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Roleplay Ads and Partner Search

2009.01.23 12:59 Roleplay Ads and Partner Search

/Roleplay is a community where you can search among other roleplayers who are seeking a roleplaying partner to collaborate on developing a mutual story together. Our focus is 1x1 text roleplay. This subreddit supports the blackout and decries the abuse of 3rd party app developers and other moderators.

2024.06.09 19:00 PokeUpdateBot [Hype Thread] 09 June 2024

Welcome to the HYPE THREAD, a place to share your excitement about in-game achievements, brag about success, and get hyped for upcoming events. CAPS LOCK IS OPTIONAL IF IT HELPS YOU GET YOUR HYPE ON!
This is a chance to post about your successes. Our rules against self-promotion and most low-quality content, including shiny Pokemon pics, are relaxed in these threads--please talk all you like about your luck and accomplishments!
This thread is meant to be pretty positive, so please think twice before downvoting someone! Rude and negative comments will be removed -- please report them if you see them :D
This thread is also the place to earn /pokemon's prestige flair for completing various aspects of the games. To claim your flair, post proof of your accomplishment in the comments below. Please note that flairs are assigned once weekly, so it may take up to seven days for your flair to appear.
On mobile and the reddit redesign ("new reddit"), you may have up to 10 flairs at once. On old reddit, you can only display one flair—so if you care which that is, please specify that in your comment!
Flair is currently available for:

Paldea Prestige Flairs

  • Rotom Phone: Post a screenshot of your completed Paldea dex
  • Animated Rotom Phones: Post an album of your completed Paldea living dex
  • Booster Energy: Post a screenshot of all obtainable Paradox Pokémon
  • Uva/Naranja Crest: Post a screenshot proving you finished all classes in the academy
  • Tera Orb: Post an album proving you obtained one species in every Tera type
  • Tiny Bamboo Shoot: Post a screenshot of the NPC saying you obtained the smallest size of a species possible*
  • Big Bamboo Shoot: Post a screenshot of the NPC saying you obtained the largest size of a species possible*
* The NPC Pokemon size checker is in Mesagoza! See here

Galar Prestige Flairs

  • Catching Charm: Post a screenshot of your completed Galar Regional Dex.
  • Curry Mark: Post a screenshot of your completed Curry Dex.
  • Master Ball: Post a screenshot of your Master Ball Tier in Battle Tower.
  • Berry Sweet: Post a screenshot of your completed Alcremie form collection. `(Minus Ribbon and Star)
    • Star Sweet: Post a screenshot of your completed Alcremie form collection with Ribbon and Star sweets.
  • Gigantamax Factor: Post an album of your collection of all 31 G-Max mon (excluding form variations). Be sure to show the summary screens indicating that they are G-Maxable!
  • Armorite: Post a screenshot of you in the Masterly Mustard Tee after winning every type of Restricted Sparring on the Isle of Armor.
  • Dynite: Post an album of your collection of all 47 Dynamax Adventure bosses. Be sure to show the summary screens indicating that they were caught in Galar!

Alola Prestige Flairs

  • Rotom Dex: Post a screenshot of your completed Alola Regional Dex.
  • Tapu Bulu: Post a screenshot of your Level 100+ Festival Plaza.
  • Tapu Fini: Post a screenshot of your 50+ streak in the Battle Tree.
  • Tapu Lele: Post a screenshot of all five of your Poké Pelago islands at max level (level 3).

General Prestige Flairs

  • Oval Charm: Post an album of your completed Living Dex. (Mythicals aren't necessary!)
  • (Shiny Charm: Post 45+ self-caught or self-bred shinies to /ShinyPokemon.)
submitted by PokeUpdateBot to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:48 StarCollector22 What are some good roguelikes on mobile?

Hey! I currently have Wizard of Legend and it plays good on mobile, can you suggest me some good quality roguelikes to play on my phone. Ty I advance!
submitted by StarCollector22 to roguelikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:36 hackr_io_team Interactive Photo Gallery Project

I wanted to share a project for intermediate HTML designers. I'll include the code and steps for each part. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Step 1: Setting Up The Project

Start by preparing your environment to develop an interactive photo gallery with HTML.
If you want to dive straight in, I'd recommend following along with me using our online coding environments.
We’ll use some JavaScript for this project, so I’d recommend using an online JavaScript compiler to build with. I will also outline the steps for you to create the necessary files and organize your workspace on your own computer.
Just follow these, and you'll have a solid foundation for your project.
i. Choose an IDE or Editor
Before you start, choose an IDE or editor tailored for web development. I favor Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
It's for HTML and CSS and a solid choice if you’d prefer to build on your own machine.
ii. Install Necessary Plugins
If you choose VSCode, consider installing VSCode extensions like "Live Server" to preview your HTML pages in real time and "Prettier" for code formatting.
These tools will make your development process smoother and more efficient.
iii. Create a New HTML Project
Once your editor is set up, it's time to create a new project:
iv. Set Up a Basic HTML Structure
Open your index.html file and set up a basic HTML structure. Here’s a simple template to get you started:
     Interactive Photo Gallery     
Header content like a title or a navigation bar
Gallery content will go here
Footer content, perhaps some contact info or social links
Here's the compiler where you can try it.
This is the basic structure every HTML project that uses JavaScript starts with.
We've got our DOCTYPE, HTML tag, head section (with meta tags, title, and links to our CSS and JavaScript files), and the body where our content will go.
This basic structure also introduces the JavaScript file linked with the defer attribute, ensuring it loads after the HTML content.
v. Prepare for CSS and JavaScript Development
Make sure your styles.css is linked correctly, and your script.js is set to load at the right time in your HTML file to start adding styles and functionality in the next steps.
vi. Verify Project Setup
To ensure everything is set up correctly, try opening your index.html with the Live Server plugin or directly in your browser.
You should see a blank page with the basic document structure ready to be filled with content.
And there you have it! You’ve successfully set up your environment to create an interactive photo gallery with HTML.
Next, you'll create the HTML structure for your interactive photo gallery.

Step 2: Creating the HTML Structure

With your development environment ready, it’s time to construct the HTML skeleton of your interactive photo gallery.
i. Create the Header Section
The header will introduce your gallery. You might want to include a catchy title or a brief description:

My Photo Gallery

Explore my collection of high-quality images ranging from landscapes to portraits.
This sets the tone and context for the visitors of your gallery.
ii. Set Up the Gallery Section
This main part will hold all your images in a grid or other layout:
Replace "path-to-image-1.jpg" with the actual path to each image. Ensure that each image has an appropriate alt text for accessibility.
iii. Include a Filter Section (Optional)
If your gallery is large, consider adding filters to help viewers sort images by categories:
These buttons are set up to trigger JavaScript functions that will filter the gallery based on the category.
iv. Add a Modal for Image Viewing (Optional)
To enhance the interactivity, include a modal that opens when an image is clicked, allowing for a closer view:
This section will be controlled via JavaScript to display images dynamically when clicked.
Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step:
Let’s move on to Step 3 to style your interactive photo gallery.

Step 3: Styling with CSS

Now your HTML structure is set up, it’s time to add styles to bring your interactive photo gallery to life.
We'll focus on creating a responsive layout and designing aesthetic details like animations and hover effects.
i. Include a Google Font
First, choose a font from Google Fonts that complements the aesthetic of your gallery.
For example, we might use 'Roboto' for its clean and modern appearance. Add this to your HTML file within the section:
This link imports the 'Roboto' font, with normal and bold weights.
ii. Style the Header
Begin by styling the header to make it stand out as the introduction to your gallery:
header { background-color: #f8f9fa; padding: 20px; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } header h1 { font-size: 24px; color: #333; } header p { font-size: 16px; color: #666; } 
This styling gives your header a clean, professional look.
iii. Style the Gallery Layout
Use CSS Grid or Flexbox to arrange your images in a tidy, responsive grid:
#gallery { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr)); gap: 10px; padding: 20px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } .photo { position: relative; } .photo img { width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; } .photo .caption { position: absolute; bottom: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); color: #fff; width: 100%; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0; } 
This grid layout ensures that the gallery is responsive and the images adjust to the screen size.
iv. Style the Filter Buttons
Make the filter buttons interactive and visually pleasing:
nav button { background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 10px; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } nav button:hover { background-color: #eee; } 
The hover effect adds a dynamic element, encouraging users to interact with the filters.
v. Style the Modal for Image Viewing
Create styles for the modal that displays the full image:
.modal { display: none; position: fixed; z-index: 1000; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; background-color: rgb(0,0,0,0.9); font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } .modal-content { margin: auto; display: block; width: 80%; max-width: 700px; } .close { position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 35px; color: #f1f1f1; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; } .close:hover, .close:focus { color: #bbb; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } #caption { color: #ccc; font-size: 16px; padding: 15px 20px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } 
This styling will create a dark overlay when the modal is active, focusing attention on the clicked image.
vi. Ensure Responsiveness
Add media queries to ensure your gallery looks good on both desktops and mobile devices:
u/media (max-width: 600px) { #gallery { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(150px, 1fr)); } } 
This media query adjusts the size of the gallery cells on smaller screens below 600px.
Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step:
With the CSS styling in place, your photo gallery not only looks more appealing but is also ready for the dynamic interactivity that JavaScript will provide in the next step.

Step 4: Adding Interactivity with JavaScript

With the HTML structure and CSS styling in place, it's time to breathe life into your photo gallery with JavaScript.
This step will involve writing scripts to handle image filtering, modal interactions, and other dynamic behaviors.
i. Implementing Image Filtering
Start by writing a JavaScript function to filter gallery items based on categories:
function filterGallery(category) { const photos = document.querySelectorAll('.photo'); photos.forEach(photo => { const isVisible = category === 'all' photo.classList.contains(category); = isVisible ? '' : 'none'; }); } 
This function takes a category and changes the display property of photos that do not belong to that category, effectively hiding them.
ii. Setting Up the Modal View
Write the JavaScript necessary to open a modal when an image is clicked, and populate it with the correct image and caption:
document.querySelectorAll('.photo img').forEach(img => { img.addEventListener('click', function() { const modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); const modalImg = document.getElementById('img01'); const captionText = document.getElementById('caption'); = 'block'; modalImg.src = this.src; captionText.innerHTML = this.nextElementSibling.innerHTML; }); }); // Get the element that closes the modal const closeButton = document.querySelector('.close'); closeButton.onclick = function() { const modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); = 'none'; } 
This script sets up event listeners for all images in your gallery.
When an image is clicked, it displays the modal and updates the modal's content with the image and caption of the clicked item.
iii. Enhancing Usability with Keyboard Navigation
Add keyboard functionality to improve accessibility and user experience, allowing users to close the modal with the 'Escape' key:
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') { const modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); if ( === 'block') { = 'none'; } } }); 
This listener checks for the 'Escape' key and closes the modal if it is open.
Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step:
With JavaScript added, your photo gallery is now fully interactive, allowing users to filter images, click to view images in detail, and interact smoothly with the gallery interface.

Step 5: Review and Debug

With the HTML structure, CSS styling, and JavaScript interactivity in place, it's time to thoroughly review your interactive photo gallery and prepare it for public viewing.
i. Testing Across Different Browsers and Devices
Start by testing your photo gallery across various browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) and devices (desktops, tablets, and smartphones):
ii. Debugging Common Issues
Address common issues that might arise during testing:
iii. Code Validation
Use HTML and CSS validators to ensure your code meets web standards and is free from syntax errors. The W3C Validator is a reliable tool for this purpose.
iv. Test Responsiveness
Adjust your browser window size to simulate different screen sizes or use your browser’s developer tools to test various device resolutions.
Make sure your layout adjusts and looks good on mobile, tablet, and desktop views. Adjust your CSS using media queries if necessary to improve responsiveness.
v. Improve Accessibility
Ensure your page is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities:
vi. Optimize Loading Times
Optimize your page for faster loading times:
vii. Gather Feedback
Sometimes, it helps to get a fresh set of eyes on your project:
With your page polished and debugged, it's ready for the world to see.
The next step would be to consider how and where to publish it, so let’s take a look at that!

Step 6: Publishing Your Page

Now that your interactive photo gallery is fully developed, tested, and ready, it's time to publish it and look into ways you can continue to expand your skills.
This final step will guide you through the process of publishing your page online.
i. Choose a Hosting Service
To make your photo gallery page accessible on the internet, you need to host it on a web server.
Here are a few popular, user-friendly options that offer free plans:
ii. Prepare Your Files for Deployment
Before uploading your files, ensure everything is named correctly and organized:
iii. Upload Your Files
Depending on your chosen hosting service, the process will vary:
iv. Set Up a Custom Domain (Optional)
If you have a custom domain, you can link it to your hosting provider to give your gallery a more professional look:
v. Test Your Live Site
Once your photo gallery is online, visit the URL provided by your hosting platform. Check everything once more to ensure:
vi. Share Your Photo Gallery
Now that your photo gallery is live, share the URL on your professional networks, email signatures, and social media profiles.
Congratulations! You've successfully created and published your HTML interactive photo gallery.
This not only enhances your online presence but also demonstrates your ability to apply HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills in a practical project.
submitted by hackr_io_team to HTML [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:36 shejellybean68 AITA for not telling my (M24) wife (F26) that I won the lottery before we met?

On my 21st birthday, I bought a single lottery ticket at a gas station on a drunken walk home. This impulse decision turned out to be the best thing I’ve ever done — I won the mega millions! I chose the annuity option and have been steadily receiving a seven-figure sum every year since.
I knew I could be set for life if I managed my finances responsibly, but was so close to getting my degree that I stuck it out under the guise that you never know. Besides, I’d be too bored ‘retiring’ at 21. This ended up being the second best decision I ever made, as I met and began dating my now-wife, Rhonda, in one of our senior classes.
Because I managed my money modestly, there weren’t any obvious signs I was anything above a well-off person. I gave my parents a few hundred thousand to renovate our family house, but I wasn’t going around driving a Lamborghini or wearing Gucci. I was an average computer science major who could afford to eat out more than I otherwise might.
My parents were the only ones who I told, and they wanted to keep it a secret too, concerned Relatives and Hanger-Ons would swarm me for handouts. So my wife had no reason to find out.
But recently, a year after we got married, she found out that she has a rare type of the disease. It isn’t fatal, but drastically reduces quality of life in terms of chronic fatigue, pain, loss of mobility in the upper extremities, blindness, loss of hearing, and occasionally difficulty breathing and swallowing.
I told her I would stick with her through thick and thin. I used money from my job to buy her a wheelchair and a “Life is Good” T-shirt to remind her to smile. I also hired the most expensive home care aide that I could reasonably afford on my ‘known’ salary as an IT consultant, a lovely fellow named Rigorburto (M64) who keeps her spirits high with stories about his time in Desert Storm.
There are treatments that can almost fully cure her, but if I spend that money, people will know about my lottery winnings. My parents are telling me that it is worth curing Rhonda, and to give up the secret. I really don’t want my cousin hitting me up to buy him V-bucks, though.
AITA for not telling my wife we can afford cure her disease and get her out of bed rest?
submitted by shejellybean68 to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:26 AK22222222222 Record jams on a mobile phone

62 seconds for recording rules out most jams, so I'm looking for a cost-effective solution. One thing that comes to mind is a mobile phone, with Dolby On free app for example.
Looks like it requires a cable with two mono big jacks to one stereo small jack (if your phone has headphone socket).
Has anyone tried out such a setting? How was the quality?
submitted by AK22222222222 to MC707 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:50 claybrickmachine Bricks for a better foundation

Bricks for a better foundation
SnPC Machines is a renowned & Sole manufacturer of cutting-edge brick-making machines that utilize innovative moving/ Mobile technology With a focus on delivering top-notch quality, our machines are engineered to ensure optimal performance, exceptional reliability, and maximum durability.

