat for asthma any longer. Well 3 months later it came back with a vengeance. The first 30-40 days the Symbicort worked great and I didn’t have to use my rescue inhaler at all. My peak flow was in the mid to high 500’s every day. Sunday night I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good Jan 21st, I could feel something festering in my chest, and I knew it wasn’t good march. I woke up the next day on Monday morning on Jan 22nd. I could not take a deep breathe and my chest was on fire. Also when I swallowed just my saliva, it felt like I was swallowing broken glass. I never experienced that much pain from a sore throat in my life and I’m 62 It felt like I was swallowing broken glass, it hurt that much. So He tells me it’s not that bad just keep doing what I’m doing and use my rescue inhaler when I need to. I got a new pulmonologist. He didn’t want to start me on antibiotics or steroids yet because of the Zoloft and Klonopin that I’m taking and he also felt like it could be controlled by taking Mucinex, which is what I’ve been doing for the past five days. I my chest has been burning since January. As for my sore throat I would rather go to the electric chair, then deal with this pain. So one dr does C/T scan of my lungs, covid test, flu A & B test and a strep throat test. All were negative. My new doctor does the same thing and he finds everything negative except for the flu B was positive. Doctor says continue what I’m doing. Today I decided to go to urgent care and they did all the same tests and also I wanted to make sure I didn’t have thrush because my tongue was white. Results were all negative except for Flu B which I already knew which I already knew if it’s correct and now the strep throat came up positive if that’s correct (if it’s correct) and now the strep throat came up positive (if thats correct). So the doctor put me on an antibiotic for my strep throat and put me on prednisone 20 mg to start for my chest. I haven’t taken anything yet because I just got home but when I got home I had the chills so bad that I couldn’t even stand still and now I feel like I’m getting brains saps. I don’t know if this is because of the illness is affecting my brain or what’s going on but these brain saps really feel like shit, it really sucks. I’ve been on SSRI before in the past, so I’m familiar with the brains Abs feeling. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. These zaps are really freaking me out. I do keep getting a low-grade fever that goes up to 100.7 down to normal. Bit keeps going back-and-forth. I’m thinking maybe its because I’m running a fever and I’m sick so it causing brain saps. This mental health shit really sucks. I just wanna be able to breathe and take care of my asthma and be normal. Anyone wanna chime in without their thoughts? Id really appreciate it.
submitted by LouPags1 to Anxietyhelp [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 11:15 Puzzlepetticoat 39F. Autism, hypothyroidism, asthma, very atopic, gastric issues and now pregnant. How soon should I get GP involved?

Helli. Quick bit of more background. 39F, 40 in June. I am not in good health at all. Relevant history:
I am diagnosed formally as autistic. I highly suspect I also have ADHD and am awaiting assessment but no diagnosis of this yet. I have linked to that, anxiety (SAD, GAD), major history of depression and SPD. I take 225mg Venlafaxine daily.
I have hypothyroidism and am on 100mg daily levothyroxine.
I have asthma, moderately severe but well managed currently on Symbicort 400/12, Singulair and Ventolin.
Very atopic in general and weak immune system. I get every bug my kids come into contact with and get typically more sick than most. Tonsillitis has put me in hospital multiple times. Not quinsy or glandular fever. Just very bad regular tonsillitis. That had always been the case but is def worse these days. Simple bugs totally wipe me out now rather than just getting more bugs and a bit more sick as was the case my whole life
I have a very complex history of gut related issues. This is long but will try and condense what is relevant. I had a full RNY in Oct 2016. I lost over half my starting weight in 9 months and struggled to stop losing. This has remained a constant issue. It was determined my pouch was made too small but never revised. I have been sick a lot since the bypass as food often gets just stuck in my oesophagus and won't go down. In 2021 I got very sick, anaemic and Drs weren't sure why until I had life threatening bleeding in both stomach and bowels. Over the years that have followed I have had 3 more severe internal bleeding episodes. I had a series of ulcers that went necrotic and wouldn't heal and all on the surgical join in my stomach. The bowel bleed was never found a cause for, but I was checked with colonoscopies etc, cancer was ruled out. Def bled in bowels and stomach though as the make up of the blood in my bowels hadnt altered in a way to have travelled from stomach. They just never found the causr. I have had 16 endoscopies, colonoscopies and sigmoidoscopies over this time. For 2 years the ulcers never healed and nobody knew what to do because the RNY has me all complex inside. They would determine surgery was likely needed but nobody knew what to do. The ulcers healed eventually and were replaced witha hiatus hernia. This was June last year. Since November it has been life limiting and symptomatic. We are talking pains so bad I am in the ER after a bit of walking. I vomit daily and am losing weight faster than ever. At this rate I will be clinically underweight in a few weeks. I take 40mg Omeprazole daily and the pains are managed as needed by Buscopan, Domperidone and 30/500 cocodamol when required.
I finally (NHS wait lists) have the referral come through to the specialists gastro team for my part of the UK and should be seen by May.
That brings you mostly up to speed. I have 3 children aged 9, 11 and 13. First 2 were vaginally and youngest was a section as my babies like to breech and she wouldn't turn.
I'm now early days pregnant (dont ask, clearly not planned but we are happy and intend to proceed with the pregnancy).
I just don't know how soon I should be seeing my GP. My age plus the prior section means I already know it would be consultant led care and a high risk pregnancy. Usually I would arrange to book in at around 8 weeks as this is what the GP receptionists would say but this is different with so much going on medically in my gut and being on so many meds.
I have started with prenatals as soon as I tested positive.
Should I be arranging to see GP and starting care sooner than 8 weeks? Am I ok to wait til then with the issues I have and meds I am on? I am assuming I am in for a rough pregnancy tbh and just want to ensure I am doing everything possible to ensure we are both as healthy as can be.
To add extra pizzaz, I self medicate my autism issues with cannabis (genuinely helps me focus and overcome crippling exec dysfunction) but have obviously stopped the moment I got a positive test.
submitted by Puzzlepetticoat to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 15:19 trouser_mouse UK respiratory specialists

