Wilted lettuce salad


2014.09.30 05:00 GoSomaliPirates BEST FANS AND HACKS IN FOOTBALL

~~BEST SALAD IN BASEBALL AND HANDEGG!!!~~ spez can go eat some soggy iceberg lettuce topped with a solitary under-ripe cherry tomato.

2015.12.01 21:06 thomasthomas Doughboys

A subreddit dedicated to the Doughboys podcast

2014.03.12 00:37 -_Hayley_- Omnivore Master Race FTW!

A place for omnivores to hang out and embrace their adaptive, flexible nature and to hate on food-chain plebes like cats and deer.

2024.06.05 06:05 DbPugs I asked AI to write a Brotato fanfiction

Title: Brotato’s Galactic Spudventure
In the distant reaches of the cosmos, where stars winked like mischievous fireflies, there existed a planet—a gnarled, wart-covered orb known as Zyglor-9. Its inhabitants? A swarm of bumbling, bug-eyed aliens who scuttled about like drunken crabs. They were the Zyglorians, and their collective IQ was rivaled only by a sack of russet potatoes.
Enter Brotato.
Brotato wasn’t your average spud. With six arms—each as thick as a tree branch—and a pair of beady eyes that glinted with cunning, he was the result of a cosmic kitchen experiment gone awry. His skin was golden and crispy, and rumor had it that he could fry an egg on his forehead.
But Brotato had bigger ambitions than being a mere side dish. He yearned for adventure, for conquest, and for a dash of sour cream (because even spuds have cravings).
His mission? To conquer Zyglor-9 and turn it into the galaxy’s most epic potato farm. Armed with ninja swords, laser guns, and a secret stash of garlic butter, Brotato boarded his trusty spaceship—the Tater Tot—and hurtled toward the bug-infested planet.
The Zyglorians were no match for Brotato’s spudly prowess. He sliced through their ranks like a mandoline through a cucumber. His six arms blurred as he dispatched bug after bug, their bulbous eyes rolling in confusion.
“Prepare to be mashed!” Brotato shouted, twirling his ninja swords. The Zyglorians quivered, their antennae drooping. They’d never seen a potato so fierce.
But then, their leader emerged—a colossal insect with wings like wilted lettuce. It was Queen Buzzleglop, and she was as sharp as a butter knife.
“Cease your tuberous rampage!” Queen Buzzleglop buzzed. “We are the guardians of this planet!”
Brotato grinned. “Well, Queenie, I’m the starchitect of destiny. Surrender, or I’ll turn you into hash browns.”
The battle raged—a whirlwind of laser fire, bug guts, and crispy bits. Brotato flipped, spun, and diced his way through the swarm. The Zyglorians flailed, their tiny brains unable to comprehend the spudly fury before them.
Finally, Queen Buzzleglop lay defeated, her wings wilted like overcooked spinach. Brotato stood victorious, ninja swords dripping with bug juice.
“Your planet is now mine,” Brotato declared. “Prepare for the Great Tater Harvest!”
And so, Zyglor-9 transformed. Fields of russet hills stretched to the horizon, and Brotato oversaw it all. He wore a crown made of french fries and ruled with a starchy fist.
But deep down, he missed Earth—the smell of soil, the warmth of the sun, and the gentle rustle of leaves. So, he planted a single seed—a spudling from home. And as it sprouted, Brotato knew he’d found his true purpose.
He’d conquered an alien planet, but his heart remained rooted in the soil of Earth.
And so, in the cosmic cookbook of legends, the tale of Brotato the Cunning was etched—a spud who sliced through the stars, conquered bugs, and learned that home was wherever the tater tots were.
And they all lived deliciously ever after. 🌟🥔🚀
submitted by DbPugs to brotato [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:56 Sarikinss I’m a leafy green murderer who just wants some salad - pls help

