Small nature walk clipart


2022.08.17 01:47 Houdini

One day of July, under the harsh heat wave, a smol kitten was found with his underside burnt and peeled, and crying for help. He was picked up, nursed back to health and adopted, and we created this subreddit to document his growth. Reddit, meet Houdini, the little furball of chaos.

2017.07.15 16:54 jakesanabria Clovenloch:

Welcome to the town of Clovenloch. This subreddit is dedicated to sharing and discussing the adventures had in the newly unexplored lands surrounding the town. Those that are a part of this community are playing in the same game of Dungeons and Dragons 5^th edition, specifically in the style of a "West Marches" campaign. Here in Clovenloch, you can schedule game sessions, discuss/share your adventures, and post anything else you feel is relevant to the game. Thanks for visiting and/or joining!

2024.06.05 20:09 Super_eepy Boyfriends in a band.

For context me and my boyfriend have been together for about almost 2 years~ and recently he started a band with his friends. They’ve been a band for about a few months As much as i hate to be that person i always feel so left out by what he does and how he talks about the band. Im aware they’re his friends and they’re re all band members so i try my best to not complain about how he doesn’t ever let me go to practices (rarely ever invites me let alone even lets me see what they’re doing) nonetheless im still extremely supportive although i will admit sometimes he blows me off to go and do things with them which hurts in a way because all his friends know me i know them we are not close but they never had an issue w me they take other people to their practices yet my boyfriend acts like its such a taboo thing to bring me. But for some reason he always makes it a reason to just never let me tag along and he always has an excuse as to why. “I dont practice as better when youre there” “i cant be myself with you around” just small things like that. Well recently they have a show coming up and its at a public event but for some reason he doesn’t want me to go. He says its nothing against me but i feel like he just feels embarrassed about me? Or i dont know i feel like a dog begging to be taken out on a walk by him. I just want to be involved for once hes only ever taken me to one practice ever. Regardless the event is Public and i just dont understand why he treats me so out of pocket when it comes to his band. He acts like i dont support what he does, in a sense i feel like a big baby complaining about it because i want him to follow his dreams but at this point i can tell he doesn’t want me involved with anything let alone even support him. It just makes me feel bad because ive told him i just feel left out because he tells me everything and his big plans and then he hits me with the “oh but i dont think you should come” he just never openly invites me. And i dont know why. Like you would think hed be excited to perform and have me at least be there for his first ever show? But he literally doesnt care and it blows my mind. Chat what yall think?
submitted by Super_eepy to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:05 Able_Career352 Am I the werido?

If you read my previous post you’ll find my story of being falsely accused.
After being accused i was filled with so much emotion anger, sadness, regret. When it first happened I was so angry, I wanted to sue her for defamation and just for overall flipping my world upside down. It felt like she did it out of attention or revenge on me for just having sex with her. I ended up not pursuing anything further because I wasn’t actually charged or investigated and also I felt some type of empathy for her because maybe she felt alone or used, so I just decided to let the time pass and move on.
A few months later during April I met this really pretty girl, I mean absolutely beautiful let’s call Victoria. We chatted and eventually started talking. It felt like such a blessing to have her around. Me and Victoria relationship didn’t go far at all we kissed a few times and touched each other but one day ig she lost interest. I had drew her a small note and gave it to her, she was thankful and left but Yk I could tell she wasn’t as interested as the day before but I just didn’t want to think to deeply about. Later on in the day she text me that she appreciate its but it’s too much basically ending things.
The next day I was walking around school and I saw her walking up the stairs were I was so I waited for. I know it might have been a really dumb idea but school was over after the next week so I just wanted to shoot one last shot. When she saw me she didn’t seem to give any displeasured looks or hints so I talked to her. I ended up grabbing her hand to lead her down the hall to chat. We chatted a bit, I remember asking about her curly hair and I said “I’m trynna pull that later” to which she replied “ouuu freaky ass” admittedly not special conversation that’ll win a girl back but before you call me weird, in our short relationship she’s made sexual remarks to me like how she like hair pulled and choking. I wasn’t trynna seducer her I just wanted to talk to her to see if she had any sort of interest in me still. After are convo I hugged her and left and said I’ll call her later. I ended up not calling bc she blocked me on instagram sure I was hurt but wtv it was over. The next week I’m pulled from class and my AP told me she made a complaint because I made her uncomfortable that day. I understand ig how that that conversation could make a girl feel uncomfortable but from my perspective it felt like it wasn’t outrageous at the time. After alll she’s made sexual remarks to me before, we’ve kissed,made out, hugged she even told her mom (who is the school nurse)about me so I felt like we were something real.
So what’s y’all opinion am I right or did I do to much?
submitted by Able_Career352 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:05 lotus-karma333 Zen final update !!! 🥹

Zen final update !!! 🥹
Hi everyone, I’m not sure if you guys remember Zen but we got him from a friend who’s frenchie got pregnant naturally and proceeded to have a natural birth. Obviously the puppies were born and not doing very well. We decided to adopt Zen and take care of him. When we first got him he was very sick, had worms, skin conditions and extreme allergies. He is now 8 months old and only 12lbs. My baby is still very small but SOOO healthy. I’m so lucky to have him. Thank you all for your support in the beginning. I’ve attached pictures from the beginning to recent so you can see his amazing progress <3.
submitted by lotus-karma333 to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:04 OldStirrup Advice for taking our 4 month old puppy on vacation?

We are heading on vacation in about two weeks with our little over 4 month old mini goldendoodle puppy! We are going to a cabin in the mountains of the PNW, and I was wondering if anyone had advice for taking her with us! Some background:
  1. She is great in the car and the drive is just about 4 hours - no real concerns there!
  2. She is crate trained and 95% potty trained (one or two accidents a week). We are staying in a airbnb cabin (allows dogs). We only plan to leave her there in her crate once or twice and no more than a couple hours.
  3. We are just starting to take her on walks and hope to take her on a flat, short nature walk near a lake and river.
  4. Our biggest concerns are her eating something she’s not supposed to and sleep.
Would love any advice from fellow puppy owners who have taken their pups on vacation!
submitted by OldStirrup to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:03 Glittering-Hat5955 Aim and movement

Share training methods you believe are really effectice for a good aim or for good movement
Here are mine: 1. Practice keeping your crosshair (put small setting button in middle of your screen with 50 percent transparecy) always on head level and adjust it according to the range.
  1. Turning 180, 90, 45° in a single swipe with perfect accuracy and without messing up your crosshair placement on head.
  2. Flicking from a target to another head to head, this also helps in fine tuning your sensitivity.
  3. Quick peeking and also practising to throw contact nades when quick peeking from behind an obstacle without exposing much of the body.
  4. Practicing jumpshots and dropshots, when hitting jumpshots dont start shooting as soon as you jump it will mess up your accuracy horribly instead shoot when you are in mid air after jumping.
  5. Crouching and peeking left to right or vice versa when hipfiring, this is the only fast movement you can do while hip firing in this game since jiggle here is useless your character walks really slow.
  6. Switching to fixed speed sensitivity setting, this gave me hell like experience when i switched to it from speed acceleration but it was definetly worth it it improved my muscle memory a lot and makes it a lot more easier to flick and do 180, 90, 45 turns in a single swipe without inaccuracies, you become extemely good at tracking while spraying.
  7. This one is for players who came from pubgm, in pubgm you crosshair is misaligned whenever you open your ads you aim will be a half a cenitimeter away from where you put your crosshair,so you naturally got a habit of adjusting your aim to where you place your crosshair meaning you will always move your aim half centimeter to right from your crosshair, but in arena breakout the crosshair and you ads aim are perfectly alinged so you will have to get rid of your habit of adjusting aim when opening ads, this was one of things that got me frustated despite of small it was its really bad for your aim.
  8. Not relying on foot indicators, the foot indicators have a half second delay then the actual footstep so by the time you believe the enemy is away from a door he will have already reached it and peeked and eliminanted you it can mess up your prefire, only use it to determine the distance and postion.
submitted by Glittering-Hat5955 to ArenaBreakoutGlobal [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:03 MarcoSantana1977 An NFL player-backed Orlando company has helped people overcome brain injuries and led to QB Josh McCown's best year!

