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2024.06.05 06:01 Direct-Caterpillar77 WIBTA for calling off a wedding because my fiancé is extremely frugal? (Final Update)

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Expensive_Pangolin60
WIBTA for calling off a wedding because my fiancé is extremely frugal?
Originally posted to AITAH abusiverelationships and OOP's own page
BoRU 1 Posted by u/ParadoxicalState
BoRU 2 Posted by u/Stephenallen1977
TRIGGER WARNING: emotional abuse, trauma, financial struggles, neglect, psychological manipulation
MOOD SPOILERS: sad - but generally positive overall
Original Post June 06, 2023
I 31F struggle with my fiancé’s 32M frugalness and not sure if I want to marry him anymore after 3 year relationship.
Throwaway as my Fiancé follows my regular account.
I met my Fiancé 3 years ago. He came out of an abusive marriage just 2 years before we met. One of her absolute abuses was financial. She bled him dry. Made him buy expensive jewelry only to give it away or break it after an argument. Designer shoes, clothes, big house cars… Caribbean trips. you name it she made him pay for it. She also took him to the cleaners in the divorce.
However. My Fiancé is very well off. He makes far over 6 figures almost 7. On top of that he inherited a few millions from his grandfather and his parents gifted him and his siblings also a few cool millions.
So yes the financial abuse was bad but he does not suffer financially. He has more money than he will ever need.
So last year I moved into his house. I do not pay rent but I split the bills and buy food. I pay for my own clothes and jewelry. I have a good job and I can take care of myself. However things have been taking a turn for the worse and I feel miserable.
His house was empty when I moved in. He had hand me down furniture. Maybe 3 forks and 2 knives. He wouldn’t put on the heating so the house felt cold and moldy. He has no curtains, no decorations. His ex took everything not bolted down and he was too cheap to replace it. Just imagine a million dollar house like that!
I am grateful that I can live in his house. It is something I could never afford myself. But I didn’t want to live in squalor! So I bought some kitchen supplies, some furniture… but at some point I realized I was dipping in my savings all the time and he did nothing. I looked into curtains but those things are expensive. His house has so many windows it is crazy. I didn’t want to pay for this anymore.
I told him I needed a fund to furnish his house. He blew up at me that I was just with him for his money. I pointed out all the money I spend on his house. The gifts and the trips because he pays for nothing ever. Because he wants to be sure I am not here for the money. The fact is, if we break up I have nothing… the house is not mine. If I spend all my savings on his house I will be left with absolutely nothing! He wants a prenup and I am fine with that but I can’t help but feel used.
Next to that I am jealous of his ex wife. I feel like she got treated and I am neglected. He proposed to his ex on a cruise with a 10.000 dollar white gold diamond ring. I got the rhodium plated Swarovski stuff that might cost like 100 bucks. The proposal was at a picnic in the park I organized, payed groceries for and slaved in the kitchen for. I almost said no out of pure disappointment . However I am afraid to bring it up and to be called a golddigger. I don’t want to be funding a millionaire’s lifestyle. He loves everything as long as I pay for it. As soon as he has to pay it is frivolous, unnecessary….
I can live like a poor person by myself. At least the fact there are literal millions lying around doesn’t hang over me to bum me out.and I would just be paying for my own lifestyle.
WIBTA for calling of a wedding purely for financial reasons. Because I love this man, but I imagine our cheap wedding in contrast to his ex her extravaganza, will our future kids be able to have some luxuries? Or only if I pay for it? What if I ever become a stay at home mom? Will I have to beg to put the heating on?
Edited to answer questions I see a lot: I know the abuse is not made up. His family and friends told me seperate stories of the abuse they witnessed. Not only did it confirm it, it showed me she was way more terrible than I thought. Like stealing heirloom jewelry of his grandma with alzheimer right after she was widowed. Pretending she was gifted these things even though every one knew grandma hated her guts.
I did not realize or see he is doing the same to me as she was to him and he is (subconsciously) punishing me for what was done to him.
I am not trying to force a lifestyle in him where he was previously happy in. He told me prior to moving in that he left his house like this because he was depressed after his wife took everything ( even the curtains) that it makes him sad and he wants a cozy home. He just didn’t know where to start.
His house is paid off, thanks to grand dad. He isn’t actually spending much on utilities either, house is very well isolated and has solar panels. It is weird to see how cheap being rich really is.
I am not asking for designer furniture. Ikea all the way and I have refurbished second hand furniture myself. I am actually pretty thrifty .
I see where my jealousy over the ex her lifestyle might have triggered some people. Let me explain. A 10.000 dollar ring is insane and stupid to me. I do not want that because I would fear for losing it every day. I don’t need an over the top wedding … however, it almost feels like for her he did effort. Wanted to give her what made her happy. Put effort and thought in it. With me it almost feels like he wants to prove how little he can give me.
He talked about how he would see the wedding and it is cheaper than my actually financially struggling cousin her wedding. I can’t help but feel he wants to demonstrate how cheap he can treat me! And I already feel embarrassed about the family that would have been to both and I will feel like the discount wife. I don’t like to say it but it feels like he gets of on it to some extend. We are almost talking washing paper plates at this moment.
Yes I did discuss selling the mansion I really don’t need and move to a more modest house. Especially knowing this is the house his ex picked. He doesn’t want to do that. He loves this house… but I feel really intimidated living in a house I could never afford anyway. And so many large windows… tjeesh
I havn’t talked to him yet but pauze on the marriage and counseling is a must . I already am looking for IC because I realized I might indeed be too much of a people pleaser allowing him to control me with the ghost of his ex. I also am going to seperate for a while. I am looking to rent something for a few months so I can get some space.
Thank you all for your insights !
NTA. - “I understand you’ve had some trauma in your past and I’m sorry you went through that. But I can’t allow you to mistreat me because of it. It burns me up inside that you gave her everything, but I have to beg for the bare minimum. I deserve to feel cherished by my partner, as I have cherished you.”*
Oomph that hit me right in the feels.
“I am not with you because of the money you have, and if you can’t trust that then that’s something you need to work on. I cannot live without heat, furniture, curtains, and basic decency just to prove to you that I am not a financial abuser like your ex. It feels as if you are projecting that image onto me and that is unfair.” His way of coping is extremely unhealthy. What he should be doing is talking to a therapist about how he can communicate his needs to you, not shutting you out and behaving the complete opposite of how he did with this ex. He should set some healthy boundaries on how he spends his money, sure, but he also needs to acknowledge that you asking for some financial contribution to the house you live in isn’t the same as his ex demanding he take her on a cruise. He needs to find some ways he can feel appreciated when he does spend money on things you benefit from, and he needs to trust that he is in full control of his money, you have no desire to take that from him.*
Update 1 June 10, 2023 (4 days later)
Originally posted to AITAH, but was removed by the mods. Preserved on user's account.
Okay I hope this update makes sense because I am very confused and not really doing that well at the moment.
Well Reddit you changed my life. thank you so much for all your ideas and insights. Honestly I don’t think I would have had the courage to do what I did without you guys. I went to therapy Took the day off just to get my racing mind to calm down.
Therapy has confirmed things you guys suspected. I am a people pleaser, I wanted to “save” him and I have internalized the idea that any effort and every penny I want him to spend on me makes me a gold digger. I will have weekly sessions to work on me. I realized I would have never taken this treatment from any of my exes. Even though I made more then them. The idea I had to proof myself “ worthy “ to be with a millionaire and not be in there for the money got in to my head pretty early.
I called one of his siblings I am pretty close with and just told her everything. She was not surprised but just sad about how unhappy he was making me. She told me that from the day we started he had this idea that “ I was out of his league”. He struggled to understand why I wanted to be with him and he probably just thought : it must be my money. She told me she already talked to him in the past to treat me better. She was furious about the proposal.
This information confused me a little. I was a little hurt she never discussed any of this before but she thought it was none of her business. She also explained how she and her husband organized their finances. He also doesn’t have as much as her.
I took the opportunity to pack a bag. I haven’t n’t found a place yet but I am going to stay with my parents. I made up my mind that I will at least want 6 months apart to get myself in order. I made sure my stuff was in the car because honestly I had no idea how the conversation would go.
so into the most difficult part. The talk. I waited for him to come home. He was pretty late but I didn’t want to sleep another night on this. Pretending I was fine while I was contemplating all this just ate me up.
I had written down what I wanted to say. I have never been so scared before. I didn’t want to hurt him and I didn’t know how he would react. I took some advice from here. I opened that I was moving out and that I wanted to pauze our engagement. He was very quiet and just sat down. I told him he really hurt me by calling me a golddigger and that I am done walking on eggshells and feeling guilty for just wanting basic things. I told him I was unhappy and felt neglected. I also told him that after 3 years of me showing up for him he still doesn’t think I am here for him, it is not going to happen.
He was just quiet. He didn’t say anything. I told him that the constant comparing to his ex was unhealthy and unfair.Punishing me for her sins was abusive. I told him comparing her to me all the time has triggered me comparing myself to her and starting to feel like she was worth more than me. One of the things about her was mostly ungratefulness. He would do nice things for her but it was never enough. The thing is, he doesn’t do nice things for me and I have to be grateful for the pleasure of picking up the bill.
I told him he was not ready for marriage. That I dreaded having kids with him and live like this. That is didn’t trust he would take care of me if I would become a SAHM. And at that point I just called him abusive and a user. I was getting pretty angry saying all this out loud. Losing my composer and script a little bit.
He remained quiet with almost no emotion on his face. I stayed quiet but nothing came out so I decided that I would just leave. Only when I got up to go he said please don’t go. He asked me if I was pausing the wedding or calling it of. He wanted to know if it was over or if he still had a shot.
I told him I wanted out of this house. I honestly don’t want to live in his ex her palace of sadness anymore. I needed him to go to therapy and especially financial therapy. I needed a separation. I told him I was open to couples counseling if he went into IC.
He begged me not to do the separation but honestly I really really wanted it. I just told him to think about it and I left him. He was finally showing some emotions. He was crying at this point.
He sent me a very long text somewhere in the AM. Told me he was a wreck and couldn’t sleep. He made all kinds of promises. He would go into therapy, sell his house, buy a smaller one and make sure I am taken care of whatever happens. He said he would help me decorate and we will make a home. He again asked me to please come “home”. But to me it doesn’t feel like home there anyway.
I feel very empty and tired. I have been sleeping most of the day. I feel guilty but also a little bit relieved if that makes sense.I don’t know if I actually want back if he does all that. Idk I am a little unsteady right now. I need some time to proces.
I will go back for the kitchen supplies and my tv. I won’t take anything else of the furniture. This for the exact same reason I was unwilling to buy everything: his house is huge so the couch is huge … I can’t take it.
Update2 Jul 04 2023 (1 month later)
Hi everybody. Let me just say I am overwhelmed by the number of people really caring about me and asking for updates. Strangers who care about you is a feeling like no other thank you!
So as I said I left. I am looking for an apartment I can afford. My parents are helping out. I am living with them and saving up.
I am not closing all doors but as for now we are broken up. I have no contact. The first week he transferred a large amount to my account. It really rubbed me the wrong way. It just showed me that he still thought that money was what kept me here. I deducted the couch I left and transferred everything else back I asked for no contact after this.
He has been respectful of it and I feel free at the moment. I felt guilty for my needs. For wanting to be taken out every once and a while. The longer I am out the harder I realize it was abuse. I have an autoimmunity problem and the cold house caused it to flare up. Even after that he kept turning the heat down. He rather have me miserable than pay what? 100 dollars extra in the end of the year?
The last thing I heard is that he put the palace of sadness on the market. I have seen the adds so happy he is going through with that. I heard of his sister that he is in therapy. I am happy for that and I hope he keeps that up! He is keeping his promises so far but I need to see real change and even then I really don’t know.
I am building my own life by myself. Thinking about getting a puppy. If I give him another shot. It has to start all from scratch. I want to start dating again and take it slow.
Therapy is really a good idea. I now know I was just bringing this on myself as a people pleaser. Savior… wanting this man to be happy so bad I forgot about myself. Never again.
So that is all there is to say really
Best of luck! Please never forget your worth again, because others will shortchange you if so.*
True! I allowed this from day one and let him play his fantasy revenge on me. The red flags were there so early. Loving ourselves is the key to a happy life
My question is, did you previously communicate your feelings before just ending it? Did you wait until you stopped loving him?*
I did. Multiple times. I had a few break downs where I told him I was unhappy especially when my autoimmunity disease just kicked into high gear I told him I was done being cold. Then the discussions started about what is cold and I had to negotiate a temperature setting he was okay with , he would still turn it down behind my back. The curtains were just the last straw for me. He was giddy and happy about all other changes I made to his home with my money I thought it would not be so weird to ask him to pitch in right? I had done so much, sacrificed so much and he still blew up at me? What kind of golddigger pays for everything for 3 years? If I was one I was really bad at it So yes I communicated, over and over and nothing changed. I am pretty shocked he is actually doing something right now but honestly I think it is a little too late. I don’t want to shut the door completely but I will never ever be cold in my life ever again
Financially abusive fiancé : It’s over for good, my final update Sep 21 2023 (3 months after OG post)
Thank you for everyone reaching out to me. I have closed in on a little apartment for myself. I got a puppy.
After being in a home where I was truly loved: my parents I realized how sad, cold and alone I had been. Over time I went blind for a lot of things.
Blind to a comfortable home temperature. Comfortable with thinking about every penny spend. Feeling guilty for buying that dress I wanted for so long that was finally on sale. Feeling entitled for wanting date nights… being treated sometimes.
I started to think about what makes me happy. I love to travel, dress up to go to a nice restaurant. Throw dinner parties, entertain people, think about Christmas gifts 6 months in advance. Have a cosy house…. And I realized just how much he had taken from me with that one little sentence: is that really necessary…
Is anything ever? If you have a roof, food, bed and a TV you are there right? Is travel necessary? Is having nice clothes necessary? Is a shower necessary? A haircut? A party? A hobby? A wedding? No!
I know now that abusers are not per definition bad people. He is broken and he has trauma I have no time or energy for. He got free from abuse and decided to become the abuser. I know he is in therapy and we initially agreed on 6 months no to low contact. But I felt I was certain it was not for me anymore and I didn’t want to keep him dangling.
Breaking up with him was very hard. It made me very sad. I never wanted to hurt him and I loved this man very deeply. I wanted us to be each others happy ever after. We both came from dark places and I wanted us to thrive together. His family told me I was the one, I was everything he was looking for and I felt so lucky.
But we only have 1 life and he has so much work to do before he even becomes the bear minimum of what I needed.
I feel failed. Like my story has a bad ending. I feel very broken and sad. I will take my time to just be me. I hope he does the same. I truly hope he finds the one and becomes happy. Mostly I hope that for myself but for now I am enough by my self with the pupper!
Thank you all for your time and support. I am going to have a little cry in some furbaby’s fluffy fur
This is so far from a bad ending. A bad ending would've been staying until nothing was left of you. A bad ending would've been him bleeding you dry and you being stuck. You put yourself first and that will always be good. And to add to the positivity, this is probably the kick he needed to get past his trauma.*
I think you are spot on. He has said these things himself. He didn’t know how bad he was until he came home to me leaving. He has told me he hates himself for letting me walk and letting me be this miserable. He is in therapy ( as far as I know because I am No contact ) and I hope he does well. I really felt once I was out how much of myself was lost. I went through quite a dark time realizing how far I went for this man. But I am getting better.
It does feel like a sad ending, I get the sadness of knowing the magical ending wasn’t going to happen, of the hope that he would see the light and make the changes he needed to in order to make you feel valued. But at the end of the day it’s a happy ending as well, you have a puppy who loves you and he demonstrated through his anger that he still holds his values of stinginess higher than he holds you, so you don’t have to wonder. This really, really feels like the ending of Inside Out, where a core memory comes in and it is a mix of Joy and Sadness. And sadness isn’t bad, sadness helps us remember what is important. You are important. I’m happy for you that you have been able to connect with the things that bring you joy, and surrounded yourself with them.*
But… please stay open. I know you have joked that you are fine being single forever, and if that is the course of your life, then that’s all well and good. Being single doesn’t mean lonely as you truly know while you entertain in your apartment. Guard yourself against become a version of your ex in the same way he became a version of his ex, not that you would abuse others but that you would abuse yourself by closing yourself off from people to keep yourself safe. You deserve that joy, and all the happiness in the world.*
Thank you. I will be open to someone again but only when it comes out of a place of “ wow this person is something else” not interested in anything else. I know now I ran past several red flags just because this man could give me the life I dreamed of. Married, nice house, some kids. A life with no worries … but he was not that man.
He has send me letters upon letters how sorry he is, taking accountability. But I can’t anymore. I just don’t want to try again. I hope he does well for himself. He is in therapy and doing his best. I hope he is happy one day. I just don’t want to be part of it anymore. So yes it is no Disney ending. But it is also not my ending. It is a real beginning
He’s now taking accountability? Last time he was angry at you for not respecting what je can do with his money*
Yep he is very sorry about that. He doesn’t know why reacted like that. He is ashamed about it. Money suddenly doesn’t matter to him anymore. These are all things in his texts letters and phone calls.
But it has been a while since I have had contact with him. Even if he changes a lot now… my question is : why couldn’t he do that then. I got sick, when I got sad and told him I was unhappy… why can he only change when he is in pain because I left? That says it all.
I really hope he finds himself and that he will be happy in the future but I don’t want to be part of it anymore


Some things that kept me on my path during leaving my abusive relationship Dec 26, 2023 (4 months since last update)
I was in a financially abusive relationship. With enough time passing now I am more comfortable with the word abuse. I fought it for a long time because he did not scream at me, hit me or called me names.
He just used triangulation and the image of his abusive ex to use my own kindness against myself and to get me to fall in line. Spend my limited savings into furniture, luxuries and nights out for a goddamn multi millionaire just to have some comfort in life. Constantly trying to prove I was no gold digger by having 0 needs, living in a cold house and buy him everything he could ever want. I never lived a impoverished existence then when I was with a person who actually had loads of money. More than I could possibly comprehend.
When I left I really struggled to keep at it. I was so scared to go at life by myself. To actually have to pinch Pennie’s. He kept telling me what I wanted to hear for so long. Went into therapy, begged me to come back. It digged into my resolve. Made me doubt if I was making a mistake.
A few things made me go on:
  1. My colleagues who are more friends than coworkers who knew all my stories into details hugged me and told me they were so proud of me for leaving. Their feeling was so authentic it rubbed off on me. I was also proud I left and I couldn’t let them and me down by going back
  2. My boss once passed my office when I was working late and he said:” Never give men second chances! They never change. You deserve someone who gets it right from the start.” I don’t know what prompted him to say this to me but it stuck with me.
  3. My trainer who knows some stories said to me: you gave everything to get less then nothing back ! It is like me getting a 100 bucks from you and to repay you I’ll take another 100 bucks from your wallet! why would you want to take that deal again? He has a debt with you he can’t repay and I don’t mean cash. I mean emotional energy, love and kindness.
  4. I read somewhere: don’t wake up in the same miserable place 10 years from now because you feared the change you have to make today. That hit me very hard.
I have bought my own apartment. I felt like a poor little mouse being surrounded by people who make my monthly wage in a few days! But the fact is I have a very good job. I earn far above average. I am able to have a nice place, nicely furnished. And I can even support a puppy.
I live by myself but feel endlessly more warmth then in a relationship. I love myself way more. I am not riddled with guilt over wanting to have a cozy house. Go out for dinner sometimes. I am so happy I dragged myself out of this relationship. I kept at it and moved on.
Keep going. One foot in front of the other. It is hard but you can do this! I am proud of you!
OOP Updared in the comments Apr 9, 2024 (4 since last update)
The money is gone. I am not going to get that back or fight for it. I even had to block him because at some point he got petty and wanted me to pay rent for the time I lived with him so no way I was opening that discussion. Whatever… lesson learned . I may look poor compared to millionaires but I am doing fine.
The sister and I did get along for a while. We share a hobby and talked about that. But recently I have been official and out in the open with my new boyfriend and she struggles with this. Maybe she was hoping it would still work out or something I don’t know. But she has been one a lot colder.
This man… wow! People say never settle because there is better out there for you… I never believed it. Honestly I was ready to be a crazy dog lady for the rest of my life. I was enjoying being single. My friends urged me to start dating just to get the hang of it… he was my 3rd date. I went against my will and was 100% not into it but when I saw him in real life…omg sparks flew like never before ! I am in my thirties so you would have thought experienced it all… but this??? Wow
He is everything my ex was not. He is kind and caring. Cooks me dinner. Gets flustered but is grateful for gifts he gets. He treats me to dinners. Will not even allow me to go Dutch on it. He has planned and booked dates and trips months in advance even before we were well and good official. Buys me gifts! He is not as wealthy as my ex. But he makes a good living. His income is comparable to mine but he treats me like a queen. And between me and you ( and all redditors that dig this deep in the comments) the love making is INSANE ! I guess giving people give everywhere freely.
So please take away to never settle! Ever ! Trust the process babe!
I hope you told him off! After the abuse you suffered he should shit his mouth and be grateful you didn't sue him for emotional distress!
Too much energy to waste on a man who wasted so much already. I just never want to see him again. I hope he finds the help he needs and I hope he becomes a happy person but I do not want to be anywhere near him.
I am so happy with my current boyfriend. I don’t understand how I fought for so long to keep this man.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:57 2_mortadelas_please I am the reason my girlfriend is miserable

I don't know if this will help me calm down or at least distract me, because I feel like everything is a lost cause at this point.
My story is long, and a lot of context is missing because I don't have the time to write that much, English it's not my mother language, so I apologize in advance for this mess if you care to read it
We have been friends since being teenagers, I am 4 years older than her, and after we became friends about 10 years ago or so, she has been the only constant in my life. Friends will pass by, life will go through ups and downs and even if I would temporarily ruin our friendship, she was always there, being the most loyal friend anyone could wish for.
When I tell you she is wonderful I mean it, I've met and dated my few share of people, I am the closest person to her and I believe it's difficult to find someone that knows her better than I do, and she has always been the type of friend you would die for, a person that no matter the situation, she was there for you, even putting her own needs aside just to help others, a very mature, leader by nature, kind and one of the most ridiculous and funny people you would ever meet in your lifetime. Straight A student, very responsible, and even when she had to flee our country, she took care of everything, speaking the language, she had to semi-run everything on top of being the translator, all of this while being in high school, adapting to a new country, different culture, barely any money and she went through it like a champ. All this time knowing her, it is very difficult to think about a time she didn't put herself first for others, friends, family, and me.
This same type of person is constantly crying, having breakdowns, anxiety, disassociates, and in her words, feeling like a shell of nothingness, she can't get any more disappointed and she just feels empty when she is not having a crisis. I did all of this, through a long time process, I destroyed her trust, confidence, and the little faith she had in love and she might never have it back.
I am the complete opposite of her and always have been, I am not an asshole, I don't kick puppies or shit like that, but I have always been a problematic person. Depression from a very young age, very troubled families, a lot of abuse of many kinds, and when I met her, I was on the verge of suic**e.
We met through some friends, we became close, confessed our feelings for each other and of course, I told her what I was planning. To make the story short, it did not work, but she became scarred, she panicked and cried with her parents about what I might have done to myself and after that, we became distant but she was always there, always a birthday message, always getting in touch. And of course, I had to break her heart by dating someone (a long-distance relationship) a person who was as troubled as I was, all before dating and being in a 2 year relationship with her best friend.
It might sound crazy when I say it like that, but a lot of time passed and we were not even talking anymore, but there was always this feeling of "we are here for each other if anything"
Country in crisis, she left, I stayed working and starving, she went through her own hell, and after trying to go to the psychologist who referred me to a psychiatrist that I couldn't keep going because of money, I had to figure stuff on my own and that's when everything started to get better. Even in the awful situation, I was with money and food with my mom, emotionally I was doing pretty ok, like I hit a breaking point and I just stopped "feeling"
I left the country eventually, started from zero and it was a tough, but I made it through, she dated, I dated, and we were still talking but always had to keep some distance because feelings always would appear, and if was difficult to manage (in our own countries, we barely saw each other, it was more of an online relationship) and especially difficult being in different countries.
Eventually, it was almost impossible for us to hide it, we loved each other, and we wanted to be with each other.. And even with everything against us, we were happy and couldn't hide our feelings, so you could say that we were in a relationship. Both adults, both knowing what we were getting into but just could hold back our feelings.... we broke up, well, she broke up with me, being the mature person she is, it was obvious to her that being in a relationship was going to destroy us, i was an illegal immigrant, she was in legal status in the US but couldn't leave and for me a the time, there were no options to get legal status, so we had to end it. Broken-hearted, I went downhill, smoking, drinking, going out every chance i could with girls, trying to figure out why, why it hurts so much, why she has to make me feel when everything else is gray, and in the pursuit of that, I was going down a spiral of manipulating the girls I dated just to break their hearts. Not sure if for revenge or to understand why someone could mean so much to me to the point that I could stop shedding tears.
I know, I'm lovely and as you probably tell, all of this put me into a terrible situation mentally, not only the girls I dated were awful people, but even when I had no feelings for them, my confidence was slowly getting destroyed. She on her end was dating someone, she seemed happy and good for her, but I couldn't help to wish the worst for that guy, "how can he and I can't?" I would ask myself over and over again.
I'm just giving a summary of everything that happened in 10 years or so since I've know her, but now we are getting closer to the present.
2 years ago, we got closer again, I think almost 2 years went by without talking, and we just kept getting closer. She realized how I changed, how I was much quieter, apologizing a lot, and having the self steam of a snail on a hot day. She helped me get better, never 100%, but indeed better, but she was suffering by this person she was in a relationship with. Sexual abuses, lies, manipulation, disappointments, the guy was a man-child.
After long conversations over several days, she couldn't keep going, they broke up, a lot of talks with tears and she was starting to heal. She was NOT okay, she gained a lot of weight, her self-esteem was extremely low, she didn't feel good about herself and her confidence was being destroyed by this guy, so she was in a very vulnerable state.
I told her that I loved her and I wanted to marry her while I was extremely high.
Believe it or not, it all turned out well, she was very happy, I was scared, and I already had a legal status so traveling was a possibility. We talked and decided to be in a formal relationship, even talking to our parents, telling them our story just to feel even more official. Things were rough in the beginning, but our friendship and our love was the best thing that happened to us. We played every single day, talked as much as possible, and even slept during the voice calls, my life was on a good path, I was studying on my own, getting a better and better position at my job, and having a good professional career, I was riding a lot with my longboard, being very active, we were growing closer and closer together... Until I started to neglect her.
After a year of our relationship, many problems happened. I didn't prepare anything for our anniversary because I was depressed about not being able to see her, for an immigration process that we started so I could go there just getting more and more delayed and I believe that at that point was when things started to go south. I was slacking off, not going out, and gaining weight, our "private" moments became less and less frequent, and she was starting to get neglected by me. Things like talking and not letting her talk, or her telling me something and not remembering (important things), she started to feel like an accessory, a person that was (at best) a very close friend again, and things we would do in the beginning (baby talk or just small things she would love like comments or prioritizing her over my things) became less and less frequent. Eventually, we talked, she couldn't bear it anymore, and all the conversations we were having about her feeling neglected, not being taken care of, and feeling that the love was one-sided led to a big one, where i told her in detail things about the problems of my past, how I manipulate people and even lied to her in several things to maintain "peace" in our relationship. After the conversation, she was heartbroken, to say the least, her trust was destroyed and we decided that I needed to go to therapy, continue what I couldn't in my country, and solve my issues, so our relationship would get better. It did help, i went through therapy (with a good push of influence by her), I was getting good results and after 2 sessions, never went again, i just kept putting everything under the carpet, my attitude was like "meh, I'm good, so why bother" and i believe that at this point (the present) I am at my lowest.
I gained a lot of weight, and even if we were doing "good" never went anymore with the therapist, our "private" moments that started on a daily basis, turned into a 3 months occasion I, and while i thought we were ok, that things were improving slowly but were improving, she was dying inside.
We recently had a big conversation, a lot was said, a lot of personal stuff, a lot of regrets and she blew up, she couldn't hold it anymore, she is at her lowest point in life because of me, because even if we were playing every day, laughing, watching movies, having fun, talking like babies to each other and being very vocal and romantic to each other, our private moments and other little things (not paying attention to her while talking, she would start talking about something and in the conversation I would deviate the topic), our relationship became a table where I was holding the mic. After the talk, she made it clear, this relationship could not go on if I didn't get my shit together, we are having daily about how terrible she has been feeling, about the ways i broke and all of them have been true. People that hurt me in the past and even the person she was with before that made her feel like shit were not too different to our situation, she is right now in the lowest point in her life. Extremely depressed, anxious, and of course, avoiding me to prevent more pain. I scheduled this weekend with the psychologist, I want to be more thorough with our sessions, i want to get my life in order, i want to work out, stop being so immature and take the lead in things, to investigate more about the process we are doing so I could go, so she could see I am interested.
She doesn't feel loved, it doesn't matter what I said in the past or how I treated her, my actions (not caring about important things) told her enough.
I don't want to lose her, i started on day one (last Sunday) with barely any sleep to deal stuff with the bank, working out, investigating anything about our case and other people opinion on the inmigration situation, and getting my life back, so she could have hers back, i can't lose her and I would do anything for her... but it's pathetic that it had to come this way for that to happen
I don't know what to do... I can feel her slipping away, we've been talking each night, mainly about the things i want to do to improve, the things I want to bring up with the psychologist, and of course, how she has been feeling. She is not the same person I fell in love with, she even behaves more like me when I was at my lowest. I am feeling so much constant rage at myself, I feel determined, and I want to make things right, but it is too late now, I feel like I'm just waiting on her to tell me things are over, that she can keep up being very miserable, that she can't stand another time being deceived thinking that I will be the person i was at the beginning of our relationship just to be disappointed, she doesn't even reply when I tell her "i love you" casually as always and this is killing me. I can't believe what I did to her, such a pure and nice person that got broken by people and destroyed by me, the person she put her feelings and heart to, and I might not get her back.
It is obvious, but there is a lot of context missing, but for the sake of brevity I left only the most important points. A lot has happened in 2 years, i've been growing a lot as a person too, and some things of me getting better, but taking my relationship for granted. Might also sound a bit exaggerated but again, other details are also left out that maybe could explain more why she is feeling this way and why it is me the culprit
I guess I just wanted to have a last desperate cry, this will just get lost in other posts and not many people will read it but if you do. Please take care of your significant other, you might think that everything is ok, that little things are not important or a big deal, and you might be doing damage that you will not be able to repair.
I am aware that as a guy, I handle things differently, that I've been learning to be in a relationship with her and as I said, there is A LOT of more context to why some things when that way in my personal life, I just wanted a place to vent for a bit. Thank you very much and stay safe
submitted by 2_mortadelas_please to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:28 stoichiometry_ Do the Nightmares being in Ultimate Custom Night prove Michael is the vengeful spirit?

