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Pokémon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl

2021.02.26 11:44 blizzard2875 Pokémon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl

A place to discuss anything related to Nintendo's Diamond and Pearl remakes, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.

2014.09.18 22:44 obsoletest NYCrail: Rail transportation in and related to New York City

Passenger and freight rail and trains, including transit, in and related to New York City.

2012.08.02 10:03 Lytoc Welcome to the League of Draven

Welcome to the League of Draven!

2024.05.29 03:41 cnschedl end of s8 thoughts

I feel like s8 had a really good run up until about the middle of Casa, and then it just kind of fell off from there. I also tried to go back and reply the other seasons as I hadn't recently....oooo man. I haven't been able to finish a single one of them.
These are just my thoughts on s8/the game over all.
  1. MC: I really miss actually have substance to our MC besides how we act in the game. The only time I really remember our family being mentioned this season was if you picked the option to say your mom got you a cat for your birthday as you favorite present (correct me if i'm wrong). I miss being able to choose what we share about our lives for challenges, or with friends/love interests. How many siblings do I have? Do we get along? What do i like to do outside of work? What do i even like about my work? How did i end up with the job?
  2. Love Interests: I've seen others say this so i know im not alone in being annoyed about the overly head over heels immediately after meeting you love interest. I also didn't like the pacing of the love interest for Tyler, Harri, and Logan. We got NO time with them really, especially Logan being thrown in not even a full day before the last recoupling.
Also the reusable dialogue- like no, if i want to replayand have someone else be my LI it's to get to know THEM not reply the same story again.
  1. Other characters: Similar to the LI reusable dialogue- i HATED how Emel/Luna/Sophie Oakley/Jin/Jack just morphed into the same one character after you couple up the first time. It didn't fit Oakley's character at all to be shady like that during Casa- he had JUST talked about how he hated cheaters and would never do anything like that.
other characters LI- please mix the other couples up if there's not going to be a lot of new characters brought in (and when new characters are brought in, maybe let them be picked over an OG by someone else other than MC!!!!) Mix it up!!! Claudia and Bea should've been together imo (if u aren't doing their routes) I could've seen Emel/Luna and Theo/TyleMax together possibly. Stop having them complain abt their couple but then not do anything about it!!!
  1. MC's rival- This season Sienna didn't even make sense to me. She never talked to Kyle and then all of a sudden they have such a great connection just to try and get a rise out of me, or still trying to get me upset about being with Jin when I've stated i didn't care and don't want to be with him. Make it make sense!! If ur gonna always have that plot, make it make sense please and not just someone out to always "get" MC or make her look bad
  2. Choices- make our choice count. I said I didn't want to get back with Jin, my head was firmly with Kyle- why is Jin picking me??????? MOVE ON. Also speaking of choices, I miss being able to choose as much when we go around to have little convos. I felt like a lot of the last few seasons are "hey MC i really need to talk to you abt XYZ" and then they pull u and it's either something stupid or u have to pay gems to hear some drama. NO I JUST WANNA SIT ON THE LOUNGERS AND GET TO KNOW MY LI OR THE OTHER CHARACTERS. I also miss having time to make the friendships. I feel like Angie was awesome whether you did her route or not (ik the friendship is supposed to make her realize she's gay but anyways) we got to sit and talk and really learn about things she likes/her family/her exes etc. I LOVED her as a friend and LI.
feel free to add your thoughts. I just feel like they kind of dropped the ball after a good start to the season.
submitted by cnschedl to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:40 eucalyptus_IgnEouS44 How do I stop being friends with someone by making them think it’s their decision and not mine?

I have become friends with this person who is a pretty aggressive drug user of which I didn’t realise until becoming friends with them and I have a horrible gut feeling about them. Some of the things they have done as well as my own intuition I want to end this friendship. However, this person can become very angry over the slightest of things, they also like to play mind games and are intelligent when it comes to people so I need a plan as I feel as though I can’t just straight up end it. They have a rather large ego and love themselves so I do think I could maybe play on that a bit. How do I make them think that it was their decision to end the friendship so that there’s no animosity?
submitted by eucalyptus_IgnEouS44 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:31 Hot-Incident-6117 Do you get used to the loneliness?

Hi, as a small child I'd struggle making friends. Mostly now, I struggle with keeping friendships. I'm 16 now and I kinda accepted that this is just how I'll live. I feel more at peace with my loneliness now. It was so bad my step mom got me a counselor at my elementary school. (my step mom really didn't care about me though, I'm guessing she was tired of my ranting on how lonely I was and how it wasn't fair that my sister had more friends than I did.) It was a weird experience because a lot of the things we did was quite easy. I remember that she had a very kidish room with cute stuff animals everywhere. She told me how bad my eye contact was ect. Anyways, the only friend I have rn is my bf. It's somewhat nice because I get socially drained quickly. I look back on how depressed I was as a kid struggling to make friends and it makes me hate having autism. I see so many people saying that they love having autism because that is apart of who they are and as someone who struggles severely with anything social, I find it hard to relate.
submitted by Hot-Incident-6117 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:29 hornybuttguy Very confused on how to approach this

Using a throwaway for anonymity purposes
My apologies if this is not the right sub for this discussion, but it's the only one I found remotely related to my experience.
I really enjoy meeting new people, hearing their stories, getting excited for them, as long as I am not directly involved in for example picking a ring for my best friend's girlfriend, help them pick drapes for their new house... However, if it's unplanned and they are in a tough spot about it, I will turn the world around to help them.
Same with relationships, I have not been in a long term relationship and when I entered a relationship, it was just annoying, because I did not have my personal time as much as I wanted to which eventually led to a break-up. No, it's not just that one girlfriend, it's in general... I love being alone. Genuinely. Even friends have limits. If we're somewhere for the weekend, I really start to feel the need for my solitude as it's too much. If they leave the room/place for an hour, I'm good again as I've been recharged.
If a close friend has got into a relationship, I will be interested to hear about it and care if they are happy, usually form a friendship with the partner as well as most of them are amazing people I love as friends, but I would hate to listen to them and their love for hours on end. OK, we have determined they are nice, I've met them, i know they are great, you two are a good pairing, we cool. Keep things to yourself. Don't shove tongues down each other's throats every five minutes. It's disgusting.

On the other hand if a friend has suddenly broken up with his/her bf/gf and want to talk, I will absolutely listen to them and advise as much as I can to provide emotional support.

Texting also does not bother me in the slightest, I can talk on a variety of topics for hours on end, make a connection, joke, give advice on romance, write poetry about love even, which again seems to counter some of the things I've written here, but that's where the confusion lies.

My best friend from preschool whom I've known for 20+ years and we mostly talk about tech, booze and work, never really discussed gfs or anything like that, recently got into a relationship with a girl and they are getting serious, he just mentions her in passing every time we meet up. There's a whole bunch of other things going on in his life, both personally and professionally. It's genuinely one of the best meetups I have.

Another couple I'm close friends with has just announced the wife is expecting and while I am really happy for them, I really don't want to spend the next year or so talking about their baby and nothing else. I truly am happy for them and want to know about their lives, but this cannot be the ONLY thing you can talk about... Yes, I know having a kid changes everything and it's a difficult change. I am fully aware of that and it would be absolutely impolite of me not to even ask about their child, at the end of the day, i do want to know a bit, but I don't want a 3 hour convo on how much he/she pooped today.
But, they could call me at 3 AM saying hey, I need x for my baby and I'd be there for them, because I love them.

How do I approach this without coming off as a disinterested asshole?
submitted by hornybuttguy to aromantic [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:25 ChipmunkSpecialist27 I think my best friend (10+ years, VERY religious) is homophobic, but I (the opposite of religious) don’t know if I should. Thoughts?