Hey Orlando! This is pretty cool! Check out what a Lake Nona company has been doing for people with brain injuries by focusing on brain fitness!
LAKE NONA – The symptoms came in several forms for young athlete Lily Kemp in high school.
Headaches. Nausea. Sensations of her eyes “not working together,” which of course affected her vision.
Uncharacteristic periods of both a lack of interest in school and emotional outbursts.
“There were many weeks I was just in school, wearing a hat and sunglasses,” she said. “I was just trying not to get a headache. But I was out of it, especially when it was pretty bad.”
Even when she tried to apply herself, basic activities like reading would make her dizzy.
It was the aftermath of multiple concussions she had suffered in various ways.
“It was like she was a different person,” recalled her mother, Kelly Kemp. “She was so much more emotional than she’d ever been before. She was tanking at school.”
While desperate for some explanation, Kelly and her family discovered NESTRE Labs in Lake Nona through one of Lily’s former lacrosse teammates.
The company deploys neuroscience and machine learning to personalize programs meant to improve mental and cognitive strength and health. As part of National Mental Health Awareness month, the company has offered free access to its brain improvement mobile app for a month.
For 19-year-old Lily Kemp, just a few sessions with the company’s proprietary hardware had her noticing a a difference.
Brain training is the new wave industry
NESTRE CEO Tommy Shavers makes it clear that his company focuses on mind and brain fitness. It’s not a company that claims to prevent or treat concussions.
NESTRE CEO Tommy Shavers
Instead, it’s a mind and brain fitness company that helps athletes, CEOs, high school students and moms.
For Lily, that meant working on brain fitness after that series of injuries.
“We focus on how much better we can make humanity by giving people an opportunity to exercise the mind and brain the way we exercise the body,” Shavers said. “We can do some tremendous good in that way. Lily is an example of that.”
Shavers has experienced firsthand the rough nature of sports competition.
He was team captain of the UCF football team and became the program’s life skills coordinator shortly after graduation.
Despite the nature of athletics, Shavers said passion often drives athletes to perform after suffering injuries.
“We are all athletes in our own arenas,” he said. “There are things that may seem irrational that certain other individuals would not do but to athletes it makes total sense.”
That was the case with Kemp, who continued to play lacrosse despite having suffered as many as six diagnosed concussions in two years.
NESTRE and the pros
NESTRE has the potential to become one of Central Florida’s biggest tech success stories.
It’s already well on its way.
If you need the flashy names, just look at the list of people who have backed the company so far.
Hall of Fame wide receiver Calvin Johnson. His former Detroit Lions teammate Rob Sims.
An institute backed by Hall of Fame linebacker and former Tampa Bay Buc Derrick Brooks.
Jaylon Smith, a former pro bowl linebacker who is a free agent right now.
“Whether it’s Olympic champions, Hall of Fame athletes, Heisman winners, we have had the gamut come through here,” Shavers said. “They have all been beyond excited and impressed. This is a muscle you have to train.”
So far, results have been strong.
Since as far back as 2018, when former NFL QB Josh McCown told ESPN that NESTRE was part of the reason that he had his best season at 38 years old, NESTRE has been grabbing the occasional national headline.
At the time, McCown was coming off career highs in several passing categories with the New York Jets.
Meanwhile, former San Francisco 49ers WR Kyle Williams has said NESTRE’s brain training saved his life.
“The technology has begun to quantify the rewards and benefits associated with playing sport,” Shavers said. “How can we proactively optimize cognitive health and resilience?”
Return to lacrosse "risky," but worth it
While the backer list is certainly impressive, Shavers clarifies as much as possible that NESTRE isn’t just for world-class, professional athletes.
The majority of the people who have explored the company as a solution are everyday athletes and others who need optimal cognitive training to work a 9-to-5 or executives who want to be at their best.
However, on a recent day, as NESTRE’s lead neurotrainer Everett Talbert tucked Lily Kemp into a small skull cap-like contraption equipped with dozens of small nodes to track activity in multiple parts of her brain, she said getting better allowed her to finish up her senior year in high school on her terms.
“Yeah, I went back, of course,” she said. “It was definitely a risky move but I was so thankful to be able to go back and finish my season with all my friends.”
You can read more of her story and other tech stories on the Orlando Tech News website.
submitted by MarcoSantana1977 to orlando [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:03 micktalian The Gardens of Deathworlders (Part 75)

Part 75 Newport Station (Part 1) (Part 74)
[Support me of Ko-fi so I can get some character art commissioned and totally not buy a bunch of gundams and toys for my dog]
Today was finally the day. It had only been two months since Mik had fired up his experimental faster than light drive, launched himself, Sarah, and his two companion animals thousands of lightyears from Sol, and properly Ascended the human species onto the galactic stage. Where the Nishnabe Confederacy, the descendants from a group of humans abducted from the Eastern Woodlands of North America roughly twelve-hundred years ago, had already made a name for themselves in a relatively small region of space, they had done so in a very inconspicuous manner. Until just eight and half weeks ago, those Native Americans living in space had gone out of their way to leave space in galactic history for their kin back in their homeworld. However, after over a millennia of waiting only to discover the sorry state that much of humanity was currently in, they were ready to move forward with or without the rest of their species. Today wasn't just the day that the first people from Sol would get to see the wonderful world their cousins living among the stars had created for themselves, it was the day the Nishnabe no longer felt the need to hold themselves back.
“Not gonna lie, I wish there was a bridge ‘r somethin’ so we could see this station from the outside while we’re dockin’.”
As Mik, a few dozen other people from Earth and Mars, and quite a few more representing a several species stood in the primary docking bay of UHDF DS-1, many of the more fanciful among them couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of disappointment in how nonchalant this process seemed. Though all of them were still amazed by the technological majesty of the vessel they were currently on, there were a few souls who would have appreciated a transparent viewport through which they could view the truly massive station and the verdant planet below.
“What's up with you wanting glass on spaceships, Mik?” Tens asked while letting out a huffing laugh and rolling his eyes. “You of all people should know how dangerous that is.”
“It don't gotta be silicon ‘r nothin’ like that. Hell, even a big ol’ TV screen would be good enough. Just somethin’ to see outside with, yah know?”
“We could take your new shuttle to the surface later instead of taking the elevator down.” Binko chimed but received a quick pinch and harsh glare from his wife who was standing next to him. “Ou! Oh, wait! My love, you haven't been inside Mik's new shuttle yet, have you? You will love it!”
“Yeah, come with us, Tarki! The cockpit's ‘uge an’ hella comfy!” There wasn't even a shred of hesitation in Mik's voice as he made the offer. “I tell yah what, that thang's an even smoother ride than Binko's shuttle. An’ don't worry, I already seen what that baby's capable of, so I won't ask Binko to fly like an ass. I really just wanna see what this station looks like from the outside an’ what the planet looks like from orbit, yah know. We can even just do a short flight around the station ‘r somethin’ like that.”
“Shkegpewn is quite beautiful from above… And I could go for a short and slow flight.” Though Tarki was warming up to the idea, there was still a particular concern nagging at the back of her mind. “I am just trying to minimize the amount of high acceleration I expose myself to at the moment, so I would prefer not to go down to the surface unless I absolutely have to.”
“A’right, that's cool with me.” The bearded Martian felt no urge to question the golden avian and was simply happy that he didn't have to ask around to find another pilot and co-pilot to fly his shuttle for him. “We're droppin’ in my mechs tomorrow, anyways. I can have plenty o’ fun flyin’ ‘round then!”
“I still can't believe you spend almost a hundred million credits each on those mechs, Mik.” Despite Tens's growing infatuation with Mik's extensively customized BD-9s, he couldn't help but balk at the price tag. “And I can't believe you let him spend that much, Hompta! How much of that did you take as commission, huh?”
“Hey! Mik here offered a million per suit produced as a design fee.” Hompta’s squeaky and high voice held a clearly offended inflection. “But me and my team accepted ten million as a flat rate. And he fully owns the license, so he could easily make that back if he found a buyer willing to pay for ten at ninety million each.”
“Hompta, no one's going to buy that design.” Tens shot his furry little Kyim’ayik friend a harsh glare then quickly redirected his attention back to Mik. “No offense, niji. Your mechs are great and all! But you could’ve accomplished ninety percent of their capabilities with half the cost. You didn't need those reactors.”
“Wouldn't’ve been able to reach orbit without ‘em! ‘Sides, most of the cost o’ those is cuz o’ their compactness.” The burly, bearded man retorted with a deep chuckle then quickly glanced around the rather packed docking bay. “Say, how long's this supposed to take? I thought yah said the dockin’ process was only a few minutes, Tens?”
“Probably another minute or so. You'll know when we're docked when that red light turns green and the doors start to open.” The deeply sarcastic tone of the Nishnabe warrior's voice immediately sparked some snickering from various people in the group while drawing a jokingly harsh glare from the Martian professor. “But seriously though, don't get too excited. This is one of the Militia docking bays in the shipyard section, not a civilian one. It isn't as fancy and done up as the bay we docked into on Ten'yiosh Station. And we'll have to take a tram to get to the garden section.”
“Does that mean we will be able to watch how your people build their spaceships, Tens?” Skol interjected while carefully examining something on his tablet. “I was looking at the station map and it looks like we are docking in a port near where a line ship is being built.”
“You'd have to ask Msko for authorization but I don't see why not.” As soon as Tens gave his answer, the short, tattoo covered man's eyes quickly scanned the room. “He's over by those two American Generals.”
“Thank you!” Without skipping a beat, Skol immediately started heading towards the far end of the bay he had been pointed towards. “If I'm not back in a few minutes, I'll call you guys later.”
“Have fun!” Mik, TJ, and Kiera simultaneously waved off their rather short friend while rolling their eyes before the former turned to the latter. “Y'all ain't gonna ditch me for some space battleship, are yah?”
“Nah, I wanna see this orbital garden, man!” TJ announced with a deep and infectious chuckle. “From what I've seen on the Nishnabe Web, it's like the Redwoods at ChaosU but more tropical and with dozens of stories worth of arboreal structures. I am dying to see it with my own eyes.”
“I mean, I was invited to an Intergovernmental Council meeting, but that ain't till dinner time. We got a few hours before- Oh! Hey, look! That light turned green!”
Tens had been right about the docking bay that the cohort of humans from Sol entered Newport Station through, it wasn't particularly exciting. Unlike the port on Ten'yiosh Station where holographic advertisements were visible the moment a person stepped off their ship, this portion of Newport Station was obviously not intended for the public. The ceilings, floors, and walls were lined with simple and unadorned gray and white polymer paneling. Though the function over form aesthetic, advanced construction materials, and shockingly large and wide open spaces were certainly impressive in their own ways, it wasn't until the congregation had made their way to the tram system which would take them to their various destinations that anything recognizably Nishnabe was present.
Where the military docking bay was plain, lacking in any unnecessary comforts, and even had the artificially sterile smell of a specialized clean room, the tram system was the exact opposite. Crossing the airlock threshold into a chamber reminiscent of a subway station was like stepping into a whole new world. The modest and rather vanilla paneling had been covered in graffiti like murals, there were plush seats lined in ornately pattern fabrics, and a faint but pleasant aroma that carried with it notes of sweet blossoming flowers and bright pines. While there were no holographic advertisements showcasing various products and where to get them, the ceiling that hung two dozen meters overhead bore a near perfect three-dimensional recreation of a slightly cloudy mid-summer morning. And when the doors to the tram car finally opened with the soft chime of a bell, the people from Sol were starting to get increasingly excited.
Though there were still no advertisements, something the public transit on Ten'yiosh had in spades, the car that Mik and his group found themselves in was lined with holographic projectors all the same. Instead, as the various beings stepped foot into this tram, they were surrounded by what looked like a forest, all calming sounds of wind through leaves, the pleasant smells of diverse flora, and the subtle but noticeable warmth included. Within just a few short steps, they had gone from a clean but painfully artificial environment to one which seemed almost organic. And when the doors closed, if it weren’t for wood-facade polymer floor paneling, the rooms of comfortable seats of diverse styles and sizes, and the doorways that dotted the tram car, the people from Sol could have believed they were already in the heart of Shkegpewen's orbital garden.
After a few minutes of odd yet quite respectful silence, the doors once again opened and the people of Earth and Mars were utterly dumbstruck by what they saw. Stepping out into the open disembarkation area felt like stepping onto the surface of a verdant planet untarnished by the careless industrialization that had devastated Earth. In the minds of those born and raised on the cradle of humanity, the only thing telling them they weren't in the middle of a terrestrial forest was that they only felt about two-thirds of their Earthly weight. To the Martians who had spent time in the grove of Redwoods planted in the center of Aram Chaos colony, they couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity towards the truly massive sequoia-like trees that now surrounded them. As all eyes from Sol slowly made their way up, they saw a dozen stories worth of primarily wooden structures built onto and suspended between the network of hundred meter tall evergreens as high as the eye could see. Finally, peeking through the dense foliage far above their heads hung a holographic approximation of the sky so distant and realistic that even the most discerning eye wouldn't be able to tell it was artificial. The only thing that gave away the fact that this was an orbital garden set inside the spin section of a space station was the ever so slight upward curvature of the ground that was only barely perceptible by looking off in the distance between the thick network of trees.
“What do y'all think?” Tens asked the three Martians that were still accompanying him, all of whom were now staring with wide eyes and low hanging jaws.
“Hol’ up.” Mik could pull his eyes away from the housing, shops, and various buildings, platforms, and walkways that connected each and every tree like a massive spider web. “Brain's not brainin’...”
“Did y'all literally just cut out a section of forest from the planet and drop it in a space station?” Though TJ was likewise still locked on the forest, his mechanical eyes were focused more on the flora than the structures built between them. “Like, those trees look old, man! And I don't mean just a few hundred years old.”
“I'm pretty sure it was a bit more complicated than that but…” Tens looked towards the Hi-Koth standing behind the gobsmacked Martians for support. “I think that's how they did it. Bani could probably tell you more, though.”
“If I remember this station's history correctly, that was actually the first use of the orbital elevator.” As Banitek began the explanation, Mik, TJ, and Kiera continued staring but now with more curiosity as opposed to just utter shock. “When the twenty-third generation started work on the elevator’s anchor, they needed to clear out a few square kilometers worth of forest on Shkegpewen. But instead of just cutting it all down, they built a massive floating island in the bay, dug down to bedrock where the anchor now sits, and used a bunch of heavy machinery to carefully transplant the forest onto the island. Then, after the twenty-sixth generation finished the initial section of the station and connected it to the anchor, they started hauling up everything they had put on the island. Now, we just allow the forest to naturally expand as we add more garden area to the station. There were a lot of Hi-Koth and Kyim’ayik involved with this project too, which is actually when my ancestors immigrated here. That’s why there's so much traditional Hi-Koth architecture on display.”
“This is your people’s traditional form of architecture?!?” Kiera blurted out with a chuckle. “Y'all really are just giant Ewoks, ain’t yah?”
“What's an E-wok?” Bani asked with a perplexed expression written on his massive, short nosed, and fur covered face.
“Eh, don't worry about it.” Kiera shot a quick glance towards Hompta and let a soft smirk spread across her lips. “But I gotta show y'all the Star Wars movies some time. They're really old, but I like ‘em. Anyways, this’s enough staring. Let's go check it out!”
“Yeah, I would love to see the lake while we're at it!” TJ added while allowing his mechanical eyes to fall towards a stream that flowed into the treeline before disappearing behind the goliath pillars of red-tinted wood. “I'm wearing swim trunks under my pants so I'm ready to take a swim!”
“You can swim?!?” The furry little Kyim’ayik man balked at the massive and mostly metal human.
“Of course I can!” TJ's deep and booming voice had a clearly offended tone for a split second before he remembered that Hompta was, in fact, not from Sol and had no context for why his question could be seen as derogatory. “We have quite a few swimming pools, ponds, and even a couple lakes on Mars. And, yes, my cybernetics can be submerged and are water tight up to about fifty meters in depth. I'll start sinking if I stop swimming, but I can hold my breath for about ten minutes.”
“In that case, you need to come check out the aquatic housing my people built!” Hompta simply assumed a cyborg would have issues with water but was now all smiles upon hearing that the man could hold his breath for so long. “The major buildings do have surface entrances, but my house is one of the ones that's only accessible underwater.”
“Like a beaver lodge?” As soon as TJ asked the question, it was Hompta’s turn to sound perturbed.
“No! Not like a rodent nest! Our housing is clean, well-built, and definitely not something rodents could make!”
“Hompta, ‘ave yah ever seen a beaver before?” Mik shot a cheeky wink towards the being who, in his mind, bore a striking resemblance to the aforementioned aquatic rodents.
“No, but Kyim’ayik are considered mustelids, not rodents! We're gdedek, not mekek!”
“I'll show yah some pictures some time.” The bearded professor retorted while rolling his eyes before motioning with his hands to beckon the group forward into the garden. “But, anyways, let's get to it! I wanna see yahr jet-bike, Tens!”
“I wanna see the lake!” TJ declared while the group began walking down the stone path that led into trees.
“I wanna see the shopping!” Kiera countered.
“First…” A baritone but quite feminine voice cut in as Atxika finally interjected herself in the conversation. “Tens, my sweet, I believe there was somewhere specific we are supposed to go to first. And you know what will happen if we don't.”
“Thanks for reminding me, my love!” There was a sudden panic in Tens's voice which also appeared in the expressions on Binko, Hompta, and Banitek's faces. “We'll do whatever y'all want after we go see goko.”
“Yahr grandma?” Mik's incredulous question immediately elicited a few harsh glares. “I mean, yeah, sure, I'd love to meet yahr nokmes. I just wish I woulda known so I coulda brought somethin’ for ‘er. All I got on me's some sema and bud.”
“I will always accept mno-wdeme'we as a gift, young man.” As if by magic, an elderly yet quite intimidating woman seemed to appear out of thin air besides a massive tree trunk next to the group. “Now, come here. Let me take a good look at you, noseme. I never thought I would live long enough to see this day and I wish to know the man who reunited our species.”
submitted by micktalian to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:59 LinLin--G-and-W Quick pain rant

