Predicate nominative and predicate adjective worksheets

John 15:9-17 - You are my friends if you do what I command you

2024.05.14 13:27 SteveBolduc John 15:9-17 - You are my friends if you do what I command you

Jesus said to his disciples:
‘As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my own joy may be in you and your joy be complete. This is my commandment: love one another, as I have loved you. A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you. I shall not call you servants any more, because a servant does not know his master’s business; I call you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father. You did not choose me: no, I chose you; and I commissioned you to go out and to bear fruit, fruit that will last; and then the Father will give you anything you ask him in my name. What I command you is to love one another.’
The word ‘commandment’ often implies coercion and regimentation, and ‘obedience’ implies an unwilling or even a sulky child. In the case of God’s commands, however, a commandment is a gift, indicating the way in which love can be expressed; and obedience is a way of seeking to draw closer to God by imitation. The lover seeks to act like the beloved, to be modelled on the qualities which are loved and admired. The commands of God are not random or domineering, but are indications of the ways in which we can draw just a little nearer to the infinite qualities which are seen in the creating and redeeming God. The generosity seen in the beauties of nature and humanity, in the beauty of tolerance and forgiveness are reflections of the divine qualities. This is how Jesus kept his Father’s commandments and remained in his love, and how we too may do the same.
It might even be said that Jesus needed to suffer so that we might see that God too can endure suffering. Suffering and the supreme suffering of death are human experiences which cannot be predicated of God, and so Jesus himself took them on to share and ennoble these also. Jesus showed his love of the Father and his love of humanity by adopting and enduring the experiences which cannot touch an impassive God. Such is the full meaning of the love expressed by ‘as the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.’
Taken from: Universalis app
submitted by SteveBolduc to CatholicSocTeaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:04 Lit-Up More than one teacher, yay or nay?

I’ve just read a post on here about how teachers refuse to teach kids who have more than one teacher. I’m an adult learner (38) and wondering why or if it's a problem if an adult student has more than one teacher.
I've just come back to the piano, working through grade 1, having taken a few lessons when I was a kid and also learned violin to grade 5/6 and self taught at guitar. Currently getting taught in group classes at a community college.
As a child I would have one private teacher for each instrument I was learning. I found that this could often be intense and meant that I had to depend a lot on that relationship. There could be a feeling of frustration with the instrument if I didn’t gel with the teaching style. As with counselling, I think the efficacy of the sessions is predicated on your relationship with the tutor, and like any relationship, it’s hard to find a perfect match in one person.
As a general rule I don't like to invest everything into one person. I keenly pursued dance for a couple of years (only stopped due to health) and I enjoyed going to different dance classes and learning different things from different teachers, often within the same style. I found that I learned different repertoire, danced to different songs and picked up different techniques and mentality from each teacher. Some teachers I would idolise as performers, but they weren’t so good as teachers. I only discovered all this by learning with each of them. I’m wondering why this shouldn’t be the case with piano.
submitted by Lit-Up to piano [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:27 New-Worldliness-9619 A priori, a posteriori, analytic, synthetic: almost nonsensical definitions?

I just wanted to check if my reasoning makes sense or there are holes here and there; Also wanted to know why so many philosophers are obsessed by these, because the more i study and the more it seems that they are fictitious, and volountqrily avoiding the heuristic moment (every kant reference is purely random).
Let’s start with a priori/a posteriori:
Being a priori (i) all that we can know prior to experience (whatever experience we may have), I would say that here just go our justified intuitive notions about linguistic recursion and language (and even this is controversial) and maybe some innate biological devices that work in this way. For sure mathematics and logic are not a priori (as in (i)), from the simple fact that we write on paper our reasonings and have to go through them; they become a priori as they become “armchair” processes, not a-la-kant as “conditions of possibility”, as we deduce them AFTER, we had experience. Maybe there are some rules of inference that are really a priori, or maybe the sense of tautologic sentence (but only in very rare cases where we just use modus ponens, certainly things like frege’s tautology are not a priori) but honestly, what difference does this make?
About synthetic and analytic I totally agree with Quine: they are for sure moments of knowledge as we surely deduce analytically some things in virtue of their meaning, but this only works as we have that “linguistical/logical” device that makes us divide predicates etc., but our knowledge of this process is experimental, namely about the study of neuroscience, linguistics, etc.
submitted by New-Worldliness-9619 to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:17 One-Environment3309 Buddhism view on Semen Retention aka Celibacy ! In short, "Emptiness"

Desire is no problem. Craving -- i.e., when desire becomes grasping -- is a problem.
And according to the guiding precepts, there is no proscription against sexual activity in itself (except for monastics). It's misuse of sex that is seen as unwholesome.

You need to understand that the entire Path of Buddhism is predicated on waking up from dream-like delusion of self, and selves, and subject (I, my, me) versus object (the presumed external world which the self is presumably 'missing' and needing, or at the mercy of). The point of mental discipline is to stop making an illusory world out of illusory concepts -- our relation to which causes all suffering -- and instead to rest in reality.
This is the basis of all Buddhist ethics. There is no ethical decree given from above by an authority figure; it is all functional, all in service of waking up and dispelling suffering.

So the tainted mental activity that produces the illusion of a 'me' and an external world inevitably leads to craving, grasping, and suffering, like a wheel that turns around and around endlessly.
Craving that persists with regard to a particular object or theme is known as lust. There are many remedies for lust.
First off all, just following the Path in a good course of training will settle the mind and even the energy. Much of our personal suffering and many of our dysfunctional tendencies arise because our energy (in ancient terms named 'inner winds') is inflamed and irregular. A balanced lifestyle and good training in meditation, ethical behavior, and wisdom smooth out the practitioner's energy and establish calmness and stability. The upshot is that one doesn't crave the things one craved before, and turns instead toward noble aims and aspirations, the causes of happiness.
Śamatha (acquiescence/calmness/concentration) meditation is especially regarded as a cure for all kinds of sensual attachment. This is because it diminishes the mental activity that creates the illusion of subject-object separation and its accompanying habitual patterns of attachment. When the mind settles, there is less 'going out' toward supposed external objects.
There are also specific remedies for sexual attachment, including contemplating the constituent parts of a body and/or the many unpleasant aspects of a body -- blood, pus, oil, urine, feces, odor, shedding skin, and so on. Related contemplations consider aging and decay.
These practices are effective because typically the lustful person is fixating on a very limited and idealized version of the supposedly desirable person: they see only momentary physical beauty or preferentially selected qualities, not the whole reality. The contemplations establish what a body really is (which is far from gloriously pleasant). And one can imagine that seeing the entire life span of the object of desire -- seeing hehim as germ cells, a fetus, an infant, a toddler, a child, and adolescent, an adult, an elderly person, a withered aged dying person, a heap of dust and bones -- can dispel the illusion of perfect desirability that characterizes lust.
[Additional note: there's a text in which the Buddha helps Ananda overcome fixation on a woman by bestowing such a vision upon him, of the woman in time-lapse, quickly moving through all stages of her life. Perhaps our scriptural experts will provide a citation here.]
Some of the most important and influential means of bringing the mind under control (not rigid control, but stability and functionality) have to do with lifestyle. There are many teachings that don't appear in books, and which you get through human contact and actually living the lifestyle along with others.
Regulating diet, sleep, physical movement and rest account for possibly half or more of the spiritual accomplishments and personal transformations sought by practitioners. If you just eat right, your efforts are already tremendously supported.
Avoiding overly dulling or stimulating foods (like too much meat & dairy, and certainly sugars, oily foods, processed foods, overly spicy foods), avoiding overeating, and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and recreational drugs go a long way to settling the fiery, eruptive energy that easily becomes sexual craving.
Certain specific foods are discouraged or, within specific practices, prohibited because they directly block the practice. Some of these are strongly aphrodisiac foods, others are known to block the energy flow being cultivated.
Sleeping the right amount at the right time evens, calms, and uplifts the energy. Best is to be asleep at least an hour before midnight (by the sun, not by the clock which can change with daylight savings time), and to wake and rise before the first light of dawn. No surprise: this follows the schedule of temples and practice centers. And having too little sleep, though not ideal, is better for the subtle energy than too much sleep. Having too little sleep harms the body, but having too much sleep harms the energy and spirit.
Physical movement is also extremely important for health at all levels, and for spiritual practice. Physical practice is another aspect of authentic Buddhism that is not (and perhaps cannot be) conveyed in books, blogs, and videos; but it's incredibly effective in bringing forth a natural, rooted stability of mind. Prostrations practice, vigorous physical work, and whole-body-and-breath physical activities and exercise are effective upon sexual craving on a number of fronts (grounding, energy flow, outlet, contentment), but they also greatly support meditation and mental training.
And finally (but far from the last benefit available), the influence of a teacher and practice community can't be overstated. Being in the presence of those who maintain the true view helps your own wavering, wandering, attaching mind come under control and move toward the true view itself. Being with people who are clear about their values, and whose discipline arises naturally from wisdom (rather than being imposed tyrannical by an ideology), helps one learn how to become clear and disciplined.
To a great extent, cravings and addictions are cured by replacing them with wholesome and more satisfying and fulfilling aspirations and behaviors, and by replacing the triggering environment with a more healthy one.
Addiction is not always best addressed by wrestling with it directly, as that can become another trigger, causing recurrent cycles of repression and acting out. Objectification is a root problem; so be careful of making a personal issue into an object of fixation. A good course of training will help teach you where to place your attention and effort. It's like the story of the two wolves: the one that grows is the one you feed (with your attention). "You become that which you place before you."
We don't learn how to live by amassing concepts; we learn how to live by being in the presence of true humans.
And if we establish the karmic causes for being in the presence of an enlightened teacher, the influence on our life is unimaginably beneficial.
submitted by One-Environment3309 to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:57 ElKorado Stabilising mood while doing research

