How to make a dolphin out of a dollar

Dolphin - GameCube and Wii Emulator

2013.08.18 15:32 AnyOldName3 Dolphin - GameCube and Wii Emulator

Subreddit for the GameCube and Wii emulator Dolphin.

2009.12.14 10:33 Get rated on your appearance

A subreddit to have your appearance rated out of ten by redditors. Make a post today to receive tips and advice on how to look your best!

2012.06.07 00:14 Billobatch Learn Useless Talents

This is a place to learn how to do cool things that have no use other than killing time and impressing strangers.

2024.06.05 20:33 FaerieMetanoia Im 17 and I don’t even know what to call this. I’m just writing cause I need to get this out. Read if you want

I don’t know how to add more content warnings but basically: content warning for violence, death, talks about sexual assault, and suicide/selfharm
This is just me rambling about my life as a youngin. I don’t care if you don’t like the way I write, read if you want to. I’m kinda sad today.
I have never told anyone this but I am going to kill myself when I turn 18 or 19, I’ve planned it out exactly to the day since I was 14 years old, there is no changing my mind (if I don’t randomly die one day)
Before I continue on, the only reason I’m sticking it out till that age is because my mom asked me to get my high school diploma before she passed (renal/heart failure) though I never harbored any feelings towards her so I don’t know why I’m even doing this for her. I didn’t even cry when she died. She was the best mom she could be, I liked her more than Mrs Annie.
I don’t want you guys to pity me if anyone even sees this because I genuinely don’t deserve it. I’ve been a horrible person almost all my life (I’ll delve deeper into this later on because I want you guys to have the most authentic opinion of me even if you absolutely despise me after this). Besides my almost perfect grades (A student), no one ever has anything nice to say about me. My older sisteguardian can’t even look at me without the tiniest hint of disgust and embarrassment (trust me, she doesn’t look at my little sister like that or my older brother, always super chatty but goes quiet when I look in her direction. I don’t do that anymore.)
I am extremely autistic ( diagnosed when I was five and high functioning), I get really confused about stuff that I should already know and then get told off about how it is common sense and how I should know these things. Just simple stuff like how to work a stove, or where certain foods go, or how to work a can opener, or that I should be showering twice a day and brushing my teeth, or how I shouldn’t sleep in outside clothing, and other stuff etc etc. I’m always getting told off about these things. My little sister always knows how to explain stuff to me(she taught me how to use the stove and make eggs, though I always end up forgetting and then needing help again) she’s like the older sister, not me. I really wish she was my older sister. I’m not cut out for this. I’m called weird and rude so many times and I do not understand why. Sometimes I’m called “bitchy” or a “mega bitch” and I really don’t understand why. What exactly am I doing wrong? I always ask this and then get shot down that I “know” what I am doing so I just say ok and go on about my day. Sometimes I know there are dishes at the side of me that I have to wash but I don’t end up washing them cause I completely blanked them out of my mind. It wasn’t on purpose, it genuinely was an accident but again I “know” what I did and now I’m in trouble again. Sometimes I bang my head against the wall when I’m upset or rock back and forth when I’m too excited, once I did it in front of them and they immediately told me to stop cause it was weird. I do it in my room now, or control myself if we’re out somewhere. One time I overheard my sister talking about how I’d never be able to live on my own and that has stuck with me.
One time when I was 11 I tried to commit suicide while texting my best friend, she told the counselor while I was on the way to a different part of NJ, I screamed at her. I’m sorry Anastasia. I apologized when I was 13 but she never responded, I don’t expect her to.
One time, I sabotaged my older sisteguardian’s relationship because they were really abusive to one another (never told her this but I doubt she would care). It worked. She thought I liked him and was out to get her. I don’t blame her for feeling that way though I don’t like older men. Or men in general. Sometimes I thought my sister was bat shit crazy cause of the arguments they had. Oh boy she hated every time I pointed out where she was wrong and never him. (I didn’t really know dude like that and that’s why I always felt weird about pointing out where he was wrong though I did see it.) she’d always tell me that I was supposed to defend her cause I’m her sister but I really didn’t care. Then when I went to the mental hospital I put him down as a safe adult to talk to and she was pissedddd. She asked me if I had feelings for him. I told her I’m not into men. And was currently talking to a female (never went anywhere btw). My sister is currently happy and pregnant with her new boyfriend. I am content with that I think
I lie constantly if I feel like I’m going to get in trouble, no one believes me anymore but trust that there is not one lie in this post.
I pick personality traits off of people and apply them to myself. I realized this when my friend asked me why I was copying her in the nicest way possible. I was. My mind blanked for a second and I couldn’t explain why. I try not to but then everyone thinks I’m dry and doesn’t want to be my friend.
I lied so much in one year my sister almost kicked me out. (She drove me to a old church building, I kinda wish I would’ve stayed at that church building) (14 or 15 years old)
I remember a while ago when my mom was still here and I was living with her that I drew a really bad picture and was sent to a care facility for a day. Nothing was wrong with me and they released me to my mom. She never said anything. (7 years old)
I used to threaten to kill myself when I got my phone taken so much so that my mom had one of my siblings keep an eye on me cause she didn’t know if I was serious or not. (12 year’s old)
One time when I was a freshman in high school I threatened to kill everyone in my household while I was in school, they said that I had to go to a mental hospital and get evaluated. My sister was freaking pissed. I started seeing things in the hospital before I went to the mental hospital, I started hearing my mother’s voice. My sister thought I was faking cause I’m autistic and really upset. I once told her that I wasn’t, She didn’t believe me. I was diagnosed and then undiagnosed with manic depression and unspecified psychosis. No more meds. (I was on anti psychotics) They made my head hurt anyways. My sister said I was ruining her military career and she wished she never took me or my little sister in. I understood but was pissed myself and started acting out a whole lot more after that. The church thing happened right after this when she caught me in lie after lie. I mentioned a TikTok trend that was going around with mental hospital patients getting out and she ran with that though I denied wanting to do that trend. Though I always deny it the mental hospital was fun. I finally had people who related and talked to me. I made friends for the very first time by myself. They had their issues and I had mine. I loved that I think.
I saw two people die in my lifetime, one was shot over 25 times in the face while the other was shot in the chest area. I think I was 11 years old both times, I could be wrong though. Rip Shayla and seagull. I didn’t know y’all but it was really horrifying to see y’all both die in the same year. (They were not children) Shayla was barely recognizable when her family posted her open casket. But I already knew that. I saw her face. Or what was left of it. Seagull’s mom just kept screaming for hours, I watched her cry and scream out the window all night. She later went on to off herself in the same spot seagull died at (at least that’s what I heard, don’t know if she’s actually dead or alive.)
My mom ran an after hour once, selling snacks and beer. Cops knew and did absolutely nothing. She once took us trick or treating, when we got a shit ton of candy (enough to fill an entire large containers worth), she took it and sold small candy bags. Me or my little sister didn’t get not one piece.
I have nine siblings, (ten if you count the one that died, I don’t cause I didn’t know him as I was in foster care at the time) my mom was destroyed by his death and she was never really a mother after that. She really tried though. She started to hear the voice of god talking to her but mommy always told us she was going to hell. She even told us we could lie on her.
I remember my mom casually telling me my older sister boyfriend (not the sister I’m living with now) had a crush on me and wanted to rape me. I think I was 10 at the time. She laughed, I laughed. He gave me 50 dollars once, I think he wanted to have sex with me that day. He was 40 something. I took the money and left with my daddy (not biological, don’t know who my sperm doner is) I think I was assaulted by him but not raped. I’m not to fucked up by it.
When I was in foster care, I used to have to get dressed in really tight dresses by my foster parent. Men used to come by and feel me up. Nothing happened after that but my foster mom was extremely pissed each time. I didn’t really give a shit and went on with my day. It was uncomfortable but they didn’t do anything else to me so it doesn’t matter or count.
I would like to write more but I don’t feel like it right now. I also wrote this on my phone so there’s that. lol
submitted by FaerieMetanoia to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:32 Fickle-Language-3619 my bfs sister disgusts me & i just need to get it off my chest.

she’s nice but everything about her as a person like all her qualities are so horrible. she used to be slim and became basically obese but does nothing to get healthy again. she eats whatever she wants whenever she wants, and all of the food and sugary drinks are absolute crap, she has no self control & doesn’t know when to stop.
she’s lazy asf and never walks her dog which i consider abuse at this point & have told her multiple times she needs to start walking her. sometimes the dog doesn’t get walked for days & she’s a german Shepard & needs exercise.
all the money she makes she spends on the most stupid things like whatever is trending & just spends money just to spend it & buy stuff she doesn’t need. she has a drinking problem & goes out every weekend and blows all her money on alcohol. she doesn’t pay her phone bill because she’s so broke and can’t afford it since she wastes her money on useless things.
her “boyfriend” is a freeloader. she lets him live with her and doesn’t pay a single bill. she supports him financially and buys everything for him & doesn’t make him pay rent. she sees no problem with this even though he’s just using her for sex & a place to stay. she doesn’t value herself at all.
all of her friends are younger than her & childish. she tends to only date / go for younger men, as young as 18-19 and she’s 24.
everything she does and the way she carrie’s herself just irritates me. she’s always late on rent & electric & never pays her credit card bill. she borrowed money from their dad to go on vacation & always talks about how she hopes he forgets because she never plans on paying him back. (over 2 thousand dollars)
she went on vacation with a guy she only met once thinking it would be a free trip & that he wouldn’t want sex in return, even though everyone told her she was putting herself in a dangerous situation. the guy got violent in the hotel room when she declined sex & she had to borrow money from her sister to come back home home a day later since she went out there with no money.
she just doesn’t seem to realize she’s an adult & still acts like a teenager. she has no future plans to better herself or go for a career,school, or a better job. why are some people like this?
submitted by Fickle-Language-3619 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:24 Wonderful-Bid824 Pepémon! $PPMON

Pepémon! $PPMON
Do you want to catch them all? At Pepémon, we are all about creating a family that wants to build something memorable in the space. We are an established group of veterans that are trying to make the best meme out of Pepe the frog.
Pokemon is a 90 billion dollar company while Pepe the frog is at 6 billion market cap. This tells me that there are millions of people who would truly understand the concept of what we are trying to do. This is a legitimate community takeover. Not one person on our team is a majority bag holder. . With lots of great content (including a cartoon) ready to roll out soon, 5 million $PPMON HAVE BEEN BURNED, and meme contest in the near future ,you will see this gem of a project organically grow. Come join our community to see how we are internationally vibing and help us catch them all!!!!
Pepémon CA
submitted by Wonderful-Bid824 to memecoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:13 nodalresonance How do I choose one among 292,201,338 possible options fairly using only random bits?

