Appendicitis and pain in rib cage

Support group for those with costochondritis

2015.07.16 22:45 maaaze Support group for those with costochondritis

A group for those who are suffering from costochondritis and Tietze syndrome (/TietzeSyndrome). Feel free to ask questions, and share what helps you manage the pain and hasten the recovery process.

2024.06.05 22:06 amyxelaine Stool grey with mucus.

Stool grey with mucus.
I’ve been experiencing some digestive issues the last few months and I am being seen by a gastro but wanted some opinions and to see if anyone else has had a similar experience.
My main concern is my bowel movements. They’ve been pretty much all over the map with size and color the last few months but the last 3 weeks they have been constant diarrhea, TONS of mucus and up to 6-8 times a day. I’ve had a CT of my abdomen, without contrast unfortunately, (which was clear) but I’m scheduled for my colonoscopy next week.
Im worried to death over cancer as I’m a huge hypochondriac. All of my pains are around my lower left rib cage and in the sigmoid colon area. I’ve attached some pictures to see if anyone else has experienced anything similar.
submitted by amyxelaine to poop [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:01 WorldsLargestAmoeba Labour's Election Policy? To Shatter The Young's Bones For Eternity

Keir Starmer and his team are planning the most immoral and evil government in our country’s history. By refusing to engage in an emergency decarbonisation of the UK economy they will play their part in locking in the destruction of our civilisation over the coming two generations.
Imagine a massive block of concrete at the top of a high building - it is about to be dropped on an inescapable cage filled with our children. Labour's policy is to allow the people with the block of concrete (the economic elites) to drop it and shatter the bones of those kids. Imagine it. Not just this on one day, not just the following day, but every fucking day forever and ever - like some deathly Greek myth. This is Labour policy: the infliction of endless torture and pain. That is what you are voting for when you vote for the Labour Party - mass starvation, mass slaughter, mass rape. A Hothouse Holocaust. Forever.
This is what it means to allow the world to go over 2C - to create a billion refugees, to allow the arctic ice to melt - to destroy our ability to grow food, to allow the Atlantic current (AMOC) to collapse - to turn this country in a barren desert of ice, to allow sea level to rise - to destroy every coastal city, to create unbearable heat for everyone in the subtropics - to kill them in six hours, to melt every glacier and all the snow in the mountains - to deny billions access to fresh water. Then there is the Amazon, the methane, the ozone, the acidification…the list goes on and on and on and on and on.
Labour plans to have all this happen and for it to happen all at once. Don’t vote for them. Don’t repeat the terrible error of voting for the Nazis in 1933. 12 years later 10 million Germans were fleeing the Soviets, 2 million raped women, and the country was utterly devastated. Labour’s plan is for this to happen to you and your children. Except this time it goes on forever and ever and ever.
Don’t delude yourself by the fairytale that decent upright people cannot create such evil. Decent and upright people stood by while millions burned in the concentration camps. Decent and upright people ran the European colonial empires. Decent upright people owned and killed their slaves. Decent and upright people create Hell. Then and Now.
Instead, follow the facts - follow the reality -the science, and don’t blame the messenger. All I have said here is confirmed by 10,000 peer-reviewed papers. Emergency action is needed and Labour will not enact emergency action. These are the only two facts you need to know. Being upright and decent is irrelevant. Starmer will stand by. He will do nothing.
As it happens when the election was announced yesterday I was watching a clip from the greatest horror film of all time - Threads. Watch it on Youtube - watch the nine-minute clip: the bodies, the rubble, the blood, the faces, the shit, the tears, the end… of everything.
This is what 2C means - what do you think 1 billion refugees (for starters) looks like? Get fucking real. Don’t insult yourself.
Then look in the mirror and say this:
“No way am I voting Labour”.
“I will stop being a slave to our executioners.”
Independents are standing to create system change - our only hope - vote for them. If you don't have that choice write on your ballot paper - “they do not represent us”. Then go home and prepare to do your duty to resist the greatest shitshow… ever.
If you read to this point, I wish you all the best. It’s the least I can do.
I've been speaking across the country over the last week on a new project, Assemble, which is going to use community assemblies to set up local candidates in the 2024 election. This is the democratic revolution in the making. Find out more at upcoming events in person or online. Donate to support us.
Sign up for nonviolent civil resistance with Just Stop Oil in the UK or via the A22 Network internationally.
submitted by WorldsLargestAmoeba to rogerhallam [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:11 RustyButterKn1fe Non-human alters with non-human anatomy (ex: animal ears, wings, tail, extra limbs) what’s your experience like when you front?