I'm currently a postdoc and a problem I've always seem to encountered during my PhD years (which has unfortunately bled into the present) is that my mental state is quite often predicated on how my current research problem is faring. Specifically, if I'm stuck then the exhaustion from constantly trying to progress can leave me exhausted outside of work. What strategies do you use to limit this kind of effect?
submitted by ElKorado to academia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:20 JoshuaSingh11 Scientific studies on mercury and adverse effects

  1. A Cross-Sectional Study of Blood Ethylmercury Levels and Cognitive Decline Among Older Adults and the Elderly in the United States
    • "Significantly increased risks for lower animal fluency test (odds ratio (OR) = 13.652, p = 0.0029) and CERAD W-L delayed recall test (OR = 6.401, p = 0.0433) scores were observed among the higher ethyl-Hg exposure group as compared to the lower ethyl-Hg exposure group. This study supports the hypothesis that increased ethyl-Hg exposure is associated with significant cognitive decline in older adult and elderly Americans."
  2. Thimerosal-Derived Ethylmercury Is a Mitochondrial Toxin in Human Astrocytes: Possible Role of Fenton Chemistry in the Oxidation and Breakage of mtDNA
    • "Ethylmercury causes a 50% collapse in membrane potential in astrocytes at 1 hour. Accompanying this collapse in membrane potential we observe a significant increase in the levels of various ROS. The internal mitochondrial steady state level of superoxide increases by 70% in treated cells and is matched by an increase in cellular hydrazine reactive carbonyls. Using H2DCF-AM we observe a 200% increase in steady state production of reactive oxidants, which from deconvolution we know to be mitochondrially generated (Figure 2). Mitochondrial DNA, and not nuclear DNA, is far more vulnerable to ethylmercury-induced damage. We observe a 240% increase in the levels of mitochondrial DNA breaks, a 300% increase in 3′OH DNA nicks and 460% increase in the levels of oxidized bases/apurinic or apyrimidinic sites"
    • "At higher concentrations (>7.2 μM Thimerosal) a loss of mitochondrial signal and of DCF is observed."
  3. The relationship between mercury and autism: A comprehensive review and discussion
    • "This review found 91 studies that examine the potential relationship between mercury and ASD from 1999 to February 2016. Of these studies, the vast majority (74%) suggest that mercury is a risk factor for ASD, revealing both direct and indirect effects. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that mercury exposure is causal and/or contributory in ASD."
  4. Examining the evidence that ethylmercury crosses the blood-brain barrier
    • "22 studies from 1971 to 2019 show that exposure to ethylmercury-containing compounds (intravenously, intraperitoneally, topically, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intranasally administered) results in accumulation of mercury in the brain. In total, these studies indicate that ethylmercury-containing compounds and Thimerosal readily cross the BBB, convert, for the most part, to highly toxic inorganic mercury-containing compounds, which significantly and persistently bind to tissues in the brain, even in the absence of concurrent detectable blood mercury levels."
  5. Comparison of blood and brain mercury levels in infant monkeys exposed to methylmercury or vaccines containing thimerosal
    • "These studies indicate that ethylmercury-containing compounds and Thimerosal readily cross the BBB, convert, for the most part, to highly toxic inorganic mercury-containing compounds, which significantly and persistently bind to tissues in the brain, even in the absence of concurrent detectable blood mercury levels."
    • "The results indicate that MeHg is not a suitable reference for risk assessment from exposure to thimerosal-derived Hg. Knowledge of the toxicokinetics and developmental toxicity of thimerosal is needed to afford a meaningful assessment of the developmental effects of thimerosal-containing vaccines."
    • "The average concentration of inorganic Hg did not change across the 28 days of washout and was approximately 16 ng/mL (Figure 7). This level of inorganic Hg represented 21–86% of the total Hg in the brain (mean ± SE, 70 ± 4%), depending on the sacrifice time. These values are considerably higher than the inorganic fraction observed in the brain of MeHg monkeys (6–10%)."
    • "Absolute inorganic Hg concentrations in the brains of the thimerosal-exposed monkeys were approximately twice that of the MeHg monkeys."
  6. Exposure to Inorganic Mercury Causes Oxidative Stress, Cell Death, and Functional Deficits in the Motor Cortex
    • "It was observed that chronic exposure to inorganic mercury caused a decrease in balance and fine motor coordination, formation of mercury deposits and oxidative stress verified by the increase of lipoperoxidation and nitrite concentration and a decrease of the total antioxidant capacity. In addition, we found that this model of exposure to inorganic mercury caused cell death by cytotoxicity and induction of apoptosis with a decreased number of neurons and astrocytes in the motor cortex. Our results provide evidence that exposure to inorganic mercury in low doses, even in spite of its poor ability to cross biological barriers, is still capable of inducing motor deficits, cell death by cytotoxicity and apoptosis, and oxidative stress in the motor cortex of adult rats."
  7. The retention time of inorganic mercury in the brain--a systematic review of the evidence
    • "Estimates from modelling studies appear sensitive to model assumptions, however predications based on a long half-life (27.4 years) are consistent with autopsy findings. In summary, shorter estimates of half-life are not supported by evidence from animal studies, human case studies, or modelling studies based on appropriate assumptions. Evidence from such studies point to a half-life of inorganic mercury in human brains of several years to several decades. This finding carries important implications for pharmcokinetic modelling of mercury and potentially for the regulatory toxicology of mercury."
  8. Astrocytes in the central nervous system and their functions in health and disease: A review
    • "Because astrocytes contain metal-binding proteins such as metallothionein, they are also involved in the uptake and sequestration of some heavy metals."
  9. Proximal tubular transport of Metallothionein-Mercury complexes and protection against nephrotoxicity
    • "MT has a very high affinity for Hg; thus, mercuric ions that are not already bound to MT may bind to MT within the cytoplasm to form large Hg-MT complexes that may be retained in the cell. This will be particularly true in segments of proximal tubules that have higher levels of MT, i.e., cortical proximal tubules. MT is capable of binding 6–11 molecules of Hg (He et al., 2021); thus, it is logical that cells and tissues with higher levels of MT will accumulate more Hg."
  10. CHD's Compilation Of Peer-Reviewed, Published Research Showing Adverse Effects of Mercury
submitted by JoshuaSingh11 to RFKJrForPresident [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:18 abluecolor Does anyone else worry about declining birthrates causing a crisis in typical low fee index fund recommendations?

