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2010.09.18 02:50 Magic Eye

A place for Magic Eye Illusions!

2014.10.08 01:00 1sagas1 Find the Sniper

The well camouflaged hiding in plain sight.

2013.04.09 01:48 Baconquake SmallYTChannel

A community for smaller YouTube creators to share feedback, discuss content creation and collaborate!

2024.06.05 01:38 DisneyGirl0121 Della Vlogs Are The Worst Parents On Earth

Hello, Lovelies! I don’t know what flair to put on here, but here it goes.
I decided to start doing recaps of all of Josh’s videos in case you wonder what’s going on with him, but don’t want to give him views. Unfortunately, is down for me right now, so I had to watch his video on regular YouTube which I don’t mind, but for those of you who do hopefully it’s either just me who’s having this problem or it will be fixed by the time you’re reading this. Let’s get right into it.
Today, Jawsh is talking about Della Vlogs throwing their first birthday party ‘for the kid that they bought.’ I don’t know Della Vlogs all too well, so he might be talking about a kid they adopted. Despite what the situation is and how these people treat their adopted child, I think he and his stans are the only people on the planet who would refer to adopting as buying a child.’ Jawsh says Bella’s video is very stupid and out of touch and he brings up the fact that people are dying for some reason that I still don’t understand why any person outside of a mental association would do, but I don’t know the laws in Canada, I’m ‘just a mentally r******d child from Minnesota,’ so what do I know. Jawsh also brings up that there are people who she takes advantage of which kind of gives him permission to bring up the fact that people are dying, but changing the subject like that is still the dumbest thing I’ve seen/heard someone do all day. Josh says that Bella and Dallin are a bunch of buttholes, which I don’t understand. Did Josh not go to school or did he just forget that 2 is not ‘a bunch? The intro that I never understood has anything to do with his channel comes on and he says that someone on the Della Vlogs snark page (hi, Josh!) posted some video with a guitar and he starts going off on the non animate object and ‘how goddamn ugly it is.’ Josh shudders then says he wants to show his viewers how much they’ve lied this month which is ironic once you think about it. Bella says something in the video he pulled up about a mama bear which tempts Josh into doing his annoying as heck ‘vlogger’ voice and asking the audience if they’re a mama bear, then says he would rather be stuck in the woods with a bear than with her ‘mama bear’ because her mama bear’s garbage. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good yo mama joke as much as the next person in line, but grown ass men on the internet should not be making them up. Josh says that what Bella means when she says mama bear is an overprotective mother. He says that this woman is self centered and narcissistic which he says that word is overused ‘and it’s very rare that a person of population actually has narcissism, it really is very rare, but not when it comes to people who share their entire lives with the internet who buy babies for clout.’ Josh says that Bella ‘bought’ the baby for herself and freaked out when the baby wouldn’t crawl to her. He then says that she’s no mama bear and she has no idea what protection of a child looks like because ‘we’ve seen what her mama bear looks like.’ He says they’ve shown their kid every single day since they ‘bought it from the internet.’ Bella says she’s overprotective of the baby she doesn’t have yet and Josh asks if she really is. Bella says that her baby’s adoption story is sacred and private and Josh says that before they even touched the baby they were filming the process and the moment they laid eyes on the baby, the viewers got to as well through a camera. Then he tells the viewers not to listen to anything she says and that she looks like the guy from George Of The Jungle that wears the yellow hat ‘and stuff’ (true confessions time, even though I’m a late 90s/early 2000s kid who loves family movies, I have not seen George Of The Jungle). Bella says that she and Dallin won’t share a lot of details which makes the vlogger voice come out for a second time. Dallin says that they’re not going to share where the baby came from and without a moment’s hesitation, Josh says they did (again I don’t follow their family so I don’t know if they shared where the baby came from). Josh brings up a Matt and Abby video that has since been deleted that he’s trying to memory hole and that he has a video on his channel and tells his viewers to watch it. Josh says that Bella and her husband made 5 promises to the child’s biological mother and that they ‘haven’t kept a single one.’ Bella says they’re planning not to share details on her birth and Josh brings up the fact that they share every single day with their baby on the internet and that they travel all over the world and that the baby has no inkling of a schedule or normalcy, which of COURSE they don’t! Did you know what a schedule was when you were eleven and a half months old? He then says that Dallin is sick of staying with Bella and only does it because of money and ‘at this point it’s not even worth it.’ He says that they have so much money they don’t know what to do with their lives so all they do is travel and they never had to exploit their children for money and that they don’t because they don’t need the money and that Bella exploits her kid for acolyte and that it makes it so much worse because there are people out there who exploit their kids because they think it’s their only way to make money and you can ‘sorta understand but not really.’ Then he says that Bella doesn’t exploit her kid for money and that people who do that are the worst of them all because there’s just no need to do it (I honestly understand where he’s coming from with this, the family vloggers who do it as a source of income aren’t AS bad as the people who do it even though they don’t need money) and that most people who are rich and have kids know to protect them and Bella and Dallin only vlog so people can praise their parenting and that ‘we know she’s not a good mom.’ Dallin says that they document their experiences and Josh says they document their kid and every day of their life so far and that ‘they’re worse than Dougherty Dozen at this point.’ Dallin says they regulated something and Josh asks if they really did. Bella says that they’re protective of their baby and Josh says they’re not protective of the baby. Josh says he can’t stand Bella because she can’t wait to spoil her kid rotten and have a first birthday party for them with expensive party planners and that she takes pictures of herself because she’s so self centered and that her kid’s an accessory to get comments and likes and that she has ‘zero mama bear instincts.’ Josh asks what happened to not videotaping their kid and why they’re ‘such liars.’ Josh looks in the comments section of the video and reads one of them that they document every single thing about the baby from letting strangers take photos of their baby to talking about their baby’s sleep schedule (who DOESN’T talk about their baby’s sleep schedules with their friends). He brings up the 5 promises they made to the bio mom and that she has zero mama bear instincts because she lets people in Korea take pictures of her white kid.
He switches the video to the one of S’s birthday party and says that Dallin has a choice to protect the kid and that he doesn’t do it. Josh again says that Dallin only stays with Bella because she’s rich. The video starts with Bella saying they hired a party planner and Josh says that she Dallin ‘don’t do anything’ and that they ‘want to be the Kardashians so badly.’ Bella says she hopes that the party planner did a good job and Josh seems surprised that they didn’t do anything to plan the party. Bella says her heart is pounding out of her chest and Josh says that ‘it’s a party for a one year old, dumbass.’ Bella says the storybook theme is so cute (it is a really cute idea for a first or second birthday party) and Josh asks how she knows because she hasn’t seen it yet. Josh says that they’re going to an origami owl sight (Josh mentioned that Bella runs an MLM kind of thing with her mom, so that might be the name of their business). Bella says she’s going to cry and Josh asks who’s filming with both her and her husband in the shot. Josh asks how self centered she can get because ‘she thinks the party’s for her.’ Josh again brings up the fact that she hired a planner and that she didn’t do anything to plan for it. Della wishes their daughter a happy birthday and Josh says that ‘she finally remembers who the party’s for.’ There are some Disney Princesses Bella hired to be there and Josh points them out, saying that even they think the party is too extravagant for a one year old (I think it’s too much for a one year old’s birthday party too, but I’m not gonna judge how people with that much money spend it). They have a copyrighted song in the background of the video and Josh starts screaming about how they bought the rights to use it in a video. Josh looks in the comments of this video and reads the top one that talks about how rich Bella and Dallin are and that a few balloons and a smash cake at your kid’s first birthday doesn’t make you any less of a parent and that all your baby needs is love and that the kid won’t even remember it. Josh says that Bella didn’t pin the comment and that it’s only the top comment because enough other people liked it. Josh tells everyone to stop watching people like her because the people who do this in real life and do a one year old’s birthday party to this degree is about them and not their kid because the kid won’t remember it and that if you know anyone like that in real life, you should cut them off. Josh keeps looking through the comments and stops on one saying that their daughter got the jackpot of parents. He stops on another one that says imagine S watching this and having tears of joy and laughs at it. Josh points out another comment saying that Bella wasn’t focusing on S when everyone was singing happy birthday to her and kept looking at everyone else.
Josh moves onto yet another video of what Bella and Dallin got S for her birthday. The video starts with Bella feeding S some yogurt and fruit and Josh says that people have been pointing out in the comments that S looks like Bella and he says that she doesn’t look like either of them a little bit. Of course she doesn’t look like either of them! They ‘bought’ her! Bella shows a banner of pictures from every month of S’s life so far and Josh says we already know that. Dallin tells S she’s one years old and Josh goes off that one is singular (so apparently it’s okay to correct people when they get elementary school math wrong, but it’s okay when you do it). Dallin asks S if she can hold up one finger then tells her she was born today. Josh says Bella constantly looks like she’s about to die at this point. Josh points out that Bella edited her and Dallin’s Instagram names into the video and says that’s all that matters to them. Bella says she can’t believe that she’s a year old and Josh says he can’t believe it either and that she doesn’t deserve a child. Dallin says that they didn’t know she was born (she might’ve been a premie or they might not have known they were gonna adopt). Josh brings out his vlogger voice again to say that they said they weren’t going to put her on the internet and to say that she claimed to be a mama bear. The scene cuts to Dallin in the living room, saying that they took S to a splash pad and all her friends were there. Josh tells him to stop referring to people the same age as her as her friends because apparently he thinks it’s illegal or something for a 1 year old to have friends. Dallin says that S fell asleep in the car and that Bella’s putting her down in her crib. Dallin says that the party was a few days earlier and Josh asks why they’d have a party not on her birthday. Dallin says he wanted to give S a present and says it’s from him and Bella and that they got her one of those little cars that kids can drive. Josh shakes his head and starts screaming that she can’t even walk yet. Dallin says that when S wakes up, they’ll give it to her and see how she likes it. Bella comes into the shot, holding up a set of Little People princesses, saying that S loves Little People and that she already got the castle from someone at her party, then names a few of the princesses it comes with and says it comes with a little dwarf and Josh calls her a little dwarf. Bella says she loves the dwarves and Dallin says she’s obsessed and Josh says ‘she’s gonna like that, she’s not gonna like the stupid car they got her,’ and goes on about it costing $500 (which again isn’t something I personally would spend that kind of money on, but I’m not gonna stop rich people from buying whatever they want). Dallin sets some stuff up and we see pink and purple and yellow balloons. He opens the box the car came in and says ‘it’s epic!’ Josh tells them to get it out of the box. Bella lets the dog inside while Dallin reads about some of the features the car has. Josh says he’s surprised that he’s putting it together instead of calling somebody because apparently that’s all they know how to do. Dallin husband reads the instructions and Josh says that he ‘sucks at this.’ Dallin says the doors open and Josh says it’s a car as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world and all of those little cars have always had doors that open. Dallin puts the wheels on the car and says they forgot to install the motor banks. Dallin says the alignment on the car looks good. Bella kisses Dallin and Josh asks how he knows the alignment is good. The car starts up and Dallin starts playing around with it and showing some of the features, Josh laughs and says ‘made in China much.’ For some apparent reason, Josh brings up the fact that all the things that can connect to Bluetooth say ‘you are now connected to Bluetooth’ (mine either say ‘paired’ or ‘your device is connected,’ which I guess is two ways of saying the same thing he’s saying, but they don’t say that word for word), then brings up a picture of a smartwatch with a background voice that says ‘your Bluetooth device is connected successfully,’ then laughs about it. Back to Dallin, he’s trying to connect the car to his phone so they can play music for S while she rides in it and Josh says that’s crazy and points out that he’s playing his wife’s music (does Bella have songs? Like I said, I know little about them). Dallin is now sitting in the car about to test it out, then turns the car on to see how fast it can go. Josh screams that the car is loud, then says that Bella and Dallin bought themselves a toy. Dallin test runs the car through the living room and Josh laughs at the dog watching it from the couch and says his dog would eat that thing (his dog is also about five times the size of their dog, but again what do I know). Josh starts talking about a remote controlled Tesla cyber track that he found on sale for fifty percent off in some treasure hunt store and if he starts it up, Gus will try to eat it. Josh starts talking about some secondhand Power Wheels for his nieces and nephews when they come over and Gus will bite the wheels like he wants to eat them whenever he hears that sound, then he starts talking to Gus who’s napping on a dog bed behind him (I swear, he puts that dog on camera more often than the moms he makes his money laughing at put their kids on camera). Dallin says that S woke up and he’s going to get her and show her the car. He starts showing her in her crib and Josh points out the beige walls, screaming that she doesn’t get colors. Josh points out the kind of pillow Bella and Dallin put in S’s crib then makes a face and says that it’s dangerous. Dallin asks S if she wants to see her birthday present and tells her that it’s really cool. The next scene cuts to S using the car for balance and Josh says she doesn’t give a st and that she’s reaching for one of the balloons that landed on the car and starts screaming about the balloon. Bella tells S that it’s a car and Josh keeps screaming about the how she wants the balloon. The next scene cuts to S in the car, driving around the living room and Dallin says she loves it and Josh asks why he says those things when ‘we can see with our eyes that she clearly doesn’t care.’ S starts crying and Bella puts on some music to play through the car’s Bluetooth. Josh starts screaming, demanding to know if it’s the whole video. The video cuts to Bella holding Story on her lap while Dallin sits on the floor next to her. Bella says that they’re going to show everything else they got S for her birthday and she and Dallin hold up a couple of stuffed toys and Bella says that they’re vintage. Dallin says something about S liking something similar to one of them on a vacation and finding something similar at Hobby Lobby which of course, Josh makes a joke of. Bella says they’re going to someone’s house for the next portion of the video. Bella puts some socks on S and Dallin says they’re all wearing the same socks. Josh pauses the video and screams at him to shut up, then says he means that sincerely and smiles at the camera. Dallin says that the company that made the socks they’re wearing sponsored the video and Josh laughs and screams ‘you’ve gotta be kidding me,’ then stabs fun at the fact that they had their daughter’s first birthday video sponsored. Josh says he will never ever ever ever ever buy those socks in a million years then adds another never in there to make it clear that he’s not buying a pair. Dallin says that a year ago, they were at the friends’ house who they’re going to, celebrating a birthday and they had no idea that their daughter was being born. Josh brings out the vlogger voice once again and goes ‘you didn’t know, like, ehmahgawd!’ Dallin says it was a year ago and asks where time goes and says S is an angel. The scene cuts to Bella showing a cake she made to the camera, asking if it’s gorgeous and Josh says that that’s all they had to do and that they didn’t need a $10,000 birthday party to show everybody how rich they are. The scene cuts to a picnic table in their friends’ backyard and Josh says that’s a ‘proper way to have a one year old birthday party.’ Dallin zooms in on the cake and everyone in the backyard sings happy birthday which Josh says nonononono to and screams that they did the whole song. He says that one of their friends is ‘trying to be a singer,’ then does his laugh because what’s a video of his without the laugh, am I right? Josh then starts singing happy birthday off key on purpose and asks why they didn’t get Northwest to come sing it. The scene cuts to Dallin pushing S in a baby swing and Josh screams that the owners of the house have fake grass (which again isn’t something I’d do, but it isn’t my job to st on how influencers spend their money) and says that that’s super dangerous. Dallin goes down a slide and Josh asks if the house belongs to some couple from The Bachelor and brings up the fake grass again, then starts screaming that cutting grass is a righteous passage into manhood and how these people are too lazy to cut their grass then goes on about how much he loves cutting grass. Then he says that the house owners’ dog poops and the fake grass. Josh says that they only made that video so they could have a sponsorship, then calls them disgusting twice in the same breath. He reads off names of some of their travel vlogs and says their view counts are going down. He starts reading off the names of other vlogs. Josh says that S can’t have a normal life because of how much they travel. Josh again forgets simple math and call them a bunch of buttholes, then says that the mama bear thing at the beginning should make people pause and ask themselves if she really did that, then starts screaming about how they got sponsored to put their kid in socks.
I don’t know if this is even going to get verified but if it does, thank you so much to everyone who took time out of their day to read this. I know it’s a lot and it took me even longer to watch the video and take notes on it, so thank you.
submitted by DisneyGirl0121 to Dadchallengepodcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:32 Real_Suggestion_65 Five nights at Freddy's movie rewritten to be better part 2

Five nights at Freddy's movie rewritten to be better part 2
Scene 7**
Mike woke up next to Vanessa. Mike said I am gonna figure out why they are dangerous l and trying to kill people. Vanessa says do not not go back in there Mike. Mike makes breakfast for him and Vanessa. Hey Vanessa want to find the creep who killed them. Vanessa says I have been on this case for 3 years I never got 1 detail. Mike gets a plate for him and Vanessa. They talk and eat.
Meanwhile at Freddy's**
You didn't kill him you little bastards kill him and I will save you, I am your friend kill him I save you children said a yellow rabbit.
As a ghost leaves the suit and says we will find him yellow bunny and kill them but why yellow bunny, why do I kill them.
Because they killed you and made you these monsters and hurt you and tortured you in the most grusom way, Jeremy said the yellow rabbit.
Back at the house**
Mike says the contract i signed where did I put it.
Mike looks in cabinets and drawers and found it. Mike says it says I need to spend at least a week there Vanessa oh no...
It is okay I am coming with you says Vanessa. No says mike. Yes says Vanessa. Mike says fine you can just be safe and follow instructions. Vanessa says okay.
Scene 8**
Night 4**
Hello hello I have some bad news I think there take my Powers about to run out right there what's up at 5%, I don't have that much time left but I'm going to keep on worrying you and hopefully the VHS tapes get sent to you but no one fazbear entertainment they're probably won't be they probably hide it I don't know why I said hide I met hid it was just I'm sorry I should probably be talking to you you thought I was insane in the beginning but now you're about to be in the end the end has the worst possible sible things happening trust me you do not want to live through this night to get to the next probably and I probably should tell you more well if I had the time I would I'm not going to make it this time and I know that so guess what I did what I told you to guess stuff that's weird I'll ask of you is to be safe keep your doors power limited oh no I'm on 2% I have like 5 minutes to explain there's more animatronics then you think and I know your thinking who am I I'm going to tell you who I am my name is Jeremy Fitzgerald and basically I'm in the previous location there's no doors like yours I know there's doors on yours because I saw the blueprints and everything they showed me in case I moved into that location basically I see these broken animatronics next to these good ones it's weird they're creepy and get this at my location they're all like ai and stuff and one crawls in the wall to get to your office it's weird but there's one thing they did keep in your location it's a puppet the puppet is hidden because they needed to hide it somewhere I don't know why they kept that creepy thing but all I know is it had to be something from the past I got promised a lot of money after this week fat on the contract if I die they have no responsibility I checked yours they didn't add that I erased it from those datas so you shouldn't have to be an illegal trouble if you do survive cuz they have that everything is weird here all I ask you it's to move on and live your life I know you are new to this and pretty much this is weird this place opens up and w years and it's probably going to close probably after a few weeks because well when this place opens up well it's a year 1984 my year is 1982 and if your father into the future I'm surprised I didn't check the call and remember check the doors and lock them because I didn't get the door accessibility you did so use it carefully I'm 0% oh no who are you? Ahhhhhhhhhh uhhhh - call ends
Mike says he is 16 years before us and another location was there we need to find a puppet how am I processing this Vanessa?b
I don't know but it is 2am and they didn't move this is weird said vanessa.
I agree says Mike.
Up for part 3
submitted by Real_Suggestion_65 to u/Real_Suggestion_65 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:10 SectionWeary Does this work study internship sound legit, or is it extremely sketchy?

I filed my FAFSA for college and qualified for financial aid, so I went into my college's employment center, and they helped me apply to a bunch of student jobs and internships both at my college and with businesses in the community. I didn't hear back from most of the jobs on the list (despite feeling like my resume is good or that I nailed the interviews), but one employer did "interview" me and offered me a position on the spot. The thing is, I'm not sure if the business is legitimate--even though they were listed on my college's official student employment website. They told me that they liked my resume and that they didn't even interview anyone else. Here's what's making me feel sketched out:
I'm not sure if it's just an eccentric workplace or if this is a weird scam of some kind. They just want me to help them create content, teach them how to use new technology, communicate with their marketing manager to complete tasks to boost business, and a few other random tasks. The schedule is pretty flexible, and it pays more than some of the other work study positions, but I'm wondering if this is a scam or cult or something. I think they're already taking the initiative to tell my school they want me to be their intern. What should I do in this situation? Should I take the job and just view it as experience learning about entrepreneurship? Should I reach out to my school (what would I even say to them?)? Should I say no and hope that somebody else hires me? I really need to be making some money. Wise people of reddit, please guide me!
submitted by SectionWeary to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:09 SectionWeary Does this work study internship sound legit, or is it extremely sketchy?

