Florida reading benchmarks fourth grade

A Place for Reading Teachers

2014.08.13 02:10 Njdevils11 A Place for Reading Teachers

This sub reddit is for literacy teachers to share strategies, tips, pitfalls, and successes. All teachers are welcome, but this sub is dedicated to teaching emerging and elementary literacy skills.

2024.06.04 21:38 For_evigt_ensam My teacher has something against me.

I have Dyslexi a disability that makes it harder to read and write (this teacher ignored my disability and made made me feel like s*** for a long time)
My teacher unfairly judge my work that I have spent long hours making and doing every assignment, but a student that haven't done a third of the assignment and don't care, gets better grades
submitted by For_evigt_ensam to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:36 crwn0330 Can you help me figure out the name to this 90's~80's children's book?

Hey there! I have been searching for the name of this book that my fourth grade teacher read to our class to calm us down after lunch for literal decades. The book would be no older than early 2000's since it was read to me in the spring of 2000. So here's the one scene from the book that I remember:
The scene is set in an elementary school class with a teacher who has passed out a blank piece of paper and pencil to each student. The teacher tells the students to do an exercise. The students were to close their eyes and draw a picture using their heart. Confused the students close their eyes and begin to drawn, unaware of what they were drawing. Once every student finished their drawing the teacher has them open their eyes and look at their drawing. The drawing was supposed to represent their heart, and each student drew something different except for one boy and one girl. These two both drew a leaf, I think it was either a maple or oak leaf, showing that they shared the same heart... and that's all I can remember 😅
I'm currently writing a memoir and I want to reference the book and how it shaped my ten year old love-lorn life by giving me a soul mate test decipher. It then broke my life and heart because my one true love, who barely knew I existed, didn't draw the same thing as I did.
submitted by crwn0330 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:36 Fyo-door can u still get a h1 in irish with a spelling waiver

weird question but i’m in a weird position😔🙏 had a spelling waiver since third yr bc my English is fucked and i can’t read, i’ve nvr been diagnosed with dyslexia but psychiatrist said she suspects it during adhd assessment- which i don’t believe because my irish is perfect? like no issues with spelling whatsoever and i have no issues reading in irish? sure i mess up things like my bs and ds but nothing significant i think my issues w english come from the fact that i went to gaelscoils my entire life and spoke irish at home so i nvr have much experience with written english? (i go to an english school now)
anyways my problem is that i got an h1 in my irish mock despite my teacher forgetting to apply my waiver, which i didn’t need anyway. so obviously for the real exam i’ve actually studied and have improved my grammar but now i have room to mess up a little bit with spelling but im afraid that the waiver will affect my grade and bring it down since i don’t have the experience of having it in my exam, idk it’s rlly weird and im not explaining my point properly but im just afraid that this will affect me negatively?
and before someone thinks im faking or i played it up to get the waiver, im genuinely not im genuinely do need it for English id be absolutely fucked without it i cant spell for shit and tend to write English sentences in the irish sentence structure, i was researching the lc spelling waiver and there’s no standardized test for spelling in irish so usually if u get a waiver for english it just generally gets applied to irish too and nobody rlly followed up with me to see how my spelling was in irish and it only rlly clicked last week i was like ‘oh! no!😀’ my friends keep telling me to just fake it in the irish exam but unlike English i genuinely can’t comprehend misspelling in irish example: ‘bíonn drochthoradh i gcónaí ar ragús óil’ all those letters are essential to the sentence and its meaning and i can’t “just forget one” in comparison to the word dieses in english HOW TF U SPELL THAT BASTARDING WORD IT IS THE BANE OF MY EXSISTANCE FUCK U HAMLET AND UR FUCKING DISEAS IMAGERY
submitted by Fyo-door to leavingcert2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:33 For_evigt_ensam My teacher has something against me

I have Dyslexi a disability that makes it harder to read and write (this teacher ignored my disability and made made me feel like s*** for a long time)
My teacher unfairly judge my work that I have spent long hours making and doing every assignment, but a student that haven't done a third of the assignment and don't care, gets better grades
submitted by For_evigt_ensam to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:30 Certain-Bit567 23 Year Old Bisexual Struggling with Sexuality

I have been reading through this forum and had a feeling I should write this and post it. This might be long as I would like to provide as much context as possible since I can't talk to anyone about this.
I have been sitting with my struggles 9n sexuality since around 5th grade.
I was a tomboy ever since I was a toddler. I liked boys clothes, boys toys and my parents didn't believe in gender stereotypes thankfully. Eventually when I grew older, still being a tomboy, my grandmother started realizing I was wearing just boy clothes and nothing 'lady like' and she scolded me for it. My mom also eventually scolded me for not picking any clothes from the girl section and started forcing me to choose clothes from there.
I was raised in a very conservative home. There was a time where we were extremely strict about Christianity that our household stopped watching, doing and buying things that were 'devilish', weither it was the American Dragon series or the Little Mermaid movie, I wasn't allowed to watch anymore. But as a child I was happy about it. I knew we were honoring God and praising him and I was serious about our lifestyle. Eventually my parents realized that they may have went overboard and everything went back to normal.
As I became older I started having feelings towards girls, but I brushed it off. In school it was a trend to have a boyfriend, so obviously I wanted one. My perception of a boyfriend during my childhood was having a male friend and having fun together, play games, get gifts from him, hugs and kisses and it was a sweet thing. I had boyfriends during school, but never anything serious. At 5th grade I fell in love with a female celebrity. She was my role model and everyone knew. I then started realizing I didn't see her as a role model, but like someone I would have a loving relationship with and that's when I realized I was sitting with a problem. I tried to talk to my mom about it, but didn't know how.
At this point I knew there were a handful of things 'wrong' with (specifically) my mom, some of it being gay and having sex before marriage.
I asked her, "Have you ever been so obsessed with a female celebrity that..." And I didn't finish the sentence just to see if my mom understands. She continues with, "that I want to be her? Yes of course."
I"So not so much that you want to be with her?" She simply answered no. This was the first moment I felt like I am sitting with a problem that I can't tell anyone about.
My mother was someone I always listened to, always looked up to, and I did what she would do.
I started having dreams about girls. Happy ones, and it always broke me when I woke up, realizing I will never have this.
Eventually, being gay became open to society and everyone came out to their family and friends. This was when I realized I had to acknowledge that I was bisexual but for some reason, deep down inside me I told myself that that was a lie and I was just saying it just to be straight.
During my teens, all my friends were experimenting and I eventually became comfortable enough to come out to a few.
Around 16, I went on holiday just with my mother. It was then thay I decided to come out to her. I have been doing research to see if there was a way I can do this with confidence. I remember asking her questions the night before such as, "Would you still love me if I murdered people? Would you still love me even if I wasn't a Christian?" And all her answers were yes, and I was so happy to hear her say that. It gave me more confidence in myself knowing my mom will accept me. My mom also has a few lesbian friends, so everything will turn out alright, right?
That morning she woke me up with a cup of coffee and we sat in the kitchen. I told her there was something I wanted to tell her and she listened intensively. It made me extremely nervous and it was like she knew what I was about to say. I then told her I am bi. When she didn't say anything for a minute. I started crying, knowing I screwed up, wanting to turn back time and just never bring it up ever. She then replied to me that I am not in fact bi. She explained that she would have known, she knew me since I was born and she never saw that in me. She also stated that I was desperate, and that broke me even more. Her words caused me to completely shut down and not talk any further about it. We have ignored the conversation for about 2 years.
So with this event, I started become quite rebllious. I started smoking cigarettes, vaping, smoking weed, drinking and such. I felt that it was me against the world and it felt so lonely.
Eventually my mom met my step father. He is the guy to go to if you have any questions about the Bible or Christianity or God as he went to missionary school. He has been through everything that life could throw at you and it's a mricale he survived the shit he went through. He is the coolest guy I know and I love him as if he was my real father. But he obviously has stated a few times how wrong it is to be gay and how disgustung it is.
Whenever we went on holiday, me, my mom, my step dad and my step sister, I would always have these conflicted feelings about my sexuality. And it clearly made me upset as my mom would always notice it.
One holiday, it was just me and her on the beach. Then she brought up our conversation we had when I came out to her. She asked me, "Do you still feel those feelings?" Obviously it was hard for me to talk to her about it, so I was constantly on edge of crying. I never looked at her when I answered her. She started asking me questions like, "Were you ever molested or raped by anybody?" And I knew exactly why she asked that.
My mom used to tell me that people are either born gay (she doesn'tbelieve that anymore) or they got sexually assaulted, making them have a life issue and almost giving them a reason to be gay. I told her no, because I never was touched as a child or ever in my life. Then she never spoke of it again for another 2-3 years.
By chance, I met a girl when I was 17 and we were both interested in one another. We eventually got into a relationship, but it quickly became unpleasant. She was a mentally unstable person, with a lot of family issues that I had to sit with and it eventually ended messy.
The fact that I had to hide my relationship from both my parents made it extremely difficult and she lived faraway (my parents were the only source of transport at this time). I had to lie to my parents that she was my new friend and we just wanted to hang out.
I took it as a sign that God doesn't want me to have a sexual relationship with the same gender.
At 18 girls started approaching me, but I always layed them off as they were either sketchy or just not my type. Sometimes I just thought I was being picky because I wanted a hot girlfriend even though I was a chubby messy teenager. So my standards are too high lol.
As I got into university, I got a lot of friends and most of them also knew about my sexuality. I felt free when I was in university because it was just me and my friends to worry about. My mom nor my dad had to worry what was going on with my life there.
This is when my mother and I had our last conversation about my sexuality. She asked me again if I had the same feelings as I used to WHILE my step father and sister were in the house. I remember closing the door and telling her, "Is this really the time to talk about it?" And she said that she just wanted to talk. I answered her question with a yes and then she just randomly asked me what boys I was into in my class. I told her none since I was the only girl in class and the boys were like brothers to me. And since then she never talked about it. Think it's been about 4-5 years now.
I remember she left a written letter on my bed saying I will meet the right man and I will love having sec with him because sex with a man is an amazing experience and all that. I was angry. She just doesn't want me to get hurt by the world, but she wants the best life for me. And just thinking of this again hurts me. I thought as an adult I would be less confused but it gets so hard. It is so hard.
I then started doing research about the Bible amd what it says about homosexuality, thinking God's answer to my problem would be in the Bible. All I saw was that it was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong everywhere wrong.
I started questioning myself, and eventually I started losing my faith, but it always stuck with me. I think even if I didn't want to be a Christian now I couldn't do it because it is a part of me. The Holy Spirit is within me, I know this. But eventually I started thinking of how I can solve my problem and I told myself just to stay alone forever, then I don't have to worry about going against God.
I eventually came out to my father, and I expected his reaction to be worse than my mother, but he was so accepting. He hugged me and kissed, saying he loves me and it's okay. My whole life I thought my dad was the biggest gay hater, but he wasn't. He unfortunately died in 2021.
Then, I met my boyfriend, the sweetest man alive. He isn't a Christian, but he knows everything about me and he acceots me for who I am.
When we had sex for the first time I was so scared. I was scared that God will damn me to hell immediately with no take backs. I started worrying again what my mom would think of me if she ever found out, so there was something else I can't talk about with here.
This year I learned that my mom never wauted for marriage until she started having sex with my dad. I got this information from my aunt. And as I go deeper into adulthood I realize my mom isn't perfect.
Anyways, I am currently living with my boyfriend and we started talking about marriage and kids. But recently, my attraction towards woman have become a problem again.
He knows that I am bi and I told him all of my problems I had to sit with. Now I feel like I am forcing myself into a normal straight life, so that my family can be happy with me. My mom has been begging me that I have kids because she wants grand babies. And at firat it was cute. But now I feel like I am using my boyfriend.
I don't know even know if I love him or not. I don't know if I want to go through this or not. I feel like I am doing all this just so that I can keep my family and God happy. I want to be in heaven with them.
I tried to pray to God about it since, but it always feels like he goes silent when I ask these things. I try to write about it sometimes too.
I am sorry for unloading this here. It feels more like a vent than anything else. I don't even believe that being gay is okay. I hate myself for being this way. I have been having suicidal thoughts ever since I started with my solution of being alone. I was so desperate once that I even wanted my step father to talk to me about to hint about my feelings, but it never happened.
Now I am just trying to fake it until I make it.
submitted by Certain-Bit567 to GayChristians [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:30 2018Trip ———-Need Advice——— Please Help———

