Signatures ideas for texting

Douceur de l'écriture.

2009.07.27 04:36 bankhamz Douceur de l'écriture.

Notebooks and related stationery: "any aspect of your life which you want to give more conscious attention to can be used as the foundation for a notebook."

2012.01.19 13:20 Torch_Salesman MichaelHamCampaign


2016.11.03 14:06 All Aboard The ∞ Train!

The subreddit for Infinity Train, a cartoon (formerly available on Max and CN) created by Owen Dennis.

2024.06.08 19:16 Character-Apple7546 I really need some advice.

I really need some advice, please help
A while back I met this girl gaming online. We had a really good time and we added each other. We started playing together a lot pretty regularly on a daily basis pretty much, often even till the middle of the night. We also started texting each other on Snapchat a lot during the day and night too. After a few weeks she told me she liked me, and I told her I felt the same way. Ever since then we got even closer, we used to talk all day long via Snapchat, and then game together at night. The conversations were always so alive, funny, interesting and just amazing. As time went by, she showed her interest in us dating a few times, at first it was in a more jokingly way but later on she was more direct about it. And I told her that even though I do like her and would date her, I don't think I can because we live in different countries and we have never even seen each other in real life, we never hung out together in real life. So considering that, it didn't seem like the best idea to me even though it was really hard for me to say. Mind this until this point, we had been talking and playing for multiple months and we even had some "spicy" talks here and there during these months. Anyways, after a few more weeks after I told her I didn't think us dating is the best decision, she decides she needs to walk away from me. She said that while we're still talking and gaming, she only wants me and because I said we couldn't really date (She understood that too I think) she can't have me, so she needs to cut all connections with me for bettering herself. At first I tried to talk her out of it because I really did like having her around, liked talking to her. But eventually I understood her. So a few days after that, she had just blocked me on all platforms completely. Saying I was sad and that something always felt like it's missing was an understatement, but I comforted myself by saying this was the right call since we couldn't date, and because I remembered the little deal we made that if we're both single at 30 years old, we'll try to get in touch again. So after a few months I eventually got used to not having her around, even though it was really difficult. And I thought that is where the story ends for us. But then, a few weeks ago she reached out to me again. I was so surprised and I asked her what is this about because I was worried something serious had happened and maybe she needs help or something , but she just said she was really to be friends again. Mind you, the time we were apart was a few months, half a year more or less. Anyways, I got really happy because like I said , I did like her when we talked, I I liked talking with her. We started catching up and talking (I'm really excited) and stuff, and one of the first things she asks me after not seeing me in months was "Do you have a girlfriend?" I told her I didn't, and asked if she had a boyfriend - she said yes. And I know we never actually "dated" but I can't say I was happy to hear about it as you can imagine, but I quickly moved on pass it and changed the subject. Anyways over the next few days she had barley responded to me on Snapchat and on tiktok where we also used to talk, and when she did respond, the responses were so so dry and she only answered my questions, never asked any questions back other than a few generic ones like "how about you?" After I initiated and asked how she was doing. The only times when the conversation felt a bit more alive was when she talked about her boyfriend. She sent me messages about him and messages like "yeah so last night me and him we..... Oh wait I shouldn't tell you what we did oops hahahah but you know, couple stuff hahaha". That obviously bothered me a lot but I didn't say much. Obviously her returning wasn't a great as I thought, so I still tried to "save" it. I asked her if she wanted to call or play a game online like we used to to a lot back then, she agreed to call and also to play online (different occasions). In both times she was still so dry and uninteresting in me, and it made me feel so shit. In both times I would say something, it wouldn't be quiet for about 10-15 seconds and then she would just start talking about something else, or just randomly ignore me and what I'm saying. During the time we called it was even worse, the entire call all we did was talk about her boyfriend as if that's something I want to do. She told me about how he sleeps in her bed, how they share a toothbrush, about them going on dates and also on his mess-ups, and told me she might break things up with him. And again, I'm aware we never officially dates but come on, she had to know I didn't want to hear anything about it right? She had to be doing it on purpose right? No way she was this naive right? Because if it wasn't clear, we only cut connections with each other because we couldn't really date so it was "worthless" to her I guess, but when we did cut connections I did still had feelings for her and she for me (She claims) so this whole interaction is super hard for me and I'm sure you can see why. Anyways, after a week or two, she tells me about how she's about to go on a date with a guy who is 20 (mind you she is 17 and I'm about to turn 18 soon), so of course I told her it sounds weird and that guy is weird and untrustworthy. I spent the whole day talking to her about it and trying to prevent her from doing it because I didn't want her to get used or something by this guy who is 20 and wants to go out with a 17 year old minor. That day was the most we texted ever since she came back. Eventually she said fine and that she would cancel the date with him. That was less than a week ago. And now just yesterday she had told me about another new guy she started seeing (again, why would she keep doing this? She had to know it hurts for me to hear all about it right?) but again I didn't really say anything. Mind you it has been like a month give it take since she came back and this is the THIRD guy she has told me about already. What's up with that? Anyways, last night I get a text from her. Ooo maybe it's her wanting to play a game online? Call? Ask about me? Talk to me? Make jokes with me? Watch a movie with me? No. She told me about this third new guy. She told me about how they kissed and whole I'm feeling so so shitty and trying to process what I had just read because it's such a difficult situation for me, she just send me a picture of a hickie on her neck saying "he also gave me this". I just snapped, I felt like someone had just shot me, like someone's had just kicked me in the face. Imagine a girl you like leaves you, comes back, acting all cold and dry, basically only talks about her boyfriend(s) and then tell you about how she kissed and how a guy sucked her neck and left a mark on it. So I just wrote a long message finally telling her how much is bothers me and how much I don't want to hear anything liket this ever again. She said we should call so I called her. In the call she tried telling me she didn't know it could be annoying and hurtful for me but I don't think it possible, a part of me wants to believe her but there's just no way she didn't know and had no idea it bothered me (the guy who liked her and she left while he liked her to hear about her kissing and sleeping with guys right?). Anyways as the call went on she promised she would stop doing this from now on, and we finally had a conversation not about her boyfriends. We talked about me for a change, and about her too. It was a difficult conversation but it was a good one, we even sort of made plans to play online the next day. The next day comes around and I (as I normally do) ask her how her day is going, especially because I was in a good mood because of the call fr the previous day where she said she wouldn't be so dry when we text and that she would stop telling me about her boyfriend(s) and what they do together. She responded with "VERY GOODDD" to my question, so naturally I asked "ohh that's awesome tell me about it! How's so??" And she literally replied with "uhghhhhh hmmmm my boyfriend came over. Anywaysss what about you?" And I just felt so so shitty all over again. Because why do I have imagine what her and her boyfriend did for her to call the day "VERY GOODD" like even if it's not something sexual I still don't want to hear anything about it AS I SAID ON THE CALL ON THE PREVIOUS EVENING OMG. I straight up just didn't respond to the message and she started acting all defensive saying "well you asked bro what did you want me to say" as if she couldn't say "oh yeah I didn't do much today just relaxing at home, what about you?" And she tried to act as if her saying "VERY GOOD DAY" in caps lock wouldn't make me ask about it. So ever since then we are kinda fighting on Snapchat Because of it. Okay so, a lot of you are probably asking yourself "why aren't you just cut all connections with her? She makes you feel so so shitty ever since she came back because all she does is tell you about her boyfriends and what does with them (at least that's all I remember from all of our short and dry conversatios, all I remember from these recent conversations is feeling so bad about myself, feeling so shitty, feeling like I was kicked in the face) and even when you told her about it, she continues" but the thing is, I just remember how amazing it was before she left, how much fun and good times we had and I can't bring myself to do that. I really want to keep a connection with her but I just don't know what to do. I really need some advice about this whole thing. What should I do about this? How do you think I should act? And sorry for the long read by the way, I just really needed to get this off my chest and seek some advice.
submitted by Character-Apple7546 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:14 Such-Association5903 My gf broke up with me because the people around her made her believe i was the bad guy and now she is around only fake people that only want to harm her