Just one example:
Not meaning to spread FUD. Hoping to have my concerns alleviated somewhat. I know logically that there is hardly a more secure alternative to the conventional wisdom -- making a speculative play based upon this expectation (which would be, I don't even know, healthcare??) would be incredibly risky.
However, I still have this nagging feeling tugging at me - my portfolio is heavily weighted towards the total US stock market / funds that track the S&P500, and all of our historical data has been predicated upon a global financial system experience sustained growth. If we are to enter into a period of global decline, isn't there a not-insignificant chance that all of the conventional wisdom goes out the window? We'd be reliant upon technological improvements & immigration to outpace the dramatic decrease in raw demand and growth globally... Spooks me out a bit. Just curious for thoughts from this crowd. I'm looking at the timetable of 20-50 years from now (retire in ~20, live off it for another 30-40). It seems like right now the data is indicating a pretty steep decline in population growth for this timetable, so I'm trying to alleviate anxiety as I stay the course.
submitted by abluecolor to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:02 Long-Stable9016 Spoilers about the Manga, emotional vent about misato

I finished the last available chapter from the manga recently and WOW SO MANY EMOTIONS 😭😭😭
Before, I always stopped around chapter ~60 bc it was so depressing. The whole Takumi/NanaK and Reira/Shin thing made me so mad. My heart is aching for so many character and now poor Misato is added to the list.
She's like 16/17, getting advantage of by that middle aged man. Just like with Shin, the adults around her failed her. Yuri and Miu definitely saw that coming, I personally think Yasu too. Latter were extremely worried and tried to warn her more or less. I just wish they had done more. I get that they are very young themselves and a lot of them were abandoned teenagers as well. My guess is that this is why they didn't step up more, when it came to Shin. NanaK till this day doesn't think she was groomed and we don't know if other despicable adults tried to be with some of the others when they were that young. (Not defending that at all, I was so glad that Ren finally called the police. However, it's crazy that nobody told Reira of at all. I totally think Yazawa did that on purpose. Right now there a more subtle hints and a lot of denial from those two. The consequences of Reiras actions will definitely show more on older Shin, just like NanaK showed trauma from Asano in her tweenties. In real life, most victims realize themselves when they became adults as well)
Anyway, I had to stop reading again for a few weeks, even though it was a thing dropped so casually and unfortunately, predicable. What broke my heart is that for Misato that poor thing, she probably must be so disgusted and scared the whole time she is with him. Being manipulated into thinking you're in a loving relationship, is awful as well. Her situation was just too real for me personally. Dreading every second, being unable to even pretend to find this endurable, the display of powerlessness in that dynamic 💔 I really really hope she gets out as quick as possible
submitted by Long-Stable9016 to NanaAnime [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:37 animation_2 Detecting an armor's trim pattern and not it's material

I'm porting my 1.20.4 datapack to 1.20.6 and just don't know how to detect just the pattern. i've tried predicates, which seem to work untill materials come into the mix
i've been thinking about detecting if a player has 4 of predicates out of a list but, 1: i don't know how to do it and 2: i feel like that would not be very efficient
please tell me if there is a more efficient way to do this
submitted by animation_2 to MinecraftCommands [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:21 ExpensiveYard2043 Alexi Murdoch on Instagram: "🔺And again, repeat after me…it has ALWAYS been about land theft, dispossession, ethnic cleansing. The Z ideology is FOUNDED on the racist and dehumanising principle of ethnic purity and is predicated on the elimination of the indigenous people from the land. From. The

Alexi Murdoch on Instagram: submitted by ExpensiveYard2043 to worldnewsvideo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:01 Eddie0Meadows non-compete agreement independent contractor

hi all. i'm a music teacher that's hired as an independent contractor. I'm working in Indiana, US.
in the contract it says the following: "For a period of two (2) years after the termination of this agreement, and in all counties where Teacher conducted lessons for the Company, Teacher is prohibited from soliciting or teaching any Company Students. Teacher’s covenant with Company not to solicit in this paragraph 3 shall be construed as independent of any other provision of this Agreement and shall survive termination of this Agreement. The existence of any claim or cause of action of Teacher against Company, whether predicated on this Agreement or otherwise, shall not constitute a defense to the enforcement by Company of this covenant not to solicit."
i'm sure many of you know that the FTC banned non-compete agreements. Would this count as a non-compete agreement? am I free from it? i appreciate the help!
submitted by Eddie0Meadows to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:07 _Noice_69 The Cult of Imran Khan

Now that you're here all angry and riled up because i said something about your leader, just hear me out. In my previous post in this sub i talked about how army is dumb for doing everything it is right now, and many of the responses were: we need a rebellion like the Russian revolution against the Czars (not necessarily a socialist revolution just revolution) or the French revolution against the Monarchy to fix the state of country right now and send them packing back to their barracks... Not discussing other factors, one thing I'd like to point out is, the nearest thing we've had to a Rebellion (recently) is the 9th may protests (yeah the recent Kashmir protests are something but we're yet to know what's going to be the end of it). But we all know what happened to "the rebellion" as it's all a thing of the past as most of the people ran in the face of state push back and the other braver(dumber) ones ended up behind the bars. Ever wonder why? Not because the state is too strong neither because people are weak, it happened because the motive behind the rebellion was weak, the people weren't out for their democratic rights neither to end military intervention in state affairs, they had one sole purpose to be there: that was to rescue their cult leader and free him from comfinement. That's why it ended as soon as it started... And before you say Imran is the revolution leader like Lenin was in Russia, think again. Imran khan, call him whatever you want but he isn't a revolutionary... Why? Because of several reasons 1. He's just another politician like Nawaz Sharif who used army's shoulders to get into power and then turned against them when they pulled their shoulders... Nawaz has done this time and again. 2. He isn't as pious and holy as we were made to believe by the media back then, he has had corrupt people on his team and he has done nothing about them because it suited him politically. 3. Taking "U turns" was what he accepted publicly and openly... thats not what revolutionary leaders do. 4. He's not against the army being in civilians businesses and being corrupt, he's against the 3-4 people who ousted him and will take a deal if a new face takes over or if they promise him a way back into power by obviously their subservience. 5. (Predication) He'll take the deal from army real soon to get back into power or for a chance atleast. And when he does I AM SURE ALL HIS REVOLUTIONARIES WILL BE SINGING PRAISES FOR ARMY WITH HIM.
All this said i really hope that our youth actually does wake up and realise that a Messiah ain't saving us, if we want a revolution we need to start educating ourselves and our peers and our children if it takes, and working today so that in ten, twenty or even fifty years(if it takes) we are educated in good numbers to do something against the tyranny and maybe bring a revolution about. We need to recognise the purpose of the revolution (civilian supremacy and democracy) rather than being a personality cult and decieving ourselves and others.
submitted by _Noice_69 to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:19 jakepuggs World's Edge is a Terrible map for solos

