Unblocking blocked phone caller

Something wrong with me.

2024.06.05 08:23 SpaceMAn420_ Something wrong with me.

I been using tinder off n on to date n it doesn’t really work. When it does work I think I blow it somehow n idk how. We go on dates then text for a bit then they ghost me. Recent I was texting a girl n it was going good than we hope on a phone call n game. Then after she blocked me. I feel like I had the right person but I blew it n now I’m gonna be alone forever..
submitted by SpaceMAn420_ to 20s [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:22 Beneficial_Switch864 AITA For wanting to get a restraining order on someone I used to deal with?

Okay so I don’t know where to start I’ve never done a Reddit post so here we go. I live in Texas and I moved out here roughly 2 years ago. Within the first year of me living out here I meet this guy on a dating app, let’s call him David. Okay so me and David met and we would talk everyday, fall asleep on the phone together etc so I got real comfortable with him and with talking to him so we plan a weekend trip for him to come see me. Now at the time I hadn’t moved into my own spot yet so we met at a hotel for the weekend. The red flags slowly began to show before we met up by him always wanting to know who I was texting, if someone called me while we were on the phone he wanted to know who was calling me and wanted proof like a screenshot. Now I’m one of those women that gives the benefit of the doubt and will constantly try to find the good in people so I figured that if he saw me all of the insecurities would stop. I was wrong. We met and our first date was at the movies. Everything was cool in the theater until my back cramped up and I had to move out of his arms to get comfortable. He started moving away from me and getting visibly annoyed. Mind you because of where we were sitting he had my purse on his side which had my phone in it. So fast forward we leave the theater and he gets up and starts walking away from me. Then he throws my purse at me and tells me my phone was ringing (this was a trigger for him) and I reach in to check my phone. All the while I’m still walking behind him and he’s leaving me, we get to the door and he closes the door on my face. A couple weeks later we get into another argument over my having a male bestfriend and telling him “I love him”. I decide to stop talking to him and I blocked him then and he called my mom which was out of line so I kept him blocked. That’s just the backstory so on to what just happened and before you say anything yes I was stupid to think things could be different. So we start talking again because I reached out to him and told him why I didn’t want to be with him. He didn’t make me feel safe and I was like an abused woman dealing with him, I was constantly on my Ps and Qs. So we start talking again because I want to believe that he is different this time. Again I was wrong. He starts back up about wanting to know who’s texting me and what the conversation is about and when I tell him it’s none of his business he gets mad. His love language is physical touch and because I didn’t tell him who I was texting he drove 2 hours to spend the night. He was going overboard constantly wanting to touch me, wanting to be in the bathroom with me while I was using it, not letting me breathe without him next to me. Suffocation you know. So we get back into it this time it’s about me not wanting to be touched, and needing to get a nap in before work without being touched so I could sleep. I’m missing out some parts but you get the gist. So I’m a school social worker and during the month of June I take some of my kids on field trips and I also work at a foster care youth shelter. When I woke up from my well needed nap I changed clothes and I left to go to work. He got mad that I didn’t kiss him and threatened to leave I told him to go ahead and make sure he leaves everything how it was when he got here. I then went to work and stopped talking to him. I return home around 11:30pm and he’s still here so I kick him out again telling him to get his things together and leave that I wanted him gone. He leaves, I lock the door and I go to take a shower. He starts calling me asking me to drive my car so he can follow me to his house 2 hours away. I tell him no and it’s not my business he made it here he can make it back. He pushes his way back into my apartment and pushes me out the way so I push him back hard enough for him to lose balance. I’m threatening to call the police to make him leave and I’m rushing him out the door. He leaves this time while yelling profanities at me and trying to make fun of me. I’m a thick girl but I love my curves nobody will ever make me hate me. I check out the window to make sure he leaves and to make sure he doesn’t do anything to my car. I have sensed then made sure that I blocked him on everything again. AITA for wanting him to be trespassed from my apartment complex so he can never return again and I can have my sense of peace in my own house again ?
submitted by Beneficial_Switch864 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:21 birdsin-thetrap21 Back with a whole new account

Back story i was a victim back in april, i paid a total of about $300 to the blackmailers and after that i completely removed any sort of contact with them and changed my phone number. Yesterday an account followed me while my instagram account was public again for a bit and it was the same woman who sextorted me but a completely different picture. I did block them and went private immediately as soon as i saw the profile picture. Is this a scare tactic?
submitted by birdsin-thetrap21 to Sextortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:09 Havick630 Day 50