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Snpc Clay brick making machine
submitted by claybrickmachine to u/claybrickmachine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:46 Gizm0Guru Sonos Ace - Hard to Hate, Hard to Love (Review)

I took the plunge and pre-ordered the Ace, and I’ve been putting it through its paces for the last couple of days. I’m pretty deep in the Sonos ecosystem, and I’m a big headphone collector, so I’m tossing in my thoughts here for those thinking about taking the plunge on these $450 cans.
TL:DR - the Aces come in at a high price point in the market at $450. At that price, these may be a tough sell for many. The overall sound is very good - but not definitively better than the category leaders in the market, many of which cost substantially less. Early/Gen1 bugs will leave some thinking that the product is half baked or leaves them out entirely, especially Android users. All that said, this is still a Sonos product, so there are enough things done well about the Ace that it could be a decent proposition - especially if you catch a sale and/or after upcoming software updates. Hard to hate, hard to love.
Now to give some context and get into the deeper review. As mentioned, I am pretty deep in the Sonos ecosystem because I’ve steadily added to my setups over the years. I started with a 5.1 system, Playbar + Sub + two Play 1s about 10 years ago (now in my kid’s playroom) and now I have Sonos in my whole home - another Arc-based 5.1 setup (media room), a Playbase 5.1 setup (living room), a Beam (bedroom), Move (outdoor patio) and a Roam (travel).
I am also a headphone collector and have 22 pairs, ranging from “consumer” stuff like the Ace, AirPods Pro/Max - and all the way up to high-end reference gear from the likes of Audeze, Sennheiser, Meze, Focal, etc. I listen to many types of music, from hip-hop to classical, and I also do quite a bit of gaming. I have a young kiddo so have the need to use headphones for TV viewing pretty often.
Starting with the overall design, comfort, control and included accessories - Sonos does a mostly solid job. The design isn’t overly striking in any way, but it is a well-refined “standard headphone” type of design with clean lines. The Aces are light while still feeling solidly built, have a smooth but appropriately firm sliding hinge for headband fit, have easily removable pads, and while they don’t completely collapse, they get compact enough to fit in the included zip-up hard shell carrying case.
The respectable carrying case isn’t the only included accessory. A USB-C cable is included for both charging and USB-C audio (no included wall charger), and a USB-C to 3.5mm cable is included as well for plugging into analog sources. The inclusion of these cables and capabilities gives the Aces a lot of general versatility and are good things at this price point.
The design lends itself to an overall very comfortable headphone. The band has a very soft cushion and connects to the cups in a way that distributes the weight very well. The cushions of the cups are a well-padded and very comfortable faux leather situation with a firm but not too imposing pressure on the head. These are easy to wear for hours without discomfort for me. I will note that while everything is fine for me, the cups are not particularly large, and the pads are angled, so people with large ears may find their ears touching the cups a bit.
The controls are also well designed. Sonos chose to avoid any type of touch controls with the Aces and has just three buttons - one for power and Bluetooth pairing, one for ANC/transparency/on-device voice assistant, and one for volume and track/audio source/phone call control. It reads more complicated than it is for the controls to become second nature. It is a very good overall control scheme. It’s not quite as good as the Digital Crown design of the AirPods Max, but I’d give it a strong second to that.
When it comes to hardware design and general ease of use, Sonos has always done well across its product range, and that continues here. Grade: A
Sound is one of the most subjective/difficult things to review, and I’m going to try and be as neutral as possible and use some good points of comparison. Overall, the Aces perform fairly well for the product category, and while they bring their own approach to the table, it is very much debatable whether what they bring in terms of sound is worth the fairly high $450 entry point versus $450 for the AirPods Max, $299 for the Sennheiser Momentum 4, $328 for the Sony WH-1000XM5 or $379 for the Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra - all very mature and respectable market leaders with similar product features in this category. There are wireless headphones out there that are priced higher like the Focal Bathys ($799) or the Bowers and Wilkins Px8 ($529), though one could argue that those are catering to the luxury and/or audiophile market (all Amazon US prices as of this writing), where the sound expectations have a higher hurdle to overcome.
Let’s first talk about tonal balance. The general tuning of the Aces is very similar to all of the other products I mentioned above, which is a version of a “V-Shaped” tune; bass is boosted, and treble is boosted, creating what has become commonly known as a “fun” type of tuning that I call warm and sparkly. While all of the products I mentioned do this in some way, each does it slightly differently, resulting in a slightly different overall sound presentation, the Aces are no exception. Let’s dive in.
The bass on the Aces is very noticeably boosted throughout the entire band, and the biggest boost is in the sub-bass region. This means the Aces bring slam, boom and rumble to the listen. It could be argued that these get into bass head territory, and I believe those that like bass would be happy with the Aces in that department. While the bass is certainly very prominent, it is not overly loose and still maintains a decent level of control. It is a thick but fairly clean bass. It hits thicker than the AirPods Max but less so than the Momentums and XM5s. If you like to feel those big explosions and soundtrack moments in your TV viewing and gaming, the Aces will fit the bill, as the depth the bass can reach is impressive. The downside to the bass tuning is that since the entire bass band is boosted, if you are listening to a track that has a lot of action in the bass region, it can be overwhelming and lack detail. It can also lead to some bleed into the lower midrange on certain tracks.
It is the midrange on the Aces that surprised me the most, though when I think about how Sonos likely dedicated as much thought to how these sound for TV as to how they sound for music, it makes sense. In a usual “V-shaped” tuning, it is the midrange that is the least present or gets a bit left out of the mix. This often results in vocals and many common core instruments and pieces of the mix somewhat veiled, and is the reason many audiophiles don’t like the V-shaped tuning. The Aces mostly avoid this. The midrange balance is pretty on-target with the exception of a bit of a dip in the upper mids. This means that you get a very full-bodied core sound when listening to the Aces, and that’s a very good thing. Male vocals are very often put on full display because of the added warmth of the bass boost. Female vocals can sometimes take a bit of a back seat, along with instruments like guitar, as a result of the dip in the upper mids, but to notice either of these, you’d really have to be a focused listener (more on why later). The story of the midrange is that it’s better executed than many in the category. This translates well to TV/gaming as well, as dialogue is typically easy to make out, even when there’s lots of other action going on.
The treble on the Ace, as mentioned, is definitely boosted, but in a targeted way that overall, works. I mentioned that the upper midrange where female vocals and some higher instruments live is a bit de-emphasized. Well, the treble is boosted in the “sparkle” region, where sounds like symbols reside - as well as the “s” and “t” sounds in vocals. This boost makes details shine a bit more, and it also hides the under-emphasis of the upper midrange a bit because it still pulls forward the sparkle of all vocals. This upper midrange and treble boost combination is also seen in some well-regarded higher end headphones from the likes of Sennheiser and Meze Audio, just to name a few, so kudos to Sonos for pretty solid execution on the treble. The downside to boosting this region is that some people’s ears are sensitive to this frequency range, and can find sounds like snare drums, loud symbols and the like in this region to be grating to listen to for long periods of time. I don’t find the boost to be extreme, but it is there, so those that are treble-sensitive, just something to note.
This is a good point to make note that this has all been related to the default tonal balance of the Aces right out of the box. Connecting to the Sonos app does allow you to adjust the frequency response - though it is a very basic EQ just like other Sonos products - a simple treble/bass slider. Most of the options at this price point offer greater level of control with a at least a 3-5 band EQ, but it’s better than nothing.
Last in the sound department is a bit about the staging and technical performance. Again, the Aces do what they do fairly well for the category, but whether what they do is definitively better than their peers is debatable. The sound that comes from the Aces is crisp and clear, and one of the most immediately noticeable aspects of the presentation is the good horizontal spread of the pieces of the mix - everything is placed very well with pretty good separation. The sound stage isn’t overly wide by any means, and we aren’t talking about a 3D/holographic sound stage (unless you’re using Dolby Atmos, which I’ll come back to), but the sound does indeed go ear-to-ear horizontally. Even so, the focus of the Aces is always front and center. The stage is very center-focused and intimate, with the edges of the left and right channel wrapping around to the ears. It is a pretty in your face presentation that works well. The center position also has a small but distinct depth and separation from the mix, which is impressive for a wireless headphone (I had to wonder if the fact that the inside of the pads of the Aces are angled contributes to this). The fact that the stage is so center-focused also keeps the vocals and heart of the mix emphasized, and this pairs well with its midrange tuning. This presentation also is another testament to being well-designed for both music and TV listening.
I am not always a fan of Dolby Atmos for headphones, as what the technology can do is often overhyped, but the Aces do handle Atmos mixed sources (or multichannel sources when using TV Swap) very well. It essentially makes the sound stage a bit bigger, along with more precise positioning of the pieces of the mix. I find it best for video content and hit or miss for music.
The overall sound package that the Aces deliver is solid, well-executed, V-shaped listen. The sound is warm, crisp, clean, dynamic/lively and is presented very well, in a way that will work for many genres of music, TV and gaming. The aces definitely deserve to be in the conversation among the market leaders, but each of these market leaders also have strong overall presentations that are arguably just as good, if not better - and allow for a bit more control with more EQ personalization options. The Ace’s premium price relative to this competition has to be taken into consideration as a point of comparison in evaluating overall sound. Grade: B+ / A-
I realize that when evaluating a pair of wireless headphones nowadays, the technology feature set is a big factor as well, and that’s where things get even more interesting for the Aces. This is because depending on your particular Sonos setup, mobile device setup, and general home listening setup, the technological features of the Aces are various levels of either lacking or unfinished.
Let’s start with the good. Regardless of the device you’re using to connect, you get to experience the active noise cancellation and transparency modes of the Aces, and both are very good. The noice cancelling mode isn’t quite as good as Bose, and the transparency mode isn’t quite as good as Apple, but both are respectable compared to anything else, a good showing. You can also enable head tracking in the Sonos app when connected to any device audio via Bluetooth, which for Android users may be an added convenience, depending on your device (for Apple users, this is a feature built in option at the system level between any iOS device and AirPods). You also get a fairly good mix of codec support, including some lossless options if your device supports it.
Now, the not so good. When Sonos announced the Aces, the company very accurately talked about how headphones were one of the most requested products of the community, and everyone in this sub can probably attest to that. But what has been released, at this point in time especially, IMO misses the mark by not doing the we want the headphones to do most - connect seamlessly to our larger Sonos systems, and on top of this, it highlights the challenge of forced obsolescence when dealing with home theater speakers and advanced technology in the same package.
The best way to illustrate this is to state plainly that the Aces are first and foremost Bluetooth headphones. They connect to your Sonos system indirectly via the app on your Bluetooth device, not directly to the system itself via WiFi (mostly). This means a few things. If you’re envisioning using the Sonos app as a hub main hub for navigating your music library across sources and handing it off between your Sonos speakers and headphones, that’s not in the cards with the Ace (ha). As a matter of fact, you can only use the Sonos app to play and pause media playing on the Ace, not select and navigate.
If your goal is using the Aces to listen to your TV, it can be done via a feature called TV Swap, but the situation isn’t exactly pretty for a lot of people. You can press a button on the Aces or within the Sonos app to trigger a direct WiFi connection between a TV-connected Sonos speaker, but at launch and of this writing, it only works on the top-of-the-line Sonos Arc soundbar. This support is coming via software update to the Beam and Ray at an unannounced date. This means that for folks like me that have been building a Sonos ecosystem for years, arguably the most loyal and valuable customers of Sonos (and the ones requesting this product for years), the usefulness of the Aces may be substantially reduced. Out of the four rooms that have Sonos sound bars in my home, again, all purchased within the last ten years or less, only two will ever work with the Aces. My Playbase and Playbar are forever excluded, and if you’re using something like the Sonos Amp to connect a turntable or other device to your Sonos system, you’re also out of luck. If you are an Android user, the picture is even uglier, as the TV Swap feature doesn’t work AT ALL, meaning that until an update arrives, also at an as yet unannounced date, the Aces are essentially a regular pair of Bluetooth headphones for Android users.
For me, this is the most disappointing thing about the Aces. Unless you are a fairly recent inductee to the Sonos ecosystem, the Aces probably are really more general Bluetooth headphones that can connect to a Sonos speakeTV than Sonos headphones that also connect to Bluetooth devices. This is in a world where there are certainly other options for connecting headphones to your TV’s audio. Many smart TV’s and set top boxes now offer a direct Bluetooth connection, and if you have an Apple TV, using AirPods via AirPlay is a much more seamless experience. All of these things, combined with the recent revamp of the Sonos app that took away features and left many unhappy in the name of updating the app for future products (including the Ace), should make you think twice about if the Aces are the best way to get TV audio via headphones for you and your setup - and about the longevity of your particular Sonos setup in general. I realize there are technical challenges that make better Sonos system integration a challenge, and that for some, the issue about older products isn’t an issue at all, but it is worth bringing to light for those making a long-term purchase decision.
The second most disappointing thing about the launch of the Aces is the continued trend of companies releasing products at full price that are essentially unfinished. I already discussed that for Android users at launch, there is no TV Swap at all, so these are effectively just regular Bluetooth headphones with no Sonos system integration at all. I also touched on the fact that TV swap support for the Beam and Ray is missing for all platforms. There is also a very cool-sounding form of TruePlay that Sonos is calling TrueTune. This will calibrate the room, so that when using TV Swap to listen to audio, you’ll get an even more “immersive” listening experience that takes Spatial Audio and head tracking to the next level by trying to actually mirror the acoustics of the room as if you had no headphones on at all. I can’t report on that because, you guessed it…the feature is coming at a yet unannounced date. On top of this, there are bugs out of the gate. Sometimes my Aces don’t show up in the Sonos app, and TV Swap sometimes doesn’t trigger or glitches out.
All of this makes judging the technological features of the Aces difficult. On the side of being Bluetooth headphones - the ANC, connection possibilities/versatility, multi-device connection, head tracking/spatial audio support, and battery life, the Aces are a strong showing. On the Sonos side, your experience will be highly dependent on your current Sonos setup, source setup, how you like to navigate your music library, your level of patience to receive updates, and your trust/level of care for when/if Sonos will release an update that breaks something between your Aces and your existing setup or releases a new speaker that doesn’t work with the Aces. These are all considerations that again make the $450 asking price seem steep when there are other options in the market with equal or greater capabilities for a substantially lesser price. Grade: C-
Overall, I view the Aces as a solid pair of Bluetooth headphones, and as Bluetooth headphones for day-to-day needs, they are worth considering, though arguably not the best value in terms of overall sound quality and features. The AirPods Max, Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless, Sony WH-1000XM5 and Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra all bring comparatively good sound and feature sets at the same or a substantially lower price. Whether that premium is worth it because of the Sonos interplay, well, your mileage may vary, depending on your setup. They have the potential to be pretty great for some, while at the same time being annoying for some - hard to hate, hard to love. I hope this review was helpful for those taking a look at these or building a Sonos ecosystem in general. Happy listening!
submitted by Gizm0Guru to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:23 DisciplineNo1000 Best IPTV Services for Sports Fans in 2024

Best IPTV Services for Sports Fans in 2024
IPTV Trends


  1. Introduction
    • What is IPTV?
    • Why IPTV is Popular Among Sports Fans
    • Overview of the Article
  2. What to Look for in an IPTV Service
    • Streaming Quality
    • Channel Selection
    • Reliability
    • User Interface
    • Pricing
  3. Why Choose IPTV Trends for Your Sports Viewing
    • Overview of IPTV Trends
    • Features of IPTV Trends
  4. Service Highlights: IPTV Trends
    • Comprehensive Channel Selection
    • Superior Streaming Quality
    • User-Friendly Interface
    • Competitive Pricing
  5. IPTV Trends vs. Other IPTV Services
    • Channel Variety
    • Sports Coverage
    • Device Compatibility
    • Value for Money
  6. How to Get Started with IPTV Trends
    • Signing Up for IPTV Trends
    • IPTVTrends Login Process
    • Setting Up IPTV Smarters Expert
  7. Customer Testimonials
    • Real User Experiences
    • Why Sports Fans Love IPTV Trends
  8. Additional Benefits of IPTV Trends
    • Exclusive Sports Content
    • Flexible Subscription Plans
    • 24/7 Customer Support
  9. Comparing IPTV Trends with Competitors
    • ESPN+
    • Sling TV
    • FuboTV
    • Hulu + Live TV
    • YouTube TV
    • Peacock TV
    • DAZN
    • Amazon Prime Video
  10. Conclusion
    • Summary of Why IPTV Trends is the Best IPTV Service
    • Final Recommendations
  11. FAQs
    • What is IPTV?
    • How reliable is IPTV Trends?
    • Can I watch international sports with IPTV Trends?
    • Does IPTV Trends offer DVR capabilities?
    • What internet speed do I need for IPTV Trends?