I’m a leafy green murderer who just wants some salad - pls help
Hello! So, I'm a 100% newbie to gardening & I live in a city so my "backyard" is all concrete and pavers for the most part so I opted for container gardening. I ordered a GreenStalk, mistakenly it was the leaf version because I didn't pay attention to the sizing, but I kept it and started growing.
I was very excited but also VERY overwhelmed with all the space in the GreenStalk (I mean 7 tiers is nuts) but I tried my best to plant some stuff and things and my biggest issue is that almost all of the leafy greens I've attempted to grow have BOLTED! They're beautiful flowers, but I didn't want my plants to give up so early on in the season! I've already had my cilantro, bok-choy, and 4 different spinach plants bolt or start the bolting process, and I'm worried my kale and lettuce are next. I also have another lettuce (don't remember if its romaine or butter crunch) that is growing weirdly & I can't tell if its dying or not. My other plants (onions, peppers, some herbs, eggplant, cucumber, etc) are growing pretty well I think though.
I've attached some photos of the tower along with what is planted in each tier - I'm going to try and replant the leafy greens but thought I'd ask for advice for how to rearrange it? and what to put in the empty slots?
Also, the tower is currently in full sun, and I'm in zone 7b so weather is hitting the 70s - 80s so I water every 1-2 days depending on how dry the soil is. I was reading that lettuce/spinach and some other greens are supposed to be in the shade, so I'm also thinking maybe I split the tower in half + put the greens in the back part of my garden that only gets afternoon sun from 2pm - 5pm before it is back to complete shade?
Please help me, I really want salad, but more than that I want to stop making my leafy greens opt-out of the growing season so early.
I also have 2 earth boxes that I got off FB marketplace that I was thinking of maybe putting the greens in and putting other stuff in the tower? I got a total of 4 earth boxes, one haw My tomato + basil in it and they're thriving, another has some corn + snap peas and it's also doing great. I do have the other 2 extra to work with though! Truly, I'm such a baby gardener that any tips at all will help. Thanks so much!
submitted by Sarikinss to containergardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:05 Sarikinss I'm a leafy green murderer - pls help me reorganize my first Greenstalk!

Hello! So, I'm a 100% newbie to gardening & I live in a city so my "backyard" is all concrete and pavers for the most part so I opted for container gardening. I ordered a GreenStalk, mistakenly it was the leaf version because I didn't pay attention to the sizing, but I kept it and started growing.
I was very excited but also VERY overwhelmed with all the space in the GreenStalk (I mean 7 tiers is nuts) but I tried my best to plant some stuff and things and my biggest issue is that almost all of the leafy greens I've attempted to grow have BOLTED! They're beautiful flowers, but I didn't want my plants to give up so early on in the season! I've already had my cilantro, bok-choy, and 4 different spinach plants bolt or start the bolting process, and I'm worried my kale and lettuce are next. I also have another lettuce (don't remember if its romaine or butter crunch) that is growing weirdly & I can't tell if its dying or not. My other plants (onions, peppers, some herbs, eggplant, cucumber, etc) are growing pretty well I think though.
I've attached some photos of the tower along with what is planted in each tier - I'm going to try and replant the leafy greens but thought I'd ask for advice for how to rearrange it? and what to put in the empty slots?
Also, the tower is currently in full sun, and I'm in zone 7b so weather is hitting the 70s - 80s so I water every 1-2 days depending on how dry the soil is. I was reading that lettuce/spinach and some other greens are supposed to be in the shade, so I'm also thinking maybe I split the tower in half + put the greens in the back part of my garden that only gets afternoon sun from 2pm - 5pm before it is back to complete shade?
Please help me, I really want salad, but more than that I want to stop making my leafy greens opt-out of the growing season so early.
I also have 2 earth boxes that I got off FB marketplace that I was thinking of maybe putting the greens in and putting other stuff in the tower? I got a total of 4 earth boxes, one haw My tomato + basil in it and they're thriving, another has some corn + snap peas and it's also doing great. I do have the other 2 extra to work with though! Truly, I'm such a baby gardener that any tips at all will help. Thanks so much!
List of my set-up - I also have one completely empty tier that isn't attached/in-use yet!
View #1
View #2
Bolted Cilantro :(
Bolted Bok Choy :(
Bonnie Spinach Bolted :(
Malabar Spinach Bolted
Confusing Butter crunch ?? Lettuce
submitted by Sarikinss to GreenStalkGardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:58 ON-YOUR-BIKE The perfect burger