Day 50 is an important milestone for me. In the past 50 days I have done a lot to stop wasting my life, like:
-Removed all porn from my computer and phone, and blocked it permanently.
-In the past 10 days, I blocked YouTube on my computer and placed a timer on the app for my phone. Now bingewatching is no longer possible.
-I am trying to structure my days in advance, so I have a clear goal I am working towards. This one is still challenging for me.
-I am now following several courses on rewiring the brain.
-Still, I feel a lot of the symptoms of porn use and excessive media consumption. Yesterday I had a church event, and I felt very socially anxious. It was like I couldnt think or follow the lecture properly anymore.
I told it to the Lord in prayer afterwards, just like I confessed all my sins. I feel like my old life still has power over me. Therefore I really need the Holy Spirit to break the chains of all my past sins and start living a new life, a new identity in Christ. I also want to find a girlfriend, as I am 22y already. But I guess I have always had unrealistic expectations about it. I cant date when I am so socially anxious. I think I have to cure this a little bit more and become more rooted in a new identity first.
submitted by Havick630 to NoFapChristians [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:06 BrooklynH87 S24 Ultra Unlocked caller ID Verizon

S24 Ultra Unlocked caller ID Verizon
Can someone please confirm that is using the smart caller ID what is selected under "Default caller ID and spam protection" mine was on none and don't see Hiya listed there being that's integrated into the phone.
I miss the Verizon call filter since it worked flawlessly and the unlocked S24 is unable to use it. The one that's on the phone so far is horrible and never identifies unsaved contacts.
I tried force stopping the Smart Call app and erasing Data but still no luck. Anyone else have this issue?
submitted by BrooklynH87 to S24Ultra [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:06 lovealii I’m a woman, and I’ve been treated horribly by other women

22 year old woman here… and I’m left with about 2 close women friendships that I’m thankful for. However in my past, girls I used to be best friends with ended up becoming my enemy. Despite me driving them everywhere, especially to parties, being a good friend, and paying for their food and clothes, they all turned against me out of the blue.
For example, a girl I was best friends with in 2020 began to act different, and was posting sneak-disses about me on her Snapchat story, saying how I talk to too many guys and want attention. She would act jealous men gave me attention, and not her. Few months later, her and 3 of her female friends threatened to jump me, one girl involved even threatened to use a knife… the other girl involved accused me of stealing her boyfriend (her boyfriend was in my messages and I ignored him, I showed her proof of that!) They publicly posted these threats online, speaking badly about me and asking people to give them my address. I kept screenshots of everything as proof. One night, they set me up and got someone to invite me to a house party, turns out those girls were inside waiting to attack me. I already went to police over that and I won the case, but it still traumatizes me to this day.
Second example, this girl from social media who hated me, found my parent’s house and spray-prainted “Fuck you, you’re a wh##re” on my parents shed. And another girl in high school I was seated with in class said “you’re spoiled, mommy and daddy bought you that new iPhone?” I said I bought it myself and to leave me alone. She got up out of her seat, and tried to punch me in my face. Random girls I didn’t know would show up to my parent’s house to fight me. They’d say I deserved to be ran over by a car, I’m a s##t, a blonde bimbo, a homewrecker, in high school they called me “plastic Barbie”. Girls would create fake Facebook pages to defame me, and make serious accusations to ruin my image. They’d create social media accounts using MY NAME and message other people racist and homophobic insults, to make it look like I said those things. Girls I didn’t know hated my guts and would do anything to ruin my life. God forbid if I ever defended myself, I was always the villain or The Bad Guy in their eyes.
I’ve had more luck with male friendships, only problem is when they begin catching feelings and want to sleep with me. But, men treat me better than any girl best friend I’ve had in my past.. Why? I tried my best to be a great friend to so many girls in my past, and all they’ve done is hurt me or turn against me. For so long I blamed myself and felt the world was against me, but I realized they were never a friend to begin with. I fell into depression and only stayed around my male friends, can you blame me though?
I’m tired of people saying this behavior is “pick me”, or “not like other girls”. I am traumatized with PTSD from what my gender has put me through. For a long time, I was terrified of other women, way more than any man could’ve made me feel. To this day, girls I don’t know will bully me or comment mean things on my pictures to s##t shame me, and I’m simply wearing a bikini or shorts. I block them and don’t reply, but seriously WHEN is it gonna stop? Many women are awful towards other women, I have experienced it and witnessed it. Life is more peaceful now than it was and I’ve met many supportive women, but I’m EXTRA CAREFUL now on who I consider my friend or get close with. I want to support girls, I truly do, but while growing up, they never supported me.
submitted by lovealii to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:01 hainamesechixrice Oh wow progresif has call center in Pakistan now I'm impressed