As the title states, I HATE World's Edge for solos mode... I think we as a community have moved passed the need to World's Edge in game every season, GET RID OF IT PLZ. It's especially a terrible map for solos. If you don't drop hot in Fragment you basically get 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6,th, 10th partied every time you get into a fight after half the lobby dies in fragment This map has too many weird high ground / low ground chokes and its way too predicable and BORING. Can we please get rid of this map for solos?
submitted by jakepuggs to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:02 EJC28 Falcons 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 8 - Michael Penix Jr., QB, Washington:
NFL: I’m not sure anyone expected Atlanta, which signed Kirk Cousins to a four-year, $180 million deal in March, to take a quarterback in the top 10, but here we are. Penix is a big-time playmaker who is the top deep-ball passer in this class. He has surgical precision and throws with good anticipation from the pocket.
CBS Sports: B-. They opted to take their quarterback of the future by taking Penix. He has all the tools, but will learn and wait behind Kirk Cousins. I wonder if he can rush the passer. Like the player, but don’t like the pick.
ESPN: Stunner. The Falcons pulled off the shocker of the first round, taking Penix earlier than just about every expert predicted. He was the fourth quarterback taken in the top 10. There's no doubt Atlanta saw something in Penix when watching him on tape and visiting him. The team sent a ton of staff to see him in recent weeks. Obviously, they felt comfortable with his durability, despite four season-ending injuries in college. Penix, a lefty, has an incredible arm, and from a skill standpoint, he's certainly right up there among the best signal callers on the board. And now he's the successor to Kirk Cousins.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Has devoted his life to the church of the flying spaghetti monster.
Round 2, Pick 35 - Ruke Orhorhoro, DT, Clemson:
NFL: Another trade, with the Falcons swooping up. And this is their second curious pick of this draft. Nothing against Orhorhoro, who has some intriguing skills and might be a better stat stuffer in the NFL than he was at Clemson. But with Johnny Newton on the board, this pick felt like a reach when you consider Atlanta's biggest need -- pass rush.
CBS Sports: B. Big, long, powerful interior rusher without many pass-rush moves. But his traits shine against the run and has enough explosion to win between gaps or with bull rushes. Expensive trade up though hurts his grade despite Falcons filling a need with quality prospect.
ESPN: The Falcons needed a pass-rusher, particularly an EDGE. Most of the impact players at that position went in the first round. Atlanta attempted to trade back into the late first, but weren't able to do so. Instead, the Falcons took Orhorhoro, a defensive tackle who has pass-rushing chops from the inside. Since 2021, Orhorhoro had 9.5 sacks lined up as a DT, which were tied for third in the ACC. The Nigeria-born Orhorhoro didn't start playing football until he was a junior in high school, so the Falcons probably like his upside.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: His bright green fanny pack when traveling is a must.
Round 3, Pick 74 - Bralen Trice, LB, Washington:
NFL: Trice was a consistent pressure source the past two years for the Huskies but had a rough pre-draft process when he shed a bunch of weight for the NFL Scouting Combine but failed to display better speed because of it. Trice was smart to bulk back up for his pro day because I think his game is predicated on winning with a combination of effort and surprising pop in his hands.
CBS Sports: A-. Bad testing hurt his stock but this is as productive of an EDGE as there is in this class. Slippery with pass-rush plans galore. Smaller than his listed weight and doesn’t have serious burst. Flashes of bend though.
ESPN: The Falcons got their pure pass-rusher and, boy, did they need it. This is a team that has had 18 fewer sacks than any other franchise in the NFL over the past three seasons. Atlanta's pass rush win rate was dead last in the league in 2023. Trice had 16 sacks over the past two seasons, which was tied for the fourth most among Power 5 players during that stretch. He's had 12 games with five or more pressures since the start of the 2022 season, which leads all FBS players. Trice played mostly outside linebacker at Washington and he had a reputation for being able to get to the quarterback.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Smells like Celestial Seasonings sleepy-time tea.
Round 4, Pick 109 - Brandon Dorlus, DT, Oregon:
NFL: Round 4 is for the Ducks. I haven't followed the Falcons' logic on every one of their selections this year, but I like Dorlus here. He can play multiple spots along the D-line and be a movable piece for Raheem Morris' unit.
CBS Sports: A-. Fun, twitchy and thick “tweener” who can literally win at any alignment along the defensive line. Isn’t the most sudden, nor the best with his hands but is so slippery between blockers. Overall athletic profile is impressive. Rushes can get too high, doesn’t play with much power. Can get washed out vs. the run. Has frame to add more weight.
ESPN: It was somewhat surprising the Falcons didn't take a cornerback here or even a safety. But the team is clearly and rapidly reshaping its defensive line, which already had quality veteran players in Grady Jarrett and David Onyemata. Dorlus is Atlanta's second straight defensive line selection. And Dorlus, who led Oregon with five sacks, is extremely versatile. He can play inside, as a defensive end or even outside linebacker. Pass-rushers were the Falcons' biggest needs and now they have three rookies who fit the bill after not taking a defender with the No. 8 overall pick as many expected.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Wants you to call your family and tell them you love and cherish them.
Round 5, Pick 143 - JD Bertrand, LB, Notre Dame:
NFL: An Atlanta native, Bertrand is a coach's dream in spite of his subpar length and injury history. He's instinctive and tough and carries a hard-hat mentality to work every day.
CBS Sports: C. So active, so smart. Always around the ball. Reads his keys in a flash. Block-avoider. Ascending coverage skill just minimal ball production at Notre Dame. High tackling numbers but also misses many.
ESPN: The Falcons are completely reshaping their front seven in this draft. In Bertrand, they not only get their second collegiate defensive team captain (Bralen Trice was captain at Washington), but also someone with significant physical tools. Bertrand was a three-year starter at Notre Dame, led the team with 76 tackles in 2023 and had 16 tackles behind the line of scrimmage this past season. He's also a former Eagle Scout and was a finalist for the Wuerffel Trophy for community service.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Prefers to code in Notepad with the wingding font.
Round 6, Pick 186 - Jase McClellan, RB, Alabama:
NFL: McClellan is a power back who runs with great toughness and exercises great ball security, fumbling only once in college on nearly 400 touches. But he's a one-dimensional runner on a team pretty loaded at running back.
CBS Sports: C+. Jack of all trades, master of none with minimal mileage on his legs. Will run away from some slower defenders but not a true burner. Receiving ability is there. Vision is a strength between the tackles. Elusive but not special in that regard. Classic scatback.
ESPN: The team needed a third running back behind Bijan Robinson and Tyler Allgeier, and that's presumably where McClellan will fit. McClellan was Alabama's primary starter for one year after returning in 2022 from a torn ACL. He ran for 890 yards on 180 carries with eight touchdowns this past season. McClellan, who's only 21, isn't flashy, but Atlanta has been taking upside and translatable physical attributes over flash this entire draft.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Kept calling the NFL at 800-635-5300 to complain about the refs.
Round 6, Pick 187 - Casey Washington, WR, Illinois:
NFL: A strong pro day helped solidify Washington as a draft pick. He looks like a solid, reliable possession receiver with natural route-running skills, but he's not special at any one thing.
CBS Sports: C. Good sized outside WR who plays with a throwback style. Jump balls, back-shoulders, etc. are his speciality. Good speed for his size too. Just doesn’t have the bend or suddenness to separate consistently.
ESPN: Depth at wide receiver was absolutely a need going into the draft, though it's still surprising the Falcons won't pick a cornerback until their final pick, if at all. Washington was sixth in the Big Ten in receiving yards during conference games (589) and finished his career with Illinois very strong -- 218 yards on nine receptions and three touchdowns against Northwestern back in November. Washington is 6-foot-2 and 200 pounds, and Atlanta did need size at the position. He'll be tied for the second tallest wide receiver on the roster after top wideout Drake London (6-4).
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Taught his goldfish to play fetch. Not the most exciting game but they’re happy.
Round 6, Pick 197 - Zion Logue, DT, Georgia:
NFL: Logue was a flash player for the two-time champion Bulldogs, often stuck behind a ton of talent in Athens. His length is outstanding, even if his production (1.5 sacks in 50-plus college games) isn't.
CBS Sports: C+. Big, long, thick SEC-tested DL with some above-average burst for his size and a pass-rush move every so often. Production never matched his size or athleticism.
ESPN: This draft, after all the controversy in the first round, was all about front-seven versatility and depth for the Falcons. Logue is a big body at 6-foot-6 and 314 pounds. And the team's fifth front-seven selection of the week. Atlanta has put a premium on length with its defenders so far and Logue has that to go along with his massive frame. The Tennessee native only started one year at Georgia, so he's relatively inexperienced with potential upside the Falcons are once again banking on.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Can eat twenty scones in a single sitting.
submitted by EJC28 to falcons [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:33 Mundane_Common_6468 Victimizing Trump A Must Read Democrat Crooked Lawfare Cases Explained #BidenCrimeFamily