I filed my FAFSA for college and qualified for financial aid, so I went into my college's employment center, and they helped me apply to a bunch of student jobs and internships both at my college and with businesses in the community. I didn't hear back from most of the jobs on the list (despite feeling like my resume is good or that I nailed the interviews), but one employer did "interview" me and offered me a position on the spot. The thing is, I'm not sure if the business is legitimate--even though they were listed on my college's official student employment website. They told me that they liked my resume and that they didn't even interview anyone else. Here's what's making me feel sketched out:
I'm not sure if it's just an eccentric workplace or if this is a weird scam of some kind. They just want me to help them create content, teach them how to use new technology, communicate with their marketing manager to complete tasks to boost business, and a few other random tasks. The schedule is pretty flexible, and it pays more than some of the other work study positions, but I'm wondering if this is a scam or cult or something. I think they're already taking the initiative to tell my school they want me to be their intern. What should I do in this situation? Should I take the job and just view it as experience learning about entrepreneurship? Should I reach out to my school (what would I even say to them?)? Should I say no and hope that somebody else hires me? I really need to be making some money. Wise people of reddit, please guide me!
submitted by SectionWeary to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:06 Afro_Knight9577 [SF] [FN] Gun Mage Episode 1: The Beginning of Something New

~Gun Mage Episode 1: The Beginning of Something New~
~Planet: Azuria~
As a mage of the School of Destruction, I’m not gonna lie, doing paperwork was not my favorite thing to do. I guess it’s not very many people’s favorite, but I could alter the fabric of reality to blow stuff up so it’s extra boring. What’s worse was that my desk was full of it, mission reports I hadn’t filled out, artifact descriptions that needed to be filed, all of it was a testament to my procrastination.
I turned to my monitor and logged in to find an alert popup on my feed. It was from Doctor Isabela Silva. Most guys would have loved to receive a message from the gorgeous Sansarian woman, but I was not one of those guys. Whenever she sent me a message, it was always about to be a task and a half, but I’d become one of her most reliable friends, much to my misfortune. I pressed the popup on my screen to reveal a message saying that she’d be at my office nine am. After taking a look at the chrono it was about nine am in about three minutes, well so much for organizing my office before she arrived.
Almost as if my thoughts summoned her, I heard a ping from the set of double doors, as the A.I. announced, “Dr. Silva is here to see you sir.”
“Yeah, yeah let her in.” I answered, and she came strolling through the open doors. She was a light blue skinned woman, with dark blue tentacles that fell around her shoulders, each one had a gold ring at the end of it. She was shapely, with fins that protruded from her forearms and calves. She had finned ears and a set of sapphire eyes that pierced the soul. All of this was complemented by her lab coat and an insulated cybernetic mesh that left little to the imagination.
She walked into my office, observing the scattered books on the floors and some on the little tables I’d left open, then smiled at me, “Your office is in impeccable shape as always.”
“We aim to please.” She chuckled, but my demeanor grew serious, “So what’d you need?”
“I need a favor, but I’m guessing this time, it might be a welcome change of pace.” She gestured at my paperwork. I sighed; this woman knew me too well. She came walking towards my desk then sat atop, and gave me one of her famous smiles, the same one that turned so many men into mush, “But I can tell you while we take a little walk around the academy, it’s been forever since we spent time together.”
“That’s because every time we spend time together, you inevitably ask for something nonsensical.”
She laughed, “And whose fault is that?” I huffed as she continued, “Look, I can only rely on you, considering that most only have naughty intentions when they do me a favor. Besides, taking a walk with me isn’t the worst thing you could be doing, and it’ll get you back in the action instead of filing documents.” She turned to look at the snow coming down over the mountain tops through my viewport since I had a nice view of the peaceful, snowy landscape.
“Fine, fine, lead the way.” She began to walk back toward the elevator across the well-polished polymer floors. I followed a moment afterwards, but not before I grabbed my revolver whom I affectionately named Hunter, and put it in the holster on the back of my robes. We walked past the furnished waiting room to the elevator on the other side. We got into the elevator and she leaned against the back wall as we came down towards the training halls. The elevator had a glass lookout and we could see a few mages in the arena. I looked out to see a young boy and girl facing off against a few training robots while their master watched over them. It was a plain looking arena and the master was an old coot who went by the name Ebenezer Cleide. He looked like the stereotypical wizard, you know the type, brown robes pointy had, but he was a good mentor and teacher for young mages.
“Did you ever think about taking on a student?” Izzy asked.
“No, why?”
“Because you’d make a great teacher, and because there are a lot of students that look up to you.” I stayed silent, after all, part of why I was around was to hunt rogue mages. A life of violence was not one to teach the young to adore. I turned back to face her as she came to watch alongside me. We came to the second floor of the training arena where we came to the railing to spectate the rest of the match. On the bottom floor were the two students, one was a Nymean a girl with four arms, and black skin with gold runes running through her skin. The other was a lizard like boy who had all red scales and a cobra like head, a Tarak. The training bots had the two surrounded, but at least the girl looked confident. The young Tarak seemed a bit nervous, beginning to form haphazard hand signs, but before he could perform his spell, the bots shot him with a stun round that knocked him out cold.
The girl cursed at his failing but remained calm, placing two of her hands together and letting the two orbs from her other hands float. Her eyes lit ablaze with purple fire which caused the orbs to fire bolts to destroy three of the bots. The other students began to cheer, next to Master Cleide, but unfortunately the girl lost focus which allowed the remaining bots to shoot her in the back, knocking her down to the ground. I could hear the old man begin to lecture them, while Isabela continued, “I suppose I had an idea, that might put you in charge of a very interesting apprentice.”
“And you mentioned this to me now, why do I have a distinct feeling that you already suggested this to the headmaster.”
“I did, we’re just waiting on you to agree.”
“What makes you think I would?”
“Arxor Academy is the home of mages, wizards, sorcerers, and witches. Not every country understands that, besides, the mage in question is a boy I tried to mentor back when I was still in Bastion’s army. He’s a kid on the wrong side of the tracks, but he’s trying to use his power for good. You’ve got a rare compassion for people that have it rough, and you’re not like the others, so stuck in the rules that you can’t adapt to an unconventional student.”
So, she wanted me to take on a student who, more than likely was an outlaw at this point, has issues with authority, and he would hate someone like me. While I didn’t have the most troubled childhood, my experiences as a rogue mage hunter would have driven most people insane. I suppose she thought a student wouldn’t be worse than surviving the obnoxious situations I’d been in. That said, I wasn’t about to take on a student when there were far better teachers here, “I’ll look for the kid, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be his teacher. My hands are far too dirty to teach him in the right way. He needs someone who isn’t steeped in the violence mage hunters are accustomed to. People like Master Cleide down there would give him a far better education.” That excuse should work.
“Whatever you say.” She said then we began to walk to the other side of the arena. We walked down a set of stairs that led to a massive door that opened automatically when we came close. The hall was massive allowing for the passage of many students, while large statues of legendary mages stood sentinel.
For a moment we passed several hurrying students in a rush to their next classes, before I finally asked, “Tell me a bit more about this kid.”
“Well, he specializes in magic that’s consistent with the School of the Unseen. When last I saw him, he used three catalysts, each a silver ball that can’t be separated from him. Each one can turn into an eye with varying effects. His name is Zerik Shin.”
“So, where’s he at?”
“Bastion, Slade City.” I thought about that for a minute. Bastion was not a very friendly nation when it came to mages. The Western Continent as a whole went through a phase of religious nut jobs verses mages, and it tore nations like Bastion apart. Now they’re about as atheist and anti-magic as it gets. On top of all that, Slade City was literally one of the most run-down cities on the planet. Plagued with crime and society’s unwanted, it was a cesspit for the most dangerous criminals known to man.
“That’s a hard sell Izzy, even if he’s a prodigy.” I said, but she turned back and smiled as we passed a small door on the left side, where the infirmary and her office were, “I know, but you can handle it. I owe you one Jaden.”
“Wait I haven’t,” She disappeared into the infirmary leaving me in the halls, surrounded by the incoming students. I sighed, there was so little information, how was I supposed to find this kid? I looked up at the ceiling and stared at the fluorescent lights then began to proceed towards the end of the hall. I walked past a few doors then came to a decorated door on the left that led to one of Arxor Academy’s libraries. The enormous room had shelves stacked high with data slates and books from bygone eras. Magic theory piled on high at least four floors worth of knowledge in this library alone.
Mankind had figured out so much about the Wyrd and how it bestowed magic to each of us in such unique ways, but there was always more to know, more to see. I walked through the black carpeted library to one of the tables and sat, pulling up a menu from the holo-table. I selected a book on the School of the Unseen magic to try and understand the way a mage with this kind of magic thought and acted. This was generally the process when I started hunting, finding out how their magic worked and adapting my own in a way that was an effective counter.
Aside from just finding a needle in a haystack, there was the fact that this kid specialized in the School of the Unseen, which meant his magic would make him difficult to detect through magic sense alone. I sighed as a hover-bot brought me the requested book. It was from a scholar on the School of the Unseen, a tome from the Izra Hizen, an infamous assassin known for killing one of the last emperors of the east.
“About to head off on another of Isabela’s little request?” A voice behind me said, only for me to find that it was a human the rest of the academy called “Lancelot.” He was known as the Blade Mage, using melee weapons as his catalyst. He was tremendously powerful, and frustratingly enough he considered me his rival. I hadn’t wanted that, but whenever we sparred the matches were close, with the winner only narrowly eking out victory. He wore a set of armor that looked like a knight’s armor, but fashioned after our modern power armor that was silver with red secondary colors. A cloak of scarlet was draped around his shoulders, pressed down by a vibrant white gold and blue sword he named “Excalibur.”
He had a rugged face with pale skin, and he wore his hair short. He was what most women found attractive, and he drew stares wherever he went. Behind him were a few mages, he called his disciples, all of which had an arrogant look about them. Amongst them were a few ladies that most jokingly referred to as his “fan girls.” Oddly enough the one woman he wanted attention from was Dr. Silva, so it’s no wonder he was here. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch our exchange, how rude could they be? I wanted to scream “mind your own business!” but that would just play into his hands.
I gave him my usual unimpressed look, fighting desperately to suppress the urge to slap the taste out of his mouth, “I haven’t quite accepted the request yet.”
“Well then, perhaps I can help? After all I have a few friends that could help me find, well whatever it is that she’s looking for a bit faster.”
“Nah, I think I’ll be fine.” I was lying of course, but I felt like being contrary. I looked at the man and at his little flunkies who gave me hard looks. “Besides, I figure a guy like you would have far too much to do to help out with such a small request.” I gave him an infuriating smile, both of us staring daggers into the other.
“Alright my friend, well, I’d better get to that important task. I envy you, you know, but one day I’ll show you that I’m the greatest mage alive.” He finished then walked back out of the library. I leaned back and looked up at the ceiling while others returned their attention back to what they were doing. I smiled ruefully wondering whether Izzy told that bastard I’d agreed just so that he’d come see me and ensure I took her little request. I took a few more moments in the library, before I left to begin making preparations for the long trip south.
submitted by Afro_Knight9577 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:06 ReflectionWest4007 The Institution of Imamat: My Dilemma & My Plea.

Imamat … Appostolic Succession
I came across an article titled ‘Imamate’. I really admired the tone, gentility and polite manner in which it was presented. I wish I could reproduce it as the style must be held up as an example to all of us who wish to argue their case in Islam.
Thus in keeping with the diction, I will also refrain from overloading the readers with too much ‘Theology’ and quotations, but endeavour to adopt a ‘common sense’ approach in argument.
WHAT IS BELIEF (EIMAAN): By ‘belief’ I mean an essential act of faith related to an article of ‘Deen’, which requires a formal ‘profession of belief’, uttering specific words, and which affects a person’s status as a ‘Muslim’. e.g., a declaration of ‘belief’ in Allah, and the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw). On the other hand, a person may ‘believe’ that the earth is flat … but this ‘belief’ is not related to ‘Eimaan’. We are not discussing this kind of ‘belief’.
‘Belief’, defined above, excludes ‘opinion’ or conjecture and admits only inflexible certitude, even though a person may not have any direct knowledge (by deploying five senses) of the object of ‘belief’. Whereas, there can be no difference of view regarding an item of ‘belief’… but interpretations can differ regarding matters of ‘detail’ .i.e., it is essential to ‘believe’ in Angels, but people differ regarding, say, their numbers or nature. Again, it is essential to ‘believe’ that Qur’an is the revealed word of Allah, but people can differ in their estimation of the manner in which revelation occurred.
Because eternal salvation depends on ‘Eimaan’, and without the profession of formal ‘belief’ actions are void, it will be seen that Allah Ta’ala, by His infinite mercy has kept matters of ‘belief’ to an absolute minimum. It is significant that the formula of faith requires ‘belief’ only in Allah, Angels, Revelation, all the Prophets, and the fact that every individual will be held responsible for their actions on the Day of Judgement. These are the five fundamental articles of ‘belief’ in Islam (Q. II:285). In this respect the addition of , ‘Ali’yun Wali’ullah’, is clearly and manifestly an innovation being supra-numeric to Qur’an and the Tradition.
NEED FOR ‘BELIEF’ IN THE DIETY: It will constitute an insult to the intelligence of the readers if I were to dwell at length in order to justify the importance and the need to express ‘belief’ in Allah with all His attributes. The rationale is as simple as it is obvious.
NEED FOR ‘BELIEF’ IN THE PROPHETS: The relevance of inviting ‘belief’ in the person of a prophet is also manifestly clear. He is the vehicle of revelation, and as such, ‘belief’ in, the prophet’s claim of appointment by Divine intervention, his infallibility, his freedom from sin (cf. Bible), total submission to his message as the Will of God (without any dispute or reservation), are of paramount importance and complementary to other articles of faith.
Denial of a prophet automatically puts a person beyond the pale of faith, and rejection of a messenger, therefore, is denial of God. Hence, it is (as it ought to be) a matter of untold relief, that Muhammad (saw) was the LAST ‘Haadee’, and this, mercifully, means that the Muslim Ummah is absolved from the ‘burden’ of ‘rejection’, and so forever protected from denying God. A natural corollary is that Qur’an will remain uncorrupted (unlike other scriptures), as Allah has guaranteed its pristine purity … till the end of time. This represents a supreme favour from Allah and another aspect of Muhammad (saw)being referred to as a ‘mercy to the world’. In pursuance of this fine point, I will make reference to the concluding two verses of surat Al’Baqarah and ask the reader to dwell a moment on the deeper meaning of ‘…Our Lord! Lay not on us such a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us! Our Lord do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear’. This, in my humble opinion, is a veiled reference to the completion of Allah’s favour to mankind mentioned elsewhere (Q. V: 3). Allah has made Muhammad (saw)the last human in whom one has to express formal ‘belief’ in order to attain salvation. By this merciful act, Allah has released us from the ‘burden’ of continually agitating and looking over our shoulder in expectation of another prophet, a phenomenon that was an onerous ‘burden’ in past ages. Released from this ‘burden’, and coupled with the assurance of the preservation of Qur’an, the Ummah can now, thankfully, divert all its energies in realising the ‘Kingdom of God’ and in … ‘… doing the Will of God on Earth’ for ever more. Muslims are now in a very favoured and elevated position, compared with past nations. The whole Ummah, subsequent to the advent of Prophet Muhammad (saw) and by the ‘completion’ of revelation and preservation of the Qur’an, has now been installed as the ‘Vicegerent of Allah’. For, ‘His Kingdom’ has now arrived, and ‘His Will is now done on Earth as it was being done in Heaven’, prior to the completion of religion.
NEED FOR ‘BELIEF’ IN THE REVEALED SCRIPTURE: Revealed word of God is the only record which survives the person of the prophet and after his demise, the only testimony of Allah’s Will (if preserved). Expression of ‘belief’ in the revealed scripture is a natural progression of ‘Eimaan’ (belief) in the Deity and the prophets. This is a general proposition, but Qur’an is unique in that, as stated above, Allah has mercifully guaranteed its preservation. This was a logical consequence of the end of the cycle of al’Anbiya (the prophets). Therefore, with the advent of the last Messenger (A), preservation of Qur’an, and establishment of a unified Quibla, as a permanent ‘Guiding Light’, the function of the prophets has now devolved upon the shoulders of this Ummah (the middle nation) in the form of Dawah (propagation), Ijtihad (innovative adaptation), Qiyas (deduction) & Ijma (Consensus). (Q. II:143)
A REVOLUTIONARY MESSAGE DELIVERED 15 CENTURIES AGO: ‘Lo! The noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct’ (Q. XLIX:13).
In pre-Islamic age, during days of Jahili’yeh, the twin institutions of Divine Right of the Monarch (determined by lineage) and the Office of the Priest (determined by caste) were the twin most pernicious means of ‘Social Control’ and exploitation. Islam unmasked the corruption and iniquity of these institutions, demolished them at a stroke … and raised the standard of a fraternal and a just social order based upon the supremacy of law and dignity of all humans. From hence on, the status of a person was determined neither by ostensible wealth, nor by rank of birth or class, rather by the quality of one’s actions and deeds in real life. Most important dynamic being the concept of accountability of each individual for their actions, on the Day of Judgement without any possibility of ‘ransom’ or ‘intercession’. It was stated clearly and unequivocally that all human beings have equal status, by virtue of being the children of Adam (A), and in order to lay humble any feeling of arrogance, it is clearly stated that Adam was created from dust. With the demolition of ‘Priesthood’, all barriers between the Creator and His creation are thus removed.
I will conclude this section by underscoring the point that area of ‘belief’, mercifully, has been restricted to a bare minimum, and both, the relevance and the importance of ‘good deeds’ has been duly emphasised. It is made abundantly clear, that in contrast with many other religions, Islam is a very simple and a very practical religion … and because deeds speak louder than words, Islam has always highlighted the need to ‘perform’ rather than merely ‘profess’. To me it seems self evident that more we expand the area of ‘belief’, greater will be the scope for fracturing the unity of the Ummah, dividing loyalties, thereby increasing the prospect of falling from grace. After Muhammad (saw), we are not required to formally express our ‘belief’ in any other person. This, in actual fact, depicts Allah’s great wisdom and infinite mercy upon this Ummah.
This concludes my primary submission. Hereafter, in the light of what has been submitted, I will raise a few dilemmas regarding Imamat as an institution, which Brother Tejani has mentioned.
My first dilemma.
What are the characteristics of a Nabi? A Nabi is appointed by Allah. A Nabi makes a declaration of his mission. It is essential to express verbal ‘belief’ in his office. A Nabi receives Divine revelation. By virtue of his mission, a prophet is infallible (ma’soom). Because he is considered infallible, his word is final and cannot be disputed. Muhammad (saw), in addition, had the unique status of being the last messenger, the Seal of the prophets, Khatam al’Nabi’yeen.
There have been many attempts by impostors, claiming to be prophets. They all claimed to be Divinely appointed, recipients of revelation, claimed infallibility, and invited ‘belief’. Down the centuries, Muslims of all Schools of Thought, including the Shias, collectively rejected each and every claimant without any hesitation. And, Muslims are manifestly justified in doing so.
If there is consensus regarding this fact, then to claim Imamat as a continuing phenomenon represents a contradiction which I personally find difficult to reconcile from purely a common sense perspective. Substituting another term like ‘Mujaddid’, ‘Zillee Nabi’, ‘Buroozi Rasool’, ‘Mazhar-e-Elahi’ or ‘Imam’ (as in Shia theology), these terms are a merely a matter of semantics and a play on words. If a person claims to possess the attributes of a ‘Rasool’ or a ‘Nabi’ (as used in the Qur’an), then no matter what term is used, it represents an attempt to circumvent the finality of Muhammad’s (saw) prophethood. Herein lies my first dilemma.
My second dilemma.
Br. Tejani points out the original deviation at the demise of the Messenger of Allah in not accepting the ‘Imamat’ of seyyedina Ali. He may well be correct. But seyyedina Ali is no longer present in person (neither are any of the Imams). In practical terms, how will it help me if I were to acknowledge their Imamat, and what practical difference will this retrospective change of ‘belief’ on my part make in me? How will this mere declaration enhance the quality of my Islam?
I am absolutely convinced that seyyedina Ali, without exception, reinforced the message which Muhammad (saw) brought, and followed his example faithfully. If that is the case, then what is the logic of expressing a formal allegiance to Ali, at this distant moment in time, why not simply follow the message of Muhammad (saw) and emulate his pious and illustrious example?
I can see some relevance of making a formal allegiance if a person was living in the time of seyyedina Ali, or if one was contemporary with his successors, to pledge allegiance to them in person in order to be guided in faith and practice. But to make a verbal declaration of ‘belief’, centuries retrospectively, in order, essentially, to comply with the teachings of the Prophet (A), seems somewhat superfluous and puzzling. It merely adds a ‘tier’ or a level of ‘belief’ without serving any practical purpose. Love and respect for ‘Ahl-e-bait’ is a separate issue altogether. Herein lies my second dilemma.
My third dilemma.
Qur’an clearly states that if there is any divergence or conflict of views leading to a dispute with ‘Ulil Amr’ (those in Authority) whether in the affairs of the Ummah, or in deciding a legal point, or in adopting a course of action, then the (without exception) the matter in dispute, should be referred to Allah (Qur’anic text) and the Prophet (Oral Tradition). From what has been stated above, there is no room for ‘dispute’ with the revealed authority (Allah & the Prophet). Hence, the very fact that there can be a dispute with contemporary, authority amplifies the point that no person, subsequent to the Prophet (A) can claim infallibility. Therefore, the Imam cannot be considered infallible because his interpretation or judgement is open to challenge. And, if the authority of the Imam is not ‘infallible’, the relevance of his office is in doubt, to say the least. It may be relevant to note that the status of an Imam, in Shia theology, is analogous to the Pope (when he speaks ex-cathedra) or a Priest (in other religions). But, by general consensus, there is no Papacy or priesthood in Islam. Herein lies my third dilemma.
My fourth dilemma.
That prophethood has come to an end is an undisputed ‘belief’ in Islam. If there was a need to continue guidance of the Ummah by the medium of continuing revelation (an undisputed authority), why did Allah bring the age of prophesy to an end in the first instance? The history of Bani Isra’eel (Children of Israel) is replete with the appearance of ‘minor’ prophets (prophets nevertheless) in the wake of Moses (A), the Lawgiver. In Islam, Jesus (A) is regarded as a Nabi (a prophet who does not bring a new dispensation), because he followed the Torah.
There is a well-known Tradition, which relates that the Messenger of Allah (A) observed that … ‘…The Ulema (scholars – in plural) of my Ummah will be like the (minor) prophets of Bani Isra’eel’. He is not reported to have used the word Imam or even Ahl al’Bait (household of the Prophet). Herein lies my fourth dilemma.
My fifth dilemma.
If the institution of Imamat, as understood in Shia theology, was to continue, then why did the last Imam go into ‘Ghaibat’ (Occultation). Who has been guiding the Ummah for the last millennium in his absence? The doctrine of Wilayat-e-Imam (representative of the Imam in absentia) is not a valid answer.
Even among the Shia Schools of Thought, there is no unanimity as to the identity of the Imams. Some sects believe in one set of Imams and some in another set. These schools do not even agree upon the number of Imams. Imamat does not seem to have solved the problem of guidance of the Ummah through the leadership of infallible Imams. Herein lies my fifth dilemma.
My final dilemma.
Far fetched ‘Esoteric’, torturous and exotic explanations from the Qu’an aside, the innovative belief in ‘Imamat’ seems to have solved no real purpose in preventing, repeated and extensive, ‘Schism’. It is a depressing fact that doctrinal rift between various Shia religions [mazahib] is greater and more fundamental than the non-Shia. In ‘Shiism’ there are as many [perhaps more] ‘sects’ than the Sunnis … Ithna Asharis … being only just one of these !! There even exists difference in the status and succession of ‘Imamat’. Many Shia doctrines consider Qur’an redundant in the presence of an Imam and ‘Imamat’ to be superior to ‘Risalat’ [even incarnation of Allah in person] … and a continuing phenomenon. If Imamat was meant to ensure preservation, pristine purity and unity of belief … it seems to have failed spectacularly? As for Shia ‘Fiqh’, even among the Ithna Ashari Ayatollahs, the divergence of opinion even in mundane matters is just as mind blowing.
How can one claim unity when there is such diversity? Truth is that once we peel off the ‘Sophisticated’ [from Sufism] conjectures and speculative interpretations of the Qur’an, very little remains that underpins the doctrine of Imamat, except what is commonly understood in the lexicology of Qur’an and plain Arabic.
I must reiterate that these are my personal views, observed entirely from my angle of vision, from the perspective of common sense. All I have endeavoured to achieve is to take a panoramic vista of the teachings and the spirit of Islam, and try to remain objective (in so far as possible) and consistent in forming an opinion. Since there is no compulsion in religion in Islam (Q. II: 256), rather full scope for freedom of conscience, I fully accord the right of adhering to one’s ‘belief’. In this regard I sincerely respect brother Tejani’s views and applaud his generously polite and judicious manner of diction in arguing his case.
Let me conclude by stating that, subsequent to the person of the Prophet (saw), I have special love and regard for seyyedina Ali. Had I been alive during the first decade after the Prophet’s demise, perhaps I may well have voted for seyyedina Ali [ra] as the ‘Fist among the Equals’. But that is neither here nor there. What followed is now history. Anyhow, I regard Caliphate as reflecting ‘collective’ leadership, as ordained in the chapter called ‘Consultation’… “And their affairs are conducted through consultation among themselves” (Q. XLII: 38). Thus, Qur’an does not employ the term ‘Imamat’ but ‘Shura’ i.e. consultation. Herein lies my final dilemma.
It is my submission that irrespective of whoever was the ‘Khaleefa’, he did not impose a one-man rule. Seyyedina Ali was a prominent member of the ‘Shura’ (The Consultative Council) and remained involved in governance, at the highest level, for three decades. The Caliph was only the symbolic head of state. All the companions were very capable people and there was little to choose between them. No doubt each person was an expert in one field of endeavour or the other, and their combination represented a collective leadership of awesome ability and unmitigated integrity.
The recommendation of governance by ‘Shura’, having recourse to Ijtihad, Qiyas and Ijma, dispels all my doubts and confirms the superfluity of the institution of ‘Imamat’. These facts reinforce the view that with the advent of the last Messenger of Allah (A), humanity had received its final guidance and Allah had completed His favour by perfecting the ‘Deen’ and indicated, in no uncertain terms, Islam as the chosen path. The age of ‘miracles’ and spoon-feeding had come to a close, and truth had been differentiated from falsehood. By the revelation of Al Furquaan (i.e. the Qur’an) humanity had been transported from darkness into light. The whole human race had come of age. It now had to stand upon its own two feet and exercise the devolved right of ‘Freedom of Choice’ with virtual independence, together with all the rewards and consequences that flow from it. Each member of the race individually, and all human beings collectively (led by the Ummah) were to be held accountable for their deeds and actions on the ‘Day of Final Reckoning’, when we shall all be assembled before your God and mine.
This view, of the collective (rather than of one Imam) responsibility of the Ummah, is further strengthened by the verse, ‘Wali takun minkum ummatun yad’oona ilal khaiyr …’ (Q. III: 104).
In my view, the question of love, respect and consideration for the household of the Prophet, is a separate issue altogether. Those, whoever they may be, who violated their rights will be held answerable in the sight of Allah. We should leave this matter to His judgement. This is an equitable attitude. As for the virtuous station of seyyedina Ali, there can be no doubt that he was the ‘Gateway of Knowledge’ and, spiritually speaking, the most accomplished and towering personality of his time. But, this does not mean that he was the only person capable of leading the Ummah as the administrative (secular) head too. Spiritual leadership need not be synonymous, or coincidental, with temporal leadership. And, seyyedina Ali, as the most revered member of the inner cabinet and Consultative Council (al’Shura), was a leading light and part of the decision making mechanism at every step of the way. Seyyedina Omar rightly exclaimed, ‘We would have perished, had it not been for Ali’. Hence it is wrong to say that Ali had been marginalized in any way in shaping the affairs of the Ummah. That, he was not installed nominally as the Executive Head, is totally irrelevant. At the critical juncture of the demise of the Prophet (A), the Ummah went through a process of selection (or election), and the choice settled upon seyyedina Abu Bakr, by consensus (endorsed by seyyedina Ali himself), means that the matter of choice was satisfactorily resolved.
Another aspect of apostolic succession (although we are not discussing succession in this article, rather the institution of ‘Imamat’) is that if Ali were to be appointed as the succeeding first Khaleefa, the world would find it very easy, although quite unjustifiably, to accuse the Messenger of Allah (saw) of establishing dynastic rule and the democratic and egalitarian message of Islam would have been swamped by malicious propaganda. Hence the Prophet (saw), despite his preferences, if any (and we shall never know), rightly and sagaciously, left the choice open to the Ummah at large. The only mention of preference that the Prophet (A)is reported to have indicated was, ‘Al A’immatu min al’Koreish’ (The leaders shall be from amongst the tribe of Koreish’). This reinforces my view that after emphasising ‘conduct of affairs by consultation’, the Prophet (saw) did not intervene any further and the door was left wide open for the Ummah to exercise its prerogative of choosing the leader by suffrage.
In any event, majority view is that, the office of the Khaleefa (Caliph) is a political and not a religious issue and one, which is not tied up with ‘belief’ or Eimaan. Hence if a person were to denounce any of the ‘Khulafa-e-Rashidoon’ (merely a reverential term), they would not forfeit ‘belief’, deviant as this course of action may be. It merely represents a difference of opinion in the interpretation of history … not religion.
Hence, if we regard Imamat, as denoting collective spiritual leadership as separate from temporal office, there is no divergence between the Shia and the Sunni schools of thought. All the, so called, Shia Imams are also Sunni Imams. Without exception, all of them were revered beacons of integrity, spirituality and scholarship of their respective era. But, however exceptional in knowledge and pious in character, in Sunni view, they were, nevertheless, mortal beings.
My concluding plea.
After having made my views known (not as the last word), I implore all my Shia and Sunni brethren to respect each other’s point of view and cooperate against the common enemy. It is desirable, and indeed feasible for both, to achieve this unity in practice without ‘compromising’ the essence of their ‘belief’ system. We can sort out mutual differences when we can afford the luxury. At the moment we must stop the civil war and bury the hatchet in order to provide a united front against the ‘Yezeedi forces’. Seyyedina Ali [ra] and Seyyedina Hasan & Husain’s [ra] bright example is beckoning us to follow their lead, let us cry ‘Lab’baiyka La Shareeka Lak’a’ and make the leap.
With a slight amendment to the much quoted verse of a renowned medieval saint and scholar, I too subscribe to:-
‘Haqqa! Keh baqaa’ye La’ilaaha hast Husaiyn’ [Verily! Husain [ibn’Ali] immortalised the tradition of Islam]
…. Why? Because as another poet observed > ‘Qatl-e-Husaiyn asl meiyn marg-e-Yazid hai Islam zindah hota haeiy her Karbala key ba’ad’ [Martydom of Husain is infact the death of Yazid] [Islam is resurrected in the aftermath of each Karbala]
I will conclude by reciting a cherished supplication, please feel free to join me.
“O God! Forgive me my delinquency, mine ignorance, and my immoderation in my endeavours. O God! Forgive me for what I hasten and what I defer, for what I reveal and what I conceal, for my manifest error and my hidden design. O God! Set aright my faith, which is the safeguard of my Hereafter. Set aright my world wherein is my living. O God! In thy care I commend my soul, make me penitent and set aright my orientation, for unto Thee shall be my return. (Ameen)”.
submitted by ReflectionWest4007 to ExShia [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:41 Sweet-Count2557 Martino's Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States