We have a few alters in our system that are nonhuman. 2 dogs, a spider demon with 6 arms, and a catlike creature with wings.
When they’re fronting (and I’m co-conscious), they get a bit of a phantom limb thing going on. Like sometimes I can feel the cat creature’s ears perk up when they hear something or their wings moving.
The spider demon, I feel like I’m missing two sets of arms at the bottom of my rib cage and right on my hips. It’s like I can almost feel them moving but idk.
I wanted to know what’s the deal with other systems with non-human alters? Do y’all also experience phantom limbs when you front, or do you feel dysphoric over the missing parts? Or relieved?
submitted by RustyButterKn1fe to DID [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:41 eviexa My poem for A

I dreamt that I killed you, and now I don't know how to feel.
You where angry at me (not that this isn't rare.) But this wasn't normal playful bickering this was rage pure and spiteful. I'd done something terrible.
I grab for both your hands and hold them in mine and you stop short and sigh, calmer now you look at a point just below the eyes. My eyes.
You continue to talk to me still angry but your edge is gone and you sound so tired. I'm thoroughly uncomfortable with this tension now and your monologue is boring so I look behind me. There my eyes land on a kitchen knife matte black handle and gleaming silver blade.
I pretend that in my guilt I must look down and turn away. Your voice is pleading for me, it wants something form me. It wants to see my face.
I walk towards the knife and pick it up feeling the blade and the weight.
Then your voice comes back to me. It's asking me, and i avoid it. I hold the knife and search for your eyes, you avoid my search. Serves me right.
Your speech slows in suspicion as I take slow steps towards you, one foot infront of the other.
We are level now, same height, eye to eye. You stop and sigh again relenting as I put my hands on your hips and pull you close.
I need to meet your eyes. I need your eyes. And I get them. Blue on blue, I know that mine are a brighter blue than yours though not as bright as some. It's like a diamond exploding when i meet your eyes pure and utter power. It gives me courage.
Thats when the knife meets your skin and you gasp. Your eyes so surprised I step in closer so that the blade sinks further in. Your hands grasp my shoulder and you sink into the crook of my neck.
I bring the blade up from your abdomen with some amount of difficulty until I reach the rib cage and pull out the metal. I wind my arms around you, and as we sink to the floor I let your blood sink into me.
You are still alive.
I pick Your head up from my neck and observed your tear stained face. You will slip away any time now.
I replace you to my neck and move my hands to your wound running a finger up just inside the cut before removing it to observe the effect.
The room is dim and your blood looks black on my fingers, I stare at it completely fascinated by all of you.
What brakes my interest is lack of life. No ragged breath no tears soaking my clothes. No beating heart.
I lay you down on your side avoiding your eyes. Your form is limp and unnerving.
I suddenly feel quite sick of myself as I sit beside what you where and do my best to ignore you. I throw the knife far from my side, it makes sutch a terrible noise. I dont dare to look at you. It felt stupid to regret what I'd just done, but I would miss you with all my heart. So so stupid.
So there I sat, paralised, covered in blood that was not my own. Feeling terribly unclean all over. I was too greasy and my eyes where too dry, and my hair was heavy and oily.
The longer I sat the more I told myself not to look but a nagging feeling also begged me to check on you.
But I am weak, even to my own emotions and all I could do was leve you where I'd left it. But it felt wrong, like leaving your bag on a bus on purpose. I never really believed I'd killed you, it was all a mist to me, shrouded in fatigue and self-doubt. So perhaps I didn't kill you, perhaps you where part of the dream, or maybe i stopped you from being here.
So if you read this then I'm so sorry for what I did and I hope that you forgive me. But fear not because I am coming to find you. No matter where you are, heaven, hell, the sun or the moon even the deepest darkest pits of my mind I will find you. Because remember my love, the red string on both our fingers are still connected all I have't to do is follow the slack.
submitted by eviexa to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:51 iakiakiak Pain in old PE spot

Does anyone else deal with pain that comes and goes in the exact spot you felt your PE (if your main PE symptom was pain)?
My PE was in October '23 (around 7.5 months ago at this point) and my only symptom was sharp pain in my right rib cage. Now, whenever I have any hint of pain or discomfort in that area I freak out. I'm only on low-dose aspirin now (went off Eliquis after testing negative for genetic factors at three months post-PE but got put on aspirin after testing positive for lupus anticoagulant) so I'm constantly afraid of a new clot or some lingering damage from my old one.
I had a negative D-dimer in February and another negative one about two weeks ago. I know that can't definitively rule out new clots but my doctors have been hesitant about sending me to another CT scan without having a positive D-dimer first.
I guess my main question is, how worried should I be when this pain comes along? I feel bad constantly going to the doctor but I also don't want to risk missing something. My pulmonologist mentioned that if I can tolerate exercise I'm probably okay, but I also did a Peloton ride the day before getting diagnosed with my PE and was fine, so who knows!
submitted by iakiakiak to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:04 thepensiveporcupine Enlarged spleen or kidney stone?