Best IPTV Services for Sports Fans in 2024


In a world where sports bring people together like nothing else, finding the best way to watch your favorite games is crucial. This is where IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, steps in. IPTV services stream television content through the internet, providing an excellent alternative to traditional cable TV. They have become increasingly popular among sports fans for their flexibility, variety, and often, cost-effectiveness.
But with so many options out there, how do you choose the best IPTV service for sports? This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to make an informed decision, focusing on why IPTV Trends stands out as the best choice.

What to Look for in an IPTV Service

Streaming Quality

High-definition streaming is a must for sports fans. You don’t want to miss any action due to poor picture quality. Look for services that offer HD or even 4K streaming for the best experience.

Channel Selection

Ensure the service includes all the channels that broadcast your favorite sports. Whether it’s NFL, NBA, soccer, or niche sports, the right IPTV service should cover them all.


Buffering or outages during a live game can be frustrating. Choose a service known for its reliability and stable connection.

User Interface

A user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate through channels and find the content you want. Consider services that offer intuitive and easy-to-use apps.


IPTV services can vary greatly in price. Look for a service that fits your budget while still offering the features you need.

Why Choose IPTV Trends for Your Sports Viewing

Overview of IPTV Trends

IPTV Trends is designed to provide sports fans with the best IPTV experience. From comprehensive sports coverage to superior streaming quality, IPTV Trends has it all. This service is tailored to meet the needs of sports enthusiasts who want reliable and high-quality access to their favorite games.

Features of IPTV Trends

  • Extensive sports coverage
  • High-definition and 4K streaming
  • User-friendly interface with IPTV Smarters Expert
  • Competitive pricing and flexible subscription plans

Service Highlights: IPTV Trends

Comprehensive Channel Selection

With IPTV Trends, you get access to a wide variety of sports channels, ensuring you never miss a game. From major leagues to niche sports, IPTV Trends has it covered.

Superior Streaming Quality

IPTV Trends offers HD and 4K streaming, ensuring you enjoy every match in the best possible quality. No more pixelated images or buffering during crucial moments.

User-Friendly Interface

The service is designed with ease of use in mind. The IPTV Smarters Expert app makes it easy to navigate and find your favorite sports channels quickly.

Competitive Pricing

IPTV Trends offers some of the most competitive pricing in the market. You get top-quality service without breaking the bank.

IPTV Trends vs. Other IPTV Services

Channel Variety

Compared to other IPTV services, IPTV Trends offers a broader selection of sports channels, making it the best IPTV for sports fans.

Sports Coverage

While other services like ESPN+ and FuboTV offer extensive sports coverage, IPTV Trends goes a step further by including niche sports and international events.

Device Compatibility

IPTV Trends is compatible with a wide range of devices, including smart TVs, streaming sticks, and mobile devices. This makes it easy to watch your favorite sports no matter where you are.

Value for Money

When it comes to value for money, IPTV Trends stands out. You get more channels and better streaming quality at a competitive price.

How to Get Started with IPTV Trends

Signing Up for IPTV Trends

Signing up for IPTV Trends is easy. Visit the official website, choose your subscription plan, and complete the registration process.

IPTVTrends Login Process

Once you’ve signed up, the IPTVTrends login process is straightforward. Enter your credentials, and you’re ready to start watching your favorite sports.

Setting Up IPTV Smarters Expert

Download the IPTV Smarters Expert app, enter your IPTV Trends credentials, and you’re all set. The app’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate through channels and find the content you want.

Customer Testimonials

Real User Experiences

Sports fans around the world have praised IPTV Trends for its reliability and quality. Users appreciate the extensive channel selection and high-definition streaming.

Why Sports Fans Love IPTV Trends

The consistent positive feedback highlights why IPTV Trends is considered the best IPTV for sports. Its combination of quality, reliability, and affordability makes it a top choice.

Additional Benefits of IPTV Trends

Exclusive Sports Content

IPTV Trends offers exclusive sports content that you won’t find on other IPTV services. This includes special events and international sports.

Flexible Subscription Plans

Choose from various subscription plans that fit your needs and budget. Whether you want a monthly plan or a long-term subscription, IPTV Trends has you covered.

24/7 Customer Support

IPTV Trends offers round-the-clock customer support to help you with any issues or questions you might have. This ensures you have a seamless viewing experience.

Comparing IPTV Trends with Competitors


While ESPN+ offers great sports coverage, it doesn’t match the comprehensive channel selection of IPTV Trends.

Sling TV

Sling TV is customizable, but its sports offerings are limited compared to IPTV Trends.


FuboTV offers a good mix of channels, but it comes at a higher price point than IPTV Trends.

Hulu + Live TV

Hulu + Live TV includes an extensive on-demand library, but for sports, IPTV Trends provides better value and more coverage.

YouTube TV

YouTube TV has an excellent DVR feature, but it’s more expensive and offers fewer sports channels than IPTV Trends.

Peacock TV

Peacock TV is affordable but lacks the extensive sports coverage found in IPTV Trends.


DAZN is great for combat sports, but IPTV Trends offers a wider variety of sports.

Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video includes some sports content, but it requires additional subscriptions for comprehensive sports coverage. IPTV Trends provides a more inclusive package.


Choosing the best IPTV service for sports fans in 2024 depends on your specific needs and preferences. Whether you prioritize extensive sports coverage, affordable pricing, or additional entertainment options, IPTV Trends stands out as the best IPTV service for sports enthusiasts. With comprehensive sports coverage, superior streaming quality, and user-friendly features, IPTV Trends offers unmatched value and reliability.


What is IPTV?
IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television, a service that delivers television content over the internet rather than through traditional terrestrial, satellite, or cable formats.
How reliable is IPTV Trends?
IPTV Trends is highly reliable, offering stable and high-quality streaming to ensure you never miss a game.
Can I watch international sports with IPTV Trends?
Yes, IPTV Trends offers extensive international sports coverage, making it the best IPTV for watching global sports events.
Does IPTV Trends offer DVR capabilities?
Yes, IPTV Trends includes DVR capabilities, allowing you to record and watch your favorite sports at your convenience.
What internet speed do I need for IPTV Trends?
A minimum speed of 5 Mbps is recommended for HD streaming, but for the best experience with IPTV Trends, especially with 4K content, 25 Mbps or higher is ideal.
submitted by DisciplineNo1000 to u/DisciplineNo1000 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 thatdeftkid4 Concrete Examples of the Information Elements

Extraverted Thinking: A Project Manager In a Software Development Team

A project manager in a software development team exemplifies this aspect of perception by understanding and planning actions and deeds, assessing situations accurately, and devising and communicating rational methods of action. Their ability to plan and adjust workflows, distinguish efficient from inefficient practices, and guide the team towards project goals demonstrates their strong aptitude for managing physical and mental activities in a logical and effective manner.

Extraverted Feeling: A Charismatic Teacher

A charismatic teacher exemplifies this aspect of perception by understanding and influencing the emotional processes of their students. They control their own emotional state, transfer positive moods to the class, activate emotional readiness for learning, and skillfully use emotional displays to manage the classroom environment. Their ability to inspire, engage, and calm students demonstrates a profound mastery of emotional perception and influence.

Extraverted Sensation: A Military Commander

A military commander exemplifies this aspect of perception by effectively organizing and mobilizing resources and people, exercising their will decisively, and managing both animate and inanimate objects efficiently. Their strong organizational skills, ability to assess kinetic energy, and aptitude for mobilizing people towards achieving strategic goals demonstrate their leadership and volitional qualities, ensuring successful mission outcomes.

Extraverted Intuition: A Skilled Sports Coach

A skilled coach exemplifies the described perception of potential energy by recognizing and enhancing both physical and psychological abilities, simplifying complex concepts for better understanding, and inspiring others through their deep insights and effective strategies.

Introverted Thinking: A Mechanical Engineer

A mechanical engineer exemplifies this aspect of perception by using logical feelings to evaluate and compare the properties of machine components, ensuring proportionality, balance, and efficiency in their designs. They objectively assess known and unknown technologies, make strategic decisions to avoid pitfalls and pursue optimal solutions, and shape the understanding of their team through logical reasoning and objective analysis. Their strong sense of logic and ability to alter relationships between design elements demonstrate their expertise in navigating the objective world of mechanical engineering.

Introverted Feeling: A Successful Salesperson

A successful salesperson in a high-end retail store exemplifies this aspect of perception by understanding and influencing the desires and needs of their customers. They accurately assess attraction and repulsion, shape desires ethically, build strong customer relationships, and confidently influence buying decisions. Their ability to navigate the complex interplay of customer needs and ethical norms ensures they can effectively satisfy both their own and their customers’ needs, leading to successful sales outcomes.

Introverted Sensation: An Interior Designer

An interior designer exemplifies this aspect of perception by understanding and manipulating the way design elements affect internal states and interdependence of those elements. They create aesthetically pleasing and comfortable environments by recalling and recreating past aesthetic experiences, avoiding discomfort, and refining clients' tastes. Their ability to evoke specific feelings and shape aesthetic preferences demonstrates their profound understanding of the interaction between space and internal states.

Introverted Intuition: A Project Manager In a Tech Company

A project manager exemplifies this aspect of perception by understanding the temporal sequence of events, feeling the proper pace and timing, predicting future challenges, planning strategically, and learning from past experiences. This holistic view of time and events allows them to lead projects efficiently, ensuring successful outcomes by aligning actions with both immediate needs and long-term goals.
submitted by thatdeftkid4 to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 Annalouiz Best IPTV Service Provider for Reliable TV Streaming

Best IPTV Service Provider for Reliable TV Streaming
I've always loved watching TV. And over time, Best IPTV Service Provider , I've seen how we watch our shows change. One big change is IPTV or Internet Protocol Television. It's making our TV time way better. By 2024, more people will choose IPTV over cable. S&P Global Market Intelligence says it will have over 33.7% of the market. Why? Because it's easy to use, flexible, and has lots of shows.
Are you into sports, movies, or just flipping through channels? Finding the best IPTV service iptv provide can change the game for you. The IPTV Subscriber Market report looks at what's happening in the world of IPTV. It talks about trends and what to look out for. With so many choices, it's important to pick what fits you best.
A high-quality IPTV service with a large selection of channels and smooth streaming experience.

Key Takeaways

  • IPTV is projected to surpass cable TV as the leading choice for multichannel households by 2024.
  • European countries like Australia, Romania, Sweden, and Indonesia are experiencing increased IPTV adoption.
  • Verified IPTV providers like Hulu, Sling TV, YouTube TV, and AT&T TV offer secure and legal streaming services.
  • Unverified IPTV providers may face legal issues and security vulnerabilities, though they tend to be less expensive.
  • A high-speed internet connection of around 25Mbps is recommended for optimal IPTV streaming experience.

Introduction to IPTV

IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is a cool way to watch TV shows through the internet. Instead of cables or satellites, it brings TV content right to your device. You can watch live TV, catch up on shows whenever you want, and enjoy movies directly on your device. Simply put, IPTV takes the TV signals from the internet and makes them viewable on your screen.

What is IPTV?

IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is a major way people watch TV nowadays. It's a global service that uses the internet to send TV shows and movies to viewers. This has changed how we watch TV by making thousands of shows available through an internet connection.

Benefits of Best IPTV Service Provider Over Traditional Cable TV

IPTV is a lot cheaper than traditional cable and satellite services. All you need is the internet and a special URL or playlist to start watching. Think of it like browsing the internet but for TV, making it easy to watch a lot of channels and shows anytime.
It works for both live shows and ones you can watch later. IPTV lets you do cool things like use an on-screen TV guide, control what your kids watch, pick videos when you want, and see shows in HD. But, the quality of what you watch depends on how fast your internet is. Sometimes, you might also need provider of iptv a special device to help with the TV signals.
A colorful and vibrant screen displaying various channels and shows with a smooth and uninterrupted streaming experience. The IPTV logo should be present in the corner of the screen, adding to the modern and high-tech feel of the image. The overall design should convey reliability, efficiency, and convenience.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an IPTV Service Provider

The world of IPTV is booming with advancements, making TV providers fight harder for customers. Consumers have a choice between legal and unverified IPTV options.

Channel Selection
It's important for users to check if the IPTV service offers the channels they love. This ensures they get what they want before they commit.

Streaming Quality

Checking picture quality and how smoothly the videos play is key. Also, look at if you can change the language and if summaries are available. best iptv for firestick 2024

Device Compatibility

Since IPTV plays through apps, it's crucial to pick a provider that works on your various devices. This offers flexibility.

User Interface

A service that's easy to use and looks good improves how you watch TV. It can make a big difference.what are the best iptv providers

Pricing Plans

How much it costs is a major point for most shoppers. Luckily, there are different packages to choose from based on what you need. what is the best iptv provider
Choose a service with apps in trusted app stores for safety. This means they follow laws, giving you peace of mind. On the other hand, services not in these stores might not have the right to show some content, which is risky what is the best iptv provider reddit. best iptv service providers best iptv provider 2023 best iptv providers reddit 2024
Show a sleek and modern television screen with a glowing "CETIPTV" TEXT IN THE center, surrounded by a halo of vibrant colors. The edges of the screen should morph into abstract shapes and patterns, representing the seamless and immersive experience of streaming TV with a reliable IPTV service provider. In the background, faint images of popular TV shows and movies can be seen, adding an exciting touch to the overall image.

Top Legal IPTV Service Providers

which is the best iptv provider

When you're looking for reliable and legal IPTV services, some stand out. These providers give you lots of channels and on-demand shows. They make sure your TV time is safe and fun iptv best provider top rated iptv

Cetiptv TV
Cetiptv is a top choice for many. For about 24.99$ in a three month in the USA, you get lots of live TV. This includes sports, news, and fun shows. It's great for those looking to leave cable behind for something more wallet-friendly.

Hulu + Live TV

Hulu's got something special with Hulu + Live TV. It mixes lots of live channels with Hulu's vast library of shows. You can add extras according to what you like and what fits your budget.

YouTube TV

YouTube TV offers a bunch of live TV channels, from local to sports to news. It's all packed into an easy-to-use platform. Connecting with the YouTube world, it brings one smooth IPTV experience.
Hulu, Sling TV, and YouTube TV are all top-ranked for good reasons. They offer secure and trusted streaming. It's no wonder they're among the best IPTV choices out there.

Best IPTV Service Provider

Overview of Top IPTV Providers

Today, many IPTV services stand out, each with its special perks. CetIPTV has a vast channel selection and top-notch streaming. IPTVRockers offers varied entertainment and a smooth platform. If you love sports, IPTVPick shines with its sports programs. SwapIPTV, however, focuses on content from around the world, perfect for diverse preferences.

Comparing Features and Pricing

Providers vary greatly in what they offer and cost. VisualiseTv boasts 24,000+ live channels and 120,000 movies in stunning quality. CetIPTV has premium channels, movies, and PPV options. HONEY BEE IPTV gives over 21,000 channels and a full money-back deal. CatchON TV provides 20,000+ channels, VODs, and promises a 99% uptime. KEMO IPTV's annual $65 plan includes 20,000+ channels and more what is the best iptv service provider

User Reviews and Ratings

User feedback is crucial in choosing the right IPTV service. Many services let users try them free, up to 7 days, to get a feel and leave feedback. Legal IPTV offerings can be found on platforms like Amazon and Google Play, showing they're safe and real. But, unverified services bring legal and security risks, so using a VPN is smart for safety.

Unverified IPTV Services: Risks and Legalities

The IPTV industry is growing fast. It's expected to beat cable TV by 2024 as the top choice for multichannel households. But, there are dangers with unverified IPTV services. They raise big legal and safety concerns.
These unverified services aren't in popular app stores. They seem cheaper than legal options. But, they might not have the right to stream content. This can lead to legal issues and risks like data theft. They may also violate your internet service's terms.
The laws around IPTV are getting stricter. The UK's Digital Economy Act of 2017 means up to 10 years in jail for illegal IPTV. In the US, the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act makes streaming felonious. Operators of these services could face up to 10 years behind bars.
When choosing an IPTV service, look at the subscription cost and payment method. Check the content and streaming quality. Also, see if they have ads, good customer support, and official apps. This is key to knowing if the service is legal and trustworthy. Go for services you can find in official app stores to stay safe and legal.