Martino's Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States
Martino's Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States
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Menu of Martino's in Chicago,IL,United States
Location of Martino's in Chicago,IL,United States
Contact of Martino's in Chicago,IL,United States
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submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:38 WannieBoy2003 There's NOTHING good about this game.

So after the gazillionth time of getting shot behind walls seconds after I was last in the enemy's field of view I have decided to stop playing. Net code sucks, movement sucks, framerate sucks (Nice update Ubisoft), abilities are cancer-inducing.
Why are people calling this a "cod killer"? This is literally a worse Ironsight. How is that even possible?
submitted by WannieBoy2003 to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:32 AnyCatch4796 A lengthy breakdown of the zillennial experience

LONG POST AHEAD. The most commonly recognized years for zillennial are based around PEW and are 95-98. That’s what I’m basing this off of. 95-96 being on the millennial side, 97-98 on the Z side. It could be pushed in both directions an additional year or two, and the purpose of this post isn’t to gatekeep but to provide insight into the (us-centric) zillennial experience. A lot of this may be subjective though I’ve tried my best to note when that’s likely. Please feel free to add anything I’ve forgotten or gotten wrong.
Early years- (1995-2003)
During this period we ranged from infancy to mid-childhood. We watched shows such as Blues Clues, Barney, Franklin, Arthur, Dragon Tales, teletubbies, Dora, Maggie and The Ferocious Beast, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, The Wild Thornberries, Lizzie Mcquire, Catdog, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Goosebumps, Rocket Power, Even Stevens, SpongeBob, etc. During the Web 1.0 and dial-up era we mostly played computer games like Pajama Sam, Freddy Fish, Spy Fox, and on flash sites like Neopets, Nick and Disney. We listened to radio Disney, and a lot of us probably tried to win contests (I won tadpoles and they kept dying. They’d send new ones and they’d always die after growing legs lol…), we also remember the sea monkey and ant farm craze and probably accidentally dumped some out. We started elementary school at some point within these years, and the millennial side (95 and early-mid 96) were already in school by 9/11. Late 96, 97 and 98 were in preschool or of the age to be. We played with toys such as Beanie Babies- and are the very last to potentially remember the craze-, Barbie’s, GI Joes, Nerf, Polly Pocket, Bratz (I personally hated these), various baby dolls, Easy Bake Ovens, Shrink-a-dinks, Y2K toys such as Furbys, poo-chis, Robobaby, etc. If we played any video games it was probably on a game boy, game cube or ps2. If they had one, our parents cellphones probably had antennas lol (mine did) and we used landlines. We went to blockbuster and got VHS tapes then DVDs and remember both. Our parents used physical maps when we went on vacation. We listened to a blend of cassette tapes and cds. Malls, bowling allies, skating rinks, and places like Discovery Zone were very common family activities and they were slam packed- in stark contrast with how these places started to look in our mid childhood.
Mid-childhood- 2003/2004-2006
All of us were in elementary school together in these years. We watched some of the same shows as above and new ones for older kids like Drake and Josh, Neds Declassified, Unfabulous, Zoey 101, Phil of the Future, That’s So Raven, Suite Life, etc. We got rid of dial-up and entered the Web 2.0 era. We played computer games, played on our Gameboy Advance SPs, PSPs, DS, Xbox 360, Gamecube, PS2 and 3, and on websites such as miniclip, obscure open world online games (maybe that was just me lol), and later Webkinz. We played with toys like Furreal Friends, tamagotchis (they had a big resurgence in the mid-00s), moon shoes, razor scooters, pogo sticks, Heelie’s, RipSticks bop-it, etc. (Some of these were in our early childhood too). We listened to music on CD players and MP3s, then later iPods. We went to blockbuster for DVDs then at the tail end we ordered DVDs by mail from Netflix. On demand was popular as well. Skateboarding had a resurgence in popularity during this era so we probably tried to learn that, later on it would be long boarding. We printed out Mapquest directions for our parents before trips. We discovered YouTube and watched videos like Charlie the Unicorn and Fred. We learned about the Iraq war in real time, we were all very concerned about the hole in the ozone layer, we remember hurricane Katrina, the tsunami of ‘04, and those of us who lived in/visited nyc remember seeing the rubble from 9/11. We were exposed to a lot of trash tv (especially those with older siblings like me) like Maury, the simple life, Dr.Phil, Jackass, SouthPark, etc. We called our friends on our landlines and talked for hours (my friends and I did at least) and there were still always kids playing in the neighborhood in a way that wasn’t so common just a few years later. We explored the internet with awe and curiosity, for better or worse.
Late childhood-early teen years 2006/7-2010-
All of us had at least one full year of middle school in this era, and the millennial side started HS (1995 babies in 2009, and late 95-mid 96 babies in 2010) During this period we watched icarly, Hannah Montana, wizards, and started watching more mature content as well, such as degrassi, skins, weeds, one tree hill, breaking bad, vampire diaries, how I met your mother, etc. just as examples. We had cable, on demand and DVDs we ordered from Netflix, and some families began streaming in this time. We listened to music on iPods when on our own, and to the radio and CDs in the car and when with others. A lot of us got more into pop culture in this period- we loved Miley, the jobros, t-swift, Coldplay, Akon, Pink, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Red Hot CP, Green Day, Artic Monkeys, Rhianna, Chris Brown (yikes), Beyonce, Kanye, I could go on forever. It was the recession and we were old enough to understand but only really care if it affected us or our loved ones because we were hormonal tweens/teens who honestly lived a much simpler life than tweens/teens now due to lack of social media (trust me, MySpace doesn’t count). Otherwise, we remember the recession for playing with friends in all of the abandoned under-construction neighborhoods (they were everywhere and no one could really stop you from going into the unfinished houses 🙃 ) During this period we likely got our first flip phones. I got mine for my 12th bday in ‘08 and it was tiny. Later I got a razr, a keyboard AND keypad phone (it slid both ways and got stolen when I was in 8th lol), and then a knockoff blackberry in 2010. This was very normal for the time to have gone through this progression with phones. 95-96 (and maybe 97) likely used MySpace in middle school (I did, 07-09), we used AIM to talk to friends, but still talked to them on our landlines for hours because all of our phones were pay-as-you-go without unlimited texts or minutes. We made prank phone calls, played ZAP, took stupid pictures on our digital cameras, made even more stupid videos/skits on our camcorders, smoked smarties, spent time online on the most random and obscure websites, discovered porn and watched 2 girls 1 cup, read Harry Potter if we hadn’t already, obsessed over Twilight (we were the target age demographic for it at its peak), wore LiveStrong bracelets, saw the rise of 80s nostalgia with shutter shades in every aisle, we secretly bought 5 hour energies, Red Bull and monsters at gas stations with our friends and thought we were bad, ate takis, either were a, or knew scene kids (rawr), went to the malls that were already in the midst of dying, got dropped off at theme parks (only if you lived near one ofc), roamed freely with neighbor friends but noticed a lot of the younger kids weren’t doing the same (completely subjective- it was my experience), people said “gay” and the R word as a derogative all the time, everyone wore either Abercrombie, hollister, Delia’s, OR pac sun, hot topic, Spencer’s. Everyone was into being “random” and everything was “awk”. We hung out with friends at shopping centers doing absolutely nothing and toward the later end of this era… stole half smoked cigs from ash trays (maybe my friends and I were just losers tho), we largely got our facebooks at the end of this era or right at the start of the next. Some of us (like me) started experimenting with alcohol and weed.
Main teens years- early adulthood (2010-2015/16)
We all shared at least one year of high school together (when CO 2013 were seniors). A lot changed during this era as you all know. When we were finishing middle school and starting high school, pretty much no one had an iPhone. Most of us had knock-off (or real for the rich kids) blackberries during this period and they didn’t connect to the internet. We got better phone plans though, so we largely no longer used landlines for calls. We all got Facebook and used Facebook messenger constantly. MySpace and AIM disappeared from relevancy at the very beginning of this era as Facebook was just where it was at (poke). We updated our status every few hours, “Anycatch is MY SISTER IS SO ANNOYING UGH” iykyk. Our families replaced our CRT monitors and everything looked “fake” on tv for a while (soap opera effect). Girls wore skinny jeans, and the “indie/hipster” movement came in hot. Everyone girl a “La Lune” shirt, endless floral dresses, and wore scarfs, and every guy dressed like Mac Miller (stussy) or dressed preppy. Sagging skinny jeans were in for guys too. A lot of people had a fancy and expensive digital camera they took everywhere and everything was posted onto Facebook- which we still exclusively used from desktops. We took shitty pictures in front of graffiti walls and train tracks. Because of shows like Skins and movies like Project X, and it being the electropop era, people were very into house parties and everything that came with them (drinking drugs sex). At my school there was one somewhere almost every weekend, but I went to a massive school with over 3000 kids in a well off area (but the student body was diverse regardless). We knew how to party and you wouldn’t find people on their phones when socializing throughout all of high school. It wasn’t something we’d ever been distracted by before so it didn’t happen very quickly for us. Longboarding was very popular, and neighborhood streets with hills were often taken over by large groups of kids longboarding. Teens still smoked cigs and camel crushes were popular. Because there weren’t a million makeup tutorials, people had TERRIBLE make up just caking up their face (got better towards the end of this era and originated from the last). Around 2012, iPhones became a more common sight around campus and by late 2013, almost everyone had one or an android- but they were never out during school because they’d be taken away and it just wasn’t a thing to have them out. Instagram started to get popular around 2012 but exploded in 2013. We posted “indie/artsy” pictures and didn’t even care much if no one liked them because it didn’t matter at first. There weren’t any algorithms, reels, or ads, just our friend’s pictures. We were really the guinea pigs for social media and because we didn’t care we posted pictures of ourselves drinking and smoking weed. Snap chat came in around my junior year (2012-2013), but wasn’t huge until my senior year. I never used it. YIK Yak (and this was truly a zillennial app- everyone born in the mid-late 90s experienced the terrible YIK Yak) and vine were very popular for a while in this period and then disappeared just as fast. We played on the Wii, the PS3 and PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox one. We were all in a rush to get our licenses, and sneaking out was super common. We still spent most internet time on desktops, and websites like StumbleUpon were a lot of fun. YouTube became easier to post on, and there were no ads on it. When tumblr came along it blew up and we all “became artsy”. We watched shows like Breaking Bad, GOT, Weeds, American Horror Story, Girls, The Walking Dead, Orange is the New Black, Black Mirror, etc. We listened to Coldplay, Vampire Weekend, Lady Gaga, Kid Cudi, Mumford and Sons, Tame Impala, Slightly Stoopid, Mac Miller, Rhianna, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, The Black Keys, Imagine Dragons, Drake, Justin Bieber (but we hated on him), Post Malone, Lil Wayne, Maroon 5, Kesha, Adele, etc. on our iPod touches and on pandora. We quickly saw the world change and thought the rapid changing of tech (in terms of phone styles, tv systems, etc.) would never end- we were wrong.
submitted by AnyCatch4796 to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:23 6FigureTechWriter Looking for work? 11 Ways to Increase Your Visibility to Recruiters as a Technical Writer

Staffing agencies are always on the prowl for candidates they can submit to fill client job openings. Every day I receive emails and LinkedIn messages asking if I'll consider this or that role, and often from more than one staffing agency per role.
If you're looking for work and want recruiters knocking down your virtual door with opportunities, check out the steps below to increase your chances of appearing in their LinkedIn candidate searches and being the profile they reach out to hoping for a "Yes, I'm available and interested!"
I'm sharing these steps from a perspective of not only being a hiring manager for a company, but also from being a resource many recruiters leverage for great candidate referrals.
  1. Make sure you can be contacted. View your public LinkedIn profile to make sure that the blue "Message" button is present. You want to make it as easy as possible for someone to contact you. It is important to note that some profile sections or details may be hidden depending on your privacy settings; click through them all to see what you're sharing with others:
  2. Edit your LinkedIn URL. Don't accept a URL with random numbers; you are MORE than just a number! At the top-right of your LinkedIn profile, click the pencil icon beneath "Edit your custom URL." Consider a URL that is easy and logical, such as your name.
  3. Make sure your profile is filled out, up to date, and accurately reflects your skills, software you're fluent with, and past work experience. Make sure your profile photo is present and current. Profiles that lack photos are one thing - A RISK! Have a friend take a professional-looking photo or use AI to generate professional headshots based on photos you already have on your phone. View the additional sections that you can add - the more someone gets to know you, the more likely they'll contact you, and the more things you can have in common with others (which leads to engagement). Ask someone you know to review your profile; a second set of eyes never hurts!
  4. Add the URL to your LinkedIn profile to the footer of your resume.
  5. Let recruiters know that you're open to work. View your profile, and then click the “Open to” button beneath your picture. You can literally add a big flag to your profile photo indicating that you're open to work. Now friends, past colleagues, and recruiters will be aware, which can even prompt friends to say, "Hey, did you see that so-and-so is hiring for…?". If you're looking for a new position while you currently have a job, don't worry! There's a setting that will only show recruiters that you're looking.
  6. Increase your number of connections. Connect with everyone you know, and some people you don't but are interested in learning from. Make sure to connect with past and current colleagues and managers, and some friends. Connect with people in the industries you'd like to get into. Remember that saying? "Sometimes it's 'who you know' more than 'what you know'."
  7. Increase your engagement - "Follow" companies you're interested in working for and people you'd like to work with. Reply to their posts or articles with thoughtful comments. Responses should contain more than 4 words. Use hashtags (sparingly) to draw more attention and viewers to your response.
  8. Grow the engagement of others with your profile - Consider writing some short articles or thought-provoking posts on LinkedIn to increase engagement. Use appropriate hashtags here as well (they can be used within the text of your article and/or at the end). The more engagement, the more the LinkedIn algorithm will show your profile to others to suggest a connection.
  9. Ask for recommendations from people you've worked with. In the Recommendations section of your LinkedIn profile, click the "+" and then select "Ask for a recommendation." Type a name in the search field to search for the person you'd like to request a recommendation from. Select that person, and click Continue. Fill out the brief information about how you know this person, and enter a short, but personal message indicating why you're requesting a recommendation and how it will help you. After you proof-read the message, click Send. To select which recommendations appear on your profile (or if you notice that any are missing), click the pencil icon (next to the "+" icon), and tick recommendations to the "On" position.
  10. Take LinkedIn assessments to demonstrate your skills. You'll find a "Demonstrate skills" button at the top of the Skills section of your LinkedIn profile. At a minimum, it looks neat on your profile; at most, it's another way to increase your credibility.
  11. Review the skills and qualifications sought in the job postings you'd like to win; notice the specific lingo and any buzzwords used. Include any you possess on your LinkedIn profile (in the Skills section, for example) and in your resume.
Bonus tip: Review your LinkedIn profile analytics. Data is insightful. That's why analytics are often referred to as "Insights." ; ) You can see how many people view your profile, the number of impressions your posts and articles receive, and how many times you appear in search results. Beneath posts and articles, you can see the number of impressions; click on that icon for even more great analytics. Use them to find out which topics received the most engagement and the demographics of who is engaging. Use these insights to guide your future posts.
submitted by 6FigureTechWriter to technicalwriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:55 Just-10247-LOC Massachusetts: Got a Harassment Prevention Order for looking at someone's LinkedIn profile

Five years ago, in 2018, my adult daughter left home never to speak to us again. She arranged a room to live in from a random woman stranger she met on the internet. This was in Maryland. My family and I (M60) moved to New Hampshire. After the daughter left, she went to live as a tenant/roommate of this woman in Maryland. I found out the name of the woman and contacted her over Facebook. We had a friendly two hour chat about how things would be with my daughter moving in. The woman (now the Plaintiff) provided me with her name, address, phone numbers, pictures of herself and he pets and house. She would look out for my daughter she said.
So after the chat ended, I googled the woman's name. I found the usual stuff and that she is a bit litigious and I also found her LinkedIn profile. Seems like she is the victim of stalking in the past. About a week later, I got another Facebook chat from her. She was irate, claiming that me looking at her LinkedIn profile was creepy and stalking. She demanded that I never contact her ever again. She cut off the chat and blocked me from her social media. All I had done was look at her LinkedIn. I was after all concerned for my daughter's safety.
Several months go by and I have to get in touch with my daughter about her health insurance - she was still on my plan and the coverage was changing. (late 2019) I tried email, texts, voicemails... she would not respond and she had me blocked. So I tried calling the woman - I left two voicemails politely explaining my need to get in touch with my daughter for her own good.
About an hour later, I get a call back from her. She is screaming and talking very fast. I cannot get a word in edgewise. I can barely understand what she is saying but she is irate that I dared call her phone and that she is calling the police. (Keep in mind I have never actually met this person face to face). She then calls my wife and yells at my wife for ten minutes. Later that night she and my daughter go to Maryland District Court, literally at midnight, and file for a Restraining Order, which is granted. I was served with the order the next day in New Hampshire by an NH deputy.
So that was all five years ago and the order from Maryland has long since expired. I have had no further contact with her since and never want to again. The only time I have seen this person is the one time in court. She moved to Massachusetts and has a one acre farm in Rockport where she makes goat milk and grossly overpriced craft gifts. She has had newspaper articles that provide her home's street address, and pictures of her.
So after five and a half years, I am long, long over my former daughter's absence. She broke my heart terribly but I am over it and have moved on. But, this past weekend I happened to check google for me daughter's name to see if maybe I could find out what she has been up to. In the course of doing this I googled the Plaintiff's name as well. As I said, she has all sorts of newspaper articles and LinkedIn profile pictures and I looked at them - including her new (obviously public) LinkedIn profile. Keep in mind I am not under any current restraining order, and all I am doing is web surfing from my bed in New Hampshire.
And believe it or not, the next day two officers from my New Hampshire town police department showed up to read and serve me with an Harassment Prevention Order from a court in Massachusetts, calling me to come to a hearing in three weeks.
Any thoughts about this? I could see being guilty of harassment if I were sending her messages or following her or such, but I have had nothing to do with her for five years. This is nothing more than me having viewed her PUBLIC LinkedIn profile.
submitted by Just-10247-LOC to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:47 NoNefariousness8215 House with new roof and GHC but ripped out inside