Victimizing Trump A Must Read Democrat Crooked Lawfare Cases Explained


These crooked cases “were all predicated on using the law to injure his re-election candidacy—given a widespread derangement syndrome among the left and a fear they cannot entrust a Trump/Biden election to the people.”
submitted by Mundane_Common_6468 to conservatives [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:32 Mundane_Common_6468 Victimizing Trump A Must Read Democrat Crooked Lawfare Cases Explained #BidenCrimeFamily

Victimizing Trump A Must Read Democrat Crooked Lawfare Cases Explained


These crooked cases “were all predicated on using the law to injure his re-election candidacy—given a widespread derangement syndrome among the left and a fear they cannot entrust a Trump/Biden election to the people.”
submitted by Mundane_Common_6468 to Republican [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:00 B1ndyana We gotta get this kid back in her own bed

So, we can’t be bedsharing with our 3 year and 2 month toddler daughter anymore.
We didn’t co sleep. She had her own cot in her own room which was working for her and us. Sleep was broken. Sometimes needing a cuddle during the night but back in her cot she would go.
Then in January of this year, she learnt how to climb out of the cot so big bed it had to be. We got nearly 3 years in the cot.
So, in a tale as old as time, she realised she could come to our room and as tired working parents, after feeble attempts at taking her back to her own big bed, we gave in and let her sleep with us.
Which has proved a massive mistake.
She is the most unsettled sleeper in our bed. She’s constantly waking. Demanding a drink, demanding we ‘wipe her eyes’ “I want the blanket off….NO! on now” She’s having night terrors (not just nightmares…night terrors of which she mercifully is oblivious to come morning and which we have been to our GP about but there’s not much we can do on that front).
Do I love having her sleep with us, when she’s sleeping deeply and not moving or kicking us, yes, it’s lovely. But that’s proving to be like 10% of the night. The rest of the night is fucked. We prioritise sleep and sleep hygiene and predicable but flexible routine in our house. This is all crazy coconuts and I t’s taking a toll on us all.
SO, That’s the back story, my questions is…have you successfully stopped cosleeping or bedsharing with your toddler and what worked for you?
I’m realistic, I don’t expect her to sleep through, but she can’t come to our bed, it’s just not working.
Any help?
submitted by B1ndyana to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:34 alfred-nsh Rant: AWS Timestream new pricing model is more expensive and unpredictable

Timestream query pricing was based on data scanned per $0.01 per GB scanned with a minimum of 10MB similar to Athena just not as cheap but significantly faster. This made it easy to calculate and being a serverless service with a somewhat-predicable pricing pattern made it easy for me to architect and calculate. For small usage, I knew I didn't have to pay much, where for large scale, I knew it could handle while with the pricing being worth it.
New query pricing is based on TCUs-hours where the minimum per query with a 30-second minimum. For my usage, it's basically 10 times with the assumption one query will take only 1 TCU at a time(although minimum you can set for account is 4 TCU). Most queries take at most few seconds for my usage, but I'm just charged for the whole 30 seconds. This means you should only use Timestream for either large analytical queries or adhoc queries otherwise you are overpaying significantly.
Given that also for any major changes the table requires to be recreated and reloaded with data, Timestream valid use cases are narrower than ever.
Edit: There's no proper method on how to estimate query pricing other than loading a database and running queries:
submitted by alfred-nsh to aws [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:25 _1me_ Can someone please help me with this?

Can someone please help me with this?
I didn't really understand this subject (for exercise 6) so I don't really know if I underlined correctly. Since there is no predicate all I know is that "стихи" is the subject (hopefully). Is "музыка" also like a predicate in this sentence? Or at least another subject?
And for exercise 7 and 8, did I do them right? Especially for exercise 8, I don't know if that was the best wording.
submitted by _1me_ to russian [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:57 PoppaSquot The standard characteristics of all Japan's New Religions - including Soka Gakkai - see how many you recognize