This literally doesn’t matter to anyone but I have to let this off my chest-
I do the best I can to be kind and fair to newbies! After all, we all were there once. But I do expect some basic competence from anyone above level 10 or so. That requires at least a small handful of matches.
I just witnessed my level 17 Deku ally, in ranked, mostly AFk sneak around a bush while I 1v3, I die but get the last remaining other player super low. He walks up, presses alpha and knocks the Ochako down, and she falls down a bit. (They were in the nature area on the new map, with all the elevation).
I understand people are new. I get it. But how do you not see her physical body fly down and understand the assignment? This boy walked around like a lost child at Walmart, unable to find her and instead just spinning in a circle and healing, even though he’s almost at full. And lo and behold, seconds later, the Ochako comes back and proceeds to, actuslly, credit here, play really well while he… played really bad, and we lost horribly. Also, after she attacked him, his immediate reaction wasn’t even to fight back, it was to walk away and heal. WALK: slowly.
She obviously hit him.
I’m not even mad about the afk Playstyle, I’m not mad about the losing the 1v1, I’m not mad about the weird decision making, I just can’t comprehend how he managed to have any braincells to see her fall down one single step. Not even into cover!
I’m just- I’m not too mad since ultimately this is a game, so I also just wrote on chat ‚ah Unfortnate ggs‘ and called it a day, but I had to share this, it was nagging on my brain. Sorry for the rant.
Has anyone ever seen this? Like.. My god.
Also mods if this flair is wrong tell and I’ll fix it I didn’t know what works
submitted by LinLin--G-and-W to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:59 EmbarrassedPhrase763 I still can’t believe this happened

So for context I’m 25 now and I had this encounter when I was 17. This took place in rural New Jersey, during the summer. My best friend lived in a small neighborhood with one entrance point. Across from the entrance was this big empty field. We decided this night we were gonna lay a blanket down smoke some weed and look at the stars. We had already been smoking for months at this point and never had any kind of hallucinations, we just got the normal good old baked. Around 12 am we decided to walk back to her house. It wasn’t a far walk but we both felt some weird tension. As we first started to approach her driveway I remember saying something along the lines of “oh thank god we are back”. But as we were more than half way up the driveway my best friend stops walking and goes still. I look at her and see she is staring straight ahead at something so I follow her gaze. There was this thing crouched down over some metal thing in her backyard. I’m just a girl so I can’t be for sure but I think it was the septic tank? Or something similar. Anyways, it sees us staring and immediately all 3 of us are just completely shocked. Neither party was expecting this it seemed like. In a flash it stands up from being crouched down and easily stands at 7 feet if not taller. It was so white, like a literal sheet of paper and very very lanky. We stared maybe 1 or 2 seconds longer as it ran across her back yard. Each step it took had to be like 6 feet wide. It covered her yard quickly and easily. Her and i turned, grab hands, and ran for our lives to the front door (which was locked because we snuck out the back). We stood there for a couple minutes convincing each other it was a deer until we gained the strength to run to her back door. Once inside we were silent for a few minutes until we both looked at each other and said “that was not a deer”. My best friend has since sadly passed and I always wonder, as sometime who believes in an afterlife, if she got some clarification as to what that was.
submitted by EmbarrassedPhrase763 to AlienEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:58 maulik252 [STORE] TI8/TI9/TI10/Diretide/ Aghanim's/2023 summer collector's cache sets/crownfall 2024/weather effects