Do the Nightmares being in Ultimate Custom Night prove Michael is the vengeful spirit?
Seeing as it was covered on GTLive today, I watched the Dual Process Theory video that’s been gaining popularity and I think I might have some more supporting evidence for the theory of Mike being the vengeful spirit.
It is a widely accepted idea that the vengeful spirit is the person who created UCN, and who did so to trap and torture William Afton to make him pay for his actions. Seeing as the spirit created this environment, logically then, every character featured in the game must be one that the vengeful spirit encountered or knew of somehow. In other words, if the vengeful spirit did not know a character existed, how would they have been brought into UCN in the first place? Given this idea, I think it is extremely important to highlight the Nightmare Animatronics and their prevalence in the game. Who exactly knows of the existence of the Nightmares?
Despite the ongoing debate over who exactly experienced the Nightmare Animatronics (Michael or CC) and under what circumstances (dreams or nightmare gas), there is a general consensus right now that the Nightmare Animatronics never existed physically and were figments of someone’s imagination. Because they were only present in someone’s mind, this would then imply that ONLY Michael and/or CC knew about their existence. No other characters, not even William, would have known what the Nightmares looked like because no one else could have possibly seen them. So, if the vengeful spirit brought all these characters to UCN, they had to have been someone who knows about the nightmares, and therefore have to be either Michael or CC.
To back this up a little further, we also see that some Phantom Animatronics are in the UCN roster as well. Again, these are animatronics that are widely accepted to be hallucinations that Michael experienced as the FNAF 3 guard. No other characters/spirits were present at the FNAF 3 location (aside from William), so Michael is the only one who could have seen these hallucinations and therefore the only one that could bring them into UCN as the vengeful spirit.
Aside from their pure existence in the game, I also want to touch on the prevalence of the Nightmares in UCN. With the roster being limited to 50 characters, the inclusion/exclusion of characters is likely an important note to make as the motivations for those choices could be based in lore significance. When it comes to the Nightmares, we see a whopping EIGHT included, with the only missing animatronic being Nightmare Foxy. To present some contrast, the next largest group of animatronics in this roster is limited to five members each (ex: Mediocre Melodies). While you could argue that the Nightmare’s larger inclusion comes from the fact that there are more characters overall, there are multiple groups that have much less than eight animatronics, and yet are still not fully represented. For example, only four Funtimes are represented (not counting Funtime Chica), leaving Funtime Freddy, a well-liked character, nowhere to be found. More so, only two out of the four Withered Animatronics are present, failing to include Withered Foxy and Withered Freddy. To me, it seems odd (dare I say strategic) to cap most animatronic groups out at 4-5 characters or less, but allow a single group to reach 8. Potentially, the Nightmares’ prevalence is less of an odd decision, and more of a deliberate red flag to grab the player’s attention and direct them towards the correct identity of the vengeful spirit.
The final point I will make is that, lore wise, the connections between the Nighmares and Michael are there, but we can also supplement this theory with a satisfying addition to the narrative arc. (I will note, this more heavily depends on the theory of William using the nightmare gas on Michael, so if you are not a fan of that idea, this paragraph will not matter to you as much) If, in fact, Michael was the vengeful spirit, he would have more than enough reasons to want to torture his father, but the most compelling of them all is the Nightmare Animatronics. To Michael, yes his father was a killer, but most personally, Michael experienced traumatizing psychological torment at the hands of his father through the Nightmares. It is no wonder that he would want to give William a taste of his own medicine and focus UCN on the Nightmares as his purest form of revenge. In the past, the Nightmares were a personal form of punishment for Michael, and now he is making sure they are a personal form of punishment for William in return. Therefore, as a character, it makes complete sense that Michael would focus on the Nightmares over any other type of animatronic.
It is for these reasons I think Michael being the vengeful spirit is, at least, a notable interpretation. There are obviously many other parts that go into determining the vengeful spirit’s identity which I’m not trying to ignore, but I thought this was a significant point and wanted to bring it up. Please let me know what you think of this idea! This is the first time I have had a theory/evidence of my own to contribute so please go easy on me but I would love to hear why you do/don’t like it or anything I might be missing.
submitted by stoichiometry_ to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:16 Equivalent_Lettuce71 My beef with A Clockwork Orange

Here's a post for those who like to really dig in.
Kubrick is my favorite filmmaker, and I love all of his films except this one. I still think it has much to recommend it and is easily worth watching for any devoted cinephile, but I don't think it succeeds as a film. Below is my beef. Let's learn from each other in a spirited discussion about why I am or am not wrong! But first…
~Acknowledging what the film does well~
  1. The setting is exquisitely realized, unforgettable, and deservedly iconic. I doubt anyone else could have reimagined the language and alienness of the novel for the big screen the way Kubrick did.
  2. A few scenes and sequences are absolute stunners. Off the top of my head:
    1. The opening credits and Korova Milk Bar scene
    2. In general, the horrific antics of Alex and his droogs, which are fantastically filmed and paced, with stunning style and set design, and which form a relentless barrage on the senses in the best worst possible way
    3. Alex's threesome and the scene preceding it
  3. Several shots also amaze:
    1. (Many shots from the above)
    2. Alex looming over his droogs after suddenly attacking them
    3. The rightly iconic image of Alex's face as he undergoes the Ludovico Treatment
    4. The final shot of the film (which is actually my favorite final shot of any film, ever)
~Why I think the film fails~
~1) Unevenness in inspiration and pacing~
The film bursts out of the gate, immaculately paced and astonishingly creative up to the point of the home invasion. Excepting Alex's visit by the school principal, it is a tour de force of novelty in setting, language, costumes, and sets, immersing us into an alien setting with incredible craftsmanship.
Then Alex is imprisoned a mere third of the way through the film, and both the pacing and the inspired perfectionism rapidly grind to a halt. I don't agree with those who say the film glorifies violence, but I can understand why they think so, because the violent scenes are far better executed and more fully realized than the rest of the film.
I'll explain exactly why I think so below.
2) ~Many scenes in the back two-thirds are overly expository, on-the-nose, or otherwise heavy-handed:~
3) ~Other scenes are unintentionally(?) comedic or just flat-out cheesy, undermining the otherwise dark and serious tone of the film:~
4) Still other scenes are simply rather uninspired and tedious by Kubrick standards:~
Note that I'm not calling these scenes pointless; they serve clear purposes. But they do so in ways that or either so artless or so silly that they destroy our hitherto immersion in this fascinating setting. The expressions and speech of the prison guard who checks Alex in are farcical—but not half so much as those of the writer upon his realizing who Alex is. But this film isn't a farce, and these elements blend in terribly with the rest, while the plodding and expository scenes drag the pacing into the gutter, especially juxtaposed with the electric first 45 minutes.
5) ~Clumsy plotting~
6) ~Worldbuilding WTFs~
I wouldn't be surprised if someone had a more interesting take on this than I do, and I'd love to hear it if so.
~7) The constant belching~
It should be retching. Enough said.
8) ~The theme of the book (and by extension, the film) never was nearly as interesting as people make it out to be~
I've saved perhaps the biggest for last. The whole question Does programming someone not to violently murder make the state just as bad as them? can be answered with a rather obvious No, it doesn't even remotely do that.
Just look at the implausible plot gymnastics Burgess/Kubrick have to employ to paint Alex's fate darkly enough to make the question even slightly interesting. Our humble narrator and droog just happens to be assaulted multiple times, then driven to suicide through mental torture, all in the same day he is set free, by the very people he viciously wronged when he had "free will". Oh, and he happened—purely by accident—to also be programmed not to be able to listen to his favorite music.
Without these ludicrously convenient plot elements propping up its empty husk, the question becomes indisputable. Alex's story becomes one of a murdering serial rapist who is now unable to commit violent crimes, yet whose freedom in every other respect can safely be restored rather than forcing him to live behind bars.
Is this more benevolent than locking him up where he would lose the freedom not only to rape and murder but also to do basically anything at all? Yes.
Is it better than letting him rape and murder people? Yes.
Is this an interesting philosophical debate? No.
Maybe this question seemed more interesting in the super decadent 70s, but with violent right-wing psychos not unlike Alex DeLarge seizing the levers of governments around the world, in retrospect it seems like our armchair musings might be slightly better direct.
And even if you find this question interesting, isn’t it a bit of luxury to be pondering this in a world where real-life prisoners who’ve committed far more benign crimes than Alex lose essentially all say in their lives in almost every respect, often for life, and are even executed by the state? Wouldn’t it make more sense to sort out that problem first?
The film (and book) create an amazing setting, but its supposedly contemplative undergirding is feeble at best. This makes it harder to argue that there is a deep intellectual justification for the violence that is so central to the story. Personally, I can appreciate the accomplished showmanship for the sake of it—but wrapping it in a philosophical fig leaf only does it a disservice in my opinion. And the showmanship almost entirely vanishes after the first third, so…
~Before you say that…~
Kubrick is just being true to the book! That doesn't excuse anything. Kubrick is responsible for his own creative choices, and we know from other films (the Shining, Barry Lyndon, Eyes Wide Shut…) that he feels no obligation to hew to his source material.
Those parts didn't make ME laugh! Maybe not, but surely you would at least acknowledge that they're rather over-the-top. And would you have an argument for why they should be that way? Is there a reason Alex and his droogs should be among the least over-the-top characters in this film?
The final two-thirds aren't uninspired! I'd love to know why you think so!
~Epilogue: My own devil's advocate~
As I thought might happen, while writing this I did think of some interesting counterarguments to my own points—or one of them, anyway: The caricatured nature of the characters might be explained by the fact that they are seen through Alex's eyes, which hold nearly everyone in derision. (In general, the film does a fairly good job of limiting itself to his perspective, although I suspect some of the cringeworthy plot choices also result from this stricture.)
I'm skeptical that this is creditably the intent, but I will probably end up watching the film again just to keep an eye out for whether it holds up. If you also take the sex obsession as a projection of Alex's warped psyche, then this might explain that as well. Who knows—maybe I’ll realize it explains a lot!
But for now I'm skeptical.
~Thanks for reading! I’d love to hear your thoughts!~
submitted by Equivalent_Lettuce71 to kubrick [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:55 FlyByTieDye A Serious Discussion on DC Pride 2024 [Discussion] [Comic]

So every year I like to make a formal review of that years DC Pride Anthology (or other anthologies like it), see 2023, 2022, (2021 was on Discord), and I like to treat it as not just a showcase of the current, big name talents working at DC (or the established characters), but also the emerging, new talents (and characters)
So I usually like to rank these pieces on strength of writing, strength of art, as well as general comments on how the individual pieces come together as an arrangement, and what I hope to see in future installments. So as a whole for this installment, it was fine. Usually for any anthology you get a mix, one or two strong, stand out stories, maybe even one really bad story that moves the discourse along for all the wrong reasons. But this year, there wasn't really a "bad" story. Most of them were fine, some were good, but I will say, previous installments had higher highs (but also lower lows).
In terms of how they've progressed/improved over the years, I'd mentioned in 2022 I'd like to see more pin-ups (there were 3 that year), and we got far more in 2023 and 2024. Last year I was hoping to see fewer tie-ins to ongoing events, and this year was far better in that regard. I was also hoping to see more variation in page number per story from last year's anthology, so that the number of pages fit the size of the idea, and while I haven't done a full page count, I felt there must have been a variety, and that each story was well paced for the size of its ideas.
That being said, onto the stories proper, in order of best to least best (because again, this year there wasn't really a "worst"):
Hello, Spaceboy, by Al Ewing and Stephen Byrne - okay so I don't know if I ever mentioned in these reviews, but I'm not just looking for the best written stories, art or characters, but also in representing Pride, the best representation of LGBT issues, be it large scale political/societal, or else small scale social/relationship wise. And this story does have both ends/scopes of that, making it the top of this years entry for me, having both the discussion about the use or burden of labels at the start, especially as language shifts between generations, but also the innuendo at the end (where fighting becomes euphemistic for other more intimate activities, just like we saw with last year's Ghost Maker story), and the frank discussion about relationships, boundaries, and interpersonal wants between Mikaal and Komak, and the implied discussions that have also taken place with Rutger. But while we're at it, I was surprised to see Starman in this collection, not having seen him in any of the previous, if I recall right (apart from a pin up in 2023). And the art has a great polish to it (even getting a double-page splash, that's saying a lot!), the character designs are fitting, and the colouring is gorgeous. And damn, sneaking Al Ewing into a DC antho? Can we expect more of that?
Lessons in Astral Projection, by Nicole Maines and Jordan Gibson - ok so I haven't exactly caught up with Dreamer outside of the Pride anthos given annually, but this story to me had the best art this year, having distinctly different tones and styles between the physical world in the main plot, vs the visions/dreams she receives through her powers having a more flowy, abstract feel. Plus the strong choice of colouring throughout really gave this story a strong identity. Plus, it does get that social side of the discussion, showing how identity in regards to gender can come into tension with things like culture or generational attitudes, while also giving a sweet emotional moment as a reprieve from the hurt.
The Rivers and The Lakes That You're Used To, by Ngozi Ukazu - this one, just like the Jackson/Ha'Wea offering from 2022 was a pretty cosy story, Jackson and Ha'Wea are hanging out/on a date, when a super hero plot interupts them. Jackson gets a glimpse of what queer love and acceptance can look like in a Utopian society (New Genesis), before coming home with a changed perspective, that putting a label on his relationship is less important (or maybe less daunting) than knowing what you want and who you are comfortable with. The art style is nice and simple, without being plain at all, and definitely fits the feeling of the story.
Steeling Time, by Jamila Rowser and ONeillJones - this story has a simple premise, how to keep up in social/community appearances when you know your ex is going to be there, but the Pride part of it, other than showing that a queer relationship can have the same ups and downs as any straight relationship, is a bit hidden, though could be read as how especially being part of LGBT as a community, that can mean keeping everyone together and having everyone's backs, despite minor personal hang ups like this. There are also a lot of cameo appearances of many well known LGBT DC characters in the background of different panels, but the story is otherwise straightforward.
Marasmius, by Gretchen Felker-Martin and Claire Roe - idk who Janet from HR is (is she from HQTAS? From Ivy's ongoing series?), but this short has a fun fantasy setting and world to it, some alien planet specialising in rare, alien or extinct botanical species. I even swear I saw a keh-Topli from Far Sector, but it could have been an otherwise unrelated alien species. Anyway, the plot is a bit illogical, some random Earth bigots/protestors just happen to be there too, to protest queer couples from Earth? On an alien planet/black market? Did they expect to see queer couples from Earth here? The absurdity could just be played for laughs, or maybe it's just a plot contrivance to get the story moving. It's got nice art, and a bit of revenge wish-fulfilment at the end of Ivy taking down the bigots (in ways that remind you why she used to be a villain), but I wasn't wowed by the story, if it was trying to make any sort of real world connections
Bros down in A-Town, by Jarret Williams and D. J. Kirkland - this story to me was, kind of annoying? Like, it's written like a gag manga, where characters can't go more than a few panels without making a silly face, acting stupid and misunderstanding each other, doing totally canned-reactions that are very "anime" (the head knock, the smug-glasses lift, going Kawaii, doing the forehead-vein thing). Like, it just feels out of place in western comics, obvious in what it's referencing, but at the same time, entirely inauthentic. Like, this isn't how people really interact with each other, this is how tropey character archetypes act, but the more and more you copy someone else's exaggerated performance, the further away you get from real world relatability. It does have a small moment at the end connecting back to pride, that is, even if all 4 boys here are the same for being queer, that doesn't mean they feel the same all the time (Jon's parents were accepting so he has an easier time feeling accepted, Ray's parents were not, so he has a harder time feeling comfortable, even in what should be queesafe spaces). And I do like the idea of an alien food market, especially as it shows a way of outsiders coming together to stay strong and connected. But god are the character interactions still annoying: Ray obviously isn't comfortable in this scene, and is not letting on why, yet Jay decides to dig (to show off how good of a "reporter" he is), but that only adds to Ray's discomfort and anxiety, and like, is Jay really unfamiliar with social cues to this degree? Same with trying to "out" Bunker's new partner. Like, why can't a friend see and allow someone to move at their own pace? There's a time and place for sleuthing, and on your friends in a safe space is not it. Furthermore, Jay asks Bunker for the "spicy" details about his partner, and when Bunker reveals he likes his partner's smell, especially after a work out (a common attraction, to be fair), Jay acts all childish and grossed out. Like, were you not the one asking for spicy details? Are these characters not all adults, talking about their adult dating lives? Did Jay not just dress Jon up in a sleeveless (torn sleeveless, to be correct) work out hoodie for this very reason? Because we know Jon doesn't just put that on himself lol. (I've got to admit, I know Jay is not a very popular character in general, but this story really isn't a good showing for him). Also while we're at it, the audacity for GLAAD to advertise with a poster simply saying "Pride is a protest", given Jon's infamous line in the 2022 antho denying Pride as a protest, saying "Pride has been a party for decades"
Phantom Rodeo, by Calvin Kasulke and Len Gogoe - Jules Jourdain had my least favourite story in last years anthology, and I'm sorry to say, but he had my least favourite addition to this volume as well, and for much of the same reasons: last year it was the whole Lazarus Planet event/tie ins, this year this story is sandwiched between Flash issue #8 and #10. I don't read or follow Flash, I've seen infographics of the whole Speed/Slow/Sage/Strength Force, but I don't much care for it. I thought anthologies are strong for standing alone, but this story demands knowledge of current ongoing books and continuity. Also, across both entries of the character, I still barely know anything about the character, who they are, how they think and feel, what their relationships are, their ideas and values. You only get to know their powers (kind of) in very mechanical terms, and how "important" they are for this or that other Flash stories that you need to read. I don't even remember it connecting to queer social or interpersonal issues at all, other than just Jules living in a small town (but that's more so played to hide his hero identity, than to talk about the queer experience in small town settings). I mean, I can only hope there are better stories for Jules in the future. But not ones that demands my attention (and money) elsewhere.
Before getting into the other written work, I'll mention the pin ups. This year, the pin-ups collectively had a shared theme (each single pinup was a single colour of the Progress rainbow, so the collection together has the full set of colours). It also has a pair of characters per each pin up who's primary colours reflect each theme. I will say, I find the concept a little contrived, because it forces characters together who otherwise have nothing to do with each other, other than wearing some of the same colours. Following that, I couldn't even recognise some of the characters in these pin-ups, just because they have such little cross-over between each other in the broader DC universe that I'm just unfamiliar with like half of them, despite often recognising strongly the other members of these contrived "pairs". They are as follows: Red - Robin and Who?, Orange - Grace Choi and Who?, Yellow - Catman and Thunder, Green - Connor Hawke and Piep Piper, Blue - Bluejay and Obsidian, Purple - Galaxy and Who?. So this is not a criticism of the art at all, because they are all quality pieces. More so their curation, because I don't see much reason for many of these characters to be together. Like, none of the pieces had the two characters interact in interesting or meaningful ways, because none of them had any reason or history to interact, so at the most you just get two people standing in the same room, or floating heads of unrelated charactes. Like as an alternative, Orange and Yellow are adjacent colours, couldn't we have seen Thunder and Grace Choi together? That would straight away lead to better interactions and hence a more engaging pin-up. Same with Blue and Green being adjacent, we could have gotten Obsidian and Green Lantern together as a fatheson symbol. In terms of my preference, I like the Green pin up the most, because I love the intricate, detailed, thin line style of Helen Mask, but none of them are bad in quality. I hope they don't use this "theme" again though.
Ok so for the remaining written work:
The Strange Case of Harley and Harleen, by Melissa Marr and Jenn St-Onge, this was a teaser for an upcoming GN. I was surprised we didn't get a full HarlIvy story this year, as they usually have the mose consistent showings in each book (but again, I don't really keep up with either character). So this isn't DC Universe Harley and Ivy, it's a YA version. I can see this story being fun in a similar way to Breaking Glass, and I can see how it handles it's queer themes in a similar manner. It works well then as a preview of it's future release, but given it was only a preview, I couldn't really judge it in the same way as the previous stories.
And finally, there is the more biographical story, Spaces, by Phil Jimenez and Giulio Macaione. This will be reminiscent of Kevin Conroy's story in the 2022 anthology, and I really like that they are continuing showing the real world impact and reality of queer experiences in these books, representing the lives of creators we care about (through more than just their work, or their interviews), showing us details of the industry we partake in, but also showing the connection to the real world in the most obvious sense, why collections and stories like these matter, for how all of these queer creators, and fans, and everyone else goes on to live their lives after reading these stories. So this offering by Jimenez is a really personal glimpse about not just his creative process, and where he gets his ideas from, but also his childhood and how it shaped his adult life. Again, given its biographical nature, I can't rank it fairly against the other stories in this collection, but I'm glad all the same we got to share it.
So for my final thoughts, and what I hope to see next year: 1) more biographical works like these! These works are full of queer creators, and seeing them invest in characters is of course one good thing, but each of them could truly have experiences as deep as these, that could with each entry lead to stronger connections with their works. 2) for the characters, bring back more heavy hitters! And I don't mean just do HarlIvy every year, but what about Kate Kane? She had a beautiful story in 2021. 2022 featured her dad, 2023 she was a side character to a Lazarus newbie. Or, where's Alan Scott? He recently had a new series, this would have been a great opportunity to shed more light either way. Or even the heavy hitters you do have, let them take heavy hits. Jackson and Jon are Aquaman and Superman, let their stories be more important than a date or a food market. Small, social moments are important, but they can take place along bigger moments/causes too! 3) for the art, please just drop the theme, it felt forced, and less organic on the whole than just getting artists to make work they care about with characters they care about.
submitted by FlyByTieDye to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:44 Crafty-Inevitable678 Late Game Content

My first playthrough I married Emily mostly because I wanted the special outfit you get from her 14 heart event. I started to notice after a while she wouldn’t come home at night after working at the bar. I’d wait lying awake in bed until 2 AM. We had a child at that point and I was already suspicious because it didn’t look like either of us. One night I followed her after leaving her shift at the bar. She disappeared after the bus station. She never made it home. I won’t go into all the details about the evidence I compiled but I eventually came to the conclusion that she was cheating on me with Dimitrius. I ended up divorcing her, making her forget we were ever married, therefore making her forget her affair and the child they made together, and turning said kid into a dove. “Take that Dimitrius!” I thought to myself as I took each step in the process to get my revenge on him. After that I vowed to marry Maru just to spite him but I got past my anger and instead remarried Penny to give her the life she always deserved. Anyways after my 5th farm I finally reached perfection. So now I know about unlocking the secret pathways and GUYS SHE DISAPPEARED AT THE BUS STATION. WHERE THERE IS A PATH TO THE MOUNTAINS!! Despite not having enough evidence to ever PROVE it I still believe this is the cannon story of my first ever marriage on my first ever farm.
submitted by Crafty-Inevitable678 to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:56 Elegant_Historian958 I (32F) am dating the ex-husband (35m) of my ex-husband’s mistress. Can this relationship work?