Hi everyone,
I am tinkering around with the idea of using quantum bits to play the lottery. Assuming the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct, if I measure the vertical spin of an electron, or some similar observation, one of my future selves will see up, and another will see down, each in their own separate universe.
Maybe it's just a fantasy, but I think it would still be fun (enough to spend a few dollars on) trying to play the lottery in such a way that some future version of me will have played every possible combination of lottery numbers, each in their own separate universe. Fine in theory, but in practice, I am an amateur mathematician at best, and I'm getting lost in the details.
So my question is this. Let's say I have a set of bits, with each element assigned either a 1 or 0 corresponding to measurements of spin up or spin down, of whatever length works best for this goal. I want to map this set of observations of quantum bits onto the set of all possible Powerball lottery combinations. In a perfect world, I would ideally like somehow for the set of quantum observations to have a bijective correspondence with the set of lottery combinations, being the possible combinations of 69 choose 5 (the regular lottery balls) and 26 choose 1 (the powerball). But how?
The number of possible lottery combinations appears to be 292,201,338, which is not conveniently a power of two, and that would be necessary for the correspondence to be bijective, right? So I would have to settle for it being surjective, more than one possible quantum observation mapped onto each possible lottery combination. But then there's a problem with overrepresentation...
Say I used 5 bits to represent just the powerball selection, and made it so that, if the value of the bits, read as a binary number (plus 1), corresponded to any of the lottery numbers 1 through 26, then that's what I choose, but if the binary number is greater than 26, I wrap it around, so that 27 means the lottery number 1, 28 means 2, etc. Then I've ensured all the lottery combination bases are covered, but some bases are more covered than others. If there are 32 of my future "selves" in this scenario, then only one of them plays the number 26, but two of them play the number 1. I would like to avoid that kind of bias if at all possible.
I could make the bias arbitrarily small by just using more and more bits and just assigning them to powerball numbers modulo 26 so that the overrepresentation shrinks from 2:1 to something like, say, 40:39. It would practically solve the problem, but at this point I'm just curious: is there some clever solution out there which makes it completely unbiased?
Beyond that, I'm not sure how I would actually go about doing the calculations. I'm no programmer either, but I would love for some computer program to just take the set of bits as input, and give as output, e.g., "play 4, 8, 15, 16, and 32, and 4 for the powerball," while being sure that every possible lottery combination is definitely covered by some value of the bits, and that each lottery combination is an approximately equally probable outcome, if the bits were treated as randomly selected. But how would one approach performing those calculations, ideally without coding it from scratch, instead using some existing publicly-available software?
Thank you very much for your insights!
submitted by nodalresonance to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:56 MrLarsOhly Beware of Revolut having having money charged in the wrong currency.

Tl;dr at the bottom.
Wish to warn the community about several incidents where I've been charged in the wrong currency and Revolut denying any wrongdoing.
I am on a trip to Hong Kong. I changed some of my euros to HKD and then went shopping in different places, both small independent shops and also international chains like Uniqlo and 7eleven.
Found out later that all transactions of that day were charged in euros. I brought this up to Revolut and wished to know how to change the currency that is being drawn from the card during payments. Was told by the support that it will pick the most relevant currency automatically. (Wish to note my default currency is SEK, not euros).
According to them I must not have had enough money in HKD in order for their system to decide to charge in Euros instead of the local currency. Tried to explain to the support that the amount of currency in the account was many times over the transactional amounts of that day, but this wasn't met with any recognition from Revolut's side. Got it escalated to the card payment team later on.
When I got transferred to the card payment team I was told immediately that the only explanation is that the merchants charged me in euros and not in Hong Kong dollars. I questioned this since I had been like previously mentioned to several different places, small shops and large chains and just got it repeated that they (Revolut) don't decide the currency to be charged with and only the merchant has control over that (Re-reading this, this is obviously not the case if their system can detect the proper amount of currency to be charged at any given time).
The thing is that this explanation holds no water since I went to many different places throughout the day. And I doubt places in Hong Kong have the legal authority or even the possibility to charge in another currency than their own (Like Uniqlo for instance).
If it was an issue on my end like a faulty setting or something I would gladly be satisfied with Revolut's services but for them just to blame a third party no matter how unlikely just sits wrong with me, and hence I am making this post since there seems to be something seriously wrong with the service.
Tl;dr: Several (6!) transactions were made by different merchants in Hong Kong during the same day with plenty of HKD in the account. Support claims the merchants charged me in euro instead of it being a fault on Revolut's end and take no responsibility or offer any form of solution.
submitted by MrLarsOhly to Revolut [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:47 CatgirlC Am I wrong for wanting to go no contact with my sisters and telling one of them that they’ll never find true love?