I’m still on the house hunting period and saw a house with ideal location and good price. The ad says the house has a new roof and new gas central heating, both done in 2024. Inside it’s completely ripped out, all flooring were stripped off including bathroom floor, so was paint and wall paper. We don’t mind redecoration and refurbishment process, in fact we think it could be a nice thing, but I am just not sure why the seller would leave the interior of the house in such the state to sell if he already invested money in the roof and GCH. I can imagine the seller taking the kitchen units to put in the new house, but how about carpet and bathroom floor? Is it normal, or should I be concerned about history of the house? We will be viewing the house this Friday and I will appreciate any suggestions on questions to ask the EA to make sure everything is ok. I mean need for redecoration is all fine, new roof and new GCH is great, but a house coming with both is also a good thing… Thank you!
submitted by NoNefariousness8215 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:40 corycrater Lessons I've Learned After 10+ Years on YouTube

Thought I'd share some things I've learned after 10+ years on the platform. I started out as a YouTuber and now own a company with a range of channels. I'll spare you the details unless asked, but here's the key takeaways from my time on YouTube:
CTR and AVD still reign supreme
Back in the days of clickbait -- I mean the real clickbait -- CTR used to be the most important metric. The question everyone asked was "How do I get people to watch my video?" Provocative thumbnails, outlandish lies... for many it was whatever it took. Once AVD became a defining metric, the game had really changed. Higher quality videos were brought to the frontpage and much of cringe was left to die in the dark.
CTR still is a defining metric. The best CTR comes from combining thumbnails and titles to pose a question, or peak someone's interest, or generally appeal to a topic that casts a wide enough net. The difference is that now you need a value proposition that actually pays off. So many early creators failed to understand this and went down with the sinking ship. It's never been truer that today the platform bolsters quality over quantity. I hear people complaining all the time that garbage content gets all the views, and while that may still be true in some instances, the content being pushed is, at least today, the content being watched.
Not only this, but CTR and AVD are symbiotic. A low CTR can yield a high AVD for more niche topics. On the flip side, a high CTR can yield a low AVD because the bar is higher. More people watching means you'll run into some higher expectations. AVD and AVP have undoubtedly improved and continues to improve the quality threshold year after year.
Subscribers don't matter.
Subtitle may be bait to some degree. I'm saying one thing that will likely incite a response, but I'm going provide a caveat here. Subscribers don't matter in the sense of views and revenue. Subscribers may matter to you personally, say as a milestone, but subscribers equating to any form of viewership or revenue is a thing of the past.
The vast majority of viewers, especially on larger channels, are from YouTube's recommendations, homepage and up next. YouTube knows your audience better than you do. They feed your videos to the people who are watching that type of video today. Not the person who watched it last week, or last year, but to the relevant viewer of this very minute.
Your subscribers may support you, but when they click on YouTube at the end of the day, unless they're watching X minutes of your videos or videos like them, YouTube isn't showing them your channel.
Making art and making click-worthy content are not mutually exclusive.
I've seen a lot of posts on this subreddit where the discussion is raised regarding whether to go the clickbait route or keep your artistic freedoms.
You don't have to pick and choose. You can certainly decide to be a starving artist, and not cater your content to viewers in the slightest. Just don't be surprised when you don't have any growth. On the contrary, you can do whatever yields the highest views and make some terribly cringy thumbnails and videos that just pass the bar. I'm sure you'll make some money. You'll probably hate yourself too.
In my experience, the best route -- whether we're talking about having a fulfilling career or even highest revenue -- is a combination of both. The best YouTuber combines the left and right sides of the brain. Be analytical, follow the data, but also create a video that's next level. Low AVD's are hardly ever due to an individual being overly artistic. They usually come from the fact that it's a bad video.
The best way to get ahead will always be making the best video
Piggybacking off that last comment, the best way to beat the algorithm is by being the absolute best. I know, what a useless piece of advice. It's the truth, though. Creating high quality content is the best way to win right now. The days of the daily upload are over. We've seen that if you spend a month making a 30 minute video that's as close to flawless as possible, you'll walk away with more money than uploading three pieces of hot garbage a day. You just have to be sure your concept is one that the people want to see.
Work backwards.
You come up with your title and thumbnail first -- perhaps a concept that's tried and true. What's trending right now in your niche? What are the highest viewed videos this month? How can I make something unique, no, even better? Once you have your concept, script out your video and make it the best thing since sliced bread. I am yet to see a creator who benefited from doing this process the other way around. Create in the order you view. Click first, watch after.
If it isn't might be you.
Another bit of tough love. I'm sorry guys, but if a channel hasn't taken off, there's no point in feeling sorry for yourself. Either people don't want to see what you're making, it's a subject YouTube has some sort of restrictions on, or you haven't refined your content to the point of getting ahead. Certain types of content (like gameplay commentary) are so difficult to break into because they're oversaturated. There's such a huge influx of people doing it, your content needs to be top tier to even have a shot at breaking through.
Pivot. Pivot. Pivot.
Back in 2014/2015, I ran two Minecraft channels and a general gaming channel. It was around 2015/2016 that YouTube implemented some changes that nearly destroyed my company. My general gaming channel was suddenly hit with this new thing you may have heard of: "demonetization". Instantly regretted swearing in the videos. Right around this time, Minecraft was also going out of style, or dying as we all said. Later we learned you can't kill a cube, but alas it was a rough bout for me and the team. This was a very important experience for us, because it was when we learned that you either pivot or call it a day. We launched some Fortnite channels and had more success than we'd ever hoped to have prior. When your niche, your trend, your...thing... is going out, don't go out with it. Start working on the next channel, the next venture. Which brings me to this next bit...
Don't push to channels
For years and years we would push to new channels, reformat old channels (meaning wipe them clean and act like they never existed) and proceed to make completely new brands with entirely new content on them. This was because it was such a nightmare getting a new channel monetized. It was mostly due to working with MCN's. But now that everyone has equal access to the Partner Program, which really doesn't take too long to get approved for, you can get a new channel monetized fairly quickly. There's no point in pushing people to a new channel or wipe a channel clean. Just start a new one.
Even channels that were basically exact replicas of one another -- we have two channels that do basically the same style of video. We pushed viewers with the community tab and it only hurt the CTR and AVD. It's because like I said earlier, YouTube knows who to show the videos to better than we do. Let the algorithm do the work for you. It'll find you the right viewers, if the viewers are out there.
We've done both methods successfully, but have found time and time again that letting the algorithm choose the audience has always resulted in our strongest performing channels.
You are a flash in the pan.
This can be a tough pill to swallow, but even if you are a "famous" YouTuber, you're a flash in the pan. There might be some names that have stood to the test of time -- Markiplier and Jacksepticeye and Pewds. MrBeast will certainly be one name that doesn't fade any time soon. But majority of Tubers have a brief glimpse of fame.
It can be as bad as winning the lottery. You blow up overnight, start making loads of money, think you're the greatest thing on Gods green Earth, and then the trend you had hopped on dies and your channel dies right along with it. In the years I've been on this platform, I can count on a single hand the people who still make their money off of creating YouTube videos. Several have gone to work for YouTube companies, gone into consulting or other media, but even more have moved on to get normal 9-5 day jobs.
This is why you have to stay humble, and look at it for what it is -- a job. Your fans love you, sure. But that love only goes so far because they won't watch just anything you make. It can be a hobby too, sure. But there's different expectations of results. When you treat YouTube as a job, you have to pivot, you have to be analytical and you have to be objective. We all think we have the best videos, but that doesn't matter. What matters is whether everyone else thinks the same.
Play the game, but let others play it too.
This may be a bit anecdotal, but I've experienced this a lot in the past. We have an animation channel that gets thumbnails, titles, entire concepts ripped off all of the time. That's fine. Because we've done the same plenty of times. Is it annoying when they don't even try to give a little twist on it? Yeah. But it doesn't matter, because seeing the same video twice doesn't inspire people to click. So someone rips off a title and thumbnail from a 20 million view video to the T! Guess what? People think they already saw it and don't click. It's a terrible CTR. Please just don't be one of those guys who cries about others "stealing" your ideas when you've been doing the same thing all along.
It's all uphill from here.
It's the truth. YouTube is in a really stable place and I think it's a great time to get in and get started. With that said, the competition has never been so fierce. You have people raising the bar every day and now the biggest videos are insanely high quality and some have crazy long run times. A TV quality video at 60 minutes is hard to beat for a spot on the homepage.
Many creators have turned their channel into a business, so something that was once mostly individuals with webcams has become companies with entire teams behind a single video. The good news is you need only one video to wedge your way in. Take your time and make something remarkable that people won't forget. Take that momentum and keep on going. It's like running a marathon. There's several walls you need to break through, but once you're through can do it again and again.
Anyway, that's all I've got at this moment. If anyone wants to talk YouTube, leave a reply and I'm always up to have a discussion!
submitted by corycrater to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:39 Suspicious-Salad-888 Tunisia Trip Report - May 2024

I just got back from a one week solo trip from Tunisia and wanted to talk about my experience. American, 25M, Brown skin (not Arab), English speaking only (zero Arabic and only a few French words)
Language: Essentially everyone spoke Arabic and French but outside of my hotels and waiters at fancy restaurants, I found that only random people that I interacted with spoke conversational English. Knowing basic French will go a long way.
Transportation: I used Bolt (Uber in Tunisia) to travel within each city and it was super easy. Cash only but the price was determined before the ride started. At the end of the ride, the driver would show me the price on his phone. One thing I did notice was that although the model of the car always matched the one showing in the app, the license plate was sometimes completely off. I am not sure what the reason was for this, but just something to remember.
Louages: Between cities I took louages (mini buses) which were very easy, cheap, and convenient. I showed up to the louage station, bought a ticket (cash only) at the counter, and they would point to what area of the station to go to. I would then give the driver the ticket and wait in the louage until it was time to go. Louages only leave when they are full, so going from Tunis to Sousse might only be a few minutes wait, but going from Sousse to El Jem required a 15 minute wait. If I didn’t know where to go within the station, I would go up to a driver, say the city, and they would take me to the right area. Note that in Tunis there are two different louage stations based on what direction from Tunis you are going, so plan accordingly. And in other cities there were different ticket desks for different cities.
Currency: Only in hotels, nice restaurants, and the Bardo Museum was I able to use a credit card. An important thing to note: Tunisia has a closed currency, meaning YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE THE CURRENCY OUT OF THE COUNTRY. When you first exchange your own currency for TND (I did at the airport), you will need to KEEP THE RECEIPT with you in order to exchange it back. And once you are departing Tunisia and go through security, you will NOT be able to use the cash. Every restaurant and shop by the gates did not take cash, but instead only took credit card and even Euros and Pounds.
Sidi Bou Said (+ Carthage) (2 nights)
Sousse (2 nights)
Tunis (3 nights)
Day trips: El Jem, Kairouan, Dougga
Dar Fatma (Sidi Bou Said): 4/5. Very nice riad in a great location. Great rooftop with a small pool and amazing views. Light breakfast of bread, pastries, fruit, yogurt, coffee/tea and juice. 4 out of 5 because there was absolutely zero internet in my room and had to go into the main courtyard to get reception. This may have only been an issue with ground floor rooms due to how thick the walls were.
Dar Lekbira (Sousse): 5/5. Amazing riad in the middle of the medina. Rooftop with good views but no pool. Great breakfast of different egg dishes, fruit, bread, and various tunisian pastries/foods. Big room and nice courtyard
Palais Bayram (Tunis): 3/5. Very large room but the bathroom was a wet room with no shower curtain. Taking a shower resulted in the entire floor being absolutely soaked and required towels to dry it. Breakfast was a mediocre buffet of hard boiled eggs, cold cuts, breads and spreads, yogurt and sweets. No main courtyard to sit in and the rooftop was closed when I visited. For how much this hotel costed, it was not worth it
Sidi Bou Said: Very beautiful city on the mediterranean. Cobbled streets and blue and white houses; Exactly like Santorini except way smaller but nowhere near as touristy. Very nice to walk around but you do not need that much time here
Carthage: Walkable from Sidi Bou Said. A ticket for 12 dinars gets you access to all the Carthage ruins sites (about 8). This only requires a few hours. The Baths of Antoninus and Roman Theater were nice, but the other ruins were nothing special
Sousse: Sousse has both beaches and an old city. Since I was alone and was not here for that long, I only stayed in the medina. The medina was nice to walk around and the ribat was cool but there is not too much to do in the medina. I did not get a chance to visit the archaeological museum or any beaches which I have heard are great, so my opinion of Sousse was neutral. A big factor on going to Sousse was for the day trips
El Gem: I highly recommend visiting El Gem. Only an hour louage ride away from Sousse, the colosseum is amazing to visit and you can go on the actual colosseum floor unlike the Roman colosseum. There is not much to do in this town besides the colosseum and a nice archaeological museum, but I still recommend visiting
Kairouan: I unfortunately only got to Kairouan at 3pm because I visited El Gem on the same day and to go from El Gem to Kairouan you have to transfer back at Sousse. The great mosque (quite massive) closes at 2pm so I just walked around the city but on a 90 degree Wednesday at 3pm, there was not much going on. I am sure earlier in the day there is more going on in the city.
Tunis: I spent 1.5 days exploring the big medina, the new city, and the Bardo Museum. The Bardo Museum was really great; I spent a few hours looking at mosaics, artifacts, and learning about Tunisia’s history. There were not too many “things to do” in Tunis but I enjoyed the city and the food was great
Dougga: I had paid a driver $160 USD to drive me 1.5 hours to Dougga, wait for me for 1.5 hours, and then drive me back. All the ruin descriptions are in english but there were no English tour guides waiting at the ruins. I think you have to privately arrange a tour guide for Dougga. There were two impressive structures, but the rest of site was just fine, nothing spectacular. Dougga is pretty far away from Tunis for how long I spent there so it did not really seem worth going considering I did not see other sites along the way.
Sidi Bou Said/La Marsa/Carthage: The Couscous Tree, Le Golfe, Restaurant Mossli
Tunis: Restaurant bent l'bey, Dkik & Zit, El Ali Restaurant & Cafe, Dar El Jeld, Fondouk El Attarine
Sousse: Restaurant Café Seles, Restaurant EL SOFFRA Chez Fredj, Restaurant du Peuple
Mistakes: I think staying in hotels in the medinas in Sousse and Tunis was a mistake. I did not realize beforehand that medinas essentially are open from 9am - 5pm. Once 5pm hits all the shops close, and you are left with empty streets with nothing to see. And once the sun sets, it is pretty eerie to walk around. I equate it to a tourist taking a NYC subway at 2am with only a few people on it, except more eerie but way less dangerous. Going to and from dinner I was forced to have my phone out, heavily relying on Google Maps and familiar routes to get to my destination. These medinas also have doors that open and close for the day, so sometimes a route I took in the morning was not accessible in the night. This combined with the plethora of cats roaming around made me not want to leave my hotel at night.
Morocco vs Tunisia: Having been to both countries, both places have their pros and cons for visiting. Comparing two countries to visit is not usually right but for Americans and other people wanting a taste of North Africa I think my perspective is valuable. In my opinion, If you want to visit a North African country for the first time and really immerse yourself in the culture and pack your schedule full of different cities and activities, Morocco is the way to go. Morocco’s tourism industry and infrastructure are way ahead of Tunisia’s, and there are a lot more big cities to visit. A lot more people including Americans visit Morocco, and you will not have any trouble planning your trip or finding things to do. However, unlike Tunisia where tourists were essentially left alone, in Marrakesh for example, I found that a lot of vendors would accost tourists and would often come up to them trying to coax them into buying something.
Tunisia I found there were less “things to do” but was way more laid back and learned you could do a wide range of activities in a short amount of time. You could see Mediterranean beaches, Carthagian ruins, desert oases, intricate medinas, and holy islamic cities all in a couple of days. But with Tunisia, I had to scour the internet for tourism information, and honestly there was not that much out there compared to other countries I have solo traveled in. Being an experienced traveler, I was able to get by with the language barrier, but with not much English in Tunisia and what seemed to be few English speaking tourists in Tunisia some might be opposed to visiting. Having said this, if you want a more laid back vacation with a wider variety of things to do and are more strapped for time, Tunisia is a great place to visit.
Overall, I had a great time in Tunisia. The food was amazing, the people were extremely friendly, and I experienced many fun things. I am very glad I visited and would encourage others to visit if they got the chance.
submitted by Suspicious-Salad-888 to solotravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:39 Aggravating-Math-509 [Flash/PC][Early 2000s] Strategy game where you build towers I remember from early childhood (not a typical Tower Defense)

I realize the title isn't really helpful, but what can you do? I played this game when I was very little, so I don't remember much concrete about it.
More likely a Flash game, but it could also be a PC one. If it isn't a Flash game, then it is probably one of those that requied you to use some dodgy game manager like Big Fish.
Strategy, not typical tower defense where you have a track.
Estimated year of release:
No clue, roughly '00s, at latest early '10s
Graphics/art style:
Top-down view, don't remember the style.
Notable gameplay mechanics:
Like I said in the post title, it was a game where you had to build towers that would attack enemies. I remember that all of them fired projectiles, except for one which spawned units that looked like generic fantasy barbarians. It wasn't a typical tower defense where you'd have a track with enemies going along, but instead they came at you from pretty much any direction. I don't remember exactly what it was, or how you got it, but you of course did need currency for the towers. I vaguely recall being able to upgrade the towers, but I am the least sure of that of all things.
Other details:
I vividly remember the game having a snowy/ice stage where you had to kill Sharks or something like that and in the top left of the map there was a hidden great white shark enemy that was tough to kill.
Another one of the maps included getting up/into a volcano/mountain that started you off at a flat deserty part down from it.
Also one of the first levels I remember required you to go around an impassible area (mountains?) at the very left of the screen to reach some area with enemies in it.
submitted by Aggravating-Math-509 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:34 QuietPresence97V There's something in the North Atlantic Tracks, and It Got On Board