I, 32F, am dating the (soon to be) ex-husband, 35M, of my (soon to be) ex-husband’s mistress.
Backstory - my ex-husband and I have struggled in our marriage for several years. There have been some issues with control and emotional infidelity on my end in the past, but I worked really hard to fix things, seek counseling, etc. He has a long history of being emotionally unavailable, neglectful, anger, and dealing with stress really poorly. He has an avoidant attachment style and I have an anxious attachment style… a match made in heaven.
I knew things still weren’t great but I was optimistic about the work we’d put in over the course of a couple years. That shred of hope was shattered last year when I discovered he was having an affair with someone he met at work. I was completely devastated, but I was willing to forgive, work on things in counseling, and move forward building something new. He was not honest about the extent of the relationship, said it wasn’t physical, etc. Over the course of a few months I found out more and more details through my own devices, not his honesty.
Eventually I tracked down the name and contact information for the other woman and her husband. Yep, she was also married. My ex-husband eventually left, said he didn’t love me anymore, but insisted that he was no longer involved with this woman. He continued doing therapy with me, which led me to believe we might still be able to work things out eventually. But my gut told me that something wasn’t right and he was still involved.
One day, I woke up and decided I’d had enough. I NEEDED the truth and I knew my husband wasn’t going to give it to me. I reached out to the husband of the woman my husband had been having an affair with. He had already separated from his wife, but didn’t know the extent of the relationship. In our first couple of conversations, we were able to fill in missing puzzle pieces for each other and understand more of what we’d both been lied to about for almost a year. These answers gave me the peace I needed to decide to file for divorce. We formed a fast friendship, supporting each other through a truly traumatic event. It wasn’t long before we both realized there might be something more than friendship between us. Our connection is something different than I’ve ever experienced. Yes, there may be some trauma bonding going on, but this man is honestly many of the things I was lacking in my marriage. The emotional intimacy we share is unexplainable. It’s not perfect, by any means. But it is honest and deep and real. We eventually began dating without telling our exes and share a relationship that’s honestly like any other, outside of the way we met.
Our exes recently found out about the relationship and have been truly nasty about it. They believe it’s about spite and revenge, but I know that’s not the truth. My ex has been terribly difficult and awful to me throughout the entire separation/divorce process. I’ve tried so hard to be amicable and peaceful despite him acting like I’M the one who had an affair and lied about it for months.
Has anyone has been in a relationship like this? Or know of anyone who met someone this way and it worked out? I’m being realistic… this is definitely complicated and there are children on both sides, which have to be considered and made the priority. There are many reasons this may not work out long term. But I also just feel like I deserve some happiness… and right now, this relationship is giving me that.
Thanks for reading… I’m looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks!
submitted by Elegant_Historian958 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:50 graywolt Total Flipped World Tour - Hawaiian Punch

Total Flipped World Tour - Hawaiian Punch
Scott will face Anne Maria in the finale in a 7-3 vote, eliminating Topher.
The episode begins where we just left off, with Topher and Scott tied for second place. In the confessional, Scott says that while Topher’s made it this far, he’s going to be crushed now. Topher is in the confessional next, saying that while he didn’t expect this turn of events, he should be able to defeat Scott before doing the same to Anne Maria.
The peanut gallery is split up in groups based on who they’re rooting for, and Anne Maria is slightly shocked at the number of people who are rooting for her, including Zoey. Chris then gestures to the peanut gallery, saying that they’ll have a major role in choosing the winner, which makes Scott and Topher groan, while Anne Maria cheers. Scott asks if Chris is being serious, and Chris asks him when hasn’t he?
Chris then asks Anne Maria if she’d like to choose the tiebreaker or leave it to Topher and Scott. Anne Maria thinks about it, and lets Scott choose the tiebreaker. Chris ushers Scott into a glass booth, where there are balls that have challenges written on them.
Chris then flips a switch, and golf balls start pelting Scott, much to most of everyone’s enjoyment. Several hit Scott in the head, and one of them breaks out of the booth, hitting Topher in the nuts, making him keel over. Scott then chokes on a golf ball, inadvertently lobbing it onto Chris, making him scream at the saliva-covered ball. Geoff admits that those were supposed to be ping-pong balls, but he and Katie agree that this is way better. While Chris is freaking out, Chef picks up the ball, saying that the challenge listed is a traditional Hawaiian fire dance of death.
The point of the challenge is to defeat your opponent with jousting sticks and save Anne Maria to get to the finale. While Scott and Topher are fighting, they must don grass skirts and coconut bras, which makes everyone besides them laugh again. The fight begins, and it’s a dead-even battle. Scott and Topher are taking equal dodges, swipes, and hits, and while Scott disarms Topher, he loses his stick in the process as well. Looking at Anne Maria, Scott fires the winning shot mere milliseconds before Topher does, freeing Anne Maria, and clinching his spot in the finale.
Topher is angry at himself for this, kicking Scott in the shins. As Topher gets into the peanut gallery, he takes a seat next to Zoey. Zoey says that she wants to show him something, and when Topher leans in, Zoey gives him a black-eye and sends him falling down the peanut gallery, onto the ground. Everyone is in stitches once again, and when Topher sees his reflection in the ocean, he screams “MY FAAAACE!”, and Zoey tells him that’s what he gets for eliminating herself, Staci, Cameron, and Max. Scott and Sugar are laughing at this until Zoey tells them that they’re next.
Chris then announces the final challenge, which is to create a dummy out of driftwood and pineapples that resembles the opposing contestant, and then throw it into the volcano. Scott is relieved at this, and Chris asks if Scott really thought he’d make it that easy for Anne Maria to win. Chris then admits that it was originally going to be real people being thrown in, but Chris says that his lawyers advised against it. Finally, Chris tells the two that they must get two people from the peanut gallery to build the dummy, with Anne Maria choosing Jasmine and Dawn, while Sugar and Sierra join Scott. While the dummy is being built, Chris has the contestants sing “Versus”, where Scott and Anne Maria are barking out orders on how to build the dummies.
Scott’s team builds their dummy first, earning a 20 second head start. Scott is laughing the whole way up with his wheelbarrow, while Anne Maria is lagging behind with her stroller Chris is amazed that the stroller even worked, as he expected it to collapse under its weight. Scott must abandon his wheelbarrow when he reaches the lava river, and Anne Maria catches up with him soon after. Chris then explains that they must cross the river of lava, while their teammates choose which ropes to cut, which can stop someone in their tracks, like the dangling grand piano.
Scott is in the lead and tells his team to cut the ropes. Anne Maria tells her team to block them, making an evenly matched brawl. Sierra forces past Dawn, cutting a rope that nearly drops a 75-pound weight onto Scott, breaking half of the stump he’s on. He quickly jumps to another stump, yelling at Sierra for her blunder.
With Jasmine and Sugar, they’re in a brawl that Jasmine is winning. Jasmine overpowers Sugar, and then proceeds to cut a rope that drops an oversized bird cage onto Anne Maria. Scott uses this opportunity to get to the other side of the lava river, and Scott laughs at Anne Maria’s team. Jasmine profusely apologizes, and Anne Maria simply asks for some help with the cage. Sugar tries to stop Jasmine, but she is able to lift the cage, telling Anne Maria to go.
Scott is at the top, where everyone besides Anne Maria is waiting. He starts laughing before Anne Maria grabs a can of hairspray out of her hair, rolling it towards Scott. He runs closer to the volcano, but the can trips him up, making him inadvertently throw his dummy. Anne Maria is right behind him, trying to do the same thing. Ultimately, one of the dummies makes it in the volcano first, deciding the winner for Total Drama World Tour.
Vote for Scott or Anne Maria to win, and feel free to guess the cast for Revenge of the Island!
submitted by graywolt to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:04 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Five: Franchise Player (Ape)

Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Five: Franchise Player (Ape)
Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
Part Twenty Here!
Part Twenty One Here!
Part Twenty Two Here!
Part Twenty Three Here!
Part Twenty Four Here!
We left off in the closing days of 2022, with John Cena capturing his 21st career world championship - the Ring of Honor title that eluded him in the late 2000s - from Claudio Castagnoli at Final Battle, only to be attacked by career rival Samoa Joe. Cena may be on top of the world, but there’s someone plenty eager to dethrone him, and Joe’s eyes aren’t just on the Cenation leader despite his vendetta against him; they’re also on Darby Allin and his TNT Title. In the first days of the new year, Joe violently dethrones the half-dead champion to become the true King of Television, calling out the absent Cena and declaring that he’ll be wrenching that championship from his hands whenever he dares to show his face again.
Road to Revolution 2023
It’s not long until Cena returns, not one to back down from a challenge. With the Ring of Honor World Championship over his shoulder, he says that he knew it was just a matter of time until Samoa Joe came calling again. He’s frank in recounting their history - it’s been pretty lopsided. In TNA, Joe hunted him down and always had his number. Exactly a decade ago, Joe’s WWE debut saw him become Cena’s number one contender, and then he took John’s most prized possession on the biggest stage possible. Joe beat him in a cage, Joe beat him in an Iron Man, Joe pursued him in WarGames, Joe cost him shot after shot at the titles Cena was pursuing at the time. He kicked him out of TNA, he assaulted him in Cena’s last moments in WWE, and now he’s here, bridging the gap between AEW and ROH to try and finish the job. It’s been over a decade and a half of this, and Cena’s pretty done with it too, so let’s just get it over with.
AND HERE COMES THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE! Joe marches down to the ring to a chorus of “JOE!” chants, raising his TNT Title to the hard cam as he turns his back to Cena, knowing the ROH Champion won’t strike. He eventually pivots to face his foe, grabbing a microphone and saying Cena just won’t stay down, and now he’s got something Joe wants. He’s disliked Cena since 2002 - it always felt like John felt he was owed success because he started off facing Kurt Angle in WWE, and Joe’s made it his personal mission to humble him whenever possible. This hasn’t been a rivalry - Joe’s always kicked his ass.
Live Cena Reaction
However, Cena just refuses to be humbled. He keeps talking about Hustle, Loyalty and Respect, but what respect has he shown to his fellow roster members as he takes opportunity after opportunity on name brand alone? What loyalty has he shown as Joe continuously cleanses a locker room of his presence, only for him to show up somewhere new? What hustle has he shown as he’s taken on a part-time schedule while the Samoan Submission Machine has shown up week in, week out? He says he’ll never give up, but maybe he should, because it’s never gonna work out for him against Samoa Joe. Joe says that he wants the ROH World Title, a title he was synonymous with when Cena first pursued it, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get it back. John accepts the challenge, but says if Joe’s so confident, he should put his money where his mouth is and wager the TNT Title as well. Joe instantly goes for it, completely sure of his abilities.
The next week, Samoa Joe puts his ROH TV Title on the line in another No Holds Barred Match, having enjoyed the stipulation against Darby Allin for the TNT Title. His opponent is Mark Briscoe, and it’s a brutal affair, Joe beating him within an inch of his life before grabbing a microphone and saying this has been a cakewalk. He wants to meet Cena next week in their double title bout, so he can become a triple champion, but RIGHT AS HE SAYS IT, CENA LEVELS HIM WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT! HE PICKS JOE UP… FU! BRISCOE CLAMBERS UP THE ROPES… FROGGY BOW! ONE! TWO! THREE! MARK BRISCOE IS THE ROH TV CHAMPION! FTR and Cena celebrate with him, but later in the night, Samoa Joe gets his revenge by laying Cena out with a Uranage onto an equipment box, followed by a MUSCLE BUSTER OFF OF IT, STRAIGHT THROUGH A CATERING TABLE! It’s declared Cena won’t be fit to compete next week, so Joe requests Tony Khan hand him the ROH World Title via forfeit, but TK declares that the match will still take place - at Revolution, where Cena will return to action against the TNT Champion.
Revolution 2023
ROH World and AEW TNT Titles: John Cena (c, ROH) vs. Samoa Joe (c, TNT)
It’s the first time these two are meeting in the ring since 2020, where Joe handily eliminated Cena from the Royal Rumble with virtually no effort required. This time around won’t be nearly as easy, though, as Cena takes the fight to Joe before the bell, refusing to let this one fall through his fingers. Both men scrap around ringside, Cena connecting with a mammoth spinebuster through the timekeeper’s area once the bell rings to start the match, but Joe rises from the dead in the background to CINCH IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH, BOTH MEN TUMBLING INTO THE WRECKAGE OF THE TIMEKEEPER’S AREA! Cena picks Joe up on his back, Joe panicking and squeezing tighter, but John DRIVES THEM BOTH THROUGH THE BARRICADE! The referee’s count reaches eight, both men stirring, Cena freed from Joe’s clutches, but at nine, John dives for the ring, only for Joe to DRAG HIM BACKWARDS! TEN! IT’S A DOUBLE COUNTOUT!
John Cena and Samoa Joe fought to a double countout (2:46), so both men retain their titles
Immediately, the brawl is back on, but Justin Roberts is quick to take to the microphone, declaring that word’s been sent from the boss that the match will restart with no countouts or disqualifications - we’re seeing a winner. The crowd erupts as the fracas swiftly starts to involve weapons, neither Cena nor Joe missing a beat as they start smashing each other with chairs and driving each other through tables, fighting with everything they’ve got to finish the match off. Cena eventually gets the upper hand with a leg drop off the top with a chair under his legs, smacking it into the back of Joe’s head before capitalizing with an FU ONTO THE SAME CHAIR! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! WHAT’S HE NEED TO DO? Cena measures Joe up for another FU, but JOE SLIPS ONTO HIS BACK, WRAPPING HIM IN A COQUINA CLUTCH! CENA’S IN TROUBLE! He scratches and claws, grabbing the chair off the mat and SWINGING IT UP INTO JOE’S HEAD, BUT JOE’S STAYING UPRIGHT, A MANIC LOOK IN HIS EYES! He drains the life from Cena before going for a Muscle Buster, popping John on the top turnbuckle before hoisting him over his shoulders, but CENA WRENCHES HIS HEAD FREE, REVERSING INTO A CANADIAN DESTROYER! WHAT? WHAT?! Cena and Joe both end up on their feet, dazed and confused, and CENA NAILS A FRANCHISE LARIAT, BUT JOE DOESN’T GO DOWN! HE GOES FOR ANOTHER, BUT JOE SWINGS AROUND HIM FOR ANOTHER COQUINA CLUTCH, ONLY FOR JOHN TO ROLL OVER HIM INTO A HIGH STACK, STICKING HIS FEET UNDER THE ROPES SO JOE CAN’T GET THE LEVERAGE TO KICK OUT! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA GOT HIM, USING THE RULESET TO HIS ADVANTAGE TO BECOME A DOUBLE CHAMPION FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A DECADE!
John Cena def. Samoa Joe (13:57) to retain the ROH World Title and win the AEW TNT Title
FTR hit the ring to ensure there’s not another post-match attack, Cena in much worse shape than the absolutely furious Samoan Submission Machine despite being the victor. He needs help getting out of the ring, but Joe is simply in shock, refusing to believe that Cena got the best of him, even if it wasn’t exactly clean.
Road to Supercard of Honor 2023
With two titles on his shoulders and plenty of eyes on his crown, Cena is on Dynamite just a few days later, ready for a fight. FTR are raring to go as well, but it’s not the fight from Samoa Joe that they end up getting - it’s the fight from Claudio Castagnoli, who wants his shot at the gold. The next week, a HUGE matchup is made that serves as a walk down memory lane for Cena against three of his greatest rivals, as John teams up with FTR against the BCC’s Claudio, Moxley and Danielson.
John Cena and FTR vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli and Jon Moxley)
This shit is nuts. They get time to go crazy, and while the BCC definitely want Claudio to get his shot at Cena, he’s also got the TNT Title - so all three members of the BCC are seeking a pinfall victory over the double champion to set themselves up in the title picture. As a result, they isolate Cena immediately, refusing to let FTR get a move in edgewise as they mercilessly rough up the Franchise, reminiscent of Moxley’s debut in the Shield opposite Cena. They just put the boots to him, Cena occasionally breaking through and landing a big move or two, but unable to weather the storm until he finally tags in Dax, who runs wild with Cash to even the odds. Soon enough, it devolves into an insane brawl, everyone throwing the biggest bombs they can think of to come away with the win in a blockbuster trios encounter - FTR nail a Shatter Machine on Claudio, only for it to be broken up by Danielson, but the BCC fire back with a TRIPLE POWERBOMB THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE DESK ON DAX! Finally, Moxley takes out Cash with a Death Rider, leaving Cena all alone to fend off his three opponents before eventually succumbing to a Busaiku Knee from Danielson, followed by a Ricola Bomb from Claudio for the three.
Blackpool Combat Club def. John Cena and FTR (30:14)
Naturally, coming out of such a hellacious battle, Claudio feels he’s more than earned his title match, and it’s scheduled for Supercard of Honor, just a few short days later. However, the TNT Title scene also begins to heat up, with Bryan Danielson staking his claim - but he’s confronted by the increasingly popular Swerve Strickland, who says he’s been eyeing singles gold for a while, and feels it’s his time to take it. Then, it’s Samoa Joe, who wants his rematch for the championship, and… man, it’s looking like it’s gonna be a messy run for Cena.
Supercard of Honor 2023
ROH World Title: John Cena (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
This is treated like the last match in their decade-long on-and-off rivalry, because, well, it is. They shake hands, respecting the Code of Honor, and we’re off to the races, a battered and bruised Cena trying to keep up with the more athletic and capable Castagnoli. Claudio has an easier time than ever before throwing Cena around, but he has a harder time than ever keeping him down for three, Cena’s unyielding tenacity seeming to have only increased with age. Eventually, Claudio feels confident enough to go for a Neutralizer, but Cena connects with a BACK BODY DROP INTO A BRIDGING JACKKNIFE PIN! ONE! TWO! CLAUDIO BRIDGES OUT OF IT, ROTATING AROUND TO GO FOR ANOTHER NEUTRALIZER ATTEMPT, BUT CENA PICKS HIM UP INTO A DEADEYE! Knowing Page was able to keep Claudio’s teammate down last month, he has no shame in poaching his move, and follows it up with a TIGER SUPLEX FOR A NEARFALL! He keeps the pressure on by attempting a Franchise Lariat, Claudio ducking under it and rebounding with a springboard corkscrew uppercut, laying Cena out before PUTTING HIM DOWN FOR GOOD WITH A NEUTRALIZER! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! Claudio doesn’t even pause to react, simply muscling John up for a SWISS DEATH UPPERCUT! ONE! KICKOUT AT ONE BY CENA! That’s enough for Claudio to stop for a moment, but as Cena rises to his feet on adrenaline alone, the switch flips, Castagnoli charging at him and UPPERCUTTING HIM RIGHT OFF THE GROUND! He grabs John’s legs for the Giant Swing, and knowing how it ended last time, he doesn’t want to keep Cena close at the end of it. He hits twenty rotations, and then FLINGS CENA HEAD-FIRST INTO THE BOTTOM TURNBUCKLE, FOLLOWING IT UP IMMEDIATELY WITH A RICOLA BOMB! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Claudio Castagnoli def. John Cena (20:28) to win the ROH World Title
Road to Double or Nothing 2023
Coming off a loss of the ROH World Title, Cena’s back to having one piece of gold, but he’s not in any shape to defend it. Over the next few weeks, there’s a growing number of viable contenders, so there’s a battle royal to determine Cena’s challenger for Double or Nothing - Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, Swerve Strickland, Keith Lee, Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, Jungle Boy, Christian Cage and even the newly debuted Jay White all enter, and in the end, it’s Swerve who manages to pull out the win, declaring that Cena may talk about the how the champ is here, but he’s been living in Swerve’s House… and rent is due at Double or Nothing.
Double or Nothing 2023
TNT Title: John Cena (c) vs. Swerve Strickland
Cena’s still in a bad way after facing off with Claudio, and Swerve is simply younger and hungrier, now with a mean streak to boot. He viciously lays into Cena, Prince Nana talking shit to the Franchise from the sidelines, but Cena’s veteran instincts and pure grit are still a hell of a lot for Strickland to overcome. Swerve targets the head, which is an easy weak spot after Cena hit the turnbuckle at Supercard of Honor, but once he gets Cena grounded for a House Call, John manages to pick the leg and REVERSE IT INTO AN STFU! Swerve desperately flails around, even going as far as raking the eyes to try and get a reprieve, but Cena keeps it in deep, only for NANA TO PUSH THE ROPES TO SWERVE FOR THE BREAK! The referee shouts at Nana as Swerve is set free, going for a low blow while the referee isn’t looking, but CENA CATCHES THE FOOT, SPRINGING HIM UP INTO AN FU - ONLY FOR SWERVE TO LAND ON HIS FEET AND NAIL A HOUSE CALL, FOLLOWED BY A SECOND IN A ROW! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! He tries to position Cena for a JML Driver, but Cena elbows his way free and connects with a one-armed bulldog, followed by a FRANCHISE LARIAT ATTEMPT, SWERVE SNEAKING UNDER THE ARM AND STACKING CENA UP, GRABBING THE BELT ON HIS JORTS! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Swerve Strickland def. John Cena (17:15) to win the TNT Title
Road to All In 2023
With Wembley Stadium on the horizon and no title in hand, John Cena is pretty aimless coming out of Double or Nothing. However, there’s a new brand in town that seems right up his alley, and there’s a returning face for it - CM Punk, a man who probably won’t be all too happy to see Cena still around. With Punk’s return scheduled for the first episode of Collision, it’s announced that John Cena, the man who sent him packing at All Out almost a year ago, will be forming an uneasy alliance with him, FTR bridging the gap between the two for a huge eight man tag against Bullet Club Gold’s Jay White and Juice Robinson, as well as new TNT Champ Swerve Strickland and heated rival Samoa Joe.
John Cena, CM Punk and FTR vs. Bullet Club Gold (Jay White and Juice Robinson), Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland
In a phenomenal main event to kick off what was a truly wonderful, yet short-lived, era of television, FTR manage to force Punk and Cena to cooperate for a while. However, Punk’s even pettier than he was in real life - despite having actually lost the AEW Title before taking his injury hiatus (and suspension time), he still comes out with the “Real” World Title, saying that Cena’s title win shouldn’t have counted as his foot was injured at the time. The tensions escalate over the course of the match, but they manage to work towards the greater good, Punk picking up the pin on Juice Robinson in his return.
John Cena, CM Punk and FTR def. Bullet Club Gold, Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland (26:32)
Cena kicks off the second episode of Collision in Toronto by saying that CM Punk may be carrying a title around, and he may be great competitor, but he’s no champion. He lost, and a real champion accepts defeat honestly, and strives to come back better than ever. Out comes Punk, both men staring each other down before Punk takes out the gold, spray painting an “X” on it. Cena jokes that at least he’s being legit enough to show that it’s not the real belt, but Punk fires back that he’s marking it - the World Title will always be his, so it might as well bear his symbol. They’ve fought countless times over countless titles, and the fact is that the record shows John Cena just isn’t as good as CM Punk. If Cena wants to prove otherwise, Punk’s 100% now - so he can try. Punk’s already booked at Forbidden Door, and in the Owen Hart Classic, so he says if Cena wants to shoot his shot, he can do so at Wembley Stadium. If he wins, the title is invalid, and if he loses, Punk proves Cena’s victory at All Out was a fluke, and he never should have been called champion.
All In 2023
Real World Title: John Cena vs. CM Punk (c)
Opening the show following Brawl In is the final iteration of Punk vs. Cena, a legendary, promotion-spanning feud between two all time greats. Punk gains control early, quite actively heel at this point, and maintains it through the opening stretch, wearing Cena down and even dropping him face-first onto the unprotected section of the turnbuckle, giving John a bit of colour and firmly placing him on the back foot. He continues the assault on the outside, letting Cena’s blood drip onto the sky-blue barricade covers, but John finds his opening with a back body drop on the floor, followed by a RUNNING POWERBOMB THAT PUTS PUNK STRAIGHT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! THAT’LL TURN THE TIDES FOR SURE! Cena sends Punk back between the ropes, heading up to the top rope for a diving leg drop to the back of the head, but Punk evades it and REVERSES INTO A JACKNIFE PIN! ONE! TWO! TH-NOO! John bolts up to his feet, but Punk beats him to the proverbial punch with a head kick, tossing Cena into the corner and unloading a flurry of punches. He follows those up by nailing the high knee in the corner, taunting Cena with a GTS pose before going for the sequential bulldog, but JOHN REVERSES, TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HIS POSITIONING TO HOOK PUNK’S ARMS FOR A TIGER SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT!
Trying to seal the deal, Cena goes straight for an FU, Punk frantically elbowing his way free before dropping down, but Cena refuses to give him an inch and swings wildly with a FRANCHISE LARIAT, ONLY FOR PUNK TO REVERSE IT AND SNAG THE ARM INTO AN ANACONDA VISE! He hooks it in deep, Cena struggling not to pass out as he claws both he and Punk towards the ropes, finally making the break before Punk starts brutally stomping away on him in the corner. He untapes one of his hands, digging into the cut on Cena’s head with bare-knuckle punches to the head before hoisting him up for a GTS! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA BARELY GETS THE SHOULDER UP! Going for it once more, Cena manages to slide off his back and pick Punk up for an FU, but Punk flails enough to knock the referee down before USING HIS UNDONE WRIST TAPE TO ASSIST IN CINCHING IN A CHOKE, AND NOW BACK INTO THE ANACONDA VISE! He uses the tape for more leverage, cutting off Cena’s bloodflow before tossing the tape out of the ring and getting Cena up on his shoulders… GTS REVERSED, CENA CATCHING THE KNEE AND LOCKING IN THE STF! THE REF ISN’T THERE TO SEE PUNK TAP… HE RAKES THE EYES TO BREAK FREE!
It’s a wild scrap as the referee starts stirring, Cena throwing some dangerous haymakers as he struggles to come to his senses, Punk landing precise kicks to slowly wear Cena down enough for a second, decisive GTS. Eventually, John manages to get his hands on the Straight Edge Saviour, backing him into the corner and unloading with as many bombs as he can throw. He considers going for the avalanche German, but thinks better of it, not wanting to give Punk the opening to land a Pepsi Plunge, and instead LANDS A BRUTAL CLOTHESLINE IN THE CORNER! He picks Punk up… FU! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! Shrugging, Cena runs the ropes, building up speed as his foe comes to - FRANCHISE LARIAT TURNS HIM INSIDE OUT! He leans over, waving his hand in front of his face before delivering a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! Punk gets up to his feet, throwing his hands down to prepare to sprawl as a counter to the FU, but Cena changes tactics with a HURRICANRANA, AND NOW AN FU, ROLLING STRAIGHT OVER… A THIRD FU! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA WINS THE WAR!
John Cena def. CM Punk (19:48) to win, and then retire, the “Real” World Championship
Later in the evening, CM Punk gets fired, and MJF beats Adam Cole to retain the AEW World Title, the power of friendship prevailing for a short while longer.
It’s announced that next week at All Out, in order to avoid the short turnaround between title matches, John Cena and FTR will team up to take on AEW World Champion MJF, his brochacho Adam Cole, and their neckstrong third wheel Roderick Strong in a huge trios match with world title implications.
All Out 2023
Elsewhere on the show, Samoa Joe becomes Number One Contender to the AEW World Title, making Cena all the more motivated to take this one home by pinning MJF, the man who took the gold from him almost a year prior.
John Cena and FTR vs. Adam Cole, MJF and Roderick Strong
Cena and FTR are a well-oiled machine, as are MJF and Cole, but Strong throws a wrench in the works thanks to his inability to coexist with the World Champ. There are also some understandable tensions between Max and Cole, with Cole trying to suppress his frustrations with losing at All In, and FTR are more than happy to capitalize on that by immediately isolating Cole and putting the boots to him, forcing Strong and MJF to represent their team as the only two healthy competitors. They lay Cole out with a Shatter Machine for two, Strong making the save, and then MJF makes a hot tag, running wild against FTR before standing toe-to-toe with Cena. John goes for the Five Moves of Doom, MJF reversing through flagrant cheating like God intended, but as he goes for a Heatseeker, Cena trips him up and rolls through the ropes before getting him up for an FU! MJF drops down behind him as Strong comes in for the save, throwing a forearm that Cena ducks, CLOCKING MJF! Dax tags Cena as Strong insists it was an accident, MJF getting into a shouting match with his own partner before getting blasted with a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD BY FTR! Cena throws Strong out as FTR go for the Shatter Machine, but Cole catches his partner, sparing him before nailing a superkick to Dax, MJF taking out Cash and BOTH MEN HITTING A DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE ON CENA! Cole looks down to see Strong on the outside, clutching his neck and screaming at MJF, and turns to see Max insisting Cena did it. Cole accepts the excuse, MJF lining up for a HEATSEEKER ON DAX… AND NOW COLE HITS MJF WITH A LAST SHOT! WHAT THE HELL? He starts laying into Max with a ground and pound, grabbing the AEW Title and CLOCKING HIM WITH IT! The referee doesn’t know who to DQ, as someone just hit their own partner with a foreign object, and reluctantly counts as Dax instinctively drapes an arm over… ONE! TWO! THREE!
John Cena and FTR def. Adam Cole, MJF and Roderick Strong (14:21)
Cole and Strong continue the attack, laying out FTR and Cena for good measure before leaving the scraps to Samoa Joe, who brutalizes MJF further as Cole and Strong walk off.
Grand Slam 2023
Cena doesn’t appear in any meaningful capacity at Grand Slam, promising he’ll be watching the main event closely, just as Adam Cole surely is. In the main event, Cole appears to help Joe win the AEW World Title, blowing out his ankle in the process. You know it’s all about the injury time.
Road to WrestleDream 2023
With Samoa Joe holding the AEW World Title, and Cena holding a victory over him at Revolution (and a technical win over MJF in trios action at All Out), he skyrockets up the rankings. However, he’s definitely not the only man who wants a shot at the gold - with MJF out of the picture taking time to heal up, and Cole out of the mix, Roderick Strong and Jay White also make themselves into frontrunners for a shot at Joe. Joe agrees to defend the gold against Strong on Dynamite, successfully doing so to notch his first defense, and the next week, Cena opens the show to say that his time is now. It’s been over a year since he held the gold, and he never got a rematch - but he has beaten Samoa Joe. Out comes the champion, who questions whether Cena really believes he’s earned a crack. His win over Joe was cheap, and Joe’s wiped the floor with him every other time they’ve faced off. Putting on his instigator hat, he says that if there’s any worthy contender, it’s the undefeated Jay White. Jay comes out to the ring, thanking Joe for his assessment before promising to take the gold from him very, very soon. He tells Cena that his time isn’t now - it was a decade ago, and now it’s the Switchblade Era. It’s announced that at WrestleDream, the ultimate heel counter wrestler will take on the consummate babyface five moves of doom performer as Jay White takes on John Cena for the right to challenge Samoa Joe.
WrestleDream 2023
In the evening’s opener, Samoa Joe defeats Kenny Omega to cement himself as a non-transitional AEW World Champion, ensuring that whoever wins between Cena and Jay will be facing him.
AEW World Title Number One Contendership: John Cena vs. Jay White
After years of being able to coast on having more veteran instincts and experience than everyone he stepped in the ring with, John Cena’s mind for the sport is finally outclassed. Everything he tries to do, Jay White’s got an answer. It doesn’t matter how big and strong he is - Jay is smarter. King Switch tears Cena’s legs apart with dragon screws, chop blocks and an extended Indian Deathlock, leaving the Franchise unable to use much of his power at all. However, Cena definitely can’t be ruled out, uncorking a Franchise Lariat to earn a reprieve before getting the ball rolling with a few absurd suplexes, going for a shaky-legged FU… but JAY SLIPS BEHIND FOR A SLEEPER SUPLEX! Calling for the Blade Runner, Jay is taken aback when Cena manages to reverse it, swivelling around his opponent and hooking the arms for a BRIDGING TIGER SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! TH-THE BRIDGE GIVES WAY THANKS TO THE LEG WORK, JAY GETTING THE SHOULDERS UP!
While he’s been able to outwork Cena for most of the match, Jay can’t take a beating to save his life, and he looks on the verge of crying as he struggles to get to his feet on the ropes, Cena fighting through the pain to rush at Jay for another FRANCHISE LARIAT, BUT JAY GETS A LOW BRIDGE! Cena tumbles to the apron, White connecting with a dropkick to the knees before heading out to the apron with the Cenation leader, looking for a SUPLEX OFF THE APRON, BUT CENA MUSCLES HIM UP ONTO HIS SHOULDERS… JAY REVERSES INTO A TORNADO DDT, OFF THE APRON AND STRAIGHT TO THE FLOOR! John crashes and burns into the barricade as White sputters and wheezes, dragging himself to a vertical base as Cena begins to stir, a vacant look on his eyes. The referee checks on him to see if he’s all there, but he quite clearly isn’t, the replay showing a sickening thud as Cena connected headlong with the ground. Jay lets loose an exhausted cackle before lifting John up all the same, and now NAILS A BLADE RUNNER INTO THE STEEL GUARDRAIL! The doctors leap in, the referee pulling Jay back and beginning his countout proceedings as White waits in the ring, taunting up a storm with Bullet Club Gold. Once he reaches nine, Cena manages to get back into the ring, an outright miracle performed, but JAY SWIFTLY HITS ANOTHER BLADE RUNNER! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Jay White def. John Cena (20:13) to become Number One Contender to the AEW World Title
Road to Full Gear 2023
Jay White opens the show, saying that John Cena’s a shell of the man he once was. The legendary 21-time World Champion, the Franchise, the biggest signing in whatever company’s history. Defined an era, well, screw that era. Samoa Joe was part of that era too, but it’s HIS time. It’s Bullet Club Gold’s time. Cena should start coming up with retirement plans, and so should Samoa Joe, because there’s not a hope in hell that they’ll touch him at this point. He’s not a Young Lion, he’s a main eventer. He sold out the Tokyo Dome, the United Center, Madison Square Garden, and he’ll soon be doing so as AEW World Champion. Out comes Samoa Joe, telling him if he keeps yapping, they might as well not wait, because he doesn’t really feel like letting Jay embarrass himself with all this hype not paying off - but before Jay can respond, both are stunned as John Cena comes out to the ring.
Cena’s clearly in a bad way, and the Franchise says he’s got a concussion. He says every bump he takes hurts more than it used to, and it was all the way back in 2017 when he first thought about hanging them up - but seeing the AEW World Title on Samoa Joe’s shoulder, he can’t let this be it. Jay’s good, but he hasn’t been around long enough to give career advice. White stances up, ready to beat John down if he doesn’t get out of the ring, but John turns to Joe and makes an offer. He says he’ll leave it in Joe’s hands - and leans in to tell something to the champ. Joe scowls, considering spitefully choking Cena out then and there, but he eventually nods, turning back to Jay. He tells White that his title shot is scheduled for Full Gear, but he still doesn’t feel like waiting - so he makes the request they have the title match next week. White thinks about it, but says there’s nothing in it for him, leading to Joe saying he’ll face off with Juice Robinson and the Gunns in a 3v1 handicap match tonight in order to make it worth his while. Jay agrees to the terms, saying he’ll see him next week.
Later in the night, Joe’s 3v1 handicap sees Bullet Club Gold trying to tear him limb from limb, but right as they start resorting to outright cheating, the place erupts as JOHN CENA HITS THE RING, READY TO EVEN THE ODDS! Joe pushes him aside, saying he doesn’t need any help, but JUICE ROBINSON NAILS JOE WITH A ROLL OF QUARTERS WHILE THE REFEREE ISN’T LOOKING! ONE! TWO! THREE! The Bang Bang Gang look to continue the assault, but now Cena’s had enough, laying Juice out with a Franchise Lariat and hitting a double Attitude Adjustment on the Gunns before JAY TAKES HIM DOWN WITH A BLADE RUNNER! Jay stands tall with the belt, vowing this’ll be the scene next week. Next week, however, it is not the scene. Jay has an incredible showing, but Samoa Joe manages to out-grit him, reversing a Blade Runner and locking in the Coquina Clutch for the technical submission victory, surviving by the skin of his teeth.
After his win, he’s asked by Tony Schiavone why he insisted on having the match early, and if it had anything to do with what Cena said to him. After seeing John shockingly assist his greatest rival last week, is there something going on? Joe grabs the microphone and says that last week, John Cena made an offer he couldn’t refuse. He knew that Jay White had to have first crack, but John requested to face Joe for the AEW World Title at Full Gear. Tony asks why he’d do John any favours given their history, and Joe says “because he said he’d put his career on the line to make it happen.” Schiavone is stunned, as is the crowd, but Joe says he’d move heaven and Earth to make the match happen, and now it will - Cena vs. Joe, one more time, in a title vs. career match. Cena, in turn, presumably wanted to help Joe stay healthy in order to see the match through - but Joe says he’s a damn fool for doing so, because he’s just signed his own death warrant.
John Cena and FTR vs. Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley and Samoa Joe
Collision sees a huge tag match, Cena and FTR teaming up against Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley in a match that Tony Khan made “at Cena’s request, should he fall short at Full Gear.” It’s a walk down memory lane against some of his finest rivals, main eventing WrestleMania against two of them and SummerSlam against the third. He’s feuded with them all pretty extensively, you guys should read about it. They’re pretty good. Anyway, Cena’s obviously not at 100%, and Samoa Joe has no qualms in beating the piss out of him ahead of Full Gear - but FTR play defense, taking all the hits for the Franchise that they can. They even manage to neutralize Joe, giving Cena room to hit an FU on Bryan! ONE! TWO! THRE-MOXlEY BREAKS IT UP! He batters Cena in the corner, John creating some room for a FRANCHISE LARIAT, AND NOW A HOT TAG TO CASH! Cash rushes into the ring with a tag to Dax, both men clobbering Bryan before going for a Shatter Machine, but JOE TAKES OUT DAX, ONLY TO START BRAWLING WITH CENA! It’s complete chaos as everyone scrambles for a win, and in the bedlam, Bryan nails a Busaiku Knee on Harwood for three.
Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley and Samoa Joe def. John Cena and FTR (26:09)
Following the match, Joe looks to continue the assault, but the BCC step in, saying Cena’s earned enough of their respect to at least stop Joe from making such a high-stakes bout an unfair one. Joe skulks off, Bryan and Moxley giving Cena props and wishing him luck before heading to the back.
The next week, there’s a video package documenting the history between champion and challenger - Joe’s dominance, and how he ran John out of TNA, WWE, and now looks to do the same for good with AEW. They’ve fought over world titles in NWA, TNA, WWE, ROH and soon AEW, and it’s quite simply THE defining rivalry of their era. They’re the two best of their time, two icons, and Cena has the chance to come from behind like he always does. Will Super Cena make one last appearance on a much more macro scale by taking loss after loss before winning the blowoff, or will Samoa Joe send Cena into that good night like he has so many times before… permanently?
On the go-home show, they have a simple meeting in the ring to talk. They get all the time they need, two phenomenal mic workers laying all their cards on the table after two decades of this. Cena talks up the stakes, his accomplishments, and says Joe’s a hurdle he’s never truly been able to overcome, so he knew he had to do this. Joe cuts him off quickly, telling him that this isn’t about Cena - it’s about him. They first met over 19 years ago, and Samoa Joe won. He was the better wrestler. Then he beat him again, and again, and sent him out of company after company, because the only way Samoa Joe was allowed to shine was if John Cena wasn’t there. It didn’t matter that Joe was better - Cena was a prettier face. He was the Franchise. He got opportunity after opportunity handed to him, accolade after accolade fell into his lap, and every time Samoa Joe beat the shit out of him and proved himself to be superior, he’d somehow scrape by and turn it into a world title win, and it DISGUSTED Samoa Joe.
He sent him packing from TNA and dominated, just as he’d always been doing, but suddenly more people were paying attention. Then in WWE, he was a huge deal, a force to be reckoned with, a multi-time champion just like Cena, and he beat Cena time and time again… but people never gave him proper credit until Cena came to AEW. Now he’s the AEW Champion. He’s successfully defended the gold, which Cena never could - but for some reason, John Cena’s still the GOAT in everyone’s eyes. Joe says that this time, Cena will have nowhere to run to in order to boost his stock. It’s not loser leaves AEW… if Cena loses, he’s done, and Samoa Joe will finally be recognized as the guy who was BETTER, like he should have been for the last NINETEEN YEARS. Cena seems undeterred by the speech, telling Joe that they’ve shared the ring plenty, and Joe’s usually won - but there’s a reason Cena has done more than him in his career. There’s a reason he’s more respected and beloved, and it’s not his looks - it’s because he never, ever gives up, and at Full Gear, he’ll keep going until his dying breath… and he knows Samoa Joe’s not strong enough to do the same.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:50 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Two: Change The World (Ape)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
Part Twenty Here!
Part Twenty One Here!
We left off at WrestleMania 36, where, in the Firefly Funhouse Match with “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt, John Cena was utterly decimated, only to be further beaten by Samoa Joe as a final show of disrespect. It was questioned if he was even alive, having been Mandible Clawed, choked out by Joe until the drool stopped flowing from his mouth, and then having disappeared completely while doctors were checking on him thanks to the Fiend’s powers, never to be seen again. Sure enough, a year passes without so much of a hint of Cena appearing, and then the months continue to pass. WrestleMania 37, in front of a huge crowd, and he’s absent. May passes by, and there’s nothing. Then, in June, we start having hope for things getting back to normal. WWE announces they’ll start having fans in attendance for shows again, and it’s sure to be packed houses for all sorts of wrestling events in the United States. Wrestling is back, and John Cena isn’t. They make no note of him. However, WWE isn’t the only promotion that’s getting back in front of fans again starting in July. In fact, there’s a company that’s beating them to the punch, and that company says that they’ve got special plans for their first show back on the Road.
Road Rager 2021
It’s a naturally electric crowd in Miami for the first fully attended wrestling TV in a year and a half, and the show opens with a truly fitting blockbuster ten-man elimination tag match, seeing Kenny Omega’s Elite taking on Hangman Page and the Dark Order. It’s pushed up from Fight For The Fallen so Hangman can spend more time with his pregnant wife, and in the end, Hangman can’t quite get the job done, losing his opportunity to face off with his former tag team partner at All Out for the AEW World Title. Kenny, the Bucks and the Good Brothers stand tall, taking out the Dark Order before turning their attention to Hangman, beating him within an inch of his life before Kenny gets him up for the One Winged Angel. He stares down the hard cam, shouting that nobody’s ever going to pry the title from him - not Hangman, not whoever he’s facing at All Out, not… OH MY GOD! THERE’S NO WAY! THIS CAN’T BE, BUT JOHN CENA’S HERE! HE OWNS HIS DAMN THEME, HE OWNS HIS DAMN NAME, AND HE’S IN ALL ELITE WRESTLING! Omega drops Hangman, turning to the ramp as John Cena comes out of the babyface tunnel, a smile on his face as he sheds his baseball cap and sprints down to the ring, LAYING OUT THE BUCKS WITH A DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! Omega bails, not wanting any piece of the Franchise, and leaving GALLOWS AND ANDERSON TO BE HOISTED ONTO CENA’S SHOULDERS! Excalibur is losing his goddamn mind as Cena drops the Good Brothers with a DOUBLE FU! Tony Khan goes on a coke-fuelled Twitter storm, declaring that Cena’s debut for AEW will take place at Fight For The Fallen, where Cena gets to fight for the fucking marines that he loves so much in a handicap match against The Elite’s Gallows and Anderson.
Fight For The Fallen 2021
Handicap Match: John Cena vs. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows
C’mon now. Everybody knows how this is gonna go, and it’s a fairly straightforward way for Cena to show he’s still got it by blowing out a serviceable worker and an alright big man. He hits his big moves, nails a Tiger Suplex to show he’s still with it, and then delivers an FU to Luke Gallows for three, grabbing a microphone and saying he wants a piece of Kenny Omega. He’s held World Titles everywhere he’s gone, and he doesn’t intend for AEW to be any different.
John Cena def. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows (5:26)
Road to All Out 2021
John Cena isn’t alone in wanting a crack at the Belt Collector, though, and he’s confronted backstage on Dynamite by an old rival in Christian Cage. Cage says he’s been outworking everyone to get a shot at Omega, and says that on Rampage’s first episode, he’s set to face Kenny for the TNA and Impact World Titles. Cena congratulates him, telling Christian it’s good to see him, but Cage stops Cena from walking off. He says he’s got friends in Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus, but the numbers game might be a bit much, so he asks him to be in his corner should he need help fending off the Elite. John says he’ll be there, saying it’ll be funny to see Cage with TNA gold again, but tells him that it won’t stop him from pursuing Kenny’s AEW gold himself.
The first episode of Rampage plays out almost exactly as it did in real life, Cena leveling the odds and giving Cage the opening to nail a Killswitch onto a steel chair for three, stripping two titles from Omega’s belt collection. As he celebrates, the Elite hit the scene, but Cena, Christian and the Jurassic Express manage to clear them out, Cena telling Omega that’s not the only gold he’ll be losing. Coming out of the show, Tony Khan announces a huge eight man tag match for The First Dance - The Jurassic Express, Christian Cage and John Cena vs. The Good Brothers and the Young Bucks.
Naturally, the show kicks off with CM Punk’s return to professional wrestling, rocking the world to its core. However, Cena’s not one to be shown up by CM Punk in Chicago, managing to pick up the pin on Karl Anderson with a slight assist from the intervening Lucha Bros, undeniably positioning himself as Omega’s next challenger. As the bell rings, it’s made official for All Out’s main event - the Franchise vs. The Belt Collector, the GOAT vs. The Best Bout Machine, for the AEW World Championship.
John Cena, Christian Cage and The Jurassic Express def. The Elite (The Good Brothers and The Young Bucks) (12:07)
On the go-home show, Cena and Omega go face to face, Cena telling Kenny that he’s a brilliant performer - he’s earned those belts he collected, but let’s be real… there’s someone else in that ring that’s collected more. Kenny brushes Cena off, saying that he and John debuted right around the same time. They’ve even been in a lot of the same places, but Cena spent the 2010s growing soft, while Omega spent the 2010s becoming the best wrestler on the planet. He says that the scene’s changed while Cena’s been gone, so he can try his damndest, he can bring the Five Moves of Doom to All Out, but they quite literally just won’t hit like they used to.
All Out 2021
AEW World Title: John Cena vs. Kenny Omega (c)
It’s a big fight feel in front of a very divided crowd in Chicago as the embodiment of WWE faces off with the epitome of AEW, and the clash is everything they could have hoped for from the opening bell. Cena goes for a few roll-ups to try and get a quick three, and then tries to outwrestle Omega on the mat, but Kenny has him outclassed as he ups the pace for a HELLACIOUS V-TRIGGER! He gets Cena up in the electric chair, going straight for a One Winged Angel, but Cena throws a few punches before REVERSING INTO A VICTORY ROLL! ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT, AND NOW CENA LEVELS HIM WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THRE-OMEGA KICKS OUT! The champion is on the ropes early, rolling out of the ring to try and shake the cobwebs out of his head, but CENA COMES IN WITH A SUICIDE DIVE! He’s starting to get the crowd on his side as he rallies against Omega, throwing him back in for a leg drop to the back of the neck for another nearfall, and following it up with an attempt at a PROTOBOMB, BUT OMEGA COUNTERS INTO A POISON RANA, AND NOW ANOTHER V-TRIGGER INTO THE ROPES FOR TWO!
Omega’s firmly in the driver’s seat now, and he’s enjoying picking apart Cena, rambling about sports entertainment as he hoists John up for a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! He keeps the pressure on with a dizzying array of strikes, Cena unable to respond to the sheer output of the Best Bout Machine, who finally tosses Cena to the floor for a RISE OF THE TERMINATOR! Don Callis laughs in Cena’s face as Omega lifts him up, but John manages to drive Kenny into the apron before delivering a desperate DDT on the outside to earn some breathing room. He turns his attentions to Callis, chasing him down to the glee of the crowd and GOING FOR AN FU, BUT OMEGA DROPS CENA WITH A KOTARO KRUSHER ON THE FLOOR! He calls for the One Winged Angel again, Cena fighting frantically to avoid the maneuver, but OMEGA TURNS IT INTO A CROYT’S WRATH, FOLDING CENA IN HALF ON THE OUTSIDE! He sends Cena between the ropes again, following it up with a DOCTOR WILY BOMB! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA GETS THE SHOULDER UP! Kenny knows the end must be near, and he calls for another V-Trigger, lining himself up with his target and CHARGING STRAIGHT INTO AN FU FROM CENA! ONE! TWO! THRE-KENNY KICKS OUT, BUT CENA GOES STRAIGHT INTO THE STFU! HE’S GOT IT IN DEEP!
Cena wrenches the hold as hard as he can, shouting at Omega to tap, but the Belt Collector begins to scratch and claw his way towards the bottom rope. Once he’s inches away, Cena releases to try and drag him back into the middle of the ring, but Callis leaps up on the apron to distract the referee so THE BUCKS CAN NAIL A DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Cena drops to his knees as the Bucks bail out, and Omega connects with a DOUBLE UNDERHOOK PILEDRIVER! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! Fed up, Omega calls once again for the One Winged Angel, grabbing Cena’s belt and wrenching him back, but John lands a stiff elbow to the bridge of the nose before nailing a TIGER SUPLEX, DUMPING KENNY RIGHT ON HIS HEAD! He can’t bridge for the cover, but he decides to place Omega on the top turnbuckle, hoisting him onto his shoulders as he rises to the second rope for an AVALANCHE FU, BUT OMEGA RAKES THE EYES! Cena’s stunned momentarily, and Omega drops down to nab him in the electric chair for a ONE WINGED ANGEL! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Kenny Omega def. John Cena (21:20) to retain the AEW World Title
Naturally, it’s a dogpile by the Elite on the Cenation leader, beating John down when… FTR ARE HERE! Dax and Cash, seemingly having left the Pinnacle, sprint down to the ring to try and even the odds, but against five men, it’s still elementary, the Bucks taking them down with ease before Omega begins his spiel. He says that Hangman can’t do it, Cena can’t do it, nobody can do it, because the only people who could ever give him a run for his money are already dead. Adam Cole comes out, the crowd goes nuts, he superkicks Cena, the crowd goes more nuts, Bryan Danielson fucking debuts, the crowd goes even MORE nuts, and Bryan helps level the playing field against The Elite, helping his old long-term rival up and standing tall to close the show.
Road to Full Gear 2021
It’s announced on Dynamite that Cena’s next match will be at Grand Slam, where not only will Bryan Danielson face Kenny Omega, but Cena will reunite with FTR to take on the SuperKliq. Cole gets a win over Harwood later in the night, but at Grand Slam, the Young Bucks’ spiral after losing their AEW Tag Team Titles continues, with FTR and Cena looking like they’d never parted ways. In the end, Cena manages to cinch in the STFU on Nick, FTR delivering a Shatter Machine to Matt to ensure that the younger Jackson taps out, John finally getting revenge against Adam Cole for sending him out on a loss in his last WWE TV match.
John Cena and FTR def. SuperKliq (15:03)
With another win under his belt, Cena says he wants to keep the momentum going and get back into the AEW Title picture. He knows it’ll be a grueling path to get there, and he knows that Hangman Page is getting a shot at Full Gear, but once he hears about the Full Gear Eliminator, he asks Tony Khan to be inserted. Khan grants him entry, and the rest of the bracket fills out on the road to Full Gear, pitting Cena against a true murderer’s row of contestants. The bracket looks like this, with the first round winners bolded:
John Cena vs. Christian Cage
Miro vs. Orange Cassidy
Eddie Kingston vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
Bryan Danielson vs. Andrade El Idolo
Full Gear Eliminator Opening Round: John Cena vs. Christian Cage
It’s been a while since we’ve seen these two face off, huh? The last time we saw them as opponents was Elimination Chamber 2014, and before that it was their epic rivalry in TNA. Cage gives Cena hell in what ends up being a fairly technical affair, trying to outwrestle the Cenation leader, but Cena manages to reverse a Killswitch into a Tiger Suplex before delivering an emphatic FU to advance to the next round.
John Cena def. Christian Cage (13:06) to advance
Full Gear Eliminator Semi-Final: John Cena vs. Miro
In the previous round, it was a cute “aw, these two were rivals! What a great callback to their work in TNA!” Here, it’s “remember that time Cena tried to literally kill Miro with a cannon for the US Title six years ago?” As a result, this is a brawl comparatively, where Miro insists lightning won’t strike twice and that he’ll be able to put Cena away, avenge his failures and become God’s Favourite Champion once more, but alas… nah. FU, straight into an STFU, and Miro passes out in the hold.
John Cena def. Miro (16:13) by technical submission to advance
Later in the night, Eddie Kingston falls short against Bryan Danielson, setting the stage for a tremendous match at Full Gear, and one the world’s been waiting to see again - Bryan Danielson vs. John Cena, with the winner challenging for the AEW World Title at Winter is Coming.
Full Gear 2021
Full Gear Eliminator Final: John Cena vs. Bryan Danielson
The last time these two met one on one was in 2018, and they were very, very different men at that point in time. Because of that, there’s still a feeling out process to start here, with both men demonstrating their growth despite having duked it out on and off for over a decade. Cena gets control early, using his power to keep Danielson in check, and he even connects with an Emerald Flowsion for a nearfall to really take the lead in the match. Bryan continues to work from below, focusing on Cena’s neck with sparse rallies of suplexes and kicks, but Cena manages to bear down on him continuously, cutting off his momentum once Bryan gets some steam with a HUGE BOSS MAN SLAM FOR TWO! Cena calls for the FU, but Danielson lands on his feet, kicking out the back of the knee and unleashing a flurry of shoot kicks before uncorking a roundhouse to the head, followed by a BUSAIKU KNEE! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Now in the driver’s seat, Danielson simply looks for another Busaiku Knee, knowing they’ve fared well in the past against Cena, going back as far as his first use of the move at SummerSlam 2013.
He waits for Cena to get up, but CENA PICKS THE LEG TO LOCK IN THE STFU! NOBODY’S CLEANLY ESCAPED THIS ONE IN AEW! He keeps it in tight, Bryan scrambling before finally getting his free foot on the rope, Cena releasing the hold for a SAITO SUPLEX TO BRYAN! He lays into him with a few shoulder blocks before looking out at the crowd, all madly yes-ing, and smirks before leaning over for a “You Can’t See Me” and a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! He winds up for another FU attempt, but Danielson comes out balling in the fourth quarter, countering the FU into a TRIANGLE ARMBAR! HE’S GOT IT IN DEEP, BUT CENA’S STILL UPRIGHT FOR A HUGE SITOUT POWERBOMB… YET DANIELSON KEEPS IT IN! He delivers furious elbows to the crown of Cena’s head, trying to bust the Franchise open with sharp blows and an increasingly tight constriction around his jugular, all while wrenching the arm past its breaking point… CENA’S OUT! DANIELSON IS THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER!
Bryan Danielson def. John Cena (20:20) to win the Full Gear Eliminator Tournament
Road to Winter is Coming 2021
Coming out of Full Gear, Cena’s pretty dejected, and he comes out to cut a promo on what his goals are going forward. He says he’s not really had the chance to introduce himself to AEW yet, because he came in so hot, but now he’s here to lay it all out - and he’s here to stay. He’s happy to be sharing a locker room with guys he hasn’t seen in years, he’s honoured to be in front of the fans he hasn’t heard in far too long, and he’s proud to be fighting against some of the best new talent he’s never crossed paths with before. Speaking of that new talent, he hears that there’s a battle royal going on soon, with the winner getting a match for a Diamond Ring. That sounds cool. He’s never had a Diamond Ring before.
Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royal
This match is a vessel for John Cena to interact with the young guns - he has a charisma-off with Ricky Starks (which he loses), a meat-off with Powerhouse Hobbs (which he loses), and then realizes Dante Martin isn’t human when he invents six new aerial moves you’ve never heard of in the span of thirty seconds. However, he does manage to survive until the final three, when he finally comes head to head with MJF. The crowd goes nuts, and, as it’s in Long Island, they’re very much behind the defending champion. However, Wardlow is the third man, and MJF immediately shouts at him to help eliminate Cena. Wardlow begrudgingly complies, laying Cena out with a lariat before going for a Powerbomb Symphony, but once the damage is done, MJF insists he stop so that Max can get the finish in front of his hometown crowd. He picks Cena up, and CENA SHOVES HIM INTO WARDLOW, BLASTING THE STUNNED WAR DOG WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT OVER THE TOP! CENA AND MJF ADVANCE!
John Cena and MJF win the Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royal (9:35)
The go-home show for Winter is Coming sees MJF and Cena meet face to face, with MJF tearing Cena apart on the mic for not only taking FTR from him, but for coming out here and thinking he can hang with this new generation of wrestlers, when the fact is that Cena can’t lace MJF’s boots. He’s been doing this for two decades, he’s got more accolades than anybody, but when they meet at Winter is Coming, Cena’s going to see just how far the game has advanced without him. He’ll be a fish out of water, because for all the talk about loving the game, he doesn’t know shit about professional wrestling. Cena takes off his ball cap, rubs his bald spot, and simply says “fine speech,” refusing to dignify MJF with much of a response beyond calling him a spoiled kid who’s gonna learn what happens when you cross a man who truly never gives up.
Winter is Coming 2021
Dynamite Diamond Ring: John Cena vs. MJF
Following a clinic between Bryan Danielson and Hangman Page, MJF and Cena have a pretty straightforward bout, MJF managing to outwrestle his foe early, but being completely unable to put him away. He tries to pull out some cheeky roll-ups, and Cena keeps kicking out, simply laughing at MJF’s efforts. Taunting him. MJF keeps getting more frustrated as the match progresses, and he lands some huge shots on Cena, connecting with a DDT on the apron for two, and finally NAILING A HEAT SEEKER! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! MJF is seething, throwing punches to the side of Cena’s head before shouting at Wardlow to grab the ring. The referee turns to Wardlow, and MJF REACHES INTO HIS TRUNKS, PULLING THE RING OUT! The ref’s back is turned… HE THROWS A PUNCH, BUT CENA DUCKS IT AND NAILS AN FU AS THE REF TURNS AROUND! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! Cena can’t believe it, but he tries to stay on the attack, landing a shoulder block, and then another, before mockingly delivering a wave in front of his face for a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE, BUT A FURIOUS MJF PUNCHES CENA RIGHT IN THE JAW WITH THE DIAMOND RING! HE LOST HIS COOL! The referee looks at MJF, Wardlow not having gotten his attention in time, and simply calls for the bell, knowing it was a flagrant foul.
John Cena def. MJF (12:54) by disqualification to win the Dynamite Diamond Ring
MJF is apoplectic, screaming at the referee as the ring is taken off his finger before trying to attack Cena further, but FTR step up to their old boss, simply standing in the way. The referee hands Cena the Diamond Ring as he staggers to his feet, and, with a sly grin, Cena puts it on his hand and waves a positively gleeful diamond-encrusted “You Can’t See Me” to MJF. MJF’s eyes are popping out in fury, and he simply instructs Wardlow to attack, Shawn Spears running in as well with a chair. They lay into Cena and FTR, Wardlow doling out powerbomb after powerbomb after powerbomb after powerbomb to the Cenation Leader before Spears begins to wear the chair out over his back. MJF pries the ring off his finger and BLASTS IT INTO CENA’S SKULL AGAIN! The Franchise’s blood begins to flow, trickling down his face as MJF holds him up, screaming at John before spitting on the ring, dropping it in front of him and letting the motionless Cena fall, an image eerily similar to Cena’s departure from WWE. MJF grabs a microphone, and declares that anybody who wants to incite him, any WWE has-been who wants to play around like John, is going to be left lying in a pool of their own blood just like him, setting the stage for his upcoming feud with CM Punk as the show goes off the air.
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2024.06.04 22:47 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty One: Long, Slow Goodbye (Ape)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
Part Twenty Here!
We left off at TLC 2018, where Finn Balor unseated John Cena as Intercontinental Champion in a tables match, Cena narrowly defeated as a result of the stipulation. However, he seems to have his sights set on a different championship entirely, because, as he was in the last part, he’s motivated to win WWE’s newest World Championship - the Universal Title, which just so happens to be around the waist of his longtime rival, the Beast Incarnate.
Road to Royal Rumble 2019
While naturally upset about losing the Intercontinental Title, John Cena seems pretty upbeat on Raw, back on weekly TV to discuss his desire to reenter the World Title scene after a year and a half completely removed from the scene, and three years without touching the top prize. He says last time he met Brock Lesnar, last time he fought for the Universal Title, Lesnar stole the victory from him and picked the bones of Roman Reigns. Cena knows he can beat Brock - he’s done it before, and if he has the chance, he’ll do it again. He just needs to figure out how to get an opportunity.
Enter Paul Heyman, who’s been beefing with Cena on and off for seven years at this point. Heyman says that Brock won’t be giving away a title match for free, so Cena had better figure out something worth his time. John leans towards Heyman, looming over him as he says “I’ve won two Royal Rumbles. I’ve won in the Elimination Chamber. I’ve successfully defended by WrestleMania main event spot several times. I’ve beaten Brock Lesnar. So let me make something perfectly clear - if Brock doesn’t grant me a title match, I’ll earn one, and I’ll keep being a problem for him, for you, for any of your clients, forever. So how about this? Brock gives me a title match, and if I lose, I’ll never challenge for the Universal Title ever again. If you’ve got confidence in your Beast, he can assure your future forever by beating me.” Heyman ponders for a moment, and then says fine - Brock will put the title up against Cena at the Royal Rumble. Kurt Angle makes the match official, and surprisingly even wishes Cena luck, saying if he wins, he wants a champion like the John Cena who faced him in 2002 - not the John Cena who’s caused trouble since 2016.
The next week, Cena and Brock meet for a contract signing, with Heyman gassing up his client as much as possible. Cena’s calm throughout, saying he’s held titles all over the world, in all sorts of promotions, but Brock now stands in his way of getting the final piece of the puzzle. He’s held the WWE, he’s held the World Heavyweight, hell, he unified the two, but he’s never gotten to lay his hands on the Universal Title. He needs to hold it to prove that he’s in that upper echelon, because it’s the last barrier for entry in the discussion of GOAT - he hasn’t held all there is to hold. Heyman and Lesnar scoff, Heyman declaring there is no discussion for GOAT, because Lesnar’s got it locked down. Brock does the shoulder thing that he does when he’s trying to look big. Cena does the pec thing under his shirt. We’re back. Big fuckin’ graps.
Royal Rumble 2019
Universal Title: John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (c)
These two have met at SummerSlam, WrestleMania, Survivor Series, and now, finally, the Royal Rumble. Cena’s out first, and he’s back in form, wearing a t-shirt and ball cap instead of a robe for the first time in almost three years. From the bell, Lesnar tries to turn it into another massacre, but Cena is having none of it, meeting Brock in the middle of the ring for a slugfest until Lesnar delivers a sickening knee lift into the ribs, driving Cena back into the corner for a series of gut checks before NAILING A RELEASE BELLY TO BELLY, FOLLOWED BY AN F-5! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Cena’s eyes are bugging out of his head as he tries to fight though the pain, but Brock is merciless, delivering an onslaught of German Suplexes before simply LOCKING IN A BEAR HUG! Cena throws elbow after elbow, struggling to get free before finally LAYING INTO BROCK WITH A HEADBUTT FOR THE BREAK! Lesnar is staggered, and now JOHN CLOTHESLINES HIM OVER THE TOP, BOTH MEN TUMBLING TO THE FLOOR! Cena hops onto the apron, leaping off it for a HURRICANRANA, BUT LESNAR HOLDS ONTO HIM AND POWERBOMBS HIM ONTO THE ANNOUNCE DESK! Lesnar sends Cena back in, Brock stepping between the ropes before CENA KICKS HIM IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD! Lesnar is stunned on the apron, and JOHN NAILS A FRANCHISE LARIAT! Brock drops back to the floor, and Cena follows him out for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON THE FLOOR! MY GOD, IT’S HAPPENING! He sends Brock in again, rallying the crowd for a LEG DROP ACROSS THE BACK OF THE HEAD, AND NOW ANOTHER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Brock is already staggering up to his feet, but Cena refuses to give him any breathing room, FLOORING HIM WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT BEFORE ROLLING OVER FOR A THIRD ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA OVERWHELMS BROCK LESNAR TO CLAIM HIS FIRST UNIVERSAL TITLE!
John Cena def. Brock Lesnar (8:46) to win the Universal Title
Road to Elimination Chamber 2019
Cena gets to celebrate his monumental victory on Raw, but he says he’s sure that the Elimination Chamber awaits him before another WrestleMania main event. He knows there are a lot of guys in the back that want to take this title from him, a lot of people who want to be at the top, a lot of people who just want to take Cena out because they don’t like him, and he welcomes it, because he plans to shut them all down. The next week, Chamber qualifiers begin, and Drew McIntyre is enraged to find out he’s not even in a qualifier. Braun Strowman is the first to qualify, followed by Dean Ambrose, and in the main event, Seth Rollins.
The next week, Kurt Angle is in the ring when DREW MCINTYRE RUNS IN, BLASTING HIM WITH A CLAYMORE! He leans over Angle, shouting that he’s been starved of opportunities, and prepares to hit him with another one when JOHN CENA HITS THE RING! Cena stands across from McIntyre, saying that if he wants a shot, he’s right here. He gets it - he’s wanted to beat Angle up before too, but he speaks from experience when he says fighting the GM goes nowhere. That night, it’s made official - alongside the two final qualifiers, the Universal Title will be on the line as John Cena defends against Drew McIntyre, with the winner entering the Chamber. It’s a hard-fought contest, but, when it seems like Cena has Drew on the ropes, Baron Corbin interferes, causing a disqualification and a beatdown - before KURT ANGLE HIMSELF RUNS IN AND LAYS OUT CORBIN WITH AN ANGLE SLAM!
John Cena def. Drew McIntyre (13:20) by disqualification to retain the Universal Title
The final two Chamber entrants are new Raw roster members Ricochet and Aleister Black, and, in a tremendous match for the go-home show, it’s announced that Cena will team with Kurt Angle to take on Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre. The match is a pretty straightforward one, but Cena gets preoccupied outside the ring by Dean Ambrose, who jumps Cena behind the referee’s back. In the ring, Angle taps out to Drew McIntyre’s Ankle Lock, and Rollins comes down to take out Ambrose, giving Cena the opportunity to stand tall to end the show alongside Kurt, who thankfully shakes his hand.
Drew McIntyre and Baron Corbin def. John Cena and Kurt Angle (10:56)
Elimination Chamber 2019
Elimination Chamber Match for the Universal Title: John Cena (c) vs. Aleister Black vs. Braun Strowman vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Ricochet vs. Seth Rollins
It’s Ambrose and Rollins to start, and it’s a frantic, barbaric exchange of maneuvers to kick us off, both men desperate to eliminate the other before the ring fills up and things become more unpredictable. Cena’s out next, getting to work with two men he’s plenty familiar with, and he goes straight for Ambrose instead of bothering with Rollins. Dean takes the fight to John with an X-Plex on the outside, taking the champ out until Aleister Black enters at number four and starts nailing all variety of strikes, kicking holes in all three men before sitting cross-legged in the middle of the ring, waiting for number five… his tag partner, Ricochet. He gets right up, and the two of them immediately get to work on everybody else, forcing an uneasy alliance between Ambrose and Rollins until Cena gets involved, using his power to keep Ricochet grounded and turn the tides. He goes for an Attitude Adjustment, but Ricochet lands on his feet, superkicking Cena INTO A BLACK MASS, BUT JOHN ROLLS OUT OF THE RING TO AVOID ELIMINATION AS BRAUN STROWMAN ENTERS THE FRAY! Braun bulldozes everybody, flattening Rollins before going for a RUNNING POWERSLAM, BUT SETH SLIPS OFF HIS BACK AND TAKES OUT THE KNEES FOR A STOMP! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT BY BRAUN! Cena re-enters the ring, calling for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT STROWMAN’S RIGHT BACK UP! He’s wobbly, though, and Cena considers another before BRAUN EATS A BLACK MASS FROM ALEISTER, AND NOW A 630 OFF THE POD FROM RICOCHET! ONE! TWO! THREE! STROWMAN’S OUT AFTER A SHOW OF TEAMWORK, AND NOW EVERYONE KNOWS RICOCHET AND BLACK ARE THE PROBLEM!
Seth and Cena try to take out Black and Ricochet as Ambrose keeps his distance, biding his time. John goes for an Attitude Adjustment on Ricochet, but Black leaps in for a BLACK MASS, CENA SWINGING RICOCHET INTO THE WAY! He nails Black with a FRANCHISE LARIAT AS AMBROSE COVERS RICOCHET… ONE! TWO! THREE! ROLLINS WITH A CURB STOMP TO ALEISTER! ONE! TWO! THREE! Ambrose slides in behind Seth as he celebrates getting the pin… SMALL PACKAGE, BUT SETH REVERSES IT! ONE! TWO! THREE! SETH ROLLINS STOLE ONE, AND AMBROSE IS OUT! Dean is apoplectic, charging at Seth after being eliminated, but Cena and Seth work together to take him down before Cena goes for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON SETH, BUT ROLLINS COUNTERS, DROPPING DOWN AND HOOKING THE ARMS FOR A PEDIGREE! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT, BUT ROLLINS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS IT WITH A CURB STOMP! ONE! TWO! THREE! SETH ROLLINS IS THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION AFTER A CASCADE OF PINFALLS IN THE ELIMINATION CHAMBER!
Seth Rollins def. John Cena, Aleister Black, Braun Strowman, Dean Ambrose and Ricochet (30:01) to win the Universal Title
Seth goes on to defend the gold against Dean Ambrose and a returning Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 35, which seems like a good send-off for Ambrose and a good re-introduction for Roman, who doesn’t need to get pinned, and who Seth can feud with instead of Corbin. However, the main concern is Cena, who just looks heartbroken to be once again titleless - he may well be the GOAT, but is he truly incapable of remaining at the top of the mountain once summiting it?
Road to WrestleMania 35
Coming out of Elimination Chamber, Cena’s once again titleless, his eleventh WWE World Title reign cut short, as is tradition. However, it could be worse - he could be retiring. (God, I fucking wish. I WISH that this man was retiring at Mania 35. It’d be so great. I could stop here. I would never have to write another word. This is longer than the Shibata booking now. Let it end.) Anyway, you know who IS retiring? Raw GM Kurt Angle, and after Cena saved him from McIntyre and teamed with him on Raw last week, he’s feeling a lot chummier with the Franchise. He tells Cena that after John debuted against him in 2002, he knew Cena would play a huge role in his career. They’ve had their battles, sure, but he wants Cena to be there to play the biggest role possible - he wants Cena to face off with him in Angle’s last ever match, under the bright lights at WrestleMania 35. John naturally wants to chase after the Universal Title, or the Intercontinental Title, or another WWE Title, but Kurt tells him that every scene’s filled up. The roster is huge, the card is long, and sometimes things just don’t work out, but this can. Finally, Cena accepts the honour, saying he looks forward to paying tribute to Kurt’s legendary career… but that he also looks forward to sending him out on a loss. They both chuckle, and the match is set - Angle vs. Cena, one last time, to send off one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots.
Angle spends the next few weeks on a retirement tour, working singles matches on both Raw and SmackDown against all manner of opponents, while John Cena acts as the special ring enforcer to ensure that Kurt’s not unfairly banged up ahead of WrestleMania. He loses to Samoa Joe pretty violently to kick the tour off, Cena standing toe-to-toe with his forever rival to ensure no more damage is doled out once the match is over. The next week, Chad Gable defeats Angle in a lengthy bout, but Kurt rebounds by defeating Baron Corbin shortly thereafter. On the go-home show, Angle loses to AJ Styles, and Cena and AJ both help him up to his feet before begrudgingly giving one another a nod, Styles exiting the ring to leave Angle and Cena to their final staredown.
WrestleMania 35
John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
This is pretty much what everyone would hope for - a walk down memory lane for two greats, paying tribute to their work together in both WWE and TNA. Of the two, Cena is much more polished in the ring, not having taken huge stretches of time off to slow down, and as a result, takes control pretty early. Angle manages to rally with a few suplexes, the crowd getting behind him as he calls for an Angle Slam, but Cena lands a few stiff elbows to the back of the neck before turning around and SLAPPING ANGLE IN THE FACE, FIRING THE AMERICAN HERO UP - AND ANGLE LANDS ONE IN RETURN BEFORE NAILING A BELLY TO BELLY FOR TWO, FOLLOWED BY AN ANGLE SLAM! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA KICKS OUT! Angle calls for another Angle Slam, Cena managing to roll forward to buck Angle off before BLASTING HIM WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT! He hooks the leg, closing the curtains on a great career as the referee counts ONE! TWO! THRE-ANGLE LIFTS THE SHOULDER UP! Cena’s in disbelief, calling for an Attitude Adjustment, but Kurt manages to slide off his shoulders and PICK THE ANKLE, CINCHING IN THE ANKLE LOCK! Cena desperately grabs at Angle’s legs, trying to uproot him, but ANGLE DROPS TO HIS BACK, TIGHTENING THE HOLD! Forced to use every ounce of his strength, Cena drags himself to the bottom rope, but Angle springs right up for ANOTHER ANGLE SLAM! He looks to the top, the crowd rising to their feet for Perc Angle’s last stand as he scrambles up the ropes… MOONSAULT MISSES! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA RETIRES KURT ANGLE IN A MATCH FITTING FOR THE WRESTLING MACHINE’S LEGACY!
John Cena def. Kurt Angle (11:38)
Cena shakes and raises Angle’s hand, watching tears flow down Kurt’s face before stepping out of the ring, leaving the American Hero to receive his flowers. As he walks up the ramp, the fanfare of retirement ongoing behind him, he seems to have a little pang of some emotion he can’t quite put his finger on, but he can think about it backstage.
Road to 2020
Following his win at WrestleMania, Cena takes a break, saying that retiring Angle has made him think about his future as a competitor after 17 years at the top of the game. He says that as far as WWE is concerned, he’ll probably never be a full-timer again - he’s proven all he needs to prove here, and while he’s sure the need will arise to make his case for GOAT once again, he’s proud of the career he’s had, and he’s fine focusing on whatever comes next.
Soon enough, SummerSlam passes without a hint of Cena. He does some PR work, shoots some movies, Makes some Wishes, but doesn’t appear on WWE TV… but then, shit really hits the fan in the nights following Crown Jewel 2019. Everybody’s stuck in Saudi Arabia, sucking blood money covered dicks, except for the NXT roster. As a result, the show is opened not by a main roster member, but by NXT Champion Adam Cole, who says Triple H and Shawn Michaels have made the decision for him to defend the NXT Title in the main event of the evening. He doesn’t know his opponent, but he knows they’re backstage, so he tells them to come on out - and his heart sinks. Out comes John Cena to a rousing ovation, where he declares that he wants to become the first man to hold the WWE, Universal, World Heavyweight and NXT Titles, which he dubs the “WWE World Title Grand Slam.”
NXT Title: John Cena vs. Adam Cole (c)
Fuck it, we ball. John Cena’s back after seven months off, and he’s fighting a very concerned Adam Cole. However, the second the momentum swings in Cole’s favour with help from Roderick Strong, the concern is swapped for cockiness, the champion targeting Cena’s legs to take away the base of his power. Eventually, Cena manages to rally, nailing the flying shoulder blocks and calling for a Five Knuckle Shuffle, but KOR pulls out his feet, Cole capitalizing with a SUPERKICK RIGHT UNDER THE CHIN! Cole clambers to the middle rope, Cena slowly getting to his feet as the champion eyes his prey, dropping down for a PANAMA SUNRISE, BUT CENA COUNTERS IT INTO AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, ONLY FOR COLE TO LAND ON HIS FEET FOR ANOTHER SUPERKICK! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! Cole lowers his kneepad, hoping to put this one to bed with a Last Shot, but Cena ducks it at the last moment before NAILING AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! He doesn’t make the cover, instead rolling through for another one, but Bobby Fish hops up on the apron to hurl verbal abuse. Cena keeps Cole on his shoulders, taunting Fish, but it gives Cole just enough time to recover, swinging his legs around for a CANADIAN DESTROYER! Exhausted, Cole lines it up… LAST SHOT! ONE! TWO! THREE! THE PANAMA CITY PLAYBOY RETAINS, CENA’S CURSE AGAINST NXT CHAMPIONS LIVING ON!
Adam Cole def. John Cena (18:40) to retain the NXT Title
Road to Royal Rumble 2020
With John Cena having come up short against Adam Cole, he goes back into the breeze, appearing intermittently on SmackDown on the road to the Royal Rumble. He declares himself an entrant, saying he wants to take on the Fiend and rid WWE of such an evil entity, leading to Bray discussing Cena in the Firefly Funhouse. He says they’ve never clashed one on one, but Cena, the Face of WWE for so long, was always there to ensure Wyatt wouldn’t succeed. For half a decade, it’s been the same story - it was Bray Wyatt who Cena last dispatched to win his seventeenth career World Title in Boston. It was Bray Wyatt who he refused to tag at Survivor Series 2016, wanting the spotlight to himself. It was Bray Wyatt who he told the Revival to attack at Elimination Chamber 2017, costing Wyatt the WWE Title and the WrestleMania main event. He cost Bray a shot at the Universal Title at Extreme Rules 2017. But now, in the time that John Cena was gone, Bray Wyatt did the unthinkable. He and the Fiend… they’ve made magic. They’ve won the Universal Title. Bray Wyatt’s life work paid off because John Cena wasn’t there, and now that John’s back, Bray is fine letting the Fiend get revenge on his behalf if Cena wins the Royal Rumble.
Royal Rumble 2020
30 Man Royal Rumble Match
The ring is pretty packed as we count down towards Number 30, and the crowd in attendance knows it’ll be the pre-announced John Cena. The field he enters to is a tough one - Edge, Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Aleister Black, Samoa Joe and Randy Orton. However, that all goes out the window the moment Cena enters the fray, going on a roll immediately. He lays out Edge with a shoulder block, counters an RKO with a Tiger Suplex, and reverses a Spear with an Attitude Adjustment before taking in the adulation from the crowd for a quick moment… and BEING GRABBED FROM BEHIND AND DUMPED RIGHT OVER THE TOP ROPE BY SAMOA JOE! Cena looks up from the floor in shock, unable to quite process what just happened, and Joe howls with laughter from inside the ring, cackling at the distraught Cena before waving his hand in front of his face with a mocking “You Can’t See Me.” John doesn’t even make it far enough to get to see the finish from ringside, instead walking to the back with his head hung low. In the end, Drew McIntyre wins as he did in real life.
Drew McIntyre wins the 2020 Royal Rumble (1:01:51)
However, he’s not the only one who suffers disappointment, as Daniel Bryan unseats normal Bray Wyatt to win the Universal Title earlier in the night.
Road to WrestleMania 36
Another year, another WrestleMania, and this time, Cena’s once again struggling to find his home on the card. However, much like last year’s, his match comes to him, instead of the other way around. He opens SmackDown a week after the Rumble, and he’s attacked by the Fiend, in Bray’s first appearance since losing the Universal Title. The Fiend lays him out with a Sister Abigail before putting the Franchise out of commission with a Mandible Claw, leading to Firefly Funhouse Bray making an announcement on his show the next week that the Fiend wants to face Cena at WrestleMania. The next month sees COVID ruin fucking everything, and the match is made into a Firefly Funhouse Match, with Cena vowing he’ll be 100% for it. On the Road to WrestleMania, Bray cuts more promos in a similar vein to his first one, discussing Cena’s tendency to rob him of his moments, to hold down the people that fought to stand alongside him at the top of the WWE. He says that Cena may be back to his virtuous ways now, but he knows John isn’t a man of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect, and says that at WrestleMania, he’ll tear away every facade the Franchise has put up.
Similarly, Cena cuts a few promos himself, saying that it’s a very different WWE than the one he walked into - when he started in 2010, the biggest threat to the company’s stability was a group of guys with wristbands, and now there’s an unstoppable, invincible monster who can haunt nightmares and carries his own severed head to the ring. He says he’s risen to the occasion before, though. He did it against the Authority, against Brock Lesnar, against anyone who sought to dominate and control the company he called home, and at WrestleMania, he intends to do it once more against “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt. However, Bray responds, simply saying there are men who Cena’s never been able to beat properly - men like Samoa Joe. If a man can stop John Cena, then the Fiend most definitely will, no matter how much he insists that he’ll Never Give Up.
WrestleMania 36
Firefly Funhouse Match: John Cena vs. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt
I mean, how the fuck do I even write this? It’s a dissection of John Cena. This is what the booking’s all about, and it’s callback central. He enters in the gear he wore to face Kurt Angle in 2002, and Bray ducks his Ruthless Aggression slap before the Vince puppet tells Cena he’s fired. Then, he’s in his TNA attire, trying to grapple with Bray, but the sorcery on display is just something Cena can’t comprehend. He’s lost. It’s dead silent as he struggles to keep up, finally grabbing Wyatt and hitting him with the same move he hit on Mitsuharu Misawa in 2009, but the lights go out as Bray hits the mat… and when they come up, he’s the Fiend, standing above Cena, who’s now clad in a t-shirt and jorts. He goes for an Attitude Adjustment, but nope. Sister Abigail. The Fiend drops to his knees, spreading his arms as Cena’s accolades all appear on the wall behind him - the titles he’s won, the achievements he’s earned. John struggles to stand, reaching out for them, grabbing the ropes and heaving himself to his feet before CHARGING WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT, but the Fiend steps aside, Bray’s voice echoing through the empty, eerie venue as he mockingly repeats “Hustle, Loyalty and Respect,” over and over, taunting his foe.
Children’s voices cry out in support of Cena, calling from the void, but John shakes his head. He doesn’t even know if this is real. He turns around, shouting that against the Fiend, he can’t let it all get to him, he can’t think about fans, he can’t think about morals, he just needs to fight out of this, whatever it takes. Then, he looks down to see his Franchise gear, complete with the robe. Wyatt’s voice rings out, telling John he’s just reminding him who he really is, but Cena won’t have it. He rushes in with another Franchise Lariat, but the Fiend drops back into his creepy spider walk, staring straight through Cena. John can’t take it anymore, but he tears the robe off, saying that’s not him. The Fiend doesn’t know him. He’s willing to do what it takes, but dammit, he’s going to do it right. He steps into the corner of the ring, telling the Fiend to bring it on, to have a fair contest, and Bray’s omnipotent voice simply rings out with a “yes…” as the Fiend moves to the opposite corner. Cena’s gear again transforms into his attire from the present day, and they meet in the middle of the ring, Cena trying for a collar and elbow, but the Fiend drops him with a Uranage. Cena shakes it off, getting back up, and the Fiend goes for a body tackle, but CENA REVERSES INTO AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! He dives into the cover, but as he instinctively motions to hook the leg, he realizes the Fiend has vanished. He looks around, panicked, and Bray says he’s the same as he ever was before THE FIEND PUTS HIM IN THE MANDIBLE CLAW! He holds it until Cena stops moving, the lights flickering before the Fiend vanishes, leaving Cena motionless in the middle of the ring, which is now back on the WrestleMania set.
The Fiend def. John Cena (13:12) by murdering him?
Doctors rush in to check on John as Titus O’Neil says he has no idea what he just saw, but it’s not over for Cena. The Fiend has made his point, Cena’s been ripped to shreds and laid bare before the fans at home, left to suffer in cold, empty silence with nobody to support him - and yet, there’s one more man who wants to rub it in. As more doctors flood the ring, they’re joined by SAMOA JOE, WHO PUSHES THEM ASIDE TO DELIVER A MUSCLE BUSTER TO CENA, AND NOW LOCKS IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH! Cena’s completely limp, totally unresponsive, but Joe keeps the hold in, trying to choke the life out of the Cenation Leader completely, only to finally be pried off by a sea of security. He spits on Cena’s lifeless body, telling John he lost for good this time before marching off, the Fiend’s screeching leitmotif playing over the speakers before Cena’s body vanishes completely.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:55 FlynnXa Serpent-Root and the War Between Moon and Knot