22F, 5’4, 130lbs
POTS from long covid, gallstones, IBS, GERD
Meds/supplements: Lexapro 5mg, Metoprolol 25mg, Omeprazole 40mg, Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol, Ketone Esters 45mL per day
Rarely drink, occasionally uses cannabis
About 3 weeks ago, I got a sharp pain in my left side just below my rib. It only lasted for a few minutes so I ignored it. My dad has a history of kidney stones and said that he had the same symptoms, but my pain wasn’t that severe and only lasted a few minutes. Since then, I would get random sharp pains underneath my left rib cage (by underneath, I mean if the rib wasn’t there, that’s where the pain would be) or right below my left rib. Now, I seem to have a persistent sharp pain on my far left side about an inch above my belly button. It’s probably about a 2/10 pain level, but it is tender to the touch and concerning. As mentioned before, I have gallstones so I’m wondering if it could be pancreas related. But I also worry about kidney stones or enlarged spleen. I see my gastroenterologist this Friday but I have other issues to discuss with him and am afraid he won’t let me talk about this abdominal pain. Should I make a separate appointment with my PCP or is this an emergency?
submitted by thepensiveporcupine to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:03 CBJ96 Life prolonging treatments

I was first diagnosed with testicular cancer in January 2021, underwent chemotherapy, and finished in late March 2021. My cancer type is non-seminoma, and the treatment was BEP.
Everything went well during the following check-ups. When I was due for a check-up in early June 2023, they forgot to schedule me, even though I contacted them. In August 2023, I began coughing blood. It turned out the cancer had returned. I went through 5 months of chemotherapy again and was told in January 2024 that I was cancer-free. The treatment this time was TIP (Taxol, Ifosfamide, and Cisplatin).
At my first check-up in March, I was told it had spread to my brain. After it was surgically removed, I was informed that it had also returned in my lungs, and now the treatment I am receiving is considered life-prolonging. I started a new chemotherapy regimen, which, after the first series, halved my hCG levels, so that’s quite good, and some of the pain in my ribs and shoulder blades has disappeared.
Currently, I am receiving Gemcitabine and Oxaliplatin as treatment.
As mentioned, it is considered life-prolonging since they expect it will only keep it at bay for a certain time. Meanwhile, I spend a lot of time looking into trials or other approved treatments in other countries, though I haven't had much success with this yet, and I hope some of you might have heard something about it. Currently looking into Germany or America
I am also curious to hear if there are others in a similar situation who would like to share how they handle such a situation.
EDIT: My cancer is right now spread to both lungs and the liver
The types is koriokarcinom
submitted by CBJ96 to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:36 ForsakenScratch3820 Help me doc!
Like above is bloodwork
August 2023- started getting golden pale stool, mostly diarrhea. Started losing weight (15 lbs in a month an a half. With this I have bout of nausea, urgency to use the bathroom (within 10 mins of a gut cramp).. dull pain under the bottom of both ribs (pain 2 out of 10) and always passing gas. My stomach always feels “off” so to say
June 2024- throughout the months i went on low fodmap, gluten free, caffeine free, lactose free. I’ve been 8 months still gluten and lactose free. Since January everything started to get a little easier. Mostly the anxiety settled down. In saying this, I always have yellow stool. Except if I eat a few brownies, then the next day my stool would be back to brown for a bm or two then go back to yellow. Also I eat excess calories now and still can’t gain weight. Maybe a lb or two. I have on and off days. Approx 4 days of alright days with formed stool, then a couple crappy days of loose. (Stool floats and sinks) always has clumps of yellowish deposits… I have pics that I can share privately. And still have the full pains across the bottom of my ribs and get bouts of nausea mostly in the morning. Also I’m always hungry. (FYI, when I eat it don’t cause pain)
I seen my doc multiples times throughout this time and a bunch of test.
Tests were Ct with contrast of the abdomen, xray of the abdomen, Ultra sound of the gallbladder, loads of blood work, stool samples, endoscopy and colonoscopy. neg for celiac, hpylori
Findings were: small hiatal hernia in the stomach, kidney stone in the left kidney, small gallstone unobstructed and a couple tiny hypodensity lesions on the liver....Likely cysts.
Any insite would be appreciated as my doc has run out of options. He suspected ibs at first but has since said it doesn’t sound like this anymore.
submitted by ForsakenScratch3820 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:33 ForsakenScratch3820 Ongoing gi issues
Like above is bloodwork
August 2023- started getting golden pale stool, mostly diarrhea. Started losing weight (15 lbs in a month an a half. With this I have bout of nausea, urgency to use the bathroom (within 10 mins of a gut cramp).. dull pain under the bottom of both ribs (pain 2 out of 10) and always passing gas. My stomach always feels “off” so to say
June 2024- throughout the months i went on low fodmap, gluten free, caffeine free, lactose free. I’ve been 8 months still gluten and lactose free. Since January everything started to get a little easier. Mostly the anxiety settled down. In saying this, I always have yellow stool. Except if I eat a few brownies, then the next day my stool would be back to brown for a bm or two then go back to yellow. Also I eat excess calories now and still can’t gain weight. Maybe a lb or two. I have on and off days. Approx 4 days of alright days with formed stool, then a couple crappy days of loose. (Stool floats and sinks) always has clumps of yellowish deposits…have pics that I can share privately. And still have the full pains across the bottom of my ribs and get bouts of nausea mostly in the morning. Also I’m always hungry. (FYI, when I eat it don’t cause pain)
I seen my doc multiples times throughout this time and a bunch of test.
Tests were Ct with contrast of the abdomen, xray of the abdomen, Ultra sound of the gallbladder, loads of blood work, stool samples, endoscopy and colonoscopy. neg for celiac, hpylori
Findings were: small hiatal hernia in the stomach, kidney stone in the left kidney, small gallstone unobstructed and a couple tiny hypodensity lesions on the liver....Likely cysts.
Any insite would be appreciated as my doc has run out of options. He suspected ibs at first but has since said it doesn’t sound like this anymore.
submitted by ForsakenScratch3820 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:25 YesterdaySea7202 Should I call my OB or wait until my appointment in a week?