Oh wow progresif has call center in Pakistan now I'm impressed submitted by hainamesechixrice to Brunei [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:59 demun_tyme how to block no caller ID calls and voicemails?

i’m being harassed by an ex and i want them to stop calling me and leaving me voicemails. i’ve already blocked their number, but they can still call me using no caller ID. is there a way i can block their SIM or something? thank you.
submitted by demun_tyme to tmobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:57 SnooHamsters1635 Coinbase probably one of the worst investments I have ever made.

This is just a warning to those who plan to use a service for purchasing crypto. DO NOT USE COINBASE. Over the past 4 YEARS I have not been able to access my account. I have called and talked with their helpdesk support for HOURS at times and just ended up in a loop of sending verifying documents just to have them review it for hours then have the phone call drop and never be emailed or notified of any progress made to reconcile my account. At this point I have accepted that my funds are most likely taken by the company and were probably lost on the internet somewhere. It shouldn't be this difficult to access any entity that holds YOUR MONEY. The company most likely has security issues within their data infrastructure and don't want to admit when assets have been stolen. So instead of dealing with legalities they block accounts and blame the customer instead themselves. Once again. I advise you to stay clear of this company. You will invest your money, and will not receive a warning notice or support when your funds become locked away somewhere on the site. Which can be very disheartening when you've waited to use the funds. Countless YouTube, and Reddit post have already been made about this company. Which I assumed were a period of outtage initially. But unfortunately I was a victim as k....just my .02c.
submitted by SnooHamsters1635 to CoinBase [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:52 Individual-Cry6831 Foldables not supported, why???

Why are foldables not supported?? We have more than enough power. These are some of the most powerful phones on the market and you totally block a huge market of potential players/customers...
submitted by Individual-Cry6831 to StarWarsHunters [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:49 Maximum_Wait1273 How I would rewrite Leo (I'm sorry I just had to get this out of my system)- Part 1