I ( almost 18 male), met my girlfriend ( just turned 17 ) a couple of years back, when i was 15. The love between us started out of nowhere and we got along togheter very well. Her parents were doctors and were very strict and had a better financial and social status then me and my family and juged me on that. With time that became a problem and i started to see that they were very wierd and were bad pepole. In the first week of us beeing togheter, she had a party at her house with a couple of people and i stayed at her for that night knowing her parents wouldn’t come home, we got a little bit intimate but nothing serious and then we slept. After that her parents came home because of her snitch brother and caught us sleeping in the bed. After that she got grounded for a mounth but we still saw eachother, she would skip the last period of school just to meet for an hour or a copule minutes some time or she would go to her grandma house and leave her phone there because her parents had her location, even though we went trough all that, it was percious time and we got even closer to eachother. Me and my gf gotten intimate pretty early, in the first mounth of us beeing togheter and she lost her v-card with me. Before we did it, we had some intimacy, kisses, touching each other, and everytime i did something like that i would ask her if she is ok with that and if she is 100% sure, she was positive but for the first time we did things like that, she kept saying that she doesn’t want me to belive that she is a hoe for doing this things with me and i reassuerd her everytime and told her if she feels like it, then its ok and that i would never try to take advantage of her and that i would take this relationship seriously. After that we would get intimate at parties, we started going down on each other but nothing more because she wasn’t ready. For new years we went to a party and there she lost her v-card with me. After that we got along even better, sentimentaly and sexually, she belived in me as a guy and we had the best sex ever, we did it everywhere, we went to parties, to hotels, sometimes i would go to hers when she was home alone. Everything was going fine till i found out something that I couldn’t accept. Before i was with her, she was with another guy that her and his family were very close to eachother, they were also doctors, it was a childhood relationship, she was around 11 years old and he was around 16 when they got togheter, but it was nothing serious, they would see eachother every couple of months or so in vacations or family meetings. He wanted to have sex with her but she wasn’t ready so he started having sex with other girls and when she got a little bit older (13yrs her), (around 18yrs him), he started pressuring her to have sex with him and told her that she is a bitch for not doing it with him, later she wouldn’t accept him seeing other girls but she found out that he cheated on her again and she broke up with him, as i said, it was nothing serious, they would see eachother a copule of times per year and would text eachother pretty rarely, to me that is a huge age gap and i see him as a pedo. All things were said and done but there wasn’t nothing that i didn’t know about, she told me all this stuff when we got togheter. But while staying at a hotel with her, while she was sleeping, i snoped trough her phone and found out that this guy wanted to give her a Christmas present while we were togheter but she turend him down, and blocked him. Then his friends were messaging her telling her that he misses her very much and that he got very drunk but she turned him down, but not in the way i wanted, she didn’t just cut it off, she talked to them, told them that is over and to take care of him to not get that drunk so nothing would happen to him. I thought that she did that because she cared about him, but when i confronted her she told me that she didn’t want their families to get involved and if they did, that would cause a lot of problems. That was something very toxic and i told her that it matters what she wants, not the people around her. After that i wanted to break up with her, i felt betrayed because i was lied to and that was something that i told her from the start I couldn’t accept. She kept pursuing me for a while and after that i told her that if she wants to continue with me, she needed to tell her parents what happened and to not be so controlled by them and do things that she doesn’t like just because they wanted to. She had a conversation with her mother, told her everything that guy did to her and how he wanted to force her to do stuff and her mother didn’t seem upset at all ( and that was pretty weird ), she told her that they wouldn’t go in vacations with his family anymore and if they do, she will stay at home. After that everything was fine but I didn’t feel comfortable around her. After some time i go with her at a friends birthday party. Some guy tried to touch her and i beat him up and ruined the hole party. After that she got very drunk and made me look like a bum. We had a fight because of that and then i wanted some space from her and told her I couldn’t see her with the same eyes. I went alone to a house party with my friends and there was a girl i was getting along with, i started to feel more distant to my gf and didn’t want to get togheter with her anymore. Me and the girl at that party kissed, but after that i felt woken up and realized that my gf was the girl i want. So after the party, in the morning i went to her place, she was alone and got back togheter with her and hesitated to tell her what i did because i didn’t want to lose her. I realized how much i mean to her at that time and that i was her whole world, her family and the love she felt from me didn’t feel from anyone. Her parents weren’t around while she was growing up and she spent most of the time with babysitters, when they had free time they would go to parties and not take care of her or spend time with her and all that high class bullshit, nobody ever stood by her side and took her defense, she seemed to them more like a burden if they did that, so everytime she had a problem, people would just brush her off. I really liked that i was everything for her. That also came with some problems, she wasn’t raised how she was supposed to be and didn’t know a lot of things and i had to teach her things about life, how to resepct herself, how to take care of herself and many more, but that wasn’t a problem for me, i liked that also. We had the best summer togheter ( sum 2022 ), we had a lot of fun, went on vacations, we were very romantical, she started to sleep at my house and that was a very sensible subject to me, I didn’t had the best home and I didn’t wanted to be viewed differently about that and i also never bringed someone to my house because of that, but she hit it of and made me feel better about myself and made me not see it as a problem anymore, she got along with my family very well, everything was so good. Then we had a little fight, but it wasn’t serious and after that we went to a vacation again and we brushed it off, with time, i saw that she would get things from her mom’s personality and she hasn’t a good personality or perception about life. She started to be mean and egotisic and wanted to view things differently, that a men needs to bow down his head in front of a women and that is the way her parents are and that is what she thinks it’s normal. We had a fight on the beach and after that she told me that even though she makes me very mad, i still wouldn’t leave her and she will be the only one i think about even if she is mean to me. That made me very mad and i felt like she viewed me as a simp and i told her what happend between me and that girl at that party and to not put herself on such a pedestal and that she isn’t special to me if she doesn’t try to be, that if she will be mean to me and doesn’t try to be special, there are always other girls and i don’t need to be in a toxic relationship. We had a fight but then we talked it out and everything was ok. She started highschool (9th grade) at a private school because her mom tricked her to think that this was the best choice. After a little time she started telling me that she wants to live her life, that she wants to have fun because she is young and time will pass, there where things that she saw girls doing around and it made her think that she was left out and she said that her mother also kept telling her that she will have a sad life and that she needs to go and have fun (only to start problems between us), I told her that we can have fun but that i don’t like going to the clubs all the time and getting wasted especially when im with my gf, i like to go to birthday parties, home parties, i dont really like festivals that much because there are a lot of weird pepole, i am a pretty chill guy, i am also a boxer and if i have fun i like to keep it low key. She didn’t really had friends, she cut them all of after getting with me because i helped her to see that they were fake, some of them flirted with me while she was literally biside us, some of them tried to take money from her, talked bad about me and her, some of them were hoes. Her mother noticed that and told her that if i will leave her, she will be all left alone with no one around her and that scared her even though i reassured her and told her that we are the only ones we need for eachother. She was desperate to find friends, she got along with some girls at school, but she wasn’t the type to be around guys, she didn’t like that and she also believed that every guy who is around a girl thinks about her in a sexual way in some form or another, she realized that from me and some of my friends and she believed that a guy doesn’t view a friendship with a girl in a sexual way only if she is togheter with one of his friends or if she isn’t an attractive person but in some cases they still do. I wanted to meet her friends, to go out together with me and my friends also but she kept distance and everytime she would leave it for another time. One day she was pressuring me that she wants to go to a club because she had never been and that all her friends would go. I got mad because i was tierd and told her that i don’t want to go and told her to go alone, she didn’t want that. After that a friend called me to go to a club and i thought it was the perfect time. We went, she saw all the drunk pepole, all the high and wierd pepole and that night me and my friends got into 2 fights because of other wierd guys, one of them was disrespectful to the girls we were with and i knocked him out and the other ones (35+yrs huge men) sexually assaulted my friends sister by toching her and we got into a fight with them and the police came, after that my gf told me that if she wants to have fun, she wants to keep it low key as well. With time passing by she started to view things differently because all of the things that were around her and all the pressure from her mother. She went on a vacation in the winter break, she told me that she will go with this girl and that she is a family friend. I found that there was a hole entourage there and the girl she went with started to hang out with them, it was hard for me to believe that she didn’t do it too, she came back and i found out that this girl came with her brother, she didn’t tell me anything about him because she thought that i will get mad, the only interaction i saw them have was that she hid his vape in her room so his parents wont find out, but she tried to lie to me and that made me think about a lot of stuff. A couple of months pass by and i found out that she had an entourage, with guys and girls. After i found that out she wanted to break up with me, because this relationship wouldn’t work and that i was controlling, manipulating. All the pepole there told her i was a bad person and a psycho and it is best for her to leave me, she belived them but i knew something was up. The main person that was telling her that was a girl that was in her school, lets call her M. M was always telling her to leave me, but when i looked closer to the people she would hang out with, I realized that M was a girl who flirted with me and tried to kiss me a couple of months prior, i knew she was a friend of my gf and didn’t think nothing and i viewed it as a test. My gf didn’t know but then i told her and there was more stuff that made her believe that M was a fake. All this time we kept seeing eachother but not that often, we still had sex rarely and i tried to repair things and make her come back but she always said that she doesn’t know, she wanted to make us not see each other as much so she can make herself get away from me, till she decided and wanted to break up with me, she viewed me as a different person. We still kept contact but she was keeping stuff away from me, like when she would go out with them and things like that, she was thinking that i would come after her and fight all the pepole she was with. After that her and her first highschool friend, lets call her A, were getting along with this group that M had, they started to hang out more and more and they viewed themselves as a family, they even had a group chat. After some time she goes to a girl birthday party, this girl was in their group and she was also in my school. After that she gets drunk and calls me, telling me that she misses me and wanted to meet up. She came to my place, she kept wanting to have sex with me but I didn’t feel like it, i had a lot of questions, but i had, it was the most emotionless sex i have ever had. She slept and then i went through her phone and found out all this things about her group, who they were and all of that, all the pepole she would get along with. Her and A would get along with 2 boys from this group. I was looking around more and more to find something but there wasn’t nothing that showed that she cheated on me, these 2 guys (also ugly af) in her group kept talking to her about group stuff and how fake was M, nothing serious, but i saw that they always told her to not get back with me and that i am a bad person. I confronted her with that and told her what these guys want from her, she kept telling me that i am the only crazy person who thinks almost all the guys think sexually about a girl. After that i got their socials and started to look around more and ask pepole about them. I had a friend who knew them and i asked him to talk with them about my gf. He asked them who she is and how they know her, they told him that she is a friend of a girl in their group and that they wanna fuck her and things like that. I got my friend to ss the convo and send it to me to show it to her, i showed it to her and she started to believe me, after that she went to M birthday party and she saw that this guys were trying to hit on her and then she totally believed me. We got back togheter, she was sorry for the things she did and that she didn’t believe in me. She bought herself a ticket to a festival and she wanted to go with her friend A, but that was before we got togheter, so when we got i found out and i bought myself also and i went with them, she viewed the hole experience as i told her it will be and didn’t really like it, i also saw how childish A was. With time she got more mean and started to be more like her mother, we would have fights, she would curse at me, hit me and everytime it seemed like she thought that she was entitled to do so. She got jealous very easily, if a girl would look at me, she would get mad at me. She had times were she would be ok and times were she was a bitch, everytime that happend she would be sorry and say she doesn’t know what is happening to her and reassured me that she still loves me with all her heart and that no one took care of her like i did. After that came the time for her to go with her family on vacation again, my phone broke and she gave me her old one, she told me that she would go alone in this vacation, but after few days prior i see her ex little brother message her on insta to ask her if she would come in this vacation, she told me that he got things mixed up probably. When i got her old phone, something told me to activate her icloud (all theirs phone are conected to her fathers icloud) photos and convos and then i saw that she went in vacations almost all the time with her ex and his family. In the time she was with me, she went in 4 vacations, the first one was in spring break in Seychelles, she went with her ex family, in the second one in the summer she went to Spain this time with him also, the third one in the winter break, i think it was in Maldives, she went just with his family, and the fourth one in Maldives, in the summer break, again this time with him also. I confronted her and her family would force her to come, buying her plane tickets and paying for everything in advance and telling her with a couple of weeks before. Her ex this time was around 20yrs, he also had a gf, and my gf was around 15-16yrs at the time of this vacations. In the pictures i’ve seen they would all sit in a group and i asked her why, she told me that her parents would get upset over this type of things and I couldn’t understand how they still accepted her ex as a family member even though he did all that stuff to her, it was like they didn’t care and it was so toxic. I snooped out more and found out her dad was very wierd, he had wierd sexual fetishes, he would cheat on her mother, he had nudes with him in his phone and a lot of things. Her mother also would talk with her friends about other men and it was disgusting. While i looked through her mother’s convos i’ve also seen her talk about her daughter relationship with me. She was talking to a friend and was telling her that she would do anything for me and her daughter to break up, if she doesn’t want, she will make me want to break up, she said that she doesn’t want her daughter to be with someone good who loves her and she feels happy with, she said that it is better for her daughter to be even with an old man that she doesn’t like, someone with some prestige or a high social status that will bring more reputation to their family name. I think that is very sick and i was so disgusted with them. Her family always talked bad about me, they would curse out me and my family and talked about us like we were trash. Her mother tired everything to associate him with her, my gf brother was sleeping in the room with her ex and his brother, one night, my gf brother locked the door and my gf mother said to her ex and his brother to go and sleep with my gf in the bed and she was already asleep and didn’t know anything, they even took pictures of them. She came back, had a talk about everything, but I didn’t want to tell her the stuff about her family because I didn’t want to hurt her and I didn’t think she would believe and she would get mad at me and we continued, but I wasn’t ready to be with her again after all that, i still loved her, but i felt uncomfortable. After that i found out a place where her old group was hanging out, went and got revenge on them. With time we started to have fights more and more and they got really bad, we would hit eachother and she will always get on my nerves. I usually would break things around me, i always told her to stop getting on my nerves but she didn’t want to listen. All this time we were spending with each other, her friend, A, would call her to hang out but she always said she was busy with me and A would get very mad, she wanted her just for herself. School started and she began to hang out again with A. My gf cut off all the conections she had with that group but A didn’t, i told her that if she was a real friend, she would chose her over them but she didn’t listen. She even started med school and even if she hated it in the past, she was saying that she doesn’t want to become what her parents force her to, and her and A started togheter med school, dreaming that they will work in the same place. At one time she wanted to go on a class trip, she came to me telling me that she will break up with me if i don’t let her go, because i always try to control things, I didn’t know where that came from, i would’ve let her to go if she just came to me and asked me about it, she didn’t need to do all that, I didn’t wanted to talk to her about this stuff at that time, it was a better time to talk to her after she came back. 2 days pass by and she comes back, we meet to talk, she said she was sorry for all that and that she didn’t need to do it, after we talk this, she starts crying telling me that she missed her mother while she was gone and went to see her and her mother told her that she doesn’t have time for her because she needs to go to a party. That broke her heart and all the little faith she had left in her parents was gone. I reassured her that i am always here for her and that her parents were always bad pepole, she just has to accept it, the fact that her parents can’t be like the other ones she sees. She talked to her brother and told her the same thing. She talked to her grandma (dad side) and told her that her mother said that she doesn’t really love her dad and she choose him just because they were compatible. Her mother strated to try to buy her with things but it didn’t work. A week pases by and her mother comes to her and after all those things she just says sorry. She believed in her, almost like she tried to lie to herself that her mother is a good person and started to get along with her. With time, A and her mother started talking bad about me, brain washing her to make her think i was a bad guy. At one time she cancelled all the plans we had with an hour before, just for her to meet with A. After that she said that she realizes she was wrong and won’t do it again. Every time she wanted something from me, she would blackmail me, telling me that she would break up with me, i couldn’t take it anymore and i started blackmailing her to with the videos we had together so she would stop that. Then she strated doing it again, cancelling me ,but this time she will say that she needs to study. The second time this happens i call her on ft and suspect that somebody was in the room with her, then i went to her place and i could hear her and A talking while hanging out on the terace, i was relieved because i thought something else, but then i hear A talking bad about me to her and telling her that she needs to break up with me. I called her and told her to open the door, she got mad at me and said that she doesn’t want this relationship no more because i am manipulative, A was standing in the back and was just laughing, after that i asked her opinion on something and she said she doesn’t get involved in others relationships, she left and i talked it out with my gf. We went to my friends birthday party, i told her from the start that i need to help him organize and i would be busy at sometimes. We got there and when i went to help him she got angry, strated to get jealous, she was angry so she started to drink, she got very drunk and strated to fight with me because she was jealous of a girl. We went to my place and i told her if she wants to keep arguing we can’t stay here because we will wake up my parents and they told me that they don’t want us to fight in the house no more. She said she is calm and after that she kept arguing, yelling, hitting me. She got food to eat and then she kept yapping, i got mad and knocked the food on the floor, we cleaned, she got more mad and started to fight me, i kept begging her to stop and that we will talk tomorrow, she didn’t listen, she kept hitting and then she got up on me and started to bite my cheek very hard, i told her to stop because she is hurting me and she is make a lot of noise, she kept biting harden, i tried to push her off me and she hit her nose and blood started leaking, then my mom came in because she woke up. I felt so bad and didn’t know what to do or say. She was very mad, she only viewed me as the one who did all the wrong things. We talked about it for a long time and we got back together. The fights didn’t go away and i was tierd of them, she kept changing as a person and when i tried to talk things that she would do wrong and how to put a stop to all of those things but she just kept arguing. With time the intimacy part of our relationship got worse, from getting intimate almost everyday, sometimes multiple times per day, to doing it once a week or less. We always got along very well on this part, i was putting her pleasures before mine, always focusing on her climaxing, even more than once and then letting her take care of my pleasures, one time, i made her orgasm 6 times in a row, the sex was good, long lasting and always passionate. With time a lot of problems came and I didn’t know where from, i believe it was the fact that the pepole around her started to change her perception about me, she started saying i was using her for her body, i told her that i don’t am in a relationship with her just for the sex and if i wanted sex, i could get it from anywhere, i choose her because i love her and want a future with her. She told me that isn’t true and i am with her because she is the most sexually available person to me. A lot of bad perceptions like those came and i always tried to reassure her. In the past mounths i was battling with depression, anxiety, overthinking, insecurities, money problems, a lot of family problems. She started seeing me as a loser, that i don’t do nothing with my life, that academically i am a bum, that i am a mamas boy and that i am always complaining about stuff. The truth is that i never was a beta male, i always was manly, i am around 5,11 i am an atractive guy and i seem very atractive to others. I never went with my problems to nobody not even her, i started doing that because she was begging me to do so, to open up to her so we would be closer to eachother and i did that the past months. I always worked to do something with my life, i am a professional boxer but I didn’t had my debut yet, my father is a singer and i also sing and I’ve dreamt to become a singer, academically im not the best in my class, but not the worst (in my country they evaluate us on a scale from 1 to 10 and i am a 8,50+ student) i don’t know where all her perceptions came from but she started to see me as the bad guy that she needs to get rid of. She wanted to go on a school trip again and she asked me, i told her that i want to talk about it face to face, she started saying that i am a manipulating piece of shit. She told her parents everything, her mother called my mother and started to threaten her. After that i still tried to talk it out with her, we still saw eachother very rarely, her school work got very hard and she had med school work too and she was busy. Everything started getting wierd and she was doing things to not have as much contact with me, we had sex a couple of times but it was bad and she was arguing, if i tried to be close to her, to kiss her she would pull away telling me she is not in the mood for kissing or she will find something to do like playing on the phone. It seemed like she tried to break the contact between us little by little so she couldn’t fall for me again. One night i was hanging out with my friends in front of a store, some drunk guys came and knocked a old man out, we made them leave, then me and my friends split up, i went with another guy back to the store to buy something, then the same guys from earlier came out of the store but they were more meny, one of them came charging at me and he called me by my name ( wierd thing because i never seen them before ) i fought him and then the other jumped me, my friend couldn’t get involved because he was threatened with a knife, the same guy tried to slash my face, but i dogged it, after many more hits i fallen down, my friends arrived just then, the guys ran into a car and got away and after that the police came and started a hole case on this. My gf gotten a massage from this fake account, threatening her, telling her that she wants to take revenge on her because she stole her friend and said that she is a person from her circle. Many threats were made and then i got involved, this person knew me and what i was capable of so she backed off. She messaged me too, trying to make me break up with my gf but that didn’t work. Me and my gf still weren’t on good terms and she started to hang out with more pepole from her school. My gf talked with her friends and they made her think that i was the one behind the fake account and that it’s all a scheme for me to win her back so she would get back with me. She started believing more and more that it was me and i think that this was the plan, if she couldn’t make me break up with her, she made her break up with me. I kept stalking around trying to find out who was behind this. I heard around that the guys that jumped me were friends with people from her school and that me question some things. I got called by the police to come and talk more about the case and they told me that everything isn’t what it seems, that these guys didn’t started to jump me randomly, they had a plan all along, some girl that they were friends with made them do it and they wanted to make it seem like it was randomly. I started to put 1 and 2 togheter and told my gf everything but she didn’t believed me, she said that i faked everything and that this isn’t possible and that no friend of hers would do anything like that. She broke all contact with me, she would just answer on a couple messages per day, i only had her location but sometimes she would turn it off because she didn’t want me to know where she would go so i couldn’t go after her. She started going out, to colleagues birthday parties, she didn’t had a way to go, her friends would take her with them. One night she went to a club where a lot of people from her school went, some pepole that i know would keep me up to date with what she was doing, they told me she went to this club, they sent me videos to see. Looking closely i saw her, she was in a corner chilling with 2 or 3 girls, she was away from all that chaos, but then i saw that were all those pepole were, there were the guys that jumped me, they were hanging out with pepole from her school and from her cricle. Immediately i thought that these guys were friends with the girl who made a fake account and then i knew and it was confirmed that it was a friend of gf. First i got scared that these guys came to do something to my gf so i went there to see it myself. In the way there i also thought about my gf having to do something with this, that she put the hit on me, but there were very low chances. I got there i didn’t want to appear suspicious so i walked on the other way of the street and i looked, i saw my gf, she wasn’t hanging out with any of them, she was with 2 girls and those guys didn’t seem to have a business with her. I called my guys to come there. They wanted to bust in but i told them to relax and to keep it low key, i got one of them to walk in front of the club to see everything that was happening, my gf went home after a little while, but those guys remaind and i could see that they knew with pepole from my gf school and i saw a lot of my gf friends hang out with them. I didn’t knew who could it be, but i had an idea. All this time i asked pepole that i knew about this. I found out that these guys were really good friends with a girl from my gf class. So i had an a idea. Then one of my friends messaged that fake account and called her by her name and she got nervous and blocked him, then i messaged the account myself and called her by her name, she got angry and she confessed all of it but i don’t know if she did that just to throw me off. She confirmed i was jumped by those guys because of her, i told her that i would get revenge on her and she would get expelled from school after i tell my gf, she said that what makes me think that your gf would believe you and that she would make sure that she doesn’t. I tried to reach out to my gf but she didn’t wanna hear anything. Some people told me that they heard from those guys that jumped me, that their and that girls plan is know to do something to my gf, they wanna beat her up, get her drunk, drug her and all this type of stuff. I heard that and i reached out to my gf telling her all of those things but she didn’t want to believe me. I’ve talked to her recently, it was her birthday and i had a gift for her and i just wanted to give it to her but she cut me off, she doesn’t want to break no contact with me because she thinks im a bad person, that i will hurt her, that i will force her to get back together with me and all this shit people from around her got into her head. I texted her a message about more stuff and the fact that i just wanna give her the gift i have for her, i told her stuff about her family and all these wrong things that were happening and she didn’t wanna hear nothing from me, she said that this is all a scheme that i created.
I am very scared to lose her or for something to happen to her. I am scared of her being controlled by her friends to get into another relationship. I love her with all my heart and can’t live without her. I am on antidepressants, i am very stressed, i started to cough blood from my lungs, the past months have been so hard for me and this just done it all, at some point i made a goodbye video for all my loved ones because i had very dark thoughts. I dont know what to do, i did everything to win her back, to make her understand everything but nothing seems to work, i don’t know what to do….
submitted by Such-Association5903 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:12 kaantantr r/SwordArtOnline Mod Applications are now open!