Hi guys! Using a throwaway account for safety reasons, as the friend in this story knows my main account
Idk how long this will be and this is my first reddit post, so just a heads up:
Background: I (22M) was brought up in the Catholic Church during my first 18 years of my life. I never agreed with most of the teachings and always viewed religion along the lens of "play-pretend", as I felt I was lost, not understanding how everyone "knows God exists". Religion itself seems to have too many fallacies and full circle arguments to stand fully true. I could go on and on about my gripes regarding religion (specifically the Catholic Church), but the main focus that really pushes me away from it (along with individuals) is homophobia.
I didn't realize I was queer until I was 11/12. I always liked girls before this time, and all of a sudden, it switched to guys. I always grew up with a strong sense of fear and dread: will I end up alone, what if everyone decides to abandon me/doesn't support me, etc. Needless to say, this (along with other personal issues, who knows, may become their own separate posts) negatively impacted me through my pre-teen and teen years.
With all of this in mind, I began to slowly despise blatantly anti-LGBT organizations, such as Christianity (I know some Christians aren't homophobic, however, in my experience dealing with Christians from my life, they seem to be, whether it be slightly or strongly, as a result of faith). As I became older (especially around the time I turned 17-18), I became increasingly cautious over those that were Christians within my life, such as stating my gripes with Christianity and saying how I don't want to currently be a practicing Christian. *I'm saying this now to set up a few questions I will have at the end of my post.
I Topic of my post: Around the time I turned 11-12, I started to become friends with my best friend (now 20M), as we were both in families within the same neighborhood, with our families often being at the same parties as other neighborhood kids. Eventually, over the years, I'd say we both deem each other as close friends (to me, a best friend, he has said he considers me one of his best friends) as a result of hanging out together and going to school together.
My best friend has been religious (Christian) since we met. Around the time I began to explain my strong distaste for the Catholic Church/Christianity/homophobic Christians, my friend began taking his faith seriously, opting to switch from Methodist to Catholic). Because of this, I began to become afraid of coming out to him, as he was both my best friend at the time and one of the only long-term friends I have had at this point. Eventually, I did come out 3 years ago, at which point I think I was accepted, but was told "as long as you don't like me, we will be fine". I was taken aback from this, but I shoved that down because this was my bestfriend.
Idk if it's come across as such yet, maybe it's me overthinking, I tend to do so, but I might become the a\*hole now* Around this time, I started exercising to him how "I hate Christianity as I have always felt excluded, ostracizing lgbt individuals and religion seems to operate out of fear to keep people complacent". My friend and I disagree, but we both (at least, it seems from his end, but I know from my end) try to look past our differences in opinion to preserve our friendship. Also, he began to say how he doesn't agree with the "gay lifestyle" and doesn't want it "thrown in his face", saying this a couple times before not mentioning it again.
Furthermore, it should also be brought up we make gay jokes all the time towards one another, like a lot of straight guys do towards one another (except, I'm not straight). Some vague examples include him saying one time "want to see me hard?", me saying "you're turning me on" to get him to stop if he's making me irritated, us referencing one another as "who's the top and bottom" from a meme we know, along with common stuff you'd imagine straight guys making jokes to. Of course, I love my best friend, he's like a brother to me, but I could never see myself in a relationship with him, as I would never want to ruin our friendship (plus he doesn't see me like that and likewise).
Anyway, the topic of "gay lifestyle" came back up today and I can't seem to shake this feeling off my mind... he seems to convey that it's a choice and that he's "okay" with gay, as long as it's not "thrown in his face", even though I'd say religion is thrown in most people's faces when they're born, alongside heterosexuality (such ads that highly utilize the "sex appeal" to sell services to men).
Concluding thoughts and questions/advice,etc wanted:
I want to try and confront him on this, but I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I feel like this conversation might be needed. I'm afraid he'll compare it to me ostracizing him on behalf of his religion, which I guess is fair, but I'm afraid that will be his reason to defend his view on the lgbt community. Am I the asshole? Is he? Both? Should I initiate this conversation? Any advice, questions or comments you all have? I apologize if this doesn't make sense, I'm writing this right away so I don't chicken out and shove this further down. I also might delete this in the future, as I don't want this traced back to me.
Thank you to all who have read, I appreciate it!
submitted by ChipmunkSpecialist27 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:07 HisSunshine3-9 Citrine and Sea

Hello my love. Yet again I come to an end of a very long, exhausting, emotional day. Today is the day they did AC burial for the girl. That was my roommate. They had a celebration of life at a really nice restaurant near the water and then we took a charter boat out to the middle of the Gulf and they spread her ashes and her wreath and some sunflowers for her. It was very sad but it was also very beautiful to watch. You can tell she was loved by so many and past that. Love on to her husband and her daughters and her stepdaughters and pretty much anyone else that she met. It was comforting and eye-opening to listen to their stories of someone that I barely knew. I only got to spend time with her for that brief. We were in the rehab and then I talked to her a lot on Facebook. But I never saw her again. I still have that picture of us that we took together in there and she made me swear. I would never post it. I never did but I kept the picture. I held it together. Pretty good. I guess that's easy to do when you don't really know the person. But I broke down when they let her ashes go in the water. It was very emotional All together. I took a video for them because everyone else was crying and sad so I thought that they might appreciate it in the future. It's weird how you can feel a connection to someone that you barely even know. But everyone crosses our paths or for a reason and every place we are, especially in moments like that are for a reason. I believe I was brought there to represent friendship for her. Most of her friends are in Colorado or California and couldn't make it. The people that were here today were mostly her family. And then I talked to her husband's brother who lives in St. Louis and he's a cop. I may have opened his eyes a little bit for medical marijuana use for his mother and his wife. He is always saying how bad it is and I just, you know me being me, chimed in with all of my advocation for it and saying how well it's worked for me and many others. Maybe I was meant to cross his path and he can take that information out and change their minds. Minds. Who knows?
Before I headed to the celebration of life, I drove all the way down to Gulfport which is past the St. Pete beaches. Because I found a piece of citrine that was absolutely beautiful and the price was right. It even came with a stand. I can't wait to find the perfect place to display it. It's a very deep bold yellow with a hint of orange. It reminds me of pretty sunflowers, but more importantly, it's a giant tribute to your birthstone and I can put it up in the house. It already has tons of energy because I saw a bunch of other pieces online but that is the one that I had to have. It was calling my name and I drove 45 minutes completely out of the way to go grab it. The person I bought it from seems like they have good energy as well. I am still going to cleanse it myself to ward off anything bad that might be attached to it, but the overall feeling makes me super happy and that tells me that it was meant to be.
I had a couple glasses of wine at the celebration of life. They tasted good at the time, but now I am starting to feel a headache coming on. It happens almost every time I drink anything anymore. I just want to get some coffee or smoke something or take some ibuprofen or eat. I'm not really sure which is going to help. Maybe I need a combination of everything combined. I am so tired. I am not used to pulling all of these really long days without getting a nap or without getting a break in between. I just have to make it through one more day. But tomorrow isn't necessarily a long day. It's just going to be a late day because I go in from 2:00 to close. Part of me just wants to say fuck it and not go but I got to get the money while the money is there and I'm losing a day because of Rs graduation on Thursday so that would defeat the purpose of switching days.
Where have you been my love? I hope you are not angry with me for anything. Of course that is me always thinking the worst. I miss you. I hope to hear from you soon. I have A long drive ahead of me before I make it home. You know I will be writing to you again tomorrow. I hope you had a good day and I hope you have sweet dreams. Can't wait to see you in mine again. Always and forever, I love you more.
submitted by HisSunshine3-9 to u/HisSunshine3-9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:03 sahw2015 Astrology Habits to Break. Untying the Knots of the 12-Letter Alphabet so called natural rulers of the houses.