I tells ya, so much falls into place here. This comes from Helen Hardacre's book Kurozumikyō and the New Religions of Japan, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1986. First, some background:
The contemporary religious scene in Japan is commonly divided into the "established religions" (kisei shūkyō) and the "new religions" (shinshūkō). These categories are further divided into Buddhist- and Shintō-derived varieties of each as well as into further subcategories.
The titular "Kurozumikyō" is a Shintō new religion founded in 1814 by the Shintō priest Kurozumi Munetada. As of this publication, it had a total membership of 220,000.
Founded by a priest of the "established" Shintō tradition, it is one of the oldest of the so-called new religions and seems to combine aspects of both new and established types. (p. 3)
The new religions and their members represent an important and distinctive sector of Japanese society. In spite of the great variety of their doctrines, new religions share a unity of aspiration and world view significantly different from those of secular society and from the so-called established religions. New religions constitute the most vital sector of Japanese religion today and include perhaps 30 percent of the nation's population in their membership. (p. 3)
A source I read recently noted that the Soka Gakkai grew from poaching members of other new religions; it seems this demographic was the most fluid and changeable of Japan's religious demographic. However, at just 30% of the population, even if the Soka Gakkai had managed to claim 100% of these new religions' memberships, it would still have fallen short of Ikeda's self-defined minimum requirement of 1/3 of the population.
Among the doctrines of the new religions there is great variety, since doctrine frequently originates in revelations to a founder. (p. 5)
Here is the Soka Gakkai's version:
Founders tend to be charismatic individuals who attract a following through faith healing rather than through ordination and textual erudition.
The Soka Gakkai version:
Also here and here and especially HERE - DEFINITELY with the "faith healing".
As far as the "textual erudition" goes, Toda's post-WWII lectures on the Lotus Sutra were expected to be accepted as the "gold standard" of textual interpretation, and today, SGI members study Ikeda's lectures on texts rather than the texts themselves - see here and here. Who needs any priest??
The new religions tend to recruit their following through evangelistic proselytization and dramatic conversion, at least in the first generation. They promise followers "this-worldly-benefits" in the form of healing, solution of family problems, and material prosperity. In ethics they emphasize family solidarity and qualities of sincerity, frugality, harmony, diligence, and filial piety. Between laity and leaders there is only a vague dividing line, and for the most part, anyone may acquire leadership credentials, including women. Frequently the new religions recognize no sacred centers but those of their own history. (pp. 5-6)
While the Soka Gakkai initially embraced pilgrimages ("tozan") to the Nichiren Shoshu Head Temple Taiseki-ji, their regular activities were centered on Soka Gakkai buildings ("kaikan", or "centers") rather than on Nichiren Shoshu temples. In fact, this was an early source of conflict, as the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood justifiably questioned WHY the Soka Gakkai was putting so much more effort and resources into building NEW Soka Gakkai centers than on building Nichiren Shoshu temples, which would have been the proper function of any religion's legitimate lay organization. Add to that the bad optics of Ikeda's cult's attempted steeplejacking of established Nichiren Shoshu temples, and there was DEFINITELY something rotten in Denmark, so to speak. The Soka Gakkai's focus was trained on IKEDA rather than on the priests of the order they supposedly belonged to as a lay organization. That's some fucked up priorities and it was only a matter of time before that became an open, obvious problem. Of course Ikeda hoped to delay that reckoning until he was in a position to seize the entire Nichiren Shoshu religion for himself. Too bad, so sad, the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood headed him off at the pass and spoiled all his beautiful plots.
The world view of the Japanese new religions conceives of the individual, society, nature, and the universe as an integrated system vitalized by a single principle. Every level represents the manifestation of that principle on a larger scale. The relationships among the levels, however, are not static. They must be maintained in balance, harmony, and congruence. These qualities are manifested in conditions of happiness, health, social stability, abundant harvests, and regular succession of the seasons (free of such calamities as flood, drought, and major earthquakes). The opposite conditions (unhappiness, illness, social unrest, scarcity of food, and natural disasters) are symptomatic of a lack of harmony or congruence. Everything is interconnected so that a change in one dimension, no matter how small, eventually ripples out and affects other dimensions in a larger context. Religious practice is a striving for continuous integration of self with the body, society, nature, and the universe. This involves careful management of the most basic components: the self, the faculties of mind and emotion, and the personality. (pp. 11-12)
This thinking was the basis for Nichiren's Rissho Ankoku Ron, or "On Establishing the etc. & whatever".
Here is the chart that illustrates this thinking; you can clearly see the basis for "A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, can even enable a change in the destiny of all humankind". There is no scientific basis for this kind of delusion; ignorant people just LIKE believing it. "Look how IMPORTANT and INFLUENTIAL I am!! Everything is all about MEEE!!!" The Soka Gakkai has been in existence (in a continuous state) for some 80 years now; if this sort of thing DID happen, we'd see it. We already know Ikeda had such high hopes for his followers, but the truth is that the membership never lived up to Ikeda's expectations. No "world leaders" emerged from Soka Gakkai ranks; they didn't even become rich! That simply isn't something that happens because of "this practice", no matter how much Ikeda misled all the gullibles. Daimoku is obviously NOT "the perfect solution for all problems".
Although the new religions inevitably adopt the system I have just described, they state it in different idioms. They may use Buddhist, Shintō, or colloquial terms for the self, calling it variously the kokoro (heart-mind or heart), konjō (guts), *reikon (spirit), tamashii (soul), and other terms. Similarly, they may name the principle vitalizing all existence by Shintō, Buddhist, or other terms: kami-nature, Buddha-nature, karma, ki, yōki, and so forth. They may predicate the existence of a variety of supernaturals who exist on a different plane than human beings, intervening in human affairs from time to time. These may be kami, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or ancestors. Alien to the system is the notion of a single deity standing outside the whole and manipulating it by means of an unknowable will. The supernaturals of the integrated system are subject to its rhythms and generally conform to its principles. The system is compatible with a variety of cosmological ideas and world pictures, including horizontal and vertical cosmologies seen in Japanese myths and in Buddhism's many-tiered realms of existence. (pp. 12-14)
Because self-cultivation is the primary task of all, textual erudition, esoteric ritual, and the observance of abstinences are rejected or relegated to secondary significance.
Because "Earthly desires ARE enlightenment", right?? And all that other Buddhism stuff, well, that's all obsolete now, "as useless as last year's calendar", right??
The notion of kokoro is a hallmark of Japanese culture, and it is the central pillar of the world view of the new religions. Consider the following proverb, one that could be endorsed by the new religions and is a stock saying in secular society: "Both suffering and happiness depend on how we bear the kokoro." Kokoro is borne or carried in a certain way, good or bad, and according to that we suffer or are happy. We are in control. An ordinary, nonreligious interpretation of this proverb would say that our attitude toward circumstances determines in large part whether we are happy or unhappy, or that an attitude of "positive thinking" can improve our experience of unfavorable situations even if the circumstances are not thereby altered. (p. 19)
You can see Ikeda alluding to this here:
Even a man who has great wealth, social recognition and many awards may still be shadowed by indescribable suffering deep in his heart. On the other hand, an elderly woman who is not fortunate financially, leading a simple life alone, may feel the sun of joy and happiness rising in her heart each day.
An interpretation of the proverb among the new religions is likely to be much stronger, to hold that human beings certainly have the power to be happy, depending solely on the manner in which one bears kokoro. We need only exercise that power by self-cultivation.
And remember - NO COMPLAINING!!
Moreover, the idea that circumstances can be changed by the power of diligently cultivated kokoro is pervasive. It is a question not only of a change of attitude but sometimes of radical material change, such as an improvement in economic situation or a miraculous healing. It is understood that the cultivated kokoro has the power also to change external persons and events, and that nothing is impossible. Exercising the full power fo the kokoro is possible for anyone who practices self-cultivation through the spiritual disciplines of the particular religious group. (pp. 19-20)
Isn't that the whole basis for the idea of "human revolution"? How else could anyone understand "You can chant for whatever you want!"? Don't the Dead-Ikeda-cult SGI culties love to talk about "making the impossible possible"?? Hmm..I wonder why they never do...🤨
Here Ikeda likens the Soka Gakkai practice to the magic lamp of the "Aladdin" story. And it only works for Soka Gakkai members, of course.
We chant to make the impossible possible, we want extraordinary, not ordinary. Let's get those benefits flowing, let's appreciate those challenges that allow us to grow and win and share those victories with others so that they can be inspired and win. Source
While the terminology of the self is basic to understanding Japanese constructions of self, the patterns of action and affect in which these are embedded constitute the functioning of the world view of the new religions. Here I identify four such patterns:

(1) the idea that "other people are mirrors,"