I am currently enrolled in a post bachelor degree nursing program. My class is the first cohort to go through this version of program at this school and every student is failing the nursing theory exams because the exams are not created by our teacher and do not align with the material we are being taught or our assigned readings. What do I do?
The school is pretending it is not true and the teacher has covered it up by artificially inflating the grades by throwing out test questions since the school will not allow her to write our exams or change the course content.
submitted by 2018Trip to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:28 TypicalIndustry1001 Why do my friends treat me horribly ?

Some background information : I just finished a “prestigious” degree at a reputable university while being extremely disadvantaged. 23m
I’ve constantly struggled since childhood to make or keep genuine friendships . Genuine in this context refers to friends that treated me well. The main issue isn’t so much my lack of ability to connect but moreso my inability to make friends that treat me with respect or kindness . After befriending people they often begin to treat me as a last resort, disposable afterthought and straight up badly .
I’ll go through a few friendships that best display this to give people a better overview of what I mean as I understand many posts about this topic are quite vague .
All names have been changed for the purposes of this explanation*
Friend 1: Mary So me and Mary had been best friends since early highschool (maybe 5/6 years in total) and in that time we would spend pretty much every waking moment together . Go to school , hang out with our other friend until maybe 8 or 9pm, go home , repeat . We saw each other more than we saw our families . One thing that’s important to note is that in that time ,due to family issues, she was unable to afford basic things like food so I constantly shared my allowance with her and never expected anything back - my friend was struggling (and while I was also struggling) , the concept of eating while your best friend can’t made me sick so we’d end up going 50/50 on most things . The friendship up until university was fine ( there were some issues but no glaring red flags ) and we even ended up going to universities close to each other and loved the idea of seeing each other often . Things changed drastically in university -we both made new friends and had a friendship group of sorts - suddenly she ditched me in the space of 1 year. She finally had access to money and bought her new friend’s birthday presents and Christmas presents . I got nothing , except her spending 5 minutes trying to pick my face up off the floor of a Christmas party to scan my Face ID to order an Uber back to her place ( not even mine) off my phone , and then in the morning I woke up on her bedroom floor . I let that slide and rationalised it as her being drunk aswell and me being a drunk nuisance that one time. I later went through a plethora of traumatic events , developing mental issues and started seeing her less , which I she understood and took very well (what I now believe to be a lack of care) . I visited her maybe a few weeks later and told her about my “uncontrollable anxiety and inexplicable depression” I did this for a good 30 minutes - these minutes that she seemed to be listening . After I was done she said “ why worry about things you can’t control “ , immediately called her male interest she met the week before and then proceeded to flirt with him while I was sat there gobsmacked and teary eyed. No exaggeration , legit the 1 sentence response and then done . No empathy present , left 10 minutes later after sitting in awkward silence . I later spoke to her about it because I often hear about friendships failing for lack of communication . I explained how I felt ignored and uncared for in which she replied “oh, sorry “ and the proceeded to talk about the latest book she read with the utmost enthusiasm . Never spoke to her again .
Friend 2: Bob/Joe Me ,Bob and Joe were surface level friends in highschool and then became extremely close in university as we gamed together( video games) . In the first year of uni it was very common for us to,holiday or not , to game for 12 hours and have the best time - occasionally having so much fun we didn’t know 24 hours had passed and non of us had eaten, slept etc . But something that was constant was that they would religiously put me down in terms of what university I went to ( I went to a much better university than them and studied a much more “prestigious” degree and achieved way better highschool than both of them). As I was aware that this likely stemmed from jealousy , I avoided taking about my professional/academic life and even started to downplay and shit on my own achievements . I think this registered to them as me being a pushover and they just escalated over the next 3 years . Bob and I were especially close and I told him about all of my first year traumas including a serious STD scare in which he laughed while I cried . Towards the end of the second year antiblackness started to appear ( I’m black) , and while it started off as making fun of stereotypes , it eventually led to him just a few months ago saying “ I was thinking about the Palestinian genocide and if I could commit genocide against a race it would be black people “ . Never spoke to him again . Joe thought nothing was wrong with what he said , claiming “it was just a joke” . Stopped talking to him 2 weeks ago . Just because I mentioned Palestine does not mean politics should be engaged . I’ve remained Apolitical for a reason and mentioned things entirely to understand my friendships and not to create any political discourse *
Friend 3 : Linda Friend from university who invited me to go to a concert with her last week , it was supposed to take place yesterday . I was really excited and told her that I was inly going because it would be fun with her there . 2 hours before the concert she messaged me saying her other friend bought her a ticket with better seats so she’s ditching me but I “could still go alone “ . I cried from emotional exhaustion.
Friend 4 Psycho and Sheep Me , Psycho and Sheep became best friends earlier this year , funnily enough , by bonding over our shitty friendships . We did everything together and in those brief few months I felt like I had made real friends ( I was already friends with sheep for 2 years prior but we got closer and adopted Psycho) I spent more time helping Psycho prepare for exams than I did for myself . However she then accused me of trying to sabotage her final grade by giving her the wrong information pertaining to one of her classes . Categorically false as I can’t give advice about a class I’m not in and don’t remember ever trying to . I explained this to her and everything seemed cleared up and fine but then she aired me for the whole of Christmas( stark contrast to talking everyday) .I confronted her about it and she pretended nothing was wrong ( her and Sheep still hung out around this time and didn’t tell me which was fine I guess ) . I then sent her a series of respectful text messages airing my grievances . I made sure to be very respectful , literally reread the messages to make sure I was . I got back a thick wall of vitriol including “ you’re just a leech” ( criticising my poorer background as opposed to her extremely wealthy one ) and then made it seem like she was doing so much for me . Funnily enough all 3 of us had long conversations about how classism , racism etc was stupid and was to be condemned . Long story short , sheep chose her side and saw nothing wrong with her classist comments . I’m not gonna lie , I do feel a little better knowing I get higher grades than both of them despite their 25k/y schooling pre university so it kinda offsets the pain .
There’s so many more instances of things like this happening , where people treat their other friend better than they treat me or just treat me like shit. I’ve tried boundaries , I’ve tried empathy , I’ve sat in my room and forced myself into deep introspection , but almost all the time it’s me that has had to accommodate somebody else’s needs or been blamed for things that I never did . I genuinely don’t know why friends just don’t seem to care about me . Jealousy is a possibility in some of these scenarios and I understand in others , people just grow apart or find other people they are compatible with . But some of these have just been baffling to me .
My question is , from what I have explained is there anything I am doing wrong or you suspect I’m doing wrong . ( I genuinely don’t mind criticism , it’s how I got to where I am in life )
Also is there a reason you’ve been friends with somebody you disliked or even hated and if so ,why did you continue the friendship if all you get out of it is the gratification of hurting that person ? - I ask this specifically because it’s never other people that cut me off but vice versa even though it seems like it’s the other person that hates me and should be cutting me off instead .
I don’t know , maybe I’m just boring and forgettable and didn’t register to these people as friends .
TLDR Every close friend I’ve had has treated me poorly or didn’t care for me and I have no idea why .
Again , please refrain from politics*
submitted by TypicalIndustry1001 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:25 hanna771 Best friend rekindles friendship w/ my hs bully