Hello there SwordArtOnline!
This has been long in the making. As likely the more involved members are aware, I have been the sole active mod remaining for a very long time now. In fact, I am relatively certain I was personally vouched for at the time by one of the "Elder Mods" as I liked to call them, because they knew I would stay around no matter what.
I have tried to bolster the crew a couple of times in consultation with some of the Elder Mods, but sadly, we were never able to build a team as the previous crew was at their prime who were basically the SAO crew, being the ones bringing you the news from Japan, taking part in different steps of the fan translation processes, being "SAO Masters" of their times if you will. With a fleeting team, I was constantly relegated to dealing with basic operations of the subs and being honest, while opening up Mod Applications have been in my mind for over 2 years as is, I often feared it would just end the same like our bolstering attempts. Nor did I have the motivation to actually get on with it. For that, I apologize.
With me leaving the SAO scene altogether in the upcoming months, the time has come for me to suck it up and actually finally do it. An additional apology from me to the fellow candidates for planning it all as a "passing of the torch" moment. My plan is to get everything settled a decent amount of time before the upcoming Alternative Gun Gale Online Anime Season 2, so I can be around and help or guide you should you need it, before the potential rush of activity arrives.
You will find the application form below, but if you are interested in the role, I will list a couple of my learnings from past experiences that will factor into the decision.
Now I hope that did not scare you away with the long text. You will find the Application Form here, it's Google Forms based:
Thank you very much for your interest, I look forward to hearing from you all!
And even if you are not interested, feel free to use the comments of this post to provide feedback! I have never pulled my punches when providing feedback, I expect you not to as well, so do not be shy!
- u/kaantantr
submitted by kaantantr to swordartonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:11 KrizleTV Riot support for vangaurd BSOD, after I have Disk Space Error, 7-zip CRC error, install error, fail installation error code 1603

I have no idea if I am asking in the right place but here I go. I will write in detail the issues I have had and lead to where I am now.
(Specs) I have a Dell XPS 8960, Microsoft Windows 11 Home, Model OXD433, Version A01, BIOS 2.6.0, with a RTX 4090, i9-13900k, 64Gb ram (4800mhz). 3 hard drives installed, one with 2000 gb ssd, another with 1000gb ssd and the other with 2000 gb hhd. Two of the hard drives I have added seperatley in different occasions.
I originally I was playing Diablo 4 at max settings with raytracing and the game was crashing, found of forums 40-series cards were having issues with the ray tracing. So I disabled it until nvidia releasaes a fix for it. However there was a random time when the game crashed a message popped up saying "system out of memory," at the time ignored thinking it was related only to the ray tracing.
(where serious problems began) I then attempt to play League of Legends for the first time since Vangaurd (anti-cheat system) was released. I installed Vangaurd but everytime client would load it would say "requires restart to play" but everytime I did after restarting I would get a BSOD "what failed vgk .sys." I then contacted riot support for this issue and these are the instructions given to me to follow.
  1. To make sure your device has Test Signing Mode disabled, enter Command Prompt in Administrator Mode (Windows key -> cmd -> Run as Administrator)
  2. Here, type in and press enter for the following command:
* bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING off
  1. To make sure your device has Driver Signing Enforcement turned on, enter Command Prompt in Administrator Mode. In here, type in and press enter for the following command:
* bcdedit /set nointegritychecks OFF.
"Check Windows Update It's important that you have the latest WINDOWS UPDATES. The game is optimized to work best when on the latest version of Windows and updating can resolve a number of issues. You can update windows by doing the following:
  1. Type Windows Update into your start menu search bar.
  2. Run that app and click Check for updates.
  3. Download and apply any pending updates.
  4. Restart your computer." "Check for any Malware Scan your computer, you can use Malwarebytes to do so (this is just a recommended precaution). After scanning your computer and removing any threats that pop-up, you can proceed to uninstall the software." "Clean Boot It could be that other programs are interfering with the game. To eliminate the possibility of that happening, let's turn off your unnecessary start-up processes.
  5. Press [Windows Key] + R 2.Type msconfig into the text bar at the bottom of the menu
  6. Click on the Services tab
  7. Check Hide all Microsoft services <--- Super important! Protects you from accidentally disabling a key process!
  8. Click the Disable All button
  9. Find vgc and re-check that one.
  10. Restart your computer If you are able to successfully launch the game after doing so, please enable the disabled services one by one, to check which program is interfering with the game." "Disable 3rd party apps (AV & VPN) Please disable any 3rd party antiviruses and/or VPNs that you have installed.
"Perform DDU Let's try clean reinstalling your Graphic Drivers to see if the issue persists. Please make sure to clean reinstall your Intel Graphic Drivers first, before doing so for the other Graphic Drivers.
  1. Launch Windows in Safe mode. • Press Windows logo key + X on the keyboard. • Hold the Shift key while clicking Restart from Shut down or sign out menu. • Select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings >Restart. • After the PC restarts, a list of options will be shown. Select 5 for Safe Mode with Networking.
  2. Download the latest version of DDU - guru3d
  3. Disable Automatic Installer. • Press the windows button and search for “Advanced System Settings” • Go to “Hardware” tab, and press the “Device Installation Settings” option • Click on “No (your device might not work as expected)” • Save changes.
  4. Extract DDU
  5. Launch Display Driver Uninstaller.exe • If it is your first time, there will be a prompt notification about DDU. Select “OK” and you should see the options as below. • If you are using AMD hardware, tick all the boxes as in the picture, boxed in Red, and if you are using NVIDIA, tick the Boxes boxed in Green. However on both systems, make sure that the option in Orange is ticked, so that windows does not download excess and unnecessary files.
  6. On the Drop down menu, please select the hardware that you have. • And Click on Clean and Restart • Depending on your hardware and how many registry keys and drivers on your system, this might take a while to complete. • Once it is done, exit and it should restart by itself. • Once the PC restarts, it should not reinstall the GPU driver by itself.
  7. Install the GPU drivers manually. • Download the drivers for your devices from the following links, and install using the on screen instructions: (If you have both an integrated Intel and a dedicated Nvidia card, please update both. It's important to install the Intel Driver first in order to allow Nvidia Optimus to work properly)
"SFC System File Checker is a utility in Microsoft Windows that allows users to scan for and restore corrupted Windows system files To run System File Checker (SFC), follow these steps:
  1. In the search box on the taskbar, type command prompt, right-click Command Prompt, then select Run as administrator > Yes.
  2. At the command prompt, type sfc /scannow (note the space between sfc and the /). Scanning will take a few minutes.
  3. If SFC finds corrupted files and replaces them, restart your PC and check if the issue persists. DISM Since several things from Windows may be unsigned, let's go ahead and fix them up by doing a full check-up of your Windows. For this, first I suggest that you use a DISM command to check for any corrupted files. Please follow these steps:
  4. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).
  5. Type the following command and press Enter: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
  6. After the process completes type the following command and press Enter: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  7. Wait for the process to complete."
Main problem, I tried to update my nvidia driver but would receive 7 zip: CRC error. Tried to update through Geforce Experience and would say "installation failed" or "not enough space disk space" even though there is plenty of space and i recently removed the bitlocks. Also tried to install dell support assist and would recieve "install error 1603." I have done a memory dianostic and results are fine. I also atttempt to do a Microsoft Defender Antivirus (offline scan) but the system does not respond when i click "scan now." The hard drives say they are healthy and have done diagnoses through MiniTool Partition with no problems found. Checked for malware thoughh malwarebytes and found nothing . I did a full system reset with clean of hard hard drives and after re-installing windows and everything, the exact same issue persisted. I wasnt having allo of these issues before attempting to use Vangaurd, i dont know if it is a coincidence or the problem already existed.
That is where I am at, I dont know what to do at this point. Anything I search on the web seems not to be related or I simply cannot understand some of the complexity of the instructions for the fix. Please help!
submitted by KrizleTV to riotgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:08 Frosty_Bell_5032 AITA for shaming my friend infront of a whole crowd