I’m currently 37w3d and high risk, my last OB appointment she mentioned not liking how up & down my blood pressure has been after it coming back high both tries. This was a cause of concern so she said she was going to talk to my other OB’s about inducing me. She said if I have any pain in my right side that won’t go away, swelling, loss of vision or headaches to call or go to the hospital.
The last 4 days I’ve had a burning / stabbing pain start happening on my right side between my hip & ribs with the smallest amount of movement (even walking to my bathroom rq then going to lay back down) that lasts for hours no matter how I lay, if I take Tylenol or even try tiger balm to relieve the pain. Yesterday was the longest it lasted and barely went away while I was going to sleep. I read that it could be a sign of preeclampsia and blood pressure issues so I “should go to the hospital”. I’ve been thinking about going because it’s concerning for me & my bf but I’ve been worried since it goes away for a while that it’s not really concerning or getting the “this is normal” or “you’re just pregnant” speech but it’s only been my right side and the pain has been spreading to my ribs and hip making it painful to really do anything.
submitted by YesterdaySea7202 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:16 Trashythrowaway6996 How does one tell if their appendix is going to burst?

I started having a weird discomfort in my lower-right-side, right in my waistline, and now it is slightly painful. I am also feeling nauseous but have not vomited. I’ve heard IBS can mimic appendicitis at times, but I’ve never had a flare-up that felt quite like this. Can anyone with medical/experience weigh in on this?
EDIT FOR INFO: Male, 21, history of intestinal issues
TMI UPDATE: Major gas bubble. I let out a 30-second long fart and had to make a mad dash to the bathroom. Thank you all for your concern!
submitted by Trashythrowaway6996 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:04 invinciblesleep Please help me, I am absolutely lost at what to do, and I'm ugly crying on my couch in pain.

I've had digestive issues, ulcers, and an eating disorder for years, slow digestion, nervous tummy, all the doctor's have said it's just my anxiety. I'm 26 now, I work and go to school full time with no family support.
About a year ago my nutrition got so badly after massive weight loss, my hair fell out, I got a bunch of cardiovascular symptoms like fainting/heartbeat/anxiety attacks, not a low enough weight for a concern or direct plan of treatment. Mental health referrals.
Six months ago I started having blood pressure issues, blood sugar levels, hemoglobis fine, potassium 3.1, other micronutrients insufficient, unintended weight loss, pain in my chest/ribs/alternating upper lower back, kidney areas that feel worse than menstrual cramps, my bowels are like pudding and had melena when I was recently in the hospital.
Two weeks ago I ate lasagna as normal and started feeling feverish during the night. By morning I could not stop vomiting 6+ quarts of fluids and the chest pain was immense. I went to the ER and was admitted for the day, sent home. Further attack the next day went to ER again, was admitted for 3 days, given Dilaudid, blood work, testing, CT, ultrasound.
Gallbladder stones present but not obstructed Gastrisis Thick Uterine Lining (was ovulating but referral to OB is being heavy pushed by my provider and General Surgeon)
I was released after I could stop violently vomiting and feeling sick to my stomach, nauseous, and actually eat food/drink water, and my referrals to Gastro are on a wait-list until March of next year with my insurance.
I'm in so much pain, I can't sleep, my attack is constant even though they said my gallbladder stones are there but not obstructed, it's not super inflammed, but I'm miserable. I am SO weak, fatigued, I get so mant dreadful thoughts and emotions at night, I can't pee on command it's delayed, I'm constipated and my stomach is constantly churning, the pain doesn't go away from my kidney areas, my chest feels pressure, I don't have an appetite really, my hormones feel off, I feel off in my body.
I went to an appointment with GS yesterday and told they can operate on my my Thursday. After reading my ER charts she decided the gastrisis and infection should be treated first and I can come back in two weeks and we discuss surgery since I don't have gallbladder inflammation, I just have gallstones, and my ANA levels to be referred to Rheumatology and Gastroenterology in the meantime, and make sure to get treatment ✨ for my anxiety ✨ and that the Sucralfate, Pantoprazole, Cirpofloxacin, and metroNIDAZOLE will help with the infection and pain.
My stomach is bloated, gassy, noisy, discomfort, feels sore, gross, my kidneys are constantly pinching me, what the hell do I do until June 18? I have my last hydro today prescribed from the ER, I want to have a breakdown after 20+ phone calls to Gastro/Rhu within a two hour drive, all waitlists until November or April with my state insurance that I have because my full time job scheduled me just qualifying for part time to not have their Union covered insurance. 🤡
Do I just go back to the ER if I lose my absolute mind or feel like the pain is too much? June 18th, guys.
submitted by invinciblesleep to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:59 pocketfullomoonseeds Strange abdominal discomfort