My(22F) best friend(23F) has rekindled a friendship with a girl who bullied me my senior year & dated my ex bf after I told her it made me sad/uncomfortable. I was so in love with him, the only guy I’ve ever truly loved (I also took his virginity and was his first love). She told me that she wouldn’t pursue him but of course, she did. I’ve known this bully since 4th grade and she’s always been very controlling. When I was her best friend before, she would get mad if I hung out with anybody that wasn’t her. Very jealous person. Fast forward, she made my senior year shittier than it had to be, sometimes I would eat in the bathrooms alone when my boyfriend or bestie weren’t at school. She made me feel like an outcast by throwing all the parties senior year and not inviting me. She also told everyone I was the REASON she went away to this expensive place they send people who are depressed. Spread tons of nasty rumors… The list goes on. My current friend has told me that bully has changed a lot, however, she moved back into our home town, and she tried to flirt with my bff’s friends’ boyfriend. She was playing footsies with him under the table and was bragging about it… That behavior alone showed me that she hadn’t changed, and my friend was trying to see something in her that wasn’t there. I saw my bully after five years a month ago and she stated that she was manipulated by our ex and didn’t really apologize for anything. She asked me if I want to have a “girls night” and it just felt so icky. A part of me just wanted to say yes to a girls night… but do I really want to share my info with a girl that probably doesn’t have my best interest at heart? I have other real friends I have girls nights with, I would have to be desperate for freinds to befriend her in my opinion. My best friend is the sweetest person and it’s been hard to talk to her about how this all makes me feel. She told me that she even felt guilty for being friends with her, which honestly made me feel guilty because I don’t want her to feel that way. Every time I go into town now, it seems like the bully is always showing up trying to show that she’s back in my besties life. I can see the same behavior that she showed when we were in fourth grade, very possessive. I’m looking for advice on how to talk to my best friend about how uncomfortable I am being in the same room as this person! In my small town, there is lots of events that are thrown, and everyone goes. I can’t even talk to my bestie alone when bully is there because she clings to her. My bestie’s told me before she would drop her as a friend the moment I said I felt uncomfortable in the same room w/ her, but I don’t want to be the reason a friendship ends. I’ve tried hard to respect their friendship but when I see how much she also stresses my best friend out it makes me feel protective over her. I have noticed that my best friend and I have grown apart drastically ever since the bully moved back into town and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. Sometimes I don’t feel like I can trust her as much because she’s friends with her which makes me sad. My goal is to keep my friendship with my best friend afloat, while not making her feel uncomfortable for being friends with my ex bully… I want to express to her that I would like a heads up if ex bully is going to be at the event because she does make me uncomfortable no matter how hard I try to shake that off me. I have forgiven my ex bully, but that doesn’t mean I want to see her and be reminded of the hurtful past. Is that reasonable?
submitted by hanna771 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:25 throwaway4fem A simp to Ashley and her family [Chapter 3]