As the title says, this will be my rewrite of Leo. I apologise for me adding to the unnecessarily high amount of Leo posts in this subreddit, but I just had to get this out of my system. This will be as brief as possible. Here we go:
The film starts with Sandy and Mysskin's characters being given a bag full of drug packets that is meant to be transported to Theog, by Anbu and Adaikalam. Once Anbu gives the bag to Sandy, he calls Harold Das to give him updates. In this scene, Harold Das is sacrificing a bull while talking to Anbu, but we don't see his face yet.
We cut to Theog, and the initial portions with Parthi and his family are kept the same. We also get a couple of scenes with Sandy and Mysskin where we see that due to some suspicious activities, they are apprehended by a group of police officers, who eventually find out that they are carrying drugs, but Sandy and Mysskin manage to escape.
We get a scene where Harold is talking to his preist about what animals are to be sacrificed next, what does the future hold, etc. (we don't see Harold's face). Suddenly, he receives a call from Anbu who informs him about Sandy's police incident. Harold is enraged, but decides to make Sandy keep going.
Up till the cafe scene, everything is mostly the same. After the cafe fight, the portions that we see are mostly the same but we also see the leader of the police officers who apprehended Sandy, arrive in Theog. He has a convo with Joshy and Parthi, and decides to stay to complete some formalities. We also have a scene where as Antony Das is praying to God, he is informed about what happened to Sandy, Antony (no face reveal yet) says that they will have to face the wrath of their "God" soon.
Things carry on like the actual film. Eventually, Parthi decides to get out of his house and rebuild his cafe. At the cafe, while he is working with his staff to rebuild the cafe, somebody sneakily manages to click a photo of his. The photo is sent to Harold, who finally gets a stylish face reveal shot.
We get the frame breaking scene and Sanjay Dutt's face reveal but there is no Badass Ma. Antony and Harold leave for Theog.
The next day, Antony goes to meet Parthi at the cafe and we get the same convo that they had in the film. As he leaves, Antony tells Parthi that he may receive an important phone call soon. Parthi receives a call from Joshy, who tells him that the cop who came to Theog has been brutally murdered. Parthi tries to call Sathya and his kids but nobody picks up. He rushes to the market to take them home and this is where we get the market fight scene. The following police station scene is kept the same and we also get Napoleon's arrival.
We get a couple of scenes with Antony and Harold for buildup. They disagree upon how to deal with 'Leo'. Antony wants to capture him but Harold wants him to be killed immediately. The argument ends with Harold proving his point to be better, as he says that any tomfoolery will not go well with their "God". Some time later, Harold receives a call from his preist, who says that now a human sacrifice is needed with some specific requirements. Harold finds that all these requirements are found in Leo. He tells this to Antony, who agrees to the plan.
A few days later, while Napoleon and Parthi are absent, Sathya and the kids get kidnapped by goons. We get the same scene with Parthi scolding Napoleon. Parthi receives a call from Sathya's phone, but the caller is Antony, who says that he is spending some time with his family, and calls Parthi at a certain location at a certain time, or else Antony will have to cut up his family members into pieces. This fight deepens Sathya's doubt.
Antony and Harold have an unsettling convo scene with Sathya and the kids, where Antony manages to plant doubt in Sathya's head regarding Parthi. Eventually, Parthi arrives and we get some interaction between him and Antony and Harold. Soon, a fight breaks out and Parthi manages to escape with his family. Due to the preist's advice, Antony and Harold retreat for two weeks.
We get some scenes with the family and here, we get the I'm scared song. This will not only build Parthi's paranoia, but also Sathya's doubt. Joshy has a talk with Parthi and Sathya about who Antony is and that Parthi has a striking resemblance to Leo. Eventually, Sathya and Joshy decide to look into the matter. Joshy travels to meet Mansoor Ali Khan's character, and here we get the interval block, as we get Leo's entry (done in a less over the top manner and more in Lokesh's style), and then a sequence where we cut between Parthi making the house traps and some badass scenes with Leo (this is where Badass ma plays). We get the same bloody sweet scene, and then the Leo title card (even more fitting here because this is where we see Leo's entry).
submitted by Maximum_Wait1273 to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:48 ChemistryWeekly8473 I’m cutting out my father