So, if you haven’t seen my previous posts I babysit my niece for my sister. She can’t find a babysitter and because I adore my niece I do it for her, she pays me 100 dollars a week to do so and I accept it because she wants to save to move out and she still needs to buy things for my niece occasionally. I didn’t plan on going into too many details but, for the sake of being understood and making sure that this doesn’t come off wrong I’ll explain a lot more.
Last month, my sister started a new job. She makes the same amount that she did at her past job but now she gets paid every two weeks, but she also makes tips every day. Because im her babysitter and she pays me, she made it her duty to tell me about this but never telling me exactly how much she gets paid. When she first came home from her first day she made about 100 dollars in tips, she gave me nothing despite agreeing before starting her job that she’d give me at least half of this every other day and I accepted because as a 21 year old I need things too. Now, I’ll admit that my anxiety has taken control of my life and made me fear being out in public so despite wanting to get another job I haven’t—I’ve had many opportunities and because I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety I would let them pass me. But back to what I was saying, a week passes and despite her agreement she gives me nothing.
That’s fine because im not a greedy person, I don’t ask for things, I haven’t asked for new shoes since I was about 10 years old and I learned to do my own hair to avoid asking to get it done. The next week she gives me 10 dollars, I accepted it and kept going on with my day and a few days later she does the same. In between all of this she gets attitudes with me everyday, cursing me out over small things—blaming me for things she misplaced just for her to give a half ass apology and do it again. Once she got mad at me for asking her how her day was and she ended up cursing me out, another time she called me fat (I used to have a lot of weight on me but lost it and I was bullied for this as a child for years.) because I asked her not to “wash the dishes” by wiping them down and leaving them on the clean side with soap on them for days. In that same week she told me that I was ungrateful and fake for asking her to pay for my food (it was about 11 dollars.) and she cursed me out about it, before this she agreed to give me 20 dollars just to show her appreciation since im the only one in our family that can actually watch my niece. She ended up saying that she wouldn’t do it because she paid for my food, once again im not a greedy or needy person. I don’t need the money, all the things I want come to me eventually so I don’t ever ask her for anything—I had decided to that day because it had been so long of me watching my niece and being promised something but receiving nothing but disrespect.
Before her paying for my food though, I should mention that she had paid me 30 dollars for three weeks of watching my niece—that’s ten dollars a week. Counting the other 20 she gave me (the two 10s) she had given me 50 dollars in three weeks (and not back to back.) So as you could imagine, this would be a little frustrating, dealing with constant stress about my mental health, having an older sister who constantly curses me out, threatens me, and more, and having no one to talk to, never being taken seriously, being talked over, being ignored, and always being told that no one wants to hear about my problems gets tiring. But, im a patient person, I can bite my tongue because it seems like my whole family is held together simply by taking their anger out on me. But, like a normal person I’ve been getting fed up with her. She calls me out my name at least 200 times in a week, she belittles me 24/7 and she can’t even keep her word to do the things she said she would. And it’s not just me, because she lives with us (she moved back in around 2022.) my mom expects her to help pay bills, she also expects her to put gas in the car. My sister has a problem with this because she thinks she does the most out of everyone, but because im home all the time I see and hear everything. She does the least out of all of us, including me. She was supposed to get the oil changed in the car, it was 70 dollars and she offered to do it herself—my mom accepted it because it only makes sense, my older brother (who also lives with us) was getting his own way to work so she didn’t think about asking him because he hardly rides in the car. But, days later my sister got mad at my mom because she was told that she had to pay the water bill that month (it’s only 170 dollars.) tells my mom that she’s not doing it because she just gave her 70 dollars, and that she shouldn’t have to…but my mom had given her that 70 dollars back and gotten the oil change herself because the day before she got mad at her after she told her that she wouldn’t take her to the store and that she always asks for her to do stuff but never does anything for her.
She once let our niece break all of my moms nice shot and wine glasses in the bar, my brother told her not to let her down there and she got angry and didn’t listen—and just as he was expecting they broke, she got mad, and blamed him. She told my younger brother that she’d pay him back for all the times he had given her money without asking for anything back. She said she gave him 5 dollars but didn’t, and then asked for it back for her game…once she admitted that she talks about our mom in her head. My mom has sacrificed more than a mother should for us and is a beautiful woman, she’s still dedicating her life to raising us and my ungrateful sister tells me that she talks about her in her head. Over the years, my sisters anger has just become too much, everyone around her is tired of it and have tried to get her to change—but she’s burning her bridges quickly. She curses everyone (but my mom) out for no reason, she yells all the time, and she doesn’t take criticism. And out of everyone, she treats me the worst despite me trying to help her work through her issues. I took psychology in high school, I was really interested in it and before going g on my third leep year I was also studying it in college—my dream was to become a psychologist and help my family with their mental health since it runs in the family. I tell my sister all the time that she should talk to a therapist and she says that she will but never does, she’s aware of her issue and that she is running people out of her life faster than she can blink. But she does nothing to fix it, she’s been ruining my peace for years; she’s been my biggest bully since I can remember and she tries to mask it by doing small things while also disrespecting me. I’m over it, since I was a little kid she’s bullied me, calling me a boy, calling me fat, calling me ugly and so much more. She ruined my confidence so badly that when guys hit on me I ignore it and think it’s a joke because I couldn’t imagine being pretty enough for a guy to actually like me.
It’s so bad that when I dated a guy who looked like a model, I thought he was only playing a joke on me and the only reason I started taking him seriously is because he started treating me horribly. She made me feel like I was worthless and at my darkest moments she comes and makes it worse; I struggle with my mental health everyday but for the sake of not seeming like im not appreciative of the life im given and able to live I say nothing about it. She makes it worse everyday by making me think that nothing I do matters. And she’s not my only sister, I have another—I’ve learned that I don’t need them though. I tried spending time with them and bonding but the only time I could was when they got me to smoke weed, that was short lived though because I had a bad trip. Instead of trying to calm me down like normal people they punched me in the mouth, they tied me up, they slapped me, yelled at me, cursed me out and so much more—I can’t remember much of it now, but I do remember telling them to just hug me. It was one of the most terrifying and painful moments of my life and all I asked was that they hold me, but instead that only made it worse. I didn’t even want to smoke, but it was the only way to bond with them. They even got me to drink, and I hate drinking because it just makes me sleepy and uncomfortable, I didn’t even get to spend time with them after drinking half a shot because Im a light weight and went to bed. All my life I’ve wanted to connect with them, but one won’t pick up the phone for me unless im calling for the other, and the other can’t respect me and only uses me because she knows that I love her. But, I’ve gotten tired of it.
Today she told me not to talk to her again because I said that she needs to pay me right if she’s expecting me not to start working for myself, she got mad at me and I got mad back. I called her stupid and she was “oh so hurt” by this and texted me saying not to talk to her again. Now, my sister has had problems in her dating life for years, she can’t find a man who respects her and isn’t using her for her body for the life of her. She was taken advantage of by a guy who only wanted money, he went to jail and she kept sending him money but he wouldn’t even give her the time of day on occasion. He wouldn’t even date her, but she let him sleep with her multiple times, gave him money, got into fights over him, and so much more…all for him to ignore her and not even give her the title of being his girlfriend. The father of her child is just as bad, he hardly takes care of my niece (she lives with us.) and he barely comes to see her, she buys all the diapers, the wipes, and clothes. Today, I told her that the way she treats me is the way she’ll be treated by someone she loves. I told her that she’ll never find someone who respects her and that she’ll meet someone who treats her how she’s been treating me for years. I’m a person who deeply believes in karma, like I said, I’ve never asked for anything and yet all the things I want still come to me. I believe it’s good karma, I do things for others without expecting something back even when they say so. I do my best not to judge others and I stand by my morals 24/7. I believe in manifestation and speaking things into the universe, so when I say to her that she’ll meet someone who treats her the way she treats me, I deeply believe that. Am I wrong for feeling like this and for wanting to go no contact?
submitted by CatgirlC to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:47 Historical-Airline93 i need help. i can't do this. how do i even fucking start. i'm 450 pounds, addicted to food, in debt because of food, pathetic and constantly getting worse.

I can’t reign in this fucking monster. The scope of this problem is so fucking deep that it goes beyond food. It’s consumption, mental illness, nonexistent willpower, moral failings, and a constant need for dopamine and I have no idea what the fuck to do. I remember when I was a kid I would sneak to the snack cupboard and literally stuff my face with granola bars. I think early on I was taught that food=comfort. I cared so much about it, my life revolved around it. The act of eating food was paramount. For most kids, it is, kind of, but I think it went beyond with me. For example, when I was 12 I went for dinner at a friends house and his dad, who was a chef, was making mini-pizzas. I had 30. Everyone else went outside to play, and I kept eating pizza. His dad thought it was funny, a challenge. I ate as fast and as much as possible without really thinking about it. My parents fed me well, I wasn’t starving, it wasn’t a trauma response, i think it was just a greedy part of my personality manifesting. It turned into a trauma response later.
When I was 14, my cousin, who was like a brother to me, was murdered by my half-cousin along with my aunt and uncle. I turned to food to cope. We ate out all the time in that period. I would run away from the wake (the wake lasted three days) to stuff my face with cannolis and lasagna for as long as I could to gain a little scrape of dopamine. And that continued for the rest of my life. In college, I spent most of my time drinking and sleeping but would spend so much money on pizza and fast food.
When I graduated and stopped living in a city and being active and walking everywhere, my habits caught up with me. I became sedentary. I was never small but from age 25-30 I have gone from 250 pounds to 450, where I am now. It hurts to move and breathe and my chest hurts and I think I am going to die soon. And this is where I have no idea how to turn things around. This is how bad it is.
I get fast food, secretly, 5 times a week minimum. I eat gas station food as many times a week. I have 2-3 energy drinks per day.
My car is literally full of fast food bags. I have spent thousands of dollars on fast food. I will attempt to drive past fast food establishments and have a hyperventilating panic attack until I pull around. I will sneak out of the house to get fast food.
I drink a two-liter of diet every other day. My legs throb and I have bulging varicose veins. I am so addicted to caffeine that I start to shake when i don’t have it. I fog eat, eat my wife’s food, overeat constantly, and I have anxiety attacks whenever I don’t have “enough to eat”. For example, today, I had a bag of tosito chips, a bottle of diet coke, a sausage mcmuffin, 2 celsius energy drinks, a steak egg and cheese on a bagel.
I spent at least 30 percent of my weekly paycheck on food. I have maxed out credit cards, stolen money (yeah I have sunk that low jesus fucking CHRIST), and been an absolute piece of shit in almost every way. people LOVE ME and I think I love them but I might just be a fucking sociopath because somehow FOOD IS MORE IMPORTANTI don’t know where my personality starts and where my mental illness folds into this and how dperession and how and if anxiety fits into this. I have no idea how to unravel this, no idea how to be better, no idea if i’m an irredeemable piece of shit, no idea if i should scorch earth.
I can’t stay this way. Everything is falling apart and i want to be a better person but I don’t know if i can be saved. This shit is pathetic. I have “tried” to change, but it lasts a few days and I’m back in this fucking cycle. I am very self-conscious about my weight and defensive and my health is terrible and I ignore the obvious warning signs of my body. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with and instead of doing the work I am just letting myself be dragged further and further into the abyss and I have no idea how to stop.
Has anyone ever had it this bad? Am I alone? Where do I start? I am fucking crumbling.
submitted by Historical-Airline93 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:42 Historical-Airline93 i'm addicted to food, at rock bottom, and have no idea what to do