We get to meet Bobby, and our 1st chapter meeting some of the other family members. This and ch. 4 do a lot of setting up. Hopefully it is still an enjoyable read though!
I sat playing video games with my best friend, Bobby. Well, to be honest, closer to “only" friend. Outside of Ashley (and I suppose Jessica by proximity). It’s odd to think of Jessica, who clearly only liked kicking me around and getting some perks from Ashley’s "lackey orbiter", as one of my closest friends. But I saw her much more than Bobby anyway these days. In fact, these hangouts were becoming harder and harder to squeeze in.
Bobby was someone like me. A beta. We liked our little nerd things together. Video games, anime. It was nice to be on even footing with someone. A true friend. But there was 1 big difference. I had Ashley.
I immediately paused our game and jumped at my phone. “Ugh, stupid ads. Sorry, let’s play.” Bobby pressed play and we continued chatting about our favorite anime. Bobby’s favorite character was the beautiful heroine member of our favorite anime who was always scantily dressed. I agreed. Bobby wasn’t mentioning how the animators did a great job animating her breasts jiggling as she fought. It saved us both from the humiliation of admitting that’s why she was our favorite.
I paused the game again and jumped to my phone. “Ugh, my phone must have ended up on some scam list. It’s not Ashley or anything. We can keep playing.” I went to press play when Bobby stopped me.
“She’s really been, um, demanding lately.”
I was taken aback. “What!? No, not not at all. Her and Jessica were just meeting up with Ryan and the guys. It’s no big deal. She just told me to keep my phone on me incase she needed anything and she hates having to re-text me. I don’t want to be a bother to her”.
“Be a bother?”, Bobby asked skeptically. “By not immediately jumping to answer her texts? While she’s hanging out with other guys?”
I slumped my shoulders a little, feeling on the spot. “Yea, I don’t know, like maybe she needs a ride or something. It’s all good though. Let’s just play.”
“David, do you know what they call you at school? There’s all kinds of crazy rumors and I try to defend you most of the time, well, when I can. But I have even heard the teachers start calling you certain names. When we walked by Miss Twill the other day I heard her refer to you as 'a little kiss-ass' and that she heard a rumor that you-"
Bobby snatched my phone from the table.
“Bobby, wait! I need to see that!”
He held it out of reach. “I just, well, I don’t think this is healthy. Maybe we can just mute it until the end of this game at least.”
I felt my skin starting to get hot. What if that was Ashley. What if she needed me. What if she finally had enough of dealing with Ryan’s brutish antics and was looking to confess her true feelings to me. That she was ready for a quiet and sweet boy, instead of some alpha Mr. macho man. My stomach was in my throat! “Bobby please just give it to me, please. This is really important.”
“What? How important could it be!? Maybe the royal queen blew her nose and doesn’t want to walk across the room to throw her snotty tissue out. Better not make her wait! Ohhhh, or maybe she went to the bathroom and needs her lackey to wipe her butt!” Bobby said with a laugh. He wasn’t understanding the gravity of this situation.
OMG, a second text. I never saw the 1st one! Did she text twice. Is she upset with me. My heart was beating out of my chest. I started feeling physically sick. I was having a panic attack. I dropped to my knees and begged at Bobby’s feet.
“Bobby, please! I’m not kidding. Please! Just let me look quick! Just one peak and if it’s not her, we can go back to playing games. Please let me just check just please! Please!!"
I saw Bobby’s face morph into disgust. “Jesus, David. Yea, here…” he dropped my phone at his feet and I quickly crawled to it as fast as my knees could take me.
The 1st text was from my mother. “Working late again, sweetie. Vanessa called out again and I need to cover her shift. Won’t be back until late. xoxo”.
My mother was a waitress at “Hoots”. You know, the chain restaurant where the girls wear the short shorts and tight tops. (No, not that one, the other one. No affiliation). She often worked late. I quickly scrolled past and saw the 2nd text was from Liz, Ashley’s younger sister:
“practice out erly. need pickp. 20 min”
Liz needs a ride! I was already on thin ice with trying to get Liz to like me no matter how hard I tried. This would be a great chance to gain her acceptance!! School was about 20 min away from Bobby’s and she sent her message about 2 min ago. If I leave right now and step on it, I could be there in time!
“Sorry Bobby. I, uh, have to run. Maybe we can hang out again, uh, maybe next week. No! Sorry, next week I’m packing Ashley’s bags for her family trip to the beach house. We’ll meet up soon though, okay?”
“yea”, Bobby said to himself. “Go crawl off, little doormat. I’m sure there’s some boots that need wiping”.
I wanted to turn around and make things right with Bobby. But it had now been 3 min since Liz’s text. There was no time as I tripped over myself to get out the door.
I’ve never driven so fast in my life. With 2 whole minutes to spare I pulled up to the school’s practice field lots. Liz must have had a Saturday morning practice. I quickly pulled out my phone to let her know I arrived.
“Hi Liz! Just letting you know I pulled up now and am ready outside whenever you’re ready! :) I bought a gatorade early today so you can have that if you're thirsty!"
I was glued to my phone as I saw her message back after a few minutes:
Phew, I was safe. Maybe she would even report back to Ashley how thoughtful I was. I waited about 5 more minutes, before it turned into 10, which turned into 15. I was just starting to get nervous and considered texting again. I hope she was okay. Should I text again? I tried o look up at the fields. It looked like there were still some freshman girls kicking some balls around, some chatting off to the side. 15 minutes turned to 20, then 25. Maybe I should just send a quick one so she knows I’m still here. Ugh, but I don’t want to sound pushy. Luckily after a little over 40 minutes, I saw her walking over with 2 friends. They casually chatted as they walked over in their soccer cleats and haggard looking practice clothes. As her 2 friends peeled off they waved goodbye to Liz. I tried to wave at them, but they looked at each other and laughed. They must not have seen me. Liz got into the backseat of my car.
“Hi Liz! How was practice!? I can’t believe they make you practice in the heat like this on a saturday! But from what I could see down here, you guys look great!... Anyway, I’m so happy you called. Usually you catch a ride with your neighbor, right?
Liz half ignored me as she read something on her phone. “Huh? Yea, she was sick or something. Gatorade?”
Gone were the smiles and giggles she had with her girlfriends 60 sec ago. I guess I’ll get no more details at the moment. Is this going to be a regular thing now? Maybe I could ask more details later when she was in a better mode. Best not to pester her.
“Oh, of course! Sorry! Here you go! It makes more sense that you have it anyway. Um, your mom was telling me you're a star athlete on the team! She said the varsity captain is already interested in you. I can’t imagine that! Imagine, a freshman on the varsity team! It’s so impressive. Really! I, um, uh, I got the blue flavor. That’s my favorite!" I said as I handed back the sports drink and I started driving.
“Wow, my very own cheerleader”, she said rolling her eyes slightly. "Want me to sign your tits, Davey?” she said grabbing the plastic bottle and taking a big swig. I laughed harder than was probably necessary at her stupid joke. She loudly gulped half the bottle, before wiping blue from her mouth. “Get red next time”. Liz stretched as she kicked her feet up on my center console. She neglected to take her cleats off. I already saw the smears of grass and mud and whatever else was caked on under her feet. I made a mental note to make sure I scrubbed that clean before I gave Ashley any rides anywhere.
I was trying to think of my next question to ask or maybe another compliment to try to kiss up to her. The shame of that thought wasn’t lost on me, sucking up for hopes of a "good report to master”.
As I stuttered out my next pathetic attempt at sucking up, I heard her phone blaring out some random youtube video. I was relieved I made it through our social interaction without embarrassing myself well, not too much. And without her waiting even a second for pickup! Ashley would surely be impressed at how useful I was. I beamed to myself the rest of the ride to her home!
It was a few days later when I got Ashley’s text: “BIG news! come 2 my house. 5 sharp!! u need 2 finish packing for trip”.
The Smiths were getting ready for their family trip to their beach house. Most high school girls would be desperate to escape their families. But not my Ashley. She got excited for every trip. Apparently it’s a gorgeous beach house! Ashley’s shown me pics! I was heading over to finish packing her suitcase for her. It’s really fun and bonding for both of us!! She lays out all potential outfits and I iron and neatly pack whatever’s picked, while simultaneously cleaning whatever dirty plates or wrappers were left on her floor. Then she usually likes me to finish with giving her a fresh pedicure for her trip while we chat about what she’s most excited for or whatever other topic she wants to talk to me about.
I texted: “Hi Ashley, about 5 min out. Just checking if you need anything last second for your big trip! So excited for youuu”
Pingg ping pingg “mmmmmm that was SO hot seeing ur big cock between my tits. u kno ill miss that yummy dick while im away ;)”
“OMG davey wrg text!!! OMG dead lol sorryyyy! im dying wrg text obvi lol just delete”
“batteries. my dad said get batteries"
I stood staring at my phone. I felt that oh so familiar embarrassed, hot feeling. Who, who was that original text for? I had often dreamed of receiving that kind of text from Ashley.
The image I usually kept of me standing before Ashley as she wore a beautiful white dress. “It’s okay, David. I actually like boys with a smaller little penis. Please, can I kiss it? It’s totally fine if you finish early. All my friends find it so hot when guys shoot so fast for them”. The image seemed to vanish and was replaced. Now there she was. On her knees in some party room when he walks in. RYAN. “Fuck yes, stud. Give me that big hard dick! Cum on my big fat tits, you alpha king! I need to titty-fuck your amazing alpha cock. glorgh gag glurpp slurrrp”. A tear crept out of my left eye. I texted back:
“No problem :) I’ll get batteries! I’ll stop now. Tell your dad not to worry. I’ll be there asap!”
I got to Ashley’s house and found the Smiths sitting in their expansive living room. The room alone was probably about the size of mine and my parent's tiny home across town.
“Davey! Come, come, I have the best news!” Ashley exclaimed from her spot on the end of the couch. On the other end was Mr. Smith, sitting in his shorts and tank top that showed off his slightly older, but still very impressive body. He sat there with the effortlessly beautiful Mrs. Smith snuggled up to him. Liz sat on a plush freestanding chair nearby. They all sat in their loungeware. A mix of tight leggings, shorts that exposed upper thighs, sports bras and loose fitting sleeveless tops. I awkwardly stood there with a hopefully not audible GLUP as I noticed Mrs. Smith's partial side boob poking out ever so slightly as she cuddled up to her husband.
“There he is!” Mr. Smith said from his spot on the couch. Mrs. Smith smiled up at me as his arm draped over his wife. “These girlies haven’t been running you too hard, have they? I told you, you give these women an inch, they’ll take a mile!”.
Mrs. Smith playfully swatted her husband. Ashley jumped to my defense, “Tell him it’s not true, Davey! He was calling you ‘Cinderella' before you got here!"
Mrs. Smith tacked on with a playful pout toward her husband “That’s right, and I guess that would make me and the girls his evil step-sisters, then?”
"You’re damn right!” Mr. Smith joked back causing giggles from the family and a play fight to break out amongst the couch.
Ashley called out, "Tell him! Tell him Davey, you love doing my packing for me. Davey loves this domestic stuff! He would drool if I told him he could grab the vacuum right now!”
Liz let out a laugh/snort.
“No way” Mr. Smith said with confidence and a grin. “Men don’t find JOY in these little domestic errands, right Davey? That’s women work!”
Mrs. Smith let out a mock gasp, knowing her husband was just playfully poking for a fight. “Women work!? Like I’d be caught DEAD scrubbing those dirty undies you leave behind! and last I checked, I’m all women.”
“Yea dad” Ashley said, “you played yourself. Shouldn’t have raised strong, confident women. Now you have a house of feminists”. Liz jumped in now from her reclined position “yea dad, scrubbing dirty laundry and dusting isn’t women work anymore. It’s Davey work!” Everyone laughed. I felt hot and tongue-tied, but giggled along.
“Better you than me, Cinderella”, Mr. Smith said toward me with a laugh. “Honestly, it’s a great quality. The world needs people like you. Plus it’s in your blood. It’s why your mom is such a strong worker! Have you seen her down at ‘Hoots’!? She slaves over every customer all for a few measly tips!”
Mrs. Smith perked up with a sudden sense of judgement. “Honestly, the uniforms they make those poor women wear there. Davey, your mother is Miriam, right? She must be almost 50 and still forcing herself into those booty shorts and what, a glorified bra!? Just imagine having to debase yourself like that for a few spare dollars. Couch change really! It’s not right!”
“I know sweetie, it gets me upset too. That’s why it’s so important you girls make sure you keep your grades up!”
Liz and Ashley rolled their eyes in unison. “Okay,” Ashley said. “Let’s not make this an after school special. “Davey, come sit!" She pointed in front of her to a small ottoman off to the side. It was small and as I sat as directed, I noticed I was looking up at everyone from their positions on the furniture. I made brief eye contact with Liz as she smiled and slowly shook her head in disbelief as she looked down at me. I quickly focused back on the ground where I saw Ashley and Mrs. Smith’s feet in front of me. Mrs. Smith’s feet were bare, and Ashley had on a pair of white cotton socks, the bottoms turning to a shade of grey. I felt myself twitch in my bikini-cut underwear.
Ashley looked down at me on my little glorified foot rest. “Your coming!”
“Wh-what I, I, n-no, I’m not. I-I I’m uh-!?”
“To the beach house, stupid!” Liz spat.
“I cleared it with my parents, and they agreed you could come. Jess is traveling with her parents so we have extra space and I convinced them we could use the extra help at the beach house! It’s always so dusty and the sand gets everywhhereeeee. So your coming!”
I looked up excitedly. “I I get to go to the beach house. W-with you. With all of you!?”
Mrs. Smith smiled down at me warmly “Awwww, see, look how happy you made him, dear!”
Mr. Smith cut in. “We’ll still need to clear it with your parents, and I’ll need your help cleaning out some cobwebs, but if they don’t need you, we’ll take you on the trip.”
“OMG we should go ask your mother right now! Is she working!?” Ashley said.
“What a fantastic idea,” Mrs. Smith added, “I would never stand by the practices of that trashy establishment, but their chips and guacamole are delicious”. I guess Mrs. Smith had less commitment to justice if she could have tasty chips. “Do you think Liz is too young?”. Mr. Smith reassured her it was just a kitschy little spot these days.
Mr Smith rose and loudly proclaimed “Okay, everyone. Throw something decent on. We’re going out to eat.” then added with a laugh,"Well, not too nice, I guess. It is only Hoots!"
submitted by throwaway4fem to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:21 BureaucracyIsWaste Analysis of WGS data from beginner to useful. What textbooks, tools, websites to use.