I’ve really been spiraling this last week. Posting on a throwaway. Just venting because I need to get this out.
A week ago, my dad drunk dialed me at 3am and left a 20 min voicemail on my phone. When I woke up, I thought he killed himself (parents recently divorced and he has a history of alcoholism, mental issues). I listened to the voicemail and it was him and his friends discussing hiring prostitutes that night, how they were going to pay for them, the details of the sexual acts they were going to perform, and that they were going to load them up with cocaine.
He must have been with people from work, because I recognized the men. He goes on to discuss more sexual acts in explicit detail, reminiscing on women who are not my mother. Many, many, many, women and I begin to piece together that my father cheated on my mother for their entire 32 years of marriage. Two of these women were mothers of my childhood friends.
I sent him a text that only said he had drunk dialed me at 3am and left a 20min voicemail, I found the content of it disgusting, and I am blocking him.
My parents divorced last year because we was caught cheating, and he made it out to be a midlife crisis, cry for help/attention woe-is-he please give him another chance. No. He has been doing this the entire time I have been alive. He just got away with it for 30 years working night shift. He even picked up random women on the street apparently, having no respect for my mother or his marriage.
I am so pissed off. I am so upset. I cannot stop thinking back to my childhood and how terrible it was. How awful. How hard I had to work to be the person I am today. All because of him. And aparently not because there was anything wrong with me, or because I was a difficult girl, or I was a stupid, hard child. No, simply because my father doesn’t respect women. That’s all it was.
I keep thinking back to my friends’ moms and how weird they were. They were alcoholic party girls, so it checks out. And it pisses me off because you’re sleeping with my dad and you’re hanging out with me? You’re chatting with my mom? And we had to move across the country and now I’m question what the reason really was. Now I’m thinking it’s because of this. I looked at my friend’s social media to remind myself what their mothers looked like because now I’m spiraling and of course you see posts about how sweet and great their moms are. So now I blocked them, too. Bye I guess. For my own sanity.
He was such a fucking dick all the time. I lived my childhood in total constant fear of him and his anger and what he would do to me. Now I know it’s because of his own guilt and shame and inadequacy in his own life. It had nothing to do with me or my mother. It was always him. Now I’m blocking all my family members, just anyone who talks to him. I can’t stand it. I want nothing he touches in my life. If you associate with my father you’re dead to me.
My brother was born and he was the golden child. He never could do anything wrong. I hated him so much for that. I had to work so hard to get over my own feelings of inadequacy towards my little brother, to have any sort of relationship with this kid who never knew an ounce of my father’s rage. And now I know it had everything to do with my dad not respecting me simply because I am a woman.
Over a year ago, I was staying the night at my parent’s house. Around 4am I hear a loud crash and I get up to see what happened. My dad was drunk and fell in the kitchen. He hit his head on the floor and was bleeding out. I called an ambulance and was trying hold his wound to stop the bleeding, and he was calling me a bitch and telling me to go fuck myself. Despite everything he’s done, I’ve always tried to be the bigger person and hold space in my heart for him.
My father was never going to love me. He was never going to respect me. He was never going to claim me unless it was convenient or it was something he could flaunt to someone else.
I have never been married, and I want to be so bad. But everywhere around me, marriages are just failing. My dad can apparently get away with cheating for over 30 years. I have a friend whose wife suddenly decided she is poly, and she goes out with different men every week and he cries on my couch so his kids don’t see. My coworkers stay at work late because they hate going home. What’s the point? Now I get so viscerally mad when I see or hear someone cheating on a spouse. I wish I was the hand of God.
I’ve tried therapy a couple years ago to discuss my father, and my therapist said it was too much and he wasn’t able to help me. I’m considering trying again now, but I’m not super hopeful. I know my current rage is not sustainable.
submitted by ChemistryWeekly8473 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:39 wowkichengadgetsus Arlo app Wi-Fi Issue: +1-888-464-7211 Call

Smart home security has never been more accessible, thanks to devices like Arlo cameras. However, even the best technology can run into issues, and Wi-Fi connectivity problems are among the most common hurdles Arlo users face. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues with your Arlo app and camera setup. For personalized assistance, you can always reach out to our support team at +1-888-464-7211.

Understanding the Issue

Wi-Fi connectivity problems can manifest in various ways, such as:
These issues can stem from a range of factors, including Wi-Fi signal strength, network interference, and app or firmware glitches.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

  1. Check Your Wi-Fi Network
    • Signal Strength: Ensure that your Wi-Fi signal is strong where the camera is placed. Weak signals can cause connectivity issues. Use a Wi-Fi analyzer app to check signal strength.
    • Network Band: Arlo cameras are compatible with 2.4GHz networks. Ensure your Wi-Fi router is broadcasting on this band.
    • Interference: Keep your router away from other electronic devices that might cause interference, like microwaves and cordless phones.
  2. Update the Arlo App
    • Ensure you have the latest version of the Arlo app installed on your smartphone or tablet. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can resolve connectivity issues.
  3. Restart Your Devices
    • Camera: Turn off your Arlo camera and wait for a few seconds before turning it back on.
    • Router: Restart your router to refresh your network connection.
    • Smartphone/Tablet: Restart your device to clear any temporary glitches.
  4. Reset Your Arlo Camera
    • If the above steps don’t work, try resetting your Arlo camera to its factory settings. Press and hold the reset button on the camera for about 10 seconds. Then, set it up again using the Arlo app.
  5. Move the Camera Closer to the Router
    • During the initial setup, place your camera closer to the router to ensure a strong connection. Once the setup is complete, you can move it to your desired location.
  6. Verify Router Settings
    • Ensure your router is set to use the appropriate security settings (WPA2 is recommended) and is not blocking the camera from connecting.

When to Call Support

If you’ve tried all these steps and are still experiencing issues, it might be time to call in the experts. Our support team is available to assist you at +1-888-464-7211. We can provide personalized troubleshooting steps and help resolve any persistent problems.