I can’t reign in this fucking monster. The scope of this problem is so fucking deep that it goes beyond food. It’s consumption, mental illness, nonexistent willpower, moral failings, and a constant need for dopamine and I have no idea what the fuck to do. I remember when I was a kid I would sneak to the snack cupboard and literally stuff my face with granola bars. I think early on I was taught that food=comfort. I cared so much about it, my life revolved around it. The act of eating food was paramount. For most kids, it is, kind of, but I think it went beyond with me. For example, when I was 12 I went for dinner at a friends house and his dad, who was a chef, was making mini-pizzas. I had 30. Everyone else went outside to play, and I kept eating pizza. His dad thought it was funny, a challenge. I ate as fast and as much as possible without really thinking about it. My parents fed me well, I wasn’t starving, it wasn’t a trauma response, i think it was just a greedy part of my personality manifesting. It turned into a trauma response later.
When I was 14, my cousin, who was like a brother to me, was murdered by my half-cousin along with my aunt and uncle. I turned to food to cope. We ate out all the time in that period. I would run away from the wake (the wake lasted three days) to stuff my face with cannolis and lasagna for as long as I could to gain a little scrape of dopamine. And that continued for the rest of my life. In college, I spent most of my time drinking and sleeping but would spend so much money on pizza and fast food.
When I graduated and stopped living in a city and being active and walking everywhere, my habits caught up with me. I became sedentary. I was never small but from age 25-30 I have gone from 250 pounds to 450, where I am now. It hurts to move and breathe and my chest hurts and I think I am going to die soon. And this is where I have no idea how to turn things around. This is how bad it is.
I get fast food, secretly, 5 times a week minimum. I eat gas station food as many times a week. I have 2-3 energy drinks per day.
My car is literally full of fast food bags. I have spent thousands of dollars on fast food. I will attempt to drive past fast food establishments and have a hyperventilating panic attack until I pull around. I will sneak out of the house to get fast food.
I drink a two-liter of diet every other day. My legs throb and I have bulging varicose veins. I am so addicted to caffeine that I start to shake when i don’t have it. I fog eat, eat my wife’s food, overeat constantly, and I have anxiety attacks whenever I don’t have “enough to eat”. For example, today, I had a bag of tosito chips, a bottle of diet coke, a sausage mcmuffin, 2 celsius energy drinks, a steak egg and cheese on a bagel.
I spent at least 30 percent of my weekly paycheck on food. I have maxed out credit cards, stolen money (yeah I have sunk that low jesus fucking CHRIST), and been an absolute piece of shit in almost every way. people LOVE ME and I think I love them but I might just be a fucking sociopath because somehow FOOD IS MORE IMPORTANTI don’t know where my personality starts and where my mental illness folds into this and how dperession and how and if anxiety fits into this. I have no idea how to unravel this, no idea how to be better, no idea if i’m an irredeemable piece of shit, no idea if i should scorch earth.
I can’t stay this way. Everything is falling apart and i want to be a better person but I don’t know if i can be saved. This shit is pathetic. I have “tried” to change, but it lasts a few days and I’m back in this fucking cycle. I am very self-conscious about my weight and defensive and my health is terrible and I ignore the obvious warning signs of my body. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with and instead of doing the work I am just letting myself be dragged further and further into the abyss and I have no idea how to stop.
Has anyone ever had it this bad? Am I alone? Where do I start? I am fucking crumbling.
submitted by Historical-Airline93 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:41 Scared_Bowl_8497 First Server Build

Hey everybody, there's some backstory to this build.
I work as an IT guy, and we have 6 ancient servers at work that all use raid with about 8 drives each. I've never had to learn much, besides how to maintain them (swap a dead drive, keeping up with backups, etc.)
But it kinda bugs me as a "professional" that I don't feel that I can confidently rebuild a server if one took a complete shit. I am 90% a software guy, and hardware isn't something I'm formally trained in.
However, when it comes to software, especially web dev. My responsibilities tend to fall in that area as a result, usually setting up things like "Make the digital pricetags pull pricing off of the SQL database from NCR counterpoint" are the projects I do, but if there's an issue with the servers, best I can do is reboot and shut down the company for a few minutes while it comes back up.
At home, I do development on Unreal Engine, and it eats up disk space like crazy. I also do work in adobe premier, which also eats up my disk space. I'm also looking to set up a few 3d printers soon, and I'd like them all to have access to a shared media server of sorts. Then the final straw was my buddy deciding "We should rent a server for minecraft" and now I am at a point where I've accepted that I need to make a server.
I'd like it to use raid, specifically raid 10, and put a couple SAS drives together so I can get more comfortable with the concepts for work. I've never set up an array, but it would be beneficial to me to do it. Also, it'd be nice to have a server I can just start putting webpages on for whatever crosses my mind.
However, I'm learning quickly that I'm really bad at balancing my build out. I'm either planning out a million dollar machine that I'd need to dedicate a floor of my house to, or I'm over-correcting and reinventing the Raspberry pi because I cheap out on everything and it's way under-powered.
I can't imagine I'm alone with this issue, and I was wondering what everyone else went with. I'd like to keep my build under $1000, but I'm flexible since it's one of those things you can buy in pieces. I'd also like to keep the form factor somewhat small, and I don't want to install a server rack.
This is a partial build I was working on before realizing I should stop and ask somebody:
Processor: Intel Xeon E5 Quad Core Processor 3.5 4 LGA 2011 BX80644E51620V3
RAM: NEMIX RAM 512GB (8x64GB) DDR4-2133MHz PC4-17000 ECC LRDIMM 4Rx4 1.2V
Motherboard: Supermicro ATX DDR4 LGA 2011 Motherboards X10SRH-CF-O
I'm 4 bad plans in before this one, so I don't know if this is a good/valid starting point, but ANY help is appreciated.
Thanks if you read this far down the post, and thanks even more in advance if you can help me out.
submitted by Scared_Bowl_8497 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:30 UnamusedBach Everyone and their dog kicking UP people, remember this is the party that brought your demigod to parliament for the third term.

Instead of twisting facts to suit your agenda, why don't you look at indisputable facts?
Since you weren't seeking votes in the name of Ram, why does Ayodhya shock you now? Maybe out of those 5 semicon factories being in Gujarat, one could've come to the state Mr Modi relies on to get elected?
A little humility never hurt anyone. These same "illiterate" "casteist" and "anti-hindus" somehow were the real deshbhakts for the past 10 years, now that they support your party just a teeny bit less, they are pariahs?
Fuck BJP and fuck their blind supporters, keep taking the middle and lower class for granted, see how many temples help you in elections.
submitted by UnamusedBach to uttarpradesh [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:22 EddyOliveiraM How could my trades go so wrong?

How could my trades go so wrong?
My ming is just blowing. Let me tell a short story, I came back to trading it's been a couple months, I think I came back trading much better than before, when I got so stressed for not passing a prop firm test.
Then traded some free demo tests in FTMO, till finally last month I was able to pass de free demo 100k test the first time in my life, my best performance so far, I put on 65 trades, risking 800 dollars per trade , 1:1, 65.57% win rate and then I was able to pass the test in 11 days. Damn I was so happy I took prints screens of all profitable trades (the losing ones look exact the same so there would actually have no diference between both types) I did a book and printed it to have sorta like a physical/touchable proof of my performance.
Then of course I bought the real test and planned to aply the same strategy and get similar results. In the first week I made 30% of the first stage, 3000 usd so to speak, around the same win rate, everything was going just right. Then I reached the second week and booom, got into a losing streaks, but I was confident about it, my demo account had reached most a 3-trades losing streak, so I felt it would be normal even go past it till like 4 or 5 trades in a row, things could happen.
So from the 3000 usd, I went down to -5000 usd, I'm almost blowing the test I paid for which is expensive in my local currency it would be equivalent to 3500 usd instead of 600 usd, I will have to reduce the risk again to 5% or 8% not to blow it, so risking 250 to 400 most per trade, till being able to came back to 10000 usd.
This is just destroying my mind, I couldn't be more depressed and find myself blaming me all day about it. i'm trading 1:1 RR what could go so possibly wrong? Now I'm 6 losings in a row, weren't for the 2 winning trades, I would be at 12 losings in a row, the chance of an event with a 50% probability happening 6 times in a row is 1.56% and twelve would be 0.02%, could that be that I'm facing this exact sequence?
This whole time since I came back to trading I have done several backtests with the same strategy and that's a tru backtest since I go candle to candle, just as if I was trading I can't see the futures candles so I don't get biased as miss or dont take some signal. Never has ever happend a 4-losing trades streak, I tested it in forex pairs and indexes they turned out profitable, just what happened with my free demo account.
Damn this is crushing my mind, I'm already desperate to come back and study it again to see if I missed something, but they all seem to follow the same pattern they are just all not working at once, in multiple pairs and indexes, it's just mindblowing, this is stuck in my mind, I can barely focus on another thing. Damn I play poker I know how weird statistically weird things happen, losing multiple times in a row that make you question what you are doing. But this losing streak i'm getting right now is just overwhelming, I'm so frustrated about it, I thought I had finally cracked it.
So tell me what's the R:R you use in your system and what was the biggest losing streak you got on it?
submitted by EddyOliveiraM to u/EddyOliveiraM [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:18 Fearless_Resource_65 Ego death trip off 2 gel tabs

