Sample illinois birth certificate

Gender marker change(texas)

2024.06.05 04:33 ArchbishopNico Gender marker change(texas)

sorry if this has been asked before, I’m residing in Florida, and want to see if I can get my gender marker changed as someone born in Texas. what’s the process, and has anyone from texas done this and have any issues? what’s the hurdles I need to look out for?
also a question I’m not sure if anyone can answer- i want to marry my partner who resides in the Philippines (citizen to there) and of course they do not recognize same sex marriage. If I change my birth certificate, will that ever be looked into? 🥴
submitted by ArchbishopNico to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:09 callsignninja According to her birth certificate, Izabella is 6 months old today and already wants to learn how to drive. The puppy ugly is in full bloom and her face is ever so derpy 🥲

According to her birth certificate, Izabella is 6 months old today and already wants to learn how to drive. The puppy ugly is in full bloom and her face is ever so derpy 🥲 submitted by callsignninja to Pomeranians [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:07 DaniellaCain [FOR HIRE] Writer for Games - Branching Narratives, Linear, or a Combination

Hello everyone! I'm looking to join a team or individual and help write a game! This is something I am very passionate about and am working to get into narrative design. I have samples of my work available upon request. I'd like to make my own game eventually (ideally within a few years) I just currently don't have the coding skills nor the funds to hire someone to help.
The flair also mentions voice acting. While this is nothing I've done before, I would be interested to try it. I have brief experience through drama/forensics years ago.
A bit about me/bona fides:
submitted by DaniellaCain to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:04 pr0gr355 Eligibility - 1948 case resources?

Hi, all! I'm trying to get a sense of my eligibility and finding some conflicting information.
GGM > GM > M > me
Great-grandmother was born in Italy in 1899, emigrated to the US in 1912, married my great-grandfather in 1918. Great-grandfather (also born in Italy) naturalized in 1919. My great-grandmother was considered automatically naturalized by being married to my great-grandfather; there's no record of her ever naturalizing independently. My grandmother was born to them in the US in 1923, my mother in 1951, and me in 1981.
It seems from information I've been able to find that I might have a 1948 case, based on my great-grandmother's involuntary naturalization. Is this accurate? If so, are there particular agencies/services I should contact for handling this type of case? I have all of the paperwork from the US, but need help finding the birth certificates from Italy. Thanks!
submitted by pr0gr355 to juresanguinis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:00 cometshoney Died from Exposure at 2 Days?

Died from Exposure at 2 Days?
I can only read every other word. The doctor wasn't there, then exposure.
submitted by cometshoney to DeathCertificates [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:57 cometshoney Peritonitis at 16

Peritonitis at 16
It says abortion caused the peritonitis, but she was 6.5 months along and married. Was it possibly a miscarriage?
submitted by cometshoney to DeathCertificates [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:51 Jamana1984 Temporary ID

I know this has probably been asked before but I recently moved from one city to another in Alabama. I got my new drivers license with my new address on it but it is a temporary (paper) one with my picture on it.
I did keep the old drivers license with the star ID on it.Would that be acceptable to go through security with or will I need to bring other identification (ie work id, social security card, birth certificate , bill,etc).
submitted by Jamana1984 to tsa [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:44 Deb1268 Flying domestic with grandsons

Heading to Hawaii next week with grandsons, ages 11 and 14. Just read about Minor Travel concent Form granting us permission for them to travel with us. Do we really need this? I have their birth certificates and we all share the same last name. We are flying out of LAX to OGG
submitted by Deb1268 to delta [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:42 No_Presentation_1395 Trying to determine what documents will be necessary in my case

Brief overview of my lineage/story
My Grandfather survived the war, as did my grandmother, both through harrowing circumstances. They reunited in Germany and settled in a small town in SW Germany called Ruppertsweiler. My mother and father were married in Ruppertsweiler, then moved to the US where i was born in 1973. My mother never naturalized as a US citizen, and she passed away in 1990 when i was a teen. My older brother who still lives down the street from me never naturalized either, and has worked under a permanent green card his whole life. I now have a 7 year old daughter, and we speak German together.
At this time the only actual documents I have related to filing for citizenship in Germany are my mothers final passport issued in 1989, and obituary. My grandfather actually didn't pass away until 2014, at which point my brother and I went to Germany and sold the house.
I'm really just trying to figure out where to start regarding documents. Since my family was all born in East Prussia, except my older brother, are those birth certificates even attainable? Are they necessary?
submitted by No_Presentation_1395 to GermanCitizenship [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:29 nereidblu Can I (single mom) move abroad with my child if the father doesn't have custody and isn't on the birth certificate?