Hi there,
I'm posting here because I've had little to no success so far in figuring this out.
For reference, I am a 36M. 6ft 1, 180 lbs. I take no medications. I do take a multivitamin and b12 supplement.
Over the last several months I have been experiencing what I would call abdominal "discomfort". I say discomfort because I can't quite quantify it as pain; just a feeling that isn't right. The feeling begins below my bottom-most rib on my left, where it is basically on my side. If I press there it is a bit tender and there is some mild pain. The feeling extends diagonally upward toward my chest about 6 inches or so.
It is difficult for me to describe the feeling exactly, but I would have to say it feels like a chronic, ambient pressure. Almost like a gas bubble or something. It is also considerably more noticeable while sitting, which I do a lot of for work.
I have been to urgent care for this issue, where a CT scan was performed, along with bloodwork, which both came back normal, other than small kidney and gallstones, (4mm) which I was assured would not cause me any issues, and slightly elevated bilirubin levels (1.2) for which I was told to make some slight diet adjustments, which I have done.
Additionally, I've had a visit with my primary care doctor, to discuss this issue. He prescribed Voltaren gel and suggested I apply it to the affected area, and see if I get any relief.
I checked the medications directions however, and noticed that usage on basically any area other than joints is not advised. Is it normal and ok for me to use this on my stomach?
Any ideas anyone might have about this problem would be much appreciated. As I said, I am not in agony. But it is an annoying feeling that is interfering with my normal life, and of course imagination runs wild thinking it could be all manner of serious and scary things. I don't want to ignore it just because it isn't painful (yet).
I have considered the possibility of an hiatal hernia. Not sure if that would show on a CT, but I did have a cold a couple of months ago with a violent cough that lasted multiple weeks. Maybe that caused the issue, or exacerbated an existing one?
I don't know. Thank you in advance for any help!
submitted by pocketfullomoonseeds to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:34 EarthBoundSoulHealer Usually the strongest person for 3 decades & keep going through the most unbearable pain that seems nonstop everyday. It's too dark and I truly wanted to help others, fellow star seeds. It's getting too unbearable and no one cares or listens