Setting Up Your IPTV Service

Getting ready to explore IPTV needs some steps for a smooth experience. We'll talk about what's important when starting your IPTV journey.

Internet Speed Requirements

For IPTV to work well, you must have a fast internet connection. You need about 25Mbps for watching live channels in full-HD without interruptions. If you want to watch in 4K or need SD quality, you'll need more speed. Over 75Mbps might be needed for excellent 4K quality.

Compatible Devices

Using a device that can handle IPTV well is key. Android systems or Amazon Fire Stick are great options. They make it easy and convenient to watch various IPTV apps and services.

Installing the IPTV App

Getting your IPTV set up means picking a provider, getting their plan, and putting the app on your device. After logging in, you can start watching live channels and on-demand shows. It's usually simple, with instructions from your provider to help.

Enhancing Your IPTV Experience

Getting more from your IPTV means personalizing it to your liking. You can do this by using a VPN for extra security or by picking only the channels you enjoy. Accessing parental controls is another useful way to customize your experience. We'll look into each of these ideas.

Using a VPN for IPTV

A VPN, though not always a must, adds a layer of protection. It encrypts your internet use and protects your privacy. It can also let you watch shows from other countries by bypassing their viewing restrictions.

Customizing Channel Lists

Customizing your channel list can turn your IPTV experience into just what you want. You get to pick the channels you love. This is especially handy with a lot of channels. Some services even offer guides to help you find what you're looking for easily.

Parental Controls and Restrictions

IPTV services make it easy to keep your kids away from shows they shouldn't watch. You can set controls to block certain content and manage when they watch. This keeps the whole family's viewing safe and enjoyable.

IPTV vs. Traditional Cable TV: The Future of Television

Many have turned to IPTV and satellite bundles for their TV needs. IPTV provides Live, Time-Shifted, and Video on Demand services. It tends to be cheaper than cable or satellite TV. This is because IPTV services offer various affordable plans.
IPTV lets you do more than watch TV. You can pause, rewind, and fast-forward live shows. There's on-demand content and shows picked just for you. The future for IPTV looks bright. More and more people will switch to it from traditional TV. This is because it's flexible, offers lots of shows, and saves money. Technology will make IPTV even better. We'll get smoother streaming, quicker starts, and more cool features. Plus, we'll have more shows to pick from, including ones from around the world and special ones just for you.
For years, cable and satellite TV have been the main way we watch TV. But now, IPTV is making a mark. It's a cheaper and more adjustable option. IPTV is known for clear, reliable shows with less waiting and in high definition. Over-the-Top (OTT) services let you watch on different gadgets and save money. IPTV even has cool features like DVR, pausing live shows, and guides. OTT is great for its unique, top-notch shows.
The TV world is changing fast. Soon, IPTV and OTT will blend in with smart homes. It will be easy to pick what to watch with your voice. Also, things like 5G and better internet will make TV even more amazing.
Live TelevisionVideo on Demand (VOD)Time-Shifted TV Subscription-Based Services (SVOD)Ad-Supported Services (AVOD)Transactional Services (TVOD)
Generally more expensive due to bundling with other services and hardware requirements More cost-effective and accessible on a variety of devices compared to IPTV
Boasts quality and reliability due to managed networks, resulting in minimal buffering and high-definition quality streaming Offers flexibility in viewing, accessibility on multiple devices, and cost-effectiveness
Presents interactive features like DVR, pausing live TV, and interactive program guides Known for producing high-quality original content not found on traditional TV
Services are tied to specific locations and devices, limiting mobility compared to OTT services Might require multiple subscriptions for desired content, leading to content fragmentation
The future looks bright for TV. IPTV and OTT will get even better with new technology.


The digital age has changed how we watch TV. IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is now popular. It's a good choice instead of cable or satellite.
IPTV offers a lot of channels, from about 15 to over 54,000. It's also affordable, with prices between $15 to $30 a month. You can watch TV on smart TVs, phones, tablets, and more. This makes watching TV better for everyone.
In the USA, using legal IPTV services means you're watching content from licensed sources. This makes sure you're watching without any copyright issues. When choosing an IPTV service, think about the shows they offer, channels, price, and how they help you if you have a problem.
The way we watch TV is changing thanks to IPTV. Soon, more people will watch TV this way. It offers new features and an improved way to watch. Plus, it's all done the right way, making sure artists and creators are supported.


What is IPTV?

IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. It brings TV shows and movies through the Internet to your devices. This is different from using cable or satellite dishes.

How does IPTV work?

To watch TV using IPTV, you need an internet connection. This connection sends TV shows to your device. You can watch IPTV on smart TVs, set-top boxes, or your phone.

What are the benefits of IPTV over traditional cable TV?

Unlike traditional TV, IPTV is more flexible and lets you choose what to watch when. You can see shows and movies from all over the world. Plus, it's often cheaper.

What should I consider when choosing an IPTV service provider?

When picking an IPTV service, think about what channels you can watch and how clear the picture is. Also, check if it works on your devices and how easy it is to use. Make sure they are a legal provider for your safety.

What are the risks of using unverified IPTV services?

Using IPTV services that are not verified can lead to legal troubles. They might not have the rights to show the content they stream. Although these services are cheap, they may not be safe or reliable.

What internet speed do I need for IPTV?

For watching live HD TV through IPTV, you should have around 25Mbps speed. High-speed internet is best to avoid pauses while watching.

What devices can I use to access IPTV services?

You can watch IPTV on many devices like smart TVs, set-top boxes, and mobile phones. This includes systems like Android or Amazon Fire Stick.

How important is customer support for an IPTV provider?

Good tech support and customer service are very important with IPTV. They can help you fix any problems you have while watching TV.
submitted by Annalouiz to u/Annalouiz [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:01 fark13 Streaming Data Analyst - Dazn - India

Streaming Data Analyst - Dazn - India
Data Analyst (Player Engineering), Experience: 3+ years HYDERABAD, INDIA / TECHNOLOGY – STREAMING TECHNOLOGY / FULL-TIME, PERMANENT / ON-SITE Your team: The Player Engineering domain is one of the most crucial parts of the DAZN stack. We build, own, and support the frontend playback experience across customers’ devices at DAZN. We strive to deliver the best possible video experience across all devices (web, set-top boxes, TVs, games consoles, mobiles) regardless of network conditions. We have built our own bespoke inhouse player and use it across 28 devices in 192 countries, as well as support native and third-party players. Player Engineering also build our own tooling and automation applications to test and evaluate these devices. "We have our own complex heuristics to ensure that we deliver the highest quality video streams to customers based on their network conditions. The way we work: We obsess over data and use it to measure how we are performing against our customers’ and the business’ expectations, as well as using it to build our backlog and to inform where we should focus our development efforts. We value agile delivery practices and are continually evolving and reviewing our processes. Delivery teams are typically made up of around 5-8 Engineers, a Team Lead, and a Product Manager. Our teams are from various and diverse backgrounds and we welcome and encourage new perspectives and opinions openly. As our new Data Analyst within Player Engineering, you’ll have the opportunity to: · Monitor, report, and define Playback KPIs (including Video Start Time, Connection Induced Rebuffering Ratio, HD rate, Fatal Error). · Analyse large datasets to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies related to playback quality, buffering rates, and user engagement. · Work closely with Software Engineers from Player Engineering and participate in the team's Agile ceremonies to be actively involved in improving the customers' playback experience. · Create and maintain dashboards in observability tools like New Relic, Snowflake, Conviva, Tableau. · Write queries in different query languages (SQL, NRQL). · Define thresholds and alarming based off Playback KPIs for live incidents. · Create presentations, reports, and visualisations to communicate Playback KPIs to Software Engineers, Managers, VPs, Execs, and other stakeholders. · Use data to help triage live incidents. · Create your own processes, facilitate data-driven meetings, and · Develop automated scripts or tools for data extraction and transformation. · Collaborate with the engineering team to identify areas of improvement for our in-house bespoke Player. · Design controlled A/B testing experiments to evaluate the impact of playback optimizations. · Turning insights into actions. This involves not only dissecting data but also presenting it in a clear, compelling manner. It’s desirable, but not essential (we can teach you), if you have: · An analytical mind that can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. · Experience with data warehouses; we use Snowflake. · Experience writing SQL queries. · Experience with observability tools; we use New Relic. · Experience with writing NRQL and other query languages. · Experience in an OTT company. · A pro-active, independent mindset to create new processes, workflows, and meetings. · Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to effectively interact with cross-functional teams (particularly software engineers). · Familiarity with software development life cycle, Agile, and tools (e.g. Git, JIRA). Even better if you have: · Experience with Conviva. · Experience with TV, set-top boxes, and games consoles (given ~70% of DAZN customers watch on living room devices). · Any experience with Airtable, Tableau. · Experience in Playback. · Experience with live streaming.
At DAZN, we bring ambition to life. We are innovators, game-changers and pioneers. So, if you want to push boundaries and make an impact, DAZN is the place to be. As part of our team,you'll have the opportunity to make your mark and the power to make change happen. We're doing things no-one has done before, giving fans and customers access to sport anytime, anywhere. We're using world-class technology to transform sports and revolutionise the industry and we're not going to stop. DAZN VALUES – THE ‘HOW’ IN WHAT WE DO: AMBITIOUS – people who want to make a big impact and drive DAZN forward. People who move fast and make success happen. INVENTIVE – people with bright ideas who deliver great new experiences for our customers – and improvements for our business. People who come up with better, simpler ways of doing things. PASSIONATE – people who are proud of our product, out content and our business – and love to shout about it. People who love what they do and show commitment every day. BRAVE – people who take difficult decisions to help us focus on improving DAZN, our performance and our results. People who will take on challenges no matter what is in front of them. SUPPORTIVE – people who know that we achieve more as a team than as individuals. People value inclusion and look out for each other, helping their colleagues enjoy their work and develop their careers. People who consider others before making decisions. At DAZN, we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment that values equality and diversity, where everyone can contribute and have their voices heard. This means hiring and developing talent across all races, ethnicities, religions, age groups, sexual orientations, gender identities and abilities. Everyone has the opportunity to make change and impact our DEI journey by joining our ERGs: Proud@DAZN, Women@DAZN, Disability@DAZN and ParentZone. If you’d like to include a cover letter with your application, please feel free to. Please do not feel you need to apply with a photo or disclose any other information that is not related to your professional experience. Our aim is to make our hiring processes as accessible for everyone as possible, including providing adjustments for interviews where we can. We look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by fark13 to sports_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:01 fark13 Senior Streaming Data Analyst - Dazn - India

Senior Streaming Data Analyst - Dazn - India
Data Analyst (Player Engineering), Experience: 5+ years HYDERABAD, INDIA / TECHNOLOGY – STREAMING TECHNOLOGY / FULL-TIME, PERMANENT / ON-SITE Your team: The Player Engineering domain is one of the most crucial parts of the DAZN stack. We build, own, and support the frontend playback experience across customers’ devices at DAZN. We strive to deliver the best possible video experience across all devices (web, set-top boxes, TVs, games consoles, mobiles) regardless of network conditions. We have built our own bespoke inhouse player and use it across 28 devices in 192 countries, as well as support native and third-party players. Player Engineering also build our own tooling and automation applications to test and evaluate these devices. "We have our own complex heuristics to ensure that we deliver the highest quality video streams to customers based on their network conditions. The way we work: We obsess over data and use it to measure how we are performing against our customers’ and the business’ expectations, as well as using it to build our backlog and to inform where we should focus our development efforts. We value agile delivery practices and are continually evolving and reviewing our processes. Delivery teams are typically made up of around 5-8 Engineers, a Team Lead, and a Product Manager. Our teams are from various and diverse backgrounds and we welcome and encourage new perspectives and opinions openly. As our new Data Analyst within Player Engineering, you’ll have the opportunity to: · Monitor, report, and define Playback KPIs (including Video Start Time, Connection Induced Rebuffering Ratio, HD rate, Fatal Error). · Analyse large datasets to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies related to playback quality, buffering rates, and user engagement. · Work closely with Software Engineers from Player Engineering and participate in the team's Agile ceremonies to be actively involved in improving the customers' playback experience. · Create and maintain dashboards in observability tools like New Relic, Snowflake, Conviva, Tableau. · Write queries in different query languages (SQL, NRQL). · Define thresholds and alarming based off Playback KPIs for live incidents. · Create presentations, reports, and visualisations to communicate Playback KPIs to Software Engineers, Managers, VPs, Execs, and other stakeholders. · Use data to help triage live incidents. · Create your own processes, facilitate data-driven meetings, and · Develop automated scripts or tools for data extraction and transformation. · Collaborate with the engineering team to identify areas of improvement for our in-house bespoke Player. · Design controlled A/B testing experiments to evaluate the impact of playback optimizations. · Turning insights into actions. This involves not only dissecting data but also presenting it in a clear, compelling manner. It’s desirable, but not essential (we can teach you), if you have: · An analytical mind that can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. · Experience with data warehouses; we use Snowflake. · Experience writing SQL queries. · Experience with observability tools; we use New Relic. · Experience with writing NRQL and other query languages. · Experience in an OTT company. · A pro-active, independent mindset to create new processes, workflows, and meetings. · Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to effectively interact with cross-functional teams (particularly software engineers). · Familiarity with software development life cycle, Agile, and tools (e.g. Git, JIRA). Even better if you have: · Experience with Conviva. · Experience with TV, set-top boxes, and games consoles (given ~70% of DAZN customers watch on living room devices). · Any experience with Airtable, Tableau. · Experience in Playback. · Experience with live streaming.
submitted by fark13 to sports_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:38 agstpradeep Digital Learning: Enhance Your Knowledge

Digital Learning: Enhance Your Knowledge
In today's fast-paced world, continuous learning is not just a trend; it's a necessity. Digital learning has revolutionized how people acquire knowledge, offering flexibility, accessibility, and a vast array of resources at our fingertips. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills for personal or professional growth, digital learning provides unparalleled opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of digital learning, exploring its benefits, best practices, and how you can leverage it to enrich your knowledge and advance your goals.
Digital Learning

What is Digital Learning?

Digital learning, also known as e-learning or online learning, refers to the use of digital technologies to deliver educational content outside of traditional classroom settings. This can include online courses, webinars, virtual classrooms, interactive simulations, and more. Digital learning utilizes various multimedia elements such as videos, audio recordings, interactive quizzes, and virtual reality to engage learners and facilitate knowledge acquisition.

The Evolution of Digital Learning

The concept of digital learning has evolved significantly over the years, propelled by advancements in technology and changes in learning paradigms. From early forms of distance education via mail correspondence to modern-day MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and AI-powered adaptive learning platforms, digital learning has undergone a remarkable transformation. Today, learners have access to a wealth of educational resources anytime, anywhere, thanks to the ubiquity of the internet and mobile devices.

Benefits of Digital Learning:

1. Flexibility and Convenience

One of the primary advantages of digital learning is its flexibility and convenience. Learners are no longer bound by the constraints of time and location associated with traditional classroom-based education. With digital learning, you have the freedom to study at your own pace, whenever and wherever it's most convenient for you. Whether you're a working professional balancing a career and family or a busy student juggling multiple commitments, digital learning allows you to tailor your learning schedule to fit your lifestyle.

2. Accessibility to Diverse Resources

Digital learning opens up a world of possibilities by providing access to a diverse range of educational resources. From curated online courses taught by industry experts to interactive tutorials, forums, and multimedia content, learners have a wealth of resources at their disposal. Whether you're interested in mastering a new programming language, honing your design skills, or delving into subjects like history or psychology, digital learning platforms offer something for everyone.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

Compared to traditional forms of education, digital learning can be significantly more cost-effective. With online courses and resources, you often pay only for the specific content or features you need, avoiding additional expenses such as commuting, accommodation, and course materials. Additionally, many digital learning platforms offer free or low-cost options, making education more accessible to individuals from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.

Best Practices for Effective Digital Learning:

1. Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Before embarking on your digital learning journey, it's essential to define clear goals and objectives. What do you hope to achieve through your learning experience? Whether it's acquiring new skills for your career, pursuing a personal interest, or preparing for a certification exam, establishing specific goals will help guide your learning path and keep you motivated along the way.