What’s the deal with the Serpent-Root exactly?? This post will contain Heavy Spoilers for Book of Hours, just as a heads up!
This book required Nectar 10 to be read and provides Lessons in Rites of the Roots as well as the an important Memory- the Numen Loopholes specifically. This Numen though actually provides Moth, Moon, and Knock principles while Rites of the Roots more appropriately provides Nectar and Moth.
It’s worth noting that the Loopholes Numen offers unique endings for The Twice-Born. One who Ascended in the House of the Sun but left for the Wake once more. Now they seek a way to hide, to be sheltered, to survive… they are associated with Illumination, Lantern, and the Skills Auroral Contemplation and Glaziery and Lightsmithing.
In truth- this isn’t of much grand importance, but rather how the Serpent-Root is obtained is. To obtain the Serpent-Root you must find the “Abandoned Church” within the House, make a liquid offering containing 4 of Knock, Moth, Nectar, or Winter. Only then will you be permitted entry to Our Lady Beneath and thus the Altar of the Knot. Dedicated to the Sisterhood of the Knot, we see shrines to The Ring-Yew, the Horned Axe, and the Red Grail.
This sisterhood was formed around the act of the flaying of the Thunderskin, and thus its birth. A covenant or “peace-treaty” between the three Hours of worship for the Sisterhood. The tricky thing is when we look at the Principles of the Altar of the Knot workstation within this room- Moth, Moon, and Heart. The Grail herself contains only Grail, but the Thunderskin which she helped create does hold Heart. The Ring Yew holds Moth and Heart, in addition to Grail, but the Horned Axe holds only Winter and Knock… so how does she connect to this Altar at all? And where does Moon draw from?
Well… Moon may be an influence added later as you can retrieve the Serpent-Root from this Altar by using either Tridesma Hiera or Hill & Hollow. Tridesma Hiera might make sense, seeing as it holds Moon and Grail principles and are the Rites of the Sisterhood of the Knot. It reveals the fourth sometimes-worshiped hour by the Sisterhood, the Thunderskin itself. Hill & Hollow though should be fairly confusing at first.
It’s a skill devoted to Moon and Scale, and talks of Singlefoots which can sing songs to open mountains, of human cries amongst waves lamenting a “City Unseen”, and finally of Lagiah’s deal in which she forsake Antoise and the Gods-from-Stone to pledge to the Hours of the Triple Knot in exchange for her “daughters” safety- secretly swearing to adopt any who prove their fierceness and ask… it’s her pledge to Grail which allows her rites of Hill & Hollow to work on this altar, and uncover this Book.
This book though is alleged to be written in “tiny spidery scratchings, marked with embedded egg-shell shards” on the roots themselves in Cracktrack, and references “Sea-born, tide-drawn, Meniscate-sister, Witch-lover. The House of the Moon will always have its messenger, though its messenger is different each time, in eye and flesh and heart…” It finishes by stating “Feits, feats, posterns, loopholes, set down against the advent of Eternity by powers favouring imperfection and impermanence.”
This is… interesting. We have a book embodying principles of Nectar, specifically Rites of the Roots which is a skill devoted to the ways in which the birth of the Gods-from-Blood spilled blood upon the roots which now remember the rites used for those processes- enough to warn that too much blood during these rites might awaken the Gods-from-Stone which are now “buried in Earth, Scattered in Sea, Lost to the Moon”. It also warns that not doing these rites might make us forget these gods for the same reason, and thus lose them from our memory.
It provides a Numen which is strong enough to write a History in which: 1.) The City Never becomes built upon Paradox from Paper and Ink, 2.) The City Never becomes built within the House of the Moon made from Black Sapphire and with Loopholes serving as Doors, and 3.) Exploits a “Sanguine Exception” in which the Wheel may return from the House of the Moon- for the Meniscate favors the House of the Moon, the Horned-Axe obeys the Sanguine Exception, and the Sister and Witch don’t divide what should be United- thus the Wheel returns to enact a bloody revenge.
But this book is hidden (Moon-influence?) in an altar devoted to the Sisterhood of the Knot- the Ring-Yew, the Grail, and the Horned Axe with sometimes the Thunderskin. All buried beneath the Earth above a sacred wellspring. And it can be pulled from the Earth using rites belonging to the Sisterhood or rites belonging to someone who later devoted themself to the Sisterhood.
With all of this in context we get a broader picture- someone within the Sisterhood of the Knot or with the ability to enter it’s passage has hidden a strong writing of Nectar (Blood) within this sacred space using principles of the Moon. This was either hidden here to prevent its usage, or to preserve its usage from the wrong people. If we look at the passage regarding “Sea-born, tide-drawn, Meniscate-Sister, Witch Lover” then we can trace every single one of these as an alternate name used to refer to Ligeia Morgen.
Morgen, like all members of the Ligeia Club, is Alukite- meaning that she, like Lagiah, has committed the Crime of the Sky. She, as an immortal, has conceived a child and devoured it. As we mentioned with Lagiah though, perhaps this now marks her as a daughter for displaying such “fierceness” and protects her? We’ll discuss this more later.
We also know each memeber of the Ligeia Club holds a Key to a door in the Mansus. Morgen holds the Key of David which opens the White Door when housed in ivory and the Summit Gate when housed in Black Sapphire- and yep, you guessed it, the Summit Gate is the entryway to the House of the Moon. We can connect this to Serpent-Root another line, immediately after the list of her aliases it states “The House of the Moon will always have its messenger, though its messenger is different each time, in eye and flesh and heart.”
This, to me, all-but-confirms a direct reference to Morgen. Some might argue this could imply Morgen is a shape-shifter, or that she is more a role than a person, but we also know that the Key of David has “fled” from her possession many times- and so I personally believe that this cryptic message just means that the “messenger” is just whoever is currently wielding the Key, but that someone must always be wielding the Key (opposite to what we know of Keys to doors within the House of the Sun where technically nobody is supposed to ever be able to possess one).
We mentioned that perhaps she, like the other Alukites or maybe just those in the Ligeia Club, have been “adopted” as “daughters” of Lagiah and thus been granted “protections”. Maybe this is protection from their Crime, or protection from the Laws which dictate they shouldn’t possesses keys? It’s possible that it’s allowed them to stash this book in the Sisterhood’s most sacred spaces.
So I come to two-conclusions in the end though; either 1.) The House of the Moon is in direct opposition to the Sisterhood of the Knot in a battle against Eternity and thus stashed a secret text in their inner-most sanctums. Or 2.) The Sisterhood of the Knot is actually cooperating with the House of the Moon in opposition of Eternity, making the Grail and Ring-Yew Allies against The Glory and gods from those domains.
submitted by FlynnXa to weatherfactory [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:56 CheetahInformal7608 My life.