The perfect burger
Alright so this is a double smash salad wrapped burger.
Ingredient list: (Burger) - 180g ground beef - 3 slices of cheddar - 3 leafs iceberg lettuce - 1/2 tomato - 1/2 small onion - 1 pickle - Aluminum foil or parchment paper
(Sauce) - Mayo - Sour cream - Mustard - S&P - pickle juice - Siracha
Instructions: Prep your lettuce. Tear 3 whole leafs, wash and dry them. Fold one up for the “bottom” and one for the top. Use the third as padding.
Slice your tomato, onion and pickle.
Form the beef into two balls, and put some salt and pepper on it.
For the sauce combine equal parts mayo and sour cream, add a dash of pickle juice or Jalapeno juice. Then a dash of mustard and Siracha or hot sauce. Mix well and put aside.
Build your burger with foil at the bottom of your plate, then one of the lettuce buns. Add your toppings. And get ready to fry the patties.
Add butter to hot pan, smash your beef down and be ready to turn. Cooking goes really fast. I put mustard on before i flip. Then add cheese and get ready to serve.
I honestly prefer it like this now. So delicious
submitted by ON-YOUR-BIKE to ketorecipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:19 feetinthemud1985 High protein tacos for <600!

High protein tacos for <600!
TW: I don't add cals for tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, or celery, so if that bothers you, add 50-60 cals I guess! Anyway l've been hooked on these tacos for a few weeks. I mix the guac salsa + Greek yogurt for a flavorful dressing, melt the cheese on the taco shells while I heat them on the stove, and mix all the other ingredients in a mixing bowl for the fillings and often have enough for a little side salad with the extras. Very filling!!
submitted by feetinthemud1985 to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:15 makebelieve86 Veg pest prevention

I've finally got a handle on the slimy sods but now my lettuce, carrots, cavelo nero and radishes are starting to grow. I need to address the pests that blight these such as carrot fly and earwigs (seem to like a salad). I fear my soil is already infested and considering nametodes amongst other non chemical methods.
Has anyone had success with this on their veg or recommendations on other methods?
submitted by makebelieve86 to GardeningUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:22 b0nglevera Bored of my rotation meals! Any simple recipes or variations to pre existing ones?

Bored of my rotation meals! Any simple recipes or variations to pre existing ones?
Here’s all my dinners if anyone wants inspiration! 1) tuna steaks (wild Alaskan) with roasted asparagus, garlic and lemon spinach, lemon and caper sauce. 2) roasted salmon and asparagus with avocado and garlic lemon spinach 3) roasted butternut squash with lemon garlic shallot mushroom Turkey mince 4) homemade chicken broth, roast chicken, carrot, leaks, celery and onion soup with celeriac and sweet potato mash 5) roast chicken, broccoli with Brussels sprouts fried with pancetta - although I realised the balsamic had maize starch :’( 6) steak salad with sauerkraut 7) steak salad again without lettuce. I added pickles too 8) Moroccan preserved lemon and olive chicken (I’ll comment recipe) with celeriac, parsnip and sweet potato mash 9)fried veg with chicken and avocado 10) fruit 11) peach compote and coconut yoghurt 12) new fav is maple syrup on bananas feels like I’m eating pancakes haha 13) lamb with sweet potato broccoli and asparagus
submitted by b0nglevera to AutoImmuneProtocol [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:23 --j1nX-- Fresh and affordable

Fresh and affordable
I know I know it's just a salad. But it was so good! And had some good protein :) Lettuce and spinach from my garden, radish and cucumber, boiled egg, goat feta (I got the scraps from when they trim the wheel so very affordable) and dressing. It's just missing calmata olives and red onion
Pics are before and after mixing lol
submitted by --j1nX-- to budgetfood [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:14 thereshelltopay3 Salad recipes for someone who doesn't like most vegetables?