2. Choose the Right Learning Platform

With countless digital learning platforms available, it's crucial to choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the variety of courses offered, the quality of instruction, user reviews and ratings, pricing options, and technical features. Some popular digital learning platforms include Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Khan Academy, and edX, among others.

3. Stay Organized and Disciplined

Self-discipline and organization are key to succeeding in digital learning. Create a study schedule and allocate dedicated time each day or week for your learning activities. Minimize distractions, set realistic milestones, and track your progress to ensure you stay on course towards achieving your goals. Additionally, leverage tools such as calendars, to-do lists, and productivity apps to stay organized and motivated.

Leveraging Digital Learning for Personal and Professional Growth:

1. Skill Development and Career Advancement

Digital learning offers unparalleled opportunities for skill development and career advancement. Whether you're looking to upgrade your technical skills, explore new career paths, or stay ahead of industry trends, online courses and certifications can provide you with the knowledge and credentials you need to succeed. Many employers value continuous learning and professional development, making digital credentials and certifications increasingly valuable in today's job market.

2. Lifelong Learning and Personal Enrichment

Beyond career advancement, digital learning allows you to pursue your passions and interests, enriching your life both personally and intellectually. Whether you're curious about art history, astronomy, entrepreneurship, or mindfulness meditation, there's a wealth of resources available to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. Lifelong learning not only keeps your mind sharp and engaged but also fosters personal growth, creativity, and a deeper understanding of the world around you.
Digital learning has emerged as a transformative force in education, offering unprecedented opportunities for lifelong learning, skill development, and personal growth. By embracing digital learning, individuals can enhance their knowledge, expand their horizons, and unlock new opportunities for success in an ever-changing world. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply a lifelong learner, the possibilities are endless in the digital learning landscape.
submitted by agstpradeep to u/agstpradeep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:20 InstructionExpress11 Have a look on it . it s free

Neplextv . store is a premium IPTV provider renowned for its extensive offerings, boasting over 17,000 channels and a private server with a bandwidth exceeding 10Gbps. This service delivers top-tier IPTV (Internet Protocol television) through the Internet, utilizing the Internet protocol suite instead of traditional satellite or cable television formats. Neplextv . store offers a plethora of features and has garnered positive reviews for its plans, which include:
In summary, Neplextv . store provides a robust IPTV service tailored to meet the diverse needs of its subscribers, offering an unparalleled selection of content and a seamless viewing experience.
keywords : iptv usa, iptv Albania, iptv Algeria, iptv Andorra, iptv Angola, iptv Antigua and Barbuda, iptv Argentina, iptv Armenia, iptv Australia, iptv Austria, iptv Azerbaijan, iptv Bahamas, iptv Bahrain, iptv Bangladesh, iptv Barbados, iptv Belarus, iptv Belgium, iptv Belize, iptv Benin, iptv Bhutan, iptv Bolivia, iptv Bosnia and Herzegovina, iptv Botswana, iptv Brazil, iptv Brunei, iptv Bulgaria, iptv Burkina Faso, iptv Burundi, iptv Cabo Verde, iptv Cambodia, iptv Cameroon, iptv Canada, iptv Central African Republic, iptv Chad, iptv Chile, iptv China, iptv Colombia, iptv Comoros, iptv Congo, Democratic Republic of the, iptv Congo, Republic of the, iptv Costa Rica, iptv Cote d'Ivoire, iptv Croatia, iptv Cuba, iptv Cyprus, iptv Czech Republic, iptv Denmark, iptv Djibouti, iptv Dominica, iptv Dominican Republic, iptv Ecuador, iptv Egypt, iptv El Salvador, iptv Equatorial Guinea, iptv Eritrea, iptv Estonia, iptv Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), iptv Ethiopia, iptv Fiji, iptv Finland, iptv France, iptv Gabon, iptv Gambia, iptv Georgia, iptv Germany, iptv Ghana, iptv Greece, iptv Grenada, iptv Guatemala, iptv Guinea, iptv Guinea-Bissau, iptv Guyana, iptv Haiti, iptv Honduras, iptv Hungary, iptv Iceland, iptv India, iptv Indonesia, iptv Iran, iptv Iraq, iptv Ireland, iptv Israel, iptv Italy, iptv Jamaica, iptv Japan, iptv Jordan, iptv Kazakhstan, iptv Kenya, iptv Kiribati, iptv Kosovo, iptv Kuwait, iptv Kyrgyzstan, iptv Laos, iptv Latvia, iptv Lebanon, iptv Lesotho, iptv Liberia, iptv Libya, iptv Liechtenstein, iptv Lithuania, iptv Luxembourg, iptv Madagascar, iptv Malawi, iptv Malaysia, iptv Maldives, iptv Mali, iptv Malta, iptv Marshall Islands, iptv Mauritania, iptv Mauritius, iptv Mexico, iptv Micronesia, iptv Moldova, iptv Monaco, iptv Mongolia, iptv Montenegro, iptv Morocco, iptv Mozambique, iptv Myanmar (Burma), iptv Namibia, iptv Nepal, iptv Netherlands, iptv New Zealand, iptv Nicaragua, iptv Niger, iptv Nigeria, iptv North Korea, iptv North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), iptv Norway, iptv Oman, iptv Pakistan, iptv Palau, iptv Palestine, iptv Panama, iptv Paraguay, iptv Peru, iptv Philippines, iptv Poland, iptv Portugal, iptv Qatar, iptv Romania, iptv Russia, iptv Rwanda, iptv Saint Kitts and Nevis, iptv Saint Lucia, iptv Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, iptv Samoa, iptv San Marino, iptv Sao Tome and Principe, iptv Saudi Arabia, iptv Senegal, iptv Serbia, iptv Seychelles, iptv Sierra Leone, iptv Singapore, iptv Slovakia, iptv Slovenia, iptv Solomon Islands, iptv Somalia, iptv South Africa, iptv South Korea, iptv South Sudan, iptv Spain, iptv Sri Lanka, iptv Sudan, iptv Suriname, iptv Sweden, iptv Switzerland, iptv Syria, iptv Taiwan, iptv Tajikistan, iptv Tanzania, iptv Thailand, iptv Timor-Leste, iptv Togo, iptv Tonga, iptv Trinidad and Tobago, iptv Tunisia, iptv Turkey, iptv Turkmenistan, iptv Tuvalu, iptv Uganda, iptv Ukraine, iptv United Arab Emirates, iptv United Kingdom, iptv United States of America, iptv Uruguay, iptv Uzbekistan, iptv Vanuatu, iptv Vatican City (Holy See), iptv Venezuela, iptv Vietnam, iptv subscription, iptv abonnement.
submitted by InstructionExpress11 to Thegreatestadvise [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:18 HighlightWild8499 Help me with my thesis about Filipino Coffee

Hello coffee lovers and enthusiasts!
I am an Architecture student currently taking up my thesis about the Filipino identity in coffee/coffee beans.
Through the growing consumption of coffee in the Philippines, and the unmet rate of the local production, the coffee industry is heavily dominated by foreign-branded coffee shops with imported coffee products. This urban coffee landscape challenges the identity of the Philippine's coffee identity, contributing to a decline in the quality of local coffee beans and its cultural importance to the Filipinos.
I aim to understand the current experience and knowledge of everyday consumers of Filipino coffee to validate my hypothesis/assumption, while also hoping to learn from experienced/knowledgeable individuals in the coffee scene to help bring awareness to me any information that can contribute to the identity of Filipino coffee.
Looking for help for the following: (any leads will help greatly)
Other locations are accepted also but these are the ones I have access to at the moment.
Any other suggestions for me to learn more about coffee, including coffee varieties, tasting, culture, history, farming, etc. will be highly appreciated!
Hoping to do something good not only for the coffee industry but for the Filipino identity through this thesis. Thank you!
submitted by HighlightWild8499 to CoffeePH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:24 Royal-Intention2259 Just bought a True5G sim and it says 14 apps free, do I have to pay to use other apps??

submitted by Royal-Intention2259 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:24 BJBDeBoer Need reassurance…

We have an appointment scheduled tomorrow afternoon to say goodbye to our nearly 14 year old vizsla. She’s had health problems for awhile (Cushings, skin cancer & presumed heart failure…) As a senior she isn’t very active, sleeps most of the day, but still has mobility and continues to have a good appetite. The biggest issue is that she will collapse with certain exertions. We can tell when it is coming so are able to catch her and comfort her until she recovers. Basically the collapsing has increased with frequency over the last 6 months and we decided when she started having daily collapses it was “time.” Intellectually I realize she is at the end of her life and her health is failing. But I’m feeling so conflicted because every evening she perks up and acts “normal” (for her age obviously). She tries to play and wants to interact with family, begs for food and attention. Last night she was outside barking at the neighbors 🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess I’m struggling because it was very obvious with our other dog, he had terminal cancer and there was a moment I just knew he was done. I haven’t had that moment with Avon. And she still seems happy and mostly engaged. But I’m not sure the few hours each day she acts “normal” outweigh the collapsing and associated anxiety. I know everyone says better a day too soon than too late, and obviously I want to prevent her any suffering. I guess, given the above, I wonder if she still has quality of life or if I’m selfishly trying to find reasons to postpone the inevitable. (I can’t imagine waiting more than a few days/week at this point, but any extra time would be amazing) I would appreciate any thoughts, advice, etc. Thanks for reading.
submitted by BJBDeBoer to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:22 No_Funny3533 Scam Artist mingmei1344 (Yomi) and her accounts at: Aiu_Agency,,,,,, Rose, Miyuki Miyamoto, SW Entertainment and more

Scam Artist mingmei1344 (Yomi) and her accounts at: Aiu_Agency,,,,,, Rose, Miyuki Miyamoto, SW Entertainment and more
My name is Mark Faraday. I was just looking for love back around January 20th, 2024 but I don’t want to see anyone else get scammed. I had a human profile picture when I was using these website, and was honest. I ran into a whole lying network run by a Woman, her friends, and a man. I will update this story if I have more to say in the future. Her nickname is Yomi, she told me her name was Miyuki Miyamoto and she was from Japan. Her real name is Jeong Nahyeon and she is from South Korea. She also has fake Chinese accounts like:
Mingmei Liu
My Story is long but it is worth reading. From January to June as the writing of this post. I labeled each part so it easy to jump around to the parts you want to read.
  • 6/4/2024 (Small update)
I know 1000% that these are the same person. After 6 months of contact with them. Jeong Nahyeon has like a 100 different Instagram accounts let add to the list:
Account 1:
(Kawaii, Silly girl fake account)
Account 2:
Yomi Newest Account:
Jeong Nahyeon Lover or Friend 🙁(Scam Artist Man) 🙁
_xijii_ the site where I met Yomi (Jeong Nahyeon) original, closed on May 1st 2024. Never came back as the writing of this post. However, their sister site is still very active.
Another Scam website they own:
  • 3/7/2024 Mark Origin Story January-March 2024
UPDATED INFO throughout it.
There is this dangerous woman who I am mad in love with (same person) running many fake Chinese/Japanese/Korean Romance scam websites, fake Instagram pages, tik tok, We chats, and many Chinese porn sites. It is the same person, she uses her looks with pictures and videos to steal money from men. She has many names she goes by, probably even more than I found. She also uses bots to get fake likes and weird Anime filters to try to look like an idol. She has scam artist female friends also I found. She the leader.
I know a lot of scammers steal from other people's identities but that is not the case here. This is the same person as the scammer. My story will explain it. As well as this person has pictures of the same person you can’t find anywhere else on the Internet. Even if you do a Reverse Face image search. They said information that match to an unbelievable level.
The person who Scammed me:
Has Many names (Such As)
And a talent for speaking many languages
  • Miyuki Miyamoto (Claimed Japanese name)
  • Nickname Yomi
  • Korean Name: Nahyeon (Claimed)
  • u/yomi__na
  • gracegracemei
Email: [](
(Something about BlessCeline Lovee)
Skype ID: live:.cid.737fb9ac2ad5655c
  • Liu Mingmei (Claimed Chinese name)
Part of a Civil Union yet on multiple dating sites
(Make Sense)
(Owner of aiu_agency since 2015)
Google Drive (AI_U Agency)
Hotel Connected: SHILLA STAY Gwanghwamun
Her Scam Artist friends who work for both Ai_U Agency and JPNDATE CUDATE (That I found) (Some of these might also be her, not sure)

Vynnie_nat : (I think this Yomi friend and the next 2 images may also be that person 1 of 3)


jiejierui_ngc: (2 of 3)


Veravera_zhangg: (3 of 3)


Elle_owo_elle : (50% this also Yomi otherwise it Yomi friend)


Qiqi_shenglim : (50% this also Yomi otherwise it Yomi friend)


Myemye_owo_ : (50% this also Yomi otherwise it Yomi friend)

Her Friends are connected somehow but not sure how yet. They appear everywhere with the fake accounts or it just her also.

