Trying to be a thug quotes

When Thugs pop up out of nowhere.

2014.10.04 00:20 imnotlegolas When Thugs pop up out of nowhere.

The subreddit for videos where there's some unexpected thug behavior showing when least expected.

2008.03.11 21:04 /r/quotes: For your favorite quotes

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2011.08.05 19:02 Slashur_8 QuotesPorn

Words. Beautiful, beautiful words.

2024.06.05 18:58 boozybrunette48 Brake Mechanic

Hi, my brakes are scrubbing and I just received a ridiculous quote from Firestone. Likely looking at both brake pads replaced and at least one rotor. Does anyone have any recommendations on decent mechanics that won’t charge outrageous? I knew they were trying to upsell me when the mechanic stopped me in the parking lot and said that some of the quoted repair did not actually need to be done.any advice is helpful. Thank you!
submitted by boozybrunette48 to MobileAL [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:56 MaekShiftBeatsTTV This Level of Transparency Needs to be Given Proper Kudos, There Have Been Missteps But AH Continues to Impress Me

This Level of Transparency Needs to be Given Proper Kudos, There Have Been Missteps But AH Continues to Impress Me submitted by MaekShiftBeatsTTV to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:53 BGodInspired Ultimate Bible Books Challenge: How Well Do You Know the Scriptures?

Unlock the Secrets of the Bible: Take Our Fun and Informative Bible Quiz!

Have you ever wondered how much you really know about the Bible? Maybe you’re a Sunday school legend, or perhaps you just want to test your knowledge for fun. Either way, we’ve got the perfect quiz for you! Get ready to dive deep into the history, characters, and teachings of the Bible in a way that’s both educational and entertaining.

Quiz Time: Test Your Biblical Knowledge!

1. Which book of the Bible begins with, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”?
2. Who was swallowed by a great fish after trying to flee from God’s command?
3. Which New Testament book details the spreading of the gospel and the early church’s growth?
4. What is the shortest book in the New Testament?
5. In which book will you find the story of David and Goliath?
6. Which book is known for its collection of wise sayings and proverbs?
7. In which book does God part the Red Sea for the Israelites to escape from Egypt?
8. Who wrote the majority of the Psalms?
9. Which Old Testament book is famous for its prophetic visions, including the valley of dry bones?
10. Which book contains the famous verse, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son…”?

Discover the Answers!

How did you do? It’s time to see if you passed with flying colors or if you have a bit more studying to do. Remember, the goal is to learn and have fun along the way!
1. Genesis
The very first book of the Bible, Genesis, sets the stage for the entire biblical narrative with its opening verse.
2. Jonah
Jonah’s attempt to flee from God landed him in the belly of a great fish, where he spent three days and three nights.
3. Acts
The Acts of the Apostles, often referred to simply as Acts, chronicles the spread of the gospel and the formation of the early church.
4. 2 John
Clocking in at a mere 13 verses, 2 John is the shortest book in the New Testament.
5. 1 Samuel
The epic showdown between David and Goliath is a highlight of 1 Samuel.
6. Proverbs
Proverbs is renowned for its wisdom literature, offering timeless insights into life and godliness.
7. Exodus
The dramatic escape of the Israelites through the parted Red Sea is a central event in the book of Exodus.
8. David
King David is credited with writing the majority of the Psalms, capturing a vast range of human emotions in his poetry.
9. Ezekiel
Ezekiel’s prophetic visions, including the valley of dry bones, are vividly detailed in the book bearing his name.
10. John
John 3:16 is one of the most quoted verses in the Bible, highlighting the core of the Christian gospel message.

Wrapping It Up: Keep Exploring!

Whether you aced the quiz or found a few new areas to study, the most important thing is that you’ve engaged with the Bible in a meaningful way. The Bible is a treasure trove of wisdom, history, and inspiration, and there’s always more to discover.
Now that your curiosity is piqued, why not dive deeper and test yourself further? Visit the Bible Quiz GPT by BGodInspired for more quizzes and interactive Bible study tools that will keep your learning journey exciting and enlightening. Head over to Bible Quiz GPT by BGodInspired and elevate your biblical knowledge to the next level!
Happy quizzing, and may your journey through the Bible be ever enriching and inspiring!
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Or create your own bible quiz with our BGodInspired Bible Tools! Be careful – each interaction is like a new treasure hunt… you can get lost for hours 🙂
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2024.06.05 18:53 The_FJ-criminal The night we will never forget

Me and my friend the telstar decided to go out one day as his dog died, we rode our bikes down to the shop to buy ice cream in the slow wind. When we bought it we went somewhere nice enough for the windy day, we found a little pier where we decided to go and eat the ice cream. I started to Laugh where my friend Telstar was in shorts and T shirt in this windy afternoon. All of the sudden people we know from school scared Telstar and we decided to leave. We both agreed to go to a cave and we left to it, as soon as we got there we got a flash light and whiles we would be down there we knew we wouldn’t have a WiFi connection or anything so we where trying to make it quick. We’ve been in this cave before and we knew this cave was meant for satanists and we’ve seen candles on the rocks . Telling it we were here the day before and there were more candles. We went in and we saw there were big wholes because this cave use to be a little train station. We got to a pile of rocks where we heard a little thug when we started to walk more hesitantly. As soon as we got out I got a message, I didn’t check it till we got further out of there. We check it as we see it was my friend Telstar saying “i’m back” me and my friend were shocked as he never actually went on his phone since he gave it to me 2 mins before we got the message. Till today this will never make me sleep ever again,who was it, someone targeting us,a pack of satanic or was it the devil himself self
submitted by The_FJ-criminal to AFStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:39 DoorTheDude Counting down to Worm's 13th birthday by ranking the Top 7 Arcs in my opinion