I(22F) have been friends with 3 other girls since the beginning of college for 3 years now. Our small group consists of me, S, P, B and B' toxic BF. Her bf doesnt go the same college as us. She has been in this relationship for nearly 7 yrs now, she knew him long before us. So I don't really know their history before we met her. But in these 3 years that I have known her and her relationship, it seems toxic. To elaborate, during first year we went on a trip organised by college, her bf would constantly call her, I thought nothing of it at first. Then I noticed her crying once and constantly saying "sorry, sorry" over the phone, I asked her what had happened but she didn't really open up. Then on the 4th day of our trip her bf literally showed up at our place uninvited. She seemed hesitant on introducing us. I really didnt know if i had any rights asking about the whole thing if she didn't open up first. She seemed sad and out of place the whole remainder of trip. Few months pass by and she says that she's thinking about breaking up with him. We supported her cause we had a vague idea that they were constantly fighting over the months. Then over the next few weeks me and my other friends started getting calls from her bf. At first it was like ''Can you please pass my message?", then it turned into " WHY is that bitch not picking up my calls? You will face consequences". It started getting scary so,I asked her why was this happening. She told me that he had always been insecure about this LDR thing, he doesn't like her hanging out with any guy, he doesn't like that she has so many new friends. A month later though, she's back in relationship with him, saying he's her first love, its been so many years, he was suffering and she couldn't let him go. I shook my head in disbelief.
It seemed that their relationship was on right track for a whole year again, but she never properly introduced us with him. After a year, on another college trip where he wasn't obviously invited, he started pestering her with calls and texts. She was a mess and we had to console her throughout the trip. We got to her texts when she was sleeping and those texts were disgustig to say the least. He was constantly bereating her, calling her names, threating to suicide if she breaks up with him, threating to leak photos on her social sites. The next day, we sat her down and seriously recommended her to break off for good and involve cops if things go south. She seemed determined and thanked us for our understanding. BUT 2 months later, she's back with him AGAIN FFS. She tried defending his actions, how she loved him so much. That their relationship was sacred and I shouldn't try to interfere. I was so done with her pathetic actions. I remained friends with her but didn't get close. She had troubles with him throughout the year but i didn't butt in.
Yesterday we had organised a surprise birthday party for S. It was actually the first time we had organised this kind of party for S because the previous years she had always gone home for her birthday. S is the sweetest girl, always helps all of us, is a real ride or die. So I called her bf, parents and our friend group to celebrate this littlle moment. She seemed so happy with the surprise. Everything was going good for few minutes until B's bf started spamming all of our phones. He kept asking where B was, whether there was any other guy around, and threatening to show up wherever we were. And he did show up, created a mess of this beautiful moment, and I lost it. I yelled and cursed at both of them. I told him to fuck off and never show up anywhere near us or he would be facing charges and told her that she was a spinless pathetic moron to keep going back to the same toxic guy who has actively made her life hell. I had supported her and will support her through anything but her bf hijacking a beautiful moment from another friend and turning it into their own telenovela was disgusting and I was disgusted to be her friend.
Since yesterday, I have been getting constant calls and messages that I overreacted. She has a complicated lovelife and that i should be understanding. I dont know anymore. So AITAH?
submitted by Frosty_Bell_5032 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:06 Onmymind123456 He came back just to tell me his “mistake”

He came back to tell me his “mistake”
Sooo.. This week I have been having a really hard time. It’s been a month of the discard when I called and he told me “move on” when he was the one that had come back in my life in the first place! After that night I didn’t send another text to him and he didn’t reach out either. It’s been a month and this week I have been struggling. I looked back our old messages. (Bad idea) I felt like just a HUG from him would make my world better at least for 5 seconds. Just want to feel like I can breathe again. Anyways, I get a message at midnight saying “I will always love you” and then another one the next day saying my name. I finally responded and long story short he told me the day before I called him and he said for me to move on he “made a mistake” and he just knew I wouldn’t forgive him and he just wanted to be honest w me and he hopes I’m okay. I told him I didn’t need to know any of that and why would he tell me that. He said that he just needed to be honest and it’s been on hard on his mind lately…He said the “mistake” was that he was out with friends and was hitting on other girls and getting their phone numbers and that he hasn’t been with anyone else just got phone numbers and stuff and just needed to “be honest”. He said he loves me and cares ab me and just wants to know I’m not struggling and that I’m okay. And continues to ask about my life now.
I’m truly in shock. It feels like I’m in a movie.
Any advice ?
submitted by Onmymind123456 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:04 Affectionate-Box-592 Ai Writer Review: 1-Click Content Creatin FREE Demo [2024]

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, the emergence of AI writers has marked a revolutionary leap forward. These sophisticated tools, powered by artificial intelligence, are reshaping how content is generated, offering unprecedented efficiency and versatility.
At the heart of this transformation is a blend of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms that enable these AI writers to produce written content that is not just coherent and grammatically correct but also engaging and tailored to specific audiences.

Check out AI Writer here!