Part I
To hell with confidentiality. The National Transportation Safety Board knows nothing; it’s not even in their hands. When an MD-11 goes missing with nearly 400 people on board, and 73 come back alive, there’s something amiss about that story. You won’t find anything about this flight or the one that went missing shortly after. Even before I give you the real story, let’s apply a little bit of logic here. For this type of aircraft, a flight from London’s Heathrow Airport to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport would not go missing for 49 hours and then nearly hit an Airbus a thousand miles away from the disappearance site. You’re telling me that the plane could fly for over two days on a tank of fuel and ended up only two hours max away from where it went missing without being seen by any ground witnesses? If that’s not the case, do you think the survivors of a ditching would be able to last two and a half hours in the cold with no shelter, and the only source of heat is each other’s bodies? The flaws are obvious, but I digress.
With that background out of the way, it’s time you know what happened. To tell that story, we go way back beyond the moment of the disappearance. It starts in the common room of a small college house in England. This semester, I studied abroad with six students from my school, three others from other institutions in our system, and eight from another American university. As the manager of the Wilson Aerospace Corporation, I organized a charter flight to airports near each of our hometowns without the need for long layovers. With the benefit of not needing to pay for this, everyone quickly agreed to return home on this flight. We packed up and all cooked one last meal before the trip. They always told me how central the community is to your experience abroad, and they’re right. I could not have asked for a better group of people to have been here with. For their privacy, I will be addressing them by fictitious names.
We had finished eating and started doing the dishes when my phone rang. Without looking, I silenced it. I went back to work for a minute before it rang again. I noticed that it wasn’t a call coming through WhatsApp. I took my phone off silent and waited for the next call. A German student in the room asked what the calls were about. I told her that while I didn’t know what the calls were about, I almost knew for sure who was behind the calls and had the sense that I knew what was coming when I answered. The phone rang again, and this time I picked up. “Hello, is this Captain Merrick?”
“No, it’s Dewey from logistics.” Silence on the other end. “Yes, this is Captain Merrick. What are you calling me about?”
“Hi, I just wanted to tell you that due to a family event, Captain Hersh cannot command flight 555 tomorrow, so with your credentials, and since you’re going to be on board anyway, we’re going to assign you to take the plane.”
“Oh, come on, you can’t find anyone else in the UK or the EU to take it?”
“Sadly not; besides, it’s been a while since you’ve logged any hours. Don’t you think returning to a cockpit early would be good?”
“Well, by that logic, shouldn’t I go through a proficiency course before flying again?”
“After your management of flight 890’s situation, we think you’re fit and safe to fly.”
“That was a month ago, which wasn’t even on the MD-11.”
“You’re taking the plane.” The call hung up, and I just stood silently. I walk back to the kitchen.
“Who was that?” Asked Jennifer, a student from my home institution.
“It was our flight’s dispatcher, and he told me that they’ve placed me in command of the flight tomorrow, and considering that I haven’t logged any time in the last two weeks, I will be assessed on the simulator and placed in control right off the bat.”
“You’re going to be flying our plane?”
“I know that’s not the most comforting thought in the world, but I’ve done this before; I know the plane quite well, and a few years ago, I managed to land one that was significantly damaged.”
“Yeah, while I was still learning the ropes, I made a mistake, and one of the flaps just got torn off. It was a while ago, and if that happened now, I would probably lose my job and license, so you can rest assured I won’t let that happen.”
The following day, we left the house and began walking to the train station, where we traveled by rail to London Heathrow. On the ride, I got my dispatch release from Wilson Aerospace Corporation Air Charter Services for flight 555. While the release looked normal, something under the Notice to Air Missions caught my eye. Notice to Air Missions, or NOTAMs for short, are often filled with abbreviations and other jargon, but I’ll put it the way I said it out loud. “It says there’s an unusually rough ride on track Delta but nowhere else.”
“What does that mean?” Asked Jennifer. She wasn’t a nervous flyer, per se, but to someone who isn’t a major avgeek like myself, this information can put you on edge.
“It probably means nothing, but I’m more worried about why the turbulence is there to begin with. All this end-of-the-world type shit has been toying with my head for a while, so I’m most worried about that.”
Without another word about it, we continued the ride to London’s King’s Cross Station, where we transferred to the underground Piccadilly line to the airport. We arrived three hours before the flight, and with two hours to go, I parted with my group for the final time until next semester when we’re back at our home institution.
I met up with the crew after my simulator assessment. The cabin crew were all the best in the business. I visited the first-class flight attendants and ensured that my friends would be given only the best WAC treatment. After finishing my discussion with them, I met the flight crew. I shook hands first with the flight’s first officer, Hope McKinnon. She has been with the WAC for almost a year and was the only first officer on the cross-country charter trip in January, which originated in New York and terminated in California, where I go to school. We had a third pilot with us since the flight to Chicago was over 8 hours. This came in the form of Second Officer Tyler Morris, a 21-year-old who had just completed his 1500-hour requirement that the FAA still wants young pilots to get to. He was snagged by the WAC immediately upon getting his commercial pilot certificate and has been doing contract work on our smaller, non-part 121 operations. After starting as a ferry pilot for us, he has logged 600 hours on the MD-11.
This aircraft was built in 1993 and bought by the WAC in 2018. During the walkaround, I paid particular attention to the brakes and trailing edge flaps on the right and left wing tip. Then, I walked out on the wing to inspect the left-wing spoilers, all areas that had received special treatment during the plane’s overhaul the previous week. Everything was in top condition, and without hesitation, I cleared the plane to fly.
I got up to the cockpit during boarding, so I had to maneuver around some people to get there. Hope said she got the weather information for departure and that the system had reported wind-shear conditions on the north side of the field. I asked her what that meant for us. She said it might simply mean that we can’t fly. Sustained winds were up to 28 knots at a heading of approximately 175, and gusts were up to 33 at 110 degrees. “We’re still within our limits,” I said. “The crosswind component has to go above 35 before we can’t fly, so we’ll be okay here.”
We taxied out to runway 09L after the preflights were complete. We were in line behind a small Embraer flown by Finnair. Once they were cleared for takeoff, I was instructed to line up and wait on the same runway. Just as I stopped on the numbers, I saw the smaller jet slammed by a wind shear. “Holy shit,” I exclaimed. Hope and Tyler looked up from the flight management computer, where Hope was running the calculations for wind information through the takeoff screen. They asked me with an edge of panic what had happened. “Dude, that Embraer just got blown off the runway. What are sustained winds right now?”
“26 knots,” Hope replied. I looked at the plane down the runway, which had managed to keep it moving long enough to stagger onto a taxiway. As soon as he does, the tower calls. “Eagle 97 Victor Heavy, the winds are changing in speed and direction, so do you want to continue takeoff here, or do you want to go over to 09R, or do you want to return to your gate? Either way, winds are 187 at 26, wind-shear conditions gusting 233 at 35, runway 09L, cleared for the option.”
“Niner Left cleared for the option, Eagle 97 Victor Heavy.” Hope and I looked at each other and sighed. We were silent for a few seconds. Tyler was the first to say what we were all thinking. “The winds are changing too fast over here; we can’t take off.” Even though I’m the pilot flying, I’m the one who keys the mic.
“Heathrow tower, Eagle 97 Victor Heavy is deciding to abort the takeoff and try to move over to Zero Niner Right.”
“Eagle 97 Victor, we can do that for you, exit the runway at Alpha 12, taxi to runway Zero Niner right via Alpha, hold short at November 10. Once off, contact ground on one two one decimal niner zero”
“Alpha 12, taxi via alpha, hold short zero niner right at November 10. When off, over to twenty-one nine, Eagle 97 Victor.”
We taxied over to the runway and, shortly after, were told to line up. The aircraft that landed in front of us had no issues, and then we heard a pilot’s three favorite words. “Eagle 97 Victor Heavy, runway zero niner left, cleared for takeoff.”
20 minutes later, at our initial cruising altitude of 34,000 feet, we got our clearance into the North Atlantic Tracks on our ACARS system. This is where things started to get weird. “Eagle 97 Victor, this is Shanwick Center. I just wanted to warn you that the PIREPs indicate severe turbulence along track Delta, and it’s been getting stronger over the past 12 hours. The last pilot to report it turned around due to structural damage.” Hope and I look at each other. After a moment, she says, “I don’t know what we should do. The North Atlantic tracks aren’t flexible, so we can’t navigate around that. Do you think we could climb above it?” I shrug and ask the controller what altitude it was reported at. He said the corridor of turbulence was 30 miles long and was reported at all flight levels on westbound flights only. I looked at the information I wrote down, and Hope was silent as I pondered the decision. “Let’s move forward. The son of a bitch can take a beating, so what’s 30 miles?” I then made the most ominous PA message I’ve ever had to make.
“Folks, from the cockpit, the Air Traffic Controllers are telling us about PIREPs, indicating we have some pretty nasty bumps ahead. While it’s unclear how severe this turbulence is, some aircraft ahead of us have taken damage. So make sure your seatbelts are fastened as tight as possible, and all luggage is secured in a place where it won’t move. We won’t fly into it for another hour to an hour and a half or so, so take your time to be thoroughly ready. Just sit back, try to relax, and it will be over soon.” After I hung up, I started looking around the cockpit to ensure no loose objects could begin flying around. While it is rare, and I’ve never seen that kind of turbulence before, I did lose control of a 737 last year.
After Hope and I held hands for a quick prayer, we felt the first bumps. Nothing abnormal at first, just a jolt from the bottom here and a jolt from the right there, which went on for about seven miles. After that time, the plane felt like it entered a free fall for 4 seconds before slamming down and being thrown about a hundred feet up. A cross gust hit, which caused a violent yaw followed by the right-wing dipping about 20 feet. I put my hand on the yoke, bracing for the worst-case scenario. It came when a second cross gust hit, causing the plane to roll to the right about 30 degrees. The familiar bell indicating the autopilot disengaging rang through the cockpit. I took back control and, even with how much the plane was bouncing around, was caught off guard by how stiff the feedback in the controls was.
Not long after that, it felt like we hit a hundred-foot-thick brick wall. Hope and I were crushed against our shoulder straps beneath the immense impact. The plane was immediately struck by a second gust from the side with equal force. “We’re really in the spin cycle now,” Hope said. The plane was groaning and rattling under the stress of the storm, but I tried to keep calm as I keyed the mic to talk to the controller. “Shanwick Center, this is Eagle 97 Victor. We’re getting bounced around quite badly out here, so you think we could get on another track?”
“Speedbird 28 Kilo, good afternoon; climb and maintain flight level 380. Aircraft calling, say again?”
“Shanwick center, this is Eagle 97 Victor; we’re getting bounced around pretty good; you think we could re-route?”
“Damn, it sounds like you are. Negative on reroute, track Charlie is occupied right next to you by a 747 at flight level 360.”
“Is there anywhere south we can go, maybe track Echo?”
“Standby, what exactly is the nature of the turbulence right now?”
“It feels like we're flying in a city skyline, hitting every goddamn building in our path.”
“Oh, God, do you need to climb or descend?”
“I don't know what we need to do. We might not be able to. I’m losing control of the airplane.” As I said this, the plane violently rolled to the right. I put in maximum left yoke and rudder, but all that did was put the aircraft into a stable position at about an 87-degree bank. It pitched up and rolled abruptly to the left, nearly inverting. The stick began to vibrate violently, a warning of an impending stall. “Eagle 97 Victor has lost control of the airplane.” Instead of fighting the roll, I went with it, hoping to rotate the plane around into a straight and level flying position. As I did, it started to enter a left-side slip. “We're completely inverted,” I shouted to the controller over the now deafening sound of the plane straining under the load. All of a sudden, we flew into a kind of cloud tunnel. I reported that to the controller, and just as I finished, a growing black dot appeared in front of us. “Oh God, what is that?” Before I could finish the question, we flew through it.
On the other side was another tunnel, darker than the one we flew into, but after a couple more bounces, the plane calmed down and came back under control. I guided it back to a straight and level attitude before switching on the autopilot. I held the yoke for a few seconds before releasing it from my grip. The alarms went silent, and we flew out of the cloud formation into what looked like the night sky. We were both puzzled by this. The stars looked precisely like the night sky, which was impossible because, in our current location, it was around 13:00 hours. That wasn’t the part that worried me. What was was that instead of a dark ocean, there was an equally infinite sea of stars below us. As our eyes adjusted to the light, more of the vast canvas was unveiled. Entire galaxies rolled like clouds in the distance. It was beautiful but unlike any pictures I'd seen of the observable universe. The colors were unnatural, as if they had been hand-painted by an artist, yet they were so sharp and clear that they just had to be real. The vastness of the space filled me with reverence at the mere beauty of this creation, but there was also an equal terror. “What the hell was that?” Hope asked.
“I have no idea, but Toto,” I looked over at Hope and watched the color drain from her face. I said the words in a slow, hushed, deep voice. So much so that it was as if the tempest would come back if I said it too loud: “I get the feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
Hope seemed to stop breathing as the cockpit fell silent, save for the sound of the engines running outside. Something struck me as being off. “Wait, if we’re in space, there shouldn't be an atmosphere. We shouldn't be hearing anything except maybe for vibrations in the airframe. Let me try something.” I switched off the autopilot and ran a control check. To equal parts relief and horror, the plane responded to everything as it should. I never thought I'd say these words or that they would sound so menacing, but without breaking my gaze out the window as I switched the autopilot back on, I said, “We’re still flying.”
“What are we going to do” I remain silent at this question, transfixed by what I’m looking at. “Jackson,” Hope shouts abruptly. I look over at her, finally coming back to my senses. I signal with my eyes for her to continue. “What are we going to do about this?”
“Call everyone to the front. We don’t know what that was or where we are; let’s put our heads together and talk about it.”
“Shouldn’t we tell the passengers?”
“Tell them what? That we’re trapped in interstellar space? That we’re light years away from the next obstacle? That we’ve been taken by an unknown entity into its pocket dimension for him to play around with and eventually kill? The point is, we don’t know any more about this situation than the passengers do; all we’ve had different from them is a bigger scare.”
“How was ours bigger?”
“They don’t know we lost control of the airplane.” I reached down to the pedestal to shut down the tail engine to save fuel. I looked at the altimeter and realized it was frozen at 25,000 feet. Hope called the rest of the crew to the cockpit for a meeting. I took one last look out the window, unsure if some kind of mimetic effect caused the trances I kept falling into or if it was just pure shock and disbelief at the situation. Hope and I got up from our seats when the rest of the crew arrived. They looked a little perplexed, which, in turn, unsettled me. “How are the passengers doing?” I asked.
“Pretty shaken up and a little scared that we’re going back into the wall of a hurricane or something,” the lead flight attendant said. “They might want to divert to the nearest place. Reykjavik can’t be that far away, can it?”
“Wait, you aren’t looking out the window?”
“No, we blacked them out because we didn’t want the passengers to see what was happening outside.”
“So you don’t know what’s happened either?”
“No, we don’t. We can’t just land right away and sort this out?” Hope and I looked at each other, a growing sense of terror between us that quickly spread to the cabin crew. I turned back to them, and in a dry, strained voice, I said, “Have a look for yourselves.” I opened the cockpit door to let them inside for a look out the windows. All of them immediately went pale, and their jaws hit the floor. Some of the passengers noticed that the cabin crew was gathered so tightly around the cockpit, and I responded by squeezing through the mass and closing the dividing curtains. When I got back, the crew appeared to be in a completely entranced state. “What do you suppose we do?” Robert, the chief flight attendant, asked.
“I don’t know, but first things first, we understand why we’re here. I’ll go to the avionics bay to try to deduce what happened. Hope, Tyler, you guys are in charge until I get back. Cabin crew, keep the passengers calm and keep a lookout for anything possibly dangerous. It’s possible a sentient entity brought us here, and if it did, I don’t think it wants to talk over a plate of garlic fries and a football game. That’s just a theory, but we have to be ready for it.”
“Why are you quick to draw that conclusion?” Barbara, the juniormost flight attendant, asked.
“Let’s just say I know some people. I’ve had a history with an underground group called the SCP Foundation. They’re a society dedicated to collecting and containing anomalies. We haven’t seen one like this, but this is something they’d want to hear about if we make it out alive. I don’t have time or clearance to share much more with you, so let’s just get to work.” I sent the cabin crew off to run their rounds as Tyler and Hope took their seats in the cockpit. I grabbed a flight attendant's PA Phone and made the hardest call of my career. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Captain speaking. If you’ve ever seen the Twilight Zone episode The Odyssey of Flight 33, you’d understand the loss for words that the captain of that plane was at. This one’s a little different. In a moment, the flight attendants are going to reveal to you what the crew has been looking at for the past couple of minutes. If you are with a travel partner, we suggest that you lean on each other for support in every way you can and look out either side of the airplane. I guarantee what you see will shock you.” I signal Buzz, the flight attendant closest to me, to clear up the windows. The reaction of the crowd to what they’re seeing nearly stops my heart. I try not to break as I finish my message. “We don’t know where we are, how we got here, and what kind of danger we are in, if any. The crew will be working hard for your safety and comfort as we sort out this very urgent situation. And one more thing: to make it easy for us, please remain calm.”
I hung up the phone and stood there silently. Barbara was right next to me, and after a long time and a few attempts to work up the courage, but eventually asked me what I meant by the avionics bay.
“We’re not supposed to access it in flight, but there’s an ACARS disc in the avionics bay that will record anomalous information, usually for maintenance purposes. It will have around 10 minutes of information on it, so we don’t have a lot to work with, but if we can plug it into a device that can read the information and determine any distinct events related to what brought us here, we might be able to find a way back.”
“Isn’t that a lot like the black boxes?”
“This is a little bit different. Black boxes are for accident investigation, but this is unique to Wilson Aerospace planes for maintenance and experimental purposes.” I pulled the gun I carried on all flights out of my waistband and searched through the galley for ammunition. When I found it and loaded the gun, Barbara watched in horror. When I cocked it, she recoiled as if I had actually fired. “What are you doing?”
“I don’t know what’s telling me to do so, but I have to be loaded before I go in there.”
“Who do you think could be down there?”
“Not who, per se, but what?” I could see the color drain from her face as I squeezed past her to go access the hatch under which the avionics bay was hidden. I removed the carpet and undid the latches to the avionics bay. It was dark down there, more so given it was like the night sky outside. I made the sign of the cross and tapped a pin that a friend had given me that I put on my tie. I grabbed the flight attendant’s phone and alerted everyone to the fact that I was entering the hole. I dropped down to the hard floor beneath. The unusually smooth ride became clear to me at that moment. I turned on my flashlight and swept it around the room. The normally soothing rumble of the engines felt suddenly ominous. I felt the engines on the wings shut down, which caused the room to fall nearly silent. I couldn’t tell if Hope and Tyler had shut down the engines to save fuel or if they had failed, but I didn’t have time to worry about that at the moment. I slowly stepped into the darkness, moving my flashlight to my right hand and drawing my gun with my left. I walked over to the shelf labeled “Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System.” I heard something behind me and whipped around. My heart just about stopped, and my blood turned to ice at the sight of the creature.
It wasn’t hideous; it was actually rather beautiful. It was a humanoid figure, timid in its mannerism and a few inches shorter than my 6-and-a-half foot stature. It had paper white but very thick and healthy skin draped over a muscular frame. Its limbs were slightly out of proportion with that of a human’s, with its arms reaching down to the knees of uncannily long legs. Its face was elongated, like the snout of a dog, with its skin covering what was inside of its mouth. I didn’t want to find out, but couldn’t exactly get out of there. Suddenly the beast charged. I had lowered my gun to my side but not holstered it. I instantly fired three rounds into the creature’s face. It screamed in pain but only slowed down. It shielded its face as it regained its composure. Knowing I had five rounds left, I waited for it to show itself again and aimed for its eyes. When I did, a disgusting white discharge spewed from the wound. It briefly recoiled before revealing its face again. It roared, and I fired another shot down its throat. It gurgled loudly and collapsed. I took the chance to flee to the hatch. As I did, two more of the creatures emerged from the computers and chased me. I climbed the ladder into the cabin where Buzz was waiting for me. I looked down and saw the vile face of one of the creatures. I fired the remaining three shots down into the hatch, hoping they didn’t damage the airplane. I slammed the hatch down and locked it.
“Are you okay?”
“Well, it didn’t hurt me. I’ll be alright.”
“You gave us quite a scare there.”
“You heard that?”
“Yeah, we did. The shots startled several passengers.”
“Did you hear the screams?”
“Yes, what was it you fired at?”
“I have no clue, I just know that it isn’t natural. Whatever it is, it is hostile, and it attacked me. We might have a bigger problem than being stuck here.”
“What’s that?”
“I killed the first one, but there are at least two more.” I return to the cockpit, shaken up by the experience. The crew got me a cup of soda (I really don’t like hot drinks) and had me resume my place in the Captain’s seat. We talked about the situation with the avionics bay, and knowing that the creatures are there, it’s going to be a more challenging task harvesting the information. Hope asks if we should check other places. Tyler said we shouldn’t, based on the fact that we could cause a containment breach if we were to look in the cargo hold. Hope countered that by saying that if the plane really was infested, it would help us devise a plan to retrieve the information. They turned to me for a final verdict. “It would be wise to check the cargo hold to understand the level of danger these creatures present. The ones that attacked me never touched me, and I never saw their hands, so we don’t know how dangerous they are. Currently, the largest question mark is we don’t know how many there are. I’ll grab Buzz and David, and we’ll go down for-”
“No,” Hope cut me off. “We almost lost you once, and as the flight’s Captain, we can’t afford to risk your life again. I’m going down, and that is non-negotiable, you understand?” I looked at Tyler, who looked back with a look in his eyes that said, “I wouldn’t fight her, bro.”
I looked at her and the crazy look in her eyes. “Okay, but don’t take a gun with you.”
“Why not?”
“As much as this might be a central concern, we are in an airplane, and we are still flying. I don’t want stray bullets damaging the fuselage or, worse, the airframe.”
“Okay.” Hope left the cockpit, leaving Tyler and me alone. I looked over at him and noticed that something seemed to be upsetting him. He was looking at a locket he must have produced when I was talking to Hope. He looked at it with glossy eyes and rubbed it with his thumb. I think about asking him but ultimately decide against it. I felt the pang of something in my chest, something I have become all too familiar with, a kind of existential loneliness. I sat and thought about my friends in the cabin. I have no idea what they must have been feeling at that moment, especially when they had a clue as to what might have been going on. I wanted to go back and talk to them to calm all of us down and was unbuckling my harness to do so when the service interphone rang to life. I picked it up, and the instant it was clear to the person on the other end that I was listening, they shouted through the line.
“Oh my god, there are hundreds of them.” My blood turned to ice, and I could sense that Tyler’s did as well.
“What do you want me to do?” I asked.
“Throw them off.” The crew member on the other end screamed, and the interphone cut off. Without hesitation, I reached over and switched the autopilot off. I have Tyler hold the plane steady as I put my shoulder straps on, and once I have that done, I urge him to do the same. Unsure of what to do next, I increase power to the one running engine and pull the yoke back as hard as possible. All the blood rushed out of my head, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I then remembered the story of Federal Express flight 705, and then turned the yoke full axis to the left, rolling it onto its side and then its back. Despite not knowing what is up and down in this dimension, I noticed quickly that gravity was constantly pulling us in the original direction. This meant that the inversion caused everything that wasn’t secure to fly towards the ceiling. I kicked the rudder a couple of times, first to the right and then to the left. The screams ringing out from the cabin were blood-curdling. I suppressed the urge to cry, knowing how terrifying this had to be to the passengers. I rolled the plane with all it had to the right. I rolled it over once and then stopped it in a steep right bank and once again pulled as hard as I could. The turn nearly made me pass out, and after this maneuver, I leveled the plane off and switched the autopilot back on. I looked over to Tyler and asked if he was okay. “I’m all good here,” he responded.
“I know it’s tempting to catch your breath,” I said, unbuckling my harnesses. “But we have to go help them. We don’t know if they actually beat the creatures or if we shot ourselves in the foot by using that strategy.” I grabbed a crash axe and left the cockpit. As was completely expected, the cabin was an absolute mess. Pillows and blankets were strewn about, along with other garbage and some spilled drinks. I took a wordless look at the chaos and continued to the back of the airplane. I walked through the first two sections dreading what I was about to see. Aside from a few people nursing minor injuries, there wasn’t anything overly disturbing about each of them. That was until I got to the aftmost section of the cabin. I’m not overly sensitive to things I see, whether that be getting emotional at movies or getting sick upon seeing disturbing things, but this was just so… real. There were human remains everywhere, along with four dead bodies of the humanoid creatures.
There were crew members attending to three severely injured passengers, but that wasn’t the most disturbing part. There were at least seven dead bodies of passengers and the dead bodies of Purser Patrick Delaney, Chief Flight Attendant Buzz Donaldson, and First Officer Hope McKinnon. Three more junior flight attendants were present and very overwhelmed. I’m not certified to give medical care, so I didn’t know what to do. I tried desperately to find words but eventually settled on “What the hell happened?” Barbara started to cry, and another flight attendant, Luke Berry, went to comfort her. The third, James Mann, explained that as soon as Hope had dropped into the cargo hold, two of the creatures immediately jumped on her. She screamed for help, and the senior flight attendants immediately rushed aft to help her out. When they got there, five creatures had emerged from the hole and were overpowering the junior flight attendants. Pat and Buzz had run in to knock the creatures off their feet for a diversion, but they wouldn’t leave Luke alone. That’s when Pat grabbed the handset but mistakenly set it to PA instead of interphone, so he broadcast the desperate cry to the passengers instead of Tyler and me. This caused a mass panic in the aft portion of the aircraft. Shortly after, the maneuvers started, which saved Luke, though his leg and arm were badly injured. Buzz accidentally hit Barbara with an ax swinging for one of the creatures, which in turn slit his throat. When the plane inverted, Pat fell to the ceiling with one of the creatures, which shredded his chest as it scrambled to regain its footing, inflicting Pat with a sucking chest wound. He died seconds later. Multiple passengers were killed, though not by the creatures attacking them, but by the creatures scrambling to maintain their footing on the shifting ground. “So you’re telling me that by this strategy, we made the situation worse?”
“Yes, that’s exactly right.” I take a moment to process the words before heading back to the front. When I get there, Flight Attendant John Wilson is waiting for the news. “Because of me, fifteen people are dead.”
“How so?”
“All that death and destruction came from me flying the plane around to knock them off balance than from the creatures themselves.” Just then, something that had been nagging at me manifested as a question. “Are the creatures only after the crew?”
“I don’t know, and there’s really no way we can test that.”
“I beg to differ.” John looks at me with wide eyes as if I’ve revealed a dark secret.
“You don’t…” He trails off, barely finishing the second word.
“Listen, if we don’t try things, we’re all dead. Our only hope of getting home is in that avionics bay, and we have to send anyone we can who can get the information back without losing their life.”
“How do you know if it’s unsafe for the crew?”
“Because it attacked me!” I hissed. I promptly shuddered at the memory of seeing Hope’s emaciated body. Without another word, I went back inside the cockpit. Tyler noticed I was pretty badly shaken up. “What was it like out there?” he asked innocently.
“It was a bloodbath.” I told him the story of what happened, and he looked at me blankly. I told him I didn’t want to leave my seat again after what I had seen. He tried to sympathize with me, but I promptly cut him off, saying that the plane and everyone on board was my responsibility as Captain.
“Dude, you are not okay.”
“You think I don’t know that?” I proposed the idea that we send a crew member and a passenger down to the cargo hold to test the waters. Tyler was against this, but given that we didn’t have very much in the way of both options and fuel, we had to be decisive. Tyler relented, and we got a volunteer from the crew to go downstairs. I went back out into the cabin to talk to first-class directly. I explained the situation to them and asked for any volunteers to check out the hold. To my relief, none of my friends stood up, but rather a stranger from business class. She came forward to the galley along with the volunteer crew member, Linda McNab. I gave them each crash axe and explained that while we don’t know what the creatures are or what they’re capable of, we do know that the axe can kill them. The passenger asked why we weren’t using guns. I had to explain that I didn’t want to pepper a bunch of holes in the airplane by firing a ton of bullets inside, but if one had to kill a creature point blank, a gun would be an effective way to kill one.
I said a prayer over them before they left. They went to the back of the plane and disappeared behind the dividing curtain between first and business class. I went back to the cockpit to wait for the results. In a note the NTSB would later present to me, the passenger recorded her expedition into the cargo hold.
It read: when we went down inside, it was pitch black. I waited for the crew member to follow me down into the hole. It was quiet and suspiciously so. He told me that we were down here only for a minute to wait and see if anything happened. Something swiped past my back, which caused me to freak out a little bit. I ran forward to where the flight attendant was. She panicked, grabbed me, and asked if I was okay. I shrugged it off and asked if we could leave. Just then, I heard something deep in the cargo area. It sounded like my mother’s voice. When I told that to the flight attendant, she immediately raised his ax into a fighting position. I asked her why, and she told her to get closer. I saw a flash of ultraviolet light roll across her face. She said, “Hi, honey,” before I saw an ax split open her skull. I jumped back immediately. She pulled out the ax and hacked at her neck and chest. I asked what he was doing. She said, “That’s only for the Captain to know.” She led me back to my seat and got the Captain. As they were talking, another flight attendant asked to look at my back under the shirt at the supposed wound. They called Jackson over, who objected at first, but upon glancing my back, came in for a closer look. All he said was, “Damn, they’re good.” End of transcript.
When they came back, Linda told me about their encounter. While I won’t recap the events of what happened, given that the passenger did that for me, I will tell you what we learned. They can read minds through physical contact, and they do have shapeshifting capabilities. There were several questions remaining, like what the creatures wanted, did they have any targets, and who was that target, if any. I started going back to the cockpit when Barbara called me over to look at the passenger’s back. “I told you already, I’m not medically certified, why do you need… me…” I trailed off as I saw her back. I walked over in silence. When I got to her, I was completely awestruck. I reached out with my fingers and brushed over where the claw supposedly swiped her back. “You said it swiped you?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Damn, they’re good.” I ran back to the cockpit, where the surviving crew put their heads together again. We were questioned about how we knew that they could actually read minds. I responded that it’s the only logical conclusion for why a creature would touch someone without the intent to kill and how it would have manifested as the person’s mother, or at least what she claimed was her mother. “Whatever it means, it’s not good news for us. We need to find out how we got here so we can at least make an effort to get back.”
“How do you think we’re supposed to get that information, though? The avionics bay is infested, you’ve already almost died once, and we’re not letting you go down there again.”
“Who do you think we send down there, then?”
submitted by QuietPresence97V to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:32 fearmongert Organizing a BABYMETAL AFTER PARTY: a (hopefully) Helpful Step-By-Step guide