Worm's birthday is one week from today. I got hooked into Worm last year November and I finished it this year in February and I want to find a way to show my appreciation for Wildbow's work. So I'm declaring the next seven days as Worm Week. Each day I'm going to post about one of my favorite Arcs, explain why I love that arc and why it's included on the list, include one honorable mention and keep going until we've hit the 11th of June. One thing I would like for people to keep in mind is that most of this is going to be off memory, I might occasionally look into the arc if I need to quote something or need a reference point for myself. Hopefully the mods are okay with this, and with that out of the way let's get started with the first one.
Honorable Mention: Arc 20 Chrysalis I know this is a lot of people's favorite arc, and for good reason too. While I enjoyed it immensely, I can't say it's one of my favorites. I enjoyed the stuff with the stuff with Danny in the beginning, dealing with Greg, and finally seeing Emma Barnes get what she deserves and it felt so good! To then that scene in the school cafeteria. I distinctly remember that line from Clockblocker
"It just sunk in. It's really her."
7. Arc 16 Monarch: Ahh Worm's longest arc. Let me say this about it, this Arc is carried by its second half. First, the negatives, I really don't like the first half, the Dragon suits are cool and all, it really made me feel like the Undersiders and Travelers might not be able to bullshit their way out of this one. But all that tension buildup feels like a waste when Taylor just convinces the Dragon suit that someone might get hurt. Like if I remember correctly these things were made to deal with the Slaughterhouse 9 and they just got out played by some random villain. It feels like such a waste, I just wish it wasn't included. It had potential but it just felt so flat. Also during this first half my love for Smugbug gets crushed because Taylor and Brian finally hook up. Moving on to the positives though, I love the Defiant interlude, finally seeing what he's been up to after being let out of house arrest. It's an interlude that doesn't really get discussed as highly as something like the Bonesaw or Regent interlude but it's solid. It's also a nice follow-up after the aftermath of the Slaughterhouse 9. We finally get to start seeing Defiant redeem himself, his conversations with Dragon are the best and make me smile. Then the debate with fake Coil to fake his death, he fakes his death so hard Taylor becomes blind. That whole scene felt weird to me. It didn't feel cohesive or like good flow, it made sense with Coil's plan killing off his persona of the villain publicly so he could fully focus on being the PRT director but idk that might just be me. Just want to point out real quick Regent pointing out that he knows that it's Coil their boss well Coil is still trying to play as Thomas Calvert is great, I love Regnet.
“We know it’s you, boss,” Regent said.
The conversation Taylor has with the Travelers is great on a reread because although it's never confirmed if I remember but I think the Travelers by that point are aware of Coil's plan to off Taylor which is why Trickster is so tense during that scene. It also would explain why Genesis tells Taylor that she hopes she never sees her again. Then the inevitable betrayal by Coil once Taylor goes to pick up Dinah. After Coil shoots Taylor and it immediately jumping into an interlude next felt so cruel especially on a first read. I'm not going to get into the birdcage interlude, because honestly I don't remember what happens other than Amy talking with her dad. Taylor barely escaping that house for me is such a distinctly remembered scene and a great visual of her having to crawl through the field trying to escape while using multiple swarm clones trying not to get shot. I love it so much! After escaping trying to find the Undersiders and Imp catching her with her knife and going to kill her is also another distinctly remembered scene. It's so intense before Brian realizes what's actually going on. Undersiders reconvene and then go to try and trick Coil before Coil realizes what's happening and have them all at gunpoint with his men. This was one of the handful of scenes where despite me knowing there was way more the story to go, I was just convinced this was at, rip Undersiders, L, gg, fade to black, it's jover. This Arc had a lot of distinctive scenes that I can remember where I was when listening to it. Listening to the ending with the double cross by Tattletale, some of the Travelers walking out on Trickster, and Taylor finally crossing that line of killing someone. This plot point that have been set up all the way back in arc 3, and everything that Taylor had went through to get to that point, all in the name of saving Dinah, it's such a satisfying conclusion. Plus Taylor dropping one of the coldest lines in the entire book.
“You’re not a killer,” Calvert said.
“No…” I replied. I couldn’t see, so I screwed my eyes closed, felt the moisture of tears threatening to spill forth. I took in a deep breath.
“…But I suppose, in a roundabout way, you made me into one,” I finished. I aimed the gun and fired.
Literal chills. I forgot where it was but someone somewhere brought up what Coil must have been doing during this, constantly splitting the timeline, trying to find the one where he gets out of this, and in each timeline he keeps getting shot, he split the timeline tried to run, got shot. He tried jumping, got shot. He tried talking his way out, he got shot. One he managed to disarm Taylor before getting shot by Brian. It's such a fun thing to think about. This is a fantastic Arc, with that, concludes day one of seven.
Edit: I've never done anything like this before, trying to make any type of media analysis and I am not in any way shape or form qualified to do so, this is just me talking about and showing appreciation about my favorite book, so if there's anything you think that I could do better please let me know.
submitted by DoorTheDude to Parahumans [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:26 Thy_Crusader Crusader’s Entity Journal - 7

So, if you’re reading this 1 of multiple possible scenarios have happened: I died and you found this, I didn’t die but you still found this, or I managed to survive long enough to start releasing these entries into the world. That out of the way, I introduce you to my Entity Journal entries! A collection of entries on various creatures, primarily of the… Unnatural kind to put it lightly. These entries will provide some basic information on these creatures along with a set of rules to help you survive an encounter with the creature of any entry you’re reading. This one is about a church or rather, what's under it.
Now before we get started, I’m well aware I’ve been missing for quite some time! I unfortunately had to document this entity fully in person and unfortunately got a tad wounded in the process so I had to spend a fair amount of time in a hospital, not your human kind of hospital oh no, If I tried to go there I’d get taken by the government for testing in record time and yes this is oh so special reveal of the fact I’m not human. I’m sure some of you are going to try to pry further and if I’m feeling like it, I might answer some of your questions, now that's enough of being side-tracked let's get into the entity.
There isn’t any official name for this place so I will be referring to it as the Underchurch.
Now the rewards for surviving this hell contained under a church is speaking to a deity, not any specific one, rather it's any deity that you choose, even fictional ones if you really want to but please be careful with which one you choose because you usually won’t know whether their actually nice or not until it’s far too late to turn back.
Below are the rules to survive this hellish basement.
Rule 1: Just don’t go in, is talking to some deity really worth risking your life and getting life-lasting trauma both physical and mental? No-one’s gonna blame you and you’ll go on just fine if you just don’t go in, this really isn’t worth the risk alright? I only went in to document this place so that you don’t die if you decide to ignore this rule, if you choose to ignore this rule however, the rest of this entry will prove useful to you.
Rule 2: You’ll have to sneak in at night since during the day the church staff will block you from entering the Underchurch, plus night is when the interesting part happens, and you and I both know you’re in this for the interesting part and the chance to talk to a deity. I do recommend wearing dark clothing and bringing a loaded firearm, dark clothing will make it easier to hide both from the police and from the horrid creatures that roam the Underchurch, the loaded firearm is useful for defending yourself against weaker creatures, hopefully scaring stronger ones away and preventing a worse fate if the previous two uses fail.
Rule 3: Once you get in, keep your guard up at all times! Don’t lose your guard or fear for a moment. Fear in this place is what’ll keep you safe, always listen to your gut feeling and NEVER try going on the offensive unless you truly have exhausted all other options. Remember this: These accursed things are far stronger than you’ll ever be, so don’t try fighting them. If you’re one of those quote “Manly muscle macho men” that believe that they can beat anything into submission, just give up now, you’ll die to the first creature.
Rule 4: Make haste, it won’t take long at all for the creatures inside this hellhole to realize you’ve trespassed into their domain, and they will start hunting you down when they catch your scent. I recommend training your ability to run before you enter the Underchurch as you’ll be running alot to both get to hiding spots in time and escape when you get sniffed out, getting a good night’s rest before entering will be a good idea too.
Rule 5: Bring food, it’s likely you’ll be stuck here for a day atleast and a week at most, try to bring things that don’t need to be cooked as the smell of food being cooked is akin to firing a flare at night while trying to avoid being found. If you really want to bring that steak with you then atleast be ready to sacrifice it when you have to run, if you have no other choice you can bring oreos with you as for some reason I don’t know, most of these things go crazy for the cream in those and you’ll be able to bribe one to leave you alone for a day or two.
Rule 6: Bring a plushie or something to comfort yourself, this is optional, but it is useful for keeping yourself from completely losing yourself to fear and/or going mad, it can be anything just as long as you’ll calm down with it on you.
Rule 7: If you’ve done everything right you should eventually reach a large steel gate, guarding it will be two stone lion statues that should come to life when you arrive, the one with a wizard hat placed upon it is named Sticky and the one that's damaged is named Stick. Please don’t talk to Stick, he’s rather hostile so I recommend talking to Sticky only, after a bit of small talk Sticky will ask you a few questions about you, answer with the truth or he’ll wound you quite harshly. This is where I fucked up as I looked back at my previous actions with lenses that were way too rose-tinted.
Rule 8: Once you go past the steel gate, start running like your life depends on it because it damn well does. You see Stick has been starving for a while, the damage on his body has come from him eating parts of himself to try and satiate the hunger and once you go past that gate you will become his prey. You have a 5 second head start to run as fast as you can, it's a straight corridor so it shouldn’t be too hard, just don’t stop for a moment, hell, don’t even look back.
Rule 9: After getting some cardio training from Stick you should have made it into a large worship room, this is where you can rest for a bit, after you’ve finished resting you can go onto 9/B.
Rule 9/B: You’ve finally made it and now it's time to talk with the deity of your choosing, walk to the altar in the middle, put your hand on it and begin to pray to the deity of your choosing. After a bit, usually ~2 minutes you’ll get in contact with your precious deity and you can talk about whatever you really want to talk about with them, if you want you can ask for a blessing however it's up to the deity you’ve chosen whether you get it or not.
Rule 10: After you're done, a portal of sorts will open that leads back to where you entered from, go into it and get the hell out of the church and I mean book it as it’s likely you’ll be returning in the middle of church time, and you don’t want your face on television. Use this final piece of cardio to revel in your likely worthless victory.
So, you’ve done it. Are you happy with yourself? This was honestly needless however if you really wanted to do it then well done, good for you now please don’t attempt this again please? It's rather dangerous and I don’t want my audience to start dying, apologies for taking so long but a cut up arm doesn’t exactly heal fast even with quality medical care.
submitted by Thy_Crusader to Ruleshorror [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:17 North-Sprinkles-41 Best friend took my car to mechanics - UPDATE (from mechanic)