So i have just started my weight loss journey and noticed that i'm hungry all the time, most of my foods has lots of calories because i don't really eat vegetables so i thought i would try to find a salad recipe since those has less calories?
So could you guys share some of your favorite salads that i might like and perhaps also salad dressing that isn't super high calorie?
Here's list of vegetables i like:
Potatoes and sweet potatoes kale (if cooked crispy) lettuce cucumber broccoli cauliflower avocado
Thanks for the help in advance!
submitted by thereshelltopay3 to WeightLossFoods [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:15 Bilbo-Scabbins Rabbit Diet Advice

Rabbit Diet Advice
Hi everyone,
I have two mini lops between 2-3 years old. One of my rabbits has recently recovered from GI stasis her second case in 4 months. I am now paranoid that I am doing something wrong. Advice would be much appreciated. I've read plenty of articles online and information seems to differ.
I used to buy my rabbits a mixed bag of rocket, spinach, watercress which I'd add basil, mint and coriander to.
I thought this was a sufficient mix/variety to feed daily. However I have now decided to skip spinach altogether as I know it can be problematic.
Would feeding rocket, watercress, basil, mint and coriander be sufficient for their daily mix?
I'm thinking about adding bok choy or spring greens to the mix but don't want to make tooany changes.
I don't want to introduce lettuce since I've read that it can cause runny stools due to water content.
As well as their small bowl of salad in the evening they have unlimited coarse-cut Timothy hay and some meadow hay in their litter box (ordered monthly from Haybox). They also have a 30g scoop of Burgess Excel pellets with mint in the morning for breakfast.
Any advice to improve their care is appreciated.
Thank you
submitted by Bilbo-Scabbins to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:19 Vaultoffel Got a stone for cheap, first bake!

Got a stone for cheap, first bake!
Lemon pesto base, mozzarella, green asparagus, parmesan and lambs lettuce (or corn salad or whatever, didn't find any clear translation for Feldsalat).
Pretty happy for my first bake, though the bottom could use some more colour. Any beginner tips on baking on a stone? Preheated at the highest my oven can do (275°C/527°F), on broil with stone on the highest rack. Switched to regular bake mode when the pizza went in.
submitted by Vaultoffel to Pizza [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:06 KashiraPlayer Death and Floral Question/General Question About Perfume Integrity w/Shipping Issues

Hi hi! I ordered some Death and Floral samples from Ajevie in April (when I still had money lol), and unfortunately there was an issue with my local post office where they got lost for about 3 weeks after getting here before they were finally delivered to me. Now I've had them resting for about 3 weeks.
I guess my question is whether that time in post office limbo could have messed up the samples, because literally all of them smell like dill and/or pickles to me.
Miss Misery? Pickles.
I Wasn't Made to Make it to 30? Dill.
Art School Drop Out? Dill.
Dangerous Poppy Field? Pretty, wet flowers...with dill.
I Was a Former Gifted and Talented Student? Amazing atmospheric, wow! And then...fucking wilted lettuce/dill why are you there??!?!
FROGS! Ahhhh such a good, wonderful smell! Woody, spicy, muggy...DILL?!!?!?!
Kodachrome? Ok mostly just very tasty oatmeal and lychee but still with a kind of wilted lettuce in the drydown?
It is hard for me to believe there is some kind of pickle/vegetal smelling base common to these perfumes. I've also encountered perfumes that start with a bit of a pickley smell, but then it chills out and dries into what it's supposed to smell like. Especially because for a few of them, I can smell the other notes and really like them, I'm wondering if these oxidized or otherwise turned while sitting around at the post office in a heat wave. I like funky and difficult smells, but I am so sure I shouldn't be smelling all this pickle. What's going on?
submitted by KashiraPlayer to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:33 Jobobzig I can’t get my veggie harvests to store more than a day or two. Looking for advice