Selling cache sets at below mentioned price:
My profile-
steam rep-
Add me if you are interested(only serious buyers (who have read the whole post and sure about buying))
buyer goes first. Reservation is mandatory and nonrefundable.
accepting dota 2 tradable items and tf2 keys
TI8 cache 1
Hero Price ( USD) Quantity
Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum(blood seeker) 15$ 2
Pitfall Crusader(Pangolier) 23$ 1
Insights of the Sapphire Shroud(Dark seer) 10$ 5
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel(Spirit breaker) 12$ 3
Forlorn Descent(Undying) 15$ 0
The Murid Divine(necrophos) 22$ 2
Primer of the Sapper's Guile(techies) 20$ 3
Molokau Stalker(venomancer) 15$ 4
Morbific Provision(witch doctor) 15$ 3
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin(queen of pain) 12$ 4
Fate Meridian(invoker) 25$ 3
Grasp of the Riven Exile(weaver) 10$ 6
Visions of the Lifted Veil(phantom assassin) 35$ 1
Endowments of the Lucent Canopy(shadow shaman) 100$ sold out
TI8 cache 2
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Pitmouse Fraternity(meepo) 15$ 8
Fires of the Volcanic Guard(Ember spirit) 20$ 7
Third Awakening(Dragon knight) 35$ 0
Shackles of the Enduring Conscript(AXE) 8$ 10
Shimmer of the Anointed(Nyx) 6$ 10
Cruelties of the Spiral Bore(Magnus) 45$ sold out
Loaded Prospects(Brew master) 15$ 8
Ire of Molten Rebirth(Phoenix) 8$ 6
Pattern of the Silken Queen(Brood mother) 8$ 11
Dread Ascendance(Doom) 50$ 1
The Rat King(Chen) 10$ 9
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge(Underlord) 20$ 4
TI9 cache 1
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Echoes of the Everblack(Abbadon) 30$ 1
Allure of the Faeshade Flower(Dark willow) 25$ 1
Paean of the Ink Dragon(Grimstroke) 20$ 3
Scorched Amber(Dragon Knight) 30$ 2
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan(Chen) 15$ 5
The Arts of Mortal Deception(Enigma) 10$ 4
Poacher's Bane(Tide hunter) 20$ 6
Soul of the Brightshroud(Death prophet) 20$ 2
Curse of the Creeping Vine(Undying) 20$ 3
Pursuit of the Ember Demons (Husker) 22$ 2
Appetites of the Lizard King(Slark) 25$ 3
Forbidden Medicine(Dazzle) 20$ 3
Riddle of the Hierophant(Oracle) 12$ 7
Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt(Drow ranger) 30$ sold out
Adornments of the Jade Emissary(Earth Spirit) 25$ 1
Defender of Ruin(Disrupter) 25$ 8
TI9 cache 2
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful(Drow ranger) 15$ 21
Tribal Pathways(Warlock) 10$ 26
Directive of the Sunbound(Clockwork) 10$ 23
Souls Tyrant(Shadow fiend) 40$ 4
Endless Night(Abbadon) 25$ 8
Dapper Disguise(Pudge) 18$ 16
Prized Acquisitions(Bat rider) 6$ 29
Verdant Predator(Venomancer) 8$ 23
Fury of the Bloodforge(Bloodseeker) 10$ 27
Automaton Antiquity(Broodmother) 10$ 25
Tales of the Windward Rogue(Pangolier) 30$ 5
Grim Destiny(Wraith king) 20$ 21
Distinguished Expeditionary(Tusker) 12$ 26
Fowl Omen(Necrophos) 18$ 21
Cinder Sensei(Ember Spirit)) 80$ 4
TI10 cache 1
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Origin of the Dark Oath(Night stalker) 28$ 22
Ravenous Abyss (Underlord) 15$ 34
Apocalypse Unbound(Ancient appartion) 10$ 36
Beholden of the Banished Ones(Warlock) 15$ 5
Fury of the Righteous Storm(Disrupter) 10$ 36
Lineage of the Stormlords(Juggernaut) 35$ 16
Silent Slayer(Silencer) 20$ 32
Mindless Slaughter(Pudge) 15$ 37
Heartless Hunt(Bounty hunter) 15$ 31
Herald of the Ember Eye(Grim stroke) 15$ 27
Fissured Flight(Jakiro) 12$ 34
Flashpoint Proselyte(Husker) 20$ 34
Glory of the Elderflame(Lina) 25$ 26
Signs of the Allfather(Nature's Prophet) 20$ 34
Songs of Starfall Glen(Enchantress) 10$ 23
Ancient Inheritance(Tiny) 25$ 51
Forsworn Legacy(Mars) 40$ 26
TI10 cache 2
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Evolution of the Infinite(Enigma) 10$ 24
Beast of the Crimson Ring(Bristle Back) 15$ 23
Clearcut Cavalier(Timbersaw) 8.5$ 27
The King Of Thieves(Keeper of the light) 10$ 27
Horror from the Deep(Tidehunter) 20$ 22
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler(Arc warden) 40$ 1
Talons of the Endless Storm(Chaos Knight) 14$ 22
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade(Rubick) 12$ 26
Crown of Calaphas(Shadow demon) 15$ 26
Wrath of the Fallen(Doom) 15$ 26
Blacksail Cannoneer(Sniper) 13$ 26
Secrets of the Celestial(Skywrath mage) 10$ 27
Blaze of Oblivion(Phoenix) 8$ 26
Master of the Searing Path(Ember spirit) 30$ 10
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber(Templer assassin) 30$ 30
Claszureme Incursion(Faceless Void) 95$ 1
Aghanim's cache sets
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Silverwurm Sacrifice(Dragon Knight) 45$ 4
Scales of the Shadow Walker(Phantom lancer) 12$ 19
Perception of the First Light(Dawn breaker) 12$ 16
Apex Automated(Clockwork) 10$ 17
Test of the Basilisk Lord(Razor) 12$ 17
Secrets of the Frost Singularity(Ancient appartion) 8.5$ 20
Perils of the Red Banks(Chen) 8$ 20
The Chained Scribe(Grim stroke) 12$ 18
Widow of the Undermount Gloom(Brood mother) 10$ 20
Forgotten Fate(Mars) 10$ 18
March of the Crackerjack Mage(Rubick) 10$ 19
Stranger in the Wandering Isles(Drow ranger) 55$ 1
Cosmic Concoctioneers(Alchemist) 7$ 19
Days of the Demon(Axe) 25$ 7
Blightfall(Abbadon) 8$ 21
Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected(Ogre magi) 20$ 25
Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel(Chaos Knight) 50$ 8
Diretide cache set
Blue Horizons(Marci) 25$ 6
Dark Behemoth(Primal beast) 50$ 3
2023 cache sets
Hero Price(USD) Quantity
Snailfire (SnapFire) 25$ 10
Brightfist (Marci) 22$ 10
Primeval Abomination(primal beast) 8$ 10
Astral Herald(dawn breaker) 15$ 10
Spectral Shadow(Abbadon) 5$ 10
Taur Rider(alchemist) 5$ 10
Crescent Huntress(spectre) 10$ 10
Tyrant of the Veil(wraith king) 8.5$ 10
Tomo'kan Footsoldier(hood wink) 7$ 10
Darkwood Eulogy(death prophet) 5$ 10
Sea Spirit(kunkka) 12$ 10
Triumph of the Imperatrix(legion commander) 7$ 10
Beast of Thunder(storm spirit) 10$ 10
Ancestral Heritage(jakiro) 6$ 10
Dezun Viper(dazzle) 7.5$ 10
CROWNFALL Cache sets
Hero Price(in usd) Quantity
Ravencloak(Drow Ranger) 50$ 2
Mocking Bird (Meepo) 50$ 3
Flock of Avilliva (Phantom lancer) 40$ 3
Whispering Wings (Silencer) 15$ 5
Barding of Balaur (Jakiro) 10$ 5
Crown of the Condor (Wraith King) 15$ 5
Prophecies of Pavo (Oracle) 15$ 5
Thunderbird(ZEUS) 15$ 4
Birdfeed Bandit (Hood wink) 10$ 5
Raven Harvest (Shadow fiend) 6$ 5
All other normal crownfall treasure set are 3$ each
Weather Effects
Weather Price
Ash 13$
Aurora 3$
Harvest 3$
Moonbeam 6$
Rain 10$
Spring 5$
Snow 5$
Siroco 3$
Pestilence 2.5$
Buyers go first, add me now if interested for 30 days cooldown, make sure to leave a comment on my profile . 30% reserve amount required at the time of reserving cache sets. fees(depends on your payment method) on you.
If you are buying more than 4 cache sets then u will get addition discount.
I have more than 1000$ worth of cache sets in my inventory and i have been selling cache sets from past 2 years so why would i scam you for some small amount and you can also check the profile of the people who have given their feedback on my profile . I can also provide you with screenshots of my previous successful trades
submitted by maulik252 to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:57 Such_Cabinet3981 Autistic problem? I get emotional when an app-update makes everything change!