I have a child from my past relationship but the father lives in another state, doesn't have custody, and isn't on the birth certificate. We are still in contact about our daughter and I keep him updated on her.
I want to move abroad with my fiancé and my daughter but I don't know how my ex would take it, will there be any legal threat to me or any danger I would be in if I moved abroad and started a new life with my fiancé?
submitted by nereidblu to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:26 EasyPeasey1221 Looking for someone else with this constipation problem and whether anyone has any words of wisdom.

Hello all. This is a rather long tale and I guess I am looking for someone who can say, "OMG, that's me, and here's what I was diagnosed with and how it was fixed..."
My (56F) entire life I have been constipated. Common to go a week or two without pooping and then having my lower bowel squirm and be stuck on the toilet for 30 minutes, sweating as my body just took over and I wouldn't even have to strain. This lasted through my early 40s but then it somewhat resolved and I've not had a problem until this past December. I had a ten day bout of constipation, and when I finally went, it took at least 30 minutes and was very painful - the stool was hard and 2.5-3" in diameter. I could actually feel myself tear but there wasn't a very large amount of blood.
Since that time, everything about pooping has been awry. My rectum doesn't seem to have much sensation and the normal urge I have always had to go is gone. My body doesn't seem to want to do it's own thing and when I do try and push the muscles feel as if they are not working right. Since the end of Jan. my status quo is pooping out three walnut sized or smaller lumps on a couple of days, then nothing for 2-3 more days and then back with the walnuts. This goes on for four weeks until I chug one of those 10 oz. bottles of mag citrate and get nauseous and feel like vomiting and then partially evac. but nowhere near as much as I have squirreled away. I have constant feeling of fullness and an occasional lump in my throat as if I've eaten wayyyy too much.
Went to the doc, who referred me to a GI doc and scheduled for colon- and endo- oscopy with weeks between each visit, and procedure. I failed my prep the first go-round so they only did the endo at that time, put me on an extended prep and that worked for the colonoscopy. Both ends, I have perfectly pink and pretty innards. They took samples of my esophagus, and stomach, and of two tiny polyps in the colon. Everything came back normal, no nothing (thank GOD).
I don't take opiates, only med is Prozac and some vitamins (A,B,C,D,E). My only food allergy is to the protein Casein so since birth I have not been able to drink cow's milk but have always tolerated goat and sheep milks. I have gained 50 pounds in the past two years after I got COVID and had undiagnosed sleep apnea for almost a year following that. My sleep apnea is resolved with CPAP, I have started exercising and getting back to my active self. Except for this stupid constipation. I also do not have any pain with this constipation - I mean, is that even normal? I should be happy about that I suppose, but I am a couple of weeks away from showing up in the ER and claiming severe stomach pain so they give me a CT or MRI.
I do have a follow-up appt with the GI next week - is there anything I should ask/request/demand for tests? Do I need to phrase my issue a certain way? I have no complaints about the care I've been receiving and I am incredibly fortunate to have good health insurance. I just want a diagnosis or a plan. I am a take charge person and will do whatever I need to resolve this but feel like I am adrift in an ocean with no idea of what the hell is going on. I've never had any health issues in my life and I am at a total loss.
Thanks to everyone who has made it this far and doubly so to those who leave some advice,
submitted by EasyPeasey1221 to Constipation [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:26 fbhfdhgr Do I need a certified translator?

applying for my child us passport under 16. us passport website said ((You must submit a document that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Examples include:
U.S. birth certificate (also evidence of U.S. citizenship) or Foreign birth certificate))
Thailand foreign birth certificate in my case
Do I need to get a certified translator or translating service to get it done or I can do it myself or a friend who is not certified?
submitted by fbhfdhgr to Passports [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:06 marco4568 Birth Certificate Amendment (add race)

I know this sounds counterintuitive but I need to add race to my birth certificate (born 2003) so that I can be recognized by my grandparents roots country to play in the domestic football all league.
On my grandparents’ us birth certificate, there’s a race column, but not for my parents and mine (maybe out of racial discrimination reason). Is it possible to apply for amendment from health department to add self-identified race to my birth certificate?
There used to be census that includes household members’ race but I think not anymore now. The requirement is anything from the us government that includes info of my race.
submitted by marco4568 to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:52 Fearless-Exchange616 Birth certificate help!!