I can’t get my veggie harvests to store more than a day or two. Looking for advice
This year has been great in the garden. I’m growing more than we can eat. My problem is storage. Everything seems to go bad so fast compared to store bought stuff. For example: I harvested some lettuce and stored it how I would store lettuce from the grocer. My lettuce wilted and was soggy the next day, meanwhile the store bought was still good a week later. I harvested my carrot crops and had to freeze them because they got soft after just 1 day.
My blueberries, cherries, and strawberries go bad in the fridge within 2 days. While store bought are good for over a week. Any fruits, leafy veggies, root veggies, almost anything goes bad so fast.
The only things I’ve successfully stored for more than a day or two are potatoes, garlic, onions, tomatoes, and peppers.
I’ve tried storing on the counter, in the pantry, all separated, in the fridge, washed, unwashed, etc. I feel like no matter how I store things, nothing lasts as long as their store bought counterparts. How can I make things last without freezing? Book recommendations?
submitted by Jobobzig to vegetablegardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:31 fricktheoff What’s going on with my lettuce? They’ve started to wilt and brown a few days ago, but they’re in sunlight and they’re being rained on daily. Is there not enough space?

What’s going on with my lettuce? They’ve started to wilt and brown a few days ago, but they’re in sunlight and they’re being rained on daily. Is there not enough space? submitted by fricktheoff to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:53 JustEnnan Holy fck ba't ang pricy sa pancake house.

Just ranting my experience sa pancake house first time too.
Ba't ang mahal ng mga food dito like holy shit its not even that good. Ang na try namin is yung roasted beef set saka set B, Fish roll dish, bacon carbonara, milkshakes and lastly their pancake.
Unahin natin yung roasted beef na 399 php. 1 cup of rice then i think parang 2 slices ng beef with sauce with salad na lettuce lang with dressing tapos buttered mixed vegetables na good for 1 fucking person and the taste is so mid.
Set B hindi masyado nakita pero 399 php din pero sabi ng kaibigan ko e lasang kilikili yung taco haha.
Fish roll okay daw pero 230+ ata yun parang dalawa lumpia na 5 inches na inislice para magmukhang marami and thats 250 php.
Then yung putang inang milk shake nakakagago. 99 pesos isa at dalawang flavor binili namin. Yung vanilla di lasa yung vanilla parang nilagay mo yung cow head na milk sa freezer then nilagay sa blender and thats it. Tapos yung chocolate tang ina Milo ilagay mo sa freezer i blender mo at yun na yun. And thats only like 250ml per glass. And thats 99 pesos.
Next pancake, eto talaga kala ko e specialty nila kasi pancake house. Holy shit its so mid. Patabain at palakihin mo lang ng unti yung isa piraso ng pancake sa mcdo tapos yung butter downgrade sa butter ng mcdo snd the maple syrup is the same. 3 pieces for 279 php.
Tapos alam mo yung nakakagago is yung 8% na service fee like what da fuck may service fee na nga tapos hindi fixed? 8% ng total bill holy shit.
I really wonder why people eat here when there so much value for your money elsewhere. kung kumain na lang sana kami sa Maxx naenjoy pa sana namin yung food and the ambience.
Update: okay i see that service charge is really % of the bill that was new to me I haven't notice when eating at other restaurants seems fair then if it really is that way. Their food is still mid for their price though. Maybe its just the branch.
submitted by JustEnnan to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:59 The40ishDiva 50 LBS Down!

I started at my highest weight on 12/26 - I figured get one more eating Christmas in. I had hope this would work, but, wondered if I would be the part of the group of people these meds don't work for.
This morning I couldn't believe it - I hit the 50 lb mark. It's been about 23 years since I have lost a significant amount of weight. In my 20s I lost 70 lbs by drinking Red Bull, working out 4 hours a day, and eating 1 meal (chicken or lettuce, not salad, lettuce). I kept a good amount of that off for 6 years - and then obviously that lifestyle wasn't sustainable.
I hit a number I never thought I would hit in 2022, and from there I had a real f*ck it attitude and just kept eating and drinking. I have a congenital heart defect / high blood pressure / asthma - and my cardio team was very concerned about my weight and the yo-yo of 20 lbs., as that is REALLY bad for someone with my issues. She told me about GLP-1 meds in January '23, and I said I was not going to take a shot - I will just have to live low carb. That lasted 2 months while I struggled to drop about 10 lbs. Last 4th of July at our big bash I got super drunk and told everyone I was going to take the "Hollywood drug" and lose weight.
Well - I will be at least 50 lbs. lighter at this party - and I am looking forward to it. I have 39 lbs. to go before my goal weight - and now I know I can do it.
submitted by The40ishDiva to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:06 TempleTower My cat ate my salad