Wi-Fi connectivity issues with your Arlo camera can be frustrating, but with a systematic approach, you can usually identify and resolve the problem. Keeping your devices updated, ensuring a strong Wi-Fi signal, and following best practices for setup and placement are key to maintaining a stable connection. If all else fails, don't hesitate to reach out for professional support.
submitted by wowkichengadgetsus to u/wowkichengadgetsus [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:31 Inevitable_Force_917 Tinnitus with Visual Snow Syndrome + more

I see a lot of you talking about your visual symptoms. I have tinnitus and hearing loss. I wear hearing aids which helps the tinnitus greatly and obviously the hearing loss. Migraines, without auras, I take a monthly injection which cuts down on getting the migraines from 5 days a week to 2-3 days. I don’t have so much night blindness but I have halos around all the light standards and the car lights which block everything out. Yellow shooter glasses over top of my regular glasses which help, but generally I try not to drive at night. I try to type and read in dark mode on my phone and computer to deal with my visual symptoms. I’ve got mild translucent visual snow. I’ve also been struggling for many years with Diabetes 2, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, a stable (we hope, an MRI has been ordered) Pituitary Gland tumour of 22 years, migraines, I’m also a 5 year colon cancer survivor. I also went through severe abuse from a previous boyfriend who would knock me unconscious with sleeper choke holds more times than I can count.
submitted by Inevitable_Force_917 to VisualSnowSyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:26 sconiscone Nmom just died; GC is already making it about herself and I don’t think I want to go to the funeral and deal with GC’s senseless wrath

TLDR: I just don’t think I can go to this funeral Friday and suck it up for these whack jobs. But there are great family and friends going that would be a comfort to me. (Along with some flying monkeys I’ll need to avoid.)
What should I do? Will I regret not going and getting the solace I deserve from the good family? How can I avoid GC’s gatekeeping of our enabler Dad in the future?
Full long-winded story:
I’ve been no contact with GC for a year - she’s a hateful sociopath narcissist herself and in active addiction. Been unemployed for years. She won’t admit addiction and hasn’t asked for help and I’m like “live and let live.” She’s out of my life but I had to interact with her the past few days to make funeral arrangements and support my grieving (but enabling) Dad.
Unsurprisingly, yesterday, GC flipped out on me starting with a series of 2am, critical, incoherent emails about the obituary I drafted at her request - she said she was too sad to write the obit but could do other things. (What things remains to be seen.)
Then she started texting me at 6am this morning: 8 nonsensical text messages every other hour about bizarro stuffs (e.g,, Dad not liking food she bought for dinner; how she had an important but not urgent question; then she texted that she suddenly decided to move into enabler Dad’s 1 bedroom apt. (!!) with him and she was packing up her one room and moving today. And, because she decided to impulsively move in like a parasite, she insisted I urgently needed to take him to a routine doctors appt tomorrow. I actually can’t take him, because I have a doctor’s appt myself, but my husband offered. So I replied via one briefly worded gray rock text saying “I made arrangements for Dad to be picked up. I can’t accompany him, but my husband can. I’ll let Dad know after work all the deets.” I figured we are all set, right?
WRONG! GC then sent more rage texts because she didn’t want me to call Dad directly to arrange the transport to the appt, I had to call HER (??) And she was pissed I wasn’t responding to her texts and “demanded” that I respond to her every text from now on, quote: “so Dad can get the help he needs it makes sense we coordinate to avoid duplication of effort. It is what is REQUIRED.”
I hadn’t responded to her texts because I just didn’t see them all right away, I had to work some hours today and can’t take full bereavement until tomorrow and I was with my dad all afternoon helping him do some things for the funeral. And some of her texts were nutjob city, and I’m glad I missed them. They deserved no response.
Tonight she called me from Dad’s phone and when I answered, thinking it was him, she said “ha ha I tricked you.” And I said “oh can I talk to Dad? I have the details for the appt.” She refused and said she was gonna write it down for him. (She always gets dates and times wrong, either on purpose or because of her drug addled brain) so I kept saying “I just wanna talk to Dad” in a calm voice. She freaked out and screamed “why are you acting like this?!?!” But then Dad got on the phone and I gave him the info and said my husband would meet him etc. GC was LIVID and SCREAMING at the top of her lungs in the background how she’s never gonna speak to me again blah blah blah. (But as soon as the funeral is over, I’m back to nc and blocking her.)
I knew this would happen but I thought I’d have more than one day of mourning before the toxic dysfunction just set right back in. And not sure I can continue to be there for my dad with her gatekeeping.
submitted by sconiscone to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:05 nottroublemakerr They are threatening to viral my picture with my number On adult website. What should I do next??????