Hey everyone! For US fans, Tour Season is upon us once more- the most WONDERFUL time of the year!
With that said, everyone is busy making personal plans, arranging travel, and looking forward to their big day of fun! 🦊 One thing that comes up over and over are get togethers and meetups both before and after the shows. Each year, there seems to be several parties that were thrown, but there were also a few locations that had difficulties setting something up, or where no one stepped forward to put something together. Perhaps it was due to lack of interest, or simply because even if someone WANTED to attend or put together an event, they simply didn’t know where to start or how to get the ball rolling.
Having put together several after parties and events, I thought I might break down a simple step by step “guide” on throwing an after party, with what I have found has worked well in the past, in hope that anyone CONSIDERING putting an even together might find some of the info or tips useful!
Step One- procuring a venue-
Select a spot-
The first and most important part is HAVING a place to meet. This isnt always easy, because so many of us are traveling to these shows, and not everyone is 100% familiar with the area. This isn’t a 100% deal breaker however, and GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND! Obviously, try and find out as much about the general vicinity beforehand as you can, search online, check out Google street views, etc. The quickest and fastest way I’ve found to look at venue is simply Googling: “Bars near ___" Usually a few options pop up right away, and then you can check out proximity to the venue , if there are other options close by, etc. Yelp also seems like a fairly decent place to scout venues for after parties, as you can go to the venues Yelp page, then check out “nearby” options. I have often limited my searches to “Beer bars near. _" “Dive bars near" “Pubs near _", as these usually give you the more casual, and less expensive spots. (Keep in mind, people are coming from a rock concert, have been thrashing around inside, and have already spent t a lot of money at the show, casual and inexpensive are the best options.) You can aslo see more info about places through Yelp.
Obviously once you have found a few spots that might be suitable, do some more digging- checkout the venues webpage, their menus and drink prices, and most importantly, is this a space that looks like it could handle 75-100 people, and still have room for their other guests? Be sure the venue has SOME type of food- nothing elaborate, but everyone is gonna want a bite to eat after the show. What type of music does it seem to play? We will rarely get lucky enough to have the coolest Rock and Metal bar right across the street from the venue, but you want to avoid a place that just isnt a good fit. A jazz bar or hardcore hip hop club might not be the best place to invite a bunch of metal and idol fans after a show. Try and keep with something that appears to be middle of the road, and with broad appeal, or one that at least plays some rock. ( Places that have web-based jukeboxes like Touch-tunes or AMI Jukebox, are also great, because they have BABYMETAL on them!)
Be sure to check the business hours, as some places close early. If nothing in the area closes earlier- all might not be lost! Some places close earlier weekdays, but late weekend hours. Some of these places might be VERY WILLING to extend their hours of operations on a weekday a few hours if the y KNOW there is a guaranteed large group coming in to fill the place up after normal hours. (In Utrecht, I was able to talk the venue into staying open two extra hours, extend their kitchen hours until midnight, AND host the party for a second night once they saw the interest in attendance.)
Contacting the establishment- Once you have narrowed down your search to a few likely candidates, time to make the request. When you are browsing websites, you may see some establishments have both a “book your party or event" and a "contact us" link, which is just a general email- ALWAYS use the “contact us" general email first! Why?- When you contact them to book an event through their events link, they immediately think “private party", and will try and charge a rental, sell you a bar package, or make you agree to some type of bar minimum. We really arent looking for that, we only want a place that will welcome us to hang out. Also, the rentals or bar minimums usually involve soemone laying downs credit card or money up front, often lots of it. The goal here is to provide them some customers, and they provide a space, food and drink to sell. Keep it simple. I have been using the same request letter, albeit with slight edits, since I organized my first after party for New York City in 2016. It seems to work, so I’ll just include it here as an example, feel free to copy, paste and edit if you would like to. (I’ve already made some edits to it so that it more generalized and can be used by anyone)
Hi, My name is _____. Myself and a couple thousand fans will be attending an upcoming BABYMETAL concert at _____ on _________..
For previous shows over the past 6 years, We have been organizing after parties for fans wherever BABYMETAL (a popular act from Japan) has played.
Fans of BABYMETAL have organized these events together, and parties have been held in cities such as New York, Philadelphia, DC, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Charlotte, London, and Utrecht, Tilburg, (at the now closed Bar Leonardo), and Amsterdam. These parties are always well received and attended, with attendance almost always ranging from 40-60 for smaller shows, and larger shows seeing parties that have had 125-200 persons.
We just recently did two parties in London and Amsterdam for BABYMETAL's tour with Sbabton, and both parties had approximately 100 in attendance:
In the Fall of 2019 one of our larger events held in Los Angeles California, (Inglewood)- had an attendance of over 250:
Your place looks like it may be the perfect location, price points, and offers great after show drinks at reasonable prices.
My question, can you accommodate a group of 40-60 individuals for a post concert gathering __^ after the show? The show should let out at around ___ PM, so you would start seeing folks around _______ pm. This is a rather geeky rock crowd, with people traveling from all over the Europe to see them. (A small portion will also be traveling all the way from Japan!)
We are not looking for an exclusive area, just a place that can accommodate a large amount of walk-ins the after the show, and provide us with a place to gather, eat, and drink.
This is a very respectful and non-rowdy crowd, and everyone is thirsty AND hungry after the show, so business will be brisk.
To give you a quick view and idea of the type of crowd that attends, here is a link to some photos from our past parties we have organized for BABYMETAL-
Also, here is a a couple of videos from the parties we have thrown in LA and London in 2019, and early 2020, to give you an idea of the crowd we can bring and attendance for our events:
We are very networked and organized as a group, and are in contact via various social media fansites such as reddit, Facebook and Twitter, so we can ensure a successful turnout for an event should you choose to host us!
(I can of course keep you posted and share any announcements and invitations regarding the event as they are posted.)
Thank you so much for your time and attention, and would love to discuss more and move forward together for a successful event.
My advice- don’t limit your initial outreach to just one place. Contact the best two or three, and see who responds back the most promptly and enthusiastically. Some places actually look at this as a great opportunity, and might even offer some things without being asked! (In Atlanta, the owner of the bar gave us a private room and bar, shot specials, as well as audio and video before I even had a chance to inquire!) Next wait and weigh out your responses. Once you have gotten the responses and have picked the ideal place, it’s time to confirm, and see if you can make it an even better event!
Follow up-
Contact the venue and confirm the event. This is pretty straight forward. Just send a quick email, and let them know you are planning to use them for the party, and will be moving forward. At this point, I usually like to se if there is a good time to make a quick call in the the person you are dealing with, and see if there are any questions or requests that can be made- amongst the things you might he able to inquire: Is there a particularly area or place set aside in the venue for your group ,where you can direct everyone? Are there any particular food or drink specials on that evening, or featured prices you can make your guests aware of that will entice more people to attend? What type of music will he playing at that time, and if it is a large group, can a request be made for any particular type of music? If it is a food and drink establishment, if someone is under 21, will they be allowed to attend to eat? Any other type of video or audio available? If the party is even more successful than you had anticipated, what is the MAXIMUM amount of people they can accommodate? What are the lyrics of “From Dusk Til Dawn”? Obviously, not every place can bend over backwards to give us everything we want, especially since we arent looking to pay them for it, bit bars want and need customers, and some are very willing to go the extra mile if they know it is going to bring them a lot of business. I always try and do this over the phone, since these questions can be answered within a few quick seconds, rather than a long series of tedious emails back and forth. You now have the plans all set, and it’s time to get the ball rolling!
Spreading the word-
Now that you have a party, the next step is getting people to attend! This is easy, because there a LOT of people LOOKING for something to do after the show! Luckily, we all have this great platform to communicate, stay in touch and share all this info. Post the event over in the Organizational Mega Thread- that’s what it’s for, and the mods have set up special sections for each show. Remember when posting your event check to see you answered the most important questions-
If all those are covered, there shouldn’t be any questions, and folks will be able to find sand attend the party. When posting here, they and include links to the party locations website, their phone, a link of Google map directions from the concert to the event venue, and any other pertinent details someone might need to refer to if they forget. I am also gonna start to include a link to a sign in sheet for the parties, as it will help to have a good gauge on how many people are gonna show up. You can get various sign in forms online, and link them in any announcements you make. Google has one if you are planning on doing this, which I do recommend
You also want to give one quick announcement post to the main site. The mods have been very supportive of the meetups, events, and after parties, so a post for each one as they are formed shouldn’t be a big deal, even though we have the organizational thread. Just keep ANY postings to a bare minimum, as there are a LOT of dates coming up every year, and we cannot spam the sub with party announcements. In the past, the mods have seemed to be ok with one announcement when the party is planned, and a follow up thread a week or two before the actual date, to get a final headcount and alert the venue as to the potential size of the crowd. Apart form the organizational thread or a post here, there are several fan groups on Facebook that you can post to- simply go to Favebook and search groups with the keyword “BABYMETAL" some are more active than others, but a quick general post announcing the party will help get the word out. If you are on Twitter and have a few other friends that are BABYMETAL fans on Twitter, you may want to post there as well. You can also ask people here to help spread the word to other fansites and fan pages. For Facebook and Twitter, I usually have put together some form of flyer to just make posting faster, as all the basic info can be put on a flyer.
(I will provide a blank flyer template in the commemts)
For the Utrecht after parties in 2018, u/zarcka_metal also put together a FB event page, which again was a good way to spread the word. (Be sure to link your sign up sheet in the event page, and encourage people to sign there, even though the FB page keeps a tally of whose interested, you want everything in one place.) Also, remember you cam post follow ups and reminders whenever you want on the Free For All thread.
Day of the show-
The big day is here! Be sure to stop by the venue, introduce yourself during the day when the place first opens, (you can cut out of the line for a few minutes to do this.) and go over any last minute things that might need to happen if you have made any other special plans for the party such as music, video, etc. Since you should have flyers, bring a whole bunch to the venue, show up early, and be sure to pass them around and both remind and invite people to the event. It’s actually a great way to circulate around, and you get to meet almost everyone that shows early as well! Also, you might catch a fan or two that isnt involved in any of the fan groups, but might want to do something after the show. Your work is done! Now, go enjoy your show, when it’s all over- get to the party and get drunk! Of course if anyone is looking towards arranging one of the events for after a show, if you want or need any help please feel free to private message me, and I would be happy to assist in any way that I can.
Hope anyone that was considering organizing any of the parties found any of this helpful in some way.
See you at the shows!!!
submitted by fearmongert to BABYMETAL [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:05 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5]Absolute Apocalypse MOD LIST. Hard immersive survival. V2.2 FINAL.


√ New game on survival difficulty neccessary
√ All six DLCs are required
√ Only PS5 game version was tested
√ Very stable, no crashes
√ Adding, removing, updating mods midgame can cause issues


  • Very hard and balanced, immersive survival experience.
  • You start weak, tired, with barely any gear and 1 point in each SPECIAL stat.
  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, pick up weapons and use up ammo.
  • Added over thousand zombies plus another thousand of various creatures.
  • Weakspot hits cause significant damage and armor matters.
  • A lot easier to cripple and remove limbs and disable enemies.
  • Ammo type/size greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful.
  • Wolves will bite and hold your limbs, humans know wrestling moves.
  • Audio tweaked, added reverb and removed irritating sounds.
  • Nights are dark and now you own very helpful flashlight.
  • Improved colours, lighting, weather, sunrise, sunset and tweaked moon.
  • Fire sources create atmospheric orange flickering light, old corpses attract flies.
  • Flying bullets illuminate environment and have better physics.
  • Tweaked animations in first person, corrected dead body physics & enemy ragdoll.
  • Making gunpowder, scrapping bullets and crafting ammo available.
  • Most clothes are wearable under armor, glasses can be slightly modded.
  • Rings can be found in containers, shops, scraped and legendary rings crafting.
  • Legendary effects balance, crafting with technical documents, swaping.
  • Building turrets requires plenty of ammo and special, advanced parts.
  • Refreshed perks, added abilities like tackle, crits outside VATS, more INT more XP.
  • Building important structures and cooking better recipes require appropriate perks.
  • Different companion bonuses & two farming magazines adjusted.
  • Majority of objects in game world was removed, less time spent picking up junk.
  • Diverse, mortal settlers with unique names and better awareness.
  • In settlements you can hire guards for caps after allying with factions.
  • You don't gain health at level-up, increasing SPECIAL is restricted by levels.
  • Harvesting plants limited to wild versions, scavenging stations yield tweaked.
  • Added different [Tags] to majority of items for convienience.
  • Quick travel to discovered settlements, which won't pass in-game time.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses and unique NPC's drop legendary gear.
  • More objects to build in your base with plenty of decorative options.
  • Loot and enemies don't respawn, day/night cycle length doubled.
  • Saving the game through Pip-Boy on survival difficulty available.
  • Disabled unimportant radiant Minuteman quests and hammering in Sanctuary.
  • Music and weather are more dependent on map regions you are in.
  • Dialogue fixes and tweaks, camera focused only on NPC's.
  • Reduced amount of grass, rubble, twigs, fog and removed unimmersive puddles.
  • Access to tag and see actual number of components owned on a cooking bench.
  • No build limit, raised amount of maximum settlements population.
  • Replaced combat scopes, improved recon scopes, no blur when aiming.

* More map markers, VATS cameras only in 3rd person, agressive radstags, faster zombies at night, alcohol removes some rads, crafting adhesive from plants, more explosives at chem bench, longer wires, conduits range and many more...


  • Locksmith doesn't make lockpicking any easier. FIX: Install "Quick Hack and Pick" mod after getting all levels of locksmith perk. Just replace mod "[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7".
  • Bethesda did not fix soft locks and other bugs (Remember to kill bandit leader before deathclaw in early Minuteman task or you wont finish the quest).
  • Ground textures flicker black around Sanctuary (Fixes itself after some time).
  • Hacking rank 4 does absolutely nothing (Skip it).
  • Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male.
  • Small amount of perks have slightly incorrect text.
  • High build cost of concrete foundations, barn menu, 1 subway and 3 street lights.
  • Some Creation Club items might not be properly balanced.
  • Occasional visual glitch when moving underwater (Water surface flashing).
  • Free access to 'Hubby Basement' full of supplies in Sanctuary (Easier start).
  • Animal fat removed, but crafting entries still present.
  • Green chest outside vault 111 containing 10k flares and flare gun (Just ignore it).
  • Rarely sound of wall mounted turrets glitches and plays on repeat.
  • Vanilla perception glitch ("Vrexia's Magical Rings" mod to offset stats safely).
  • Pip-Boy light don't transfer from 3rd to 1st person (Turn flashlight off and on).
  • Can't open Wattz Electronics terminal (Kill roach behind wall using explosives).

* Rarely tree branches and grass shake very fast for a short time.


Mods and entries in BOLD are neccessary, don't skip them! 1. •Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4]• Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4 from infamous mod author. 2. •Looted World - PS• - Removes 90% of loose loot in the game world. Easily accessible and obvious places are almost empty. Some areas like habited settlements or vaults still have items. Makes you pick up less, play more. Recommended, unless you want to swim in loot and constantly manage inventory. Small performance improvement. 3. •Kane's Items Sorting (PS4)• - Tags quest items, components, bones, bobbleheads, holotapes, notes, chems, syringes, 99% of junk for better item management and easier looting (water, aid, stealthboys and some mags are permanently marked by Immersive gameplay). 4. •[PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries• - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents, scrap unwanted ones. 5. •Named NPC Protection [PS4]• - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies. 6. •Ghouls Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos. 7. •Tribals of Commonwealth• - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness. 8. •Snipers Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 150 snipers including few unique ones. 9. •Rabbits, Chickens, Crabs, Wolves, And Gulpers In The Commonwealth• - Adds more creatures and enemies. 10. •Hermit Crabs Of The Commonwealth• - Adds 12 hermit crabs to the map. 11. •Wolves Of The Commonwealth• - Adds wolf spawn points to the map. 12. •More Behemoths In Commonwealth• - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth. 13. •DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4]• - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos. 14. •Behind Enemy Lines• - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region. 15. •Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY• - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations. Some groups are very strong. 16. •More Radstags• - Adds plenty of radstags, especially into forests. 17. •Better Radstags• - More agressive radstags. 18. •Not a Princess• - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood. 19. •Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4]• - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests. 20. •[PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia• - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu. 21. •Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 49 objects to build in settlements. 22. •Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags. 23. •Constructible Faction Guards• - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction. 24. •[PS4] OCDecorator• - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects. 25. •[PS4] OCDecorator DLC• - Game addons support for OCDecorator. 26. •Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC• - Now you can fast travel to discovered settlements on survival difficulty. 27. •1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4]• - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically. 28. •[PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags• - Adds animation to supermutant meat bags and flies with buzzing sound to decomposing corpses. 29. •No Sneak Indicators• - Completely removes all sneak indicators. 30. •[PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin• - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin. 31. •[PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition)• - Settlers more diverse and named. Immortal alternative mod also available. 32. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla• - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter. 33. •Fallout 76-Style Region Music• - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks. 34. •Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds two sliders to options. 35. •Better Dialogue• - Camera focuses only on NPC's, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption. 36. •Esk QuietPerks [PS4]• - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant, money shot, grim reaper. 37. •No Experience SFX• - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources. 38. •[PS4] Dead Beat• - Removes loud heart beat sound at low HP. 39. •Combat Music Remover• - Mutes repetitive combat music completely, there is only silence when enemy detects you. 40. •Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4]• - Changes to colours and atmosphere. Makes nights dangerously dark. 41. •UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather• - Adjusted and integrated weather for different map regions. 42. •[PS4] No More Fake Puddles• - Removes ugly water puddles that stay on the ground forever. 43. •No More Twigs• - Completely removes ugly twigs sticking out of the ground. 44. •Reduced Rubble Etc.• - Decreases intensity of grass, rubble and other unimportant objects. Also small performance improvement. 45. •[PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight• - Atmospheric effects for fire sources (including oil lamps). 46. •Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4]• - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere at dusk, dawn and night. 47. •Vanilla Moon (4x)• - Much bigger moon. 48. •Crafting Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting and pip-boy screen. 49. •Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while aiming. 50. •More Map Markers (PS4)• - Adds some new markers on the map. 51. •VATS Third Person Only• - As the name says, just changes the cameras used in VATS. 52. •Component Tagging Helper• - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total. 53. •Grenade and Mine Pack• - Adds some new, weaker, but fun explosives to craft. 54. •Animations Be Gone• - Removes plenty of annoying hammering spots in sanctuary. 55. •Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses• - As the name says. Two mods for glasses requiring science. 56. •Clothes For Every Stats Wz• - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them later with ballistic weave. 57. •Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4]• - Bug fix, balance and small changes in how traps work. 58. •See-Through-Scopes [PS4]• - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification. 59. •See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for handmade rifle and western revolver. 60. •See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for radium rifle and lever action rifle. 61. •Legalized Top Tier Legendary Effects [PS4]• - Balances few legendary effects. 62. •Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4]• - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, allies and dead bodies in specific colours. 63. •Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4• - Core of this modlist. Tons and tons of changes. 64. •(PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics• - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions. 65. •[PS4] Realistic Bullets: Improved Lighting Ballistics Edition• - Makes bullets travel faster, more realistic and fixes some shooting bugs. 66. •Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4)• - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor. 67. •Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation)• - DLC patch for IG. 68. •Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4)• - Starting character level changed to 1. 69. •Medium Settlement Raids PS4• - Makes enemy raids balanced and less ridiculous. 70. •Zombie Walkers (PS4)• - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies. 71. •Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition -• - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight. 72. •Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4]• - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport. 73. •Realistic Insects Health [PS4]• - Makes insects easier to kill and more balanced. 74. •Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Enhanced• - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, less meat, less loot, less ammo from perk. 75. •Rough Start - Less Handouts• - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111, radroaches balanced, +7 extra SPECIAL points at start. 76. •Food, Drink and Crop Overhaul• - Improved cooking, lead belly perk, farming magazines 1 and 3 give important upgrades. Better recipes are locked behind perk ranks, added milk and crop seeds. 77. •PreWar Food +• - Prewar food is more useful. Balance and fixes. 78. •Alcohol Absorbs Rads• - Alcohols remove small amount of rads, so you don't rely solely on rare Radaways. 79. •Settlement Progression-Local Leader (UOF4P)• - Changes cost and perk requirements of some important structures, local leader perk rank 3. 80. •Valuables And Ingredients Aren't Junk• - Moves some meaningful items into Pip-Boy MISC category so they are not accidentaly scraped. 81. •Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4• - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying and even crafting legendary rings. 82. •Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature• - Higher damage to headshots, easier to rip off limbs. 83. •Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version• - Lets you stagger and knock enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk. 84. •Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4)• - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, 'Better criticals' perk for crits outside VATS. 85. •[PS4] STS - All-In-One• - Allows to clean settlements by scraping more objects for extra resources. 86. •Faster Positive Affinity For Companions• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Or use extra mod #4 for removed cooldown only.* 87. •[PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120)• - Increases experience required to level up for balance purposes. 88. •Increased EXP• - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced and playable. 89. •No Building Houses XP Gains PS4• - Building settlements don't provide experience. 90. •Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Decreased amount of force for both melee and ranged attacks. 91. •Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4]• - More aware settlers with raised limit. Longer wires. 92. •Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4]• - Infinite build limit and two times longer range for electricity conduits. 93. •[PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch• - Makes weapon and Pip-Boy paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu. 94. •Pip-Boy Flashlight• - Pipboy light is now a flashlight. 95. •PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light• - Makes flashlight much bigger, changes to headlamp and power armor light. 96. •No Enemy Respawns• - No enemy and loot respawn to explore world once. 97. •Accelerated Fast Travel• - Fast travel takes minutes instead of hours and wont raise survival needs. 98. •Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4]• - Days and night are twice as long.* 99. •[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7• - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak. ---•If you decided to skip some mods, go check out 'Extra mods' below and add any you like.• ---•After installing above mods RESTART YOUR PS4/PS5!• ---•In options change game difficulty to survival.• ---•Graphics mode to 60fps, performance. Visual setting is less stable & smooth.• ---•Complete vault 111 until you get to the surface, do exit autosave and install below mod.• 100. •Saving Survival Mode• - Adds ability to save in survival difficulty through pip-boy MISC category. Option to save are always on top (3 autosave slots plus 1 main save slot shared by all survival characters). Not choosing this mod will make the game impossible. ---•Go to options, sound and reduce ambience and reverb sliders by 5 clicks.• ---•For even more immersive settings, go to settings, gameplay and turn off quest markers.•

---•You can also set music volume to half, camera sensitivity to max or your preference, hud color to minty blue, pip-boy to red or any colours you like.•

Extra mods:

  1. •No Bugs In Vault 111 [PS4]• - Radroaches in starting area removed for easier start. Add around last mod #100. Can delete afterwards.
  2. •Immortal Cats - PS4• - Invincible cats. Add after mod #85.
  3. •Vertibirds Unghosted• - Tweaks to vertibirds. Add after #30.
  4. •No Affinity Cooldown• - Removes cooldown between companion reacting to your actions. Swap with mod #86.
  5. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC• - Quieter production lines. Add after mod #32.
  6. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop• - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #32.
  7. •Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter)• - *For small, bright flashlight swap with mod #94 and move #95 one space above.
  8. •CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4• - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while in VATS. Add after mod #50.
  9. •Longhorns Of The Commonwealth• - Adds longhorns to the map. Add after #9.
  10. •Gulpers Of The Commonwealth• - Adds gulpers to the map. Add after #9.
  11. •Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix• - As the mod name suggests. Add after mod #1.
  12. •Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4• - Adds rank to VANS perk. Unlocking it reveals map markers. Add after #83.
  13. •Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4• - Moved attack spawn points outside the settlement borders. Add after #92.
  14. •[PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom)• - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Add after mod #2.
  15. •Josephine Preset• - Adds nice-looking creation preset for female character (preset number 13, you can edit it to your likings). Add around lat mod #100. Can be safely removed later on without any drawbacks to your character.