[0, 1, 2] The introduction of AI writers into the market has been a game-changer for content creators across various sectors, including marketing, journalism, blogging, and even academic writing. By automating the writing process, these tools significantly reduce the time and effort required to produce high-quality content. This efficiency does not come at the expense of creativity or uniqueness; many AI writing platforms boast advanced features that allow for customization and personalization of content to ensure it aligns with the creator's voice and objectives. [3, 4, 5]
Moreover, AI writers are continuously learning from vast amounts of data they process, meaning their capability to understand context, mimic human writing styles, and predict user preferences improves over time. This aspect signifies not just an advancement in technology but a fundamental shift in how we approach content creation — moving from manual composition to intelligent automation. [0, 6] As we delve deeper into pricing features discounts [new] offered by various AI writer platforms in this review, it's essential to acknowledge this technology's transformative potential.
Whether you're a seasoned content creator looking for efficiency or a business seeking cost-effective ways to scale your content marketing efforts, [7, 8] AI writers present an intriguing solution that balances quality with quantity — all while pushing the boundaries of what's possible in digital expression.
[9] In exploring the landscape of AI writing tools, one stands out for its comprehensive suite of features designed to cater to a broad spectrum of writing needs. This AI writer, a beacon in the realm of automated content creation, presents a fascinating array of functionalities that are as diverse as they are innovative. [10, 11] Central to its appeal is its ability to generate articles from mere headlines, transforming brief ideas into full-fledged pieces with surprising coherence and depth.
This feature alone sets it apart, providing users with a quick way to flesh out content without the need for extensive manual input. Further enhancing its utility is the SEO-friendly nature of the content it produces, incorporating relevant keywords seamlessly into articles to boost their visibility and effectiveness in digital marketing campaigns. [12, 13, 14] What truly distinguishes this tool is its capacity for research. Unlike simpler AI writers that might regurgitate common knowledge or produce generic content, this platform delves into sources to bring more accuracy and richness to the text.
This aspect is invaluable for users seeking not just any content but quality information that adds real value. [15, 16, 17] Moreover, the adaptability of this AI writer cannot be overstated. It caters to various writing styles and formats – from blog posts and news articles to product descriptions and more – making it a versatile partner for both individual creators and businesses alike. Its user-friendly interface ensures that navigating through these options is intuitive, allowing even those new to AI tools an easy way to access sophisticated writing aids. [1, 18, 6] While these features collectively form a powerful tool for content generation, what elevates the experience further is the commitment of its developers towards continuous improvement and updates based on user feedback.
This dynamic evolution promises not just current relevance but future readiness in an ever-changing digital landscape. [19, 20] In exploring the landscape of AI writing tools, one quickly discovers that the pricing structure is as varied as the features these platforms offer. Understanding your options when it comes to cost is crucial in making an informed decision that aligns with both your budget and writing needs. At the heart of this exploration is a recognition of the balance between affordability and functionality. [21, 22, 19] AI writer services typically adopt a tiered pricing model, designed to cater to a spectrum of users, from individuals and freelancers to large enterprises. This structure allows users to select a plan that best suits their volume of work, desired features, and access level. The entry-level plans often provide basic writing capabilities suitable for casual bloggers or those experimenting with AI writing assistance. [23, 24] These plans are usually priced at an attractive entry point or might even offer a free version with limited functionalities.
[25] Mid-range options tend to unlock more advanced features such as SEO optimization tools, broader language support, and higher quality outputs. This tier is tailored for professional writers and small businesses seeking enhanced productivity without breaking the bank. [26, 27] At the upper end of the spectrum, premium plans are designed for large teams and organizations requiring extensive usage limits, collaborative tools, API access for integration into existing workflows, and sometimes even dedicated support. While these come at a higher cost, they deliver value through efficiency gains and scalability.
[28, 29] Moreover, many AI writing platforms offer discounts for annual payments over monthly subscriptions, reducing long-term costs for committed users. Seasonal promotions or discounts for students and non-profits are also common strategies employed by these services to make their offerings more accessible. [30, 10] Navigating this diverse pricing landscape requires a clear understanding of one’s own requirements against what each plan offers. By meticulously assessing your needs against available options, you can identify a solution that not only fits your budget but also empowers you with the right set of tools to elevate your writing projects.
[31, 32] In the ever-expanding realm of AI writing tools, AI Writer carves its niche with a distinct blend of simplicity, efficiency, and innovation. Unlike its competitors, which often dazzle users with an array of complex features that can steepen the learning curve, AI Writer prioritizes a user-friendly interface that welcomes both seasoned writers and newcomers to the digital content creation scene. This approach does not mean it compromises on capability; rather, it ensures that every feature is optimized for ease of use without sacrificing depth or functionality.
[0, 33, 34] AI Writer stands out through its unique emphasis on research-backed content creation. Where many competitors focus primarily on rephrasing or embellishing existing texts, AI Writer goes a step further by integrating an automated research feature.
This allows users to generate not only original content but also gather data and citations from credible sources automatically. This is particularly invaluable for writers in academic, scientific, and technical fields where verifiability and accuracy are paramount. [35, 22, 36, 37] Another standout feature is AI Writer's adaptability to various writing styles and tones. While many tools offer similar functionality, AI Writer's algorithms have been fine-tuned to understand context more deeply, enabling it to adjust more precisely to the desired output — whether it be casual blog posts or formal reports.
This versatility makes it an indispensable tool for content creators who operate across different platforms and mediums. [38, 39, 40] Moreover, in terms of pricing transparency and flexibility, AI Writer offers clear advantages over its competitors. With straightforward plans that cater to different usage levels — from individuals just starting out to large enterprises — users can find a package that suits their needs without navigating through complicated tier systems or encountering unexpected costs. [41] In essence, what sets AI Writer apart is not just one singular feature but its holistic approach towards making content creation more accessible, accurate, and versatile for everyone involved in the process.
[42] In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-driven content creation, finding tools that not only streamline productivity but also offer financial accessibility is crucial for both individual creators and businesses. Amidst this backdrop, exclusive discounts and deals on AI writers have emerged as a significant boon, providing an entry point for those looking to leverage the power of artificial intelligence in their writing endeavors without breaking the bank. [43, 44] The allure of these exclusive offers is not just in their ability to make technology more accessible; they also serve as a testament to the competitive nature of the AI writing tool market.
Developers are keen on attracting a diverse user base by providing pricing models that accommodate various budgets and needs. These discounts often come in various forms, such as reduced subscription fees, extended trial periods, or even bonus features at no additional cost—each designed to provide added value. [26, 22] What makes these deals particularly enticing is their timing. New users can typically find the most generous offers during product launches or major updates when developers are eager to showcase their latest advancements and attract early adopters. Seasonal promotions tied to holidays or significant shopping events like Black Friday also present opportunities for potential savings.
[45] Moreover, some AI writer platforms have introduced referral programs and loyalty rewards, further reducing costs for users who actively engage with and promote these tools within their networks. Such initiatives not only foster a sense of community among users but also underscore the developers' commitment to making AI writing tools more accessible.
[46, 30] For individuals and businesses contemplating incorporating AI writers into their content creation process, exploring these exclusive discounts can make the decision more financially viable. It's an opportunity to harness advanced technology at a fraction of the cost—empowering creativity while optimizing resources efficiently. [1, 47] Navigating the AI Writer platform presents an intuitive and user-friendly experience that is both engaging and efficient for users, regardless of their technical proficiency. At the heart of its design philosophy lies a clean, minimalistic interface that emphasizes clarity and ease of use, making it straightforward for individuals to dive into the world of automated content creation.
[41, 48] Upon logging in, users are greeted by a dashboard that consolidates all essential features in a coherent layout. The process to start generating content is conspicuously positioned, typically requiring no more than a few clicks to initiate. This streamlined approach reduces cognitive load and allows users to focus on creativity rather than grappling with complex navigation. [49, 50, 51] AI Writer has thoughtfully incorporated visual cues and tooltips throughout the platform, guiding users through various functionalities without overwhelming them with jargon or dense instructional text.
Whether it's exploring new updates, adjusting settings for content generation, or reviewing past projects, each action feels natural and logically placed within the user's journey through the site. [52, 53] The responsiveness of the interface is another highlight. It adapts seamlessly across devices, ensuring that users can transition from desktop to mobile without losing functionality or experiencing a dip in performance.
This level of adaptability underscores AI Writer’s commitment to providing a consistent experience that caters to the modern writer's dynamic lifestyle. [29, 54, 13] Moreover, feedback mechanisms are built directly into the user interface, encouraging users to report issues or suggest improvements. This loop not only helps in enhancing future versions but also instills a sense of community amongst its user base. [55, 56] In summary, navigating AI Writer is an effortlessly pleasant experience marked by logical design choices that cater to efficiency and accessibility.
For both seasoned content creators and those new to AI-driven writing tools, AI Writer stands out as an approachable platform designed with user satisfaction at its core. [5, 42] The advent of artificial intelligence in the realm of content creation has ushered in a paradigm shift, challenging traditional notions of creativity and authorship. At the heart of this transformation is AI Writer, a tool designed to generate written content with minimal human input. As we delve into the quality of content produced by AI Writer, several facets come to the fore, necessitating a nuanced examination.
[17, 57, 58] AI Writer is celebrated for its ability to churn out articles at an unprecedented pace, a feature that appeals to content managers and marketers alike. However, the allure of speed must be balanced against the metric of quality. The tool leverages advanced algorithms and vast data sets to mimic human writing styles, but does it achieve true authenticity? [2, 24, 3] One notable aspect is its proficiency in handling straightforward, information-driven content.
AI Writer excels when tasked with producing news summaries, product descriptions, and reports where clarity and conciseness are paramount. Here, its output can be indistinguishable from that of a human writer. [16, 59, 60] Yet when venturing into more complex or creative domains – think op-eds or literary analysis – AI Writer encounters limitations. The nuances of tone, voice, and argumentative depth prove challenging for even the most sophisticated algorithms. While it can generate grammatically correct sentences, crafting compelling narratives with emotional resonance often remains beyond its reach.
[61, 1, 62] Moreover, originality poses another hurdle. AI-generated content sometimes skirts close to replication rather than true innovation due to its reliance on existing online materials for learning and generation processes. This raises concerns about echoing prevalent ideas without introducing new insights. [63]
In conclusion, while AI Writer represents a significant leap forward in automating content production processes for efficiency-oriented tasks – particularly where speed and volume are critical – it struggles with projects demanding deep analytical skills or creative flair. As technology evolves, so too will these capabilities; yet for now, human oversight remains indispensable in ensuring quality where complexity and originality are required.
[64, 65] Customer support and community resources are crucial components for users of AI writing tools, ensuring they maximize the software's potential while navigating any challenges that may arise. For AI Writer users, the support infrastructure is designed to cater to both novice and experienced writers, helping them harness the power of artificial intelligence in their writing endeavors. [30, 21] The customer support for AI Writer typically encompasses a range of options designed to meet users at their point of need.
Direct support often includes email assistance where users can send in their queries and receive personalized help. This is particularly beneficial for addressing complex issues or getting detailed guidance on using specific features. Moreover, many AI writing platforms also offer live chat support, providing real-time assistance to users who need immediate help. [66, 67, 19, 68] This feature ensures that users can quickly resolve minor issues or get quick tips on how to use the tool more effectively. [30] Beyond direct support, community resources play a pivotal role in enhancing the user experience.
Forums and online communities are rich sources of peer-to-peer assistance where AI Writer users can share insights, tips, and best practices with each other. Such platforms encourage collaboration among users from diverse backgrounds and experience levels, fostering a sense of belonging and collective learning. [69, 33, 70] Additionally, many AI writing tools invest in creating comprehensive knowledge bases or help centers packed with articles, how-to guides, video tutorials, and FAQs. These resources are invaluable for self-service troubleshooting and learning at one’s own pace.
They allow users to explore the full range of features at their disposal and understand nuanced functionalities that could elevate their writing projects. [71, 72, 55] In essence, robust customer support combined with vibrant community resources enriches the user experience for AI Writer enthusiasts. It not only aids in resolving technical difficulties but also enhances skill development among its user base by facilitating knowledge sharing and continuous learning within an engaged community.
[33, 73] In the rapidly evolving landscape of content creation, AI Writer has positioned itself as a formidable tool, promising efficiency and innovation. The question of whether it justifies its investment requires a nuanced examination, considering its pricing structure, features, and the available discounts. [5, 1] AI Writer's appeal lies in its ability to generate content quickly, potentially saving hours of human labor. For businesses consistently producing large volumes of content, this efficiency can translate into significant cost savings over time.
Additionally, for individuals or small teams striving to maintain a robust online presence without the budget for a full editorial team, AI Writer offers an attractive solution. [42, 74, 32]
submitted by Affectionate-Box-592 to AIdrivencontent [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:02 cubescalps From P&A Supervisor to what?

Hello fellow O&G workers, I am currently debating with myself what is the next step or if there is a next step after all, at least currently. I have been working purely in plugging and abandon (P&A) for the past 10 years in the permian basin, and after some self reflection I am starting to realize that the position for a P&A supervisor is severely underpaid. There is a lot of duties related to my position that when looking at others makes me feel I should be earning more, specially after visiting subs like salary and after talking to other hands like reverse unit operators, fisher hands and packer hands.
To give you all a perspective a P&A supervisor will handle the whole operation when plugging a well after receiving the procedure from RRC if in Texas or BLM if in New Mexico. That implies planning out a rig move (pulling unit, rig mat, floeback tank, cement pump, bulk can unit, frack tank, tubing, and various trailers), ordering materials (fluids, cement, calcium, perfotaring gun components, bridge plugs, packers, BOPs, ect), managing a crew (perform safety meetings, apply such safety procedures, manage crew days off, daily activities, supplies and training), run cement pump, run wireline (perforating guns, collar locators, bridge plugs, tubing cutters), equipment mantainance, follow P&A procedure (do calculations for killing wells, cement plugs and displacements, make sure we have correct tags), deal with customer company man, update RRC on every step and question, plan out well head cut offs and do reports on all of this.
Sorry for being lengthy on the details but to give you a better idea and I can get some advice or a counter point that I may be earning enough or too much. Industry standard for a P&A Supervisor in the permian basin is about 135k a year, I make 115k a year with possible monthly bonuses that should match the industry standard but are not guaranteed.
After seeing packer hands and reverse unit operators with way less duties earning close to or more than 300k a year makes me question this heavily. I feel like my knowledge is very limited as I have only done P&A and only in the permian basin, I am not sure how I can branch out where my knowledge is relevant. I have thought about being a cementer for a big company but not sure how the pay is and it seems like you need a CDL to drive the pump to locations which is not a thing for me, nothing on this job scares me (H2S, heavy equipment, blow outs) but I respect it except driving a big truck down the highway. I have thought about trying my luck for a company man position but would have to be strictly for P&A operations since I feel very confident about my knowledge.
I'd appreciate any advice or opinion. My apologies for the wall of text.
submitted by cubescalps to oilandgasworkers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:02 KrizleTV Disk Space Error, 7-zip CRC error, install error, fail installation error code 1603

I have no idea if I am asking in the right place but here I go. I will write in detail the issues I have had and lead to where I am now.
(Specs) I have a Dell XPS 8960, Microsoft Windows 11 Home, Model OXD433, Version A01, BIOS 2.6.0, with a RTX 4090, i9-13900k, 64Gb ram (4800mhz). 3 hard drives installed, one with 2000 gb ssd, another with 1000gb ssd and the other with 2000 gb hhd. Two of the hard drives I have added seperatley in different occasions.
I originally I was playing Diablo 4 at max settings with raytracing and the game was crashing, found of forums 40-series cards were having issues with the ray tracing. So I disabled it until nvidia releasaes a fix for it. However there was a random time when the game crashed a message popped up saying "system out of memory," at the time ignored thinking it was related only to the ray tracing.
(where serious problems began) I then attempt to play League of Legends for the first time since Vangaurd (anti-cheat system) was released. I installed Vangaurd but everytime client would load it would say "requires restart to play" but everytime I did after restarting I would get a BSOD "what failed vgk .sys." I then contacted riot support for this issue and these are the instructions given to me to follow.
  1. To make sure your device has Test Signing Mode disabled, enter Command Prompt in Administrator Mode (Windows key -> cmd -> Run as Administrator)
  2. Here, type in and press enter for the following command:
* bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING off
  1. To make sure your device has Driver Signing Enforcement turned on, enter Command Prompt in Administrator Mode. In here, type in and press enter for the following command:
* bcdedit /set nointegritychecks OFF.
"Check Windows Update It's important that you have the latest WINDOWS UPDATES. The game is optimized to work best when on the latest version of Windows and updating can resolve a number of issues. You can update windows by doing the following:
  1. Type Windows Update into your start menu search bar.
  2. Run that app and click Check for updates.
  3. Download and apply any pending updates.
  4. Restart your computer." "Check for any Malware Scan your computer, you can use Malwarebytes to do so (this is just a recommended precaution). After scanning your computer and removing any threats that pop-up, you can proceed to uninstall the software." "Clean Boot It could be that other programs are interfering with the game. To eliminate the possibility of that happening, let's turn off your unnecessary start-up processes.
  5. Press [Windows Key] + R 2.Type msconfig into the text bar at the bottom of the menu
  6. Click on the Services tab
  7. Check Hide all Microsoft services <--- Super important! Protects you from accidentally disabling a key process!
  8. Click the Disable All button
  9. Find vgc and re-check that one.
  10. Restart your computer If you are able to successfully launch the game after doing so, please enable the disabled services one by one, to check which program is interfering with the game." "Disable 3rd party apps (AV & VPN) Please disable any 3rd party antiviruses and/or VPNs that you have installed.
"Perform DDU Let's try clean reinstalling your Graphic Drivers to see if the issue persists. Please make sure to clean reinstall your Intel Graphic Drivers first, before doing so for the other Graphic Drivers.
  1. Launch Windows in Safe mode. • Press Windows logo key + X on the keyboard. • Hold the Shift key while clicking Restart from Shut down or sign out menu. • Select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings >Restart. • After the PC restarts, a list of options will be shown. Select 5 for Safe Mode with Networking.
  2. Download the latest version of DDU - guru3d
  3. Disable Automatic Installer. • Press the windows button and search for “Advanced System Settings” • Go to “Hardware” tab, and press the “Device Installation Settings” option • Click on “No (your device might not work as expected)” • Save changes.
  4. Extract DDU
  5. Launch Display Driver Uninstaller.exe • If it is your first time, there will be a prompt notification about DDU. Select “OK” and you should see the options as below. • If you are using AMD hardware, tick all the boxes as in the picture, boxed in Red, and if you are using NVIDIA, tick the Boxes boxed in Green. However on both systems, make sure that the option in Orange is ticked, so that windows does not download excess and unnecessary files.
  6. On the Drop down menu, please select the hardware that you have. • And Click on Clean and Restart • Depending on your hardware and how many registry keys and drivers on your system, this might take a while to complete. • Once it is done, exit and it should restart by itself. • Once the PC restarts, it should not reinstall the GPU driver by itself.
  7. Install the GPU drivers manually. • Download the drivers for your devices from the following links, and install using the on screen instructions: (If you have both an integrated Intel and a dedicated Nvidia card, please update both. It's important to install the Intel Driver first in order to allow Nvidia Optimus to work properly)
"SFC System File Checker is a utility in Microsoft Windows that allows users to scan for and restore corrupted Windows system files To run System File Checker (SFC), follow these steps:
  1. In the search box on the taskbar, type command prompt, right-click Command Prompt, then select Run as administrator > Yes.
  2. At the command prompt, type sfc /scannow (note the space between sfc and the /). Scanning will take a few minutes.
  3. If SFC finds corrupted files and replaces them, restart your PC and check if the issue persists. DISM Since several things from Windows may be unsigned, let's go ahead and fix them up by doing a full check-up of your Windows. For this, first I suggest that you use a DISM command to check for any corrupted files. Please follow these steps:
  4. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).
  5. Type the following command and press Enter: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
  6. After the process completes type the following command and press Enter: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  7. Wait for the process to complete."
Main problem, I tried to update my nvidia driver but would receive 7 zip: CRC error. Tried to update through Geforce Experience and would say "installation failed" or "not enough space disk space" even though there is plenty of space and i recently removed the bitlocks. Also tried to install dell support assist and would recieve "install error 1603." I have done a memory dianostic and results are fine. I also atttempt to do a Microsoft Defender Antivirus (offline scan) but the system does not respond when i click "scan now." The hard drives say they are healthy and have done diagnoses through MiniTool Partition with no problems found. Checked for malware thoughh malwarebytes and found nothing . I did a full system reset with clean of hard hard drives and after re-installing windows and everything, the exact same issue persisted.
That is where I am at, I dont know what to do at this point. Anything I search on the web seems not to be related or I simply cannot understand some of the complexity of the instructions for the fix. Please help!
submitted by KrizleTV to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:01 Onmymind123456 He came back to tell me his “mistake”