Loan scammers are threatening me for Loan I haven't taken. Need genuine advice
Few days back I received 6k in my account. I immediately called my bank and told them I don't know who sent me the money , please reverse it. They asked me not to use money incase someone transferred it by mistake. From the very next day I have been receiving texts from International numbers. They have been demanding money and claiming that I have taken loan. They been sending me link for repayment. And everyone demanding different amount of money on different app. It's been almost 7 days. They are threatening more and more and now they are telling me They will contact My friends family as they have my call logs. I have read about this scam so I filed a complaint to cyber crime first day only but there are no help. I also got new number. What should I do? Should I switched off my phone for a while. But what if they start harassing my contacts. One of my friends said now they won't do much because it's been 7 days. If they wanted to do something they would have done it now. It totally ruins my day. What should I do next???
they have contacted my family. And threatened my mom to viral my pictures which says for fun contact this person on this number. I blocked then number and haven't received any text since then. I have temporarily changed my number that's why those people have been contacted my family. And they don't even know how to type. They don't even know where do I live. I am getting calls from Pakistani numbers. But I think they are using virtual numbers.
I really want to Teach these people a lesson.
submitted by nottroublemakerr to IsThisAScamIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:58 ChucoTeacher A love story. Over.

I'll always remember our first date, she was tall, even taller than me, I'm tall for a Mexican but not actually tall.
It was August 2020 and she said if I was ready for love. I said, I wasn't quite ready, but nice times with nice people was always there and if love was to happen, well it was to happen.
Love happened, little things and big things. November 2020, she asked if I was sleeping around, I wasn't but I was still talking to a few people. Am I a liar? I never lived down that technicality.
February 2021, she calls me and says she doesn't want to be just friends with benefits or anything and that she knows what I'm about and she's done.
I've been a coward, I've loved her since December, I make myself vulnerable and tell her everything. I tell her how I feel.
It's euphoria. She's so kind, and sweet, and tall. She's tall, I don't know why that matters. I get us stuck in the mud, she pushes the truck with me. She's so awesome.
I am so happy. Life is so good. Better than anything could be.
April 2021, she's pregnant. We're so incredibly happy. Oh my god, this is everything I ever wanted. I've always loved her eyes, I love them more now. I didn't know eyes could do that to you.
I was married before, for 11 years, but this is actually love and I know that.
May 2021, lost the baby. We're both hurt, we're both there for each other. This is love.
She actually already has a kid. It's time to meet him because we're in love, we're making a family of some kind.
The kid likes me. I thought that was supposed to be hard. Awesome, we're moving forward nothing can stop us.
Baby also means baby daddy. He's introduced June 2021. Holy shit, he's a terror. He's gay? Why would she have a kid with a gay guy?
Six years together and they only had sex the few times they made the baby.
He is not happy she's moving on, calls her a whore. I say he can't disrespect her. He says that's the mother of his child and they'll always have a bond. I say, whatever they are it starts with respect and he'll have to learn that.
We get in my truck. June 2021, our first breakup because i disrespected baby daddy. This can't be. It was a dream for so long and it's over this fast?
I send her flowers, apologies, she ignores me, 2 days later she's back. She still loves me.
It's different now. I mean it goes great for long periods, but suddenly breakups.
One in July 2021. Two in August 2021. When can we try to have a kid again? Ask that, break up?
Mom and kid fight it turns out. Kid punches mom, I stop it. I talk to the kid about his hulk feelings and how he has to be careful. Hard day. I did good I think. Guess what? Breakup. She says seeing her with someone not babby daddy is hurting the kid.
3 weeks of her being the gentlest, kindest person I've ever known. Then a breakup.
Rinse and repeat.
She goes through all my things repeatedly. I have to explain everything on my phone repeatedly.
June 2022, we start couples therapy, she cries a lot. She cries all the time. We get a book about how to disagree.
July 2022, we disagree.
Using I statements like the book says.
I feel like we should move forward. I feel stuck, I want to move in.
"Oh my god" "you feel stuck with me?" (Her)
She's about to leave again.
"Please, know i respect your need for space, I hope you come back in a few hours" (me)
"Don't tell me when to come back!!" (Her)
"I'm trying the techniques, I'm trying" (me)
"And I'm not, it's always my fault!!" (Her)
"Im done" (her)
"You can't keep being like this, if we're over it's the last time youre too crazy to know I love you" (me)
And it was.
We saw each other a few times. She brought the boy over in Halloween 2022 because he missed me.
We went hiking in March 2023.
I texted a girl and the message went to her.
She went on a date and came to my house crying afterwards.
Time passed.
She blocked me.
June 2024, she was with a guy at the Asian store. Matched the description of the guy she went on a date with.
She gave me go away eyes. I said, I'm sorry but I have to say hi. She said, no you don't, leave me alone.
It's over. Let go of that fantasy.
Heal. Let go of that fantasy.
submitted by ChucoTeacher to Diary [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:51 Tracer-Quarterly [Prism] MIDI Sequencer - Out Now!