So, backstory: I am a 28yo woman, and was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago. I have had a 10 year long history with severe exhaustion and many “random” conditions, like a delayed circadian rhythm, heart palpitations related to anxiety, and more. When I finally got an adhd diagnosis, I felt so liberated. Mind, I did not seek this out at all. I had been going to therapy/different psychiatrists for years, and was assigned to a new one. This woman met me for only two sessions before she told me she suspected I had ADHD. I was confused at first, but trusted her and the process of testing for it. I read up on adhd, and realized it would explain so much. When I did get the diagnoses, it felt like there was suddenly a red thread between all these “random” conditions of mine; they were all comorbid to undiagnosed ADHD.
It’s been a year, and I have learned a lot about how mY ADHD impacts me and my life. I also have found comfort in realizing so many others have similair experiences and struggles. However, I am realizing I have the most in common with people with AuDHD. I am not in the habit of self diagnosing but I want to consider what that could mean. (Btw: I understand that self diagnosing is the only option some people have, I am not shaming them at all. However, in my country there are pretty accessible ways to get an official diagnosis.)
So here is the question: Are you autistic/AuDHD/ADHD? If so, could you tell me if you (in your personal opinion) think these experiences hint at me having AuDHD or if these experiences are very common with just ADHD too?
This is obviously an incomplete list of things I experience related to this. They are, however, some of the aspects of myself that make me question the ADHD/AuDHD-thing. I know many traits overlap, and it can be hard to distinguish between certain traits.
  1. Hating change.
  2. When I was 17 yo, my parents wanted to buy a new couch. We had had this red couch since before I was born, and I was so attached to it. I logically understood that its very old and worn, and looked tired and bleached by years by the window. Even so, when we were walking around in the store looking for a replacement, I couldn’t stop crying. I felt heartbroken, and stupid for being so attached.
  3. Whenever there is a notification on my phone that I must update some app, my heart starts racing and I almost panick a little.I perceive it as a warning that, when the app is updated, certain things will be different. Today I updated an (unimportant) app, but when I opened it again, I couldn’t even find the features I would use it for, and i got so angry I wanted to cry or or yell throw my phone away. However, I logically know that such an emotional reaction is not at all proportioned to the small inconvenience this little problem really was, and I used sooo much effort to try to keep myself calm.
  4. I work as a teacher, and one teacher had taken a class out and said they’d be back a certain time (15 min after my class had normally begun.) However, 15 extra minutes came, and they had still not arrived, and i felt sooo stressed. The other teacher (who was in the same situation as me) was just calmly using her extra time to grade some papers, but I couldn’t even sit still.
  5. Burn-outs vs. meltdowns. -As mentioned earlier, I had struggled with exhaustion for years. Now I am understanding that it’s probably ADHD-burnouts, and learning the signs. However, I often experience extreme reactions to sensory stimuli, that send my entire body into fight/flight/freeze-modes. F.ex. I will be waiting on a train, knowing and seeing the train come my way, and still be so overwhelmed by the intense sounds that I want to cry or throw up. Working in a school, I sometimes feel like every muscle in my body is tensing up when there is a certain level of noise, and I have a hard time breathing properly. -In periods when I have a lot to do or when I feel some level of stress, my body gets “sick.” I get fevers, I have muscle pains, feel nauseous, get headaches, lose apatite and feel truly ill. I genuinely have a hard time differentiating between this type of SICK and sick as in getting a col and such..
  6. Sensory experiences
  7. Cold: I have had a severe phobia against the cold. (NB, I like in a place similair to Alaska, andI truly suffer half the year.) I get so exhausted these months from having to fight my own instincts every time I am to exit my house. Touching ice-cubes, frozen meat or other very cold things for more than 3 seconds makes my fingers nearly cramp in pain.
  8. Foods: There are certain foods that have a consistency that makes me want to throw up. I grew up learning to eat what I get, and would literally swallow things and then nearly faint because of the discomfort.
  9. Noise: As mentioned, loud noises makes my entire body jump and makes my entire back tense up. If i am also surprised, I usually cry too.
  10. Tactile: I loath certain things, like touching raw meat, and dearly love other things, like the crispy part of eating popcorn (As a kid, I would eat 6-bags og microwavable-popcorn a week.) -Being touched. My sister used to love coming up behind me to “tickle” me. (Mind that this was in fact more like being pinched and bruised..) But whenever someone touches me like that without my consent (before I am mentally prepared) I feel so panicked. I have a hard time breathing and want to punch them, even when its in “good fun.” Also, if someone hugs me for a second too long, I feel severely claustrophobic..
So, these were the ones at the top of my head. There are many more, and many that I do associate with “normal” ADHD too. I am eager to hear if any of you can relate to these, and to hear your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
submitted by Such_Cabinet3981 to Neurodivergent [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:56 Intrepid-Homework907 another boogeyman

I came up with an idea for another bogeyman, like All for One. There were two brothers, one had a first generation emitter type gift that allowed him to materialize his spirit into the physical world, to push his own body to the limit (let's call it Strong soul). the other brother had a sender type gift that allowed him to use his own spiritual energy to heal the bodies of others (let's call him Generous Soul). When the first brother was mortally wounded, the second tried to heal him, first using his physical energy, then his lifespan and finally his soul core. When both soul cores fused, the first brother's soul was not only able to survive without being in his own body, he could if he wanted to possess the body of others or tear the soul from the body of other people to increase his physical strength, speed and endurance. strengths: being a spirit in the physical world it cannot be harmed by physical means, making it so that even if you destroy its body if you do not have a gift related to the soul, then you cannot really harm it. He only needs a slight physical contact to cause death, with just one touch he can tear the soul from someone's body to kill them instantly. soul manipulation, not only can he take the souls of others to make himself physically stronger, he can use them as fuel for energy-based attacks, switch between other people's souls and bodies, and heal others using spiritual energy. By possessing other people's bodies he can use the gift of their bodies as his own, as long as he has the body at his disposal. Since the bodies he uses are generally reanimated corpses, the gift of his body cannot be stolen or copied because he is a walking corpse and those gifts have to be used on living people. Her willpower is so high that she can push the body quirk she is using to the biological limit, in addition to using spiritual energy to momentarily enhance her attacks. Weaknesses: There are some very specific quirks that can interact with spirits, which could theoretically do real harm to you, not your physical body. OFA One for All makes the bearer's soul so strong that it cannot be taken by force, as well as being able to effectively hit the spirit world. As the bodies he uses are corpses, although the spiritual power he has prevents decay, it does not make the bodies truly alive, causing the bodies he occupies as a vessel to not regenerate naturally.
submitted by Intrepid-Homework907 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:56 External_Focus1717 Unleashing Innovation: The Excitement of Modern Hackathons

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, hackathons have emerged as dynamic platforms for innovation, learning, and networking. These events, which bring together programmers, designers, and industry experts, are designed to foster creativity and solve real-world problems. Whether you're interested in cybersecurity, Python, artificial intelligence, or network security, there’s a hackathon tailored to your interests. Let's dive into the exciting world of innovation hackathons and explore what they offer.
The Power of Innovation Hackathons
Innovation hackathons are intense, collaborative events where participants work in teams to develop solutions to specific problems within a limited time frame. These hackathons are not just about coding; they are about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and creating innovative solutions that can make a significant impact. Participants get to experiment with new technologies, collaborate with peers, and receive mentorship from industry leaders.
Cybersecurity Hackathon
In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is more critical than ever. A cybersecurity hackathon focuses on tackling the latest security challenges. Participants might work on tasks such as identifying vulnerabilities, securing applications, or developing new security protocols. These hackathons provide a hands-on opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems, making them invaluable for both budding and seasoned security professionals.
Python Hackathon
Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language, making Python hackathons incredibly popular. These events challenge participants to use Python to develop innovative solutions, whether it’s for web development, data analysis, machine learning, or automation. Python hackathons are perfect for showcasing the power of this language and for participants to enhance their coding skills.
AI Hackathon and Artificial Intelligence Hackathon
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, from healthcare to finance. AI hackathons, also known as artificial intelligence hackathons, focus on creating intelligent solutions using machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI technologies. Participants may work on projects like predictive analytics, AI-driven chatbots, or autonomous systems. These hackathons are ideal for those passionate about AI and eager to contribute to cutting-edge innovations.
IT Hackathon
IT hackathons encompass a broad range of topics within the information technology sector. These events can cover anything from software development and IT infrastructure to cybersecurity and data management. IT hackathons provide a platform for participants to tackle complex IT challenges, develop new tools, and improve existing systems.
OpenAI Hackathon
OpenAI, a leader in AI research, often sponsors hackathons to inspire innovation in artificial intelligence. An OpenAI hackathon focuses on leveraging OpenAI’s tools and frameworks to create advanced AI solutions. These events attract top talent and provide a unique opportunity to work with cutting-edge AI technologies and receive feedback from OpenAI experts.
Application Security Hackathon
Application security is crucial for protecting software from threats and vulnerabilities. An application security hackathon centers on developing solutions to enhance the security of applications. Participants might work on secure coding practices, vulnerability assessments, or automated security testing tools. These hackathons are essential for anyone interested in building secure software systems.
Network Security Hackathon
Network security is vital for protecting data and systems from cyber threats. A network security hackathon focuses on securing networks against attacks. Participants might engage in tasks such as designing secure network architectures, developing intrusion detection systems, or creating encryption protocols. These events are perfect for those passionate about safeguarding information in a connected world.
Why Participate in a Hackathon?
Participating in a hackathon offers numerous benefits:
  1. Skill Development: Hackathons provide a hands-on learning experience, allowing participants to apply their knowledge and develop new skills.
  2. Networking: These events bring together like-minded individuals from various backgrounds, providing excellent networking opportunities.
  3. Innovation: Hackathons encourage creative thinking and innovation, pushing participants to come up with unique solutions to complex problems.
  4. Career Advancement: Winning a hackathon or even just participating can significantly enhance a resume and lead to job opportunities or internships.
  5. Mentorship and Feedback: Participants receive guidance and feedback from industry experts, which can be invaluable for their professional growth.
Preparing for a Hackathon
To make the most of a hackathon, preparation is key:
  1. Brush Up on Skills: Ensure you have a good grasp of the relevant technologies and tools.
  2. Build a Strong Team: Assemble a team with diverse skills to tackle different aspects of the challenge.
  3. Plan Ahead: Understand the problem statement and develop a rough plan of action before the event.
  4. Stay Updated: Keep abreast of the latest trends and technologies in your field of interest.
  5. Bring the Essentials: Make sure to bring any necessary equipment, such as laptops, chargers, and other tools you might need.
During the Hackathon
Here are some tips to succeed during the hackathon:
  1. Understand the Challenge: Take the time to thoroughly understand the problem you are solving.
  2. Divide and Conquer: Assign tasks based on each team member’s strengths to work efficiently.
  3. Stay Organized: Use project management tools to keep track of progress and ensure everyone is on the same page.
  4. Seek Feedback: Regularly check in with mentors and judges to get feedback and refine your solution.
  5. Stay Energised: Take breaks, stay hydrated, and maintain a positive attitude to keep energy levels up.
After the Hackathon
Post-hackathon, it’s essential to reflect and leverage the experience:
  1. Reflect on Learnings: Analyse what you learned and how you can apply it to future projects.
  2. Follow Up: Connect with the people you met during the hackathon to build lasting professional relationships.
  3. Share Your Experience: Share your achievements on social media and professional networks to showcase your skills.
  4. Continue Innovating: Use the momentum from the hackathon to continue working on your project or start new ones.
If you are interested in participating in a hackathon that will elevate your skills in various cutting-edge domains, look no further! We are excited to host the Great Appsec Hackathon, a premier event designed to boost your expertise in Cybersecurity, Python, AI, Application Security, and more.
Why Participate in the Great Appsec Hackathon?
  1. Enhance Your Cybersecurity Skills:
Our hackathon is structured to provide hands-on experience in tackling real-world cybersecurity challenges. Whether you are identifying vulnerabilities, protecting data, or securing networks, this event is an excellent opportunity to sharpen your cybersecurity skills.
  1. Master Python Programming:
Python is a versatile and powerful programming language widely used in various tech fields. During the hackathon, you'll work on projects that require you to leverage Python's capabilities, helping you become more proficient in this essential language.
  1. Dive into Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of technological innovation. This hackathon offers challenges that focus on AI applications, allowing you to develop and showcase your skills in machine learning and AI-driven solutions.
  1. Specialize in Application Security:
Application security is critical in today's software-driven world. Our hackathon includes specific tasks aimed at improving the security of applications, from identifying potential threats to implementing robust security measures.
What’s in It for You?
  1. Learning and Growth:
Participating in the Great Appsec Hackathon is a unique learning experience. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with peers, receive mentorship from industry experts, and gain invaluable insights that can propel your career forward.
  1. Networking Opportunities:
Meet like-minded individuals, industry professionals, and potential employers. Hackathons are fantastic networking venues where you can build relationships that might lead to future collaborations or job opportunities.
  1. Exciting Prizes:
In addition to the knowledge and experience you'll gain, we are offering a grand prize of INR 10 Lakhs! Compete against the best and stand a chance to win this significant reward.
How to Participate
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your skills and potentially win big. Visit our website to learn more about the Great Appsec Hackathon, register, and secure your spot.
Steps to Register:
  1. Visit Our Website: Head over to our official hackathon page for detailed information about the event, including schedules, rules, and guidelines
  1. Register Online: Complete the online registration form with your details. Make sure to include your areas of interest and any relevant experience.
  2. Prepare: Once registered, start preparing by brushing up on your skills in cybersecurity, Python, AI, and application security. Our website will provide resources to help you get ready.
  3. Participate and Compete: Join us on the hackathon day, collaborate with your team, tackle the challenges, and compete for the grand prize.
Final Thoughts
Hackathons are more than just competitions; they are a celebration of innovation, learning, and community. The Great Appsec Hackathon is designed to provide a platform for tech enthusiasts of all levels to come together, learn, and create.
So, why wait? Take the leap, register today, and embark on a journey of discovery, innovation, and excitement. Visit our site and be a part of this extraordinary event. We look forward to seeing you at the Great Appsec Hackathon, where your skills will shine, and you could walk away with the grand prize of INR 10 Lakhs!
Innovation hackathons, whether focused on cybersecurity, Python, AI, or network security, are instrumental in driving technological advancements and fostering a spirit of collaboration and creativity. They provide a vibrant environment where participants can push the boundaries of what’s possible, learn from experts, and make valuable connections.
If you're passionate about technology and eager to test your skills, don’t miss the opportunity to participate in these exciting events. Keep an eye out for upcoming hackathons and get involved. Elevate your skills, innovate, and compete for glory and prizes. The world of technology is waiting for your contribution!
submitted by External_Focus1717 to u/External_Focus1717 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:55 ExcitingBelt How to Craft Morally Ambiguous Characters in Dark Fantasy Plots