I never made a post like this but at this point have no choice but to express
I'm usually the most dedicated, disciplined person. Since 2019 onward and currently, it's been too taxing on my mind, body, spirit
Some miracle that I'm still here. But the daily crying as a grown man when all I did was do for others, people pleasing, being stuck/trapped in this house the same environment that kept me suffocated, silenced, psychologically tortured, neglected, babysitting everyone's emotions, never getting to myself
Currently, coughed blood, shoulder recovering from swinging after arguing at home with family that victim blames me while I'm suffering and never respecting boundaries when I'm trying my best to leave this house and get back to stability, I keep getting dragged down by others or their projection of energy, as I already antisocial for 4 years to preserve peace of mind
It seems anything I do is a mistake, or the wrong turn. Or misunderstood and while you're actually helping everyone, everyone ignores, does not care during urgent situations
**Trigger warning**
Even admitting feeling suicidal recently and low with some family and friends, and it crosses my mind but something I'll never do. But the worst part is when you never ask for help and it's embarrassing to do so. When you finally have the guts to ask for help, they either ignore you, blame you, neglect you, shame you, commit to misunderstanding you
After all I do for people, it's heart breaking. But how much can one human take, especially life time of betrayal, heart break, misunderstood, alienated, isolated, on top people assume I do well because I push passed the most detrimental things that happen daily and old/new trauma that piles up on a daily basis
If I actually had a support system and emotionally felt safe, things would be different. But no one around listens no matter how urgent your situation is, how dire or you're literally on the verge of dying
I know the universe has been telling me I need to speak up, but when I actually do. It's met with neglect or ignorance. I'm a very empathetic, compassionate being and it's been demoralizing and dehumanizing to say the least
It kills me when I do express boundaries a million times and still energies interfere when I'm even attempting to catch a break. Kills me yelling at the only people I truly love, deeply care for, would die for and they're feeling sad yet they're not seeing the literal issue in the dysfunction that can be fixed. How ironic right, I'm sure a lot of my fellow star seeds have a lot of solutions yet left to feel hopeless by some of our unawake loved ones. I know I still have the responsibility on my end to avoid pain and regret, shame by being back to controlling my temper and reaction although justified and human reaction, it still feels dehumanizing most angles. I'm usually the source of inspiration, strength for my community, family, friends but when you awoken you probably can resonate to how it's scary and lonely when you're intelligent on a level where most can't comprehend or fathom most of your issues
My proactivity:
2019/20 dream girl turned toxic ex - publicly humiliated me on her bday, manipulation, gaslighting, love bombing etc 3 months of dating turned into 4 years of internal work/kundalini/massive shadow work. Being antisocial when all I did was have good intentions for her and everyone in general as usual
Spiritual awakening 2020, seen the unseen - unlocked the authentic, real me. Which wasn't accepted or understood. I'm good looking, have a lot of talents after getting over the low self esteem and found my purpose as an artist and to help others who have gone through tough traumas, loneliness, deep pain etc
Stuck in a house, remote work with those who were committed to misunderstanding and not wanting to be awoken. I move back to my home city where I work hard all year, working on 3 businesses, regaining balance. Put out a music video as a rising artist, get illegally arrested next day by NYPD by 9 cops for suspended license notices that were sent to an old apartment(I do take accountability for everything in life but then how it was handled by 9 cops while complying was unnecessary) It's like you've done everything for everyone unconditionally loving as you're raised that way and you're good intended yet the harshest things in life keep happening and you don't catch a break. Even while minding my boundaries and being to myself, which I actually enjoy
Car taken away by fam while injured and having to walk other side of town just to get to the gym daily and taking the subway and long walks to the train while it's scorching hot. I've done worse walks to work daily years ago and didn't think I had to struggle again like that at least. Without hearing everything, got screamed at and car taken away. (This, I try to have more than one perspective as fam seeing it to protect myself or since they care they added that discipline to teach me or have me learn from my mistakes ultimately. Being a mom or a parents isn't easy, so I try to see it from that perspective)
While feeling the lowest and at rock bottom, I thought I can reach out to family friends who'd only not care or give surface level advice while you're on the verge of giving up(never did, never will)
Knowing your kid is talented, but it seems like it's purposely being held back, like superman caged in and being useless. Not even having a social life, dating life, friends or joy to look forward to
I know balance is the key, continuing discipline that I got myself out of bed for which was there before the pandemic. All I wanted was people to understand, listen or even empathize, I know life is struggle, not meant to be easy, pain for pleasure but it seems I can't catch a break most cases or a series of odd events occur
I know everyone else is a mirror, reflection of me and ultimately everything comes back to me for responsibility but you can see above how complicated it is. Coming from a stoic person who's gone through a lot since a kid yet never broke him
Meditation, journalling, fresh air outside, smoking, creating, taking breaks, calling someone,
That's a lot I wrote, it's been draining explaining these things numerous times to numerous people, loved ones yet not much changed and resolved
Same time I don't want to blame others, that's usually a cop out for your ego and doesn't solve things. Same time I believe in standing up for yourself, standing your ground especially being disrespected
I accepted that some people don't want to wake up or evolve, but then why affect my energy or attached to it so suffocatingly that I can barely create or be in a calm state of mind. My emotional regulation is off and never giving it a rest when all my life I was known for my composure and maturity. Now people are reacting to my reaction of being in excruciating pain and claiming it's rude. What would you do if your leg is on fire, and you're repeating simple things literally asking for help yet you don't get a reply back because it was urgent and came across harsh. It wouldn't be harsh if I was listened to the first million times when I said it all clearly, simply and calmly
I do what I do as an artist/life coach to save and help others who gone through similar. And for those who experiencing new things for the first time like new traumas that doesn't have much awareness on it
Help me help you. I been wanting to start a community for myself and fellow star seeds and anyone who truly has good intentions. As we need each other more than ever and create a family outside of family. Just don't want me or others to go the Robin Williams route(RIP)
Whoever took the time to read this, thank you and pray for me!
submitted by EarthBoundSoulHealer to starseeds [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:30 Exotic_Artichoke_619 Anxiety/Gut

I know the gut is connected to mental health so it’s not shocking, but I’m about 13 hours post first injection (ever) of 2.5 and I am so anxious. It feels like a bubble underneath my rib cage. I’m not unfamiliar with anxiety but haven’t felt like this in a long while. Wondering if anyone else experienced this and if it went away. I am thankful to not be experiencing nausea at this point though, was anxious about being nauseous before the shot 😅 irony.
submitted by Exotic_Artichoke_619 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:27 SavannaBanana Lost bird, looking for support