So, girlfriend of JW called mechanic and yelled down the phone that it's my van and not JWs problem anymore.
Mechanic called me and said he feels really bad for me as this confirmed they are both bonkers. He then sent this to them.
"Good Afternoon
As per the telephone conversation earlier, you have instructed ourselves to stop contacting J regarding the vehicle A9. As you stated you are acting as his representative we will be sending correspondence to yourself.
To clear up what is happening as im sure your version of events are different to what has happened, J contacted ourselves regarding restoring the vehicle A9 in which he paid for an inspection to be carried out. We carried out the inspection and quoted J on the work needed in which he accepted and paid a deposit of £8000 to proceed with the work. J claimed the vehicle was his and that he was wanted the vehicle restoring back to its original as possible including welding and bodywork.
A couple of months later we were contacted by Charlie stating the vehicle was hers and to stop all work on it. When we were trying to confirm this, Jon ignored all our correspondence to confirm this. We eventually received a response confirming the vehicle was Charlie's and that he was carrying out the work as a gift to the owner and wanted us to proceed. This was confirmed by email, telephone, and in person at the garage when he came down to view the vehicle. All this can be confirmed via phone recordings, emails and CCTV footage with audio.
The vehicle is now completed, we have tried to contact J numerous of times to inform him that the vehicle is complete and can he arrange the final payment and have had no response until the phone call from yourself today.
Please see attached invoice and the remaining balance to be paid.
If you still refuse to settle the balance, please let us know as soon as possible please so that we can inform our solictor to start legal proceedings. They have all the evidence and are ready to act.
SO he then called again, really relaxed, said they see it all the time. I said I'm happy he keeps hold of van for some sort of leverage, he said he's adding finishing touches anyway and has my sympathy all round. I offered to pay legal fees, he declined, said he has a free solicitor with his union.
Decent bloke. Owe him more than a 6 pack!
submitted by North-Sprinkles-41 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:16 half-orc_paladin Need Ship Recommendations

I am planning a cruise for Summer of 2026, and am looking to book whenever the prices would be best (if you know when that is let me know haha). It is for our college roommate reunion, and there will be 10 of us in five cabins, all adults. After polling them, it looks like our main focuses ship-wise are gonna be drinking poolside and entertainment, but the whole "first roller coaster at sea" vibe isn't something that matters to us. I was still looking at trying to get a quote on Cruise Compete for some of the newest Carnival ships, as I THINK it would be the vibe our group is looking for. For example, Carnival Jubilee. Any advice on a different ship, or even line that we should consider? Virgin also piqued my interest since we are all leaving our kids behind, but wasn't sure it would be worth the raise in cost (if there is one,) and am hesitant about the lack of a drink package. TIA!!!
submitted by half-orc_paladin to Cruise [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:11 ferretcrystals Some “advice,” if you can call it that

I recently took a couple free online college psychology courses, and I learned some things that I felt inclined to share. As someone who struggles with BPD (my most prominent mental health diagnosis), among other mental health issues, learning about mental health seems to help push me forward!
Self-Esteem. The benefits of higher self esteem are initiative and happiness. Initiative with having more confidence in views, opinions, and plans, and makes you more willing. Happiness with creating more resilience. Other than initiative and happiness, our self-esteem is overestimating our good traits and qualities. When you succeed or fail, it doesn’t affect your self-esteem. It only affects your self-esteem if you think it is a reflection on you.
Self control is better than self-esteem. It sets you up for a better future, helps you do better, be better, enjoy life, and actually live longer.
Self Control is set up by standards (goals, ideals, principles, others expectations), keeping track of how you react (your behavior), and your willpower. If one of these things go wrong, it can make it hard to control yourself effectively.
What you put into practicing your skills is what you are going to get out of it. If you do not practice or work on your coping skills, you won’t have those coping skills in the situations where you may need them. If you practice and continue to practice, even if it’s a little bit, you will have some coping skills to work off of in those situations.
This is one that really shocked me since I hardly have motivation ever lol. It’s called Behavioral Activation. It’s when a person engages in doing something before they are motivated to do it, which in turn helps build up momentum. To do this, you choose something that is doable, measurable (know when you start and finish), and repeatable. Science says that for behavioral activation to be successful, we need to be able to do it over and over again.
Some quotes I came across within the course:
Sometimes in life, there’s no perfect solution, and that’s okay. We want the best possible solution given with what the situation is.
Don’t be the rock thats stuck in place and not wanting to change. Be the water that adapts and continues to move.
Every attempt at solving a problem is an opportunity to learn more about it and try out a new solution. As long as you are engaging with the process, you are succeeding! It is a process after all.
Obstacles are opportunities for fine tuning.
submitted by ferretcrystals to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:03 bucobear Is this worth repairing?