Riyandiwilliam : (Either her lover, friend, or work with her) 🙁

Summary: January to March 2024 / / / are dangerous Romance scams. All the women are paid actors for the website from Korea/China. They will try to get into a relationship with you very fast, don’t fall for it. They are milking you for money like if you're a cow. They will threaten to kill you or your family if you call out their scam. They might also say they will sue you. If you stop paying them, they will text you very little. They will never video call you face-to-face. has a sister scam website from the same people called When you buy something on Jpndate the payment goes to Cudate Limited, so that site must be part of the scam also.There also Datesteady with the same layout. There is a company in China doing all type of illegal and immoral practices. Their name is Zhengzhou Zhongzhiqi Technology Co., Ltd. / 郑州市中之祺科技有限公司 . They have their main technology business but they also run a list of many scam websites stealing money from American men, Asian, and European men. Such as Cudate, JPNDate,, SayhiUp. These are romance scam sites where all the women work for the company. If you make a female account it will pend forever. Only men get approved. They claimed before to be an American-owned company then I exposed them now they claim to be Dutch. Their servers are all in China. They never filed paperwork with any foreign country. They are none of these the Chinese pretending to run many dating sites when in fact it’s all fake. They claim to be in nations their not. They have fake terms of service. I used PayPal before I didn't know it was a scam. I paid in dollars, but they refused to refund me till I told PayPal. PayPal made them pay me back. Then they refused to pay me the total amount they wanted to pay me on yuan when I paid dollars. I reported them to FTC. They also try to hack my laptop for me telling the government the truth about them. They probably get funds from the Communist Party government or SW Entertainment in South Korea. They are very very bad people. Please look into it or forward this message somewhere where it can be looked into. Pretends to be a legit dating site but feels more like a pay-to-use website for fake love. All women here are paid actors for the site. The same few women have multiple profiles pretending to be different people. The funny part is anytime you call out JPNDate bs they change their terms of service. Screenshot everything people. They have a fake page saying they're trying to stop scammers, it all bs they are the scammers.
Host of JPNDate Servers:
As the writing of this post:
IP: - Server: nginx IPv4
GeoIP: HK - AS45102 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd., CN)
Host of DateSteady Servers:
As the writing of this post:
IP: - Server: nginx IPv4
GeoIP: HK - AS45102 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd., CN)
Host of Cudate Servers:
As the writing of this post:
IP: - Server: nginx IPv4
GeoIP: HK - AS45102 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd., CN)
Host of AsiaHug Servers:
IP: - Server: nginx IPv4
GeoIP: HK - AS45102 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd., CN)
My Story: January to March 2024
My Story: January to March 2024
(Update): I know it is the same person, They told me in a text message by accident. They also replied with different accounts knowing info about me I only told the other account.
Do you like Asian women?
Real Asian women?
These ones are real!
I know who they are.
Hi! This is Mark Faraday talking to you.
This is my story of how a website named JPNDate Dancing Idol scammed me out of 4080 American dollars. From the time period of January to March 2024.
First, I was on Japan Cupid, a dating site. On Japan Cupid, no one can chat unless one of you has a membership. I bought a 1-week membership. Within 5 minutes to 10 minutes, a woman nicknamed Yomi from Japan messaged me; this should have been a red flag for me. We talked for a while. She said she was interested in me. She asked me if I could move over to the dating site JPNDate because she paid for membership there and not Japan Cupid. She also promised to delete her account on Japan Cupid after we changed sites. She does delete her account off Japan Cupid. Japan Cupid is sus also. I don’t think it is the same company but it is still very sus. However, these women used that site to find men like me. That is a story for a different day.
Unlike a normal scam artist, who may only have 1 or 2 photos, she has several photos on her profile. My trust in her grows a bit seeing that. She then privately messaged me several more photos of her. She asked me for some photos, which I sent. She then sends back happy and heartfelt emojis. She told me she doesn’t date Asian men anymore because they were violent to her in the past and her last boyfriend cheated on her. She talked about how she didn’t want to fight with me. She also said we could talk about any topic.
She would compliment me often, as I did for her. Of course, on my profile page, I try to post my best pictures. Throughout my life, I have had many different hairstyles. She even mentioned this and got very happy and asked if I was a hairstylist.
The spam of talking on between us was from January 20th, 2024, to March 24th, 2024.
On JPNDate, there is an upgrade system. You need Blue Diamond to chat with others. Crown to send videos. Blue Diamond is 20 dollars per month, and Crown is 80 dollars per month. I got the Blue Diamond membership at first. It showed her with it too. After a day or two, she asked me to upgrade like she did to the Crown membership so she could send me a video. I upgraded it, and she did actually send me a video. All pictures and the video match the same person and the same face. Some pictures were in different locations, and some were like three different pictures in the same place. We then later buy a 6-month Crown membership for each other because it is cheaper than 1 month at a time. I bought it for her, and she bought it for me.
At this point, I start to believe. This person was giving me all their time. They reply very often, and their texting time was the same as Japan timezones every single day. They spoke not only English but also Japanese almost fluently. However, they did let me know that they're still learning English and sometimes use a translator.
She let me know that this website has something called a mall. This should have been red flag number 2. You pay 1 American dollar for each gold point. Paypal is the only thing that works. When we started dating, she said it was normal for couples in Japan to send each other gifts. It was a symbol of forever love in Japan, she claimed. As an American, I didn’t know if this was true. I googled it and couldn’t get a clear answer. She said whatever I bought her, she would buy me as well. She asked if I liked necklaces or charms. I said anything was fine. She wanted me to pick up a necklace. At first, she picked up a $1,000 necklace from the site mall and asked me. I said no; that's way too much money for that. She said how about a 300-dollar Jade Romance charm. She told me to get her white one; she would get me the green one. I questioned if she was legit. She started crying. She somehow convinced me at the time that she was legit again. I did buy it. A few weeks later, I did receive the overpriced Green Jade Romance love charm to my address from her. I never told her which day exactly my tracking information said it would come to my house, but I asked her, and her tracking date was the same week as mine. By the way something almost the same as this necklace is 12 dollars on Amazon. It also broke when I got it in the mail. Probably cost them 2 cent to make.
For the next few days, we had a wonderful, happy conversation. It is late January, and I know Valentine's Day is coming. I offered to get her flowers. I got her flowers and chocolate at a very high price of multiple hundred dollars. She then gets so happy. She told me many times how she wanted to go to America and find me.
We talked about many topics for several more days. She told me she worked in an office in Tokyo. Yomi told me her real name was Miyuki Miyamoto. Which is very funny because I told her before I was a Nintendo fan, and this is the same last name as Mario and Zelda Creator. She also said she had her apartment to herself, which is true; she does own an apartment. She talked about how life is stressful right now in Japan. She claimed to have grown up in the Japanese town of Nagano, Japan. She also said she had gone to a university in Tokyo with a major in computer science. She wanted to visit America in July for 15 days when she had her time off. July is a normal time for people to get off in Japan for vacation, so I thought nothing of it.
I told her that I was from a smaller town in California, but I lived not far from San Francisco. I told her how my town is quiet and how I could see mountains outside my house. She said she wanted a peaceful life and that life in Tokyo is too fast. And she always had great things to say about every picture I sent. We also talk about going on dates. I asked most of the questions, but she did ask me questions as well.
I started to ask her a lot of questions about Japan. Like if she visited Himeji Castle, she said no. However, she did say yes to visiting Mount Fuji. I should have asked for a photo of this, but I didn’t. She was very happy; she told me very many topics about Japan. We even briefly talked about anime. She told me she liked Digimon, Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, and Detective Conan. This information is important later. We also talked about how both of us were big Disney fans growing up. She told me she wanted to go to Disney Land when she came to California to visit me.
One day she told me, how work was busy today. I told her it was okay and we didn’t need to talk today. She did, however, still text me a little bit that day. This was the only day during our whole time talking when she was super busy. There is nothing wrong with this; all humans get busy. I decided to spend my evening drawing a picture of me and Yomi on a date to surprise her. When I sent it to her, she did not react. This was a red flag for me. I tried to convince myself that she just didn’t like drawings that much. I know I sound really dumb right here, but whoever I was talking to is very smart and knows a lot of things. I was in deep love.
We started talking a few days later about the idea of meeting and going on dates together. I know that the yen is weak against the American dollar right now. I told them I would pay for anything they wanted when they were in America because I was in love. This was a big, big, big mistake. They then asked if I could give them 1500 dollars to buy a plane ticket. Never give money to people you never meet in real life, folks. Don’t be dumb like me. Turns out the ticket was actually 2100, so they asked for another 500 dollars the next day, claiming their friend let them borrow the money, and they paid the difference. They did show me a picture of a plane ticket. With the name Yomi and the correct airports in Tokyo and San Francisco. This gave me more trust in them; I got a lot of photos, videos, and even a picture of a plane ticket.
At some point, I talked to them about social media. They claim to only have Skype and Line. I found it very hard to believe a woman in her 20s wasn’t on Instagram or Tik Tok. I went on Instagram and typed Yomi, and I found a Yomi who looked just like her. This made me think: why did she lie? What confused me is that all the pictures on her Instagram were different from the ones she sent me, other than one image that was the same. Meaning that the images were not clearly stolen from there.
I looked up JPNDate online; there isn’t much info on this website (Right Now), other than one reddit forum from 1 year ago. Someone said something about being scammed by an IDOL on this site. They also said the website wasn’t in Japan but in China. I was wondering why I never saw new females joining the website; it was the same 23 pages worth of them. I wanted to test the website to see if it was legit. I made another account, a fake male account with AI artwork. It was approved in one second. I then made a fake female account; it said pending approval. It has now been 2 weeks since I made that account, and it still says pending approval. This means all the women on this website have to be fake actors. There is also a setting on JPNDate to see who has been online last or which accounts are the oldest. When I asked weeks before, Yomi claimed she had been on this website only for a short time. Her oldest picture was dated October 20, 2023. Yet she has the sixth-oldest account on JPNDate, according to the website. The Reddit forum I talked about before was over a year old.
When I was on this website for a month, at least 10 other women tried to text me. There was this one profile of a woman from Taiwan, age 20. She texted me three times in one month. When I joined, her age was listed as 20, and at some point, she changed her age to 25 on her profile. I ignored all these women. This proves again that all these women are fake. I do know these are women based on how they type, but they are not truthful like they act like they are. As I write this, I just realized this is Yomi's friend or sister; it matches the other Yomi account's sister tag. They are part of the same dance agency Aiu_Agency on Instagram from SW Entertainment in South Korea.
I knew this website wasn’t telling the truth. I found the JPNDate IP address and tracked it to a server in Hong Kong, China, hosted by Alibaba cloud servers. Reddit was right; the website is Chinese. However, Yomi is Korean which I learned later. I took pictures of the website code just in case. I asked Yomi if she knew Alibaba.
Then she asked if I’m going to China—a very strange follow-up question.
At this point, I was confused. Who is Yomi? I couldn’t find anything about Miyuki Miyamoto, only Yomi. On Yomi’s Instagram, she speaks Korean, not Japanese. I started to think there are no Japanese women on this website like they claim to be. She does speak Japanese, though.
I started using more than 10 different software programs to track who Yomi was since she kept asking me for money. I found like 1000 pictures of an idol, WeChat model, singer, dancer, person on endless Chinese dating sites, and a valiant professional gamer part of the AI’U agency for over 8 years. I found two other Instagram accounts with Yomi's face. Another account in Chinese with an idol name other than Yomi also had a Facebook page. The Chinese account has a post about her going to Australia in early 2024, where she is typing in English words. It was a fake trip. I also found an account where she speaks only Korean on Instagram. I also found a tik-tok where someone dances and looks 100% the same as Yomi, to whom I’m talking. The part that is crazy is that none of the images are 100% the same, but the person is the same in all of them.
This shocked me; I follow all the accounts. I saw the stories daily to see who this person was. Her Yomi account is just her normal pictures and atm company or something. Her Korean account is about traveling to Singapore, Spain, and South Korea. She also posts a lot about Disney toys here. When I talked to the scammer about Disney, I had no idea about this.
At this point, I knew that many men had been scammed out of money for fake love, not just me. These women are real women. However, there are actors pretending to be in love. They will crush your heart and call you names after a few weeks if you don’t buy their stuff. It has to be from JPNdate Mall only, nowhere else. JPNdate Mall prices are crazy high. I am not sure if the point of the website is just for money or if it is actually for women to study English or what. Chinese women, pretending to be Japanese (most of them), that have connections to Korean music, dancing, and gaming on professional teams. Man, what a hell of a story this is. This sounds like a Hollywood movie, but it's real, or at least partly. At this point, everything I say seems to be true based on what I know. They are connected deeply with SW Entertainment.
Yomi told me early on that she had one older sister and one younger brother. It seems like she is actually a twin, and she is the younger sister. Or it’s her friend she calls a sister from the dance Aiu Agency. Yomi claims to be 25, but I think she is closer to 27 or 28 based on finding a listing of her work in 2015 at Twitch Gaming. You have to be 18 or older to work at Twitch gaming, unless your parents sign things. Unless this job is fake, I don’t know.
When I showed the pictures I found to Yomi on JPNdate, she played the victim card on me. Saying she thinks I’m a liar and she wants to break up. Then she gave me her Skype account to try to prove it was legit, and all the other images and accounts were stolen and fake. Her Skype name is Rose, with a One Piece picture. She sent me many voice clips, crying, trying to convince me that she was real. I put them in software, and the voice was 30% human, 70% AI. Clearly, a woman is changing her Chinese or Korean voice to sound Japanese. A PC gamer would know how to do this; they do it all the time to troll. Yomi told me she didn’t play video games anymore, but I found a picture that wasn’t that old of a woman who looked the same as her; she had a Nintendo Switch with a white OLED in it. Btw it’s a known fact that Yomi uses software to cheat in the Pc FPS games. We talk for a few more weeks on Skype.
I can’t let Yomi, her sister, whoever the man is (I think her lover), and her idol dance friends scam men for their time and money. Yomi Chiense's name is Vera Yuanxin (维拉). Her twin sister goes by veravera_zhangg.
Yomi “deleted her profile” when I exposed her. But One Yomi is still there with no pictures. Two they clearly have other accounts with people who look like she just changed hairstyle, talking and trying to scam other men.
Remember when I said the anime part was important? On Yomi's Korean account, she has a friend with whom she talks about Digimon. She gave him a Disney toy. She told me she wanted to cosplay a fox; his profile is a fox. There is just so much proof that these are the same people.
Later someone hit me up on Reddit from the Phillippines and told me how the same person Yomi scammed them. How for months Yomi promise them so many things. Then when they said it came to going on the plane to visit him they said they were sick or dying or something.
Yomi also made a fake Instagram pretending to be Joe Biden and sent me a friend invite. I messaged and it was so funny how bad it was on their part. I said “Yomi are you trolling me?” then they deleted their account. This was on April 6th, 2024. Yomi tries so hard but use a lot of cheap things that are clearly fake like ai artwork, bots for like at ai_u agency, and fake profiles where she comments herself and attacks anyone who calls her out fairly.
After exposing Jpndate they Ip ban my address lol. Then on social media joke about attacking me.
If you call out their BS they threaten your family and yourself. Just stay away from all these sites if you're going to date online use well-known legit sites. I contacted Paypal and me and had many emails back and forth. They pretended to do an investigation on Yomi real identity and said she was really Miyuki Miyamoto. It was so bullshit. I told them I would sue them if they were lying, The site no longer exists. The scam does, however.
What happened After JPNDATE? April-June 2024
In April many fake Instagram accounts started following me each day. They are romance scams I never got them like this before. I didn’t fall for any of them. All or most were likely Yomi and her friends. Paypal did get me 4000 of 4080 dollars back but it took 6 weeks and multiple emails. JPNDate tells me they will be closing soon after PayPal went after them hard.
Like I said I just wanted to find love. I made some stupid decisions along the way. However, I want to find out the truth and make sure other men don’t get scammed by them. I keep messaging Yomi's skype during this period, they never block me. They unfriended me but I could still send messages I wasn’t blocked. They even responded 2 times out of the 50 times I did this in the multiple-week span.
I contacted the Aiu_Agency on Instagram (It is the same people as JPNDate) they pretended to be different people. I told them about Jpndate. They called me a hero, they said they loved me, and they thanked me for sending them all the pictures that Yomi sent me on Jpndate and Skype. They follow me on Instagram for 2 days. Then they unfollowed me randomly for no reason. They said their agency would do a police report and kill the scammer. I knew this was so bullshit. I told them how the scammers were making new profiles of them on Japan Cupid. Which is true. The leader Mingmei1344 (Which is Yomi Chinese account) claimed I was the scammer setting them up. She plays the victim card on me. I showed her all the messages and how I got the pictures, I didn’t steal anything. She told me her and her friends are okay if I hacked them, because I’m from the CIA. I am not from the CIA. It was a joke I made a few days before when she pretended to be a mob boss in Korea. I told her I am not a hacker. Right after that she and her friends all ban me other then Mingmei1344 account. Mingmei1344 Message me 1 more day, then block me.
However, Mingmei1344 and the Aiu_Agency keep posting things on topics I told them days or weeks before. I checked their old post they never talked about any of this before that. I told these to Yomi on JPNDate and skype not Mingmei1344 again proving it is the same person. They look the same as well. Like the blue feather concept in love mythology, Gundams, Nintendo, Persona, and many many other topics. Yomi claimed to not know anything about videogames before I talked about it with her. I think this is partly a lie.
This confuses me so I make fake Instagram accounts to message Mingmei1344 and Aiu_agency. She replies to my messages and Mingmei1344 even does a ask me a question thing on Instagram and replies to all of them. She clearly knows these accounts are from me Mark however she replies anyway. The replies were nice and positive things. Then later she bans them all again.
Often Aiu-Agency Women (Yomi and her friends, Mostly Yomi) pretend to go to countries they are not actually in the picture, it’s all greenscreen effects. They also use Ai for Music covers Artwork. For music covers they pretend to sell millions of copies of but there is nowhere to buy such a music cover CD they claim to sell. Their music covers are claimed to be from popular songs kpop songs. I looked, at least not right now such CDs aren’t real. Of course, the songs are real but not their covers. Yomi is most of the women in the pictures but not all. They will post Ai cover artwork, multiple pictures of them using the greenscreen effect, then put a high-quality image of a famous Korean male singer. They never took these pictures of these Korean male singers. They download them and edit them. They pretend to perform with them but it is all fake. Mingmei1344 started always putting her with all the famous Mark’s in Korea. Only her not her staff with Mark’s. I think it’s a reference to me. She didn’t do this before meeting me I looked at her old post. Again Mingmei1344 is Yomi who is Jeong Nahyeon, who pretends to be Miyuki Miyamoto.
She still references me sometimes in other ways and I send them messages to see what will happen next. One time I wrote about loving her to see what she would say. I do love Yomi, however I don’t want anyone to get scammed. I told her we could travel across the world together. She wrote in her next post on Aiu_agency on Instagram she liked this future with her future husband. It was a direct reply to what I asked the day before.
I joined DateSteady after being contacted by a woman on Japan cupid. She is very interested in me and Yomi so I tell her everything.
submitted by No_Funny3533 to Romance_Scamer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:19 Excellent_Piccolo_58 I am 27F and My BF is 29M Should I be worried about this financial issue or its normal?