16. •CC Branded Shirt To Under Clothing PS4 Vers• - If you own T-Shirt Creation Club content, please put this mod above #56.

V 2.2 - FINAL. Please share this post and ask questions in the comments. Have fun!
submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to FO4mods [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:04 OriginalSprinkles718 [FO4][PS5]Absolute Apocalypse MOD LIST. Hard immersive survival. V2.2 FINAL.


√ New game on survival difficulty neccessary
√ All six DLCs are required
√ Only PS5 game version was tested
√ Very stable, no crashes
√ Adding, removing, updating mods midgame can cause issues


  • Very hard and balanced, immersive survival experience.
  • You start weak, tired, with barely any gear and 1 point in each SPECIAL stat.
  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, pick up weapons and use up ammo.
  • Added over thousand zombies plus another thousand of various creatures.
  • Weakspot hits cause significant damage and armor matters.
  • A lot easier to cripple and remove limbs and disable enemies.
  • Ammo type/size greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful.
  • Wolves will bite and hold your limbs, humans know wrestling moves.
  • Audio tweaked, added reverb and removed irritating sounds.
  • Nights are dark and now you own very helpful flashlight.
  • Improved colours, lighting, weather, sunrise, sunset and tweaked moon.
  • Fire sources create atmospheric orange flickering light, old corpses attract flies.
  • Flying bullets illuminate environment and have better physics.
  • Tweaked animations in first person, corrected dead body physics & enemy ragdoll.
  • Making gunpowder, scrapping bullets and crafting ammo available.
  • Most clothes are wearable under armor, glasses can be slightly modded.
  • Rings can be found in containers, shops, scraped and legendary rings crafting.
  • Legendary effects balance, crafting with technical documents, swaping.
  • Building turrets requires plenty of ammo and special, advanced parts.
  • Refreshed perks, added abilities like tackle, crits outside VATS, more INT more XP.
  • Building important structures and cooking better recipes require appropriate perks.
  • Different companion bonuses & two farming magazines adjusted.
  • Majority of objects in game world was removed, less time spent picking up junk.
  • Diverse, mortal settlers with unique names and better awareness.
  • In settlements you can hire guards for caps after allying with factions.
  • You don't gain health at level-up, increasing SPECIAL is restricted by levels.
  • Harvesting plants limited to wild versions, scavenging stations yield tweaked.
  • Added different [Tags] to majority of items for convienience.
  • Quick travel to discovered settlements, which won't pass in-game time.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses and unique NPC's drop legendary gear.
  • More objects to build in your base with plenty of decorative options.
  • Loot and enemies don't respawn, day/night cycle length doubled.
  • Saving the game through Pip-Boy on survival difficulty available.
  • Disabled unimportant radiant Minuteman quests and hammering in Sanctuary.
  • Music and weather are more dependent on map regions you are in.
  • Dialogue fixes and tweaks, camera focused only on NPC's.
  • Reduced amount of grass, rubble, twigs, fog and removed unimmersive puddles.
  • Access to tag and see actual number of components owned on a cooking bench.
  • No build limit, raised amount of maximum settlements population.
  • Replaced combat scopes, improved recon scopes, no blur when aiming.

* More map markers, VATS cameras only in 3rd person, agressive radstags, faster zombies at night, alcohol removes some rads, crafting adhesive from plants, more explosives at chem bench, longer wires, conduits range and many more...


  • Locksmith doesn't make lockpicking any easier. FIX: Install "Quick Hack and Pick" mod after getting all levels of locksmith perk. Just replace mod "[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7".
  • Bethesda did not fix soft locks and other bugs (Remember to kill bandit leader before deathclaw in early Minuteman task or you wont finish the quest).
  • Ground textures flicker black around Sanctuary (Fixes itself after some time).
  • Hacking rank 4 does absolutely nothing (Skip it).
  • Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male.
  • Small amount of perks have slightly incorrect text.
  • High build cost of concrete foundations, barn menu, 1 subway and 3 street lights.
  • Some Creation Club items might not be properly balanced.
  • Occasional visual glitch when moving underwater (Water surface flashing).
  • Free access to 'Hubby Basement' full of supplies in Sanctuary (Easier start).
  • Animal fat removed, but crafting entries still present.
  • Green chest outside vault 111 containing 10k flares and flare gun (Just ignore it).
  • Rarely sound of wall mounted turrets glitches and plays on repeat.
  • Vanilla perception glitch ("Vrexia's Magical Rings" mod to offset stats safely).
  • Pip-Boy light don't transfer from 3rd to 1st person (Turn flashlight off and on).
  • Can't open Wattz Electronics terminal (Kill roach behind wall using explosives).

* Rarely tree branches and grass shake very fast for a short time.


Mods and entries in BOLD are neccessary, don't skip them! 1. •Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4]• Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4 from infamous mod author. 2. •Looted World - PS• - Removes 90% of loose loot in the game world. Easily accessible and obvious places are almost empty. Some areas like habited settlements or vaults still have items. Makes you pick up less, play more. Recommended, unless you want to swim in loot and constantly manage inventory. Small performance improvement. 3. •Kane's Items Sorting (PS4)• - Tags quest items, components, bones, bobbleheads, holotapes, notes, chems, syringes, 99% of junk for better item management and easier looting (water, aid, stealthboys and some mags are permanently marked by Immersive gameplay). 4. •[PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries• - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents, scrap unwanted ones. 5. •Named NPC Protection [PS4]• - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies. 6. •Ghouls Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos. 7. •Tribals of Commonwealth• - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness. 8. •Snipers Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 150 snipers including few unique ones. 9. •Rabbits, Chickens, Crabs, Wolves, And Gulpers In The Commonwealth• - Adds more creatures and enemies. 10. •Hermit Crabs Of The Commonwealth• - Adds 12 hermit crabs to the map. 11. •Wolves Of The Commonwealth• - Adds wolf spawn points to the map. 12. •More Behemoths In Commonwealth• - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth. 13. •DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4]• - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos. 14. •Behind Enemy Lines• - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region. 15. •Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY• - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations. Some groups are very strong. 16. •More Radstags• - Adds plenty of radstags, especially into forests. 17. •Better Radstags• - More agressive radstags. 18. •Not a Princess• - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood. 19. •Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4]• - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests. 20. •[PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia• - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu. 21. •Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 49 objects to build in settlements. 22. •Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags. 23. •Constructible Faction Guards• - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction. 24. •[PS4] OCDecorator• - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects. 25. •[PS4] OCDecorator DLC• - Game addons support for OCDecorator. 26. •Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC• - Now you can fast travel to discovered settlements on survival difficulty. 27. •1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4]• - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically. 28. •[PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags• - Adds animation to supermutant meat bags and flies with buzzing sound to decomposing corpses. 29. •No Sneak Indicators• - Completely removes all sneak indicators. 30. •[PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin• - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin. 31. •[PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition)• - Settlers more diverse and named. Immortal alternative mod also available. 32. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla• - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter. 33. •Fallout 76-Style Region Music• - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks. 34. •Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds two sliders to options. 35. •Better Dialogue• - Camera focuses only on NPC's, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption. 36. •Esk QuietPerks [PS4]• - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant, money shot, grim reaper. 37. •No Experience SFX• - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources. 38. •[PS4] Dead Beat• - Removes loud heart beat sound at low HP. 39. •Combat Music Remover• - Mutes repetitive combat music completely, there is only silence when enemy detects you. 40. •Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4]• - Changes to colours and atmosphere. Makes nights dangerously dark. 41. •UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather• - Adjusted and integrated weather for different map regions. 42. •[PS4] No More Fake Puddles• - Removes ugly water puddles that stay on the ground forever. 43. •No More Twigs• - Completely removes ugly twigs sticking out of the ground. 44. •Reduced Rubble Etc.• - Decreases intensity of grass, rubble and other unimportant objects. Also small performance improvement. 45. •[PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight• - Atmospheric effects for fire sources (including oil lamps). 46. •Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4]• - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere at dusk, dawn and night. 47. •Vanilla Moon (4x)• - Much bigger moon. 48. •Crafting Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting and pip-boy screen. 49. •Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while aiming. 50. •More Map Markers (PS4)• - Adds some new markers on the map. 51. •VATS Third Person Only• - As the name says, just changes the cameras used in VATS. 52. •Component Tagging Helper• - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total. 53. •Grenade and Mine Pack• - Adds some new, weaker, but fun explosives to craft. 54. •Animations Be Gone• - Removes plenty of annoying hammering spots in sanctuary. 55. •Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses• - As the name says. Two mods for glasses requiring science. 56. •Clothes For Every Stats Wz• - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them later with ballistic weave. 57. •Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4]• - Bug fix, balance and small changes in how traps work. 58. •See-Through-Scopes [PS4]• - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification. 59. •See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for handmade rifle and western revolver. 60. •See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for radium rifle and lever action rifle. 61. •Legalized Top Tier Legendary Effects [PS4]• - Balances few legendary effects. 62. •Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4]• - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, allies and dead bodies in specific colours. 63. •Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4• - Core of this modlist. Tons and tons of changes. 64. •(PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics• - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions. 65. •[PS4] Realistic Bullets: Improved Lighting Ballistics Edition• - Makes bullets travel faster, more realistic and fixes some shooting bugs. 66. •Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4)• - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor. 67. •Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation)• - DLC patch for IG. 68. •Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4)• - Starting character level changed to 1. 69. •Medium Settlement Raids PS4• - Makes enemy raids balanced and less ridiculous. 70. •Zombie Walkers (PS4)• - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies. 71. •Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition -• - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight. 72. •Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4]• - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport. 73. •Realistic Insects Health [PS4]• - Makes insects easier to kill and more balanced. 74. •Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Enhanced• - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, less meat, less loot, less ammo from perk. 75. •Rough Start - Less Handouts• - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111, radroaches balanced, +7 extra SPECIAL points at start. 76. •Food, Drink and Crop Overhaul• - Improved cooking, lead belly perk, farming magazines 1 and 3 give important upgrades. Better recipes are locked behind perk ranks, added milk and crop seeds. 77. •PreWar Food +• - Prewar food is more useful. Balance and fixes. 78. •Alcohol Absorbs Rads• - Alcohols remove small amount of rads, so you don't rely solely on rare Radaways. 79. •Settlement Progression-Local Leader (UOF4P)• - Changes cost and perk requirements of some important structures, local leader perk rank 3. 80. •Valuables And Ingredients Aren't Junk• - Moves some meaningful items into Pip-Boy MISC category so they are not accidentaly scraped. 81. •Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4• - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying and even crafting legendary rings. 82. •Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature• - Higher damage to headshots, easier to rip off limbs. 83. •Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version• - Lets you stagger and knock enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk. 84. •Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4)• - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, 'Better criticals' perk for crits outside VATS. 85. •[PS4] STS - All-In-One• - Allows to clean settlements by scraping more objects for extra resources. 86. •Faster Positive Affinity For Companions• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Or use extra mod #4 for removed cooldown only.* 87. •[PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120)• - Increases experience required to level up for balance purposes. 88. •Increased EXP• - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced and playable. 89. •No Building Houses XP Gains PS4• - Building settlements don't provide experience. 90. •Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Decreased amount of force for both melee and ranged attacks. 91. •Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4]• - More aware settlers with raised limit. Longer wires. 92. •Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4]• - Infinite build limit and two times longer range for electricity conduits. 93. •[PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch• - Makes weapon and Pip-Boy paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu. 94. •Pip-Boy Flashlight• - Pipboy light is now a flashlight. 95. •PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light• - Makes flashlight much bigger, changes to headlamp and power armor light. 96. •No Enemy Respawns• - No enemy and loot respawn to explore world once. 97. •Accelerated Fast Travel• - Fast travel takes minutes instead of hours and wont raise survival needs. 98. •Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4]• - Days and night are twice as long.* 99. •[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7• - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak. ---•If you decided to skip some mods, go check out 'Extra mods' below and add any you like.• ---•After installing above mods RESTART YOUR PS4/PS5!• ---•In options change game difficulty to survival.• ---•Graphics mode to 60fps, performance. Visual setting is less stable & smooth.• ---•Complete vault 111 until you get to the surface, do exit autosave and install below mod.• 100. •Saving Survival Mode• - Adds ability to save in survival difficulty through pip-boy MISC category. Option to save are always on top (3 autosave slots plus 1 main save slot shared by all survival characters). Not choosing this mod will make the game impossible. ---•Go to options, sound and reduce ambience and reverb sliders by 5 clicks.• ---•For even more immersive settings, go to settings, gameplay and turn off quest markers.•

---•You can also set music volume to half, camera sensitivity to max or your preference, hud color to minty blue, pip-boy to red or any colours you like.•

Extra mods:

  1. •No Bugs In Vault 111 [PS4]• - Radroaches in starting area removed for easier start. Add around last mod #100. Can delete afterwards.
  2. •Immortal Cats - PS4• - Invincible cats. Add after mod #85.
  3. •Vertibirds Unghosted• - Tweaks to vertibirds. Add after #30.
  4. •No Affinity Cooldown• - Removes cooldown between companion reacting to your actions. Swap with mod #86.
  5. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC• - Quieter production lines. Add after mod #32.
  6. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop• - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #32.
  7. •Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter)• - *For small, bright flashlight swap with mod #94 and move #95 one space above.
  8. •CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4• - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while in VATS. Add after mod #50.
  9. •Longhorns Of The Commonwealth• - Adds longhorns to the map. Add after #9.
  10. •Gulpers Of The Commonwealth• - Adds gulpers to the map. Add after #9.
  11. •Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix• - As the mod name suggests. Add after mod #1.
  12. •Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4• - Adds rank to VANS perk. Unlocking it reveals map markers. Add after #83.
  13. •Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4• - Moved attack spawn points outside the settlement borders. Add after #92.
  14. •[PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom)• - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Add after mod #2.
  15. •Josephine Preset• - Adds nice-looking creation preset for female character (preset number 13, you can edit it to your likings). Add around lat mod #100. Can be safely removed later on without any drawbacks to your character.

16. •CC Branded Shirt To Under Clothing PS4 Vers• - If you own T-Shirt Creation Club content, please put this mod above #56.

V 2.2 - FINAL. Please share this post and ask questions in the comments. Have fun!
submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:02 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5]Absolute Apocalypse MOD LIST. Hard immersive survival. V2.2 FINAL.


√ New game on survival difficulty neccessary
√ All six DLCs are required
√ Only PS5 game version was tested
√ Very stable, no crashes
√ Adding, removing, updating mods midgame can cause issues


  • Very hard and balanced, immersive survival experience.
  • You start weak, tired, with barely any gear and 1 point in each SPECIAL stat.
  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, pick up weapons and use up ammo.
  • Added over thousand zombies plus another thousand of various creatures.
  • Weakspot hits cause significant damage and armor matters.
  • A lot easier to cripple and remove limbs and disable enemies.
  • Ammo type/size greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful.
  • Wolves will bite and hold your limbs, humans know wrestling moves.
  • Audio tweaked, added reverb and removed irritating sounds.
  • Nights are dark and now you own very helpful flashlight.
  • Improved colours, lighting, weather, sunrise, sunset and tweaked moon.
  • Fire sources create atmospheric orange flickering light, old corpses attract flies.
  • Flying bullets illuminate environment and have better physics.
  • Tweaked animations in first person, corrected dead body physics & enemy ragdoll.
  • Making gunpowder, scrapping bullets and crafting ammo available.
  • Most clothes are wearable under armor, glasses can be slightly modded.
  • Rings can be found in containers, shops, scraped and legendary rings crafting.
  • Legendary effects balance, crafting with technical documents, swaping.
  • Building turrets requires plenty of ammo and special, advanced parts.
  • Refreshed perks, added abilities like tackle, crits outside VATS, more INT more XP.
  • Building important structures and cooking better recipes require appropriate perks.
  • Different companion bonuses & two farming magazines adjusted.
  • Majority of objects in game world was removed, less time spent picking up junk.
  • Diverse, mortal settlers with unique names and better awareness.
  • In settlements you can hire guards for caps after allying with factions.
  • You don't gain health at level-up, increasing SPECIAL is restricted by levels.
  • Harvesting plants limited to wild versions, scavenging stations yield tweaked.
  • Added different [Tags] to majority of items for convienience.
  • Quick travel to discovered settlements, which won't pass in-game time.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses and unique NPC's drop legendary gear.
  • More objects to build in your base with plenty of decorative options.
  • Loot and enemies don't respawn, day/night cycle length doubled.
  • Saving the game through Pip-Boy on survival difficulty available.
  • Disabled unimportant radiant Minuteman quests and hammering in Sanctuary.
  • Music and weather are more dependent on map regions you are in.
  • Dialogue fixes and tweaks, camera focused only on NPC's.
  • Reduced amount of grass, rubble, twigs, fog and removed unimmersive puddles.
  • Access to tag and see actual number of components owned on a cooking bench.
  • No build limit, raised amount of maximum settlements population.
  • Replaced combat scopes, improved recon scopes, no blur when aiming.

* More map markers, VATS cameras only in 3rd person, agressive radstags, faster zombies at night, alcohol removes some rads, crafting adhesive from plants, more explosives at chem bench, longer wires, conduits range and many more...


  • Locksmith doesn't make lockpicking any easier. FIX: Install "Quick Hack and Pick" mod after getting all levels of locksmith perk. Just replace mod "[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7".
  • Bethesda did not fix soft locks and other bugs (Remember to kill bandit leader before deathclaw in early Minuteman task or you wont finish the quest).
  • Ground textures flicker black around Sanctuary (Fixes itself after some time).
  • Hacking rank 4 does absolutely nothing (Skip it).
  • Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male.
  • Small amount of perks have slightly incorrect text.
  • High build cost of concrete foundations, barn menu, 1 subway and 3 street lights.
  • Some Creation Club items might not be properly balanced.
  • Occasional visual glitch when moving underwater (Water surface flashing).
  • Free access to 'Hubby Basement' full of supplies in Sanctuary (Easier start).
  • Animal fat removed, but crafting entries still present.
  • Green chest outside vault 111 containing 10k flares and flare gun (Just ignore it).
  • Rarely sound of wall mounted turrets glitches and plays on repeat.
  • Vanilla perception glitch ("Vrexia's Magical Rings" mod to offset stats safely).
  • Pip-Boy light don't transfer from 3rd to 1st person (Turn flashlight off and on).
  • Can't open Wattz Electronics terminal (Kill roach behind wall using explosives).

* Rarely tree branches and grass shake very fast for a short time.