Is this worth repairing?
Hello everyone! I have a 2016 GTI that I’m financing through my auto loan. I bought the sweet baby almost exactly 3 years ago and I owe about $15k. It’s currently sitting at about 97k miles. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse and I most likely need an engine replacement. I HAD a warranty on it but that expired once I hit the 3 years.
Towed it to an auto shop, and they quoted me $11k for an engine replacement for a used engine with 80k miles. I have some friends that own shops and one of my friends who specializes in Euro vehicles quoted me $7.5k for a “low mileage” engine.
I was thinking about just saving myself the headache of paying all of that money for repairs and just trading in the car for a new one (Probably a MK8 GTI or even a GLI). I would prefer to NOT have a ridiculously high car payment as I’d be upside down with my trade-in value (if I even get anything for it). But I’m just trying to decide what the best option is here.
I love the zippy little thing and it makes me so sad to see it just sitting in my drive way. I would love to keep it but I really can’t afford $7.5k up front, let alone $11k.
Any advice you folks have?
submitted by bucobear to GolfGTI [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:01 sniperj17 Home Insurance Providers

I am returning to McKinney after spending two years abroad. Called up my previous homeowners insurance company (Costco Insurance) and they said they don't write in Texas anymore. They are trying to work with their partner company to give us a quote. That being said, who do you guys have for your home insurance nowadays? Any recommendations/suggestions would be much appreciated!
Edit: Their partner companies don't write policies either for this location
submitted by sniperj17 to McKinney [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:56 Formal-Cartoonist208 [Naruto] Itachi wasn't a retcon

Look, I'm not really trying to convince you with hundreds of good arguments that Itachi being a "good guy" wasn't a retcon, so I want to make it simple.
To start I want to specify what a Retcon actually means. A Retcon occurs when new informations impose a completely different meaning to already given old informations. Like the fact that the Nine tails was considered as a demon in OG but became a "Tailed beast" in Shippuden. Even if that can be called more of an further definition of the Nine-tails than a really plain retcon, as Kurama is called both a demon and a tailed beast.
The reason why some ppl considered Itachi being the "good guy" a Retcon, was because of the utter evil light he was depicted in OG Naruto. You know massacring all of his blood relatives, Torturing Sasuke 2 times in a row, putting him in coma for a month and being part of the Akatsuki... Many think he can't be a "good guy" considering all the atrocities he is responsible of.
So why do I think Itachi being a good guy wasn't a retcon? I simply read through Chapter 220 to 225 of OG Naruto, that was quite it. Many things depicted in this more extensive flashback like,
...could only be explained by the truth about Itachi we are given in Chapter 400 and not by the motive " I did it to test my capabilities" bullshit. It wasn't a retcon Kishimito "surprisingly" came off with later in Shippuden and I don't think Kishi could have made it more obvious, to be honest.
submitted by Formal-Cartoonist208 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:54 Sheeker389 D&D is balanced, you're just not playing RAW/RAI