My cat ate a LARGE amount of my salad. Lots of ranch. Chicken. Lettuce. Other salad stuff. He seems fine. Is he gonna die??
submitted by TempleTower to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:56 Sweet-Count2557 Tommy's Burgers Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States

Tommy's Burgers Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Tommy's Burgers Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Tommy's Burgers: A Culinary Delight for Food Enthusiasts in Los Angeles, CA
Price Level: $
Tommy's Burgers: A Culinary Delight for Food EnthusiastsAre you a food enthusiast looking for a gastronomic adventure? Look no further than Tommy's Burgers, a hidden gem in the heart of the city. With its mouthwatering menu and cozy ambiance, this restaurant is a must-visit for all travelers. At Tommy's Burgers, you can indulge in a wide variety of delectable burgers that will leave your taste buds craving for more. From classic cheeseburgers to unique creations like the spicy jalapeno burger, there is something to satisfy every palate. The use of fresh, locally sourced ingredients ensures that each bite is bursting with flavor.Not only does Tommy's Burgers excel in taste, but it also offers a delightful dining experience. The friendly and attentive staff will make you feel right at home, while the rustic decor adds a touch of charm to the atmosphere. Whether you're dining alone or with a group of friends, this restaurant provides the perfect setting for a memorable meal.So, if you're a travel enthusiast seeking a culinary adventure, make sure to add Tommy's Burgers to your itinerary. With its delicious burgers and inviting ambiance, this restaurant promises to be a highlight of your trip. Don't miss out on the opportunity to savor the flavors of Tommy's Burgers – your taste buds will thank you!
Cuisines of Tommy's Burgers in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Tommy's Burgers Restaurant is a haven for fast food enthusiasts, offering a delectable array of mouthwatering cuisines. From classic cheeseburgers to crispy chicken sandwiches, this beloved eatery has something to satisfy every craving. The menu boasts a variety of options, including juicy beef patties topped with melted cheese, fresh lettuce, and tangy pickles, all nestled between soft, toasted buns. For those seeking a lighter option, Tommy's also offers a range of flavorful salads, bursting with vibrant vegetables and zesty dressings. With their commitment to quality ingredients and speedy service, Tommy's Burgers Restaurant is the go-to destination for a quick and satisfying fast food fix.
Features of Tommy's Burgers in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Takeout Wheelchair Accessible
Menu of Tommy's Burgers in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Location of Tommy's Burgers in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Contact of Tommy's Burgers in Los Angeles,CA,United States
+1 818-893-1715
15745 Roscoe Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 91343-6407
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:20 creepy-cats Late 1920’s menu from Ticonderoga, the steamer on the grounds of the Shelburne Museum (VT, USA)

Late 1920’s menu from Ticonderoga, the steamer on the grounds of the Shelburne Museum (VT, USA)
The table settings in the background showed what an average dinner service looked like on the ship in July 1925. Once a beautiful, bustling steamship, it’s now a massive preserved exhibit on the grounds of the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont.
What do you think the “spices” on the spiced watermelon were?
submitted by creepy-cats to VintageMenus [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:58 PlantedinCA Clearing out my the fridge lunch and dinner

Clearing out my the fridge lunch and dinner
I am headed out for a trip at the end of the week and I need to eat all of the produce out of my fridge.
Dinner was close enough. I used a prepared Thai noodle kit and added raw cabbage, sautéed eggplant, and some chicken I made in the air fryer. I probably should have added a bit more cabbage. No whole grains so this is a close enough.
I forgot about lettuce in the fridge, so big salad for lunch. Topped with cherry tomatoes, leftover chickpeas, leftover avocado, and a cucumber. I had some canned mackerel to add some omega 3s.
submitted by PlantedinCA to mediterraneandiet [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:56 Sweet-Count2557 Snappy's Shrimp Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States