Mods and entries in BOLD are neccessary, don't skip them! 1. •Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4]• Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4 from infamous mod author. 2. •Looted World - PS• - Removes 90% of loose loot in the game world. Easily accessible and obvious places are almost empty. Some areas like habited settlements or vaults still have items. Makes you pick up less, play more. Recommended, unless you want to swim in loot and constantly manage inventory. Small performance improvement. 3. •Kane's Items Sorting (PS4)• - Tags quest items, components, bones, bobbleheads, holotapes, notes, chems, syringes, 99% of junk for better item management and easier looting (water, aid, stealthboys and some mags are permanently marked by Immersive gameplay). 4. •[PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries• - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents, scrap unwanted ones. 5. •Named NPC Protection [PS4]• - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies. 6. •Ghouls Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos. 7. •Tribals of Commonwealth• - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness. 8. •Snipers Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 150 snipers including few unique ones. 9. •Rabbits, Chickens, Crabs, Wolves, And Gulpers In The Commonwealth• - Adds more creatures and enemies. 10. •Hermit Crabs Of The Commonwealth• - Adds 12 hermit crabs to the map. 11. •Wolves Of The Commonwealth• - Adds wolf spawn points to the map. 12. •More Behemoths In Commonwealth• - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth. 13. •DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4]• - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos. 14. •Behind Enemy Lines• - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region. 15. •Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY• - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations. Some groups are very strong. 16. •More Radstags• - Adds plenty of radstags, especially into forests. 17. •Better Radstags• - More agressive radstags. 18. •Not a Princess• - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood. 19. •Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4]• - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests. 20. •[PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia• - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu. 21. •Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 49 objects to build in settlements. 22. •Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags. 23. •Constructible Faction Guards• - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction. 24. •[PS4] OCDecorator• - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects. 25. •[PS4] OCDecorator DLC• - Game addons support for OCDecorator. 26. •Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC• - Now you can fast travel to discovered settlements on survival difficulty. 27. •1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4]• - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically. 28. •[PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags• - Adds animation to supermutant meat bags and flies with buzzing sound to decomposing corpses. 29. •No Sneak Indicators• - Completely removes all sneak indicators. 30. •[PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin• - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin. 31. •[PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition)• - Settlers more diverse and named. Immortal alternative mod also available. 32. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla• - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter. 33. •Fallout 76-Style Region Music• - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks. 34. •Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds two sliders to options. 35. •Better Dialogue• - Camera focuses only on NPC's, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption. 36. •Esk QuietPerks [PS4]• - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant, money shot, grim reaper. 37. •No Experience SFX• - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources. 38. •[PS4] Dead Beat• - Removes loud heart beat sound at low HP. 39. •Combat Music Remover• - Mutes repetitive combat music completely, there is only silence when enemy detects you. 40. •Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4]• - Changes to colours and atmosphere. Makes nights dangerously dark. 41. •UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather• - Adjusted and integrated weather for different map regions. 42. •[PS4] No More Fake Puddles• - Removes ugly water puddles that stay on the ground forever. 43. •No More Twigs• - Completely removes ugly twigs sticking out of the ground. 44. •Reduced Rubble Etc.• - Decreases intensity of grass, rubble and other unimportant objects. Also small performance improvement. 45. •[PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight• - Atmospheric effects for fire sources (including oil lamps). 46. •Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4]• - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere at dusk, dawn and night. 47. •Vanilla Moon (4x)• - Much bigger moon. 48. •Crafting Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting and pip-boy screen. 49. •Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while aiming. 50. •More Map Markers (PS4)• - Adds some new markers on the map. 51. •VATS Third Person Only• - As the name says, just changes the cameras used in VATS. 52. •Component Tagging Helper• - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total. 53. •Grenade and Mine Pack• - Adds some new, weaker, but fun explosives to craft. 54. •Animations Be Gone• - Removes plenty of annoying hammering spots in sanctuary. 55. •Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses• - As the name says. Two mods for glasses requiring science. 56. •Clothes For Every Stats Wz• - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them later with ballistic weave. 57. •Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4]• - Bug fix, balance and small changes in how traps work. 58. •See-Through-Scopes [PS4]• - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification. 59. •See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for handmade rifle and western revolver. 60. •See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for radium rifle and lever action rifle. 61. •Legalized Top Tier Legendary Effects [PS4]• - Balances few legendary effects. 62. •Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4]• - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, allies and dead bodies in specific colours. 63. •Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4• - Core of this modlist. Tons and tons of changes. 64. •(PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics• - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions. 65. •[PS4] Realistic Bullets: Improved Lighting Ballistics Edition• - Makes bullets travel faster, more realistic and fixes some shooting bugs. 66. •Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4)• - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor. 67. •Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation)• - DLC patch for IG. 68. •Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4)• - Starting character level changed to 1. 69. •Medium Settlement Raids PS4• - Makes enemy raids balanced and less ridiculous. 70. •Zombie Walkers (PS4)• - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies. 71. •Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition -• - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight. 72. •Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4]• - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport. 73. •Realistic Insects Health [PS4]• - Makes insects easier to kill and more balanced. 74. •Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Enhanced• - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, less meat, less loot, less ammo from perk. 75. •Rough Start - Less Handouts• - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111, radroaches balanced, +7 extra SPECIAL points at start. 76. •Food, Drink and Crop Overhaul• - Improved cooking, lead belly perk, farming magazines 1 and 3 give important upgrades. Better recipes are locked behind perk ranks, added milk and crop seeds. 77. •PreWar Food +• - Prewar food is more useful. Balance and fixes. 78. •Alcohol Absorbs Rads• - Alcohols remove small amount of rads, so you don't rely solely on rare Radaways. 79. •Settlement Progression-Local Leader (UOF4P)• - Changes cost and perk requirements of some important structures, local leader perk rank 3. 80. •Valuables And Ingredients Aren't Junk• - Moves some meaningful items into Pip-Boy MISC category so they are not accidentaly scraped. 81. •Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4• - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying and even crafting legendary rings. 82. •Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature• - Higher damage to headshots, easier to rip off limbs. 83. •Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version• - Lets you stagger and knock enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk. 84. •Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4)• - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, 'Better criticals' perk for crits outside VATS. 85. •[PS4] STS - All-In-One• - Allows to clean settlements by scraping more objects for extra resources. 86. •Faster Positive Affinity For Companions• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Or use extra mod #4 for removed cooldown only.* 87. •[PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120)• - Increases experience required to level up for balance purposes. 88. •Increased EXP• - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced and playable. 89. •No Building Houses XP Gains PS4• - Building settlements don't provide experience. 90. •Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Decreased amount of force for both melee and ranged attacks. 91. •Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4]• - More aware settlers with raised limit. Longer wires. 92. •Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4]• - Infinite build limit and two times longer range for electricity conduits. 93. •[PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch• - Makes weapon and Pip-Boy paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu. 94. •Pip-Boy Flashlight• - Pipboy light is now a flashlight. 95. •PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light• - Makes flashlight much bigger, changes to headlamp and power armor light. 96. •No Enemy Respawns• - No enemy and loot respawn to explore world once. 97. •Accelerated Fast Travel• - Fast travel takes minutes instead of hours and wont raise survival needs. 98. •Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4]• - Days and night are twice as long.* 99. •[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7• - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak. ---•If you decided to skip some mods, go check out 'Extra mods' below and add any you like.• ---•After installing above mods RESTART YOUR PS4/PS5!• ---•In options change game difficulty to survival.• ---•Graphics mode to 60fps, performance. Visual setting is less stable & smooth.• ---•Complete vault 111 until you get to the surface, do exit autosave and install below mod.• 100. •Saving Survival Mode• - Adds ability to save in survival difficulty through pip-boy MISC category. Option to save are always on top (3 autosave slots plus 1 main save slot shared by all survival characters). Not choosing this mod will make the game impossible. ---•Go to options, sound and reduce ambience and reverb sliders by 5 clicks.• ---•For even more immersive settings, go to settings, gameplay and turn off quest markers.•

---•You can also set music volume to half, camera sensitivity to max or your preference, hud color to minty blue, pip-boy to red or any colours you like.•

Extra mods:

  1. •No Bugs In Vault 111 [PS4]• - Radroaches in starting area removed for easier start. Add around last mod #100. Can delete afterwards.
  2. •Immortal Cats - PS4• - Invincible cats. Add after mod #85.
  3. •Vertibirds Unghosted• - Tweaks to vertibirds. Add after #30.
  4. •No Affinity Cooldown• - Removes cooldown between companion reacting to your actions. Swap with mod #86.
  5. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC• - Quieter production lines. Add after mod #32.
  6. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop• - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #32.
  7. •Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter)• - *For small, bright flashlight swap with mod #94 and move #95 one space above.
  8. •CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4• - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while in VATS. Add after mod #50.
  9. •Longhorns Of The Commonwealth• - Adds longhorns to the map. Add after #9.
  10. •Gulpers Of The Commonwealth• - Adds gulpers to the map. Add after #9.
  11. •Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix• - As the mod name suggests. Add after mod #1.
  12. •Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4• - Adds rank to VANS perk. Unlocking it reveals map markers. Add after #83.
  13. •Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4• - Moved attack spawn points outside the settlement borders. Add after #92.
  14. •[PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom)• - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Add after mod #2.
  15. •Josephine Preset• - Adds nice-looking creation preset for female character (preset number 13, you can edit it to your likings). Add around lat mod #100. Can be safely removed later on without any drawbacks to your character.

16. •CC Branded Shirt To Under Clothing PS4 Vers• - If you own T-Shirt Creation Club content, please put this mod above #56.

V 2.2 - FINAL. Please share this post and ask questions in the comments. Have fun!
submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:01 Ill-Hour-7401 Fuck the justice courrupt courts an all cops fuck you to anti goverment isn't hate crimes are hate groups anti goverment groups don't see reason to support a goverment ran by there self terriost an hate targeting poor class people they started with first level forceing out homeowners of the homes

The Louisville eviction. District courts in kentucky city of Louisville KY is criminals theifs an fucking dog shit in my new view the common wealth of KY has turn what I use to suport our legal system now I turned an I fully FUcking. Hate to my bone the entire Commonwealth of KY COURRUPT justice garbadge system I had four lawyers from civil rights lawyers that we had four great convesations an these four lawyers are about to retire early they said. There no reason they said to even go to there offices any more because no matter how PROVIN an how strong a victims case is against the gov are cify are even state. It no longer matters how strong a victims xase is they now have to decide there civil right cases soley on the deep protected inbeded an four lawyers said fuck it an they let me in on this black terriost hate list called the inner circle of the common wealth. Of KY code of justice system private data base of all the victims they label at free will if I speak a comment as much on line that you don't agree with goverment slave an terriost hate crimes they are attacking poor people killing them by the thousands of course they can't just go shooting people right now any way the numbers of the people are ten times stronger than there united states military combine they do mot want us to learn this folks they no if they dont do rhis silent wide spread careful target on victims Louisville KY has a do not represent black lisr. That lawyers have expose I'm gonna be even getting a copy of these black list target control. List these list. Are not because these victims on them done any thing wrong at all victims on these list are targeted because we stood up we made it clear we wasn't gonna be push an we wasn't gonna accept no damn goverment control hittler error mother fucker no matter how high they hold power they can still kiss my free native INDAIN ass they do not no what a ass kicking raiseing total loose rampage war is yet fuck you goverment garbadge court system a fucking joke I have 0 respect for ur god damned justice system common wealth. System is nothing more than a smelly stop up shit system Louisville KY is the core the capital of waist land trashville lmpd is equal to BLM terriost hate group period LOUSVILLE judges aren't no more than lazy nerdy punk ass whores that has to have that power to provide there protection they have to be in power just to force people to be an play nice to them cause the real world all u judges lost that power every god damn one u low life god playing bastards would be destroy in secs I'm trying to tell you louisvlle people right now wake the fuk up cant u fucking see any thing hello one min army up act tough start shit then just run an hide what ur fucking message BLM that I bitches are to scared when call out u turn ran wow that not bad ass that bitch ass fbi fuck u to ok u suck dicks to I don't give to fucks what any body any fuckin more thinos either if ur a gov mule are cave troll no this let me find out u fucking rats an an snitches fuckkmg. Scum pond maggits coward bitch whores rideing round shotting victims on the Louisville dark web murder hit list mother fuckers I got it all a scratch off list Louisville. Judges made an they are connected deep in dark web. That where any one in louville KY can go on dark web an type in the hidden legal jusitce system of common wealth system dirty archives records an black list an block list an the hit list an the biggest one the red zone black dirty offfical insurance protection aid list means big targets with high advance mind set advance smart an very DANGERIOUS victims target list front line top pay ups dark web has a real hit list design just for Louisville KY lawyers officials any one who done dirt an broke laws an cover them up on dark web the insurance supplier commonwealth murder for hire take down target list of Americans because they no big time serious info that would smash all out civil out right war in louisville KY for sure if these victims decided to bring fourth all our proof against louisville juistice system it would end in gonna take all the solid ass proof I got an tonight I'm uploading all it on line an provideing a copy's an every name of private lawyers names judges inspector GENRAIL office ALLSO lmpd. ALLSO cave city KY polcie dept an barren county attorney's office corruption inbeded an public defenders office there they aren't for there clients they lay down do nothing an get paid well to be a failure as a lawyer
submitted by Ill-Hour-7401 to hatejusitce [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:00 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5]Absolute Apocalypse MOD LIST. Hard immersive survival. V2.2 FINAL.


√ New game on survival difficulty neccessary
√ All six DLCs are required
√ Only PS5 game version was tested
√ Very stable, no crashes
√ Adding, removing, updating mods midgame can cause issues


  • Very hard and balanced, immersive survival experience.
  • You start weak, tired, with barely any gear and 1 point in each SPECIAL stat.
  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, pick up weapons and use up ammo.
  • Added over thousand zombies plus another thousand of various creatures.
  • Weakspot hits cause significant damage and armor matters.
  • A lot easier to cripple and remove limbs and disable enemies.
  • Ammo type/size greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful.
  • Wolves will bite and hold your limbs, humans know wrestling moves.
  • Audio tweaked, added reverb and removed irritating sounds.
  • Nights are dark and now you own very helpful flashlight.
  • Improved colours, lighting, weather, sunrise, sunset and tweaked moon.
  • Fire sources create atmospheric orange flickering light, old corpses attract flies.
  • Flying bullets illuminate environment and have better physics.
  • Tweaked animations in first person, corrected dead body physics & enemy ragdoll.
  • Making gunpowder, scrapping bullets and crafting ammo available.
  • Most clothes are wearable under armor, glasses can be slightly modded.
  • Rings can be found in containers, shops, scraped and legendary rings crafting.
  • Legendary effects balance, crafting with technical documents, swaping.
  • Building turrets requires plenty of ammo and special, advanced parts.
  • Refreshed perks, added abilities like tackle, crits outside VATS, more INT more XP.
  • Building important structures and cooking better recipes require appropriate perks.
  • Different companion bonuses & two farming magazines adjusted.
  • Majority of objects in game world was removed, less time spent picking up junk.
  • Diverse, mortal settlers with unique names and better awareness.
  • In settlements you can hire guards for caps after allying with factions.
  • You don't gain health at level-up, increasing SPECIAL is restricted by levels.
  • Harvesting plants limited to wild versions, scavenging stations yield tweaked.
  • Added different [Tags] to majority of items for convienience.
  • Quick travel to discovered settlements, which won't pass in-game time.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses and unique NPC's drop legendary gear.
  • More objects to build in your base with plenty of decorative options.
  • Loot and enemies don't respawn, day/night cycle length doubled.
  • Saving the game through Pip-Boy on survival difficulty available.
  • Disabled unimportant radiant Minuteman quests and hammering in Sanctuary.
  • Music and weather are more dependent on map regions you are in.
  • Dialogue fixes and tweaks, camera focused only on NPC's.
  • Reduced amount of grass, rubble, twigs, fog and removed unimmersive puddles.
  • Access to tag and see actual number of components owned on a cooking bench.
  • No build limit, raised amount of maximum settlements population.
  • Replaced combat scopes, improved recon scopes, no blur when aiming.

* More map markers, VATS cameras only in 3rd person, agressive radstags, faster zombies at night, alcohol removes some rads, crafting adhesive from plants, more explosives at chem bench, longer wires, conduits range and many more...


  • Locksmith doesn't make lockpicking any easier. FIX: Install "Quick Hack and Pick" mod after getting all levels of locksmith perk. Just replace mod "[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7".
  • Bethesda did not fix soft locks and other bugs (Remember to kill bandit leader before deathclaw in early Minuteman task or you wont finish the quest).
  • Ground textures flicker black around Sanctuary (Fixes itself after some time).
  • Hacking rank 4 does absolutely nothing (Skip it).
  • Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male.
  • Small amount of perks have slightly incorrect text.
  • High build cost of concrete foundations, barn menu, 1 subway and 3 street lights.
  • Some Creation Club items might not be properly balanced.
  • Occasional visual glitch when moving underwater (Water surface flashing).
  • Free access to 'Hubby Basement' full of supplies in Sanctuary (Easier start).
  • Animal fat removed, but crafting entries still present.
  • Green chest outside vault 111 containing 10k flares and flare gun (Just ignore it).
  • Rarely sound of wall mounted turrets glitches and plays on repeat.
  • Vanilla perception glitch ("Vrexia's Magical Rings" mod to offset stats safely).
  • Pip-Boy light don't transfer from 3rd to 1st person (Turn flashlight off and on).
  • Can't open Wattz Electronics terminal (Kill roach behind wall using explosives).

* Rarely tree branches and grass shake very fast for a short time.


Mods and entries in BOLD are neccessary, don't skip them! 1. •Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4]• Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4 from infamous mod author. 2. •Looted World - PS• - Removes 90% of loose loot in the game world. Easily accessible and obvious places are almost empty. Some areas like habited settlements or vaults still have items. Makes you pick up less, play more. Recommended, unless you want to swim in loot and constantly manage inventory. Small performance improvement. 3. •Kane's Items Sorting (PS4)• - Tags quest items, components, bones, bobbleheads, holotapes, notes, chems, syringes, 99% of junk for better item management and easier looting (water, aid, stealthboys and some mags are permanently marked by Immersive gameplay). 4. •[PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries• - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents, scrap unwanted ones. 5. •Named NPC Protection [PS4]• - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies. 6. •Ghouls Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos. 7. •Tribals of Commonwealth• - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness. 8. •Snipers Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 150 snipers including few unique ones. 9. •Rabbits, Chickens, Crabs, Wolves, And Gulpers In The Commonwealth• - Adds more creatures and enemies. 10. •Hermit Crabs Of The Commonwealth• - Adds 12 hermit crabs to the map. 11. •Wolves Of The Commonwealth• - Adds wolf spawn points to the map. 12. •More Behemoths In Commonwealth• - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth. 13. •DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4]• - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos. 14. •Behind Enemy Lines• - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region. 15. •Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY• - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations. Some groups are very strong. 16. •More Radstags• - Adds plenty of radstags, especially into forests. 17. •Better Radstags• - More agressive radstags. 18. •Not a Princess• - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood. 19. •Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4]• - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests. 20. •[PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia• - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu. 21. •Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 49 objects to build in settlements. 22. •Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags. 23. •Constructible Faction Guards• - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction. 24. •[PS4] OCDecorator• - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects. 25. •[PS4] OCDecorator DLC• - Game addons support for OCDecorator. 26. •Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC• - Now you can fast travel to discovered settlements on survival difficulty. 27. •1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4]• - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically. 28. •[PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags• - Adds animation to supermutant meat bags and flies with buzzing sound to decomposing corpses. 29. •No Sneak Indicators• - Completely removes all sneak indicators. 30. •[PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin• - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin. 31. •[PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition)• - Settlers more diverse and named. Immortal alternative mod also available. 32. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla• - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter. 33. •Fallout 76-Style Region Music• - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks. 34. •Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds two sliders to options. 35. •Better Dialogue• - Camera focuses only on NPC's, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption. 36. •Esk QuietPerks [PS4]• - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant, money shot, grim reaper. 37. •No Experience SFX• - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources. 38. •[PS4] Dead Beat• - Removes loud heart beat sound at low HP. 39. •Combat Music Remover• - Mutes repetitive combat music completely, there is only silence when enemy detects you. 40. •Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4]• - Changes to colours and atmosphere. Makes nights dangerously dark. 41. •UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather• - Adjusted and integrated weather for different map regions. 42. •[PS4] No More Fake Puddles• - Removes ugly water puddles that stay on the ground forever. 43. •No More Twigs• - Completely removes ugly twigs sticking out of the ground. 44. •Reduced Rubble Etc.• - Decreases intensity of grass, rubble and other unimportant objects. Also small performance improvement. 45. •[PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight• - Atmospheric effects for fire sources (including oil lamps). 46. •Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4]• - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere at dusk, dawn and night. 47. •Vanilla Moon (4x)• - Much bigger moon. 48. •Crafting Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting and pip-boy screen. 49. •Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while aiming. 50. •More Map Markers (PS4)• - Adds some new markers on the map. 51. •VATS Third Person Only• - As the name says, just changes the cameras used in VATS. 52. •Component Tagging Helper• - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total. 53. •Grenade and Mine Pack• - Adds some new, weaker, but fun explosives to craft. 54. •Animations Be Gone• - Removes plenty of annoying hammering spots in sanctuary. 55. •Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses• - As the name says. Two mods for glasses requiring science. 56. •Clothes For Every Stats Wz• - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them later with ballistic weave. 57. •Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4]• - Bug fix, balance and small changes in how traps work. 58. •See-Through-Scopes [PS4]• - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification. 59. •See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for handmade rifle and western revolver. 60. •See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for radium rifle and lever action rifle. 61. •Legalized Top Tier Legendary Effects [PS4]• - Balances few legendary effects. 62. •Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4]• - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, allies and dead bodies in specific colours. 63. •Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4• - Core of this modlist. Tons and tons of changes. 64. •(PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics• - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions. 65. •[PS4] Realistic Bullets: Improved Lighting Ballistics Edition• - Makes bullets travel faster, more realistic and fixes some shooting bugs. 66. •Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4)• - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor. 67. •Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation)• - DLC patch for IG. 68. •Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4)• - Starting character level changed to 1. 69. •Medium Settlement Raids PS4• - Makes enemy raids balanced and less ridiculous. 70. •Zombie Walkers (PS4)• - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies. 71. •Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition -• - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight. 72. •Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4]• - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport. 73. •Realistic Insects Health [PS4]• - Makes insects easier to kill and more balanced. 74. •Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Enhanced• - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, less meat, less loot, less ammo from perk. 75. •Rough Start - Less Handouts• - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111, radroaches balanced, +7 extra SPECIAL points at start. 76. •Food, Drink and Crop Overhaul• - Improved cooking, lead belly perk, farming magazines 1 and 3 give important upgrades. Better recipes are locked behind perk ranks, added milk and crop seeds. 77. •PreWar Food +• - Prewar food is more useful. Balance and fixes. 78. •Alcohol Absorbs Rads• - Alcohols remove small amount of rads, so you don't rely solely on rare Radaways. 79. •Settlement Progression-Local Leader (UOF4P)• - Changes cost and perk requirements of some important structures, local leader perk rank 3. 80. •Valuables And Ingredients Aren't Junk• - Moves some meaningful items into Pip-Boy MISC category so they are not accidentaly scraped. 81. •Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4• - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying and even crafting legendary rings. 82. •Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature• - Higher damage to headshots, easier to rip off limbs. 83. •Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version• - Lets you stagger and knock enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk. 84. •Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4)• - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, 'Better criticals' perk for crits outside VATS. 85. •[PS4] STS - All-In-One• - Allows to clean settlements by scraping more objects for extra resources. 86. •Faster Positive Affinity For Companions• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Or use extra mod #4 for removed cooldown only.* 87. •[PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120)• - Increases experience required to level up for balance purposes. 88. •Increased EXP• - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced and playable. 89. •No Building Houses XP Gains PS4• - Building settlements don't provide experience. 90. •Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Decreased amount of force for both melee and ranged attacks. 91. •Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4]• - More aware settlers with raised limit. Longer wires. 92. •Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4]• - Infinite build limit and two times longer range for electricity conduits. 93. •[PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch• - Makes weapon and Pip-Boy paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu. 94. •Pip-Boy Flashlight• - Pipboy light is now a flashlight. 95. •PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light• - Makes flashlight much bigger, changes to headlamp and power armor light. 96. •No Enemy Respawns• - No enemy and loot respawn to explore world once. 97. •Accelerated Fast Travel• - Fast travel takes minutes instead of hours and wont raise survival needs. 98. •Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4]• - Days and night are twice as long.* 99. •[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7• - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak. ---•If you decided to skip some mods, go check out 'Extra mods' below and add any you like.• ---•After installing above mods RESTART YOUR PS4/PS5!• ---•In options change game difficulty to survival.• ---•Graphics mode to 60fps, performance. Visual setting is less stable & smooth.• ---•Complete vault 111 until you get to the surface, do exit autosave and install below mod.• 100. •Saving Survival Mode• - Adds ability to save in survival difficulty through pip-boy MISC category. Option to save are always on top (3 autosave slots plus 1 main save slot shared by all survival characters). Not choosing this mod will make the game impossible. ---•Go to options, sound and reduce ambience and reverb sliders by 5 clicks.• ---•For even more immersive settings, go to settings, gameplay and turn off quest markers.•

---•You can also set music volume to half, camera sensitivity to max or your preference, hud color to minty blue, pip-boy to red or any colours you like.•

Extra mods:

  1. •No Bugs In Vault 111 [PS4]• - Radroaches in starting area removed for easier start. Add around last mod #100. Can delete afterwards.
  2. •Immortal Cats - PS4• - Invincible cats. Add after mod #85.
  3. •Vertibirds Unghosted• - Tweaks to vertibirds. Add after #30.
  4. •No Affinity Cooldown• - Removes cooldown between companion reacting to your actions. Swap with mod #86.
  5. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC• - Quieter production lines. Add after mod #32.
  6. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop• - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #32.
  7. •Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter)• - *For small, bright flashlight swap with mod #94 and move #95 one space above.
  8. •CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4• - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while in VATS. Add after mod #50.
  9. •Longhorns Of The Commonwealth• - Adds longhorns to the map. Add after #9.
  10. •Gulpers Of The Commonwealth• - Adds gulpers to the map. Add after #9.
  11. •Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix• - As the mod name suggests. Add after mod #1.
  12. •Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4• - Adds rank to VANS perk. Unlocking it reveals map markers. Add after #83.
  13. •Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4• - Moved attack spawn points outside the settlement borders. Add after #92.
  14. •[PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom)• - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Add after mod #2.
  15. •Josephine Preset• - Adds nice-looking creation preset for female character (preset number 13, you can edit it to your likings). Add around lat mod #100. Can be safely removed later on without any drawbacks to your character.

16. •CC Branded Shirt To Under Clothing PS4 Vers• - If you own T-Shirt Creation Club content, please put this mod above #56.

V 2.2 - FINAL. Please share this post and ask questions in the comments. Have fun!
submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]