To preface, this applies to 3e onwards, but will focus mainly of 5e because that's what most of us play, and for most editions only for the first few books. Older editions were deliberately unbalanced, but that was a design choice. In 3.x as in 5e (4e is THE most balanced game, but it's also more of a miniature war game than an RPG) the game is balanced around 8 to 10 combat encounters per long rest. Though I believe the 5e books say 6 to 8, the designers said on a few occasions that it was 8 to 10, 4 to 5 short rests, and only THEN a long rest. Obviously harder encounters count for more. But I see this... Everywhere. YouTubers, Reddit, on Discord servers.
This includes CR. If enemies of an appropriate CR are weak it's because players aren't afraid to waste resources and then they get a short or long rest anyways. So they never have to worry about it. This makes high level enemies (and thus adventures) dangerous and exciting. It makes bosses harder because players don't get to have all their resources when they face them, or alternatively, the boss forces them to spend all their resources and they have less for the small fry after (an escape from a dungeon after killing the boss for example).
This includes Casters being better than Martials. Martials don't have resources most of the time. If a caster has to weigh casting Fireball now or Fly later, that does limit their combat capabilities. This hits them less at higher levels, but by that point Martials should have items that help them. A Caster doesn't get nearly as many combat focused items as a Martial does. Barbarians do have to judge when they want to use their Rages, but considering their stats this will often not matter.
This includes Warlocks and Monks. A Monk is capable of using all their Ki, then regaining it during a short rest. Having 8 to 10 (or even 6 to 8) combat encounters and the 4 to 5 (3 to 4) short rests, it averages out to 2 combats before a short rest. So they may be worse than Martials as far as DPS goes, but they can do a lot more than a Caster. Warlocks are the same, but apply that to spell slots, and they CAN just go full DPS with no trouble, unlike Wizards.
Again, this applies to the first few books only. Later on things will naturally get powercrept because if an option is weaker or about as strong as the current ones, then there's no reasons for players to buy it. And ultimately the publishers want to make money. I'd say for 5e this includes the base books, SCAG (very under appreciated but very well balanced if you play as intended), Volo's minus the monstrous races (some are too strong, some are weak), and Elemental Evil Player's Companion. Eberron and Theros are pretty well balanced as well, but they came later. Everything else already has power creep. Xanathar's is low creep, but it's there, the rest got crept pretty fast. Some options that are extremely powerful in the way most people play are actually weaker. Bladelock is weaker because they don't use their spells as much, and their lack of HP hurts them. Bladelocks end up relying on spells a lot more, and using melee as a secondary option, which isn't great for them.
Before you say "we don't have time to play 12 hour games", neither do I. But I don't need to. End the session on a short rest. "But we want to roleplay." D&D is combat first, and let's not pretend otherwise. But that isn't to say you CAN'T RP in D&D. Of course you can. But that's not the main purpose of the system. I'll post an adventure I ran specifically to prove my point to a group players that ended up becoming a long term campaign. This was level 3, group of 4, consisting of a Wood Elf Rogue, Human Wizard (who died and became a Drow Warlock later on), Human Monk, and a Dwarf Cleric. All save one session were about 2 hours with quote a lot of banter.
Session 1: Players are going down into the Underdark to negotiate peace between a Drow Kingdom and a Human Kingdom who are at war. First RP to get all the info. On the way down they encounter a group of Drow assassins sent to stop them from doing so. First combat. They go down and either they talk with the eight city guards, or they fight them. My players did end up fighting them. - 2 fights.
Session 2: Players get into the city, meet with the authorities, a Priestess keeps talking about religious stuff, they REALLY don't like her. This is counted as their short rest. During a break in the negotiations they are informed about a Noble writing a secret letter, but it will be sent soon. The door to the room is a puzzle (which took them WAY too long). Then there's a Barigura Demon guard. They need to copy and decode the message within a given time. - Short rest, 1 fight (3 total), puzzle.
Session 3: As they leave they see servants that they decided to kill because they'd tell on them (they could have captured them, but they decided it was easier to kill them, because "what are the lives of a few Drow as opposed to the peace negotiations?"). Having fought the guards before they are confronted by some Acolytes demanding blood, under the leadership of the Priestess. They try talking, but the Lady who they are negotiating with pretty much gives them the OK to kill them (but not the Priestess), and then makes a show about how the Priestess stood in their way of peace, and wanted more Drow dead. Short rest. - 1 fight (4 now), short rest (2 now).
Session 4: The Noble Drow they stole the message from sends them an invite, but it's a trap. This leads to a second fight from more assassins (in which the Wizard died due to dice, but also he wasn't happy with his character, so it was all good). Short rest. - 2 fights (6 now), short rest (3 now).
Session 5: More RP, a mini siege from more Nobles not wanting peace. This was the longest session (3 hours with two 15 minute breaks), most of which was RP. The siege was two fights as they retreated further in and kept the Noble safe (there was discussion about killing her, but they decided they did actually want peace). - 2 fight (8 now).
Session 6: Short rest, about to turn long rest after dinner. During dinner they finish negotiations. Help from the Human army against an enemy city, but in turn the Humans get mining rights. Before they sleep a good Passive Perception allows them to hear chanting just outside the window, as one of the Drow is turned into a Drider and attacks them. This is a harder boss fight. - Short rest (4 now), boss fight (9 now).
Session 7: Last, they are in the middle of a long rest, which, because it was interrupted counts as a short test, when they are attacked by more spies. This is a pretty easy fight, just a bit of a capstone. - Short rest (5 now), fight (10 now), long rest.
Yes. It took 7 sessions to do an adventuring day. That much is true. There was plenty of RP too, and it wasn't just combat. In fact, all combat lasted 2 to 3 rounds, except the siege and the Drider ones which lasted 5.
Was it hard? Absolutely. But my players enjoyed it, and that's how we play from then on. The Monk, and later Warlock, felt extremely useful, being able to stun enemies left and right, and the Warlock had high DPS. The Wizard had to carefully choose what he's going to cast, and during the Drider fight he didn't have many resources left, so he relied mainly on cantrips and his crossbow.
Is it for everyone? Of course not. Group builds end up very much in that "role" mentality. With different classes/specs fulfilling different roles. Some groups don't want that. Perfectly fine. Some groups just don't want to keep track of resources between games. Not hard to do, but perfectly reasonable. Some want shorter, snappier, heroic adventures, not harder, more deadly ones. That's perfectly OK. But if the expectations are given, 8 to 10 medium combat encounters (with harder ones counting as more than one, but a boss should still only count as one), some puzzles, some RP, it works. It more than works.
Don't think I'm saying you're playing "wrong". You can't RPG "wrong". But if you don't play how the rules were intended to be played, same as if you took a Ferrari off road, you don't get to complain that it got scratched. It can be done, but it's not what the tool was made to do. I honestly think that a lot of people would be better served playing other RPGs. There are plenty of story based games out there. PbtA, Fudge, CoC, WoD/CoD. Play those. They will not only allow you to branch out, but also allow you to improve as a player and a DM.
submitted by Sheeker389 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:46 astarredbard What can I do?

I have been devoted to and evoking Bune and Clauneck along with Satan (whom I call Set) and Lilith, trying desperately to figure out a way to get the financial security and stability my family requires to live in this capitalistic hellhole we call late-stage capitalism.
I have offered my work, for the rest of my life, to be devoted to spreading their messages on the people, my people, the people of this Earth, our Goddess Herself.
I have offered wine, dark chocolate, daisies and other flowers from my garden which I have grown myself, and spend so much time chanting and focusing on Enns, along with various incenses and crystals.
What do I need to do that I haven't done yet? What can I offer that will result in a different result?
The Tarot tells me that good things are coming and my astrology screams that I am, quote ”made for fame," and am more than willing to become a public figure in this fight but I don't know how to get from being a desperately poor disabled person who can't afford my own medical care despite the fact that it is required for me to continue to live.
I am ready for the next step. What that step is meant to be, I have no clarity as of yet as tj what it could possibly be.
Please, Goddess, send me forward. Propel me forward to be an economic powerhouse, one way or another - how exactly, I am indifferent - so I wil be able to enact my many plans.
I spend time in my garden and listen to my music while doing so but I need to elevate a level or three to become a, "power player," in the Second American Revolution.
This time is coming friends.
In my personal finances, we are hoping that our mortgage will be restructured so we can pay less per month but not miss any payments and end up paying for longer total all together. We don't qualify for Medicaid or food stamps but we can't afford our medical care. Today it was $160 for my dental appointment and it'll be about $100 for the follow up appointment in two weeks. And then I have a specialist appointment tomorrow for $49 + $80 Rx; then we all three have a Dr appointment on Tuesday I believe so that's $75 and who knows what the prescriptions will put us back.
submitted by astarredbard to DemonolatryPractices [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:41 xeno_the_hedgehog1 Things have been going down recently

Its been a while since i posted on my reddit. So yeah alot of stuff were going down recently. you mayve already know if your in the Omniverse Productions Community. So my brother which i banned from my stuff permanently has been claiming a lot of stuff from me recently. Such as "My discord server design, Game projects, Youtube content, ect." then trying to get away with it by telling other people in Caliburn productions. Yes you heard me right. Caliburn Productions aka the creators of Roblox's Sonic sandbox. The owner has even mentioned Quote on quote: "I don't like people takin about drama like that in my server, so if someone tries to talk about something like this, I just shut the drama down". Yet however even my brother who got banned from not just my community, But some of the other community's as well for his "Corruption and greed". He even tried to turn the tables on me saying that im the one being greedy and corrupt when ofc my community has evidence to say that im not corrupt or greedy. ATON we should say. Which eventually Caliburn wanted to ask questions about my "video" talking about him which i took down because it was a waste of time. My two minded twisted brother got others in the drama then My community and caliburn's had to step up. We even cut off any drama referring to the situation. Which was later brought to my mod's attention to list my brother in the blacklisted bans. Even when we caught him red handed he will try to lie his way out which apparently i do have screenshots which i have saved on a USB for backups. All my brother needs to do is Grow up, Mature, Get a reality check, Ect instead of getting others to tell me to get a reality check (it has happened before). Im getting sick and tried of it. Mostly because that it hasn't been fixed and getting tiresome. However it was also in my attention to alert other community's about him as well so they wont fall for the same mistake. And yet. My Community found him to be ONE, BIG, FAKE and it has me and others be disappointed in my own brother. I bet you hes reading this post right now. And he might be running his butt away to plot something else on a different person. I made this post so that way You guys can learn from my mistakes and know how to prevent it from happening. It was my mistake to be thinking that he changed. Oh boy he did changed. IN CORRUPTION. I've been a fool to trust him but now this time I'm not falling for it ever and i mean EVER Again. So yeah when my brother got banned from my community things were shown positive and better and others can do what they do. Im not going to be making the same mistake.
submitted by xeno_the_hedgehog1 to u/xeno_the_hedgehog1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:39 itsallalittleblurry2 A Pome