Snappy's Shrimp Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States
Snappy's Shrimp Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States
Snappy's Shrimp: A Seafood Lover's Paradise in the Heart of Chicago, IL
Price Level:
Snappy's Shrimp is a must-visit restaurant for seafood lovers in the heart of Chicago. Located at 123 Main Street, this hidden gem offers a delightful culinary experience that will leave you craving for more. With a phone number of 773-244-1008, making reservations or placing an order for takeout has never been easier. Snappy's Shrimp takes pride in serving the freshest and most succulent shrimp dishes in town. From classic shrimp scampi to mouthwatering shrimp po' boys, their menu is a seafood lover's dream come true. Whether you're a local or a tourist, Snappy's Shrimp is the perfect spot to satisfy your seafood cravings. Don't miss out on this culinary delight during your visit to Chicago!
Cuisines of Snappy's Shrimp in Chicago,IL,United States
When it comes to seafood, Snappy's Shrimp Restaurant is a true gem. With a menu solely dedicated to the ocean's bounty, this establishment offers a delightful array of cuisines that will satisfy any seafood lover's cravings. From succulent shrimp dishes to mouthwatering crab legs and delectable fish options, Snappy's Shrimp Restaurant ensures that every bite is a celebration of the sea. Whether you prefer your seafood grilled, fried, or steamed, their skilled chefs prepare each dish with utmost care and expertise. With a commitment to using only the freshest ingredients, Snappy's Shrimp Restaurant guarantees a dining experience that is both flavorful and unforgettable.
Features of Snappy's Shrimp in Chicago,IL,United States
Item 1Item 2Item 3
Menu of Snappy's Shrimp in Chicago,IL,United States
Location of Snappy's Shrimp in Chicago,IL,United States
Contact of Snappy's Shrimp in Chicago,IL,United States
+1 773-244-1008
1901 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60613-2407
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:47 flipside1795 Budget Friendly Meals That Kids Will Actually Eat. (Autism Food Aversions)

Due to some shitty scenarios/decisions in my sister's life, I will have her kids with me every other week this summer while I have my son. I'm trying to find meals that we can all eat, but one of her kids (13m) has food aversions due to autism and sensory processing issues.
I'm looking for suggestions for meals that fit within his likes/dislikes but I can also make healthy versions of due to my sodium restriction (heart failure from pulmonary hypertension). I'm also feeding 2 extra humans while just above living paycheck to paycheck so I'm trying to ease the financial burden without feeding everyone cheap crap. I have no problem meal prepping or making freezer batch food, I just feel overwhelmed with having to do it so suddenly. I'm also okay making his food separately within reason, but I also don't want my son and niece being upset because he gets food that all kids would want to eat because he doesn't like what I made for everyone.
Anyway, here are my nephew's dislikes and likes...
He won't eat: casseroles or anything where the food is completely mixed together (he'll eat kabobs, mixed veggies and rice on the same plate, but won't eat hibachi because it's mixed). He won't eat salads for the same reason. He doesn't like meatloaf (mushy), any kind of shredded meat (it's stringy), any kind of peppers, and he just recently started eating ketchup and mayo, but sometimes he doesn't like them. Soups are also hit or miss.
What he will eat: tacos (as long as their in a wrap and he can't see them together), buffalo wings, a protein/veggie/starch as long as their not mixed (it can get expensive with individual proteins for each person), pizza, meatballs (namely meatball subs), kabobs as mentioned above, breakfast burritos (again, he can't see the food touching), and any kind of "bar food."
For the first week, we're doing spaghetti and meatballs with the option for meatball subs and salads (he'll eat lettuce with dressing), taco night, Hidden Valley ranch chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans, and make your own flatbread pizza night. There are some leftover nights tossed in throughout the week to keep costs down.
I am making a big batch of breakfast burritos and freezing some homemade pancakes so they can nosh after they roll out of bed.
I have no idea what I'm going to do for lunches, but I considered getting a 3 foot sub from Walmart for a day or two and then maybe letting them each pick out a microwave dinner or two. It's not great, but it's fast and while I work from home, I only have a half hour to get their food and mine ready during the day.
Sorry for the novel, but I am so fucking stressed over this. Any feedback would be appreciated.
submitted by flipside1795 to Cooking [link] [comments]