I've got my genome sequenced through one of the major direct to consumer services and as a result got different files with my genomic data in it vcf, fastq, bam, snp txt file formats.
I want to get whatever useful information I can get out of this. After going through some of the threads here, I am aware this is not clinical grade and know enough about genetics to not assume that I am going to die tomorrow because of a positive match of any kind or get medically relevant data from it.
To do this, I want to take a few months to a year to understand what can usefully be done with it and how to do it. I have a BSc and MSc in molecular biology with a PhD in theoretical biology i.e. I know a bit about genetics and am able to understand publications etc.
Which textbooks, tools, websites, software etc. should I know?
The usual way I approach this is to read a textbook or a few of them covering the basic terminology and theory, from there use the tools mentioned there and work my way up. With informatics in general however textbooks can be outdated quickly.
What I am looking for is basically the information how someone who knows plenty about it such as a bioinformatician and how they would learn what they know if they had to do it as a beginner.
submitted by BureaucracyIsWaste to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:18 Psyloh_ resources like “what in the world?”

resources like “what in the world?”
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone here who is familiar with “what in the world?” reading comprehension sheets knows of any alternatives for learning a language? I have attached an image to provide an example for those unfamiliar, but if anyone knows of resources that provide similar questions relating to the body text that focus on specific units of vocab for independent studying. I am willing to pay for worksheets if they are reputable and affordable but preferably looking for something free. thanks in advance!
submitted by Psyloh_ to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:16 bikinikill_ [offer] alternative and affection arab gf looking to spoil you

hi cuties! i’m esther, tatted, pierced, 5’9” and curvé arab girlie living in the small town south with too much time on her hands. let me use it to spoil you with the attention and support! i really enjoy getting to know you and nothing makes me happier than being able to connect. talk to me about your favorite hobbies, what’s going on in your life, or some things that are causing you stress. i’d love to be able to take the weight off your shoulders by being there for you.
a little about me is that i’m a bisexual, bubbly and affectionate little fairy fanatic and major art enthusiast. i fill my time with grad school, gaming (replaying breath of the wild) and reading (currently reading fourth wing, and i love it), but you can catch me at any renfaire fully decked out. major nerd but hoping to connect with another nerd. nothing makes me happier than hearing about what you’re into and what’s keeping you going 🥰
✨ verification and selfies included ✨ platforms: kik, telegram, skype, and discord ✨prices: can be discussed but dependent upon duration, i work with most budgets! price ranges from: $30-$350 ✨duration; day, week, or a month (would love to have something long term) ✨payment: apple pay, cashapp(preferred), paypal
if you’re interested don’t hesitate to reach out, i look forward to getting to know you!
✨i am 18+ and offering SFW companionship to other 18+ adults only ✨
submitted by bikinikill_ to HireAGirlfriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:14 ineedalifeoO Ryzen Master temps don't match iCue temps?

Hey guys, I did find a couple previous posts on this but they didn't really help me 😅
I've got a 360mm Link AIO in my build and I have CPU package and GPU temps displayed on the screen via iCue. Just been running some Time Spy benchmarks with Ryzen Master open and the difference in temperature between the two is crazy at some points.. like my screen says almost 80C while RM is in the 50s.
Is RM taking a temp read at a different spot or something? I'm really confused and wouldn't mind if it was a few degrees off but it's quite a massive jump
I've checked HWinfo while typing this as well and that also matches my AIO
submitted by ineedalifeoO to Corsair [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:13 brod333 Responding to Exion’s response pt 3