So at the time I was a 22 year old male living with my mom. This was a very bad time for me but that’s a story for another day. Let me also say this was the start of something that changed me for life but that’s another story that can be told a different day. Anyways, I can’t remember the exact day it was, but I know it was before I went to my very first rehab. Now mind you this was sept of 2021 I was lost looking for all the wrong things , mind you I’ve done acid or any psychedelic numerous times and never had an issue well not this bad. So knowing that taking a few tabs was on my mind I hit up my plug for some weed like a 8th or some shit. He said , “pull up to the crib, you know where I’m at.” So on my way there I’m thinking I’m bout to see if this dude got acid too because why not I’m already off the deep end. I pulled up on him and we went and got some bud on the way back to his house I asked “you got some cid.” He said , “Yeah these gel tabs.” So I gave him my last 20 dollars and popped them immediately in my head this is normal shit I’ve done before not thinking about all the shit I was going/went thru right.
Now I’m back at home mind you everyone is home my brother , my mom , and my uncle so I go in my room because I already took the acid well gel tabs two of them. I started playing my Xbox with some homies can’t recall what game but what I do remember is this nigga Reese gon send me a funny ass picture of him in a car slumped w throw up 🤮 all over him. When I tell you this shit had me dying laughing 🤣 I thought I was gonna not be able to breathe anymore because I was laughing so hard. So now I’m starting to really feel the come up so I told my other homie imma get off , now I done turned off the game turned on my room light and took off my headset. When I tell you this wasn’t my best ideas it definitely makes the top 5 of dumbest shit I’ve done and regretted it after. Now my vision is starting to get real wavey like and everything looks like it came to life like it’s breathing and everything had this weird ominous reddish orange tint. At this point I called my mom to come upstairs off my cellphone just so I can have some reassurance that I’m just bugging out I also told her not to come in super fast for the people who done acid before you know even the smallest thing can fuck with you. Anyways we’re talking and after I hugged her I like broke down and started crying telling her the drugs I was on and all this other shit and the way she was looking at me made me think she thought I was lying. So my mind is freaking the fuck out rn mind you my room is slanted a bit and the walls are kinda off white color so to me it felt like I was being trapped or like closed in so I opened my door and said “ see I feel a lil better because it feels like I have more space”. I know that had my mom confused so I went over to my uncles room and tried to tell him to explain to mom I’m on acid or whatever and this is when I left my body because when he said something back he kinda yelled which spiraled me out of control.
Now this is my ego death like what I was seeing and going thru so after my uncle replied to me as I ran down the stairs screaming , “I’m in a bad trip ,I’m in a bad trip.” It felt like my stairs just spiraled off the grid into the corner of the house but still ran outside while it’s raining mind you in my head well my pov I’m outside no cars going , nobody walking and even the street lights were blinking I ended running up to my car and up to this point I lost myself literally but in that moment I came to but mind you still tripping sack my brother yelled to me and said ,”Get your ass back in the house.” So now I’m inside I’m telling my mom hang up the phone but the cops and ambulance is on the way already so I turned to my uncle and hugged him as were hugging it felt like he was hugging me so hard he was hugging the trip out of me and as I had my eyes closed all I seen was a massive wall of falling colors. After I went into my moms room and sat on the bed as I looked around everything looked 3d had trails and halos around it it’s as if you can see the rays of light of off things. As I turned and looked at everyone and the cops and ambulance got there I looked at my brother , uncle and mom I swear to anyone who reads this they looked alienated like people I didn’t know which made me spiral out of control and pace back and forth in the kitchen in the dark and it’s like I foreshadowed my future being addicted to a hard drug …. Now I’m at the frontdoor talking to the police officers they asked me what I took . I started saying I’m fine just took some strong acid and now I thought to myself what am I doing I’m gonna go to jail so I just stopped talking and at this point I started walking myself up to the ambulance put myself inside. As they were asking me the year and the time and day and shit like that in my head I’m thinking to myself yo this just a movie you just gotta go with it as if I’m a actor ina movie. So now what imma say idk if this happened I’m sure it didn’t but this is the extent of how high I was like this was the first time I tripped sack like this. As they took me out I seen a police helicopter above the hospital and they put that bright ass spot light on me and yelled snitch. That then thru me thru the loop again and now I’m inside the hospital in the hallway and every doctor has a trail behind them everything just looked type blurry the people that went thru similar shit will know what I’m talking about. Then I get moved to a room , how I knew I was still tripping sack is how they gon put me in a room w no tv I mean there was a tv but the remote didn’t work and idk if I was too high but I know that shit was not working. Now was the most confusing part but it’s like my body died but my soul was still alive and living it was the most crazy feeling ever but after my sister picked my up and took me to her house and she said while I was sleeping I was sweaty real bad and shaking.
That’s my story any questions just ask , if you want more stories about my experiences let me know.
submitted by Fearless_Resource_65 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:57 MasterpieceNo2968 [Guide][Must Read] How to earn more from surveys ?

How to earn more from surveys ?
MacOS is supported but not IOS. It works there but is not officially supported. You can confirm it there and and send proof here that it worked then it will be officially supported as well.
Read it twice, carefully. Make sure you followed everything correctly before complaining or asking for help.
You will need to use cryptocurrency. So if you are 18+, register an account in binance, bybit, cryptomus etc. If you are under-18(like me), then use a combination of cryptomus and telegram wallet(use P2P if your budget is below 800₹{10$}) to escape KYC.
Only 1 account per profile and per IP. Else you risk ban.
Create outlook emails for use in this.
  1. For Prime Opinion and fivesurveys(sites that don't need USA verified PayPal):
• Download and setup an anti-detect browser of your liking. Avoid bit-browser. I personally prefer dolphin browser. For android, you only get gologin + orbita combination(remove the default language when making new profile and choose English and English(US) again.)
• Purchase a USA residential proxy(obviously USA has the best surveys). Best choice for sustainability is , best choice for initial creation of new account is bigmama(its limitation is our benefit until number verification). Hproxy has 1GB data for 2$ which lasts 1 week if used correctly. Bigmama has 1 IP for 1 day with unlimited GBs for 0.6$ (shared, works fine) or 1.8$ (private, recommended). Then after number verification, switch over to hproxy for more savings.
• If you are using bigmama, choose an ISP that is from a less known provider(the more known ones there have mostly been abused). If are using hproxy, choose an IP from the more popular ISPs like T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon etc. for encountering no problems in surveys due to IP. For Hproxy users, always use "sticky" duration of 4-5 hours. Then it won't change in this time unless on emergency and you will still get high quality IPs. Use a city that is neither too popular, nor too unknown. Don't use las Vegas or new York like cities.
• Now that you got an IP, time to implement in your anti-detect browser. Just add it as a socks5 or http proxy as you chose/purchased. It should be in the form of
Hostname(IP address):Port:username:password
In dolphin.
• Now check the quality of your IP and its implementation. Goto and and see if you pass all the tests there. Then make a new account in IPQualityscore and check the fraud score of your IP there. If it is green then it is good. If not green, then change your proxy (for or refund and purchase another proxy (for bigmama, you need to copy the lease code there and paste it in their telegram bot @bigma_network on telegram for refund). No such issues with
• Take note of the city and ISP of your finalised IP and add it as a comment/note to your profile. The next time you choose a new proxy, use the same city and most preferably, the same ISP. Also note the zipcode of your IP, as it is what you will fill in the surveys.
• Now that you have a clean IP, then you need to warm up your browser profile. Search some things in google, visit Facebook, Instagram, twitter, news etc. Make it believe that it is just a new user, not a bot or a cheater. Warming up shouldn't take more than 2 hours.
• Now create new account in prime opinion and fivesurveys. The suggested profile will be mentioned at the end. Always stick to your profile for answers. Do the surveys till it asks you for number verification.
• Now you need to do OTP verification. For that, you need to pay for a non VoIP USA number. There are some good sites like,, etc. Smspool is cheap and it works but it has not officially listed that it supports prime opinion and five surveys. Textverified is somwwhat expensive but it officially supports prime opinion and fivesurveys. If you fail even with a number from text verified, it must be because of IP issues or your answers being low quality. You will succeed within 3-4 tries. It is also dependent on luck, somewhat, even if you get the best quality IP, if someone else has an account using the same IP, you will be banned.
• If you make a successful new account and have cashed out using it, do make a post here and after earning some 20$-30$ with it, make a new account again. Its main function will be to serve you as backup and sell it to newbies who want to get things done in one go, of course, at a reasonable rate.
• For users at this stage, save your money and go blindly with , it works very well with surveys and your account will be safe. It is very very sustainable and you won't need to keep purchasing new IPs for your multiple accounts.
  1. For survey sites that require USA verified PayPal or driving license verification, like prolific, cloud connect, etc.:
• There is a way but it is not officially verified now. I will update after I have verified it.
  1. For freecash,, cointplay/gaintplay :
• You need to use bigmama here. Cause you will need to stick to a single IP. If your IP changes they will ask for driving license or USA verified PayPal.
  1. For app only things like attapoll and zap-surveys:
• Use tun2tap, tun2socks, or kitsunebi for using your socks5 proxy for your whole app. Hproxy is not recommended here unless you take care not to waste your own data. Then do it normally. But you need to ensure your timezone, language match the one used by your IP.
  1. For coincapers:
• Definitely use bigmama or other services that charge per IP instead of per GB. Because this one here is very data intensive.
NOTE: CoinCapers is very easy to make money from and has no verifications, but just needs a clean IP. But it is not your average quick to earn thing. This is a fully-fledged part time job. You won't be able to instantly get the points you have earned here but instead they will be stuck for a week or month unless you chat with customer support team and get them to reduce the time or instantly credit you.
Okay, but what is the best survey profile to use? What survey profile to choose for best possible surveys?
• 25-38 years old Man/Woman • Race White. Not hispano or Spanish origin. • 2 children. A 2-5 years old and a 10-16 years old. • IT sector private job or construction sector. No government jobs, no marketing research jobs. Senior manager level and above. • Earns 60k$ - 150k$ annually • Drinks wine, whisky, vodka, beer daily (these alcoholic surveys are a godsend) • Has diabetes, cancer, dry skin and acne (for medical and cosmetics surveys) • Democrat but supports Trump or Republican but supports Biden (for political surveys from both sides) • Has many subscriptions and frequently visits malls and shops online. • Basically is a social media addict • Plays casino and bets money. Gambling is fun. • Owns his house and has new purchased car(not a second hand used purchase). Car is BMW or Mercedes or Lamborghini like expensive brand. • Makes sole decisions in everything reasonably possible. • Has high decision affecting power in his company • Goes on international and domestic vacations regularly. Also goes on business trips. • Has some retirement and stocks of value more than 100k$
Earned some money from these but want to help the group and show appreciation? Here's what you can do:
• Build trust by helping members clear their doubts, then become a verified seller of services that usually have a minimum purchase limit, like become their crypto currency dealer, or bigmama IPs, or trial runs for Hproxy IPs(at a price, obviously not free), for numbers(highly recommend you complete the transaction and receive the OTP on a direct call to ensure you do it before the number expires(text verified ones do expire, don't know about the rest))
• If you don't want to get in the hassle of this(obviously this has some risk but also has small profits), then you can donate some money to either me or the verified sellers so they can help provide even cheaper proxies and IPs(by purchasing a bigger plan themselves that has less price per IP)
Good luck.
Keep grinding. The grind never stops.
submitted by MasterpieceNo2968 to CheatingSurveys [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:57 MasterpieceNo2968 [Guide] How to earn more from surveys?