(2) the exchange of gratitude and repayment of favor,
(3) the quest for sincerity, and
(4) the adherence to paths of self-cultivation.
So much for the supposed "novelty" of Dickeata's supposedly eternal "clear mirror guidance", eh? Oh, and EVERYBODY owes Scamsei and the SGI their eternal gratitude, too, and you NEVER EVER get to finish your "human revolution" ("self-cultivation")!
Each of these patterns represents an indispensable element of Japanese culture, and thus their implementation in Japanese religions is not unique. (p. 21)
Nope. The Soka Gakkai is just bog standard for a Japanese New Religion. Nothing unique or special. Just like all the rest.
The idea that other people are mirrors makes the individual totally responsible in all circumstances. Although the burden is heavy, there is also a tacit message that the self can control any situation. Placing blame and responsibility on the individual also denies the idea that "society" can be blamed for one's problems; hence concepts of exploitation and discrimination are ruled out of consideration. On the whole the new religions are uninterested in political action to improve society; to them it is a question of individuals improving themselves individually and collectively through self-cultivation. (p. 23)
Remember, this author ISN'T talking about Soka Gakkai here! This a feature of ALL Japan's new religions!
Since self-cultivation is the primary determiner of all human affairs, notions of fate or divine wrath (karma or bachi, for example) are reinterpreted, ignored, or denied.
Or introduced when necessary to blame a member when the promises of SGI leaders are proven empty and false. It's always the MEMBERSHIP's fault somehow, never that the teachings are wrong or deceptive.
In like manner, because of the primacy of self-cultivation, the concept of pollution cannot be fully credited, and this opens the door to greater participation by women than is the case in the established religions.
In the case of the Soka Gakkai, "greater participation by women" has been implemented as "greater exploitation of women". The women of the Soka Gakkai were expected to deliver daily newspapers for no pay throughout the Soka Gakkai's history; it is only recently that their numbers have declined so catastrophically and they have aged so much that the Soka Gakkai finally had to contract with a delivery service - which of course Soka Gakkai has to PAY now. Newspapers are SO much more profitable when you can find some suckers to deliver them at no cost to YOU!
Thus the new religions stress unquestioning performance of their established disciplines, fully aware that the demand for uncomprehending obedience (at least iat the beginning) will cause the convert frustration. Also involved as a minor theme is the pedagogical principle that "physical action can be perceived as isomorphic with spiritual change." Thus, for example, polishing floors can be assumed to "polish" the self. If one enters through form, eventually the kokoro will follow.
Speaking of exploiting women, who else heard that when women were cleaning the toilets for free at the local SGI center, they were "cleaning their karma"??
The hardship entailed is not to be avoided; no one denies that it is punishing to polish floors by hand, recite sutras, or endure cold water ablutions. Hardship in itself is virtuous and confers compassion and maturity.
Isn't that the essence of SGI's much-vaunted "youth division training"? Basically, it's SGI leaders getting off on forcing young people to do all sorts of scut work and to engage in unpleasant activities just because they can - somebody has to do the grunt work, right? Make THEM do it! Tell them it's "training" when actually it's just training them to allow themselves to be exploited. For a funny example of this attitude, see how this colossal doofus was trying to cajole and coerce his employee into joining SGI before he aged out of the youth division, so he could get him some of that gooooood "youth division training"!!
Meanwhile, now I worry about Chad, who has only a few months left to obtain YMD training, to whom I had to slip September Living Buddhism under his door, since his subscription is on the internet, and I want him to start working on the Introductory Exam material. Yesterday he did not answer or reply when he was supposed to be at work. (He is paid per day of work from his home.) Today when I arrived he was not even there. So I have been chanting for his welfare. He recently reported to me a medical difficulty he has that may be interfering with his efforts, or worse.
That's ONE way to duck an annoying self-important SGI stalker-nag! "Sorry, can't talk - have the plague..."
All the new religions agree that a person's real potential cannot be fulfilled without suffering, and in this they share with secular society the suspicion about someone who has failed that perhaps kurō ga tarinai, "the person hasn't suffered enough." That is, if one had endured sufficient trials before the present ordeal, one could have conquered this hardship. Accordingly it is important to establish how much leaders and founders have suffered in the course of their own self-cultivation. (p. 28)
See More myths about how the young Ikeda suffered so much and was so sickly wah wah
All problems can be traced to insufficient cultivation of self. Thus it is misguided to expect fundamental social change from political ideology. Instead, society can be improved only through collective moral improvement, the doctrine of meliorism. Similarly, attempting to cure disease simply by treating the body alone is useless. Healing can come about only through rededication to ethical values; hence medicine is effective only in a provisional way. Education and secular achievements apart from faith and cultivation of self are houses of cards, castles on sand. Accordingly, media-sponsored presentation of thoroughly secularized views of life are disapproved. (p. 14)
You can see the clearest examples of this thinking in the teachings of Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai from the 1960s, before people understood how immediate and pervasive "political ideology" could effect fundamental social change, as in the US when the anti-race-mixing "anti-miscegenation" interracial marriage legal prohibitions were swept away in the US Supreme Court's 1967 judgment on "Loving v. Virginia". That changed society more fundamentally and pervasively than any religion's doctrines that people's "hearts" must be changed FIRST before anyone could hope to see societal change realized, or in the terms above, "collective moral improvement". No. Remove unjust laws and establish penalties for behaving unjustly, and voilà! Society changes!
See SGI is actively OPPOSED to social justice and thus will NEVER contribute meaningfully to world peace and More on why SGI will never make any significant changes to society.
Back when Japan's medical system was primitive, with limited availability, the new religions advertised "faith healing", as seen above and here. But as medical care improved and, most importantly, became widely accessible, that became people's healing option of choice, so the new religions (and all the rest) had to drop it as a selling point, because nobody was buying it any more. Within the ignorant and indoctrinated ranks of SGI members, we can STILL see claims of "faith healing"; they apparently don't realize this isn't a compelling sales pitch any more. Except that in house, the superstitious, magical-thinking culties still eat it up with a spoon 🙄
But you can see Ikeda here explaining that medicine is unnecessary to treat various ills; there must be a "faith" component or the treatment will inevitably be ineffective. OR that having faith will make even a nonsensical nontreatment effective! Also slamming medicine as harmful and condemning members as somehow "deserving" of terrible illnesses.
And remember when Ikeda told "girls" they didn't need to go to college? That was fun. And how Icky denigrated university graduates??
Let's not forget how the Soka Gakkai has always been anti-union and has never established any charitable services anywhere, not even for the needy within its own struggling membership.

Lacking justification for a strong differentiation between the religious lives of priests and laity, the tendency to make the laity central is strong and pervasive. (p. 14)

This was a primary issue within the Soka Gakkai that festered until Ikeda brought it to a full boil out of his obsessive desire to BE the object of worship. The Soka Gakkai/Nichiren Shoshu alliance, while expedient for the Soka Gakkai and undeniably profitable for Nichiren Shoshu, was nonetheless an uneasy alliance, given the Soka Gakkai's defining characteristics as a "new religion" and Nichiren Shoshu's "established religion" status. Those two simply don't mix. Especially on this last point, you can see that it is a characteristic of a "new religion" to have the fundamental attitude that "priests are unnecessary". Ikeda simply wanted to USE Nichiren Shoshu for his OWN convenience, in service to HIS plans, instead of directing the Soka Gakkai to function as a legitimate lay organization whose focus was their religion, Nichiren Shoshu. Ikeda made it all about himself and his goal of maximizing his own power and control. Ikeda was never a religious person.
submitted by PoppaSquot to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:51 ConsciousRun6137 Origin Of The Word “Jew”