Untying the Knots of the Twelve-Letter Alphabet
12 Letter Alphabet Exposed
Liberating Uranus and Aquarius – From Each Other
Probing Pluto and Scorpio, Clarifying Neptune and Pisces
10 Astrology Habits to Break.
12 Letter Alphabet Exposed
While the words; are a manner of speech there might be less confusion if they were replaced with "present": The first house shows how we present as an individual. This presentation includes attitude, physical health, demeanor and appearance, among other things.
The first house is much more than how we strike out as an individual. It can actually show a ‘wait and see attitude’. If a passive sign is on the ascendant or the ascendant ruler in a passive sign there will be less ‘striking out’ and more withdrawal or cautious approach to life.
With other factors such as the house location of its ruler and aspects to the ascendant, the first house shows temperament style and general attitude to life, which may be nothing akin to Mars or Aries.
The odds are only one in twelve that the sign on the ascendant will be Aries and the wide scope of other possible expressions cannot all be described as Arian or Martian.
Neither should we restrict the red planet to its daytime domicile of Aries. It is also the nocturnal ruler of Scorpio although this is rarely considered or understood.
Associating Mars with the first house also ignores the other two planets which have a connection to this house.
The first is Mercury, which has its joy in the first house. The joys of the planets is a worthwhile study of its own.
Mercury has a natural association with the brain and head and this correlates well with the association of the first house with the head.
Mercury is also associated with speech and communication.
Mars has no natural association with the head or brain, unless you are thinking of using your head as a battering ram!
In the system of planetary joys Mars is placed in the sixth house of injuries and sickness, a place where it is at home.
The first house straddles the boundary between day and night which is an apt fit for adaptable Mercury as the go-between.
Saturn also has a first house association because this is where the soul is entrapped within the body as it incarnates. Saturn is the natural ruler of doorways and the first house is the soul’s doorway into physical life. The eighth house of death is the exit doorway, also associated with Saturn.
Yes Taurus is about stability and physical comforts and pleasure, but has little to do with money itself. Venus, the planet which rules Taurus, is about the comforts that money can buy, the adornments and beautiful things. But money itself is represented by Mercury, the natural ruler of exchange and financial dealings. Mercury does the buying and Venus does the enjoying. Venus does not represent money; that is Mercury’s domain.
Jupiter the planet of wealth and prosperity, has a natural association with the second house. In the Chaldean order of the planets Jupiter follows Saturn. Saturn is associated with the first house, Jupiter with the second house.
It is understandable that, at first glance, the third house would seem to have an association with Gemini and Mercury.
However in previous generations it was clearly understood that the third house was the house of the "goddess", and the Moon had a special relationship with this house.
In horary astrology the Moon is frequently seen as conveying messages between other planets in its role as ‘the translator of light’. Among the seven classical planets it is the fastest moving body, linking planets as it aspects one and then to another. This sequential linking is very significant in questions about communication, linking people together, or the movement of goods. In this latter respect it also has an association with transport.
Historically the 4th house is associated with foundations and property, the land, deep roots, mines and wealth from under the ground.
Compare these fixed traits to that most fluid and movable of planets: the Moon. This is not a good fit. The changeable Moon is much better suited to the busy comings and goings of the 3rd house.
In the ancient model of the “4 Ages of Man” the IC is associated with the winter of our lives. Yet in the northern hemisphere where Western astrology arose the Sun passes through Cancer at the height of summer. Neither is the 4th house a good fit for Cancer.
Historically the 4th house is associated with the father, not the mother.
The Sun is the supreme ‘Commander-in-Chief’, the symbol of might and mastery, power, truth, light and enlightenment. The superior planets genuflect and step backwards in retrograde motion when they come face to face in opposition with the Sun, and all the planets disappear in his blinding light when in conjunction with the Sun.
The fifth house is the house of fun and frivolity, parties pleasure and entertainment. In a sense this is the most superficial of houses and is in no way deserving as the home of the Lord of the Heavens.
The Sun represents so much more than parties, children, pleasure and sporting games. The importance of these activities pales into insignificance when faced with the majesty of his presence. In many religions and spiritual systems the image of god or the force which guides the universe has a solar representation.
To suggest that the Sun is restricted to the rulership of the house of fun and creativity is to diminish his great power and demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of his role in the heavens and in astrological interpretation.
In the diagram above describing the joys of the planets we see that the Sun rejoices in the ninth house, the house of higher learning, spirituality, and the search for the ultimate meaning of life. The joys of the planets describe places where planets are most comfortable and ‘feel at home’. The Sun is much more comfortable than in the ninth house of spirituality than in the fifth house of frivolity.
Neither is Leo a good fit for the fifth house as it is regarded as a barren sign because of its dryness. The 5th has long been known as the house of sex procreation and children. In horary astrology in questions of fertility and in electional astrology when choosing a suitable time for conception Leo on the ascendant or on the fifth house cusp is generally avoided because of its association with infertility and sterility.
To link the sign associated with barrenness with the house associated with fertility and creativity shows a misunderstanding of basic astrological principles.
Confusions relating to the meaning of the sixth house are worthy of an article on its own.
The association with work in the sense of career or profession can be attributed to a misreading of Lilly where he refers to the 6th house as the house of service. He was actually referring to servitude and servants.
The modern equivalent are the working poor doing menial jobs, in the service of another. There has never been, at least until recent times, a sense that the 6th house is associated with anything resembling a career. Historically this is, among other meanings, the house of slaves. While perhaps there are few real slaves in the Western world, the unskilled worker going from job to job is a close equivalent. These workers are typically more lacking in skills, rather than being skilled.
Going back to the objection mentioned above that Virgo is focused I am not sure how focus is a noteworthy trait of the sixth house, or even that Virgo is especially focused. Virgo is after all a double-bodied sign. Scorpio Aries and Capricorn also have some claim to being focused.
It is more common for people to confuse the sixth house with Virgo because of Virgo’s association with health. However the sixth house is not the house of health; that honour belongs to the first house. The sixth house is the house of ill-health and also injuries, the opposite of health. The preoccupation with exercise and diet typically associated with Virgo is better explained by the combination of the dry earth qualities of Virgo when combined with its discerning ruler: Mercury.
It is the first house which is the house of life and health and vitality. Mercury rejoices in this house and is much more comfortable here than in the sixth house of sickness and injuries.
It is Mars which rejoices in the sixth house. It is of course the minor malefic and is well suited to the house where the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune beset us all from time to time. Incidentally in mundane astrology the sixth house is associated with the military which has an obvious connection with Mars.
Yes the seventh house is about relationships of all types. As well as amorous relationships and contractual business type relationships, also included are adversarial relationships with open enemies and those involving a sporting or other type of contest.
Relationships involving open conflict can hardly be confused with the graciousness associated with Libra or the pleasantness associated with Venus. These relationships could better be described as Martian. As the enemy rides over hill towards you, rifle at the ready with bayonet attached, Venus is nowhere to be seen. These situations are better described by Mars. So should we associate Aries and Mars with the seventh house, as well as Libra and Venus? The logic is similar. It should not be ignored that the seventh house is as much about engagement with the enemy as it is with the lover or friend.
The seventh house is about ‘the other’ we engage with, for whatever reason, whether it be the terrorist or the lover, the violent bully or the loving spouse. The relationships associated with the seventh house can be associated with love or hate. The seventh house is primarily about the people we engage with, and the type of engagement cannot be restricted to just Venus or Libra. The planet which usually best describes the type of engagement is the one ruling the sign on the seventh house cusp or a planet conjoining the descendant.
The confusion concerning the eighth house is connected both with the adoption of Pluto as Scorpio's modern ruler and the adoption of the '12 letter Alphabet'; system by some astrologers. In the 12 letter Alphabet, invented by Zip Dobyns, the meaning of the houses planets and signs are merged. For example the eighth house, Scorpio, and Pluto are seen to have a similar theme, referred to as an archetype. Pluto's association with transformation and regeneration and Scorpio's association with sex are both transferred to the eighth house.
However the eighth house is the house of death. While it's true that some astrologers have associated the eighth house with sex because sexual orgasm is sometimes called ‘the little death, the purpose of sex is to procreate, to bring life into the world, not death.
Previous to the modern era the eighth house was not associated with sex. This modern confusion is perpetrated by a misunderstanding of the primary functions of the houses. Sex is a fifth house matter. Death and bringing life into the world are opposite things. One should not be confused with the other.
I have often heard it said that death is only one form of transformation and somehow this justifies assigning transformation as a core meaning for the eighth house, which in turn validates Scorpio’s and Pluto’s association with the eighth house.
It is ironic that Pluto's mythical association with rape is rarely mentioned in conversations about eighth house sexual activity.
The tangled web of confusions associated with the interchange of Scorpio Pluto and the eighth house is mind boggling and really does take us a long way from the real meaning of the eighth house. Followers of the 12 Letter Alphabet system associate intimacy with the eighth house because of its new association connection with Pluto.
The core meanings of the eighth house have to do with death in the physical and real sense; fear and loss; the resources of those we engage with, and inheritance.
The eighth house is not a particular pleasant place no matter how much we might like to romanticize it or give it a positive spin. The sign on the cusp of the eighth house and the planet which rules that sign are what is relevant in any type of astrological interpretation of the 8th house.
We tend to liken Jupiter to philosophy and religion and the attribution of Jupiter to the 9th House fits fairly well. (Jupiter is also the planet associated with the Ninth in the wheel of houses that begins with Saturn as the First.) The Ninth was the place of the “Sun God” in ancient astrology and was strongly associated with public religious practice; yet, like the Third, it was also associated with dreams, prophecy, and divination. The Ninth House being associated with higher education or long journeys is a later addition.
The planet in joy in the Ninth House is the Sun and, for a place that is cadent, the Ninth gets a lot of sunlight and the Sun can be happy here. It also fits well with the deification of the Sun’s power in many cosmologies and religions throughout history. It may also conform to the image of Sun as a planet of higher intellect, as the light of reason.
Astrologers after my lifetime or yours will look at this affiliation with bewilderment. Archetypally mixing the House of career, reputation, and fame to Saturn and Capricorn is itself enough to throw out the entire Twelve Letter Alphabet system.
You might retort, “But it’s the place of one’s boss!” I answer that there are many kinds of bosses and they’re not all oppressive. The dimensions of leadership and mentorship – solar and not saturnine factors – are prominent Tenth House factors.
The 10th is the traditional place of one’s “action” – career, calling, fame and reputation. I include a larger sense of “vocation”, so that if you work retail by day but are a political activist or animal rights advocate otherwise, the latter would be included within your Tenth House. If a “lifestyle” includes neighborhood vigilantism, being a “survivalist”, or attending a lot of funerals, that person’s Tenth House would qualify as Saturnine.
Capricorn, as the cardinal earth sign, governed by a heavy nocturnal (feminine sign) Saturn, and the place and time of least light in the Northern Hemisphere, is completely out of place in the public and daylight-filled Tenth. Because the Tenth is place of authority, it is far closer in meaning to the Sun than the gray planet Saturn.
In ancient times the 11th, the “Place of the Good Spirit (or daimon)”, was a place of fortune and abundance. According to traditional sources Jupiter is in joy in the Eleventh, befitting a place that is considered so fortunate. (The Eleventh is the House opposite the 5th, the Place of Good Fortune and the joy of Venus, the other benefic.) The Eleventh House became the place of “hopes and wishes” and later the place of friendship and social groups; “hopes and wishes” is more in line with the original meaning of the Eleventh House.
Is this like the fixed air sign Aquarius? The “Water-Bearer” has a linear mental quality and a tendency to become conceptual that is not particularly like the Eleventh House in its original meanings. Aquarius is a sign of social responsibility and objective mind, and Aquarius relates well to a diurnal (masculine sign) Saturn that is a lighter Saturn than the one who governs Capricorn. However, if you confine the Eleventh House to friendships and social groups, the affiliation with the diurnal Saturn isn’t such a problem.
Things become much more confusing when astrologers mix up Aquarius with the outer planet Uranus, the planet of eccentricity, suddenness, and genius, and then try to bring in the Eleventh House. Uranus is quite different from the fixed mental “human” sign Aquarius. Uranus is rebellious, radically individualistic, and is deliberately outside convention. Aquarius, the sign opposite Leo, is humanitarian and oriented more toward groups and cultures than individuals. To bring this confusion to the Eleventh House only makes this problem worse; it obscures the original benevolent and protective quality of this house which is well demonstrated by Jupiter’s traditional association.
There are many difficulties here, and many are based on the distorted ways that the sign Pisces has been defined. But first let’s look at the Twelfth House by itself.
Like the Sixth and Eighth, the Twelfth is also disconnected to the Ascendant and is also a place about life’s difficulties. The Twelfth is a cadent house that in ancient astrology was the Place of the “Bad Spirit.” In the outer world the Twelfth is where we locate prisons, confinement in institutions, and dark hidden places. More internally, this is the place of being haunted – by previous karma, psychological “unfinished business,” and other manners of “self-doing” that come about because of what we cannot see. Psychological astrologers have looked to the Twelfth House for unacknowledged factors that may wreak havoc on one’s person and within one’s relationships. This is in keeping with the qualities of this house.
This all seems very different from the mutable watery sign Pisces that is flowing, changeable, and can develop different disguises for its personal and social roles. Pisces, as a quality of mind, has a strongly intuitive nonlinear bent. Unlike the planet Neptune, however, natives with prominent Pisces placements manage to maintain their identity even if that identity is not well-defined. Both the sign Pisces and its purported ruler Neptune are a far cry from the vice grip many of have experienced when in conditions of external or internal confinement.
Jupiter, the great benefic and the traditional ruler of Pisces, is even farther away from the significations of the Twelfth House. Jupiter – especially in the feminine sign Pisces – brings intuition of possibilities that is often called “faith” or “hope”. The Twelfth, however, is where cold reality comes at us from behind often with harmful intent; it is far closer to Saturn than Jupiter. And Saturn is, of course, the “joy” of the Twelfth House.
submitted by sahw2015 to Advancedastrology [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:01 Suitable_Possible_73 WIBTAH if I ask my son's gf to leave?