My boyfriend and I are planning to get married soon. He is smart, kind, and good-looking which are qualities I deeply appreciate also he fought with his entire family to convince them to marry me as we belong to different caste. However, I have growing concerns about his family's financial habits, which are causing significant strain on our relationship.
His family has a tendency to take loans for almost everything and they have no savings to fall back on. Despite my repeated suggestions for him to focus on paying off his education loans, I noticed he was diverting his money to support his family instead. After several discussions, we finally agreed to provide his family with Rs 20,000 per month since his father earns around Rs 35,000 to 40,000 per month.
Recently, his family asked for additional money to help cover their home loan. Initially, I thought this was a reasonable request. However, I discovered that they had received Rs 2 lakh from somewhere and squandered it all instead of using it responsibly, like paying off part of the home loan and reduce thier family burden of home loan
In addition, his mother insisted that he take out Rs 4-5 lakh worth of gold for wedding jewelry. I advised him against this as i was okay with just ring and magalsutra ( a nech chain women wears after wedding), I also asked him we should do small wedding of 50 people and go for really nice honeymoon but he argued that it was necessary to uphold societal expectations about the gold given to the daughter-in-law at the wedding. However, I later found out that his mother intended to keep all of this jewelry and he said we can do small wedding but have to do grand reception where boy side of the family and 500-1000 people comes .
His mother also asked him twice to shut off my social media and commented on my decent pictures because it's a shame for their family that I belong to the caste that is lower to them. He doesn't believe in any of this stupidity but he asked me to shut it off till wedding as their families reputation will get affected by this and he said it's not their mistake this is how their side of society thinks but later after some arguments he agreed this is all wrong.
His mother also talked with my mother that I sleep with his son but my mom didn't react to it as she know couple do spend time with each other😂
His mother also didnt like me much so she asked him to buy house in Gurgaon and keep it on her name as she think I will take divorce in the future and take it all away .Even though she knows our family dont have any loan , i earn equal to him and my both elder sister earn 30 lakh each.but then also I agreed till I found how they wasted 2 lakhs rupees of loan then I started to tell him that we will do as many prenups but I don't trust them.
Despite both of us earning a income of Rs 18 lakh each per year which is quite a good income in India, we can hardly go out or enjoy our earnings because he is constantly facing financial problems. For him, a nearby low-budget trip to Nasik and Goa from Pune on his and mine birthdays once in 2 years of relationship considered a good outing, whereas everyone around us, who earn significantly less, manage to travel to better places. He uses a simple mobile phone and rides a basic bike, but his family has managed to buy a car and an expensive electric vehicle, enjoying a lifestyle much better than ours.
After numerous arguments, he finally agreed to go out sometimes, but I can tell that he doesn't truly enjoy it. It's just his presence; he doesn't seem to derive any pleasure from these outings.
I waited for a year as responsibile gf for things to get better I have never asked him for pay for anything for me and also stoped him to do any heavy expenses for anything so that loan burder can be reduced and we can live freely but there was no appreciation for it on the other hand I was said that I have high aspirations in life as he went to to 2-3 nearby places for our birthdays where we did splitup of all our experiences.
I am not going to lie here but due to frustration and constant fight we used some abusive languages and my language was harsh for his family.
Moreover, his 32-year-old brother, who earns Rs 30,000 per month, has greatly benefited from my boyfriend’s generosity. He doesnt take much money from my boyfriend but cant afford to live a good life this income also. My boyfriend paid Rs 2.5 lakh for his brother's wife's education and Rs 1 lakh for a scooter. While I was initially pleased that she started earning more than her husband and her hard work paid off but it really stressed me that they made the decision to have their first child right after their honeymoon when no were earning minimal without any financial or family planning and they will do the same in the future as well.
For the past two years, my boyfriend has been telling me that his brother is preparing for exams, planning to start a business, learning digital marketing, etc. However, I recently saw his resume, and it was of very poor quality, almost as if it had been prepared by a seventh grader. There were numerous spelling errors, including his own job title. If he is at this stage at 32 I don't think he will ever be able to grow properly and my bf will take all guilt of it like he does now.
Furthermore, my boyfriend often talks about wanting to make significant investments of Mart for his brother and was on the verge of taking a Rs 60 lakh loan which I managed to stop. Given these patterns of financial behavior, I'm deeply concerned about our future together. Is this level of financial dependency and mismanagement normal, or should I be seriously worried about the sustainability of our relationship and our financial future?
submitted by Excellent_Piccolo_58 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:44 SafetyCutRopeAxtMan Galaxy Tab S9 Summer Deal

Have been looking for a good tablet since a while but don't want to pay a fortune for a portable device but I hate it when mobile devices are slow so don't wanna go low budget either. I saw that they have the S9 with 8/128GB on Sale for about 650€ but for that you also get and extra device like the S6 lite or a Samsung speaker.
I guess the S10 is just around the corner so that's why they put the last generation on sale. Actually I was hoping for a good vanilla tablet to be announced on the Google I/O for around 500 bucks so those are the things why I am not totally sure if I would make a good deal.
Is the deal worth it or should I hope and wait though it's probably unlikely that I'll find what I am looking for (solid quality, around 500€, great display, good pen and drawing support, ideally vanilla android, ...) anytime soon?
submitted by SafetyCutRopeAxtMan to GalaxyTab [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:41 No_Marzipan_1230 Industrial Mage: Modernizing a Magical World Chapter 10 – Holden Affairs & Numbers Going Up!

An engineer from earth blends science and magic to achieve greatness in another world where skills and levels reign supreme.

Ethan was just a plain old engineer, but everything changed when he was reborn into a world of skills, levels, and magic. With his advanced knowledge far ahead of the time period he finds himself in, this new reincarnated life will be much different than his last, especially because he can construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct runes—something no one else can do.
But with royal politics, looming tax collectors, a mountain of debt, dungeon incursions, cults, and hostile fantasy races mixing together into a cocktail of bullshit that threatens to bury his dreams; Ethan must bridge the gap between steel and sorcery to grow stronger. — What to Expect:
- Weak to very strong progression with a Sword & Magic MC that kicks a whole lotta ass. - Fast pacing. A balance of action galore, politics, kingdom building, and slow-burn runecrafting. - Fun, satisfying moments. An extra shot of happiness when reading. Hardcore wish fulfillment. Hyper competent MC. - MC will trigger an industrial revolution, abolish slavery, revolutionize magic, modernize agriculture, communication, commerce, textile production, education, transportation, sanitation, weapons manufacturing, leisure & entertainment, and medicine. - Dark truths of a medieval-esque society going under change.
Join my Discord Server to have chat, bother me, ask me questions, or just genuine fun really -
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Chapter 10

Ethan surveyed the men before him, schooling his expression. Cedric was one of his advisors, a lean man, taller than the average in Holden, and wiry, but with the unmistakable long and callused fingers of someone well skilled with a bow. It was odd to see such features, but Ethan wasn’t one to point it out or talk about it. A perpetual worried crease etched between his brows; he shuffled a stack of parchments.
Beside him, Roland stood with a hand on the pommel of his sword—a habit Ethan had grown accustomed to. Leaning back, Ethan opened his mouth.
“Alright, gentlemen. Let’s get through this.”
Cedric cleared his throat. “First, my lord, the harvest report.” He unfolded the top parchment. “The rains were late this year, my lord. We’re looking at a significant shortfall in barley and oats.”
Ethan frowned. “Roland,” he switched focus. “The scouting report on the bandits? Has Sir Thomas revealed something? What about the brigands?”
“Sir Thomas has been tight-lipped. The brigands have been bolder, my lord. Spotted them harassing farmsteads near Holden’s western border.
“Have we identified the culprits?”
“No, my Lord. But they seem organized, well-equipped. Too well-equipped, I might say.”
Ethan drummed his fingers on the desk. This wasn’t your typical ragtag group of cutthroats, that much was clear. “Some sort of a group, then.”
“Mobilize a patrol. Set a few archers down range. Kill the bandits on sight, we can’t have them acting bolder.”
Roland nodded, his chin bobbing, face emotionless.
“Any other news? Have we received word from the neighboring barons regarding the proposed trade agreement?” Ethan asked.
“Yes, my lord. Sir Jack informed me that one of his ravens returned this morning; he says they spotted two men bearing the crest of the crown—”
“Tax collectors,” Ethan interrupted. “They should already be in Siez by now, then.”
Siez was a city two weeks’ ride from Holden.
“Well then, we must do something about the harvest,” Ethan murmured. He had some ideas, but all of them would require money.
“As for trade... Everyone has denied, like usual. Lord Ashton has been with Holden since Lord Baelgard’s death, but even he appears hesitant now. Cites concerns about the quality of our goods.”
“Hmm. Excuses.” Ethan sighed. “He doesn’t want to work with us anymore. He’s likely receiving pressure; I don’t blame him. I’ve offended quite a lot of nobles in my... teen years.”
Ethan cleared his throat. “We’ll send another sample,” Ethan decided, his voice firm. “Along with a personal letter outlining the benefits of trade with Holden, only this time, including soap; I’m sure he’ll latch onto the opportunity if he has some foresight.”
Ashton was playing politics, but they couldn’t afford to alienate their only potential trading partner.
The rest of the morning was spent in a similar vein—discussing minor squabbles amongst the populace, a few dead bodies that were reported, potential repairs needed on the crumbling town walls, and other matters regarding Holden.
Ethan entered the space sectioned off by iron grills inside the quarantined house in the outskirts of Holden. Covering his in a mask, he stepped over the grills, into the open hall with rows of beds lining both sides. He was here to take a look at the patients and if they were getting treated. They were. Undoubtedly. Some even showed signs of recovery. They stood up spotting him, then bowed.
“Lord Theodore! What an honor!” A woman said, then burst into tears holding onto her daughter’s hand. “Thank you for letting me live, Lord.” She sobbed as she buried her face on the sleeping child.
Ethan frowned, feeling uncomfortable. They hadn’t gone past their third stages of the disease. They weren’t even on their second one. That was why it’d been easier to treat them.
“Yes, my lord,” a man joined them, speaking. “You’re the only noble that’s spared us peasants a glance. Truly, thank you.”
Feeling even more uncomfortable, Ethan gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “I only hope you all get better.”
They smiled as he smiled back through the mask. Ethan quickly made his way out, then furrowed his brows as he met Miller outside. “Miller, why have you not pulled out those that have recovered? Letting them stay inside would only get them infected again or cause their condition to worsen.”
Miller’s face turned white. “My—my lord, but—but we cannot just remove them!” He took a deep breath. “If we let them go, they could infect others in Holden. If those infected catch wind of their neighbors recovering, wouldn’t they try to force their way into quarantine just to get healed and recover?” His eyes turned shifty, showing some sort of apprehension and panic.
Ethan glared. “Miller, you’re smart, are you not?” He narrowed his eyes. “Get them out of here, as soon as possible. I ordered everyone infected be brought in, logistics be damned! I’m paying it out of my pockets! You need not worry about those that might be infected. What do you even mean? We’re constantly on the lookout, if we found someone, they’d be here already.”
“Yes, about that, my lord,” Miller said nervously, looking away. “People fear. Many would rather stay quiet than let others know if they’re infected. Plus, it’s easier said than done. My men would get attacked. Anyone can get killed easily, they’re not Classed. or a large horde of desperate people might push forward in an instant.”
Ethan didn’t say anything. Gulping, Miller continued.
“And, my men are too few. There are not enough men to patrol and get the affected. Not to mention people would riot against it, fearing their loved ones are getting slaughtered for some ritual and that there’s no salvation. Especially given that a few dead bodies have been found recently,” Miller bowed, swallowed. “Forgive me for saying this, my lord, but people do not trust you.”
Miller slumped against his chair, staring at the ceiling. Ethan silently took his seat, thinking over what Miller had said. In the end, he could only sigh. “Get every infected here, do not worry about aurums.” It costed a lot of money—aurums—to get people treated. However, it wasn’t that much. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Ethan changed the subject. “Miller,” Ethan said. “How’re tests going?”
Miller frowned, a finger on his chin as he hummed thoughtfully. “We’ve encountered an issue; mostly with the later stage tainted. We’d expected it, too, however, we need some kind of a solution.”
“What issue?”
“Their skin is rotting; we cannot just have them use soap and hot water to keep clean. There needs to be something to address their wounds directly, first.” Miller sighed. “A [Healer], perhaps. But they’re expensive, my Lord. I am not sure if that is what you would want. Not to mention, another issue is that Sir Jack has yet to build something he calls nexus—he says you would know what that is. He’s currently using himself as said nexus, but says he would need to talk to you on that matter later to figure out some solution.”
“Is that so?” Ethan hummed, reclining back into his chair. Hiring a [Healer] would indeed be a pain. He was already paying Jack quite the sum each day, not to mention the [Beast Tamer] he’d had to hire to take care of Wynd. If he were to hire a [Healer] now, it would make a dent on his pockets that he wouldn’t be able to recover from. Not to mention, he needed to worry more about the financial situation now—the tax collectors would be arriving sooner or later, and the Merchants Guild would want their debt paid with interest. He couldn’t be stuck in a rut of indebtedness forever.
That said, soap would be excellent for the majority of the populace, the only time there would be an issue would be when someone’s already at the stage where their flesh starts to rot. If there were something, he had to consider it*... Are there alternatives?*
Ethan took a breath, then leaned back into his chair, steepling his hands. What do I currently need?
Money. Money would solve a lot of his issues. Ethan hummed, stood up, then turned on his heel and walked out. Before getting out, however, he looked over his shoulder. “Tell Jack to keep working on updating the base spell. Make it more efficient, if possible. Leave the rest to me.”
I’ll figure something out...
He needed to—he wanted to.
Roland stood outside the carriage, and as he saw Ethan approaching, he turned to him. “My Lord.”
“Roland, let’s go,” Ethan said, grabbing the carriage’s handle, pulling the door open, and climbing inside. “We have work to do.”
“As you wish, my Lord.”
Reclined against the cushioned seat of the carriage, Ethan hummed. The solution to getting more money was rather simple.
My masterpiece needs to hit the market. Ethan smiled.
Ethan settled into a routine; he’d wake up with the first rays of sunlight filtering through his window. He’d stretch, and feel the satisfying pops in his back before heading outside to find Wynd already waiting for him, tail wagging excitedly. They’d take a brisk run through the dewy field. Ethan would spend a good hour playing with Wynd. The [Beast Tamer] Grandma Millie had a natural connection with Wynd, and Ethan was learning to understand how to handle a wolf under her guidance. Ethan knew that Wynd wasn’t quite a normal magical beast, heck, he was sure that Wynd would sooner or later hit some kind of magical puberty that’ll sky rocket his intelligence and allow him to speak or whatever, but regardless of everything, learning how to handle him was a good move. He was, after all, quite like a pet right now.
Regardless, he’d practice the [Elemental Spells] he knew: fire and water.
One day, he finally leveled it up.
[Elemental Spells] — Lvl 9 -> Lvl 10!
Warning: Level cap for [Elemental Spells] reached; satisfy the conditions to upgrade [Elemental Spells].
Interesting. Ethan thought, rubbing his chin. However, given that there was no information, he was confused so as to how to satisfy said conditions. I will figure it out, he shrugged, for now, I need to learn the other elements first.
Aside from that particular day’s highlight, his routine would continue as usual. After a satisfying breakfast, it would be time to get down to business. He’d perfected the basic soap recipe, and now it was time to ramp up production. With the success in making the first batch of soap, and the thought of making money, quick, in his mind, he’d started working extra hard to get more soap made. He found himself busier than ever. He’d sit in there for hours and create rune motes after rune motes. One by one, they’d materialize on top of his palms, swirling tiny fireflies.
Just like usual, one particular day, he was creating rune motes.
Ten… twenty… thirty… his brow furrowed in concentration.
Forty… fifty… and then, sixty rune motes. [Basic Rune Creation] skill leveled up, too, and a satisfied grin spread across his face the two times it did level up.
[Basic Rune Creation] – Lvl 5 -> Lvl 6!
[Basic Rune Creation] – Lvl 6 -> Lvl 7!
The number of motes he could create and the speed at which he did it had noticeably improved after each level. It drained his mana reserves daily. He’d often find himself with a dull ache behind his eyes, but he’d pushed on regardless, ignoring the beginnings of a headache and sometimes it’d blow into a full-blown migraine due to his stubbornness.
One such afternoon, as he slumped, massaging his temples, an idea struck him.
“Meditation,” he murmured. Perhaps focusing his mind inward, like calming a churning lake, could help manage his mana pool. It was usually like that in those novels he used to read back in middle school.
The first few days were frustrating. He sat cross-legged on a cushion, eyes closed, trying to clear his mind, but his thoughts kept flitting back to the ever-growing pile of soap base and the dwindling supply of rune motes (Jack hadn’t disappointed him, after all; the man was fast and his money’s worth, if not more. In fact, Ethan found it harder to keep up). Just as he was getting frustrated, a warmth bloomed within him, a gentle hum that resonated deep within something he could only describe as a core. He cracked open his eyes, a surprised gasp escaping his lips.
A notification appeared before him.
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2024.06.09 14:33 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: June 2-8, 2024