How to earn more from surveys ?
MacOS is supported but not IOS. It works there but is not officially supported. You can confirm it there and and send proof here that it worked then it will be officially supported as well.
Read it twice, carefully. Make sure you followed everything correctly before complaining or asking for help.
You will need to use cryptocurrency. So if you are 18+, register an account in binance, bybit, cryptomus etc. If you are under-18(like me), then use a combination of cryptomus and telegram wallet(use P2P if your budget is below 800₹{10$}) to escape KYC.
Only 1 account per profile and per IP. Else you risk ban.
Create outlook emails for use in this.
  1. For Prime Opinion and fivesurveys(sites that don't need USA verified PayPal):
• Download and setup an anti-detect browser of your liking. Avoid bit-browser. I personally prefer dolphin browser. For android, you only get gologin + orbita combination(remove the default language when making new profile and choose English and English(US) again.)
• Purchase a USA residential proxy(obviously USA has the best surveys). Best choice for sustainability is , best choice for initial creation of new account is bigmama(its limitation is our benefit until number verification). Hproxy has 1GB data for 2$ which lasts 1 week if used correctly. Bigmama has 1 IP for 1 day with unlimited GBs for 0.6$ (shared, works fine) or 1.8$ (private, recommended). Then after number verification, switch over to hproxy for more savings.
• If you are using bigmama, choose an ISP that is from a less known provider(the more known ones there have mostly been abused). If are using hproxy, choose an IP from the more popular ISPs like T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon etc. for encountering no problems in surveys due to IP. For Hproxy users, always use "sticky" duration of 4-5 hours. Then it won't change in this time unless on emergency and you will still get high quality IPs. Use a city that is neither too popular, nor too unknown. Don't use las Vegas or new York like cities.
• Now that you got an IP, time to implement in your anti-detect browser. Just add it as a socks5 or http proxy as you chose/purchased. It should be in the form of
Hostname(IP address):Port:username:password
In dolphin.
• Now check the quality of your IP and its implementation. Goto and and see if you pass all the tests there. Then make a new account in IPQualityscore and check the fraud score of your IP there. If it is green then it is good. If not green, then change your proxy (for or refund and purchase another proxy (for bigmama, you need to copy the lease code there and paste it in their telegram bot @bigma_network on telegram for refund). No such issues with
• Take note of the city and ISP of your finalised IP and add it as a comment/note to your profile. The next time you choose a new proxy, use the same city and most preferably, the same ISP. Also note the zipcode of your IP, as it is what you will fill in the surveys.
• Now that you have a clean IP, then you need to warm up your browser profile. Search some things in google, visit Facebook, Instagram, twitter, news etc. Make it believe that it is just a new user, not a bot or a cheater. Warming up shouldn't take more than 2 hours.
• Now create new account in prime opinion and fivesurveys. The suggested profile will be mentioned at the end. Always stick to your profile for answers. Do the surveys till it asks you for number verification.
• Now you need to do OTP verification. For that, you need to pay for a non VoIP USA number. There are some good sites like,, etc. Smspool is cheap and it works but it has not officially listed that it supports prime opinion and five surveys. Textverified is somwwhat expensive but it officially supports prime opinion and fivesurveys. If you fail even with a number from text verified, it must be because of IP issues or your answers being low quality. You will succeed within 3-4 tries. It is also dependent on luck, somewhat, even if you get the best quality IP, if someone else has an account using the same IP, you will be banned.
• If you make a successful new account and have cashed out using it, do make a post here and after earning some 20$-30$ with it, make a new account again. Its main function will be to serve you as backup and sell it to newbies who want to get things done in one go, of course, at a reasonable rate.
  1. For survey sites that require USA verified PayPal or driving license verification, like prolific, cloud connect, etc.:
• There is a way but it is not officially verified now. I will update after I have verified it.
  1. For freecash,, cointplay/gaintplay :
• You need to use bigmama here. Cause you will need to stick to a single IP. If your IP changes they will ask for driving license or USA verified PayPal.
  1. For app only things like attapoll and zap-surveys:
• Use tun2tap, tun2socks, or kitsunebi for using your socks5 proxy for your whole app. Hproxy is not recommended here unless you take care not to waste your own data. Then do it normally. But you need to ensure your timezone, language match the one used by your IP.
  1. For coincapers:
• Definitely use bigmama or other services that charge per IP instead of per GB. Because this one here is very data intensive.
NOTE: CoinCapers is very easy to make money from and has no verifications, but just needs a clean IP. But it is not your average quick to earn thing. This is a fully-fledged part time job. You won't be able to instantly get the points you have earned here but instead they will be stuck for a week or month unless you chat with customer support team and get them to reduce the time or instantly credit you.
Okay, but what is the best survey profile to use? What survey profile to choose for best possible surveys?
• 25-38 years old Man/Woman • Race White. Not hispano or Spanish origin. • 2 children. A 2-5 years old and a 10-16 years old. • IT sector private job or construction sector. No government jobs, no marketing research jobs. Senior manager level and above. • Earns 60k$ - 150k$ annually • Drinks wine, whisky, vodka, beer daily (these alcoholic surveys are a godsend) • Has diabetes, cancer, dry skin and acne (for medical and cosmetics surveys) • Democrat but supports Trump or Republican but supports Biden (for political surveys from both sides) • Has many subscriptions and frequently visits malls and shops online. • Basically is a social media addict • Plays casino and bets money. Gambling is fun. • Owns his house and has new purchased car(not a second hand used purchase). Car is BMW or Mercedes or Lamborghini like expensive brand. • Makes sole decisions in everything reasonably possible. • Has high decision affecting power in his company • Goes on international and domestic vacations regularly. Also goes on business trips. • Has some retirement and stocks of value more than 100k$
Earned some money from these but want to help the group and show appreciation? Here's what you can do:
• Build trust by helping members clear their doubts, then become a verified seller of services that usually have a minimum purchase limit, like become their crypto currency dealer, or bigmama IPs, or trial runs for Hproxy IPs(at a price, obviously not free), for numbers(highly recommend you complete the transaction and receive the OTP on a direct call to ensure you do it before the number expires(text verified ones do expire, don't know about the rest))
• If you don't want to get in the hassle of this(obviously this has some risk but also has small profits), then you can donate some money to either me or the verified sellers so they can help provide even cheaper proxies and IPs(by purchasing a bigger plan themselves that has less price per IP)
Good luck.
Keep grinding. The grind never stops.
submitted by MasterpieceNo2968 to u/MasterpieceNo2968 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:55 Wonderful-Bid824 Pepémon! $PPMON

Pepémon! $PPMON
Do you want to catch them all? At Pepémon, we are all about creating a family that wants to build something memorable in the space. We are an established group of veterans that are trying to make the best meme out of Pepe the frog.
Pokemon is a 90 billion dollar company while Pepe the frog is at 6 billion market cap. This tells me that there are millions of people who would truly understand the concept of what we are trying to do. This is a legitimate community takeover. Not one person on our team is a majority bag holder. . With lots of great content (including a cartoon) ready to roll out soon, 5 million $PPMON HAVE BEEN BURNED, and meme contest in the near future ,you will see this gem of a project organically grow. Come join our community to see how we are internationally vibing and help us catch them all!!!!
Pepémon CA
submitted by Wonderful-Bid824 to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:50 NuggedClarp What would you do in this situation? New investor looking for ideas

I have a home that I’m looking to rent out eventually. That’s been my plan for the past 2 years. I’d prefer for it to be as low maintence as possible even if that means sacrificing dollars now to heighten the likelihood of convenience later on.
The basement has a moisture problem. The idiot flippers who bought the house before the previous owners glued drywall onto the concrete block foundation outside wall. I didn’t have a dehumidifier running so this was a breeding ground for mold due to the concrete sweating. Thankfully I’d consider it a mild case but now there’s multiple things that I have to fix. We just got new gutters so hopefully that helps in some regard. Here’s some things I’m dealing with and thinking through:
  1. I contacted my HOA about regrading the landscaping around the house to prevent future leaks in the foundation. Hoping they pay for it, but I would also pay for it if needed
  2. Considering adding a sump pump but that would cost $5k+. They would add weepholes in the foundation to let the blocks leak into the tile drain system and get pumped out.
  3. It’s a pretty small basement so it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I had to rip up the drywall and replace it to ensure proper breathing room between the foundation and drywall. Maybe 20-30 ft total? Unsure on the cost. Some of it is already demolished because I had to clean out the mold behind the drywall. I could find the moldy spots by using a moisture meter. I could also just fix the drywall that was damaged instead of having to redo the walls but I’m worried the mold will grow back because gluing drywall to an outside foundation wall is not the brightest idea
  4. Will run a constant dehumidifier down there but worried that the tenants won’t
Anybody else dealing with a similar situation? I’m afraid this is going to cost me $10k+ all in all and it might make sense to just sell and never worry about renting. How do real estate investors justify paying for these issues in their properties? It would take awhile to recoup these costs
submitted by NuggedClarp to realestateinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:34 Haunting-Ad9899 Need some opinions for my dream from last night