This dilemma is driving me bat-shit crazy so I've decided to ask ya'll for advice. My husband(60) & I(56) own a home and our son(32) lives with us (thanks to the pandemic & the insane cost of rentals in our area of Tennessee). We actually love having our son close as we are a tight knit little family and great at giving each other space and privacy. The problem is this. Our son's gf(26) moved to Tennessee and had a couple roommate situations that didn't work out. I'm not sure why as I stay outta those situations but it's always seemed to be the other person's fault, according to the gf. She is not close to either me or my husband. We've included her in holidays and even paid for her flight to see our son for one of her birthdays (we hosted her as well on that trip, as well as, any of her other visits). She's always maintained an aloof manner with us unless our son is present at which time she will join whatever conversation is happening.
So imagine my suprise when she'd actually say HI to me when she came over and began to act friendly. I thought that she'd finally warmed up and felt comfortable and wanted to form a friendship with me and my husband. She'd invite me along if she was going shopping or ask me if I wanted anything when she'd make her daily coffee run (I said yes once to the coffee and paid for it as I know how expensive it can be) This began in March of this year. I know my son loves her and I was happy at this turn of events (he'd been dating her for over a year).
Well, this April she was generally speaking about how her roommate was crazy and how the roommate wanted her out of the house. She also frequently mentioned how expensive it would be to have a place of her own but that having a roommate was not working out as they seemed to be crazy. The 2nd week of April (I was dealing with sudden onset vertigo & bedridden for 3 days) she came to me and asked if she could move in for "a month or two" so that she could find a place to live & save up some money. I didn't think that it was a great idea but felt sorry for her & said yes. I told her that it would be 2 months max and that we wouldn't charge her rent but that she'd have to pay a quarter of all utilities and the food bill...all too which she readily agreed. I also told her that she'd have to contribute to the running of the house, i.e. dishes, vacuum, basically clean up after herself and help with dinners. It's now the end of May and she's cleaned the bathroom once, has never cleaned a dish or helped (let alone made) a dinner. She's gone back to acting like I don't exist (unless my son is present). And I don't mean that she's stopped inviting me to shop or offered to grab me a coffee (although she has). I mean she will literally come upstairs to the living area in the morning (or mid-day or evening...pick a time) and not say a word to me. I've got that "you've been used feeling" & I've had enough. I don't want to cause friction within their relationship but I need her gone. So, WIBTAH if I tell her that she's got to go? June 15th will be 2 months of her living here and I'm just barely keeping my mouth and temper in check. Any advice is welcome
submitted by Suitable_Possible_73 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:58 Think-Rip-135 AITAH for still being friends with a cheater?

Sorry. English is not my first language.
My wife wants me to stop being friends with my friend Mark. He has been my friend since I've moved here 15 years ago. He is quiet man. He has been here for me when I had no family anymore. He helped get me a job. He has always been the moral one in my friend group. He has calmed down situations that would have ended in violence. He is a good person.
He told me he cheated on his wife. I was shocked because he was always the one to do the right thing. He was crying when he told me. He never cries. I did not agree with his decisions. His wife took him back and has forgiven him. I did not expect this because his wife does not put up with that. I've talked to her and I see why she has decided to work on their marriage and continue. My wife does not agree and wants me to discontinue the friendship. She is worried I will be influenced by him and go and cheat. I don't believe this to be true. There are many factors to consider my friend and I believe he needs another chance to be a good person. Reasons why I think he's not like other cheaters. This is what his wife told me.
1.) He admited everything. He did not blame it on it being an accident. He took full responsibility for his actions. He told his wife everything and was even willing to help her if she decided divorce. He told her it was all his fault, he made a series of decisions that led him to cheat on her and he could have stopped at those points but was a bad man and didn't. Many cheaters I know don't take responsibility. They cheat and cheat and blame others for what they did. He blamed himself.
2.) My friend is very sick. He has schizophrenia. He lives on disability because of it. He did not blame his schizophrenia on his cheating but I believe it played a role. He told me there were times he wanted to confess and tell what he did, but spirits and demons would tell him not too and even give him advice on when and how to cheat. He does not blame his schizophrenia on his cheating because he says he made those decisions before the voices came, but I'm not sure. We did not know he had schizophrenia for a very long time. He was secretive of it and told no one. He said taking the pill for his schizophrenia was a blessing and a curse. He was free of the voices, but he was faced of all the wrong he had done to someone he loves very much.
3.) (I post this with his permission) He was sexually abused when he was younger. He does not consider this a factor but I do. I have seen him turn down woman before (he is good looking and ladies go to him). I have seen one occasion where a lady has touched him innappropiately and he freezes like a statue and is very distraut. He tells me when he was first cheating (he would go to massage parlors for his deeds) it felt very similar to when he was abused. It was both exciting and scary for him and it being wrong was addicting for him. He claims it wasn't abuse, but his wife and I and his therapist all claim he was abused. I think this played a role in his actions.
4.) Since telling of his deeds, he has gone and attended therapy every week to talk about why he did the things he did. They say he has sexual anxiety and other things I do not remember. He is faithful with his work and has been open and honest with his wife about progress and allows her in his work. A cheater would not go to this effort of money and time.
5.) He told his story on reddits before. It did not get any replies but people messaged him about killing himself and he took what they said as reality. He had to go to treatment because he believed they are right. Reddit is not forgiving of cheaters. They will forgive other things but will not forgive cheaters. I do not believe he explained himself well with his post. A real cheater would not have taken what others have said so hard. They would ignore it and continue cheating.
His wife is a wonderful woman. She says she can forgive him because he took responsibility of what he did. There was no evidence of his cheating, she would never have known about it if he hadn't said anything. A cheater would have hidden his secrets for the rest of his life. I have known cheaters before, I have a lot of them in my family. They do not share remorse, he does. He deserves a chance. His wife thinks so too. She is not shy or intimidated woman, she is strong woman.
My friend tells me I should not quarral with my wife over this. He tells me he has done terrible things and understands why she would believe her way. I believe that people can do bad things and work to be better. What is the point of life if you can't make mistakes and learn from them? I do not believe he will do these things again.
AITAH for still being friends with a cheater?
submitted by Think-Rip-135 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:52 ChCKr1 Almost died by their dogmas