Hey all you good people,
I'm excited to finally announce [Prism] is available in the app store for iPhone & iPad. Let me know if you have any questions!
A vibrant 16 track MIDI sequencer built for beginners and professionals, software and hardware, iPad and iPhone, on and off the grid, dubstep and ambient, Lizard Kings and Space wizardS!!, and just the kind of thing that may one day land on your deserted island. At least, that’s the goal! Whether you're crafting intricate beats, harmonizing melodies, or exploring new sonic landscapes, Prism offers a spectrum of flexible and astonishingly powerful tools to bring your musical ideas to life.
[Key Features]
[Sequencer Capabilities]
[Tone Track Features]
[Drum Track Features]
[Advanced MIDI FX & Tools]
[General Specs]
Designed to dazzle in simplicity and depth, Prism empowers you to experiment, play and ponder with ease.
Happy Creating Y’all,
submitted by Tracer-Quarterly to ipadmusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:48 Ok-Yak-5644 New School Blocks Cell Signals

We're moving into the new school. It's an exciting time since the old school was built in 1968 and is on it's last legs. The new school is modern and breathtaking.
Part of the new design is using a green sod roof for insulation. We work in Belgium, so construction laws are different here. The new insulation blocks out about 80% of the cell signals so if someone isn't right by a window, they aren't going to be seeing any bars. Those that see bars will probably be operating at 3G.
As teachers, we've been assigned mobile phones that connect directly to the wi-fi and will act as the means in which we can contact each other quickly since it is a open concept school and we're going to be all over the place in different classrooms.
We're over the moon. The kids are...less than enthused.
submitted by Ok-Yak-5644 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:46 zoomaenia Quick Adds: why do I see people not related to people I actually know?

I used to have an old snapchat where I have a guy that I blocked and using that same phone number, I created a new one and didn't link up my contacts with it.
Somehow, when I searched him (because I don't it to be known that I was using a new Snapchat account), it says "You May Know".
And I'm guessing that anyone that's someone "You May Know" could also be someone who's connect to people you used to have contact with or the contact of your contacts, even if they're not added to you (I have no way of explaining why the blocked guy is listed as that).
submitted by zoomaenia to SnapchatHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:46 BrownLucas123 MediaTek Dimensity 7300x _Latest Addition to Chipsets

The Dimensity 7300X is shaping up to be a solid mid-range contender, especially for gamers. Here's why I'm keeping an eye on it:
Now, for some caveats:
Overall, the Dimensity 7300X seems like a promising option for gamers and multitaskers on a budget. It offers excellent features and could shake up the mid-range market. Keep an eye out for phones launching with this chip!
submitted by BrownLucas123 to u/BrownLucas123 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:44 PuzzleheadedIntern87 not sure what else to do at this point

my dad and i (22f) currently don’t have a relationship due to many different factors. he was physically abusive towards my mom for my entire childhood and teenage years, verbally/emotionally abusive towards me & my siblings, and struggles drug/alcohol abuse as well as bipolar disorder. my mom and dad separated in 2019 and since then it’s been nothing but madness. he’s been in and out and rehab, not paying child support (he owes over 10k), and also tried to commit suicide shortly after the separation as well. since about november of 2023, we haven’t spoken since he went on a week long bender, stole my grandmas car and got arrested. my dad tends to change his number often and i have his current number blocked, but why is it that he’s still able to call me from “No Caller ID”?? what else am i supposed to do if im scared of my own dad and can’t even block him from getting in contact with me & my younger siblings?
submitted by PuzzleheadedIntern87 to Advice [link] [comments]