Sooo.. This week I have been having a really hard time. It’s been a month of the discard when I called and he told me “move on” when he was the one that had come back in my life in the first place! After that night I didn’t send another text to him and he didn’t reach out either. It’s been a month and this week I have been struggling. I looked back our old messages. (Bad idea) I felt like just a HUG from him would make my world better at least for 5 seconds. Just want to feel like I can breathe again. Anyways, I get a message at midnight saying “I will always love you” and then another one the next day saying my name. I finally responded and long story short he told me the day before I called him and he said for me to move on he “made a mistake” and he just knew I wouldn’t forgive him and he just wanted to be honest w me and he hopes I’m okay. I told him I didn’t need to know any of that and why would he tell me that. He said that he just needed to be honest and it’s been on hard on his mind lately…He said the “mistake” was that he was out with friends and was hitting on other girls and getting their phone numbers and that he hasn’t been with anyone else just got phone numbers and stuff and just needed to “be honest”. He said he loves me and cares ab me and just wants to know I’m not struggling and that I’m okay. And continues to ask about my life now.
I’m truly in shock. It feels like I’m in a movie.
Any advice ?
submitted by Onmymind123456 to LifeAfterNarcissism [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:59 FloppyConcrete Inherited a Masterbuilt Smoker, need basic help as a newbie.

Inherited a Masterbuilt Smoker, need basic help as a newbie.
I was coming home from work the other day when I spotted this smoker in my neighbor’s driveway with a “free” sign taped to the front. Even though I have never owned a smoker nor even smoked on any smoker, it’s something I’ve always wanted and - as a self-proclaimed decent home cook - a hobby/cooking style I’ve always wanted to learn.
Without hesitation, I went and picked it up. I texted the neighbor who was giving it away and this was the response I got after asking if it worked and if it needed any repairs:
“Nope, it works and does pretty good. Should have everything with it inside. I just don’t ever use it and trying to clean up my garage a little. It’s been inside and never left outside. My kids wanted me to keep it lol but I haven’t used it in 5yrs.”
It’s been a busy few days since I picked it up and I haven’t yet plugged it in or tested it but I plan on doing that this weekend. Even if it doesn’t work or needs a few things repaired on it, I’ve got a buddy who is a master at fixing these things and know I could get it up and running.
My questions are:
  • What is the specific model I have? Is there an online manual or anything I could reference for parts/maintenance/etc.?
  • In its current condition, what would be the most appropriate way to clean it and prep it for use? It’s definitely got a collection of dust, cobwebs, and general layer of dirt inside and out. I have access to general cleaners, degreasers, oven/grill cleaners, and a pressure washer.
  • Do you have any tips/recommendations for use when smoking with this model? Like I said, I’m very new and green to smoking but would consider myself kitchen-smart so I have some general knowledge when it comes to cooking and the “idea of smoking”
  • What would be a good and easy first meal to make with this?
  • Bonus: what’s your favorite drink to pair with while smoking?
Thank you in advance for anyone that’s able to help! I’ll be happy to provide more pictures or information if you need any. I’m looking forward to jumping into this and annoying my wife with another hobby to pursue!
submitted by FloppyConcrete to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:58 KrizleTV Disk Space Error, 7-zip CRC error, install error, fail installation error code 1603

I have no idea if I am asking in the right place but here I go. I will write in detail the issues I have had and lead to where I am now.

(Specs) I have a Dell XPS 8960, Microsoft Windows 11 Home, Model OXD433, Version A01, BIOS 2.6.0, with a RTX 4090, i9-13900k, 64Gb ram (4800mhz). 3 hard drives installed, one with 2000 gb ssd, another with 1000gb ssd and the other with 2000 gb hhd. Two of the hard drives I have added seperatley in different occasions.
I originally I was playing Diablo 4 at max settings with raytracing and the game was crashing, found of forums 40-series cards were having issues with the ray tracing. So I disabled it until nvidia releasaes a fix for it. However there was a random time when the game crashed a message popped up saying "system out of memory," at the time ignored thinking it was related only to the ray tracing.
(where serious problems began) I then attempt to play League of Legends for the first time since Vangaurd (anti-cheat system) was released. I installed Vangaurd but everytime client would load it would say "requires restart to play" but everytime I did after restarting I would get a BSOD "what failed vgk .sys." I then contacted riot support for this issue and these are the instructions given to me to follow.
  1. To make sure your device has Test Signing Mode disabled, enter Command Prompt in Administrator Mode (Windows key -> cmd -> Run as Administrator)
  2. Here, type in and press enter for the following command:
* bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING off
  1. To make sure your device has Driver Signing Enforcement turned on, enter Command Prompt in Administrator Mode. In here, type in and press enter for the following command:
* bcdedit /set nointegritychecks OFF.
"Check Windows Update It's important that you have the latest WINDOWS UPDATES. The game is optimized to work best when on the latest version of Windows and updating can resolve a number of issues. You can update windows by doing the following: 1. Type Windows Update into your start menu search bar. 2. Run that app and click Check for updates. 3. Download and apply any pending updates. 4. Restart your computer." "Check for any Malware Scan your computer, you can use Malwarebytes to do so (this is just a recommended precaution). After scanning your computer and removing any threats that pop-up, you can proceed to uninstall the software." "Clean Boot It could be that other programs are interfering with the game. To eliminate the possibility of that happening, let's turn off your unnecessary start-up processes. 1. Press [Windows Key] + R 2.Type msconfig into the text bar at the bottom of the menu 3. Click on the Services tab 4. Check Hide all Microsoft services <--- Super important! Protects you from accidentally disabling a key process! 5. Click the Disable All button 6. Find vgc and re-check that one. 7. Restart your computer If you are able to successfully launch the game after doing so, please enable the disabled services one by one, to check which program is interfering with the game." "Disable 3rd party apps (AV & VPN) Please disable any 3rd party antiviruses and/or VPNs that you have installed.
"Perform DDU Let's try clean reinstalling your Graphic Drivers to see if the issue persists. Please make sure to clean reinstall your Intel Graphic Drivers first, before doing so for the other Graphic Drivers. 1. Launch Windows in Safe mode. • Press Windows logo key + X on the keyboard. • Hold the Shift key while clicking Restart from Shut down or sign out menu. • Select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings >Restart. • After the PC restarts, a list of options will be shown. Select 5 for Safe Mode with Networking. 2. Download the latest version of DDU - guru3d 3. Disable Automatic Installer. • Press the windows button and search for “Advanced System Settings” • Go to “Hardware” tab, and press the “Device Installation Settings” option • Click on “No (your device might not work as expected)” • Save changes. 4. Extract DDU 5. Launch Display Driver Uninstaller.exe • If it is your first time, there will be a prompt notification about DDU. Select “OK” and you should see the options as below. • If you are using AMD hardware, tick all the boxes as in the picture, boxed in Red, and if you are using NVIDIA, tick the Boxes boxed in Green. However on both systems, make sure that the option in Orange is ticked, so that windows does not download excess and unnecessary files. 6. On the Drop down menu, please select the hardware that you have. • And Click on Clean and Restart • Depending on your hardware and how many registry keys and drivers on your system, this might take a while to complete. • Once it is done, exit and it should restart by itself. • Once the PC restarts, it should not reinstall the GPU driver by itself. 7. Install the GPU drivers manually. • Download the drivers for your devices from the following links, and install using the on screen instructions: (If you have both an integrated Intel and a dedicated Nvidia card, please update both. It's important to install the Intel Driver first in order to allow Nvidia Optimus to work properly)
"SFC System File Checker is a utility in Microsoft Windows that allows users to scan for and restore corrupted Windows system files To run System File Checker (SFC), follow these steps: 1. In the search box on the taskbar, type command prompt, right-click Command Prompt, then select Run as administrator > Yes. 2. At the command prompt, type sfc /scannow (note the space between sfc and the /). Scanning will take a few minutes. 3. If SFC finds corrupted files and replaces them, restart your PC and check if the issue persists. DISM Since several things from Windows may be unsigned, let's go ahead and fix them up by doing a full check-up of your Windows. For this, first I suggest that you use a DISM command to check for any corrupted files. Please follow these steps: 1. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin). 2. Type the following command and press Enter: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth 3. After the process completes type the following command and press Enter: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth 4. Wait for the process to complete."
Main problem, I tried to update my nvidia driver but would receive 7 zip: CRC error. Tried to update through Geforce Experience and would say "installation failed" or "not enough space disk space" even though there is plenty of space and i recently removed the bitlocks. Also tried to install dell support assist and would recieve "install error 1603." I have done a memory dianostic and results are fine. I also atttempt to do a Microsoft Defender Antivirus (offline scan) but the system does not respond when i click "scan now." The hard drives say they are healthy and have done diagnoses through MiniTool Partition with no problems found. Checked for malware thoughh malwarebytes and found nothing . I did a full system reset with clean of hard hard drives and after re-installing windows and everything, the exact same issue persisted.
That is where I am at, I dont know what to do at this point. Anything I search on the web seems not to be related or I simply cannot understand some of the complexity of the instructions for the fix. Please help!
submitted by KrizleTV to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:58 FloppyConcrete Inherited a Masterbuilt Smoker, need basic help for a newbie.