Excuse my bad english, i used AI to translate some parts, im not a native speaker. So, here goes the story of how Jehovah's Witnesses almost drove me to suicide, how my grandmother disowned me, and why I am now 1,327 kilometers away from my family, haha.
I was born into a three-generation JW family in Cancún, Mexico. I never had birthdays, Halloween, or any of the world's holidays. From ages 0 to 3, my nuclear family was distant from the JWs. I learned to read and began reading Watchtower literature. I never liked the idea that Jehovah was going to commit genocide on 99% of the world's population and that we would be happy in paradise with exile, resurrection, and more. At age 4, they resumed their service to the organization and tried to raise me solely with Watchtower literature. Everything else was practically forbidden, although I loved watching documentaries and reading about nature. I became a fan of some school books. I was never allowed to have a single friend, and at school, I was forced to have perfect grades, or else my parents would beat me, and this continued until I was 8 years old.
When I was 8, my father quit his job because a coworker started sexually harassing him. From that moment on, life in my family went downhill. I discovered I was gay, and every "teaching" started to irritate me more and more. My father tried to dedicate himself more to the organization's service, so it took him almost a year to find a job that allowed him to do so. At the beginning of this period, I was sent to my grandmother's house for her to take care of me for 3 months. The hell of the Catholics sounded more appealing than being there. I stopped going to school, and every day began with waking up at 5:45 am, considering the day's text for an hour, then breakfast, preaching from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm under 30-degree heat, a break for a meager meal, and then continuing with studies from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Upon returning home, we would study the ministry school or the Watchtower until 10:00 pm, every day. Sundays, we had our meeting at 9:00 am, and we still went out to preach in the morning from 6:30 to 8:30.
I remember during that time I lost weight, going from being overweight to the lower limit of a healthy weight, even developing anemia. I suffered from heat strokes, dehydration, and other issues. The worst part was the Saturday Watchtower study. My grandmother wouldn't schedule studies that day so we could study the Watchtower. We started at 3 in the afternoon and continued until nearly 10 at night or even later, reading every biblical passage, every reference in the central column. We didn't have dinner until we finished studying. If I yawned, she would pinch me, and one day she tried to slap me. Adding to this was her favoritism towards other more "spiritual" cousins and her constant reminders that I would die for not having blind faith in God. Those were 3 months of my life. After that, I returned home and resumed my studies.
That year, we ended up living off poor government aid, and I made my first friend in primary school. Her mother was the sweetest woman I had ever known. She gave me desserts, fed me when we had no money, something the brothers NEVER did for my family. Here begins the next chapter of my family.
My father got a job in Cancun's public transportation but quit because he had to break many laws in a highly competitive and illegal environment. Desperate, my father accepted the lowest job offer from one of his JW brothers, working from 8 am to 6:30 pm, with no overtime pay, for $25 a week to support a family of five. Meanwhile, the indoctrination continued, torturing me with the idea that I would be destroyed at Armageddon for being secretly homosexual and completely isolated from my schoolmates due to my beliefs and poverty, thanks to this religion and abusive brothers.
My father started taking me to work on weekends, some weekdays, and holidays. They didn't pay anything extra for me; I worked entirely for free. At school, I resented the lack of money. Sometimes I would pick up government notebooks that kids threw away. My uniform was falling apart.
I started secondary school, and this situation continued. I was switched from the afternoon shift to the morning shift because of bullying at school. During that time, I met my first real friend, a guy who always supported me. He was a fan of creepy pastas and the paranormal, someone who was absent once or twice a week but with whom I enjoyed spending time. We would lie on the classroom floor listening to scary stories. I developed romantic feelings for him but never had the chance to confess. One day, after school, he walked me to a street before my house, where my father was waiting for me. A brother had leaked what was happening. I had managed to get a cell phone, which my parents checked daily to see what I was doing. At 15, they forbade me from having any contact with him, so I ended the friendship and suppressed my feelings until we finished the last year of secondary school. He didn't attend the graduation day. That day, I was completely alone. My parents went with me, but no one approached me. In Mexico, there's a tradition of signing your friends' shirts. Mine had the signature of one teacher, and nothing more. None of my classmates recognized me as a friend that day.
Two months passed. I entered high school, and one day, while walking back from preaching with my mother, I met one of my former schoolmates. We had ended up fighting, but we respected each other. When he saw me, tears welled up in his eyes. I had never seen him like that. He approached me and told me that my first friend had died of cancer. I was in shock. I told him not to joke, and he asked if I ever wondered why he was absent so often and the school never said anything, why he grew his hair long until he started missing more and more. I remember that day I felt pain like never before. I felt like I was collapsing inside. I wanted to vomit and cry. I regretted for years having left him to die alone. I felt like a traitor. My parents didn't care, but I fell into a depression that took years to overcome. To distract my mind, I started preaching more and filling my mind with dogmas. But I knew, I knew I could never achieve eternal life as a homosexual, I knew I could never make my parents happy, I knew I shouldn't get baptized, or when I got disfellowshipped, my family would consider me dead.
I started a spiral of self-hatred that one day led to harmful thoughts. I began to think about using chemical castration to eliminate my impulses, about amputating my genitals to avoid sinning. I started to think that if I died, I would be resurrected.
During high school, everyone in the congregation who talked to me only pressured me to get baptized. But I knew that if I did, it would lead to an even worse situation. And the spiral began. With each assembly, these feelings grew stronger. They kept reminding me that I had to do it, that I had to go out into the world as a JW. And everyday, some homophobic things that make me more and more fragile.
At 18, my both parents ended up working to pay off debts. I started staying home, waking up at 2 pm, and sleeping up to 20 hours a day. They labeled me spiritually lazy. I was dying more each day, and no one cared. No one in the congregation was truly my friend.
Then one day, my sister sent me to a government program to get a job. A psychologist noticed my problems and interviewed me. I started a small treatment, where I slowly made friends and became more expressive. I didn't know how to speak properly with others even though I could give talks and preach. I was socially stagnant. All the young people in the congregation ostracized me for not being a blind believer, and on top of that, I was sarcastic, so I was the one left out. I was invited to a gathering only once, with the condition that I couldn't talk to anyone about anything. Time passed, and from that government program, I started working at an institution. I met my first angels, my female coworkers, five wonderful women who practically taught me how to speak again, who explained how to celebrate a birthday, how to socialize, how to talk properly with others.
During this time, with some expertise in hiding information from my family, I bought a phone I only used at work. Curiosity got the better of me, and I started visiting Telegram groups, where I met my former partner, someone who helped me finally leave the Jehovah's Witnesses. When the pandemic started, I was sent home. My family tried to use that phone, but it had a password. When they asked for it, I refused. For the first time in my life, I refused such an order. I started to distance myself little by little. I grew my hair long, started going out more, talking more with my ex, and so on. Gradually, I distanced myself. I didn't attend Zoom meetings, and I stopped preaching by letter. Then the presidential elections came, and I was forced to vote to keep my job, which was the only source of income for my family during the pandemic. I did it, went out to vote, which cost me my position as a publisher. I was more than happy. Some brothers called me, hat was the firstime in 4 years that they made a phone call. The quarantine ended, and I finally returned to my office with my coworkers.
Then my grandmother reappeared, trying to condition me to become a preacher again, and she tried to manipulate me. I flatly refused and left. Then something worse happened: she came to live with us, and every day it was the same argument, until one day, during a trip to the beach (Cancun, baby), she tried to corner me with an elder and a pioneer. I simply told them to move away. They refused and said I had to come back and cut my hair. I told my grandmother no, and that I didn't want to talk about it with anyone anymore, that it was my life and she should use the little time she had left. Later, I found out that she had removed me from her will over some land in the outskirts of Cancun. I don't regret.
Then my father noticed something and told me that if he discovered anything, he would kick me out of the house. He asked me if I was gay, to which I replied "maybe." He said that if I declared it, I would have to leave the house. At that time, I had already broken up with my ex, who had moved to the center of the country. I talked to him and his current partner, and they said it would be no problem, that they could take me in if something happened. I told my sister about my suicidal thoughts after she asked what had happened with my father. Then, my parents got me a psychologist, who started helping me progress and overcome some of the issues I had with my self-esteem. However, what I didn't know was that he was leaking EVERYTHING to my parents, and thus they confirmed my sexuality and found out about my relationship.
I endured that year and told my parents that I would leave home on my 23rd birthday. I took the UNAM exam, which I didn't pass 😅😅. I told them, and they dropped a bombshell: "we were hoping you would fail your exam so you wouldn't leave." That gave me the impetus to do it, to finalize my escape. With anger and nostalgia, a few days later, I took a flight to another city where my friends took me in. I think I can consider them more than friends, they are my family, i have one on cancun, that needs to leave that religion. Right now, I'm looking into starting treatment again, specifically for victims of coercive sects. I live much more freely, maybe not in a super city, but happily, without my family's eyes always watching me. I have never felt so free in my life.
To the Jehovah's Witnesses reading this, remember, we born and raised in cages, but it is not a disease to fly; it is the freedom of this world that awaits us. It will be more dangerous, but it will also be much more interesting. You will be able to suffer and enjoy, love and pain, the full life, not a life of only pain to die in loneliness, to die with a false hope. You can move forward, you can make it; there are many like us out here. It will hurt, but once you learn to fly, you won't even want to look back. My life only began at 24, I am just about to start studying at university. I didn't study because of that religion, but I know I will soon. These chains are not that strong; they are just too big to carry. Throw them off and come fly with us.
This is my history, my life, the start of my new life.
Thanks everybody, you rocks!
submitted by ChCKr1 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:41 Dumbanonstuff Dealing with loneliness and making friends

I (20f) currently live at home after getting my BA (graduated in December) and I am probably gonna be here for awhile. I’m actually planning on going back to school and getting a BS in a completely different field. I’m estimating that this second bachelors will take between 2 1/2-3 years and I am going to continue to live at home during this time. Unfortunately living at home really limits me in terms of friendships/relationships as I don’t feel comfortable bringing anyone around my home. I’ve already started to feel isolated since moving back home and I’m scared of being socially (especially romantically too as I already feel behind in that aspect) stunted after being at home so long.
I do kinda have friends but they all live in different places after graduating or they aren’t friendships that I expect to keep up. The place I am at is has nearly no people my age which is why I can’t find people nearby.
I’ve considered moving out but I don’t want to waste a ton of money on an apartment when I already have a decent amount of college debt and could live at home and work enough to not have debt from the second degree.
I’ve also considered trying to make online friendships but I’m not sure how to go about doing so. I’m very shy and 99% percent of the friends I had are only friends from living togethebeing friends of someone I lived with. I’m also somewhat worried about the romantic aspect as someone with very little dating experience already to come out of college at 24 and be leagues behind everyone else.
Does anyone have any advice on what I should do to keep from being lonely? Are online friendships a good substitute for more irl things while I’m in school? An thoughts would be appreciated.
TLDR: I’m probably gonna be in a scenario where I won’t be able to make/be around irl friends for a few years and I’m scared of being lonely.
submitted by Dumbanonstuff to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:39 GIRLPOLE I need genuine advice on this issue