Exion has posted more responses to my posts rebutting him which I’ll be responding to. For my previous posts see https://www.reddit.com/Quraniyoon/s/kqqu1mfnWL. For his post I’m responding to see https://www.reddit.com/Quraniyoon/s/fciUHmrzba and https://www.reddit.com/Quraniyoon/s/U6Jppy9JkG. I’m just going to focus on Haggai 2:15 since the amount of research I did for it used up all my spare time (you’ll understand what I mean when you see what I did) and by the time I’m done discussing that verse it will be clear to everyone Exion has no idea what he is talking about.
Before discussing the Hebrew let’s look at the context. It’s always important to understand the context of any quote to properly understand it. Here is the wider context: “Now then, consider from this day onward. Before stone was placed upon stone in the temple of the Lord, how did you fare? When one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were but twenty. I struck you and all the products of your toil with blight and with mildew and with hail, yet you did not turn to me, declares the Lord. Consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month. Since the day that the foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid, consider: Is the seed yet in the barn? Indeed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have yielded nothing. But from this day on I will bless you.”” Haggai‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬-‭19‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Notice verses 15 and 18 both have at the beginning “Consider from this day onward”. It’s the exact same phrase in the Hebrew indicating the two verses are related in idea. The following word for verse 15 is “before”. More specifically in the Hebrew the word has the preposition “from” so it’s saying “from before” indicating it’s referring to before some past event. In verse 18 the following word is “from” indicating the time after some event. These two cases contrast each other, the former talking about before and event while the latter after an event.
There is also a parallel in the verses that follow 15 and 18. In verses 16-17 God asks them how they faired before the event in verse 15. He describes a situation of turmoil and says that he struck the people of Israel. In verse 19 God notes the blessing have not yet come but states he will now bless them going forward. This is another contrast, the former God was against the Israelites bringing them hardship and the latter God was for the Israelites bringing them blessing.
In verse 18 the event is unambiguously when the foundation of the temple was laid. What is in dispute is the event referred to in verse 15. Note what we have so far “consider before event x God against them, consider after laying the foundation of the temple God was for them”. The traditional translation of “stone upon stone” takes it as referring to the building of the temple making it the same event as verse 18. This makes perfect sense as it’s contrasting the time before and after a single event. Exion’s translation “God’s stone, the stone” has it referring to placing the black stone in the temple. It’s a completely unrelated event which doesn’t fit well in the context. The parallels and contrasts within the passage indicate verse 15 and 18 are referring to the same event.
This also fits the context given in Haggai 1 that I quoted in my previous post. In that passage God is criticizing the Israelites for not rebuilding the temple that was currently in ruins, urges them to rebuild it, and notes the period of turmoil they were experiencing which God says he brought about specifically because they weren’t rebuilding the temple. That final part of God bringing turmoil is exactly what we see in Haggai 2:16-17 which suggests the event in Haggai 2:15 is related to what God mentioned in Haggai 1, i.e. the temple wasn’t being rebuilt.
We also know this is what the focus was at that time from the historical books I mentioned in my previous posts. Haggai gives explicit indicators for when he received his prophecies which tell us exactly when in history the prophecies came so we can look to the history books for further context. In those books there is a focus on rebuilding the temple during this time period.
With the context out of the way let’s examine the Hebrew. Exion says:
He's saying that I've flipped the words, but I actually haven't. I interpreted "El" as being in a possessive state regarding the following word "Even" (stone), while the more correct way is to have it possess the preceding word, which is also "Even" (stone), thus rendering it: "God's stone." However, I still stand by what I wrote earlier, as it is fully possible to read it that way. This rule isn't as strict as he portrays it. It is true that the Hebrew construct state mostly places the possessed noun before the possessor, but there are exceptions, particularly when dealing with divine titles or when avoiding awkward sentences.
This is like saying 4 is the more correct way then 5 to understand 2+2. It’s only more correct in the sense that only one can work, the other can’t. While Exion asserts there are exceptions to the rule with the noun in the construct state appearing first he never gives any examples or source to back up this claim. We’re just supposed to take his word for it. He specifically mentions divine titles as being an exception however he actually acknowledges two counter examples. In his translation he has at the end “the house of the Lord”. His translation indicates “the house” is in the construct state and in the Hebrew that occurs first. He also later mentions Bethel and says it means house of God. Again his translation would mean “house” is in the construct state and in the Hebrew it occurs first. Both cases involve divine titles, one of which is the same title he claims is in Haggai 2:15, yet both follow the rule.
To go even further I did a word search for the phrase “of God” and checked the Hebrew for every case, 382 total (now you see what I meant about the time investment for this verse). In every single case God was the second word and unambiguous not in the construct state meaning every single case followed the rule. Exion is just making up rules with no basis. He next says:
However, even if we are forced to implement that rule, it would possess the preceding word, which is also stone.
Unfortunately this doesn’t work for him. Notice his translation:
"’Now give careful thought to this from this day on —consider how things were before placing God's stone, the stone in the House of the LORD." or "...the stone of God, a stone in the House of the LORD
The first problem is this would be the second time he’s needed to edit his translation to overcome issues. How can we trust someone that has to keep revising his translation due to mistakes made previously? The answer is we can’t, it undermines his reliability of translating Hebrew.
However, there are worse problems. He has two possible translations here. The first can’t word since he inserts the definite article “the” before the second instance of stone. This is impossible since the Hebrew doesn’t have a definite article. It’s ironic he would even propose this translation since he made a big fuss about a case with the missing definite article in his last post. However, unlike that case where it’s implied by the construct relationship where the last noun has the definite article this case isn’t even in a construct relationship.
His second option has an indefinite article. This is problematic for two reasons. First the part of his translation saying “placing the stone of God” is definite. It’s picking out a particular stone. For the next instance of the word stone to be referring to the same stone it needs to be definite. If it’s indefinite then it’s not picking out a specific stone but can instead be any stone.
Another issue is no reason is given for why the phrase shouldn’t be translated as “placing the stone of God of stone”. Since for these words the construct state and absolute state are identical and there is nothing else in the text to indicate the second instance of stone isn’t part of the construct state it’s arbitrary to pick one translation over the other.
Another problem is the Septuagint doesn’t match Exion’s translation. Since Exion claims it’s the Masoretes that manipulated the text to hide the original meaning of the prophecy pre Masoretes sources should match Exion’s supposedly original translation. The Septuagint is not only pre Masoretes but long before Islam so there wouldn’t have been motivation to hide prophecies about Islam. However, the Septuagint, which you can check yourself here https://www.blueletterbible.org/lxx/hag/2/1/, has stone upon stone instead of God’s stone, as stone.
If you’re still not convinced it’s time to remove any doubt. When I checked those 382 instances of the phrase “of God” I wasn’t doing it to check the word order for the construct relationship. That was just a nice bonus of my check. What actually happened is I remembered usually in the Hebrew when speaking about the God if Israel they used the plural “Elohim” not the singular “El”. That is what prompted me to check other cases and what definitely proves el in Haggai 2:15 doesn’t mean God. Here’s what I discovered.
Almost every case used the plural Elohim instead of the singular. Of the cases that use the singular they can be broken down as follows.
Cities: An example is Bethel. This is referring to a specific city while is why it uses El instead of Elohim. Whenever we see the phrase house of God not referring to the city (except for the Aramaic cases I’ll mention below) it has beth Elohim in the Hebrew. One example is Genesis 28:17, though plenty more can be given is required.
Not Hebrew: Both the books of Daniel and Ezra have parts written in Aramaic instead of Hebrew. In this cases God is singular but it’s not the word El, rather it’s the Aramaic word for God, Elah/Elaha. Similarly Job and his friends, as well as Agur son of Jakeh who wrote Proverbs 30, aren’t of Jesus descent and come from outside Israel. When either speaks they use the singular for God but it’s not the word El, it’s the word Eloha.
Hebrew but not Israelites: Balaam in Numbers 24 and the King of Babylon in Isaiah 14 use the singular El. However, neither are Israelites so they don’t follow the custom of using the plural Elohim.
Psalms: the only case of Israelites using the singular El when it’s the last word of the construct relationship occurs in the Psalms. This is the only set of cases that can potentially help Exion. However, it’s very unlikely. This is only around 10 of the 382 cases analyzed and every instance is in the Psalms. We also have a case of one of the instances in the Psalms being used outside the Psalms with the plural Elohim. Psalm 19:1 and Proverbs 25:2 both have the phrase “glory of God” but only in the Psalms is God written as El, Proverbs uses Elohim. (Note while the spelling for the Hebrew word glory is different in each case it’s the same word. It’s like the words adviseadvisor, while different spelling it’s the same word). Given this parallel in Proverbs 25:2 and that every other instance occurs in the Psalms the reason is most likely something to due with the nature of the literature in the Psalms.
Between that and how small of a number these cases constitute Exion will need an extremely strong case for using these examples to justify El being God in Haggai 2:15. Given none of the exceptions apply to Haggai 2:15 it’s completely untenable to take El as being God in that verse. If the author meant God they would have used Elohim not El. Exion’s translation doesn’t fit the wider context of the book, makes the grammar untenable, doesn’t match pre Masorete sources, and doesn’t fit the pattern of using Elohim for God instead of El. Given that “upon” is a valid mean of el, as I showed in my previous post when I referenced the BDB to show el and al are used interchangeably, it fits the context perfectly, matches pre Masorete sources, and doesn’t break the pattern of calling God Elohim that is how the word should be understood.
Edit: one other quick thing I was supposed to mention. I know those 382 cases didn’t break the rule of the construct form being first since for Elohim the construct and absolute state are different. These means we can tell if it’s in the construct state and compare that to whether it is the first or second word. For the few singular cases while both forms are identical the context is sufficient to show which is the construct form and the pattern follows for them as well.
submitted by brod333 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:57 DottyandBearBear Dreams About Animals

When I was a child, I lived in North Carolina where snakes are usually feared. Since I was 7 years old, I had dreams about giant snakes. They were brown and black or yellow and white with red eyes. They would be curled up in my backyard (in my dreams). Bear in mind, I couldn’t read yet. I didn’t know a python from a corn snake.
Then one day, I was in an exotic pet store and saw lots of snakes and that’s when my special interest (I am autistic) came into play. I learned at 26 years old that those giant snakes in my childhood dreams are Burmese Pythons and are being hunted in Florida. Maybe snakes and I have a connection. I also stepped on one when I was younger and instead of biting me, I lifted up my shoe and he slithered away. I sat on a Garter snake and he didn’t bite me. I went inside and came out and he was still there and stared at me.
Pretty strange.
submitted by DottyandBearBear to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:56 Sea-Construction9098 I think I’m burnt out on being a DM

So I started playing DnD in 2004 when I was in like 4th grade. I remember going into a local game shop with my dad and seeing the book. I remember being immediately interested and begged my dad for it. Well he caved and bought it for me and unknowingly gave me a hobby I still love to this day.
At first I just kinda read the book over and over again absorbing the charts and dreaming of cool things to do. It wasn’t a till a few years later I actually got to play. It was the best day of my life. I was a dwarf paladin (original I know).
Anyways for quite a while now I’ve been a DM (I am a player in one camping now though). Anyways I just find dnd has gotten so hard to DM (with new players mostly) who have watched one to many campaigns online with professional DMs and actual voice actors and cool effects.
So by the time they get to my table they have such lofty expectations I just feel personally like I’m not meeting their expectations. It’s always “well this dm I was did this not that.”
Maybe I’m just burnt out of being a DM, but I just want everyone to have the best time possible.
So what I came here to ask is does anyone else feel this way or am I just being whiny lol?
Also im I’m thinking about switching systems just to freshen things up for me. Any recommendations? My games tend to be more narrative with emphasis put on story and character development. There’s still a good deadly fight every once in a while to keep the players on their toes. I think like an Ancient Greek/roman campaign would be cool. Any systems out there dedicated to that?
submitted by Sea-Construction9098 to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:53 Mobile-Explorer4063 AITAH for telling my parents and my relatives I want to live my life peacefully without them because of all the abuse and trauma they put me through ?