Complexity and subtlety are key components of dark fantasy, a subgenre that combines the ominous aspects of horror with the expansive scope of fantasy. Characters with morally dubious motivations and actions—those who inspire both disgust and empathy—are among its defining characteristics. Such characters require careful attention to detail, a grasp of human nature, and a readiness to delve into the murkiest recesses of the mind. This blog post will discuss how to write morally grey characters in dark fantasy, with references to indie books and an engaging writing exercise to help you polish your writing.
Understanding Morally Ambiguous Characters
Characters that are morally dubious defy categorical notions of good and evil. They are multifaceted creatures with contradictory motivations who are capable of both virtuous and heinous deeds. These characters have resonance because they capture the complexity of the human condition. Morally grey characters, as opposed to clear-cut heroes or villains, force readers to consider their own assumptions and worldviews.
The character Sand dan Glokta from Joe Abercrombie's "The First Law" trilogy is a prime example of one of these kinds of characters. Glokta, a former war hero who is now a torturer, has an unpleasant appearance at first because of his cruel line of work. Abercrombie's deft portrayal, however, shows a man who has been broken by torture and is motivated by a combination of resentment, survival instinct, and a warped sense of duty. Readers are forced to choose between feeling sorry for him and detesting his behaviour.
Building a Morally Ambiguous Character
  1. Backstory and Motivations: A well-developed backstory is crucial. It provides context for a character’s moral ambiguity. Consider the character of Locke Lamora from Scott Lynch’s "Gentleman Bastard" series. Locke is a thief and a con artist, yet his backstory—marked by tragedy and survival—offers insight into his complex moral code. His actions, though often criminal, are driven by loyalty to his friends and a desire for justice against corrupt nobility.
  2. Internal Conflict: Characters that are morally dubious tend to exhibit internal conflict. They struggle with their choices, balancing morality with selfish interests. The protagonist, Croaker, in Glen Cook's "The Black Company," works as The Lady, a sinister sorceress. His character is further developed by his internal conflict over his allegiance to his allies and the immoral things they must do for The Lady.
  3. Complex Relationships: A character's morality and personality can be seen in various aspects of their relationships. Jorg Ancrath's relationships with his family and followers reveal his mercilessness and vulnerabilities in Mark Lawrence's "The Broken Empire" trilogy. His relationships provide insight into his shattered psyche, which has been moulded by trauma and an unrelenting quest for dominance.
  4. Actions and Consequences: Characters are defined by their actions and their consequences. Characters with unclear morality frequently make choices that have both favourable and unfavourable effects, making it difficult to distinguish between good and wrong. Consider George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series and Stannis Baratheon. Stannis is a complex and conflicted character because of his unbending sense of justice and his willingness to make terrible sacrifices for the sake of others.
Techniques for Writing Morally Ambiguous Characters
Show, Don't Tell: Let a character's decisions and actions speak for themselves rather than simply telling us what their morality is. According to Scott Lynch's "The Lies of Locke Lamora," Locke is not morally dubious. Rather, it is evident in the skill with which Locke pulls off his heists, his devotion to his friends, and his merciless handling of adversaries.
Dualities and Contrasts: Drawing attention to a character's internal conflicts can highlight their moral ambiguity. The "Elric of Melniboné" series by Michael Moorcock makes use of this tactic. The albino sorcerer-king Elric is a strong fighter and a drug-addled antihero whose deeds are motivated by both altruistic and self-serving desires.
Use of Perspective: Readers' perceptions of characters are shaped by their perspective. Writing from the perspective of a morally dubious character enables readers to comprehend their reasoning and sympathise with their decisions. The first-person perspective in Mark Lawrence's "Prince of Thorns" allows readers to explore Jorg Ancrath's deranged thoughts and helps to understand his terrible deeds.
Moral Dilemmas: Give your characters moral decisions that require them to select between two equally bad options. Their true character and the depth of their morality are exposed by these decisions. Deepening his characterization, Geralt of Rivia is a character in Andrzej Sapkowski's "The Witcher" series who frequently has to make morally difficult decisions.

Elevating Your Writing Experience

With pen and paper in hand, set off on your dark adventure, reflect on the deep experience that the GC Luxury Quill Set provides. Each stroke of the quill seems like a fall into the depths of darkness, capturing the essence of your darkest fantasies with unmatched precision thanks to its superb craftsmanship and timeless elegance.
The GC Luxury Quill Set transforms writing into an art form, drawing you into the intricate web of your own invention whether you're creating suspenseful dialogue or narrative twists. It becomes an extension of your will, channelling the raw emotion and atmosphere necessary to creating a genuinely unforgettable dark fantasy tale thanks to its ergonomic form and fluid ink flow.

Writing Exercise: Crafting Your Own Morally Ambiguous Character

After discussing the components and methods of developing morally dubious characters, let's get creative with an engaging writing exercise. To construct your own character, adhere to these steps:
  1. Write a Backstory: Give your character a succinct backstory. Mention significant incidents that influenced their moral compass and personality. Pay attention to situations that could cause internal strife.
  2. Define Motivations: List the minimum of three fundamental reasons that form the basis of your personality. These can be self-serving, noble, or a combination of the two. Think about the ways in which these reasons could contradict each other.
  3. Identify Relationships: Describe the connections that your character has with other significant individuals in their lives. What impact do these relationships have on their choices and behaviour.
  4. Create a Moral Dilemma: Speculate about a situation in which your character is faced with choosing between two morally challenging options. Describe their approach to resolving this conflict and the effects of their choice.
  5. Write a Scene: Create a scene starring your character based on their motivations, relationships, backstory, and moral quandary. Demonstrate their internal struggle, their decisions, and the actions that follow.