I’m not sure what to do ?
this is my first time ever posting on Reddit and im not really familiar with the app yet! anyways I need to hear this from someone else’s perspective/thoughts on this. I’m bad at explaining things so I’m sorry if anything I say doesn’t make sense at all. I (18F) recently got out of a relationship and I don’t fully know the main reason why since my ex partner (19M) didn’t want to tell me. but I do have a feeling it’s because of my parents.(well apart of it since he also had personal problems going on) when we were together, I was afraid of telling my parents about our relationship and I even told him about it multiple times but it seemed like it annoyed him a bit when I would chicken out on my parents .
I didn’t say anything about it and just waited until I was ready to tell them about our relationship . when I did tell my parents. they didn’t really acknowledge it or say anything negative about it. they were just “ oh ok”. so I guess they did approve of our relationship. it was relieving but when I told my ex partner,his reaction was off?? not sure how to explain it. Also we would barely see each other because family stuff would get in the way of our plans and I had to cancel plans. I made sure to make it up to him.
but days before we broke up. we had this serious talk, he was paranoid about my mother not liking him and I reassured him that she did like him. my mom has trust issues and this includes everyone she knows and I know. even close family members .she would get paranoid about something bad happening to me and I wasn’t able to go out because of that sometimes. I made sure to tell that to everyone I know. I feel like I’m very open about everything and it somehow causes my relationships and friendships to fall apart. communication doesn’t work either because whenever I do communicate and bring up ways to fix our issue, they all refuse to acknowledge it and give me short dry responses. it just feels like I’m speaking to a brick wall.
my relationship with my parents got better after the breakup and my mom fixed her trust issues problem. but it was a week too late. would you guys refuse to date somebody like me? is there anything I should change for my next relationship? If you want any more details. I’ll be sure to provide it. No sugarcoating please. (we had no other issues in our relationship either. our relationship was pretty good and healthy. it was just this issue)
submitted by GIRLPOLE to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:37 witchitude Do any INFJ women have men who ask you out but pretend to not be interested?

I potentially just noticed a new pattern.
I think I attract men who are really really curious about me. There’s genuine interest there. I think a problem can be that they are interested from afar and it takes a while for them to approach me.
When they do approach I think they’re not very clear with their intentions. Possibly partly because they got comfortable and accustomed to not actually interacting with me. So they create this vibe where I feel they’re not serious or they’re wasting my time or they don’t have a romantic interest. But maybe they don’t even know for themselves.
Sometimes it gets confusing because either they avoid sex or they avoid real dates. They will ask me out to drinks or to the theatre or to the gallery - which considering we’re basically strangers, is a imploringly date. But they also seem to try and make it look platonic. Or I’ve seen these guys explicitly ask me on a real date “I’d like to go on a date with you I’ll book a reservation” but then they never do. They will stay in touch and try to hang out but not make real plans and we end up not really doing anything.
Is it because they can’t read me? I notice that these guys ask about my dating life or my past relationships. They ask sometimes specifically about exes. But a few guys like this will start to act like they’re only platonically interested. They try to mention another girl or a crush they have or something.
Is it possible that they are genuinely confused and don’t realise they’re asking you on a date - basically getting carried away by the fact that they like talking to you?
Or potentially it’s like they are just genuinely very curious because of the INFJ woman mysterious vibe and don’t know how to find ways to spend time with you besides asking you out on a date. Even though what they really want is friendship?
I’m really curious about what people think
submitted by witchitude to infj [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:37 The_Naked_Buddhist I am currently watching through the Wendigoon portion of the video; wtf this is the craziest most insane thing I've heard.

I found elsewhere a reupload someone did of solely the Wendigoon part of the video, I am currently going through it and will update this thread to basically sum up what is being said. Below I'll start by just copy pasting the comment I started to track this. This won't be refined at all; it's just my blind reaction here cause this is just insane stuff.
This is the video people are upset he removed? I'm barely a minute in and already IPOS is coming across as incredibly condescending and completely unreasonable.
Like I have a degree in English literature, IPOS is just being snobbish from the off complaining that people who are in their twenties shouldn't be discussing classic literature.
Edit: Also just checked there and Wendigoon is currently 24, and was 23 at the release of the Blood Meridian video. So the opening statement is just blatnatly factually wrong. Context: IPOS claims Wendigoon is currently 21 years old.
Edit 2: WTF, he is now claiming that Wendigoon is part of a family ran crime organization. He provides no evidence for this bar a quote he claims came from Wendigoon. But he plays no clip of him making such a statement. According to IPOS Wendigoon's entire father's side of the family was part of a multi-million crime organisation that was busted by the FBI. IPOS brings this up to claim that Wendigoon has always been a millionaire his entire life.
Edit 3: He now is claiming Wendigoon can't make horror content cause his believes are contrary to what IPOS believes horror is about; the believes in question being "Gun usage" and "using his religion as a shield." I don't see how any of this is contrary to horror as a genre.
Edit 4: He has now went on to discuss the old Rittenhouse screenshots showing Wendigoon following him and tweeting about the trail. IPOS however claims these are only some in a series of tweets made by Wendigoon supporting far right individuals, he provides no screenshots of these tweets existence. He is now going on about the Boogaloo boy's thing while pointing to Wendigoon's reddit comment on the issue as evidence that he founded them as a hate group.
He is claiming that Wendigoon must secretly support the Boogaloo boys and be a racist cause he wears haiwan shirts and that's what some Boogaloo boys also wear. IPOS themselves is wearing a haiwan shirt the whole video. He also is claiming that Wendigoon must secretly be a member cause he became a horror youtuber afterwards.
Edit 5: Forwarded most of the next part, it's just him reading Wendigoon's comment and now analysing it. The "analyse" claims that Wendigoon is wrong about the term Boogaloo coming from Che Guavara (despite Wendigoon never saying that) and therefore is secretly racist. They also claim that the term Boogaloo only started being used online from 2010-2012 exlcusively among racists on the internet, as such Wendigoon is racist cause he can't possible be a founder of the movement. (Despite him never saying that.) Apparently because Wendigoon lied about founding the organisation he must be lying about other things too.
Edit 6: Now Wendigoon is secretly racist cause he used the term "Antifa members" rather than just "Antifa" and supposedly only the alt right do such a thing. Now he's addressing that Wendigoon couldn't possible have invented the term Boogaloo (despite Wendigoon never saying that, and just coming off a tangent of claiming that Wendigoon said they got the term from Che Guavara.)
Edit 7: He's now getting into Wendigoon's "Other far right" connections, listing among them Internt Historian. Again he provides no evidence whatsoever to show Wendigoon's "close friendships" with these people or what they supposedly had done. On the list he also mentions Nick Crowley and says that Wendigoon follows him and the Crowley is sick in the head for making true crime content and is suspicious cause he follows some of the same people Wendigoon does. WTAF! That's called a social circle! How tf is that suspicious!? (Also IPOS is a horror youtuber as well, why tf are they throwing shade at Crowley for doing true crime topics then?)
Edit 8: The next few minutes is just more stream of the above bizarre tangents. He just keeps listing people and for the most part fails to explain who they are and what they did, and provides no evidence for any statement he's making. If there is evidence it's like one tweet, and sometimes doesn't even seem related to his claim in anyway. The few names I recognised I know IPOS had to apologise too after getting the info wrong. I have to share one gem though where he says he can't find any evidence of a connection between Wendigoon and one youtuber, but people say they are and therefore they must be. WTF!
Edit 9: He references some controversy about the Faith video using fan art without permission and claims Wendigoon never took responsibility for it, while literally showing a tweet of Wendigoon taking responsibility for the mistake.
Edit 10: He's now going on about the Wendigo being mentioned by Wendigoon. He is claiming that Wendigoon is not of native American descent and that he's lying about that cause Wendigoon is racist and apparently racisits are known to lie about being Native Americans.
Edit 11: He now claims to know where Wendigoon lives, down to the exact town. But also states Wendigoon is in a completely different state and that they have multiple towns in between them plus a reservation. He claims everyone in the region is racist, and therefore Wendigoon is himself. (But IPOS isn't for some reason, depsite saying they live close enough for them to have intimate knowledge of Wendigoon's home town.)
Edit 12: Now Wendigoon is lying about his grandfather telling him local stories cause he wasn't raised on the reservation. Thus he can't have been told these stories as they aren't shared outside the reservation. Also he claims the nearest reservation doesn't have the Wendigo myth in them and therefore Wendigoon is lying cause his grandfather can't possible have moved; because Wendigoon never said he moved.
Edit 13: Now IPOS is going on a rant about how Wendigoon is lying about developing an interest in Cryptids in horror by being told such stories as a kid. IPOs says this must be a lie because he never had that experience, he is now saying Wendigoon is a bad person cause IPOS grew up in a poor town.
Edit 14: The above edit also means Wendigoon is racist now. Also we're a cult cause he's nicknamed "Dad." Then there's an anonymous conversation from 2 native Americans about Wendigoon; but no reference is given as to where this conversation came from or whose saying what. It's literally just IPOS talking to themselves.
Edit 15: He literally has a tweet pulled of Wendigoon saying he is not right wing or bigoted, and is claiming that is evidence that he is a racist cause why else would he say that. (Also he's racist for following less than 500 people on Twitter.)
Edit 16: So he just went on a long tangent saying he tweeted to Wendigoon once a while back complainging to him about all the above, and got people critiquing him on twitter for the next week as a result. He then proclaims the people critiquing him are also racist and homophobic for doing so, and that Wendigoon must also be so because he never acknowledged it.
Also Wendigoon followed IPOS on twitter after all this; and as a result must be racist and trying to intimidate IPOS. Apparently this entire video was made because of this one follow.
submitted by The_Naked_Buddhist to wendigoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:35 Dejavui I am desperate