Hello , I , 20M ,have this long issue going on with my family . Things are a mess right now . And I need some opinions on this matter because at this point I am conflicted .
This is going to be EXTREMELY Long. So I want to thank anyone who reads this and gives me their advice in advance .
Okay so in order to explain the issue going on , I need to explain my background a bit . My parents and all my relatives are extremely religious (especially the aunts and uncles) . My biological parents divorced when I was really young (about 4-5 years old) . I don’t know what happened and still to this day don’t know why they both divorced . My dad + relatives refuse to speak about it .
Anyways , after the divorce my dad won custody and I have been living with him (technically my grandma) ever since . I don’t remember my mom tho . While I do have some fuzzy memories about her visiting like maybe twice (one when I was at like 2nd or 3rd grade ?? I know cause I changed schools a lot) . So to put things simply I haven’t seen nor heard off not met her for atleast the past 10+ years .
Back to my dad , I don’t know how to describe our relationship. I guess you could call it a Love-Hate relationship. To put it simply sometimes I love him , sometimes I used to wish he died . He’s the most manipulative , abuse (physically , emotionally and mentally) person I know . The problem is he thinks it’s normal . I partially USED TO NOT blame him because my grandfather who died before I was born was extremely abusive to all his kids . My dad is the only brother among 7 siblings . Some of my aunts have picked up the abusive behavior as well. But it’s treated as a normal thing.
While 2 of my aunts are extremely against it , the others don’t care or simply abuse their own kids as well. My dad particularly is the worst . The problem why I didn’t just leave him is because after every time he hit me , smacked me , slapped me , locked me in the basement closet ; threw my metallic bottle on my foot , yell at me and drag me LITERALLY as EVERYONE watched , he would always apologize (in way that was clear he didn’t mean it as an apology but did feel guilty for being like his dad) but somehow make me believe it was my fault and I had to apologize to HIM. The problem is that I know he loves me . He’s EXTREMELY Bipolar :
His side of the family doesn’t believe in therapy and mental illness . The abuse has progressively gotten worse as I grew up . When I was 14 he started slamming me against the wall and chocking me while digging his nails deep until it drew blood (I was in such a bad mental state during those years) .
Yet for the sake of his actual good side I endured it . Call me doormats but there was literally nothing I could do .
About when I was maybe 10-11 he remarried . My step mom was not a nice person to put simply . She already had 3 children . I was close to them but she would always treat me differently , make remarks , insult me and what not . But even then she was way better than dad . But turns out she married him for money and realized dad wasn’t a millionaire or something and left (from what I have been told) . She literally didn’t say good bye , and I remember her last day because she was particularly rude and snarky at me for literally even coming close to her.
I was an only child . But thankfully it wasn’t that bad . My grandma was actually the one who raised me . Since my dad would be almost never in state due to his job . And I would literally pray to god he doesn’t come back early . My grandma was a tad bit strict with physical punishment but never abusive . She was the best women I had ever known and the only parental figure I truly loved at that point . She practically raised me as her son instead of a grandson . For a long time she was the only mom I knew . Before my dad remarried . But tbf that second marriage lasted for only a year at best .
After that my dad remarried for the 3rd and final time . This time he married the person whom I probably love most other than my grandma . My new mom (step mom) is the truly the best thing that happened in my life . Obviously at first I was distrustful , rude , mean , a bitch and a brat . I screamed yelled and everything a teen would do. But she put up with me . And eventually I trusted her . And now we have the best relation I have with literally anyone .
I have 2 sisters (half sisters) from mom (new step mom) whom I Love very much and would literally risk my life for them. My grandma passed away in 2019 . I was extremely devastated . The only parental figure I knew and loved (other than my dad who occasionally came on holidays) was gone . My mom helped me through that . My dad had the habit of always comparing me to my cousins (the ones who he compares me with btw are literal geniuses) . Making me feel bad about myself . I had and still have a massive inferiority complex because of this . Me literally has never said he’s proud of me in anything. Even if I get an A he would find some way to belittle that and tell me how it’s a normal thing for my said cousin . Said cousin has always been at the top of his class since forever . He’s in his dream uni now and doing well (I have never been jealous of him since we are close even after the fallout) My mom put a stop to that . The problem is my dad started being abusive (he was only physical 2 times from what I had seen) to her as well. But has since toned down . He’s in his late 40s now . And his abuse against me has stopped as well by the time I had turned 18 . I have feeling it’s after a particular fight he had with my mom. I didn’t move out for 2 reasons . I was worried about mom and especially my little sisters . I was worried dad would abuse them . But surprisingly he’s practically changed . Other than the usual verbal screams he’s just suddenly stopped the physical abuse .
I don’t why my mom didn’t leave him . But it seems in the end , it worked out . He always apologizes to her and begs for forgiveness if he accidentally increases his tone and volume . They married in 2018 (a year before my grandma passed away) .
So long story short , my mom and dad (mostly mom) convinced me to not take the gap year . I am now in my 2nd year of uni . And from what I know , atleast to me , my dad has completely stopped his abuse towards me . He never abuses my sisters (which I am thankful for because god knows what I would have done) .
Now the problem at hand . My relatives . As I mentioned my aunts . The relationship between us cousins is toxic at best . Each of us always end up arguing or fighting one way or the other . Now it has toned down since none of us see each other anymore due to daily life and college . My aunts tho . They are insane . Let’s just say even when I was very young they would hit me and abuse me . My dad didn’t know and obviously I assumed he allowed it . (He was furious when he found out later and gave them a earful and almost cut them off when I told him as soon as I was old enough , which was one of the only times that told me I wasn’t Delusional into thinking he had a love side for me , he only stopped when I asked him to drop it , which he did) .
3 of my aunts for some reason don’t like my mom. They have always tried to make her an outsider in her OWN home . For context , they used to come to live with us in our house because my grandma used to live with us and we had plenty of Rooms . My dad allowed them to put their stuff and visit any time . So they practically think it’s their houses as well. I would constantly get yelled at for things as small as oopening the fridge JUST opening it . I wasn’t allowed in some rooms. I wasn’t allowed to go out. The only time I could leave was for school. I had no friends after school. Nothing.
So obviously I was and have grown used to it . For a very long time I thought it was normal . Until I got my phone and eventually learned everything online . I was in a bad place . So my only comfort was online friends who made me realize just how horrible my life is .
Back to my aunts . So this one time one of ky aunts tried to make me hate my mom. Literally. My mom found out and it was hell. My dad always takes his aunts sides (no surprise there) . So I hen my mom finally snapped and called him. even he was surprised . His bi polar side had some common sense apparently and he made my aunt apologize to her .
So that’s just a preview . The problem now is that one of my cousins , whom I used to be close to , once like when I was 16 framed me for breaking her phone. Obviously it was lie but no one believed me except my mom but she choose to stay silent and didn’t want more drama but told me she trusted me . My dad didn’t and ended up buying my cousin a new phone. My relatives have always pushed me and used me for their own gains. They literally made me do their work (such as washing dishes , laundry and whatnot) all the time. That stopped when my mom came in the picture and refused to let me “a child be a slave” as she put it .
So hopefully that long a€€ background gives you an understanding. Because of all of their actions I have never had great friends . Gfs were out of the question due to me not having privacy access until I was 17 . I had no relationships. I tired to commit su!c!de 11 times . But always stopped for the sake of my sisters and my mom and grandma .
So recently , I was visiting my one of the nicer aunts . Even tho her daughter is a b!tch . She still has always been nice to me . So idk what the deal with her daughter was but she framed me for SA . Yeah you heard that right . Obviously I got a beating from my male cousins her dad . And even my parents were shocked . My sisters were obviously too young to understand . Even the cousins I was close with ended up believing her . My mom was shocked and didn’t know what to believe at first . She didn’t talk to me. My dad almost cut me off and was about to stop my uni funds but my mom intervened yet again. She decided to hear me out. This was all on phone because I live at a different state for uni. So after I explained everything to my parents , while literally crying (something I had stoped a long time ago) . My parents decided to trust me and not disown me . My dad still looked at me with disgust tho. Even my mom looked like she didn’t trust me completely .
As for my cousin , that b!tch . I guess she got overwhelmed after I sent her a long text giving her a piece of my mind and threatened to call the cops , that she eventually came clean .
Since then I have been getting calls from literally everyone who Initilaly either hit me or verbally or textually harassed me apologizing.
I for one , before blocking all of them , gave them all a piece of my mind especially my aunts for how they all have treated me over the years .
My parents also joined in and asked me to forgive them . At that point I finally snapped . I couldn’t deal with this bs anymore .
I told my parents especially my dad that I was cutting off all of my relatives and I never wanted to see them ever again in my life and for as long as I live . I called them abusive prices of sh!t and went on for a good while. My dad as always tried defending them but I cut him off for the first time in my life . I told him either he can defend them and expect to permanently lose me form his life as well as I would be cutting him off for good . My mom tried to interject but I told her that I had enough .
My mom had a habit of defending dad . But this I told her to “please don’t” . My sisters are 3 and almost 8 respectively . So they have no clue what’s going on. I have them the ultimatum. It’s either them accepting my decision or accepting the fact that they will never see me again . My dad still persisted saying my cousin was young (she’s 19) and an idiot and didn’t knew any better . I told him if he doesn’t stop this , I am gonna get the cops involved . That shut him up.
It’s been 11 days nows . I have blocked everyone except my parents . Dad hasn’t talked to me yet which I am fine with. I am done with his bs anyways . Mom has called a few times to check up on me . A few of my other cousins (2 of whom I wasn’t particularly close too, which lead to me not blocking them since they weren’t involved) ended up contacting me telling me they had my back . Even one of my aunt agreed (this particular aunt is the most introverted person other than Me that I know so seeing text from her was surprising to say the least) .
It’s good to know atleast 4 people have my back. But the overwhelming majority is convinced I am being an AH and a ungrateful ignorant brat who wants to destroy “the family” (their words). It’s gotten so bad that I nearly was about to do a 12th attempt due to how much hate is coming my way . Somehow , my cousin is now getting a slap on the wrist and I am the villain and for what ?? They are calling me a literal home wrecker and a monster for giving them all a piece of my mind and for talking “that way” to my dad (guessing he told them) I just can’t deal with all of this. I thought these last 2 years of uni were one of the best and most peaceful of my entire life but of course I was naive enough to believe things had finally settled down .
So people of Reddit . AITAH for cutting off my relatives and my entire extended family for the way they have treated me for years? And WIBTA for cutting off my parents if they keep persisting ??
Edit : There might be some grammar mistakes so please excuse that . I am just mentally and emotionally exhausted . I am willing to answer any questions . And thanks again for any advice .
submitted by Mobile-Explorer4063 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:53 LegitimateKoala3746 21F looking for penpal