I’m here to anonymously spill all my problems so all this shit will stop bouncing around in my head. I’m 32m and I nearly offed myself 4 months ago. Extreme depression and anger issues from things that happened a long time ago. However I did not emotionally process these things until over a decade later because I was high on cocaine for 9 years straight. No lie, Christmas morning - cocaine. Thanksgiving - cocaine. Work, yep. I eventually sniffed myself into a terrible sinus infection and my face didn’t work. However, my cocaine addiction was a full fledged DEMON. So I started smoking crack, for years. Spending this much time around drugs unfortunately put me in the position to see some terrible things and lots of the people I used to do drugs with are dead.
My father is a violent ex gang member who is determined to make my mother’s life as miserable as possible due to her cheating on him 12 years ago. My whole family has either died or been corrupted with hate, violence, and revenge. I dated a girl for 7 years who I loved a lot, she did not do drugs at all. I knew that my life will end terribly if I don’t get us out of there and clean myself up. So we moved 2,000 miles away. And my addiction followed me.
She grew to hate me over the years, because obviously my dumbass would come home at 9 am strung out with a stupid look on my face. She eventually cheated on me, and left suddenly with very little explanation. I came home from work and most things were gone. I nearly killed myself then. Wanted to go hurt someone, but I can’t ruin my life over her and at the time my career was blowing up. So I just focused on my income.
4 years later I’ve made almost 600k. Bought a house. Paid off all my credit cards and my car, gave my family 10k, saved up a bunch and got my credit over 800. I’m clean, and sober. However… to do all this… I had to let go of everyone. Everyone. And for the last 6 months I’ve been more lonely and angry than ever. Started to have big panic attacks several times a week. I’ve been feeling all the things I was supposed to feel long ago and it is terrifying. A decade and a half of emotions, my whole adult life basically, flooding my brain at once. I cry all the time and sometimes I don’t even know why. I’ve been arguing with people at work and I’m having trouble maintaining any type of friendship because I’m secretly terrified of everyone. I secretly see everyone as my enemy or at least a potential threat and I don’t really know why.
Money doesn’t buy happiness. I’m clean, sober, strong, employed, healthy, and have an uncountable amount of blessings. But my brain just won’t let me be happy or develope any love for people. It’s scaring me. So I’ve started therapy 5 months ago and I’ve been diagnosed with 5 disorders. BPD, OCD, PTSD, MDD, and GAD. I’ve also beenn seeing a doctor that has me on 20mgs of Lexapro. And still. I’m just so sad, and so angry. My mind finds every way it can to be sad. But I still go to work every day and be as nice as I can to people, try to anyways. I do laugh a lot, and it would appear I have most of myself together. I don’t wanna hurt anyone, or be mean or rude or hateful or judgmental. But I am sometimes because I’m so hurt and I just can’t shake it. I’m starting to not even like myself and it’s breaking my heart.
submitted by CheetahInformal7608 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:11 St3fanz I fired a client yesterday. It was insane.

TLDR: I’m a general contractor. Just about to move into finish phase of a pretty significant remodel of a home. The client had started to become increasingly insane. Crossed so many boundaries, proven to be a liar. Ditched him yesterday. It nearly went violently sideways
I got a text on Thursday from my client (who’d decided he needed yet another two days of no interruptions, while complaining about the the job taking too long) asking why we had installed old beaten up caps (he called them plugs) on his exterior doors.
He sent me a pic, and I explained they were preexisting, and were through-bolt caps for the door handles. Thought nothing more of it.
At 10:30 that night I’m hit with a barrage of texts. The main gist was that I was a liar, had insulted him by telling him he didn’t know what his house was like, demanding an explanation. I is usually don’t need to set boundaries with my clients about not doing insane things, so I responded with the same explanation, and that he was confused. He escalated quickly, sending me pictures of the doors and stream of text outrage about being a liar, being insulting to his intelligence. I took one of his pictures of the door ajar, and drew an arrow showing how the lower part of the exterior handle was connected using a through bolt, the other side of which was the cap.
This was the culmination of a back and forth (mostly him ranting, like in a drunken fury) and at the end, when it was definitively proven, he just said, “Oh. I need a break from this. It’s too much dealing with you,” casting himself as my victim.
I’m somewhat adverse to the misuse and weaponization of pop-psychology terms, but this was yet another example of weird narcissistic behavior from him. There had been other stuff in the past, including him just lying about things.
However, navigating difficult clients is part of my job, so I just said to myself “Get through the project, move on, forget it.”
Fast forward a couple of nights to 2AM. I’m asleep in bed with my wife and my phone is on dnd. He sent a total of nine texts about his thoughts on paint color and hit “deliver anyway” making me think there was some sort of emergency happening. AT 2AM!
It was at this point the penny dropped. This was revenge for the six or seven mistakes he’d made during the project. A clap back at me for his embarrassment.
My work carries a one year warranty in my contract. The finish work (what we excel at) would be the easiest element to make a year of frivolous claims about. Having learned that I can’t trust him, I knew it was time to exercise my right to terminate the contract.
I contacted him the next day requesting he advise when had paid his (late) invoice and asking to meet. He said he’d process payment at 9AM and we could meet shortly after. I (for obvious reasons) didn’t want to walk without this invoice being paid. I should note that the invoice reflected wages I’d already paid, materials I’d already bought, and payments to subs. Of the $8k, perhaps >$1k was my earnings for the week, but I didn’t want to be exposed to the tune of eight grand.
The day started and I waited. By noon, nothing. At 1, I sent him a friendly message asking what his day was looking like, as we had plans to meet and have a discussion, along with requesting he notify BMW when he’d cleared his invoice. At 3 (so my whole working day, and that of my colleagues was wasted again) he notified me that he’d made the payment and could meet. I checked my account, saw a payment, and headed over.
My plan was to first remove all tools and materials from the site, then terminate. The first part of this went fine. Vehicle loaded. I went back inside to talk. He was at his dining room table with a bunch of swatches and papers in front of him and awkwardly, his elderly mother was sat on a recliner in the same room.
I wanted to be as gentle as possible about boundaries. I was willing to complete the project with a hold-harmless agreement from him too. I was not in a combative mood. I opened with saying that we needed to discuss boundaries around contacting me, but before I was able to finish my first sentence, he interrupted and snarled “I’m the client. You work for me. I’ll contact you whenever I feel I need to.”
My immediate instinct was to just smash his head into the table, something that may have happened had his mother not been there. Immediate blackout rage. When I came to, I was stood up, silent, and he was still talking.
I took a few breaths, reminded myself how losing my temper has never had a good outcome and told him we should take a walk outside. I just needed a moment to calm down and a change of scenery. The house is on the seafront. I didn’t wait for him to agree, I just started going and he followed.
The walk let me breathe, gather myself, calm down. Outside we sat down on a bench and I told him I was going to speak, and he was going to listen. Then he could speak and I would listen. He started to argue this point and a bubble of anger had me tell him firmly to shut the fuck up. I think it was at this point, our physical differences came into play. I’m a large strong person. He isn’t. It was obvious I was close to losing my temper. He did the math, was quiet.
I asked him if he had any other professional relationship in which he’d feel comfortable calling the other party a liar, or drunkenly contacting them at ridiculous hours. He wouldn’t answer so I just pushed until he said no. I explained to him that this is because he is a closet classist, and sees my work as beneath the work of other professionals. He actually agreed that he did! With my mind blown a little, I went on to explain that lying and harassing someone, then casting yourself as the victim (at the end of all his bullshit exchanges where he was proven wrong or his lies were called out, he’d say I was exhausting to deal with, and he needed a break. Never an apology, or even an acknowledgment that he’d acted highly inappropriately. Which is fine, I don’t need that. But casting yourself as the victim after victimizing someone? No!)
I told him he showed worrying narcissistic behaviors, had been proven untrustworthy and was highly disrespectful and I was terminating our agreement.
He started to go mad, which I found really relaxing and somewhat cathartic. It really took the edge off. His first reaction was to threaten to sue me. I advised him to read the “right to terminate” clause in his contract. With a smile, naturally. He then told me I had to complete the project, just because he needed it done. I smiled and just said no thanks.
His rage turned into a weird tantrum then. He went back and forth between pleading and threatening (legal action, attacks on review sites about my business, blah) - he then switched and asked if he could talk and I just listen. I said nope, we were done, I advised him to use his energy to find a new contractor rather than pick a fight with me, and I warned him that I would come after him full force if he attacked my credibility.
I left for my vehicle to the sounds of him yelling threats and insults and it took every bit of self-control not to turn around and throw his ass over the bluff.
Tuens out he underpaid his invoice by a grand and change, meaning that I basically pay ~$2.5k to have him out of my life forever and move on with one of the many clients I have who love and respect what we do. A fucking bargain.
I’m very friendly with the high end lumber yard here. We chose a bunch of the live edge woods together and it’s his name and address as the recipient, albeit paid for on my account. However, he did sign intent to receive delivery, so I’m going to have them refund me and bill him. I have a great reputation with them and they have enough on paper to make this switch. They also don’t fuck about and will put a lien on his home if he doesn’t pay. So all going to plan, I should come out of it a wash. He was an asshole (super embarrassing for me) while we were there and the guy I deal with, we have a 10 year relationship. So I know he’s going to get it.
I guess that’s it. Whatever you do for a living, don’t put up with crazy, don’t accept classism.
submitted by St3fanz to Carpentry [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:02 St3fanz I fired a client yesterday. It was insane.

TLDR: I’m a general contractor. Just about to move into finish phase of a pretty significant remodel of a home. The client had started to become increasingly insane. Crossed so many boundaries, proven to be a liar. Ditched him yesterday. It nearly went violently sideways
I got a text on Thursday from my client (who’d decided he needed yet another two days of no interruptions, while complaining about the the job taking too long) asking why we had installed old beaten up caps (he called them plugs) on his exterior doors.
He sent me a pic, and I explained they were preexisting, and were through-bolt caps for the door handles. Thought nothing more of it.
At 10:30 that night I’m hit with a barrage of texts. The main gist was that I was a liar, had insulted him by telling him he didn’t know what his house was like, demanding an explanation. I is usually don’t need to set boundaries with my clients about not doing insane things, so I responded with the same explanation, and that he was confused. He escalated quickly, sending me pictures of the doors and stream of text outrage about being a liar, being insulting to his intelligence. I took one of his pictures of the door ajar, and drew an arrow showing how the lower part of the exterior handle was connected using a through bolt, the other side of which was the cap.
This was the culmination of a back and forth (mostly him ranting, like in a drunken fury) and at the end, when it was definitively proven, he just said, “Oh. I need a break from this. It’s too much dealing with you,” casting himself as my victim.
I’m somewhat adverse to the misuse and weaponization of pop-psychology terms, but this was yet another example of weird narcissistic behavior from him. There had been other stuff in the past, including him just lying about things.
However, navigating difficult clients is part of my job, so I just said to myself “Get through the project, move on, forget it.”
Fast forward a couple of nights to 2AM. I’m asleep in bed with my wife and my phone is on dnd. He sent a total of nine texts about his thoughts on paint color and hit “deliver anyway” making me think there was some sort of emergency happening. AT 2AM!
It was at this point the penny dropped. This was revenge for the six or seven mistakes he’d made during the project. A clap back at me for his embarrassment.
My work carries a one year warranty in my contract. The finish work (what we excel at) would be the easiest element to make a year of frivolous claims about. Having learned that I can’t trust him, I knew it was time to exercise my right to terminate the contract.
I contacted him the next day requesting he advise when had paid his (late) invoice and asking to meet. He said he’d process payment at 9AM and we could meet shortly after. I (for obvious reasons) didn’t want to walk without this invoice being paid. I should note that the invoice reflected wages I’d already paid, materials I’d already bought, and payments to subs. Of the $8k, perhaps >$1k was my earnings for the week, but I didn’t want to be exposed to the tune of eight grand.
The day started and I waited. By noon, nothing. At 1, I sent him a friendly message asking what his day was looking like, as we had plans to meet and have a discussion, along with requesting he notify BMW when he’d cleared his invoice. At 3 (so my whole working day, and that of my colleagues was wasted again) he notified me that he’d made the payment and could meet. I checked my account, saw a payment, and headed over.
My plan was to first remove all tools and materials from the site, then terminate. The first part of this went fine. Vehicle loaded. I went back inside to talk. He was at his dining room table with a bunch of swatches and papers in front of him and awkwardly, his elderly mother was sat on a recliner in the same room.
I wanted to be as gentle as possible about boundaries. I was willing to complete the project with a hold-harmless agreement from him too. I was not in a combative mood. I opened with saying that we needed to discuss boundaries around contacting me, but before I was able to finish my first sentence, he interrupted and snarled “I’m the client. You work for me. I’ll contact you whenever I feel I need to.”
My immediate instinct was to just smash his head into the table, something that may have happened had his mother not been there. Immediate blackout rage. When I came to, I was stood up, silent, and he was still talking.
I took a few breaths, reminded myself how losing my temper has never had a good outcome and told him we should take a walk outside. I just needed a moment to calm down and a change of scenery. The house is on the seafront. I didn’t wait for him to agree, I just started going and he followed.
The walk let me breathe, gather myself, calm down. Outside we sat down on a bench and I told him I was going to speak, and he was going to listen. Then he could speak and I would listen. He started to argue this point and a bubble of anger had me tell him firmly to shut the fuck up. I think it was at this point, our physical differences came into play. I’m a large strong person. He isn’t. It was obvious I was close to losing my temper. He did the math, was quiet.
I asked him if he had any other professional relationship in which he’d feel comfortable calling the other party a liar, or drunkenly contacting them at ridiculous hours. He wouldn’t answer so I just pushed until he said no. I explained to him that this is because he is a closet classist, and sees my work as beneath the work of other professionals. He actually agreed that he did! With my mind blown a little, I went on to explain that lying and harassing someone, then casting yourself as the victim (at the end of all his bullshit exchanges where he was proven wrong or his lies were called out, he’d say I was exhausting to deal with, and he needed a break. Never an apology, or even an acknowledgment that he’d acted highly inappropriately. Which is fine, I don’t need that. But casting yourself as the victim after victimizing someone? No!)
I told him he showed worrying narcissistic behaviors, had been proven untrustworthy and was highly disrespectful and I was terminating our agreement.
He started to go mad, which I found really relaxing and somewhat cathartic. It really took the edge off. His first reaction was to threaten to sue me. I advised him to read the “right to terminate” clause in his contract. With a smile, naturally. He then told me I had to complete the project, just because he needed it done. I smiled and just said no thanks.
His rage turned into a weird tantrum then. He went back and forth between pleading and threatening (legal action, attacks on review sites about my business, blah) - he then switched and asked if he could talk and I just listen. I said nope, we were done, I advised him to use his energy to find a new contractor rather than pick a fight with me, and I warned him that I would come after him full force if he attacked my credibility.
I left for my vehicle to the sounds of him yelling threats and insults and it took every bit of self-control not to turn around and throw his ass over the bluff.
Tuens out he underpaid his invoice by a grand and change, meaning that I basically pay ~$2.5k to have him out of my life forever and move on with one of the many clients I have who love and respect what we do. A fucking bargain.
I’m very friendly with the high end lumber yard here. We chose a bunch of the live edge woods together and it’s his name and address as the recipient, albeit paid for on my account. However, he did sign intent to receive delivery, so I’m going to have them refund me and bill him. I have a great reputation with them and they have enough on paper to make this switch. They also don’t fuck about and will put a lien on his home if he doesn’t pay. So all going to plan, I should come out of it a wash. He was an asshole (super embarrassing for me) while we were there and the guy I deal with, we have a 10 year relationship. So I know he’s going to get it.
I guess that’s it. Whatever you do for a living, don’t put up with crazy, don’t accept classism!
submitted by St3fanz to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:39 Traditional-Term4897 Best revenge against a cheater?

Just got confirmation of my suspicions that my partner of almost 5 years has been cheating. They don’t know I know. Coincidentally in the process of moving out of our shared apartment to start a new job 2 hours away. Im waiting to get all my stuff to execute my revenge. No recommendations that will land me in jail, please.
submitted by Traditional-Term4897 to CheatersConfronted [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:15 yousif656 Nier Automata is not for me.