My Own Example of Dark Fantasy Writing Exercise

Due to marauders, Lena grew up in a small village. She was adopted by a mercenary band after witnessing her parents' horrible murder as a young child. She developed into a formidable warrior over time as a result of her thirst for justice and retribution.
  1. Vengeance against those who wronged her family.
  2. A desire to protect the innocent and prevent others from suffering as she did.
  3. A thirst for power and control, stemming from a need to never feel powerless again.
  1. Mentor: Rurik, the leader of the mercenaries, who is both a father figure and a manipulative influence.
  2. Friend: Mara, a fellow warrior who represents Lena’s more compassionate side.
  3. Enemy: Lord Draven, a noble responsible for her village’s suffering, who also has a surprising connection to her past.
Moral Dilemma:
It is revealed to Lena that Lord Draven is preparing an assault on a nearby village. She has two options: either she warns the villagers, putting her own and her mercenary friends' lives in danger, or she takes advantage of the chaos to kill Draven, possibly saving more lives in the long run but at a high moral and personal cost.
Under the shade of the old oak, Lena knelt, the cool night air like a vice against her skin. Every beat of her heart echoed the internal strife, pounding like a war drum. The flicker of torches indicated Lord Draven's men's approach across the pitch. She clenched her hand around her sword's hilt, its leather-bound handle comforting and familiar.
A whisper of conscience sounded in her mind, Mara's voice. "Lena, we must alert them. They are not guilty."
Innocence. Her tongue puckered at the word. What use was innocence in a world where treachery and bloodshed were the norm? Rurik's harsh words, instilling in her the value of the greater good, came to her mind. He had said that sacrifices had to be made in order to achieve justice. Whose justice, though?
She turned to face the silent, dark village, oblivious to the approaching disaster. She was able to rescue them. A shout in the middle of the night, a warning, and they might have a chance to escape. However, Draven would eventually get away, and the cycle of suffering and retaliation would go on.
Lena closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Her parents' faces floated in front of her, spectral representations of a past she would never be able to reclaim. They had also been naïve. She had come to this decision and this moment because of their deaths.
Footfalls neared, and she spun to see Rurik standing next to her, a mask of stern determination on his face. "Lena, it's time. This can be resolved tonight."
Put an end to it. The words carried both a curse and a promise. She gave a nod, feeling the responsibility of her choice sink in. Together, they made their way through the shadows with purposeful, quiet steps.
Lena's thoughts raced as they got closer to Draven's camp. Both her own soul and the lives of the villagers were in jeopardy. She remembered Mara and the light and hope she had brought into Lena's otherwise dark world. How does Mara perceive her at this point? If she knew what Lena was going to choose, what would she say?
As they arrived at the camp's edge, Draven's tent was obscured by spooky shadows cast by the flickering firelight. Sword drawn, Lena's blade gleamed with impending death. With just one hit, it would end. Her parents' deaths would be avenged, and the villagers would be safe.
But at what price?
Her hand trembled, almost too heavy to carry the weight of her choice. She had a vision of herself in a few years, standing over a different body and defeating an enemy. There would always be a cycle. There would perpetually be an additional Draven, a village to preserve, and an additional sacrifice to be made.
Rurik looked at her, his eyes a mix of disappointment and rage. But he took her lead and nodded. They all ran towards the village and the people who were in need of them.
Lena experienced an odd calm as they got closer. She was done making decisions. It was a beginning rather than the end. a move in the direction of an alternative justice that did not involve the killing of innocent people. She promised to defend the village and find a different means of holding Draven accountable. For herself, for her parents, and for everyone who was harmed.

My Final Thoughts

It takes a sophisticated technique to create morally grey characters in dark fantasy stories by combining moral quandaries, internal conflicts, and intricate backstories. Through the use of the strategies discussed in this post and inspiration from niche novels, authors can create characters that pierce readers' moral convictions and make them question what is right and wrong.
Recall that the intention is to depict the complex nature of humanity, wherein a single person can possess both heroic and villainous traits. Utilise the writing exercise to delve into your own morally dubious characters and allow their narratives to develop in captivating and thought-provoking ways. The distinction between good and evil becomes hazy in the shadows of dark fantasy, weaving a complex tapestry of human experience that endures long after the last page is turned.
submitted by ExcitingBelt to talesofgwyn [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:51 Landkatze Otaru - worth the visit for Europeans?

I'm taking my mom and sister on a 16-day camper van road trip across Hokkaido at the end of July. We have done a lot of city trips in Europe, so places with old warehouses next to a canal and old 19th-century bank buildings are nothing new. Plus, I have read wildly different reviews of Otaru as a worthwhile stop, some were not impressed, some really liked it.
So I am trying to decide if I should remove Otaru from our itinerary and add an additional day in Sapporo. Here are my questions:
1) My 73-year old mom prefers public transport to walking (knee pain) - how convenient are Otaru's city busses?
2) We all like small shops selling design and crafts. Are the glass products worth a look? And what can you do in Otaru other than walk along the canal and visit the Sakaimachi tourist street shops?
3) My mom and sister are pescatarian but prefer vegetarian and both are no seafood fans (my sis is allergic, fortunately not against bonito, tuna and salmon). Does Otaru have good vegetarian food choices?
Thank you in advance.
submitted by Landkatze to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:51 False_Strike_5394 Chapter 5 New Movement Rant

I know a lot of people have moved on and accepted that the old movement isn’t coming back, BUT I HAVE NOT!
The Chapter 5 movement is still awful in my opinion, I know they fixed the speed which is good, but the movement in general just looks awful and doesn’t look realistic. The new movement makes it look like my skin desperately needs to pee the way it’s walking! For those who don’t know, Party Royalle seems to still have the classic movement on there (At least it does for me) and I hope they don’t change that seeing how that is the only way to remind myself that this game used to be good. Has Epic Games learned nothing? The more OG the game is, the more popular Fortnite gets. Clearly they’ve learned nothing from the small OG Season they did.
submitted by False_Strike_5394 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:51 TekenRa-begins I’ve alienated my coworkers…how do I get the tensions to ease

I’m kind of an extrovert sometimes. But only when I feel very comfortable around people that I can trust are being genuine with me. I used to really like people.
In new social situations I can be very shy, but I’m in my 40s now so I’ve developed some skills to “fake it til I make it”. I can be very polite and can give people the benefit of the doubt at first. It’s not like I want to be entirely closed off from new people but it is hard and takes work for me to get there and be normal with new people. I’ll even be able to put myself out there and say hello first and or genuinely compliment something about them.
This generally works for people I don’t have to interact with for very long. Customers, clients, contractors. It’s way easier for me to maintain genuine positive and open and friendly interactions with people I only have to interact with for a short period of time.
And sometimes with enough of these positive interactions it even leads to a friendship. Not often but sometimes.
It’s just my coworkers that I struggle with interacting with the most. And it’s gotten way worse in recent years.
I’m 43 and an overweight bipoc queer person. I’m working on not hating myself all the time just because of the toxic information I grew up believing about myself. I was also bullied a lot as a kid, and was always the weird outcast. All things I’ve come to accept about myself. I’m also bipolar and ND who struggles a lot with RSD. Even with trusted family and friends I find myself constantly seeking reassurance that they haven’t started hating me or rejecting me all of a sudden. It’s posed lots of challenges in my personal relationships and mental health as a result.
But at work it’s way worse. I initially was open and friendly at work with my coworkers. I even interacted with one of them outside of work. I thought me and this person were becoming friends even.
And then I tried to do something nice for them and they completely disregarded it and acted as if it wasn’t good enough. I was crushed! And very confused. I know people have their own problems and issues so it’s hard to always understand where they’re coming from. But I just don’t understand why just talking about it is so hard. But I guess that’s why I’m here too. It being so hard for me to just talk to people.
Anyway this person has seemingly rolled their eyes at something I’ve said or done behind my back on two separate occasions. Who knows how many more that I wasn’t aware of.
They’re pretty well liked at work.
Another person at work didn’t end up liking me, despite my initially trying to reach out to them, and we never got along since. We tried to avoid each other as much as possible. This person was also well liked at my work. And ever since it was known that she and I didn’t get along well I’ve felt subtle shifts in the way others treat me, especially by her friends who were perfectly fine with me before - who I’ve even had several friendly interactions with. They were suddenly withdrawn and reserved around me and not as friendly, as if they’d taken sides with that person, their friend. This also crushed me. Because although we weren’t necessarily friends why take sides? Why not get my side of things before turning on me?
Or maybe I’m just being too sensitive or paranoid? I honestly can’t tell at this point.
Well this person quit and it was right after I tried to file a formal complaint against her because of how our working relationship had deteriorated to the point of it affecting my productivity. She probably didn’t quit because of me but the optics makes it look as if she did. And because she was so well liked, i started noticing other people at work begin to treat me different. I noticed there was less friendliness and literally more doors being shut where normally they were open. And people who’d stop whispering as soon as I’d walk into the room.
So my anxiety rose to the point of my shutting everyone out who’d treated me that way. And I’ve since avoided them. No eye contact. And no more interactions at all outside of absolute necessary polite work interactions. And I eat lunch in my car or in an isolated room at work.
The ppl who weren’t even friends with this person have now even started treating me differently I’ve been noticing. People who I had zero prior negative interactions with before and who weren’t even as privy to any of the tensions between me and this person are seemingly now again taking sides against me and I’m kinda blown away. One woman even actively ignored me and pretended as if not to hear me when i tried greeting her more than once. She was even someone who’d I would make the most small talk with. What did I ever do to her to make her dislike me that much? Like all of this seriously hurts. Bad.
Now it seems like no one likes me at work. Everyone avoids me or is completely fake towards me. The tensions are uncomfortably high and it makes me withdraw even more.
At my other job I work with mostly younger people. My second job is as a barista at Starbucks. And thankfully it’s not as bad there but I’ve found out a few people really dislike me there as well. And I can’t understand why. I haven’t done anything to these people. I don’t understand that level of judgement for someone you virtually do not know. And these are from people I liked and even respected and spoke well of to others, to the point of voting for one of them for Employee of the Month, inviting another to my party, trying to offer comfort to that same person when they were upset.
Even in my volunteer 501c3 work I’ve noticed people either excluding me, or ignoring/disregarding me, taking offense and becoming defensive towards me about seemingly simple inquiries or avoiding me.
I realize there may be a number of reasons why all of these things are happening. Ranging from the innocuous to the not as innocuous, from their perceived slights, to outright discrimination.
Even my roommate who was previously quite friendly with me before is now showing irritation and a lack of patience with me despite how extremely hard I try to avoid conflict by doing all of the cleaning, providing for all of the household expenses like toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, dishwashing liquid, without a single complaint or request for anything from him. Not only that whenever he has an issue with me and actually brings it to my attention rather than letting it fester and breed resentment (which he even recently admitted to ) I’ve been very apologetic and immediately try to appease the situation and right the wrong as quickly as possible.
But in all of these disparate situations I’m the common denominator so it must be me. Right?
My therapist says I should try to be nicer, but how does that solve my anxiety and damaged feelings. Another therapist said that I should member “those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter”. And I can get that on some level but it still doesn’t address or help my anxiety and mental health much.
How do I fix this? To ease the tensions in all of these areas? And again am i being too sensitive or paranoid?
submitted by TekenRa-begins to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:50 fannibal_cannibal Poem/text I wrote after a reflective walk through nature.