🎼I’m on the back side of 60,
And I ain’t feelin’ nifty.
Thoughts that once fit me;
Now they do miss me.
Old friend you look the same,
But again what was your name?
Standing outside the door,
But what’d I come out here for?
Fin’ly found my glasses,
Out of their case.
Took me too long to notice
They’d been on my face.
Walking easy again,
Feelin’ right pert.
But as soon as That ended
My teeth start to hurt.
Movie I wanted to see
(gonna rent it on tv).
Now if I can only remember or find out
Its name, who’s in it, and what it’s about.
“Momma, you know that movie?”
“Which movie, dear?”
“No idea - that part’s not clear.”
“Well, who’s in it?”
“That guy.”
“Well, that’s gonna help, innit?”
“He was in that one about that thing in the sky.”
“Relax your mind, babe - it’ll come by and by.”
“There was that one girl in it…. Now what was her name?”
“Babe, if I killed you right now, I wouldn’t be blamed.”
Was walking so better last night
That I cleaned up the yard.
Trimmed and watered the bloke.
At midnight with a headlamp and weedeater.
Give the neighbors a stroke.
Headphones blasting Fleetwood,
So I heard none complain.
No lights came on, either.
All just part of the game.
And if the neighbors o’er the water
Want a neighborly fight.
I’ll calmly remind ‘em
Their dogs bark half the night.
And on this, (those dear bobkins),
I wish ‘em to stew:
“I don’t get peace and quiet,
Then neither do you.”
And what can they done?
Can’t ruin’ My day.
I’m my own sovereign.
Ain’t no HOA.
So things lookin’ up,
And the roses are bloomin’.
And happy am I,
For them an’ me’s feudin’.
But maybe dial it back somely,
Not come on too hard.
Two weeks ago Monday
There was a firearms discharge.
Accidental I’m guessing,
Since no lead came my way.
His dogs started howling,
But the point’s likely moot.
At least Annie Oakley
Didn’t shoot his own foot.
But somebody started yelling’,
Words clear to me.
Methinks his dear wifey
Wasn’t too pleased.
It’s good to have friends,
And they can come in all stripes.
Nothing quite like it
To spice up a dull night.
“Hey, OP, you &$$$;:”!”
“Hey, you bell jar!”
“Don’t make me come over!”
“You do, you’ll have to swim for it, Carl!”
A small bit of wisdom
(you can all thank me later);
Forget about fences.
Water between makes good neighbors.
You have to find little ways
To keep ye amused.
It keeps ye from boredom
And getting the blues.
Ha! - just remembered that actor.
His bro’s in another one.
No, wait……..
That’s a whole other one.
“Momma, what’s that movie?
It’s giving me fits.”
“Don’t have time for this, OP.
I’m feeding the kids.”
So my footsy’s all better.
No longer no swellin’.
No pain at all.
Gettin’ ‘round like Magellan.
And to quote me old Albert,
With his shrew wife Denise,
When Doc told him his time’s come:
“Lord, what a relief!”
And right in good time.
It’s my birthday I’m told.
“My name’s Edith Anne!
I’m this many years old!”
64 it ain’t ancient,
And I feel no self-pity.
What amazes me, though,
Is how I’ve stayed so dang pretty.
An Adonis I am.
(Said with humility).
Though I may be a bit lacking
In former agility.
And the engine’s still sound,
Though some parts are worn out.
And the tranny still shifts smooth
When I ain’t got the gout.
But suspension is iffy,
So I takes the bumps easy.
Hobbled too fast on my walker,
And did git a bit wheezy.
“Momma, you seen my phone?
I got places to go.”
“Look at your hand, OP.”
“Well, whaddaya know?”
“Why are you wearing a headlamp?
You getting senile, or what?”
“I still have it on?
I completely forgot.”
“There goes The doorbell again….
OP, you know someone named Carl?
Don’t think I know ‘im.
OP, why you running,
And where are you going?”
“Channel 47 News reporting. Gunfire was exchanged earlier at 123 Mockingbird Lane.
No injuries reported.
One forgot his glasses.
The other abruptly aborted.
Collateral damage to two mailboxes
And one garden gnome.
The blind one tripped over a water hose.
The other drove home.
Neighbors report there’s been an ongoing dispute.
This much is known.
“It had to happen one day.
What we all need here
Is a good HOA.”
(Last part not precisely factual).
And I just took off my headlamp. 0953, after all.
I am once again capable of housework, and Momma is Overjoyed. Dishes washed, kitchen clean, and laundry caught up.
Except for one last load of towels. SOMEONE stumbled into the small shelf unit in the bathroom they’re kept on and knocked a whole stack into the floor (Littlest and Jack are here).
The husky has his bed in there, and he’s been shedding. Sweep and mop one day, and there’s more tomorrow. A woman’s work is never done.
The boys just wished me a happy birthday, and Momma just apologized that something she ordered for me hasn’t arrived yet.
“Sweetheart, you didn’t need to get me anything. I have You.”
That earned me a big smile, and I think she might make Me breakfast! A silver-tongued devil am I. 😎
Our son-in-law’s birthday is also today, and we have his gifts. He likes food gift cards for lunch (works in another town). We’re both easy to shop for, since those are what I like, too.
Been seeing adverts for complete dental care package offered to seniors 64 and older, so I qualify today. Supposed to be free of charge, though, so I detect a faint stench of rodent. Will investigate carefully and proceed with caution. Do not wish to click an offered link and get on a robocall list for More extended auto warranties.
The last folks I consulted recommended this and that and wanted to charge just a tad over $24000.00. I asked if they were quite certain. They quite were, lol.
“Or we could just do the upper plate, since you have, ah, little dentiture left there. For half of that. We’d put in two to four implants to attach them to.”
“That’s the way it’s done now?”
“I’m impressed in more ways than one. Let’s go a little lower.”
Felt like I was helping negotiate another wholesale drug buy (my roomie and I supplemented our meager income in the Corps for a while. It was interesting sometimes, especially some of the people we met). But our better natures finally came through, and we experienced remorse, chagrine, regret, and a change of heart (people were getting busted left and right).
“We’d fit you with a temporary plate at first, until the permanent one was ready, at half of That price. Everything else would already be paid for up to that point…….There’d be no charge for the permanent one until it was installed.”
Was that a tiny hint? Young female finance officer. I think she liked me - must’ve been my winning smile. Why, Miss, you little rebel, you.
“….Does anyone ever decide to just keep the temporary plate?”
“It’s happened. It’s not recommended.” Smile.
I clicked on a link by accident once and was being robocalled every few minutes 24/7 for two or three weeks offering cell phone security by a company whose CEO was already trying to explain some things. Kept it turned off after a while.
Never again, lol.
Called Mother and she didn’t answer, as usual. Might have been busy taking the latest batteries X installed out of the smoke alarms he installed again. That would mean she’s cooking again, with Z not there to stop her, even though her DILs have been cooking for her and taking her food. And that’s not good news for Anyone. The FD there are busy enough already.
Z advises me that other than having lost more of his anatomy, things are less stressful where he is now, lol. The two of them have been in running dispute for some time now. He tries to make sure she takes her meds, and she tries various subterfuges not to. I think she enjoys the contest. He doesn’t, lol.
My new glasses from the VA arrived by mail. Plastic purple frames I liked. I’m hip.
“Gonna be a good day, ‘Tater.”
submitted by itsallalittleblurry2 to FuckeryUniveristy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:33 Cautious-Impact22 Over a year ago my husband proposed to me. I had just moved to Texas from Minnesota and had an ongoing mystery diagnosis for 7 years when he stepped in to stop it. I couldn’t stand being outside that summer- so when he wanted to propose… he did it under the stars… and then——-