Nier: Automata Semi-review? Or an impression? (Idk what to call this)
Nier: Automata: This isn't a full review because I only played it for about 5 hours. This isn't my first time playing Nier: Automata. I played it before to the real end, and I had a lot of complaints about the gameplay. I didn't understand the hype about the story. Replaying it on hard, I thought maybe I was too harsh before or too blunt, and that I might like it if I focused more on the story and played it on hard. Obviously, that’s not the case. I decided to leave the game at the 5-hour mark, and my opinions didn't change. In fact, I'm more confident about them.
Nier: Automata’s gameplay is sadly and surprisingly (because it's a PlatinumGames title) a very generic hack-and-slash experience. The combat is more basic than their older titles like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. At least MGR had Zandatsu and unique weapons. Here, different weapons have different attack animations, but they don't feel very different or unique. While the game has bullet hell shooting, it surprisingly doesn't add much depth to the combat. Instead, it feels like a way to cheese some fights. The special abilities I unlocked and could buy were okayish.
It also has RPG elements that are weakly implemented. I didn't think much about my level while playing, and you can easily buy 99 medium heals and 99 large heals. I like the skills system; it's unique and offers a good way to make your own build. However, you don't unlock new attacks.
Earlier, I reviewed(in my notes, not here in this sub, lol) Odin Sphere, which, despite having bad enemy design, had really good combat that represented what RPG hack-and-slash could be: a good amount of basic moves with different and unique abilities and RPG elements that offered crafting items very useful in fights. And again, Nier: Automata was made by PlatinumGames. Even Astral Chain, which has the problem of being very easy, has a lot of cool mechanics through the Legion system and better RPG elements.
The enemies in Nier: Automata are punching bags. Playing on hard doesn't change this fact. However, I will say confidently that the hard difficulty is not hard at all. More appropriately, it's an ill-balanced difficulty. While normal enemies are very easy to fight and defeat, their moves are basically the same, and their damage is very high. If you make a mistake, half or 3/4 of your health will be depleted. While this made me more cautious as a player, it was annoying. It meant that if I made any mistake fighting normal enemies on the go, I might die and return to a saving point that might be far away. Keep in mind, this is not a linear game where saving points feel close to where you might die; it's an open-world game. So yeah, it's not difficult, just an annoyance.
I mentioned at the beginning that it's ill-balanced, and that's true because of the bosses. The bosses, for some reason, have one-hit-death attacks. I hate one-hit-death attacks. The circus boss was very easy until, for some reason, the ground rings now kill you in one hit, so you should avoid them like the plague. Funny enough, I killed the boss by ganking him before he could start emitting the rings. I reached the Adam and Eve boss, and on the second try, I sighed so hard after I died from one hit that I didn't understand how it happened. So, I decided that it wasn't worth my time to play on hard and returned to normal, which is very easy. Discussions on the internet about hard difficulty say it's very doable, and sure, normal enemies are very doable, but the bosses are bullshit.
Is it hard to want a difficulty where I feel challenged yet still have a chance to process the boss's movements without dying instantly? Is that too much to ask? The impression that hard difficulty gave me was very bad. I felt they wanted to make the game hard but didn't know how, so they just pumped up the damage numbers. MGR had very fun bosses on hard difficulty and still didn't one-shot you. The enemies felt like a challenge, especially the gorillas, but you always had the chance to recover your health. It was a fun system.
I realized that I don't like Nier: Automata’s combat for the second time and decided to stop. The story’s beginning, while interesting, didn't hold my attention enough. Sure, it may get better as it progresses, and while I already played it before, I think retrying is not worth it. However good the story turns out to be, this game has a lot of gameplay bits that will definitely turn me off from the story. So, better not to continue, or as the game said, "This should not continue."
EDIT:To clear up any confusion that some people felt in the comments, what I meant in the first paragraph is that this was intended to be a second playthrough. This means I had already played the game through to the real end, not any other pseudo-ending, before. My reasoning behind this was that when I first finished the game, I really didn't understand what the fuss was about. Seeing everyone and their grandmas liking it made me feel even more weird about my opinion. So I thought maybe I had been too harsh or close-minded, and that a second playthrough (3 years after playing it originally) might change my opinion about the game. However, as stated above, the second playthrough did not change my opinion
submitted by yousif656 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:01 Ok_Wish4469 My brother threw a cat pissed soaked shirt into my bed.

There's a hallway and my brother's room is at the end of it on the left. My room is located right next to him on the left too. There's a hamper that we both use to put our dirt clothes in.
Petty Revenge Part
One of three cats that we have is very particular when it comes to litter boxes. If it's not clean enough, then she'll do her business on whatever fabric she can find. This time, she pissed on one of the shirts next to my brother's room. Which I didn't noticed, since I've got a weak sense of smell. But my brother did notice. He eventually got sick of going in and out of his room smelling that shirt. So his solution is to pick up that shirt (Assuming with his bare hands) and throw it up into my bed. Where it stayed for hours, soaking into everything. It landed on my pillow and my recently cleaned bedsheets. I didn't discover the shirt until I went to bed last night when I saw it. I was pretty confused what it was doing there. Only when I got close enough when I was able actually to smell it. Since this happened at the head of my bed, I tossed out all the affected stuff and slept awkwardly at the foot of the bed. At that point, I didn't know for sure how the shirt got there, so this morning I asked my dad "Did you toss a red shirt into my bed?". He said no. I then asked the same question to my brother who was half naked making coffee in the next room. He promptly answered with Yes. Saying he was sick of smelling it. I'm currently and pissed. So with permission from my dad, I was able to make an invoice for my brother to pay. Will have to wait until he gets home from school to see what happens next.
Asshole Fee: $30
Cleaning Fee: $5
Laziness Fee: $1
Sleep Loss Fee: $3
Emotional Harm fee: $2
Tiredness Compensation fee: $1
Unauthorized bed changes fee: $2
Not Nice Fee: $1
Still Tired Fee: 1
Uncomfortable sleeping position fee: $4
Lack of Communication fee: $2
Another Dollar Won’t Hurt fee: $1
Processing fee: $1
Not Going Super Petty Revenge Insurance Fee (i.e. dumping the litter box in your bed): $3
submitted by Ok_Wish4469 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:30 Tompezzo I need serious help… I love my gf to death but she abuses me to death in return. I can’t bring myself to leave, but God, I know I have to go. Below is what I posted a couple weeks ago. I’ve gone back to her since, allowing her to continue to treat me like a dog. At this point I’m doing it to myself.

I’m writing this post for myself, to help me understand the trauma that I’ve gone through, I’m writing this for the friends I’ve lost over the years, and I’m writing this to help me begin to regain control of my life.
In 2016, I began a 7 year long relationship with an abusive partner. Throughout the years, I had attempted to leave on multiple occasions. Each and every single friend of mine, whether I made these friendships beforehand or after this relationship began, had continuously told me that I needed to leave. Each of my friends, on the very off chance I would be allowed to see them, could not only see my mental health deteriorating, but my entire personality fading, as I was controlled, manipulated, mentally and physically abused.
While my partner abused and isolated me this way, my partner was also the one who catered to my every need. After a few years of this controlling and isolation had passed, I was left almost completely reliant on this person. I gradually lost most, if not almost all of my friends, as I was denied seeing them. I was denied spending time engaging in my hobbies, leading me to miss out on many things and many opportunities that I looked forward to. I was however, allowed to see my family, though was still unable to act like myself while I played with my siblings, without worrying about being abused once back home due to “acting like an idiot”.
On the occasions that I did attempt to leave, not only did my partner do everything in an attempt to stop me from leaving, such as blocking the door with a knife in her hand, or if I did manage to leave, do everything to coerce me back to her, but my family would also make me rethink my decision too. My family were always happy to see both my partner and I, but they had, and still have little idea of what was occurring back at home. I cannot even begin to start writing about the things I endured.
Eventually, it seemed like it was no use. More years passed and it became harder and harder to leave. My entire family had become accustomed to my partner and I, seeing us at every family event and occasion, so I simply accepted the abuse. At the very end of 2018, we were now living in a house close to my parents’, fully paid off and purchased under my partners’ name, which my partner, my family and I all watched build and helped create.
I lived in that house with my partner for 4.5 years. Covid occurred shortly after the house was built. It was during covid where the abuse subsided a fair amount. I was able to enjoy my hobbies for the time, and despite the occasional argument and hair pulling, things really were quite tame in comparison for the most part.
My partner made me enrol into a uni course I really had no interest in, and I failed miserably at it, failing each subject in the first semester. I enrolled into another course during 2021, which I completed and this has helped me to acquire my current position.
The entire time we were together, nothing was ever “ours”. It was either mine or my partners’, despite being and living together for so long, and despite being legally registered as a De Facto relationship. This became very apparent to me in 2022, where she consistently made big life changing decisions without even informing me first. This included but doesn’t even scratch the surface of everything; wanting to move overseas, or inter-state, purchasing multiple pets, and what really led me to leave my partner, turning our living room into a dog-breeding centre upwards of 10+ dogs, excluding all their puppies. The smell was abhorrent. I could not invite friends over, I could not invite family over. The smell would linger through each room, onto all our clothes and everything else.
I already established that trying to leave normally was not possible, so I had to find a way for her to kick ME out. I’m ashamed of the way I did this, but in May 2023 I made it happen. I dated another girl a couple of times before telling my partner.
I was asked to pack up my things and leave right there. I felt instant relief. A huge mental strain that was part of my life for years was finally gone. Every time my friends cheered for me when “I had broken up” with my partner, only for me to go right back each time and let them all down, finally I could say i did it.
At least, so I thought.
Things were great with my new girlfriend and I, we really hit it off. My now ex partner, however, hadn’t given up. This person made my life more miserable than I could have thought possible, all in an attempt to get me to come back.
My ex partner, for the better part of over half a year, was not only constantly messaging me through each day and night, sometimes I’d wake up to multiple thousand unread messages, my ex was also showing up to my work each day, on both my lunch breaks and at the end of the day, attempting to get me back. Arguments would ensue between us, luckily not exactly in front of my workplace, but the next street over where I parked my car. Every time I said “No”, I’d either be struck or slapped and screamed at.
One day I’ll forever remember, was when my ex tracked my location. (Which I then later found out she knew where I was every second of each day.) One day, while I was staying at my girlfriends’ place, I receive a message from my ex. It’s a picture of her standing out the front. Without writing everything that happened afterwards, I somehow managed to control chaos from ensuing without notifying my girlfriend of this at the time. I found out my ex was tracking my iPhone and made sure to turn that off.
What I’ve written here doesn’t even scratch the surface of everything my ex did. It got to the point where not only my parents, but my work colleagues would be asking me to get an IVO or press charges against my ex, telling me to record every time something happened as evidence.
Of course, with all of this happening almost every day, things between me and my new girlfriend were not great. My ex partner couldn’t stop themselves from continuing to negatively impact my life, and now also impacting my new girlfriend too. My mental state at this stage, the 7 years of abuse, the loss of my friends, the disengagement from my hobbies, the stress from my job, everything my ex was doing, and now my new girlfriend wanting us to break up due to it all, I was completely and utterly broken.
In this state, my ex managed to coerce me back to her many times. Every time she showed up to my work, every time she’d show up at my house, every time she’d find me and follow me home, all while I’m trying to balance the time constraints of my job and even more time spent attempting to console my girlfriend and beg her to not leave me, it continued to break me more and more.
Eventually, many months later, things finally settled down with my ex. I could finally apologise to my girlfriend for everything that happened and for her being caught in the crossfire. I never wanted any of it to happen.
I thought we’d finally be able to start being happy together. But yet again, I was very wrong.
After all the begging, the consoling, how hard I tried to make sure I could be with this girl, my life only became much, much worse after my ex was out of the picture.
Of course, after everything that occurred, there was no trust from her. I understood she’d need to build that up from the ground again, at this point we would have been together for half a year.
In order for her to trust me, I was asked to live with her, for her to be able to check my phone every day to make sure nothing was happening, for her to log into my social media accounts and emails for the same reason too, and just like my ex, controlled me and isolated me away from my hobbies and seeing my friends.
So, now I was living much further away from my family, my friends and my work. Taking up to or over an hour if traffic was bad. I was giving in to every demand my girlfriend asked, and if I ever disagreed on something, or said no to something, I was yet again, mentally and physically abused.
But this time, much worse than my ex ever did.
I have had the police called on me, multiple times, including being accused of rape, where I was placed in handcuffs for hours overnight, for a reason I did not know until they finally let me go in the early hours of the morning before a work day. (The accusation was ruled as false after she told them it was a lie. Thank God. But that’s the thing, what if she went through with the lie? My life would be completely ruined).
And, you guessed it, my ex took this as another opportunity to coerce me back. But now my parents were once again on her side too, after that incident. I stayed for a few days, but I couldn’t go back to someone who hurt me for so long, someone who didn’t include me in her life decisions, but everything was just like before; my ex coercing me to stay, my parents making me rethink my decisions, and I couldn’t deal with that again, though something else was playing on my mind at the time, too.
Before this rape accusation, she fell pregnant. With my line of work, I’ve seen what happens to families, especially the children, when people aren’t ready for a kid. I gave her my thoughts, but ultimately it was her decision. If I was to be a dad, then I would be the best dad as I could be.
So, after the false rape accusation, after even the police told me to leave, I still went back to her, because of this, as well as it being the only way I knew I could distance myself from my ex.
My girlfriend promised to never call the police on me ever again. And we decided that since she wanted this baby, we really needed to get to know each other better. But it was here when the unthinkable amount of physical abuse began, and yet again, another extreme mental decline.
Almost daily physical abuse. I was accustomed to this from my ex already, but not to this extent. Torso and arms, black and blue, occasional bite marks, I have never seen my skin turn such a dark colour before in my life, some bruising lasting literal months before they disappeared. I was the one being abused, and I was the one being blamed as the reason, and I was the one doing my everything I could to keep the relationship together. I was literally a personal assistant who’d be punished for disobeying. I was doing everything she wanted or I would be abused. Doing everything she wanted or she’d threaten to break up with me. I tried so hard already, I endured so much already, I sacrificed so much already, a 7 year long relationship that lost all my friends in the process, and now the loss of all the friends I made on my ex partners’ side, so I continued to stay.
Constant checking of my phone and other devices, constant controlling of how I use my free time, constant denial of letting me engage in my hobbies, constant isolation from now not only my now minimal amount of friends, but now my family more than ever, and how far we lived now made it worse. In the past year, I’ve seen one friend. Once. And she wouldn’t let me go unless she came with me. I’ve seen my family a fair more times, she coming with me most of those, but it was a struggle each time. Even big family events like Christmas were a struggle to attend.
Moving back a little bit, to after the rape accusation, my girlfriend and I were doing our best, the abuse had not yet gotten to the point as described above, until the last trick up my ex’s sleeve.
While my girlfriend was pregnant, my ex messages me with a positive pregnancy test too. She was on the pill the entire time we knew each other and we never had a problem. She coerced me back after the police incident and must have stopped taking her pill beforehand, without letting me know.
So, now I have both my ex and current partner pregnant, both abusing me, both destroying my mental state, both wanting to keep these children as, quote, “an act of revenge”, while I’m also trying to complete my time consuming work duties, a lot of which needed to be completed at home.
BY WHAT COULD ONLY BE DIVINE INTERVENTION, both of them had miscarriages. I should have left both of them right there. Started fresh. Started living my life, but no. I stayed with my current partner, hoping she’d change with my ex partner now completely out of the picture.
For the most part, she did. She started treating me like a lover, over half year into the relationship. The abuse still continued, though. The hardest part about abusive relationships? You can tell your partner loves you, so you do everything you can for them, so you let them treat you these ways, you think it will eventually stop, right? Wrong. It only gets worse. You do more and more for your partner each day, and they treat you worse and worse. But you continue to do it, but you know you can’t be treated this way anymore, but you continue to stay because of how much you’ve endured already.
It only gets harder to leave with each day that passes. You endure more and more, and give more and more, and eventually, you realise it’s too much.
I had to skip many, many days of work. With my line of work, I couldn’t come in with bruises everywhere, no way. With no-one else to turn to, I had been telling my work colleagues everything that’s been occurring in my life the entire time. Work, although stressful, was the one thing I looked forward to. I would start worrying how I’d be treated each night when work was finishing. I dreaded going home.
I stepped down from my leading role at the end of the year to a much less stressful position. I finally gained some well needed mental relief in doing so, despite all the ever-escalating abuse occurring.
Eventually, the abuse was too much for even my boss. I was not only a former shell of myself from my ex, but now a former shell of my former shell. My boss could see this insane decline in mental health, my boss saw my bruises. My boss literally took me out of work and walked me to the police station, staying there until I was finished.
Ultimately I told them I did not want to press charges, nor apply for an IVO as the officer was requesting I do, so the officer simply gave me his card, and wrote, “Leave.”.
Did I? No.
From then on, the abuse has honestly died down a bit. That’s not to say it’s become a healthy relationship at all. Still constant checking of my devices and social media, still denying me from my hobbies, still applying time constraints on everything. She could be nice! She could be! We had good days! But only if I was breaking my back making sure to either do or don’t do every single little thing that might make her even slightly upset.
I wasn’t going to let history repeat itself again. It felt as if I was starting back from square one, except much worse. A year later, I finally found it within myself to leave.
To all the friends I’ve neglected over the years, I’m sorry. Sorry for everything I’ve missed, sorry for not being part of your life and sorry for missing out on such big life events. I would like to see you all again.
I want to engage in my hobbies again. I want to see my family more often. I want to be able to do something any human being would be allowed to do, without needing to worry about how much screaming I’ll have to listen to, or how much of my hair will be pulled out, or how blue my arms would be afterward, as I’ve endured for 8 years.
I’ve learnt from my mistakes, I will finally begin putting myself first. I can finally live my life the way I should have been able to all this time. I can finally work on myself instead of catering to someone else’s needs 24 hours a day, being denied doing the things I want, being abused like this, while doing my best to balance and not let these things interfere with all my other obligations.
It will certainly take me time to heal, but I’ll get there. There’s a better life for me out there. 💪
^ thats what I posted a couple weeks ago. Since posting, many old friends contacted me, I met up with them all during that week away from her, yet I went back.
It’s an endless cycle of her crying and begging me to come back, only for her to scream and hit me to leave her.
Despite being able to do anything I want, I feel so empty being away from her, and I know she loves me, but she just can’t stop hurting me.
I’m just hurting myself, my friends, my family, by going back. I’m spending all my time keeping this relationship together, trying harder each day, while I be treated worse and worse in return.
Extremely huge thanks to anyone who spend the time to read this. Extremely huge thanks to anyone who commented regardless of reading it or not.
submitted by Tompezzo to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:42 Scott_Savino The Lodge of the Ancient Order of Közeron

To: [redacted]
From: [redacted]
Subject: Membership with the Lodge of the Ancient Order of Közeron
Hello again Eric!
I am reaching out to you regarding your intent to pledge to the Lodge of the Ancient Order of Közeron. As you are already aware, this fraternal brotherhood is unlike the fraternities at other universities. In fact, it has nothing to do with so called "Greek Life" at all. Membership with our Lodge will not only help you as you attend Eldertide Polytechnic University here in Echo Bay, but you will find that the brotherhood of the Lodge will help you in life after your matriculation has concluded. Many Lodge members find successful careers in law enforcement, politics and several are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.
Before we invite you to participate in the Pledging Ceremony, we do want to ensure that you know and understand a few things about the Lodge:
  1. Everything you learn about the Lodge as a pledgling or full member is strictly confidential. You will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to proceed further. Failure to uphold your end of this agreement has dire consequences which will be discussed further with you should you desire to continue pledging.
  2. Mastery of a Martial Art is compulsory. The Lodge will not dictate which form (or forms) of Martial Arts to pursue and there is no time constraint or expectation for you to reach a level of mastery quickly. As far as the Lodge is concerned, you may pursue mastery for the rest of your life, but your attempts must be earnest. This will be verified yearly for the rest of your life. Again, failure to uphold your end of this will be met with dire consequences. Please consider this before continuing.
  3. The Scarification Rite is mandatory. It hurts. A lot. You will bare the mark of the brand below your left ankle for the rest of your life. You will have trouble walking as the scar left by the brand heals. This rite is another of our many secrets and my brother and I recommend wearing a bandage and using crutches as the scar heals. Claiming to have a sprained ankle is the easiest way to explain away your trouble walking for several weeks and you are welcome to come waterskiing with us on the day of the ceremony should you choose to use this excuse. Spraining your ankle doing an activity will give your story the appropriate alibi. You don't have to come with us, but we like you so we wanted to invite you.
  4. We use a coded language when speaking about the Lodge in public. Don't worry this is fairly simple to master and you will learn it quickly.
  5. Membership is for life. Yes LIFE. You cannot leave. EVER. Please consider this carefully before continuing forward. Attempting to leave, again, will be met with dire consequences.
There are a number of other considerations you will need to consider as you pledge, but we find these to be the most important. In addition, please review the attached file and memorize the contents to the best of your ability. It is an account of Közeron's Rise and early history.
This document was generously scanned page-by-page by Eldertide Polytechnic University's head librarian Darlene Fischer from a 1934 University textbook which is kept in her private and restricted collection. This textbook of which only one copy remains, contains an entire chapter of what is considered by experts to be the most accurate, definitive account of Közeron's history. It is a great privilege to have this information shared with you so please recognize that and act accordingly.
Commit as much as you can of it to memory as the Grand Navigator will frequently quiz you about its contents prior to accepting your application for Lodge membership.
Finally, If you have any questions, please reach out to me or my brother, Dean. As your Sponsors, we will be happy to answer any and all questions.
If you fail it reflects poorly on us, so do not embarrass us, Eric!
Devin James
📎 Attachment: rise-of-kozeron.pdf

Attachment Contents:


The Rise of Közeron

The Viking ship known as Klóra Karfi disappeared on its journey homeward to the shores of Norway as it traversed the freezing waters of the North Sea with its sister ships, the Skelmir Hlíf and Hjarta Hvassi. It would be the final voyage of all three ships led by the famous Viking raider Kortan Sigurd and myriad pieces of the Skelmir Hlíf and Hjarta Hvassi were said to have washed ashore near Lindisfarne, England, the town that they set out from, after a great storm ravished and destroyed them. The winds and waves that night were responsible for drowning their respective crews and reducing both ships to kindling. Although historical documents from the corresponding time period and region of Britain assume the same fate befell the Klóra Karfi, something very different happened to Kortan Sigurd and the men on that ship.
The raid was said to have been swift and brutal. The Viking warriors led by Sigurd, in documents written by Brother Godric Eadwine (an Anglo-Saxon monk at the Lindisfarne Priory), are described as “a band of savage heathen men whom hath once more come ashore, bringing ruin to the holy churches and townships that lie within the countryside's embrace. Three ships did arrive at break of day, one bearing the shape of a giant seashell carved upon its prow, another adorned with a heart, and the final with the visage of a dragon, adorned with fierce clawed talons striking fear. The men aboard these vessels slew all who stood against them, robbing their victims of money, treasures, and even their food. Ere they set their homes ablaze, reducing them to naught but ashes.” Brother Godric Eadwine also describes the storm that night, mentioning it the following day in his private diaries: “The tempest that did wreak havoc upon the coast yestereve was terrible and treacherous, verily the work of some evil force. The north tower of our holy monastery was smitten by lightning, causing a great fire in its wrathful strike and taking Abbot Edwulf Oswine from us. Between the dire events of the day and the calamities of the night that followed, the happenstances on the 19th day of June in the 824th year of our Lord shall forever be graven upon my memory.”
The histories inscribed by this monk and others of the Lindisfarne Priory claim that, upon finding pieces of wrecked longships mere days after the raids, the Klóra Karfi was destroyed along with its sister ships the Skelmir Hlíf and the Hjarta Hvassi in the storm that ensued after the violent plunder that befell the English coastline. There are, however, conflicting historical documents recorded by the Seãkwa people, a Native American tribe settled on the coast of New England in North America during the same time period. This unverified history is quite possibly the true fate of Kortan Sigurd and the Klóra Karfi, for in early 1932, during a ground excavation for a local business, a ship of Viking origin with a dragon’s head prow matching Brother Godric Eadwine’s description was unearthed from where it was buried near Veil Reef Beach at the southern boundary of Echo Bay. Experts confirm that the type of wood used as well as the building style of the vessel matches the construction of others built in the time period and location where the Klóra Karfi originated, lending further credence to the idea that the ship was not destroyed but was instead separated from its sisters during the violent storm, inexplicably finding its way completely undamaged and wholly intact to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
According to Seãkwa historians, the tale that follows originated from stories told by the physical manifestation of an oceanic deity named Közeron, who shared his history with the tribe when he encountered them sometime in the 7th century. It has been shared in tribal memory for over 1,200 years via word of mouth, art, canoe carvings and architectural adornments from different time periods in their tribal history and remains a major part of the Seãkwa’s tribal identity to this day.
After successfully raiding Lindisfarne and the surrounding countryside, Kortan Sigurd and his men returned to their ships, securing their plunder and setting sail for home. The trio of longships were particularly quick and were thought to have possibly moved at an average speed of 8-12 knots, taking them approximately three days to five days of rowing with breaks and weather factored in, to make the approximate 800 kilometer return trip to their village on the coast of Norway. Typically, Viking longships of this time period sailed within view of the coastline and did not sail directly across open seas causing a journey that would otherwise take approximately two days to take nearly twice as long.
Sigurd was standing at the helm of the Klóra Karfi, adorned with its intricately carved prow, when the sky suddenly darkened and the wind began to howl like a vengeful spirit. A fierce and unexpected storm descended upon the three ships out of nowhere just hours after they set sail. The seas roared and monstrous waves reached their great hands towards the sky, threatening to capsize the raiding party’s ships with every gust. The men of the Klóra Karfi watched in horror as a maelstrom opened beneath the Hjarta Hvassi and Skelmir Hlíf, spinning them around and around one another in endless circles as their crews attempted to furiously row their vessels to safety. The men watched as the efforts of those in the other longships were unsuccessful and the whirlpool snapped the oars that competed against its currents one by one, eventually swallowing both ships whole and beginning to pull at the lone Viking longship that remained.
As the Klóra Karfi spun in the very same current that its sisters perished within, a great wave submerged the deck, taking three of the crew overboard and into the watery depths. The remaining men clung to the ship, white-knuckled and fearful, as the maelstrom’s grip tightened and their fate seemed set in stone.
When the intense storm finally abated, Kortan Sigurd and his men remained aboard the ship adrift in a dense fog, obscuring their vision of everything past two or three feet in every direction. The mist was so thick that when the men stood at the stern, they were unable to see the bow of the Klóra Karfi at the other end. The sun above them, showing barely through the haze, appeared as an illuminated, ghostly disc and worse still, not a single one of the men could remember how they survived. They could recall the onset of the typhoon, the terrifying whirlpool and watching their sister ships being crushed as they were sucked down to the bottom, but the memory of how they escaped that fate themselves was a blank void–as if it were wiped from their minds.
Amongst Sigurd’s men was one woman who went by the name of Aud Olofsdotter; a fierce shield maiden and soothsayer or “völva” as she was known in their native tongue, who claimed to have received a prophetic vision during the storm. Over many years, the men learned to listen to her and listen closely when she shared her visions with them, as she was a skilled storyteller and her prophecies became truths quite often. She spoke of a great kraken; a monstrous spear-headed sea creature with dozens of great, reaching tentacles, emerging from the depths at the very center of the maelstrom and pulling at the Klóra Karfi into the spinning waters.
According to her vision, as it began to capsize, instead of allowing the longship to overturn, the great beast held it upright and level for a moment. It raised it up and above the waves for just a moment before it pulled the ship into the maelstrom’s center and underwater entirely. Instead of becoming submerged beneath the viciously undulating surface, the crew found themselves traveling through a mystical tunnel beneath the waves–a water-passage that encircled the ship above and below and seemed to stretch endlessly before and behind them. She claimed that this underpass beneath the surface of the water was a place of unremembering where the passage of time and the movement of the ship became entirely meaningless. The span between the storm and waking in the fog, which seemed to the men to be mere moments, was actually, she claimed, to be over three weeks. Some of the men who heard her telling of this vision claimed that this simply could not be so and at this, she urged them to check their stores of food and fresh water.
“You will find them nearly depleted.” she said, “I tell you, it has been nigh on a month since we sailed through this otherworldly realm, as guided by some unseen force and in that time, we have consumed nearly all of our provisions.”
Their stores of food, which were mostly stolen during the raid, should have lasted them nearly 20 days and what remained of their supply of fresh water was barely enough for four, although the barrels should have been nearly full for their journey was only meant to last a week or two and no longer. At this revelation, the men were dismayed and disoriented and looked to Kortan for leadership and guidance.
Knowing no other means of escape from their plight, he ordered them back into the hull and to begin rowing in a direction that, unsure of their location and lacking means of navigation through the fog, he chose arbitrarily–desperately hoping it would lead them safely to land and salvation.
For five days they rowed and the thick blankets of mist hanging in the air never lifted. Morale plummeted as hunger and thirst gnawed at their resolve to continue onward and some of the men began to believe and share in whispers that they surely must be dead. Their reasoning was that the maelstrom actually crushed their longship, like it had done to its sisters, and while the other crews made it to Valhalla, they somehow found themselves lost along the way. On the sixth night, shortly after the first of their numbers was found dead of malnutrition and dehydration in his bunk below decks, the waters around the Klóra Karfi were discovered to be glowing with a neon green phosphorescence and illuminating the fog with an eerie light. Both things were interpreted by most of those aboard the ship as a malevolent sign.
No one knew why he chose that night, when the water shimmered with an eerie glow, but even the most rational among the crew could be tempted to drink the seawater at this point, driven by their relentless thirst. Perhaps this man, unlike the others, saw the neon waters as a divine omen. The first to drink was Vontell Eriksson, who lowered a bucket into the glowing sea and raised it to his lips, swallowing nearly half without even attempting to skim the luminescent algae from the surface. In the waters around Echo Bay, the phosphorescent green glow is a familiar sight and is caused by psykothrix algae. This algae, more abundant before the Bay was settled, is still illegally harvested, dried, and processed for its consumption to this day. Known for its vivid glow and psychedelic properties, psykothrix algae poses a significant risk if not properly prepared. Studies reveal that improper processing can lead to severe irrationality and bouts of inexplicable violence, especially in those with weak or compromised constitutions. Thus, when the six starving and thirsty crew members were convinced by Vontell to drink the water with him, each of them fell into a state of frenzied madness. These seven men became the crew’s undoing.
That night, driven by insatiable hunger and the effects of psykothrix, the intoxicated men determined Aud Olofsdotter to be the weakest of the crew on board. They stabbed her to death and cut away strips of her stomach, which they began to eat raw. It wasn’t until they began to consume her uterus, intestines and liver that they were witnessed by another crewman who happened upon them in the midst of their gruesome act. Being greatly outnumbered by the madmen, he retreated above deck to alert Kortan Sigurd about what he’d seen happening below.
Most of the men gathered on the deck, drawn by the eerie glow of the eldritch waters. Kortan, rallying his remaining best fighters, descended below deck to confront the madmen-turned-cannibals. A brutal battle ensued, with the intoxicated men holding the advantage; the uncured algae granted them unnatural strength and cunning. In a short time, they overpowered Sigurd and his fighters, capturing Sigurd and binding him tightly to a beam.
As the remaining crew discovered the mutiny, they attempted to reclaim their ship, descending below deck to attempt to overthrow the mutineers and free their leader. However, the madmen’s enhanced abilities led to a bloody slaughter. One by one, Sigurd’s men fell until only Kortan remained, shouting at the mutineers and demanding to be released. The madmen taunted him for hours, their eyes gleaming and wild the entire time. Before the night was through, they mutilated their captain, severing his arms at the elbows and cutting off his legs, tossing them into the glowing sea. Kortan was strong and his strength and desire to live never faltered, even at the end when they threw him, still alive, into the freezing neon waters as well.
This marks a pivotal moment in Seãkwa tribal history where legend and myth become one, for Kortan Sigurd did not perish. Indeed, what transpired next endowed him with everlasting life. Xaigon, eternal and undying, in this time period was already inhabiting the waters of Echo Bay and was already living there in his dream state for eons. His followers on land were already brewing Cetacean Essence and undergoing the telltale transformations and adaptations necessary to live with him beneath the waves for several hundred years. At this time, the Shining City in the fabled Coral Caves was considerably smaller than its present size. By 824 AD, Depth Departures were occurring in small, unrecorded numbers within the Seãkwa tribe, with the Xaigonian Fishpeople beneath the black waves of Echo Bay numbering between 750 and 900 souls.
It is crucial to note that the true scope and size of the Shining City has never been accurately counted or estimated with any degree of success. By the time of this publication in 1934, it is thought that over 5,000 souls reside in the Shining City. The Xaigonian Fishpeople do not permit outsiders, particularly census takers, to enter their great, secret city, and likely never will, rendering these numbers unverifiable. Experts concur that the population of the Coral Cave’s Shining City is at least double that of Echo Bay. However, many argue that this undersea population is easily three times larger than the land-based population.
For more information on Xaigon, Xaigonian Enclave, Xaigonian Fishpeople, Cetacean Essence or Depth Departures, refer to Chapter 12, "The Lore and History of Xaigon" beginning on page 137.
Having been noticed by Xaigonian scouts two days prior, the Klóra Karfi was already being watched closely by the residents of the Shining City and as Kortan Sigurd’s body sank beneath the waters, it was collected by three Xaigonian Oracles. Moving hastily and employing the use of their dark magic, the Priestesses dismembered a giant lobster attaching its limbs, tail and legs to Kortan Sigurd’s torso, thus saving his life.
When Kortan awoke beneath the sea, his eyes slowly adjusted to the dim, otherworldly light filtering through the water. Confusion gripped him as he took in his strange surroundings; an underwater temple filled with bioluminescent sea creatures and phosphorescent algae. Before him stood the three Oracles, pleasure painted across their scaled faces, satisfied with their work. For a short time, he strained to comprehend the alien environment. When they spoke to him, he did not understand their words and he slowly began to grow agitated.As realization dawned, this confusion and agitation gave way to a burning wrath. The annals of Viking mythology are clear: a slain warrior's rightful place is within the hallowed halls of Valhalla, where he would feast and fight for eternity. Yet, by some cruel twist of fate, Kortan found himself denied this glorious afterlife. His resurrection beneath the waves was not a blessing but a curse–a theft of his warrior's reward.
Fueled by this perceived outrage and denial, Kortan's rage intensified. His once noble visage twisted with fury, he turned on the very Oracles who saved his life. These mystical seers of the deep, revered for their wisdom and power, unwittingly incurred his vengeance. He saw their actions not as a salvation but as a condemnation, a denial of his divine right.
As their mangled bodies began to turn the waters of their sacred temple red, Kortan breathed heavily of their mystic blood as it commingled with the seawater. In breathing this blood, he was further imbued with the dark magics of the Xaigonian Priestesses.
This act of destruction and desecration within the sacred confines of one of Xaigon’s temples, nestled in the secretive Shining City of the Coral Caves, did not escape notice. Xaigon himself, a nightmarish entity with a slick, reflective black form, both squid-like and humanoid, bearing a colossal obsidian shell upon his back, stirred from his eternal slumber. Waking from his dreamstate and rising up from the Abyss, he ascended through the chasmic cliffs of his sleeping crevice, swimming directly to the temple where the massacre transpired. Within moments, his formidable tentacles rent the walls of the sacred sanctuary to rubble, and upon discovering Kortan still within, a titanic clash between the two ensued.
Xaigon found himself facing an evenly matched adversary in the transformed Viking. The battle raged with ferocity, hand-to-tentacle, for nearly an hour. When Xaigon’s powerful and whip-like appendages succeeded in tearing the newly attached claws from Kortan’s arms, it seemed as though victory was within his grasp. Yet, in a twist neither combatant anticipated, something extraordinary occurred.
Lobsters possess the remarkable ability to regenerate their claws through a process of molting their exoskeletons. This regeneration process begins immediately upon the loss of a limb, with a bud forming at the site of the wound. In an ordinary lobster, it may take several molts to fully restore a missing claw or limb and depending on the age of the lobster, this may be a process that takes anywhere from a year to five years total for this remarkable ability to allow for eventual regrowth.
However, imbued with the supernatural blood of the Oracles, Kortan’s regeneration defied the natural order. To the astonishment of both Xaigon and Kortan, his claws began to regenerate instantaneously. The exoskeleton formed and shed multiple times within mere seconds. In less than a minute, the missing claws were fully regrown from where Xaigon severed them.
Defeated and bewildered, Xaigon retreated into the spiraling abyss of his onyx shell. Once fully ensconced, the ominous sound of stone grinding against stone echoed through the depths as he blocked off the shell’s opening and sank slowly to the ocean floor, leaving behind a trail of bioluminescent mucus in his wake. Kortan continued his assault on the impenetrable shell where it lay at rest on the ocean floor for quite some time, his relentless blows failing to make a dent in the unnatural and unholy barrier that shielded the ancient god.
At last, conceding the futility of his efforts, Kortan abandoned the fight. He swam back to the surface, resolute in his determination to attend to other unfinished business that awaited him above the waves.
It did not take long for Kortan to locate the Klóra Karfi, despite the dense fog enshrouding the surface. Finding it was easy for him amidst the eerie, glowing waters. His newly transformed limbs, both dexterous and surefooted, allowed him to scale the side of the longship with ease, and with a mighty heave, he hoisted himself aboard the deck, where the mutineers were still celebrating their ill-gotten victory, their minds still twisted by the hallucinogenic effects of the psykothrix algae.
Kortan cleared his throat, a sound that sliced through their carousing and caused the startled men to turn and face him in horror. The only remaining vestiges of his humanity were the intricate patterns of tattoos on his chest, his furious bearded face, and his long, elaborately braided hair.
With his newfound power, Kortan exacted a brutal revenge on the mutineers, slaughtering them for their betrayal and casting their severed limbs into the sea. Having satisfied his vengeance, Kortan left the ship and ventured into the vast ocean depths. For many months, he explored the underwater realms, encountering many creatures native only to Echo Bay. Creatures both wondrous and terrifying. His journey was marked by continuous clashes with the Xaigonian Fishpeople who still believed they might find a way to best him in battle and earn the glory and recognition of Xaigon. Every Fishperson who attempted to fight him in the sand at the depths of the open waters was repaid for their efforts with death.

Közeron and the Seãkwa Tribe

The Seãkwa Tribe were living along the coast of Echo Bay for generations prior to 825 AD, their existence deeply intertwined with the rhythms of the tides and the whispers of the ocean. They held a profound belief in the spirits dwelling within the watery depths, chief among them Xaigon himself. Their rituals and traditions were inextricably linked with the natural world of the sea, as they considered themselves the guardians of its enigmatic mysteries.
According to Seãkwa tribal historians, Kortan emerged from the waves in Twilight Cove, located on the north side of their village, one sunny afternoon. He was first spotted by a pair of tribesmen who were fishing on the shore. Horrified and awestruck by his appearance, they abandoned their belongings, including a basket containing their substantial catch, and ran back to the village to alert the tribe. Kortan observed these men, picked up their abandoned basket in his claws, and followed them with a curious demeanor.
Upon his arrival at the village, Kortan found it seemingly deserted. The fishermen, known for their serious dispositions and honesty, recounted their encounter to the tribal leaders. The elders, trusting their word, sounded the alarm by blowing three times into a conch shell, prompting the entire tribe, except for one, to flee the small village. The elderly and infirm hid among the high sand dune grasses, while the young and able-bodied quietly and quickly ascended the hidden paths within the Twilight Pass cliffs. Everyone halted where they stood when Kortan arrived, with many crouching in the seagrasses along the rocky path and others watching from the cliffs with shocked amazement.
Kortan briefly surveyed the village before sighing and leaving the basket of fish at what he supposed was the village center. Observing this, the one man who had stayed behind decided to emerge from his hiding place. Talanook, a trusted member of the tribal shaman, approached Kortan with cautious reverence, sensing an immense power radiating from him. After several minutes of circling Kortan, who stood unmoving, Talanook beckoned to the villagers, signaling that it was safe to return.
No one living on land had ever seen Xaigon, so when Talanook proclaimed that this being was the manifestation of the deity in physical form, the tribe fell to their knees, offering respect and pledging their devotion. Kortan, unable to understand their language, did nothing to correct the misunderstanding and seemed to accept their worship. The tribe celebrated their fortune, believing they were in the presence of a divine entity from the sea.
As days turned into weeks, Kortan remained among the Seãkwa, gradually learning their language and lifestyle. His presence became a central part of their daily lives, integrating himself into their customs and routines. Yet, a schism began to form within the tribe, as not all members were wholly convinced of his divinity. A young warrior named Mako, known for his strength and perceptiveness, started to question Kortan’s true nature. Over time, Mako's suspicions grew, and he became convinced that this creature was not Xaigon. He began to quietly whisper to others, suggesting that Kortan was a mere usurper seeking to disrupt their sacred traditions. His skepticism resonated with many in the tribe, finding a receptive audience among the doubtful.
The division reached a breaking point when Kortan, struggling with his newfound language, mispronounced words that evoked laughter from a crowd of onlookers. Losing his temper, Kortan destroyed one of the tribe’s sacred totems, throwing it into a bonfire before retreating hastily back to the sea. He was not seen nor heard from for many days. This act of desecration was too much for Mako and his followers. They accused Talanook and the shamanic council of leading the tribe astray, sparking a fierce debate among the Seãkwa people. In a matter of days, the once-unified tribe stood on the brink of civil war.
Unable to reconcile their differences, the tribe split into two factions. Mako and his followers, steadfast in their belief that Kortan was not Xaigon, chased Talanook and his supporters out of Twilight Cove. Mako declared Twilight Cove a sacred site, insisting it should belong only to the true believers of Xaigon as the one true sea god. Talanook and his followers, still devoted to Kortan, relocated to Veil Reef Beach, on the southern end of Echo Bay.
When Kortan emerged from the waves once more, the faction remaining in the original village acted as though he were invisible. Using his limited understanding of the Seãkwa language, Kortan attempted to apologize, having finally realized that the people worshiping him believed him to be Xaigon. Despite his efforts, they ignored him entirely until one of the elders broke the silence. The elder, using simple words that Kortan mostly understood, explained where those who still loved and followed him had relocated.
Over the following weeks, Kortan learned much more of the language from his devoted followers. He gradually dispelled their misconception, explaining that he was not Xaigon. As his grasp of the language improved further, he recounted to the elders of the exiled faction how he had defeated Xaigon in hand-to-hand combat months earlier. He described how the deity had retreated into his shell to escape him. In recognition of his deeds and power, Talanook bestowed upon him the name Közeron, solidifying his new identity among the Seãkwa.
The two factions of the Seãkwa tribe continued their fierce struggle for many months, but the relentless conflict began to take a heavy toll on both sides. Leaders from each faction started to recognize the futility of their strife, and in a rare moment of unity, Talanook and Mako agreed to meet under a banner of truce. They convened at the rocky outcrop known as Spirit’s Reach, a neutral ground sacred to both factions. There, they discussed peace and the pressing need to preserve their people and traditions.
After several days of intense negotiation, a tentative peace was established. Both factions agreed to respect each other’s territories and cease hostilities. The Közerians would continue to inhabit Veil Reef Beach, while the Xaigonians would remain at Twilight Cove. They decided to share the waters and resources of Echo Bay, cooperating only when absolutely necessary to avoid further bloodshed.
This fragile peace was maintained through a grudging commerce. The Közerian faction, with their access to the groves near Veil Reef Beach and Közeron’s knowledge of shipbuilding, excelled in crafting canoes. They traded these canoes to the Xaigonians in exchange for the right to fish the abundant waters of Twilight Cove. Even the Seãkwa who had splintered from the faction that remained at Twilight Cove recognized that these waters were the richest fishing grounds in Echo Bay. They remain so to this day, a testament to the continued devotion and sacrifices of the Xaigonian Enclave.
This arrangement, though fraught with tension, allowed both factions to thrive. The Közerians used their shipbuilding skills to explore new waters and expand their trade, while the Xaigonians, with their deep connection to Xaigon, continued their sacred rituals and maintained the fertility of their fishing grounds. The peace forged at Spirit’s Reach endured, a delicate balance of mutual respect and necessity, shaping the destiny of the Seãkwa people for generations to come.
submitted by Scott_Savino to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:32 W0000_Y2K THE POISON (SS-_+):

In the Machine considered by it's owner, Jon Diane Diaz, The Cortex was an extraterrain manifestation concubine not to be considered to be a "simulation" was actually more like an experience creator machine that consisted matter and energy from a multidimensional megacomputer known also to Jonathan as the Vortex. It was created by his father, Ae Jon Jacob Udaine Demetri Dimetrea Dianne Libraius Irenicus Nonus (IX). It was constructed through his tutalege and prowes as an heir to one of the most prestiged Artist Innovators of the pronounced Great Irenicus I from many, many histories ago. Jon (IX) was unaware that he had been delivered unto and entered into the machine after falling ill to a grand maul cerebral anhiersm in his late 160's, now residing in the extrapolaritory experience(s) that were runninc concurrently to, in any event necessasary, prevent Jon IX's Life from reaching his end. Jon X was very adament about keeping his Father in the machine running through lifetimes of experiences continually. If time was running out, Diaz didn't show any relenting, adamant on his belief that he was saving his Father's life. Diaz would continue to show Nine that his life was worthy of such experiences, however differentially repetitive and rudementarily engaging they permitted to consist, continuing through until the Autumn Days of Diane's waning mortality. Jon IX was now Immortal. Going through generation of generation repeating the recursion of a 37 year period lifetime, a lifetime engagement that Diane was willing to give for his Father's continuation to develope in his continuation and consternation, as the development persisted throughout many centuries. Dawning at the age of 2110 now, Jon Diaz had become unrelenting as Teacher, Progressor, Professor, Friend, Lover, Partaker in experiences, and even Nine's Lover and most dangerous Agitator and Contrarian to persist in Nine's Ever consistent Elderhood Growth. Never allowing a full un debted grant to be given to his Father's World, Ten would vow to be engaged in the interaction of fate to him. After many manifestations in rotundums Jon 9 would challenge his relative into new extremes of his Dad's Alienlike attached Imagination and Unimaginable Wisdom that seemed to persist from manifestation to manifestation. Reaching his peak of adulthood Jon (Ian) would begin to contemplate how exactly uninteresting the REAL WORLD was to him, as it revealed itself as a very simplistic and unintelligent design. Concepts like GOD and LUCK and CHANCE were no Champion to CHANGE. And Ian knew that through the process of repetition, on a mathematic scale, no matter how large the concept of INFINITY seemed to be suggested, IAN didn't believe that anyone, or anything consistent in his reality, Beyond CHANGE, was even comparitive to the POWER OF KNOWLEDGE THROUGH CHANGE'S RAZOR. Ever adamant on engaging in things that inspired himself, I. attempted to reach fulcrum beyond the ULTIMATUMUS DEUS that seemed to be the only remaining challenge. He contemplated his thoughts and thinking processes and imagination to it's fullest extent reaching conclusions that determine the Ultimate Answer and Conclusion that he almost shyingly kept himself from concluding. Somehow, In ian's endeavor, the drawing nigh conclusion was only a matter of further contemplations. He questioned, "If, when I reach this contemplation, Will I have the ABILITY to CHANGE the conclusion from creating another REINCARNATION in the MANIFESTATION RECYCLE?" ending his thoughts smoking ciggarrillos and Canadian Thistle Herbs over spread out books of his notes, accessing notes and audio files on his PERSONAL COMPUTER. He would take moments of breaks between his eager reaching climax. In his discrestion, occumulating over spelling errors and mathematical delusions, he would only concede for he enjoyed his current environment in his normaility. "It's Ok that I'm Here. No need to make the world bend to my will. Because, Even though I am here, I've been waiting to come to this point for a very long time." He was complacent, but persisted in his contemplation and prowes. He enjoys Canadian Thistle because of the feeling he would get from first inhalation of the smoke. It felt as if his spirit was actually the consistency of his existence, and that his body was simply a vessel that represented the containment of this soul. It was through the physical action of smoking that he would reach such a conclusion through coughing his lungs out first contact, still alive, but in a very mortal way coming to a better understanding of what it was to be alive and intact and mortal. Throughout his studies he learned that there are 4 Main Enemies to the Man of Existence. 1st is FEAR, the most strongest of the Enemies to face, counteracting existences intricate warrior like journey. FEAR always seemed to be first contact and boundary that prevented ian from being able to decypher TRUTH. After facing and confronting FEAR, FEAR always seemed to be a viable option in considering Alternatives to dealing with Conflicts in LIFE. Effortlessly Jon 9 would Overcome FEAR. UNAFRAID to the alternatives, JON wasn't HELD. 2nd Enemy that he faced in his life were CLARITY/CONFUSION/DECISION&CHANGE. The INDECISIVE NATURE of being in CONTEMPLATION and BEWHILDERMENT of having CLARITY through KNOWLEDGE was a persistence almost arriving in fatality. BOUND on his CONTEMPLATION and CHOICE allowing time for GOD and LUCK and WILL to come to AID his SWEAT and DERISIVE OPTIONS in SWAY like the SHIFTING of the SWORDS had brought him to a VIBRATION OF A STANDSTILL, almost STALEMATED in his CONTEMPLATIONS. Either being swayed back to FEAR or STEADINESS to CONTEMPLATIONS AND CHOICES AND OPTIONS AND WONDERS AND QUESTIONS AND WHAT's WHO'S WHERE'S WHY'S WHEN's AND LIES AND RUE, Leading unto his 3rd ENEMY; POWER. ANSWER always seemed to have a DOOMING FATE PRESENCE and GOD LIKE ACTION OVER CHARIOT NAD SELECTION. The ANSWER was the ANSWER and ALWAYS SEEMED TO BE THE CHOICE. However FEAR would MISGUIDE him back into CONTEMPLATION and HE would HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION and TAKE ACTION either to ACT on FEAR or ACT and the confusion of where the FACTS LIE kept the GAUL ROLLING RAUOL to his RILEY ENDEAVOR and CHALLENGES. the 3 Enemies have always existed, and will always exist as long as JON is alive in life. when he was tired of fighting these contemplations and facts of things that kept him contemplative in his world through his imagination, knowledge, wisdom and POWER MANIFEST the only remaining enemy that seemed to consist was PROCESS. Process was the rotundum and infinite attachment to the Warrior and John's Journey. Heirarchy in the works of the MAJICK and ART of CONQUERING DIFFICULTY and LOSS' FATES were also something he, JON would take into BATTLE and WAR and SKRIMAGE and KRASS for the WILL of CHANGE. Unaware of the lurking 5th enemy he was unable to contemplate, that lurked in the shadows of Eternity's Obligatory WOW. Often through years of annual ciggarilo smoke's piles of ashes and filter butt piles, CHANGE seemed to keep heed over JONATHON NINE's Sanctity, however SOLISPSTIC his world presented to him; he wanted to be aware and unaware of it all as TIME would allow. TIME seemed to be the OLD MAN SAGE that meant the upmost CRADEL OCEAN to everything in ANi's PSYCHE. He knew when to shoot his mouth off and when to shut the fuck up. His game was run but he knew by now. Missing the point of life in a blink. It was all codified Revenge. Jon Diaz loved his Father. More so. He looked to his SON as a MAN that DESERVED what was GIVEN to HIM. No matter how INVINCIBLE JonathonNine was now, Daine was growing very close to the end of HIS life. It could be very many untouchable contact years, but as things settled Diane wasn't more than Godlike in Caretaker to IAN's Existence. "Ian exists only because I grant him this. He deserves this, and So I Shall Give Him This LIFE. Im so in focus He can't see me. He is me. If his contemplation reaches a moment where his will wants no longer to be here, I correct him. I care about him. Through my Parenthood he will always be himself and for that a million years isn't enough to be appreciated. More than that, though. Ian doesn't have final say. I do." Diane says turning his head away from the observation screen on Saturn's Deserted Red Dome in the Sattalutha Desert in the Sherm (EAST) Heirarchtic End of Saturn's Deserted Dust 2 Lethargy 4Ward Realm. This all taking place on a 3rd dimensional scheme, pumped from a 5th density exchange resulting in a 4th density map structure of a 3rd density world that JONATHON NINE lieves in. ANI took it apon himself from some unknown inpiration since childhood to write the story about his life, focused on himself as the priopiator and main character. Advancing on his outlook, inlook and character, involiving his construct of an overactive contemplative mind and ever growing attempt to strangely thwart himself as much as his heart could contend. "Until this moment, today, I have never actually tasted my cigars. I can hear the chants of mysteries and amorous anticipating lusting guides of almost forgotten lovers and new oppertunities to have new life and new romances that guide me into more inspirations and future worlds. Heh, Looks like you know what you're talking about. -And I, IAN know who I am, and Where I Come From. I know these beings around me and the World around Me and the VERSUS. Im RICH with these WORDS and PROWS. I KNOW WHO I AM. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. "..." [Feeling his heart start to beat in excitement] "..." ARE YOU THERE MY GOD?" An would then preceed to proceed into the waivering guidelines of another day in the life, never alone, but eternaly one. Somewhere H. was Here with Him. He knew He would Have to Hide Her. She was something that could only exist within the great Scheme of it all. Somehow She was Something Sweet and Sure.
The Slowmo of the grand meetings of our Secrecy would go unmentioned, except only in this note. You I Love Secret.Sister H. One Infinity, Smaller than You think, Larger than the brink, Deeper than the Sink.
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2024.06.04 13:19 Deep-Oil-6576 Can I date while getting a divorce?

Hey everyone,
I often get asked, "Can I date during my divorce?" It's a common concern, and while there's nothing in Florida law that outright bans dating during divorce, there are some serious considerations to keep in mind. I'm Andrea Morgan, a divorce attorney in Orlando, Florida, and I'd like to share some insights on how dating can impact your pending divorce.
Is It Legal to Date During a Divorce in Florida?
Technically, yes, you can date. However, just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it's without consequences. Dating during your divorce can complicate things, especially if it affects alimony or child custody decisions. Here's a closer look at why you might want to think twice before diving back into the dating pool.
The Person You're Dating Is the Reason for Your Divorce
If your new relationship is the catalyst for your divorce, it's crucial to keep it under wraps. Avoid public outings, stay off social media, and don't introduce your new partner to your children. The goal here is damage control—keeping things quiet to prevent your soon-to-be ex from using this information against you in court.
You Met Someone New During the Divorce Process
Finding a new partner while your divorce is pending can also stir the pot. Even if it's purely coincidental, your ex could still use this to paint you in a negative light. Again, the best approach is to keep the relationship low-key and avoid any public displays that could reach your ex's ears.
You're Actively Dating During Your Divorce
If you're out there actively dating, it's important to understand your motivations. Are you looking for validation, revenge, or simply trying to fill an emotional void? These actions can not only prolong your divorce but also complicate custody and alimony decisions. Reflect on why you're dating and whether it's worth the potential fallout.
Legal and Emotional Considerations
Documenting Infidelity: While not essential in a no-fault state, having evidence of infidelity (e.g., emails, texts, financial statements showing suspicious spending) can be helpful for your attorney to build a stronger case regarding alimony or child custody, especially if the infidelity resulted in financial hardship or negatively impacted parenting.
Coping with the Emotional Toll: Infidelity can be incredibly painful. Consider seeking emotional support through therapy, support groups, or trusted friends and family.
Financial Planning: Collect and organize financial documents (bank statements, investment records, tax returns). This will be crucial for property division and potential alimony calculations.
Why Wait?
Waiting to date until your divorce is finalized can save you a lot of stress and legal complications. It allows you to focus on the process and ensures that your actions won't negatively impact the outcome. If you must date, do so discreetly and take all necessary precautions to protect yourself legally.
For more detailed information, check out my article here: Can I Date During My Divorce?
If you have any questions or need legal advice, feel free to reach out to me at []().
Stay strong and take care!
Posts should in no way be considered legal advice. Just call me if you need legal advice in Florida.

Divorce #FamilyLaw #FloridaLaw #DatingDuringDivorce #MorganDivorceLaw

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