Poem/text I wrote after a reflective walk through nature.
Pen is a Lamy safari, ink is dragonsblood by Diamine.
submitted by fannibal_cannibal to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:49 hamperface Negative attention seeking

So my person has 94 years of experience of being really passive aggressive in his communication. when he wants anything, he'll trying talking about how much he likes it, hoping someone else will offer, instead of just asking; I know that sounds so small and petty, but it's only the most frequent example; it wouldn't bother me at all, if I didn't see it as another example of a problematic behavior. Sometimes he'll call me to him, and he'll say he wants to lie down, cuz he knows I'm motivated to keep him on a schedule as much as possible; he doesn't actually want to rest, because when I tell him that's fine and start situating things for that (putting water on his nightstand, changing the humidifier settings, all that..) he looks disappointed and sulks, but he doesn't say, "really, I'd just like some company." Passive aggression is really difficult for me to handle; I assume that adults are responsible for expressing their own needs, thoughts, whatever, and I get angry when I'm forced to guess at hidden meanings. I need to come to peace with the reality that he is not going to learn honest, direct communication, when he's probably acheived most of what he was able to via passive aggression and manipulation, but I still wish I could find some middle ground, in which I was still able to express my unhappiness with being handled that way- without making the situation more uncomfortable and awkward. This is basically my only interaction for long stretches of time, and when it someday comes to an end I don't want to have a lot of deeply ingrained unhealthy relationship skills. It's a bit of a safety issue, too, cuz since he doesn't have a healthy way to ask for attention, he has drummed up illnesses in the past. Enjoying the attention he was getting from nurses during a couple day's stay around Christmas for some fluid buildup, he started exaggerating leg pains so staff would come in to walk him, this led to him having to go to rehab instead of coming home, where he got his first case of covid and had a stroke (because theyd taken him off his blood thinners while he was in). Hes admitted since that he was "milking it". It all just makes me feel hopeless and kind of desperate, cuz there's no point in even trying to improve the situation, but it is not natural for me to just settle into unhealthy patterns; it feels awful just that by itself. I don't know what I'm hoping for by posting this
submitted by hamperface to CaregiverSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:49 offairarcade What’s happening in San Jose this week: 6/5 thru 6/9

Hey hey y’all! Here are some fun things that are happening around San Jose this week:

Wednesday, June 5:

Thursday, June 6:

Friday, June 7:

Saturday, June 8:

*“From PDX to SJ” Opening Reception Empire 7 Studios (525 N. 77th St., Ste. 10, San Jose) 6-9 p.m. FREE BYOB and check out the new exhibit by San Jose Walls (one of the many orgs responsible for our many murals) alum + South Bay resident Ryan Bubnis, along with other collections of works by Briana Spencer, Erik Railton, Estee Preda, Lori D., Molly Mendoza, and Nathan McKee. (Exhibit on display through 7/6) * Aca-word Montgomery Theater (271 S. Market St., San Jose) 7:30 p.m. $20-$25 Dance and sing along to pop hits and classic rock with this family-friendly Bay Area A Cappella group. * Rodriguez Brothers SJZ Break Room (310 S. First St., San Jose) 8 p.m. $30 These Grammy Award-nominated performers have performed at prestigious jazz festivals across the world. * Funkyman: The Funk is Real Art Boutiki (44 Race St., San Jose) 8 p.m. $20 Advance, $25 Day of Show NorCal’s supreme overlord of funk celebrates the release of his new intergalactic concept record “The Funk is Real” at this album release show. * TRASHY: Indie Sleaze The Ritz (400 S. First St., San Jose) 9 p.m. FREE (before 10 p.m.), $10 Advance, $15 Day of Show DJ Basura + special guests BulimicCannibal and Heavenly Arch spin your favorite electroclash, techno, bloghouse, dark wave, and post punk tunes. * b2b: A Charli XCX Rave Splash Video Dance Bar (65 Post St., San Jose) 10 p.m. $15 Look, she’s literally queer culture, so we may as well rave to her new album “Brat.” * The Hellas + The Roughies + Chef’s Kiss + Tiger’s Eye Caravan Lounge (98 S. Almaden Ave., San Jose) 10 p.m. FREE Wish Mondo a happy birthday while you dance it out to these SJ rockers.

Sunday, June 9:

Thanks so much for reading!

You can get this entire post emailed to you each week in my newsletter.
If you have other stuff you’d like people to know about, drop ‘em in the comments! 🙂
submitted by offairarcade to SanJose [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:48 upforretriever 26M looking for a loving relationship :')

Hi! I'm a 26 year old guy living in Europe ( France ew ) but I have an easier time speaking in English. I hate the French language and culture and don't consider myself french.
Despite being 26, I've never dated anyone yet for personal reasons. I'm probably asking for too much nowadays, but all I'd love would be to find "the one" without having to worry about having to deal with any heartbreak in my life ☠️
I'm not even asking for too much lol. All I'd love out of a relationship is someone to watch movies and cuddle with, to stargaze, to listen to music, to bake together and end up in a flour fight filled with laughter ( think of these cringy christmas Hallmark movies 😩 )
Physically speaking, I'm quite short ( See Link from Breath of the Wild? I'm this Link sized! ) If you read this far, this is what I actually look like but TikTok loves downsizing my pics so they look ✨crusty✨:
I'm mayyybe a bit picky when it comes to physical attraction though. I'm sorry, but it does matter in some way! I love working out so I can't see myself dating someone who's overweight. I also love brown eyes a lot. Idk why. My long time crush has been Connor from Detroit:become human so you see the problem I've got going on here 😂 Oh also, I'm a bit iffy about dating someone younger than me so my dating age range would be 26-36 (37 maybe)
As for hobbies, I've got lots of them besides working out like gaming ( survival horror my beloved ), video editing, acting, content creating, cinematography, writing, ( I'm writing a book - 114 pages done! 🙌 ), walking in nature, petting cats ( it's a hobby, I swear! ) I love cats so muuuch! But I also love dogs ( even tho some breeds scares the shit outta me ) this is getting long so send me a dm if you feel like it. Have a nice day!
submitted by upforretriever to gaydating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:48 CuriousNeighbor00001 June 3rd

We were in a neighborhood that was clean, no trash on the ground at all. Two maybe 3 of us had gone to the store to get something but we forgot something so had to go back. My friend’s mom wanted to come but we just wanted it to be a quick trip. She ended up coming anyway and now it took longer than necessary. The setting and people changed a bit. I turned into a white girl whose boyfriend was hanging out with some bad influences. He kinda OD while she was walking by and she seen that and left because he wanted to be left there. And the drug dealer was telling her “he wants to stay just leave” so she left. And the boyfriend got up and was just there. I had a dream that we were in a rich building kinda. Like a condo building. And something was starting. There were two giant stars, outline of stars filled with stars that formed in the night sky.
I think there was an auditory sound that set us to look at the sky. And I seen the big stars being formed. Also the boys (my sons) were sleeping and I was up with my older sister. I think my boyfriend and I wasnt talking so much because our relationship was rocky. So there was no other lights in the sky except the 2 stars filled with small stars. Then the big star on the right opened at the bottom and the small stars started falling out. And then I told my sister we have to go. We started panic packing food and clothes. And we woke up my youngest son to get him ready. Then the second star opened and the stars were being released at the same speed but it was quickly like that was a timer or something. Then we realized we didn’t wake my eldest son and he had shorts on but it was too late so we grabbed him awake and put a jacket on him and started out the door. As we were walking out I change characters again and I was an Asian woman I think and my boyfriend was a short black man and our 2 kids were still my children. So I went and pressed the elevator and there was a couple on and we got on in a rush. There was a family that had just pulled up when we did. Under other circumstances we would have given way to them but we were rushing out. So in the elevator i think I changed to a kid and ask the Asian woman (who was my mom) if she still had her fast car and she said yes. And the dad was like great and said something regarding them taking 2 separate cars. So we headed down to the car storage area and the mom rolled a shopping cart to the right to try to leave everyone behind and gotten stuck. And the dad went and sprinted to the left to try to get his car because he had the key or thought he did but he had gotten stuck. So in essence they both said F the kids basically. And I went to the mom first because I thought the dad was gone and she was saying something like just go with your dad. This is what I get for trying to to leave or something and when I looked back he couldn’t get the door to open. So somehow he ended up on the floor and the key was falling out of his pocket so we were kinda wrestling for the key on the ground. I declared “Lord whoever touches the key let them have a heart attack”. So the dad touched it and he had one for like 2 seconds then he dropped it and I said I am a child of God with the faith of a mustard seed, God will protect me then I grabbed the key and opened the door. Then out came bunk beds. So I told the boys to sit on it and the water will float us. So I put all of the bags on the bottom bunk and told them to hold on. Then the dad looked flabbergasted like “that’s your plan” type of surprised look and I said yes. Get on. I have faith in God. And the mom was feeling the same ways that the dad was feeling all throughout the dream but she either didn’t act fully on her emotions or she hid the intent. Like she too tried to leave the father and kids behind, and she too had a thought and started to attempt to get the key and she also disapproved of the bunk bed transportation but didn’t speak on it. And this dream I think there was a lot of water that was to be expected from whatever was coming. When all the stars ran out, it was dark for a while, like everything stood still. How long exactly, I don’t know.
submitted by CuriousNeighbor00001 to LivsDreams [link] [comments]