For 7 years I lived with a mystery. I had seizures, TIAs, hearing loss, and vision loss. The sun made me vomit uncontrollably and I would fall asleeep for hours after being outside.
I was called hysterical, factious, accused of conversion disorder and PNES seizures.
By the time I met my husband I had given up on whatever had me and was willing to accept the cardiac hospitalizations and intermittent kidney and liver failure.
I was living in hospitals waiting for someone to answer what was wrong so I could go live.
But at some point I spent more time in the hospital without answers then in the world I wanted to be apart of - so I said screw it and I decided I would never know and from then on if my heart went wrong, if I seized I was staying home at all costs, willing to let it end me.
All I wanted was to live before I died.
So I traveled the country and I went to the summit of every mountain but Denali alone over the next 7 years.
I modeled for a tactical company and I shot a flame thrower and my photo went into 19 stores nationwide.
I jumped out of planes and I flew them.
I took every chance for adventure and went all in.
And in between those I would be on the mountain top in Colorado parked on the size with the car turned off, in a sleeping bag seizing and then opening the door to puke out into the snow.
But I didn’t want to keep going back to the hospital. I just kept trying to push forward at all costs.
The only time I found my way to the hospital by this point was in the back of an Ambulance. I wasn’t going unless I was taken.
But then my husband had enough. When I met him I only had VA healthcare and Veterans Affairs thought I was too fit, too young and too healthy to be sick.
He paid out of pocket for doctors to see me.
And then we got pregnant and made my daughter a brother.
The pregnancy meant I jumped the waiting list of all the doctors and every week was a specialist, lab work or imaging those 9 months.
When we started trying to end this suffering we would go for long walks at night because the sun just ate through me. Every night we would do our walk.
After leaving yet another ER trip we went to the backyard patio like we do so I can be outside where I’m happiest. And he said;
Look up….
And in stars he asked to marry me.
This week they finally got all the positive tests they needed and I’ve been diagnosed with Lupus.
My heart isn’t well, in the pregnancy they found out I’ll need heart surgery- which is in a month and couldn’t be done while pregnant.
My liver isn’t so good either.. and my kidneys are about half functioning.
My husband sprung into action after we got the call with the diagnosis..
He blacked out every window in this house.
He got temporary light blocking shades for my car and put in for a quote to have my car tinted after he researched and figured out what kind of tint.
It’s said because I miss my mountains, I miss the travel, the adventures….
But I also gained a family.
My daughter gained a dad and brother, and I finally gained a life worth living.
Keep your head up if you’re waiting to be diagnosed.
It might not be lupus- but it’s not in your head- you will get diagnosed you just must keep pushing.
It’s not about giving up on doctors it’s about not giving up on you.
submitted by Cautious-Impact22 to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:30 1ChiefMufasa Am I [28M] wrong for blocking my [28F] GF?

It's been weighing heavy on me but I'll try my best to explain to you guy's! Sorry if it's too long in advance. I was in a three year relationship with this woman [Hannah] I shared a lot in common with, the only downside to the relationship was that it was long distance which at first, I was a bit hesitant, not because of lack of intimacy or seeing others, it was most likely due to trust issues I have been dealing with in the past, she understood and was willing to wait it out so that we can gain eachother's trust.
Fast forward to February 2021 we actually hit thing's off pretty well, we would talk on the phone and video chat with eachother from time to time. Everything was great if we weren't on Telegram we would use Parsec to play games with eachother. [She was really big into Street Fighter and Left 4 Dead] or watch movies together on Discord, it wasn't until November 2022 where thing's started to become real or so I thought it would be, I should've mentioned in the post that Hannah is Russian who happens to live with her parents due to losing her job,
so she streams from time to time, the reasoning for the Russian mention is that her parents ended up finding out about us, I had always insisted to her that if she wanted me to talk or introduce myself to them whether that was on Discord or Zoom I was open to it and she kept shutting it down or saying that "I want this to be a secret" and one night while I was on the phone with her, that barged into her room (Mind you they're very strict)
 and asked who she was talking to, she finally told them and they started to go off about how she's not ready for a relationship and that they would rather her be with someone who is russian rather than a "Blacky N word" and that...hurt me. Even though I tried to brush it off the racial remarks just made me feel unwelcomed. She apologized and I forgave her, even though she had nothing to be sorry of it was her parents who needed to do the apologizing if anything. They told her three days after that to tell me that they were "sorry" and that they "overreacted" even though it was half ass, I countered with a offer to visit so they could get to know me better and they refuse because they didn't want quote on quote "Strangers" in their house. Hannah tells me that they were tryjng to put a "tracker" on her phone just incase I were to kidnap her, mind you, they let her three past previous boyfriends "visit" who all ended up trying to use her for "sex" and "money" but I also started to understand why she wanted it to be kept a secret because 89.8% of her family is "racist" towards Hispanics, Blacks, and Asians. I also understand that the world is a dangerous place full of evil people behind the internet, my friend's were upset but I also had to get them to understand it was their house, not mines. They're allowed to do and say whose to come in and who doesn't. November 2023 she got into a huge argument with her parents and our communication just went...silent. No calls, no texts, or video chats - nothing. I reached out with a text and was left on read, I tried calling on December 2nd, 2023 and got no answer which was unusually like her, she streams on Twitch part time so I just assumed that was the case or she's been busy, I get a message from my friend about a guy named [Tyler] who was telling Hannah in a stream that if she gives him the greenlight he'd move her in with him, now mind you, I was asleep during her stream since she usually streams late and instead of saying something she just goes "that's sweet of you and your mother" or something like that, here's where thing's get even weirder. She ends up putting Tyler in her bio and in the bio, the russian language translated to how much they love eachother and she's his "whole world" everytime she ever mentioned me she referred to me as "friend" and not "boyfriend" even though she's always telling her sisters about our relationship and how she was excited if I ever were to visit, I tried confronting her about it via text since at this point we were radio silent and instead of explaining why she has been gone for two months she says that I'm overreacting to Tyler and that she only meant it in a roleplay way as she sees him as a little brother [considering he's 19 going on 20] and then says that she's not sure on how or what to feel anymore about our relationship all because of lack of communication? Yet she's the one who ghosted me for two whole months without a word and when I tried checking on her I got left on read, and when I started to talk about thing's coming to an end between us cause I had assumed after four months of trying to fix thing's from the jump, she still left it on read. So as a result I blocked her and now she's telling everyone how I lied about ever loving her when in reality all I wanted to give her It wasn't Hannah, it was our communication problem that needed to be worked on. If she needed space or was too busy or going through thing's? I would've understood and try to give her support from a distance. I would love to hear your guy's thoughts or inputs, 
Thank you reading! - Chris
submitted by 1ChiefMufasa to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:30 AutoModerator Comment Cooperative - June 05