Lost bird, looking for support
This past Saturday, my buddy, my beloved Rosy Bourke’s parakeet – Romeo – got outside, and it hurts so much more than I ever could’ve imagined.
He was the first bird I ever really bonded with and the first to seem to actively want to be around me. I loved having him by my side and whistling with him and watching him play. He was so curious and sweet. I had only ever had budgies before and rescued Romeo after one of mine had passed. I hadn’t heard of the breed before then, but I instantly fell in love. It’s hard to know what parts of him are characteristic of the breed and which are his own unique personality, but in so many ways, he felt like the perfect bird.
And now, I feel like I failed him. I don’t think he intended to get out, but I also couldn’t coax him back in before he was gone. I miss him like crazy, but more than anything, I just hope he’s okay. It’s been raining a lot lately where I’m at and every time I just think about him and wonder if he’s able to find shelter, to find food, to stay safe.
My fiancé and I have done everything we can – posted on every lost pet/parrot website and fb page, bird watching groups, Nextdoor, Craigslist, Ring Neighbors, local subreddits, etc. We’ve posted flyers and talked to nearby businesses. We’ve put his cage outside with food and water. We walk miles between the two of us every morning, afternoon, and evening playing parakeet calls on our phones and doing some of his favorite whistles. I know that last one is a long shot, but it’s all we can do to feel like we are doing everything in our power to find him.
I know the chances are slim, and I’m starting to allow myself to let go and come to terms with the very likely outcome that we will never see him again. I’m finding losing a bird to be much more difficult than having one die. The uncertainty and perpetual hope is heartbreaking. I’ve gotten a lot of stupid and insensitive responses by putting myself out there. Things like “he would’ve already come back if he wanted to,” some straight up laughing at my situation, and others simply not understanding how someone could be so upset about a bird.
I’m not really looking for advice or hindsight of what I could’ve done differently (believe me, I think about that constantly), just hoping for some kind words from what I’m hoping is a group who understands my pain. Thank you in advance.
submitted by SavannaBanana to parrots [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:07 Important-Drama-6535 Sharp tingling pain and tightness behind right external oblique when doing isometric ab exercises? 24M

I'm a 24 yo male, ~140 lbs, 5'7" with no prior conditions related to what I'm asking about.
I've started exercising since I was about 18, and for that entire time I've avoided doing isometric ab exercises involving extended contraction of the abs (e.g., planks, leg raise holds) because after I hold for an extended period, I start to get a tingling light pain, and then after continued holding, a very sharp pain in the area behind my right rib. The pain feels like it's above the ribs, but below the skin.
Looking at pictures of the musculature of the back, it is in the area of the external oblique in my back, on my right-hand side.
It doesn't feel like a side stitch at all; it starts out fuzzy and uncomfortable and then with continued holding becomes extremely painful, localized in an area of roughly an inch diameter on that part of my back. No other kinds of exercises cause it, but it is very sensitive to any extended contraction, and the more contracted I am the faster it becomes irritated--- even a slow transition from a downward dog into a low lunge can start to hurt, since that motion involves a lot of contraction.
It does not affect my daily life, as it seems to only be irritated by a combination of torso contraction and abdominal tension (e.g., I can bend over every which way without any pain whatsoever, as long as I am not bending under tension) and I've built my exercise routines to avoid such motions, but I'm tired of doing that and am hopeful that it can be treated.
I am hoping to see a professional about this, but I had two questions before I start my search.
1.) Which kind of professional should I see? An orthopedist? A sports doctor? A physical therapist?
2.) Have you seen something like this before, and if so, do you have any recommended stretches/motions/training that I can try to do regularly to address it?
submitted by Important-Drama-6535 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:00 Gh0stOfNY So confused, Fibro Scan 3 weeks ago shows Grade 2 fatty liver, Ultra Sound today shows normal liver. Pain right rib

Still in pain under the right rib… The person doing the scan explained since I have GERD and IBS and how the food enters here and hooks a C shaped turn here and then goes up and around…..could make sense why I’m in so much pain under my right rib but I was convinced it was because of my fatty liver.
3 weeks ago it was
CAP 269 KPA 6 IQR 26 IQMED 24%
“Liver is normal with no mass or lesions”
On 4/30 my albumin was at 4.0 (range of 4.1-5.1) so that was “low”
My ALT was 47 with range supposed to fall in 0-44. So that was “high”
Can anyone help me make sense as to why I’m still in pain all on the right side.
submitted by Gh0stOfNY to FattyLiverNAFLD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:47 gravi_T Elderly guinea pig sudden decline?