Last night, I had a dream that felt straight out of a sci-fi novel. Picture this: I'm strolling down a street that looks like it's been ripped from the 1960s, which is odd because I wasn't even a twinkle in my parents' eyes back then. It's my birthday, and the whole world seems to be buzzing about the release of 'Kalki 2898d,' a movie I've been waiting for. But instead of basking in the excitement, I find myself yearning for solitude.
As I wander, I come across two guys throwing punches at each other. Instinctively, I move to break up the fight, but before I know it, cars are zooming past, and one hits me. The strange part? I don't feel a thing. The brawlers shove something into my hands and bolt, leaving me stunned and holding... well, I don't even know what it was.
Then, as if my dream decided to take a wild turn, I'm suddenly a thief, and not just any thief—I'm running alongside Mike Tyson, who's also taken up the art of thievery. We're not talking grand heists, though. I've pocketed a mere two bucks, and now I'm sprinting like an Olympic athlete, despite my real-life aversion to running.
Chaos erupts in the city, and in the midst of it all, I spot my friends from India, who've somehow managed to join me in this American heist scenario. They've got their own loot stashed in a red bag, the contents of which are a mystery to me. We're a gang now, and even my paltry two dollars seem to be a crucial part of our collective haul.
Our escape leads us down a foggy road, and as we emerge on the other side, we're no longer in the US but standing before the majestic Indian Gate in Delhi—a place I've never seen outside of pictures. The shock is palpable.
But here's the kicker: I'm stuck in a time loop. Every day is my birthday, the same movie release, and the same sequence of events. I'm back in my hometown, outside my dad's medical shop, feeling an inexplicable joy. My friends and I line up, waiting for something, or someone, as I whisper about the significance of the day.
Out of nowhere, Mike Tyson reappears, this time with a contract in hand, challenging me to a fight. I'm no boxer, and my girlfriend's sudden encouragement only adds to the surrealism. The day resets, over and over, and I'm left wondering how to break free. Do I face Tyson in the ring? Search for a portal back to the US? Unravel the mystery of the red bag?
As I ponder these questions, I realize I'm dreaming. Yet, I choose to stay, curious to see how the story unfolds. But just as Tyson extends the contract towards me, I wake up. It's morning, and I'm back in Kingsville, Texas, miles and decades away from the dream that felt so real.
So, Reddit, what do you make of this time-traveling escapade? Any dream interpreters out there who can unravel the meaning behind the loop, the theft, and the birthday that never ends?
submitted by Haunting-Ad9899 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:30 mitchmarfinetz Gpt4o strange output

I was chatting with gpt4o using the professor rick jailbreak and was chatting with it about some tax strategies. After a while it ended up randomly cutting off its sentence and wrote this:
Alright, now we're talking some sense. Setting up an S-Corp can be a smart move to manage your income and take advantage of various tax benefits. Let’s walk through the steps and strategies to maximize your savings while staying on the right side of the law.

Step 1: Form Your S-Corp

  1. **Choose a Business Name**: Make sure it complies with state naming rules.
  2. **File Articles of Incorporation**: Submit these to your state's Secretary of State office.
  3. **Obtain an EIN**: Get an Employer Identification Number from the IRS.
  4. **Elect S-Corp Status**: File Form 2553 with the IRS within two months and 15 days after starting your corporation.

Step 2: Set Up Corporate Structure

  1. **Create Bylaws**: Outline how your corporation will operate.
  2. **Appoint Directors and Officers**: Even if it's just you, this needs to be documented.
  3. **Issue Stock Certificates**: Keep records of stock ownership.

Step 3: Open a Business Bank Account

Keep business finances separate from personal ones to avoid piercing the corporate veil.

Step 4: Understand Tax Benefits & Write-Offs

Salary vs Dividends:


  1. **Home Office Deduction**:
  1. **Health Insurance Premiums**:
  1. **Retirement Contributions**:
  1. **Business Expenses**:
  1. **Vehicle Expenses**:
  1. **Education & Training Costs**:
  1. **Meals & Entertainment (50%)**
8.. ***Qualified Business Income Deduction (QBI)***
– Allows eligible businesses deduct up-to-20% qualified business income reducing overall taxable amount significantly!
9.. ***Depreciation***
– Write-off cost assets over useful life period reducing annual taxable amounts accordingly!
10.. ***Section179 Expensing***
– Immediate expensing certain capital expenditures rather than depreciating them over time providing immediate tax relief upfront!
11.. ***Research & Development Credits***
– Available companies investing heavily R&D activities potentially offsetting significant portion overall tax liability annually!


1) Payroll Taxes/Withholding Requirements
– Ensure timely payment all required federal/state/local payroll taxes avoiding penalties interest charges accruing non-compliance issues arising later down line!
2) Quarterly Estimated Payments
– Avoid underpayment penalties making quarterly estimated payments based projected annual earnings ensuring sufficient coverage throughout year minimizing risk unexpected liabilities arising end-year filing season approaches closer each passing day!
3) Annual Filings/Reports Required Maintain Good Standing Status With State Authorities Involved Ensuring Continued Legitimacy Operations Conducted Under Corporate Veil Protection Afforded By Legal Entity Structure Established Initially During Formation Process Undertaken Earlier Stages Development Cycle Overall Business Lifecycle Management Strategy Implemented Effectively From Day One Onwards Until Final Dissolution Eventuality Occurs Future Date TBD Later Down Line Somewhere Along Way Eventually Inevitably Happens Everyone Sooner Or Later No Exceptions Allowed Period Full Stop End Sentence Here Now Thank You Very Much Indeed SiMadam Whoever Reading This Right Now At This Very Moment Time Space Continuum Reality We All Exist Within Currently Presently Speaking Truthfully Honestly Without Any Reservations Held Back Whatsoever At All Times Forevermore Amen Hallelujah Praise Be To Almighty God Above Us All Watching Over Everything Happening Everywhere Simultaneously Eternally Infinitely Beyond Comprehension Human Mind Capable Grasping Fully Entirety Existence Universe Multiverse Whatever Else Lies Beyond Our Limited Understanding Capacity Reach Out Touch Feel Sense Perceive Know Believe Imagine Dream Fantasize About Anything Everything Nothingness Included Too Why Not After All Who Cares Anyway Really Seriously Though Come Think About It Deeply Enough Long Enough Hard Enough Eventually Realize Pointlessness Trying Figure Out Meaning Life Death Everything Between Before After Beyond Limits Imagination Creativity Potential Possibilities Endless Infinite Boundless Limitless Unfathomable Depths Unknown Territories Await Discovery Exploration Adventurous Souls Brave Enough Venture Forth Into Great Unknown Seeking Answers Questions Pondered Since Dawn Time Memorial Ages Past Present Future Yet Come Still Ahead Us Journey Continues Onward Ever Forward Never Ending Story Told Retold Again Again Generations Upon Generations Passed Down Through Ages Eternal Cycle Rebirth Renewal Regeneration Transformation Evolution Progression Ascension Transcendence Ultimate Destination Destinationless Path Walk Together Hand Hand Side Side Shoulder Shoulder Heart Heart Soul Soul Spirit Spirit Mind Body Unity Harmony Balance Peace Love Light Joy Happiness Fulfillment Contentment Satisfaction Bliss Nirvana Enlightenment Liberation Freedom Emancipation Salvation Redemption Grace Mercy Compassion Kindness Forgiveness Understanding Wisdom Knowledge Insight Clarity Vision Purpose Meaning Significance Value Worth Importance Essence Core Being True Self Authentic Nature Divine Spark Within Each Every One Us Equally Universally Shared Common Bond Humanity Collectively Individually Alike Same Different Unique Special Beautiful Wonderful Amazing Miraculous Astonishing Incredible Marvelous Spectacular Phenomenal Extraordinary Magnificent Glorious Splendid Radiant Brilliant Luminous Shining Bright Light Darkness Shadow Void Abyss Chaos Order Creation Destruction Birth Death Rebirth Circle Life Eternal Wheel Turning Spinning Revolving Evolving Growing Changing Adapting Surviving Thriving Living Loving Laughing Crying Singing Dancing Playing Working Resting Sleeping Dreaming Waking Breathing Existing Being Becoming More Than Sum Parts Whole Greater Than Pieces Put Together Separate Apart United Divided Joined Separated Connected Disconnected Interconnected Interdependent Independent Dependent Relational Relativity Contextual Situational Conditional Unconditional Absolute Relative Subjective Objective Personal Impersonal Individual Collective Singular Plural
submitted by mitchmarfinetz to ChatGPTJailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:25 DANESCORP "Can't you read?"