Welcome to the Comment Cooperative!
This thread is for sharing positive feedback and reviews with your fellow fanfictioneers!
No concrit, no nitpicking, no grammar checks, no "I don't like this part because..." NOPE! None of that, nada, zero, zilch. We've got a weekly thread on Saturdays for constructive criticism if that's your preferred style of feedback.
Key Rules for Participation:
Posting Fics for Review:
Formatting example:
Fandom Title Rating Link to offsite
(new line, double enter) Any applicable warnings
(new line, double enter) Your fic text.
Tips and tricks for leaving a positive review:
Timezone Changes
From the first posts of 2022, we ran a long trial where we shifted the timezone of the Comment Cooperative and Concrit Commune threads approximately every month. The trial was proposed due to feedback that some people consistently miss the influx of comments due to the timing of the thread, and a changing time would give everyone an opportunity to be in the first period of the thread and also might help with picking up some new subreddit members who want to participate.
At the end of the trial, we sought feedback on the changing times, which times were preferred and at which people were able to participate more. While found that most people wanted the timezone changes to continue and also received feedback on what didn’t work as well. Most of this was regarding inconsistencies in the number of weeks and the communication of when changes would occur.
The last time we changed the times, it caused a lot of confusion. To avoid that happening again, we have updated the post to include the schedule of these changes and automated the scheduled changes. As you can see, the post time will shift by 6 hours every month. For at least the first 4 months, the new time will be stickied for the first week and if that works well, we should be able to continue that. If there are any inconsistencies in the times, please let us know in modmail so we can fix it up!
February, June, October Wednesday: 8:30am Wednesday: 11:30am Wednesday: 3:30pm Wednesday: 5:30pm Thursday: 12:30am Thursday: 1:30am Thursday: 3:30am
March, July, November Wednesday: 2:30am Wednesday: 5:30am Wednesday: 9:30am Wednesday: 11:30am Wednesday: 6:30pm Wednesday: 7:30pm Wednesday: 9:30pm
April, August, December Tuesday: 8:30pm Tuesday: 11:30pm Wednesday: 3:30am Wednesday: 5:30am Wednesday: 12:30pm Wednesday: 1:30pm Wednesday: 3:30pm
May, January, September Wednesday: 2:30pm Wednesday: 5:30pm Wednesday: 9:30pm Wednesday: 11:30pm Thursday: 6:30am Thursday: 7:30am Thursday: 9:30am
Please note that there may be a difference of an hour during parts of the year due to daylight savings in various timezones.
Don't forget to have fun!
submitted by AutoModerator to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:26 PsychologicalWin1942 Installing macOS on 2011 MacBook Pro After Hard Drive Replacement

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for some advice. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro that belongs to my 10 year old nephew. He somehow corrupted the hard drive, so I replaced it and now need to do a fresh install of macOS.
I tried using internet recovery, which offers two options: reinstalling the original macOS version that came with the MacBook or installing the latest version it can handle. Unfortunately, neither option works. One option gives a repeated error, and the other can't reach the network server. I've exhausted all troubleshooting steps I could find online.
I understand that installing macOS via USB is another option, but I don't have another MacBook to create the installer. Most of my friends use Windows. A friend downloaded the installer on his Mac and sent it to me via WeTransfer, but it didn't work since it's an executable file, not a disk image.
The Apple store quoted a repair cost that's too expensive, especially for an old MacBook. My nephew relies on this laptop for school, and we can't afford a new one right now.Does anyone have any advice or solutions?
Also, is there any other information you need from me to help troubleshoot this issue?Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by PsychologicalWin1942 to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:17 GoblinKaiserin Ey Yo TayTay. You can't get rid of us.

Hey there Taylor. Now that we know you and your team and your hoard of rabid fans have found this. Let's discuss.
Let's say you get this sub shut down because you cried and paid reddit to get rid of it because your skin is thinner than soy paper. You do realize we still exist right? We can make another sub. We still can be on the internet. We can still post on forums and tumblr and reddit and Facebook and Instagram and X.
I'll go toe to toe with your deranged fans. I've been on Dolly Partons internet since dial up, I'm talking the unregulated internet. You think your fans are gonna pull out anything I haven't seen before?? I'm willing to bet a good chunk of us on here are just as thick skinned. Snappin is a legend for this sub and standing up to you and your cult.
Sure you'll get this sub shut down. We'll just make another and another. This sub grew at light speeds because more and more people are seeing your bad attitude and greed.
Your time is coming princess. The bigger they are the harder they fall. Your fall is slowly starting pumpkin. You can't stop it. The more you're trying the worse it gets.
To quote the great Terry Pratchet- "Always remember that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show."
Stay Mad.
submitted by GoblinKaiserin to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:15 DustinAgain Replacing old unit - contractor tells me his company now owns the old one. Asking here for a sanity check

Hello from Florida - I am getting a new HVAC unit today, and just before the guys began work, I told them I wanted to keep the motors from the compressor condenser and handler. They looked at me a little funny, and told me to check with my salesguy. I know there are environmental regulations that would prevent me from keeping/reselling a unit with freon / chemicals, but electric motors should not be a problem in my mind.
A few minutes later the tech comes to me with his boss on the line, saying they cant let me have the motors. I ask to speak to the boss, and immediately he is confrontational. I don't have the conversation word for word, but he is telling me these three main arguments for why I can't keep the motors:
I never got an answer as he hung up shortly after.
In the end my sales rep got them to let me keep the motors. But I am curious if i was blatantly lied to with the three above claims? Especially the claim of I no longer own my old unit.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by DustinAgain to hvacadvice [link] [comments]