So I(33f) found out last year that I was adopted (23 and me). My adopted mom never filled out the paperwork to change my name and did a lot of illegal things. I got in touch with bio mom but she refuses to give me my birth certificate, even though she posted it on Facebook. I tried contacting the state I was born but they have had my case for over a year and nothing has been done. My birth name is different than the name I have now. What can I do?
submitted by Fearless-Exchange616 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:51 Sure-Honeydew2925 Birth certificate?

Do anyone know how long it takes to recieve an birth certificate after filling for one? Me and my husband don't have ours and we need a marriage certificate also but we plan on getting them next week. Just worried because our cruise is on Sept 2nd and I don't know how long the process is to get them
submitted by Sure-Honeydew2925 to CarnivalCruise [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:21 mc510 How to obtain "literal birth certificate" for Law of Democratic Memory citizenship application?

The consulate's instructions say that you can obtain the Spanish ancestor's literal birth certificate from but I haven't found where on the website to actually do that. Also provides the "Annex VI" form, which I guess is an alternate method, but what do you do with it?
We actually already have an old photocopy of the birth certificate so have all the relevant information, just need to get a current literal certificate. Birth in question was in 1905 if that has any bearing on how.
Thanks anyone who can help me figure this out :)
submitted by mc510 to GoingToSpain [link] [comments]

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submitted by Amelia_Hiraedu to certificationsyouneed [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:10 kellibns G1 in Ontario question

If I bring my birth certificate and my OHIP health card, is that enough to use as ID for my G1 test at a Drive Test centre in Ontario? My passport is expired, but I feel like they don’t consider OHIP cards ID anymore.
submitted by kellibns to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:06 -looseygoosey- How does deed poll work?

Hi, uk resident since birth (England), 25f
I am applying for a change of surname due to “prefer a different surname”. I am at the end of applications and am trying to decide how many copies to buy. The deed poll office recommends 8 copies at a cost of £26 - from reading their recommendations this seems to be based on how many places it is necessary to send off change of name notification to.
The cheaper options are 0 copies for £0 or 4 for £15 or 6 for £22.50.
How many would you recommend to purchase?
The name changes I will have to complete: Bank accounts (1) Shared accounts (1) Building society (1) Credit card (1) Undergrad loan (1) Postgrad degree - currently studying (1) Passport(1) Driving licence (1) Landlord through managing estate agent (1) Employer (1) Birth certificate(1)?!? - don’t know how this works?
Don’t know if the following will be automatically updated? Doctors surgery - Electoral roll
So many of thanks in advance!
More than happy to answer anything in the comments
Edited for clarity
submitted by -looseygoosey- to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:04 -looseygoosey- Name change by deed poll advice

Hi, uk resident since birth (England), 25f
I am applying for a change of surname due to “prefer a different surname”. I am at the end of applications and am trying to decide how many copies to buy. The deed poll office recommends 8 copies at a cost of £26 - from reading their recommendations this seems to be based on how many places it is necessary to send off change of name notification to.
The cheaper options are 0 copies for £0 or 4 for £15 or 6 for £22.50.
How many would you recommend to purchase?
The name changes I will have to complete: Bank accounts (1) Shared accounts (1) Building society (1) Credit card (1) Undergrad loan (1) Postgrad degree - currently studying (1) Passport Driving licence (1) Landlord through managing estate agent (1) Employer (1) Birth certificate?!? - don’t know how this works (1) Energy+ water (1 each) Broadband (1) Phone (1)
Don’t know if the following will be automatically updated? Doctors surgery Electoral roll - council tax?
Is it that unlikely to revive none of the documents back?
So many of thanks in advance!
More than happy to answer anything in the comments
submitted by -looseygoosey- to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:58 Key-Change4011 Post graduate medical education/experience certificate

Hi.Im a international medical graduate in Canada from Nepal.. applied for the position of associate physician until my full license.
I was asked to provide 1year PGME certificate,not sure what it means . Anyone could share me the sample? Also let me know how to get it
submitted by Key-Change4011 to MCCQE [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:48 AndrewsTakyi Name conflict

My mum's surname on my birth cert is different from the one she's using now, which is my father's surname. I used the name on my birth certificate when I was applying for my US visa. I now want file for permanent resident status. On form i485, they ask about parents old and current name. I have two options now:
  1. Continue to use the name I used in the visa application. In this instance, if my mum applies for US visa, she will likely need an affidavit to show that the name on my birth cert and the one she's using now refer to the same person.
  2. Write her current name as her current name and the name on my birth cert as her previous name. I will need to attach an affidavit now to support this.
NB: Her first name is the same, only the surname differe.
Which option do I choose? Please help.
submitted by AndrewsTakyi to USCIS [link] [comments]