The word ‘jew’ is a modern word. It’s only been around for a few hundred years so when we talk about jews in ancient times, we cannot use the modern moniker we thoughtlessly use today. In doing so, we mistakenly link modern day ‘jews’ to the people of the Bible, the descendants of Judah.
The word jew comes from, depending on what language we are using, ‘Judean’, which was a person who dwelt in the land of Judea.
If I move to Japan, does that make me Japanese? Thankfully not, and as such, we can say the same thing for the people who moved to the southern part of ancient Palestine in the days of John Hyrcanus. Josephus informs us that it is he that is responsible for bringing in this mixed multitude(mostly Edomites) and forcing them to convert to the laws of Moses, what we later call Christianity.
Later in the 2nd to 6th century A.D., the term Judaism was applied to the religion of these Edomites(Idumea), Canaanites, and Pharisees, just like they hijacked the word “jew” so they could pretend to be the people of the Bible.
This is also why they include the Torah in their “holy” book, their ultimate source of Pharisaism(modern day Judaism), the Babylonian Talmud. It’s Identify theft; they need some truth in their books to push their lies and deception.
“Up to the seventeenth century this word was spelled in Middle English in various ways: “Gyu,” “Giu,” “Gyw,” “Iu,” “luu,” “Iuw,” “Ieu,” “Ieuu,” “Ieuz,” “Iwe,” “Iow,” “Iewe,” “Ieue,” “lue” (“Ive”), “Iew,” “Jew.” All these forms were derived from the Old French “Giu,” which was earlier written “Juieu,” derived from the Latin accusative “Judæum” with the elision of the letter “d.” The Latin form “Judæus” was derived from the Greek ‘Iουδαĩοσ; and this in turn from the Aramaic , corresponding to the Hebrew a gentilic adjective from the proper name “Judah,” seemingly never applied to members of the tribe, however, but to members of the nationality inhabiting the south of Palestine (Jer. xliii. 9).” –Jewish Encyclopedia
Jew (n.) late 12c., Giw, Jeu, “a Jew (ancient or modern), one of the Jewish race or religion,” from Anglo-French iuw, Old French giu (Modern French Juif), from Latin Iudaeum (nominative Iudaeus), from Greek Ioudaios, from Aramaic (Semitic) jehudhai (Hebrew y’hudi) “a Jew,” from Y’hudah “Judah,” literally “celebrated,” name of Jacob’s fourth son and of the tribe descended from him.
Spelling with J- predominated from 16c. Replaced Old English Iudeas “the Jews,” which is from Latin.” –Etymology Online
Ioudaios (Greek: Ἰουδαῖος; pl. Ἰουδαῖοι Ioudaioi)\n 1])\1]) is a Greek ethnonym used in classical and biblical literature which commonly translates to “Jew” or “Judean“.\2])\3])
Christogenea Europe, July 5th, 2015: Judaea, Judah and Jew (listen to this)
“Many people suffer under the misapprehension that Jesus was a “Jew,” moreover, that he was “King of the Jews.” Thus, by inference, that the “Jews” were the “Chosen People” of the Holy Bible and so ancient possessors and modern inheritors of the Bible Covenants gifted by Yahweh to their forebears Abraham, Jacob and Judah. However, this is not the case. In fact, during Christ’s Mission and Passion no such people existed called “Jews” nor indeed did the word “Jew.” In short: Jesus was NOT a “Jew” nor was he “King of the Jews.”
In fact, Jesus is referred as a “Jew” for the first time in the New Testament in the 18th century; in the revised 18th century English language editions of the 14th century first English translations of the New Testament. The etymology of the word “Jew” is quit clear. Although “Jew” is a modern conception its roots lie in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. That is, the modern English word “Jew” is the 18th century contraction and corruption of the 4th century Latin “Iudaeus” found in St. Jerome’s Vulgate Edition and derived from the Greek word “Ioudaios.” The evolution of this can easily be seen in the extant manuscripts from the 4th century to the 18th century, which illustrate not only the origin of the word “Jew” found in the Latin word “Iudaeus” but also its current use in the English language. Littered throughout these manuscripts are the many earlier English equivalents used by various chroniclers between the 4th and the 18th century. Thus, from the Latin “Iudaeus” to the English “Jew” the evolution of these English forms is: “Gyu,” “Giu,” “Iu,” “Iuu,” “Iuw,” “Ieuu,” “Ieuy,” “Iwe,” “Iow,” “Iewe,” “Ieue,” “Iue,” “Ive,” “Iew,” and then, finally, the 18th century, “Jew.” Similarly, the evolution of the English equivalents for “Jews” is: “Giwis,” “Giws,” “Gyues,” “Gywes,” “Giwes,” “Geus,” “Iuys,” “Iows,” “Iouis,” “Iews,” and then, finally, in the 18th century, “Jews.”” –
“Strong’s Concordance more or less defines the words “Jew” and “Jews” as: “in the sense of a country, i.e., a Judean.” The word “Jew” is used 22 times in the King James Version of the Bible in the New Testament, and the word “Jews” is used 172 times and 170 times of those are from the same #2453 as the above “Jew” definition. There are another 6 times the plural word “Jews'” is used and all but one of these is this #2454. So for the 200 times, the words: “Jew, Jews, and Jews'” are used in the New Testament, at least 197 occasions are referring to a Judean in the sense of from a place, i.e., as from a country.
The question still haunts many and they have often asked just who are these people the Bible calls “Jew, Jews, and Jews'”? Why were these people not just simply called “Judeans,” “Israelites,” or “Judeans whose religion was Judaism?” This is the age old word problem of society problem that is surrounded with so many, many, lies and deceptions. “THE FEAR OF THE JEWS” syndrome that plagues society today.” –
“If “jew” is a legitimate synonym for Judahite then why in your Bible don’t you see Ephraimites called “efrays”, Simeonites called “simeys”, Danites called “dans”, Naphthalites called “nafts”, Asherites called “ashes”, Reubenites called “rewbs”, Zebulunites called “zebewls”, Gadites called “gads” Issacharites called “issachs” Benjamites called “benjams” and Mannassehites called “manasses”? …I’m aware of the fate of the northern house, but I would have to dispute the translator’s choice of “jew” as a proper rendering of Yehudi/Judahite or Ioudaios/Judaean.”
“When the Israelites moved into the land of Canaan, they were instructed to destroy all of the Canaanite peoples. They failed to do this, and were warned that harm would later come to them because of this failure (Num. 33:55; Josh. 23:13; Jdg. 2:3). It is evident that both in Jerusalem and elsewhere, the later Israelites did indeed have a problem with infiltration and race-mixing by the Canaanite tribes (Jer. 2:13, 21-22; Ezek. 16:3, 45 et al.). This was one of the chief reasons for their chastisement and removal.
…Judaea from 130 BC forward was a multiracial polyglot of a nation. The first Herod, an Idumaean by race who usurped power from the Maccabees, bribed the Romans for the kingship and from that time the temple priesthood at Jerusalem was used as a political tool. Both Josephus and the ecclesiastical historian Eusebius admit that many of the priests were not worthy of the distinction under the former Levitical traditions…
…It can be shown from the New Testament that many of the original Israelites of Judaea converted to Christianity during the ensuing years, losing their identity as Judaeans. The Edomites never converted, clinging to their traditions found in the Talmud – which has absolutely no authentic connection to the ancient Hebrew religion. Today these people, and all of their many proselytes and those whom they have intermarried with, are known as Jews.”
John 10 22:30 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. 23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. 24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. 25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me. 26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and my Father are one.
^In these verses Jesus is talking about the modern day Jews, or the bloodline of Satan.
In the following verses Jesus (Yahshua) is talking about the true “Jews”, better known as Judahites (descendants of Judah), or pure blooded Judeans (Judahites who lived in the land of Judea).
He’s talking to his sheep, not “jews”. He’s talking about modern day Israel. He’s talking about White people. He’s talking about Judahites when he says “jews” here, not today’s “jews”.
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:37 ZealousidealTerm4907 You know what really grinds my gears, the complete switch up of Joe Swanson character

Joe swanson was originally a badass cop in a wheelchair who could win at baseball save lives and catch criminals he was portrayed as cool and still competent despite his disability. But at some point and For a long time now he has just been the butt of the joke and his character basically boils down to "depressed and lonely because of his disability" or "wants to die because of it" his character took a full 180 from how he originally was. Every so often they give joe what I would like to call a "redeeming episode" where he saves the day for example in the episode when joe jump off niagra falls he saves the guys after, but this episode is predicated on the fact that Joe wants to kill himself. Compare him now to his original introduction in season 1 episode 5 "A Hero Sits Next Door" and you will see the stark difference in his personality and abilities
submitted by ZealousidealTerm4907 to familyguy [link] [comments]