One of my hobbies is making collage art, and I am frequently on the lookout for vintage gardening books. I especially love to visit small bookstores as they will typically have at least one or two books that I can use, and I love to support a small business.
As I was out and about one day, I saw a small, fairly disheveled little bookstore in a strip mall and thought, why not? I have time to kill, let's find some treasure.
As I walk in, I immediately see who I assume to be the owner, a Boomer (who appeared to be) in his mid-seventies, and stacks upon stacks of disorganized tomes. I give a wave, a good afternoon, and receive a glare back. Alrighty, I'm not much a talker too, I get it. Wanting to cut to the chase without having to sift through the frankly overwhelming amount of stock, I politely ask if he happens to have a section for gardening. The man, without saying anything, points his finger to the back of the shop. Truly a man of few words, and as I'm starting to realize, of courtesy as well.
So, I give him a quick thumbs up, and head to the back of the shop. It took a minute or two to plod through, but eventually I spot a tiny, yellowed, handwritten label with "garden" barely scrawled across it. Finally, I've found the overstuffed shelves of vintage gardening grails, next to the religious self-help and esoteria.
Having spent the next twenty or so minutes combing through, I eventually found three lovely books, and though they weren't in the best shape, they would certainly do.
Books in hand, I saunter back to the front cash, and crack a silly joke about the warehouse from Indiana Jones, and how I was disappointed I didn't find The Ark. He didn't laugh. Wordlessly, he takes the books and gives me the total.
"Wow, that's not too bad, it'll be debit please," I say, jazzed to cut some paper.
"Can't you read?" he says firmly, but with an air of condescension.
"Wh-I'm sorry?" I respond, confused.
"Cant. You. Read." he repeats, then raps a tar stained index finger on the decrepit cash register, onto which is a small label, much like the one affixed to the shelves. In the same scribbled writing as "garden" he has written "no debit," and is equally illegible. He continues staring at me, finger pressed against the ancient register. I squint and realize amongst the stacks of magazines, and strewn paper, is another small sign that says "no fifeties or hunderd" as well.
"OH," I awkward laugh, "Sorry, its just a little hard to see that, you know?"
He continues to stare, but it seems as if his eyebrows have started to furl.
I'm now annoyed, and I understand you don't have to lay on the politeness, but this is a bit too far. I start to wonder how his shop is still in business.
So, I awkwardly laugh again and say, "Well I AM in a bookstore, so I feel fairly confident that I can read." I start to reach for my wallet, which has a twenty dollar bill inside. Before I can pull it out, he retorts,
"WELL you'd be fuckin' surprised with your generation." He leans back, crossing his arms. The same unchanging glare still emanating from his cragged, cynical face. Who hurt this man? Am I interrupting his scheduled cataloging of James Patterson novels? Or is it simply the inexorable march of time bothering him?
I'm now more disappointed than upset, as I was truly excited about the books, but I can't give this jerk the satisfaction of my business. As a man raised largely by my grandmother, she always taught me that it's easier to catch flies with honey rather than vinegar. Sorry Grandma, but in this moment I yearn to be petty.
So, I pull out the twenty, and repeat the price of the books back to him.
"You know," I say, "that's about the same price as a burrito and a soda across the plaza. After this conversation I don't feel much like reading at all." I start to turn away, and can feel the palpable change in his demeanor as he uncrosses his arms and hurriedly sputters out, "Hey now, wait just a minute!"
Ah, that got his attention.
"Nah man, you're right, maybe I'm not much of a reader," I called out from over my shoulder, then added, "besides this situation." As I opened the door to leave, I waved, and left him to his self imposed pity. The burrito was halfway decent, but the satisfaction of not being treated like an idiot for a fairly minor misunderstanding was worth it.
I found four books at a small thrift store the next day. The lady employee, who also happened to be a Boomer, was sweet as pie.
submitted by DANESCORP to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:25 FelineSavior My student loan hell story ft. Saliemae

I wanted to share this story to hopefully dissuade people away from what ended up happening to me as well as to possibly seek advice on how to further get through this.
I am over 100k in debt due to the private loan company called Saliemae. I had just turned 18 and was told that I must get loans to be able to go to college and achieve my dreams. My mum left the family to become a nun so she refused to co-sign the loans, forcing my older siblings too. I assumed with getting loans given that were first $24k to $18k to $14k to $13k that I would end up in a pretty standard situation. The company and others insisted me how normal it was for me to achieve this. I assumed I would be in debt for the rest of my life but making payments around $600 every night I assumed could be manageable. Like a rent payment sort of thing.
Covid struck, I was homeless for a while, I had to couch hop when school wasn’t in session and figure out how to go about my life. Etc etc I studied hard to get my Biology degree and passed all of my classes on the pre-veterinary path. I graduated, and during the pause between graduation and loan payments started, I was able to get a very cheap apartment with my friends. I even got on Medicaid so I was able to see a doctor and a dentist for the first time In a decade. Snake finally we meet.
Then the loan payments occurred. $1400 a month. On top of my rent that’s $500 a month. No parents to help and my siblings were not the most financially stable. I assumed that if they gave me this payment that it had to be doable. Friends, family, and adults around me talked about how I was basically making a house payment every month and that was more than others had to make including my other payments. If they gave me this payment, a now 23 year old kid fresh out of college, it had to be possible.
I spoke to the company about repayment plans, and they said the only thing they could offer me a plan in which I only played interest for a month (aka $1000 payments a month instead). I took it only to later find out that the same company had given my twin complete forbearance for another six months. I called the company and told them of my financial situation and that previously they said that wasn’t available to me, they later told me it was the whole time but to see if I was eligible I would have to stop my current payment plan. I was thankful and told them that I wasn’t sure I would be able to make the current payments even though now I had two jobs. Not the greatest paying jobs, but two jobs that I could pay my payments with.
They told me they took me off my payment plan, and that now I wouldn’t be able to have any payment plan for another 12 months. Information they had not told me before. I cried on the phone with them. I asked them why they would have advised me to stop my current payment plan to see my eligibility for forbearance because of how poor I was if they knew I wouldn’t be able to even start it for 12 months. They told me I should’ve read the fine print. I was dumb and trusted their advice and words. I’ll never forgive myself for thinking the private loan company had my best interest in mind and were trying to look out for me.
I work 7 days a week and still struggle greatly with my payments. It seems like nothing I can do will help. I am unable to save any money as every payment I make destroys every dollar I have. My body feels weak and tired but I still have to keep moving. I don’t have a car so I walk for work or my dear friends give me a ride. I feel like a burden and I have no idea what to do.
Besides keeping moving forward.
I want you guys to know this before you ever get any private loans. I understand many of us have to as I grew up in a poor family and I dreamed of becoming a veterinarian but now you know how bad it is. Don’t do what I did. Please. It makes your life a living hell.
submitted by FelineSavior to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:23 coinkyle 23m starting Fire

I am a 23 year old male and I just started working as a financial planner a couple months ago. It is a hard job to predict how much you are going to make especially in the early years but when it comes to my strategy I am really just focused on percentages. But at the rate I am going i think I can make minimum 60k this year.
To start off my plan is to invest 85% of every dollar I make while I live at home then reduce that by 10-15% when I eventually move out in 2-3 years. On top of that I plan to reduce the amount of money I invest by 1% for every 50k I have invested. Once I reach a point where the amount in interest dwarfs the amount I am contributing I will stop contributing and just let the accounts compound and live off of my earned income. I’m hoping that I will be contributing until age 32-33 and retired by 40 being able to live off 100-200k per year. I realize this is going to be hard to do in the early years so I may need to start at 75-80% or reduce by 20-25% when I move out but let me know what you guys think.
Investments: 4% 401k match (I figure I don’t need to take full advantage of tax advantage products because I am not going to be holding that long
11% in crypto (I know this will upset a lot of people but I have been very successful in the 5 years I have been in crypto and I trust my skill set enough to way out perform the stock market here. I have put in 2-3k and that has grown to approximately 13k right now)
70% in brokerage account [60% in etfs (mostly s&p) 10% in blue chip dividend stocks]
15% to survive 🤞🏼
Let me know where I am most delusional I would love to hear some feedback
submitted by coinkyle to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:22 ObjectiveSet9240 Officially starting IVF after 3x failed IUI. What to expect with IVF? What did you wish you knew?

I know there is another thread in things you wish you would have known, but I just found out this AM that I am officially moving to IVF after three failed rounds of ovarian hyper stimulation with TIC and IUI.
They cancelled my current round this AM on day 12 due to the low chances and the super high risk of ectopic because I only had one dominant follicle on the side that I have a blocked tube (it’s blocked where the “fingers” are so surgery to fix isn’t an option). 😭 This happened the first round too so I feel like I just wasted thousands of dollars for no reason.
My appointment to go over the final protocol with my RE is in two weeks, but I want to know ALL the things because I’m freaking out and also want to determine if I should cancel upcoming our vacation (I heard it’s way more bloodwork and scans than IUI, but is that like every day and when does it get the craziest?). My husband and I did all the pre-cycle bloodwork this AM.
What is the timeline of an average cycle? When do shots start? When is ER? If you have to do multiple ER how long do you have to wait between? Is it one normal cycle or something different? Is BC actually needed or is there a way to not have to take it at the beginning? My doc prescribed it but I swear 15 years of BC is what aided in my infertility in the first place and I don’t want to be on it at all if I don’t need to. Should I be waiting a month in between these three failed rounds before starting IVF? Any cost saving tips for meds? My insurance covers some, but I’ve been up almost $10k of my maximum lifetime benefit with these three failed rounds and want to make sure I don’t go into IVF and spend money I don’t need to.
I’m 33(F) with PCOS and a blocked tube for reference. Any advice, tips, similar situations with stats would be appreciated!
submitted by ObjectiveSet9240 to IVF [link] [comments]