Inherited a Masterbuilt Smoker, need basic help for a newbie.
I was coming home from work the other day when I spotted this smoker in my neighbor’s driveway with a “free” sign taped to the front. Even though I have never owned a smoker nor even smoked on any smoker, it’s something I’ve always wanted and - as a self-proclaimed decent home cook - a hobby/cooking style I’ve always wanted to learn.
Without hesitation, I went and picked it up. I texted the neighbor who was giving it away and this was the response I got after asking if it worked and if it needed any repairs:
“Nope, it works and does pretty good. Should have everything with it inside. I just don’t ever use it and trying to clean up my garage a little. It’s been inside and never left outside. My kids wanted me to keep it lol but I haven’t used it in 5yrs.”
It’s been a busy few days since I picked it up and I haven’t yet plugged it in or tested it but I plan on doing that this weekend. Even if it doesn’t work or needs a few things repaired on it, I’ve got a buddy who is a master at fixing these things and know I could get it up and running.
My questions are:
  • What is the specific model I have? Is there an online manual or anything I could reference for parts/maintenance/etc.?
  • In its current condition, what would be the most appropriate way to clean it and prep it for use? It’s definitely got a collection of dust, cobwebs, and general layer of dirt inside and out. I have access to general cleaners, degreasers, oven/grill cleaners, and a pressure washer.
  • Do you have any tips/recommendations for use when smoking with this model? Like I said, I’m very new and green to smoking but would consider myself kitchen-smart so I have some general knowledge when it comes to cooking and the “idea of smoking”
  • What would be a good and easy first meal to make with this?
  • Bonus: what’s your favorite drink to pair with while smoking?
Thank you in advance for anyone that’s able to help! I’ll be happy to provide more pictures or information if you need any. I’m looking forward to jumping into this and annoying my wife with another hobby to pursue!
submitted by FloppyConcrete to Masterbuilt [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:56 Vivid_Fix_2902 The guy Im dating is leaving for another country and doesn't want to continue our relationship

I (20F) have been dating this guy (23M) for a month, which is a short amount of time but we share a really strong connection and it feels like we've known each other for a long time. Multiple people have told us that we're the same people just different sex. He has been very consistent in the way he treated me. An amazing guy inside and out. But he's leaving for his masters in three months to another country. And yesterday he told me that he doesn't want to continue seeing me (over text ) because being with me, he kept me as his first priority and was second guessing his decision to leave the country. For context, he has a bad relationship with his parents and wants a new beginning. This come out of nowhere from my perspective and I was left blind sided. What he did was wrong but I understand his POV as he had been cheated on in his past two relationships back to back which were both long distance. My past relationships have also been Long distance and pretty toxic, but I am willing to take that leap of faith but he says that he's afraid to.
I am meeting him tomorrow, and we agreed to make a pros and cons list towards the LDR decision. He is pretty adamant on not continuing this. My friend says that it's a bad idea to make a list for someone who is so sure that he does not want you ( which I sort of agree with). And now I am very confused on what to say to him tomorrow. HELP
apologies for such a long body btw
submitted by Vivid_Fix_2902 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:56 PrincessHarvey Pip payment not adding up?

Hi all,
Applied for pip and started claim on 20th of March, been awarded pip on 5th of June! - text on the 5th and received £776.42 today. 8th of June
I assume it’s back pay but I’ve been trying to work it out and it doesn’t add up to any of the rates online?
Anyone have any idea what I’ll be getting? (Haven’t received letter yet)
submitted by PrincessHarvey to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:55 tricky2speak My brother is persistent about $

No phone call, always a text asking for $!
My blood brother and I have always been close. It’s my older brother by just over 2 years. We are not young kids any more but grown adults with families and adult kids (18 to 21).
When we were younger I was probably a bit more wild and partied but I was still goal oriented. My brother was girl (1) girl crazy at a time but was always sneaky but always had justification. As we got older we had some ups and downs but we got along raises our kids within a state or 1 state away.
However, this past 18 months his intake of pain medication has be come out of control. He takes out payday loans, is running up credit cards in both his name and his wife’s name without telling her. It’s kind of twisted.
I recently learned he’s added Slot & poker machines to the mix. My brother hasn’t told me anything about the gambling at all. That goes back to his sneaky ways. His wife and I do not talk much at all. she is extremely self serving. She doesn’t care what he does (health wise) as long as he doesn’t spend or cost her money and he pays her rent. They own their home but that’s another story!
My brother does work as a teacher (scary), and some how he’s maintained his job. It’s my understanding he gets pills from a Doctor (180 15m Oxy) per month. Whats the problem? There empty that 1st week. He then buys 150-200 more at $10 per pill, expensive! Guess where he gets these extra pills from? Plot twist… His wife’s older sister! The sister and my brother have kept this from his wife for over 3 years to my understanding! I’ve even hinted that maybe that was happening to my sister in law and she says nope, no way my sister would never do that…Whatever!
Well, this past 18 months, I’ve been getting pressed by my brother via text (only) he never calls me asking for money. Well, he never calls regardless. I did loan him $100 - $220 dollars every now and then at first. He paid me back! It took a while and he shorted me $20-$40’s but said he needed it for gas and that I didn’t really need the money, WTF?
I’m angry at him. About three months ago my brother asked MY former boss (that’s how he knows him, he was a guy I worked for), who’s a multi-millionaire to borrow $10,000. My brother who met him like 5 times over 6-7 years had found his email on the company site he owns and emailed him this sob story and said I would vouch for him loaning him $10,000. My former boss called me and asked me. I had no idea what he was talking about. My boss and I are friends but we have not worked together in probably 5 years. It was super disgusting!
I still talk to my bro via text, every few weeks. Every time. I mean every single time the 3rd text message is about me loaning him money! It’s a full guilt trip, swearing on our Dads grave that her will pay me back. He lays out these payment plans. If, I loan him $160 today and cash app it to him within the next hour, he’ll pay me back $200 by Friday. He’s always coming into some money, a new work bonus, somebody owes him for umpiring a baseball game etc. I typically answer his texts when it’s about sports or the kids but as soon as he asks about money. I stop answering. Complete ghost silence! I thought he would get the hint not to ask me about money but nope it’s still happening every 2 or 3 weeks. I don’t hear from him and then it’s a text about a score of a game and as soon as I respond it’s “Can you please, please help me. I have a bill due and I need $160. Now, full disclosure, his wife probably has $40k-$50k stashed away in her Moms name to hide the money from him.
I’ve told him to ask his wife and he says Fuck her, I owe her for rent, utilities, and gas, she won’t lend me anymore. Plus, I don’t want to owe her more. Again, WTF? The issue is I love my brother but I don’t like this guy? I hate when he even texts me now! If I say something about the pills and gambling he will says it’s not true and lie. It will just piss me off more. Any recommendations on how to handle and balance this?
submitted by tricky2speak to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:55 JEMinnow What have your experiences been like in the workplace?

I’m a research assistant and for the past 8 months, I’ve been working closely with this one lady, let’s call her B.
She was asked to train me and before we started, my supervisor warned me that B could be pretty blunt. I thought, ‘no problem, I like directness and I think I have a pretty thick skin’.
Well, fast forward to today and I am so close to leaving. B got more controlling and demanding over time. By the time I stood up for myself, she was acting like my supervisor, ordering me around.
She would use this really sharp tone that made me feel stupid. She also told me that my masters won’t matter to faculty, compared to a PhD. When I reached out to other colleagues for help, she’d tell me to go to her instead.
Worst of all though, she makes me feel crazy. Like saying we agreed to a certain deadline when we didn’t. Or saying she copied me on something, when she didn’t. She’d tell me one thing over text and then say something totally different in meetings with our supervisor. Basically causing a lot of stress for no reason.
Well I got fed up last week and told her she wasn’t my professor or supervisor. We met with my real supervisor the next day and I said what I’d been going through. B denied everything but she admitted to calling one of my ideas terrible.
Then she started crying! Saying she doesn’t like confrontation, even though she said she’s direct (just not when she’s called out I guess). My supervisor was like “aww” and I looked like the asshole.
After, B sent us an email, saying she demanded an apology if I expected anymore help. In response, my supervisor told me that it was just B’s personality and maybe some “cultural differences”. I also found out, that my meetings with B were never mandatory! Would have been nice to know months ago.
Nothing was done and at our last group meeting, I felt like I was being talked down to, by both B and my supervisor. They worked together for years before I started and my boss loves her.
After that , I told my supervisor I didn’t want to meet with B again and I also told her about the time B said, “you’re so lazy” to my face. I guess my supervisor told B because last night, B sent us an email completely denying she said that. She said she was shocked I made something like that up and that I was falsely accusing her. She said maybe I “imagined” it.
My head is spinning. I’m going to respond and this time, I’m going to copy our project manager who I hope will have my back. The worst is, we’re working on a project that’s improving healthcare for Native people and I’m the only native person working on the team. And this bish once asked me what a powwow is after living here for how many years . What a disgrace.
I read this article about the experiences of Indigenous women working for the federal government and I feel so validated.
I didn’t realize how much this was impacting my mental health and self confidence. Have you been through something similar at work? How did you get through it ?
submitted by JEMinnow to IndianCountry [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:45 Background_Dust3003 Unable to chat???

So, I've been playing Overwatch since launch. Like, I preordered the game and played during the beta. Recently, I was muted for bad behaviour in chat. I try not to be unpleasant, but I'll admit that sometimes I got heated and lashed out at people, particularly when they were throwing a lot of blame on me. It was never anything hateful or bigoted, but I can definitely be a bit harsh when it comes to tearing people down. Despite all this, I like to think I'm generally positive and I do my best to be a team player, to the point that I had maintained a Level 5 Endorsement level for a good while at that point and I've never been hit with a mute or ban before.
Anyway, I took the mute, figured it was a sign and dropped the game for a while. The mute ended on Monday, so I logged in today to have another go, got into my first game and went to type "Hi" in text chat... I get informed that my endorsement level is too low. After the game (where I got chewed out by a support who had less than 1K total healing), I checked and my endorsement level has gone down to 0. From max endorsement to nothing in less than a month.
This is not only just pretty disheartening but it feels like an active issue in the game. Chat is kind of important, and me not being able to chat essentially means I can't communicate with my team. Not only that, but most of my endorsements came from positive interactions with people around me, so I now feel like I'm stuck in this cycle of low endorsement leading to muting leading to not recieving endorsement levels.
I don't know. When they muted me for a few weeks, I got it. Even if I didn't necessarily agree it was deserved, I respected it. I don't respect the idea that this one muting has essentially killed off 8 years of good will and in-game socialisation by dropping me to 0.
submitted by Background_Dust3003 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:38 littlelulumcd So Tell Me Everything Is Not About Speak Now, But What If It Is? Album Cover and Album Prologue

So Tell Me Everything Is Not About Speak Now, But What If It Is? Album Cover and Album Prologue
Well, well, well! That was quite the mash up on N1 in Scotland 👀
I had something else queued up to write next but after that performance, I knew I had to come back to this series!
BTW, If you didn't know that I'm writing a series about Speak Now, and you want to find my other posts, you can click on my name to find them.
In my last post, I realize that i got ahead of myself because I said I’d be doing a song analysis next, but I actually want to talk about the album cover and prologue first.
Disclaimer#1: A lot of what I’m going to write about is what I think happened, not what I’m saying 100% happened. I’m happy to hear other interpretations or if you disagree, that is fine too!
Disclaimer #2: Taylor is an unreliable narrator. That has been established in many different ways, in many different contexts, and with many different examples. If you think something couldn’t have happened because of something Taylor said about an album, or song, I urge you to go back and read the first sentence from this disclaimer.
Disclaimer #3: I have adhd so I’m very likely going to make spelling/grammar mistakes - please accept my apology is advance for that. And for my overuse of commas.(My apology as well for all the additional context my adhd is going to give you in parentheses throughout this post).
Disclaimer #4: I decided not to venture into the ethics of creating public narratives about public people and then packaging that up for your fans to eat up like Taylor likes to do. There is a time and a place for that conversation, but the focus on my Speak Now writing is about might have happened. I also have a hard time having sympathy for John Mayer or Jake Gyllenhaal who agreed to the appearance of dating a much younger woman - which is gross and should not be normalized. Did she cross a line at times - like with Joe Jonas’s ex - maybe, but she was 18-20 when she did this and had no idea where things would end up with her easter eggs. Plus if she felt cornered by her label and the music industry, I have sympathy for that.
At some point, my posts are going to be nothing but disclaimers lmao.
Album front and back cover