The heat and the pressure are on—for our planet, and for one more World War.
Last Week in Collapse: June 2-8, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 128th newsletter. You can find the May 26-June edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
Bengaluru broke a 133-year rain record by almost 10mm last Sunday, with 111mm (4.37 inches) of rain falling in a single day. In Sri Lanka, some 24,000 people were displaced by recent flooding. A heat wave swept through the southwest United States and northern Mexico. Part of Niger already broke its June temperature record. Parts of New South Wales, Australia broke nighttime temperatures as well; so did the Philippines, and Vietnam. And a heat wave in Greece.
Atmospheric blocking” happens when regions of the atmosphere remain stationary for days or weeks, imposing similar weather on a region for a while. A study released in Nature Communications looked at Svalbard, which is warming faster than the Arctic, which is itself warming faster than most of the rest of the planet. The researchers claim that atmospheric blocking has resulted in warmer & wetter conditions in Svalbard, which is driving its ice loss. “The augmented blocking in the Ural and Scandinavian regions in the future combined with the projected declines in sea ice, and increases in sea surface temperatures and moisture availability, will likely increase the magnitude and frequency of exceptional rainfall incidents similar to the 2016 occurrence, posing further hazards to the population and ecosystems in Svalbard.”
A paywalled study in Nature Climate Change emphasizes “in the absence of a global tipping point there is no safety margin within which permafrost loss would be acceptable.” The summary states that permafrost melt does not have a worldwide tipping point, but rather several local temperature thresholds. Permafrost worldwide is expected to be all melted once global temperature gains hit 5 or 6 °C.
We are currently in the brief neutral period between El Niño and La Niña, expected to begin around August. Meteorologists expect temperatures in the eastern Pacific to decline for between 1 and 3 years—and for stronger Atlantic hurricanes. A 14-page report from the WMO forecasts a particularly wet summer for Central America.
Monsoon storms in Sri Lanka killed 14, mostly by falling trees, though others drowned or were covered by landslides. Texas saw “canteloupe-size hail” fall during a freak tornado; some think it is a record size for the region. Experts say some 23% of Africa’s land has been degraded, by five major factors: 1) invasive species, 2) climate change, including Drought and flooding, 3) resource extraction, 4) deforestation, and 5) pollution, including algal blooms. Poverty, population growth, and resource dependencies have aggravated the problem, says the article.
In Kashmir, a glacier Collapsed, sending three plunging into the ice, one of whom has still not been found. In the Philippines, a volcanic mud landslide swept into a village; volcano alerts were raised to 2 (on a 0-5 scale). Rising sea levels are displacing residents of one of Panama’s islands (pop: ~1,200); others will follow. Greece is gearing up for a fierce wildfire season ahead. And, in a moment of hopeful news, Sweden is banning bottom trawling in its “marine protected areas.”
In the EU, early polling appears to show a “greenlash,”, a backlash to the Green Alliance—and perhaps a loss of some 30% of their 72 current seats in the EU Parliament (705 total). Some blame the “moral superiority complex” of Greens, while others believe it is their lack of compromise on important issues. Farmer protests also damaged Green sentiment; now future sweeping climate reforms will probably have to wait years to get passed, since conservatives are expected to make gains. Most results will emerge within 24 hours of this post.
Worldwide, 39% of environmental journalists have faced threats due to their reporting—according to a 112-page report by the Earth Journalism Network. Most of the threats came to reporters writing about illegal extraction operations.
Roughly 20% of sealife near the surface is expected to face a “triple threat” of climate hazards: extreme heat, oxygen loss and acidification. Some of these species will die in place; others will be forced into progressively smaller living spaces. Most of the danger lies in the northern Pacific. The full study in AGU Advances has more.
The UN Secretary-General announced that we are on the “highway to climate hell.” And we aren’t wearing any seatbelts. The EU Copernicus Programme says last May was the hottest on record. This means the last 12 months were the hottest on record, with each consecutive month setting a new monthly record. Our planet is supposedly on the edge of 1.5 °C temperature increase, but some think we’ve already surpassed it.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released a 27-page report, “Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update 2024-2028,” predicting short-term temperatures exceeding the 1.5 °C mark.
“The global mean near-surface temperature for each year between 2024 and 2028 is predicted to be between 1.1°C and 1.9°C higher than the average over the years 1850-1900. It is likely (80% chance) that global mean near-surface temperature will exceed 1.5°C above the 1850-1900 average levels for at least one year between 2024 and 2028. It is about as likely as not (47%) that the five-year mean will exceed this threshold….Arctic warming over the next five extended winters (November to March), relative to the average of the 1991-2020 period, is predicted to be more than three times as large as the warming in global mean temperature. Predicted precipitation patterns for 2024, relative to the 1991-2020 average, suggest an increased chance of low rainfall over North-East Brazil and an increased chance of wet conditions in the African Sahel, consistent with the warmer-than-usual temperatures in the North Atlantic….
The Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy released its 2024 Environmental Policy Index, and the 204 pages illustrate the state of sustainability in 180 countries, according to 58 indicators. The document, full of useful graphics and accessible summaries, presents a world in escalating danger of global heating, pollution, and biodiversity loss. It is well worth skimming. These kinds of climate reports usually seem to me like, overall, much more time was spent making them than people spend reading them…
“Only five countries — Estonia, Finland, Greece, Timor-Leste, and the United Kingdom — cut their GHG emissions at the rate needed to reach zero by 2050….After climate change, biodiversity loss has emerged as the most serious and irreversible environmental crisis….As of 2022, aggregated GHG emissions were falling in 60 countries but still rising in 128…. Human activities, namely the combustion of fossil fuels, of which CO2 is an inevitable byproduct, have caused a nearly 50 percent of the increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution, with atmospheric concentration surpassing 426 parts per million in April 2024 — a level higher than at any point in human history….China, the United States, and India are pivotal, accounting for over half of global GHG emissions…China used more cement in two years (2020 and 2021) than the United States did in the entire twentieth century….Air pollution remains the most serious environmental threat to public health. Long-term exposure to fine particulate matter less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5) caused 7.8 million premature deaths in 2021, close to 12 percent of global deaths…” -selections from the first third of the report
Mexico saw its first human case of a bird flu strain, H5N2, in a dead man supposedly with no known previous exposure to animals. Two turkey farms got outbreaks in Minnesota, and Iowa’s first dairy farm reported bird flu as well. American health authorities expect H5N1 human cases to rise in the coming weeks. Bird flu was also found in San Francisco last week. Millions of human vaccine doses for bird flu are being prepared for the United States this summer.
Citigroup says the United States is already in a recession, though other institutions disagree. Nevertheless, junk bonds are becoming even more junky, and economists agree that the economy is at least slowing down. Credit card debt is reportedly rising, and the “personal savings rate” has dropped to pre-COVID levels. “America’s debt accumulation over the last seven years is akin to the costs of a world war,” says the article. Cuts to the Federal Reserve interest rate are coming, and the rise of tariffs is unlikely to stop soon. And Europe’s strongest economy, Germany, is not seeing a strong recovery from last year’s recession.
Thousands are starving in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, where Drought and school dropouts have also worsened. Investigators claim in a new report that both sides in the Tigray War committed grave war crimes and “acts of genocide” in the conflict, which ended (on paper, anyway) in November 2022; intercommunal violence continues at a lower intensity.
The American Heart Association released a report projecting the rates of heart illnesses by 2050, and they believe the rate of hypertension among adults will rise from about 51% in 2020 to 61% in 2060. Diabetes rates are expected to jump from about 16% in 2020 to almost 27% in 2050; and obesity rates will expand 17% to over 60%... A number of other heart conditions are expected to worsen as well, though at least high cholesterol rates are expected to decrease.
A 12-page report by Oil Change International says what we all know: most nations are failing to meet climate targets. “Some G7 countries are massively expanding fossil fuel production at home, while others are investing in more fossil fuel infrastructure abroad.” China is, far and away, adding more renewable energy capacity than any other nations on earth, supposedly adding “over 90% of all renewable capacity mentioned in NDCs {nationally determined contributions}” in the 2020s so far.
The U.S. FDA has unanimously recommended a new vaccine be developed to address the JN.1 COVID variant. Vaccine-manufacturers say that a new vaccine could arrive as early as mid-August. A 242-page prepublication report on the long-term dangers of Long COVID, with a view to planning future impacts on Social Security.
“Even individuals with a mild initial course of illness can develop Long COVID with severe health effects….Women are twice as likely as men to experience Long COVID….Long COVID can cause more than 200 symptoms and affects each person differently….There currently is no curative treatment for Long COVID itself. Management of the condition is based on current knowledge about treating the associated health effects and other sequelae….Long COVID symptoms generally improve over time, although preliminary studies suggest that recover can plateau 6-12 months after acute infection. Studies have shown that only 18-22 percent of those who have persistent symptoms at 5-6 months following infection have fully recovered by 1 year. Among those who do not improve, most remain stable, but some worsen.” -selections from the study summary
Germany reported African swine flu in some pigs in the northeast. Monkeypox cases remain in the United States, and at higher rates than last year, despite waning media coverage. And four strains of dengue fever, yes four, are still sweeping through Brazil with no end in sight.
A number of current & former employees at OpenAI are warning of the careless pursuit of dominance of the artificial intelligence arena—and the supposed 70% chance that AI could bring about “doom” for humanity. Some of the computer scientists believe that a general intelligence (AGI) could arrive as soon as 2027—a generation earlier than previous estimates of roughly 2050. "The world isn’t ready, and we aren’t ready," said one dissenting researcher.
The intervention into Haiti is almost ready to go, but gangsters in Haiti have escalated attacks against police in advance of the Kenya-led operation, set to begin in a week or two. “The gangs are just waiting for the Kenyans, they’re just cracking their knuckles and stretching out.…It’s going to be a battle if not a bloodbath of a war, because the gangs are ready,” said one ex-diplomat. A new PM has been installed, Garry Conille, a guy who previously served as PM for 4 about months in 2011-2012. Gangs vying for power control roughly 80% of Port-Au-Prince; will they remain fragmented upon the arrival of an outside coalition, or make an alliance of convenience to oppose police intervention?
Although New Caledonia’s state of emergency has ended, over $1B of damage has been wrought by rioters opposing an expansion of voting rights. Analysts say that the Pacific island’s abundant nickel reserves—essential for France’s renewable energy push—have seen their extraction obstructed by recent events. A curfew remains in place, and social cohesion has been seriously damaged by the protests and the central government’s reactions.
President Biden issued new orders restricting the flow of migrants and asylum-seekers at the Mexico border. At the U.S./Canada border, migrant arrivals have spiked 1000%+ in the last 3 years. Days before the EU election, Portugal instituted stronger controls over immigration. On the Poland/Belarus border, a Polish soldier died, after being stabbed by a migrant from Belarus.
Georgia’s controversial foreign agents bill has been signed into law despite strong protests from the masses. Some call the law a form of Russian hybrid warfare, though Russia contends that allowing foreign media funding functions as a kind of anti-Russian hybrid warfare on its own.
South Korea suspended a military agreement with North Korea over their waste balloons sent into the South. This will result in a more militarized border, outside the DMZ, in the coming months. President Putin is also planning a visit to Pyongyang, which has been long-supplying materiel to Russia for use in Ukraine. A border clash between Chinese and Indian forces took place in their contested mountains—using only sticks and stones.
Conditions in Gaza are said to be “beyond crisis levels” for the 1M+ people who have been displaced from Rafah, as the Israeli advance continues—despite calls from the ICJ to halt the operation. “The sounds, the smells, the everyday life, are horrific and apocalyptic,” said one observer. Killings in the West Bank have now exceeded 500 since October 7, and aid deliveries have sunk 65%+ since the Rafah offensive began. A strike on a school killed 45 people sheltering there, according to Gaza officials. In the coastal settlement of al-Mawasi, where many IDPs moved after the Rafah invasion began, toilets are so scarce that over 4,000 people share a single latrine.
The battlefield is expanding; in some ways, it has always been all-encompassing, and it’s only now that the world is re-learning it. Ukraine has sent soldiers to Syria to fight Wagner Group mercenaries operating in the failed state. Ukraine had earlier intervened in Sudan to combat Russian forces operating in the country. Ukraine also struck an air defense unit inside Russia for the first time, marking another escalation in the War. Russia struck Ukraine’s largest hydroelectric power plant in Dnipro, which is now in “critical condition.” Russia reportedly intends to restart the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant at some point, though international regulators argue that it would be unsafe to turn Europe’s largest nuclear facility online while War still rages around it. Half of Ukraine’s electrical generation has been taken offline. Although weapons are reaching Ukraine’s frontlines, they are not enough to change the tide of the War—and are still outnumbered by Russian soldiers & munitions. Ukraine is also crowd-sourcing 3D-printing drone parts to support their drone fleets—a key part of future modern warfare.
Russia also claims that French military instructors within Ukraine present a lawful military target for Russian forces—and an opportunity to start WWIII. But others believe the flashpoint may come from elsewhere—Taiwan, or the unfolding Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran conflict, which are intensifying on the Lebanon/Israel border. Russia is also taking over Niger’s uranium reserves, once held by a French corporation. And four Russian sea vessels will be visiting Cuba—but not carrying nuclear weapons.
Around Sudan’s capital, looters, checkpoints, and violence have been established. Several torture chambers have been discovered, and the smell of death hangs in the air of a few neighborhoods, contested by both sides. The number of displaced people is approaching 10M. Russia is supposedly playing both sides to its advantage. “All over Sudan, people are going hungry because they have lost everything, the economy has collapsed, and armed men frequently steal what little aid is available,” said one reporter. The insurgent RSF forces are said to not only be fighting for the future, but fighting over history as well. The National Museum has become a cemetery for RSF fighters. University archives have been burned. And ancient artifacts have been cleared out, sold to mysterious buyers, stashed away in unknown places, or simply destroyed… Other horror stories are still emerging; this article details some of the worst recent tales in the War.
One major NATO supplies provider claims that a decade of arms accumulation is coming, to replenish stockpiles given to Ukraine and in advance of a potential open War between China and whatever western nations decide to participate. China announced its intention to detain vessels moving into its alleged national waters near the Philippines—and presumably to sink those which resist. Ukraine used up six years’ worth of shoulder-fired missiles, like javelins, in just one year. The development of the F-35 will exceed $2T, although the U.S. military is planning on using it less than previously expected. NATO is also planning its rapid-transit troop corridors through Europe to the expected frontlines of a potential open War against Russia.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-It is a common refrain that the education system is a bellwether for Collapse. It is also a symbol—alongside our food system, plastic dependency, state militaries, and many other institutions—of how difficult it apparently is to change course. The institutional friction and incentives are burnt in. This detailed post on the (American) school system and the “metacrisis” and much more. Several thorough comments build on the OP’s thesis. Peek into teachers for a glimpse into our doomed future.
-People in southern California are evidently closing their eyes and ears to Collapse, if this weekly observation is to be believed. The author writes about their unfulfilled hope that humanity might turn the ship around during the COVID period, cognitive biases, the persistence of COVID denial, plastics, and the early burning sun.
-Society is closing in on a Doom-Awakening, says the comments on this post. Some disagree (see the above observation).
-Nothing works, and everything is breaking—say many terrific comments in this self-post about the lack of empathy, passion, quality products, and the atrocious job market.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, complaints, upvotes, hurricane advice, bird flu tips, cheap off-grid land, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to your (or someone else’s) email inbox every weekend. What did I forget this week?
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