!! Long Post !!
Hi 30Male, English is not my first language.
I want to share my story first to put you in the picture.
I believe i had anxiety from early age of my life,as a kid i used skin pick my both feet up to the point they start bleeding and i would not be able to walk on them, i will let them heal and start on my hair i did that while watching TV unconsciously it stopped after i start to go school.
In school i did amazing and was a smart kid also i had my fair share of bullying about my height and my face, it didn’t stop me from achieving great grades and do the morning presentation in front of the whole school every morning.
Fast forward when i turned 18 i went to the university and entered Engineering college it was my dream and i was extremely happy, it is then when thing turned upside down, i am sweaty person by default and got alot more worse when i started college ( i recently just found a solution for that ) and turned from a person who can speak on front of the people to someone else.
My first semester i got straight A+, the second semester i failed in two subjects, my hair started to fall like crazy and i turned bald at 20 i believe it is from the anxiety.
On the 3rd year while we were in class a teacher told to me to stand up and read a paragraph in front of the class, i think you all know what happened! I went and stood there with my head down and started to read ( it is painful and i am crying while typing this ) my body started to shake and turned into furnace and then i saw sweat dropping on the paper i am reading and realized i am f***** i raised my head and saw the teacher was shocked and the student were all staring like what is wrong with him! I then knew that i lost everything, after this incident i went on huge depression episode quitted all my friendships and isolated my self, started smoking and skipped classes and didn’t participate in any social form what so ever, then went to therapist and he prescribed me three medication i took them and saw no improvement and then stopped ( i think i didn’t give them enough time ) i was on rush to gain my life back.
Before we graduated we have to perform a presentation for our graduation project and another one for our college training, i knew of this too late because i was not focusing on my studies, before the first one i went back to my doctor i told him if i didn’t get this degree i will loose my purpose in life i don’t what will happen it is my dream! And i have 14 days before the first one, i took the medications immediately and did terrible at the first one And the second .
I managed to graduate, and then started to look for jobs and i failed at each and every interview i had, from not receiving a response to receiving comments while been interviewed such as “ did you run before you came here ? “ “ why haven’t you worked till now ? “ .
I stopped doing anything in life for years and lost purpose and felt like this is my life going to be like, later life started to came back to me and hope.
I started to look for jobs again with hope to have one and every time i have an interview i immediately will loose hope and panic and remember how i did in the previous ones which leads me to apologize from the interviews.
If you have advice for me please help how to gain my confidence back please share it with me.
I am considering on taking ashwagandha as i read in this community there have been great success, if you tried something else please share it, other than SSRi i have tried them they are good put they make me sweat even more than i already do.
Thank you all so much 🙏
submitted by Dejavui to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:33 ibuki_mioda_1 Frustrating situation

Two weeks ago me and a friend ended a friendship and it was messy. In short I was jealous of her spending more time with her boyfriend and she ended things. A few days later I asked a mutual friend to check on her to see how they were doing. My exact words were "I'm asking you to spy on them only to see how they're doing". The friend told her and this triggered a panic attack due to past relationships. Days later she sat across from me at lunch and accused me of staring at her, saying that she knows where I walk everyday and I changed it. After that we talked things out and moved on. However, another few days later I decided to leave a quote for her to let her know that everything was fine. I hindsight, I should of left well enough alone and she got mad, reasonably so. And just recently her boyfriend accused me of stalking her (which I didn't) and after I said I want nothing to do with her because she's toxic and rude, he kept saying things like "just making sure we both get it" or "great than stay away from them" after I made it clear I want nothing to do with them. Then his friend joined in and said "we all insult each other here but when we get to you, you thrash about and throw hate ' after they accused me.
submitted by ibuki_mioda_1 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:33 mevsangel How can I (27M) win my ex gf (22F) back?

A little backstory. When I was 20yrs old (around 2017) I was in a relationship with this girl (15yrs old). At that moment the age gap was a big concern for me so I initially didn’t want to be involved in that relationship but her family was ok and there was maturity in the relationship (no sexual activity either). It was a very beautiful relationship. Completely meant to be. The relationship only lasted 11 months before she decided she didn’t want to keep things going. I wasn’t okay with it but I accepted it because one of the main reasons she wanted to end it was because she was dealing with some anxiety diagnostics that she was going through. I helped her with her mental health issues but she said it was affecting me, therefore the relationship. I thought it was a very mature decision and I respected it. She was 16 at the time.
Years have passed. We kept in contact because we ended in very good terms. She had another boyfriend some time after while I chose to keep working on my music, and studies. Every now and then we would talk and hang out but nothing serious (I know, I didn’t believe ex’s could actually be friends without crossing the line either). During the pandemic she broke up with her bf and she went to me and asked me for advices on how to deal with guys not meeting the expectations she had from them. (she said I raised the bars high for other guys). I decided not to make any comment and asked her to leave me out of her love life for the best. She was okay. During that time we hung out many time until one day that we ended up kissing in front if her house (oops Ik 😭). We talked about how that would affect our friendship so we decided to ignore what happened. Months later she had another boyfriend (normal, she’s not a promiscuous or something like that.. mind that a span of few months were passing between the events that Im describing)
Three years have passed and she broke with his last bf. We still talk and she told me about that other douche and stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Its been half a month since I started feeling that maybe we are still meant to be. And it has been bugging me a lot. Last night I asked her out for a Starbucks and she accepted. I picked her up as usual and had what I would call a perfect date, but obviously it wasn’t. We even took pictures and selfies. We do that a lot. Everything felt so complete when she’s around and I realized how we both still compliment each other really well. During my drive back home i realized I had nothing to lose if I asked her to rethink everything and during the night I texted her asking her if she really sees herself with anyone else than me in the future. I recalled that time we said that we were “the right person at the wrong time” and told her that maybe we were right and that I wanted to give things a try.
Her answer was basically “I don’t see you like that anymore, and I would not make a good gf for you”. Which I honestly don’t believe because I know how amazing she is.
The thing is, man, I don’t want to give up this easily. She’s very stubborn when someone is trying to make her see a bigger picture of something so I want to make sure that’s not happening here.
If I raised the bars too high (those are her exact words because she told me so again yesterday) why would she prefer to be with someone else than me? I’m sounding selfish or egocentric but I think I have the right to ask my self that question.
What would you do in my position?
Any tips? Any ways to approach this. Or should I give up hopes and continue my life?
submitted by mevsangel to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:32 Emergency_Gate6397 Advice I am confused

I have been dating a guy since Last Summer and I thought we had amazing chemistry and we're really close and probably were going to end up getting married. He would talk about our future and about doing all kinds of things together. He is supposed to move in with me next month and we're going to share expenses which would be really good for me because the bills are very high for me. He has stopped kissing me and calling me beautiful and sweet name is in the last week. And I asked him today what was up and he said that he doesn't think we have any chemistry. This is rather shocking because we in my opinion have amazing chemistry and have had it for the last 10 months. He says that we should live together and just be roommates and that he doesn't want anything more than friendship now. I still could use somebody to spit the bills with me but my question is this can chemistry just suddenly die? Nothing happened between him and I two weeks ago we were making love all the time and it seemed amazing and today he just says he wants to be friends. I am so confused and upset How could somebody just suddenly say there's no chemistry and what does he mean by no chemistry
submitted by Emergency_Gate6397 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:25 LadyTelaAzul2 Things that would improve FB's writing (HIRE ME)