Hello all,
Edit: I've found Dr Binita Kane and Dr Claire Taylor. Dr Kane seems to specialise more in respiratory issues.
Anyone have a recommendation for a respiratory specialist for long covid in UK who will do remote appointments (at least initially)?
I have on-going chronic respiratory issues since I had covid in March 2020. No respiratory issues prior to covid. (Also a bunch of other issues from LC.)
My peak flow and oxygen saturation is very variable (peak flow good 550, bad 360 or worse; oxygen sats good 99-100, bad 89-93) and I frequently struggle with low oxygen saturation, breathing issues with drowning feeling, chronic cough and breathlessness, chest and shoulder pain. I have almost constant "colds", very frequent respiratory and chest infections all of which make the respiratory symptoms worse.
I've had various repeat investigations completed by respiratory consultants on the NHS including high resolution CT, spirometry and lung function, mannitol challenge and allergy tests.
Respiratory team advised slightly restricted breathing ratio, minor gas trapping with slightly raised residual volume, increased IgE 145, grade 3 RAST. However they are at a loss as to what is causing symptoms and how to treat them. I have been taken off Fostair and Salbutamol inhalers and left on Spiriva Respimat and Fexofenadine, with paracetamol for chest pain.
Oral steroids seem to help, but that's not a long term option and respiratory team have specifically said don't use them for exacerbations.
I felt like nattokinase helped the chronic cough and pain however it was at 4000fus per day and it dropped my blood pressure too low. I now take 2000fu every other day.
Low dose naltrexone helps fatigue and brain fog but no benefit for the respiratory issues.
I'm pretty stuck as to what next steps should be.
Any help appreciated.
submitted by trouser_mouse to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 15:33 devilkewpie Possible to develop a sensitivity to abulterol after years of use?

hi all, I made a post the other day about some things I'm experiencing and hoping this will be my last post for a while as I don't want to get into the rabbit hole of health anxiety.
I've been trying to isolate what's causing my tachycardia. I did get covid and recovered (Jan 14th is when I tested negative after a mild two weeks), so I suppose that could be a factor in all this. Doc had me on Loratadine+psuedoephrine x2, levocetirizine x1, nasonex x2 a day and albuterol as needed to deal with my temporary allergy situation (staying with relatives with a cat). Was on this regiment for a week. Had 3 episodes of panic attacks with elevated heart rate and pounding heart. I went to the ER for the third one because I simply couldn't handle 3 of these in a week like that. All my tests, EKG, Blood word, chest x ray all came back completely normal. I stopped taking the antihistamines and nasal steroid to see if they were causing it...I did seem to calm down, but the other night I used my albuterol and BAM! elevated HR again. Just barely squeaked by without a full blown panic attack by telling myself it was the albuterol. Just before I left on this vacation, I did have a small episode of elevated HR from my albuterol, but at the time I chalked it up to me already being so stressed and anxious for my flight.
my question it possible to suddenly be sensitive to abuterol after no real side effects in the past? Is it because I've had to use it so much recently? I've used albuterol as needed for years. I have never once had an issue with it...used it for allergy related wheezing, maybe 3-4 times ever for cardio and once for extremely cold air. Usually i just used it a handful of times in a year, and even between 2017-2020 I didn't even use it once. I used to BRAG that I never had any side now for me to suddenly be very sensitive is so bizarre to me. I have been using it pretty frequently in the last month post covid to deal with my wheezing and occasional allergies, but up until now even that didn't bother me. 2 puffs used to be nothing, now 1 sends me into a heart pounding episode.
Thankfully, I will no longer be on all the antihistamines or nasal steroid (for now) and have switched to symbicort x2 a day for a month and a short 7 *DAY (1week) 20 mg dose of prednisone to deal with the allergic asthma i'm experiencing. Obviously concerned about heart palps with the roids but nothing to be done about that I guess. At least it will only be a week. Considering talking to my doc to change my rescue from albuterol to whatever that alternative is. Just sad to see albuterol go after so many years of its faithful service, lol.
Edit: forgot to mention. I did ask my doc about this, but since he doesn't know me beyond this first visit I had and english is not his first language, I guess he didn't have much to say other than "yes albuterol can cause heart palps" which I already knew...
Edit: forgot to ask AGAIN but I'm assuming already being high strung can make the albuterol palps worse....praying that one day if I am less stressed out I can return to my good friend albuterol.
*edit again: I meant one 7 days. woops
submitted by devilkewpie to Asthma [link] [comments]