Front cover

Back cover
The first thing that stands out to me is the yellow dress of it all.
If Speak Now is the album that started her forced closeting, then the appearance of the yellow dress (when Fearless had yellow themes), is…interesting.
Fun fact: But I’m a Cheerleader (the movie that a lot of people think introduced the concept of yellow as a closeting color to Taylor) was released in 1999.
Fun fact that I’m introducing for no reason whatsoever 👀: The episode of Mad Men that uses the term “lavender haze” aired on October 19, 2008
Purple has a long history in the queer and lesbian community. The most obvious being lavender which is not the purple on the cover.
Fun colour fact: There is a lavender purple.
According to this article, the designer for the original Speak Now dress describes it as a “strapless violet ballgown” 👀
Violet is often associated with lesbians
Violets have been associated with lesbian love since the 6th century, thanks to the work of the greek poet Saphho, from the isle of Lesbos. Much of her poetry centered around the relationships and love between women, who she often described as wearing garlands of the flowers and other plants.
The bisexual.) flag also uses purple
The pink color represents sexual attraction to the same sex only (gay and lesbian). The blue represents sexual attraction to the opposite sex only (straight) and the resultant overlap color purple represents sexual attraction to both sexes (bi).
Yet another fun colour fact: red and blue (which makes purple when mixed together) were the colour choices for Taylor’s next albums after Speak Now
Album Prologue
When I first looked at the prologue artwork I thought it looked like a pride flag, but then I realized that it’s missing purple. Taylor being dressed in purple on the cover then finishes the pride flag.
Maybe this is the first example of Taylor literally flagging what she really felt.
The way I approached the album prologue and subsequent song analysis is to look at the text without taking into account the romantic nature of the songs that Taylor tells us is there. Like I said at the beginning of the post, Taylor is an unreliable narrator and her public narratives have for a lot of people, become such a part of analyzing her work.
I’ve bolded what I want to emphasize.
Back then, Taylor did not speak her truth. Like Laura Dern says in the Bejeweled mv “Speak Not!” and I think that line is in that video for a reason because that is what Taylor did during this time.
I really hope she takes the chance to speak her truth now.
Speak now or forever hold your peace, the words said by preachers at the end of wedding ceremonies all over the world, right before the rows. It's a last chance for protest, a moment that makes everyone's heart race, and a moment I've always been strangely fascinated by. So many fantasize about bursting into a church, saying what they'd kept inside for years like in the movie. In real life, it rarely happens.
Ouch ouch ouch. Looking at these words today, knowing what happened post Speak Now hurts. I can’t imagine then what it feels like to Taylor - especially when she revisited this album and everything else that might have happened during the rerecording process.
Real life is a funny thing, you know. In real life, saying the right thing at the right moment is beyond crucial. So crucial, in fact, that most of us start to hesitate, for fear of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But lately what I’ve begun to fear more than that is letting the moment pass without saying anything.
I think most of us fear reaching the end of our life, and looking back regretting the moments we didn't speak up.
When we didn't say 'I love you! When we should've said 'I'm sorry. When we didn't stand up for ourselves or someone who needed help.
The pain continues lol. But besides that, she doesn’t assign gender to her first love (while in the sentence before making reference to a boy whose heart she broke).
I think is Scott B. is the mean man and the someone who made her world dark for a while
What catches my attention most of all is “the girl who stole something of mine." Without the public narrative of BTR, that line can be read very differently. It could potentially tie to Dear John and an older woman - which isn’t my read on the song, but my interpretation isn’t the truth. Especially when some people think Dear John and ATW have connections.
It can also be read as the girl stealing her heart. Which is what I thought as soon as I read that line. What stops a lot of other people from seeing the line as possibly queer, is that they feel they already know what Taylor is talking about. So they don’t actually read what she writes. They rely on public stories to do their analysis.
These songs are made up of words I didn't say when the moment was right in front of me. These songs are open letters. Each is written with a specific person in mind, telling them what I meant to tell them in person. To the beautiful boy whose heart I broke in December. To my first love who I never thought would be my first heartbreak. To my band. To a mean man I used to be afraid of. To someone who made my world very dark for a while. To a girl who stole something of mine. To someone I forgive for what he said in front of the whole world.
The first line, I take as directed at Scott B and in this case, it’s not something that Taylor said to him, I think she is writing about what was said to her by Scott B.
The second line I bolded is what I believe encompasses so much from the Speak Now era. Taylor wanted to tell her truth, she planned to tell her truth, but then never got the chance. And I think she is haunted by that choice. We hear that over and over again throughout Taylor’s discography, especially since folklore.
Personally, I have spent a lot of time hating myself for the choices I made when I was young - which isn’t fair, I know, I’m in therapy lol - and given how much bigger in a lot of ways, Taylor’s choices were at this age, I can see why she might be struggling with self loathing as well.
Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you'll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.
What you say might be too much for some people. Maybe it will come out all wrong and you'll stutter and you'll walk away embarrassed, wincing as you play it all back in your head. But I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest.
I mentioned in last SN post that I think the concept for the OG Karma album started with Speak Now. The first line I highlighted makes me hope that she has also been planning a tell book on what she’s endured through the music industry since Speak Now as well. I mentioned this in a comment recently, in the LWYMMD mv, when she supposedly mocks Kim K by saying she’s “keeping receipts”, I want to believe that is a warning to Scott B/Scootethe music industry.
And it also feels like she’s saying she knows she can’t speak now, so she is going to wait for her turn, even if that isn’t what she wanted to do or hoped to do.
So say it to them. Or say it to yourself in the mirror. say it in a letter you'll never send or in a book millions might read someday. I think you deserve to look back on your life without a chorus of resounding voices saying I could’ve, but it's too late now.
There is a time for silence. There is a time waiting your turn. But if you know how you feel, and you so clearly know what you need to say, you'll know it. I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now.
PS: To al the boys who inspired this album, you should’ve known. :)
If Taylor has been planning to come out at various points from Speak Now onwards, I do not believe she will give that plan up even with all the roadblocks and pain along the way.
I just can’t see a world where she will lets everyone who kept her in the closet get away with that.
I’ve shared this quote before when I’ve written about Taylor, but it definitely fits here too. Taylor said this in 2022 at the Tribeca Festival, and I feel like it was a warning to those who think they've won.
And also think that Taylor will stay in the closet forever, or won’t Speak Now about what has happened to her
People greatly underestimate me on how much I’ll inconvenience myself to prove a point if I think I'm right.
submitted by littlelulumcd to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:35 maybewonderful Help with researcher workflow in obsidian.

I've been on the prowl for a suitable workflow as an academic. I work predominantly with pdf's. I haven't really used obsidian before; but as I'm looking to move to self hosted webdav for zotero I figured now would be a good time to also sort out my note taking methodology. Also the idea of backlinks etc... and the graph view of the vaults etc... really appeal to me.
I have a couple questions that I'm not experienced enough to answer, and that you might be able to help me with.
  1. I am using zotero for reference management; I would love to be able to sync my keyphrases and any notes etc... from zotero so that when I import them they are also searchable. This doesnt seem to be available as a plugin when using obsidian on android... I'm not sure why the device would be relevant here if someone could elaborate I'd really appreciate.
  2. I would love to be able to annotate pdf's on my tablet; pdf's are the lifeblood of academic papers; I don't want to have to do fiddly conversions to images etc... I'd like to be able to highlight, search, backlink, and add keyphrases alongside the pdf, I can couple gboard handwriting with excalidraws text insertion no bother, but I'm not sure if this is searchable... within obsidian. i.e. loading into excalidraw and then embedding this into a markdown file??? I've heard logseq is pretty good, but its only available as an apk for android, and I'd be worried about having to manually update it, or an update somewhere else on the system throwing it off, or permanently breaking the workflow at a critical time...
  3. Searching PDF's... I'm not sure how to go about this; excalidraw can search my notes, but it cant search the pdf unfortunately.
  4. Directory structure... Currently I have an obsidian vault that contains the downloaded pdfs from zotero, but as the papers are saved in subfolders with arbitrary naming it becomes a little hard to view by folder, I'm also not sure what the practise is for pdf uploads and sync from zotero android app to zotero servers... I'd definitely appreciate any help.
  5. Speed; I need to be able to open annotated pdfs on the fly, search them, jump to backlinks etc... on the fly so that I can utilise these resources in meetings or presentations. It needs to be somewhat reliable. I understand if this can't be done locally, but if its possible to do with a cloud based approach that would be swell.
As it stands there doesnt seem to be a straightforward way of doing any of this, even basic pdf annotation has been something I've been struggling with since being an undergraduate, individual apps like squid, notewise, have the features I'm looking for, but they are mutually exclusive, making each one in one way or another unsuitable for my use case... I'm thinking though that if I can get search and sync working with obsidian excalidraw and zotero with webdav that this would be a much better system, however it feels very complex and I'm quite lost. Any help would be much appreciated and I'd be delighted to finally share a useful, reliable, and long term solution with my colleagues.
submitted by maybewonderful to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:35 ImJonC88 AITAH my wife’s phone addiction is causing stress in our relationship

My wife is completely addicted to her phone. We are both mid 30’s and have been married 7 years. Our two young kids need a lot of attention and I make it a point to give them my undivided attention when I can. My wife can barely be bothered to look up away from her phone when one or both of our kids are saying “mama look” repeatedly, and I usually have to step in and say “I’m looking!”. She’s a great mom and gives a lot of herself to the kids and is always thinking of things to do and places to go with them. But the phone is kryptonite.
It doesn’t end there. After the kids are to bed, in the half hour to hour we have to ourselves she is glued to her phone. We are usually on the couch watching a show and she usually asks “wait what happened?” Or “what did they say?” Because again she can’t be bothered.
I’m just looking for connection, for any shred of communication. How was your day, what was something interesting you read about or heard about, what did you like about that dinner, should we plan a weekend away? Anything!! But I get nothing. Intimacy is almost nonexistent too. I basically have to beg once or twice a month and it always feels like a chore for her. She’s not really engaged. She had rough pregnancies and doesn’t feel great about her body postpartem, but then again does nothing about it. (I love her and am attracted to her no matter what she looks like, and have been clear about that. This is purely self inflicted lack of self esteem, that I am not well equipped to help her with because I have struggled with it too.)
Furthermore she’s constantly texting. Who? I have no idea, all I know is when I look over she pulls her phone away so I can’t see. She claims it’s her siblings or her mom or her best friends, but then why would she care if I happened to see, we aren’t usually even sitting close enough for me to be able to read it. I have questioned if she was talking to someone else and she gets extremely defensive and immediately throws it back on me calling me paranoid and out of line for even thinking that, but with all of her behaviors in mind how could I think anything else? I can’t bring myself to snoop and look at her phone or her texts, and that would also be very difficult to do because her phone is usually glued to her hand. Her lack of interest in intimacy with me and general lack of interest in our relationship leads me to believe she’s looking elsewhere.
For context, I do the majority of the cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, yard work, maintain our vehicles, pay all of our bills and manage the household, and we pretty evenly split childcare. We both work full time and while she makes a little more money than I do we are both working equally as hard. I’m not saying I’m a catch, but I like to think I do more than the average husband. I also struggle with anxiety and ocd which makes me WANT to do a lot of those things so I have control over them.
When I’m not around and she’s with the kids, I imagine she’s usually just sitting in the playroom on her phone while the kids toil around, I can’t be sure but usually when I get home nothing has changed really.
When I have brought any of this up she turns it on me and says that I’m always complaining and why would she want to talk to me because I would just be negative about it… my position is, PLEASE just try to talk to me, try to engage with me, ask me about my day, literally anything! When I ask her any of those things I get a look a minute later when she looks up from her phone saying “huh? Did you say something?”
Am I the asshole? Please HELP!
submitted by ImJonC88 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:30 cporter202 Generative AI Revolution: ChatGPI's Role in Content, Arts, and Design Industries

The Generative AI Revolution is upon us, and ChatGPI sits at its forefront, especially within the realms of content creation, the arts, and design industries. ChatGPI, a variant of language models like OpenAI's GPT-3, has demonstrated that AI can not only produce coherent and contextually relevant text but can also drive innovation in various creative spheres.
In content creation, ChatGPI can draft articles, generate creative writing pieces, and even write code, revolutionizing the speed and volume of output for writers and developers alike. It's reshaping the playground by offering a rapid-fire solution to brainstorming ideas and churning out drafts or templates that can be refined by human creators.
Turning to the arts, the fusion of AI with human creativity is producing unprecedented art styles and compositions. ChatGPI and similar tools act as a collaborator, understanding and executing artistic prompts to create unique visual content or even to suggest creative directions in music and performance arts.
For the design industry, ChatGPI's influence is equally transformative. It is enhancing the workflow of designers by automating the grunt work and leaving space for human creativity to flourish in higher-order tasks. Designers can interact with AI to brainstorm concepts, generate initial mock-ups, and refine user experience narratives quickly and efficiently.
While some fear the onset of AI may threaten jobs within these industries, it's critical to view these tools as allies rather than adversaries. By embracing AI, creators and designers can push the boundaries of their traditional capabilities, deliver personalized experiences, and enter a new era of creativity fueled by human-AI collaboration.
The impact of ChatGPI and generative AI broadly could well redefine these industries, leading to an explosion of novel content, captivating artworks, and groundbreaking designs. As the capabilities of AI continue to advance, it's an exciting time to ponder how this synergy will continue to evolve and enrich the creative landscape.
submitted by cporter202 to ChatGPTautomation [link] [comments]