Not counting branching, cause that's the bare bare... baaaaaaaaaare minimum.
S8's main problem. S5's consistently abusive, S6's consistently about Amelia, S7's consistently boring... but S8?
Like I've pointed MANY TIMES... talk about setting up MAJOR plot points with lots of potential to create GOOD DRAMA and CHARACTER MOMENTS... only to drop them and come up with the most stupid, nonsensical and random conclusion of all time. The most notable ones being Bea twisting with Liam in Casa and... Theo and Claudia. FB needs to commit to the plot point instead of focusing on creating stupid, cheap and fake tension.
I can also point inconsistent writing from S6 and 7. Amelia couple hopping, not feeling ANYBODY, being with Tobes for 2 DAYS... and still being runner up with THAT TRACK RECORD.
Grace seeing Ozzy let her down multiple times, being told by MC that she can do better than that... and STILL picking him, being picked by him.... and ACCEPTING HIS CONFESSION.
MC telling Travis/Vicky MULTIPLE times she's not interested and... well...
MC spending time with one boy ALL THE TIME in Casa only to pick another boy... but the previous boy forgets abou the time MC spent with him... and the new boy WORSHIPS MC even tho she didn't spend a second with him during Casa.
This is a reality show about romance and friendships. There is absolutely NO REASON for everything to be about MC.... there is absolutely no reason for almost everyone worshipping MC... there is absolutely no reason for MC's couple to be the only one that ACTUALLY has a chance of winning.
Side characters matter... they should fight each other, bond with each other, talk with each other. Not every drama needs to be about MC, not every gossip has to be told to MC... the characters should be able to have a spotlight moment and a personality without MC's presence.
S7 and 8's main problem.
You can absolutely make a short story.... if you pace that shit properly.
S7 shoves the final recoupling in your face and you barely get to do anything after Casa... there was ONE RECOUPLING... RIGHT AFTER THE SITCK OR TWIST... it made... NO FUCKING SENSE.
S8 has a lot of poorly introduced LIs and MC can barely spend time with them (Logan, Hari, Tyler), poorly paced slow burns (Theo)... the second half was some of the worst pacing I've ever seen from FB... post Casa SUCKED.
There's always ONE poorly written and poorly paced forbidden love route...
S6 has Ozzy and Marshall.
S7 has Joyo/Bryson. (TERRIBLY WRITTEN)
S8 has Theo and Hari (Also terribly written)
Character developmente is fundamental when it comes to romance, and seeing how flawless and worshipped MC is... ALWAYS pisses me off!! Tell me why Sophie/Luna can be delulu, Claudia can be confused... but MC never does something wrong!! And the fact that the flawed characters don't have arcs? What happened to making Sophie/Luna like MC? What happened to making Liam learn from his mistakes? What happened to making Grace realize Ozzy's a piece of shit?!
MC simply can't have a bestie... if the closed off boy doesn't worship her... he becomes that terrible slow burn route, same for the female islander who just becomes the poorly written rival.
Is it so hard to repeat S1 and give us something like Mason/Levi being kind and respectful to MC, withoit flirting so much, after she deals with her LI cheating on her? Is it so hard to repeat S2 and give us a nice friendship like Hope, Chelsea, Pryia, Gary, Lottie, Bobby? Is it si hard to make someone be our besti by default? That was the best part of S3.
MC does not need to be the Queen Bee of the Villa 24/7, and the side characters should bond with each other, like.... that would've made S8's recouplings suck less...MC's not the only fucking contestant.
Pls... stop making every LI WORSHIP MC like she was some type of goddess... be a little more realistic, cause I'm not gonna be interested in you all the time... same for you... we're not fucking soulmates and it's not love at first sight... u don't even know me.
Take some fucking time to develop that romance/friendship cause... it makes no sense for someone to worship me after knowing me for 2 minutes!! Why's MC's romance always so fucking perfect? Make them argue, fight, disagree... IDK, JUST WRITE SOME OBSTACLE THEY HAVE TO OVERCOME SO THEY CAN GROW AS A COUPLE.
And thoses terribly written Forbidden Love routes? Everything would be resolved with a nice, adult conversation. Ozzy should've been honest with Grace, Theo needed to grow a fucking backbone... same for Claudia... that shit just drags for SO LONG IT'S NOT EVEN WORTH THE WAIT!!
Do you remember Allegra? Jen? Lottie? Priya (When she steals our LI) ? They are flawed characters who go trough some great character developmente and the best part.... if we're nice to them... they warm up to us... if we act like a bitch, they'll have a reason to dislike us!! That's what makes a good villain!! Their motivations!!
Ivy, OG delulu girl, Jack/Jin, Luna/Sophie/Emel, Sienna have one thing in common... they don't have a reason/have a bullshit reason to be nasty towards MC.... and they don't have a personality aside from *I hate MC*.... they're just.... MC's rival, and without MC... they're nothing!! At leats Jack/Jin, Luna/Sophie/Emel had their couple problems... but Sienna? Girl's character revolved around MC and OG LI 24/7!!
submitted by LadyTelaAzul2 to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:15 throwRA_electrichaus bad vibe about one of my boyfriend's friendships? (38F, 42M)

I started dating a new guy this year, we'll call him D. things have been great, I really have no complaints about the relationship itself. it's moving along steadily and well.
yet my continuing issue, the thorn in my side, is a girl we'll call E. let me make it clear first off- I have no problem with platonic friendships with the opposite sex. I have had great ones. and he also has several other female friends who I have zero problem with. but I absolutely cannot stand E. he has three friends, all male, who make up his core friend group. E is the "sort of" girlfriend of one of those friends. he did not know her prior. I don't know how it even came about, but somehow E began confiding in D about her problems with his friend. this has turned into endless lengthy messages pretty much everyday, telling him all her problems with his friend as well as her life story pretty much. she also tries to call D constantly and invites herself over to his house.
I trust D and I know factually that he has not crossed the line with anything when talking to her. and as far as I know, neither has she, though she messages and calls so much I doubt I could even keep up to know. I have tried twice now to make it clear that I do not feel comfortable about this specific friendship and he's told her this. she said some "we're both adults" bit the first time and the second time she allegedly said she understands my point of view. but yet there's been no end in sight with the constant contact and trying to come over when I'm not around. his only main responses to my feelings on it are "shes not actually my friend" or "believe me, id never want her like that and shes not trying to have sex with me". I keep telling him it's not about sex, it's about the unusual level of communication she attempts and her blatant disregard for me about it.
I've tried to get him to see why it's weird to me. for one, she literally didn't have even one longterm friend of her own to confide and dump all this on. and for two, I've emphasized to him that I would never, ever contact one of his close friends to rant about him to, or confide about myself to, or try to spend time with without him. and that I feel like most guys wouldn't be cool with letting their gf do this either, in fact the only reason it hasn't yet caused any rift between him & the friend who is her boyfriend, is his friend swears he's done with the girl even though they still live together and hes too busy off seeing other girls to even probably notice or realize the heavy amount of contact going on between E & D.
I feel unheard in this and he will continually tell me she's not even his friend and he doesn't know why she contacts him so much and that he "barely responds" to her, yet she does not stop. not to mention, even knowing how I feel about it, I'll leave his house and he'll message me later on and mention that he stopped by her house or took the kid he watches sometimes to go play with her kid. it's like it's being rubbed in my face, but he's not the type to do that. id understand if I was telling him I had a problem with some longtime close female friend, but no, this is his friends girlfriend who hasnt even been in the picture long.
I don't even know what angle of advice I'm looking for, I'm just sick of feeling like some overbearing person for speaking my mind about E.
submitted by throwRA_electrichaus to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:10 Snoo1643 DM Timeskipped without any consideration for the players

Back about two years ago, a group of friends and I decided to do a TTRPG Campaign. Given that none of us had experience as anything more than players, one of the group members (who I’ll refer to as Montana), offered to step up to make a homebrew campaign. Without consulting any of the other group 4 members to my knowledge, Montana decided we were going to use the Monster of The Week game system, which I have since grown to love but didn’t have the best grasp on at the time. This lack of consulting the players on major choices like that ended up becoming a theme, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Some important context to note, the setting Montana created was a roughly victorian era world where monsters had taken over most of Europe and were attempting to spread darkness to the rest of the world. I was playing the only human character in this setting, with the rest of the PCs being a mix of demons, goblins, and other non-human creatures. We were able to get through the first two sessions relatively fine, with most of the focus being on world building, RPing, and a brief battle if I remember right. There were probably a few minor hiccups, as one would expect for a first time DM, but overall everyone walked away having enjoyed the sessions, with the second session ending as we were in the middle of investigating a character I assume was going to be the BBEG.
Then, session three came. Montana kicked it off by telling us that there was a six month timeskip from when our characters last left off. Additionally, they spun the story in a way where the monsters taking over Europe had grown more tyrannical, meaning humans could not be out in public in this world anymore. All the players seemed caught off guard by this, especially me given that this drastically changed how my character was able to interact with the world given he was a human. After Montana half-assed laying out what had happened in the time skip, everyone started asking questions, ranging from clarifying the new rules the world was operating under to asking about plot points they had pre-discussed with Montana which had mysteriously been completely forgotten. It was only after this round of questions that Montana asked us what we thought our characters would’ve gotten up to during the time skip. I said I assumed my character had been hiding out in the party’s base, which seemed to be when Montana remembered that my character, who spoke about and was referenced by others as being a human multiple times during the prior sessions, was a human. They gave a very half assed “oh, I forgot” (or something along those lines, again its been almost two years) before continuing as if this didn’t fundamentally change my character’s arc that we had talked about. The session ended up only lasting around 15 minutes because of how quick all the players got fed up, and I remember talking with each of the other players in the week or two after the disaster session and everyone agreed the time skip had been a terrible move.
There ended up not being a fourth session, partially because of this situation and partially because of friendships in the group getting nuked by Montana in other ways. Thats not super relevant to this story though, so I’ll just cap this off on the note that if you are a DM considering a time skip, maybe talk to your players and get it all planned out before enacting.
submitted by Snoo1643 to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:05 t4rti friendship getting bland

i’ve been friends with this guy for almost a year now (only talk online) and we recently started talking again after a few months of not talking but we reached out again, and we have played games together for hours every single day the past month or two, and it has been so fun and gratifying because i really enjoy being around him and he has told me the same multiple times of how much he likes me, as well as saying he really did miss me and hopes to not lose contact again.
recently, though, i feel as if our friendship has become so dull and just isn’t the same - im aware that friendships drift away at points but its bad enough considering i have really bad attachment problems and idealise some people, which i have done with him. we barely play nowadays and when we do we play for a couple mins and log off after having the most boring conversation ever. i’ve attempted asking for reassurance (although im scared to ask cuz i feel like he’d likely make fun of me) but it jokingly gets dismissed or responds with “why would i be playing with you then?” which fair enough, but, i fear that we’ll just stop talking again for a couple of months and not talk again or make it a continuous cycle.
i just need advice on how to stop being so attached - if i should also distance myself or keep trying and hope for the best?
submitted by t4rti to Advice [link] [comments]