My guinea pig is 7 years old and has been in great health recently. Very sassy as usually and eating and drinking well. Suddenly yesterday, he started stumbling around the cage and not wanting to move much. He’s eaten hay and pellets yesterday (same brand as always) but will not drink water or eat anything else now. Even carrots and lettuce are still untouched. He’s blind but he always responds to my voice or the food bag sounds but not yesterday. He’s very tired and seems confused when walking around the cage. His cage is very simple now because he was running into things constantly as his vision declined. I used a dropper to give him some water last night and he rested on me for a while. But when put back in his cage he just laid in one spot all night. Very weird for him. Still no eating or water on his own. He’s at the vet now while I’m stuck at work. His lungs sounded clear (he’s had respiratory infections when he was young so I know what to listen for). He can walk but seems like he really doesn’t want to. He’s pooping less and they’re smaller and seem more strained.
Any ideas? Does this just happen with elderly guinea pigs this suddenly? I have had a few guinea pigs before and one unfortunately passed of cancer and heart problems according to the vet (was 5 years old). I had another pass suddenly a few years ago without any answer. He was a rescue from an abusive home and we had no clue what his health problems were or how old he was.
I’ve had this guy since he was three months old and this is all very strange for him. Does anyone have insight?
Vet update 1: He hasn’t found any direct answers yet. My guinea pig has a low body temperature so he’s going into a warmer for a while, getting fluid replacement and pain meds to help him relax. X-ray coming to see if gas is in abdomen.
Vet update 2: the X-ray shows gas in his abdomen. The vet says it’s early signs of gut stasis and he’s going to keep him for the day to keep him warm and to feed and give him water. He may stay overnight.
submitted by gravi_T to guineapigs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:34 Aromatic-Wrangler127 my binder size has just increased drastically

mention of weight and chest size! not in a venty or especially negative way, but a warning nonetheless
ive had a bit of weight gain on t, which has also lead to an increase in chest size, and ive noticed that i cant really get away with wearing baggy hoodies without binding anymore when i definitely could before
ive been wearing the same binders since i came out ~2 years ago when i was a size small (i was 16 then, im 19 next week) and theyre still pretty comfy so i wasnt really expecting a change, i definitely wasnt expecting to be a size XL !? was initially super in denial but after remeasuring about 5 times and looking at some of the binder models it looks about right - it feels like a huge change but i think thats just because i was used to having a small chest my entire life, and now im apparently a triple D :')
just wondering now for how long ive been wearing the wrong size lol, my binders havent felt uncomfortably tight but they havent been getting me perfectly flat for a bit and ive been having a little bit of rib pain recently i guess, but not enough that i was worried. ive been wanting to try a new brand of binder anyway but wasnt really able to justify it when i already have 3 gc2b ones, so i think im gonna try an xl from a different brand and see how it feels
has anyone else experienced this? everyone always mentions their chest getting smaller on t but ive totally gone the opposite haha, im wondering if this is at all a common experience?
submitted by Aromatic-Wrangler127 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:43 CallMeSloppenheimer I am extremely worried and I need help. Female 30 with autism and anxiety.

I have a previous diagnosis of autism and sever anxiety. I am also 26. Also do not know if this is relivent but I have had covid and Flu type B within the last 5 months.
On the 31st of may I went to bed and woke up at 2AM with loud rumbling in my belly, I had brown watery diarrhea severely and puked once. After this I felt fine with some light diarrhea until the 3rd when I woke up at 9PM with heavy diarrhea and projectile vomiting. I was extremely ill all-night puking 2-3 times a hour and had constant brown watery diarrhea. The puking stopped at 6AM but the diarrhea has not. I went to the hospital, and they did full Pannels and gave me an IV drip. I was diagnosed with gastritis's. Well today the diarrhea is bright yellow. I don't have any pain besides some back and rib pain from all the puking.
I really need answers as I am terrified. My doctor says the puking and diarrhea on the 31st is probably unrelated but what is the chances of getting two stomach issues just 3 days apart? I am scared to go to sleep because what is the puking starts again? I mean it when I say I am very scared and I don't know why. I am terrified something really bad is happening/
This is also severely impacting my life. I had to take 2 days off work as I keep making messes of myself.
submitted by CallMeSloppenheimer to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:40 Accurate_Shirt5918 18Y M Scared of what's happening

Hi, I'm 18 years old, a few months ago I had hepatitis A, after I left the hospital a few months later I felt sick and I ended up in the hospital again, the liver enzymes were around 300, and they also found the bacteria H Pilory, I received the antibiotic amoxicillin, I was hospitalized for a week and the tests dropped a little and very hard, they discharged me and sent me to a specialized hospital with the reason that I might have autoimmune hepatitis, I went there and did a biopsy from which it turned out that it shows autoimmune hepatitis, but it is not known concretely because it could be from the antibiotic, all immune antibodies are negative, they are not present in the body.
They prescribed preventive treatment with prednisone, I continued to go for tests every month, and now the medical records say
"probably drug-induced hepatitis DILI" “We cannot say exactly that it is autoimmune hepatitis, considering the consumption of amoxicillin and the hepatitis A infection a few months ago”
What is the chance of having autoimmune hepatitis if all immune antibodies are negative? I'm still under investigation but I'm extremely scared, sometimes I feel nauseous, tired, headache, and a little pain in my right ribs, I don't know if it's from the prednisone, or from anything else I don't even want to know because I'm already overwhelmed of the whole situation.
submitted by Accurate_Shirt5918 to autoimmunehepatitis [link] [comments]