hello, I’m a 21F looking for a long term penpal( doesn’t matter where your from). I live in Florida,Usa and is married and has a son. I like music. musicals, marvel and dc shows/movies, enjoy reading and traveling and learning new things. I don’t have many friends, so I really hope I can find a penpal that I can talk to regularly. I would prefer email or snail mail but is okay with dming too, just very excited to make a new friend 💞 It’s my first time trying to find a penpal so I’m very excited to try it out. please message if interested 😊❣️
submitted by LegitimateKoala3746 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:53 daydreamer_moonbeam Incorrect portal grades

Hi! So buong 3 years ko sa uste, ngayon lang nangyari 'to sakin hahaha huhu. Nung grade consultation namin sa isang course, sabi 1.00 daw ako. Pero naka-reflect sa portal ko is 1.75??
Nag-sched send na ako ng email for later sa prof namin regarding this mistake. Pero I'm nervous lang kasi dito pa talaga siya nagkamali, after reading things sa sub about how final na yung nasa portal and mahirap nang baguhin. I hope mababago pa huhu ang unfair sobraaa
submitted by daydreamer_moonbeam to Tomasino [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:48 Martial_DrOEnglish I've been asked to sign a paper acknowledging receipt of an email.

Hi Folks,
So, I recently lost a grade appeal that my Dean said was cut and dried. Another in close proximity was resolved without appeal. Following the appeal that I lost. It was a matter of the committee finding that my instructions were confusing and contradictory. The syllabus stated: "All readings for the class will be found on the Course Management Page" and the instructions said "You must write your essay over one of the texts that we've studied this semester." I had failed to delete a story/lecture from a previous iteration of the course from the new course, and the student wrote about that story (one student out of thirty). The student argued she should be allowed to write about it because it was on the course shell. My new department chair said we needed to discuss the issue. The Dean also wanted to sit in. I was reassured that this was not a disciplinary action. I was told that this was just to help me in the future (I'm tenured by the way).
We met in the Dean's office and they went over a number of items (to be fair, I had asked how to avoid ever having to go through another grade appeal), some of which did not directly apply to the situation, but was generally best practices. I went through the meeting, took my lumps, and thanked them afterward.
Today, I received a message in campus mail with a form to sign stating that I had received the email from the Dean which was also passed along in print. I was told to sign it and return it via campus mail. The chair is new, and has, I'm sure, a different way of doing things than my previous chair, but that is of little comfort.
My question is, if this was not a disciplinary action, then why am I signing this acknowledgment? The chair is out of town, so I cannot ask her. However, this feels very suspiciously like something that will show up in my campus mail or in my evaluation at some future date.
Should I be dusting off my CV and looking for warmer climes? What will happen to me if I do sign it and what will happen if I don't? I know that tenure will not protect an instructor who is insubordinate or who is accused of something so egregious as racism or sexual misconduct, but what of something like this? Initially I was told that I shouldn't worry, that grade contests happen to everyone, but I'm not sure who to trust here.
Thanks, Martial Doc
submitted by Martial_DrOEnglish to AskAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:48 theparrotl0ver 23F Looking for some much-needed guidance for work in desperate times.

Hi everyone,
I'm reaching out to this community for much needed guidance. I don't have anyone else to reach for guidance and I'm losing the will to keep going.
I'm going through a rough phase in life where I'm struggling to take care of things at home due to my mother's illness and unemployment. I'm pursuing BCA from IGNOU. I've been giving tuitions to the kids upto grade 5 and tailor ladies suits with my mother and do some event work to support my education, house responsibilities and my mother's diabetes treatment but recently my mother's health deteriorated a lot. She was having pain in right side kidney and was constantly having stomach aches, vomiting, bloating and diarrhea.
Upon further investigation, it was found she had 2 15mm gallstones, along with some small stones. I can share the hospitals MRCP test report. The doctor has advised for an open cholecystectomy surgery for the removal of gallbladder, but as a single female child, I can't afford to pay for the surgery. I've already tried in the government hospital but due to large influx of patients awaiting this surgery there is a wait time for around 6-12 months. I can't see my mother suffering this longer.
Therefore, I'm reaching out to this community for some online work which I can do from home currently to provide for my mother's surgery expenses. I have a Oppo F9 pro which I'm trying to sell to get a laptop but not getting the fair value for it. But I'm trying. So, please, I request the kind members of this sub to provide some guidance on how to navigate through this phase.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by theparrotl0ver to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:47 Mind_Healer22 Could use some advice about potential surgery.

Hi all, I’ve been lurking in this sub for a while now, reading all your posts and taking in the suggestions. Sorry this is so long but I could use some advice.
I’m 40 (female) and I’m now at the point where my colorectal surgeon is saying I absolutely need surgery and no other procedure will work for me except a hemorrhoidectomy.
I’ve had Grade 4 for a while now, about a year. I have a very complicated medical history that includes Crohn’s disease, Stage IV Endometriosis and a history of stomach ulcers. In addition to those conditions I also have a genetic condition that causes me to rapid metabolize certain medications like pain meds, and anesthesia so pain control, especially following surgeries have always been a problem. Most surgeries I’ve had that were typically “outpatient” end up being inpatient and I end up on a PCA pump for a few days or needing IV pain control just to keep my blood pressure/heart rate at a safe level.
This condition is giving my colorectal surgeon cause for concern because she said this is a very painful recovery and typically her patients need at the very least Oxy and Valium to get through the first week of recovery, however because of my genetics, taking an Oxy is like taking a tic-tac so she’s not sure what she could reasonably prescribe me for home use and she doesn’t know if she can get my insurance to approve an inpatient stay for this recovery since it typically is an outpatient procedure. To make all this worse, I live in the US where opioid hysteria is rampant right now (we literally have doctors doing mastectomies and hysterectomies and not offering any pain meds other than NSAIDS) so that’s another reason she’s worried about home prescribing since she would have to fight to get me any reasonable medication for outside hospital use.
I don’t really suffer from constipation because of my Crohn’s; it’s more the opposite and I’ve done literally ALL the supportive care I can for these issues (sitz baths, steroid creams and suppositories, numbing sprays and creams, witch hazel wipes and cooling gel pads; you name it I’ve tried it) and the problem is just getting worse not better…now it’s getting to the point where the hemorrhoids are causing so much bleeding on a daily basis that I’ve developed anemia and I have to go this week to get an iron infusion and if that doesn’t work they want to do a blood transfusion. My diet can’t possibly get any cleaner since I’ve followed a strict diet for years to suppress Crohn’s flares.
I guess my biggest concern about the surgery other than the pain is, IS IT WORTH IT? I am worried if I go through all this there is no guarantee the problem won’t return since I have Crohn’s and if I do this once I can’t imagine having to do it a year from now if the problem returns. I’m just torn and unsure what to do. Does anyone here have experience with getting the surgery while having a condition like Crohn’s or UC? Thoughts on pain management? Is it really as bad as they say (the actual open cut surgery, not banding or sclerotherapy) I’m all ears.
submitted by Mind_Healer22 to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]
